#and then suddenly blacked out and had this all written out
📚 pretty please?
I shan't give too many details about this one, because I am pretty dedicated to writing it at this point - but Farmtale Sans is on the cards. Here's a teeny extract from the first chapter I've written out.
You sat down at the kitchen table. The chairs smelt of wood varnish. You had no idea what you were going to do for food, the last store you recalled passing on the way here felt like hours ago. You had no heating, no lights. No gas. Almost definitely no hot water. 
You felt like just laying down on the floor and crying forever. 
A knock on the front door. 
You jumped out of your fucking skin. Someone was at the door? Suddenly, a bunch of horrible thoughts started racing through your head. Did you get the wrong house? Was the will wrong? Did the key just happen to fit? Is this someone’s home, and you just came in, kicked their carpet and sat at their table? You scrabbled over to the door, rattling the handle and eventually shoving it open. 
... A massive, lanky skeleton monster stood before you. 
“HELLO THERE!” He spoke extremely cheerfully, but in a volume that made you startle. He was wearing dark blue overalls, heavy black rubber boots, and an orange gingham-patterned top. “WHY, IT’S LOVELY TO FINALLY MEET YOU! I’M PAPYRUS, YOUR NEW NEIGHBOUR!”
He stuck out a huge hand, covered by a garden glove. 
You stood there for a moment, dumbfounded, blinking up at the skeleton. He was... how did he get here so fast? Eventually you snapped yourself out of your rude gawking and took his hand, shaking cautiously.
“... Neighbour?” you managed to say. But there weren’t any houses around for what felt like miles...?
You paused. “You came out all that way, just to greet me?”
He seemed confused, for a moment, but quickly smiled again, even breaking into chuckles. “OH! YOU MUST BE FROM THE CITY, RIGHT? NYEHEHEH, YOU MUST THINK HALF AN HOUR IS A LONG DRIVE! NYEHEHEHE!”
... What a strange feeling. You’d never before met someone who could laugh right at you, yet not feel malicious at all. He still made you feel like he was laughing with you. Papyrus’ smile reached his eyes (eyesockets?) so much that he had smile lines in the bone.
You smiled yourself, a little. “Y-yeah, I guess I do think that’s a long way. I’m (y/n). How did you know I’d arrived?”
You couldn’t help it. You laughed. “Th... thank you. I really appreciate it.”
What? “Huh?”
... You could’ve cried. Perhaps this wasn’t going to be as nightmarish as you thought.
“I’d love to. But I’ve really got to unpack everything first, and clean this old place out. We could exchange phone numbers?”
You stared incredulously at the monster before you. Was he real? “I-I,”
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misc-obeyme · 3 days
Sigh. Okay. Here's the Levi demon form smut. I don't think it turned out very good, but I'm tired of messing with it. And I spent time writing it, so I figure I might as well post it. I'm sorry, Levi, I swear I'll do you justice one day~
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GN!MC x Leviathan
Warnings: penetration (reader receiving), Levi being silly and blushy and anxious, demon form, tail stuff (I'm struggling with how to label this - the tail wraps around MC, MC sucks on the end of it, and it also stimulates MC but doesn't penetrate... okay that'll have to do I guess), sexy potion (briefly mentioned and Levi drank it lol), cockwarming, biting, man I hope that's it
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Leviathan was already bright red. He kept his eyes squeezed shut, but the blush covering his face was so sweet. He was in his bathtub, back against several pillows and you in his lap. Two piles of clothes were on the floor nearby. He'd been nervous from the start, even though you had done this before. You tried to get him to relax, but it was clear that most of the things you did only made it worse.
You ran your hands over his chest as you pushed back against his erection.
You put your hand on his cheek. “Please, Levi?”
“M-MC!” he protested.
You had asked him if he would shift into demon form and the idea of it flustered him so bad he couldn’t look at you.
You kissed his warm cheeks. “I just wanna see you,” you said as you trailed your lips down his neck.
Levi shivered at the light touch, but he still couldn’t open his eyes.
You sighed and sat up a bit, so you could cup his face with both hands. You rubbed your thumbs across his skin. “Look at me, Levi.”
Obediently, Levi opened his eyes, but it was still difficult for him. He turned his face away, like he was trying to only see you in his periphery. You turned him back to face you.
"Whatever you think about yourself doesn't matter," you said. "I want to see all of you. You can do that for me, can't you?"
Something seemed to shine in Levi’s eyes. Not tears, but a confidence you knew he often didn't feel. And then he was in demon form, confirming that your words had boosted him enough to feel comfortable granting your request.
You watched as the complex horns emerged and the black and indigo coloring splayed across his neck and shoulder. You could feel the tail wrap around your waist. You shifted slightly so the scales rubbed gently across your skin.
You traced your fingertips across the pattern on his neck and the way he whined in response filled you with satisfaction. You leaned back down to press kisses along where your fingers had touched, enjoying the way he began to squirm beneath you.
You rolled your hips, grinding yourself down on his erection, making him cry out.
“A-ah!” Levi’s fingers were suddenly digging into your arms, a sensation you found you liked. His tail tightened around your waist. “MC! Please!”
You smirked and looked down at him. “Please what?”
But Levi couldn’t say it. You knew he would be too embarrassed to. He squeezed his eyes shut again, pressing his lips together and shaking his head.
You laughed a little because his reaction was so cute. You ran your hands through his hair, letting them slide gently up his horns, enjoying the way he shuddered in response. Then you kissed him, running your tongue along those tightly clamped lips in an attempt to get him to relax. It worked. He opened his mouth for you, letting out a little gasp as your tongue slipped inside.
Your kiss became sloppy fast, your hips occasionally rolling languidly downward. Every time you did this, the tail around your waist twitched and tightened just a little.
You pulled away to look down at him again and while his expression was a little more open, the anxiety was still clearly written there.
You pressed kisses across his face, pausing by his ear to whisper, “You’re safe with me. It’s okay to let go a little.”
It was like you had unlocked a secret level. Levi’s hands moved from your arms to your hips and he bucked up into you, letting out a whine that was so needy you couldn’t help but smile.
You rearranged yourself a bit, then sat snugly on his cock. You went slowly, inching down bit by bit so you could hear his noises.
As you went, Levi’s tail wrapped even more circles around you until the tip was brushing against your cheek. You smiled as it edged along your lips then opened your mouth to let it inside.
As soon as the tip of Levi’s tail was inside your mouth, you clamped your lips closed and sucked. You were rewarded by the sight of Levi’s eyes rolling back into his head as he moaned and bucked beneath you.
You steadied yourself with your hands on his chest as you moved your hips, setting a decent pace. Every time his cock was fully inside you, it sent spikes of pleasure through your gut. You moaned around his tail, but didn’t let it out of your mouth. Your tongue was too busy exploring the unusual feeling of his scales.
Levi was a mess beneath you, his hands gripping your hips so tightly you knew there’d be marks later. He couldn’t stop himself from meeting your movements and the lower part of his tail that was wrapped around you seemed to be moving you, too. You found you barely had to do any of the work yourself. You still maintained the pace and position, though, and Levi seemed to be content to let you.
Your heavy breathing filled the room along with the sound of skin smacking against skin and Levi’s soft whines. You decided you wanted to hear a little more, reaching out to pinch one of his nipples.
Levi cried out and you laughed softly around the tail in your mouth. Levi pulled his tail out as it squeezed around you even more. It was almost painful but not quite. You knew he didn’t even realize what he was doing and that made it all the more enjoyable.
“Sorry,” you said between heaving panting now that your mouth was free. “Did that hurt?”
Levi whined. “D-do it again-“
He didn’t have to ask twice. But you decided this time it would be more satisfactory to use your teeth. The tail around you slackened just a bit as you moved your body forward and bit down on the sensitive skin.
Levi was squirming hard beneath you now and you knew it was only a matter of time before he came. You increased your pace, letting your arms rest on his shoulders, pulling him into your body as you focused on your movement.
Everything around you tightened - Levi’s tail, his hands, even his eyes squeezing shut - as he came inside of you.
Levi cried out your name so beautifully as his tail went limp, falling into a heap around you.
Levi kept his eyes closed tight as your pace slackened. You were about to stop when you felt the tip of his tail, still wet from your mouth, finding its way between your legs, just barely touching your most sensitive spot.
It was so unexpected, you gasped.
Levi peeked at you, opening one eye just enough to register the look of surprise on your face. “D-don’t stop,” he said. And his hands gripped your hips hard again, keeping you moving.
“But-!” you protested. “How are you still-?”
The blush that alighted on Levi’s face made you smile. You were about to ask him how he was still hard after he came only seconds ago. There was something going on there, but you felt too good in that moment to pursue it further.
The tail between your legs seemed to have a mind of its own. It was only moments before you weren’t able to form full sentences anyway. You barely registered the look of adorable determination on Levi’s face before you felt that tightening in your gut.
You ended up leaving light scratch marks across his chest as you came, his tail continuing its ministrations as you rode out your orgasm.
You drew in some heavy breaths as you collapsed against Levi, letting your head settle in the crook of his neck. His arms moved to wrap around you, hugging you close to him, and his tail did the same, but not too tightly.
“You’re still hard,” you said, pressing light kisses to his neck.
Levi groaned. “Asmo gave me this potion…”
You laughed softly against his skin. “Oh, was it more potent than you thought it’d be?”
“D-don’t laugh, MC!” he said even as his grip on you tightened.
“I’m sorry,” you said. “Do you want me to help you out?”
Levi was quiet for a long time before he finally said. “A-actually, if you could just… stay like this…”
You were more than content to stay in Levi’s arms and cockwarm him all night if that’s what he wanted. You both fell asleep soon enough, though it would take some time for the potion to fade.
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drunk-person · 3 days
The Rumor (Modern Au) P.1
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x cousin!reader
Summary: One of the most talked about gossips among the lower class servants in Kings Landing is the fact (or not) that Aemond Targaryen got involved with his cousin Y/n Targaryen when they were both teenagers. Mainly due to the fact that at the age of 17 she was sent to Old Town overnight. Some employees claim that Aemond was caught between her legs. Some say that, like her father, she had had a horrible fight with her uncle and uncle and was sent away. And other than that none of this happened, she just became interested in the course offered at the Old Town conservatory. But now five years later, Y/n Targaryen is back, and rumors haunt those who favor them.
WARNING: 18+ mdni! Smut, p in v, fingering, Oral Sex, no description for reader.
Author's note: No accurate update predictions because I need to write, correct, translate and correct again. All this in the middle of a boring adult job. (Adulthood kind of sucks) But I'll do my best to finish it and it won't be a long story.
A/n²: The next chapter is already written, just needs to be translated. I hope you like this little story 💕.
Word cont: 1.400 k
"Hey hey kings landing, to the gossipers on duty it seems that after almost five years in Old Town the Rogue prince's daughter is back in our society. She was seen at the black Water bay airport in the morning, has our dear Targaryen returned to to stay?"
Aemond had been in a terrible mood all day, the people around him had already given up on getting close to him. According to Lizze, his secretary, he could very well bite anyone who got too close. The reason for the more bitter than normal mood, no one had yet understood.
-Mrs. Mayotte. - Aemond said with a cutting voice from inside his own office and Lizze made a face at Sana, Aegon's secretary, before entering the room.
Shortly after, she returned with a huge stack of folders in her hand and a look of disgust.
-That man was possessed by a demon last night Sana, this behavior is not normal even for him. - Lizze whispered to her indignant colleague, Sana just laughed while filing her nails and looking at things on the Internet, according to Lizze one of the privileges of being a secretary for someone who doesn't work.
Suddenly Sana's eyes widened when she saw something on her phone.
-Oh my seven. - She said in shock, pulling Lizze by the hand and dragging her to the end of the corridor where they could not be heard with the cell phone in hand.
-What is it?
-I think I understand why the man is breathing fire today. - Sana said showing her cell phone to Lizze with the article from the gossip site, which now contained a photo of Y/n at the airport, with her hair braided back, wearing a blouse with low sides, shorts and sunglasses.
Lizze rolled her eyes at her co-worker.
-Sana, these are just malicious rumors that spread around.
-Did her uncle send her to the other side of the country because of a rumor? - Sana raised her eyebrows.
-No, he sent her to study. - Lizze rolled her eyes. - Now enough of that.
-Lizze, do you think it's a coincidence that he arrives here breathing fire from his ears on the very day she returns to the city?
-Lizze, this is no coincidence! - She stated vehemently.
