#and the rehearsal clips looked amazing
cyraclove · 2 months
posting my wips that I’ll probably never get around to writing to free myself of them part 1
untitled high school musical (not the movie) au
“I got it! I got it!”
Eddie turns his head to see Dustin bounding into the black box, a delirious smile on his face. He skids to a stop right in front of the table, chest heaving as he rests his hands on his knees.
“I got it,” he wheezes. “I got…I got it.”
Crossing toward Dustin, Eddie grins as he crouches down to look up at him.
“Breathe, dickhead. You got what? The clap? Heard that’s making the rounds.”
Dustin snorts, coughing out a laugh.
“No, asshole,” he says. “I got the part. I’m Seymour.”
Eddie stands to hook an arm around Dustin’s neck, tugging him into his side as he pulls the brim of his cap over his eyes. Dustin cackles wildly.
“Fuck yeah, you are,” Eddie beams, holding Dustin in a headlock while he tries to wriggle free. “That’s fucking amazing, man.”
Dustin’s hat falls to the floor as he manages to slip out of Eddie’s grip. He shoots him another toothy smile before pulling him into a hug.
“Congrats, kid,” Eddie says as he claps him on the back. “And you thought you bombed that audition.”
“Shit, I really did,” Dustin says, running a hand through his hair. “I can’t believe it. Freshmen never get cast in lead roles.”
A familiar voice comes from the other side of the room.
“They do if they’re right for the part.”
Ms. Shapiro stands in the doorway leading into her office, leaning against the doorframe. A willowy woman fond of flowy scarves and big banana clips, she’s hard to miss.
She peers at Eddie through her green-rimmed glasses as he stares down at his feet, silently hoping that she hasn’t graded his tech theatre exam yet.
The look that she’s giving him tells him that she probably has.
“Thank you so much, Ms. Shapiro,” Dustin grins. “This is, like, a dream role for me. Oh, man. I just…you have no idea.”
“Don’t thank me,” Ms. Shapiro replies with a soft smile. “You gave a great audition. We’re lucky to have you.”
Dustin grins even wider, still flushed and starry-eyed.
There’s a warm tug inside of Eddie’s chest. Precious little bastard. He’s not sure he’s ever seen him this happy, not even after winning a campaign.
“You can come by and pick up your script and libretto whenever you want,” Ms. Shapiro tells Dustin. “First rehearsal is Monday right after last period.”
Nodding, Dustin hoists his backpack onto his shoulder.
“I gotta go call Steve,” he says, turning to Eddie, “but then I’ll be right back to play.”
“Hey, no rush,” Eddie assures him with a lazy wave. “I’m still settin’ up. Go bask in it, Streisand.”
Eddie crosses his arms as he leans against the table, chuckling to himself as Dustin all but sprints out into the hallway.
He and Ms. Shapiro exchange glances.
Expecting her to disappear back into her office, Eddie goes back to busying himself with getting ready for that afternoon’s game. He dares a peek in her direction out of the corner of his eyes.
She’s still there. Just staring at him.
“Sorry for the, uh, noise,” Eddie says with a sheepish chuckle. “Kid just got excited. Dreams coming true and all that.”
Ms. Shapiro hums in agreement but stays right where she is.
“You won’t hear another peep out of me,” Eddie continues, pulling an invisible zipper across his lips. “I mean, uh, until everyone else gets here.”
“I was hoping to have a word with you, actually,” Ms. Shapiro says. “Got a minute?”
Panic crawls down the nape of Eddie’s neck.
“Uh, sure,” he answers, nothing in his head but Fuck Fuck Fuckity Fuck. “What’s up?”
Ms. Shapiro walks briefly back into her office to take something off of her desk before making her way over to Eddie. She pulls out a chair and takes a seat, placing a crumpled sheet of paper on the table in front of her.
“I have your last exam right here,” she says calmly, sliding it towards him. “I have to say I’m surprised that you even showed up to take it, considering that I’ve marked you absent for almost every class this year.”
Eddie’s heart drops into his stomach as he looks down at the exam, a big, fat 27 glaring up at him in red pen. He huffs a laugh, running a hand across the back of his neck.
“I really tanked that one, huh?”
Ms. Shapiro cuts her eyes in his direction.
“Yes. You did.”
She sighs, sitting back against her chair.
“Look, I know that my class is the last period of your day. You’re a senior. And it’s a class that you don’t really care about.”
Guilt sticks in Eddie’s gut like a knife.
“I never said that I don’t—“
“But unless you’d like to be a senior again,” Ms. Shapiro interrupts pointedly, “you have to pass.”
He’d been busting his ass cramming for O’Donnell’s exam that he completely forgot about Shapiro’s. Eddie had walked into her class that day without so much as a pencil.
Eddie’s shoulders slump as he flops into the chair across from her, his face buried into his hands.
“Yeah, I know,” he mumbles. “Fuck.”
Ms. Shapiro clears her throat.
“Sorry. Shit.”
“Listen, Eddie. I like you. You’re a bright kid and I don’t want to see you stuck here another year,” Ms. Shapiro starts. “But we just don’t have a lot of time left in the school year, so you don’t have very many opportunities left to make this up.”
She absentmindedly toys with one of the figurines on the table. Eddie clenches his jaw as he resists the urge to snatch it from her hand.
“That’s why I have another option for you,” Ms. Shapiro starts. “Something you can do to fix your grade.”
Eddie studies her closely, eyes narrowing. “Like…extra credit?”
“What exactly are we taking about, here?”
“I only had three men show up to audition for Little Shop of Horrors,” she explains. “Three. The only one worth listening to was Dustin.”
Ms. Shapiro pushes her glasses up the bridge of her nose before tenting her fingers in front of her.
“I had no choice but to cast the other two, but there are four male roles. I’m short one.”
They stare at each other. Eddie’s stomach drops.
“No. No. Nope, not me,” Eddie says, shaking his head. “You’ve got the wrong guy. There’s no way in hell I’m doing a musical. I don’t sing.”
“You’re in a band, right?”
“I play guitar!”
“Oh. Well, it’s really just talk-singing, anyway.”
“I don’t act!”
“Give me a break,” Ms. Shapiro laughs. “I hear you in here, Eddie.”
“This is dif—“
“This,” Ms. Shapiro cuts in, sweeping her hand over the table, “is acting. And you’re good at it.”
Eddie rakes an anxious hand through his hair.
“Ms. Shapiro, I will do anything,” Eddie pleads, “anything else. You don’t…you don’t want me in your show. Trust me. I’ll f—muck it up.”
“I doubt that.”
Groaning, Eddie runs a hand over his face.
“Please. Don’t make me do this.”
“I’m not,” Ms. Shapiro clarifies. “I’m simply giving you an option. It’s this—a guaranteed A in my class—or a failing grade.”
“Are you even allowed to do this? Is this illegal? It feels a little illegal.”
“Like you said, it’s just like extra credit. A lot of extra credit. I’m perfectly within my right to give my students opportunities to improve their grades.”
Pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger, Eddie squeezes his eyes shut. The last thing he wants is to rot in this pit-stained cesspool for another year because of his grade in an elective.
A fucking musical, though. A singing, dancing, jazz hands-ing onstage spectacle. What better way to draw the unwanted attention of a bunch of brain dead meatheads than to step into a literal spotlight and make an idiot out of himself?
“Ms. Shapiro—“
“Hang on a second,” she says, cutting Eddie off as she goes to stand.
Eddie watches as she rummages around on her desk for something before walking back over to the table. She holds out another sheet of paper, thankfully not a second failed exam.
“What’s this?”
“I thought you might like to look at the cast list before you make your decision,” Ms. Shapiro answers, an unsettlingly pleased smile on her face.
Cocking a brow, Eddie takes it from her.
“I don’t know who else I’d know besides Henderson, but o—“
Eddie chokes on a breath as he stares down at the list, an all too familiar name typed out right beneath Dustin’s. His pulse pounds at his temples, the paper shaking a bit in his hands as he reads it over and over again.
Chrissy Cunningham.
Looking up at Ms. Shapiro, Eddie opens his mouth but no words come out, his tongue like a wet piece of cardboard. He swallows hard.
“I was surprised to see her at auditions,” Ms. Shapiro says as she takes the cast list back from Eddie. “I knew she’d be perfect for Audrey the second she walked in, though.”
Eddie’s blood rushes in his ears, his brain a useless pile of goo. He suddenly finds himself looking down at a thick libretto with the name Orin Scrivello scribbled across the top in black sharpie.
“Totally up to you,” Ms. Shapiro chirps, offering him the book.
After a beat, he takes it from her. It’s like being handed a hammer so that he can pound the final nail into his own coffin.
God, he’s so fucked.
“When’d did you say the first rehearsal is?”
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pandorasword · 1 year
Chaeri as the 8th and youngest member of BTS.
