#and the woman who for all eternity he could never beat
heavenlyascent · 5 months
me everyday: sephiroth is such a complex nuance interesting character because he was doomed from the start and couldn't have a normal childhood even if someone saved him because it was literally the embodiment and cumulation of capitalistic and there was no hope for him and yet the moments we are spared of him being human show a man who was capable of friendship, of love, of hope, of change and the tragedy is that he severed the ability to change the second he swore off being a human being--fulfilling that doomed birthright
also me: all I want in life is for Aerith and Tifa is repeatedly drive this man into the earth until not even a single dumb black feather remains
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fairiesdowntheroad · 1 year
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summary — being a woman is difficult.what about being a woman who is pursuing a career in motorsports? you would be met with pandemonium.that was the story of her life.always having to fight for a place among the big leagues ; in this case the men just to prove she belonged in the sport.
her last name didn’t help her much either.the world would continue to bark and bite away at her confidence — even more so if they knew of her family ties.that was the reason why she chose to race under a different name,everyone would respect her so called “underdog” story after all.
the drivers were….alright to say the least.she knew of their prying eyes and judging stares when she had first made her appearance on the grid.thankfully,there were a few diamonds in the rough to help her out.for now,she just needed to prove herself to everyone ; quench her hunger for victory.this was going to be a wild season..
pairing — f1 22-23 grid x fem driver!reader,love interest tbd
warnings — misogyny.
teaser | prologue | chapter 1
FROM J ⛅️ : hello everyone!! the prologue is here <3 it’s just a little teaser to Y/N and her character,also her friendship with albonoooo 😮‍💨 she’ll interact with the other drivers soon,don’t worry! please lmk your thoughts and if you want to be added to the taglist!
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“Who run the world? Girls! Y/N Y/LN to race for Formula 1 — establishing her place as the first woman to race in the big leagues since Maria Teresa de Filippis”
“Do women really belong in Motorsport? What makes Y/N Y/LN so special?”
“A recipe for disaster: Y/N Y/LN’s Formula 1 debut and what it could mean for the future of motorsport”
Headline after headline.
Articles either criticising her every move or stating their unwavering support for her.
She read each and every article published about the news — eager to know how the world would react.A part of her already made peace with the reality that there would be people reacting terribly towards the news ; let it be a man or woman.The men simply viewed her inferior to the other drivers,commenting on how her biological capabilities were “leagues away” from the other nineteen…..just because of what was between her legs.The women on the other hand were possesive…thinking she would steal away their beloved drivers because she definetly was the only female presence on the paddock.
It was humorous really,how a mere woman wanting her career to align with motorsports could cause such an uprise of reactions among everyone.
Her eyes scanned over the headlines again and again.Laughing at the things they had to say.She found the articles scrutinising her every move amusing — it was ironic how they perceived her as ‘unworthy’ of a seat.
Yet,she did beat everyone else in Formula 2 in terms of points…claiming her place as the champion.
Becoming the champion of Formula 2 was a tough fight.She had stayed there for a few years,giving it her all to stand above all with victory — and she did in the end.Did they hate her because she was victorious? Or was it because she had rightfully earned her place among the others? She would never know..not like she wanted to anyway.
“You haven’t even had your debut,yet you’re causing an uproar on the internet” he hummed in amusement standing next to her while he observed her reading the words on her phone.His british accent was hard to miss as she chuckled along with him.“I think it’s admirable” Alex added on with his voice filled with sincerity.A bashful smile made its way on her face,flattered and touched by his words.
“That makes me a little more hungry to prove to everyone I belong here” she admitted with a chuckle.She was eternally grateful for the little support she had coming from him and her family…though she was more discreet when it came to the family part.He placed a hand on her shoulder squeezing it softly.
“You will.” he nodded his head,patting her back before making his way to the car.Her nerves buzzed with excitement ; her last race as a reserve driver.A few more months,and that seat would be hers.She felt remorseful for Latifi because he lost his seat…but it would be her turn to take on the mantle now.She would take his place since he didn’t perform.
That was Formula 1.
A sport dependant on results.If you didn’t deliver, it was best to kiss your seat goodbye.She could only cross her fingers and pray the 2023 season was kind to her.She needed the team to see her results….see her effort.There was no way she worked her ass off just to quit now.Thankfully,James Vowles was there to see her worth.She had caught his eye — he was watching her races in Formula 2,undoubtedly raising his expectations with the performance she served on the track.
It was only a matter of time until she was offered a seat,he was unwilling to let such talent go to waste.
Not her first choice for a team when it came to making her debut but — she was eternally grateful she had a seat regardless.It was also a step closer to Mercedes….even if she didn’t want aim to race with them.
Not when he would be there.
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“How do you feel about making your Formula 1 debut this Sunday?” the reporter asked curiously as he jotted down notes in his journal.The two RedBull drivers on her left and right turned their heads to observe her,eager to know what she had to say.
“It’s definitely nerve wracking — I’m feeling quite nervous to be honest” she admitted with a shy smile.Max and Checo chuckled softly at her words,the 2-time world champion nodding in understanding on how she would feel.
“But…I feel excited as well.I want to prove to everyone that I deserve to be here just as much as the others.With Williams and Alex supporting me,I hope I can do exactly that” she finished her sentence,putting down the mic as fans clapped at her answer.It was diplomatic ; she was biting her tongue and choosing not to express her true feelings.
If she had the right to be a 100% honest there would be a lot more of….colourful words being spoken.
The fans were definetly a plot twist.Hearing them cheer for her was heartwarming.She still did recieve her fair share of hate,but she would “focus on the positives” — just like dad advised.He was all the wiser when it came to motorsports anyway.
”Well Y/N,I hope the season treats you well.You’ve already made a name for yourself so I’m sure all will go smoothly”the reporter replied to her,the girl smiling bashfully and thanking him for his kind wishes.
The press conference ended after a few more questions being thrown here and there.She walked over to the managers with a pep to her step while maintaining the calm expression on her face….even if her heart felt like it was about to burst.Alex stood there as well with small smile gracing his face.Her first press conference as a Formula 1 Driver! It was a milestone to her.
“You did amazing” Thea — her newly appointed PR Manager said with a smile.She chuckled softly,taking the water bottle she was offered with for a sip.Her heart screamed with excitement,adrenaline coursing through her veins even if it was only Thursday.There were three more days for her to impress everyone.
She shaked off her train of thoughts with a smile.Opening her mouth,she answered with a cheeky response.
“I hope I can do the same on-track then”
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taglist — @eutrizbea @eugene-emt-roe @ivoryluvs @itsjustkhaos @lewisvinga @kodzuvk @roseseraj @iliyad @laura-naruto-fan1998 @l0verl4ne
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missmarveledsblog · 1 month
IDiots (dean winchester x reader )
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Summary : when reader becomes the victim of a entity Dean is forced to admit feeling that he thought he could keep away in fear of being hurt .
Warning : little angsty mostly fluffy
Shit hitting the fan was an understatement of the century . The boys stood stuck to the ground watching as it loomed over her . He knew it was his fault , he knew they told him it was bad idea and yet he knew better . He knew this stuff more than they did or so he thought. Now he stood frozen while his brother screamed for it to leave her alone , while the woman he's loves in now on the ground out cold while evil lurks over her and it was all his fault . They warned him a week ago and he didn't listen.
It was always the same on case sam and Y/N sat in the kitchen of the bunker laptops on and researching away . " so the story goes a woman Jane Howard was killed by some dude one night , a man by John.. Smith really this has got to be fake .. anyway he was in love with Jane but never told her went on rampage in his madness killing single women some say he now attaches to a woman and if her love doesn't announce himself to her he take her soul to live with him for eternity " she couldn't help laugh at the ridiculousness of it all . " hey maybe I can get slash to admit he knows and loves me " she snorted. " or someone else would grow balls and do it " sam muttered shooting his brother a quick glance . " awh Sammy I love you too .. not like that though but we have our pact still " she teased . " pact? " . " if we're both single by 50 I marry her " sam smiled seeing the jealous glare from his brother . " yup have in writing too , I mean it's on a beer mat but still OK I need to pack up I'll meet you guys in an hour " she giggled heading off to her room . " you think maybe we should ask her sit this out giving she probably going to die before you admit your feelings to her " sam mused . " she not into me dude so let's drop this " he huffed walking off to his own room . " idiots I'm surrounded by idiots " sam face palmed .
Walking out she was standing looking at the brothers pouting up at them. " cas will be fine " Dean rolled his eyes . " but he's a baby " she whined . " he older than three of us combined ... plus Bobby's got him " . " I miss him already " she pouted making his heart beat faster . " go give him another hug " he smiled making her bolt into the bunker . " now if I asked that I'd be told to suck it up " sam teased . " hey Bobby give her special treatment too , plus she clearly pining for the big baby " he pointed out . " well then maybe he'll do what you can't but cas isn't the one she pining for i can definitely tell you that much " sam shot back . " he's a bit better but still sad " she sighed getting into the impala cutting dean asking what his brother ment by that . " come on we can get you some of those candy bars you like on the way " sam smiled brightly at her . " its like your in love with cas " Dean rolled his eyes . " I love all you guys .. some more than other " she whispered looking at him before getting into the car . " idiots " sam exhaled before following.
Pulling up to the motel instead of waking the sleeping woman Dean decided she was too cute to disturb only for him to lift her and carry her in leaving his brother to carry the bags . " yeah course I got it " the younger winchester huffed . Not that his brother listened nor did he care when she held on tight nuzzling her head into his chest letting out a content sigh . Maybe she could love him back like he loved her but then again the self doubt kicked in . She was light and he was just the darkest of dark . A woman like her couldn't love him. She was too special and he was the boy who couldn't even make his own father proud no matter what he did . No a girl like her was made for his brother . Caring sweetheart who would make sure everyone was OK before herself . A smile and laugh that could brighten anyone's day no he would never have a woman love the likes of him , he was sure of it . Placing her gently on the bed he rushed out of the room, only just as he did she smiled in her sleep calling his name . " idiot " sam huffed placing the bags at the near by table .
Driving to the house another woman losing her life what perplexed then was the man admitted he love her yet she still died . " oh no " she gasped . " what is it " sam turned checking her over . " she didn't love him back its why she died " she sniffled . "Great so it like a true loves first kiss but with a entity " Dean growled . " we'll get him don't worry " she patted his shoulder. " hey why don't you sit this one out " sam turned to her. " yeah I mean if he latches on I don't think we could get slash here on time " Dean joked making her eyes roll . " he not my true love though " she blew her nose. "Well im sure cas can come soon then " he didn't mean for it to come out snappy . " you think I love cas like that " she snorted . " I mean your always cuddling him , hate leaving him and well i don't know " he shrugged. " i cuddle sammy too and bobby when he lets me " she deadpanned which wasn't a lie she was a cuddler . " your not in love with cas " he asked. " i love him but not in love with him " she murmured . " idiots " sam grumbled .
they went after the entity it keep messing with her locking her into rooms or pushing her little things it considered as warning leading the brothers to take her from the house and back to the motel. " your sitting this one out " dean slammed the door while sam checked the small cuts the litter her hands after she was pushed into glass. "i'm not letting a bully win " she growled. " your not going " sam said putting the gauze on her hand . " i'm going and where going to kick his ass, i'm going to have a shower " she got off the bed grabbing her clothes before heading to the bathroom . " you need to either tell her or make her sit this one out " sam waited til the shower was on . " why don't you tell her , it's clear your the one she loves " he shot back . " i love her like a sister god you are so blind to what's in front of you , you need to get her to sit it out, he's already feeding on you and she getting hurt " he said holding up the glass shard filled dish . " a guy like me doesn't get with a girl like that ok i am sick of you pushing this " he growled slamming the door . only for sam to look up and see her standing there heartbroken hearing his words. " he didn't mean it the way you think he did " he began but she just grabbed her coat and shoes before heading out the door herself storming past the older winchester . " idiots " sam yelled out at them .
she knew it was stupid , something she was completely regretting the minute she stepped in the house but ever since they took on this case everything went to shit . Maybe a broken heart could take on a broken heart was her stupid reasoning . His words replayed over in her head making her head reel . That was til she was locked in a room trying to get out til she was knocked across the room her phone hitting the ground as dean number came up and answer , he could here her groans and followed by something he could only describe as a disembodied growl . " shit we're coming sweetheart " he called before the line went completely dead. now here they stood stuck while the entity stood over her body sucking and draining the life from her . The fear of losing her was growing stronger then the fear of rejection . "please stop ok take me , i know you don't but take me i will take her place , they world can't lose a woman like that , a woman who would starve rather then let someone go hungry , one who cries at stupid video's online because someone is sad and she can't help , i'd rather you take me then take the woman i love out from this world" he finally felt the words spewn only for her to sit up gasping grabbing the pistol and shooting the entity and the two men being able to move . " i'm sorry " was all she said not that he cared he was stunned , knowing the only reason she was talking now was because in some divine madness meant she loved him like really loved him . she couldn't get another word out before she felt him pull her up and smash his lips to her . " finally ... idiots " sam smiled looking at the pair.
