#and then having to get used to a completely different lifestyle when you barely had an idea of the outside world before
foxstens · 2 months
genuinely can't imagine how kevin even got through his first few months at psu
30 notes · View notes
lustspren · 1 month
family ties ft Chaewon.
length: 10.3k words✦
Male reader, Male Character (starring Luke Newton cause idk) X Chaewon (playing Anna).
genres: incest (GoT (not it’s not sister-brother) and HOTD (no it’s not uncle-nephew) fans this one is for you), double blowjob, threesome, hard sex, carry fuck, double penetration, spitroast, facefuck, anal, british chaewon btw. ✧ 
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Going to the Egerton family gatherings wasn't exactly one of your favorite things in the world; you preferred to stay away from them, that way you avoided uncomfortable questions or sharp hints towards yourself, something you were used to in a family whose lineage was always focused on only one lifestyle. Kind of a black sheep was what you were, but you were never treated differently, luckily.
Still, it was exhausting having to feel different all the time. Out of place. You loved your family, and they loved you, but you just felt like you didn't fit in. That was why of five meetings you were invited to, you went to two at most.
But this time the situation warranted your presence, and you couldn't be so rude as to reject the invitation. It was a party for your cousin, who recently graduated from Cambridge University with a degree in medicine, enough merit for a big celebration. You just had to go. Not only because it was the morally right thing to do, but because her brother, also your cousin, had been trying to convince you all week.
So there you were, alone in your room while you finished getting ready to go out. You expected that they would force you to dress formally for the occasion, as was always the case when a big celebration was held at your cousins' house, but this time they gave you complete freedom—within certain limits, of course. Your cousin's insistence, perhaps, but you were grateful.
The start of the party was at 8 pm, and it was already 6:40. You lived in Northampton, a city about an hour west of Cambridge, if you wanted to arrive on time, you had to hurry up and leave at that precise moment. And so you did it. After making sure you were as presentable and handsome as possible, you grabbed your phone, your wallet, and your car keys to finally head to your destination.
That damn mansion never ceased to amaze you, even after having visited it countless times throughout your life. It consisted of two floors, with a subtle and perfect mix between modern and Victorian architecture, especially in the windows, which abounded in every corner, and the pair of chimneys that protruded from the mansard roofs.
You parked your car outside, in front of the short black fence that separated the sidewalk from the big lovely garden that preceded the house. Parked near you were a few cars that you recognized immediately, some from your uncles and great-uncles, and others from distant relatives who always attended these types of gatherings. There was only one that you didn't recognize, but you assumed it was some friend of your cousin, so you didn't give it any more importance.
When you got off you looked towards the right side of the house, towards the patio where the barbecues were always held and where the guests used to gather. Apparently you had arrived just in time, because you could see some of your other cousins ​​barely greeting your uncles—the owners of the house—and their sons. So you rushed to join. 
You walked down the long polished granite path that led to the main entrance of the house, only to then step onto the lawn and cross the garden. When you arrived at the patio, the first to notice your presence was your cousin, Jaime. As handsome and smiling as always.
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"Ayeeeee! You made it!" he said with a wide smile, arms open as he walked down the steps of the small deck that led into the house. "I knew you'd come!"
Before you could say anything, Jaime caught you in a tight hug, almost causing you to drop the bottle of wine you had brought for the occasion. You laughed, and reciprocated his hug with a smile.
"It's not like I have a choice, right?" you joked, patting him on the back a couple of times. "It's great to see you, darling."
After hugging Jaime you now focused your gaze on Elena, his sister, and the reason why you had come from so far away. She greeted you with the same enthusiasm as Jaime, with a warm hug and words of relief for your presence. Then you went to the dining table area, where you also greeted your aunt and uncle, Jaime and Elena's parents.
For the next five minutes you stood there, greeting all your relatives and the guests who kept arriving. Everything was going normally, until out of the corner of your eye you noticed how inside, in the living room, a girl you had not seen before appeared. You turned around with your forehead wrinkled, confused. What your eyes saw was such a surprise that you stopped paying attention to Elena as she spoke.
"Huh? Is she… here?" you asked, ignoring what they told you.
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Inside the house, on one side of the dining room table, was Anna Kim. A distant cousin that you could easily haven’t seen for four or five years since she was studying in Korea. You were never close to her; you only met at specific family gatherings since her father, apart from not being a direct member of the family, was an extremely busy man who did not last long at the meetings before having to leave with his daughter. Father, who, by the way, you had not seen anywhere when you arrived. Was that car hers then?
"Oh, Anna?" Jaime asked, following your gaze. Now you both watched her while she adjusted her earrings and choker. "Yeah, she arrived yesterday. She must have fallen asleep, I think."
You definitely remembered a few interactions with her, but damn, you didn't remember her being so… stupidly beautiful. She wore her long brown hair up in a high lace bun, with a few strands purposefully messy to complement her pretty bangs. Perhaps she was a little overdressed for the occasion, wearing a heart-shaped white top whose strips of sparkling sequins reflected the overhead lights and made her look like some kind of gem, and a short, slightly pompous black skirt that showed off a pair of long and sexy legs.
She looked graceful like the most beautiful and elegant of swans. It was obvious that she had turned out just like her mother, a woman from the Egerton family, and not like her father, a vulgar Korean man who lacked any kind of class. You couldn't stop looking at her for fear that she was some kind of angelic apparition that would disappear when you took your eyes off her. But you were forced to do so when she turned around and started to walk outside, straight towards you.
"Shit, keep it cool," you told Jaime, and tapped him in the stomach with the back of your hand to make him turn around.
You both turned around with your hands held behind your backs, pretending to watch the meeting. Anna stood right behind you, and in a polite gesture she cleared her throat to make her presence known.
"Good evening, gentlemen," she said from behind you. "You are doing an excellent job being the bastions of beauty in the family. Behind me and Elena, of course."
The first thing you noticed was that her accent was completely different from yours. The Egertons had a mainly Cockney accent. But Anna's accent sounded like that of a duchess; a beautiful, elegant, crystalline posh accent that, combined with that sweet voice, was like music to your ears.
Jaime turned around, and consequently so did you. From that distance, somehow she only managed to dazzle you even more with the unmatched beauty of her. She looked both of you in the eyes, hands clasped at the level of her belly.
"Well, you certainly make it difficult for us," Jaime said, with a smile. "You look stunning, I must say."
Anna smiled and nodded her head in thanks.
"Thank you, darling," she then looked at you. "Wow, I haven't seen you in a while, right?"
"Indeed," you nodded with a smirk. "Not since you left... four years ago?"
"Five," she corrected you. "But it felt like forever," she subtly spread her arms out to the sides. "Reunion hug?"
"I could never refuse."
Unlike your previous hugs with Jaime and Elena, Anna's hug was more reserved and careful, but still warm enough to feel the affection in it. She had her arms wrapped around your lower back, while yours went behind her shoulders. You weren't surprised to smell the expensive perfume she was wearing. Miss Dior, surely.
"You better hurry up and greet the guests," Jaime said. "You and Elena are the only girls in the family, you must look radiant."
Anna finally pulled away from you and stood on tiptoe to place an affectionate kiss on your forehead, followed by a rub with her thumb there. She then looked at Jaime.
"Looking radiant is the best thing I do, dear," she winked at him, and walked past the two of you to go down the steps to where all the guests were. "Wait for me and we can go inside for some drinks, will you?"
"Mother will have you constantly on the go," Jaime said with a chuckle. "Good luck with her," he motioned with his chin for her to leave.
"Bloody hell," you said, watching her greet your uncles and her friends. "What did they feed that girl?"
Jaime laughed and patted you on the back.
"I have no idea mate," he admitted. "But she is certainly a beacon in the night."
"You've been with her since yesterday," you turned to look at him. "Is she still as disastrous as she was as a child?"
Jaime remained silent, lowered his gaze and tried to hide a smile that made your suspicions skyrocket. You knew your cousin well; it was just the way he acted when he had done some mischief.
"You could say that, yeah," he said, and then he turned to look at you. "But she is a lovely girl, and an excellent fashion advisor by the way."
You narrowed your eyes and held his gaze.
"Sure," you said. "She advised you personally, I suppose."
Jaime laughed and returned to his classic position, with his hands behind his back.
"Why do you think I'm so good looking today?"
"Because you're an Egerton and because that's the minimum that auntie asks of you?"
"Believe me, mother doesn't care about me today. Elena has the deserved focus," he looked at his sister, who was talking to a boy that you didn't know but that you knew must be her boyfriend. "If it weren't for Anna I would look like a commoner."
"You've never looked like a commoner, Jaime."
Jaime raised an eyebrow, and took a few seconds of silence to look at you.
"Do you suspect me in any way, little cousin?" he asked, and narrowed his eyes.
"I have strong reasons for doing so," you nodded. "But I wouldn't dare make an accusation."
Jaime held your gaze for another few seconds, and in the end you both smiled. He then gave you a couple of pats on the cheek.
"Always so clever, aren't you?" he said. "There's a reason you're a private detective. When are you moving to London? I don't think there are so many opportunities in Northampton."
"Why? Don't you like having someone around who can know immediately when you're up to something?"
"That's exactly why, yeah. Elena is enough of a pain in the ass."
You both laughed, but he prolonged his laughter longer than you, so you took advantage of the moment to stare at both him and Anna, who was still with your uncles. Something had happened between the two of them, you were sure of that, but you were going to force yourself to not care. You'll be back home later, and Anna would probably leave back to Korea tomorrow. It wasn't relevant.
You and Jaime stayed there talking for a few minutes. It was a normal conversation, like the ones you always used to have. Even your uncle, Jaime's father, joined you at one point to talk about the last Arsenal game. But the debate about football lasted until Anna was finally able to get rid of your aunt and went with you.
"Finally free from your captivity?" you joked, as she stood next to you.
Anna sighed.
"Apparently so," she said. "Shall we go inside? My throat is already asking for something cold after so many presentations."
"Are you planning to miss your cousin's celebration by going inside to drink?" your uncle asked. "We have wine out here!"
Anna gave a small smile and squeezed your uncle's forearm affectionately.
"Take it easy, old bean," she said. "I have a lot to talk to my cousins ​​about! I promise it won't be much."
"Your aunt won't be happy if she doesn't see you here," your uncle replied, and then looked at you and Jaime. "Same with you two."
"Why does she want us here all the time?" Jaime asked. "She has Elena and her boyfriend right there, and I'm sure her friends are about to arrive."
"Yes, she has enough to worry about," you came to Jaime's aid.
Your uncle let out a tired breath and shook his head to look at Anna.
"I have my trust in you, young lady," he told her, with a finger raised between the two of them. "If you're not here for the cake you'll be in serious trouble."
"Uncle, you know I would never miss cake," Anna replied. "You have my word."
"Alright, off you go," your uncle said, and he put his hands behind his back before returning to the gathering of people.
Anna stepped forward to take the space your uncle had left, and she gestured into the house with her chin.
"May I?" she said.
"Go ahead, miss," you said, and both you and Jaime stepped aside for her to pass.
Anna passed through the entrance that was right behind you, the one that led directly into the kitchen. You followed her.
"What does your father keep here to drink?" she asked, as she walked around the island and stood in front of the enormous wooden wall, filled with tall, rectangular panels behind which the pantry was stored. "I don't want wine today."
You rested your arms crossed on the island counter, on one side of the stools. Jaime on the other hand also circled the island and stood on Anna's side. He then pulled one of the panels towards him, to reveal a shelf filled with bottles of all kinds.
"The old man doesn't even drink often," he said, picking up a bottle of Hennessy Cognac. "He collects all these things because he no longer knows what to do with so much money."
Anna scanned all the possible options carefully, her pretty face illuminated by the shelf lights. She finally grabbed a bottle of Macallan M Whiskey. You immediately looked over your shoulder to make sure your uncle wasn't watching.
"A bold choice, if I may say so," you said with a giggle, and turned again to look at her. "That thing costs like seven thousand pounds, and uncle loves whiskey."
"If he loved it so much he wouldn't have it here collecting dust, don't you think?" she asked, one eyebrow raised. She then walked over to the island and placed the bottle on the counter.
"The poor man is 76 years old, and mother makes sure that he drinks only on special occasions," Jaime said as he opened another panel, which corresponded to the refrigerator. "Do you want something for the whiskey?"
"Hmmm, I don't know..." she said, and looked at you. "What would you choose?"
"I'd choose not to drink Cedric Egerton’s whiskey, of course," you shrugged. "But, some ginger ale would be wonderful with that particular one."
You looked at Jaime, who looked at you with a smile and snapped his fingers to point at you.
"That's why you're my favorite cousin," he said, took out three bottles of ginger ale and then closed the refrigerator.
You laughed and shook your head.
"I don't think that's too difficult," you said, as Jaime grabbed ice from a freezer next to the refrigerator.
"It is," Jaime stated, and then poured ice into three small glass glasses. "We Egertons are a big family," he looked at Anna with a sly smile. "We even have a member studying in Korea."
Jaime began to fill the glasses with the drink. He poured three fingers of whiskey, and filled the rest with ginger ale.
Anna let out a giggle, classy and contained.
"That just makes it funny," she said, as she took the glass Jaime had extended to her. You did the same. "A woman from the Egerton family marrying a Korean man? Your grandfather must have been twisting in his own grave."
You and Jaime shared a loud laugh. Then you took a sip of the drink. Anna imitated you.
"I don't think your mother was one of those who cared about family opinion," Jaime said, leaning on one elbow on the opposite corner of the counter where you were. "She saw her man, tied him up and here you are. A beautiful full-fledged Egerton woman."
Anna's smile faded away.
"It's a shame my father wants me to make my life there and not here," she said, stirring the ice in her glass as she stared into space. "I'll be forced to be Anna Kim for the rest of my days. Not Anna Egerton."
"But you can change that, right?" you asked. "I mean, legally."
"Yes, I could," she looked at you with a tired expression. "But then my father would murder me."
"Do you owe that man anything?" Jaime butted in.
Anna looked at Jaime and raised an eyebrow.
"He has given me everything since my mother died," she said. "Is that a bit for you?"
"Of course not," he quickly said. "But I'm just saying that you have more of a future as an Egerton than a Kim."
"And do you think I need a last name to show my worth?"
You noticed a subtle tonal change in Anna's voice. Nothing too remarkable, but she did sound more severe. Jaime was entering swampy terrain, and as always you had to go and get his feet out of the mud.
"What Jaime means is that here in England you could have double the contacts and support from your family," you said. "No one doubts how successful you can be on your own."
Jaime nodded, and Anna relaxed her posture. Then took another sip of her drink.
"I don't know," she said, and lowered the glass to look at Jaime. "There would have to be a good reason to stay... and so far I don't have one."
She and Jaime stared at each other for a few seconds in complete silence. You wrinkled your brow, looking at each of them. In short, something was happening there.
"But anyway," she continued, finally blinking with both eyebrows raised. "Why don't we go take a seat? We're here for everyone to see."
Just to your left was a large open living room, with a big sofa where you would be more than comfortable. But Jaime took you two to another place not so exposed to the eyes of everyone else: to the living room that was right behind the dining table, separated from it by a wall that in its first half had a small bonfire and in the other a counter with a dishwasher and a bucket full of ice.
Anna crossed the small space and sat on the sofa in front of the window. You and Jaime each sat on the individual sofas on your side. Now you two were separated from her by the short glass table right in the middle, which had a bowl full of fresh grapes. Anna leaned forward to pick one and put it in her mouth.
"Mmmm..." she frowned as she chewed. "These grapes are magnificent. In Korea they taste like cardboard."
Between you and Jaime there was a small pedestal-table that reached your waist. You put your glass on top, but Jaime put it on the edge of the glass table.
"They're from father's vineyard in Florence," Jaime said, also picking one up. "You should go see it someday. Beautiful lands."
"And are you going to take me there?" Anna asked.
"As long as it's your wish," Jaime smiled, picked up his glass and looked at you. "We could even bring our little cousin."
Anna's gaze also fell on you. You shrugged your shoulders, and looked away towards the bowl of grapes to grab a couple. You kept them in your palm.
"Well, I could use a visit to Tuscany. I haven't been there since my uncle forced me to go with him and Jaime to learn about a business that I don't care about," you said, then you put a grape in your mouth and accompanied it with a little of your whiskey.
Your worry blossomed again. Now they were making plans and including you in them. Maybe you would end up caring about whatever was going on there, but if your job had taught you anything, it was to be empirical and rational. You would judge later.
Anna smiled at your response, and then looked at Jaime.
"You see?" she asked. "That's a reason to stay. But not enough."
"Is Korea that bad?" you asked, before Jaime could open his stupid mouth and say something out of place. "I'd love to hear about that. I wasn't as fortunate as Jaime was to enjoy your presence since yesterday."
From the corner of your eye you noticed how Jaime changed his position on the couch, and how he looked down, once again, to drink from his whiskey. A more than clear indication to revive your suspicions. Poor fool. If he were accused of something serious, he wouldn't last five minutes in an interrogation.
Anna's smile, on the other hand, lost some of its shine. But it could simply be because of your question and not because of the real reason for your words. You noticed her less breakable than Jaime, but still, her eyes when she saw him gave her away. Funny as well as worrying.
"It's... different," she said. "Studying there feels like hell where you are constantly elbowing each other with your mates. Nobody is... civilized. There is no unity."
She raised a finger to signal that she hadn't finished and took her glass from her to take a sip. This time she kept it in her hand instead of leaving it on the small table.
"People think they own your life..." she continued. "They think they can mold you to be what they want you to be. There is no such thing as your own path; everyone else puts it there for you."
Anna looked up to see a pair of faces filled with deep dismay. She then laughed and gave a low giggle.
"My apologies, I didn't want to go too deep down the rabbit hole," she said. "It's bad, yes. Modern in many ways, but archaic in everything else. Disgusting sexists, above all."
"I read that women don't want to have children with Korean men," you mentioned. "Big protests and all."
Anna shrugged.
"I don't blame them, no one would want to have children with those prats," she said, and she gave Jaime a quick glance before looking at her glass. "Besides... they're terrible in bed."
You two laughed. Jaime more than you. He wanted to hide something else, surely. Maybe it was something as stupid as him having found it more fun than you. But his eyes were the door to the soul. You knew how to read them better than anyone.
"Small cocks I assume," you said with a mischievous smile, and then drank from your glass with your gaze fixed on Anna.
"Embarrassingly small," she clarified. "On top of that, they don't care about a woman's pleasure."
"A big difference with the Europeans, it should be noted," Jaime intervened. "Don't you think that's a good reason to stay here?"
You frowned and turned to look at Jaime. That was out of line.
Anna looked at Jaime and gave a mocking laugh.
"Not while I've proven it myself, Jaime," she replied, and she picked up another grape to eat.
You'd already had enough of those two, and you were ready to get to the bottom of it by asking the question you didn't want to ask yet.
"Guys," they turned to look at you. "May I know what's going on between you two?"
Jaime and Anna looked at each other. Their faces showed that they were not prepared for that question. But they also looked embarrassed as they realized that perhaps they had given you just enough reasons to ask that question.
"I don't know what you mean, little cousin," Jaime responded with a nervous chuckle. "Wouldn't it be extraordinary to have our lovely cousin around?"
"Indeed," you nodded, stirred the ice in your glass and took a sip. The whiskey was already less than half full. "It's just that your irrepressible enthusiasm catches my attention, cousin. There's nothing to worry about... right?"
You and Jaime maintained eye contact. You didn't blink, seeking to force him to confess voluntarily. But that would never happen with Anna in that room.
"Noah?!" A new voice was heard inside the house. Elena. Looking for you. "Noah, where the hell are you?"
Elena's voice was heard closer and closer, until she found you. Jaime, Anna and you turned to see her. She seemed elated, excited.
"Here you are!" She said, and stood behind you to take your shoulders. "There's a friend of mine I want you to meet, come on!"
You looked up at Elena and then gave a helpful look to Jaime. He absolved himself of responsibility by shrugging his shoulders and waving you away. Convenient for him, to say the least.
"Is it very urgent, darling?" you asked Elena.
"It is!" she responded. "Otherwise I wouldn't be here! Come on, get up!"
Damn, what a damn bad time. You had no choice but to grab your glass and stand up with a sigh. You looked at Anna and Jaime. Cheeky bastards, they were saved for now.
"Sorry to leave you, folks," you said. "My presence is extremely in demand lately."
You looked at Anna and winked. She blew you a kiss with her hand in response. Then you stared at Jaime, not saying a single word as you left with Elena outside.
The person Elena wanted you to meet turned out to be a girl. You combined very well with her; she was very pretty, but also quite shy. That didn't mean anything bad for you, on the contrary it made you more interested in her. Within half an hour you had already exchanged numbers, and within an hour you were sure that you would see her again after that day.
The rest of Elena's friends also generally turned out to be a group of good lads. Some more chaotic than others, of course, but overall you were relieved to know that your cousin had a healthy and pleasant inner circle.
At that moment you were still talking to them, while drinking wine like everyone else, when your aunt approached you and put your hand on her shoulder.
