#and the you should fear the other one is so šŸ˜¶šŸ˜¶
Iā€™m sorry but I need Armandā€™s perspective on what the fuck happened in that apartment. Thereā€™s just too much shit that does not add up without it.
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lossie92 Ā· 2 months
A snippet from the beginning of chapter 6 of Cynosure. Please let me know what you think of it - I'm really curious!
Also sorry that it took a bit longer to post, but my brain is fried with a fever and I forgot I asked if ppl wanted to read this šŸ˜¶
Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: a/b/o au, mentions of past abuse
Madara groaned, his eyes closed, before banging the back of his head against the wall behind him.
The meeting with the elders had ended a while ago and, considering the outcome, he knew he should be celebrating. However, he was too out of sorts to feel happy about this sound, if unexpected, victory.
Despite trying to push it away, the heartbreaking image Tobirama had made as he curled into himself amongst the blankets and pillows in blinding fear of being struck wouldnā€™t leave him alone.Ā 
There had been many moments in Madara's life when he had felt helpless and at a loss for what to do, and this was definitely one of them. Even though it very likely wouldn't have gone over well, at the time all he had wanted to do was to pull Tobirama close and promise him that whoever had hurt him in the past would never be able to do so again. Not if Madara had any say in that whatsoever.Ā 
An empty promise.Ā 
A stupid one too, since they barely knew each other and Madara really had no claim to make promises of this nature.Ā 
But he didn't fucking care.
Tobirama wasā€¦ he wasā€¦
He sighed.
Tobirama was smart. He could be surprisingly witty. He was endearingly sweet, but he argued with the same precision he wielded a sword when he was passionate about something, and this in no way diminished his charm. He was a mystery too, one Madara was curious about and wanted to unravel.
And he was beautiful.Ā 
Undeniably, achingly beautiful.
Of course beauty was a shallow thing to focus on and it didnā€™t matter all that much too in the grand scheme of things. Sure, being with someone beautiful was nice and it would be a lie if Madara said looks never played any part in his attraction to another person ā€“ they did ā€“ but they were hardly the be all, end all. Still, despite all that, Madara couldn't deny that for the last few days he had looked forward to waking up and that he had been spending entirely too much time each morning just looking at Tobirama as he slept.
Every day he was greeted by the same sight:Ā  the omega's adorably disgruntled face, his brows furrowed and his nose scrunched up as he slept and dreamt of who knew what. With all that lovely white hair framing his face, curls sticking out at odd angles no matter how much effort Madara had put into taming them the night before, he seemed to belong nowhere else but in Madara's den. With him, always.
Madara couldn't help but be embarrassed about all of it. His thoughts, his feelings, and especially his actions. By now he had spent what felt like hours far running his fingers through Tobiramaā€™s hair and tracing the lines of his face, marvelling at how a man with such lovely, soft features could strike fear and resentment in the hearts of so many people.Ā 
He knew that he felt wasn't love yet. And it wouldn't be love for a while. Yet there was no denying it either that falling in love with Tobirama would probably be as easy as breathing.
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binary-not-found Ā· 1 year
Episode 16 season 2 āœŒšŸ¼
And it's Monday again āœØ
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I want to mention how Kate is giving everything in her trying to explain what she wants to say, and Lucy is just standing there quietly making herself some tea.
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You know how sometimes I make gifs just because I like how the shot looks or how the camera was angled, well this is one of those times, I still have nothing to say.
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"You're smart, resourceful and you look fantastic in that suit."
Okay, maybe I'm overreacting or maybe someone else agrees with me, whatever remember this is all just my opinions, but it seemed to me a little bit like Lucy was trying to get Kate to stop talking about it already. It's nice of her to tell her that she's smart and that she looks fantastic, but that's nothing Kate doesn't know or that Lucy couldn't tell her on any other occasion, I'm aware that part of Kate wasn't really looking for advice, I feel like she just needed to talk about how she felt, but I still feel like Lucy's response could have -should have- been something else.
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Kate's little smile tells me that she was simply looking to be listened to rather than advised, but Lucy could have done both, I'm just saying šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
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They're babies in love who accept out loud needing each other, bye. I want someone to love me like that.
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Of course she can't sleep she has ten pillows, how is she going to be comfortable when she only has half the bed to sleep on?
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"Did I wake you?"
She was never asleep, they're decorative pillows Katherine! I'm sorry, I can't help but think they couldn't just throw all those cushions on the floor and sleep properly šŸ˜¶.
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One detail I noticed and want to mention is how Lucy immediately sits up to show that she is paying attention to whatever Kate wants to say, I must say that detail made my heart happy, it shows a lot of love and care and it's such a simple thing
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"I never got a B."
How brave of Lucy to assume that at some point Kate ever got anything less than an A+
But seriously, in this scene Lucy shows a little more support. What I can tell is that she was trying to say things as she understood them, from her point of view and not so much from Kate's point of view.
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I would like to say so much about this scene, but there is so little that I can put into actual words. Lucy was trying to be supportive without giving specific advice, perhaps out of fear that it would affect Kate or perhaps because she herself would not have known how to handle a similar situation on her own, the point here is that it is not until she sees with her own eyes what Kate is going through that she understands a little more why it is that she is so frustrated, and that is when the words of encouragement run out.
Kate is frustrated and it is directly affecting her mood on and off the job, and I feel like it was bringing even more frustration to my poor blonde baby.
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"Stop second guessing your instincts Kate, that's not like you."
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"Yeah, yeah, I'm a badass."
Well yes you are Katherine, in the end what Kate needed (besides Jane's advice) was to be told that she should trust herself and do it, Lucy knew how Kate felt just from listening to her tone of voice, and this time she knew exactly what to say to motivate her to do what Kate already knew was the right thing to do.
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I don't know how else to interpret Lucy's expression than as concern but knowing that Kate can handle anything put in front of her, she knows Kate is capable of doing things, but she worries that she doesn't trust herself enough. That's why I was telling you in the first scene that it's strange that she only tells Kate "you got this" when there are so many other ways she could have shown a little more support.
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And of course I couldn't leave out Lucy climbing the bed like it was a mountain, there she really needs a stool to climb šŸ¤­.
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"You're easy to put up with"
And here I am again with things Lucy said that she could have said in a more sweet or cute way and shown exactly the same feeling. She could have said that Kate isn't something/someone she has to put up with, or that it's not a bother to help her, maybe something like "it's not putting up with, I do it with love" or even something simple like "it's my pleasure" I know it has a lot to do with the writer of the episode and that it's hard, but a couple of different words weren't going to take away from the sentiment of the scene, they might have even given it more.
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In Kate's eyes, Lucy is the one who makes it possible for the world to spin and the sun to rise every morning, and I honestly don't blame her, I'd look at her that way too šŸ„ŗ.
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Okay, listen to me!
If you were about to get some and your partner gets a call, I don't care who it is! you take that phone and throw it in the ocean! And they give you what they were going to give you! i'm disappointed in them, in Kate for answering and Lucy for going to sleep so easy!
That's it for this review, I literally did it in one day so I hope you like it, I'll try to schedule myself better for the next one, I hope you like it and sorry if there is any mistake, I love you šŸ’–.
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dilfyjilfy Ā· 2 years
I wanna read a Dr.Doolittle-esque AU fic for Jiang Cheng.
-He has been able to talk to/understand animals since he was a child (which made his dogs being sent away all that more heart breaking; they were his best friends), and whenever he would mention it to a family member, they would either ignore it or consider it a childhood delusion, so as he got older, he just stopped telling people about his gift. That doesn't mean that he stopped talking to the animals, though.
