#and the second I got home I had to be a caretaker for a parent because of an injury (they’ll be fine)
nuclearnyx · 1 year
it’s been a weird couple of weeks lemme tell ya
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i'd love to see more from the poly reader x poolverine verse im obsessed w them
"I didn't realize your... roommates were home today," Your sister said helping the youngest into his coat.
"It's what happens when you don't call," you caution. "They live here. You want free babysitting, you accept the terms. Sometimes it's kazoos. Sometimes it's roommates." For now, you'd accept her calling them roommates. It was partly true. And it was less rude than what your mother had said. She called them your caretakers.
Sarah narrowed her eyes at you and you shrugged, "They're fed and in one piece. And Zach has part of his social studies paper done. You're welcome."
She watched for a second as her boys willingly accepted hugs and kisses as you ignored her, beseeching them to learn something at school and make good choices and she sighed, "Thanks."
"Call next time," you tell her giving her a meaningful look. You didn't live alone anymore. And if she didn't want her kids exposed to certain things then she needed to give you enough lead time to hide those things... Today she got lucky.
"Shhh," Wade said, holding up a hand, "You hear that?"
"Hear what?" Logan said opening a beer.
"Silence," Wade sighed, sinking on to the couch next to you, handing you a glass of wine. "Holy shit."
"And that's why I like being the cool Aunt," You tell him yawning. "I show up late. I bring presents. I leave before the crying starts. And then I enjoy my nice quiet house."
Logan snorted and reached over to rub your neck as he took your other side and picked up the remote, "Nice little racket, bub."
You take a sip from your glass and stretch, snuggling into Logan's side and putting your feet in Wade's lap, "Not too shabby, boys."
"For roommates," Wade teased, smacking the bottoms of your feet affectionately. "Didn't know roommates fuck like we fuck."
Logan grunted and wrapped his arm around you, "Pause was doin' some heavy lifting there."
"Mom... doesn't approve. What dad knows depends on the day. And I think my grandparents would just drop fucking dead. So. There's that." You lean over and lift a sleepy Mary into your lap and stroke her back before resting your head against Logn again. They are who they are and you are who you are. You don't fit in with the cookie cutter perfect family they have and you haven't from the second you took your first breath. But you fit here with a variant and a mercenary and their ugly little rat dog.
"We could ruin Christmas," Wade offered, "Just go make out in front of-"
"Or," you hum, "we can leave well enough alone so I can still hang out with the kids and let them have someone around that's somehow less fucked up even if I'm objectively a mess."
The boys traded a look and Logan kissed the top of your head. They'd work out the specifics later but for now, as long as your sister kept her comments to herself they'd behave- mostly. As long as it meant you got to see the kids. Because it was clear it made you happy, and because; truth be told, it hadn't been too bad today.
Wade cradled one of your feet in his hand and grinned, "I got a question."
"Might have and answer," you tell him, hissing when his thumb hit a tender spot on your instep.
"Why do all the rugrats call you, Shush?"
"My parent's housekeeper calls me Sugar," you answer. "Everyone sort of adopted it and Zach couldn't say it- so it devolved into Shush and stuck."
"Stop it, that's precious," Wade cooed, "I thought they called you that because they were always telling you to shut-"
"Not all of us went to school thinking our first name was Damn it," you snort.
Logan smirked and let go of you long enough to light his cigar. "What'd she call your sister?" he asked.
"Honey. Or Princess if she was being annoying... it's just that neither ever really stuck."
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nieshiren · 2 years
Eywa has decided
Recom Quaritch x Na’vi fem reader
Synopsis: After Quaritch and his team were sent on their first mission, they haven’t found anything. Besides Quaritch’s remains, he and his blue team decided to spend the night in the forest. While his team is asleep Quaritch wanders deeper into the forest, where he finds Y/N in heat
Warnings: Strong language, mature themes, smut, oral, loss of virginity, pet names, kind of ABO?
Words: 3962
Part 2
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‘Alright guys, lets camp out here for tonight.’ Said Quaritch.
After being send on their first mission and not finding anything. Besides Quaritch’s remains, he and his blue team decided to spend the night in the forest. Quaritch felt like shit, he wasn’t the man whose skull he had crushed. He had his memories yes, but he was not him. He felt so different, it was like the forest was calling to him. And this mission? It didn’t sit right with him, the more he thought about it the more he understood Sully and his decision to fight for pandora. After setting his foot in the forest in his new avatar body something felt different. He felt at home, he never really felt like that before. At least that is what he remembered form old Quaritch, that man was bitter, nothing but hate fuelled his body.
‘I will take the first watch.’ He said, as the rest got ready to sleep. He walked around, the ground lighting up underneath his bear feet. Wearing hit combat boots felt unnatural to him, he wanted to feel the forest floor on his bare feet. To his team, he told some stupid story of how they must become like na’vi in order to succeed on this mission and they believed him. And even if they didn’t, he was their colonel, so they didn’t dare to say anything.
Something filled his nose. The smell, it made hie ears twitch and his tail to swish around. He has been smelling it the whole time since they got the forest. But it was getting stronger by the minute, making his body itch. He wanted to go look for the source. But he had to wait until his blue team was asleep.  
‘Y/N, catch!’ Spider shouted, she turned to him just in time to catch the fish he threw her way.
‘Look at you go! just like a proper Na’vi!’ she smiled at him. She has taken a few children into the forest, to pick some fruits and catch fish, while their parents were out on a mission with Olo'eyktan. Y/N wasn’t a warrior like Neytiri, sure she could hunt, all na’vi knew how to hunt, but fighting battles against sky people just wasn’t for her. Eywa had other plans for her, she was plumper then some other Na’vi women, she was a teacher and a second mother to many na’vi children. She adored children; however, she didn’t have any of her own yet because she wasn’t mated. Most of her time was spend teaching children how to fish, when to pick certain fruit, which animals were friendly, all the basics they needed to survive on pandora.
There was one child in particular she loved very much. Spider. The monkey boy, that had no parents, left behind on Pandora, always running after Sully’s kids. Spider loved her as well, he genuinely saw her as a mother figure. She took him in when he was 8, the scientists couldn’t keep up with him, he always ran away, and they had important jobs to do. Not just run around the forest looking for a child. He would always find a way to escape the lab, and so she decided to be his caretaker.  
‘Tinut, not the green ones, those are not ripe yet.’ Y/N said as she walked past Ninat’s child. Tinut smiled at her and reached for a purple one instead. ‘Yes, that’s better.’ Y/N smiled. She was feeling restless today. Waking up early, before everyone else. He skin felt too tight for an own body.
‘Y/N, why don’t you have a mate?’ Asked Tuk. Tuk loved asking question and Y/N loved answering them. Tuk was just as curious as her dad.
‘I haven’t found one yet my dear.’ She said, petting her head. Most Na’vi Y/N’s age were already mated, starting families and living happy lives. Y/N was a little unlucky, but she never doubted Eywa and her plans for her. She knew that somewhere there was a prefect mate waiting just for her, and she would know when she smelled them.  
‘Maybe your nose is broken.’ Chuckled Tuk. ‘Maybe.’ Nodded Y/N.`
‘Spider, baby, go to bed.’ Y/N said, stroking his head. He looked up at her and smiled, eyes full of love.
‘Can you tell me another story, mama?’ she smiled, he only called her that when they were alone, not wanting other Na’vi to hear.
‘Not tonight darling. I’m going out to fly with Ra’i.’ She spoke.
‘But Jake said we are not supposed to leave after the eclipse, especially not alone.’ He said, worry in his eyes.
‘I know darling, but Eywa is calling me, I can feel it. I need to fly. You know I know the forest like the back of my hand.’ She said, convincing him.
‘Alright, be careful.’
‘I will. Just don’t tell anyone okay?’ he nodded, while she got up.
‘Good night baby.’ Se hugged him and left their tent. Quickly getting to her Ikran and leaving their hideout in the hallelujah mountains.
As she flew through the sky her nose was filled with a delicious scent. It felt so familiar, if felt like home. And yet it was a very exiting smell, making shivers run down her spine, her ears twitching. Her heart was beating fast as she flew on Ra’i’s back. She followed her nose down to the frost, the scent was getting stronger and stronger. Soon she got of Ra’i, leaving her sitting on a thick branch in a tree. She slowly jumped down, landing on the soft forest floor. Everything she touched lit up, she smiled, her tail swishing behind her. She was absolutely in love with the forest.
While she walked deeper into the forest, her face was getting hot. She stopped, confused, touching her forehead. Feeling how hot she was getting. Her skin was covered is sweat, hands shaking, the scent filler her nose once more, she could almost taste is. It was sweet but spicy, prickling on her tongue. Her whole body shook, he eyes widening.
‘Mate!’ she gasped. Could it really be? Was she really smelling her mate? Did Eywa finally find her the right one? Her breath quickened even more; the sound of her heart filled her ears. She couldn’t keep walking. Was she in heat already? Just by smelling her mate. She wasn’t entirely sure, as she warped her tail around her own thigh. She felt the slick that started dripping from her core. Whimpering, she sat down by a tree. Pressing her back against the cool bark.
‘Mate...’ she called softly. Hoping he would find her as her state was getting worse. She felt like her whole body was on fire, limbs shaking uncontrollably.
As Quaritch walked deeper and deeper into the frost, his body was getting hotter. Soon he got rid of his vest with all his grudges and his gun. Not even for a second did he think he would need them. He continued walking, breathing hard, he discarded of his tank top as well. He felt like his skin was on fire, even when the temperature dropped during the evening. Suddenly he heard a whimper, his ears twitched as he jumped over a branch, walking faster.
‘who’s there?’ he called out in English. Franticly looking around, trying the find the source of distress.
‘Mate!’ he heard a female voice cry in Na’vi. He had no clue what she said, but hearing her cries made him worry. His natural instinct to protect took over his body. And that’s when he spotted her. She was leaning against a tree, head back, panting.
His ears fell back, he felt an electric wave ripple through his body. She looked ethereal to him, like a goddess, waiting to devourer his soul. Her chest was rising rapidly, only a few neckless covered her round breasts. He slowed down, not wanting to scare her. Even though his body was screaming at him, to move, to get to her, to make her his, to protect her. He bit his lower lip to silence the deep breaths he was taking.
‘Are you okay? Princess?’ he spoke, just 3 meters away from her. Quickly her head whipped towards him, her yellow gaze piercing through him. For a second, she was surprised he didn’t speak Na’vi. He slowly took a step closer. She didn’t flinch, she wasn’t trying to get away from him. Her eyes didn’t leave his for a second, it was as if she was trying to read his mind, learn who he was just through his eyes. The air around them was intoxicating, Quaritch couldn’t stay away from her, it seemed like her body was calling him. So, he took one more step, getting on his knees in front of her.
‘Mate.’ She repeated in English now. She knew how to speak English, Grace thought her well. Quaritch felt his heart in his throat upon hearing her calling him mate. He wasn’t sure what it meant yet, but he definitely wanted to find out.  She stared at him, noticing his clipped ears, she frowned. Who would do that to him? She didn’t dwell on in for too long since her heat has clouded her mind. She knew he was an avatar, his shoulders wider then any na’vi men. Her eyes followed the curve of his arms, his giant biceps, down to his hands. Five fingers. She bit her lip. She didn’t care that he wasn’t Na’vi, he was her mate. He was the one Eywa chose, and she will love him with every bit of her being no matter what. And so will he even if he had no idea yet.
‘I won’t hurt you.’ he said softly, lifting his hands into the air to show he was not holding a weapon. He wasn’t sure what took over him, all his training was forgotten. All he wanted was to get as close to her as she would let him. Nothing else matter to him. She smiled, she new he wouldn’t hurt her. Eywa decided their fait and brought them together. She trusted her wholeheartedly.
‘I know.’ She said voice shaky, she lifted her back, inching closer to him. Her heat was raging through her body, she wanted him desperately. But she knew she couldn’t rush their first meeting. There will be enough time to mate. He cocked his head, confused his ears stood up.
‘How do you know?’ He asked, frozen in place. The fire in his chest was growing by the minute. He never felt like this before, it was as If his own skin was too tight for his body. And only she could somehow safe him. She was so close to him; he couldn’t practically taste her. Her scent was floral and crisp, clinging to his body.  
‘Because you are my mate.’ She explained, taking his hand and placing it on her heart. He could feel how fast it was beating, her skin was hot. He wanted to feel every inch of her body underneath his fingers.
‘I felt it here, that you were close. I could smell you.’ she said, he nodded. He as well has been following his nose, and this weird pull in his chest that led him to her. She smiled brightly at the fact that he felt the same. She put her own hand on his heart. Four fingers touching his shiny skin. His chest swelled with pride; this was his mate? This beautiful goddess, with wavy black hair that fell on her shoulders. Big bright eyes, and the most beautiful smile he has ever seen? It brought him extreme joy. He longed for her, he wanted to explore every little dot on her body, every freckle, every stripe of dark blue.
