#and then another vampire uncle who randomly pops by
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I love spuffy and I am spinning them around in my brain like a microwave with half-thought out fic ideas that probably wouldn’t make sense (but I wanna try to write them and have fun but also what if they suck)
But also I love Angel so much I would literally shove him in there like. My princess. My darling. My sad little dog. Welcome back to the plot bbg ur gonna have to play nice with everybody else you can do it I believe in you 💜
#playing with them like dolls#angel btvs#spuffy#btvs#I just want fluff and friendship ik it’s cringe but still#dawn gets her lesbian moms and her vampire dad#and then another vampire uncle who randomly pops by
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I’m gonna be there: Chapter 14
Aka Jazz cover of Deja Vue plays in the background
“Thanks for dropping me, man!” Joey told his brother in law as he left the car, his store right in front.
“You’re welcome.” Sadao answered, Joriko getting out of the car only to come back to sit at the front. “You’re sure you’re gonna be fine finding your way through the subway by yourself? I know they’re pretty different than what you people have in the states...”
“Yeah, don’t worry about it!” Joey reassured him. “The worst that’ll happen is me calling you to pick me up.”
“That’s exactly what I’m scared of. Take care.” Sadao said as he rolled the window back up, ignoring Joey’s protests as he drove away. He turned toward his niece. “So, how’s school? Are you doing well?”
“I’m having some difficulties with science.” The younger girl admitted, her uncle making a disbelieved noise.
“Really? But I thought you wanted to go into astronomy later?”
“I know, but- there’s just so much!” Joriko complained, throwing her hands in the air. “I don’t know where to focus...”
“If you need help, you should probably ask your teacher. Or Holly and I could get you a tutor.” Sadao started, letting his niece moan in despair before continuing. “There’s nothing shameful in asking for help. If someone tries to make you feel bad for admitting you need help, you have my permission to kick them in the balls. And the rest?”
“You really mean that?”
“Of course, I don’t joke about kicking people’s balls. Now, what about the rest of your classes? If you’re doing bad in sciences even though you like them, I can’t imagine how you’re doing in math.”
“I’m actually doing great, it’s just- so boring!” Joriko complained. “And useless, too! In what everyday situation would I need algebra!?”
“Joriko, sciences and mathematics are more closely related than you’d think.” Sadao told his niece in a deadpan tone. “And you haven’t told me how you’re doing in the rest of your classes.”
“I’m doing okay. They’re boring, but I’m doing okay.”
“Jesus christ, you become more like Jotaro each day. In a few years, you’ll probably cripple the local gang activity before randomly locking yourself in prison because you think you punched someone too hard.”
There was a pause, and then Sadao and Joriko burst into laughter, the mood light. He could almost forget what Holly had told him, that his younger niece had been Stand users the entire time without him knowing, and it meant that his brother probably had been too.
Almost. He tried not to think about it.
The moment was broken as they heard a car horn from behind. Sadao looked in the rear-view mirror, frowning at the beat up car behind them. He let them pass, only for the car to suddenly slow down in front of them, the gas coming from it nearly blinding his view. “Piece of shit car driver...” He muttered under his breath, honking the horn two times.
“Why did you let him pass?” Joriko asked, turning toward her uncle as said uncle grit his teeth.
“How was I supposed to know he was going to slow down right in front of us?” Sadao countered, Joriko humming in understanding as her uncle rolled down the window, sticking his head out and screaming at the driver to hurry up already. He came back inside when the driver made a sign to let them pass, grumbling about how they should have stayed behind.
“Looks like they remembered how shitty their car was!” Exclaimed Joriko, laughing to herself as Sadao made a mention of language.
Suddenly, Sadao saw something out of the corner of his eye, and after some quick, last minute maneuvering, successfully avoiding another, out-of-control car, which crashed into a lamp pole. The shorter man stayed frozen for a moment, before the driver of the other car came out, yelling obscenities at him.
As Sadao’s bafflement switched to rage, storming out of his car to snap right back at the other driver, Joriko stayed in her seat, processing what had happened. The timing with the other driver had been just too neat for it to be a simple accident. And where did that shitty car from earlier go!?
Was... was that guy after her family too?
“AND STAY OFF THE ROADS IF YOU’RE GONNA BE DRIVING LIKE AN ASS, CHINCHIN!” Sadao finished as he came back in the car, the driver that had almost crashed into them just standing there and looking like an idiot as the short man drove away. “Sheesh, I know I’m not the most well-placed to call other drivers assholes, but this is bullshit- Joriko, you okay?”
“Do you think that the driver from earlier might be after us too?” Sadao’s eyebrows shot up to his forehead, but he simply turned his eyes back to the road, rifling in one of his pockets.
“Don’t worry. If anyone’s after us, they’re gonna show up at the house, and your aunt will take care of them. They won’t go after us in a random street of Tokyo.” He reassured, getting out of a pack of gum out of his coat. “You want it? It’s Meiji Watta.”
“Cola or grape flavored?”
“Cola.” Joriko nodded, taking the gum from her uncle and popping the sweet in her mouth.
As the cotton-candy texture shifted into something more akin to actual gum, she started talking again. “Why are people after us anyway?” Joriko asked her uncle. “I mean, did dad do something to them?”
“Oh no, your dad didn’t do anything.” Sadao reassured her. “It’s business on Holly’s side of the family. I didn’t understand everything, but there’s some guy named Dio who’s a vampire with a grudge against her ancestors, we think he might be possessing the corpse of her great-grandfather, and he’s sending people to try and kill us.”
“... okay. That explains why Joey-san is here. But why where we also attacked?”
“People are idiots.” Sadao shrugged. He then thought for a moment, before adding. “Then again, out of Holly, Jotaro and I, I’m the only one who is a 100% down to murder, and I did, so they might have a point in thinking we’re dangerous.”
“Sheesh. It’s still not a reason to go after me and my sister.” Joriko answered, before looking in the rearview mirror. She gasped. “The shitty car from earlier is back!”
“Open your window and flip him off.” Sadao told her, smiling to himself when his niece did just that, giggling the entire time.
“I like going in a car with you.” Joriko told her uncle as she rolled the window back up. “It’s fun!”
“Yeah, no one in the family is going to be agreeing with you on this one.” Sadao said in a deadpan tone even if he was smiling. “Apparently, me “getting my license at gunpoint” means I’m a “danger to the public safety”.” He explained, doing air quotes as Joriko’s eyes widened like saucers.
“You got your license HOW!?”
“Do not yell in the car, Joriko.” Sadao snapped at his niece, who pouted. He took a deep breath. “Sorry for that. And I promise you the story isn’t as bad as it sounds. You see-” The car behind them honked, pulling a groan from both of them. “Hold on-” The older man rolled his window down, and stuck his head outside. “FUCK OFF!”
He groaned as he came back inside, rolling the window back up. Joriko blinked. “Can we put on some music?”
Sadao nodded. “Of course!” Joriko turned on the radio, the beat of a popular pop song filling the car almost immediately as she started singing along to it, her uncle tapping his fingers on the steering wheel along with rhythm.
As they turned a corner to a less populated street, the radio suddenly started fizzing out. Sadao frowned in confusion, before a voice filtered into the car. “You do realize you don’t stand a chance right?”
The older man groaned as his niece blinked in confusion. “Let me guess. You were sent by Dio to kill the Kujo family?” He snarked. “Because I’ve got some news for you, dipshit: vampire fucker doesn’t actually care about us. He’s after my wife and son. You know, the guys with Joestar blood in their veins?”
“... well then, lead me to them, give up your daughter, and I’ll spare your life.” The voice over the coms said, and Sadao sighed in exasperation.
“1) That’s my niece, not my daughter. 2) Over my dead. Body.” He hissed. Before he could get an answer, he turned the radio off, rolled down his window, stuck his arm out, and flipped the car behind them off.
There was then a sound not unlike gunshot sounding out, and Sadao retreated his hand inside of the car, yelping in pain. He frowned at the deep wound on the back of it, which had also ripped to shreds the bandages covering it. Joriko gasped.
“Joriko.” Sadao started calmly, rolling his window back up as he started to pick up speed. “Keep your head down, and give me my phone, please.” He calmly asked, holding his good hand out for his niece to give him his phone.
As he calmly dialed Joriko’s school, explaining to them that his niece is feeling sick and may not show up today, the teenager summoned her Stand, Saturnz Barz’s blue stardust falling into the car like freshly fallen snow, before fading away as the planet’s bobbed into the backseat. “If he wants trouble...” She started.
“We’ll give him trouble.” Sadao finished, hanging up before doing a 180 and hitting the gas pedal, the wheel’s screech only muted by the two Kujo’s matching screams for blood.
The razzed right past the car that was following them, back into the main street as Sadao started maneuvering around the other cars, setting a location on his GPS as Joriko kept an eye on the car by using the rearview mirror. “So... what are you gonna do?”
“What can you do with your powers? I need a short version.” Sadao asked his niece, who looked surprised for a moment before smiling.
“I can make things levitate, set them on fire, create small storms, stop things from moving, cut things, create harmful gases, and freeze things.” She explained, each planet bobbing when she mentioned their abilities, not that her uncle could see them.
He did, however, nod in understanding with a smile on his face. “Adaptable to any situation, then. Just like you.” Joriko gave a big smile at the compliment. “You think you can use those fancy powers of yours to slow him down? I’ve got a plan.”
His niece nodded, making the planet numbered ‘4’ phase out of the car to start a storm behind, Sadao starting to speed up and veering around the other cars in the road, ignoring every single Japanese traffic law in the process. Joriko smiled as she saw the car behind them starting to slow down. “It’s working!”
“Good! If I don’t lose my license after this, then I’ll never lose it.” Sadao noted, looking around to make sure no police officers were around. “Is he still behind us?”
“Yeah... should I find a way to destroy the car?”
“No, that’s not necessary. When I tell you, can you make one of his tire pop?”
Joriko looked at planet #6. “I can do that.”
“Good- GET DOWN!” Joriko crouched as Sadao more-or-less slid down his seat, a sound not unlike bullets being shot sounding out as the back window, upper parts of the seats and front window were destroyed by bullets. As the sound stopped, Sadao started the radio back on as he sat in his seat properly. “WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?” He yelled at it, and was answered y a sly laugh.
“Should’ve surrounded when you had the chance!~” The voice from earlier taunted, and Sadao grit his teeth.
“Once again, I’d rather die than let anyone in my family get in danger.” The musician told the radio.
More laughter streamed out. “You really think you stand a chance!? You haven’t even realized the purpose of my attack!”
It’s when the smell suddenly hit Joriko, who frowned in worry. “Ojisan... the car is covered in gasoline.” Sadao frowned in worry, and had the time to take good whiff before seeing the driver behind take a wire with sparkling electricity on it, the cable somehow extending to his car, and then the fire caught on.
“WHAT THE FU- WHEN DID HE FIND THE TIME TO- JORIKO PUT THE FIRE OUT!” Sadao screamed, taking a sudden turn to another street and speeding up even faster.
Joriko snapped out of her trance, making Saturnz Barz’s fourth and last planet start to cycle around the car. The effect was instantaneous: whatever wasn’t smothered by red particles was put out by extreme cold, her breath fogging up and what was left of the windows frosting up. “Can I pop his tire now?” Sadao nodded with gritted teeth, and she sent out Planet #6 to send a ring at the car chasing them.
The front-left tire pretty much blew up at the impact, their chaser veering off the path as Sadao turned, stopping the beat-up car in a turning toward Joriko. “Alright, so here’s the plan...”
Their chaser grumbled as he regenerated his tire. He hadn’t seen the red-ice storm to put out the gasoline fire coming, nor did he see them finding a way to pop his tire. And not just in any way either: they had used another Stand to do it, which meant he had to put in actual effort to regenerate it.
