#and the person who supposedly watches the floor I had class in said he saw nothing because he was busy in something else
pupuseriazag · 6 months
I lost my wallet at my uni today...
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aliellnea · 7 months
The loving theory- Kageyama Tobio
Heey :), I'm new to the whole writing thing but i decided to give it a chance with some fic ideas i had. I plan on making this one a multiple chapter story depending on how it goes. I will also say beforehand that this story will eventually contain smut. Some will be explicit and some won't. Also, this contains manga spoilers regarding kageyamas family and stuff so if you mind spoilers please don't read this :)
Kageyama enemies to lovers (supposedly)
Content warning: angst, mention of a family members death (that's probably it for now, aside from my very watpad plot and probably my bad english)
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The start of the school year meant fresh starts for most, yet for you, it marked the daunting prospect of navigating a new environment where familiarity was limited. Coming from Kitagawa Daiichi, the likelihood of encountering any former classmates at Karasuno seemed slim as it was located on the outside of the city. Although many of your peers enrolled at Aobajohsai, your heart remained steadfast in the desire to follow in your late father's footsteps by attending Karasuno. Thus, on the very first day of high school first year, you found herself seated in solitude during lunchtime, surrounded by your classmates engrossed in their own groups.
Looking down at your cold food you decided to go for a walk and explore the grounds you´d have to go through for the next 3 years. you weren´t that brave to go to the second- and third-years floor so you mostly walked around the school’s first and ground floor. Once outside, you started to hear people talking and a ball hitting something, and being the noisy person you were, you got closer until you reached a passageway leading to a gymnasium. That's when you saw a boy with orange hair and another with silver hair playing with a volleyball. Making sure they couldn’t see you, you watched them toss the ball around practicing bumps. It was obvious the orange haired one was a newbie since all the balls he hit where going anywhere except in the direction of the silver haired one. Unexpectedly one specific toss ended going your way making both boys aware of your presence.
“Hey, can you pass that?” said the orange haired boy.
“Hinata be more respectful” scolded the other one “Sorry, don’t mind him. Could you please pass us the ball?” he said looking at you.
“Sure, are you guys from the volleyball team?” you asked passing the ball to Hinata.
“Yes” he answered loudly “Well, not yet but I will be”
“I hope you aren’t the libero then” you tried to crack a joke.
“Oh, you know how to play?” said silver hair
“I just know the basics, I used to be a manager in my old school” answered the girl smiling awkwardly
“Really!?” screamed the boy “What school did you go to?”
“Hm.. Kitagawa daiichi” you said in a low tone watching the boy’s face drop a little.
“The king’s school? But I didn’t see you at the match the last tournament” you cringed a little over the nickname and the mood dropped visibly.
“Yeah, by that time I already quit managing for the team” you responded quietly
“Shoyo, I think it’s time for you to go back to class or you’ll be late. I’m Sugawara koushi by the way, nice to meet you” he said grabbing the younger boys shoulders, and you thanked him mentally for changing the subject.
“Oh sorry, I’m (Y/N) nice to meet you senpai” you said noticing the boys shoe color.
“I’m Hinata Shoyo, please be our manager” he introduced himself while being dragged by the older boy.
 “I’ll think about it” you almost to herself since the boys already left.
Then you started thinking about how you didn’t expect to hear that nickname ever again. You obviously knew who Hinata was referring to since you still talked to most of theteammates you had back at Kitagawa daiichi and knew what happened back in the tournament Hinata talked about. You hurried and took out your phone and messaged Kunimi to ask him about your new acquaintance.
-Hey Aki, do you happen to know a short guy with orange hair? You played against him last year probably-
After hitting send you quickly went back to class, not without the feeling that something was off.
Not long after the initial encounter with the two boys, you found yourself repeatedly bumping into them in the hallways and even at the exact spot where youfirst met. You often joined them during their practice sessions, and it became somewhat of a routine for the week.
"I never asked, but why are you practicing during your free period? Don't you have official club hours at the gymnasium?" you inquired, sipping from a carton of milk you had purchased from the vending machine.
"Well, technically, I'm not in the club," Hinata responded. "Didn't you hear about the incident with the subdirector?"
"Oh my god, that was you?" youexclaimed, laughing. "I heard about it from some girls in my class. But that still doesn't explain why you're practicing out here."
"It's sort of like a penalty. Tomorrow, they have to play against the other two first-years who joined the club. If they win, they get to stay in," Suga explained.
"Wait, they? Who else has to play?"
“Another first year that was involved on the incident”
"The king, Kageyama. Do you know him? He also went to your school" Hinata interjected with a sour expression.
At the mention of that name, you paused for a moment, your breath catching in your throat. Your expression must have shifted noticeably, as the senpai's next words were, "Hey, are you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost."
"Yes, sorry, I have to go now," the girl hurriedly responded, quickly making her exit, leaving the two boys behind.
It couldn't be, you thought. He shouldn't be at this school. Why would he? After treating you the way he did, how could he choose the high school you had told him so many times you would attend?
Lost in your thoughts, you collided with a solid figure, nearly stumbling backward. Thankfully, you were caught just in time by the person you bumped into. Looking up, you was about to apologize until you recognized the boy standing in front of you.
Kageyama hadn't anticipated having to confront her so soon. Well, truth be told, he didn't often think things through. But in that moment, he wished he had at least considered what he might say if they ran into each other.
“Hi” he said like he was out of breath “I-”
"Keep it," spat the girl before he could say anything else. She turned around sharply, her footsteps echoing as she strode away, leaving Kageyama standing there, speechless, with a weighty silence enveloping the space between them.
He couldn’t do much except return to class and contemplate what to say in case he happened to see you again. However, he didn’t expect to be questioned by Hinata about you.
"How do you know her?" he scowled.
"Suga senpai and I met her the first day while practicing. She's been coming to keep us company ever since. She's super nice and knows how to play volleyball. It's too bad she doesn’t want to be part of the club," responded Hinata. "Do you know her?"
"Of course I know her, dumbass. We went to the same school, and she managed our club," he retorted.
"Weren't you friends? Why are you making such an ugly face? You’re gonna end up like that permanently if you don’t stop," said the boy, completely serious.
"Shut up, you idiot. How come you’ve been practicing all week and you are shittier than before?" countered the raven-haired boy
"You shut up. This is all your fault. Why did you even come to this school?" he said defensively.
"It's none of your business. If you’re not going to shut up, you can practice alone. Not like you’re going to get any better," said the raven-haired boy before storming off.
Kageyama never envisioned himself attending Karasuno in the first place. His initial preference was clearly Shiratorizawa, but without the recommendation letter and failing all the entrance exams by a wide margin, it remained an unattainable dream. Aoba Johsai was also out of the question; he couldn’t fathom playing alongside his former teammates after the fallout from their last match in elementary school, not to mention the potential blow to his ego from encountering his old senpais. However, upon hearing of Coach Ukai's return, he concluded that Karasuno was his best option, even if it meant potentially seeing her every day.
Truth be told, he caught sight of her on the very first day of the opening ceremony. Amidst the sea of unfamiliar faces, he couldn’t help but seek her out. She appeared paler and thinner than the last time he saw her, back when he uttered those regrettable words, instructing you to stay away from him. Following that incident, she left the club, and he didn’t get a hold on her even at graduation. He regretted those words the moment they left his lips, but it was too late; she departed while tears streamed down her face.
He was too ashamed to talk to (Y/N), so during the first week, he did everything in his power to avoid her. Choosing longer routes to ensure they wouldn't cross paths, delaying his departure from home until he was certain she hadn't left hers – all because they were neighbors. He couldn't fathom how the two of them never crossed paths during the holidays before the start of school. At one point, he even wondered if her family had moved after her father's passing. Throughout the summer, his sister scolded him for not reaching out to her, but he honestly didn't know what to say. Although he attended the funeral with his family, he left before she could spot him, convinced he didn't deserve her forgiveness.
He couldn't bring himself to approach her and ask for forgiveness. After losing his grandfather, he felt lost, and truth be told, he still did. Yet, amidst his constant mood changes, she remained by his side, a fact he was too blind to acknowledge. All the efforts (Y/N) made to distract him from his loss, and he lacked the courage to express how sorry he was for her own. He only knew of her because she kept in contact with his sister, and he was somewhat relieved knowing she had someone like his sister to provide comfort.
Why did everything have to be this difficult? He couldn’t help but think.
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alexdelray1 · 1 month
Taigen x Mizu
I'm making an AU (Alternative universe) because I have no idea for canon.
I hope you like it :)
Another day, another training session.
This is the life I've been living since I joined the karate club. For 7 years. There are only guys there, which makes it better for me.
I'm 17 now and it's getting a bit boring. I'm the best in the group and I win every fight. At first it was satisfying, but now it's just the norm.
-Taigen! Do you want to teach me this move that I still can't learn during today's class?- Riku ran up and asked me with a smile.
-Which one? - I asked, but Riku didn't answer because the Master called us.
-I have an announcement! - The Master said. Everyone quickly ran up and stood in line in front of him.
-Yes Sensei-sama! - Everyone shouted and bowed.
-Today we will have a new student. Don't worry. She knows a lot more than you and you will probably learn from her. - The Master said.
Wait! Her? A female??? No! A woman? She supposedly knows more than me? Maybe from them, but from me? Definitely not. Not from me.
-Everyone welcome Mizu. - The Master ordered and we stood up from the bow.
-Hello. - I heard a female voice. A girl our age came out from behind the door to our room. Black hair, quite tall, athletic and her blue slanted eyes. Oh. So half Japanese. It's not that rare now, but I've never really seen someone of a different race in person.
Mizu stood next to the Master with a more bored expression on her face.
-Mizu trained very hard. Although she's more of my help in teaching you. I haven't been in the best shape lately. I hope you'll learn a lot from her.- The Master said. And then I saw the black stripe on her. Surprise.
-Yes sensei-sama!- we shouted back.
-Now you have to practice your moves with each other. Mizu will watch over you. She can take you all down. I'm not joking.- The Master said and left the room. Mizu's gaze said it all.
Everyone started to line up in pairs. Every time they lost, they had to change partners. First, I fought Riku and won. The next people also lost to me. Mizu was looking at us at the same time. Let her see how I win.
-Taigen, how do you do it, bro? You win against anyone.- Kenji asked me and hung on my shoulder.
-Work and talent. You too will be able to do that someday.- I said with a proud smile.
-I bet you can knock this chick out. - Kaito announced. This caught everyone's attention. Even Mizu.
Fighting her will be easy. Maybe I can teach her some moves and she will admire me.
I approached Mizu with a slight smile.
-I challenge you to a duel Mizu. - I said loudly so everyone could hear. The girl first looked irritated that she could no longer look at others and exhaled with a slight smile.
-So be it. I accept the offer. - she replied.
We stood in the middle of the room opposite each other. Everyone was looking at us.
We bowed to each other and it began.
-Come on Taigen!-
-You got it Taigen!-
-Show us the honor of our club!-
To end this quickly and get to the 'Oh Taigen, you're so strong' part I dealt the first punch to her stomach.
Why am I on the floor?
-Oh my God! She knocked him down in a second!-
-How is that possible?!-
-You see Taigen. Master warned you.- said Mizu standing in front of me.
-Once again! I need a rematch!- I announced and stood up.
-No problem.- said Mizu.
We stood opposite each other again. We bowed.
Now I dealt her a punch with my leg to the side.
-AAAAAAAAHHHHH!- I screamed when Mizu took my leg and threw me on the mattress behind her.
-Oh shit.-
-How is that possible?-
-She's almost at the level of the master.-
-Hahahahahahahaha!- we heard male laughter at the door. It was the master!
-I knew that as soon as Taigen heard about someone stronger than him, he would have to fight. That's why I invited my best student here.- said the Master and approached us.
-Your student? But she was never with us, Master.- Kenji argued.
-Mizu is my adopted daughter who I've been teaching since the same moment as you, but Mizu is much more durable and stronger. Mizu was supposed to teach you to have more respect for women, not to judge by appearance, and to punch you in the balls.- explained the Master.
-Ohhh….- everyone exhaled.
For the rest of the lesson, we learned from Mizu and fought among ourselves.
-Mizu, I'll wait for you in the car. - The master said to Mizu. The girl mumbled okay while putting her things in her bag.
-Why are you looking at Mizu, Taigen? - Riku asked me.
-Nothing. - I replied with a blush and looked away from her.
-Maybe ask her out on a date until she runs away from you and to talk to her next time you'll have to get to the master's house. - Kenji said. I saw that Mizu had already left the building.
I ran and saw that she was about to open the car door.
-Mizu! - I shouted and ran to her.
-Hm? - she looked in my direction.
-Do you want to meet up and practice with me sometime? - I asked with a slight blush.
-Have my number. Call me when you want to practice. - she said with a slight smile and gave me a piece of paper. She got into the car and as it was about to drive away she winked at me.
-TAIGEN IS A SIMP! TAIGEN IS A SIMP!- the boys started shouting as they were leaving the building.
I hope you liked it ;)
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dogloveri23 · 2 years
A monster
Pairing: Ayanokoji Kiyotaka x reader
Warning: Spoilers, bullying, slight innapropriate statement
A/n: I am trying to write for some anime I watch and not my usual genshin. I have not watch classroom of the elite in a while. Spoilers for season 2. Odd writing style idk why.
Originally written by @dogloveri23
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It made no sense, how it was even possible? He was a monster! You paced around your bedroom struggling to think as your mind replayed the horrible scene you had just witnessed. Why did it have to be you? It wasn't supposed to happen! Of all the boys you could have fallen for, it had to be him.
On any normal day, you were somewhat of an anime addict, the posters in your room, the videos, the otome games, you were into a lot of anime tropes but never in your life did you expect to meet an actual Kuudere! Ayanokoji was cool and nonchalant, before you knew it, you had developed a crush on him. Sure, something about Ayanokoji just didn't sit right in your spirit and you couldn't explain why you fell for him while suspecting him at the same time!
You had managed to be in his and Horikita's inner circle, he didn't seem like he cared much about anything that was going on, and he had a dark undertone too. Not to mention, the school you attended with them had their own issues. Who gives a task on a cruise ship? You barely understood the rules of the VIP game you were partaking in and it would decide whether or not you had enough points to survive on campus. Being in this school had you in Shikamaru's mood most of the time!
You were lucky enough to be put in the same group as Ayanokoji, but the whole discussion and proposal went in one ear and out the other. Class A and Class B were running the proposals while the rest of the classes watched in silence. No matter what 'teams' we were supposedly on, each person was more loyal to their class. You could not trust anything they said, furthermore, you were hardly a complicated person. 'Find the VIP' was our task, not going through some sherlock holmes mind mapping.
You left soon after class A, not interested in the rest of the conversation, these students could hardly work together when their life depended on it. The first meeting was a waste of your time, you were better off taking a wild guess. Not to mention, Ichinose was pretty vocal which made her a viable suspect. No one suspects the person who is loudest and most open. Then again Class A were also suspects, separating from group questioning was a great cover to protect the VIP and Kei could also be a suspect as she was always on her phone. All things put into consideration, you could narrow them down if you really wanted to.
Day by day, the whole thing was a mess and yet this Ayanokoji dude remained calm for the whole thing! It was traumatising, to say the least. You were in a deadlock for quite some time, you had no idea how you were going to find the VIP. You thought it was going to be a normal day, have a meeting and binge anime. Yet that's when you saw it. You were walking down the hallway when you caught wind of Ayanokoji. You were about to call out to him but he walked toward a strange area. He was heading for the boiler room of the ship. "Where is he going?", you asked yourself as you struggled to keep yourself hidden. You couldn't believe what you saw next! Kei getting bullied and Ayanokoji standing there and then telling her to spread her legs, exchanging numbers?! What the hell was going on? You could make out the conversation but each moment you stayed there, you found it harder to breathe. Just who exactly or what exactly was he? You left the boiler room and ran. You could barely think straight. This was not what you expected! He was not what you thought!  "Y/n, why are you running?", Horikita asked as you sped by her and went straight to your room. Ayanokoji was a monster! Monsters couldn't have friends, monsters couldn't be considerate, monsters couldn't love!
You sat on the floor your hands on either side of your face trying to calm down. Your phone buzzed distracting you from your panic momentarily. A message from the monster himself appeared momentarily on your phone screen reading "Let's talk".
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to-boldly-nope · 3 years
Green With Envy- Bones x Reader
Pairing: Bones McCoy x Gender Neutral Reader
Plot (requested by @paper-and-stardust): Could I have some jealous!Bones/reader? Like maybe they're at a party somewhere and someone keeps hitting on them, bonus points if they weren't together yet.
Words: 537
Warning: Bones punches someone
Bones glared as he downed another shot of whiskey. He, personally, didn’t like the guy who was flirting with you. Bones found him annoying, ignorant even, and someone that was no good for you.
“Bones, what are you doing here?” Kirk asked as he sat next to the doctor at the bar. It was weird to see the Leonard McCoy at a party with his supposedly always busy schedule. And he’d rather die than to admit that the only reason why he was at the party was to make sure that jerk made sure didn’t pull anything on you.
“I got bored,” Bones told him as he admired his shot glass.
“You got bored,” Kirk repeated slowly, not believing what Bones just said. “There’s no medical reports to be done?”
“Alright, then. Just don’t spend too much time drinking, have some more fun,” Kirk smiled while patting Bones’ shoulder and taking a few beers.
Bones heard you laughing and he looked towards your direction. The other guy was not worthy of your love and compassion. The other guy just didn’t deserve you in general.
You looked over and saw Bones staring at you. You smiled and waved at him to come over, but he simply shook his head and went towards Jim, who wasn’t far from the two of you.
“You’re friends with that old grump?” Pete asked.
“He’s not that grumpy,” you giggled. “At least not towards me.”
“I mean, with someone as attractive as you, I wouldn’t dare be grumpy,” Pete complimented.
You laughed him off, thinking that he was being nice. He was just being nice, right? One of your favorite songs came on and you smiled.
“You like this song?”
“One of my favorites,” you told Pete. “It has such a nice bass line.”
“You wanna dance?”
Pete took your hand and dragged you towards the dance floor. You watched as Bones’ eyes followed the two of you.
Pete put his hands on your hips and made you sway against him. You thought it was just good fun, and it was. Two songs in, you heard someone cough behind the two of you.
Pete let you go and went to see who it was. Of course it was Leonard McCoy.
“Bones, what the hell?!” You yelled as Pete groaned, he was laying on the ground and he was holding his jaw.
“He was annoying me and I didn’t like the way he was touching you,” Bones huffed as he grabbed your hand. “We’re leaving.”
“I’m not leaving!” You yelled while taking your hand back.
"And why not?"
"You can't be telling me what to do because you're jealous of someone!"
"I'm not jealous," Bones scoffed while crossing his arms.
"You are! You're just mad that someone took their shot before you because you were too scared and you can't handle that fact!"
He was quick to grab you and pull you into a kiss. Bones was tired of that boy and tired of hiding his feelings behind jealousy. You heard Pete storm off as your and Bones’ lips moved as one.
You, honestly, didn’t like Pete that much anyway.
“Can we leave now?” Bones asked while pulling away.
“Yeah, we can.”
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I’ll be back
Pairing: Levi x reader
warning: language, beating, sad, angst, attempt sexual assault.
summary: Levi loved someone who was too young to love and decided to break her would be better. He was wrong.
Prompt: People think the lion fell in love with the lamb but it was the other way around. The lamb fell in love with the lion…
Right before he broke her heart;  Before he destroyed her; Before he tore her into pieces…
“And so the lion fell in love with the lamb…”
The Lion and The Lamb
 Levi Ackerman
Originally posted by aurieackerman
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The Lion.
He was cruel but not cruel enough to walk past the please of a girl in need. Sighing in annoyances he followed the young girls scream into an alley. He leaned against a wall for a moment watching a young girl struggle against three men.
She kicked, punched, and clawed as the men laughed and beat her down. She looked about 12 Years old maybe younger. She wore sandals and a white dress that obviously wasn’t white anymore.
The Lamb.
He tensed up when he saw one of the men begin to unbuckle his pants. This was where he drew the line.
“hey” he shouted pushing off the wall and walked towards them “that’s enough, leave her alone”
“Hey pal, mind your own business just keep walking.” One guy steps forward he was about 5′9 with blonde hair he had a tooth gap and smelled heavily of booze, all of them smelled heavily of booze they were all filthy.
He scoffed and looked as the blonde approached and put a hand on his shoulder, a filthy hand, bad idea. As quick as he could he kicked the guy in the back of his leg making him drop to his knees then took his arm and kneeing it snapping it in two. The blonde screeched and fell back.
“Holy shit. He snapped Gavin’s arm. He fucking snapped Gavin’s arm” another guy yelled trembling as he backed away. He seemed to be the youngest of the three and the most scared.
“Get Him” the other guy shouted he was fatter and bald. He was the one with his pants unbuckled he was holding the girl’s head in his hands.
“I’m out of here”
“Charlie. Charlie, Charlie get your ass back here, Charlie”
“Fuck you Riley” the bald guy, Riley, groaned and looked towards the guy about to kick his ass.
“you think you’re tough”
the so-called tough guy pulled out a pocket knife “ I think I’m annoyed and disgusted by you pigs” taking a large step he thrust his knife into Riley’s shoulder forcing him to cry out and step off the girl. Pulling back he slashed his face and Riley fell back.
“I should get you like the pig you are” he turned away from him and to the girl.