Chaeri's Masterlist
❒ Requested ✓
「 A compilation of Chaeri and Jungkook caught on camera 」
Video posted on YouTube by chaekooknation
Hello everyone, this is chaekooknation speaking! I'm back with a compilation of videos and super-zoomed images of how Chaeri and Jungkook act when they think they're not in front of the cameras I'd like to remind everyone that this is a video purely for the enjoyment of fans who, like me, believe there's something more than friendship between the two of them ♡
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clip one ⸻ 🎬
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⠪ September 2018; Canada ⠪ At that time the members were on tour for the 'Love yourself world tour' ⠪ After the last Canadian stage in Hamilton we know that they stayed a couple of days there before leaving for New Jersey ⠪ We know this in particular because of a dinner they had one of those evenings ⠪ We all remember videos and photos posted by the staff of one of the most exclusive restaurants there ⠪ These include a video of Chaeri and Jungkook that is a bit suspicious, don't you think? ⠪ When she noticed that someone from the restaurant staff was filming her having her hand on Jk's face she made a shocked expression ⠪ Sis, why be surprised? You live constantly on camera ⠪ Unless you were about to do something that others should not know about ⠪ Anyway, she became smooth again after a second and moved her hand to the back of his neck ⠪ SUS
clip two ⸻ 🎬
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⠪ 22.04.2017; After a vlive ⠪ For this picture we have to credit our Jin hyung who posted them on weverse without them knowing ⠪ I quote the description "Armys our maknae stayed with you as long as she could. Can we all agree to scold Jungkook for not letting her sleep in peace? Turn off the lights!" ⠪ Chaeri and Jungkook had spent almost an hour chatting with us armys ⠪ "I am in Jungkookie's(hotel) room now, when we say goodnight to you I will go back to mine." ⠪ SHE NEVER DID!!!! ⠪ Isn't it adorable the way he keeps his arm around her body?
clip three ⸻ 🎬
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⠪ 2019; SBS Gayo Daejeon Music Festival ⠪ Photo taken by a group of fans from afar ⠪ Seems to be right after the show ended, probably they were waiting to leave ⠪ Fixing his coat is such an intimate and loving gesture ⠪ I wouldn't do it with just a friend. Would you do that? ⠪ Chaeri is always so caring, when it comes to him a little bit more ⠪ It was so cold that year, I'm sure she didn't want him to freeze ⠪ The way he looks at her!!!
clip four ⸻ 🎬
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⠪ [BANGTAN BOMB] Meeting with Megan Thee Stallion pt2 | A night out
⠪ It was decided at the last minute there would be two Bangtan Bombs with the rapper: The first to meet her and the last to spend an evening together ⠪ Megan is amazing and beautiful, meeting her was a pleasure for all members, it's obvious ⠪ Chaeri might have been annoyed just for a moment perhaps ⠪ That way she tries to hold on to his coat and then retreat realizing she is being filmed makes me think (and laugh) ⠪ I don't think she felt threatened by Megan's beauty ⠪ Perhaps she was simply bored with all the attention she was giving Jungkook ⠪ Jealous Chaeri >>>>
clip five ⸻ 🎬
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⠪ 2016; ISAC ⠪ We had to zoom in a lot to get a good look at them ⠪ We remember the impact Chaeri had on the show, fighting to make the competitions mixed and no longer only for men or only for women ⠪ The camera was focusing on the other members, Chaeri and Jungkook could only be seen by those paying close attention ⠪ The way she hit the bull's eye of the target every time during the competition must have made Jungkook very proud ⠪ But do you see the way he looks at her at the end? ⠪ Google search: How to find someone who looks at you the way Jungkook looks at Chaeri
clip six ⸻ 🎬
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⠪ 2018; Mama in Hongkong (Backstage) ⠪ I loved how nonchalantly Chaeri spent the time before the performance eating rather than rehearsing ⠪ We know how much Chaeri hates to be bothered while she's eating, but this seems like an appreciated interference ⠪ Very low photo quality but we had to zoom in a lot too to make it clear who it was ⠪ The glasses Jungkook is wearing are seen back on her at the end of the video, during the goodbyes
clip seven ⸻ 🎬
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⠪ 2016; Suwon ⠪ At that time their fame was still growing, there were not as many armys as today ⠪ BLESSED SOUL, THOUGH, THAT FOUND HERSELF IN THE SAME PLACE WHERE THE MEMBERS DECIDED TO GO ICE-SKATING ⠪ I tell you, it was hard to find this video ⠪ They are totally in a world of their own ⠪ Don't you think JK teaching Chaeri anything is the best Jk? He is always so careful with her ⠪ She clearly terrified ⠪ I bet he wanted to burst out in laughter ⠪ I wish there were more moments of that day to share together
clip eight ⸻ 🎬
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⠪ BTS in the soop; Season one ⠪ Is it just me or does it seem like they were kissing at first!? ⠪ The guys' cameramen give us joy every time and I don't think they even know about it ⠪ They were filming some of the boys outside the house but if you look carefully in one of the windows you can see these two silhouettes ⠪ To me it's obvious it's the two of them ⠪ What song do you think they were dancing to? ⠪ PLEASE we need to know
clip nine ⸻ 🎬
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⠪ 2021; After the episode '131' of RUN BTS
⠪ If someone asked me to show them a video about love I would show them this
⠪ The fact that Jimin accidentally caught them behind him during his vlive makes it even cuter
⠪ This is how they act when they think the cameras are off
⠪ Chaeri smile with her eyes when she's close to her Jungkook
⠪ Who would touch her hair like that if not someone deeply in love?
⠪ We have to thank our Chaekook fan n1 Jimin for the video and the producers of RUN BTS for throwing water on them for all that time
⠪ Looks to me like she's also wearing a men's shirt…did he give it to her?
Thank you all for watching my video! It seems quite evident that there is something more between the two, what are your opinions? Stay tuned for more Chaekook videos Bye!
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rainbowsky · 11 months
Hiiiiii. I'm here again!💛 My question is: what are your top 3 solo dance performance of Web?
Mine includes his recent interpretative dance of Like the Sunshine, opening dance during SDOC4, and the classic Versace on the Floor, duh! 😘
You're anonymous so I have no idea who you are, but hello! Nice to see you! 😊
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I absolutely love this question, thanks so much for asking it! DD's dance performances are always exciting, and something I eagerly anticipate - probably more than anything else from him!!
#1 Like the Sunshine
There can be no other winner. Truly the most memorable performance he's ever given. So special on every level. Even though I've been unable to watch it since January (long story that I talk about in my post* about the song, which is still in drafts), I think about it a lot. Exceptional, beautiful, powerful.
*Sorry to bring up a mystery post, it WILL be published eventually!
#2 SDOC3 Captain Dance & Rehearsal
I loved this practice version because we got to see DD dancing out of costume, and he looks so fucking amazing (he really can rock a tight-cuffed pant, windbreaker and ball cap like no other). This clip holds a special place in my heart. I love watching his practices. DD in his own clothing, just being DD, being a great dancer.
Both the practice and the live performances show DD's strong skill, professionalism, and talent. (DD's starts at 12:40).
After the captains' opening performances the dancers all voted with their towels to choose the best one. DD ended up getting the fewest votes of all the captains.
If you rewatch the performances you can see that other performances weren't nearly as intricate, coordinated or frankly 'cool' as DD's, but we got to see these performances from a very different vantage than the dancers, so I'll cut them some slack for being so blind. There were even some comments after the fact, that they couldn't see the complexity of it from where they were sitting.
It's crazy to me to think that he ended up in the bottom from this, and he even made a statement about hoping to improve. 🥺
This dance was so good, he performed it so well. It really shows that perspective is everything.
It feels like this performance wasn't meant for our eyes (😅), but I love it anyway. For all the same reasons everyone else does. It's just so smouldering and sexy, and he looks godly here.
My CPN post about the performance can be found here.
Special Mention: YH Practice Clip
This practice dance has to be mentioned because it's been a favorite of mine for years. Not just because he looks so stellar in it, but also because more than a lot of other videos out there, this one really shows DD's exceptional gift for dance.
If you watch the presence/power of his performance vs the two dancers behind him, you can really see how much he stands out - how much star power he has just based on his overall demeanour. He has such beautiful lines, precision, musicality and quality of movement. He hits every beat and every step effortlessly, while giving so much swagger and fluidity. His transitions are unbelievable - so smooth and so strong. It's mesmerizing to watch.
It's crazy to think it's only 1 MINUTE of dance. It feels like an entire epic story of movement.
The same is also true with the Swalla video that is popular among fans. Same thing. You can really see DD's talent in these clips. I fervently wish he'd release more of these, although I understand it's not likely to happen again. It would be a feast for me if he did.
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ourpickwickclub · 3 months
I was not a super fan of ND, but I’m happy for Gwen that she has been able to navigate this opportunity. It was neat to see Betty hanging around rehearsal. I get that fans are ecstatic, but it’s all the comments that here is the real Gwen that bother me. I mean, she’s always been real, band or solo or not singing. I don’t think a tour is in their future, especially with her new music that fits her currently on the horizon.
I loved ND too but anyone can see that the closest Gwen has ever been to being “real Gwen” is the Gwen we’ve seen since fall of 2015. The first time she had someone who adored her encouraging her that she is amazing doing what her heart tells her to do. I really loved tomboy Gwen with short nails and funky updos. I had to adjust to it myself …but who can argue with the happiness that’s exudes from her? I remember her saying once that her tomboy strong look was like her armor. She doesn’t need armor any more. She might still have fun dressing up like that but her every day self is soft and feminine and focused on being Gwen Stefani Shelton. And honestly, she has always been this person deep down. Anyone who doesn’t see that just doesn’t want to see it imo.
Isn’t funny how since she dropped the strong tomboy armor, she’s been stronger than she’s ever been before? Because in the clips of the ND rehearsals, she looked happy and confident. Shelton Stefani necklaces, Betty, and kickass vocals!
- B
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ajwamiju · 6 months
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Scene 7: Reviews
CW: None
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Thanks to the rehearsals you and Suna did, the rest of the filming went by smoothly with minimal fits of laughter, even for the scenes where Hiroki and Kumiko were implied to have been intimate not long before the scene is supposed to take place (You and Suna bursted into fits of laughter a grand total of 10 times! You would’ve had 50 if you weren’t comfortable with each other).
When you and Suna watched the clips you shot together of that particular scene, you were amazed by both your and Suna's abilities to look so genuinely in love with each other, lying in bed, and holding each other while you both acted out your characters having some pillow talk in a more heartwarming scene of the movie.
“To think our situation was basically the blind leading the blind.” Suna comments as the two of you sit in the bus rented by the studio to bring the crew back home to Tokyo. “The arguments Kumiko and Hiroki had were fucking intense, I think that series drained me more than my 6-year career.”
“They were.” You agree as you nod your head. “I absolutely cannot wait to get back to acting in horror movies. They're much easier than the series we did.”
Suna glances around for a bit before leaning in to whisper in your ear. “Wanna shit on the series when it finally comes out?”
“You don't even have to ask!” You laugh as you lean back into your seat. “Thinking about it, Kumiko and Hiroki were fucking toxic man, don't think they’d actually work out if they were real people.”
“That's true. But I guess they did redeem themselves at the end there when they talked everything out.” Suna shrugs. “I don’t know how our reputation will hold up after this drama comes out, though.”
