#and then there's so many good interactions with oswald and the twins
Trouble ~ J.V.
A/n: I see my Jerome peeps are HERE and I’m LOVING IT! Prompt list here so y’all don’t have to scroll ;) Feel free to request as many as you want for commission or when requests are open again. I LOVE using prompts!!
Request: “...6, 8 with Jerome Valeska” by anon
6: “You are actually Satan, oh my god.”
8: “Wow, I am so in love with you… just wow.”
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You know how you see someone, and it’s so obvious where they’ll end up that it’s like a scene in your head? It’s never good when this happens, so usually it’s a sad story and you kind of just frown and shake your head and pity the person, but you know that saying anything won’t do you any good so you just sit back and keep your mouth shut and wait for the inevitable end.
That’s how everyone saw Jerome Valeska.
People had never cared about Jerome, though. If they ever had, it was wiped away pretty quickly. Brutally murdering people with no care for who was on what side, who had helped or hurt, or without even a little remorse or pity or hesitation or regret... it was one of those things that most people found to be a bit of a turn off. Those who didn’t were seen to be just as unhinged as Jerome was, so they were dismissed as well.
The thing was, people HAD cared about Y/n. She was one of the most intellectually promising in her entire high school, maybe in all of Gotham. She was the kind of teenager that seemed so very adult. She was respectful and poised and very well controlled. She was pleasant to be around, and even much older people didn’t mind talking to her if they happened to be in the same place. She’d even made some pleasant relationships.
Like the friendship she had with Bruce Wayne.
Through him, she had come to learn about and meet and even get along with everyone Bruce knew. She could get along with anybody she wanted to, without threats or intimidation or groveling. She simply existed, and she had a sort of comforting, approachable presence about her. She wasn’t the least bit threatening, but she was... nice, I guess. Even dangerous people liked her, because she was the only person who didn’t seem to care about power or advantageous interactions or anything like that.
She was just nice to talk to.
This showed most prominently when she talked to people like Edward Nigma, or Oswald Cobblepott, or Silena Kyle. She’d even found herself in situations to talk to Barbara Gordan. Victor Zsasz.
People usually chalked it up to her being quite unlucky.
Because she was so unsuspecting and unproblematic and calm, she turned out to be a really good hostage. She didn’t talk back or lash out, she just sat and behaved and looked at you with a very calm, calculated expression.
Zsasz had run into her when he’d worked for Penguin and had been guarding her so that Oswald could make a deal without worrying about his bargaining chip being compromised. After a while, Y/n had asked how Zsasz’s day was going. They’d had a short, pleasant conversation, leaving the assassin intrigued by the girl when she’d been let go.
Barbara had a similar experience, except it had been when she was in Arkham of all places. Everyone had a weird thing, and very few if any people knew Y/n’s, but even she had one too. Her weird thing was visiting Arkham Asylum every once in a while visiting random people inside it, and then talking to them with the most easy normality. Like they’d been life long friends, or the person she was talking to was completely sane. She never judged or snapped, she just had a neutral expression with a sort of interest in her eyes. She was polite enough that Barbara had entertained the visit, and found herself not totally regretting it afterward.
Oswald had met her when he was mayor. She had dropped by as an errand for Jim Gordon, and had started a casual conversation when Oswald had expected her to leave when thing were handled. At first he’d been suspicious, and he still was if he was honest, but she hadn’t asked any prying questions or tried to get at him from any angle. If he drew a line, she respected it immediately and moved onto something else without missing a beat. When he got uncomfortable, she apologized and wished him a good day before excusing herself. After she’d show up several more times, sometimes sent by Jim, sometimes just to say hello, Oswald eventually relaxed. He didn’t trust her, and she didn’t expect him to, but when she stopped by to say hello he’d have someone bring them tea and they’d have a little chat. He was a little surprised when she didn’t visit him in Arkham, but when they ran into each other a little later, she nodded to him with a little smile and he got the impression she wasn’t angry with him.
As time passed, more and more people who were considered to be Gotham’s worst were coming up with more and more stories of Y/n. The girl who didn’t scream when she walked into a store and saw a dead body, but who’s neutrality wasn’t unsettling as much as it was kind of calming. She had all the makings of a twisted, demented villain, and yet she was the most normal person ever. It was confusing and intriguing, but never distinctly a bad thing. She was well known, and no one had anything bad to say about her. 
It was only a matter of time before Jerome found her.
Not long after he did, he was as taken with her as everyone else. She wasn’t annoying, or unnerved by him. She was in fact endlessly interesting. He thought eventually he would get bored of her complete lack of response to even the most terrible things he told her in an effort to get her going, but found instead that the sort of sparks of interest in her gaze and the small smile that sometimes almost touched her lips was enough to keep him engaged.
She was the exact opposite of him, but in a way that didn’t drive him to want her to be gone. He didn’t WANT to kill her. It was weird, and he was living for it.
Slowly, Y/n stopped showing up in public. She stopped visiting Arkham, and the police department. She stopped running into dangerous people who never seemed to mind seeing her around, even if they weren’t supposed to be seen by anyone. She graduated high school but never talked about college. She just... slowly started to disappear.
It wasn’t as suspicious as it was disappointing. No one could tell where she was going or why all the accidental bump ins were being so carefully removed, but it was leaving the idea in everyone’s head that they might not have been accidents to begin with. Not most of them at least. That was the only thing that it could be, after years and years of her being so very unlucky, only for her to quite suddenly not run into a single soul ever. Even when people sought her out, they couldn’t find her unless she wanted to be found.
She appeared rather suddenly at Jerome’s side one day out of the blue.
No one noticed her behind the line of people in chairs. They were distracted by Jerome talking about his terribly sad past, and the people with explosive collars locked around their necks. Most importantly noted: Bruce Wayne and Jerome’s twin brother, Jeremiah.
It wasn’t until Jerome drew attention to her that anyone even registered her at all. She was so still and quiet that behind all the chaos, she might as well have been invisible.
Jerome was only too enthused to rub it in everyone’s faces.
“You know you don’t like me, and that’s fair. I’m not like any of you, am I? I don’t smile right, and I act weird. Then there’s the whole killing people thing.” He giggled, but the crowd in front of him only looked disgusted. “But is that why you really hate me, Gotham? Because I’m a big ol mean bad guy? Do you hate me because I’m a little unhinged? Because I’m a little loud and hysterical and I scare you? Or do I scare you because I have no problem being very honest and very open with all of the things you people LOVE to push under the rug and hide away and pretend no one can see.” He shook his head. “Because I’ve come to realize there is someone who’s exactly like me, but so much better at playing all of you. So much better at playing innocent and harmless and friendly, and with no real intentions other than to prove how easy you all are. How transparent.” His eyes drifted toward Y/n, and he motioned her forward. Without hesitating, she did take a few steps forward, into the light and right behind Bruce Wayne.
Gasps echoed in the crowd. To everyone’s stunned silence, Y/n stood there with the same calm and reservation she always did. She seemed perfectly unbothered by the dead body inches from her, or the people she had always seemed so close to being in danger. She didn’t look around, trying to gauge a way out, and nothing held her in forced obedience. She just looked at Jerome, that same nice, almost-smile and curiosity dancing in her eyes.
“What-” Bruce looked around, mouth dropping open when he saw who was behind him. “Y/n?”
“Ah yes,” Jerome purred. “Gotham’s little angel. Friend to all. Unassuming and nice and calm and wonderful. Aren’t you just a pillar of perfection, Y/n?” He giggled again, and Y/n tilted her head, her smile growing a little,
For the first time ever, Y/n was unnerving. Seeing her of all people look dangerous was so upsetting that the crowd started to step down from their anger towards Jerome and were edging toward true fear. If she could end up being bad, who else could? If even the bets of them could be corrupted, and even the most deranged mind could act completely normal, how could anyone ever tell when people were dangerous anymore?
It could be anyone. Anyone they trusted. Anyone they knew. Anyone they’d talked to long enough to decide they were safe. Because Bruce Wayne had known Y/n best of anyone in Gotham, and even he looked as stunned as everyone felt. He had spent copious amounts of time with her, including for hours straight during school hours, and even he had not on any level or in any way seen anything like this coming.
“Y/n?” Bruce whispered.
Y/n met his gaze. “Yes?”
He wasn’t sure what to ask her. “What’s going on?” is what he settled on.
She shrugged, as if they were catching up after school. During tea time maybe, after having not seen each other recently. “Nothing much. I’m observing and learning. People are so intriguing Bruce, have you ever noticed? I’ve learned so much. All I ever had to do was be polite, and everyone would let me sit there as long as I wanted and observe them. You learn so much by watching people, but even more from talking to them. And they always let me. All I had to do was let them talk. I never lied. I never pushed. I was respectful and curious, and they responded so well. I’ve come to learn that even the most suspicious people feel the loneliness of humanity. They crave to be wanted. To looked at. All I had to do was show interest, and they thrived under that attention. You really have to do so little for people to like you. It’s so interesting.”
Bruce’s eyes had been widening as she spoke. She said it all like she was observing humanity in a way that she wasn’t apart of it. “You’re like us, aren’t you?”
“Oh of course,” she agreed. “That’s the thing. I wanted to understand myself, so I looked at those like me. And those unlike me. To see what was and wasn’t me. To see what was similar and what was so very completely different.” She chuckled softly and Bruce felt sick to his stomach. “I never expected to find someone so very similar to me to be someone seen the eyes of everyone else as exactly opposite. Jerome and I? Very much the same, except I’d rather learn than act. I never really cared about people’s opinions or if they didn’t like me or if they were mean. I was too unassuming for bullying or abuse. I didn’t care if people looked over me like Jerome does, and that’s really the only difference. I just wanted to learn, and people were always willing to let me.” She shrugged. “But people are so simple. So easy to understand. MUCH more straight forward than any of them would like to admit. I think I’m going to be staying with Jerome from now on. He’s interesting. He understands.”
Jeremiah knew who she was only by association, and even he was surprised, despite having known Jerome very close up for so long. He supposed it wasn’t fault, but watching Bruce, he wondered if he’d even been able to tell her true nature. Even now she looked completely normal and safe. Her eyes were full of life, and she was fairly attractive. The way she stood was relaxed and the way she talked was completely normal. What was upsetting about her was not that she was obviously messed up. It was that she was so painfully normal in even a situation that should have been quite upsetting.
“You’re a sociopath,” Jeremiah offered in a sort of leveled voice. Her eyes turned to him and he realized that her calmness was contagious. She had the look of someone you could just... fall into. So easy to trust. Even now he found himself a little lured by her. She was honest about who she was. She didn’t hide anything. She was just quiet, and people forgot to ask. That wasn’t her fault. Maybe she could still be saved from his deranged brother.
“Yes,” Y/n agreed, and her complete acceptance of that didn’t sit well with Jeremiah. “Would you like me to show you? I have come to learn that everyone wants some sort of proof of it. They have a hard time believing me.”
“No that’s okay,” Jeremiah rushed to reassure just as Jerome squealed, “Yes please!”
Between the two opposite reactions from the two very opposite twins, Bruce got the idea of what her kind of proof might mean. “Don’t worry Y/n, we believe you.”
She nodded, and the two boys thought that’d be the end of it. But then she pulled an actual gun out of seemingly nowhere, pointed it at the crowd, and shot without even hesitating. There went up a scream as people scattered, revealing the body of a woman bleeding out on the ground. The bullet had hit someone around her neck and no one could do anything other than give her and themselves plenty of room away from her.
