#and then she feeds her apple sauce
celestialprincesse · 7 months
What time is it?! More single mom!reader time!
Someone dropped into my inbox asking for Single mom! getting upset at her daughter and yelling at her and then crying about it. I needed a minute to cook but I'm here now.
"Come on, Lottie." You huff desperately, covered to your elbows in suds and applesauce as you try and fail to get your daughter into the bubble filled tub. "If you take a bath, I'll let you watch Bluey before bed." Has the three year old perking up, albeit barely, still stroppy about some trivial thing or another. She's probably still sour about you saying no to having cake for dinner, despite the fact that you'd relented this morning and allowed cake for breakfast, on the condition that she also had some strawberries to 'cancel the sugar out'.
"I wan' see Riley!" She pouts, stomping a tiny, chubby foot against the tiled bathroom floor. Ever since you'd dog sat for Simon on his latest deployment, Charlotte had decided that Riley was more her dog than his, and despite the fact that you too, absolutely adore Riley, the thought of bothering Simon any more makes you physically wince. "We can see Riley tomorrow." You attempt to bargain, growing more frustrated the longer you sit on the edge of the bath with your daughter looking at you like you're unreasonable. You never thought you'd see the day where you could get genuinely upset at a three year old covered in apple sauce and glitter glue. You've already had to fish a clip on earring from her mess of hair, and now you're at the end of your very, very long, single mother special edition, extra strength rope. "Wan' see him now!" Has you practically on the verge of tears. Today has been one of those impossible days where all you can think of as you're working out how much you have to spend for the month and whether you need to call a plumber out for the kitchen sink, is whether it's all worth it. Sure, going back and grovelling would be shameful, gut wrenchingly so, but at least then you wouldn't be alone.
"Charlotte, get in the bath or I'll put you to bed with no TV time." The unrelenting growl of your own voice feels foreign as it echoes around the tiny bathroom. You hate playing the bad cop, that was never your role, you'd always been the one to pick Lottie up after her dad laid down the law, take her for ice cream in the park or to feed the ducks. Now you're forced to do both. Charlotte, being three and having no care for the fact that she's making your life more difficult than it needs to be, simply sticks out her bottom lip and quivers her chin a little. Which, under normal circumstances, would make you give in and try to chase her down with a wet wipe, or coax her with the mermaid barbie doll that 'lives' in the bath. "Charlotte. Bath. Now." Of course, she'd had to have your spirited nature and unwillingness to give in passed on to her like a flaming torch, like you were Prometheus, being punished for giving fire to man. "No!" She shrieks, and that's enough to tip you over the edge. "Fine, bed then! Go on! Go and get in bed all dirty and see if I care." You snap, fingers pinching frustratedly at the bridge of your nose, trying to hold back the angry tears threatening to spill.
You're too consumed by hurt and endlessly roiling frustration to see where she storms off to, allowing yourself just a moment to sit on the edge of your shitty bathtub and let it all out. It was hardly ever that you got angry at Lottie. It was practically impossible given your situation. She doesn't understand where her daddy is or why you needed to go without him, nor why she can't always go and play with Simon and Riley whenever she wants.
"Charlotte?" Simon is confused and more than a little concerned at the snotty three year old currently stood at his door, cheeks ruddy with tears and little fists balled as she walks past him into his flat. "Wan' play wif Riley." She babbles, toddling through his entrance hall to the living rim, where the K9 gladly greets her with licks to her cheeks, making her giggle. "Where's mummy, Lottie?" Riley is called to heel, told to calm down so that Simon can understand why he's currently got your three year old crying in his lounge. "Baffroom." The toddler mumbles, seemingly perfectly content to get comfortable on his couch with Riley, burying her little face in the fluffy golden scruff of his neck. "What do you mean, bathroom, poppet? Is mummy alright?" "Mummy cryin'." "Did something happen?" In her usual way, Charlotte completely zones out from his line of questioning, too engaged with snuggling his dog.
The toddler wails and kicks when she's hoisted up onto his hip and carried back through the concerningly open door of your apartment, still swinging slightly on its hinges from where Lottie had thrown it open. "Love?" Simon calls into the seemingly empty house, your daughter on his hip and Riley waiting at his feet, wet nose twitching for any smell of the familiar woman who feeds him treats and scratches behind his ears. In seconds, Riley is tearing into the dimly lit bathroom, jolting you from your meltdown, followed rapidly by Simon and a tired looking toddler. "Love? Darling, what happened?" He's crouching at your bare feet as you sit defeatedly on the rim of the tub, your chin in his hands, tilted this way and that as though to make sure you're not hurt.
"Charlotte wouldn't get in the bath and - and" You can barely get your words out before you're wailing into your hands again, hiccuping pathetically at your situation and the fact that such a simple thing has the strength to derail you entirely. "Ah. Wondered why she came round mine all huffy and puffy." "Oh my God, I'm so sorry - You must think I'm awful." "I don' think you're awful. I think you're fuc-fudging amazing. Look at you, are you jokin'? Raisin a kid all alone, startin' a new life just the two of you. You're a trooper, yeah? I've seen soldiers weaker than you." "You don't really think that." You sniffle, inadvertently leaning your cheek into his palm when he reaches up to wipe your tears. "Course I do. You're brave and kind and beautiful. You've done a hell of a job with the little spitfire over there. Don't think I've ever come across a woman I admire the way I do you."
The way his words, aloof, distant Simon Riley's words make butterflies flutter in your stomach should be illegal. The way his eyes are so warm and dark like the comfort of a warm bed after a long day makes your heart pound and your breath catch. You know you shouldn't feel like this, for Charlotte's sake, and his, and yours, and yet you can't stop yourself. For the first time, you're falling, hard. Not for danger or the lure of the unknown. No. You're falling for the safe, gentle domesticity that Simon offers you in the waiting palm of his hand, like feeding a frightened animal in the hopes of coaxing them into the safe warmth of a home.
。 ゚ ꒰ঌ ✦໒꒱ ༘*.゚
I didn't mean for this to be 1.2k oops I got totally carried away 😚
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hypnos333 · 7 months
More than Anything
Lucifer x Adapted daughter! Reader
Synopsis: You were just a baby with weird shapes on your cheek and having no one Lucifer took you in while depressed until it got really bad so Charlie and Vaggie started taking care of you
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You played with your dolls as Charlie was playing with you. It’s been 1 years since the last time you saw your dad and yet you don’t know him. When you were first taken away you couldn’t eat anything at all until Charlie started to actually pay attention to you to the point where she knows every detail.
Charlie was happy to take you in as a sister but was disappointed at her dad for leaving such a young now two year old without a parental guidance. Charlie had her mom but who do you have?
She watched you sucking on you pacifier while characterizing the doll with innocence. It was no surprise that you were a hellborn because your cheeks gave it away. No human has the power that you have.
“Come little baby let go get you a warm bottle of milk and some lunch” Charlie exclaimed before picking you up as you clinged to her.
For a two year old you so small and adorable.
When Charlie reach the kitchen Husk was already in there grabbing an apple sauce before putting it in front of you. “Do you want me to feed her Charlie?” Husk mumbles as he gets a baby spoon to feed you in.
“Oh! Thank you Husk this helps so I can make her mil-“I always made her milk it’s in the microwave” Husk interrupt her that’s when the Microwave made a sound meaning it was done.
Husk airplane feed you the apple sauce as you played with his paws, he didn’t mind because he grown attached to you.
“Husk do you mind watching ___? I have to do business around the hotel” Charlie asked making Husk instantly agree. “Yeah I can definitely watch this kit” Husk said making Charlie tell him your schedule before kissing your forehead on the way out.
“Well it’s just you and me munchkin” He mumbles as you were sucking your bottle with the milk in it. He gently lift you up carrying you to the lobby.
He laid you down the couch, on your back as you continued to drinking the warm milk. As you fell asleep drinking the bottle. As you did Husk brought up a pacifier to your lips and automatically sucked on the pacifier.
Husk chuckles before making a pile of blankets so you don’t roll over and fall on the couch.
Hours later
Lucifer came in when Charlie called him, And when Lucifer saw his sleeping child being carried by Angel dust as rocked side by side so you can stay sleeping.
“C-Can I hold her?” He asked Charlie making her nod as she smiled uncontrollably. Angel dust gently put you in Lucifer’s arms making you squirm and slowly open your eyes.
“Hi Baby Angel, I’m your papa” Lucifer said gently and he rubbed your back. You looked at him tiredly and curiosity.
“Papa?” You mumbled
“Yeah I’m your papa” Lucifer chuckled with tears in his eyes as he put his forehead against yours as you giggle putting your hands on his cheeks as he does this. He can’t believe how much you grown as he cried in Joy finally getting to raise you properly Lucifer pulled charlie into a hug with you and him.
“I love you both more than anything” He whispered to you both.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
hi! i love your small “teenagers” series sm! could you write hobie and reader babysitting mayday in miguel’s lab (or office?), and he comes back to it seeing it all in a mess with like crayon scribbles, stickers, and glitter all over the place? no worries if you can’t! thank you for your stories 🙏
𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬... 𝐏𝐭 𝟔
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“Can we use your lab for like… a few hours? Peter left us to watch Mayday, and we don’t have anywhere else safe to go where she can’t leave. She already made us chase her around the whole building.” You asked your dad, out of breath as Hobie held mayday.
He sighed “As long as it’s not messed up when I get back..” he eyed Hobie, and you both left to his lab.
You put her down on a table, and pulled out a snack.
When you looked back, she wasn’t there.
“Where’d she go?” Hobie said.
“W- she was just there!”
“I looked away for a second, I swear.” He put his hands up in defense as he looked around the room.
She was upside down underneath a table, head almost to the floor.
“Mayday! You can’t run off like that.” You picked her up, she giggled and started to climb on you.
“Or just ignore me.” You sighed, and hobie looked around in the bag now. You placed her on the table again.
“Here.” He handed you apple sauce, which you took, and started to feed to her.
He smiled at it.
“You’d be a good mom.” He said, randomly.
“Really? I feel like I’d be shitty.”
“You wouldn’t.”
You smiled at him, and when you got distracted mayday grabbed the apple sauce and spilt it all over the floor and table. She giggled as she started to play with it.
“Mayday!” You groaned, picking her up again.
“I got ‘er.” He said, grabbing her from you.
