#and then suddenly having this brilliant scientist blushing at you
thicctails · 11 days
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billfiddlestan is losing the poll so here's some shameless wip propaganda. see my vision goddamn it
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
Not Exactly Cinderella Part 1
WC: 1350
CW: mildy raunchy talk
Wally still didn’t really get why Dick hated galas so much. The outfits were a little stuffy, but Dick always looked amazing in them and these days he found ways to have fun with the looks. The people could be stuck up, sure, but there were always lots of Waynes and other supes to talk to. And the galas could drag on a little, but Dick was amazing at finding dark corners to duck into and make out in.
The worst part, really, was the photos going in. That was mostly because Wally felt so utterly inadequate standing next to Dick, but he doubted Dick had any issue with that part. Still, every time that Dick begged Wally to come along with him to one, he acted as if he was going to his execution. For a guy who fought crime and had literately been at his own attempted executions before, it felt a little extreme.
“You know, we could still have the driver turn around,” Dick suggested hopefully.
“Put those baby blues away because we really, really cannot,” Wally said, but he softened his words by reaching out to twist their fingers together. “You have to be at this one, babe. Part of what they’re trying to raise funds for is your idea.”
Dick groaned and let his head fall back against the the black leather seat. It made Wally want to lean over and kiss along that length of neck as beautifully highlighted by the passing neon lights as it was, but he managed to resist. Dick really shouldn’t be marked up before photos.
(Which was a shame.)
“Hey, I’m with you at least?” Wally offered. He knew it was paltry compensation, but it was at least something.
“You are. Thanks for coming,” Dick said. He lifted their hands to press a kiss to the back of Wally’s hand. “I know—”
“Hey, I’ve said it lots before. I don’t mind coming to the galas with you at all. Where else am I going to get to eat so many tiny foods?”
“Tiny food is overrated.”
“It’s the best.”
“Speedsters,” Dick said, rolling his eyes.
Wally elbowed Dick for saying ‘speedsters’, even if the driver wasn’t supposed to be able to hear them right then. Dick, of course, was completely unrepentant and just stole a quick kiss instead as the car rolled to a stop.
Dick took a deep breath. “Okay, time to look pretty, Wally.”
Wally’s ‘easy for you to say’ was lost to the sounds of flashing cameras and shouted questions as the door opened and Dick stepped out. Wally tamped down the urge to fidget and took Dick’s hand, joining him in the lights and noise.
For the most part, Wally was glad that he wasn’t expected to contribute to the conversations as they made their rounds at the gala. He got the basic ‘how are you’ or ‘so what is it you do’, but really no one wanted to know, not unless he ran into other scientists. Wally knew he could be a bit… much to talk to, so he let Dick lead for all the important conversation. Wally figured he could slip off to talk to the other nerds later, if they were around, but he’d stick by Dick for the first part at least. This obligation would probably wind down soon, even those coming in fashionably late had arrived by now.
Wally scanned the crowd as they headed up to the second floor to make sure they had caught everyone they needed to. Ah, there were some people he recognized from WE Research, as well as some new faces. They looked like they were having a good time. The group laughed and one of the people Wally didn’t know, turned with the act and looked over the crowd too. For just a moment his eyes and Wally’s caught.
His smile was brilliant.
Suddenly Wally found himself tipping forward, toe caught on the step. Only Dick’s quick reaction time saved Wally’s face from meeting the marble.
“Shit, Wally, you okay?” Dick asked, clutching Wally tightly to him.
Wally buried his blushing red face into Dick’s shoulder. “I’m fine.”
“Okay,” Dick said, drawing the word out. He guided Wally upstairs and into one of those dark corners, not taking his bracing hand off Wally’s back. Voice quiet, he asked, “Is it something from the… work issue earlier today?”
“No,” Wally said, but his word was muffled by the his hands pressed over his warm face. “I didn’t get hurt.”
“Okay,” Dick said again.
“Stop saying okay. It’s nothing. I’m just being… ugh.”
“Walls, sweetheart,” Dick pried Wally’s hands away from his face, holding them gently, “you’re worrying me a little here.”
Wally sighed. “I tripped because a cute guy smiled in my direction, alright?”
“What?” Dick asked. He covered his laughter with their clasped hands.
“I tripped because I’m an idiot and got flustered when a cute guy smiled my way.”
Dick pouted, still snickering. “You’ve never tripped up because of my smile.”
Wally just stared at Dick.
He couldn’t believe it. “Do you really not know how many walls I ran into because of your smile, Dick?”
“No.” Dick was grinning now, bright and wonderful. “Give me a number here. Ten? Twenty?”
“So many, Dick, so many. So no getting jealous, you’re still way in the lead.”
Dick sobered instantly. He reached out and caught Wally’s wrist again, running his fingers along that too fast Speedster’s pulse. “Hey, no, you think I’m being jealous?”
Wally just shrugged. He did and he didn’t. He really didn’t know what to think. He didn’t think Dick was the jealous type, but it hadn’t exactly been put to the test. When this thing between them had turned from fooling around into something more they had agreed on an open relationship and worked out the details. And Wally would talk about someone being hot, sure, but they were always someone unobtainable. It’s Dick who had actually gone out and dated, or at least slept with, other people.
“Oh sweetheart, no,” Dick murmured, closing the distance between them to nothing. “I was just teasing. I think it’s adorable that his smile made you stumble— and at a ball too! That’s some real fairy tale stuff right there.”
“Okay, but fairy tales usually ended pretty horrifically,” Wally pointed out, though he could feel his own smile tugging at his lips.
Dick rolled his eyes. “Alright, a Disney style fairy tale then.”
Wally’s nose wrinkled. “Too wholesome.”
“Picky, picky, picky. An adult film knock off of a Disney story?”
“Dick!” Wally laughed and gave the other a little shove. The bastard didn’t even budge.
“Sorry,” Dick said without sounding sorry at all. “Come on, let’s go talk to him.”
“What?!” Wally squawked. “No! Dick, no, why?”
“Because you thought he was cute. It can’t hurt.”
“Yes it can! He’ll talk to me and…”
Wally looked down at their feet, scuffing his banged up toe around. “He’ll, I don’t know, get bored of me? Or at least it won’t go anywhere.”
Dick ducked down so he could see Wally’s eyes. “Hey, no, sweetheart, why do you think that? You’re a catch.”
“I’m pretty sure only you think that,” Wally said.
“Lies,” Dick said, giving Wally a peck. “I’ll prove it. Come on, let me be your ‘wing man.”
Wally snorted at that.
“You know I’m a great ‘wing.”
“You are,” Wally said, unable to help the fond smile.
“Then come on. I know all your virtues, including how good you are at blow jobs. Let me extol them.”
“Dick! You are not telling a stranger I’m good at blow jobs!” Wally hissed.
“But you are.”
“Yeah, I am, aren’t I?”
Dick backed up, tugging Wally out of the nook. “We’ll do a quick pass up here and then go find him. See if we can’t get you lucky.”
“I was supposed to get lucky with you tonight,” Wally reminded him.
Dick just shrugged, still smiling. “I’m not going anywhere, sweetheart. I’ll still be around after you have some fun.”
AN: So I didn't really have anything else that fit Tooth-Rotting Tuesday in my current wips (not where they were at least) and somehow this got in my brain soooo.... hopefully you enjoyed it?
I love how gung-ho Dick is about getting his boyfriend laid. His plan is to get them started flirting and then just slip away. But will he be able to pull that off?
Sorry for any mistakes. A pressure migraine on top of my other migraine rolled in with the front yesterday so I am KOed.
Stay delightful darlings!
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mysticalbookkeeper · 6 months
Villainous, Performing the song “Respectless” from Hazbin Hotel
(A script)
(Dr. Flug walks up to a large table in a meeting room in an office building hidden in Hatsville and takes a seat at the head and different villains from different Cartoon Network shows sit all around the table as well)
Dr. Flug: Welcome, members of Black Hat Organization. I’ve ordered you all here because you represent villains all throughout the globe.
Dr. Flug: Together you are millions of souls. Souls at risk of getting slain by heroes with their new extermination policy code.
(Dr. Flug slams a fist down on the table determinedly)
Dr. Flug: We need to discuss what can be done with these so called “heroes” and minimize the impact to our interest.
(HIM takes a seat next to Dr. Flug, surprising the scientist)
Dr. Flug: HIM, so good to see you my friend.
HIM: (giggles) Charmed as always my dear Dr. Flug.
Dr. Flug: (neck reddens in a blush and turns to see Black Hat seated nearby, grinning) Sir? What are you doing here, you never come to these meetings.
Black Hat: Yes I know, I’ve been neglecting these meeting for a long time, I’m sure you’ve all been wondering.
Dr. Flug: No, not really, Sir.
Black Hat: (scowls at Flug) Remind me later to shove you down a Lion’s throat later back at the manor.
Dr. Flug: (sighs) Duly noted sir. Well, welcome to the meeting in any case.
(Black Hat continues to glare)
Dr. Flug: (snaps his fingers and Him graciously gives him his clipboard and Dr. Flug paces at the head of the table)
Dr. Flug: This year’s extermination was brutal. The heroes seem to be gaining a bigger advantage on villains than even we at Black Hat manor can predict. But thanks to my brilliant calculations I was able to depict that at least ten percent of the villains in most populations have been lost. Which isn’t a lot, but things don’t seem to be getting any better. And with even more heroes coming into the fray and killing twice as quickly, I think it’s apparent to be…
(Suddenly, the door kicks in and Dementia walks in, talking on her phone)
Dementia: Yes, I got it One eyed Dorito, are you doubting me? Really? Me?! That’s what I thought. (Chuckles darkly) Yes, I know. They’re all a joke. Thank you B. Kisses darling.
(Dementia sits down and Flug glares at her angrily across the table).
Dr. Flug: Nice of you to join us, Dementia. Will your…colleagues be joining us?
Dementia: No, they have better things to do than listen to a whiny NERD who thinks he’s top shit.
(Dementia turns on the camera app on her phone and records Dr. Flug scowling at her and adds inappropriate images to her screen around the scientist)
Dr. Flug: Charming. (He turns his attention back to his clipboard) So, as I was saying, we need to discuss…
(Dr. Flug trails off as Dementia bounces in her seat and waves her hands in the air)
Dr. Flug: Yes, Dementia?
Demencia: On the topic of discussion…
(Demencia pulls out the head of a hero and tosses it onto the table, blood flying everywhere and everyone but Dr. Flug and Black Hat are repulsed by the display)
Black Hat: Ooh! Tasty!
(Dr. Flug glares at Demencia): Where did you get this?
Demencia: We found it during one of our routine “check ups” in Gravity Falls just shortly after a gnome had been killed there. Couldn’t bother to remember the old ceramic fart’s name. If these stupid heroes can be killed, the game has changed.
(Demencia climbs onto the table and walks around as she speaks)
Demencia: We can take the fight to them! Wouldn’t you agree, Oh, Lordship who doesn’t bother raising a finger against these heroes, because he’s too…cowardly?
(Black Hat hisses at Demencia and she backs off, laughing mockingly)
Demencia: The gang and I have come up with a full assault plan.
(A loud echoing giggle sounds out through the room)
HIM: If it’s true that you and your colleagues desire to war with such meagre proof, then you are far more…foolish than I thought.
Demencia: (scoffs) Meagre proof? It’s a dead fucking hero! I’d say that’s pretty definitive. You going blind old man?
HIM: We do not know how this hero was murdered. Maybe it wasn’t even by a villain’s hand at all. If we rush to war without knowing, wouldn’t they purge all villains for daring to uprise?
(All the other villains murmur in agreement and Demencia noticed Flug get a little sweaty and shift his eyes away)
Dementia: Oh, I get it. So gay claw boy is to pussy to fight, so I guess there’s no point, right?
(HIM glares at Demencia and snaps his claws together in annoyance)
Demencia: Oh what’s the matter fossil? Too senile to make a REAL POWER GRAB for…
(Dr. Flug fed up, gets in Demencia’s face and begins to sing Respectless)
Dr. Flug: You better show some respect! Check your behaviour! Nobody speaks to HIM that way!
🎵 Did you expect us to sit back and take your, insolent brazen display?
Demencia: (laughs)🎵 you got it twisted! I’m not the one who needs a new attitude! Maybe you’ve missed it. But I’m the hashtag bitch and I will do nothing less than I please!
🎵Woo! I’m the backbone of the Vees! 🎵
Demencia: 🎵Mad that I acted Respectless? Well it’s because no one could respect this!
(Demencia walks across the table): 🎵 Sorry group attending! Since when are overlords to scared to fight?
🎵You’re long passed trending! Sorry bae, but I ain’t swiping right! You’ve lost your relevance!🎵
HIM: 🎵We can’t act without more intelligence.
Demencia: 🎵Ugh! No wonder I’m so Respectless, I could eat you lot for breakfast!
Dr. Flug: 🎵 You and the Vees are inane and uninformed! Smug wannabes who don’t heed when you’ve been warned!
Demencia: 🎵Oops! Did I strike a nerve? Because when I pulled out the hero’s head, couldn’t help but observe! That your whole face was turning red!
Demencia: 🎵 And why are you avoiding war? That’s what the little gadgets you sell are for. Thanks to my being respectless, one thing I’m starting to suspect is, you know why this hero’s headless, do you have a disclosure?
Dr. Flug: 🎵This meeting’s over! 🎵
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afrenchaugurey · 2 years
Second post for today, a little snippet of my current WIP, a modern NewTina AU.
This one takes place a few weeks after Newt's birthday, when Newt and Leta reconnect after haven't seen each other since highschool.
It's not the best one, I wrote that on Wednesday, but that's all I have about Newt's birthday for now...
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Meanwhile, they had walked to an art gallery, and an almost religious silence had suddenly fallen between them as they began to admire the few pieces they could see from the outside.
“So, you say your work is inspired by hers ?” had finally asked Newt, in a whisper, as his body was almost shivering as all the colors engulfed him, scratched on his skin and tinkled in his ears. Leta just nodded her head, quietly, almost imperceptibly, making him add “Then, I’ really love to see your work. Really. If you are agreeable, it goes without saying.”
Fighting against tears that would invade her eyes anyway, Leta hid them by rummaging through her purse, after another discrete nod. She took out a small package wrapped in some printed paper and gave it to Newt, all smiles.
“Happy birthday, Newt, I can’t believe I almost forgot !”
“Aww... Thank you. You didn’t have to, you know.”
“Well, I wanted to. And… it’s really nothing. Open it !”
As if it were the most precious thing on Earth, and maybe it was, Newt opened the paper, this symbol of their renewed friendship, with caution and delicacy, to discover a tiny stuffed animal which looked like a platypus. Of course. He burst out laughing. A brilliant, exploding laugh, as vibrating as the oscillation of the crystal. “You didn’t…” he managed to say between two uncontrolled hiccups.
“Oh, yes, I totally did. Even if I wanted to, I could never forget about the platypus, and the fact that for years people thought he was a chimera. Or that he’s the only mammal to reproduce by eggs, and that, during the reproductive period the male is venomous, or... No, Newt, I don’t think I can forget. I don’t think I won’t ever forget… So, YES, I did.”
Newt blushed, hoping that the pale light of the night would hide this. This species had been one of his fixations during highschool. Hard one. “Thank you Leta. And sorry about that by the way.” His hands were methodically patting the little toy, running through its fur, his eyes locked on his own hands, his thoughts soothed by the soft and almost tickling sensation on the tip of his fingers.
She brushed off his words with her hand. “Don’t be. That’s some nice piece of trivia. Oh, he needs a name …”
It didn’t take long for Newt to decide. “Shaw. As George Kearsley Shaw who was the first scientist to make a description of the platypus at the end of the 19th century.”
“I see.” she laughed gently. “Now, I count on you to give me updates about him. So you won’t wait another more than ten years to talk to me again. We’re friends. I guess. I hope. I want pictures of him. I hope he’ll travel. I hope he’ll travel as much as this garden gnome in this French movie…”
“Amelie ?”
