#and them mentioning molly too??? criminal
vicioustoker · 13 days
yasha saying "i know one day i want to go back there. i don't know where she was buried but i have so many flowers to bring her" when talking about her wife was so fucking devastating like they were just talking about how flowers don't grow in xhorhas earlier in the episode
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anxiousnerdwritings · 3 months
I want to add a little to the angst of Weasley!Reader. You mentioned Molly not even knowing his favorite color?
What if for years, she knitted his sweater in his least favorite color?
And the Harry of it all. Criminal!Weasley seeing both of parents give Harry attention in the way he had never gotten. Sad part is, he’s probably not even mad, knowing Harry deserves that happiness and attention
Even though all of the sweaters have been in his least favorite color, all Weasley!Reader can cling to is the fact that at least his mother made him one every year anyway and didn’t just forget him. It doesn’t even matter what color they are, he’d still happily wear any of them cause to him it’s some kind of proof of his mother’s love for him. At least that’s what he tells himself.
I will tell you though that Lestrange!Daughter!OC won’t let that shit slide. Even before she uttered a word to her darling, she knew what his favorite fucking color was. It wouldn’t even be too far fetched that the poor boy wears some garment or accessory that has his favorite color on it on a daily basis. Like, it’s right in front of Molly’s face and she still can’t see it.
Not to mention, Percy’s reaction to seeing his brother get the same sweater every year and it not even being his favorite color or a color he likes at all. It’s not like Percy hasn’t tried to remind his mother of the Reader’s favorite color, hell he’s even gotten different types of yarn in varying shades of his brother’s favorite color so that Molly couldn’t possibly mess it up and yet she still does. Don’t even get Percy started on the one year when the whole family ended up all receiving sweaters in the Reader’s favorite color, except for the Reader himself who still got the same sweater as usual. And the worst thing about it for Percy is that the Reader is just happy to have gotten something in the end.
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philtstone · 1 month
Shawn and Gus, "comforting hugs"
you can also read it on ao3! psych: into the mollyverse coming soon to laptops near you. just kidding. i physically dont have time to fall headfirst into another elaborate kidfic series. which is what i always say, isn't it sort of canon divergence for the movies, tho i guess technically they havent fully committed to anything yet outside of the actors getting too old lol. takes place in the same universe as my great labor of love, "so here we are again" and, alas, i love molly already
Navigating the obstetrics ward in the middle of the night is harder than Gus ever expected it to be. It really feels like a critical failure of signage, which someone needs to be held accountable for. He wonders if there’s somewhere he can make a complaint. Three in the morning, arms laden with fragrant takeout and mildly damp from the mean streets of downtown San Francisco is not his ideal time for busting out the Super Sniffer.  
Thank God Axe body spray is strong enough to survive a full work day, twenty-four hours of labor, and an outfit change. 
He breathes a sigh of relief when he finally tiptoes back into the correct room. 
“Jerk chicken, sourdough donuts, and that weird lychee butter Juliet likes,” Gus whispers, setting down his many bags in a corner. “Shawn, we need to lodge a complaint. This establishment does not have good signage. I almost got lost five times coming back up here! Isn’t that a hazard to infants and mothers and best friends of families who’ve just had babies everywhere? What if someone goes into the wrong birthing room? That would leave random people’s babies vulnerable to the potential criminal element! If I was a babynapper, this hard to navigate hospital hallway system would absolutely serve as a good alibi were I suddenly caught in the wrong place.”
His last year of parenthood and decades of friendship with Shawn have honed Gus’s whispering skills to a finely tuned and precise art; he’s not really worried about disturbing Juliet, who is finally getting some much deserved sleep in the bed adjacent. She’s pretty much knocked out cold, anyway. Shawn had guessed it would take a freight train passing right outside the window or blowing an air horn directly into her ear to wake her up. 
It is a little weird that Shawn doesn’t reply, though. Gus spends the two seconds he spends bent over and rummaging through the takeout bags for forks confused about this. Then he straightens up and looks across the room.
They’ve got a little baby crib set up by the side of the bed so Juliet can sleep. There’s a chair right next to the cot, high enough that you can look right in. Shawn’s sitting in it, in the exact same place Gus left him, more or less unchanged except for the fact that he’s sobbing silently into his hands. 
Gus sighs softly, tilts his head, and puts the takeout box on the table that houses their overnight bags before walking over. At Shawn’s side, he pauses, looking down. He’s a little biased – there is probably no baby in the world as perfect as his own, not to mention Selene would kill him if he ever suggested otherwise – but at six hours old, Molly Spencer-O’Hara comes pretty damn close. Squinched shut blue eyes, puckered rosy mouth, and completely bald. Gus loves her desperately.
He pulls up the remaining empty chair beside them and sits down.
“Shawn,” he says gently. 
“It j-j-ust – it all kinda –” Shawn waves one uncoordinated hand in the air immediately beside his head, gesturing vaguely towards himself. His voice is muffled and wet against his hand and he’s barely able to control the way his hands are shaking. “All – at th-the same time –”
“Yeah,” Gus says. “I know.”
“Sh-she’s just so – and I’m – for her – a-and it’s –”
“I get it,” Gus says.
“A-am I supposed to j-just walk around f-feeling like this all the time?” Shawn finally manages. There’s a desperate and hysterical note to his voice, the question nevertheless still drenched in sincerity, and he lifts his head, just enough to maybe breathe properly, and stares at Gus with huge wet eyes full of an emotion that Gus had had no idea what it would feel like to share.
Considering they’ve spent their lives sharing almost everything else, it’s really weird how keenly and suddenly it brings a strong, unexpected lump to his throat that has nothing to do with his usual tendency towards sympathy tears. 
“Pretty much, yeah,” Gus says.
“Fuck,” Shawn says, and cries harder.
His face is splotchy and red and his hair is sticking up stupidly from the last day and a half of chaos. He’s still got the splint on his hand where Juliet sprained his fingers earlier. Without another word, Gus leans over and wraps his arms around his best friend in the world. 
Sighing again, carefully controlling the damp rimming his own eyes, Gus rubs a hand against Shawn’s back and pats his shaking shoulders and waits for the feelings Shawn rarely exhibits so openly to calm down.
“Is he freaking out?” sounds a sleepy, feminine murmur from the other side of the room.    
“In the best possible way,” Gus says, “yes.”
Shawn hiccups in his arms.
“‘Was waiting … f’r it t’happen,” Juliet mumbles. He can hear the fond smile in her barely-awake voice. “It’ll be okay, baby.”
“I hate you guys,” says Shawn, wet and pathetic, muffled into Gus’s shoulder.
“We know, Shawn.”
They sit like that for a few more minutes, the comfortable silence only broken sporadically by Shawn’s wobbly breathing and the soft steady beeps of the machines monitoring Juliet’s vitals. Gus’ll have to head home soon – he’s switching shifts with Selene, and then Henry and maybe Karen will help them settle back home in a few days – but right at this minute, there’s no other place in the universe he’d rather be. 
“You guys better leave some of that jerk chicken for me,” Juliet says after a moment, sounding significantly more awake.
“Are you kidding?” Shawn protests, finally – marginally – less water-logged. He still hasn’t detangled himself from the hug. “Half that food is for you.”
“You know that’s right,” Gus agrees.
From below them, a tiny little voice interjects, burbling softly. Grinning hard enough that the few tears lingering in his eyes slip out, Gus decides to think that she’s probably agreeing, too.
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hippiegoth97 · 3 months
Into the Fire: An Eddie Munson x Reader Story Pt. 15
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Collage by me :)
Master List
Part 14
Tag List: @keikoraven @ar-jupiter @alcielo1438 @simp4eddie022 @stolen-in-moonlight
@micheledawn1975 @janiejenn @rafescurtainbangz @melodymunson @spacedoutdaydreamer
@veemoon @sariahs-stuff @feral-pumpkin-energy @comeonatmebruh @munsoneightysixx
@morgthemagpie @josephquinnsfreckles @jenniquinn @espressomunson @cometzombie
@spookybabey @daggerdaggerkitten @nina6708 @sanctumdemunson @yourdailymemedelivery
@person-005 @slowandsteddie @gri959 @elegantkoalapaper @letitgoandletlive
@voyeurmunson @costellation-hunter @leelei1980 @h-ness1944 @pretendthisnameisclever
@ohmeg @stalactitekilla @hellfirenacht @birdysaturne @oneforthemunny
@prettyboyeddiemunson @eddievanmunson @msgexymunson @rattkween86 @violetpixiedust
@bimbobaggins69 @angel-munson @eldermayfield @munsonsbtch @babygorewhore
@mediocredreams @xxbimbobunnyxx @taintedcigs @ali-r3n
Content Warning 18+ Only, Minors DNI: swearing, smoking, alcohol use, mentions of vomit, teasing, anxiety, fluff, smut, masturbation, oral sex, restraints, praise/degradation, choking, unprotected sex, squirting, consecutive orgasms, overstimulation, crying, angst, mentions of drug and alcohol use, mentions of blood and violence, mentions of abuse, mentions of incarceration
Word Count: 13.1k
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Divider by @strangergraphics
Part 15.1: Changes
Friday, April 21st, 1989
A week has gone by since the funeral, and you're getting ready to attend Dustin's graduation. April 21st, 1989, and the Henderson kids are all grown up. "Quit fidgeting, Dusty." You scold your brother as you help him adjust his cap and gown. The ensemble is a forest green, with a bright orange tassel to represent the Hawkins High colors.
"Sorry, the tag in the back is really itchy." He reaches behind at it, trying to smooth it down. His face is fixed in an annoyed scrunch. Eddie walks up behind him with some scissors, snipping the offending slip of fabric away.
"There ya go, big guy. Better?" Eddie asks, tossing the tag away and returning the shears to the kitchen drawer.
"Yea. Thanks, dude." Dustin replies, letting out a sigh of relief.
"You ready to join the real world like the rest of us?" You ask jokingly, drawing light laughs from everyone in the living room. Mom comes down the hall with the camera, snapping a photo of Dustin once you finish getting him straightened out.
"Oh, Dusty! I can't believe you're graduating today! I swear, just yesterday you were a teeny little baby in my arms!" Mom says, joyful tears pooling in her eyes.
"Ugh, Mom!" Dustin cringes in embarrassment, and you and Eddie snicker at his expense.
"Relax, kid. I had to hear the same thing back in '86. I think you can handle it." You move over to stand with Eddie, gazing up at his handsome face. His eye is perfectly fine now, and the nose cast came off a few days ago with very little bruising. The second that little bit of plaster was removed, he spent the rest of the day ravaging you like a starving animal. He really meant what he said when he wanted to 'pay you back' for everything you gave him while his mouth was out of service. His knuckles still have small bandaids on them, but he's able to wear his signature rings again.
As for you, your stitches were removed with minimal scarring. To fix your chopped up locks, you went to the hairdresser to get a new look. Your hair sits at a cute bob just below your ears now, and it goes without saying that Eddie absolutely loves it. Hell, he'd love you even if you completely shaved your head. You think it's quite cute, too, you never knew short hair and bangs could suit you so well. You'll miss having long hair for a while, but you'd be lying if the change hasn't given you a confidence boost. It's very Molly Ringwald, and who doesn't want to live out their Breakfast Club fantasy? It's perfect when you think about it. You're the 'princess', and Eddie is your handsome 'criminal'. There's a reason your generation considers John Hughes to be a cinematic genius.
"Oh, we gotta get going, kiddos!" Mom exclaims, tapping her watch. She excitedly ushers you three out the door and into the bright morning sun. You and Eddie climb into his van, and Dustin is riding with Mom to the ceremony. Afterwards though, you and the rest of the Hellfire Club are staying at the Wheeler house for the weekend to play Eddie's new campaign. You finally get to play your first game, and you sincerely hope you don't suck at it. Eddie has assured you that everyone will help you out, and that you won't look dumb if you're unsure of something.
"You got everything you need, angel?" Eddie asks, glancing back at your bags sitting behind the seats. He can tell you're anxious about tonight, noting your bouncing knee as he looks at you. He knows you're gonna be great, and he's so excited to share this with you.
"Yep! I can't wait to play with you guys!" You squeal, unable to contain yourself. You're positively buzzing, this is going to be the best summer of your life. Nothing but sex, sun, and a whole lotta fun for three whole months. And you can't think of a better way to kick it off than with a tabletop fantasy game, played in a basement that smells like Doritos and stale farts.
"And we're very excited to have you in our little band of rejects, Y/N. Dustin's been hyping everyone up, preparing them for their rightful queen to take her place on the throne." He says with a chuckle, leaning over to give you a brief kiss. You smile against his warm lips, feeling incredibly giddy. Could this day get any better?
Mom honks her horn to prompt you two to follow her and stop messing around. Eddie takes the hint and puts the van into gear, rolling down the driveway behind her. "Jeez, she really means business." You comment, reaching for a cigarette to smoke on the way over. The two of you listen to the radio, singing along to the songs you know. Eddie looks at you when he can, crooning goofily. You can't stop smiling, every passing moment makes you happier than the last.
Eddie pulls into the spot next to Mom, the lot just outside the football field. There's a stage set up in the lush grass, with rows of metal folding chairs for the graduating class. The parents and other relatives will sit on bleachers behind the students. This arrangement is much different than your own graduation, which was held in the gymnasium due to a heavy storm. You remember the power cutting out just as they started calling names to hand out diplomas. Principal Higgins wore his voice out that day, shouting out the couple hundred students in your class to accept their official documentation of surviving high school. You also remember a certain somebody that you currently call your boyfriend flipping everyone off when he accepted his own scroll of paper. Eddie ran like hell outta there in that silly gown when the staff tried to catch him. The entire gym erupted with laughter at his little stunt, and you thought it was the coolest part of the entire day.
You hop out of the van, joining the gathered group in the parking lot. Dustin's standing with Mom, and you see the Wheelers, the Sinclairs, the twins, Steve, Robin, Max, and even the Hopper/Byers family all huddled together. Will and Jane's graduation occurred a few days ago, allowing them time to come here to support the rest of the group. The graduates are dressed in their gowns and caps, absolutely abuzz with anticipation. The parents of all the kids are taking tons of pictures, while everyone else watches and makes light conversation. Eddie wraps his arm around your waist, escorting you over to the mini 'Class of '86' reunion. "Hey guys, long time no see." Eddie says to address Robin, Nancy, and Jonathan, plus Steve.
"Hey you two! God, you guys are adorable!" Nancy chirps, you're guessing she's been filled in by Robin or possibly Mike about your relationship. Your already impossibly large smile seems to grow wider at her words, and a faint blush flares across your cheeks.
"Thanks, Wheeler. I appreciate every opportunity I get to brag about ensnaring the heart of the hottest woman in Hawkins." Eddie replies, boldly leaning over to plant a blazing kiss to your neck.
"T-Thank you, Nancy. We’re unbelievably happy together." You say sheepishly, dumbfounded by Eddie's antics. Your words draw out a collective 'Aww' from the group, which does nothing to reduce the color in your cheeks.
"I take it, he liked the pictures then, Y/N?" Robin chimes in, waggling her eyebrows.
"What pictures?" Steve asks, recalling the day he saw you and Robin talking a few weeks ago.
"Robin!" You groan, resisting the urge to hide your face in your hands.
"I did indeed. I was wondering who helped you take those, princess." Eddie’s rather unbothered by this suggestive conversation. He winks at you, giving you a playful smile.
"Well, I have no idea what you're referring to. But judging by Y/N’s face turning red as a tomato, we should probably talk about something else." Nancy tries to steer the conversation in a different direction, aiming to spare you any further embarrassment. You mouth a 'thank you' at her, and she nods in understanding.
"I second that. I have a feeling I don't wanna know any more." Jonathan says. You're guessing most of them have put the pieces together, but you appreciate them keeping the actual words out of their mouths.
"Fill me in later?" Steve asks, looking at Robin.
"Yes, dingus. But you better keep your trap shut." She replies while giving him a nudge with her elbow.
"Ow, rude! Who am I gonna tell? All my friends are literally standing right here!" Steve retorts, resenting Robin implying he's got loose lips.
"Alright, graduates! Good morning to you all! If you could please make your way to your seats, and your families gather on the bleachers, we can get this show on the road!" Principal Higgins speaks into the microphone on the graduation stage. His voice booms through the large speakers placed strategically around the field, instructing everyone to get a move on.
"Shit, Higgins is lookin' rough these days." Eddie quips, making you giggle. 
You playfully slap his chest. "Be nice, Eds. You try spending decades dealing with shithead kids and see how you look afterwards."
"I suppose you're right. I can guarantee I'd be less than half the asshole he is, though." He chuckles back, slyly lowering his hand from your waist to pinch your ass. You yelp in surprise, a few pairs of disapproving eyes falling on you.
"Behave yourself, love. Or you might just be sleeping in the van by yourself after the game tonight." You warn teasingly, brushing your own hand down his front to ghost over his zipper. He gasps slightly, his steps faltering. "Mmhmm, that's what I thought." You give him a shit-eating grin, enjoying your typical toying around a little too much today.