-Jin Ling grows up thinking that his Jiujiu is a bit mentally ill (well, more than he actually is) because of the highly in-depth yet seemingly one-sided conversations he will often have with Fairy (and other random animals he meets), until Jiang Cheng confronts Jin Ling about some fears he has, that he has only ever revealed to Fairy. Though Jin Ling winds up glad that he was able to talk about things with his Jiujiu, it leaves him thinking "maybe those conversations with Fairy weren't as one-sided as I thoughtšŸ˜°"
-One day when Jiang Cheng is visiting the CR for sect business, he wanders into the bunny field and discovers Wangji fussing over one of the rabbits, worried because he hasn't been eating the food he's been providing. Jiang Cheng walks up to Wangji and says "he hasn't been eating the lettuce because recently it's been giving him gas, and the carrots from the east field are too bitter for his tastes. He'd much prefer the ones that grow in the west field, they're the sweetest". When Wangji does what JC suggests, the rabbit starts eating again just fine, and Wangji is just like 'WTFšŸ˜¶'
-Sometimes when Huaisang shares gossip with JC, Wanyin will say "I know, I heard". When Huaisang asks JC who he heard such hot, exclusive gossip from, he'll give him a small smile and respond with 'A little birdie told me'. After Huaisang walks in on Jiang Cheng giggling and whispering with one of his birds, he starts to believe that Jiang Cheng wasn't just being mysterious
-The only person to ever immediately, wholeheartedly believe Jiang Cheng when he revealed that he could talk to animals is Wei Wuxian. He remembers how Jiang Cheng would always protect him from dogs when they were growing up, but also offer advice for whenever he might encounter a neighborhood dog when he's alone. "You don't have to be scared of the dog that lives by the market, the only reason he even runs after you when he sees you is because he says you seem like fun. He thinks you're inviting him to play chase. Plus, 9/10 you have food in your pocket, and he's always down for a treat. The dog that lives by the docks though? He's an asshole. He said the fear on your face whenever you catch sight of him brings him joy, but he's still no real threat. He's lazy, and gets tired of chasing people after 2 blocks, so as long as you sprint by, you should be fine"
-After Wei Wuxian is bought back to life, it is him who reveals to everyone Jiang Cheng's gift.
-Jin Ling: I know this sounds crazy, but sometimes, I think Jiujiu can talk, like actually talk, to animalsšŸ˜°
Wei Wuxian: OH yeah, he can, has been able to since we were kids. That's why I keep him away from Little Apple, cause I'm pretty sure Little Apple has a big mouth and no loyalty to me. Who knows what embarrassing things she'd revealšŸ˜
Jin Ling: WhAt?!?! And also..eww
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netherfeildren Ā· 23 days
Hello Vic šŸ’™
So after months of being a silent lurker Iā€™ve now made it my mission to spread some of my love and appreciation to all my favorite writers (which you are one of, clearly<3) for the work u put in creating stories that make me very happy.šŸ˜Š
I really wish I could tell you what story brought me here, but I cannot remember it, though I can tell you everything you have written is a freaking masterpiece. šŸ„¹šŸ«¶šŸ»
I hope the next part comes across in the way that I wanted it to come across šŸ‘€
Your way of writing is something else, itā€™s art, itā€™s something that I hope one day I will get even one percent close to being able to do myself, like I hope my writing someday will be somewhat as good as yours. šŸ˜ššŸ™ŒšŸ»
Honestly, truly, I really loved all of your stories, but thereā€™s an honorable mention I want to makeā€¦.when u wrote Joelā€™s death as a writing exercise for Fear of God you made me cry so hard, Joelā€™s death in general makes me emotional and after losing someone myself in a traumatic way it hit even harder. Those feelings of grief and loss were portrayed so beautifully you left me as a pathetic crying puddle šŸ« 
I promise you one day when I worked through all the other stories I want to also read again I will read your works and give you my thoughts, thatā€™s the other mission I have which is a lot harder because there are so many stories so many but itā€™s worth it putting in the time because they are all so, great šŸ‘šŸ»
Iā€™m also keeping my eye out for ā€œFable of the dogā€ I literally just read the first chapter and it looks like another masterpiece ahhhhhh šŸ¤­šŸ«Ø
I also want you to know that you should absolutely never feel pressured or forced to get chapters out at a rapid speed because youā€™re a person, not a machine and I truly think that itā€™s easy to forget that. Especially now that Iā€™ve started writing something myself I feel like I can relate a little bit more to writers and the pressure šŸ˜¶
Well I hope you have a great day and take care of yourself Vic šŸ’™
thank you so much for this youā€™re extremely extremely lovely šŸ’—šŸ’— I feel like as in any fandom this one has its strifes but there really are such cool and talented people in this community and so much great writing and wonderful art to enjoy weā€™re really so lucky
Iā€™m so glad youā€™re enjoying fable and Iā€™m soso keen to get the next one out soon!
hope youā€™re having a fab Thursday (my favorite day of the week) and have a good weekend šŸ«¶šŸ»
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marshmallowprotection Ā· 1 year
Hypothetically, how would Unknown react to me chomping on his collarbone? Like, a really light and respectful chomp, not even enough for it to sting or leave any marks. Bonus points if I tell him that he's really boney and should eat more sustainably.
Okay look, his collarbone is like completely exposed and some part of me is completely fearless I guess šŸ˜¶
Unknown isn't one to appreciate people in his personal space like that for any reason. The only reason you even get to be within the same breathing distance as him is that you're stuck in that room with him as his assistant. Nobody else is within spitting distance of him. Youā€™re here because you didnā€™t know how to listen and damn, did he ever think he could rip that streak out of you if he tried hard to bite back.
You should count yourself lucky in that because nobody gets to be that close to someone like him. He is going to be the one who delivers salvation to paradise at the speed of light and you get to witness that firsthand. So, why... you're the kind of person that wants to get in the way of his work? You're supposed to be working for him, not working against him. It's tedious on the good days and it's exhausting on the bad days.
It's obvious that if you get in his corner, he is going to make you pay for it greatly when he has the time to focus on you completely. So, with that in mind, are you going to go against him knowing that you'll have to pay for it with some form of repercussions in the future? Thereā€™s always some kind of stipulation, setback, or punishment. Of course, that hasn't stopped you before and it's not going to stop you now, is it?
So, set the stage, heā€™s decided youā€™re useful as a blanket. The room is chilly and the weight of your body pressed against his isnā€™t so bad. You know he does this to you because he needs to feel something... itā€™s not about terrifying you with the world of digits and numbers. You couldnā€™t be scared of something that you hadnā€™t a clue about. He could preach up and down all day about fear and control, but it was never going to scare you the way he wanted.
When he does this, he hardly talks to you unless he has a point to make. It can be exhausting and isolating to listen to him that way. The only sound in that room for as long as you can take it, is the sound of humming and breathing.
There's nothing else going on in that room. Itā€™s always like that. He says nothing and you say nothing. Thatā€™s it. If it weren't for the fact that you had something to focus on, I.E. the feeling of his weak body warmth,Ā  it would feel as though you were alone.Ā Sometimes you can't help but wonder if that's the way he feels. it doesn't matter where he is, and it doesn't matter who's with him, it still feels like he's always going to be alone.Ā 
Thatā€™s... sad, wouldnā€™t you say?
Well, the best cure to that is to take your mind off of it. Being so close to him like this mean you get to eye him from a place nobody does. You see his long lashes flutter when his brows further, or the way his lips tuck underneath his top row of teeth when heā€™s mad, or the small swell in his throat when he swallows now and again. His chest rises as he breathes, and you canā€™t help it. You stare at his soft skin... his throat... his shoulders and exposed chest. For someone as scrawny and lost as him, his features do stand out when youā€™ve got nowhere else to look.
What else would you do at that moment but dip your head lower to nip at his collarbone? Was there really any other option at that moment? It was like an impulsive urge that you couldn't control. You wanted his attention and you knew that this was one way to make sure that it happened.Ā It should be no surprise to you that he reacts quicker than lightning. His body is extra sensitive for whatever reason and he knows when there's something amiss.
Be it from demons you know nothing about or the past that he refuses to tell you, he knows when somebody makes a subtle movement. Unknown is quick to grab the back of your head and pull you away from him so he can look you in the eye. At this point, you're not scared of him. You know that there are things he can do but none of them terrify you now. There are punishments and blame games but really, those are nothing in the grand scheme of things. If all you get is a tongue lashing, you could care less.