“I guess we just have to take the L and move on as if we’re not the main characters of the drama.” You sigh. “Even the best actors have a stain in their career.”
The drive from your last shooting location in Kyoto back to Tokyo takes a while, but you don’t feel just how long it is. During the 6-hour drive, you mostly either slept or talked shit with Suna and your crew, gossiping about the latest scandals of celebrities or their secret activities that would get them into scandals.
You and Suna exchange addresses before you both part ways, promising each other to keep in contact and hang out as you click well with him (you also know you both have intentions to star in the same horror movies together and that’s another reason why you’re keeping contact. But that’s honestly a given).
You would contact Suna frequently and you would even meet to hang out during your cooling period before you get another job, the highlight of these hangouts is when you two got to watch the finalised version of the drama you starred in. You both cleared your schedules for the whole day and spent watching all 12 episodes in one day, shit talking and cringing at yourselves as the story unfolds into Director Kurosu’s vision.
“This is never going to get good reviews from anyone.” Suna says as he skips the end credits of episode five to go to episode six.
“Yeah, the trailer’s out and literally the whole internet is confused as fuck.” You comment as the recap for episode five starts. “The first impression from our fans doesn't look good.”
“Let’s just look for a good horror movie to star in by next month. That should steer the public’s attention away from whatever this is.”
What you and Suna didn’t expect though is that the drama you both starred in ended up as a huge hit, to the point where it’s one of the most streamed dramas on all streaming platforms. Fans of both the romance and horror genres banded together to praise the drama as well as you and Suna for your 'phenomenal acting'.
“[Surname]-san and Suna-san’s acting were so good 😭😭😭 I’ve always known they were well-known in the horror genre, but I never knew they would also be this good at doing romance dramas!” -xxTsumufan123, 5 stars
“I’ve been a big fan of Suna-san’s works and have been DYING to see him in a movie with [Surname]-san since I also love her movies. I never thought I would see my dream come true in a romance drama but I’m deffo not disappointed 💯💯💯” -User89302, 5 stars
“Kumiko and Hiroki’s characters fit [Surname]-san and Suna-san so well! The plot of the drama isn’t that light-hearted so it also makes it feel so real and not forced!!! I can’t wait to see them in future instalments, doesn’t even matter if it’s horror, romance, or even comedy!” -Sunasveinythickthighs, 5 stars
“I’m so used to seeing Suna-san and [Surname]-san dying or killing, literally covered in blood. This is a breath of fresh air.” -Yamiki8294, 4.5 stars
You and Suna agree that you’re both dying at the outcome of this drama as well as what’s to come in the near future.
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Taglist: @mirophobic @atrashsith @lilith412426 @rntrsuna @reignsaway @fallenisded @sunaemoby @buttercupp-baby @akari-fujikawa @omlxlaure @soonajeeme (Drop it here to be included in the taglist!)
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chipthekeeper · 2 months
Hey. Hi. Because I’m very normal and not sick in the head, here are all the thoughts I had while watching the bonus featurette about the Aldhani arc (I know some of you are patiently waiting to see for yourselves so it’s under the cut)
- ugh Scotland you are sooooo……
- Going to need so many gifs of my babies. So so so many gifs. I will pay
- Did not expect Susanna white to have that accent for some reason but I’m very into it
- Already lost my mind about this bit we got a clip of so many times but I will continue to do so
- “You have Vel who’s an incredibly rich young woman who’s grown a conscience” FASCINATING TONY TELL ME MORE
- “Skeen who’s a revolutionary by opportunity” some might say a mercurial man but yeah
- Oh a shot of Gorn but he doesn’t get a description, fine
- Oh i just made SUCH an embarrassing noise because VARADA IS TALKING SHES ON MY SCREEN SAYING WORDS AS HERSELF M
- oh. Oh sweet. Baby. Jesus. Oh. Oh my
- I can’t even describe what just happened above; you will have to see it
- Okay now I’m for real sobbing
- 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭
- They
- I keep making such loud and embarrassing sounds AND THE WINDOW IS OPEN
- Okay now to take a breath and actually tell you what that was all about. You didn’t really think I wouldn’t say it?
- Varada AND Faye talking about rehearsing their jump from the dam!!!!!
- And some footage of that where they’re just. Chilling and smiling and yeah I need oxygen
- Varada saying she’s “sufficiently terrified” to do the jump but has to do it with a straight face because cinta can’t look scared and holy shit this is truly everything to me
- There’s an AMAZING shot of them in costume on like a green screen stage and they like hug and then dance very ridiculously I’m definitely not crying no you’re crying
- ugh Jesus I just. That was a lot and I’m. Fine.
- Okay moving on
- Oooh Spotify artist of the year nick britell on my screen talking about sounds of the eye
- Why the fuck are we suddenly talking about saw gerrera (not that I don’t love him but ?????? This is not the time)
- *strangled whining sounds about scenery shots with Skeen’s chopping line over top*
- Omg wife hi
- “We ended up being as close as these characters are by the end, you know, because they depend on each other and they have to believe in what each other can do” IM FINE 😭
- Jesus Christ I need ten more hours of that at MINIMUM
- In summary, I need this injected into my veins and nothing short of that will be enough
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Could I get a haikyuu one with asahi and daichi with an S/O who's in theater. Possibly, their next play would be a musical.
Of course! I'm writing this as the readers an actor/actress in the play, so I apologize if you meant for them to be in a different role. I hope you enjoy!
Daichi and Asahi with reader who's in a musical
gn! reader
Warnings: none
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-Prepare to answer a lot of questions because Daichi knows absolutely nothing about theatre, let alone musicals
-But he wants to! He knows how important theatre is to you so he wants to understand it and be able to have conversations about it with you
-Thinks it's so cool that your an actor, he can't imagine how much talent it takes to act out personalities that aren't your own and to sell it well
-If you have rehearsal the same day as his volleyball practices and he ends early, he'll come watch you for the rest of your rehearsal
-If you need a practice partner he's down to help whenever!
-...Just don't expect him to do it well, since he can't act for shit
-You sang a song from your upcoming musical to him once, and he's in a w e
-He thinks you have an amazing singing voice, and now he can't wait to hear the rest of the musical
-Probably starts asking you to sing more around him since he loves your voice so much
-While musicals aren't really his thing, he'll gladly listen to recordings and soundtracks with you, he's just happy you're happy!
-On your musicals opening night, he gets front row seats and invites the entire team
-He's your biggest hypeman, the team coming in close second
-He watches your performance with intensely, he's afraid if he takes his eyes away for even a second he'll miss part of your brilliant acting
-Once the musical's over, he rushes straight backstage to give you a bearhug
-He's so proud of you, and he thinks you did amazing!
-Brags about you to all his friends, he needs to share how amazing you are with anyone who will listen
-He's so proud of you and he tells you everyday, he can't wait to see your next theatre project!
-He probably knows a little about musicals through clips he's seen on the internet, but it's not something he's super knowledgeable about
-So expect a decent amount of questions from him too!
-Once he finds out what musical you're doing, he'll secretly look it up and learn everything he can so he can have more in-depth conversations with you about it
-Listens to the soundtrack to so now he knows all the music by heart
-He'll also help you practice if you ask, but unlike Daichi he gets a little more into character the more he helps
-He really admires your confidence, he can't imagine being able to act and sing in front of all those people
-Picks you up from ever rehersal so you can discuss how it's going, what part your focusing on, stuff like that
-He may or may not ask you what the costumes are like, he's interested in fashion so he's curious how costume design works for live performances
-He's too shy to admit it, but he loves hearing you sing and wishes you would sing more around him
-Once opening night comes closer, he's worrying enough for the both of you
-He has full confidence in you, but he worries about everything else that could go wrong
-What if a set piece falls? What if an actor slips or messes up their lines? What if a costume rips? What if there's a screaming baby the whole performance and it distracts everyone on stage?
-It's not even his play and he's acting like a worried crew member
-But when it's actually opening night, he's so excited for you!
-He may invite the team if they promise not to be loud and embarrassing, but otherwise he'll just invite Suga and Daichi to come with him
-He still needs to show you off to someone after all!
-He's mesmerized the whole performance, practicing lines with you is one thing, but it's totally different seeing you act in costume, on stage, with a set and other actors with you
-When it's over, he cannot stop complementing your performance, he's totally enchanted lol
-Asahi can't wait to see what you do next!
(Sorry that this was shorter, I don't know as much about theatre as I should considering how many of my friends are theatre kids lmao)
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Dancing In The Dark (With You Between My Arms)
Loki x fem!Reader
Summary: Tony decides to throw another big party. The theme? Medieval ball. You’ve been cursed to perform a dance routine, together with Loki. Could the dance actually be a blessing in disguise?
Words: 3.6k
Warnings: Light angst. Reader being self-conscious and having trouble accepting compliments. Swearing.
Contains: Fluffity fluff, mutual pining, oblivious reader.
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This fic was inspired by Cinderella (2021). I rewatched the movie a few days ago and when the "Perfect" dance scene started, the visual of Loki dancing to this kinda slapped me in the face. So, I decided to write it. 😂
For reference, the clip this fic was inspired by: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnUatSnm9hM
@muddyorbsblr @mischief2sarawr You guys were interested in this fic. Here it is! 😄
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Your feet hurt like hell.
You grumbled angrily under your breath, trying your best not to fall while you clambered through the guests. This was exactly why you never wore heels if you couldn’t help it. They were uncomfortable, loud, and impossible to walk in.
Whoever was in charge of the dress code, you’d have a serious word with them later.
Natasha watched with amusement as you waddled towards her. She was trying so hard not to laugh, you could see it in her face.
“Not a word!” you huffed and sat down on the bar stool next to your friend.
Nat simply handed you a drink – your favorite. She must have known that you’d come here eventually, if only to get your feet off the floor.
“I didn’t say anything,” she said with a wink, taking a sip of her own drink. She was smiling when she continued. “You might hate the shoes but you still look amazing tonight.”