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sv5hive · 7 months
who said burnt pancakes weren't good? | fa14
pairing: fernando alonso x fem!reader
content warning(s): none!
word count: 458
note: im not really happy with this one but i haven't posted anything in a while and i have a couple of exams coming up so i won't be very active 🙃 i hope you like it anyways!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
ever since fernando had come home for the summer break, you had taken it upon yourself to treat him to luxuries he wouldn't usually get while racing. home cooked meals, lie ins, unlimited access to you; the whole works. while you did attend some of his races when you could, you still had your own career to grow despite fernando's insistence that he could support the both of you if you ever wanted it. you appreciated it but you loved your job and it kept you busy while he was away.
this morning, you found yourself humming along to the radio while waiting to flip the pancakes. you wanted nothing more than to sleep in with fernando and you struggled to leave his warm embrace but you had also been craving pancakes for a while now. besides, you felt good knowing that you could help your boyfriend even if it was a small thing like breakfast.
unbeknownst to you, fernando had already woken up and was now leaning against the doorway to admire you in your element. watching you bounce to the beat of the music, he found himself falling for you all over again. not many could say they were lucky enough to be with a woman like you but he could. he was eternally grateful for everything you did for him and never stopped wondering what kind of saint he was in a past life to be blessed with you.
"fernando! did i wake you?"
you had finally noticed him when you turned around to check the clock.
"no, mi amor. i was already awake."
he trudged towards you and kissed you before wrapping his arms around you. any time spent together was precious for both of you so you made every moment worth it.
"thank you, i don't tell you it enough." he mumbled with his face buried into your neck.
you could tell he wasn't just talking about the breakfast and simply smiled.
"you don't have to say it. i know."
you pulled away and took notice of the mellow song now playing on the radio.
"dance with me!"
he could never say no to that smile so he silently obliged and spun you around, much to your delight. when you first started dating, you both promised to make time for each other despite your hectic schedules and sure, sometimes it was hard not seeing each other as often as most couples would. but somehow, you had made it work when nobody else thought you could. and you were happy to keep proving them wrong.
the blare of the smoke alarm startled both of you out of your daze and you promptly remembered what you were doing before you got carried away.
"the pancakes!"
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The Eternal Night (Part 3)
Summary: Every night you become more attached to Sevatar. He, in turn, becomes obsessed with your connection.
Jago Sevatarion/fem!Reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, power imbalance, violence, predator/prey, rape (attempted), stockholm syndrome
Word count: 2252
Song: She Wants Revenge - Tear You Apart
I want to hold you close Soft breath, beating heart, As I whisper in your ear: I want to fucking tear you apart
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You didn't talk to Sevatar about what happened that day. Was it really necessary? He is your master, he saved you from the Legion. You were to serve him faithfully and not ask questions. Even if his behavior was unusual for Space Marines.
However, Jago Sevatarion decided not to dwell on one incident. You also continued to clean his chambers. But at the same time he continued his strangeness. If the Astartes were an ordinary man, you would think that it was he who pestered you like that. One such thought was blasphemous. And yet…
He holds you too tight, too strong. You won't even be able to escape from his embrace if you wanted to. But you couldn't resist this feeling. There are monsters outside the doors, ready to tear your soul and body to pieces. They don’t even hide, because this is their land.
Only with Sevatar will you be safe.
The rough tongue slides over your shoulder again, reminding you of its owner. He was rude, but still tried to act gentle. It just wasn't in his nature. It's like caressing flowers with a knife. But even so. Even so, you liked it.
Sevatar squeezes you harder, leaving bruises all over your body. Your back is pressed tightly against his chest. There is no chance of running away. Especially when his teeth are so close to your skin. One wrong step and he will bite your flesh off. But for now he is treating you too softly.
Your skin under the tattoo has become too sensitive. Every touch of his fingers or tongue caused a strange feeling. Heaviness appeared in the lower abdomen, it was hot and you had to suppress a moan. This was embarrassing. To experience such feelings...
But this is connected not only with touches. All these conversations, a man's concern for you. After all, the first captain could mock you, not take you as his servant, or force you to do hard work. But he didn't do it. Your past life was harder than in the service of Sevatar. And then you weren’t touched that way before him.
Such moments did not happen every time. Not every night. But only in those moments when the space marine especially needed sleep. He was calmed by your presence, your movements, the way you cleaned up. But apparently touching you broke something in him. After which Sevatar fell asleep in an unusually sound and peaceful sleep.
Perhaps you should have been happy for him. It was true, it just still hurt. Lonely. You couldn’t understand where sympathy for Sevatar came from in your heart. It was a shame to feel like that. He was the Night Lord. He wanted and served the Emperor, you were not stupid. You knew he was still a murderer and a sadist.
And he's a Space Marine. You knew that men of his kind could not experience attraction. Sevatar has never seen and will never see you as a woman. All this time, you were nothing more than a piece of meat that calmed him down. It was annoying and easy at the same time.
You didn't want to give in to weakness. To feel fear of the horrors of NightFall, which grew into an obsessive desire to be protected. To be loved. Every day the hanging bloody flesh of your mistress was forgotten. The cries of the suffering prisoners echoed. You began to get used to this place, to your surroundings.
You desperately wanted to save the remnants of your mind before it completely shattered. Preserve your humanity, kindness and mercy. You didn't want your heart to turn to stone. So that it beats again and fills with blood not only when Sevatar appears nearby.
Therefore, you began to leave your master’s chambers even more often and spend every free minute with the rats. Or with grandpa and other serfs if they were not busy. But mostly with your favorite friends. In addition, your diet improved and you were able to share more acceptable food with them.
Still, you couldn't help but worry. There are fewer of them. Much less. But the serfs did not pay attention to your friends, and the space marines even less so. So why did it seem to you that the disappearance of your little friends was not due to hunger? Rats could be cruel, but now there was no reason for them to kill each other. It could have been someone else.
Later, grandpa told you that recently the Night Lords brought one of many planets to the Imperium. As always, in a very perverted way, since the residents apparently did not have enough footage of the previous massacre. Many ended up in skinning pits. Some prisoners were specially taken to Nightfall to prolong the pleasure of torture.
Maybe one of the prisoners escaped? Hidden in the depths of the ship and somehow managed to escape pursuit? Eating scraps and rats, he survived in this gloomy and dark place. You felt sorry for your friends, but you also felt sorry for the prisoner. You couldn't give him away. So you decided to pretend you didn't notice anything. Close your eyes to what is happening, as you usually did. Only this time it was much easier to do.
But in the end, everything that is hidden will become clear. You saw him. A thin man whose ribs stood out against his skin. Covered in blood and filth. His growing hair and beard, his whole appearance, turned him into a beast. Once a former person.
He was just finishing the rat. And judging by the bones and meat scattered around him, it was not the first. He ate them all. He killed them all. The rats were not people, but they were dear to you. You guessed that this would happen, but when your thoughts become reality you feel sick. You sobbed.
The creature heard your sobs and turned around sharply. You froze. He's spent too long in pitch darkness, he can see you. You won't be able to hide. But maybe he will run away on his own? You pose no danger. And apparently the man knew this. You could tell by his hungry look and the saliva coming out of his mouth. They only look like that when they want to eat. He wanted it, just differently.
You ran. Heart was beating incredibly loudly, ready to jump out at any minute. You were out of breath, but the stomping from behind urged you on. And yet he caught you. He lay down on your back, breathing heavily into your ear.
“Woman, woman” - the older girls told you that men turn into animals at the sight of a woman. But right now there really was a monster above you, trying to take off his pants. - “Warm. Finally alive. D-don't move. Don’t c-cry, I’ll be quick.”
But you cried. You resisted. Even when he turned you around and punched you in the stomach.
“I-I'm marked. I have a tattoo.” - you choked on tears, not believing that this was the first time you had to talk about this. You desperately tried to stop the man from untying the knot of his pants. - “I serve Jago Sevatarion, the first captain. Y-you can’t touch me.”
"Shut up!" - the man slaps you in the face and you burst into tears. - “I don’t know anyone here. Just let me in. Open up. I want warmth.”
You see how he finally copes with his pants and something in you breaks. Having found a fragment from the bottle, you plunge it into the flesh. A cry of pain is heard in the compartment, but this only spurs you on. You were beaten. He wanted to hurt you. He wanted...
You were weak in body. And it's not that your spirit is strong. But the man in front of you was even worse. You felt sorry for him. And no. You stab the shard into the rapist a few more times until he runs away from you on all fours like a whining dog.
A shiver ran through your body, nausea rising in your throat. You looked at the bloody shard with tears in your eyes. Your whole body ached. Especially those places where you were hit. Especially your tattoo.
Sevatar found you in his chambers. Sitting in the darkest corner, covered in blood and dirt. You thought he would brush you off or tell you to clean up after yourself. But the pale face lit up with such rage that you had never seen. You barely held back a whine when he came up to you with lightning speed, pulling you towards him.
“Who did this?” - The first captain looked at you with an anger. The hands squeezed your shoulders painfully, leaving new bruises. - “Some kind of mortal degenerate since you are still alive. Did you show him my sign? Who was it?
“H-he saw it. I met him in the trash compartment. P-probably one of your prisoners.” - you are safe and the man was clearly worried. But why are you so scared? - “But he ran a-away and was hiding. And then we collided. He wanted, he wanted-"
“Rape you, yes, I know, I'm not an idiot.” - the space marine abruptly interrupts your babble and you fall silent. Sevatar looks into your red eyes and runs a finger across your cheek with amazing gentleness, wiping away a tear. - “The blood is not yours. Hurt him?”
You shake your head, almost hiccupping. No, you didn't kill him, you saw him run away. Yes, he was badly injured. Weak and lost too much blood. But could you kill him? And did you want this?
To your horror, you couldn’t really tell. Sevatar chuckles, clearly satisfied with this answer. He examines you one more time, lingering on all the places where your tormentor's blood got into. There was too much of it. Your face was probably all red.
“It suits you, mouse. But I don’t want you to smell like someone else, so wash it off.” - you don’t even have time to think about such strange words. Sevatar did not seem to understand what he said, continuing his thought. - “Since our guards are not coping with their duties, we will have to carry out a purge. We'll find that bastard too. He will receive his well-deserved punishment.”
Sevatar turns to leave the quarters. But he turns around for a moment to look you in the eyes again. All you can do is stand silently in shock. He obviously came to his chambers to rest. But he leaves as soon as he hears what happened to you. He leaves to fulfill his duty.
