#and then there's her interactions with cassidy-
bisexual-ashe · 2 years
ashe is funny because like she's such a petty bitch but at the same time she's also strangely polite and like. pretty easygoing? like girl with have a casual conversation with a korean gamer girl about bob and seem genuinely pleasant and then the next minute she'll be bullying someone over their rollerskates or straight up expressing her desire for murder like-
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ladyseidr · 9 months
i truly think my cassidy would get along with gregory. that's it. AU when?
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I’m still not over that fnaf comic I was posting about yesterday. I’ve read some more of it bc of morbid curiosity and I actually can’t stand it
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dizzysilhouette · 1 year
Ok who wants to tap Cassie? ;) ;) nudge nudge?
Alan averts his eyes as he shyly raises his hand. "If she asked me to, I wouldn't hesitate to oblige her." His cheeks redden, a little smile crossing his lips. "If Dice liked women in a romantic way, he'd probably want to, er, 'tap' Cassie, too, heheh," he adds quietly.
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fearsomeandwretched · 2 years
I think Dawn is the only widely hated female character that I also don't like 😭 feeling like a failure fr
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sleepy-achilles · 2 years
Cassie getting inspiring messages in her Christmas cards off Scott.
Leon getting the yearly reminder that Shawn is a dilf and that Scott would do Shawn if he could in his Christmas cards.
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trillscienceofficer · 1 month
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from Sci-Fi Universe magazine, October 1996
COLOR TELEVISION: DEEP SPACE NINE's colorblind perspective deserves credit for not being simply black and white entertainment
by Eric Wallace
Here's a story that may or may not be apocryphal: In 1967, Nichelle Nichols decided to leave Star Trek at the conclusion of the fledging show's first season. Soon after making this decision, Nichols met Dr. Martin Luther King while attending an NAACP fund-raiser. Upon learning of ner decision, Dr. King proclaimed, "You cannot leave. You're opening a door that simply must not be allowed to close." Dr. King went on to explain how Nichols' portrayal of Uhura demonstrated to Americans each week that blacks could live, work and prosper in racially-mixed situations. Consequently, Nichols changed her mind, and the rest is history.
Fast forward to 1996, twenty-eight years after Dr. King's assassination. I'd love to say that Nichols' decision resulted in a multitude of positive black roles on television. But I would be lying. Television reflects the society from which it springs and the fact is that blacks continue to be under-represented in positive, let alone leading, roles on American television.
Thank God for Deep Space Nine. Here is a show that not only features blacks in prominent supporting roles—Jake, Cassidy [sic] Yates, Worf—but has a black male star—Captain Benjamin Sisko. This is cause enough for celebration among black television viewers searching for positive portrayals of their own. But DS9's importance to the black community goes further.
From Good Times' JJ to Martin Lawrence on Martin, it is no secret that "the clown" is the most common image for blacks on television. "The gangsta" and "dope addict" run a close second. Limiting the entire black populace to these three images is not only offensive, but just plain false. This is not to say that black people aren't funny or that we aren't burdened by troublesome individuals. We are. But we're also much more: we are novelists, millionaires and world leaders like Alice Walker, Quincy Jones and Nelson Mandela. So where are these images in American programming? Not in most networks' prime-time line-ups. Perusing the latest copy of TV Guide will confirm this.
Instead of offering up more destructive stereotypes, DS9 boasts strong black characters who behave like genuine, complex, unique individuals. Charismatic, sympathetic and intelligent, these black characters function in ways that mere stereotypes never could by both expanding the sometimes constricted perception of non-black viewers towards racial minorities (thus facilitating communication and a better understanding between racial groups) and helping to inspire the previously-stated traits among their own viewers, thereby providing minority youths, specifically those living in impoverished or hostile environments, with positive role models. In regards to this last element, Sisko, a dynamic leader and caring parent, personifies this ideal.
The relationship between Sisko and his son, Jake, is one of the most satisfying aspects of DS9. Loving, emotionally mature, and far from perfect, their relationship reflects the tragedies and joys which constitute family life.