‘I’m Y/N L/N.’ she spoke, her hand still on his chest, feeling his hard muscles. She felt his heartbeat pick up even more. Y/N that name will be forever engraved into his soul.
‘I’m…’ he looked away, as if he was scared to tell her. She frowned, putting her other hand on his chin, lifting his gaze back up to her.
‘Miles…. Miles Quaritch.’ He breath heavily. His eyes filled with fear, pain and regret. She was shocked, but seeing all those emotions behind his eyes, she knew there was much more to his story then just the bad things she has heard. She knew that once they form a Tsaheylu she will understand everything.
‘Don’t worry.’ She smiled, ‘Eywa has decided.’ Her hands slid around his neck, and she pulled him into a kiss. He wasn’t strong enough to resist her. He felt every bit of his doubt leave his body, at least for now.
His body pressed against hers, as he pushed her against the tree. He deepened the kiss, parting his lips and slowly pushing his tongue in. She was moaning already, desperate for more. She waited so long for the prefect mate, and now that he was here, she couldn’t hold back.
‘Queue, give me…’ she said between kisses. He held her face in his hands, packing her lips lightly. He couldn’t believe what he has found deep in the forest. His whole body was filled with love, and hope and everything good. Not a drop of worry was left in him, he knew that with her by his side he could be finally happy.
‘Your braid.’ She repeated. He reached back a gave it to her. At the same time, she reached for hers.
‘Now we will from a bond, Tsaheylu.’ She explained, he just nodded. Waiting for what was to come. He knew na’vi used their braids for bonding with animals, but her wasn’t sure what would happened once they bond together.
‘We will be mated for life.’ She looked into his eyes, searching for hesitation of uncertainty. There was non, he was ready to give up everything for her, and so she held the ends of their Queues together. Slowly they tangled together, and both were hit with an electric shock. They hugged tightly, feeling every emotion, every memory that has ever passed through their bodies. They were one, Y/N felt everything Quaritch was experienced, she understood how he came back. She learned everything about him in just a matter of seconds. And so did he about her, he saw all the love she had, for him, for the kids of her tribe. All the longing and loneliness she felt all those years waiting for her mate.
‘I love you.’ he said, pulling her into another heated kiss. He was extremely overwhelmed, all he needed was her. Her heat and the bond were making his lose his mind.
‘Oel ngati kameie.’ She spoke. Quaritch kissed her neck, where her scent was the strongest. He licked and nipped at his skin. Pressing his face into it, he repeated ‘Oel ngati kameie.’ She smiled, tears filling her eyes. She wished for this moment to last forever.
‘Take me.’ she whimpered as he whipped away her happy tears. His hands slid down to her hips, he pulled her down. Lowering her into the soft grass slowly. Soon he was pushing her necklaces up, he uncovered her beautiful breasts. He just looked at them for a second, they were round, the nipples were slightly darker blue. He couldn’t help but touch them, swiping his thumbs over them both. Y/N whimpered, trembling.
‘Miles...’ She bit her lip, showing her cute fangs. His mouth was watering at the sight of her, almost naked, moaning his name. He took one nipple into his mouth, rolling his tongue over it. Y/N gripped his shoulders.
‘Fuck baby girl. You are so gorgeous.’ He whispered, licking over a nipple once more, before moving to the other one. He was kneeling between her legs; her hips were moving looking for friction while he sucked on her breasts.
‘I need you...’ she cried; head tipped back. He pressed his knee against her core. She gasped, digging her nails into her shoulders. He loved it, every little reaction she was giving him. She was falling apart in his hands, and she couldn’t be happier. He could feel how aroused she was, the bond revealed all her secrets to him.
‘Such a needy girl.’ He almost purred, pushing his thigh against her core. She was so wet, soaking through her loincloth and his cargo pants.
‘Please.’ She whimpered once more, grinding her hips faster. It felt like torture, she needed him to fill her up. To end the ache, she was feeling in her belly. To fill the void, she felt since she was old enough to mate. Oh, but how he loved seeing her fall apart underneath him.
Quickly he took off her loincloth. Revelling her wet pussy, it was blue like the rest of her skin. Slowly his fingers slid over her lips, pushing them open. Her core was more purple them blue, dripping wet waiting just for him. Her legs were shaking with anticipation, she looked down at him.
With eyes full of lust, he asked, ‘all this just for me?’ she nodded, her cheeks getting even hotter. If that was even possible at this point. He couldn’t wait any longer.
First, he kissed her soft belly, she held her breath. Gripping her thighs with both of his large hands, he pushed them apart even more. Slowly kissing lower and lower. Finally giving her clit a soft kiss. Y/N gasped; words stuck in her throat. She wanted to tell him how much she needed him, how much she ached for him. But she also wanted to saviour every second spent with him. He dipped his tongue between her folds, teasing her sweet nectar. His pupils widened, never in his life has he tasted something this good.
‘Miles.’ She cried, gripping his hair. He pushed her leg over his shoulder, allowing him more excess into her throbbing opening. It was leaking so much slick, her heat made her so ready for him. He clouding stop lapping up all her juices. All she could do was moan and take it.
‘Mine…’ he growled; this animalistic urge was taking over his body. He pushed his tongued deep inside of her, swirling is around.  Then he went back up to her clit, swirling his tongue around it first. Then sucking on it lightly. His long fingers found her opening, slowly he pushed two of his fingers inside. He felt her walls tightening around him, he knew she was close. He started moving his fingers, curling them up. his tongue never leaving her clit, he licked it steadily. Just like that first of many orgasms rippled through her body, making her scream.
‘Ahhh…yesss….’ She closed her legs around his head, trembling. He kept licking long, slow stripes over her throbbing pussy. He could stay between her legs for hours, making her scream his name over and over again. But right now, his pants were extremely tight.
‘I need you, my mate.’ Said Y/N after coming back to her senses.
‘We must seal the bond!’ she breath hard, pulling him up to yet another passionate kiss. And who was he to not grant her, her wish? She kissed him hungerly, tasting her nectar on his tongue. She pushed his pants down while he kept sucking on her bottom lip. His fangs lightly pinching her skin, making her sign into the kiss. As his cock sprang free, he pulled away. He discarded of his cargo pants entirely, now kneeling completely naked in front of her. Her eyes twinkled as she looked at him, taking in all the hard muscled of his body. Her eyes ended on his leaking cock. She bit her lip, trying not to smile. He was extremely attractive; all hard muscle and he was hers only hers.
‘Like what you see, princess?’ He asked, smug at how longingly she stared at him. ‘Yes.’ She said, suddenly feeling adventures.
‘Come here baby.’ He said, and she did, on all fours she crawled to him until his cock was right in front of her face. She licked her lips as her eyes followed the tick blue vain.
‘Fuck baby the way you look at me.’ he gripped her hair pulling her face even closed, her breath fanning over his cock. She stuck out her tongue, licking the precum off his cock. He hummed, looking at her the whole time. She looked up at him, taking his tip into her mouth, sucking lightly.
‘Who is my dirty girl.’ He moaned, as she swirled her tongue around. She gripped the base of his thick cock, pumping is slowly.
‘I am.’ She smiled, licking a long strip from the base to the top. That’s when he lost all control. He pulled away, pushing her down again. She laid back as he towered over her. He pushed her legs open, inching closer. He rubbed his cock around her drenched pussy.
‘Fuck baby, can I?’ he asked, searching for her eyes, she smiled at him. Surprised that even after they connected their Queues, he asked her for permission. He knew she wanted him, but he had to hear it. To know for sure that someone really wanted him.
‘Yes! Make me yours, Miles.’ She said, placing her hands around his neck. He kissed her again, slowly pushing his cock into her. He was going so slow, too slow for her liking, but he didn’t want to hurt her. And since she was unmated, he assumed this was her first time. He could never hurt her. Y/N was in ecstasy, whimpering, as Miles pushed his cock deeper and deeper. Filling her up just how she needed. Her body screamed for him, for more.
‘More.’ She moaned, quickly getting used to his girth, thanks to all the slick provided by her heat. Miles started moving slowly, holding Y/N’s hips tight. While his old human self has slept with quit a few women, nothing compared to what he was feeling right now, with his mate. Burrow deep inside her, wet, hot, throbbing core. The bond between them grew stronger and Miles picked up his speed.
‘Feel so good! My mate! My Miles! Feel so full!’ Y/N was a babbling mess, completely lost in the pleasure and all the emotions she felt through the bond. He ran his hands over her whole body, hips snapping faster and faster. He wanted to engrave this moment into his mind. The way her back arched, how she closed her eyes, overwhelmed by the pleasure.
‘Cum for me princess, cum on my cock.’ He groaned as he felt her pussy tighten around him. And she did, his words brought her over the edge. Her pussy leaking around his cock, he picked her legs up. Changing the angle, so he could fuck deeper into her. Just like that his cock hit the right spot, making her cry out louder. They couldn’t care if they woke the whole forest, this was about them. He kept hitting her sweet spot, he legs shook uncontrollably. She was going to cum soon again and this time, he wouldn’t hold back.
‘Fell me up!’ she sobbed, feeling yet another orgasm rip thought her body. That was all it took for him. He tipped over the edge, emptying his load deep inside of her. For a split second he thought of her with a round belly, full with his baby. He smiled, kissing her glistening face. Slowly he scooted her up, his cock still deep inside of her. He laid down, holding her close to his chest.
‘I see you. Y/N.’ he breathed, running his hand through her damp hair.
‘I see you, Miles Quaritch.’ She said, smiling, her life was finally complete.
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mj-iza-writer · 3 months
It was late in the night as Whumpee struggled down their last mile of road.
They were soaked as they rounded the corner to the subdivision. The cold rain hadn't let up once.
"Please be home", they pleaded as they walked up the driveway. Their body gave, and they collapsed into a puddle halfway up the drive.
Gentle hands embraced them within seconds.
"What are you doing out here?", a whisper mumbled as they were carried into the house.
"I'm sorry I have to do this", a gentle voice sighed as they pulled off the soaked clothing, "you are dangerously close to getting sick."
"Caretaker I", Whumpee whispered.
"Shh, let's get you taken care of", a blanket covered Whumpee, "then you can tell me why you were out walking this late in the freezing downpour."
Caretaker threw the clothes in their dryer, and came back to Whumpee.
"Have you eaten yet?" Caretaker eyed them, "don't lie to me."
"No Caretaker I haven't", Whumpee looked down now realizing how late it was.
"Are you okay?", Caretaker looked at them with concern.
"Yes, I'm sorry I'm bothering you", Whumpee felt a tear form in their eye.
"You're not bothering me Whumpee, I'm just concerned about you", Caretaker sighed, "can you tell me what happened", Caretaker started to make some dinner for Whumpee.
Whumpee blubbered a little, then sighed, they wiped the tear away, "my parents found out I-I'm part of the LGBQTA+ community", Whumpee realized they didn't know if Caretaker hated the community, they gave a terrified look to Caretaker.
Caretaker nodded, "how did they find out?"
"You don't. You're not mad at me?", Whumpee looked at Caretaker.
"No, why would I be", Caretaker frowned, "I promised you I'd take care of you no matter what, and I kind of already figured you were. Why didn't you call me at least? Just tell me what happened."
"I was at a pride festival earlier today with my friends, apparently someone saw me and told my parents. I got home, and they cornered me and asked me. I couldn't deny it, there was pictures even", Whumpee started to cry, "they kicked me out, and my phone was dead. I didn't know who else to go to, but I had no way to call you."
Caretaker handed them a tissue, "okay, how about you spend the night here. I'll go over to your parents house tomorrow...."
"I don't want to go back to them Caretaker, I knew they were... I knew they were homophobic, but them doing this just set it in stone. I won't be safe with them", Whumpee shook, "I don't know where I'll go, but I'm not going to them."
Caretaker finished cooking and handed Whumpee a plate full of food.
"You can stay here with me if you like", Caretaker sighed as they patted Whumpee's back, "I won't mind having you stay here."
"Caretaker you don't have to do that", Whumpee looked up from the food, "I don't want to bother you."
"Whumpee I promised I'd take care of you no matter what. You already have a bedroom in my house, so we can use that, I will work at getting your belongings", Caretaker smiled.
"But how?", Whumpee wrapped the blanket around them remembering they were naked under it.
"Let me see if your clothes are dry", Caretaker sighed.
"Wait how are you going to get my stuff?", Whumpee looked at him weirdly.
"You're a minor. It's illegal in our state to kick out a child. That's child endangerment. Your parents are going to be in big trouble for this one", Caretaker grinned.
"Even if a child is gay?"
"Yes, they are at least responsible until you reach eighteen, there is only a few ways out of that", Caretaker frowned, "I'll take it to court and at least get some things if yours, the rest we can easily replace."
The next morning Caretaker jumped at the sound of loud knocking at their front door.
"Oh goodie", Caretaker sighed as they looked out the window and saw Whumpee's parents, "oh good they brought the police... one less call for me to make."
Caretaker opened the door.
"Can I help you?", Caretaker opened the door slightly.
