#and the person the inventor gave it to asked
smidge-j · 2 years
I really don't like the trend of connecting everything to the internet.
Why do I need to sign into an account to look at the time on the watch that is on my fuckig wrist?
Why does my hair-dryer need to download software updates before it can dry my hair?
Why do I have the ability to watch YouTube from my car? I'm pretty sure that counts as a distraction from driving and is illegal.
Why does my toaster come with Twitter pre-installed?
Don't get me wrong, I like spending time on the internet, but not everything should be internet accessible.
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voonroo · 5 months
Could I please request some platonic HCs for Sir Pentious and Angel Dust with a more reserved/naïve teen!reader sinner that’s relatively new to hell, somewhat overwhelmed by just all that chaos beyond the hotel, and ends up forming a paternal/sibling-like bond with them? Like they got the impression early on that Pentious/Angel either were fun to be around or maybe even helped them feel safe, and so they’ve kind of been hanging around them and coming to them for advice ever since? Thanks!
Cover Your Ears I'm About To Say Something You Don't Need To Hear!
⌐‣Angel & Pentious + Teen Reader REQ
Want more? Check out the masterlist↩︎
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Angel & Teen Reader
When he first saw you in the hotel not looking your hottest, he immediately felt a pang of pity.
News spread quickly in the hotel that you were new to hell. So he gave you some time before striking up a conversation.
You two hit it off without a hitch!
Angel often just calls you “kid” but it's in the most loving way possible.
He doesn't mind your reserved nature, easily talking enough for the both of you. So often, he’ll lead the conversation (a rant) and ask for your input every so often.
He tries his hardest not to spit dirty jokes in your presence, he doesn't really give two shits if you're naive, he's gonna try to keep you that way.
He wouldn't tell you what he does for a living and would probably try to avoid you after a rough shift to make absolutely sure that he doesn't pop off at you.
When you begin to come to (him!) for advice— oh that's when he takes the title of big brother.
He’d try his hardest to give you the best advice for anything you ask. If he can't think of something on the spot then expect a message with step-by-step advice at like 1 am.
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Pentious & Teen Reader
When he met you in the hotel and saw how young you were and how stressed you looked, tears could be seen in his eyes. (he's an empath I swear.)
He’d try to distract you from your own negative feelings frequently.
He calls you “my child” at first- even though you're a teenager… But soon it changes to him calling you your name like a normal person.
Another one who talks (rants) enough for the two of you. However, he’d be talking inventor and even if you don't know what he's talking about (you will soon) he will ask you your recommendations, thoughts, ideas, etcetera etcetera.
He loves trying to teach you how to build things. Whenever you're successful he claps his hands excitedly with the proudest smile on his face– and he's crying…
He grows attached very easily and will gladly take on the title of “father” The egg bois call you “the boss’s child”
Pentious won't allow any disrespect on your name even if it means he gets all the disrespect himself.
“You're naive? Oh don't worry I can be that too sssometimes—”
He knows he's so happy when you come to him for advice. He may not give the best advice but god damn it, with how he presents his answer to you with so much confidence- it might as well be.
“We ssshould nuke them!”
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Word Count: 443
Inbox is open!!
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girl-next-door-writes · 3 months
A Little Comfort
Characters: George Weasley x reader
Summary: George Weasley finds himself longing for the comfort of being the little spoon, but his pride and embarrassment hold him back from asking. As he navigates his feelings, he discovers that vulnerability can lead to unexpected moments of intimacy.
Word Count: 1022 words
Prompt: Georgie wanting to be the little spoon but too embarrassed to ask. Just well built guy wanting spooned or to sit in your lap with his hair getting played with.
A/N:  anon
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George Weasley was many things: a prankster, an inventor, a loyal friend. But there was one thing he longed for more than anything else, something he kept hidden behind his confident facade—the desire to be cared for, to let his guard down and be wrapped up in the arms of someone who loved him. George Weasley just wanted to find love. It wasn't something he openly admitted to, especially not to his twin brother Fred, who would never let him live it down. George had always been the one to be the protector, but lately, he found himself yearning for the warmth and comfort of being held.
It was a quiet evening at The Burrow, the fire crackling in the hearth as George sat with his family, lost in his thoughts. He watched as his siblings and their significant others chatted and laughed, envy gnawing at him as he longed for the kind of closeness they shared.
As the night wore on, George found himself drawn to the idea of being held more and more. He imagined the feeling of strong arms wrapped around him, the gentle strokes of fingers through his hair, and the soothing rhythm of a heartbeat against his back. But admitting his desire felt like an insurmountable hurdle. What would his people think? Would they mock him mercilessly, or worse, pity him for his vulnerability? George couldn't bear the thought of being seen as weak, even if it meant denying himself the comfort he craved.
The days passed, and George's longing only grew stronger. He tried to bury his feelings beneath layers of humor and bravado, but they lingered in the back of his mind, a constant reminder of what he was denying himself. Every person who crossed his path was assessed for romantic partner potential, but nobody seemed to measure up.