“Yes, that’s the one !”
“Well, I’m not an air hostess, and I don’t know any.” 
“So you’ll have to travel, as you once said you would...”
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kittybeewillows · 2 years
Collision Course Part 2 (A Modern AU Fic with Artist! Namor and Scientist! Shuri). Part 1 here.
Edit: got my ao3 account!! All updates will be there from now on. See the story here.
"Where the hell have you been?" Erik called out from under the aircraft's belly.
Shuri rolled her eyes. Her cousin had grown up in the United States, which explained a lot of his manners. 
Then again, he was right. She was indeed late. 
Shuri had promised him that she would help him fix his aircraft, which he affectionately called Killmonger. She hated the name and she never failed to remind him of how dark it is. 
"Cousin, you are not in a rush to go anywhere are you?" Shuri teased. If anyone else tried to make light of Erik's sentence, they would be met with her cousin's fists. 
Instead, Erik rolled out from beneath the machine and threw an oily rag at her. She swatted it away and smiled, getting to work. 
Erik was to remain landlocked in Wakanda after being caught smuggling vibranium out of the country. It was a political nightmare for T'challa, but deep down, Shuri understood why Erik did it. It would help countless other countries in need. In the end, T'challa also understood this eventually and initiated programs to help the outside world while keeping the world's only vibranium deposit secure. 
Shuri's thoughts trailed back to Namor. He was obviously not Wakandan, therefore he must have been one of the recipients of her brother's program. Which means he was a brilliant man in his field. 
She remembered his art. Scenes of a beautiful island with brilliant colors adorned the pages. Shuri has never seen color used that way.  There was no doubt that he was worthy to be one of the selected outsiders to visit Wakanda, for the betterment of both of their countries. Shuri allowed her thoughts to linger on his face a little more. His ears and nostrils were both pierced, adorned with jade of all things. He was a beautiful man.  A smile crept across her face without her noticing.
"You seem a little too happy today, cuz," said Erik, peaking from the window.
Shuri ignored his jab, but wanted to learn more about their nation's guests. 
"Did you see the cultural exchange fellows?" she asked, trying to remain as neutral as possible. 
"Nah, I don't have time for that," said Erik.
"You were supposed to be a consultant for the project remember? You're also partially the reason that they are here, cousin," replied Shuri. 
Erik smiled a little bit at that, but chose to reply with a question instead. 
"Someone new caught your eye?" he said. 
Shuri blushed, suddenly remembering a crooked smile and a fleeting handshake. Erik laughed. For one of the most brilliant minds in the world, Shuri was easy to read. Not that she made any effort to conceal herself or her feelings. 
But she will not have it from Erik today. 
Shuri raised a blowtorch and lit it. "Mind your business or Killmonger gets burn marks," she warned. 
That shut Erik up for once. 
As Shuri worked, she suddenly remembered that T'challa had invited her to the ceremonial dinner welcoming the foreigners. Shuri did not think much of it at first, as she usually did not like attending her brother's political engagements.
T'challa did not admit this outright but the dinner, and the program as a whole, was still political in essence. Her brother was pushing for an inclusive, open door policy, which was controversial in their once-hidden nation. If the program was successful, her brother could enact even more positive changes to the world, not just Wakanda.  
Of course then, it was suddenly clear to Shuri that she must go to the party. She must support her brother. 
It definitely did not have anything with the  man who had the most piercing brown eyes she had ever seen. 
(You guys, thanks so much to the positive response to my first drabble!!! I didn't expect it much from it. This time I wanted to explore Shuri's feelings. She is definitely more logical and rational than Namor, whereas Namor is rash and passionate. She is still a brilliant scientist who just happens to have mechanic skills on the side ofc. Some things don't change across the multiverse methinks. I also have loose ideas in my head of what I want to happen to certain characters other than Namor and Shuri but long story short, no one is dead here and everyone is a normal person trying their best in this version!!)
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ninjastormhawkkat · 1 year
It had been such a long day for Jenkins, it was absolutely heaven when he walked through his door and flopped right onto the couch. He was honestly so exhausted he didn't bother taking off his shoes or work clothes. Just enjoying sitting down in complete peace. He hadn't noticed that Joe was already home, who happened to come out of the kitchen to see what his boyfriend was up to. Jenkins had given him a tired smile, opening his arms wide open for Joe to pull him into a hug. He always loved Joe's hugs, they made him feel so safe. So very loved. Feeling himself melting against his gentle giant, Jenkins finally spoke up. "I see you've been busy as well, what were you up to in there?" Joe had glanced down at him, love and adoration for his partner were clear in his eyes. "You'll have to find that out when it's ready." Jenkins' smile grew, of course he would surprise him when he experienced a rather tiring day. He noticed there was a smear on Joe's face and reached out to wipe it off. It seemed he did it so suddenly that Joe had flinched and moved away slightly. Guilt immediately filled him, remembering exactly what caused his boyfriend to react in such a way. Joe had known what was bothering him, frowning. He knew the scientist wouldn't hurt him intentionally. It was truly just an instinctive reaction, nothing more. He pulled Jenkins in close, pressing many loving and tender kisses to his lips. Softly whispering praises to him. "You're sweet. You're kind. You didn't mean for what happened to happen. You're so loving. You're wonderful. Brilliant. And most importantly you're mine." This caused Jenkins to blush deep red, becoming breathless from the loving kisses and praises. Returning each kiss he received happily. "I love you. So much. I'm sorry, I still feel guilty." "Don't, please. I know you didn't mean to. I've forgiven you for a long time, you know this. I love you as well. I never want to cause you such sadness. You deserve happiness."
Daww yes. I love this. They are so sweet and cute together as a couple.
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myfanfictiongarden · 2 years
The Decisions We Make- Tarzan 1999
The sun is already far in the west when the sailors are done and they’re finally saying good-bye to the captain, this time for real. Most of the equipment they had two days earlier taken back to the ship was now again on shore or on the way to their previous camping ground, the silhouette of the ship slowly disappearing on the horizon, gliding on the glittering seas back home, back to England. It seems odd to think them nearly leaving as well, odd to have even considered going back to good ol´ London. There seems to be no going back now.
Dressed again in more simple attire, her yellow dress still being soaked from sea water, she is helping to set camp with the others, two tents already standing ready for the night, a whole troop of gorillas curiously inspecting every object present. Three little baby gorillas are currently trying to catch her bare feet as she is moving around, so she kneels down playfully trying in turn to come loose from their little fingers and strong grip. A shape appears from somewhere beside and soon Tarzan is crouching beside her, saying something to the little ones who in turn reply before letting go of her hair and skirt, running off to their mothers. 
“Thanks for saving me here. What did you tell them?”
“To leave you to rest.” He says and she has to smile at that.
“Hmm, I should have understood so much myself. I should really study ape better.”
“Your gorilla will be good. Baboon is different, but similar. Chimpanzee too. You will learn now when staying.” Her smile grows wider at these words, not only because of his encouragement and support, but also because of the progress he himself has made in mastering English.
“I certainly will.” It is interesting how we take things we grow-up with for granted, be it language or society, and often forget that somewhere there are whole worlds of different form, yet familiar aspects nevertheless.
Around them birds have started their evening song and he suddenly looks up to the skies before looking at the troop.
“Have to go. Night is coming. See Jane tomorrow?” 
“Of course! I´ll be here.” Hearing that he comes closer, resting his forehead on hers, only for a moment, a gesture of familiarity among apes, before pulling back and rejoining his family, leading them deeper into the jungle for the night, leaving her blushing behind.
The blaze of the campfire is spreading its warmth and light, around them shadows dancing with the flames, the fresh night air filled with countless scents. Stars are shining brilliant and clear in the skies, a peaceful evening in the jungle after a day of excitement. Jane and her father are enjoying the cool evening breeze after supper, the campfire crackling merrily in front of them.
“Did you like your supper? I tried to make something special today.” Jane asks her father while both are slowly sipping their tea.
“It was very good. Thank you dear.”
“An eventful day we had today.”
“Oh, yes! Quite eventful.”
“What a wonderful night daddy!” She cannot help but exclaim, her whole being ensured that no less perfect things can exist in this paradise. It is like she is walking on clouds, and the world is all a welcoming dream.
“Yes indeed, clear skies. What luck we had so far with the weather. Can you imagine how it will be celebrating Christmas without cold rain or snow? I dare say it will do some good for my old bones.” Her father answers joyfully, apparently just as enthusiastic to the prospect of lifelong tropical climate as one would be on finding a perfect establishment to stay in Bath. 
Suddenly, through his simple statement of their position, something else rings through to her, and she instantly hates herself for having not once thought about it the whole day. The rosy clouds are disappearing. This wasn’t just like a prolonged stay in Bath or Lime, this was permanent. 
“Oh, daddy!” Her heart full of emotions she throws her arms around her ageing father, a well renowned scientist who decided to jump of a boat that would take him back to the comforts of his London home and study in exchange for being with his silly daughter in the wilderness of the Dark Continent. How did it not dawn on her what it would mean for him? And yet he is here, a chaotic little camp his new home, a troop of gorillas his best company, and a daughter who will never be able to express just how much his eccentric decisions mean to her. 
Ever since her mother's passing years ago, father and daughter have been the most valuable comfort to each other, holding one other up on every occasion. Only reluctantly had Jane agreed on attending Finishing School, firmly convinced that her presence at home were more important than sewing and dancing lessons, but her father had always insisted on proper education and so she had packed her bags to spend the next two years only as a occasional visitor at her own home. In the end it wasn’t a decision she regretted, the three best friends she made there as well as the education living proof of it. Unable to support her father directly, she threw herself at anything the program had to offer, studying dancing, sewing and painting with the same fierceness as economy, math and housekeeping. The few lesson in natural sciences had not much to interest someone who, since able to walk, had with curiosity listened  to many a discussion of her father’s colleagues at their family home when ever a dinner was held, after having charmed even the most stoic of this wise men with her childishly curious mind, but the method of note taking taught was more organised then her father’s messy style and would come to good use. After the first three years of improvisation, and two years of half separation, upon coming back home she had made up her mind to bring all new acquired skills to good use. House was kept well, their home was a place of comfort.
Slowly, back in the present, with tears in her eyes she pulls way, his well worn hands finding her nimble young ones, holding them carefully.
“Now, now, Janey. No need for words. I know we’ll have a marvellous life here.” It is a statement simple in itself, yet holding so much meaning behind its words. Drying quickly her tears with the back of her hands she nods and smiles at her father encouragely. He had always been there for her, just as she will always be there for him.
“Sure we will. But for now it's getting late and you should get some rest.” 
“You’re right, you’re right, just gonna see the ambers burn down, but you go ahead.” With that he ushers her away and turns back to his already cold cup of tea.
“Good night daddy.”
“Good night dear.”
But being back in her now rudimentary furnished tent she can’t help but wonder in the night, lying in the dark, not even having turned on the petrol lamp to change dress, aware that its light has from now on to be considered precious. How long will their food provisions last, how long their health?
“Oh, mumsy, am I getting cold feet already?” She asks the night, not expecting an answer. An answer comes nevertheless, in the form of wind shaking through the trees, in sounds of many wonders all around in the high canopies, in all the calls of the jungle. All this sounds are a symphony, a melody her heart beats in tune with. And as she hears this, love awakens in her, love strong, love pure and guiding, for she remembers again why her heart yearns this way.
“You are right mumsy.”
Sleep soon finds her smiling, a determination firm in her heart to never let her strength falter in the face of doubt, and to love the paradise that is her new home.
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mrshipsmcgee · 2 years
A Lord & A Lady Part Three
TASM!Peter Parker x (fem) Reader
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4.3k words (warnings: mentions of blood and stalking)
Part One Part Two Part Four Part Five
Bridgerton AU (I didn’t edit have fun kids)
After what had happened in the garden’s at the Bridgerton estate, you and Peter went your separate ways; you with Lady Danbury as she escorted you back to her beautiful home and Lord Peter to the nicest gentlemen’s club in town with his old mates Anthony and Benedict Bridgerton for a night of drinking, pool and camaraderie. Just as you are dressing into your nightgown in the comfort of your room at Lady Danbury’s house, Lord Peter Parker is cheersing with his friends in a crowded club as men gamble around where the three friends sat huddled around a table in the corner of the room.
“Lord Peter Parker back after all of these years?” Anthony sighed, smiling as he reminisced about old times. “I feel as if I haven’t seen you since we were boys, Parker. I have missed you terribly - especially whenever I play pall mall during the summers since there is simply no one else apt to beat me remaining in London.” “Hey!” Benedict yells, just as he does a shot of liquor, wincing as he points to Anthony. “Anthony here does get beat in pall mall as of late.”
“By whom?!” Peter leans forward, starting to feel the effects of the alcohol he had been consuming, he turns his head towards the blue eyed man - squinting at him. “I am sorry, but it cannot be you, Benedict.”
Benedict winces, ”Ouch, Parker! Is that what you think of me?” He laughs, shaking his head as he points to his brother, “Tell him, Ant.” Anthony leans back into his chair, rubbing the pads of his fingers on his bottom lip. “My wife,” Anthony says in a whisper, followed by a drunken giggle. “I cannot wait for you to meet her. She is incredible - we met last season.”
“Do not let Anthony’s swooning fool you, Peter. They hated each other at first,” Benedict laughed. “But they use that vigor for something else now.” He danced his eyebrows at Peter - gaining a chuckle from him as Anthony slapped Benedict’s arm, “Oh do shut up, Benny.” Anthony wafted his hands away from his body before pointing drunkenly at his brother, “Ole Benny has his eye on someone,” Anthony slurs with a smile, “Tell him, Ben.”
Benedict blushes, wiping his palm over his face as he speaks, “Well..” “Well what?” Lord Peter chuckled, taking a swig from his liquor. “Who on this earth has the eye of Benedict Bridgerton?”
It is silent for a moment before Anthony blurts out, “Our old friend, the Duchess!”, quickly covering his mouth, brown eyes bouncing between the two men.
Peter’s heart seems to stop hearing your name. All he can mutter is, “What?” A deep ache seems to suddenly form in the pit of Peter’s stomach as he clears his throat, taking another sip from his drink. His brain feels as if it’s on fire.
Was it the alcohol?
Benedict wafts his arms away from himself, trying to laugh off the fact that he was blushing, “Enough, enough! Enough about me.. Where have you been since 1809, Parker?”
“I’ve been in New York, living in America. I interned under two incredible men, Professor Norman Osborn, a scientist hoping to cure people’s ailments - and Professor Otto Octavius, a brilliant man hoping to invent a machine that creates power rivaling the very sun that shines down on you and I,” Peter explains, taking another swig from his cup. He shakes his head quickly, grimacing - gaining a chuckle from his two mates.
“But why come back to London after all of these years?” Anthony asks, cocking his head to the side. “It cannot merely be to catch up with your old mates. Pete.” Peter hesitates, biting his inner cheek as he eyes Anthony. He places both of his hands on the table in front of him, as if to brace himself - his eyes look to the face of his wristwatch. “Oh, look at the time.. you two keep me out so late. My apologies. I hate to be a bore - but I must return to Lady Danbury’s estate, my Aunt May will be worried.”
Benedict and Anthony groan, throwing their heads back in a joking anguish as Peter stood, shaking both of the men’s hands. “How about we schedule a good game of Pall Mall soon, Bridgertons?”
“We must! Oh how I’ve missed you, Parker,” Anthony smiles, bringing Peter in for a hug, smacking his palm on his back before pulling Peter into a headlock. “And yes, we must schedule pall mall while you are in London so I can beat you like old times!”
“So I can give you another scar, eh?” Peter laughs as he and Anthony point to their matching chin scars. “Not if I give you one first, Parker!” Anthony says, bringing Peter into a headlock “I promise not to ram into you chin first again” he says, pulling away from his friend and waving at the two men as he exits the gentlemen’s club, drunkenly walking home to Lady Danbury’s home through the quiet town. Peter decides to enter through the back gate of the Danbury estate, strolling through the gardens and pausing just as he gets to the beautiful bluebells.