The pinnacle of the Sisko/Jake relationship (so far) is, without a doubt, The Visitor, a tour de force episode brimming with passion and melancholy. Watching this episode left me proud of the intensity of the love shown between this black father and son, and in tears at the eloquence with which the show handled the poignant and universal themes of disillusionment, obsession, aging, loyalty, love and loss.
Aside from The Visitor, DS9 regularly boasts touching moments of natural interaction between black father and son, all of which make the show a privilege to watch. Just some of these moments include Sisko's overt show of affection for his son, Jake's wisdom in helping his father deal with romantic troubles and the manner in which father and son nave helped each other cope with the death of Sisko's wife.
Some readers may not understand why am I making such a big deal about DS9. After all, science fiction has featured blacks in prominent roles for years. Let me be blunt. There is a word for programs which strategically place one minority character in their ensemble. It's called tokenism. Yes, tokenism fulfills the "visibility" quotient for black characters. However, it fails at the larger task of presenting black characters who possess emotional depth and resonance. Black characters without such traits are cyphers, hollow representations which belittle the true intellectual and emotional capabilities of blacks.
Program creators and viewers who point to token blacks as examples of racial progress inadvertently court cultural hypocrisy. Because token black characters are the norm to which non-black viewers are exposed, they are harmful and destructive road-blocks on the march towards racial equality.
DS9, in contrast, allows its black characters to deal with issues usually reserved for white characters in white-dominated prestige dramas like ER. These issues include: the sacrifice of putting duty before love (For The Cause), the pressures of command (To The Death), the joys of parenthood (Explorers) and even conquering the Earth (Our Man Bashir). White characters that clearly dominate the television landscape have been allowed to cope with these issues for years. For black viewers, seeing themselves portrayed as real flesh-and-blood characters who cope with and ultimately solve life's great challenges is a rarely enjoyed breath of fresh air.
In addition to presenting well-rounded black characters, DS9 presents blacks interacting and succeeding in a multi-racial world. Most black shows, especially black sitcoms, feature an all-black line-up. The characters find success and stature, but only among other blacks. The insidious implication which arises, intentionally or not, is that blacks can succeed among their peers, but not in the real world where it counts, DS9 shatters this antiquated notion by presenting black characters who successfully interact with people of all races, colors and creeds.
Considering its positive impact, it is all the more tragic that DS9, one of the best shows on television, is currently one of the least watched. For those in the 'cultural majority' who have yet to latch on to the DS9 phenomena, I invite you to sample what this well-made, thought-provoking science fiction program has to offer. To black viewers who crave quality television, I urge you to give this remarkable program a try. You might be surprised at what you find: a little piece of yourself.
ERIC WALLACE is a former Army brat and a freelance screenwriter living in Los Angeles. Since his escape from the rural South, he has become a much friendlier person.
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yamujiburo · 19 days
do you think delia still checks in on molly hale or meets up with them since her dad was a good friend of hers? (i really love pokemon movie 3 😭)
Ya! I have a bunch of hcs about that here's some posts
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theres-a-body-here · 7 months
Overwatch match interactions with a StandUser!reader
The Reader's stand is 「The World」 Characters: Lucio, Cassidy, Tracer, Echo, Reinhardt TW: None
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Pregame Lobby
Tracer and Reader, coincidentally in unison: "Time is on my side!"
Tracer, confused: "Huh?"
Reader, thinking: "Hmmm"
Tracer and Reader, in unison again: "Time is on OUR side!"
Reader, holding in a chuckle: "Lucio, I Iove your music. It sounds even better when time is stopped"
Lucio: "Awww, thanks"
Lucio, slowly realising: "..."
Lucio: "Hey...wait a second"
Cassidy, curiously: "So uh...(Y/N), how would I go about getting me one of them Stands?"
Reader, nonchalantly: "Well, I got 「The World」 after i was stabbed in the heart with an arrow"
Cassidy, uneasily: "...I think I'll stick to my gun"
Echo, curiously: "How do you breathe when time is stopped"
Reader, caught off guard: "I... Huh..."
Reader, sheepishly: "I've actually never thought of that before. I'm not sure myself"
Reader, exhausted: "Reinhardt, for the last time, no. You can't arm wrestle with 「The World」"
Reinhardt, laughing boisterously: "Come on, my friend. Don't tell me you're worried it'll lose"
Reader, huffing: "Nuh uh"
After Reader uses their Ultimate (Stop Time)
Friendly Tracer, confused: "Hey! Where'd ya go?"