You sighed “Thank you.” And looked around for something to clean it with. Miguel kept his lab clean, so there had to be something. You looked through the drawers, and grabbed some paper towels. The second you look back, Mayday is throwing glitter everywhere.
“Hobie! Where the hell did you get glitter from?”
“She got it from the bag.” He shrugged, smirking as she continued to make a mess.
“The kids a real anarchist. Making a mess of the place.” He folded his arms and nodded.
You sighed, cleaning up the apple sauce and then trying to clean up as much as the glitter you could.
Then she pulled out more from the bag, crayons and stickers. Seemed innocent. Until she started to crawl around and drew on the walls.
“Mayday!” You groaned, running after her, but the second you did she started to climb the walls.
“Mayday Parker, get down here this instant!”
She put the crayons in her mouth, drawing with them in her mouth and hand, and sticking stickers on the ceiling and walls.
“Hobie! Are you gonna help?”
He sighed, picking up mayday. She flailed her arms around and stuck a sticker on him.
“My dads gonna kill me.” You said, looking around the lab that was filled with crayon markings, pink glitter all on the floor, and stickers on the walls.
“I won’t let him.” Hobie put his arm around you.
“Chaos child.” You looked at mayday, which she laughed at.
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toxictigertonic · 1 month
Alright, I've been cursed with new blorbos (don't worry DJ will always be my number one). Outlast trials has me in a chokehold, specifically Franco, but all the prime assets are running around in my brain causing problems. I'm subjecting you to my stupid food headcanons as a result:
- This mother fucker drinks hot sauce. Like. Chugs the shit. You can't take him anywhere without him bringing a bottle of Tabasco.
- Takes his coffee black, but will add a little sugar if no one is looking. Can't let people know that he doesn't like plain black coffee.
- He feels like a big breakfast kinda guy, with all the fixings. If you took him to a diner that'd be what he'd get, no matter the time of day.
- Would he disgusted by energy drinks EXCEPT classic redbull. Now imagine this man hyped up on caffeine.
- Would still eat his scrambled eggs if he got shells in them. Would say some shit like "the shells put hair on your chest"
- Trusting this man to bake anything is a fire hazard, it doesn't matter if it's those pre cut cookie rolls, they're catching fire.
- Says he hates desserts then stares down a slice of pecan pie from across the room like it owes him money.
- The only one I trust to cook tbh, and that's not saying much.
- If you took her to get coffee she'd get the sweetest thing on the menu (and Futterman would bitch and moan about it the whole time) or she'd get a chai latte. Futterman would demand a black coffee.
- I would trust her to make me an apple pie and then she'd put the drill in it bc the crust came out wrong.
- She feels like a woman who really likes jam. Maybe I am projecting but jam is cool.
- She will not touch an energy drink bc they taste bad to her, and bc Futterman would throw a fit about how bad they are for your teeth. No caffeine fueled death sprint for her, but based on her singing and the whole angel dust thing I don't think she needs it.
- I would make her pancakes she seems pretty cool.
- Likes the batter for desserts more than the finished products.
- God help us where do I begin
- On one hand I wanna say he makes some bomb ass Italian food. On the other hand I wanna say he burns cereal.
- Speaking of cereal, he's the kinda guy who let's his cereal turn to paste in the bowl before he eats it.
- Considering what we know about the wolf's milk drink, I'm frightened by this man's palette. Genuinely terrified.
- I think he would die if he tasted hot sauce. I think Coyle is aware of this fact and has plans.
- Give him an energy drink if you wanna see him start doing flips. He thinks they're gross but he's also like "fuck yeah pure sugar I love these"
- Likes his cookies so underdone that they're basically raw (me too chief)
- If you cooked him a homemade meal he'd cry while eating it. Then he'd get pissed because you made him cry.
- He's my little skrunkly doo so I'm feeding him wet plaster ❤️
If I'm wrong about anything bc it's actually stated in the lore I do not care tell Red Barrels to get their facts straight (/J I SWEAR)
I haven't had time to look at Gooseberry's or Coyle's lore so I don't know if they have some super important amazing cooking skills that I'm missing out on. Feel free to tell me if you think I'm wrong or have your own ideas about these idiots.
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sev-life · 10 months
Snape is Harry's guardian
Petunia opened the door in the middle of the night to see her nephew in her front step. She wanted nothing to do with her show off sister and cut contact three years ago with reason. Her hands were full with Dudley and the Lord knew her parents never loved her as much as Harry. But she didn't know what to do with the freakish child. Not until Vernon was turning the paper and she caught the article of Tobias Snape's prison sentence. A freak with the biggest freak she knew. That would work.
Severus was woken up by loud pounding at the door and groaned through his hangover. But he dragged himself off the floor, half dead. And there was Harry freaking Potter on his dead grass. "Shit."
Harry was screaming at the top of his lungs, freezing cold and in need of a diaper change, screaming for mummy and daddy and the little tot was starving. "Oh fuck it all. Come here," he nearly puked at the stench and picked up the boy bringing him inside where at least he could warm up. One transfigured diaper and a sink bath later, Harry was now in one of his shirts. "What can you eat? Can you eat? I don't have formula." The toddler only started crying again, "You're about as helpful as your father. But at least you are cuter."
He found some apple sauce that was only a week past its expiration and fed the boy with a spoon too big for him and he picked up the corded phone and dialed the fire department.
"Hey. Um, someone left a kid on my door and I don't know what to do?"
"Do you know the child? How old are they?"
"Barely. Umm, he's my ex best friend's kid and her and her husband died two nights ago. I don't know why he's here. He's like ummm... A year and a few months?"
"Were you listed as a guardian? Did a social worker bring him?"
"No for both. There was a loud banging and then baby in the yard and I'm hungover and I don't have diapers. Harry keeps crying but I don't have toys."
"We've sent an Officer to the location your number is registered at. Is Harry injured?"
"Yes. Um, his forehead, has a cut on it. I cleaned that though. Put a bandaid on." Severus gave him another spoonful of the apple sauce from a jar.
"You did the right thing in calling us, help is coming soon." Severus thanked the man and hung up, still feeding Harry because he didn't seem like he wanted to be done eating.
Paperwork and statements and a doctor's visit left Severus holding Harry and a social worker setting out some papers, "You do have options here. The next guardian would be a Sirius Black, just arrested for murder so we can't have that. Mr. Harry can go into the foster system, or you can take temporary guardianship since you were trusted with him, even if you don't know why."
"I'll keep you for Lily," he looked at the green eyes, "So what now?"
It was another few hours before Severus left with the toddler, a bag of supplies, and a social services appointment for the next week. But he swore to protect the little guy napping on his shoulder, even if he did look too much like James Potter.
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jjtheresidentbaby · 2 months
HIIIII its @bebbie-bilinski and as mentioned heres the request! sorry i just copy pasted it from our messages lol
ok u know how at first babies r insatiable and wanna be fed every like 2 hours? well that concept but regressed!stiles and cg!derek. BUT!! BUTT!! 1) he did not plan on regressing at all that night and 2) it was a pack night at the loft with the pack so they also have to witness/help out with it (i hc that werewolves need less sleep so they arent too grumpy about it) and 3) stiles is very guilty about it and tries so hard not to bother anyone but got damn it hes grumpy and wants a bottle every 2 seconds lol…ok das it *looks at u with big ol wet pathetic eyes*
also to add to that, maybe at first he doesnt realize -what- he wants he just knows he wants something anyways go crazy
˚. ❝₊˚ insatiable ❞ ˚₊·
» stiles stilinski x derek hale, stiles & the pack
» on my ao3 | word count: 866 | rated: teen & up
» warnings: everyone lives, no one dies!, swearing, guilt, bottle feeding
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The loft buzzes with voices and a low thrum of music coming from Erica’s speakers she has set up near the end of the couch- an unnecessary touch of pack night but one that’s quickly become a favorite of everyone attending- and Stiles can’t sit still. It’s not the amount of people surrounding him or even the annoyingly loud laughter Peter’s letting out with Isaac following suit, really that doesn’t bother him that much, he’s just… so hungry.
It’s odd for him to ever be hungry like this. They’ve already cleared five boxes of pizza between the entire pack, werewolves truly know no ends when it comes to hunger. The last thing on Stiles’ mind should be food, he should be engaged in the conversation at hand, at the plan of taking down rouge hunters a couple towns over that Allison heard about from Chris. It’s a much more important matter than whatever Stiles is dealing with right now.
Still, even with his attempts at rationalizing his way out of this feeling, he’s annoyed. He’s hungry and annoyed and goddamnit why isn’t anyone picking up on this? Don’t werewolves have heightened senses? Can’t they tell he’s being deprived of food?
“Stiles? You good?” Erica asks, raising a suspicious brow with her head cocked to the side. He opens his mouth to reply that- no, he is not good- but all that comes out is a garbled mess of attempts at words.
It hits him then- he’s regressed. That’s why he’s so hungry, so upset about nobody swooping in to tend to his needs right this second, and can’t talk properly. A sudden wave of guilt washes over him with the realization.
This wasn’t supposed to happen. His regression has been something he pointedly plans out and keeps on a strict schedule so that it doesn’t interfere with anything to do with the pack, sure they all know he’s a little, but only Derek, Scott and Peter ever get to see his little side. There’s higher stakes when it comes to the other members of the pack- he needs them to trust him, to see him as strong, dependable, not a little kid who needs someone to get him a packet of apple sauce or else he’ll throw a hissy fit. (He won’t do that, he tells himself, but deep down knows that he’s about an hour without food away from it)
All the heads in the room turn to Stiles at his random-noises-trying-to-pass-as-words and Stiles knows that there’s no way he’ll be able to make a run for it now. He sits and watches all their werewolf noses twitch in the air, sans Allison who just stares knowingly; and searches for that signature ‘regression scent’ as Derek and Scott put it. They find it, Stiles knew they would, yet he gets the sudden urge to curl up in a ball and never let anyone look at him again.
“Hey bud, you feeling small?” Derek’s hand is big and familiar on Stiles’ cheek, thumb rubbing soothing circles against the burning red skin as Stiles blushes in embarrassment and ducks his eyes away. His stomach growls and brings him back to the real issue at hand, he’s still hungry.
“Want another piece of pizza?” Boyd smiles softly as he speaks, he’s standing by the last box of pizza that has maybe three slices left. Stiles isn’t sure how to communicate that he isn’t feeling big enough for pizza, or any solid foods, he wants a bottle. It’s the only thing he’d be able to manage right now.