His calloused fingertips graze over the flower, feeling the soft petal against his skin. Peter shuts his eyes as he inhales the distant aroma of the bloom. Hyacinth. He can smell the alcohol on his breath.
The crispness in the air reminded him of the morning he found you standing by the bluebells when he and May had first arrived back into London. He remembers the way your nightdress looked just as dawn had begun to kiss away the darkness of the night. How you stood barefoot on the dewey grass before him.. The way you watched him as he spoke… How your eyes studied him - those beautiful eyes.
Peter’s brown eyes open as he grips the stem of the indigo flower, delicately pulling his own from the crowd of blooms and bringing it closer to his blurred eyesight. He held up the bluebell to the moonlight to better illuminate the beautiful shade of its petals. He hiccuped as his eyes shifted towards the window where you were staying, smiling to himself as he noticed you sitting at the window curled up with a book in your hands. The candelabra sitting beside you highlighted your beauty just perfectly.
Time slows down as Peter blinks, watching you from below as your eyes scan the pages, seeming to be completely enthralled with the literature in your hands. Peter remembers making fun of you for reading so much as children, but also knows that if it was not for you he most likely would not have a love for reading like he does today.
Peter hesitates for a moment as his arm falls to his side. He pulls his book from his back pocket and delicately places the bluebell flower on the page he had previously folded in order to keep his place in the novel. He shakes his head, smiling like a fool as he continues to stroll towards the back entrance of Lady Danbury’s home - keeping the book close to his chest.
Sarah hurries you to the carriage as soon as you are dressed and ready to promenade, shutting the small door behind her as she plops down on the seat across from you in the cart. “Lady Danbury will be right behind us. Her and Lady May have to deal with Lord Peter’s uh - ailments this morning.” The carriage takes off, the motion pushing you further into the seat beneath you as you look out of the window, watching the town pass you by.
“I should have known,” you sigh, turning to Sarah. “He was with Ant and Ben last night. Those three always get.. Well, we will just say they get into situations when together..” “Ever since they were boys, them three,” Sarah chuckles. “Do you remember whenever your Mama and Papa hosted the Bridgertons and Parkers the summer you turned eight? The boys were coerced by a then fourteen year old Viscount Bridgerton to sneak into your parents liquor cabinet late one evening.”
You let out a snort, interrupting Sarah as you politely covered your mouth, “And then the boys stole all of Mama and Papa’s liquor! Lord Peter and Sir Benedict were merely ten and twelve..”
“Oh, those three knew what they were doing because they wound up getting drunk on the lawn. Lady May and I found them the next morning, thanks to Sir Colin,” Sarah said just as the carriage came to a halt. “Lord Peter was the worst of the lot, that child.. He was like the dead; he had consumed so much gin.”
“I remember how the three of them tried to play it off as if they had eaten something that did not agree with them,” you watched as the carriage came to a halt, arriving at the flourishing park. “Lord Peter was to escort me this morning..” you say in a murmur.
Sarah perks up at your words, smiling widely, “Lord Parker was not still intoxicated this morning after all.. we thought it a joke. You mean to tell me you two fancy one another after all of these years?”
“I would not say that we fancy one another,” you watch as Sarah slowly exits the carriage, a footman holds his hand out to you with a bow. “Thank you, kind sir.” You bowed, turning back to Sarah as you say, “We merely appreciate the other’s company is all.”
Sarah made a face, unsure of your words as she squinted - opening up the umbrella she had in her hands and holding it over the two of you. “Let us promenade. Make sure to stay underneath the shade.” The two of you begin to walk through the park, people wave and bow - greeting you kindly as they pass you by.
The two of you approach a tent set up with a table and a few chairs surrounded by cushions and trays of food. You both sit and are served tea as men begin to approach the tent, swarming at a chance with you. Not only did you have a title, you were also this season’s Diamond, hand-picked by the Queen herself. No man in his right mind (or his mother) would pass up an opportunity with you. Not even..
“Ah, Sir Bridgerton!” Sarah smiles, patting the chair beside her as you turn, seeing none other than your dear old friend, Benedict Bridgerton standing before you with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. His blue eyes shine down on you as he flashes you a toothy smile. “Your Grace,” he bows. “Would you mind if I joined you two lovely ladies for tea?”
You raise an eyebrow at the man, crossing your arms as you smirk, “It depends, Ben.. Will I eventually become as indisposed as Lord Parker if I say yes?”
He pulls a chair out, sitting down beside you - giving you a devilish smirk as he whispers, “it depends.. would you like to become as indisposed as Lord Parker? Because I can make it happen.”
You cannot help but to blush as you uncross your arms, quickly sipping your tea. “How have things been for you since you are back in the city?” Benedict asks, preparing his tea. “How has this season been for you so far?”
“This season has proved to be a bit of a challenge considering I am hoping to find a love match and most of the suitors here just want a woman to give them an heir,” you say frankly, causing Benedict to choke on his tea. Sarah giggles. “Tell me, Benny - how has this season been for you so far?”
“Well, you see,” he sighs, looking up at the tarp of the tent hanging over him. “I too am to find a love match. Daphne lead the pack marrying the Duke her season. Then Anthony followed suit marrying Miss. Sharma his season. All love matches. And now it seems as if it is my turn to follow in my siblings footsteps.”
You meet his blue eyes, softly smiling as you nod, “A love match for Mr. Bridgerton, huh? Have you found her?”
Benedict smiles, licking the remnants of tea from his bottom lip as he whispers, “I haven’t yet, but I am hoping to - eager to.” You swallow back more tea, trying not to choke on it as he continued. “Someone educated, kind hearted and-.”
“Well hey there, Bluebell,” Peter’s voice boomed. You, Sarah and Benedict all look up to see Lord Peter standing with a book in hand. He smiles, trilling his fingers on the book as he asks, “Mind if I join you for three tea?”
“Uh-,” Benedict stammers, leaning back in his chair. “Of course,” you say with a smile as Peter plops down beside you. “Thank you, your Grace. Sarah,” he nods. “Thank you for the remedy you gave me this morning.” He looks to Benedict, “Benny, thanks for getting me to the point of needing Sarah’s famous remedy.”
“Whatever are you doing here, Parker?” Benedict asks.
“Has no one told you yet?” Peter says, preparing his tea. “The Duchess and I are courting. Openly - of course. But nonetheless courting now. Whatever are you doing here, Bridgerton?” Peter’s tone is a bit sharp as he taps off the tea onto the side of his cup.
“Oh- I-,” Benedict blinks, sipping on his tea as he eyes Peter. “I did not know. My apologies. My intentions were to ask you to tonight’s ball that is being hosted at Lady Danbury’s home.”
“Well, we will already be there, Benny,” Peter blurts out. “But you already knew that, correct?”
“Lord Parker,” you interrupt, side-eyeing Peter - confused at his tone. You turn to Benedict, smiling at him, “Lady Danbury was kind enough to offer Sarah and I to stay with her this season since my countryside home is so far away.”
“And kind enough to offer my Aunt May and I a place to stay at her estate as well,” Peter interjects, leaning back in his chair and throwing a plum up in the air, catching before he takes a large bite.
You place your palms on the table and look to Benedict, “I would love to have a dance reserved with you this evening, Benny. Would that be okay with you?” Benedict blushes, nodding - “I would love nothing more.”
Both you and Benedict turn towards Peter, who was staring Benedict down, plum juice dripping down his chin. “Well…” Benedict sighs, getting up from the table as he waves. “I feel as if I have overstayed my welcome. Sarah, Peter - thank you for tea. Your Grace, I am looking forward to our dance this evening.” He bows before walking away.
You turn towards Peter, scowling at him as you speak, “What on earth was that, Peter? You said you would help me find a love match. What could possibly be wrong with Benedict Bridgerton?”
Peter seems to roll his eyes at you as he takes a sip from his tea. “Peter? Have I done something?”
“You have done nothing,” he says quickly, seeming annoyed by the question. “There is nothing wrong with Benedict Bridgerton, I was just trying to act tough - make him feel the fire underneath him. After all you are looking for a love match this season,” Peter says, taking another bite from his plum. “You can dance with him all you want tonight, but in order to make our courtship seem legitimate we must at least share one dance this evening.”
“What if whatever this is with Ben is a potential love match, Peter?” You ask with a hopeful smile. Peter’s stomach turns in knots seeing you swoon over your childhood friend. “What do you mean?”
“What if you and I do not need this ruse further because of Benedict? What if he is the man I am to fall in love with?”
Peter wants to scream. He wants to stand up and flip the very table before him.
But instead Lord Peter Parker stands, bowing at you and Sarah and leaves promptly - turning back for nothing.
“What do you think I have done?” You ask, grunting as Sarah and Helen pull against you to tighten the corset of your gown. “Do you think that I said something?” You watch from the comfort of your bedroom as people start to crowd in the garden for Lady Danbury’s ball.
The garden was illuminated with chandeliers and candelabras - making the place glow yellow as music started to play.
“No ma’am, I do not think you did a thing,” Sarah says, adjusting the last bits of your gown and hair in the mirror. “He was most likely being a grump because of last night's shenanigans with the Bridgerton boys. Now - why don’t we get you downstairs, my lady?”
She places her cold palm on your shoulder, “You look so much like your mother. How I miss her so.”
You place your hand on hers, clearing your throat - “As do I, Sarah. I miss them all every day.” You pause, recalling the last time you saw your family before the accident. Tears form in your eyes remembering the way your father used to hug you, and how your mother smelled. You could still hear your brother’s voice even after all of these years.
The sound of Sarah clearing her throat pulls you from your thoughts as you flash her a smile, shaking off the emotions stirring in your chest. “Enough of this dreariness - they are most likely missing us down at the ball.”
The night was perfect. Women twirled around in their beautiful ball gowns and men wore their best suits, showing themselves off like peacocks to the debutants of the ton. Mothers schemed as they bumped their daughters and sons into the highest ranking singlites of London - hoping to win a prize of an inheritance and a title.
You were one of the greatest - if not the greatest prize to be won this season. Suitors crowded around you as Sarah and Lady Danbury chose from the lot. You would be led onto the dance floor over and over - time and time again, dancing with a strange man only to grow more and more uncomfortable as time passed.
“How many children can you give me?” This suitor asked, stepping on your toes as he danced you around. “I would love as many as possible.”
“And what of me?” You ask, grimacing up at the slender man. “What if I die having so many children?”
“Your duty as a woman would be fulfilled,” he spouts out. “And my duty-“
He stops, turning behind him and stepping away as Sir Benedict Bridgerton steps into his place. His warm smile immediately calms your nerves. “Your Grace, you looked as if you needed saving,” he giggled, adjusting his large palm onto the small of your back. “I apologize, mother needed me.” He said, bringing your hand into his as the two of you begin to dance. “But alas, I am here now. You shall fret no longer,” he jokes.
You smile widely up at the handsome man, “Yes. Alas, you are here now, Ben.”
The two of you dance not once but twice times in a row, laughing as you recall old memories of growing up together and diving into conversations about the future.
“Ah,” he laughs, holding his chest. “You have worn me out! Would you care if I spun off and got us a refreshment?” “I would love a refreshment, Ben. Thank you,” you smile.
Just as Benedict is out of view Lord Peter Parker appears out of the garden’s thick maze. His brown eyes seem to pierce yours from across the ballroom floor, shining brightly from the lights above. He seems to stalk you from across the floor, giving you his hand as he bows, “May I have this dance, your Grace.”
You hesitate, still confused by his abrupt exit during tea time at the park earlier. “Lord Parker,” you bow, placing your hand in his. Feeling your face flush as you look into his deep eyes.
The world seems to stop as he brings you into his strong arm, placing his large hand flat on your back as he brings your hand into his.
“Follow my lead,” he whispers. His breath hits your bare neck, sending chills over your body. “You - you didn’t call me by my name, Peter… no one can hear you right now.”
“My apologies, your Grace.”
He did it again. It wasn’t an accident.
“What did I do?” You ask, furrowing your brows at your friend as the two of you continue to dance. But he is silent. “Peter Parker!” You say with a shove, “Why are you being so horrible to me all of the sudden?! What on earth have I done to you?”
Peter looks shocked that you shoved him as he bows, dramatically holding his arms out as he turns - walking away from you yet again without a word.
You can’t tell if you are more furious or embarrassed as you turn on your heels and walk off of the ballroom floor and into Lady Danbury’s home. Sarah tries to chase after you as you ascend up the stairs and run towards your room in tears. But she is too late, reaching your room just as you slam the door.
Tears stream down your face as you start to rip away at your corset, stepping out of your extravagant dress - feeling as if you could scream. What on earth did you do to Peter Parker to make him act so rude?
Why did you come here in the first place?
“I’m such a fool,” you cry, stripping down to your underwear as you hold your head in your hands and you sit on the side of your large bed.
You fall asleep crying, holding yourself in bed.
Thuds wake you up. Gasping as you sit up, holding your chest as you squint - hearing sounds coming from your wardrobe. You quickly throw on your nightdress, grabbing your lit candlestick from the table beside your bed as you approach the wooden doors to the wardrobe.
Before you grab the handle the doors fly open as two objects fall out into the floor with loud thuds.
And groans?
You gasp, shining the light from the flame below you - seeing the faces of none other than Sir Fredrick and Lord Covington looking up at you, both laid out on the ground. That means they had been lurking in your wardrobe for hours.
You let out a loud scream as you turn, running towards the door and opening it - shocked at the sight of a sleeping Peter Parker kicked back in a chair beside the window with an open book on his chest. He stirs as the door opens, feet loudly hitting the floor as his eyes open wide.
“S-Sir Fredrick and Lord Convington,” you say with wide eyes as you look at Peter. “They were hiding in my wardrobe. They-“
Peter is up out of the chair and onto his feet before you can utter another syllable. “May!” He screams as he stalks into your room.
You follow behind him, watching as Peter grabs one of the men by the collar, punching him in the face with a grunt as you watch the man fall to the floor. You cannot make out much, it’s too dark to see anything besides Peter’s silhouette above one of the men as he pummels him. “Why are you in her bedroom?!” Peter screams.
Just as things seem to get out of control, both Sarah and Lady May enter the room with a few guards - all holding lit candlesticks. It’s enough to illuminate the room now.
Your eyes widen seeing blood on the floor as you scanned the room, stopping as your gaze falls upon Peter straddling one of the men. He’s angry, fuming as he holds the man’s head off the ground as he grips his shirt’s collar. “I will not ask you again, Covington,” Peter growls.
“If there was a scandal she would have to wed,” the man let out a pained moan. “If we could have had our way with her she would be tainted and one of us would end up with the title and money that came with the duchess.”
Peter grimaced, punching the man in the face again as he threw him to the ground - standing above him as he hissed, “Throw these two out of here immediately.” The men are apprehended and taken out of the room. The crowd follows, panicking about what had just happened - leaving you and Peter alone with the one candlestick in your hand.
Peter walks over to you, his shirt is unbuttoned and his hair is a mess from the altercation. He looks to you with tired eyes as he whispers, “Please tell me that you’re okay,” You nod quickly. “I am a bit shaken but I am okay because you saved me, Peter. Thank you..”
He looks at your shaking hand holding the candle, subconsciously caressing your fingers with his. You swallow watching as his skin meets yours.
Were you dreaming?
Peter’s chest is rising and falling as your eyes shift back to his, seeing that they were already on you. He steps closer, sighing as he takes in your aroma.
Was he looking at your lips?
You lick your lips, watching Peter’s honey eyes look back up to yours, blinking his long eyelashes at you as a soft smile appears on his face.
His fingers have wrapped around yours as he looks back to your hand - realizing what he was doing and pulling away immediately. “My apologies.. I am pleased to know you are safe now, but I must retire to bed.”
Before you can reply, Peter is out the door and down the hallway, leaving you alone.
Here she is, Part three. Should I keep going or nah? If you love me you’ll let me know how this part made you feel. PLEASE COMMENT REBLOG AND LIKE!