"Where's Whumpee?", the mom frowned, "we didn't mean to hurt them, but they can't stay here."
"Funny, them staying here has never been an issue before. They are in their bedroom resting after their long walk last night. It was freezing last night you know", Caretaker looked at the police, "they found out their child was LGBQTA+ and kicked them out last night. Whumpee showed up on my property dangerously close to getting sick. Whumpee has already voiced they do not want to return to their parents because they feel unsafe. I have a paper if you'd like, it gives me a right to take over Whumpee's care."
The police officer looked at the parents then at Caretaker.
"How dare you. That is only if something happened to us", Whumpee's dad tried to step into the home.
"You may not step into my home", Caretaker heard Whumpee stepnaround the corner, "that form permits me to take over care of Whumpee if their parents are deemed unfit to care for them. I know that is there as I made sure of it. You allowed your anger to cloud your judgment, and in that, you told your child they were unlovable. You endangered them. You are unfit to care for them now."
"Can't you do anything?" Whumpee's mom yelled at the police.
"Can I see the form?", the police nodded.
"You may come in, and I will get the form for you", Caretaker grinned, "those two are not allowed in my home."
The police stepped into the house, and Caretaker brought out the form.
"Yes, this all checks out", the police looked it over, "you will need to finalize with courts for this to be ruled."
"Yes, I have my appointment set up already", Caretaker looked at Whumpee and nodded.
"May I ask them a few questions before I leave... in private?", the police looked over at Whumpee.
"Yes of course, the living room is this way. I'll stay here in the kitchen", Caretaker watched them walk away.
"So are you here willingly", the police watched Whumpee's mannerisms.
"Yes, I don't feel safe with my parents... they just proved to me that they don't care. I want to stay with Caretaker", Whumpee looked at the police, "please don't make me leave with my parents."
"Okay and you feel safe around this person?", the officer looked around. The home seemed to be well kept and safe, "this person seems to to be stable.... I'll be honest they seem more stable then your parents, especially right now."
"Yes Caretaker has always been protective of me, and has promised several times they would protect me no matter what. This isn't the first time I've had to come here like this, but this time I was so scared. Plus the weather last night walking here, and not able to call Caretaker."
"Alright thankyou for your time. Because of your paperwork and the victim's statements I will not force them to leave with their parents. Just please make sure the paperwork is filed accordingly so this remains legal."
"Yes of course", Caretaker nodded.
The police stepped out of the house and after some yelling from Whumpee's parents. The porch was cleared.
Caretaker turned to Whumpee.
"You alright?", Caretaker gave a concerned look.
"Yes, a little shaken, but I'm alright", Whumpee hugged themself, "that was a lot."
"I know. We have some work to do, but I promise everything will be straightened out", Caretaker smiled, "you're safe now."
"Thankyou Caretaker", Whumpee quickly wiped a tear and sighed in relief.
"Your welcome", Caretaker walked to them and hugged them, "I'm here to protect you, always."
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all.
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a-living-canvas · 4 months
Would you make a sequel of Darling Fool? It's got me QOXIWIXJKQKZAK SCREAMING PUKING CRYING AND SOBBING
I hope you enjoy this! <333
Part 1
Darling Fool II
"Excuse me?"
Whumpee turned their head to an old lady beside them. They returned her smile as she looked at them up and down. It's a normal thing for Whumpee by now, having people glancing up at them, at their scars and bandages.
Whumpee flinched when the old lady snapped her fingers in front of them, grounding them back to reality. 
The old lady smiled sympathetically at Whumpee. She wrapped Whumpee's hands, the warm contact made Whumpee's heart flutter slightly. "Did something happen? Is it your parents? Or your dad—"
"No, no. Nothing happened."
Not with their family, of course. But with Whumper. Tormenting them everyday with their sick games. It's exhausting, but Whumpee felt better living with Whumper when they just accepted their fate.
The only reason they could talk with the old lady right now was because Whumper trusted them enough not to run, and to come back with the groceries to cook for dinner. Without a collar or leash and without cameras…maybe?
Thinking back, maybe the collar still wrapped around their neck…just not visible to the eyes. The invisible string that made Whumpee kept coming back to Whumper, even though they were given many chances to escape. 
Whumpee still remembered the relief on Whumper's face when they did return  along with the groceries that day. It had been etched into their mind until now. And they couldn't help but wonder why their tormentor would be glad to see them again when Caretaker looked at them in disgust. Someone that was supposed to love and care for them. 
"Are you sure? You don't look okay—"
"I'm fine. Thank you."
Whumpee walked away from the old lady. They felt like calling Whumper, asking them to protect them from all these nuisances. But they wouldn't want to bother Whumper, they wanted to be good for them. At least their punishment would be lessened that way. 
They could still feel the sting on their back from Whumper's belt last night. Wondering what could have went wrong, maybe they should be more responsive.
Whumpee stopped their movement for a second but then they continued walking, faster this time. They knew that voice, and they hated it. Whumpee made their way to the crowd but before they could blend in, a firm hand wrapped around their arm. 
Whumpee jerked away instantly, hissing in pain. Caretaker frowned, approaching Whumpee again with a worried face. "Whumpee…I-I'm sorry. Are you okay?"
Whumpee tried to back away but Caretaker suddenly cupped their cheeks, looking at them with eyes glistening with tears. "I was missing you, so so badly. Why didn't you come home? Why didn't you tell me that you finally escape from Whumper?"
Fake tears.
Fake concern.
Fake everything.
"I didn't escape from them."
Whumpee said, grabbing Caretaker's wrists and lifted their hands away from their face. Caretaker felt panic rising on their chest at Whumpee's action. They never denied their touch before.
"Whumpee, please come home. I don't know what Whumper did to you that made you change but you can't trust them…! They are manipulating you."
Whumpee blinked twice, looking at Caretaker with indifference. Maybe they should call Whumper, after all.
Caretaker grabbed Whumpee's arms, sighing in frustration as they trailed their gaze all over their form. "Look at what they did to you Whumpee…!"
Caretaker narrowed their eyes. "You are broken. Look at those scars and wounds! Can't…can't you see how ugly—"
Before Caretaker could finish their sentence, a harsh slap landed on their face. Whumpee's eyes widened, they looked at Whumper who was standing between Caretaker and them. Whumper looked angry and annoyed, their commanding voice sent shivers down Whumpee's spine. 
"Stay behind me, pet."
"Y-yes, master…"
Caretaker looked at Whumper in disbelief, not expecting them to be here. They tried to pull Whumpee to their side but Whumper's glare was enough to shut them down. "W-whumpee, come back here please…" Caretaker pleaded.
Whumper let out a soft chuckle hearing that, wrapping their arm around Whumpee's waist possessively. "They won't do that. They already have me."
"No, they aren't. They are just scared of you."
Whumper raised an eyebrow, "Is that so?"
They pushed Whumpee forward to Caretaker before crossing their arms. Whumpee immediately panicked at the change of situation. 
"Go ahead. Take 'em."
Caretaker sighed in relief. They pulled Whumpee into a warm embrace before Whumpee pushed them away, running to Whumper and clinging on to them tightly.
"N-no, Master! Please…please don't leave me!"
"Oh? Isn't that what you want?"
Whumpee looked up at Whumper, shaking their head desperately. "No! I want to stay…I want to stay with you, Master! Please…!"
"Shh…don't make a fuss. We are in public, remember?"
Whumper stroked Whumpee's hair, watching Caretaker with a smirk. They tightened their grip on Whumpee when Caretaker tried to reach for them again. "Ah ah ah, no touching my property."
"They are not your property!"
Whumper hummed, looking down at Whumpee. A smug grin returned to their face. "Is that true, Whumpee?"
"N-no, master! I'm your property! I'm yours, I'm yours, I'm yours…."
Whumpee buried their face against Whumper's chest, tears streaming down their face. Whumper smiled softly, feeling contentment washed over them. 
"I understand that, little one. But maybe Caretaker here needs more explanation from you?"
Whumpee nodded, wiping their tears away as they turned to look at Caretaker. Resentment dripped down from their voice and Caretaker's heart clenched tightly inside their ribcage.
"I don't need you anymore. Please forget about me "
"Whumpee, please—"
"Don't come searching for me. I don't want to see your face again."
Caretaker was left in shock and disgust. They balled their fists, eyes tearing up in frustration as they watched Whumpee walked away with Whumper, away from them. Caretaker sighed, muttering softly under their breath,
"You will regret this, Whumpee…"
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aidaronan · 10 months
Krampusnacht? More Like Krampus-Rocked
For @steddiemicrofic December's prompt: pine. 508 Words || Explicit || Tag it Monsterfucker Steve, BDSM, Spanking It was December, and there was a monster in Steve's bedroom.
Not a demogorgon, not a demoanything.
Something else. Something with cloven hooves and horns. Something that smirked with sharp teeth when Steve relaxed enough to talk, to—shit—to flirt.
He—Eddie apparently—hadn't come for Steve. He'd intended to visit Steve's parents, but some wires had gotten crossed in the magical lines of the universe. So Eddie didn't know Steve's parents had been gone for years, that at that point, Steve was basically acting as caretaker for their future retirement home.
"Is that pine?" Steve asked, staring at the long, wispy rod in Eddie's clawed hand.
"Birch." Eddie thwacked it gently into his opposite palm and then smirked. "Would you like to feel it?"
Something about the look in Eddie's eyes and his low tone of voice went right to Steve's cock. It was fucked up, wasn't it? To start flirting with an intruder, especially when that intruder was…
"Like, hold it?" Steve asked, voice weak as he stared at the apex of Eddie's furry thighs, at the thin scrap of rags he wore there and the obvious tent beneath.
"Or…" Eddie licked his teeth and offered an outstretched hand. "Other things."
Like snow, Steve found himself gently falling, bending over the side of his bed. Eddie's claws skimmed his hips as he worked Steve's shorts down.
The first blow was gentle, just enough to feel the impact. More surprise than pain. The second stung a little, like a sunburn just on the edge of a tan.
The third though—that one had Steve moaning, grinding his cock into the side of his mattress.
"Fuck," Eddie said, voice reverent. "Look at you. Dying for it already."
"Guessing this isn't how these things usually go," Steve panted, hips still circling, canting.
"Never even once. Another?"
Eddie hit him again. All told, they got in six poetic licks before Steve needed more. Eddie let him peel the rags off, a thick pink-brown cock hiding underneath, pre-come beading at the tip.
Starving for it, Steve dragged his tongue through the deep slit, palming himself at the low growl it pulled out of Eddie.
"That's enough," Eddie said.
"Oh I want you to, don't get me wrong. But I want to fuck it into your pert little ass even more."
Steve's exhale stuttered out of his throat. "Okay."
It was its own kind of torture, Eddie eating him out and fingering him until he could actually fit inside. It was worth it for the stretch of fullness, for the way each thrust hit true.
It was worth it, too, for Eddie's claws raking his skin. For each slap on already-tender flesh as they groaned like two animals instead of one.
They finished seconds apart, Eddie filling him with so much come that it overflowed, dripping off his balls.
After, they lay panting side-by-side, fingers intertwined.
"That was…" Steve turned his head. "You could come back, you know… if… if you…?"
Eddie smiled, teeth sharp and shiny. "Sweet Stevie baby, I'll move in tomorrow."
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napakmahal · 5 months
I can’t re-respond but an anon a while ago requested a Tadashi and cna reader. But because I’m on a dad! Tadashi frenzy, Bodie will be making another appearance.
They say that doctors make the worse patients, but you and your boyfriend aren’t doctors. You’re a cna and his minor was in medicine along with his major in robotics. So maybe you weren’t the worse patients but for people with more medical knowledege than the average person you made for some very crappy caretakers. Now, it’s not because you two are irresponsible but one thing you learn in medical school is you can’t let it get too personal. You need to be realistic so your patients can be idealistic. But it’s hard to do that when your patient is four years old, and your own daughter.
When Bodie was two, you noticed she was having a hard time breathing. She’d wheeze as she slept and when she cried she’d stop breathing. You and your boyfriend did extensive research and even made a spreadsheet to organize her breathing data. It concerned you but family medical history showed that it ran in Tadashi’s family to have asthma. Hiro had a hard time breathing as a kid, Tadashi needed to carry around an inhaler in high school, and their dad slept with a CPAP machine most of his life. You two came to the conclusion that it was just genetic and she would likey need an inhaler when she got older. That was until Bodie was eventually diagnosed with non-eosinophilic asthma, or therapy resistance asthma. Normal asthma treatments didn’t work on Bodie.
At first sound of the news, you cried. How could you be around people with problems similar and not recognize them in your own daughter? Tadashi wasn’t feeling much better. He built a robot designed with over ten thousand medican procedures programmed into it only to overlook his baby girls severe asthma. That night, while you sat in the hospital and Bodie slept with an oxygen mask on you’d come to the same conclusion: We failed as parents and we let our daughter down.