He sneers, his narrowed eyes unsure of your intent.
ā€œYou know, youā€™re all skin and bones, boss. You should do something about that. If youā€™d let me make you a half-decent meal instead of using me like a weighted blanket, maybe I wouldnā€™t need to take drastic measures to get your attention,ā€ you said.
ā€œI can do something about your mouth,ā€ he retorted. His hands didnā€™t leave your hair, though. He gripped it tighter and watched you wince. ā€œYou know, you're the only person that has the gall to bite me. I got to give you credit for one thing, you really don't have any will to live, assistant.ā€
ā€œMy will is yours,ā€ you replied, though the bite and cheek to your tone was clearly apparent.
Unknown leaned in closer, his hot breath rolled down your cheek as his mind seemed to wander, and that made your stomach flop. ā€œOh, really? If that's the case, I bet you won't mind if I bite back, then.ā€
Unfortunately for him, that was exactly what you wanted.Ā It was fun and games with him until he decided to turn the table like that. Better then nothing. That had been your best attempt yet.Ā  You weren't going to complain. Distracting him from his work meant that he wasn't going to exhaust himself.Ā If all it took was a little teeth, you weren't going to be holding back anymore.Ā 
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doodle17 Ā· 1 year
šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ, šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø, šŸ§ø, šŸ‘», šŸŽ¶, šŸ‘½, šŸ’¤, šŸ¦¾, šŸ’, šŸ«‚, šŸ’”, šŸŖ¢, šŸ““, šŸ‘—, šŸ”Ŗ, šŸŒŸ, šŸ„‡, šŸ«, šŸŽ­, ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„, šŸ’„, šŸ–•, šŸ˜ŗ, šŸ˜¬, šŸ˜­, šŸ˜¶, Pooter
LOOOONG ass post below, lots of reading. I have like- 2 more of these for other characters in my drafts rn. Yall gonna be reading a shit ton šŸ˜­
Your welcome/I'm so sorry
I think Raz is Bisexual
I think Raz is Cis Male (I should probably tell yall now that, unless canonically stated otherwise, I usually consider characters being Cis)
Raz was a wild child! He was always running around and getting into things he wasn't supposed to.
I think after getting over his fear of Hydrophobia, he'd probably be afraid of thinhs in water. I think he'd be a submechaniphobic or something like that. Can't say I blame him. *shudders*
I think he'd like rock songs similar to "be my girl" by the Jets or "You're gonna go far kid" by Offspring. I also think he likes songs like "Groove is in the Heart" by Dee-lite or "September" by Earth Wind and Fire (courtesy of Milla)
He opens bottles with his teeth. He was surprised to find out not everyone did, and how people freaked out and asked his his teeth were okay.
Sleep walks if he has caffeine before bed. (I've shared this one a lot but I just love it ok it's one of my fav hc)
Hmmm.... I don't think I have any disability hc for ol Razzle
I think Raz's love language is being openly, in use of a better word, honest. Like- once he's warmed up to someone he will say anything that's on his mind about them.
pretty loyal buddy! He'll stay up late with you, play video games with you, he'll sit patiently and listen to you ramble about your interests, listening happily.
Not sure if this is really angsty, but, he was pretty prone to nightmares a few days after the whole Maligula incident. He had to be comforted by his mom and sister for a while.
HUGE smugglers. All of them. Raz is not left out of the snuggle piles.
Idk if this counts as a hobby, but he likes making his own comics! He's usually scribbling in a notebook with pens and crayons.
I think the clothes Sasha gives him in 2 are the same clothes he ran away in. Why else would he have clothes small enough to fit a young boy? They shrunk in the washer? We all know Sasha is to smart to make a mistake like that.
WILL fight ANYONE. Always ready to throw hands, whether that be for a dare, to defend one of his friends, or just for fun.
Wants be grown up already! He can't wait until he's an adult and be able to go even "cooler" missions! (Little does he know it's a lot more paperwork than spy stuff)
Acrobatics, Hydrokenisis, especially making those two work together.
This kid has a stomach of IRON. He can eat ANYTHING. Not that he likes everything he eats, but he can definitely eat it.
He lies about his authority/ what he's allowed to do quite often. "Oh yeah! They let me do this all the time!" "Of COURSE they gave me permission to do this!"
(This is more for my older ver of Raz) He LOVES resting his head on Lilis chest like pillow, and vice versa. He loves it when they're just resting there, and she's reading stuff from old comics, newspapers or paperwork, making fun of it or commentary. He likes the way her voice sounds, how warm she is, hearing her calming heartbeat... when she lays on his chest, she likes it because "its f*cking cold"
His hair is actually (kind of) curly! But he uses Dions hair gel or a hair straightener.
He WILL let you know he is mad. Trust me.
Hes definitely been a lot softer on animals than he used to be. I believe it's because he befriended Harold.
idrk, I have stories I made up of stuff but Idk if they count as Hcs exactly lol
Not exactly the worst thing, but, when he and Lili stopped dating for like- 7 years and they barely interacted the whole time.
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toournextadventure Ā· 1 year
*clears throat* fear me! If you dare >:)
You should be shivering your timbers. We hold grudges like crazy. My sisterā€™s boyfriend fears me whenever he fucks up. She called me crying once and the moment I showed up at their apartment his face paled. It was wonderful :)
It was hella out of pocket! I was just sitting there for a minute after reading that line like šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø. I was so shook. It took me a hot minute to collect myself. Cause hot damn did that sting.
Y'all have no mercy, I've seen my brother's gf rip him a new one in spanish while he and I are standing there looking at each other like šŸ‘€šŸ˜¶ and we didn't know what she was saying but we knew it was bad. Needless to say, I did NOT help dig him out of that grave šŸ˜Œ
Yeah no, it hurt while I wrote it too and I almost didn't keep it but then I was like "... no. If I had to read it, so do y'all" so... here we are šŸ˜Œ
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growingingreenwood Ā· 2 years
I'm sorry if there's too many asks, all of them are soo funny I can't be silentšŸ˜¶šŸ˜…
4, 16, 27 for šŸ’˜FerdanšŸ’˜
2, 20, 43 for šŸ’–EloissašŸ’–
60, 66/67, 95 for both of themšŸ˜™
Hahah no its okay, I appreciate the enthusiasm
Eloissa -Ā 
#2 - What is their voice like?Ā 
Eloissa usually sounds very ā€˜matter-of-factā€™ or sarcastic about everything and it's extremely hard for most people to tell when she's joking around or not. Her voice is also a bit flatter than most, with not many inflections and pitch changes in her tones. Not in an unpleasant and monotone way but more so in a carefully controlled type of way. Its not that Eloissa herself has no emotions or enthusiasm, it's just that she hides it from most people because it's easier for her that way.