"You're lucky you're cute, sweetheart." Eddie says lowly in your ear, sending a chill up your spine.
"Oh, please. You love our little games just as much as I do." You reply, not feeling the least bit sorry for possibly giving him a boner. You two follow closely behind Mom, taking a spot beside her on the edge of the bleachers. You scoot down the stiff metal seat, letting Eddie entwine his hand with yours once you're settled in. It takes another twenty minutes or so for everyone to get to their places, and the sun is beginning to beat down on you. Thankfully you decided to wear a t-shirt and shorts today, fully embracing your summer mindset. Eddie's very grateful for this, too, eager for any chance to see more of your beautiful skin. 
"Congratulations, graduates! I think I speak for everyone here when I say that we are so very proud of you. Your hard work and dedication has brought you to this glorious day. The day you transform from children, into aspiring young adults..." You and Eddie listen to Principal Higgins continue his typical long-winded speech of aspirations and the 'long road ahead'. You're not hearing too many of the actual words, only playing some key ones over and over in your heads. 'Future', 'dreams', 'goals'. You can't help drifting off into fantasies about what the next few months hold for your relationship. You want it all, the apartment, the moving boxes, the paint samples. You want to marry him someday, take his name as your own, get a dog or a cat. And you know Eddie wants every last bit of it just as much.
He presses a light kiss to your cheek, lulling you out of your daydreaming. "Ground Control to Major Y/N. They're starting to give out the diplomas, baby." Eddie chuckles, nuzzling his nose against your skin. You giggle quietly at his touch, watching the students start to line up beside the stage.
You observe as each student walks across the stage, taking their little piece of paper that says they made it. Every kid gets a decent amount of cheers, as is tradition. But of course, those who gained the arbitrary status of high school popularity get whoops and hollers on top of the baseline applause. Higgins begins calling the 'H's, and you see Dustin in line behind six other kids. You watch him scanning the crowd, straightening his cap at the last minute. He sees you and Eddie in the bleachers, giving a wave. You happily return it, and it's just about to be his turn. "Dustin Henderson!" Higgins announces your brother, and he walks confidently to collect his diploma.
"Hell yeah!" Eddie cheers proudly, pumping his fist in the air. He sees a younger version of himself in Dustin, with much better grades. You emit an excitable whooping noise, and the line continues onward. You give a joyful shout when they call each of Dustin's friends.
"Maxine Mayfield!"
"Lucas Sinclair!"
"Ian Tanner!"
"James Tanner!"
"Michael Wheeler!"
A couple letters of the alphabet later, and everyone is clearing out. You and Eddie wait around for the kids to gather their bags and pile into the van. In the meantime, you have a little chat with the Hopper/Byers family. It's strange to see the former Chief of Police in domestic bliss, you're used to his typical gruff nature. But Joyce brings out his inner teddy bear, and together they're great parents. "I heard about your little fight with that Carver kid a couple weeks ago. You're not gettin' a nice girl like Y/N into trouble, are you?" Jim asks, giving Eddie a stern look.
"No, sir. Believe me, I can find plenty of trouble all on my own." You reply, noticing Eddie's demeanor has changed. You know he's got a sordid history with law enforcement, and you imagine Hopper had to deal with him on many occasions.
Jim chuckles, lighting up one of his filterless smokes. "Sounds like Munson has finally met his match." He gives you both a wink, moving to pull Joyce closer to him by the waist once he puts his lighter away. She giggles at the sudden move, leaning her head against his shoulder. Damn, you really want to feel as happy as they look one day.
"Oh, Hop. Be nice." She pats his chest, looking at you. "I think you two are very cute, the kiddos tell us about you all the time. You're like their adopted parents, or something!" She gushes. It never ceases to amaze her how far and wide this super-sized group has stretched over the years. You're all one giant family now, finding each other when it's needed most.
"Oh! Well, um...we definitely love the kids. They're pretty awesome." Eddie speaks finally, though his words come out stilted. You don't really know how to respond to the whole 'parent' thing. You've never really pictured yourself as a mother, and you can't imagine your boyfriend differs much on the subject.
"Hey, lovebirds! You ready to go?" Dustin calls, no longer wearing his graduation gear. He's waving you over, with his overnight bag slung over his shoulder. The other kids are waiting with him, each carrying various luggage of their own.
"Looks like duty calls yet again. See you ‘round, Hop. Mrs. Byers." Eddie says with a stiff grin, ending this rather odd interaction. You wave goodbye to Jim and Joyce, letting your love lead the way with his arm around your shoulders. Eddie lets you go to open the back doors to the van, watching as the kiddos pack into it like sardines. You're surprised they can all fit in there, bags and all. You join him in the front, turning your head to gaze at your makeshift children. "You alright, sweetheart?" Eddie asks, cocking an eyebrow at your quietness.
You meet his eyes, smiling. "Yeah, I'm good." He doesn't look away though, he can tell you're not being forthcoming again. You roll your eyes and sigh. "I'll tell you when we get to the Wheeler's." He nods in agreement, guessing it has something to do with what Joyce said to you both. The trip over is a loud one, the kids in the back are excited and rowdy as ever. Graduation, the beginning of summer, and a new D&D campaign? It's a recipe for hyperactivity in its purest form. You're very excited as well, but you can't help dwelling on the serious subjects that have played about in your mind this morning. You curse your brain for the fixation, hoping a little chat alone with Eddie will help.
The van shifts into park outside Mike's house, and the kiddos make quick work of exiting the vehicle and scurrying inside to set up. When the two of you are the only ones left, Eddie speaks. "What's up, angel?" He asks, turning in his seat. You mirror his position, letting him take your hands into his own.
"I dunno. What Joyce said earlier kinda weirded me out, I guess." You bite your lip nervously, though you're not sure exactly what you have to feel so anxious about.
"Oh, the parent thing?" He questions, already knowing the answer. Your eyes drop to the floor, confirming his suspicions.
"Yeah. I know she didn't mean it literally. But it still felt strange." You speak to his shoes, not wanting to look at him. Again, you're unsure why.
"I know, angel. It took me off guard a bit too." He talks quietly, wanting to handle this delicately. The idea of kids is a touchy subject for anyone in a relationship, let alone both of you who haven't been together very long. "I guess we haven't really talked about stuff like that yet." It's oddly comforting to know you're not alone in your unease. You let him hold your attention again, finding gentle apprehension in his eyes.
"Yeah, I know. It's not like I've been avoiding it, or anything. I mean, we talked about living together. But that's really it." You move to sit in his lap, wanting to be closer to him. He lets you occupy his space, wrapping his arms around your middle to keep you safe. "Do you wanna talk about it? At least, to see if we're on the same page?" You realize the timing of this isn't great. But you don't want to have this awkward energy between you all weekend.
"Sure. The kids wanted to hang out for a few hours before the game anyways." The two of you grab the pack of cigarettes from the console, climbing into the back to sit more comfortably while you talk. Eddie lights two smokes, handing one off to you as you sit beside each other against the side of the van. "Okay, so, we know we want to live together. That's one down." He smirks, inhaling a long drag before speaking again. "Would you ever wanna get married?" He asks, turning his head to look at you seriously.
"I really would, Eds. I was actually thinking about that during Higgins' speech." You giggle, revealing what your spacing out earlier was about.
"And I would love to marry you one day, Y/N. Obviously, it's way too early for that, and that's okay. What about kids? That seems to be what's got us both spooked." He chuckles, reaching a hand over to stroke your thigh.
You take a moment before you answer, you really don't know how he'll react. "To be honest, I've never really wanted them." You gauge his reaction, though you can't read much of one on his face. He just nods, taking another drag. "What about you?" You really don't know why you're so anxious about this, but your heart beats a little harder in your chest regardless.
He sighs, after contemplating his answer for a minute. "I mean, if I ended up a dad, I'd give it my best shot. But I don't really want to, if i have a choice." He speaks bluntly, shrugging his shoulders. In some strange way, he's always been worried he'd knock up some poor girl one day. He's thought about that possibility a lot, playing around with his options. If said girl wanted to keep it, he would try his best to help raise the kid. If not, he'd pay to help her get rid of it.
"Of course you have a choice, Eds." You chuckle lightly, but you stop when you see his face drop into sadness.
"I know. I just一 I wouldn't want to end up like my father, Y/N. He was a drunk, and an asshole, and he beat the shit outta me. I don't wanna be like him. Ever." His eyes have begun to water, and he sniffles slightly. "Shit. What a day." He laughs, fighting off his tears.
"I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean to upset you. But if for some reason we ended up with a kid, I know for a fact you'd be the best dad that child could ask for." You try to reassure him, and his eyes widen at your words.
"You really think so?" He asks, unable to believe such a thing.
"Of course you would, love. You're so kind, caring, and sweet. And you're absolutely amazing with Dustin and all the other little demons in there." You both laugh at your silly name for the children, though it's quite fitting. "I may not know much about your dad. But from what you've told me? You're not a damn thing like him. Not one bit." You hold both sides of Eddie's face in your hands, hoping he realizes he's the greatest man you've ever met. "I mean it, Eddie. I need you to know that." You bring your lips onto his, giving him the most tender, loving kiss you possibly can. He gently returns it, a couple salty droplets running down his face. You pull away to wipe them off, placing more kisses on both his cheeks, his chin, his forehead.
Eddie hums lowly at your affections, closing his eyes while you softly lay your lips on his face. You let his head out of your grasp, and give him a tight hug that you know he so desperately needs. "I love you, princess." He says, muffled against your shoulder.
"I love you too, baby. Let's finish up and go inside, hm? I don't know about you, but I'm starving."
"Sounds like a plan, sweetheart." You face forward again, laying your head on his shoulder while you burn away the rest of your cigarettes.
The two of you head inside with your stuff, joining the others in the basement after greeting Karen and Ted. "Finally! We were worried you'd spend all afternoon fucking out there." You're surprised to see Steve hanging out down here, he definitely doesn't like Dungeons and Dragons.
"Steve!" Nancy chides, smacking his arm while scowling at him.
"What? It's just a joke. What are you, my mother?" Steve retorts, handing you and Eddie a beer each. You're guessing this is a mini graduation party before the campaign. Jonathan, Robin, Jane, and Max are also hanging around. It's feeling a little crowded, to be honest. You down half your beer, needing to loosen up.
"Sounds like someone's jealous. Still eternally single, Harrington?" You quip, drawing light laughs from everyone in your little corner. Steve narrows his eyes at you.
"Whatever." He grumbles, unable to think of a good comeback.
"Don't sweat it, Stevie. I'm sure there's someone out there for you. Although, I doubt she'll be half the woman Y/N is." Eddie smirks, reaching his hand behind you to covertly grab your ass. You hold back a whimper, taking another sip of your drink.
"Hey, Eddie! Could you wait until after the game to play grab-ass with my sister? I'd love to go one day without seeing how gross you two are." Dustin calls you out, and you realize your backs have been turned towards the kids this whole time. Your cheeks turn a dark crimson, and Eddie's hand drops to his side. The room bursts into raucous laughter, furthering your embarrassment.
"Nice going, Munson. Good luck getting any play tonight." Steve chuckles, getting his own jab in this time.
"Jesus christ." You mutter, chugging the rest of your beer. You need the booze to kick in, and fast. There's too much energy buzzing around inside you. Your first game, and talks of the future, plus so many goddamn people in too small of a basement. You swear the air is thinning, it feels like you're suffocating. "Is it warm in here?" You ask, pulling your shirt back and forth to fan yourself.
"The AC is blasting, Y/N. It's practically freezing. Are you alright?" Robin asks, noticing your breaths coming out harsher than normal. Eddie looks at you, his eyes widening as the color drains from your face. Your knees threaten to buckle, and your head feels light.
"Shit, someone get a chair over here!" Eddie shouts, and Lucas brings a folding chair behind you. Eddie helps you sit down, kneeling before you. "Baby, look at me." You meet his eyes, trying to keep yourself from hyperventilating.
"I'll get her some water." Nancy says, running upstairs to retrieve a glass.
"Is there anything else we can do?" Jonathan asks, worry lacing his voice.
"No, just一 Give her some space. And stop staring." Eddie instructs, and they do as he asks. Everyone moves to the other side of the room, quietly watching the situation unfold from behind you. You can't see them, but you can feel their eyes burning into you with concern. This is not how you wanted to start the summer. "Hey, hey. Just breathe, angel. It's okay. I'm right here." Eddie coos, his voice shaking. You feel awful, putting a damper on everyone's day. Scaring your boyfriend yet again. You know he'll always put up with this, even if it happens every day. But you hate that he has to. Why can't you just be normal?
"Here." Nancy holds out the glass after running down the stairs, and Eddie hands it to you. You take it in a shaky hand, trying not to spill as you take a sip.
"Take it slow, love." Eddie puts his hand on your thigh, you can feel his fingers trembling against you.
"I-I'm sorry." You manage to say, drinking more of the water. It cools you down nicely, but the beer is swirling around uncomfortably with it.
"Don't apologize, sweetheart. It's not your fault. Just drink your water, okay?" He reassures. You nod, doing your best to let the anxious wave run its course. You really hope this goes away soon, you have a game to play and you're not missing it for anything.
"What's wrong with her?" Steve whispers, a little too loud.
"It's an anxiety attack, dingus." Robin hisses, elbowing him in the ribs.
"Ow! Sorry, I didn't know." He rubs his abdomen, she got him pretty good.
"Is there a bathroom down here?" You ask, that beer really isn't sitting right with you now.
"Yeah, just that door there." Mike points. You set your water down, and you bolt out of your chair towards where he indicated. Eddie follows behind, and you fling the door open and aim as best you can for the toilet. He closes the door behind him, getting on his knees beside you while you vomit. His hand rubs your back, and you grip the cold seat for dear life as your stomach forces its contents out. It splashes into the water, foamy and brown. You try to keep your eyes shut, looking at your own puke usually makes you do it again.
"I'm sorry, Eds." You groan, resting your head on your arm that lays on the seat. You look at him weakly, sweat beading on your forehead. You really don't wanna cry on top of everything else. But you can't stop yourself. Your lip trembles, and your eyes burn along with your throat.
"Baby, it's okay. I promise. You can't control when this happens, don't worry about it." He's trying so hard to comfort you, scooting closer on the floor.
"I just wanna be normal. You shouldn't have to deal with me like this." You choke back a sob, which makes you cough. And that cough triggers your gag reflex. You break his stare, barfing again.
"And I wish you didn't have to go through this, Y/N. You deserve so much better. But this is our reality, and I'm always gonna be here. Tears, puke, and all." He sits cross-legged against the door, letting you take all the time you need. It's still early yet, but he'll delay the game as much as he has to in order to make sure you're okay.
You spit into the bowl once you're done, flushing the mess away and falling back against the wall. You wipe your mouth with the back of your hand, sighing as the anxiety slowly dissipates. "Fuck."
"Better?" He asks as you wipe your eyes. He makes a mental note to get you some food as soon as possible.
"Not just yet." You huff, still trying to catch your breath. You open your mouth to say something else, but Eddie stops you.
"Don't even think about apologizing again. I mean it, Y/N." He speaks sternly, and your lips close back up. You nod, stretching your legs forward. They reach almost to the door, this bathroom is pretty small. It's a wonder you two fit in it together. Eddie pulls your feet onto his lap, slipping your shoes off. He picks up your right one, pressing his thumbs firmly into your flesh through your sock.
"Shit." You moan lightly, his massages are always the best thing ever. He puts just the right amount of pressure, making you feel pampered and loved while loosening your aching muscles. You let your eyes slip closed, focusing on the sensation of his large hands working you into a blissful state.
"You guys alright in there?" You hear Max ask from the other side of the door. The others have been pretty quiet this whole time, you suspect they've been eavesdropping to make sure you're alright.
"Yeah, we'll be out soon." Eddie replies, a small smile creeping across his face as he watches you calm down. It definitely sends him into a controlled panic when you have an attack. But bringing you back down is something he oddly cherishes. It's just one more way he gets to express his love for you, to be there for you in your time of need.
"Do we have to? I'd love to hide out here all day instead." You joke, signaling to him that you're doing much better now.
"We can do whatever you want, love. You are the Queen of Hellfire, after all." The seriousness in his tone is surprising, Eddie never cancels or postpones for anything.
"I don't think I've earned that title just yet, baby. That's what this weekend is for." You moan again when he moves on to your other foot, he truly has magic fingers. Eddie doesn't comment on the noises you're making since you're not feeling the best. Although, it would be untruthful to say they weren't turning him on a little bit.
"You sure you're gonna be okay, Y/N?" He asks, your eyes opening to meet his again.
"Yeah, Eds. I'll be fine. I promise." You assure him, smiling brightly. He lets your foot out of his grip, and you crawl over to kneel before him. "Thank you for always being here, baby." You put your hands on his knees, leaning over to give him a kiss. 
"There's nowhere I'd rather be, princess." He gives you a peck of his own, before helping you stand up. He picks up your shoes, opening the door to let you both out. You find everyone standing around the room, staring at you.