But disappointment is one hell of a motivator. Since then you two had developed a well organized routine to try and prevent any future attacks. Every morning at 6:30 Tadashi would wake her up gently and have her breathe in one dosage of corticosteroids for twenty seconds each pump. Then he’s have her put some water in her mouth, slosh it around, and spit it out into a bowl to prevent yeast. In the middle of the day you’d make her drink hot tea to spit out any sticking mucus. By the night you and Tadashi would have her wear an ocisllator while you read a book to her and rubbed her back till she coughed out enough mucus for one night. That was your routine over and over again. And it worked, so imagine the horror when you needed to run to the emergency room in the middle of the night because Bodie couldn’t breathe properly and it was becoming clearer that it could not be handled at home.
“We’re almost there, baby.” You cooed, trying your best to make her feel better. You had sat with her in the backseat while Tadashi tried his hardest not to drive a noticeable amount over the speed limit.
Bodie’s breathing was scarily irratic, her heart was racing at a million miles per hour, and you could hear the obviously painful wheezing coming from her mouth and chest. Tears pricked the corners of her eyes in pain.
The second you pulled up to the emergency room (parked horribly) Tadashi held Bodie like a baby and rushed inside while you pulled up all her medical information and cards from your phone and wallet.
While you checked her in, you could hear Tadashi shushing Bodie and rubbing her back gently. “I know, baby. I know, it hurts.”
Normally there is nothing urgent about the pacing of the emergency room. You could easily wait a few hours there in a waiting room with fifty other people. But because of Bodie’s age, state, and prexisting condition they got her in within minutes. The medically trained sides of you and Tadashi said that was lucky, but the parent sides of you two were not satisfied that it took that long.
They gave her midazolam to calm her heart down, put her on a breathing machine, and kept her there for two days. When you called, Aunt Cass and Hiro came running towards the hospital to spend time with Bodie. But they had to leave every night.
By your second nights stay, you’d gone to use the bathroom down the dark hospital corridor. When you left, Tadashi was unfortably sitting in one of the chairs with his head tilted back towards the wall, but when you came back you saw him sitting right next to Bodie’s bed, running his hand over her hair. He just sat there and watched her breathe, her little lungs giving it her all. Her stuffed penguin started slipping from her hand when Tadashi grabbed it from falling and tucked it into her chest. And that was it, you began to cry at the sight of your boyfriend tucking your poor little girl into her hospital bed.
“Hey,” Tadashi looked up at you. “What’s wrong?”
You said nothing and instead just walked over to the seat next to his and rested your head on his shoulder. Now both of you were watching baby Bodie struggle together.
“You okay?”
You honestly answered “no” while shaking your head and still crying. Maybe it was sheer exhaustion, maybe it was the pain you felt watching her, or maybe it was both. Whatever it was, it was mentally kicking your ass.
Tadashi pulled his hand away from Bodie’s head and turned all his attention towards you. He rested his forehead against yours and asked, “Will you talk to me, please?”
“I don’t know how I could let this happen,” You answered honestly. “I’m supposed to prevent these things from happening to patients and I couldn’t stop it from happening to her.”
He immediately started shaking his head left to right. “No, ba-baby listen to me, nobody could have kept this from happening. There was nothing you could have done, am I right?”
He is right, but that doesn’t make you feel any less like a shitty parents.
“It’s just…” You don’t even finish the sentence because you know he understands.
Tadashi took a deep breath and looked back at Bodie, his bottom lip starting to shake and his eyes going glossy. “I know, I just need to tell her I’m sorry.”
“What?” Your voice broke halfway through. “Why sorry?”
A singular tear fell from his eye which he quickly wiped away. “She’s in so much pain, I know she is…and it’s my fault.”
“How could it be your fault?”
More tears gently fall out of Tadashis deep brown eyes, “It’s my genes. She gets this from me- I’m the reason she’s hurting. I feel so sorry.”
Your heart nrealy cracked in half at his words. This man dedicated his life to making sure Bodie was loved, cherished, healthy, and happy. And now he was blaming himself for her unfortunate suffering that really was just a bad luck of the draw.
You were quick to respond, “No, this is not your fault-”
“It is though y/n.” He softly interrupted you while resting his head on the side of the hospital bed. “This whole asthma thing runs in my family, and I gave it to her.”
“You gave her so much more than this.” You shook your head. He gave everything for Bodie and now he was reducing it to bad genetics and it was fucking sad.
You leaned down and dug your head into his neck. Muffling off all the wonderful things Bodie got from her father. “You gave her those beautiful brown eyes, and that little dimple on her left cheek, and god forbid she’d gotten my dental genes-”
Tadashi sniffled and let out a laugh at the mention of your family’s unfortunate dental genetics. You also mentioned that once the doctor had told you that Bodie would likey grow up to be very tall, something she definitely got from Tadashi.
“But you also gave her your mind, because she is so smart like her daddy. And you gave her your heart because when she cares she cares one hundred percent just like her daddy. And she loves like her daddy, and she laughs like him.” You could go on forever. They were so similar in everything, he was practically born to be not just A dad, but to be HER dad.
“Do you remember what she looked like as baby?” You whispered, but it was rhetorical. Of course he remembered, you’d have to whack him in the back of the head with a metal bat in order for him to forget. “Just. Like. You.”
Tadashi paused before saying, “She got Hiro’s hair.”
“Pffft.” You two started laughing as quietly as possible at the memory. Bodie was born with a full head of crazy light brown hair that eventually fell out and grew back as jet black.
All the memories of Bodie came spilling out of your mouths like word vomit. Like when she was doing tummy time but Mochi was confused by the concept of babies so he started pawing it her to see if she’d move. Or when Tadashi knocked on the doorframe and pretending he hit her head on it. “Oh my gosh, baby I’m so sorry are you okay?” and laughed when she started crying like she was in the worst pain of her life. The first time she met Baymax she though it was the funniest thing ever and kept poking at the inflatable material. When she’d first started talking, she was sitting on her playmat with Hiro and she tried pronouncing his name.
“Hee-row,” He broke his name down into phonics. “Hiro.”
“No, Hee-rrrrr-o” He dramticalled rolled his r’s.
Stubbornly, she insisted, “Hee-o”
“Hee-o” Hiro gave in with a smile on his face accepting his new name.
By the end of sharing memories you were laughing and crying at the same time. It was so bittersweet. The memories of your daughter being so happy with you two were clashed with the pain such a happy little girl was going through. A four years old needed a machine to help her breath and a IV too big for her arm drip down anti-anxiety medication because her little heart was beating too fast for her body. While you and Tadashi acknowledged that nobody is to blame for the terrible things Bodie has to go through, the mommy and daddy guilt is just too much to bare.
So the next day, after Bodie was discharged you would spend the entire day with her (inside because after an attack like that she can’t go outside without a mask on for a while). You’d invite her uncle Hiro and her great-aunt Cass and you would just hang out all day. At the end of the night while she wore her vest, you would watch a movie with your family and Bodie would not haver a designated bedtime. Just so she could spend as much time as possible with her family.
But that would be for tomorrow. Because for now, you two would sit by your baby Bodie while she heaved her chest up and down. Soaking in as much air the world both you and Tadashi brought her into had to offer.
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Black Gwen Stacy headcanons because duh ofc she is,just watch the movies
Half white afrolatina with George being her white parent and Helen(a)was her black parent
George is a huge racist who was antiblack towards his own daughter and Helena died when Gwen was so little that Gwen knew almost nothing about blackness or latino heritage and it gave her trauma that the other black Spiderpeople helped her heal from
Pretty obviously looks black/white mixed-As in,black features but light.She has black 4c hair,brown eyes,light brown skin and a nose and lips that're bigger than any full white person's but she's not as darkfeatured/strongfeatured as a monoracial black person either
Dominican specifically(she's literally from New York)
Miles instantly recognized her as afrolatina thanks to being afrolatino himself and that leads to extra bonding in Into as Miles teaches her bits from their culture.The basics obvs but also our memes,our shows and our fashion norms and that all gets hint dropped at in the Atsv with Gwen's outfits and jokes having black/latina twists to them(Example:Instead of a stripped shirt,she wore a hot pink tank top with a bedazzeld white heart on it)
This leads to Gwen finally truly feeling black and that's how she ended up forming The Mary Janes by befriending other black kids for the first,second time.It made her quitting the band all that harder and there's callbacks to them as she expresses missing them and she ends up coming back while staying Spiderwoman-She can do both
Into Gwen had straight hair,Across Gwen has locs(Implied hair journey)
Pastel Punk is her way of creating her black girlhood and she's also kidcore because she's audhd too
Margo and her were instant besties.Because Gwen immediately jumped to befriend the nearest black teen girl the second she saw her and Margo accepted her friendliness but also because as they hung out,Gwen realized Margo's got a bad home life too and comforted her about it so now they're ride 'i'm not letting you die' best friends and Gwen and Hobie were like 👀👀👀👀👀 at the lil flirting between her and Miles as background comedy and she used her webs to drag her along with them which Margo reacted to only with an eyeroll and saying she just had to ask(Margo also got her own intro thingy)
Gwen the second she met an older black woman:MOM🥺?!
No but 'Adopt me' is so sweet with black Gwen-In canon it's funny and cute but this adds layers to it.Jessica mentors her in being Spiderwoman AND in being a black girl and Gwen does her best to pay her back by trying to make her feel like more than just her caretaker and teacher but as a hero in her own right and someone she considers a friend.She frequently diy's her gifts and excitedly shows them to her and Jessica thanks her with smiles and physical affection and keeps all of them and eventually gifts her silver hoop earrings with pink pendants
Her behavior at the Morales household was because she's afrolatina but not raised in the culture and that's the joke with Jefferson and Rio being baffled at a black girl not knowing she was being rude with those things despite being great otherwise(Rio makes a lighthearted jab at her for being mixed.She has biracial girl slay AND biracial girl cringe /hj)
'Half of who i am' is a TRIPLE entendre-It's about her being Spiderwoman,a trans girl AND black biracial.She also cuts George out of her life as a lesson to mixed kids about how they don't have to love their racist white parents JUST BECAUSE they're their parents and she pretends to accept him again just to get him close enough to beat his ass and says 'You're not a good dad because good cops don't exist.You're just my canon event-So die instead of me' and leaves him heartbroken to go back to Jessica since she's accepted her as her daughter
She listens to Meet me @ the Altar,Selena,Teezo Touchdown,Flowerovlove and Megan Thee Stallion and does covers,has glossy lips as her daily makeup look,owns a name necklace,her favorite foods are galletas con suspiro and pechurina and flan and strawberry Nesquick,she dosen't use too much aave just yet cause she's still learning but as she grows she makes it her regular speech pattern,sadly has significant amount of hair damage from her childhood(thanks for nothing George /s),gets gender euphoria from black pastel and/or punk girl aesthetics,black mermaids and black women in horror
Because of the last part,her chosen middle name is Marina since it's sea themed
More Margo expansion:Her parents are a toxic couple who don't hate her,just eachother but they let that overpower their love for her by extensively exposing her to it due to intergenerational trauma.Margo didn't have an irl friends before the Spiderband and she was different from a lot of black kids too so she didn't have refuge in them either and that's why her and Gwen(+ Miles and Hobie)love eachother so much and she got Gwen into video games like how Gwen got her into legos and Gwen guided her into coping mechanisms for a bad home life and promised her she'd get out one day but in a safer way than she did.They also got matching grills at one point and are a matched set in general who have eachother twin on everything,do NOT seperate them /lh
Black Love Ghostpunk aka the only valid romantic Ghostpunk aka MY canon Ghostpunk.They met Bubbline style at one of Hobie's show's where Gwen thought he was super hot and made a weird ass dork of herself but Hobie's autistic ass found THAT super hot so he brought her up on stage to sing with him as a ref to that one concept art and she recognized him the next day at Spider Society,realizing he was Spiderpunk i.e that kid Jessica mentored too that she'd yet to meet cause he was always busy.She ran after him and introduced herself as the girl from last night.Hobie was surprised and she reached out to unmask him subcounciously so he did the same,smirking as he said 'Eager to see your pretty face again too,Gwendita' and she linked arms with him once they got a good look at eachother again as they chatted and kept walking together
So from that day on,they became best friends with crushes on eachother they never thought to hide and Hobie taught more her about punk culture,specifically afropunk and convinced her to dye her hair,which is how they had their first kiss.His hands had pink dye on them and he was leaning over her to organize things so she couldn't resist and kissed him,it being prompted by the morning of that day when Hobie said he'd never actually kissed anyone on the lips as he gave Gwen a good morning peck on the cheek and Gwen wanting to be his first.He was shocked as she let out a quick and short apology and hid her face behind her hair but he told her to do it again and she gladly did as it turned into him taking the lead
They say sappy and cutesy and just random shit to and about eachother with no shame,do haircare together,he helped her make her own battle jacket and added a Gwen-themed patch to his own,she calls him 'Hubbie' as a play on 'Hobie'(and 'Gwendita' is spanish for 'Gwendy' but cheesier)and taught him to skateboard and make dominican food,she stands up for him and has his back against his enemies and even Miguel when he gets a lil too bold despite being scared shitless of him,he takes care of her a lot like a good boyfriend does and she returns the favor and actually started this part of their relathionship which is what prompted him to treat her the way he does now,she wears Hobie's shirts as night gowns and diy'd him a blue durag with punk designs and he does pastel transfemme things with her i.e Playing pirated video games,drinking energy drinks,wearing cunty girly outfits,etc.Gwen's also a lot more brutal in her Spiderwoman tactics and started going to protests and donating to charity with her saved up money by Hobie-induced radicalization
Also genuinely not intentional but i'm convinced Hobie loves the sea a lot and Gwen's got major mermaid vibes so i mean-
Flowerbyte's wingwoman who tries to get them together by dropping hints and giving advice disguised as regular friend convos.She's basically Miles' big sister who teases her little brother about finally getting a girlfriend and he teases her about Hobie back but not nearly as effectively because at least they're officially together instead of going on totally not dates
"She's just lightskinned" < Running joke one of my black Atsv moot's who's Gwen's age keeps making
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Visualization of SheTM by @kitkatperce
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dross-the-fish · 1 month
ooo, "Adam's Return" was so good, I can't wait for part 2 😊
Also, I don't know if I can really put it into proper words, but it really stuck out to me that Elizabeths room has remained unused and mostly untouched after her death. Reading it made me immediately think that, Ernest really loved Elizabeth and never really got over her death. It's both, somewhat sweet, but also incredibly sad. (lol, i guess i never really thought about their relationship that much, so it's kinda hit me like a truck ':D )
It was mentioned somewhere that Elizabeth was meant to fill Caroline's role after her death so it's not a stretch to imagine she became a second parent to the younger children. After Caroline died and Victor left Elizabeth was pretty much left to take care of the household so I've always felt that she and Ernest were close with him looking at her as one would a kind older sister. Someone who spent time with him when the rest of the household was too busy. Ernest is described as being a bit sickly in his youth. "Ernest was six years younger than myself, and was my principal pupil. He had been afflicted with ill health from his infancy, through which Elizabeth and I had been his constant nurses: his disposition was gentle, but he was incapable of any severe application." Elizabeth has been his caretaker since he was small. It's not hard to think he loved her.