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A Lord & A Lady Taglist: @loserbee14 @fk12b @peterparkerh0le @odilevonbrekker @todaywasafairytale07 @comicshoplife @bellestalesoffiction @nayspy @splintered-emotions @jamesbuckyburns @highly-functioning-mitochondria @dark-night-sky-99 @panic-at-space-camp @mi-amoree1111 @dxmerons @jeezlouiisee
Tag List: @rose-writes-shit @xuxialling @itwasallinmyhead1 @mypalbuck @angelcritterz @levylovegood @gwenebear @saltedcoffeescotch @thelittlebirdwriter @mbjackie @kiwi5335 @nikkitc0703 @laurathefahrradsattel @lizabethmenke @cheeseman @blooming-violets @andrewgarfieldsloml @s0upisgood @spidermansdeadgf @haileymorelikestupid @uwiuwi @themartiansdaughter @florqlness @stxrrylunatic @aphrodites-perfume @spidervee @liz-allyn (I’ve been bad at tagging I’m so sorry)
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Fools in Love
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Summary: He can explain how String Theory works. He can figure out Riemann Hypothesis. He can recite all the numbers of pi until he’s blue in the face. Yet somehow, Spencer Reid can’t figure out what to do for his first first anniversary. 
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female Reader 
Warnings: Spencer Reid is a self-deprecating mf, Jane Austen quotes? But there’s a happy ending 
Word Count: 3128
Fools in Love
He scratches the back of neck, a nervous habit that he’s sure makes him look weak. He wants to find the perfect recipe to make a wonderful meal for Y/N. It’s his first first anniversary so Spencer’s completely lost as to what to do. Y/N deserves the most romantic dinner, especially considering how much chaos he causes. It must be a lot to put up with him, Spencer thinks. He’s even more useless when it comes to love than when it comes to cooking. While he might not be a fan of technology, given he has the Thai place down the street from his apartment on speed dial. She doesn’t deserve some take out Thai with paper plates. But he’s a scientist, a well-known and well-educated scientist who is completely failing at planning his first anniversary.
It was useless. Completely and utterly useless, Spencer thought to himself as he ran his fingers across the various titles of cookbooks. Some featured complex dishes from Korea and others were 30 minute meals of the vaguely Midwest variety. Spencer never in his entire 33 years of living felt so out of place in a library. He’s so at home in between the stacks of books, he finds the comforting words of long dead authors and intricate mathematical theories a second home. However, it seems that Spencer Reid has found the most intimidating section of the library: cooking.
And what do academics do when they are at a crossroad? Well, they call in the experts. The love expert came in the shape of Agent Derek Morgan himself. This idea just might be the most brilliant thought Spencer’s had or the dumbest, but Y/N is worth it. 
Okay, maybe it was a mistake to come to Derek, Spencer thinks as he sits in front of his friend, a coffee in his hand and an expression of pure fear on his face. 
“You want me to, what?” Spencer asks, shocked at Derek’s suggestive advice.  
“Lie in bed naked, call Y/N on the phone and make something up. You’ll be waiting in bed and then BAM! Anniversary sex,” Derek says, his eyebrows wagging as he sips his coffee. 
“Are you messing with me, Morgan?” Spencer says, his face pale from the very thought of lounging in bed naked, waiting for Y/N to come over to his apartment.
“Why not, I’m sure it would get you laid,” Derek reasons. Get me laid? Spencer and Y/N don’t get laid, he thinks. They do have sex, but it’s not getting laid. It’s more romantic and loving than just whatever Derek suggests. 
God, he can’t tell Derek that, he’d never live it down. 
“You have slept with Y/N, right?” Derek asks, suddenly nervous that he touched a nerve with his friend. As much as he likes to tease, Spencer knows that Derek doesn’t mean any harm, hence why he’s the first person he thought to come to. 
“We prefer to call it making love,” Spencer says, pretending to be very interested in his chocolate donut and trying to fight off the blush that rises to his cheeks. Even a year into their relationship, Spencer still gets butterflies at thinking about Y/N like that. 
“So you want this to be more romantic than just fucking, because you’ve done it for a year?” Derek proposes as simply as if he’s talking about a case. Not that talking about serial victims is anymore normal or weirder than the current conversation. 
“Morgan and you please stop talking about Y/N and sex in the same sentence?” Spencer says through gritted teeth. 
“Reid, kid. I’m just busting your chops, I know who you feel about Y/N. When you two are in the same room, it’s like there’s no one else in the world. And it’s kinda hard to get your mind to focus on one thing, but Y/N does that,” 
“I know,” Spencer says. “I can’t mess this up Derek. I can’t give another person a reason to leave me,” 
“Y/N won’t leave because you can’t plan a terrible anniversary dinner,” Derek says comfortingly. 
“I checked out 7 cookbooks, Morgan. 7, and I read them on the metro home. It’s useless, I’m useless,” Spencer laments.
He looks up to try to read Derek’s expression. The last thing he’d want to see on his face is pity or worse laughter. No, Spencer. Derek is your best friend. He’s the closest thing you have to a brother. Spencer feels almost guilty for thinking that Derek would laugh at him, while he might like to tease him, especially about his lovelife, they trust each other inexplicably. What’s written on Derek’s face is not pity or ridicule, it’s a smile. A smile not for Spencer, but for the colorful woman walking towards their table. 
“You told Garcia?” Spencer groans, but scooting over so Penelope would have a spot to sit with them. 
“Of course I told Garcia, kid. You know better than anyone that we can’t keep anything secret,” Derek explains, leaning in to kiss Garcia’s hand. 
“Spencer Reid! I can’t believe you,” Garcia says, smacking Spencer’s arm lightly. 
“Garcia!” Spencer shouts, clutching his coffee and hunching down in his seat to avoid being hit by the tech goddess with her hard rings on her surprisingly strong hands. 
“Don’t Garcia me, Reid. You need me, whether or not you realize it or not. I’m irreplaceable,” she tells him, grabbing a pink notebook and a fluffy green pen from her bag. 
Spencer nods in understanding, as much as he hates it, he knows that he needs help. It’s just a hard pill to swallow when help comes in the form of Derek Morgan and Penelope Garcia, perhaps the two people on Earth who are the most in love. 
“I know I need you guys,” Spencer says, looking from Garcia to Derek, half expecting them to tell him to order some terrifying sex toy from a scretchy store on the edge of town or something equally horrifying. 
“What’s something that she likes? You know like a special thing that Y/N would never think about getting herself” Garcia asks, making notes with the fluffy when that bounces as she writes. 
“She likes to read,” Spencer suggests, thinking about the first date that they had. They talked for hours about their favorite books and ended up getting booted from the library for overstaying their welcome. Y/N found it quite endearing that The Little Prince is Spencer’s while her is anything and everything by Jane Austen. He thinks back to her eyes gleamed when talking about the book, or how passionate she got when she argued that Mr Knightley and Emma were soulmates. 
“Okay, that’s a start Spencer. Really good,” Garcia says, trying to boost her friend’s confidence. 
“What else?” Derek asks, thinking about the times when he and Y/N hang out with Spencer and Penelope. 
“Fret not, Boy Wonder,” Garcia says, softly patting Spencer’s shoulder, “I’ll take care of this,” she finishes as she reaches into her bag, that seems to have a never ending bottom, and pulls out a laptop. 
“So Garcia and Morgan took over your anniversary plans and basically just made it how they’d want to spend their anniversary?” JJ offers, as she hands Spencer a beer from her refrigerator and sits back down at her kitchen table. 
Spencer takes a swig of his beer and shrugs his shoulders, thinking about how wrong this whole anniversary dinner has gone. 
“I just wanted this to be special, JJ. I know it’s only been a year, but Y/N is it for me. God, she was it for me on the third date,” Spencer confesses. 
“I know, Spence. I’ve never seen you this happy. Happiness looks good on you,” JJ tells him. 
“Y/N makes me happy, she puts up with me, so the least I can do is make this perfect for her,” 
“Spence, don’t sell yourself short,” JJ says, “You’re a kind man and a wonderful boyfriend, you’re both lucky to have each other,” 
“Thank you, JJ, but Y/N is the better person in this relationship. That’s why this needs to be perfect,” Spencer explains, his self doubt still littering his mind. 
“What about a baseball game? You can pay for a message to pop up on the Jumbotron. Like Happy Anniversary, Y/N,” JJ suggests, and Spencer really can’t tell if JJ is joking. She can’t possibly think that Y/N and he would have a romantic anniversary with the threat of getting pelted in the face with a baseball. 
“Sports games are not our forte, JJ. I honestly can’t tell who’d hate sitting in the sun for hours with angry sports fans,” Spencer adds. 
“Okay so no sports, I should have figured, Spence,” JJ winks knowingly. “How about this, think about somewhere that’s special to you two. Somewhere that makes you think of her,” 
“The thing is JJ, everyplace we’ve been together makes me think of her. The elevator when she first kissed me, the movie theater we always go to on Saturday nights, even the sidewalk outside my apartment building. Everything makes me think of her because she’s my everything,” Spencer says, hiding his discomfort at the conversation. 
“Spence, I think that anything you plan, will be wonderful. Have a little trust in yourself for once, Y/N is already head over heels in love with you, so I doubt that she’d really care where you go or what you do,” JJ advises, clearing up the dirty dishes from their Friday night pizza dinner with the boys. 
“I’m going to go JJ, thanks for talking me out of my head. If I took Morgan’s advice, I’d probably end up with a restraining order,” Spencer jokes, putting his jacket on and saying goodbye to his friend. 
“You think you need an Uber?” JJ asks, but immediately finds amusement from Spencer’s disgust at the idea of getting into an Uber. 
“Germs and technology sound like a nightmare, JJ. And I’m not going to remind you of the statistics regarding missing persons and those rideshare apps-” Spencer offers, but is cut off by JJ’s pretend annoyance. 
“Remind me to send Y/N combat pay, you know maybe she is a saint for putting up with you,” JJ teases. 
He walks out into the chill of the night, recounting the advice his friends gave him. Derek and Penelope’s plan was a little outlandish, a little too much for Spencer and Y/N. JJ, who Spencer knows means well, only served to remind him of how hard it must be with him. His steps are slow and languid, but his mind anything but. 
One step, you’re probably just a charity case that Y/N decided to save. 
Two steps, why on Earth would a woman like her even look at a man like you.
Three steps, you’re so pathetic that you can’t even plan a dinner for her. She’s too good for Spencer, you’ll ruin her. 
Everyone who you love leaves you or dies, anyway.
It’s that thought, not the thought of being alone, but the thought that he deserves to be alone that sends the tears down his cheeks. 
Somehow, someway, Spencer made it back to his apartment. It never felt so dark, so unlike home. Maybe he just didn’t never realized that these walls aren’t home without Y/N. He really should try to get to sleep, but he’d rather fend off sleep with the endless supply of coffee than have to face a night alone in the cold bed. 
Just as Spencer makes his way to prepare a cup of coffee, he hears a distant jiggle of keys and the door knob rattle. And in comes Y/N, as fresh as the cup of coffee brewing and as beautiful as ever. 
“Happy Anniversary, my love,” Y/N tells him, dropping the bags on the floor. She moves over to him like a light breeze. All he wants is to welcome her embrace. He wants to scoop her up and carry her far away from the monsters that lie in wake. He feels an urge to be her protector, but how can be her protector when what he really wants is to be protected. 
“Y/N, what are you doing here, it’s so late,” Spencer says, praying that his voice doesn’t let go. He knows it’s futile, one look from Y/N, her palm to his cheek or even worse a chaste kiss on his forehead, Spencer would not be able to think. What is a genius without his mind? 
“I couldn’t wait for tomorrow, Spence, I just missed you too much,” Y/N says, her voice a prayer that spins around in Spencer’s brain, searching for refuge in his heart. 
“You really missed me?” Spencer asks, desperately wanting to believe her beyond belief. Y/N’s frown searches for an answer in Spencer’s distant expression. Even though they stand there with the kitchen light casting shadows touching as much skin as they can reach, Spencer is a million miles away.
“Of course I missed you, baby. And I just had to give you one of your gifts tonight. I just couldn’t wait to see your face,” Y/N says, practically bouncing as she bounds off to get the package for Spencer. 
“So this is only the first part, and stay with me, I know how much you hate technology, but I think you’ll make an excuse for this,” She tells him, handing him a heavy cube shaped package. It’s decorated in Y/N’s handwritten flowers and hearts, and a cute doodle of who Spencer can only assume is them. His girlfriend may not be artistic. But she’s the artist who paints the stars in Spencer’s night sky. She’s the tailor who sewed him back up when he was broken. She’s the architect who has the key and blueprint to his heart. 
Spencer opens the gift, his hands shaky and unsure. He’s terrified that Y/N can see right though him. He reveals the present. It’s a small wooden box with a red wooden heart that looks like it’s supposed to be pixelated. There’s a blank space on the top, that Spencer supposes is a screen.
“You gotta plug it in, Spence. So the messages can pop up. When you're far away from me saving the world, I can type a message from my phone and it’ll appear on your box,” she explains. Spencer looks up at her trying to search for what he did to get this lucky. 
“Thank you, this is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me,” Spencer tells her, placing a kiss against her forehead. It’s the kind of kisses that tell you so much more. It’s the kind of kiss you give when you know there’s more where that one came from. It’s safe and warm and everything good about this world. 
“I gotta make sure you won’t forget me when you go traipsing all over the country. A hot genius like you only comes around so often. I’m sure you got loads of attractive people throwing themselves at you, Spence,” she says with a wink. 
“Hot genius?” Spencer repeats half dumbfounded and half joking. 
“Yup, I gotta make sure they know that you’re spoken for,” 
“I couldn’t forget you even if I tried, Y/N. You’re the best thing that’s happened to me. I still don’t know what I did to ever deserve you,” Spencer says, as the tears and the fears of not being good enough bubble to the surface. 
“Spencer, baby. You’re shaking. What’s the matter? Huh,” she says softly, brushing her hand over Spencer’s head in a comforting and loving gesture. 
Spencer leans into her, his head pressed into her neck. He can hear her heartbeat and he can smell her perfume. He wants to get lost in her. Get lost in the feeling of total and complete love. 
“I just wanted this to be perfect, Y/N. For you- you deserve so much more than I can give. It must be so hard dating me. I know that I’m difficult to love sometimes,” Spencer murmurs, his tears pouring down his cheeks and spilling like his darkest thoughts onto Y/N’s shirt. 
“Spencer, you make my life so much brighter. So much fuller. I know that you got a lot going on up in that mind of yours and it must be kinda scary. It must be hard always being the guy people expect answers from. But I got you, sweetheart. And I’m not letting go,” Y/N tells him the words falling from lips like a psalm and taking on a new life in Spencer’s heart. 
“Thank you, Y/N. I really wanted this to be the best anniversary. I’m sorry I’m such a mess,” Spencer apologizes as he peppers light, feathery kisses along her collarbone and up to her eyes. 
“Well you’re my mess, Spencer. Let’s be honest, I’d be completely happy to spend our anniversary anywhere with you. Except maybe sports games, that sounds like torture for both of us,” Y/N laughs and Spencer can’t get over how she practically glows in the kitchen light. It could be that his mind is foggy with love, but Spencer hopes that he never grows out of this blissful feeling. 
“Well it’s a good thing we’ll have many more to make up for this one,” Spencer says, letting himself get dragged to the large fluffy sofa. 
“Oh no, Mister. The next 50 anniversaries have to try to top this one,” Y/N tells him and Spencer’s heart skips and flutters at the thought of having another 49 anniversaries with Y/N by his side. 
“I doubt that 50 will be enough, Y/N” 
“As long as you’ll allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you,” Y/N says, cuddling so close to Spencer that she can’t see where her limbs start and Spencer’s end. 
“If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more,” Spencer says running his spidery fingers down Y/N’s side much to her delight. 
“Ooh are you trying out some Jane Austen foreplay? Because that’s the way to make my panties drop,” Y/N says suggestively as she rubs her hand over Spencer’s chest and rests it on his neck. 