He took a knee beside her “are you okay?” she continued to just look forward and sob. Her right eye was swollen shut her face bloody and bruised. She couldn’t feel anything.
“where do you live?” she crooked out her address he then picked her up and took her home.
“what’s your name?” he asked as he bandaged her up
“ (y/n) (L/n)”.
The Lamb.
“Levi Ackerman”.
The Lion.
“where’s the rest of your family?” Levi asked.
“My- my brother is a soldier, scout regime, left last year”
he’s probably died Levi thought “where are your parents?” the room fell silent Levi didn’t think she heard him “where’s your -”
“dead. Everyone died. I’m alone”. Her brother took care of her all of her life. Her mother was a prostitute who abandons her children when it got too hard. Their aunt was generous to pick them up and take care of them the best she could. But two weeks ago she had fallen and never recovered. (y/n) was left to fend for herself, which she was doing poorly at.
Levi finished fixing up her face then cleaned up, he meant to clean up the mess he made but ended up cleaning the whole house. (y/n) watched from her seat on the couch. This man, Levi, was very sweet and kind or at least seemed that way.
“how old are you?” Levi asked swiping the floors
“12″ she answered. Levi was 21.
“This place is dirty”
“I’m sorry”
“it’s fine I’ll teach you. How long have you been alone?” Levi asked as he checked her cabin which were empty
“four days”.
“Alright, I’ll be back” that’s what he said as he left (y/n) though it meant a few minutes or hours, in reality, he meant a few days. When Levi returned he waltzed right in and headed to the kitchen with bags. (y/n) didn’t know this and grabbed a bat she tiptoed into the kitchen seeing the intruder she raised the bat alone her head and swung down the intruder caught it.
“listen hear you ungrateful little brat” immediately she dropped that bat and began to apologize. Levi ignored her and continued to put things away. Her cabin was now stocked with food and cleaning supplies.
“I’ll be back” once again he was gone this time he didn’t return for two weeks. When he came back it was late at night and you were trying to go to bed when she got up and saw Levi in the middle of her living room she broke into tears Levi once again ignore her tears.
“I’ve brought books,” he said placing a stack of books on the kitchen table.
“where did you go?” once again ignored Levi checked her cabin she was still stocked. Looking at her he noticed her clothes were a bit small.
“I’ll be back … with clothes”
“no wait please” (y/n) said but it’s too late and Levi’s out the door.
Once again she was alone. Levi comes and went as he please which hurt (y/n) a lot. Having no friends or family (y/n) was left alone. Ever since that incident with three men, she didn’t risk going outside. The only person she had to connect with is Levi and he never stayed. And it hurt (y/n) every time he left because she never knew when he’d be back but she kept hope in her little breaking heart that he would.
The relationship continued like this for a little under a year until Levi stopped coming for good. Unknowing to (y/n) Levi was forced to join the scout regiment with his two loyal friends, siblings. For a year (y/n) learned to fend and steal for herself and once again she was alone but more alone than before. The underground was not a place for a child alone yet here she is.
A year after leaving Levi returned. (y/n) came back home to find Levi on her couch reading a book that he brought her long ago.
“you’re back” (y/n) said as she got teary-eyed she immediately tried to hug him but he got up before she reached him “ I stocked your cabin“
“where have you been?” she asked sitting on her knees on the couch “The place is really clean. You’ve done well” he ignores her question. She didn’t need to know his business what he did was his problem. She needed to stay in her child-like world and stop asking the question before she got answers she didn’t like. But she was going to have to get an answer she wasn’t going to like
“14, right?”
“excuse me?”
“you’re 14, now, right? 14 years old”
“yeah,” he nods acknowledging her.
“where did you go?” (y/n) asked again wiping tears away Levi didn’t say anything he walked over to the coat rack pulling something from his jacket a letter. He placed it on the kitchen table. It was a letter that contains an answer she didn’t like to a question she never asked.
Levi left standing outside the house he stood there he heard her crying. Now she knew her brother wasn’t coming home. Levi walked away as he knew he formed another crack in her already breaking heart. Levi never came back after that.
A few months later wall Maria fell and (y/n), The Little Lamb, made a choice to follow Levi, The bold Lion. 5 years later they’d be introduced to each other again by Commander Erwin Smith (y/n) (L/n) as a new and top recruit and Levi Ackerman as the Captain of the top scout regime squad.
“Levi I’d like you to meet Cadet (L/n) the top recruit of her class and new recruit ago he found her a child in the street him an early young man. He caught uncertain feelings for her in her young supposedly teenage years and his early adult years. He tried to keep her safe and healthy and away from danger while keeping his distance with his uncertain feelings. And also breaking her heart hoping she’d never feel the same. But she did at a very young age, she did.
The Lamb fell in love with The Lion as he tried not to love her. But in the end, The Lion fell in love with The Lamb which he had broken.
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Red Stud (Part 1/3)
Title: Red Stud
Author:  Kat
Reader Gender:  N/A
Word Count: 8700
Summary: A look at how Jensen met Misha and began their journey. Partner to Submissive but can be read by itself. 
Warnings: AU, Sub!Jensen, Dom!Misha, Humiliation!Kink, 
A/N:  Seriously, not for the faint of heart. No hate. Inspiration belongs to @impala-dreamer
Thank you to @deansbxtch for being my beta
Character: Jensen Ackles x Misha Collins
@dr-dean @drarina1737 @zombitch-cas @teamfreewill92 @winecatsandpizza @bees0are0awesome @sierra-grace1227 @chenshemesh1 @weepinghollywoodatsupernatural @im-in-every-fandom-fangirl @rosescarlett @pandazombie69
“What are you doing this weekend, Jensen?” Jared asked as they walked to their ten a.m. biology class. 
“Nothing. Maybe doing that ‘American Ideals’ paper for the capstone class,” Jensen responded, heaving his backpack into a more comfortable position. “Why did we take half our classes on Friday?” 
“To have Mondays and Tuesdays off,” Jared laughed. “Anyway, there’s a rave happening at this club I know of. Wanna go?” 
“A rave? Like, an actual rave, not a house party?” 
“Yeah! They have strippers until Midnight, then it turns into a Rave. It goes until the morning I’ve heard. They also have some BDSM rooms, supposedly, but you have to be a member to go in there.”
“What’s the cover?” Jensen asked. 
“Fifty,” Jared said. 
“That’s cheap for Vegas.”
“That’s the whole point! Anyway, what do you think?” 
“As long as you don’t kidnap me into a BDSM room, I’m fine,” Jensen joked. 
“Ugh,” Jensen groaned. The taste in his mouth made his stomach turn over. It was like something had crawled in there and died. He sat up, careful to extract himself from the unknown man in his bed. His ass still had a dull throb from the previous night. 
Slowly getting out of his bed, careful not to wake up his partner from last night, Jensen made his way to the bathroom of the apartment he shared with Jared. He could hear the sounds of throwing up from inside. 
“Jare, I’m coming in to brush my teeth!” He hollered, opening the door. 
Jared wasn’t the one in the bathroom. A brunette was heaving over the toilet. 
“Oh, shit, sorry!” He said. She looked over at him. 
“You’re naked,” She stated. 
“Sorry,” he said again, and shut the door. 
The door to the apartment opened and Jared came down the hall with a drink holder of coffee. He handed one coffee to Jensen, who took it with a word of thanks and took a drink. 
“Still throwing up?” He asked, nodding to the bathroom. 
“Uh, yeah,” Jensen responded. “I’m gonna go put on pants.” 
As he pulled on a pair of soft sweatpants, the man still in Jensen’s bed stretched and then sat up. Jensen handed him his coffee. The man took a deep drink and handed it back. 
“Thanks,” he said, getting up and stretching again. “What a party, eh?”
“Wild,” Jensen agreed. The man’s deep voice and electric blue eyes brought a memory of last night to Jensen’s mind. 
“I’m gonna fuck you so hard. I’ll bet that’s all you want, filthy slut!”
“Yes, Sir! Please fuck me!”
“Oh, fuck, it’s nearly three!” 
He stood up and quickly dressed, gathering the pieces of clothing that had been tossed into various parts of the room. 
“Got any cologne I can borrow?” He asked. 
“Yeah, on the dresser,” Jensen responded, watching the man get dressed. When the man came up to him, Jensen realized he was nearly as tall as he was, with dark, disheveled hair, and those electric blue eyes that made Jensen feel as though he could see right through him. 
“Thanks for last night,” He whispered, Jensen smirked and they kissed.
“See ya around,” Jensen said when they broke apart, though he knew he wouldn’t. 
“That party was insane,” Jared said as they sat down on the couch in the small living room. 
“I don’t remember much,” Jensen grunted.
“You’ll get some pieces back like usual.” 
“Did we… Take anything?” He asked. 
“Besides a shit load of alcohol? I don’t think so,” Jared responded absently, scrolling on his phone. “Why?” 
“Just wondering.”
“We gotta do that again,” Jared sighed, happily. 
“I won’t,” a female voice said. The girl had come around the corner, purse in her hand. “Sorry for spewing my guts out.” 
“You okay?” Jared asked. 
“Yeah. I’m gonna go,” She turned to Jensen. “You should get on a pole more often.” 
“Excuse me?” 
“You don’t remember?” She asked, then continued. “You got up on stage and swung yourself around the pole like you’d been doing it for years.” 
“I did what?” He asked, incredulous. Jared snickered. 
“It was pretty awesome,” Jared muttered.
“Shut the hell up!”
A few days later, he got a text from an unknown number. He was studying in the library. 
I can’t stop thinking about you stretched around my cock, those green eyes rolling up into your head.
He looked around, worried, but no one was nearby. 
Who is this? 
It could be any of his one night stands from the last few weeks.
I’m offended, we had such a good time the other night! - Sir M
It must be that blue eyed man he met at Frenzy. What did he say his name was? It had been something strange. Another message came through. 
You were such a good slut for me. I’d love to have you for myself. - Sir M
Jensen blushed to himself. He didn’t usually sleep with the same person twice. He thought briefly about making an exception. It had been an amazing night. Most of the pieces of the night had come back. The blue eyed stranger had dominated over him, easily taking complete control of their time together. Jensen had thoroughly enjoyed it. As the memories floated to the forefront of his mind, Jensen could feel that his cock was hardening. Another message. 
I’ll bet you’re so hot and bothered right now, thinking about the way I owned you. - Sir M
Jensen finally texted back.
Yes, Sir.  
It became tradition, each month Jensen and Jared would go to a Rave night at Frenzy. They would stay until the place shut down at 5 a.m. and then crash until late afternoon. Sometimes they brought dates home, sometimes not. Sir M and Jensen continued to message each other. Sir M could be very domineering, even over a simple text and it sent thrills of excitement through Jensen’s body.
About a week after his one night stand with Sir M, Jensen walked into the studio shyly, it was his first time here. He’d been curious about pole dancing ever since that girl had told him how well he’d done. 
“Shoes off please!” The teacher, Jaz, behind the desk said sharply. “No outside shoes on the studio floor. Please sign this waiver and set your yoga mat down next to one of the poles.” 
Jensen ended up loving pole dancing, going to class three times a week in between his college classes and working a part time job. One day after class, about six months later, Jaz called his name as he was walking out the door. 
“Yeah?” He said, walking over to her, his bag slung over his shoulder and a yoga mat in his hands. 
“You’re still pretty new, but I know you like to go to Frenzy every so often. They get a lot of their talent from this studio and they’re holding closed auditions for a new male act. I was wondering if you wanted to audition? You’re one of my only male students and I think I have just the song for you.” 
Jensen stood there for a moment, his mouth hanging open. 
“Oh, I don’t know,” He said eventually, “I mainly do this for fun-”
“Strippers there, especially males, make upwards of $500 a night.” 
That was more than Jensen was making now, way more. He thought for a few moments, then relented. 
“Let me know what to do.” 
Three Saturdays in a row, he practiced one on one for three hours with Jaz. On the fourth Saturday, they ran through the entire routine twice. Jensen was sore, tired, and out of breath. 
“You’re ready,” Jaz said excitedly. “I think you’ll take the job easy.” 
“You… Sure?” Jensen said between gulps of air. 
“I’m damn sure. You’ll knock ‘em dead this afternoon!” She gave Jensen a quick hug and began to ready the studio for her next class. “Make sure you drink plenty of water-”
“And eat plenty of protein,” Jensen finished, rolling his eyes in mock annoyance. “I know.” 
That afternoon, Jensen arrived outside Frenzy at 1:30. Auditions started at 2. He showed his paperwork to the bouncer at the door and was let in. The place was a little unnerving when it was mostly empty and the lights were all on. He made his way towards the Rave Hall and saw a check-in table. He walked up to the two women. One looked up as he approached.
“Here for an interview for the bouncer positions?” She asked. 
“Uh.. no,” he said, caught slightly off guard. “I have an audition for pole dancing.” 
“Oh,” she said, surprised. “Sorry! Um, name?” 
“Ackles,” He said. 
“Got it. Locker rooms are that way,” She pointed. “Follow the signs. They’re still doing female auditions, so they may be running slightly late. Do you have a song?” 
“Yeah,” he handed over a CD with his name and audition number on it, then made his way to the locker rooms. 
As he got dressed, his nerves started to send butterflies to his stomach. He pulled on a pair of tight black cycling shorts and a plain black t-shirt. He had decided to go barefoot for this audition. From the information he had received, there would be a panel of judges and they would ask him a few questions before he danced. Jensen noticed as he waited for his name to be called that most people were doing slow and sensual songs, sometimes even emo. This made him slightly more nervous since Jaz had chosen a fast song for him. 
“Next up is Ackles! Ackles to the stage!” 
Jensen took a deep breath and then stepped out of the curtain onto the stage. He stood next to the pole and blanched slightly. It seemed like most of the auditioners were staying in the room after they’d auditioned to see the rest of the performers. Jensen only saw three other men in the audience. Then he looked at the panel of judges. Two men and a woman sat there. 
The man in the middle had electric blue eyes. Electric blue eyes that made Jensen feel as though he could see right through him. Electric blue eyes that Jensen recognized. Sir M. It knocked the breath clean out of him. 
“You used your real name?” The bearded man asked, rolling his eyes. “What’s your stage name?” 
“I..I don’t have one,” Jensen stuttered, shrugging. 
“Oh boy,” he said in annoyance. “Any tattoo-”
“Red Stud,” the blue eyed man interrupted. 
“What?” the bearded man snapped. “Collins, are you in-”
“No, I’m just giving him a stage name. Red hair and just look at those muscles! Yummy.” 
“Red Stud, I guess it works,” The man turned back to Jensen. “Tattoos?” 
“N-No,” Jensen sputtered, he started to think this had been a mistake. He grabbed the pole, noticing it was on spin. He could do the routine either way, but doing it on spin was harder. 
“Why do you want this job?” The woman asked, speaking for the first time. 
“I love to dance,” Jensen said smoothly, he was aware his voice had become more even and slightly huskier. “I can dance, and I want to make money doing what I love.” 
“Well, I think we’d love to see!” Sir M clapped his hands together. “Go on.”  
I saw him dancin' there by the record machine
I knew he must a been about seventeen
The beat was goin' strong
Playin' my favorite song
And I could tell it wouldn't be long
'Til he was with me, yeah, me
And I could tell it wouldn't be long
'Til he was with me, yeah, me, singin'
As soon as the music started,  Jensen felt right at home. As if he were back in the studio practicing with Jaz. The loud guitar strums and drum set blasted through the speakers and Jensen opened “I Love Rock N’ Roll” by flexing his biceps, rolling his hips, and showing off his muscles, visible even under the t-shirt, to the various parts of the room. People started clapping along with the beat. When the lyrics started, he climbed the pole to the top, stopping at the end of each line to do various hangs to show off his strength, flowing with the hard rock. 
I love rock n' roll
So put another dime in the jukebox, baby
I love rock n' roll
So come and take your time and dance with me
Once he reached the top of the pole, the chorus started and Jensen folded over and around the pole, holding an attitude position before quickly hip-switching to a sundial. He pulled up and inverted into a Fang, spinning quickly with the music before doing a cartwheel dismount. 
He smiled, so I got up and asked for his name
"That don't matter", he said, "'cause it's all the same"
I said, "Can I take you home where we can be alone?"
And next we were movin' on
He was with me, yeah, me
Next we were movin' on
He was with me, yeah, me singin'
He pole walked once, before unveiling his next climb. Jaz had spent the majority of their first session teaching him this complex no legs, hand-over-hand climb until Jensen could do it perfectly without falling. Jensen was surprised to hear cheers. He climbed, doing a pull up at the end of each line of music until he was at the top of the pole again. He quickly maneuvered into a cross-legged sit so his arms were free.
I love rock n' roll
So put another dime in the jukebox, baby
I love rock n' roll
So come and take your time and dance with me
Jensen tore his shirt in half splitting it down his chest, then took it off and flung it at the blue eyed judge. He then inverted into a crucifix and nose dived down the pole. Jensen gracefully dismounted as the music faded. He took a bow to the cheering audience before turning his attention towards the judges. Jensen became all too aware of the sheen of sweat covering his face and chest and felt his cheeks reddening - it had nothing to do with the workout he’d just done and everything to do with Sir M staring at him. 
“I...I thought Jaz said you were new to pole dancing,” the woman said in awe. 
“I mean, I’ve only been pole dancing for about six months,” Jensen responded, shrugging. “Should I go?” 
“Can you dance like that tonight?” Sir M asked, his voice deep and vibrating. 
“I- What?” 
“Can. You. Dance. Like that. Tonight?” He asked again, more slowly, like Jensen was hard of hearing. 
“I’d need a new black t-shirt… but yeah, I can,” Jensen felt even more blood rushing to his face. 
“Then the job is yours. You’re on at midnight,” the bearded man said. “Be here no later than 11.”
As he was walking out, he heard his name called. Turning, he was shocked to see Jared. 
“Since when do you dance?” 
“Six months or so,” Jensen said, looking away from Jared. 
“Dude, you’re insanely good!”
“Uh...Thanks. Why are you here?” 
“Got hired as a bouncer!” He said excitedly. 
“Dude, that’s awesome!” Jensen exclaimed. “I gotta go call Jazzy and tell her I got the dance slot and then get ready for tonight.” 
“I’ll see you tonight! It’s my first night too.” 
Jensen was able to meet most of the other dancers that night in the locker room. It turned out that there were only three other male dancers, so everyone shared one locker room. A girl came up to Jensen. She was dressed in a red thong and red corset. She had blonde hair that was curled in large spirals. He recognized her as the female judge from earlier. 
“Hi, Red,” She said, smacking some gum and winking at him. 
“Hey,” He nodded. 
“Come on, I’m gonna show you the ropes and rules. I’m Cherie by the way. So, tonight. They’re just going to have you open the Rave with your routine, but people will still throw tips at you. Each of us also has a jar at the bar where people can place tips, too. Don’t forget to empty it before you leave for the night. If you have any problems with patrons on the floor, grab one of the bouncers. After a couple weeks, you might do some dancing for tips, or they might have you out on the floor to do lap dances and such. I dunno, Mish will let you know.” 
“‘Mish?’” Jensen asked. 
“Misha Collins?” She looked at him incredulously. “Big blue eyes, stubbled jaw, orgasm inducing voice?” 
“Oh, him.” 
“Yeah, him. Let's get some makeup on you.”
Jensen fidgeted as midnight approached. His butterflies were even bigger now and he worried he’d mess up the entire routine. As the acts neared his, the music got faster. Cherie was just before him in the lineup, her song started, ‘Cherry Pie’ by Warrant. Jensen warmed his body and put grip aid on his hands. Cherie came through the curtain. She had removed the corset during her act and was down to her red thong and pasties. 
“Good luck, Red,” She winked at him. 
He swallowed hard and entered the stage through the curtain. A few whistles met him. 
“Please welcome to the stage, our newest dancer. His debut performance right here, right now! RED STUD!” the emcee announced. 
‘I Love Rock N’ Roll’ started and Jensen began his routine. He only slipped once and it was barely noticeable. Cheers and applause met him and he bowed. Then, he quickly picked up the cash tips that had been tossed onstage and exited. He’d made nearly $250 from tips he’d picked up off the stage.
Jensen made his way to the bar after he put on another black shirt from his locker. The lights shut off completely and black light turned on. Glow sticks lit up the room. A thumping bass beat blared through the speaker. Jensen sat down at the bar in an open seat and waited for the bartender to see him. The bartender came over to him. 
“What can I get ya?” He yelled over the thick bass beat. 
“Shot of whiskey!” He yelled back. As he went to hand over a ten, a hand caught him. Jensen turned to see Misha standing right next to him. He was wearing a red t-shirt that was a size too small and stretched dangerously over his shoulders. Up close, Jensen was able to see just how handsome the man- Misha- really was. 
“On the house!” He yelled to the bartender. “And make it two!” 
Jensen and Misha tapped glasses and took the shots together. After four more shots each, Jensen was feeling much more free and relaxed. Misha tapped his hand against his shoulder. 
“Come with me!” He yelled. 
Misha dragged Jensen into the Rave and they began to dance together. After the second song they were both drenched in sweat and the alcohol was really hitting Jensen’s head. He hadn’t eaten anything in a few hours. Misha raised his hand to his mouth and swallowed. Then raised his hand to his mouth again. This time he grabbed Jensen’s face and began kissing him. Jensen opened his mouth in surprise and Misha shoved his tongue in and Jensen felt a small pill. Guessing what it was, he swallowed and continued to make out with Misha. 
