#and then have the Zillo beast help him blow it up
heyclickadee · 1 year
I hope Wrecker gets to blow up Mount Tantiss.
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TBB s3 ep 14
Only one more to go after this, we ready!? (no, pls help)
Yes Hunter, how IS Echo gonna get off the ship?
Oh I see we’re just gonna let him wing it and do it on his own?
Like don’t get me wrong I have full faith in Echo I just don’t like how Hunter is so focused on Omega he doesn’t even try to find a way to help out Echo
He also doesn’t listen to Crosshair’s remark about the Jungle being dangerous
Love how Omega is like “oh base on high security alert? Multiple explosions? it’s my brothers!!”
I swear Rampart and is constant bitching is so tiring
Gaaaahh Cross talking about his first time on Tantiss
His hand tremor acting up
Poor baby I love him give him a hug
“…but Omega didn’t leave me behind when she could have. I owe her.”
Bro just say you love your baby sisters like it’s not that big a deal we already knew
The utter fucking relief I felt when Echo made it off that ship unharmed
Jesus, I am so scared that we might,,,
Okay I don’t wanna jinx it so I’m just gonna say “scared that the writers pull another Tech”
Aaaaaaand Rampart’s bitchiness got them a) attacked by a giant beast and b) discovered by imperial troops
I hate him so much
Emerie not only recognising Echo but immediately volunteering to help?
She’s growing on me tbh
Is Omega gonna free the Zillo? To get out? Like as a distraction?
Idk that seems kinda dangerous girly
wait wtf that’s it???
That was already 20mins?
I wasn’t ready for the end there I though we were gonna get more😪
Tbh, I think it felt so short because they had to fit three storylines into twenty minutes. I really wish they were allowed 40 minute episodes, then they could’ve really done a deep dive into all three moving parts of this episode. Like at this point it’s not the writers or show runners fault, it’s just that they probably didn’t get the budget to make their episodes that long, which rlly sucks but like,,, ya can’t be mad.
But! I honestly still don’t understand how ALL OF THIS is gonna get wrapped up in 1 more episode. Like how? Genuinely, how?
On the one hand, that makes me worry that the last episode is gonna be super rushed and feel unfinished or whatever but on the other hand it gives me hope that we’re gonna get another show. Because we still don’t know how Gregor, Rex and Wolffe ended up on Silos (?) alone, what happened to their rebellion, where the entirety of the batch went, what the hell Echo Base on Hoth is all about, who tf CX-2 is and Hemlock and Rampart are still alive also?? Which seems like an oversight.
AND all the clones still need to be busted out of Tantiss and relocated and why am I getting the feeling that Tantiss is just gonna blow up with everyone still there and that’s the reason why Rex gives up SHIT FUCK DAMNNIT
Anyway, point being!! This can’t end well any way you slice it. Lovely.
I will say that all in all I did like this episode!! Rampart getting panic attack after panic attack was rlly fun, we got a heart to heart between Wrecker and Crosshair (brief as it was), Echo again proofed why he is an ARC Trooper and why, after the apocalypse and the explosion of the galaxy he will still be standing, and Omega showed us once again that she is a far cry from that scared kid in season 1 and has instead turned into a sharp, competent, mini soldier (lets not talk about the fact that she’s essentially been turned into a child soldier out of pure necessity)
Anyway!! Good stuff, I am terrified of the finale!! Hope y’all enjoyed!! Thanks for reading!! See you next week when I try not to have a breakdown!!
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alderaani · 4 years
prison break (echo x reader)
A valentines gift for @just-some-girl-92 as part of the event being run by @starwarsfandomfests! Thanks so much for putting another one of these together @lilhawkeye3, and I really hope you like this Dell! I think credit for white haired Echo goes to @/amiro-art? That was the first place I saw it anyway, and I’ve really liked the headcanon that it’s like that post-techno union ever since!
Based on this prompt: Character A moves in next to Character B. They have conjoined balconies and A's pet/child wanders into B's apartment.
Fives and Echo are both reunited and well in this because everyone gets to be happy on Valentine’s Day and I said so. We don’t need canon on this blog.
The other side of the wall explodes with noise. 
It makes you pause, looking up from the knitting trailing over your knees to cock your head towards the opposite apartment. You think you hear the screech of furniture legs being pushed along the floor, then the frantic rumble of several male voices speaking over the top of each other, the clatter and clang of things as they are removed and replaced.
It’s odd. When Tith-Mar lived next door, you used to hear it every time he coughed, or swore at that awful old holodrama he used to watch every Taungsday. As much as you tried to stop yourself you couldn’t help but get invested, and that was almost worse. Out of pride you never put it on your own unit, but that just meant you ended up half pressed against the wall, eventually not even pretending you weren’t listening to Capula and Mont confess their love. It had given you something to talk about, anyway, when you went onto the balcony to water your plants and he went out there to smoke the fancy deathsticks he joked he’d live and die by.
In the year since the war ended and Tith-Mar was finally able to move back out to be with his daughter on Ryloth you’ve never quite gotten used to the quiet. There was a strange comfort in knowing that there was someone on the other side of the wall. Maybe it came from the three years of water shortages and occasional outages - or, notably, the rampage of the Zillo beast, which hadn’t come quite close enough to flatten you in your sleep, but had downed enough of the power grid that you’d been locked in your apartment for five rotations. You miss the soft Rylothi folk music he used to play in the mornings, and you miss seeing him sometimes, blowing smoke up into the brisk Coruscant mornings with his blue lek, faded now in old age, wrapped around his neck like a scarf.
You just miss the comforting assurance of having someone else there. If it wasn’t for the sound of the door going, and the occasional thump of something being moved, you’d hardly know that you had neighbours at all now. It’s almost funny to think back on the furore it caused when the Republic bought the apartment for GAR resettlement. It led to the only neighbourhood meeting the building has ever had, and you’ve been very glad for that fact after discovering that a solid faction of your fellow citizens are bigots. It’s something you knew, objectively, but witnessing it from the people you personally rub shoulders with was a harder pill to swallow than having to watch some of the anti-clone protests on the holonews. You’ve not tried to remember the more colourful misconceptions about clone troopers aired by prim soft-handed mid-levellers as they sat in a lobby you can remember the Coruscant Guard clearing rubble from with nothing but their hands. However, you do very vividly remember someone from two floors up asking you if you’d ‘really feel safe’ living next to ‘those walking warmongers’, being young and living on your own. You’d shut that down, of course, and the resulting vote had passed in favour.
You’d honestly half expected the troopers to reject the place after that, and you wouldn’t have blamed them either. 
Everyone had known the day they moved in, had pretended not to watch as a GAR issue speeder loaded with two armoured figures and a meagre quantity of possessions had pulled up on the walkway and made their way cautiously inside. You’d thought about introducing yourself, knocking or something, but concluded in the end that they didn’t need anyone else ogling them. You’d figured that there would be plenty of time for that later...and now here you are, a whole year on, and that glimpse is just about the closest you’ve ever gotten to them. You think they still spend a lot of time off-planet, helping with the reconstruction missions the now-voluntary GAR conducts throughout the Mid and Outer Rims. You hadn’t even been sure that they were home at the moment, actually. 