Jerome squealed with excitement.
Bruce looked at Y/n with horror. “I said we believed you! You didn’t have to kill her!”
“But I did,” Y/n decided. “Because they didn’t believe me.” Her lips turned up into a stronger smile. There was no regret or hesitation in her eyes, and Bruce felt dread slowly settle throughout his body. She WAS exactly like Jerome and the only reason this was her first kill is because she’d decided to wait until now to kill someone. They’d all been at her mercy this entire time, like a mouse held down by a mouse trap. Except they’d been perfectly fine just sitting in her trap and letting her watch with mild interest as they died.
She was just like Jerome.
One of the other people in line spat, “You’re actually Satan, oh my god.” His eyes were wide and Bruce got the idea that if he hadn’t been held by the explosive collar, he might have bolted. “You let all of us trust you and welcome you and be around you. You gained our trust, and you don’t even care about us?”
Very calmly, Y/n simply shook her head. “We’re all just meat. Do you care about the animals scientists test on to give you your makeup products and medicine? Do you care about the pig killed for its meat, or the dogs that rip each other apart in the streets for entertainment and money? We’re just animals. You guys have just gotten the idea stuck in your head for some reason that we’re special animals. You won’t admit those animals will eat you just as quickly as you will them. Pigs have high intelligence. You think you’re gods because you have the highest intelligence and then ignore how you so easily ignore what you know and do what you want instead. You give into nature just like any predator. I have simply stopped being either. I’m not villain. I’m not a hero. And you think the people who watch the villain are a different category, but they’re not. They do nothing, and bad thing happen, and that’s it. A woman died, and people didn’t do anything to stop it. There’s a whole crowd of people not held here by anything other than a secret, sick fascination with the terrible things happening here. You are just as bad as Jerome. Just as bad as me. You just refuse to admit it. I don’t. That’s all.”
Grinning, Jerome sat forward in his chair. “Wow I am so in love with you.” He giggled and everyone in the area cringed. The idea of Jerome Valeska being involved like that with Y/n... And the way she seemed to not mind it either. On top of everything else that had happened here, it was so viscerally upsetting. Jerome stood, moving behind the people in chairs to gently grab Y/n’s face, pulling her lips against his. When he pulled away, everyone’s face had gone scaringly pale. “Just, wow,” the red head whispered. 
Y/n seemed to consider that. “You know, I think I have some sort of care for you. Like... like how someone explained a pet to me. Is that how affection feels?” She still looked only curious. It made sense that in a world who didn’t care to learn about people like her, and after a lifetime of holding back her questions and lack of understanding, even after all this time she still would be confused about the different way she experienced relationships with other people.
Jerome shrugged. “I think not, but I can be your pet if you want.”
Y/n smiled. “I think I do want that.”
A victorious smile adorned Jerome’s face. “That’s all I needed!” He turned to face his brother and Bruce Wayne again. “See, I was so stuck on you two. I died wanting to kill Brucie, and I’ve lived my entire life wanting to kill my dear brother, so I lived for nothing else. I thought of nothing else. I existed to end you two. But now, I have a different purpose. There is nothing like looking at someone you find so very interesting and them returning that back to you.” He giggled. “Mom always said I’d never find love. Aren’t you proud of me for proving her wrong?”
“This isn’t love,” Bruce snapped. “It’s demented. You can’t feel love. Neither of you can.”
“Maybe not,” Y/n agreed. “But it will be fun testing that.” She turned and walked off the stage, heading back and disappearing.
Jerome sighed. “And that’s my cue.” There was a gun shot and a sharp pain in his hand as the detonator fell out of his hands. He could no longer explode the necklaces. He made an ‘oopsie’ sort of expression before ducking away as another gunshot run out. “See you around, you two!” His laughter echoed as he disappeared after Y/n, fading away too quickly.
By the time Jim Gordon chased after Jerome, it was far passed too late. Whatever Y/n had done to ensure their escape, it had left no traces. They were gone.
Behind them, they left death and the lingering feeling in the air like this was only the beginning to a very, very terrible love story.
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lilnoobie · 3 years
know about me!
im vv anxious
self conscious and insecure
i have panic/anxiety attacks
im introverted and i cant handle too much stimulation
i may be too verbal or not verbal at all, it fluctuates
i need straightforward communication, i need honesty, if youre not clear i may get confused
miscommunication might be common as i dont always know how to say what i mean clearly
really bad rejection sensitivity disorder
im considered hyper empathetic and very sensitive to others around me if my empathy isnt drained (which it normally is)
you dont have to treat me like fine china but honesty and kindess is rlly all id want in a convo/rp
i tend to believe ive done smthn wrong or seem off or annoy others, so if i get annoying or anything, please tell me, id rather have an honest response than a wellmeaning lie, as lying will hurt me more tbh
i have adhd (and possibly autism too, unsure)
i hyperfixate on tons of different things! i really like sonic the hedgehog, the lion king, nbc hannibal, and other medias! i also really like animals of all kinds but i mostly prefer cats.
bad things for me
being too social (or around too many people)
bright lights
loud sounds
being ignored
rudeness or creepiness
being vulnerable
about me!
im open for roleplay but im anxious and shy, so please be nice and understanding
i like a lot of baby stuff (im scared to admit, idk it feels weird) like diapers and pacis and bottles etc.
i draw a lot and color too! i might draw or color smthn for you if we interact! i do this to show that i care about you/think about you!
i love plushies and stuffies! ive got a little collection irl! i also rlly like action figures!!
i like to read comics (that are easy to read, too much detail is not my thing)!
i also like specific cartoons (tom and jerry, sonic boom, sonic x, pokemon, alvin and the chipmunks (80s), etc)! i dont like steven universe, the owl house, she ra, etc. those shows annoy me for some reason.
media i enjoy specifically for agere !
(plus the characters i prefer as caretakers in fanfic!)
doctor who (tenth doctor, donna noble, twelfth doctor, clara oswald, thirteenth doctor, yaz khan, graham o'brien, dan lewis)
sonic the hedgehog (doctor eggman, shadow the hedgehog, rouge the bat, amy rose)
five nights at freddys security breach (sun/moon/daycare attendant/etc)
poppy playtime (huggy wuggy, kissy missy)
death stranding (cliff unger)
hannibal nbc (hannibal lecter, will graham)
twilight (carlisle cullen)
camp camp (david, gwen)
good omens (aziraphale, crowley)
mao mao (mao mao, badgerclops)
ok ko lets be heroes (professor venomous ((NO BOXMAN I DONT LIKE BOXMAN))
twin peaks (dale cooper)
rick and morty (rick sanchez ((specifically from season 4))
sanctuary (helen magnus, will zimmerman, john druitt, nikola tesla, james watson)
solar opposites (korvo, terry)
scrubs (perry cox, john dorian, christopher turk, carla espinosa, jordan sullivan)
stan against evil (stan miller, evie barret)
gravity falls (stan pines, ford pines)
robots (2005) (rodney copperbottom)
harry potter (severus snape)
constantly updating this btw so changes will occur
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jinxofthedesert · 4 years
Hi there! Annoying anon that loves rambling about the Valeska twins is here again 🤣 Let the discussion continue! 😂 Yeah, I totally get your point of writing such stories as a means of fulfilling wishes. I guess it makes sense from the writer's pov that they want to give these characters a different (better) treatment. Valid point, but still, they don't feel real to me.
(Below this is the rest of the messages, put together. Farther down, below the line, are my responses)
It's like I'm reading a story with a character that's called Jerome/Jeremiah Valeska and looks exactly like him, but it's not truly him (just like you said, at their cores they are bad guys). But it's perfectly understandable and all right that people want to give them a rest from their chaotic lives haha 😊 everybody’s got their cup of tea ☕
Damn, yes, these stories are so hard to find! I imagine that writing something of the sort and investing so much in such complex characters can be draining and daunting, so yeah I get the reason why there are not so many fics out there... and OCs are so difficult to write haha you are right. They take too much time and effort 🤣
Yeah, I guess Ecco was not the best example. It's very true what you say about Jeremiah's and Ecco's relationship. In the show it was portrayed as a professional one. So we don't really know if there's anything else beyond that, save for some level of concern. So I guess I should have gone with Bruce instead because, just like you said, Jeremiah went totally bonkers when he realized that Bruce was the only one who saw past his resemblance to Jerome.
Basically, what I was trying to say is that in these fics there's not really that same vibe of evil obsession and lunacy from the twin's side. Maybe just some sort of heightened jealousy when their partner is addressed by other characters, but not in a really "Valeska" way. In fact, it is also strange when Bruce is completely absent in these stories when the twins' obsession revolves around him.
Yeah, there is sooo much to explore, so that is why I am very curious to see how people construe their backgrounds, but usually it's just the repetition of the show with some added scenes and dialogues here and there 😅 I would love to see something a bit different, but well, I guess I am being very demanding 🤣 Don't worry about it and thanks so much for replying! 😘 I am now doing some research in different sites 🤣
It's a bit weird because even though I enjoyed the show, I have to say I merely watched it to see ma broski boys in action 🤣 so If I wasn't so lazy (and didn't have other unfinished projects) I would try to write something (my mind is already full of vague ideas OMGGG 😏🤔😂), but I don't really know much about other characters or subplots, so I would not be sure how to tackle it 🤔 Thanks again for the lovely discussion! 😊
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Hi anon! Don’t you worry about your rambles, they’re not at all annoying! I find it rather fun to discuss the twins. 
I’m sorry you’ve not been able to find the content you’re looking for; usually, I always run into comments on Tumblr or Pinterest about how you look for certain fics and when you can’t find them, then it’s time to try a hand at writing it yourself. I’ve done that and, even though I enjoy writing, it’s still pretty hard, especially to find a drive to do it when I really am not feeling it.  With the twins not feeling real, I understand, ‘course I now think I’m at the point where I might read anything if I’m gifted with more content lol (though there are some tags that, if I see them, I don’t touch if I can help it). 
I think, usually, with most writers, it’s easier to take a character like Jerome/Jeremiah and, instead of doing the tremendous work that comes with trying (emphasis trying) to change them, they do a few things and that’s enough for a road to recovery. Because, most of the time, they’re not writing to change the character, or even to make it realistic; sometimes they’re just writing, or they wanted to try a different aspect. There can be so many reasons and sometimes digging deep and getting a character 100% correct isn’t at the top of the list of what you want in that story. Personally, I’ve learned to broaden my sense of disbelief with characters and just enjoy what I manage to find, especially since the Gotham fic-oriented content is sooooo small 😢
After reading your last message, I actually went onto Ao3 and searched ‘character studies’ under the characters and yeah, there’s not much, I read a few and I honestly wasn’t sure what to think (not to call anyone out). It reminded me a lot of my years reading batjokes on fanfiction or, again, Ao3 where, if you search long enough, there’s a fic for almost all your needs. There have been some good gems in there that delve into character studies and helping these characters try and become better. Comparing that to Gotham’s arrangement of fics is sad, to say the least, but batjokes in all media have a lottttt of years to have such a collection of wonderful content. (Even if you’re only a Gotham fan, stretching out into the actual Batman fandom can be very rewarding, even if your next step is into the Nolan movies or even Batman in general cause you can replace the characters in your head if you really want too)  I think one big problem with Oc’s is that, in a way, they’re easy to make, but in the worst way. You can create a character to put in the place you want, a blank space and they’re just nothing. This comes up a lot in anime type works, where the main character is so blah for the purpose of the audience (reader in our other case) to put themselves in the place of the main character. This also happens in a lot of movies as well, instead of fleshing the character out and allowing them to move and breathe the way THEY would and not how the audience thinks they themselves would. Because of this, oc’s can be very flat. There are the exception, of course although I have no examples since I don’t remember the last Oc story I read . . .  *wracks brain* yeah no idea. Though I’m sure it’s somewhere in my saves.