Elizabeth writes to Victor later that Ernest is "full of spirit and wants to join the army" or something to that effect so I imagine he might have been away while all the murders went down and had to come back home to bury the last members of his family. I felt bad for him so I decided he'd get to live to be 100 and have a nice family. You know, one Frankenstein who's life ended happily despite it all and one of the grandchildren was named after Elizabeth and another William. He did not name any for Victor. His feelings about his brother after having found and read Victor's diary were complex, to say the least.
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jackiequick · 1 year
Operation Baby Rescue - Fast & Furious Fic 🏁 (Part 3)
If you haven’t read part 2 click here.
Pairing: Deckard Shaw x Val Toretto
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The first few days were a rather interesting story. After arriving at the safe house, the trio, plus Owen Shaw, got settled into a small plan. Lay low, take care of the baby and wait until the signal to come home. Simple as that.
Owen left to find a place to stay upstairs leaving the couple to their own devices downstairs. That same afternoon, Deckard didn’t hesitate to pick up Marcos Toretto and head over to give him a diaper change. Until he realized he never changed a bloody damn diaper in his life. He fed them, rocked them to sleep, played with them and even saved one! But never has he changed a diaper before.
“Uh love?” He yelled from the living room, holding down the squirmy baby, who became a bit fussy.
Val was in the kitchen looking for supplies to start cooking and yelled back, “Yeah? What happened?”
“Come here for a second.”
She walked over laughing at the sight in front of her. Deckard Shaw, one of the worlds most best assists for combat and reliability, couldn’t change a freaking diaper. The man glared at her, not finding it hilarious on his part, sighing in defeat. He moved aside giving Val space as she took care of the situation.
Removing the diaper of the fussy baby, who just 8 minutes ago was blabbing nonsense, wasn’t easy. But she got it done, holding his tiny feet and closing the taps to the diaper showing Deckard how to do it as she went along. The man was a fast learner and understood the assignment for next time.
However he was impressed. This women was able to gently strap this little charmer down within 5 minutes flat. Deckard knew that she has a niece and nephew at home, due to them being Mia and Brian’s kids, but he never seen her in action before. As in take care of a child. He smiled brightly and chuckled.
“What?” She asked holding Marco in her lap now, smiling at him. Val knew he was thinking of something.
“Nothing.” He replied with a chuckle, taking a seat next to her.
“You just amaze me. I’ve known you for a long time now, but this is new to me.”
“What is?”
“You as a aunt. Parental figure, i like it. A lot.”
“Aww..i like it too. I’m still surprised, Dom let us on this mission together.”
“You and me both, love. It’s alright, he trusts us with his kid.”
“So you two gonna kiss or what?” Said a voice standing in the doorway eating a banana. Owen had a cheeky smile on his face watching his brother and girlfriend on the couch with child in between them. It made him annoyed at the idea of his older brother in love but he liked it. It was good to see his brother as he deems as happy.
Deckard rolled his eyes and followed his younger brother into the kitchen, muttering how he might sent Owen to live somewhere else for the next few days instead. Val chuckled blowing raspberries onto Marcos’s chubby cheek, heading upstairs to put him down for a nap and later on a well needed nap.
The rest of the 24 hours have been alright. Yeah sure they had a fussy baby to deal with in the middle of the night and a schedule to try to keep up with. Other than that it was pretty okay. Owen moved onto stay in London for a couple of day leaving the couple along again to their own devices. It amazed each other how well of a caretaker role was brought to the table. With Val quick response to things like cries and Deckard’s problem solving skills to figure out what could done.
They had their bumps in the road like the other night where Marcos couldn’t get to sleep. They tried hushing his cries, he wasn’t hungry, and nor did he need his diaper changed. Hell, the pair even checked if there anything inside his crib that might make him feel uncomfortable. Checked for any weird smells in the room and etc. But nothing.
Val was hushing Marco who was in her arms, trying to start humming a lullaby. Deckard stood their for a moment until he removed his sweater leaving him a warm grey undershirt. He sat down on the rocking chair taking the baby from his girlfriend’s arm, having Marco curl up into the warmth of his body as he rubbed his back.
It took Valentina a moment for it to click in, but once it did, she was impressed. She heard stories of how he helped take care of his younger brother and babies on base, but never seen it in action. It made her heart flutter.
“Almost skin to skin contact?” Val whispered softly, as it came out more like a question.
Deck nodded whispering back, “He was probably cold or just need the warmth of a body, I’m guessing.”
“Nice thinking.”
“Eh, i try.”
The pair took turns that whole time, eventually bringing the event to a close putting the baby boy back in his crib. Thankfully he was asleep and didn’t even fussy the rest of the late night. They smiled, leading back to the bedroom satisfied as ever.
Two days later, Deckard woke up first, turning off the alarm clock and being greeted with the warm shine of the sunlight. Val was snuggled up close wearing his black shirt and a pair of brown shorts. He kissed her forehead as he always did, crawling out of bed to brush his teeth and get ready for the day.
Their resources were sorta limited to his usual rental stays but neither he did care or wish for anything else than. He had food, water, clothes, the basic essentials, WIFI, entertainment inside and outside the house, and of course his morning coffee. Deckard entered the shared bedroom again noticing that she was still asleep, he couldn’t blame her since she woke up more than once last night as well as the night before. He stepped into the well centered bedroom next to find the little man of the house half awake. You would think of all people in this house, he would be most tired.
Marcos was laying down on his back, playing with the moon and stars mobile making grabby hand at it. The little guys was wearing blue pjs and in his own little world, babbling softly about god knows what.
Deckard couldn’t help but smile as imagines of last night flew back in his eyes.
Remembering the sight of Val putting Marcos to bed at 7:30pm last night, humming a little song at the loopy baby who coo sleepily, resting his head on his auntie’s shoulder. The smile in her voice as she sang to the baby boy tend laying him down in the crib tucking him in, was simply lovely.
He snapped out of his thoughts at the squeals of the little charmer in front of him as he gently picked him up smiling.
“Hello governor, sleep well?” Ask Deck bouncing him gently in his arms with a soft smile as the baby babbled happily, “I bet you did.”
He stayed in that positions chatting with the baby boy rocking him back and forward, handing him his stuff animal that was sitting on the changing table. He just giggled and smiled softly at the man holding him with just pure joy.
“How about we play some music and have breakfast in a few minutes, hm?” He asked with a chuckle, “But first let’s wake up your auntie Val.”
Val was fast asleep, having turned the alarm off twice already. Just 5 minutes was all she needed. Her body was turned towards the window, not feeling the dent and shift in the bed as a small little cubby body crawled around eventually landed onto of her.
On top of her sat the 12 pound package she saved a while back, with his hand patting her chest and side gurgling and looking around, as his small hands grabbed the fabric of her shirt playing with it. Eventually after a few requests for a bit more of sleep, she peaked her eyes open to the cutest sight she ever seen.
Marcos was just chilling sat on top of his auntie with a care in the world, looking over at Deckard, who had a hand on the baby’s back for support, every once in a while. Pinch Valentina, she must be dreaming! She tickled lightly her nephew’s belly responding in some giggles in return from the baby.
“G’ morning..” She said softly, looking at her boys with a smile on her face. She couldn’t ask for more than to just frozen in this moment forever.
“Good morning.” He replies with a matching look on his face.
He leaned down, placing a darling kiss on her lips as she hooked her finger underneath his chin gently laying down two more kisses. It resulted in Deck to give her a few more. Val cooed at her nephew placing a kiss on his cheek as well. It was like at that moment Valentina Toretto knew one thing, she wants to spend a good life with Deckard Shaw doesn’t matter if they’re under the same roof or miles apart.
The three of them headed downstairs to the kitchen, making breakfast and staying in comfortable silence as they all ate. Eggs, toast, coffee and music playing in the background. The smell filled up the entire house. With the cooing and gurgling of Marcos making sure their was smiles the whole time.
Afterwards they stayed in the backyard, taking in the nice breeze and nice spring sun that came with such lovely warmth. Like a being snuggled up blanket freshly out of the dryer. Marco stayed on the grass playing with the toy cars that were brought, Val combed her slightly wet curls after washing it earlier and Deckard was checking emails while keeping on them.
Nothing could be more perfect, to say the least. It felt domestic. A nice break from the last few days.
Leaning against his chair, Deckard broke the comfortable silence and said, “What do you about us having one of our own?”
“Huh?” Asked Val with a smile taking it a moment for her to lock in what he said. She replied, “You want a kid?”
“Yeah, why not? It’s probably Baby Toretto charm and the safe house, but i can see us with one.”
“Just one? Why not two with a dog?”
He laughed putting his hands up in defense, “Dial it back there, love! I think one would be enough for us.”
“Alright, fair. Besides, I couldn’t a dog and two children to be honest.” She replied chuckling.
“So why did you suggest it?”
“I wanted to see your reaction, that’s why! In all seriousness, one day a child would be nice. I rather settle first, right?”
“Where you thinking? London? Brazil? Hawaii?”
“I don’t know yet. Just give it time, we’ll figure it out.”
Deckard grinned and leaned in into her face, “Good. Because that means I’ll have you all to myself until we please.”
“Yes sir.” Valentina remarked leaning in and chuckling.
They were soon stopped by Marcos crawling up to them with his hands in the air, wishing to be picked up from the grass with a pouty face and Val couldn’t say no. That was when Deckard got the text from Dom that it was safe to bring his kid home, he smiled hearing that.
It took two days of packing, and a early morning just to get everything in the car. Deckard was carrying the last of stuff needed for the drive over to New York. They could’ve taken a plane but decided against it after the resist endeavor, a long drive felt rather safer.
Val was placing with Marco nearby the entrance of the safe house, waiting for her boyfriend to finish his duties. She would’ve help but she was do busy packing up lunch, pillows and water bottles. Finally she was given the green light to place Marcos in the car seat.
The baby was squirming around in his seat, babbling loudly and giggling about god knows what. As Val was trying to place his seat belt on, Marco threw his toy race car over his aunties head and out of the door.
Val walked over to pick it up jokingly saying, “Hey bubba, not all cars fly. But this one does, huh?”
She handed it back over to her nephew, who just playfully threw it out again with a grin and a giggle to match. It was a game to him. Definitely part of this family. Over a straight minute and a half of Marcos tossing the toy out of the car, Deckard walked over with a little solution to the problem. He handed the baby United Kingdom Flag Mini Boxing Gloves, in which the kid happily took with such glee.
She noticed what it was and playfully glare at her man, then said, “Dom is gonna kill you for that.”
“What he doesn’t know won’t kill him, love.” He replied breaking into a laugh and grinned, strapping the baby into the seat perfectly.
And off they went.
