#and then hunter doesn't need to touch her to prove she's Real so much as to make sure he never ever ever forgets anything about her ever
crimeronan · 1 month
Okay but Hunter taking the time to rememorize every inch of Luz now that she's in her Titan form... both because she's not Dead anymore and he needs to sear the knowledge that she's alive into his brain and also because for all she's still the same Luz she's always been there's no much more to her that he's not used to yet.... He likes that he can see the light glyphs in her eyes though. For all that they're different now, seeing light in her eyes is the most familiar thing in the world to him
YESSSSS YES YES YES..... both of them get to be SO touchyfeely. seeing light in her eyes is the most familiar thing in the world to him..... 🥺🥺🥺
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astrolavas · 2 years
Who do you think Hunter will stay with at the end of the show? Or who do you want him to stay with
tbh out of all the possible future caretakers of hunter, my primary hope for who will adopt him rn rly is camila. y'know, loved all the different possibilities too but…. camila ❤️❤️❤️ like, just. like. that's his MOMMMM
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the vision of him living with camila (and luz and vee), going to hexside (cuz obv there's gonna a portal), and having a woodcarving mentorship under the clawthornes' and some mentorship under darius. and then once in a while occassionally staying over at the owl house.... Y'KNOW? so real.
camila's just too perfect of an option, LIKE. he spent months under her care already, he doesn't have even one bad experience with her that could possibly make him doubt and feel bad abt their relationship (no feeling like he needs to prove himself to gain her respect, no complicated past that'd have to be dealt with, no wondering if the care he's shown is genuine, no previous authority issues, no previous hostility etc etc) like camila's been extremely sweet and caring towards him and nothing else since the very start. it makes me sOO... 🤲😔❤️
the very first MOMENT they interact and hunter kneels in front of her out of respect she warmly tells him to never do it again; makes it clear that he doesn't have to be overly formal with her. just offers her kindness, expecting nothing in return. right away.
camila is probably the first adult ever that hunter associates with only warmth and goodness and whom he feels comfortable with from the start, with whom he doesn't have any past grudges or things they'd need to work out, just.. unconditional love. and justttt just just oughhhghh she called him baby. she's been basically treating him like her son already, and she's SUCH a good and supportive mom, to luz, to vee, to hexsquad. she taught him how to sew. she DIVED into FREEZING WATER at an OLD ABANDONED CEMETERY without a second thought in order to save him. JUST!!!!
him wanting to impress her with the spanish. her touching his shoulder and him showing not even an OUNCE of fear, just smiling and knowing she's not going to hurt him. him taking up interest in camila's and manny's old hobby. camila having experience with dealing with grief.. oof. him being happy living in the human realm (wanting to do things in the demon realm as well but having ties to BOTH worlds). even the fact that the entire noceda family is clearly neurodivergent, just like him. even him being an animal enjoyer and camila having a vet clinic, which- he WOULD LOVE to volunteer there in his free time, like?? COME ON.
AND THIS???? okay......
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and we KNOW he WANTS to have a permanent family. it's established at the beginning of the episode when he looks sad as others hang up their family drawings. he wants ppl to care abt him, he wants to have a place to call home, wants to feel safe. he cries (from happiness) when luz calls him family.
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and camila cares abt all of these kids so much. she was willing to take vee and hexsquad in JUST LIKE THAT. we can even assume her and manny wanted more kids, like just OUGHHGH she wouldn't even have to think twice before taking hunter in permanently. and she most likely knows hunter doesn't have anyone. she's not going to let him just….. go away on his own after everything is over, or make him move out or sth 💀 she'll want to help him, she'll want him to be safe and cared for.
like the only other possibilities for who else hunter could stay with after the show were: darius, eda/the clawthornes, or joint custody. but imo after... he lived under camila's roof for MONTHS, found a place that he feels safe in.. nocedas are just the best and healthiest option for him. after he'd spent MONTHS feeling happy with camila, i don't think it'd be good for him to be thrust into a completely new environment, and.. there's simply no time for his connection with other adults to be properly fleshed out, or to establish that he'd prefer anyone over nocedas.
like, i feel like sth has to happen with darius as well cuz their arc is unfinished, esp since it's been hinted they've grown closer since ASiAS, and there's a lot they could talk abt now re: grief + darius' mentor... so they HAVE to reunite at least. however, in my opinion at this point of the show there'd be just no time to conclude it as a parent-child bond in a satisfactory way. especially because there would be a LOT they'd have to work through first, considering their very complicated past.
like, all these years in the coven, their relationship pre-ASiaS, how darius treated hunter all these years... we know their relationship has progressed positively since ASiAS (even though mostly in the background/subtext) but still, i feel like it'd definitely take a while until hunter felt truly comfortable while living at darius'. he'd probably worry that it's conditional, could even easily fall back into his old coven mentality/habits, would try to make darius proud no matter what, etc. etc. it wouldn't be the healthiest for him. although eventually he would get comfortable, and that concept also had sm potential, but like the journey to that wouldn't be quick, and it'd have to be an arc on its own too. and, again, there is no time for that. rly cheering for a reunion and a talk, maybe even a mentorship of sorts, but considering hunter already has a place he feels fully comfortable in and ppl who consider him family right now, i feel like him ending in a completely new place after all that wouldn't be his #1 preferred option.