-Which is not a coincidence, ma'am. Heyors? - Came the cutting voice behind Sana and she felt her body freeze as she looked at Lizze with wide eyes.
-N-othing Mr. Targaryen. It's just... just... - She babbled in despair.
-Our grandmothers attend the same dance class. - Lizze spoke quickly in her colleague's place, and Aemond raised his eyebrows in disbelief.
-No matters of a personal nature during working hours. - He spoke in a sharp voice as he went to the elevator. - Cancel my appointments today, ma'am. Mayotte, I don't have anything important and I'll need to leave.
And before one of them could open their mouth he had already disappeared into the elevator. Causing the secretaries to let out a sigh of relief.
-See? - Sana spoke soon after. - It's not just a rumor.
Aemond didn't even greet anyone before leaving the family company. He just went down to the parking lot, got in his own car and got out of there before he collapsed. It was as if his blood was boiling, he hadn't had that burning sensation inside him for about five years. And now there it was again, Aemond wanted to bang his head against the steering wheel.
The phone rang while he was stopped at the traffic lights, and Aemond eagerly picked it up and was disappointed to see "Floris" written on the display.
-Shit. - He mumbled before answering the call.
-Aemond? - Came the soft voice from the other side.
-Don't forget we're attending Cece's birthday today.
Aemond wanted to hit his head twice as hard. Cece Lanister's damn birthday was definitely the last thing on his mind at that moment.
-Ok, I'm driving. - He confirmed before hanging up with a scowl on his face.
-Viserys! - Alicent squeaked, staring at her husband in despair.
-What do you want me to do? - Viserys asked tiredly.
-Send her back to Old Town!
-She is already 22 years old, she is of legal age, I can't just send her back there.
-Viserys, you know very well why she came back here, and I will not allow her to take my son down the wrong path.
-They were children Alicent. - Viserys grumbled.
-Viserys they are 17 and 18 years old. They were far from being children.
-No. - She replied. - She is just like her father, she has no respect for anything or anyone, I welcomed that girl into my home out of pity and how did she show me gratitude? Dragging Aemond along the wrong path. I don't want her anywhere near him!
-Alicent they are of age, we can no longer control what they do.
-Then we must be connivingwith this affront?
-They both probably don't even remember this anymore. It's been years, Aemond has found a girlfriend, finished college, and is working at the company. He's a responsible and mature man, he won't make the same mistakes again.
-And what about your niece? - She arched her eyebrow in irritation and Viserys let out a sigh of frustration.
-I haven't seen Y/n for as long as you, my wife, I can't know, but I'm sure that her time in Old Town as you requested helped her understand that what happened between her and Aemond was wrong.
-I hope so. - She grumbled and left her husband alone.
Y/n smiled as she walked down the flour street, she missed being home so much. She looked at the Visenya Hills coffee shop and couldn't help but smile even more, the number of times she went there with Aemond wasn't even measurable.
She decided to go into the café and out of sheer nostalgia, she didn't even look at the menu, she just ordered the same thing she always ordered when she went to the place. As soon as she received the order and brought the straw to her lips, a flood of memories came with her and she almost moaned with satisfaction.
-Y/n Targaryen. - Came the execly sweet voice from behind her and Y/n turned around smiling.
-Cece Lanister.
-How long ago, I found out that you came back this morning. - The girl smiled hugging her and Y/n returned the gesture. - How was it in Old town?
-Definitely dull when compared to Kings Landing. - Y/n said rolling her eyes.
-Well, I need your new number. - Cece said, handing the cell phone to Y/n, who smiled at her and typed her own number, saving it with a heart on the front.
-Okay, then call me so I can have yours.
-You totally need to come to my birthday party tonight. - Cece said with a big smile. - It will be your official return to society.
-Oh Cece, I'm so tired from the trip. -Y/n gave the excuse, she wasn't tired. She just had plans to look for someone else.
-You need to go Y/n! Everyone will be there!
-Everyone? - She arched her eyebrow.
-Yeah. - Cece said, pulling out the vowel. - Even Helaena told me that she would go at least for an hour.
Y/n's eyes brightened. If Helaena would be there, he would be there too, he would never let his sister go unaccompanied to an event full of potential idiots.
-Well, I'll try to make an effort. - She smiled sweetly with a hint of mischief in her eyes.
-I'll wait for you! - Cece said ordering her own coffee while Y/n went out into the street again.
She drank her coffee while smilingly observing everything around her, until she passed a magazine stand and saw the cover of one of them.
Targaryen and Baratheon close to announcing engagement?
With a huge photo of Aemond next to Floris Baratheon. Y/n's blood boiled in her veins when she saw that, engagement. Aemond wouldn't be betrothed to some Baratheon bitch if she had a say in the matter, and she most certainly had a lot.
The smile slowly returned to her lips as she looked towards a store window and saw a short black dress that she was sure would look perfect with the heels she had seen two stores ago.
She would go to Cece Lanister's party, and she would go ready to take back what was hers, or she wouldn't be called Y/n Targaryen.
next chapter
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A Pirate's Life for Me Finale (Wanda M x Reader x Natasha R.)
Summary: There was something odd about the dark void you found yourself floating within.
Words: 1305
Warnings: Language, mentions of near death.
A/N: We say goodbye to our dear pirates. This story... started something amazing for me. I found my partner because of it. So this is very bittersweet and wonderful at the same time. All of this was written for her and in the end, I'm just excited to keep writing things like this for her and for everyone to enjoy. So this is its final sendoff. I hope you all loved it the way I did.
Taglist: @natasharomanoffswife​ @natasha-danvers​ @aaron-despair​ @username23345 @xjiasx​ @nowthisisliving27 @higherfurther-romanova​ @summergeezburr @imnotasuperhero @miscmarvelwritings @captain-josslett @onlyafewfindtheway @hayleyokami @b-5by5 @lostandsearching @evilcr0ne​ @nightingalexx​@suki-is-a-queen @kaosrsing
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There was something odd about the dark void you found yourself floating within. It didn’t have the finality you expected and truthfully, everything still hurt. You had expected death to wash away the aches of life and yet every breath made you want to cry out in pain.
Another sharp feeling within your chest forced air from your lungs and you jolted headfirst out of the darkness. Into… something, with light far too bright and an overbearing heat that left your stomach rolling like waves in a storm.
Where am I going?
The first thing you noticed as consciousness began to dawn was how fucking cold you were. It felt like it was burrowed deep into your very soul, freezing you from the inside out.
And then you discerned twin flames burning into your front and back, the heat almost agonizing as it attempted to drive out the chill. It was as though your body had been placed upon a lit campfire and for a moment, you expected to smell burning flesh and hear the crackle of your skin but you didn’t. All you could hear were low voices, trapped in the fog of pain and delirium.
“She is so cold,” one of them murmured weakly, a profound sadness in their words and suddenly there was a fire settling upon your chest, just above the heart.
“She is alive. That is all we could ask for. She needs our warmth and our love. She will return to us, my love,” another voice responded, the pressure on your chest growing intense.
You could recognize them, just barely. The flames that often set your heart ablaze whenever they were near. Instinctively, you wanted to curl into them but the overwhelming heat left you wanting to squirm away.
It was quite the cacophony of warring emotions and you disliked it significantly.
There was a long, pained moan and it took a moment to realize it had come from you. The voices around you went silent, only the sounds of bated breath reaching your ears and you moaned again, shifting slightly away from the warmth that was beginning to leave your bones aching.
“No, malysh, don’t move. You need to warm up or you could…” Wanda’s soft words trailed off as her hands rolled you closer.
“Hurts,” you croaked, the salt of the sea having left your throat cracked and sore. “Hot.”
One bleary eye drifted open, exposing the red-rimmed eyes of Natasha as she stared at you with barely controlled joy. A strong hand landed on your shoulder, keeping you firmly in place. “I know, honey, but you cannot move. Your body needs to warm up. You were in the water too long. You were nearly frozen when Yelena found you and brought you to the surface. Your...” Natasha released a shuddering breath. “Your heart had stopped beating. We did not know if we could bring you back.”
Slowly taking stock of your pained body, there was an undeniable ache in your chest and you remembered the black void of nothingness. How weightless you’d felt, despite the agony wracking through you.
“Oh…” you exhaled sharply, wincing at the tug of your lungs.
Wanda’s body trembled against your back, her anguished sobs escaping in harsh pants as her face pressed between your shoulders. It was horribly tender, the skin raw from stone and brine and muscles taut with the stiffness of a corpse, but you wouldn’t deny her this comfort. Your unsteady hand lifted to pet the hand resting on your hip, “We thought we had lost you!”
Bile drifted up your aching throat. They had, if only for a moment. No longer attached to your flesh, you had accepted your fate, intending to let the void swallow you whole. But you couldn’t admit that, not now.
“I’m here,” you whispered reassuringly, your weak squeeze of her hand only spurning the sobs on. Peering at the redhead before you, you watched similar tracks begin to form on her cheeks. “I’m here.”
The first week of your recovery was a haze of consciousness. You’d find yourself drifting in and out, the lull of the waves rocking the ship dragging you back into a needed rest. Galaxies were painted across your ribs and torso from your descent into painful waters; at first a grizzly reddish purple splatter that slowly drifted into a smattering of greens and yellows.
A parting gift from Rumlow, you supposed.
You could still feel the ache and shift of your bones whenever you moved, but it had transformed into a dull throb instead of the daggers being shoved into your chest cavity. What drove you crazy was how your two lovers treated you. As if you were made of glass. As if one wrong touch would forge spider webs into your reflection and shatter you across the bedroom floor.
It was truly maddening.
Eyes narrowing as Natasha coolly stalked about the room, bringing you a full waterskin and a plate of fruit, you gripped her arm with surprising strength as she got closer.
“I am perfectly capable of joining the crew for a meal, you know,” you huffed, feeling your heart twinge at the brief flicker of hurt in her eyes. “I appreciate that you care, darling, but I cannot spend the rest of my life in this bed. My body is healing, but staying trapped in bed all day is driving my mind to the brig.”
Slowly settling on the mattress beside you, Natasha’s head bowed as she stared at your hand as it drifted down to hers, fingers tangling together.
“We almost lost you. I almost lost you. And I cannot bear that thought. I always believed Wanda to be the only person I would need in this life… until we met you. Now I cannot stomach the idea of losing either of you. The two of you have become the center of my universe. The glory and the gold is all fine and well but to lose either of you would break me.” She sniffled, a lone tear falling onto the back of your combined hands. “I know you are capable. I know that you are not made of parchment or glass. But I just… need you to be safe. I need to know you are alive. That we… did not lose you and this is all some desperate dream.”
Twisting in bed, your free hand lifted to her cheek and tilted her head in your direction. Glistening eyes met yours and you surged forward, ignoring the brief shock of pain. Your lips found chapped flesh but you didn’t care, pouring your love and warmth and life into the embrace.
“You did not lose me,” you promised breathlessly, mouth repeatedly pressing into hers. “I am here. With you. With Wanda. With the women I love and want and need. You need to believe that or you will send yourself into the gallows of darkness and despair.”
Incessant hands wound their way into your disheveled hair, dragging you closer. It hurt but this was the firmest anyone had been with you in weeks and you hadn’t realized how desperate you’d been for such a touch until now. Teeth sunk into your lip and tugged, pulling a whine from deep within your throat.
“You’re here,” she whispered, pushing her forehead against yours. “You’re alive.”
“Forever,” you swore, knowing deep within your heart that you could never leave their sides; for as long as you had breath, it was theirs.
“Always. I have found my treasures and I intend to keep them with me for as long as I live.”
Chuckling lowly, you slowly fell backwards, yanking the fierce pirate with you. “What a pirate’s life for you then, I suppose.”
Capturing her smile with yours, you knew this was exactly the life for you.
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yutahoes · 2 days
(Part Three)
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characters: stripper! Yuta x female! Y/N genre: chaptered, SMUT, fluff, angst word count: 3k words summary: Y/N has everything in her bitter life, not until she meets a sweet-looking stripper. warnings: matured theme, stripper au!, third person POV, alcohol consumption, rusty smut writing, lots of kissing, horny Y/N, breast sucking, fingering, badly written female orgasm, Yuta is down bad, mention of oral - male receiving, some detailed descriptions of Y/N just to prove a point, you can skip or change it to your preference
Part Two
It was bizarre. 
The valet was obviously amused when the familiar car parked and he took the keys from someone else. The staff in the building were evidently startled to see the tenant from the penthouse escorted by a guy in cowboy boots, leather pants, and just a denim vest with no shirt inside. 
