#and then go to bed. Bc woof
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seaoreos · 1 year ago
I got a new bag at forest fair this year. It’s red and orange and shaped like a whale shark with big button eyes, ridiculously adjustable straps, and a surprising amount of space inside compared to my old bag.
So I’ve piled a lot of things into it. Among the usual things like wallet, phone, lip balm. A small bottle of lotion, a small tin of hand cream, two different kinds of earplugs, glasses cleaner, phone battery, a notebook & pencil, and a small box of the Pride pins I make.
It only has one small pocket inside of it, so I put my most-used and smallest stuff in there. So, to keep things more organized, I put some things into a small handy little mesh bag I got from some dice or earrings or something I got. Two different sizes of pads, normal band-aids, waterproof band-aids, at least four ibuprofen, a pack of tissues… I’m sure there’s something I’m forgetting. Anyways, *everything* that’s in my bag isn’t exactly the point of this post.
Once I realized how much stuff I could put in my new bag, it made me happy to think of being the ‘has literally any random thing and god knows what else in his bag’ guy. And there’s still stuff I wanna add, like maybe a small sewing kit, glasses repair kit… gum. So on.
And recently, in an online class I’ve been in (which could be another, less positive post, at least right now) I saw someone trying to post their art on the discussion board that had done something I had almost done, until I figured out the way everyone else was doing it. So I just dropped a quick comment, telling them I’d had the same problem, and trying to help. Not required or anything, I just… wanted to.
Last night, my friend Skyler was drawing something for the first time in awhile- they were struggling with a small part of it, asked for some help- I did a quick show of how the reference they were using lines worked, the sort of shape they made, and also drew a vague shape of what it could look like over/with their lineart. It didn’t take much work, just a few minutes or so, but they were really happy. The art came out great, by the way, and it made me really happy to see them drawing again.
and tonight my partner was also drawing- something for my birthday, actually. (Tuesday. Oct 3rd. I’m turning 18.) At first he was just struggling with the cuff of a sleeve, some fabric folds, so I did a similar thing to help him out. Now I’m also drawing a quick reference of my oc Viri’s face scar for him, (which I have yet to finish. Class project. That I should be working on instead of writing this.) because he needed that too, and I don’t mind.
They were both thanking me for my help- we were all on call together- and in trying to find something to say, I just managed “I like to help.” And, you know, I really think I do, actually. I like to help. It’s nice. I don’t know where I was going with this originally, but… I like to help. I want to help. And I’ve been doing it without much of a second thought lately, which is nice. It feels good.
it’s 7am and I haven’t slept which isn’t helping my mush brain make the original point/meaning here that I’ve kinda forgotten by now. But I wanna be good and kind and help but I also wanna remember how to be mean again.
but I guess what I mean by ‘mean’ I think, is I want to.. have a backbone again? Be brave again? Be a brash little autistic kid who said ‘but why’ to everything and anything and just did what they thought was right? And it’s kind of ‘mean’ only because a lot of other people see it that way. I wanna stick up for others and myself too, instead of clamming up and not doing it. It doesn’t help that I don’t feel very intimidating. I’m almost 18, but I’m pretty short and a weird little hopefully-kinda-gnc-lookin thing and people just always seem to think that I’m 13 or something. It’s genuinely getting on my nerves. Ma’am. I am a fucking grown ass man. Please stop talking to me like that.
I’m tired I need to sleep. Basically I wanna be kind but take no shit. I guess. That’s very punk to me. And I wanna make a jacket covered in patches and pins and other customizations, maybe some spikes and some moss, paint and sharpies and god knows what else. I simultaneously wanna look like a wizard, some cottage thing, a punk ass fuck, a colorful blob, and some forest creature, which is great. Anyways remembering the nice stuff I’ve done recently w just the. I dunno, almost bewildered ‘I like to help’ that was.. instinct? Makes me feel good. I wanna have my sharp teeth back.
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tpup · 5 months ago
want to feel someone I love sleeping beside me but im sick and lonely and don't have a bed or anyone to cuddle.
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badolmen · 1 year ago
the eepying…
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notlongtolove · 14 days ago
to be an accountant of the heart
because it’s utterly, bone-deep terrifying. to look into the eyes of the person you love most in the world and feel the weight of a possibility that you might love them more than they love you.
pairing: spencer reid x fem!reader (second person, no y/n)
genre: angst-ish, fight and makeup
content: established relationship fight and makeup woof woof rookie bau reader feels insecure about how much she loves spencer, worries she's too clingy, spencer reid best bf ever
word count: 5k
note: this was haunting me in my drafts for the longest time... please be nice my heart can't take it (psa guys don't ever tell ur partners that they love you more than you love them bc 5 years down the road they'll cope by writing deranged spencer reid fics like this)
a line: You’ve always been this way—more flame than moth, more lightning than thunder. It’s one of the things he loves most about you.
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and then it is hundreds of hours later, and you are still hunched over your flowcharts and abacus, trying to decide if you have gotten enough. This is the loneliest job in the world: to be an accountant of the heart. - tony hoagland
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The English language draws a neat line between many and much. It divides the countable from the uncountable.
The word many is meant for things you can count. How many cups of coffee have you had? How many days will you be gone for? 
The word much belongs to what cannot be counted, what cannot be numbered. How much longer do we have in bed? How much did you miss me? How much do you love me? 
How much?
It’s an innately impossible question. Love, after all, is supposed to be infinite, unbound, unquantifiable. Any attempt to measure it—to reduce something so sacred to a number, a unit—is to taint it. And why would you want to do that? Why would anyone? There shouldn't be any need to measure something so inherently immeasurable. 
Deep down, you know there's no actual way to count love. You suppose this instinct to measure has always been there, to wonder if the love you received can be tallied like time. It’s buried deep, old as the child you once were. 
Still, the question begs itself. How much? How much more? How much less? If comparison is the thief of joy it’s only because it leaves you with the revelations nobody asked for, the truths nobody ever wants to see. 
Put love on a scale, wait and see—Will it balance or won’t it? 
“Glaring at the clock isn’t going to make time pass any faster,” Elle teases from two desks away, her eyes locked on the report she’s skimming.
You don’t bother hiding your sigh as you glance up from where your chin rests heavily in your palm, elbow propped against the desk. The pencil in your other hand twirls idly, betraying your impatience. “He said they landed an hour ago,” you grumble. Only the faintest trace of a pout slips through.
“Working hard or hardly working, ladies?” 
Your head perks up at that. Trust Derek Morgan to know how to make an entrance, arriving right on cue, grin wide and swagger intact. 
JJ, seated beside you and noticeably more amused by your restlessness than concerned, spins her chair around as she asks, “How was the convention boys?”
“It was great—more than great actually,” Spencer says, appearing from behind Morgan. He’s lugging a bag that seems twice as heavy as when you’d helped him pack it five days ago. “All the speakers were incredible. I got to talk with Lonnie Athens himself. He gave me a signed copy of his latest book.” His grin widens tenfold. “It’s not even out in stores yet.”
You’re halfway out of your seat, ready to pounce on Spencer the moment he sets his bag down. But instead, he offers a halfhug and a light squeeze to your shoulder. It’s understated, but it’s Spencer. Public displays of affection aren’t his thing, and you know better than to expect more. Still, five days without him makes you ache for just a little more.
“It was alright,” Morgan interjects with a casual shrug as he takes a seat at the edge of your table, narrowly missing your nth mug of coffee. “Great sandwiches though.”
“Yeah, you sure seemed interested in the sandwiches,” Spencer says dryly, the kind of tone that suggests sandwiches were not the main attraction.
Morgan smirks, unbothered. “New York, man,” he says with a grin. “New York.”
You turn your attention back to Spencer. “How’d you sleep?” you ask, your question aimed entirely at him.
“Surprisingly well, actually,” Spencer replies, “Despite the snoring.”
Morgan’s response is immediate—a light thwack to the back of Spencer’s head. “How’d he sleep? More like, how’d I sleep. Lover girl over here had him on the phone half the night.”
“I wasn’t that bad,” you shoot back, narrowing your eyes at him. But then your gaze drifts to Spencer, searching for confirmation. “Was I?”
Spencer hesitates, his lips pressing into a faintly sheepish line. “I did wake up late for one of the panels,” he admits, scratching the back of his neck.
“Oh, you think you had it bad? I’ve never seen someone go through so much coffee in a week,” JJ says, nodding in your direction, “She wiped out the entire stock.”
“Almost bashed her over the head with a cup of coffee myself when I had to settle for the instant stuff,” Elle chimes in. A collective shudder goes through the group. “No offence, Reid,” she adds.
“None taken,” Spencer replies smoothly, just in time to earn another smack on his arm, this time from you.
You’ve endured more than your fair share of teasing—it comes with the territory when you’re part of a team like this. You, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, three years his junior. Him, more comfortable rambling about the number of kernels on an average cob of corn than talking to any girl, let alone one with a smile like yours that could make his knees buckle. What had been an odd match to some, made perfect sense to others—Though Spencer would argue that Garcia just liked seeing him with any girl who could make him laugh the way you could, especially within three days of meeting him. It’s a feat nobody else has yet to achieve in the year you’ve been on the team. 
“Missed you,” you murmur, just loud enough for him to hear.
Spencer flushes as his lips part, maybe to respond, but Elle cuts in before he gets the chance. “Save it for later, lover girl. Some of us want to hear about those sandwiches.” 
“Oh, they really were better than last year’s,” Spencer begins, now distracted, completely oblivious to Elle’s sarcasm, “Probably because the annual reports showed an increased budget for the global initiatives.”
JJ raises an eyebrow in amused disbelief. “You read the FBI’s annual budget breakdown?”
Spencer looks genuinely surprised by the question. “You don’t?”
Chuckles echo throughout the group and though you smile faintly, it doesn’t quite reach your eyes. You just can’t help it as the tally marks start to stack up in your mind. One for the way his attention is just a little too distant, his excitement seemingly aimed at everyone but you. Another for every time you wait for his gaze and it doesn’t come. He’s too absorbed in recounting a discussion about deterministic causality he’d had with a keynote speaker. 
