#and the squirrel in the birdbath
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marlynnofmany · 2 years ago
Hey, do you think dragons do that "chattering at birds" thing that cats do?
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I vote yes.
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alcnfr · 3 months ago
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Some of this morning's Gray Squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) around the place, with a Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) tossed in for color.
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covrettcreative · 1 month ago
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Waiting for the Thaw
Seen near Dundee, Michian.
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pastpossum · 2 years ago
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Squirrels get thirsty, too. He got some strong toes.
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teawithhazel · 5 months ago
How a Birdbath Changed my Witchcraft
This is a personal story that I wanted to share in hopes that it could help other new witches. It's a long one, so buckle up.
One of my goals this year was to forge a deeper connection to the land spirits around my home. I am still very new to the craft and this seemed like a nice way to dip my toes into spirit work while also creating an outdoor sacred space. Little did I know the impact it would have.
I did some research on offerings to land spirits and took into mind that critters may try to eat said offerings, and settled on just leaving water or inedible things. I also had to consider my less than open minded neighbors, they are decent people but I don't feel comfortable with them knowing I'm a witch.
A birdbath seemed like the perfect way to leave offerings as well as disguise the altar from my neighbors.
I set it up in early spring, after the frost was done. It was just a simple ceramic one with blue glaze (I wanted green, but they were sold out), I filled it with water and a small stone so insects could crawl out if they fell in, said a few words of thanks and did that everyday.
At first, it seemed like just a mundane task. I wasn't really feeling much from what I was doing until spring rolled into summer. I got the feeling like I had to keep that bird bath filled. I felt a pull in my gut that I still can't explain.
Then I figured out why.
The worst my area has had in years with unbearable heat and humidity. We didn't get rain for months and when we did it was a tiny drizzle that barely dampened the ground. Most of the plants in my area dried up and went dormant.
My little birdbath was an oasis and was getting more than birds as visitors. Deer, squirrels, raccoon, skunk and opossum were using it to find vital water. I ended up getting a 5 gallon bucket to fill as well because the birdbath would get drained so quickly.
The deer got use to me and would wait at the edge of the woods for me to bring water in the mornings.
I could feel the gratitude every time an animal came for a drink. They had nothing but dry grass for miles and in their own ways they showed how thankful they were.
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Yup, one of the deer stashed her kid right in my garden for a week. I usually don't read too much into animals as 'signs' from the spirits, but that is a little hard to ignore.
That was over 4 months ago. My garden thrived despite the drought. I had an abundance of cucumber, tomato, herbs, carrots, onions, and sweet potatoes this year.
Was my success because of my offerings to the land spirits? Some would say yes, some would say no. All I know is that I had the best producing garden in the neighborhood this year and a much deeper understanding of the importance of water.
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wutheringcaterpillar · 1 year ago
Domesticity Series: Part 2 The Move
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Description: Finding a cottage away far away from town, this story delves into the process of moving and falling for someone unexpectedly fast.
Warnings: This Chapter is from William’s pov, fluff,
The tides were turning in this dreadful town. Winter changed gracefully, the leaves budding slowly on the trees, flowers blooming around every corner.
There she was, immaculate and indescribably beautiful. The wind brushed soundly through the dampened stems of grass, the flowers bending ever so gently as I lay watching her gracefully dancing and making funny faces while she held onto the polaroid camera, attempting to take photos of us together in the meadow.
The war had been over for a year now and after my divorce I stumbled upon a cottage house with a price we couldn’t pass up.
The backyard even had an orchard, filled with orange trees, apple trees, berried bushes scattered along the dirt path while various birdbaths and wheelbarrows were standing near and far. 
When we had gone to retrieve our belongings to move, we stopped at the local nursery, purchasing two flowers. One for her, and for myself, planting them side by side near the front of what would be our garden.
We began painting the house with one another before we moved in our belongings. The living room a golden shade of yellow, white curtains draping the window that peered out into the woods of our backyard. To my surprise, she was quite the animal whisperer, creating small talk with the deer from a distance, teaching me how to obtain the friendship of squirrels by offering them peanuts right from the cusp of my hands. I had never seen anything quite like it.
“Haven’t you ever painted before?” She giggled innocently, brushing her wet paintbrush over the tip of my nose. Her nose snickered as she laughed gleefully, noticing that I had been using the color that was intended for our bedroom upstairs.