He tracked their car back to the small green area it had suddenly stopped in a few minutes ago, only to stop in surprise at the sight: the black, sleek car had crashed into a tree. “They... crashed.” He started laughing. “They crashed! And as thus!” The enemy Stand User declared, laughing madly and pointing his finger to the sky. “Sadao Kujo is dead! I win! This story draws to an end-”
Suddenly, two weights dropped onto the roof of the car, and two pair of hands took a hold of his arm. A strange orb with the number one started floating around his arm, and he suddenly felt weightless. “Oh, please!” A young feminine voice exclaimed. “My uncle’s the driving force of the story! Without him, it wouldn’t exist!”
“And trust me,” A rough, masculine voice continued. “You don’t my role to become someone to be avenged.” The pair of hands tugged, throwing him out of the safety of his car easily and revealing Sadao and Joriko Kujo standing atop of it. Both of them were missing their hats, alongside Sadao’s coat and Joriko’s chain which had stayed in the car, and multiple orbs were flying around the younger girl.
“What!? But how-”
“I crashed my car on purpose, noroma. We’ll have to replace it,” he looked at the banged up front of his black car, which looked somewhat crunched from the impact with the fence. “but I can still drive us home.” Sadao explained, jumping down from the roof of the car and helping his niece down. “And then, we hid in that tree over there. You really should have thought twice before engaging me in a car chase.”
“Yeah! Sadao-ojisan’s got his license at gunpoint!” Joriko laughed as Sadao got a knife out. “You never stood a chance!”
“W- wait,” their enemy started cowering. “You’re not going to kill me, are you? I’m just in this for the money!”
“I don’t care about your reasons.” Sadao hissed. “I killed someone for threatening to harm my son. You actively threatened my niece’s life the moment you tried to get that car to crash into us. And as far as I’m concerned, once you start hurting others, it becomes easier each time- Joriko, you alright?”
The younger girl was suddenly looking very uncomfortable. “Can we... just beat him up? I don’t- I don’t want to kill him.” She explained, tone unsure.
Sadao nodded after a moment. “Can you keep him on the ground?” Joriko nodded, her mood already picking up as the fifth planet of Saturnz Barz came to circle around their enemy, increasing his own weight until he couldn’t move anymore, the uncle-niece duo coming near him with malevolent smiles.
After kicking him forty-seven times and leaving with a warning to ‘stay the fuck away from them’ (Sadao’s words), they got back into the beat-up car, Sadao starting it as Joriko fidgeted. “So... what now? Are you gonna bring me to school?”
“Do you have science today?”
“Then I’ll let it pass this time. You want to buy some sweets on the way ba-” Sadao’s phone started ringing, and he quickly answered it. “Yes?”
“Hi Holly!~”
“... ... ...”
“I’ll be right there.” Sadao started up the car, suddenly looking more worried than he had looked the entire time they were being chased. “Joriko.”
“Yeah, what?”
“When we get home, you stay in the car until I tell you it’s safe to come out, got it?”
“Got it!?” Sadao asked again, tone more urgent, and Joriko just nodded, wondering what her aunt had told her husband to put him in that state.
She, after all, hadn’t been told about the murder of Sherry Polnareff.
#writing#My writing#sadao kujo#kujo sadao#jojo#JJBA#JoJo's Bizarre Adventure#Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken#OC#not my oc
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OC Ask Game
I was tagged by the amazing @illegalcerebral
I put a Keep Reading link because this is looong.
1) Name (and why you chose it if you like) McKinley Campbell Durand. I named her after McKinley Morganfield, better known as Muddy Waters. However, the “in universe?” reason that will be given - which I haven’t written yet - is that McKinley and Campbell are family names from a few generations back.
Campbell comes from the Gaelic words for ‘crooked’ and ‘mouth.’ I just like the name. Here’s a post (that I had to rewrite because Tumblr’s a dick and wouldn’t let me edit the typos in the original. The rewrite had typos too! Blargh!) that discusses her first and last names. I thought it would be funny for her full name to consist solely of last names.
2) Fandom and how they fit into the story Criminal Minds. She works at a D.C. museum practically around the corner from the J. Edgar Hoover building (as indicated in “Let It Bleed”). That’s a tiny hint that it’s the National Museum of African American History & Culture, but I don’t think I’ll mention it very often, if for no other reason than I’ve never been to the NMAAHC and don’t want to describe it inaccurately.
The official story is that Spencer and McKinley met at the museum (again, in “Let It Bleed,” which is probably the least favorite thing of mine that I’ve written). However, they’d met once before, and texted a few times after that. Because my brain is all over the place, and because I’m telling the story in non-chronological order, I haven’t written their first meeting yet. The only details I’ve revealed thus far are that it was nighttime in a park, McKinley caught Spencer off guard and made him fall to the ground, and whatever they talked about set Spencer straight and lifted his spirits. Also, a swingset was involved. Beyond that, I’ve inserted McKinley into the plotlines and events of the show, with necessary alterations, and there’s a ton of domestic Spencer and off-duty team stuffs.
3) Do they have any family? Biological family: daughter Sophie and son Jason; her Mom (no name yet); maternal grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins; and her estranged father (no name yet). Chosen/found family: husband Spencer; the BAU.
4) As a child, what did they want to be when they grew up? When she was a toddler, McKinley wanted to be a pediatrician (a doctor just for kids?! Cool!) or an ophthalmologist (she’s worn glasses practically her whole life). As an older child she aspired to be an entomologist or herpetologist. In her teenage years she considered a career in forensic pathology or criminal psychology. While earning her BA in English, she discovered that Public History was her true calling.
5) Their greatest dream To be a good Mom. To inspire learning in others.
6) Their worst nightmare Losing her family; having to see her father again.
7) Strengths Empathy, insight/self awareness, forgiving nature but knowing when to cut her losses
8) Weaknesses McKinley struggles with imposter syndrome.
She can be very mean. I mean, downright nasty cruel, verbally. This is rare though because, and I’m paraphrasing a future bit of dialogue here, anyone whose behavior could arguably warrant such a response is beneath her notice and not worth the effort. She’s more likely to close the door on someone. When she’s removed a person from her life, she is done. They become literally nothing to her. McKinley will rightly claim that this is about self-preservation and boundaries, but she really takes it to the next level.
9) What would they chose between: morning and night, sweet and savoury, beaches or meadows, cities or countryside, winter or summer, Christmas or Halloween (sorry, Spencer!), movies or TV shows, action or rom-com, clowns or vampires, stars or the moon (both!), cocktails or pints [Neither. McKinley doesn’t care for cocktails or beer. Scotch, brandy, rum, and dry wines are her poisons. She’s been known to add Kahlúah to vanilla ice cream, Baileys Irish Cream to coffee (she wants to try Drambuie next), or make hot toddies when she has a cold (obviously not mixing any alcohol with any medicine)]
10) How do they relax? Reading, or having Spencer read to her; knitting; listening to her records or playing her guitar; exercising with Boogie so she’s exhausted enough to sleep that night; baking and cooking
11) What makes them angry? Injustice, apathy/indifference, ableism, willful ignorance
12) What makes them afraid? The awful things she’d possibly do under duress; her family getting hurt or worse; spiders and other bugs that bite and/or sting
13) What is a moment from their childhood that has shaped who they are? It’s not a single event, but growing up with an abusive parent has certainly had a lifelong impact on McKinley. You’ve heard the expression “once bitten, twice shy?” She’s “once bitten, there’s no twice because you no longer exist.” She’s working on that. It’s also cultivated empathy, though, and is part of the reason she volunteers in the hospital’s rehab wing.
14) Do they have a sense of humour? Intellectual humor, pop culture references, puns/Dad jokes, science jokes. Sometimes morbid.
15) What do they value in their friends/loved ones? Honesty and empathy
16) Do they have any pets? An Aussie Collie/Border Aussie named Boogie-Woogie. He’s her first child.
17) Worst memory? Probably the day Meadows shot her and she thought she’d never see Spencer and Penny again.
18) Best memory? The days Sophie and Jason were born. Minus, y’know, the agonizing pain of labor and delivery.
19) Do they have any tattoos? (If no would they get one?) Nope and nope
20) If you could write them into another fandom, which one would you choose? If I knew the MCU better, I’d love to write her in as a Stark Tower employee! She’d be an anthropologist and would study alien societies the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. have encountered. She’d naturally be drawn to Loki, initially in a professional capacity (they quickly discover they relate to each other on a personal level as well).
He’d first find her annoying: “Why are you pestering me, Mortal? Surely you’d rather interview my oaf of a brother?”
“No, not even remotely. He only ever wants to discuss battles he’s won. There’s so much more to Asgard and the other realms than that. I want - I need - to learn your literature, your science, your culture and history. You’re well versed in all of these subjects and you’re an excellent teacher.”
He stares at her impassively over his mug of tea, but his heart - that Judas of an organ - flutters slightly at the compliment. And how can he say no to a fellow scholar?
“I prefer your company to Thor’s too. You have this calming presence. Thor’s sweet but he’s also obnoxiously loud and brash and he always hugs me even though I keep telling him I don’t like it. And he’s constantly swinging his hammer around, which makes me think he’s overcompensating for something.”
Loki nearly chokes on his tea. Yes, this mortal is considerably more tolerable than others.
“Very well. Friday evenings at 6:00, my chambers. Arrive late and suffer my wrath.”
From that day forward, whenever Thor tries to hug her, he gets mildly electrocuted.
Did I accidentally sorta kinda write a drabble? Would anyone be interested in making this a collab? That’s what they’re called, right? (Can you tell I’ve given this some thought? Haha! I have even more details in my head.)
21) Do they like their job? (What else would they do if they could?) She loves it! Hmmm, what else…? A librarian maybe. Or animate and produce an educational cartoon series.
22) What is their sexuality? Demisexual
23) Do they believe in love at first sight? Soulmates? One true love? McKinley believes in “seeing the potential for a good relationship at first conversation.”
Yes, although she feels that term has become overused and poorly redefined.
People can find love again after it’s been lost.
24) What music do they listen to? Has that changed over time? I actually recently answered an ask about this. Yes, she grew up on what passed for country in the ‘90s. God help her, she had a boyband phase in junior high.
25) Can they cook? What food do they love? McKinley does pretty well in the kitchen. She loves a wide variety of food. She grew up in the south, so tons of carbs/comfort foods. She loves Thai, Japanese, and Indian food. She cooks up Middle Earth-inspired dishes (ha! nerd). She’s especially proud of a seed cake she bakes.
26) What are their hopes for the future? For her family to be healthy, safe and happy. To be debt free.
27) How do they react to being threatened? It’s a coin flip. McKinley might curl up like an armadillo and hope the predator gets bored and leaves, or she might kick the stool out from under them and cause their chin to slam into the bar and crack several teeth.
28) What is their love language? McKinley and Spencer both exhibit the Acts of Service love language, because just saying “I love you” isn’t enough. You ought to show it. She’ll randomly bake doughnuts for Spencer or play guitar for him in bed, and he’ll take care of laundry, dishes, and any other chores he sees need doing.
Quality Time is important for them too. Once a month, Luke and Penny babysit so Spencer and McKinley have a day alone together. It doesn’t really matter what they do. The point is it’s just them.
It caught McKinley by surprise how much she enjoys physical affection, given that she can be touch averse but holy moly she was more touch starved than she realized. She lives for snuggles and makeout sessions and playing with each others’ hair. When one of them doesn’t want to be touched, they hook their pinkies together.
29) What do they find most challenging in relationships? At work? In general? At work she struggles to gain her colleagues’ respect (think “Boy Genius” treatment except she has lady bits). In general, she struggles with trusting people.
30) What do you as a creator love best about writing this character? Giving her everything I wish I had but don’t.
Bonus: Include a link to your favourite work with this OC or write a small drabble.
October 12, 2021
Warm sunlight filtered through the curtains, gently rousing Spencer from a pleasant sleep. Just when he’d decided to get up, he felt the mattress dip behind him and his wife’s breath fanning over his ear.
“Who’s the birthday boy?” whispered McKinley.
Spencer smiled softly but feigned being asleep.
“Who’s the birthdaaay boooy?” she repeated, bouncing slightly.
“The good-looking guy to your left?”
“Happy Birthday!” she laughed, pressing kisses along his neck, suddenly shifting the mood from playful to sexy.
