#and then saturday rolls around and i'm like wait?? wasn't i supposed to post something???
redo-rewind-if · 4 months
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This week's snippet: featuring an answer so honest it sounds like sarcasm.
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saving-ray-23 · 9 months
An alarm rang from Barbara's phone, reminding her that it was nearly ten a.m. and she was still in her pajamas.
It was Saturday. Dick was supposed to pick her up in an hour. They were going to spend all day together, eating good food and acting like middle schoolers. She had been looking forward to it. But, after all the crap from the day before, she didn't want to pretend Dick could be who she needed. Dick wasn't the friend she had lost.
Grabbing her screaming phone from the couch, she shut off the alarm and called Dick before she could think of a logical plan. Why was she kidding herself— she was a fuck up. Probably not good enough to be a cop's niece and certainly not good enough to have a friend like Richard Grayson or a friend like . . .
Tears threatened to spill as Barbara found Dick's contact, but she did her best to stay calm. The phone barely rang twice before he picked up, sounding breathless.
"Salutations, Babs."
"Hey, Dick." She cleared her throat, trying to hide the stuffiness of her now-runny nose. "Look, I'm real sorry, but I can't hang out today. The Commissioner doesn't want me going out while the Joker's on the streets."
She started walking towards her room, pausing the hall. The bathroom door was open, her reflection trapping her from the mirror.
"Oh . . . uh, that's fine. I totally get it." He paused on the phone, making Barbara cringe. He could probably tell she was lying— Babs didn't even know if the Joker was on the loose. "Raincheck?"
Babs stared at herself. Red eyes, messy hair. Her face was red and a few angry-looking pimples dotted her face. She didn't look like the type of girl to attend galas at Wayne Manor and know what forks to use when eating the ten-course meals Dick probably ate every night. She wasn't that type of girl. And a few stolen moments with Dick Grayson wouldn't change that, not even if he could make up for everything that happened at Arkham or make her forget everything that happened before they were friends.
"I'm sorry, I just— I can't." Her voice broke, but she tried to play it off by coughing. Somehow the last thing she wanted was also what she wanted most— for him to ask what was wrong.
"Barbara? Did something happen? Is this about the field trip?"
"Bye, Richard."
Without waiting for a response, Babs hung up.
Barbara spent the day scrolling through the internet, finding reports of what had happened the day before. Most were inaccurate, saying it was the Joker who tried to break out, or that students died. In reality, the situation was contained within ten minutes of the prisoner— some small nut-job —breaking down the door.
The Gotham Gazette posted an article about it around noon, the closest thing to a reliable source that Barbara could get. She skimmed it, rolling her eyes at the students who had been interviewed after school the day before. She was sure at least two of them hadn't even been on the field trip.
Barbara only paused at the end, blinking at the text for a full minute. In the end, the Boy Wonder himself captured the inmate and returned him to a cell soon after the attack. Robin was seen by multiple students, but disappeared soon after the patient was apprehended.
Batman and Robin rarely appeared during the daytime and it was even rarer that Robin would be without Batman.
She shrugged to herself, figuring it was just another lie by the Gazette.
Half a week had passed since Barbara went to the Asylum. She had been ignoring Dick's texts and hadn't written or called James since that Friday. The Commissioner wasn't talking to her and he seemed to be working even later each day, leaving before she was even awake. A few times, they had gone all day without seeing each other.
So, it was surprising when the doorbell rang barely a half-hour after she had gotten home from practice.
"Jason?" She asked, stepping back as she recognized Dick's younger brother. The dark-haired kid smiled at her, holding up a Tupperware of cookies.
"These are from Dickface," He announced, shoving them towards Babs. "He said 'tell her I'm sorry and to call me and blah'."
"Why didn't he just— "
"He thinks you're mad at him. I think you're just PMS-ing— "
"Tell Dick I'm not mad," Babs interrupted, reluctantly taking the cookies. "It's just that not everyone wants to be friends with the Golden Grayson."
The kid beamed at her, letting out a barking laugh. "That's exactly what I said!"
"Careful going home, kid." She said, looking at the setting sun behind him. Alfred's figure was noticeable in the car sitting in front of her house, making her feel a little more at ease. At least he wasn't taking the bus.
"Yeah, sure." His smile dropped a bit and Jason shoved his hands into his pocket. "I'm sorry about your friend, by the way. I know it probably sucks."
Barbara nearly dropped the container, nodding at the kid before her. "Thanks, Jason. Goodnight."
Barbara closed the door, sitting on the couch. Opening the Tupperware, she bit into one of the cookies, pulling out her phone. She had muted Dick's contact, so Barbara was surprised to see the dozens of texts and calls lighting up her phone.
Scrolling through the long texts, she felt sick. Shutting off the phone, she tossed the rest of the dessert into the plastic container, closing the lid. She didn't want cookies or texts— she didn't want Dick Grayson.
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Hi! Hope your doing well! Could write a wholesome !Yan human! Kyubey scenario? Any other character works fine too! As long as your having fun. ^_^
Oooohhh, my first scenario! I'm so happy to finally do that, even though I really enjoy writing headcannons as well. I'm actually working on other two ones at the moment but decided to post this since scenarios take less to write. I assume, at least-
Also you guys can read the yandere human Kyubey headcannons in order for this to make more sense since there's lore and everything:
Yandere stuff (This one is wholesome so not many tws :D)
(Spoilers For Puella Magi Madoka Magica ahead?)
A human thing
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Another day of witch-hunting. Another day of almost dying. You've only been a magical girl for three weeks and yet it feels as if you made your contract just yesterday. Well, at least you weren't alone.
"Are you going to pick it up? No? Alright, I suppose that's a human thing."
A male voice sighed. That voice belonged to Kyubey, your teammate and enemy, in a way. Your whole wish was centered on making pay by making human. By making him a magical boy. By making him suffer just like your friend did... Yet you've slowly learned to tolerate him after all those weeks. Maybe giving him emotions wasn't a right decision though. Now he can be cocky.
"Hey, I was just thinking! Something you don't do, apparently."
You responded and picked up the last grief seed for the day. You gathered four today, which would probably last you two for a couple of days. You'd tease eachother a lot, you couldn't tell if it was genuine hatred or just teasing. He wasn't too happy about the fact he's a human at first; and trying to figure out what someone who appears to be emotionless is thinking isn't exactly easy.
Kyubey just rolled his eyes and chuckled to himself, watching you pout at him. He couldn't understand why it made him chuckle or feel "happy" in general. If that emotion was happiness, that is. He still wasn't good with distinguishing emotions.
The two of you returned home, you changing to your pyjamas immediately. After fighting with four witches you were super exhausted; and just wanted a good night's sleep.
“What is it? I'm tired, you know. It's Saturday tomorrow, you'll have all day to annoy me.”
And so Kyubey watched you walk up the stairs before disappearing into the darkness of the hallway. He wanted to talk with you about this recent new...emotion. The reason he smiles everytime you say good morning even though it's not something exciting, the reason he chuckles at you pouting even though there's nothing comedic about it. But you were tired.
Instead; he waited a few minutes at the living room and made his way to your room, being as careful as possible to not wake you up. Then, he sat on the bed, next to you. You looked so peaceful at the moment, it amused him how humans could lay on an object without moving at all for so many hours. Well; it was an advantage for him.
“I'm not really sure of how easily humans can go out of this state but I'm willing to risk it. This feeling is rather unbearable...I feel the need to verbally state it, even if you're unable to hear me.”
His hot pink eyes gazed directly to your closed ones, staring for a bit. The same eyes that looked right into your soul that day when you were walking home with your friend.
“I feel weird when you're around. It's not a bad feeling; it feels pleasant. Really really pleasant. Sometimes it changes pattern though. I saw you walking here with a male student through the window yesterday....
It didn't feel pleasant at all.”
He almost sounded angry this time. He's never felt angry before. Except for yesterday; of course. Suddenly something made him snap out of his thoughts though. You were whimpering in your sleep, even though he wasn't exactly sure what that meant. So he just stood there awkwardly.
Until you reached out for him.
You were still sleeping when you grabbed his hand in your sleep, almost literally forcing him to lay down with you. That new emotion he was feeling was really taking over right now. His face was more pink than his own eyes right now.
“I...suppose that's a human thing too.”
I apologize if that was a bit short! I'm still not that much of an expert when it comes to scenarios- I'll try to improve them in the future. I hope this was close to what you were hoping for though dear anon!
Have a wonderful day/night and I'll see you guys really soon! 💖💗
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Hello Darling pt3
Summary: (y/n) is the salvatores younger sister and she is low key in love with one of the originals. You know which one. The only problem is he is a low key psychopath and neither of them remember that this isn’t their first meeting.
Warnings: just harmless flirting
A/N: I’ve been in love with Kol Mikaelson for 3 days now. I’m being forced to watch vampire diaries with my mom and Kol and the rest of the original family are like the only reason I’m still watching it.
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You hadn't gotten any sleep last night. You spent 3 hours in the emergency room with Matt because he wouldn't drink your blood. He didn't want to risk becoming a vampire. But you were trying to be a nice person nowadays so you respected his decision and waited with him at the ER. You didn't get home till 4 in the morning, and it took you at least an hour to get out of that stupid dress you had worn. You really wish you hadn't had gone to that stupid party. It had been filled with one disappointment after another, but now you were home in your apartment. With no annoying brothers, no doppelgänger sluts, and no originals. The sun was coming up and you were finally able to get some sleep for the day.
You didn't wake up till about 12 in the afternoon. By the time you showered and left your apartment it was already 1 o'clock so you were shocked when you arrived at your brothers house in time to see Rebekah Mikaelson leaving in the same dress she had worn to the party the night before. She only ignored you and walked out of the house. Not even making eye contact with you.
