#and then some cast and crew went out for mexican food and the owner of the theatre that had our show bought our diner
timelord-of-the-moon · 10 months
#IM SAD#just closed another show#i dont know if i can keep doing this#maybe its the fact that i dont have the next thing lined up?#i dont know if i SHOULD do this anymore either#wish a lot of things were differnt!!!!#becuase today was actually good! we had the show and i didnt miss any cues and during strike i talked to a lot of people#and then some cast and crew went out for mexican food and the owner of the theatre that had our show bought our diner#and then we went to a drag show which was fun! like fuck i actually was enjoying myself#the sad thing is that i dont have many days like this#like if i constantly had show days and people to talk to id be happy maybe?#but like its sad ill probably never see most of these people again#and i dont have anything lined up next like i have to edit this stupid fucking short film but after that nothing#and im not happy here i wasnt happy in California but at least i was a lot less bothered#and i definitely was not happy when i was in college but high school was worse#i just literally dont know what to do with myself#this is more than post show depression i think#i dont know if i have the heart to keep working with people and never see them again#and like i cant fucking make friends with them i literally dont know how i can barely get 3 sentences out in any conversation#nobody actually wants to be my friend#like sure work friend or someone who will do favors but not a deeper connection#why is it so hard what the fuck am i missing#like definitely there is something wrong with me social skills wise but i should have figured it out by now
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silentbeat · 7 years
11.17.17 - “Casting Pt. 3″
Something really nice happened today.
It had been quite a stressful day, with a lot piling up (most of it was unrelated to the film, but you know how that only makes it worse!). And when Connor (Producer), Ryan (Associate Producer) and I finished casting today, I was quite low. I was tired, I was hungry and I just wanted to move on.
So Connor and I went to get some dinner and we went to our favorite restaurant in town, Tienda Tarimoro, the local Mexican restaurant. We had stumbled in there a couple of weeks ago and really enjoyed the food. We’d been there a couple of times since too. When we arrived the owner was untangling some Christmas lights he was preparing to put up. Connor and I had a wonderful meal and really started to relax about things.
When we went to the register to pay for our meal, we officially introduced ourselves to the owner, since we knew we’d be back again. He asked if we were working with the film company in town. When we said yes, he invited his son over - who it turns out loves film!
And we had a great chat about movies and filmmaking! It turns out he goes to the school I’m teaching at. We told him if he was ever interested in how a film is made, he’s welcome to come by our set while we’re filming.
We left our website and our emails. Hopefully he’s interested.
But it’s moments like these that remind me why I love making movies. There’s something magical about it that always draws people in. It’s special, it’s glamorous, it’s impossible! The greatest experiences I’ve had making movies have been where we get to include people in our projects - people who have always dreamed about film, but never thought it possible.
It was really great meeting these guys and I hope we get to see them again soon.
Otherwise the day was pretty standard - did casting calls (which went wonderfully), worked on props/costuming, had some surprise news which we’re still dealing with, and just tried to make sure this film will be as great as it can be when we start!
Tomorrow we’re heading down to Savannah to do some callbacks and meet with some crew members. Then Sunday we’re doing Atlanta callbacks and Sunday evening we’re going to be cast.
I can’t wait to get this going.
I was stressing a lot about movies today. That nagging voice started to tell me that I should give up - but luckily I had my brother there to help, and our associate producer and all of my students - and these wonderful people we met at Tienda Tarimoro.
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