“Maybe tomorrow, I just really want to hold you close right now, Y/N.” Spencer says, sweetly kissing along her temple exciting a bout of giggles from the two of them. 
Spencer very well might be useless when it comes to love, but he was eager to learn that he’s worthy of love from his love expert. 
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femmesandhoney · 2 years
honeygem fanfiction
femmesandhoney awoke early and glanced over to a sleeping radicallyaligned besides her. She had fallen asleep clutching a portrait of Kronkk. Again. Femmes sighed, she knew radicallyaligned loved her and that her scientist riches gave them a splendid life in the village, but she would always be second best to her long lost love Kronkk. Femmes got up and dressed and made her way through the halls of the cold manor down to the kitchens, smiling at their cat captainlabes on her way.
After putting on her outdoor boots, she grabbed a picnic basket and her painting supplies and made her way outside through the gate and down the lane towards the forest.
Settling on a dry patch next to a pond, Femmes began to snack on honey on bread and began to paint the landscape as the sun began to rise. As her paintbrush moved with intensity, she pushed down the tears that threatened to reveal her true feelings about her wife and kronkk.
Suddenly there was a splash and Femmes glanced up with a jolt towards the pond, crawling out of the murky water and lily pads, was none other than sapphicgem. Femmes had only heard of her, the local madwoman scientist who spent her days doing strange experiments and burning down her cottage multiple times.
“I got a frog!” sapphicgem shouted in glee as she shook off the water.
Femmes couldn’t help but smile, she seemed so happy, it was infectious. “Good morning,” she called out politely.
“Oooo! You’re the rich woman who lives in the big manor! What are you doing out here?” Sapphicgem asked titling her head.
“I, uh, love it outside, I go everywhere to paint. I try to find a new beautiful place whenever I can.”
Sapphicgem burst into a giant smile, “I know just the place! I saw it when I was following the deer last week! Can I show you?!”
Femmes was taken aback by the interest, normally she was only asked about her wife and her brilliant scientific advances, never about herself.
“Yes please,” she nodded. Sure she wasn’t done with this painting, but this new place sounded promising.
“Yay!” Sapphicgem squealed, shoving the frog into her pocket with a croak and quickly helping her gather her supplies. Grabbing her hand she led her deeper into the forest, excitedly talking about nature and the animals of the forest.
“That is where I found my first bee friend ms hells bells!” Sapphicgem said pointing to a bush.
Femmes giggled, “You really do love nature.”
“Animals and plants have never made fun of me.” Sapphicgem said thoughtfully turning to look at her “have you ever felt like you didn’t belong around humans?”
“All the time,” Femmes said clutching Sapphicgem’s hand tighter, there was a warmth she had never felt before.
Sapphicgem approached a cluster of willow trees, pushing aside their long branches and pulling Femmes into a clearing. Femmes gasped, it was a beautiful flower filled meadow surrounded on all sides by tall willow trees. Femmes in excitement lost all sense and pulled Sapphicgem into an embrace, “it’s beautiful! thank you!”
Sapphicgem was blushing as Femmes released her, “want to see something even better here?”
“Of course”
Sapphicgem lead Femmes into the middle of the clearing, gesturing for her to lay down on the grass and flowers.
“If we lay quietly they’ll come” sapphicgem whispered as their heads almost touched as they lay side by side.
And sure soon enough butterflies began to fly over and land on them, femmes had never felt so happy before, as she glanced over at a smiling sapphicgem, she never wanted to leave this moment in time💚
sorry for the delay in responding to this haha, hope it was worth the wait. anyways, @radicallyaligned why is @kronkk straight up seemingly dead in this 💀
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henlo, i hope this one makes sense, but how about mtmte drift, rodimus and brainstorm (or at least just drift if thats too many!) with a human s/o (gender neutral pls!) who after hearing a compliment from their bots about them, the s/o's kneejerk reaction to to kinda laugh and say "u dont mean that" bc theyre so unused to genuine compliments? thank u so much!!!
It does make sense and it is extremely relatable so here comes some AFFIRMATIONS
"I love your eyes, have I told you that?"
You stopped, baffled, as soon the ninja bot's praise registered. Though his expression was certainly lovestruck enough to back up his words, the automatic response within you was starting up before you had broken out into a full blush. Your laugh was mechanical as you playfully waved a hand at his compliment.
"What's there to love about my eyes?"
Drift actually went quiet at your words and tilted his helm, expression going from confused to concerned before he spoke again. There was nothing but sincerity in his voice. "Everything, Y/N. You have the most brilliant and gentle gaze..."
"Oh, I really don't know about that." you replied again, still going on reflex at his kind but baffling words. Praise was not something you knew how to handle, so brushing it off just felt more comfortable. His reaction was a confusing first to this strategy. Why did he seem so worried about your dismissal? Surely he was just playing, words like his were never directed your way seriously. Yet he didn't seem to be at all teasing as he frowned in concern, leaning forward on the desk to be closer to you.
"I don't know how to make this any clearer, but please know I'm trying to convey as much truth as possible in my aura; I adore everything about you, including your eyes. I mean that with every part of my being."
The intensity of his words distracted you so thoroughly you didn't even realize he'd taken your tiny hands into his, gently resting your palms between two careful digits as he looked to you with the earnestness of someone swearing an oath.
"I..." you gasped, unable to find any words. What were you supposed to say to this? No one had ever said anything in such a way to you before, and believing he meant it just... didn't compute? Standing in a kind of broken silence was your only reply.
Understanding as ever, Drift smiled, softly and reassuringly. "You're not used to compliments yet, that's okay."
For some reason you teared up, but more due to some emotional blockage being cleared than anything else. Nodding, you tried not to think on how few memories you had of receiving kind words. There was next to nothing you could recall. Ever the supportive one, Drift placed a tiny kiss on your forehead, whispering as he did so. Warmth filled your heart at the comfort he brought with so simple an action, and for the first time you actually believed what he had to say.
"We'll fix that in time, I promise."
"You have the cutest smile, seriously."
Sitting atop the chest of the lounging captain, your laugh at his joke was cut short by the unexpected praise, and on instinct you worked to steer back to levity. A hand on the back of your neck helped you think through the flustered fog.
"Ha, of course! Whatever you say!" you replied haltingly, adjusting fake problems with your hair to have something else to focus on. Unlike always, the fun loving bot chose that moment to be serious. Frowning softly, he looked down at you as you remained awkwardly seated on his chest, and you couldn't bring yourself not to look at his big blue optics. There was so much concern in those striking blue depths.
"Hey, I know I joke around a lot, but I mean everything I say about loving you." he said softly, a hand looping about your back to keep you sitting up. Blinking in thought, you felt your mind hit a kind of wall. There was just no reconciling what he said with what you knew you be true. There was nothing to love about how you smiled.
"I... I wouldn't know..." you mumbled awkwardly, not knowing what to do and more or less freezing up. Compliments were just... hard. What were you supposed to do with them? How could a bot who'd seen so much think so highly of you? The uncertainty of those thoughts frightened you, and your hands began to knead of their own accord.
"Should I show you?" Rodimus asked suddenly, getting energized in the way he did when he wanted to prove something. There was no time to ask for clarification before you were being pulled in for a kiss. Two hands cupped your back as he smooched your head with overdramatic noises, followed by a number of tiny pecks along your upper forehead. The action was so ridiculous you could only laugh. Rodimus continued until you were snorting at the silliness of it all, and only then did he pull back with a triumphant grin.
"There it is, best smile on the ship..." he said softly, brushing a finger over your squishy cheeks as he did so. The warmth of his physical affection didn't fade this time, and you found yourself holding the digit close as you left a kiss on the tip. He melted in an instant at the contact, taking on a far off dreamy look that made it clear he adored you. There was no denying this mech meant every sweet word he directed your way, and despite a long history of doubting yourself, knowing that made it hard to feel you weren't worth something.
"I can always count on you for the best feedback!"
Watching the scientist dangle from his rig, you found yourself pausing at his reply to your advice, enough so that you didn't have a response of your own until you saw him coming down. Brainstorm had asked if his new experimental weapon appeared functional from your angle on the bench, and all you'd done was say it looked to be especially curious from below. There was no way he'd actually found that helpful, so obviously he must have been joking.
"Of course, you couldn't do it without me." you said sarcastically, watching as the inventor righted himself and his weapon of still indeterminate use. Two bright optics affixed to you and made it clear a determined but obvious smile was hidden behind his mask.
"I couldn't! Of course it looks curious from the bottom; I didn't design it with zero gravity conditions in mind!" he said emphatically, placing the gun down beside you in order to work on it. His comment absolutely baffled you. Was he being serious? All you'd done was say the first thing that came to mind, and there wasn't much useful in that to a bot that restructured reality when it suited his needs.
"You would have figured that out without me." you said on your own, trying to close up the confusing little predicament. Unfortunately Brainstorm tilted his head at your comment, signaling it wasn't done but at least sounding like he wasn't at all frustrated when he replied.
"I don't think so. I couldn't exactly see myself from below, could I? You have a way of figuring out exactly what I need to hear." he said plainly, optics briefly squishing upwards in another smile as he did so. When you were too baffled to reply, he shifted to an expression of more obvious worry, putting his project aside to face you entirely. "I mean that, Y/N. I really feel like you say just what it takes to get me on track. You inspire me."
At those words your brain briefly turned to static. What was it you could possibly do to inspire him? There was nothing about you especially motivating, yet he looked too serious to be joking, so you had no clue how to reply. For the sake of your sanity you only smiled and waved a hand.
"Just... just doing what I do... Nothing special-"
"Y/N..." he interrupted gently, looking at you with the big tender optics that melted your heart every time. You weren't at all prepared for him to unlatch his mask, removing it from his lower face to reveal his full soft expression. Full lips frowned in concern as he lowered his helm to speak on your level. "I really like having you around. You know that, right?"
For reasons you didn't understand you were near to crying, and couldn't speak without the risk of shedding tears. Your partner gently lifted your chin with a digit, and on reflex you laid a hand on the tip of his finger, squeezing it for reasurance. Why was this so hard? Did most people struggle to accept when nice things were said about themselves?
A tender kiss on the back of your hand helped to clear your mind a bit. Looking back up at the sweet expression looking down at you, the love in his every minute feature as day, you admittedly felt a little better. Perhaps with time you could really believe someone so wonderful when they sang your praises, and by his expression you knew he'd endeavor to do just that.
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janeykath318 · 3 years
The Avengers Zoo
“Since when did the Avengers compound become a zoo?” Darcy asked, flabbergasted to see a frog and a porcupine just chilling out while a hairless cat sat in a sunny corner relaxing. Jane had been summoned down to headquarters and she’d begged Darcy to come too.
“Since Loki showed up and decided to cause havoc, as he is wont to do,” Jane sighed. “Everyone is….not human right now.”
“Oh, dear,” Darcy sighed. “Have you figured out who’s who?” 
“Getting there. Hawkeye and Falcon are obvious, The bald eagle has to be Steve, and Thor is a golden retriever, which I have to admit, is kind of fitting.” 
A big yellow dog trotted over to Jane and sat at her feet, tail wagging and tongue lolling. 
“Hey there, big guy!” Darcy greeted. Thor barked and doggy grinned at her. 
“Yeah, it’s good to see you too, pal,” she returned, smiling at him. “Hopefully, we can convince your Bro to undo whatever he did.”
“We think they still have their human minds, but Leo and Jemma are running some tests to verify that,” Jane informed her, leading Darcy to another room, which contained a dozing black bear, a striking panther, an adorable floppy-eared bunny, and three large birds of prey.
Darcy’s jaw dropped and she saluted the bald eagle. 
“Wow, Cap. It’s a good look on you,” she said with a twinkle in her eyes. The eagle-Cap’s eyes narrowed, but he didn’t move a muscle. 
Talk about majestic.
The sleek Falcon next to him let out a sound that Darcy took to be a birdish laugh and preened his feathers. 
“Yeah, I see you, Wilson. You’re looking good, too,” she assured him.
Clint-Hawk flapped over to her and squawked a greeting.
“Hey, Clint. How’s the bird life treating you?” She asked, trying not to laugh. “If this wasn’t top secret, I’d have so much good blackmail material on you.” 
Hawkeye gave her a birdie glare and shook his brown feathery head. 
Darcy had to stifle a shriek when two large spiders suddenly dropped down in front of her. Of course, they were much bigger than any natural spider, but Loki had probably done that on purpose.
 “Natasha?” She asked nervously, looking at the one with the red hourglass symbol on its body and thanking her stars she wasn’t arachnophobic. 
The spider blinked at her and waved one of its legs, as if affirming her guess. The other spider was a solid black and much more wiggly than Natasha. 
“Let me guess: Peter?” She queried, laughing at the younger spider’s antics as he shot around webbing everything in sight. 
“Yep,” Jane sighed. “He makes such a mess.”
“King T’Challa looks every bit as regal in panther form as human form,” Darcy commented, watching the panther walking alongside one of the scientists, not making the slightest noise. 
“He’s trying his best to help us figure this out,” Jane said affectionately. “He’s quite brilliant even in large cat form.”
The bunny rabbit hopped over to them and looked up at Darcy intensely. In a flash, she was given a mental image of the transformation moment and all the human identities of the animals. 
“That’s definitely Wanda,” She informed Jane. 
“She showed me who everyone is.” 
One of the other scientists ran over eagerly.
“Ooh. Do tell,” he begged, looking like an excited puppy.
Jane rolled her eyes. 
“Darcy, this is Leo Fitz. He’s helping figure this thing out. Fitz, this is Darcy.”
“Nice to meet you.” 
“Likewise,” Fitz said. 
“Other than the ones we already know, the cat is Dr. Strange, the frog is Bruce Banner, the porcupine is Tony Stark…” She cut off with a giggle and Fitz and Jane grinned at the hilarity of Tony the Porcupine.
“Anyway, Wanda is the rabbit, and the bear is Bucky Barnes, bless his heart.”
Darcy looked over to the bear, who was now awake and watching her with quizzical eyes. 
“I’d stay away from that one,” Fitz advised. “He growls if anyone gets within three meters of him.”
“Poor Bucky really doesn’t like scientists,” Darcy told him. “He knows me. I’ll be okay.”
She walked over and sat down beside Bucky the Bear. He lifted his head, but didn’t growl or lunge at her. 
“Hey, there, Bucky.” She told him. “Can you understand me?”
The big bear head nodded clumsily. 
“Excellent,” Darcy beamed, then sighed, remembering their last very awkward encounter. “Now I can finally clear the air about us without you running off or interrupting me with self-flagellation.” 
Bucky bear made a mournful sound, but Darcy kept on track.
“I thought we had a good thing going, Bucky. The flirting was top-notch and you had me completely wrapped around your little finger. Then we kissed and suddenly, you freaked out and avoided me like I had the plague. It’s okay if you aren’t ready, but I want you to know I’m not scared of you in bear form and I’m not scared of you in human form, either. 
You’re a good man, Bucky Barnes. Believe it or not, you do deserve to be happy. Just think about that, okay?”
She could see Steve’s eagle eye watching them, and The Falcon and The Hawk were also gazing with interest. 
The bear snuffled and looked up at her with soulful eyes that were ridiculously cute in a large beast like him. 
Darcy had a strong urge to give him a pet, but figured it would be best to ask first.
“Do you mind if I touch you? That fur is really something.”
The bear didn’t seem to mind and Darcy slowly sank her fingers into his side and marveled at the feel. She gently ran her hand over his soft black fur, noting that Bucky bear had closed his eyes in bliss. 
“Oh, you like that, do you?” She teased. “I bet your human self would too.” 
Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a commotion and Jane Foster giving a familiar mischievous figure a thorough chewing out. Loki was trying to be a smartass, but Jane was having none of it. Finally, he gave an exasperated huff.
“Fine! I have modified the spell to wear off in three days. There is no need for more threats. I am well aware of your expertise. You mortals have no sense of humor.”
