#and the simplified bracers are a nice touch
peachsukii · 2 months
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🌟 Couldn’t help making a quick silly edit for the man of my dreams 🧡💥
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helenkordart · 4 months
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This was a bit of an insane project! I decided to draw all the designs from the various official arts we have gotten over the years. A bit of an archiving project! I tried to make them as accurate as possible. It involved a lot of guesswork tho, since most of them don′t show the full designs. Let′s just say that only 5 of these (and I mean five figures, not design sets lmao) show any kinds of shoes.
I do love seeing the design elements that carry over between the designs tho. Ququ is a cold boy and has to have some kind of fur or a scarf. Feng-er doesn′t want a speck of dirt to touch him and prefers high collars and bracers and high boots (the boots ARE book canon tho). I also love that there′s only three designs that have Ququ wear some kind of crown, the rest is just ribbons or nothing at all, despite the jade crown being mentioned at least once. Like no, we want the boy to be cozy and prevent headaches...!
Please tell me which designs are your favourite! Mine is the official manhua design, mostly because it′s honestly such a smart design, especially Ququ. Like you can tell the artist looked at Ququ and his specific disabilities and worked from there. Besides the hair ribbon, my favourite small detail is the arm warmers that look like compression gloves used for arthritis 🥹 That one means so much to me. Also the difference in layers between Ququ (I′m cold) and Feng-er (ew no dirt touch me ew). It′s just. So nice 🥹♥️
If you want the corresponding official arts, I′ve posted them in the thread on twitter! Anyway here′s which is which with more commentary lmao sorry I cannot shut up about these so much thought actually went into making them and this is the only place where I can actually talk about them properly 🥹
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The designs from the first discontinued manhua- Some people in the fandom prefer these because they say they feel more adult but no, sorry, sure the art skill might be better but they just. Don′t feel like Fengcuis to me. Like I would′ve learned to love them but I′d never exchange them for the main ones we got. Plus the character designs changed between all the panels, so trying to chase down a specific design was hell. I′m glad Ququ showed up only in one panel so I didn′t have to do that again lmaoo
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The designs from the official manhua- I already explained above why I love them so much. Just. These are THE designs for me. I see these little guys and my heart goes doki doki. If (when) I make lil standees, I′ll very probably use these
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The designs from my favourite of the manhua covers- you don′t understandddddddddddddddddddddddddd I love this cover so much. To say I′m insane about it is an understatement. Just. Look at the cover art. Feng-er staring directly into the camera, challenging. Ququ looking soooo kissable. Their entwined fingers. Ququ wearing a jade bracelet in the colours of Feng-er′s robes. I′m just. Vrrrrrrr bark bark BARK. Also had to make MORE patterns for this one. Still not sure I did it proper justice tho 🥹
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The manhua-canon modern au outfits- I still can′t believe we got a canon modern au where singer-spy Feng-er kidnaps doctor Ququ on a mission-date and has him hold a silly baloon all day and wear a cute little cap with a silly little cockatoo on it and then they wish each other a happy new year during a sunset on top of the ferris wheel AND I′M SUPPOSED TO BE NORMAL ABOUT IT???????????? Anyway Ququ in his tweed collection is so cute. Mwah. Best boy. Feng-er come on tug on his scarf and kiss him. Do it. Now
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Designs from the covers of the traditional edition- these designs are pretty unique while still feeling in character, which is cool! Ququ is such a fancy lil lad here. And I′m obsessed with his... frog? Mousie? Front clasp. I made it a little fox because of course I did
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Design from the 1st cover of the simplified edition- I don′t have that much to say about these honestly except that they′re very pretty. I love that Feng-er′s top robe is sheer and I love the silver embroidery, even if it took me some time to figure out how tf to draw it
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Design from the 2st cover (Ququ) and 3rd cover (Feng-er) of the simplified edition- that Ququ design drives me crazy. He looks so soft and cozy, you wouldn′t guess that this is the meanest most repressed bitchiest man in all of ye olde Sui dynasty. I want to squeeze him. Cute agression overload. Meanwhile I couldn′t figure out what Feng-er′s belt and hem was doing pattern wise so I just winged it lol.
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Fengcuis cosplaying a married couple with designs from the Thai vol. 1+2 freebie- God. Funniest arc in the entire book. They′re insane. They′re perfect for each other. Peerlessly matched. One day I′ll draw more of unhinged wife Feng-er because seriously. Their idea of heterosexual marriage is SO funny. They′re so real for that. And the og chibi designs are SO cute. Ququ′s sweaty little face. This was your idea gay boy, suffer
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Audio drama designs from first half of season 1- These are so funny bcs the difference of the designs is like. Main covers: beautiful and ethereal. Minisode covers: Ququ is A Tube with a head on top. Slappy fights. Beautiful. No notes. TubeQu is a god′s perfect creature
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Audio drama designs from second half of season 1- I said it before but these just feel too generic to be properly them. While drawing them they did kinda grow on me, at least Feng-er, since his expression is kinda perfectly smug. Im still ehhh on the Ququ tho. He′d look better without the crown.