You lowered your eyes towards your glass, surprised by the compliment. It was just something you weren’t really used to – or you hadn’t been used to it, until a certain someone with a knack for leather and magic had arrived in the Tower and turned everything on its head.
“How are you enjoying the evening, darling?” a deep voice spoke up to your right, sending a shiver down your spine.
Speak of the devil…
You took a sip from your drink, leaving the question unanswered for a few seconds. Slowly, you set down the glass and looked up.
“Why, it’s amazing. Especially having to walk around all day in these torture instruments,” you gestured towards your shoes. ”How’s your evening, Loki?”
The god to your right didn’t comment on your sarcasm. He only grinned at you, a softer version of his usual mischievous smirk.
“It was boring… until I saw you sitting here. I must say, you look breathtaking tonight, darling.”
You choked on air, quickly reaching for your drink so you had something to distract yourself. Why was he like this? Did he think it was funny to see you become so embarrassed?
Nat nudged you with her arm. “See? I told you that you look amazing!”
She leaned towards Loki, pointing at you with her glass. “Y/n didn’t believe me. I don’t know how much more I have to say it!”
You continued to sip your drink, trying to ignore their voices. Your face burned.
Loki nodded thoughtfully. He smiled at you, leaning over to whisper into your ear. “I’m looking forward to our show later.”
He bowed towards Nat and left you sitting on your bar seat while you stared at the metallic countertop in shock.
Nat snorted.
You slowly raised your head to look at her, still feeling utterly mortified.
“He’s into you, I swear. I know you don’t believe me but he absolutely just flirted with you.”
Nat stirred her drink with the straw and took another sip, shooting you a wink over the rim of her glass.
She’d gotten something right; you didn’t believe her.
Sure, you’d grown closer to Loki since the two of you had started rehearsing together for tonight’s show, but he’d never said anything to you that indicated any deeper feelings. He’d brought you something to drink from the kitchen once or twice when you were late, knowing you’d probably forget your bottle on your desk – and he was right too.
And one time he’d joined you on the couch afterwards to watch a movie. You might have fallen asleep with your head on his shoulder and he’d let you sleep, not getting up even after the movie was long over.
But that was just called being nice! You’d do that for the people you cared about, too! It didn’t mean he had any romantic interest in you.
You stared at your glass, twirling the straw around and watching the ripples it created in the liquid.
“Nervous for tonight?”
Nat’s voice was soft now, the teasing undertone completely gone.
You couldn’t look at her. “What if I… what if I mess up? What if I trip and fall, and then everyone laughs?”
Nat placed a hand on her arm. She was smiling when you finally managed to raise your head. “You won’t. But if you trip… Loki will catch you. There’s no way he’ll let you fall in front of all these people.”
You had to agree with her there. During your rehearsals together, Loki was always incredibly attentive. He noticed every wrong step, even the smallest inaccuracies, and he’d corrected you calmly, without ever making you feel bad or like you weren’t good enough.
Loki had been incredibly helpful in raising your confidence for this performance in the weeks leading up to tonight… but now, you wished it was already over, while also hoping that the show would somehow mysteriously be cancelled.
The clock struck 11.
You stared at the monstrous thing hanging above the stage, frowning at it in disgust. How drunk had Tony been when he bought the damn thing? And how drunk was he when he decided to hang it up tonight?
Whose idea was this weird medieval ball, anyway?
Nat poked your arm before softly placing her hand over the spot.
“It’ll be okay,” she whispered. “I promise.”
You wanted to believe her, you really did. But a small voice in the back of your head kept on whispering what could go wrong.
Soon, the audacious clock had almost reached 11:30.
You chugged the rest of your drink and rubbed Nat’s shoulder in a caring gesture before standing up from your bar stool. Your feet screamed in protest as they hit the ground.
Gravity, thou art a heartless bitch…
“I gotta go,” you told Nat, putting on your most confident smile.
She smiled at you, lifting her drink in a toast.
“Knock ‘em dead!”
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Loki was waiting for you in the small room backstage. He’d changed his outfit from when you’d last met him at the bar earlier, having switched out the leather from earlier for a simple black suit. His hair was tied back halfway, the upper part caught in a bun while the rest of his gorgeous dark hair still hung onto his shoulders.
You froze in the doorway, staring at him in shock as he stood there with his hands clasped behind his back, still holding all the charisma and magnetism of a prince – a king, even.
Loki stared towards the steps leading up to the stage, a solemn and almost grave expression on his face, similar to a soldier preparing for battle.
His head shot up when you softly cleared your throat.
You smiled, giving an awkward little wave while you did your very best not to stumble, slowly walking towards him.
God, these shoes would really be the death of you…
Only if you didn’t die of embarrassment first once the curtain rose, of course.
Loki held his hand out towards you, resting his other hand on your waist once you stopped in front of him, his soft grip keeping you steady.
“You still look stunning, darling.”
You chuckled, rolling your eyes at him. “Yeah, I know. And you look…” you gestured towards him, “you look amazing! What happened to your ‘fine Asgardian leather’?”
Loki smiled and shrugged lightly.
“I figured this was more appropriate given the… occasion.”
You nodded with a smile of your own. The two of you just looked at each other in silence for a while, no more words needed. You were thankful for the calm moment since it helped you gather yourself and collect your thoughts.
You slowly took a step backwards when loud music started playing outside, signaling the beginning of Tony’s grand speech. You’d been through this so many times in rehearsals for tonight.
You’d miscalculated your steps though, stumbling and almost twisting your ankle – and then the weeks and weeks of preparation would’ve been utterly useless.
Loki followed your movement effortlessly and held onto your waist to keep you from falling.
“This Midgardian footwear truly is a health hazard, is it not?” he asked with an amused chuckle.
You gripped his hand tightly, smiling to yourself even though your heart had jumped into your throat. You weren’t sure if your heart was racing because you’d almost cracked your neck, or if it was due to Loki’s proximity.
“Yeah, they are. Whoever made the dress code will get an earful from me later.”
Loki smiled. He slowly let go of your hand, causing you to grip hold of his suit jacket instead. After all, you were now at risk of falling for a different reason – being this close to him made you feel wobbly and shaky.
A mix of green and golden sparks flew from Loki’s fingertips.
“Is it better now?” he asked, his voice carrying a softness you’d only heard on rare occasions before.
You frowned in confusion, taking a small step sideways to test it out.
Your eyes grew wide.
The shoes didn’t hurt anymore! You could walk normally, as if you were just wearing sneakers or anything else without a heel…
“How did you –“
Loki grinned at you, that spark of mischief returning in the twitch of his lips. His hand still held onto your waist as you came to a stop in front of him with an awestruck smile.
“Thank you,” you said softly.
You truly meant your words. You’d been agonizing over the performance for so long because of the shoes, knowing that even if you did every step correctly without fail, you could still lose your balance at any time and break your neck.
Being able to walk normally now, thanks to Loki, wiped out about 80% of your anxiety just like that, making your worries vanish into thin air.
Loki raised his free hand and pushed a strand of hair out of your face. He paused before brushing his fingertips over your cheek in a soft caress that made you shiver.
“In a few minutes, it will be my honor to present two of our very own Avengers for a special performance. Just for you!”
You flinched, your head snapping towards the curtain. Tony’s booming voice brought back your anxious thoughts, the ones that Loki hadn’t been able to wipe away when he’d enchanted your shoes.
You attempted a shaky smile to cheer yourself up. You didn’t have time for anxiety right now, not when there were only a few minutes left until the performance.
Loki looked at you with the same softness as before, though the smile had made room for a serious expression. His grip on your waist tightened for a second.
“I won’t let you fall, Y/n. I promise.”
You stared at him, his words leaving you speechless.
Had he always been this beautiful? Why did you only notice it now?
You nodded, hoping your smile was calm this time. “Thank you.”
Tony called you on stage a few minutes after that. Loki offered you his arm and led you outside. The two of you bowed once for the audience before taking your respective places in the middle of the stage.
Your heart hammered against your ribcage when the first notes came out of the speakers, the music echoing through the quiet room.
Loki slowly stepped towards you, his eyes fixed on your face as he started to sing.
“I found a love for me…”
He gave you the tiniest smile as he held his hand out towards you. “Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead.”
You accepted, placing your own hand into his palm and joining in on the choreography. Your voice only trembled lightly on your first verse.
“I found a boy, beautiful and sweet.”
During rehearsals, you’d always tried to avoid looking at him when you sang. It just seemed far too intimate.
Now that you were on this stage, in front of so many strangers and your friends, it somehow didn’t matter anymore.
You moved around in a small circle together, Loki’s voice joining your own.
“I never knew you were the someone waiting for me.”
When your hands slowly raised towards his neck after the spin, you caught yourself lingering, your palms gliding lightly over the fabric of his black shirt.
He only looked at you with soft eyes.
You moved across the stage together, tiptoeing around each other as Loki copied your movements perfectly, the two of you almost dancing as one.
By the end of the first stanza, you were smiling.
Loki returned your smile, slowly leading you into the first part of the chorus. His hand was a comforting weight on your lower back as you swayed across the stage together.
“Darling, just hold my hand.”
He caught you ever so gently in his arms when you let yourself fall backwards, even winking at you as he pulled you onto your feet.
”Be my girl, I’ll be your man. I see my future in your eyes.”
You giggled softly.
In this moment, there was only Loki. Everything else faded away. You barely even heard the music. The only thing that mattered was him; his voice along your own, his hands on your body as he gently led you through the routine.
At times you almost forgot you were singing a song written by someone else. The lines flowed so naturally out of your mouth as if they were your own words.
Loki spun you away from him, leaving you twirling around yourself. When you stopped and looked back at him, he was watching you with such a caring expression that it knocked the air out of your lungs.
“When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful…” Loki sang softly.
Your heart was in your throat and you almost choked on your words. You’d never meant them more than in that moment.
“I don’t deserve this.”
Loki’s eyes were fixed on your face while he responded, the line sounding so genuine that you almost believed him. “Darling, you look perfect.”
He stepped towards you ever so slowly, looking at you as if he’d been lost at sea for years and he’d just discovered the North Star to lead him home.