“Can’t say I have, y’know I could learn many things from you Y/N. Far more than anyone would believe.” She waved me off playfully, her cheeks turning a rosy shade of red, blushing from my compliment before setting down her paintbrush and tugging on my arm, lifting me away from the discolored white baseboards.
“Come. Surely, the first coat needs to dry and those boxes won’t move themselves.” I followed her out to the car, my eyes scanning every movement she made. I had never felt so at ease, so comfortable with a woman and I found myself falling for her every passing second of every passing day. She was truly an angel, and never pretended to be someone she wasn’t. That was one of the things I loved most about her.
With neither of us owning much, it didn’t take long to bring all the boxes inside. She wouldn’t allow me to carry anything for her, she’d insist that I wouldn’t be doing everything alone and I hadn’t believed her until now. It was an unexplainable feeling really. My heart finally feeling as if the voids had been filled by this unexplainably magnetizing woman.
We had finished moving in the evening. The kitchen hadn’t been fully stocked of course, but we’d build as we carried on with our life together. She’d constantly stress and apologize that she didn’t own more than what she had, and I’d have to stop her from talking such non sense. Reassuring her that this journey was just beginning, that we’d be quite alright as long as we had each other.
She’d crack jokes with me, taught me how to play chinese checkers on the hardwood floor while we’d wait for the walls to dry in the living room. Exchange and discuss our favorite works of literature and journalism until she was dozing off into my arms on the couch that we had placed in the center of the room away from the walls so the piece of furniture wouldn’t get wet.
I stared down, really taking in her natural beauty as she slept peacefully, lightly snoring here and there. I knew if I ever told her she was snoring she’d be embarrassed and in disbelief, so I never told her. Tracing her arm gently, I smiled softly to myself, finally feeling a sense of happiness.
There wasn’t a worry or doubt in my mind that I would propose to this woman. I would provide for her to any extent that I could and ensure happiness in her life. She deserved it more than anyone I had ever met. Always so giving and caring, never in a upset mood.
She hadn’t known it yet but when she was at a dentist appointment last week, I had gone ring shopping. I couldn’t explain to you the feeling of being a stranger in a new town. It was quite a relief to understand that no one would be able to spoil the surprise.
Maybe I was moving a bit fast but who’s to put a time on love? You can’t, not when in your heart, you know it’s right.
It comes when you least expect it, and I had never expected to fall for a woman so hard again after Vera, but she was the past and Y/N was my present and future and I haven’t regretted any of this. Nor would I ever.
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bluecatwriter · 5 months ago
Today I went out to refill my birdbath and accidentally scared two squirrels, one of whom took a flying leap at a branch above my head, missed, and fell straight down next to me, crashing into my leg before running off into the underbrush. 10/10 interaction tbh
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love-and-hisses · 9 months ago
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Former foster update! Remember floofy polydactyl tortie Zelda (now Ruby) and her calico sister Myrtle (now Opal) from the Crate Catsby litter early in 2023? They were adopted together and are now residents of Illinois - and here they are!
Maureen says: "Happy Summer Solstice!
The Gotcha-versary for Ruby & Opal occurred a little while ago, and I wanted to let you know how things are going for the girls here west of Chicago.
They both have become best buddies with their “ brother”, Boo, our 14 year old Havanese. When he has coughing issues they will come along side of him and “hug” him with their tails. He also is allowed to bathe them and make their faces quite wet.
Both girls are fine with nail trims and grooming. I’m so glad that I handled their paws a lot as kittens, especially Ruby being a polydactyl.
They have plenty of playtime and toys and love to sit on their cat tree facing out to a garden with rabbits, chipmunks, birds & squirrels romping about. In the backyard, they enjoy peering at the birdbath.
Neither of them are especially fond of the grandkids when they visit, so they hide, and I respect that. They are very good at the game of hide and seek and are rarely found!
Here are some pictures over the past few months that I hope you enjoy.
I can’t thank you enough for allowing me the honor of being the girls “mom”. They are such a blessing to ,not only me, but also my husband, Tom and especially, Boo!"
Aren't they beautiful? Ruby's tail is AMAZING - Maureen said that Ruby "wraps it around Boo’s head sometimes so he looks like he’s wearing a parka🥰" TOO cute!
(Thanks Maureen!)
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kates-photography · 1 year ago
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Happy Holidays! Here’s an adorable little squirrel drinking from the birdbath <3
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nicknackpattyjack · 20 days ago
I often find myself imagining a future unpromised.