There’s no doubting it now, as the frantic thumps and raised voices continue. Through your balcony door, cracked open to catch some of the soft breeze the weather engineers have scheduled today, you can make out a little of what their voices are saying, one frantic and forceful, the other softer, but no less worried.
“ - kriffing hell, can’t believe we’ve lost...Rex will have our heads…”
“...can’t have gotten far...can’t even walk!”
“ - already checked the fresher, Echo!”
“It can’t hurt to check twice...knew we shouldn’t have…”
You bite your lip, turning round while debating whether you should offer your help. Then you freeze. The baby on the other side of your caf table freezes too, chubby hand poised to grab the cookie you’d been saving for later. They’re standing on legs that wobble a bit, and there’s a glint of steely determination in the dark eyes that fix on your face. 
“Hello,” you say a little weakly, realising very abruptly what the troopers must have lost.
The kid appraises you for a moment longer, brow furrowed and intent. There’s a huge amount of judgement there for such a small face, those focused eyes taking you in for several very long seconds. Then they huff, and very deliberately turn their attention back to the cookie. You smother an incredulous laugh. 
“Not impressed, huh?” You say, carefully setting your knitting aside and uncovering your legs. “Can’t say I blame you, I prefer cookies too.”
The baby doesn’t dignify this with any attention, instead making a soft crowing noise as their little fingers strike victory and retract with the cookie firmly in grasp. When they immediately move to cram it into their mouth you burst into action, leaning across the caf table to swipe it. Just those mere seconds of contact have made it slightly damp. 
The baby’s face scrunches in outrage, and they let go of the table edge, sinking down onto their padded bottom with a sharp, high noise of annoyance. They don’t cry, but the frown is something spectacular.
“Sorry, kid.” You force yourself the rest of the way up, keeping a hold on the cookie with one hand. Can kids this young even eat solid foods yet? Do they have any allergies? You don’t have any siblings, so the last time you were around a baby was when you were one. For all this one’s bravado, they look awfully breakable. “I’ll hang on to this for now, yeah?”
You don’t think that they’re old enough to understand what you’re saying, but the huff the baby lets out feels extremely pointed. You stare down at them on your rug.
“Don’t suppose you could give me any pointers on how to hold you?”
It turns out babies are wriggly. You put the cookie down long enough to hoist the kid into your arms and attempt to manoeuvre their little arms and legs so that they’re not jabbing into your vital organs, but at the sight of the food being placed far away, the kid lets out a piercing noise, right into your ear, and attempts to kamikaze their way back to it. A body that two seconds ago was ramrod solid and deliberately unwieldy is suddenly boneless and impossible to hold onto. Your brain goes empty of everything but wrestling with several pounds of struggling infant. 
You end up on the floor, eventually, but at least both of you are in one piece. You’re breathing heavily. The kid’s face is thunderous. It’s very cute, but you can’t wait to give it back and appreciate that from a distance. Somehow, you manage to settle them onto your hip.
“What the f - heck was that for?” You ask, purely to make yourself feel better. Even if the kid could answer you, you get the feeling they simply wouldn’t. “Was it because I put the biscuit down?”
The kid makes a huffing noise. You roll your eyes, but can’t help smiling. The baby’s dark, just-curling hair is soft against the skin of your upper arm, and their weight is warm and solid against your side. 
“I’m not taking it away from you. I’m gonna let you have it, just need to make sure it’s safe for womp-rats first. And return you before those poor guys tear their place apart, okay?”
You re-collect the cookie and struggle back to your feet, looking towards the open balcony. Visions flash through your mind of the baby pulling that boneless trick out there, with nothing but spacelanes separating them from the ground 50 stories below, and...no. You’re not even vaguely risking that. The front door is definitely the better option, but somehow more daunting, as you stand before the neighbouring apartment with your heart in your throat.
The second you knock, the frantic voices inside cut off abruptly, and then you hear the mad scramble that ensues to reach the door. It wooshes open, and suddenly you’re face to face with your neighbours for the first time. 
They’re less identical than you’d expected. Maybe that’s a stupid thought, but it’s the first one that stumbles, half formed and dazed, into the open void your brain has just become. The second, very unhelpful follow up, is that they’re also much prettier than you’d expected. Not that you’d necessarily expected anything, but - you’ve never seen one of the clones without their helmets before. The Corrie Guard, back during the war, had made a point of never taking them off as far as you’d ever seen. That was apparently a crying shame. One of them has thick, dark curly hair, a tidy goatee, and a tattoo on his forehead. The other’s hair is a sharp, startling white, interrupted by metal nodes of some sort. Some sort of post-war medical adaptation, you assume. He’s slightly leaner all over, his eyes a little larger in his face. But the way both of them sag against the door frame is exactly the same.
“Thank the fucking force,” The dark haired one breathes, clutching at his chest.
The other trooper elbows him sharply in the ribs. “Fives.”
“She’s ten months old, Echo. She’s not gonna repeat it.”
“She just escaped from our apartment after General Skywalker swore up and down she’s not mobile yet. It’s gonna be her first word just to spite us.”
You laugh before you can stop yourself and flush a little when all attention snaps back to you.
“That I can believe,” you force yourself to say. “Hi. I think I found something of yours.”
You hold out your armful of infant and - you presume Fives is his name - reaches out to take her, groaning in relief. 
“Thank you,” he says, fervent, taking a moment to bury his face into the child’s hair. She puts a determined thumb into her mouth and stares at your hand, still clutching the cookie. The trooper turns her in his arms and holds her up at eye level. “You are a menace, Leia. I thought we were gonna have to call in a search.”
It’s nice to have a name for that little displeased face. Leia regards the trooper for a moment before sticking her hand into his face. His eyes are impossibly warm as he pretends to gobble her fingers, and it is, quite frankly, cute as fuck. He turns his attention back to you, but just as he opens his mouth, the sound of a comm going off somewhere behind them cuts through the moment.
“That’ll be the General,” The white-haired trooper laughs. “You better take her and show him, before he raises down half of Coruscant trying to get here.”
Fives nods, flashing another blinding grin at you, before he and Leia are gone. The trooper you’re left with blows out a breath and scrubs a hand over his face. 
“Well,” he says, his mouth crooking into a wry smile. “That was exciting.” 
He sticks his hand out, and when you take it, his palm is rough and his grip firm. You give him your name without thinking about it, staring into the kind, golden depths of his eyes. They crinkle at the corners when he grins. 
“I’m Echo. And - I know Fives already said it, but seriously, thank you. Where the shab did you find her?”
“Trying to steal biscuits from my caf table,” you say, laughing openly when Echo drops his face back into his hand and groans with embarrassment. “I think she got in through the balcony door.”
“Force, we didn’t even think of that. What a first impression, you must think we’re idiots.” 
You shake your head, enamoured by the faint colour you can see rising in his cheeks. He brings his metal hand up to his face and presses the cool prosthetic against his skin. 
“Not at all. You should have seen the look she gave me when I found her, she knows she’s in charge.” 
Echo smiles bashfully. “It’s the first time we’ve ever won the lot to babysit the twins, our Company would have crucified us if we’d lost her.” 
“Then I’m very glad to have provided a rescue.” 