“Well done for defending yourself.” - an unpleasant grin passes over the pale face and the man chuckles. - “But you are terrible murderer. Lucky you have me.”
It didn't take long at all. As Sevatar later told you, the prisoner was quickly captured. He was bleeding and was on the verge of death. But the Apothecary saved him in time. So that the Astartes could later put their sentence into action, prolonging the man's torment as long as possible.
The warden and guards also received what they deserved. They didn't do their job. They allowed the prisoner to escape and showed the Legion to be weak. They put you in danger. Although you were sure that the first captain kept the last part only for himself and you.
Some were more fortunate, some less so. Some were reprimanded, others were transferred to other positions. Some were beaten. The overseer responsible for such an offense was, of course, gutted in front of his subordinates. So that the new person in his position would better carry out the orders of the Legion.
“Oh, and this is for you.” - the man hands you an iron box with a cooling regulator. You open it with fear and look at the contents in horror. A small human heart, red with blood, lay on pieces of ice. Still fresh.
“If it weren’t for our Apothecary, you would still have finished off this pathetic mortal.” - the man smiled. Just as always that smile gave an unpleasant feeling. But you knew that this time it was not an imitation. He was sincerely happy. - “So keep your trophy.”
“What should I do with it?” - you turn the box in your hands, remembering one of the recent conversations. You look at the first captain like a child who does not understand a simple task. - “Eat?”
“Hah, you can eat it. Or feed it to your rats. Or keep it for yourself as a reminder. Do whatever you want.” - the man speaks relaxedly while his unblinking black eyes look at the tattoo. - “You deserve it.”
Even though it was a human organ. And you never thought that you would keep someone's heart to yourself. And even though it's terrible. It was nice. Nice to receive something of your own as a sign of consolation. Albeit in the manner of the Night Lords.
"Thank you."
You say this quietly, with all the gratitude that glows in your living heart. The man is silent, continuing to look at you. A strange fire burns in the black eyes, which you have never seen before.
Like a mortal, but in a completely different way, Sevatar also wanted to eat you. And to your horror and pleasure, you realize that you would allow him to tear you apart.
"You're welcome."
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bandydear · 3 months
I think the sad thing about the Rue Royale family is that they really are operating the best that they can considering everyone’s circumstances.
Take Claudia for example: She’s a 14 year-old orphan who has never ever been loved. She was abused from the moment she could crawl by her aunt, exposed to creepy uncles at the boarding house, and has had 0 friends. A goose egg. Louis and Lestat were the first people. Ever. To love her. The only people who would care if she died. And they loved her. They poured all the devotion that bounced off each other’s defence mechanisms onto The Child.
So she’s a spoiled teenage apex predator who has had zero socialization her own age trapped in eternal homeschooling with BPD The Clown and the vampire embodiment of self-loathing. She was never going to be Normal. The fact that she grows up to be so socially capable is really a testament to her willpower.
And they’re fucking trying to raise her right too! Lestat’s parents did not give a shit about him. If he wasn’t being abused he was being neglected. Beatings, withholding food, withholding love*, he never learned how to read! So he feeds Claudia, he teaches her to drive, to play chess, to play piano—all the things he is proud of. All that nourishes his soul he gives to Claudia. He gives her a priceless amulet all while thinking she’s impermanent. That she won’t last.
And then there’s Louis. Louis who always had the expectations of “carrying the family line”. Louis who was told to marry a woman named Hazel by Paul the moment before he died. Louis, whose familial and social rejection for what he is (in layers) sent him spinning out in self-destruction and what he find on the brink of annihilation was Claudia. His beautiful daughter. She’s the embodiment of all his hopes and dreams. Only child to all the expectations of an eldest child. He brings her to the lake his dad took him and Paul to when he was a child and they catch fireflies. He does her hair and he dresses her like the little rich girl he’s always wanted to parade around at church.
But Claudia is a person, not a doll.
And Louis is still caught up in the living drama of his family. Louis spends Claudia’s entire life mourning the mortal man he never was. He wants to make his mother proud. He wants her forgiveness for Paul. He wants to be there for his sister and her family, and he wants to be a married man with a child of his own. His war with his own nature extends to his family. He cannot accept being a vampire the same way his mother never accepted his queerness. And, just like his mother, he withdraws love as punishment when his family does not follow his rules. He cannot accept a daughter with sadistic house cat tendencies, and he can’t accept the horny Shakespearean menace he married. He punishes Lestat when Claudia goes off to college (typical empty nester behaviour) and he punishes Claudia when she starts having a life outside of him in Paris.
And yet! They were happy! For years! Happy until what was always going to happen happened. Lestat has always had a wandering dick and Claudia was always going to want independence and companionship outside of her parents and Louis was always going to be jenga tower of emotional stability. On a tight rope of personality disorders and abusive upbringings they actually lasted longer than a lot of vampire covens.
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viviennevermillion · 1 year
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ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ꜱᴄᴀʀ ᴛʜɪꜱ ʏᴏᴜɴɢ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ, ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴍʏ ʜᴀɴᴅ...
❝ I was made for loving you, even though we may be hopeless hearts just passing through; every bone screaming, I don't know what we should do ❞ — tori kelly
prompt: affection they crave but don't dare to ask for
character included: ei, wanderer, pantalone, baizhu
contains: character x gn!reader, established relationship
warnings: descriptions of suffering and chronic illness in baizhu's part
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✧ holding your hand — Ei is touch starved after the centuries she has spent locking herself away in the Plane of Euthymia. She's used to people respecting her and even fearing her, but few actually treat her as an equal. How could they after all? She was an archon and she had ruled Inazuma with an iron fist for quite a while. So something as simple as you taking her hand into yours just as she remembers her friends doing ages ago.... it's hardly something self-evident to her. She has a lot to learn about how the world has changed during her absence. Sometimes she may be confused or have this serious, slightly intimidating look on her face. Nothing better in this moment than her beloved taking her hand, which instantly brings a smile to her face. Ei doesn't ask you to hold her hand, she doesn't want to come off as clingy, but everytime the two of you are out on a date she's silently hoping you'll do this small gesture again that makes her heart skip a beat.
✧ leaning your forehead against hers — Even an archon like the Raiden Shogun is not without troubles. Quite on the contrary, Ei has a lot of them after all that has happened. When her doubts and grief creep up on her, a gesture such as leaning your forehead against hers is like a silent promise to her that you'll be there even as the storm rages on in her mind. Your touch is soothing to her restless soul and as she feels your kindness and the extent of your love, she understands what it means to find her beloved eternity in something as simple as a fleeting moment with you.
✧ kissing her neck — Ei, when she appears in public, represents eternity both as an archon and a person. She's solid and radiates an aura of untouchability. Who could have thought that someone as her was incredibly ticklish? She likes the sensation of your lips against her neck, but it also tickles her sensitive skin, so you can hear a giggle escaping her that you might not have heard otherwise. If you're planning to tease her and fool around, a giggle might turn into a hearty laugh. You'd be sure to earn the respect of Inazuma's citizens if they were to learn that you could draw a laugh like that out of the woman who once watched these lands with such a cold gaze.
✧ letting her rest her head on your shoulder — Ei doesn't technically need to sleep. But the duties of the Shogun can be quite taxing. As such, she appreciates the opportunity to wind down in your presence and take some deep breaths after a stressful day. You can always tell when she's tired. She tends to close her eyes and let the cool wind hit her face. If you offer her to rest her head on your shoulder, she'll happily take you up on it. She'll keep her eyes shut, enjoying the closeness to you as she mumbles a quiet "thank you". She loves to sit idly like this for a while, simply relishing in the love you give her each day.
✧ sharing things with her — There's just something so intimate about doing things together and sharing what you enjoy with each other. At first, Ei found the idea of sharing a can of dango milk with two straws or an ice cream cup a little silly, not understanding how it could be any different from each of you getting your own food and drinks, but after trying it she really felt like she bonded with you over it.
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✧ letting him sit on your lap — This is something he would never ask for over his dead body unless you tease the hell out of him repeatedly but he's been thinking about it ever since getting together with you. He's all too familiar with bickering and pushing you away, even when he doesn't want to; because he's scared of what would become of him; were he to face another devastating betrayal. He craves your affection but he spends his days waiting.... yearning for it. For how foolish would it look if you were to mock him and abandon him for craving something as cheesy and human as this? So he pushes down his feelings and just settles for whatever affection you decide to give him. Until one day there's no seating spot left for him and you grab his waist, gently pulling him onto your lap. You had no idea up to that point that your lover was capable of blushing. But he's silent and doesn't dare to move, lest you might push him off with a joking comment. As you pull him closer to your chest, he relaxes into your embrace and closes his eyes. Your lips find the soft skin of his neck and place a couple of appreciative kisses on it. Wanderer lets out a relaxed sigh and turns his head to you to press a kiss to your lips. "You seem to enjoy this", you remarked with a smile on your face. "I'm simply making sure you don't cry about not getting enough affection later. That'd be a bother", he huffs and you can't help but let out a chuckle, knowing him well enough by now to see through his facade. You make a note to do this more often.
✧ playing with his hair — This one is in your favor because he has really, really soft hair. You don't even remember when it happened but at some point, laying his head in your lap and letting you card your fingers through the dark strands has become his way of unwinding after a long day. He loved the experience of finally feeling safe and cared for in someone else's presence after he had been surrounded by people he was more than justified to distrust for the past centuries. Your touch was soothing, like a gentle breeze inviting him to a place far away from his troubles and doubts. Never did Wanderer believe that anything in his life could be considered "a blessing from the gods", but with you? Well, he wouldn't be surprised. Or maybe it was simply what you were like; giving your love to him in this often cold and cruel world without expecting anything in return; your care for him blossoming and persisting in this reality despite all odds.
✧ squeezing his thigh — He loves when you do this, whether it be when you have to get up and leave to attend some business or whether it's in reassurance; despite how he'd claim that he doesn't need your support and encouragement about anything. He'd feel much more lost without it. He also enjoys simply having you rest your hand on his thigh while you're sitting idly on the couch or a picnic blanket, each of you tending to your own matters and interests but always enjoying being together like this. It reminds him that you're there, something he needs when the thoughts of his past and the uncertainty about his future start to creep up on him.
✧ kissing his shoulders — He's very weak for this. He has no idea what the point was; for a puppet to have any sensitive spots. Wouldn't he have been more efficient if he could feel no affection or pain? After all, wouldn't life have been less hurtful like this? But in those moments; feeling your lips trail soft kisses along his shoulders; he was, for the first time, glad that he was like that. He closes his eyes and focuses solely on the pleasant tickle your pecks left on his skin.
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✧ holding him in your arms — Pantalone may seem like a cold and serious business man on the outside, but he can't fool his beloved. That man is a hopeless romantic once you get him to trust you and he's clingy as hell. He's a little spoon and he loves when you hold him in your arms after a long day of work that you sometimes even have to coax him away from. He'll rest his head against your chest as you do him the favor of gently removing his glasses that he forgot he even still had on because of how tired he was. He lets out a happy sigh as you run your fingers through his dark locks and press a kiss to his forehead. He may not ask you to do this, but he always makes sure to express his gratitude to you for the love you give him. "Thank you for always taking care of me like this, my dearest", he mumbles and nuzzles your neck, "and getting me to sleep on time... I had no idea it was already midnight." He let out of chuckle and you shake your head with a disappointed sigh. Not a week went by where you didn't find him nodding off at his desk at least once; struggling to keep his eyes open and accidentally misspelling or repeating words on the report drafts he made. "You need to take some more time off", you whisper, gently caressing his cheeks. "The work of a Fatui Harbinger is tedious", he simply states. But if you could convince him to take breaks and get enough rest with your love and affection? Well, that was enough for now.