“Or some cheesy bread? I can heat it back up.” Allison suggests, Stiles blinks in surprise that she’s actually offering her cheesy bread that is solely bought for her and nobody else- the pack has already devoured their own box of it.
“I can smell that you’re hungry, what do you want?” Derek moves his hand to brush through Stiles’ hair and a very ill-directed spike of frustration flares in Stiles’ chest at Derek. He can’t get the words out properly, he just wants a bottle, he’s so hungry and feels like he could burst into sobs any second, and- and Derek should know. Stiles needs Derek to know what he wants without him having to say it.
“Here, give him this.” Scott passes a heated bottle over to Peter who hands it to Derek. And Stiles has never loved his best friend more than this moment, Scott’s too busy blowing loose formula powder onto Erica and Isaac to see Stiles gratefully smile at him- he makes a mental note to say something when he’s big enough to have an actual conversation again.
“McCall always knows.” Derek mumbles and sits in the corner of the couch next to Stiles, readily opening his arms so Stiles can curl up against his chest and greedily take the bottle between his lips.
It’s pure bliss the second he starts to drink it down. He hears Derek mutter to Peter to make another one because he’s drinking this one much faster than he normally does but Stiles doesn’t care, he’s just happy he doesn’t have to wail on the floor to get what he wants.
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leggerefiore · 10 months
Cyrus is definately one of those people who can't baby talk to kids, no matter how young they are.
Cyllene: (incoherent gibberish and babbling)
Cyrus: An interesting point of view, perhaps you can elaborate further after your snack of apple sauce.
S/O walks in thinking Cyrus is having a phone call with one of his employees, but no, the man's just talking to his kid. 💀
You just are hanging outside his home office, trying to bring him a drink or something because he has not left in so long. All you hear is the apple sauce comment and wonder what the hell is going on at HQ. It almost seems like some weird conversation between him and Saturn until you peer in at him sitting on the floor feeding Cyllene some apple sauce. The little girl looks deathly serious as she tries the baby food, but Cyrus has a rare smile on his lips.
He also does that thing where he holds a crying baby Cyllene and just calmly tells her that now isn't the time for that. She instantly stops.
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voraciousvore · 1 month
Giganterra (Chapter 48)
Prologue/ TOC | Previous (47) | Next (49)
Content Warning: NSFW/18+! Non-con sex/ sexual themes, safe soft vore
Word Count: 2.2k
------ Chapter 48: Reckoning ------
Candy’s life got worse, if that was even possible. King Richard had been sadistic and abusive before, when using the poor woman to satiate his own selfish desires, but the loss of one of his favorites left him cranky and irascible. Without Millie to placate the beast, his dark rage was unleashed.  
He took out his anger on Candy, becoming significantly rougher and nastier whenever he handled her. Sometimes he would hurt her badly, only to restore her with the healing potion so he wouldn’t completely destroy his favorite toy. He blamed her for Millie’s successful escape and threatened to kill or torture her on a daily basis. Candy was terrified that one day he would snap and slaughter her for real, and she’d be powerless to stop him. Whenever he ate her, she feared he wouldn’t let her out. Without Millie as a buffer, she was with the king at all times, a torture in itself. She didn’t dare to try another escape attempt again. 
One day, he was in a particularly foul mood, and nothing Candy did would make him feel better. He desired Millie. He craved her positive praise, which Candy was too gloomy to provide; her desperate groveling and bootlicking, which Candy was too proud to put her full effort into; and above all, her frail little body on his tongue, with her fantastic vanilla flavor. Candy was delicious, with her caramel sweetness, but he was hyper-fixated on what he couldn’t have. He tossed Candy from hand to hand, scowling petulantly. 
“Bring me an ice cream sundae!” he demanded of his personal attendant. 
“Right away, sire!” The giant servant rushed to the kitchen, not wanting to displease the vicious king when he was in such a vile temper. “The king requires an ice cream sundae!” he announced to the kitchen staff, who scrambled to obey. 
Chef Cruor grabbed a chilled bowl from the cabinet with the runic frost stones, along with tubs of ice cream. He scooped several different flavors into the bowl and topped them with nuts and sprinkles. Any food that the king demanded had to be garnished with live humans, so he went over to the glass tanks to check his options. Lately, the king had been devouring humans in far greater numbers in Millie’s absence, so there were only four humans left that hadn’t already been consumed that evening for dinner: Jackie, Eren, Iris, and Addison. 
The chef selected Jackie, Iris, and Eren, leaving Addison behind. He winced when he glanced down at her. Since the first time he served her up in King Ivan’s dish, he’d been pressured to feed her to the royals several more times. She never verbally protested the treatment, but she always returned with a puffy face streaked with tears. Yet, she clung to him with a desperation that filled him with execrable guilt. He would almost prefer if she cursed at him, bit him, and spat on his hand, like Eren did. That way, he could harden his heart and dismiss her feelings. He felt like an abusive monster, controlling her and harming her in this toxic dynamic they had developed, but he didn’t know what else he could do. 
He plopped Jackie and Iris on opposite sides of the sundae, and squished Eren up to her chin in ice cream in the center so that she couldn’t escape. She snapped at his skin with her teeth but couldn’t break through his callouses. He buried her in whipped cream to mute her offensive epithets and poured chocolate sauce on the other two girls. The last step was a drop of magic serum for each one. 
“Cruor!” Hearing his name, the chef turned around, only to get rapped on his knobby knuckles with a big wooden spoon by Bucky. 
“Ouch! What was that for?” 
“I don’t know what game you’re trying to play, but you missed one,” Bucky chastised, pointing a fat finger towards Addison. “Throw her in!” 
Cruor swallowed, his prominent Adam’s apple bobbing in his pale throat as he stumbled over to her tank. While Bucky watched, Cruor opened the lid, snaked his hand inside, and curled his fingers around her. His entrails flip-flopped when she willingly tucked herself into the embrace of his digits, without resisting or saying a word. He held her up, opened his hand, and looked down at her. She sat obediently in his palm, staring at him with both distress and resigned understanding. Her eyes shined with excessive moisture. 
“What are you waiting for? Quit stalling!” Bucky admonished. Cruor didn’t move from his spot. His legs had turned to stone. His heart was throbbing enough to make him feel lightheaded. She didn’t deserve this abominable fate. She was too sweet, too fragile, too forgiving for her own good; she was special, like a shining star from the heavens. He couldn’t allow her to be eaten again. He couldn’t have a hand in her suffering. He just couldn’t do it any longer. 
“No,” he mumbled. 
“Huh?” Bucky frowned, his face darkening a few shades. 
Cruor could hardly believe the protest emanating from his lips. “No,” he repeated, louder and firmer this time. 
Bucky stormed over. “Excuse me?” He crossed his gigantic arms, tapping the mixing spoon on his substantial side rolls. “That isn’t an option, Cruor.” 
Cruor narrowed his eyes, mind racing. His hands started to sweat, and he gritted his teeth. He knew what he would have to do, and he didn’t like the idea at all. “What do you want from me, Bucky?” he asked. With a deliberate motion, he placed Addison back into the safety of her enclosure. “For you, everything has a price. What do I have to pay? To keep her untouched?” 
“Oh?” Bucky cocked a bushy brow, his eyes gleaming. “I see you speak my language.” He prowled forward in an aggressive advance, backing Cruor into a corner. “You know what I like.” 
Cruor shrank back and ran a clammy hand through his stringy hair. His shoulder blades scraped against the cool stone bricks. “Um... yes.” He gulped. 
“Would you be willing?” Bucky pressed, leaning in close enough for Cruor to get a whiff of his rotten breath. His bulging gut compressed against Cruor’s thinner midsection. “Would you replace Chef Gore, and be my fat piggy? Let me stuff you full of pasta to bursting, and fatten you up into a nice round shape? You know I like bigger men.” 
Cruor felt like throwing up at the suggestion, but forced down his revulsion. He had to do this to protect Addison. There was no viable alternative that didn’t involve major risk of death. “Yeah,” he gagged.  
“Will you let me grope you and grind on you while you’re working? Drag you into the closet whenever I please? Shove live humans up inside you?” 
Cruor grimaced. “Ugh...” For Addison. “F... f... fine...” 
Bucky leered down at him with a mouthful of crooked yellow teeth. “Fantastic!” he bellowed, clapping his subordinate on the shoulder. “Finish making that sundae and I’ll whip up a big steaming pot of fettuccine alfredo! I hope you’ve got a healthy appetite!” He strolled away, swinging his arms and whistling.  
Cruor, nauseous to his core, returned to the counter and recollected the two humans who had attempted to flee while unsupervised. Iris, listless as always, hadn’t budged from her perch; she merely sank lower into a divot formed by her body heat in the melting ice cream. Jackie didn’t make it very far, since she had wasted precious time trying and failing to convince her immobile friend to join her. Eren hoofed it an impressive distance with cold feet coated in slippery liquid, but ended up losing her balance and skating on the slick countertop right into Cruor’s waiting hand. He ignored her attacks and curses, poked her back into the ice cream, and topped the sundae with a bright red cherry before sending it off to the king’s quarters.  
King Richard’s manservant, flanked by Chester, found the crabby giant sprawled out naked on his bedspread, with Candy riding his huge erect dick. “Ah, dessert!” he bellowed, sitting up and snatching the bowl out of the servant’s hands. He waved the servant away and licked his lips, leering down at the bowl with gleaming eyes and teeth. He waited with impatience as Chester performed his duty and proved the food wasn't poisoned. 
Chester bowed and turned to leave. “Hold on, Chester,” Hardon said, stopping the man in his tracks. 
“Yes, Your Majesty?” 
“Any sign of Millie?” He took a bite of ice cream, terrorizing Jackie with his spoon by swiping it through the frozen confection dangerously close to her body. 
Chester bit his lip. “N-no, sire,” he lied. “I’ve searched the castle grounds and surrounding countryside high and low, with no sign of her. The rain washed away her scent. I fear a wild animal may have picked her off.” 
The king grunted. “Hmph. Figures.” He pierced Chester through with his pale eyes. “You know, any other man in your position would have been executed for your failure. You understand that, yes?” 
“Yes, sire.” 