I live in a house and I don’t have to worry about money. The walls are decorated in floral papers and colorful paints, the floors are wood, the sinks are tile, there is art around every corner. The only light shines in from windows that are stained, the rooms glow with color from the soft curtains, and lamps that are gentle and warm. Herbs grow in the kitchen from mason jars and reused bottles. A long, fleecy couch and soft chairs are in the living room. Wooden shelves are full of nicknacks, photos, and worn books. There is an old piano, slightly out of tune, with crinkled sheet music ready to be played and listened to. Theres a sunroom with sunlight pouring in and potted plants laid on terracotta plates. There is a birdcage next to a chair, a book is doggy eared on the table next to it, newspaper is under the birdcage and a candle is lit. Everything is loved, the stairwells gloss is fading with the hands that have touched it. House plants are in every corner, and the front yard and backyard are big. They greet you as you leave the house, flowers waving at our star.
The front yard has an old tree with a rope swing and a brick mailbox. The backyard has a large garden full of vegetables and fruits: the wooden trellises provide shade, and grapes and tomatoes grow from them. Birdbaths are dirty from the flights and birdseed falls from the feeders—who cares if the squirrels shake it out. The fences are painted and carved, marbles are poked in the holes display colors the sky only produces at dusk and dawn, but even more vibrant. A path of smooth stones meant to be hopped across lead you to a picnic table and umbrella. A water pump had a hose attached and the sprinkler is going. The kitchen is stocked with old serving dishes—great grandparents teasets and plates. An assortment of mugs and boxes of tea are stashed in a cupboard. The smell of broth boiling fills the vents, the oven is warm, the fridge is full, the pantry is large, the dish wrack is drying. A dog bed is next to the dining table and the cat perch is by the stairs. There’s friendly pitterpatters skittering across the floor, in and out of rooms, and they love me as much as I love them, forgivingly. The bathrooms have prismatic tile floors and blurry, stained glass windows. The walls are a deep blue, maybe, or a color that compliments the door frame or shower. The mirror is large with a decorated frame and covered in sticky notes with loving remarks. All of the soap bottles are full. The magnesium salt is stocked and various candles are next to the tub. There’s plenty of toilet paper and toothpaste, and whatever hygiene products are needed. There’s plenty of lotion and cologne and perfume. The first aid kit is in the cabinet under the sink. Plenty of rubbing alcohol for any scrap and enough bandaids to stop any wound. Our skin is clear and we don’t worry about smile wrinkles, we laugh and cry freely. There’s medicine for any occasion just in case we catch the flu or cold or can’t sleep.
I wonder who I am. I wonder if I’ve grown more loving, more gentle, I wonder if Im funnier, or smarter, or more lovable. I I wonder what I’ve accomplished. I wonder if I’ve written any children’s books; I wonder if I started a community garden; I wonder if I became a landscape designer; I wonder if I became a children’s cartoon animator; I wonder if Im a soil and nutrient manager; I wonder if I became a copy editor; I wonder if I became a technical writer; I wonder if Im still in school. I wonder if Im sick. I wonder if Ive gotten better. I wonder if Ive grown into more mature features. I wonder if I am stronger. Friends come over every weekend and they lounge about. I bake them their favorite desserts. I fix them their favorite drinks. I hear their heartbreaks and I celebrate their achievements. They teach me things Ive never considered, I record the funniest moments. We play boardgames, we bond over movies, we take turns with the controllers. I offer a warm bed, they oblige, and I see them out in the evening after, wishing them safe travels and promises to see them again soon.
The linen closet is full of homemade quilts, pillows, and dryer sheets. It smells like a home: comforting and welcoming. The person I love the most is in our room, and they know I love them the most, and maybe they love me the most. The dressers and closet are full of clothes and accessories of what’s desired most. Care expressed through the mended fabrics. And we look great, but we don’t care if we don’t anyway. The bed sheets are messy from well slept nights. The record player sings tunes. I wonder if we are dancing—footwork on carpeted floor. The curtains swaying and following. The plants turn to the setting sun. Everything is loved, everything is warm, everything is growing and breathing, and nothing is scary, and if it is, then we are the bravest out there.
And that’s not even a fraction of what I’ve imagine. But how can I be so hopeful? How can I think of this now? So detailed, this empty promise in my head, a life I may never have, and I’m scared no one will be there with me. And what if that’s not enough? What if I’m not happy? What if I’m not loved?
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rjzimmerman · 11 months ago
How to co-exist with a belligerent catbird. (Washington Post)
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My childhood bedroom had a Jane Goodall quote on the wall — “My mission is to create a world where we can live in harmony with nature” — and I think this helps explain how I became a person who surrendered five blueberry bushes and my dignity to an angry catbird.