Y/N tried to keep her composure to herself as they boarded the elevator with questionable looks. She can easily reason out that she was drunk but when Yuta offered himself, she felt as if she was woken up with a splash of cold water. 
The girl had to admit that she felt warm - bothered, in a certain sexual way - watching him dancing privately for her. When he kneeled in front of her, she badly wanted to trail her fingers on his skin. And when he did let her, she yearned for more. Truly, human beings cannot be easily contented. At least she knew a horny person cannot. 
Once again, she can blame it all on alcohol. But if she was totally drunk, she should have gone home alone. She should have slept alone. Not with someone else. 
Not with this gorgeous man standing in the middle of her receiving area. A man she suddenly wants. So bad. 
“This is an amazing apartment,” Yuta claimed as she handed him a glass of orange juice. “But you said you live the other way.” 
Y/N nodded, sitting on the couch. “That was my parent’s house,” she explained, then put down the half-empty glass on the nearby table. “This is more of my own apartment unit.” 
Yuta gave a hearty laugh before sitting beside her, “Flex.” He put down his glass next to hers and stretched his arm on the headrest of the sofa before sliding to sit closer to her. “Are you still drunk?” 
He was so close that she could smell him. Is it cologne? Why does he smell so good? Maybe she is still drunk - not with alcohol - but with the scent of him. “You said you don’t do extra services?” 
“I don’t,” he was inching closer that his breath felt ticklish against her lips. “Can I kiss you?” 
She could always blame it on alcohol because who in their right mind would suddenly kiss someone because of that question? But this is Yuta. Handsome. Sexy. Sweet-smelling. Intriguing. Yuta. His lips were so soft and minty, with a tinge of sweetness from the orange juice. Sweetly addicting. When his tongue slipped between her lips, she was sold. 
This wasn’t his first rodeo, Yuta had the same experience before but why does this feel utterly different? Her lips were velvety smooth, the taste of alcohol and juice from her tongue making him dizzy with want. In a swift motion, he pulled her to his lap. His arms pulled her closer, not breaking the steamy make out even if he needed air. If this is the way he’ll die, he’ll perish a happy man. She’s intoxicating. It’s making him insane. 
His fingers started undoing the zipper from the back of her dress, letting the front fall. His lips started trailing butterfly kisses from her cheek, her neck, her shoulder, to the exposed skin of her chest. The black lace brassiere only adds to his growing excitement. She is so hot. He’ll probably kill himself if he stops now. 
Y/N’s lips were plump, breathing harshly, as she stared at him with hooded eyes and flushed cheeks. “Fuck, you are insanely hot.” Yuta complimented, “I want you so fucking bad.” 
“My room is that door over there.” He didn’t need any repeated instruction as he carried her up to what she claimed as her room. The bed looked soft specifically when he gently dropped her to the mattress. Slowly, he removed the denim vest while taking in her visuals. Her fucked up look, the haughty expression on her face, and her half-naked state, made him want to thank the Gods for a chance encounter with this woman. 
He started kissing her once again, lightly grinding his body into contact with hers. A soft moan escaped her lips, arousing the blood in his system. Never had he experienced this level of want before. He’s like a mad predator craving for prey. 
He didn’t even have a drop of alcohol tonight but he could taste the whiskey on his tongue with how he kissed her. His fingers started slipping her dress down, kissing each inch of the skin getting exposed. The whimpers came out of her lips, making all the muscles in his body alive. Maybe she anticipated this, Y/N did say that she went on a date. And somehow, Yuta was thankful that it didn’t end well and he had the golden opportunity to snap the front clip of her brassiere. 
She looks exquisite. A Goddess lying in front of him. Yuta might have saved a planet in his past life to land a chance with someone as gorgeous as her. He kissed her neck, trailing to her shoulder. Her fingers tickled his nape, sending goosebumps all over his body. His teeth gently grazed her collarbone which earned a sudden jolt of movement from her. “Did that hurt?” The girl nodded as he placed a soft kiss on the part he gently bit earlier, “Sorry.” 
Inch by inch, he moved down. Kisses getting impatient as he neared her breasts. “Can I?” Y/N nodded. His right hand cupped her firm breast, thumb gently caressing her erect nipple. He pressed fluttering kisses on the left breast, his eyes lingering on her. Y/N was panting hard, her thumb trailing on his cheeks while nodding. A signal he knew he needed. A simple gesture that took away all his inhibitions. Her back arches as he sucked on each nipple in turn, warm tongue softly teasing the erect nubs. 
The whimpers coming out of her lips put his body in its feral state. He wanted more. 
His lips traveled south, open-mouthed kisses on the skin of her abdomen. Yet he needed more. Much much more. 
Yuta’s finger hooked the waistband of her underwear, pressing gentle kisses, but she gently tugged his hair, urging him to look at her. “Don’t,” Her eyes were hazy, lips parted. “Don’t kiss that part.” She whispered in between heavy breaths. The side of his lips curled up. How cute. 
He pushed himself up to kiss her on her lips, nibbling her bottom lip as she arched her body up for what seemed like a contact to his. His hands trailed down: to the side of her breast, then the curve of her waist, down to her thigh. It then went up between her legs to press his middle finger on the wet spot of her underwear. 
Y/N pulled him closer, closing her thighs as she released a moan. “Yuta, please.” He was weak. His mind was already set on the idea of fucking her hard, making her beg for him, calling his name in the most erotic way possible. But the seniors in the club, namely Johnny and Taeyong, would always remind him to never ever have sex with a woman without condoms. That is the golden rule in this profession. 
Honestly, he could disregard that rule. Be his own rules. 
But she’s a successful, well-established woman. She had her whole life laid out in a flowery way in front of her. He cannot ruin her life just because of his mistake. Just because he forgot a fucking condom. 
The man pulled himself up, removing the skin-to-skin contact. “We can’t. I couldn’t.” Her eyes widened in surprise and Yuta had to mentally punch himself for disappointing her. “I shouldn’t have sex with you without condoms,” The girl pursed her lips. “But if you let me touch you, I’ll make sure you’ll be satisfied tonight.” There was a visible hesitance on the girl before she shyly nodded her head. “Words, Y/N.” He urged as his thumb swiped on her bottom lip. 
“Yuta,” she called with a whimper. “Touch me, please.” 
His thumb was quickly replaced with his lips, hand quickly slipping past the waistband of her underwear to cup her nether region. He loved how her body responded to his kisses and touch. She wrapped her hands on his head, lightly tugging his blonde hair. His mouth sucked a spot on her neck as he pushed his middle finger inside her. A strangled moan escaped her lips, her back arching. 
Yuta took a moment to watch her: parted lips whisper silent whimpers as if they’re prayers, body arched, hips grinding against his hand, thighs crossed as if she doesn’t want his hand to leave. And he doesn’t want to. 
The man slipped his pointer finger inside and her body jolted as if electrified, lips whispering pleads. Yuta smirked, thumb rubbing circles on her clit. Another finger was inserted and she held his forearm, pushing her fingernail on his skin that it started to hurt. But the guy never cared less and didn’t stop exploring her insides. The sound of her wetness and heavy panting made the smile on Yuta’s face grow. She's close, he could feel it. 
Her body started shaking, erotic moans escaping her lips, but Yuta increased the pace of his fingers, even alternating fingers to give her immense pleasure. The girl closed her eyes shut, clinging to Yuta’s arm as liquid started spilling out of her vagina. 
Y/N was breathing hard, pulling the blankets up to cover her nakedness. “That was amazing,” she whispered in between labored breaths. “Should I do something for you?” He shook his head, lying beside her in bed. “You definitely should start taking extra services if you’re this great.” Yuta lightly chuckled at that statement, everything coming out of her lips was such a confidence boost. No wonder he’s so attracted to her. “You’ll stay the night, right?” she asked in a sleepy state. 
“I’ll leave early tomorrow.” 
Y/N had always been an early riser. Yet today, she felt like she didn't want to get up. Her head was throbbing badly as she cursed the alcohol she drank. But that wasn’t the only stupid thing she had done last night. Immediately, she sat up and then pulled the blanket to cover her naked breasts. He’s not here. He did leave early. 
A knock on her door startled her. Maybe he’s still here. “Y/N,” But that was clearly Jungwoo’s voice. “If you’re up, there’s hangover soup here.” 
Why is Jungwoo here? And why did he know that she was drunk? Wait, where is Yuta? Did Jungwoo perhaps see Yuta? 
After making herself presentable, she went to her dining area where her stepbrother was. Jungwoo was just smiling at her knowingly and she lightly cursed, he knew. “Your guest said that you drank a lot last night so I ordered soup,” He emphasized the word ‘guest’ with a wide grin. “And I thought you had a bad date last night.” 
Y/N did. And maybe that was the reason why Jungwoo is here. She remembered texting him and of course, just like a real brother, he came here to comfort her. Like every other time. Why the hell did she have to look for other comfort? Surely, last night was purely her fault. 
“Did you have a great night?” 
She took a sip of the soup to hide a smile. Y/N thought it would be blurry, she was pretty hammered last night. But she could clearly feel Yuta’s warm skin against hers, his soft lips, and his sweet smell. The girl bit her lip to prevent herself from smiling at how amazing the experience from last night was. “Clearly, you did,” Jungwoo noted. “He’s pretty handsome.” Y/N nodded, he is. 
Then her eyes widened at that, “You saw him?” 
The guy in front of her stifled a laugh, “He quietly went out of your room and I was sitting here.” He narrated, “I asked who he was and said he was your guest before leaving.” Jungwoo even shared that he was in a hurry and that he looked adorable as if a deer caught in headlights, making Y/N giggle. “He even said he was sorry and left that.” He pointed at something on the table. 
She stood up to check what it was, surprised that there was cash on the table. “He didn’t take it?” 
“Money?” Jungwoo stared at her accusingly, hand on his hip. “You paid him for sex?” 
Y/N was just staring at the cash above the table. Obviously, this was what she gave him last night. Why did he leave it here? Did he dislike the experience? Or is it because nothing really happened? 
Yuta is such a wonder. 
As soon as Yuta entered the dark strip club, his co-workers were howling at him. He sat on one high chair of the bar before asking Taeil for a drink, “What happened with the rich girl?” Johnny teased, earning a glare from the younger guy. “Did you have fun?” 
In one gulp, he finished the whiskey and handed the glass back to the bartender. “Yong, can I borrow money for a cab fee home?” 
The three, his two stripper friends and the bartender, were looking at him in puzzlement. “She’s loaded. What happened?” Taeil asked. 
“I didn’t take her money.” 
Taeyong looked startled. “Did her husband find you?” Johnny asked, earning another glare from Yuta. “Nothing happened?” Yuta nodded his head, “Well, you did get her drunk.” 
“It was amazing but,” Yuta trailed off, staring at his fingers. He can still remember how smooth her skin was, how warm she felt under him, her small whimpers, and how addicting she tasted. “I wanted more.” 
“Did she reject you?” Taeyong asked in a worried tone.
Yuta breathed heavily, “I forgot the condom.” The three gave a disappointed whine. “I badly wanted more.”  He mumbled lying his head on the bar table.
The three shook their heads. He looked like a helpless man.
Taeil just tapped his shoulder before Johnny handed him a condom, instructing him not to remove it from his pocket while laughing to himself.
Taeyong just shook his head, “The first time is always like that, Yuta.” But Yuta knew that there’s more to it. He knew what they were pointing at, a rookie mistake. But it’s not. He might have done something unforgivable if not for his self-control. “You can’t possibly be in love with her, right?” He shook his head. There’s no way. He only conversed with her twice, for crying out loud. He cannot fall in love that easily. He’s not that crazy.  
“In our line of work, you cannot fall in love with her.” 
Taeyong had always been the older brother Yuta didn’t have. He always knew what to correctly say, at all times. And he’s probably right. They were right. This is a rookie mistake, the result of not taking extra services. Now that he was presented with an opportunity, he just blew it. Maybe he felt guilty that she was willing to spend so much for him and he could not give her the equivalent pleasure. 
Just like when he was young and playing soccer, he’ll probably get the hang of it with practice. 
It has been months since he first started working in the club. Taeyong and Johnny were both superstars, the well-known ones who kept the club working on its feet. Although he’s slowly getting traction for his private dances, Yuta had never once imagined that he’d take the same path as his friends. It’s nothing personal. Maybe it’s just preference.
