#and then a mad scientist brought it back as a robot
lovezbrownies · 3 days
Julie with a golden retriever reader
oomf i wrote half of this half asleep i am going to be busy for the next two days so i needed to post it, if you see any mistakes or shitty writing just ignore it for now ><
Soft on you. (Yandere!Mad Scientist x GN!Reader.)
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Julie's Masterlist - General Masterlist
Synopsis: A nice fluffy time with your cold calculating girlfriend!
Julie McCanister x GN!Reader
Warnings: Julie acts cold but actually is warm
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Julie’s office was a sanctuary of silence, where the relentless hum of the computer and the rustling of papers created a symphony of productivity. In this controlled environment, Julie found solace. Her mind operated with a precision akin to the algorithms she worked with—logical, detached, and almost robotic in its efficiency. Each piece of data, each variable, fell into place with a calculated inevitability. This was her domain, her world where chaos was meticulously tamed and where emotions had little room to disrupt the order she had carefully constructed.
Yet, despite the serene predictability of her scientific realm, there was an unpredictable element that frequently disrupted her meticulously ordered life. That element was you.
You entered her world with a boundless, almost reckless energy, a stark contrast to the calm, controlled atmosphere of her lab. Your presence was like a vibrant splash of color on a monochromatic canvas, and Julie often found herself both bemused and captivated by your ceaseless enthusiasm. Your energy was a whirlwind that swept through her world, leaving a trail of laughter and lightness in its wake. Today, as you burst into the room, it was no different. The door swung open with a cheerful push, and there you were, radiating excitement as though you were a sunbeam breaking through a cloudy day.
“Jules!” you called out, your voice a musical lilt that cut through the ambient hum of the office like a knife. You skipped into the room, an infectious grin plastered across your face. The sheer vibrancy of your presence seemed to ripple through the air, a stark contrast to the sterile environment. Your arms were hidden behind your back, adding an element of playful suspense to your appearance. “Guess what I brought you!”
Julie’s fingers paused mid-type, her eyes flicking away from the screen to regard you with a mixture of curiosity and mild irritation. Her sharp, analytical gaze met your effervescent one, and she struggled to reconcile the dissonance between your vibrant energy and her own more restrained demeanor. But there was an undercurrent of something deeper in her gaze—an obsessive attention to every detail of you that she couldn’t quite hide, despite her best efforts to maintain her composure. “I’m not in the mood for guessing games,” she replied, her tone clipped but not unkind. There was an underlying softness in her words, a reluctant acknowledgment of the warmth you brought into her otherwise orderly world.
You, however, were undeterred. If anything, your grin widened, fueled by the challenge of drawing her out of her shell. “Oh, come on,” you persisted, your eyes sparkling with mischief. “Just one guess! I promise it’s something you’ll love.”
Julie sighed, her lips twitching with the barest hint of a smile. “If it’s something I’ll love, then it’s probably coffee,” she surmised, her tone carrying a hint of resigned amusement. She leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms with a practiced air of nonchalance, though her gaze betrayed a flicker of anticipation. Her mind was already racing ahead, fixated on the idea of what might be hidden behind your back. The prospect of you surprising her, of you bringing something into her life that she hadn't meticulously planned for, intrigued her deeply.
You shook your head, an exaggerated gasp escaping your lips. “Nope! Well, I did get you coffee too, but that’s not the surprise.” With a flourish, you revealed the small box of chocolates, its golden foil shimmering under the office lights. “Ta-da!”
Julie’s eyebrow arched in an almost imperceptible show of amusement as she took in the sight of the chocolates. The box was elegant, its packaging a testament to the thought you’d put into choosing it. She had always been a creature of habit, preferring practicality over indulgence, but there was something undeniably charming about the way you had gone out of your way to select a treat that you knew would bring her joy. The meticulous care with which you chose the chocolates was a detail she fixated on with an intensity that belied her usual demeanor.
“Chocolates,” she stated, her voice flat but not devoid of warmth. Her fingers reached out to take the box from you, brushing against yours in the process. The contact was brief but electric, a momentary connection that spoke volumes more than words could convey. She was acutely aware of every nuance of the touch, a testament to her obsessive nature. “I suppose you think this will somehow improve my productivity.”
You laughed, the sound a bright, melodic chime that filled the room with its infectious joy. “Well, I thought it might provide a little boost. Plus, I know you like these,” you said, your eyes alight with a mixture of mischief and affection. “Even if you pretend not to be obsessed with them.”
Julie’s gaze softened as she examined the box of chocolates, her usually stoic expression giving way to a rare, fleeting smile. It was a smile that rarely appeared outside the confines of your company, a testament to the subtle impact you had on her otherwise meticulously controlled emotions. Her fingers lingered on the box, an indication of how thoroughly she was savoring the moment. “You’re impossible,” she muttered, though there was no real edge to her words. The fondness in her voice was unmistakable, even if she tried to disguise it behind her usual veneer of detachment. Her obsessive fixation on you and the little things you did for her was a side of her she seldom allowed to show.
“Only for you,” you replied, your tone light and playful as you reached over to gently nudge her with your shoulder. The contact was casual, yet it conveyed an intimacy that spoke of the deep bond between you. “I thought you could use a break. And, you know, who doesn’t love a little sugar?”
Julie rolled her eyes with a barely concealed smirk, though she took the chocolate box with a more genuine gesture of appreciation. She selected a piece, savoring the rich flavor with an almost begrudging acknowledgment of its merits. The treat was as delicious as she had expected, a small indulgence that offered a brief respite from the relentless grind of her work. The way she savored each bite spoke of her intense attention to detail and her obsessive nature, even when it came to the smallest pleasures.
“You’re ridiculous,” Julie said, though the words lacked their usual bite. There was a softness in her tone, a quiet gratitude that she rarely expressed so openly. She met your gaze with an unspoken message—a message that said she was thankful, even if she didn’t always know how to express it in the conventional ways.
You beamed at her, your eyes sparkling with genuine delight. “Anytime, Jules. I’m always here for you.”
Julie’s gaze softened, her eyes reflecting a mixture of gratitude and something deeper, something more vulnerable. She leaned in, her lips brushing against yours in a tender, lingering kiss. It was a kiss that spoke of unspoken emotions, of a connection that transcended the boundaries of her usually controlled demeanor. It was a kiss that said more than words ever could, a silent affirmation of the love and appreciation that lay beneath her stoic exterior.
As you pulled away, your eyes met hers, and in that fleeting moment, there was a shared understanding—a recognition of the quiet, profound bond that existed between you. It was a bond that didn’t require grand gestures or elaborate declarations, but rather a simple, honest connection that was evident in every touch, every glance, and every shared moment of intimacy.
With a contented sigh, Julie settled back into the cushions, her arm slipping around you in a protective embrace. The movie might have ended, but the warmth of the evening lingered, a gentle reminder of the love and affection that defined your relationship. And as you snuggled closer, the world outside seemed to fade away, leaving only the quiet comfort of each other’s presence—a presence that was both grounding and uplifting, a perfect balance of logic and love, science and spontaneity.
In the dim light of the living room, as the last echoes of the film faded into silence, you and Julie remained nestled together, a perfect harmony of contrasts. The night was still young, and in the sanctuary of your shared space, there was a profound sense of peace, a quiet contentment that spoke of the deep, unspoken connection you shared.
The evening’s warmth had settled around the two of you like a comforting blanket, the soft glow of the living room lights casting a gentle aura over the space. The movie had ended, its final credits rolling silently on the screen, leaving behind the lingering echoes of laughter and the rustle of popcorn. The room was now filled with the soothing sound of your soft breaths and the occasional flicker of a nearby candle.
As you nestled closer into the cushions, the gentle rhythm of your breathing creating a steady, calming backdrop, Julie’s fingers traced idle patterns on your arm. Her touch was deliberate and tender, a stark contrast to the otherwise calculated precision with which she approached her work. Each caress was a reflection of her deep-seated affection, a silent acknowledgment of the way your presence brought an unexpected warmth into her meticulously controlled life.
Your head rested against her chest, your eyes half-closed in contentment as you basked in the afterglow of the evening. You could feel the gentle rise and fall of her chest, a soothing reminder of her presence. It was moments like these that you cherished—the quiet, intimate spaces where words were unnecessary, and emotions spoke through simple gestures.
Julie’s gaze shifted from the flickering candlelight to you, her eyes softening with a blend of admiration and affection. She took a deep breath, allowing herself to savor the serene moment before her. With an almost imperceptible shift, she tilted her head slightly, her lips brushing against your temple in a soft, fleeting kiss, as though she'd become addicted to kissing you as of late—like the multiple times she'd peppered your skin in kisses when you're dead asleep. The contact was tender, a gentle press of warmth and affection that spoke volumes more than any elaborate declaration could.
The kiss was brief but full of meaning, a quiet declaration of her feelings in a way that felt both natural and deeply sincere. Julie’s lips lingered just a fraction longer than necessary, her touch lingering with a tenderness that contrasted with her usual reserved demeanor. It was a moment of vulnerability and connection, a soft, unspoken acknowledgment of the deep bond that existed between you.
As she pulled back, her eyes met yours with a silent, affectionate promise. There was no need for words; the kiss had conveyed everything that needed to be said. You smiled up at her, the warmth of the moment reflected in your eyes. Julie’s gaze softened further, her usual composure giving way to a rare, genuine smile that spoke of the profound affection she held for you.
In the quiet of the evening, the gentle embrace of the kiss lingered, a small but significant testament to the love and connection that defined your relationship. It was a reminder that even in the most ordinary moments, the depth of your bond was always present, a quiet, unspoken truth that provided a comforting anchor in the midst of life’s complexities.
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hello. I'm back. with ideas for a spiderverse character
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tyrantisterror · 6 months
I think one of the things that gets lost in the big, endless internet conversation about whether or not heroes should kill their villains is the fact that killing villains off robs you of a lot of story-telling potential. The Joker died at the end of his debut story in Batman - imagine what Batman would be if he stayed dead. No Joker in Batman 66, no The Killing Joke which means no Barbara Gordon as Oracle and no The Dark Knight, no Mark Hamill Joker episodes of BTAS (so many of them were based on his comic appearances, after all - the laughing fish is a direct adaptation of a comic), which means no Harley Quinn and no Return of the Joker, on and on it goes.
Like, you can argue the morality of heroes sparing their villains till you turn blue - god knows this site does it at least a thousand times a day - but on a purely pragmatic story-telling level, the minute you kill ANY character, you kill all the story potential they had. And yeah, it's fiction, you can bring them back from the dead if you really need them, but that's a pretty hard story beat to pull off without hurting your story. You don't want to fill your tale with "Somehow, Palpatine has returned" moments.
And you can just make new villains, sure, but again you have a problem with that - a new villain has to establish themselves and has to stand out from who came before, which means you can't go directly to the storylines you could have had with a villain who stuck around AFTER their introduction. A recurring villain is capable of doing things that one-off villains can't.
I'm going to illustrate this with a character from a fandom I'm not even a part of - I never played the Ratchet and Clank series and am only vaguely aware of it, but one day I saw a supercut of scenes starring one of its recurring villains, Dr. Nefarious, on twitter, and I was like "Oh shit, that's the guy who plays Quark on Deep Space Nine, isn't? This guys a hoot, let's see if we can find more clips on youtube." Which brought me to this hefty video here from one of the more recent games in the series.
And, like, as a person who "doesn't even go here," it's obvious this goofy little fucker has a history. His opening scenes have him ranting about how much it sucks to lose repeatedly - a lampshade on the "flaw" of a recurring villain, i.e. that their threat diminishes the more they come back because, by the nature of their role in the story, it means they've suffered a lot of losses. So how cool is it that as this supercut chugs along you can clearly see this is a theme of the game - that this is a story about the virtue of losing, a story that is enriched by having an antagonist who fans of the series know has lost a LOT?
The true antagonist is an alternate version of Dr. Nefarious who's won every fight in his life so far, apparently with little effort, and I love how they differ on a design aspect. They're both technically mad scientists, but notably, Emperor Nefarious, the winner, has a more imposing and "heroic" build, but a smaller brain-dome for his robot brains. Because winning may make him look strong, but if a mad scientist's real power is their mind, well, which Nefarious is really the strong one here then?