Within ten minutes, the drug was taking effect. Jensen began to feel remarkably loose, happy and floaty. Misha was grinding against his ass and Jensen didn’t mind one bit. The music thrummed heavily through his head, his heart speeding up to match the rapid music. The bass beat dropped and Misha was reaching around palming Jensen’s half hard cock through the shorts he was wearing. His moan was lost in the music as he leaned back into Misha’s solid body. 
Then, Misha was pulling him along, through the waves of people. They reached a door on the other side and Misha pushed him through it. They were in a back hallway and Misha pushed Jensen into another room. The lights flicked on. Noise was completely silenced when the door closed but Jensen’s head pounded with the remnants of the bass line. 
“Should we be in here?” Jensen asked, eyes widening as he took in the sight of the room. It was a smaller room, but it was beautiful and dangerous. The walls were red, the carpet was plush and black. A few sex toys were scattered around and Jensen could only imagine what was in the armoire at the other side of the room. There was also a double bed in the corner behind the door. 
“It’s my private room,” Misha said. 
“A private room?” 
Misha came up behind him and began kissing and nipping at his neck. Misha grabbed the hem of Jensen’s shirt and dragged it over his head before going back to kissing his neck. Jensen moaned lightly. 
“Owning the place does have its perks,” Misha growled, his voice low and lust-filled. 
Jensen turned to face Misha and pulled the other man’s shirt off. Misha pulled Jensen over to the bed and pushed him down on it. As Misha kicked his jeans off and leaned down on top of Jensen, something clicked into place. 
“Are you a Dom?” Jensen asked. 
“You could most certainly say that,” Misha laughed. 
“I’ve never really… Except that night with you and I don’t remember everything.” 
“Well, it’s up to you, but I promise I’ll make it worth it if you stay, Boy,” the voice slipped down a few notes and Misha reached a hand into Jensen’s hair and pulled lightly. A rush of pleasure flowed through his body. Jensen moaned. “What are your limits?” 
“Nothing too crazy, I’m, uh, pretty vanilla you could say.” 
“Vanilla it is, but next time we do things my way,” Misha smirked before kissing Jensen again. Blood rushed to his face and his cock, making his brain spin. He laughed into Misha’s mouth, the feeling of euphoria enveloping him again. 
As Jensen began to swim into consciousness, he squeezed his eyes shut more tightly. His head was pounding, his muscles ached, his ass hurt, and his mouth was as dry as the deserts surrounding Las Vegas. Slowly, he opened his eyes and looked around the room. He had no idea where he was. The room was lit softly through thick curtains. The walls were a cool grey and matched the bedding. An unopened water bottle was sitting on the nightstand and Jensen grabbed it, cracking it open and taking a deep drink. 
“I was thinking I was going to have to come wake you up. It’s nearly five,” Misha’s voice startled Jensen, and he looked around to see Misha standing in the doorway. 
“I’d have been up at three if you hadn’t slipped me Ecstasy,” Jensen grumbled. “Where are my clothes?” 
Misha walked over to the closet and stepped inside. He threw a shirt and a pair of jeans on the bed. 
“You only had on those pole shorts when we came home,” Misha answered. “Take those. They should fit okay.” 
Jensen got out of bed and stumbled sideways. Misha caught him. He became suddenly dizzy and shut his eyes trying to clear the feeling before it made him hurl. 
“You okay?” Misha asked. 
“Just a bit dizzy… Stood up too fast,” Jensen grunted. He slowly put weight back on his legs and got dressed in Misha’s clothes. They smelled like leather and cologne. An image of Misha pushing his cock into Jensen’s mouth came to mind. 
“We should get some food in you,” Misha said. “Do you want to have dinner with me?” 
“Sure,” Jensen said, his stomach snarling at the thought. 
“Everything okay?” Misha asked. 
“When you said ‘have dinner’ I thought you meant a dive bar or a diner or something…”
“Oh no, Sweetness, when I dine, I dine in style.” 
“I’m not really appropriate-” Misha cut him off. 
“Nonsense. Come on.” 
The maitre’d greeted Misha by name and led them all the way to the back of the restaurant to a private booth. A waitress dropped off water, smiling at them before gliding away to the kitchen. Jensen fiddled with the menu, slightly uncomfortable. 
“What’s wrong?” Misha asked in his low, gravelly voice. 
“Just nervous,” Jensen mumbled. 
“Listen, about last night-” It was Jensen’s turn to cut off Misha. 
“I don’t regret anything.”
“Well… Good, then,” Misha said. “Are you good to go on tonight?” 
“Of course,” Jensen waved a hand at Misha.
The waitress arrived with an appetizer. 
“The usual, Sir?” She asked Misha. He nodded, then the waitress turned to Jensen, but Misha interjected. 
“Let me order for you.” It wasn’t a question. 
Jensen, shocked, nodded at him jerkily. Misha whispered into the waitresses ear and she gave him a nod before vanishing again. He turned back to Jensen, and put a hand on his scruffy face. Jensen suddenly had butterflies in his stomach again. 
“So what are you into?” Jensen blurted out the question. 
“You know, like you have a private room at Frenzy- Hell, you OWN Frenzy. You’re a Dom, you asked my limits…” Jensen trailed off. 
“I’m into things you couldn’t even dream of,” He said, darkly. Jensen shivered. It was strange, the way Misha could make him feel both scared and aroused at the same time. “But for the most part I’m into Dom/sub.”
“Like, whips and chains and ‘Master’?” Misha chuckled at the look on Jensen’s face.
“I’m more into the relationship, the power exchange, not the punishments, and I prefer to be called ‘Sir,’” He responded. “You know nothing of BDSM if you’ve just watched porn.” 
Misha began explaining the mechanics and the true BDSM scene. Jensen became much more interested, and aroused, as Misha explained the true relationship between Dominants and their submissives. He never figured this sort of scene would be up his alley, but the way Misha had made Jensen beg for release last night… 
“You’ve barely touched your food,” Misha stated. “Eat.”
Jensen did so. Misha smirked at him, his eyes were filled with lust and approval. 
“What?” He asked. 
“You absentmindedly enjoy being told what to do. I just had a very intriguing thought,” Misha said in a hushed voice. 
“What?” Jensen was even more confused. 
“Let me introduce you to being submissive. I think we’d be a good match. We like each other and damn you’re just yummy. I can’t get enough of you.” 
Jensen looked down at his mostly empty plate, his mind was hesitant, but his cock was thoroughly interested in the idea of having sex with Misha again. 
“Try it,” Misha pressed. “If you don’t like it, no harm no foul… But I think you’ll fall in love with it.” 
“Fine,” Jensen relented, telling himself he could try something new. “We should get going. I need to go home and shower. I also need to work out a little. I missed my afternoon class today.” 
“Want a ride home?” Misha asked. 
“That would be welcome,” Jensen whispered.
Jensen finally got back to Frenzy at ten pm. He opened his locker and saw a jar of tips. The jar from the bar. Jensen groaned, knowing he would probably be in trouble with the bartender for forgetting to pick them up. He then pulled his phone out of his locker to check it. He had a message from Sir M. 
I need you to open and close the dance acts next weekend. Open with a slow, sensual song for me? Then close with your regular routine. Next week you work Wednesday thru Sunday. W & Th & Sun 7p - 3a.m. Fr & Sat 7pm - 12:15 am, then you’ll join me in the Member’s Club -Sir M
He immediately texted Jazzy to find out if she could help him with a new routine. 
We can practice this week, I’ve got a good one for you. I’m here btw! To see you perform. 
That week was one of the hardest of his life. He even skipped a few classes at the college trying to get some rest between the club, school, practicing a completely new song, and texting Misha. He barely even saw Jared except at Frenzy. 
Friday evening came and Jensen was a ball of wrecked nerves. He was exhausted, but got a jolt of excitement at the thought of performing a slow song just for Misha. The emcee was beginning to announce the acts and Jensen’s whole body buzzed with nervous excitement. 
“Let’s open up with Red Stud!” The emcee yelled. 
Jensen took the stage and a few whistles broke out above the chattering crowd. He sat down in front of the pole, back pressed against it and nodded toward the emcee. “You’re the Best” by Wet played through the speakers as Jensen began to go through the choreography Jazzy taught him. It was slow and sensual, just what Misha had asked for. Most of the choreo had him on the floor, using the pole as just a prop, instead of being on it the entire time. He ended the song on the floor, in a shoulder mount with his legs split. People clapped, cheered, and whistled. Jensen collected the money on the stage and went back to the locker room, to rest and get ready for the closing act. 
After the closing act, Jensen got a t-shirt on and went out into the now Rave Room. As he approached the bar, he saw Misha talking to a few patrons. One girl was draped over his shoulder and a hotness spread through Jensen’s body. Jealousy. They had never said they’d be exclusive, Jensen reasoned, but he still wanted to toss the girl into what was now becoming a mosh pit. 
He grabbed a couple shots from the bartender, downing one right after the other. His eyes were trained on Misha at the other end of the bar, the jealousy burning through his veins, just like the whiskey he’d shot down. He finally shoved himself from the bar, deciding he could play the same game. He disappeared into the rave to find a partner for the evening. 
As he was grinding with a stranger, he felt a hand fist the back of his shirt and yanked him back. Jensen was shocked, he looked around and saw Misha was the one who had his shirt. He was surprised at the roughness and then saw the look on Misha’s face. 
His jaw was clenched and eyes were narrowed in anger. There was fury written into his face. He caught Misha’s eye for just a moment and saw only rage in the flashing blue. Misha shoved him through the same door as last weekend and into his private room. 
“Think you’re funny?!” Misha spat as all other sound was drowned out. Jensen opened his mouth but a single flash of Misha’s eyes and his voice died in his throat. “Grinding on some stranger right in front of ME? You’re mine!” 
Something strange happened at Misha’s words. He was slightly scared, very much confused and then a shooting feeling of arousal coiled through his belly. Jensen found his voice. 
“You had women all over you at the bar! We never said we were exclusive,” He strained his voice to keep it level. 
“I wasn’t the one out on the dance floor practically having sex!” 
“You were last weekend!” Jensen cried, aware that his words were making less sense. 
“You’re MINE, Boy!” Misha barked. The arousal came back, harder and stronger than before. 
“Promise?” Jensen breathed. 
Anger melted from Misha’s face. He looked confused, then a grin broke across his face. 
“What?” Jensen snapped, but the anger was melting completely and being taken over by desire. 
“You liked it.” 
“Liked what?” 
“Being called names. When I called you ‘boy’ I saw your cock jump in those tight shorts. You like being humiliated,” Misha looked at him fondly. “I’ll tuck away that information for later.”
They ended the night a lot happier than it had started, the fight completely forgotten, like the clothes all over the floor. 
Jensen was sitting at Misha’s kitchen table. A laptop, books, notebooks and folders were spread out around him. Jensen had his forehead pressed to the cool wood. He’d spent the better part of three hours trying to write a paper for his english class. What does each room color symbolize in Mask of the Red Death? Discuss. Jensen then thought of the two ten-page papers due at the end of the semester. A Topic of Your Choosing Using Compare and Contrasting Methods and How are American Ideals Still Relevant in Today’s Day and Age? 
He groaned and lifted his head up. He found Misha standing against the counter to his right. Misha was wearing a suit, crisply ironed, with a khaki top coat over it. From the looks of it, Jensen figured it was probably cashmere. 
“Looks like a tornado came through,” He indicated the mess on the table. 
“More like a typhoon. I’m drowning in this.” 
“I wanted to talk to you about some things, but it can wait if you’re too busy.”
“Please, I could use a break from this.” 
“Now that we’re going to delve into this relationship, I want to lay out a couple rules for you to follow,” Misha sat down at the table and looked at Jensen seriously. Jensen nodded. “Number One, you call me ‘Sir.’ Number Two, you don’t cum unless I say so. Number Three, do not lie to me, EVER. And Number Four, is this.”
He took a small, leather-bound book from the inside of his topcoat and set it in front of Jensen. Upon further inspection, it was a journal with lined pages. Jensen cocked an eyebrow at Misha. 
“I want you to keep a journal. At least one page per day, more if you feel like it. On the first page,” Misha flipped the book open, “I’ve written some prompts I’d like you to start off writing about, so we can hone and mold our relationship together.” 
“So, I’m drowning in homework… And you give me more?” Jensen said, indicating the haphazard papers that littered the table. 
“I guess so, yeah. Got a problem with that, Boy?” Misha’s voice dipped into a commanding voice. 
“No,” Jensen responded. 
“No, what?” Misha’s voice dripped with venom.
“Uh, no, Sir,” Jensen looked down at the table. 
“Failure to follow my rules will result in punishment, and trust me, punishment does not equal pleasure.” 
“Yes, Sir,” Jensen said, nodding his understanding. 
“That’s my good slut,” Misha said, patting his hair. Misha and Jensen had found out fairly quickly that the pet name turned Jensen on to no end and Jensen felt a swell of happiness each time Misha used it. “I have a meeting. Be good.” 
As Misha left, Jensen looked at the table. He rolled his eyes in frustration and grabbed the journal. Opening it to the first page, he saw Misha’s handwriting. It was slanted, neat, almost calligraphy
What are your likes and dislikes in the bedroom? Discuss. 
How are you currently feeling about our relationship? Write this subject weekly
What do you want from a sexual partner?
What do you need from a sexual partner?
There was a hard line penned into the page
Only Jensen may write, unless he gives permission for me to respond. 
This is Jensen’s safe space to write what he needs.
Jensen will never be judged for what is written. 
Jensen looked between the journal and the three college papers he was working on. He groaned and pulled the laptop towards himself, deciding to write a little more about Mask of the Red Death before trying to fill out his journal. 
The first room is blue, which symbolizes Poe’s own depression…
“You know, maybe he just liked the color blue!” Jensen yelled at the empty house. He tossed The Works of Edgar Allan Poe across the kitchen. 
I’m honestly not sure how I feel about the relationship with Sir. I’ve barely met him but I feel like I’ve known him for a long time. I’m nervous and scared, but also aroused…
Jensen felt extremely weird writing in the journal at first, but once he got the first few sentences out, a bunch more were written. He ended up with three pages. By the time Jensen finished his journal as well as the Poe paper, it was nearing 5 pm. Jensen stood and stretched. It was Monday, so he didn’t have work and he didn’t have class: college or pole. 
He felt like he hadn’t seen Jared in forever. At least, the last time he saw Jared outside of work or school. They never really had time to talk while busy studying and working. Jensen texted Jared. 
Where are you?
Video Games was the response. 
Jensen was getting ready to head over to his apartment when a thought struck him. He quickly texted Misha.
I’m going over to the apartment to hang with Jared. 
Home by 2am came only a few seconds later. Jensen set an alarm on his phone to go off at 1. 
Jensen had only been by the apartment a couple times in the last two weeks and that was only to grab some clothes, his toothbrush, and school things. Jared hadn’t been home. He was splayed across the couch, playing COD. Jensen grabbed a controller and joined the game. As they played, he couldn’t help but feel a sort of tension between them. After about half an hour, Jared shut the game off. 
“Drink?” Jared asked stiffly. 
“I’m gonna drive back to Misha’s later,” Jensen said. “Is something up?” 
Jared finished his own beer and grabbed another one from the fridge. He scoffed. 
“What?” Jensen pressed. 
“You know, dude,” said Jared, turning to him. “I don’t even know what to say. You get this job at Frenzy, end up in the back room WITH THE OWNER, and then disappear for three weeks. What the fuck, Man?” 
“It’s not like that-” Jensen started before Jared cut him off. 
“That’s how it looks from my angle! You’ve never been that kind of whore! Tell me, is it true? Are you Collins’ new bitch? I have never known you to sleep with a partner more than once, but now that it’s some rich dude...” 
“I didn’t mean for it to happen,” Jensen tried to explain, but he realized Jared must have been drinking most of the day; he wasn’t usually this hurtful. “What?” Jensen was taken aback as he comprehended the last sentence. 
“That’s what I heard. That’s what everyone at Frenzy is talking about. You hopping in bed with the owner. Man, I knew you liked to sleep around but this...” 
“Jared, I’m sorry, dude. Let me explai-”
“Explain what? Just answer the question, Jensen!” Jared yelled. 
“We’re in a relationsh-” Jensen started to yell. 
“It’s been three weeks and you’re basically moved in with him! Do you know how worried I’ve been? I would’ve called the cops if I hadn’t seen you at Frenzy!” 
“I’m fine, Jared! What? Can’t bear me actually being happy?!” 
“You’re a goddamn idiot! You have no idea what this guy’s intentions are! Sure, we’ve all done one night stands, but this… This is a whole new level, even for you,” Jared had gotten right into Jensen’s face. Jensen didn’t back down. The hurt was pumping through his body and he stabbed Jared right where it hurt. 
“You’re the one who almost killed yourself over Gen leaving you!” Jensen shoved Jared hard. He didn’t react fast enough to the fist that connected to the side of his head. 
“Get. The fuck. Out,” Jared snarled. 
Jensen had to sit in his car for fifteen minutes before the dizziness finally passed enough for him to drive to Misha’s...To home. When he pulled into the driveway, he could see the lamp on in Misha’s bedroom. He felt relief at the sight, not wanting to be alone after his fight with Jared. He let himself in the house and went down the hall to Misha’s room. He hesitated for a few seconds before knocking on the door. 
“Enter,” Came a distracted response. 
Misha was propped against the headboard, wearing only his boxers. He was reading Things Fall Apart by an author whose name Jensen couldn’t begin to pronounce. He felt that, in a way. That his life was falling apart around him. The room began to blur and shift and Jensen clenched his hands at his side. It had been a long time since something like this had happened. His head began to buzz loudly, like angry bees. 
The room began to come back into focus, but then thoughts of the night and the last month of his life overwhelmed him and the room spun wildly, his heart raced, and tears fell from his eyes. Misha was at his side, steadying him. 
“I need. My medicine,” Jensen was almost hyperventilating. “In my bag.”
Jensen curled up on the floor, holding himself until Misha came back with a prescription bottle. He popped it open and handed Jensen one pill. When shaking hands, Jensen put the pill into his mouth and swallowed. It would take about ten minutes for the effect to settle in and calm him down. With arms stronger than Jensen imagined, Misha scooped him up and set him down in the large bed. 
“Shh, just breathe,” Misha soothed. 
As time passed, Jensen felt his heartbeat begin to slow and his breathing evened out. He became aware of Misha holding him with one arm, the other carding through his hair. The feeling was soothing, comforting. When he felt he could, Jensen sat up and faced Misha. 
“Panic attack?” 
Jensen nodded. 
“That may have been something you should have told me about.” 
“I haven’t had one for two years,” Jensen whispered. 
“Did it have something to do with the bruise that’s darkening on your face?” 
“I had a fight with Jared,” He explained. 
“Obviously. What about?” 
“This. Us,” Jensen said, apologetically. “I should go lay down. The medicine makes me insanely tired.”
“Stay. I want to keep my eye on you.”
Jensen hadn’t stayed the night in Misha’s bed since their second night together. Jensen felt a swoop of anxiety, but then Misha brought a hand to his face, and it melted away. He leaned into Misha’s touch. 
After a moment, Misha got out of bed and beckoned Jensen to do the same. He set the book carefully on the nightstand and pulled the covers back. He indicated to Jensen to get into bed, then slid in after him. 
“Why do you have panic attacks?” Misha asked. 
“When I was little, and my Mom and Dad were still together, they fought, like, all the time. Downright screaming matches. Their fighting started causing panic attacks. So, now whenever there’s arguing it can cause an attack.”
“I guess the fight just really affected me. I shouldn’t have said some things,” Jensen sighed deeply. 
“We’ll have to be careful. Everything will be okay,” Misha soothed.
The light clicked off and Misha spooned Jensen, his arm wrapped around his waist comforting him. Jensen pushed himself back into Misha’s chest and within minutes, the exhaustion from the day as well as the medicine pulled him into sleep. 
Jensen woke the next morning, groggy and feeling like his head was too heavy to lift. He was alone in Misha’s bed. Slowly, he sat up. He noticed a small piece of paper on the nightstand on top of the book that Misha had been reading. He grabbed it. 
I will be in my office when you wake, taking care of some work. Eat some eggs and toast and meet me when you’re through. -Sir
Jensen went to the guest room he’d been calling his own. He slipped into the bathroom attached and did his morning routine. He then made his way to the kitchen, wishing he knew where Misha kept the Tylenol. 
As Jensen ate breakfast, he scrolled through his phone lazily. The group chat he was in with the other guys and girls had blown up the previous night. Jensen scrolled through quickly, getting the gist of what had been discussed. He paused, however, when the chat shifted.
Cherie: It’s almost Mish’s Birthday y’all. What are we doing this year? Another showcase? 
Brad: Maybe, he never gets tired of watching us dance. 
Ariel: What if we did a choreographed routine with all of us? We could do it on the weekend of his birthday.
Michelle: Ooo I like that. Unless @Red Stud has a better idea? 
Brad: That’s a good idea. Everyone meet at noon at Frenzy tomorrow. Come with song ideas. 
Cherie: Great idea! See everyone then?
Shit. It was almost eleven now. He quickly finished breakfast and packed a bag. Then he went to Misha’s office. Jensen knocked on the open door. 
“Enter,” Came a reply. 
Misha was sitting behind a large carved desk, looking through a stack of papers. He glanced up at Jensen. 
“Where are you off too?” Misha asked. 