#20 - What are her fears?Ā 
One of her all time biggest fears is her being misunderstood or her actions being misconstrued by those she cares about the most, partially because she's convinced if that were to happen that she isnā€™t good enough with words and persuasion to ever change their minds.Ā 
Her other huge fear is to be ā€˜left behindā€™ or be excluded by her loved oneā€™s, which feeds off of her fear of being misunderstood. Its a vicious circle.Ā 
#43 - Why Might Someone Dislike Them?Ā 
To be honest, thereā€™s probably a lot of reasons why people might dislike her. Sheā€™s hard to get to know, not very conversational, sheā€™s got some very strict ideas of how things should go and isnā€™t afraid to correct you if she feels you're doing something wrong. Sheā€™s kinda bossy and appears to be disinterested or ā€˜aboveā€™ most of the world around her.Ā 
#60 - What is something they are sure to laugh at?Ā 
There's a few funny stories that make her laugh no matter how many times she hears them, but she also usually laughs when something unexpected happens.Ā 
#66 - How do they feel about sex?Ā 
Eloissa is a pretty sex positive individual, and is the most likely one to initiate things between her and her partner because she likes the closeness it creates between them. As a person who often feels they cant express themselves well, and especially not their emotions, Eloissa views having sex or other intimate relations as an opportunity to show her love and affection in a more ā€˜concreteā€™ type of way that she canā€™t mess up.Ā 
#67 - What is their sexuality?Ā 
#95 - What is something that is sure to make them sad or depressed?Ā 
People not responding to her actions (especially if they were carefully planned out) the way that she anticipated them to. Eloissaā€™s main love language is acts of service, and so when her gestures donā€™t seem to have the desired effects it makes her sad.Ā 
#4 - What is their most embarrassing memory?Ā 
Ferdanā€™s most embarrassing memory is probably the first time that he got into real trouble after coming to live with Thranduil, because it was the first time that he cried in a public place. Like full on Ugly Cried. In the ten minute time span it took for them to get caught, send word to Oropher, and wait for him to come and collect his little criminals Ferdan had basically convinced himself that he was about to get thrown out of his new ā€˜family.ā€™Ā 
By the time Oropher got there, Ferdan was practically hysterical and nearly begging for forgiveness.Ā 
#16 - What are they like after theyā€™ve gotten too little sleep?Ā 
When Ferdan doesnā€™t get enough sleep heā€™s basically a shell of a person. He only speaks when asked a direct question that cannot be answered with facial expressions or gestures, and sometimes not even then. Heā€™s just a bump on a log.Ā 
#27 - Hair Color?Ā 
#60 - What is something theyā€™re sure to laugh at?Ā 
To be honest other people getting hurt (not like in an attack or something, but like tripping or falling or running into something, ect) will ALWAYS make him laugh.Ā 
#66/67 - What is their sexuality/how do they feel about sex?
Ferdan is Aromantic and Asexual, and so sex really isnā€™t appealing to him in the slightest.Ā 
#95 - What kind of things make them sad/depressed?Ā 
Any kind of situation that makes him feel helpless or like thereā€™s only one solution to something whether he likes the solution or not.Ā 
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boyfhee Ā· 6 days
hmm, jay fic?? write it and you shall submit. i will be waiting for it, hehe. even i want to start a writing account for enha but i dont know what to post first T_T i have a text au and a headcanon, tell me which one should i post first :0
hope your bro does well in his 10th āœŒšŸ¼ tell him to not waste these next months, but hasnt the difficulty level for 10th graders decreased too?? i hate this education system. for us, 70% of syllabus was removed and people say you guys didn't write the exams šŸ˜­
hanuman chalisa haha, even if i have god by my side. i would be scared too. lmao how can a jaw chase her... noo that is so funny šŸ˜‚ i mean i cant handle the smell of rotten food and what would i or you do with cadaver šŸ„² i dont know. i regret everyday that why i havent chosen bipc šŸ˜”
i know apathorax from arjun reddy movie šŸ˜¶ is it what it is?? help i dont even remember. isnt it beside the chest of a human?? the flesh part?? tell me tell me. well i havent been interested into coding but i need to start to learn how to code.
since you said you have coded, tell me the basic coding languages i need to know + how your teachers taught you caelin! i badly want tips to learn. like i have so many reels saved on my ig about coding + tips
same pinch, but i have been stanning them since on era and i think i was a hardcore fan until they dropped butter. i lost interest because same, their music started to change and started concentrating on the west. soo, i used to love the old bts caelin :(
hell no!!! when i used to watch yuzuru hanyu skating videos, i got into figure skating and then random videos used to pop up, even i used to know sunghoon before he debuted šŸ„² i didnt watch like all of his performances but watched the best ones in his career ^^ he grew up so well.
yup!!! when fever was dropped, engenes knew it was a banger. damn it everyone on twitter asked whose song was this and engenes were like, huhu its enhypen \(^_^)/ hooray hahga. even i agree with you fever was and is the best bside i have ever heard from them.
this already long so i will continue in the next ask :3
ā€” lover club anon <33
jay fic was posted, i hope it reached you well ^^ also, good luck with starting a writing account omg .. you can start with texts since they are a quick read and attract more audience !!! however, headcanons aren't bad either ... it really is your choice :O
i will tell him to do well in 10th, although he wastes all his time playing valo / forza horizon TT i don't know how easy or difficult the school exams have gotten, i've been so out of the loop ever since i graduated >< hope your sister does well too in boards ^_^
and omg bipc is fun but i'm sure pcm is just as interesting :O you have a fear of blood and needles so maybe you weren't meant for the OT but rather for doing other big things in like ... let's be positive !!! also, i think you mean apothorax ?? it's part of thorax containing heart and lungs ^^ i was studying about mediastinum today .. it's too much to take in. there's so much information and so little space in my brain .. sometimes i wonder if i will be able to remember all the things _ _;
also, i studied coding in highschool so i don't know how helpful my tips will be for college since you're definitely going to learn much much more there :O i think html css is basic and important ( for example, tumblr's who website theme and post format is based on html css ) javascript, python are important too since they're in demand. i'm afraid we didn't learn a lot in school except what was in theory .. didn't have many lab sessions and the most we did was python and html css since that was the main focus ( i hate python like whatever the hell that is ... )
i also started with hanyu !!! and then came across cha junhwan, yuna kim, ilia malinin and all though the international tournaments and all. i remember being so interested in fs, i watched the 4cc tournaments during classes TT i actually came across sunghoon through junhwan, watched his videos and then moved on like .. i didn't see him at the competitions so i thought he quit :O never looked him up for me to know he was a trainee / idol
AND YEAH fever is truly the queen, i can never get tired of it. border : carnival in itself is an amazing album. what's your fav album of them so far? fav b-side and title tracks? i need to know ><
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queerlyhalloween Ā· 8 months
Omg I've also had to explain the whole "you know the smiler is probably the safest rollercoaster in the world right now??" thing and people just do not get it.
Like "ya but they lost a leg so the ride isn't safe" ok but the ride literally did what it was supposed to do and stopped safely. It was overridden because of human error and that could happen anywhere, and is actually more likely at other parks right now because alton towers are gonna make damn sure it doesn't happen there again while some operators at other parks will go "couldn't happen to us bc we're smarter than that" and get complacent.
"ya but no leg??? So smiler is bad"
But then those same people didn't think twice about fairground rides? And like I love fairgrounds rides but uh I have had to stop the ops from starting the ride because they forgot to put my restraint down before so šŸ˜¶
(also shout out to Adam from college that approved of going 140mph on the motorway without a seatbelt but said that anyone who went on the smiler obviously didn't care for their own safety)
(hope ur ok w this message i just get very autistic about theme parks and I wanted to let u know I've been there too. Also I agree oblivion is 100% in a different category and I'd never consider someone less of a fan of amusement rides for not liking blivvy bc fuck oblivion is something else)
Yooooooooo! Yah I am also super autistic about theme parks DW you're always welcome to talk to me about rides, sorry for late reply been working a lot (bleh)
Mmm, much like with Chernobyl "human error" is used as a milquetoast way to say "overtired workers", and should be considered as case studies in why workers rights are important for EVERYONE.
I remember at the time the hospital had said to the news they might have to amputate both legs and the lass played hell because she'd just spent like Ā£600 on a tattoo sleeve for her other leg and she was like "I s2g, you DO NOT amputate THIS leg, I JUST had it done!" More annoyed about the prospect of losing those tattoos than the other leg, understandable lol, so the doctors were like "fair enough" and only had to amputate the one
Yeah, I've been to Alton Towers maybe 4 or 5 times as a teen, when my parents moved to England we were only like an hour's drive from Alton so it used to be the "if you fukcing behave we will take you to go on rollercoasters at the end of the year" school trip. I had just about left secondary school by the time they built the smiler though so missed out on that one :( Haven't had the chance to go back yet! (Nemesis holds a special place in my heart, love the coaster, love the blood waterfall) I went to go on Oblivion once to tackle my fear... and then after 20 mins in the queue the ride broke down and I took that as a sign from a higher power lmao
ALSO I was so sad when they got rid of the log flume! It had such good theming! ...Although I understand why. I've probably been to Drayton Manor more than any other theme park and I always hated that bloody boat ride. DEFINITELY needed bars rather than just relying on G-force...