"Oi, dear," she said, and you turned to look at her. "Have you seen Jaime and Anna? It's almost time to cut the cake and I don't see that pair anywhere!"
Fuck, Jaime and Anna. You had forgotten about them completely.
"Uh… no," you looked towards the house. "Not for like an hour."
Your aunt let out a tired breath and shook her head.
"Please go get them darling," she asked, squeezing your hand. "There can be no delays!"
"It will be done immediately, aunt," you nodded. "Just don't despair and keep your husband quiet."
"Go, then," she said, and let go of your hand.
You turned to Elena's group of friends.
"I'll be right back lads," you said, and looked at Elena. "Blame your irresponsible fool of a brother."
After saying goodbye you turned around, and with a sigh you walked straight towards the house.
As expected they were nowhere to be found on the ground floor. But, in the living room where the three of you were, there were still the glasses from which they were drinking. With just a little inspection you could tell that they must have left a short time ago, as the ice inside the glasses was barely melting, the sofas still had slight dents in the seats, and most importantly, you could still perceive Anna's unmistakable perfume in the air.
They had to still be right there inside the house, so you hurried up to the second floor. 
As soon as you went up the stairs you had a good range of possibilities to investigate, since it was a level almost as big as the first. Fortunately for you, just to your right was the first and most notable objective.
Jaime's room.
The silence in the house, especially there on the second floor, was absolute. A needle could be heard dropping onto the wooden floor. You weren't going to risk being overheard, so you walked as carefully and slowly as you could to the door of the room. It took about five steps to be in front.
You were going to knock on the door, but that would announce your presence, so you just pressed your ear against the cold varnished wood of the door.
Inside you heard moans. Male moans. And sounds of...
Without thinking twice you opened the door. Inside you found something that you expected, but that you still weren't ready to see.
In front of the lower edge of the bed were those two. Jaime was standing, and Anna was kneeling right in front of him. With his cock in her mouth.
As soon as they noticed your presence Jaime turned around to cover himself and Anna jumped to her feet.
"May I know what the fuck you guys are doing?!" you screeched, frowning. "Have you gone crazy or what?!"
"Noah!" Jaime exclaimed, already turning towards you once he put his cock back in his pants. "We can explain it..."
You walked into the room and slammed the door behind you.
"Oh yes, I'm just excited to hear the reason why you had your cock in your damn cousin's mouth!"
"It was my idea!" Anna intervened, putting herself between you and Jaime. "I'm sorry! We were really horny and... and..."
"Bloody fucking hell," you let out a snort, and put your hands over your face for a moment before looking at Jaime. "It's your sister's damn graduation celebration, mate, wasn't there another time?"
Anna stepped forward and placed a hand on your chest. She was now very close to you, and she was looking into your eyes.
"Again, it was my idea, Noah," she said, her voice lower and more reassuring. "Don't be so hard on Jaime."
"Anna, this is wrong," you said, matching her tone of voice. "I don't even have to explain why."
She was silent for a few seconds, and then looked down to scribble on your chest with her index finger.
"Is it really that bad?" she finally asked, and brought the scribbles up to your neck. You frowned. "I mean... we're not even close cousins, I've seen you guys like four times in my life."
"What the hell are you talking about? You share blood!" you said, somehow not being able to step back and walk away, even though you knew it was all wrong.
A giggle escaped her, and she looked back into your eyes with a raised eyebrow.
"Looks like you forgot that too, darling," she said, her voice now husky and sultry. "You've been staring at me all night..."
You immediately looked away. Your heart began to beat harder. Your clenched fists are a sign of how embarrassed you were for not being able to hide it even for a moment.
"Ah, you thought I wouldn't notice?" Anna asked. "You're terrible at dissembling. Unusual for a detective if you ask me."
"I... I think I should go," you said.
You took a step back to turn around, but Anna grabbed your hand and pulled you back to her. This time she pressed herself against you.
"Already?" she asked, with a tone of false surprise. "But you haven't even heard my proposal!"
Having her tight body pressed against yours short-circuited all your systems. You just wanted to run away, escape from that damn temptation that took hold of you with every second you spent near her in such an intimate environment.
"What fucking proposal, Anna," you said, reluctantly, avoiding putting your hands on her no matter how easy it was. "Jaime, can you put an end to this damn madness, please?"
But Jaime was not even remotely interested in doing so. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, leaning on his hands while he watched Anna's progress with interest. Damn idiot. Every day you were more sure that your aunt drank too much damn brandy during her pregnancy.
"Oi oi, don't be so grumpy, darling," Anna said, with a couple of pats on your chest. "Listen to me well..." she stood on tiptoe and got dangerously close to your lips, but in the end she reached your ear. "You can just forget that I'm your distant cousin and let me suck your cock... or walk out that door and miss the opportunity for the rest of your life."
That had to be a damn joke. The hidden camera must be somewhere, you were sure. How the hell did you end up in a situation like this? If you had told your self from five hours ago he would probably have told you that the joint you had smoked had been way too big and thick.
However, if you were honest with yourself, you were crazy about that damn woman. But that was your heart—and kinda your cock—clouding your thoughts. Your brain, on the other hand, was screaming at you and pulling you by the ears to convince you that it was a bad idea, that it was very wrong. You had to agree with him on that, obviously.
But fuck it, you only live once.
You sighed, and turned around to walk towards the exit. Anna may have thought you would leave, but what you did was lock the door.
"Only if the little pillock is okay with it," you said, turning around, and pointed your chin at Jaime.
He frowned and pointed at himself.
"Yes, you," you nodded. "Give your bloody opinion before I regret it."
"You ask as if you don't know the answer."
You looked at Anna, and rubbed the side of her face with the back of your hand.
"You've got the green light, darling," you said, and lowered the back of your hand to her shoulder, and then gently down her arm. "Make it worth it."
She gave you a sly smile and with a gentle movement she put her hand on your bulge, squeezing it and massaging it a few times while biting her lower lip. At first you felt something strange, perhaps the still lingering knowledge that it was very wrong. But it was quickly overshadowed by your lust.
"Everything I do is worth it," she said, and then she kissed you without even hesitation.
Even after feeling her lips against yours, you couldn't help but put some opposition to your desires to touch her. But as Anna deepened the kiss and continued massaging your cock, your moral ties gradually went to hell. You ended up wrapping your arms around her tight body and clinging to her small waist.
After a few brief seconds Anna separated from your lips, and with her hands on your chest she subtly fell to her knees. Jaime stood next to you, and Anna adjusted herself so she was between the two of you. She then brought a hand to each hard bulge to squeeze them.
"Don't even think about looking me in the eyes, Jaime Egerton," you said, just watching as Anna unbuttoned both of your pants and lowered the zippers. "I want to completely forget that you are in this room."
"Bold of you to think that I want to see your dumb face while I have sex, little cousin," Jaime responded, as Anna now pulled down your pants and boxers, your cocks now free and right in front of her face.
You were about to retort to Jaime, until Anna took you inside her small, pretty, warm mouth. Then your words were replaced by a small moan. You closed your eyes for a moment, to enjoy how she sucked those first centimeters; when you opened them you found her gaze fixed on you, while she reached the middle of your shaft with sensual pumps.
Seconds later she did the same with Jaime. It seemed strange and perhaps uncomfortable to see your cousin's cock so close, especially under those circumstances, but all your attention was drawn by Anna, who despite being in the middle of such a lewd and carnal act, still maintained that elegant air that was natural to her, with slow, graceful and deep movements.
Anna pulled Jaime out of her mouth and moved towards you. She grabbed you by the base and pressed your cock against your abdomen to kiss and lick the entire backside.
"Mmm, it seems that good size comes from genetics," she said with a small moan, and put one of your balls in her mouth to suck on it while she slowly masturbated you, just like she did to Jaime with the other hand. "I wonder how good you would feel deep inside my pussy."
With that she returned you into her mouth, and continued with those deep, sensual pumps until she was halfway down your shaft. She increased the speed, but despite this she kept it to a clean blowjob, devoid of messiness. That didn't mean it didn't feel good, but on the contrary, your fists were clenched as well as your jaw, a clear sign that you were going crazy.
A few glorious minutes passed as she alternated between each cock, sucking each one with dedication and with moans that became increasingly needier, both from her and from the two of you. Then you, already crazy to see more of her, reached behind her back and, finding the zipper of her top, you pulled it down and took it off her. A pair of small, round, firm tits were left free; you took your hand to one of them, and Jaime took the other. You both then kneaded each breast and played with her nipples.
Anna's response was to moan into your cock and then take it out for a moment, to also take Jaime's cock and take both of them into her mouth at the same time, in an act of oral flexibility that left you pleasantly surprised. She used her tongue to lick both shafts, while she pumped her head a little faster. Seconds later she pulled you both out of her mouth, and then she gave you both slow deepthroats separately.
"Fuck, enough," she said, pulling you out of her mouth as she masturbated you. "I need one of you two inside of me, immediately."
Anna stood up, but just when you were going to put your hands on her to finish undressing her, three knocks in a row were heard on the door.
Your soul left your body, and your heart stopped beating for a second.
"Jaime?" your aunt's voice from the other side. You three were paralyzed with fright, with horrified expressions. "Dear, are you there?"
You and Jaime exchanged glances. You could only gesture for him to respond quickly.
"Y-yes mother!" he responded. "I'm here with Noah looking for apartments in London, but we don't know where Anna is."
"Well then go out and look for her!" she exclaimed. "It's time to cut the cake! Hurry up!"
You waited a few long, tense seconds to make sure your aunt had already come down. Only after making sure she wasn’t up there, you started dressing quickly.
"Don't think you'll get rid of me," Anna said, walking toward the door once she was dressed. "We'll continue later. And you'll fuck me so hard I'll have to stay another day because of the pain."
She didn't even let you respond; she blew you both a kiss, opened the door and left. You and Jaime stayed silent for a few seconds.
You raised your arm and finger to signal him to shut up.
"I don't care and I don't want to know, Jaime, now let's go."
"Yes," he nodded with a sigh, and the two of you left the room shortly after.
The rest of the celebration continued as normal. No one suspected anything about the three of you, and it's not like you left too many clues; even though you felt the tension, you made sure not to give any signs that might raise suspicion. What was true was that you were dying to fuck that damn woman, and this time you didn't bother hiding your eyes, so she knew it very well, and she let you know it with the little mischievous smiles that she gave you from time to time.
Your initial plan wasn’t to stay the night that day, so at the end of the party you had to put on a little theater to achieve your goal.
"Oi, auntie," you said, approaching her. "My car broke down, and I'm afraid I won't be able to fix it until next morning, I was wondering if I could stay tonight."
There was really no need to use that lie; you could just stay and that's it. But you wanted to use what little modesty you had left to have a decent excuse.
"Of course you can, darling!" she told you, patting both of your arms. "You know very well that you are always welcome with us. But you will have to stay with Jaime; Anna is using the guest room."
"Oh there’s no problem, thanks aunt! I'll go upstairs."
You turned around and walked towards the house.
"Just don't make a fuss, you cheeky monkeys!" she said behind your back, and you walked inside with a chuckle.
You went directly to Jaime's room, where he was lying on his bed, looking at his phone with one leg resting on the floor and the other up on the mattress.
"Know?" you said, closing the door behind you. "You're a big lad already, why the hell do you still live here?"
"Because I don't have a wife, because I work with father and because mother won't leave me until I get married," he answered without taking his eyes off the screen.
"Makes sense," you nodded, and walked towards his closet. "Where do you keep the inflatable mattress? I'm sure you had one."
Jaime didn't respond, and when you turned your head to look at him he was pointing under his desk, where the mattress was folded.
"Ah, how thoughtful of you."
"I don't think you'll need it tonight, anyway," he replied, as you picked up the mattress and carried it to the side of the bed.
Sure, Anna. You almost forgot.
"Is she...?" You nodded towards the wall to your left—behind it was the guest room—, as you unfolded the mattress and grabbed the air pump from inside.
"Yes, but we can't go right now. Everyone is still awake."
"I thought Elena was going with her friends tonight."
"And she will, but father must be giving them some boring lecture about life."
You sighed, and grabbed the air pump to connect the nozzle to the mattress and start inflating it.
"We'll wait, then."
Unfortunately that was what you had to do for the next three hours. You two avoided talking about the subject, not wanting to make the atmosphere uncomfortable with moralistic and ethical debates at this point; you would have time for that later, when that damn madness you were about to commit happened.
It was 2 in the morning when you were sure that everyone in the house was already asleep and that Elena had already left. You and Jaime left the room, finding yourself face to face with the now dark second floor. It wasn't necessary to turn on any lights, and you didn't want to do it either to avoid attracting attention. The guest room was right next door, so you only had to walk along the wall until you reached the door. You were the one in charge of opening it, and as soon as you entered, your eyes almost popped out of their sockets at what you saw to your left.
Anna was lying on her back in the center of the bed, one leg over the other while she looked at her phone. She was completely naked, and with her brown hair now down. The only thing she still had on was the diamond choker. But everything else was visible: her long toned legs—with a sexy mole on one of her thighs—, her flat, toned tummy—another mole there, above her navel—, and the pair of pretty tits that you had already groped a few hours ago.
She looked at you and giggled mischievously at your stunned faces as you walked inside and closed the door behind you. She then left her phone on the nightstand and turned to lie face down, to also show you a wonderful small but round, firm and beautifully shaped ass.
"I thought you'd never come, gentlemen," she said, shuffling her feet back and forth. "I was starting to get cold."
"It's time to warm up a little, then," Jaime said, taking off his shirt. You imitated him.
You both stood at the edge of the bed, and Anna knelt up to get closer to the two of you. She went straight towards you to crash her lips against yours, and then the groping on both sides started right away. Her hands each went to your cock and Jaime's, squeezing and massaging each bulge above your pajama pants. In response, one hand of yours went to her ass, to grab that firm, perfect piece of meat, and the other went between her legs, to finger her perfectly shaved and smooth little pussy. Jaime also made his part, with kisses on her long neck and his hands on her waist and her tits.
"You brought condoms, right?" She asked against your lips, and then she pulled both cocks out of your pants, while you rubbed her clit and her folds. "I'm not going to fuck without protection."
You took your wallet out of your pocket and threw it on the bed next to her.
"We don't want an Egerton Egerton in the family, don't worry," you said with a giggle.
She laughed too, and she pulled both of your pants and boxers down to the end of your thighs to free your cocks. You took your hands off her so you could undress quickly, and when you were all completely naked, you continued touching her everywhere.
Anna was now kissing Jaime while she stroked both cocks. You were now able to concentrate entirely on kissing every part of her that you had not had the joy of kissing before, from her neck, her shoulders and finally her tits; you brought one to your mouth to suck and lick while you shoved two fingers inside her tight and already wet pussy. She moaned against Jaime's lips, and to get another moan out of her, you brought your free hand between her buttocks to also rub her butthole with your finger.
You fingered her for a few long seconds, taking the full length of your fingers in and out of her with gradually faster pumps. You also stuck a saliva-soaked finger into her butthole, which to your surprise presented almost no opposition as you pumped it.
She moaned again and again, her tight body writhing slightly with pleasure at the three fingers pumping into two of her holes. But after a few seconds she separated from Jaime's lips with a squeal and put her hand on your wrist.
"Oh, for heaven's fucking sake," she complained. "I need a cock inside me, right now."
"I'll do the honors," you said immediately, before Jaime beat you to it, and you pulled your fingers out of her pussy and out of her ass.
Anna moved away from the two of you and moved towards the center of the bed, settling on her hands and knees with a perfect curvature of her back, making her small, round ass look like the eighth wonder of the world. You climbed onto the bed and positioned yourself behind her, while Jaime did so in front of her.
The first thing any other man desperate for cum would do is put on the condom and dive right in, but that perfect wet pussy was too stupidly tempting, so before you gave her what she demanded, you leaned down and you planted your mouth directly on her slit.
"Oh fuck!" she moaned, tensing with her fingers gripping the sheet. "I thought I told you that..."
The next thing you heard was a choking sound and small gags. Jaime had put his cock in her mouth to shut her up, and from what you could hear, Anna had gladly accepted it, since now only sucking sounds combined with cute moans could be heard.
You then concentrated entirely on eating that deliciously soft pussy, with both hands on her buttocks, squeezing firmly as you kissed and licked between her folds. Anna was absolutely loving it; she pushed her ass against your face, smothering you between her buttocks. In response you moved your tongue up to her butthole, causing even more squirms from her, and just to spice it up a little, you gave her a little spank.
After a few seconds of licking, kissing and feasting on both her pussy and her ass, you finally knelt up and grabbed your wallet to open it, take out a condom, open it and quickly put it on. Then, with your cock ready, you placed a hand on her left buttock and rubbed yourself between her folds a few times before slowly entering her.
Anna let out a high-pitched squeal against Jaime's cock, who had her hair in a ponytail as he began pumping his hips and fucking her mouth faster and faster. You soon joined in the effort, placing both hands on her buttocks before beginning to fuck her pussy.
"Holy shit," you gasped, watching your cock slide in and out of her pussy, which had the hell of a grip. "So fucking tight."
After a few seconds, both you and Jaime put burning coal in your engines and made a sudden gear change. Now you were both fucking her from both sides in a frenzy of thrusting and moaning. On one hand you could hear the gagging sounds thanks to Jaime's cock constantly hitting her throat, and on the other the sound of your pelvis in non-stop collisions against her ass.
A little over a minute passed before Anna latched onto Jaime's thighs and exploded in an intense wave of spasms and screams that made her pull his cock out of her mouth. She was moaning a little too loudly, so Jaime grabbed her hair and shoved two fingers into her mouth until her orgasm dissipated.
"My turn," Jaime said, and you knew he was talking to you.
You reluctantly pulled out from inside Anna's pussy, and swapped places with Jaime. But first he grabbed her by her waist and made her lie on her back. She spread her legs wide for him, and made eye contact with you.
"Are you having fun, handsome?" she asked in a husky, sultry tone of voice, her chin stained with saliva. Jaime, meanwhile, put on a condom.
"I'm the one who should ask you that question," you replied, and put your cock on top of her face to rub it from side to side. "You seem to be in paradise."
"Looks like you're not the only one who's horrible at dissembling, then," she said with a giggle, and in one of those she grabbed your cock to suck on it with the condom still on.
Seconds later Jaime took his cock inside her, and Anna moaned around your cock. He grabbed her thighs and pressed them back, while you put your left hand on her neck, and your right on one of her tits, before you started pumping your hips up and down and fuck her mouth.
Anna became a mess of moans and writhing when Jaime began to fuck her hard, and all that feedback was enjoyed by your cock, which received constant vibrations inside her warm mouth. That made you moan with pleasure, the fingers of your left hand tightly clinging to her neck and your right hand now on her attractive midriff.
Jaime on the other hand was stronger and stronger. Now he had brought Anna's legs together and placed her ankles over his right shoulder. He hugged her thighs, and between gasps he hammered her pussy as fast as he could.
You were also going at full speed, your cock entering and leaving her mouth at a pace that could perfectly be harmful to her, but she seemed to love how your cock reached her throat and bulged it, because she even used her tongue on the back of your shaft, and spit all the accumulated saliva upwards to make it a sloppy mess.
That was feeling way too good, and your orgasm was right around the corner, so you waited a few seconds before pulling out of her mouth, taking off the condom, and fucking her mouth again until you exploded inside her throat.
The timing was perfect, because just as you shot your huge, hot load into her mouth, Jaime made her reach a second orgasm in which she couldn't even moan, only wriggle like a rag doll and tense her muscles, choking on your cock and your cum.
Apparently she was squeezing like hell, because Jaime also came a few seconds later, fucking her through her orgasm. He then, a moment later, pulled his cock out of her and removed the cum-filled condom to throw it on the floor. You also left her mouth.
"Oh god… god!" she moaned after taking a deep breath. "Please don't stop, take my ass!"
"You're lucky I have a condom left, darling," you told her, caressing the side of her face with the back of your hand.
"Me too," Jaime mentioned, still panting. "Have you ever had two cocks inside you at the same time?"
"I haven't had the pleasure, dear," she replied, looking at him. "But I would love for you two to please me."
Jaime grabbed his pants and took out one last condom, which he put on in a matter of seconds. Then he went and lay down next to her.
"Come and ride me then, princess," he said. "Noah, you take her from behind. I know you love that view."
"I told you not to fucking talk to me, Jaime," you reiterated with a sigh, reaching into your wallet to pull out another condom.
Anna mounted Jaime after putting extra effort on her legs, which were already shaking. She adjusted her thighs on either side of his waist, while you put on the condom and positioned yourself over Jaime's legs and directly behind her.
"Don't you need lube for these things?" you asked, and spit between her buttocks to spread the saliva on the outside and inside of her butthole.
"Saliva will do it," she said, lifting her hips so that Jaime held his cock straight and she could impale herself on it. "Mmmgh!" she moaned, again with a cock deep in her pussy, then she looked at you over her shoulder. "You just fucking do it, I love doing it raw."
You laughed and pressed the tip of your cock against her butthole, while Jaime pumped his hips up and down in and out of her pussy.
"You'd think Anna Egerton was an elegant and refined damsel even in bed," you said, pressing forward to take your first few inches into her ass.