Even if one doesn’t ship Jeremiah with Bruce, it’s very difficult to ignore/brush under the rug that there was definitely an obsession and that originally, during their weeks of spending time together, building the generator, there started a friendship. The first is very obvious, show-wise (and friendship kinda came with the territory) and the gay subtext can be there if you look at it that way. As much as an interesting character Ecco is, she’s both not important enough in the show (sorry Ecco lovers) or to Jeremiah or to anyone for that matter. While with Bruce and Jeremiah, with how their first meeting go’s and all the meetings that follow after (very willingly on Jeremiah’s part even though I’m sure before this NO ONE was allowed in the inner parts of his bunker for long periods. Probably not even Ecco) the relationship is much more pronounced than anything we’re given prior.  I like to think that even though Bruce was manipulating Jeremiah when they first met, he actually did see him as his own person. Even though he, like Jim and Harvey, have personally bore witness to Jerome’s tyranny. (And that only twists the knife harder when Jeremiah eventually loses his mind because both him and Jeremiah saw him as his own person and in a way Jeremiah doesn’t become like Jerome, he becomes worse)
One could argue that since we didn’t see a ‘true’ way the Valeska’s love that any type of them showing affection might never seem very Valeska. Unless one looks at their reactions and interactions with Bruce as something more than just ‘wanting to kill him’ or ‘obsession’. This would be another reason I’m don’t read much in the oc-area or out of the romantic’s lol mainly because the moment they take Bruce out of the picture, everything seems off. Jerome, while willing to divide his attention, only does it with specific people, who are: Jim, Bruce, Jeremiah, and, on occasion, Oswald (though he’s much less in comparison to the ‘big three’). Other then them, we don’t see him hyper-focus on anyone else in the show, and if he does, it’s for a second and to simply kill them after. If these three aren’t integral to his behavior and actions then things feel flat and out-right ignoring his obsession with Bruce and his inner darkness can be unrealistic. With Jeremiah, this is much worse because in canon, once No Man’s Land starts, all he can think about is Bruce. Everything he does in that setting and before this even started was for Bruce. This type of obsession is . . . well, something that can’t simply be ignored, it’s a big part of his character and also very integral to just who he is after the spray. It may not be as bad at the start of the spray (because he’s too busy rebuilding Gotham in his image) but literally second to that desire is his connection with Bruce. If there were a summary of Jeremiah as a character it would be IMPOSSIBLE to write it without Bruce (same with Jerome though his might be a footnote, depending). So him suddenly focusing on someone else is . . . odd (even with Jim he doesn’t give his full attention too and, in the finale, Jeremiah only starts moving around and doing shit when he realizes that Bruce has come home early and that it’s time to finally come back to the spotlight). Especially since he’s supposed to be the ‘Joker’ in the Gotham world, which, technically speaking, means this obsession with the Bat (a.k.a Bruce) will only ever get worse from here (not to mention the fact he knows Batman is Bruce because he remembers the prophecy Ra’s told him, which we’re shown in the finale when he first sees the Bat and comment’s ‘you’ in a knowing way; this can be argued he’s just recognizing that this is what the prophecy was talking about or that it’s Bruce but personally I think both cause the prophecy was about both of them.).
It’s hard not to repeat things in canon though, believe me, I know and if you ever try writing a time travel story, it’s much worse cause then you have to change literally everything if you’re doing it that way.  Nah, you know what you like; the only problem with that is it’ll be hard to find it most of the time. I wish you luck in searching! Hopefully, you’ll find something.
Same. My older brother introduced me to the show and his way of doing so was first telling me it was a batman show, that I would LOVE Oswald’s aesthetic and that there was a Joker-type character just introduced. I was sold lol. There’s been a lot of drama with the show though, concerning the twins and I honestly wish they’d just stuck with Jerome or if they did still use Jeremiah that he wasn't just . . . a backup plan for killing Jerome off. And, if they’d been allowed to go on for a few more seasons, I wouldn’t have been surprised if they would have also killed Jeremiah and a third (never heard of) Valeska twin (triplet) would show up, playing into the overall Joker lore about there having been three. 😒🤨😑 Which I find humorous because they did so well with Jerome, he was a well-rounded, fleshed out character and, as much as I love Jeremiah, it’s hard not to consider what we could have gotten if Jerome had lived *wistful sigh* I won’t lie that the drama hasn’t affected how I watch it too these days, or at least left me with a lasting impression.  I was very invested in the first few seasons, it was a good show, minus the plot-holes and annoying characters (yes, some annoy me and there are some I can’t stand) but when the twins were on screen, it was probably the show at its best. If they had implicated them more so into the main story I probably would have watched all the way to the end (I can admit, I’ve never seen season five, but I saw many clips, have been completely spoiled and DID watch the finale lol and . . . I think I saw some of season four? Maybe, not sure anymore.) because when they’re also interacting with Bruce, perfection. I could watch that shit for days. 
Also, if you did write it, it wouldn’t have to be about other characters if you don’t want it to be. You’re talking to me, who has never seen the last few seasons and when I wrote my first fic ‘Blindly Evident’ literally all my scenes I had to LOOK UP because I only knew the base of what the scene was even about lol. So sometimes, you can totally bullshit your way lol and somehow it turns out to be really good and you like it. Or it’s just snippets of small scenes with your characters (I’ve been writing a fic like that for awhile because it’s fun and easy and yet you can make it so thought provoking because these snippets are so smallll.) I would implore you to give it a go. Even if you have no idea what the other characters are doing or even what their names are. 
I feel like this has just become me rambling about Gotham and writing tips at this point lol but you’re welcome~ I am here to try and help and always willing to listen about Gotham and talk (or rant, I’m not picky lol). Thanks again for your ask, anon! Hope you find that content you’re looking for 🥰🧡💛
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ants-personal · 4 years
"Don't get me started" + the valeska twins and/or gotham in general
Oh man i do have some strong ass feelings towards the twins so here we go 
Jeremiah is really a pointless character who i feel was added for a simple shock valve/ twist he doesn't really add anything and is really a much weaker “joker”
I hate how jeremiah claims to be better and different than his brother and then is pretty much the same just calmer?? like your using his logo, his cult, and his ideology like okay
Jerome throughout the three season had been built up and foreshadowed to become the joker from his psychic father to theo galavan and honestly deserved to claim the title has he is much closer to any actual joker
Jerome is the only one of the twins to be an actual narrative fold to bruce which to me the joker is to batman the only thing jeremiah has going for him is the obsession part.
Jeremiah would have worked better as a character that isn't related to jerome but was inspired by him like we were told jerome would do and ultimately rivaled jerome in almost every aspect all coming to a head when he'd try to kill bruce thinking thats what jerome wanted spoilers it isn't
Jerome's plan in season four should have been the finale the legion and the gas would have been a wonderful push for his and bruce's character not to mention we all love a villian dynamic giving all the other rogues a chance to also shine and could have still ended with him blowing the bridges
Not really any of their faults but i just really don't like the final design for J (or really any of the rogues in the season finale) i get why they did it but idk gotham has such amazing character designs throughout and i feel they just didn't live up to it
Jerome really needed more screen time or at least the chance to interact with more of the rogues in the city i really hate that he's restricted so much.
Jeremiah being able to figure out who batman was in like 5 seconds is just so stupid and ridiculous
Also the fact that the show has characters who get shot in the head survive but jerome dies from falling from a building like ... are ya kidding me 
They could have pulled a better twist than a twin with making think jerome did in fact die again  but it was an part of the plan clayface was the jerome who fell and would leave the morgue empty leaving the city to wonder where he is cult members in the streets mourning searching or there to simply run amuck and then the bridges blow and whos voice should come over all the walkies/speakers 
A gotham in general one is that they really waste alot of potential characters to cram in as many lil easter eggs or new rogues into the show instead of building up the ones they have. I understand one maybe two more but to completely neglect the ones they introduced in season 1 smh
Gotham never needed to show us the court of owls they should have remained unknown throughout the entire show the once scene where the lady answers the phone and you see an owl mask really should have been all they showed given the fact they did nothing all season three and were utterly pointless
Gotham in general spends waaaaaaay to much time making us suffer through jim gordon's plot a lot i get his the main character but a lot of his plot is boring and well just him being the most annoying character on the show
we should have been able to see the death of poor mr. leonard 
The entire tetch virus was wasted on just really making jim “bad” which he was still boring and god what they did to lee i cry when we could have interesting interaction with many others hell even harvey being infected would have been interesting it could have also been used as a way to have oswald and ed work together and at least end with good terms 
I wish we got to see tabitha more on her own and not tied to her brother or barbara i liked her with selina that was cute
A BIG thing i hate is what they did with ivy's plot (maggie was still great i know) the whole thing is weird and gross tbh if your gonna let selina be a youngin and not oversexualize her then you didn't need to do it to ivy idc what comics or whatever say if you can make changes to other rogues they could have come up with something else
imm stop so it doesn't get too long but yeah theres alot i would have changed to say the least jdjgj 
send me “don’t get me started on” + a random topic and i‘ll answer with a rant about it
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thankyougotham · 5 years
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Here’s an article that Film Daily wrote about Nygmobblepot. If you’d like to see them write articles about other relationships, you can contact them on Twitter and make a request. They’ve been very supportive of Gotham in general, so follow them if you’re on Twitter.
“Gotham is an innovative show based on DC Comics characters and produced by Warner Bros.  The Batman origin narrative helped us rapt viewers understand how our favorite heroes (Batman) and villains (The Joker, Penguin) came to be. It also cast a light on just how Gotham City became the wretched crime-filled cesspool we all know & love.
As the fandom knows, we’re so behind the mission to Save Gothamthat it hurts, but today we’ve decided to take a break from all the activism and talk about love. Here’s why we and the Gotham fandom ship hard for Nygmobblepot, and why these fantastic felons are anyone’s perfect gateway into Gotham for people on the fence about the show.”
Sample Quotes from fans: 
Mr. Millicent Cordelia
Both Ed & Oswald were transformed by love. They made sacrifices for each other & always ended up back together. They deserve, and the fans deserve to see this relationship respected as a romance on a server that understands it’s the 21st century.
Honestly because they’re both idiots and they really deserve each other.
Zoe Tomorrow
They’re two individuals who’ve spent their lives mistreated and misunderstood. They are the only ones who accept one another wholeheartedly. Together they’ve learned about trust, sacrifice, forgiveness, and love. And no matter what they always find a way back to each other.
Excellent chemistry between them, and a fun, fresh take on these old, iconic characters. They’re like peanut butter and jelly: fine on their own, but especially delightful together.
For one, they “really are meant for each other”! They’ve been through so much and have hurt each other so many times but they’ve managed to overcome it. They have a strong bond, would do anything for each other, and somehow they always come back together!
These two men grew up misunderstood and overlooked, and learned to use that to grow. they have risen together, and make an excellent team. they have both admitted to being stronger together, and their fates always become intertwined. they’re destined to be together.