“But I know you are a man of loyalty and refined taste. I’ve always counted on you, and you don’t disappoint me. You’ve captured plenty of runaways in the past. So I suppose I’ll let it go, and cease the daily lashes.” 
“Thank you for your clemency, sire,” Chester sighed in relief, bowing his head. His back was killing him. He was fortunate to have access to healing potion, but getting his skin shredded every day was beginning to wear on him. 
“Just know, Chester. If you fail me again, I may not be so lenient.” His expression darkened. He popped the cherry into his maw and burst it between his teeth, flicking away the stem. Red juice dribbled down his chin.
“Of course, Your Majesty.”  
Chester stood awkwardly beside the bed with his hands folded, since he had yet to be excused, as the king chowed down on his sundae. He dug Eren out of her ice cream burial, amused by her fruitless kicking and screaming as he dangled her upside-down by her leg. He flicked her high up in the air, making her yelp, and caught her in his mouth before gulping her down with delight. He hummed to himself as he scooped up Jackie and slurped her off his spoon. He swished her around in his cheeks, sighing in contentment as he swallowed her.  
“Ah, delicious!” He rubbed his bare paunch with satisfaction. He grabbed Candy off his throbbing dick and shoved her up against his hairy, twitching belly with a grin. “Can you hear their screams, Candy? That gurgling as my stomach works to digest?” 
Even from his elevated vantage point, Chester could see a shudder run through the tiny woman. “Yes,” she squeaked in horror. 
“That might be you soon, if you don’t put your whole body into pleasuring me!” he warned. He tossed her back to his groin, and she scrambled to hump his shaft with her entire being, fueled by pure adrenaline. 
The king returned to his sundae. He prodded Iris with his spoon, going so far as to press her down into the ice cream with the curved end, and frowned when he failed to get a meaningful rise out of her. “What’s wrong with you, human?” he questioned harshly as he pinched her between his fingers and lifted her up to his face. Iris didn’t give any indication that she heard him or cared. 
The giant gave her a big lick. “Tasteless,” he spat, shaking her with disgust. “The only thing she’s good for now is to grind her up into sausage. Or maybe dog food.” He played with her limp body in his hands, thinking hard. 
“Chester.” The royal food taster straightened. “I’ve been quite hard on you, haven’t I?” 
“Um...” Chester didn’t know how to respond without committing a potential blunder. 
“Here. Take this. She’s yours to eat.”  
Chester gawked as the woman, sticky with ice cream, was thrust into his hands. “Huh?!” 
“A small reward for you. Enjoy her and begone.” He flicked his wrist in a dismissive gesture. “Oh, and take this bowl with you.” Chester scrambled to get a hold on the bowl without dropping the human. 
“Oh, thank you, sire! Thank you very much!” he praised, clumsily backing out the door. Hardon ignored Chester and focused on Candy, gripping his cock in his hand. Chester raced to the kitchen and plunked the bowl on the counter in front of Cruor, who was busy washing dishes. The chef curled his lip with irritation. 
Chester pondered to himself before hurrying to one of the cupboards and stealing the chocolate syrup. His mouth watered in eager anticipation for the special treat he was about to partake in. He skipped over to the food closet, sequestered himself in privacy, and sat down in his usual spot with his back against the shelf. 
He was going to enjoy this. 
Chapter 49
Tag List: @yummynomms @maybeiamdownbad @tinycoded360
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 9 months
how would difh family dinners and gatherings be like? i can imagine that oc would be constantly tensed around jungkook, who will be playing games with her mind every now and then, while her husband and mother-in-law will be oblivious, happily spending time with the children?
does oc also get tensed whenever the children hug jungkook or want to be carried by him? she probably hates it.
Sorry this took so long but I made it a bit longer to make up for it 😭 I hope you enjoy!
p.s. not edited sorryyyyy
(Also if you're the same person that sent the other similar ask I'm planning on doing another family dinner scene later so I'll hold onto that ask 💜)
"Good boy, look at you!" I coo at my son as I feed him his first bite of mashed potatoes. "Is this his first time trying something like this?" my mother in law asks. "We've been trying new foods like oatmeal and apple sauce and they went fine so we figured it was time to try something new" my husband says as he wipes the various foods off of my daughter's face since she's made quiet the mess of herself as well.
"Look like our little man is really hungry tonight huh?" Jungkook coos. I fucking swear this man is just trying to get on my nerves. "Yeah I guess he is" I laugh half heartedly and as soon as I turn my vision back to my husband our son throws up on himself and seconds later I can see that he also needs a diaper change. "Aww sweetie it's okay, thank you for trying bubu" I say to him, cleaning off his face.
I start to stand up to go change him but my husband scoops him up before I can. "It's okay baby, relax and enjoy your dinner. I'll take care of the children" He says giving me a sweet smile and planting a kiss on my lips and then one on top of my head before taking both my son and daughter into the other room to clean up a little. 
"Looks like he's not there yet" Jungkook says with a sickeningly sweet smile that I know is used to just tick me off. He gets like this when my husband shows me any ounce of affection and I absolutely despise it. 
"There's no harm in trying though right dear?" my mother in law says, trying to diffuse the situation before it even starts. "Right" I say turning to give her a genuine smile. It pains me that I've done so much to hurt this family but I feel as though she almost knows what I'm going through and somehow she finds it in herself to understand. 
I will never be able to repay the kindness I've received from her for the rest of my life but I will be thankful for it as long as I have it. 
Just as I'm bringing my attention back to my food I feel one of Jungkook's legs rub up against mine, continuing to find ways to make me even more uncomfortable. I hate having family dinners with him and I tend to avoid them at all costs but somehow I still end up seated right next to him. 
I clear my throat and push up against it in an effort to push him away but that only leaves him wanting to do it some more. It seems as though he was able to slip his shoe off and is languidly tracing his foot up and down my calf while his posture above the table shows as though he is sitting completely still. 
I clear my throat as a way to scold him and asking him to stop but he only smiles over his glass while he takes a drink of wine. "Dear would you mind grabbing another bottle of wine for us please?" Jungkook asks me and I take that opportunity right away and stand up immediately to get myself away from his teasing. 
"Sure, which one would you like me to get?" I ask, waiting for instructions so I can head off to the wine cellar to take a breather on my own and calm my nervous heart rate. "Can you get another one of the same one that we've been drinking already?" he asks and I smile slightly and nod my head, playing nice in front of my mother in law. 
"Honey those are a bit more difficult to find don't you think? Why don't I go down and grab it?" she suggests and starts to stand up. "No that's okay, I'm sure I can find it" I say placing a hand on her arm in reassurance and I scurry off to the wine cellar on the far side of the house, glad I can get away from him.
Walking down the steps and take a look around and I realize that I actually didn't take the time to look at the bottle that we had been drinking from. "Shit" I mutter under my breath maybe I should text my husband and ask him to send me a picture? He's busy with the children though so I wouldn't want to bother him with another task. I decide to just retrace my steps and head back upstairs and take another look at it and come back down. Sure I'll be a bit embarrassed but it'll be a lot better than sending Jungkook a text and asking him for help. 
As soon as I try to turn away from the shelves I feel myself being trapped up against them. "What are you doing?" I ask, breathless from being caught off guard. "I'm helping you find it angel, figured you could use some help" he says tracing his lips up my neck and resting on the shell of my ear. 
"If you want it so bad then why don’t you get it yourself" I say and try my best to slip out of his hold but he knows exactly how to keep me from leaving. "Let me help you. You wouldn't want to make too much noise down here now would you? Someone might hear" he say with an arm now holding me close with my ass rubbing up against his growing bulge. 
"You're disgusting" I say, trying to remove his arm but he just presses me up against the shelves to keep me still. "You should've known not to wear a dress like that, you were just begging for me to fuck you as soon as you walked in" he says grinding into me harder and running his hand up the slit in my dress, stirring up a burning sensation that is sent straight to my core. 
"Jungkook stop it, this isn't funny" I say trying to use the shelves as a way to push off to get away from him. "Really? Because I think it's hilarious with all the cute faces you're making at me. Aw look at that" he coos, taunting me and my efforts of breaking free. 
"Honey can you come here? I need help with the baby" my husband calls for me and thankfully Jungkook let's up his hold and it gives me a chance to slip out of his grasp. "Coming" I yell and hurry to make my way out. "You'll be telling me that soon angel don't you worry about that. I'll have my turn" he taunts and I glare at him before scoffing and running up the stairs, getting as far away from him as possible and make my way over to take care of my baby. 
Once this dinner from hell (from my perspective only) is finally over we all head over to the front door to get our coats on and head out. "Come here baby let's put your jacket on we've gotta go" I call after my daughter who is absorbed in a conversation with Jungkook "No I wanna stay with grandpa" she says as she clings to his leg. 
"You'll see him again soon now come on let's go" I say and take a few steps towards them "Listen to your mommy baby I'll see you again soon" he says prying her off of him. She lets go and grants him with the biggest teary eyes and pretty little pout and his heart melts. "Come here one last hug and then you've gotta go bye bye" he says pulling her in close and she cuddles him before he lets her go. 
I can't help but smile at them. It's in these moments that I'm actually surprised and touched at how good of a father Jungkook might've been if he wasn't the kind of man that he is behind closed doors. Why does he have to be so cruel to me but so loving and gentle with our daughter. 
"Okay come on baby let's go" I say and Jungkook holds out his hand, asking for her coat so he can put it on and I comply but he doesn't waste the opportunity to brush his fingers along mine leaving me yanking my hand away and bursting the bubble that had been building around us. 
"Okay baby say goodbye to grandma and grandpa" I say and she gives them both one last hug and kiss on the cheek. "Goodbye dear" Mrs. Jeon says and comes up to give me a quick hug and kiss on the cheek as well which I accept warmly but when Jungkook goes to do the same my whole body stiffens and he makes it a point to kiss the cheek facing opposite of everyone else and gets dangerously close to kissing my lips in front of everyone which are thankfully busy getting everything out the door. 
"Bye angel" he whispers in my ear in a tone dripping with seduction. "I'll be seeing you again soon" he continues making sure I know that he plans to keep that promise leaving me turning and taking hold of my daughter's hand and rushing out the door without another word. 
My daughter turns around as we're walking away and gives her grandparent's one last sad wave goodbye. Mrs. Jeon returns the wave as well as Jungkook but instead of looking at her he sets his heated gaze to watch me walk away and I can feel his eyes tracing my form even more with every step I take to get away from them. 