Compared to Spencer, who was often so reserved, it was easy to feel like your emotions were too big, too eager. Dragging him, wide-eyed and stammering, up the stairs to Hotch’s office six months ago had been nothing short of a test of strength and sheer determination. You’d been the one to silence him with a gentle kiss to his knuckles, promising him that everything would be okay. You were a live wire compared to him, everyone knew that. Lover girl, they teased, though never cruelly. In the field and out of it—Clingy to a fault, always wearing your heart on your sleeve. 
Lover girl through and through, you wait patiently for Spencer to look your way. 
He doesn’t. 
“Yours or mine?” Spencer asks as you stand side by side on the curb, bags in tow. 
“Think I’ll go to mine,” you reply curtly. You don’t trust yourself to say anything else right now.
“That’s fine. I’ve got an extra day’s worth of clothes with me.”
“You can go home,” you say, cutting him off. It comes off sharper than you intended. Then, softer, as if trying to backtrack, you add, “If you want.”
He looks at you, baffled. “Why would I do that?” 
It’s not a rhetorical question, he genuinely doesn’t understand. Weekends apart have never really been your thing. 
“Because—” You cut yourself off mid-sentence. What could you even say? Because you seem so perfectly fine after 120 hours apart. Because the tally marks said so. Because the scale said so. Instead, you huff an exhale and settle for, “No reason. You look tired. Thought you’d want to go home or something.”
“Again sweetheart. Why would I do that?” he repeats, incredulous. 
You fight off a resigned sigh, though you’re sure he catches it, and pull out your phone. “I’m calling a cab,” you mumble, thumbing at the screen. “Are you coming or not?”
“Yeah, I’ll come with you,” he says, still calm but clearly confused.
The ride home is quiet, save for the driver’s rambling complaints about freeway traffic at this hour. Normally, you’d be the one to humour any conversations with strangers, chiming in with polite nods and oh, reallys while Spencer watched, bemused by your ability to make small talk with anyone. But today, you’re just not in the mood, leaving poor Spencer to fend for himself.  
Which to his credit, he does—By turning the conversation into a tangent about how traffic patterns correlate with certain hours and commuter behaviour, and delving into a detailed explanation of the queueing theory. He does this till eventually, even the driver goes silent, though whether it’s out of confusion or exhaustion, you’re not quite sure. 
You can feel Spencer’s eyes on you in the silence, flicking toward you every now and then. The concern in his attention does nothing to soothe you. If anything, it only fans the flames of your irritation. When the car finally rolls to a stop outside your building, you hand the driver a $20 bill, wave off the change, and stride toward your door without another word. You’re out before Spencer can even pull his door open.
Inside, you drop your things on the couch resignedly and kick off your shoes without so much as a care. They land in a scattered heap that you don’t bother to fix. Spencer lingers behind you, ever patient.
“What do you want for dinner?” His voice is soft, tentative, as he bends down to pick up your discarded shoes, lining them neatly by the door. “We could order something. Chinese, maybe?”
Spencer knows you well—knows how your mood sours when you’re running on fumes. Particularly on days like this, when your only sustenance has been cups of crappy coffee and a few stale crackers he’d coaxed you into eating earlier just before you left, bribing you with a quick kiss on the cheek—After checking that nobody else was in the break room, of course. 
Sullen as you are, you can recognise the offer for what it is. It’s sweet. A thoughtful acknowledgement of how well he knows you, how much he cares. He’s offering you a lifeline, a quiet invitation to let the storm pass without forcing you to name it, something you’re evidently trying not to do. 
But tonight, it feels almost patronising. It’s a spotlight on the hurt you can’t quite temper, like he’s trying to fix something you’re not yet ready to admit needs fixing.
“I can run down to the—”
“I’m not hungry.” 
You walk straight into your bedroom without another word, leaving him standing there in the doorway. You hear him exhale quietly, not quite a sigh but close. Probably one of resignation. Another tally mark falls on the scale. 
“Sweetheart,” he starts. You know he’s testing the waters, trying to find an opening. But you don’t look at him, don’t give him anything to work with. “Can we talk?” he asks, his fingers brushing yours as he takes a seat at the edge of your bed.
“Talk about what?” You’ve always been good at feigning ignorance, but the way you pull your hand away from his is anything but subtle. Spencer sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose as he closes his eyes briefly. He’s clearly exhausted. This is exhausting. You’re clearly exhausting. You can’t help but wonder why you always do this. 
“Was it Elle? Morgan?” he ventures cautiously. “The teasing?”
“They always tease me,” you say with a shrug, your voice dismissive. “I don’t care.”
It’s a half-truth, and you both know it.
Spencer nods slowly as he tries to piece this together. He knows you’re not usually one to let things fester. You’re never angry for long, and even when you are, you laugh it off, always quick to join in on the joke. He knows better than to profile you—it's an unspoken rule within the team and, more importantly, within your relationship. But Spencer’s anything if not desperate to understand.
He watches you slip into the bathroom with a sigh, shoulders dipping. The light flickers on, but you don’t meet your own gaze in the mirror. You’re not angry. That would be easier. There’s something quieter in your eyes. Defeat, maybe. 
“I missed you,” he offers, stepping into the doorway. His tone is softer now, pleading.
“Did you?” It’s almost sarcastic, but not quite. Irritable but undercut by something raw, as though you don’t really believe he did.
Spencer swallows. “You don’t think I missed you?”
“A little hard to tell between the fawning over Lonnie Athens,” you say, wiping mascara from under your lashes. “Or was it the in-depth analysis of sandwich platters?”
It’s a snap, all sharp edges and fire, and for a second, he forgets the minefield he’s meant to be tiptoeing through. Has to bite back a smile. You’ve always been this way—more flame than moth, more lightning than thunder. It’s one of the things he loves most about you.
“Is that what this is about?” The words slip out before he can stop them, and the second they do, he knows. Rookie mistake. Your spine straightens, your jaw sets, and he wants to take it back, rewind, try again.
“This,” you echo, turning to face him. “What exactly do you mean by this?”
Spencer reminds himself that fire is never snuffed out with ice. You douse a flame gently, carefully. So, he steps forward, quieter now, fingers grazing yours before he takes your hand in his, guiding you toward the bed. He doesn’t pull, doesn’t rush, just leads you toward the bed with the same patience he knows you need when you’re fragile and burning.
Regardless, you try to resist, to hold yourself upright. You’re fighting the urge to sink into it—His touch, the bed, all of it. 
“Sweetheart,” Spencer murmurs, taking a seat beside you. “I know you’re not angry. You’re sad. And I’d really like to know why. Tell me, please?”
Deep inside, you know you’re just clinging on to the last embers of your frustration. But it’s hard—impossible, really, when you’re a fire with no kindle left to burn, and Spencer is all soft whispers and gentle hands, featherlight and soothing. 
You hesitate, twisting the fabric of the duvet between your fingers. “I just—I—You were being mean.”
Spencer lets out a slow, quiet breath. Relief, almost. Not because he agrees—He knows himself well enough to be sure that ‘mean’ isn’t the right word. But he knows you well enough to understand what it means when you say it.
Mean is what you say when you’ve been hurt and don’t know how else to put it. 
So he follows your lead. Doesn’t fight it.
“M’sorry, sweetheart,” he mumbles stroking your hand with his thumb. His touch is warm as it is gentle. 
Because it’s not about whether he was mean or not. Spencer knows that. Knows you. Knows that kindness has never been a given for you, knows that you wouldn’t recognise patience if it came knocking. And he knows you well enough to know that you think in some twisted way, that you’ve brought this hurt upon yourself, that you deserve it. 
What matters is that you were hurt. And that’s the one thing he never, ever wants to do.
“I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. Can you tell me how I did?”
“You just kept going on and on about the stupid conference. You didn’t even hug me or—And then you—” 
You don’t continue. You can’t. You feel ridiculous. Stupid, even. Mopey and small over something that shouldn’t matter this much. Over the realisation that he doesn’t need you. And why should he? It’s not Spencer’s fault. Not at all. 
His indifference is what it is and what it was. Indifference. It sits like a weight on your bones—Cold, sharp-edged, piercing. He can go 5 days without you. You can’t. The tally marks accumulate, unbidden.
“And then I…?” Spencer prompts gently, prying your fingers from the duvet and replacing the tension with his thumb, tracing slow, soothing circles into your palm instead.
“You ignored me, and I just—” Your voice wavers, frustration bubbling over. "I just felt so—so ignored!"
Wonderful vocabulary. Of course, your words would fail you now.
“And the teasing—I know, I know, I can be impossible sometimes, but I just—I just really missed you! And I get it okay? I’m clingy and you’re not and god forbid anybody else is but it’s because I love you!” You inhale sharply, your hands slipping from his to curl into fists in your lap. “And you didn’t react at all, you didn’t even care! You made me feel like—I thought that you—” 
You cut yourself off before the flurry of tears take over and drown you out. 
Spencer waits a beat, choosing his next words carefully. 
“You thought… that I don’t love you?” His voice isn’t laced with sarcasm, nor does it carry incredulity. It’s a genuine question, as though he’s retracing the moments between you, trying to understand how you could possibly come to such a conclusion.
“No, it’s not that—” you’re quick to say, desperate to correct him. You know Spencer loves you. Of course, you know that. How could you not? It’s Spencer. He loves you like it’s his life mission to show you just how much he loves you. “I know you love—I know that. I just—” 
You bury your face in your hands, fingers pressing into the hollows beneath your eyes—A feeble attempt at hiding.
Because it’s utterly, bone-deep terrifying. To look into the eyes of the person you love most in the world and feel the weight of a possibility that you might love them more than they love you.
To want to shout: Love me. Please love me, and please feel it with every fibre of your being as I do with mine. The kind of love that makes you want to scream from rooftops, to etch it into the sky, to burn the world down just to prove its enormity. 
Because then the question comes: Which would be worse?
To shout into the vast, open air and hear nothing in response? No echo of the same intensity. Or to stand amidst the smouldering ashes only to look into their eyes and find they don’t recognise you anymore? To see confusion or pity where love used to live.
You blink your watery eyes open, but you can’t bring yourself to look at him. Instead, you settle on the knobs of your knees, tracing their shape with your gaze. 
Anything but Spencer. Not right now. 
You take a sharp breath, steadying yourself before continuing.
“Sometimes, I feel like you don’t need me as much as I need you and that scares me. And I know it’s stupid, even I feel stupid thinking about it. I don’t even want to be codependent or whatever but I—I just can’t help but think that sometimes—” 
Your breath shudders out of you, long and uneven, “I love you more than you love me.”