Or it’s probably from the fact that he would observe the two, with gorgeous faces and amazing bodies, then compare them to himself. He’s confident with his dancing skills but not with his body. 
Yuta now believes that words can be very powerful. As he watched himself in front of the full-body mirror, he realized Y/N was right. He looks fine. His mother would often gush at how good-looking his son was. And Y/N claimed she would pay a million for his handsome face. So why is he feeling so inferior to the other guys? His body looks fine. Not as muscular as Johnny’s but he’s bulkier than Taeyong. Why is he so insecure about it? 
Maybe it’s not bad to get paid for extra services. He can do it, right? 
Yuta has his own rules. First, the golden rule: No condoms, no sex. Second, they could only touch him with his permission. Third, and the most important of all, no kissing. It’s nothing personal, he kept convincing himself. But Taeil proves otherwise when he keeps offering other drinks from his usual whiskey and orange juice.  
It’s been weeks and the money, as well as clients, kept flowing. He even had a regular who only wants to suck him and he would let her. She’s paying for that service. And to force himself to cum early, his mind would be elsewhere. To someone else, specifically. 
All the clients are faceless, it was the technique Johnny had shared when he wanted to get the job done. But all he could think about is the cherry red lips wrapped around his cock, head bobbing that the shiny hair sparkled under the lights, big round eyes begging him for more. Whatever color the underwear was, he would always imagine the black sheer lace quality fabric underwear. The smooth skin against his fingertips and the lovely moans. The way his name rolled erotically against her tongue. The sickening sweet smell of high-end perfume. 
And the taste of whiskey and orange juice. From her tongue. 
How is she? He wondered. Does she also think about him? 
Yuta chuckled to himself, shaking his head. That would be highly impossible. 
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tanadrin · 7 hours
This edition also includes some really useful historical notes to augment Book I of Utopia; the early 16th century was a time when the population was growing, adding slack to a labor market that had been tight since the Black Death (to the improvement of the position of the peasantry that survived it), there was gradual inflation that was also eroding at the position of anybody without much capital to invest, patterns of trade were changing, and of course the process of enclosure was spreading.
The problem wasn't just a lack of, like, theoretical underpinnings for dealing with these economic and social issues. Of course Henry VIII didn't have a court economist or anything to help him out with his fiscal policy. But it was also just that the conception of what the law and what government was for was different: in the much more leisurely pace of the premodern world, there was a strong feeling that the law and government were supposed to basically be a steady-state system. You would figure out the ideal set of laws, implement them, and be done; you might have to work to enforce those laws, but the laws were not supposed to be constantly changing, and you definitely weren't supposed to have to be continually updating and expanding them as an instrument of policy, because the world in general was supposed to be much like it always was, from one decade to the next.
And that's not a crazy way to view the world in the Middle Ages! Premodern inflation rates were low. People's intuitions around value and price were based on that experience. Population growth was low. Patterns of international trade didn't change quickly. When things did change suddenly, it was either because of a catastrophe like the Black Death or upheavals like war or famine; and communities and individuals that had won legal privileges from their feudal lords were jealous of those privileges, leading (along with the inherently fragile nature of subsistence agriculture) to a certain conservatism in the culture.
In this worldview, the job of a king or a minister isn't to be the careful manager of a dynamic system. It's to be a wise and thoughtful dispenser of justice and guardian of the inherited legal system. This is also the vision of Utopia itself: a society which has settled into an ideal steady-state, whose political economy is thus fixed, and which has no real room for "development," because the kind of development you or I think of as inherent to history is, at best, a synonym for "something went horribly wrong, and we have to repair it," if it exists at all. The irony there, of course, is that Utopia is not a medieval book: it's being written just as the Renaissance is bursting over Europe ushering in the beginning of modernity. Things are changing in England, and while they are changing slowly right now, the pace of change is about to pick up drastically, especially when that little German monk publishes his 95 theses.
Really, I wonder what it must have felt like to be a humanist at the beginning of the 16th century. There is much to be excited about--news from the new world (not yet the battleground of large European empires), the rediscovery of classical learning, the flourishing of art and literature. But so much is about to change--and much of it in a bad way! the European Wars of Religion are just around the corner!--and you have no idea.
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aquillwieldingmagpie · 2 months
I don't know WHY, but for some reason I've had a vision of a Golden Ratio Slay the Princess AU.
I genuinely don't know why, maybe it's because of Ratio's owl motif and one of 2.1 quests being named A Cat Among Pigeons (in reference to Agatha Christie and possibly Aventurine's role) and then later owning three black cakecats even if he's mostly associated with peacocks? Maybe it's because I somehow associate Aventurine's many masks and personas we see over the time we know him with the Shifting Mound's many perspectives and how both her and him are so confident their respective foil won't kill or betray them at the end of everything (and are even fine with it if it does happen), how both the Princess and Aventurine always, always fight for freedom and are denied it until the very end of their story when they finally are granted a true escape through their own efforts and an outside force be it through being show the way or death? How they're both connected to a being so much larger than them but have no say over it (the Princess being seen as only a part/perspective of the Shifting Mound even if she can be found at her heart, Aventurine was blessed by Gaiathra Triclops and ultimately none of that did them any good).
Or maybe it's because I can practically hear this line from the Princess coming out of Aventurine's mouth to Ratio the more close he is to knowing who the real Aventurine is after I woke up in a cold sweat from a nap to write this out:
"Have you figured out what you want to do yet, or are you going to keep trying to find a center that doesn't exist?"
(The Princess saying this about herself and how she's the heart of the Shifting Mound and hasn't really been herself or stopped playing a role through the entirety of the game, but in this context Aventurine saying that there is no 'Kakavasha' or 'No.35' or even 'Aventurine' anymore, just the many masks he wears even though he admits to himself he hasn't changed)
I have no idea if this is anything though or if it would fit their characters at all though. Maybe it's just a silly vision I'll write out one day, maybe not.
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coruscanti-arabi · 2 years
white people stop telling fans of color what is and isn't racism.
!Impossible Challenge!
#fandom racism#you're writing your own little fanfiction#me - directly quoting source material that can be found if you watch the show for more than two seconds#what does race have to do with it? what does my identity have to do with it? - a white person#you said the word literally aggressively#i didn't even notice you were brown - my name is written in arabic script clearly wasn't white european or american there#and all of this on one post#you sound stupid - a white person#where op and i had discussed the topic of racism on it with nuance and come to a conclusion#and suddenly several white people jumped in to belittle me gaslight me and insult me#and by suddenly i mean one was completely unprovoked didn't respond to any of their comments at all until they came after me#and another asked why racism and maul were discussed together since he's an alien and i said he was literally black coded#like what even#why is it such a debatable topic for you#because if it was misogyny being discussed these women wouldn't think twice to do what they did to me today#they weaponised their power as white people and when called out by me they weaponised being neurodivergent and being a woman#and then when a white ally (op) called one out for calling me aggressive multiple times#they didn't argue with her and deleted their comment to escape accountability and an actual apology#whiteness holds power that while we can be in close proximity to it#we will never be able to have the same power#because my statements are taken as a debate piece#whereas white ally statements are taken as solid#the double standard exists#as a micro aggression#and it's why allies need to amplify our voices#reiterate what we say if they have to like using the phrase just as x person said#because they won't listen to us but they will listen to other white people#this isn't star wars exclusive but it has been my experience in that specific fandom today#but it applies to every fandom and everyday life too
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gyuwoncheol · 9 months
Room Service
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↳ A part 2 to 15 Minutes
Pair: Scoups x f!reader
Genre: Smut, Concert!Cheol, husband!Cheol, dom!Cheol, 18+ only (MDNI).
Summary: The only thing hornier than pre-concert Cheol is post-concert Cheol. Lucky for you, you’re the only one in the world with an all-access VIP ticket to this immersive experience.
Warnings: Porn with plot, Concert!Cheol, dom!Cheol, daddy kink, breeding kink, big dick!Cheol, pussy drunk!Cheol, cock hungry!reader, so. many. orgasms., quickie sex, unprotected sex (stay safe, children), oral (f. receiving), fingering (f. receiving), lots of making out, creampieS, slightly public sex, dick riding, manhandling, pussy slapping (like once), use of color system, overstimulation, body worship, breast/nipple play, hair pulling, spitting, crying during and after sex (but it’s not a kink), dirty talk, use of pet names (my love, baby, princess, baby girl, angel), fluff at the end. Please let me know if i missed something, i can’t remember all the filth. Not thoroughly proofread.
WC: 4.1k
Author's Note: Did I get carried away? Hell yes. is this the filthiest thing I’ve ever written? Could be. Except the other wip I have also for Seungcheol might just beat it. Thank you so much again for the love on 15 Minutes. I hope this 2nd part lives up to it.
Author's 2nd Note: For new readers, you don’t have to read 15 Minutes as this can stand on its own, but it would make more sense if you did read it.
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“My good girl.” 
Seungcheol chuckled as he plunged deep into your cunt, his cock pushing through your mixed cum that you so diligently kept in as instructed, “so good at following instructions huh?” 
“Fuck baby, you’re so messy” Cheol cursed, mouth watering at the sight of your stored cum slowly dripping out of your hole as he dragged out his entire length until only the tip was in. You groaned when you felt globs of it trickle down your thigh, your husband’s large hand slowly pushing you down against the back of the couch. You felt him engulf you, his chest against your back, hot breath on your ears, “cat got your tongue, babe?” The man teased just as he thrusted his length back into you, causing more cum to overflow from your hole.
It had only been roughly 30 minutes since the concert finally ended, the boys doing all the post show rituals from changing clothes to shooting backstage content, and as soon as that was over, Seungcheol had all but dragged you to another dressing room, not even saying anything as he unzipped your jeans and dragged your very soiled panties down. Not that you were surprised though, post-concert was always when Cheol was the horniest, with all that adrenaline still pumping through his veins.
You could feel the prominent vein on his cock drag through your walls deliciously as he alternated between slow and fast thrusts, an arm snaked around your torso while hot phrases flew from his mouth.
“Fuck, pussy so tight.” 
“All mine.” 
“I’ll give you all my babies.” 
“Gon’ pump you full.” 
“My good girl so desperate for cum.” 
“Cheol!” You screeched in between moans when you felt him hit that sensitive spot particularly rough.
“Did you watch me tonight, baby? Why weren’t you in the stands?” He asked suddenly, as if he wasn’t still railing you from behind.
“C-couldn’t g-go” you squeaked, willing yourself to form words when all you really wanted to do was whimper in pleasure, “had to… be— behave… fuck!” 
“Behave?” Cheol clarified even though he sensed where this was going. In all the times they rushed backstage in between sets, not once had you moved from your spot, sitting cross legged on top of the large black trunk cases situated right in front of the screen which broadcasted the events on stage.  “Words, baby” he said sweetly yet firmly when he saw you nod eagerly.
“Yes! Behave. Had t-to… k-keep.. shiiiiit,” you groaned, your elbows harshly rubbing on the leather material of the couch after another rough entry of Cheol’s cock, “keep da-daddy’s… cum… in me.” You finished off your defense and you could already see your husband’s smirk without even really looking at him.
“Aren’t. You. Such. An. Angel.” Seungcheol punctuated each word with a deep harsh thrust.
“And all yours.” You punctuated as you looked back at him, both your eyes glazing in lust. The loud sound of skin slapping skin and your pussy squelching at every thrust was unmistakable, the room smelled of sex. The group’s leader was sweating even more than he did when he got off stage, his warmth radiating onto your body as he kept you impossibly close to him, jackhammering his cock in your cunt. 
“Shit shit shit shit..” you cried out loud when his other hand suddenly rubbed fast circles on your clit.
“FUCK!” Seungcheol growled at your release, your pussy clamping down on him so tightly that it triggered his own. He stilled within you in an instant, bodies folded in half against the leather couch, your husband continuously muttering incoherent words as the feeling of your fluttering walls drove him to another level of cloud 9. 
“Yah! You two better eat already if you’re really planning to go all night” Seungkwan scolded in his best mom voice when the both of you entered the buffet area hand in hand.
You hid your face on Cheol’s shoulders, suddenly very aware of all 12 boys looking your way. They were very much aware of what you two had been doing and why you were doing it. In spite of the never ending teasing and playful disgusted looks they give their leader, the members had all told you they were excited for Cheol to become a dad mostly because it meant he’d get off their asses. 
“We’re actually going ahead. We’ll take a different car.” Your husband announced, a gentle squeeze to your hand when some of the boys howled at the implication of both of you going back to the hotel first.