"Alright, guys. You can stop worrying now. I'm fine." The thing you hate most about your attacks? Everyone looks at you exactly like this. They're absolutely terrified, but they also pity you. It's awful, you feel like a sideshow freak, or something. You know they mean well, and they care about you. But, would it kill them to chill out a little? It's not a pleasant experience, but it's not like you're not going to die.
"I ordered some pizzas, they should be here soon." Steve says, you suspect Robin told him food helps after something like this. You wonder why she knows so much about this kind of thing, maybe she has attacks sometimes, too.
"Sounds great, I've certainly worked up an appetite now." You chuckle, everyone probably heard you throwing up earlier. Nobody besides Eddie shares your laugh, and you can't help rolling your eyes. "Guys, come on! It's supposed to be a happy day! Lighten up a little!" You exclaim, insisting they don't need to walk on eggshells anymore.
"We should finish setting up, guys." Eddie chimes in, to facilitate some activity to get people moving on from this situation. The club members nod, joining him at the table set up in the middle of the room. Everyone else mingles about, putting your meltdown aside.
"You sure you're okay?" Jonathan asks, and you nod in response.
"Yes, I promise. Shit, if I had a dime every time someone has asked me that, I'd be able to afford my own place by now." You remark, retrieving your glass of water from earlier. You want to get the sour taste of stomach acid out of your mouth.
"Looking to move out, huh? Does Eddie know about that?" Robin inquires, eager to talk about something else for your sake.
"Yeah. I'm tired of living at home like a child. And we've talked about it, but there's something I've been keeping close to the chest on the subject." You smirk, unable to help yourself. You want someone besides your mother to know about your little plan. You've almost spilled the beans to Eddie more than once, it's hard to keep anything off his radar.
"Oh, really? Do tell." Nancy pipes up, looking behind her to make sure Eddie's preoccupied. The others huddle in a little closer, never passing up the chance to hear juicy secrets.
You speak in a hushed tone, you want to surprise your man when the time is right. "Well, Mom said she's been saving up money for me for a few years. And she said when me and Eddie have been together for six months, she'll pay for the first couple months of rent so we can move in together." It takes everything in you to hold back a joyful squeal.
"That's great, Y/N! How much longer do you have?" Steve asks.
"Four and a half months, it's killing me to wait so long. But we're still pretty fresh, and I'm enjoying it either way. Fuck, I love him to death, though." You dare to steal a glance at Eddie from across the room, meeting his eyes. He looks over at your little pow wow curiously, but doesn't think anything of it when he sees how happy you are. He can tell you've got something special cooking, and he would hate to ruin the surprise. He'll wait as long as he needs to for you to finally share it with him. He trusts it'll be worth the patience.
The doorbell rings, and Steve runs upstairs to retrieve the pizzas for everyone. You all gather around the table with paper plates, cramming as many chairs around as possible to finish out your little gathering prior to the campaign. You're sitting on Eddie's lap, your shared plate resting in your own. He keeps tearing off pieces to feed you, much to everyone else's dismay. "She's not a baby bird, dude." Dustin huffs, avoiding the display of affection as much as possible.
"Okay, baby. I think I need to feed myself now. For the kids' sake." You giggle as he slips one last piece of pepperoni into your mouth. He pouts, and you just boop his nose with your greasy finger in response. "Behave, love." You warn in the kindest way possible, shifting slightly on top of him so he'll get the hint. He covers a groan with a light cough, narrowing his eyes at you as his cock pokes upwards against your ass.
"Only for you, sweetheart." He quickly slips into a grin, taking a bite of his raggedy slice. He chews and swallows while gazing at you hungrily. You've been riling him up all day, whether you mean to or not. "I've got an announcement, if you don't mind." Eddie addresses the room, moving his eyes away from you. Everyone stops their conversations, giving him the floor. You're not sure what he's up to. He hasn't run it by you, whatever it is.
"And what would that be, freak?" Steve jokes, earning another smack from Robin. "Shit! Stop doing that!" He shouts in pain and aggravation, and Robin just glares at him. "Sorry, go on." He apologizes, bowing his head like a beaten dog.
"Right. First off, I'd like to offer congratulations to all the graduates for the millionth time today. You've all worked so hard, and it's been bat-shit insane watching you all grow up. As Mrs. Byers put it earlier today, you're like our adopted kids." Eddie speaks earnestly, finding himself feeling rather emotional about the whole thing. You observe him as he makes his little speech, admiring the fuck out of him at every word. "And, in the spirit of growing up, I've decided that I need to retire from leading the Hellfire Club after this weekend."
"What! No way!" Dustin protests, and everyone else makes various sounds of similar distaste.
"Hold on, let me finish!" He yells over the colliding voices filling the room. The kids shut up, and he continues. "I'm still gonna play, and I'll never stop being a member. Hellfire is for life. But I've gotta move forward. I'm so busy with work, and being with Y/N. I've been Dungeon Master for far too long, you guys need someone else to take the reins. And I think I have the perfect candidate in mind." He pauses for dramatic effect, and the kids all look at each other to figure out who it could be. "I think we can all agree that Erica, aka Lady Applejack, is more than capable of taking up the mantle. That is, if she wants it." Eddie gives her a proud smile, hoping she'll accept his offer.
"You bet your ass I do!" Erica cheers, utterly ecstatic. Her eyes light up with joy, and everyone else whoops and claps for her.
"Thanks for telling me, dick." You say into Eddie's ear, making him laugh.
"Sorry, baby. I wanted it to be a surprise for everyone, especially you." He replies, taking your hand to hold in his. Your eyes meet, sharing a meaningful look. Today has been so wonderfully strange. Everyone's growing up, maturing into the people you're all meant to be. "I want to commit to you, Y/N. You're more important to me than anything in the world."
"And I feel exactly the same about you, Eds. You're my everything, and I wanna share every moment with you." You lean down to press your lips to his, sharing an unexpectedly soul-stirring kiss.
"Jesus, guys! Get a room!" Mike teases, but you both ignore the roar of laughter that follows suit. You're too engrossed in this heart-warming moment.
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Part 15.2: Fire and Ice
"You did so good tonight, baby." Eddie coos as the first day of your first game concludes. It truly was exhilarating, and you've caught on pretty quickly. You defeated some smaller enemies, successfully assisted your fellow players, and eight hours later you feel thoroughly accomplished in proving yourself to the group.
"Thanks, you've certainly made it a very pleasant experience, Eds." You're sitting in his lap again, migrating from your own chair while the kiddos get ready for bed. There's sleeping bags everywhere on the floor, and a couple of the children plan to share the couch down here. You and Eddie wait for your turn to brush your teeth, before heading outside to the van for the evening. The night is still and warm, the two of you holding hands in the moonlight as you approach the van. Eddie opens the back doors, and you climb in hastily, slamming the doors shut behind you. You fling your bags to the opposite end, and he immediately pins you to the blankets below.
"Now I finally get you all to myself. I've been thinking about this all day." Eddie says lowly, latching onto your neck to suck and lick your flesh. You've been building anticipation for your first official fuck of the summer from the moment you woke up this morning. Teasing and playing around, touching each other as covertly as possible at any given moment. All of that, along with lustful glances and the biting of lips, has revved the both of you up beyond belief.
"Oh, I know. It was all part of the plan." You let out a breathy laugh, your arousal spreading quickly as he lays over you. His hands clasp yours, entwining your fingers. His knee goes between your legs, rubbing your core with just barely enough friction. It's heating up quickly in here, the windows already beginning to fog. "Fuck, Eddie." You moan as he bites down harshly on your throat.
"All in good time, sweetheart." He chuckles darkly, dragging the flat of his tongue along the bite to soothe your bruising skin. He lets your hands free for a moment, quickly yanking at the hem of your shirt to pull it over your head. You sit up so he can remove it, tossing it off to the side. You take this opportunity to make an attack of your own. You grab his shoulders and flip the two of you over so you're on top. "Damn, someone's excited." Eddie quips, admiring how your tits bounce in your bra. He reaches up, manhandling your breasts while you smile down at him.
"Well, the game was pretty stimulating." You roll your hips, grinding against his hardening cock to emphasize your final word. Low moans escape both of you, and you love how intoxicating it is to have control. Eddie lets you hold onto the reins, he's honestly a bit tired from leading the campaign all day.
"I'm glad to hear it, sweetheart. I'd hate to bore you." He reaches behind your back, unclasping your bra with ease. The straps flop down your arms, and you pull the garment away to fully reveal your tits to him. His eyes boggle like they always do, drinking in your beautiful torso as your nipples harden.
"You could never bore me, Eddie. You're a phenomenal...what's the term? Dungeon Master?" You speak in a salacious tone, grinding yourself on his concealed, aching length once more. Eddie groans at the sinful way the words leave your lips. "Ooh, you like it when I call you that?" You bite your lip playfully, and he just nods. You're driving him crazier than usual tonight.
"Say it again?" He almost whines at you, sending a jolt of pleasure to your pussy.
You slowly lower yourself over him, bringing your lips to his ear while creeping your hands up his chest. "Anything for you, Dungeon Master." You say breathily, tugging his earlobe between your teeth.
"Fuck, Y/N." He moans, grabbing your ass through your shorts. You whimper against him, creating more friction between you with your breasts still pressed to his clothed torso. "Just when I thought you couldn't get any more perfect." He chuckles, nosing his face around to get your lips to meet his. You accept his invitation, holding his shoulders as you continue to move together languidly.
You realize he still has all his clothes on, teasingly pulling on the thin material of his shirt to hint at him to remove it. He picks up on this, breaking away to whip the thing over his head. You nip and suck on the flesh of his bare chest, admiring every last inch you can reach. "You're so handsome, baby. And smart, and sweet, and kind..." You keep pressing wet kisses all over him as you speak. "How'd I ever get so lucky?" You say breathlessly, driving him and yourself crazy as you worship his body. You can never get enough, always wanting to touch him more, more, more.
"If anyone's lucky, it's me, sweetheart." Is all Eddie says in reply, savoring the feeling of your mouth on his bare skin.
You tug on his belt, opening it with ease like you've done so many times before. You have an idea growing inside your head, and you hope Eddie will go for it. Knowing him, he'll probably be all over it. "Can we try something, Eds?" You ask as you loosen the button on his jeans, pulling down the zipper.
"What did you have in mind, love?" He replies curiously, grinning ear to ear. He absolutely loves how imaginative you are in bed.
"I want you to tie my hands up with your belt." You request, biting harshly on his spider tattoo while shoving your hand inside his boxers. You grip his stiff cock in your hand, using your thumb to rub the precum around his tip.
Eddie groans, his eyes rolling in the back of his head for a moment. "I appreciate the enthusiasm, Y/N. But I'm not gonna do that."
"Why not?" You question, he's never denied you anything before. But he must have a good reason.
"It's not safe, baby. And the last thing I want is to hurt you. We can use something else though, something that won't cut off your circulation." He explains, and your eyes brighten at his suggestion of a substitute. He reaches underneath his ass, yanking his bandana from his back pocket. "Will this do, angel? I wanna make you happy." He suggests, hoping you're not disappointed.
"That's perfect. Just let me make you feel good first, okay? I love having your dick in my mouth." You reply with a devilish smile, ravenous lust twinkling in your eyes.
"Well, shit. I'm not gonna say no to that!" Eddie quips, making you both laugh. He kicks off his shoes, and you pull the rest of his clothes down his legs. He's completely bare to you now, gorgeous as always. Your eyes fall to his cock, which stands at attention as it waits for your pretty lips to take it in full. You sit between his legs, bending down to swirl your tongue around his tip. "More, baby." Eddie groans, he's too damn needy for you to tease him like this.
"Of course, Dungeon Master." You reply, before sinking your mouth onto his dick in one fell swoop. Your nose brushes his mound of hair, his length hitting deep in your throat.
"God, where the hell did you come from, babydoll? You're out of this world, I swear." He says, in utter disbelief of you. Every single day, he truly wonders if he hasn't been dreaming you up this whole time. Even if this is a dream, he certainly never wants to wake up. 
You bob up and down, twirling your tongue in circles as you go. The sounds Eddie makes are getting you absolutely soaked, to a point where you need some attention of your own. You drag your hand down your front, with him watching your every move. He observes as your fingers find the button of your shorts, undoing it clumsily. You slide the zip down its track, and allow your hand to disappear inside the denim fabric and under your panties. You look deep in his eyes as you brush your fingers against your clit. "Mm." You moan for him, the vibrations radiating through his lower half. You're so slippery, easily accepting your digits inside yourself. Your eyes flutter briefly, and the squelching between your legs mingles with Eddie's own noises.
"I can hear how wet you are, sweetheart. Such a filthy girl. Couldn't wait your turn?" He asks, seductively mocking your arousal. You attempt to shake your head with his cock down your throat, which looks quite funny to him. "Always so impatient. You're lucky it's sexy as hell." Eddie puts a hand behind his head to prop himself up to watch you better, the other gently grazing your cheek. His touch is light and airy, adding to the pleasure building inside you. just waiting to burst.
"Mm." You moan again, unable to keep your sounds to yourself. You curl your fingers quicker inside your pussy, and increase your speed on him.
"Fuck, just like that, princess. Gonna cum down that pretty throat of yours. Can you fuck yourself faster? Want you to lose it with me." Eddie pants out his orders, and you can't help but follow them. You pump your fingers in and out, slamming against your g-spot as you bring yourself to the edge. You can't stop whimpering as the pleasure ramps up, causing your throat to buzz intensely around him. One more push into your sweet spot makes your thighs clamp against your wrist. You inhale sharply, sucking Eddie's cock in the most delicious way. "Shit." He groans as his own high overtakes him. His hips buck upwards, gagging you as his load spurts down your esophagus. You're shaking uncontrollably, completely taken over by the rush of bliss coursing through your veins. You cum hard around your fingers, your walls snapping like starving jaws. Fluid rushes through the crevices, soaking through your shorts.
"Fuck." You gasp as his softened length falls from your lips. You struggle to pull your glistening hand out of your panties, and Eddie snatches it into his grasp when you finally free it. You lay doubled over, helplessly watching him take your sticky fingers into his mouth to taste you. "I feel like I should be grossed out by how much you like the taste of me. But I'm really glad I'm not." You say with a weak laugh, and he chuckles around your fingers as he sucks them clean.
Eddie releases you from his grip, smiling at you nice and wide. "So am I. You have gotta be the sweetest thing I've ever had, baby. C'mere, and take off your shorts." You do as he asks, shedding your wet clothes to match your boyfriend in his nakedness. Then you crawl up his body, putting your arms around his shoulders while laying on your stomach. He can see your ass peeking out from either side of your head, it's a special kind of view he loves to witness. "Hey there, gorgeous." He speaks softly, bringing a light kiss to your lips. His free arm lays across your back, keeping you close.
"Hey there, handsome." You reply, nuzzling your nose against his once you pull away.
"What? No more 'Dungeon Master' tonight?" Eddie teases, though he thoroughly enjoys you calling him that.
"Oh, believe me. You'll hear it again, and more than just tonight. I just didn't wanna wear it out." You kiss him again, deeper this time. You feel his weight shifting below you, and he rolls the two of you over carefully to put himself on top.
"Still want me to tie you up, babydoll?" He asks, his lips still just barely touching yours.
"More than anything." Without another word, Eddie takes your hands and holds them above your head. He loops the fabric of his bandana around your wrists, binding the ends together.
"It's not too tight, right?" He looks down at you for confirmation.
You test the waters, finding the bindings have some give, but not enough for the whole thing to unravel easily. "It's perfect." You say simply, waiting for him to make the next move.
"Good." He kisses you deeply, nipping your bottom lip to roll his tongue against yours. You love how something as simple as a kiss from him makes your head spin. Eddie works his way down your body, leaving a blazing trail along your flesh. His hot mouth meets all the right places on your neck, chest, and stomach. He's positioned right in front of your dripping cunt, poking his tongue out to tease your bundle of nerves.
"Eddie!" You cry out, hips bucking upwards into his chin. He holds you down with his large hands, fingers spread along your pelvis. He prods around your pussy, licking every last centimeter of you. He's doing everything in his power to rile you up again. "Fuck, your tongue feels so good." You whimper, wishing you could tangle your fingers in Eddie's hair. His tongue works faster against you, you can tell he's just getting more and more hungry with every flick. He unexpectedly bites into your inner thigh, drawing a vulgar, guttural sound from your lungs.
"I can't wait anymore, I gotta be inside you." Eddie says, scrambling to put himself level with you. He grabs your knees, bending your legs so your thighs press down into you. His cock slips against your needy hole, sending sparks through your body. He looks into your eyes, animal intensity residing within his pupils. He shoves his dick into your pussy with ease, making you whine at how well he's filling you up. "So fuckin' wet for me, such a perfect little slut." Eddie grunts, pulling out and slamming back in.
"Fuck." You moan, watching him slowly pick up speed with you at his mercy. The heels of your feet rut against his back with every motion of in and out. Eddie holds onto your thighs for leverage, pounding his cock into you over and over.