“Would the birthday boy like his birthday present?” she asked as she lifted the covers.
“Well, look at that - it’s already unwrapped!”
#oc appreciation#writing games#Criminal Minds#Criminal Minds Fanfiction#spencer reid#spencer reid fanfiction#spencer reid x oc#oh god it's 03:15 why am i still awake?#why do i do this to myself#sleepy time for Rubes now
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Finding a Mate
#396 "You can't just hug me and think everything's okay."
Summary: When Hope moves to Forks with her aunts Freya and Keelin, and gets enrolled in public school, the last thing she expected was to find a coven of vegetarian vampires and a mate. Then again she was a Mikaelson and was used to dealing with crazy.
Author's Note: Only Jasper and Alice are mates. Emmett, Rosalie, and Edward are all unattached, but Rose and Edward have their own thing going on with one another.
With Keelin back in the States for good and Hope mentioning she wasn't content at the boarding school anymore, Freya decided it was time for a change. Hope had wanted to be far away from anything that reminded her of her parents or uncle Elijah, and Freya had randomly chosen Forks, Washington. The town was small, but had all the necessities for every day living, and her niece and wife had readily agreed after Keelin found out the local hospital was hiring.
Keelin wasn't promised a spot after submitting her résumé via email when she had called to inquire about the job, but the girls moved there anyway. Freya had found them the perfect two story, three bedroom house with enough attic space for her witchy supplies, and they packed up what they wanted from the abattoir before closing the Mikaelson home down until either Rebekah or Kol went back.
Now in Forks, Hope happily settles in and quickly finds the smallest bakery she's ever seen that also sells coffee and tea. She finds they make an excellent cup of peppermint tea and vows to herself that this will be her new to-go spot before school.
Keelin gets called in for an interview at the hospital, and Freya and Hope tag along in hopes of getting a feel for the locals while they wait at the hospital. It's there, nearly forty minutes later, that Freya realizes they're not the only supernatural beings in town. Keelin walks out of an office with a sheepish smile, she then quickly beckoning Freya and Hope to her. They enter the office and Keelin nervously introduces them to her new boss Doctor Carlisle Cullen- Doctor Cullen with the golden eyes and pale flawless skin that doesn't hold an ounce of body heat.
Introductions are quickly made, Freya immediately pegs Doctor Cullen as a vampire during their handshake, and Hope watches on in amusement as the adults go back and forth. He's surprised when Freya outs herself as a witch and Keelin a werewolf not even a minute afterwards, and Hope merely shrugs when his golden eyes land on her.
As they speak, it's obvious Doctor Cullen is wary of other supernatural beings. Freya and Keelin pick up on it and they promise that they aren't there to cause trouble; they really just want a fresh start after they'd lost several members of their family. They are used to keeping the supernatural a secret so Doctor Cullen has nothing to worry about, and after that it seems like the vampire can breathe a little easier. It's also during this meeting that Hope finds out Doctor Cullen has children attending the same school she's going to be attending, and to not be too offended if they don't automatically seek her out because they're used to being on their own. Hope laughs it off, telling him it's okay since she's usually a loner herself.
And since the three newcomers know about him and his family, Doctor Cullen asks if it's okay for him to tell his family about them. Freya, Keelin, and Hope agree that it's only fair.
After having collected her schedule and a map of the school over the weekend from the Principal and his secretary themselves, and having been taken on a tour to locate her classes, Hope feels comfortable enough showing up Monday morning. So with her peppermint tea in hand and backpack strapped to her back, Hope exits Keelin's vehicle with a smile.
"Bye! I love you. Make good choices!" The dark skinned, dark haired werewolf muses.
Hope quickly slams the door, but Keelin rolls down the passenger window. Laughing and disregarding every stare, Hope shakes her head in amusement. "Thanks for that."
"You're welcome. You going to need a ride after school? I won't be out until five."
"Yes. Hopefully there'll be something to keep me occupied until then."
Keelin coos. "Aw. Look at you all grown up." Hope rolls her eyes and sips her tea to hide her smile. "Enjoy your last year, kid. Public school is a lot different than that boarding school of yours, so-"
"You forget we did nearly a month of public school for that.. exchange program Alaric put us through. I'll be fine, Keelin. Don't worry."
"Mhmm. Well if anything changes, text me or Freya. We'll come get you."
The window rolls back up as Keelin pulls away and Hope watches her drive off. She finally takes notice of the stares a moment later and plasters on a smile that she knows probably looks like a grimace. But not caring what anyone has to say, she turns on her heel and marches off towards the front office to retrieve the slip Ms. Cope told her she'd need every teacher of hers to sign before turning it in at the end of the day.
Kids come up to her left and right, and she tries her hardest to come off as friendly. But being who and what she is, it's easy for her to suss out just who is being real with her and who isn't.
Angela Weber is an immediate favorite of hers- the girl being mellow and just the right amount of curious about where she moved from and why. She likes Tyler Crowley and Mike Newton just fine, even though their flirtatious behavior is rather grating, but they're real personalities are on display for her to see upfront. Eric Yorkie is annoying, but tolerable, and Jessica Stanley could be a decent girl if she didn't try to compliment someone and then degrade them all in one breath. But Lauren Mallory? Lauren is a hard no. Hope does not like the mean spirited teen and the teen in question is why she doesn't sit with the apparent group of friends when at lunch when Tyler loudly beckons her to join them.
Instead Hope finds an empty table and sits, she hesitantly pushing around the food on her tray. If there was one thing she missed from the Salvatore Boarding School, it was their personal cook. Public school lunch food was, in one word, disgusting.
Several tables down, the Cullen and Hale teenagers push around the human food on their trays and make it seem as if they're eating. Alice has happily tucked herself under her mate Jasper's arm while Edward and Rosalie sit a little too close to one another, murmuring and just enjoying the close proximity. Emmett, the only unattached of the bunch, sits backwards in his chair while covertly watching the room.
"New girl, ten o'clock," he says. Edward and Rosalie chance a look her way since they're all ready facing that direction, but Jasper and Alice have to rely on everyone else's input. "Think she's special like those aunts of hers?"
Rosalie's golden eyes dart towards Hope and then away. With a shrug, she says, "She's cute. Figured she'd be sitting with the popular kids by now."
Jasper shakes his head, his blonde curls slightly tossing. "I've been watchin' her when I can. She's all smiles 'n giggles, but when whoever she's talkin' to walks away, her expression falls."
"Maybe she's tired of being hit on," Emmett muses, lips quirking at the corners. "Crowley and Newton have all ready laid claim, but they don't appear to be getting anywhere."
"Edward?" Alice suddenly chimes in. "What's wrong?" She was the only one to notice his creased brow and frown as he stared at Hope Mikaelson.
"I can't hear her."
And that- that causes his siblings to tense and really take notice of the new girl.
"What did Carlisle say her aunts were again?" Rosalie asks, frowning.
"A witch and a werewolf," Edward answers. "But he never got an answer on what Hope was."
"Well there's no time like the present." Emmett moves to stand and Rosalie's hand snaps out, wrapping around his wrist.
"Don't," she hisses.
"Chill, Rosie. Carlisle said it was okay to talk to her. In fact, he and Esme encouraged it."
"You don't show interest often," Jasper muses. "What's so different now, brother?"
Emmett's grin falters. "Call it boredom."
"Or call it what it really is," Edward says, slowly smiling and laying an arm on the back of Rosalie's chair to help soothe her. "You think she's pretty."
"Ohh. He thinks she's more than a little pretty," Jasper smirks. "I can feel just how pretty he thinks Hope Mikaelson is."
Alice giggles and the rest try their best to smother their smiles. Emmett glowers, but a smile of his own slowly breaks out. He chuckles. "Here goes nothing." The entire cafeteria seems to go quiet as they watch the largest Cullen leave his family and head for the new girl. She doesn't look up, so Emmett pulls out a chair directly across from the girl and turns it around before plopping himself down. "Hope Mikaelson," he muses.
She glances up then, her eyes narrowing before a small huff of laughter escapes her. "You're one of Doctor Cullen's kids."
"Emmett," he smirks. "The others were too intimidated to approach you." Hope follows his pointed gesture before smiling and waving at the other vegetarian vampires.
"I hardly doubt that. I'm not even that scary."
"Says the new girl who we've no idea what she's capable of."
Hope's gaze darts back to Emmett, her shoulders losing some of their tension as she grins at him. "A girl's got to have some secrets."
"Yeah." His gaze scrutinizes her and Hope challenges his stare, popping a carrot stick into her mouth while not breaking eye contact. "Speaking of secrets, did your aunt do some magic hoodoo stuff to your head? Edward can't read your thoughts." That causes her to blink and Emmett suddenly whoops. The cafeteria falls silent and Hope groans, trying to sink into her chair as every astonished gaze falls on her table. "I win."
"Jesus. Okay. You win. Lower your voice," she grumbles. Emmett hunches in his seat and Hope suddenly starts twisting a ring on her right index finger. "So Edward.. reads minds?" She glances at Emmett's family's table and sees the bronze-haired individual nod. "Just surface or.."
"He can only read what's on the surface. My siblings and I just usually mentally sing a song or mentally scream if we wanna keep him out."
"Oh." She twists her ring some more. Sighing softly, she says, "The last thing I want is you or your family uncomfortable with me and my family's presence." She slips off the ring, nods at Edward, and then faces Emmett to ask, "What do you want to know?"
"Why did you move?"
Hope slightly tenses and fidgets in her seat. "New Orleans holds a lot of.. terrible memories." Her mom's death flashes in her mind and she gulps, knowing Edward saw it. "Both my parents and uncle Elijah sacrificed themselves there. And Mystic Falls, where I attended Boarding School, is where I was constantly fighting for my life against a monster every other week. I grew tired of it."
"Do you come in peace?" Emmett's lips twitch and Hope rolls her eyes.
Chuckling, she says, "Yes. I honestly just want to finish my first and last year of public high school. And make some friends. I had trouble with making friends growing up because of who my family is."
"And just who is your family?" Emmett wonders.
"The Mikaelson's. I'll.. I have a book on my family's legacy. I'll let you borrow it as soon as I find it, but I'm warning you right now. Their past is.. bloody."
"You just keep getting more interesting the longer we talk."
"Says the vampire."
Emmett smiles, but before he can get out his last question Hope is slipping her ring back on to shield her mind once more. The bell rings, startling Hope and signalling the end to the lunch period. As Hope stands to collect her tray, he asks, "What are you?"
That gives Hope pause and she blinks in surprise at Emmett. She slowly grins. "One of a kind. Literally."
"Don't tell me you're a unicorn." He laughs, but then quickly sobers when he sees Hope's expression of distaste.
"God no. Unicorns are pretty, but they're devious." She shivers and her expression suddenly appears far away. "Gross mind controlling slugs. Never again."
Hope refocuses on Emmett, she sheepishly laughing. "Yeaahhhh. See you around." And then she quickly takes her leave.
The rest of Emmett's family joins him as Hope disappears. "She was telling the truth," Edward says. "Every answer she gave was accompanied by a visual representation. She witnessed her mother's death."
"So a ring kept you out of her mind?" Rosalie then muses after the awkward tension of mentioning Hope's mother's death vanishes. "I might have to ask her for one of those."
Edward grins, but Emmett is still gobsmacked by what Hope last said. "Unicorns are real? You think she was telling the truth about that?"
Alice giggles and Jasper grabs his mate's hand to escort her to her next class. "Probably. She slipped that ring of hers back on and blinded Edward again."
"Don't worry." Alice smiles knowingly. "I get glimpses here and there of her. Hope will be sticking around."
"Oh?" Edward, Alice, Jasper, and Rosalie all grin. Emmett's eyes then narrow. "What do you know?"
"The same thing you do if you'd just open your eyes a little wider, brother." And with Jasper's parting words, the rest of their family follow him and Alice out.
A moment passes and then Emmett sighs. "What does that even mean?"