“Really not wasting any time huh?” Soonyoung smirked despite having his mouth full of noodles 
“What? She’s leaving soon!” Seungcheol whined.
“Y/n still has a week left!!” Mingyu corrected with a roll of his eyes.
“Yeah yeah, still not enough!” Cheol replied. He gave a curt nod to Jeonghan, calling his name firmly as if to say ‘i leave the kids with you.’
“Hyung, seriously, you both have to eat.” DK was next to remind you both as he knows you’re both still running on empty stomachs.
“We’ll get room service,” your husband called out, inching closer towards the exit doors that would lead you to the vans.
“We hope it's the food kind! And maybe let y/n get some real sleep after!” Joshua’s reminder had you giggling, glad enough to know the boys still cared for you even though all you’ve done was hog all of Seungcheol’s free time.
Surprisingly, you had both managed to stay well behaved in the car ride home. If anything, you two were very sweet, your head resting on Cheol’s shoulders as he held your hand through the ride and absentmindedly played with your fingers. 
Even when you had both showered together in the hotel room, your husband did not try to make any advances, he simply cleaned you both up, even giving you a nice massage on your scalp when you lathered your favorite shampoo. 
Contrary to what his members may think, Seungcheol wasn’t too adamant about fucking you all night. He could see how tired you actually are and Mingyu was right, you did still have a week left with him. He just wants to make sure you are cared for like his queen this whole trip, whether that meant blowing your back or giving you 8 hours of sleep, he didn’t mind. 
“Tired, baby?” He asked as he secured the knot on your fluffy hotel robe.
You lazily smiled at him as you settled in bed, pulling him towards you for good measure. “I’m ok.”
“Hungry? Wanna get some food now?” 
“Want you to kiss me.” 
Seungcheol was taken aback by the boldness of your request, not because it was the first time you asked, but because you both have definitely done more than just kissing these past 72 hours. He smiled sheepishly as he climbed over you, settling on your side as his chapped lips kissed your soft ones. You clutched onto his hand on your neck, sighing happily when you felt him deepen the kiss. 
“Someone’s happy,” a low chuckle from your husband.
“Mhmm,” you hummed, “i love your kisses.” Despite the raunchy sex, there was always just something so nice and intimate about kissing your husband. His lips were always so plump against yours and the way he’d hold you securely always made you feel like you meant the world to him. 
“You’re so beautiful, i love you so much,” Seungcheol admired your bare face before sucking on your lower lip.
You moaned out an i love you too but it only got swallowed by the man who couldn’t get enough of you. You climbed on his lap, trapping him in between your legs, taking control of this little makeout session you were having. Inevitably, the more you kissed him, the more your hips moved on its own accord, grinding on Cheol’s robe-covered bottom half. 
You were moving erratically, wanting to chase a high you knew you needed if you were to fit Cheol’s dick again tonight. 
“Daddy, please...” you cried, annoyed that you just couldn’t get to where you wanted to be 
“Please what, baby girl?”
You whined desperately at the dangerously low tone in your ear, “please make me cum.” 
Record time is what you’d call it, the way Seungcheol went from flipping you over to casting your robe open to having his mouth suck on your clit harshly. You couldn’t even process it, all you knew was your throat was straining from how you were screaming his name with how he lapped at your cunt. His tongue licked bold stripes from your hole to your clit before he'd suck the sensitive bud. If there's anything Cheol has perfected, it's his hand-mouth coordination, the way he perfectly syncs his plush lips to suck at your clit while two fingers sink in you and curl to graze that spongy spot inside your walls. It should really have you embarrassed at how quick it could unravel the coil in your stomach. Your orgasm exploding in colorful bursts behind your eyes whilst soaking your husband's face in a mess. 
"I forgot how sweet you fucking taste," he groaned, slurping the juices leaking from your hole. He peeked up at you from where he was, your mouth agape and chest rising and falling while your fingers still gripped on his hair. You were hissing from oversensitivity but you should've known that post-concert Cheol was a starved man. When he deemed he had swallowed all of you, three fingers prodded at your entrance that had you arching your back from the bed only to be pushed down with your husband's free arm. "Stay still, baby. Daddy's not done yet." 
"Fuuuuuuck, " you panted, going delirious from the overstimulation your pussy was feeling. You writhed in vain as Cheol smothered your cunt like a full course meal. When you tried to squirm away, he delivered a slap to your pussy that sent shocks all over your body. "I'm cu- fuck! I'm cumming," you shuddered, thighs closing in on your husband's head. 
Seungcheol chuckled at your state, a proud grin across his face when he finally settled beside you. After pulling back to back orgasms from you in less than 10 minutes, he knew you were oversensitive and just needed to not be touched. "You okay, my love?" 
"Just.." you panted, "Just a minute." 
You rolled over on your stomach when you regained enough strength, and slowly but surely got on your wobbly knees to climb on your husband's thick thighs. Seungcheol wanted to squeeze your bare breasts but seeing as you were still slightly swaying, he decided to hold you securely by the waist. "what're you doing?" He mused while watching you fumble with the knot of his robe. 
His dick twitched at the sight of your lust blown, hooded eyes. "Daddy..." You smiled, god, you were so far gone, "Wanna ride you." 
Seungcheol moaned, hurriedly helping you untie his robe and throwing it to the floor. You salivated at the sight of his hard cock slapping against his stomach, red tip leaking with precum. Anchoring your palms on his chest, you kept your eyes trained on him as you sucked on your tongue before letting some of your saliva drool onto his length, your hand immediately gripping and spreading the fluid along his shaft, thumb grazing at the slit.
“Holy shit,” he cursed, hips bucking into your hand on instinct. A wicked smile crossed your face, delighted with the effect your actions had on him.
Cheol's eyes rolled to the back of his head when you finally let your pussy glide against his cock, coating it even more in your wetness.
"Fuck baby, what's gotten into you?" He hissed as you picked up your pace, grinding his cock against your wet folds, always making sure to let the tip kiss your clit when you move down. "So fucking needy for daddy's cock huh?" 
You moaned when one of his large hand squeezed your right breast and his dick leaked more precum onto his stomach. The sight of you, head falling back and mouth parted, was immaculate. He wished he remembered where his phone was right now, it would've been the perfect photo to take for him to get off on in the future. He committed it to memory as best he could, but even that thought immediately flew away when he finally felt you sink into his dick. 
"Oh my god,” you moaned in unison.
Seungcheol wasn't so sure if he was wincing from your nails digging into his chest or from the vice grip of your cunt on his cock, but either way, both felt like heaven to him. "Baby girl, you just came twice and you're still so fucking tight.”
"C-can take you, daddy. Please... p-promise!" You begged, lowering yourself to take in a few more inches of him. The stretch was familiar yet it still had you squeezing your eyes shut and biting your lower lip. 
Afraid he wouldn't be able to stay still any longer, Cheol took the matter in his own hands, sitting up to bring your chest flush against his, connecting your lips in a heated kiss to distract you from the pain. He still tasted of you and a slight hint of your minty toothpaste. When he felt you relax, his strong hold sank you onto him until he was fully sheathed. You broke from the kiss, head falling back once again at the overwhelming feeling of being so full. 
"Cmon, baby, thought you wanted to ride me?" He sucked on the column of your throat, causing you to swivel your hips. "There you go. You can do it." God, his voice was so sinful it made your insides churn. Another strangled moan left your mouth when his wet tongue made contact with your right nipple, licking and sucking before he kissed between the valley of your breasts, only to nip at your left bud.
"Oh my god, Cheol!" You pulled at his hair, wanting him to leave your sensitive breasts alone. 
He laughed dryly at your attempt but still allowed you that space. He let go of your waist to lean back with his palms against the mattress to have a full view of you. "Cmon baby," He spurred on, "show daddy what you got." 
Choi Seungcheol was simply left with no regrets at his challenge. His eyes almost turned completely black when you decided to fully bounce on him. When you found a good pace, you alternated between bouncing and grinding, one hand squeezing your breast as the other held onto his knee for support. "Fuck, daddyyy," you cried at the stretch, and he could just feel your pussy clenching on his cock even more.
"So fucking needy," he spat, "Can't get enough of my cock." 
You shook your head at his words, mewling when your clit rubbed deliciously at his pelvis and his engorged head kissed your cervix. "D-daddy.." 
"That's it, baby girl," Seungcheol cooed, bucking his hips up to meet yours, "get off on me, ride me 'til you shake. Need you to cum, princess." 
Encouraged by your husband's words, you lifted ‘til just the tip was in before sitting down on him harshly. He continued to praise you and how delicious your warm pussy felt, a string of very lewd words produced with every swivel of your hips. Your face contorted in pleasure and he knew you were close, "touch yourself," came his instructions.
"shit!" You cursed, cumming on the spot when two of your fingers rubbed against your clit.
Seungcheol beamed at how well he knew you, your tells and your triggers when you're about to cum. But what he didn't see coming was just how fast the sight of you getting off on top of him would quickly bring him to the edge too. If he didn’t catch it at the last second, he might have just spilled in you.
In one swift motion, not even pulling out of you, he flipped you on your back and trapped you under his weight. You yelped when he pumped into you, catching you off guard as you were still trying to ride out your own orgasm. 
"Ba-aby, fuck. You're d-driving me insane," he growled, "don't you dare fucking close your eyes. Keep 'em on me." 
Your fingers weaved through his hair, as you desperately tried to follow his instructions. If only he wasn't hell bent on reaching his high, Seungcheol would've laughed at how often you'd train your eyes to look at him every time they kept trying to roll to the back of your head. "Daddy's gonna fuck a baby in you, you want that, princess?" 
"Y-yes daddy! yes!" You mewled, both your legs being lifted up, calves resting on Seungcheol’s meaty shoulders, while he inserted a pillow below your ass. "Fuck me full, daddy, please,” a breathless request.
He folded you in half, planting his knees on the mattress and bracing himself on your sides. Seungcheol drove his cock into you, hitting you so deep that you felt him just below your cervix and you moaned the loudest that night. Strangled moan after strangled moan came out of your mouth while throaty grunts and curse words flew off from his, all this mixed with the explicit sound of your sweaty bodies colliding.
"m-more, daddy! More, please!"  
"Fuuuuuuck, you're insatiable, so fucking tight," Seungcheol moaned. His movements were rough, pulling out of you completely before fully slamming back in and going deep with every move. The sex was everything close to animalistic, you could feel him in the deepest parts of you, consistently hitting a spot that made your brain short circuit. "So needy for my cum, want to be filled so bad."
"Daddy, so- oh my god. So fucking big.”
“Princess, I-I’m.. s-so...close,” he warned, staring at your teary eyes while your hands intertwined behind his neck. Seungcheol buried his cock in you, not bothering to thrust out of your grip, instead grinding endlessly to help stimulate your clit against his pelvis.
"Cum with me, Cheollie. P-please."  
Your husband growled before his hips jerked twice, hot spurts of his cum painting your walls white. His eyes boring into yours and the feeling of being so full only triggered your own release, rendering you into a babbling mess. Seungcheol connected your mouths in a kiss, not caring that you were already out of breath. He interspersed them with praises of how good you felt clenching on his cock. 
"I love you, Cheollie." 
"I know baby, I know. I love you too," he breathed, hissing at how hard he still was despite just hitting his climax. His dick was almost painful in your tight hold, "give me one more, yeah?" 
Before you could even process his question, you were already flipped on all fours, whining at the temporary emptiness. "Wha- Cheol, I-" 
"Be good for daddy, yeah? One more, princess. One more to get you round and full." But who were you to deny your Choi Seungcheol? Your husband who was just as ready to start a family with you like he's always dreamed of. Your arms gave way when you felt him breach your abused hole once more, your limp body allowing him to control your hips even more. He was kneading your ass, surely leaving handprints in his wake. 
"Ch- ahh!" You cried in a silent scream, the pleasure you were feeling just devouring your every being. You could feel the goosebumps rise on you scalp and run to the tips of your toes as Seungcheol pounded you from behind. "Cheollie... Oh.. oh! fu-uuuck." 
He pulled you by your hair harshly, your back flush against his chest, the low rumble of his voice affecting your body, "Call me Cheollie again and you won't get to cum." 
"Daddy!" you whined apologetically, tears freely flowing down your cheeks. 
"There you go, not so hard huh, princess?" Seungcheol teased, an arm wrapping around your shoulders while the other cupped at your cunt. "Color, my love?" 
"G-green, daddy.. Pl-Please... just j-ust cum in me." 