Damon walked down the stairs barely dressed after having obviously just taken a shower.
"What was Rebekah doing here?" You knew exactly what she had been doing, but you needed your brother to admit it.
"She was just leaving." He smiled and walked away trying to ignore your question. You followed him into the library.
"No Damon, I mean why was she here in the first place?"
"I may or may not have gotten drunk and brought her back here after Elena shut me down last night." He poured himself a drink.
You couldn't help but laugh at your ass of an older brother. It was only a couple hours ago that he accused you of sleeping with an original and here he is brushing off his one night stand like it didn't matter that he's a big fat hypocrite. "You know what? Eat Shit Damon."
"Aww come on (y/n) so what if I slept with Rebekah. Why do you care?"
"I care because last night when you weren't busy fawning over Elena you were slut shaming me for being around an original but today you're sleeping with one of them like it's no big deal. So yeah, Damon. eat shit and see if I care!" You stormed out of the house, not wanting to be around your brother any longer. He was a jerk and he never made an effort to apologize for it. Not like he did with Stefan at least.
You decide it was best if you went back to not caring and day drinking. So you headed back to the mystic grill and picked back up where you left off yesterday, half way through a bottle of whiskey.
By the time ten o'clock rolled around you were on your fourth bottle of whiskey and you were starting to crave something stronger, something that didn't come from a bottle. You looked around the room eyeing everyone in the bar. It was really packed since it was ten-o'clock on a Saturday. You were sizing everybody up to see who you could snatch away and take a bite out of. You notice some girl walking towards the bathroom. You quickly finished your drink and tried to go after the girl. But when you turned to leave your seat Kol was standing in front of you, blocking you from going after the girl.
"Hello Darling, I see your day drinking again. Whiskey of all things. Most girls are into champagne and fruity cocktails nowadays but you really aren't must girls are you." He set his coat on the back of the chair and set down next to you at the bar.
You really didn't want to see Kol right now or really ever. You saw another girl head to the bathroom so you gave up trying to feed from them and refilled your whiskey glass. "Not like most girls? Was that supposed to be a complement? You're gonna have to do better than that after what you did." You kept staring at the wall in front of you. You didn't want to look at him right now. Hell you didn't want him to be there right now.
"Oh yes how is the quarterback? All hyped on vampire juice and healed now?"
"No, he wouldn't take my blood. I had to sit in the ER with him all last night."
"Oh so is that why you're here drinking?"
"Why are you here Kol?" You turned to face him.
"Would you believe if I said that I care about your problems?" You rolled your eyes and you could tell he was just being sarcastic. "Yeah I wouldn't either. I'm not usually the one to care about other people and their problems. That was usually Elijah. Though I do feel different after having been daggered and living in a coffin for so long maybe I can give it go. So how about you tell me your problems and I'll tell you mine?"
You ignored him, just went back to staring at the wall and drinking your whiskey. "Well fine then I'll start first. Today my brother and my mother tried to kill me and all of my siblings, but then your brothers accidentally stopped them by killing my brother, permanently this time, before my mother could complete her spell. So now she's off in the wind trying to figure out how to finish us off."
He took the whiskey bottle from you and grabbed an empty glass to fill it up. You just stared at him, you felt bad about what had happened to him. You couldn't even imagine what he must be feeling right now. "I'm so sorry about what happened with your mother and for what my brothers did. I had no idea they were planning any of this. Which one of your brothers was it?"
"Finn." He downed what he could of the whiskey and refilled. He was obviously having a bad day.
"Were you two close?"
"No not really. He was a lot older and he spent the better half of the last millennium in a box for having a stick up his ass."
"Your family is something else."
He laughed a bit "You're telling me. So what happened to you today? Couldn't be any worse than my day."
"No but it wasn't any good." Kol just kept drinking and nodded along. "Went to my brother's house this afternoon to check in on them and make peace after last night. Turns out he and your sister hooked up last night. So I called him a hypocritical dick for yelling at me last night and for accusing me of sleeping with you then stormed out of the house and came here."
"So that's where Rebekah was last night. I'll have to remember to torment her later with that." He raised his glass and clinked it with yours, "Cheers."
"Cheers." You couldn't help but to stare at Kol. Despite everything he did last night you didn't hate him. He was different tonight, he wasn't cocky and confident he seemed genuine. About an hour and a bottle later. You were both pretty drunk, even for vampires. You found yourself once again wanting to spend more time with the jerk. After everything he did to your friend you still liked him, more than you probably should have. Everything about him just seemed so familiar and comfortable.
You decided it was best that you left before you tried to do anything you might regret. "I should probably get going, it's late."
"Do you need me to walk you home or get you a cab?" Kol started to laugh, "I'm trying to be nice here, I'm not sure it's working for me."
"No, I'll be okay. I don't live far from here." You got up and started to walk towards the door as Kol stopped you about half way.
"Hey (y/n) wait!" He grabbed your wrist and turned you around to face him. "I'm sorry about what I did at the ball yesterday. I was mad at my sister and I took it out on your friend Matt and your brother."
It fell silent between you two for a moment. Kol was still holding your wrist in his hand. You started to laugh, "What's so funny?"
"Nothing, it's just, you're apologizing for trying to kill my only friend and my brother and I've just forgiven you. I'm not even upset about it, Because I've been there before, when you're so mad at someone that you take it out on someone else. It's just so weird I should be mad at you right now but I'm not. Part of me likes you even more now." You just kept laughing at yourself. You were totally drunk off your ass. You didn't even realize you said you liked him out loud.
"Wait did you just say you like me more now? So you actually did like me before?" Kol smiled at you. You were mad at yourself for saying that out loud but glad you got Kol to perk up a bit. You noticed him moving a bit closer to you.
"Maybe" the alcohol was really kicking in. You felt more confident than you had in a long while.
Kol leaned down a bit so you two were closer together "Does that mean I still have a chance?"
"Maybe." You saw him glance down a few times to stare at your lips too. You both were waiting for someone else to make the first move. You were as close as you two could get without touching.
Tired of the waiting, Kol closed the gap between you. He pulled you closer by your wrists before moving his hands to the side of your face. Your hands ran up through his short brown hair. You could already taste the whiskey on him. It didn't take you long before you both were gasping for air and had to pull apart slightly. Neither of you could seem to decide what to say next.
You broke the silence, "You know on second thought I might need a walk home. My place is just two blocks over."
Kol pulled away from you and laughed. He quickly grabbed his coat from the back of his chair. He smiled and held his hand out to you "Well then, lead the way."
I just want to say thanks again to @hellish-ramblings-of-an-emo for helping me edit these and get these first few chapters out here. You have been such an inspiration to me and you make me want to write more everyday!
Also thank you to all the people who have been liking this story and I’ll be posting new chapter from now on every week! I would also love to take request for fic ideas to help me fill up this blog with stories.
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itsadamcole · 4 years
i wish
fem!reader x tyler breeze
It’s been almost three months since reader last saw her husband, Tyler Breeze. He’s been traveling for wrestling. Reader has a fancy dinner event for her law firm and she wishes that Tyler was there to accompany her. Little does reader know that Tyler has a little surprise up his sleeve ... “i wish you were here”
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word count: 4.6k
warning: soft smut, fluff, a scene including sexual harassment, tyler being cute and happy, probably wrong legal stuff but we’re gonna pretend it’s real for the sake of the imagine
— just something i’ve been working on for a while and never posted —
masterlist || request an imagine here
~ 18+ content below - read at your own risk ~
As you do your makeup for your formal dinner party with your co-workers, your mind wanders off to your husband.
It's been close to three months since you kissed Tyler goodbye and it's gotten harder and harder every day. You miss him. You miss him being around and you miss hearing him yell and scream when he's streaming or playing UNO with DaParty.
The house has been too quiet without him. The only reason you're not feeling lonely is because of Kanga, Tigger, and Roo, the two dogs and the cat you and Tyler parent.
As you're applying your lipstick, you realize that you have a few tears running down your cheeks, ruining your makeup. You groan, frustrated with yourself as you dry the tears and fix your look.
Once your makeup is finally done, you get into the dress you bought for the occasion.
The dinner tonight is a formal event, meaning full-length dresses instead of the usual cocktail dress. You bought a full length dark red satin dress for the occasion. The top of the dress hugs your chest while the skirt has a slight flare to it. The v-neck dips down a little bit and the sleeves are thin as they sit on your shoulders. You pair the dress with dark red heels.
You put in diamond earrings that were gifted to you by Tyler on your first wedding anniversary. They hand down a little bit. To decorate your neck, you wear a necklace that your sister gave you for your birthday two birthdays ago. You put on your engagement and wedding rings on your left ring finger. You rarely ever wear your rings to work, let alone a work event.
As you're putting on your jewelry, your phone starts to go off. You walk over to the ringing device. Tyler is trying to FaceTime you.
You've told him about the dinner tonight and he said that he'd be there if he could. He knows how much you hate any kind of party.
Putting a smile on your face, you answer the FaceTime call. Tyler is looking at his phone, waiting for you to pick up. The second he sees you, a smile lights up his face. "There's my beautiful wife," Tyler says. "I can only see your face but I just know you look stunning."
"Hold on," you say, walking over to the full-length mirror in your bedroom. You turn the camera so the camera is on the mirror. The sunlight coming through the window lights up the room.
Tyler has a look of awe on his face as he looks at you in the mirror via the phone camera. "Baby," he says. "You look like a princess."
You smile and say, "I just need a little tiara."
Your husband says, "You don't need a tiara to be a princess, baby. This right here proves it."
You giggle and turn the camera back to your face. "I wish you were here," you say. "I hate going to these things alone."