To say Spencer feels his heart break would be an understatement. It’s not a clean break, not a single, shattering moment—it’s a slow, relentless unraveling. It’s a gut punch, pain and duress packed tight, failure laced in every syllable. His heart shatters, splintering into pieces so sharp they lodge in his throat, in his lungs, in every part of him that has ever loved you. 
Silently, he’s always known the teasing would hit a breaking point. You’ve worn that insecurity for as long as he’s known you—too young, too green, too desperate to prove yourself. He just didn’t think it would carve its way between you the two of you like this. He’s watched you lean into it, let the jokes land, let them chip away at you. Newbie. Rookie. Lover girl. As if laughing along might soften the edges of it all. 
You flop onto your back on the bed, boneless, the confession stealing the last of your fight. There’s a splotch of blue paint on the ceiling from last month, when you both tried to repaint the room and got distracted halfway through. It doesn’t make you smile, not even  a little.
“That’s not true.” The mattress dips under Spencer’s weight as he settles beside you, thumb tracing your hairline. His arm moves, coaxing you to toward him, gentle in the way only he knows how to be with you.
“You’re not impossible, sweetheart, you never are. And I know they tease,” he murmurs, fingers of his other hand grazing over your knuckles, “but I also know for a fact that you don’t fall apart without me when I’m gone. That would be co-dependency. And I know that’s not you. You passed your requalifications with flying colors while I was away,” he says. “Garcia sent me the records. You know you even beat Morgan’s old score?” 
You sniffle, startled. That had been your surprise. You’d wanted to tell him yourself. 
“She told you?” 
He shakes his head. “I asked. I always ask for updates on you when I can’t be there.”
A small “Oh,” is all you can get out. 
With every other guy you dated, you’d attempted to play it cool, dialling down your enthusiasm, biting back your texts, and pretending to care less than you did. But every relationship seemed to end the same way: you were “a lot” and they weren’t equipped to handle it. It never quite stuck though, and thank god for that. 
Because then you met Spencer.
Sweet, steady Spencer, who didn’t just tolerate your spark but cherished it. Spencer, who had let you cling to his hand during every takeoff and landing on the jet the first week on the job. He never flinched, never teased—Even when everyone else casted him sympathetic looks, the kind that silently acknowledged how your grip was probably cutting off his circulation. Spencer who has kept every scrawled doodle and note you’ve ever given for him, even the ones scribbled haphazardly on napkins or receipts. He knows carbon prints fade within months so he stores them in a shoebox tucked away in his cupboard—Just so they can last that much longer. 
Spencer didn’t just accept the parts of you others found overwhelming. He singlehandedly brought them back to life. Every bit of your spark that had been dimmed or snuffed out by someone else had found new light in his presence.
Spencer’s fingers tighten around yours, a quiet kind of reassurance that draws you back to the present. 
“Being clingy is not the same as being codependent. I know you know that. There’s a clear psychological difference in brain chemistry.” His lips twitch, the smallest hint of a smile slipping through. “You’re clingy, yes. But I love that about you. I love coming home with you. I love coming home to you. I love how hard you love me, how proudly you love me. I know I haven’t been the best at reciprocating that around the team, and I’m sorry. I hate that I made you feel like I didn’t love you, or miss you.”
He shifts closer, eyes searching yours, open and earnest. “Because I did miss you. So much. I nearly blew a month’s paycheck in the gift shop. Spent half of it stocking up on those jelly crackers you told me about.” He shakes his head, like he can’t believe himself. “Morgan said I was whipped when I paid thirty bucks for a pair of souvenir socks.”
With a raise of your eyebrow you ask tearily, “and exactly how many pairs did you buy?” 
“Got you three pairs.” A sheepish little laugh escapes him as he ducks his head. 
And just like that, you’re smiling too. Albeit a small one, but that’s progress nonetheless. “And I don’t think you quite understand how much I love you when you say you love me more.” He leans in, his voice dropping, teasing. “I don’t know if you know this about me, but I’m very competitive.”
“Oh, so I’ve heard Doctor Reid,” you quip, eyes rolling. Spencer’s lips curve, just slightly. You don’t even notice the way you press closer to him, but Spencer does. He takes the opportunity to go on.
“In a way, you’re right. I don’t need you,” Spencer says. Whiplash doesn’t even begin to describe the way your head snaps toward him. Flame and lighting, no doubt. 
“Sorry, sorry,” he says quickly, his expression already twisting in regret. “I shouldn’t have phrased it like that.”
“I don’t see what other way you could possibly phrase something like that,” you snap pettily, already pushing yourself up to stand. 
“Hey, hey.” His hand reaches out, not quite grabbing yours but close enough to make you pause. “Lie back down, honey. Please.” 
Against your better judgment, you relent, sinking back into the bed. “What I meant to say was, I don’t need you,” he repeats, slower this time, deliberate.
You scoff, a bitter laugh slipping through your lips as you swipe harshly at your damp lashes. “I get it, Spencer. Clearly you don’t.”
“No, I don’t think you do,” he says, his voice unwavering. “Biologically speaking, I wouldn’t cease to exist without you. My heart would continue to beat, my lungs would continue to expand and contract, my brain would maintain its synaptic functions. I would survive.” He pauses then, eyes searching yours, “And can I tell you something?”
You don’t answer, but you don’t pull away either. He takes that as permission to go on. “You don’t need me either.” 
Your lips part, the beginnings of a protest forming, but he cuts you off gently.
“I know you said you do, but your autonomic nervous system would still regulate your breathing, your neurons would still fire, your body would persist.” He swallows, voice dipping lower. “But that’s not the point, is it? Love isn’t about biological necessity. It’s not about survival. It’s about choice.” 
The word “choice” feels almost ironic when it comes from Spencer Reid. You knew that the moment you met him. It was never really a choice, not for you. It was him, or nothing. Desperately, you'd like to think it was the same for him, too.
Your answer comes in the form of his thumb brushing lightly over your cheek. He’s patient, always, even when you aren’t. Kind in a way that sinks deep—Like you deserve it. You’re all sharp edges, brittle and worn, and he’s five days off a lumpy hotel mattress, yet the only thing he cares about is brushing away the tears from your skin. 
“Sweetheart, I don’t love you because I need you. I don’t think that would be love at all. That’s survival. I love you because I choose to,” he continues. “Because you are the strongest person I know. Because you are kind, even when the world hasn’t been kind to you. Because you give so much of yourself without hesitation, without ever expecting anything in return.” 
Spencer smiles, shaking his head. “Because you’re the only person I know who will spend thirty minutes on a call recounting every little thing everyone did in the office that you think I’d like to hear about—before you even think to tell me about your own day.”
“It was funny! Since when has Hotch ever tripped on the stairs?”
It’s unfair really, how easily his laugh breathes life back into you. Your heart stumbles over itself as his hand brushes tenderly along your jaw. 
“I’ve spent every day in awe of you since the moment I met you. And I fall more and more in love with you with each one. Even on the days I’m not with you. Even on the days I’m miles away. Even then.” Spencer presses his lips against the back of your hand as he adds, “Especially then.” 
You can’t help it, the quiet little thing in you that wants to hear it again. 
Your tears have dried, but their traces still shimmer faintly on your skin. Spencer presses a kiss to your forehead, his fingers tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. He’d say it again. A hundred times. He’d make that speech a thousand times over, if you needed him to. If it meant you’d never doubt it again.
“Really, my love.”
And just like that, a million tally marks fall at your feet.
A million for the way he presses another kiss to your lips, unrushed. A million more for the way his nose bumps against yours, lingering, breathing you in. Another million for the spark that creeps back into your eyes. 
It’s infinite, unbound, unquantifiable—The way he loves you, the sheer depth of it. You feel foolish for ever having questioned it. You thank your lucky stars—all of them—for Spencer Reid. For the way he’s looking at you like you strung the constellations together yourself. For the way he chooses you, again and again, even when you don’t choose him, when you shut down, when you go quiet. 
Because love to Spencer isn’t desperation, isn’t need—it’s choice. The deliberate, unwavering act of reaching out, of staying, and of saying over and over: I choose you. 
Not because he has to, but because he wants to. To be the one to put you back together again when you’re all embers and ash, to cradle you back onto earth when stare past him into the ceiling, to remind you that there’s still warmth in you left to hold.
To breathe the spark back into your eyes—It’s a choice he made the very moment he met you. It’s a spark Spencer swears he’d spend his whole life keeping alight.
⋆✴︎˚。⋆ hi if you're here! thank you so much for reading! likes, comments or reblogs are very much appreciated!
ᯓ★ song recs if you feel like it: daylight by taylor swift intrapersonal by turnover
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ma3mae · 2 years ago
"I feel like sleeping on the couch tonight"
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Summary: Pranking your hubby/bf by telling them that ^ and how they'd react (fukuzawa, ranpo, tecchou)
Genre: kinda cracky, def some fluff and more tooth rotting fluff 💀🛐
Warnings: tecchou whipped for ur cute ass, me barking for fukuzawa, ranpo being a child.
A/N: saw it from a reel on insta and immediately HAD to use that inspo, okurr 😤✋originally wanted to add fyodor but ill prob do it in a part 2 thingy
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Fukuzawa Yukichi
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Ok so first off hes a major workaholic so you prob often fall asleep on the couch during some movie watching while waiting for him at home
always feels apologetic and even guilty bc not only as his lover but as a person, you should be sleeping in the comforts of your bed
will always carry you to bed bc he wouldnt want to wake you up as well. You already did enough by trying to stay up for him
So you can see how surprised he is when he finally arrives at home at reasonable hours and you lying wide awake on the couch
And you suddenly blurt that shit out?? HES ALSO PROB TIRED AF ILL MASSAGE U, ZADDY WOOF
takes a seat next to you and immediately asks if theres a reason for that
wont jump to conclusions but will still be a bit taken back and worried that it might be his fault...