"Mommy I wanna go back to Grandpa's house soon" my daughter says with her glassy galaxy filled eyes, doing her best not to cry. "Oh I know honey, soon okay?" I say and she nods her head and her whole demeanor droops slightly. 
"Hey" my husband calls and I bring my eyes towards him. "Is everything okay?" he asks with his brows pinched together in worry. "Yeah why wouldn't they be?" I ask, feeling guilty keeping my struggles away from him. "No reason" he says and gives me a sad smile that I return and give him a quick peck on the lips and then he sits back upright and starts to pull out of the driveway and I take a quick glance back at my daughter and I can see that she's already starting to doze off. 
I wish she wasn't so attached to Jungkook but there's nothing that I can really do. He is her father after all. 
Taglist:  @jkslipppiercing @trina864 @kaitieskidmore97 @goddesofimortality @coolbluedude @00frenchfries00 @bangtans-momma @coralmusicblaze @pastelpinkjoon @joonwater @marvelbun @j3nni-rs @evidive @beomieboi @forevrglow @jesssssmaybankk @teugiie @chaconnelatte @whoa-jo @snehal @xumyboo @mindurbuzznezz @diorh0seokie @hehurst23 @caro134340lina @ye0nvibezzn @olimpiiaa @hrtsj1m @junecat18 @ellesalazar @babycandy111 @felixz4life @lively-potter @esther-kpopstan @gyukookswhore @koohrs @skzthinker @vminkookgf @kookiescupcake0109 @itsyoooeui @latinapoetbts @iveivory
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eva-knits12 · 1 month
Going to the Farmer's Market with Chris Evans Characters
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Steve Rogers
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Steve was overwhelmed with the farmer's market.
You take James, Sarah and Margaret around, and they help pick out the veggies, fruits, and they love getting penny candy at the penny candy booth.
Steve grabs several tote bags to transport the veggies, fruits, and other interesting things.
You get lunch for everyone at one of the local food trucks.
You get James, Sarah, Margaret some donuts and some apple cider at the donut truck.
You get coffee for you and Steve.
You have Margaret's stroller with her in it, and she loves the petting zoo.
Margaret loves animals.
Eventually, you and Steve leave because Margaret is wiped from overexcitement, and James and Sarah are hungry.
The farmer's market is a great way to spend a say as a family.
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Ransom Drysdale
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Ransom has never been to the farmers market.
So, you make it a point to go on Sunday, when they have the farmer's market.
He has you in the wheelchair, and you have several tote bags on your lap.
He goes to every booth.
You buy fresh fruit and fresh veggies.
Ransom buys beer bread mix, because he's never heard of beer bread.
He's making steaks on the grill tonight.
You also get a lemon pound cake for dessert, and you get some salted caramel brownies because Ransom loves those.
You made some for him, and he can't get enough of them.
You get some coffee and cookies at one of the food trucks.
You get some at your cousin Joelle's food truck, and you talk to Andy Barber.
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You guys go home with LOTS of stuff, and the price doesn't phase the trust fund playboy.
Ransom wants to go to the farmer's market more often, especially since you cousin owns a baking business.
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Andy Barber
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You got there before Andy.
You had to get up very early to start the prep work for your food truck.
You have a food truck that will be there, where you'll be selling your baked goods.
Your brother helps you, and so does his girlfriend.
Andy arrives, and he gets some donuts and coffee from you.
He has a dinner planned just for the two of you.
Joy and Penelope come a few years later, so they walk with Andy.
Andy gets fresh veggies, fresh fruits, and he gets beer bread, barbecue sauce, salsa, and some other things.
He runs into your cousin Louise, and he tells Louise and her boyfriend Ransom about your food truck!
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It's an amazing day, and Andy grills some pork chops on the grill.
He made corn on the cob at the grill, and you have the beer bread.
Saturdays are perfect for the farmers market.
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Jake Jensen
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You and Jake make it a point to go to the farmers market every Sunday when it's in season.
Sometimes you don't buy anything, sometimes you do.
Even if it's just coffee and donuts at the bakery truck.
It's the perfect Sunday coffee date.
When the girls arrive, they join in, too.
You also bring Mario, the dog you and Jake adopted.
You adopt another rescue dog at the pet adoption booth.
You name him Fagin.
For lunch, you and Jake get hot dogs, and park on a bench, and eat your hot dogs, and drink your lemonades.
You and Jake couldn't think of a better way to spend a summer Sunday together.
It's the perfect date!
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Colin Shea
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Colin and you go to the farmers market every Sunday.
Harper and Robbie join, too.
Colin, you, and the kids love walking around, getting donuts, coffee, and apple cider.
You get fruit, veggies, hot dogs, pretzels, and other yummy eats.
The kids love the petting zoo that happens every week.
You go back home, and make a veggie pizza for lunch, and the kids love it.
It's a great way to spend a family day.
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Johnny Storm
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You and Johnny go to the farmers market every Sunday.
You have Jake in the stroller.
Coffee and donuts are a must.
But Jake loves your milk!
You get fruit, veggies, soda bread, beer bread, and you get donut peaches, because you love donut peaches.
You have fruit crepes for breakfast.
You get some cannoli.
You have pizza for lunch, and split it with Johnny.
You feed Jake from a bottle.
You burp him, but he spits up on Johnny.
"He got you good!"
You clean the spit up off your husband.
Farmer's market day is also family day.
You and Johnny wouldn't have it any other way.
You have mac and cheese for dinner.
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Frank Adler
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You and Frank enjoy going to the farmer's market every Saturday.
It's your first stop after you've gone grocery shopping.
You get coffee and some cookies.
You, Frank, and Mary love getting hot dogs.
You and Frank are walking around, wedding rings on your fingers.
Mary is walking with her head held high, knowing that you're in her life, her uncle is lucky, and Frank keeps stealing kisses whenever he gets the chance.
A year later, it's farmer's market day, and your first wedding anniversary.
Frank and Mary give you a journal full of things they love about you.
You give Frank something just as meaningful.
You give him an ultrasound.
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You and Frank are going to be parents!
Mary will have a cousin.
You and Frank are completely over the moon!
You, Frank, Mary, and Dylan make Saturday's family day at the farmer's market.
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Pete Brenner
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Farmer's market day is also family day.
You, Pete, Zoe, and Mary love walking around the booths.
You and Pete find a ton of gluten-free options for Zoe.
There's even a food truck that sells gluten-free baked goods.
The girls love the petting zoo, and they love eating their snacks that they get at the farmer's market.
They love the apple slices with caramel dip.
You and Pete make it a point to go every Sunday.
Pete gets some gluten-free soda bread at the gluten-free bakery booth, and he makes some gluten-free chili with Zoe for dinner.
Pete and Zoe love making different gluten-free dishes.
When Zoe becomes an adult, she owns and operates a gluten-free bakery.
Her sister Mary works at the family insurance office alongside Pete.
Zoe has a booth at the farmer's market, and loves meeting kids and adults who have to eat gluten-free.
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Cole Turner
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Cole is a farmer, so he spends every week at the farmer's market.
He sells his flowers and plants.
You help out at the booth, too.
Your students recognize you.
Cole and you break down the booth at the end of the day.
You and Cole spend every week at the farmer's market, and you help Cole sell his plants and flowers.
You and Cole eat Mexican takeout because you're both too lazy to cook at the end of the day.
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Ari Levinson
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You're battling cervical cancer, so you and Ari go to the farmer's market if you feel up to it.
Ari is following the nurses orders to make sure you're having healthy, nutritious meals.
You can only keep down pancakes and chicken broth.
But, Ari won't stop fussing over you.
"Come on, sugar. You need to eat something!"
"I can't," you plead.
Ari gets lots of veggies, fruit, and even some bagels, bread, and things that you can easily eat and keep down easily.
You eat a few bites bland veggies and bland fruits.
You throw up because the chemo is kicking your ass.
You keep down some veggies and some broth, and that's it.
Next year, you're doing much better, and have started to put on some weight.
Farmer's market day is a favorite with you and Ari.
The food at the farmer's market is organic.
Which is why you could keep it down for the most part during chemo.
You and Ari love going to the farmer's market.
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stardewremixed · 2 years
Thanksgiving headcanon
Alex - the perfect day to toss the gridball around with all his cousins. Wrestling in the leaves. Grass stains. Turkey legs. Crisp fall air. Grandma's famous pumpkin pie.
Abigail - gets up at the crack of dawn to watch the Thanksgiving Day parade. Still is giddy over the floats. Loves the musical renditions. Wishes she could be there in person.
Elliott - a little unusual for Thanksgiving but cranberry sauce and stuffed lobster is his go-to dish. A walk on the beach contemplating what he is thankful for. Bringing apple cobbler to Leah. Don't worry. Willy made it.
Emily - knits socks for everyone she knows with little fall leaves. Makes everyone wear "I am Grateful" tee shirts. Rolls her own dough for apple pie.
Harvey- a hot meal, a day off, a good book, a cup of coffee, plaid house Slippers.
Haley - planning her route for Black Friday shopping. Renting a car so she doesn't have to take the bus. Eww. Leaving Thanksgiving night and staying at a hotel near her mall destination in Zuzu. Checking her list twice to make sure she doesn't forget gifts for anyone.
Claire - a day off from Joja. Sleeps till 1pm. Microwaves some turkey and stuffing. Plops down to watch the dog show.
Olivia - all about presentation. Cornocopia centerpiece. Fall mums on the porch. Perfect magazine masterpiece dinner made by private chef. Candles everywhere.
Magnus - what day is it? A little dazed from staying up late the night before reading ancient tomes. Thankful he isn't invited to Thanksgiving dinner at Marnie's.
Shane - turkey is okay. Chicken? Never! Spends the morning tossing chicken feed, playing tag with Jas, snuggling Charlie.
Leah - a healthy tofurky dinner, fresh cranberry salad, gluten-free rolls, cauliflower rice. Painting on the porch on the crisp autumn afternoon.
Maru - making leaf piles in the yard with sebastian, jumping in them and making a mess, reading a manual about how to operate the oven, taking a plate of hot foods over to Linus.
Lance - traveling again. Enjoys a turkey pot pie at the train station. Thankful for a healthy mind and body. Does a little weight training when he arrives home.