You smiled at him, the song only allowing it for barely a full second before Loki twirled you away from him again. His hand held tightly onto yours and pulled you back into his chest. Your fingers interlocked.
You stared up at him, a dull ache in your chest that you’d never felt before. You couldn’t take your eyes off him, not even when he placed his hands on your back and spun you around, your feet lifting off the floor.
For a brief moment, you wondered how you’d be perceived from the outside; if the audience could sense the longing in your bones that left you trembling.
Once you landed back on the floor, Loki raised his hand and cradled your face in his palm. He didn’t look away from you either while you twirled around the stage together. His eyes shone brightly in the low light.
You’d never wanted to kiss him so badly before.
Your hands locked at the back of his neck, holding on tightly. Loki lifted you up once again, fully supporting your weight as he spun around in a circle. You’d always hated this part during rehearsals because it could easily make you dizzy. Now, you discovered that maybe it wasn’t the movement, but Loki himself who made your head spin.
You smiled at each other when the song came to an end, slowly singing the last line together.
“You look perfect… tonight…”
Loki lowered his head towards you. He cradled your face once more between his palms, brushing his fingertips across your skin.
For a second you were absolutely certain he would kiss you.
Thunderous applause almost ruptured your eardrums. You flinched, your head snapping towards audience. People jumped out of their seats while clapping their hands, the movement creating waves and flowing through the crowd.
Loki’s long fingers wrapped around your hand.
You looked at him in confusion, surprised by the action, but he just motioned for you to copy him. You slowly bowed for the audience – once, twice, a third time even.
The applause just wouldn’t stop.
You fought an annoyed eye roll and raised your free hand for an awkward wave.
”As if we’re animals performing some tricks,” Loki grumbled under his breath. He turned on his heel and just walked away, pulling you off stage by your joined hands.
You hurried after him, embarrassed by your sudden departure, yet thankful to get out of the spotlight.
Loki paused in front of the steps leading to the backroom. He slowly made his way down and turned back around at the bottom. With a small smile he held his hand out towards you, steadying you until your heels hit the floor again.
You giggled as he bowed elegantly, sweeping his arm through the air in a dramatic gesture.
”My lady.”
You shook your head, unable to keep the grin off your face as you followed the invitation and carefully walked past him into the small room.
You dropped into a small chair, attempting to stretch your tired legs.
”Ugh. I can’t wait to get these shoes off…”
Loki was smiling when he leaned against the wall across from your chair. His eyes sparkled with mischief and something else that you couldn’t decipher.
”You were truly incredible out there… despite the ridiculous footwear.”
”Well, I had a great teacher.” you responded almost immediately.
Loki only chuckled and shook his head.
”While I appreciate the compliment, darling, taking full responsibility for your accomplishment would be a great disservice to the effort you put into everything. You worked incredibly hard for this performance during our rehearsals. You more than deserve to be proud of yourself.”
Silence settled around the small room once Loki fell quiet. You just sat in your chair, trying to process his words. While you were very grateful for the compliment, you couldn’t help wishing that there was a deeper meaning hidden somewhere, something… more.
”Thank you,” you finally said with a small smile, trying to ignore the heat rising to your face.
Loki pushed himself away from the wall and crossed the small room in two strides of his ridiculously long legs. With a dramatic flourish he bowed again, holding his hand out towards you.
”Would milady like to be escorted to her chambers to remove the torturous footwear? Maybe indulge in the comfort of some fluffy pillows?”
He graced you with a fond smile that caused butterflies to flutter in your belly.
You chuckled and accepted the outstretched hand, allowing Loki to pull you to your feet. You didn’t get a chance to even complain about the cursed high heels before you were lifted into the air.
You let out a sound somewhere between a screech and a gasp, gripping onto Loki’s shoulders for support. His soft laughter vibrated against you as he held you close to his chest, slowly carrying you out into the main living area.
Since everyone else was still attending the party, you reached the elevator without any interference. You pressed the button and settled back into Loki’s arms as you listened to his heartbeat. Your eyes closed and you hummed peacefully.
The steady rhythm quickly lulled you into a light slumber.
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When you woke up the next morning, you couldn’t remember how you’d ended up in your bed. You barely remembered anything from last night, to be honest, apart from dancing with Loki on that stage in front of way too many people.
You just lay there for a while, trying to figure out the vital puzzle piece you were apparently missing.
Your phone started buzzing violently.
You rolled over and grabbed it, huffing as an onslaught of messages appeared on your screen. Something special must’ve happened since the team group chat was overflowing with texts. You tapped through the messages, only scanning them briefly. There were just too many to keep up.
A few minutes later you’d figured out why everyone was losing their minds: Tony had sent out a video of yesterday’s party.
Curious, you opened the video.
The beginning was normal, just the team bantering and chatting with guests. Once the evening progressed further and more alcohol was flowing, the video became more chaotic and random.
A shot of Tony at the bar. Nat knocking back a drink and cursing loudly in Russian. Thor challenging Steve to an arm-wrestling match.
Sadly you never figured out who won because the video cut to a later hour. You frowned at the screen, wondering if you should ask Nat about the arm-wrestling.
The angle was different now, a lot higher than before. Tony must have switched to a drone at some point, even though you couldn’t remember seeing him with one last night.
You could make out a few snippets from your performance, slightly weirded out as you watched yourself swooning over Loki. You’d really been that obvious, huh…
Another video cut.
You adjusted the brightness on your phone – and almost dropped it in shock when you focused on the video again.
Right there on the screen was Loki, carrying you in his arms as he walked towards the elevator. Your own arms were wrapped around his neck and you clung to him like a koala bear.
Text appeared next to a shot of Loki standing in front of the elevator doors, waiting for them to open while he still held you gently.
Cinderella & Prince… Charming?
You dropped your phone onto the mattress and rolled over, groaning into your pillow. The idea of staying in bed suddenly seemed even more appealing.
It was way too early for bullshit like this…
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nervousgardenerkid · 2 years
no thoughts, head empty, steve being absolutely DOWN BAD for a theater kid reader who’s in the musical but since he can’t sing (methinks he can act but can’t sing) he bribes stage manager nancy (she’s stage manager material if she didn’t do journalism at hawkins high she’d be a stage manager) into making him an asm so he can hang out with reader and help them practice and all that shit
bonus points: reader is really into him and when they’re rehearsing singing a love song they always stare in steve’s direction for a bit like a simp and nancy teases both steve and reader about it—
(this is inspired by me listening to “i feel pretty” from west side story on repeat—)
When he sees me
a/n: it's the way i wrote this like three times cause i couldn't decide on a musical😭😭i almost chose grease but it didn't sit right with me then i remembered waitress and was like this is PERFECT!! this is a modern au! the texts in the beginning are between nancy, steve, jonathan, and robin! i hope u enjoy this :D credit to the gif owner! <3
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can someone bring me a coffee?? rehearsals are DRAGGING!!
i wish i could babe :( will is helping me for my photography final💔
here's some coffee nance! ☕️
not funny 😐 didn't laugh 😐
steve chuckles at the group chat and sends a quick text to them.
i'll bring it. my class was cancelled today
steve to the rescue!!
grab her a muffin! she loves those <3
thanks steve! im in the auditorium in the very front just come in quietly🫡
Steve stuffs the phone into his back pocket and walks toward the cafeteria to get Nancy her muffin and coffee. While he waited in line he scrolled through his phone liking random pictures of people he didn't even really know. He looks up when he hears his name being called and smiles at the barista handing him Nancy’s snacks. He makes his way to the auditorium wondering if all the stress was worth it to Nancy.
He's quite the worrier when it comes to his friends and he can't even seem to remember the last time Nancy had an actual meal. He remembers going out to eat with everyone and Nancy was looking over the script while Jonathan had to remind her that her food was getting cold. He quietly walks into the auditorium and stares at the stage in awe.
“Holy shit Nance, this looks amazing!” he exclaims while handing her the muffin and coffee. She looks at Steve and smiles, waving her hand in the air.
“This isn't all me, Eddie made hellfire help build the set!”
At the mention of his name Eddie walks onto the stage with a stool in his arms and looks at Nancy.
“Where do you want the stool again?”
Nancy gulps her coffee and hands it to Steve while hopping onto the stage. She shows Eddie where the tape is for the stool and Steve just stares at the cup in shock from how light it is.
“Nancy, when was the last time you ate?” He asked her.
“I had crackers today.”
Steve was ready to give Nancy a lecture that she's all too familiar with when he was suddenly interrupted.
“Nance, have you seen my nametag? Ash said she gave it to props even though it's part of costumes.”
Steve feels his heart jump out of his chest as he sees you standing on the stage. Steve has biology with you, you're actually his lab partner. Usually, Steve isn't one to talk to his classmates unless he needs to but he couldn't help but talk to you. It came so naturally for him, you laughed at his jokes, and god you were so fucking pretty. Steve is so infatuated with you that he doesn't even realize Nancy called him several times until she throws a pen at him.
“Steve! Come up here and help me real quick.”
Steve nods his head and jumps onto the stage standing next to Nancy with his hands on his hips.
“Steve Harrington at your service,” he says, which causes you to giggle.
“Hi, Stevie.” you say with a smile.
“Hey pretty girl, I like your outfit,” he says gesturing to your waitress costume. “Feel like you'd bring me the best burger in town.”
You blush and try your best to ignore his silly compliment while Nancy looks at your costume. She hands Steve the clipboard she's holding and stuffs her hands in every pocket she has.
“Crap, I thought I had the name tag but I don't. You asked props already?”
You nodded your head.
“Steve, go into the classroom and check in the professor’s drawer, there should be some spare name tags in there.”
“....where's the classroom?”
Silence falls over the three of you and Nancy sighs.
“Y/n, can you-”
“Already on it.” you chuckled out. You pass by Steve and place your hand on his arm giving it a gentle squeeze. “Bye Stevie.”
He sighs out a soft bye and turns his attention back to Nancy.
“Put me in the play.”
“Please! I promise you I'm a great actor!”
Nancy chuckles. “This is a musical, Steve, it's not just acting. There's singing and dancing.”