✧ listing the reasons you love him — This is something he needs from time to time. He vividly remembers his youth where he used to search for coins in the streets to buy himself a meal and was politely told to exit restaurants as his shabby looks might have a negative impact on the establishments' reputation if wealthy customers saw him like this, sitting alone at the table with half a meal because that was all he could afford. His popularity and desirability skyrocketed when he became a wealthy business man and the 9th harbinger. What could you love about him, if not his material possessions? There are moment, especially in the beginning of the relationship, where nothing helps him get over his doubts more than you holding him close and reminding him of how beautiful he was in your eyes; how you'd love him with every fiber of your being even if he had not a single coin to spare. That you adored how thoughtful, intelligent, ambitious and passionate he was. You loved the light-hearted moments in which Pantalone would joke around with you and attempt to tease you; as well as the quiet nights where he just couldn't help but to kiss you over and over again because his love for you was too much to just keep in his heart. You felt the same. That's why you let him know how much he means to you and all the little things you've grown to love about him.
✧ shoulder massages — He needs those because he has so much muscle tension, you weren't sure how his back didn't hurt every minute of the day. There's few things Pantalone appreciates more than having you massage his shoulders and help his muscles relax when he pulls what you had come to refer to as another "desk work marathon". Again, he doesn't ask for this but he makes sure to thank you, interrupting his work for a moment to give you a loving kiss and look into your eyes as he tells you that he loves you.
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✧ holding his hand when he's sick — We all know Baizhu has some days where his ailment gets so bad that he has to stay in bed and can't go to work. It took him a long, long time to even let you see him during those moments of weakness. Usually he'd just lock himself in his bedroom with only Changsheng for company as he tried to get through his pain on his own. After all, to him, it seemed as though it probably would be burden enough for you to love a man you knew was slowly dying. You didn't need to see him suffer like this. Only after you insisted several times that you want to be there for him when he has a bad day; that it would worry you way less if you could support him and comfort him; he let you in. Baizhu feels bad for relying on your help when he's in this state, but simultaneously your presence soon becomes a remedy he wouldn't want to miss out on. When the pain makes his whole body sore and the dizziness and nausea makes him feel like he's never going to get up again and the temperature of his body feels as though the gods of cryo and pyro were having a brutal war in his quarters; there's also, through all the hurt, the feeling of your hand holding his. The sound of your voice reassuring him that he was going to be okay and that you were right there with him. "Just focus on my hand", you tell him with a gentle voice as you run your fingertips over his palm as you see him shiver in the bed next to you. "I'm sorry that-", he croaks out but you interrupt him. "There's nothing you need to apologize for, my love", you reassure him and press a kiss to his forehead.
✧ helping him during bad days — Similarly, it also takes Baizhu a while to warm up to the idea of letting you assist him when he's feeling sick; be it making him tea or soup, taking care of some of his documents or wrapping his calves in wet cloths to help with the fever. You can only shake your head upon learning that he used to try and do these things himself while in this state. Changsheng is more than grateful that she doesn't have to fuss over the doctor as much as she used to now that you're here. Despite his initial protests, Baizhu has to admit that getting through one of those days had become way easier with someone around who actually had arms. Changsheng could try to ease his pain and comfort him with words but carrying a plate of soup was outside of the realm of possibility for the white snake.
✧ braiding his hair — As much as you love to see your lover with his hair down, there's many situations in his profession where a braid is more hygienic and comfortable to have. So he appreciates just being able to relax and talk with you about anything that crosses your minds while you braid his hair. If you keep commenting on how soft it is and how beautiful you think Baizhu is, you're sure to get a blush out of the physician. "You're adorable when you're flustered", you tease and Baizhu is glad that you're braiding his hair so he doesn't have to make eye contact with you. Oftentimes, doing this will have you press a kiss or two to his neck to remind him of your love for him while you tend to his long hair.
✧ deep and loving kisses — Baizhu loves when you take the initiative and just hold him in your arms while kissing him slowly and repeatedly. He appreciates to just be able to forget about his quest for immortality and his illness like this for a while, simply focusing on the feeling of your lips on his and your tongue circling around his, pouring all your love for him into the gesture and mumbling a quiet "I love you" in-between them. He knew very well that humans had a habit of living fast and the days going by faster than you'd think they would, so he adores just being able to indulge you and focus on your touch as if time had frozen for just a moment. He lets you pull him into another kiss as many times as you like to, simply grateful to be loved like this by someone he treasures as much as you.
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icycoldninja · 1 month
Can you write Dante, Nero and Vergil with a reader who’s painfully aware of their painfully low life expectancy?
Like she’s aware that the boys may outlive her considering they are part devil and that fact has been gnawing at the back of her mind ever since to the point where some nights she had to cry in the bathroom to relieve some stress because of how much the thought had ceased her heart to beat everytime
“Oh my god…he’s going to outlive me, I want us to grow old together like those lovely old couples I saw on the street! Not this!”
“Will he remarry another woman if I die…I know this sounds extremely selfish but I can’t stand the thought of him being with another and that’s not me…Oh shit!”
“Can I extend my lifespan? Maybe I can make a contract with a devil that can grant me more years to live…if it means being with him forever till we’re out of grace”
Yes I can, please enjoy!
Sparda boys + V x Reader with low life expectancy headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-You knew that Dante was going to outlive you since he was half demon and your life expectancy was...low.
-You tried hard to make sure he never knew, locking yourself in the bathroom to cry, and being sure to come up with some excuse whenever he saw you with puffy red eyes.
-You were saddened when you realized that you would never get to experience the joy of growing old together, because it was unlikely you'd live that long.
-There was the possibility that Dante would remarry after you did, and selfish though that may be, you couldn't stand the thought of another woman getting her hands on your man.
-You wanted to increase your lifespan, but how? Medications could only do so much, and you only had so much money. The idea of asking a demon for help came to mind, but you decided that would be a last resort.
-Dante eventually found out, either by eavesdropping on you whenever you disappeared into the bathroom or by other means, and was quick to reassure you he would find a way to increase your lifespan that didn't take away your soul, and if he couldn't, he would simply have to accept reality. But he would never forget you. You're his forever.
-"C'mon, cheer up. You got any idea how precious you are to me? You're my baby forever, even if you leave this world, I'm still gonna love you, and no one but you. Now shh, stop worrying. Want some ice cream? My treat."
■ Vergil ■
-Realizing that Vergil would outlive you was one of the most crushing discoveries of all time.
-You would never get to grow old together, unlike those happy looking couples you see on the street or in the park.
-There was also a chance that Vergil would move on when you died, and even though you were selfish for thinking this, you didn't want anyone else to have him.
-There weren't many ways to expand your lifespan, and most of them were out of your reach, so you fell into a deep depression because of this.
-It wasn't too hard for Vergil's watchful eyes to discern you were upset, so he quickly confronted you on the matter.
-Learning of what frightened and saddened you made him scoff. What a fool you were for thinking he could ever consider anyone to be more special than you. You were perfect, the love of his life and his eternal soulmate. Even in death, you were his; he would keep you in his heart until it stopped beating.
-"Hush now, there is no reason to cry. You will not be leaving me anytime soon, I won't let you. You cannot escape me, even in death."
□ Nero □
-You wanted to live your whole life with Nero, but apparently, that wouldn't be happening.
-You'd never know the peace of just growing old together, raising a family and maybe getting a pet along the way.
-And when you do depart from this world, there was a chance Nero would move on and marry another. Selfish as it was, you hated the thought of someone else getting your precious boy.
-You considered making a deal with the devil to increase your lifespan, but Nero thankfully caught on to your gloomy mood and asked you what was wrong befkre you could do anything you'd regret.
-He was heartbroken upon discovering how much your condition was bothering you, and was quick to scoop you into his arms and hold you for a full hour.
-While doing this, he assured you that the two of you would work to find something that could prolong your existence, and if you couldn't, Nero would find a friendly demon (preferably an old friend of Grandpa Sparda's) who could. Either way, he wasn't letting you go, and if death took you from him, he'd never love again.
-"Hey, hey, calm down, ok? I love ya. Always will. You're staying with me till we both kick the bucket, I promise, I'll find a way to make that happen. Don't cry anymore, come on, I hate seeing you like this."
● V ●
-The mere thought of outliving V made your stomach churn.
-Who would care for him after you're gone? What if he got older and more incapable to move around by himself, then what?
-What if he managed to find someone else? You knew you should be happy if he heals from your loss, but still! Some other woman with your V? Unacceptable!
-You cried about this all day and night for quite some time, until the affects of your affliction became engraved on your face. V saw this, and decided to question you.
-You tearfully poured out your heart and soul to him, sobbing about how you didn't have much time left on this earth as others did, and how you were scared of what would happen when you died.
-V reminded you that neither did he, and how both of you would have to work together to find something to expand your lifespan, and if you couldn't you would go out together.
-"My poor Wanderer, despair not. Either we leave this world side by side, or we continue onwards holding hands. No matter what, we will be together. Nothing will separate us."
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yourlovermumu · 1 year
y/n, y/n kibuiya
the zeroth upper moon. the trump card of muzan kibutsuji, the demon king. 
how did he find someone so powerful? second to him in strength infact. he never would have thought he would come across someone stronger then the upper moon one. but he did. and your his absolute favourite. 
oh wow, whats this? the demon king picking favourities? how bizarre. 
but how could he not be so fond of you when your the first ever demon to ever find any information about the blue spider Lilly? your the only demon here who  found information about the blue spider lilly after years of failure at finding it. other demons have just been asking around and looking for it all over the world. however not exactly doing any research. and now due to not only you being smart but also being the strongest demon at his disposal. obtaining the blue spider lilly doesnt seem too far off reach anymore. 
its all thanks to you. maybe thats why he has started to grow sort of attached to you. so much so that he wishes to have you by his side for all of eternity. but then again isnt it only normal for you, as his servant, to work for him? why must he wish for something so..human then?
he does not know. he can not describe the why his heart beats when your eyes meet his. he can not understand the way his cheeks feel hot whenever you let out an small giggle. he can not say why he feels warm whenever you smile at him. 
really, he does not know. but what he is sure of is, he craves you...in rather weird ways.
his craving for you can range from wanting to live with you for all of eternity to seeing you smile at him, just him. to craving your lips on his pale skin. and his hands on your body. 
his confused. dumbfounded even. he doesnt know why he desires you so much. in such questionable ways infact. ( at least by his standards, its pretty strange ) he wonders if its lust. him? the demon king? lusting over a woman? if someone were to hear of such news they would laugh. 
but then again could mere lust overwhelm him with the worry of your well being despite knowing how strong you are? 
him? worry about an demon? the same demon king who sees everyone as his pawns and could kill them at the snap of his fingers? that has to be a joke right? right?
apparently not. 
 not when you appear in his thoughts at night. 
not when he cant sleep without making sure if your okay after you have went out to kill hashiras for his sake. 
not when he cant go a day without you appearing in his thoughts. 
not when he finds himself smiling to the memory of your shiny eyes and pretty giggles. 
he has to admit it, his in love. 
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angelwhisp3rs · 8 months
⍣ ೋ star crossed
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Pairing: RE4!Leon x Fem!Reader
Summary: Two lovers, destined to not be together all across history
Tags: fluff; angst, a little gory (not descriptive! but tragedies happen); there is a happy ending (i'd kms if it didnt); they just suffer a lot
Notes: imagined that as i listened to a disney songs playlist, and i couldnt hold myself back. This was a little different for me, so any feedback is welcomed (pls be kind ill cry)
Rome, 456.
As the moon reached the sky, shining upon the stars, Empress Serena gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, the future of the Roman Empire: little Leo. He grew to be strong and dashing, a dignified heir to such a impotent throne.
Unfortunately, the royal life proved to be unforgiving with so many obligations, and the certainty that no matter what he did, it would never be enough. 