Anna threw her neck back and let out a painstakingly suppressed scream, followed by a grunt of pleasure, nails digging into Jaime's chest as you slowly sank to the bottom of her butthole and he fucked her patiently, knowing that you hadn't started yet.
A few seconds later, when you were completely inside her and you gave her a few pumps to get her used to it, the real debauchery began, dirty and disastrous.
You and Jaime fucked her mercilessly, hard and fast, him destroying her pussy and you destroying her ass. Jaime had one of her tits in her mouth, and both of his arms wrapped around her torso to hold her tightly. You, for your part, had her long, beautiful, shiny brown hair in a messy ponytail, with your free hand placed on one of her buttocks.
After a few long seconds you didn't even care about regulating her moans, no matter how loud they were, you were so absorbed in pleasure that the possible consequences of making too much of a fuss and being discovered did not cross your mind. In a way you could be somewhat calm, since that room was quite far from the master bedroom, but still, you were playing with fire.
But you knew perfectly well that you were playing with fire, and you were loving getting burned with it. Anna's body was a damn delight, a complete confection baked by fucking Aphrodite herself. It was simply hot in every possible part, but without a doubt your favorite part was that beautiful ass, which at that moment you were jiggling with every thrust.
"Mmmgh fuck fuck fuck yes!" she moaned, her neck going back from the force of your pull. "Hard, fast! Destroy me like a fucking filthy whore!"
That was certainly not the expected behavior of a refined damsel with duchess wood. Funny, to say the least.
You gave her another spank, and then another harder one on the same buttock. She loved that, as she screamed in pleasure and looked at you with lust-filled eyes every time your hand hit her skin. You soon brought her to a third orgasm, but that didn't stop you.
"Come here," you ordered, and you climbed out of her ass to go and stand on the side of the bed.
They both looked at you and were ready to get up, but Jaime had to carry Anna out of bed, because her legs were so shaky that it would be impossible for her to stand up.
Jaime released her in front of you, and you wrapped your arms around her body to pick her up and hold her by her thighs. She immediately rested her back on Jaime's chest, so her weight didn't fall solely on you. Her arms went behind, holding on to Jaime's head with her eyes on you, while you entered her pussy and Jaime entered her ass.
A new segment of using Anna as a cute, submissive sex doll began, only this time you had the privilege of looking straight into her eyes while you fucked her tight ass at full gear.
Her legs just wouldn't stop shaking, and she wouldn't stop writhing between desperate moans, tears in her eyes. She let her head fall back onto Jaime's shoulder, allowing herself to be manipulated by you like a rag doll while she pulled him on his hair. Then she brought a hand to her mouth, and squeezed her eyes shut as a fourth orgasm hit her.
Anna instinctively bit the side of her hand, muffling loud screams and moans against it. She did it perhaps too hard, because when she let go of her hand, she left all of her teeth marked in an intense red on her own skin, one of the marks even letting out a droplet of blood.
She then simply collapsed and became heavier, so that you and Jaime had to double your efforts to hold her up in the air. She was still conscious, as her eyes were open and she was biting her lip, but she wasn't blinking, and she wasn't moving either, she was just so overwhelmed with pleasure that her brain didn't react.
Fortunately for her you didn't take long to give the last few thrusts to her pussy before you exploded, in what had been one of the most electrifying and mindblowing orgasms you had ever experienced. Jaime followed closely behind you, also cumming between slow pumps in and out of her.
You filled Anna's tits with kisses and hickeys, while Jaime kissed her neck and the side of her face, treating her like the princess she was. After a few seconds you both came out of her, while her body was still shaking as if she were being given mini electric shocks.
"Maybe..." she said in a small voice. "Maybe I will end up staying here in the UK."
Then, only then, you looked Jaime in the eyes. Curiously you met his worried gaze, a reflection of your own. You didn't say anything, but you knew that that damn woman would have a noose around your neck for a long time.
You were screwed.
As always. Thanks for reading! MASTERLIST HERE!
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kitten4sannie · 7 months
ɪɴᴅᴜꜱᴛʀʏ ʙᴀʙʏ
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ᴄᴜᴄᴋᴏʟᴅ/ᴄᴜᴍ ᴘʟᴀʏ ➠ ᴍɪɴɢɪ/ʜᴏɴɢᴊᴏᴏɴɢ
pairing: singer/rapper bf! mingi x fem! reader x guitarist! hongjoong
genre: band au, smut
summary: your bf’s band has such a good set, that he doesn’t mind sharing you with the handsy guitarist. anything for his baby. he just wants to assess the damage afterwards.
w.c: 3.2k
warnings: open relationship, mentioned alcohol/drugs use, dom! mingi/hongjoong, joongie’s got a tongue piercing ^^, sub! reader, so muchhh cucky behavior, mxm if you squint, teasing, perversion, dirty talk, degradation, pet names, fingering, oral (receiving), voyeurism/exhibitionism, unprotected rough sex, actual phone sex, creampie, two seconds of cockwarming, cum eating, more oral and fingering, some clit nibbling, squirting
a/n: urgghh im obsessed with tunnel and mingi and hongjoong’s guitar solo and just minjoong in general hhhhhnn also idkw happened but hongjoong is giving me more and more brainworms these days and i just i’m uhhhhh 🧎🏻‍♀️so yeah please enjoy whatever this is <33
Now Playing:
ᴅɪɢɪᴛᴀʟ ʙᴀᴛʜ ʙʏ ᴅᴇꜰᴛᴏɴᴇꜱ
0:01 ❍─────── 4:28
Volume: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%
ᴘʀᴇᴠ | ꜰꜰꜰ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ | ɴᴇxᴛ
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You were always full of nerves before your boyfriend’s band went on, especially when the previous band was finishing up their encore. Hanging out backstage was always hectic too, the venue’s employees running around like headless chickens in pursuit of completing the latest task their manager gave them, members of other bands and their entourages engaging in boisterous conversations, drinking, and doing drugs amongst themselves, their actions up to par with the touring lifestyle. It wasn’t until you ran into the guitarist of your boyfriend’s band, Hongjoong, that your nerves doubled, but for a different reason. 
“Y/N, there you are. Where have you been, huh?” Hongjoong greeted you with a hug, resting his solo cup against your lower back, his free hand moving down to your ass, squeezing it a few times through your skirt, sighing against your skin, his body relaxing against yours. “I missed my stress toy…” 
“Joong,” you whined, pushing gently at his leather bound chest, your hand almost getting tangled in one of his silver chained necklaces. “You always get so grabby before a show. What if Mingi sees?” 
Hongjoong rolled his eyes, leaning his face into your neck, alcohol on his breath. “You know he wants to see it. And it’s not my fault I can't keep my hands off you. Just look at you…” The buzzed guitarist gazed down at your body with hooded eyes, his jaw tightening up more and more the longer he pictured what you looked like folded up for him and taking everything he had to give. “You’d look so good underneath me, baby. Spread open all nice and wide…fuck….” 
“Joongie, please…” you whispered, squeezing your thighs together, pressing your back into the concrete wall behind you, feeling him press further into you as a result. 
“You can beg for me after the show, sweetheart. Just let me get a peek, okay?” Knowing he had you right where he wanted you, Hongjoong slowly ran a calloused finger along your jaw, down your neck to your rising chest, pleased with the way your breath hitched, his dark eyes flitting between your gaze and the slope of your bare tits through your thin white tank top, unable to resist pulling down the neckline of your top until he had a good view of your pebbled nipples. “Look at that. You’re just aching to be touched, aren’t you?” 
You were so wet, you could’ve sworn that you were about to drip all over the backstage floor, barely able to form any coherent words besides a small ‘yeah’, letting the perverted guitarist grab at your hips, his fingers pressing into your hip bones, a low groan leaving his lips. 
“Wanna fuck you, baby, wanna make you mine,” Hongjoong sighed into your ear, about to describe his needs in detail and put his hands all over you when Mingi came around the corner, a lollipop poking through his cheek, his ringed fingers rubbing at the mascara near his lash line. 
Mingi stopped in his tracks, towering over the both of you due to the studded boots he always wore during his shows. He studied you, noticing how flushed you were and how hard you were already breathing. He couldn’t help but to pull his sweet lollipop out to bite at his plump lip, his cock ready to come to life. “Oh? What’s this about, sugar?” 
“Babyy, there you are,” you greeted, bouncing on your heels, making grabby hands at your boyfriend. 
In return, Mingi lifted you up and spun you around in a tight hug, making sure to press a kiss to your cheek before putting you back down in front of his favorite bandmate. 
“Joongie’s being all needy again,” you giggled, leaning back against Hongjoong’s chest. 
“Can’t help it.” Hongjoong casually handed his drink to Mingi who took it and knocked it back, wrapping his arms around you from behind, leaning his head on your shoulder, a sickening smirk gracing his feline-like lips. “Hey, Minnie. Wanna make a bet?”
“What kind of bet?” Mingi licked at the corner of his salivating mouth, pulling at the crotch of his heavy, chained pants, his cock pressed against one of his thighs, growing harder just from seeing the way you fit perfectly inside his bandmate’s arms. Shit. 
“If I nail my guitar solo tonight, will you let me have Y/N for a night?” Hongjoong requested, nuzzling his face against your heated cheek, making a small pouty face at his dear bandmate. 
Mingi knew he shouldn’t be getting this worked up before a show, but it might make him perform better if he was thinking about how bad he wanted you, and how he couldn’t have you until Hongjoong did. He knew the odds of Hongjoong hitting every single note perfectly was a 50/50 chance. His chances were even lower if he had access to a bottle of jack that night, though Mingi was aware that his bandmate was quite skilled with his calloused fingers, only knowing because you wouldn’t shut up about it a few nights ago. 
The lead singer decided he would push all his chips onto the table, knowing he would have his darling to himself either way. You belonged to him, whether you were filled with another man’s load or not. “Sure, as long as you make sure my baby cums.” He sent a charming smile your way, bringing his hand up to caress your cheek, chuckling softly when you pressed a kiss to the side of his thumb, your lips making contact with the cold metal of his large skull ring. 
“Hear that, princess? Min wants me to have you,” Hongjoong purred into your ear from the other side. “And so do you, huh? Is that cunt of yours dripping already? I think we should have a litle peek...” Knowing all three of you would enjoy it, the guitarist snaked his hands around your waist from behind, lifting your skirt up for only Mingi to see, rubbing his rough fingers along your bare cunt.
“I-i heard,” you gasped, grasping at Mingi’s oversized sweater, your fingers going into one of the torn holes it had, leaning your head back against Hongjoong’s shoulder, trying not to make any noise when Mingi joined in, slipping two of his fingers into your pulsing cunt, the feeling of his rings stretching you out further making you jolt. 
“You know what I hear? How fucking wet you already are for us.” Hongjoong said into your ear, his digits rubbing roughly into your clit, his eyes on Mingi’s hooded ones, licking at his lips. “Your girlfriend is such a slut, Min. God, I love it.” 
“She loves it too,” Mingi replied in a gravelly voice,  stepping a little closer to cage you against Hongjoong, pushing the lollipop into your mouth to watch you suck on it. “But you still belong to me…Don’t you, baby?”
“Of course, Minnie. I’m only yours.” You nodded obediently up at him, crunching some of the lollipop in between your teeth when Mingi added another digit inside your tight hole, your thighs trembling slightly. 
“That’s my girl.” Your boyfriend gave you a pretty smile, pressing his hand against the wall near your head to further display his dominance over you, his eyes fixed on your submissive gaze, and the way you just let him fill you up with his thick fingers, his bandmate’s fingers still working you clit like he would would a six string. “Fuck…you’re so sexy like this, baby…” 
“Try not to blow your load before the show,” Hongjoong mused, his smirk growing more and more reminiscent of the Cheshire Cat’s. He was about to tease Mingi more when the previous band sang their last angsty lyric and shredded their remaining guitar notes, silence filling up the air for only a moment, before there was an immediate uproar of rowdy cheers and shouts from the pumped up crowd. 
Your boyfriend’s band was up next and you couldn’t wait to watch them from the sidelines, ready to catch their occasional hungry glances, knowing they were ready to tear you apart once they finished their heavy, energy filled set. 
Mingi delivered as usual, showing off his impressive duality, going from spitting quick, head-turning bars with a devilish smirk on his sweaty face, to expressing emotional, thought provoking lyrics with a soft, expressive voice that would have anyone shedding a tear, his face contorted in melancholic concentration, his hands wrapped tightly around his mic, his dominating stage presence alone having the entire venue in a chokehold throughout the entire set. 
Hongjoong arguably delivered just as well, consistently shredding notes on his sleek guitar with a borderline psychotic look in his eyes and a heinous grin that would make the Devil himself blush, working his rough, agile fingers song after heavy song, never failing to provide Mingi with his own unique back-up vocals. And just like clockwork, despite being a bit tipsy and high on some kind of illegal drug, Hongjoong captivated the large audience with his infamous guitar solo, making everybody in the crowd cream themselves with his nasty riffs. All Hongjoong could do after was push back his sweaty hair and send Mingi a shit-eating smirk, that was returned with a soft chuckle and head shake. He made sure to give you a look too, though this time he had his fingers held up in a V, his pierced tongue sticking out in between them. 
You were in for a busy night. 
“Hey, eyes on me, baby…” Hongjoong commanded in a low whisper from below you, sitting comfortably on his knees, using his thumbs to keep your cunt spread open for him, watching you writhe around against the wall of the spacious hotel shower, beads of water dripping through his damp bangs and past his smudged eyeliner, pooling in the crevices of his collar bone, the rest trickling down along his dangling necklaces. 
He had easily coaxed you inside his hotel room, not having to do much to get you in his shower, claiming he needed to cool down after giving it his all during the show — though he still made sure to give you his all during your own private show, using his calloused, dexterous fingers to play with your body, delighted with the pretty, wanton sounds he created, wanting nothing more than to write a song about how delicious you looked in that moment — flushed, transfixed on his pierced tongue lapping at your throbbing clit, and moaning out the little pet name you gave him. 
“That’s it….” The side of his lips quirked up a bit at the pout you gave him, before he pursed them and sent a wad of spit directly into you, pushing two fingers back inside you to rub it around your tight, pulsing walls. “I love when you look at me like that.”
“Like what, Joong?” you breathed out, running your fingers through his wet hair, gripping the sides of his head, your thighs beginning to feel like jelly from the way Hongjoong was finger-fucking you into ecstasy. 
“Like you want my cock,” he sighed, unable to keep himself from diving back into your cunt, lapping at your clit and slit like a pussydrunk maniac, easily slipping a third finger inside you. 
“I do…! I need your cock, Joongie, please,” you moaned out, so close to your high that you began to push his face into your cunt, rubbing it against his moving tongue, his piercing repeatedly catching on your clit, driving more pleasured moans out of you, neither of you aware in that moment that your dear perverted boyfriend sat on the other side of the wall, standing fully clothed in his own shower and jerking himself off with fervid desperation, his jeans hanging loosely around his jolting hips. 
“You’ll have it, baby, I promise. Cum on my tongue first,” he said with his lips against your soaked cunt, curling his fingers and rubbing at the gummy spot inside you, sending you over the edge, sticking his tongue out to catch your arousal on it, his cock throbbing at the sound of his name mixed with swears being cried out by his bandmate’s pretty girlfriend. 
Soon, you grew docile and dazed, wrapping your limbs around him as soon as he stood up and carried you over to his bed, not wasting any time sending a few drops of spit down onto your hot cunt and plugging it up with his thick cock. 
Mingi felt like he was going to melt, his brain and body going into overdrive over the fact that his beloved bandmate was busy putting a baby in his baby, making her feel so good she was starting to cry, his cock throbbing inside his closed fist, listening closely to the pants and moans that made their way into his pierced, attentive ears, along with the incessant creaking of the mattress springs — though the disruptive banging sounds of the wooden bedframe hitting the thin wall contended for Mingi’s attention as well. 
“Joong..! It’s so good, you’re so good,” he heard you whine out in a broken voice, not hearing the rest of your cries due to Hongjoong stuffing two fingers into your willing mouth. Mingi couldn’t help but want to drown in his sin, pulling his phone out of his back pocket. 
You looked to your phone with half-closed eyes, watching the way it buzzed against the moving mattress, your legs suddenly getting closer to your body, Hongjoong lifting your lower half up to fuck into you even deeper than before, rendering you speechless from the pressure of his heated body on yours. 
“Answer it, baby,” Hongjoong huffed from above you, his necklaces dragging along your flushed skin with each sloppy thrust, blowing a bit of wet hair out of his half-lidded eyes. 
“Mingi,” you sighed into the receiver, trying to catch your breath, knowing you were on the edge of ecstasy with the way your body was starting to feel heavy, despite the feeling like you were ready to float away. “I’m gonna cum, baby, it– aaah, oh my god…!”
“Cum for me, princess. Let me hear how pretty you sound cumming on his cock,” Mingi moaned back, squeezing his hand around his length, his eyes ready to roll underneath his eyelids. 
Hongjoong put his entire body weight onto you, his lips sliding across your neck to leave a few marks, his cock throbbing against your tight inner walls, pounding into you a few more times before he painted them white. “M’ cumming inside your girl, Minnie, it’s feel so fucking good…”
It was when Hongjoong bit down onto your neck that you catapulted over the edge, grabbing at the guitarist’s bare back, digging your nails into his skin. “Mingiii, he’s filling me up…it won’t stop…”
“Oh god, baby, oh my god.” Mingi huffed and huffed, his entire body tensing up as he drove himself over the edge right after you, splashes of cum landing on his rapidly rising chest and abdomen. 
You simply laid there making small squeaks from the aftershocks of your orgasm, while Hongjoong stayed put inside you, his soft, deflated cock suddenly twitching with newfound interest, a light bulb appearing inside his hazy brain. “Min, I want you to come over here. You need to see the mess I made inside your girlfriend…”
And just like that, Mingi made his way over to the next door hotel room, fumbling with his loose pants and the doorknob, wiggling till it unlocked. He kicked his jeans off once inside the half-lit room, climbing onto the bed to join the both of you, having the same intensely horny, almost deranged look in his eye that he usually had before a show. 
“Baby, look,” you sighed out, spreading your thighs open, while Hongjoong pulled out inch by inch, until a flood of creamy white liquid bubbled out of your pulsing hole, dripping down your thighs and onto the already damp mattress below. 
Before Mingi could properly access the arousing situation, drool falling from his moaning mouth, Hongjoong suddenly grabbed him by the hair, pushing his head down in between your legs. “You wanna clean it up, don’t you, Minnie? Come on, be a good boy and lick up the mess I left inside her.” 
Blushing, Mingi lapped at the mess of cum and slick, using his fingers to scoop the rest out into his eager mouth, Hongjoong’s hand still pressing his face further into your used cunt, eventually letting go when he started to go at it, watching his bandmate’s tongue swipe at your clit and slit. Mingi didn’t even seem to notice, too busy drowning in his baby’s sweet cunt to have any awareness, his hands clutching your trembling thighs. 
“Gonna cum again,” you whined out, unable to speak when your boyfriend suddenly lifted his fingers up to your mouth to suck on them, his lips sucking around your sensitive clit, his dark, glazed over eyes focused solely on the way you seemed to completely fall apart in front of his and his best friend. 
“Think you can get her to squirt?” Hongjoong asked from beside him, resting one of his hands on your moving thighs, holding it down so that you couldn’t close them. 
Mingi glanced over at Hongjoong, rolling his mascara-smudged eyes, knowing exactly what to do to make his baby feel so good she sobbed. He pulled his fingers out of your mouth, instead pushing three of them inside you, curling them up until you cried out. With his other hand, he forcefully pushed Hongjoong’s head down onto your cunt next. “Lick,” he commanded gruffly, concentrating solely on fucking you into ecstasy with his thick fingers. 
Moaning against your cunt, Hongjoong lapped and nibbled on your throbbing clit, his cold piercing dragging over your sensitive flesh, feeling his bandmate’s fingers tugging at his hair, eliciting another muffled moan from him. 
“Bite it. Bite her clit and make her cum,” Mingi demanded through gritted teeth, working your cunt like he always did, enjoying the sight of you writhing around, unable to speak or think, knowing his pretty baby was experiencing some of the best pleasure of her life thanks to him and his friend. 
It was when Hongjoong bit down and moved your clit in between his teeth, Mingi’s fingers still moving relentlessly inside your clenching cunt, that you screamed, your boyfriend’s slick-covered fingers going back into your mouth to keep you from waking up everyone else in the hotel. Both bandmates watched as a small fountain of liquid squirted from your pulsing cunt, seeping into the mattress and turning it dark. 
A few moments of silence went by, before Hongjoong gave Mingi a sickening smile. “Bet you can’t get her to do that with your cock.” 
Mingi shook his head, blowing his wet bangs out of his eyes. “Of course I can. She’s my baby. I know her body like the back of my hand. I’ll make her drench the both of us.”
Hongjoong giggled softly, tilting his head to the side, his eyes flitting from you to Mingi. “Wanna make a bet?” 
You were definitely in for a long night. 
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© kitten4sannie, 2024.