Ohhhh fairground rides really are a different beast! I have gotten actual whiplash on the waltzers before because I'm tall enough now that i can't rest my head against the back unless I slump down in my seat
Had a similar experience with a restraint except I was on some graviton style thingy with carts that spin around a wheel sideways (upright into the air), and while the bar WAS lowered, they seated me (kid, maybe 11 or 12, malnourished as shit so my body-type's probably closer to that of an 8 or 9 yr old) next to a pretty giant dude. So the bar got lowered and its a full foot away from my chest and I just sort of have to lock my limbs against all the surfaces and wrap my legs around the bar like a fucking spider. LEGIT thought i was gonna die on that one.
But you want the epitome of fairground unsafe thrills meets actual rollercoaster speed? Go Blackpool Pleasure Beach! I fucking LOOOOVE Pleasure Beach, there are rides there that were built in the Victorian era, it's got my favourite rollercoaster -a wooden rollercoaster called The Grand National- and it's also got some beastly things
There's this... carousel? It's not exactly a carousel because it's in it's own dedicated room and goes REALLY FUCKING FAST, on the outer lane (there's like 6 lanes of horses!) it's legitimately terrifying, whole things built around an old organ that plays as the ride turns and it lasts AGES, you just have to cling to your horse and hope you dont eat shit on account of the speed
There's also the Steeplechase (idk why they're all horse themed...) this one is more carousel horses except THESE run on tracks, you've got a belt around your waste and their are motorbike style handles sticking out of the horse's head so it's a BIT more secure but if you let go and fell to the side (as is your want i suppose...) you would just be being dragged around by your waist. Now... The "charm" with this one is that as a small child it was quite thrilling, then I took my little brother when I was, oh i dunno 20 maybe?, and WHEN you're an adult, cresting those little jumps (again, horse themed) at maybe 40MPH means you get airtime. Which means you're flung a good foot off the horse for a few seconds and when you reach the BOTTOM of the hill you're gonna come crashing cunt first onto the PORCALINE horse. Which is considerably harder and sharper than an actual horse.
And you stumble off the ride like a cowboy and the attendant laughs at you with a knowingness that tells you he likes this part of his job. A lot.
140MPH?! Do you mean Kilometers?! Otherwise I think Adam's trying to meet the devil lmao
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hard-core-super-star Ā· 8 months
I can't believe it lmfao. now I see it, the narcissism talk wasn't about spider-man... it was about you...! šŸ˜¬ the authors you put on that list also saved me damn. I guess that way no one could read your poker face- this is very impressive, but I'm almost sure it's on the ā€œit's not as funny as it seemsā€ list. you seem full of yourself šŸ¤Ø
WHAT was that?? lmao, did you just let that slide? well, I won't go against your wishes then.
on my honor??? thank you šŸ„¹šŸ„¹ and I'm sorry kahskskak it was automatic!! don't be shy and drop the link to the image of the shirt so I can get an idea of ā€‹ā€‹how cool it is. waiting for the next day for this to happen? I won't even change my mind, so I'm fine.
I'm totally sorry for reminding you of that and I apologize to the jury too, this won't happen again! I guess... YEAH, I actually missed that part šŸ˜­ but I mean, just for the ā€œdarling starā€ it was worth it..... I'm very tempted to stop finishing sentences. If I told you that I have some conservative thoughts as an example now I would be lying- not always, but yeah-
I'm actually right. šŸ—£ļø
yes ma'am. I'm stopping right now. Is this a cry for help? blink twice if you need help and need a good night's sleep. now I'm lost on what I should watch, because there's batwoman, legends of tomorrow and ocean 8, not to mention the two series I'm already watching. well kahsjkakakskm since it's just the text I think it will be cool. YEAH, AND NOW WHERE'S MY THIRD STAR? I'm won't, I just want my little star šŸ˜” once again, thank you for the vote of confidence.
ā€“ šŸŒŸ
asdghjdskhglds stop- you're not wrong lmao and i'm a little ashamed about it šŸ˜” i have such a strong appreciation for all those authors so i'm glad they're getting the love they deserve. not that they need me for that but you know what i mean. honestly, my poker face is awful 'cause i have a tendency to smile a lot when i'm not supposed to be smiling lmao. i would agree but i fear that list might already be too long so we can't add another thing to it. what??? not at all. it's not like i've gained some confidence because you keep encouraging me or anything šŸ˜¶
what was what? a very important question that you ignored? yeah, i did. you're not the only one getting soft around here.
yeah, it felt fitting since you kept encouraging me to talk about the 19 stuff. i accept your apology and i'll drop the link right here, just for you. and i thought i was stubborn šŸ‘€
hmmm, i can't tell how genuine this apology is so i guess it's up to the jury to decide. aw, understandable then, but try not to miss important parts like that because then i feel bad. as long as it was worth it, i guess i'll just have to keep using it...unless it's going to make you stop finishing sentences in which case i take it back. lmao, we'll have to keep that conversation on the back burner for another time then.
i might have to agree with you this time...maybe...
you- i- i have a lot of thoughts, i'll just leave it at thank you...little star sdghjldas you can't ask that about every other message i send lmao. i certainly need a good night's sleep though so i'll blink once šŸ˜šŸ˜‘šŸ˜ i would help you decide but i can't decide between all of those. maybe ocean's 8 'cause it's a relatively easy-to-swallow movie. batwoman is on the heavier side and legends of tomorrow is just...a lot lmao. i'm holding onto it until you prove you're worthy of it. and hey, you're the little star here, not the stars i give you. don't go changing the nicknames on me now.
0 notes
urnsfw-twice Ā· 1 year
So I should wear something nice for you and have a collar hm? I can do that~ šŸ˜¶
M, N, P, Q, S
- @hwangroyaltycb Yeji
NY. if you do that i canā€™t guarantee your ability to walk the next day šŸ˜Œ save the collar for one from me though, shouldnā€™t i be the one getting you a collar since youā€™re mine ?
ā€œMasturbation. Do they engage in itĀ ?Ā  Together or aloneĀ ?Ā  Do they enjoy watching their partner masturbatingĀ ?Ā  Do they use any toys, or just their handsĀ ?ā€
ADMIN. nayeon used to have a sex drive on the lower end of the spectrum, sheā€™d masturbate just to, for example, let off some steam after a long day at work. but things have changed ever since she met yeji, and now she finds herself needing to take care of herself a lot more often. while sheā€™s fine with using just her hands, if she has her nails done, she loves using an egg vibrator to stimulate her clit too. they havenā€™t done it together but she would definitely not turn down a chance at mutual masturbation with yeji, touching herself as she watches her girlfriend touch herself and instructs her on what to do
ā€œNudes. Do they send them to each otherĀ ?Ā Ā Do they save them on their phonesĀ ?Ā  Do they keep them to themselves, or do they show them to their friendsĀ ?Ā Ā Have they ever sent one to a wrong number ?ā€
ADMIN. they donā€™t yet, but nayeon would also not oppose to exchanging nudes with yeji if the princess is comfortable with it. for security reasons, nayeon may even get a separate phone and phone number just to send nudes to and receive them from yeji, especially if her girlfriend ever voices out any concerns about them getting hacked or something similar. sheā€™d definitely save the pictures for . . . future uses, but only after getting explicit permission from yeji. of course miss im ā€œpossessiveā€ nayeon would only keep them to herself, yeji is hers and only hers and she doesnā€™t intend to share with anyone else ever, even if itā€™s just pictures
ā€œPublic.Ā Have they ever done it in publicĀ ?Ā  Were they caughtĀ ?Ā  Do they have a favourite public place to do itĀ ?ā€
ADMIN. theyā€™ve never done anything in public, mainly due to their statuses and the insanely high risk of getting caught. but nayeon canā€™t deny that itā€™s a fantasy of hers, secretly fucking her girlfriend in a public setting, forcing yeji to keep quiet and/or act natural so they donā€™t get caught. if they ever decide to do it, it would most probably only be at nayeonā€™s house with the girls in the same room or something, like fingering under the blanket during movie night
ā€œQuestions. Is there anything theyā€™d like to ask their partner, but never had the courage toĀ ?Ā  Any questions theyā€™d rather avoidĀ ?Ā Ā Do they discuss everything as a couple, or are there any taboo themesĀ ?ā€
ADMIN. i donā€™t think thereā€™s anything that nayeon wouldnā€™t be able to ask or answer for yeji. communication is very important to her regardless if itā€™s in a sexual or non-sexual context. she tries her best to be completely open with her girlfriend, or at least as much as yeji is comfortable with
ā€œSpanking. Is this one of their kinksĀ ?Ā Ā If yes, whoā€™s the spanker and whoā€™s the spankeeĀ ?Ā  Any favourite positionsĀ ?Ā  Do they use just the hand or any other spanking implementsĀ Ā ( like the paddle, belt, whip, hairbrush, etcā€¦Ā ) ?ā€
ADMIN. nayeon would be open to spanking yeji, but itā€™s another thing sheā€™s hesitant to explore out of fear of hurting her girlfriend too much. sheā€™d thoroughly discuss it with yeji if she ever decides to bring up the idea to try it, making sure that yeji would even be into a little bit of pain first and foremost. sheā€™d be into spanking yejiā€™s ass since she likes the idea of leaving her hand print there, and also spanking her directly on her pussy because she can already imagine how hot that would be. if this becomes a regular kink for them, nayeon would most likely only ever use her hand, in fear that using anything else would be too much
ask game
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thebisexualdogdad Ā· 2 years
How about Moon x Scary, big male reader!! (but heā€™s actually a big puppy dog). So like everyone is afraid of him and he also doesnā€™t talk much. Whenever he walks down the street people turn the other way, he accidentally makes kids cry, there is even a rumor that he killed someone! (Which he didnā€™t) etc, but he doesnā€™t mean to scare people, he feels awful about it! Could you write how they get together and how Moon felt before they got together, sfw and nsfw?
