#and then it reared its ugly head again
khruschevshoe · 6 months
Every day I wake up and try to move on from this show, but I end up spending two minutes screaming into my closet about the fact that my boy Lucius kept getting told to shut up about his trauma in this season and that his "happy ending" was only given to him once he shut up and "moved on" and stopped being angry and that this was somehow portrayed as the healthiest reaction to trauma on the show.
But hey, if Frenchie's box and Izzy's shark and Archie's "they always get away with it" worked for them, why wouldn't it work for Lucius?
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supecci · 5 months
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🦋 ˚˖⁺‧₊ ˚ ˖₊‧⁺˖
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suchaspookyginger · 13 days
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Summer of Lawlu: 6/13
Confession | Heart Swap | “I thought I lost you”
it’s technically still thursday on the us/canadian west coast! (i say - living very much not on the west coast lmaooo) anyway I’m finally halfway through Wano, so a post Gear 5 awakening moment felt apt 💕
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scxvnger · 1 year
every day I am finding it harder and harder to be normal about thousands of years worth of reincarnations of the same pair of childhood best friends
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st-louis · 2 years
filming day.
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mars-ipan · 7 months
do you guys think aziraphale heard the myth of prometheus for the first time and lost his mind a little
#marzi speaks#good omens#aziraphale#this is lighthearted but also not at all. i just don’t have big words rn#can you imagine though. aziraphale is gomensverse’s prometheus#he brought humans fire.#do you think he heard of prometheus and suddenly his fear of disobeying god reared its ugly head with a vengeance#do you think he remembered lying to god about it. wondered if it was that that would do him in instead of the original theft#do you think he spent nights upon nights wondering when he would be chained to his rock#wondering when his crow would come eat his liver for all of eternity#do you think he wondered if it already had?#not in the shape of a crow- but of a snake- a charming snake that slithered over and ate his heart again and again and again#he had appeared shortly after aziraphale gave up the sword; after all. aziraphale told him and everything#perhaps that was his punishment. perhaps She was playing a cruel little game by sending him someone he wanted so much but could never have#maybe that was the rock. the chain. the inability to move- to do anything more than sit there in anguish#the crow came in the form of that sharp mind and clever tongue. it dug straight to the core of his heart and tore it to shreds#picked it apart; observed; and ate#do you think he worried on and off about that for centuries. millenia#do you think he thought about it every time that demon of his did something so utterly charming#‘oh- there’s another piece of my heart- a morsel for him to savor again and again’#do you think he thought about it when he kissed. felt those lips on his like a sharp beak straight through his body#do you think he minded. do you think he thought ‘i would lay in these chains forever if you would just do that again; right now.’#do you think he broke those chains anyway.#I’M INSAAANE turns out i did have big words for it
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kazoologist · 4 months
gonna suggest a substantial part of f1 season antics to be having logan read real and true facts about florida's ecology and invasive species to other drivers who experience all five stages of grief with every word
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killjo-q · 6 months
Been rly productive lately compared to the past few months and I’m finally sleeping ok( atleast everyday now (instead of the every other day like before…) . Have been able to do a lot but it doesn’t feel like i’m doing enough still :’)
Like I know I can draw faster, or I could work for longer than this (i used to draw like 10 hours when i was obsessing over something lol) , but damn brain just crashes after just a few hours and it cannot stay on task anymore even though I rly want to just finish more.
but anyway, my sleep schedule is starting to look like an average adults’ sleep sched so wahoo🙌
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densitywell · 9 months
ultimately the thing about the, "how dare the rest of Bells Hells debate whether to save the gods or not when Orym's family was killed by the people trying to kill the gods" take is that a personal tragedy is not a determinative argument, especially wrt an issue this fundamentally world-altering. its completely understandable that Orym finds the deaths of Will and Derrig inextricable from this topic. what's being demanded of him emotionally is enormous. but nothing about being in opposition to the gods requires that someone take the actions Ludinus and the Ruby Vanguard have taken, and they are far from the sole representatives of this ideology. and Will and Derrig's actual feelings regarding the gods had very little to do with their deaths.
(and, really: if the deaths of Orym's family makes questioning the gods' place unconscionable, than what does Aeor make of supporting them?)
beyond that: the discomfort of a single individual does not disallow a topic from discussion. it's an indication to tread lightly, with care and patience for that individual. but it is not grounds to consider a conversation as vast and complex as this one decided. especially given that Orym is far from the only member of the Hells who has intense emotions and traumas tied up in this; Orym's feelings should not take precedent over, for example, the negative experiences Ashton and Laudna have had with gods and their followers.
but also, like, even if you truly believe that anyone being ambivalent or antagonistic towards the gods in this situation is self-centered and wrong, unconditional support is simply not where the Hells are at. and if they don't talk about it now, they're gonna have to talk about it later, when they're being asked to put their hand on the scale and there's mere moments left to act.
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ethaneldritch · 4 months
Starting to think my LoK ideas are veering too far from the source.
I have a tendency for lightheartedness in my storytelling that hasn't been sitting well with me as of late. Maybe I've just had too much Land of the Lustrous influence leak into the mix, but I almost feel guilty for headcanoning as much wholesome stuff as I do.
