#and there are beureaucratic disadvantages before that - no student id means no student prices on things like buses
gothwizardmagic · 1 year
re: homeschooling that's fascinating! and also really depressing with your experience with formal school, glad that didn't last too long. I hate how it's such on shaky bureaucratic ground though. do you have any kind of diploma for proving you've completed the equivalent of high school? or does this kind of study just basically lock you out of the job market? I guess if you're doing specialised work (like being a dance instructor), you might not need that anyway
yeah im lucky that i wound up in a field with non-school qualifications because i have absolutely no documentation of any education past age 9. the government here really just pretends homeschoolers dont exist - unless things have changed in the last 15 years (which hopefully they have but i doubt it) theres no way to access any kind of legal proof of education as a homeschooler without enrolling in some kind of formal schooling. the system is in dramatic need of overhaul and because it affects such a small number of people, nobody can be bothered actually doing that. i qualify for ue now because im over the age for adult admission (here once you're over i think 23 you can apply without the high school qualifications and you just have to sit an english comprehension test to make sure youll understand the coursework) but i dont actually want to go to university anymore so im still out here without any evidence of schooling to my name. it basically set me up to be unemployable without pursuing alternative qualifications.
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