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swiftiethatlovesf1 · 25 days
A race for love p.1
Hii guys! I've had this idea on my mind for a while, and with today's exciting announcement of Franco joining F1, I couldn't think of a better moment to finally put it into words. On the flip side, my heart goes out to Logan. It's heartbreaking to see how he's been treated, and I truly wish him all the best moving forward.
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Barcelona June of 2023
When people find out you're Zak Brown's daughter, they automatically assume your life is filled with glitz and glamour. They think you're friends with all the drivers, jet-setting to every race, and living a perfect life surrounded by the thrill of Formula 1. From the outside, it seems like you've got it all — but the reality is a lot different.
You can't really complain, but your life is far from perfect. Most of the time, you don’t even see your dad because he’s constantly travelling with the team. The rare moments you do get to see him are usually fleeting, sandwiched between his hectic schedule. You’d love to go to more races, but this year you had to focus on finishing high school with the best grades possible. Getting into aerospace engineering was your dream, and it demanded every ounce of your attention and effort.
And then there are the misconceptions about your social life. People assume you have a wide circle of friends, thanks to your dad’s connections, but the truth is quite the opposite. You have a small group of close friends, and that’s more than enough for you. You're naturally shy and have learned to be cautious about who you let into your life. Trust doesn’t come easily when you constantly worry that people might want to get close to you just to get a taste of the paddock lifestyle. It's a burden you've had to carry, learning to guard your heart and keep your circle tight.
Now that you’ve graduated from high school, a weight lifts off your shoulders. Your hard work has paid off, and you finally have the chance to reconnect with your dad and spend some time in the world that has always been on the periphery of your life. As you arrive at the paddock to visit him and the McLaren team, a mix of excitement and nervousness bubbles up inside you. The hum of engines and the bustling energy are both familiar and foreign, and you find yourself wondering what this day will bring. With each step, you try to steady your breath, eager for what’s to come.
You’re so wrapped up in your own world that you don’t notice the boy on the scooter coming straight toward you.
Before you can react, there’s a sudden jolt as he bumps into you, knocking you off balance. You stumble slightly, but neither of you falls, just barely managing to steady yourself as you blink in surprise.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” the boy says quickly, hopping off his scooter and reaching out a hand. “Are you okay?”
You’re too stunned to reply immediately. Your heart races, more from shock than from the slight impact. As you regain your bearings, you finally look at him. He’s about your age, with tousled brown hair that falls slightly over his forehead and warm brown eyes that are looking at you with genuine concern. He’s wearing a bright red uniform that you recognize as belonging to either Prema Racing or Ferrari’s junior program, but you don’t recognize him as a Formula 1 driver.
“Uh, yeah, I’m fine,” you manage to say awkwardly, your voice a little shaky. “I was just… distracted.”
He lets out a sigh of relief, a smile breaking through his worried expression. “Good, I was worried I’d completely knocked you over. You were kind of in a world of your own there.”
You feel your cheeks heat up a bit. “Yeah, sorry about that. I guess I’m just… overwhelmed by everything here.”
He chuckles softly, his eyes still studying you with curiosity. “I get it. It can be a lot, especially if you’re not used to it. Are you here for the race?”
You nod, trying to find your words as his gaze makes you feel even more flustered. “Sort of. I’m visiting my dad, actually. He works with McLaren.”
His eyebrows raise slightly in surprise, and a look of realization crosses his face. “Ah, that’s cool! McLaren’s got a great setup here.”
You nod again, feeling a bit more self-conscious under his friendly but inquisitive gaze. “Yeah, they do. I’m just here to see him and, you know, check out the paddock.”
“Well, welcome to the chaos!” he says, flashing you a quick grin. “I’m really sorry again about almost running you over. I’ve got to get going, but maybe I’ll see you around?”
“Yeah, maybe,” you say, still feeling a bit flustered but starting to relax as his easygoing nature puts you at ease.
With a quick wave, he jumps back on his scooter and speeds off, disappearing into the crowd. You watch him go, a small smile tugging at your lips as you shake your head, still a bit dazed by the encounter. The day is already turning out to be more interesting than you expected.
As the weekend goes by, you have an amazing time with your dad, the engineers, and the drivers, Lando and Oscar. It’s everything you could have wished for: laughter, excitement, and a glimpse into the world you’ve always been curious about. The hours fly by as you get to see behind the scenes, experience the high energy of the pit lane, and even share some inside jokes with the team. Yet, in the back of your mind, you can’t help but think about the boy you met on the first day — the one with the warm smile and the kind eyes.
By the last day of the race weekend, you realize you’re still thinking about him. Curiosity gets the best of you, and you decide to sneak out of the F1 paddock and venture into the F2 and F3 paddocks in search of the boy. It proves to be more challenging than you anticipated; the paddocks are bustling with activity, and you have no idea who he is or even which team he’s with.
As you wander around, you stop here and there to watch the cars and people working. The atmosphere is different from the F1 paddock — more relaxed, but still full of intensity and focus. One car, in particular, catches your eye. It’s a sleek F3 car with bold graphics, and you find yourself drawn to it. You step a little closer, noticing the intricate details on the bodywork and the way the team is adjusting the front wing. You’ve always been interested in engineering, and seeing the mechanics in action up close fascinates you.
You’re so engrossed that you don’t notice when someone approaches from behind.
“Hey there,” a voice says, startling you. You jump slightly and spin around, your heart racing as you come face-to-face with another boy, about your age. He has dark hair and bright eyes, and he’s grinning at you with a playful expression.
“Oh! I—uh, I’m sorry,” you stammer, suddenly feeling nervous. “I didn’t mean to— I wasn’t doing anything, I promise!”
He laughs, holding up his hands as if to calm you down. “Whoa, it’s okay! You’re not in trouble. Just surprised to see someone so interested in my car.”
You blink, your cheeks flushing with embarrassment. “Oh, this is your car?”
“Yep, my pride and joy,” he says with a wink. “Franco Colapinto, at your service. I drive for MP Motorsport in F3.” He leans against the car casually, still smiling at you.
You can’t help but smile back, his easygoing nature putting you at ease. “I’m sorry, I just— I didn’t mean to stare or anything. I’m just really interested in how these cars work. They’re amazing.”
“Don’t apologize,” Franco says, his tone light and teasing. “I think it’s great. Most people just walk by and don’t even notice the cars unless they’re on track. It’s nice to see someone appreciate them up close.”
You nod, feeling a little more confident now. “Yeah, I guess I just got caught up in it all. I’m visiting with my dad, and I thought I’d take a look around.”
“Glad you did,” he replies, giving you a playful nudge. “So, what brings you over to the F3 side? Looking for anyone in particular?”
You hesitate, not wanting to seem too eager, but his friendly demeanor encourages you to open up a bit. “Actually, I met someone on the first day. A boy on a scooter. I don’t know his name or what team he’s with, but I thought maybe I’d see him again.”
Franco raises an eyebrow, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. “A boy on a scooter, huh? I’m not sure who you’re looking for, but I hope you find him.”
“Thanks,” you say softly, feeling a bit shy under his teasing gaze. “It’s probably silly, I know.”
“Not at all,” he says, his tone warm. “It’s not every day you meet someone who leaves an impression. Besides, I think it’s kind of cute.”
You feel your cheeks heat up again, but you manage a smile. “Well, thanks. And thanks for not kicking me out for looking at your car.”
Franco laughs. “Hey, any time. It’s not every day someone appreciates my car as much as I do. Tell you what, if you ever want a tour, just let me know.”
“That sounds fun,” you say, genuinely intrigued. “Maybe I’ll take you up on that.”
“I hope you do,” he says, and there’s something genuine in his voice that makes you feel a little flutter in your chest. “Hey, before you go, can I get your number? You know, just in case you need a guide around here or want to talk more about cars.”
You smile, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement. “Sure, why not?” You take out your phone and exchange numbers, his fingers brushing yours slightly as he hands your phone back, making your heart skip a beat.
“Great,” he says with a grin. “I’ll text you later. Maybe I can help you find that mystery boy.”
“Maybe,” you reply with a laugh. “But I should get back to my dad before he starts wondering where I am.”
“Alright, but don’t be a stranger,” Franco says, giving you a friendly wave as you start to walk away.
“See you around, Franco,” you say, feeling lighter and happier than you have all weekend. As you make your way back to the F1 paddock, you can’t help but smile, your thoughts filled with the unexpected new friend you’ve just made.
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You're sitting with your friend Sam at a coffee shop, catching up. She's telling you about an instagram ad she keeps getting for some audiobook streaming service. "It's just crazy," she says, "because I was just telling Lucille I wanted to start reading more books but I never have the time, and then it's like instantly I'm getting these ads all the time."
"So what," you say over your steaming mug, "you think they're listening to you?"
Sam shakes her head. "Honestly I think it's almost scarier than that. They have so much information about us, they don't even need to listen to our conversations. They just know, based on everything they've gathered about me, that I'm probably someone who wants to listen to audiobooks."
"Well they can't be that smart," you say. "Because the only ads I've been getting lately are for something called Slut Cream."
Sam raises an eyebrow. "You must know I'm going to need more details."
You take out your phone and find an ad to show her. It's not difficult; literally all of the ads you see on instagram are like this. They're even showing up in other places now, on webpages you visit or apps you use. This one is one you've seen before: a beautiful woman in a crop top that just barely covers her nipples is proudly displaying a squeeze tube of the kind you'd buy sunscreen or toothpaste in. The caption says, "Being a slut isn't a hobby—it's a lifestyle! Step up your slut game with Slut Cream! Shop Now"
"I don't even know what slut cream is," you say. "All you get when you look it up is a bunch of porn."
"Well, obviously it's a way to step up your slut game," says Sam sagely. "What does it say on the website?"
"Oh, I'm not clicking the link," you say. "I don't want to encourage them! What I want to know is why suddenly this ad is all I can seem to see!"
Sam shoots you a wink. "Maybe you're just a slut. These data brokers know us better than we know ourselves."'
What neither of you know is that it's actually quite easy to buy online ad space, and they let you get pretty specific with your intended audience.
I live in the next apartment over from you. I've been watching you for a long time, studying you, listening to you through our shared wall. We've talked a few times, some terse conversation at the mailboxes or in the hall, which is how I knew enough about you to place those ads, with audience parameters so specific that probably only you and about five other people would see them. I had fun making them; hiring the model to do the photoshoot, dusting off the skills I picked up in that college graphic design course, creating a website for this fake business (though I'm disappointed you still haven't clicked through to see it). If you actually tried to buy slut cream, the website would tell you we're currently closed due to high traffic, and to check back later. Nowhere on the website does it explain what slut cream is.
A number of strange things happen to you over the course of the following day. On your lunch break you walk down the block to the deli by your office. You're in here every weekday, but today the energy here is different. People are staring you, side-eyeing you, having whispered conversations that stop abruptly when you get too close. As you're walking back to work, an old woman spits on the ground as you pass, you'd swear you heard the word "whore!" hissed under her breath. You wonder if you should say something, stand up for yourself, but she's elderly, probably confused, and you decide to be the bigger person.
In the hours after lunch, you're propositioned by no less than seven of your male coworkers. You've had to refuse a few invitations to dinner in your time, but seven in a day is completely out of the ordinary, and the things these men are offering to do to you go way outside the bounds of first date stuff. One guy tells you the conference room is empty, if you want to go for a quick fuck; another guy tells you he hasn't cum in a month, and if you sucked his cock he'd pump so much cum down your throat that you wouldn't need to eat dinner. Your boss even tells you he and his wife are looking for a third and he thought of you first, like he's offering you a big promotion. The strangest thing is that all of these men seem genuinely surprised when you turn them down. Like this sort of thing usually works with girls. One guy even says, "sorry, I was just trying to help."
It was pretty easy to hire actors for the deli and the street. You go to the same place every day, so I knew where they'd have to go and roughly when they'd need to be there. The harder part was getting your coworkers to play along, especially because I was picky about getting people who could sell the act. For a few of them all it took was money. A few of them I had to blackmail. For your boss I had to call in a favor, get his boss to threaten his job. He protested, but I think it made his cock hard, thinking about fucking you alongside his wife.
I keep this up for a few weeks. Anywhere you go I have people watching you, talking about you behind your back. I have people approaching you on the train, at the park, in restaurants, offering to fuck you like they're doing you a favor. You stay firm in your refusal—I wouldn't have expected any less from you—but I can tell it's beginning to eat at you. I watch you try to figure out what you're doing that seems to give all these people the wrong idea about you; you start to dress more modestly, talk less, even walk a little less confidently. But none of this will change anything. All it will do is make you feel more repressed.
After a month, I decide it's time to make my move. I could probably wait longer, but the anticipation is getting too much for me, and besides, you're beginning to get a little wild around the eyes. I'd hate to break you before I've had my fun. One evening, when I know you're home, I unlock your apartment with the duplicate key I had made two months ago. You're in the kitchen, washing dishes with headphones on; you didn't hear me come in. I leave the door open as I approach you, admiring the way you shake your ass to whatever it is you're listening to. I get right up behind you and stay there for a moment, lavishing in your innocence, feeling my cock strain at my belt as I imagine taking it away from you. Then I reach around front of you with both arms and plunge my hand into your panties
You shout in shock, fight back, try to push me off as the headphones fall off your head. But I've got you pinned against the counter, my full body weight against you, one hand down your pants, the other groping your breasts. Once you realize that fighting won't help, you stop struggling and ask me what I want. "Please," you say. Just hearing that quiver in your voice almost makes me delirious with lust. "Please, let me go. I don't want this, please."
I bury my face in your neck, kissing and breathing you in. You smell incredible, like fear and sweat and sex. I bring my lips up to your ear, let them brush against you as I speak. "Of course you want this, baby. You've been trying so hard to hide it, but you don't have to hide with me. Look, you left the door open for me." I let you turn your head enough to see the door hanging open just as my fingers find your clit. I'm rubbing you gently, tenderly, just the way I've watched you touch yourself through the webcam I have in your room. My other hand is under your shirt now and I'm squeezing your breast, rolling your nipple between my fingers, feeling it slowly grow full and erect. You try to stifle a soft moan and I kiss your neck again. "It's okay, baby. You don't have to be ashamed. It's okay to want to feel good. Let me make you feel good."
You clutch your face in your hands and let out a cry of frustration and humiliation and agony and pleasure. You barely know me; I'm the guy next door who sometimes looks at you a little too long. The guy you speed up to avoid in the hall. But that feeling radiating from you clit... You think how exhausting it's been, doing everything you could think of to change people's perception of you, get them to stop looking at you as a slut, how none of it has done you any good anyway. You wonder if you'd have had more fun fucking Jim in the conference room, or swallowing Dylan's cum, or having a threesome with your boss and his wife. And that throbbing in your clit, the agonizing pleasure...You remember that beautiful woman in the ad: "Being a slut isn't a hobby—it's a lifestyle!" You think about how happy she looked, how fulfilled. You remember Sam's words: "These data brokers know us better than we know ourselves."
It does feel good, doesn't it? To let me touch you, pleasure you, to let go of this act you've been holding on to. Isn't it okay to want to feel good? Why did you ever let anyone make you ashamed of that? You try out another moan, letting the pleasure well up through your chest and out your mouth. It feels good, so you try another, and another, and then you're leaning back into me, grinding up against me, delighting in the feeling of my hard cock against your ass.
"Good," I say. "You're letting go of those silly hang-ups. Now we can have our real fun." My hands still around you, controlling you, I half lead-half carry your trembling body to the bedroom. I throw you on the bed, face up so I can get a good look at your eyes, see what I've done to your mind. Those same eyes that have avoided me in the hall so many times now gaze hungrily up at me, wanting me, needing me.
Who am I do decline?
I pull off your pants and panties as a single unit, letting you take care of your shirt for yourself. I kick of my own bottoms, letting my throbbing cock slap against your leg as it springs from its confinement. Don't think I don't notice the way your whole body shivers when it touches you. I lift your legs and push your knees up towards your ears; you're remarkably flexible. It must be all that yoga I've watched you do at the place downtown. I've greatly enjoyed your visits to that place, so it's nice to see they weren't in vain.
You're afraid of me, all of a sudden. Maybe some part of you is seeing sense, realizing you'd have to be crazy to let a guy like me come into your home and fuck you like this. But what was the alternative? Have me rape you? Let me tell you, darling: I would have raped you. You feel the head of my cock gliding over your skin, exploring your inner thighs and pubic area, and tremble at my touch. I want this, you tell yourself. This is what a slut like me needs.
All the same, you cry a little bit when I penetrate you. It's not because it hurts—it does hurt a bit, but you're wet enough, and it's not entirely a bad pain. It's not because you're afraid—well, maybe in part, but that's not the core of it. You cry because you're finally letting go. Letting go of the person you used to be, or thought you were. It's the relief of knowing you don't have to pretend anymore, wrapped up with the mourning you feel when you lose a potential version of yourself. I lean across you as my cock fills you up, and tenderly, I kiss away your tears. "Hush, my darling. I'm here. I will always be here. I will love you despite what you are, when everyone else turns away in disgust."
My weight on you feels good, comforting. The way I press down on your legs, stretching you out, driving my cock so deep inside you that it brushes your cervix. It hurts a little, but is that any better than you deserve? Could a slut like you really expect to find better than this? Better than unconditional love and a desire to give you the pleasure you need?
I'm speeding up now, my face something like an animal, furious and insistent as I gaze down at you. There's darkness behind my eyes, you think, something cold and cruel. You thank God I'm on your side. My hips are like a hammer on your pelvis now, and with each thrust you feel my cock bulging inside you, throbbing and pulsating with anticipation. When I finally plant my seed in you, groaning and growling and pressing you further into the bed, you find there's something comforting about the warmth of my cum inside you. Maybe my seed will take root, make you swell up with me, make you mine. As I roll off you, huffing and panting, the tears begin to stream down your face again, this time from joy.
What did a slut like you ever do to deserve someone who loves you like I do?
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televisionlassie · 2 months
I feel like people don’t realize how jarring it probably for all of Bruce’s kids to be adopted.
There’s this strange idea the adoption is “saving” a kid, and I get how in some ways this can be true for people but imagine being the kid. You’re taken away from everything you’ve ever known and sent with some person, you barely know. That can be traumatizing. Adopted children (even if they are adopted by a good family) are at a much higher risk of mental health issues and developing learning disabilities.
Now imagine this for each of Bruce’s children.
Dick grew up in a traveling circus, he was used to never staying in one place for long. He was surrounded by many different families and cultures. He went from living like that to juvie. And even after he moved in with Bruce it’s still completely different from living in the circus.
Cass was treated like she was a weapon. She wasn’t a human to people. When she was adopted her whole perspective on her life and being human was changed, and she just had to adjust because no one could understand that.
Jason was literally a street kid. I think he’s the easiest to say Bruce “saved” but it is still a HUGE. difference in lifestyle. He went from fending for himself, never relying on anyone and having to steal just to feed himself, to living in a place that is quite literally the complete opposite of that.
The thing about Tim is there is a weird misconception that he was like horribly neglected, and he was sort of, but his parents loved him. He definitely had a good childhood. I hate to say one of them would have it easier because I don’t think any of their situations were easy, but Tim definitely had it easier to adjust. Doesn’t mean it’s still not shocking to have to get used to a completely new family dynamic.
Duke had a loving family. He might not have been rich but he had a family that he loves and grew up with. The worst part about his situation is that his parents are still alive but they can’t take care of him anymore. He has to live with a new family and treat them like that while knowing his real family is still alive and there’s nothing he can do to go back to the way it was.
Damian literally grew up in the fucking league of assassins, he was treated like a prince but also a weapon. He had to go from everyone treating him like a prince and that he’s above them or like a pet to be trained by his grandfather to being treated like any other person. He wasn’t given special treatment and favoritism by his new family and had to get used to that.
This isn’t even mentioning the culture shock Dick, Cass, Duke, and Damian would’ve experienced. I like to believe Bruce would’ve been a good enough parent to learn about their cultures but it’s different coming from a man who had no personal connections to your culture.
Anyway I just felt like ranting about this.
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False Confidence: Chapter 3
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Pairing: Javy “Coyote” Machado x Reader
Part of the San Diego Dogfighters universe
Summary: The Athletic named Javy Machado the fifth sluttiest player in the NHL last year. He’s a known playboy who leaves every game with a different girl. As far as he’s concerned he’s living the dream, playing his dream job with the dream lifestyle. Unfortunately his friends and bosses don’t agree. At 33, they think it’s time for him to settle down. You’re a kindergarten teacher at an esteemed private school. You don't expect much when you finally accept your colleague’s invitation to attend her husband’s hockey game but when you accidentally get separated in the post-game rush, you find yourself in a compromising situation with the last person you’d ever expected to meet. When his PR rep suggests a mutually beneficial agreement, your hands are tied. How long will you have to keep up the act? And how long will you be able to?
Series CW: 18+ ONLY, swearing, angst, fluff, fake relationship, suggestive language, anxiety, school system inaccuracies, hockey inaccuracies etc. There will be individual chapter warnings. No use of Y/N.