Dr. Nefarious gets this juicy arc about realizing the virtue in his repeated failures that corresponds with the heroic characters struggling to find a way to win against a seemingly invincible opponent, as well as contrasts the true villain, Dr. Nefarious's explicit counterpart and foil Emperor Nefarious, who has never once lost and is a total piece of shit for it. Again, not my fandom, I don't go here, not an expert on Ratchet and Clank, but even as a relative stranger to it who's just watching a big supercut, I fucking love this. This is an excellent story.
And it's one you can only tell with a recurring villain. Without Dr. Nefarious, this story works significantly less. You need a villain with a history the audience has seen to really sell this.
Anyway, I made this post because, ironically enough, I saw another tweet talking about how some fans think Dr. Nefarious should have been killed off in his first appearance, and, like... that's just fucking baffling to me, as a person outside this fandom looking in. Recurring villains deserve more love, man, they give us so much.
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chaifootsteps · 10 months
Hey I saw someone on Twitter saying you’re transphobic because it said in your Twitter bio “IDW Arcee is still a guy” even though the character is canonically trans. What’s your take on that? I’m not attacking you or anything I just genuinely want to know the context of all that.
Oh boy. Strap yourselves in kids; time for Chai's villain origin story.
So basically, IDW Arcee made his debut under the pen of Simon Furman, the dude who created Arcee in the first place. Simon Furman has a small massive chip on his shoulder over the notion of girl robots, but we're going to be talking in mostly Watsonian terms for now. IDW Arcee as he comes on the scene in Spotlight Arcee is the victim of a nonconsensual forced sex reassignment, we see right off the bat that this destroyed his life.
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He's wracked with trauma and dysphoria over this, on a do-or-die quest to take out the mad scientist who did it (he succeeds and tortures said scientist for seven years straight), and is implied to suffer chronic pain.
This got a lot of criticism, but Simon Furman insisted it wasn't meant to be transphobic, just the opposite. When someone pointed out that this was a story about how traumatic it was to be assigned a gender you didn't feel was the one you should have, Furman agreed with this take.
Eventually Furman was shooed out and John Barber was brought in as writer, and nobody seemed to know how to deal with Arcee's backstory. So they just kind of...didn't. They wrote around it for eight whole years, never really acknowledging it, but frequently alluding to how traumatized he was from it. The only person to ever roll up their sleeves and tackle it head on was Mairghread Scott, the only person IMO to ever do justice to IDW Arcee.
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By the way, this panel made me weep. This issue also includes a fleeting, but notable moment where someone refers to Arcee with they/them pronouns, and at the time, I was extremely excited for this.
Shortly after this however, the comic came to an end and John Barber decided -- in the very last issue -- to bring in an expert. And by this, I mean he found some trans lady on Twitter and let her write Arcee. The last issue has Arcee concluding that the whole sex change was consensual and the violent murder spree was the result of, I quote, "bad meds."
Yeah, basically Arcee killed all those people because the Spiro was a little off.
I got into a lot of internet fights with people over this back in the day, criticizing it for being worse than what we started with, but also frequently pointing out that it wasn't Twitter lady's fault, as she wasn't the editor-in-chief at IDW and that there's a very good reason professional writers aren't supposed to do this sort of thing. In return, I got accused of hating trans women and still get some real ugly things in the inbox about it to this day. It was the first taste, bitter as wormwood, of what I as a trans man could expect from my own community.
Regardless of all that, Arcee is probably the most important fictional character to ever enter my life. He helped me realize I was trans, got me through some dark days, got me through heartbreak and top surgery. He saved my life a few times, and every so often he continues to. I owe so much to him.
If writing a very gentle fix-it fic where Arcee has a long talk with Anode (one of the trans lesbian bots from the vastly superior sister series James Roberts wrote) makes me a transphobe in these peoples' eyes, so be it. I don't care what they think. They never reached out to baby trans Chai and held his hand and kept him breathing.
Arcee did.
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kurain-genealogy · 1 year
i said i was gonna post about it and i am. i don't think william afton hates his kids. i don't think william afton is a mad scientist that kidnapped and put children in hallucinogenic gas chambers. whatever the fuck dittophobia said about afton doing all that, plus not stopping/furthering the bullying between michael and cc, is just dumb & wrong. william wanting his kids to fight, even die, is comically evil in the "bad writing" way. him being characterized as someone who experiments on children (including his own with no regard for their lives) in order to achieve immortality or whatever his supposed motivation is, is just really... nothing? as a character there is nothing to make him feel real. in an attempt to flesh out this character, they made him into a cartoon villain with "evil" being his only defining trait. whatever, i could talk for so long about how dumb i think all the dittophobia stuff is but i think most ppl on tumblr are on the same page regarding that.
to me, william afton is best characterized as someone who, at the Very Least, Doesn't Want His Own Children To Die. he can be a shitty father all around, or he can be a genuine loving father who is also a serial killer, as long as he Cares if they Die? most of what makes william afton an interesting villain, and where a lot of people interpret his motivation comes from, is how despite all his best efforts, he cannot prevent the death or downfall of his own family. he is in a tragedy of his own making, a self-imposed hell crafted by his hubris and violence. if you take this away, why should i care what happens to him? william afton was scariest when he was just purple guy and we knew nothing. william afton is most interesting when we have all these relationships and dynamics where we can seriously study and speculate the circumstances behind/around his actions, when he has something to lose (and will lose). william afton is most stale when more things are added to his story without purpose, filling in gaps that were better unfilled or we didn't even know were there – anything after UCN, basically. bro isn't scary anymore because he's either peepaw afton who's brought back despite his story being over, or he's cartoon network's newest over-the-top villian that you can't take seriously.
okay anyway. ANYWAY. william doesn't hate his kids. even if he's a shitty father, i think he still loves his kids. why else would he try and scare his kids away from the robots if he didn't want them to die? why would he design circus baby after his daughter if he didn't care for her, adore her, even? if you believe the theory that he talked to cc through the fredbear plush (idr if that's actually canon), why would he be trying to protect/comfort him?
i don't think he's a perfect, or even a good father, by any means. if you interpret him to be on the better side, that's great and fine. i'd love to hear how other people interpret/characterize afton if you wanna share! continuing on for this post, i'm going to lay out how i personally see william afton.
to me, he is someone who is very concerned and preoccupied with his image and how others view him & his family. even if he's super shitty and awful towards his kids, he at least cares that they all look good as a family unit, that they're well behaved, that he can send family portrait holiday cards to all his business partners and investors.
he strikes me very much as the typical authoritarian parent of the 80s. harsher on his sons because "men don't cry," wants his kids to say "yes, sir," and "no, sir," believes in "tough love," often says "my house, my rules," he has the final say in everything, maybe thinks hitting them from time to time is a normal, necessary punishment. not all entirely malicious, but thinks he's doing what's best, what's right, acting like a parent and father Should act, perhaps how he himself was raised. unfortunately, a very common parental mindset (even outside of serial killers). maybe he was a little scarier sometimes though, a little more unhinged or violently angry. who's to say.
but he's still just a guy who could exist in real life. he still eats dinner with his family every night, hangs his kids' drawings on the fridge, had to turn the car around because they wouldn't stop fighting in the backseat, attended awkward parent-teacher conferences, everything. he was once a new father who happily came home with his first newborn, lost countless nights of sleep over the course of two more, loves them because they're his.
meticulously and senselessly killed children, then came home and tucked his own into bed and kissed them goodnight.
he can be abusive and still love his kids. he can be a murderer and still care for his own kids' lives. maybe the loss of his own kids is what triggered his actions, or maybe it was something else. i'm fine with not knowing because we don't need to know everything, and it's more interesting when we don't.
Something Is Seriously Wrong With This Guy And We Don't Know What or Why. when acquaintances find out he's a suspected murderer, it should be shocking and upsetting. he's such a great man and father, he wouldn't murder those kids! when michael discovers his father's crimes, he should be in denial. sure, he could be scary sometimes, but he wouldn't kill anyone... right? there's a great cognitive dissonance between who he appears to be and who he actually is.
whether william descended into grief-induced madness and obsession, or was just always some kind of freak, or both, i don't think he saw his own family as disposable. even if he didn't truly love them, he at least needed to keep up his own facade as a friendly family man. personally i like to see him as someone who was a shitty father but still loved his kids, because people like that exist, and it makes him a much more interesting, realistic, and nuanced character than if he just didn't care about them At All.
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Taste (NSFW)
Lmao basically using all 5 senses for Hux!
Anyways, here we have a fic that I am rushing to post because I want to write more lmao. I don't promise that this is my best considering how I did not revise(I need to stop being so lazy) and this is just me testing something about with Hux...I'm obviously still getting the hang of writing robophilia smut too so please bear with me ^^
Warnings/Notes: SMUT! AFAB Reader, Robophilia, Cunninlingus, Hux being Hux, Weird stuff, Slight tentacles???(Please tell me if you guys think I should add anything else)
Words: 3,250
“I have made a discovery.” 
The times when such a phrase came out from Hux’s voice box were not always the prettiest moments. Although he had started off as an android, he proved to be just as eccentric as the typical “mad scientist” trope entailed.
Afraid wasn’t the word to describe what you felt before asking “What is it you discovered, Hux?”, but perhaps it was uncertainty. An apprehensive feeling that would have never expected what would happen after Hux demonstrated his “latest physical development”. 
His theory was that the organic parts of himself had grown accustomed to the crystal displayed on his body, evolving him further than he believed possible. Rather than affect him conscious-wise, Hux instead…grew an extension of some sort. Extensions in fact. Miniature, snake-like extensions that protruded from within his face’s orifice. 
It had started with a simple demonstration that had quickly led to indecent thoughts on your part, and after all this time Hux knew how to read your mind perfectly. 
Thin tendrils that seemed to have bloomed from his organic flesh, sprouting from his mouth to fully exhibit to your curious eyes. Thin tendrils that snaked and toyed with your fingers that you had brought up to Hux’s features to better examine them. Thin tendrils that you quickly found slithering over your cheek before they came close to your lips.
Could you really blame yourself for having your mind be flooded with obscene thoughts?
Things had quickly progressed from you strolling through the tranquil land of Dvarka Deepwood to you gripping onto Hux’s body, face practically melding with his own as he stood as still as possible. But even with Hux’s stoic mannerisms, he himself could not remain in a single location as you fought against him. The robot stumbled backwards when you pinned your body against his, and he was soon able to catch himself when your lips away from him. 
“What the hell am I doing?” you breathed out once a sense of clarity hit you, mind pondering at how you basically threw yourself onto Hux once a fervor struck you so suddenly. Kissing Hux was a rather simple task, especially when considering that he frequently demanded that your affections befell him. But Hux kissing you…now that was a task that was impossible to challenge when taking into account that he did not possess such an ability due to his lack of lips and muscle movement. And now that he presented himself with a tool he could use for a form of kissing...you just couldn’t help yourself. 
“You are indulging yourself in what appears to be an attempt at the human act of ‘kissing’.” Hux replied to your rhetorical question which only caused you to release him to cover your face. Attempt.
“I know Hux.” you mumbled behind your hands before showing your face again, looking at him while his unemotional lights stared back at you. “I think I just got a little carried away with your…tentacle-tongue-whatever-it-is. Think I got excited at the thought of…”
“Reciprocation.” Hux chipped in with a twitch of his body, craning his head sideways as you realized his miniature tendrils were still out and about. Practically teasing you.  “It felt satisfactory.”
“Your attempts…exceeded typical human limits.”
A chuckle escaped you at the sound of Hux’s attempted compliment, you at least hope that’s what it was. You could honestly say it made your heart skip a beat hearing a robot say your kissing skills weren’t disappointing. 
“So…what exactly does that entail?” You tilted your head before Hux moved forwards, just enough to lower his head that was buried into the crook of your neck. It was seriously getting harder to push certain thoughts away…
“This body requires more.” He announced which prompted you to widen your eyes, though it wouldn’t be the first time he’d ever insisted on something like that. Your own hormones were probably getting the best of you. “It lacks the perception of flavor.”
You furrowed your eyebrows and prepared yourself to pull away from Hux to look at him, but you were startled the second you felt his tendrils hit your exposed skin. Your hands shot up and grabbed onto his body, clawing into his figure once the realization hit. 
Everything was coming back to you, you couldn’t hold back the excitement that prompted you to take Hux’s head into your hands to resume your actions from before. Your own tongue slithered out from in between your lips before entangling itself with the many tendrils Hux provided. 
While you were able to taste the fleshy bits of his skin on the tendrils, you were sure Hux was savoring the desperation that dripped from your tongue. Hell even your body reacted with such an intensity, beginning to sweat while your chest rose both quick and without any rhythm. If anybody had advised you that you would experience such venereal instances with a murderous robot, you probably wouldn’t have believed them. 