“Uhh,” Jensen hesitated, not knowing if the birthday party was a surprise. 
“Don’t lie to me,” Misha reminded him suddenly, fixing him with a blue-eyed stare that seemed to read his mind. 
“Okay, I’m meeting the other girls and guys at Frenzy-”
“Ah, yes. My birthday,” Misha rolled his eyes. “Anyway, I just wanted to give you this and ask you to fill it out. I’m filling one out, too. We will compare them and make necessary changes before signing.” 
Misha slid a thick packet towards Jensen. He walked to the desk and picked it up. Standard D/s Contract - Misha Collins was the title. Jensen felt his cheeks heat up. 
“Okay,” Jensen said, slipping the contract into his gym bag. 
“Okay what?” Misha snit.
“Sorry. Yes, Sir,” He amended. Jensen walked around the desk, so he was directly next to Misha, who had gone back to his report. He gave Misha a soft kiss on the cheek which he accepted. 
“Tell the girls and boys not to worry too much. I think I’ll be getting exactly what I want for my birthday already,” Misha threw him a quick, dirty look. 
“Yes, Sir.”
“Be good, Slut.” 
Jensen closed his eyes for a moment, letting the heat pool in his belly. Then, he left to get to Frenzy. He seemed to be the first one there, surprisingly. He changed, then warmed himself up quickly. He walked out to the stage and placed his phone off to the side, hitting the “Play” Button on the song he wanted. The slow guitar started and Jensen began swaying his body to the music, body rolling on the pole, doing slow spins. 
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am home again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am whole again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am young again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am fun again
“I think Red should do the choreography!” He heard the yell, it startled him and he lost grip on the pole, landing painfully on his elbow. 
“I have no idea how to do choreography,” Jensen said tersely, sitting up and rubbing his aching elbow. He looked around and saw Brad, Cherie, and Michelle, who seemed to be the one who’d yelled. 
“Yes, you do,” Cherie said. “I know you can. Just by watching that performance, I know you can.”
Everyone filtered in and then Cherie called for silence. 
“I think Red should do choreo,” Michelle said again. 
“All in favor?” Cherie asked. Everyone except Jensen yelled ‘Aye!’ 
Jensen groaned. 
“Now, what song should we do? Fast or slow?” 
“Slow,” Jensen said. “I’m a lot better at slow choreo. Jazzy’s the one who usually choreographs for me.” 
It took nearly an hour before they’d settled on a song. Jensen huffed, it wasn’t a very slow song, but he could work with it. 
“Give me a half hour to figure out what we’re doing,” He grumbled, grabbing a pad of paper from behind the bar. 
Jensen played Breathe on Me at least five times, stopping and starting and writing the choreography on the pad. He called Cherie over and went through it with her. That way she could teach group one and he could teach group two. After about two hours, Jensen called it quits for the day. 
After a long shower, Jensen settled down at the kitchen table to do his homework and try to go through the large contract Misha had given him that morning. He’d gotten his english paper done, his journal written in, and was just staring at the front page of the contract when Misha arrived. 
“Slut,” He greeted, flashing a smile his way. 
“Sir,” Jensen nodded at him, a smile spreading across his face. 
“I’ll be in my room. Have fun.”
“Yes, Sir.” 
Jensen, in his limited free time, had been doing a lot of research into proper BDSM etiquette and rules. As Jensen read through the contract, filling in the blanks, he was all too aware of his cock hardening. He palmed himself as he went through the listed kinks and fetishes and circled ones he’d be willing to try. One line of the contract kept playing through his mind.
Above all, the primary duty of this submissive is to please.
Jensen grinned to himself. He had a sudden idea, and it sent warm heat through his body as his heart sped up. He hoped this would work, because if not, he’d be having a hard time following Misha’s rule not to cum without permission. 
He walked down the hallway, his heart pounding in his chest. The door to Misha’s room was open and Jensen dropped to his knees just outside the threshold. He put his hands on his thighs and bowed his head, closing his eyes. He’d seen this pose on a website as one of the accepted sub poses. He itched to call out, call attention to himself, but he pushed the urge down, stubbornly. Jensen waited. 
A calmness washed over him. His breathing and heartbeat slowed, the thought of pleasing Misha helped him ignore the numbness in his knees. Finally, Jensen heard an intake of breath and the swish of sheets rubbing against pajama pants. Jensen kept still, unmoving. He fought the urge to snap his head up. To meet those blue eyes that could read his mind. 
“How long have you been here?” Jensen couldn’t help the shiver that ran through his body at the soft, loving tone. Misha was right next to him. A hand rested on Jensen’s head. Jensen leaned slightly into the touch before remembering to keep his pose. Words were lost to him. 
“Speak,” Misha’s voice was still soft, but had an authoritative tone that Jensen couldn’t ignore. 
“I don’t know,” He answered honestly. It could have been five minutes or three hours. The time had melted away, had become meaningless. 
“What do you need?” Misha asked. 
“To please you,” spilled from his mouth. 
“Good Slut.” 
A sense of pride swelled inside him and a jolt of arousal coursed through his cock. 
“Crawl in here and take your position,” Misha guided him to an open space in the bedroom. 
When Jensen had resumed his pose, he listened intently, trying to figure out where Misha was and what he was doing. Misha’s hand curled into his hair, lifting his head. Jensen struggled to keep his eyes closed, but his lips parted slightly as his breathing quickened. The soft, velvety head of Misha’s cock brushed lightly against his lips. A shiver went down his spine. Sure, he’d sucked guys off before, even Misha, but never like this. 
“Is this what you want?” Misha asked, his voice low and growly. 
“Yes, Sir,” Jensen whispered. 
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captainsimagines · 4 years
Titanic || H.S
Part Four || “April 10, 1912″
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“I’m the king of the world!”
Warnings: This book contains mature themes and discussions, such as gun violence, emotional and physical abuse, attempted suicide, mentions of blood, character deaths, heavy sexual content, and reference to the real maritime disaster of the 1912 cruise liner Titanic.
     Bells were ringing for miles as crowds formed both before and at the ports, the buzzing of excitement and utter joy radiating through the doors of your overly-crowded automobile. Cheers from all the awaiting passengers contradicted your current mental state. For you, it was just another ship - simply new. You had stayed in overpriced rooms before, eaten at countless never-ending buffets, been given towels with a special “scent” which simply had a hint of cheap perfume, and even eaten from plates and utensils engraved with real gold. So the size of this ship, the luxury it supposedly had, or the brilliance of its story, did not do much to excite you. 
     You rolled a piece of thread in between your fingers and looked out your car window at the street. You could feel their shouts vibrating from the street below you, adding an extra rhythm to the automobile that seemed humanly impossible. You watched people dance and drink, and it took you only a moment to realize that these people weren’t even going to travel with you. They were simply here to enjoy the momentous atmosphere, watch history in the making, and say goodbye to their loved ones. 
     With your mother and Cal in deep conversation and George focusing on the outside world as well, you actually allowed yourself to smile. Perhaps this was a good thing - to travel back home and see just how much had changed. You admit, the political and social world was most likely unchanged and that London was much more lenient to who joined certain higher-ranked circles, but America must have some good qualities they adopted over the years. New inventions, food, culture and religion, play-writing - anything that you had an interest in you tried to think of as brightly American. You removed your hat to comb your hand through your thick hair and to wipe the excess sweat building on your hairline, the summer air becoming a little too musty for your liking.  Your smile remained bright as you reached the long lines of actual passengers, both second and third class, going through their health inspections and bag checks. Lots of them would stop and stare at the first class carriages and automobiles that passed them quickly, some annoyed and some fascinated. It never bothered you when the lower class mocked you or spoke ill of the current political and economic systems, as you whole-heartedly agreed with them. If your late father taught you one thing it was that the system was deeply flawed and would remain that way as long as those in power who have never experienced injustice in their lives were allowed to live believing in business as usual. And yet, the total irony of you marrying into one of the wealthiest and greediest capitalist families in Europe was forever going to feel like a knife twisting into your back. 
     Just as your car passed the last round of third class health inspections, you leaned further toward the window to get a better view of the group of children laughing and pushing each other side to side. You grinned widely as you passed them, but your face fell almost instantly as you noticed the look of disgust from an older man. In the short seconds of that encounter, he had looked through your veil of upper-class protection and judged the color of your glowing skin, something that most people in your social circle in London chose to ignore. With your father’s influence and money, this issue was never even labeled as such, but to someone in another world, you were likely worth less than the piece of paper granting you passage on board. 
    You swallowed hard and leaned back against the red velvet seat, pulling your hat right back on to avoid the stares of the real world. 
     Over on the other side of the docks, just a mere distance from all the packed commotion, Harry held onto his sister’s hands as she said her goodbyes. 
     “Don’t you go spending all that money on art and women, you hear?” 
     Harry gasped and faked a gag, smiling down at his sister. “How rude of you to even think of me spending money on art I can simply draw myself and women I can woo with no fee.”
     Both his sister and mother leaned in for a giant shared hug, each one already imagining the next time they would see each other. 
     “It’s only a few months. You’ll be in the states with me before you know it,” Harry snuggled closer to his mother as she hugged him tighter. 
     “I know, but it’s the first time you’re leaving home on your own and…” she choked on a gasp, barely holding it together. The amount of prayers she recited last night didn’t seem efficient and she made a mental note to say double the moment she returned home. 
     “I’ll be okay. I’ll write as soon as I’m settled.”
     “Just be careful, okay? I hear they’re not as kind as we are here across the Atlantic,” his sister laughed, giving him one final, tight side squeeze and handing him his carry-on bags. 
     “You know, I heard that, too,” Harry joked. 
     “Be careful, we’re not joking,” his mother said, grabbing his chin gently and turning his face toward hers. “We’re not joking. Be safe.”
     Harry leaned down and kissed his mother’s forehead, rubbing her back up and down rapidly as if that somehow kept his own tears at bay. But he grinned brightly and placed another kiss on his mother’s forehead and on his sister’s, and reached down to pick up his two carry-ons and his father’s briefcase. 
     “I promise. I love you both. The stars will tell you where I am and who I’m with.”
     His sister was the first to let him go, “Alright, my little scientist! Get going and make us some money!”
     Harry laughed loudly, patiently waiting for his mother to release her grip. “Not a scientist, but an amateur astronomer!”
     His mother sniffed into her elbow and quickly rubbed her cheek, looking away momentarily before she collected herself and gave Harry her best broken but proud smile. 
     “Love you.”
     Harry nodded with deep understanding, leaned in for one final goodbye kiss, and crossed into the massive crowd. He looked over his shoulder and yelled out for both of them. 
     “I promise to make my girls proud!”
          It looked like every other ship you had ever been on, minus the shiny new floors and number of installed elevators. It almost angered you how disappointed your own disappointment made you, like nothing ever made you feel truly elated, truly surprised, truly ecstatic. But as you ignored the looks of other passengers and the excessive whining from your own mother, you started to see the little details other passengers were sure going to miss. Like the delicate stitching in all servant uniforms, the woodwork on the massive clock leading into the dining area, and the use of electricity in even the thinnest corners of each room. 
     Even the servants knew better than to comment on your true royal status with Cal beside you, who was in fact failing to find even one flaw on the ship. You quite admired that actually - something you could fully agree on. 
     “This is so gorgeous,” Cal whispered beside you, your arm intertwined with his. You nodded in agreement, absentmindedly keeping the same pace as him. It took a few more minutes to finally make it to your living quarters - three separate rooms, each with their own living rooms and bathrooms. You thought it too much for yourself and wondered why your mother didn’t request adjoining rooms between you and her. 
     Without even entering your room first, your mother ventured into her own and started ordering her maids and servants around. You breathed in deeply, ready to see your living situation but were gently pulled back to let Cal walk through the door first. You stopped momentarily, puckering your lips in slight annoyance but followed behind him nonetheless. 
     “Even more beautiful than the hallway!” Cal laughed after his joyous exclamation, falling lazily on the first couch he saw. You couldn’t help but giggle at his childishness, watching him with a tiny grin as he reached over to play with the fresh flowers and their heavy vase. 
     “Perhaps the open sea breeze makes a person absolutely giddy because I have never seen you smile this much from inanimate objects,” you said, placing your handbag on the circular table and removing your gloves. 
     Cal rolled his eyes playfully and jumped up from his laying position to run to the brunch table full of sweets and bread, a first-class greeting for Titanic’s most distinguished guests. He popped the first sweet he saw into his mouth, closing his eyes and savoring the flavor. He groaned softly and waved you over, already picking up the second serving to give to you. You walked slowly, eyebrows furrowed due to his laid back nature, but decided to give in and lean your head forward, mouth open to be fed. He placed the sweet on your tongue and awaited your reaction as you chewed, grinning widely once your eyebrows raised in amazement. 
     “I am never wrong!” Cal laughed, picking up some bread instead, and offering you a piece. But before you could reach over and grab it, Cal threw it in his own mouth and ate it. You gasped playfully, mouth wide open and genuine laugh escaping from it. Cal smiled wide enough to crinkle his eyes, and he reached over to wrap you in a backwards hug, with your back pressed against his chest and his head in between your neck and shoulder. You howled with true happiness, your sounds becoming louder as he proceeded to step with you all over the room and tickling your side at the same time. With enough strength you pushed him away and ran to the outside deck with Cal hot on your trail. He ran after you, dodging the servants with luggage in their arms and their questions of where to put them, following you out on deck and gripping your wrist in time to twirl you around beautifully. This time you ended up face-to-face, gripping onto each other and chests still racking with laughs. 
     The crinkles on both sides of his eyes remained, and you felt your heart stir for him. He was always so rigid but in this moment he was carefree and young, absent from duties and absent from the raunchy world he was so accustomed to. Here you saw a side of him that you could definitely get used to. But that’s just what it was - a side, not all of him. Before you could assume more of the negatives of this situation, Cal leaned down and captured his lips with yours. His lips were smooth and experienced, moving slowly against your timid ones. And just how quickly the kiss came, it disappeared. The minor moment of intimacy was too little for your liking, but it still counted as the first time you weren’t disgusted by Cal’s attitude or personality. It confused you how swiftly your mind changed and concocted the perfect fantasy of Cal and your upcoming marriage. Like a spell’s flame ignited and burned your whole internal wall down. 
     Before either of you could comment, you were interrupted by a servant who began rapidly excusing himself. He exited the deck and left you there, still in Cal’s arms. You wanted to speak but Cal simply smiled, kissed your forehead, and let you go. 
     “We must finish unpacking and decorating if we want to be front row during the Captain’s welcome speech.”
     And with that, Cal stepped back into your living room and began helping the servants put up the paintings he had dismissed you on earlier. You stood there perplexed and could only muster up enough energy to lean over the railing and watch the waves hit the side of the ship and the docks you still hadn’t departed. 
     Apologies sprung from Harry’s mouth as quickly as he ran, pillowcase full of clothes over one shoulder and his father’s briefcase with all the family’s important documents and the freshly printed photographs in the other. He bumped into dozens of shoulders but even as he yelled his apologies, he didn’t look back. He was finally leaving for the promised land of opportunity, a place where he and his family could establish themselves and their business. New flavors introduced to the Americans would for sure boost business, and Harry was so excited to be the first of his family to step foot outside of London. Just being at the docks was the farthest his family had traveled. 
     The ship was vast in length, somehow seeming larger as Harry ran toward the third-class boarding area. He could see the crew was beginning to clean up, unhitching the ropes from the dock and removing the boarding stairs. His feet were already burning, but he sprinted as fast as he could, yelling at them to wait for his arrival. People stared at him, throwing themselves out of the way as he crashed into shoulders and knocked bags off horses. The background check and health inspection lasted longer than he had expected, all of the poking and prodding seeming more purposeful than necessary.  
     One particular horse came close to knocking Harry off his feet, and his belongings scattered over the dock floor. Harry cursed under his breath and quickly gathered his bags back into his arms, looking up every so often to check if the ship had departed without him. 
     “I got this for you, man.”
     Harry searched the floor for his important briefcase and but instead saw it held out for him to take. Harry thanked the man for his help, and before he could say anything else, the man spoke up cheerfully. 
     “Come on, we got a ship to catch!”
     Harry beamed at his new acquaintance and sped down the docks beside him. With two of them side by side, almost everyone jumped out of their way as if it was instinct. They continued to laugh at each other with each short tumble the other took, enjoying the quick pace at which they were traveling. 
      They both stumbled onto the attached railing that was being pulled away from the main entrance of the ship. The officers asked for their tickets almost immediately and Harry rolled his eyes. 
     “We’re passengers, here.”
      Both Harry and his running mate handed over their tickets for quick inspection. 
      “Have you been through all inspections?”
      The man behind him held up his bags in complete annoyance, “Why do you think we’re late?”
      The officers just nodded, letting both of them through the door. Together they hopped onto the ship and dashed down every corridor, following the signs for third-class passengers. 
   “I swear I didn’t think we’d make it!” Harry shouted, still muttering tiny apologies to those he shoved as he passed. 
     “Luck seems to be following me around lately,” the man laughed, following Harry down the flight of stairs. 
     “What room are you staying in?”
     “You’re joking.”
     The two stopped to compare tickets, scoffing in astonishment. 
     “Hello, roommate!” the man smiled. “Name’s Drake.”
     Harry put one of his bags down on the floor and pushed his briefcase under his left armpit to extend his right arm out for a handshake. “Harry.”
     “You stopping in Ireland or New York?”
     “Going all the way to New York City,” Harry beamed, and he picked up his bag again and started for their shared room. 
     “Awesome, same. I’m actually from Montana but since New York will be the only stop in the states, I figured I would just hitchhike my way home.”
     “I thought I heard an American accent,” Harry chuckled. He rounded the corner and came face-to-face with the room number they were assigned. He opened the door and peeked his head through to make sure everything was decent for the door to be held wide open. Once the coast was clear, Harry opened the door widely and threw his heavy luggage onto the bottom bunk in the far corner. 
     “Oh, awesome. I get top bunk,” Drake cheered, also hauling his bags onto the bed. Harry ducked into his bunk as Drake jumped up onto his, the two settling in quite easily compared to the unorganized chaos outside their room. 
     The small room was designed to offer the least comfort possible, but it was still better than most of the rundown apartments in the middle of London. The walls were white, with the ship's pipes extending across the ceiling and down the side of the adjoining walls. Two brown blankets were folded on top of each bunk, and a pillow with minimal fluff was tightly tucked underneath the bedspread. The room offered one sink and three bars of wrapped soap, toilet paper, and an unlit lantern that would be useful for late night trips to the washrooms. Even with such limited offerings, it was way more than Harry expected. 
     “How many other people are joining us in our room?” Harry asked while grabbing the two blankets from the end of his bed for a quick nap. 
     “Two other men, I believe. Pretty sure that’s what the two empty beds across the room are for.”
     “Oh. Oops.”
     Harry laughed at himself and snuggled deeper into his blankets, letting out a deep and relaxed sigh. 
     Drake leaned over the side of his bed to look down at Harry, a confused grin on his face. “You’re seriously going to take a nap and not explore the ship?”
      Harry winked one eye open and turned his head slightly upward. “After this nap.”
     Drake pondered for a moment, but he silently agreed, and became victim himself to the comfort of cotton blankets and a hard mattress. 
      The Captain spoke so eloquently, so loud and coherent, that his welcome was felt by everyone in the crowded first-class lounge area. He was met with praises and generous words as he greeted the crowd and his crew, tipping his head slightly as if to nod and remain mostly nonverbal. 
     Cal, of course, wanted to put his name into the Captain’s hat, so he pulled you along absentmindedly until you were in front of the Captain himself. As Cal droned on, you noticed how the Captain was practically trained for this, the tipping of his head and low grunts of amused agreement speaking for themselves. He was an elder man, around his mid-sixties it seemed, with pearl white hair neatly combed over toward the left side of his head, and a thick beard that matched his serious look. 
     As Cal began mentioning the architecture of the ship and asking the Captain’s crew just how fast the ship was able to go, the Captain turned toward you and held his hand out. He gave you a warm smile, introduced himself and proceeded to place a delicate peck on your gloved hand. You smiled back but had to contain the chuckle scratching its way up your throat as you caught a glimpse of Cal’s look of bewilderment. 
     “You must be the beautiful child of the famed American-Indian Lieutenant. The King of all Aztec riches and oil,” the Captain praised. 
     You nodded, “His one and only child, yes.”
     The Captain’s smile grew impossibly bigger. 
     You continued, “My father’s legacy branches farther than the oil industry. I am proud to say he was funding countless important causes.”
      The Captain beamed, “I have heard! Civil rights, the fight for free land, uh… what am I missing?”
      “Equal rights for women.”
     The Captain chuckled, “He was quite determined, I may say. Ridiculous, but determined.”
     Before you could say anything else, Cal sweeped in to take the same hand the Captain had kissed earlier. 
     “Yes, my fiance’s bloodline sure loved to mix the order of things. When we settle in America we’re mainly going to focus on the railroad and mining industry.”
      You gave a scarce grimace. 
     “Railroading! Invest where the money is, Sir! Art, automobiles, electricity, and dare I say civil rights!” the Captain laughed, patting Cal on the shoulder and leaving to greet the other passengers. 
     Cal stood still for a second and although you wanted to comment, you knew better. Instead, Cal seemed to knowingly pinch your hand a little too hard to the point you winced. But he cleared his throat, let you go,  and simply walked the other way. 