There’s a short silence as you fidget with your sleeves, strange anticipation churning in your gut. There’s no reason to keep standing here now that the pleasantries are done with, the baby exchanged, but...some part of you resists it, almost looking for an excuse to stay. He and Fives are the first new friendly faces you’ve met in a long time, soothing a sting you didn’t know was there.
“I - um -,” Echo begins suddenly, shifting a little. The colour in his face deepens. “I really like your plants. I’ve always meant to say something. We keep trying to guess what they are.” 
“Oh!” Your heart turns over in your chest and you wouldn’t be able to stop the smile bursting onto your face if you tried. Those damn things are so hard to keep alive through the unpredictable engineered weather. You don’t think you’re particularly house proud, but you do preen a little that he’s noticed. “Thank you, I, um, I water them every morning. I could...go through them with you one day? If you like?” 
Echo’s head dips an assent. “I’d really like that.” 
You linger a moment longer, a pleased thrill still lingering in your belly, but there’s no putting it off now. “I suppose I should let you go. But...please knock if you need anything.” 
Echo smiles. “Hopefully not in pursuit of any more babies.” 
You’re just about to turn away when you remember the cookie in your hand, slightly smushed now. “Oh! Can you give this to Leia? I wanted to make sure she could eat them, first, but I promised. Seemed only fair, since she went to all that trouble.” 
Echo huffs, his expression softening, taking the cookie with careful hands. “I’ll make sure her highness gets it.” 
Then you go back to your quiet apartment, somehow deflated when faced with the monotony of your knitting and your music. You hear a few more sounds from the other side of the wall, faint laughter, perhaps a child squealing, and find your curiosity has not been sated at all.
It’s a wonderful surprise, then, when two days later on a clear, sunlit morning, you slide open your balcony door to water the plants and find Echo waiting, his face tipped up to the brightening sky. There is a packet of cookies resting on the duracrete by his feet, and two steaming mugs of caf on the railing by his elbow. 
It feels like something special...It feels like a beginning. 
taglist // @nelba @leias-left-hair-bun @battletales @bad-batch-of-fics @iscream4clones @majorshiraharu @snippytano @missinashkin @808tsuika @eries45 @dom-i-nic // 
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the-archlich · 5 years
Clone Wars: The Arc That Is Too Relevant
This one is the best episode of the West Wing.
There are groups within the Republic senate playing both sides - most notably the Banking Clan and Trade Federation. They're trying to get a bill through the senate that would essentially deregulate the banks (and produce more clones). To help this along, Dooku orders Grievous to make a strike on Coruscant.
Meanwhile, Padme and Ahsoka are hanging out. I'm glad they're friends now.  Padme would like to meet with some friends in the Separatist senate and negotiate peace. This is a new thing. We've always seen a very limited view of the Separatists until now. Pretty much just armies of droids and assholes like the Trade Federation, Techno Union, and Banking Clan guys. Not just regular, hard-working people who think they'd be better off removing themselves from the corrupt Republic and banding together in a different union.
Also Ahsoka seems to have aged up a bit. She's got a new outfit and a second lightsaber. Pretty dope. 
Padme's meeting with her Separatist friend is a really interesting one. All we've seen from them so far are droids and military types, but the vast majority of the population - and the civil leadership - is just regular people. They disagree on policies but are still basically decent individuals trying to do their best. And of course they're not aware of the extremely shady stuff going on behind the scenes (what with Dooku being a Sith Lord); not that the Republic people are any better informed (hi, Palpatine.)
Padme's friend meets with the Separatist senate and puts forth the idea of negotiating peace. Most of the senators agree, despite objections from some powerful groups. This makes sense. They didn't succeed because they wanted a huge war; they wanted a better government with less corruption and where powerful factions (like the Banking Clan, Trade Federation, etc.) don't have total control over everything and individual systems have a say. Honestly they make a lot of good points.So the Separatists want to establish peace. Padme tells Palpatine and it's honestly a pretty  good scene because he's totally blindsided. It's one of the only times we see something take him totally out of the blue and I like having a reminder that old Sheev still isn't an all-knowing god.
Of course it isn't that easy. Grievous sneaks some murderbots (disguised as cleaning bots) onto Coruscant. They blow up a power plant, which causes the Senate to freak out and agree to deregulation.
Also this is obviously before the Senate Murders episode because several people who got killed in that one are alive here.
With that first bill passed the conversation then turns to buying more Clone Troopers. This is the same thing they were debating in the Senate Murders episode; and since this takes place before that one, I guess we know how this ends. The debate gets interrupted when Dooku skypes in and says that peace is off; he says Republic a strike team attacked one of their planets and, in the process, killed Padme's friend.
Padme and friends put their efforts into getting the "grow me more clones" bill shot down. In a meeting with the Banking Clan, the chairman says they'll loan the Republic money to buy the troops at 25% interest rate. Now I'm 30 years old so I know a thing or two about interest rates and that is such a goddamn insane rate that if anyone suggests it to you you are legally allowed to shoot them in the face. (Before this the Republic was still at 10% interest, which is also pretty fucking insane. This is not a good government.) He can charge 25% now because of the deregulation. (Of course, if you've studied what happens when rich people loan money to the government, it doesn't go well for them because they often don't have the ability to force repayment.)
Shit's getting bad. Senators are getting jumped and beaten in the streets - which is usually good, but in this case it's at the instigation of the banks, so this is the one time I'm not for it. Padme is running around, trying to get anyone she can to join her side. There's a good conversation with one senator who points out that they all spend their time on Coruscant arguing with each other and are never on their own planets talking to their constituents. It's a good observation.
Dooku orders Padme killed but how many times are people going to try this? Just fucking stop. Padme gets away - and in the process does some things to one of the bounty hunters following her that should have killed him in at least 5 different ways but I guess we don't want blood on her hands? I say let her get some.
The whole experience has really been disheartening to her. Not so much that people tried to kill her; Senators are being intimidated into silence or are using the war as a pretext for their own profit. As she puts it, "What has happened to democracy? And why doesn't anyone seem to care?"
The bounty hunters also try to kill Bail Organa, since he's the main sponsor of the opposition. But he's actually a 6'2" beast and doesn't go down easy. Still, he's too injured to give the speech he was preparing, so Padme has to talk to the senate instead. She gives a speech about the terrible conditions her aide's family is living in because of the war but it kind of rings false because Padme could always, you know, fucking pay her more.
This is a very good arc; the capstone of the Senate Murders episode isn't as strong as the rest of it, and this might be one time when it's better to have it out of sequence because that'd be a weak finish.
At first I expected that this arc was just going to be the usual senate bullshit (like Senate Murders). There's a bill that's bad, Padme has to stop it, someone tries to kidnap/kill her; maybe she wins, maybe she doesn't. And that is what happened. But this arc also gave us a lot more than that.
This arc humanized the other side of the war in a way that hasn't been done before - in any other Star Wars media that I'm aware of. We're not talking about the Empire/First Order where people know they're living under an asshole. The Separatists are rational, reasonable people. Their grievances with the Republic are real and valid, and they have a good reason for fighting their war. And most of them would rather not fight at all. It's really only a couple assholes at the top working behind the scenes to keep the conflict going - and we see largely the same on the Republic side.