But here you were with legs feeling weak despite no other physical pleasure being inflicted on you. Though perhaps that statement was wrong in its own way, and this was yet another thing Hux could sense. 
His left arm came around your body to press itself against the lower part of your back, caging you against him like every other time. 
You whined at the feeling as though you had been deprived of physical touch for too long. And you could admit that it was also so damn rewarding when Hux provided you with whatever form of intimacy his robotic self allowed. So damn gratifying like right now as his miniature tentacles toyed with your tongue before wriggling themselves in between your lips to explore your wetness. 
And you knew the feeling to be mutual with how Hux used his second arm to hold you, folding his scythe-like claw in an angle that prevented it from ruining the mood. While he pushed you further against him as if you were bound to leave him, his mouth pushed you back as he deepened the reach of his tentacles.
To your misfortune however, your body’s limitations were beginning to show when your lungs begged for some oxygen. Your hands removed themselves from Hux’s head to place a hand on the metallic parts of his right shoulder with your other hand placed flat against his chest. 
“Why have you stopped?”
“Hol…hold up…I need to-” You let out a stammer after inhaling as deeply as you could, your breath of air immediately cut short when Hux’s tendrils attacked your mouth again. You were definitely NOT getting out of this one. Or perhaps…
Hux took back his actions and pulled himself away from you much to your surprise, finally giving you the time to catch your breaths with weary pants. 
“This is not enough.”
At this point, you weren’t sure if that was a good or bad statement. 
“This body requires more.” he repeated his phrase from before a mechanical whirring followed soon after, and Hux forced you to stand erect before removing his claws from you. Speaking of erect… “I sense your body is also in need of additional fulfillment.”
“Yeah…you could say that.” You panted before wiping your own saliva from your lips, staring intently at Hux who stepped forwards. You in turn stepped back, not to keep away from him but instead to find the stone structure you had been previously studying amongst the plantlife. 
“My sensors detect an increase in heat in your lower body.” Hux followed you until your bottom and legs clashed with the stone ramp that was meant to be a jumping location during trials, and you made sure to slightly lean back on it as comfortably as possible. He towered over you like every other time,visor looking straight at you before you peered down at the practically non-existent space between your and his lower halves. “Your form requires fulfillment.”
You could see that his self-made phallic apparatus had revealed itself, no doubt a while ago with how it stood and leaned against the cozy coveralls you wore. A jumpsuit you graciously borrowed from a locker in the colony ship, and a jumpsuit that was beginning to stain with whatever fluid was dripping from Hux’s appendage. With how it twitched against you, you were convinced it could sense the excitement radiating from your groin.
Fuck, if Dvarka’s humid nature wasn’t getting to you then clearly it was the hotness between you and Hux. A warmth bothersome enough that you unzipped the coveralls to reveal your tank top that had been clinging to your dampened skin. And your skin only proved to humidify further when Hux brought his head back to your neck, gliding his tendrils down to your collarbone  and eventually near your chest.
Fuck, it was hot. Too damn hot. Hot enough to have your hands scrambling on the zipper of your suit, desperately trying to take it off to cool yourself while also exposing yourself to the robot. 
However, Hux wasn’t having any of that. He didn’t have time to wait, he needed more now. And the twitching his body gave when he pulled away from your body was telling enough.
His left claw took you by surprise when he took hold of your jumpsuit with it, particularly the crotch area, before he ripped a portion of the material with complete ease. Hux’s head craned down to study your shocked self, your gasp signaling that he had revealed more than enough. 
“This body lacks a sense of taste,” his voice box rang out once he positioned himself, phallus placed against your wet sex. “I have studied the worms enough to know your flavor can be enhanced with enough pleasurable stimulation.”
“Wait, wait, wait. You what?” You weren’t surprised that he of course had been stalking your fellow survivors to learn-
“Ah-!” your thoughts were interrupted when you felt him easily fill you up without warning, and you threw your head back while gripping onto the structure beneath you. “Fuck, Hux!”
You removed your left hand from the stone to hold onto Hux’s metal arm once more as he continued to insert himself, your wetness allowing him to smoothly slide back out as you threw your head back. It was then that you parted your legs to both ground yourself a bit more and give Hux easier access, and he took this opportunity to step forwards so that he could plunge himself even deeper into you. 
The whirring of his mechanical parts sounded as he pulled out almost excitedly, robotic member in full view and drenched in your juices as he lay it against your hole again. After so many heated sessions with you, and the occasional “observing” of the survivors’ and killers’ sexual acts, the machine really had been learning. 
He knew the sudden emptiness would elicit a whimper out of you, that it would have you crying for more before he blithely obliged. He knew it would have you humping yourself against him, holding his hips in a desperate attempt to have him inside you again. 
It felt almost poignant, rubbing yourself against him before you reached out to his phallic device with a hand. It was crazy how crazy this robot made you feel, head dizzy at the thought of his sex and how it felt as though it was made for you. 
“You succumb so easily.” The robot announced as he felt you pump him, and he finally moved his hips so that you could slide him right back into you. 
“So do you.” You gave out a breathy chuckle as you returned your hand to Hux’s side, pushing his body toward you so that he could completely bury himself inside you. A sigh of relief escaped you before Hux resumed his movements, sloppy thrusting resulting in Hux’s left claw moving up to take hold of your hip. 
He gripped onto you as if trying to steady himself, every thrust making his legs tremble just as your body began to slightly quiver. To steady himself even more, he threw his scythe beside you and over the vault, this being enough to scare some sense into you.
But even then you didn’t give a damn, instead shutting your eyes with an elated smile. The pleasure was beginning to take over you, mind becoming hazy the more Hux pushed his hips into yours. And in between all his thrusts you let him go with your dominant hand, now bringing your fingers to your wet clit. You began with some careful rubbing, making circular patterns that were quickly building up a sensitivity. And as that new feeling grew in your bud, you increased your pace before your back began to arch into Hux.
But the moment Hux caught sight of this, he removed his claw from your side before forcefully grabbing your fingers, bringing up your hand to his visor as he scanned the new fluids that coated it. Never once did he cease his pumping into you, in fact you were pretty sure his humping had sped up and increased in some force.
And when you opened your eyes to look at him, you were now certain of how eagerly he wanted to experience taste.  Once he took a proper look at your fingers, he brought them to his mouth where his tendrils immediately wriggled back out to lap up everything he could. 
You weren’t certain if the desperate licks were because he was trying so damn hard to taste something, anything…or if he finally acquired a new sense and was completely reveling in it. 
“Huxlee…” You lifted your head slightly higher to better watch him, soon enough feeling as his movements slowed down before coming to an easy stop. “No, no, no. Don’t do this to me aga-”
“This is not sufficient.”
Then what fucking was!? 
With your mouth agape, you watched in horror as Hux removed himself from you once he released your wrist and removed his scythe from behind the ramp. After how many times he had pulled such a stunt, you were almost sure it was now done on purpose. 
“Where are you going?” you questioned him with a fully flushed face, seeing as he took a step back to overlook your entire body. “Hux!”
“Get comfortable. Fast. Please.”
“Comfortable?” you made a face before his fingered claw placed itself on your chest, gingerly pushing you backwards so that your entire body lay on the stone ramp. Something told you it was best to bring your body as high on the ramp as possible, and thank the Entity you did. 
Despite Hux’s hunched stance, he proved to be too tall to reach his goal. Having you get up made it easier for him to bow his head down to the area between your legs, visor fixated on the wetness you continued to provide for his inquisitive self. 
“Something great is about to happen.” Of course he always had to bring in his damn lines like this was some damn video game. But as it seemed, something great was indeed happening. 
Before you were able to question Hux any further, you quickly found one of the robot’s tendrils lapping up the entirety of your slit, eliciting a sudden upwards jerk from your hips. Holy shit he had no mercy with the way those tendrils attacked your sex; it was almost as though each individual one had a mind of its own with how they parted your lips to pace their way inside you. 
You couldn’t help but writhe under Hux, whimpering, whining, nearly crying at this new sensation. Never in your entire life would you have imagined a makeout session with a robot that would eventually lead to him eating you out in this way.
The tendrils, despite being an extension of his damaged flesh, had their own kind of texture that proved to be softer and exceedingly nice against your flesh. And they were feeling up every inch they could find, every bit they could reach, letting you feel each and every one of them at all times. 
“Aah….Hux-” you managed to choke out before a gasp escaped your lips when one and then two tendrils found themselves deep inside you, your hands shooting out to hold his head that remained motionless unlike his new tongues. “Shit! Please…!”
“Your blabbering is satisfactory.” Hux voiced before his left claw held onto your waist, holding you in place after you jerked into him once more. “As is your squirming. Climax levels are swiftly rising.” 
And he was so right, because that usual knot in the pit of your stomach had been forming for a good minute now, tightening the longer Hux licked and toyed with you. More of his tendrils inserted themselves inside you, squirming inside your walls as if exploring some new cavern. Guess in a way that’s what it was to Hux. 
“Huxlee, I’m…” you panted with one more arch of your back, gripping onto his head with quick breathing that was as hot as your body felt. The heat only furthered your incoming orgasm while the cold feel of Hux’s claw brought a tingling. Oh fuck…it was becoming too much to handle on top of the feeling of Hux pulling you towards him as if it were even possible, spreading your walls ever so slightly. “I’m…I’m-”
Hux’s tendrils slid out from your hole to all collectively rub themselves against your clit, almost furiously to make your coming arrive even faster than you anticipated. And the robot was successful, catching you off guard by playing with your sensitivity that almost immediately made you cry out and throw your head further back. 
But although Hux knew you had finished against his mouth, fluids glazed over his orifice and tongues, he never stopped his licking. You squeezed your eyes shut while your sex had you twitching and squirming intensely, Hux taking full advantage of your current vulnerability. 
“Hux, please!” you whined as you continued to ride out your high, never able to catch a break or even a damn breath. “Hux…oh my god…please, I don’t have anymore…”
As your chest rose and went back down rapidly, your lips agape to try and catch your breath before you finally felt Hux removed himself. Quite hesitantly, but he managed to break himself away from you to give you your moment of recovery. 
You reopened your eyes to peer at the robot, vision almost blurry as the lustful fog remained in your mind. And looking into his visor’s lights, something told you he had the same sentiment.
“Did…did you get a taste?” you cleared your throat, ultimately shutting your mouth to ease your breaths. 
Your eyes widened at Hux’s reply, shock coursing through you enough to make you instantly forget about your exhaustion. Meanwhile, Hux twitched his head before glancing down at your wet crotch in what you considered a predator-like stare.
“You’re joking.” You rubbed your eyes, not being able to contain a chuckle before you also took notice of his member that had not yet reached its satisfaction. 
“We must make another attempt.” Hux stepped close enough to rub said member against your still sensitive clit, making your legs wince before you looked up at him with pleading eyes. “Perhaps more stimulation involving insertion is required.”
“That just might be it.” you gave a breathy smile as you took hold of him, ready for the machine who was already gripping onto you. 
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nnnyxie · 1 year
donnie 💜🍇🔮👾☁️
Donnie, who is the first to intercept April’s call that fateful day.
Donnie, who doesn’t know how to feel when he’s made aware of the whole situation. He had answered April’s call with his usual flair, relaxed and amused at the fact that their best friend was still outside in the bitter New York autumn–winter weather; he slurped loudly on his steaming mug of coffee for emphasis. Because he’s a little bastard.
Donnie, who’s the first one out of his siblings to know.
Donnie, who sets his dumbstruck-ness aside in order to put forth what he does best: work and help. April sounded so distressed and that was enough. He could tell she was masking it, though, and that just augments the entire situation. He doesn’t bother saying much – seeing as Leo had been there to hear the main gist of the conversation. The twins move in perfect sync as they prep their individual stations: he’s set in one part of his lab while his robotic arms are in another, and by the end of it, the Med Bay is set up to his impeccable standards; his monitors are set separately with April’s tracker and a loaded screen ready for data collection on another.
He ends up doing a dramatic arm sweep when cleaning off one of his desks– a desk which was previously occupied by a load of junk that Leo had brought in earlier: snacks, a couple takeout containers, comics, a unicorn lovey, a half full pickle jar for some reason?
–and Leo can’t even be mad. He’s too preoccupied in his own mind.
