#and the steddie brainrot is returning this month out of NO WHERE
fifthnailinstevesbat · 11 months
I kind of love when eddie is seen as having just little patches of afew tattoos here and there. Like they’re big pieces, and he’s got plenty, but I love the idea of them being a bit scattered and all in specific places rather than like full sleeves and a fully covered torso yk? It just feels so fitting to his personality, and at least at the current point in the timeline (I’m sure he’d get many more to fill the gaps as he got older and left hawkins and could get hired for a well enough paying job where everyone in his town didn’t think he was a murderer), but just having them a bit… all over the place??
It just feels so cute to me. Like he just gets what he likes, like “oh yeah that’s so sick, let’s get that hmm I’ll just put that there whatever” like it’s more about the artwork or what he’s getting tattooed rather than where it’s being put??
Idk man. I love tattoos. And I love eddie.
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shares-a-vest · 4 months
20 Questions for Writers
I was tagged by the wonderful @hbyrde36 and @sidekick-hero. Thank you both so much for the tags 💖 I always love seeing authors talking about their work!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Six. I really need to cross-post some stuff, including what I wrote for Steddie Love Month and the Flufftober Spring Event.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
16,565 words.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Stranger Things and let me tell you, the brainrot is not subsiding (it is settling in to fester now).
4. What are your top 5 3 fics by kudos?
you should come live with me and we can be pirates, then you won't have to cry
Just a Shirt
Eds, I'm Hungry
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! And I'm sure my answers are always too long-winded 😂 It makes me so happy to get comments on the silly things I write. Actually, brb, I'm sure in the initial excitement, I have forgotten to respond to some here and there.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
This ficlet (WARNING: BREAK UP FIC). Life got hectic during Eddie Month so I only wrote a couple of things and this one hurrrrt baaad.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmm, tough to pick seeing as I usually write happy endings. Lol, the number of times I ended something with Steddie kissing or saying, "I love you". I think I'll go with the entirety of my Joanie Munson AU because it's where I aim to be as fluffy/sappy as possible.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I am extremely thankful that so far I haven't. And I am sending all my love and hugs to people who deal with/have dealt with hateful comments.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Steve Harrington & Eddie Munson vs. A Box of Condoms is the closest I have come (hehe, pun). Idk, I struggle to write smut. I'm much better with suggestive language and innuendo, but somehow this fic got the balance right and honestly, gave me a lot of confidence!
10. Do you write crossovers?
No. But I need everyone to know that I have a Riverdale x ST crossover sloshing around in my brain juice on the regular.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge. But now I'm paranoid *also proceeds to have an existential crisis about ai scraping my very internet-based soul.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I'm more than welcome for someone to reach out.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I am absolutely open to it though! The closest to a collab I have done is Just a Shirt in which I wrote a whole fic from some incredible tags that were left on a ficlet.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I mean, it's gotta be Steddie right? I've never had a hyperfixation give me brainrot like this. Though, if we go back to lame teenage me, the ship that really got me into the fic/tumblr sphere was Sterek.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
I have been returning to a few wips I thought I had abandoned lately, so never say never. I firmly believe in taking a break if something isn't working out and circling back with fresh eyes.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Despite how I am probably answering most of these questions (lmao), I think I am pretty good at keeping my writing concise and moving it right along. It's not that I rush writing, but I am good at recognising when something I have written begins to meander. I like writing dialogue where people are cutting each other off, and crafting stuff that is a quick little ficlet etc. Having said this...
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptive language. I always get so caught up in action and dialogue that I easily forget descriptions of surroundings, objects, clothes etc. Funnily enough, right now I am working on a few quick visual aids (flash-sheet style sketches) for my Steddie BB fic of things that I need to keep in mind/remember to describe as a strategy that will hopefully help.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I could never do it (I only speak English), but honestly, kudos to you if you do/can!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Stranger Things is the first fandom I have written for.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I swear to god this isn't a plug, but I thiiiiink it might be the wip I am oh-so-close to finishing. It's basically a character study of Steve's Mom and is her POV of the end of season 3. I have shared some snippets in the STWG server (and complained during writing sprints). I just need to do a solid edit and get a vibe-check read-through from someone else then it's good to go!!!
Tagging: @momotonescreaming @eyesofshinigami @devondespresso @missberrycake @steventhusiast
(I know this tag game has been making the rounds, so if you see this and haven't been tagged yet, count this as a tag)
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slavicviking · 1 year
post-Apocalypse steddie + platonic stobin and a sprinkle of ronance brainrot of mine where Dustin and Steve get seperated right before the end of the world and Steve (with Mews) embark on this big journey to reconnect with Dustin.
Cue this random awkward but snarky girl he barely recognizes from something like band (?) in high school who’s actually not very snarky but very scared and, well, Steve’s scared, too. He asks her to join him. She reluctantly agrees. They make a pretty good team. And pretty mean molotov’s.
They’re in some grimey bathroom after a run-in with the monsters, high on adrenaline, when Robin lets her big secret slip. She’s not sure how she’s supposed to react - with fury? forced politeness? - when all she gets in response is a laugh, but not an unkind one. Because in that same bathroom, on the same dirty tiles, Steve Harrington comes out to her in return.
“There was this boy/girl in Click’s class-” they say at the same time and giggle like a pair of madmen.
In all the months Robin has been traveling - surviving - with Steve, he’s always been her beem of energy, and she does her best to return the favor. It’s a surprise, then, when they stumble upon another tiny group of survivors their age - Nancy Wheeler and Eddie Munson, Dustin Henderson in tow - that Steve falls silent.
There are tears and tight hugs that follow but once the dust settles and Steve is reuntied with his younger brother (apparently it’s Eddie who’s been with him when It happened and has kept him safe ever since), there’s tension in the air, and Robin can’t decipher why.
It’s obvious, she thinks, later, when she finds out Nancy and Steve used to date and while her best friend has never given many details about it, the breakup wasn’t exactly clean, she knows that much. Steve is pissy but meek in a way Robin’s never seen him before, his attitude doubling or tripling whenever Nancy and Eddie sit close together by the makeshift campfire.
It all boils over one evening when Nancy smiles at Robin over the food they are making in a way that brings out butterflies (bad Robin, she scolds herself, bad friend) and kisses her. She wants to, god she wants to, kiss back but this feels wrong, she can’t break Steve’s heart, no way, and so she tries to back away which leads her stumbling into one of the tents and seeing Steve and Eddie with tongues shoved down each other’s throats.
“So, about that boy from Click’s class-”
(I do have Steve with Mews concept art if anyone’s interested)
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