The next few days sees Hope avoiding questions her nosy peers have for her after Emmett Cullen so brazenly approached her at lunch, especially since he continues to do so days after. The only human Hope had found a moment of solace with was Angela, but even then the Cullen and Hale clan could see that Hope was still keeping her distance.
Her second week of school, however, finds Hope watching her aunts staring out the front window of their home in amusement one morning.
"What are you guys looking at?"
Keelin glances over her shoulder, grinning. "You didn't tell us you befriended Doctor Cullen's children."
Hope shrugs. "Well yeah. They're intrigued by the girl their mind reading brother can't read."
"Mhmm. So intrigued that they sent one of their own to give you a ride to school?" Freya wonders.
"..what?" Hope scurries to the window to see what her aunts are staring at and finds Emmett standing near the hood of a large jeep that's parked outside their home. "I'm gonna give him a brain aneurysm," she grumbles. "What is he playing at?" As Hope stomps off towards the front door, her aunts are quick to follow.
"He's cute," Keelin teases. "What's his name?"
Her hand freezes just before she can grab the door handle. "Freya? Please tell me you have a privacy spell up around the house and the vampire outside didn't just hear your wife call him cute?" Their silence is very telling and Hope chuckles through a groan. Finally opening the door, a beaming Emmett is standing there with a to-go cup of something steaming.
"Peppermint tea. Your apparent favorite." Keelin and Freya don't bother hiding their coos. "And a brain aneurysm? Really? That's kind of harsh, Hope. I've been nothing but nice."
Hope gives him a deadpan stare before taking the tea, she then making quick introductions. "Freya and Keelin, meet Emmett. Emmett, my aunt Freya and her wife Keelin."
"Hey." Emmett beams, a dimple in his right cheek forming. "Do either of you care to fill me in on what Hope is? She's not playing fair."
"She hasn't told you?" Freya asks.
"No. And Edward can't read her mind as long as her ring stays on."
Hope glances at her aunts. "What? It's not my fault they're terrible at guessing."
"But I bet you're not playing fair either." Keelin nudges her niece. Then looking at Emmett, she tells him, "You've probably all ready guessed what Hope is, but you're looking at her as if she's only one species. She's not."
"Wait, what?"
Hope sighs and then grumbles. "I'm a tribrid." Emmett gapes at her. "I told you I was one of a kind. Now come on, lets get to school so you can tell the others."
And after that fateful day, it becomes a regular occurrence that Emmett picks up and drops off Hope before and after school. Freya and Keelin can't help but adore the large vampire, and even Hope eventually gives in to his bashful smiles and playful behavior. Everyone at school is surprised to see the largest of the Cullen/Hale siblings behave so carefree, and even Emmett's family seem a bit surprised at his behavior, but in a good way.
Hope then becomes so used to Emmett's towering presence that when it comes time to give him her family's legacy book so he can know her history, she makes herself sick with anxiety. Her aunts do their best to soothe her worry, but she doesn't quite calm down until Emmett suddenly appears at her bedroom window one night.
Slowly opening the window after he gently knocks on the glass pane, Hope steps back on sits on the edge of her bed. Emmett enters her room, sitting on the sill.
"That was.. wow. Your family are the Firsts."
Hope nods, avoiding his gaze and twiddling her thumbs in her lap. "Only Rebekah, Kol, and Freya remain."
"That was a lot to take in. Jasper's re-reading it." Hope flinches and Emmett moves to stand before her, he then crouching and settling his hands on her knees. "Hey. Hey," he says again, reaching up to make her look at him. "Your family's past is crazy, but it's their past. Their past does not define you. We all still think very highly of you and are still looking forward to the day you grace us with what your tribrid qualities are."
Hope huffs a laugh. "I'm a witch, werewolf, and vampire," she finally tells him after a week of the Cullen and his siblings trying to guess the right combination.
"No shit? I can't believe we never guessed it."
"Well after I mentioned the unicorn your imaginations took over and started throwing out every other mythical creature that you think is real too."
"They're not?"
Hope grins at his pout and flicks his ear. "Maybe. Maybe not. One can't be too sure unless you've seen it with your own two eyes."
"At least tell me dragons are real?" She then laughs at his hopeful expression, shoving his shoulder and then huffing when he doesn't even budge. Stupid Cold One strength. "There's the smile I was hoping for."
Since Emmett's started talking to her, he's thrown in a few flirty remarks here and there. Hope's grown to expect it from him, but what she hasn't grown used to yet is the way her heart skips a beat and the way she warms all over when he genuinely smiles at her. And given his senses, she knows that he knows exactly what his proximity and words do to her.
"So what are you doing here?" She finally asks. "Did you come all the way here just to soothe my worries?"
"Yes and no." Emmett finally backs off and takes a seat next to her on the bed. "Esme's been anxious to finally meet you. We talk about you a lot and Carlisle talks a lot about how good your aunt Keelin is at her job. She's a bit miffed she's the only one who hasn't met you or your aunts."
"Oh. Well we, um, can go right now if that's okay with you?"
Emmett immediately stands and sits halfway in, halfway out of her window, and Hope slides off her bed to make her way towards the bedroom door. Calling out, she yells, "I'm going out with Emmett!"
Emmett snorts and Hope's eyes widen when she realizes what she's just said. "Heading out! I'm heading out with Emmett!"
They can hear Keelin cackling from somewhere downstairs.
"Okay!" Freya then calls back up. "Don't stay out too late."
Blushing, Hope then makes her way towards a smirking Emmett.
"No shoes?"
She shakes her head. "No. I'm assuming you ran here and we're running back, so I'll just have you drop me off halfway and I can shift."
"Awesome. Climb on my back and hold on."
Since Hope's window was situated over the side walkway overhang, Emmett crouches near the ledge and waits for Hope to join him. She climbs onto his back with a small laugh a moment later, and after a brief warning Emmett jumps. His hands grip around the backs of her thighs and her arms are wrapped around his neck. She grunts when he lands, but then she's laughing as he runs.
The world is blurring by her, but not as fast as she expected since her senses can keep up with vampire speed, and she relishes the feel of the air whooshing passed her. But all too soon, he's stopping and letting her down gently.
"All right, Mikaelson, lets see what you got."
"Yeah, yeah." Hope shifts nervously before lowering herself to the ground on her hands and knees. "Have a blanket ready for me when we get there. Clothes tend to disappear through the transformation and I'd hate to scar anyone with my nudity."
He waggles his eyebrows. "You're going to be naked?"
"Don't make it weird." Emmett's laugh booms and he startles several woodland creatures. He's still laughing when Hope says, "And whatever happens next, just let it take it's course. I've been through the transformation before. I know how much pain I can endure."
His laughter immediately ceases. "What?"
Instead of answering, the first of many bones in Hope's body cracks to rearrange itself for her new form. And if Emmett had any color in his features, the color would have drained at Hope's grunts and cries of pain, her bones snapping and bending at unnatural angles.
At one point he calls her name and he takes a step back when Hope throws her head back, her eyes blazing yellow. She cries out and her back arches with a snap, and Emmett watches in awe as an abnormally large gray wolf takes the place where Hope just was.
The wolf blinks and shakes her fur out as Emmett slowly crouches. "Hope?" He gulps. The wolf nods, her tail swaying from side to side. Slowly but surely, Emmett then smirks. "Hell yes. Race to you my house?"
The wolf barks and takes off after Emmett, she letting him stay ahead of her since she didn't actually know where the Cullen's lived.
Edward and Rosalie were the only two who hadn't seen Hope's wolf form since they were out the night she showed up to their house, but with Edward's mind reading abilities he was able to see everything from his family's point of view. Rosalie didn't care to see a werewolf, instead she was rather more intrigued by the magic side of Hope and Freya's lives.
As the weeks then slowly progress, it becomes the norm for Hope to spend time at the Cullen household. Keelin's been picking up a lot of hours at the hospital, and Freya's busy getting paperwork together and what not for the opening of her very own shop that she plans to sell home remedies at.
So, of course, Hope's at the Cullen house when things go to hell.
Emmett, Jasper, and Edward are wrestling- Emmett and Jasper wearing leather cuff bracelets to protect their minds from Edward's mental probing- while Rosalie and Alice toss out some friendly taunts. It was finally a fair fight and the brothers were ecstatic to test them out.
Hope's standing with Esme since Carlisle's currently at the hospital, and the two keep their distance as the boys get rowdier and rowdier. Suddenly Alice goes still, Edward's mind is no longer on the fight, and he stares in horror at Hope. The others quickly catch on, but before Alice can come out of her vision.. whatever it was comes to fruition.
"Hope!" Edward manages to shout before Esme is thrown from the girl's side by some unseen force.
Hope gasps just as Jasper catches their mother and before she can utter a single word, a stick or stake or something is forcefully embedding itself in her throat. She immediately gurgles on blood and falls on her butt, her eyes flooding with tears from the pain as she attempts to pull the wooden stake out. There's an almighty roar that sends a shiver up and down her spine, and through her tears she sees an enraged Emmett pounding against an invisible barrier of sorts. In fact, the entire Cullen family is pounding against an invisible barrier, Emmett's black eyes focused on her.
Hope whimpers and shakily raises one bloodied hand, she trying to concentrate and release the vampires. Before she can focus enough energy to fuel her spell, she's slammed on her back and arms magically pinned to the ground, two more stakes embedding themselves in her wrists. She cries out, struggling, but it's no use.
A woman is suddenly looming over Hope, which only prompts the young tribrid to struggle some more. The woman tuts, waggling a finger at her. "Don't, child. You'll only bleed out faster."
"What was that?" The woman crouches and pulls the stake out of Hope's throat, Hope then screaming out in pain. There's another roar and the woman crouching over Hope grins. "Well he's pissed. You really have the big one wrapped around your finger, don't you?"
Hope chances a look in Emmett's direction, her heart beating faster at the sight of other individuals surrounding the family. Their hands are held out at the sides and flames erupt around the Cullen's. "No."
The woman next to Hope shrugs, still glancing over her shoulder. "They're abominations. It's a shame really. The tiny one is kind of cute."
Alice hisses, as does Rosalie, but the family has stopped pounding and instead moved closer to one another and way from the flames. Hope sniffles. "Why are you doing this?"
"Because they made you happy." The woman then glances back down at Hope, her gaze hardening. "And no Mikaelson deserves the chance at happiness. Not after what your father did."
"My father is dead!" Hope grits out. "He had changed. It wasn't his fault you witches kept coming after his family. He only did what he had to do to protect us."
"Yes, well now we intend to end it once and for all. You're a threat to our way of life."
"Screw your way of life."
"Hope!" She glances towards the Cullen's once more, catching Alice's gaze. "You can do it. Concentrate."
Hope doesn't know what she's supposed to concentrate on, and all she knows is that she's hurt and royally pissed off. Her eyes slip shut and she focuses on breathing.
How dare these witches come after her and the Cullen's when they've done nothing wrong. How dare they call the vampires abominations when witches themselves were an anomaly and not what nature intended either. How dare they think that she, Hope Mikaelson, could be taken down so easily.
Eyes snapping open, Hope momentarily relishes in the gasp that leaves the witch's mouth. She knows her eyes are blazing yellow and she meets the gaze of the shocked witch. "Patere." The witch hovering over her is forcefully thrown away, and with a grunt Hope pulls on her wrists and dislodges the stakes from the ground. She quickly pulls them out, letting the wounds heal as she climbs to her feet.
Hope carefully makes her way towards the Cullen's where the witches are still chanting, she stopping and holding her own hands aloft at her side. Breathing deeply, she concentrates on every witch trying to harm her friends, and then jerks her wrist. There are audible snaps before the witches collapse.
"Adiuuatur." The flames dissolve, and then with a wave her hand the barrier vanishes. Emmett is immediately at her side against Edward and Jasper's warning, but he's gentle with her as he checks her neck and wrists. "It's fine. They healed as soon as the stakes were removed."
The rest of his family gather around and it's Jasper who voices what's on everyone's mind. "Your blood doesn't- it's not tempting us."
"Well I should hope not," Hope muses and then grunts when Emmett suddenly engulfs her in his arms. "I'm a hybrid. Vampire or werewolf blood should not be appetizing to you."