Tyler says, "I know. I wish I was too. I'll be home for the next event though and we can kill it together. I promise."
"I can't wait," you say, glancing at the time. "Okay, I have to get going. It's going to take me years to drive to the place where this event is going to be because I'm in a gown and heels."
Your husband laughs over the phone and he asks, "Is it at The Oak again?"
Nodding, you say, "Of course it is because the partners always have this stupid dinner at the same exact place every few months."
Both you and Tyler laugh before he says, "Well, then, I'll let you go. You look beautiful, baby. I love you."
"And I love you," you say, blowing him kisses through the phone. "I'll see you when you come home."
Tyler smiles and says, "I'll be home before you know it. It'll go by quickly."
You smile as you both say your goodbyes. You grab your clutch and walk downstairs, phone already in hand from having just been on it when Tyler called.
You get into your car. You turn it on and start the half-hour ride to The Oak.
The Oak is a fancy hotel with a large ballroom area that the partners at your law firm always use for these events. There's one every four to six weeks. You've been working at Dolan and Reid's law firm for close to ten years so these get kind of boring after a while. You're required to be at each one though because of your position in the firm. You're a junior partner. You were promoted late last year and you were ecstatic.
You've been with Tyler since you were just starting out in the law firm. You got married four years ago. It's been an amazing four years.
As you pull up, you see several of your co-workers walking into the hotel. They're laughing and already having a good time. You park in the parking lot before you walk into the hotel yourself.
You've been here so many times, the hotel employees know your name and you know most of theirs. You don't have to ask where the bar is because you've been here so often.
When you walk up to the bar, the bartender, whose name is Lucy, asks, "What can I get for you, Y/N?"
You sigh, "A glass of your best whiskey, Lucy. Thank you."
She nods and gets your drink ready.
"This drink is on me," a male voice says beside you. You look over and see one of the other junior partners standing next to you. Danny Watson. You roll your eyes as you're handed your drink. "What? No 'hello'? Or what about 'hi, Danny. How are you'?"
You sip your drink and hold up your left ring finger with your wedding ring on it. "I'm married, remember?" you say coldly. "I'm not interested for the hundredth time."
Danny says, "I know for a fact that your husband is out of town for some wrestling bullshit so let me take you home, baby. Let me show you what I could do if you dumped that husband of yours that's never home."
You stay calm as you say, "Listen here, Daniel. Don't you insult my husband's work by calling it bullshit. And don't you dare even ask me to go home with you. I'm tired of you and your sexual harassment. Do it one more time and I'll talk to the partners about it."
He laughs and says, "You think they're gonna do anything about it? They have more important things to deal with than an allegation of sexual harassment."
"You forget that I'm a lawyer that handles sex cases or cases involving harassment and assault," you spit at him. "I'll sue you and represent myself."
Danny rolls his eyes and says, "Whatever, Y/N. You're not worth my time anymore."
You get angry and you say, "Fuck you, Danny. I was never worth your time because I am not going to cheat on my husband with anyone, let alone someone as low as you."
Someone walks over and stands beside you. "Y/N, is Danny bothering you again?" You look over and see that it's your best friend from work, Y/WBF/N. You sigh with relief and nod. "Go the fuck away, Danny. Stop harassing the poor girl when she's already upset enough."
Danny rolls his eyes and walks off. You thank Y/WBF/N and say, "My hero."
She hooks her arm with yours and says, "Let's head into the main room and dance a little bit. We both need to let off a little steam after that."
You finish your drink and say, "I couldn't agree more." The two of you walk into the ballroom area and walk to the dance floor.
Y/WBF/N is wearing a full-length form-fitting black dress. It looks beautiful on her. Her jet black curls bounce up and down as she moves.
You and your work best friend both dance for about 30 minutes before the DJ says, "Let's slow it down a little bit so the couples in the room can dance together."
A Thousand Years by Christina Perri plays and you leave the dance floor area with Y/WBF/N, finding a seat at one of the round tables. You sip the water that's provided for you and you notice Y/WBF/N glance behind you and smile a bit.
Before you can react or say anything, you hear a familiar voice behind you say, "Excuse me, Mrs. Breeze. I believe that you should be on the dance floor with your husband." You quickly turn around in your seat and look behind you to see your husband, Tyler Breeze, standing behind you. He's fully dressed in a black and white suit with a red tie.
Quickly, you get up and wrap your arms around Tyler's neck. You're on your tiptoes as you hug him. You're hugging your husband for the first time in months. Your arms are wrapped tightly around his neck.
Tyler takes your hand and leads you over to the dance floor, where about twenty or so couples are dancing together to the slow song. You haven't been able to stop smiling since you turned around in your seat.
Your husband takes you in his arms, wrapping them around your waist. You wrap your arms around his neck and sway to the music. You stare up at Tyler, meeting his pretty brown eyes for the first time since he left three months ago.
"How did you get here?" you ask. "Last time I checked, you were supposed to be in Seattle for NXT Takeover."
He smiles and says, "That's not until Saturday and I decided to come by for the next four days and spend time with my wife. Dango is covering for me in Seattle while I'm here with you. It wasn't worth spending four days in Seattle with nothing to do so I decided to come and surprise you."
You smile and pull yourself closer to Tyler. Your cheek is now on his chest and you listen to the sound of his heart beating. You say, "I'm so happy you're home for a few days. I've missed you so much, so have Kanga, Tigger, and Roo."
Tyler laughs and says, "I said hi to them when I stopped by the house to grab this tie so I can somewhat match you."
Laughing, you look back up at Tyler. A smile is on your lips as you sigh, "I've missed you, Tyler. So much."
Your husband says, "I've missed you too, Y/N. You look absolutely stunning and I am so glad that I got to see you in the dress."
You smile and wrap your arms tighter around Tyler's neck, pressing your cheek to his chest again. Tyler kisses the top of your head and you close your eyes as the song ends but changed to One Direction's If I Could Fly.
Tyler wraps his arms tighter around your waist and you both continue to sway to the music.
As you dance with your husband, you wish that this moment would never end that way he wouldn't have to leave in four days to fly across the country from you. You wish you could stay in his arms forever. You don't want him to leave and you can't go with him because you have an important case to prep for. The trial starts on Monday.
"Hey," Tyler says, looking down at you. "Y/N, what's wrong? You're crying."
You hadn't noticed that you started crying. You wipe your mascara filled tears away and you say, "I wish you didn't have to leave in a few days. I hate it when you leave for so long. I wish you could stay with me for a while."
Tyler smiles and says, "I was going to surprise you with this later but after Takeover, I'm home for nine weeks. No more touring until after the holidays. The next Takeover is in Orlando so I don't have to go very far."
The news makes you smile wide. You say, "Really? You're going to be home for nine weeks straight?"
Your husband nods and says, "I am. I'm all yours for the next nine weeks after Takeover. I also told Dango to stay away for the first week or so since I have a lot of time to make up for." Tyler winks at you. You lightly kick Tyler's shin.
"Tyler!" you scold. "I'm at a work event. You can't be saying these things when my co-workers are around."
He laughs and asks, "Am I not allowed to touch you then since your co-workers are around?" He lets you go and you pout.
You say, "I never said that." Tyler smiles and puts his hands back on your waist. "You're mean."
Tyler smiles and says, "But you love me."
You giggle and say, "Yes. I do love you."
"Am I allowed to kiss you or no?" your husband teases. "Since your co-workers are around."
Rolling your eyes, you say, "I don't care if my co-workers are around. I haven't kissed you in close to three months."
Tyler laughs and brings his lips down to yours. They move against yours slowly and your eyes flutter closed as you kiss your husband for the first time in three months. The kiss is very soft and passionate from the start. Your hands slide to Tyler's cheeks, holding his face between your hands.
The song changes and everyone comes back into the dance floor. Tyler pulls back from the kiss and looks down at you.
"Y/N," one of the partners calls, walking toward you. Mr. Reid is the partner walking toward you. "May I have a few words outside with you?"
You nod and look at Tyler. "I'll be right back," you say to your husband. "Y/WBF/N is still at the table you found me at."
Tyler nods and you walk away with Mr. Reid, leaving the large ballroom and loud music. You find yourself in the lobby of the hotel with not only Mr. Reid but Mr. Dolan and Danny.
That bitch, you think to yourself.
Mr. Dolan says, "Mr. Watson here has told us you have been harassing him for a few weeks. He's been saying you've been wanting to, and I quote, 'take him to bed'."
Your eyes widen and you say, "That is not how it went down, Mr. Dolan. It's been the opposite actually. My husband has been away for a few weeks for his job and Daniel has been harassing me the entire time my husband has been gone." Panic rises in your voice. "I've never once asked if Daniel could take me to bed. As a matter of fact, I've never approached Daniel for anything outside of work."
Mr. Reid looks at Danny and says, "You omitted the part where she had a husband, Mr. Watson."
You've rarely ever told anyone that you have a husband let alone that Tyler Breeze is your husband because of his status. NXT Tag Team Champion and WWE superstar. He's well known, and you never know who is or isn't a wrestling fan.
The partners never asked for your marital status so you never told them. You were single when you started working at the firm. You've been going by your maiden name at work, not your married last name since you never legally changed your name to Y/N Breeze after you married Tyler.
Between your friends and family, you are Mrs. Breeze. Legally, you're still Y/N L/N so you're not obligated to tell anyone you're married. You've only told Danny and Y/WBF/N because of Danny's harassment and because Y/WBF/N is your best friend.
Daniel says, "I didn't think that was an important subject."