These episodes also go heavily into things like banking regulations and what happens when you let them run wild. And how the military industrial complex is a monster that will never be satiated; the people who profit from it will throw your loved ones into the first until there's nothing left as long as it puts a little more money in their pockets. The people trying to prolong this war aren't doing it because they care about the outcome, they just want it to go longer and longer so they can profit more. Their sis a government that has a bottomless budget for military expenses (no matter how much debt it causes) but suddenly cares about cost when it comes to social services like education and healthcare.
With the zillo beast episode I made a joke about this show using the Clone Wars format to express the sort of complex problems we're facing as a country (as we were back in 2010 and still are now a decade later). This time it's not a joke, and it's not metaphor or subtext. The issues discussed in this episode are ones we're still fighting with now. Endless wars for profit, an unrestricted financial sector, and a government who couldn't care less because outside of a small minority of people who genuinely give a shit most of them are either too greedy or too cowardly to do a goddamn thing about it. It's true in Clone Wars and it's true in America.
And we know how things end in Clone Wars.
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countessofbiscuit · 6 years
For @celebrate-the-clone-wars’ Writing Wednesday Prompt “Your Reputation Precedes You”  Rating: M Words: 2414 Inspired by The Adventures of Doll Rex.
(If there isn’t a 69′s in a universe with a 79′s, I’m calling bs) 
Having spent themselves silly, the boys in blue who’d brought the house down were long gone, and 69’s grew dull again. The exhibitionism continued, sure, the dancing was always pleasing in a kind of mindless way, and when things got really boring, the massage droid in the break room had a lekku setting that induced comas—it was almost enough to make a showgirl consider marriage.
But the circus this wasn’t. There used to be wardrobe brawls and stampeding reeks and everything. The only adrenaline high to be had here was shaking up assholes who tried to stiff her colleagues until their credits and their shame fell out. A civilian crime, and a dwindling one. The soldiers never did that. Ursula fleeced them for admittance—the bigot—then got mad when the staff stretched the poor sods’ pocket change by giving them free drinks because they were polite and very, very pretty. Oh they made noise. Lots of it. But they viciously policed their own and didn’t put their hands where they shouldn’t. And not just because they thought they might get charged.
They were … “shiny.” And two meters of broad, blood-red Twi might scare the shit out of anybody whose first experience with boobs was two hours ago and three levels up, when they got squished against someone on the dance floor or got flashed by a waitress.
Hence the boredom of a somewhat self-conscious girl who doesn’t like working a room for tips.
“Lala, that’s for you,” chirps Diohn when Laa’let returns from the freshers.
She stops fidgeting with her bra and rebuilding circuses in the sky and glances at the Zabrak bartender. Diohn points at the counter, then returns to digging through the mixer chiller.
A doll is sitting on the end of the bar. 
It’s propped up around a bright red cocktail, looking stupidly drunk, resting its chin on the rim of a glass about as wide as its comical face. Laa’let narrows her eyes at the arrangement. A clone. She recognizes the little flared skirt and shoulder decoration—and the golden top of one of those boys in blue. She scans the club for any that fit the description, but it’s just a throbbing sea of maroon sweats and crumpled greys, with a shrinking handful of businessmen pressed against the edges of the room; the only troopers in plates are the wrong color, and most of them are sitting along the rack, where they’ve figured out that two shoulder wings promise some seriously advanced recon—a much more exciting and personal show than anything happening at the bar.
“Who?” asks Laa’let.
“Didn’t see,” Diohn shrugs from inside the chiller, “they just left credits. And a note.”
Laa’let slides up towards the drink, ignoring the vulgar garnish—a cherry shoved in between a split taffy stem. The script is very regular, but the napkin is torn on the angles, like they couldn’t get the pressure right:
For the Ruby Rancor ♥
She grates the sharp tips of her teeth together. “You said you wouldn’t make it a drink.”
“I didn’t! I swear!” Diohn takes her own dulled molars to the cap of a bottle and spits it in the trash. “But you should stop fighting it. It’s definitely caught on.”
“Then what’s with this,” Laa’let says. It’s not just the garnish that’s offensive. Diohn’s clearly chosen her most bulbous glass, and she must have some campari, premixed to the perfect shade, chilling in a jug somewhere.
“That’s just me doing my fucking job. Now you should do yours.”
Diohn won’t share her tips forever, but Laa’let has her limits. Maybe too many of them for this career. “It’s not my job to talk to dolls.”
“Talking to cute faces with nothing but stuffing between their ears? I’d say that’s definitely in your contract. Roll out some carnival tricks.”
Laa’let’s lekku stiffen. “Circus. And I was a fucking acrobat.”
“Whatever. There’s still an audience—and maybe they’ll tip.”
It’s not an audience if you didn’t invite it, she refrains from saying, it’s an embarrassment. Too much like real life. With a frown, Laa’let swipes the drink, and the doll flops face down onto the chromium counter. Pathetic.
“Hand me that,” she says, snapping her fingers at an open bubblezap bottle.
Diohn giggles and swiggs the dregs. “Awww, someone’s had one too many!”
Laa’let maneuvers the doll into a seated position against the bottle, mindful of the oversized head. Its eyes are fixed off to the side, as if deliberately avoiding her boobs. “I need to get on his level. Is this a double?” she asks, stirring the drink once with the garnish.
One of Diohn’s liberal shots cascades over her peach fingers as she preps a line of Fuzzy Yodas—frothy, green, and strong enough to make you talk backwards. “You’ll have a nice time. I promise.”
Laa’let pulls out one of the lethris barstools and drops onto it. She hates sitting on these chairs. They’re sticky and undersized, like everything else here—even the ceiling is too low to accommodate her best tricks on stage. It’s maddening to be reduced to pantomime, the feeling of holding herself by halves, but Diohn’s right. She’s still a consummate performer, she’s still on the clock, and she’s still fucking broke.
“So,” Laa’let begins, taking a long sip that melts her sinuses and makes her damn nipples hard, “I’m new to this job and don’t have a lot of conversation up my sleeve, so do you want tragic backstory or tragic backstory?”
The little soldier makes big eyes at the turquoise Togruta on stage, but doesn’t indicate a preference.
“Tragic backstory it is. You might think it all started when my parents sold me to some charlatan in a travelling circus. Or when my growth spurt went on two years too long and I couldn’t get health insurance—did you know organs over a meter long are considered a pre-existing condition?”
She’s got her lekku draped over her shoulders and she shakes the tip of one in the little soldier’s face.
“Speciesist, I know. Free Porn Taa is laughably small in every department, so it’s not a priority for him. And the Togs aren’t represented in the Senate—not that healthcare is a priority there either.”
“Ugh, Lala,” groans Diohn, loudly dumping an armful of bottles into the bin as she passes by. “Politics? At my bar? No wonder he’s bored.”
Laa’let makes a rude gesture at Diohn’s back. “Anyway,” she says to the disinterested doll, “things really didn’t go downhill for me until the fucking Zillo Beast.”
The rack around Tosha’s stage erupts in applause when she finishes her routine. Another charming clone thing. It’d never occurred to them not to clap.
“Did I see it? You bet your plastic ass I did. Three of its gnarly legs came crashing through the roof during my act.”
Just for something to do, Laa’let takes the garnish from her drink and starts to trace a wet rendering of the monster that ruined her life on the counter.