Word Count: 3.6k
A/N: This is a repost from my series, False Confidence. It was originally posted in March 2023, and was lost when my blog was deleted.
Previous Chapter // Series Masterlist // Next Chapter
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You feel the butterflies that have finally settled in your stomach flutter to life again, a jumbled mess as your breath catches. You know it makes sense. His simple request. You’re the one who said you were out of practice. And he’s right, the media caught you with his tongue down your throat. Their not going to be fooled by chaste kisses on the cheek and pecks on the lips. You need to get comfortable around Javy, and while you hadn’t come here with the intention of kissing him tonight, the sooner you rip off the bandaid, the better. “Okay,” you say and you hate how small your voice sounds. Javy gives you a mysterious smile as he leans in. Your heart beats quicker the closer he gets, and your eyes flick down to those full lips of his and you’re so fixated on them that you don’t realize that he’s stopped. When you realize that his lips haven’t moved in quite a while your eyes flick up to his deep brown ones and your cheeks heat at the intensity of his gaze. “What?” You sputter as you do your best not to pull away from his closeness. Your hands are trembling and you can feel discomfort settling in your bones. He leans in closer suddenly, lips barely a breath from yours and his nose brushes yours and you let out an indignant squeak, jumping slightly.
“Relax, Meep.” His voice takes on a lower timbre and you feel a shiver run down your back.
“Meep?” You squeak and he chuckles. You feel the vibration of the air on your lips. He reaches a hand up then, making sure to hold it in front of your gaze for a solid five seconds so you process it before he runs a knuckle across your cheek.
“My overexcited little roadrunner,” he muses. “Always squeaking.” Your brow furrows as you realize what he’s referring to.
“You’d be squeaking if you were surprised too.” You stutter out, irritation seeping into your tone even as anxiety continues to claw at your heart from his closeness.
“Oh, would I?” He asks, quirking an eyebrow playfully and then just as you’re choosing your next words carefully, he closes the gap and presses his lips to yours.
The first time you’d ever been kissed you were in the bed of Andrew St. James’s truck. You’d felt completely alone even with dozens of cars and trucks parked around you. The movie playing up on the giant screen was background noise as Andrew’s lips pressed against yours. Your lips were slightly parted in surprised pleasure. It had all felt so surreal, being curled against him as you experienced a first that you’d awaited giddily your entire life. Even in your wildest dreams you’d never imagined that it could be like that. Even when Andrew had invited you to the movie, butterflies fluttered in your stomach at the idea. Even when you’d nervously picked out the soft yellow sundress that you knew you’d get chilly in with the cool spring evening air, dancing through your bedroom full of whimsy and hope.
Javy tastes like blueberries. The tartness of the berries scattered through the loaf that the two of you had just indulged in making your lips tingle as he eases you into the kiss. This kiss was different from yesterday. While yesterday’s kiss had been hungry and desperate, this one was soft, delicate, and simple. A press of lips against lips and you can almost smell the rust and grass from your first kiss. It’s sweet, and you almost convince yourself that it’s real but the tart taste keeps you grounded in bittersweet reality. When he pulls away, he studies your face curiously and you struggle not to squirm under the intensity of his gaze. He leans in before you can react and kisses you again. You start, surprised and he’s pulling away before you can adjust to the feeling. You scowl at him and he chuckles.
“What was that for?”
“You need to not tense up so much when I kiss you. Right now you’re practically jumping out of your skin, Meep.” You feel your lips pout even as you know that he’s right but you can’t focus on that when he dips his head to kiss the pout on your lips. You’re expecting it this time and you barely tense under the quick touch. “Good girl,” Javy praises you as he pulls away again, pressing a quick peck to your cheek and you jolt, surprised by the change in direction. He gives you a look of faux disappointment. “Come on Roadie, loosen up for me.” You feel your cheeks heating rapidly under his constant attention and the anticipation of the next kiss. You’re not expecting when he reaches a hand up and cups your cheek and then your cheeks are heating even more in embarrassment at the realization that he can probably feel their heat. He stokes the apple of your cheek with a calloused thumb and you shiver involuntarily. “I told you Roadie, I’m not gonna hurt you, sweetheart.”
“Prove it.” You’re as surprised as he is by the bite in your words, but the proximity and flurry of kisses have your brain in a tizzy. You’re overstimulated and exhausted and you don’t have the energy for Javy’s antics right now. His eyes widen before he sits back, his hand falling away from your face and you take a shaky breath as your heart rate tries its best to settle. His expression is unreadable as he nods.
“You’re right.” His gaze is steely as it meets yours. “I will.” Like it’s that simple. You’re too tired to push him so you just nod back.
“We need rules,” you hate how tired your voice sounds and you reach for your glass of water, sipping and hoping the cool liquid will give you the energy that you need. “If this is going to work, we need to be on the same page about what’s okay and what’s not.” Javy nods again, eyes calm and earnest.
“That’s good with me, what did you have in mind?” He asks and you fiddle with the hem of your shirt as you think.
“No sex.” You say after a moment, words firm so he knows you’re serious.
“No sex, got it, Roadie.” You nod absently as you think harder.
“I need at least a week’s notice if you need me to come to an event, whether that’s a game or something else. My job will always come first. I’m not missing school for this, I’m not leaving my kids out to dry.” He nods again.
“That’s only fair. I’ll talk to Zam and work out a schedule of some kind and get that to you as soon as possible.
“Next, if I’m going to be coming to your events, I need you to come to some of mine.” You’re nervous about asking this but Josie’s voice in your head reminds you that this is supposed to be mutually beneficial.
“It’s only fair,” he says casually. “As long as I’m in town, I’ll be there. You can get me a schedule too, but just give me a basic idea now if you can.”
You think for a long moment before you answer. “You need to make a few appearances at the school to really sell it to the administration. There’s a faculty banquet in April. If you’re here, you’d probably be expected to attend.”
“Consider it done.” He says easily. Something else is itching at the back of your mind so you steel yourself and ask before you lose your nerve.
“Career day,” you sputter and Javy arches an eyebrow at you and you clear your throat. “It’s not a requirement per se but I think the kids would really enjoy meeting a real hockey player.” His eyes soften and you give him a shy smile.
“Yeah, Roadie, I’d love to come to Career Day.” He smiles back as you relax in relief. He waits for you to continue but you’re drawing a blank as to what comes next so he speaks up. “You need to figure out how to relax around me. If there’s something I can do to help, I will, but it’s going to come down to you.” You nod, embarrassment sending heat to your cheeks.
“I know it’s not always going to be possible, but if you could ask or give me a heads up when you’re going to kiss me, that might help?” You say after a long moment. He considers your words thoughtfully.
“What if we had a signal?” He asks and your brow furrows.
“What kind of signal?” You ask warily. He reaches out a hand for yours and you tentatively surrender one. He takes it in his absurdly warm palm, and then he brushes two fingers over the inside of your wrist before tapping three times.
“How’s that?” He asks. You glance down at your linked hands. It’s subtle enough. It could work. You nod, slowly and Javy smiles.
“Yeah, that could work.” You whisper and he releases your hand. You study your hand when it comes back to your lap like you’ll see some kind of mark of his touch. Like a piece of him will linger.
“One last thing,” he says and you look up from your lap and he waggles his eyebrows playfully. “You’re not allowed to fall in love with me.” You barely suppress a derisive snort as you scowl at him. It just makes him laugh and the sound takes your breath away. If his smile is the sun, his laugh is its rays. You feel your nerves melt away as the sound fills your ears and spreads warmth throughout your body from head to toe. He pauses his laughing to fix you with a firm look even as his eyes dance with mirth. “I mean it, Roadie, no falling in love with me.” You roll your eyes.
“You don’t have to worry about that.” You won’t be the fool twice. You know better this time.
The next morning as you’re walking into school when your phone buzzes and you open it to see a message from Big Sexy ;), “I know you’ll probably be teaching so you can’t watch, but just so you know, the press conference is at 8 this morning. Speak now or forever hold your peace.” He’s giving you an out. While you appreciate it, you didn’t let him kiss you in his kitchen to lose your nerve now and you type back a quick negative response before steeling yourself and making a beeline for your classroom. You don’t feel like fielding Jeremy’s questions before the press conference. You’ll let someone else control the narrative. You’ve settled in and you’re going over your lesson plan when Josie knocks on the edge of your doorway and you look up, waving her in. She perches on the edge of her desk, studying your expression carefully.
“Reuben said they're holding the press conference this morning. How are you feeling?” You shrug.
“He’s not my real boyfriend. I don’t really feel anything.” Josie gives you a skeptical look.
“You know Jeremy and the others are going to start hounding you the second they find out, don’t you?” You sigh, then, taking a moment to take a long sip from your coffee mug.
“If they hound me that means they buy the story and that’s what we want, right? Sure, I’m not exactly looking forward to it, but there’s not much you can do to disprove an official statement from one of the parties, especially the one with everything to lose.” Josie regards you skeptically and you know she doesn’t buy your cool as she leaves the classroom and while you’re more nervous than ever you can’t focus on that right now. Any minute your students will be arriving and you need to be ready for them. They need you right now.
By the time lunch rolls around you’ve forgotten all about the press conference so when you step into the teacher’s lounge and Jeremy automatically calls out to you, you’re taken by surprise.
“Damn Roadie, you’re just full of surprises aren’t you?” You turn to see a smirk pulling at his lips as he regards you. “How on earth did you manage to land yourself a big bad NHL player boyfriend?” You ignore the subtle dig in his words as you struggle to clear your mind. You’d gone over your cover story with Javy last night until you were almost convinced it was true yourself. You take a breath to center yourself before you answer Jeremy.
“We met at Thanksgiving, I went with Josie to the Dogfighters’ Thanksgiving dinner.”
“That right, Josie?” You turn to see Josie standing just inside the doorway, a cool look on her face.
“Yeah, friends and family were invited so I invited Roadie since she didn’t have anywhere else to go.” You wince at her words. That part of the story is true. Josie HAD invited you except you’d turned her down and had spent the holiday curled up on your couch watching old movies and eating spaghetti and turkey meatballs followed by ice cream straight from the carton. In hindsight, you’re glad you hadn’t gone since Josie had arrived back at school on Monday recounting the chaos that had ensued at the event. None of your colleagues knew that, however. “Oh hey, this is a pleasant surprise.” You’re jerked out of your thoughts and you turn back to Josie as Javy appears in the doorway, carrying a bouquet of flowers and a takeout bag. You do your best to school your expression of surprise at the unexpected visit. You’re sure some of it seems believable enough, though as you unglue your feet from the floor and cross over to where Josie’s ushering Javy into the teacher’s lounge as the other teachers gape. You shuffle over to him, a nervous smile plastered on your face. You will your voice not to shake as you greet him.
“Javy! I didn’t know you were coming by today?” You hide your wince at the light accusation in your tone and try to compensate by carefully pushing up slightly on your toes to press a kiss to his cheek. The gesture feels strange and his skin is warm under your lips. The skin pulls under your touch as Javy smiles and when you pull away you see the mirth dancing in his eyes as leans down to reciprocate the action, smooth lips pressing to your heated cheeks.
“Hey beautiful, thought I’d come by and surprise you.” You try to ignore the way your stomach flutters at the term of endearment as it falls easily from his tongue. “I thought we could have lunch together?” He holds up the paper bag in his hand and you nod, trying to make your earnestness to escape the prying eyes of your colleagues seem lovestruck in nature.
“Sure, baby.” The word feels strange and foreign in your tongue and you have to hold back from grimacing in discomfort. “We can eat in my classroom,” you nod towards the hallway and Javy takes your lead. Once you’re in the empty hallway, the kids all herded into the lunchroom for the next hour, you glance at him to see him grinning at you. You roll your eyes and lead him to your classroom. You hold the door for him as he enters before leading him to your desk. You realize quickly that yours is the only adult-sized chair in the room but Javy seems unfazed as he sets the flowers and bag on your desk and snags one of the tiny chairs from the nearest cluster of desks. You don’t manage to stifle your giggle as he folds his giant body into the tiny chair and his eyebrows raise, the corners of his mouth crinkling at your reaction. You feel your cheeks heat as you take your seat across the desk from him. He’s tall enough that he manages to reach the height of your desk well enough and he starts to unpack the paper bag, the smell of Thai food hitting your nostrils.
“So…” he says as he passes you a foil-wrapped packet that smells simply heavenly, “how’s your morning been, BABY.” He smirks and your cheeks heat even more as you duck your head to escape the humor dancing in his eyes.
“I panicked, okay.” You sputter as you focus on keeping the noodles in the foil from spilling across your desk as you break the chopsticks that Javy passes to you. He chuckles.
“Well practice makes perfect, I guess.” He digs into his food and the two of you eat in silence for a moment before you can’t hold your question in, anymore.
“What are you doing here?” You ask and hate how blunt it sounds.
Javy raises an eyebrow at you as he finishes chewing. “I figured after this morning’s announcement, there would be damage control to do, so I figured I’d get ahead of it. What better way to sell a fake relationship than to bring my girlfriend lunch?” He shrugs. “Plus I figured you could use the backup. People are bound to have questions and actions speak louder than words.” You nod, taking another bite of your food.
“Well, thanks,” you say, trying to fight off the awkwardness as he waves you off.
“This is much better than eating in the conference room with dozens of sweaty guys, believe me.” He looks around your room, taking in the bright decorations and your students’ art hung on the wall. “So, do you teach art too?” He asks.
You shrug. “It’s kindergarten, I teach everything.”
“Damn, Roadie,” Javy looks genuinely impressed. “Even math?”
“I mean, math for Kindergartners usually just consists of counting, shapes, and basic addition and subtraction but yeah,” you giggle a little as he laughs.
“Right, I almost forgot. But that’s still important, though, they need that to be able to do the rest.” He says, giving you a pointed look and you smile shyly.
“That’s why I love it so much,” you admit. “You get to make such a big impact on these kids’ lives.”
“It’s a big responsibility,” he points out.
“It’s a privilege.” You say, a soft smile on your lips and he gives you a look that you can almost convince yourself is pride.
The two of you fall back into silence as you eat until Javy speaks up again. “Do you still make octopus stew in kindergarten?” You can’t help the laugh that jumps out of your throat. Javy regards you curiously as you nod through your laughter.
“Yeah… yeah we still make octopus stew. We’re actually doing that next week.” His eyes brighten and you hesitate before you offer. “You could come if you wanted to? I mean just for the octopus stew part? We usually ask a couple of parents to come help out since there’s cooking involved, we could use the extra hands.” You can’t help the nerves that blossom in your stomach but Javy’s wide grin makes them worth it.
“I’d love to,” he beams before his brow furrows. “What day is it? We’re leaving on a road trip next Wednesday.” His face falls slightly and you can’t help the pang of sympathy that laces through you. You’ve seen it on Reuben’s face before. The realization that his job is stealing yet another special moment from him. He’s missed class plays, dance recitals, and more and it doesn’t get easier.
“Octopus Stew is on Tuesday,” you say with a soft smile, mentally running through the emails you’re going to need to send to the parents volunteering to successfully move around your lesson plans. The grin on Javy’s face is like the sun and you can’t help but feel relief, knowing that your slightly selfish plan is going to be worth it.
“Perfect, I’ll be there!” He announces and you can’t help the smile that his excitement brings to your lips. “By the way, are you doing anything after work today? The rest of the guys really want to meet you, and I thought maybe you could swing by the arena?” You hesitate and his gaze softens. “They’re not all assholes, I promise, you just got stuck with me.” You feel your cheeks heat at that.
“S-sure I can be there,” you murmur and he reaches a hand over, brushing your fingers with his. Somehow you don’t flinch away from his touch. “I’ll be there.” You say with more conviction and he squeezes your fingers gently.
You hear the bell go off in the hallway and glance at the clock, surprised. The moment is broken and you hurry to clear up your lunch trash. Javy stands, taking your lead, and carefully returns his chair to its desk. He holds out a hand to take the lunch trash and you pass it to him, appreciatively. Your eyes fall on the flowers, they’re a simple but bright bouquet of seasonals. “Thanks for the flowers, by the way,” you say and Javy turns to look at them from where he’s almost at the doorway.
“Oh, you don’t have to thank me. You’re my girlfriend, after all, flowers are a given. Do you have a vase?” He glances around the room, looking for one. You shake your head.
“Not here, no. I have some at home but I’ll probably get something plastic for the classroom in case of accidents.” Javy nods, his eyes thoughtful.
“Noted, I’ll bring a vase next time. I’ll see you this evening, Roadie.” He’s gone before you can comprehend his words and a soft smile graces your lips as you gather your lesson plans for the afternoon before heading down the empty hallway to pick up your students from the lunchroom, Javy long gone.
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rinaxtaros · 3 months
[07] | RED.
Summary: You settle into your new role within the Phantomhive Manor.
— deal with the devil (saying/phrase) The term "a pact with the devil" is also used metaphorically to condemn a person or persons perceived as having collaborated with an evil person or regime.
chapter 07
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"Demons can make deals with other demons?" Ciel asks as he looks up from his pile of paperwork. Sebastian nods stiffly, eyeing his curious master.
"How does that work? Aren't you under contract to me?" He asks, setting his palms on the desk as he looks up at the two demons before him.
"Yes, I am, but a demon contract is different to a human contract.” Sebastian explains languidly.
You interrupt, "If I may speak, although it is a little confusing it is beneficial for demons as we basically live for the 'tit-for-tat' lifestyle.”
Ciel hums, swirling his cup of cold tea. He had barely touched the thing, swearing that Sebastian had made the tea wrong. You recalled laughing at the vein popping in Sebastian’s neck.
Sebastians hums "It's still a little taboo for.. us but us demons will do anything for our own benefits.”
Ciel understands that demons are selfish and possessive creatures but the thought of demons doing deeds for others is foreign to him. He assumed that they wanted nothing to do with each other if every demon had Sebastian’s attitude.
"We'll spare you the long and frankly boring details of a demon contract, but [Y/n] is now to listen to my commands as I have accepted a deal she had inquired about," Sebastian explains quickly. He could go on forever about contracts. Ciel nods and sees it as good enough.
"I'm guessing you'll be staying here then" Ciel sends you a pointed look. You nod, seeing as Sebastian had practically explained you were now apart of the Manor team. It doesn’t seem to bother Ciel as he now has an extra person to do his dirty work. It’s not like you’re getting paid.
"You may go off and do your own duties.” Ciel sends you away with a flick of his hand. You watch as Sebastian obediently bows. The sight makes a laugh rumble in your throat, but you hold it back for the sake of not starting another argument.
As much as Sebastian is like a dog to Ciel, you’ve now become one for Sebastian as per the details of your contract. You can’t help but frown as you aimlessly follow the dark-haired demon who waves you along.
The door closes with a gentle click, accompanied by a quiet groan of the ages hinges. Sebastian already stands with a candle stick in hand, lighting the dim hallway. It’s amusing, as he doesn’t need the extra light to see within the dark halls. It seems Sebastian loves to keep up the façade, even when no one is watching.
"[Y/n], be a dear and remind me of who this demon is?" Sebastian purrs, leaning the flame towards your face. The radiated warmth across your face is quite conforming, but the shadow from the flame contorts his face into quite a lustfully sinister sight.
"I think he goes by Claude now.. although I'm not sure" You surmise, plucking your mind for any past interactions you’ve had with the prowling entity. From your knowledge, he’s used the same human name with his past few masters. He’s been hellbent on catching you as his mate ever since one mistaken moment together.
It’s a curse to be the sin of Lust sometimes.
"When my end of the deal is met…” You trail, eyes flickering towards the ground again. Sebastian simpers, sauntering silently ahead “We’ll see, my Dear.”
You dip, seeing as either situation would’ve had you stuck between a rock and a hard place. However, having Sebastian by your side would aid in your avail against Claude’s courting.
A demon courting is messy and bloody at times. Once a male has his eyes set, the woman can either give in or die trying to escape. On the off chance, the woman emerges victorious if the man is weaker. However, it is rare. Claude is strong and you’re certain he’s only gained more strength by completing odd jobs for whatever demented soul he’s serving.
Sebastian though, he has an unwavering strength that has gave you a boost in confidence. As long as you hold up your end of the deal, he has agreed to fight Claude off. Even if that means to kill him.
You hope it works anyway. The mark above your tainted heart hopes so.
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The next day your new found trio had travelled into London to speak to a man named Abberline about the missing children. The interaction with Abberline left a sour taste in your mouth. Nothing particularly stood out about the man — he was an average investigator, though you knew he would most likely stand in the way of Ciel’s own investigation.
It’s making time with the two longer. Ugh.
As your group approaches the wooden carriage, Sebastian and Ciel started talking about the cases and the information they had somehow pulled from the nervous detective. You don’t pay much attention, barely looking at Sebastian even as he held the door open for you. He slides in a few moments later, slotting into the small seat next to you.
"I suppose we'll be paying him a call?"The rather distasteful emphasis on him peaks your interest. You scan Sebastian with a curious tinge swirling within your orbs.
"I don't like it any more than you do, but when needs must and all." Ciel answers loathfully. He taps the roof of the carriage with his cane to alert the driver to start moving.