     Their short nap made them miss the ship’s departure, but the second they awoke, Drake and Harry dashed through third-class lounging to the bow of the ship. The nice cool breeze pinched Harry’s cheeks as he ran, the faint feeling of ocean droplets flying through the air.
      They reached the very tip of the front, cautiously looking over to somehow calculate the exact speed at which they were going. Dolphins raced each other beside the ship, acknowledging they had an entertained audience on board. 
     “You don’t think the ship’s gonna hit them, right?”
     Harry let out a loud and uncontrolled laugh, “Well, now I do!”
    Drake climbed onto the railing, carefully balancing himself with one hand gripping the thick iron strings. He stretched out his free arm, staring off over the horizon and enjoying the feeling of a rushed breeze slapping his chest. 
     “I swear I can see the Statue of Liberty already!” Drake yelled. 
     Harry grinned and climbed onto the railing as well, mimicking Drake’s position as to not accidentally fall overboard. 
     “Oh, this is madness!” Harry screamed, his hair flying all over the place. But he seriously could not contain the giant smile that widened with each new jump of a dolphin, Drake’s howls of joy, and with the ever changing color of the bright blue horizon. 
     It seemed to all be coming together - the colors, the voices, the American dream. Harry could feel the excitement in the pit of his stomach, and he swore it could not grow any larger for risk of actually exploding. But similar to his pondering back home in his chilly room, that luck that Harry had following him around was definitely to blame for such an adventure. 
     Harry raised a clenched fist in the air and joined Drake in all the howling. 
     “I’m the king of the world!”
          Dinner went as expected. You were quiet and polite, only speaking when spoken to, and the same tunes of violin screeched beside your ears. It made you miss more gentle rhythms, more upbeat sounds, and a much more excited band. European music was beautiful, but it seemed rich individuals only enjoyed the same three songs. 
     You drew a warm bath in your private bathroom after saying goodnight to both your mother and Cal. You weren’t expecting any further intrusions, and you swore that if any knock sounded from outside while you were in the bath, you would kill them. You had reached the end of your tolerance for today. And no matter how much you tried to prevent it with cold water on your face, vanilla candles, and your own private batch of special herbs, the first stages of a long migraine sneaked their way through. 
     You lay in the warm water thankfully undisturbed, big toe playing with the tub handle and a glass of champagne in your hand. It was all quiet now, the only sounds being your breaths and the tiny bubbles in your bath popping almost silently. Without another thought, you placed your champagne down on the side table and sucked in a deep breath, plunging your head underneath the water. Your thick hair swam in every direction, tickling your shoulders. You kept your eyes tightly shut and counted. 
     Fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen. 
     Once your lungs felt too constricted, you came back up and rubbed at your eyes. You cleared your nostrils and rubbed at your lips, the outside reality still unchanged. No noise, no new presence - just calmness. 
      And the water was becoming cold. 
Please tell me what you think and if I should continue! Please also let me know if you would like to be tagged in any updates. Reblogs would certainly help this story reach even more people. Thank you. - xxMoni
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luciferloser · 4 years
The undateables reacting to a parent MC
 GNMC as per usual
It goes without saying Diavolo already knew you had a child. After all, it was his programme. However, he wasn’t prepared for your toddler to be so CUTE!  As a result, he vowed right then and there that he would protect this tiny human and their parent with his entire being. 
“Actually Lucifer, I think MC and their child should stay at the castle with me.”
“But Diavolo-” Lucifer protested.
“Are you going to oppose me on the matter?” Diavolo teased lightly, knowing Lucifer meant well.
While Diavolo was thrilled to have you and your child staying with him in the castle, you did feel bad for Barbatos, knowing he’d be the one picking up the pieces of the Prince’s latest escapades with his newest partner in crime - your very curious 3-year-old. 
“My Lord, while it’s delightful to see you getting on with your paperwork, I dont think MC’s child is going to be providing much assistance.” Barbatos grimaced, picking up one of the contracts Diavolo was supposed to read over, noticing the small embellishments in the corners that looked oddly like the butler dabbing. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about B! Besides, they’re only drawing on the rejected ones, therefore it’s called recycling. Apparently the humans are big on that nowadays.” Diavolo grinned; chuckling at the drawings taking up most of his study floor.
The butler sighed, questioning just who was more work; the toddler, or the prince supposedly looking after said child. “While I am thrilled to see you two enjoying yourselves, I’m afraid it’s a certain somebody’s bedtime.” Barbatos announced.
“But B I’m not tired~” Diavolo whined, throwing his arms up slightly.
“Pardon me, My Lord, but I actually meant MC’s child.” the butler corrected, raising a brow slightly at the Demon Prince’s behaviour. “But rest assured, your helper will be back again, fully refreshed tomorrow.”
“Ah, excellent! Rest up Kid, there’s plenty more recycling to be done tomorrow.” Diavolo promised, waving to the toddler as Barbatos led them out of the study. This exchange programme was definitely going to be a success.
Barbatos also knew that you were a parent before you arrived at the Devildom. He also knew that the Demon Lord would end up wrapped around your child’s little finger and insist on you moving into the castle. However, what he hadn’t anticipated was that he would also fall victim to your toddler’s charms. For the first week, he went about his duties as normal. However, the real turning point for the usually ever-composed butler was when your little one had asked to make cookies. Sounds like a mundane enough task for Barbatos, right? Wrong.
“Ah ah don’t touch that oven, Child. It’s still hot.” Barbatos warned, scooping the curious toddler into his arms and seating them on the counter in front of him.
“Why do you always call me child?” the toddler huffed, trying their hardest to look unimpressed. However, with their puffed out cheeks and crossed arms, even Luke has looked scarier.
“Well, that’s what you are, no?” the butler jested, raising an eyebrow in amusement. “There’s certainly no doubting who raised you.” he added as an afterthought to himself.
“No I’m not a child anymore! I’m 4 and 1/4 so I’m basically a grown up.” 
“Ah, my mistake, you’re absolutely right. You are grown up. So much so I’d say you’re too big for cookies.” he mused, reaching for the plate of said snack.
“You’re never too grown up for cookies! Besides, Dia eats them all the time, that’s why I wanted to make them today - so you wouldn’t have to work as hard today...” the tiny human confessed avoiding Barbatos’ eyes the whole time. 
At that confession, Barbatos paused. On the outside, he looked as composed as ever. However, on the inside, he was falling apart. While the toddler may not be old enough to create a pact; he was ready to pledge his allegiance to the child right there and then.
“Is that so? In that case, let’s go and find my Lord and show him all of your hard work.” Barbatos smiled gently, helping your child down from the counter and handing the plate of cookies over. A year definitely wasn’t going to be long enough.
As an angel from the Celestial realm, Simeon was always around purity and holiness. Naturally, he was overjoyed when he saw the baby that was resting in your arms the first time he saw you outside of classes at RAD because babies are often associated with purity. As part of his kindhearted nature, Simeon was also one of the first to offer his services for looking after your baby if you ever needed some alone time.
“You’re sure you don’t mind looking after them for a little while? I know you’ve got Luke to keep an eye on as well-” you double-checked, even though Simeon was already cradling your child in his arms.
“Of course MC it’s an honour for you to rely on me to babysit! Besides, I don’t think Asmodeus would appreciate it if I made you cancel your spa trip with him.” the angel assured you, grinning softly.
“Ahh, you’re right about that I suppose. Well, if you do decide the little one’s too much for you, Barbatos has said he’s happy to take over for you. I totally get it if you need a break.” you said, pulling your DDD out of your pocket to see the Lust demon calling you.
“I’m sure we’ll be just fine, now go on and enjoy your spa trip!” Simeon encouraged, as he began to close the door. He’s babysat looked after Luke for long enough, one more little cherub can’t be much more work, right?
After closing the door, Simeon laid your sleeping baby down in the Moses basket you’d left. If your baby was going to be asleep for most of the 2 hours you’d be gone for, this was going to be just fine. However, after just 5 minutes, your baby was already excercising their lungs; screaming louder than anything the flustered angel had ever heard.
“Oh dear, come here my little cherub.” with that, he gathered the crying child into his arms once more, beginning to rock backwards and forwards slowly. Just as quickly as the crying started, the screaming soon ceased and the baby began to coo softly; looking up at Simeon curiously.
“There we go, that’s better. I can’t believe something so loud came from something so small!” he exclaimed, moving to place the now pacified baby back down in the basket. However, just as he stopped to lay the child back down, they began to fuss once more.
“Oh? You want to be held? Hm, in that case, why don’t we go on a little adventure around Purgatory Hall?” and with that, Simeon set off on a slow walk around the halls, explaining where each art piece and decorative item originated from; your baby watching him the entire time.
Hearing a knock at your door, you called out to the person on the other side, assuming it was one of the brothers. “It’s unlocked!” turning back to the baby on your bed, trying to wriggle their way out of the baby grow you hadn’t quite finished buttoning up yet.
“Oh? Well this is most interesting.” someone mused from behind you.
Spinning around, you were surprised to see Solomon at your door, considering the brothers weren’t very trusting of the white-haired sorcerer. “Solomon! What brings you here?” you quizzed, once again turning to focus on your child.
“I had come over with the intention of taking you out for dinner, to get to know my fellow human exchange student. However, it looks as though you’re a little too busy for that.” the sorcerer confessed, scratching the back of his head.
“Ah, I’m sorry, maybe another day if I can find someone to take care of this one,” you apologised, picking up your 5 month-old and resting them on your hip. “You’re more than welcome to stay here for a while. Whilst it might not be over dinner, we can still get to know each other here?”
“I would love to. Are you sure you’re not too busy with your child?” he queried; taking a seat on the edge of your bed, as he wiggled his fingers to your baby.
Upon spotting the new character in your room, your baby immediately leaned forward, reaching his arms out to Solomon. You glanced at him curiously, nothing he had a slight smirk on his face. “Wow, they took to you even faster than they did to Simeon! Usually strangers makes them hide into me.” you mused out loud.
“Your child has good taste MC. I can already tell we’re going to get along just fine.” the sorcerer declared, grinning at you as he raised your baby up slightly. You certainly had no objections.
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emilycollins00 · 4 years
I love your writing so much! 💙 Can I maybe have some hcs with Misumi (the boy deserves more recognition, he's just so precious!), Juza and Tasuku when you casually blurt out that you like them and then after realizing what you've said, run away or at least try to hehehe Thank you <3
Hello sweetie 💕 Oh, and I love that decided to request, so let me instead thank you!
Yes, I can concur too Misumi is so lovable I can’t deal with myself. And the others! Dear me do I know we need more people to spread their preciousness.
Here you go, please enjoy!
Oh, he would loooove hearing you say that.
He would find you so cute!
Out of these three boys, I think Misumi would be the smoothest when reacting to your blurting
He would accept the fact that you both like each other and continue with what you were doing 
Prepare to be attacked by his adorable clinginess
It would happen during one of his many triangle hunts. Misumi and you would be walking around Veludo Way, enjoying the day the weather had let you after a week of summer rain.
You both had already collected a fair amount of triangular items but Misumi was still looking around, humming cheerfully next to you. He was floored when you said you’d go with him.
“Aaah! Y/N, Y/N! Look!” he pointed to an airplane that flew not too far.
You looked up, smiling after discovering the reason for his excitement “I agreed to take the big triangular rock with you, Misumi, even though we’ll get yelled at later… but I really don’t think the wings of a plane will fit in your room”
He looked at you in such deep thought it was funny “Mmm... What about the garden?”
“I think Tsumugi-san would cry. And then the rest of the dorm. Maybe we could go look inside a toy store to see plane toys?”
Misumi gasped beaming at you “Yeah, I want to go with you! I love hunting triangles but more if it’s with you!”
You scratched your neck, smiling bashfully at the ground. You became a mess when he started saying things like that “Yeah, I like you too Misumi”
Your smile froze.
Misumi tilted his head “Uh? You like me, Y/N?”  
You felt yourself heating up. The five seconds of silence after this literally ripped your soul from inside.
When you would finally look up, you almost screamed as you practically bumped heads with Misumi due to his proximity “Ey, Y/N, Is that true?” he asked again. 
Was he smiling? What was going on? You lost control of yourself when you saw his bright face. Your chest started thumping fast. You and your big mouth.
“I… have? Liked you for a while I mean…! I, a-at first I didn’t know much about theatre or…! But your play was so much fun to watch and w-when I got to know you....”
His smile would get bigger as you keep blabbering about how much you admired and enjoyed your time together. How you found amazing what he did. It made Misumi overjoyed to see how much you cared for him “I’m glad! I like you too, Y/N!”
“-and so, wait, what did you just say, Misumi?”
“Come on! Let’s go find more triangles together to show everyone!” He pulled you towards him “Then you could also stay for lunch! Omi’s going to make sandwiches!”
And just like that you would both resume your walk, with Misumi’s hands strongly intertwined with yours now. You’d lie if you said you weren’t still shook but it was so Misumi-like that you couldn't help but laugh and squeeze his hand, gaining a squeeze in return. 
You really liked him a lot
I think by that time you blurt it out, he might have noticed some weird behaviors from you from before
But I don’t think he would connect dots until he hears you?
Might try to talk to you
However, you would opt to hide in the first place you find
Mr. Stoic strikes again with his conversation skills but he’s trying hard to win you too, I promise 
Even i got confused
It occurs during a late-night rehearsal
Tasuku had already been coming a few times as a guest actor for your theatre plays and you had been lucky enough to work with him in this new one.
After the official rehearsal, he asked you to stay a bit more to read again your characters final dialogue. You were portraying an ancient-future teller while Tasuku was your attendant, Adam, in love with you but unable to do anything due to status as a subplot. He would supposedly die in the final act to protect your honor.
Ah, the irony
“They are comming” you moved around the practice room.
“Everything has been prepared at your disposal, wise teller”
He was so good at every character he worked with damn, you were jealous. You paid attention at your pose, nodding serene “Very well, that’s why I like you, Tasuku”
You looked at him and then back at your script. Repeated the action. Shit.
You would try to follow up but would be too overwhelmed and embarrassed to keep acting as if nothing had happened. Before he said anything to you, you asked for a break and left the room.
Now you were siting in the storage room, locked up.
What were you thinking? Just what were you thinking?? You just blurted out that you liked the very same man who said that he found dating and merely going out a waste of time a few months ago!
You heard the door’s knock moving “Y/N? Are you here?”
“Wrong, Y/N is not here”
“…Uh, then, could you tell them that” he cleared his throat from the other side of the door “I don’t mind…” he sighed, placing his hand behind his neck to calm down “I… would like to talk about what they said in the practice space”
Your heart thumped hard in your chest. You were preparing to get so rejected so what was all of this? You kept hearing him talk behind the wooden door.
“Look, Y/N, I… was going on a similar route so it’s okay. If anything, you were faster”
Did he mean what you thought he meant? Confused, you opened the door, finally making eye contact with the actor “Tasuku, I know you are trying to make a point but I’m really embarrassed right now and you really lost me with those sentences”
Tasuku exhaled, expecting something like that. He was not the best at expressing himself outside of acting plays.
He enjoyed your performances. A lot. Hell, he would find himself going to see your acts three or four times whenever he discovered you were on stage. He definitely knew it was unusual for him.
You were earnest, hard-working, and serious about what you did. And he admired you for that. Tasuku felt he needed to get to know you more... and then the guest act job appeared.
He had planned to ask you after finishing the play. He was somehow expecting getting rejected (he didn’t have a good reputation in that department) but obviously now, you hiding after blurting you liked him, called for a change of plans.
“What I mean to say is… care to come with me for a drink?” he offered you his hand.
It was his turn to show you how serious he was.
This sweet boy would be SO confused dear me
He might even think you meant as a friend?
But obviously your actions don’t look like it
So from then on, it’s a challenge to see who is able to finish a full sentence until you both calm down
You two are so cute together I’m full
You had had a crush on the dessert loving teen since the start of the school year, when you saw him confronting some boys that were supposedly sending hate mails to the famous actor in your school, Sumeragi Tenma.
Being in the same class as him helped you to get to know him better. Although it had been a bit of struggle to befriend him. You enjoyed your conversations with him, found funny how his face contradicted his actions. However, most of your class didn’t think the same.
“Maybe you should smile more?”
He did.
“Good! Now you just have to get rid of that glare”
Juza sighed frustrated. It wasn’t going to work. You two sometimes met after school to find ways he wouldn’t look so… menacing in the eyes of others “This’stupid. I should stop. It’s our last year anyway, not much left ‘till we leave”
You crumbled inside when you heard him say those things “It’s not like that Juza, I’m sure our classmates are changing, just slowly. You even receive greetings and goodbyes from them now right?”
“I guess…” He sighed. If anything of that was true, it was thanks to you. You were always there smiling and making conversations with him, so other people started too “S’okay, at least I got to meet you” He really meant it. He felt lucky just with you. You always looked behind the person’s first impression, helping anyone in need. And he really admired that. He also found out not long ago he was kind of infatuated with you. But that was another story he didn’t mind leaving aside.
Oblivious to any of that, your heart melted at the amount of earnestness the boy projected “It’s not fair though, wish everyone saw how amazing you are and how much I like you” you blurted out unconsciously.
“Like I said, you’re amazing and I… like you?” you ended the sentence in a faint voice. Your smiled dropped, realization in your face.
Juza would most likely stand there, shocked as he saw you running away, still processing what just happened.
You, on the other hand, would probably be wondering which would be faster if jumping from the window or throwing yourself off the stairs. Both options looked better than the current situation. Your heard him yell as he ran after you.
When he caught up, he would realize you were blushing deep red while trying to avoid looking into his eyes. A few seconds went by in silence, both of you trying to catch up lost air. You decided to end it quickly
“I’m sorry Juza, it just came out and-”
“You really like me, Y/N? …Me?”
You got quiet. He thought you would start explaining it was as friends, as he imagined, when he saw you nodding while looking at the floor. His heart fluttered.
“Are you…”
“I mean…!”
You both stopped each other to let the other speak
“I didn’t think you…”
“I could understand if…”
You two would look at each other and finally laugh at the silliness of the situation, what was wrong with you? Calming down, you tried one last time
“I like you too”
“I like you”
As they say, three times really is the charm
Aaaah this headcanon was cute, real cute. I tried my best with these confession/blurtings so hopefully you liked them!
Have a wonderful day!💕
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Day by Day, Month by Month
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AN: This is a server prompt for MHA & readers server which I own along with @liliesoftherain​ . It’s a soulmate AU with fem reader x mirio
Warning: Explicit sex with Mirio Togata, angst, with a bit of one sided enemies to lovers
Read the rest of the prompts here.
Y/N gritted her teeth as Hado cheerfully loudly greeted Amajiki at 8 AM. All mornings were terrible for her, but Mondays were the worst. The fact that Hado had no consideration for other people’s nerves on an early morning, really, really made Y/N dislike her even more than she already does. And she already disliked her enough to ignore all of Hado’s many attempts to befriend Y/N. Especially when Hado figured that Y/N and her quirk were the same. Which is not true, Y/N’s quirk worked on the fact she could absorb small wavelengths of energy like incandescent bulbs, LEDs, or artificial lights that didn’t generate violet waves. Y/N then used that energy to make whatever she desired from beams to moving at lightspeeds using her absorbed energy.  Nothing at all like Hado’s whatever waves.
Now there was a good reason to hate Hado and that reason was the fact she was friends with her mortal enemy AKA Togata Mirio. He probably didn’t even know she existed, but Y/N hated him since second year. First year, Y/N did the impossible with her difficult to control quirk as she absorbed the LED lights in the stadium to blast her way to 4th place in the Sport’s festival. 2nd year she didn’t even make it to the top 10 because Togata had knocked her out in the 1st round of the last tournament. Ever since then Togata Mirio had exploded onto the scene of U.A., he was praised universally, and all the 3rd years worshipped him like he was a god. Y/N’s grinding of her teeth became even louder as she thought of the blonde idiot. Yes, Y/N didn’t just dislike him, oh no she hated him with every fiber of her being. She might be called a monster for it, but what she wouldn’t do for a chance to wallop his idiotic face. Maybe even strangle him for a minute or two after getting a few hits in.
Y/N watched as the slouched, nervous boy with pointed ear greeted Hado back quietly and sat in his seat. See, she didn’t make a point to be rude to Amajiki. What would be the point of doing that when he was basically a scared rabbit? Even she wasn’t that much of a monster to destroy his badly needed confidence, so she mostly just ignored him.
Finally, the sensei had come in and all the student quieted down for the morning lessons. Y/N stood up and bowed as the class president called out the greetings and they all sat down when the teacher let them. Most of the morning passed by quickly as Y/N actually did pay attention since she had a couple of tests coming up, otherwise she would be sending texts to her best friend in 3B all throughout classes. The bell rang indicating it was time for lunch, sending a quick text to her best friend to save her a seat as Y/N needed to use the restroom. She took her time leisurely to wash her hands and straightened her school uniform and made sure her hair wasn’t mussed. She even reapplied her nude pink lipstick, before taking a quick selfie to send to her friend. Y/N walked out as she used the Line app to edit some cute stickers and added on the hashtag “felt cute”. She didn’t notice until it was too late as she crashed into a wall of muscles. Y/N bounced off their chest, and her phone scattered to the floor. Quickly grabbing the device, she made sure the screen wasn’t broken. A huge sigh left her, and she turned around to give that idiot a piece of her mind.
“You moron, can’t you watc-“ Y/N cut herself as she realized she looked into the eyes of Togota Mirio.