With a poof, Loki turned himself into a snake and slithered away. 
Jane sighed. 
“Hear that everyone? You’ll be human again in three days. I have no idea what we’re going to do in the meantime.”
Turned out, Darcy added Avengers zookeeper to her resume during the next few days. She chatted to them, made terrible bird jokes, and helped make sure they ate. She got to watch Steve, Sam, and Hawkeye soaring regally in the air, which was a pretty incredible sight. Bunny Wanda liked to sit on her lap and nibble at lettuce while Porcupine Tony made ridiculous faces at Darcy and pretended he was going to poke Bucky with his quills. Bucky mostly snoozed at Darcy’s feet or watched the Birdy Trio flying around. 
Kitty Strange slept most of the time and looked disdainfully at the others when he was awake, goblin like eyes eerily watchful. Thor of course, followed Jane around with his undying loyalty, and the spiders chilled out in their webs, amusing themselves by building more and more elaborate designs. Bruce was given his own private enclosure away from the chaos and he hopped about contentedly. 
When day three arrived, they made sure everyone was in a safe location for a safe transition back to human form and waited it out. 
Darcy got a text from Jane while on a coffee run that simply said, “I forgot how annoying human Tony is. I think I liked him better as a porcupine.”
The avengers were chattering and joking around about their antics as animals when Darcy got back. 
“Lewis! I hear you’re switching careers to zookeeper!” Tony yelled. She flipped him off and ignored him. (She’d learned long ago this was the most effective method of dealing with him if Pepper wasn’t around to tattle to.) 
“I have now dubbed you three the Birdy Trio and nothing is gonna change it, so get used to it,” she informed Steve, Clint, and Sam. 
They all groaned and Darcy grinned in satisfaction. 
Behind her there came a rusty bark of laughter and she turned to see Bucky grinning from ear to ear. His smiles were rare, but they were so adorable, Darcy’s heart skipped a beat.
“Don’t be smug, Barnes,” she playfully chastened him. “You’re gonna be Bucky Bear to me for the rest of your life.” 
The smile did not diminish one bit.
“I hope that’s not the only thing I am to you, doll,” he said softly, making her blush.
Steve, observing their interaction, dragged Clint and Sam away to give them privacy and Darcy vowed to thank him later. Steve really was a good bro.
“You were right. I shouldn’t have run away like that,” he admitted, taking a tentative step toward her. “I’ve been kicking myself ever since. I’ve got more issues than National Geographic magazine, but if you’re willing to give me another chance, I’d definitely like to take it.” 
Darcy smiled and grabbed his hands in hers: both of them. He looked surprised when he saw her grasping his metal hand, but he gently squeezed back. 
“Bucky Bear, I’d love to. How about we start by catching up over dinner?”
“Sounds great, doll,” he said, beaming at her. 
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the-gay-prometheus · 3 years
Frankenstein AU Segment: “Always You”
I promised some gay shit today so have some gay shit.
Warning: it is extremely gay, I think.
This lil segment is Henry and Victor being silly and dumb and not realizing until just now that they are desperately in love with each other, and I think that is very gay of them.
Anyways actual little mini warning for this one: Victor refers to his assigned gender at birth and also mentions his deadname at one point in this segment. I know for some trans folks, reading things where a trans person makes a reference to their AGAB and/or their deadname it can be triggering, hence why I’m making this warning just to be on the safe side. The entirety of this segment is genuinely wholesome though, so no other warnings needed to my knowledge.
On a completely different and random note, “In A Week” by Hozier is officially Victor and Henry’s love song, and no I will not be accepting constructive criticism on that.
As always, likes, reblogs, and comments of any kind are greatly appreciated!
The peaceful song of crickets chirping was interrupted only by the occasional trilling call of a boreal owl which seemed to echo across the cliffs and peaks. Above the gnarled branches and wispy needles of the pines the moonless sky was illuminated by uninterrupted glimmering starlight. Victor and Henry lay atop a massive boulder they had climbed in the midst of the woods, savoring the moment alone together as they stared up through the canopy above into the shimmering heavens, each with their hands folded over their chests. Though Henry was entirely still, Victor tapped his fingers against the back of his other hand as he picked through the millions of thoughts racing through his head. “You shouldn’t stay,” he mentioned suddenly. Henry glanced over at him. After a long pause, Victor continued. “I mean you shouldn’t stay here. You’ve… you’ve got your whole life ahead of you.”
“So do you,” Henry answered, turning onto his side and resting his elbow on the stone and his head on his palm. Victor turned to look at him.
“No, not really. I made my choice, Henry. I made a mistake, and this is my burden to bear - not yours. You shouldn’t be throwing your life away for my sake.”
“Victor - you know I’ve always got your back,” Henry replied, giving him a comforting smile. “I really don’t mind it.”
“I know that but… it’s not fair to you.” Victor rested his head back and stared up to the  sky, and Henry laid back to do the same. “You should be finishing your studies at Ingolstadt, or traveling the world, or finding some beautiful woman to settle down with.” Henry tensed as he spoke, but didn’t answer. “I’m thankful that you’re here with me, and it really has been wonderful and I can never repay you for how much you’ve helped but… it kills me to think I might be causing you to miss out on all the things you wanted in life.” There was a long moment of silence between them, and Victor began to grow restless, tapping his fingers against the back of his hand again. “Do you… not agree?” Henry tensed more, then let out a sharp exhale.
“Can I tell you a secret?” Victor blinked, then turned on to his side and sat up slightly.
“Of course!” he exclaimed. “It’s… not like I really have anyone to divulge it to other than… well… you know who. And he certainly doesn’t have anyone to divulge it to.” Henry gave him a half smile, then turned his hazel eyes back to the sky.
“Victor I… I have-” He hesitated. “I’m… I mean I- I’m-” He pinched at the bridge of his nose, then dropped his arms to his sides. “I have no interest in women.” Victor glanced over at him, then lay back down and returned his own gaze to the stars.
“Oh.” Henry cringed, expecting some kind of other reply, but relaxed slightly as Victor spoke again. “Well… that’s fine. You still shouldn’t stay. I know you always wanted to finish your studies and travel the world at least. I don’t want to hold you back.” Henry swallowed hard and clenched his eyes shut.
“That’s not what I mean Victor.”
“Then what did you mean?” he asked, glancing back over at him.
“I… I have no interest in women because I-” Henry hesitated again. “My only interest lies in… other men. It… it always has.” Victor looked upward once again.
“Ah.” His eyes widened. “Oh!” Henry cringed at this response. He wasn’t sure why he was so afraid but… part of him was terrified. Victor suddenly sat up, a look of revelation on his face. “That’s a possibility?” Henry’s eyes snapped open and he looked up at him.
“You say that like you didn’t know.”
“Well- how was I supposed to know? It’s not like I’ve ever... seen it before.” Henry gave him an odd look.
“...What about Percy and Alex?”
“Back in Ingolstadt? Your classmates? You can’t tell me you didn’t know. It was obvious! Not… that they were necessarily public about it, and for good reason, but the way they looked at each other and talked to each other, there was no way they were anything less than lovers.” Victor frowned and glanced over at him.
“You assume I paid any attention to my classmates.” Henry blinked.
“...Oh. Yes that… that’s certainly a good point.” He shook his head. “Regardless! Why… why wouldn’t it be possible? If a man can love a woman, why can’t he love another man?” Victor thought for a moment.
“Well this… this changes everything,” he muttered, eyes still wide. Henry glanced away, suddenly worried again.
“...How so?”
“Well - it means I’m… I’m not broken!” Victor exclaimed, suddenly grinning. Henry snapped his gaze over to him.
“What?” Victor turned, sitting fully upright with his legs crossed and his fingers tapping excitedly on his thighs.
“Henry. After all I’ve done, after everything I’ve made of myself, after all the changes, there was one thing that always continued to irk me. I have changed my name, altered my body, filled myself with the correct chemicals, and yet despite all of that, one thing never changed. Even though I had finally become the person I knew I needed to be, I still was attracted to men!” Henry’s own eyes grew wide. “I had simply chalked it up to being some sort of strange flaw, that maybe I hadn’t perfected myself enough, that I hadn’t entirely rid myself of my… my…” He hesitated, as though he didn’t want to say it. “My womanhood - but no! Perhaps it has nothing to do with my sex!” Henry couldn’t help but chuckle at that statement.
“You really thought your attraction was tied to your sex?” Victor shrugged, then nodded, prompting another quiet laugh from Henry. “Victor, have I ever mentioned you are by far the most intelligent imbecile I know?” Victor smirked.
“Not in those words exactly, but something akin to that, yes.” 
“Victor Frankenstein, ladies and gentleman, brilliant scientist capable of creating life from death, entirely incapable of understanding human attraction,” Henry announced sarcastically, throwing his arms wide as he spoke with a big grin. Victor snickered and batted his hand away.
“Oh hush, Henry, the poet who couldn’t figure out the difference between a daisy and a dandelion,” he mused in return. Henry sat up.
“Hey! I know the difference! I just… got the names confused!” he exclaimed. Victor laughed, and flopped back onto his back, Henry laying back down beside him.
“Sure you did,” Victor retorted with sarcasm, glancing over at him. The two regained their composure as their giggles faded back to quiet smiles, though Victor’s smile quickly faded. He let out a sigh. “Well… regardless, Henry. You really should go. Go study, go explore, go find a kind man to settle down with. Live the life I’ll never get to have.” Henry’s own smile faded as his mind suddenly raced, trying to think of how to respond. “I’ll be ok here on my own. I promise.”
“But… Victor I-” Henry’s heart began to pound in his chest. Don’t say it, don’t say it, don’t say it, he repeated in his mind as his pulse quickened. Despite the repetition, though, he glanced back over to Victor. His breath caught in his throat. “I’ve already done those things.” Victor looked over at him, confused, his own heart seeming to skip a beat.
“...What do you mean?”
“Well… I’ve travelled - maybe not around the world, but I traveled to Ingolstadt. I may not have finished my studies but I certainly came close enough. And…” He turned his face away. “I’ve… I’ve already found a kind man to settle down with.” Victor felt his heart shatter in his chest upon hearing those words, and he turned away.
“...I see,” he muttered dejectedly. “Then you should go to him. Go to him and live your life with joy.” Henry looked back over at him, feeling terror clawing at his chest as he mulled over whether he should or shouldn’t reveal himself.
“You… you don’t understand Victor.” Victor turned back toward him, his own eyes already starting to fill with tears of worry. “It’s… it’s you. It’s always been you.” Victor blinked away his tears, his eyes widening as he suddenly felt as though his heart stopped. He was frozen - stunned - and his face turned bright red as he blushed. Henry, seeing this reaction, grew tense and turned away. “I’m sorry- I’m so sorry I- I didn’t mean to make things strange between us. I shouldn’t have said anyth-” He was cut off as suddenly he felt Victor’s fingers upon his cheek, gently coaxing him to return his gaze to him.
“Henry I… I misspoke,” Victor whispered softly. Henry clenched his eyes shut, fearing the worst. “When I said I was attracted to men, what I should have said was… I am attracted to a man.” He hesitated as Henry slowly opened his eyes. “It was always you, Henry. Always.” For a moment the two stared deep into each other's eyes, their fears falling away as they finally began to realize the intensity of the connection between them, until Victor suddenly pulled back and gave Henry an odd look. “Wait. No- no. You’re lying. You have to be lying.” Henry’s eyes widened with shock.
“I- Victor I just bared my soul to you. Do you genuinely think I would lie about something like that?”
“Well… no. But it makes no sense. If you always knew you were interested solely in men, then how could you have always been interested in me? Good god Henry, when we first met I wasn’t even Victor, I was Emily Frankenstein, the strange girl who refused to wear a dress and practiced needlepoint while sitting out in the mud!” Henry’s shock dissolved into a short huff of laughter at the memory of seeing that younger, drastically different version of his boyhood crush, with long, frizzy dark brown hair (a far cry to his now short and messily cut hair) sitting in the mud by the lake wearing boys’ clothing while intently working on an embroidery that read ‘Alchemy is Relevant’ with the symbol for the philosopher’s stone above it - young Victor’s way of spiting his father.
“You know how you thought you were flawed because somehow despite everything you still felt attraction toward men?” Henry asked. He paused, then smiled. “Attraction to me, I guess.” Victor frowned slightly.
“Well… that’s how I felt when I first met you. It was so bizarre to me. Up until that point, I had never understood the other boys my age, all pining over young girls while I was admiring which of them was the most handsome. And then I met you, and even though I was so sure of myself and who I was, you turned it all on its head. For the first time I wasn’t just admiring, I was fully, deeply enthralled by someone. I simply chalked it up to the fact that, perhaps this just meant I finally found the right girl, like my father always said I would, and that maybe everything I thought I knew was wrong. And yet… I continued to find myself admiring only other boys my age, and no other girls. I was so deeply conflicted - until that day years later when you returned after having run away and confided in me that you had come to realize you were never meant to be a girl at all,” he explained. Victor’s expression softened.
“So… what you’re saying is… you… you knew all along? Before I was even aware of my own identity?” Henry thought for a moment, then smiled.
“Come to think of it, I suppose maybe I did! I’ve… never really thought of it like that before.” Victor stared at him for a moment, then lay back again, smiling brightly. Henry smiled back at him, and lay beside him again - though moving a bit closer this time.
“Then I suppose we were never broken after all,” Victor remarked. “All this time, we knew each other far better than we ever realized. I’ve never much believed in soul mates, but… considering this evidence, I’m almost considering rethinking my stance on that,” he concluded half jokingly. 
“You jest, but… you have to admit it might have some merit,” Henry pointed out as he stared calmly up at the sky. “How truly remarkable that the stars should align for us to meet, that the strings of fate should tie us together so neatly and that we should lead each other, even if unknowingly, into the light that is living our truths. We may have no evidence for the existence of some higher power, but there is proof that the world works in mysterious and wonderful ways that even science cannot define. Our very existence is such a specific rarity, a mere blip on the scale of time, and somehow here we are, together, here, now.” Victor turned on his side, lifting himself up slightly as he stared in awe and admiration as Henry spoke. “We are miracles, Victor, common miracles yet miracles all the same. There is so much we have to learn and to discover about the world and about ourselves, and how brilliant it is that we should have the chance to do so together, and to lift each other up to be the very best versions of ourselves that we can be. We-” He suddenly was cut off as Victor was suddenly leaning over him, propping himself on one hand that rested on Henry’s other side, his light brown eyes staring down into his hazel ones with a gaze of pure wonder. He shuddered, his heart suddenly fluttering in his chest as he looked up at him, and he gasped softly as Victor placed his unoccupied hand onto his cheek and brushed a long strand of ginger hair away from his eyes.
“Is it too early?” Victor inquired in a quiet whisper. Henry pressed his face into Victor’s hand.
“Too early for what?” Victor hesitated.
“Is it too early to say I... I-” Henry grinned, breathing deeply and slowly shaking his head as he lifted a hand and placed it on Victor’s cheek.
“I love you too,” he murmured. They stayed frozen for a moment, silence returning between them as the creatures of the night continued to sing their songs and the trees creaked softly in the breeze. As they searched each other’s eyes for some unspoken answer to some unheard question, it was Victor who suddenly leaned down, his pulse racing as his lips locked with Henry’s. At first Henry’s eyes widened, but his eyelids fluttered closed as he lifted his hand higher and gently gripped Victor’s short, messy brown hair between his fingers, softly pulling him in closer. Though it only lasted a moment, it felt like a blissful eternity before they slowly broke away, both of them shaking with the joy and excitement of it all. As Victor lay back on his side, he wrapped his arm around Henry tightly, and Henry moved closer, wrapping his own arm around him. They lay contentedly in each other's embrace, silently staring at one another as though there was nothing else in the world they’d rather see than each other’s eyes. That was, until, a sudden cry from just outside the forest jolted them both upright. Victor let out a soft sigh, and slowly started to rise to his feet.
“I’ll be back,” he muttered disappointedly. Henry gave a sympathetic smile as he stood as well.