"Huh. Well that's good to know."
"Are you okay, sweetie?" Esme suddenly muses. "What they did was unbelievably violent."
Hope winces, she patting Emmett's sides so he'd let up. He does, but she ends up being tucked under his arm and against his side. She sighs. "I'm good, Esme. Doing magic under duress is just tiresome." The motherly vampire nods along in sympathy. "And I'm sorry about the mess. I don't usually.. kill, but they threatened you and your family. I couldn't let it slide. Where there's one wave, there's bound to be another."
The Cullen's glance around at the dead witches, some glaring that they'd gotten the drop on them and others shrugging as if it were no big deal.
"I'm sorry to have put you on their radar, but I need to speak with Freya. Just for being associated with us, our enemies have now become your enemies." Hope's shoulders droop and she hastily wipes the tears from her eyes. "I should just- I should go. I never should have gotten so comfortable here."
Emmett growls and holds tight as Hope tries to leave. Edward and Jasper both glance at him, realization dawning in their expressions several moments later as Hope frowns up at Emmett who can't quite meet her gaze.
"She's your mate. Isn't she?" Jasper says.
Hope gives Jasper a double take, her eyes narrowing as Edward slowly smirks. She then looks up at Emmett who appears momentarily panicked, his expression then smoothing out into something far too pleased at the knowledge. "Excuse me?"
"How did I not realize this sooner?" Emmett then gently cradles Hope's face in his hands, he staring down at her in awe. Her mouth opens to reply, but then Emmett's hugging her again and her face is pressed into his chest.
Turning so it's her cheek pressed against his solid frame instead of her face and nose, Hope sighs and rolls her eyes. "You can't just hug me and think everything's okay." The rest of his family adopt wary expressions and Hope huffs a laugh as she wraps her arms loosely around his waist. "We're so going to have to talk about this. Later though. I really need to talk to Freya and you guys have bodies to bury.. or burn. Whatever is good with you."
Rosalie breaks the awkward atmosphere by groaning, she then stomping over to the first body. "You owe me, Mikaelson. I wanna be the first to test out the sunlight ring if Freya ever figures out how to make it work for our kind."
"Deal." The squeezing Emmett, she asks, "Can you run me back home?"
"As if you even had to ask."
Emmett's quick to scoop Hope up in his arms, he then vanishing from sight within the blink of an eye.
"How did we not pick up on that sooner?" Jasper suddenly muses. "They've been practically joined at the hip since her first day here."
"I don't care." Alice beams, giggling as she skips over to pick up a dead witch. "I'm just happy to finally have another sister!"
Rosalie huffs. "At least we like this one. That one human who keeps staring at Edward is getting on my last nerve."
"You're just jealous because it's Edward she's set her sights on and the two of you have that weird thing going on," Jasper muses. "Just get married all ready."
Rosalie glares at her twin, she then grumbling as she picks up another body. Edward sighs, punching his brother in the arm. "Thanks for that. She's going to take her anger out on me now."
Jasper waggles his eyebrows. "You're welcome."
- X - X - X -
Emmett drops off Hope in her back yard, she then running up to the door and throwing it open. Freya startles, but taking in her bloodied niece and the simmering anger practically wafting off of Emmett puts her on alert. Not even their joined hands is enough to distract her. "What happened?"
"Dead witches," Emmett then grumbles.
Hope slowly exhales. Then looking up at Emmett, she squeezes his hand. "Hey. Go hunt," she tells him. "Take some time to calm down while I fill in Freya."
"No buts." He frowns, but gives her a terse nod. Bending down he quickly presses a chaste kiss to her forehead and then disappears. Hope grins.
"That's new."
"Tell me about it. Apparently Cold Ones have mates and I'm his. We only just figured it out." Freya's oddly quiet, but when Hope glances at her aunt she sees that her aunt is fighting off a smile. "Don't. Me and him are going to talk about it later. Right now we have a bigger problem."
Slowly Freya collects herself, she then putting away the herbs she's been sorting on the table. "Right. Tell me everything."
- X - X - X -
Keelin had been given the rest of the day off after Carlisle had been filled in on what was going on, and Hope filled her aunts in on everything. They were a little worried about witches still targeting them after a year of peace, but they promised Hope not to worry about it and that they'd contact Rebekah, Marcel, Kol, and Davina to look into what was going on now.
Hope was still feeling a little wary, but Freya sent her up to shower the blood off and change. She did and then when she went back downstairs she figured she'd find her aunts still discussing the problem at hand. Instead they're discussing Hope.. and her apparent future with Emmett.
"So," Keelin grins from her seat at the table, stirring her hot chocolate, "Emmett, huh? Nice."
"Nope. No. We're not talking about this," she nervously laughs. Hope pulls open the fridge and pulls out a container of apple juice. Pouring herself a glass, she waves off both her aunt's knowing gazes. "Emmett will be stopping by in a bit. We're gonna talk and only talk. I might go on a run afterward so don't freak if my room is empty."
"Sure. Keep the door open!" Freya calls after her.
Choking on her juice, Hope glares over her shoulder at her giggling aunts.
Upstairs in her room, Hope shuts the door and then shoots off a quick text to Emmett. As she waits for him, she finds a stick of sage and lights it, blowing out the flame and smiling as the plumes of smoke waft upward. Sipping her juice she then sets it down in a bowl and turns around, a yelp escaping her mouth at the sight of Emmett casually leaning against the headboard of her bed.
"Dammit, Emmett. I'm gonna spell our yard to alert us when you're lurking if you don't start making noises." She glances down at the floor and then her shirt, making sure she didn't spill her drink. "Oh good. No spillage."
"So what's the verdict? Do I get to defend my mate's honor? And what's with the smoke?"
"No fighting. Yet," she says, making her way towards the bed and gingerly sitting next to him. "And the burning sage is for a privacy spell. Freya and Keelin are a little too invested in our new relationship status, and I have to ruin their fun somehow."
"Killjoy." Hope chuckles and settles against her own headboard, she sipping her juice one last time before setting the glass aside. Settling in, she faces Emmett and he grins. "So it's like this, huh? No weirdness? No crying? No denial?"
"Do you want me to reject you, Em?" She muses. "Playing hard to get seems exhausting. I rather just-" Her words are cut off as Emmett leans in, his lips capturing hers. She laughs against his mouth, trying to properly return his kiss, but not being able to do so as her laughter gets the best of her.
"Seriously?" Emmett pouts.
"I'm sorry." Hope giggles some more, biting the bottom corner of her lip. "You just.. surprised me with your enthusiasm."
If Emmett could blush, there was no doubt he'd be doing so now. "My bad. I've just been wanting to do that for a while."
"Yeah?" Hope's eyes sparkle as she smiles. "Well in that case.." She leans in, stopping just shy of pressing her lips to his. "Then you can wait just a little while longer." Emmett groans. "I need to run and burn off some energy. Run with me?"
"As if you even had to ask."
#fanficimagery#blurred lines#crossover#fanfiction#the originals#legacies#twilight#hope mikaelson#freya mikaelson#keelin#carlisle cullen#emmett cullen#edward cullen#alice cullen#jasper hale#rosalie hale#esme cullen#friendship#humor#romance#soulmates#mates#family
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Preparations for the End
It had started simple enough. It was graduation, for her, from Grimwood Finishing Academy for Ghouls, and she was graduating with honors and a full ride scholarship to Cornell; she wanted to be a veterinarian. And this was all simple because their headmistress Sibella De Ville had informed them to invite their families to this graduation. It wasn’t a massive problem, a lot of the families here were small, and simple, witches, werewolves, vampires, monsters or ghouls of some sort, they were mostly families hiding from the public eye. Hell, there was even a kitsune attending her school. But for the most part, a lot of the kids who landed here were orphans or runaways; persecuted for what made them different because it wasn’t like being a metahuman or alien; this was the supernatural, something mortals would always fear.
But this led Mary-Beth to her little problem. She could invited just one aspect of her family, it simply wouldn’t do. And Mary-Beth voted that she had the weirdest family in existence.
Sure, her mortal parents were supportive; and even encouraging of the family Magic being learned, she was a Charmed One and in the Magic world that was special as most magical families did not have as many as three children. Three was also a sacred number, a number for good luck, and in the Magic world, three was a number for power. So, her family was already an anomaly; as there were only a handful of Charmed Ones at any given time.
But back to her problem, for her graduation party; and inviting her family; she couldn’t NOT invite any aspect of her family, it’d probably start a feud; a bigger feud… again; but at the same time she didn’t think that it’d be this complicated. Family holidays were already hell enough to plan out since so many relatives; mostly on Raven’s side; had come out of the woodworks. And her weird family was so enthusiastic about being supportive and being there for her she couldn’t not invite any of them!
There was her one of the most powerful, raw magic Witches in modern age and completely mortal.
There was her little brother Billy, and he was her brother, he was weird.
Her baby sister Jessica was still growing into her powers.
And her best friend was a Witchlighter and the reincarnated King Arthur of Camelot, with his older brother being the reincarnated Sir Lancelot, and his younger sister being the reincarnated Lady of the Lake; they were also Charmed Ones
Then there was her cousin, Rachel Roth, a.k.a. Raven, most powerful mortal celestial being in existence.
Raven’s older, adopted brother, who was a famous cyborg hero, Victor Stone, a.k.a. Cyborg. Vic was exuberantly supportive of her; even embarrassingly enthusiastic about it; he had shown up to almost all her sports events with his moms, decked out in team spirit cheering for her; even when Rae couldn’t.
Their adopted moms, Dr. Harleen Quinzel and Dr. Pamela Isley, Gotham’s most dangerous villains. Surprisingly awesome and unsurprisingly crazy, but fun and loving aunts for her. Her mom loved them, as did her dad.
Raven’s adopted niece and nephews; Melvin, a metahuman who’s imagination manifested to suit her will and reality, Timmy, who was a metahuman banshee, and Teether, another metahuman who’s indestructible teeth could slice through anything.
Melvin, Timmy, and Teether’s foster parents; who were New Gods; Big Barda and Scot Free; they lived in Australia but would fly up for all family holidays; they were… big. Plus, their son Jacob; who was so precious!
There was Raven’s weird father figure/uncle person, who was also her mentor and loonier than a looney tune; having voluntarily locked himself up in an insane asylum; John Constantine. John Constantine was a madman, who adored Rae and had taught Mary more about thinking fast with Magic than anything her school had taught her.
Raven’s grandfather was the Devil himself, Lucifer Morningstar, who preferred to be called Luci with family, his demon consort Mazikeen Morningstar. Their frequent tag alone was Beatrice Decker; a good friend of Mary’s actually. Next to Chris, Trixie was probably her best friend.
All of the angels were Raven’s aunts and uncles; and Mary still didn’t know how but somehow Mary and her siblins had been adopted into that lunacy. Between Gabriel randomly dropping in on her studies, and Raphael coming around to tutor her, and Anna just swinging in; and Balthazar abducting her to random places, and Castiel showing up to check in on her from time to time with Luci’s son; Jack, who was Cas’ adopted son. It was nuts.
Not to mention Cas’ husband and husband’s brother, Dean and Sam Winchester were always randomly popping in to steal pie and drag her and her siblings off for monster hunting. They had charmed her mother somehow, Mary still didn’t know how, all she knew was that Hunters were always randomly popping into her life now.
Raven’s grandmother was Death, the actual entity of Death. The Endless were also now aunts and uncles; Mary had to remember to put them on her graduation party list as well. The Endless would be highly offended if she invited all the angels but not them, they still hated the angels for some results of the war, but they would hold truce for family gatherings.
And then there were the cousins she had gained through Raven’s demonic father, Trigon, who she couldn’t just ignore! Mary actually like Etrigan, she was awesome, Jason Blood not so much.
Also, if Raven came then her not-boyfriend boyfriend would come along, because Jason never strayed far from her cousin since their reunion. No, Rae would not be bring her actual boyfriend Koryak; no one approved of them dating, except maybe Jason, Mary didn’t get why the idiot didn’t fight harder for her cousin, they were magnetic and totally together.