"Such a good girl for me, lettin’ me tie you up and fuck you senseless. Gonna fuck you all night, again and again 'til you're beggin' me to stop." He almost growls. He's relentless, utterly feral from you laying powerless beneath him. His tip brushes your g-spot every time, ramping you up towards another orgasm. You love seeing this side of him, he's so exquisitely rough with you when he really gets into it. And your little suggestion has undoubtedly set alight that primal fire inside him.
"Fuck me harder, Dungeon Master." You plead, watching his pupils dilate further when the pet name reaches his ears. Eddie hammers into your cunt, bringing his ringed hand down to wrap around your throat. He doesn't apply any pressure yet, wanting you to ask him for it. "Go ahead, choke me. I love it when you do that." You say with a smirk. It's just too easy to push his buttons sometimes.
"Anything for you, princess." His fingers press into the sides of your throat, cutting off just the right amount of oxygen to your brain. You moan as loud as you can manage in response, eyes slipping closed at the lightness of your head. The dual sensations of him ravenously fucking and choking you is shoving you towards to an explosive end.
His grip loosens slightly, sending a whole new rush to your brain. "More, harder. You're gonna make me cum, baby." You whimper, barely able to contain yourself. The feeling of being under his complete control is invigorating. Eddie squeezes harder on your throat, taking care to not hurt you while giving you what you want. It's the exact amount of pressure needed to send the towering buildup of pleasure tumbling down within you. You squeak out a groan, seeing stars. You're fluttering from the inside out, clamping onto Eddie's length in sporadic pulses. He grunts at the feeling of you losing it around him, but he's far from done. If anything, he's just getting started.
"Fuck, that’s it. Be a good girl and soak my cock." He maintains his bruising pace, taking no heed in how slick your bodies are in the heat of the van. His continued thrusts make a gush of cum splash out of you, further lubricating your skin that loudly slaps together. "That's my good little slut." He moans, getting closer after the rush of your juices washing over him. He's still going, not letting you have a moment to breathe. He lets go of your neck, focusing on his own orgasm. You gasp for air and emit pitiful sounds as your high doesn't let up. It just stacks upon itself to bring you down all over again.
"Keep going, Eds. You feel so good. Make me cum again. As many times as you want, until there's nothing left of me." You feel like you're out of your mind at this point, not wanting to stop for anything in the world. You just want Eddie to keep touching you, fucking you, making you come undone. Over and over until the end of time.
"So fuckin' greedy, still crying for more. Dirty little whore." He brings his hand up to your face, roughly gripping your chin. "And you're all mine." The possessive nature of his words and the dark tone in his voice tip you over the edge. You're overwhelmed with bliss, allowing it to wash over you in an intense wave.
"Eddie!" You cry out, strangling his cock again. His hips falter at the feeling, he's very, very close now. His rhythm grows sloppy, but it keeps a steady push on your sweet spot. Your cunt gushes again, even stronger than the last time. Your cum soaks through the blankets beneath you, wetness creeping below your ass to your lower back. It pools on your stomach, and leaves Eddie slipping around as his legs get coated.
"Jesus, baby. You're a beautiful mess for me tonight. I'm almost there, think you got one more in you?" He asks, wanting to test your limits even further. You just nod, tears of overstimulation running down your cheeks. Your pussy won't stop convulsing, every little touch is threatening to give you yet another orgasm. It's all too much, and yet not enough. To add fuel to the fire, Eddie releases your face from his harsh grip to rub quick circles around your clit. "Cum with me, sweetheart." He says tenderly, eager to see just how pretty you'll look when you let go one last time.
"Fuck!" You shout. It feels like you've combusted from the inside out. Your body is white hot, you'd swear steam is running off your skin. You jolt upwards, tugging on Eddie's dick.
"Oh, god." He chokes out, his stomach tensing as his load fills you up. He's riding out his high, prolonging what almost feels like torture at this point. You're practically sobbing as one final explosion of liquid bursts out of you. It manages to hit Eddie's chest, along with your own. "Y/N." He grunts loudly, slipping out of you as the force of your release expels him. He watches on his knees while the rest of it shoots upwards as you're still in the position he left you in. "Holy shit." He says with wide eyes, in total awe of the display you've put before him.
Your legs fall forwards when you feel empty, smacking loudly in the puddle you've created. Your chest heaves as you cry, you're exhausted after all this. It's easily one of the best times you've shared with Eddie, but you've definitely had enough now. He notices you're in quite a state, and remembers your hands still bound above your head. He moves to your side, undoing the bandana to let you free. "Th-thank you." You say meekly, hiccuping through your sobs.
"Are you okay, sweetheart? Was it too much?" He asks, worried he's pushed you too far. He always worries about that, even though he enjoys every last second with you in the moment. Your pussy is still sparking, causing you to jerk at random intervals. You're sweaty and sticky, and it's safe to say sleeping in here tonight is out of the question.
"Mm-mmhmm. I'm okay. It was j-just a lot. It was amazing, th-though." You say through shuddering breaths. "C-Can we go to the trailer tonight?" You ask, trying to find his face through your stinging tears.
"Of course, baby. Safe to say we've ruined our original plan for a bed." He laughs lightly, drawing a choppy one from you as well. He assists you in drying off as best he can with the blankets that didn't get soaked, and you both pull your clothes back on. Though you realize they'll need a good washing, too. Eddie helps you into your seat up front, giving you a gentle kiss before hopping in the other side and pulling out of the Wheelers' driveway.
You lean back against your seat, unable to stop your eyes from fluttering closed. You sense Eddie trying to talk to you, but you're just so tired. "Mm." You groan, shifting to turn away in your half-awake state. He lets you sleep, avoiding any bumps or potholes on the road so you're not disturbed.
"Y/N, we're home." Eddie says quietly, moving as gently as possible to get you out of the van. You squint your eyes open, looking around to find you're parked outside the trailer. You sit up, rubbing your eyes. You feel groggy, but you force yourself to climb out and stand on your own two feet. Eddie gathers your things from the back, including the dirty blankets to put in the wash. You walk up the steps like a zombie, holding the door open for your boyfriend carrying everything in his arms. You plop down into one of the chairs at the kitchen table, and he sets everything down to get you a tall glass of water. "Here, angel. I think you're dehydrated."
"Thanks." You reply sleepily, bringing the cup to your lips. The second the water touches your mouth, you thirstily chug the whole thing. He watches you carefully, a little worried that all your fun earlier has taken a toll on you. You gasp in air once you finish, the glass clinking against the table. "Can I have more, please?" You ask, not meaning to sound so needy.
"Sure thing, love." He gets you a refill, and you take your time in consuming it. Eddie puts the blankets into the washing machine with some detergent, and it kicks with a rolling rumble as the cycle begins. "We should take a shower when you finish that. And maybe get you a snack."
"Sounds like a plan." You reply, gradually waking up a bit more. You're like a wilted plant, perking up when you just add water. You polish off your second cup, standing up to go to Eddie who's leaning against the kitchen counter. "Thank you for always taking care of me, Eddie. I love you so much." You say as you put your glass in the sink, wrapping your arms around his shoulders afterwards. You gaze up at him, and he returns your stare.
"I love you too, sweetheart." He gives you a tender kiss. The two of you head to the bathroom, stripping off your soiled clothes. You keep the shower brief, as you're both too tired for anything else tonight. Pajamas are a welcome warmth on your freshly washed skin, and Eddie switches the blankets out to clean your previously discarded garments. The bedding hangs over the shower rod and the kitchen chairs to dry off overnight. You make yourself some toast, lazily spreading peanut butter on it once it pops out of the toaster. You'd asked Eddie if he wanted anything, but he insists he's fine for the night. You sit across his lap on the couch while you munch down your little snack. His arms hold you close, and he gives you fluttering pecks on your cheek and neck. You giggle as you chew, and he chuckles softly alongside you with every kiss. He's so affectionate, it makes your heart want to explode with joy.
"You're gonna give me cavities with how sweet you're being, Eds." You say as you swallow a large bite of toast.
"What can I say? There's something about you I just can't get enough of." He nuzzles against you, ceasing his kisses for now. Exhausted as you both may be, things could easily get hot and heavy again if he keeps it up.
"Those are dangerous words, love. Because I can't get enough of you, either." You take the final bite of toast into your mouth, leaving his embrace to put your plate into the sink. You turn to face him, nudging your head towards the hall. "C'mon, baby. Let's go to bed." You say with a kind smile.
"Now there's a phrase I'll never get tired of hearing." Eddie quips, standing up to meet you in the middle. You take his hand, leading the way to his bedroom. You don't bother turning on the light, as you're a minute away from passing out. It’s all you can do to flop into bed, taking your clothes off again as it gets hot in the trailer at night. Eddie pulls the covers up to your chests, snuggling against you. Your naked legs tangle with his, and you crane your neck to give him one last kiss.
"Goodnight, Eds. I love you, and I can't wait to play more D&D with you tomorrow." You say sweetly, giving him a meaningful look.
"Goodnight, sweetheart. I love you too, and I know you're gonna kick ass, just like you did today." He replies just as lovingly. And the second you turn your head to face the right way, you're out like a light.
Saturday, April 22nd, 1989
You can hear the phone ringing, its harsh trill drawing you out of your slumber in a most annoying fashion. You groan, shifting in Eddie's arms. You can feel his erection poking into you, and it's oh so inviting on this Saturday morning. But you don't imagine the Munson residence receives a lot of phone calls, so you put a pin in your desire for the time being. You're sure the man behind you will still be here when you return, eager to fuck you silly. You carefully shuffle out of his arms, much to his dismay. He flops over in bed, pulling the blanket over his face. You put your clothes on in a rush, just as the last bbrrrrrring of the phone resounds. "Shit." You mutter once the trailer has once again fallen silent.
You're just about to give up and pull the pin back out, when you hear the ringing once more. You jump off the bed, flinging the door open to rush down the hall. You practically rip the receiver off its hook, bringing it to your ear. Before you can ask who it is, you hear an automated voice on the other end.
"Hello, this is a prepaid call from Wilfred Munson, an inmate at Indiana State Prison. To accept charges, press One. To refuse charges, press Two."
You're not sure what to do, so you just press the first option that comes to mind. "Hello?" You hear a gruff voice on the other end, you imagine it's Eddie's father. You're not sure what to say, you don't want to leave the man hanging. But this call is clearly not meant for you. "Wayne? Edward?" Wilfred questions, already sounding irritated.
"Just a moment, I'm sorry. I answered without thinking. I'll get Eddie for you." You reply frantically, feeling like an absolute idiot for accepting this call. But how were you supposed to know that Eddie's convict father would be the one calling? You set the phone down for a moment, running down the hall to get Eddie. "Eddie! Get up!" You exclaim, panicking a little. You hope he won't be angry with you, this whole situation is not how you wanted to spend your morning.
"What is it?" He says sleepily, turning over to look at you. He sees the fearful look on your face, sitting up.
"Eddie, I'm sorry! I answered without thinking! Please, don't be mad! I feel so stupid, I一" You babble, attempting to cover your ass.
"Y/N, slow down! What's wrong?" He stands, pulling on his pajama bottoms while he waits for you to explain yourself.
You bite your lip, unsure how he's going to react. "Your dad's on the phone. A call...from the prison." You say slowly, watching for any change in his face. You're waiting for him to yell at you, to be utterly pissed at you for digging into his private business.
"Oh, okay." He replies simply, walking past you as calm as can be. He jogs down the hall, and you watch him pick up the phone and put it right back on the hook to hang it up. It's definitely not the reaction you were expecting, and you feel like you're walking on eggshells as you approach him. Your heart races, any second now his face will go beet red with anger. He'll yell about how you shouldn't have picked up the phone at all, and how stupid you are for thinking he'd want to talk to that bastard. Right? "Sweetheart, why are you looking at me like that?" He asks. He's confused about your expression. It's like you're afraid of him.
"I don't know. I thought you'd be mad at me." You reply sheepishly. You realize how stupid it sounds when the words leave your lips. But you remember how set off he got the last time his father was a topic of conversation.
He sighs, coming over to give you a reassuring hug. You bury your head in his bare chest, still trembling in fear. It'll take a good minute or two for you to calm down, despite your best efforts. "Princess, there's no reason for me to be mad at you. You didn't know what to do. It's okay, I promise." He speaks softly, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "Now, how 'bout some French toast, hm?"
"Yes, please." You reply, just barely above a whisper. He lets you go, heading over to the kitchen to get started on breakfast. You sit down at the table, twiddling your fingers together. You find yourself compelled to ask Eddie more about his dad. You only hope it won't upset him. "Do you always hang up on him?" You ask, unable to hold your tongue.
"No, I didn't used to. In some strange way, I thought being locked up might change him." Eddie explains, opening the fridge and pulling out the carton of eggs. "He used to promise he'd get better. He said that, since he was in prison, he couldn't drink anymore. He said that things would be different, and he'd do his time and we could start over. I learned the hard way that’ll never happen." He cracks a couple of the eggs into a bowl, whipping them expertly, adding in some cinnamon and vanilla.
"And why's that?" You press on. He doesn't answer for a moment, and you regret bringing it up at all. It can't be easy for him to talk about it. It certainly wasn't easy for you to tell him about your own family bullshit. "I'm sorry. We don't have to talk about it anymore."
"It's alright, love. I should've told you this sooner, and you make it easier to talk about." He clears his throat, heating up a pan on the cook top. "He might not be able to find the bottle anymore in there, but I can tell you he's able to find much worse. Heroin, to be exact. And, Jesus, he's an entirely different monster on that shit." He chuckles dryly, continuing. "I used to visit him, too. Wayne and I would make a whole day of it. And, yeah, the first couple times weren't so bad. We were only able to go every couple months. He was sober, and I remember getting snacks from the vending machines in the visiting room. We'd have our own little picnic indoors, the three of us."
"Oh, that sounds kinda nice. Well, as nice as something like that can be." You wanna slap yourself for how dumb you sound. You have no leg to stand on in regards to this subject. But you need to show Eddie that you're here for him.
"It was. We'd laugh at silly jokes, and he'd tell me how much he wanted to make things right. And I believed him. Like a fucking idiot, I really thought he meant it." Eddie sighs shakily, realizing he's fighting back tears. "When I was thirteen, and he'd been in there for about a year, he was different. Thin, emaciated, totally out of it. Well, until he got angry that my hair was too long, and the machines were out of the soda he liked. Then, it was the same as before. Well, not quite the same. Because this time, he had a shiv on him." His breath stutters, a tear sliding down his cheek.
"Eddie, I'm sorry. You don't have to say anything else if you don't want to."
"It's fine, you're actually the first person I've ever told this to. I wanna keep going." He insists, sniffing as he puts the first piece of eggy bread into the hot pan. It sizzles in the melted butter, filling the air with the scent of fattening goodness. "So, he decided to give me a little haircut. Well, he tried to, anyway. He got one good cut in, even sliced into my scalp with that rusty razor blade stuck inside a toothbrush. I still have the scar, if you look hard enough. The guards took him down pretty quick after that. It was awful. Wayne scooped me up, and ran out of the room. But since his back faced where we were leaving, I watched as the guards held Dad on the ground. And he was screaming at me. 'You're shit, Edward! You just wait and see! You'll join me here soon enough! And then I'll finish what I started! I'll fucking kill you before you reach your cell!'."
It startles you when Eddie almost perfectly imitates the rugged voice you heard on the phone earlier. Granted, you hadn't heard much. But it was more than enough to know there's definitely some familial resemblance. He captures the roaring anger and hatred with eerie realism at every syllable. The sound of it turns your stomach, and your heart breaks for him. "Jesus." Is all you can say, though you imagine he's still not done.
"Yeah, 'Jesus' is right. I must've had nightmares for months afterwards, dreaming I'd been thrown in there with him, and he was waiting for me with that fucking shiv. Wayne spent many nights before work calming me down after I'd wake up screaming and covered in sweat. I still see him sometimes, just as he was that day." He's about halfway through cooking now, the recounting of the tales of Wilfred Munson's incarceration passing the minutes quicker than either of you expect. "Anyway, even after all that, I still answered his calls for a while. Longer than I should have. It was always a guessing game of who he was gonna be. Jekyll, or Hyde? Although, it's gotten to a point where I feel like his Jekyll is the one that tried to kill me. His true self, brought out of hiding by booze and drugs. The Wilfred who wants to 'change', to 'start over'? He's a fuckin' liar, and I couldn't be fooled by him anymore. Because I could see, hear his true self just begging to be let out."
Eddie brings the plates over, stacked with ample piles of toast and drenched in the optimal amount of syrup. He sits in the chair opposite you, his eyes wet and red. Neither of you are very hungry now, but you have no intention of wasting the food he took the time to make. Before you dig in, you reach across the table to take his hand in your own. He meets your gaze, smiling weakly. "Thank you for telling me this, Eds. I’m sure it’s hard for you. I can't even imagine going through something like that. But I hope you don't believe a word he ever said about you, okay? I know you worry about that. But that fact alone says you're nothing like him." He nods quickly at your words of support. His bottom lip trembles as the tears overcome him again. "Oh, baby." You tut, leaving your chair to go to him.
