#and then i got in a fucking car accident and sprained my wrist and had a lot going on LMAO
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undermostcorgi · 3 months ago
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lvrsparadise · 2 years ago
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synopsis - She's just lucky.
warnings! - Car accidents, kissing, angst, a wedding, profanity, this is the version of 'Fourth of July' where Y/N survives.
A/N - Thank you so much to @lizzzzz333 for putting this idea in my head. I love you for that. Hope this mends the hearts I broke with the original. ♡♡
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I stand up from my spot on the couch and stretch.
I check the time on my phone and it's almost 3, me and Matt decided to go to dinner at 7.
"I should head home to get ready." I walk to the kitchen where Matt is sitting at the table and give him a kiss before walking to the front door and putting my shoes one. I yell out a 'bye love out' before walking out the door and to my car.
I was at a red light, one of the only cars on the road. I hear tires screeching from my left, and suddenly an old car is driving full speed. Right at me.
Next thing I know, I'm being tossed around and I'm pretty sure my car is rolling. Then everything goes black.
I'm waking up, with many bright lights in my face.
I groan at the brightness of the lights and try to move my hand to block it, but I'm met with a sharp pain from my right hand.
"M-Matt?" My throat is dry, and my voice is hoarse when I speak.
My body feels numb, and like it's on fire all at the same time. My legs hurt, my entire right arm hurts, my head is pounding, I think I'm in a neck brace, even breathing kind of hurts.
I try to turn my head to look at Matt, but I'm met with another pain, but from my neck.
"What happened? Why does everything hurt?"
"Y/N, baby. You were in a car accident."
That's when it all hits me.
I was at a red light, and some guy was driving full speed towards me.
I cough, and it hurts. Bad.
Everything hurts.
"You're going to be okay. The- the doctor said you'll make a full recovery."
I can hear the tears in his voice. I can feel tears on my own face. I can also very distantly feel Matt's hand holding my right one.
"So, I guess our date's postponed, huh?" I try to crack a joke and laugh at it but end up coughing.
I hear a quiet chuckle from Matt.
"Yeah." His voice sounds quiet, defeated, and almost as hoarse as mine.
"Do Nick and Chris know?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I called them as soon as I got here."
"How long was I out?"
"A few hours. Nick and Chris are packing overnight bags for us and are going to stop by your place and get you a few things."
"That sounds great. I'm really thirsty. Like really, really thirsty."
I hear another chuckle from beside me and hear the chair he was sitting in creak as he stands up and walks towards the room door. Yelling out of it for a doctor and a nurse.
Now a doctor is standing over me, shining another really bright light in my eyes.
"Can you like not? My eyes hurt."
"Of course. I just need you to answer a few questions for me."
The nurse is adjusting my bed so I'm sitting up. And I can see Matt's face for the first time since I woke up. God am I glad to see his face.
"Do you know what day it is?"
"The date?"
"July 4th, 2022."
"Very good. What's your name?"
"Y/N M/N L/N."
"And what's his name?" He points his pen to Matt.
"Matthew Sturniolo. My boyfriend."
"Excellent. Do you know what happened to you?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I do. Uh, I had just left Matt's house to get ready for our date and I was at a red light and some guy was driving full speed towards me."
"Alright. You have a broken shoulder, and wrist in your right arm. A sprained elbow on your left. Broke your collarbone. Shattered one of your kneecaps, twisted an ankle, broke the other one. And broke some ribs. You should make a full recovery within the next few months. I'm Dr. Singler and this is Nurse Bowen."
"Nice to meet you. No wonder everything hurts."
"If you need anything, press this button." The nurse points to a button on the armrest on the left side of the hospital bed.
I nod my head and watch as they walk out. I shift my eyes to Matt to look at him. His eyes are red and puffy from crying, tears tracks staining his cheeks. His brown hair disheveled from him probably running his hands through it.
I crack a smile, or the best attempt at a smile I can.
A tearfilled chuckle leaves his mouth.
"Hi. You look so pretty."
"Really? Because I feel like shit."
"I'm sure." He leans over me and kisses my forehead gently.
"Do you think it's possible to have an engagement party in a hospital?"
I furrowed my brows in confusion.
"What do you mean?"
Another chuckle.
"Wait. Matt?"
He reaches into his jeans pocket and grabs out a small object, holding it up to my face. Not just any object. No. A ring.
A smile takes over his features.
"Y/N, will you be my wife?"
"Matt. Yes. I would love to." I nod my head the best I can with the neck brace, without causing any pain.
After about an hour and a half of watching the TV and talking, Nick and Chris walk through the door.
"You have no idea how happy I am that you're okay."
I roll my eyes.
"I love you too Nick."
I look at Chris after Nick hugs me the best he can, and his eyes are also red. Well, all of their eyes are red and puffy.
"I'm okay Chris."
I can almost see him deflate in relief.
"How did you survive?" A wave of sadness washes over me at how broken, and quiet Chris's voice is.
Truth is, I don't know how I survived. I guess. it was just luck.
"I guess I'm just lucky."
"God. Don't do that ever again." He moves to me and just about smothers me with how close he's hugging me.
"I wouldn't dream of it."
I don't want to see them sad ever again after this. It hurts me how sad each of them look. Although Matt looks better from when I first laid my eyes on him earlier. But Nick and Chris, mainly Chris, look drained. Empty. But now better. As if seeing me made them instantly better.
Sniffles are all that's heard throughout the room, other than Friends, which is playing on the TV.
After a few episodes, the nurse from earlier, Nurse Bowen, walks back in. With a cart that has food on it.
Now that I think about it. I'm really hungry.
"I assumed you guys would be hungry."
"Yeah, no thank you." Nick smiles at the nurse and takes the cart from her so she can continue with her work and rolls it over to the bed.
"One of you is going to have to feed me. I can't move my arms."
"Not it." Chris and Nick say in unison, putting a finer n the tis of their noses, both looking at Matt, who just shakes his head with a chuckle.
After we've all eaten and gotten comfortable, it just quiets down in the room, all of us doing something.
Nick and Chris are on the pull-out by the window, and Matt cozied up next to me on the bed the best he can without getting in the way of any medical equipment or hurting me.
But really, just having him next to me is more than enough.
"This is not how I expected our 1 year to go."
"Me neither. But at least now you're my Fiancée."
I look at the ring he put on my left hand, with a smile.
It took exactly 3 months for me to recover. But throughout the whole process, I had so many people by my side. So many.
Matt, his brothers, his parents, Nate, Laura, Madi, and Sab were all next to me the whole time.
Matt never once left my side. The only time he did, was to film a video with his brothers.
Wasn't the best process, but it led me here, sitting in the living room at Marylou and Jimmy house with Matt, picking out a venue for our wedding.
"I like the one that had the big window."
"Of course, you do dad."
"Oh wait, what about this one?" I click on the images of the venue.
It's outside, on the beach. Not too far from the house and has great scenery.
"I think I like this one more than the other outdoor option!"
"Me too."
I turn my head to look at Matt, who is currently analyzing the computer screen with the images of the beach venue.
"What do you think about it?"
"I think, that this one might take the cake for me." He turns his head and look at me as well, a smile on his face.
"Yeah. I mean, it would match with the theme we want. Wouldn't it?"
I look at the screen again.
"Yeah. It would."
"So, is that the one?"
I turn my head to Marylou, who's sitting on my right, and smile.
"Yeah. This is the one."
Took a whole year of planning, but it's finally time. Today is the biggest day of my life.
We're all staying at a hotel near the beach, and we're all divided into groups. The bridesmaids, maid of honor, and flower girl with me, and the best man and groomsmen with Matt.
Currently, people are running around like chickens with their heads cut off trying to make sure everything is as it should be.
Sab, my maid of honor and best friend, is currently helping me into my dress. The ceremony starts in 2 and a half hours, and everyone is ready, but me.
After a lot of pulling on strings and adjusting stuff, my dress is fully on. And it feels different than when I tried it on in the shop. Way different.
After I get my makeup done and get accessorized, 30 minutes is left until the biggest moment ever.
Matt's dad is going to walk me down the aisle, seeing as I don't know my family, and I'm so nervous.
"Y/N, calm down!"
"I can't help it! Sab, I'm about to get married, I can't calm down. I'm jittery, nervous, and happy as fuck."
"I know. But can you at least try to calm down for me?"
I nod and look at the bouquet Matt and Sab picked out for me. Purple tiger lilies, red roses, and white tulips. I pick it up and hold it in front of me as I would walking down the aisle. Trying to find the best way to do it.
20 minutes go by and I'm getting more and more nervous. Sab left to touch up on herself and make sure all of the bridesmaids were ready as well. I've had to sit on my hands, so I don't start biting my freshly painted nails.
Doin' Time by Lana Del Rey is playing throughout the room, but the music is not helping me calm down. I take a few deep breaths before standing back up and re-checking my appearance in the wall-length mirrors.
I don't even want to think about what would've happened if I had died in that crash I was in back in July last year. But I didn't. And I'm so happy I didn't.
After about 5 or 6 minutes, the door opens and Marylou walks in.
"Sweetie, you look stunning."
"Thank you."
"God I can't believe you're going to be my daughter in-law. Now come on, get your veil on, grab your bouquet, and let's get this show on the road."
"Yes ma'am."
I smile at her as she puts my veil on me, which is actually her veil. It's my 'something borrowed'. I stand up and grab my bouquet, and look at myself in the mirror before walking out of the room I was in.
I'm immediately greeted by Jimmy, who looks like he's about to cry.
"Yeah." I nod my head and link my right arm with his left arm. Marylou quickly walks to her seat, just as the music starts.
My stomach is doing acrobatics right now. My heart is pounding, and I feel no, so nervous. But in the best way possible.
As we walk the aisle, I see so many amazing people I met within the past two years in LA. I'm so glad I moved out here with them.
Finally, we make it to my soon-to-be husband, and Jimmy moves to his spot next to his wife.
I hand my bouquet to Sab and the officiant starts going on with the basics of the ceremony.
"Do you, Y/N M/N L/N, take Matthew Bernard Sturniolo as your lawful wedded husband?"
We all chuckle and make faces at Matt's middle name.
I nod and smile.
"I do."
"Do you, Matthew Bernard Sturniolo, take Y/N M/N L/N as your lawful wedded wife?"
"God yes. I do."
A tear falls down my face. I can't believe this is happening.
"You may kiss the bride."
His hands grab my waist at lightning speed, and we lean into what might possibly be the best kiss ever.
Everyone cheers and claps, but it's all faint. It feels like the first kiss all over again. Like we're back in his room in LA.
We pull back and turn to everyone with smiles.
I didn't really get to observe Matt while we were saying our vows, but now that I am, wow he looks good.
In a classic tux with the vest and everything. He kept his earrings in and his necklace on as well. Who knew him becoming my husband would make him look so much better?
Being here, and seeing him, makes me realize just how lucky I am.
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Tags ! ✮
@dwntwn-strnlo ✮ @ssturniolo @strniolo ✮ @20nugs ✮ @prettysturniolo ✮
If you want to be added to the list, all you have to do is ask !! ✮
I love all of you guys !
And I hope you all have a wonderful day and / or night ✮
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alltimefail-sims · 2 years ago
67% for any (or many, or all) of your strangerville characters? 💖
67% - What's the worst inury they've ever gotten?
Zoe has gone pretty much her whole life thus far without any serious injuries, but that's probably because she is very cautious and mindful of how she treats her body (fun fact: she does yoga, ran track in high school, and still runs every morning).
Erwin is a bit of a clutz and very careless; he's broken the same arm/wrist/hand three times (his right arm in different places, fortunately he's left handed because the resulting arthritis is a bitch to deal with).
Junia's injuries, tbh, are usually minor and a result of causing injuries to others and I will leave it at that for now 😏. That being said, she definitely did not break a tooth trying to pry the lid of a washing machine open...while it was running and therefore locked (she didn't realize it did that...but she's still very embarrassed when he dad retells the story).
Anwar had to have stitches on his elbow and by his eyebrow after "fucking around on his motorcycle" in the parking lot of a sketchy bar in his early 20s. That's all he can tell you lmao
Tashia sprained her back when she was a junior (11th grade) because she got in a minor car accident (not her fault, but she was the younger driver). She had to wear the brace and everything she was sooooo pissed.
Beckett is on a first-name-basis at the Strangerville Emergency Room and whenever he moves to a new location, the first thing he googles is where the nearest ER/Urgent Care is. Worst injury was probably when he was doing some work on building a new cabin at the campsite he works at and he cut his pointer and middle finger clean off from not securing a window properly (the top pane closed and snatched those little babies with a quickness). But he's honestly a dangerous combination of brave and stupid: he exclusively works with his hands/in physical fields so I could write an essay on his injuries alone. 😂
Prompt here - ask me about my OCs!
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freewayshark · 2 years ago
Fuck It Friday!
Tagged by @sibylsleaves and @rewritetheending ☺️
Continuing my fuck it Friday tradition of sharing something I started and then more or less abandoned. I’ve posted pieces of this before, early last year I think? For various seven sentence sundays, but I figured I may as well post the whole 4.7k I have. This is an au for the show From, and who knows, it comes back for season 2 in April so maybe my interest in it will return
Tagging! @elvensorceress @fiona-fififi @gayhoediaz if you feel like sharing something
It says a lot about the last few hours that Eddie’s day is already well and truly fucked even before the car crash.
The accident is just the cherry on top, really, the pièce de résistance to this shit-tacular day.
The tree across the road should’ve been his first sign that things were about to go south, but he brushed it off. Trees fall. It happens.
The black birds filling the sky didn’t exactly set him at ease, but they’re birds. Birds fly around.
“Did you know a group of crows is called a murder?” Christopher had helpfully supplied from the passenger seat of the RV Eddie had spent a stupid amount of money renting for the Diaz Boys’ Great Summer Adventure.
“I did not. But hey, maybe they were ravens,” Eddie had said as he’d carefully turned the RV around to find a detour.
“An unkindness then.”
“What?” He’d asked, distracted as he tried to get the stupid vehicle turned around on the narrow road without getting stuck in a ditch, but he got it done, and had looked at his son, the seven year old’s face uncharacteristically serious.
“A group of ravens is called an unkindness.”
And Eddie didn’t know then, why that had unsettled him worse than a murder, but by the time they’d driven through the same tiny town for the third time, passing by the same unsmiling faces, it starts to make a little more sense.
The near collision with a speeding Mercedes stops them from driving through a fourth time, as does the tree that spears through the windshield and traps Eddie in his seat, clipping so close to his ribs on the left side that it tears his shirt and probably takes some skin with it, but miraculously doesn't impale him.
He’s disoriented, a warm trickle of blood on his brow reminding him that he smacked his head on the steering wheel on impact. He blinks, the medic skills ingrained in him already running a checklist over his body. Possible concussion, likely mild, superficial cuts and scrapes from broken glass and the tree, his right wrist hurts like it might be sprained, possibly fractured, and there’s the matter of the RV being on its side, but he’s otherwise unharmed.
But very, very stuck.
He jerks his head to the side, panic rearing when Christopher isn’t in the seat next to him. His brain catches up, and he remembers sending Christopher to sit at the dinner table the second time around, when he’d stopped and asked a man for directions, only receiving a blank look in return.
“Christopher,” he gasps, voice breathy and weak with fear. How could he be so stupid as to send his son into the back of a moving RV, where there are no seatbelts. He hadn’t allowed it the whole trip, so of course the moment he does they’re in an accident.
“Christopher!” He tries again when he gets no answer. He takes a couple of breaths, forcing himself to remain calm. He stayed calm on the ground in Afghanistan, he can stay calm here.
He tries to twist in his seat to look into the back, but the tree hasn’t left him a lot of room to work with, and gravity in a sideways RV isn’t helping him either. He draws in a deep breath and shouts, “Christopher!”
There’s a moan, and the sound terrifies him and electrifies him in equal measure. “Daddy?” Christopher asks, sounding so small.
“Hey, hey, I’m here, buddy. Are you hurt?”
“My—my leg hurts, and I can’t move it.”
“That’s ok, if you can’t, don’t try to. Are you hurt anywhere else?”
“My head hurts a little. I think I hit the table, but it’s not bad.”
“Ok, that’s good, Christopher. Can you see what’s wrong with your leg?”
There‘s a pause, and Eddie has to fight down the instinct to start throwing himself against the tree to try to get back there, but then Christopher answers him. “I can’t see. I’m on my belly, and when I try to look it hurts,” he says, and Eddie can hear the tears and pain in his voice.
“Ok, don’t try to look anymore, I’m gonna call for help.” Eddie’s phone is clipped to the dashboard, easily within reach when there’s not a tree pinning him to his seat, but achingly far now. He curses himself for never enabling hands free mode when he last upgraded. He strains against the tree, reaching as far as he can, wrist flaring with pain, and his fingers brush the corner of the phone, but he needs another inch to grab it. He stretches harder, grimacing at the pressure on his ribs, but he manages to push himself up just enough that he’s able to snag it and pull the phone out of the clip, ignoring the burst of pain in his wrist. He leans back, ignoring the dull ache in his chest that’s sure to be a hell of a bruise tomorrow and unlocks his phone.
“Fuck,” he mutters under his breath. No signal. It doesn’t even say emergency calls only. He tries anyway, punching in 911 and holding it to his ear, but there’s just silence as the phone attempts and fails to dial out, connecting to nothing. “Fuck,” he says louder, and it speaks to Christopher’s state that he doesn’t tease his dad for swearing.
He pulls up the phone’s camera and switches to selfie mode, wincing when he gets a look at his face, more blood than he’d realized caked down the side. He allows himself one quick look at the cut above his eyebrow, deems it nothing pressing, and then holds the phone up, angling it this way and that, searching for his son on the screen.
It takes a moment, but when he finds him he sucks in a breath.
There’s a piece of debris jutting out the back of Christopher’s thigh, a dark ring of blood circling it.
Buck’s heart had sank when the RV had rolled through town the first time, but he hadn’t been able to stop himself from sending up a prayer to any god that will listen that he wouldn’t see it come through again.
It did, of course. And he’d watched as it stopped, and the window had rolled down, revealing an absolutely gorgeous man. He’d listened as the man had asked the closest person how to get back on the highway, and his heart had sunk further, remembering just two years ago when he’d leaned out the window of his jeep and asked the same question.
He’d watched as the RV had come through a third time, turning around at the diner and going back the way he’d come, just like they all try at some point.
The RV doesn’t come back immediately this time, and Buck doesn’t think a lot of it because that too, is par for the course. The man is probably pulled over on the side of the road, consulting a map, or trying to get a signal. If he doesn’t come back before long someone will be sent after him, probably Buck, and that’ll be that.
But then he sees the bloody woman.
“Oh fuck,” Albert says, sitting up straighter on the porch steps they’d been lounging on, and Buck’s up like a shot.