While I’m not the biggest shipper of Nygmobblepot, I do care for their happiness and for the fans who do ship them. My ship is Batcat. They are best friends as kids & love each other deeply. They always want to protect each other. They are family.
LongLiveGotham #Gotham | #SaveGotham
Nygmobblepot has a long, complex history that reveals both the best and worst of these 2 characters. They have grown and learned much from the relationship. They deserve to be on a server that allows them the freedom to be a romantic couple.
Jenny i love my girlfriend
they are two men who have been abused and undermined their entire lives, but see each other as equals. they have certainly had their ups and down, but they always come back, better and stronger than ever. they understand each other more than anyone else ever has.
(not to mention how groundbreaking it would be to have two characters who have been historically heterosexual be in a romantic relationship)
Hale | 45 Days Till Neo
I’m down for anything with dear Oswald- his chaotic energy is a joy to watch, especially when it’s messing with other character such as Edward and Jim.
Scheming Minor
I am going to say something different in lieu of semantics. Technically in a sense when you get to the details they really are one of the few villain pairings portrayed in a “healthy” relationship in the Batman fandom. They progress, accept and move on; never stagnating. I included the healthy relationship chart to prove a point. Each one of those slices can be seen over the course of Riddler and Penguin’s relationship in Gotham– more so when we reach season 5. Their entire journey is about respect. Adding one more thing – Riddler has traditionally been coded as queer and flits with tentative bisexuality, meanwhile Penguin is known as a womanizer but has rare moments of ’what if’ regarding men. Gothamis one of the few Batman shows that follows through with M/M content.
kebu loves Oswald
They are both extreme individuals, but they fit together perfectly. Both are complex characters that went through life unaccepted by everyone which shaped their desire for more and their paths to becoming supervillains, so when they met it was the first time they found their equal and were accepted by someone. Their paths have been intertwined ever since, and whether they’re together or at odds, they’re always the most significant person in each other’s lives. But even though they ended up appearing together, we didn’t actually see them get “officially” together. Their story has yet to come to a close.
Riz || Professional Mr.Penn promoter
A very complex relationship that cannot be concluded in a spawn of a cut off season like it was. They have had a long journey and a perhaps even longer one before them. Their lowest and best have been shared together and they’re the one person who understand the other fully.
M/M relationships in media and tvshows especially is a rare breed. Even more is the concept of the big chance to make two comic characters and made an entirely new spin on them by being brave enough to make them queer, Oswald perhaps within the asexual spectrum at that. Ed as a tormented, abused soul who struggles with his own identiy and perhaps sexuality.
There is really so much to say, which is exactly why there need to be more to tell the rest of the story.
While Ed fights with the dichotomy within himself, he’s always felt the most whole when he’s been all-encompassed by Oswald’s world and care. Oswald found compassion and acceptance for all the parts that Ed thought were not loved. They are twin souls that deserve a longer story.There’s always been a complexity to both of them, and they understand the extremes that have made them into the people they are. There is no desire to change the other, only bring out the best in one another and a comfort shared that’s so important.
I feel as though they have stories that extend beyond what Gothamwas able to show through their 5 seasons. Especially with the 5th season being half of its normal length. They mean so much to me, and so many others, and I would love to see even more of them (1/2)
(2/2) and to be able to see Gotham’s depiction of Ed’s backstory, an explanation for the whole Isabella fiasco (like how is she even possible) and a plot line where Ed saves Oswald. We haven’t had any of those since s2/early s3 and I need that in my life. I miss them so much.
Not only off the charts chemistry, but near similar backgrounds also. Both Ed & Oswald were abandoned by their parents, and had to fight the world their whole lives. Then brought them together and they’ve been unstoppable ever since.
Suzy Dakroub
Because they have the best character development and bond I’ve ever seen on a show! They both truly have no one but eachother. For villains where it’s rare to see compassion and love, these two have it for each other and it’s so wholesome and sweet.
it’s the first LGBT representation in such a major franchise on TV! it was taken from us once, twice, but there won’t be a third. i will produce season 6 in my basement with tze and my best friend if i must
REPRESENTATION!!! Seriously, there’s nothing quite like it. Oswald and Edward deserve a wedding and a musical episode to go with it. Because, if Arthur’s teacher can get married on TV why not The Penguin and The Riddler!? Please!! Make it happen!
𝕻𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖚𝖎𝖓 𝖎𝖓 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊 ||
Because they are two characters who have been physically and emotionally abused most of their lives, and even after all of their hardships and turmoil, found love and trust and safety in one another
Azura Lynn Paulin
Because they never got to become a real couple on screen and they deserve to have that chance at happiness
Their chemistry, specifically between Robin Lord Taylor & Cory Michael Smith, is incredibly entertaining and heart warming to watch. It makes my whole day, of not, week better when I see them interacting on screen. FOX did not do them justice by keeping them in the closet.
Queen C
Because their story is FAR from over. Cory and Robin’s skills and chemistry shouldn’t be squandered. We had 5 years of their story buildup and got crapped on in the final episode, and I deserve my #BisexualRiddler!!!
Bandi [Gotham/Good Omens Spoilers] #SaveGotham
Nygmobblepot truly is such an interesting ship. As singular characters they are great, but together, they shine. They’re complex, damaged characters and take comfort in each other. Their journey is a long, painful one, but they deserve and compliment each other. It makes sense.
They are truly self confident with each other, anything becomes possible. They don’t need any cane.
They have each other.
they just have such strong chemistry and are so much better together than apart. their relationship constantly evolved throughout Gotham, becoming the main driving force for their individual developments too and… they were just made for each other okay
Tam Loves Kris @ Resting in Home
I see a lot of myself and my partner@MisterPenguinin the#Nygmobblepotship and I feel that their relationship is very well developed with lots of ups and downs and it’s fate that they are both meant for each other.
Kat Shade
With all of the characters that had amazing chemistry on Gotham, the main three had to be nygmobblepot, wayleska, and babitha. Nygmobblepot have been through so much together, and besides how revolutionary and amazing it would be for a show based on two previously heterosexual characters in a homosexual relationship, they simply work amazingly together.
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infcinity · 5 years
yeet i'm following the trend and doing the character thing !! under the cut will be all of my character information and their standings on the gangs - it will also be a starter call as well, i'm going to keep them uncapped so go mf wild fam !! this is a plotting call as well, so pls like for me to slide into those dms to plot !! and for starters, please tell me who you'd like the starter for and who you'd like it from !!
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amilyn holdo // unaffiliated  ( 4 / ?? ) leia, laurie, jane, emma
amilyn has always believed in doing the right thing, so naturally, she became a politician - fighting to end the gang war between both families, but hasn’t been successful yet, but she’s continuing to try. 
anakin skywalker // the hargreeves ( 4 / ?? ) leia, rose, matthew, magnus, anakin
anakin’s knowledge of the force made him the perfect person to interrogate others - he can get information from peoples minds, even if they don’t want to reveal it - and from time to time, when the occasion calls for it, he uses his lightsaber for added influence. 
annie james // the hargreeves ( 3 / ?? ) hallie, ginny, thor
annie, alongside her sister hallie serve as a distraction for the hargreeves - the devil twins who really live up to their names, though annie is the calmer of the pair, she wouldn’t hesitate to join her sister when she likes to use explosives. 
ben solo // unaffiliated ( 5 / ?? ) poe, desireye, leia, ariana, obi wan, anakin
being the son of the president meant that staying neutral would be the best thing for him, which he didn’t mind. though, he’s disappointed that his brother joined one of the gangs and has tried to get him to stop and come back home. ben usually works with his mother in the white house and on occasion spends his evenings with his girlfriend going dancing. 
cassian andor // the death eaters ( 5 / ?? ) han, rose, carol, leia, jyn
cassian has done some things in his life he isn’t proud of for the rebellion, but being a smuggler isn’t as hard as he thought it would be - he usually just transports drugs and liquor from one place to the next so that the poilce don’t find them. 
dimitry // the hargreeves ( 4 / ?? ) oswald, ginny, elizabeth, anya
dimitry has been a thief all his life and when he joined the hargreeves, that didn’t change. except now he isn’t stealing just to live, he’s stealing big-time things for the hargreeves now - guns, art, wine, you name it, he’s stolen it. 
dorcas meadows // the death eaters ( 3 / ?? ) marlene, alecto, remus
dorcas was previously a dancer in one of the many speakeasies owned by the carrows, but after reuniting with her ex-girlfriend, alecto carrow - the two reunited and after the mysterious death of alecto’s husband, dorcas joined the higher ranks as her underboss, but on occasion, she still dances in the cubs. 
ewan mckinnon // the hargreeves ( 4 / ?? ) marina, jemma, abi, marlene
ewan isn’t really too fond of the fighting, so he’s keeping out of it - being a bartender in one of the many speakeasies, the only real thing he needs to worry about is people getting too rowdy and having to throw them out. he does some deals on the side as well to earn some extra money. 
hera syndulla // the hargreeves ( 5 / ?? ) breha, desireye, leia, ahsoka, jessica
hera has always been a pilot, who likes to go fast on occasion - so becoming a getaway driver was only second nature to her. a few jobs a week set her up for the entire month - whether it’s deliveries or robberies, she’s always there to help get the others away before they’re caught and they haven’t been caught yet. 
jessika pava // the death eaters ( 5 / ?? ) han, desireye, breha, alastor, ahsoka
jess has always fought, and fighting here was no different than fighting back home - so she joined the death eaters, not only for protection but to help those who can’t protect themselves. she became a bodyguard for hire and hasn’t lost a client yet. 
jeyne poole // the hargreeves ( 4 / ?? ) dany, mya, frank, chuck
jeyne joined the hargreeves for one thing, protection - fighting makes her uncomfortable and brings back horrible memories, so she stays far away from it - working as a waitress in a speakeasy, she tries to stay away from all conflict. 
lando calrissian // unaffilated ( 4 / ?? ) leia, veronica, ahsoka, han
lando has always been a sweet talker, doesn’t matter who he interacts with - everyone loves him. almost everyone. that’s why being a politician was the best job for him, the business might be a little corrupt, but he doesn’t mind. 
lucy weasley // the hargreeves ( 4 / ?? ) hugo, james sirius, hermione, roxanne
lucy had never really been one for fighting, but causing a distraction is something she’s excellent at. her signature is letting off a highly dense smoke bomb so that it blinds everyone else except for the gang members. 
peggy carter // the death eaters ( 5 / ?? ) steve, jemma, mary, tasha, ellie
having been an agent prior to her life in washington, peggy thought it would be best to keep to what she knows best - so she spies on the hargreeves, wearing different disguises each time and passes on any valuable information she happens to hear or finds. 
shara bey // the hargreeves  ( 2 / ?? ) bb-8, daenerys
shara has always been good with her hands, fixing things comes as second nature to her so becoming a mechanic when she joined the hargreeves was the best option for her - it kept her out of the fight, but still in the loop so she could help if need be. 