"Nah, i just feel like it today." "Oh okay, well if you say so" SOBBING FR
He values honesty above all else and wouldnt doubt that you'd be pranking or lying to him tbh and overall your comfort is one of his main priorities
So he'll let it go but still be saddened that you dont wanna sleep in your shared bed :((
A sudden idea pops up in his head bc at some point even he wants to still be in his lover's arms especially after work
Its already sad enough that yall cant do it whenever u want to D: HUG HIM FFS
"Then I shall join you on the couch if you're alright with it?" Before you can even say anything, he takes a seat right next to you. You shuffled your feet away from him to give him some space, focusing your gaze onto the TV. You knew if you'd look at him, you'd immediately stop the prank. His gaze alone would make anyone confess their biggest secrets and well, you didn't want to spoil the fun yet.
Yet it only needed a clearing of his throat to turn your attention towards him and oh no...
You couldn't do it. How would you? When he was looking at you like you just kicked a ton of cats infront of him.
"I'm sorry if I have been neglecting you lately. If there's anything I can d-"
"It's prank.."
You sat up as you took his hands into yours.
"I didn't mean to make you feel like you've been neglecting me... I just saw it online and thought it was a funny prank."
Blinking his eyes in confusion, his gaze softened at your words.
He pulls his hands back before wrapping them around you, gently pressing your bodies closer as you felt his lips on your head.
"Even if it's just a prank, I have still been neglecting my duties as your husband lately and apologize greatly for that."
Slightly pulling back, you feel his rough hand cupping your cheek.
Eyes full of love looking into your glassy ones as he lets his thumb stroke a stray tear away.
"I apologize deeply for making you feel in such a way that you had to" prank" me as you called it. You must have felt lonely these days but don't worry. I will make sure to return home earlier because I have also been missing you, my love. "
After a loving kiss and an enjoyable evening, he had kept his word for the future days and if something would change, he made sure to notify you immediately.
Yet at the end of the day, he would always return to your beloved home and into your arms for the night.
Yall, dont be surprised in how FAST we confessed
look me in the eyes and say you wouldnt spill everything out when THIS man looks at you like he'd give you the world if he could 🛐🛐
He'd def try his best to keep his promise but sometimes yokohama takes a bit longer to save but dw he'll make time for you bc happy wife happy life
cook him smth, massage him, just be there for him and let him lie on your chest or smth and he'll already feel so blessed
we all wanna pamper him ok, he be raising a whole orphanage so someone gotta pamper him too
I just want me a nice fukuzaddy alright 😩😩😩😩
Edogawa Ranpo
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He'll give you the biggest side eye fr 👁️
like?? Hello?? Why sleep on the couch when you can be in bed with the world's greatest detective???
Will fr shame you for that ngl
He obviously knows its a prank but he cant believe you have the AUDACITY to do it to him
You are literally challenging a MAN CHILD, have fun 🤓
For the sake of it, you did the prank after knowing that it was a pretty uneventful day at the agency but oh dont worry
This man WILL gaslight u into thinking it wasnt 💀
"So you want to sleep on the couch, huh?"
There he stood infront of you, arms crossed, the biggest pout he could muster on his face and blocking your sight of the TV as you continued to nonchalantly munch on HIS chips he had hidden under the bed.
"Well, I just feel like it."
""wElL i jUsT fEEl LikE iT", she says. Then I feel like taking MY chips back, thank you very much!"
Before he could snatch them away, you immediately turned your back towards him, clutching the bag tightly in your arms.
"and I'M sleeping on the couch."
Silence fills the room for some seconds before you hear a huff behind you. Hasty steps making their way towards your shared bedroom before the door being shut quite loudly.
Doubt was creaking through your resolve, asking if you were maybe overdoing it.
"Nah, he knows I'm joking....Right?"
An hour passed before he came back, flopping himself down onto your legs and you could just feel how he was pressing down harder on purpose so there'd be no way to leave.
"Ow, Ranpo?! Get off of my legs!!"
Yet his sharp gaze stopped you, not giving you the slightest chance to tell him off.
It made you nervous, how he just sat there with his arms crossed, eyes not leaving yours.
Was he threatening or mocking you??
You weren't sure.
"You know, Y/N..." He slowly began as you felt him press down even harder.
"I really don't appreciate what you're doing right now."
"H-Huh, what do you mean?"
He physically had to hold himself back from laughing at your clueless face because oh...
Oh, you wanted to prank him? Then be ready to get it handed back at you even worse.
"So many people have been hurt today, all these lives the Agency had to save with MY help. You don't know how many eyes I had to witness as they were about to lose their light in them. So many were at Death's door and we managed to help them. Now I'm tired and ready to be welcomed by the comforts of my home and the love of my life pulling me into her arms, telling me how proud she is of me of having LITERALLY saved the city and maybe wanting to lighten that burden on my shoulders I have to carry every day? "
He pressed his index finger on your forehead as he leaned in closer.
"That's not very nice of you, you know. Imagine you'd be the World's Greatest Detective and coming home exhausted but your lover decides to be weird and seemingly not EVEN appreciating my work. Can't relate to that, right?"
You hated him.
You hated him so much for how he exactly knew what to say to get what he wanted.
But that's also what made you fall in love with him at the first place.
"If so many people have been hurt then why didn't I see it o-"
"We have ties, Y/N. Of course they wouldn't broadcast something like that on TV. Do you know what chaos it would cause to this city and possibly the world? "
It only made you frown as he clicked his tounge at you while waving his finger at your words.
"Now, now you know what you should be saying after pulling such a stunt like this. Especially after I have worked so hard today."
Pulling your blanket over your head to break from his intense gaze seemed to do nothing, as he had just simply snatched it out of your hands.
"I'm not gonna apologize to you for that! Just wanted to pull a prank on you and you just have to turn it onto me!"
He merely shrugged his shoulders.
"Well, what did you expect? You should be glad that I didn't give it back to you ten times worse. Just wanted to go home, eat your cooking and maybe cuddle but I might actually not do that at all today."
"Ugh, you're such a buzzkill."
You just sighed at his words and he suddenly found himself in your arms.
He turned towards you with a frown on his face yet his reddened face seemed to lessen the effect of his next words.
"H-Hey! I didn't say that I forgive you for your prank!"
"Well but I forgive you for trying to make me feel bad for it. If you wanted me to cuddle and kiss you then just say so. You knew it was a prank after all."
"But I didn't like it when you said that you'd rather sleep on the couch than on the bed today..."
His voice resonated through your chest as he pressed his face against it, muffled words accompanied with a whiny tone.
"I never said, I would sleep without you though?"
A laugh escaped you as his head shot up, big eyes meeting your amused ones.
Yet he only gave a pout at your words as he went back to your chest, wanting to hide his embarassement from you.
"You're mean but I still love you. You owe me candy for putting me through this, though."
You only let your hand glide through his hair before settling it on his neck, giving light scratches to the spots he liked.
A satisfied sigh escaped him and soon the room was filled with only noises from your TV.
"I'm already sweet enough so that should suffice as" candy", right? And that was your pick up line not mine so I'll stick to what you meant."
"Yeah, yeah. Now let's just cuddle in peace, okay."
A comforting silence grew between the both of you as you later on fell asleep together, a smile etched on each face.
This was SO long lmao but next time you'll prank him, he'll just dump some water on u bc thats sparing you from him at this point
bRO COULD legit just expose everything of u but he wouldnt bc he loves u too much 💕💕💕😤😤😤
Suehiro Tetchou
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bro, thats like the worst prank u could do to him bc... he wouldnt get it first...
the only reaction you'll get is 🙂 him when he greets you > 😐 when u tell him that
hes gonna be fr confused like... why does his partner want to sleep on the couch but... okay?????
Honestly i think he wouldnt protest right out but at the end of the day, even he wants some cuddles after work :(
Tecchou was excited. No one would really know about it if it wasn't for the light smile adorning his face as he thought about going home.
The only one who'd notice is Jouno but he didn't really care enough to mention anything about it.
He'd merely click his tounge when his annoying ass colleague would take a bit longer to respond to his questions, only saying the words "Just go home if even the smallest things are distracting for you."
Jouno could swear he was about to kick him in his face when he'd hear him turn towards him and only reply with "Y/N is smaller than me but not the smallest thing though."
"JUST LEAVE ALREADY, OH MY GOD!! I can't listen to your rambling about them any longer!"
Only he could nearly make Jouno groan in agony as he turned and began to walk away, not wanting to be near that idiot, knowing he'd just be looking like a lovestruck dumbass to everyone around them.
Tecchou only blinked at his partner's outburst, yet took his word and began to make his way home.
An exasperated sigh left Jouno's lips as he heard his footsteps yet it didn't surprise him at all.
He just couldn't get it around his head how someone could even be into that guy but oh well.
It's not his problem as long as it doesn't disrupt their work.
After all he had to give his thanks to that weirdo's partner for having given him a way to make him comply more easily.
It took him a simple "Just finish already and then you can go home."
Would be his only answer every damn time yet Jouno couldn't help but let out a small smirk when he'd hear the racing pulse of their enemies as if it was a declaration of Death from the Grim Reaper himself in their eyes.
Finally arriving at home, Tecchou would take off his coat and hat, hanging it onto the designated stand for such things.
A soft smile adorned his face as he walked into the living room of your shared apartment, finding you laying comfortably on the couch, the crinkling of stuffing your hand into the pack of spicy potato chips echoing through the room as a cackle escaped your lips.
"Trash TV's surprisingly entertaining if it's done right, HA! "
A yelp escaped you as you sat up and whipped your head around, only to see your boyfriend standing behind you.
Tecchou was unfazed by your surprise,reaching for your face to wipe the potato crumbs on your lips with his thumb.
"Mmh, chips. The spicy one's are especially tasty with mustard and red pepper." He told you as he licked the crumbs off of his thumb, a smile adorning his face as he sat himself down next to you.
Laying his head onto your lap, the soft fuzzy blanket covering it, making it all the more welcome for him to lay on them.
He had randomly gifted them to you one day, simply because "it reminded him of you".
Fuzzy and warm. That's how he'd always feel when thinking, looking and touching you.
"That sounds like a really weird combo." You replied as you smiled at his words, settling your hand on his head before let your fingers run along his scalp and scratching the right spots, making him sigh as he pressed his face against your stomach, snuggling into it.
"Are you tired, honey? You could go to bed, you know?" You asked him as he closed his eyes, breathing evening out while he wrapped his arms around your waist, enjoying your smell and warmth.
"Just wanna cuddle right now."
"Alright." You replied with, thinking about how you'd tell him the words you've been wanting to say for a while now.