“Squashed half the audience. I fell into the netting, along with all the buttresses, and was buried with broken ribs for three damn days. And this is where having no health insurance, no transferable skills, and no tolerance for animal abuse lands you,” she says, gesturing at the room, humid and a hazy red in the house lights, like an oversized womb.
Laa’let follows the little soldier’s gaze again. Tosha’s now working the rack for tolls. She’s got her knees on either side of one trooper’s ears, gripping him by his red shoulder wings as he gently tucks some funny money into her panties, ruffled and pink like cotton candy.
“Look, I know she’s topless and I’m not, but you could at least pretend to pay attention.”
A trooper in purple plates, very much paying attention, suddenly materalizes next to the doll. Laa’let takes in his double wings and his skirt—has she been performing for a fancy ARC?—and then moves onto his hair. It’s shaved into a landing strip across his skull and down his chin, and she can’t help wonder if the landscaping extends below the belt, too.
“There you are, Rex!” he declares, smiling broadly like he’d be very happy to enlighten her. “Who’s your pretty friend?” He gives a wave with one of the doll’s stubby arms.
This part always makes Laa’let nervous. What seemed like a good idea when she was eighteen and angry now made her job—wooing credits out of beings already much smaller than herself—very difficult.
“Doesn’t your friend know it’s rude not to stare?” she says, as softly as she can over the synth-glimmik pumping from the speakers, shielding her fangs with full lips—the only gift her mother gave her.
“My apologies, ma’am,” answers the trooper while ogling her tits for both of them. “He said he knew you, but he was probably talking out of his shebs.”
“Nah, he’s just shy. He doesn’t know how to ask,” comes a rumble in her cone. Another trooper pokes his head over her shoulder and starts taking mental soundings down her cleavage. 
Mindful of the bulk of her lek, she turns to glance at his plates—also purple, also winged. “Ask what?” 
The second one tilts his pretty face up. His hair curls in a way Laa’let recognizes as attractive to humans, and thick black stripes on his cheeks somehow brighten his green eyes, which sparkle at her with all the optimism of someone about two drinks in. “How much to blow bubbles?”
Laa’let takes a moment to parse this phrasing. The soldiers have a funny way of talking, but blowing bubbles is a far cry from their usual slang, crude and derived from military words she doesn’t understand. But eyes speak a pretty universal language, and theirs are glued to her red rack. If anyone’s going to introduce face fapping to the clone lexicon, it won’t be her.
But Green is far too cute to be allowed to bury those sweet cheeks so soon. The cheroot smoking on his breath is making her heart flutter, and she downs the rest of her drink.
“What’s your name, soldier?”
“Jock, ma’am. And that fastidious fucker’s Muse.”
She struts her long fingers atop the bar towards the doll and starts to toy suggestively with his little skirt. “Well, Jock, boys in blue get things on the house,” Laa’let teases with a smile, not bothering about the fangs. If these two are going to spook, better get the disappointment over with.
Muse sits his ass straight down for the long haul, and Jock hovers even closer.
“And boys in other colors?” he mumbles, brushing the back of a finger down her shoulder, evidently still full of hope. That he doesn’t go straight for her plushy lek says he’s got manners, and Laa’let feels her bum go warm on the barstool.
“What makes purple boys special?” she asks, genuinely curious. She’s not encountered any troopers in this soft shade before, and 69’s does a good trade in color—every dancer’s got their favorites, but it’s considered good luck to get crisp tips off a new one. They think it means you’re a trooper’s first; Laa’let just suspects a counterfeit operation somewhere.
“We’ve got walkers and big, fuck-off tanks with psycho warfare tech” and “we’re an elite, hypermobile, armored reconnaissance unit” are the simultaneous answers.
Muse makes a disapproving face at his comrade and straightens up a little when he clarifies. “We’re the 113th Armored Infantry Battalion, ma’am.”
“And the color?” she asks, fingering the lining of Jock’s skirt. Maybe she could get him down to nothing but this, then bribe it off him? The lethris on these things is pretty lush, given it’s army issue.
“Commander’s orders,” says Jock, beaming. “Matches our Jedi’s sabers.”
“Who’s your Jedi?” Laa’let prods, wondering how much two elite soldiers will leak over big tits.
Jock squints at Muse. “I think that’s classified?”
“Definitely classified.”
“He’s sealed tight but … I’m working on it,” Jock assures her with a wink, mischievous and loaded. She can’t tell if he means his Jedi, Muse, or both, but his playfulness is certainly working on her. Even if Diohn hasn’t just made herself conspicuous, inquiring with gestures about the status of flimsi in fingers.
Laa’let smiles, plucks the doll from the counter, and dumps him headfirst into her cleavage.
“Steady on, Rex,” gasps Muse, wide-eyed, grinning stupidly between the doll and slack-jawed Jock.
“For you two,” she begins, giving the little head a very illustrative shake, “this is ten…”
Using the nubbed arms, Laa’let pushes the golden top of her dress down, popping out one ivory nipple, then the other, conscious that she’s already given away about fifteen credits. “Handsies is twenty...”
Flipping the little doll over by the arms, she lets him come to rest where creamy fabric melts into the divot between her hips. Her senses are alight with human! now that Jock’s knees have failed him and his head’s propped up on her shoulder. Her right lek tingles against his balmy cheek. She returns Muse’s puppet wave. “And anything more is subject to performance review.”
“We…” Muse begins, opening and closing his mouth like a blurrg on spice, “we’ve only got twenty between us.”
Laa’let bites her lip and bounces the doll in her broad lap, like she isn’t preparing to inflate more than just their manual scores. She’s flipped her glass and her tits are out. Diohn better be getting her a fucking room.
“Tell you what. Twenty plus this little trooper and you might find I’m big enough to share.”
. . . . .
[CT-61-6898] Are you seated
     [CT-27-5555]      in briefing w some top squares      knock me down my ombre hombre
[CT-61-6898] …  RIP Cpt Rex
     [CT-27-5555]      !      what did those dumbfucks do
     [CT-27-5555]      its only been 12 hrs      we r still in the system ffs
     [CT-27-5555]      facts tho he was ltd edition      not even rex actual has one
[CT-61-6898] unnamed.holo
     [CT-27-5555]      !      u perv       what did u fucking do to him
[CT-61-6898] Shit That wasn’t for you Wrong holo
     [CT-27-5555]      too late      ...rip smokecheck
     [CT-27-5555]      commdr tano likes ur paintjob
[CT-61-6898] You fucking wish (...but I’ll pass on the compliment) 
     [CT-27-5555]      so he didn’t get creampied      good 2 know      what happened 
[CT-61-6898] rexnruby.holo
     [CT-27-5555]      !
[CT-61-6898] Is he scuba qualified 
     [CT-27-5555]      !
[CT-61-6898] Muse is sorry not sorry Rex was sacrificed for the mission He did give me a datachip instead
     [CT-27-5555]      WORTH IT
Smokecheck belongs to tiend. The 113th bros and Miss Laa’let are mine. 
19 notes · View notes
The Clone Wars     The Zillo Beast Strikes Back
         (Season 2 Episode 19)
I really thought the first episode     was surprisingly good and I hope the     quality     con-      tin     ue s;
           Moving on;                         Cost   ly-                Recap,       getting real deep                 into the details                   ......              Good     that shows commitment to the story                       ..     And      attention to the (good) details 
               . .                      [Also how yeah are they going to transport that     beast?]