“No, I’ll come with you.” Victor hesitated a moment before descending the boulder and landing on the ground with a soft thud, Henry following close behind.
“You don’t have to. I’m sure it’ll only be a moment,” he mentioned. Henry took his hand and squeezed it tightly.
“And I don’t want to lose a single moment to spend with you,” he murmured, leaning forward and tenderly kissing Victor’s cheek. Victor blushed and smiled sheepishly.
“If you insist-” He was cut off by the sound of a sudden loud sob. “Come on. It sounds like one hell of a nightmare,” he mentioned as he began to lead the way back to their cabin home.
“Sometimes I think you make a surprisingly good father, despite everything between the two of you,” Henry mentioned as they exited the trees. Victor gave a contented sigh as they came upon the dwelling and he reached for the door.
“You really think so?” he asked quietly as they walked in and continued toward where they could hear his creation now quietly crying inside. “Well… at least I won’t have to do it alone now.” He paused just outside the door to the creature’s room, looking back at Henry. “You will stay, won’t you?” Henry chuckled softly, gripping Victor’s hand tighter.
“Oh, Victor,” he murmured, leaning forward and resting his forehead against his. “From the day I first got here, I never wanted to leave.”
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break-me-kacchan · 3 years
One hundred sleepless nights
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Word count: 3930. 
I was thinking about making this a small series. Let me know if you would like a part two please.
Summary: I thought of doing a little story based on the song one hundred sleepless nights- Pierce the Veil. You and Bakugo were fuck buddies. Have been for years when the unthinkable happens. 
A text that read “He’s gone, come on over” was all Bakugo needed to finish what he was working on and to head over to your home. Every time Bakugo pulled up to your home he always felt annoyance prick at the back of his skull. He could give you this big house and all the finer things you had come accustomed to with the addition of a caring partner. Not one that slept around with other women and certainly not one that would let you stray and become another man’s lover.
He slid out of the driver seat of the vehicle he was driving and clicked the lock button as he took the steps down the front path to your front door. He paused on your front porch; this part was still awkward for him. The choice between opening the door or knocking. He stood his head hung a little low as his fists clenched and un-clenched. He was lost in thought and did not notice you opened the door until you cleared your throat.
His head whipped up a smile creeping onto his features but when he saw your tear-stained eyes the smile stopped completely.
He rushed over to you as you stood one hand on the door and the other shoved into the pocket of Bakugo’s hoodie you were wearing.
“Love. What’s wrong?” Bakugo asked rushing forward to pull you into his embrace. Your head rested against his strong chest as your breath drew in his sweet smell. You relaxed slightly but only long enough for another sob to rack your body as it pressed against his chest.
He never wanted to see you like this, not even in the beginning.
You stood in the corner wearing an 8 thousand dollar dress your husband picked out for you. You gulped back the rest of the champagne in your hand before placing the glass on the tray of the waiter passing by and grabbed another glass.
Your husband was a well-known scientist. He assisted heroes with making adjustment to the equipment they use and their costumes. He was brilliant and when he asked you to marry him at such a young age you were blind. You agreed and just after your 18th birthday you were wed to your high school sweetheart.
Here you were, wearing a beautiful; backless; emerald floor length gown. The Hero Gala, where heroes spoke with the men and women who helped them upgrade their hero gear needs. Also, company awards were going to be given out, by your husband of course. Your husband, the man you haven’t seen in almost 3 weeks, returned this morning from his vacation with his mistress just for this Gala his company was holding.
It wasn’t always like this between you and the man that you married. It was good once but he started to make a name for himself and suddenly you weren’t the only one he wanted to scream his name.
He started to change though. You noticed after moving into your first home that things were different. You cooked dinner and made your husband’s lunch as you always did, even when the two of you had plenty money, you continued because you thought he liked the love notes and special snacks. Long story short he didn’t and it wasn’t until your husband was a big shot in his company getting ready to venture out on his own you noticed he didn’t.
The lunch you had made for years was left in the fridge every time you got up to start your day lately. He no longer came home for dinner and finally he slept out at least 3 nights a week. You knew what was happening but refused to believe it, at least you tried until you went to his office to see if he wanted to enjoy lunch with you and that’s when you caught him. Pants around his ankles and his hands gripping some intern’s hair as he bobbed her head back and forth.
By the time your husband noticed you it was already too late.
When the two of you spoke about it he had said he had love for you but wasn’t in love with you anymore. You understood, he was amazing, of course he felt this way about you. When he had all those other women of course he didn’t care for you like that anymore. He didn’t want you leaving even though he was the one who stepped out. All he could think of would be the scandal for his new forming company. He suggested an open relationship and suggested you have “friends” as well.
So there you stood, in the corner drinking champagne by the mouth full, grabbing another glass every time someone carrying a tray passed by. Feeling a little tipsy you stepped out onto the balcony behind you and you huffed against the railing over looking the gardens below.
You leaned over the railing slightly and looked down at the drop. It was maybe 20-25 feet.
“I wouldn’t jump if I were you, I might have to jump into save you.” The voice startled you. Turning quickly to see who was speaking you nudged the glass sitting next to you and it came crashing down below in the ground.
“Fuck, you scared me and now my drinks gone.” You breathlessly replied to the voice. Staring at the dark figure that was blocked by the shadow of the doorway.
You heard a chuckle and then saw the figure step forward into the moon light. ‘That’s Ground zero’ You thought to yourself. Your husband worked on the new improvement to his old cuffs. You know because you heard your husband talk about having issues with some of the improvements Bakugo asked for.
“Here.” Bakugo held out a glass of champagne and you took it, staring up at the hero.
“Thank you.” He nodded and stepped forward coming on you right side as you turned back to face the gardens. You sighed and took a sip of the glass.
Bakugo swirled the champagne in his glass and turned to the left looking at you. He could tell you were tipsy by the way your cheeks flushed as you took another sip of your glass, half way gone now since he handed it to you a moment ago.
“So what brings you out here when you could be in there mingling with everyone?” You asked as you finally looked over at the man standing next to you.
Bakugo chuckled and placed his free hand on the back of his neck rubbing it slightly.
“Tch.” You nodded you head to his answer and looked behind your shoulder back at the party going on behind the two of you.
“There’s all these damn extras in there and they keep coming up to me all flirty and easy.” It’s fucking annoying.” He huffed out and his eyes squinted in agitation. You scanned the crowd and from where you stood you could see your husband standing next to a beautiful blonde woman. He was so close to her, moving a piece of hair out of her face. Even from that far away you could see the blush on her cheeks.
“At least your husband isn’t trying to shove his dick in any girl interested.” You said nonchalantly turning back to the gardens.
At your comment Bakugo’s head turned to see exactly to what you were referring. Your husband, a man Bakugo has worked with, was whispering something in some girls ear.
“You let him do that?!” He scoffed and turned back the same way you were. He took a sip of his drink and looked at you as you spoke.
“He does what he wants, always has.” You sighed and looked down at the ring on your left hand. “I thought he loved me but I know he doesn’t. At least, not anymore. It was his suggestion to keep or marriage together while-“ Tears started to brim your eyes. It still hurt to think about.
“He goes out and fucks other women while his WIFE sleeps in a bed all alone? That’s fucked up.”
You snorted a laugh and chugged the rest of your drink. He looked over and watched you as you spoke softly.
“In the beginning sure, I let the guilt of him choosing other women take over me. I couldn’t eat, sleep or be happy.” You turned your attention to Bakugo instead of the gardens. “But you know what, I woke up one day and decided if this was going to be my life than I would live it. Now he fucks whoever and I spend my time doing things that make me happy.”
Bakugo turned his head to look at you as you closed your eyes and took in a deep breath.
“That’s still fucked up.” He grumbled.
You turned opening your eyes to look at Bakugo. His hair stuck up in different directions, his jaw line was covered in stubble, and he had the most beautiful red eyes you had ever seen. His chest was broad, and his arms were strong looking. All the alcohol wasn’t helping as you caught yourself staring and sunk your teeth into your bottom lip.
“Yeah well, when everything is fucked up you just get more fucked up.” You held your empty glass of champagne and wiggled it in the air. “Would you like to accompany me to get another drink?” You asked as you picked up the bottom of your dress with your empty hand.
Bakugo reached out and caught your wrist before you could step forward. You turned and started at his face.
“You need a real drink none of this champagne crap.” His had slid down your wrist until it clasped your hand. Your fingers intertwined with Bakugo’s and he squeezed your hand and led you through the crowd at the Heroes Gala and to the front door just as someone stepped onto the stage taking all the attention in the room so the two of you could slip out without being noticed. Once you both made it outside Bakugo handed his ticket to the valet and a car pulled up a few moments later.
Bakugo removed his hand from yours and opened the passenger side door for you. You smiled and slid into the front seat. It was funny, you’ve talked to Bakugo for 20 minutes max and he was already more of a gentleman than your husband ever was.
Your face was pushed against Bakugo’s chest as your sobs racked your body. You felt weak and sick. You couldn’t keep anything down and your husband decided to take a trip to Cancun with his mistress for the week and you felt so alone.
Well at least not entirely alone, you did have Bakugo nuzzling you into his chest and that made you feel less lonely.
“I’m so tired Katsuki.” You whimpered into the fabric of his t-shirt. Your eyes hurt from all the crying you’ve done today.
“Baby, it’s okay. Why don’t we go take a nap or something?” He moved his head from its rested place on top of yours and looked down at you. “Hmm?” He said after you continued your silence.
You moved back from him and rubbed your eyes with the corner of his sleeve. You looked up at Bakugo. A slight smile warmed at the corner of his lips and just when you thought you were done crying you started again.
The water works were uncontrollable. They came down your face in a steady stream and you gasped for air as you fell to the floor. Just before your knees hit the floor Bakugo caught you and swiftly pulled you into a bridal carry as he made his way to the couch in your gigantic living room.
“Y/N, I need you to tell me what’s wrong. I hate seeing you cry when I don’t even know why you’re upset.” He spoke softly to you as he got comfortable with you in his lap. He pulled a cover off the back of your couch and pulled it over top of you.
You looked up through your tears at the man you’ve fallen in love with. He is there for you when you need him unlike your husband who was off doing who knows.
The tears continued to flow as you looked at him and admiring his beauty. You loved him. You did, honestly. If he asked you would leave your life and your good for nothing husband and be Katsuki Bakugo’s girl but you know deep down that Bakugo is your lover and he didn’t sign up for any of this bullshit you and your husband had gotten into.
Reaching up you wiped your face again as Bakugo stared at you his eyebrows knitted in confusion his arms wrapped around your waist pressing you into his body. On occasion you had cried while he was with you but never like this. Plus, Bakugo didn’t really know what to do.
He was unsure because he isn’t a very emotional personbut he would be here for you no matter what. He wanted to be your hero, he wanted to treat you to date nights, movies and gifts on your birthday but that wasn’t his place to do that seeing as he was your mistress, and you already had a husband.
Thinking of your husband made Bakugo so angry. How someone so smart could be not only blind but fucking stupid was beyond him. If he had you he would never let you go.
“I’m tired Katsuki. I’m so tired of everything.” You finally replied to his question.
“ Okay… you said that already-“ You pushed away from Bakugo and stood up, almost loosing your balance but you caught yourself.
“No, I’m tired Katsuki, I’m tried of people I care about always leaving me. I’m tired of not feeling good enough, I’m tired of being pushed aside for someone else. I want someone to love me! I want someone to care for me that way I care! I have lived in this house for years by myself! I don’t think I can do it anymore!” You moved both of your hands to your hair and grabbed a fist full, gritting your teeth before yelling through them.
“I’m falling apart, I’m not sure if I can handle this anymore! It’s gotten out of control this whole-“
Suddenly Bakugo moved and was in front of you, grabbing your wrists. Pulling your hands from your hair he placed his lips against yours. You were so angry but as soon as his lips touched yours you melted. Your lips moving against his as his grip continued against your wrists.
He pulled away and placed his forehead against yours. You opened your eyes and met his in return.
“Your husband is a fucking idiot. He doesn’t deserve you. If you’d let me I’d tell him who your real hero is and then whisk you away where he could never find you.” Bakugo whispered and brought on of your hands to his lips and kissed the skin on the back of your hand.
You chuckled a small smile playing at your lips. You stood in front of this beautiful man and looked at him with tears-stained cheeks but he still thought you were the most beautiful person on the planet. You closed your eyes and sighed. A much as you wanted that you knew the truth.
“I can’t leave Katsuki it is more complicated than that, I’m-“ You started to tell him why you were so upset. Why you couldn’t just run away from your husband and live happily ever after, but he interrupted you.
“That makes no fucking sense Y/N! I’m offering to take you away from this shitty as life you have in this house! I want to take you with me when I leave, I want you to want to come with me!” He shouted at you as he threw his hands up in frustration dropping yours completely and turning to pace in front of you.
“Bakugo-“ You started again only to be caught off.
“It’s Katsuki!” He shouted tears brimming his eyes as he looked back over at you.
Your heart shattered and you lifted your hand to reach for him but he turned away again.
“Is he really that important to you that you’d let him walk all over you and treat you like this?! Cause given the chance I know I could do better. I think about you all the time, you are the only thing that runs through my mind! You’re going crazy? I’m going crazy being without you..” When he first spoke he screamed but as his confession lengthened he got softer. At the end he finally turned to look at you.
His eyes found yours as you stood one hand covering your mouth as you listened to his confession. Stepping forward to him testing the proximity. He didn’t move just continued to watch you. You quickly closed the space and wrapped both arms tightly around his neck standing on your tip toes.
“Katsuki, I need to tell you something.” You whispered into his ear. A blush rose to your cheeks as you thought about what you were about to say. You’ve been seeing Katsuki for a few years and had always been so careful.
“I’m pregnant.” Like word vomit it tumbled out of your mouth making you sick. The both of you were frozen against each other until Bakugo pulled you slightly away to meet his eyes.
His heart was sinking. It was over that perfect life with you he was dreaming of he will never have if your husband finds out he’s having a child. His eyes narrowed as he investigated yours.
“He must be excited.” He said as he removed your arms from around his neck. You were confused and slightly hurt. Didn’t he hear you? You said you were pregnant.
“Katsuki-“ You reached for him again but he stepped back.
“I should probably leave you alone then.” You breath got caught in your throat. “I wouldn’t wanna come in between your ‘Perfect’ family!” It was your turn to step back as his voice got loud again.
He knew that was not what you thought of your situation. Why was he acting like this towards you. Before you knew what was happening your hand reached up and hit him across the face. You were angry.
He grabbed your wrist after it connected with his cheek.
“Let go of me!” You screamed at him. The slap left Bakugo in shock, but it did clear his brain a little. He opened his mouth to reply to you when you yelled again.
“Get out of my house right now!” Your words cut him like daggers. Why were you so angry about his comment when you were carrying your husband child? Then it clicked that was her plan all along to invite him over and end things between them. ‘No’ He thought. ‘She wouldn’t do that.’
“Katsuki,” He perked up at his name and met your gaze. “Please leave.”
“Y/n. I’m sorry I’m just conf-“ He started to speak but you cut him off ripping your hand from his grasp.
“I’m serious Bakugo, I can handle this on my own since you want to act like this. GET OUT!” He flinched at the use of his last name. You rushed forward and pushed his chest with your hands as hard as you could.
He was shocked as you pushed him away and he slipped on the step leading to the entry way of your home. He landed on his ass as he stared at you. He could tell you were furious with him. You were still screaming but he couldn’t hear. Your hair was in the messiest bun he’d ever seen, his hoodie was way too big on you and your whole face was bright red. He tuned into what you were saying just as he stood up.
“-It’s not even his baby it’s yours! I haven’t slept with him in years, I’ve only ever been with you! Leave like everyone else! I can’t just run away! My whole life is tied in a big knot attached to the ring on my finger! Just get out Bakugo!” You jolted forward and pushed his chest again towards the front door.