An hour passed before you felt your boyfriend stir a bit, finally turning his head up to you, yet his arms still enclosed around their original spot.
Your legs were cramping at this point but how could you tell that your boyfriend when he just looked so cute like that??
"Had a nice nap?"
"Yeah, it was nice but I'm still tired..."
"You can go to bed if you'd like. Have you eaten anything yet though?"
"I have after the mission. I think I'll go to bed though."
Tetchou stood up and made his way to the bathroom, getting ready for bed.
After 10 minutes, he found himself back on the couch, a slight furrow of his eyebrows as he asked.
"Aren't you going to bed with me?"
Welp, straightforward as always.
"Uhmm no, I feel like sleeping on the couch today. Sorry, honey..."
"Oh. That's okay."
Blinking at his reply, he gave you a peck on the lips before going to your shared bedroom, the shutting of the door being the last sign of him before you were left alone on the couch.
You had forgotten that he wouldn't see any fault in that...
So was it really a prank? You didn't know, feeling a bit guilty yet you stuck to your plan.
Maybe he'd notice something was wrong the next day....
You felt a hand slightly shaking you, making you stir in your sleep before slowly opening your eyes, recognizing the face of your boyfriend through your blurry sight.
There he was kneeling before you so you'd be face to face as you lied on the couch, having fallen asleep after your continious marathon of trash TV.
Blinking to get a clear sight of him, you could see slight eyebags under his eyes.
"I can't sleep without you, Y/N. Come to bed or let's sleep on the couch together."
He suggested as he cupped your cheek with his hand, leaning his forehead against yours.
Hazel eyes bore into yours as the guilt inside of you went haywire.
"I'm so sorry, Tetchou. I should have gone to bed with you."
"But you said you wanted to sleep on the couch which is no problem at all."
You let out a sigh as you sat up, hands fiddling with your blanket, feeling him instantly lay his arms and head onto your lap, his eyes refusing to leave your face.
"Well... It was a prank."
He merely blinked at your words, seemingly processing your words.
"Why would you say that you'd want to sleep on the couch as a prank? Isn't a prank something like hurting someone but making it seem like an accident?"
"Yeah well, I did hurt you."
Your only reply was him furrowing his eyebrows as stood up, only to take a seat next to you.
Letting him pull you onto his lap, he gently cupped your face in his hands.
"But you never did?" His obliviousness was taking a toll onto you.
The guilt was surely consuming you. He was so honest to a fault and that made itself apparent in how he'd perceive anyone else especially you.
He would never think that YOU would ever do something to hurt him.
How could he? You loved him and he loved you.
Why should someone hurt the person they love the most?
"But Tetchou, I-I did. You couldn't sleep because I didn't go to bed with you and I had a hunch you'd probably get up and talk to me about it but I wasn't sure so I... stuck to it."
You couldn't look him in the eyes, yet the sudden lips on your forehead made your gaze shift onto his, confused eyes clashing against slight amused ones.
"That's not hurting me. Don't worry, Y/N. I'm used to pranks even if yours isn't one. Jouno would often do that too."
"Jouno??? Since when does he even do something like pranking??"
"Well he would sometimes just not reply when I talk to him or try to make me trip when I'm about to deal with the enemy. He would sometimes just click his tounge and walk away because it never works on me though. Heh, it's kinda funny if I think about it now. "
How would you tell him that it was just Jouno being a dick.
You couldn't help but sweatdrop at his words, the guilt being comepletely wiped away as you thought that it would be better for their... colleagueship to just leave them be.
"That does sound funny... But maybe let's just go to bed. It is late after all."
"Hm, but I haven't forgiven you yet."
Eyes bulging yet narrowing at his words as you saw the corners of his lips rise up, a small but definite smirk decorating his handsome features.
"Hey!! You just said that I didn't even prank you!"
He let out a breathy laugh as you yelped, having lifted you up with ease and making his way to the bedroom.
"Yeah but u got pranked, heh."
You could only let out a "Hmph!" at his words yet not stopping the smile spreading on your face as he laid you down onto the bed, immediately laying down next to you and wrapping his arms around you, your legs entangling with each other as he pressed a soft kiss onto your lips.
"I think Jouno is being a bad influence on you." you teased as he let a hand glide through your hair.
"Hm maybe but I can now understand when he says" give them a taste of their own medicine.""
You merely rolled your eyes at his cheeky statement, pinching his nose before tucking your head under his chin, shuffling closer towards him.
"Let's just sleep already, you tease." were your last words for the night before closing your eyes, the beating of his heart like a lullaby for your ears.
"Good night, Y/N." he said in a quiet voice as he let his lips linger on the crown of your head before closing his eyes as well, the warmth of your body guaranteeing him he'd have the best sleep as always with you in his arms.
you still dont know what posessed him that night for behaving like that 😩
U even went to Jouno and asked him about it, no eyes boy was just like "? maybe that was a fake LOL" u shouldnt have asked that h*e 🙂🙂🙂 jk we love him
now you'd be wary of "pranking" ur bf, maybe he'd prank u back again but worse.... yet you'd quickly forget about all of that bc he'd shower u with kisses whenever you'd ask him about it
even he can be sneaky but we forgive him bc hes cute ok 🛐
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hyunsvngs · 8 months ago
inhaled some magic grass earlier and I can't stop thinking about munch skz but like high. they're all munches, but JI, LIX, and MIMO!??!
*blows up*
like like like like Lix is so fucking sloppyyyy with it.
Like it starts off innocently with wake n bake and a movie, lixie has a free day and he spends most of the mornings on his breaks and free days higher than a kite. But this time you're over. And weed makes Lix HORNY, so naturally, someone is getting head. That's how you find yourself on Lix's bed, all spread out and fuzzy in the head, while the boy is in between your lithe legs, his eyes closed in concentration as his tongue is SLOPPILY playing with your cunt. Like honestly you can't tell if the wetness below you on the sheets is from YOU or HIM.
AND JIJI ?!?!!? I feel like he gets so sleepy when he's high...
The two of you are trying to relax after a long day, so naturally Ji rolls a fat blunt and you two pass it around while eating greasy take out. And Ji is just naturally horny, the weed IS NOTTT helping his urges. But he's also so so so so sleepy. So when you come back from throwing away the trash from the food and Ji is DEMANDING that you come over and sit on his face, honestly you don't know how long he's going to be able to go for. But, he's determined if nothing, so you're definitely cumming on his fucking face before he falls asleep.
You both know what it means when you smoke with each other, someone is getting head. This time it's you. You're sprawled out on Minho's bed and watching as he lazily tongue fucks your throbbing cunt, while he looks up at you with those pretty brown eyes!??! (personally if Minho looked at me that way I'd nut so fucking hard, but anyways--) and he just takes his time worshiping your cunt while high?!? makes you call him mommy while he does it too, and he gets so into it he starts referring to HIMSELF as mommy and is all condescending and shit like... woof woof
JESUUUUUUS FUCK THIS IS SEXY. what about all 3 of them fighting over whos gonna get to eat u out first 😏
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enmuswife3 · 1 year ago
Maybe its a Blessing in Disguise
Jacob x werewolf!Reader
reader moves from LA to Forks in order to reconnect with her old family friend Bella Swan and meets Jacob.
Reader is slightly Afro Latina coded I haven’t rlly said anything about reader’s hair tho so maybe just Latina, also speaks Spanish and incorporates it into random sentences but only if she knows the other person can understand it, reader wears a black juicy tracksuit and chunky sandals bc I said so Jacob does not know that reader is a werewolf reader and is in a pack ill add more as i write
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I yawned as I drove to my best friend's house after hearing that her pasty-faced boyfriend had broken up with her. “Bells! vine tan pronto como pude!” I said barging into the house and the young girl's room. I walked in and saw her crying in her bed “Okay pause those sheets are so tacky what the hell” I said carefully sitting down and taking her in my arms letting her cry into my velvety tracksuit. “let's get you better amor” i said kissing the top of her head and helping her stand up. I got her into the shower, washed her face, and put her back to bed as it was already 10:00.
I woke her up bright and early and got her into the bathroom to do something to her face and hair you know to bring that Arizonan girl out and honestly, it worked wonderfully. I put on another tracksuit this time it's dark green and I give Bella a matching one “Tan guapa” I complimented her smiling softly seeing her face turn red alright let go I say grabbing my keys “Wait you driving?” Bella asked “yea silly it’s a sports car though so prepárate,” I said stepping outside and unlocking my Dodge Charger and turning it on making the engine rev like crazy. I smiled as I headed towards the school that I recently enrolled in.
I pulled into a parking spot seeing all the different people including some of Bella’s acquaintances that she showed me a picture of. I stepped out of the car looking around seeing her pasty faced ex-boyfriend through my shades looking right at me, I smirked slightly walking over and opening the door for Bella and helping her out. I chuckled seeing her stumble due to me going 30 over the speed limit. She put her arm around my waist covering up my back tattoo i did the same as we walked through the parking lot ignoring the stares. Thankfully i was able to get all of my classes with Bella so we walked to class together.
Time Skip
It was the end of the day and me and Bella were walking outside and to my car just to find a bunch of random people standing around my car “watch this” i snickered as i pressed the automatic on button and watched as the people jumped and yelped by me turning on the car. I open the door and get in and so does Bella i peered into the mirror seeing the Cullens staring at my car “they stare a whole lot” i said raising my eyebrows. I drove out of the parking lot “ hey can you take me to this place my friend wants to hang out” Bella said “sure”.
We made it to this guy named Billy’s house and when you pulled up several shirtless dudes where sitting on the front deck. I got out and immediately smelled like there were other werewolves and i guess they could smell me too because they immediately turned in my direction. “Guys this is y/n l/n” Bella hesitantly introduced me i smiled politely at the boys “well I’m Seth that’s Quill, Embry, and Jacob” the boy said smiling sweetly “n/n wanna come with us to La Push there’s gonna be a bonfire” Bella asked “uh sure i wont stay too long though a bitch needs her sleep or we wont make it to school tomorrow” i laughed “ well I’m gonna go home i need a shower” i sighed pressing the automatic button on my car key turning up the car making the engine rev. I walked to my car “you stayin’ right?” I looked at Bella as i opened the door, she nodded a few times and i got in my car and sped off.
