#and then juvia came along and ruined everything about him and the anime
gralunaisland · 2 years
as a fan of fairy tail am i the only one that can't continue to watch it because of all the gruvia/juvia scenes?
I really relate to you, my friend. During my last rewatch of Fairy Tail, I actually had to skip through most of her scenes; they were that painful. I skipped her entire introduction fight against Gray in the Phantom Lord arc. I watched enough of her to remind myself of my eternally burning hatred for her and her ship though.
I totally feel you though: I don't think I'll watch FT 100YQ when it comes to anime form because the rampant, blatant, canon gr///via would completely ruin it for me. There would be no escaping it unlike with the first iteration of Fairy Tail.
And I don't think you and I are being overdramatic, as some Pros might say. Do they really want to shame us for being completely disturbed and unamused by a toxic, unhealthy yet heavily lauded and promoted ship? If they want to, that's their prerogative. But it's honestly draining of your mental health to have your eyeballs bombarded by a ship where an abusive woman finally chained up her browbeaten, manipulated, gaslit, Stockholm Syndrome-d victim.
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anti-gruvia-blog · 1 month
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Oh God, don’t remind me… 😠
I think it’s so creepy that Juvia has a full on Gray shrine in her house, yet she’s somehow seen as the ‘perfect love interest for him’… like WTF is THAT? 🤦‍♂️
Like seriously, Juvia just legit freaks out at the thought of Gray having other friends that are girls. You’re seriously telling me that I’m supposed to believe that Gray likes Juvia even though she does that? Yeah right, I don’t buy that for a single second. 🤦‍♂️
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Gray didnt deserve this he used to be such an amazing character and then juvia came along and ruined everything about him and the anime
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fallen029 · 5 years
The guild teases Miraxus and they don’t know the two are already dating AU *^* can you please do it for me?
For what it’s worth, I’ve done something similar before here, here, and here. Plus a bunch others where they’re secretly together that I just can’t think of right now. 
The day was actually kind of boring. That’s what Lisanna thought as she sat around with Natsu and Happy, the feline sucking on a fish head, the slayer rested with his head flat on the table, drooling a bit in his sleep. It wasn’t because everyone fun was gone. No way. Team Shadow Gear was around, all of Natsu’s team, and most of the slayers. Oh, even the Thunder Legion seemed to be hanging about, Bickslow filtering between bothering different women in the hall while Freed tried to smooth over any bridges his friend burned. And Evergreen sat by, at a table close to Elfman’s., but not too close, so that she could make eyes at him, but not too clear eyes, and the inebriated man couldn’t quite tell what he was supposed to gather from this.
Maybe it was just Lisanna was bored. Everyone else seemed to be going about their normal, everyday schedule. Erza was lecturing the lessers in the hall, Nab was trying hard not to be seen so he didn’t end up on the receiving end of this, Wakaba and Macao were smoking their pipes as Romeo sat by, explaining his most recent feat out on a job.
Everything was normal.
And normal was boring that day, for Lisanna.
“Do you guys wanna go on a job or something?” she asked Natsu who wasn’t snoozing so deeply he couldn’t wave her off, but Happy was kind enough to spit out his fish just to truly address her.
“We can’t today,” he informed her. “We already told Lucy no, even though she needs jewels.”
“Then she could come too.”
“But then we’d have to actually go on a job, Lisanna.”
He felt like she was missing the point.
She felt like he wasn’t making one.
“Well, don’t you at least want to do something fun?” she insisted that time. “Happy? Watching Natsu drown in his own spit is about as great as watching paint dry.”
“Oh, I’m plenty entertained.”
“It’s really creepy, cat, to stare at a girl from across the room so pointedly.”
Lucy was back then, taking her place at the table as Happy only glared, finally looking away from where Carla was pointedly ignoring him. But Lisanna was glad to see the blonde.
“Do you think,” she asked quickly, “that you still wanna go on that job? We could go together.”
“Oh, really?” Lucy was quick to nod. “Yeah, we just-”
“Hey!” Happy was even more annoyed now. “You guys can’t go together.”
“Why not?” Lucy asked as Lisanna also awaited an answer.
“Because… You can’t go without me and Natsu! You need us.”
“Awe, Happy,” Lisanna giggled while the celestial mage only rolled her eyes.
“Hardly,” she offered back in response.