We called her Catherine. The spring when my daughter was 2, Catherine claimed the entire garden beside our house as her domain. I discovered this when we went to pick blueberries from our bushes; as my toddler plucked the fruit, the bird began calling loudly. Then she dove toward me and landed on my headband. I gasped and jumped, startling my daughter.
“What happened?” she asked, and because I wanted to convey a scene that was more Beatrix Potter than Alfred Hitchcock, I said, very calmly: “Mama catbird is asking for some space for her babies! What a good mom! Congratulations on your babies, Catherine!” Then I hurried us away, my daughter cheerfully calling, “Congratulations!” to the bird who was still shrieking and swooping toward my head.
When we think about living with animals, we might think first about pets — how they teach us empathy, responsibility and patience and shape our daily rhythms. But the wild creatures who inhabit our yards and neighborhoods offer their own lessons in companionship and accountability, and these, too, have become an indelible part of our family life. My daughter’s first words were, “Hi, squirrel!” as she waved to the plump rodent peering in the window. When the white-tailed deer bring their fawns to our yard, we are sure to keep the birdbath full; the nursing mothers are always thirsty. My children greet our garden residents by name: Mariah, the chipmunk, known for her clear, high-pitched vocalizations; Sally, the eastern cottontail rabbit, who nests in the flower bed; Albirdo, the redheaded woodpecker, who rudely banishes all competition from the suet feeder. (“Share,” my daughter urges him, unsuccessfully.)
Albirdo doesn’t understand that edict, but we try to uphold it. This is the one little patch of Earth over which we have any measure of control, and I want our family to share it thoughtfully with the other beings who belong here — even when those relationships demand a little extra compromise.
My loved ones have come to accept my soft spot for the wildlife forced to adapt to our modern human presence. In an apartment where doves nested above the concrete patio, I set out cushions and towels to soften the landing for fledglings. I once baited a humane mouse trap with parsley and peanut butter and conducted daily releases in a wooded area behind the yard. (Turns out I was releasing just one mouse, who returned day after day, increasingly plump and at ease with our morning routine. My mounting suspicion led me to dot a black Sharpie on the back of his head before he dashed into the underbrush. The next day, I drove Sharpie Mouse to a park several miles away, where I bid him a permanent farewell.)
Others are more skeptical of my devotions. Once, circling the perimeter of our house with a termite prevention specialist, he gestured toward the ivy-covered stump where a magnificent oak once stood. “That,” he said gravely, “will attract voles or chipmunks to live there.” “I know!” I gushed. I think he realized I was a lost cause.
Catherine sensed my weakness, too. She harvested the majority of our blueberries that first year; I didn’t dare challenge her. The next year, I tried to net the bushes — but she built her nest within the netting, so I gave up and took it down. Every time my husband passed by to take the trash out, she divebombed him. Still, I couldn’t bear to banish her.
In our third year as neighbors, when it came time for me to plant my dahlias in the raised bed — squarely in Catherine’s territory — I knew I’d need protection. I dug my old horseback-riding helmet out of the closet.
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alcnfr · 3 months ago
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Assorted Eastern Gray Squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) around the place this Christmas Morning.
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thestudentfarmer · 7 months ago
Nothing overly specific to post today aside from some rambles and a few pics of going on.
Rendered lard (5 total pints this week) and cut up the weeks worth of beef for the family
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Also got into researching local beef farmers as that is next on our attempt to divest from what we want to see changed on the food system, it is definatly a rabbit hole of everything with that.
So far, for those curious where to start looking for places and people, so you can to remove yourself from big ag and cafo feed systems check out
🌱Craigslist and similar (Facebook too.) Be aware, you may need to know. Learn or be willing to help with or do the process of butcher, clean and process
🌱search engine, small grocers and local butcher shops.
🌱feed stores and occasionally pet/reptile stores. Feed stores will have a lot more localised or regional/state. Reptile stores has oddly been where I've made some egg sale/trade connections (I like to get crickets, worms and other insect goodies for my hens there)
🌱small scale fabric and sewing notion stores. Aside from finding sewers and other small crafter I've seen pig share flyers on a few boards.
🌱some cultural centers hold workshops or farmers markets.
I've not found a specific spot or place yet, but for now I'm looking to figure out what options would be best for us.
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Not too much going on with the garden right now. Still been a bit to hot out to do much except maintain what I can (which as you can see, I'm not doing too well atm lol.)