It’s a rather short journey, though you spend most of your time watching the world go by. It would certainly be faster if you could travel at your own speed, but actually taking in your surroundings is nice. The bump of the wheels against the cobble stone street isn’t too pleasant, though.
"This is him?" You query as the carriage comes to a halt in front of a familiar building.
“Why, do you know him?” Sebastian questions, studying your face for any type of reaction as he exists the vehicle. He extends a hand, which you take so graciously. Though, you titter, “You could say that.”
Sebastian clicks his tongue to display his annoyance as you come to a stand. He drops his hand, signalling to the driver to wait. Sebastian steps back, allowing you step forward.
You try not to laugh as you allow your new (appropriate) dress to swipe along his legs flirtatiously.
Ciel, seemingly ignoring your interaction, walks to the cracked door. His hand leaves a feather-like touch against the skid, yet it screeches open. The ear-grating sound was sure to alert the shop owner of his presence "Undertaker? Are you about?"
There's no answer at first but Ciel takes the initiative to walk cautiously into the dark shop. Candles were littered across the shop’s floor and walls to provide an eerie - but on theme atmosphere.
Both of you follow behind, ignoring how your footsteps bounce off of the cobbled floors and concrete walls and back into their ears. The clicking of your heels surpasses the sound of the dull steps produced by Sebastian and Ciel’s flat shoes.
The shop door clicks closed behind the three, allowing the shop to now bask in the light from the candles. Only a few seconds pass before a creepy voice echoes through the shop, causing a shiver to ripple up the young Lord’s spine.
"Hello my Lord, it's so lovely to see you~" The Undertaker’s voice purrs out, kicking a disregarded skull. It rolls crudely towards the young masters legs, similar to a bowling ball to two pins. Ciel hisses, barely missing the barrelling object.
"What will it be then? Will I have the pleasure to fit you for one of my coffins?" The Undertaker goads blatantly. Though, his voice had travelled to behind the young master, causing Ciel to puff unexpectedly as the entrance to the shop is suddenly closed. The Undertaker lears as his hand presses firmly against the wood.
"Look you-" Ciel starts, only to be cut off by the Undertaker "Have a seat, I have a batch of biscuits still fresh from the oven!”
Though the behaviour would have you feeling unnerved a few years ago, the Undertaker has yet to shock you within this interaction. You’re quite astonished with Ciel’s ability to hide the fear that is absolutely spilling from his being.
You suppose you should end this odd stand-off.
"Stop teasing the poor boy.” You defend, placing a hand on Ciel’s shoulder. He tenses beneath the touch but quickly melts as he realises you’re defending him. Perhaps he’s too relieved to notice how casually you’re speaking to the creepy shop-keeper.
"You're acquainted with the brat, my Dear?" A frown settles on the Undertakers face. Sebastian shuffles from beside you, perhaps to gauge the interaction better. He’s been very openly scanning the surroundings of the shop.
“More than acquainted, actually.” Ciel’s head whips to meet your gaze. You glance down at the poor boy who looks as if he’s seen a ghost.
Whilst the Undertaker groans and says some off-handed comment about a literal child, Ciel is in complete guffaw “You know this creep?!”
It’s hard to hold back your laugh, so you chuckle and throw in a quick apology to the Undertaker. He seems more distracted by the fact you’re so close with the young boy who has caused him quite the stir over his years as the Queen’s Guard Dog.
“Yes. That is for another day, Ciel.”
Ciel nods - albeit still shocked - and tells the Undertaker the reason for their being (after trying to get through to the man for another 10 minutes.)
"Missing children, you say?" The Undertaker rubs his chin quizzically. You perch yourself against a staggered coffin, awaiting the long-winded story he’s bound to tell. The whole interaction has been quite boring, despite the comical expression Ciel had worn a few minutes ago.
"The authorities still consider them missing persons,” Sebastian informs "and no corpses turned up, do you know of any?"
"Well as tragic as it may be" The Undertaker lifts a bone shaped cookie and examines it under the candle light. Ever the dramatic.
“I don’t recall anything of the sorts.”
“I have their information here, look through these and tell me if you've taken care of any of these children.” Ciel ignores the Undertakers blatant lies. Sebastian thrusts the papers towards the mortician, ignoring how he complains that Sebastian is being too forceful.
"Hmm, have I seen this face before… I don't know...” He trails, “My memory would be right but sharper if I had myself a good laugh…”He acts coy.
Another pregnant ouse fills the air, “I think a good laugh would jog my memory!”
The two groan in agony as the conversation meets a stalemate. You’re certain this isn’t the first time he’s stuck them for a laugh in order to get the tiniest but of information on a case they could get elsewhere. You don’t want to stay much longer, though.
“Aren’t you being too stingray, Undertaker?” You hum, pushing yourself from the coffin, “I’m sure you don’t want to be here with the young master for much longer.”
“Young master…” He mocks, presumably rolling his eyes “Don’t tell me he has you calling him that pretentious title.”
You ignore his mocking and turn to Ciel “Let me do this. His humour is crude.” You warn.
Ciel quietly debates within his head.
"All you've got to do is give it to me! Just give me the gift of true laughter!" Like a bulb, the Undertakers behaviours switches as he slides himself across the coffin just a metre before Ciel’s body. He twists like a cat, extending his hands in front of him as if they were claws as he twists upside down "One laugh and all of my information is at your disposal!" He giggles.
Ciel looks to Sebastian, "See to it, will you?" He asks
The Undertaker takes the chance to jab at the boy "Having him do your dirty work then?" He asks, twisting upright.
“That's the trouble with you upper class blokes…Can't do anything without your butlers, ay?" Ciel fumes, clenching his fists. The better half of you wants to step in, but deep down you want to see if Ciel will crack.
“It’s all the same to me, I just want a laugh" The Undertaker shrugs.
Ciel thwacks his staff against the cobble floor, "I'll take care of this.”
"His humour is quite crude, my Lord" You warn once more. Ciel’s frame shakes with unbrittled anger, visibly wound up from the Undertakers relentless teasing. You’re sure it’s a build up of past interactions, but the sight is even unruly for you.
“I can do it for you—“
"Both of you, go outside!" Sebastian glances at you, then motions to the door. You look between the Undertaker and Ciel who glare at each other unwaveringly. You twist on your heel, accepting the pre-teens stubbornness. It’s one thing he must get from Sebastian.
As you step outside and adjust to the blinding light, Sebastian lets you know of the time. You stretch your arms, groaning as a loud pop follows.
“He’ll take forever.”
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"Young Master, are you sure that a circus is a place for a noble like you?"You’re curious. Ciel had decided that both he and Sebastian would join the circus to learn of the disappearance of several children. The Undertaker had said that the missing children were coinciding with the location of the travelling circus and that a child had been snatched not long ago.
Ciel peers at you over the rim of his cup of tea. The light shines from his silver rings, causing you to wince for a slight second. He sets his cup down, smacking his lips to rid of any excess droplets.
"The Queen has asked me to look into the missing children cases and it seems everywhere this circus goes, children go missing along with it:” He explains shortly. You can’t do much but nod. It’s all you’ve done for the past few weeks, so you quietly smooth down the pinafore straps of your skirt to fill the silence of the room. Sebastian stands idle nearby.
It’s quite awkward, even for yourself. You find yourself having to occupy your hands more often. Perhaps it’s because you have another demon watching your every move — one that’s strong enough to easily take you down. You find yourself thinking about it at night and how you hadn’t felt such emotions while serving Anne before the last few weeks of her short life.
You despise the feelings. It’s too human. Too familiar.
"Young Master! Your carriage has arrived!" Mey-Rin bursts through the oak doors, hands slamming both of them open clumsily. Ciel, who had only swallowed another mouth full of tea, splutters.
“T-Thank you, Mey-Rin.”
Ciel orders you to file into the carriage alongside them. Though curious, you follow through seeing as Sebastian told you to listen to Ciel. You’re were wandering how you’re meant to follow Sebastian’s orders when he’s not around to give you any, so the ride to the circus should hopefully fill you in.
"I'm sending Sebastian to look through the circus, I'm sure you know that by now:” Ciel recaps. He had send Sebastian solo to scope out the circus before their arrival and subsequently left you in charge to pander to Ciel’s needs. He’s quite demanding and you understood why Sebastian seems to have a stick up his ass permanently when he’s not flirting.
"He gathered that there may be too many people around to carry out our investigation as a duo, so I need you to come as a decoy.” Ciel continues, “You’ll distract and keep people away from where we need to be. Do whatever you want as long as you don’t attract too much attention.”
This is certainly not what you expected, but one glance at disinterested Sebastian tells you that the two had thoroughly discussed the plan beforehand.
“Refrain from using formalities with me as we are pretending to be common folk.” Sounds about right.
You stay silent, processing the whole ordeal. You find it quite odd that you’re only being told this now, as if Sebastian and Ciel weren’t really decided in your addition. But then again, what is hiding within the circus to make them think they’ll need a permanent decoy?
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ghostofskywalker · 2 years
Hello I was wondering if I could request an echo x gnreader where they are in the middle of a battle and like the reader is close to an explosion and gets injured?
(I'm sorry if you do no understand)
hi! here it is, i hope you enjoy :)
words: 1,697
summary: For as long as he's been traveling with the Bad Batch, Echo had no problem always sticking to the plan, no matter what the battles threw at him. But when you're injured in an explosion, it suddenly gets a little more difficult to listen to instructions.
clone troopers masterlist
Concussions and Cuddling
The mission was going perfectly smoothly until an explosion wracked the Separatist base they were running through. Echo turned to look at Wrecker, a confused expression on his face (even though his helmet was covering it). “What was that?”
“I don’t know,” his brother answered, tightening his grip on the box they had been sent there to acquire. “But we need to get out of here.”
“I agree.”
The plan was simple, the group was divided into three teams of two: Wrecker and Echo, Tech and Omega, and you and Hunter. Each team had a different job, and once they were done everyone would meet back at the ship. Tech and Omega had completed their objective first by getting into the security systems and disabling all the alarms (so they were the first ones to arrive back), and Wrecker and Echo had gotten the package that Cid had sent them for. You and Hunter were looking for surplus droid parts that could provide them with an extra bonus on the market (because being a fugitive wasn’t exactly the most comfortable of lifestyles).
“Tech, do you know what that noise was?” Echo asked into his comm.
But before Tech could respond, Hunter answered the question. “The North end of the building was set to self destruct, probably if the Separatists lost the base, but the mechanism was faulty and clearly never went off when it was supposed to. Unfortunately, it meant that it went off now, completely untriggered.”
“Are you both okay?”
“I’m fine, other than a few scrapes and inevitable bruises. But Y/N got hit with a lot more of the debris and is currently unconscious, we’re going to need the ship to come here and get us.”
“I’m coming over there,” Echo said suddenly. “What’s your position?”
“No,” Hunter’s voice was firm. “If you and Wrecker are close to the Marauder, stick to the original plan. Once you two and the cargo are on board, then you can come get us.”
“Hunter-” Echo started to protest.
“That’s an order.”
Echo was not happy about this, but he did as the sergeant said, continuing to run with Wrecker until they reached the ship. As soon as the hatch closed behind them, Echo raced to the cockpit and sat down next to Tech. He grabbed the comm from the dashboard of the ship. “Hunter, we’re in the Marauder now,” he said, his voice taking on a slightly harsher tone than it usually did. “What is your position?”
When the location came through, Echo barely heard the sounds of takeoff, his mind was running too quickly. After he heard that you had been injured, nothing seemed to matter. If any of his brothers asked, he would quickly deny having any feeling for the team’s unofficial mechanic, but deep down he knew that was a bold faced lie. He couldn’t help the way he was drawn to you, and he also considered you his best friend on the ship. If the others knew they would no doubt pressure him to say something, to try and build that bridge between friendship and romance, but Echo was scared. Maybe it was a bit cowardly, but he was sure that you didn’t feel the same way about him, and he’d rather keep things the way they were than potentially give you reason to leave.
At that moment he didn’t care what it may look like, he just rushed down the ramp and leaped back down onto the ground where you and Hunter were. Weaving through the maze of fallen debris, he finally reached you, and even though he couldn’t see Hunter’s face, he was sure there was a disappointed expression on it. You were still unconscious, and he called for Wrecker to come get you while he raced back up and tried to set up their makeshift medbay for your needs.
There was a nasty bump on your head from where a falling piece of the ceiling had hit you, and your face was bloody from other scrapes and debris. You were going to need bacta at least, but it likely couldn’t do anything to but superficially heal some of your head injury, especially if you had sustained a concussion.
You didn’t wear as much as armor as the rest of them did (something he had tried to talk to you about several times before), so it was easy to removed the plates you did wear after Wrecker laid you down on the cot and left to go talk to Tech and Omega in the cockpit. Hunter was able to apply bacta to his own wounds, and the room was completely silent as Echo started to do the same for you.
He thanked the maker that the wounds you had were only on your head and arms, and that none of the debris had impacted your legs or lower body. Once you woke up, you would be able to walk just fine, and it would be all about taking it easy to heal the concussion Echo was increasingly sure you had.
Eventually, after he was done applying bacta to his cuts, Hunter broke the silence. “Why haven’t you said anything about how you feel?”
“What are you talking about?” Echo’s eyes widened and he was glad that Hunter was unable to see his expression because he was putting bacta on the last of your cuts and scrapes.
“Are you really going to make me say it?”
“Say what?”
“You think I don’t know how you feel? We all care about Y/N, but it’s clear that your feelings are a little different than the rest of team.”
“I don’t-”
“Echo,” Hunter said, cutting him off. “The entire time you’ve been traveling with us, you’ve always followed the plan, you’ve always been levelheaded, even when we were faced with dangers far more intense than we could ever imagine. But this time, when I radioed in to tell everyone about the situation, it was like you went a little rogue. I already had my suspicions, but this only confirms it. What I don’t understand is why you won’t say anything about how you feel.”
Echo sighed and turned to face his brother. There was nothing more he could do to help you at this point, and he didn’t really want to have this conversation, but it had to happen eventually. “I don’t say anything because I would rather pine in secret than have to hear that my feelings are not reciprocated. It’s already torturous to live through now, but I can’t imagine what it would feel like to no longer get to talk to the person I consider a very close friend. You remember how long it took us to find a mechanic that was willing to work with us, right? I’m not going to jeopardize that.”
“And it wouldn’t be a big deal if we had to find another one, but that’s so unlikely to happen and you know it. You need to tell Y/N how you feel, because your feelings are reciprocated and I hate to sit around and watch you two pine for each other.”
Echo opened his mouth to respond, but heard your voice (or a very scratchy and quiet version of it) coming from behind him. “What did you say?” you asked.
Hunter looked absolutely delighted at the sudden change in situation, and he was out of the room quicker than anyone else could blink. Echo (after resolving to get his brother back later) turned around to face you. “What did you hear?” he asked gently.
“My name,” you said, trying to sit up on the cot but then stopping when he gave you a look. “And then Hunter implying that you had feelings for me.”
“I do,” Echo admitted, almost too quiet for himself to hear. “And I know what Hunter said, but you don’t have to lie to me if you don’t feel the same way.”
“Echo, I like you too.”
He didn’t really process your words, instead just looking down at the ground. “I figured, and - wait, did you just say you liked me?”
You raised your eyebrows at him. “You’d think I wasn’t the one with the concussion here, you know. My head hurts like hell and I can still understand what’s going on.”
“I’m sorry,” he said gently, stepping up next to you and taking your hand.
He helped to move you so you were sitting up, and you smiled at him. “While we were in that base, Hunter was trying to convince me to tell you how I felt,” you said. “I didn’t realize that apparently he was going to try to get you to do the same.” Echo smiled, and you shifted over in the cot so there was room for another. “And now that we’ve got the hard part of this out of the way, I want to cuddle with you.”
Echo shook his head, even though it was hurting every bone in his body to say no. “You’re still healing.”
You pouted at his words. “Oh come on, I’ve got a small concussion and a few scrapes, I’m not on my deathbed!”
“I wouldn’t want to hurt you.”
“How would you do that? Death by cuddling?” you asked, and you shook your head when he opened his mouth to respond. “Nope, I don’t want to hear it. Please come here, I can tell that you’re tired and need rest.” He didn’t have it in him to deny that request, and he couldn’t help the feeling of happiness that flooded through him as you laid your head on his shoulder. “See? I’m not dead, so you can get rid of the guilty conscience.”
A small laugh escaped his lips, and he had to admit you were right. “Why don’t we just try to get some rest?” he said, his hand finding yours.
He’d have to say something to Hunter later, because it was partly his insistence and meddling that got Echo to this point, but he didn’t want to think about that right now. This moment was something he’d dreamed about for so long, and he wanted to enjoy it.
- the end -
i no longer have a taglist! if you're interested in being notified when i post, you can follow my library blog @ghostofskywalker-library and turn on notifications!
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plasmamembranes · 8 days
I have never had acne in my life and for the most part have had skin that doesn't break out much despite putting barely any effort in to maintain it, but starting several months ago I got what I consider for myself to be severe acne on my face and since I have compulsive skin picking problems it was literal hell for me. I tried a couple different products to get rid of it and then also changed several different things about my lifestyle, trying to pinpoint what changes occurred around the time I started getting acne and just backtracking and changing things one by one. Well it ended up being the fact that my girlfriend and I would shower then put on smelly Bath and Body Works lotions for each other before our dates, then go to bed with them still on and cuddle and fuck or whatever so I'd be marinating in that all night and rubbing it all over my face. I seem to be ultra sensitive to that stuff. Since we stopped putting the lotion on, my acne completely stopped
But it makes us really sad. The lotions were a cheap way to smell really good for each other and we spent a lot of time picking out specific scents for one another. We are trying to pivot to colognes but we have some issues. The only places that sell colognes around here have them locked away and don't let you sample them to my knowledge, and it's a small town so there aren't many places that sell them to begin with. Is there anyone who buys a lot of perfumes or colognes like online or something that can either recommend good ones or tell me how to sus out good ones from bad ones? Like when ordering online how are we supposed to tell if the scents will be good for us or not -_-
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Furina, and Genshin Stans' Inability to Handle Criticism
The introduction of Focalors as a character in 4.0, did what it should. She was a very polarizing character and had people forming very specific opinions that would be damn near impossible to change.
Most everyone enjoyed the fact that she wasn't kissing the Traveler's ass, wasn't flirting with the Traveler from the jump, and was dramatic. However, that did not mean that many of them came away liking her as a character. It wasn't translated as 'simply bratty' or 'adorable tantrums' to many of us.
People are capable of liking the fact that she was written differently even if we didn't like her personality.
Personally, I still don't like Keqing even after everything that's happened so far. I find her attitude to be very annoying, and her stances on many things piss me off, but it's also nice for her to not be up the Traveler's ass when they come around. It gives every scene a nice air to experience.
Furina's story ending up incredibly tragic does not mean people have to suddenly pander to her.
At most, she was disliked by many for appearing to be lazy and not actually doing anything useful for her people the whole time. And Arlecchino had a right as a citizen of Fontaine, to call her out for her inaction and chosen lifestyle. Just because it was revealed that Furina was playing her part in order to fool Fate and the Heavenly Principles, does not mean Arlecchino is in the wrong for what she said(attempting assassination is another matter entirely).
Furina still called Paimon an object and tried to ignore her living, breathing sentience just so she could try to get the Traveler on trial for a fake accusation. Even if that law actually exists(per Neuvillette's voice lines) Paimon is not an object. Those of us with common sense recognized how fucked up that was, and how bullshit it was to try something like that just to... prevent the Traveler from wandering around and getting involved in stuff.
Y'all realize the Traveler would have ended up in the Fortress of Meropide for a crime they did not commit, right?
No one held a gun to Furina's head to make her do that. She could have completely avoided the Traveler entirely, but instead SHE CHOSE to make that their first meeting. The Traveler and Paimon base their impressions on her off of that meeting. And even after months in Fontaine, she did not prove to be much better at anything else.
In the end, Focalors' plan proved Furina wasn't being useless. She was actually doing her part as faithfully as possible, but that's all it really did. The accusations of her not caring and being lazy were wrong. She cared a lot and she worked very hard to exhaustion(both mental and physical).
But Furina spent 500 years treating people a certain way, and that has results. Those not from Fontaine are not as blinded by the glamor of her behavior and don't see it as acceptable. And guess what? Her introduction to the Traveler involved racism and dehumanizing the Traveler's companion(even if Paimon isn't human, she's sentient and living and humanoid) for the sake of a farcical court trial.
Then, she made false accusations against Lyney not long after. And the investigation by anyone but the Traveler was truly lackluster with barely any effort put in. To make things worse, she couldn't find any proof for her claims, so she just threw a group of orphans under the bus because... for some reason the Fatui has to be the ones to take in Fontainian children so they're not living on the streets.
It's not a good look.
Furina has suffered and has done her part to save her people, but she's also done some fucked up things and hasn't apologized for them.
You can't clamor for Arlecchino to apologize for what she said, or for Paimon to apologize for pestering her over and over to help out that theater troupe, and then sit there quiet over her behavior that had NOTHING to do with her cover as a 'god'. She could have easily kept up that cover while demanding for the case to be investigated better(NO ONE thought to look into the possessions of the troupe members before the Traveler asked? NO ONE thoughts to look in ALL the boxes while down int he basement?).