Her whole view disconnected and reconnected as both of their minds melded. Her feelings were no longer just hers, but rather a whole of synergy of emotions as both of their desires, wants, and even fears entangled. Why was she so angry most of the time? So afraid. So anxious. She was no longer alone because he was her-
Those thoughts disconnected as the meld ended, their connection broken. Y/N stepped back in horror. Oh no. Togata was her soulmate. She just found the one person who was supposedly the perfect match for her, and it turned out to the person she hated the most in U.A.
‘Fuck my life.’ Y/N thought. She quickly turned around, ignoring his very loud protests, sprinted all the way back to the 3rd year hallway. She sent a quick text to her friend saying she was feeling sick and was at Recovery girl’s office when in reality, she was currently hiding out in the girl’s restroom. Sitting on top of a covered toilet, she frantically searched the web for a way to get rid of one’s soulmate.
Y/N knew since she hit puberty the science behind soulmates. Basically, a body’s way of finding your perfect mate that will the create the most optimal offspring. When two individuals’ eyes meet, their minds would mesh and basically their souls would connect. Y/N had watched a health video in her junior high year as two soulmates would stand there make eye contact for 5 mins with large creepy smiles and hazy eyes. Basically, looking like two drugged out idiots before regaining their senses. She remembered thinking how dumb the two looked whereas everyone else cooed at how romantic it was.
As for their souls’ connecting, it was another sugarcoated way to say the two soulmates would share emotions. Even now despite being hopefully far away from Togata, she could feel his frantic worry causing her chest to burn. Y/N tried to sooth the pain with one hand and the other one scrolling through articles. Anything that could help get rid of the moron that was her soulmate. She didn’t know how fast the lunch period passed because she was reading articles when she got jerked out of trance by the bell.
Y/N aggravatedly sighed. All the damn articles were no help, they just kept spewing the gospel of soulmates and how 80% of all soulmates would succeed in creating a healthy, loving relationship. She scowled, the only thing she would create with blonde Astro boy will be a lawsuit after she kneed him in the family jewels. As the bell rang once more, Y/N got up and kicked the toilet out of pure frustration before sulking back to her classroom.  She made it to her seat and slumped over her desk. Y/N rested her eyes for a few minutes as she could hear her fellow classmates make it back from lunch. She jerked out of her nap when she heard the familiar voices of Hado and Amajiki. Keeping a close eye on them without being obvious, she noticed how they didn’t acknowledgeable her more than normal.
Letting a sigh of relief, she relaxed knowing that Togata hadn’t let his friends know what happened in the hallway earlier.  The rest of the classes continued as normal except for the occasional bursts of happiness and the need to laugh startling her throughout the day. Y/N scoffed, of course he would be happy whereas he continued to be her source of frustration. The last of the classes were soon over so she headed home on her own. Usually Y/N would walk with her best friend, but she had an appointment with the support department to fix her hero costume.
Y/N walked leisurely down the sidewalk, enjoying the warm sunny day when a voice called underneath her.
“Hey-“ A familiar blonde face appeared in the sidewalk. Y/N screamed and bunched her skirt together so he couldn’t peak at her underwear.
“Pervert! What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she screamed as she stomped at the face.
“N-no wait! It’s your soulmate, Togata Mirio!” the face yelled desperately as he dodged her stomps.
Y/N paused in her stomps. “Well, that’s even worse than a pervert!” She resumed her stomps before giving up entirely and running away.
  The next morning, Y/N used a baseball cap to keep her face from being visible and hopefully go unnoticed until she arrived in class. She didn’t need a repeat of yesterday. Arriving in class, she took off her the cap and settled in her seat. The morning lectures continued as she halfheartedly took notes and completed her assignments. Everything was going well until Togata walked in during lunch break.
Y/N jerked in her seat and turned away using her long hair as a curtain to hopefully escape his eyes.
She could hear Hado yelled out Togata’s name as the two friends conversed.
“Oh, this time I’m not here to hang out. I’m looking for Y/N. She is in this class, right?” She heard him ask.
Y/N looked up when she heard her name and saw Hado looking in her direction in confusion. She also saw Togata follow Hado and turn in her direction. Her eyes shifted to Togata, noticing the way his face lit up as he waved her over.
Y/N groaned. There was no way she could get out of this. She got up reluctantly and approached Togata, the entire class erupting in whispers and some of the girls were either giggling or shooting her glares. Y/N couldn’t help the flush, she never did like being the center of attention. Togota led her out of the classroom before pulling her aside in a nearby hallway.
“Look, I’m not sure why you are calling me out,” she began.
“I wanted to introduce myself.” Togata held out a hand for her to shake. “I’m Togata Mirio.”
Y/N stared at his hand in disbelief. “Of course, I know who you are,” she spat out.
“You do? I thought you ran away yesterday because you didn’t know who I was,” Mirio sheepishly said.
“No, I know. I ran away because I want nothing to do with you!”
“N-nothing? But I’m your soulmate, we should get to kno-“she interrupted before he could finish.
“No, No! And No! I wouldn’t want to get to know you if you were the last guy on earth. So, you better leave me alone!” she yelled. Seeing the shocked face of Mirio, Y/N felt satisfied that he had gotten the message and marched away to enjoy the rest of her lunch period. Still, she couldn’t help feeling a bit guilty when she felt the hurt coursing through Togata.
Meanwhile, Mirio shoved the hurt away and looked on in determination at the challenge that was walking away. Next time he wouldn’t let her walk away so easily, he promised as his eyes burned and sparkled.
Y/N drew a makeshift figure of Togata’s face on her notebook before she viciously started stabbing the drawing. ‘Stupid Togata, why can’t he get that he’s not wanted’ she thought. She threw a glare at the pretty arrangement of flowers on her desk. Every morning there was a new bouquet waiting for her on the desk. It attracted a lot of unwanted attention from her fellow classmates. At first, she threw all of them away in the garbage in a fury. But, over time the arrangements became more complicated and more beautiful than the last and her heart couldn’t bear the thought of throwing them away. So, she took it upon herself to donate it to Recovery girl’s office. She knew the older women appreciated them. Y/N saved the scattered chocolates in the bouquet for herself before dropping off the peony flowers at the Pro Hero’s clinic.
As Y/N walked to the lunchroom, she was interrupted when Togata came through the walls and in front of her.
“Y/N! Do you want to eat with me today? I brought a bento," Togata asked.
She looked down on her own bento and wondered how he knew that she was going to bring her own lunch today.
“Are you a psycho? How many times do I have to say no to you before you get it through your head?”
“I’ll keep asking until you say yes. I won’t ever take no for answer,” he cheerfully replied.
Y/N felt the fury inside of her build up and her face became tomato red. “Time to die, Togata.” She stepped towards him before tripping on her foot and her entire bento fell on the ground. She watched in shock at the hard work that had gone wasted and she turned towards Togata and sent him a death glare. Togata fearing for his life, slipped his bento into her hands before bolting out of the hallway. He activated his quirk and vanished through the walls.
Y/N panted as sweat dripped down her face. She’s never felt so tired in her life yet so energized. The roar of the crowd helping her forget the aches and pains of the fight. Togata wasn’t even winded as he stood across from her.  This was the revenge she wanted. The second round of the battle tournament of the Sports Festival.
 “Come on, Togata. Give me everything you have. Otherwise, I swear I won’t ever forgive you. I’ve given everything to be here. So, extend that courtesy to me,” Y/N said.
She knew he wasn’t taking her seriously. Though, she landed a few hits and gave 100% percentage to her energy attacks. She couldn’t say the same for him. His punches and his overall speed were too slow. She knew he was capable of being faster than what he was displaying right now. Her words affected him, as his face lost the pensive look and a look of concentration overcame it.
She remembered the humiliating defeat by him in second year. A blonde blur, a scream of “Poweeeerrr!” and Y/N was knocked out of the ring. She wasn’t even able to display her growth or how much she improved from the 1st year.
However, this year Y/N showcased everything she learned in U.A. and she showed everyone in Japan that Y/N was ready to be a Pro Hero. When she would lose to Mirio and she knew she was going to, Y/N had no regrets.
Y/N raised her hands to gather the energy from the LED lights in the arena as they blew out one by one overwhelmed by her quirk. She felt the energy rush through her body and readied herself for a charge at Mirio. This time she would lose on her own terms.
Y/N sat nervously on Mirio’s dorm room bed and watched as he scrambled around his room to get her birthday gift. She had gone home last weekend to spend her birthday with her family, so this was the only time Mirio had to give it to her. His relationship with her was still pensive. Y/N didn’t scream at him to leave her alone and she stopped calling him Togata. Most of all that bitterness dissolved after the Sports Festival, there was no reason to keep him at arm’s length anymore. Still, there was a degree of unsureness, Mirio being too afraid to set her off again and she too unexperienced on how to properly convey her feelings.
Mirio came back with a small gift bag that he held out for her. Y/N took and peered into it to see an assortment of chocolate.
“Remember how I would send you those bouquets and you never kept them except for the chocolate in it? I thought this time I would give you something you would want to keep.”
Y/N couldn’t help but chuckle. Mirio smiled goofily in return, satisfied that he had made her happy. She wanted to do something in return to show him how happy she was. Y/N leaned forward to kiss him on his cheeks, while at the same time Mirio purposely turned his face so she could kiss his lips instead.
The touch of his soft lips quickly made Y/N break contact. She turned her blushing face away and was about to quickly run out of his room in embarrassment, when Mirio grabbed her and mashed his face into hers. Their teeth clanged together, and it was soon clear neither had any idea on how to kiss.
Y/N pushed Mirio away and clutched her lips and teeth.
“Mirio! Why did you do that?!” She could feel embarrassment surging within him and a small ounce of shame for hurting her. Feeling bad for her overreaction, Y/N grabbed his hands and pulled him close.
“I-I think we should try again and maybe a little bit slower. Like how they do on TV dramas,” she said as she coaxed him into trying again.
Mirio gave her a small peck, withdrawing to see Y/N’s reaction. She nodded in encouragement, excited he continued to slowly give her kisses that caused her to chase him and eagerly respond to his ministrations. He caressed her cheeks and snaked his hand down to her waist to pull her close. Licking her lips and asking for permission to enter, Mirio entangled his tongue with hers as it sensuously made contact and cajoled her to respond. Following Mirio’s lead she responded back to each lick, feeling her body get hotter and hotter. Wanting to get closer to his body, she sat on top him and wrapped her legs around his waist. They continued to slowly kiss; Y/N liked this attempt immensely compared to their first one. Mirio wanting to feel her, grabbed Y/N’s hand and placed it on his member. Y/N curiously touched it, wondering what she was touching that was so hard and warm. She broke contact from his lips and looked down at her hand. ‘OH MY GOD. I’M Touching A MAN’s PENIS!’ she thought hysterically. She poked it a couple times, finding it rock solid and admiring the length of it. Her tiny hands couldn’t even fit most of it. Mirio startled her out of thoughts when he placed his hands onto hers and started moving them along with him.
“Like this, Y/N, ok?”
Y/N short-circuited realizing what Mirio was asking from her. ‘Oh god, we are doing this now? Are we going to have sex!! That thing is going to fit inside of me? I’m going to die!!’ her thoughts spiraled and made Y/N panic. She quickly disentangled herself from Mirio, ignoring his grunt and his confused call of her name. Y/N grabbed her gift, not forgetting to say a quick thank you to Mirio before hightailing it out of his room and back to the sanctity of her own dorm.  
Y/N waited anxiously outside in the cold, windy afternoon. Yesterday’s snowfall had already covered the entirety of the park, most kids were playing in the snow. Either making snowman or trying to hit their friends with snowballs. She huffed out a few breaths, watching as her warm exhales became smoke. She overheard footsteps and saw Mirio heading her way. Y/N sighed, relieved that he had showed up. Ever since a month ago Mirio had lost his quirk and Sir Nighteye, he had been avoiding her. She wasn’t the best person when it came to comfort, so she figured he needed time on his own. But as weeks went by without any sight of his blond hair or blue eyes, she couldn’t help but worry. So, Y/N had tracked him down and called him out during lunchtime just like he did so many months ago and made him promise to meet at the local park so they could talk things out.
She stood up to greet him, but he just motioned for her to sit back down and took a seat besides her on the park bench.
“Hey, Mirio. How have you been? We haven’t talked in a while,” Y/N cautiously began.
“Well, you are my soulmate. You probably know better than me how I’ve been this past month,” Mirio said quietly.
It was true, she felt his sorrow and loss like an aching pain in her chest. Y/N knew he went around school acting happy go lucky, but she knew he couldn’t fool her or himself.
“That’s true and its probably why I was so worried-“ Y/N began.
Mirio interrupted, “Worried? Why? You must be happy that I lost my quirk. No more competition!” He let out a weak chuckle.
Y/N couldn’t help the hurt that rose in her despite it being a fair assessment. She had treated him terribly, the fact he was lashing out at her now just showed how much patience Mirio really had. She swallowed the lump that had arose from her needing to cry because this wasn’t about her or her feelings now.
She turned to him, watching as his face twisted with guilt and he opened his mouth. Y/N cut him off.
“I know. You can throw everything at me, Mirio. I will take it if that’s what it takes for you to feel better. I don’t know what to do or what to say to make you feel like your old self again. I’m not good at any of this. But I don’t want you to feel like you have to be alone. Don’t shut me out,” she pleaded.
Y/N saw the way the shine returned to his dull eyes and the soft blush that made its way to his face. He was looking at her like he had never seen her before. She could feel her own cheeks heat up due to the unnerving way he was looking at her. Mirio leaned forward as if to kiss her when Y/N put a hand to his chest to stop him and turned her face away.
“We can’t we’re in a park. There’s too many people,” she whispered.
Mirio let out a boyish giggle. “Right, sorry.”
She toyed with her fingers as a thought occurred to her. “Do you wanna go to my house instead? It’s nearby, we can warm up and get some hot chocolate.”
Mirio at the thought of seeing the place where Y/N had grown up shyly agreed. They both got up and walked for 15 minutes before coming to a modest house. She unlocked the outdoor gate and let them both in. They went up the steps before Y/N unlocked the door.
“No one’s home it’s just me,” she said as she turned the house’s light on and started to prepare some hot chocolate for them both.
Mirio made himself home in the living room as he snooped around and looked at the various pictures of a younger Y/N. She came back with 2 hot chocolates. Mirio thanked her and steadily drank the hot chocolate. Y/N sat next to him and observed him as she finished hers. Though, her earlier words lifted his mood, she could tell that her distraction was only temporary.
“Mirio,” she began as he looked up at her, “I wish I could do more for you. I feel everything, all your pain and I can’t imagine what it’s like for you. I wish I can take it away even just for a while.”
Mirio looked at her seriously and put his drink on coffee table. He grabbed Y/N’s drink and put that on the table as well. She just looked at him in confusion as she hadn’t finished yet. Mirio grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close. Y/N blushed at their proximity as her breasts were squished against his firm chest.
“I know what you can do for me, Y/N..,” he trailed off as he leaned in close to kiss her. She closed her eyes as his soft lips connected. She could taste the remnants of the hot chocolate on his lips as she desperately responded back. She clutched him tightly as she couldn’t remember the last time he held and kissed her. Y/N didn’t think it was possible to miss someone so much who wasn’t her immediate family let alone someone she used to hate. Her fingers dug into his soft hair as she tightened her hold and pulled. Mirio let out a groan in response and rolled his hips into hers. He disengaged from her and quickly kissed her cheeks, forehead, and nose in succession.
Mirio panted. “Y/N, please I need you.” She blushed as she knew what he was asking from her. “I-I’ve never…,” she trailed off.
“Neither have I, we’ll go slow. I promise I won’t hurt you,” he said. Y/N nodded, giving him consent. Mirio pushed back one of the curls on her face and brought her close enough for him to kiss. Giving a nip to her lips, he explored the inside of her mouth, still tasting the chocolate. She moaned into the kiss and messed with the hoody he was wearing, trying to get to the smooth skin underneath. He tried to help her take off while still kissing her hard. He broke away in frustration when the hoody wouldn’t budge.
“Wait maybe we should take this to my room,” she suggested. He liked the idea at least they would know beforehand if they were about to get interrupted.
Mirio tried to get Y/N to let him carry her bridal style up the stairs like in the movies, but she adamantly refused. She led them to a very pink and feminine room unlike the fierce Y/N he had gotten to know. Y/N stood in awkward silence not knowing what to do when they had arrived in the room. Mirio taking the lead, took off his hoody and his jeans. He immediately went over to Y/N to help her take off her clothes. She tried to protest but it got muffled by a kiss.
Hoisting Y/N in his arms, he dropped her delicately onto her bed. It was medium size just enough room for both. Mirio couldn’t help himself as he let his hands roam the entirety of her soft skin. Her heaving breasts caught his attention as she looked at him with dilated eyes. He tugged the cups of the bra just a tiny bit for her cleavage to spill over, He bit and sucked them, leaving red marks all over. Y/N let out a whimper as he continued his ministration on the other breast. Mirio moved her legs aside, allowing his body to settle in nicely between her thighs. Slipping his fingers into her panties, he immaturely explored her.
“Like this,” she said as she showed him what she liked best. Wanting to see all of her, he slipped off her panties and snapped off her bra with ease, tossing them somewhere in the room. The two teens continued to explore every inch of their soulmate. From the beginning they were connected by their minds and hearts, now they were crossing the final threshold of their bodies. Preparing Y/N had paid off as he inspected his fingers that were wet with her essence. Curious he tasted the wetness and discovered he liked the tangy flavor. He wanted to lick up all of it, to savor the taste, but that was something he wanted to try out in the future. Mirio shimmied out of his boxers as he lined up his member with her center. He felt her tense, so he whispered reassurances as he stroked her face.
Y/N felt his member slip a few times before he finally got it into her. The initial pinch startled her before she forced herself to breath and relax. Mirio didn’t lie, he went slow prioritizing her needs over his own. Y/N hardly felt a pinch when he broke through her membrane and filled her up to the brim. She raked her short nails down his back, causing him to buck into her. She gasped at the sudden movement.
“Y/N, don’t do that, love,” he panted into her neck.  Y/N flushed at the impromptu nickname Mirio had bestowed upon her.
He waited a few minutes before trying out short, shallow thrusts to see if she flinched in pain and seeing her writhe and moan gave him the signal to move.
Mirio tried out different rhythms to see what she liked first, matching his thrusts to her reactions. When he lifted up her hips a bit and hit a particular spot that had her gasping and tightening her hold on the bedsheets, he hit that spot over and over in a frenzy. It wasn’t long before Y/N became a babbling mess as she came all over his penetrating member.
Mirio lifted his head up in confusion when he heard the slam of a door and muffled talking.
“Y/N! Is that you? Okasan and Otousan are home. Come downstairs we brought food!” Y/N’s mother called out.
Y/N looked at Mirio in panic. She tried to push him off so she could get dressed and go downstairs to greet her parents.
Instead he held her hips tight as he slammed into her over and over, muffling his moans by biting onto her shoulder.
“Mirio! Ahh, what are you doing? We’ll get caught,” she said.
Letting her shoulder go, he whispered back, “just a little more I’m so close.”
When she didn’t say anything else, Mirio took as a sign to keep going so he chased his own pleasure. It wasn’t too long before he pulled out and came in the junction of her thighs.
Luckily for the teens, they were both able to get dressed and downstairs in time for Y/N to introduce Mirio as her soulmate. Her parents were delighted to meet him, and Y/N flushed with happiness knowing that her parents approved of him. Though, she didn’t notice how her mother kept sending them suspicious glances when she noticed the bite mark on Y/N’s neck.
Mirio’s tousan watched in absolute happiness as his son graduated from U.A. Who knew his son would one day graduate from the most prestigious hero school in Japan?
He looked around for his tall, blonde son as many graduates filled in from the auditorium outside in the sun to find their parents.
He finally found his wayward son and was about to call out to him when he noticed his son holding and teasing a girl. She seemed very frustrated, gesturing wildly and pointing at him in anger. Mirio just laughed and hugged her. What was even more astonishing was that Mirio kissed her forehead and the girl blushed and yelled at him some more before she stomped away. So that was his soulmate.
He remembered how his son came home one day in jubilation and explained everything in one breath. Though, Mirio seem to be disheartened when he explained how his soulmate didn’t seem to like him. Mirio’s tousan just laughed in glee and Mirio watched him in confusion.
He went on to explain how Mirio’s okasan hated him at first glance and threw a glass of water at him when she discovered her soulmate. He remembered how each day he would do everything to win her heart over and he encouraged Mirio to do the same. He smiled now knowing that Mirio had won his soulmate over just like he did his.
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anjuschiffer · 4 years
Amira Wayne [Unclassified]
I’ve been waiting for so long to show this deleted chapter! Now that I’m done recycling some parts of this deleted chapter, I can finally show it!
Note: the ‘masterlist’ on this work redirects to Amira Wayne’s MASTERLIST as this work is a subwork of it
Tag: @theatreandcomicfreak @damianette-is-life @toodaloo-kangaroo @elijah-crevan @vixen-uchiha @nathleigh
Day 9 - Deleted Chapter
The minute Marinette walked into the school, she knew something was off. She couldn’t quite place her finger on it, but it was there. Something was interrupting the equilibrium. 
As she made her way towards class, she couldn’t help but notice the increase in buzz throughout the halls. Marinette listened in on every conversation, noticing how the name Lila kept popping up.