"Fuck, you sound so broken... So greedy for my cum." Seungcheol relentlessly fucked up into you, until his pace grew erratic and bent you both forward. He stopped himself with his forearm to the mattress so as not to crush you, but with your muscles already weak, you simply face planted into the soft hotel pillows, drool and tears staining the white sheets.
"All mine," your husband chanted repetitively, stilling inside your pussy as it clenched around him tightly. Your orgasm rippled through you in a big tidal wave that Seungcheol could just feel your slick coat him anew. Your whole body shook uncontrollably, jolts of electricity alighting all your nerves. With one last loud call of your name, Seungcheol shot his load inside you, white ropes of sticky cum filling your cunt to the brim. His own thighs trembling as he finally collapsed on you, knocking out the little air you had left. He whispered i love you's to your ear, riding out his own orgasm which lasted longer than the both of you expected, especially when he just came a few minutes ago. 
In your two years of marriage, you don't think you've ever been this spent after sex, and neither did Seungcheol. But nothing catches his attention faster than the sound of you sniffing followed by a tiny hiccup. He moves up and pulls out of you so quickly that he hisses harshly, but you whine out even louder, causing alarm bells to ring in his head. 
"nooo..." you cry pathetically, your voice barely above a whisper, "come back."
"Baby, what's wrong?" Seungcheol pulls you towards him, eyes scanning your body for any abnormal pain, dreading the next few words out of his mouth, "did I hurt you?" 
You shook your head no, your hands grabbing at his chest to pull yourself closer to him and bury your face in his neck.
"Princess..." he started gently, still not completely sure if you were really okay. "I need your words. Need you to tell me if I hurt you." 
You choked as you tried to speak, voice straining from all the noises you've made tonight, but you were well aware your crying did nothing to comfort your husband. "I'm okay." 
"Was I too much?" 
"No. Never." You assured with a soft kiss on his chest. "So good to me." 
Seungcheol let out a sigh of relief at your words. "Wanna tell me why you're crying?" He asked, moving you both on your side so he could look at you properly, one hand soothing your back. His warm breath tickled your face, as he tried to wipe away your tears with the softest look in his eyes. 
You felt another squeeze in your heart while warmth crept up in your cheeks, both your hands instinctively covering your face when tears pricked at your eyes once more. You mumbled something but Cheol couldn't really understand and he didn't want to push, so he held you tighter instead, leaving kisses on your shoulder as his free hand brushed your hair. He could feel your tears wet his neck and shoulder and he willed himself to stay patient and calm. 
"I'm sorry," you squeaked after a long bout of silence between you two, "am I scaring you?" 
"A little bit," Seungcheol chuckled. 
You looked up into his eyes, wanting to make sure he knows he did nothing wrong, "I'm just overwhelmed," your voice began to crack again at the last word, "I... I just... I really want a family with you, Cheol," you sobbed, your hands attempting to cover your face again but your husband was quick enough to grab at them. His own cupped your face instead, a thumb wiping at your tears as he let out the brightest smile, his own cheeks dusted in a light pink shade. "I really want this to work, Cheol." 
"I do, too, baby but in our own time, yeah? If it’s for us, then it will happen one way or another. Let's not pressure ourselves too much. I don't want you to pressure yourself too much," your husband comforted, "Besides, with or without kids, I already have you... and Kkuma… you're already family to me."  
You were pretty sure you felt your heart grow a size bigger at his words, mentally thanking the heavens you had a husband who adored and loved you so much.
Your moment was cut off by the incessant buzz of a phone and when you looked towards the bedside table to check, sure enough your device was vibrating towards the edge. Picking it up to stop the ring, your eyes grew wide at the notification that flashed on top of the screen, a smile dancing on your lips as you comprehended the app’s words in black font.
"I'm ovulating."
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Feedback and reblogs are highly appreciated ☺️
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cherryredstars · 2 months
Ok so i have this fic idea where reader and mig are from different universes and reader is a scientist and one time mig and her get drunk and start talking about the multiverse and suddenly they are on the topic of what would happen if people from different universes had a baby together. (You see where i am going with this...) they end up drunkenly fucking and saying it's for "research" because they can't admit to themselves that they are in love. If this request is too complicated feel free to ignore. Thank you in advance cherry!! I hope u have a marvelous new year!! 💕
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Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x fem!reader
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, Penetrative Sex, Mentions of Oral Sex, Mentions of Animal Testing (for science), Breeding Kink
A/N: Thank you, love! I hope you're well!!!
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You know there is a process.
And you know this isn't it.
There are supposed to be hypotheses and written out procedures. Dependent and independent variables, a control group. Fucking hell, you should be experimenting on fucking mice. You should be limiting the margins of error, should be going with the most direct, straightforward pursuit for results.
And yet...
You don't stop Miguel when he pushes you back onto the couch. You don't pause or even really think when he's pushing your pants down your legs, placing kisses along the skin as he goes. You lift your hips to aid him when his fingers hook into the waistband of your panties, shivering when his warm breath fans over your exposed sex. If this experiment was in any sense proper, you would get straight into it. Cut out all the unneeded steps. But you can't help but pull his head closer to your aching core, craving the way his warm tongue laps at you. If you weren't already drunk, you would be drunk on this feeling alone.
But god, nothing has even been more satisfying than doing the work. You know the data would be void in a real experiment. The trials bleeding into each other hardly make for adequate data, but the way you beg him for more is involuntary. It feels too good, to have him desperately thrusting into you. It makes your mind numb, and everything you know about your life's passion is erased. The only thing that fills your head is the words Miguel grunts into you ears, promises of fucking a baby into you. Vows to make you bloated with load after load of his cum. That all it'll take is one of his orgasms to make it happen.
You guess that is a hypothesis in itself: Miguel O'Hara can get you pregnant with just one orgasm.
Too bad he's too desperate to find out if that hypothesis is correct. Because he doesn't stop at one. No, he keeps going. One after the other with no breaks in-between. But you guess that's to be expected, he is a man of science himself. A passionate one at that.
He's almost crazed in the way he overstimulates himself. Sweat beading in his hairline as he grunts down at you, watching the way he creamy cock slides in and out of your abused pussy. You've lost count of how many times you've come alone, but you know based on the way your body shivers and jolts that it's far more than you've ever had before. It's almost painful now, the way your next orgasm rips through you and shatters your soul again. You let out strangled breaths as you fight through the aftershocks and the continued pleasure of Miguel's cock slamming against your cervix. You swear you black out before he finally stops, your eyes and mind groggy as he pulls your hips flush against his as he spills into you.
You can feel him trying to push deeper into you as he pants ruggedly, his cock twitching against your walls until he's milked dry. Even when he's done filling you, he stays connected. He collapses onto you, breathing in the linger smell of sweat and sex on your skin.
"Got to make sure it takes."
Well, does the process really matter if you get the desired result anyway?
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Part 2 Part 3
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norrisleclercf1 · 2 months
Stop Growing Up
Pairing: Dad!Lando Norris x Mom!Reader
Rating: PG
Words: 1.2K
Warnings: None
Mini Lando Series Masterlist / Previous: Just the Beginning
A/N: Surpriseeeeee haven't written for Aiden and Lando in a hot minute
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Tying his shoes, he couldn't help but stare at the pictures of his little boy. Little Aiden was growing up, and Lando had a hard time because his little boy wasn't so little anymore.
Staring at the pictures, he looked at the picture he had taken when you first saw your bump, the guys all over with you smiling brightly with a large bump, and then you holding Aiden. Lando moved, looking at the picture of him shirtless, exhausted, with tear-stained cheeks, and smiling brightly at the camera. 
Carlos was in the next frame holding his godson, with a little chili plushie that Aiden was biting. Of course, Adam and Cisca were there, his sisters and brother, and even Mila sat next to her cousin. Lando missed those days, the days when Aiden was so damn happy when he saw Lando and squealed, kicking his feet and unable to wait to be held by his father. 
Now Aiden just smiled, seeing his Dad, but Lando just guessed it had to be because he was now graduating high school and wasn't his father's little boy anymore. Sighing, Lando smiles as you walk into the bedroom, wearing an elegant but simple blue dress with sandals. Lando wore a pale blue button-up, black slacks, and dress shoes. His curls were no longer the vibrant color but lined with grey, and of course, he had grown out the beard again, chuckling when the kids made fun of him for it. 
"Lando, you okay?" You knew how hard this was for him. It was his baby boy, all grown up. Lando always cried when the kids hit life milestones; he just wanted them to stay little. "Should we have another baby?" Earring slipping out of your hand, you curse and turn, glaring at him, but he isn't joking. Instead, he is very serious. "Lando, no. You're hitting 40. We're not having another child. Isn't four enough?" You tease, but Lando shakes his head. 
"No, our firstborn is about to move to fucking Scotland. And now, our others are growing up too fast." Lando groans, rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands. "Lando, Aiden is 17, for the love of god. Caleb, Will, and Odette are 14, 12, and 9 years old. Stop acting like they're all suddenly turning 18 and moving out." You bristle. Lando turns, pouting until he hears Caleb and Daniel yelling. "I've got it." He stops you, gets up, and heads to Caleb's room. He sees them fighting over a pair of shoes. 
"They're mine, stupid!" "No, dingbat, they're mine!" Lando sighs, dropping the head and shaking it. "Hey, knock it off, or no going to the track with me this weekend." The boys stop fighting, knowing their father would be serious about his threat. "But, Daddddd," Caleb whines out the d, and Lando narrows his eyes. "Caleb, you're 14, don't whine. Will, whatever you started, apologize to your brother. And if you don't, so help me, god, I'll get Uncle Max involved." Will and Caleb swallow hard and nod their head. 
Stepping down the hall, he hears them mumble and apologizes. Knocking on the door, he hears a soft come-in; smiling, he sees the bouncy curls of his baby girl as she plays with her dolls. Lando couldn't be happier that she took after you; he had three mini-mes, and finally, he got a mini-you. "Baby, are you all ready?" Odette turns and gives him a big, toothy grin, and he has to stop himself from laughing. She recently lost both her big teeth, and every time she smiles sh, she loses every tooth but those. She was pleased when she got a big gift from the tooth fairy. 
"Yes, daddy. Aiden got me dressed." She stands wearing her favorite blue dress. It was a soft blue with little bows and sparkles everywhere. Uncle Max gave her a gift when he took her out for her birthday. "Okay, baby, you keep playing." Odette nods and sits back down, playing with her Barbies. Stepping out, he takes a deep breath, goes to the next room, and knocks, slowly pushing it open. Lando has to take a deep breath to stop the burning in his eyes as his baby boy stands in his cap and gown. Aiden fusses over his hair, and Lando chuckles, alerting his son to his presence. "Dad, I love having your hair, but at this moment, it fucking sucks," Aiden groans, and Lando lets the curse word slip for this moment. 
"Stop, you're going to pull your hair out," Lando slaps his son's hands, ruffling the curls, slowly putting the cap on, and smiling. "Better?" Aiden groans but nods, "It'll have to do," Lando steps back and can't help his eyes water. "Dad, don't cry." Aiden turns, facing his father, who shakes his head and wipes under his eyes, making a croaking sound as he clears his throat. "Just, you grew up so fast." Aiden sighed and hugged his father; he knew Lando would be the one to take this hard, "I love you," Aiden whispered; Lando made a strangled sound and hugged Aiden tighter before slapping his back.
"Alright, you're uncles, grandparents, and your mother are downstairs." Aiden nods and grabs his wallet and keys. Rushing down the hall, you hear Odette's door open. "Dottie, come on." Little patters of feet and heavy feet are heard as Lando strolls behind them. Stopping, he looks back into Aiden's room and takes a deep breath. Aiden took his first steps, saying dada for the first time; the sleepless nights of rocking him to sleep and comforting him over broken hearts were all in this room. Smiling, Lando closes the door and heads downstairs. 
"No! Uncle Carlos!" Aiden whines, Lando knew all too well that Carlos probably ruffled his curls, and he's proven right as Aiden dodges his hand and lightly slaps it away. "Eh, don't slap my hand, come here." Carlos glares, and Aiden dodges, moving faster than his Uncle. Carlos hisses as Charles and Max chuckle. Already, Odette was in Max's arms and giggling at whatever the grown-ups were laughing at. As the baby and only girl, Odette was spoiled by everyone in the family. Max was the one who spoiled her the most. Penelope giggles at Aiden, with Kelley fixing Odette's curls. Aiden talks with Penelope and still dodges Carlos's hand. 