Mr. Dolan says, "Miss L/N, we did check the footage from tonight at the bar before we came to get you and we did see that Mr. Watson came up to you and you did seem agitated that he was there. You held up your left hand as well. We just wanted to confirm that it has been Mr. Watson harassing you since we did have visual evidence."
You sigh with relief that the partners didn't believe Danny.
Danny on the other hand looks pissed that he's been caught in a lie. Mr. Reid says, "Now, Mr. Watson, next time you lie, you might not want to lie to lawyers. As of this moment, you have been demoted to associate, and associate you will stay for a while. If we get any more reports of harassment coming from you, you will be terminated. Understood?"
"Yes, sir," Danny mumbles.
Mr. Reid says, "You're dismissed, Mr. Watson."
Danny walks away and you look at the partners. Mr. Dolan asks, "Miss L/N, is your last name legally L/N, or do you share your husband's last name?"
You say, "It's legally still L/N. I've been thinking of legally changing it to my husband's last name for a little bit."
"What's been stopping you?" Mr. Dolan asks.
You play with your thumbs and say, "My husband is a professional wrestler. A pretty well-known professional wrestler and I've been trying to keep my marriage on the quiet side because of his job."
Mr. Reid says, "You don't have to use your husband's last name on your cards for work if you want to change it to his last name. You can still be Y/N L/N since it is your maiden name."
You blink and say, "In that case, I might legally change my last name to my husband's. I was lead to believe that I had to use my legal name."
Mr. Reid says, "You can go by your birth name or your married name, Miss L/N. We have a few documents upstairs that will help you begin the process of changing your last name tonight. I can retrieve them quickly. All you have to do is provide some information and sign a few papers and then it's done."
You nod and say, "Let's do it."
The partners go and get the documents. Tyler texts you in the meantime.
11:27 pm
tyler bby: everything okay? you’ve been gone for a little bit
11:28 pm
you: everything's okay. we're talking over a case that starts monday. i'll be back in a few minutes
Tyler writes back an "okay see you in a few" and you sigh.
He surprised you and now you're going to surprise him. He's been wanting you to change your last name so he'll be happy about this.
With Mr. Reid and Mr. Dolan's help, the documents are all signed after you provide the information. It takes about fifteen minutes once they come back with the papers.
Mr. Reid hands you a document with your new legal name and says, "Congratulations, Mrs. Breeze."
You smile and say, "Thank you."
You walk off back toward the dinner party and walk to Tyler.
When you get to Tyler, you lower the paper in front of his face from behind him and you say, "Surprise."
Tyler looks up at you and asks, "You changed your last name?"
You nod and say, "It'll take some time and some processing before it's officially legal but yes, I changed my last name. I am now unofficially Mrs. Y/N Breeze. I'm still going to use my maiden name at work and it's what my clients will call me but my legal name will be Y/N Breeze."
Your husband stands up and kisses you. You giggle into the kiss and he mumbles, "Mrs. Breeze sounds so hot."
"It was your last name before it was mine," you say against Tyler's lips.
Tyler smiles against your lips before he pulls back. "Tonight's just full of surprises for both of us," he says.
You peck his lips and say, "Take me upstairs to see another surprise that will give you a preview of what our week will look like once you're back from Takeover this weekend."
Tyler's eyes widen and he takes your hand. He walks to the receptionist's desk and says, "We'd like a room. Any room that you have available."
The woman behind the desk says, "Room 1118 is available."
Your husband says, "We'll take it."
Tyler pays for the room and is given the key. Excited, he takes your hand again and walks to the elevator. He steps on and pulls you into his arms. As the doors shut, Tyler kisses you passionately. You giggle against his lips and mumble, "Someone's antsy."
"I haven't been intimate with my wife in three months," he says, pulling back from the kiss and undoing his tie. "Excuse me if I'm a little excited to have sex tonight."
You smile and pull Tyler back to you by pulling his jacket. Your lips crash to his and the intense kiss continues as Tyler presses you against the wall of the elevator.
Luckily no one is on the elevator as you ascend to the 11th floor. The trip takes what feels like forever before you reach the 11th floor.
Once the doors open, you take Tyler's hand and walk down the hallway quickly until you get to room 1118.
Tyler unlocked the door with the keycard and pulls you inside. The door closes and automatically locks behind you as Tyler presses you against the door.
You stare up at Tyler and see his brown eyes dark with lust and need, for you. Your core begins to ache at the thought of what Tyler's going to do to you tonight after he sees the underwear you're wearing.
It's been three long months since you last had sex. Three months too long.
Your need for Tyler overwhelms you and you lean your head up, kissing Tyler hard.
As your lips move against Tyler's, you push off his suit jacket. It drops to the floor. His tie joins the jacket before the two of you stumble toward the bed.
It's mostly dark in the room, except for the moonlight and bright lights of Orlando shining into the room from the window and glass doors that lead to the balcony.
You've done this so many times with Tyler that the two of you know each other like the back of your hands. You don't need light.
Tyler's fingers work on the zipper on the back of your dress as yours work on unbuttoning his shirt. Your lips move feverishly against each other. You eventually get Tyler's shirt unbuttoned and you pull it off of him.
He gets your dress unzipped and you let it fall off your body, pooling at your feet. You step out of your heels and Tyler pulls back from the kiss. He looks down at you. You're not wearing a bra but you're wearing a pair of red lacy panties.
Your husband licks his bottom lip and says, "Now that's a surprise."
You giggle and start to unbutton his pants as he spins you around and pushing you back onto the bed. He leans over the bed with his hands on either side of you, holding himself up. Tyler kisses you softly, taking his face in your hands as you kiss him back.
Tyler pushes you onto your back, breaking the kiss. His lips are on your chest and slowly trail down your body. You've missed this feeling. His lips on your body, his fingers touching your skin. It's been three months since you've been with Tyler like this.
He pushes your panties to the side and starts to kiss and suck on your sensitive clit. You let out a soft moan and bite your lip. Tyler hums softly and runs his tongue through your folds. "Tyler," you sigh. "Please. No teasing tonight."
Your husband smirks and pulls off your panties before slipping two fingers into you. You moan a little louder and your back arches off the bed as Tyler moves his fingers quickly.
You grasp onto the bedsheets and let out a loud moan as he adds a third finger. Loud moans escape your lips with every flick of Tyler's wrist. Your body jerks beneath Tyler's touch and he looks up at you with his eyes.
It takes maybe five minutes before you're pulled to the edge of an orgasm. Your legs shake a bit as you get closer and closer, then Tyler pulls his fingers out of you. You whine and look at him.
"Baby," you say, pouting. "Not fair."
Tyler stands at the foot of the bed in front of you. You watch as he pulls off his pants and his boxers. You gently bite your lip and Tyler crawls onto you, hovering over you between your legs. His lips are on yours within a few seconds and they move against yours intensely. Your fingers are in his hair, holding Tyler close to you.
The two of you share the passionate kiss for a few moments before Tyler begins to push himself into you, making you moan and gasp softly against Tyler's lips.
Tyler pulls back and his lips attach to your neck. Your hands slide down to the back of Tyler's neck and he starts to thrust his hips into you gently. Your eyes flutter closed and you enjoy the feeling of Tyler inside you. "God, Tyler," you moan. "I've missed this."
Your husband smiles against your neck as he moves harder into you, his tip grazes your g-spot and you moan his name loudly.
He props himself up on his arms, pulling away from your neck. Your eyes meet his as you wrap your legs around his waist tightly. His thrusts are harder and he's so deep inside you that his hips are now flush against yours.
As you're pulled closer and closer to your orgasm again, your legs begin to shake. You're gasping and moaning. The sound of skin slapping and your moans fill the small room.
"I'm close, baby," Tyler groans as he's pulled closer to his climax.
Your hands cup his face and you say, "Come, baby."
Tyler thrusts a few more times into you before you both release. You around him and him inside you. He helps you ride out your high. You come down, whining and sighing. You pull Tyler's face down to yours and kiss him lightly.
Both of you are out of breath as Tyler rolls off of you and walking to the bathroom to grab something to clean everything up. You crawl under the blankets and once Tyler's done cleaning up, he joins you. You rest your head on his chest and listen to his heart beat in his chest. You smile and say, "Your heart is beating so fast."
He lets out a breathy laugh and he says, "It's beating that fast for you."
You move so you're laying onto your stomach. Your breasts are presses against Tyler's side and you rest your chin on your hands, which rest on his chest. Tyler smiles at you and you say, "You're so cheesy, but I love it."
Tyler kisses your nose and says, "I can't wait until after Takeover now if that's what our week is going to look like as soon as I get back."
Laughing, you say, "It's going to look like that and so much more. Expect some new outfits too, Mr. Breeze."
Your husband smiles and says, "Oh, I'm excited about these new outfits, Mrs. Breeze."
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Title: Taste You
Pairing: MLQC Gavin x Reader
Genre: Smut
Word count: 1,894
Written for anonymous by @rikumorimachisgirl
A/N: Sorry for posting this late. No offense to anyone named Dagny, I just couldn't think of any other name at the time.
Disclaimer: I don't own MLQC, but this fic was solely my idea.
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You slammed the door of your apartment and made a beeline to the kitchen. It was half-past ten in the evening on a Saturday - the weekend of your high school reunion - and here you were back at your flat, getting ready to bake instead of partying with him and your friends. 
"This is all his fault, " you thought to yourself as you cracked two eggs open and added them into the mixing bowl. "Him and that bimbo!"
Him. Gavin - Elite Police Officer, resident bad boy in high school,  and your supposed date for the homecoming. 
Supposed is right. You start beating the eggs into the mixture a tad harder than usual as your thoughts drifted back to what had happened moments earlier. 