But it’s a funny memory for them to look back on – solely for the way Donnie was so aggressive with it while focusing on something else entirely.
Donnie, who keeps a neutral standing once you and April arrive, but he’s just as worried as everyone else. When you both make eye contact– he feels it. The shiver at the center of his ninpo. The sense of familiarity is strange and overwhelming . . . he’s never met you before. So, what in the name of Ohm’s Law is this?
Donnie, who feels a fickle sense of kinship with you right from the beginning. He won't be the one to tell you that outright, tho. He was far more taciturn in his approach to you; compared to his blue banded brother, at least. He mirrored Leo's tactic of telling you what he was doing before or as he did it, and he moved with the hands of a kind-hearted scientist. Gentle, swift, and efficient. He may not have joined in on Leo's jokes or cute little comments to distract you – but he did give you a sympathetic expression in spite of himself.
Donnie, who offers his own bedroom to you when Leo and he are finished dressing your wounds. He had spoken with Mikey about what would be the best things to feed you, and after the intrinsic nudge he sensed, left the kitchen to whatever aftermath of thinly controlled chaos his brothers would achieve this time. After all, it's not everyday you come into caring for a whole child.
Donnie, who had kept track of your vitals the entire time you were asleep, dropping everything to check on you when something went awry. He forced April to go with him (though it didn't take much convenience) but blessedly, you didn't rouse to full consciousness outside of twitching in your sleep. He left April to soothe you even further back to slumber, loitering nearby, stiff and simply watching.
Donnie, who isn't good at emotions. At all. Didn't really like them, either. They were something that was difficult for him to properly process through and were unpredictable. But he does swear then and there that, in spite of all things… you were important.
Donnie, who says as much while they all discuss what to do with you at the living center of the Lair. Despite his desperate masking of his very off-kilter emotions, he was an open book.
He grit his teeth, he worried his lip, he returned Leo's incredulous eyebrow ridge raise with a glare so cold you could've put it in a drink and called it refreshing… and found that in the grand scheme of things, he didn't care.
There were much more important things to worry about at the moment.
That's what he tells himself.
That's what he tells himself as he ignores the fact that he's the one who's most adamant on taking you in. That's what he tells himself as he and Leo share a knowing look again. That's what he tells himself as his gauntlet beeps to alert them all that you're fully awake now. And that's what he tells himself as he and April descend the halls to you. To you. You.
Donnie, who doesn't stay around for all the excitement once you agree to staying. He had turned away and immediately went to work at getting the whole process started – and he most certainly did not turn away so quickly so everyone couldn't see the palpable shift in his aura. He would never admit it, but he was excited. And that was scary. He hardly ever knew you! As far as he was concerned, you were just a random street child that his best friend who wore their heart on their sleeve took in. And yes, that's true in every sense of the word, but everything happens for a reason, no?
Donnie, who's excited for change.
Donnie, who's entirely terrified that he's excited. For change.
Donnie, who may be terrified of what he's feeling, and when he can't filter through these new feelings, shoves them deep down to work through later. Much, much later. For now, he puts on his Big Boy gloves and rocks it as the genius he is.
Donnie, a veritable professional in all things [Name]. Albeit the road to get where you guys are now was paved with . . . well. Oddities. In instances, he regarded you as another “project” or living statistic breach. As peculiar as it may sound, this process is what aids Donnie in becoming much closer to you in such a short amount of time.
He wouldn’t consider himself to like kids: they were sticky, loud, nosy, reckless and gross . . . but you? You were an exception. You always are.
Donnie, who doesn’t admit you become his favorite in a first-rate amount of time, but it’s blatantly obvious that you become his favorite in a first-rate amount of time.
When you get over the initial shyness and come out of your shell (HA.) a lot more, you find yourself wandering into Donnie a lot. Be it in his lab — ... where this whole thing started, really. The catalytic incident happened like this: you bypass the extensive security system without a cinch, he nearly unleashed all seven gates of tech-grade hell on you by reflex because you actually scared the Softshell out of him– but when he realized it was only you, he simmered down to a cold and sulky puddle, if only a little tense. Turning you away was on the tip of his tongue but . . . something, something, stopped him.
Long story short, you ended up staying. He set you down on a nearby beanbag after a very lecturing warning to not touch anything, and turned back to his work. It might’ve come off as annoyance, but he just didn’t want you to get hurt: physically and emotionally.
(He just sucks a–word at showcasing his emotions /aff◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜ Y’all get there eventually, don’t worry.)
Then you prove your worth! You’re respectful, and though your eyes shine with childish curiosity, you don’t disobey Donnie’s words and stay put. Lookie, no touchie. And that’s probably what catches Donnie’s attention at first– very early on; he doesn’t outwardly show it, and Donnie is not one to be easily impressed, but you? You impressed him. Greatly.
Also, you’re willing to listen to him!! He rambles on and on and you sit there with a cute little expression on your face. You’re invested, despite what may be showing on the outside, and just when Donnie has it pegged as everything he’s saying isn’t registering to you, you ask him relative questions.
He’s pretty much hooked from then on out.
You get privileges that nobody else does! He sets up a little corner reserved just for you in his lab, stocks up on your favorite snacks and drinks, and he creates so. many. things for you! Gift giving is his prime love language after all.
He sees you as a ~fresh mind~ And when you initially don't decline his interests in the sciences, he is practically vibrating with excitement! Proceeds to stuff your hungry little brain chock full of everything he knows, and beyond that!
However, even if you don't have a STEM-dominant mind, it's okay! If you happen to doze off while he's well into another one of his infodump rambles, he doesn't get mad. If anything, he's kind of... endeared?
He might tease you a little, but it's all from a place of love.
Concerning academics, the help from Unca Don-Bon always ensures that you at most get a passing grade for all your science-centered subjects! Not to mention the science projects and fairs. Oh man.
Y'all either dominate the entire school every time, or you come within nano inches of getting expelled every time.
Oh also also— this man scoffs at modern-age technology, you can't tell me he doesn't. You ALSO can't tell me he didn't create his phone from scratch. Heck he might've created his entire family's phones from scratch. Bro has his own OS and — when you come of age to start holding onto your own electronics — everything you own is patented by Genius Built™. Of course.
Don't insult him (or do. just for the laughs) by utilizing said modern-age technology. Just don't. (Do it. His reactions are golden every time.) He can appreciate good technology where he sees it, but it's not often. That's why it's so funny.
The most he did once when you gawked over the PS5 was scoop you up into his arms and give a condescending look so low to the contraption, it had you cackling the entire way as he ranted about the highs and lows of technology.
But hey! All your electronics are one of a kind! You can't ever say that~ Any updates or features that you want, he makes it happen. He completely personalizes it to your tastes to make it as comfortable for you as possible.
Your acquaintances are mad jealous of your cool tech and you can only knifecatmeme.jpeg your way through like a boss. (Golden ref. 🙌🏼❤️)
Donnie, who all too gladly helps you with your homework! April has to stop him from literally doing all your work for you.
—y’all be getting into the dumbest situations fr 😭 Be it conversations or infiltrating multiple high–standing scientific research facilities or simply discussing the economic state of the world or literally what's better: flavorless juice or pineapple smoothies, y’all gone be the main ones. That’s all.
(He gets you something yummy afterwards tho! As a treat. Bonus points if you don’t snitch. He always takes responsibility. He throws in an extra head ruffle or two. But he always, always makes sure you don't get in trouble. He's got your back, you have his. Partners in crime, best way to describe y'all.)
“If Little Jimmy has 12 apples and he gives 5.7 of those apples to his friend Becky, multiplies by the 7 to the nth power, then divides that all by the median of an octagon, how much horsepower was Little Jimmy’s dad conducting the neighbor’s car after 15.5 minutes exactly of installation?”
“. . .”
“. . . .”
“. . . . . Seven–”
“What in the fresh hell are they teaching you at that wretched, poor excuse of a school?”
(And Donnie loves school. That’s how you know it’s bad. Zeep, blatantly dissing the public education system? More likely than you would think!)
Cue April walking into the kitchen in her pajamas, all sleepy-eyed and confused, only to see her best friend and child reciting PEMDAS at the table. You start crying and Donnie sings the Pi Song with his best opera voice in support.
Donnie, who is very, very protective over you. He's the type to show, not tell, but believe me - once you're out of sight, he has a lot of colorful things to say to your offenders . . .
your foster mother being a prime example.
Needless to say, your foster mom is now completely ineligible to foster in the system any longer (as well as any and all forms of careers in all of New York. And the surrounding states. Probably the whole world.)
—and if anyone has anything to say about it, all he sees is the flashing image of a sweet little child, homeless and scared and alone, braving it out on the streets.
He'll never let anyone hurt you. His tech is always on standby when it comes to your safety.
And I mean, all his tech.
Donnie, kooky, scientific and calculating uncle Donnie –
. . . forthcoming, thoughtful, heart full of love Donnie, who may not be the best with his words, especially when expressing how much he loves you, but is one of the beloveds in your corner who says it the most.
“Haha! Aw, man. I love you, Purple Rain.”
“Mhmm. And I do suppose you’re enjoyable at most, my Young Apprentice!”
“Unca’ Don-Bon . . .”
“ . . . Ah, Sweet Galileo. I love you too, [Name], you already know I do.”
🫐‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪🪻 ִֶָ☾.
(we did it boys *passes out on your lap* Donnie Bonnie is doneeee!!! it was under high construction for quite a while, especially after Tumblr ate it, so this is a revamped version! but just as well, no? :'3 hope you enjoy this one, ceejie pie!! 🥰🤍)
i’m still a little sick (& delirious) so i’m so sorry if my reply doesn’t make sense—
okay so— as much as i LOVE and ADORE uncle don….
what if…. NOW HEAR ME OUT OKAY?!
WHAT IF ………. it was dad don™️
dad don that ensures a proper education. he’s explaining the (poorly taught) subjects to you better than any teacher ever could. is he a bit aggressive about it? yes. but does he reward you afterwards? also yes!!
dad don who never expected to be seen as any sort of father figure.
it’s donnie who nearly cries when you accidentally call him dad one day.
dad don who raises you to be strong, smart, and independent. dad don who’s so proud of you when you get awarded for any subject.
and donnie— he never expected to adore a child as much as he does you. but— the moment you looked at him and his inventions with such passion and curiosity… he just knew that you would be the only exception (youuu are the onlyyy exceptionnnn). the only kid he’d ever care for.
but going back to uncle tello— he’s the kind of uncle to do illegal pranks with you— especially when it’s towards your school (again, illegal?).
uncle tello can’t even hear you say “love you, uncle” without wanting to burst into tears— not because it’s uncomfortable but— because, he’s so overwhelmed with joy.
uncle donatello that secretly goes to your school on the first day of kindergarten because, he’s so scared that something bad could happen to you. he doesn’t want a ‘purple dragons’ incident (you’re literally 5??).
uncle don and dad don are both so attached to you because, he’s been one of your main caretakers since you were just 3 years old.
donnie has watched you grow into such an amazing person and he can’t help but feel so happy that he was able to witness it all.
teehee (michael jackson style)
(i really hope this makes sense…. i am loopy from meds)
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crepes-suzette-373 · 11 months
【Dengeki Blue Game Stream】Battle Fruits Nine w/ Stealth Black - Dengeki Blue carries the level while Stealth Black is Useless as always [off-camera view]
A kind of fanfic version of that one drawing I made of Niji and Sanji being Vtubers. There's no real plot. Just modern AU chaos and rambling and general silliness. Everyone's normal/happy, the Vinsmokes are a good family, no sad, no angst, no painful drama.
This all basically just a big joke because "Nijisanji" is a Vtuber company name.
[AO3 Link]
He’d brought this upon himself, Sanji had to admit. The last time Niji nagged him to “guest” in his livestream, Sanji said he’d do it if Niji got him Vegapunk’s new mini combi oven, just to get Niji off his back. All Vegapunk appliances are expensive, and even if their family was well-off he figured it’s still high enough up there in price to make Niji leave him alone for a while.
The oven showed up in the brothers’ shared apartment within 2 days.
Sanji wasn’t sure if he was more baffled about Niji having that much money to spare, or that Niji wanted him on the stream that badly. He still felt guilty about it, though, so he’d told Niji he promised to agree to be a guest without protest 10 times, as long as he’s not tied up with more important things to do.
Naturally, he got ambushed the very next day.