Mary opened her door; which was taking a hard beating; as she dragged her attention from her quest to finish the list. The moment it opened a man shoved his way into her room.
“HEY!” Mary shrieked as she was shoved aside.
“Where’s the Gem!?” the man demanded.
“I’m tracking her magical signature, it led me here, where is she!?” the man turned on her. He was rather handsome, early thirties, long brown hair, brown eyes; he looked like the comic book character Remy LeBeau.
“And who the hell are you!?” she demanded, her own Magic cackling at her finger tips.
“She’s my aunt!”
“I’m Merlin, Merlin of Camelot, and I need help! I might have just unleashed the Four Horsemen!” he snapped, his brown eyes flashed red.
“Merlin has a beard,” she stated.
He laughed.
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Raphael Caron → Garrett Hedlund → Vampire
→ Basic Information
Age: 179
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Birthday: May 24th
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Religion: Questioning
→ His Personality
(one to two paragraphs)
→ His Personal Facts
Occupation: Keeper (Developer) and Part-Time at Cafe Dusang
Scars: None
Tattoos: Up To Player
Two Likes: Developing new ways to enjoy human food and making friends
Two Dislikes: Repetition and Strict People
Two Fears: Losing his freedom and Porcelain Doll
Two Hobbies: Making Blood Pops/Smoothies and Bowling
Three Positive Traits: Adventurous, Affectionate, Loyal
Three Negative Traits: Inconsistent, Savage, Sarcastic
→ His Connections
Parent Names:
David Caron (Father): David was an amazing father and husband. Raphael doesn’t regret their choice of seeking out help for their sick and dying son that would eventually lead him getting turned into a vampire. Rapheal’s only regret was having to leave his parents behind after his change. He talked Getta into visiting them for their 30th wedding anniversary; after which Rapheal would visit them every birthday, anniversary and major holiday. His father died at 88.
Ida Mary Caron (Mother): Ida was an amazing mother and wife. Raphael doesn’t regret their choice of seeking out help for their sick and dying son that would eventually lead him getting turned into a vampire. Rapheal’s only regret was having to leave his parents behind after his change. He talked Getta into visiting them for their 30th wedding anniversary; after which Rapheal would visit them every birthday, anniversary and major holiday. Rapheal and Getta had moved her up to Chicago, away from their farm, and placed her into a nice nursing home when David had passed. It hit Rapheal hard when she died a few years later.
Sibling Names:
Children Names:
Romantic Connections:
Nikita Platt (Unsure): Nikita out right asked him for his number one night but Rapheal played it off as nothing, she was drunk. Nikita continued to ask him for his number multiple times afterwards until Rapheal confessed he didn’t have a cell phone. She offered to continue to come Underground until she went on a date with him, which Rapheal found amusing but lately Nikita has been shying away from him. Simon mentioned her having some kind of memory power that plays with her short term memories and Rapheal is unsure what to think or if he’s ready to be forgotten by a potential lover. *See Nikita Platt for her side of the story.
Platonic Connections:
Scorpius Getta (Big Papa): Getta saved Raphael’s life. Raphael was dying from Leukemia when Getta gave his parents the terms and conditions. Raphael did reach a period where he hated Getta and resented becoming a vampire when he was a neonate. Getta secretly allowing Rephael to visit his parents aided in building a relationship. Talking to his parents helped Raphael to see Getta as a savior, friend and guardian. Nearly a century later, their relationship is stronger than ever. Raphael uses Getta as a test subject too but only for final approvals.
Petra Chak (Big Mama): Petra is the queen bitch that Raphael was in love with when he first met her. Being born and raised on a farm, Raphael has always been attracted romantically and platonically to strong female figures. Petra is definitely that. Raphael would never act on his feelings for Petra because they are not pure and he sees her more as a guardian.
Fiona ‘Fi’ Marz (Little Mama): Fi is the platonic love of Raphael’s life; she is his platonic soulmate. Raphael is completely and unromantic attracted to Fi. Every time they are together, they move around each other like magnets or game pieces.
Richard Fili (Family): Fili is like a fun uncle to Raphael. Winona, Raphael’s vampire sister, was Fili sire and the both of them were constant presences in his life growing up. Fili and Raphael bonded on another level when Winona was killed. They went through the stages of grieving together. Raphael has an undying respect and loyalty for Fili that goes beyond anything he can put in words.
Aleksander Mazur (Family): Aleksander is the older brother that Raphael never had. Their relationship was rocky at first but Raphael quickly won him over. Raphael does not mind Aleksander overly confident or protective ways.
Dan Prior (Family): Dan and Raphael connected immediately and hit it off the first time they met. Raphael always went out of his way to be nice to Dan and considers him his little brother.
Ryan Cleirigh (Best Friend): Raphael attended elementary, middle and high school with Ryan. Ryan was surprised when he found out Rephael had been turned into a vampire. They quickly restarted their friendship; making it easier now that Ryan did not have to hide his powers and that they are both immortal.
Farrokh Alvi (Good Friend/Bowling Team Member): Farrokh was one of the people who trained Rapheal to become a keeper. Raphael specializes in developing new ways to enjoy and mix blood with human food; this helps to conserve blood. It all began with Farrokh making a joke about it over a century ago and Rapheal stepping up for the challenge; also to wipe the smug grin off of Farrokh’s face. Raphael also managed to teach and drag Farrokh to bowling.
Simon L Weyden (Friend): Simon seems to always be having a good time Underground and Raphael loves his energy. One night Raphael randomly invited him to a game and Simon showed up sober, which is unlike his usual crowd, cheering on his team. Raphael is interested in Simon’s magical powers and Simon’s personal interest in Fiona.
Morana ‘Ana’ Vickors (Friend): Ana and Raphael formed a friendship after Winona’s death, Raphael vampire sister. Ana helped him through the shock and pain of losing someone far too soon. It has been decades but Raphael will never forget Ana being there for him when he needed it the most. Ana helped Raphael find a hobby; bowling. Ana and her mate, Lestat, often come to his games.
Angel Landyn (Friend/Bowling Team Member): Raphael found Angel and bonded over bowling. Raphael only bowls with the group and does not see much of them outside of bowling events and practice; they do not have much in common.
Raul Santiago (Friend/Bowling Team Member): Raphael found Raul and bonded over bowling. Raphael only bowls with the group and does not see much of them outside of bowling events and practice; they do not have much in common.
Chai Gates (Friend/Bowling Team Member): Raphael found Chai and bonded over bowling. Raphael only bowls with the group and does not see much of them outside of bowling events and practice; they do not have much in common.
Chiara Ricci (Test Subject): Chiara was the inspiration behind Raphael’s blood pops about 40 years ago. He made them for her 100th birthday bash.
Aisling Rois (Test Subject): Aisling is a perfect help when it comes to Raphael experimenting since she is a Runner and works the bar at Cryptic. Because she handles his requests Raphael lets her sample whatever he is working on as payment. She helped him invent the true bloody mary vampire cocktail.
Jia Hu Cleirigh (Acquaintance): Ryan introduced Raphael to Jia, who is Rayan’s mentor and Garrett’s mate. Raphael spends a lot of time at their place whenever Ryan is there. Jia has offered to help him with inventions in his free time.
Garrett Cleirigh (Acquaintance): Ryan introduced Raphael to Garret, his uncle and Jia’s mate. Raphael spends a lot of time at their place whenever Ryan is there.
Lestat Marcoux (Acquaintance): Lastat is Ana’s mate and attends Raphael games. They have not talked much besides pleasantries but Lestat seems cool.
Hostile Connections:
Sadie McCoy (Former Test Subject): Sadie stopped helping him a few years ago when she was throwing up blood for a few days after testing out Rapheal’s take on melted chocolate and AB negative… Rapheal apologized and had his subjects start signing waivers. Sadie may still hiss and glare at him from time to time.
Phillip (Parakeet): Raphael hit a gas pocket Underground a few years ago, since then he has started carrying around some type of bird whenever he isn’t in the main sections. Phillip has made it three months so far.
→ History (paragraph(s) on background) → The Present (paragraph(s) on how the character connects to the plot)
→ Available Gif Hunts (we do not own these)
Garrett Hedlund [1][2][3][4]
0 notes
Raphael Caron → Garrett Hedlund → Vampire
→ Basic Information
Age: 179
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Birthday: May 24th
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Religion: Questioning
→ His Personality
(one to two paragraphs)
→ His Personal Facts
Occupation: Keeper (Developer) and Part-Time at Cafe Dusang
Scars: None
Tattoos: Up To Player
Two Likes: Developing new ways to enjoy human food and making friends
Two Dislikes: Repetition and Strict People
Two Fears: Losing his freedom and Porcelain Doll
Two Hobbies: Making Blood Pops/Smoothies and Bowling
Three Positive Traits: Adventurous, Affectionate, Loyal
Three Negative Traits: Inconsistent, Savage, Sarcastic
→ His Connections
Parent Names:
David Caron (Father): David was an amazing father and husband. Raphael doesn’t regret their choice of seeking out help for their sick and dying son that would eventually lead him getting turned into a vampire. Rapheal’s only regret was having to leave his parents behind after his change. He talked Getta into visiting them for their 30th wedding anniversary; after which Rapheal would visit them every birthday, anniversary and major holiday. His father died at 88.
Ida Mary Caron (Mother): Ida was an amazing mother and wife. Raphael doesn’t regret their choice of seeking out help for their sick and dying son that would eventually lead him getting turned into a vampire. Rapheal’s only regret was having to leave his parents behind after his change. He talked Getta into visiting them for their 30th wedding anniversary; after which Rapheal would visit them every birthday, anniversary and major holiday. Rapheal and Getta had moved her up to Chicago, away from their farm, and placed her into a nice nursing home when David had passed. It hit Rapheal hard when she died a few years later.
Sibling Names:
Children Names:
Romantic Connections:
Nikita Platt (Unsure): Nikita out right asked him for his number one night but Rapheal played it off as nothing, she was drunk. Nikita continued to ask him for his number multiple times afterwards until Rapheal confessed he didn’t have a cell phone. She offered to continue to come Underground until she went on a date with him, which Rapheal found amusing but lately Nikita has been shying away from him. Simon mentioned her having some kind of memory power that plays with her short term memories and Rapheal is unsure what to think or if he’s ready to be forgotten by a potential lover. *See Nikita Platt for her side of the story.
Platonic Connections:
Scorpius Getta (Big Papa): Getta saved Raphael's life. Raphael was dying from Leukemia when Getta gave his parents the terms and conditions. Raphael did reach a period where he hated Getta and resented becoming a vampire when he was a neonate. Getta secretly allowing Rephael to visit his parents aided in building a relationship. Talking to his parents helped Raphael to see Getta as a savior, friend and guardian. Nearly a century later, their relationship is stronger than ever. Raphael uses Getta as a test subject too but only for final approvals.
Petra Chak (Big Mama): Petra is the queen bitch that Raphael was in love with when he first met her. Being born and raised on a farm, Raphael has always been attracted romantically and platonically to strong female figures. Petra is definitely that. Raphael would never act on his feelings for Petra because they are not pure and he sees her more as a guardian.
Fiona ‘Fi’ Marz (Little Mama): Fi is the platonic love of Raphael’s life; she is his platonic soulmate. Raphael is completely and unromantic attracted to Fi. Every time they are together, they move around each other like magnets or game pieces.
Richard Fili (Family): Fili is like a fun uncle to Raphael. Winona, Raphael's vampire sister, was Fili sire and the both of them were constant presences in his life growing up. Fili and Raphael bonded on another level when Winona was killed. They went through the stages of grieving together. Raphael has an undying respect and loyalty for Fili that goes beyond anything he can put in words.
Aleksander Mazur (Family): Aleksander is the older brother that Raphael never had. Their relationship was rocky at first but Raphael quickly won him over. Raphael does not mind Aleksander overly confident or protective ways.
Dan Prior (Family): Dan and Raphael connected immediately and hit it off the first time they met. Raphael always went out of his way to be nice to Dan and considers him his little brother.