Bella’s POV
I watched as my friend sped away in her car “soo where’s she from? I know she wasn’t born here” Quil asked “Yeah she’s from LA” I responded as I sat down next to Jacob “What’s LA?” Jacob asked with a raised eyebrow “LA stands for Los Angeles it's in California” I said leaning back and pulling out my phone to text y/n the time she can come back and where. Jacob leaned his head to the side to see what I was doing “So this y/n girl…is she single?” Quil asked as he leaned back in his chair licking his lips “Surprisingly yes” I said “Honestly I don’t even know how or why she’s single I guess the boys in California didn’t catch her attention” I shrugged.
“Are you all ready? And do we have everything we need?” Jacob called out as he finished loading the supplies into his truck “Yeah we’re ready” I called out getting into the passenger seat and the other boys got into the back seat. I dialed y/n’s number and waited for her to answer” Hello?” She answered, “Hey we’re on our way to La Push where are you now?” “Umm I’m at a shopping center right now getting Auntie Annie’s” she answered “Oooh get me a pretzel please,” I asked “ está bien I’m about to leave now no estoy muy lejos” “Okay bye” “Peace”. I hung up the phone “Was she speaking Spanish?” Seth asked “yea it’s her first language” I said looking out the window as the trees turned into cliffs and this cliff turned into the beach. It was slightly crowded but I wasn’t bothered by that. The bonfire was set up and I was waiting patiently for y/n to come with my delicious pretzel.
Y/n’s POV
I pulled into the parking lot and looked around before I got out holding Bella’s pretzel and a lemonade in my other hand I walked towards the bonfire which was actual a long distance away so I started sipping on my frosted lemonade. The soft light of the fire grew larger as I neared I scanned for a spot to sit at and slightly tensed up seeing that the only spot open was by that Jacob guy. No I don’t hate him or anything he’s actually very attractive in fact he looks like he was sculpted by a god or something. And ohh don’t get me started on his eyes and the way his brows furrow- that’s enough rambling for one day I thought to myself. I saw Bella get up happily scurrying towards me grabbing the pretzel and taking a bite happily. “Oh um there aren’t anymore seats by me so I guess you’ll have to sit with Jay” Bella said looking around “oh okay” I said sitting down on the bench by the young boy.
Time Skip
Everyone was laughing and enjoying their time Jacob and I grew silent but I could feel his eyes on me. Bella and the 3 other boys were talking and laughing but I kind of just zoned them out by playing a random game on my phone. “So y/n how’s the weather there in California?” Jacob asked as he sat up straight “extremely hot I can say that” I laughed breathlessly “so do you like it over here more?” I grew silent for a moment looking back at Bella and the others joking around “I guess you could say that though I do miss my family” I smiled softly looking back at Jacob. I could see a slight hint of red in his cheeks but I dared not to say anything about it. “Alright y/n I’m ready to go” Bella said getting up “okay” I said getting up “it was nice meeting you all” I said softly walking over to Bella and turning around. “Yeah it was nice meeting you” Seth said as the others nodded in agreement I softly smiled and turned around to see Bella already walking off I smacked my lips jogging after her.
We had finally made it to my car and we got in and I drove away “soo Jacob huh~ think he’s cute?” Bella asked teasingly and laughed when I blushed “I think he’s really into you y/n~” she laughed “I should set you two up” I laughed nervously “I mean I wouldn’t be complaining he is cute” I said as I pulled into the driveway and got out the car. “Oh by the way me and Edward are okay now I guess but I don’t know if we’re back together yet, also prom is Friday night and I think you should come” Bella said as we walked into the house “okay but I don’t trust that pasty-face bastard, and yea we can go to prom can you come dress shopping with me?” I asked “sure”.
“Alright goodnight Bells” I yawned as I walked to my room, I laid down and called my mom as it was only 8:00 where she was “hi momma” I spoke sweetly “hi my sweet baby how is mare you doing?” My mother cooed “ah I’m alright schools pretty nice here and I love the weather” I gushed “that’s good sweetie now have you met anyone? Any boys?” My mother asked slyly. I chuckled nervously “there’s this one boy but when I first met him I got a whiff of that wet dog smell so I think he’s one of us including his friends or should I say pack” I whispered “another pack? Well I’m not surprised. You haven’t come across any of those cold ones have you?” She asked “unfortunately yes, I have and I think Bella has a relation shit with one of them” I sighed “god well if you need any help let out a howl and your siblings will be there in a bling of an eye” “I will momma, I’m going to go to sleep now okay?” “Alright love call me if you need anything alright? Bye now” I hung up the phone and placed it on my nightstand and rolled over to look at the ceiling. I waited for a few minutes just in case then I softly closed my eyes.
I was woken up by my 5:00 alarm and got up with a groan. I quickly got ready and headed downstairs just to see Bella introducing her so called “boyfriend” to Charlie “good morning Charlie!” I say walking up to the chief giving him a big hug somehow he was still taller than me “mornin’” he huffed “y/n this is Edward” Bella said “hi.uh nice to meet you” I said looking him up and down questionably. “It’s nice to meet you too I’m about to take Bella to play baseball ball with my family would you like to join?” The pale-faced man smiled “I’ll go if Bells wants me to” I stated as I turned to the girl raising my eyebrow. “Yeah you should come but take your car so I can have a ride home,” Bella said smiling “Okay. “
“Y/n, I trust that you’ll keep Bella safe and not let any harm come to her correct?” Charlie asked sternly but I could see right through him “She won’t get into any type of danger as long as I’m breathing” I said with a glint in my eyes. “She’s safe with me,” I said holding up my hands and retracted my claws smiling. Charlie nodded and walked off to get ready for work Bella and her boyfriend were already outside I sipped on some water and pressed the button to turn on my car “I’ll follow you guys or you could just tell me the location so I can speed how I’d like to” I said looking at Edward “I think it’d be best if you followed since I don’t know where we’re going” “erm okay I guess” I shrugged walking to my car.
The car ride there was pretty long but I understand what Edward meant by him not even knowing where we were going himself because there were three other cars in front of him at last we finally made it to the destination three women got out of one car and three men came out of theirs I opened my door and got out and walked next to Bella and rested my elbow on her shoulder. “Y/n this is Alice, Rosalie, and Esme” “Hi y/n I’ve seen you in the halls but I was too nervous to come up to you,” Alice said chuckling nervously “I know right? When I first met her she looked like she wanted to fight me but she’s a sweetheart really” Bella smiled “Looks like it” Rosalie said eyeing me up and down. I heard a twig snap and immediately turned my head to see who it was kind of surprising the three women.
After I was introduced to everyone the game had finally begun and I could tell that they were very serious about the game. I stood at one of the bases and looked to my side seeing Bella at another one then all of a sudden she caught the ball and threw it at me and I could see in the corner of my eye Rosalie running towards me using her super speed I caught the ball just before she could slide to the base “you're out.” I said looking down at her. She stood up immediately and let out a growl as if she were trying to scare me I raised my eyebrow tilted my head and watched her stomp away.
“Stop!” Alice yelled everyone walked to her “Someone’s coming”
Yall i was so excited writing this yall do not knowww anywho not rlly proof read i just used Grammarly to correct sum stuff so if it sounds weird it’s that😓🙏
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quinloki · 11 months ago
that sabo shy reader thing... quin you're making my brain do cartwheels istg
like the GIFT THING???
like christmas time and he wraps both a normal gift and some really really barely there lacey gift together and you just open the box like oh? oh.... and he wrapped the normal gift up together just so when someone asks what you got you could hold THAT up, but marco sees the look on your face and leans over before you hold your gift up and now he has to sit there and act normal too. sabo told him about the piece but forgot to mention it'd be gifted while everyone was sitting around unwrapping >>
and sabo is just over there with that look on his face, maybe a little note in there about how he can't wait to watch you in it later >>
also the mirror thing really plays into the 'sabo likes to watch' thing and my brain thought of you and sabo in the mirror and marco watching from behind and now i have to go to work with that thought thank you very much
Oh gods having them in the same box/bag so you have an out. He's being a brat, but he's not being an ASS - I love it.
And "watch" you in it later. hnnnghf
Marco too! The man is the MASTER of neutral resting face, but woof those brows twitch a little.
The idea that the bedroom has a "secret" room in it, behind the big vanity and the massive mirror it's set up in front of, that's across from the foot of the bed. The mirror's a two-way deal, and there's some furniture in there for fun uses too.
Mostly though Sabo will go in there and watch while Marco gets you "warmed up" for the evening.
The idea that Marco would truss up Sabo and cover his eyes, leaving him in that secret room on something that would vibrate and torment him, and all he can do is HEAR what Marco's doing to you in the other room. Gods he'd be half-feral by the time Marco took the mask off him.
Might be Sabo who goes full dom, grabbing Marco and commanding the both of you until he gets what he needs.
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astroboots · 2 years ago
Hey miss boots I have another horny thot :)
Do you agree that Steven would see the reader in one of those grandma-core nightgowns (usually light colors with floral prints made of cotton if you’re unfamiliar, I don’t know if it’s just a USA southern thing or not) and just go right off his rocker with how inexplicably sexy he finds it? (Maybe this is entirely a self-indulgent thought but) they’re airy and loose and comfy and not intended to be anything remotely close to lingerie but I’ve been wearing one this summer bc it’s been so unearthly hot and I can’t help but imagine him ogling the barest suggestions of curves under the fabric, a hip here, an asscheek there, a bit of cleavage if you bend over just right, and it driving him absolutely nuts. ‘Leaving things to the imagination’, I guess. And if he indulges his curiosity? Tugging you into his lap and smoothing his hands over your thighs and cupping your ass and finding out you’ve gone without underwear for ‘air flow’ (bc let’s be honest we’ve got to let the girl breathe occasionally right)? What I wouldn’t give to see the look on his face and how fast he’d snake his fingers under the hem to pull it up and satisfy his curiosity as well as indulge it👀🫠
Sorry if this is a bit odd if an odd thot, like I said it’s self indulgent lol, but I thought maybe you’d enjoy it too :)
woof woof woof woof. Yes absolutely. ANYTHING CURVE. the man will lose his whole ass man! (he's just a little slut at heart mmkay). If you were dressed in head to toe with heavy fabric and your ankle slipped out he's the type that would get a heart attack and blush furiously at the sight of it!