“Go get your brother, or Hen,” Buck demands, and Albert takes off, heading for the small clinic. Buck goes the opposite direction and intercepts the woman. Her knees buckle just as he reaches her, and he’s barely able to morph her collapse into a slow sit down.
“Miss, can you tell me what happened?” He asks, brushing her long red hair out of her face to try to find the source of all the blood. It’s almost funny how quickly he falls back on his firefighter training despite rarely having cause to use it in the past two years.
“RV,” she manages, her eyelids fluttering.
“Did your RV crash?” He asks, looking back down the road where she’d come from.
“Almost hit the RV. Both of us crashed,” she answers, and then passes out.
Buck’s hands go numb. She can’t possibly mean that she wasn’t in the RV. Two cars on the same day? It’s never happened before. He’s not sure there’s ever even been two in the same week. In the two years he’s been here only five cars have come before today, and the last one was months ago.
“What’ve we got, Buckaroo. Did that RV crash?” Chimney asks, dropping to his knees next to Buck and the woman, Albert right on his heels with a backboard.
“Yeah,” Buck answers in a daze. “But she wasn’t in it.”
Chimney and Albert’s attention snaps to him in unison. “What?” Chim asks disbelievingly.
“Before she passed out she said she almost hit the RV, and they both crashed. Fuck.” He shoots to his feet, his brain finally catching up with him. “There’s just a couple hours til sundown.” Buck looks at the sun and grimaces. They’ll be lucky if it’s even two full hours. “Albert, help Chim get her to the clinic and then get Athena and a med bag and come find me.”
“Where are you going?”
“To find that RV.”
It’s not hard, thankfully. The stretch of road doesn’t go very far in either direction outside of the town proper before you’re looped back in on the other side, and the woman’s Mercedes isn’t hard to spot wrapped around a tree. Buck checks it to make sure no one is inside, taking a moment to pop the trunk and grab a small first aid kit and roadside toolset before taking off again. Not much further he finds dirt kicked up in deep tire tracks, and if he peers through the trees he can see the back end of an RV on its side.
He slides down an embankment and runs towards the front of the RV.
“Hello?” He calls.
“Oh thank god,” someone says, and Buck recognizes the voice as the man who’d been driving. Buck’s got a half-formed thought that he hopes the man is the only person inside when the man dashes that by saying, “Please, can you help my son?”
Buck stops in his tracks and closes his eyes. The guy hadn’t looked much older than Buck, so his son must be a child. Buck wouldn’t wish this town on anyone, but a child? Fuck. He won’t be the first, and almost certainly not the last, but it aches to think about regardless.
Buck takes a steadying breath. “Yeah, I just gotta figure out how to get in there.”
Buck tosses the first aid kit and tool kit onto the side of the RV now serving as the roof, backs up a few steps, and then runs at the RV, jumping and grabbing anything he can hold onto to pull himself up. He looks around, but there’s just the driver’s door, the camper door presumably now on the ground. He carefully makes his way to the driver’s door, grimacing when he sees the tree speared through the windshield, sure he’s about to get a gory eyeful, but he’s thankful when he looks in the window and finds the tree has just trapped the driver and not run him through.
His eyes find the man’s face, sees the gash above his eyebrow, and the blood, but it doesn’t look too bad, and the man is lucid, his eyes clear and bright.
“Hey, my name is Buck. Are you hurt?”
The man shakes his head. “Not really, just fucking stuck. My son though…” he trails off, and he gets the sense that the man doesn’t want to say it aloud, whether he feels like that makes it real or if he doesn’t want his son to hear, he doesn’t know. “I’m Eddie. My son’s name is Christopher.”
“Ok, Eddie, I’m gonna get you guys out of here.”
Buck does not get them out of there. He climbs over Eddie and checks on Christopher, and Eddie hears him talking soothingly to his son, returning to the cab after a couple of minutes.
“How bad is it?” Eddie asks quietly, cutting right to the chase.
“It’s not great, but it could be a lot worse. I’m confident the debris missed the femoral, and I don’t think it hit bone either. But it’s all the way through and embedded in the RV. It’s going to have to be removed before we can get him out.”
Eddie won’t be truly satisfied until he’s out of this fucking seat and checking on Christopher himself. He eyes Buck, really taking him in for the first time, and his eyes narrow when he reads Buck’s t-shirt. “You seem to know what you’re talking about. Guess I’m lucky to be run off the road by LAFD. Awfully far from home though, huh?”
Buck looks puzzled for a second before glancing down at LAFD emblazoned in large letters on his chest, and then his eyes widen as he catches up with the rest of Eddie’s statement.
“Ah, no, I wasn’t driving the other car. A woman was, she managed to walk back into town.”
“Is she ok?”
“I don’t know. I left her in the care of one of our doctors, so hopefully. She told me the RV crashed, so I came running.”
Eddie’s brow furrows, and he feels a fresh round of blood squeeze out of his cut. “You live in this place, but you’re wearing an LAFD t-shirt. Are you even a firefighter?”
Buck shrugs and starts testing the tree for weakness. “As in, am I certified? Yes. Am I currently employed by a fire station? No, because we don’t actually have one. It’s—complicated,” he finishes, finding a weak spot where the tree forks. He pulls a small crowbar from the toolkit and goes to work, and after a few minutes of both of them pulling and pushing and levering, the smaller portion of the tree cracks loose and falls against the passenger side window, allowing Eddie to get free of the driver’s seat. He’s barely got both feet planted before he’s rushing to his son’s side.
“Hey, buddy, I’m here now.”
“Dad,” Christopher breathes, relief coloring his tone. “It hurts,” he adds, turning his little head to the side to look beseechingly at Eddie.
“I know, honey. We’re going to make it better as soon as we can.” Eddie feels Buck’s eyes on him as he carefully checks Christopher’s neck and spine.
“You a doctor?”
“Former army medic,” he answers, moving down to Christopher’s leg now that he’s satisfied he doesn’t have a spinal injury. The debris appears to be a twisted piece of metal, maybe part of the table, Eddie’s not sure, but it’s like Buck says, it’s embedded all the way through Christopher’s leg clear through to the wall of the RV beneath him.
The blood soaking into Christopher’s jeans has barely expanded since Eddie first saw it, and that’s good. Buck seems to be right about the femoral artery not being hit, and he’s pretty confident it hasn’t hit bone either. But getting it out is going to suck, and they’re going to need more than the little first aid kit Buck has.
“I couldn’t get a signal to call 911, can you go back to town to call for help?” He asks as he takes Christopher’s hand and runs his fingers through his hair, his heart aching as he takes in the tear tracks on his face.
“Albert should be here any minute with a med bag,” Buck says, as if that’s reassuring or a response to what he’d said..
Eddie blinks at him. “A med bag? That’s—no, we need to call an ambulance, get rescue out here with equipment, and an ambulance to get him to the hospital.”
Buck grimaces. “Yeah, so, that’s not really possible.”
Eddie shakes his head. “I know this is in the middle of nowhere, but someone will come. We can keep him comfortable until then.”
“No, Eddie, you don’t understand, I can’t go call for help. You had to have noticed you drove through town three times while driving in a straight line.”
Eddie snaps his mouth shut, because, yeah. But that’s not how the world works, that’s the stuff of cheap horror novels. “I just kept missing the turn is all. Must’ve been a switchback road, and the curve was so gradual I didn’t notice I was circling back around.”
Buck’s eyes crinkle with so much compassion that Eddie wants to puke. “Yeah, that’s what I figured too.”
“What the fuck are you saying?” Eddie demands, but before Buck can answer there’s the sound of someone coming through the woods.
“Buck?” A voice calls, and Buck stands, moving back into the cab.
“We’re in here, Albert!” Buck calls.
There’s the sound of someone climbing up on the side of the RV, and then Buck steps back for a young Korean man to climb down, a med bag thrown over his shoulder.
“Where’s Athena?” Buck asks, taking the med bag and dropping to his knees on Christopher’s other side.
“She’s coming, she said she had to get something. Buck—” Albert cuts himself off and both Eddie and Buck look up at him expectantly and he sighs. “It’s going to be dark soon.”
Eddie doesn’t miss the way Buck pointedly doesn’t look at him when he answers, “I know, Albert.”
Buck digs through the med bag and produces a small pouch. He pulls out a syringe and a vial, holding it up so Eddie can see that it’s a sedative. Eddie nods, and Buck fills the syringe with the appropriate amount.
“Hey, buddy, I’m going to give you a little shot that’s going to help you feel better, ok?”
Christopher’s face screws up, unhappy, but u fortunately the kid is already far too accustomed to needles for someone so young. “Ok,” he answers, and squeezes Eddie’s hand as Buck administers the shot.
There’s the sound of someone else approaching, and Albert scrambles up out of the RV to help a small but imposing Black woman climb down. He assumes she must be Athena.
“It’s getting dark, Buck,” she says, and Eddie watches as his shoulders tighten.
“Why does everyone keep saying that?” he asks, but that just makes Buck’s shoulders tighten further.
“These woods get dangerous at night,” Athena says, but Eddie knows they’re all hiding something, and although he’d found himself wanting to trust Buck from the moment he saw him, he feels like he’s on the defensive now.
But he buttons down his distrust. These people are clearly hiding something, but they do seem like they want to help. And he’s currently in desperate need of it.
“Can we move him? Get him to the clinic and deal with his leg there?” Athena asks, observing the scene.
Buck shakes his head. “No. The debris is pinning him to the wall of the RV, and it’s not as simple as just lifting him off it and carrying him out. Even without femoral damage we don’t want to risk that kind of bleeding.”
Athena nods. “Alright. What’s the timeframe then?”
“It won’t be done until well after dark,” he says, and Eddie watches as he and Athena seem to exchange some sort of silent communication. Athena sighs, and digs something out of her pocket.
“Guess you’ll be needing this then,” she says, letting the item drop from her hand. It’s a talisman of some sort, and it hangs by a piece of string from her middle finger.
Albert’s eye widen. “Will that work here?”
Buck grimaces, but accepts the charm from Athena. “No way to know but to do it. You two better go home.” Buck finally looks at Eddie again, meeting his gaze head on. “You need to go with them.”
Eddie can’t help it, he laughs. “Yeah, like hell.”
“Eddie, Athena’s serious. You don’t want to be out here at night if you can help it.”
Eddie raises his eyebrows. “You think hearing that will make me be willing to leave my injured son? With a stranger? Over my dead body.”
Buck looks like he wants to argue but Athena just says, “Buck,” and shakes her head when he cuts a look at her.
“I’ll stay too,” Albert says, and Athena barely gets out a snort before Buck’s arguing.
“No, you absolutely are not.”
“What if the talisman doesn’t work, Buck? I could help.”
“No you can’t, and you know it. Chimney’s probably going to be at the clinic tonight with the woman from the Mercedes, so you can help by staying with Maddie. But do not tell her where I am. The last thing we need is her storming off in the middle of the night to try to drag me home.”
Albert scoffs. “Like she won’t figure it out when I show up instead of you.”
“Then you’ll just have to make sure she stays put, won’t you?”
Albert looks like he wants to keep fighting, but it’s clear even to Eddie that it’s a lost battle, and Albert’s shoulders slump in defeat. “Fine.”
“Glad that’s settled,” Athena says. “But let’s get the windows covered before we go.”
“Good plan. Eddie, do you have any camping lanterns?”
Buck can read the helplessness written all over Eddie’s face. He’d told Buck where to find the lanterns and had sat, silent and stony faced, holding Christopher’s hand as Albert and Athena had stripped the bed for sheets and blankets to cover the windows with. He’d remained quiet as Albert had climbed out, as Athena had pulled him aside in the cab to squeeze his shoulder and mutter a quiet be careful, Buckaroo, and make sure he is too before hanging the talisman on the tree and accepting Albert’s hand to climb out.
It’s only once they’re gone, and Buck has returned to kneel at Christopher’s side, that Eddie speaks again.
“We have to focus on getting this thing out of my son’s leg. But once we have, you’re going to talk, and you’re going to tell me what the fuck is going on in this place.”
Buck meets his eyes, reads the determination there and knows there’s no getting out of it. Besides, Eddie probably hasn’t caught on yet, but they’re not leaving this RV until morning. There will be plenty of time to talk.
“Let’s get to work then,” Buck says, so they do.
It’s rough, and time consuming. The sedative Buck gave Christopher isn’t anesthesia, so he isn’t saved from the worst of the pain. More than once he sees Eddie wiping his own tears away seconds after wiping away Christopher’s.
Buck can tell it’s killing Eddie that he can’t be much help, but Buck takes on look at Eddie’s purpling wrist, on his dominant hand, of course, because why wouldn’t it be, and vetoes Eddie providing much more than moral support and occasional instruction.
It’s unfortunate, because as a former army medic Eddie most likely has experience with injuries like this, and while Buck did have to have emt certification to be a firefighter in Los Angeles, he’d only been on the job for two weeks before he’d gotten a call from Pennsylvania that had culminated in being stuck here.
But, eventually, it’s done. It’ll most likely need to be cleaned again in the morning when they can get to the clinic, and he’ll need antibiotics, but the obstruction is removed and the wound closed and wrapped. Buck sits back and wipes the sweat off his brow, glancing at the tiny gap in the sheets where the tree made it impossible to block the windshield entirely and is met with pitch black darkness.
“We’re not leaving until daylight, are we?” Eddie asks as he carefully arranges Christopher in his lap, the boy curling against his dad’s chest.
“We wouldn’t make it ten feet out of this RV,” Buck answers, gaze automatically finding the talisman. He hasn’t heard them yet, but he knows they’re out there. They’re always out there, once it’s dark.
“What is it? Bears? Wolves?”
Buck can’t help the bitter laugh. “Bears and wolves are survivable. No, this is something–something else,” he shrugs. “I know you want answers, and I’ll tell you what I know, but the first thing you need to understand is there are no answers. Least not any we know.”
Eddie’s jaw works for a moment. “Ok. Tell me what you know then.”
So Buck talks. He starts with his own story, how two years ago he’d just started as a firefighter in Los Angeles when his sister had called him from Pennsylvania, needing help. He leaves out the details of that, but he talks about how he went, loaded her up in his Jeep, and set out for California, when maybe twenty miles past the Pennsylvania state line, there had been a tree in the road.
“We detoured because of a downed tree too,” Eddie says, and Buck nods.
“We all did. Did you see the crows too?” Eddie hesitates, and then gives a jerky nod. “We all saw those too. And we all turn around, and we all drive through this tiny town. And then we all drive through it again.”
“When you say all…”
“I mean all. No one is from here, we’re all from somewhere else.”
“None of this is possible. You said you were just outside of Pennsylvania? I was in Colorado.”
“And Albert and his brother Chimney were in Oregon. Athena and her family were in Arizona. Everyone here was somewhere different when we drove into this town and never left.”
Eddie shakes his head. “That’s impossible,” he repeats.
Buck shrugs. “Yes, it is. But it’s also true.”
“Say I believe you about that. What’s with the talisman? What’s in the woods?”
Buck takes a deep breath. This is the hard part. If Eddie’s having a hard enough time believing him about the town at large, he’s not going to believe this next part at all. But he’ll have proof soon enough, because Buck knows it’s just a matter of time until they start circling the RV, it’s a wonder they haven’t already.
“There are things out there that only come out at night. We don’t know for sure what they are, only that they look like us, but they aren’t. These talismans keep us safe, keep them from coming into our homes unless we open the door for them.”
“Why would anyone do that?”
“Because they talk, Eddie, and they ask us to. And it can be pretty fucking hard not to listen.”
“You know what you’re describing sounds an awful lot like vampires.”
Buck nods. “Don’t say that in town though, makes people jumpy. I don’t know if that’s what they are, but they’re definitely similar. But if they catch you out after dark you’re not going to have two little mosquito bites on the side of your neck. They’ll tear your ribcage open and eat your heart.”
“I’m not saying any of this to scare you. You need to know, because you’re stuck here like the rest of us now.”
Eddie looks down at the child sleeping on his chest. “I don’t believe in shit like this.”
“I didn’t either, not really. You learn to adapt.”
Eddie looks past Buck at the talisman. “What happens if it doesn’t work for an RV?”
Buck doesn’t respond for a moment, weighing the repercussions of honesty here. But he can tell Eddie needs the truth, and can handle it, so he says, “We pray it’s quick.”
Eddie is awoken by the sound of nails scraping against metal. He doesn’t remember falling asleep, but the crick in his neck tells him it’s been a while.
He sits up, careful to not dislodge Christopher. Buck had turned off all the lights but one, but it’s enough light to see Buck standing a few feet away, crowbar clutched in a white knuckle grip.
“Is it—” he cuts himself off when Buck holds a finger up to his lips and nods.
The scratching moves along the side of the RV, and Eddie is all too aware that he can’t hear the sound of footsteps on the dry leaves, despite everyone else’s approach being announced by the crunch.
He jumps, because that wasn’t Buck’s voice.
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apocalypticgargoyle · 4 years ago
Can I request Dream Team fluff when the reader got into accident and is into hospital and they are like super worried <3 also can I be anon 🦊 or 🐋 if not taken?
Welcome 🦊 anon! This is kind of short, I hope that’s okay. 
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𝐀𝐂𝐂𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐓. 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
warnings: language, mentions of a car accident, mentions of wounds
You sighed slightly, swinging your feet gently as the doctor sealed a cut above your eyebrow. You fought not to wiggle your fingers to flex against the tightness of the ACE bandage around your wrist. It was only when you looked back down at it that you realized you’d broken a nail to top it all off. 
“Do you have someone here to pick you up?” The doctor asked, checking your pupils one last time for a concussion. 
You chuckled softly. “Yeah, my roommates should be in the waiting room,” you answered, rolling your shoulders to stretch from the awkward position they’d had you sitting in as you peered up at the clock briefly. 
You’d gotten lucky. The car accident could have been a lot worse than what it was, especially with how your luck usually ran in situations like this. No one had died and the man on the other end had only gotten a few scrapes and bruises like yourself. 
Because the hospital was so worried about the bruise on your head, they wouldn’t let you have your cell phone, so you knew Dream and the boys would be flipping out after getting a call from the hospital instead of you. 
The doctor handed you a small sheet with recommended prescriptions and helped you off the table, walking you through what to do if the sprain in your wrist was bothering you too much. As you were escorted through the doors, you first caught Dream’s dark green eyes, his blond hair tousled about from the unnecessary stress. You gestured to the doctor that they were with you and made your way over to them, watching as Dream got Sapnap’s attention. Sapnap was mumbling to someone on his phone, no doubt updating George on what was happening. 
“Oh, thank God,” Dream groaned, reaching out and tugging you to his hard chest. “We thought you were dead.” 
You laughed, shrugging out of his grasp as you greeted Sapnap and George as well. “What for?” 