As the empire went through a rough patch, so did his relationship with the townsfolk - whenever he believed he was doing something helpful, the critics were always the first ones to prove otherwise. 
In a particular evening, an old lady in one of the poorest villages stomped into the castle, and pointed directly at Leo as he sat in his throne, sending a powerful spell on his way: “Your actions ought to be punished for all of your existence, and as long as you live, your heart shall never be free! For all eternity, like the sun and moon, your heart won't be complete!”
With the heavy words, she was escorted away from the palace, as Leo's heart felt heavy. She must be just some crazed lady.
Oh, how wrong he was.
'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'
Through his traveling and diplomatic affairs, Leo met a bright woman in Egypt. Her eyes shined like the brightest constellation in the sky, her wits were unmatched, and her body could lure even the blind. To say he fell in love was an understatement.
“On another visit?” she asked him as they met, her eyebrow arched.
“Egypt is quite successful these days. I can’t miss on opportunities” Leo answered with a knowing smirk, the back of his fingers caressing her jaw.
She looked up at him, her eyes sincere in her feelings as his touch was very welcomed “Opportunities or people?”
“I think you know the answer.” he said quietly, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
Their shared moments would be forever marked in his mind, appreciative that he could be the man he was with her, not Rome's Emperor. 
After deciding that she was the only one he ever wanted to marry, they met up in a nice flower camp, as he planned to ask for her forever on the same day. 
As they reached the designated place, Leo managed to get on one knee and pour his heart out to her. When he made the important question, as she was about to answer it, raiders invaded Egypt in a surprise attack, and before she could even say “yes”, the clan leader sliced through her heart, making her fall down and soon Leo followed, throat sliced open by another member. 
As life drained from their bodies, they looked at each other as they bled, their hands touching as they said their last goodbyes.
'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'
France, 1789
Leonidas fought against the imbalance that happened between the poorest and royals. The people were tired of poverty, brought by the dumb decisions of the French Monarchy.
As he disseminated his knowledge and beliefs, a royal carriage passed through, with the Princess inside it. She and Leonidas locked their eyes, and a shiver ran through their bodies. 
The monarchs always had empty eyes, but hers was so alive. She gave him a gentle passing smile - even if he was criticizing her existence, making his heart beat fast.
Whenever royal gatherings happened, Leonidas and his followers were the first ones there protesting. The only one who ever dared to meet them and talk was her. It was bad - his heart throbbed whenever she spoke, her voice acting like a sweet melody to him.
“Another one of your hate campaigns, Leonidas?” she asked, smirking, fanning her painted face with a luxurious fan.
“Just fighting for my people and myself” he answered in a dignified voice, his eyes not breaking eye contact with her.
“Just fighting? If you keep following me I might as well think your objectives involve me, but not as in a revolutionary sense” she winked, hiding her face behind the pink fan.
“Don’t even waste your time thinking about false pretenses” he smirked back, pulling her fan down as he watched her pretty features, all worthy of a Princess.
It was satirical - the biggest fighter against her family was the one who managed to catch her heart. She was usually the quickest one to brush off suitors, but the rebellion leader caught her heart, and she didn't want him to let go.
When Leonidas was finally ready to act on his feelings, the fall of the Bastille happened, and soon did the fall of the monarchy. As a punishment, all were to be beheaded in a public gathering, their heads thrown around to celebrate France’s new beginning.
As she was guided to the guillotine, her eyes locked in his as the blade sliced her, a lonely tear running on her cheeks. 
Leonidas, at that moment, felt hollow and empty, wondering what he did to deserve such feeling.
'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'
Italy, 1944
The war was at its peak, causing pain and destruction anywhere it passed by. Lionel fought bravely battle after battle, trying his hardest to stay safe at least till this he'll was over. 
The highlight among all that destruction was the newest nurse, hair always in carefully made curls, and lips adorned in the most lovely shades as she tended every soldier with care.
Whenever he laid on the infirmary in her care, she always spent the longest on him, sharing heartfelt comments and small jokes, hoping to bring a smile to his serious face. Also, she chose not to mention that his heartbeat was always fast with her - they were in a war after all, they had more serious matters to pay attention to.
“Although it makes me happy to see you, it pains my heart that it needs to involve your pain” she said softly, holding his hand with one of her hands as the other one cleaned his wound.
“I’m tough, if I could I would bruise myself completely to be under your care for days” Lionel answered with a whimper as she hit a soft spot.
“Don’t you ever think about that! I need you in one piece, so we ought to live our lives together, in happiness, after all this tragedy ends” she said in a hopeful tone, pressing a kiss to his skin.
“Do you promise me a nice house and delicious dinners?” he asked playfully, an endearing smile not leaving his face
“Better. I promise you a home” she answered quietly, moving away to tend another soldier's wounds.
After a German attack in a secluded village, the soldiers could only try to pray for any survivors - the attack was brutal. The houses were on the ground, some toys and furniture disorganized all over the place, a gray feeling hanging around their heads.
When the troop was ready to leave, Lionel heard a quiet sound under some rubble, calling his colleagues to check it out. Working their way to the sound, an old lady was buried underneath it, breathing with difficulty.
Lionel didn't think twice and fought to work her out of there, but when she was at his hold, it was already too late. On her last breath, she pressed a palm to his face and whispered “son… It's already late for this life, but I banish the dark hold in your destiny. After so much suffering, your hearts deserve happiness” and with that, she was gone.
Lionel cried, so tired with all the tragedy and death around him, he didn't really understand what she meant, but laid her body in respect and moved forward.
Sadly, no one could predict a blitzkrieg, and one that hit exactly where they moved, and also so near their base - their safety. Lionel was unfortunately one of the victims, the bomb hitting near his body.
The last thing he could comprehend was his body being moved as the pretty nurse moved desperately to save him, crying as she held his body and he finally let go, thinking of their home.
'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'
USA, 2023
Leon was sore after returning from another mission - one that could be considered a suicide one, but he wasn't that lucky to finally be able to rest peacefully.
He threw his body on his couch, but soon stood up and grunted as he reminded himself that he promised to go to an art exhibition with Claire and Chris, a piece of normalcy in a word reeking with monsters and nightmares.
How Claire managed to get Chris to come to a thing like that? Only God knows, but it would be a welcomed company amongst the bullshit that the art world revolves around.
As they reached the gallery, packed with artists, critics and obnoxious people who saw art in a dot of paint, Claire looked in glee at all the art pieces as Leon and her brother played a game of “blind or high?”, where they tried to guess if the artist was blind while making the piece or just purely high on whatever drug Umbrella passed along the streets to control people.
As they looked at the pieces, Claire stopped specifically at a painting of a couple sitting on a field, a picnic towel underneath them as the sky was purple, with the sun setting down and the moon reaching up. There were some children playing in the background, but much couldn’t be said, as they were mere shadows.
Leon looked at the painting puzzled, something in the art making his heart ache and long for, but he had no idea why. While Chris just whispered a “oh, definitely high” at him, he couldn't answer. The sight felt so familiar, but so painful, that he wanted to cry. Maybe fighting monsters and almost dying everyday was finally getting him.
A lady stopped in front of that painting, and looked at Leon with a witty smile and sparkly eyes “what do you see?”
As he looked at her, it was like the world stopped. She was just an unknown woman, but something felt so familiar in her. His heart was screaming for him to hug and kiss her, and Leon didn't know if he finally went insane or he was just deprived of affection (maybe both, but he didn't want to put a lot of thought into it).
Her hair matched her face perfectly, her makeup was minimal, contrasting with the red lipstick on her inviting lips. Her clothing molded perfectly into her pretty body, and he had to hold himself back from looking at her for too long.
With a deep sigh, he truthfully told her “I'm not good with art… but I think they look like a couple in love. A family, even. Maybe enjoying a picnic on a Sunday” he answered the stranger, holding back a blush.
Claire slapped him, embarrassed “you just described the painting you idiot, she meant more profoundly!”
The lady giggled, making Leon forget how to breathe for a second. She shakes her head and adds “no, I liked his observation. It looks like a dream Sunday, in my opinion” She winked at Leon
Still fighting a blush, he teased back “Okay then, Picasso, what do you see?”
The woman took a long breath and looked at the painting again “I see pain, but also hope. It feels like broken hearts being brought together. Kinda poetic.”
Leon could only look at her and smile, as she did the same. Pain and love. Leon could understand those feelings mixed together.
As they kept talking and walking through the gallery together, they failed to see the owner of the painting, an old woman who watched them with a smirk. 
She turned to her assistant and said “Isn't destiny a funny thing? I guess I have to watch closely for inspiration for my next pieces, I've never gotten the full story before.”
The assistant looked at the artist in confusion, but didn't press the matter. The only thing she could think was: “Guess all the best artists are crazy people.”
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okiedokrie · 5 months
High Infidelity (TEASER)
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Summary: There are many different ways that you could kill the one you love, the slowest way is never loving them enough. So what happens when you find someone who was all too willing to give you thee attention you craved, you said you'd only dip your toes into the idea, and yet, you find yourself already drowning. The novel you've been writing has been in progress for the better half of two years now, your writer's block beating you up, and your husband hasn't shown you any sympathy. Maybe a visit to the art exhibit from this new artist would jog your creativity, but what happens when this new artist offers you more than just relief from your writer's block?
Characters/Pairing(s): Xu Minghao (The8) x F!Reader
Genre: Smut, Angst, Fluff
AUs/Trope info: Non-idol!AU, Aged-Up!AU, Right Person (not) Too Late
Word Count: 882 for this teaser (estimated 8-10k final fic)
Warnings: Infidelity, very inappropriate conversations with a married woman, tipsy sex (not drunk), minghao smokes, smut warnings in actual fic
Rating: 18+
A/N: banner and dividers by @daesukiii!! tysm!! This is also a rewrite/reupload of my own fic, "High Infidelity" on @pyeonghongrie, yes I reskinned my own fic.
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The rain soaked into your skin, cold and icy piercing you painfully. All your personal belongings were strewn all around you, your soon ex-husband angrily slamming the door shut, but you can't feel but be relieved.
After all, you were finally free.
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"I'm right here, honey, I love you." He whispers into your skin, slowly unbuttoning your shirt, one button at a time. He kisses your skin every time new skin is revealed to both of you, he kisses your skin so delicately as if you'd break at the slightest touch-
"Y/N, you still haven't dealt with the dishes yet." Your husband, Haru, said monotonously just as you were starting to gain momentum in your writing.
You groan, the interruption making you lose focus and motivation to write. You stare at the last word on your document, gaze burning into each pixel as if hoping that this piece would write itself. 
Unfortunately, life said, "Fuck you."
With another groan, you rub and pinch the bridge of your nose, a headache starting to settle in as your husband returns to work as if he didn't just cause you a serious inconvenience.
Standing from your comfortable computer chair, you take calm and even strides toward your kitchen, where only a handful of dishes are left in the sink.
And this little shit didn't even bother washing like, what? 8 dishes? he has to be kidding me, men.
You thought to yourself, your inner monologue only making yourself more irritated. But you wash them in silence, thinking of ways to calm down and clear your head so you have a clean slate to work with to get inspired again.
I think I should visit the gallery again, there's this new artist that I've been following. He's getting pretty popular, maybe I could draw inspiration from his work?
You think maybe this is the best idea you've had since you put bacon bits on mac & cheese. 
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Taking the time to visit this gorgeous gallery was the correct move. 
Xu Minghao is a passionate man, you can see his dedication to his craft in all the pieces in this gallery. He was a mixed media artist, sometimes his work was pops of color on a canvas, others were sculptures made of clay, made with the most delicate of hands, and others were more niche, like the stained glass piece in another part of the gallery.
One thing about Minghao's work is that his subjects are also subjects of passion.