He picked you up at exactly seven o'clock, looking dapper in a crisp white shirt, a grey sports jacket, and jeans, carrying a bouquet of roses, which you hurriedly placed in a vase. He was the perfect date - holding the door open for you, seating you in the best spot at the venue, wrapping an arm around your shoulder to make sure you weren't cold, and whispering random stuff in your ear to get even closer to you. Amidst the crowded high school auditorium, all he could see was you. And it all seemed like a dream until she came along. 
She. Dagny. She was in the same year as Gavin and she was quite the popular girl - with her long blonde hair, perfect figure, and her long legs. She used to have the biggest crush on Gavin. Judging by how she looked, it was plain to see that the years have been kind to her. And judging by how easily she managed to pull your date away from your side, you could tell she wasn't over him yet. 
The faint sound of a Billie A-list song drifted to your kitchen from the open window, making you frown even more. This was exactly the song they were dancing to before you decided to leave. Sighing, you placed the mixing bowl down and shut the window - trying to shut off the images of how blondie was practically grinding at Gavin like her life depended on it, how Gavin made no attempt at shutting her out, and how they moved in perfect sync - almost like they were doing the deed on the dancefloor. They look so good together, you wouldn't be surprised if they hooked up. 
If they hooked up. Those four words sent chills down your spine. "Argh! I hate this, " you growled and headed back to the counter where you left your mixing bowl. You needed a good distraction, and baking always provided you that. Sighing, you took the baking sheets and unceremoniously dropped spoonfuls of cookie dough on the ungreased sheets. You were so engrossed in your task, you hardly noticed the knock on your door. 
"Hey, open up, please, " you heard someone calling from outside your flat. "I know you're still awake." 
'Gavin? What was he doing there?' You were curious for a split second, but the scowl you were wearing since you got home soon took its place as you marched to the front door. You could feel your blood boil as you took one step after another from the kitchen to the living room, and by the time you got to the door, you were ready to scream his head off. 
But all of those vanished as soon as you spotted a pale, and disheveled Gavin standing outside your door. His face lit up the moment your eyes met his, and he let out a sigh of relief. 
"What are you doing here?" You interrupted abruptly, eyeing him coldly. 
"I'm here because you left all of a sudden, and I was worried you'd had gotten in trouble."
"Well, obviously I'm okay, so you can leave, " you replied flatly, as you attempted to close the door on him. 
"Hey, wait a minute, " he said, blocking the door. "Did I do something to upset you?"
You gasped, your eyes flew wide as saucers. Could he seriously be that clueless, you thought.  "You mean you don't know why I'm upset?"
"I wouldn't be asking you if I knew."
"Shouldn't you be with her?" 
He stared at you, more confused than ever. "Huh?"
"Dagny!" You cried out. "She was all over you earlier, and you didn't seem to mind. So, why aren't you with her? She was obviously into you. Didn't you notice?"
He cocked an eyebrow at you. "No, I didn't. I only danced with her because she had information about a high profile smuggler my team has been tailing for months and we didn't want to look too obvious."
"You mean she's an informant?" 
"Yes. There's nothing going on between us. Besides, " he said, as he cupped your face in his hands and with the pads of his thumb, he wiped off some dough that had stuck to your cheek. "You're the only one I see, my little baker girl."
You blushed at his words and tried to break free, but the more you struggled, the more he kept you in place. Sensing the worst was over, he laughed. "So what were you making before I arrived?"
"It's -"
"Oh no, don't tell me! Let me guess, " he whispered and you gasped as his mouth hungrily sought yours, again and again, leaving you breathless and weak at the knees.
"Cookies, " he said in between kisses, as he pushed you inside the flat and closed the door behind him. 
"You're making cookies, am I right?" He said as he continued to kiss you while backing you up into the room until you reached the kitchen. He then let you go and turned his attention to the batter. "What kind of cookies are you making?"
"Butter cookies, " you responded when you finally caught your breath and looked at the mess you've made in the kitchen. "As you can see, it doesn't look very appealing right now. I didn't even bother tasting it earlier because I was just too mad and wanted to let off steam…" You trailed off as you watched him scoop a small dollop of cookie dough with his finger before making his way towards you. "Gavin?"
"Hm, " he asked, smiling mischievously at you. 
"S-so what do you think?" You asked as soon as he came face to face with you. 
"Let's see..., " he started while tracing your jaw and your neck with his finger, smearing the soft cookie dough on your skin. Leaning over, he replaced his finger with his tongue and lapped at the dough, and you gasped at the sensation of his wet tongue upon your skin. 
"It's hard to tell with such a small sample. I'm gonna need to taste it some more." Bolder this time, he moved the mixing bowl near you. You wanted to move away, but he held your wrist with one hand, keeping you in place. As soon as he turned his attention back at you, the same naughty smile returned to his face and his hazel brown eyes darkened with lust. 
With deft fingers, he unbuttoned your blouse, his eyes never leaving yours. It was trance-like, and you couldn't move if you wanted to. No sooner than he had completed his task, he circled an arm around you to unhook your bra, and shortly after, you saw him toss those aside. "Those were getting in the way, " he said, as he took another dollop of cookie dough and smudged it on your breasts, rolling it on your nipples. Your heart was pounding wildly, as he continued to coat your breast, still gazing at you like he was working on a piece of art. 
"I can't wait to taste you, " his voice hoarse with arousal and it didn't take long before you felt his mouth on your breast, lapping on the soft dough he had smeared on you. He held your breasts together and moved his lips from one nipple to the other, licking, sucking, giving them equal attention. His lips trailed back up the hollow of your collarbone, up to your neck, until it found your lips once more. You wrapped your arms around him as he lifted you up and placed you on the counter. 
"I'm gonna need you to lean back for me. I'm not done tasting you yet, " he said, pushing your skirt up, and spreading your legs. Smirking, Gavin took a generous amount of dough and spread it on your inner thigh, and you suck your breath in anticipation when he knelt in front of you. "I bet you taste heavenly, " was the last thing he whispered before he started licking the dough off, and you fight off the urge to moan louder. The only sounds in the kitchen were his incessant slurping and sucking as your muffled moans as his mouth moved higher and higher up your thigh. 
A thin sheen of sweat coated your body, your nipples were pert from the cold air and the warmth of his lips on your thigh. You writhed and bucked your hips in anticipation. You wanted more - needed more. But he stopped lapping on your thigh so abruptly, you opened your eyes to find him looking up at you. 
"This won't do, " he started. "How will you know the verdict if you keep your eyes closed the whole time? Look at me."
Your cheeks burned with embarrassment, but your pussy was aching with need and you only managed a small nod before he lowered his mouth on you once again, his tongue roved up and down your pussy. 
"Good girl, " he said, in between licks. Your whole body shivered as his tongue continued to probe your folds, sucking on your wetness. "No, no. Don't close your eyes. Watch me. Watch me taste you."
"It's impossible, Gavin… I… I..." you gasped, as he French kissed your lower lips, his tongue plunging deep into you as he watched your reactions. 
"Sorry, Gavin. I- I can't…, " you finally said as you closed your eyes and bucked your hips against his face, allowing him to fuck you with his tongue.
"Gavin, I'm close…"
"I know, baby. Cum for me." As soon as you heard him speak, your walls clamped around him. You poured your juices, and he greedily lapped on it, looking at you the whole time. 
He stood and held you firmly as you came down from your high. Around you were splotches of dough and your overturned mixing bowl, which normally would be enough to get a rise off you. You hated messy kitchens. But not tonight. Tonight, you were only concerned about one thing.
"Well, what?" 
You looked up at him curiously and saw his lips still wet with your essence. "I want to find out if you like what you tasted."
"Oh, that, " he said, his naughty smile returning. "I wouldn't recommend it to anyone else."Your eyes shot wide open, and he laughed as he watched your cheeks flush. "Because it's a taste I want to keep exclusively for me."
"I don't think that would be a problem. Will you do it again?"
"Over and over, " he promised as he scooped you in his arms, and you felt your heart race while you thought of the number of ways he was going to taste you. 
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typicalhippiegirl · 5 years
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Let's talk about something.
First off, I'm not putting this messed up, peely, gross looking tattoo up for anyone to judge (I'm not happy with it either). I'm putting this out there to help others learn from my mistakes & hopefully prevent them from going thru what I've been dealing with.
There's a tattoo expo coming to town with featured artists from out of town. I find one thru IG whose work looks clean & I like her style so I DM her about setting an appt. Shes got time this weekend yay! no waiting for the expo. -Do you see the mistakes I made already? It's so obvious to me now😓
Saturday's here, I head to the shop (for the first time) for the appointment & the moment I walk in it's like Uh, wtf? Half the shop is taped off & in the middle of a remodel (no dust or active working, just shit all moved around). I brush it off, theyre getting things ready for an expo right? They need people tattooing there, not playing pool so ya, no wonder it's a bit messy.
Next she shows me the stencil and its fuckin huge. Like I specifically said between 6-8 inches max bc it's going on my forearm & i'm not Stretch Armstrong. Shes like Oh I kept it between 8 & 10. Well ya didn't fuckin listen bc what woman has arms that long? So it's resized & idk what we were casually talking about but she def rolled her eyes at me. Look man, I'm a pretty easy going person and depending on the situation I may take a slight without saying shit. Also like low self confidence helps with that right? So anyway, at the point I should have been like Alright dude, we're not really clickin & I'm not feelin this anymore & walked TF out. I didnt. Like an idiot. I'm not gonna lie, part of it was losing put on the deposit the other part was just me telling myself it would be fine despite in my heart of hearts I knew it wasn't.
So we start. Yo, she's a Fuckin. Bitch. I wanted a theme right, this chick is supposed to be a Texas pinup, I wanted certain colors in her clothes. I asked "What colors are we thinking for her?" She actually scoffed and says "These ones" while motioning at her cups. Wow. Ok, well, fuck I don't want to ask her anything anymore so I shutup & go with it.