LoK is a gothic tragedy, steeped in grey morality and predestination with the faintest tinge of hope on the horizon. I feel like my work, both written and visual, can't do that atmosphere justice anymore.
It was funny in the beginning: "Hey look, the big scary vampire is being silly!" But that's become almost all I contribute. I'm straight-up awful at writing angst, and yet I feel like a fraud constantly putting a positive spin on something so dark. It just feels...unrealistic. Unnatural.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I can't seem to remedy my own headcanons with what I think I "should" be headcanoning. There's no right or wrong in fandom, but because LoK's is so close-knit I fear I might "ruin" something if I stray too far from canon.
I see headcanons I disagree with all the time, and yet I somehow can't allow myself the same grace to freely play with ideas. I'm always prefacing my thoughts with phrases like "I imagine" or "I like to think", because I'm constantly wary of writing something "wrong". It's confusing, isolating, and maddening.
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myfriendtheghost · 5 months
had a GVF dream last night and naturally in my dream I had to log onto tumblr and tell everyone about my experience
so here I am fulfilling the prophecy
#I miss them 😔#I dreamt that I went all the way to LA to see one of their shows at a small outdoor venue#very intimate and there was no pit !!! It was GA but no pit !!! CHAIRS#and the venue accommodated for my visual disability and let me in early so for the first time in my life I had a good view at a GVF show LOL#Jake was wearing the dragon suit from DIG#I think Sam was wearing his original DIG suit too? it was also black#Danny was wearing his Starcatcher outfit#and Josh was wearing a new jumpsuit that was white and BEJEWELED FROM HEAD TO TOE#it was sooo sparkly and pretty#so then they played a song and it was a cover (I don’t remember what song) and I was like well that’s kinda weird#and then oomf showed up and talked through the ENTIRE SECOND SONG (also a cover that I don’t remember)#and I was like well if he keeps doing this after the second song then I’m gonna tell him to be quiet#BUT THEN THEY LEFT AFTER THE SECOND SONG AND I WAS LIKE 🧍🏻‍♀️#but then I was like … well that’s the best view I’ve ever had seeing GVF so at least there’s that#anyway I haven’t listened to the boys in a hot minute but I might have to jam out on the way to church idk!#after that I had a different dream that I flew to Texas with my friend and I wanted to go to the American Girl store so I did and he left me#behind and got another flight without me KDHSJSKA ?!????#I had a lot of random and vivid dreams last night lmao#anywho…. love yall miss yall !!!!#life is finally calming down a bit but my depression is also starting to rear its ugly head again so WOMP#u win some u lose some
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dcminions · 1 year
IN  THE  SOURCE  ,  you  will  find  three  hundred  &  sixty  three  gifs  of  THEO  ROSSI  in  season  one  of  the  show  ‘  luke  cage  ’  (  2016  )  .  please  don’t  claim  these  gifs  as  your  own  .  like  &  reblog  if  you  plan  on  using  them  or  just  enjoy  them  !
tw  :   violence  ,  guns   featuring  the  cast  of  luke  cage   !
if  you'd  like  to  donate  to  my  ko  -  fi  ,  click  here  !
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tyoffee · 1 year
am I making it too deep to be put off by how much miguel is being reduced to a sex object / loser when he's still like a very competent hero with trauma
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robinsnest2111 · 10 days
ah. the blood curse pain is setting in for real now. keep me in your thoughts. not sure if I'll survive work tomorrow in this state.
someone needs to take me out back and shoot me tbh
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sailor-aviator · 9 months
#y'all my anxiety has me spiraling as of late because it just feels like my whole life is falling apart at this point#i got fired from my job a couple of months ago and i've been scrambling to try and find a new one#i work part time at a store i really love but it pays shit#and i've had all of these interviews and no one wants to hire me and i just feel unhireable at this point and it's hard not to despair#and on top of that i'm struggling with my self esteem again#i know i'm not ugly per se but i'm struggling with feeling confident in the way i look as a big girl#and all of my old insecurities are rearing their ugly heads and i want to cry just thinking about it#and i feel like such a failure right now even though i know that life has its ups and downs but my stupid brain just won't chill#and i don't really have any friends in the area because they all either moved away or didn't live here to begin with#and i'm tired of living at home because of my stupid student loans and not being able to afford to live on my own#i have one person i hang out with and we just met and i don't want to scare them off because they're a great friend and person#and i just feel like i'm never going to meet anybody who's going to love me the way i want to be loved because of my looks#also because it's me. and i feel like i'm so flawed as a person that no one will ever fall in love with me#and i've just been feeling really alone lately and i'm trying to do things to make me feel better but it's just so HARD right now#and i love writing because it gives me a chance to explore some of my feelings and it's something i genuinely love to do#and i'm sitting here waiting for the day things start to get better. and i know we all joke and i'm gonna sounds so dumb for saying this#but i feel like i was meant to be famous? or do something great idk and it's something everyone has always told me#and idk if my feelings of inadequacy are because of that or what but i'm scared that my life is going to mean nothing in the end#anyway this was a lot and you can pretend like you didn't read it. i just wanted to write some of my feelings down
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glacialheart · 5 months
i'm dying send help
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