You sit in his lap, letting him cling to you as he cries. He squeezes you so tight, sobbing against your chest. You stroke the top of his head, cooing calm words to him. You hear Wayne's truck pull up to the trailer, the door opening and closing to let him out. His work boots clomp on the steps, and he swings the front door open to find this sad scene before him. "What's wrong?" He asks, eyebrows furrowed as he sees Eddie crying into you.
"Dad called again." Eddie says, pulling back to answer his uncle's question. He wipes his eyes, and you give him a napkin to blow his nose. "Thanks, angel." He uses the napkin, placing it on the table.
"You didn't talk to 'im, did ya?" Wayne replies, worried that Wilfred had broken his heart again.
"Fuck no. Y/N answered the phone and accepted the charges. She didn't know what to do, but I hung up without a word. I was just telling her about him. That's all." Eddie explains, and Wayne's face softens.
"Oh, okay. Glad I don't gotta tear him a new asshole, then." Wayne chuckles, going to the livingroom to roll out his bed. "Aren't ya s'posed to be at the Wheeler's or somethin'? Thought you had a big game planned over there."
"Yeah, we do. We just...wanted to spend the night here." You reply, failing to hold back a smirk when you remember the events of last night.
Eddie shares a knowing look with you. Naughty girl, he thinks to himself. "We're gonna head back over there, after breakfast." He chimes in, squeezing your hips. You return to your own seat, digging into the cooled food.
"Sounds good. Welp, ‘night you two." Wayne says with a smile, laying down on his bed after grabbing a blanket from the couch.
"Night, Wayne." You and Eddie reply in unison, sharing a quiet laugh.
To be continued...
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whinlatter · 1 year
Heyyy I absolutely loooove your metas and fics and istg I've read all of them and I constantly keep reading them. Big fan, maam! Also I have a question, how do you think Ginny's family, especially each of her overprotective brothers reacted when they got to know that Harry and Ginny dated? And then broke up and the again got back together?
Thank you so so much for reading (and re-reading!!!!) all of my stuff, you absolute legend 💗💖💘
You will be unsurprised to hear that I've thought about this one a lot. The short version is: I'm Team The Weasleys Always Sort Of Knew Something Was Going On and Were Supportive (if a bit Amused). The longer version is below the cut!
(Also someone else kindly sent an ask about this a while ago, about Molly and Arthur knowing about the break-up, and I completely forgot to post my reply to that, so very sorry to that anon, and hope the too-long discussion of this Q under the cut makes up for it!)
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I think there's a lot of evidence that throughout the series at least some of the Weasleys speculated something was going on or would one day go on between Harry and Ginny (especially the observant ones - Bill, Molly, Arthur, maybe even the twins, to some extent):
Ginny's historic crush on Harry in CoS is about as subtle as a brick through the window, visible both at the Burrow and at school with the Valentine, which the twins and Ron all know about (and rinse Harry for)
Ginny's romantic life is canonically the subject of some sibling speculation (see Fred and George at WWW in HBP), as are the love lives of all the siblings bar Charlie and the twins (Bill, Percy, Ron all get the sibling side-eye)
Starting in Christmas in OotP Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny begin to hang out a lot that Christmas as a foursome in ways that might invite some idle speculation about the pairings within…
By HBP, Harry does spend both the summer and Christmas holidays of 1996 either in cahoots with Ginny to tease Ron or staring at her or getting goosebumps whenever she got physically close to him (have you seen a teenage boy with a crush? Also criminally unsubtle)
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When Harry and Ginny get together in HBP, I don't think Ginny would ever tell her parents or any brothers other than Ron that she's started dating Harry. But there may well have been clues her family might pick up on:
After Bill's attack by Greyback, Bill remains in the Hospital Wing. It's implied that Molly, Arthur and Fleur stay either in the castle or in Hogsmeade in the days between the attack on the Astronomy Tower and Dumbledore's funeral. Harry and Ginny are together at this point, spending all their time together with Ron and Hermione. Obviously Fleur, Molly and Arthur would be preoccupied with Bill's recovery, but I do think it would be noticeable that the trio had become a four, and that Harry and Ginny seemed much closer than they were previously - Fleur in particular I think might notice, given her affection for Harry, and likely pass on her speculation to Bill (hi sorry you got savaged by a werewolf but guess who your sister is smashing)
Many of the teachers close to Molly and Arthur (such as McGonagall and Hagrid) likely knew about Harry and Ginny (if Snape and Slughorn knew, the goodies knew too, I reckon). They would have had occasion to mention it to the family at least in passing in that interim period between the attack and the funeral (my money is on Hagrid)
At the funeral itself, Harry and Ginny sit together in public and interact quite intimately before the break up takes place (Ginny whispering in his ear, nudging him, then obviously staying sat alone together after the funeral is over). All her family are in attendance, and remain close by when the break-up happens, and likely travel back to London altogether (though I don't think they would necessarily witness the breakup or notice it happening in the moment). I think it would be clear that there was something going on between Harry and Ginny, even if it wasn't at all clear what that was
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In DH, you have quite a few moments where there are even more little hints that Harry and Ginny was a bit of an open secret among the Weasleys:
In DH, Ron makes that comment about Ginny and the tattoo as they strip off in the seven Potters scene, in front of his dad, Bill, Fleur and the twins (Ginny's seen Harry shirtless because they're just very good pals, don't worry about it!)
Ok this one is a bit galaxy-brain take sleuthing on my part but during the wedding prep Molly is deliberately trying to separate the trio and convince them not to leave. She allocates the tasks and assigns them to combinations of people very deliberately. The evening after Molly corners Harry and tries to get him not to leave, she makes Harry and Ginny set the dinner table alone in the kitchen. Now, do we think Molly Weasley, Mastermind in Chief, might have put Harry and Ginny on a task together as she tries to persuade Harry not to go on the hunt... is this Molly pulling out the big guns...
At the wedding, Ginny winks at Harry in front of her entire assembled family when Muriel says she's showing too much boob (icon alert). And then Harry spends most of the reception leaning against a pillar staring at Ginny in front of her entire family. I mean, lads. You're killing me
When the DA summon the Order before the Battle in the Room of Requirement, Ginny is my petty queen has that infamous interaction with Cho over the diadem in front of the twins, showing she is giving precisely zero shits at this point
Harry and Ginny have that wordless interaction where Harry refuses to support her staying behind to fight in the battle, in front of all her family, where she at least appears to agree to go home only because Harry has said so, taking his direction over that of her family's. (I mean, we all know Ginny then tries to sneak off to fight because she's not only a petty queen but also a sneaky one but... still significant)
The big one for me is Ginny's reaction to Harry's death. She screams the loudest out of McGonagall, Hermione and Ron when she sees his body, in front of all the Weasleys and all combatants. I'm not saying this grieving war-ravaged family were thinking like huh weird that Ginny's so sad rn given the situation at hand, but I do think it was quite a telling moment for what Harry and Ginny had become by this point in the narrative
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All this is to say I think many of the Weasleys might have suspected something was going on, but didn't know the full story, and have the discretion not to blame Harry for Ginny’s misery nor to pry too much after the breakup, especially when Ginny comes home from school heartbroken (which is partly why I had them trying to cheer Gin up somewhat ambiguously in think / hope - her parents can see she's extremely sad, they aren't entirely sure about why or about of the details, but I think they're attentive, loving parents who aren't stupid and might have their suspicions).
Overall, then, when Harry and Ginny get back together after the war, I think the family both sort-of suspect there's been this thing coming on between them for a while, and, while they'd perhaps be surprised by the extent of it (there is literally no chill way to say 'hey I thought of your sister as I died!'), I think Molly, Arthur and the brothers would just be happy for them, with a few jokes and 👀 comments here and there. I don’t think they’d be angry at Harry for the breakup or sincerely over-protective and territorial over Ginny. They love Harry like a brother, they'd love the idea of him being formally part of the family one day, and they trust him implicitly.
Honestly, I think it makes sense that Ron was the one who would have by far the most extreme reaction to the breakup in particular, and even his response is reasonably mature. It's worth noting that it's actually only Ron and the twins that ever openly actually discuss and try to pry/interfere in Ginny's romantic life - the twins in HBP to take the piss a bit (in a slightly slut-shamey way - 'you're going through boyfriends a bit fast, aren't you?'), and Ron both during in the infamous fight over the Dean kiss and during his angry conversations with Harry post break-up. I think this is peak big-brother-to-Ginny-but-actually-little-brother-to-everyone-else energy, playing up overprotective. I don't think Bill, being eleven years older than Gin would at any point be that interested in policing Ginny's romantic life, I think Charlie truly would notice very little and care even less. Percy's got bigger fish to fry and other issues to wrangle with after the war, not to mention a whole relationship with both Ginny and Harry to mend. I think, at most, Harry and Ginny get a bit of teasing from her brothers but that's about it (my dumb headcanon is the first time they hear Harry call Ginny 'Gin' they're like... excuse me? Who the fuck is that?) I think actually protective big brother energy, from the likes of Bill, would mean worrying about the two of them in terms of public media scrutiny, which must be relentless, and about their long-term safety from reprisal attacks more than anything else.
I also think it’s clear that Harry really doesn’t care all that much what the rest of the Weasleys think lol, and certainly doesn't fear them. He does fear the loss of Ron's friendship in HBP (wrongly, because Ron is an OG Hinny shipper), but that’s a fear specifically about Ron’s reaction, not that of his wider family. In DH, Harry’s fully about to go hold Ginny for a bit in front of Molly with zero qualms, and the two of them hold hands in the vicinity of Order members and family members twice (once entering the hospital wing in HBP, and once at the Burrow) - not an especially declaratory gesture, but one that suggests they don’t hugely fear discovery. I think both of them would accept the need to be braced for mockery but basically trust the family not to be dicks about it. The important thing to remember is that canonically Ginny Weasley can and will hex you if you step out of line
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greenerteacups · 9 months
favorite relationship (non romantic or otherwise) in the hp canon? one thing I love about lionheart is Harry and hermione’s friendship - criminally overlooked in the books imo pidgeonholing hermione into only the “nagging mum” role for so much of it ! these two are siblings!
interesting parameters! my favorite non-romantic relationship in canon is ron and harry, actually. i think that hermione has great friendships with both of them, but the sheer intensity of the bond between ron and harry is unmatched anywhere outside romantic pairings in the books. harry latches onto him basically at first sight and imprints like a baby goose, and goes, "excellent, at last, a Friend; i will now spend all of my time and attention on you Forever." what's that? hungry you say? sad you say? i will buy you All The Food. then draco "definitely homeschooled" malfoy rocks up with his hilariously incompetent friend overtures and harry says right that's cool, but you threw shade at ron, so you can fuck right off forever. i've had this weird little ginger in my life for less than a day and if anything happens to him i'd kill myself. bye.
and ron drinks! it! up! because he's never had it! he's never been First for someone before, and he LOVES it! and he responds by becoming an instant ride-or-die for harry. that's not a reading, either, that's straight up text: in book 3, ron says, verbatim, "if you want to kill harry, you'll have to kill me." and he's thirteen!! takes him about five minutes to get there, too — in the ten weeks they've known each other before christmas break, eleven-year-old ron weasley tells his MOM about his new cool friend, and whatever he writes is so glowingly effusive that molly knits harry a goddamn family sweater (if you knit, you Know) without having stone cold met the kid! not to mention — ron (at eleven! eleven years old, ron weasley!) decides to pass up his only chance to see his parents until june, not to mention missing his family christmas, so he can stay at hogwarts and keep harry company! because harry potter will never be lonely if ron weasley can help it!!
basically. ron and harry are the original platonic soulmates. they ARE the catherine-heathcliff "he's more myself than i am" dig-up-his-grave-so-you-can-lie-in-it type of love. they are each other's destiny and each other's choice.
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helloliriels · 2 years
Sleepless (Part 5)
Read Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | AO3 Fic
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Molly felt awful about mailing Sherlock's letter, two weeks later … 
The radio program came back on, playing bits of John and Rosie’s conversation, a constant reminder of her betrayal … 
… and Sherlock - too - had appeared in her lab to work out a few details on a pressing case in symphony with the radio timing …
Molly flushed with colour. Unable to turn around and or even to look at him.
“Something is bothering you,” Sherlock stated off-hand. As if he didn’t really care about the answer, but was, in fact, annoyed by it … 
Molly fussed with paperwork.
"Busy day," she managed, after a moment, then topped it off with a cheery, “what did you think of the program on New Years?” before she could stop herself …
Her voice didn’t even shake.
She was quite proud for this not small feat, but immediately wanted to run and hide … 
“Had its moments,” Sherlock acknowledged, reluctantly.
Maybe hiding wasn't necessary ... 
“… but I do wish the host would allow her guests to speak without limitations," he added, offhand.
She laughed off her nerves, “it is a radio program for entertainment, Sherlock-? She has to keep it on track?”
“Boring,” Sherlock responded, dully. 
He wasn’t looking at her. Wasn’t even looking up.
“Will you be writing to them, then?” She asked bravely, after several minutes of uninterrupted silence. Again, forcing the casual note to her voice, “to find out the answers you needed …?”
“What answers?” Sherlock cut her off, “I deduced everything within minutes of the show’s ending. Case. Closed.”
“So you weren’t interested in the Doctor? John?” she prodded, “not even a little? ‘Cause I thought-”
“Molly,” he eyed her suspiciously. Her heart stopped for a second. But then he went back to his research, “I hope I would have more sense than to act like a silly schoolgirl sending notes,” he spat the last word with extreme derision.
“... Besides,” he added -
.          A few moments after she had started breathing again -
“... the relationship would never have worked out.”
She froze.
.       “And why’s that?” she laughed ... trying not to look too anxious for his reply … 
.        Shit. Shit. SHIT!
.        ... Why did she send off that letter???
“I’m a detective ,” he barked, startling her,
.     “I chase criminals through the streets of London on a regular basis!
.           I get death threats and have been kidnapped on more than one occasion!
.                    And OH?! Have I mentioned my inability to make or keep friends …? 
.                           Hardly the type of person a Doctor and the Father of a Small Child is going to want as a roommate ... hmmm?"
Molly stepped back a pace.
.          “You've been kidnapped?” she asked, horrified ... 
He sighed. Rolling back around to face his work.
“Twice as an adult. Once as a child. Risks of the trade.”
Molly stood speechless.
He took another deep breath - a calming breath - she thought … and looked away. 
“Now if you would leave me be?” he asked politely, “I have work to finish, and a plane to catch.”
“Another? Where to this time?” she hoped her smile was reassuring, but doubted it.
“Amsterdam,” he replied, still not looking up.
“Vacation then?” she tried for a more cheery note, but was shot down.
“Hardly,” Sherlock huffed, and drew out his notepad.
.               The same notepad that he had used to write the letter …
And scribbled a few words before looking back up at her surprised expression.
He took her silence as want of more explanation, and filled her in, “I’m following a trail of bank exchanges that will hopefully lead me to a blackmailer and a potential human trafficker. Teens have been going missing. Will probably be gone a few weeks. Maybe a month. If the trail leads elsewhere … "
. She stepped back a pace, collecting herself,
. “yeah, ‘course. Silly me!”
She made her way back to her workstation, and they finished their tasks in silence. Her stomach growing more and more knotted with every passing, guilty, minute … Wondering … should she say something? … Confess?
Half an agonising hour later, he was grabbing his coat,
.        and then he paused - to her surprise - in the doorway …
“Besides …,"
. he added, quietly, as if they were still carrying on their conversation from earlier,
.                    “... what would I have to offer him?”
A stunned and blinking Molly could only watch as he disappeared down the hall and out the double doors. His shoulders slumped. His long, billowing coat, the only thing alive about his demeanour ... 
Unable to answer ...
            All the reasons she had fallen for him, already.
... She no longer regretted sending the letter.
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SLEEPLESS IN LONDON (continued below!)
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Rosie was pulling John along at a quick clip, on their way home from school. “Hang on a mo’?” he laughed, trying to keep up without letting go … “what’s the big rush?” 
“The post, Daddy!” She tugged harder.
“The … post …?” He asked, perplexed. The light bulb dawned, just as she reached their door and was peering in through the letter slot. She slumped in disappointment and looked up at John with huge, almost tearful eyes … 
“No letters?” she whinged.
She was disappointed.
John picked her up and carried her, floppy bunny and all, into their tiled entryway, dropping the keys on the side table … “I’m sorry, kiddo? Were you expecting there to be some toda-?”
They heard a shuffle of feet on the front steps, and both turned around to see a postman standing there. Two large bundles in his hands! 
“Doctor … John Watson?” 
The man was reading off the top letter on the stack.
“That’s me!” John squeezed Rosie’s hand and let go to accept the large bundles of letters. Glancing down to catch the look of barely contained glee in his daughter’s eyes … 
“Thank you!” John nodded, and went to shut the door - but the postman was halting him?
“I got two more to deliver? Where ya want ‘em?”
“Two more bundles?” John asked, amazed!
“Oh no,” the man replied - John laughed with relief - then the man gestured, “I got two full delivery bags in the van.”