Boy has a lively imagination, and he still holds memories of what you look like without any clothing. Sliver of skin is all it takes, and a nightgown that when you bend over the bed to grab your book hugs just so snugly over the curve of your breast when before it didn't? That is absolutely enough to set him off.
I loved this, not weird at all hon! I love indulgent thoughts, come at me!
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teethpaste · 1 month ago
mmm I think it may be time to dry out again. My bf met my mom/sister/sisters bf last night but the whole time I felt so off. I just kept thinking about how much I missed my dad. It didn’t really hit me till right before I was about to leave and then the reality set in that oh, this time “meeting the parents” only means meeting one. I can’t believe it’s coming up on 2 years since he died. The time around it doesn’t feel real. He died 10~ days after getting into the hospital. It all happened so suddenly. There was no lead up. I still think about that. How the doctor told me it was okay to leave and go home (4 hour drive) and then the next morning he died. Anyways. I haven’t had a scenario yet where I’ve had to face it head on in that way, it just made it so real that my dad isn’t here. He won’t be again. There are a million moments in the future that are going to feel bad like this and there’s nothing I can do to change that.
I ordered straight up scotch and my mom looked at me like ? Following the dinner I stood in the bathroom for no less than 8 minutes just staring at myself in the mirror being like DONT CRY. Our friends were going to our neighborhood bar so I decided to rally.
What followed was the consumption of 14 shots in total and 3 beers. I just kept drinking to make myself not sad. And that’s so fucking dumb. That’s not how that works. And I KNOW that’s not how it works. But I did it anyway. Then I said some embarassing cringe stuff to his friends which I regret but oh well. I’m worried one of his roomates hates me. But what else am I supposed to say outside of “woof there are so many people I don’t want to see here” and his roommate looks at me like I’m a dick. But what do you say when from one booth you can see your ex’s work wife, her younger brother that tried to slide into your DMs last month, a man you had a one night stand with, a man you dated briefly for 2 months , and a girl who you had a huge falling out with in college !
We had a bunch of people back to my apartment and I stepped outside to smoke a cigon my stoop. My neighbor, who I have yet to meet since moving in a few months back, threw open the front door and yelled at me for smoking, saying his living room smelled like cigarettes and I needed to get off the stairs. So I did move. But now I feel bad. My first instinct this morning was do I write a note? Leave a treat? I wouldn’t eat a treat from a stranger? Oh well
After everyone left I couldnt stop the bad feelings and I just started sobbing and my bf was like ?? Omg? He hasn’t seen me sad in the ~5 months we’ve dated, bc I usually do this in private, on my own terms, but he was surprisingly wildly comforting.
But he left for work at 8 am and I’m still saying in bed awake, dreading my friends birthday brunch. My head is throbbing - but not from the alcohol, from crying until 4 am. And that’s why I know I need a break bc my tolerance is way up and I should be feeling much worse.
Also love having anxiety that now I showed him too much of me and he’ll want to leave. Probably not. But that’s how it usually goes
It’s weird dating someone who is so normal and well adjusted. There isn’t the toxicity .. or mental health highs and lows I’m used to. I’m used to having a partner who is more fucked io than me. Or depressed . Or an addict. Where my behavior doesn’t compare. But now I feel like the fucked up one and I don’t like it. He deserves someone literally so nice and normal.
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crawsley · 11 months ago
ok first of all love u love ur work u r like a modern day michaelangelo to me but of fics not scultptures if u know what i mean. seconly i have become unbearably fond of carlos sainz lately(kicked puppy who got fired and then his appendix said im moving out) and i wanted to see if u had any thoughts about him bc i think ur blorbofication of him would b extremley entertaing. love u have the best day ever!
Okay I’ll admit. Most of the thoughts I’ve had about Carlos Sainz jr revolve around him looking like That and coming from a family like That. And what if he were kind of a jerk about it? There’s a subplot in peachbellini’s incredible girl lando fic involving him being a misogynist asshole and I’ve reread that little section of the fic probably 4x since the initial read lol. I’m mostly uninterested in treating pro athletes like poor little meow meows. I want to torture and torment them not tuck them into bed generally.
So re Carlos recent ups (driving well! Won AUS!) and downs (no seat yet next year, appendix exploded), I feel strongly like he would be quietly losing his mind behind a veneer of masculine confidence. He has to act confident, that’s how powerful men act. Never mind that he feels like his life is unravelling in front of him. Mostly this has to do w the fact that I think girl Charles just broke up w him in this verse and is visibly much happier for it? And he’s trying to pretend it doesn’t bother him seeing her laughing and not devoting more thought to him than she would any other teammate.
It’s not like he was in love with her (debatable), but even before they dated he always had her attention, right when he walked in a room. She was always happy to bring him a water or a towel or (whatever), and he liked that for misogyny reasons. Didn’t think much about it bc that’s his due as a man in racing, but he’s sure noticing it now Charles isn’t going out of her way for him anymore. And he hates it!! Makes him feel like less of a man not being able to boss her around. He’s also having to confront the fact that even as a female driver she is more important to the team than he is! I feel like previously he wrote it off and wrote it off until he found out on social media that Lewis was getting his seat in 2025. Woof.
All this to say : he is a bubbling pot of something with the lid barely containing it all. And then he wins AUS! And I think in some way he expected Charles to treat him like she did the last time he won (BJ, attention on him all night), but she completely doesn’t lol. Is excited for him but is just as excited for lando. And laughs at him when he offhandedly, casually, mentions what she did for him last time. Doesn’t even treat it like a serious question, completely blows him off in a callous and borderline cruel way that comes out of left field for him, bc he’s never seen her direct that kind of attitude towards him. Like he occupies such a small portion of her mind that she treats him like any other annoying peon.
Ofc this ends w him mentioning this to another male racer expecting sympathy and getting the same kind of incredulous reaction. Another blow to his pride. And honestly I’d love it if he were saying that to/around Oscar , bc he feels like the perfect candidate to offer “hey if you still want that bj, mate…” ! Mean spirited offer, and Carlos is still in mega internalized homophobia mode. But also 👀 he’s horny, he’s mad, he’s frustrated, and he doesn’t really like Oscar. He could probably treat him however he wanted and Oscar wouldn’t sell it to any tabloids either. Tempting…
And Oscar does blow him! He just also makes him tear up fingering Carlos’ hole at the same time and then come so hard he almost falls over.
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pomodoriyum · 10 months ago
i love that its billy who gives hickey the idea for the mutiny. and i love that hickey seems— if not apprehensive— perhaps cautious? about the idea
also. collins. aww horrible from supper you poor little guy
those rations look fuckign disgusting, jesus christ
hickeys eyes. big and wet like bug
silna staring at him :0
ooooof morfinn having. bad time /(
tozers lil ‘oh christ’ where he drops his lighthearted “im talking to the men” <3 voice
kwwping that secret is gonna backfire. woof
its quiet but james fitzjames is Doing Badly
tozer im so sorry why would you try to get hickey armed. did you thibk that wouldnt be suspicious as hell???????
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aw, goodsir. him crying is sooo. mmm. panic attack :,(
also that bed is fucking filthy jfc
jopsons “oh thank you very much sir 😒” WAS SO FUNNY
promotion~ ! (not sure if jopson is actually happy abt this????)
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^ he says ‘is that really what you think of me’ (george is RIGHT tho is the thing)
also georges lil ‘god blind me’ woof :3c
its so so clear that tozer is. gently threateninf hodg here. and hodge is Not Interested In This At All
i love how hickey is on the outside of the hunting party. hes not With Them. in the way that matters?
also parallels how hes pretty clearly not putting it in while hauling, and also has a reputation for not doing things that hes been asked to (‘layabout’ fits him really well)
hickey The Killerrrrrrr (nah tho its so fucked up. he only does this bc hes racist in the extreme!!!!! and like. hes very bitter about francis’s idea potentially working b/c itll take the legs out from under his little mutiny— and the numbers *still* wont work!) *slams his head into the ground*
irving. thank you for being the only normal person here about the inuit
also im sorry but that murder scene audio is so funny to me. help. the tonal switch is too abrupt
hickey. also. looks kind of confused for a second after hes finished killing irvin?? like???????
SCREAM flashback. i love how he fucking throws his bag down the ladder. what an ass. like what if that hit anyone????
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face of someone who is realizing that their whole ‘catch a trip to oahu’ idea is going to be more complicated than they thought
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dreastmilk · 1 year ago
mwomwomwoowmwomwmwomwm hi :3 what makes me an old man bc just bc i go eep early doesnt mean im 2397856329875632745 years old -_- ily and miss u
you're old because you go to bed at a responsible time :/
hello hi hi ily and I miss you too my woof woof
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hyunsvngs · 1 year ago
wants to do it themselves:
lix: wants to do it himself!! and wants you to watch!! he’d LOVE THATTT! maybe on the bini pillow in a pretty little skirt.. sit on the bed and watch him, calling him a pretty little princess or maybe even a pretty slut.. he’ll whine so pretty for you and cry when he cums all over the pillow. spit on it and make him keep going because lixie looooves the overstimulation
jisung: he wants you to do it too, both of you grinding desperately on pillows and making out with eachother doing so. he’s frantic with his movements, whining and tweaking his own nipples while you tell him how filthy you look as if you’re not gushing and creaming all over the pillow yourself. grab him by the hair and make him lick both pillows clean afterwards and he might just cum again for you<3
wants to watch you do it:
chan: oh this would fuel his corruption kink. beg for him while he’s working and he’ll send you onto your knees next to him, bucking your hips onto that spotify pillow from the studio… keep begging and whining for him and he might let you cum. he’ll act disinterested all the way through but chan just cant help himself! he’ll probably pull you onto his lap halfway through and whine while you sink onto his cock
minho: definitely wants to watch you hump a stuffie with your little kitty ears on. put a tail plug in and he’s gone. he’ll sit on the edge of the bed and jerk his cock over and over, maybe even record you to send it to the other boys.. he wants to cum before you do so that he can cum on the pillow, giving his kitty some milk and making sure you keep grinding on it to give your swollen little clit some reprieve
jeongin: this is straight from his dirty fucking dreams. he wants you to hump it completely naked, tits bouncing so he can gawk at them. maybe he’ll fuck your ass open while you grind your cute little pussy on your pillow, or even your favourite stuffie so he can degrade you while you do it.. “really? so desperate for my cock in your pussy that you’ll hump the fucking thing you sleep with? no, jagi. i’m fucking this hole.”