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Designs from Thai covers 1+2- oh man lol the thai covers. I was joking that I could not save the Feng-er, but he did grow on me. It might be that he looks proper manic with the chibi base I drew 😂 But he′d look so much cuter with bangs. Idk why the artist did him like this. Meanwhile Ququ is the most beautiful man alive. I mean it′s what he deserves, but it′s still very funny. Also LOVE how big and fluffy his collar is.
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Designs from Thai cover 3- besides my other issues with the thai design, the colours on Feng-er just clash lmao I′m sorry, again why did the thai artist have to do him like this 😂 meanwhile the coat on Ququ is not a colour I′ve ever seen him in, but yknow what it works surprisingly well. He continues to be the most beautiful man around. Sorry king is that horrible peacock bothering you
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border-spam · 4 years
do you have any hc's abt leda? like personality wise or maybe things the twins remember the most about her? i wish we knew more about her 😔🤘 gearbox stop killing mothers of sirens
I have so, so many HCs about Leda. Goddamn. Goddamn.
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Amazing art courtesy of @lazulizard, saint. 
Per Leech Lord AU:
Theme - Spotify link
Tall, 6ft, and slender build. 
Dark skin, pale blue eyes, deep brown hair with touches of ochre.
Feline features, slight upwards sloping eyes and full lips.
Wavy, voluminous choppy layered hair down to her midback, short layered bangs. Holds it back with a headband and low tie when busy.
Geek/Punky aesthetic. Few lil’ chains and piercings, few small tattoos of Eridian sigils and geometrics, things the twins subconsciously carried into their own aesthetics.
Leda was a generally positive person, who had an infectious energy.
Comfortable in herself emotionally and physically, she was the caring, stable adult that offset Typhon’s easily distracted and excitable personality. 
Eccentric in her studies, and willing to talk anyone’s ear off about Eridian and Siren lore if they showed a hint of interest when conversing with her.
Very slight lisp, and otherwise flawless pronunciation. Came from a highly learned family.
She was the black sheep of the Calypsos due to her academic interests, and decided to really just solidify that by eloping with some kind of... gremlin man.
Snorted when she laughed. 
Leda was an extremely empathic mother, and the parent that showed the most care and affection.
While Typhon worked great as the fun, entertaining, storyteller of the pair, he relied on Leda to do the brunt of the actual parenting.
Small gap between her front teeth.
Excelled in linguistics and spoke multiple languages fluently. Taught the twins the basics of many language cores as they grew, though a lot more of that time was spent with Troy due to his illness and need to stay in bed.
Could not cook anything. Nothing. Would set fire to water. Could follow a recipe like a rulebook and still end up with raw, burnt food. Typhon could not understand how she had lived as long as she had when they met.
Leda was exceptionally slow to anger and was the kind of person to stay worryingly calm in a heated situation. Once she eventually reached her limit, could deliver viciously cutting retorts that would disarm the other party immediately.
Musically inclined and had a strong singing voice.
Extremely argumentative and tended to talk over Typhon a lot. He was quite submissive to her personality in general, and at times defaulted to being meek around her to a concerning level if he thought her mood was dangerous and it could avoid a disagreement.
While very caring to both twins, she ended up giving Troy far more of her time than Tyreen. Not due to preference in any way, simply because Troy was bedridden for so much of his life and needed so much round the clock care that without meaning to, she sometimes left Tyreen starved of attention compared to her brother.
She did pick up on this, and did her best to have days where Typhon would care for Troy and she could spend full time with her understandably attention hungry daughter. 
Sadly, more often than not, these days would leave her so concerned over if Typhon was actually meeting their sons needs, that she’d be not as present with Tyreen as she really should have been, which only escalated Tyreen’s deepset feeling of her mother preferring Troy to her. 
This was not remotely true, but in reality, Leda didn’t do enough to make that clear, and it was Tyreen who suffered for it.
Leda was a very tactile person, and showed a lot of physical affection to her family. She would absentmindedly run fingers through the twins hair as she sat in bed with them at night and told them stories of her and Typhon’s adventures, massage sore little limbs, stroke narrow shoulders. 
Surprisingly competent at sewing, she crafted most of the children’s clothing from her and Typhon’s old clothes as they grew, including being the person to provide Troy with his first simple leather bracer, to “Keep his soft side nice and safe” on the rare days he had the energy to venture outside and play with his sister. 
She died when the twins were 8, and their memories of her are simplified. While they each have different feelings towards her, they never really picked up on some of her negatives as they were too young to fully understand them.
Tyreen has a mix of guilt, loss, and confused resentment towards a woman she remembers as craving love from, Troy visualises her as the the kindness, reassurance, and loving care he still chases. 
They both hold her on a kind of emotional pedestal that they subconsciously compare both other people they are interested in, and themselves to. Leda was not the immaculate saint they remember her as, but a flawed, wonderful, human woman.
Horrific taste in men. Girrrrlll what you doinnnnn???
Asks are open! Any regarding AU will prob get priority  for now as I work to flesh it as we go.
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