“Do too,” the feline insisted. “What if you wanna fly up somewhere real high?”
“I can transform, Happy, into a bird,” Lisanna reminded.
“Well… Natsu, they’re trying to ditch us!”
“Let ‘em,” he grumbled against the table. “You guys keep wakin’ me up.”
“Maybe because you’re trying to sleep in a crowded guildhall,” Lucy retorted though it only got a hand lifted to wave her off.
“Let me go check with sis that she and Kinana have everything at the bar,” Lisanna said as she almost bounced up. But then she noticed Mirajane coming towards her and paled a bit. “Oh, no.”
“Lisanna,” her older sister began in that tone and Lucy cried in lost jewels. “Hey, I had something come up. Do you think that you could cover for me?”
“What could possibly come up?” the youngest Strauss complained because of course she would. Do what her sister asked. She always would. “Mira? You’ve been working all day.”
But her sister just gave her a sympathetic look. “It’s only a few hours til closed.”
“Hours?” Lisanna groaned. “What are you going to do?”
“Something,” Mira told her with a look, “personal.”
Lucy giggled then, into her palm. “Something?”
“Or someone?” Happy asked around his fish head. But Mira was never one for bashfulness and just gave them a look too that more or less confirmed it and suddenly the day got a lot more entertaining.
As her sister disappeared off into the sunset (or at least out of the hall), Lisanna completely balked on any gross barmaid duties (yuck) and instead stood now, at the table with Happy and Lucy, discussing just who it was that Mira was rushing off to go meet.
“It has,” Lisanna told the two of them (plus the snoozing once more Natsu), “to be someone in the hall.”
“Why though?” Lucy asked, taking an uncertain glance all about.
“Because she didn’t have plans before she got here. She only made them a few minutes ago, I bet. And no non-member came in during that time. So, clearly, it was within this building that Mirajane found someone to hookup with.”
But Happy and Lucy sat there, staring at Lisanna.
“You get real serious,” the feline offered, “when I comes to this stuff, huh?”
“This is prime gossip material, Happy. Us Strauss sisters don’t play about that thing,” Lisanna told him. “Even when it comes to one of us. It pains me to have to sacrifice Mirajane, but I would expect, no, hope, that she’d do the same to me.”
“Well,” Lucy offered with a bit of a weary glance, “as long as you’re sure.”
“I am.”
“Okay, so we can knock the easy ones out of the way first,” Happy offered the girls as, now with only bones, he sat his lunch down to stand up, on the table, and take some good glances all about. “Well, Natsu’s here, sleeping, so he’s not goig to be- Unless, is this a long con? Natsu?”
“Just let me sleep,” he complained into his puddle of drool and, well, it’s not like either woman took him as a serious candidate for Mira anyways.
“And,” Lucy took over then, looking around as well, “Wakaba and Macao-”
“Yeah, gross. Sis has standards,” Lisanna agreed. “Max?”
“He stays outside at the gift shop. And Mira’s only been inside,” Lucy sighed.
“Nab?” Happy offered up.
“He’s been hiding from Erza all day.”
“Oh, hey,” the cat offered then. “How do we know that Mira’s not meeting a woman? Huh? We don’t. Maybe she’s meeting Erza.”
“Only if she wants to be lectured,” Lisanna whispered bitterly, a past causality in the swordswoman’s war of laziness.  
“Well, Levy and Gajeel have only been talking to one another and Lily all day,” Lucy move right along as she ran her eyes over each and every table. “Cana is passed out, I think, and Gray is-”
“Gray.” Happy decided it for all of them. “Mira and Gray are sneaking off to go hookup. I’d stake everything on-”
“Gray?” Natsu, suddenly, was animated as he bounced out of his seat. “Where’s that bastard? How dare you…you… What did he do wrong?”
“Slept with Mirajane.”
“Happy,” both Lisanna and Lucy complained because it was a fun game, between just the three of them, but when you added in the risk of others hearing about it, suddenly it was less a game and more bullying. Maybe. Something close to it.
“He what?”
Juvia had happened by in that moment, headed over to where the ice mage was sitting close by to Cana, sipping on a beer and minding his own damn business only for, of course, the stupid Salamander and his two bimbos to ruin his day. Of course. Like always.
“No-” Lucy tried, but it was too late. Reeling this back in had long sailed away.