One evening, as the family gathered for dinner at The Burrow. Charlie had brought one of his many friends with him and George found himself sitting next to you. He stole glances at you when he thought no one was looking, admiring the way your eyes sparkled with laughter and the way your smile lit up the room. This wasn’t the first time you had been a guest of the Weasley family but there was something different this time, something that seemed to call out to George, drawing him in.
As the meal progressed, George's desire to be near you grew almost unbearable. He could hardly concentrate on the conversation, his mind consumed with thoughts of you holding him close, your soft touch soothing his troubled heart. But as much as he longed for it, George couldn't bring himself to ask. The fear of rejection, of being laughed at or dismissed, held him back, trapping him in a cycle of longing and self-doubt.
After dinner, as the family dispersed to their various activities, George found himself alone with you in the living room. The fire cast a warm glow over the room, bathing everything in a soft, flickering light.
"Hey, George," you said, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between you. "Are you okay? You seem a bit...distracted tonight."  
George hesitated for a moment, unsure whether to confide in you. But something in your eyes, the genuine concern and warmth you showed him, gave him the courage to speak.
"I...I've been feeling a bit off lately," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "Just...struggling with some things, you know?"
You nodded sympathetically, reaching out to place a comforting hand on his arm. "I'm here if you want to talk about it," you offered gently. “I know we’ve never really talked, but, and don’t tell Charlie this, you are most likely my favourite Weasley.”
George felt a lump form in his throat, the weight of his unspoken desires pressing down on him.
“Thanks. I mean, for the talking and the favourite thing.” His cheeks flushed a little as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. You were always so kind to him, it was no surprise he seemed to have developed a bit of a crush on you. “Things have just been a little…” he trailed off; his brow furrowed.
“Stressful? I know you must be feeling a little like a third wheel now Fred and Angelina are together. It’ll be fine though, just focus on what you want.”
George considered your words, and, in a moment of bravery, he blurted out what he had been so desperately trying to keep in; too afraid to confess.
"I...I want to be the little spoon," he confessed, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
To his surprise, you didn't laugh or mock him. Instead, you smiled softly, your eyes shining with understanding and compassion.
"George," you said, your voice soft and reassuring. "There's nothing wrong with wanting to be held. Everyone needs comfort sometimes, even the strongest among us. I think you’d make quite a good little spoon.”
With those words, something inside George shifted. The weight of his fears began to lift, replaced by a sense of relief and acceptance. He had bared his soul to you, and instead of ridiculing him, you had embraced him with open arms.
"Thank you," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion.
Without hesitation, you pulled him into a warm embrace, wrapping your arms around him and holding him close. George leaned into your touch, savoring the feeling of being held, his eyes closing as he wrapped his arms around you in return.
Several hours later, Charlie wandered through the living room, his eyebrow raising and a smirk playing on his lips at the scene before him. The two of you were lay on the sofa, half asleep. You were stroking George’s hair and whispering words of comfort, while George’s eyes were closed, a contented smile on his lips and a sense of peace washing over him. Charlie slowly backed out of the room, leaving the two of you in peace. He’d always wondered how long it would take you and George to get together, and now it didn’t seem like he’d have to wait much longer for that answer.
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gaybae1021 · 2 months
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Took a shot at drawing the Stardew Valley bachelorettes!
Maybe I’ll do the bachelors, I’m not as confident with drawing guys though. I definitely have ideas for some of them…
Edit: I did it
Individual pics and thought process under the cut:
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Made penny’s outfit a bit more teacher-like and gave her a big comfy cardigan because the girl needs something nice. Tried to make her a bit chunky to match what I imagine Pam’s body type would be, but she’s honestly so swallowed by the sweater her chub doesn’t really show through lol.
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Probably wins for biggest change from canon, but she was my first spouse so she deserved something special, and the idea of hot pink bell bottom jeans was too good to pass up. Also added a bag for her camera, she may be a fashionista but she’s still practical.
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Short queen.
Overall I just tried to make her look more like an inventor. So things like the motor oil stains and capped boots for safety, plus ample pockets for bolts and wires. Oh and I gave her more textured hair, though I tried to keep the overall square shape language it had originally.
Also her and Sebby both have dimples from Robin.
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Probably the design Im least satisfied with. I knew I wanted Leah to be more butch from the start, but I do thing it strayed a bit far from her characterization, especially with her loved gifts suggesting she has a more lavish taste.
Gave her some gray streaks, implying that she got a bit worn down from city life. I also gave her a tattoo, I thought it fit her living in the city. I imagine a heart event would have her cover it up with something more naturey and personal.
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My second wife! This one is pretty consistent with other designs I’ve seen, though I think I still added my own spin to it.
I personally don’t believe the wizard theory, so I made her natural hair match Pierre’s.
Also the scar isn’t from anything cool, I like to think she just tripped as a baby. But she’ll tell a different crazy story anytime someone asks.
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I love how different the depictions of Emily are, I’ve seen them range from graceful crystal goddess to full on manic pixie dream girl. Obviously my version is closer to the latter, though I tried to balance that out with a sense of maturity, given her job as a bartender. I love her being a giant string bean, like she’s bent over in the pose so she doesn’t look too much taller than the others, but I imagine she’s like 6’ 1”. Also she has a gem bracelet, to symbolize all the rocks I gifted her.