Lando moves up beside you, talking to his parents, and Adam gives him a slight nod. Caleb and Will come running past. "Boys," Lando says, giving his tone a deeper drop. They stop running and sit next to Lorenzo, or Enzo, as he likes to be called Charles's oldest boy. Enzo extends his phone, and they start giggling, most defiantly watching old videos of the drivers when they are close to Aiden, Penelope, and Enzo's age. "You alright," He pulls his attention to you and nods. "Yeah, yeah, I'll be okay." Kissing the top of your head, he draws you in as Aiden throws himself down next to Penelope, and they start talking about Formula 3. 
Aiden was offered a seat but turned it down, preferring to work with the cars rather than drive them. That was proven when he got a full ride to a prestigious university for Mechanical Engineering and Aerodynamics. "He's still our son Lando, just...older." Lando smiles as he looks around the room, taking in his family, laughing, and having fun. Turning back to you, he smiles, his genuine smile of the day. "I know, just....he needs to stop growing up." You giggle and kiss under his jaw as he holds you in his arms. Lando sighs and kisses you again. Aiden was growing up, but he'd always be his first little boy. 
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anathemaspeaks · 3 months
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character(s): toji fushiguro synopsis: you accidentally eat an aphrodisiac, but you definitely don't regret it. word count: 1.1k warning(s): smut a/n: i need him SO BAD inspired by this fic by the amazing @tonycries <3
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this was a prank. it had to be. you stared at the empty black chocolate wrapper in front of you in horror. the bold, golden letters on the wrapper seemingly mocking your current predicament. 'making bedroom adventures sweeter since 1992' written in a sickeningly bold cursive font under the brand name.
once your initial surprise wore off, you realized you actually felt quite... normal. you had just eaten an aphrodisiac for the first time, after all. even if it was accidentally. but you felt pretty okay, so you decided to get back to work since your lunch break was over.
just as you were about to start working, your phone rang, showing your wallpaper of your gorgeous boyfriend toji. still, nothing was happening. there was no change in how you felt.
until you heard his voice.
"hey doll, you eat yet?"
and just like that, all you could think about was him.
your hands on his sculpted abs, teasingly moving lower. him whispering praises on how you're being such a good girl for him, how pretty you look right now. how he lifts his arm, unintentionally flexing his bicep to-
"babe, you there?"
"toji" your voice came out much breathier than you anticipated. suddenly, you were very aware of how you'd soaked through your panties just by hearing his voice. you told him you're coming home early and ended the call quickly.
when you entered your house, you found a confused looking toji sitting on the sofa. you would've explained the situation to him, but the only thought in your mind after seeing him sitting there looking so divine was having his fat cock inside you, making you cum over and over until you can't walk for a week.
you practically ripped your clothes off after you shut the door behind you. "well i'm not complainin' doll, but what's goin' on?" toji questioned, his hungry eyes practically devouring you regardless. you didn't give him an answer. instead, you walked over to him and straddled his lap, and kissed him. you kissed him again and again because fuck, he just felt so good.
when you finally pulled away for air, all you could let out was a whiny "need you, toji." you kissed him again, harder this time. then his hands were everywhere, his touch alone making your skin burn. he was holding the back of your neck, and then his hands were on your waist. every touch of his was driving you crazy, the heat inside you only growing, especially as his hand moved to squeeze your ass.
and with that, you lost any semblance of self control you might've had before. you broke the kiss and tugged his hair, guiding his lips to your neck. you practically tore his shirt off, a primal, raw instinct taking over you now. you slowly started grinding on his thigh, moans spilling out from your mouth uncontrollably. this felt so good. he felt so good. you could hardly think.
your bare cunt was rubbing against the denim of his jeans, which were already soaking wet because of you. the material rubbing against your clit just right. his hands were on your ass, squeezing and caressing it while guiding you. his mouth sucking your tits, occasionally leaving hickeys on your neck as little whines escaped your pretty lips.
and just like that you're so close, that sweet relief feels so near. "toji please i'm so-" and you cum all over his pants before you can finish your sentence. he kisses you while still guiding you with his hands still on your ass, not letting you slow down. but you're still horny as ever. you get off his lap and help him take off his jeans and boxers, then you drop to your knees in between his spread legs.
you start by licking a small stripe up his very hard, huge cock, then you slowly take his flushed, hot tip inside your mouth, licking it almost teasingly. and then, within a second, you have his cock inside your mouth, tip almost touching the back of your throat with your cheeks hollowed out as you felt every vein running up his length, your saliva spreading on his cock as he fucked your throat. "fuck you're such a good girl, shit" "mm, you can take all of it, my good little slut"
his cock was so big you had tears in your eyes trying to deepthroat it, but you couldn't stop, not when he looked like that. one hand on the back of your head, guiding you, with the other one in his hair, causing him to flex his bicep. his abs glistening with the light sheen of sweat that had formed, the salty taste of his precum in your mouth so addictive.
his flushed cheeks and closed eyes that would occasionally open to look down at you. his mouth, which was open and saying the filthiest of things to you, cursing and groaning every other second, panting from how good you were taking him, how deep he was.
you couldn't wait any longer, you were nearly dripping onto the floor.
you stood up and leaned down to kiss him, tugging on his hair. "need you, toji" you whined. "need me where, princess?" god, he was such a tease. but you were impatient. so you allowed yourself to sink down onto his length with no warning, bottoming out in a singular thrust as he throws his head back, eyes rolling into the back of his head with a broken moan of your name.
shit, you were gonna be the death of him.
you were so wet you could cum from that alone, but you needed more, more, more. you've been on top before, but never like this. you were insatiable, riding him like there was no tomorrow. the lewd sound of his cock going in and out of you, the feeling of being so full and stretched out so well, him whispering dirty praises into your ears, the timbre of his voice when he moaned, it was too much.
you couldn’t hold it in even if you tried, cumming all over his cock. he finished inside you a few seconds later, holding your hips down and in place as he filled you up, hips stuttering with his broken whines of your name, his warm cum dripping out of your ravaged pussy.
you didn’t stop, though, you continued riding him. his current state only turned you on even more. completely lost in the feeling of you, so drunk on your pussy, a mess all for you. you placed your lips on his again, wanting nothing more than to taste him.
he couldn’t form a coherent sentence anymore. he was high on the feeling of your warm pussy fluttering around his fat cock, forming a creamy ring at the base as you continued. he was moaning so loudly you were sure the neighbors heard you.
the overstimulation paired with your hands tugging on his hair as his mouth fell open, his hands squeezing your ass, and the view of your tits bouncing so perfectly as you rode him were just too much for him.
the oversensitivity made you both cum again, filthy moans escaping the both of you. yet, you still didn’t stop. toji felt like he might pass out, but fuck, it felt so amazing. at this point, he knew it wouldn’t be over until one of you had blacked out. he loved every second of it.
toji, despite having way more stamina than you, blacked out first - you were insatiable. that chocolate was the only thing keeping you going for longer than your greek god of a man. god, you'd never felt so fucked out. you both wake up on the sofa, your naked body on top of his. you woke up to find him already smirking down at you, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “toji?” you questioned. “yeah, i'm definitely giving you those again.” he said with a grin.
then it clicked. that little shit had replaced your chocolate on purpose. “TOJI FUSHIGURO-”
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likes, reblogs, and follows are appreciated! requests are open <3
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lunamugetsu · 6 months
Flash was currently being held captive in a black of ice. How he got like this he wasn't sure. All he remembered was that he was running across Central City keeping the peace until suddenly an ice beam shot out of nowhere and froze his feat to the ground.... and the rest of him.
"Alright you got me! Show your face!"
"Well I was going to regardless. No need to yell." Out pops Danny Phantom carrying a bag with him and holding out an envelope.
"What? Who are you?"
"My name's Phantom. Danny Phantom. I have a message for you. I couldn't get your attention earlier so I thought this was just the next best way to get you to stop." Danny said as he unfreezes the speedster.
"Uh, okay." Flash said as Danny gives him an envelope.
On the envelope there are drawing in crayon and stickers and in marker it says: to Flash.
"It's from Susie, she'd said you'd remember her."
He remembered a Susie, a little girl that he used to see in the children's hospital. She had leukemia. He spent any minute he could making sure the kid was smiling when he was there. He was heartbroken when the nurses told him that she had passed away before he could give her her birthday present. Flash examined the crayon written words, it was just like Susie's writing.
"How did you?"
"Just read it."
The letter reads:
Dear Flash,
I'm sorry, I wasn't there when you showed up for my birthday. I never got to tell you, but thank you for being at the hospital with me when I was scared of going to treatment or when I had to take my medicine. Thank you for making me smile even when I didn't feel well. Thank you for playing games with me when I couldn't go outside. Thank you for talking to my mom and dad at my funeral. That was really nice. I drew some pictures for you but I never got to finish them when I was in the hospital so I drew you some new ones. Danny says that he'll give them to you.
In the envelope was a series of different colored papers all with different crayon and marker drawings of Susie and him playing in different scenarios. One where she was a doctor and he played the injured patient. One where they were both superheroes. Another one where they were playing shadow puppets when she wasn't feeling well. Page after page were different drawings of them playing with the last one was covered in glitter with a big heart with a crayon drawing of him and Susie.
"Susie said that her biggest regret was that she couldn't say thank you to her hero before she passed. So I bumped her up on my delivery list."
"Oh yeah, I never fully introduced myself. I'm Danny Phantom, you can call me Danny. I'm the designated delivery person for the afterlife to the living realm. Any messages or special requests from the dead are delivered by me!" Danny hands him a business card all official.
And it does say: Danny Phantom special delivery service for those of the non-living variety!
"She also said she wanted to give you one last hug before moving on."
"What do you?" Flash is halted from saying anything else as he feels a pressure against his legs. He looks down to see a translucent small figure. She was a picture of what she looked like before the chemo. Susie gives him a smile and a hug before fading before his eyes.
Before Danny officially takes up the mantle of Ghost King he's trying to do a job that would have him interact with all of his citizens first so he could get a feel of it. Hence him making connections with both the living and non-living people (he went big-brain for this idea)
Extra scene:
"Oh that reminds me, I have a card for you from someone else."
"A card?" Flash opens the card only to get sucker-punched in the face. (like one of those cartoon boxing glove punches)
"A punch card." Danny said
Flash groans as he looks at the card that has the words: STOP MESSING WITH TIME! from CW
Obligatory Gotham Scene:
Danny standing in front of a beaten up Joker that has been tied to a chair.
"Just so you know I have a back order of a lot special requests for you. And since I can't exactly kill you, that would create so much political tape. I can let them make requests for certain actions. So right now I have over 50 requests for me to break your legs and over 30 to pull out your teeth and break your jaw. Some of them contradict each other because they want to make every word you say hurt you but others want me to curse you so you can't speak again. So I'll just have to get creative." Danny says winding his arm back and form.
He is for sure being completely professional about, he gets no personal gratification from beating up a crazy clown at all. (said nobody ever)
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m-ayo-o · 4 months
Hi idk if you’re taking requests🥺🥺 but I was thinking Megumi was a shy little girlfriend who when they have sex for the first time he can’t believe how submissive she is and all the dirty words that come out of her mouth🩷🩷
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  * ✦ ˚ . m o r e ★⋆. ࿐࿔
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REQUESTS ARE STILL CLOSED : written in the past! 🍒 smut, reader's first time ! everybody 18+ 💕 valentine's
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You're his sweet girl. His shy girl. His princess. His world.
You always float about the place like you're lighter than air, sweeter and fluffier than cotton candy. Your lips press wispy kisses to his skin that leave red blossoms covering his cheeks.
The tone in your voice is so innocent and pure.
You're an angel.
So why do you sound like this when he kisses you?
He kissed you suddenly, passionately, taking things further than you ever had before. Your hands laced behind his neck and into his hair, pulling him closer by his spiky black strands. And it felt wrong, like he was corrupting you, but he forced your mouth open with his tongue and heard you moan. It was a blissful sound. And soon enough, that became his addiction.
He strived to hear that sound again. His hands wandered over your body, straying under the hem of your dress and touching your thighs. His lips found your neck and you emmitted one more of those high pitched moans.
Again and again, you fueled him to keep going until you were naked.
He wasn't fully aware of how it happened.
But you were under him and he was amazed at how you were presenting your body to him; your legs spreading, inviting him in so willingly. He didn't even have to ask and you were doing everything he wanted.
He realised that his dreams were about to come true.
"Harder, Megumi, harder-"
But he got more than he bargained for.