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snowylacie · 5 years
1, 12, 17, 20, 21, 26, 30, 36, 37, 45, 46 (also hello
1: How long have you been in the fandom? 
uhmm i’m actually not sure…? i’ve only been on tmbl for a bit more than 3 years (although i stalked the PH tmbl fandom since years before i created my acc, every month after a release came here to scream at the new edits ;_;) but when the manga was still running i used to be active in the PH fandom of other sites that no longer exist nowadays. i took various breaks from said fandoms too because the community per se wasn’t that important to me back the day so uhhh i’ve been on and off but kinda for a reasonable amount of time we could say? i’ve never been as close to any kind of ph fandom as i’m now, i always kept some distance12: Headcanons I have?ADA AND SHARON BECAME BEST FRIENDS. they had so much in common and personality-wise and inner strength as well!!! they would make such a great match ;__; 
17: Saddest character death in my opinion?jack’s…. also oswald’s…. also the twins and oz disappearing…. FANG… that was one big betrayal… ;;;;but the one that probably impacted me most was elliot. when he died i was younger and by then he was my fav character sharing the #1 spot with lacie’s tomb and the surrounding mystery. i refused to acknowledge his death when it first happened, but because the manga was monthly i (and all elliot fans lbr) was anxiously clinging onto hope and waiting for the following month wishing that it was just a scare. so when there were no more doubts that he was as dead as one can be it felt like he died for a second time :’) i mourned him so much oh dear..
20: Opinion on the Baskervilles?i LOVE them!!! they have been my favorite house since the minute one and their supremacy in my heart has never wavered. i joined for the mystery, secrets and the dark vibes and i stayed because they delivered ;w; i do wish we had known more things about each member and of the history of the house though.. many of my favorite characters are baskervilles so this also added up, although it is honestly less relevant. their role was right up my alley and they have a lot of, eh, charisma imo? 
21: Who would I cosplay as?i don’t think i’d ever cosplay because i don’t have the confidence… but if i ever did i’m sure i would choose one of my dear girls 
26: Alice or Alyss?YOU CAN’T DO THAT TO ME ;;;;;; umm umm you see, i love both them SO MUCH and… quite equally ;;; i don’t want to have to choose… 
but.. if i really had to say, i’ve got some bias toward……… alyss :’) maybe a 1% stronger bias than with alice but it’s still here…. since i’m here and to compensate alice, let me ramble about things i love about her!! *w* first and foremost i admire A LOT alice’s strength of spirit and the way she’s able to take difficult decisions with resolution!! giving up is not on her vocabulary and she never lets herself wallow in sadness or gloominess for a long time. she ALWAYS!! gets back on her feet and will try to keep others’ spirits high as well (in her pretty particular ways). i love her passion and courage, she’s one of the most gryffindor characters i’ve ever seen ;;; her heart is just so big and while she can be rash she has no malice ;v; when gilbert apologised to her for the things he told her in the past and she said she didn’t mind because the gilbert who mattered to her was the current one… look…. i was and i still am moved beyond words, this moment meant so much to me ;;;; i also truly value that alyss is the first one listed in her dearests list ;;;; she’s so caring and dedicated to her loved ones ;;;w;;;
30: If I could make two characters interact more, who would they be?
*rolls up sleeves* ada and oz!!!! my beloved siblings… i’ve been wishing for it for a long time but ever since someone made that post about ada having lost all her family + person she loved in a few days that i think about it even more often and with more desperation ;A; they loved each other so much…. THE RELATIONSHIP CHART SAID THEY FELT DEEP AFFECTION FOR EACH OTHER ;;;;A;;;; alyss and alice!!! my beloved twins who loved each other a lot and yet…? ;;; alyss and oz!!! oz and lacie!!!! oswald and lacie!!! alyss-alice-oswald!!! why did alyss dislike oswald? and i sure wish the twins had been able to meet their mom ;;also ada and sharon!!! i think we actually haven’t seen them interact at all but they for sure know about each other if only because they’re from the most powerful dukedoms…?fang-lily-doug-lottie!!! they are an incredible family, i love them so much and i loved every little interaction they had and the way they were so supportive of each other and all took care of lily ;;;;; 
oz, elliot and leo as the promising friendly trio they were about to become *tea party flashbacks* ;_;
and this is very self-indulgent BUT my one ph dream for years has been lacie and lottie meeting each other!!! it hadn’t been a long time since lacie died that lottie arrived at the mansion… we could have had it all ;____; and also i wish alyss and leo had met!!! for some reason i think it’d be very interesting to see ;_;i have more more sure but now i’m unable to recall hhh ….watch me regretting not having added x or y the moment i send this
36: Favorite character backstory?
THE ALICES!!!! both alice and alyss omg… their story is full of ups and downs and they both suffered a lot and had to take harsh decisions… they didn’t get as much exposure maybe but in hindsight they had a real lot going onand also jack’s! it’s pretty simple in credible as in being the bastard son of a noble, but there was a twisted component about him from the get go that i just can’t help but be very drawn to it… i have a huge soft spot for young jack…and lily’s too ;w;
37: Least favorite character backstory?Hmmm i don’t really have one, but ifd i have to choose i suppose it’d be leo’s? not bad or anything but to me it’s one of the most average in the story
45: NOTP?i’m some ships i’m not too fond of but the only real notp is lacie and levi.since l’m an obvious jacie fan let me clarify that this is not a matter of shipping wars! i don’t think things like “it’s getting on the way of my ship”. actually i’m completely fine with how canon went and i think their relationship was interesting and without levi the twins wouldn’t exist either
i have a complicated relationship with levi, he’s my most disliked character although that’s not to say i hate him or i have particularly bitter feelings. more than anything, i have lots of mixed feelings regarding him and i’ve gone through many levi phases. the fact that the moment he appeared became my 3rd fav chara in ph is pretty indicative, imo. and he stayed in that spot for a long time, too.. but not even then did i ship him with lacie. i just don’t see the relationship this way from lacie’s side and her pov is the one that matters to me + she’s my favorite character so i can’t bring myself to pair her with someone i don’t have the same amount of love for, let alone one for whom i feel so complicated.
46: Favorite AU?MAGICAL GIRL LACIE!!!!! i wish mochijun had done an omake chapter or smth about it, it was too good??? those pages talking about that nonexistent anime are among my favs of side ph material, i’d give all my money to see more of it!! plus the pandora girls seemed to appear more and they pretty much have the monopoly of my ph top ;w; aaand also the ph gakuen? or how was it named? where the characters were in university, jack wore those horrible clothes (dungarees?) yet looked adorable & also wore one of the loveliest smiles mochijun ever drew on him and lacie looked graceful and wonderful as ever ada and sharon becoming best friends who lost so many peaple dear to them and maybe even living together. my sunshines… ;v;
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leahazel · 6 years
Verity & Allegra: ♥ - family headcanon☮ - friendship headcanon
oh W O W where do I start even
okay let’s try this: 
♥  - Allegra
I think I mentioned several times that Allegra’s mother and grandmother never got along. In fact, they detested each other. Katherine had Big Plans for all her children and her Plan for Oswald did not include him falling in love with a pretty, flighty thing like Flora, however charming she was. She wanted him to marry a sensible woman who would steady his flights of fancy and his impulsivity, and bring out the best in him. But Oswald, like his older sister before him, went and inconveniently fell in love, and was utterly adamant that he could wed no one else. You know the rest: too many children and too much spending and way too many unsound financial decisions. He nearly lost them the family estate, more than once. And Flora in no way curbed his wilder impulses, so it’s not as though Katherine’s feelings towards her were unreasonable. 
There’s another side to the story, though. When the coup happened, they were forewarned because Oswald’s brother Victor is an officer and he had prior knowledge. That allowed Katherine the time and space to put in place the machinations that allied them with the new regime, and protected them from reprisals. The Chases of Arrowfield are an old blood family. They (claim to) trace their ancestry back some five hundred years, back to the old empire. So Katherine was willing to do just about anything to protect the family by cosying up to the new royals, and distancing themselves from anyone who could compromise them. That included Flora’s parents and brothers. Despite her personal frivolity, Flora came from two dignified, long-lined old blood families, Witherwend and Taryn, the latter of which even had (distant) family ties to Katyia’s line. 
As far as Katherine was concerned, any contact with them had to be forsaken, and in this matter, Oswald completely sided with her. Flora hasn’t actually spoken with or written to anyone in her family in almost twenty years. They may have suffered reprisals, she doesn’t know. Information of that nature doesn’t spread very well outside of the immediate neighborhood. When it does, it’s mostly in the form of rumor, gossip, and propaganda scare tactics. The worst of it? Part of cutting off her family entirely meant that she was forced to be absent from her mother, Eleanor’s funeral. So, she also has extremely sound reasons to resent Katherine, even other than the fact that she never made her feel welcome in the family. And Flora is a forgiving person by nature, but she’ll never forgive this. 
The other big secret is that at least one person from Flora’s family is still alive, and they may show up later on in Allegra’s story. No promises. 
♥  - Verity
Verity? I have developed her family, at this point, almost as extensively as Allegra’s, but some of the best secrets in that backstory remain spoilery, so I lean away from them in my stories. This one, though, is free: in “Masters of the Hunt”, Verity tells Kavita that she and Constance are half-sisters. This version of Constance is completely different from Felicity’s Constance. She’s ten years older than Verity and Dion, and she’s the daughter of her father’s first queen. Her mother passed trying to deliver a baby boy when she was about eight. Less than two years later, she was already dealing with a young stepmother and two squealing infant half-siblings -- one of whom, by virtue of having been born a boy, was automatically the new favorite. 
Constance strongly favors their father in looks, dark-skinned and slender with long, straight dark hair. Verity and Dion favor their mother, plumper and curly-haired. Although Verity’s particular dark blonde shade of hair is a peculiarity, since both of her parents are dark-haired. And I think I told you (although I didn’t post it publicly) that, although Verity is very attached to Constance, Dion barely knows her. 
There is also something about the twins’ mother Agnes, and her father and his second marriage, but that veers awfully close to spoilers. It’s an interesting story, although the family ties are incredibly convoluted, and I haven’t named all the characters. It’s worth noting though that the only one of her grandparents that Verity ever really got on with is Agnes’s stepmother, Primula. When she mentions learning Onvu from her grandmother, that’s who she’s talking about. 
☮ - Allegra
Prior to the summit, Allegra really didn’t have that many friends. Many acquaintances, and contacts, and invitations. And, you could say, assets. And she had Leonie, who is just about as close to a friend as she ever had in the capital, but Leonie is more like half-friend, half-rival. And she definitely thinks Allegra is a spy, but I won’t get into why that is. 
After the summit... Well, it hurt her to leave so many people behind, not knowing when or if they might meet in person again. But that is part of the uncertainty that’s native to their style of life, and she’s never known anything else so she doesn’t expect anything else. And I believe I mentioned once, Allegra is a very good correspondent. How well she keeps in contact with people is entirely dependent on how diligent they are at answering her letters. So it breaks down something like this: Cordelia, Penelope, Lyon and Avalie write frequent, long letters. Lisle often doesn’t have time to write and always feels guilty about it, but Penny sends updates from him. Emmett’s letters are disorganized and sporadic, but always heartfelt. Zarad’s letters aren’t frequent, but they’re long and juicy and extremely filled with gossip. Hamin is not much of a letter writer but he somehow finds other ways to keep her updated, and certainly knows way more than he has any business to about what she’s up to. Jasper writes... once or twice. Anaele... honestly, I think she might be the only one Allegra completely loses contact with. And Ria is a special case. 
☮ - Verity
So many spoilers, just so many. I’m... actually working on a story from Nerissa’s POV right now, and it’s been an interesting journey for me. 