Sorry this is so long šŸ˜¶
Moon x Male!reader
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ā— you were always bigger than the other kids
ā— you were already a good foot taller than your peers by middle schoolĀ 
ā— which made most people very intimidated by you, even adults were scared of you
ā— Moon was always super nice to you though
ā— she was one of the few people who didn't listen to any rumors that you were this big scary guy who would beat the shit of someone for no reasonĀ 
ā— Yasmine "I heard he put a guy in the hospital over the summer"Ā 
ā— Moon "what are you talking about? I was his lab partner in bio and he didn't even want to dissect the frog"Ā 
ā— she always stood up for you no matter what people saidĀ 
ā— you went to a party at the beach and you and Moon kept glancing at each otherĀ 
ā— you thought she had the most beautiful smileĀ 
ā— you weren't paying attention and some freshman bumped into you and you dropped your drink
ā— they immediately started freaking out "oh shit I'm so sorry Y/N I didn't mean to, please don't hurt me"Ā 
ā— "I- I don't want to hurt you" you tried to say but they ran off in fear before you couldĀ 
ā— Moon saw the whole thing and went to talk to you
ā— "you okay Y/N?"
ā— "yeah I'm fineā€¦"Ā 
ā— she notices how sad you are and asks you to dance with herĀ 
ļæ½ļæ½ "I don't really danceā€¦ I'm kind of clumsy"Ā 
ā— "that's okay, I'll show you some moves"Ā 
ā— everyone is staring at you guys dancing but Moon doesn't careĀ 
ā— she brings you down to kiss her and it's the best night of you life
ā— the next day at school everyone is talking about you and MoonĀ 
ā— and some kids spread rumors that you hooked up after the party and only used her for sexĀ 
ā— Moon was quick to shut down all that shit
ā— "even if we did hook up Y/N isn't like that and maybe you guys should actually get to know him before making assumptions about him"Ā 
ā— in study hall you sit next to MoonĀ 
ā— "thanks for all the nice things you've said about meā€¦ people just want to see me the way they want to see me I guess"Ā 
ā— "well I don't care what people say, I know the real you and I know you're super sweet and caring and I had a lot of fun with you last night"
ā— "do you maybe want to go out on a date with me?"Ā 
ā— "I would really love that"
ā— Moon learns that you are a secret romanticĀ 
ā— and you totally spoil herĀ 
ā— later on in your relationship when you actually did have sex you were so gentle and attentive to her needsĀ 
ā— of course people still had their misconceptions about you but you had Moon and nothing they could say would get under your skin anymore because all that mattered was what she thought of you
ā— and she thought the world of you
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Petal pt 3 - Taehyung Mafia/Soulmate au Drabble
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Part three of me beating my brain to write something. Side note: does anyone want to see Namjoonā€™s and Jinā€™s stories in this universe because I may or may not have ideas šŸ˜¶
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Taehyung thinks of what he couldā€™ve been should he have had a choice in his life, a man with a sliver of life in his eyes perhaps? That would have been enough. He doesnā€™t even dare to dream of the life he couldā€™ve had with you, he wouldā€™ve settled for anything other than the cruel twisted joke the universe was playing on him as he watched his worst fear come to life.
Youā€™re bought to your knees with a harsh crack against the marble floor in front of him. The grip on your shoulder unrelenting, but he doesnā€™t flinch. He doesnā€™t put a bullet through the head of one of his men for hurting you, he sits stoically, wondering how he thought he had a chance of delaying the inevitable.
The pain from your knees travelled up your spine until you felt it in your jaw. You could feel the bones in your shoulder breaking from heavy hands, but youā€™d let it hurt you there forever to stop what it did next. The hand grabs a fistful of your hair forcing you to look up at the man you hadnā€™t seen in years, his eyes void of the soul that held you on that cold night. You stop breathing when you see him, adrenaline forming a pit in your gut. Itā€™s been so long, you forgot how his presence brought you back to life.
Taehyungā€™s men are whispering around him, he can see his cousin clench his jaw at the scene in front of him, heā€™s focusing on everything unfolding in the room other than the tears on your face even though his eyes are still bored on you.
ā€œWhatā€™s the meaning of this?ā€ His cousin, Namjoon seethes at the man whose nails are in your scalp.
ā€œOur boss has been hiding a dirty little secret,ā€ he sneers at Taehyung, expecting a reaction but nothing comes.
ā€œBe very careful of what youre accusing Kangmin,ā€Namjoon warns. ā€œYoure very lucky that there isnā€™t a bullet in your head right now.ā€
ā€œWhatā€™s surprising is that there isnā€™t a bullet in this bitchā€™s head,ā€ he pulls at the strand and you wince, gritting your teeth in pain. You can smell the smoke and alcohol on him as he places his head against the side of yours until your cheeks are pressed together, and the cold of his gun is pressed to the underside of your jaw.
Thereā€™s silence in the room, as all eyes travel between Kangmin and where his gaze is held, the head of the Kim empire.
ā€œWhat are you saying?ā€ Namjoonā€™s voice is quiet but he might as well be shouting. ā€œWho is she?ā€
You donā€™t know who heā€™s asking but youā€™re sure not to say a word. You look to your soulmate on his throne, the one thatā€™s kept him away from you, but you donā€™t wonder why heā€™s chosen it over you. Instead you note the details of his face and how itā€™s changed since that night. He looks bigger now, not taller just more broad and full. His jaw is sharper, his tan skin looks smooth in the harsh light, he kept his hair longer now, back to its natural black. You ignore his eyes, still set on you with nothing in them, you donā€™t want to lose yourself in their darkness, you donā€™t know what youā€™d do if you did. He looks well, and all the worry you had over whether he was dead or alive are brought to rest even with the question of your life dangling in front of both of your eyes.
ā€œSheā€™s the great Kim Taehyungā€™s soulmate,ā€ heā€™s laughing beside you, you can feel like vibrations travel to your face. The room takes a sharp breath.
Namjoonā€™s eyes are wide as he looks to his cousin, but thereā€™s no answer on his face.
Instead comes a laugh from the corner of the room.
ā€œAnd what, you want a reward for finding her?ā€ Itā€™s Seokjin that speaks, the final Kim cousin approaching the mess of you both on the floor.