Enemy Tracer, giggling to herself: "Looks like (Y/N) is near"
Friendly Lucio, excited: "Oh man! He did the thing!"
Enemy Lucio, uneasily: "Wha...What just happened?"
Friendly Cassidy, under his breath: "There he goes again"
Enemy Cassidy, cautious: "He's close, I can feel it"
Friendly Echo, in awe: "Fascinating..."
Enemy Echo, in her team comms: "My systems have detected an anomaly in time, be wary"
Friendly Reinhardt, shudders: "I don't think I'll ever get used to that"
Enemy Reinhardt, confused: "When...did he?"
They eliminate enemy Reader
Lucio, teasingly: "World stop... Carry on"
Cassidy, teasing: "Maybe ya weren't so worthy after all"
Tracer, giggling: "I guess even time plays favorites"
Echo, prideful: "Temporal equilibrium restored!"
Reinhardt, boasting: "No Stand required"
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wildissylupus · 2 months
The fact that it's implied that Cassidy supports Moira's research just not her methods is so interesting to me. Whenever Moira and Cassidy interact, Cassidy never mentions Moira's research or tech as the reason for his dislike, even saying "This alchemy's not so bad." when fully healed by Moira. Which honestly makes sense considering Cassidy's own history and knowledge on what something like Moira's research could be used for.
The thing that makes him not like Moira is her methods, not only does Moira hurt people with her research, she is also slowly killing herself and is following in the same steps as Omnica and Lucheng. Scientific progress at too fast a rate will end in death and catastrophe. This is something Cassidy not only knows from his own past, but likely something he learnt from Mina, someone who also didn't like Moira likely because of her own experiences with Omnica and the consequences of her own research.
There are so many layers to Cassidy and Moira's dynamic and no one talks about it!
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I find Trevor from shameless the most frustrating characther.
When he first introduced, I really liked him, the way he could really help Ian explore life outside of his southside world and more of the LGBT world was interesting. And I love the actor who plays him, but his character just did not work, and I know why. It was bad writing. (Also, I have to admit I didn't feel the chemistry between the actors, even if they were both playing their roles well.)
Now, first off, I think that Shameless really dropped the ball in writing new characters after season 5 or 6. Especially love interests. In the early seasons, all the Gallagher's interests were people outside of their relationship with a Gallagher. Love or hate them. I could tell you plenty about them, and they interacted and had storylines outside of their love interest.
I mean, think of Karen, Jimmy, Mandy, Shelia, Mickey and even Svetlana.l. They were all interesting outside of just being a love interest, and they all had personality and backgrounds. I really think Shameless lost that in their later seasons writing.
See Kelly, Trevor, Tammi, Caleb, Ford and Cassidy for example. It felt like they purely existed to only further thier LIs storyline. Even the writing of Mickey, when he returned as a main character, wasn't as in-depth as it was in either early seasons.l and just seemed to be more to drive storyline and comedy than in-charachter for him
So, back to Trevor. I wanted to like him, and I did for his first few episodes, but his writing frustrates me so complelty. I think as a person who also works in social services, his actions and contradictions make no sense. So in the episode that Mickey comes back when Ian goes to see him, he is really busy because his trying to place a kid. And when he thinks if he can't, he says he may have to just let them crash on his couch. Which pinged me as completely inappropriate as a social services worker as you can never have a child just say on your couch like that as you are crossing so many professional boundaries and as he rightfullylayer says can give the wrond ide. But in S8, when Ian has that girl stay over, he (rightfully) tells Ian that is completely inappropriate and then gets really mad at him for it, which just made him annoyingly hypocritical.
He is apparently working with at risk youth and abused kids, yet he tells Ian that Monica is trying and to give her another chance as Ian is being unfair to her, that he is being to hard in her. Crazy. I could not think of a single person in this job who would have that attitude towards neglectful or problematic parents. Because anyone in this job would know setting boundaries is healthy and that anyones trauma is thiers to feel how they feel about. Same with the way he treats Ian's grief after losing Monica. When he takes him to the place with the chubby guys, they lost me completely.