The drive wasn’t so bad. They all took time to eat, took breaks to stretch their legs, bathroom breaks and stopped at a motel for a while. Yeah sure everyone got tired and kinda fussy during the trip every once in a while. Especially with a baby on board, it can be tougher. It was a pretty long drive, but they were entertained as much as they could be.
It felt like forever, as they finally arrived to a hotel in New York City. The very next day, the trio packed up once again, only this time for the youngest Toretto, to be with his daddy and meet his stepmother, Letty.
The pair walked up the stairs slightly tired, opening the door to the rooftop. Deckard was carrying the baby carrier with the giggly little boy inside as Valentina carried the baby bag. Once they opened the front door to the rooftop, music played, bunches of teammates talking, barbecue smell hit their noses and a fresh bottles of beers being open.
Some stopped talking, looking at the door to see the pair with the baby walking over to Dom. Deckard and Dom talked quietly over the reason why for the mission. Val stood her with a smile, hearing them speak to one another.
“Can’t believe you went to see my mother.” Deckard said with a slight delay smile, once Dom grinned back.
She noticed it was her cue, walking over as Dom pulled his baby sister into a tight hug.
He smiled looking down at her and said, “Thank you.”
“I would’ve done either way.” She replied with a matching smile.
“Still, you took that risk.”
“How did you know I’ll be there at the right place and time?”
“Cause i know you. And i knew you would’ve guessed something was going on.”
“You got that right.”
“Was he a lot of trouble?”
“Nah he’s pretty alright.”
Dom smirked, “I was talking about him.” He added pointed over to Deckard for extra effect, “Was he trouble?”
“Oh my god-” She rolled her eyes laughing, resting her head on her big brothers chest, “He wasn’t any trouble. More of a surprise. Both boys were.”
As if on cue, Baby Toretto cooed brightly. Dom turned reaching down to pick up his son who smiled and giggled, his cubby cheeks lighting up his face at the sight of being hold by his daddy.
Val smiled.
She walked away giving the two a moment together at least, as she went to join Tej and Roman in a few laughs. They were trying to figure out Ramsey’s last name but she was the only one who knew it. Deckard went to speak with Mr. Nobody and Ramsey, sharing a drink. After a while, lunch was finally being served.
Everyone sat around the table, Val missed her boys so she sat beside Tej and Roman, sipping her second beer of the day, after she helped serve the BBQ to everyone’s plates of course. They were all chatting, waiting for Dom to take a seat, he was too busy admiring his beautiful baby boy with Letty who smiled at the cute pair.
Finally he walked over to the table holding the baby boy in his arms. Dom had a soft smile as he spoke, “You heard me say that you never turn your back on family, and i wanna thank you all for never turning your back on me.”
The crew looked around with returning soft smile, sending winks and nods to each other, before turning back to the man of the hour. Dom looked at his son saying, “You wanna meet them? All right.”
He looked back at the group this time and proudly said with a smile on his face, “Everyone, meet Brian.”
Everyone smiled, chuckling and clapping at the sweet introduction.
Some even had glimpses of tears in their eyes smiling brightly.
In return Baby Brian clapped his tiny hand, cooing with a gentle smile. Dom then sat down, with his son sitting on his lap, knowing his was turn to say grace. Everyone held hands with full on smiles hearing Dom’s words before digging into the food.
Thank you so much for reading this fic! What did you think? Did you like it? Let’s discuss.
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Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @topgun-imagines @gcthvile @t-nd-rfoot @morgan108 @levijeanqueen @mandylove1000 @superspookyjanelle @gcthvile @grey-princesa @hanlueluver @missstrawbs2001 @rooster-84 and etc
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killerlittlerejects · 5 months
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“I want you to remember the name of the woman that’s gonna end you.”
Needles And Smiles/MBK fans, where you at? XD
Usually I post art on, well, my art blog! But I thought it would be better to post it here since she is one of my muses.
Jane Keaton, my beloved. The reason why goth Jane has been engraved into my mind. She’s got to be one of my favourite interpretations of the character, with the unique twists in her story. Not the victim, but the sister of the monster that is Jeff the killer, and her struggles with the realization that her family were monsters- and that she can be one too.
After the second part of the series, the next few instalments (minus the third) focus on her internal conflict over being what she’s supposed to be VS what she wants to be, her relationships with other characters and how that conflict affects them, and her feelings towards Jeff. These were elements that kept me hooked and had me routing for her throughout the rest of the series, and I’m honestly still disappointed to this day that we never got a proper conclusion to the series or character arcs. But hey, thats what AUs are for!
If you’ve checked my alternate muse list, you’d have seen that I put her on it. But the version I write isn’t the “canon,” it’s more so based off the MBK version with a little twist.
Instead of being adopted, Jane is raised with Jeff and David in a pretty shitty home environment. Both parents being neglectful/abusive, her only main caretakers/parental roles were her brothers, and despite their… uniqueness, she loved them both dearly. So of course, having one of them die and the other slash her face open (in this AU her cheeks were cut by bullies, Jeff just reopened the wounds) left her pretty traumatized.
Like in the original, she becomes a slasher hunter alongside Toby, however my version can be a bit more sadistic and is more open to killing people she believes deserves it. However, she does her best to not let it affect the job. Despite everything, she keeps Jeff’s hoodie and can often been see wearing it over whatever attire she is dawning.
This drawing was really fun, I’m proud of how it turned out!
A little special thanks to @nathantheauthor for inspiring me to do more with the character. Seeing their creepypasta rewrites gave me the courage to say “fuck it, we’re doing this,” so thank you for that lol!
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selkra-souza · 6 months
The Moodsters Rabbit Hole
So I was bored one day and in my vain attempt to search the internet to find a knock off Inside Out movie to ironically enjoy, I find out that one does not exist. Vídeo Brinquedo, the studio behind the critically memed Ratatoing, has truly forsaken me, and alas, I can only dream. Instead of finding a rip off Inside Out movie, I ended up finding something that accused Inside Out of ripping off it, I'm talking suing. Turned out to be just as interesting.
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The Moodsters is a multimedia edutainment brand and children's foundation centered around a cast of six monstrous critter "feelings detectives" called Moodsters. There's Coz, the yellow Moodster representing happiness, Snorf the blue Moodster representing sadness, Razzy representing anger, Quiggly representing fear, Lolly who represents love and Tully representing ... being calm I think? The Moodsters is an IP created by Denise Daniels and owned by JellyJam Entertainment (formally known as the Moodsters Company) who claim on their website (themoodsterschildrensfoundation.org, formally themoodsters.com) that they're "providing accessible science-based content on emotions for children, their parents, and teachers for more than 35 years". That science is based in collaboration with Marc Brackett PhD and Robin Stern PhD, to develop the RULER™ model for dealing with emotions. Besides their mission statement and credentials, their site currently has downloadable workbooks for kids to print and journal their thoughts and feelings on, along with guide booklets for their caretakers. Their children's foundation initiatives includes an "International Partnership for Children Displaced by War" and "Grief Relief with the Moodsters".
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They've got a twitter account featuring one (1) post from 2016.
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Let's dig deeper though. Hopping onto the Wayback Machine and searching for "Moodsters" will show you that they've had an online presence since 2008. Since then, the brand has gone through a few changes, and they've released a few toys and published a few books.
I first want to go over the plushies specifically because look at them.
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They're adorable. I want to firmly grasp them in my hand. These goobers were sold in retail in the mid 2010s and nowadays are pretty rare in the second hand market. They look soft and I appreciate everything from their embroidered features to Snorf's lopsided face. From looking at them, I like the quality. My only complaint is that their little detective capes lack edge stitches, which would make them more prone to tears, and I'm not convinced they have an accessible way to replace their batteries (though I could be wrong). Overall as a plushie lover though, I want them in my home so I can invite them to tea parties and have them sit on my bed.
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Their website in 2015 teased a mobile app called, The Moodsters: Learn About Feelings, which - as far as I could search - does not exist. This page lists features such as an interactive story book, a Mood Meter that "gives children a basic vocabulary of feelings and helps them express themselves" by using a thermometer-shaped mood meter to take one's "feelings 'temperature'", a Moodster Mirror that "helps them make the connection between feelings on the inside and facial expressions on the outside" with demonstrations of 25 different emotions, and a Feelings Notebook that's an art program. The development of this app is no longer mentioned on the site currently, so it's probably a scrapped project.
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At some point there was a Moodster themed memory match browser game and coloring pages (hard to tell if they were browser coloring games or printables).
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Some of the features from the what would've been the app actually made it to market as toys. These toys were colorful little detective supplies. One for (almost) each Moodster. The top image of this very long post actually features each Moodster with their chosen detective tool on-hand. Coz wields a Moodster Mirror, Razzy carries a Moodster Meter, Quiggly has an emotional support Feelings Flashlight and Lolly writes in a Feelings Notebook, all (at some point) available at your (once) local Toys R Us. Whatever Snorf is carrying hasn't made it to market it seems, but it's apparently a First Aids Kit for Feelings (mentioned here). I can't find what Tully's item is supposed to be. Perhaps it's emotional identification cards, or positive affirmations? Who knows. My favorite out of these has got to be the notebook, mainly because I'm a sucker for cute stationary. I'd fold and decorate a little cardboard box just to house those crayons just for keepers sake.
And have I even mentioned the yoga mats?
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Almost every plushie and detective tool toy appears to come with a picture book. I can't comment on most of the books since I can't buy any that still happen to be available as of now, but luckily there is a read along video I found shown below of one of them. It prominently features a more recent addition to the Moodsters lore, the human children.
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These side characters where featured on the site as recent as October 2023 (I neglected to take a snapshot, so here's another from June), but are nowhere to be seen on the website now besides the older downloadable worksheets. There's a chance they've since been retired.
It's exactly as boring as I feared that it would be. Obviously, I'm far from being in the target demographic for this anymore as an adult, nor am I any expert of child psychology beyond one elective course I took in university, but the one credibility that I do have is that I remember my personal tastes from when I was a kid, so I can comment on this from that perspective. I will say if I was handed this as a little kid, I would've liked the little monster dudes, but my attention would've shifted away from this pretty quickly and easily, because the little monster dudes aren’t really doing much. I was one of those kids that was really drawn to creature characters way more than I ever was to human characters (and to be perfectly honest, I still am as an adult, but that's besides the point I'm about to make). The plot of the book is perfectly serviceable with a good message about altruism, so that's not the problem. My grievance is with the fact that the human boy Zach takes center stage as the main character, when one would think that the main characters would be the Moodsters. They kind of take a back seat working on the sidelines for the most part here, and don't directly interact with Zach that much. Would've been hard for kid-me to latch onto this when the cool critter characters don't have as much of an active role as they could have. Not every kid is going to be as drawn to critter characters as I was (and am), but if the critter characters are going to be the face of your preschool IP, they should be presented front and center as much as they can be. Children's picture books are a media format that isn't particularly long nor complex, so their biggest strengths are in the characters and the art. If it were open to changes, I'd make a few: I'd have the Moodsters be just a bit more proactive, such as the suggestion to buy Sam a new bike coming from Coz or maybe Lolly instead of his sister Zoey, have them discover the "feelings emergency" while they're hanging outside with Zach and Sam instead of by spying on them with their cool and fancy desk setup, maybe have a one or two page mini side plot where Razzy's anger at the truck driver is addressed and resolved with breathing exercises or something, and change the art style to 2D illustrations to allow more dynamic poses and expressions since the 3D models and environments used here are pretty okay but nothing that stands out too much (or just instead use more expressive 3D models). No major changes that would fundamentally change the book, just enough to give the Moodsters more spotlight and expressions. Overall, as is, it's an okay children's book, just nothing that really stands out much as unique.
Back in the 2000s, there was an animated pilot for the Moodsters (with art and animation direction by Drew Bloom) featuring different designs of them and an additional cat girl not present in the current iteration named Moodini voiced by Grace Garland. The earliest legible Wayback Machine snapshot for the Moodsters (May 16, 2008) lists their names as Zazz, Rizzi, Scootz, Snorf and Oola". Now, I unfortunately can't find the full pilot, only the intro, which is a massive bummer because it's the most interesting piece of Moodsters media I've encountered. Apparently, according to a few articles and court documents (we'll get to the lawsuit later I promise) it was titled "The Amoodsment Mixup", and said to be officially available in its entirety on Youtube ... only it's not there. It must've gotten unlisted or removed by the company owner, which is really disappointing since it looks like a fun watch. It's gone probably because it's an outdated interpretation of the Moodsters, which makes sense for the company to remove, but it's disheartening that I can't find it archived anywhere on the internet.