Ryan Cleirigh (Best Friend): Raphael attended elementary, middle and high school with Ryan. Ryan was surprised when he found out Rephael had been turned into a vampire. They quickly restarted their friendship; making it easier now that Ryan did not have to hide his powers and that they are both immortal.
Farrokh Alvi (Good Friend/Bowling Team Member): Farrokh was one of the people who trained Rapheal to become a keeper. Raphael specializes in developing new ways to enjoy and mix blood with human food; this helps to conserve blood. It all began with Farrokh making a joke about it over a century ago and Rapheal stepping up for the challenge; also to wipe the smug grin off of Farrokh's face. Raphael also managed to teach and drag Farrokh to bowling.
Simon L Weyden (Friend): Simon seems to always be having a good time Underground and Raphael loves his energy. One night Raphael randomly invited him to a game and Simon showed up sober, which is unlike his usual crowd, cheering on his team. Raphael is interested in Simon’s magical powers and Simon’s personal interest in Fiona.
Morana ‘Ana’ Vickors (Friend): Ana and Raphael formed a friendship after Winona’s death, Raphael vampire sister. Ana helped him through the shock and pain of losing someone far too soon. It has been decades but Raphael will never forget Ana being there for him when he needed it the most. Ana helped Raphael find a hobby; bowling. Ana and her mate, Lestat, often come to his games.
Angel Landyn (Friend/Bowling Team Member): Raphael found Angel and bonded over bowling. Raphael only bowls with the group and does not see much of them outside of bowling events and practice; they do not have much in common.
Raul Santiago (Friend/Bowling Team Member): Raphael found Raul and bonded over bowling. Raphael only bowls with the group and does not see much of them outside of bowling events and practice; they do not have much in common.
Chai Gates (Friend/Bowling Team Member): Raphael found Chai and bonded over bowling. Raphael only bowls with the group and does not see much of them outside of bowling events and practice; they do not have much in common.
Chiara Ricci (Test Subject): Chiara was the inspiration behind Raphael’s blood pops about 40 years ago. He made them for her 100th birthday bash.
Aisling Rois (Test Subject): Aisling is a perfect help when it comes to Raphael experimenting since she is a Runner and works the bar at Cryptic. Because she handles his requests Raphael lets her sample whatever he is working on as payment. She helped him invent the true bloody mary vampire cocktail.
Jia Hu Cleirigh (Acquaintance): Ryan introduced Raphael to Jia, who is Rayan’s mentor and Garrett’s mate. Raphael spends a lot of time at their place whenever Ryan is there. Jia has offered to help him with inventions in his free time.
Garrett Cleirigh (Acquaintance): Ryan introduced Raphael to Garret, his uncle and Jia’s mate. Raphael spends a lot of time at their place whenever Ryan is there.
Lestat Marcoux (Acquaintance): Lastat is Ana’s mate and attends Raphael games. They have not talked much besides pleasantries but Lestat seems cool.
Hostile Connections:
Sadie McCoy (Former Test Subject): Sadie stopped helping him a few years ago when she was throwing up blood for a few days after testing out Rapheal’s take on melted chocolate and AB negative… Rapheal apologized and had his subjects start signing waivers. Sadie may still hiss and glare at him from time to time.
Phillip (Parakeet): Raphael hit a gas pocket Underground a few years ago, since then he has started carrying around some type of bird whenever he isn’t in the main sections. Phillip has made it three months so far.
→ History (paragraph(s) on background) → The Present (paragraph(s) on how the character connects to the plot)
→ Available Gif Hunts (we do not own these)
Garrett Hedlund [1][2][3][4]
0 notes
Chapter 2 Bad Moon Rising
I woke up a few hours later with the smell of Chinese food filling the room. As I sat up rubbing my eyes, I heard Ian chuckle from the corner.
“Well, your hair looks fabulous.” he said while still chuckling.
“Shut up” I said patting the big bump on the back of my head. I had taken a shower after swimming that morning and had gone to bed with wet hair, forgetting to braid it like I usually did because of how tired I was. And the result was a birds nest for a hairdo when I woke up. West sat beside me on the bed, making me jostle and almost fall towards him. Curse these motel beds. He shoved a steaming box of Chinese food in front of my face, the smell waking me up as I realized how hungry I was.
“Why thank you, Wesley.” I said taking the box, proceeding to stuff my face.
“She’s so polite when you come bearing food” West laughed. I only used his full name when I was asking for something or when I was saying thanks after I got something. It usually revolved around food.
“Ok, down to business. Are you awake enough, Tori?” asked Ian. I waved my hand about as if to say ‘sure, whatever’ while still putting food in my mouth.
“Alright, so while you where unconscious, me and West checked out the body and then questioned the wife. So far, things are leading towards a vampire, but usually that means that there must be a nest near the area to which we have no leads on as to where.” Ian filled me in.
“Picture of the bite mark?” I asked around a mouthful of food and West provided a glossy picture.
“Ok, c’mon guys, that’s not a vamp bite, that’s a Basilisk bite. Did you even bother to ask if the body was drained of blood?” I said disapprovingly. Sometimes my brothers didn’t look at all the possibilities, they just looked at something and decided ‘oh its probably that’. In the end I suppose it was easy for me to say because I do most of the research. Since I don’t look old enough to be an FBI agent I’m always stuck with the books while Ian, who’s twenty-six and West who’s twenty-four can always pass by looking like they could have more authority.
My brothers looked at each other, lips pursed.
“The pathologist wasn’t there.” Both boys said at the same time, defending themselves.
“Welp, good thing you’ve got me.” I winked and jumped off the bed to grab my laptop. With a few easy clicks I showed them a file I had kept a long time ago to when I had some down time with some roman books.
“Originally it was said to be a snake-like animal with marks on its head that looked like a crown but sometime in the Middle Ages it was then described as a serpent with the head of a rooster and wings of a dragon. They have a deadly bite, and venomous breath, oh and this is scary,” I looked up at them, “apparently they can kill you just by looking at you.” I finished, eyebrows raised and then quickly getting over it and taking another bite of food.
“Well, that’s just awesome” Ian said sarcastically. “Any weaknesses at least?”
“Not that I can see here, I guess I gotta hit some more books.” I said pensively, stabbing my chopsticks around the box.
“Ok so you and West can do that, while I go back and look at the body, maybe see if they found any venom just to confirm that what we are dealing with really is a Basi—, bais—….a what again?”
“Basilisk.” I told him.
Ian just yawned and rubbed his face as he grabbed the car keys and walked out the door.
I noticed for the millionth time that he looked tired. He slept, but many times as I drove at night or the times I had to share a bed with him I noticed that he was dreaming a lot, or rather, having nightmares. He’d call out to Mom softly, yelling no, or telling West to take me and run, kicking his sheets around him, occasionally kicking me. He’d calm down a little bit once I put my hand on his arm whispering that West and I were safe and Mom was protecting us. Ian would be ok for a few hours and then the dream would start up again, but at that point I would just wake him up since he’d at least gotten a few quiet hours of sleep in.
The absence of our parents haunted each of us everyday in different ways. Ian through his nightmares, West through randomly asking if we could go home, then immediately reminding himself that we didn’t have a home anymore. Then me, looking at my brothers as being the only parents I have known for half of my life. We lost our parents to a pair of werewolves when I was nine, West was fourteen and Ian was sixteen. That’s when we learned that our parents used to be hunters, before they decided to quit and have kids. Our Uncle Vince, Dad’s brother, a hunter as well, took us under his wing, helping us move into his home claiming ours wasn’t demon proof enough.
I remember going through boxes in the basement, trying to figure out what to keep, what to leave and what to throw out. I found box after box of information about different creatures and monsters all with my mothers’ handwritten notes in the sides, eliminating some information and adding others. Tears filled my nine-year-old eyes because I didn’t understand how my parents could be completely different people. But to Ian’s protests I kept the boxes of information, reading as much as I could over the next two years. I even helped uncle Vince work a few cases from home, he’d call asking about a certain monster and I’d effortlessly tell him everything I’d learned from Mom’s notes.
I suppose I did it because if it helped my uncle in any which way to come home safely, I’d do it, I wasn’t going to lose any more family members.
The year I turned eleven I started training. Uncle Vince came up to me and put a knife in my small hands.
“Try and cut me.” he said. I didn’t try, why would I do such a thing?
“Victoria Elisa Vallen, listen to me, try and cut me” I didn’t like it when people used my full name, so I jabbed at him halfheartedly. Uncle Vince easily moved out of the way.
“Again,” he said “faster this time.” So I did, once again he moved easily out of the way.
We worked like this for months, I liked hand-to-hand combat, and throwing knifes, but I liked a bow and arrow the most. I was snooping around Uncle Vince’s weapon room once and found a dusty old wooden longbow in the corner, quiver and arrows carelessly put next to it. Next thing I new I was hitting bull’s-eye every time I released an arrow. Ian hated that Uncle Vince was training me, hearing them argue about it time and time again.
“When I said you should train us, I meant just me and West.” Ian would yell at Uncle Vince. “She’s a little girl who should grow up with a normal life” Ian would continue.
“She loves it, can’t you see?” Uncle Vince would point at me through the window as my arrow hit another bull’s eye. “I’m not saying she’s going to be a hunter, she’ll go through life now being able to defend herself from anything that she has to.” He would finish, and then walk out the door, bluntly indicating to Ian that the conversation was over.
A year passed and we all learned quickly, Ian was a killer shot with a gun and fighting, West was extremely good at hand to hand combat and being able to get out effortlessly of almost any chokehold or being tied up, I held on to my bow, progressing to a compound bow and a crossbow as well. The only thing about a bow, though, was that I couldn’t just tuck one into a jacket, so they all worked with me to improve my gun and fighting skills, teaching me different techniques so that I could compensate my lack of strength with speed.
Soon after, Ian finished his senior year early and started going on hunts with Uncle Vince, leaving West and I home for days at a time. Then, one day, Ian came home from a hunt all by himself. Uncle Vince had been killed fighting a vampire. We were once again parentless. At this point, however, since Ian was nineteen, we stayed in Uncle Vince’s home laying low for a while until strange deaths started popping up around town, leading to a demon that needed to be sent back to hell. The fact that we knew what was in town meant that we needed to do something about it but Ian wasn’t going to take me on the hunt and I wasn’t going to let him and West go without me. So I dug through one of Mom’s old boxes, finding an address book filled with a bunch of other hunters and psychics, of people that could help. My mother’s handwriting indicated that a certain Bobby Singer was a good hunter and a good friend. West sat silently as me and Ian fought over calling Bobby or not.
“We don’t know if we can trust him!” Ian said.
“But Mom says we can!” I shouted back, stabbing my finger on Mom’s note.
“That was years ago, Tori! No, I say no and that’s final.” Ian finished.
A few weeks later however, when there was a body count of four, we didn’t need to call anyone because Bobby Singer showed up on our doorstep looking for Uncle Vince. After Ian and West had a long talk with Bobby behind closed doors where I wasn’t allowed to be, Ian decided that Bobby could be trusted. Within hours Bobby and Ian exorcised the demon together and the next day Bobby brought us back to his home to meet some hunters who where near our age, and who’s father we could trust as well.
The Winchesters were a family of three, the father John, and his two sons Dean and Sam. Dean was two years older than Ian and they had so much in common that they where nearly inseparable each time we visited or ran into them, they even looked alike, same green eyes, same height and same hairstyle. Sam was the same age as West and they had just as much in common, personality wise, as Dean and Ian did, although Sam was a little bit taller, West wasn’t very far behind him. West finished school and he and Ian started going on more hunts with Sam, Dean and John, leaving Bobby and me to do all the research for them. At this point I had quit going to school and continued my studies at Bobby’s or whatever motel we were staying at. We had left Uncle Vince’s house behind, unable to pay for it and taking the money we inherited to pay for motel rooms in between stays at Bobby’s. That year however, when I quit school, a few months later Sam decided to quit hunting and go back to school, he’d been accepted into Stanford. John and Dean weren’t happy about it, but I knew how much Sam wanted to be normal, so I was happy for him. This was also around the time I met the Harvelles, Ellen and Jo, the father of the family used to be a hunter before he died working a case with John. The rest of the family kept the bar they owned afloat and helped out other hunters whenever they could. Ash stayed with them as well and was a genius when it came to hacking computers. My family became good friends with theirs and I was more than happy to spend time with other girls, Ellen was Jo’s mother and Jo was three years older than me, we got along well, until someone mentioned me on a hunt and Jo would get a little sour. Her mother wouldn’t let her hunt because Ellen couldn’t risk losing another family member.