Then we have the idea that Ian was clearly sprialing later in S8 and going off his meds, but Trevor seems unaware even though anyone could see it let alone someone with any kind of training.
His writing is just so bad and seems literally to be only to serve Ian's storyline and screw his character development outside of that. Especially in S8. Then he doesn't even appear at Ian's court preceding and just disappears
I think he could have been good for Ian. And I think with the lack of chemistry I felt between them maybe they should have just been friends after the whole cheating thing. And maybe it's the fact that Cameron's chemistry is off the charts with Noel that made it really feel like he had none with Caleb or Trevor but that doesn't make up for bad writing. I get that writing a new post-Mickey love interest is hard after how much fans love him, but the writers can only blame themselves for that too as the never wrote a good ending storyline for a loved charcther they though was leaving for good at end of S5.
Shameless really lost a lot for me when they stopped writing their supporting character as interesting people outside of their relationship.
Trevor is my example charcther of that. That actor deserved better.
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bisexual-ashe · 2 years
the way that now i have my lil ic rp/ask blog thing for five im straight up tempted to make one for ashe too..
but like. the overwatch fandom is borderline non-existent so i dont think anyone would follow LMASDKDJFKSD
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cookieruma29 · 9 months
What are Cass and Evs personalitys like in vengeful Greg au/golden hour?
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The personalities of Cassidy and Evan are polar opposites . When Evan was still alive, he avoided interactions with others and remained quiet, believing that people would like him solely because his dad owned a pizzeria and they would be able to get free pizza. Cassidy doesn't have many friends, despite being a talkative person. Although they did became friends, but after the bite of 83 Cassidy spent much of his time in her home. During the time they are together in Golden Freddy, they developed a strong desire to exact revenge on the person responsible for all of the killings and the initial cause of the problems. Even though they both still have resentment, in security breach they will help kids escape from murderers, like assisting Gregory in figuring out how to stop Vanny and anybody else who was assisting her, so together they could ultimately put an end to the evil. Sorry for not making it clear, the name of the au is vengeful Evan au since the main focus of this au is Evan's resentment and fury, but my attention right now is on them assisting Gregory in security breach.
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doombum · 11 months
Ok, this is a longer post than I planned, but I love thinking about Mike's relation to children and how he ended up with so many kids despite never expecting to have any.
I just like the idea of Mike being very adamant about not ever wanting to have children up until Cassie enters his life and then he ends up taking care of like 10+ children. They just keep popping into his life, he has no idea how it keeps happening.
Like, he's spend his childhood forced to take care of his younger siblings (and even though he loved them, it was very taxing on him and he feels like he failed enormously at it, considering they both died "because of him") and now he's scared of failing whatever child he might have. And of course, he's terrified of turning into his father and ending up hurting his kids, so he just decides that he doesn't want to have any at all, and he makes it very clear to Jeremy when they get together.
Jeremy is a bit sad about it because he loves the idea of a big family, but he understands where Mike is coming from and it's not really a deal-breaker for him so he goes with it. Though he is a bit sad for Mike anytime he sees him interact with kids, especially in one of the restaurants when they have the occasional dayshift because he's actually very good with them (both before and after getting scooped too)
But then, Cassie enters their life after Phone Guy dies in Fnaf 1, and they get custody of her because they are her godfathers and Mike is scared of screwing up, but he can't just let her end up in an orphanage. So they take her in and she changes his life entirely. He loves her so much and he would die (again) for her. He's very protective and he's so grateful to have her in his life. (Jeremy is so enamoured with him and loves seeing the two of them interact)
And then Cassie becomes friends with Gregory, and after they all find out he's been abandoned by his parents and living in the street, they take him in too. And it's so easy to fall into a routine, and Mike finds himself happier than he's ever been.
But it doesn't even end at that, because after Mike freed the Missing Children in Fnaf 3, they get attached and end up staying with him and Jeremy on and off (even more so as Susie/Chica is in fact Jeremy's little sister and she is glad to be reunited with him)
Cassidy is more wary of him at first, but they quickly get along anyway. Evan is just excited to be with his big brother again, even if they're a bit awkward at first.