Paintings of a man's devotion to worshiping his lover's skin, a stained glass recreation of The Birth of Venus by Botticelli, and his latest masterpiece, simply titled "Passion", a sculpture of a woman in the throws of pleasure, with her lover holding her close to him, no gap between their skin, eternally locked in a passionate embrace.
As a romance writer, this is exactly what you need.
You take in this sculpture, the light of the gallery display emphasizing the delicate attention to detail this piece had, you know the man who made this takes pride in this, his work, skills, and dedication finally being realized.
You stare in awe at this piece for a little over 20 minutes, the more you look at it, the more entranced you become of the mastery of this craft.
You feel a presence beside you, a man around 5'11", slightly muscular build, in a turtleneck with glasses sitting delicately on his nose. He has a peculiar hairstyle, a mullet to be exact, and the most gorgeous face you've ever laid your eyes on.
"I see you like this piece in particular," He started, hands in his trouser pockets while smiling fondly at the piece, "'Passion' was a difficult piece for me to finish, ironically enough, I got bored of it quite easily." He continues, turning to face you.
"I'm Minghao, by the way, Xu Minghao. If you haven't already figured it out." He takes a hand out of his pocket, extending it towards you.
"Oh, I'm Y/N, Park Y/N. It's a pleasure to meet you, Minghao. Your exhibit is astounding, I love your dedication to your work." You take his hand to shake it,
He chuckles at the compliment, "Oh please, save your praise, I know that name from anywhere. I love your latest work, that book was what inspired this entire collection, to begin with."
You gawk at him, oh my god, he reads smut. My smut.
"Oh my, what an honor! I'm glad you also enjoy my work." You receive the compliment gracefully, "Although, I do want to hear more about why you got bored of this piece in particular, such a wonder to the arts community, surely you aren't downplaying your work?"
He smiles, perfect teeth on display, you swear you never looked at a man like this in your life. You were down bad for his smile.
"I'm not saying I think it's bad, I just got bored of the creative process." He explains, "Although I do want to continue adding to this collection, perhaps we can go and get drinks together? Exchange ideas?" he offers.
You ponder on this for a bit. Going out to drinks with a budding friend wouldn't hurt, right?
"Could I give you my number? Let's set aside a day to chat. I have to get home to my husband before it gets too late."
A smirk came into his face, something dark about a seemingly insignificant change in his expression, “Of course, I look forward to our time together.”
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nikethestatue · 4 months
Once Upon a Dream
Erleil Month 2024
My headcanon is as follows:
Soon after meeting Elain--still a human woman--Azriel went to visit his mother. They have a close, but somewhat cordial relationship, with Azriel unwilling or unable to share much about his life with her. Therefore, his mother just offers him kindness, comfort and love and hopes that it's enough for him.
On that particular visit, she noticed that there was something troubling him. But not in his usual way--not the typical quietness and broodiness that he so often displayed. Whatever preoccupied her son that day was unlike anything she'd seen before. It was...hopeful. It was the secret smile that tugged on his lips. It was as if the thoughts were pleasant somehow, even if he wouldn't admit it. They were anticipatory. There was a yearning in his eyes that she hadn't seen before.
This wasn't the same desire that he had for that loud blonde that his mother didn't care for. This was different.
A thing of secret, lovely beauty.
So she did the only thing what she could think of at that moment.
Before he left her to return to Velaris, she handed him a plain silver ring. It had no embellishments on it. No stone. Just a band of cheap silver.
"I never got to wear it," she told him wistfully. "But it goes back for generations. Thousands of years. According to my grandmother, it came from that dead Court that doesn't exist anymore. But surely it's only a legend."
Azriel took the ring and asked, "and what am I to do with it?"
"You give it to your daughter," she told him.
"My daughter?" the man almost choked on the words. "I don't..."
She interrupted him, "Yes. But it doesn't mean you never will. Have one, that is. Doesn't mean you wouldn't find love or become a husband and a father."
"That's nonsense, mother."
"Before you have a daughter with the woman you love, give it to the woman. She'll know what to do with it," she suggested. "Trust me."
Azriel took the ring without saying anything else. 
“I was told that this has been with the females of my family for generations,” Azriel said, holding a simple silver band in his fingers.
Elain looked at the ring with fascination. Such history in such a simple little thing. Millennia of love and joy and loss and tears and hope and celebrations in this plain band. Cherished by the females of Azriel’s line, all through centuries of tribulations, war, hopelessness and strife. And yet, hope sprung eternal for these women, who shared their ways and traditions and wishes with their daughters.
“I am supposed to give it to my daughter,” Azriel said. “So it stays with the family.”
“You should,” Elain nodded. “It’s a precious gift.”
“But first, I think I’d like to give it to you,” he proposed. “And if I am privileged enough, maybe one day, you’ll give us that daughter. But first, I want to give it to the only one I’ve ever loved. My one and only. Take the ring. Take my heart. Because it beats for you. All for you, Elain. My only one.”
Elain took the ring.
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Niragi x reader
TW: Violence, Alcohol Consumption, Harassment.
Niragi had not slept well a single night since the encounter with Y/N. All those memories he had kept buried deep in his mind, hidden behind the persona he had created to survive in Borderlands, had surfaced tumultuously.
He no longer knew who he was. Was he truly the violent, threatening man, rifle in hand, whom everyone feared? Or perhaps he was just Niragi Suguru, her Niragi, as she used to say—the man who stayed up late at the library trying to escape his ghosts.
Y/N's arrival in Borderlands had turned his world upside down. Once again. And now he could do nothing but drink late into the night to forget, to forget that she was there, somewhere in that dangerous world, playing deadly games, facing rivals, facing people like him... Or maybe she was already dead. He could never rule out that possibility in Borderlands... and so he drank more. He drank more to forget.
Pool parties until the early hours of the morning, encounters with women his drunk mind mistook for her, shouts and screams from the people he threatened and beat violently simply for being in his way... only amidst that chaos did Niragi seem able to silence the voices in his head, to blur her image in his mind and quiet the fears that gripped his body, sending shivers down his spine. He had lost her.
It was due to all those extracurricular activities that Niragi did not learn of her arrival at The Beach until the following day.
Y/N had been kidnapped, from her perspective, by a group of people who seemed to have been impressed by her in the last game. A diamond four, nothing too fascinating in her view, but those men did not seem willing to let her go once the game was over. They put her in a car, blindfolded and tied her hands “to avoid complications,” they said, and drove what seemed like an eternity to her until they reached an old hotel that stood imposing in the middle of nowhere.
“There’s electricity,” was the first thing she noticed, and the idea of staying in such a place became a bit more appealing. When she also saw the pool in operation, indicating the presence of running water, and the image of a warm shower formed in her mind, she decided that the place couldn’t be that bad.
“Welcome! Welcome to The Beach!” A curious-looking man, who would later refer to himself as The Hatter, greeted her in a room illuminated by the first rays of the morning sun. “I’ve heard about you and couldn’t wait to have you in our ranks!”
Y/N remained silent, assessing the situation. The room was not too crowded—four people beside the Hatter, two by the door, and two others behind her.
“In this utopia we call The Beach, you can enjoy the comforts of a luxurious life... as long as you contribute,” continued The Hatter.
“Contribute how?” Y/N thought, of course, there had to be a catch.
“I don’t ask too much, Y/N, just follow a few basic rules and play all the games assigned to you, returning here with a card for me,” the man said simply, while watching the girl, studying her reaction.
The woman was surprised that this man, whom she had never seen before, knew her name, but she did not show it. She immediately understood that this place was based on a hierarchy where the Hatter was at the top, and that was exactly what he intended to demonstrate with his cheap trick of calling her by name.
“Alright, I agree to stay,” Y/N nodded. The advantages that the place seemed to offer were too tempting to refuse.
“Oh, darling... you don’t have a choice,” The Hatter laughed.
An hour later, the girl had her own room, a swimsuit too sensual in her opinion, and a bracelet with the number 12 around her wrist.
Y/N walked around the room, scrutinizing each corner with suspicion. The first thing she noticed was the impossibility of locking the door. “Security measures,” the white-haired man with the hoodie who had accompanied her to her door had simply said. The next thing that caught her attention was the huge bed occupying more than half of the room, and from that moment on, her body started to act on autopilot, lying down in the plush sheets and surrendering to sleep. That morning, with the sun lighting up the room and the fresh memory of a bloody game just hours before, Y/N slept like she hadn’t in a long time. Perhaps it was the lack of rest in recent days, the nights of solitude and uncertainty, the vivid memory of Niragi in her mind... but that dawn, tangled in those fluffy and cozy sheets, the girl found a peace and serenity she never thought she would experience again.
Time passed unnoticed by Y/N until some screams beyond her window jolted her from her deep sleep. It took her a few minutes to remember where she was as a frustrated sigh escaped her lips, longing for a few more minutes of sleep.
More shouts filtered through the window with the curtains drawn, and Y/N got up heavily from her comfortable paradise, approaching the window and searching for the source of the disturbance. Beyond the glass, a pool party seemed to be taking place, people yelling with joy, enjoying the water and the afternoon sun. There were barely a few hours of daylight left before the moon rose in the sky and night overcame day. “I’ve slept a lot,” the girl told herself. She spent a little more time observing the crowd before deciding to go down. She had never been much of a party person, not even in college. While her peers enjoyed a “wild night,” she preferred the quiet of the library in the company of Niragi... and there it was again, that thought. She quickly discarded it from her mind; she had promised herself never to think of him again. Never again.
Before she knew it, she had blended into the crowd, blending in among drunks and intoxicated people, making her way to the bar. If she was going to stay in this place, she had to adapt to it, as if it was just another of the many games tormenting her in Borderlands. She ordered a drink she recognized as alcoholic and headed to an available lounger near the pool.
“Are you new? I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before.”
Y/N turned towards the voice. A tall woman with braided hair looked at her with curiosity from the lounger beside her, chewing on what seemed like plastic.
“I’m Kuina,” she introduced herself.
“Y/N, nice to meet you, and yes, I arrived today.” Although making friends wasn’t on her list, Y/N couldn’t help but be drawn to the woman’s aura and, upon reflection, it wouldn’t be bad to have an acquaintance in a place like this.
“Well, if you’re new, you must still be in shock… Have you tried the showers yet? They have running water!” Kuina said excitedly.
Y/N smiled. Yes… there was something about that woman that gave her an instinctive trust, a good feeling accompanied by a warmth in her chest as she smiled for the first time in a long time.
The girl was about to respond to Kuina when a sudden silence fell over the pool. The atmosphere became tense, and, without apparent reason, what had been a party was buried under a bitter unease that made her hair stand on end.
“The Militants,” Kuina whispered.
Y/N turned to try to figure out what Kuina was referring to. She saw a group of armed men advancing as if they owned the place, with arrogant and haughty expressions, following a serious-looking man who seemed to be their leader.
“If you want to live peacefully here, don’t mess with them...” Kuina whispered again, still watching the group as they pushed aside those who seemed to bother them with their mere presence.
Y/N watched nervously as the men drew closer to her position. She had faced games, the life beyond the placid comfort of The Beach, but for some reason, the presence of that group sent shivers down her spine. She observed the leader moving forward with a steady gaze. “He looks like a military man,” she thought as she studied his firm and calculated movements, and almost jumped in fright when the man stopped right in front of her, still looking ahead. He turned his head towards her, his body rigid, and she felt his penetrating gaze examine her from head to toe. Y/N made a move to shield herself from his gaze as the man turned to his subordinates, nodding in her direction.
“Bring her to me,” his voice echoed in the silence.
The girl’s heart skipped a beat as she realized the situation she was in, and she quickly felt a hand on her thigh gripping her tightly, as if fearing she might fly away. Kuina had taken on an almost defensive position, holding her in place.
But the leader didn’t even notice; he was watching one of his men intently.
“Didn’t you hear me, Niragi? Bring her to me,” he spat through clenched teeth.