same with eda/the clawthornes tbh; it had sooo much potential and he is technically related to them AND is going to find that out soon, so some kinda interaction/development HAS to happen, and he did say he wants to learn how to carve palismen, so a mentorship may also happen... but as for actual adoption mm i don't think anything can come close to how safe and happy and Good he's felt for those months while under camila's care. again, in the future things COULD develop in such way, but considering we have two episodes until we get a conclusion... mmyeah
so................ yeah.
i just have so so so many thoughts abt hunter finding a family and getting to be a teenager and feeling loved and feeling like he has his own place in the world and being safe and allowed to explore his interests and to be himself........ hunter nocedaaaaa oughhghhh 🤲❤️
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glaciescustodia · 8 months
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Identification - Fengmao
Other Titles - Feng, Black-Patterned Beast, Master Feng (by the locals of Yilong Wharf)
Species - Xuanwen Beast
Classes - Mystical Beasts
Elemental Manipulation (Anemo & Hydro exclusive)
Human Speech
Soaring Jumps
Enhanced Senses
Sharp Claws
Stealth Mastery
Can roar for allies's help (fellow Xuanwen that is)
Faster than average Xuanwen Beasts
Despite being referred to as Master Feng, she/her are to be used. Xuanwen Beasts are generally perceived as genderless and people in Yilong Wharf or other parts of Chenyu Vale, call her Master in place of Mistress.
It took a long time for the people to get adjusted to the presence of a beast like Fengmao and for her to let them know she has no ulterior motive towards humans.
She is still wild and free, with no real intention to permanently stay at the wharf. She does have a room at the inn, should she stay for a while.
Her ability to speak and understand humans, no one knows where it comes from, how a creature like Feng learned but given the history behind Xuanwen beasts, some speculate its been bestowed from the adeptus they once followed, protected.
However, personality wise, she is a bit of a wildcard, not so easy to have a read on. But like many great beasts, Fengmao is proud by default, with a little bit of an aloof demeanor. Though she acts like human interactions don't matter and want to keep things brief, she does not mind talking once & a while.
There are times, she doesn't feel bothered about helping the Transport Agency, regarding goods needing delivery and she can handle alot of heavy lifting much to her size.
She is somewhat taller than average and this prove helpful when heavier goods are concerned & how carrying stuffs does not hinder her, much less her running speed.
Many tourists or strangers in general, mistake her for some person from the name alone but this all change once realization settles in. She quite like the faces they make when facing her eventually.
Because Feng helps the Agency, she is familiar to them than they are to her.
When she isn't in Yilong Wharf or nearby other settlements, the most common place to see her, is Chizang Walls or Yaodie Valley's terrains.
Much to her connections to the human realm, she is not at odds with other Xuanwen Beasts.
Its fact that these mystical creatures are silent hunters, alike Suanni. They aren't one that easily make any sounds, not even the slightest breaking of a branch nor a sway. This tends to make them dangerous foes but formidable stealth masters, Fengmao is no exception. They don't get found out so easily unless they prefer being in plain sight as a group.
She has not chosen this name because it mattered little to herself, so people have after much debate and since then, that is her permanent identity.
Because of her overall speed, its fast enough that Feng can run on water but in reality, she is barely touching its surface and is using anemo energy in her steps to give that impression.
Fengmao is trusted greatly by the locals that they can leave their children to play with her, without worrying. Beside, the childs themselves likes hitching a ride on her. She has no qualm with their antics & make sure they stay safe.
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rpmemesbyarat · 4 years
RP Meme Lines from "AHS: Coven" Episode 9: "Head"
You get a little older, we'll add a little hooch in there.
That will really keep us warm.
There's nothing to be nervous about.
Keep your hands steady.
Just like we practiced on the range.
I don't wanna miss.
I was the same way when I was your age. Worse, even.
I couldn't keep my breakfast down. Ruined my shirt.
We've been hunters for generations.
You stay here.
You'll get a clean shot.
Put her down!
No mercy. Never forget what they are.
We need to talk.
You and I ain't got nothing to say to each other.
Take your skinny ass and that filthy thing and get out.
You don't wanna talk to me? Fine.
I won't be long.
This better be good.
That one you can keep.
What makes you think I want it?
Why'd you keep her around?
She amused me.
You thought you could use her as a bargaining chip.
What'd she say? I can't hear.
You shut up.
I came here to talk terms.
You think it's so easy. Stroll in here and expect we gonna fix this truce?
Oh, to hell with the truce.
What I'm looking for is an alliance.
Are you insane?
I told you to shut up.
You can't trust them as far as you can spit.
Now, we need to stop this petty quarreling.
We've got bigger problems than what goes on between us.
How many dead?
This concerns you and your people as much as it does mine.
You're making a mistake.
I can live with that. Not too sure about you, though.
Can't protect your own and expect me to do it for you.