That was how Sanji found himself sitting and waiting for Niji to set up whatever it is that was required to have a second person on his livestream, and hoped that it wouldn’t be a “talk stream” session that day. Chattering idly with anyone for an extended amount of time without there being some other activity involved, like eating or watching TV or him cooking, always made him feel awkward. With a gameplay stream, at least there was the game they’d be playing.
Not to mention, “his” virtual character apparently had a specific backstory associated with it, and being on a talk stream tended to involve having to adlib some kind of fictional story on the fly. Fortunately, he wasn’t required to keep up play-acting the character the whole time, no, and he left most of the wild details to Niji. He still had to include the fictive anecdotes, though, because of… some reason he much preferred to not know.
It was very confusing the first time he got dragged into this. Niji sat him down and explained in great detail about the backstory of his virtual persona, and Sanji still had no idea why he didn’t immediately run away then. It was a complicated setting with superheroes (or was it supervillains?) called Germa 66, mad scientists, clones, and quite honestly he wasn’t sure he remembered all of it.
Niji did set up their characters to have mundane daily lives, like all good classic superheroes do. That way they can also mention some things about things they did in reality and pretend that was part of the mandatory “lore”-talk, and not have to constantly make up random stories about aliens and robots.
They still had to be careful not to reveal things that are too personal or private, though. Sanji almost called Niji by his real name instead of Dengeki Blue a couple of times at first, and Niji kicked him in the shins every time that happened. As thankful for the save as he did, he still always kicked back.
“Aaalright, and here ya go.” Niji finally finished fiddling around the computers and handed Sanji a controller and headphones.
“What’s the game gonna be?”
“We’re continuing Battle Fruits. Still remember how to play that?”
“Of course I do, damn you, I’m not a techno-peasant!”
Niji cackled. “If ya say so,” he said with an oh-so-smug voice, putting on his anti-glare goggles and rolled his chair to face the screens.
Sanji doesn’t reply. Yes, he played by random button mashing and can’t remember any skill combos. Yes, Niji usually does most of the work in clearing the missions. He still knew what button does what, though, so that still counts as knowing how to play. 
“Starting in 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… And—Loyal Germa fans rejoice, Dengeki Blue is back with everyone’s favourite guest: Stealth Black!”
There’s a reason why Sanji was very glad his character was just a static image, and not a moving model like Niji’s, because he doesn’t have to worry about his movements making the model behave weirdly. Niji’s opening babble were always ridiculous, and he could never not have the urge to cover his face and groan.
The character image was not actually him, but some of his friends were regular viewers of this stream, and they will make fun of him for any character hiccups. There was that one time the image was for some reason displaying upside down, from the top of the screen, and Usopp then called him “ninja” for days upon days after.
“Black, say hi to yer fans.”
Sanji removed his hands from his face, and saw that it was not the game screen that was on, but the setup normally used for the talk stream. Immediately suspicious, he asked, “Aren’t we playing Battle Fruits?”
“It’s just a little chat. I’ll open the game in a sec. Just say hi for a bit.”
“Do I have to?”
“They already heard ya talking, so ya might as well. Come on, say something nice, or yer fans will cry.”
It was an annoying testament that he had been here for too many times when he looked at the chat box and actually remembered and recognized a lot of the names among the flurry of comments. Still, he wouldn’t deny it was flattering to see the excited welcoming remarks.
Oh, there’s Usopp. The name “GodSogeKing” flew by, and he said, “Hello SogeKing” instinctively.
“Oooh, ya said someone’s name!” Niji crowed, “Ya done did it now.”
“What? Why?”
“Yer not playing fair. The others are really mad jealous now~”
“How is that any different from saying ‘Hello everyone in the chat’?” Sanji protested.
Niji shrugged, grinning. “I don’t make the rules.”
The chat was, indeed, now peppered with new comments saying the varying forms of “Stealth Black say my name too”. Once again, it was somewhat flattering (if a bit weird), but he would never loudly admit that.
“Say, what if we make that a chat donations thing? Nothing special, ya can just say ‘thank you whoever’.”
“Are you trying to use me for cash bait? No!”
“Fine, fine, but speaking of yer fans though, ya ok with having merch of ya, at least? One Dr.Death has been a pest about Stealth Black merch forever.”
Sanji huffed a laugh. “Dr.Death? What kind of edgy junior high online username is that?”
He immediately realised his mistake, but it was too late. Niji was already hysterical beside him.
“Ya heard that Dr.Death? He said your name! I know yer there. Bet yer drowning in happy tears, aren’t ya?”
“What the hell? Did you just trick me to say that? What merch are you even on about?”
Niji shook his head, still howling with laughter. “No, really, that right there is your biggest fan. Back me up chat, tell Black what Dr.Death said. And here’s merch.” He then pulled out his phone and showed a picture of a little Dengeki Blue keychain.
Well, if it was just the illustrated character and not him having to dress up, then it’s no issue. “Okay by me, about the merch, but...”
Niji proceeded to go on about the logistics of the merch, so Sanji looked at the chat box again. Lo and behold, there actually was a Dr.Death in there. The aforementioned user was vehemently denying the barrages of comments providing so-called proof that Niji was right and other teasing remarks.
Dr.Death: Hey, Black, if you’re seeing this, I was NOT like that!
It was immediately followed by a ton of more comments, all saying “lies lies”.
SuperFrankyR0b0: Bro, the previous stream chats are all still there. Everyone can see it.
Damn. With even Franky saying that it was true, Sanji decided it was definitely too weird and ignored the chat until Niji finally started the game.
Despite even the game’s tutorial recommending using different Fruit Battlers for each stage, Sanji always picked the Orange Battler. She was his favourite and no amount of whingeing from Niji or the viewers about her being useless in certain levels could change that. Niji selected the Banana one this time, probably because that’s the actual best character for the level.
“The banana matches your hair,” Sanji said.
“Shut up!”
That was true of both Niji and Dengeki Blue, so Niji couldn’t kick him. Rather, he shouldn’t have a reason to, but still tried to kick anyway. Sanji dodged it.
Many minutes into the game later, the conversation topic had turned to future streaming plans, which was mostly answered by Niji.
Someone suggested another cooking talk stream, and this was the only kind of talk stream Sanji had no problems with. One stream session long ago, he’d been dragged onto a talk stream that he’d tried to leave multiple times, until somehow the viewers and Niji conspired to finesse him into talking about cooking. He ended up staying for 3 hours. Aside from the chat being flooded by people whingeing about getting hungry, it otherwise went pretty well.
(The viewers in that session, of all people, happened to include Luffy and Ace, who both came to him demanding to be compensated with real food the first chance they got.)
Another suggested a live cooking stream. That would be a no; not unless there’s some empty kitchen they could borrow or rent. Everyone in the apartment agreed that the livestreams should never show their building. Not even inside Niji’s room.
“Winch Green? Eeh, probably doable soon. No promises on Pink.”
Then the topic turned to guests. There were frequently requests for the other “Germa 66” members to show up. Niji had set up Dengeki Blue as a part of a team to make it easier to cover up slip ups when he accidentally mentioned overly-revealing real life things in his early streaming days. The 4 of them brothers share an apartment, besides. The backstory served as a handy excuse in case of noises of people walking around or talking can be heard through without breaking character. Yonji, especially, can be rather loud.
Getting Reiju to come on the stream was naturally difficult, since she lived with their parents and had full time work, but she was otherwise very agreeable. With Yonji, it’s only a matter of catching him between homework and classes and bribing him with a ton of food.
Ichiji, well…
It was just then that Sanji looked at the chat that he had been ignoring, and noticed that there was a wall of comments about “Sparking Red”, a.k.a Ichiji.
“Why are these people so obsessed with Red anyway?” he asked, “Is it because he’s the only one who’s never been on stream?”
“Oh that…” Niji said distractedly, his fingers hitting keys furiously to execute a combo attack, “I never told ya, huh? Hold on.” He didn’t speak again until after the Banana Battler on the screen mowed down a field of enemies, and “Objective Cleared” flashed on the screen. “Red came in yelling at me once, and everyone heard him. Chat’s gone insane ever since. It’s like those crazes over trying to catch a phantom beast or something.”
That was news. It was one thing to just hear about a character through the lore talks, but Ichiji has actually been heard clearly and not just vague noises through the door.
“How long ago was this?”
“Maybe almost two years ago? Around… around after that time ya crazy weirdos kept saying I was a zombie.”
Ah yes, the Zombie Niji incident—wait a second. Sanji straightened up. Wasn’t that also around the time when…
“Red’ll murder me if I ask him to come on, but eh, figured there’s still ya guys,” Niji babbled on. “The chat love it.”
That was about the time when Niji started pestering him and Yonji to come on the streams. To think that the entire reason for it was Ichiji—Ichiji!!
Sanji fumed. He decided it would be his mission to somehow, by hook or by crook, drag Ichiji on to the stream as well. Damn it all, even if it actually would make Niji and his weird chat group happy, he would still get it done. Ichiji caused it, so he should get to experience it too.
Maybe he’ll get Yonji and Reiju to team up for this mission later.
The quadruplets are still in uni/college, and they live in this apartment away from home. Ichiji working at the family company, whatever it is, part time. Reiju already working there full time. Niji is a Vtuber on the side when not in school. Sanji works at Baratie part time. Yonji is just a student full time. Sora still alive. Not sure how Judge would be like TBH, maybe just a normal standoffish dad, but otherwise okay.
I'm so sorry Law, but the meme of him being a Germa nerd is too funny.
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sonic-gladiator-au · 8 months
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Imma introduce the main character of this AU as well as introduce the setting.
Including some of the art that was on the previous ask blog
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Miles Prower is a young Mad scientist known to the Frankenstein's arena audience for his family's history succeeding with their creations. Now on his own Miles sought a gladiator to enter into the arena…
Miles is currently 17 years old. He spends pretty much all of his time experimenting and developing material to improve his chances in the arena. He also does repairs and sells trinkets on the side making work pile up a bit sometimes. If it weren't for Sonic this boy wouldn't be using a bed or eating properly. Workaholic at its finest.
Miles can be snappy and harsh but does secretly care about his creations and sometimes others. He enjoys creating and the praise that comes with succeeding. He's a self sufficient mad scientist... But he's still just 17.
Note Miles does not like to be called "Tails" and considers it an insult.
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Setting information:
Frankenstein's arena is practically the center of this dystopian society. (Named after the one who designed the arena and its games.) The rules are rather simple. A scientist or a team of scientists will enter a Gladiator to the arena. Gladiators are creations put together by the scientist in their own creative ways: organic, robotic, modified, etc. There are many different types of battles but the gladiators will typically go against each other and the winner is moved up the bracket.
Gladiators, as long as they are in the arena, can die and be brought back at the end of the match. Time works differently on the floor of the arena. This hasn't been explained to the audience nor participants but there are still plenty seeking to understand the phenomenon.
While there is one large main arena there are plenty of smaller arenas clustered around the Frankensteins arena that operate with similar rules. Though still very brutal they're decidedly less lethal. Can't be brought back in those arenas so death matches are ruled out outside of the Frankensteins arena. Unless a group wishes for those kinds of stakes.
Fighting in the arena(s) and winning fights will win you different prizes. Plots of land, money, gifts, those sorts of things. There are plenty who make a living off of their gladiator fighting.
Miles Prower's family was like this. Well before they all died in unfortunate and strange ways leaving Miles alone to inherit the labs. Knowing the land could be taken away and given to another winner at any time (dystopian society laws are pretty wild) Miles decided to enter a Gladiator. Though maintains his side business doing repairs and selling small electronics as he didn't actually plan to make his living off of Frankenstein's arena.
Sonic... Was not actually created by Miles. He comes from a different scientist known for his chimeras... And his reclusive tendencies. While once known and respected in the arena he stopped participating ages ago though still makes strange creations. Most of which he leaves haphazardly around his property most dying without proper care. Needless to say Sonic was taken in by Miles.
Miles has since made his own adjustments and improvements to Sonic so he can be entered into the arena.
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Go Astro Boy Go is pretty deeply detailed, now hear me out-
Now I'm gonna talk about Go Astro Boy Go for a minute and hyper analyse it because Istg there is so much hints and details the show is giving us that is going incredibly unnoticed by the public and I WON'T HOLD IT IN ANY LONGER
Now it can't be an Astro Boy story with out his major character trait of being a robot replacement of a dead kid, but in the more kid shows of Astro I find that the way they keep it in is by not denying it, but rather not bringing it up while giving subtle hints to the older audience that it did in fact happen. And Go Astro Boy Go DOES IN FACT do this but I NEVER see it talked about so here we go.