For a brief moment, Y/N thought her mind was tricking her by making her hear that name she had been trying to forget for days, and the next moment, she wished the ground would open up and swallow her whole as she made eye contact with the man holding the rifle, in a patterned shirt, and facial piercings who had been frozen in place.
Niragi’s world had crumbled once again upon seeing the woman that Aguni seemed to have his eye on. Normally, he had no trouble obeying his leader’s orders with sarcasm and arrogance, but this time, although he wanted to, his feet felt like lead and his legs refused to move. Additionally, his mind was reluctant to comprehend his boss’s words that seemed to be relegated to the background while he stared at the girl in astonishment, not even able to understand how he felt at that moment: Happy? Confused?... no. He was scared, of that he was sure.
“Niragi!” Aguni’s roar seemed to snap him out of his daze, making him aware of his situation as he was observed with curiosity by everyone at the pool. His image was in danger if he didn’t act at that very moment.
He took a step towards Y/N, horrified as the girl trembled at his approach. He didn’t even know what he would do when he was in front of her, he was supposed to grab her and hand her over to his leader, but all he wanted was to hold her in his arms and beg for her forgiveness.
“What’s going on here?” A new voice echoed through the silence and tension of the moment. The Hatter had arrived. Niragi let out a sigh of relief, halting his advance and standing still, watching Y/N, who had slid back on the lounger as if trying to keep the maximum distance between them. He could also see the woman he recognized as Chishiya’s companion holding Y/N’s thigh tightly as if trying to prevent her from being taken.
“Hatter,” Aguni greeted, clearly annoyed.
“You can’t just take people away like that,” The Hatter said as he approached the scene with a hint of mockery in his voice, raising both arms nonchalantly. “I’m in charge here,” he spoke closer to Aguni, with a touch of tension in his voice.
Aguni clenched his jaw, staring at the other man before turning away.
“Let’s go,” he shouted to his men, who quickly started walking behind their leader.
Niragi seemed to hesitate in his movement, his mind maliciously assuring him that he would never see her again if he left at that moment. With his eyes locked on hers intensely, he tried to convey a message of reassurance: “Don’t worry, I’ll come back for you,” but Y/N only saw in his gaze the monster she had seen days earlier in that alley, the monster she was desperately trying to erase from her mind.
The paradise... it was too good to be true.
© 2024 [@dreamwavesexploringreality]
The third part of Night in the Library has just been published!
What do you think? Your feedback is much appreciated. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
Should I continue with the next part?
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cocogum · 3 months
The Great Wave - Chapter 8 Review
Warning(s): unhinged behavior, fat shaming, unnecessary use of foul language, watch me pulverize a bag of expired chicken trash, aurora slander, no one is safe, cyberbullying at its finest ✨
I never thought I would have laughed at the beginning of this chapter.
Like I legit goofed off when I read it no joke.
We come back to Amalia and the beginning of her “fight” against the professional clowns and fatty is telling trophy daughter to get away.
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No, come closer Aurora. For once, be an independent woman and don’t listen to your father. You got this honey, get A LOT closer 🥰🥰🥰
Oh my gosh, and she did!
She actually got closer! Good for you, Aurora, you’re such a good girl!
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Eyo what.
I did not just hear this bitch say “I won’t run away”. Did I hear that right?
This is coming from the cunt who ran away from HER HUSBAND’S PEOPLE’S FUCKING WAR who’s saying that??
This is coming from the blue-skinned mc fry chicken-looking ass who listened to her daddy tell he to run away from a war but disobeys him when he tells her to not fight another woman?
You’d rather disobey your daddy to fight an experienced adventurous heroine but you’d listen to him when he tells you to flee from a war you were supposed to stay in?
This bitch is clinically slow.
Please lord, let this be a foreshadowing that she’ll actually die when she fights Amalia. 🙏🙏
And then you got her DUMB ASS turning into a Temu version of Echo saying:
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Nah. Amalia cook her up.
Fry her up into that McDonald’s Angus sandwich they took out from the menu AND LEMME EAT THAT SHIT RIGHT AFTER IT-
Literally what the fuck is wrong with this blue hoe. She uses her anger like that towards Amalia but not when it’s necessary???
How?? How does she think like that?
She did not do shit during the war and ran away because she said she was pregnant and did not want to fight and yet here she is saying she’s ready to brawl with Amalia while being pregnant. This doesn’t do shit for her cuz this is just implying that she was fully capable of defending the sadidas during the war!!
Aurora is yapping as if she can efficiently win this.
Meanwhile, you got Amalia over here, who fought straight-up divinities: she fought against Harebourg, an infamous demigod xelor before he ran away, damaged Jiva's hands, the month protector of Javian, was able to momentarily restrain Oropo, a demigod copy of Yugo, managed to beat Black Bump, the demigod feca, by partnering up with Yugo, and stood her ground against a freaking necrome (a necrome is not a divinity but it technically stays "alive" for eternity).
Aurora has no brain cells, doesn't watch what the hell she's saying more than half the time, has no experience in battle, her pregnancy is the only thing relevant about her, lies for the sake of lying, and has a hideous bird transformation.
Because let's talk about it.
This might just be the ugliest bird transformation I have ever seen in my life. It’s not even pretty at all. Look at how her fingers turn into vulture claws and those feathers just sprouting out of her shoulders and arms.
Echo did it far better than her because her transformation was actually elegant and sublime. Meanwhile, you got Aurora’s slow-ass vulture transformation where she looks like she’s about to take a shit in that panel. Her head is lowered down, her face is hiding behind her hair, her body is shaking, her shoulders going back, and her hands trembling, yeah she’s definitely shitting herself just to do this transformation. Even Efrim’s paws are cuter CUZ HERS LOOK LIKE CHICKEN/VULTURE FEET.
Also, when you say: “It’s time we put her in her place”, who’s “we”??? You and your dad??? You think that fatty can fight back? Just a second ago, he was telling you to stay back and was sweating like a pig, so again, tf you mean “we”???
Woman thought she ate saying “iT’s TImE ThAT We PuT hEr iN HeR pLaCe” go sit your ass down, you couldn’t even fight against A THUNDER STRIKE. That thunder wasn’t even from the Eliatrope goddess, it was literally just nature that kicked your ass by touching your furry finger.
And that’s the worst part of it. It didn’t even touch your whole body. It touched the edge of your fucking fingers and you immediately dramatically fell like a bird’s white shit.
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She’s such a clown omg…
This ain’t even funny anymore. She really thought she was on the same level as Amalia.
Even fucking Eva could take on Aurora while being pregnant, cuz unlike that blue-skinned brat, Eva was able to defend herself against a sram demigoddess AND escape from a pandawa demigod WHILE BEING MUCH FURTHER IN HER PREGNANCY THAN AURORA.
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Tot, please for the love of god turn Aurora into a soufflé before the sadidas cause a rebellion French style with the guillotine when they find out she’s actual trash.
Aurora is literally that one jujutsu kaisen meme where they go “Nah, I’d win.” 💀💀💀
Our boss queen Amalia immediately picked up on her bullshit and sensed her coming from a mile away even when she was “going fast” while flying.
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And this is literally one of the best krosmoz manga shots of Amalia ready to fucking destroy this worthless excuse of an osamodas.
I swear no matter how many times I keep seeing this panel, my heart wants to pull itself out of my chest, screaming, getting on adrenaline. Amalia’s just so perfect, I wanna be her and kick that chicken-legged braindead woman so badly 😫😫
But sadly, we’re going to have to wait for the next chapter to see this “fight”. I’m calling it like that cuz I bet my whole bank account that it’s just gonna be Amalia pummelling Aurora repeatedly, ain’t no way that blue hoe can actually fight after the shit I saw in Season 4.
And I hope that’s the case because we can see Aurora looking like she’s struggling on the cover of Chapter 9.
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She looks enraged and flying fast towards Amalia perhaps. But she definitely looks furious and whenever she looks mad, we all now know it’s always because she’s losing or not getting something she wants.
So yes, Amalia, destroy this wench.
Meanwhile, Yugo’s tasting what hell feels like and my god that crater looks even bigger when we get close up…
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What I especially loved about this chapter, was that we finally got another interaction between Yugo and Adamaï, this time more personal and something that felt like their dynamic from Season 2. It’s sad to know that their bond won’t be the same as it was before even when they have finally reunited and forgiven each other.
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But this scene gave me hope that their brotherly bond has not entirely been washed away from the years of being apart.
Adamaï still cares for him a great deal and Season 4 was able to show it. And this chapter did the same thing.
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This is heartbreaking too look at.
Yugo’s face when he hears him say that, is the look of realization, you can tell his heart just squeezed at his words.
It’s been so long since Adamaï told him these words. He didn’t even say them in Season 4 when they were both reconciling.
Adamaï actually had a really good idea to solve this issue. A temporary solution if you will. Since they’re both primordial twins of the Eliatrope goddess, it was very clever of him to deduce that they should both share the pain of the belladone poison!
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Ad can actually impress us when he wants to damn…
Yugo refuses at first but realizes that since they don’t have any other options, he accepts.
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(*i just now realized how big Adamaï’s hands looked in this shot. Damn. Imagine getting choked by that-*)
This whole scene, I genuinely felt the bond they used to share back in Seasons 1 and 2. The way Yugo completely relies on Adamaï for any decision that they make together and Adamaï being the one who highlights the issue at hand before coming up with a solution for the both of them.
And ngl, it actually felt very refreshing to see this change.
And here’s the shot guys.
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This is the shot we’ve been waiting to see ever since that damn great wave webtoon trailer came out!!
I like how some of us collectively agreed that this was the moment where Yugo created the wave but I’m so happy it wasn’t the case. Because if it did happen like this, the timing would have felt way too forced and rushed. Now I’m just happy Yugo won’t have to cough up blood all the damn time (even tho I like that idea so much cuz Yugo suffering is something i KNOW we all want cuz god zammnn-) because he’ll actually be able to be balanced and stable for now.
Now that the link has been made, Adamaï lets Yugo know that they should move somewhere else to not cause any other damage to the kingdom which is another great idea (Adamaï’s all fired up with good ideas today lol)
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I believe there is a way to find a cure for the Belladone poison. Based on what I found, the poison doesn’t seem to have any remedy since it’s such a deadly substance to drink but I believe they could be able to find something that could potentially help Yugo and Adamaï get rid of it from their systems.
For example, the same thing happened to Amalia back in Season 1. Not only did she get bit by a demonic rose known to have been created to hurt Jiva, one of the month protectors of the world of twelve, but she ended up being fine once the others found a cure for the flower.
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Granted, the flower and the belladone have two distinct differences that separate them on their severity level : A) The demonic rose is a flower while the belladone is a berry. B) The demonic rose is a deadly flower that, once touched, can kill you in under a day while the belladone, once eaten, can kill you in under a few seconds. It can even damage your skin if you hold one for too long.
Even so, it doesn’t change the fact that if an infamous red flower that has impacted a divinity can be cured, then so can the belladone.
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These two are pure morons.
It doesn’t matter when or where they are, they’ll still smirk and come up with dumb jokes even when they’re in pain like this.
Adamaï’s over here treating this like “training”. I have no idea if he said that to lighten the mood when he realized they were somewhat stable now that they shared the pain or if it was just because he genuinely tested this like training to see if they could withstand the pain together.
Either way, they’re both idiots and brothers for life. Brothers who smile even when they’re not sure about the pain.
Extra: let’s just enjoy more pained yugo expressions lol
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sstan-hoe · 1 year
◇ 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 𝐭𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 ◇
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𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 — vampire!bucky barnes × human!fem!reader
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 — you're his angel and he will love you for eternity, he does everything for you...it's time to return the favour
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 — oral (m receiving), throat fucking, Bucky being just hot by making sounds, light praise kink, a bit mean Bucky?
𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 — reblog, comment/follow | this is my first fic for the June-iverse Event and I'm very excited!!! I really wanted this to be good and hope its not a total flop! I had the words Shop, Angel, Vampire and Rich. I didn't really know what to do with shop so it's just there haha | would have posted earlier but couldn't find the email! stupid spam folder
𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕 — Alternate June–iverse | @buckybarnesevents
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You twireld around in your white summer dress with a joyful giggle, it was one of your favourites and made you feel light on your feet.
The warm breeze flowed around you making a cosy feeling spread through your body. A few butterflies crossed your path, dancing along the sunbeams that let the world look healthier.
Bucky sat a little further away, watching you closely. Every move you made had his heart beating – if it could.
Once your gaze met Bucky everything went still, he looked powerful sitting in a black garden armchair. It seemed out of place with the setting of nature around it, but it suited your man’s dark demeanour.
Legs spread wide apart, body leaning back into the armchair as he rested his chin between his thumb and pointer finger. His eyes never left your body, you looked care free as if no one could do a thing to you – they couldn’t, Bucky made sure of it. All his mind could think about was what he did to deserve you.
Being alive for five hundred years and he never came across a woman like you, an angel. He loved calling you, his Angel.
You came and pulled him from the darkness, made the life he lived make sense. With you by his side he didn’t mind living forever, he would love you for eternity and that included if you died and he still had to live.
He tries avoiding that scenario and instead gently guides you into the life of being a vampire. It took him a while to adjust to the thought of turning you, becoming a vampire was a big decision to make and he wasn’t sure if you understood that. This was the reason why he wouldn’t turn you until you were at least twenty-five.
Back to the moment, you had broken Bucky from his thoughts as you skipped over to him, “what do you think?” you asked refereeing to the dress you wore.
“Mhm, I quite like it...easy access,” he purred, hands grasping your waist to draw you into his lap. The cool fingertips of his metal hand grazed your soft skin, a light shudder rolling down your spine.
You swatted his hand away which caused him to grip your chin with his flesh hand, “are you denying me what belongs to me?” he cocked his head to the side as if to challenge you.
“This dress is brand new, and I will not have you make it messy,” you scolded him playfully.
“Remind me, Angel, who bought this dress?” Bucky asked innocently, however his blue eyes betrayed him. You knew exactly how much he loved spending his money on you, most of the time without even asking if you wanted something. He just bought it.
Rolling your eyes, you leaned back against his chest with a smile, “oh, well then I guess, I have to buy my dresses myself in the future…,” you knew how much Bucky disliked it if you bought something with your own money.
His eyes darkened, hands moving to your stomach as he nuzzled his nose into the crook of your neck. “Do that and I will have to punish you,” he whispered tickling you.
You squirmed with a squeak, “stop it!” trying to rip yourself from his grip on you. Bucky chuckled and continued tickling your sides, “I don’t think so, my little Angel,” he smirked teasingly. A wholehearted laugh escaped you at the feeling, squirming in his arms again, “Bucky, please,” you breathed out.
Bucky’s heart grew everytime he heard your angelic voice, his angel. Your laugh, your voice, something he would never get tired of hearing. He stopped and went to caress your clothed covered skin.
As you recovered from the torture of your love, Bucky had snaked his right arm under your knees to pick you up. With a surprised sound you were lifted and carried inside the house.
He walked with you into the bedroom, laying you onto the bed. His hands sneaked underneath your dress, but you sat up and stopped his hands. Confusion was written all over Bucky’s features, wondering if he did something wrong however you excited smile told him otherwise.
You slide towards him and his hand, pushing him back a little so you could stand up and guide him to replace you on the bed. Bucky sat down, hand still resting in yours as you got on your knees in front of him.
Oh, now he knew where this was going. His cock strained against his dress pants, you let go of his hand and moved it to stay on his side.
You trailed your fingers up to his belt which you unbuckled easily, fingertips stroking his covered cock. Bucky hissed at feeling, you barley gave him any fraction and he was already this responsive.
“Today, I want to return the favour and devour you,” voice just above a whisper had his member twitching. It should be a crime how sexy you were to him, a hoarse groan leaving his lips, “mhm, what a good Angel I have…then devour me,” a hint of begging danced at the edge of his voice, covered by the command.
Pulling his briefs down his hard cock sprang against Bucky’s abdomen, the few drops of pre-cum staining the blood-red dress shirt.
Your tongue darted out lick the pre-cum from his mushroom formed tip, the brunette drove his flesh hand into your hair trying to suppress the urge to shove his cock down your throat.
A smile spread across your face at his reaction, you let him take over the reign soon but not yet. Licking a long stripe along his length, you could taste the light saltiness which had you thriving.
The hand in your hair didn’t hinder you in teasing Bucky, your hand wrapped around the base of his cock. Gently stroking up and down, a way to feel every popping vein. One thick vein popped out, practically asking you to lick it.
“Fuck,” Bucky groaned as he felt your tongue on the sensitive vein, hand gripping your roots.
You hissed at the sudden tightness in your hair, but damn did it feel good. You didn’t want Bucky to lose his grip on your hair hence why you closed your mouth over his angry tip.
At first, you gave him a few kitten licks before taking him completely down your throat – or trying to take him. His cock wasn’t particularly long but thick, it was difficult fitting all of it inside your mouth. You couldn’t take him any further down, a gagging noise erupting from your throat in protest.
The feeling of his tip hitting your maw had him moaning and his sounds encouraging you to try and take more of him. Never in your life did something turn you on as much as his noises he made while you gave him pleasure.
It was over for Bucky. He took control over you. His hand spreading over your scalp, gently massaging it before yanking your head back and taking you by surprise in the process.
“Enough of that little Angel, it’s time I take control,” the vampires voice was hoarse, you wouldn’t do anything to disobey him. Firstly, he guided his guided you back up to look into your eyes, they were filled with hunger and the need to be controlled.
This was the last soft eyes you received from Bucky before he had your head shoved down on his cock again. All the way down which tears to spring from your eyes, “fuck, show me those pretty tears,” he let his head fall back in pleasure.
He didn’t let you lift your head, instead he let you choke on his cock. A loud gagging sound ringing through the walls as he rolled his hips up.
The vibrations of your cries sending him closer to his high, “choke on my cock, little Angel,” Bucky purred as he kept his cock pressed against your throat. God, he wished he could stay in the warmth of your mouth forever, buried deep inside.
However, he was near his orgasm, he had to make a decision. Gently he thrusts your head up and down his hardened length. “You’re such a beauty when you suck my cock,” he praised you in a soft tone. Soon his pace picked up and drool escaped your mouth as you couldn’t control it anymore.
“God, I’m coming,” Bucky grunted moving his hips to meet his thrusts. You felt his cock twitch against your tongue, his release would drop over the edge every second.
Even though you were his angel, you could be a little devil especially when it came to teasing him. You hollowed your cheeks around him, a deep groan flowing past Bucky’s lips. As the grip on your head tightened you knew how close he was and what would tip him over.
While he desperately fucked your throat you sucked on the mushroom formed head. Bucky came, all over your tongue. Gasping and groaning as he watched you swallow all of him.
You couldn’t stop the moan that escaped you, his sounds just felt different and had you clenching your thighs pathetically.
“Take it, take all of it Angel,” his metal hand came up to rest against your cheek as he slowly lifted your head from his cock. “Swallow,” was all he said, looking deep into your eyes and without hesitation swallowed the slightly salty yet sweet semen of Bucky.
A drop almost falls from the corner of your mouth, but Bucky swiped it away with his thumb. Laying his digit onto your tongue to give you every last piece of him.
After a delightful moan from you had Bucky thriving with pride. “Did such a good job, Angel,” you sat up onto his lap, his cock hardening again, “but I’m not finished with you...still have to make a mess of this dress I bought.”
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𝑩𝑶𝒀𝑺 𝑻𝑾𝑶 — @smile1318 @wintasssoldier @xcaptain-winterx @georgiapeach30513 @alina02 @jobean12-blog @broadwaybabe18 @waddlenut @buckymcu12 @witchybabel @daemonslittlebitch
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 | I do have a taglist however it has conditions that must be followed — you can follow @sstanhoe-updates for updated without anything
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sillypiratelife · 8 months
Kuina is probably my favorite female character of One Piece, but that's because she represents just perfectly the experience of being a little girl that's into martial arts— and some other stuff.
Kuina would never be enough because she could not be man enough to inherit the dojo, according to her dad, but she was also not lady-like enough to be considered a "woman". To the eyes of other people (and what they make her believe), Kuina's dream marked her as an eternal outcast, someone who would never reach one shore or the other.
To Kuina, her body was a cage. Even if she had everything within her, her body would make her naturally weaker. Similar to being condemned to fight with a bad sword, a blade that would break. Being a child was safe. Little boys and little girls are equals. Growing up meant losing time, losing ground. Every year must have to be a burden to her, with the constant reminder that her time as the best was running out.
The fear and hatred of puberty, the horror of the way your body changes without your permission, the experience of girls who feel uncomfortable in her bodies because they don't want breasts, they don't want to be weaker once a month because their bodies are bleeding and their hormones are ruining everything— I've seen it all.
Worst even, the way people would stare at those bodies and lust for them. The trauma of being desirable. Now they think that they're entitled to your body, that they can disrespect you. You're a toy, an object, you're a woman so you're weak and fragile, you're a woman so give up, you're not in control of the situation anymore.
When Koushiro said that a woman could never be the best swordman in the world, there are soooo many things in between the lines. Why not?
As if it wasn't enough, the boys accused Kuina of being that much better than them because her dad was the leader of the dojo, so he must be teaching her in secret. Her merits were never hers, just the results of another man. "Ah, that girl can't be that good, she must be getting help, receiving special treatment, getting extra training, etc". It's infuriating and Kuina shows it. They disrespect her like it's nothing, like it's natural. Her own dad allows it and participates in that.
Before Zoro, Kuina had no one to tell her that her skills were only hers. Her body, her heritage, not of that mattered. She was the rightful winner of their matches, at least so far.
When Zoro cries out of frustration and Kuina asks him if he even knows why she should be the one crying for it? Life changing moment. Zoro got the praise and loyalty of the dojo boys, the admiration of the older people training there, he was even the special boy of her dad— Koushiro let Zoro clown around with multiple swords and watch Kuina beat his ass, but it'd never matter.
Zoro wouldn't be betrayed by his own body, his own family, his own dojo and his own hometown. He was an outsider accepted by the community, their pride even. He came out of nowhere and they gave him everything she wanted and both of them deserved. It's just that it wasn't a fair fight: Zoro was a boy and Kuina was a girl. She'd always have to fight harder even if she was better.
For me, I really think that only Zoro could carry Wado Ichimonji with him. He was the only one who respected Kuina as a person and a rival, not seeing what others saw in her. Zoro honored all their fights, never tried to discredit her, because even when Koushiro tried to give Zoro an excuse "you forgot that she's a little older than you", Zoro brushed it away. No, he could beat grown-ups. That was not it.
Kuina was better than him. Period.
The fact that she died in such an accident and the way Koushiro said "humans are fragile things"... It is just so amazing. What Kuina feared the most: all her potential, wasted. When she was finally ready to go after what she wanted, she fell down the stairs and died. Simple. The promise Zoro and Kuina made was wasted too. Now Zoro had all the time in the world and Kuina had no time at all. She was always against fate and Zoro rode with it.
I still think about how Zoro plans to make it all worth something: if she can rightfully fight for the title, then he won't let anyone have it but him. If Kuina was able to beat 2001 times the boy who would become the best swordman in the world, then no one could insult him ever again. And if he won that title with her sword, then he'd elevate both their names. If he could fulfill his promise to her, then that night would hold its meaning.
I love Kuina soooo freaking much and I love how much Zoro values her, even to this day.
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