This shit HURTS. I'm not a pussy when it comes to pain. I have several tattoos, including fingers, toes and a whale that was particularly painful because it goes directly over my very bony shin. I've been cut, I've had a baby without drugs. Mags remind me of getting a razor cut and I find pleasure in the feeling. I can tolerate some pain and this shit sucked. Yo, at the end she switched down to a single needle and that was KILLER. I felt like I was being carved into (which, if you'd ever seen my back you'd know, I know the feeling).
Alright so finally we're finished & I roll into the next day. I'm a bit worried about the appearance and not just bc she looks like she broke her leg. It looks wet. I continue my aftercare as normal: antibac soap & aquaphor. Day 2 I'm researching infections bc it's super painful, red but mostly it's wet. I'm afraid of infection also bc this chick had the trash can right next to the station. I mean Right. Fuckin. Next to it. To the point that the trashcan lid fell onto the pad where my arm is. I want to ask her to move it but she's in such a bad mood I think it'll just make things worse & she'll be even rougher. By day 3 I've tried antibac goo & it seems to make my skin bubble where its been applied so I quickly quit using that. My arm hurts so badly at this point I cant put it down without getting shooting pains up my arm. I let it dry out so things are crusty but at least I don't find them medically disturbing. Regardless, I spend a lot of this day crying. Day 4 I'm still researching infection and come across overworked tattoos, scars & "hamburgering" My heart pretty much drops bc this is it, this is what's going on. What's even more fucked up is that I find this on forums for people learning to tattoo. Like apprentice's first few tattoos having this problem. Rookie shit, ya hear?😑
The pictures are from day 5. You can see splitting along the black lines, there's holes in the sun & near her belt. Oh and that's a thing. The hole is the sun is bc somehow a drop of green got in there so she went over it and over it and over it again with more red. Can you imagine my frustration at that point?
So look, I got this done Saturday, here it is Friday. My skin is very shiny and puckery where the peeling has come off. The scabs are thick af, I've only been moisturizing the places safe to so as of today almost everything but the cactus. Did I mention my arm still really hurts? I can't straighten it, there's pains that shoot out from the center, and why why why is my bicep sore?! I'm really worried about how the cactus is going to turn out. My skin looks bumpy between the cracks of scab. I think she used a crappy cheap green. I'm really left wondering about her experience as a tattoo artist. I'm just saying: My first tattoo was done by a scratcher in a dirty apartment bedroom. He did such a shitty job that I took the machine from him & finished it myself. Might I mention I was 16 and completely coked out of my mind? Also, I didn't hamburger myself and there was no scarring over that disaster of a tattoo (which thankfully no longer exists thanks to the aforementioned painful whale)
This whole thing has fuckin sucked. I don't want anybody else dealing with this. Let me outline some things I should have done differently so if you find yourself in the same situation you can make better decisions than I did.
1. If you're looking on IG for an artist make sure they also post healed pics not just fresh ones.
2. If you're not vibing with your artist it's ok so call it off. Look, a 60$ deposit aint shit to lose in the grand scheme of things, can you get a cover up for 60$? How about bad work or a bad experience lasered off? You can't get those deals, oh who knew? Sometimes losing money is saving it.
3. Don't get shit from travelling artists. Maybe they woke up a 3am & drove 8 hours & now they don't give a shit about anything but going home.
4. If the shop doesn't look great, walk out. Again, whats 60$ compared to your health and happiness?
This is a long post & it's not something I usually post about (lol who am I kidding? Personal tragedies are kinda my thing). It's embarrassing. I'm embarrassed how she came out, I'm embarrassed I didn't speak up, I'm embarrassed I didn't just go to the person I knew could give me a good tattoo. It wasn't even about money, I didn't get a deal on this pinup mess. All I can do is move on. Thank goodness this wasn't my first piece or I may have been totally turned off from getting anymore ink. Now all I can do is continue my aftercare, hope for the best and when the time comes I'll go visit Vinny at American Tradition and get something else on the backside of my arm to distract from this mess.
Much love my inked up friends❤
Hey and if this speaks to you like you've been in this situation or are currently in it, feel free to DM me.
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roswellroamer · 5 years
Day 3. February 1, 2020. Christchurch to Mt. Cook Village. 355km.
After a solid night's rest at our nicely appointed 3 level apartment in the Merivale neighborhood, the task of figuring out the best way to load all the gear/clothes on the bike was the first challenge of the day. With the large rolling duffel left at the bike shop I was pretty confident that everything would fit, but since I would be in a tough spot if it didn't, there was some trepidation as I bought my first pannier liner (borrowed from the Multistrada) down to the bike. The Duc has different sized panniers as one side's volume is cut nearly in half to accommodate and the Italian emphasis on aesthetics. The BMW has frame mounted and equally sized rectangular Givi plastic panniers. Our rental company informed us yesterday that although these bags have a triple clip closures and were supposed to be waterproof, they weren't "New Zealand rain-proof" as the southern and western portions of this island have rainfall measured in feet not inches! 🌧 I brought down the wider bag hoping that it would fit. Murphy once again intervened and it seemed a couple inches too wide. I decided to zip up the expansion section with some side of my body mass the same clothes were smashed a couple inches. Alas, still no go on the bag. So, a retreat to the third floor to rejigger everything. Let's just say I was glad I brought a 70l dry bag for the bike's tail. I needed it once I had to remove some items from my side/pannier. Anyway as I secured my heavier than expected tail bag with my trusty Rok Straps and slipped onto Papanui Road headed for the Southern Alps, I didn't pop a wheelie and felt that logistics weren't now just in need of some tweaking. A system to organize and pack is key to making the daily cycles of unpacking, loading, unloading, repacking an easy and stress-free task. The 70l bag gave me a large margin of error so I did overpack knowing I had this extra room if needed.
Saturday AM brought us little traffic as we rode along the other side of Hagley Park into the Westfield Riccarton area of CHC. A few other bikes were on the road and within 15-20' we started increasing our speed (in accordance with the posted limits, mostly 😉) as we left CHC and development behind. We rode past some of those horse racing tracks and saw a few jockeys wheeling around on their sulkies. For an hour or more we headed west and a bit south enmeshed in a patchwork of farmland. Flat, broken up by Irish style hedges and trees that were manicured and coerced into natural fence lines blocking wind effectively while creating visual barriers. Some small towns and without breakfast (not like me) I was tempted to call for a stop but we were aiming for Fairlie, where a few folks had impressed upon us the need to sample the pie 🥧 in Fairlie. Now when I hear pie, I'm thinking fruit. Usually cherry or apple. But the pies of note on our radar were of the meat variety! I didn't want to ruin my appetite. After a couple hours something changed. We made a turn in the road that wasn't a left or right, but an undulation. Wait, was that a hillside up ahead? All of a sudden we were in the foothills. Gone the flat farms of sheep, cows and agriculture. Now we were winding on increasingly common twisties. As we gained elevation the ambient temp dropped from around 22°C all the way down to 13.5°C (about 56°, still not really cold). We did end up stopping for a light bite in Geraldine at the Running Duck. I had a Coconut Ice (smoothie) and a heated raisin danish. A Ducati monster was parked there and he was stretching out in a chaise type lounger soaking up the sun. Bubba the elephant allowed the local server to locate us outside as most tables were full with travelers. We had taken the inland road which was recommended as more scenic and less traffic. At Geraldine we joined the main commercial road conducting summer crowds up to the Alps and Mt. Cook. A fuel stop there after the danish and off to Fairlie. We chose the Fairlie Bakery and despite the hype, were not disappointed with the buttered chicken and mushroom pie. 😋 We had passed some more interesting farms that included emu, caribou, deer, alpaca along with the more common farm animals. We were now traversing and crossing glacial runoff/moraine. The distinctive turquoise color of the glacial water is visually magnetic. 👀 It is caused by the silt or "rock flour" the water carries and is very distinctive.
Next on the Day 3 hit parade were two stunning glacial lakes. Lake Tekapo and the oft photographed stone Church of the Good Shepherd prompted a photo stop along with a hundred Chinese tourists. It sits near the road overlooking the colorful lake with a view of Mt. Cook aka "Aoraki" in Maori towering to 12,218'. Loads of small RV's everywhere too! #rvlife Riding past Tekapo on to Lake Pukaki which was equally turquoise. Afternoon had brought us a high, thin overcast which kept us from capturing the water's full visual splendor. It is still over 50kms from Pukaki to the end of the road here in Mt. Cook village as you wind up the valley and the glacial run-off becomes a river feeding the lake. There are a number of sizable glaciers here. We are going to tour glaciers by boat later on the ride at Milford Sound so we'll just enjoy the blue glacier ice from the valley floor today. There are a number of well marked trails through the unique alpine environment here as the whole area is a national park. Some trails through woods, others pass over hills to provide panoramic views of the Hooker and Tasman glaciers (the matter is the longest in NZ). Lodging here is limited and we opted to stay at the very nice Hermitage resort. Upon check-in we were informed the room wasn't ready. A bit of persuasion involving the manager whom we requested promptly solved the 1 1/2 hour previously proclaimed delay for a room not yet ready and a corner room with a spectacular view was provided. 😊 We're gonna explore the area for a bit now and hardly think the pics will do today justice but I'll attach 10 to follow. The weather has held off and so far no rain. Tomorrow is supposed to be different but we'll see if the meteorologists are again proven to be inaccurate. We walked through a heavily wooded seemingly tropical path on the way to a dinner which was accompanied by some dense bushes, trees and stairs. A bit of interesting history regarding Aoraki. Sir Edmund Hillary, a Kiwi born in Auckland who is best known for being the first man to climb Everest, cut his teeth on this mountain. 6 years prior to his successful assault on Everest with Tenzing Norgay he was learning the skills needed for the Himalayas right here. https://teara.govt.nz/en/photograph/28327/hillary-and-ayres-on-aorakimt-cook-1947 Mt. Cook has claimed over 80 lives this past century.