For example, Dr Oshay (called Dr. Elephun in the show) has a piece of tech for Astrokitty that allows him to shut of certain systems that he has. Such as sense of smell and other attributes. Yet, for some reason, he doesn't have one for Astro, despite him very much needing it at times like when his heat vision went off the rails and Dr Elephun had no idea how to either fix or stop it, meaning he doesn't know all that much about Astro or was the one who truly created him, because if he did he would've been able to stop the problems immediately.
Now going into the big stuff, the Dr Tenma centered episode (who is called Dr. Fusion in the show). First thing we are given is a picture of Elephun and Fusion in their younger years, it seems like Fusion was irritated that his anti-matter project flopped compared to Elephun's winning project, and in the background we also see a little teaser of Astro and Astro Kitty, most likely still a work in progress seeing as how much older Dr Elephun currently is in the series when the two are officially active and out in about.
Now, when it comes to Dr. Fusion his outfit and design is a direct Easter egg to the 2003 Astro Boy anime. This is very important as in that iteration Dr. Tenma created Astro to replace Tobio, and ended up abandoning Tobio leaving him to be found by Dr Oshay later on and brought back with his past memories of him being Tobio buried inside him. Not fully gone, but incredibly buried.
I have a strong feeling Astro and Astro Kitty were a project the two worked on in the background, most likely Dr Elephun created Astro Kitty as a companion for Astro after Dr. Fusion built Astro, especially when in past iterations Elephun is especially known for giving Astro robotic companions to keep him company. Most likely something happened, Fusion abandoned Astro, and Elephun brought him back along with Astro Kitty.
This would explain how despite thdetail younger, Astro and Astro Kitty are around in the pic. Most likely Astro was officially powered up, as Tobio, and was raised by Fusion as Tobio for a good while until the fall out happened and Fusion abandoned Astro for a good while until he was picked up and restarted by Elephun, with no memories of his past lives before. That would explain what happened during the time jump and why all three kids have zero idea of anything that happened. Astro was reborn (for a third time 💀) Astro Kitty had no idea Astro existed beforehand, and Suzu most likely wasn't even around until much later.
The way they implement this is genuinely very clever, because they most likely could've gone all the way if the situation wasn't complicated. They have no fear saying things can be killed and that things die and can be hurt to the point they die, but explaining how a kid died via hit by truck and was brought back as a robot by a grieving mad scientist is A LOT more morally complicated and gray, so they had to make due the best they can and I thought it was pretty well done and I thought it deserved to be brought into light more.
And as extra info, something I especially noticed in Dr. Fusion's debut episode is that when he meets Astro he avoids interacting with him, only really interacting fully with Suzu or Astro Kitty. Yet, his gaze is almost always on Astro, and when Astro talks to him he falters at random times but brushes it off and moves on. I just find these small subtle details to be pretty neat!
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I've talked about MechaGodzilla in the past, but with a franchise as old and long as Godzilla's, it's inevitable that the character has changed over the years. He's gone from a tool of conquest to a defender of humanity to a raging mech turned against its masters.
But if I had to highlight my favorite iteration of the character, I have to go with the Millenium version that debuted in Godzilla Against MechaGodzilla and appeared one last time in Godzilla: Tokyo SOS. Aside from having arguably the coolest design, this MechaGodzilla (also known as Kiryu), actually does have something that the others don't: he has a character arc and isn't either a threat to be conquered or a tank.
The only problem with Kiryu is that talking about him runs the risk of sounding like a mad man. So disclaimer: everything down below is real. I am NOT making this stuff up. At all.
So our story starts in 1954 with the original Godzilla.
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By now you should know the story. Baptized in the fires of the hydrogen bomb, the original Godzilla went on a rampage in Tokyo and completely leveled the city, killing countless. He was only stopped when the brilliant scientist Dr. Serizawa reduced him to a skeleton with the Oxygen Destroyer. Anyone who's familiar with Godzilla lore knows the story.
Well, in the continuity of the Kiryu duology, that skeleton becomes extremely important.
When a second Godzilla appears in 1999, the Japanese government knows they did some kind of superweapon to defend themselves (especially since conventional weaponry won't do jack). Taking a page out of Pacific Rim's book, they decide their best chance is a gigantic mech to fight the monster. But even then, Godzilla's vicious enough that even a conventional robot might not enough.
And here's where things get...interesting.
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Thanks to recent developments in robotics and bioengineering, they're able to use the bones of the original Godzilla to build MechaGodzilla. The reason being that a robot that uses organic DNA will be able to react faster than a completely automated one. Plus, thanks to those aforementioned advancements, Kiryu would be able to fight as effectively and viciously as when it was Godzilla while remaining under the JDSF's control. Think of it more as a cyborg than a true robot.
So to reiterate, they built a mech out of the bones of the original Godzilla. It's also able to fight just as well as its organic counterpart. Something like an EVA from Evangelion.
...everyone still with me? Good. Cause it gets stranger.
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Kiryu does turn out to be as good of a fighter as they needed. While he isn't as powerful as some of his other iterations, he's able to fight the new Godzilla on equal footing. He's able to fight Godzilla to a draw in the first film inflicting grievous wounds and even defeated him in the second with the help of Mothra.
There's just one problem. Remember how I said Kiryu was a cyborg brought to life by the original bones of Godzilla?
During his first scuffle with Godzilla...Kiryu remembered who he was when he heard Godzilla's roar. And when a monster realizes he's been brought back to life by those that gave him painful mutations, turned him into a living weapon, and made to fight one of his own...
He goes berserk.
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Yeah, once the reality of Kiryu's state comes to mind, there's some serious questions on whether or not creating him was a good idea in the first place. For one, how exactly can anybody rely on a machine that thinks like a monster? For another, what are the moral implications of even creating such a thing and forcing him to fight what is essentially another of his kind? Or even bringing him back to life and thus playing God? These are actually given a ton of weight in the film as the ethical lines behind Kiryu's creation are blurred. Especially when MechaGodzilla being brought online is what's triggering Godzilla's rampages in the first place.
But the interesting thing here is Kiryu himself. There's a lot of hints that he's a lot more self-aware and in control than most people give him credit for. For one, he seems to have an affinity for his first pilot Akane and one of his technicians, Yoshido. His eyes almost seem to glow when Akane is in danger and flat out says farewell to Yoshido on a computer in Tokyo SOS. The implications are that he seems to sympathize with Akane's feelings of worthlessness and appreciates Yoshido treating him like he was an actual being despite essentially being a robot.
And then there's his relationship with Godzilla. Thing is...he doesn't want to fight one of his own. While he runs out of power in the first film before he can kill Godzilla, Akane speculates that Kiryu genuinely didn't want to fight anymore. While he'll certainly fight Godzilla to stop the monster's rampage (all the more impressive since this is technically the original Godzilla we're talking about), killing him is another matter entirely. Which creates a bit of conflict since his purpose is to kill Godzilla.
And he gets his chance in Tokyo SOS when he grievously wounds Godzilla...but then stops dead in his tracks when his "brother/son" cries out in pain. He then lets the Mothra Larvae to wrap Godzilla in silk and effectively bring the exhausted dinosaur to the earth, giving him an opportunity to finish the job. Hell, the pilots and mission control are basically ordering Godzilla's execution at this point.
Instead...he doesn't.
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He gives off a roar that sounds like the original Godzilla, disobeys every command to finish the fight, and gently embraces his organic counterpart before taking them both out to sea where no one can reach them. Godzilla is able to live, and Kiryu (and by extension the original Godzilla) is finally able to rest in peace.
This is why this version of MechaGodzilla is my favorite. His whole arc to me was about choosing for himself and wrangling with his relationship to both mankind and Godzilla. About whether he should kill his own or let innocents get hurt. Or even just learning to move on past his grudge against people. Those are things you don't typically associate with kaiju movies. Cause in the end, Kiryu isn't just another mech or monster. He's got character to him as well. Something I think the Godzilla movies do well.
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tenebraevesper · 3 months
Sonic Cyber Revolution, Entry 54: Open Your Heart
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''Thunder, rain and lightnin', danger, water risin'! Clamor, sirens wailing, it's such a bad sign! Shadows of dark creatures, steel clouds floating in the air, people run for shelter – what's gonna happen to us? All the steps we take, all the moves we make, all the pain at stake – I see the chaos for everyone! Who are we? What can we do? You and I are the same in the way that we have our own styles that we won't change! Yours is filled with evil, and mine is not, there is no way I can lose! Can't hold on much longer! (But I will never let go!) I know it's a one-way track! (Tell me now how long this'll last!) I'm not gonna think this way! (Nor will I count on others!) Close my eyes and feel it burn! (Now I see what I've gotta do!) Open your heart; it's gonna be alright!''
– Open Your Heart by Sonic Adventure (NateWantsToBattle Cover)
Wrath was all he could feel, the only sensation flooding his mind and body. Wrath was what led him to attack the Knuckles Tribe and wrath was what had brought him back. He still recalled his last thought when the sense of wrath was replaced with numbness and an inability to control his own body and mind. He was being ordered around like a puppet on strings, unable to to fight back, at least until he absorbed the Chaos Emeralds – yellow and red, cyan and purple, white and blue, and finally green. With each absorbed Chaos Emerald, whatever control the mad platypus scientist had over him grew weaker and weaker, until he managed to break out.
Now, the sense of wrath had returned, stronger than ever. He had now gained his most powerful form and his senses were taken over by an overwhelming desire for revenge. Perfect Chaos roared, creating a massive tidal wave that swept over the area, and he could see people fleeing from it, but he couldn't care less who died or who survived. He had been hurt by so many people, and he was going to retaliate. He was a force of nature, and those who believed that could control him would learn that a force like himself couldn't be commanded by anyone.
Lucas and Rouge pulled Big and Froggy away, managing to get up to a building tall enough to avoid being hit by the wave. Lily, Knuckles and Tikal followed them closely, and Ferra and Metal Sonic also landed next to them. Starline panicked, using the Fly Core to leap and hold onto the EggMobile just as Eggman flew away to avoid the wave.
''What are you doing?!'' Eggman growled as Starline held onto the edge of the EggMobile for dear life.
''I admit, I may have made a mistake in my calculations, but we can still fix this,'' Starline said, only for Eggman to grab him by the collar of his purple shirt.
''We?!'' Starline gulped, shaking as Eggman lifted him up. ''I have enough of you and your know-it-all attitude! I gave you enough chances, but this one is the straw that broke the camel's back! Starline, you're fired!''
Eggman then dropped the flailing Starline into the watery depths below, not even caring whether the platypus survived the fall or not. He then flew away on the EggMobile, pressing a button that revealed a holographic screen showing Orbot and Cubot playing UNO back at the Egg Base. The two assistant robots were startled when they realized that their Boss was calling them, scrambling to explain themselves, but Eggman didn't care. ''Orbot, Cubot, get the Egg Carrier!''
''Right away, Boss!''
Eggman frowned, turning his attention back to Perfect Chaos. Despite knowing just how dangerous the God of Destruction was, he still allowed things to get this far. As much as he hated it, he knew that he would have to help Sonic and his friends defeat it. Nevertheless, he had learned from his previous mistakes.
''This better work,'' Eggman grumbled, flying the EggMobile to the building the rest of the group, sans Sonic and Shadow, were standing on. ''I assume you have some kind of plan for this, Kinomoto.''
Lucas blinked in surprise, having not expected that Eggman would address him like this, but quickly snapped out of his stunned state. ''It doesn't matter what we do, we need the Chaos Emeralds if we want to defeat Perfect Chaos.''
''I have figured that much,'' Eggman replied, him and the rest of the group observing Perfect Chaos as he moved, creating several water spouts and spreading them across the area, destroying buildings and structures in the process. ''It doesn't seem as if he had absorbed all of the negative Chaos Energy.''
''I just hope Loki had managed to get the message out for people to evacuate,'' Lucas said, staring at Cosmo Bridge in the distance. He could see people abandoning their cars and fleeing the moment Perfect Chaos had appeared, and he felt completely helpless as there was really nothing that he could do to stop this madness. That's when everyone suddenly turned around, a bit shocked to see a giant airship flying towards Perfect Chaos.
''The Egg Carrier? Seriously?!'' Lily turned to Eggman. ''You know that thing doesn't stand a chance against Perfect Chaos.''
''Don't underestimate the Egg Carrier! I have learned from the last time and I equipped the airship with additional defense systems! It won't fall down in just one hit!'' Eggman bragged, with Lily giving him a dubious look.