Steve let out a scoff. “I can sing and dance!”
“Steve, the only time you've sung is when we had karaoke night and you're one of the most uncoordinated people I know!”
Steve shakes his head. “Not true, you know Robin.”
Nancy nods her head knowing her friend is much clumsier than Steve. Steve silently thanks god for making him so stubborn because now, he's following Nancy around the stage while begging her to let him in the show.
“Steve!” Nancy shouts.
“Yes, I'll be in the play. See? Was that so hard-”
Nancy grabs him by the collar of his shirt and brings him close.
“Do you know why I chose y/n to play Dawn?”
“Cause she's pretty.”
Nancy rolled her eyes but smiled. “No, although yes she is pretty.” She let go of Steve’s collar and massaged her temples.
“Y/n is playing Dawn cause she's perfect for it. I've casted everyone very carefully so that the natural chemistry is there and no one has to force feelings or anything!”
Steve nods his head and lets out a hum. “So, what I’m hearing is you'll cast me.”
“MARCUS!” Nancy shouted.
A boy runs out onto the stage and sends Nancy a smile. Steve looks at who he assumes is Marcus up and down and cringes internally at his outfit. He's wearing a plaid shirt tucked into some black pants, and his hair isn't styled.
"That his costume?" Steve whispers to Nancy.
“I swear i don't dress like this," Marcus said to Steve. "What's up?” he asks Nancy.
“This is Steve,”
Steve waves at him and smiles at him.
“Show Steve what you have to do while singing.”
Marcus let out a chuckle and straightened his posture. “You want me to sing too?”
“Go for it.” she smiled.
Steve watches in awe when Marcus puts his arms flat on his sides and starts doing an Irish jig while singing perfectly. It lasts maybe a couple of seconds at most but it's enough for Steve to realize he may be in over his head.
“Thank you, Marcus, that's all I needed,” Nancy said with a smile and patted his back.
“If you think that's good just wait until opening night! It's gonna blow everyone away!” With that, Marcus finds his way back to the dressing room and Nancy turns to Steve with a smirk.
“Still think you're cut out for this?”
Steve let out a scoff. “If you didn't want me in the play you could've just said that.”
Nancy was ready to say something when half of the cast rushed out of the dressing room all talking over each other.
“Nancy! Rosa fucked up one of the waitress’ dresses!”
“I did not!“
“Oh really? Then how did pink pen ink get on there?!”
“Ask Charlie! He has a pink pen!”
Nancy is used to feeling overwhelmed, it comes with being a stage manager. She's not sure if it's because she hasn't had a proper meal in a while, or maybe it's because Fred ditched being her assistant stage manager and decided to do journaling instead. Ugh, journaling.
“EVERYONE SHUT UP!” she shouts. Silence falls over the auditorium and Nancy has a bright idea.
“You still wanna be in the play?” she asks Steve. Steve slowly nods his head, but only because he's too scared to say no to her right now. Nancy sighs and turns to the cast.
“I need everyone seated in the audience in two minutes.”
Steve watched everyone scatter in different directions, some ran off the stage and sat in a chair while others went to get the rest of the cast. Once Nancy saw everyone in the audience she clapped her hands.
“Okay! As you know Fred has left and I've practically been doing manager things all by myself. It's been a struggle, but I still love what I do.”
“Nance, did you want me to sit in the audience too? Cause there's an empty seat next to y/n-”
“Thankfully! Steve, being the best friend he is, has decided to be my assistant stage manager! If you have any questions about costumes, props, or anything else go to him! I'll be showing him the ropes so don't worry. Any questions?”
Eddie’s hand shot up into the air. “He's gonna help move the set around right? Cause I have some guys going out of town so set design and things like that may run behind.”
Steve opened his mouth to answer his question but Nancy beat him to it.
“Yeah, he's definitely helping out, just make sure I see the designs before it's made final. Anyone else?”
Steve hears people mutter no and sees people shaking their heads.
“Awesome! Everyone go back to what you were doing and try not to come to me or Steve unless you absolutely need us! I'm gonna be in the class giving him a crash course.”
The cast started getting back to what they were doing while Steve was lost and confused.
“Nancy! Have you forgotten that I know nothing about theatre?! This is your area and a little bit of Will’s but that's not the point!
You hopped on stage with a smile and waved at Steve.
“Welcome to showbiz baby!”
Steve’s heart soars and he gives you a lovesick smile as he watches you walk into the dressing room.
“Tell me everything I need to know.”
“Stevie! Can you see if Will can help Mary fix my costume? It's a little loose on the sides.”
Steve let out a sigh and ran a hand through his hair. “Nessa, I told you already you can't call me Stevie. I don't like that nickname.”
Nessa smirked. “But y/n calls you that.”
Steve felt himself begin to blush as Nessa started to tease him. Almost everyone knew about Steve’s crush on you, except you. You were too focused on the show knowing you had a number and everything was enough to send you spiraling into your thoughts.
“That's different, she's special.”
“Who's special?” you asked, stepping on stage in full costume.
“MY MOM!” Steve shouted.
“THE QUEEN!” Nessa followed.
You raise your brows at them and chuckle. “Okay…weirdos.”
Steve chuckled and turned back to Nessa.
“Yeah, I’ll see if I can sneak Will away to fix the costume.”
Nessa thanked him and skipped off to the dressing room to finish getting ready. Steve looks up from his phone and sees you nervously pacing the stage.
“Hey, you okay?”
You nodded your head. “It's weird, I've sung the songs so many times it's like…engraved in my brain.”
You chuckle nervously and rub the plan of your hands along the apron that's folded across your waist.
“But what if I mess up? Opening night is tomorrow and I'm so scared that I'm gonna screw something up.”
Steve brings you in for a hug and sways you back and forth.
“You're freaking out over nothing! I've seen you rehearse this a million times, it's like you were born to be on stage.”
You stop swaying and look up at him with a smile. Steve isn't sure if it's the reflection of stage lights on your glasses or maybe you really do have stars in your eyes, either way, he could stare into them all day long.
“You think so?”
“Definitely, don't forget me once you're on Broadway with the big names.”
“Please, I could never forget you, Steve Harrington.”
Steve looks down at you and he wants to kiss you. He wants to kiss you so bad, but he knows he can't. Nancy made it clear that she doesn't want anyone to start a relationship in the middle of the show to avoid conflicts and drama, she called it show-mance.
“Do you maybe…want to hang out after all this?” Steve asked nervously.
“We can't…it’s forbidden.” You teased.
He let out a laugh and shook his head. “No, I mean after the show.” Steve took a deep breath and decided to pull the trigger on this.
“I've liked you for a while. Ever since you laughed at my jokes in biology actually, I wanted to ask you out but I got pulled into this and Nancy told me about the showmance rule she had,” Steve shrugs his shoulders, not really knowing where he was going with this. He knows he's just rambling now but he appreciates that you're listening still.
“I don't wanna be a showmance for you. I want to be more than that. An actual romance.”
You opened your mouth ready to say yes a million times when you heard the opening number blast through the speakers. You and Steve jump back from each other and you're quick to look up at the booths.
Nancy steps onto the stage and claps her hands. “Okay, people places! This is our last run-through of the show before opening night so let's make it count!”
Everyone scattered to their spots, including you. Steve felt his shoulders slump when he couldn't find you on stage anymore. He began making his way down the stage when you pulled him backstage and kissed his cheek. You looked around and made sure no one saw before you smiled.
“I'd love to go out with you. In an actual romantic way that is.”
“Yeah?” He asks with a wide smile.
Steve nods his head, mumbling the word cool under his breath. He clears his throat and places a kiss on your forehead.
“Break a leg superstar,” he whispers before jumping off the stage and sprinting to his seat next to Nancy. She doesn't look up from her script but he can practically hear her smile.
“You're welcome.”
Steve can't wipe off the smile that's on his face when he hears your voice mixed in with the other girls that are on stage. Steve knows he's not the smartest and he's not always right when it comes to certain things, but if he was right about one thing it was you. You were made to be on this stage, you were made to perform your heart out and touch the heart of others, and who knows? Maybe you were even made for Steve. Nah, he thinks to himself. You were definitely made for him.
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gettatranslations · 7 months
S Cawaii!-san&Demon Slayer Love Yumigeta Ako (23.11.26)
Good evening🌝
I'm Yumigeta Ako🛑
Thank you very much for your comments yesterday!
Thank you very much for our Hokkaido Performanceー!!!
Lots of you came to watch us huh!🎶
I want to hear about your thoughts at our next individual event!!!
Also our new formation was announced yesterday!
Leader Ikuta Erina-san
Sub Leader Ishida Ayumi-san
Sub Leader Oda Sakura-san
Please continue to support Morning Musume。from here on too❤️
How amazing… all of their names contain 「田」。
Also today
I'll talk about S Cawaii!-sanー!!!
Today on S Cawaii!-san's official X(Twitter)
They posted some photosー!!!!
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Don't I look totally differentー!!!!
Seeing my fringe so thin made me so 「Ooh……!」
I was really excited!
There's another cute pink outfit of mine but I'll post that another timeー‼️
It was my first time doing this kind of hairstyle and just doing such a cool shoot📸
So、I was really excitable and kept telling the stylist-san 「This is my first time doing this hairstyle!」ー!
And、if you look closely at my eyes
Well not my eyes but the bit underneath my eyebrows。
Look closely
There's rhinestones!!!!!
I've always admired the way my senpai wear them during concertsー!!!!!!!
I also have large hair clips、and cool star earrings so I really enjoyed this shoot!!!!
I've also never worn such heavy eyeshadow so it felt really really really fresh。
And And And
On the flip side I'm wearing a really pale beige lipstick
And that surprised me too!
Like 「It's so pale but so beautiful!」!
I wore a cool outfit and a pink outfit、so you can see two opposing styles but they're both Yumigeta Ako(?) So please read it and pay attention to that contrast〜❤️‍🔥
Well then it's time for today's 【Gettaa Life】✨
Look at thisー!
Yesterday、when I looked out of the plane window at the airport I saw something!
A Demon Slayer planeー!!