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To comment on the intro that we can watch: I'm really digging these older designs! They've got that Muppet look to them with the high eye placement but with smaller mouths, and they've got more varied facial structures and come in different heights, along with overall looking more monstrous. The literal emotional roller coaster is a cute touch too! Honestly I wished they kept these looks, they're peak. I can't find an officially stated reason for the design overhaul and reboot of the IP; my only guess as to why was in order to incorporate human children for the Moodsters to interact with, so that the brand would be more relatable for kids and more easily applicable to them as an emotional analysis tool. There's merit to that decision I'm sure, but I personally prefer this older version because the Moodsters here look more critter-ly and kind of seem to just hang out in the woods doing their own thing, instead of having more "marketable" designs and hanging out directly educating human children. I was a kid in the 2000s, if this animation pitch made it to air on PBS, I absolutely would've tuned in to see these goobers. I likely would have enjoyed it as much as Dragon Tails, Cyberchase and Arthur, as long as the education came second to characters and story (as opposed to more overtly educational shows like Super Why). Honestly, I'm really bummed this pilot wasn't picked up for a full show, or heck, I can't even find the full pilot anywhere :(
Speaking of old iterations, I really want to show off these old renders of the Moodster headquarters I found digging through Wayback Machine snapshots from (June 29, 2014). It's the Emote Control Headquarters, which was seen in one page of the book in the read along video linked above, but with more detail in the background surrounding the central desks and not in Zach’s room. It seems these renders were to be how their headquarters looked before the human characters were added to the lore. And lemme tell you I adore the amount of detail put into these! I've mentioned the fancy desk setups from the book, and they're shown here again. It's got to be my favorite design aspect for the Moodsters, because each one has their own personalized setup that's color coded and decked out in decor. Coz has some sports equipment at his desk, Lolly's got art supplies, Quigly's got a telescope, and so on. It's a really good way to visually show off their personalities, since they admittedly don't have that much personality otherwise. My hot take is that it way more creative than the console in Inside Out because of its attention to detail. These colorful set pieces are peak kids show aesthetic appeal to me, especially the third image with the ambient lighting. This holdover is something I'm glad made it to more recent Moodster products like the book mentioned above, even if it doesn't make that much sense for them to have such elaborate setups to monitor on the kid they live in the same house with, but it sure as heck at least looks cool.
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Remember when I said that this was something that accused Inside Out of ripping it off? Well we’re finally getting to that. I have no formal education on law keep in mind, so here's my understanding on the situation: in Daniels v. Walt Disney, The Moodster Company filed suit against Disney for breaching an "implied-in-fact contract". The gist of the matter is that the Moodster Company had pitched their IP to several companies, the relevant one here being Disney, during the 2000s (likely the animated pilot mentioned earlier was what was pitched), and accused Disney of using the ideas they pitched to produce the film Inside Out, and failing to compensate The Moodster Company for it. It was an accusation of copyright infringement. Disney filed to have this case dismissed, claiming The Moodster Company "failed to meet the legal standard for copyright in a character", basically that the Inside Out emotion characters are not rip offs of the Moodster characters. Ultimately the court granted Disneys' dismissal, because The Moodsters are "lightly sketched" and "are not protectable by copyright". This was determined by the "Towle test" (based on Mark Towle v. DC Comics), which has three criteria for making a character design eligible for copyright protection:
" (1) has “‘physical as well as conceptual qualities,’” (2) is “‘sufficiently delineated to be recognizable as the same character whenever it appears’ and ‘display[s] consistent, identifiable character traits and attributes,’” and (3) is “especially distinctive’ and ‘contain[s] some unique elements of expression.’” " ~ McDermott Will & Emery
It was determined that The Moodsters met criteria (1) but not the later two, mainly because of the several redesigns and name changes the Moodster characters have gotten over the years, ultimately making them inconsistent and indistinctive. The Moodster characters also didn't pass the “Story Being Told test”, because in what little media they have been in, they don't have a proactive enough role nor go through any character arcs nor at least have any unique personality quirks that would make them distinguished characters, instead their personalities are summed up with a short description in their pitchbook and otherwise only just kind of exist. I'd hate to side with the massive corporation for pretty much any reason, but it's a stretch for The Moodster Company to have claimed that Disney ripped them off with inside Out. If the Moodsters had more consistent designs and personalities that Disney-Pixar copied in the Inside Out emotions, there would've have been a case, but that case isn't here. However, I don't think it was completely unreasonable for The Moodster Company to take the legal action that they did, even if they didn't really have much of a legal leg to stand on, because the creator of the company, Denise Daniels had directly pitched the Moodsters to Disney and a contract was involved. I can imagine pitching your idea about personified emotions to a huge company like Disney only for them to come out with their own personified emotions movie a few years later to feel like a contractual stab to the back. One last tidbit mentioned in the court documents though, the most interesting claim Daniels makes is that she discussed the Moodsters with Inside out director Pete Doctor, though the context for when and why this discussion took place isn't known. If that's true, it's very possible that Inside Out took inspiration from the Moodsters, as in, the general idea of personified emotions. The movie is also known to be inspired by Doctor's own daughter, so if anything, this is a case of taking inspiration at most, not copyright infringement. It just goes to show that even though the Moodsters is, first-and-foremost, an emotional educational tool, it's still worth the effort to make your educational tool have an iconic narrative with distinct characters at the very least. It's also interesting to learn that the history of the Moodsters is more intertwined with Inside Out than I initially guessed. If this law suit has taught me anything, it's that the more you redesign your commercially public OCs, the less they are eligible for copyright protection. Weird to think about, in my opinion. (sources and relevant court documents (1), (2) and (3)).
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The last thing I want to talk about extensively are the designs of the Moodsters themselves. Honesty, I like them. I think they're cute! I probably wouldn't have have written all of this text if I didn't. I dig the idea of having little fluffball monsters represent emotions, even if they have that generic preschool edutainment mascot look to them. I prefer their pilot designs, but the current designs have been growing on me. You might have noticed the green one got redesigned into the orange one to make room for another green one. Or maybe you didn't notice because they both look the same. In fact, they all kind of look the same save for the colors and outfits. They admittedly are not the same exact 3D model copy pasted with different colors and clothes (each have different shaped ears, cheek fur, facial features and heights), but they're all so similar to each other overall that they're still hard to distinguish. The only bad thing about their designs are the fact that their silhouettes look near identical, really.
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If I gave you only half a second to tell them apart based on this image, you'd probably have a difficult time. I'd imagine the preschoolers they're marketed to would as well. Now, a bad silhouette is a pretty fundamental character design issue, but it's easily fixed by just reshaping them with different body types. For fun, I tried my hand at it shown below. Essentially they're the same but with more exaggerated shapes, along with digitgrade legs and short tails to help sell the monstrous look. I drew Tully (the current green one) a little later after the original five (digitally, while the former five were drawn traditionally). It's a first draft that could be improved upon more, because if these critters need anything apparently, it's yet another redesign. I did have fun with it though!
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Since I like the pilot animation, it got me thinking about how I might reboot the Moodsters for a hypothetical animated show. I’d change the lore a bit. The main change I’d make is scrap the fact that they live in Zach’s house. They’re not like his fairly oddparents or anything to my knowledge, so there’s no need for them to hang out exclusively (or even primarily) with him. Instead of only helping Zach out with his emotions, I’d have them help out everyone in the whole town with them. This would allow the Moodsters (and the audience) to experience a diverse cast of human characters with a wider variety of life and emotional problems. The Moodsters could help out other children, parents, teachers, the baker, the librarian, the mayor, basically there’s a lot more possibilities than Zach alone would ever provide. A diverse cast of townspeople characters would make it more likely that the audience will relate to at least one of them. Having them help out adults would teach kid audiences that even adults need help with their emotions (because boy do we ever), along with giving this show an all ages appeal (so parents would actually want to watch it together with their kids, or heck, even teens, and adults who don’t have children). It’d be an episodic show that focuses on introducing characters with emotional problems that the Moodster main characters help solve, with the townspeople being better neighbors to each other for it. I personally would avoid any fourth wall breaking (“talking down to”) teaching moments because I personally hated that in shows when I was a little kid (I’m looking at you Dora) and it would bore older viewers. Again, I'm going for a aimed-at-young-children-but-has-an all-ages-appeal. All you really need to teach young kids via a show (again I'm far from an expert, I'm making assumptions based on my anecdotal experiences as a child) in an engaging way is interesting character interactions going through a well written plot honestly, and their caregiver being there with them to talk about it with them.
Also, why isn't there a disgust Moodster? Disgust is a lot more than just wincing your nose at duck poop on the sidewalk, it's a feeling that can shape your entire worldview - particularly about other people - if you don't take the time to analyze it like you would other emotions. It's probably the emotion that's talked about and understood the least and absolutely should have a place in an educational tool that teaches about how to identify and handle emotions. Waltzing around with unchecked disgust can mold a person into an needlessly judgmental snob, at worst a bigot (something I sadly have witnessed growing up with my own parents). Again, for fun, I designed one shown below. Admittedly, she's inspired a bit (a lot) by Rarity from My Little Pony. The gem emblem on her detective cape represents her meticulous sense of aesthetics, since she's the most artistic of the Moodster group. She’s purple because that’s the only color left.
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Listen, the Moodsters new detective hideout could be in a burrow under a tree stump in the park, there could be a hotline the townspeople can call to summon them for their help with emotional problems, the park could have a year round carnival with a whole ride dedicated to the Moodsters because they’re beloved by the townspeople called the Emotional Rollercoaster that’s a callback to the coaster in the animated pilot. The whole town could be called “Moodsville” or something. One of the school mascots can be a cow (because MOOdsters) with rainbow colored spots that represent each Moodster. Townspeople can participate in all sorts of community activities like community gardening and hanging out at rec centers. The Moodsters can emotionally help children acting for the school play or college students picking careers or parents handling a messy divorce, the possibilities are truly endless.
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That's everything I can find online about the Moodsters. I pretty much focused more on the Moodster media as apposed to them as a children's foundation mainly because I find the media more interesting, and it was easier to find information on. If you're reading this and happen to know any other other info about it (especially if it's about the pilot animation), definitely tell me about it because my intrigue pertaining to these fuzzy goobers is immense.
I think it's an IP with a lot of potential, and one that's struggled to have much of any footing on the general public these past few decades. Pretty much any rare recent mention of the Moodsters online is in reference to their lawsuit against Disney, and it's disfavorable on the part of the Moodster Company since a quick-glance-view of the situation shows a company that sued for a copyright infringement case that ultimately looked silly.
I do like their mission statement about aiming to help children and their caretakers to better understand and cope with their emotions, because emotions really are ignored, misunderstood and dismissed a lot here in countries like the US, leading to many dysfunctional interactions between family, coworkers, and communities at large. Discovering the Moodsters has certainly inspired me to be more mindfull about my feelings, and I hope this 9 page wall of text has inspired you to do the same.
Fingers crossed that the Moodster Company re-releases those plushies in the future
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Please enjoy the Cepheus Lore ft Asha laughing ((I just realized that she doesn't really smile or laugh a lot in this story??? Maybe she does but it feels like it's superficial to me??? IDK))
He nodded, but his gaze nearly looked distant, as if his mind were elsewhere. “So you’ve always lived with your family,” the star said softly. Strangely, it almost sounded like more of an observation or a confirmation than a statement. “You stayed with your father here, and you live with your mother and grandfather at home.”
She nodded, picking up a few more books and scrolls that had been scattered across her desk.. “Well yeah…that’s how most humans live. We’re social creatures. Unless you’re extremely introverted, but even then, we need social interactions” The star hummed, as she risked a glance in his direction, asking, “are stars not social creatures?”
He shifted uncomfortably, his eyes nearly lost in thought for a moment or so until he slowly shook his head. His voice was low and quiet, he nearly sounded tired.“No. Not quite…when stars are born…we’re sent to a nebulas where our caretakers look after us. I suppose it’s what you’d equate to a nursery, at least that’s what she told me.” 
“The wishing star?”
He nodded, his lips pressing into a thin line. “Yeah. Her. But during our stay there we are usually visited until we undergo our naming ceremony. After that whether or not we are visited is -,” Hold on. Cepheus-Sirius had a family?! Cepheus had parents?!? What did they look like?! He continued peacefully oblivious to the shock she was experiencing at his words. “-ultimately up to our parents or family. So it’s not uncommon for some nebulas to be more popular than others.”
More Popular? So were there nebulas out there with tiny stars neglected and lonely? Waiting and hoping for the day that their parents would acknowledge their existence? Something about that image didn’t sit right with her. Every child deserved to have a parent, even if said child wasn’t human…
“Asha?” he was staring at her.
“Huh” she shook her head, snapping herself out of her daze. “What? What is it?”
Much to her chagrin, his smile returned in full force. “Oh nothing you were just staring at me so intently that for a second I thought you were about to pull out your telescope to get a better view.”
She rolled her eyes stepping past him as she turned her attention to the rest of the room that she promptly decided would have to be dealt with ‘later’. “Ha ha very funny. I wasn’t staring at you. I was just wondering…Was your nebula popular?”
His expression somewhat soured as she watched him run his hand through his hair, completely combing away the black strands from his now bluish grayish eyes as they narrowed at her. “Maybe? I don’t know..” 
She couldn’t stop herself from asking her next question, “Were you the most or least popular star in your nebula?”
His brow furrowed in thought as he frowned, “Hmm neither? I was the only ‘child’ there so to speak.”