You felt a tap on your shoulder, drawing you away from the boys and to the gaze of the man who had crashed into you; worry painting his features almost eerily. “I’m so sorry. That sign came out of nowhere I-” 
You cut him off with a small smile. “Please, don’t apologize. Accidents happen. It wasn’t anyone’s-” 
Dream broke into your sentence. “Like fuck it doesn’t. Mister, I will sue if you come anywhere near-” You used your good hand to smack his chest, shutting him up. 
“No, he’s serious. You don’t even know who we are,” Sapnap added. You knew they were trying to be intimidating, but you couldn’t help and laugh at their antics. You apologized to the man, and herded them out of the hospital lobby, Dream throwing an arm over your shoulders. “I’m not surprised you got in an accident. You’re a terrible driver,” Sapnap commented with a small mumble. You heard George agree over the speaker. 
Dream chuckled slightly. “You had us scared shitless though,” he counseled. “We even talked about how long we would have to wait to rent out your room after the funeral.” 
You scoffed. “I feel very loved and appreciated. Thank you.” 
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iguessweallcrazyithinktho · 4 years ago
Answering your call for a Henry requests. How about he gets caught up in a game and he misses a call saying his gf has been in an accident. Nothing serious but when he realizes it and tries to find her she’s nowhere to be found. He’s desperate and goes to their favorite place where he finds her. Angst with a happy ending. What do you say?
Missed phone call
Warning: little angst, fluff, henry is a soft bear in this
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The phone beside henry rung but he didn't hear it. Henry was very engrossed in the game, yelling and screaming as he was playing with his virtual friends. He was happy.
You on the other hand wasn't. You were in pain. You had sprain your wrist will working and you were at the hospital. As soon as you arrived you got a cast and you quickly called henry. But he didn't answer it.
You frowned as you put your phone back in your pocket. Maybe he was busy you thought . The doctor returned after a few minutes of waiting. She told you that you had to wear the cast for two weeks and then come back to the doctor after.
After you left the hospital you got in your car and drove off right after you texted Henry about what happened, hoping he would read it soon. You were stressed out, spraining your wrist was a little too much for you today so with your one good hand you drove your way to your comfort place. The stable where Henry's horses were (does he even have horses?)
Henry was just finishing up his game which he had a blast playing. He hasn't heard from you in a while and he was kinda sad about that too. He took off his headphones and picked up his phone that was right beside him.
Henry was quick to notice the two missed calls from you. He mentally cursed himself for missing them. He soon began to read the text you sent and when he finish his blood ran cold.
"fuck!" Henry quickly got up and slipped on his shoes. The thought of his baby being hurt made him grow fearful. He quickly exited the house, and drove to the hospital.
When he entered the building 7 minutes later he was quick to flag down a nurse who was walking by.
"um do you know where y/n y/l/n is? She said she had to come here and I really need to see her." Henry rushed out as he caught his uneven breath. The woman was quick to notice the name of you.
"oh she left a few minutes ago. It's just a sprained wrist, nothing crazy." She reassured him. Henry nodded but he still was in fear. He needed to physically see that you were ok and well.
He quickly thanked the lady before he rushed back off to his car. He tried to call you but you didn't pick up see that you left your phone in the car by accident. Henry groaned as he leaned back in his seat. He felt sick to his stomach. He started to think hard about where you could be. He knew you wouldn't just abandoned him. Maybe you just need some time to take a break and relax.
It soon started to click to henry where you were. He quickly drove to the stable where he thought you would be. He was right, you were there. He spotted you from afar stroking the horse. there was a white cast on your on your other arm as well.
Henry got out of the car and walked your way. "Honey." At the sound of henry's voice you turned to see him walking towards you.
"Henry, you finally notice what happened huh?" You weren't mad but you were upset with him. You couldn't help but think about how he didn't pick up your calls.
Henry stopped in front of you, shutting his eyes and pressing his lips into a thin line in shame. "I'm sorry I was gaming and I didn't notice you called. I'm sorry love."
Henry was genuinely sorry and you could tell. You walked up to him and looked at him. "It's ok bear just try to notice next time." You wrapped your arms around him giving him a hug. Henry pulled you close, still feeling a little guilty. "I'm sorry again" He muttered into your neck.
You pulled away smiling weakly. "It's okay, I promise. But I do want to ask you something." You said taking a step back from him. Henry eyebrows raised as he waited for your question.
"can you be the first and only one to sign my cast?" You asked him with puppy dog eyes. Henry laughed and nodded. "Of course. Anything for you."
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bqstqnbruin · 4 years ago
it's your favorite bitch that you love to slander coming in with a request🤪 could you do 39 and 41 with Matty, I feel like it'd work bc I'm the clumsiest person to have graced this planet😌
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Happy blurb weekend!
Tagging: @tkachuk-yeah @besthockeyfics @glassdanse @calgarycanuck @nhlboyshavemyhart88 @stlbluesbrat21 @gotpucks @annedub @zigzagsandzebras @stars-canucks @beauvibaby
39. “I wanna know everything about you.”
41. “Let me see your scars.”
Word Count: 384
“Are you sure you’re alright?” Matthew called from his bed while you were finishing up in the bathroom.
“Yeah, I promise I’m fine, you’ve asked me three times already,” you call back to him.
You were staying over Matthew’s for the night, getting ready to go to sleep. He was more worried about you than normal, having just gotten into a car accident which resulted in you breaking your wrist. Luckily, that was the worst thing that happened to you, other than your car being undrivable now, and a few scratches here and there. The person who hit you got off unscathed, their car just needed minor repairs. You weren’t the best in physics, but you were sure something was off given how hard they hit you, but who were you to say otherwise.
“I’m just worried about you.”
You crawl into bed next to him, using your good arm to cup his cheeks and give him a kiss. “It’s not like this is the first time I’ve broken something, and lord knows you’ve had your fair share of injuries.”
“How many bones have you broken?” Matthew asks. “Do you have scars, cuts, shit like that? I really don’t know anything about you, do I?” he panics.
You laugh at him, putting your hand on his thigh to try to calm him down. “I’ve broken my leg twice, sprained my other ankle so bad that they had to put me in a hard cast like they do when it’s broken, and I think this is the second or third time I’ve broken or sprained my wrist.”
Matthew stares at you, his eyes scanning your body up and down. “How?” he laughs. “I mean, I knew you were clumsy, but this seems ridiculous.”
“I’ll leave if you make fun of me,” you taunt him, pouting at him and pretending like his comments actually hurt.
Matthew flashes you a devilish smile. “I’m the one who drove you here. You don’t have a car.”
“Fuck, am I stuck with you?” You both laugh, Matthew putting his arm around you and pulling you close to him. He kisses the top of your head, his fingers running up and down your arm, hitting the cast every once in a while. “I think I’m happy here.”
“I’m happy you’re here.”
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charincharge · 4 years ago
I Don’t Want To Wait, eight
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rowaelin high school bff masterlist
Based on the prompts:
“Okay, I know I’m evil and all that jazz, but I have standards too.”
What are you smiling about?
“He’s late,” Rhoe grumbled, his eyes flashing in annoyance as they flicked to his watch. Aelin sighed from her spot on the couch and rotated her brace-covered wrist. It was a minor sprain, the most minor sprain; she wouldn’t even have been injured at all if she hadn’t reflexively held up her hand against the deploying air bags, but when Rhoe had received a call from Aelin that she was in the hospital, he’d gone a bit ballistic. And his former surrogate son was pretty much persona-non-grata in the Galathynius household at the moment.
“Dad,” Aelin warned.
“I’m allowed to be mad,” Rhoe repeated for the hundredth time that week. “When I let that boy—” Rowan had apparently lost his name privileges for being a minute late. “—drive you around, I expected you to be returned in a single piece.” He shook his head, repeating the same speech Aelin had heard every day for the last week. “I have one single treasure, Aelin. The most valuable treasure in the world, and when that treasure leaves the house, I expect it to come back to me in perfect condition.”
She wondered how long this would go on. How many days of penance Rowan would have to pay before Rhoe forgave him.
Aelin sat up straighter at the sound of three raps on their front door. While Rowan used to just swing the door open himself, he now knew better. Aelin threw him an apologetic smile from the couch, her eyes trailing over the tightly sewn stitches above his eyebrow. They somehow made him look even more handsome.
“You’re late,” Rhoe said, looking expectantly at the white paper bags in Rowan’s hands.
“Sorry, sir,” Rowan’s eyes were tired. It’d been a long week. “I had an extra delivery this morning and…”
“No excuses,” Rhoe snapped, causing Rowan to nod nervously as he laid out the food on the coffee table for Aelin. Her eyes lit up at the feast in front of her. As part of his punishment for his “reckless driving,” Maeve had him doing breakfast deliveries before school all week, which ended in something special for Aelin.
She felt somewhat guilty that she was benefiting so much from Rowan’s accident, since she was a hundred percent positive that it was her own comment that had caused Rowan to become distracted and not see the car stopped at the red light in front of him. But, as she smelled the chocolate stuffed french toast, she couldn’t resist smiling.
She also wasn’t complaining that in her dad’s overprotectiveness, he’d assigned Aelin-watching duties to Rowan for his late-night shifts.
“I don’t need a babysitter!” Aelin had scoffed, while her heart pounded with glee at the notion of extra time with Rowan.
“What if you need something from the top shelf and fall and sprain your other wrist?” Rhoe had argued.
Rowan was more than happy to agree to Rhoe’s terms, immediately clucking and fretting over the couch-bound Aelin like an overbearing mother hen. It should have annoyed her to no end, but she was secretly enjoying every single second of his fussing.
“I’m working a double,” Rhoe said with narrowed eyes at Rowan, who nodded succinctly. “I’ll be home just after midnight.
Rowan cleared his throat nervously, and Aelin paused, fork midway to her mouth to gape at her friend. “Sir?”
Rhoe’s eyes narrowed warily. “Yes?”
Rowan ran his hand through his hair, tugging at the ends slightly. “I, uh, just wanted to ask you if you wanted me to come here tomorrow?” Rhoe frowned, his lips turning down at the question. “It’s just that tomorrow is prom, and if you want me to come here, I totally will. But I should probably tell Lyria today.”
Aelin felt her stomach clench uncomfortably at the mention of the L-word. She’d been so busy enjoying the extra attention from Rowan all week that she’d forgotten about prom. About the circumstances that led to this whole ordeal. Maybe her dad would tell Rowan he couldn’t go. She felt guilty about even thinking it, but she couldn’t help but hope it. Even just the slightest bit.
Rhoe rolled his bright blue eyes. “Don’t be stupid, boy.” Rowan flinched slightly at the way Rhoe addressed him. Seemed he clocked losing name privileges too. “You’ll take that girl to prom. You made a commitment, and I would hate to think you’re the type of person who doesn’t follow through on promises.”
“Yes, sir.” Rowan’s eyes flicked to Aelin, who was still holding her breath in anticipation. “I can still bring breakfast in the morning, if you want…”
Rhoe clapped Rowan’s shoulder just a smidge too hard as he smiled. “Nope. I took tomorrow off. You have fun at prom.”
Aelin exhaled as her dad finally left and Rowan slumped down onto the couch next to Aelin as she poured the extra side of chocolate onto her French toast and dug in.
“Your dad is fucking terrifying,” he said with a shake of his head.
“He can carry over a hundred pounds up as many flights of stairs, Ro. You should be terrified of him,” Aelin laughed through her sweet chocolatey bite. “He can definitely take your scrawny ass.”
Rowan’s mouth popped open. “My ass is not scrawny!”
Aelin poked his thigh with her toe. “I’ll believe that when I see it. Stand up, so I can take a better look.” She winked as Rowan shoved her foot away from him.
“Aelin…” Rowan’s cheeks flushed pink as Aelin wiggled her eyebrows. He bit his lip, tugging at the skin there, looking annoyed.
“What?” she asked, wishing so badly that she could jump into his head and hear what he was thinking.
“I have to get up to get you a napkin,” he said, looking at the chocolate that had splattered onto the table, “ And I know as soon as I stand up you’re going to stare at my ass,” he grumbled, and Aelin let out a loud cackle.
“I would never,” she said through her laughter.
“You’re such a liar,” he said, poking her shin.
He was right. As soon as he pushed himself off the couch, Aelin’s head snapped in his direction, but he spun around to walk backwards so she couldn’t get a good look.
“Ha!” he said, a victorious smile appearing across his face.
Aelin rolled her eyes. “Come on, Ro,” she pouted. “I’m injured. The least you could do is let me get a good look.”
“I hate you,” he chuckled, his cheeks now a deep red as he continued to trail backwards into the kitchen.
“You know what they say whenever you walk by,” she said through her giggles. “There goes Orynth’s ass. Everyone gets a piece.”
He flicked her off as he grabbed a handful of napkins with his other hands. “Please,” he scoffed. “I know according to your dad I’m evil now, and all that jazz, but I have standards. This ass is for my eyes only.”
Aelin cackled. “I’m now just picturing you staring at your own ass in the mirror, being like… damn, that’s a good ass.”
“I don’t have a full-length mirror for nothing,” he said with a wink, leaning over the coffee table to clean up the chocolate splatter.
Aelin couldn’t resist leaning back and peering behind him, trying to get a better look. She sighed happily.
“Ace!” he yelped, standing up straight and spinning around again, covering his rear with his hands. Aelin was laughing so hard that her stomach was starting to hurt. “I’m telling your dad that you’re the evil one.” He tried to say seriously, but soon enough Rowan was joining in the laughter, tears rolling down both their cheeks.
As he smiled at her widely, helping her from the couch, that sudden pang of desire sprang up in Aelin again. She’d been able to control it for the most part, and neither of them had mentioned the conversation that had caused the crash in the first place. She wasn’t sure she could even imagine how the rest of that discussion would go. But she was glad to put it to the backburner for a tiny bit. At least until she felt more comfortable with it again. That hadn’t deterred Lysandra from texting constantly and asking when Aelin would like her first lesson. Luckily, Aelin was able to stave her off for a little while longer – at least until her wrist completely healed.
Rowan slung Aelin’s backpack over his shoulder, carrying her books as they walked to school, enjoying the balmy morning.
Once they arrived, Rowan led them to his locker instead of hers, and Aelin frowned. “Ro, I have to put my books in my locker.”
He shook his head. “We have world history first. I’ll just put them here, and we’ll come back together after.” He looked as his watch. “We walked too slow.”
“Sorry my leg span isn’t four thousand feet,” Aelin said, laughing at her best friend. He complained that she walked too slowly, but really he was just too tall for his own good. He didn’t realize how fast he got places simply by having longer legs.
Aelin clearly hadn’t looked at Rowan’s locker in some time, though, because she was shocked by the decorations on the inside of the door. It was dotted with photographs of their group of friends through the year – but, Aelin noted she made a prominent appearance in the center of the door, in a picture of just her and Rowan. It was from Yulemas break. Aelin’s favorite holiday; but she’d never seen this photo before. It must have been taken at the tail end of Maeve’s Yulemas party, when Aelin had fallen asleep after too many sweets and rum-laced eggnog. In the photo, Aelin’s head rested carefully on Rowan’s shoulder, her eyes closed and face relaxed in slumber as Rowan smiled softly at whoever was behind the camera.
“What are you smiling at?” he asked, and Aelin shook her head.
“I like your pictures.”
“Oh,” he said, returning her smile. “Yeah, Aunt Maeve printed a bunch out for me.”
“Mr. Whitethorn, Ms. Galathynius,” Principal Havilliard bellowed at the other end of the hallway. “You’re late. Again.” Aelin and Rowan sighed simultaneously. “Your second infraction this week,” he continued. “Don’t make it a third, or I’ll see you both in detention next week.”
Aelin wanted to tell Principal Havilliard off. It wasn’t her or Rowan’s fault for being late, exactly. They both had single working parents, and with Rowan’s car in the shop for the next few weeks, they had to walk over two miles to make it there. She was gearing up to say something snappy back, when Rowan dragged her down the hall, away from the offending school administrator.
“Not worth it, Ace,” he mumbled.
They managed to make it through the rest of the day with no other incidents, unless Aelin counted getting a C on her Ancient Languages oral exam an incident – which she didn’t.
“So, RoRo, you excited for prom?” Wes asked Rowan from the driver’s seat. Technically, Aelin wasn’t supposed to be driving with any of her friends for the rest of the year, but her dad was at work. And she couldn’t bring herself to walk another two miles home.
Lysandra’s eyes met Aelin’s in the backseat of the car, and Aelin purposefully looked out the window to avoid her face doing anything she couldn’t control.
“Uh, yeah?” Rowan asked. “I guess.”
“Dude,” Wesley laughed. “You’re going to prom with a cheerleader, who’s been all over you for months, and you guess you’re excited?” Next to her, Rowan shrugged silently. But Wesley was only spurred on by Rowan’s lack of enthusiasm. “Should we pick up some condoms for you on the way home, or do you have some?” Wesley asked, and Rowan inhaled so sharply he started coughing. “What?” Wesley asked, looking at his girlfriend, confused, and rubbing his elbow where Lysandra must have pinched him. “I’m just saying. I heard it’s tradition to get a hotel room after prom…”
“Rowan would never be so cliché,” Lysandra interjected, her bright eyes flashing to check on Aelin in the mirror, but Aelin refused to look anywhere but out at the trees passing by out the car window as she steadied her breath. “Right?”
“Right,” Rowan repeated quietly.
“Doesn’t hurt to have some on hand,” Wesley said. “OW, what the fuck, Lys?” he yelped.
“You’re such an idiot,” Lysandra mumbled, just barely audible over her exasperated sigh.
“I’m good,” Rowan spoke up, clipped.
Aelin couldn’t control herself as she looked over her shoulder and took in her best friend’s paled face, staring at the roof of Wesley’s old sedan.
“You are?” she asked, hoping her voice didn’t sound too high.
“Yup,” Rowan replied, still refusing to look down at her.
“Smart boy,” Wesley laughed.
Lysandra’s eyes flicked to Aelin again, filled with worry, and Aelin shook her head slightly.
But Wesley raised a fair point that Aelin hadn’t even thought about during her busy week. She’d been so worried about Rowan and Lyria being at a dance together, arms wrapped around each other intimately, that she hadn’t even considered the implications of what would happen after prom?
She couldn’t believe how stupid she’d been.
Despite looking forward to their late night “babysitting” all day, Aelin’s mood was completely soured by the conversation in the car.
She overcooked their pasta, couldn’t settle on anything to watch, and gave terse replies to every question Rowan asked.
“Do you want to watch a movie?” he finally asked, after finishing loading the dishwasher, and Aelin grunted a sure. He turned on Clueless, one of Aelin’s favorite movies and relaxed back into the couch.
To his credit, he made it all the way through the movie, which Aelin laughed about 500% less than usual at, until asking Aelin what was wrong. But Aelin wasn’t sure what to say. She couldn’t exactly tell him she was stressed about the prospect of him having sex with Lyria. She didn’t think he’d really do that. He’d said on multiple occasions that he barely knew her. And sex didn’t seem like a thing Rowan would just do with someone he barely knew. But, then, why did Aelin feel a pit of dread sitting deep in her stomach? Nothing about his answers had reassured her. And Rowan was changing. She never thought Rowan would abandon her at a party either, and he did that easily.