“I demand,” Juvia yelled as she stalked over to Lisanna, “retribution.”
“So do I!” Natsu for far less noble reasons. “Gray!”
The ice mage hadn’t heard all of it, but enough to know what was going on and didn’t even glance over there.
“I’m not going off to fuck Mirajane. Thanks for putting my shit out there though.”
“You’re welcome,” Happy offered as Natsu tried to think of another good reason to go beat the snot out of the other guy. He decided he didn’t need one (the idea of fighting for Mira’s honor had kinda been a bit flimsy anyways; he really didn’t care anything about those sorts of things) and instead bounded off anyways, to fight with Gray while Juvia regarded Lisanna with suspicion, but let her off the hook. Happy though had just taken to scanning around the room some more. “What about Bickslow? He’s always creeping on women.”
“No more,” Lucy complained with a glare. “You ruined the game. You-”
“What’s the game, huh?” They’d gotten the interest of Macao and Wakaba at least, the latter calling over to them. “Some sort of…wager to see who can sleep with Mirajane?”
“Out of luck,” Macao retorted. “Only open to those who aren’t married.”
“Dad,” Romeo groaned because ugh, he was so embarrassing.
“What a vulgar game,” Carla stifled, over where she sat with Wendy, the young teen looking a bit red, just from the suggestion of it.
“I agree!” Suddenly, Happy was flying away as Natsu finally bum rushed Gray and, well, things were deteriorating fast. “I would never be a part of such a gross game, Carla.”
“I mean, yeah, I don’t think you’d be in the running,” Lucy called after him, somewhat bemused.
“At least,” Erza announced from the center of the hall as she looked on at all of them with evident disdain, “Mirajane is doing something occupy her time. Unlike the rest of you.”
Something, someone. Yeah, yeah. Lisanna didn’t feel like jokes any longer as she continued to scan about. She could hear her brother, now annoyed at the implications the others were making, but she didn’t go off to calm him down because she knew, if she just thought hard enough, then…
“Where,” she asked Lucy, “is Laxus?”
“He was here,” she insisted. “All the slayers are. I remember thinking that. But he’s gone now.”
“Is he not- No, I guess he’s not,” Lucy agreed as she glanced over in the corner where the man had been seated before, drinking and listening to his music. Still, it was Lisanna’s turn to get a wondering grin out of the blonde as she said, “Yeah, but you don’t think… Mira and Laxus-”
“No fucking way.” Macao blew literal smoke at the suggestion. “Sparky and Mirajane? He’s nowhere close to being in her league.”
“Laxus is in a league of his own!” Freed would not take for such slander. Abandoning smoothing over all of Bickslow’s misgivings, he came over to make his peace known. “There is no one that comes even close to him. He could cast his net right here, right now, and capture all of you in it!”
“What does that even mean?” Lucy giggled softly to Lisanna, but the girl was only thinking hard.
Mira and Laxus…
The last time her sister had a date, the man had been around too. Lisanna remembered, because she had to cover Mira’s shift for her and Laxus had just arrived back and left, suddenly, canceling his request of a plate of food just as Lisanna was taking over for the leaving Mirajane. And the time before that, when Mira had left the house to meet some mystery guy…hadn’t she and Natsu stalked Laxus for the beginning of that day, in hopes of tricking him into fighting the other slayer?
Mira and Laxus…
“Are you okay?” Lucy laughed that time in discomfort and even reached out to pat at the woman’s arm. “Lisanna?”
“Uh, yeah, I am.” She sobered quickly, standing fully. “I have to get back to work. Well, actually start working, I guess. Who knows who Mira’s off with, you know?”
“Yeah, I agree,” Lucy sighed as she watched with disinterest when Erza moved to knock both Gray and Natsu in the head for tussling in the hall. “Probably no one that interesting anyways.”
“Probably,” Lisanna agreed though, inwardly, she knew, oh, she fucking knew, “not.”
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anti-gruvia-blog · 15 days
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The fact that Juvia moved her scar from her heart just to match Gray is disgusting.
Actually she didnt even have to keep that scar. Her body is made out of water. She can just remove it. But instead she moved it just to match Gray.
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anti-gruvia-blog · 1 month
Gray didnt deserve this he used to be such an amazing character and then juvia came along and ruined everything about him and the anime
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