Many people got to learn that Furina is not a shitty Archon. She protected the people in the only way she knew was possible. She held that secret and was willing to take it to the grave.
She's also made some mistakes and never apologized.
The Traveler and Paimon not really knowing who the real Furina is or what her personal values are, doesn't mean they're being callous to her. Paimon saying she had no idea Furina would feel a certain way over something that happened, isn't her being mean. It's her literally not knowing and saying it in surprise.
The Traveler and Paimon thinking of Furina first after hearing that someone needs an expert in drama and theater, isn't them being mean. She's literally a celebrity known for performing on stage and is the only actress they were aware of in Fontaine. Common sense, people, learn to use it.
At most, the constant pushing was the actual bad part, and even then, this is Paimon... who needs things said 2 or 3 times in different ways before she(and by extension the playerbase) understands what's going on. That's just her character to repeat things just to get the clear picture. She's been doing it since the start of the game, and we all hate it. This isn't new.
Adding on... Neuvillette literally also did the same shit when he heard Furina was involved in a theater troupe's last performance. He tried to urge her to take to the stage once again and was quite insistent over it as well. He even used his own emotional ties to her to try and get her to change her mind. Yeah, he's hot and cool, but if Neuvillette doing the pestering is perfectly okay, then it was never the pestering and 'guilt-tripping' y'all had a problem with. It was just the people it was coming from.
Apparently, if it comes from a stranger that you aren't friends with, it's evil and horrible and despicable, but if someone you've known for 500 years keeps bringing up how they wish you'd change your mind on doing the thing you said you won't do anymore, all because they enjoyed watching you do it, then it's alright and just friends looking out for friends.
Furina is complex and more compelling as a character now, but she's still got a long way to go and all the time in the world to get there.
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aetheternity · 2 years
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Synopsis: Just headcanons for Scaramouche with an S/O that has a similar personality to his. (Cause I think it'd be funny).
A/N: Happy birthday to our favorite baby girl Wanderer/Kuni/Scaramouche. When I tell you writing this took every ounce of energy right outta me so everyone better enjoy it.
CW: small mentions of blood / torture and abuse. Otherwise fluffy scenarios. No gender specified.
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Your boss had worked alongside the Fatui for the entirety of his adult life. Getting them information on people around Teyvat, hosting events for new recruiters and even paying for their weapons on occasion. He'd taken you in after you'd been abandoned only a year prior by your parents. You were too destructive for the rich, privileged lifestyle you'd been born into, he'd explained.
You hadn't seen them since your boss had taken you in. You soon found out later that they'd suffered an early demise. Eventually you discovered that you weren't completely human, his research coming across at least three different traces of elemental energy within your body. You didn't use a vision nor did you need one. However you had no idea how to go about using all the elemental power stored within you.
So for many years to come he extracted your blood for testing. Hooked you up to more machines than you could remember in the hopes you would find a way to focus the energy and use the elements currently dormant within you. The experiments did have a slightly positive effect. To some degree these new powers were active and you managed to use them on occasion just not for too long and not without intense strain on your body.
On the last day you'd seen him was the first day you'd truly experienced what you imagined freedom to be. He'd released you from the lab. Sent you off to what he'd described as one of the recruitment meetings he went to every few months. He'd told you today would be your first time leading the meeting but before you'd even arrived you were attacked.
It didn't take long for your powers to fail and you were bruised, beaten and nearly killed by Fatui members. Just before you'd truly blacked out you heard retreating footsteps followed by a voice you could barely register as the world turned cold.
The bed you awoke in was warm as was the light that stretched across your face from the curtains you couldn't recognize. You glanced to your left confused by the glass of water by the bedside table you'd never seen in the lab before. You sat up stretching a hand out to touch your forehead confused by the bandage covering it.
Before you could say a word a woman you didn't recognize peeked her head in. Her eyes growing wide before she shut the door exiting the room. When she returned you noticed a man standing behind her. His red hair tucked into a ponytail. He slipped past the maid and with a nod she left.
"You look well. Surprising for what occurred only the night before."
"What is this? Who are you?"
"This is hospitality, welcome to the Dawn Winery. I hope we can get to know each other a bit more while you stay."
That was only the beginning. The time before you'd discovered the truth about your parents. The untimely death they'd shared at the hands of your former boss and how he'd almost done the same to you after finding your talents too costly to continue funding.
For three years after you'd been attacked on the streets you spent your life under the watchful eye of Master Diluc and the staff of Dawn Winery. He'd helped you obtain all the information you desired about your past and allowed you to train your skills as much as you could until the day you chose to part from his care for good.
"Stay safe then. If you need help in the future Dawn Winery will be here." You exhaled sharply not being able to stop yourself from latching onto him. You heard him chuckle and felt his chin against the top of your head. His arms around your shoulders.
Someday you'd find a way to properly repay him and someday you would be the hand that ended your former boss' life. Until then you would take time for yourself and properly experience the world you'd never saw.
You realized how little you'd learned about mora management when you traveled into Sumeru nearly flat broke. Your time in Liyue well spent (literally). So to keep from starving to death you took up odd jobs in the Grand Bazaar. The hustle and bustle was quite hard to adapt to and interacting with customers had been more than a bit of a learning experience. But you'd succeeded with flying colors.
It wasn't a bad gig either. You could watch the performances of Nilou and some of the other dancers when your boss left the stall up to you. Your new boss being quite different from your first one as he was closer to you in age and quite understanding.
In your time working you helped many repeat customers but one in particular had caught your eye. He wasn't dressed like a Sumeru resident and he always wore that ridiculously big hat atop his head.
"Just some Sunsettias, thanks." He always ordered fruit from you. While he didn't come around everyday or anything you still found yourself looking out for him on occasion. You told yourself it was simply because you enjoyed the jokes that rapid fired in your mind regarding his hat but after a while..
"Ah, don't tell me you're looking out for your favorite customer." Your boss chuckled
"And how do you figure that, Rainer?"
"You never wanna leave the stand anymore. You must have at least one favorite customer you absolutely have to see." Rainer scoffed, shouldering the heavy crate he'd mentioned to you only minutes before.
"Interesting that your assumption is that I have a favorite customer and not that I just don't care to lift crates all day." You accentuate your point with a 'hmph'
"Sure, I'll take your word for it, Name. I hope he comes for your sake."
"You're so annoying." You sigh
He didn't come that day however. Actually you were starting to believe your mysteriously dressed customer had finally moved nations. That was until you peeked across the Bazaar one day to see him drifting between stalls. He'd stopped at one just across from you and you stared. You blinked harder as if you were somehow conjuring him in a dream and blinking would awaken you.
He only spoke with the carpet salesman for a couple minutes before he was turning around and heading toward you. You willed yourself to react normally however all you could competently do was stare near dumbfounded at him.
"Hello?" He said, his tone a bit harsh
"Yeah, what do you need?" You find your voice.
"I was asking for my normal order." He replied quickly
"Sure I can get that for you."
The normal silence you've grown accustomed to in this stranger gave you an odd feeling this time. As though there were a sort of topic hanging loosely in the air. This interaction didn't have nearly the same emotions that all the previous ones brought upon you. You didn't make a single joke in your head as you piled fruits into a bag before handing it to him and he didn't immediately rush off after giving a short, firm thanks.
"There's this.. spot in Gandharva Ville.. you can see the entire forest from this tree it's the tallest one there. If you're interested in a quiet place to do your writing." He points to the notebook placed atop the counter. Before you could say a word he tossed some mora down, grabbing his bag and quickly heading off.
For a second you stand there purely lost on how to react any further. Your notebook? How'd he even know you enjoyed writing in it?
"You are going right?" You flip around to see Rainer stood just behind you his hands on his hips.
"Why would you care?"
"He's probably going to be waiting for you there, you should go."
"He's just a random customer, it was just a suggestion. Doesn't mean I have to take it."
"A suggestion that would ease your life. He's been watching you I just know it!"
You scoff, banging your hand against the table in front of you. "What will get you to stop talking the fastest?"
"If you agree to go obviously."
"You seriously need a date or something." You grumble, he crosses his arms with a silent glare. "What? I was just joking."
The tree is far better looking than you could've imagined. With a view that seemed as though it could truly never end. The climb had grown rougher as you reached the tops of the branches. The foliage thicker and harder to see through. You find yourself nearly stunned from the branch you'd grabbed, grappling onto a foot you hadn't seen.
Before you could fully let go an arm stretched out to tug you up atop the same branch you'd almost latched onto before. Finally you were met with the same customer you'd been fixated on for who even knows how long now.
"Told you." He says simply, pointing out at the landscape. "No need to thank me, you were always scribbling like the noisy Bazaar bugged you. Well, there isn't much of that out here."
"So you have been watching me?"
"Don't flatter yourself I merely noticed you." He'd replied folding his arms and returning his attention back to the scenery.
"I'd only be flattered if you were someone important. Seems that big hat is carrying a bit of ego too."
He smirks with a scoff, "It's a long way down you know. I suggest you maintain a level of respect especially since you wouldn't have known about this place if not for me."
You huff proudly, "And here I was thinking you didn't want bragging rights."
The first time the two of you eat together
"What are you eating for lunch today?" Wanderer asks as he pays his mora for his usual order.
"I don't know." You shrug
Wanderer had started stopping by a bit more frequently per week. Twice a week now as opposed to the four times a month he'd been doing before. It'd started after you'd climbed the tree to meet him in Gandharva Ville. He'd stayed with you the entire time as you scribbled down notes. Notes regarding your latest performance with the training you did outside of work. He hadn't said too much as you wrote, didn't even say much in the coming days when he'd returned to your stall.
Today however, "There's an eatery nearby. I've never eaten there but I'm going today."
You tilt your head a bit. Slowly muddling over his words. "You're inviting me to join you?"
"I'd have no other reason to bring it up." He crosses his arms.
"Oh, do you plan on getting me whatever I want?" You tease
"Don't be ridiculous I just meant we should go there not that it was some sort of gesture of affection."
"Silly me, I could've sworn in all of your returns to my stall and almost exclusively mine that you'd been looking for someone to hold at night."
He clicks, his teeth with a long exhale. "Forget that I even asked." And with that he high tailed it away. You weren't sure if you'd seen it correctly but you could've sworn you noticed a light pink bloom along his cheeks.
"Seriously?" Rainer huffed smacking the broom he was holding against the floor with a hand positioned on his hip. You merely sighed rolling your eyes and choosing not to engage. Thankful when he didn't push the topic further and just began sweeping again.
Once your break actually did begin you found yourself taking a walk down Treasures street. Your shoes clicking along as you peer between the buildings and around the recreational spaces. Until you'd strolled into the Tavern at the end of the street. Your senses soon greeted by the warmth of the atmosphere and the scent of grilled meat and Charcoal cakes.
You turned to seat yourself at the table in the farthest corner when you saw something that peaked your interest instead. Unconsciously your lips upturned and you headed in the direction of his table seating yourself in front of him.
He doesn't say a word, just glares a bit but you decide to pay it no mind, grabbing your book from your satchel to begin your normal day to day scribbles. You flip to the page before it and read over the notes you'd take the day before only to be interrupted as you scan.
"What are you always scribbling in that book?"
"My progress." You remark without looking up.
Wanderer simply sighs, "Do you want the rest of this? It's not bitter enough for my taste." He slides his plate across the table to you setting his elbows onto the wood.
You take up his offer, taking a quick bite before returning to your book. Though you quickly look up again to see him staring back at you. "Thanks for the food." You say with a smile. He blinks down at your book instead of answering. "It's just notes based on my training regimen. Everyday that I push myself past my previous limit I write down how well I succeeded and how much of my powers I can use currently without fainting or feeling weak."
"How well does it normally work?"
"In the last week I've made no progress." You sigh with a shake of your head, jotting down the hours you spent hitting targets you'd set up with bolts of lightning. "Happens pretty regularly though, sometimes I can go two to three weeks without progress."
He grows silent laying his back against the wall behind his chair. You find yourself thoroughly enjoying the silence however as you'd never experienced enjoyment in being around anyone like this before. Rainer never shut up, always feeling as though he had to keep things from getting too silent. And you definitely couldn't tell him anything because of how loud he talked.
"Your spelling is atrocious and so is your handwriting in general." He randomly butt in.
"Oh, so we're telling the truth now?" You sit up, slapping your pen down on the table.
"You're the one that sat here. You could've gone anywhere else." He pulls the pen from where you'd laid it down taking your notebook as well. A bit forcefully.
"Hey." You grumble walking around the table as he begins to write in your book. When you peek over his shoulder, you notice him slowly correcting your spelling, crossing words out and rewriting them. "Who said you could write in my book?"
"Did no one every teach you how to write? Seriously.. your spelling, the way your words dip down the page. You must go through twenty pages in a week and a half."
"I never asked for your opinion." You grumble, though it doesn't have the bite you'd like.
He slides the chair next to him out and points to it without looking up. "Hurry up and sit I'm going to show you proper spelling and punctuation."
When you get into a fight.
You felt particularly pumped today so when a group of eremites bugged you while you took your normal walk up to Gandharva Ville, you didn't mind settling the score with them. It'd been fairly easy to beat them down though you did feel a bit fatigued by the time the last one fell. You heard the click of shoes and as you turned around you saw the one and only Wanderer walking up the path.
He slid a heel into an unexpectant eremites chest causing the poor sucker to wheeze before flopping against the ground.
"So these guys were your doing, huh." He kicked up some dirt stopping in front of you.
"Yeah, I nailed it. I think that was the best I've ever fought." You pant, trying your hardest to catch your breath.
"And yet you seem-" A yell makes the two of you turn and before you can properly make out the new group of eremites jogging your way. Wanderer shoves you back. "Get out of here, now."
"I don't need help, I can take them!" You grunt, you launch yourself at one, electricity surging in your fist but it quickly dies away. "Ugh!" Suddenly your collar is snatched and you feel warm arms around you. For just a couple seconds you peer back at Wanderer as he holds onto you, a large slender staff coming down against his back. He grunts angrily and then the warmth is ripped away and you're being shoved again.
"Fuck off already!" This time you actually do leave, hightail it all the way into the forest and beneath a tree as the sounds of shouts die down.
You try once more to conjure literally any of the elements you wield but soon find yourself frustrated and a bit dizzy. When you flop to the ground, your journal flips open, colliding with the mud. You shake the gross substance off with a grunt and as you do the pages flip open a smidgen. Along the margins are tiny words. You recognize Wanderer's handwriting. Snarky comments and tiny arrows he'd drawn to indicate things that needed to be fixed.
You gulped reading it all over again. You slide your back up the tree edging yourself forward to head back but before you can you're greeted with a dejected Wanderer. He rubs his elbow with a deep sigh and when you approach he puts a hand out taking a step back but you ignore it.
Your arm slides warmly around to his back and you can feel the scratches where his clothing was ripped. He doesn't acknowledge your affection nor does he embrace you back. Opting to stand still as you hold him.
"You're warm.. but.."
"I'm not human.." He says as though he'd guessed your thought process. You can't quite tell how he's feeling from his words alone. You let him go and he staggers back a bit.
"Let me.. take care of your wounds at least."
"Don't bother." He shakes his head but he doesn't leave. You almost want to kick him for how stubborn he's being.
"It's my fault you got injured just let me take care of it. Consider it payment in some way for the time you wasted teaching me how to spell."
He doesn't reply for a minute you think he's going to turn around and walk away. His eyes shifting back up the path but instead he takes a seat where he's stood. Your eyes grow wide and you rush to his side quickly realizing you don't have much to patch him up with and instead just work to clean his injuries.
"Well if you're not human, what are you then?" You ask as you rub a thin scratch along his back with alcohol rub. He doesn't speak and for a second you think he's ignoring you but his words soon come. Mumbled and low as he says the words,
"I'm a puppet."
What the masses think of your relationship
Nahida had immediately been over the moon to meet you. Though she didn't understand the kind of relationship you two had because Wanderer simply introduced you by name and nothing more.
"Welcome welcome! Wanderer hasn't told me very much about you but I'm grateful that you could stop by. He's been out almost everyday since the date I perceived a change in his behavior. I assumed he'd made a friend but I wasn't sure he'd introduce me."
You cross your arms over your chest sending a glare Wanderer's way. He shifts his gaze away with a tiny smirk.
"Ah, I apologize did I misconstrue your relationship?"
"I'm his partner." You say matter a factly
"Please refrain from making a big deal of it." Wanderer sighs, nearly staring daggers into Nahida.
"Aww even better!" Nahida giggles with a clap of her hands. "I hadn't imagined you'd socialize enough with anyone to achieve a relationship like this. You must be quite special to him."
"Oh? Is the reserved and distant Wanderer a little embarrassed?" You tease, sticking your tongue out with a small giggle.
"Name.." He grunts
"There's no need to be embarrassed about this Wanderer. I'm thankful that you trust in me enough to share such an intimate chapter in your life and I'm also thankful that you chose to create new bonds after the chaos your life has previously thrown at you. You're doing so well now."
"The sooner you both stop talking the happier I'll be." He says tugging the brim of his hat down to hide his face.
"Though perhaps I should've guessed. He was always buying all that fruit and never eating it. He's not particularly fond of Sunsettias as you've probably realized."
You could see Wanderer in the corner of your eye grinding his teeth in disgust but the only word you could manage was, "Oh."
With Traveler however it's a bit more straightforward.
The two of you had just been enjoying a meal when the Traveler and Paimon had walked up immediately acknowledging Wanderer.
"Hey, since when do you go to lunch with people?" Paimon asked turning to look at you. Traveler turned as well with a simple hello.
"This is Name, my partner." Wanderer replies
"Wait what?! Partner as in?? Romantically partner?? Or partner as in organized crime?"
"Take a wild guess." You smile menacingly, folding your fingers and leaning toward the pair in front of you.
"Obviously romantic." Wanderer scoffs in irritation.
"No, no way. You in a relationship with someone?! That's impossible! You're.. you're.. you!"
"Well, wilder things have happened." Traveler finally comments
"Whether or not you believe me is something I care very little about especially since you've interrupted the quiet atmosphere. I'd suggest you both refrain from sticking around here any longer. This is a private gathering" He said, eyes dark almost piercing.
The traveler soon shooed his companion away with a small apology as they both exited the recreational area. Allowing the two of you to have your time again.
"How does the Traveler deal with that.. floating thing? Does it have some sort of off switch?" You ask once it's just the two of you again.
"Ignore that, we were discussing something more important."
The next time the two of you meet Traveler and Paimon it ends up being a bit different.
"Ugh, fine fine Paimon owes the two of you an apology for how she acted before. It was rude of Paimon to say those things about your relationship. Paimon is sorry."
"So you never use the word I? You just repeat your name constantly to refer to yourself?" You question with a raise of your brow.
"Hey! Paimon is trying to apologize. The least you can do is pay attention!"
You turn to Wanderer, "Wow that gets old quick."
Traveler crosses their arms, "We just thought you two could use an apology."
"Save it. We didn't exactly lose any sleep from our previous encounter. It doesn't matter one way or the other." Wanderer replied
"Ugh you two were made for each other you're both annoying to talk to!" Paimon stomped
"Ditto." You say with a wave as the two leave.
He soon becomes your most important person
"What do you plan to do if they return?"
Wanderer had helped you set up the few belongings you owned in a tiny cabin far far off the beaten path. The dark forest atmosphere perfectly secluding this once abandoned eremite cabin.
"I'll be fine if they come back but if you're that worried why don't you stay with me for a while?" You watch as he rolls his eyes, heading to the corner to place his hat on the dusty desk, clearing away a bit of the dirt first.
"You should heed my warnings instead of brushing them off with one of your snarky comments. Especially when you still have problems controlling your strength or using too much of it and becoming a target
"Whatever, I'll be fine."
You flip yourself around, tugging the pillow you'd gotten from Rainer into your chest.
"Don't tell me your feelings are hurt."
"Just leave already. I'll be fine for the night."
You hear the click of Wanderer's heels against the ground but instead of leaving he stops just behind you. Tugging the pillow from your grasp. You hear it hit the floor but you don't turn around. You feel the bed shift and hear its creaking as he takes the pillows space, pulling you into his arms. You don't say a word and for a while you don't even reciprocate the affection.
"Quit being a brat." He whispers and it lacks all the bite Wanderer normally has towards everyone he interacts with.
"I'm going to get stronger." You whisper into his chest. Fist clenched as you hold a fist full of his shirt. "I'm going to kick my former boss' ass someday. I'm going to be strong. I am."
He tugs you in tighter, his chin resting on the crown of your head. "Train with me for now. I'll make sure you're prepared when that day comes."
Your arms meld around his waist tugging him in closer and the two of you quickly fall into comfortable silence. Before you could even realize it yourself, you were drifting off to sleep. Face flush against Wanderer's soft chest.
His voiceline about you
Sighs. Name is beyond reckless. Takes on unneeded fights with such blatant disregard for the harm it could do. Heads off and just disappears for hours on end. It's all so irritating to put up with. Sometimes I think I'm the most mature one in this relationship. That can't possibly be a good sign. What? You think this is funny? What do you mean irony??