ā€œHeā€™s known about her for a long fucking time,ā€ the grip on your hair and the sweaty face are gone as he points at the stone man with rage.
ā€œCareful Kangmin, the boss is being damn fucking gracious right now not beating to you a pulp,ā€ Seokjin says like heā€™s discussing the weather.
ā€œHow do you know thatā€™s her, boss said he shot his soulmate the day they met, are you calling Taehyung a liar?ā€ Namjoon responds with venom dripping in his voice.
ā€œBoss has been acting weird since heā€™s taken over the mantle, he hasnā€™t taken a wife and had a son. The elders asked me to keep an eye on him,ā€ Kangmin jeers.
Seokjin is laughing back.
ā€œIā€™m sorry why would our fathers ask a low level rat like you to keep an eye on the head of our empire, why wouldnā€™t they ask their sons?ā€
ā€œWhen the elders ask you to shoot, you shoot first and never ask questions later,ā€ he responds.
ā€œAnd if it looks like a rat, smells like a rat then itā€™s a rat,ā€ Namjoon takes his gun from its belt and points it at Kangminā€™s head.
ā€œIf sheā€™s no one, then boss wonā€™t have a problem putting a bullet through her skull now and burying doubt,ā€ he reasons back.
Thereā€™s finally a sign of life from the man whoā€™s withered string still hangs on to you. He sighs like heā€™s witnessed children fighting over a toy and finally stands to break the toy in half.
ā€œGive me the gun,ā€ his voice is still as deep as you remember and you breathe at the sound like youā€™ve been given life, even though he threatens to take it.
ā€œWhat...ā€ Kangmin didnā€™t expect this to be so easy so in his daze he hands over his gun.
It clicks as he pulls the slide back and aims it as had been promised inbetween your eyes.
Thereā€™s so much you want to say to him. You want to ask him how heā€™s been, if he still kept an eye on you after that night, if he got married or found someone else to fill the void only a soulmate could. You want to confess to him you tried, but it felt so wrong. You want to tell him you lost all hope of seeing him again, that when your friends around you met their fated other halves your empty shell felt a pang of jealousy. You wanted to scream at him, blame him for being the one you still thought about every day. Every time there was a gunshot in the night your heart caught in your throat at the thought he could be the one lying dead.
You donā€™t say a word to him. Despite knowing these were your last moments alive, you felt a peace spread across your limbs as you faced him. You felt safe with the cold barrel pressing against your skin, you welcolmed it, there was always a bullet between you both, fired when you both met, it just took its time to reach you.
Namjoon and Jin didnā€™t know what happened that night their cousin came back from the cold with his eyes void of a soul, they had seen the look before on the faces of their fathers and assumed what had been done. What might as well have been done, but Taehyung didnā€™t tell them he left all pieces of his soul with you that night, and walked away from it forever. He didnā€™t have the heart to tell you he couldnā€™t watch over you again, instead he told his right hand man to do it, not telling him who you were. He only trusted Jimin with your life, and although his friend didnā€™t ask a single question, it didnā€™t take an idiot for figure it out. He didnā€™t let Jimin tell him any details of your life, he didnā€™t deserve to know, he wouldnā€™t be able to resist the temptation of seeing you again if he heard of you. It was enough to know you were alive.
You donā€™t close your eyes, you donā€™t want to miss a second of him in your sight. In your final moments they say you can see your life flash before your eyes but you donā€™t, you see the life you couldā€™ve had with the beautiful man in front of you, the one you imagined in his absence. Growing up together, childhood dates in the park, by the flower bed you still visited. How fulfilled youā€™d both be, living with laughter as you learned to love his soul, you wanted to see it before you die. You want to see Tae smile and laugh just once, youā€™ll know how beautiful it would be. You want to beg him to do it and then leave this life and live.
You want him to call you petal one last time.
The gunshot echoed loud, you feel the cold of barrel leave, waiting for the bullet to take your life.
Thereā€™s no gurgle of life from the body on the floor, only blood and dead eyes set on the man with the smoking gun. Thereā€™s a breath of acceptance from the men in the room, it was inevitable, they knew that.
No one pisses of the boss and lives. You sit in shock feeling the wet warmth of blood pool around you, but it isnā€™t your own. You finally breathe when you look to see Kangminā€™s body turning cold beside you, starting to hyperventilate when you realise youā€™re alive and youā€™ve never seen a dead body so close.
A hand comes to your chin like it had so many night before, raising your head to look at the man who held your life in his hands, and you trusted it there.
Your wish comes true to see a smile grace his features, although itā€™s small its as beautiful as you knew it would be.
His eyes roam all over you, how graceful youā€™ve grown, he hasnā€™t set his eyes on you for so long he doesnā€™t ever want you out of his sight. Your white dress is staining with blood, soaking it up and ruining it but he knows it wonā€™t taint your soul the way it had his.
You donā€™t believe youā€™re alive until he speaks the first words heā€™s ever said to you.
ā€œAre you okay petal?ā€
Thatā€™s when you finally break down. Heā€™s quick to bring his arms around you, the mess on the floor resembling the mess of your hearts. You clutch onto him hard, holding whatever part of him you could, covering his pristine shirt with blood. You touch his face, your hands travelling to his chest, to his arm. You cover him in blood but he doesnā€™t care, you both trying to take as much of each other in as you can.
Thereā€™s a cough for attention next to you both, but neither of you acknowledge it. He breathes you in again like a man starved for air, youā€™re crying like you had when you begged him not to leave, he can hear the same plea now though youā€™ve not said a word. He doesnā€™t want to let you go, he doesnā€™t think he can ever let you go.
ā€œTaehyung the men have been told to wait in the foyer,ā€ Namjoon mutters. ā€œWhat happens now?ā€
ā€œYouā€™ll be killed if our fathers find out,ā€ Seokjin felt sympathy for his cousin, for reasons he could never admit to should he want a similar fate, but tradition dictated in their family. Though Taehyung was head, there were still laws he could not break without grave consequences.
You feel a chill at his cousinā€™s words, finally breaking away from him. He doesnā€™t let you go until you push him back, eyes roaming over the red youā€™ve covered him in.
It looks like string, you think. Like the mess of red string that tangled you both together.
ā€œItā€™s okay petal,ā€ he reassures you softly as if another word would break you, holding onto your hand so heā€™s not completely separated from you again.
You barely know this man but the thought of him dead makes you wish he put the bullet in your head. It was purely selfish, the soulmate bond ran deep, the universe was sadistic in making sure that death was more welcoming than the alternative. Youā€™d never forgive Taehyung if he let you feel the pain of his absence your whole life only to leave you with the irreversible damage of his death.
Youā€™re physically shaking at the thought. Youā€™ve seen what happens to soulmates who are left behind, thereā€™s a new story every night on every news station on every tv. The suicides, the psychotic breaks, the murder sprees, the loss of humanity. Itā€™s how you knew in your heart of hearts that his was still beating.
A soulmate makes you crave to be a better person, itā€™s how the world was built, and why it was the rule of the Kim Line to kill them on sight. Every single generation before them upheld that rule until now. Itā€™s how they could work the way they did, it was the biggest taboo, the most inhumane sin you could commit to your soul.
Taehyung wouldnā€™t do it to you, or to himself. Heā€™d live for you as he had done over the years, in every mission or deal, you motivated him to stay alive.
ā€œCan you stand petal?ā€ Heā€™s never sounded so soft in all the words youā€™ve heard him say, and you canā€™t help but stare. This was your soulmate with his mask finally removed and youā€™d never seen something so ethereal. He doesnā€™t try to break you from your daze as he lifts you off the ground, arm under your knees and one supporting your back.
Your hand is light on his chest, feeling the muscles underneath his shirt, you donā€™t care where heā€™s taking you as long as youā€™re with him. You canā€™t take your eyes off his face, you want to trace your finger on his jaw, caress his cheek with the back of your fingers delicately, admire him now his soul is uncovered. You lean closer to him instead, drawn in to the skin youā€™re intrigued with until you place a kiss there.