''If you have so much faith in the Egg Carrier, why aren't you inside it?'' she asked. Eggman just turned away, completely ignoring her question.
''Get a load of this!'' he said, pressing a button on the EggMobile, allowing him to control the Egg Carrier remotely.
The large front-mounted powerful laser cannon housed inside the bow moved, with the Egg Cannon firing a powerful cyan laser beam at Perfect Chaos, causing immense damage to Perfect Chaos' side. Eggman grinned victoriously, only to frown when Perfect Chaos to restored the damaged area. The water deity then slammed one of his tentacles into the front of the Egg Carrier, followed by another strike to the side, with the third one destroying the wing and causing the Egg Carrier to crash into Cosmo River. Eggman stared at the remains of his airship in stunned silence.
''Yeah, you were right. It took three hits for it to go down,'' Lily said in a snarky tone, arms folded across her chest. Eggman's mouth was agape and he was speechless.
''Well, damn,'' he muttered. Admittedly, even if he wasn't going to say it out loud, he did have a feeling that this might go wrong.
As for Perfect Chaos, he started to move, leaving Cosmo River and going towards Sentoraru. The group could also hear helicopters in the distance, realizing that SASDF was mobilized to fight against Perfect Chaos and save civilians. However, Lucas knew that their weaponry would do no damage to the God of Destruction. He turned activated his AR Visor, calling the whole of Team Neos and turned to the group.
''I hate to say it, but there is nothing we can do now. We should retreat and help in the evacuation as much as possible,'' he said, getting several reactions, mainly that of half-hearted acceptance and disappointment that they couldn't do more.
''So, you really are going to retreat?'' Eggman asked, with Lucas giving him a look of determination.
''You know as well as I do that we cannot do anything so long as Perfect Chaos has the Chaos Emeralds. Even if we used the Master Emerald, we can't get close enough to him for it to work,'' Lucas pointed out. ''We'll have to wait until the right opportunity, but until then, Neos City will suffer a lot of damage.''
''Then, let's make the best out of this situation,'' Sonic said.
''Kotone Midorikawa and Kero here with breaking news!''
''A flood alert has been issued! All civilians are instructed to abandon the afflicted areas in Sentoraru and Cosmo River! We are under attack by a giant water monster!''
Minami's team observed the news broadcast on a giant holographic screen in Sentoraru, having managed to get there from Kita. The area they were at wasn't flooded yet, but they knew that they didn't have much time left.
''Ugh… If we had only stopped Starline…'' Amy grumbled, still feeling the effects of Starline's toxic spurs as she was being carried piggyback by Minami, while Omega was holding Cream.
''At least you managed to recover enough,'' Minami said. ''We'll need everyone's help to survive this- agh!''
Minami, Amy, Omega, Cream, Cheese and Gamma were startled when the street before them suddenly blew up, with water gushing everywhere. ''This way!''
The group escaped, with Omega and Gamma hovering above the ground via their jet boosters, while Minami was on her hoverboard, leading them through the streets. Suddenly, a torrent of water came from a side street, threatening to carry them away, only for a cyan barrier to appear, stopping the water.
''Get to higher ground!'' Silver suddenly appeared above them, struggling with the barrier. Minami, Omega and Gamma looked around, then went towards a building where they had spotted Makoto waving at them.
''Are you guys okay?'' he asked, looking in particular at Amy and Cream.
''We'll be fine,'' Amy replied as Minami put her down.
''Yeah,'' Cream added as Omega put her down, with Cheese checking up on her.
''We ran into Starline,'' Minami explained, with Makoto and Silver nodding.
''We ended up fighting Toshiro and Mephiles, and once we lost the Chaos Emerald, we left,'' Makoto replied.
''We've been lifting up people to higher ground wherever we could, but the situation is getting worse and worse,'' Silver added.
''Heeeey! Over here!'' The group looked up, only to see Tails hovering above them. ''Warren and I are with the Chaotix! We want to reunite with Lucas and Sonic's group!''
Makoto turned to Silver. ''Do you think you'll be able to carry all of us?''
''Yeah, I have enough energy for that,'' Silver said, nodding confidently. He spread the psychokinesis among the group, with Omega, Gamma, Minami and Makoto declining as they could use the jet booster and hoverboards respectively to lighten Silver's load. The group then followed Tails.
Sonic sped down the street, managing to grab a child just before a wave of water came crashing down on them. He leapt onto an abandoned car, getting on the rooftop of a small café where several patrons were. After making sure the kid was fine, he turned back to the street, seeing Shadow pulling out a woman out of the water and onto an abandoned van. Both knew that the rest of the group was somewhere close, using anything they could to help people. In the distance was Perfect Chaos, swatting away at the military helicopters as they attacked him with missiles, none of which had any effect on him. Dark clouds covered the sky, with Perfect Chaos damaging one of the helicopters with his tentacles, forcing the military to retreat.
''It's pointless,'' Shadow said as he joined Sonic. ''If we want to defeat Perfect Chaos, we'll have to attack his weak spot.''
''His brain,'' Sonic added, him and Shadow exchanging glances. ''But, we'll have to get very close to reach him, and with the city being flooded like this, it won't be easy.''
Both hedgehogs then leapt from the building, using the debris and top of the cars as stepping stones, getting closer and closer to the area that suffered the worst damage.
Meanwhile, Lucas' group had reached a breaking point, with Touka and Lily almost being swept away by a current as they tried to grab a girl who got stuck on the top of a bus. The girl managed to hold onto it, coughing and sputtering the water, with Touka managing to grab her and carry her away bridal-style onto another building. Considering the way how hoverboards worked, they couldn't put too much weight on them for fear that they would get to heavy and fail. Touka and Lucas' hoverboard were modified, but even they had their limits.
''Help me!''
Lucas grabbed a man's arm, the latter holding onto a street lamp and tried to pull him up, but the hoverboard started to sink. He could feel another sudden tug, being surprised to see Ferra helping him out. ''You owe me for this!''
Lucas didn't comment on it, with the two focusing on getting the man to a broken building and landing on a different one to check on their hoverboards, fearing that they got damaged. However, their eyes widened as Perfect Chaos moved to their location, sending a barrage of tentacles that swept across the building, knocking both of them over. Lucas managed to grab onto the ledge, holding Ferra with his other hand as they dangled from the building above the dangerous waters. However, both of them felt that they were slipping.
''Let go or we'll both fall!'' Ferra shouted.
''Forget it!'' Lucas replied, gritting his teeth as he dug his fingers into the broken ledge, feeling his hand bleeding. He heard Ferra let out a laugh.
''You really love playing hero,'' she said, smirking.
''What? No! Frankly, I don't care if we're enemies, I won't let you die,'' Lucas replied.
''I figured,'' Ferra replied, only to suddenly dig her nails into his hand, forcing Lucas to let go. He stared in shock as she fell, only for a blue blur to pass by and catch her, revealing itself to be Metal Sonic. Lucas sighed in relief and tried to swing his other arm towards the ledge to climb up, only to feel himself getting lifted.
''Hold on!''
Lily and Knuckles grabbed his arm, pulling him back onto the building. They were joined by Touka, Rouge and Tikal, Big and Froggy having found safety somewhere else during the whole chaos. All of them were tired due to the whole ordeal, with Lucas looking around, only to spot a wave of cyan energy on a different building, relieved to see that Warren, Tails, Minami, Amy, Cream, Cheese, Makoto, Silver, Vector, Espio, Charmy, Omega and Gamma made it here safely. Given the distance, he activated the AR Visor again instead of shouting for them.
''Are you okay?'' he asked.
''We are, but this place will turn into a wasteland soon,'' Makoto answered for the whole group. Lucas knew that Makoto was right, and after taking a look at his surroundings, noted that they were the closest ones to Perfect Chaos, who continued his rampage. There was another deafening roar, and they could see in the distance seven glowing lights, being rejected by Perfect Chaos.
''Perfect Chaos has absorbed all of the Chaos Emeralds negative energy,'' Tikal said, her hands clasped as if in a prayer. ''If we don't seal him away in the Master Emerald, this city… This world will meet its end.''
Suddenly, Makoto's end, Gamma leapt from the building, flying towards the platform where the Chaos Emeralds ended up. Cream ran up to the edge of the building, crying in despair, ''Mr. Gamma, where are you going?! It's too dangerous! Come back!''
Gamma heard her, but didn't respond, instead doing his best to reach the platform to grab the Chaos Emeralds and bring them back to the group. He knew that this was their only chance, and that someone had to take the risk to reach them. He could hear Cream screaming and crying for him, held back by Amy, but he refused to respond. He was just another Badnik, after all, and he was following his mission – retrieve the Chaos Emeralds.
Gamma had managed to get close to the platform, but unfortunately, Perfect Chaos saw him, and that was the end. Gamma fired missiles at the tentacles that wrapped around him, tearing him into pieces.
''Cream, Amy… I'm sorry…''
Cream cried, being hugged and comforted by Amy as she and the rest of the group observed in horror as Gamma's body was tossed aside by Perfect Chaos. They weren't the only ones, as on other other side of the wasteland were Sonic and Shadow, having managed to find a path close to Perfect Chaos, only to stop in their tracks when they saw Gamma's demise. It was obvious what would happen to them if they tried the same, and still, they couldn't just stand there idly.
Sonic lowered his head, contemplating for a moment as he recalled what Lucas and Tikal had told him. ''Perfect Chaos… Even if he is sealed back into the Master Emerald, his heart will still remain in turmoil due to all the pain he had experienced.'' Shadow turned to Sonic, giving him a curious look as the azure hedgehog lifted his head up, a confident smirk gracing his lips. ''He had only absorbed the negative energy of the Chaos Emeralds, but there should be a positive energy inside them as a counterbalance.'' Sonic gave Shadow a confident look. ''I know what to do, but you need to cover me, Shads.''
Shadow nodded, a confident smirk that reflected Sonic's own forming on his expression. ''Make sure not to slow me down, Faker.''
''I wouldn't dream of it,'' Sonic replied, with him and Shadow leaping off the building and speeding down the flooded street and using the debris, overpasses and broken buildings to avoid being swept away by the current.
''Chaos Spear!'' Shadow threw a spear of energy at one of Perfect Chaos' tendrils, saving Sonic from being grabbed. Sonic, in turn, spin-dashed through a piece of debris that almost fell on Shadow, breaking it apart.
''We're almost there!'' Sonic said, him and Shadow leaping onto a street lamp when Perfect Chaos suddenly fired a beam of energy from his mouth. Shadow grabbed Sonic, Chaos Controlling just above where the blast was about to hit them.
''Now!'' Shadow grabbed Sonic hand mid-air, swinging around and sending the hedgehog flying into the sky and towards the platform, with Sonic managing to land on it, surrounded by the Chaos Emeralds. He grinned, being able to feel their energy as they rose up, resonating with him. However, before he could do anything, his eyes widened when a water spout emerged right under him, the dark water engulfing him.
Lucas and Shadow's cry of shock was followed by more, with Team Neos, their allies, and even Eggman who had been observing the situation from above, staring in horror as it seemed as if Perfect Chaos had finally managed to drown the azure hedgehog and kill him for good.
''No, no, Sonic!'' Lucas shouted, refusing to believe that this was the end. He wanted to leap over and help his partner, and he wasn't the only one, as Shadow was about to attack Perfect Chaos in rage.
However, before either could make a move, the water spout started to suddenly glow in a distinct golden light, which destroyed it from the inside. The clouds in the sky opened, allowing some of the sunlight to pass, illuminating the golden light that emerged from it. That light was a golden hedgehog hovering above the waters, enveloped in a golden smooth wisp-like aura, his quills on his head pointed upwards and his red eyes fixated on Perfect Chaos. His expression showed a sense of seriousness as he clenched his fists, staring at his opponent.
''It's Sonic!''
''Sonic! Sonic!''
''He's alive!!''
''Sonic… No, Super Sonic…'' Lucas breathed a sigh of relief as he stared at the golden hedgehog, his friends crying in joy, hugging each other and jumping as they realized that things have turned around. Even Eggman showed signs of relief, albeit mainly because he really didn't want to be the one to deal with Perfect Chaos, deciding to leave the water deity to Sonic.
''Sonic…'' Shadow stared at the golden hedgehog in awe, captivated by what he saw. Super Sonic then turned towards him, his serious expression changing to a sincere smile as he winked at Shadow, giving him a thumbs up to assure him that everything was fine. Shadow couldn't help but smile in return, observing Super Sonic as he flew up to be on Perfect Chaos' eye-level.