“I’m just tired,” she replied, yawning loudly and throwing all her acting skills into her performance. “It’s been a weird week. I think I’m going to head to bed. I’ll see you Sunday, right?”
Rowan crossed his arms as Aelin got up and started heading up the stairs, his bowed lips frowning and pinching his beautiful face.
“I thought we told each other everything,” Rowan said, annoyed. Aelin paused her feet on the stairs, looking over her shoulder at him. He was hunched over and still frowning, angrily glaring at the darkened TV.
Aelin cocked her head to the side, thinking of all the things she’d censored from Rowan in the last few months, and thinking that he’d probably started doing the same.
“I thought so, too.” She paused, looking at the way Rowan tensed at her words. She smiled sadly, and trudged upstairs to bed, not bothering to let him reply again.
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crazybagelbitch · 4 years ago
Chimney gets into a car accident - he’s not badly injured at all but Maddie assumes it’s because he was tired because she told him not to drive home that night after work. She 😤 shouts at him when she’s allowed to see him because they’re having a baby in a few weeks and he should have been more careful. But he’s like um, maddie, I swerved to avoid an animal. Not my fault.
Chimney winces-- it’s just a sprain, a bad sprain but the paramedics had insisted that he go check and make sure it’s not broke. And given that he’s a paramedic too, and they knew it wasn’t his dominate arm, they probably would’ve let him refuse transport and let him drive himself to urgent care but is car, was um, not usable at the moment. So go with the nice paramedics from another station in their ambulance or have to call someone to come pick him up.
Hen beats Maddie to the hospital, not that it was necessary for her to come over but maybe she didn’t believe him that it was only a sprain given his penchant for minimizing illness or sickness, given that he crashed only about a mile from the station and she had been hanging back talking to Eddie. She puts a hand on his back and smiles at him sympathetically and he keeps telling her that she doesn’t need to stay until Maddie gets there because she has med school homework and a family at home, but Hen is Hen and is not going to leave him alone in a hospital even if the injury isn’t particularly hospital worthy.
Stupid deer. Well, not stupid deer, stupid humans for taking over the planet, really, the poor thing was just doing what deer do. But now he has a sprained wrist and a shallow cut on his head and is wasting time out of his evening with his pregnant girlfriend to be here.
“You’re an idiot.”
“Uh, nice to see you, too?” he replies, confused as he looks over at his very pregnant, very angry seeming girlfriend who has just stomped into the room. He doesn’t really get it, because this wasn’t even his fault? Saving the deer was the right thing to do, and plus, a head on collision with the deer would probably had led to more injury for him and more damage to his car. His poor car. At least he made it over three years after rebar before crashing another car.
“I told you not to drive home,” she huffs, “I-I told you not to drive home because you sounded too tired over the phone. And now you’re hurt-- which you maybe deserve since it’s just a sprained wrist-- and it could’ve been worse and what if it had been worse? We have a baby coming in a few weeks, Howard! What if you broke your arm? Then you couldn’t help as much with the baby. Or what if you went into another coma? You might not fare as well and pull another Iron Man, this time!”
It takes him a moment to process, all of her frantic ranting, before it hits him. He had called her, very sleepy, the last hour of his shift in a lull between calls. He didn’t want to take a nap only to have to wake up in less than 60 minutes either way, so he had called Maddie to help keep him up. She told him about her day and then insisted that if he was tired as he sounded then he wasn’t to drive home. He was to get a ride with Hen or Buck or to call an uber or she’d come get him if we too proud for that. And of course, he was not going to have his nearly full term pregnant girlfriend come pick him up at 9 pm. And he hadn’t seen a need to get a ride elsewhere. It sounds terrible, but the job leaves you so used to sleep deprivation sometimes that this wasn’t the most tired he’d ever been-- and he knew he wouldn’t fall asleep at the wheel.
But Maddie, semi understandably, had jumped to the conclusion that he had or made a poor driving decision from his fatigue.
“Maddie, it’s not--”
“Yeah, I know you probably wouldn’t have ended up in another coma,” she shouts, “but you could have been hurt, badly, unable to help with the baby. Or you could have died! Or killed someone else! Hard to be there for your daughter’s death if you’re dead or in jail, Howard!”
“Maddie, I know--”
“No, you don’t know what it’s like to get that phone call! To have some nurse call you up and tell you that your idiot father of your child got into a car accident. I told you not to drive home; you sounded like you couldn’t keep your eyes open! This is just plain irresponsible, Chimney! You don’t get to be so irresponsible when I’m about to birth this child at any minute!”
“Maddie,” Hen tries, trying to hold back a cackle, but Maddie keeps going.
“What was I supposed to say to Ruth when she was old enough to ask? Oh sorry, you could have had a dad, but he didn’t pass Darwin’s survival of the fittest test because he was stupid?”
Okay, now neither Hen nor him can hold back their laughter.
“What’s so fucking funny?” she demands angrily, “do you think me being a single mother is funny?”
“Maddie,” he chuckles, “did the nurse tell you why I crashed or are you just jumping to conclusions?”
She doesn’t say anything to that, just folds her arms over her chest and narrows her eyes at him, seemingly convinced that whatever is about to come out of his mouth is going to be an empty attempt to placate her.
“I swerved to avoid a deer, Maddie,” he laughs, failing at trying to sound stern, “and you and I both know the damage to both of us would’ve been worse if I hadn’t swerved. So. I think I’ll take that apology right about now.”
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mcgrillzdumpinc · 4 years ago
At the Crossroads
Summary: There is another world, one filled to the brim with all assortment of spirits, ghosts, and monsters.  Jiang Cheng does not expect to come to know this world after suffering a car crash, but at least he has his siblings and his boyfriend, Nie Huaisang, along for the ride. Written for the SangCheng 2020 Winter Exchange!
Pairing: SangCheng, WangXian
Rating: T
Warnings: Referenced child abuse, physical injuries, referenced severe injuries to a child, car crash
Word count: 7011
It starts, as so many stories do, with a car crash.  Well, to be more accurate, it starts with a fire to the Jiang parents’ house followed by a desperate escape from the city by the Jiang children. They weren’t home when the fire started, so all they have are the personal affects they were carrying that day. No toothbrushes, no suitcases, only the clothes on their backs and whatever happened to be in their pockets and purses.  They withdraw money from ATMs and buy what they need with the cash.  They run desperately, perhaps fruitlessly, in Wei Wuxian’s beat-up van, hoping they can make it to their mother’s side of the family on the other side of the state.
Jiang Cheng crashes the car on the sixth day of the trip.  On barely any sleep and a limitless amount of anxious energy, he fails to see the truck turn into his lane until it rams into his side of the van.
When Jiang Cheng comes to, it’s to the face of his boyfriend’s older brother. “We heard what happened,” Nie Mingjue says.  “We won’t let those Wen-dogs get any closer to you.”
Some time later—Jiang Cheng loses track of the days—he’s discharged from the hospital. He’s given more than enough pamphlets to read—on concussion recovery, what to expect when he starts physical therapy for his broken leg, as well as general information on what to expect with the cracks in his ribs and his broken arm.  Nie Mingjue promises to help Jiang Cheng set everything up back home, including the physical therapist, before shepherding his wheelchair-bound body into a private jet.
“Your brother and sister are already back in our home,” Nie Mingjue explains for the third or fourth time.  “Their injuries weren’t as severe.”  He settles into a seat next to Jiang Cheng and orders them both some water.
“What about the Wens?” Jiang Cheng asks.  “Why the hell did they come after my family?”
Predictably, Nie Mingjue goes silent.  No matter what Jiang Cheng says or does, the man refuses to release any information on the people who razed his home.  If it weren’t for the heavy amount of pain killers coursing through his system, Jiang Cheng would probably have decked him with his good hand.
“Your father is still in the hospital,” Nie Mingjue eventually says, after the plane has set off.  “His chances are looking good for a full recovery.  Your mother—”
“Is dead?”
Nie Mingjue sighs through his nose.  “Is missing.  Where the hell did you get the idea that she’s dead?”
“Because she’s stronger than my dad.  Anyone who would hurt him wouldn’t allow her to live.”
“Have better faith in your parents.  We don’t know where Yu Ziyuan is, but we know for certain she isn’t with the Wens.”
“Because they’d be gone if she was?”
Nie Mingjue snorts at that and orders a small meal for them.  “You’re damn right.”
Jiang Cheng is rudely awoken by Nie Mingjue when they arrive at the Nie mansion. He doesn’t even remember leaving the plane, but he guesses that should be expected.  He’s been sleeping a lot since the accident.
Wei Wuxian, Yanli, and Huaisang are all there to greet him, waiting in the foyer with party poppers.  Jiang Cheng curses loudly when Wei Wuxian pops his right in his face.
“Happy to have you here with us!” Wei Wuxian cheers, picking pieces of paper out of Jiang Cheng’s hair.
“You couldn’t have found a nicer way to welcome me?” Jiang Cheng growls.
Yanli chuckles as she pulls Wei Wuxian aside to hug her younger brother.  “Welcome back, A-Cheng.  We’re all very happy to see you doing well.”
Jiang Cheng returns her hug with his good arm, burrowing his nose into her long hair.  “Same here.”
From what the doctors told him, Wei Wuxian and Yanli suffered much less than him. The car had rolled off the road and into grassy embankment.  Yanli, in the passenger seat, suffered a herniated disk in her upper back, a sprained wrist, a slight closed fracture to her skull, and various bruises along her right side.  Wei Wuxian, meanwhile, merely bore a concussion and broken leg.  They were all due for physical therapy and a long time on painkillers, but Jiang Cheng would certainly be in recovery much longer than them. Not that he minded, really.  He would rather it be him than either of his siblings.
“A-Cheng,” Huaisang pipes in.  “Are you hungry?”
“We didn’t eat on the trip over,” Nie Mingjue answers, which is a lie.  While Jiang Cheng barely touched his plane meal, he knows Nie Mingjue quickly packed his own away.  Without Jiang Cheng voicing the truth, Nie Mingjue pulls his younger brother into a side hug.  “You gonna cook for us?”
Huaisang scrunches his nose and pushes himself away from his older brother. “Ugh, why would I do that?  I’ll go ask the cooks to start something for all of us.”
With a quick peck to Jiang Cheng’s cheek (followed by a retching sound from Wei Wuxian), Huaisang hurries off towards the kitchen.  Yanli follows him after pressing a kiss to Jiang Cheng’s forehead.
“With all that love, you’ll recover in no time,” Nie Mingjue jokes dryly.
“Oh, would you like to join in on the love pool, da-ge?” Wei Wuxian teases. “Between the four of us, I’m sure Jiang Cheng will be flying in a month!”
“Hey! Who gave you the right to call him da-ge?” Jiang Cheng chastises.  If his brother wasn’t standing on his crutch well out of Jiang Cheng’s reach, he definitely would have slapped him.
“Huaisang did!” Wei Wuxian answers.  “Just last night he said ‘We’re all simply didi and meimei to my da-ge’.” He takes on a peaceful, almost Buddha-like, stance as he recites Huaisang’s words.
“That’s not permission!” Jiang Cheng argues.
“He was right, though,” Nie Mingjue chuckles.  “You’re all around my didi’s age, after all.  You can call me da-ge.”  With that, he takes the handles of Jiang Cheng’s wheelchair and begins pushing him towards the kitchen.  Despite the crutch, Wei Wuxian manages to keep up with Nie Mingjue’s long strides.  “Now, then, let’s get some dinner.”
The following weeks in the Nie mansion are nice.  Before the house burned, the siblings were spread about, steadily finding their own lives away from the nest.  Wei Wuxian practically lived with Lan Wangji as he built his music career, Yanli was doing well for herself as an art curator, and Jiang Cheng was learning the how to run his family’s ship building company.  They met for weekly family dinners and texted often, but that was the extent of their contact.  So despite the uncertainty that lays outside Nie walls, it is rather nice to have his siblings around and nearby.
Best of all, though, is Huaisang.  Jiang Cheng began dating him after graduating college, so they’ve been together for nearly two years.  Truth be told, before his world went to shit, Jiang Cheng was heavily considering asking Huaisang to move in with him.  And now that he’s here, he’s got the shared-house experience with his boyfriend.  Sure he’s stuck to a wheelchair, and he can barely do anything because of a concussion, and there’s a near-constant dull pain on his entire left side, but—Huaisang.  Huaisang is here and Jiang Cheng’s stupid besotted mind can barely focus on anything past that when it’s just the two of them.
One morning, though, as Jiang Cheng rouses with his head against Huaisang’s back, he hears a sniffing sound.  Turning over, he finds himself face to face with a dog.  A chow chow, specifically, with its large nose shoved in his face.
“…Hello?” Jiang Cheng whispers.  He’s not certain if he’s dreaming, but he can hear Huaisang snoring next to him and can feel that dull pain in his left side.  So he’s betting on being awake.  He reaches out to touch the dog, but it backs away before he can touch it.
With some distance between them, Jiang Cheng can see the dog almost in full. Massive and bulky with long reddish-orange fur blanketing its frame.  It stares back at him with a quiet, knowing look.  The longer Jiang Cheng observes it, though, the more he realizes that the chow chow is…off, somehow.  Its eyes are a bit too big, nose too long, paws larger than its body should allow.  Its tail stands on full alert, unmoving, as it—damn it all—it maintains eye contact with Jiang Cheng.
“Can you hear me?”
The voice invades Jiang Cheng’s brain, echoing and throbbing.  He screams.
“You can!  You can hear me!”
The dog’s tail begins to wag and its maw opens.  A dark blue tongue lolls out over too-sharp teeth.  Jiang Cheng swears there is a void where the back of the dog’s throat should be.
“What the fuck… What the fuck is happening!”
Jiang Cheng’s yelling rouses his bedmate.  He hears Huaisang sit up, mumbling out a, “What the hell are you shouting for?”
“The dog!” Jiang Cheng screeches.  Without taking his eyes off the apparition, he reaches behind him to touch Huaisang’s arm. “There’s a fucking—I don’t know what it is—a ghost dog?  And it’s speaking to me!”
He feels Huaisang’s arm tense.  The air is silent, tense, as Nie Huaisang peaks over his boyfriend’s shoulder.
“He can see you, Buttercup?”
Before Jiang Cheng can process that, the voice echoes in his brain again, splitting his head apart.  “Yeah! Isn’t this exciting?!”  The dog—Buttercup?—bounces on its front paws. “We don’t have to hide from him anymore!”
“Okay, what the fuck, stop doing that!”  Despite his throbbing head, Jiang Cheng still manages to raise his voice. “It hurts, damn it!”
“Okay, don’t worry, A-Cheng.”  Huaisang rests his hands on both of Jiang Cheng’s shoulders and squeezes.  “I’ll explain everything soon.”  A kiss to the temple, a surefire way to make Jiang Cheng relax in his boyfriend’s hold.  “Buttercup, speak only to me for now, okay?  This is still new for him.”
Jiang Cheng would object, but the pain in his head has reached his eyes and it’s hard to focus past that.  He’s worried for a second that the concussion has worsened, but he’d sooner take the chance to rest than figure out if he needs to return to the doctor.  He closes his eyes, desperate for the early morning sunshine to disappear.  Huaisang continues speaking, but Jiang Cheng can’t make out the words.  He hears the bedroom door open, but he doesn’t know if somebody came in or left.  All he can know is the ringing in his ears and the grounding touch of Huaisang.
When Jiang Cheng comes to again, he’s seated at the dining table.  Looking around, he recognizes he’s in the private dining hall.  It’s smaller than the dining hall reserved for entertaining guests.  The walls here, like the rest of the house, are arching and high, painted in a green-grey.  A bull’s head is mounted on the wall opposite of Jiang Cheng, but that is thankfully the most morbid of the decorations.  The rest of the room is covered in framed greyscale pictures of people Jiang Cheng doesn’t know.  Decorative plates are lined up next to the entrance door.  On the wall closest to Jiang Cheng, to his left, is a scroll depicting an artfully painted crane.
The table he’s sitting at is a nice mahogany, dark brown wood shining in its lacquer.  Egg drop soup has been served in front of him.  Looking up from the food, Jiang Cheng realizes that he’s not alone at the table.  Huaisang is sitting with his older brother across from Jiang Cheng.  At the far left side of the table, Yanli is sitting by herself, staring into her bowl with a tight gaze.  At the far right is Wei Wuxian sitting next to Lan Wangji.  They both look guilty as hell—well, as guilty as the stone-faced Lan Wangji can look.  Everyone has a bowl of soup, but it seems nobody has dug in.
“Ah, you finally came to,” Nie Mingjue speaks up.
Four pairs of eyes immediately turn to focus on him.  Huaisang breaks into a bright smile and reaches across the table, taking Jiang Cheng’s right hand.  “We’re starving, A-Cheng.  Let’s eat while we explain what’s going on.”
Jiang Cheng slides his eyes to meet Yanli’s.  She smiles and nods approvingly.
The soup is still passingly warm, thankfully.  While Jiang Cheng sips up the chicken broth and bits of tofu, Huaisang releases his hand to settle in his seat.  He has the audacity to look ashamed, which irks him, because in Jiang Cheng’s very correct opinion, his boyfriend should only be happy.
“Do you want to start?” Huaisang asks his brother.
“You’re better at talking,” Nie Mingjue quips.
Huaisang makes a huge, put-upon sigh.  “Okay, well… let’s start with Buttercup, huh?”
At her name, the dog suddenly appears to Jiang Cheng’s right.  Straight out of thin-air.  Jiang Cheng swears he can see space still settling around her form.
He expects to hear her voice echoing in his head again, but there is only silence in his ears.  Huaisang, though, stares at her and says, “Yes, Buttercup, everything’s fine now.  Please be silent while I start explaining.”  He goes quiet again, snorts seconds later, before starting to talk again.  “Okay, well… There’s a lot, so buckle in.”
“Can I get another serving of soup?” Wei Wuxian suddenly asks.
Before either Nie can answer, or Jiang Cheng can scold his brother for eating so fast, Lan Wangji takes Wei Wuxian’s bowl and walks towards the kitchen. Jiang Cheng rolls his eyes as Lan Wangji passes.
“Anyway,” Huaisang starts.  “Um… A-Cheng, Yanli-jie… This is Buttercup.  She’s a hellhound.”
“There’s nothing hell-like about her,” Jiang Cheng immediately interrupts.  Were it not for the headache-inducing voice and ability to appear out of nowhere and general wrongness, she’d actually be rather cute.
“They’re not actually from Hell, Jiang Cheng,” Wei Wuxian immediately responds.
“What?  You already know about this?!”
Wei Wuxian has the decency to look ashamed.  “Well… yeah… This’ll come up, promise!”