                Who said spent a little more time     explaining it to       the natives          [Why   they needed a dead    beast]
         Still good                 still good,
“Tensions       Run         high,”
Hey,    that’s      a       reasonable    reaction,
   (They’re going to put extra   security     on it?)
  How long   till it breaks out.
[I mean thing   might look tiny]
Look at all those        buildings
     [also this will be a nice   scale
 We really didn’t   get much of it
On the   desert planet
 Cause there were no buildings around
  After the   destruction
  (Neat      Detail-)
That one trooper’s      really excited
You think you want to be a   zoo-logist?
Spiky and big       but sleepy
Uhm.     (Cute)
(Oh you stop with that death music it’s     adorable)
As are most animals
Though that’s likely     more so      anticipation music        . .        So it’s Fine
      But just look at       ‘em,
Ador-able       !
(I’m sorry I cannot take this     seriously with him sleeping     so peacefully)
Good    for        ‘em
[Oh yeah      [just]       bring the     Chancellor here.
 Is he going to get     Donkey     Kong-ed?         i’m sorry     but just the idea.     .
Of Sidious     held hostage      By a   giant beast,      On top of     a building..
It’s just so     hilarious.
(Not to mention his     force lightning      powers)     Baby      [An-imal]      Possib     ly        .     Okay,      Right,       Why would      they     stop.
 Aight         —-         Okay           -         Good      Ideas           -     A-ight.
   Whelp,          Good
     Uhm,        Right,
  Okay     ,
  Now,     Right,
Wh-       Elp,  
 Uhm,     Okay,
Chancellor      isn’t having it
Tumblr media
At him
You ruined his evil     diatribe, Windu
He isn’t having that     “you should assume some accountability”        argument..
Ruining the   giant monster plot-          -      with his logic
   Good       times
[Palpatine’s going to dismiss him    rudely      isn’t         he?
    He’s pissed           -              Terrible war
Note; how he said nothing   about the beast safety
Which is Windu’s     main concern
[and his earlier   gaslighting of      Windu’s    conscience
*Put      Down      *             ?        .    
^ ^
 Sleepy.      .
 Bean.      (Pet      Name-       Light     ly.]
 Any way!
  [There’s the   scientist.]
  Seems        Nice.
   She doesn’t have   au-thority
 Nor      Do     You.  “Good care,”
Mace         Is     Humanitarian       towards          Ani-     mals-
 -also can we stop calling at the        “beast”?
   It’s an      animal?
[’Beast’ is for when it’s attacking you      And           it’s not fully identified]
 And     it’s   adorable
[as well   as has an already established name]
[i’ll say call it whatever you want     but this is   assumed     authority,       And whoever     names it first             is          king         . . . .      Seriously ?     does no one  care for it as a     cute fluffy animal?       (I know it’s scaly  my point stands)
Like seriously everyone’s viewing it as a       resource
[Makes me   sad]
Starting to think that one clone trooper      Should      be in   charge,
He at least       seem-ed to give a     -shit
Well treated
As a resource
Windu;       i’m calling bullshit     but   alright
[is he going to     spring him?
I want Windu to spring ‘em for      environmental justice
Ok, how long does the plotting   bullshit goes down and they start   tearing the scales off the thing?
He’s calling     Heavy.. bullshit
Good for     Windu..
(I like this character   .very much.)
 Nope      [Death       Music      .]
  Good           -           Aight
Uhm        ..     Bu-        ld
Obi-Wan      shut up 
[You are the worst character]
Not in character design
Just in being the     absolute    .worst.
   Al-      right-
I mean-     he could be studying it to find which climate would be best for it -   I mean you can’t just drop a random      Non native-       Life      Form     -     Onto     a random planet-       and   Hope for the     best-
And this is the closest thing to safe neutral   controlled   territory       . . .      that they have
So make sense that they bring him here   to figure it     out
  [The chancellor      able to manage     who they have treaties with and which planets are inhabited
[and what uninhabited planets could be   possibly viable        environment        . . . .         Re-hom-ing    locations-
For him     *em
Oh yeah   not worth the effort to make sure the very   rare species     doesn’t      dare
  [this is why you’re     the fucking worst.]
   Any        Way-
   Well that was a   calm way of saying,           He didn’t      give me an      explanation            . . .       Which is     understandable      and          A pretty         decent      response,
    .         Try
    Wait what?
Can we       re-wind that again?       ...  Obi-Wan     -     no       -        All he said 
“was that he didn’t get an answer,”
  Do not   escalate the situation.
  Do not send     Anakin to badger the    chancellor.
[If Windu wants to escalate the situation   he will,]
You are not the responsible [least     Toxic] Adult
Please just let       Windu handle it
[I love how they cut away like you know   Windu’s    rolling his eyes
Well,  not too bad     just seems tired
Planet acclim-      ation          -         Or the   sed-      atives           -           Will do   that    to you)
Though admittedly it could be a less     in-vasive     environment-
With more   com-patibility-
    Oh       No!
[Don’t hold    the fluffy bean!]
What   is going on   exactly?
Like don’t get me wrong I know there’s 
  slight discomfort
But    how     bad-
[like is what they   inserted into them a sedative?
 That’s      Good
  But seriously
If you’re going to      study an animal   you shouldn’t do shit like that
Passive observation
  Seeing if it sheds
  Perhaps,        Getting        Samples
The only time   those things to be    taken off -      ... them         ...  is upon     death         -     with respect to the    life        cycle,            And,      the decomposition     cycle-
     Not going-
Toxic   excessive-
And causing        -   pain
Sentient       Bean-
   Oh          No.
Oh it is picking things up   relatively quickly,
Surprisingly    quickly,
figuring out that     this was the one to      Yell          at           ...    despite there being      Mryaid        Of     possibilities,
  And   would usually focus on the,
  Pain-    ful         Ones,
  So take a small       scrape sample. off the scales
   Like you straight   up tried to       rip   off      the scales.      ... Armor-
And not the   Jedi’s?
   Just thought -in the     pecking order they’d be lower
   Under tanks    and 
And protection to the     higher ups           ...
Centurion        Armor.
  Ok how about you   don’t..
Or send her to the planet   and wait to     see if she sheds.
Until the   bean       ... is dead       (Un     fortunate)
 You      can’t-    be doing-          ....    Stuff-         Like         That-
    -         What the     fuck?
  Also;     mace Windu       a thousand miles away;      I hope the fuck you do       you be a dead son of a bitch,
Lady, just call the Jedi
Mace Windu is clearly an     environmental         -     animalistic         focus            -      Have him insta kick this      bitch
(Which he can as    his specialty)
Call tox
    *Like         Medic
And kick the bitch   to accountability
* or semi   accountability in this case 
 (’Cause if you get caught with a           Spoon-       -”
  Mace Windu       -     Has a teammate-
Oh no-
Oh noo
That    could’ve been possibly        meant
“I thought   that was just an   extraneous detail”
You’ve been calling it a   Beast   this whole time
Also,     damn look at those    sad eyes!
That Things 100%         Sent.
You can’t do      that!