John blinked.
. Did he say … two full bags???
“You want ‘em in here?” The post man was already eyeing their narrow entryway.
“I … uh …,” John ran his fingers through his hair, still processing the shock of this revelation. Even little Rosie seemed overwhelmed by the news! “Yeah, Christ. Guess that … would be … fine-?” 
He met Rosie’s awed expression with a shy smile. She was really getting her hopes up … 
“Right you are!” the man was already off to collect the rest ... 
.          ... and all John could do was step back and marvel at the enormous pile it made when they were emptied at his feet.
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@johnlocky @fluffbyday-smutbynight @chinike @rhasima @mydogwatson @kettykika78 @mxster-jocale @cupidford @meetinginsamarra @peageetibbs @calaisreno @7-percent @john-smiths-jawline @anyway-kindness @swissmissing @inevitably-johnlocked @totallysilvergirl @kittenmadnessandtea @topsyturvy-turtely @safedistancefrombeingsmart @colourfulwatson @holmesianlove @kabubsmagga @peanitbear @copperplatebeech @tiverrr @pocketwatchofmycroft @mutedsilence @2smach @loki-lock @daltongraham @amyreadsandstresses @raina-at @discordantwords @gregorovitchworld @bluebellofbakerstreet @sarahthecoat @reveling-in-mayhem @midgemao @ileenhaddockhawkins @storytellingdreamer @fuckcannibals @cortinita @marisaysthings @charlies-storybook @salmonsown @iamjustreading @myriath @tinchensblog @iwlyanmw
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nerdieforpedro · 1 year
Tell me how you want me
Fanfiction 18+ MDNI
Word Count: just under 5k
Masterlist / Marcus Pike Masterlist
Marcus Pike x plus size OC (Isabella)
Summary: Marcus Pike is not trying to go to this cookout. It turns out though, he found a sleepy woman that happens to be the best thing that could happen to him.
Warnings: Smut, light BDSM, edging, oral sex (male and female receiving), established relationship, rough sex, after care, unprotected P in V
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“Hey just stop by, I promise it will be quick.”
“Your backyard parties are never quick, especially when the cooler comes out. I’m not going.”
“Molly says she wants to see you, make sure you’re still alive. So do your nephews.”
“You didn’t have to mention the nephews Phillips…” Agent Pike sighed, leaning back in his chair. Pike was a sucker for the two little hellions, adorable since they’re both five years old, but double the trouble, he didn’t know how his wife did it with the long hours they have to file reports on these criminals who think they can hide behind art purchases funding their drug money.
Fellow Agent Phillips had been trying to get his partner Pike to stop buy his house for a backyard BBQ. His wife Molly insisted on it, she said he needed to get back out there in the dating game. Phillips said that they shouldn’t butt in because he’s a grown man and hadn’t indicated at any point that he wanted to be set up. Molly was not one for a no, so Phillips decided to ask Pike to join them for the last cookout before the fall really kicked in. It was still sticky and humid during the day but now cool in the evenings.
“I’ll stop by for a bit, say hi to Molly and the twins, then I’m out.” Pike stated flatly.
It would be very hard to do, but the last few years, he had gotten better at putting himself first, guarding his heart. He wouldn’t throw it away anymore as he had better standards for himself. Standards that had lead to some dates and some romps in bed but nothing substantial, not like he had with Teresa, but looking back, was it really? Had he ever really a solid relationship with a woman outside of family, acquaintances and colleagues? Pike knew he loves to please, but he was trying to work himself out of a decades old habit that found him in relationships where women he’s with call him a good man but they leave him for another guy they marry. Pike saw the evidence on social media.
The fated weekend comes and Pike is at Phillip’s house as promised with gifts for the boys and Molly because his parents taught him manners when visiting. It was one of the many selling points Molly mentioned when making the rounds with Marcus, he grinned and smiled through it all, only to be saved by Dean and Bobby running up to him and wanting to push them on the swings connected to the play set. Pike was so thankful for rude little boys.
“Uncle Pike, was mommy walking you around like a show pony?” Dean asked and he tried to climb up in the swing, his brother Bobby laughed to him as he was already in the swing.
“Mommy said it’s a waste he isn’t coupled up? Does that mean like Mommy and daddy? Some of Mommy’s wine friends mentioned that too.” Bobby told his brother, proud to know something he didn’t. Pike sighed at their discussion and knew he was going to have a long talk with Phillips about this.
“Don’t listen to what you mom and dad say, your Uncle is just fine.” Pike smiled, he was mostly telling the truth. After about ten minutes on the swings, the twins were bored and thought of something fun.
“Uncle, you wanna hide from those ladies? We know a good hiding spot! Daddy’s office, he has it but he never uses it. He usually does his papers when he’s with you at work.” Dean chimed, Bobby took his uncle’s hand and lead him into the house, telling the adults that they were going to show him their tablet. It was solid enough of an excuse to not garner any odd looks. Dean kept a look out while Bobby got Pike to the hallway.
“It’s the room at the end of the hall.” Bobby said and waved, tapping Dean on the shoulder so they could pop upstairs and play on their tablets and maybe raid the fridge later.
“Hey Bobby, did we take Auntie Izzy in there too?” Dean asked his brother once they were at the top of the stairs, Bobby thought for a moment and shrugged.
“I think so but she probably left by now. She usually goes home and we can find her online and play Pokemon Go with her.” Bobby answered not worried at all. His Auntie Izzy didn’t take to his mother’s meddling well but she was really fun with different games and she actually knew about SpongeBob and Paw Patrol so she was awesome in their book.
Agent Pike thought he was in the wrong room, but it was an office. There was just a woman laying across the couch in what looked to be a yellow off the shoulder dress, that had a slit in it. It exposed her very thick thighs and maybe a birthmark on the right one, she has white nail polish that matched her fingernails and toes. A smooth mole was on her right shoulder as well, her cleavage glistened with a thin layer of sweat as her chest rose and fell. It appeared she was asleep. White flip-flops were on the floor next to the couch and full fuchsia lips formed a small ‘o’ as she let out a coo. Her round honey tinted face appeared to be completely at peace. What was she dreaming about? Her hair was in an updo, coils in a cute poof above her head, because he was laying on her left side, her hair had teetered to the right a bit. The woman shifted a bit to the right and her cleavage peeked out a bit more from the top of her dress as did her thigh, Pike knew if she shifted again, he may see her panties, which would’t be bad for him. It was like a painting, one of the many he studied, the many artisans of the past had sculpted, painted and sketched full figured women through the eons. He wondered if he had any artistic bones in his body if her would be able to capture of majesty of this moment. The beautiful woman simply existing.
How long had he been standing here again?
Pike took a step forward to get out of the doorway, in an attempt to turn around and leave but knocked over a bookend and this a stack of books that was a the end of a shelf built into the wall. “Shit…” He whispered as he heard stirring behind him, movement. The agent turned and saw the vision of a woman sitting on the couch, rubbing her eyes, trying to get the sleep out. She was now sitting up, her hair still slightly to the right and both thighs on full display of her dress and further moved up. Pike cleared his throat, he needed to hear anything, it was so quiet. “Sorry about that.” He managed to speak softly. The woman nodded and chuckled. Her laugh was cute.
“It’s okay. I was likely asleep for too long. Are you a friend of Jack’s?” He heard her ask, she must know Jack and Molly well to refer to him by first name, or maybe she just didn’t work in law-enforcement, they always used last names. Pike nodded and turned to face her.
“I’m Pike, Marcus Pike.”
“You must work with him, not many people go with their last name first.” She laughed again, this time deeper though, her full lips moving as Marcus watched them, having a goofy smile of his face. “I’m Izzy or Isabella. I prefer Izzy though.” She stood up and pulled her dress from between her belly and thighs, she stepped forward for a handshake. Pike obliged and took her hand in his, it was soft but she had a firm grip. His calluses from using his gun slid against her palm and he sighed, feeling like he was exhaling all of the air in his lungs. She was up to his shoulder, not inducing her poof, looking down at her, he wondered if her lips as sweet as they looked. “Nice to meet you Marcus.” She smiled up at him, letting go of his hand and turning around to slip on her flip-flops.
“Nice to meet you too Isabella, er Izzy.” He corrected himself, he head her giggle as she checked her pockets. Women really do love dresses with pockets. “Are you avoiding the party as well?” Pike asked, he hoped so, then he would have something to talk about. After giving herself a quick pat down and it appeared as though she had everything, Izzy answered.
“Yeah, Molly insisted I come to get out of the house, but she just had a few guys she wanted me to meet. Wasn’t into it, so I asked the boys for a good hiding spot.” She put her hands on her hips, her arms jiggled with each movement. Pike couldn’t stop watching her. “Then I fell asleep after getting too comfortable.” She tossed a hand up with a shrug of her shoulder.
Marcus was racking is brain, should he ask for her number? Might be a bit too soon, coffee! Coffee is fine usually. Situation is a little awkward, but what wasn’t with the entire cookout debacle. “Izzy, would you want to get out of here and grab coffee?” He asked, cheesy? One hundred percent but why not? He wasn’t sure if he had ever studied anything or anyone in this much detail and he still wanted to know more.
Izzy’s eyebrows raised as she thought and agreed. “I could go for some coffee. You got Dunkin rewards? If not, I have some.” She pulled her phone out her pocket and grinned.
Pike matched her grin with his own, feeling playful, “Wherever you wanna go, I’m up for it.”
It had been four months since Isabella had heard words that changed her perception of men. ‘Wherever you wanna go, I’m up for it.” The accountant really had thought he was just giving her cheesy lines, which was sweet in a way. Marcus Pike was a man who followed through no matter if it was a promised phone call, a random lunch arriving at her office or a flirty FaceTime when he was at the office late. Time with him was well spent and always enjoyable. She never felt embarrassed by him and he seemed to find everything she did did cute which he told her often. By contrast, he was growing in a beard and mustache that looked sexy on him. It wasn’t too little and not too much, just right. She usually ended up touching it while they were out at dinner or matching movies at home as he touched her thighs.
Pike always made a point to have her climax at least once if not twice before entering her and chasing his own high. Izzy wondered what he might like but she felt a bit embarrassed about asking him, though anyone with any sense would instruct you to just ask. That was easy. Izzy never did things easy, it was not her way. Instead, she shopped around for a sheer midnight blue teddy with a matching crotchless thong. She had told Marcus to come by after work, shower and relax. He had been working a complex case with a few museums including the Smithsonian and how to coordinate the return of different pieces without pissing different countries off. She didn’t quite get the intricacies of it, but it sounded stressful. The office worker also had bought some handcuffs and a few candles that melt into oil and lube that she could massage him with or use to fuck him with. “This will be fun!” She exclaimed, hearing a knock downstairs followed by her phone ringing. He was here.
It wasn’t unusual for Pike to stay over at Izzy’s brownstone, it was much more comfortable that his studio apartment that was close to work, but cozy, as Izzy had put it. She had four bedrooms, one was an office, one was her master bedroom with a large walk-in shower that they had made very good use of, especially that built in bench seat. He relished in her pleasure, especially after she let it slip that she had only been able to climax using toys before. Marcus wouldn’t have that, plus hearing her scream his name made him want to grab her, twist her, make her more moist each time he heard it. He was greeted by his girlfriend answering the door in her black satin robe. He knew what the robe meant. “Hey babe. Sorry I’m so late.”
“You don’t need to apologize. I’m just glad you’re here Marcus.” Izzy kissed his lips softly, touching his cheek, her fingers trailing down to his jaw and poking his Adam’s apple. “You want to eat first or shower?” She asked, there was chicken Alfredo she could warm up for him.
“I’m gonna shower first, I feel stuffy from being in that office all day, you joining me?” The agent asked, dropping his bag after closing the door. One hand went to her hip, rubbing a circle to touch her thigh and ass while he kissed her shoulder. A soft sigh was heard from her lips so he then took a handful of her ass and squeezed. He heard a gasp and kissed her neck, clearly anticipating her joining him.
Though she was tempted, Izzy would stick to her plan. “No, no. You shower first and the pop into the bedroom. I thought of something for you.” She smiled, putting her ands on her hips before walking away and heading upstairs. Pike, stunned, picked up his bag and followed his love upstairs and quickly hopped in the shower. The last time she said she had something planned for him, she showed up at his office late saying she missed him and sucked his dick while he lied to his coworker and told him that he would lock up. Marcus fucked his girlfriend was in the bathroom. She enjoyed watching him struggle to keep a composed face, smirking up at him. It was then that Pike made sure that no one was in the office and his door was locked so he could bend her over the desk, slapped her ass before fingering her and plunging himself into her wetness as he spread her legs, her moans making him cry out her name. He left bruises on her thighs that night, ones that she told him not to say sorry for as she had enjoyed every moment. Isabella was also the same woman that held him and went with him to the hospital when his father had his stroke, thankfully he was able to recover mostly, but it wasn’t how he wanted to introduce her to his parents. He wanted to it be a nice family dinner. Not in a hospital room. But she was perfect throughout, making his mother nudge him and ask why he hadn’t brought her around yet.
While Pike was in the shower, Izzy was taking deep breaths, She went ahead and lit her candle and set condoms, handcuffs, but she didn’t have a blindfold. Hearing the water stop, she grabbed one of her scarfs and met him at the bathroom door, planting a kiss on him and wrapping her arms around his neck, standing on her tip-toes and put the scarf around his eyes. “Iz…what the hell?” Pike asked, chuckling. He never knew what to expect from this woman.
“I told you, a surprise. It starts now, so follow me.” She giggled and lead him toward the bed and sat him down, then pulled him close so his head rested on her breasts. She slipped off her robe and let it drop on the floor. Marcus’ arms wrapped around her back, he pressed his chest into her soft belly.
“Mmm…Should I be extremely worried or just quietly concerned?” He asked placing a small kiss between her ample breasts before nibbling on them.
Izzy licked her lips. “Neither, just listen to me and do what I tell you. I’m going to make sure to come first tonight Marcus. If you feel odd or uncomfortable about anything, just say…” Izzy paused to think of a word. “Rose.” She patted his head and took one of his hands and ran it upper her inner thigh. “You feel it Marcus? It’s been like this since you called me at your late lunch, hours Marcus…” She cooed, using one of her fingers to push his middle finger along her wet slit. Her legs widened a bit as Marcus slipped his finger in further, stroking her as he grew harder in his boxers.
“God damn woman….Tell me how you want me.” Marcus staggered, Izzy pushed him back on the bed and commanded him to scoot toward the head of the bed. He didn’t feel her get on the bed immediately, it felt like she was fiddling with something. “Izzy, what are you…” He was going to ask but she grabbed his wrists and cuffed them behind his head, kissing his lips again desperate for contact Pike lurched forward as she pulled back, panting. “Izzy, please….kiss me more.” A soft hand pushed on his chest and circled his nipple, rolling it between her fingers. Pike moaned loudly, struggling against the handcuffs, he needed to touch her, kiss her, caress her, grab her.
“Not yet. I want to watch you more like you watch me Marcus.” Izzy cooed, she released his nipple and slid off his boxers, the agent lifted his hips to make it easier. He bit down on his bottom lip as he whimpered. She hadn’t even touched his dick yet, would he last? Is this how he makes her feel? Anything like this? “Marcus, baby, you still with me? You remember the word right?” He nodded and she followed by asking if he wanted to use it, he shook he head.
“Please, tell me how to want me….Please…” Pike begged. Izzy loved the sight of the man who often made her hoarse for work the next day in a puddle go pleasure. His cock was wet with precum. She wanted to ride him them, but she would need his help for stability and she wanted to toy with him a bit more. Instead, she chose to remove her scarf and kiss his forehead, then straddled his lower torso so her ass would be rubbing against his hardness. “Fuck Iz….You haven’t told me to do anything yet.” He whined, which was true it was torture.
“Keep still.” Izzy commanded, bouncing her ass against his cock, smearing his fluid on her ass. She was kissing down his face to his Adam’s apple, biting it with her teeth before licking it. His hips buckled up in response and she bit his shoulder, “I said keep still.” Pike nodded and did his best, but he was failing the longer it went on, as she moved down, her hips did as well and her moist entrance was met with his hard cock, rubbing each other as she started to moan as well.
“Isabella please….” It was rare Marcus used her entire name, he was quite serious when he did. Izzy then reached for the candle and dripped the hot substance over his chest. Marcus yelped as his body shivered from both the heat and pleasure, Izzy started rubbing it into his skin, his chest, stomach and his arms, she used both hands to give special attention to his thighs, the dark hairs, tickling her fingers. Marcus did his best to remain still but his body was shaking, throbbing to release. “Please let me cum…” He asked out of sheer desperation.
Isabella sat back on the bed, admiring the sight of a spanning, sweating, lubed Marcus. She thought of taking a picture, but decided against it. She just soaked in the image. “Marcus, you think you can continue to stay still while I take care of you?” She asked, reaching for a towel that she had on a dresser, she wiped down his penis, his fingernails pressing into his palms. He nodded, but after she finished wiping, she flicked his shaft, causing him to make and audible grunt. “I need to hear an answer.” She stated, her finger tracing the veins along his shaft.