“Yeah, believe it or not, your brother factors into this whole mess,” Nie Mingjue says.
“That’s not surprising at all,” Jiang Cheng deadpans.
“I have to agree…” Yanli mumbles.
“Not fair, jiejie!” Wei Wuxian cries.
“Strange things happen around you, A-Xian,” Yanli responds with her best tired smile.
“Can I continue now?” Huaisang asks, an exhausted edge to his voice.
“Yes” and “Sorry” respond to him in chorus.  Lan Wangji returns to the room with a steaming bowl of soup and silently serves Wei Wuxian, who wastes no time digging in again.
“Great, thank you, as I was saying…” Huaisang flicks out his fan and begins gently fanning himself.  “We just call her type hellhounds.  Really, she’s a spectral dog.   Cadejo, barguests, grave hounds, etcetera.  You’ve heard of them in plenty of myths and folktales.  Buttercup is one of them.”
“I have one, too,” Nie Mingjue says.  With a whistle, another dog appears in the room.  This one is larger and longer than Buttercup. It holds its head high, regal as it stares down the Jiang siblings with too-knowing, too-bright brown eyes. Shadows settle around its form into long, stringy fur, darker than night yet seemingly fluffy.  Its jaw is too large to fit perfectly on its face and its lengthy tail disappears into the wall.  In time, Jiang Cheng realizes that it looks like an Irish wolfhound drawn with near-perfect memory.  “This is Baxia,” Nie Mingjue introduces with a proud smile.  “She’s a quiet one, but she’ll warm up to you all in no time.”
“It is nice to meet everyone,” a deep, rumbling voice echoes in Jiang Cheng’s brain.  There’s much less pain this time, but his head still protests at the intrusion.
“Don’t speak yet, Baxia,” Nie Mingjue softly reprimands. “They’re still new.”
“She was speaking?” Yanli interjects.  The Nie brothers look at her with twin expressions of surprise.
“Huh… That’s interesting,” Huaisang mumbles.
“Maybe damage taken plays a role?” Wei Wuxian asks.
“Maybe,” Lan Wangji replies.  “Her skull wasn’t fractured like Jiang Cheng’s.”
“But there was still head damage,” Nie Mingjue adds.
“Mind cluing us in to your conversation?” Jiang Cheng grumbles.
“Sorry, A-Cheng, I promise this will make sense soon. Yes, Yanli, Baxia was speaking. These spectral dogs… they’re from what we call the Otherworld.  This is a lot to take in, but basically every folk monster you can think of more or less exists and they all come from the Otherworld.  Spectral dogs are some of the most plentiful and usually attach themselves to people like us.”
Jiang Cheng puts his spoon in his empty bowl.  “And who’s you?”
“Sovereigns,” Nie Mingjue answers.  “That’s what the Otherworld folk like to call us.  We…” he clears his throat, “we have a few abilities that allow us to interact with them.”
“It differs from person to person,” Huaisang continues. “Yanli, I think you only have what we call the Sight ability.  You can see Otherworld creatures and talk to them, but you can’t hear them.  You need to having the Hearing.  Which, Chengcheng, you definitely have.”
Frustration builds in Jiang Cheng, pounding against his chest and gripping his throat.  He taps the table, just a distraction, just an attempt to channel the fury inside him. “And why am I just now learning about this?”
“Would you have believe us if we told you?  Oh, Jiang Cheng, by the way, there’s this whole spirit world that is super real and only a select few people know about it!  Wow!  Sucks that you can’t see these spectral dogs!” Wei Wuxian exclaims.
Which reminds him—“Why aren’t you freaking out at the dogs?”
Wei Wuxian grins at him, stupidly smug.  “I’m too cool to worry about ghosts.”
“Wei Ying does not register them as real dogs,” Lan Wangji explains, much to the protests of Wei Wuxian.
“They…certainly don’t look real,” Yanli agrees.  Jiang Cheng reaches out to take her hand.  She accepts, clammy skin sliding over his cast.
“We would have liked to tell you,” Nie Mingjue says as he stands up.  “But there is only so much the human brain can believe without physical proof.”  He lifts his right hand and, in seconds, a spectral human appears in the room.  Space shifts around her, light passing through her body.  Jiang Cheng tries to study her features, but there is a strange barrier, a mist, which obscures her.  As she nears him, the air turns cold, freezing him down to the bones.  She takes his and Yanli’s empty bowls and carries them towards the kitchen.
“Was that a ghost?” Yanli asks, a tremble to her voice.  Jiang Cheng rubs his thumb across her knuckles.
“Yes, and da-ge just exercised what’s called the Control ability.  It allows a Sovereign to manipulate creatures from the Otherworld,” Huaisang explains.
Jiang Cheng nearly snaps at his boyfriend.  But when he looks up, he is met with the expression he hates the most from Huaisang—stone-cold, hidden behind layers of thick skin, only his lips and eyelids moving.  Jiang Cheng can’t read him when he’s like this.  He only has experience to rely upon, and experience tells him that he needs to be kind now.  If he is not, then his boyfriend will likely shutter away, further and further from Jiang Cheng until months of reconciliation attempts finally bring him back to the Huaisang that Jiang Cheng cherishes the most.
The early days of their romance were not kind.  Huaisang’s life has not been kind.  As Jiang Cheng digests this new secret, he believes he may have found another piece to the puzzle of why, exactly, this stone relief of his boyfriend exists.
Swallowing down the anger at his tongue, Jiang Cheng instead says, “So you don’t just have a ghost maid?”
Nie Mingjue snorts.  “No, and she’ll likely be very angry at me later for that.”
Huaisang’s eyes dart to Buttercup.  In a few seconds, he says, “Buttercup would like you to know that all Otherworld creatures have feelings like us.  They do not take kindly to being controlled.  But there are some vicious creatures we have no choice but to fight. That’s why Enchanters like da-ge and Lan Wangji are very vital.  Ah!  Enchanters is what we call people with Control.”
All attention shifts to Lan Wangji, who hums before saying, “I am not as powerful as Mingjue-ge or Xichen-ge.  But I can control low-level spirits, like sprites.”
Yanli lets a shuddering exhale.  “I believe a break would be beneficial.  May I be excused?”
A frown tugs at Nie Mingjue’s lips as he steps around to Yanli’s side of the table. “Of course, Yanli.  Allow me to guide you to the gardens.”
She takes the arm he offers her and stands up, releasing Jiang Cheng’s hand. “Gladly, Mingjue.”  Cradling her forehead, Yanli walks away with Nie Mingjue, Baxia trailing after them, leaving the four boys and Buttercup to themselves.
“Can I speak alone with A-Cheng?” Huaisang asks.  Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji are quick to agree.
With just the two of them, Jiang Cheng finds it easier to hold back the anger still boiling in his gut.  Gripping the edge of the table, he manages to bite out, “I’m not mad at you.”
That brings a spark to Huaisang’s eyes. “Really?”
It’s still hard to talk about his feelings.  But, well, he’s nearing twenty-five and therapy is proving wonders. “I’m mad at the situation, a-and not knowing so much, but, um… I’m not mad at you.”
“That sounded painful for you.”
That’s snark.  Jiang Cheng chuckles, “Believe it or not you could tell me you’re an alien and I’d probably still love you.”
The stone on Huaisang’s face melts into awe and adoration.  Smiling back the tears in his eyes, Huaisang replies, “I love you, too, puppy.  More than anything.  I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you sooner.”
Jiang Cheng sighs and leans back in his wheelchair.  His grip on the table relents.  Huaisang stands so he can come sit beside him.  “Can you at least tell me why you all can see these things?” It’s still new to him and Yanli, and some of the things they said earlier hinted that it is not an in-born ability.
“It varies by person, but the most common catalyst is near-death experiences.” Despite the strain it must put on his back, Huaisang leans out of his chair to rest his head on Jiang Cheng’s shoulder.  “Some people are born with their abilities, like the Lans.  Some of the Wens we know were also born with it, like Wen Ning and Wen Qing.  But… well, you know what happened to Wei Wuxian when he was a child, right?”
There were a few months between Wei Wuxian losing his parents and being found by Jiang Fengmian.  Jiang Cheng gulps before responding, “He doesn’t tell me much about it, but I was there when he was in recovery.  Don’t think I’ll ever forget when I watched the doctors re-do his bandages and I could see his muscles.”
“Yeah.” Huaisang takes Jiang Cheng’s hand and kisses his knuckles.  “Things didn’t look good for you, either.  I’m surprised Yanli-jie gained the Sight ability, but I guess head trauma counts as a near-death experience.”
“…And you?” Jiang Cheng whispers.
Huaisang goes silent.  Thankfully, though, no stone grows on his face.  In time, he answers, “Dad.  When he got really sick.  He got violent towards me and da-ge.  Our moms tried to protect us, but…”
But when it came down to putting him in a mental institution, Huaisang’s extended family refused to endorse his admittance.  And when it came to divorce, to removing the children from their abusive father, the extended family pulled their strings and the mothers—“Strangers,” Huaisang once spat, recounting the words of a cousin—were pushed out of the family without their sons.
It wasn’t until Nie Mingjue was twenty that the mothers were allowed back into the family.  That was twelve years ago.  While they no longer live in the mansion, Jiang Cheng has met them on multiple occasions. He can understand why losing them impacted Huaisang so heavily.
“I’m sorry,” Jiang Cheng says with a kiss to his boyfriend’s forehead.
“Things are better now,” Huaisang swears.  “Plus, I gained a few new friends.”
“Like Buttercup?” Jiang Cheng asks, looking over to the spectral dog.  She is sitting patiently, staring very directly at the couple, but her tail wags with the attention.
Nie Huaisang laughs.  “Yes, exactly like Buttercup.”
The next few weeks are… a lot, to put it shortly.  Between physical therapy, losing the cast on his arm, finally being cleared of his concussion, moving from wheelchair to crutches, and long nights with Huaisang, Jiang Cheng is being caught up on everything his brother and boyfriend have been hiding from him.
To start, those who can interact with the Otherworld—“Sovereigns and Enchanters,” Huaisang reminds him—are part of the Praeter Society.  The name is different depending on region, but its English name is Praeter.  There are already plans to induct Jiang Cheng and Yanli once they have finished recovering. And, as it turns out, most of their acquaintances are already part of the Praeter society.  It sounds so hilariously convenient that it takes quite a lot of arguing to convince Jiang Cheng that, no, nobody is lying to him about the members.
“My theory is that gaining the abilities has a lot to do with proximity to other members!” Wei Wuxian adds unhelpfully.
“How does that work?” Yanli is the only one who bothers to ask.
“Thank you for asking, jiejie.  You see, I think we all carry energy from the Otherworld—”
“Back to the subject at hand,” Huaisang interrupts.
The worst surprise, though, is who else in Jiang Cheng’s family is a member.
“My mother?!”
“We call her the Queen of the city,” Nie Mingjue informs him with an insufferably amused smirk.
“To be more accurate, she has a role of Leader for this area.  There are only a few others with the distinction,” Huaisang explains as he pinches his brother’s cheek.
“Your father is a member, too, but he never graduated past the Sovereign status,” Nie Mingjue adds, unperturbed by his brother’s pinching.
Then, the actual worst information comes to light.
“Wei Wuxian, you’re responsible for our house getting burnt down?!”
“Hey! Not responsible!” Wei Wuxian defends. Lan Wangji puts his arm around Wei Wuxian’s shoulders and levels a heavy glare Jiang Cheng’s way.
“He really isn’t, A-Cheng,” Huaisang soothes as he rubs the back of Jiang Cheng’s neck.  “We’ve heard the story multiple times by now.  It was an honest accident.”
See, a week before their house was attacked and Jiang Cheng’s entire life changed, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji had been visiting Wen Ning and Wen Qing at the Wen estate.  Despite their bad relations with Wen Ruohan and his brood, the couple were allowed on the premises with the promise that they would never leave Wen Qing’s sight. They kept the promise, since Wei Wuxian was under the watchful eyes of at least two responsible parties (the Wen siblings).
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji followed the Wen siblings around the estate, trading stories and enjoying the company.  But as evening approached, Wen Ning excused himself to go to the restroom, only to not return over thirty minutes later.  Worried, Wen Qing went to search for him.  Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji tailed after her.
As it turned out, Wen Ning was simply bait in a trap laid by Wen Chao.  The unscrupulous cousin in question wanted to play a prank on Wei Wuxian in retaliation for years of Wei Wuxian outdoing and mocking him at every turn.  The Wens have a peculiar practice of studying spirits and the like from the Otherworld.  All their many experiments were kept in a section of the estate.  And that sacred place was where Wen Ning was found.
The problem here is that Wen Ning is easily possessed.  And in this section of the estate were countless spirits and beasts, most hostile.  Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji had no choice but to fight back.
And the real problem none of them were aware of until after the fact is that many of these spirits were the ghosts of ancestors.  Moreover, decades of experimentation were lost to indiscriminate exorcism.
“So they decided to burn our house?!”
“It’s the Wens, what the fuck do you expect?”
Jiang Cheng sighs.  It’s a lot to take in.  Honestly, if he were learning all this a year ago, he’s pretty sure he would’ve flown off the handle and probably tried to expel Wei Wuxian from the family.  But that was before therapy and many deep talks with Huaisang about life, death, and family.  So as it stands right now, he’s pissed, but he’s taking it in stride best he can.
“Do we at least know where Mom is, then?” Jiang Cheng asks once he’s managed to calm down.
Wei Wuxian frowns and replies, “We’re pretty sure she’s laying low and digging up dirt on the Wens.  We’ll need irrefutable proof if we’re gonna give them what for.”
“But she’s safe?”
Wei Wuxian grips his brother’s shoulder.  “Of course.  It’s Madame Yu.  We both know a tornado couldn’t bring her down.”
About two months into recovery, Jiang Cheng and Yanli are given the clear to begin induction.  Jiang Cheng still has to use crutches, but thankfully there’s no grand ceremony that’ll require him to stand or walk much.
In fact, it’s a very informal process.  Fast-food restaurant informal.
“My apologies if you were expecting somewhere nicer,” Jin Guangyao says with his usual placating smile.
“It’s fine.  We love the shakes here,” Yanli replies.  It’s hard to tell how genuine she’s being.
The history between the Jiangs and the Jins isn’t bad, but it isn’t great, either. Yu Ziyuan and Madame Jin get along like sisters, but it’s not the same story for their children.  Jiang Cheng doesn’t know the exact story between Yanli and Jin Guangyao, but he knows that the two don’t tend to stay in the same room together unless Jin Zixuan, the only person they both like, is present. But Jin Zixuan isn’t present. It’s just Jin Guangyao, Jiang Cheng, Yanli, and an exhausted Huaisang.
“Please don’t fight,” Huaisang begs.  “We’re in public and A-Cheng kept me up last night.”
Yanli smiles in the way only a sister can.  “I’m happy to know you two are getting along so well.”
Jiang Cheng sputters.  “Not like that!  We were watching a movie!  Spirited Away!”
“Twice,” Huaisang clarifies.  “The first time through, A-Cheng kept asking if any of the creatures are real, so we had to watch it again.”
As it turns out, the little charcoal helpers are real, but very rare.
“Ah, that’s one of my favorite movies,” Jin Guangyao says.  An employee stops by their table to deliver a truly massive burger to him.  “What was your favorite part, Jiang Cheng?”
Jiang Cheng glances at his sister.  “…We can talk later.  I’ll text you.  Anyway. Praeter induction.”
“Right!”  Jin Guangyao takes a sip of his beverage and begins with a simple run-down of roles in the Praeter.  There are Leaders, like Yu Ziyuan, who are charged with protecting certain areas. Organizers, like Jin Guangyao, who keep tabs on all Sovereigns and Enchanters in an area.  Searchers find possible Sovereigns and Enchanters.  And, finally, the Fighters, who are the main line of defense against Otherworldly dangers.
“Since Miss Yanli is limited to the Sight ability, we would like her to take on a Searcher role,” Jin Guangyao continues after devouring his burger with impressive speed.  “For you, Jiang Cheng, it’s up to you.”
Huaisang’s grip on Jiang Cheng’s hand tightens.  “I think he should be a Fighter.  He and Wuxian would make a good team.”
Jiang Cheng took up sword fighting classes with Wei Wuxian when they were kids. He’d definitely call their teamwork in tournaments pretty impressive.
“Or he could be a Searcher like you, Sang-di,” Jin Guangyao easily replies. There’s a coldness in his voice that sets Jiang Cheng on edge.
Nie Huaisang goes silent.  He glares at Jiang Cheng with the ‘you better agree with me’ look.
“I’ll just be a Fighter.  Wei Wuxian can show me the ropes.”
Jin Guangyao smiles in that annoyingly placating way.  “All right, then.  When you’re completely healed, we’ll send you on your first mission.”  He reaches into his bag and pulls out a manilla folder. “Now, Miss Yanli, would you like to go over your role as a Searcher today?”
“I think I’m fine for now,” Yanli says as she puts a hand on Jiang Cheng’s shoulder. Her grip is tight.  “I’d rather wait until my brothers are healed before I start anything.”
Jin Guangyao nods and replaces the manilla folder.  “Very well.  You have my number, so call me when you’re ready.”
The three of them leave Jin Guangyao in the restaurant.  As they walk back to the car, Yanli and Nie Huaisang’s grips are still tight on Jiang Cheng.  He’d really like to know what has them so on edge, but as he sees their sullen expressions in the reflection of car windows, he decides to ask another time.
‘Another time’ turns out to be a whole month later, when he’s been deemed back in full health and has returned to regular exercise and swordfights with Wei Wuxian.  Jiang Fengmian has been discharged from the hospital, as well, but he’s deemed it better to focus on re-building the house.  In addition, Yu Ziyuan has resurfaced, armed with testimony and physical evidence of the Wens attacking her home.  There will be some time, however, before mundane courts will bring the Wens to justice. It will be longer still for the Praeter society to differentiate and weed out those in the Wen who still pose a threat to other Praeter members.  So, in the interest of safety, the Jiang children will remain under Nie protection.  Thankfully, Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan are the type to check in daily, so Jiang Cheng doesn’t miss them as much as he thought he would.
One chilly night, Huaisang crawls into bed next to Jiang Cheng looking like some haunted version of himself.  Before Jiang Cheng can ask what’s going on, Huaisang whispers, “They’ll kill them, you know.”
“What do you mean?” Jiang Cheng asks, hand hovering cautiously next to his boyfriend’s wrist.
“The Wen.  Those who the courts don’t manage to catch, they’ll be under strict scrutiny by the Praeter.  Those who don’t pass the test will die.”  He gulps. “Wen Qing and Wen Ning will be fine, I can promise you that, but if there’s anyone else there you care about, you have to tell me now.”
Jiang Cheng’s hand floats to Huaisang’s cheek and rubs away a tear.  “You say that like you’ll be there.”