You're kidding yourself if you think that after they're done with us,they're not coming after you.
I'll fret about that when the time come.
Right after I pop the champagne.
Take this filthy thing out back and burn it.
I don't ever wanna see it again.
Sweet release. At long last.
Could people please not move things?
Let me do it. It's my mess.
I need to say something, or I'll simply explode.
I need to know for certain that you don't think I did this to you.
You were like a baby bird pushed too soon from the nest.
Will you be my mother now?
I've always loved you like a daughter.
Wrap your arms around me, dear girl.
I don't need magic to tell me what I already know.
I know you would never hurt me.
I never doubted you for a second.
I thought you were in Europe.
Nothing a few silver bullets couldn't take care of.
A lot of things have happened. Some of them out of my control.
You don't take initiative, [NAME].
You follow orders.
Your only job is to gather intelligence.
You don't get your hands dirty.
You're the man on the inside.
Don't think.
You'll just end up getting somebody killed.
I'm much more capable than you think.
An innocent desk clerk and a maid lost their lives because you were sloppy.
Your recklessness puts everything we've worked for at risk.
The hunt isn't only about the kill.
A good hunter stalks his prey with care and only strikes when the time is right.
We need you back inside that house.
Tell me you don't actually have feelings for her.
You haven't forgotten what she is?
I'm part of a sacred order.
Don't think I don't appreciate the sacrifices you've made.
I know how confusing it can be to pretend to love someone who's your enemy.
What a marvelous invention.
So before we move on to our lobster bouquetière a little melon ball palate cleanser.
Should we be looking into it?
Selling it, perhaps?
Forgiveness is and always will be the high road, the preferred road.
Would that we had such luxury.
Not to worry. It's just a bit of monkshood in your balls. Causes temporary paralysis.
It's supposed to be quite terrifying. Is it?
Are you terrified? You should be.
At any rate, I'm not going to kill you. Well, maybe after dessert.
I put a lot of effort into the key lime pie.
I do love a key lime pie, even more than an île flottante.
I was never worried you'd be hapless enough to try.
[NAME], you're a fatuous fool and a drunk!
You're weak-willed, boring, and your fashion faux pas give me nightmares.
I know you had the best of intentions but you could've asked me first.
There are secrets in the flames, and I came back with more than a few.
Why do they look so familiar? The generous donors wish to remain anonymous.
Hurl your baseless accusations. They have no power now.
You're the one that should be put to the stake.
You were the one found guilty of a capital crime.
I could have you banished.
You wouldn't dare.
I hear they're not seeing anyone right now.
Stop it! Stop it right now.
The real danger is outside these doors, not inside.
I'm tired. I need to lie down.
It's dangerous out there.
We'll see to absolutely everything.
Hug me again.
Why don't you go tell someone?
Ugh, sick people really gross me out.
We've been looking everywhere for you.
Who said you could come in here?
Get out before I call security.
You brought this darkness into my home.
When did he tell you that?
You're a liar. Or a lunatic.
I don't believe it.
You're mocking my grief.
That proves you're a fraud.
How can you know that?
She doesn't deserve your help.
You bring nibbles? I'm starving.
Time for some sensitivity training.
What fresh hell is this?
I wanna die. I'm ready.
So we're gonna have a little film festival.
No, wait a minute.
What's happening to me?
You're feeling the wrath of broken promises.
Oh, wow, that's some stinky shit.
Now, you never use this unless under extreme circumstances.
Hey, can I try the incantation this time?
Damn. That is so cool.
We make a great team.
You're such an awesome leader
I've got so much to learn from you.
I meant to change the locks.
Let go of me.
I said, let go.
You're drunk.
I needed the courage to come back.
Can you see my heart? Can you see it's bleeding? That I'm living in a hell of regret and remorse? That my life has no meaning without you?
Can we have this conversation alone, please?
I've told you how I feel.
Take your stuff and leave.
No, I'm not going anywhere.
I'm filing for divorce.
All I want is to protect you.
Your shit's in a box in the closet. Get it and then get out.
You got a dog?
You hate animals, and all other living things.
We needed some protection around here.
Why do you think I came back?
Females are more loyal and aggressive when it comes to protecting their families.
What's in there?
You have to leave now.
I'm not certain
I know how to thank you.
I'm sure this isn't enough, but in truth, nothing could ever be enough.
You've given me a gift that can never be repaid.
I confess I had dark moments.
The thought of losing my son shook me to the core.
I questioned my faith in the Almighty.
Why does he say that?
God knows all.
I can't accept that.
I wanna be a good father.
We're done. Maybe one day you'll understand.
You knew you'd get away with it.
My turn.
Now it's your turn.
Like to play another hand?
Yeah, you just keep dealing till I win my money back.
What did you do to him?
What we need is a guard dog, one who will attack on command.
You kept your eyes closed your entire life.
What is that heinous caterwauling?
If this doesn't touch your soul, you don't have one.
When will my perdition end?
I gotta go.
Sit your ass down and get yourself to work.
Go back to sleep, baby.
Go back to sleep.
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