“Lila?” She muttered to herself, placing her hand on her chin. Who exactly was-
“Seems like you’ve already heard about her.” Alya said from behind Marinette, throwing an arm over her shoulders. Alya redirected her attention to a girl on the second floor.
Marinette followed her gaze, seeing a girl with the most hideous hairstyle standing next to Adrien. If it weren’t for those -whatever they were- dangling from the side of her face, the girl would seem to know a thing for fashion. Why sort of? The polka dotted romper wasn’t exactly pleasing to the eye. 
“She just transferred from Italy and she has the most incredible life! Not only has she met Prince Ali and Jagged Stone, but she’s also met Ladybug! Ladybug saved her! Lila even gave me an exclusive-”
“When did she arrive in Paris? Did she even mention-”
“Just yesterday!” Alya quickly responded, attempting to show Marinette the interview Lila gave her. Noticing that Alya had already posted it to the Ladyblog, Marinette made a note of telling Uncle Clark to hold on to the internship for now. “Look! Thanks to her-”
“So she just arrived yesterday for the first time in Paris-”
“Well, we don’t know if first-”
“-first time in Paris after the appearance of Ladybug.” Marinette continued. “And she claims to have been saved by Ladybug? If memory serves me correctly, there wasn’t any akuma yesterday, meaning no patrol from Ladybug. So then the question is: how did she claim to have met Ladybug -nonetheless supposedly save her- if Ladybug wasn’t around?”
Marinette watched as Alya opened her mouth to try and come up with some type of answer, but nothing came up. “Did you really just accept her story without even fact checking?”
“But Lila knows-”
“There’s a difference between recognizing and knowing. And it seems that Lila recognizes Ladybug and her importance to Paris, meaning she may not fully know who Ladybug truly is because if she did,” Marinette narrowed her eyes. “She would know Ladybug doesn’t like it when someone spreads rumors about her. That includes people who use her name for a bit of limelight.” 
Marinette made her way towards class, not caring if Alya called her to come back. 
From the corner of her eye, she watched as Lila dragged Adrien to the library, Marinette shaking her head. That poor boy. Welp, not her problem.
“Marinette! Something’s off.” Tikki stopped her, Marinette wondering what she sensed.
“You too?” Tikki nodded.
“And it’s close.” Marinette huffed, dragging her hands down her face. “Does this happen to have anything to do with Lila?”
“I’m not sure, but we have to follow her.” Tikki commanded, Marinette bracing herself for the worse.
Marinette looked at the book in her hands, quickly recognizing the language inscribed in the front cover.
While Marinette hated every minute she sat in that library, listening to Lila try to get Adrien to fall for her, Marinette was glad that something good came from it. When Adrien had dropped the book, Lila dragging it towards her with her food, Marinette used that moment to grab the book and run.
Once in her room, she quickly scanned each page before dashing around her room in search of a notebook. She’s definitely seen this writing before.
“What do you mean you know this language? Only the Guardian should know-”
“My brother adored learning languages, even the obscure ones. Whenever we would have a day off from school, he would go to our father’s library and stay there all day.” Tikki watches as a soft smile formed on Marinette’s face as she said so. “He would be there all day, deciphering old languages, ecstatic when he would decipher one correctly that had stumped researchers for years.” Tikki watched as Marinette pulled out a notebook from an old trunk, Tikki wondering how she never noticed how out of place it seemed in Marinette’s room.
“Brother? Do you have another family?” Tikki asked, wondering if she even knew the Marinette in front of her. She would only mention a brother if it meant she had more family elsewhere. If so, what was she doing here in Paris? And by herself?
“Back in Gotham, I have another family.” Marinette softly said, running a hand over the notebook placed on her desk. “Jason, he was the one who wanted to become a linguist and the one who stumbled upon this writing.” 
Tikki watched as Marinette opened up the notebook, her eyes widening as Marinette flipped through pages and pages of translations, finally stopping at the beginning of a section with the same writing as in the grimoire. 
“He managed to translate all of this from a simple sample of this very book?” Tikki asked in amazement, watching as Marinette began to translate the book with ease.
“He was just that amazing.” Tikki noticed her smile drop, a frown taking over. 
Was. That’s the second time she said that word. “By the way Tikki, why is this book so important?” Tikki took the change of topic with ease, knowing to not pry into Marinette’s past. 
Right now wasn’t the time.
“This grimoire is a book of spells that not only enhance your abilities, but unlocks the abilities of us kwamis. The Guardian has been looking for this very book for years! He had lost it decades ago-”
“Lost? And hold on a minute. Is this the only book or are there more that talks about the kwami and miraculouses?” When Tikki nodded, Marinette let out a sigh. Good. She didn’t want to go  on a mission to retrieve another one. Who knows what would have happened to Amira’s sanity if she had to do so.
“Now that we finally have the book, we have to give it to the-”
“No.” Marinette interjected, grabbing the book.
“No? Marinette! This is very valuable information that the Guardian-”
“You said the Guardian lost it and yet here it is, in a civilian’s hand years later. Don’t you realize what this can mean?” When Marinette saw Tikki shrug, she laughed, opening up a draw in her vanity, pulling out a small case. 
Tikki watched as Marinette carefully placed some devices around the device, windows appearing on Marinette’s desktop that noted the location of the grimoire.
Just who was this girl? “Alright.” Marinette turned to Tikki, a smirk on her face. “How about we return this grimoire to its owner?”
“Well, if it isn’t Lila Rossi.” Ladybug said with a chilling smile, Lila feeling a chill run down her spine. 
After talking with Adrien in the library, Lila thought her plans were sailing smoothly until she realized that she had lost the book she took from Adrien.
She spent the rest of the day searching for that damn book, panicking when Adrien had reached into his bag when Lila had mentioned being the descendant of a superhero named Volpina. Even with a necklace greatly resembling the one in the book, she didn’t have Adrien’s complete trust. How naive she was.
Then to make her day even worse, Ladybug popped in.
“Hey Ladybug! How-”
“Can I have a word with you?” Ladybug asked, Adrien startstrucked with Ladybug even being near him, watching as the two girls went off to the other side of the park. “Listen Lila, I suggest you stop giving Alya interviews about supposedly being friends with me. Better yet, stop claiming to know me when you don’t.”
“I just-”
“Lila, I’m doing this to protect you. To protect everyone. You claiming you know me will put your life at risk and those around you. I don’t know how things worked over in Italy, but-”
“How do you-”
“I got my ways.” Ladybug said, looking at her yo-yo for the time. “Also, piece of advice? You don’t gotta lie to make friends as Dupont. Everyone is pretty much eager to make a new friend, no matter how shut off the person is.”
“Like I said before, I got my ways.” Lila watched as Ladybug took her hair into her hands. “One more thing. Change your hairstyle a bit and that romper? Hideous. You’ll look cuter than what you already do if you work on those two things. Oh! Before I forget.” Ladybug handed over the grimoire to Lila. “Think this belongs to your friend over there. There was a picture of a woman who looked like him, so I thought it would be his. If it turns out that it isn’t, don’t hesitate to give it back the next time you see me! Bug out!”
 With that, Lila watched Ladybug leave, going back to Adrien with the grimoire in her hands.
“Lila, what did-my book!”
“Ladybug found it and managed to know it was yours.” Lila said, her eyes dazed off to who knows where. 
“Hey Lila, you alright? You seem kind of red.” Lila quickly placed her hands on her cheeks, finally registering that her face was on fire.
The next day at school, Marinette relaxed upon setting foot, happy to have the old atmosphere back.
But she spoke a bit too soon.
Class went how it usually went, Marinette taking down boring notes as their teacher explained the powerpoints. Too bad the notes were part of her grades or else she would’ve dozed off.
Half the day came and went, history class now their last one.
For this week’s project, everyone had to choose someone they admired, many of her classmates choosing their idols.
Surprisingly, Max had chosen Lex Luthor while Alya chose Lois Lane. What really caught her attention was when Adrien went up and instead of talking about his father, he spoke of hers: Bruce Wayne.
With each of her father’s organizations and charities mentioned, Marinette’s smile grew wider. Seems like he did his research. Everything was going swell until the final portion of the report came in. 
If you can meet your idol, what would you do? 
“To be honest, I think I would tell him to work on his promises.” Adrien said, causing Marinette to snap from her trance.
“Why do you say that Adrien?” Ms.Bustier asked, her pen already on her paper, ready to jot down whatever was to be said.
“I was supposed to have met him last year, my father sending me to represent us during last year’s party. Father told me I was going to speak to him but I never saw him that evening. I ended up-”
“-it’s because Mister Wayne couldn’t be there that day due to personal reasons.” Marinette interrupted, gathering everyone’s attention.
“Marinette. Adrien-” Ms.Bustier called out, only to get cut off by the girl.
“Adrien doesn’t know the full story.” Marinette said, feeling her hands tremble as they curled. She felt her nails attempt to calm her down. “He didn’t do enough research to know-”
“I didn’t need to. I was there.” Adrien barked back. “Why would I need to research something I-”
“Just because you were there doesn’t mean you know the whole story!” Marinette yelled, pushing herself off her seat, causing her weight to push her palms into her nails even more.
“There was-”
“If you had done your damn job properly, then you would know why Bruce wasn’t there that gala! You would know what that gala meant to him! Hell, I bet you don’t even remember the purpose of that gala!”
“I do know why-”
“Then tell me! Enlighten me, Mr.I-Don’t-Need-To-Know-The-Whole-Story!” Marinette yelled, ignoring the tugs from Alya, the whispers towards her and the tiny hushes from Ms.Bustier.
“The gala was to celebrate the start of the Catherine Todd Foundation.” Adrien informed, looking at Marinette for confirmation. He found none, instead finding disappointment. “That’s what the whole-”
“That’s it?” A dry laugh came from Marinette, scaring everyone. “The Catherine Todd Foundation was more than a foundation. More than a foundation for the people of Gotham who suffered from mental illnesses and addiction. It was the foundation my brother spent months talking about with our father.” Marinette growled, making her way down the steps. “My brother spent months planning his speech about the foundation named after his beloved mother. It was something he looked forward to. Something he was proud of.”
“Then why wasn’t-”
“Because he died eight months before the launch of it!” Marinette yelled, tears rolling down her face. Scattered gasps and whispers sprouted around the classroom. “My brother died months before he can see one of his own dreams come true! He died before he could see his dream blossom into hope! Hope that he wanted to give to the children of Gotham who went through the same shit he did!”
Marinette stood in front of Adrien, her tears staining her shirt. Adrien tried to look away, but Marinette forced him to look at her.
“Our father had yet to recover from my brother’s death and when it came time for the scheduled gala, he just couldn’t bear to show his face. Everything reminded him of Jason. Dad couldn’t handle the pain, so he never showed up!” Marinette let go of Adrien, letting her arm drop to her side. 
“Jason Todd made the Catherine Todd Foundation possible. I was proud of him for overcoming his past. He helped me fix my relationship with our dad...and with our older brother Richard.”
“I don’t want your apology.” Marinette said, wiping away her tears. “Clearly, you’ve made it known that you rely on everything being fed to you. You don’t question anything thrown your direction. You don’t make an effort to learn more...to investigate.”
“Marinette. I had no idea-”
“Save it.” She cut off. “Until you change your perspective, I’ll have you know that as of now, Wayne Enterprises is no longer to work with Agreste.”
Adrien gaped at that declaration, holding her back when Marinette tried to leave.
“What do you mean Wayne Enterprise will no longer work with Agreste? Who exactly-”
“I meant what I said. And as a Wayne myself, I too have the authority to cut off any ties with companies I deem unworthy to invest on.”
A snort came from across the room, Marinette narrowing her eyes on Chloe. “What’s so funny?”
“You, Dupain-Cheng.” Chloe rose from her seat, pretending to dust off her pants. “Did you hit your head or something? Clearly you must have if you think-”
“I am a Wayne.” Marinette said, taking out her wallet and handing Chloe a card, watching the mayor’s daughter pale considerably. “If you don’t believe me, that’s fine. But let this be known. This will be the last time you ever know me as Marinette Dupain-Cheng. From now on, I’ll stop hiding behind a mask and take the name I have the right to say. 
My name is Amira Wayne and this is the last time you’ll ever see me.”
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purplebass · 4 years
Hii congratulations! I hope I’m not too late. Would you write something about Alastair and Thomas at the academy? Maybe Alastair crushing on Thomas but being very confused about it? ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Hi anon! Hope you like this 💜
Title: Behind Those Hazel Eyes Couple/Characters: Thomastair, Alastair Carstairs and Thomas Lightwood Rating: T
Alastair remembered the day he met Thomas vividly. It was raining, and training outdoors had been cancelled because of the weather. He was happy to spend his time alone in the library to read, and thought that day would pass as uneventful as any other day he had spent there so far.
He was walking by himself in the hall that led to his dorm room when he saw him. He was a scrawny kid, not too tall for his age, and supposedly, didn’t want to be there. He absentmindedly gazed at the floor ahead of him, a heavy bag made of brown leather in one of his hands. He must have been no older than eleven, Alastair thought at the time. 
He slowed his pace to stare at the newcomer. His hair was of a dull brown that didn’t stand out. He was a normal kid, albeit a bit short, but there was something about him that called Alastair to him. Perhaps the guy’s perseverance to carry the heavy bag. It was evident to him that he didn’t have enough strength. He used both hands to hold the weight of his baggage at some point, but it wasn’t enough. The bag fell from the guy’s hands, and close to Alastair’s foot. He stopped, and so did the new guy. 
“I’m sorry,” he muttered, his eyes trained on the leather bag as he hurried to collect it from the floor. “My mother packed a lot of clothes but I told her she shouldn’t have.”
Alastair grinned at the comment. He loved his mother Sona, but she had always asked him and his sister Cordelia to be independent. She didn’t prepare his luggage for the Academy, in fact. Some part of him would have liked it if she had, though, but you can’t always get what you want from life. And he was already thirteen. Not an adult, but he felt like one at times. While this guy seemed as if he had never left his house before today. He looked like a scared cat.
“Are you new?” he asked casually.
“What?” the guy replied, finally looking up and meeting his eyes.
Alastair thought that nothing in life would ever surprise him anymore. Not after he discovered his father’s drinking habit and tried to cover for him. Not after being mistreated by other fellow students when he arrived at the Academy. Those, and other things, spoiled him from ever thinking that there may be something surprising. Something nice reserved to him. But as he watched the guy’s eyes, he thought that there was still a chance.
Alastair thought his hair was of an ordinary color. He still believed that. But his eyes reminded him of autumn leaves, not quite brown nor yellow. He had traveled a lot during his short life, but he had never met someone with eyes as mesmerizing as his. Your eyes are beautiful, Alastair wanted to say, but he didn’t dare to. He couldn’t. “Have you just arrived?” he asked instead.
“Yes,” replied the other one. “My father just dropped me off.”
Another thing they didn’t have in common, he thought, still not able to stop staring at his eyes. There was something in them… youthfulness? Kindness…? “What is your name?” he wondered nonchalantly, but he knew he wanted to know. 
“Lightwood,” he said firmly. “Thomas Lightwood.”
Alastair knew that surname. The Lightwoods were one of the most known families in the shadowhunter world, and not only because they occupied high ranks in the Enclave. He knew about them because they mentioned them during a class, but he would have never thought some of those families would actually join this place to mingle with non-famous people. If he had to be honest, his family was also famous, but for different reasons.
Alastair didn’t want to linger there anymore. He didn’t want to be too friendly with the newcomer, with Thomas, so he forced himself to leave. “Welcome to the Academy, then,” he told him before he walked away from him.
“Hey!” he heard Thomas call after him. 
He didn’t want to turn. He forced himself not to glance at the boy, and to go his own way. But… “What do you need?”
“You didn’t tell me your name,” Thomas protested. He didn’t sound like the little child Alastair had made him out to be in his mind when he first laid his eyes on him a few minutes before. “It would be respectful if you also told me yours, don’t you think?”
Alastair smiled. No one would ever dare to speak to him in this tone after the past year at the Academy, but Thomas dared to. Maybe because he was truly respectful and kind, maybe because he didn’t know about him yet. “Carstairs,” he replied. “Alastair Carstairs.”
He watched as a satisfied grin appeared on Thomas’ face, something he had barely witnessed from other students who interacted with him. While others seemed intimidated by him, Thomas was friendly. “I’ll see you around, Alastair Carstairs,” he replied. And then, it was him who turned his back to him. He collected his leather bag from the floor and started walking away. Alastair watched him struggle, but he didn’t stop walking. He didn’t know Thomas Lightwood at all, but he thought that he was a tough person. Perseverant. And this inspired him not to give up either. He just didn’t know what to make of his heart pounding in his chest back then, but he knew it had to mean something. He shook his head and walked away from the feeling. For now.
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thelastspeecher · 4 years
Best Revenge AU - Closure?
I have to go to work soon, so quick summary: angst.  Complicated emotions and relationships.  Max revealing that he’s not as much as a dick as he seemed.  Enjoy.
              Max waited patiently in the back of the classroom for the kindergarten teacher to introduce him.  One of his favorite things about being a hero was coming to school classes to tell them about what he did.  And kindergarteners were always the best audiences.  Their wide-eyed enthusiasm was infectious.
              “All right, kids, today, we have a special guest!” the teacher said cheerfully.  “So, everyone go to the back and sit on the rug!”  The kindergarteners obediently got up from their chairs and went to the back of the room, where they sat on the rug in front of Max.  One child raised her hand.  “Yes, Lisa?”
              “Who’s the guest?” she asked.
              “We are very lucky today!  Our guest is the famous hero, Richter!” the teacher said happily.  Like always, the children clapped and cheered.  Except for one.  A small boy sitting at the front.  The boy frowned at Max.
              “Ew,” he said, crossing his arms.  The teacher frowned, visibly confused.  “Hewoes-oes awe icky.”  Max opened and closed his mouth a few times.  The boy had a heavy lisp and stutter, but as someone who’d had a speech impediment when he was young, Max had no difficulty understanding the child.
              “What makes you say that?” he finally asked. The boy wrinkled his large nose.
              “Hewoes-woes-woes awe n-n-n-no good,” he said firmly.
              “Junior,” the teacher warned.  “Be polite.”  The boy – Junior – stuck out his tongue.
              “N-n-no!  They awe smewy!” he insisted.  “They don’t-don’t n-need powite man-n-n-news.”
              “Stanley Pines Junior, if you don’t stop being disruptive, I’m going to talk to your parents,” the teacher said.  Max’s blood ran cold.
              Of course.  Junior’s nose was unmistakably the one that ran in the McGucket family, while his stutter was the same Angie had until she was six.  This must be the child she was pregnant with the last time I saw her.  Junior smirked.
              “Okay,” he said.  He looked directly at Max.  “You awe bad and stin-in-in-inky.”  The teacher opened her mouth.
              “It’s okay,” Max said quickly.  He smiled at the teacher.  “I can handle a heckler.”  He straightened.  “So, do you kids want to know what it’s like to be a hero?”
              Other than his ex-wife and archenemy’s son heckling him at the beginning, Max’s presentation went well.  Afterwards, while parents were coming by to pick up their kids, the teacher pulled Max to the side.
              “I’m sorry about Junior being disruptive,” she said.  “He’s normally the most well-behaved student I’ve ever had!  I have no idea what came over him.”
              “It’s okay,” Max said.  He forced a small smile.  “Variety is the spice of life, you know?”
              “Trust me, I’ve dealt with much worse,” Max said. The teacher sighed, but before she could continue apologizing, a parent called her over.  Left to his own devices, Max did his best to watch Junior without seeming obvious.  During his presentation, he’d felt a growing discomfort about the boy.  Clearly, Junior was too old to be the child Angie was pregnant with when he’d seen her four years ago.  In fact, he looked to be about six years old, which would mean Angie got pregnant immediately after leaving Max.
              Or that she was pregnant when she left. Junior had Angie’s large nose and gentle face, but all his other traits were ones Max recognized.  He saw those big ears, amber eyes, and straw-like hair in the mirror every day.  The final nail in the coffin, however, was that Junior had the same lisp Max had struggled with until second grade.
              No…  Max quickly looked away from Junior, trying to convince himself he was imagining things. No.  Angie wouldn’t do that to ya.  She wouldn’t have yer child and not tell ya.  Right?
              “Richter?”  Max looked over.  The teacher had come back with a man and Junior in tow.  The man, someone Max hated with every fiber of his being, smirked. “This is Stanley Pines, Junior’s father. I told him about Junior’s behavior.”
              “Yes,” Stan said, nodding.  “She did.  I’m very surprised Junior was so rude in class.”
              “It’s fine,” Max said.  “Children don’t really have a filter.”  He cleared his throat.  “Still, that sort of language is concerning.  I’d hate for him to grow up to become a villain.”
              “Oh, yeah,” Stan said in a clearly exaggerated tone. “Yeah, that’d be awful.” He looked down at Junior. “Wouldn’t it, Junior?”  Junior nodded sulkily.  “What do you have to say to Mr. Richter?”
              “I’m sow-w-wy,” Junior muttered.  Max smiled.
              “And I accept your apology.”
              “Thanks for being so understanding,” Stan said. “C’mon, Junior, your sisters are waiting at home.”  Stan flashed another grin at Max.  “Good luck keeping the streets clean.”
              “Thank you,” Max said, continuing to smile.  The second Stan, Junior, and the teacher turned away, he dropped the smile.  Seeing Stan and Junior next to each other had confirmed his suspicions.  Junior didn’t look anything like the man that was supposedly his father.