He takes in a sharp breath, heart starting to speed like a train, you pull away too quick before he can decide whether he imagined the feeling of your lips. He looks down at your soft form, meeting your eyes that haunted his dreams since that night.
You donā€™t know what heā€™s thinking, where you both go from here. You donā€™t want to think about it, you know heā€™s going to send you away and you wonā€™t let the sour tingle of fear ruin this moment even if itā€™s covered in the metallic stench of blood.
ā€œTae,ā€ you sound so sweet to him, so small yet your voice holds his heart. Thereā€™s so much on your tongue to say but only his name feels right. His arms pull you against him tighter as he walks, tucking your face in his neck, letting you breathe him in. He wants to be the only one in all your senses, and you welcome it.
ā€œTaehyung he knew I was watching her,ā€ you heard a familiar voice pant. ā€œHe snuck her out, Iā€™m so sorry.ā€
You peek out of your cocoon to see Park Jimin standing in front of you both before following in Taehyungā€™s steps. You look up at him for answers but he offers you none, so you look to the blonde haired friend you made since the night your soulmate left your life. He smiled sheepishly, a empty promise of answers when the time was right.
Youā€™re not an idiot, and now you realise why you stopped feeling your soulmates presence in your life, he sent someone else to watch you. It shouldnā€™t break your heart, but youā€™d be lying if you said it didnā€™t.
Jimin runs ahead to open the door outside for you both. You expect the cold air but not the onslaught of the sound of bullets. Taehyung drops your legs as heā€™s shot in the arm, and you donā€™t realise whatā€™s happening until heā€™s pulling you to the ground behind the Mercedes.
ā€œYou okay boss?ā€ Jimin is quick beside you, head bobbing to see where the shots were firing from, gun in hand. ā€œI count two shooters.ā€
ā€œPetal are you hurt?ā€ He groans, thereā€™s blood drenching his sleeve but he doesnā€™t care. His eyes are all over you to make sure youā€™re okay. He takes out the gun in his holster, meeting Jiminā€™s gaze.
ā€œ11 and 1 oā€™clock,ā€ is all Jimin has to say before they start shooting back.
ā€œGet in the car!ā€
The bullets donā€™t cease as Jimin climbs into the drivers seat, Taehyung pushing you into the back with his hand on your head to keep it low.
ā€œGet her somewhere safe,ā€ he instructs to Jimin but you grab onto his uninjured arm to stop him from moving.
ā€œNo!ā€ ā€œGet in the car Tae!ā€ Both you and Jimin yell at the same time.
ā€œIā€™m not driving anywhere unless you get your butt in the car boss, and hurry theyre approaching fast.ā€
You pull at his arm in panic, he canā€™t leave you like this, without the car as a barrier heā€™d be dead in two seconds flat.
ā€œTae please,ā€ you cry and he concedes. Jimin is quick to put his foot on the pedal to get you all out, the glass didnt shatter from the force of the bullets, but Tae still pulls your head down away from the firing line, he doesnā€™t care itā€™s bullet proof glass heā€™s not taking a chance.
Itā€™s not until the sounds of bullets fade away he relents in his hold, feeling the adrenaline that was burning slow to a simmer and with it came the pain of his wounds. He groans as it catches up with him, and you notice heā€™s taken two more shots, one on his leg and one on his shoulder.
ā€œJimin heā€™s bleeding!ā€ Itā€™s obvious to everyone but you still say it as if Jimin could stop it for you. Your eyes are so pretty even in panic, Taehyung thinks as he rests his head on your bloodstained lap. He can feel himself fading but he fights it to keep you in his gaze, youā€™re stroking his hair wailing at Jimin but he smiles. Youā€™re so beautiful.
ā€œJimin heā€™s losing a lot of blood, please I donā€™t know what to do!ā€ Youre sobbing.
ā€œYou need to stop the bleeding Y/n, press down on the wounds,ā€ Jiminā€™s panicking too but has to focus on getting you all somewhere safe, the car is swerving in and out of traffic and he doesnā€™t want to kill you all after escaping death.
How are you meant to stop the bleeding there are three gunshot wounds, all three of them mocking you. Youā€™re hyperventilating, pressing down on one with your hand but he groans in pain against the pressure.
His fingers come to play with the strand of hair in front of your weeping eyes, and in his own all you see is peace. The silence fills between you both as the blares of cars and horns around to reduce to a hum.
Thereā€™s so much you want to say, thereā€™s always so much you want to say, but your relationship was built on silence. His hand drops back to his side as he loses the fight to keep his eyes from closing, and both your worlds fade black.
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astrojoy Ā· 2 years
True story time for people who are or have dealt with social anxiety :P
āš ļø Currently I've conquered some social fears now. Do I have panic attacks from time to time? Yes and I also still have some moments of social anxiety. But I've become more comfortable with social interactions than I used to be! āš ļø
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Rn I'm in 12th grade, graduating in a few months. This story took place in 7th grade middle school. I sat in the back of the class during this. Social anxiety not as bad as it was when I was in elementary school, but still pretty bad. Basically we had state testing for the end of the year per usual. During these exams they gave out pieces of hard candy at times. Well of course I don't like to make noise during a quiet classroom (thinking it would bring attention to me) so I waited until the testing was fully finished. Once finished, everyone was free to talk and play games on the computers and etc. Quiet/reserved as usual, I just stayed in my lil corner and was typing out a story I was making for fun on my chromebook. Then I wanted my candy šŸ„ŗšŸ„°. So of course CHOMP CHOMP šŸ¤¤ right? Well while this extremely interesting action scene was going down. I sat in silence listening to the different conversations boasting around me until I heard a group of class clown talking. They said a joke from the front of the classroom that took me off guard and I started laughing to myself. Then sudden-
Oh no
I can't breath.
I looked up frantically. The candy was lodged in my throat. I couldn't speak even if I wanted to. However. āœØsocial anxietyāœØ I didn't want to get the teacher. I didn't want attention or to embarrass myself. The only thing I could think of was being embarrassed. Shouldn't life be more important?
I quickly fast walked out of the class in silence. Of course, who wants to run and cause attention? šŸ¤ŖOnce I got in the hallway I didn't know what to do. 15 seconds had probably gone by. I quickly started beating my chest trying to dislodge the candy (NOT A SMART MOVE BTW DON'T DO THAT. IT CAN POTENTIALLY GET FURTHER LODGED IN THE THROAT. I WAS SIMPLY LUCKY AND DIDN'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT CHOKING HAZARDS AT THE TIME) It took like 7 hits to my chest to cough it out and onto the ground. I looked up and noticed someone looking down the hallway and turned my face the other way in embarrassment so they wouldn't notice me. I then of course breathed and got some water from a water fountain to help my burning throat. Then I grabbed a paper towel and grabbed the candy and threw it away (don't wanna leave a mess). Then I stood there in disbelief. The fact that I'd much rather die than try to get help just hit me. I didn't know what to do. I was confused. Should I tell the teacher about this incident? Why would I? Well I should tell them why I left class without a word, I think that was disrespectful of me šŸ˜Ÿ, and then I should ask to get more water (my throat really hurt and I didn't want to be out of class for too long without notice)
I walked back inside, no one looked my way and were in their conversations still phew. I told the teacher quietly what happened and why I left. I told him sorry for leaving without an explanation and asked if I could go get more water. My teacher looked surprised and worried. Full of shock. He didn't even know I left. His desk is quite literally near the door šŸ’€ With a slightly stern face he told me to never do that again and etc of course (I'm sure he would have gotten in a lot of trouble because he wasn't paying attention ig) and then he let me get more water (he was one of my favorite teachers besides my band teacher. He was funny and slightly laid back)
Once everything was done and I sat back down in my seat I began thinking. What if I would've passed out and people would have seen me? How many people would judge me or be weirded out? How much attention would I have stirred up? I don't want to die in front of all those people that's embarrassing
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Dear 7th grade me,
But that's what brings me to the end of my story,
social anxiety feels like trash :)
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