“Well were you popular with your caretakers?”
He shrugged, “Ehh I don’t know. I’m pretty sure I had them on rotation. I wasn’t exactly an angel back then per se.” 
She grinned, imagining a toddler Cepheus wreaking havoc on his poor caretakers. “So you were a bad child huh? I guess it checks out.”
He smiled sheepishly, as he scratched the back of his neck “Ok so I might have started out bad, but-,”
“But?” She repeated, not quite able to completely stifle her own chuckle.
“I got better.” She snorted. “I swear I did!” 
She could barely keep herself from laughing as she asked, “So you’re what you’d consider good now? A reformed person? You’ve (no pun intended) seen the light?”
“Eh…Close enough, I suppose,” he smiled. Now she was laughing, not necessarily at him but at the whole revelation of Sirius- Sirius, being a bad child.
“Don’t feel too bad about it starboy,” she smiled as she sat next to him. “it’s not a bad thing to be a boisterous child, alright? Trust me, when I was little, I don’t think I was exactly an amazing child either.”
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firegirl888101 · 8 months
i don’t remember if i ever sent something like this but i got an idea (kind of a self indulgent request…)
(set in the insatiable madness series) reader with younger siblings? that y’know… survive? i don’t think i could handle them dying. having to be their main caretakers now that the parents are gone. whew, poor meow meow reader, having to take care of their siblings AND 11 harbingers. esp if said siblings are really young…
maybe they stayed at home during the massacre at the mc donalds and that’s why they haven’t died, and then reader told them to hide in their room before letting the harbingers in so they wouldn’t find out (eventually they are mentioned by reader and are somewhat pestered by childe to meet them…)
I think I'll also answer a frequent question I get along with this so thanks for requesting it!
I've been frequently asked what happened to the children at the fast food chain when the harbingers were killing everyone who wasn't Y/N. (I purposefully didn't write/mention children being at the scene for this very reason 😭)
But, thinking about it after so many people questioning it, I'll address it with some extra information that didn't make it into the chapter/view.
(maybe it did, I can't remember. Either way - the information I'm about to spill is canon to the story...)
It was a Friday afternoon, children were only just coming out of school meaning not many children/teens were at the scene. But, for the children that were in there, let's just say a certain 'Father' familiar with children convinced the other Harbingers to let them run away.
As for 'The Father' letting them run away, there's a point they brought forward to save the children's lives.
"Let us not shed unnecessary blood in the company of innocent children. They will have close to no information regarding the one we are looking for, therefore, we should spare their lives."
So, yeah. To the question!:
'Reader with siblings in the Insatiable Madness series'
Originally I was going to make Y/N have a sibling or two. But, as I was planning I realised a couple problems with that.
Most readers will most likely not have siblings. (I don't for an example). When it comes to Y/N's, I like to have them as blank as possible for readers to fill in either themselves or their OC's.
The whole point of the series is to emphasise how alone Y/N is. They are pressured to not say anything, yet somehow introduce and care for their kidnapper's. If Y/N were to have siblings, yes, they would have more pressure, but they would be able to talk to someone about their situation and not worry about them being killed.
That's way too many characters for me to remember and attempt to write. Whilst I'm up to the challenge, there's still some characters the reader's haven't met yet. 😉
In a hypothetical sense though, I can see the siblings being a strength and also a weakness for Y/N.
On one hand, they are a source of comfort and a genuine sign of normality for the reader. The siblings actually care for their sibling and respect them for taking care of them whilst their mum and dad are 'away'. I think that younger siblings would still be at school so they wouldn't know what happened, if Y/N had older siblings... I guess they'd have to give the reigns to Y/N as they're the only one who knows who the Harbingers are.
I can see the siblings as an option for distraction in case Y/N needs to do something that cannot be seen, such as an attempt to escape to call for help. I can also see them as a venting mechanism, and a second opinion towards their plans if they're old enough. They also most likely keep the reader sane during this whole experience and becomes a symbol of hope to them. The siblings also a reason to be defensive against the harbingers, a reason to not give in to them due to being powerless...
One the other hand, the harbingers can use Y/N's siblings to... make them agree and do things they wouldn't normally want to do. They would be in a lot of danger - and could actually be killed if the reader doesn't obey. If the siblings are young, they most likely won't be harmed. But they will definitely be if Y/N hesitates or acts too cocky towards them in any conversation or act... I feel the harbingers would also threaten the siblings behind Y/N's back, causing them to behave strangely and not talk to Y/N, maybe try to convince them not to do something that the harbingers will get angry at.
Buuuuut, if the siblings are young, perhaps some of the more paternal/maternal harbingers whom are affectionate and used to children can gain their trust. Gaining the trust of Y/N's siblings could get them in good favours with them soooo, if they're yandere or looking to emotionally manipulate them - that's their best way to their heart.
Oh yeah, and I think I've mentioned this throughout all of the paragraphs... If Y/N had siblings, they'd be their biggest and most obvious weakness.
There's definitely more to write here, but I've had this ask in my drafts for a couple weeks unfinished now and I want to focus on new asks which include some story involved <3
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teecupangel · 1 year
What if after Desmond runs away from the farm instead of ending up in the city he finds himself where his ancestors are at the same age
Also side idea that I had while typing runaway Desmond ends up after the ancestors have the children who lead to Desmond so that we can have them being paternal about the kid who keeps slipping away somehow and Desmond being like "wow the people dad sent after me are rant persistent" before finding out they don't know Will at all
So I had a post about Desmond being pushed into either the Third Crusades or to Renaissance Italy when he ran away but I can’t find it TTATT It’s somewhere here in Tumblr, don’t know where though. Hopefully, I can get to it during my Tumblr posts to AO3 ‘copying’ (still in Dec 2022 XD).
Anyway, in a nutshell, that idea had Altaïr and Desmond being very close to one another because they’re both isolated and had nobody else and it would be so easy for them to tip the scale to fall onto “us versus everybody” mentality for the two of them (especially since that idea had Desmond not become an Assassin so Al Mualim is using him to keep Altaïr in check).
The Renaissance Italy idea is more light-hearted, if I remember correctly? More on the side of Desmond having a happy family life thanks to the Auditore family.
I didn’t include it but Ratonhnhaké:ton’s version of this idea was pretty much reused for the Yew Branch A New Way To Do Things.
The main idea is that, since this is a Desmond that has not been in the Animus, he has no idea who these people are and the events that will happen (hell, he won’t even be able to know their language immediately) so he’s just trying to survive and live the best he could. This means he cannot stop the tragedy that will happen (or, in Altaïr’s and Ratonhnhaké:ton’s case, he would be too late to stop it). The Renaissance Italy version could have a happier ending since Desmond would be there for the arrest though. Probably. At the very least, Giovanni would order him to take Petruccio and run, so… at least Petruccio would survive. Probably.
Now, as for the second idea.
Since this is a Desmond that never went to the Animus, he wouldn’t know how important these children are so we will have…
Sef and Darim
It would be Sef who finds him and he’s just a traveling merchant who went to Masyaf to sell his stuff. Sef would always visit him and ask him about this and that.
Darim finds him while looking for Sef and Desmond just gives him another one of the sweet breads he buys for him (and Sef).
This goes on for days until Malik finally visits his stall and talks (interrogates) him. That’s when he finally learns that the two kids he’d been talking to are the kids of the head honcho of this place. And he’s currently out and the kids are a handful (Malik may or may not imply that their parents’ frequent journeys are to blame) so he offers Desmond a job as their ‘caretaker’. Meals and lodging are included, the pay is great and Desmond is getting tired with all the traveling. Plus, Malik promises he doesn’t have anything to do with the Brotherhood.
At that point, Desmond is already fond of the kids so he agrees.
When Altaïr and Maria returned to Masyaf, they’re greeted with Malik going “I found your sons a caretaker and they might like him more than they like you. You have no one to blame but yourselves.”
Flavia and Marcello
But for this one, Desmond could be working in Firenze for a merchant that Sofia likes to go to. Flavia and Marcello would go with their mother and they’d get close to Desmond.
One time, Marcello gets lost and Desmond finds him. He brings him home and that’s how Ezio meets him…
And now for the kicker. This would be the angstiest of the three ideas to be completely honest considering how old Ezio died and the fact that Desmond doesn’t even know about his connection with Ezio during this time, which will only serve to hurt Ezio.
Io:nhiòte and her older siblings
For this one, we’ll have Desmond become part of the homestead. He got there by ‘accident’, he was just walking around and found their homestead. Luckily, Oliver and Corrine needed help in the inn so he helps out, in exchange for lodging and food.
Io:nhiòte is the one who finds him first and Desmond just plays with her and shares his food. Her two older siblings find them together and Desmond becomes close to them.
Ratonhnhaké:ton would visit the tavern one time and thank Desmond for playing with his children. Perhaps he’d try to recruit Desmond into becoming an Assassin but Desmond would say no to it which Ratonhnhaké:ton would understand.
In this one, Ratonhnhaké:ton sees Desmond primarily as his children’s favorite friend.
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phoebepheebsphibs · 8 months
Let me tell you one crazy dream I had last night. Ok so I read new chapter from your fic "hide and seek." But not only that one, but also read in AO3 "the corner store" from Kicstarash.. then it got all mixed up in my head and made me think, how would Splinter and the turtles would deal with one the kids accidentally went into hibernation? Like would they think they.... :( imagine how desperate would Splinter be to try and wake them up so badly. Imagine how much angst for a first time parent 🥺 heart breaking 💔
Let's tell a story...
Splinter was never really that into biology, but he knew enough about animals to know that most went into hibernation during winter. Mammals did, at least. Well, bears and squirrels did.
But he didn't know that reptiles did. After the mutation, when he'd gotten the chance he'd gone to the library to get a book on taking care of pet turtles. That was when he discovered that turtles were reptiles and not amphibians. That they were omnivores, though you should typically feed them veggies and fruits. That each of his new sons were different species, which really surprised him because in all honesty he thought that there were at max three different kinds of turtle. He was in way over his head, he realized. And then he got to the part about how they were cold-blooded. He got to the part on brumation, a reptilian hibernation, how when it got too cold their bodies slo-o-o-owed do-o-o-own... Splinter didn't fully get why this happened, but all he needed to know was that it did happen and what he could do to prevent it.
Splinter had to get heat lamps and place them all around the lair. He had bundles upon bundles of blankets. He worked overtime to make sure that each area of their sewer home was the right temperature for them all. Splinter's room was nice and cold, down in the low sixties, perfect for a hair-covered warm-blooded creature like himself. And his little babies seemed very content with the warmth he provided for them in every room. He also made sure that they had tiny pools of water waiting in every room too, just in case they got too hot and needed to cool down. Reptiles didn't have sweat glands, after all, so they couldn't cool down the same way a mammal could. But for the most part, and as a first-time parent and first-time reptile caretaker, Splinter was doing a fantastic job.
And then came their second December.
Splinter had woken up in the middle of the night from extreme chills and shivers. All of the heaters and lamps were off; a snowstorm had caused a city-wide power-outage. Splinter immediately rushed to his boys, they were just old enough to have a separate bedroom from Splinter, but they still shared a small bed. Splinter dropped to his knees and inspected the boys. Their heat lamp was off, the back-up heater too! The small bowl of water in the corner was slowly going from liquid to solid. He placed his fingers against Red's neck. There was almost no pulse... He pressed his ear against Purple's back, the tiny softshell tended to sleep on his stomach... he couldn't hear a heartbeat! Splinter panicked, grabbing each turtle and cradling them close to his chest.
"My precious boys," he whimpered, crying softly as he rocked them back and forth. "Please... please do not leave me alone..."
Splinter suddenly recalled something from the book... their bodies slowed down... they were just sleeping! Not dead! But he needed to warm them up as soon as possible...
He grabbed the blankie they slept with and bundled them together, trying to conserve their body heat. He rushed to his room and grabbed two more blankets -- one to sling around his chest like a baby bjorn, the other to wrap himself in. He made a mad dash to the generator, and after a few tries he finally managed to get it started. It took an hour for the heat to come back, and in the meantime Splinter kept himself moving about, hoping that his body would generate enough warmth for the boys...
He felt something. Something move against his shirt, slowly shuffling around in the sling... He pulled back his blanket and looked inside. Dear little baby Blue lolled his head back and forth as his eyes lazily opened. His brothers were still deep asleep, but Blue slowly tried to climb up and out to see his father's face better. Splinter held back tears of relieved joy as he lifted the little six year old up.
"Yes, my son, I'm here. Are you okay?"
"...Cold... tireedddd..."
"That's alright. It's still late in the night, you can go back to sleep."
Blue nodded groggily, though Splinter could tell the child was ever so desperately trying to fight the sleep. He saw his tiny eyes sliding closed, only to open suddenly as he jerked his head back, looked around, and then snuggled back into Splinter's fur. Then the cycle would continue a few more times before Blue finally succumbed.
By morning, the boys were fine again, and Splinter made doubly sure that the generator was always working after that.
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