Sam - joins Maru in jumping in leaf piles, games online with Seb until bored, avoids all chores his mom asks him to do, challenging Vincent to a chubby bunny contest with marshmallows and annoys his mom, eats a second dinner at Abigail's because mushroom stuffing isn't his fave.
Penny - strolling JojaMart wondering if she has enough gold to buy ingredients. Wondering why Morris keeps trying to push the green bean special. Manages to make do with what she has on hand at the trailer. Hot turkey sandwiches, instant mashed potatoes, and canned cranberries. Pumpkin cookies were also on sale.
Sebastian - a day of online gaming with friends (getting annoyed at his sister's and Sam's leaf pile mess, laughing and joining the fun), and inevitably writing his Christmas wish list because his mom will be begging for it.
Victor - visiting his bio dad overseas. They don't celebrate Thanksgiving. Running through McD's for a pumpkin shake. Something to remind him of home. He's grateful for the time spent with his father.
Sophia - picking the perfect holiday wine. Making butternut squash soup and cranberry brioche. Spending too much time looking at catalogues, wishing she had more money for presents this year. Doing some house cleaning since she has the time.
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peekaboo-icyou · 1 year
Forever fearful
Part 1
Part 2
Pt.3 of fear
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The shooting went on for 10 minutes but I felt like hours that was until you hear Wilbur “stay the fuck away from there!” You hear a guy chuckle and it sounded really close to you “I SWEAR IF YOU TAKE ONE MORE STEP ILL BLOW YOUR BRAINS OUT RIGHT NOW!” You hear a gun reload but it was from where you heard the chuckle “don’t you fucking dare” the blanket was snatched from over you and there was a guy who looked pretty scary and he grabbed you and held his gun to you head “sorry to ruin your engagement little lady” “p-please don’t hurt me” he whispered “oh the boss made it very clear he wants you alive…” “take the gun off her head!” “Or what?” “I’ll kill you all!” “And risk losing your pretty little wife” Wilbur takes one to many steps closer “oh you must really want me to put a bullet in her head” “you won’t I heard you say you won’t” “well then your mistaken” he then shoots you in the head with something but not a bullet a sedative and takes your body and runs with it, Wilbur chased after him but realized he was to late and it looked really realistic and Wilbur fell for it his wife was dead she hadn’t even been his wife for an hour or even 30 minutes she didn’t even get to be hind wife only his fiancé and she was dead because of him and the bastards took her body too, he going to get her body back and give her a proper burial and avenge her.
You wake up in a fancy room but filled with stuffed animals and fluffy pillows, it kinda looked like a princess’s room but like if the princess was 10 year old girl, the door unlocks and a tall but not as tall as Wilbur guy enters the room “oh hello sweetness” “w-who are you where am I?” You shake in fear “I’m Mateo I’m your future husband now can I see your hand real quick” you show him your hand and he grabs the ring off your hand and throws it out the window you scream “No!” You start to sob “why would you do that?!” “Because it’s from another man and you belong to me” “no I don’t I belong to wilbur!” The man slaps you and you shut up and start to cry harder “I’m sorry darling it’s just it hurts when you say another man’s name”
The past few days Wil hasn’t been sleeping or eating or doing anything just looking at pictures of you both and holding your comfy sweaters, you always had the softest sweaters, “Wil?… oh um heyyy buddy I was wondering if you wanted some pasta I made?” Wilbur looked at the door and it was phil “she made the best pasta” “I uh okay um I have a plan for your revenge?…” Wilbur sits up “let me hear it” Wilbur looks at him dead in the eyes “I uh remember how you told me you put a tracker in y/n’s ring?…” Wilbur nods frowning slightly and trying not to break down since you only got to wear the ring 10 minutes “what if we track that and it’ll take us to where they put her and then we can get the dogs to follow there scent” Wilbur’a face turns into a insane grin and he gets up and hugs phil and pats his back really hard “oh god phil this is why your my right hand man!” “Mhm but uh take a shower before we go and uh I would throw those clothes out” he points to wils briefs and one of his sweaters that you used to steal from him “no”
“Why won’t you eat it!” The man had been trying to feed you apple sauce like a baby “I can feed myself!” “No you can’t you need me to take care of you!” “No I-“ he shoves a spoon full of apple sauce in your mouth you try to spit it out but he covers your mouth “it’s either you eat like this or I’ll have to mouth feed you like a baby bird” you gag “that’s disgusting” “then let me feed you” “fine” after a few times you didn’t mind much it wasn’t that bad I mean all you had to do was sit and open your mouth and swallow (y’all r dirty minded) it was just until he trusted you
Wilbur had gotten dressed into a black dress shirt and pants and the chain with your first initial he looked at it before putting it on and had a little breakdown “why’d that have to happen why to you why not me…I’ll be there soon i promise my love as soon as I get my revenge and get you a proper funeral” he kissed the picture of you on his night stand “I’ll be up in heaven with you…” he left and went to the office were he’ll be holding a meeting to discuss the plan to get your body back and killing the fuckers that killed you
“Excuse me mr.Mateo?” “Sweetness I told you call me what you would call a boyfriend or husband but what is it?” “I uh does everyone think I’m dead?…” “unfortunately but on the plus side that means we can be together forever!” You frown then fake smile “ oh um yeah” he kisses you but you don’t kiss back you just miss your Wilby you wonder how he’s doing
He sighs and looks at the picture frame it’s a picture he took of you on your first date and when you were asleep in the care on the way to your death place “todays the day I avenge you my love I-I really don’t want to see your body if we do find it…it’s what’s keeping me from believing your not here with me anymore making me dinner and breakfast and bringing lunch to the office and sitting in my lap and sleeping when I’m working in the office at home…god you were so cute asleep I even confess to taking tons of pictures of you asleep, the plan is to track your ring then use technos dogs to sniff out your murderers then kill them and then I’ll be there with you my love”
Part 4?
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queers-gambit · 2 years
Here's an idea that I thought was interesting. Can I get something for billy getting together with his s/o right before his "date" with mrs.wheeler. and while she's relieved that he didn't show up to the date she's also a really salty that Billy's giving someone else attention and not her
hot, hot, hot. your mind? incredible. i'm also trying to thin out requests!! look at me go!!
Mommy Issues
pairing: Billy Hargrove x female!reader
fandom masterlist: Stranger Things
word count: 3.1k+
note: i think i burnt out towards the end of this, so, my apologies. plus i wrote this and only gave it a once over so forgive any typos or mistakes.
warnings: cursing, small angst, small comfort, Billy's a dumb boy doing dumb boy shit, reader has emotions, insinuation to unhealthy relationships (both romantic and familial).
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"Where's Billy tonight, honey?" You mother asked, setting your dinner plate in front of you; your body turned to the side to feed your baby twin brothers from their plate of potatoes and peas with applesauce.
"Oh, uh, thank you," you nodded at her, glancing at the full plate your stomach was growling in approval of. "And honestly? I don't know, we got in this fight this morning, he started to act out, and I haven't talked to him since."
She sighed pointedly, "What was the fight about this time?"
You shrugged, feeding a bit of mashed potatoes in the mouth of your baby brother. "Nothing specific," You sighed, not wanting to entertain the conversation any longer. You knew your parents just searched for ways to beat Billy down, belittle your relationship, and you weren't going to be the reason they add fuel to that fire.
"Mhm," she eyed you while she hummed before sighing. "Well, you know you're much too young to deal with this kind of heartache, but you don't like listening to anything your father and I have to say about it. Speaking of which, I have to work the night shift again tonight, and Daddy's gonna be a little late coming home, okay?" She pet over one twins' head, then turned her sights on you, "So, you're gonna babysit until 11, when your father gets in."
You sighed, noting the way she told you instead of asking you; figuring it wasn't all bad before nodding stiffly, "Okay, Mom."
She nodded and set the dishes in the sink, moving along to finish getting ready before rushing in to kiss all of your foreheads and then dart out the door. You pushed some of the Mac 'N' Cheese around your plate, chasing the green beans with your fork, lost in your thoughts while your brothers honestly just played in their apple sauce. You didn't care enough to stop them because you were reliving your fight with Billy...
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• nine hours earlier // 9:12 am •
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"You're still on that?" Billy scoffed, leaning on the sign-in desk at the front office of the public Hawkins Community Pool. His hand was planted next to you, weight leaning on his hip, but his eyes were raking over you in judgement.
"Billy," you groaned, rolling your eyes. It was common for you to go to work with Billy when he was the only one on call to open the pool; meaning nobody came in till the afternoon when kids were arriving in larger numbers for the long summer day.
"What?" He snapped, standing up straight to stare at you then. It wasn't a glare, yet, but still, very intimidating. "You wanna bring it up, let's fucking talk about it."
When his arms crossed, you know it wasn't going to be a conversation and that his mind was already made up - yet, still, you tried.
"All I asked was if Mrs. Wheeler and her band of middle aged ladies were still making come-fuck-me-eyes at you?" You sighed, rolling your neck out as your legs swung deftly from the countertop.
"What does it matter?"
"Maybe I'm uncomfortable with it," you admitted with a sheepish shrug.
"Baby," Billy sighed.
"No, seriously," you argued, "it's not cool that they're flirting with you like that - knowing you have a girlfriend, and especially when that girlfriend comes to see you at work," you felt your eyes roll without your vocation. "Then it's right in front of my face, Billy, that's really not cool!"
"Okay, but I'm not doing anything with or to them, so, doesn't that count for something?"
"Not when they're always thirsting over you!"
"But I don't do shit - "
"Well, you don't tell them to stop, either!"
Billy full-on laughed at you, "You really that insecure? I thought I was dating the untouchable, un-fuck-wit'-able queen bee of Hawkins?"
Your glare solidified, "It just makes me uncomfortable, I didn't say I was insecure about it."
"You obviously are if you're worried about them!"
"Why can't you just respect this!?" You snapped. "Seriously, Billy! I put up with more than enough from you, but your current Mommy issues shouldn't be my burden to bare this heavily! So, I'm telling you, as your girlfriend, their incessant flirting is making my skin crawl."
"What do you want me to do exactly?" Billy snarled.
"Something! Anything! Maybe I want you to want to do something about it!"
"What makes you think I want to do something about it, though?"
"Why're you being so Goddamn stubborn?" You finally snapped, feeling desperate; chest ready to cave in from anxiety.
"Because you're so Goddamn sensitive!"