And then UCN happens, and they find Liz and Charlie, who end up coming along with their ragtag family too after some tears and revelations.
And Mike and Jeremy end up having a house full of kids out of nowhere and neither of them would change that for anything in the world. The ghosts mostly come and go, but they still consider them as parental figures and Mike definitely cries when they all prepare something special for him on father's day.
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nitewrighter · 1 year
Overwatch Interactions I'd Like to See
Questwatch Edition
Emily: *looking over Cole's character sheet and frowning* mm...
Cassidy: What? Can we not have guns?
Emily: *dragging her hand down her face with a sigh* ...yes, you can be a gunslinger. It's a subclass of fighter.
Cassidy: I'll venture to say you don't seem thrilled about my character sheet.
Emily: The whole point of Role Heroes is you can be whoever you want to be! You can be anything! This character is just... you!
Cassidy: Hey, I'll have you know that Bole Bassidy's hat has a feather in it. So it's like... old timey 'n shit.
Tracer: *physically holding Emily back from throttling Cassidy* Okay, how about we take a couple minutes to workshop?
Emily: *looking at miniature figurines* ...you made all of these?
Torbjörn: Well, not the figurines themselves, mind. I just paint them. Calms me down. Now I don't go for all that gaming whatnot myself, mostly I just like lining them up and such. But I figured you could use 'em.
Emily: Honestly they're beautiful. I'm sure I'll find a way to work them into the campaign. We'll do our best to take care of them, right Lena?
Tracer: *clacking figurines together* Raagh! Graaaagh! *makes explosion noise* Reeee! *catches herself* Sorry, what?
Lúcio: I perform song of valor!
Emily: *rolls dice* All right your team is going to have a plus 4 to attack for their next four turns.
Lúcio: Cool! *takes out a soundboard and starts playing a beat*
Emily: What...?
Lúcio: It's the song of valor!
Emily: Did you... write songs for the campaign?
Lúcio: Was I not supposed to?
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regaliasonata · 12 days
for the send me a show : the whole of Disney era of pr
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1.)Ninja Storm
Fav Character: We know this already its Dustin, he really is loveable and whether people like or dislike the season they aren't allowed to hate him
Fav Female Character: Very much enjoyed Tori and her interactions with the team, I think she worked well as the first female blue alongside being a freaking water elemental like she's underrated as hell.
My OTP: Hunter/Dustin, I have this in the morning, lunch and dinner. Honestly need to stop making doomed scenarios for them, love it better when they are happy with each other.
My NOTP: Nothing really tbh that i can think, I guess I'm not too huge on Marah/Dustin unless they are only platonic, Tori/Cam is a no go unless it's like poly.
My Other Ships: we love Cam/Shane in this house and Tori/Blake(add Kapri in the mix sometimes). Not a ship per se but firm believer Lothor dated some of the men in the academy back in the past, I mean it was an all guys school before Miko.
My Least Favorite Character: None really.
My Favorite Episode: The Wild Wipeout
Who I Would Date Off The Show: Dustin, Shane, Hunter, could alternate. I'm more Dustin coded so I'd fit right in😭
2.)Dino Thunder
Fav Character: Trent and Ethan, both goated characters in my book
Fav Female Character: We love Kira and Cassidy.
My OTP: Conner/Trent or Conner/Trent/Ethan/Kira where Trent in both of those is being loved and held closely at all times
My NOTP: unless it's poly I'm not really a big fan of Kira/Conner unless they are platonic ngl. Tommy/Elsa is more of laughs instead of love for me.
My Other Ships: Conner/Ethan is a really good one and anything involving Cassidy/Devin/Trent is fun(thank you @augment-techs for this). Also rare but with how the episode ended with them making up I kinda have a Derrick/Ethan one where Ethan shows him more science.
My Least Favorite Character: Unsure if I have one tbh..
My Favorite Episode: Lost in Translation and Thunder Storm, also bummed it was the last time we saw the Ninja Storm team outside of Tori, 20 years since…
Who I Would Date Off The Show: Conner could be handled well but I'd have to keep him informed on things not to say out of pocket and Trent and I would get along well together with our artsy sides(unsure if Anton would approve of me but let's guilt trip him)
Fav Character: Bridge is peak
Fav Female Character: I love me some Syd and a firm believer that she should've become a red ranger
My OTP: Sky/Jack is cute along with Jack/Bridge/Sky
My NOTP: None tbh, I think there are a good amount of options for everyone here.