“Y-Yes, I can stay still. I’ll d-d-do my best. Please Izzy….honey…” He whimpered. Satisfied, Izzy ran her tongue from the base of his cock to her head, rolling her tongue around his head before sucking a little, not too much. Marcus did well in remaining still for the most part, but once she had his head between her lips, his hips buckled. He realized his mistake and quickly apologized, “I’m sorry, it won’t happen again….please your sweet lips, let me cum…” She reached down with a free hand and pinched the skin of his testicles, before taking his girth into her mouth bobbing her head up and down while she rolled his balls between her fingers. Marcus screamed trying to resist the urge to buck his hips with her mouth, he was trying and failing, but this time she didn’t stop. Izzy used her teeth to lightly graze the skin of his head before rolling her her tongue around it, without warning, Marcus shot ribbons into her mouth as she shrugged to swallow, but downed as much she could, she did end up choking a little. In-between his breathy heaves, Marcus asked if she was ok and if she could uncuff him, he needed to know if she was okay. As Izzy took deep breaths she handed him the key, he un-cuffed himself and took her in his arms, rubbing her back. Her coughing calmed as he cradled her, kissing her forehead.
She looked up at him, her mouth with traces of him on it, “Did you enjoy yourself Marcus?” She asked, he was dumbfounded. What made her think he didn’t? His kissed her lips softly before grabbing a tissue to wipe them and himself off.
“You always surprise the hell out of me Isabella. I fucking loved it. How’d you think of that?” He asked genuinely wondering. She had never mentioned anything like this before.
“I tried to think of what you might do. You aways seem to watch me and be studying me each time Marcus, plus I thought the candle would be a nice touch.” She giggled, nuzzling into his chest. Marcus pulled her on top of him so her legs were spread, She yelped as her bit at the top of her teddy ripping it, Izzy grabbed it and help it to herself though it only covered one of her breasts. “M-Marcus!” His mouth enveloped one of her nipples as he sucked and tugged on it, he reached up and took the torn teddy from her, the grip she had on it loosened considerably. His other hand trailed down her belly which he loved to pat, she swatted his hand away and to strode further down until reaching her slick lips, running a finger over each of them as he parted them. “W-Wait… you’re not supposed to move…” She stated weakly. He was no longer cuffed and non-compliant to her demands. Pike pushed her on her back just as she had done with him, however he took hold of her ankles and held her legs up, closing her thighs around his penis which was half erect. He was the one teasing her now, running his dick back and forth against her entrance knowing he wouldn’t enter her. “Fuck…Marcus…” She cried, grabbing onto the sheets of the bed. After a few more pumps he opened her legs and pulled back, the cool air hitting her wet lips and causing her to moan. He positioned her knees on his shoulders, she knew what came next, her body tensed, but Pike just blew a kiss toward her folds, watching her, watch him as he smiled. “What are you doing down there?!” Izzy yelled indignant. How dare he just sit there? He was in position.
Marcus was loving seeing her mad, it was perfect. He was being a bit petty for what just happened, but she also did choke on his cum, eh, it was fair. His face lurched forward and kissed her thigh before using his teeth to bite her, then lick it again. He would make sure she thought about him again while she was typing at her desk in a meeting, just like he did when she left scratches on his back. What he wouldn’t do to her to make her think of him when they were apart. His lips gently pecked her clit as he felt her knees buckle, then flicked it with his tongue, he could make her climax from just her clit, but he decided to start twirling his fingers, slipped into her cunt and turn them, not pump them. Izzy cried out his name and he smiled and a dark laugh left his lips as tongue flicked again on her clit, her hips were moving where his fingers weren’t so he pulled them back out and took a hand from her knee and smacked her ass. “Not yet, you have to stay still.” He mocked her mischievously and inserted one finger. Izzy growled, wanting more, but gave in and remained still and he slowly pumped her and forming an ‘o’ with his lips around her clit, she really did try hard not to move, but she always seem to be moving, even when she was still. It was one of the many things Marcus loved about her. He removed his finger again and replaced it with his tongue, flicking around her walls as they closed around him, his nose rubbing her clit as his eyes met hers.
“Shit, I’m almost there….Marcus!” Izzy yelled, but Marcus pulled away from her, licking his lips, she looked up at him and he leaned over her, moving up his body. “You…you…damn it…” She seethed, once was bad enough, but twice?! Izzy pinched his cheeks as he laughed, she only saw one of his hands though. Marcus used the other one to position himself at her moist sex, his tip already in, she felt him spreading her ever so much, but he stopped again. “Marcus please, let me move or fuck me…” She asked grabbing his shoulders and pulling him closer to her, he slid into her and filed her, stinging slightly as he normally preps her more. She leaned into his ear, “I didn’t move my hips this time.” The office manager felt like she had a win, he had edged her a bit too much she thought. Marcus just grinned and kissed her jaw, pulling his hips back so he was halfway out.
He grabbed one of her knees to spread her even more. “No you didn’t but I’ll still fuck you any anyway Izzy.” He smiled before plunging deep into her at an angle, hitting the very back of her canal, he felt her shudder and scream his name as she came, but he leaned down, sucked on her neck as he kept pulling in and out of her at a steady pace, she wanted him to go faster, but he was dragging it out, he was going to torture her. He even slowed down when he was withdrawing from her fully and plunging deep into her again, grabbing her hips this time. Her loud moans spured him on, the louder she became the harder he fucked her until his felt his cock start to swell again. Izzy wrapped her legs around him and Marcus panicked for a minute knowing that he had been a bit too eager and didn’t put a condom on.
“It’s fine, I’m on my pills pour into me Agent Pike.” She moaned, feeling herself nearly ready to come again. Marcus turned her on her back again and hungrily kissed her lips. Slapping his thighs with hers, he grabbed one of her breasts and rolled her nipple.
“You call me Marcus, Izzy….Fuck you’re so tight.” Marcus groaned. Spreading his thick seed into her, Izzy cried from he heat as her walls sucked his cum out of him, they arched into each other, their bodies sticky and wet from each other. Marcus kissed from Izzy’s forehead down to her shoulder and that mole he had seen when he first saw her sleeping in that office. He went to move, but she held onto him.
“Marcus, don’t move yet, just stay. Please.” Izzy said quietly into his shoulder, not looking up at him. Marcus brushed some of her hair off out her face and nodded pecking her lips. Eventually, the pair went to the bathroom and freshened up and changed the sheets before getting into bed naked. “Normally I only change the sheets before you come not after.” Izzy remarked, she used humor for when she was a bit uncomfortable. Pike wrapped his arms around her as they got in bed, she turned to face him. She held his hand after giving his ass a little squeeze. Marcus laughed.
“You never did tell me how you wanted me other than to stay still Iz.” Marcus asked, teasing her a little. Izzy faked a pout and lifted his hand to kiss it.
“I want you just like this, here with me.” Marcus kissed her lips as she laid her head on his chest, his hand rubbed her back, she drifted off to sleep.
“I don’t wanna be anywhere else.” Agent Pike slipped into a deep slumber, never forgetting the warmth on his chest.
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Still feeling a bit torn every time I see gifs of Michael and Molly. 😕
When she gets back from her honeymoon and Michael ends up seeing her again (on the street, at the pharmacy, or wherever), girl's really just asking to be blanked.
Not to mention, did she really think it was a good idea to screw with a known criminal who went to prison for killing his wife (however accidently)??? But then it's not like it was a good idea to even go out with him in the first place. lol
Girl just couldn't resist getting her rocks off with a dangerous thrill one last time before she got hitched, I guess. Good thing she only pulled that on our cuddly gangster boy and not a man who'd want to retaliate against her.
Poor Mikey though. The least she could've done was have the decency to tell him to his face rather than have him find out like that. 🥺 And I don't buy the idea that she'd have been too afraid to do so and so just decided to ghost him - Molly's no shrinking violet.
(*sigh* At least we got a few more Charlie kissing scenes out of it - and the one with him in his skimpy black boxers 🔥🔥🔥 - so it's not all bad.😅)
(There's a theory some people have that Molly is actually Mikey's sister Jenny, but I don't think that makes much sense. Birdy had to help Michael's mother and sister and go into hiding from Bren, so why the hell would Julie (their mother) risk letting her daughter live in the same city as Bren, even decades later under an assumed identity? Especially once he gets out of prison?
Not to mention that Jenny would surely remember she had two older brothers named called Mikey and Jimmy? I mean, Mikey didn't mention the existence of a sister when he told Molly his mother had abandoned them so if, theoretically, she was actually Jenny she might not have been able to put the pieces together based on that. BUT Molly did Google Michael before their first date so surely she'd have seen info on his family - likely including at least some of the names of his other male relatives - so might not something have clicked then?
There's just so much we don't know. *sigh* We've no clue how old Jenny was when Julie took her away, but she quite likely wouldn't be able to recognize her brothers as adults if she hasn't seen them in over 25 years. If she and Julie lived under assumed names, and she was young enough, it's possible she might not have remembered her surname is Kinsella, so she couldn't have looked up the rest of the family on the internet to know what they look like as adults.
Of course, Julie would've had to deliberately withhold info from her growing up for her not to have known who her family was. And that's too dangerous a sort of ignorance to let the girl carry her whole life with a father like Bren, surely? And unless something happened to Julie in the interim years - she'd never have let Jenny move back to Dublin, not so long as Bren was still alive.
As a theory, it's not impossible, but I still find it far-fetched. *shrug* Very much looking forward to S3 so we can find out more about Julie and Jenny and, hopefully, see them reunited with Michael and Jimmy after all these years. 🙏)
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MaP I1: Week 1: Dusk before Daybreak
Night. 13th of July, 2024. Office of the Transitionary Council (temporary), Mexico City.
The situation was hilarious if you weren't yourself tasked with cleaning it up. Molly Blyndeff, the little girl whose story of childhood struggled had inspired widespread admiration, social movements and adoration; has been elected as the president of Mexico. The subsequent recount and political maneuvering before that had confirmed this beyond reasonable doubt.
You are one of the unlucky (or perhaps lucky from a certain point of view) officials assigned into the Transitional Council to oversee the transition of powers, if it does happen. To note, the Council's roster is incredibly diverse for the wrong reasons: everyone else who would have traditionally taken the job has either fled, been found dead, or resigned from their previous posts. You're even pretty sure some of your new co-workers are not Mexican, or never held government positions before this.
The previous president has resigned, citing his inability to control the violence by resurgent cartels that have pushed Mexico into a state of crisis. Nearly half of the presidential candidates were gunned down on the campaign trial, leaving a popular yet ceremonial candidate as the surviving winning candidate (on virtue of not being in the country). Unfortunately, the task of running the country now falls onto the Transitionary Council barely a week old.
Meanwhile the Supreme Court is (obviously) unhappy with the violation of constitutional requirements of candidacy, but with cartels openly supporting Molly, their hands are tied, not to mention the constant assassination attempts.
Taiga, the extra-dimensional, portal-using nation, and the girl's country of origin, has yet to make an official announcement regarding the situation. Yet their nationals in Mexico seem calm, it seems the leadership of Naven Nuknuk's joint investment programs in Mexico either gives them faith in their own safety or provided benefits to good to lose. At least there seems to be one business group not openly intending to flee.
Regardless, amongst the filled tables of the office. The Council has to decide on its first course of action as government.
3 options exist to temporarily address the crisis:
Cook up a purge of suspected affiliates of criminal organisations and declare martial law. The terroristic cartels must be struck as hard as possible before they can do more damage!
Integrate elements of the previous administration to ensure continuity of government. Focus on restoring some semblance of stability without expending too many resources.
Contact and calm powerful interests in the country from parties to business groups (including STEM), and if possible, convince them into a grand national plan to return the country to normalcy (concessions will be made though). Legitimacy of a government comes from its ability to care for its citizen's wellbeing after-all.
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It is once again time for me to go on some silly weird rant about Molly O’Shea.
This is basically the same as my first post about her but I wanna talk more some other points or such I thought of with like one new example. so I don’t remember when this scene happens or what’s really going on but but I was watching a sad Molly edit on TikTok with it as the intro and it made me spiral. Basically it’s Arthur, Dutch and Molly and if I remember I think they were discussing some sort of plan and this seems to be early In Molly and Dutch’s relationship. Arthur says something like “I hope so” and Molly retorts “trust Dutch mr. Morgan, you have to” in a sorta joking manner. And I feel like that scene alone shows how deeply Molly cared and also how much power he had over her, she literally is making a only slightly teasing quip that you HAVE to listen to Dutch.
If you care that much about a person that you simply do whatever they say and feel deep down you don’t actually have a choice then imagine how gut wrenching it would be for them to start randomly treating you like a nuisance. Like you’re very existence in their space ruins their whole day, and when you even kind of try to mention this behavior you’re just bullied and gaslit into backing down as to not rock the boat, she’s trying desperately to mend her relationship and Dutch does nothing more than belittle her for it. We literally hear her timidly and gently ask why Dutch has been so different and he very rudely shoos her off.
We also hear her talking to Abigail (as I mentioned in my last post) saying “well I love him, and I know he loves me but-“ before Abigail cuts her off by simply stating that even if Dutch does love her it’s not the type of love that Molly needs. But yet she stays. Because not only is it probably reasonable for her to think that if Dutch does still care a little bit then her just up and leaving isn’t an option, she’d have a dangerous outlaw or several tracking her down. Plus where would she go? She has no friends in camp. So no one would be likely to set her up with a favor from someone in town. She doesn’t know anyone outside the gang personally and the ones she did know outside the gang are high society people that probably wouldn’t accept her back in after she left to be with a criminal. Which brings me to the second reason she didn’t just leave. She probably just wanted to make it work to prove to herself she made the right choice.
If you went from riches to rags so rapidly for a guy you’d probably hate for it to crumble too, to her it probably feels almost like she somehow failed in life. Her life was great before and because she wanted romance she tossed her more than ideal quality of life aside for something grittier. And now it’s completely collapsed around her. The man who she left her old life for basically acts like he hates her, no one else wants her, and she’s probably got no idea how to fix it.
Molly had one thing keeping her feeling like this might be kinda worth the hateful looks and secret jabs made about her. One thing that helped her feel better about sleeping In the woods year round. ONE THING helping her cope with being surrounded by outlaws and that one thing without a single reason abandoned her.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 3 months
Lestrange!Daughter!Oc x Weasley!Reader though????👀
The Reader’s grown up poor and wanting things and overall a better life for all of their family that they could never have given their circumstances so instead of going the routes of Percy or the twins (I.e. striving to have a good career/move up the workplace food chain or owning their own business), the Reader goes down the path of getting what they want through whatever means necessary, particularly through illegal means. But the Reader still very much loves and adores their family so what they do benefits them all too, at least that’s how the Reader sees it, even if the rest of the family are in the dark about it. Like, the Weasley vault at Gringotts fills up just a bit more each and every time any of the family members make a visit to it or the Reader is slipping gold to their siblings for them to get something they really want or leaving some gold lying around the Burrow for Molly or Arthur to come across.
Not to mention, Weasley!Reader would use some of the extra money they’ve made to outright spoil their younger siblings, and gift their parents something every once in awhile always under the excuse of having saved up pocket money or getting a promotion at work or something like that.
I just imagine Lestrange!Daughter having this sixth sense that’s basically a criminal vibe check and whenever the Reader is near it just goes off the charts so she starts following and stalking them but the Reader has gotten so elusive and good at hiding their tracks, until finally Lestrange!Daughter is able to stick close enough to witness first hand their illegal activities and she’s captivated from then on. Especially, seeing how the Reader ‘handles’ people trying to swindle or deceive them and their ‘business’.
Imagine Molly’s reaction to the Reader coming home with Lestrange!Daughter following at their heels or Lestrange!Daughter just flat out barging into the Burrow unannounced and uninvited like they own the place. Like, I could see Molly telling the Reader that Lestrange!Daughter has to go and the Reader just being like “If she goes, I go, and if I go I’m not coming back” (mainly cause once Lestrange!Daughter has the Reader with her at Lestrange Estate she’s not letting them go, at least not anywhere without her).
Plus, Lestrange!Daughter would totally spoil and give her darling anything they wanted without question. She’ll gladly give them the life they’ve always wanted, the life she ultimately believes they deserve wholeheartedly.
Another Idea: Lestrange!Daughter!Oc x Lily!lookalike!Reader👀👀👀. Just imagining Severus’ reaction to Bellatrix’s batshit daughter with his beloved Lily!lookalike, the man would have a heart attack on the spot.