“I will,” Huaisang admits through a cracked voice.  “It’s my job as a Searcher.  We find people with the abilities.  We figure out if they are a threat.  We kill those who are.”
Jiang Cheng gazes at his boyfriend.  Moonlight is pouring through the window next to the bed.  Huaisang looks beautiful in it.  He also looks so small and weak.  He’s open, no stone in sight.  Jiang Cheng cups his cheek.  “Have you…?”
“No,” Huaisang immediately replies.  “Not yet.  But—”
“I’ll still be here if you ever do,” Jiang Cheng swears.  “I’ll be here until the end, if you’ll let me.”
Huaisang gasps.  He stares down at Jiang Cheng, mouth as wide open as his eyes.  Soon, disbelief makes way for soft, breathy chuckles, the type that fill Jiang Cheng’s lungs with sunlight.  “Careful, A-Cheng.  I’ll fall further in love with you.”
“What if I want you to?” Jiang Cheng asks, guiding Huaisang down until their lips ghost against each other.  “I love you, A-Sang.  I’ll stay with you if you’ll stay with me.”
“When did you get so eloquent?” Huaisang teases, his eyes crinkling.  “I love you, too, A-Cheng.  I want to stay with you.”
“Good.” With that, he kisses him, deep and meaningful.  Everything about this new world is strange and Jiang Cheng can barely keep up.  But none of that matters, since that he has Huaisang by his side.
There’s a wraith terrorizing the town.  Because of course there is.
“Those are tricky creatures,” Yu Ziyuan advises over the phone.  “Only very strong Enchanters can control them.”  In the background of the call, Jiang Cheng hears his father grunt in affirmation.  “Make sure you don’t go alone.”
“It’s my first hunt,” Jiang Cheng replies.  From his end of the call, he watches as Huaisang sketches out a map based on reports from Jin Guangyao.  They’ve stationed themselves in a parlor room while the rest of their team prepares for the hunt.  “Nobody will let me out of their sight.”
“I certainly won’t!” Wei Wuxian shouts from another room.
“Was that Wei Wuxian?” Yu Ziyuan asks.  Jiang Cheng confirms.  “Tell him that he can expect a lashing if you so much as get a cut tonight.”
Jiang Cheng relays his mother’s message.
“Nooooo!” Wei Wuxian whines, knowing full well that Yu Ziyuan is not being serious. “I promise, Auntie, I’ll take extra special care of Chengcheng!”
“He says he’ll abandon me at the first sight of the wraith,” Jiang Cheng lies. He hears Huaisang snort.
“It’s not good to lie,” Buttercup reminds him from her position at Huaisang’s feet.
“Don’t lie,” Yu Ziyuan scolds.  The line goes silent for a few moments before Jiang Cheng hears his father’s voice.
“Be careful, A-Cheng.  Stay close to Wei Wuxian, he’ll protect you,” Jiang Fengmian advises.
A familiar jealousy rumbles in Jiang Cheng’s chest.  He squashes it in favor of watching his boyfriend draw.  “I will.  Either me or Wei Wuxian will call you when the wraith is gone.”
“Good,” Jiang Fengmian comments.  “Pass the phone to Wei Wuxian.  I want to talk to him.”
Barely restraining a decades-old frustration, Jiang Cheng calls Wei Wuxian over to take the phone.  When his brother disappears into another room, Jiang Cheng moves to sit next to Huaisang.
“Drawing maps or doing math, which is more boring for you?” Jiang Cheng teases.
“Ugh, don’t remind me of math!” Huaisang complains.  He steals a kiss from Jiang Cheng before saying, “But math. The maps are still kind of fun.”
Jiang Cheng hums and sneaks a hand onto Huaisang’s lower back, rubbing his fingers against the cloth of Huaisang’s shirt.  Huaisang leans into the touch with a happy rumble.  “Will you be coming with us?” Jiang Cheng eventually asks.
“Of course I will!” Nie Huaisang exclaims.  “They try to have a Searcher on hand for most of these exorcisms.  I’ll have to keep my distance when we find the wraith, but I’m not going to abandon my boyfriend.”
Jiang Cheng grips the back of Huaisang’s shirt and lays his head against his shoulder. “Speaking of boyfriends…”
“Oh my god, are you going to propose before your first exorcism?” Huaisang interrupts.
Jiang Cheng does not blush, thank you very much.  “N-no!  I—” his voice drops to a whisper, “I was going to ask you if you wanted to get an apartment together after this all blows over.”
“Oh thank god you only want cohabitation,” Huaisang sighs.
“…Is getting engaged to me so bad?” Jiang Cheng mumbles, eyebrows knitted together.
“N-no…” Huaisang stutters.  Jiang Cheng peers up and catches a splash of red highlighting Huaisang’s freckles.  “It’s just too soon, is all.  But…”  Huaisang twists in his chair so that he’s facing Jiang Cheng, a fiery determination in his eyes.  “If you ever do want to get married, I’m all for it.”
Jiang Cheng smiles and kisses Huaisang.  “I love you.”
“I love you, too, A-Cheng.”
“Break it up, lovebirds!” Nie Mingjue shouts.  He lumbers into the parlor room with a massive and stuffed duffel bag slung over his shoulder.  “You got that map done, didi?”
“Almost,” Huaisang replies, taking pen to paper.  “Just a few more minutes.”
“Good,” Nie Mingjue says with a nod.  He turns his attention to Jiang Cheng and tosses him a sword in a purple sheath.  “That’ll allow you to fight beings from the Otherworld.  Wei Wuxian and Wangji have one, too.”
“You bet we do!” Wei Wuxian exclaims as he and his boyfriend bound into the room. Wei Wuxian holds up two swords, one in a red scabbard and the other in a white scabbard.  Much to Jiang Cheng’s immediate annoyance, the red scabbard has been thoroughly decorated, so it looks like a group art project where nobody could decide on a theme.  “We’re going to have so much fun, Jiang Cheng!”
“Fucking gross,” Jiang Cheng grumbles.  “Hey, A-Sang, can I go on a different mission?  One that doesn’t involve eyesores?”
“A-Xian is not an eyesore,” Lan Wangji instantly objects.
“You’re all eyesores when it comes to fashion,” Huaisang mutters.
“That’s fair,” Wei Wuxian says with a good-natured laugh.  He slips Jiang Cheng’s phone back into its owners hands.  “Hey, you got that map done yet?”
“Just finished!” Huaisang responds as he holds up several large sheets of paper. Each one details a different area with notes on where and when the wraith has appeared.  “I think we should start with the church, since it pops up there the most often.”
“Agreed,” Nie Mingjue pipes in.  “Jiang Cheng, you ready?”
Jiang Cheng looks down at his sword, then over at Huaisang.  All of this is, to a certain degree, still new.  Still scary.  If this happened a year or two ago, he probably would have run into it headfirst, determined to prove himself good at something, anything.  But so much is different now.  There’s a strangeness he has to tackle, but he has the good sense not to tackle it alone.
Jiang Cheng takes Huaisang’s hand, squeezes, and says, “Yeah, I’m ready to go.”
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sapphoooe · 5 years ago
Accident (Jade West x R)
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Gif/Pic Credit to original maker/editor
Jade West x Reader
Summary: (request) Can you please write a Jade x reader where the reader gets in a really bad car accident and when Jade is driving home, she notices it's the reader's car?
Warnings/Info: all characters are at least 18, Kisses, fluff, Angst, car crash, alcohol misuse, injuries, hospital, swearing ,Happy Ending
A/N: I tried my best with the request fam✌🏼Also I edited it at like 3 AM ,so if there are any mistakes, lemme know.
Y/N = Your Name
Y/L/N = Your Last Name
Jade was on her way home, to your shared apartment. After being gone for three weeks, because of an internship for her future dream job, she was finally coming back home.
To you.
It was really difficult being away from each other for so long, even a week would have been too long, maybe even just days. But Jade was getting happier each second she got closer to you.
She soon could finally touch you and kiss you again. You both still Skyped and called each other, but it still wasn't the same.
Seeing the police lights in front of her, Jade slowed down. There were two damaged cars on the side of the crossroad, a black SUV and a car that looked A LOT like yours. Jade's anxiety started to rise up.
It couldn't be. It couldn't.
She looked for the license plate. And it was yours.
This can’t be happening. It can’t.
Jade found it near impossible to breathe.
She stopped the car on the side and rushed out.
“Ma'am you can't go in there, please stay behind the police tape."
“I need to find my girlfriend, that's her car, where is she?!”
“Ma'am please I need you to calm down, both drivers were just taken to the Medical Center Hospital, 30 minutes ago”
The hospital. You were at the hospital.
Jade ran back to the car, to get there as fast as she could. She felt like throwing up, her hands whitening, while gripping the steering wheel.
You had to be okay. You had to. She couldn't lose you.
After Jade arrived, she parked the car and marched inside. She had a scary aura around her, so everyone avoided her at all costs as she walked up to the reception.
“How can I help you?” The receptionist asked.
“Y/N Y/L/N. She was brought here after a car crash. What room is she in?!”
The woman raises an eyebrow at Jade, as Jade glares at her. She sighs and turns to her computer, typing something into it and she pauses to read the screen before she replies.
“She’s in surgery right now, but if you step aside we can take y—”
“No. I need-”
“Did you ask for a ‘Y/N Y/L/N’ ?” The Doctor behind her interrupted her.
Jade turned to her.
“If you’d step over here, I can explain what happened?” the doctor tried with a gentle smile.
“I—Okay.” There was no point in arguing.
“Who are you?”
“Jade West. Her fiancée.”
It's wasn't completely a lie, someday it would happen, as long as you wanted to.
Jade nervously clenches her fists.
“Yes, right. She was in a pretty bad car accident. She’s still in surgery, but if it goes well, she will be fine. But the driver was drunk. And from what I’ve gathered, he slammed into the passengers side. Her leg got broken and she sprained her wrist. Also got a concussion from the impact.”
“When can I see her?”
“When she gets out of surgery. Someone will come and get you.” Jade takes a breath and nods, sitting down and focusing to calm down.
Its hours before someone comes.
A nurse clears his throat and Jade looks up to see him standing beside her with a kind smile. She's too tired to be rude.
“Jade West?”
“You may see her now.” Jade stood up and followed him.
He opened the door without a word, leaving you both alone.
You're asleep, looking somehow peaceful.
There are bruises along your hairline and some stitches above your right eyebrow. Your wrist is bandaged and your leg is in a cast.
Jade holds back a sob.
She cups your cheek, leaning down and gently presses a kiss to your forehead.
After sitting next to you on a chair, she takes your uninjured hand in hers, stroking your knuckles.
Jade doesn't remember falling asleep, but she wakes up to your hand stroking her hair. She smiles when your eyes meet.
“Hey Gorgeous” you smile.
“Hi” Jade croaks, tears falling down her cheeks.
“Whoa. Are those tears? Must be pretty serious, huh?” You try to joke.
You place your hand on her cheek wiping away some tears.
“Hey, it's okay baby, I'm fine, come here.”
She stills and you pull her to you. Making carefully some room on the bed for her, (minding your injuries and medical wires. Jade's face is hiding in your neck, as she tries to hold her tears in.
“Hey, it's okay, I'm right here, Gorgeous.” You tell her. “Besides, can't get rid of me that easily”
She gives you a small smile and looks up at you with that same smitten expression, the same way you are looking at her too.
“I fucking hope so Y/L/N.”
She doesn't ’t think she’ll ever get used to the way you look at her. As if she's your everything.
“I love you Y/N, I love you so fucking much, more than anything. I'm just so happy that you're okay.” 
You press a soft kiss to her lips.
“I love you too Jade, so much Gorgeous.”
“Take a nap with me, Jay?”
She nods.
“Everything you want baby”
And presses a kiss to your neck. Both of you relaxing into each other on the hospital bed and letting sleep take over.
You were already softly snoring, as she smiles in relief and gratitude.
You were going to be okay.
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lavendertwilight89 · 5 years ago
InuxKag Week 2020--Day 6 Reunion
This is an idea me and @superpixie42 were talking through.  I blame @keichanz and @cstormsinukagblog for inspiring a ghost au idea.
So the premise is after Kagome’s dad passed, they moved into her grandfather's shrine.  She's sixteen and inherited her dad's ability to see ghosts and her job is to help them move on. But no one else knows about her abilities except her bff Miroku who shares her gift and his girlfriend Sango. (I will write the actual the Chapters but this is just to set up the reunion piece). So Inuyasha was up in her new room just sitting on the bay window staring at the Sacred Tree when she approached him saying he didn't belong there and needed to leave. 
Inuyasha, obviously, didn't take that well and basically told her to fuck off-- and so, they had to build up their relationship from annoyance and loathing to friendship and possibly more *wink wink* 
@inukag-week @superpixie42 @lemonlushff @dangerouspompadour @keichanz @cstormsinukagblog @willowandfog @inuyashaloverforever @xfangheartx @clearwillow  @umacaking @bluejay785 @smmahamazing @murdergiraffe @faulkner-blog @sapphirestarxx @swaggingtomboy @sarah-writes-stories @hnnwnchstr @wolverine1092
This excerpt would be a couple chapters in more than likely:
Rated Teen for language
It'd been a week since she had been home. She was drained, exhausted, and irritated.
Her and Miroku had done an overnight exorcism that had gone horribly wrong. She thanked the Gods Sango was outside and had been able to call the ambulance. Not that she voiced that at the time. Because you know, she was underneath the collapsed building.
She had forced Miroku to flee when she saw things going south with the young girl spirit that was hell bent on revenge against her best friend. Long story short, the spirit’s best friend stole her boyfriend, sent her into a depressive streak, finally had been comfortable enough to leave the house without humiliation only to be killed in a car accident. Teenage bullshit. You know, classic stuff. 
Miroku and her were able to trap the girl in an abandoned building by the ports. They figured they could use the water by purifying it and then zapping her if she didn't see reason. Which she didn't, no teenager ever does. To which they had to have used the water. Then that sparked the crazy train of events such as: the insane amount of anger and hatred inbedded in the soul that made her strong enough to bring down the building, the fact that she was able to withstand the purification as long as she did just so she could take them down with her, and that she was dead set on killing them.
But Kagome was stronger than Miroku. Much stronger and knew she could hold her; it wasn't like she had a boyfriend or anybody worrying about her. Yea, she had family but… no real future. 
Not that she meant for it to come off like she wanted to die a martyr or that she was unloved. But the guy she was insanely in love with to the point where she dreamt of him nightly.
Yes, she had just turned a measly seventeen but… she'd never felt that way before. Miroku and her had been friends for YEARS and never once had she imagined shoving her tongue down his throat.
Let alone any other guy that's asked her out-- Hojo, Akitoki, Bankotsu, and the new kid Koga. No one haunted her dreams the way the dead half demon did. Maybe it was because he haunted her bedroom too. 
She oddly hoped if she did end losing her life that she'd haunt the same bedroom with him. And that maybe, just maybe, he'd be more than okay with it.
He had started acting strangely. It took months for them to get to where they were… 'comfortable' with each other. She had given up on trying to exorcise him or convince him to move on.  Not to mention he gave up on avoiding her, fighting with her, or just all around pissing her off. It was useless hiding as she always found him and that’s what started half their fights.
They had grown to have a mutual respect for each other.  
And then she fucked it up. She came back after an emotional exorcism crying. He caught her due to ‘space brain’. She was upset about what she and Miroku ended up having to do; it was a young boy who passed away due to cancer and he was sucking the life from his mother. He refused to leave her alone and they were left with no choice; help the mother live, or let the dead boy kill her…
Anyway, she was caught. It made her even more embarrassed that he had found her. At that point, she had a schoolgirl crush on the ghost. He was handsome, well built, spoke his mind, didn’t falter his beliefs for anything, and overall wasn’t the biggest asshole as a roommate. He gave her space and privacy when she needed it. He didn’t crowd her, overbear on her. He definitely did his own thing and didn’t rely on her to keep him company. They enjoyed the companionable silences when they were together.
She was about to fix her face and replace the mask she wore when he stopped her. It was like he was shocked to see she had emotions. If anything it pissed her off enough to try and slap him away from her but he caught her hand.  Before she could retaliate to the intimate touch, he pulled her into his arms. And the dam burst. Everything she had ever held in, just came soaring out in sobs and hysterics. He held her all night, comforting her. He whispered endearments when she grew quiet, listened to when she spoke. That was all she needed to know she was actually in love.
Since that night though, he'd be… distant. Trying to give her extra space. Extra time to herself. He’d disappear for hours unend. She’d feel him reappear after she had fallen asleep to which she pretended to be dreamland. Obviously he was avoiding her. She had actually felt better having opened up to someone. Actually having been vulnerable for once. But she fucked up. Her mistake. She obviously misread things.  
But then as the building was suffocating her--the weight suddenly was thrown off her. She felt strong arms wrap around her; she thought she was dead. That Inuyasha finally came for her. Maybe he loved her after all. Everything was unclear. Muffled. She couldn't make fact from fiction. She swore she heard her name fall from his lips… and then briefly kiss her forehead...
When she awoke in the hospital a couple days later,  Miroku told her Inuyasha had gone in and got the heavy beams off of her and carried her out. Sango had called the ambulance already and Miroku ensured Inuyasha returned home and promised he would be in contact with him when he knew more.
They convinced her mom that she and Miroku had been jumped and brought to the warehouse by the thugs. They ran off when they felt the building begin to collapse and Miroku had been just out of way to only have some cuts and bruises.
Kagome unfortunately had a sprained wrist, a dislocated shoulder, a cracked hip, and a busted femur. She got 4 stitches to her temple but otherwise, she was okay. She was lucky to be alive, they said. 
“Miroku… Have you--Have you talked to Inuyasha?”
“Well, I did promise him, Kagome. He was very worried about you.”
“I don’t know why,” she scoffed in the passenger seat of the car. “He acts like he’d prefer if I didn’t exist.”
“From where I was standing last week, I think he feels far from that,” he teased turning to her smiling.
She blushed under the scrutiny, “Wh-What do you mean?”
“Ah, it is not for me to say; but I will tell you he does not wish to see you dead.”
“Yea,” she added, rolling her eyes pouting. “Doesn’t want to be stuck with me for eternity.”
“Oh Kagome,” he said disapprovingly as he stopped the car in front of the shrine getting out of the car to help her. Her mom was working at the hospital, Sota was at school, and her grandpa had been called away on business with another shrine. Miroku was the only one left to really care for her--a responsibility he lovingly took. “Just relax. It isn’t like that either.”
She stood shakely on one leg and took his arm but he smiled and turned to his left rather than paying her attention. Perplexed, her eyes followed to where he was looking and she saw him--Inuyasha. Standing at the steps to the shrine. Waiting for them.
“Inuyasha,” Kagome breathed.
“Monk, can you take her crutches inside? Maybe make her something to eat since I’m not used to that kind of technology still… I’ll grab her. I can’t see ya making it halfway up the stairs with her on your back,” he said never breaking eye contact with her.