It was so coolー!!!!!!!
I really love Demon Slayer〜!!!
Demon Slayer is what first got me obsessed with anime!!!
It was a huge hit when schools were closed which is when I was in 5th〜6th grade!(T/N School closures = covid lock down times)
I couldn't play with my friends while schools were closed so I spent my whoーle time at home and I was super bored、
But my best friend was talking about Demon Slayer、so I started watching it and I was like 「This is so interesting…!!!!」
So I asked Mama to buy me the Manga and then I started collecting goods…
I got super duper obsessed!!!!
I also made origami
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Creator・6th grade Yumigeta Ako / Cameraman・6th grade Yumigeta Ako
They're pretty good
I was super obsessed with making Demon Slayer origami☺️
I was so proud of them I took them to school and showed them to my homeroom teacher like 「Look what I made!」😂
There are so many wonderful words in Demon Slayer、and I really love that about it💕
And with the covers of the manga、
I love the illustrations of the characters and the authors foreword and the titles each and every volume‼️
Writing all this makes me want to read it again。
Once YokoAre is over I think I'll reread the whole series from volume 1 ❤️‍🔥
I Getted 「Feelings of Love」✨
Demon Slayer is part of my origin story…
I'll always love itー!!!!!
That's all!This has been 【Gettaa Life】!
T/N News and information has not been translated
2 days
Until Yokohama Arena
��Today was the final day of rehearsals!)
I definitely can't catch a cold now!!
Getting ill now would be the worst timing ever!!!!!
Tomorrow I'll wear a mask and gargle and wash my hands and disinfect everythingー!
Well then I'll see you tomorrow!
This has been YumiGettaa Ako!Good night🐤🐤🐤
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zot3-flopped · 3 months
Zayn is so weird. He had such a gift, and by that I mean they all did, coming out of a boy band phenomenon like 1D. He had X number of followers who wanted great music featuring Zayn and his quiet but cheeky, arty, long-lashed self.
It's not like there's some sort of sacred formula for pop stardom only available to the initiated. Sing well, look great, collaborate with grace and enthusiasm, tour so people can breath your rare air, don't abuse women, in fact big women up whenever you can because they're your audience, and don't be self-pitying. Work bloody hard, stay seen, have a plan for that. Generate content that people will share. It isn't easy to get a start and build an audience, that's a fact, but he had already done that! That's what I don't understand!
When you look at what Harry has thrown at the job, I'm amazed he's still standing. And he's done it alongside the very difficult task of protecting his private life from people who are obsessed with learning his every thought. I am one! (He's never wavered from that and I sense lately with this Hrought that people really are getting the message that he's not available for anything but the job.) He dialled it down for HsH but he'd earned that after HS1 and FL releases. I got in around the FL period and he did a solid five months of promo before stopping because of covid. Otherwise he'd have had a month and a half which would have been tour rehearsals, then a world tour. Look at how often the photos, clips, interviews from that era are shared still.
People are sort of shocked that Zayn's doing so badly but he doesn't make any effort to share his work self with people in a way that they can get behind. He went from: I'm on my farm, to a couple of lives and Youtube segments, to a couple of songs where he's not really giving much in terms of performance. It's emphatically not enough. Such a low-effort release, really. Maybe there's a strategy to come but it's all so lacklustre, and I have the feeling that's just who he is?
This is so much more promo than he's done since 2016.
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veilingofthesun · 11 months
I'm already in love with the Donmar Warehouse production of Next to Normal. I've only seen rehearsal photos, Caissie's I miss the mountains video, clips from Tom Kitts concerts and some instagram content, but I'm loving it. The cast seem amazing and I love the look of the production. I'll most likely never see this production, but nonetheless I'm enjoying experiencing it online.
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thetaekookcloset · 2 years
Moments TK Have Been Visibly Into EO
This post is truly exactly what it says on the tin lol. I'm sitting here trying to find something clever to say about it, but the truth is I just thought it would be fun to compile a relatively brief list of moments that come to mind when I think about how visibly into each other Taehyung and Jungkook are.
It's a pretty short list in comparison to all the moments that I could include, but that just means more moments for additional parts in the future if people like this one!
I'll make little comments about what I take away from these moments, but for the most part, I really feel like they speak for themselves.
I won't lie, mentally and emotionally I'm still here, watching the Vminhopekook live from Las Vegas and calculating how long it will be before Taehyung literally eats Jungkook alive on camera. I won't lie, I have no clue how anyone doesn't see this as suspicious.
I get what other people are seeing in this live, but I don't know how they're not seeing this lol. From the moment Jungkook arrived in the room, Taehyung looked like he was going to take a bite out of him any second.
Similarly, in the LA live from the end of last year, Jungkook could not keep his eyes off Taehyung or his thighs. I mean, we all know this one, I'm sure, because honestly it's just iconic.
The way Jungkook's eyes kept drifting back to Taehyung, the way he stared no matter what else was going on, how he went to slap Tae's thigh at one point and only stopped because Taehyung reached for his hand at the same time. He was pretty obvious in this one ngl, and even if he wasn't, Jimin certainly gave them away.
I'm still not over the rehearsal from Busan where Jungkook kept pulling down Taehyung's sweater. Even if you can write off Jungkook unbuttoning it or tugging the sleeve down Tae's shoulder as just standard teasing, I don't really see how Taehyung moving to stand directly in front of Jungkook to rearrange the whole sweater can just be brushed off lol, especially considering how much they were laughing about it together.
I love this tiny interaction so much. This clip zooms in but if you happen to come across the full-body version at some point, you can see really clearly how Jungkook is heading straight forward, but then when Taehyung flirts with him a little bit, the direction of his feet completely changes as he starts to walk straight for Tae instead, like he doesn't even realize he's doing it. And Joon's reaction lol. Yeah, this is another one I can't figure out how to think around.
Honestly I was looking for a clip of a specific moment of Taehyung gazing at Jungkook with those bedroom eyes (from the 2019 to 2020 New Year's live) but I couldn't find a good version of just that, and tbh he does it a lot, so here's a little compilation for you.
There are several more moments where Jungkook is just blatantly checking Taehyung out, with full-body stare-downs, but here are a couple for your viewing pleasure.
Taehyung's eyes really rolled back, I mean --
This moment from the SYS The Final DVD where Jungkook was watching Taehyung practice is, I think, a really good example both of a moment where Jungkook was really into Tae, but also just the way he's so sweet for Tae all the time. He's, like, enraptured here, literally slack-jawed and staring.
I love the moment from Hobi's listening party where Jungkook was dancing and Taehyung sort of checked him out and danced up to him. I really feel like at this point, Taehyung doesn't even try to hide how hot he thinks Jungkook is, and good for them.
That's where I'm going to leave this for now, but if you have any favorite moments where you feel it's pretty plain to the eye how into each other Taekook are, please feel free to add them in the replies or send in an ask! These two are always eyeing each other and grabbing each other, so there are a lot of moments to choose from.
Their appreciation of each other is so sweet to see, in my opinion, but it's also just fun to see them being a bit obvious sometimes.
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Who will qualify from ESC SF1 in 2023?
Eurovision is on! Rehearsals are on! We’ve seen most of them performing at the multiple preparties and the first clips (even super shots ones) are in! 
It’s time to predict who will qualify on May 9th from Semifinal 1! These are my predictions based on the reactions, comments, listens and clicks in social media, Youtube and Spotify.
Some I will get right, others I may not - that’s the risk you will take by continuing reading this. 
1. Norway - Alessandra - Queen of Kings
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She’s IN. No question. HUUUUUUGE viral hit by now. There was some concern about Alessandra’s vocals (MGP used autotune) when performing live but she’s on point based on the first rehearsal clip. Visually they’re loyal to National Final one but her outfit is a bit different, she’s wearing a crown look a like hair band and there’s more light now on the stage. 
2. Malta - The Busker - Dance (our own party)
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This is worst spot in semifinals to perform as second in Eurovision. Lots of good entries have failed because 15 other amazing songs will follow and people tend to forget. However, Malta’s lively and colourful performance does stand a chance. The song stands out with its saxophone sound. If this did go through would I be sad, definitely not but being where it is, second and between two dark songs (Norway, Serbia) I say this is OUT.
3. Serbia - Luke Black -  Samo mi se spava (Само ми се спава)
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One of my faves this year but I know a lot of people who’re not warming up to this Hatari II. However, their staging looks improved and Luke’s performing very confident. This kind of dark pop is exciting for many! In Eurovision it doesn’t matter how many haters you have but how many lovers, based on the interest in Spotify / Youtube I’d say this might appeal enough voters to be IN.
4. Latvia - Sudden lights -  Aijā
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Indieband with a strong chorus. In the national selection the staging didn’t impress me but this is one of my faves again. Lamps are there though but there’s a good energy in here which I hope will come across to the audience.  This is still boarderline, this can go to either direction. But I have faith so IN. 
5. Portugal - Mimicat -  Ai coração
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Portugal has been topping their game in preparties and even though you wouldn’t like this kind cabaree music - this is very authentic, catchy, memorable. And she can sing and perform - true pro! The stage looks a bit empty without the couch but I do have faith in Portuguese staging skills because they have nailed it during the few previous years. I still say IN.
6. Ireland - Wild Youth - We are one
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Why the producers put this at 6th? If this had been an opener for this semi Wild Youth could have had a chance. However, they’re going all the way with the staging, using every inch of that stage: we have golden body, pyros, stairs - we know the guy can sing but the song is a bit generetic and forgettable. This breaks my heart but OUT. 
7. Croatia - Let 3 -  Mama ŠČ!
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A big fan favourite. Huge interest before going in to Eurovision, they also did well in the preparties. We saw some aspects from the pics and Tik Tok clip that we saw before (same LED screen, cannons). Not my personal favourite but a lot of people love this kind of quirky performance so IN.
8. Switzerland - Remo Forrer - Watergun
One of my personal faves this year but again - a lot of people don’t agree with me though. The anti-war song was actually written two years ago which I kind of hope would push some buttons among the voters. However, Switzerland was one of those unfortunate countries last year who went to Final with Jury votes only and received 0 points from audience. This time around Semifinals have only audience voting so I’m afraid there might be payback and especially since it’s another Swiss ballad. 