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jtbb · 2 years
tagged by @rat-daemon and @valentinsylve tysm <3<3<3
three ships: oh man. hannigram obviously, and janto (jack harkness/ianto jones) for my other all-time fave (they are simultaneously much more wholesome and much more angsty than hannigram). for third umm i think molly/reba is underrated <3 as in ive literally never seen anyone mention them but i think they would understand each other yknow
first ship: ah hell. i was probably obsessed w at least one warrior cats pairing when i was a kid but the first one that was actually as part of fandom culture was this one band ship that i will Not name (some of my older mutuals . you can probably guess)
last song: currently criminal by fiona apple, previously mr. rattlebone by matt maeson (both amazing hannigram songs)
last movie: lol watched ferris bueller's day off w my family last friday (we are out of movies to watch)
now reading: im trying really hard to get back into the habit of reading books -- in the past year or so i've started northwind by gary paulsen (the last book by my absolute favorite childhood author), the keith haring journals during my keith haring hyperfix last april, and the three-body problem by liu cixin but i keep just getting stalled halfway through and not finishing any of them. my sister bought me red dragon recently though and i think i can slowly make my way through that!!
currently watching: literally just rewatching hannibal for the nth time. most recent show i started otherwise though was killing eve i rlly wanna finish that when i can <3
currently consuming: i listen to music by eating it. btw. been obsessed w the album an awesome wave by alt-j lately
currently craving: someone on discord posted a picture of some cookies they baked so now im craving cookies. otherwise as always i just crave free time to draw or write out a fic idea i have
too tired to tag anyone rn sorryyyy but mutuals or other followers if u wanna do this <3 hi
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Micah's Bio
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" I Believe There's Winners And Losers, And Nothing Else Besides. "
Micah Bell III was born circa 1860 to Micah Bell Jr., a ruthless petty outlaw. When Micah was 17, in 1877, he and his father were on the run for the brutal double homicide of Roscoe and Jean Briggs, who were hung from the rafters with their throats slit. It can be assumed that he was his father's partner-in-crime throughout his upbringing, although evidence suggests that he also ran with his brother, Amos, for a time. Micah would later have a falling out with Amos, who, by 1899, is repentant of his actions and lives in California with his wife and daughters, whilst making it clear to Micah that he wants no contact with him, threatening to kill him if he's anywhere near himself and his family.
Micah is considered to be wild and unpredictable, even by the Van der Linde gang's standards. He is said to enjoy the action in his life, going as far as shooting what Arthur claims to be half the town of Strawberry in order to reclaim his prized revolvers. In spite of his brash nature, Micah is an experienced criminal and hitman, earning him the favor of Dutch himself. Micah has a poor relationship with most of the gang members, as he frequently antagonizes and bullies them, sometimes going as far as making colorful threats to those he dislikes. Besides Dutch, Micah also tries to get Arthur's trust and approval initially, despite Arthur openly disliking him, viewing him as selfish, untrustworthy, and opportunistic. Arthur's fears are proven true later in the game when Micah starts working as a mole for the Pinkertons after escaping from Guarma. When confronted with his disloyalty, Micah simply labels himself as a survivor, showing no loyalty to anyone but himself, highlighting his self-serving, every-man-for-himself attitude to life. Observing his interactions in the camp reveals his attitude to be a profoundly nihilistic one; he openly states his disbelief in the concept of right and wrong, seeing no true meaning to life, seemingly a justification for how he approaches things. Like Arthur, Micah seems to be aware that he is an immoral person, stating that if damnation was real, he'd "feel right at home there". Nevertheless, in contrast to Arthur, he has no remorse for the things he has done and doesn't make any effort to redeem himself.
In 1899, Micah has shoulder-length, blond hair, as well as a thick horseshoe mustache and side whiskers. Micah is slightly portly and often wears an undone black leather coat, a red shirt, or a black shirt accompanied by a red vest, a green neckerchief, beige trousers, and a white hat. He's also seen sporting a short-tailed, buttoned-up leather coat. In cold temperatures, he is instead seen with a long brown leather coat, while in warmer climates he's seen without a jacket and just his red shirt. Micah is armed with a pair of custom Double-action Revolvers with "Vengeance is hereby mine" engraved into the barrel, sporting dark grey frames and grips that are painted red and black in a skull-like design, which he uses with immense skill.
Bell is purposely vague and mysterious about his past, though he does mention that his father taught him that "sympathy is for the weak" and that the United States is a survival of the fittest, Darwinistic, dog-eat-dog world. He is clear about his view that the gang is too big and has too much "dead weight", labeling Uncle a "parasite" and listing Molly and Reverend Swanson as examples of people who don’t contribute anything and should be cut loose. When Micah, Arthur, and Bill head off to rob a stagecoach together, Micah mentions that his ideal gang was a "tight crew of five or six strong gunmen", but ultimately, Micah goes against his own idealistic by forming a large gang of his own by 1907, which contained at least 50 gunmen.
Micah has a callous and unsympathetic attitude towards death, brushing it off as "part of the game" in a conversation with Hosea about the Blackwater Massacre. After Kieran's death, unlike the rest of the gang, Bell doesn't mourn him and instead speculates that Kieran tried to sell the gang out to the O'Driscolls. He is similarly dismissive of the deaths of Hosea and Lenny, stating that the former was "dying anyway" and derisively ridiculing Lenny's confidence, saying "you know what they say about pride before a fall...". He is also cruel to animals, which is evident by the fact that he frequently kicks Cain and is even implied to have killed him when the dog disappeared.
Micah is an atheist, stating on various occasions that he doesn't believe in God. He is cynical about religion as a whole, saying to Reverend Swanson that men and women of the cloth are "parasites" who deceive people into believing a greater evil and that his "being up in heaven doesn't give two shits about him", treating Swanson with evident disdain and stating to Susan at one point that he doesn’t like religious people. However, he doesn’t rule out the existence of Hell as an afterlife, even going as far as saying that he’d like to see what it’s like. Micah is dangerously shrewd and manipulative, capable of acting as a mole for some time without being discovered and making his way through Dutch's mind in order to become his right-hand man upon noticing that Van der Linde's sanity was starting to perish. Despite his selfish and imperious attitude, Bell appears to have his own sense of respect for those who he deems capable in combat. He surreptitiously shows some admiration for Arthur's skill and appears to enjoy fighting alongside him, even proclaiming that they always "get the job done". Likewise, he is regretful of the Callander brothers' deaths, lamenting them as "real fighters" - the only deaths he expresses any remorse for. In addition, he is quite charismatic when necessary, being able to verbally acquire information about a stagecoach with relative ease and later lead a successful, unprecedentedly feared gang of many men.
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fanfic-inator795 · 5 months
BCG Season 4 review update!
Now featuring tiers, since I recently went through ALL the episodes and put them on a personal tier list that I’ve been updating each week. So, in terms of JUST ranking season 4:
Green Trial: Simply put, The Ghost and Molly McGee did this exact plot a lot better - and even if they hadn’t, this episode just feels really mean spirited with not many of it’s jokes landing for me.
Junk Junkie: Not super fun with a plot that feels more convoluted than anything. I can understand Bill’s character motivation here, but it still feels like we get to an extreme scenario way too quickly.
Money Sense: A solid enough moral, but a pretty meh story. I don’t mind Remy being in the wrong sometimes, but it still has to be a bit more entertaining and fun than this.
Bad Dad: I do appreciate that Nancy isn’t forced to forgive her dad and that it’s him that has to change his ways at least somewhat if he wants to see his grandkids. I also like how Cricket and Tilly aren’t completely naive to the type of person Nick is. Still, there are better eps down the line if you’re looking for jokes or wholesomeness.
Starter Pack: a pretty cute ep with a sweet ending and a good lesson, the jokes with Gloria were pretty good too, nice to see her get a couple W’s.
Concrete Jungle: another gimmick ep but it works really well here even if it’s a bit silly. That ending though, sooooo wholesome ^v^ honestly kinda feels like an early season 1 or 2 episode.
Coffee Mates: A pretty standard Gloria spotlight, though with some amusing and entertaining-enough elements. Tilly’s subplot I could take or leave.
Family Tree: a simple and super sweet ep about the power of vibes and taking a break.
True Cawing: I can’t believe we have a canonical Goth!Bill Green design, asdfghjkl. I liked just how silly and funny this one got while still having a solid message. Really the only missing piece is maybe acknowledging Bill’s feelings on not having anyone in the family who understands him. Not an excuse to force them into doing things, of course, but I still feel bad for the guy. At least they were able to compromise with doing Statue Saturday with him once a year.
Unguarded: “Wait, you were a criminal?” “Lady, is this a safe space or not?!” Asdfghjkl, lol. Really cute Vasquez spotlight with some good jokes thrown in.
Iced: Soooo funny, lol. Love how petty and out of pocket that one corndog vendor is, and just watching things become chaotic is a ton of fun.
Internetted: Fun little adventure, even if it’s a bit on the nose at points.
Guiding Gregly: Another great ending with this one, not to mention a really funny and catchy song. Love the lesson of this episode too.
Stand-Up Bill: Really nice Bill focused ep with a fun twist to it. Cricket and Tilly’s subplot is maybe a bit lacking, but not bad by any means.
Jingled: Super sweet and fun to watch with a ton of catchy little jingles to enjoy
Truck Stopped: Fun little roadtrip ep that has some amusing gags and a great ending.
Handshaken: Simply put… EPIC. Love how over the top hilarious and absurd this one gets with its silly concept, and Bill especially has some great moments here. Way to give him a win and a chance to be a bit of a humble badass.
Chipped Off: This episode is such a mind-fuck at some points and I absolutely LOVE IT for that. Never thought we’d be getting a full-on Joker arc for Chip Whistler but hey, I’m not complaining. The musical number in this is a ton of fun, the reflection scene is just SO insanely good, and any joke involving the sewer rats is just hilarious. Truly an amazing return ep for Chip.
So far, season 4 seems like it’ll continue being a pretty solid season! There’s only been a couple of real duds so far, and while I feel the season has sorta waned a teeny bit after an incredibly strong start, I’m still enjoying myself with it and the show is still managing to surprise me with certain eps ^v^ so yeah, not a bad season at all!
Not sure if we’re gonna get more eps before the movie drops in June, but I’m hoping the rest of s4 lives up to this first 9 half-hours. I have no doubt that the BCG crew is going to pull off Chip’s whole revenge plot and his eventual (final?) defeat successfully, but I hope all the fun slice-of-life eps that we’ll get before that conclusion are just as enjoyable ^v^
Let me know which s4 BCGs eps have been your faves and least faves!
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k-s-morgan · 3 years
I've got to say, while Hannigram is very much unhealthy, I actually can't stand Molly and Will ( in the show at least ) for not being good for each other much more. With Hannigram, besides it being obvious what you're gonna get - no relationship between a serial killer and an FBI agent in denial about enjoying murdee will be sunshine and rainbows - the characters themselves are aware of who the other is and what they are cabable of. With Molly and Will one party is definitely left in the dark about the other. I'm of the firm belief that their relationships would have never started had Will not hidden an entire shade of his being. He has stated he prefers lies of omission. And when said omission is a caged monster, you can see how unfair it'd be to someone like Molly. While badass, she's ultimately a regular person, a woman who was most likely searching for happiness and stability after her first husband. Will was simply not it. He used her and Wally as a means to hide from himself and his feelings for Hannibal. If he really wanted to, he could have prepared a plan that allowed him to stay with them. Will is neither stupid, nor lacking in determination. But the fact is, he was not invested enough. He'd rather die WITH Hannibal than return home, which says a lot.
There's also the fact that Hannigram is better developed and tied to the story's themes, so I'm more invested in seeing where they could end up together, destructive aspects and all, rather than Will and Molly. Still, I can't buy into the concept of a happy marriage between them that some viewers talk about when it appears to be so surface level. That peace hinges on Will never discussing with Molly a ton of stuff that would have changed the entire trajectory of their relationship. The whole situation reminds me too much of a couple in real life, in which one person doesn't actually love the other and has somebody else on the mind. Their marriage is this essentially.
I'm pretty sure this view on their marriage and how Will-centric in tends to be ( in the sense that Molly being screwed over isn't really comsidered ) ties into the static perception people have regarding Will as a character from Season 1 onward. They want to see him happy and cheer that the bad guy is put away, far from him. But don't seem to realise how much of a menace and perpetrator Will has become in other characters' lives since then ( Hobbs, Randall, Chiyoh and her prisoner, Chilton, even Bedelia ). What do you think?
Oh, I agree completely, the relationship between Will and Molly feels very dishonest from Will’s side — and I think that’s the point. As Bryan said, we had to see the second half of S3 and Will with Molly in order to understand why he should go back to Hannibal. This life is simply not for him, not for the real version of him. Hannibal is right when he accuses Will of deliberately picking a “ready-made family.” Will showed his person suit to Molly and shared only official version of events of his life with her. She never knew the real him, and if she had, their marriage would have died before even starting because what woman would let a killer and a cannibal who wanted to run away with a monster near her and her child, who’s already been traumatized? Especially after a year or two of knowing this person?
I’ve had a huge number of conversations on this topic, and from my experience, viewers who claim that Will was perfectly happy with Molly cite one specific moment: them laughing together from Molly’s joke about “balls”. Bryan actually mentioned it too once to illustrate how great Molly is for Will, but the thing is, it’s just not what was shown. Because this pretty shallow and short moment of laughter instantly turns into a situation where Molly mentions Will’s “criminal mind” and Will shuts her off. He lies and he hangs up without returning her “I love you.” This says it all — he can enjoy himself on a superficial level in this marriage, but the moment something a bit more serious comes up, the illusion shatters. Perhaps Will told Molly some half-truths, like about being friends with Hannibal before the betrayal, but ultimately, we can see that she has no idea about Will’s life, his darkness and his struggles with it. She innocently encouraged him to go back, incorrectly thinking that Will is haunted by failing to save lives, and then she joked about his criminal mind, taking it lightly and not realizing how grave and sensitive this topic is for Will. She knows he can think like a killer because he’s gifted, but she doesn’t realize he himself is a killer.
I love how the show presents their relationship because it demonstrates how temporary and insufficient a dream-like normal life is for Will. All we know about him and Molly is that they are married. We don’t know how they met, what made them marry each other so quickly. They then have four short conversations throughout the show, none of which is entirely honest from Will’s side. Molly appeared from nowhere and disappeared into nowhere - she and Will were living a lie, which is why their relationship was presented this way.
Even from the beginning: from what was shown, Jack didn’t enter a sanctuary, he broke into a marriage as lifeless as the winter emptiness around Will when we see him again. As a contrast, in another Red Dragon adaptation, Jack comes when Will is genuinely happy with Molly and Walter. They are spending time together on the beach, they are laughing, they are having fun as a family, they are holding hands. This unity and happiness are absent in the show. Jack comes when Molly and Walter are away fishing, with Will choosing to stay behind even though fishing is his passion. It’s a deliberate choice and it says a lot. Will and Molly share a bed: they are married, so it would be strange not to - but they are fully clothed and sleep strictly on the opposite sides. Will is shown sneaking out to read a letter from Hannibal. They could have shown Molly sleeping on his chest, for example, something to make their bond warmer. Will isn’t a touchy-feely person, but he’s not resistant to touch either, and he could have made an effort for a woman he’s supposed to love.
He could have bothered to hug her or at least *touch* her at least once. Instead, when she hugs him from behind, he doesn’t even move to touch her back. When she nuzzles into him, he turns his head away, even though nuzzling back or kissing her cheek would have felt so much more natural. Even at the hospital, Will just looks at her and then sits in his chair. It’s deliberate - he never reached for her at all, even in this situation. When Molly wakes up, he risks touching one strand of her hair with the very tip of his finger (which is implied and still not shown!), and then he quickly takes his hand away. It’s a vivid contrast to him reaching out and almost groping Hannibal in TWOTL. He could definitely show more emotions to Walter - after losing Abigail, he had to be terrified of losing another child in his life. But instead, he just acts uncomfortable, not at all like a father would.
I think Will could never be truly happy or peaceful when he’s hiding who he is. Darkness is a large part of him, subduing it takes efforts. I’d say he was semi-content with this limbo state, but with how quickly he ran to Hannibal, I think he was getting bored, too. Hannibal also senses it, hence his question, “Don’t you crave change, Will?”
I also love Hugh’s and Mads’ commentary on this.
Hugh: You could say that during the second half [of season three] - I mean, obviously we’re jumping ahead here, but Will comes back to Hannibal. He’s now got this family, and Will, independently and pretty quickly, starts coming to the conclusion that it’s not sustainable for him to have that family. Like, he’s not the guy. He’s not the right person to be able to look after them, to live with them. It’s not compatible with who he really is. And you could argue that Hannibal is just driving him more quickly to come to that realization. So in that sense, it is kind of brutal, tough love. His love is saying, “Know thyself.”
Mads: As Hugh is saying, it’s unavoidable. It’s going to happen sooner or later. Might as well happen sooner, before he’s stuck.
And that’s not even mentioning the Dragon’s attack, the way Will stayed angry for three seconds before acting jealous of Hannibal giving attention to Francis, and how he set up a situation that put Molly and Walter at risk just to get a chance to stage Hannibal’s escape. His priorities are very clear. I do think he cared about them to an extent — he is responsive to people who show warmth to him, but this feeling was superficial. In the end, the only two things Will truly, genuinely cares about are Hannibal and his dogs. I’m not including Abigail here because he loved a dream, not the girl herself.
Will is a deeply selfish character, and I love him for it because I find him fascinating.
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