“Of course,” Miroku winked to Kagome. “I’ll see you up there.” Before she could protest, Miroku shot up the stairs with the crutches in hand.
She cursed him under breath and gasped when she saw Inuyasha had closed the proximity between them.
“Hold on,” he said as he lifted her in his arms gently. Her arms automatically swung around his neck, wincing at the starin from her wrist and shoulder. He grimaced but jumped up the stairs and used the window to her room to enter the house and then set her gently on her bed. 
To say she was baffled by his behavior was an understatement. It was like he was pulling a full one-eighty.
“Are you fucking crazy?!!? You could have been killed!!! You told the monk to leave so you could finish the spirit off!?!?! You’re lucky as all damn hell I followed you!!!”
“Wait--you--what??! You followed me?!?”
“Besides the point--answer the fucking question!!” he growled getting in her face.
“Look! I wasn’t about to let us both die! I knew I could have handled it!”
“Yea--you ‘handled’ it alright!! You almost got yourself killed!! Fuck Kagome!! What in God’s name were you even thinking!?!? Sota already lost a dad, your mother lost her husband and your grandfather lost a son!!! You trying to add to the family misfortune?!?! Goddamnit!!! You’re a fucking idiot!!! I can’t believe you were so willing to go down with the spirit for what?!?! So she wouldn’t harass her best friend and ex boyfriend-person??!”
“That’s my job, Inuyasha! I’ve been doing it for the last three years now and let me tell you, I have been doing just fine without you!”
“Without me, you would have fucking died there Kagome!!! I caught the shit just as it landed on you!! Without me you would have bled out and never seen the light of day again!! Was it worth it?!?!”
“Obviously Miroku is safe and Sango has her boyfriend. The other teens are fine so, yea, it would have been. I would have completed my job and been fine,” she lied.
“Dead--you would have been DEAD!!! You’re missing the fucking point!!” His hands slammed down to cage her between his arms, chest, and the headboard. He snarled angrily at her making her just as angry as him.
“What’s your fucking problem?! As of late, it didn’t really seem like you cared if I was here or not anyway!!” she yelled back.
“Of course I fucking care, stupid!!”
“Is that so?? Just don’t want my brother as your roommate? Scared when he turns thirteen he’ll put two and two together that he can see ghosts too??”
“No! The brat doesn’t scare me!!”
“Then why do you care if I’m here or not!!?”
“Because you can’t leave me!!!”
She froze and exhaled sharply. She must’ve forgotten how to breathe because her chest grew tight and knots formed in her belly.
“Wh--” she started.
“You’re… the only friend I’ve had in five-hundred years, Kagome. Why would you… Why were you willing to throw all that away?”
“Like I said Inuyasha…” she said carefully. “You didn’t seem very interested in being my friend for the past couple of weeks anyway. I wasn’t trying to sacrifice myself; I honestly thought I could handle it.”
“It’s not--It’s not that I wasn’t interested in being your friend,” he admitted sitting down beside her. “I was afraid I crossed a line with you.”
“What line did you think you crossed?”
“The night I found you crying… I couldn't let you be alone. I couldn’t leave you. I--I pushed myself on you,” he admitted. If he could blush, she knew he would be.
“It’s okay. I’m not upset by it… If anything, I’m grateful. I’ve never been able to open up to anyone about this before. It was… nice. I really appreciate it. I also, I uhm, I really appreciate your friendship. Aside from Miroku and Sango, I don’t have any friends. It’s not easy to make when you’re a freak, ya know?”
He stared into her eyes and leaned in; he brushed his lips against hers making her blush hard enough for the both of them. 
But she could lean in and return the pressure, her bedroom door swung open and Inuyasha was leaning against the bench of the bay window. Arms crossed. His head turned away. 
“Sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt; I brought you some water and soup,” Miroku offered, placing it down on her bedside table. He quickly left the room and Kagome turned to try and find Inuyasha only to see he disappeared.
Some reunion. 
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iamyoursinblog · 5 years ago
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 3,4 k
Part: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [extra]
You've been looking at the screen for an hour rereading the message from Jungkook over and over again.
'Your "everything okay " it's:
a) everything okay, because nothing to happen
b) everything okay, because I want repeat that night
c) everything okay, because I don't want talk to you anymore '
You must have visual hallucinations, you still couldn't believe it was really true. Is he drunk again? What goes wrong? You reread the message again, maybe you misunderstood the second answer. His phrase 'It wasn't an accident' came to your mind. No, it's definitely crazy for this kid, and that's why he's trying to drive you crazy. There is no other explanation! You wrote the answer 'a)' and sent it. I hope it's going to be like this. I don't want to be awkward between us.
The sound of the notification sounded almost immediately, and you wondered if he was still awake. By unlocking the phone you calmed down to see a message from Yoongi. You asked him why they didn't sleep so late, and he said he only drinks with Jin, and everyone else went to bed before midnight. You wrote that you'd go to bed too and say good night to them. You was looking at correspondence with Yoongi. Despite the fact that he can write vulgar messages like today 'Do you want me to come and undress you? I can even rub the your back in the shower😊' there was never anything between you. Even a hint of some kind of intimacy or desire. You knew all his girlfriends, and he knew about your guys. You often had coffee together and discussed things you couldn't discuss with Jin. So why does a man who has always behaved calmly and once again did not look in your direction suddenly kisses you, says that it was not an accident and then also asks if I want to repeat? 'So don't think about it,' you stopped thinking afterwards.
You got up and took a shower. After the shower, you put on your new pajamas and went to bed. You lit the scented candles by the bed, their pleasant smell filled your bedroom, and the warm light from the fire complemented the pleasant atmesphere. When you felt that you were already falling asleep you put out the candles, and turning on the other side immediately fell asleep.
You were lying on the bed with your feet and your hands tied with a rope. You didn't see anything because of the blindfold. You felt the bed bent under someone's weight. You couldn't remember how you got here. You couldn't move. Out of fear, even the ability to speak was lost. The body was overlooking you and the hot lips left a slight kiss on your lips. "It wasn't an accident" a low whisper of a familiar voice whispered into your ear. You almost screamed and stood up sharply.
"Sleep... it was just a dream..." You whispered. All your clothes and hair were sweaty. The sensations were too real... You got up and went to wash, changing the pijalus you went back to bed ... Although the desire to close his eyes again was not, even in spite of the sleepiness. Every time your brain was overloaded with thoughts you had dreams you couldn't move. It's like the weight of those thoughts was so heavy that until you get rid of them, you can't move. When you calmed down, you closed your eyes again, leaving a small nightlight that filled the room with a pleasant purple light. This time she fell asleep and no dreams visited you until the morning.
The sound of an alarm clock ripped you out of your sleep. You reached out on the bed before you got up, stretching all the muscles. You got up and went to the bathroom, you followed into the kitchen and then came back from the bedroom with a cup of fragrant coffee. An hour later, you were ready to go. You put on your sportswear and took a case of clothes to change after the gym. You didn't have any urgent work today, and you agreed to help a friend take pictures, her makeup artist was on vacation and it would take her ages to find a new one. You put everything you needed and left the house. After the gym, you took a shower, put on your make-up and came out of the dressing room. You looked at yourself from head to toe in the mirror, today you chose a white blouse with high neck and red wide-leg pants with high waist, and white stilettos. Whoever's in the photoshoot, you have to make a good impression. You fix your lace braid ponytail hairstyle and went outside.
When you got in the car, you rode to the studio. There was a phone call. Looking at the screen, you never doubted it was Jin.
"Good morning. Why are you calling?" you said when answering the phone
"Yes, I'm glad to hear you too, ________! Judging by your voice, you're fine. Wait, are you in the car? Didn't you have a day off today?" replied Jin. Screams and laughter could be heard in the background, and you realized that they were probably all in the car together, too.
"It should be. But I was bored and agreed to help a friend. I'll call you back later, I've already arrived."
"Have a good work. Bye"
"Bye" you answered and hung up.
You went into the studio and saw a group of flower boys sitting on the couch. You looked at your watch, are you too late. No, you still had time to spare. As soon as they saw you together they got up and bowed, greeting loudly. You said hello back. When you found your friend, you asked "Am I late?" looking back at a group of guys.
"Ooh... You came. Your place is there. And these kids came an hour early. I almost got a heart attack, I thought my watch was broken. So don't worry. They are a young group that is preparing for the debut, theydon't have schedule yet, they were so excited that they asked the manager to come early. We have already asked a million questions how everything will be and what they will have to do. Too excited. You can look at them suddenly someone should make a mask while we had a time. First there will be individual shooting you can paint them one at a time right before you start. I left a sketch book on your desk with the order and the theme of the photoshoot" after listening it you went to the dressing room. Having decomposed all the brushes and cosmetics, you carefully studied all the notes. Right, you need to look at the boys.
You went back and went up to the guys looking at them. "Everyone has good skin, well done you take good care of it. I'll apply makeup in the order of individual shooting" they nodded.
"They don't need masks there and your skin is very good. Will your staff prepare everything soon?" you asked a friend.
"We finished earlier than we thought. Oh, can I take some backstage photos while you put on your makeup?"
"No problem" you replied. "Guys go to the dressing room, we'll start soon."
The photo shoot went quite quickly. You got the notification. Going into the shared chat you saw your photo, which Jimin sent. You were standing full-length and made makeup for one of the guys. Or rather, not even a photo, it was a screen with photos of the backstage. Your face was too close, 'ohh that's why he always blushed', you thought. You read the caption and practically laughed 'my friend hubae wrote that he fell in love with the nunu make-up artist because she's very beautiful, and he said you stretched your wrist when you helped carry the box with the equipment'. These kids talk too much... You didn't even have time to start typing the answer as your phone rang. You picked up the phone.
"You have nothing to do? What the fuck are you carrying boxes? There's no staff?" Jin shouted into the tube.
"Jin, it's a slight stretch. I put a bandage on my arm. So i'll be fine in a couple of days. Nothing bad happened. Stop acting like my mom."
"Go to the hospital and have your wrist examined by a specialist. Not forcing me to repeat twice!"
"OK, ok... As soon as I'm done, I'll go to the hospital. Don't you have a schedule for today, why do you have time to lecture me about health?"
"I'm very busy, so stop me worrying about you. I can't focus on my job. Ok bye" he hung up. 'Crazy' you thought to yourself looking at the screen.
After the hospital, you went to the supermarket to buy groceries for dinner. When you came home, you dialed Jin while you were walking toward the house.
"I'm fine. I was at the doctor's, like I said, a slight sprain in a couple of days. I can't strain my hand for a couple of days. So I’m going to stay at home sorting out the accumulated cases."
"Excellent. Should I come to see you? Can I help with something?"
"Don't you have a schedule anymore?"
"Yes the last meeting was canceled so we are free. We decided to roll up a hyung party while the maknaes are busy with their own business"
"Where have you already sent the younger ones?"
"We don't kick them out. Jimin and Taehyung went to the spa, Jungkook arranged to meet with friends. So if you're bored, come to us."
"I think I'll stay home. And I wish you a good rest. I'm already on my floor. I'm hanging up," you said as you exited the elevator. Raising your head you froze on the spot
"You're to have good rest, too. Bye" said Jin and hung up.
You were standing there holding your phone by your ear. In front of you stood Jungkook who was leaned on your door. When he saw you, he smiled and came up to you picking up a bag with groceries. "I heard you hurt your wrist. So I'm here to help you make dinner," he said. "I hear you're dating friends, so why are you here?"
"I couldn't tell the others I was going to you because I wanted to see you," he said as if you were discussing the weather.
"Jungkook you can not lie to your friends just because you want to see someone there"
"You're not "someone"..."
"Jungkook what if I wasn't alone? What if I was with Jin? Did you even think about it?" you said.
"Nuna I hear you're dating some idole, is that true?"
What this child is talking about.
"What the... First of all, I didn't date with the idole, we're just friends, secondly it's none of your business with who and what I do... Although no, not so... First of all, it's none of your business with who and what I do, and secondly, I haven't met the idole, we're just friends."
"Are you acting with all your friends like that?"
"Jungkook doesn't think you're crossing the line"
"Don't draw a line so I don't have to cross it. Why don't we go to the apartment or do you want your neighbors to keep listening to our conversation?"
A deep breath, you walked past him and opened the door. You went inside.
"I seem to have given my answer. So why are you acting like this? Let's just pretend there wasn't anything, and that night wasn't there at all."
"Don't want" lifting a bag of groceries, he went into the kitchen. You were standing by the door who couldn't move. What did this kid just say, 'Don't want', has he gone crazy at all?
You heard the noise of water in the kitchen. You're direction towards the kitchen. He had already taken off his jacket and was in t-shirts. After washing his hands, he spread the food in the fridge. "Oh you have soju. Let's cook kimci-jjigae, you love it right. I'm so hungry. Let's also have some meat" he said it so calmly and just took out the right ingredients on the countertop. You were in complete shock, the only thing you could do was just watch what was going on in your kitchen. "Go change, or you'll get dirty. You look very beautiful, by the way. Don't wear more short dresses like the last date."
You just walked out of the kitchen in silence and went into the bedroom. You went to the bed and sat down. What's going on? Is this some kind of parallel universe? Your brain refused to accept information about what was happening. You were just sitting there staring at the wall. Why there's no thought in your collusion? What do you do? How do you even must react to his behavior. Does he like me? Did he want to see me because he missed me? That's crazy. Can call Jin, although no he will arrange a tantrum. Maybe call Yoongi and ask what you should do. Why don't you call the emergency services? You fool, what a rescue service, completely crazy. You fell on the bed unable to return to the kitchen. It's just dinner you can handle. Talk to him after. You got up and went back to the kitchen.
He's already cut everything and set the table. "I don't cook very well. But I've prepared all the right ingredients for the recipe I've found." he said, pointing to the table near the stove and smiling broadly.
"I need a drink," you said, looking at him. He went to the fridge, took out a can of beer opened it and handed it to you. "It will be a long evening" you whispered under your nose while taking a sip of beer.
You came over and started cooking while he told me how his day went. Half an hour later the dinner was ready and you sat down at the table. You sat silently, wondering how to talk to him.
"I like you" he said it in such a calm voice as if he asked to pass the salt. You looked up at him, "I said I liked you. A long time. I want to be with you. I want to hug and kiss you. So fall in love with me, I'm not going to back down" from the shock, your spoon falling from your hand falling to the floor.
"Jungkook what you... How can you say that to me? I'm already silent about the age difference or the fact that I'm Jin's best friend. How do you imagine that? Can you meet with anyone at all under the contract? Can you then behave calmly when we broke up, spending time in one company?"
"Why are you thinking about the end if the beginning hasn't even happened yet"
"Because I understand where this will lead, and I know who will be hurts, it not will be me. Why are you so careless?"
"Because I like you. I don't care if I get hurt."
"Do you want to sleep with me? So let's do this and forget about it. What? You like me? Relationship? Love? What are you even talking about?"
"If I needed just sex, I wouldn't stop that night and you know it. I know this might sound silly to you. But why can't you give me a chance? Let's try, we not to tell anyone. Let's just try it if you don't like it and i'll forget it. I'll pretend it never happened."
"How do you imagine that? Do you want to go on dates? You? On a date? With a girl? When will everyone recognize you, should you only appear on the street?"
He got up from the table and went to the table near the sofa. Taking one of the candles he lit it and put it on your table in the middle.
"Why can't it be a date? Delicious food and pleasant company. I'm sorry, next time I'll get some flowers."
Your head was about to explode.
"Ok. No jealousy, no commitment and no demands. The others act like there's nothing. And no one owes anyone anything. As soon as one of us gets bored we are forgetting about everything that was. Do you agree?"
"Agreed," he said broadly smiling. "So today is our first day?"
"What another first day, this is a demo version. We're not dating!" why did you even agree to it?
"Okay, good... let this be the first day of our demo version," he said, and all you had to do was roll your eyes.
He reached out and took you by the hand of the binding fingers. "Do you often correspond with Yoongi?"
"No jealousy, no commitment and no demands," you reminded him.
"I'm not jealous, I'm just curious"
"Just as often as with Jin"
The rest of the dinner was held in silence. After you cleaning the table and washed the dishes, you went to the living room turn on the TV. He quickly put the dishes in it place.
"Do you want more beer?" he asked pulling two cans out of the fridge.
"Yes, I will. I thought you didn't want to drink today."
"I didn't drink because you'd could say I got drunk and that's why I'm saying, I like you," he said sitting next to you. Before handing you the beer, he left a light kiss on your lips.
"What are you..." you stopped yourself in the middle of the phrase.
"I can't kiss you?"
You didn't answer and just kept watching TV.
"Can I kiss you? I want to hear the answer" he turned to you completely and asked again.
Turning your head you kissed him drowning out the stream of his speech. This time the kiss was long. He was gentle. He hugged you with one hand pulling closer. Your skin is covered with goosebumps. A few minutes later he pulled away from you smiling "Let's watch the movie" he just turned to the TV completely hugging you.
What? Watch movie? What's he talking about? Okay, you don't have to give in to his provocations. You kept watching the movie laughing. When it was over, he looked at the watch "I have to go back to the dorm" he said rising from the couch. "I hope I get wishes from you for a quiet night?"
"I'll look at your behavior," you said as you climbed off the couch.
"Did I behave badly today?" he hugged you, "I helped you cook dinner, set the table, and helped you wash the dishes. I'm a 'dream', not a boyfriend."
You looked at him raising an eyebrow. Yey 'dream'... Of course... On your head appeared not  one gray hair because of his behavior ... "You seem to be go to leave, 'dream'?" you said, but he just smiled and kissed you on the cheek.
"Mmm... I'm leaving. Unfortunately, it's too early to get up tomorrow. So I'd cann't stay longer." You followed him. He turned and pressed you against the wall. This time the kiss was imbued with lust, creating a desire within you. He clung tightly to you with his body. He lifted you up by getting you to grip his waist with your feet. He was squeezing your ass with his hands while he rubbed his hard dick on your crotch by touching the clit. The movement made you moan in his mouth. You definitely wanted him. But before you knew what happened, he put you on the floor and took a step back. You stood leaning on the walls looking at him wide open his eyes. He quickly adjusted his clothes, leaned over and kissed you on the cheek. "See you tomorrow, " he said with a broad smile. He turned and left the apartment. You slid down the wall and sat on the floor.
A what? He's gone? He got me excited and left? How could he leave me like this? Breathing was heavy, heat in the crotch and wet with the excitement of panties. And he just left? You were sitting on the floor and still didn't believe it. He decided to play with you. Usually you were the one who left the guys in this state after to turn around and leave.
"Well, let's play..."
 Part: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [extra]
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singeramg · 5 years ago
How Things Could Change: Part 2
Pairing: Henry Cavill/ Black! Reader
Warnings: None really, I guess slight language
Chapter: 2/2
Summary: The aftermath of your accident...