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Staging like this can be strong but the clip didn’t convince me yet. Pretty dark and they have similar strings attached to the dancers as Finland had in UMK (why are you coping??). I love this but I say OUT. 
9. Israel - Noa Kirel - Unicorn
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She’s IN. This is not my favourites to be honest, just because it’s so messy genre like. Israel was a bit of mystery to everyone because they didn’t participate to any preparties and they kept all their plans as a secret. But she sounds amazing and the Tik Tok clip and the photos promise us a spectacle. The seem to have a running unicorn in the LED screen, she’s in this bright box, upside down and in the end she’s making Chanel style break dance. This will please many for sure and high chances of becoming a top5 in the final. 
10. Moldova - Pasha Parfeni -  Soarele și luna
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This is one of the most ethnic entries this year and Pasha Parfeni is no stranger to Eurovision as he represented Moldova also back in 2012. The song is memorable, it does stand out and the live performance even just from the pictures doesn’t disappoint. Moldova is a master of creating memorable performances even with a smaller budget and there’s no way that this didn’t go through. So IN.
11. Sweden - Loreen - Tattoo
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Do I need to say this? IN. The LED sandwich so called what they used in Sweden was a lot bigger(16 m² ) but I don’t think the current size (6,25 m² ) will cause actual problems because the camera work will make it look larger. This is copy paste from Melodiefestivalen so pretty epic. A lot of people do complain however that Loreen is not bringing anything new to ESC as this does remind her victorious song Euphoria from decade ago. However, potential winning song for sure! 
12. Azerbaijan -  TuralTuranX -  Tell Me More
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One of the indie entries we have this year. I quite like it but... this is not a crowd pleaser unfortunately and in Eurovision you kind of have to be. This is such a good feel song but no. Stating isn’t doing much either, they’re standing on the platform of spaped by the heart playing their quitars. Unless there is something major happening what wasn’t revealed in the Tik Tok clips. I’m sorry, OUT. 
13.  Czechia -  Vesna -  My Sister's Crown
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There’s so much love for this entry but at the same time there’s talk that this might be the shock non-qualifier. They didn’t perform as well and confidently as people were expecting them to during the preparties. However, in their live rehearsals we see them wearing rose coloured outfits, they have long braids - there’s a message of we’re not your dolls combined with some doll movements so very strong female empowerment thing going on. This can get too messy but hard to say from the Tik Tok clip itself. I still belive this would be IN. 
14.  Netherlands -  Mia Nicolai & Dion Cooper -  Burning Daylight
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Another sleepy ballad. I don’t hate it. And to be honest this has the strongest ballad staging I’ve seen so far. Mia and Dion are standing on this moving platform and walking towards, around, from each other. This can be a moment, beautiful one. Their voices go nicely together. BUT this comes after a strong Czechia and before Finland. I don’t see this year being very kind to the ballads, people are clearly having more reactions (clicks, listens etc) towards the quirky songs of ESC 2023. I say OUT. 
15. Finland - Käärijä - Cha Cha Cha 
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A big fan favourite when going in for the rehearsals. Many didn’t expect Käärijä’s team to change the stating at all actually because it was pretty damn good already at the UMK. However, they have upgraded it. They have this big wooden box on the stage, according to photos and the Tik Tok clip he’s in it at some point and also the dancers where they emerge at one point. The silhouette is awesome! Great add and super powerful! There’s pyro at the end also, colours of the rainbow - the human snake has movement. This is so good! If Finland doesn’t win the ESC alltogether I do belive this will make the televotes to explode at the semi for sure! IN! 
What do you think of the songs in Semifinal 1 and who do you think will qualify? Talk to me in the comments below! 
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brekker-by-brekkerr · 2 years
live reaction 3x08 part 1
Starting off strong with some Jetwen and Caswen content okay
Oh no Big Red this is so awkward oh my stars
Ricky hasn’t even read the whole show?? What the heck?? Like, I’ve been trying to give him somewhat of a pass because even though he doesn’t have as much responsibility as EJ, he has some responsibility as the lead, but the fact that he hasn’t even read the show…like I get they only have two weeks to perform it but the least you could do is take the time to read the whole script. This just goes to show how little everyone is doing in comparison to EJ and once again this is not fair at all. Especially since EJ and Ricky are the same age now you can’t even say EJ “deserves” it because he’s older (which is also such a fricked up thing to say in the first place)
Having Emmy (I think that’s her name) sing the beginning of this is real…I have no investment in this child she’s barely been in this season lol. Okay I think it somewhat makes sense but still
Ahh everyone looks so good in their costumes
Oh this is the first time we’ve seen Jet in his costume. I wonder if we’ll get to hear him sing Hans of the Southern Isles. I hope so but like I also hope we get to hear Monster and Dangerous to Dream and so many other songs from the musical, at least clips of them. That’s the thing about having original songs and camp rock songs and high school musical songs in one season; we barely get any from each which is sad. But we’re getting Kristoff’s Lullaby!! I’m excited
“Your boyfriend is adorable” “So’s Madison” oh we all see what’s happening here oh my stars
The funny thing about Channing making them do things differently than how they rehearsed is that’s exactly what Miss Jenn did with Beauty and the Beast
“Elton!!” every time someone calls him Elton I’m living for it
“You sure?” Ricky shut the frick up EJ is the one making everything happen so you’re not allowed to have opinions sorry
Ricky and Jet fist bump stars I wish they could have been explored (I know it was ever going to happen before someone comes at me they’re just a dearly loved crackship okay)
Gina!! The way she’s looking at EJ with so much concern like my heart’s breaking
I know Nini has to leave bc Olivia’s leaving but I hate it and it’s sad because it doesn’t really make sense since we already saw her leave then realise her home is with the Wildcats
She’s not going to be at the campfire and it’s going to hurt so much
I really appreciate the “these things don’t go away in a night” comment because in a lot of shows like this they would. They would sing a song or be like wow I was brave! And then their mental health is great when that’s not really how it works
I just wish we got similar attention paid to EJ and his anxiety. The fact that he’s directing the show tonight and we don’t get to see how he’s doing or have conversations with him
Is Big Red about to reveal he’s gay
I LOVE that Kourtney is getting this screen time and actual care given to her story and this anxiety plotline is being handled SO WELL I love this. Kourtney <333333
NOOO Big Red what’s going on I really thought he was about to say “at the pizza shop I met a boy” or something not that his parents met at their age
Ah that was kind of sweet this is sad
Her going in for a hug instead of a kiss. “I’ve never been better” when she means at camp without him is like Nancy saying she was glad Jon wasn’t there
The wildcat fam smiling at her backstage because they’re all like heck yeah that’s our talented sister we love her. Like the growth from season 1 when she had to go onstage last minute to now she’s one of the leads and she’s killing it I love her I love this
Channing you’re funny but go away go away don’t do anything to Kourt’s performance
Kourtney I’m going to cry this is so good the confidence like anyone would be shook by that interruption and by having to sing without music but especially when you’re already fighting your anxiety…I’m so proud of her
Nini proudly watching from the wings same girl
THANK YOU Gina. “Don’t get me started” yes yes yes I love her
Okay Jet he’s really getting into it
Kourtney is an icon okay
Gina and Ash hugging because that’s their sister I love this so much
“If anyone sees Channing, punch him.” I love you Maddox
Ricky’s face when he said “Nini’s here” literally broke me I want to throw up. They have such a strong connection and I was worried the show would just forget that like even just as friends like we’re talking childhood besties who GAVE EACH OTHER THEIR NICKNAMES stop im crying
If we don’t get a ricky and nini goodbye I will RIOT
This better not be their last goodbye I am EMOTIONALLY UNSTABLE stop it
“We’re glad you came back” me as well
I love Ricky I love him getting pissed at Channing
The stage looks so pretty! KRISTOFF’S LULLABY I’M SO EXCITED AHH
EJ in the background looking depressed as all get out stop
I freaking love this song you don’t understand and JB is doing it so much justice it’s so good
EJ looking like he’s going to cry because Gina’s what he knows about love. stop it this is not allowed this should be illegal
Val is so pretty!!
He’s going to call his dad isn’t he
Thank you we’re getting someone supporting him and time spent on EJ thank you
My heart is breaking for EJ I fricking hate cash caswell
The break in his voice when he says “I’m proud of you EJ. How hard is that.” And Val’s encouraging nods I can’t I can’t I can’t
EJ’s going to cry I’m going to cry
EJ has been through so much this season my heart hurts
The snow this moment is so pretty and magical
NO I knew she wouldn’t be there I’m going to cry
The fact that Ricky didn’t get a letter better mean she’s giving him a goodbye in person
NO WHY IS SHE LEAVING without even so much as a goodbye to Ricky
We’re talking best friends since they were babies why why can’t they at least get idk a fricking hug
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what you really think about Harry styles in don’t worry darling and what you think about him in my policeman and he was in Dunkirk
Hi dear,
Oh I loved Harry in Dunkirk. That film is quite different. It's not character driven, but the scenes in which he was in I thought he was just perfect. I didn't see Harry Styles, I saw a young soldier who was terrified and fighting for his life alongside other soldiers in an impossible situation.
In My Policeman I also thought he was amazing. I think he was able to show Tom's inner struggles and being caught in the middle of fully surrendering to a love that was forbidden to him, and living the life that was expected of him. Harry does intimacy very beautifully, and I think the director was able to really prepare him for what this role asked of him.
I have not watched Don't Worry Darling, but I've read and seen enough clips to know the whole story and what is wrong with it. I think it was obvious this movie was a pointless vanity project in the hands of a narcissistic director who cared more about herself than directing a quality movie. It shows in his performance how rushed and ill prepared it was - especially next to Florence Pugh. Had he had time to rehearse and better direction, I think he could've given a much stronger performance. The movie as a whole lacked direction and purpose beyond being "pretty looking", so it all just comes off as a shallow and forgettable vanity project. One which he wasted 2 years of his life promoting.
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