By the time I was fifteen Ian and West let me come on my first hunt. They had really only let me come because Bobby wasn’t home and couldn’t make me stay, and the Harvelle roadhouse was in Nebraska, two states over from the case. Also, the Winchesters were busy attending to another case, so we had to deal with this one on our own.
It was supposed to be an easy case, we’d scoped out the vampire nest and watched their actions for a few days finding out when they came and went. I was set up on the roof of the next building with my bow and arrow, my job was to shoot the ones that ran out, while Ian and West sneaked inside and silently pegged off the others. If our observations where right there should only be eight vampires to take out. I waited anxiously, my arrows dripping with dead man’s blood, as the boys went in. Two minutes later, a vampire ran out the door, less than a second passed when my arrow fired right into his heart. He fell forward, but he wasn’t dead, just knocked out, we’d have to cut off his head later. At this point I was hoping that Ian and West had killed two vamps already meaning we had maybe three down and five to go. Two more came out the door and I shot them easily as West came out the door cutting off the heads of the three that I had knocked out with arrows. Ian came out saying that one got away and was nowhere to be found. A loose end we couldn’t afford. As I gathered my quiver I heard Ian shouting up to me.
“Tori! Behind you!”
I looked too late, and the last vampire grabbed me wasting no time before pulling me down and biting my neck out of the view of West and Ian. At first the pain was excruciating and I was scared, but it turned to anger as I realized that I had all this training and couldn’t bring myself to fight back. As he continued to feed on me the pain ebbed away and soon a feeling of ecstasy came over me, I started to enjoy it, the pain was completely gone, god I hated vampires for their powers. Finally, I felt someone pull the vampire from my neck and heard the choking sound of someone being stabbed, but it was too late, I was slipping. Then everything went black.
I woke up in the hospital eighteen hours later, finding out that it had been a really close call but that my brothers got me to the hospital just in time. I was certain that my brothers would never let me hunt again, until I made my case.
“Tori, I’ll never let this happen again.” Said Ian as he held my hand in the hospital room with tears in his green eyes.
“Good, neither will I.” I responded with a straight face.
“We’re going to find somewhere, somewhere safe that we can live and you can go to school, West and me, we’ll get normal jobs…” Ian kept babbling about a normal life but I stopped listening, planning my words before I spoke so that I knew I could convince him.
“Ian, shh, stop.” I squeezed his fingers and took a deep breath. ”We’re not going to get a home, you’re not going to get a job. We are going to save people.” Ian got up on his feet getting ready to argue. “Oh no you don’t, stop, listen. Sure, I got hurt, but it’s part of the job description for hunting. We are not stopping because I don’t want anyone to go through what I did if I can help it. Mom and Dad didn’t hunt for no reason and they sure as hell didn’t die protecting us for no reason. Uncle Vince didn’t train us for no reason and he didn’t die for nothing either. Bobby didn’t introduce us to the Winchesters so that you guys could help them hunt for no reason, should I keep going? Ian, its in our blood. We’re meant for this, why do you think we all caught on so quickly with our training? Why do I have a crazy knack for remembering everything I read about the supernatural?” taking another deep breath I continued, “I’m not stopping Ian, I’m going to do this with or without you, but I’d much rather have both of my brothers by my side.” I finished; a tear escaped my eye and silently ran down my cheek. Ian sat down grabbed my hand and wiped the tear from my face.
Ian hated it for the first four months, asking after every case we finished if I wanted to quit, if I’d gotten past my “need for hunting” phase, but I’d always say what Dean said to me once:
“‘Saving people, hunting things, the family business’, It’s what I want to do Ian.” And he’d always stomp off without a word slamming the door then go for a drive in the car. West always seemed indifferent to what we did, whenever Ian asked for backup on trying to convince me to stop hunting he’d just shrug and say “I don’t care, as long as we stick together”. So my stubbornness led to where we were today, three homeless siblings, who hustled pool, committed credit card fraud and used fake identities to get by in life to save other lives. It was a job with many more downsides and the average life span of a hunter was relatively shorter than a normal person. We ate cold gas station food, or greasy diner food, we got hurt or kidnapped often, but we saved lives, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
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Raphael Caron → Garrett Hedlund → Vampire
→ Basic Information
Age: 179
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Birthday: May 24th
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Religion: Questioning
→ His Personality
(one to two paragraphs)
→ His Personal Facts
Occupation: Keeper (Developer) and Part-Time at Cafe Dusang
Scars: None
Tattoos: Up To Player
Two Likes: Developing new ways to enjoy human food and making friends
Two Dislikes: Repetition and Strict People
Two Fears: Losing his freedom and Porcelain Doll
Two Hobbies: Making Blood Pops/Smoothies and Bowling
Three Positive Traits: Adventurous, Affectionate, Loyal
Three Negative Traits: Inconsistent, Savage, Sarcastic
→ His Connections
Parent Names:
David Caron (Father): David was an amazing father and husband. Raphael doesn’t regret their choice of seeking out help for their sick and dying son that would eventually lead him getting turned into a vampire. Rapheal’s only regret was having to leave his parents behind after his change. He talked Getta into visiting them for their 30th wedding anniversary; after which Rapheal would visit them every birthday, anniversary and major holiday. His father died at 88.
Ida Mary Caron (Mother): Ida was an amazing mother and wife. Raphael doesn’t regret their choice of seeking out help for their sick and dying son that would eventually lead him getting turned into a vampire. Rapheal’s only regret was having to leave his parents behind after his change. He talked Getta into visiting them for their 30th wedding anniversary; after which Rapheal would visit them every birthday, anniversary and major holiday. Rapheal and Getta had moved her up to Chicago, away from their farm, and placed her into a nice nursing home when David had passed. It hit Rapheal hard when she died a few years later.
Sibling Names:
Children Names:
Romantic Connections:
Nikita Platt (Unsure): Nikita out right asked him for his number one night but Rapheal played it off as nothing, she was drunk. Nikita continued to ask him for his number multiple times afterwards until Rapheal confessed he didn’t have a cell phone. She offered to continue to come Underground until she went on a date with him, which Rapheal found amusing but lately Nikita has been shying away from him. Simon mentioned her having some kind of memory power that plays with her short term memories and Rapheal is unsure what to think or if he’s ready to be forgotten by a potential lover. *See Nikita Platt for her side of the story.
Platonic Connections:
Scorpius Getta (Big Papa): Getta saved Raphael’s life. Raphael was dying from Leukemia when Getta gave his parents the terms and conditions. Raphael did reach a period where he hated Getta and resented becoming a vampire when he was a neonate. Getta secretly allowing Rephael to visit his parents aided in building a relationship. Talking to his parents helped Raphael to see Getta as a savior, friend and guardian. Nearly a century later, their relationship is stronger than ever. Raphael uses Getta as a test subject too but only for final approvals.
Petra Chak (Big Mama): Petra is the queen bitch that Raphael was in love with when he first met her. Being born and raised on a farm, Raphael has always been attracted romantically and platonically to strong female figures. Petra is definitely that. Raphael would never act on his feelings for Petra because they are not pure and he sees her more as a guardian.
Fiona ‘Fi’ Marz (Little Mama): Fi is the platonic love of Raphael’s life; she is his platonic soulmate. Raphael is completely and unromantic attracted to Fi. Every time they are together, they move around each other like magnets or game pieces.
Richard Fili (Family): Fili is like a fun uncle to Raphael. Winona, Raphael’s vampire sister, was Fili sire and the both of them were constant presences in his life growing up. Fili and Raphael bonded on another level when Winona was killed. They went through the stages of grieving together. Raphael has an undying respect and loyalty for Fili that goes beyond anything he can put in words.
Aleksander Mazur (Family): Aleksander is the older brother that Raphael never had. Their relationship was rocky at first but Raphael quickly won him over. Raphael does not mind Aleksander overly confident or protective ways.
Dan Prior (Family): Dan and Raphael connected immediately and hit it off the first time they met. Raphael always went out of his way to be nice to Dan and considers him his little brother.
Ryan Cleirigh (Best Friend): Raphael attended elementary, middle and high school with Ryan. Ryan was surprised when he found out Rephael had been turned into a vampire. They quickly restarted their friendship; making it easier now that Ryan did not have to hide his powers and that they are both immortal.
Farrokh Alvi (Good Friend/Bowling Team Member): Farrokh was one of the people who trained Rapheal to become a keeper. Raphael specializes in developing new ways to enjoy and mix blood with human food; this helps to conserve blood. It all began with Farrokh making a joke about it over a century ago and Rapheal stepping up for the challenge; also to wipe the smug grin off of Farrokh’s face. Raphael also managed to teach and drag Farrokh to bowling.
Simon L Weyden (Friend): Simon seems to always be having a good time Underground and Raphael loves his energy. One night Raphael randomly invited him to a game and Simon showed up sober, which is unlike his usual crowd, cheering on his team. Raphael is interested in Simon’s magical powers and Simon’s personal interest in Fiona.
Morana ‘Ana’ Vickors (Friend): Ana and Raphael formed a friendship after Winona’s death, Raphael vampire sister. Ana helped him through the shock and pain of losing someone far too soon. It has been decades but Raphael will never forget Ana being there for him when he needed it the most. Ana helped Raphael find a hobby; bowling. Ana and her mate, Lestat, often come to his games.
Angel Landyn (Friend/Bowling Team Member): Raphael found Angel and bonded over bowling. Raphael only bowls with the group and does not see much of them outside of bowling events and practice; they do not have much in common.
Raul Santiago (Friend/Bowling Team Member): Raphael found Raul and bonded over bowling. Raphael only bowls with the group and does not see much of them outside of bowling events and practice; they do not have much in common.
Chai Gates (Friend/Bowling Team Member): Raphael found Chai and bonded over bowling. Raphael only bowls with the group and does not see much of them outside of bowling events and practice; they do not have much in common.
Chiara Ricci (Test Subject): Chiara was the inspiration behind Raphael’s blood pops about 40 years ago. He made them for her 100th birthday bash.
Aisling Rois (Test Subject): Aisling is a perfect help when it comes to Raphael experimenting since she is a Runner and works the bar at Cryptic. Because she handles his requests Raphael lets her sample whatever he is working on as payment. She helped him invent the true bloody mary vampire cocktail.
Jia Hu Cleirigh (Acquaintance): Ryan introduced Raphael to Jia, who is Rayan’s mentor and Garrett’s mate. Raphael spends a lot of time at their place whenever Ryan is there. Jia has offered to help him with inventions in his free time.
Garrett Cleirigh (Acquaintance): Ryan introduced Raphael to Garret, his uncle and Jia’s mate. Raphael spends a lot of time at their place whenever Ryan is there.
Lestat Marcoux (Acquaintance): Lastat is Ana’s mate and attends Raphael games. They have not talked much besides pleasantries but Lestat seems cool.
Hostile Connections:
Sadie McCoy (Former Test Subject): Sadie stopped helping him a few years ago when she was throwing up blood for a few days after testing out Rapheal’s take on melted chocolate and AB negative… Rapheal apologized and had his subjects start signing waivers. Sadie may still hiss and glare at him from time to time.
Phillip (Parakeet): Raphael hit a gas pocket Underground a few years ago, since then he has started carrying around some type of bird whenever he isn’t in the main sections. Phillip has made it three months so far.
→ History (paragraph(s) on background) → The Present (paragraph(s) on how the character connects to the plot)
→ Available Gif Hunts (we do not own these)
Garrett Hedlund [1][2][3][4]
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