"Why does it make me sensitive when women twice our age are flirting with you!? For fuck's sake, sometimes even in front of me! How is that supposed to make me feel, Billy!?"
A throat cleared behind you, making Billy's eyes flash over your shoulder and steel - just like his jaw. You hopped off the counter and turned swiftly on your toes, spying Mrs. Wheeler, and Holly, standing there, both looking nervous for some reason.
You gulped and avoided both their eyes, feeling your own burn with frustrated tears. Billy huffed a bit and pushed the clipboard up to the ledge to let Karen sign in, the two hustling along quickly after that. They were only the beginning of a long line, making Billy mutter in your ear, "Keep your fucking voice down when I'm at work."
"Are you going to take me seriously?"
"Not likely, because you're upset about nothing," he rolled his eyes, moving towards the exit so he could take the lifeguard post; leaving you to man the front desk until Heather got there. How you got roped into this, you weren't sure, but luckily, the brunette girl was hustling through the door within a minute, and you were shuffling off to the locker rooms there after - fighting off tears the entire time.
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• five hours earlier // 1:42 pm •
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You swore he was doing it to piss you off now, as if strutting around, winking at those women, making flirty comments in passing, wasn't bad enough; but now he was full-on flirting with Mrs. Wheeler? To her face?
You watched their 'private' conversation, and how he bent with her to grab her towel when she dropped it out of shock from whatever came from his lips. You felt anger brewing to a new height and the level of disrespect was now astronomical that you wasted no time in shoulder your bag after shimmying only into your shorts, following Billy's retreating form to the office again.
"What the fuck is your issue?" You growled at Billy when you made it to the counter. The only thing between you both.
"What're you complaining about now? Fuck, you on your period or something?"
"Seriously? God, you're such an asshole trying to blame your bad behavior on my bodily function! Billy, what were you and Karen gettin' all cozy about?" You snapped, annoyed by his attitude.
"Maybe I asked her out, maybe I just like making a grown woman get all flustered, or maybe, just maybe, doll," he leaned over the counter to get in your face, lowering his tone to a sneer, "it's none of your Goddamn business. Hmm?"
"You're fucking pathetic," you sighed sadly, turning on your heel and storming away.
"Where're you goin'!?" He called after you. "Hey! I'm talkin' to you!"
You offered him the middle finger salute as you stormed through the office and out the doors - making a beeline for your car, and then slamming the door shut. You saw Billy pushing out of the doors from your rearview mirror as you pulled out of your parking spot, tears free-falling down your cheeks at a rapid pace.
"HEY!" Billy shouted at your car, but otherwise slowed his gait. You peeled out of the parking lot, and when you got home, you were instantly overwhelmed by your emotions that you let your sun-soaked-being coax you into a warm, slumbering nap.
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• present // 6:43 pm •
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And now? Now you were elbow deep in twin boys' dirty diapers, wondering when you became their mother, and letting your anger fester. But you didn't have time to dwell, your baby brothers needed your attention now, and you knew they wouldn't get it from your mother or father...
After cleaning up their diapers, you got them in their baths; then into fresh jammies, and down in their cribs with their blankets and stuffies all around them. You drug the rocking chair over their carpeted floor to then read them a story; rocking slowly as you read through a chapter of The Fellowship of the Ring.
Hey, they were babies, they didn't know what was happening; and they fell asleep faster if you read! Normally, it took about four to five Dr. Seuss books, but only about a chapter from an actual novel for them to knock out. When you were done, you realized it was well after 7 pm now, and you figured you'd get some work done.
After turning their baby monitor on, taking the paired monitor with you, then making your way to the kitchen again. After cleaning up the dishes and countertops, you settled the leftovers in the fridge before grabbing a pudding cup and making yourself comfortable on the couch. After flipping through a few channels, you settled on the local news broadcast, polishing off your dessert, and sighing sadly into the pillow you kept to your chest.
Sometimes around 8:15 pm, your doorbell rang, and a fist was then pounding into the wooden door - making you spring to attention and rush through the foyer. Without glancing through the window, you wrenched the door open, snarling, "You outta your mind!?"
"Hello to you, too, pretty girl," Billy smirked.
"Fuck's sake, Hargrove!"
"You still mad?"
"No - this is a new anger! I just put the boys down for the night, can you not be so much of a jackass that you wake them up!?"
Billy sighed, "All right, I uh... I deserved that."
You glared, "What're you doing here?"
"Can I come in?"
"No, 'cause I can't promise I'm not gonna yell at you," you snipped, pushing him back a step to let you shuffle into the sandals at your door; then out the door, shutting it behind you. "What?" You asked, arms crossed, showing him you were just as defensive as he was earlier.
"Baby, listen," he sighed, "I thought about it all and realized you were right. Really pissed me off with that 'Mommy issues' comment, but I realized you're right."
"I was projecting some issues, and while I wasn't exactly doin' anything, I didn't tell those old ladies off. And..."
"And?" He sighed, rolling his neck out. But before he could, you eyed him up and down, asking, "Where were you going tonight?"
"Tonight - where were you going? Before you showed up here? Why're you dressed up, and - " You stepped forward a bit and inhaled sharply, "mhm, thought I smelled it - you have your good cologne on!"
"Baby," he sighed in exasperation now. "I gotta admit something... And you're not gonna be happy about it."
"Hmm? What?"
"I made a date with Karen tonight," he sighed.
"Woah - woah - woah! You did what now?"
"Hang on," he begged, "just listen to me for a second, please. I was feeling spiteful and resentful, so, yeah, I fucked up, and I wanted to see how far she'd go... I think pushed too far."
"How far exactly did you push, Billy?"
"Got as far as to inviting her for... Private swim lessons tonight..."
"What? Where?"
"The motel... Off the highway?"
"Are you asking me or telling me? And you were gonna take her to where you and I used to meet up because my Daddy didn't like you, huh? Wow, nicely done. Why are you even telling me?”
“Because I can’t have secrets between us, and I feel really guilty.” Well, you weren’t expecting that answer; readjusting your defensive positioning. In turn, Billy shifted his weight, "Yeah, baby, look, listen to me, please, I know you must be feeling a lot right now, but I didn't show up there."
"Oh, so I should praise you right now? For doing the one thing you're not supposed to do in a relationship!?"
"No! Fuck," he sighed, looking annoyed for a moment as he ran a hand through his hair. "Okay, look - "
"No, I think you should go now."
"I'm not leavin' here till we work this out," he refused. "Doll, listen to me - "
"No, you listen. My boyfriend decided to prolong a fight, knowing I was uncomfortable, and then what? Wanted to rub in my face that he's still a hot piece of ass that can bag a woman in her 40's? Maybe even her 50's, but whatever," your eyes rolled.
"I know I fucked up - "
"Understatement," you crossed your arms tighter, cocking your head to readjust your glare on him.
"But look - I didn't show up. I came here, because this," he gestured between us, "means more to me than anything. Alright? You can choose what to believe, but the truth is, I could've easily showed up there, done things with her, never speak a word about it, but I came here because you mean more to me than anyone else. In this town, in my life, anywhere - it's you, baby. So, you take your time to figure out what you feel, but I still want you, and only you. These other women be damned. So," he sighed, your eyes refusing to meet his as tears surfaced, "I'll leave you to it, but just know, I'm so fucking sorry."
Truth was, you hardly ever heard Billy apologize for anything and knew he felt real guilt over this whole thing.
When Billy sighed and turned to head off your porch, you reached out to grab his wrist - but still couldn't meet his eyes when he turned back to look at you. "I... I don't want you to go," you admitted meekly. "Look, it felt like you were looking for reasons to give the attention that you usually pay me to anyone else who even so much as blinked at you, and I hate that, because, the truth is, I hate saying it, but I want you to only pay me attention. I've spent all day being angry and in my feelings, that now, I don't want to be alone, and I want to spend time with my boyfriend... But I'm still mad at you."
You heard Billy sigh and turn to face you directly, stepping closer to slide his hands around your waist. "Baby, you gotta know how sorry I am."
"Well, I'm sorry for my part - "
"No, don't do that," he sighed, tucking you further into his chest as you deflated slightly into the meat of his pectoral. "Don't apologize when you didn't do nothing but have feelings about whatever fuck-shit I was doing."
You sighed and let your arms slowly wrap around his waist, "You know I hate it when you do stupid shit like this."
"I know, and I'm really sorry," he sighed, tightening his hold when he felt your returned grip. "I got sensitive when you said I had Mommy issues, and you... You might be right," he sighed before kissing the top of your head. "Got defensive, got all hurt, and I think I just wanted to hurt you, too."
"That's not healthy..." You let go to gently pull from his grip, "Look, Bee, maybe this isn't healthy anymore. I-I don't know if it ever was, but right now, if you're looking for reasons and ways to hurt me, maybe that's a sign we're not loving each other the way we should."
"No, no, hey, don't say that, hey," Billy stepped back up, taking your cheeks in hand, "I love you more than anything. Okay? You hear me? I love you, baby, and I'm not goin' anywhere. But I'm gonna do better, I promise, this isn't gonna be us anymore because you deserve so much better... I'll do better."
You sighed slightly, "Bee..."
"C'mon, baby, don't do this - not right now. Look, we're both feeling emotional, and I just - I know I just broke your heart with my stupidity, but let me try to make this right. C'mon, please."
Never had you heard him say 'please' so often - knowing Billy wasn't the one to beg for anything. Except maybe pussy, but that was another matter entirely.
Before you could reply, the baby monitor started to blare with your twin brothers waking up - wailing - and making your head turn back to the house. You sighed lightly, looking back at your boyfriend, "If you take George, I can take Phillip."
"Whatever you need, doll," he promised, pausing your form to press his lips to your forehead. "I'm really sorry."
"I know you are," you assured softly, taking his hand and lacing your fingers together to lead into your house. Within 10 minutes, Billy was standing with George and Phillip in his arms; the babies both reaching their grabby hands into his long, curly locks, but they had stopped crying finally.
You smiled softly as you got new jammies together, the boys apparently soiling their old ones after the applesauce disagreed with their little tummies. And Billy, well... Billy was all too happy to bounce the boys on his hips, looking far too mundane for your comfort for just a hot second. When you were ready, he helped you get them both changed and comfy again before picking up George and rocking him while rubbing his back - mimicking what you were doing with Phillip.