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aversiteespabilas · 7 months ago
I've been summoned yet again!!
I LOVELOVELOVE all the illustrations you've been doing for SL and ROTMR and I've returned to yell at you about it 💗💗
first i wanna talk about the illustration you made for the first chapter of SL. I wanna be not normal about framing real quick, because it struck me as a very specific artistic choice. Our perspective as the audience is placed outside the main setting. Literally. we're peeking through bushes.
we are Not a part of the scene currently unfolding. You could have very easily framed the scene to feel more like Yusuke's pov, but you chose not to. In the written version we're very much reading from Yusuke's perspective, but the audience is never Truly seeing through his eyes, it's not a i/me situation. The audience sort of looks over his shoulder. which, in the illustrated version of the scene, is exactly the position the audience is placed in!
I like that Testuya's gaze isn't on *us, this is a moment between them and them alone. It feels intimate. We're outsiders looking in on a story we have no place in. but ur so gawd darn good at this shit that it doesn't change the power and connection i feel as a viewer. Anyways, all that's to say, I think the connection you made between the two mediums was really neat and very well done. Infinite kudos!! 
NEXT!! the most recent one you did
i mean. WOW. what a way to visualize tension!! I love how the rabbits are framed by the broken glass, it looks like they're trapped. they're walking on glass but scratch that bc the glass is already broken and unless they wanna cut up their toe beans they have to be veryyy careful. 
Also, i love the silly little background yokai they're all so rise coded i love them sosososo much! The little wormy dude? he's literally the love of my life, i'm obsessed with him 
on the topic of background stuff, ny is TRASHED. (referring to the illustration you posted for ROTMR chap. 2) 
I knew there was a ton of rubble and destruction but i don't think i really digested the implications of it all. the purple veins choking metal and concrete? the strong buildings trusted by new yorkers to shelter and protect reduced to unrecognizable rubble?? It evokes such a feeling of horror…and considering possible real world events that may or may not be canon in ROTMR, it hits Really close to home. the whole ordeal is just such a terrible trauma.
on a lighter note, the puppies are adorable as ever! I enjoyed them so much on your cover art for the fic and it's such a treat to see the puppers closer up. I actually love this scene, it's so goofy! poor yuki is concerned for todd's safety on SO many levels 😭😭
Also, i have to bring it up every time, I love the paw shapes 🥺
i love all your shapes but im a BIG fan of the rabbit shapes. They're so rabbity i'm obsessed!!!!!! the ears and the paws get me every time 🥺🙏
and i never mentioned your drawings from a while back, i yelled at Rhin about it at the time but they Just reblogged ur tetsutoshi thingy and i got blown away all over again AWWOOOGA HUF HUF WOOF WOOF WOOF!!!! im never gonna get over it!! All your little spicys are great 😭😭🙏 
I dont think any of us are getting past the furry porn allegations. 💀
And while i'm on the subject of spicy tetsutoshi, the new chapter of H&H was BEYOND phenomenal!! It was SO worth the wait, you put your whole soul into that thing 😭🙏 
I honestly haven't fully collected my thoughts on it, there's so much to digest and think about. I might invade ur ao3 inbox sometime soon but i just wanna let u know that i at least read it
anyways, back into the abyss i go, I'm fully submerged in the sand box, you guys buried me under the sand and placed a makeshift flag on the mountain of sand covering my body. lots of hugs and kisses, until next time!!
- 😎
The way I just JUMPED from my bed this morning when I saw I had an ask from you HIIIII OMG
My Illustration Era is afoot buddy! Listen, I have a to-draw list that lately just keeps getting full of composition and background ideas for specific scenes and what am I supposed to do about it? NOT deliver??
It's just. I feel like I found it, I found a winning formula for creating immersive ambience that involves having at least three layers of objects (foreground, background, and the characters), and it's funny how by adding that bit of distance from the characters, that "obstacle", suddenly the audience acknowledges they're there, like there's a camera they could move in the space. Plus the blur effect, it creates some DELIGHTFUL pictures, and I've been exploring the potential of that method in as many creative ways as I can find with these scenes! Might not be long until I try to tackle landscapes... Myself from a year ago would be so proud...
For SL Chapter 1 my original idea was actually very different. I was thinking of putting the camera well above both of them, inspired by that line that says their ancestors and Grandfather Jotaro are watching them from the wooden beams. In the end I decided against it cause it was a weird angle to find reference for, cause they'd look a bit awkward from above and mostly cause I realized I was particularly interested in showing Tetsuya's face, since in SL this is the lasting impression of Tetsuya that's going to linger throughout the entire fic, and I wanted the viewer to have a clear look at the person we're talking about. The resulting composition was not as "confrontational" as I had originally intended, it actually feels more intimate and warm, although I did make use of sharp light and shadows to create more tension. I feel like it does work in service to the fic as a whole, though 😌 And Rhin also mentioned that "outside looking in" vibe! It plays within the character-centric, present tense third person that Rhin's narration uses, although of course I'm not planning for all the illustrations to be from over Yusuke's shoulder. I'm kind of approaching it like I would movie scenes! This is Yusuke's movie and we'll need to see his face too from time to time adgsffs
Like with the Chapter 5 art! I really really wanted to have a clear view of all three characters, so I was thinking of an interesting and dynamic way to see all of them confronting the oni. Then I got the idea of the broken glass! I was very excited to see what it would look like framed with that transparency. I also had a lot of fun with the little marketplace yokai, finally those weird critter doodles I made on the corners of high school notes can come in handy- Admittedly, it's not exactly the big crowd I was envisioning? But it gets the point across that they're not the only people there.
Regarding ROTMR Chapter 2, oh boy I feel you. With this one I wanted to achieve a sort of contrast between the destruction and the cute comedic puppy rescue moment, which would reflect the duality of that scene and, in a way, the fic itself. I wanted the environment to accurately represent how messed up everything is, cause it really does hit different when you're seeing it in a picture. I actually took reference from the Rise movie, and how New York actually looked during the krang invasion, and was kind of surprised at how much utter destruction is depicted, including the pink/purple goo EVERYWHERE. In contrast with the bleak nighttime setting of the movie, though, this scene is set in broad daylight, so you can see the goo and the buildings and the dusty environment very clearly, but there's also an intended air of calm and you can see a bit of construction going on in the background. The danger has passed, and they're going through the recovery stage now. I'm actually very proud of the puppy designs, they're such cute little goobers, and especially had a lot of fun with the curly haired one- Just a mop hopping across krang rubble don't worry about it.
COME BE SO INCREDIBLY NORMAL ABOUT RABBIT PAWS WITH MEEEE every single time I draw them I imbue in them all the insanity I feel from not being able to touch them. Fantasy is a cruel, cruel mistress my friend.
I'M SO SO HAPPY WITH THAT SPICY TETSUTOSHI, I was taking pose reference from a photograph but dang, I didn't imagine it turning out SO pretty and on-model, I couldn't even decide on which palette to use with it, which is why I just posted two versions. Fun fact, the ref actually didn't have clothing, but I decided to add clothes after the fact cause get this: ruffled clothing actually makes the whole thing so much more sensual. Just trust me on this, it suddenly made everything x10 times better. Listen, the posing gets you in the moment, but the clothing is the story. It tells you where those hands have been before and what they've done. Same with the places where fur is ruffled. This is one of the reasons I don't often draw the strands of fur on my rabbits (even though I love doing it), cause I want them to be purposeful when I do draw them, to really convey that idea of untidyness. AND SO I CONTINUE ON MY QUEST TO DRAW STUFF I WISH TO TOUCH- ahem ahem
Gosh I'm so completely OVERJOYED that you're liking H&H, that one's a bit of a drama fest compared to ROTMR but it's truly a labor of love, I put all the care I possibly can in crafting every chapter. I'm aware my chapters are very chonky and intense, they're full stories more than they are individual scenes; I think that's a style that suits me well, but I also know it's a bit of a daunting task to discuss them in length. Just knowing that you're sticking with us in our madness makes me so warm and fuzzy inside 💕💕💕💕 I treasure every comment and I love you FOREVER!! Pop in anytime so I can infodump at you some more! 🥰
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momoffdrugs · 1 year ago
11/21/2023. 3:03 AM
lord, there is nothing better than a toe curling, mouth gaping, legs shaking orgasm from your own work and going to lay back down. amen.
i know it’s been a couple days and i’m sorry, i was busy over the weekend and was going to bed early. today is a different day.
i was waitlisted by the school i applied for. i was honestly really bummed. but i guess i will wait an try to apply for the day courses in april?
i went on two dates with this guy, max, i served him on an off day i was covering for someone else. and we met up for drinks two days later. then i invited him out two days later. but he showed up to the club in SWEATS. it pissed me off so bad i was triggered lmfao. like come on now. but we didn’t vibe as well the second time so whatever. it was nice and all i guess that really just turned me off of him. plus his breath stank soooo bad like wtf. he told me that when i offered him gum on our first date that that was the first time he chewed gum in like 11 years… bro i know, i can tell 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 devastating.
but! i hit up my boo in the northern state to tell him i would be back next month and he was like yeeeeszsz girl i can’t wait to cum on your pretty face and asked to fuck me raw like yesssss you can 😍🤭😍😍 he’s SO fucking fine. like hottest guy i’ve ever fucked. my type down to a teeeeeee. plus he’s a nurse at a hospital in the er. like baeeeee i love uuuu. not really but it’s good enough for me on the lowwww. he’s so sexy and got a big dick like yes bitch woof.
and also can i just say i am SOOO glad porn staches are in bc they’ve always been hot to me but NOBODY EVER SAW THE VISION!!!
i got a full body massage today, and it was sooo relaxing. my back is killllling me tho. but i’m back to drinking mostly water!! i’m going back!!! plussss, i am going to get a ymca membership for pookie and i and we gonna do this working out!!
i’m gonna ask boo up north for tips fr. no shame in my game!!!
i want to have a good consistent diet and work out. i want to love how my body looks for once in my life in a healthy way. not in a heroin chic way. although she was cute, she was unsustainable.
hmmm what else. just got new clothes. hope they cute. they are but i haven’t tried them on yet. what elseeeee.
not much else, just going to ALSO try and save money. bought a book specifically to save money.
i have to pee so i guess that’s all for now 💋
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