Ok I need to plot this out
This living creature-
Is sentient      enough        To     Un-der      Stand
   And feel pain
Let me just play a few scene   so I get the morality right
So,     dude’s sleeping under ground,
(Those guys apparently just         . Got injured by its sleeping movements,)
  It finds some guy
 Tries to get it off him        (Reasonable)
   Those two guys flee     (After     Anakin spent multiple occasions getting in     it’s way..
  Clearly     un-wonton       and     un-wanted
    So clearly going over the        “don’t bug others         rule,”
    Then these guys   -definitely heck with it
     By throwing        bombs,          And    generally breaking        every        (rule).  The liquid thing is kind of weird
      That being the equivalent of        pumping     planet waste material            Poison)               So it pretty well fits under the attempt of harm                /murder
        And the    guards clearly attempt        to murder it.
So immediate      accountability is in play
  But     they try to kill them
   (Note I know the situation is bad but it’s     Immediate Accountability
     Not immediate death
(However,       it’s really weird with non      humans)
    (Or even just   humanoids,)
  Because I know what another      human could do
  Humanoids have the same       about structure
   With minor     ex -cessive- differences?
    Like- how
(The standards      are really different        here)
   I’m not sure she could have even picked them up       without hurting them.
         I really hope     we get to see her talk
        So   we can get more info
      Because that’s    really    fascinating.
 Hey     it noted that!        ...   That’s   -really   neat
[Also   geez that must suck,       Having    to be moved from your   planet...      Against       your       will     and things   that you might not be able     prevent. .         Because     some asshole won’t     share the damn planet, 
And everyone   else is enabling.
(It’s the frozen planet thing    All over again    .but better.]    This time   the species     might not actually have an option,
But   doesn’t   negate         -  it’s   sentience,
Dude,   seriously,
Like I’m not a fan of it   but you could just sedate them,
Turn the fuel wanted some kind of solid       (Point)
(It brings me no   moral pleasure to say this) 
Cut the scales from the     skin-
Without,   too much pain 
(Still   should   not do it)
(Also lady just      call the Jedi)
 You know one who’s against it
You don’t even have to mention the   chancellor by name
Just say some crazy orders got   brought down the line
 And you need   -some help
‘She   ain’t having your bullshit’
Good scene       setting.    
You really feel how   out of place   Anakin is,    -  
The music’s    really nice
Really helps set the scene
And the height       Just-
Perfect       (Sets a beautiful        set of risk)
 Oof and Obi-Wan questioning     Am-idala
(The costume choice works        very nicely here-       Causing Amidala        to stand out,       From the       variety,         But still have the kind of    muted sense of the situation,
    (Lot of other senators           wearing purple            (-though more             solid)
And the lighting is pretty nice too,
Looking pretty   naturally with the setting-
Oh,     no,
Aw, that’s kind of nice
 A good    bit of levity
(Possibly    parodying     the masters,         Amidala          and        Anakin      technically)
     (Anakin    did build        CP3PO         though)
     Aight,          Nice,
 Pro      B-
 You know   that actually would make sense
I was actually expecting     the more blow it up    solution
   But    just trying bugging the      Senator      (Chancellor)       Palpatine             .       Is a pretty good    (non-escala      tory)         First  step       . . .       .
That would   just let Senator   Amidala see it,     assuming   she wouldn’t have an   issue;     and wouldn’t   notice the smell     rift.    .. -      Male-stare
‘ Mace Windu   told you to leave it alone     and let him handle it,     And you decided fuck     that       I’mma   gonna screw things up,       Didn’t         You?”
Oh     that’s actually a smart plan        -     Gang up on the   chancellor       .      Never mind      A second    pair of eyes     might be   helpful in case   he tries that      hologram   shit again,
(Never mind the fact that     Ami-dala- doesn’t go missing   under mysterious circumstances,”
It’s  a good   plan
That’s-    pretty damn fair-     -      Voice-         -     That’s- a little too     environmental but I get the point
(As in it’s ignoring the fact that the    Zilla beast does have a voice,    Just no one‘s listening
  Or reading its body language,     Like a good    sentient would
  (The issue is it’s         accountability          -The ability      to hold others        accountable-
  Which it doesn’t seem to be capable of doing to the         fine degree of      other humans-
   Other   humanoids-
 “ Be it’s      accountability,”         Is More        accurate          a phras-           ing
     Also geez can you imagine that   sit-uation?
 Like either force-d to kill another sentient species or be submitted to   this?
   I give the Zilla beast a lot of damn   credit-
   For the re-straint
Real         shit           . ..    Sit-
   Neither have    you,
  Seen your    -self
   In action!
Like   yeah dude you pull out a laser sword,      When someone threatens you,
(Pretty damn unaccountable)
At least the Zilla beast has a       damn good excuse,
 Warr         ant a discussion
   No,         It warrants the   envir-onmental focus-          Kicking the     offender,          Straight to      accoun-tability            And     every     one else,    Lea-ving    the damn thing       alone,     (Bastards)          ....    ?
I mean-
 That’s       kinda fair-
Heck     not every-       one-       
   Heck- not every generation-     Has an environmental focus
    And,  animals are damn   weird-
   But- I’m going to say      if you see a puppy kicked-        You should      tell that dude to        fuck       off,
  And no I do not      resent that-
   Even if it’s      food
(Which no one should be messing with     in the first place)
   But fair-
    Still don’t    like this-
 Stop being a complaining        dick and eit        -her do it or    don’t-
  Oh does he have a   hesitation from his previous experience?
    Secrets do not stay       secret
   Mate you deployed the military,              Who have to answer                 to the council,
          Not to mention all of the               Internal law and military                 enforcement                    On planet                     That saw     this shit go down
                (Would probably be    defensive of you holding a dead    creature)
Also yeah   it’s Obi-Wan’s        fault
(How he knows about something      he didn’t witness.       Idk,       Guess   someone told him.”
   What-       ever.
Called        out
No the point of democracy is to form a      hierarchy of authority         And with some people’s decision     matters more than others          There was very little ability to        self determined,
     And often times  ends up just arguing over    basic human decency,
    Doesn’t have to involve   subterfuge
   But things can escalate for the worst with   toxic behavior
       *enabling            espec
Any   -one paying attention to that?
(Dude, blown cover!      )
No, better option just go straight to     Windu,
You thought     he was being held for a tests     ... He   wasn’t    ,       Time to get the ass kicking squad in for     questioning,
*Not      Obi-      Won-    -
 That was   damn threatening
(Also yes, you do,    Go tell    Windu.)
Here’s the conversation;
 ‘Ok, I’ll just relay that to      Master      Windu-”
    “Wait, no - don’t do that-         !”
   (Done jokingly)
 The conversation’s         fine,
  War is never going to be won until someone assumes         accountability
Both points of “feck you” 
  Well at least Anakin isn’t hail-ed as the    “enabling Savior”,
   And does sorta take          Amidala     ’s          Side,         ,       Re-     asonable
          [call             Windu]
Shit     ...
Also      “your       groomer       has     groomed        you       well”
    To       never        pick       a side       .  .. Ex-         Cuse-        Me-         -         Help         ing     ...       He   noticeably     switched            his       body       over      to your side,
      And his   “both sides thing,”               .... .        Was is clearly a        ‘feck          you,
  Appro    -priately
     No he       DOESN’T!