Both Kavita and Nerissa are less sincere friends than Verity chooses to see them as... to start with. Kavita is very fond of Verity, but she has a job to do as the ambassador’s wife and she has a whole life and web of connections back in Corval that she never speaks with her about. But for the sake of her connection with Constance, she’s tried to keep an eye on the Princess, to make sure she’s as clever as she thinks she is. That’s part of why she directed Petra her way. Petra is more of an ally than a friend, but she’s trust-worthy, and there’s a lot yet to happen that will change the way she and Verity interact. 
Nerissa is a complicated case. She’s a widow and she has all the ambitious widow’s weaknesses, and in many ways she’s even worse than Allegra at treating people like assets instead of friends. But at least she has a reasonably good excuse. For Nissa, people can be family or they can be strangers, but her mentality has no category for “friend”. 
Gisette is much the same way. She has genuine affection for Verity, who is after all always surprising her by being smarter and more competent than she initially appeared to be. But as the immortal quote goes, love is never any better than the lover. Gisette is cold, cruel, and selfish, and her love for Verity is much the same. She is also unwavering, but that’s already edging into spoiler territory. Violetta is much the same: she’s a moody, inconstant narcissist, so her love for Verity as a daughter-in-law, while certainly as genuine as she is capable of being, is capricious and self-serving. 
Of all the supporting characters I have introduced so far, I think the only ones who approach Verity without any sort of self-serving agenda are Desmond and Una, and maybe the guardsman Alek. I haven’t really gotten around to developing them properly, though. 
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optimisticcritique · 6 years
Gotham 4x17 - Review
The season is getting close to the end, things are about to get crazy(er). Let’s see what crazy stuff happens this week. Tagging characters that I mainly focus on in the review. Sorry if it is kind of long.
Getting right into the action! Go get him Bruce!
How did Jerome have time to get dressed, meet back up with Scarecrow, release Tetch, and send Tetch to hypnotize the guy before Bruce got there? He wasn’t that far behind Jerome. No GPS? Was he stuck in traffic? Maybe Tetch hypnotized his way through the traffic to get there first. I mean, that’s what I would do if I could hypnotize people.
Xander…yeah, seeing spoilers, I predict this is Jerome’s twin brother, right? This is the one time I wish I hadn’t seen spoilers, no big reveal.  
Oh boy, he has a bomb. Duck and cover!
See, now Jim and Harvey aren’t that far behind Bruce. Did they take the short cut?
Bruce trying to help the guy. I love it but I don’t know if it’ll work.
Question: Why did Tetch hypnotize the guy to trigger the bomb by a clock? Wouldn’t it make more sense to have him press it on like a key phrase (like “if someone asks you about Jerome/Xander, press it”) so that Bruce couldn’t have time to jump away? Or was killing Bruce (or anyone else) not the intention?
Shooting the clock! Quick thinking. Learning tricks from being a Tetch survivor.
Aaand he has a watch. Of course he does. Well, at least you tried.
Wait, it’s the dinner already? That happened fast. How did Jerome get them all together? How did he contact Oswald and Oswald just agreed? Did it take some time or was he reluctant at first? Were they all agreeable at first? Did he threaten them? Bribe them with free food?
This is the villain dinner I always wished for…if you had told me we would have all these villains together in one place seasons ago, I would have been floored. I probably would have freaked out, running down the street while yelling “Yessss! Bring me all the villains! A few years can’t come fast enough!!!!” as all the neighborhoods stare at me.
I love villains interacting. I also love seeing characters that have been previously introduced, having scenes with one another that they have never shared scenes with before. It’s the individual character build up and mixture of personalities.  
The only thing missing from this wonderful dinner is Ed :( I guess The Riddler isn’t considered “freak” enough for them…
“Put all questions on ice until the end” Awe the ice puns. Well great, now I want to know what Victor’s question was going to be. I do love how he just raises his hand, like he’s in school and trying not to interrupt the teacher.
“Mr. Oswald” lol well, that’s an interesting choice. I would have thought he would call Oswald by his Penguin name. Really gives me Ed flashbacks to “Mr. Penguin”, which is fun.
Oh Oswald looks just…I have no words. What a fashion icon. I love his fur coat and hair. Real perfection. Fish would be so proud!  One of these days, I really want to see him doing his hair in an actual scene, instead of being off screen. I’m curious how long he spends on it.  
This is Sofia’s old place that Oswald took over XD Wait, Oswald hosted? Option A: Jerome barged into the house and just told Oswald that they are having it there or Option B: Oswald wants to seem supportive, just so he can be involved and know what is coming for his city. Me: Probably both.  
“Anything for a friend” pfft uh huh. I bet. He is probably planning a back stab or just waiting for Jerome to fail.
Got to say, I wasn’t sure about the new scarecrow actor but he’s pretty good. His facial expressions are dead on.
Yeah, Oz doesn’t seem very keen on these plans. His facial reactions say it all.
He’s probably thinking either “What I have I gotten myself into” or “I should have made more food”  
Alfred!!! Where have you been? Been partying? Taking a spa day for a couple of episodes?
Jim, no! Let Bruce do his thing! Sure, he could potentially die horribly but be reasonable here…
Yeah, Bruce will not take no for an answer. Will Jim change his mind or will Bruce take on a mask again?  
“Maybe he wants him to build him something” You can’t fool us! We all know what he is really after!
Yeah, that woman is probably regretting not calling in sick to work today.
Jerome trying to whistle… it wouldn’t surprise me if that is the only thing he hates about his new stitched up face. Who cares that his face is different…he can’t whistle anymore!!!
“Don’t bother going to security! They are all…headless” Wait, you have a gun. You could shoot them in the heads but not cut off their heads. How are they headless?  
“Drop the gun!” “Oh you are such a stick in mud” Would you have preferred a western style shoot out or for him to just be like “Oh hey Jerome. Go on ahead and do what you do with the gun. Have fun” as he casually walks past you?
Xander knowing Bruce’s father…hmm…
“What time is it?!” Tool-no-Mail-no-Extra time!!! “Riddle time!!!” …that was my next guess.
Wow, everyone is so loving this. I guess this has been going on for quite awhile.
Speaking of which, what did happen between that pier scene and now? Did Oswald and Ed become friends again? Make a deal? Just go their own ways? I feel like there is something missing here.  
Oh, you know Ed is just loving this. This reminds me of that episode back in season one (1x09?), where he is listening to a game show on the radio and answering the questions as he is working. You know that was one of his inspirations for this!
Bet you that brief case has no money even in it. The Riddler is just that cocky.
“The street demons!” Lol the way that he says that! I just love it when he does voices or accents. Pulling out all the stops to make things extra.  
The Riddler totally doesn’t even seem like he cares about what is going on in this guy’s life.
How happy he gets when he hears “Riddler”. Not many people have called him that in the show yet, have they?
“I’ve fallen on hard times but happy to be here with you Riddler” I relate to this on a spiritual level. Ed making my week better <3
Ooh this Lila has the best get up. Please tell me Ed made it himself.
Lars, you are over thinking! Don’t ever over think it!
I would half expect the crowd to give out answers but you just know they want to see people getting tortured.
“Rabid sack of rats” Awe man, I was hoping for the barracuda stapled to the forehead….you know, for curiosity purposes…
“Enough!” Nooooo! Never! Don’t ruin this Lee!
I actually saw an interview right before this episode, with Cory saying the episode will end “hot” and “romantic”. It won’t surprise me if Lee/Ed kiss by the end of this.
Wow Lee, you look stunning. Love the new hair.  Also love Ed’s too.
What’s up with the new hair styles lately though? First we mourn see Jervis and Harvey getting their longer hair cut. Now we see Ed and Lee both have hair cuts, with Oswald serving up a new hairstyle. Did we miss a national “change your hair day” in Gotham or something? Or did one person do it and the rest got jealous so they changed their hair too? Or did the actors all decide to get new hair styles at the same time?
“We put Oswald on ice” you make it sound like you both attempted to kill him or something. The vagueness.
So I guess Ed knows about Sofia. Is he impressed with her doing that or not so because she didn’t finish the job?
“Whatever the hell this is, it’s over” “I don’t think so” I’m just waiting for this to be turned into a reaction gif. Like, people upset about something to Gotham writers and Gotham writers going “I don’t think so” or vice versa.
“And my name…is The Riddler” Awe so we are on this again. So, he still isn’t whole. Funny how he is still saying this to people a season later. Also, Oswald called him Ed…but maybe it is because he called him The Riddler first? Or “because we have history” thing? …Even though he and Lee technically have history too, with working together at the GCPD.
*challenges Ed* First: Lee that is bold and I am impressed with you. Second: Noooo! I knew this was going to happen but I didn’t want it to happen so quickly. We only got to see him have one contestant, who we didn’t even see get tortured. Let Ed/Cory have more fun! Let us have our showman Riddler!
Who is this woman? Just a random character that’ll die this episode or the next?
Umm are you implying Jerome is a dog? ;) Also, isn’t that cage a little bit small to fit Jerome in? I just picture her trying to push and squeeze him into that cage, just barely closing it.
Oswald and Butch reunited again! I kind of missed their…complicated relationship to be honest. They also have a long history, probably knowing each other as long as Oswald knew Fish so I can only imagine what Oswald will think of this new Butch.
Oswald’s eyes when he sees Butch. Yeah, totally unprepared for that.
“I will be honest, I like it…” It’s like when a friend pretends to like your bad hair cut, even when they know it looks bad.
“Just came from brunch with Jerome Valeska…” Oh yeah, that’s a great way to start this. He says it so casually, like it was just an everyday civil affair with food and great conversation. Bet he thought he would never utter those words though XD  
“Seemed to involve a great deal of paint” lol that was totally not the point of that, you forgot to mention the mass crazy Ozzie.
Oswald wearing green gloves with that outfit.
“You must be all out of allies” “Don’t be modest” Yeah, he still has Ed as an ally so he isn’t COMPLETELY out of allies. He has…one….
Again, what happened with Ed and why Butch? Option A: He asked Ed, Ed refused, saying he wanted to do his own thing. Option B: He started to ask Ed, Ed talked about a Riddle factory and he immediately went “yeah, nope. Never mind” Option C: He knows Jerome will want someone who is a “freak” to add to the group. Oswald also wants someone strong (let’s face it, Ed is not) and not easily killed. Butch fits that mark, not Ed. He doesn’t want Ed to get involved with this mess either. Which I think is the most likely. Option Q: Forgetting own writing.
Oh, you just totally made him angry. You won’t like him when he’s angry! …Wait, totally wrong universe and different comics.
Okay, I know you look bad now Butch. But look at the bright side, you’re strong, you’re practically immortal, and-with a good hair dye and spray tan-you could look fairly the same. Think positively!
*pushes Oswald on the floor* Nooo! Don’t ruin the majestic hair and coat! They must be protected at all costs!
I don’t know why but, even though I already love Oswald, this episode has made me love him a million times more… *stares at his hair and coat* Not sure why…
“like a flower” well, that choice of words is threatening but also not.
Oh sure, you only want them involved when you want something. It’s a two way street, Jim. Now you have to let him risk his life and you can’t say a thing.
“I love you” In your own twisted way, I bet.
*does a heart with his hands* Jerome fans: Awe that’s what we do when we see you on screen… :’D
He’s freely letting Harvey and Jim in? No booby traps? It kind of looks like a place that would have traps like that.