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breathebangtan · 5 years
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Ch. 2: Comfort
Genere: FallenGuardianAngel!Jimin, Supernatural
Members: Jimin
Pairings: Jimin x y/n
Synopsis: love is an uncontrollable feeling, even for those who were meant to protect, and only protect. Nothing more and nothing less. Yet somehow, there was always outliers.
Warnings: A slight traumatic incident
Word count: 4.4k
A/N: don’t forget to like and reblog if you enjoy!
Ch.1 | Ch.3
“Tell me if it's too much, okay?” He says as he opens up the little square packet in between his fingers. I just nod slowly, trying to look away. The longer I was around him, the less overwhelmed I felt. It wasn't much, but it was something, and I'd take anything at this point. Fainting in front of a stranger just wasn't an option. My eyes squinted slightly once I realized he was about to start. “I'll be gentle.” He smiled, the warmest, most inviting smile I'd ever seen. The concern that laced his eyes was still very much there. I questioned why he was so concerned, I was a stranger to him. Was it normal for someone to be worried about a stranger the way he was about me?
My thoughts stopped as I felt the wet wipe touch my elbow. The sting of the alcohol caused me to involuntarily yelp, which got us a suspicious glare from the clerk. “I'm sorry. I'm not usually this whimsical, I'm just a little out of it.” He giggled lightly at my comment. I wanted to feel embarrassed but I was feeling too comfortable in his presence. You'd think I'd be filled with liquid courage right now, but I wasn't. The scrape on my elbow was burning and I wasn't able to control myself. I wasn't sure why I was so out of it. Maybe the fact that I was tipsy, a little post-panic still running inside me, and this overwhelming feeling, filling my senses. I guess my body just didn't know how to react? It was being extra sensitive.
My head wouldn't stop spinning with questions however. It was just so confusing why this feeling was suddenly so strong? I mean, I usually felt it when I was alone. Yes, when I had been in unpleasant situations, the feeling came back. But after the situation was over the feeling would fade away again. Ever since this blonde guy came around though, it was much more stronger and overwhelming, and it wasn't going away. Back there, when he had asked me to walk away, I felt it fade slightly, but the second he appeared again it all came crashing back.
It was worse than the first week, it was like someone let the chains loose and everything hit me full force. Making the first week seem like a walk in the park. Was I going crazy? Or was he causing this? I must be crazy, because how could he cause this?
My thoughts were pushed back once I felt him place a bandaid on the scrape. I breathed in relief. “One more to go.” He cheers slightly, opening another disinfectant wipe, to which my eyes open wide. “What? I thought we were done!” He can only chuckle at my exasperated reaction. “The first one is always the worst, trust me.” He reaches for my arm, getting ready, disinfectant wipe in the other hand. “How would you know? Are you an expert? You must be part of the nursing department, do we go to school together?” I ask him, causing him to have an amused look on his face. “All done.” My eyes go wide, once again.
“I didn't even feel that. How'd you?” I take a look at my arm. It's all patched up. “I told you.” He smiles as he throws the garbage away. My breath seems to stabilize, the panic I had felt subsides as well. “You really didn’t have to do all this, even back there. Thank you, for everything.” I grabbed my purse as I told him, getting myself ready to leave.
“It was nothing, really. I may have overheard what was going on. I needed to make sure you were fine.” He shrugs it off, whatever the reason may be, I was thankful things didn’t escalate any further because of him. “Well, either way I’m grateful… I guess I’ll get going now.” I wave goodbye at him. As soon as I step out of the shelter that the drug store provided, the cold nights breeze came crashing against my body. Causing chills all over, I could only rub my arms to try and keep warm.
“Here, take my sweater.” I turned around to see him taking it off, leaving him in a plain white tee. “Oh no, you’ve already done so much. I couldn’t.” I shook my hands, insisting that it wasn’t necessary, but he wouldn’t budge. “Please, I’ll be fine.” He stretches his arm to me, waiting for me to take it. I give in after a second. “You really didn’t have to, thank you.” I quickly pulled it over my head and poked my arms through, indulging in its warmth. The scent of warm vanilla mixed with roses and lavender filled my senses. “I can walk you home if you don’t mind, just to make sure you get home safe.” He asks, but the fact that he’s walking with me already clues me in. I just nod in response. Besides, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t still a bit worried that, that psycho from earlier would come back.
Just as we were closing up on my apartment complex, my phone rang. I really didn’t want to deal with anything now, everything that had happened had caused me a big enough headache, I didn’t need to add more. Didn’t even need to look at the caller id to know who it was. Contemplating whether I should answer it or not, my finger hovering over the answer button. “Maybe she’s worried about you.”
“Maybe, but knowing her, she probably just wants to know if I left the party with someone.” I rolled my eyes as I clicked the end button on Rae’s call, shoving my phone back in my purse. I’d call her, just not now. The rest of the short walk to my apartment was peaceful after that. There wasn’t any creeps lurking, no commotions of any sorts. Everything went smoothly, which put my wild thoughts to rest. The birds up in the trees chirping and the wind whistles helped a lot too, and as odd as I found it for a stranger to insist on making sure I was safe, I appreciated his concern. It's not like it wasn't nice for him to worry about me, or that a person shouldn't be concerned for another, for the simple fact that they're strangers. It was quite the opposite, I just never saw enough of that kindness. All the other times I got into altercations people just looked the other way, all I’m saying is I’m not use to such kindness. Maybe that’s why I found it so strange.
Finally, we made it to my apartment complex. I stopped in front of it to thank my rescuer one last time. “Well, this is me. I’m really thankful that you stepped in, I know you didn’t have to do all that. So, thank you, really.” I could only smile at him, as he shook his head at me. “Nonsense, I had to. What kind of person would I be if I just walked away.” He seemed like such a genuinely good guy, that, and the energy he radiated was so comforting. In contrast to that jerk from the party.
I was just about to turn around to leave when I remembered the sweater. I started to take it off but was stopped by him, “Keep it, it’ll keep you warm.” I wanted to protest that he’d need it more, he still had to walk home and I would be warm inside. However, he started to walk away from me and I figured it would be a waste of time. I just laughed it off, as I walked up to my apartment door. A few flights of stairs, and there I was, picking my lock. After a few tries it finally opened, letting me in to the warmth and familiarity of my apartment. “Oh, how I missed you!” I whispered to myself, in excitement as I locked my front door. As soon as I had I ran to my bedroom and jumped on my bed, indulging in its comfy embrace. It was good to be back.
The next morning started with the annoying vibration of my phone against my bed stand, causing me to shuffle around in my bed sheets. “Hello?” I answered it, voice semi groggy, causing me to clear my throat as I listened to the other end. “I know it’s your day off, but Sammy couldn’t make it to work. Is there anyway you can make it? I need you here at 8.” My boss’s voice came through too loud through the phone, causing a minor headache. Quickly, I checked the time on the screen, it was 7:20 now. I wished so desperately I could say no, but I needed this job. “I’ll be there soon.” I didn’t get a response from him, he’d hung up. A loud yell muffled by my pillow later and I was up.
I was supposed to have a stress free weekend, relax at home, eat yummy food. But no, instead I spent my Friday night getting forced into a party I didn’t want to be at, followed home by some creep. Thankfully rescued by the sweetest guy I’d ever come across, and now I’d have to work on my Saturday morning with half a hangover. Great.
Although, come to think of it, I never got that blonde guys name. Then again, he never asked for mine either. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to see him again. His kindness had gotten me, so caring towards me even though we'd just met.
Not too long later, I had finished getting ready for work. I got my things ready and walked out. “Let’s do this.” I cheered myself on as I walked down the stairs. The cafe shop was relatively close, which was one of the benefits when I first got the job. I was thankful now more than ever, because I needed to be there soon. As close as it was though, the walk was longer than I had anticipated. Honestly, could he be mad at me? He called me on such short notice. Literally forty minutes before I had to be there. I managed though, arriving with five minutes to spare. “Oh, you're here, thank god. Ask Lauren to give you the list of the current orders.” My boss was quick to rush me into the kitchen. Being a barista was fun, occasionally. Not on days like today though, it was devastatingly busy. Too many people to count on my own hands and feet, even if I included my coworkers as well. “How'd we get so popular? You'd think the Starbucks across the street would be stealing all the customers.” I commented at Lauren, who laughed as she showed me the orders that were in place.
I started to make the drinks alongside her. We tried our best to finish quickly and efficiently. Which must have worked, because our tip jars were starting to fill twice as fast. “We make a great team, don't we y/n?” Lauren asked, giving me a high five as she walked by me, starting up a new drink. She wasn't wrong, we were doing great. It didn't take long for us to get the shop to slow down. Everyone had been helped and served. All but one. A young man, wearing a black leather jacket, that matched the pitch black shade of his hair, which fell perfectly over his forehead. As a matter of fact, his whole outfit was black. His eyes quickly glanced over our menu before he stood In front of the counter.