''This ultimate power is fueled by everyone's wish!'' Super Sonic said, facing Perfect Chaos. He could hear not only his friends cheering for him, but also the people of Neos City, who had recognized him as a beacon of hope, the light that illuminated the darkness. ''I won't let any of my friends down!''
Feeling the power of the Chaos Emeralds flowing through his body, Super Sonic rushed towards Perfect Chaos with lightning speed, leaving a gaping hole in the water deity's body as he emerged on the other side. Perfect Chaos roared, closing the wound, but Super Sonic continued, exploring his new speed as he entered Perfect Chaos body, flying right towards his head and punching through it, damaging the brain.
Perfect Chaos roared in pain, with Super Sonic flying away to dodge the water tentacles, then looked down at himself, wondering what else he was capable of. He knew that the Chaos Emeralds transformed thought into power, which mean that the only thing that was holding him back was his own creativity.
Super Sonic suddenly vanished, Chaos Controlling right below Perfect Chaos' head and curled into a ball, using the spin attack right into the water deity's jaw and knocking the head back. He then appeared above Perfect Chaos, with multiple duplicates of him appearing and all of them slamming down into Perfect Chaos' head, once again right into the brain. The water deity shook his head, suddenly firing a beam of energy at Super Sonic, with the golden hedgehog blocking the attack with his bare hands, diverting it into the sky.
Super Sonic then proceeded to loop around Perfect Chaos, dodging the tentacles and unleashing a golden wind that trapped the water deity, before releasing a barrage of kicks from afar, which turned into crescent razor wind that hit Perfect Chaos. The water deity didn't back down, however, launching another attack that trapped Super Sonic inside a water spout. However, the golden hedgehog managed to counter it by unleashing a blast of energy resembling Chaos Blast and flew closer, firing a barrage of punches at Perfect Chaos.
''Is it just me, or is he using the Sonic Frontiers moveset?'' Minami said, catching the attention of her friends as everyone watched the fight. Those who knew had to admit that Super Sonic was really going all out in this fight.
Super Sonic then leaped back, avoiding another blast of energy and smirked, having taken note of Perfect Chaos' weakened state. It was clear that the water deity was slowly collapsing as the attacks took a tool on it. Enveloping himself in a blaze of energy, Supers Sonic flew towards Perfect Chaos head, passing right through it and turning back as Perfect Chaos disintegrated, his monstrous form vanishing as he reverted back to Chaos 0. Super Sonic flew up to him, with Chaos staring back at him, then looked around at the destroyed area.
''I hope you're okay now, buddy,'' Super Sonic said, sensing that Chaos's wrath had disappeared and he finally calmed down. As a matter of fact, it seemed that the water deity was regretting what he had done. ''Would you be able to use the positive energy of the Chaos Emeralds to clear up a bit?''
Chaos stared at Super Sonic, a little perplexed by this request, but he knew that this was the only thing he could do in this situation. He had destroyed this part of Neos City and it was up to him to atone for what he had done.
Chaos took Super Sonic's hand, channeling the positive energy of the Chaos Emeralds and took control of all the water that was flooding the streets. The water levels started to revert, leaving only mud and debris behind and flowing into Cosmo River. Super Sonic then let go off Chaos hand, his Super Form vanishing as the Chaos Emeralds left his body and the two were left standing in the middle of the street.
''You know, you aren't that bad when you calm down,'' Sonic told Chaos, who just stared back at him, unsure how to feel about the compliment. Sonic then looked up, waving at Shadow, who just sat down, shaking his head in response and sighing in relief. Sonic then looked back to his friends, surprised to see the Babylon Rogues' airship flying over them. Lucas and the rest of the team also saw it, surprised to see a ladder being lowered down, with Chase and Jet staring at them from the entrance.
''You are crazy!'' Chase shouted, his expression showing a mix of disbelief and shock. ''All of you! Get up!''
Lucas laughed, having to admit that it was quite unexpected that the Babylon Rogues decided to get them out of this area, but he still accepted their help, him and the rest of the group, including Sonic, Shadow and Chaos climbing on. Sonic was the last to get inside, taking note of Eggman, who just gave him a non-descript look and flew away on the EggMobile. He accepted Jet's hand as the latter pulled him inside, scoffing.
''You know, only because you got this golden form doesn't mean that you're better than me,'' Jet said, with Sonic just waving him off. He then looked back at the destroyed Sentoraru, knowing that it would take a while to repair the damage from what had happened. Fortunately, it was only this area that was affected.
''Thank you, all of you, for calming Chaos down,'' Tikal said, drawing everyone's attention.
''Hey, that's what we do,'' Sonic said, feeling tired. Tikal then walked up to Knuckles, taking the Master Emerald from him.
''Chaos and I will have to leave now. We will also return the Master Emerald to where he belongs,'' she said. Knuckles nodded, only for Rouge to suddenly step in.
''Aww, you're leaving so soon already? I was hoping that I could hold onto the Master Emerald,'' she said, reaching for it, only to be grabbed by Knuckles by her arm.
''Not a chance, Rouge,'' he said, giving her a firm look, only to falter a little when Rouge smiled at him, causing him to feel flustered. Tikal smiled back and exchanged glances with Chaos, both nodding and turning back to everyone else.
''Goodbye everyone! Maybe, we'll meet again someday!'' Tikal said, her and Chaos disintegrating into data particles and vanishing. Lucas then turned to the rest of the group on the airship, a troubled look on his expression.
''So, on a scale from 1 to 10, how screwed are we? Because not only has the whole of Neos City witnessed the Chaos Incident, which left part of Sentoraru destroyed and people becoming aware of what we're capable of, but I'm also fairly certain that we will get grilled by our parents for this since Team Neos wasn't exactly supposed to be public knowledge,'' he said.
That was the moment when everyone realized that this event would probably have consequences for all of them in the long run. Sonic shrugged.
''I'm sure it'll be fine,'' he said, trying to keep everyone optimistic.
''Well, that's not our problem,'' Chase suddenly said, looking at Lucas. ''You better be grateful that we got you out of there.''
Lucas just gave him an irked look, and then sighed tiredly, then turned to Sonic. ''I just hope that this won't prevent us from continuing our work.''
''Well, I'll keep living by my own feelings,'' Sonic replied, giving him a thumbs up. ''Whatever happens next, it doesn't matter to me, because I will never give up the fight and keep doing what is right.''
Starline was surrounded by water, having been swept into a broken building and managing to land onto a piece of debris, keeping him from drowning, with a sense of despair, shock and complete mental breakdown overwhelming him.
''I planned everything out. Down to the smallest detail. I had every advantage. Accounted for every contingency.'' He clutched his head, his eyes wide and irises small as the memory Eggman throwing him into the water flashed in his mind. ''I could've fixed this. I did everything right. And Dr. Eggman… Eggman… He abandoned me… All of my effort was for nothing. I-I'm a failure. An utter, disgraceful failure…''
''Starline, watch out!''
The platypus was suddenly pulled by his hand when a piece of roofing came crashing down on him, almost crushing him. He looked up in shock, only to see that the one who had grabbed him was Ferra, pulling him onto another piece of debris and kneeling down on her hoverboard, turning her back to him. ''Climb on! This whole building is going to collapse! Metal is keeping our escape route open!''
Starline suddenly snapped out of his stupor and held onto Ferra, locking his arms around her neck as she carried him out of the building just as the roof fell where they were a moment earlier. They joined Metal Sonic, who blasted another piece of debris that got into their way and escaped the building just in time to see Super Sonic finishing off Perfect Chaos. Ferra was breathing heavily, realizing that the battle was over and turned her hoverboard around, flying away from the battlefield, with Metal Sonic following her.
''Why?'' Ferra turned her head back as she heard Starline mumbling. ''Why did you come back for me?''
''While I have no issues causing trouble for Team Neos, I do draw the line at getting people killed. That includes you,'' Ferra told him in a firm tone. ''I guess Dr. Eggman won't be too happy about your survival, but it won't matter since you cannot show yourself anymore in his presence or you'll be chased off.''
Starline felt his body grow numb, a troubled look forming on his expression. His ego was shattered and he couldn't care less anymore whether he survived or died. Ferra glanced back at him, and sighed, realizing that Starline's mental state wasn't the best. She wasn't sure what would happen next, but she was certain about one thing – she just prevented Starline's own story from ending then and there, and she had a strange feeling about what his role in the future would be.
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#Sonic Cyber Revolution (Masterlist)
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thealmightyemprex · 7 months
Sci Fi Month :Futurama the LAte Phillip J Fry
Futurama is one of the best sci fi comedies I have ever seen.For those who dont know the show follows delivery guy Philllip J Fry,who ends up cryogenically frozen waking up in the 3000's,where he befriends the robot Bender and slowly falls for Leela,a badass one eyed mutant ,as all three work for Frys eccentric mad scientist realative Professor Farnsworth .Now the show has been brought from the brink a few times ,Im mostly familiar with the early years of the show on Fox (Yeah the show has been canceled and brought back serval times,first 4 years on fox ,then it was a string of direct to DVD movies,then a few years on Comedy Central and recently its been brought back on Hulu ) so for this review I decided to look at a well liked episode from the Comedy Central days I hadnt seen ,The Late Phillip J Fry
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In this episode that aired in 2010,Fry (Billy West ) after being late for a date with Leela(Katey Segal) promises to treat her to a nice birthday dinner,only for him ,the Professor (Also Billy West ) and Bender (John Dimagio) to be flung into the future while testing out a time machine.....That can only go forward ,with Leela assuming the three were killed at a bachelor party Bender wanted to go too
This episode is classic Futrama ,being a fun twist on a sci fi concept ,with the shows signature balance of cynacism and heart .Theres some fun gags ,the Leela and Fry stuff is sweet,and I like the twists .My favorite scene is when the trio come to the end of the universe,and decide to ride it out,drinking beers as they watch the end.Only nitpick is Bender maybe a bit to overbearing in this episode,but other then that it was a solid funny watch
@ariel-seagull-wings @countesspetofi @the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @amalthea9 @minimumheadroom @angelixgutz @princesssarisa @filmcityworld1
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virdemption · 7 months
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concept sketches of. robotsona. very heavy slowmotion basis because i love slowmotion and must become it at all costs.
he'll be used all sorts of things (not just warioware, he has regretevator lore too :D) but i made the lore warioware centric: he's a malware that infected crygor's computer and built himself a robot body out of whatever was nearby. he managed to do this in secret over the span of like a week i think and one day got walked in on by the mad scientist like
"oh mike why do we keep finding ourselves in these predicaments with robots? i don't even remember inventing this one!"
error: mike.exe has stopped working (she thinks he's cute as hell)
i like skates so i brought them back from the now-retconned angelo.
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pencil-amateur · 1 year
it’s all “support unethical mad scientists!” with you people until we’re a little mean to the things we brought back to life 🙄 mind your own experiments
👓 menachanic Follow
there’s a difference between being unethical and being an asshole. having said that, op is clearly the latter
oh YOU’RE one to talk with your “generative programming pain response training”. how’s that robot torture working out for you?
👓 menachanic Follow
you know perfectly well that a string of code doesn’t work like a brain, even when you run it on an android. nice try though!
🧠 livingdeadbeauty Follow
remember to support your reanimated friends! just because we’re undead doesn’t mean we’re unfeeling. this has a really good breakdown on the issue of mad scientists disregarding members of our community
🫀 anatomiclady Follow
seconding this!!!
⚡️ corkscrewloose Follow
Completely agree that the living dead should be allowed as much autonomy as anyone else. (Though I’m a bit concerned about the robot thing.)
🔩 boltedandblue Follow
hope this is ok to say… I have op blocked because “a little mean” doesn’t even begin to cover it. let’s just say I’m glad I didn’t end up like the poor guy in the link (;キ_ ; )7
👓 menachanic Follow
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Pink Rose
It's just my sona. Age 24
Ahem, but if you want a bit more backstory...
Pink was built by a mad scientist in order to bring back once long ago extinct mythical species, Pink has human and unicorn DNA in their systems, mixed in with robotic enhancements this creature was brought to life, Pink is a bit of softie, friendly and open, always wanting to make new friends, they absolutely love love love reading comics, or making their own comics, and oddly enough steak. Pink escaped that mad scientist long ago, and roams free on the internet posting their stories, and longing for friends to meet
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