              I have a son.  I have a six-year-old son I didn’t know anything about. 
              Max walked up to the tan craftsman house that Angie and Stan lived in with their three children.  It hadn’t been that difficult to track down where she lived now, given that he had access to HQ’s database.  He felt a bit guilty about using the database for something personal, but he couldn’t let this slide.  He had to get down to the bottom of this.  After taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door.
              “Comin’!” said a voice he recognized.  Shortly, the door opened, revealing his ex-wife. Angie’s mouth dropped open in a small “o”.  “Max?”
              “Angie,” Max said shortly.  He blinked.  While most of Angie’s appearance hadn’t changed, there was one major difference. “Yer hair’s shorter.”
              “I cut it after I left ya,” she replied. “Like I always wanted.  I only kept it long fer you.”  She frowned.  “It was this length when we crossed paths a few years back.”
              “Well, I was a bit too distracted by yer obvious pregnancy to notice yer hair,” Max said.  Angie sighed.
              “What do ya want?”
              “To talk to ya ‘bout my son.”  A flash of fear crossed Angie’s face, so briefly that Max almost missed it.
              “I don’t know anything ‘bout the son ya sired when cheatin’ on me,” she said.
              “You know I’m not referrin’ to him.  I’m referrin’ to the son what heckled me the other day in his kindergarten class.  I’m sure Stan told ya ‘bout the incident.”  Angie was silent.  “Angie. Don’t drag this out.”
              “Fine.”  Angie stood to the side.  “Come in.” Max stepped inside.  “Follow me.”  Max followed Angie into a nearby living room.  Junior was sitting on the floor playing with building blocks. “Junior?”
              “Yes?” Junior asked, looking up.  He frowned at Max.  “Who-who-who’s that?”
              “An old friend,” Angie said after a moment. “Would ya be willin’ to play in yer room?  This feller and I have to talk ‘bout boring grown-up things.”
              “Thank you, bean.”  On Junior’s way out of the living room, Angie kissed the top of his head, eliciting a giggle from him.  “Please, Max, take a seat.”  Max sat on the tan couch.  He looked around.  The room was cozy and warm.  A mixture of family pictures and pictures of amphibians decorated the walls.
              “Did you take those?” he asked, nodding to the photos.
              “Obviously.  You know I like usin’ my camera,” Angie said, sitting on the couch, but a slight distance from him.  “Yer not here to talk ‘bout my home’s décor, though.”
              “No.  I’m not.” Max closed his eyes.  He took a deep breath.  “Why didn’t ya tell me ‘bout Junior?”
              “Max.”  Max opened his eyes to look at Angie.  A weariness had settled over her.  One he recognized.  “Ya know why I left, right?”
              “I…”  Max swallowed.  “I was too overprotective.”
              “You weren’t just overprotective.  You tried to control me.  Tried to keep me from livin’ the life I wanted.  And, when I left, ya tried to physically stop me.” Angie leaned in.  “You grabbed me hard enough to leave a bruise.”
              “I- I did?”
              “Angie, I never-”
              “I know sometimes it can be difficult to control yer own strength.  But that’s all the more reason to not get physical with someone when yer in distress.  You think Stan ‘n I haven’t had fights?  Of course we have.  But we don’t make it physical.  We know better ‘n that.”  Max stared at her in horror.  He had read between the lines, and now had an idea of what Angie was dancing around. “What?”
              “You didn’t tell me ‘bout my son ‘cause you thought I’d hurt him or you,” he whispered.  Angie looked away.  “Angie, I would never!”
              “Maybe you’ve worked on yourself since we were married.  But back then, you would’ve done anything to get me back.  To get yer son,” Angie choked out.  “Don’t pretend that ya wouldn’t have taken every course ya could. And- and-”  Angie let out a sob.  Max’s heart broke.  “I knew that if ya tried to make me come back, I would have.  I would have fooled myself that you had changed.  That it was safe fer me and the baby.  But I would’ve just been miserable again.”
              “I-”  Max paused. He thought back to every fight they’d had.  They both would shout, she would leave, but then she’d eventually come back and they’d make up without resolving the thing they’d fought over.  And Max would ignore her obvious weariness, the same that had come over her at the beginning of this conversation.
              “All of our fightin’, too, it- it wasn’t a good place to raise a child,” Angie continued.  “Junior’s happy and well-adjusted.  If I’d stayed, he wouldn’t be.”  Angie looked at Max.  Her eyes glimmered with unshed tears.  “Yer parents fought.  You know how much that messes up children.”
              “…Yeah.  Yeah, it does.”  Max clenched his hands into fists.  “But one of our biggest fights was that ya didn’t want a child at that point in time. Ya can’t deny how it looks, fer you to be sayin’ over and over again that ya wanted to wait, only to leave while pregnant.”
              “I didn’t know I was pregnant until after I had left.  It was too late by then.  You know that I could never- never- terminate a pregnancy.”
              “But after Junior was born, ya kept him.  Yer fam’ly definitely offered to have a cousin or siblin’ take him in.”
              “So why did ya keep a child that ya claimed ya didn’t want?” Max demanded.  His voice rose.  Angie frowned at him.
              “Keep it down,” she hissed.  Max took a steadying breath.
              “Okay,” he said in a calmer voice.  “But the question stands.  Ya kept him, despite sayin’ ya didn’t want a child.  Why?”
              “I told ya I didn’t want a child ‘cause I was worried ‘bout my job.  I was. I knew ya would push and push fer me to take as much time off as possible, and I would.  Then, you’d push fer me to eventually leave, ‘cause I’d been off work fer so long.  I would cave in to that, too.  That wasn’t a worry no more after I left.”
              “I wouldn’t-” Max started.  Angie glared.  He fell silent.
              “Don’t claim ya wouldn’t.  We both know ya would.  Without the stress of our marriage weighin’ on me, everything fell into place.  I was comfortable and safe and settled and…”  Angie softened.  “…and I had a lil bean on the way.”
              “And Stan knows?”
              “You think that poorly of me?” Angie spat. “That I’d claim to a man I was pregnant with his child when I was pregnant with someone else’s?”  She got up.  Max stood as well.
              “Angie, I didn’t mean-”
              “No.  You did.”
              “I’m just surprised he’d raise a child what wasn’t his.”
              “He’s a good man, Max.”
              “He’s a criminal.”
              “That ain’t a dealbreaker to me.”
              “It should be!”
              “It-”  Angie crossed her arms with a huff.  “I tried to keep this conversation civil.  We both could use some closure.  But it’s clear to me that ya haven’t changed enough fer us to have this talk peacefully.”
              “We can-”
              “You need to leave,” Angie said shortly.  Max clenched his hands into fists.  Angie’s eyes narrowed.  “You have three options.  Option one: ya leave on yer own.  Option two: I kick yer sorry ass out myself.  Option three: Stan kicks ya out.”  She checked her watch.  “He should be home with the girls any minute now.”
              “Choose.”  Angie’s eyes bore into Max.  “Or I’ll choose fer ya.”
              “Fine,” Max snapped.  “Fine.  I’ll leave.” He threw his hands into the air. “It’s not like I had a million more questions to ask ya or anything like that.”
              “I can answer ‘em.  Some other time,” Angie said firmly.  She escorted Max to the front door and opened it.  “I want us to both be able to close this chapter.  But right now, we can’t without comin’ to blows.” Max stepped outside.  “Work on yourself, Max.  Then we can finish this conversation.”  She closed the door.  Max stomped away.  His anger ebbed with every step, until, a block away, he felt completely empty.  He came to a stop.
              What kind of hero am I?  My ex-wife was afraid of me.  She was worried ‘bout what I would do to her and our child.  And she was right to be scared.  His shoulders drooped.  My first son I had to give up ‘cause I couldn’t take care of him no more. My second son was six ‘fore I found out he even existed.  He closed his eyes.  I’m no hero.  I’m a deadbeat.  He looked back in the direction of Angie’s house.  Maybe…maybe it’s time fer me to work on myself.  Maybe…  He put his hands into his pockets and began to walk again.  Maybe it’s time fer me to hang up my mask.
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shozaii · 4 years
Could I request something angsty with Todoroki ? Maybe the reader comforting him after something happened with his father ?
(a/n): hello anon! took me long enough to complete this im so sorry :( but i hope you enjoy this! take care <3
bnha; thank you, love.
a shoto todoroki x reader oneshot
warnings : slight angst!
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“don’t stay up too late, y/l/n-san!” midoriya told you, smiling as he disappeared into the corridor of the boys’ dorms.
the others went to bed pretty early, wanting to start fresh tomorrow. you wouldn’t consider myself a night owl- you knew a lot of them were. 
but right now, as long as your boyfriend returns, you’d be happy.
he asked permission from mr.aizawa before heading home, of course. and he was supposed to return today.
in the meantime, mr.aizawa had to attend something important.
any moment now, it would be curfew. 
that’s why you were worried shoto didn’t arrive too soon.
an hour passed. 
you had to head back to my own room. meh, i could sneak out later. me and kaminari have done that before anyway, you thought.
it was for snacks.
you sent him a text, genuinely starting to feel a chill down your spine. minutes passed. 
shoto never misses a text. 
especially when they were yours.
so what happened now?
you gave up, jumping out of your bed. everyone should be asleep now. this was your chance.
you opened the door slowly, ensuring there was no creak from it. you tiptoed, careful not for any of the wooden flooring to give out a ghostly scream. the windows allowed enough moonlight to flow through. that bettered your opportunities of vision.
as you expected, no one was there.
“that’s it,” you whispered to yourself, taking out your phone.
his number went to voicemail.
you weren’t ready to break the dorm’s next biggest rule, heading out without permission. your stomach twisted, forcing you to stay put only until a specific time.
you gave in once more, heading out of your room, repeating the same steps as before.
there, in the common room, sat a figure. your eyes wandered around a bit, slowly adjusting themselves to the darkness engulfed around this strange silhouette.
you took out your phone and turned on the torch, careful not to shine it on the figure.
“shoto!” you whisper-shouted in delight. “oh god there you are!”
you were bewildered. this boy may have a lovely set of emotions, but when he was silent, you knew something was up.
you walked up towards him, patting the sofa in case of any object on it. you placed your hand on his shoulder.
“hey love. took you a while to return. come on, wanna go to your room?”
he finally looked up at you, his heterochromatic eyes staring into yours. they looked disturbed. sad. tired.
“can we head to yours?” he asked in a small voice.
“of course. watch your step.”
oh, endeavor. what have you done? 
“what?!” were his father’s first words when he heard the supposedly good news to both natsuo and fuyumi’s ears. he even saw your photo on his phone’s wallpaper.
he was supposed to show it to them. turns out he was good at eavesdropping. 
“you can’t just disagree immediately with his actions, dad! we’ll at least hear what he says-,’
“i don’t need to know anything further about this ridiculousness. this was the one thing i didn’t want from him.”
“naive,” natsuo grumbled under his breath.
“and just what makes you think i’ll listen to your opinions? you had to be here to hear it all; might as well just accept it,” shoto clenched his fists in fury.
“do i know this person?”
“no. why must it be someone you know?”
“i don’t need you to fall in love.”
“love was something you never gave me for years. neither to me, fuyumi, natsuo. none of us.”
“watch what you’re saying, shoto.”
“i am. and i stand corrected.”
he turned to both his siblings. “if only you got to meet them once. them and i have something we can never break.” his tense shoulders relaxed at the thought of his s/o. “everything about them is amazing. head to toe. i can promise you, you’ll love them.”
the air was filled with tension, not knowing who was going to have their word next. but the only thing shoto wanted right now was justice.
neither has his father met his s/o or talked to them.
“of course, man. bring them here whenever you want to. i’m willing to get to know them,” natsuo shrugged. clearly, he wasn’t on his father’s side.
“that’s wonderful, shoto.” fuyumi then lowered her voice. “be careful. you may reach a point where he won’t take back his words.”
“three against one. i’m not giving in.”
“ugh, don’t you get it son?! if you fall in love, you’ll only get distracted from your goals, and your road to becoming a hero!”
“which was why mom never got to stay here for long.”
nobody said a word. natsuo kept a straight face. fuyumi was in shock.
endeavor got angrier by every minute.
“either end it here, or leave.”
that was shoto’s last straw before he grabbed his bag, wore his shoes, and walked off without a word.
his siblings’ voices were in the distance, too far for him to hear anymore.
hands in his pockets, head hung low.
“ah,” you said.
the two of you were sitting on your balcony, staring at the moon. 
your hands were wrapped around him. you could feel his heartbeat racing. 
“i didn’t want to tell you any of this. i felt like punching a wall. he wants me to end up the way he did. i can’t take the pressure, y/n. i want to run from all of this. this... agony. constant reminders from him telling me to be a complete photocopy.”
“love,calm down. i’m here,” you said, kissing his head. “i would have to know it someday. right?”
“i know.”
“okay, let me ask you questions. are you happy?”
“always, now that you’re here.”
“do you feel distracted from your dreams?”
“i still feel the same. i want to become a hero. i want to save the world. i want to witness your journey with me. i want to protect you.”
“have i ever disappointed you?”
“in fact, do you believe in quirk marriages?”
“wouldn’t that just ruin the definition of true love?”
“see? sho. you are an amazing human being. making others smile. chasing your dreams. you’re friends with almost everyone in our class.”
“what did i ever do to deserve you?” he looked up at you, bringing your head to meet his. 
“i remember a cold, stoic baby boy nervously sweating when he said hi to me,” you chuckled. 
“oh, no.”
“i’m here, shoto. if it means to stand with you, i will. a hero has feelings, too. the moment you chose to walk away is the moment i know you have a long way to go.”
“with you.”
“ah, if you say so,” you stuck out of your tongue. you finally see him giggle after what felt like so long.
“thank you, love.”
(a/n):this was my first time writing a oneshot so i hope it’s a good read! thank you for this suggestion, by the way. ^^
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dxrkvibez · 3 years
@lauren-pace-y here it is!!!
⌑ Best Friends⌑
A Susan x Barbara One Shot
Requested: yes
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,572
“Seriously, Ali? This is the third time this week you’ve ditched us to go hang out with that gross loser.” Susan said, throwing her backpack down on the floor as soon as they walked into Barbara’s house.
Ali sighed and put her hands up in defense. “I know, I know. But he asked me out, and I like him. Why wouldn’t I go out with him?”
Susan turned and glared at Ali, acting as if her friend should’ve already known the answer. “Are you kidding me, Ali? Ever single week, you say that you’ll hang out with us, and then every week, you end up changing the plans, so that you can go out with him!”
Barbara turned to look at Susan after grabbing a water bottle out of the fridge. “It’s not that big of a deal, is it? I mean, when you were with Tommy, you did the same thing.”
The dark haired girl snapped her head in Barbara’s direction and scoffed. “Yeah? Because I distinctively remember telling you guys at least a few weeks before each of our dates, she’s giving us… what? A day? That’s not much of a warning.”
“Actually, we’re going out together tonight. I’m sorry, but we can hang out together tomorrow. If you want too?” Ali said
Susan sighed, deciding that getting some attention from her best friend was better then getting none. She nodded a little. “Yeah, we can do that.”
Barbara smiled, glad that it hadn’t ended in a fight. “Now why don’t we watch a movie and do homework like we came here to do?”
The next day at school, Susan met up with Ali so they could go to lunch together. Unbeknownst to her, Ali had invited Daniel to sit with them.
Susan was standing there, waiting for Ali, only to find out that her and Daniel were together. This hurt. She already felt as if she was being ignored, and now Ali know we inviting him as if it was no problem.
She didn’t know if she wanted to cry, or if she wanted to just yell at Ali and call her out for the way she had been treating her. Susan did neither though, and just pretended like she was fine.
“Hey, Daniels coming with us today.” Ali said, not asking if it was okay.
“Alright.” Susan said and smiled.
Daniel laughed. “I hope that’s okay with you. I know I’m not your favorite person.”
Susan played that comment off with a laugh, and the three of them walked to the lunch room together, as Ali and Daniel talked, walking ahead and leaving Susan behind.
Not only did they pretty much forget she was there, but It was hard to listen to their conversations too. Since all the two talked about was how much fun they had hanging out the day before, and inside jokes they had apparently created while they were together.
Susan ate her lunch quietly, eventually pulling her Walkman out and putting headphones on, after she realized they weren’t gonna say anything to her.
She felt horrible. Unwanted. Left out. Embarrassed. But, worst of all, she felt like she was losing her best friend.
As soon as the bell rang, she got up and went to class. Not even giving Daniel and Ali time to catch up with her.
Susan sat down in her chair and bit bake tears, her hands shaking as she went to pull a pencil out of her backpack. Keeping her head down so that hopefully Barbara didn’t see her when she came in.
Unluckily for her, Barbara spotted Susan as soon as she walked into the classroom. Before she had time to question her friend about what was wrong, the bell rang, and the other girl sat down.
Class seemed to drag on forever. None of what the teacher was saying, was actually being processed in Susan’s head, and she was overjoyed when she heard the bell rang.
She jumped out of her chair as quickly as possible and grabbed her backpack, slinging it over her shoulder and speed walked out of the classroom.
Barbara watched her friend, and hurriedly got her stuff together, then followed Susan out the halls and into the parking lot.
Susan stopped walking when she felt someone tug on her wrist. Hoping it was Ali coming to apologize, she turned around expectantly, only to scoff and turn back around when she saw that it was Barbara.
“Wow. I didn’t know you hated me that much.” Barbara said sarcastically, running to catch up with Susan, who had already walked ahead and started opening her car door.
Barbara put her hand on Susan’s shoulder, stopping the girl from getting into her car and driving off. “Hey. Can you talk to me please? What’s wrong?”
Susan scoffed and pushed the hand off her shoulder. “I don’t wanna talk about it.” She said, getting in the car
Barbara walked around and got into the other side, closing the door and putting her seatbelt on after she did. “Okay. Well, I don’t think your okay, and I don’t wanna leave you alone like this. So I’ll stay here with you, until you feel like opening up and telling me.”
Susan looked over at Barbara and opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out, so she just blinked instead.
“Yeah. You didn’t expect that. Did you?” Barbara said, staring out the front window, waiting for Susan to drive.
After a few minutes of just sitting there in silence, Susan started crying and leaned her head against the steering wheel in front of her.
Barbara frowned and looked over at her friend, gently rubbing her back. “Hey… hey, it’s okay. It’s okay. Whatever it is.. I’m here for you… if you wanna just let it out right now, that’s okay.”
Susan leaned over and rested her head on Barbara’s chest, since that was all she could lean against from across the car. “I can’t take it anymore..”
Barbara looked down, starting to softly run her fingers through her friends hair to help calm her down. “Can’t take what anymore?”
“Ali- I-I can’t. She’s supposedly my ‘best friend’ but she hardly talks to me anymore. We-we didn’t even talk… she acted like I didn’t exist. They just talked… and bragged about how much fun they have together… I’m loosing my best friend and I don’t know what to do about it.”
Susan said, only starting to cry more. Her and Ali had been friends since they were young. So, her being upset about it was understandable.
Barbara looked down at Susan and gave her a soft smile. “You’ll always have me. I’ve been here just as long as she has, and I’ll be here even longer. I’ll never do something like that to you. Okay? Ali may be your best friend, but you are my best friend. I wouldn’t let anything like that happen to you.”
There was another moment of silence, until Susan sniffed and sat up, checking herself in the rearview mirror to make sure there weren’t mascara stains on her face.
Once Barbara realized that Susan wasn’t gonna say anything, she broke the silence. “So, do you feel better now?”
Susan turned to look at her and smiled a little then looked down at the floor, nervously picking a pencil up and playing with it in her hand to distract herself.
“What?” Barbara asked with a slight laugh, confused by her friends sudden change in behavior.
“Nothing… if I told you, you would think I was crazy.” Susan countered.
“Aww come on. I just gave you an inspirational speech and you can’t even tell me?” Barbara put her hands over her heart in mock offense and smirked.
“Fine…” Susan let out a deep breath, looking up and making eye contact with the girl across from her.
“I like you. I really like you. Your funny, smart, kind, and cute. I wanted to avoid this. Wanted it to go away, but it’s not going too. I have feelings for you, Barbara.”
Barbara sat there and smoothed out the skirt she was wearing. Trying to process this new information. “Really?”
“Yea really…” Susan said, now feeling embarrassed for bringing it up.
“Well… I mean- I haven’t ever really thought about it like that but-…” Barbara started, but was cut off.
“But what? I’m crazy? You think I’m a psychopath for liking someone that’s a girl?” Susan rambled, her first turning red out of embarrassment.
Barbara shook her head. “No. Not at all. In fact, I think we’d be quite cute together.”
“Really?” Susan asked.
“Yea really.” Barbara replied with a smile. Mimicking what they had said just seconds before.
Susan rubbed the back of her neck and looked down, before a pair of lips meeting with hers caused her to freeze up.
Once she realized what was happening, she smiled and accepted it, and started kissing Barbara back softly.
Barbara reached over and gently cupped Susan’s cheeks, while Susan placed her hands on the back of Barbara’s neck.
The kiss only lasted a few seconds, but it was one of the happiest feelings Susan ever had.
“Let’s go back to your house, and we can maybe spend some more time together? Maybe watch a movie, or just sit and talk?” Susan asked, finally turning the car on.
Ahh I had so much fun writing this!! Thanks so much!!
Requests are still open :)
Barbara smiled. “Yea of course we can do that. That sounds lovely.”
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