“What can I get for you today?” I kindly asked, smile spread on my face. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't felt an odd aura around him. I couldn't explain it even if I wanted to, it was something I never felt before. It was like there was a slight emptiness inside me, but somehow I was okay with that sudden vacancy. Like it could become addictive. “An iced Americano.” His words brought me out, but pushed me right back in once I saw his eyes. Intriguing, yes, but not in a pleasant way like I would have liked
“Yes, of course. It'll be three fifty.” I choked out, my mouth was starting to dry out. Making it hard for my words to come out. He handed me over the money, and I quickly placed his order. I ran back to the kitchen to make his drink, Lauren laughing at me, for a reason I didn't know yet. “What? Did I do something?” I ask her, completely oblivious to what was going on. That only made it funnier for her, causing a confused smile to spread across my face. “Haven't you seen a cute guy before? He got you all choked up and everything!” She started to laugh loudly again. I gave her a playful push, as I reached for a lid. “That's not what happened.” I glared at her, shaking my index at her, signaling a no. I walked over to the counter, calling out the drink.
The young man walked up and grabbed it. “Have a nice d-“ I was cut off by him placing something into the pocket of my apron, leaving me confused. “I’ll see you around.” He smiles at me before leaving, I watch his body disappear before turning back. Lauren is already holding back her laughter. “Are you okay? Did he tip you?” I can only shrug, it must have been what he placed in there, no? What else could it be? “It has to be, I don’t know what else he could have placed in there. Did he not see the tip jar? He didn’t have to do that.” I shake my head, he invaded my personal space, he was a customer. That wasn’t okay, besides his aura had me feeling odd.
I shrugged it off and got back to work. I figured he just wanted to make sure I’d be the one to keep the tip. Was my service that great? All I did was serve him an iced americano. He was probably just a generous tipper. The rest of the morning was busy, but not as busy as it was early on in the morning. I couldn’t help but wonder if Sammy was okay, or if he just wasn’t feeling work today, deciding not to come in. Either way, I envied him. These were supposed to be my days off, but here I was instead, covering for him. Which wouldn’t have been so bad, if it wasn’t as busy, but it was.
My eyes kept going back to the clock on the wall, counting the literal seconds until my shift was over. I couldn’t wait to go home and just relax. Finally, i was two mocha lattes and one caramel macchiato away from leaving. Smile on my lips, as I prepared the drinks. I couldn’t help the happiness I felt, knowing I was so close to being back home, buried in blankets. I finished the drinks and called them out, waiting for the customers to pick them up. Once they had, I walked back to clock out. “Thank the heavens, I’m going home!” I whispered to myself.
It was currently 4pm. The sun was still high up in the sky, as I walked out the back door, heading home. People were bustling around, probably because most of them had just gotten out of work, or picking up their children from school. I popped in my earphones, playing some music while I walked home. The cool breeze was relaxing as I shut off my thoughts and enjoyed the walk home. The sky was a light orange tint where the sun was, with elaborate shaped clouds that looked so soft. The green trees were a beautiful contrast against the sky. Aside from the noise of the cars, the atmosphere was peaceful.
I was so drowned in the setting, that I hadn't even noticed the loud car horn. By the time I heard it, the car was inches away from me, my heart stopping. The car was rushing towards me, from the corner of my eye, I noticed another car had crashed into its rear. I bid my goodbyes to this world in those last seconds, that moved in slow motion for me. I was ready to let go, not because I wanted to but because I knew I had to. My eyes shut close, not being able to bear seeing the end of my life. Or so I thought that's what would happen, but I felt someone else's body slam against mine, pushing me out of the way. The hit broke me out of my paralyzed state. I felt myself choke out a breath, breathing erratically. What had just happened?
I allowed my eyes to slowly open. Scared to see what the scene looked like. “Are you okay?” A familiar voice said from beside me. Just like last night, the feelings of warmth and comfort came crashing back. I tried my best to ignore it as I took in the totaled car that crashed against the cement wall that was being trapped by the truck behind it, equally as trashed. The drivers seemed to be badly injured. Disregarding the familiar voice asking if I was fine, I ran to the other side of the cars. The driver of the truck seemed to be gaining consciousness, but the woman in the car wasn’t moving. I quickly opened the door, pushing her body back by her shoulders, I was being careful not knowing how badly she was injured. “Hey? Can you hear me?” I asked her as I looked at her body, her shins were both bleeding, as the car had caved in on itself. Her forehead was bleeding as well. “Are you okay?” I asked again, reaching over to unbuckle her seat belt. I wasn’t sure what to do in this situation, but leaving her in the car didn’t seem like a good idea.
I gathered up all the strength in my body to carry her out, but I didn’t have to carry her for long. The familiar face from Friday night took her from me, placing her safely against the wall. Was he the one who pushed me out the way? He looked back at me after he made sure she was ok. “You never answered me, are you okay?” He asked me once again, coming closer. Were these feelings really attached to him? It couldn’t be, I felt these when I was alone too. So why was it so overwhelmingly prominent when he was around me? I couldn’t think straight because of all the different emotions going around inside me. “We, uh, should help him out too.” I gestured to the man in the truck.
I helped him bring the guy out, as soon as we had I called 911. I explained everything that had happened to them, to which they had said they’d send out help and I hung up. We waited for them to arrive after that, but the adrenaline that was in my body started to leave, and I started to feel a bit shaken up. “Hey, it’ll be alright. Don’t worry.” The blonde next to me reassured. He rubbed my back, comfortingly, and just like before, his presence had calmed me down. The rest of the time waiting was spent with me staring off into nothing, with my mind at a blank. It wasn’t long before the cops and ambulance arrived to the scene.
One cop pulled the two of us aside, asking us questions about the situation. The blonde guy was talking to the cop first, but I was so out of it that I didn’t hear a thing they said until the cop snapped his fingers at me. “Miss, are you alright?” He asks me, slowly I nodded at him. “She’s been like this for awhile now, I think she’s a bit shaken up.” He pats my back slowly, it’s as if he knows that his presence alone calms me down. “Yeah, I wouldn’t blame her, it’s quite a traumatic experience.” The cop is sympathetic with my current state. “Miss, I need to ask you some questions about the accident. Do you think you can do that?” I nod once again at him. I clear my throat, trying to get words out. The cop takes the cue and beckons another. “Do me a favor and get her some water.” He nods at him and rushes off. I take a look at the blonde beside me, he reassuringly smiles at me.
The cop started his inquiry, and I tried my best to answer him as accurately as possible. Awhile later, and the sun was starting to set, my watery eyes being dried out by the cool breeze. After the cop was done asking me questions, I was taking to the ambulance to get patched up. Shortly after I was allowed to leave.
“Would you like me to walk you home?” He asks me, as I start walking away from everything to go home. “Honestly, I would really appreciate that.” I nod, a small smile on my lips. I was just happy I didn’t have to go home alone.
“Thank you for saving me earlier, I really owe you my life. You’ve saved me twice now.” I’m telling him this as calmly as I can, but truth be told, I was still trembling. “Remember what I said before? I had to step in.” His words were laced with so much concern, and I wasn’t sure how to feel about it. On one hand I really appreciated it. He was so kind, and maybe that’s why he cared so much. “You know, I never got your name.” I took a second to look at him, how his hair was pushed back by the breeze, the way his eyes scanned the area in front on him. “I’m Jimin, and you?” He looked over at me too, his beautiful eyes staring back at mine. He had a kind of beauty I had never seen before. One that seemed like it didn’t belong to this world.
“I’m Y/n. It’s nice to officially meet you.” I was afraid that I’d run out of things to talk about, because I knew if I did I’d tear up, and this time I would cry. As if he sensed it, he started to make small talk with me. “Did you call your friend back. Rae, was it?” I’m surprised he’d remembered her name. I knew he’d read her name on my screen, I just didn’t think he’d care to remember. “Actually, I have not. I was so busy with work and now this, that I just haven’t had time.” He nodded, taking in the information.
“Well, just don’t keep her in the dark too long. She might worry, no?” He suggested, and I was sure Rae would worry if I ghosted her for the rest of the weekend. It would be a good idea to make time to call her. “Yeah, you’re probably right.” A sigh escaped my mouth, I was starting to feel tired. Thankfully the rest of the walk was peaceful, with him keeping me busy with his questions. I don’t think I could ever express how thankful I was towards him.
Finally, we arrived in front of my apartment complex. Just like the prior night, I stood in front of it, turning to face him. “Thank you for walking me home, and for saving me back there. I can’t tell you enough how much I am. I’m seriously in debt to you.” He shakes his head, he takes a step closer to me. “You don’t owe me anything, the fact that you’re still alive is enough.” He brushes back a strand of my hair. “Now go inside.” He turns me around and gives me a slight push. I shake my head, but continue walking. Every time I thanked him he brushed it off like it wasn’t anything big, as if it was his job to keep me safe. The rational side of me wanted to question it, but I just couldn’t find a reason to do so. No one had cared for me that way aside from Rae. Of course, my patents as well, but I was enjoying being cared about too much to question his motives. Rae had just recently come into my life. It wasn’t a feeling I was all that use to, and it was nice.
I ran up the stairs to my door, wanting to be in the comfort of my home. Desperately putting my key in and unlocking the door. I breathed relieved. My body leaned against the door once I had locked it again. I sighed loudly as I take my shoes off. As soon as I was away from Jimin I had felt the warmth leave too, making me feel the traumatic emotions of earlier again. Not knowing how I’d respond to the sudden feelings beginning to bubble up, I walked to my living room. A couple steps in and I collapsed on myself. Frantically breathing as I cried. Eyes shut closed, shaking hand over my mouth. Suddenly I felt myself inside the most inviting embrace. “It’ll be alright, you’re going to be okay.” Jimin’s voice spoke out to me.
I threw myself against him, holding onto him too desperately. “I thought I’d die! My life flashed before me, and I let myself accept death. I was ready for it…” I cried against his shoulder as he rubbed my back, soothing my pain.
“I’m here, I won’t let you get hurt. Ever.”
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