Ecco! In the same episode as the riddle factory…Some say this woman would be Harley Quinn because she is devoted to this guy…I kind of doubt it. There is also an Echo who worked with the Riddler (although I think Query was the blonde, not like it matters) The name is spelled wrong so she is most likely a throw away character but…why Ecco? Why use a similar name to tease fans?! Why?!    
“Oh my god, there’s two of them!” Oh Harvey…seriously, this is a Cameron/Jerome fan’s dream right there. Not one but two? Alittle over a season ago one didn’t exist and the other was “dead”.
“Please don’t touch that! That is very sensitive equipment” Yeah, sure looks sensitive to me. Especially the couple of buttons that turns it on.
Jerome doing yoga because why not?
Him waving right when Jim sees… o_o It’s like he knew…  
How much you want to bet that someone followed Jerome? If Firefly followed to the office, you can bet he didn’t go see Ecco on his own. It’s the only way I can see him getting out of there.
“She thinks stapling a live barracuda to someone’s head isn’t damn good entertainment” The nerve! Wait…did he just say “damn good”? Has he ever said that word before? :O But your fake swearing was so pure, what has the world done to you?!
I think it is interesting that he only puts his hat on when he speaks a riddle.
I’m not going to even attempt these riddles. I suck at logic.
Scenes like this make me wonder if we will ever get a “whole” Ed or just get this Riddler from now on.
Wow. Who knew the Riddler was so upset about all this?
Lee’s face…yup, she got what she wanted. Smart cookie right there.
The Riddler totally played himself.
Haha! Called it! Knew he would be followed. Don’t underestimate him.
“If I knew this thing was a 100 acres, I would have stopped and had a sandwich before we came” Harvey, you are so relatable. I don’t blame you. My ship of Harvey + food continues to sail. The ship I can always count on <3
“The End” Wait, is the episode over? Is this where the story ends?
Wow, the acting right here is so good. I keep forgetting both Jerome and Jeremiah are both Cameron.
“His bearded sidekick” Hey! He has a name and thy name is Harvey!
“Born bad” that’s lousy reasoning.
Ooh so he lied? Well, this intrigues me. I am so skeptical of this guy. I just know there is more to him than meets the eye. I don’t believe this facade!
“You killed our mother” “She did deserve it though” Lol no care whatsoever. Again with the lousy reasoning.
“Listen to what I have to say” “Oh hell no! You are not hypnotizing me again!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHH!” *Jervis and Jonathan run for their dear lives as Harvey charges towards them* ….LOL Oh my god. Harvey, you are a blessing to this world. Most iconic moment. He is so done with Jervis. The way he just let out a war cry, causing the duo to flee is just…it’s beautiful. I’m dying. I will never be over this. Favorite part of the episode. Batman should take notes.
Jim being like “Welp, okay then” as he follows Harvey.
Just imagine Harvey chasing them all around the maze, with the video sped up and silly music playing. Or slowed down with suspenseful music playing. 
“Must go! Must go! They’re after me and the Scarecrow!” Oh my god I love this so much. I am going to put this on a loop forever.
I love how Jonathan doesn’t even try spraying or anything. He just follows Jervis wherever he goes. I am loving this duo.  
Jerome watching them run off like “whatever”.
*can still hear Harvey screaming* Me: *is dead*
*kisses Jeremiah’s head as he flees* Awe brother love…nothing like wanting your sibling dead and in misery one minute and kissing him in the next.
Whoa. That disappearance happened fast. Did he find a prototype invisible jet or something? Or did Jervis just have the car right outside the door, Jerome leapt in, and they drove away as fast as possible? Scratch that, they are totally hiding on the side of that building, shushing and tip toeing away.
The Riddler being all cocky and smug. Yeah, you probably won’t be feeling this way in a few minutes…
Hey, even I know this riddle! Oh, I see what you are doing there Lee.
It’s simple Ed. Just look at the audience as you say “I love you”. There you go!
Wow, he is pushing Ed back so much that he risks losing in front of an entire crowd.
Lee outsmarting him, good on Lee but sucks for the riddle factory :( I feel robbed.
A little bit late but I’d like to imagine Ed making all of these props himself. Cutting out a giant wheel, painting it, sticking two giant beakers together…
Wait, Oswald knows how to reverse it? Will it actually work though? I kind of feel like it would be a bummer to get rid of Grundy after all this…
Hugo Strange! Of course it’s Hugo. If it is monster related, it’s always Hugo lol
Yay! Oswald and Butch team up once more!
Poor Ed losing his riddle factory. A loss for us all :’(
“they didn’t come here because they love you, Ed” Wow, that’s harsh.  
“Because I know what you really want…” Validation? Wait, no… Lee:  *pulls out the glitter suit from thin air* The Riddler: :’D You found it! I thought I lost it!
Knife to the neck! Always going for the neck.
Oh, they are totally going to go on a robbing spree. Does Lee really need the money? Or is this also a way to appeal to The Riddler to get him back on her side?
I am reserving any specific opinion/judgement on this situation until I see more of it. But I definitely see some manipulation at play here. The question is, is it just one or both manipulating? I am actually a bit surprised Lee would play this card.
Oh, I can just imagine reactions from others. Jim, Harvey, Oswald, Butch, Barbara…they all have a decent history with both of them.
The music is the same music that played when Ed killed Kristen. Hmm…This does not bode well. It never does for Ed and anyone he is involved with.
“I don’t know. I thought it already was” Oh, you have no idea how mad this city can get Harvey…you don’t even technically have the Joker yet.
No! Not Carl! We hardly knew thee. Justice for Carl!!! 
*Jerome punches Grundy’s shoulder, shakes hand* Parallel to when Ed high fived him and did the same thing. Probably like hitting a brick wall.
Joker toxin!!!
The Jervis reaction XD Like, he knew the plan right? He looks so shocked.
Everyone’s reactions emoticon style: Jervis: 😮Jonathan: 😬  Jerome: 😆  Bridgit: 🙂 Victor: 😏 Butch: 😕Oswald: 🐧  
Oh god that looks painful. Looks like the “fun” is about to begin.
Man, if Jerome does end up dying, I won’t know how to feel. Jeremiah intrigues me and I think he will eventually grow on me but...he doesn’t have the same history that Jerome has with the characters. Why even have the twin twist? ...I guess I’ll just have to wait to see how it all plays out before deciding what I think. I will say, at least Cameron will still be playing him so it isn’t gypping him from the role.
Over all: Good episode. I felt like some of it was a bit fast paced. I was a bit surprised by how quickly the dinner began, Jerome got his info, the riddle factory ended…that being said, some good villain interaction and Harvey being amazing. The legion of horribles succeed in finding Jerome’s twin brother Jeremiah, the GCPD to put Jeremiah in protective custody, the Joker toxin has been created, Ed/Lee kiss while deciding to go rob banks, and Oswald recruits Butch in promising he could reverse his condition by finding Hugo Strange.
Previous Review: 4x16  Next: 4x18
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kingofthewilderwest · 7 years
I want an cute episode of rtte were Tuff teaches Dagur what it is to be a brother and Ruff teaches Heather what it is to be a sister. I have no doubt that they care for each other (even if Heather only cares a little about Dagur , I still think she cares), but they still have a lot to learn and the Thorstons have 19? 20? years of experience in that department. I don't know about you but I think that that would be adorable..
Hey, that’s a cute idea! 
Dagur and Heather certainly do have a lot to learn about siblinghood. We can tell they have learned to care for one another. For instance, both Heather and Dagur have sacrificed significant things for one another. Dagur left the security of his alliance with Ryker and Viggo by freeing Heather at the end of S2. This puts Dagur’s life in jeopardy, and indeed the next time we see him in S3, he has been abandoned on an island and struggling to survive on his own. Heather, meanwhile, takes some time to trust Dagur, but ultimately she even chooses to leave her dragon riding friends (the only friends she’s really had) to bond with her brother and live with him on Berserker Island. In the end, Heather and Dagur both make conscious choices to interact with one another and help one another. They want to be good siblings to each other, but as you said, they don’t have much experience with it.
Honestly, Heather and Dagur need to learn many of the same things about what it is to be a sibling. For instance, they both need to learn how to express affection for each other. Heather is extremely hesitant and is seen not wanting to open that side of herself in S4. Since she’s gone so long hating and distrusting Dagur, it’s going to be hard for her to open up to her recent experiences of feeling affection for him. 
Dagur also has only recently started to tap his affectionate and friendly side. In fact he has this problem expressing affection consistently to anyone. He’s checking his temper quite a bit. For instance, we see Dagur start to lash out at Hiccup and Gustav (in “Enemy of My Enemy” and “Something Rotten on Berserker Island”) despite the fact we can tell he genuinely wants to have positive interactions with them, and considers them friends. I wouldn’t be surprised if Dagur needs to learn how to handle this with his sister, too.
So both siblings need to learn how to express affection to one another as siblings, and be comfortable with that affection.
The concept of the Thorstons teaching the Oswalds about siblinghood is also intriguing because Ruffnut and Tuffnut understand what it is like to have a violent streak. The Thorsons are very physical with one another, enjoy roughhousing, and are noted pyromaniacs. Similarly, the Oswalds have Berserker blood in them, which might help them fight powerfully in the battlefield, but also can be a source of rage and emotional instability. Dagur and Heather are going to have to learn the balance between being passionate Berserkers and being loving siblings. Ruffnut and Tuffnut know the line intimately; they know when it’s okay to be physical as well as when it’s important to back off.
I think the Thorstons could also teach Dagur and Heather some lessons about selflessness. Sure, Ruffnut and Tuffnut aren’t perfect in that department either, but when things get Big and Important, they’ve done some monumental things for each other. Ruffnut worked hard to find a way to help her brother when he was “bitten” by a lycanwing. Tuffnut was extraordinarily determined to save his sister during “Edge of Disaster.” The twins know when it’s really important to put the other sibling first (even if they still squabble at the little things). 
Now, Dagur and Heather have made sacrifices for each other, but I think this ties into what you’ve said: they still have more to learn. Ruffnut and Tuffnut know how to “read” each other’s emotions well and help one another. The deep devotion between siblings is incredible. They could certainly teach the Oswalds a few things about this give-and-take of siblinghood (though they might also give some questionable advice about getting their way in the little day-to-day things).
Last, I hope the twins give Dagur and Heather some advice on how to have FUN together. This honestly would be hilarious to watch the four of them do together. Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Dagur, and Heather might have too much fun watching things explode. Tuffnut would be teaching Dagur some pranks, while Ruffnut would be showing Heather some good moves for tackling a brother. The Thorstons might have a unique sense of recreation, but it honestly would not be a bad starter for pointers when it comes to the Oswalds. Dagur and Heather will need to learn to have fun together, not just in big dragon adventures, but in everyday life. The Thorstons could help get them started in that department!
And who knows? Maybe, even though Dagur and Heather have only just begun to have a positive relationship... they could have some things to share to Ruff and Tuff, too!
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rosehimelove · 7 years
RTTE Season 5 Quick Thoughts
 So, despite feeling nauseous and not getting any sleep the night before, I finally had to chance to watch the season. And, I really loved it. Though, like every other season, had its set of problems, there so many fun and great moments. My thoughts are under the cut. 