I did some trimming of dead things this week, as well as a lot of grass pulling in the mint area. In the next month or so, there's intending to get some material to start planning extensions this coming winter/spring. As well as some stuff to be done in the back bit.
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I did get around to 2 soap batches. This recipe is an almost castile style soap, which means it will take awhile to fully harden and cure.
This one's got ground oats and coffee grounds mixe din for an exfoliating, soothing bar.
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We've got hummingbird friends regularly now, This makes 3 new species noticed in the last year.
The gila wood pecker, the peach cheeked lovebirds and now more than 1 hummingbird (this is the 3rd).
We've also had a hawk, bats, red breasted and gold breasted finches, collared doves to name a few regular visitors.
Don't worry, there is plans to add a birdbath or two as well as a few other sugar feeders for the hummers (though if the flower patch and herb expansion area works as we hope, that may not be necessary as it'll be a free flowering patch)
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And I've been able to get into the office space and do some repairs on clothes and work on some jackets for the fall/winter. Thought I ahd zippers squirreled away that'd work, I do not. So for now it's a pause 😬
Well, that's it for me today, I've got some lawncare to do, and procrastinating won't get it done faster, lol
🌱✨️Happy homesteading and sustainable journeys✨️🌱
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sebsxphia · 1 year ago
Seb I'm so sorry to hear you're sick, I know this time of the year between winter's death throes and the beginning of spring is super gross (although nothing can beat the first allergy flare-ups when the trees and the flowers start blooming, lol).
I know for a fact though that Rhett and Bob would take such good care of you. They're probably calling up their parents for home remedies and such (Royal's mom used to make the best chicken soup on the planet and Bob's Meemaw knew how to find all the wild medicine plants). Bob's making you a hot tea while Rhett's airing out the house since it's finally warm enough to do so. Bob's putting orange and peppermint oil in his little diffuser to freshen things up and to help you clear out your nasal passages.
Even though the budding plants and trees are probably the worst thing for your nasal passages, Rhett and Bob both insist on bringing you outside for fresh air. You can already see the first sings of spring, the bluebirds, cardinals, bullfinches and tufted titmice all at the birdfeeder (Rhett loves that thing along with the hilarious shenanigans of squirrels trying to get in it, lol). Bob even clears off the debris that had collected on the stone birdbath and scrubs the yuckies off the St. Francis and goddess Brigid statues in the backyard (Rhett inherited the St. Francis one from Royal who didn't want Perry wrecking it, but he had the Brigid one made by a buddy of his who was a well known stonemason).
Seb honey, I hope this makes you feel a little bit better, there's so much more I could've put in here but I didn't wanna overload it. Already in the yard, I can see signs of spring and I'm only hoping it's soon that it comes. Feel better m'dear.
ohhhh my goodness, my love! bless you! 🥹 this was such a comforting read and is exactly what i need rn! i’m still feeling poorly and my ears are all blocked up, so bobby and rhett making sure they’re doing everything to clear out my sinuses would be the DREAM 🥹 they would be so good with dotting on you and ensuring you get enough fresh air, before you feel too exhausted and need a little nap.
it absolutely does make me feel better my love! thank you so much for this! mwah! 💌💗🫶🏻
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danceswithdarkspawn · 8 months ago
I feel like GAY is not really an assumption, so based on what I've read I'm guessing you had at least a brief goth phase at some point, and get excited when you see a corvid in the wild.
Me being gay is perhaps the safest assumption about me, ever.
I did actually have a brief goth phase in mostly in spirit because I lived in bumfuck hicktown rural America and that was Frowned Upon. Which is to say I dyed my hair black for a few years and dressed looking like I was going to Meemaw's funeral in 100 degree weather.
I love seeing corvid friends. There's a crow pair nearby that has a very noisy chick. Someone or some venue nearby leaves whole peanuts out for birds and squirrels. On several occasions, I've watched crows and bluejays hide their prizes in the tall grass, or wash them in a birdbath. I get excited seeing any birds, really, but Corvidae especially.
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jadedanddark · 1 year ago
Anytime I see birds at the birdbath in my yard, or see my cat's toys scattered about in a different order than they were when I'd left the room, or see the pile of pine cones on my fence has been gnawed on by squirrels, I just light up inside. Like yeah buddy! I offered you, an animal with no concept of giving, a gift! And you accepted it! Your life is made nicer for it, even if it's a small thing! I love you and you love me! The world is dark and we have brightened our corner of it!
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