“Just go..” You said as you pushed Bakugo towards the door again. He was in shock. You, Y/N L/N were carrying his baby in your womb. As quick as his excitement rose it faded just as fast as the situation dawned on him. He blinked a few times, and the threshold of the door caught the back of his boot making him fall for the second time.
His ass hits the stones as he looked up at you with wide eyes. You stared back at him radiating anger. He expected you to yell at him some more, but he wasn’t expecting what happened next.
You slammed the door in his face and if that wasn’t bad enough, he heard the lock slide and click into place. Bakugo sat there shocked staring at you front door hoping you would open it and invite him back in. After a few minutes he stood up dusting off his hands on his jeans.
He stepped forward and placed a hand on the door along with his forehead. He was just about to knock and yell your name when he heard you crying.
Your back was pressed against the door and your head was in your hands as you cried.
What were you expecting? A happy ending with a doating husband and a baby. No, you knew better than that. Your husband would care once he found out he was going to try to convince to stay with him and raise the baby. Your husband can’t have kids and you know this would only tie you to him further and make escape impossible.
Bakugo lifted his head deciding he cause you enough trouble today seeing as you were carrying a baby. He turned from the door and headed to his car. He looked back up at the big house.
You stood up after a moment and looked out the window near your front door and saw Bakugo standing there staring at your house. You thought he had already left. As stared out the window at the man you love you watched him turn to his car to leave.
“I love you Katsuki, maybe it could have worked if I hadn’t been so stupid.” You whispered to yourself as you placed a hand on your little baby bump. Thinking back to the agreement you made with your husband, his word chilling you to your core. ‘Any child you carry is going to be my child. They’ll be my successor.’
That was when you decided finally to take your life in your own hands. You went to your room and started shoving clothes in your suitcase. Once you were ready to leave you went out to your car throwing your suitcase in.
You stared at the big house standing in almost the same spot as Bakugo earlier. The only difference being there was no one to watch you leave. You slid into the car and started the engine, backing out of the driveway towards something new.
Little did you know your adventure would turn out to be a nightmare for one person and he was hell bent to get you back.
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Understanding Gyro Gearloose
A fair day in Duckburg, the sun was shining and the air was warm on the face a perfect day for a perfect date, thought the ever so brilliant Fenton Crackshell Cabrera who was meeting up with Huey outside of a small coffee shop.
“Fenton!” Huey says, “You asked me to be here, why?”
“Huey! You and Dr. Gearloose know eachother..” Fenton murmurs not making eye contact with Huey when his face begins to warm.
“I’d say so, is there something wrong?” Huey asked.
“No! Gosh there isnt, I was just...wondering if you’d help me...Please dont tell anyone else, but..I want to surprise Dr. Gearloose with a date.” Fenton explains, stammering as he started to sweat.
“Well, then you have come to the right place, oh boy this is exciting! Where do we get to start?” Huey asked.
“Well, if there’s one thing I have to remember about Dr. Gearloose is that I can’t do anything too dramatic, he stresses out easily.” Fenton explains. “Do...you have any advice?”
“You’ve come to the right place Fenton, I know exactly what you need. Sit down my friend!” Huey says.
Fenton smiles, “Oh thank you Huey, youre the best!”
“Of course Fenton, now the most important thing is it to set the mood, you said that Gyro gets stressed easily, so plan for something small.” Huey explains.
“That’s easy! We can watch a movie in the lab, thats his comfort place.” Fenton says.
“Perfect. No big surprises, just a good movie, and some snacks, you guys could get hungry, every good date has snacks.” Huey said.
“Hm, light snacks, Dr. Gearloose doesn’t eat snacks very often, but i know what he likes so I will provide that.” Fenton says.
“Mood lighting. That’ll be everything for your date, warm colors, make it comfortable. Blankets are a must.” Huey says, getting excited for Fenton.
“Yes! I have plenty of those! I’ll use as many as I can to create the most comfort for Dr. Gearloose..” Fenton says.
“What movie do you think will set the tone?” Huey asks.
“Darkwing Duck! I just know Dr. Gearloose will like it.” Fenton says,
“Great. Now we have all the elements for your perfect date.” Huey says.
Fenton smiles. “This is perfect. All I would have to do is get Dr. Gearloose out of the lab so i can decorate it, Boyd can help! He can fly, oh, it’ll be perfect!” He starts to get excited about his little date.
“I know exactly how to get Dr. Gearloose out of his lab, I’ll act like I’m interested in one of his new inventions, and then Ill suggest we show it to Scrooge, he will leave the lab with me and then you can swoop in, decorate it with Boyd, text me when your done and Ill take Gearloose back, and it’ll be perfect!” Huey says, he smiles happy for Fenton.
“I knew I could trust you Huey, thank you.” Fenton says. “You go get Dr. Gearloose now, Ill need as much time as I can get, I have something I want to show him as well.” Fenton says/
“Huey is on it. I wont let you down Fenton!” Huey says.
“This means so much to me, I hope it works.” Fenton says, only a little nervous now.
“Don’t worry Fenton, Ill make sure it works.” Huey says while the two make their way to Gyros lab, Fenton hangs back so that Gyro doesn’t see him sneak in, there would be no way for him to lie about what he was up to, not to Gyro.
Huey walks up to the lab door, knocking on it awaiting Gyro.
Gyro hears the knock, walking over to the door, he opens it. “Red Nephew?”
“Yes its Huey here! I was interested in knowing more about your inventions!”
A rare smile forms on Gyros face. “I never figured any of you would be so interested in my work!”
“You’re the coolest scientist we know! Of course I am.” Huey says while Gyro lets him in his lab.
Gyro adjusts his glasses while he walks to his workspace ready to start information dumping on Huey.
“Can you tell me more about your cool shrink ray?!” Huey asked looking in awe at Gyro.
“Of course!”Gyro picks up the Gearloose Microphone, “The Gearloose Microphone! The microphone that can make tiny voices loud, and of course shrink you to a microscopic size.” He starts to go on in even more depth, gesturing wildly as he spoke. “You see my work is very well crafted Red Nephew, you are smart for taking such an opportunity to understand my inventions. All of the accusations you’ve heard are wrong, my inventions are never evil just wildly misunderstood.” Gyro speaks while lil bulb peaks from his hat as he says ‘evil’.
Huey didn’t quite expect Gyro to talk so long. They were there for a long time before Gyro finally stopped talking to take a breather, Huey took the opportunity to ask Gyro to take his presentation to the manor.
“Can we go up to the manor? I bet Uncle Scrooge would love to hear about the Gearloose Microphone.” Huey gasp, “everyone would love to see it!”
Gyro looks at Huey; “You really think that?!” He sounded hopeful.
“Of course.” Huey says, he smiles “Lets go!” He takes Gyro by the arm running him out of the lab.
Gyro screams, breaking free as soon as the two left the lab. “Never touch me again.”
“Finally.” Fenton says sneaking into the lab, he was starting to worry that Huey was going to be unable to get him out of the lab.
“Hey! Psst Boyd I need your help.” Fenton calls to him.
“Fenton! What do you need?” Boyd asks.
“I’m planing a date with Dr. Gearloose, i need you to help decorate the lab a little bit.” Fenton explains.
Really?! Ill help decorate!” Boyd happily said.
Fenton and Boyd begin to look for some decorations. He took Hueys advice and decorated with warm colors, making the lab a comfortable place to watch a movie in.
“This is going to be a perfect date.” Fenton says while he strings up some lights over the large window in the lab. He continues to tidy the lap, ensuring it will be looking its best when Gyro comes thru the door. Boyd flies putting up little paper lanterns.
“Wow. The lab looks fantastic!” Fenton smiles, the lab nicely decorated, comfortable for Gyro. “Now to just set out some snacks.” Fenton looks all over the lab for food, Gyro didn’t keep to much at the lab, but Fenton was able to make due with what was there. “Perfect!”
He takes out his phone and Texts Huey that has done all that he had needed to do.
Huey gets the message all the way back at the manor, to his luck Gyro stopped talking as he got it.
“And thats the Gearloose Microphone!” He says with pride, while Huey and Scrooge clap for him.
Gyro looks over to the time, “I should really go back to the lab now.”
“I will take you down!” Huey says, walking to lead the way.
Gyro found it odd Huey suddenly liked him so much, but he was enjoying him, not that he would ever admit that.
The two walked to the lab, Gyro opens the door to Fenton standing by it with a rose.
“Dr. Gearloose.” He smiles, handing to him.
“What is the meaning of all this…” Gyro asked, as Huey just winked, leaving while wishing Fenton good luck.
“Well, Dr. Gearloose, you are always so busy working and all...I planned this, very not date to watch a movie!” Fenton explains.
Gyro looked puzzled for a moment, looking at Fenton and all the lights around the lab, sure looked like a date to him.
“Come on! I set up the movie over here in my laboratory!” Fenton takes Gryos hand walking him over to his tiny bathroom lab. “Here we are.” He opens the door, the two enter the small space. “Sit down! I set us up some blankets.”
Gyro didn’t say anything, he sat down while Fenton started up the movie for them, once he was set up he joined Gyro on the floor.
The lights dim and the movie starts, Gyro was still quite confused about what was going on, and why Fenton would put so much effort into something for him, it wasn’t like he deserved it, least he didn’t think so. He sighs, when Fenton looks over at him, smiling.
Gyro suddenly felt warm inside, in the moment he was glad it was dark, because he was in fact blushing, something that he would not have wanted Fenton to see.
The movie goes on, Gyro found himself getting closer and closer to Fenton the longer that they sat and watched Darkwing Duck, before he knew it, he was wrapping himself around Fenton, resting his head on Fentons shoulder; he hadn’t felt this relaxed in ages, it was a weird feeling for him, but he liked it. Fenton was warm, he was cold, the heat felt nice to him on his body, he almost didn’t want whatever it was he had to end. He in fact, had feelings for Fenton whether he wanted to admit it or not, he sure couldn’t deny it now, he smiles admiring Fenton and the movie.
It ends, the two were still quite quiet, not speaking a word, that was until Fenton spoke.
“Doctor Gearloose I would like to show you something...I have been working on.” Fenton says.
“Are you s—I mean of course, what do you want to show me?” Gyro spoke, he didn’t want to admit that he wanted to just stay on the floor snuggling to Fentons warmth.
Fenton smiles. “Behold! This is Gizmocloud.” He says while turning on his computer. “Here, put this on.” He hands Gyro a VR helmet.
Gyro puts it on his head; as Fenton joins him.
“It’s a virtual reality system I have been working on, heh, It’s still in beta. There’s glitches I dont know how to get rid of.”
Gyro was looking in awe, barely listening to Fenton, “This is...impressive F-er—intern.” He nearly slipped out Fentons name, but he couldn’t let Fenton know he liked him that much.
“You really think so?” Fenton says, while slyly turning on the sunset; setting the mood he thought.
“I do! This is incredible….oh forget it, Fenton.” Gyro smiles at him.
“I-I have a name.” Fenton smiles, he looks into Gyros eyes, taking his hand.
“Ah, well..” Gyro blushes, his feelings for Fenton growing stronger the longer they stood looking at each other.
“I think we have really good chemistry, Doctor Gearloose.” Fenton carefully kisses Gyro on the cheek, Gyro, now possibly overwhelmed by all these soft feelings he’s never felt for Fenton before, starts to tear up.
“You...mean all that..you did this all...for me?” Gyro asked.
“Of course, who else would I be doing anything for Dr. Gearloose, nobody is worth any amount of time or effect, just you are.” Fenton says, while Gyro unexpectedly hugs him tightly, his now very warm face touching Fentons.
“Fenton...thank you..” Gyro says, keeping his tight hold on Fenton.
Fenton smiles, overjoyed he couldn’t have asked this date to go any better than it did, quietly thanking Huey as well for all the help that he had provided making it possible.
Gyro then returns a small sweet to Fentons cheek, “Consider us even now.” He says, while he in reality also wraps around Fenton, kissing him softly.
While soft music begins to play, thanks to Boyd, the two return to reality.
Gyro is quiet again, looking at Fenton fiddling with his own thumbs.
“You ...don’t want this to end do you?” Fenton asked, he was starting to understand Gyros body language a lot more, understanding what he wanted without actually outright saying it.
Gyro shook his head, making Fentons statement true, he didn’t want it to end, not ever, he wraps himself around Fenton, causing the two of them to fall to the floor.
Fenton smiles, his date a larger success than he could have ever asked for.
The two of them laid snuggling for a long while until Fenton had fallen asleep, Gyro still wrapped around him admiring him, he couldn’t believe Fenton went thru all of that, just to have a simple little date with him. He didn’t realize how often he was pushing Fenton away until this point. Part of him felt guilty, but also lucky that Fenton had never once given up on him. He was greatful for him, truly he loved Fenton, he just never knew how to say it, until Fenton showed him how, just now. Gyro smiles, for once as he falls asleep wrapped around Fenton, where he could stay, forever.
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wingz-of-shit · 4 years
I just love to think Petra is jealous of Hange, don’t you? Good day
Petra is such a sweet girl! I wouldn't say she is jealous of Hange, - not in canon anyway - because she's a soldier before all and her heart belongs to humanity. But yes - in my mind -, maybe has a crush on Levi. Anyway, let me revisit chapter 20:
Petra understands for the first time her captain's interest in the eccentric scientist.
He ducked his head to examine Eld. "I'm sure you're all aware but you may not ask him anything past what's in the report." He paused. Petra looked intently at her superior as he eyed each of them as a polite warning. The less Eren knew, the better.
"Although I doubt she'll keep her mouth shut."
The words stung an instant when Petra understood whom he was talking about. Of course, he'd be thinking of her. Even when there was no connection to the current matter. Eld and Oluo remained silent as Eren unavoidably asked who.
As if Levi had summoned her there, a loud banging resonated in the dining wall which made Petra jump out of surprise, fear... and maybe disappointment. Hange San was a loud personage, some may say eccentric, others said her to be a mad scientist. Those were true enough. But what had caught Petra's attention was the unusual bond Hange San shared with her captain.
Petra had entered the Survey corps not long after him. She had observed nothing alike a relationship as far as he was involved. That's why she had allowed herself to have a crush on him. He was brilliant after all. Humanity's strongest. Cold and snappy all right, but deeply concerned for the well-being of others. The more years passed, the more she believed him interesting. And the more Hange San did too.
"Hi there, squad Levi!" the door was violently banged open. "Is the castle comfortable?" Petra saw Squad leader Hange entering the room with a vivid cheerful expression on.
"Her." Levi said nonchalantly, he seemed utterly annoyed by her presence. Though, Petra had seen enough of their relation to knowing it was just his usual face when she was around. The rest of the table had gone silent after her arrival and Petra couldn't make out the sense of the Squad leader's chatting. Not until she merely screamed her captain's name
"Levi! What's on Eren's agenda for tomorrow??"
"..." he looked up at her. "cleaning the yard."
"GREAT! Then it's settled!!"
Petra almost choked on her black tea. Had he not just - ? That was the thing Petra did not understand. Captain Levi was someone who followed the rules, who wanted things to be done correctly and efficiently. He liked when things were clean and where they belonged. She'd seen how easier it was for him to fight when the soldiers around him followed the orders. She'd seen how his routine was designed, meticulously tallied. This was everything she had sought to be when he chose her for his Squad. And this was everything Hange San was not. She did not understand.
Suddenly everyone was standing up. Why? She forced her mind back to the situation. "Well if you want to know that badly about titans..." the woman started. Ah, so they were there again, leaving because Squad Leader Hange had found a new target to bore. Petra had not heard her captain say anything, but he was leaving already.
And then she saw it...
Petra Ral had always suggested. She had always tried pretending. But she couldn't deny it anymore, could she?
Before Levi left the room, Petra saw him look over his shoulder. To her? No. To Hange San. His face was gentle, held something Petra didn't know. He nodded slightly, it almost seemed as if she had dreamt it. Then she turned to look at the pair still sitting at the table. Hange San was looking back, a faint blush on her face. And in a flash, it was gone, and they weren't looking at each other anymore. As quickly as it had come.
Petra knew then.
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