Your moaning, your hands on his chest, your soft lips kissing him. They were enough.
But when he got inside you and you started talking to him like that...
It drove him mad.
You watch his eyes dip up and down your body, finding your lips. He stares, watching the words form with a strained look on his face, as if he can't believe what he's hearing.
"More, more, Megumiii~~"
But it's true. He sees your throat contract with each syllable and those sweet dirty words come from you.
"Fuck- keep that pretty mouth closed- 'f you want me to last-"
You clearly don't.
"'wanna- wanna feel your cum... I wanna feel it inside me- please?"
No, no, no not yet. He begs himself not to release but he nods, promising you that he will.
But he lasts much longer than he expects and only starts to feel his balls twitching when your mouth opens again.
You tell him you want him to fuck you like you're not a virgin.
"Oh- oh shit-" you watch his eyes roll back but he can't cum yet. His face contorts. He's thinking. Desperately reasoning with the animal inside him that wants to obey you without question.
But when he asks if you're sure and you beg for it, he gets you on your knees and fulfils your request like his life depends on it. He grunts and fucks you rough, reaching over your body to touch your clit. He guides you through your first time with his fingers, his lips, his whole body, till you're cumming and shaking together, panting and sighing with relief.
He can't believe his pretty girl asked him to do that. During her first time, no less.
He has a feeling that you're going to be quite a kinky girl, and he looks forward to taking your second and third time as well.
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megumi | m.list
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icyminghao · 13 days
a bouquet a day
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pairing: seungcheol x gn!reader genre: fluff, meet-cute, florist!reader warning(s): none word count: 1.1k
summary: you find yourself noticing a certain good-looking man frequenting your flower shop daily, and you’re dying to get to know him.
a/n: this was loosely inspired by @hoshipills’s idea of a seungcheol mafia x florist au!!! though it isn’t implied that seungcheol is a mafia here, i still thought the idea was rly cute and wanted to expand on it :)
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He’s here again.
And by ‘he’, you mean the gorgeous, almost intimidating-looking man who comes by your shop to purchase an extravagant bouquet of flowers almost daily. He’s always dressed in the darkest of colours, and today is no different as he adorns a black turtleneck with black slacks, looking very much like the grim reaper.
You usually tend to stay judgement-free when it comes to your customers, but this man in particular has been coming one too many times for it to be considered normal.
But then again, who are you to judge, right?
“Hi, again,” the man practically squeaks before clearing his throat, the tips of his ears turning slightly red, “May I get a bouquet of daisies this time, please?”
“Sure! You can take a seat here for a while, I’ll get it ready as soon as possible,” you gesture to the lounge area of your shop like it’s the first time that man has been here (it definitely isn’t), before turning to prepare the bouquet he had requested.
“Take your time,” you hear the man reply, and you smile as you get to work.
“What’s your name?” you ask a few minutes later, as the man is standing behind the counter and as you’re keying in his order on your tablet.
The man’s eyes widen, seemingly shocked at the fact that you’d started a conversation with him. “I—”
“I- I’m just asking because!” you cut him off suddenly, feeling like the shop got hotter, “Because you come here quite often, but I don’t know your name.”
What’s wrong with me? you think, mentally chastising yourself for your erratic behaviour, why are you explaining yourself?
“Seungcheol,” the man, or Seungcheol, replies after a beat, the softest of smiles resting on his face as he watches you try not to die from embarrassment.
For some reason, you’re unable to form a coherent sentence, finding yourself nodding instead as you push the bouquet of daisies on the counter towards him before holding up the card reader so Seungcheol can pay.
“What’s your favourite flower?” Seungcheol asks as he taps his card on the reader, eyes never leaving yours as he does.
You pause, mouth opening and closing like a fish before you slowly react, “Daisies. I love daisies.”
Seungcheol’s smile stretches wider, and he pushes the bouquet on the counter towards you. You blink, confused.
“For you,” Seungcheol nods towards the flowers, “Thank you for accommodating me every time I visit.”
To your surprise, he turns and leaves before you can reply.
Huh, you think, gaping at the door in confusion before turning to go back to work after a while, I’ll have to prepare some flowers to thank him tomorrow.
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To your disappointment, Seungcheol doesn’t show up the next day.
And the next day, and the day after the next.
By the fifth day, you’re starting to come to terms with the very real possibility that Seungcheol isn’t coming to the shop anymore when he suddenly bursts in five minutes before the shop is due to close.
He’s panting a little, hair slightly disheveled, and you suppress the urge to reach over and fix it for him. Instead, you simply stare at his figure in front of the door, confusion written all over your face.
“Hi,” he breathes out, and you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
“Hi!” you chirp, wincing at the unnaturally high pitch of your voice, “Are you here to shop flowers again?”
“Yeah! Um, no—” Seungcheol stutters, and you try your hardest to keep a straight face, “I just wanted to apologise for rushing out like that the other day.”
You blink. “Oh! It’s okay, you must’ve been busy.”
Seungcheol chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck, and silence ensues between the two of you.
“Um!” you pipe up after a while, briskly walking behind the counter upon remembering something, “I… wanted to give you this. To thank you for the daisies the other day.”
Placing a bouquet of handpicked flowers on the counter, you slide it closer to Seungcheol and gesture for him to come forward.
“These are…” Seungcheol’s ears are visibly redder, though you can’t quite understand why. Perhaps the shop is too cold?
“Pink roses! They represent gratitude,” and admiration, but Seungcheol does not need to know that.
“T-thank you,” Seungcheol replies, a soft smile resting on his face, “I’ve never received flowers before.”
“Oh! Well,” you panic, “I hope your partner wouldn’t mind that I’m giving you these. It totally slipped my mind when I was preparing these and I’m truly sorry if I’ve overstepped!”
Seungcheol is silent for a moment, as if taking his time to process what you’d just said, before tilting his head in confusion.
“I… don’t have a partner,” he explains, looking slightly sheepish.
At this point, you want nothing more than to bury yourself somewhere and never face him again. “I’m sorry! I just thought you had one since you’d come here every day for a bouquet of flowers, but then again I shouldn’t have assumed anything, so I’m so—”
“I came here for you,” Seungcheol interrupts, and your eyes widen. “I’m sorry?”
“I’ve been coming here every day for you,” Seungcheol repeats himself, looking slightly nervous, “I walked in here by chance a few weeks ago and was so taken by you I just couldn’t help coming here every day just to see you. I thought you might find me weird, so I started buying a bouquet of flowers every day so you wouldn’t suspect anything.”
Your mouth opens and closes like a fish, Seungcheol’s words having quite literally rendered you speechless. You watch as Seungcheol’s expression gradually morphs into one of panic, having misintepreted your silence as discomfort.
“All that to say! I’m sorry if I’ve made you uncomfortable in any way, if I’ve weirded you out, I’ll be more than happy to leave and never come back again,” Seungcheol rushes to explain himself, his voice gradually getting softer, “But on the off-chance that what I’m feeling right now is mutual, would… you allow me to take you out on a date sometime?”
You smile, heart nearly beating out of your chest, “I wouldn’t be opposed to it. The date, I mean, not the part about you leaving and never coming back—”
You’re interrupted by the melodious sound of Seungcheol’s laughter, and you can’t find it in yourself to be mad about it.
“Well, then,” a soft smile rests on Seungcheol’s face, “Would you please do me the honour of giving me your number?”
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taglist (send an ask to be added!): @slytherinshua @viscade @pepperonidk @belladaises @tastymintchocolate @dahliatopia @kwantaro-deactivated20240614 @chanceonceli @hrts4hanniehae @leehanascent @nonononranghaee
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intoxicated-chan · 1 year
Breeding Kink Miguel O'Hara?👉🏻👈🏻🥺
We’re Both Sinners
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✿ฺ Paring ➳❥ Miguel O’Hara x F!Reader
✿ฺ Summary ➳❥ Miguel couldn’t describe it, for the first time, he felt like he lost all sense of control.
✿ฺ (A/n) ➳❥ I gotchu! Inspired by “Sinners” by The Ari Abdul. Also, I’m sorry that this seems rushed, I haven’t written a lot of smut before so apologies!
✿ฺ Word Count ➳❥ 877
✿ฺ Content Warnings ➳❥ Female reader, breeding kink, sexual content, p in v, pet names (Mi Amor), office sex, bruises, biting, nearly caught? Fingering… Please let me know if I missed anything!
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The first time was a complete accident. Miguel had no clue that the condom broke so suddenly, he really shouldn’t be surprised since of how hard he was going. It took the cum leaking out of your cunt that sparked something inside of him.
Of course, he’d never do anything without your permission but every time, the words were at the tip of his tongue. How much he wanted to beg you to let him take off the condom and let him fuck you raw. He was getting harder and harder every time, he knew if he didn’t say anything soon, he wasn’t going to be able to control himself.
It was so distracting that he couldn’t even contain himself during work. The shame he felt during important meetings when he felt himself get hard by the simple thoughts. The embarrassment he felt when he was forced out of his thoughts and everyone was staring at his flustered face. Never again. He couldn’t let that happen again.
You noticed his distraction from day one. He seemed lost in thought and papers began piling up on his desk. You knew that it wouldn’t be long before Miguel returned to his home office and remained there late into the night.
It was supposed to be a simple visit. Bring him his lunch and talk with him. His office was dark, almost pitch black but it was normal. The only light was the very small lamp on his desk, facing away from him.
You set his lunch down next to his laptop and sat down at the chair in front of his desk.
You waited a few seconds before you called his name, “Miguel~” You waved a hand in front of his face, and it made him jolt, “I brought you lunch.”
“Uh, thank you, mi amor.” He smiles. You could see him avoiding your gaze.
“How was the meeting?” You begin to poke at him.
“It went well. We went over some numbers that an employee messed up. And-”
“You do know that there was no meeting. Not a single one today.” You sigh, “What’s got you so distracted that it’s affecting your work?”
He glanced at you but immediately turned away when your eyes didn’t move from his. You leaned in, “Please, talk to me.” You whispered.
He felt his cock twitch, “Don’t say that.” He huffs heavily.
“Don’t say what?”
He hissed, “You don’t know how you affect me, do you?” He chuckled, “Teasing me and all.”
He suddenly reached over and grabbed the collar of your shirt, “You said you wanted me to talk, alright then. I’ll show you what’s got my head in a blender.” You can see his blood-red eyes seeping past his brown ones.
“Has anyone seen Mr. O’Hara?” One employee asked another, holding a stack of papers in his arms, “I have the papers he requested.”
“I was told not to bother him.” Another told him.
“Seriously? After I spent hours going through everything he just gave me.” He shakes his head and walks towards his office.
“I wouldn’t-” The employee ignores the other one who sighs, “Do that.” Leaving him to face the consequences.
The employee managed to free one hand and used it to knock on the door, “Mr. O’Hara?” Silence, “Sir?”
“I thought I made it clear that I am to be bothered,” Miguel growls.
“I’m sorry sir but-”
“Come back later!”
The employee huffed but walked away.
“Nearly got us in trouble.” Miguel seethed, feeling you tighten around him as he continues his brutal pace.
“B-But he didn’t hear anything.” His hand slaps over your mouth to silence you.
“But he could’ve and I can’t have that happening.” He whispers in your ear.
Miguel has you bend over his desk. Whatever was originally on his desk was now on the floor. One hand remained on your mouth and the other was gripping your hip.
Your neck is littered with bruises and maybe a bite or two from his fangs. Your hair is a mess from moments ago.
You continue to moan into his hand, “It’s like you want to be caught. Is that what you want?” He removes your hand and grabs a chunk of your hair, tugging, “You want everyone to see how much of a whore you are for their boss. I’m sure you’d enjoy that.”
Miguel let his control slip, hearing himself groan and you cry… He pounded into you harder than ever. You felt another orgasm come and you completely lost count.
But it wasn’t long before his thrusts became sloppy, and soon you heard him loudly groan, cumming inside of you.
He released your hair and his grip on your waist, but he remained over you. His hands support his tired body, “Still distracted?” You pant.
You try getting up but he pushes you back down, “And where do you think you’re going?”
“You still have work.”
“I’m sure they don’t mind having their boss without a few more hours.” You let out a yelp when you felt two of his fingers thrust into you, “Besides, I can’t have this going to waste.”
“But today’s meeting is important!” You retort.
“I’ve got two hours, you’ll be more than filled up by then.”
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© Intoxicated-Chan, I do not allow my work to be copy, translated, or put my work on any other platform without my permission.
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