And to your shock?
He took a seat on the rocking chair and eased you into his lap, listening as you read aloud another two chapters before the boys finally settled. And the moment they were asleep again, he was lifting you in his arms, standing, and easing the two of you from the room. You dropped your book in your room before you were both settled on the couch; Billy sitting upright in the corner, letting you lay on him, the TV illuminating flashes of light across you both.
Both his hands stayed on you, running along your flesh in an effort to keep you close. And during the commercials, his lips would find bits of your flesh, until slowly, you were dozing in his arms.
Turns out, by the time your father got home at 11:37 pm, both you and Billy were asleep on the couch; him laying flat with you nuzzled between his body and the back cushions. "Ah, hell," you Daddy sighed softly to himself, offering a soft smile. "That boy, mh-mh-mh, God love 'em," he chuckled lightly, locking the door, and turning the kitchen light out on his way upstairs to his room.
He figured any other time, he'd wake Billy and tell him to get gone, but tonight was long for everyone, and so long as the boy was gone before your mother got home - it would all be fine.
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antisociallilbrat · 2 years
Wisdom Teeth Poly Losers HCs
I got my wisdom teeth out recently and :)) I am in so much pain bc what was suppose to be a simple surgery turned into fuck shit bc ofc I had to have complicated teeth :))) my bottom teeth were on my nerve line and the dentist didn't realize this until they were pulling my bottom teeth out- I was awake too, just numb :) anyways enjoy some headcannons for what I think would happen with the Losers getting their wisdom teeth out
So this is set in my Poly losers universe and when they're young adults most of the losers have to get their wisdom teeth removed
The exceptions are Richie because his dad was a dentist so he had them removed in high school and also Eddie because of his mom
Eddie didn't even need his removed but of course his mom had them done anyways :/ I think also because of her he had them removed first, a year or so before Richie
This leaves Mike, Stan, Bev, Ben, and Bill who needs to get their removed
What prompts this is Bill, who a tooth ache and refused to go the dentist. Due to his parent's neglect he never really went to the dentist so he doesn't see why he has to go now
It takes Eddie threatening to forcefully drag Bill there himself for him to finally go
And yes Eddie goes with Bill and yes Eddie holds his hand during the appointment because Bill won't admit it but he's a little scared of those tools
Turns out one of Bill's wisdom teeth are infected and need to removed asap
So when they get home to discuss scheduling Bill's surgery with the others, Bill's worried and Mike being Mike graciously mentions how he still needs to get his removed to agrees to do it with Bill
This gives Stan the idea that- Hey they're starting to have a bit of extra income, might as well go get everyone else's done too
They're going to have Mike and Bill go first and then the next weekend Bev and Ben and THEN Stan will go
There's no reason he decided he would go last
Any who Bill and Mike's surgery happens and Bill is the BIGGEST BABY who clings to Mike the moment they get in the car
They're both drugged up and Mike goes to kiss Bill bc 'oh no his baby' and poor Ben has to get into the back between Mike and Bill to keep them from accidently hurting themselves
Bill and Mike just both end up clinging to Ben and the moment they get home won't let Ben leave them
They both proceed to pass out on Ben on the couch
Ben doesn't mind
Also I love the idea of Richie spoon feeding Mike and Bill with mocking pouty faces and going like 'Oooo does Billy Willy and Mikey Wikey hurt?'
Mike laughs (the best that he can) at Richie and Bill throws a pillow at him
He misses
Otherwise Mike and Bill heal up with little complications- Thanks to Stan and Eddie, and neither of them mind eating junk food like smoothing and apple sauce for a couple days
Oh also Bill ended having to braces a couple weeks after his surgery because he never got them in his teens and turns out he needed them- he's very upset about it
You can take the headcannon of young adult Bill with braces from my cold dead fists
The next weekend it's Ben and Bev's turn
Knowing what happened with Bill and Mike, after the surgery Bev and Ben ride home in separate cars
Richie rides in the back with Bev in the car she's in and drugged up Bev is OBSESSED with Richie's hair
Like she can't stop herself from running her hand through it and tugging on the curls
Richie finds this hilarious
Meanwhile Ben gets nauseous from the pain medicine :( bb is not having a good time and rides with his head in Bill's lap
But it turns out Ben probably has the easiest recovery of them all bc the next day he feels completely fine and can act like normal- aside from his mushy diet but he was already a big smoothie guy anyways
Poor Bev suffers
She's a texture person when it comes to food and Stan and Eddie has to fight to keep her from eating the wrong things bc she keeps trying to rush the healing process
The next week is worst than the actual surgery for her
The moment she gets the okay she can eat like normal though, all the Losers work together to cook her her favorite meal
And by all the Losers I mean Ben and Mike while the others help
Also she had to quit smoking during her heal week and that was absolute hell so she was very grouchy
Everyone- even Eddie- was happy when she got to light up again
Then it's Stan's turn for him to get his teeth out
He's very calm and composed and he trusts Eddie to take care of him since its Eddie and he's been helping Stan take care of the others
Turns out Stan's teeth are impacted which means a big ouch
But he's Stan and he'll be damned with unnecessary teeth are going to break him
He actually manages to sleep the whole way back and barely wakes up when Eddie changes his gauze- he goes back to sleep and sleeps till the next day
And then the next day he is in absolute pain and its like the pain meds aren't even working
He won't tell the Losers but they know. They all stick close by, particularly Richie and Bill since they both don't have day jobs
They know Stan is in pain because he actually allows the two dufoses to cuddle him in his bed- and he's usually not a cuddly guy
If one of them have to get up there's a Loser ready to replace them
Mike makes sure the mushy food Stan eats is till kosher <3
Stan very much loves his Losers bc he didn't have to say how much pain he was in, they just knew
Okay that's all, yes I know there's spelling/grammar errors. I'm in pain and on pain pills, whadda want from me?
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luna-the-bard · 6 months
👁️👁️teeny tiny giant infodump about terranian foods
* Skeets has never had chicken noodle soup before Samus made it for her when she was sick
* Terranian cultures have broths and soups, but they’re usually veggie soups with lots of turnip & potato-like veggies/starches. That’s not to say they can’t add meat in them - but there’s only one species of chicken exists around these parts (the Big Blue Dinochicken), so it’s off limits.
Some soups have grain in them, too - mix some potatoes and buckwheat together in poultry/meat broth, add some other vegetables to it like carrots, and maybe even some meatballs if you’re feeling fancy (the ones that are specifically for soup, they’re different), and you have yourself a pot full of nutritious deliciousness.
The broths themselves are usually a lot spicier than one might be used to, and oftentimes have stuff like ginger or seafood-related products like seaweed in them. Those make things a bit more flavorful - since terranians can’t really taste spice, they go for sour or salty tastes when they want to make something less bland.
They also have lots of herbal tea blends, caffeinated and not. Terran tea has to be brewed ice-cold, the temperature of that water being crucial to the leaves releasing the light toxins stored within them, and a cold drink is usually well-appreciated in a warm climate like Te’rra’s.
There’s a kvas-like (carbonated fermented non-alcoholic drink) beverage that can be made at home from concentrate or from scratch. Put it in a big pot/bucket with a lid and let it stand in the shade for a couple days, and you’ll have yourself something nice and refreshing to sip on during the hot day cycle.
* Anyways the chicken noodle soup became an act of care for Skeets, like it becomes for a lot of people that were fed it when they would get sick. Also both Skeets and Samus add diced Swiss cheese to it because it’s delicious and I said so.😒
Terranians have many delicious stew recipes. The most popular ones are beef veggie stews (whatever equivalent to beef Te’rra has to offer, anyway), and several types of shepherd’s pie (which also utilizes terran beef; it’s easier sourced than the elusive poultry).
There is a number of pickled vegetables that are popular on Te’rra, and some pickled fruit, but I personally only care about pickled cucumbers bc those are superior. Also Skeets is mildly allergic to pickled beets.
Preserved fruit is mostly peaches and a crunchy apple-like fruit named grabi (because the shrub it grows on feeds on small animals via grabbing and entangling them in its branches, to prepare for digestion).
Speaking of flora, because the plants are so springy and often dense (aside from nectar flowers/honeyplants, which have a mushy inside - in case of being squished, it feeds the soil and attracts insects with its smell so they can spread the pollen/seeds), a lot of veggie dishes have to be steamed, stewed, slow cooked or sautéed for a long time to prepare them for consumption. This is why cooking in large portions for a crowd of people is so common; it’s just less time-consuming to throw everything into a big pot and make a bunch at once. It gives other terranians more time to dedicate to their own tasks, as they don’t have to prepare meals as often.
This is also why there’s so many stews, and steamed veggies, or veggie blends fried in oil (they’re usually steamed a bit before or during the process, too, to soften the fibers). Skeets likes the fried blends a lot. If she’s eating steamed veggies, she tends to add a lot of salt to them to compensate for the blandness. She loves meat stews, too, even if the meat is just in the sauce. At some point, when her and Samus were visiting a tourist hotspot somewhere outside of Te’rra, they stopped for dinner at a small restaurant. This is how Skeets was introduced to fettuccine bolognese. To this day, this is one of her favorite non-terran dishes; at least a third of her and Samus’s dates now involve going somewhere that serves it (lucky for them, those places aren’t hard to find).
While eating honeyplant nectar is great, its petals and fruit are also often harvested and either eaten raw/with little preparation, or cooked, or preserved/pickled. Raw or slightly cooked, the petals and fruit retain a very nice ✨crunchy✨ texture (crispy crunchy watery like a cucumber on the outside, sweet and sticky like fresh honey on the inside). Preserved, the skin tends to soften a little bit and lose that crunchiness, but the petals become a lot sweeter because of the added sugar.
Also, terran shrimp. Are blue and green. That’s it that’s all I have to say about them👍🏻
Enjoy, @coldgoldlazarus
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elsweetheart · 1 year
i jus know abby is HUGE on making sure ur eating & drinking enough always, will feed u herself or hold the glass to ur lips if ur too tired just to ensure u always go to bed properly hydrated with a full tummy :( or if ur tummy hurts and u can’t hold anything down, she makes u toast n apple sauce and gently feeds it to u while u lay in her lap all comfy <3
yes !!!! :((
wanna sit on her lap early in the morning after getting a rough nights sleep because i’m sick and have her feed me toast in a dark quiet room with the tv on :((
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