Warning: major spoilers obviously
1. Hiccstrid: Unfortunately, I was right in that there was not going to be a lot of Hiccstrid moments. But, honestly, I’m not that mad about it because I feel like we got the right amount of Hiccstrid screen time without having it be front and center and taking over the show. Every moment they had together was perfect. The forehead kiss, Hiccup giving Astrid the betrothal necklace (which gets me in the feels no matter how many times I see it), their time alone on that island, and especially their little sparring session (which imo proves that they’re totally screwing :P) Also, they’re totally the parents of the group. And, they’re engaged! Praise the gods!
One little criticism that I had was that the betrothal wasn’t taken as dramatic and serious as I like. I would of loved to see Hiccup actually do a proper proposal, but that could just be because it’s something that I’ve wanted and imagined for a long time. 
2. So Many Good Astrid Moments: Finally, they ditched damselstrid for a lot of Astrid character exploration and overall badassery. I mean, she fricken punches a poisonous snake-dragon in order to save Stormfly. What more could you ask for. Also, her scenes with Stormfly during “No Dragon Left Behind” and the death song (who name I forget) when it was believed that he would die had me in tears. (Though, at first I didn’t like how the death song survived, but was quickly made up for in “No Dragon Left Behind”).
3. The Twins: As usually, their scenes were hilarious. It was nice to see a lot more moments of them being smart. It just shows that’s they’re not just the stupid comic relief. Also, during the scene where Astrid is trying to find a betrothal gift, I burst out laughing when Tuffnut said “scarf flip.” 
4. TuffnutxChicken: Also, hilarious as usually. I loved the episode “Searching for Oswald...and Chicken.” Not only is the name itself hilarious, but everything involving that plot was, too. Everything from Snoutlout’s narration to Chicken having a secret family. Couldn’t stop laughing. (The Hiccup and Dagur scenes were cool too) 
5. Snoutlout: I adored his characterization this season. In a few moments, you can see him becoming a sort of stand in leader when Hiccup and Astrid are away. Also, I like his development in “Snoutlout’s Angels” (I don’t know whether to find this title funny or smack my forehead). It could be that I just like seeing him learning his lesson about not making disrespectful remarks and just being and overall douchebag to women. Also, I was wondering what he said to Astrid to make her that angry. I was thinking that it was something about her weight, but I feel that’s too stereotypical. (It also could be about her not so intimate relationship she has with Hiccup which I strongly now agree is pretty much canon :P).
6. Fishlegs: I love seeing both him as his usual adorable geeky self and as his pent up aggressive self. It makes his character be more than just the geek who doesn’t know how to fight. It’s why I liked seeing Thor Bonecrusher again. I also loved the added twist of having Thor Bonecrusher as an anit-hero just because of the conflict it made. 
7. Krogan and Viggo: I really like Krogan as a villain. He has this sort of mafia boss mentality (or at least that what I thought of during his first scene which by the way was one of the more dark scenes I’ve seen in a kids’ show seriously holy shit ). I especially like him teaming up with Viggo because you get to see how they contrast one another and handle things differently. It’s one of the main reason why I love Viggo not being dead (which I know is an unpopular opinion).
8. Heather and Dagur: I loved their scenes that they had especially their scenes together. It was really great seeing Dagur being good while struggling with his beserky self. His scenes made me love him being a good guy which was something I was struggling with the past season. Also, him reading Oswald’s letter also had me in tears. As for Heather, I loved seeing the stubborn berserky side to her. The last episode especially imo really showed her being a more complex character than we’ve seen her in past seasons. I loved seeing how much she cared for Windshear. And anyone who says that she took over the show are just really biased as she was only prominent in the last episode.
 9. ThrokxRuffnutt: I’m honestly not sure how to feel about it. I don’t totally love it, but I also don’t totally hate it. I thought the scenes of him trying to win Ruffnut’s affection were funny. It really weird, but I kind of ship it. 
10. The Wingmaidens: To be honest, not a huge fan. I don’t hate them, but I glad they just had one episode. I liked the whole story of them taking in baby Razorwhips. However, there were quite a few moments that I feel weren’t really answered or handled properly. For example, I was sure how exactly they whole society worked. Like, were they really going to cook Snoutlout or did they have a change of heart that wasn’t shown well. It might have been that I wasn’t paying enough attention, but I feel like this episode was written the poorest in the season. Though I did still like it overall.
11. Alvin Returns: While I was excited to have him back, his few scenes were way too short. I would of loved to see him interact with Hiccup because we haven’t seen them interact since the end of DOB. Seriously, that’s all we get! I want more Alvin!
12. Stoick (and Gobber): As with Alvin, I like seeing them, but there were not enough scenes. I was seriously hoping for them to react to Hiccstrid. I’m disappointed we didn’t get even one little comment from them. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. I think that’s the one thing I disliked the most about the season.  
13. The Real Baddie that is Trader Johann: Not going to lie, I absolutely loved this twist. While I can see people not like it because it like it was out of nowhere, but that’s precisely why I think it’s perfect. You would’ve have never expected it but, at the same time, it kind of makes sense. I’ve always loved when the weak, annoying character turns out to be the bad guy. I now love and hate him at the same time. 
Overall, I really enjoyed this season. It seriously had some really fun and intense moment. This was the only season that has had me in tears multiple times (though I was balling when Hiccup and Astrid finally got together). Was it perfect? Absolutely not. But, as with the other seasons, there was a lot more good than bad. Can’t wait for the next season. 
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kingofthewilderwest · 7 years
This was such a GOOD season of Race to the Edge. As in, I absolutely adored it. Many of the episodes felt very new and original - not to mention that there were a lot of fascinating plot-centric episodes. This wasn’t some repeated attacking of the Edge (though we did get that)... we got all sorts of interesting reveals, twists, and developments. Episodes focused on all the main characters, we got some interesting characterization on Hiccup’s part that leads him to his HTTYD 2 pacifistic self, we got answers for many many many central or side plot points (Alvin’s going-ons, what was happening with Savage, what happened to Oswald, etc. etc. etc.) and it was just... aeo;anwge;goiaen....... it was so good!
SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!
Below are semi-liveblogged highlights I noticed as I was watching all the episodes:
Snotlout ranting about his S being destroyed was hilarious to me… it sounded like he was saying “my ass.” “YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE MY ASS!”
Hiccup doing more forge work to get the right concentration of Death Song amber for the volcano seals. Oh my goodness, between that and his work on the second Dragon Eye, we saw a LOT of Hiccup at his work. Love seeing smithing Hiccup come to the forefront so much this season.
The twins continuously demonstrated that they simultaneously lack common sense but contain a bizarre wealth of academic knowledge. For instance, Ruffnut and Tuffnut intellectually talking about Mesopotamian nature deities, parasitism, and symbiosis… then chiding Snotlout for not reading enough... love it.
The moment Snotlout put the bones on Hiccup’s stub to replace his leg. He used. a. freaking. skeleton. for. Hiccup’s. leg. I laughed so hard I almost had to pause the show. Best laugh I had the entire season.
Hiccup’s sword looks beautiful. The design, the hilt... <3 <3 <3 Dare I say it, but I actually like the design of this sword better than what we see of Inferno in HTTYD 2. 
Also Hiccup and Snotlout with crossbows. Actually frankly any time I see the major characters with weapons I just get happy don’t mind me.
Tuffnut Laverne Thorston and Snotlout Gary Jorgenson.
Ruffnut willing to defend Tuffnut and protect him and encourage and comfort him when he’s feeling vulnerable. Tuffnut doing contorted logic but being so selfless he’s willing to “die” for his sister. I will say it for eternity and more: these siblings are amazing.
A dragon that actually hoards treasure! I mean, HTTYD is extremely enjoyable because of its ingenuity regarding dragon species and abilities, but actually watching a dragon have a treasure hoard was… actually really fun.
Snotlout, sarcastically, to Hiccup, “You’re like a ray of light, lighting my way. Super shiny.”
Fishlegs and Astrid moments! These are so great! I didn’t know how much I needed them until I saw them! This episode really felt like the whole team was together. There weren’t factions... they have all come together as friends and were really bouncing off on all sorts of interactions.
Astrid being the hero who saves the day when she figures out the map and comes to Hiccup, Snotlout, (and Amos’) rescue.
Hiccup making a cage of sunlight. That was so freaking clever.
Snotlout is such a badass in this season. First, he snarls and says, “We’re not going anywhere without that guy!” when Amos tries to run to safety when Hiccup is in danger. Then Snotlout shows how courageous and bold he is when he’s working with Gustav on Berserker Island. Snotlout even admits to being nervous but he knows what has to be done. Snotlout shows that he can kick butt and do major damage, and you see it oh-so-beautifully-clearly. And even leaning back off the edge of the cliff when the Wing Maidens were chasing him… and that moment he took initiative when Hiccup and Astrid were absent? Seriously this moment made me realize how good of a leader Snotlout would be. Now I’m imagining an older Snotlout being a leader in battle. AHHHH SNOTLOUT WAS SO GOOD THIS SEASON OH MY GOODNESS!!!!
Snotlout. Snotlip. Dagfart. Gusteranamo. “SNOTKNUCKLES?!! HE WROTE SNOTKNUCKLES???”
Walmarket…… oh my Freja the anachronistic pun was great.
There is a skrill shrubbery. On Berserker Island.
Also Dagur’s throne totally feels like a Game of Throne’s reference.
Dagur angrily screaming “OMMMMM!”
Team Heather, Ruffnut, and Astrid. Is it just me, or should we have those three together more? Great dynamics.
An episode confronting Snotlout’s misogyny.
The dragon gang getting into a huge food fight.
Bilout is so freaking queer the entire Return to Thor Bonecrusher episode holy crap. He even says “But I loved you” while he’s crying I mean like how more bi can you get.
Hiccup and Astrid sparring. Hiccup and Astrid sparring. Hiccup and Astrid sparring. Note: look how far we’ve come since Riders of Berk where Astrid could take Hiccup out in a single move.
Really awesome flight scenes (like the start of Ep 8) where we watch shots from the dragon riders’ perspective – so that we can see the dramatic and wild experience that is riding on the back of a dragon.
Tuffnut doing one-armed pushups. We underestimated those arms, yo.
Gobber singing and dancing with a drink in his hand while Spitelout laughs in the background. I could have an entire television on Gobber, Spitelout, and Stoick. I really could.
The tiny girl on Berk loading a crossbow when everyone’s preparing for battle.
Episode 8 is so good with characterizing Hiccup, Stoick, Ruffnut, and Tuffnut into what they are in HTTYD 2. Oh my gosh it’s so good with that.
Viggo saving the dragon hunter from falling in lava is EXACTLY why I dig Viggo so much. He’s not the stereotype of bad guys are heartless, bad guys don’t look out for their allies, bad guys are willing to let their cronies get the bad end of the stick. Viggo isn’t a monster.
Spitelout named the “lazy” and “useless” dragon “Stoick.” And the part where Spitelout breaks into song. I just… I just… I can’t. XD
Draggggooooon batttttlllle! 
Do I actually like the Ruffrock ship? I think I actually like Ruffrock.
So Ruffnut said “The Changewing ate my baby brother” That could just be “baby” as a term of affection, but almost always that signifies who’s older when you’re talking about siblings. It looks like Ruff is the older twin!
“One-legged dictator with a weak chin.” I think I have my new favorite insult.
During Ep 12 during the search for Chicken... Snotlout’s mystery book narration with constant camera zooms onto his face. “Shut up, Astrid,” he cleverly responded.
The rooster! Chicken’s chicks!
Snotlout’s tan lines. :) :) :) :) :) And biceps!
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