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hedonists-den · 2 years
House Pig (part 2)
“Oh piiiiiggyyy…”, I say in a soft, singsong voice as I enter our bedroom. You stir slightly in your sleep, such a cute layabout you are. You slept in a little more than you normally do, recovering from such a massive, late-night binge the previous night. But, as you have become accustomed, whenever I come in to get you up, it’s time for breakfast. You roll onto your back and slowly prop yourself up, eyes still half closed with a half-grin. You still felt so huge and bloated, but strangely hungry at the same time…you wonder if you were truly so addicted to filling your belly, or if you were actually hungry. But it’s just a fleeting thought, you knew as soon as you heard my voice, you were about to be overfed to my content. 
“Mmmh..good morning feeder…”, you say playfully, finally looking at me. I was looking over your full-figured, gorgeously-fat body with pure admiration, bordering on lust, and carrying four different-sized boxes from your favorite pizza place and a 2-liter. Just then, the delicious smell filled the room and you took it in. As if you weren’t already a little hungry, that smell seemed to pull your appetite from its slumber just as I had pulled you from your own sleep. You sit up straight, your pudgy belly rolling onto your soft thighs as a soft growl rumbles from your stomach.
“Mmm, good. It sounds like my greedy hedonist is already hungry. And after such a good feeding last night…”, I say with a grin, stepping up to the bed and setting the warm boxes in front of you. I climb onto the bed and sidle up beside you, placing a hand on the side of your cheek and leaning in to kiss you deeply on the lips. You feel my index finger and thumb slowly trail down to begin gently caressing your double chin. It looked so good on you, your chubbing-up face; it was adorable. “You really seem to be adjusting to this lifestyle well, don’t you?”, I say, half-teasing while keeping my hand on your double chin. 
“Only because you won't stop spoiling me!”, you respond with a soft chuckle. It was true, you had fully leaned into the sedentary lifestyle you were now allowed to have after quitting your job. You really had no responsibilities anymore, no worries, no stress, just mindless indulgence and care-free living. Although, it was certainly having an effect on your waistline…just a few months of living like this and you were completely unable to fit into any of your jeans. You even tried on some of your work pants the other day just to see, and couldn’t even get them buttoned. What would your old coworkers say if they knew you were letting yourself become my personal blimp?
“Ohh, come on now, are you going to put all of the responsibility for THIS on ME?”, I say, reaching down to grip your belly roll. It was so soft, my fingers curling under that sensitive under-belly. Such a simple act, yet it causes you to gasp and moan softly. My fingertips rest right on some of your stretch marks under there, both of us able to feel those lovely signs of your recent gluttony. “Well, if you’re going to blame me for all this wobbling fat, I might as well make sure to take every bit of that blame, shouldn’t I?”, I say as I open up the top box, revealing a full order of cheesy breadsticks. It smells so good, so savory, you’re ready to gorge yourself. You’re ready to get so stuffed that you can barely move. 
I take a couple breadsticks from the box and stack them on top of one another, placing one hand behind your back to grab one of your back rolls. “Now open up, my greedy piggy. You have a lot of eating to do…”, I say while bringing the cheesy bread to your lips. And of course you’re going to obey, aren’t you? You part your lips and open wide, placing your hands on your belly and jiggling it. You know how to get to me, there’s never any doubt about that. Seeing you so eager to begin filling your belly drives me wild, and you know that. You know that the more you entice and tease me, the more full you’ll end up when I’m simply too overtaken by lust to stop stuffing your face. I watch you shake your empty, chubby gut for a moment before I push the calorie-rich bites into your mouth, one by one, until the whole box is empty. That had to be a record…you were so insanely gluttonous and I was so relentless in feeding them to you, it was impressive. A little more marinara left, I place the cup at your greasy lips and pour the rest of it down your throat before tossing the empty box to the side. 
“Mmm…so hungry this afternoon, aren’t you? Wow…”, I tease, patting your dense belly and admiring you. Just one course in, crumbs and a little sauce on your face and down your torso, we were just getting started. I open up the 2-liter and offer it to you, letting you take it and drink to your content. A few gulps later, and a cute belch to punctuate the first course, I open up the next box, and position myself behind you. The next box sitting warm on your lap, you knew just what it was: your favorite pasta bowl. I run my hands up your sides, sitting behind you, your wide hips pushing my legs apart. “Go on…dig in, baby.”, I whisper into your ear as I grope and caress every soft roll on your body. 
You have hardly any time to moan before pulling the bowl right up to your face and begin to shovel the pasta into your greedy mouth. You might as well be oinking, the way your face is buried in this trough of a bowl. One would think you hadn’t eaten for days, the way you stuffed your face. “God, just look at you…no wonder you’ve gotten so gorgeously plump…”, I say in your ear, kissing the side of your neck while grabbing your love handles. My hands explore your body, feeling every softened part of you that just keeps growing. Your thighs, your burgeoning gut, so many rolls developed recently, it’s ridiculous. Even the fat pad right below your belly was taking over the area where belly and thighs meet. 
It was becoming shockingly clear how ravenous your appetite had become, polishing off the pasta bowl before either of us knew it. And just in true-glutton fashion, you dip your fingers into the bowl and lick them off, not letting the tiniest bit of food remain. “You’ve MADE me so greedy…so plump…I just can’t stop myself anymore. I’m addicted and it’s all your fault…”, you say after letting out a labored exhale from finishing your second course. Right for the 2-liter you go, sucking down all the sugary, empty calories that stretch your stomach. They say drinking your calories really packs on the weight quickly, let alone when you’re drinking your calories AND eating excessively.
I reach around and pat your slightly-bulging stomach, feeling that it’s getting a little tight. I chuckle softly, knowing that we have a whole pizza to still get stuffed in there. “You aren’t getting full yet, are you? I know your appetite is bigger than that.”, I say as I rub small circles over the surface of your belly. 
“No, I’m still so hungry…feed me more…”, you say, grabbing the pizza box yourself and leaning back against my chest. I take the box and put it to the side before grabbing a couple pieces of the greasy pizza and stacking them just like the breadsticks. From behind, I start to feed you while I jiggle your cellulite-covered thigh. 
“Look at all this. So much wobbling fat you’ve piled on, everywhere on your body. Your hip bones are so deep under there…”, I practically moan as I tuck my hand under your belly roll and gently squeeze where your hip bone would show, if it weren’t so buried in fat. “What’s going to happen when you get too fat for me to reach around you from here, huh? Just imagine how massive I will have made you by then…”, I say, taking two more pieces of pizza to stuff in your mouth. “You’re already my docile, addicted, fat pig. At this point it’s only a matter of time before you can only waddle around, jiggling from the bottom up. You want that though, don’t you? I can tell you do…”
You begin panting slightly, the arousal getting to you just as much as the fullness, and you’re only able to utter a submissive “Fuck…I do…”. You had already consumed thousands of calories, with more to go. You know that every bite forced into your body will only make it bigger, softer, and heavier. As sedentary as you had become, there was no chance of any of these calories to be burned off, other than the bare minimum it takes to keep yourself functioning. Every single day you give in to me, you sink deeper and deeper into obesity, deeper and deeper into the lifestyle of a kept and fattened pet. And it was making you so embarrassingly horny right now, with my hands on you, feeding you and teasing you.
“You’re so good when you give in. There’s no reason not to, is there? You know this hot for both of us, you know how good you look when you’re so spoiled and enabled, so big and pampered for me…”, I say, slowly sliding my hand below your belly, between your thighs, encouraging you even more. You inhale deeply, feeling me tease you in this way, just to drive you into such a pleasure-filled state. Your mind had become so conditioned to associate eating and a full belly with ultimate pleasure and satisfaction, it’s no wonder you had become so wide and heavy. It was arousing enough to be such a glutton on your own, but now, with me enabling you so hard, it was orgasmic. 
“You’ve enabled me so much, I basically- Nnh…have no choice but to grow…I need it- Mmph..”, you moan before I push another bite into your mouth to finish your sentence. You swallow it down quickly, one would think you hadn’t eaten through two boxes already. “God, you really want me waddling…you really want me- Mmmm…so fucking huge…”, you moan. 
“Mmm, you know I do…I just can’t stop feeding you, you’re right. I’m addicted to how your body looks when it’s so overfed, so spoiled. I need more just as much as you do…”, I whisper before feeding you the last two pieces of your extra large pizza. Another box gone, I toss it to the side and slide my hand over your engorged stomach. I can feel how full you are. It’s dense and rounded out, but as I pat it gently, your lower belly still wobbles. Even stuffed nearly to the brim, your body was fattened up enough to jiggle. “So good…”, I say with an air of reverence while running my hand over your belly, over your rolls while my other hand continues to urge you deeper into this scene of pure hedonism. “You’ve done such a good job, baby…only a little more and you can cum for me.”
You let out a soft groan, feeling pretty full at this point, and so bloated with all the greasy calories and sugary soda filling your gut. But there was one last box, one last delicious hurdle to finish before you could have your reward, and you had a feeling of just what the last box held for you. You lazily open it, finding exactly what you expected, and honestly, were excited for: a big cookie pizza. We both knew you had an immense sweet tooth, and I was all too keen on satiating it. 
You lean forward a little to fully take the box, groaning and straining to do 1/8th of a sit up. Once you have it, you let all your weight fall back into me with a grunt before you start pushing the sweet, dense pieces of cookie into your mouth. You could almost feel your clothes tightening by the second, with every bite…pants were getting snug within weeks of buying them. Shirts strained to hold in your doughy gut, love handles, and back rolls. You were growing exponentially, and you couldn't stop…you wanted to stuff your belly, you wanted to feel the euphoria of being blissfully full, you wanted to cum from being so good and gluttonous for me.
Your mind races and your body tingles with pleasure as I continue to stimulate you through your impressive binge. Your stomach was so tight now. You were panting, whimpering, moaning as you got the last couple pieces of cookie down. You push down the last bite and lick your fingers, revelling in what a hog you had been, and in a daze from how full you were. "All…*huff* *huff*…all done…fuck, I'm such a glutton for you…I need to cum, baby. I was so good…", you groan, struggling to keep your eyes open from the overfed state you were in.
"You were so good…you ate every single bite. Such a good piggy for me, you certainly deserve to be rewarded," I say, gently rubbing your swollen gut. You were remarkable, honestly. All 4 boxes, all 4 courses, stuffed into your greedy belly. "I knew you were my little glutton, but fuck…you really lost yourself in this feast, didn't you? You were fully indulgent. Just the way I want you to be…", I say as I grab your flabby belly roll and shake it just gently enough. 
You lay your head back and take it all in. The fullness, my words, the knowledge that you had been ballooning and would continue to do so, and that I was enabling you so hard, it was enough to push you right to the edge. You moan, arching your back ever so slightly into me, and I can feel your thighs shaking and jiggling. I chuckled softly, knowing my horny little pig was close. 
"Go on, piggy…I want to feel you cum for me. I want to feel how pleased you are with yourself for being such a gluttonous hog…", I whisper in your ear, only to be immediately followed with the shaking of your whole body, your legs quivering, and your voice trembling in an ecstasy-filled moan. Your orgasm makes the bed creak, so much weight shaking and moving, I can practically feel you blushing as I rest my hand on the side of your stretch-marks-covered side and hold your underbelly with the other. "That's it…that's my good fatty…", I say before kissing your chubby neck.
Your heavy breathing calms down as your orgasm subsides. You rest the back of your head on my shoulder, relaxed and letting your belly digest the obscene amount of food packed inside it. "You…you're going to make me unrecognizably huge…aren't you..?", you ask, with a slightly excited tone. 
I smile and lovingly caress your thigh. "Your friends and family will be shocked to see you if we keep this up. Imagine the concern, when they realize just how much you've let me pork you up…", I say. In truth, it may have already gotten to that point, seeing the amount of fat you had gained recently. But both you and I knew: there was much more to come. You were my prize, trophy piggy. And I was going to make sure you lived the most hedonistic, self-indulgent life you could possibly have.
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i grew up in this little suburb of sydney called beverly hills. it's a pretty average suburban suburb, very multicultural, the urban poor caught up in the sprawling metropolis of sydney interspersed with the go-getters whose double incomes paid off and allowed them to replace old aesbestos shacks with new, double story houses on the cookie cutter lots similar to the one I grew up running in the small yard of.
my parents used to joke all the time about the name of the suburb. used to joke about living in a bougie area of california full of celebrities, even though, when I grew up and saw more of the world, even though I've not actually been to california the two places could hardly be any more different.
and yet. we've had housing prices skyrocket over the last 15 years; it's weird to get your head around the concept of 'multimillion dollar houses' and think one of those new mansions going up in my old suburb, on one of those tiny lots. in my head, it's the wrong beverly hills for that. but the same thing happened in other areas of sydney also known to be generally poor. it's kind of dystopian, really, seeing all these households who I know can barely afford fuel and groceries, living in generational multimillion dollar houses, just because they or their parents played their cards right back in '99.
when I'm out in the eastern suburbs it's much the same: people are richer there but they're also interspersed with university students, the typical broke ramen-eating townhouse-living bunk-bed kind my dad was only a few years before I was born. but the freestanding houses out there? multimillion dollar houses. like, not just two million, maybe even five or six. celebrity expensive. (and yet all the local celebrities I know of have long since left the country because you can't really get anywhere in australia). make it make sense.
and it's the same walking around brisbane too. even though the sprawl of suburbia hasn't choked the city yet, I see freestanding houses in the inner suburbs and I look at the price tag and I'm like, who are we really allowing to live here, near all the amenities? I paid my share of rent for one of those houses once. I see the same houses in the outer suburbs, car dominated, near smaller hubs of amenities, I see the house prices double over the span of a year. rent doesn't double, at least. but who are we allowing to live here? who are we forcing out to here, who are we forcing out of even here to somewhere a lot further?
somewhere like the empty houses out campbelltown way in sydney? less vibrant, since the whole penrith cbd thing never quite took off like they wanted it to? brisbane is even worse, I almost moved to jimboomba for the farm lifestyle because I saw they put a new bus in in flagstone and grossly miscalculated the number of hours in a day. who are we allowing to live there, commuting 4 hours a day? who are we forcing to do that, whether due to finances or a need to be around nature for mental health, job reasons, or something else?
because the ingredients are there, to do so much better. it feels like a puzzle piece spread out on my desk, in the dozens of books I've got filed away on my shelf out of pure necessity to do something about the problems I see all day every day. every day I squint at the vision and it reveals a little more detail to me.
I can do this, listening to the songs of another artist who just left the country to make it on the global stage. I can do this, missing my linking bus because of the one bottle neck where the previous bus had to share the road with traffic and there was simply too much of it. I can do this, old laptop groaning on a train in the middle of nowhere as I complete an assignment, I'm stubborn like that, car-free and plane-free wherever I can be even if it meant no soccer this year. I miss soccer. I wish I didn't need a car to do it. I wish society didn't make my brain so dysfunctional I can barely do it. I deserve it, deserve all these things I'm working towards because damn it we all do. but no one seems to see how these pieces connect to enable us to get it like I do.
but sometimes i connect the dots to solve some other thing and it makes me think, no really I can do this. solutions for small things, solutions for big things, I know it's some chemical process in your brain that makes you more confident when you do well at something but didn't Jesus tell a parable about it? if you do well with something small you'll get to have a shot at something big? because you've shown you can do it? show me the next puzzle I can solve. build up that confidence. this is all that this is. every ambition. none of the multiple millions might be mine. but I can manipulate a lot more than you realise, simply because I see everyone's needs and I slot them together in creative and efficient ways. I grew up in beverly hills. I can turn poverty into a whole lot of profit just like my suburb did but in a lot more functional way--and promoting racial equality all the way.
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thelovelysimz · 8 months
New series coming!
*loosely based off a show I watched and parts of my own life.
Dear Elliot Mae,
By the time you read this letter you’ll be roughly 15 years old. I made this letter when you were little so I could tell you the story from start to finish on how we met.
Before I met you I was a different person. You changed me. So here’s how we met.
My names Maya and I come from a very rich, very high family orientated family. I have 3 brothers and 3 sisters. My mother believes family is the most important thing in the world and success within our family is a must. However I wasn’t like them. I was different. You see I never wanted a family, I never wanted kids. What gave me great pleasure in life was my job. At the age of sixteen I was given opportunity to work in the office of the brindleton bay district police force. I’d file paper work, get everyone coffee. You know all the small things. All of us children had jobs because our parents believed in if we wanted our trust inheritance we needed to go out into the world and experience money for ourselves too. Most of my siblings tried out jobs but preferred to be at home and quit. Not me though, I got a rush from working and especially in the police force. By the time I was 18 I stared my Cadetship and ranked fast for my age. Now I’m an undercover private investigator as well as a forensic investigator. I worked many hours and yet I was complete. My family didn’t approve of my job nor my lifestyle choices. By the time I was twenty years old I was expected to have a partner and be ready to stay at home as a housewife and bare children. I didn’t choose this and thus my family became very confused and angry at me.
Time went on and I didn’t change my mind. The idea of children made my skin crawl. I just wasn’t maternal. I remember the day my nephews and nieces were born and they’d ask me hold them and I got no maternal deep bullshit feeling your suppose to have over holding a baby. It just wasn’t my thing. I always felt like the odd one in my family but it didn’t bother me because I liked who I was.
Over time my parents tried to threaten me into marriage. I had boyfriends but I loosely use the term boyfriend as I was so obsessed with working I didn’t see a point in a long term relationship. When you go through your training you realise that criminal and those around you always go for the emotional attachments their victims have. Eg: partners, family. If I didn’t have that. I wasn’t seen as an ideal target. So I’d have “boyfriends” come and go and that was that.
*to be continued
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ask-warmer-hues · 10 months
Can you give explanations of the jobs of some of the trolls and why you gave them those jobs in your au?
So, I’ve talked about jobs before in this post, but I can explain why I gave them those jobs here if you’d like :))
So, Xefros and Dammek are technically both butlers, but Xefros is the only one who’s actually employed. He’s employed by a nameless blueblood (use your imagination), and most of his job consists of standing around, bringing his employer food and drink, and cleaning up his mansion. While I do think Xefros still has an interest in arena stickball and definitely had the potential to go pro, I reckon that Dammek kind of forced him to settle into butlering, keeping him under the impression that it was a more stable position. Ironic, since Dammek himself hasn’t actually been able to stay in one butler position for more than a few weeks at a time. I chose this for them because not only does it align with their whole “Butler Boys” thing in canon, but I think it demonstrates a lot about their characters. Xefros has had to give up a lot for Dammek, but still works hard, while Dammek avoids responsibility even when it’s literally handed to him.
Chixie and Marsti are both nurses, albeit different kinds. Marsti is an emergency nurse, meaning that she tends to trolls who come in to their version of an ER, while Chixie tends to patients who are admitted for more long-term care, like trolls with broken bones or serious injuries. Now, Marsti being a nurse objectively makes sense, given her medical knowledge in canon, as well as her janitorial duties (there’s a LOT of cleaning involved in nursing), but I can imagine that some of you think it’s an odd choice for Chixie. To make a very long story short, much like Xefros, Chixie had to essentially choose between her passion and her career. Being a singer off-planet is a completely different ball game to being a casual singer on Alternia and, for Chixie, the odds were very much stacked against her. Sleazy managers, awful contracts, no real identity other than what’s manufactured for her- you get the picture. But, with the help of Marsti, Chixie managed to find her place in nursing, as it gave her an opportunity to use her love of helping other lowbloods trolls in a way that matters. She still sings, but it’s more for herself these days.
Skylla and Vikare are a bit more bare bones. Skylla is a lusus wrangler and Vikare is an Empire pilot- both pertaining to their interests and lifestyles in canon. Skylla’s job involves capturing and taming lusii so they can be placed on Alternia to raise grubs, which is just as dangerous it sounds. Vikare used to be in the Empire’s military, but now runs supply drops after a gruesome injury during an aerial dogfight. Again, very simple, very much in line with canon.
Fozzer has technically had two jobs while off-planet. When he first ascended, he was part of the body disposal unit; preparing corpses to be disposed of and- where necessary- “reused”, pulling his knowledge from his culture and time at the Pit Park. Unfortunately, Fozzer had a bit of an incident at work, which resulted in him attacking a co-worker and being removed from the unit. However, after having a corrective procedure, Fozzer found himself becoming somewhat of an Empire darling, due to his uncanny ability to talk his way out of anything. Thus, he was hired to be a lecturer, giving talks to lowbloods about the value of their work and whatnot. In his own words though, it’s less performing arts, more customer service, as he’s essentially selling them a state of mind (one he doesn’t believe in at that). I picked this route for him for two main reasons: the first is that, in canon, he’s shown to be a bit of a hypocrite and can make anything sound convincing, and the second is for super secret plot reasons.
Little bonus for you! Zebruh owns a casino- this is purely an aesthetic choice and I think it fits him- and Ardata is somewhat of a freelance executioner for the Empire, who runs her business from the basement of Zebruh’s casino. She still does streaming, but it’s more for advertising purposes.
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