      And Anakin isn’t innocent   here,
  So knock off the   tone
  No puppy dog   was kicked,
   Anakin fully   knows what he’s advocating       is wrong
   And appro         -priate tone should be applied
 ‘That was      malicious
You can’t hoodwink an     adult,
Productives are well aware    of common decency            Rules,
 Selectives know      their shit
   This is an          act of        malician          . . .          And should be           framed as such     .   yeah I have no idea what’s going on with   him either
[Doing that    unaccountable juice again.)
Oh,     hi,    ,       Wait you’re just gonna straight up gas      ‘em-
(Does this turn them   into a super angry pissed off monster?)
Stop enabling   this!
   [Character            Yell,]
Kill      em’
  ‘I will grab the thing    , but I’m still asking you to do the thing,”
    This is why       ‘sorry             is bullshit,’
      . .
      Um      Whelp,         Time         to see     the baby       get kicked,”      -          “I’m  Sorry,”
We talked about how that doesn’t excuse     actions    ... I swear if they pull that they said they were sorry, so that means everything’s ok every episode,
  [I will    strike every episode]
Til the mark
Any      way.
Begin     procedure        .       And with that she is undoubtably      irredeemable,           . ...
(I swear to god if they play happy music of an ending where she is supposedly redeemed
   Or enabled)
Calling    heavy   bullshit,
   A   puppy     killer     runn      -ing           free       With        No           Ch   -ance        Of even the slightest bit of      come      uppance,            ....   Isn’t      happy         - - -         Any       Way,              Even worse   that      it’s sentient           -           Going to switch        from       “That’s              A          Puppy!”         to       “THAT’S              A         SENTIENT!”
(Both are equally      frick-ed up)
  De-     served-   
Turns out when you threaten someone’s life they immediately going to assume accountability mode   
 I’m just really angry
At the characters in the        universe
But yeah,  Damn,
        Poor             Zilla,
         Got            tears            in my eyes
     [Like imagine          that bullshit]
Like either she was restrained            her self enough        so she didn’t kill people
Or the situation was so bad          it literally caused       an adrenaline          like situation
     Free-         ing herself
     Seeing as she doesn’t seem to be a bad   “pers’- 
     [The accountability scale-           still         un-established,”     [Selective          accountability?
     Involuntary         accountability?
    Does her body       just flare up into attack mode          when stuff like that happens)
  Don’t shoot the      baby   !     sent    ient!
 I don’t     like the sound of that,
You’re not going to like    
what they did to her?
[also wait,    what are the properties of that gas?
  Like what does exposure      do to her?
  [I know they said it was poisonous,        But      that was coming from the assholes  that thought stabbing      her was a good idea,
 Any      Way,   
Good point
Like how          dude’s backing away               .       Good trooper
I hope he was the       Zoologist           One            .      seems to be       smart,
(Dude didn’t even get to see the        Zila,)
   It    doesn’t even attack anyone!
  (It goes away        from the tanks)
    My        Damn          heart,
       I hurt
(Oh geez,   she probably didn’t even know they were still out there.”
Okay, fakers,
Also she took out was the beams screwing with her,
 There         was like one guy,
   (I remember         I thought about commenting,          “Karma,”.        at that moment,
  If Lady’s on the ground        it’s her own fault,
Zilla,     didn’t do anything to her
  Oy,       Bullshit,
   She, went the other direction
  And      seemed very specific about     avoiding things
 I’m calling      very light         (Cir-cum        stantial-)    Bull shit
    There must be a fire     Oh no
    (Yeah the structure-
     Must suck
    To be sp-
How is he     reaching her 
after her thing was destroyed?
Also, wait 
it’s night?
How long     have they been   standing there?
(Also Mace     Windu       is going to     kick    your      ass.”
Also, look at that
She’s trying to go under the beams!
This is clearly not     malicious,
  And I mean it makes     a lot of sense,
   She’s a ground living          creature,            (Sentient)
        She probably thought lower altitude was safe
  And not with all    this      (non      sense),
Oh yeah    just gas     the city!                 -      with multiple     in-     habitants     of    different   biological      structure-
                                 [Don’t bother turning it into a   blade]
                                 Or                                     bullets]
[Not try anymore       practical       solutions,]
 Have you done     this?
[Oh yeah don’t bother sounding the alarms for      everyone,
   Screw them
    Only           the servants matter,”
 “Gen,       No,      don’t stay      with   General    Kenobi,        He      will       get      you     killed,
Now, I kno
-     See,   she gives them a warning yell!
She’s more-so tripping than     malicious,
Also made if you saw a (malicious) beast coming your way and decided to stand near it
  -That’s your      own fault,
   Like,        Darwin’s          law           No          Euth,
     To be fair dude does give the orders.  And that      was her way of saying I don’t like that guy
         I’m just really sad about her      condition.
   High     er    Van         Ta          Ge
    Also yeah that does seem like a smoother safer advantage point where she wouldn’t hurt anyone
   Okay, seriously      how the fuck are            there fires?
   She      hasn’t- 
   That’s just something completely     different,
    [Like-         I don’t know if I wanna know the story but that           is intriguing]         
      Aw,           Small,
       See now    she’s sticking to sections       where she can’t      hurt       people.         .
    “Also everyone get to your   rooms,
    These       frickers;
 Like there was an alarm      earlier      right?
   There was a      siren       ..
 Yes you stay on top of that dome
   Proud          Of           This          Zilla’
     Eva-           Cute?
     Also wait   wasn’t she just in the scene below
 Some        One-
   Dude all she did was   yell at him,
  Re-     Strain         T!
   Gosh darn, Yoda -     you fricking        enabler
Also how long until Windu finds out she’s been injured and..  freaks out.
And,   they were all given fair warning and if you’re not smart enough to get out of the way that’s your own fault
* Un    accountable
How’s    Windu    feeling?
 Bullshit,    you planned that-
Also   why are you including everyone else?
That seems like a   security   hazard?
Clearly no
You should be     glaring daggers at him  
being like   “bitch    no,”
Padme      Isn’t      innocent
[Windu        is going to kick a bitch]
  Hey, want to talk to you
  OH NO   
Fuck off Yoda
You shouldn’t   shoot them in the first place-
Also this is just establishing that     Mace Windu is literally the only sane person,
 Yoda literally only cares about the       chancellor         . . .      and would’ve shot him
   Dick,       Don’t
(Feckin   dammit Anakin,)
   The Zilla        Just       Wants      a nice talk.
Yes just let the Zila talk you         irresponsible fuck
Like, seriously        Now she’s       going to have to try and catch you with her hands,
   And if anyone gets hurt      it’s their own damn fault.
     Damn-         Just.  Talk
  with the damn Zila,
  I swear..
 I fuck-
She was already paying attention 
you damn fuck
                Zilla-         catch-  Whelp,
Dumbest freaking      plan ever,
Zilla,          Pick up
“ also you have to think about what Zilla- is thinking at them       at this moment-
  Oh- shit
They could possibly die!  She     just yells at them this     entire time!
Pretty sure   that dude tried to shoot      her...
   Oh         No,
   She gave dude      five fucking warnings
        De-press                   ....
I’m       Go       Write          A        Fluff        Fic
0 notes