Part 1
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The Unexpected pt 2
Your head was pounding and your chest hurt like hell. You could hear the heart monitor beeping and smell the familiar yet unwelcome smell that came with hospitals.
You hated hospitals.  More like you hated the sadness that came along with it.
You however wondered why you were there? It all came back as you came to. The rain, the tires screeching as you tried to stop. The arguing with your boyfriend Henry, the impulsive decision to leave said boyfriend. All coming together to form the massive fuckup of a car accident. You were surprised you remembered that much.
“Y/n? Baby are you awake?” You groaned at the sound of your mom’s voice. 
“Hold on baby I’m gonna call the nurse.” She brushes your hair back slowly and softly and in one minute the nurse and doctor file into the room.
“Ms. (Y/N) (Y/L/N) it’s good to see you awake. Do you know where you are?”
God, your voice sounded awful. 
“Water please.” You gasped out. The doc allowed it and your mother held the styrofoam cup to your mouth. Upon drinking you relaxed, then took stock of yourself.
“Ms. (Y/L/N) do you know why you are here?”
“Car accident.”
“ Good. It seems the concussion you sustained has not impacted your short-term memory.”
“How long have I been out? Also what is the damage because I feel like shit.”
The room chuckles. 
“Not long at all actually. An hour. In addition to the concussion, you’ve got a sprained wrist, a broken ankle, 2 broken ribs. And facial lacerations, mostly from your airbag deploying. We were unable to give you certain medications due to your condition.”
“Condition” you asked confused.
Everyone looked at you, then the nurse shared a look with the doctor and then he looked at your mother. She smirks and says
“ Sweetheart you have no idea do you?”
“No? What is going on? Am I dying?” She laughs, and holds your hold.
“Y/n you are pregnant.” The gasp you gave could be heard down the hall.
“Wait! What? I know you lying!”
The room erupted in full blown laughter by then. The nurse, a 40 something herself black woman had to excuse herself. Meanwhile your  mother just pulled your body to her and hugged you. (Narrator note: This is how your mom found out you were pregnant before you and Henry, and she will never let the two of you live it down, saying she knew it before the accident because moms always know.) 
“My baby is having a baby!”
Your heart dropped into your stomach, your palms get sweaty. You could hear the heart monitor went wild. You fought the urge to blackout again. You felt sick. You motioned for a bin, and up came the bag of Doritos and Reese’s you ate on the drive to Henry. 
“Yep, dear expect a lot more of that.” 
Your mom says, then takes the bin away once you are done. You chug more water then you looked to the doctor who with a serious face and said to him.
“And you guys are sure?”
“Positive. We ran multiple blood tests on you upon your arrival to our ER. I assure you however the baby is okay despite the accident. We of course can and will be monitoring you during the course of the healing process and treatment...”
“Wait where is Henry?!”
You asked suddenly realizing your boyfriend was nowhere to be found. Your mom patting your hand comforting.
“Honey I tried to call him. He’s not picking up. I texted him what hospital you were in...”
Then you hear a bunch of commotion
“What do you mean I can’t go back? She’s my fiancé!!!!”
You being his fiance was news to you, but you wouldn’t touch on that right now. 
The voice instantly recognizable with its accent heavy in his anger. You must have not been that far from the front door if you could hear him. 
“Momma go get him before he gets locked up and I’ve got to explain to my child why their father is doing a 3-5 for assault.” She snickers and goes out to the hallway. Meanwhile the doctor turns to you with a smile.
“ I’ve got a consult coming from obstetrics coming down. We will do another ultrasound now that you are awake. Plus I’ll see if we can get something to make you comfortable. Congratulations.”
“Thank you.”
You smile back and watch the middle-aged sandy blonde doctor leaves just as Henry barrels through the door. He freezes in the hallway. Almost instantly recognizing him, despite the light stubble and curly hair from having his hair longer for the role he was in.
“Wait this is your Henry?” You nod and smile. He smiled back and goes on his way.  You mother come back in behind Henry, who looks absolutely devastated looking at you.
“Baby I’m f...” You start and in a non surprising move Henry breathes a sigh of relief, hugging you as much as he could in your ER bed. You try and sit up to hug him back forgetting you have two broken ribs. The resulting yelp causes Henry to panic and let you go.
“Oh no did I hurt you? I am such a fucking idiot...”
You waved him off, letting the pain pass along with the mild nausea. Your mom hands you some more water. 
“Baby just relax and breathe. Can I get you something else?” She offers.
“No momma, but could you give me and Henry a moment alone for just a second?”
“Of course. I’m gonna to run down to get some coffee. I’ll be back.” She smiles and you knowing your mother you say.
“Oh yeah mom, Do not breathe a word of this to anyone until I say so.” She said okay, but you knew at least one of her siblings would know before morning. She pats Henry’s shoulder on the way out. As soon as leaves closing the curtain and glass barrier behind her, Henry drops into the chair next to your bed, tears in his  eyes.
“I am so sorry I pushed you to leave. You were mad, I wouldn’t let up I..” You shake your head in the negative.
“Henry William Dalgliesh Cavill. (It took you a long time to get that name down) None of these is your fault. Honestly it was Mother Nature (You would find out later that the crash was actually caused by reckless driving. One person would die, one critically injured and you would end up being the least injured of everyone despite them having to use the jaws of life to get you out.) and my fault for being so damn hard headed. I shouldn’t have left the hotel room.”
You offer him.
“Y/n you scared the life out of me darling. All I could hear was the sound of you screaming. The sound of metal hitting metal, then nothing.”
“I am sorry baby.” You offer him.
“Don’t ever be sorry for this. I am just grateful you are still here. What did the doctors say?” You instantly get nervous. You knew you had to tell him everything because they would be coming to do the ultrasound in a little while. 
“Well I have a concussion, sprained wrist, 2 broken ribs, and my ankle is broken. Not to mention my face from the airbag deploy.”
“Shit baby girl...”
“There’s one more thing…”  You tried to move again. You hissed again, it made Henry furrow his brows.
“Darling why are you sitting here in pain. Don’t you want me to call the nurse have her bring you something?”
“Henry they can’t give what would normally give a patient to me. They are consulting with another kind of doctor to check.”
“You have a drug allergy to pain meds now? When did that start?” You looked at him. No time like the present you guessed.
“It’s not an allergy. With my type of condition they have to get a consult.”
“Y/n are you sick?”
“The doctor they have to consult is an obstetrician.”
He will look at you confused for a moment, as his mind tries to piece together what you mean. You watch it set in with concern on your face. He comes impossibly closer to you, taking both of your hands in his, they were large, swallowing them. He looks you in your eyes.
“Obstetrician as in a baby doctor. As in you are pregnant?”
You nod too afraid to speak, not sure if you could talk or make squeaky noises. You see his eyes fully as they widen so far in excitement you can see the heterochromia in his eyes,  the two slightly different colored blues, with the space of brown in one. They fill with tears again but they do not fall. Yours however do. Again he worries over you, worse because he cannot Move you much to hold you.
“Are you not happy about this?”
“I’m actually more okay with this than I thought I would be. I fully expected to be catatonic when I found out but I’m fine. Great even. How do you feel about this?”
You asked even though you were afraid to hear the answer.
“Y/n I am over the moon! I just found out the love of my life will be having my child. I couldn’t  be more thrilled if I tried.”
You smiled and he leaned down to kiss you. 
It still takes your breath away like it did from day 1. 
A/N: Thanks for reading! As of now I am done with this! I may come back to visit this if I get some requests to or just for fun :D 
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otg2012 · 4 years ago
Summary: Jackson and Stiles have a conversation regarding their youngest son.
Notes: It’s part 133 of “All I Saw Was You” (where Stiles & Jackson are married and everything changes when they have a car accident). This is part 1 of this arc and continues part 134.
“You see? He’s okay. I told you he was perfectly okay,” Stiles says when Jackson comes back down to the kitchen.
Jackson shakes his head, opens the fridge and slams it closed again. “Shit! Fucking shit!”
“Okay, before you say anything else… because I’m sure you have a lot to say… Your other son is home—Let’s go upstairs.” If there’s anything he knows, it’s that this conversation requires soundproofing.
“Fine,” Jackson says, heading upstairs without looking back at Stiles.
“Okay, shoot,” Stiles offers as soon as he closes their bedroom door behind him. Just by the look on Jackson’s face when he got home he can imagine what he’s going to say… or at least a big part of it.
“Don’t do that, okay?” Jackson rests his hands on his hips, walking from one side of the room to the other.
“What am I doing exactly?” Stiles shrugs.
“That.” Jackson points at him. “Treating me like I shouldn’t bother saying anything because I’m wrong. Like I should accept what happened because what? Because he’s the alpha?”
“Well, he is the alpha. His alpha. Our alpha.”
“Exactly, he’s not his father." Jackson shakes his head. "That’s me. I brought him to this world, not him.”
“Yeah, and you’re forgetting me. I also had something to do with it… even if I can’t remember it.”
“Stilinski, this is not the time. You know what I mean.”
“Yeah, but you cannot blame Derek. He asked for my permission and I gave it to him. If you wanna blame someone, blame me. I told him it was okay… and despite what happened, I still think it is time. He has—”
“He’s ten!” Jackson interrupts him. “He’s just a kid. He doesn’t need to learn—”
“Daniel was nine when he started and you thought it was a good idea—Remember?” Stiles raises his eyebrows.
“Yeah, I did.” Jackson nods. “Because he’s a wolf. You can’t compare—”
“There you go…” Stiles snorts, shaking his head. “You’re so predictable, it’s fucking boring.”
“I might be predictable but I also happen to be right, and you know it.”
“No, I don’t know it.” Stiles frowns, shaking his head. “If I knew, we wouldn’t be having this argument.”
“And here I thought we were just talking,” Jackson waves his arms.
“We were talking but you’re pissing me off, and I’m pretty sure that your wolf can fucking feel it right now.”
Of course, Jackson can feel it but right now he’s much more worried about how he feels.
“I haven’t even accused you of anything yet,” Jackson says defensively.
“No, but I fucking know you. And I know full well that you’re going to—I mean, apart from Derek, of course. I’m sure when you see him you’ll blame him too and you’ll start a fight with him—”
“Stiles, he fucked up, okay? He should have—”
“Ilya wanted to! He asked him, okay? He’s pack, so what did you expect? Yes, he’s not a wolf but he wants to be like his brother, can’t you understand that? Plus, he's surrounded by wolves all the time... He doesn’t want to feel different. It’s as simple as that. He-wants-to-feel-strong,” Stiles says, stressing every word.
“He is strong,” Jackson shrugs.
Stiles snorts a laugh. “That’s the way you see him. How we see him. But that’s not how he sees himself. Not yet… which I totally understand. And if learning how to fight and defend himself helps him in any way, I don’t see why we should be against it.”
“How about because he ended up in the hospital. Doesn’t it remind you of anybody?” Jackson asks, raising his eyebrows.
“Okay, firstly, I don’t appreciate your charming sarcasm right now. And secondly,” Stiles furrows his brow, “that was totally different and you know it perfectly well.”
“No, it wasn’t,” Jackson insists.
Jackson snorts a laugh. “You’ve ended up injured more times than I can count… and you—”
“He’s pack, Jackson. Your deaf human son is pack and you’re ten years too late to rethink the situation. You knew what you were getting into the moment you decided to have him. You can’t get like this every time he gets injured—if he gets injured, and you don’t even know if it will ever happen.”
“You just said it. It’s already happened!” Jackson says loudly that he intended.
“Come on. It’s just a wrist sprain. You’re exaggerating. He’s gonna be fine in no time.”
“He is…” Jackson sighs. “Shit.” Jackson waves both arms in defeat. “How can you be like this? How can you be so nonchalant about it? I don’t understand it… I really—”
“Because you’re a wolf. You don’t understand it because yes, you’re his father, but first of all, you’re a wolf… and I’m not. I understand how he feels. I don’t want to be a wolf anymore but there was a time when I wanted to be like you, and of course, I understand the feeling. You know better than anybody that I’ve been there.”
“Yes, but you were so much older than him and—”
“True, I was an adult. But Daniel is his brother—He worships him and he’s always imitated him even if he knows that he’ll never be like him. But defending himself, standing up for himself… that’s something he could do if we let him, that’s why I agreed.”
“Exactly, you approved even if you knew that I thought it was too soon... And you did it behind my back,” Jackson says stubbornly.
(To be Continued.)
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elejahfanfic · 5 years ago
Start Over/1
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Part 1
Pairing: Elena Gilbert x Nick Amaro
Tvd/svu crossover fanfiction
a/n: this is my new au ship - and here is a little story. I am borrowing Nick Amaro from Law&Order SUV
This is totally AU.
Premise: Nick Amaro left New York to go live in Mystic Falls, to be close to his daughter Zara.
He meets Dr Elena Gilbert Salvatore, who now is a widow, as Damon Salvatore died in a car accident.
Nick will soon find out that Mystic Falls is not such a normal town.
It’s a little love story. I hope you like it.
Thanks for reading. xoxo
tags: @miguelsbrat​
At the Salvatore School, a surprise birthday party saw old friends reunite.
"This is the best birthday present," Elena said hugging Bonnie, "when did you get here?"
"Last night. Caroline literally smuggled me in." Bonnie recalled the events of her arrival.
"That is why you cancelled on me last night?!" Elena turned to Caroline.
"We can have a much better movie night now that Bonnie is back." Caroline raised an eyebrow chuckling a bit,"now the cake. You can have your other presents later."
As they all had a cake and Elena unpacked her presents, the party dispersed, leaving Elena with Bonnie in the garden.
"Thanks so much for coming. I hope you are going to stay a while." Elena said taking a bit of the cake.
"I am. Sidney is coming down from New York this weekend. He wants to meet you guys."
"Omg - this like really serious?!"
"It is." Bonnie said, "he asked me to marry him. I got bigger news. I am pregnant."
London A week earlier
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  "Ahhh, that's great. I am so happy for you."
"Caroline heard the baby beat, the vampire her. So I told her last night."
"Hey, it's fine. We are not in competition."
"I want you guys to be my maids of honour and the baby's Godmothers." Bonnie said.
"Oh, Bon - thank you. Ah, this so made my day. I am so happy for you."
"I am really happy. I thought I would never fall in love again," Bonnie smiled, adding, "I wish you and Caroline get to be happy again, too."
"I got the practise, and Caroline's got the School." Elena sighed a little.
"I bet days like these make you miss Damon."
"I miss him. But I am good. I've been on a date." Elena said.
"Really? Omg- who with?" Bonnie got curious.
"A friend of Alaric's. A history professor from Whitmore. Joe. But it was a total didaster."
"Oh - you're not ready or? He was just not - crazy enough?!"
"I am so ready, but - there was no spark - nothing. He is ok, but - yeah"
"Spark - so important!" Bonnie emphasized,and now turned to the subject of a certain detective that Caroline had mentioned Elena was swooning about, but was not going to admit it.
"It's like totally weird. And then it kinda isn't." Elena said, her thoughts swaying to Nick.
"What's up?" Bonnie asked, seeing Elena go suddenly quiet.
"Nothing. Feel a bit tired. I had an emergency call at 6 a.m this morning and I've been working all day." Elena fibbed a little, though she did feel a tad bit exhausted.
"Tomorrow, movie night- I am so up for it. The three of us together again." Bonnie said.
"Oh, yeah. My house. We are so going all ‘High School’ retro time." Elena said standing up.
"I'll get the popcorn. God, I am so happy to be back." Bonnie stood up herself.
"I'll see you tomorrow." Elena hugged her friend warmly, before she went to find Caroline and thanked her for throwing her the party.
Sometimes later
"Yes, mom. I've got everything sorted." Nick said to his mother as he pulled in his drive way. 
"Right. I am getting things wrapped up here. I should be in Mystic Falls in a few days."
"All right. We can’t wait to see you." Nick said and as they exchanged byes, he got out of the car. 
Life changed dramatically for him. Never, in his wildest dreams did he think he would be living in a small town like Mystic Falls. It still felt like he went through the looking glass and entered another world.
Putting his phone away in his suit jacket he stood for a moment, looking at the house next door. It was a new house, belonging to Dr Gilbert Salvatore. Making a small gulp he  flashed back to the first time he had met Elena.
Two months earlier
Salvatore School Charity Night
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There, she appeared through the door of the big room. And he could not take his eyes off her.
Seeing her pull in in the driveway, he got out, meeting her as she got her medical bag out, as well as a couple of bags of groceries, trying to balance them.
"Evening" Nick said, “Can I help?"
Elena, feeling suddenly flush nodded.
Taking the groceries, without a word, the detective followed the doppelganger into the house.
Nick stepped in, glancing at the decor that screamed modern rustic look.      
"The kitchen is through here." Elena gestured the direction.
"It's a beautiful house" Nick complemented the interior.
"Thank you," the brunette said putting her medical bag on the side chair,"but you are not here to - uhm- why are you here? I mean, if it is about Zara- she just had a light sprain. The wrist will be fine in a couple of weeks.”
“It’s not about Zara. Or the case. Can I say - Happy birthday."
"Oh, thank you. Right -”
"Right - yes - uhm - I’m sorry - you must think that I am a total jerk.” the detective made a mental sigh before he continued, his whole being strangely getting rigid. "I came here to apologize."
"What for?" Elena cut in.
"The way I was dismissive the other day - among other things."
"Yeah. All right. If that is it - no big." Elena shrugged it off.
"True. Still - since I will be living here - next door. I want things to be ok between us. Be a good neighbour. And Zara likes you - she told me she wanted to be a doctor."
"We're good. I told you - no big."
"Thank you." Nick nodded."I won’t not keep you any longer- good night"
"Good night" Elena said walking to the back door opening it for the detective  who stood still as he got out, turning to the brunette.
"Yes- back there - the other day - behind the Grill - you pulled me away - you wanted to tell me something. But then Caroline Forbes came and you left. What is it that you wanted to tell me? It sounded like it was quite important”
“Well - I was - thinking to invite you to my birthday party.”
“Oh - right. And I fucked it up. Sorry”                  
Ever since her eyes locked with his, he knew his heart was already hers. Every time his saw her, coming to check on the last finishes on the house, meeting her, talking to her, he fell more for her smile, her laugh, her easy-going personality and everything else about her. He didn’t think he could fall for someone that made him feel like he was a teenager again, sheepishly staring at her, everything inside him stirred. Nick looked at Elena, losing himself in her deep chocolate eyes confirming now that she was not holding any grudges.
“You’re forgiven.” Elena said, her lips twitching cutely.
Nick curled up a little smile, nodding a little as in thank you, before turning away walking through the garden door to his house.
Elena walked inside her house, closing the back door, smiling like a cheshire cat. Putting her hands on her flushed cheeks to cool them down, she tried to calm her heart that was beating giddily.
“You’re like falling in love - and it’s great, Lena” it hummed. “It’s totally time to start over again.”
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