My Other Ships: Sky/Nick would've been chaotic if Mystic Force got their crossover. The nepotism in this one is powerful, Cruger/Merrick/RJ/Zen-Aku cause howl☠️☠️☠️
My Least Favorite Character: not a character but Sky's attitude at the beginning, he became better as we went on but Mrs.Tate should've arrived and smacked him across the head
My Favorite Episode: TBD but abridged is pretty good imo
Who I Would Date Off The Show: Jack is hot but he'd spite me for being taller than him, Sky I could get around along with Bridge.
4.)Mystic Force
Fav Character: Chip is undefeated
Fav Female Character: We stan Vida in this house for obvious reason.
My OTP: Vida/Necrolai is awesome and will never not be iconic, Daggeron/Xander kinda got me thinking lately(both pairings rival each other).
My NOTP: Leelee with anyone on the team.
My Other Ships: Nick/Sky, We shall not break up Udonna/Leanbow unless they are widows☠️
My Least Favorite Character: Don't have any but whoever was picking on Xander for his accent as a child needs to be dealt with, if Chase was in this universe he'd comfort Xander
My Favorite Episode: Dark Wish is awesome and legend mode is epic as hell
Who I Would Date Off The Show: Xander and Daggeron would be at the top of my list, getting magic'd all over the place if a catch my drift☠️
5.)Operation Overdrive
Fav Character: Mack is adorable
Fav Female Character: Rose a genius, an icon and is the moment
My OTP: Mack/Tyzonn works well, Will with anyone on the team works as well
My NOTP: Nothing much but Rose seems more into girls, like ships with the guys are okay but she definitely kisses the ladies
My Other Ships: Hear me out, Andrew/Tarrick as doomed fathers...but who's the wife in this situation?
My Least Favorite Character: no least favorite character but I hate how some of the Fandom is rude to Samuel Benta but doesn't have the same energy for ASJ
My Favorite Episode: TBD
Who I Would Date Off The Show: Mack and Tyzonn could work for me.
6.)Jungle Fury(MY SHOWWW)
Fav Character: arguably it's RJ, funny mentor, skilled, purple, werewolf, hot as fuck
Fav Female Character: Lily and Camille are epic, also standing ovation to Anna Hutchinson's acting cause her voice range is wild.
My OTP: Casey/RJ...I've been on this app for threeish years we all know this, along with Casey/Jarrod. THAT TWINK HAD EVERYONE IN SHAMBLES.
My NOTP: Casey/Lily, unless you have a poly thing going on keep them separated cause she's like a bigger sister tbh.
My Other Ships: Theo/Lily, Jarrod/Camille, Fran/Dom along with RJ/Merrick cause I love those wolves together.
My Least Favorite Character: Dai Shi's a punk ass bitch for fumbling the greatness of Camille
My Favorite Episode: The Phantom Beast arcs as a whole since we got more of the awesome showcase of the rinshi beasts along with Jarrod and Camille's beautiful rinzin forms. Also the penultimate episode with Casey saving Jarrod and fighting Dai Shi like...so selfless yet fans say he was a crybaby and had no character development??? Sure okay.
Who I Would Date Off The Show: Casey, RJ and Jarrod.
Fav Character: Ziggy
Fav Female Character: Dr K is innocent of all crimes and we protect her.
My OTP: Ziggy/Dillon is so adorable along with Scott in the mix, Flynn pretty much with anyone works as well in my eyes
My NOTP: I guess it's okay but I'm not a big fan of Dillon/Summer.
My Other Ships: rare but the idea is Flynn/Trent with the idea Gemma introduced them during the crossover.
My Least Favorite Character: Fuck Venjix for making not only their lives worse but any ranger teams in this universe.
My Favorite Episode: TBD
Who I Would Date Off The Show: At the same Scott and Flynn, separately Dillon cause I'd like to be the sunshine for him(but also cause he could protect me).
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