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heartilywrites · 3 months
could you write a fluff korra x fem reader fic? i loved give in to me!!
omg hi !! im so glad you loved it 🥺 this is my first request, hope you enjoyed it and love it as much as i loved writing it!!!
،، 𝓡eady? Take 3! ; Korra
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resume: Korra had been wanting to tell you how she felt for quite some time now.
content warning: fluff and comfort ; fem and earthbender!reader ; for plotting reasons, Mako and Korra never had a relationship ; a long os 'cause I kinda got excited ; no use of y/n ; the only thing I described from physical looks are the eyes, but because the ppl from the Earth Kingdom have green eyes ;
word count: 2.5k
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“ 𝓘 made my mind long ago, but I still needed more time.
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Love can be such a magical thing, can't it? Falling in love with someone you appreciate, feeling like you're floating when you are near to that person, butterflies in your stomach when you have them near, an electric touch when their hands are on you, your heart beating a hundred per second. . . Okay, sometimes it may be confused with anxiety, but Korra felt that way with you. In a good way! Korra thought love would be easy to handle for her. I mean, she's the avatar! she should be able to do everything, right?
But it was hard for her to understand how it worked. She knew you since her probending days with the team, between Bolin and you were helping her with her earthbending. She realize she was in love with you on one of the practices where Bolin was absent because he felt asleep.
That time alone with you made her realized how much she loved spending time with you, how she felt complete with you near, how her heart raced when she made you laugh and how she adored having your whole attention.
So she thought about talking about it to you.
Three tries. It took her three tries to say what she wanted. The first one was at the Glacier Spirits Festival.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Who are we staring at?” Asami said over her shoulder, scaring the brunette one, making her jump in her place.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “No one!” she was quick to exclaim, but the pale girl looked the way she was and smiled excited when she saw you scolding Bolin for shoving a whole bird in his mouth. “You know, staring at her won't do anything.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Do what? I don’t know what you're talking about, I don’t want to do anything.” the avatar mumbled, looking away. Asami laugh softly.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Sure you don't.” she smiled, one of her arms passed the brunette's shoulders. “Let's go, I'll take Bolin from her and you can stay and do nothing.” Asami tried to copy her friend's tone while she forced the avatar to walk your way.
When the pair arrived with you, your eyes lit up at the sight of Korra. She was too nervous to notice. “Hey, I need Bolin for a couple of minutes; I brought you another companion in exchange!” the inventor spoke.
Asami shoved Korra to you and was quick to take Bolin by the wrist to take him away with a 'but, my food!' complaint from him. The avatar was quick to straighten after bumping into you, her cheeks were light pink and her smile was nervous. “Hi. . . Uhm, do you want to play the booths?” she asked timidly pointing at one with mini Aangs in it.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I would love to!” you exclaimed and that gave Korra the courage to take you hand and walk to the booth.
The night was great, both of you were having the best time of your lives. Laughing, cheating in the most subtle way possible, eating a bunch of things until your stomach was full. She won a flying bison and a koalaotter plushies while you won a badgermole. At the end of the night, both of you were walking back to the tents where the whole group were staying at.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “You should've seen your face when the ferris wheel stopped at the top!” she had been laughing at you for about five minutes now and you couldn't resist to join her.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I hate heights! Stop making fun of me!” you tried to defend yourself while holding your stomach. It didn't took long to get to the tents. “It was fun, Korra. I had a great night, thank you.”
The southerner smiled fondly at you before nodding. “I had a great night too. . .” both of you stayed quiet while arriving to the doorstep of the tents, but it was a comfortable silence. “Listen, I...”
The sight of your green eyes stopped her words. It was right there, that was the moment, she needed to do it.
Korra took a big breath in.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I want you to have the koalaotter.” she said, cowering at the last second. You smiled big and took the plushie when she extended it.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Thank you!” you exclaimed admiring the plushie while Korra admired you. A moment later you extended the badgermole back at her. “Let's exchange, I want you to have it. I have something from you and you have something from me.” you said blushing hard. She accepted more than grateful and smiled at you.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I'll take good care of it.” she said, getting a small 'I know you will' from you before waving goodbye for the night.
Maybe she had a chance?
The second time was in Zaofu.
After helping prevent the kidnapping of Korra by the Red Lotus, you were the first one to come in once the girl got her mobility back.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “My spirits, Korra!” you exclaimed running to give her a hug which was pretty much reciprocated with a bit of strength from the Avatar. “I'm glad you're okay. I got so scared.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Me too.” she murmured close to your ear. Seconds that felt like hours, Korra spent in your arms, breathing in your scent while she could feel how fast your own breathing was. “I'm here, don't worry.”
You separated a little bit from the hug to look at her face and smiled fondly at her, she smiled back at you. A clear of throat busted the bubble you both were in. “Go get some rest, kids, we'll be making the questioning at first thing in the morning.” Lin said, both of you looked at her and then at each other.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I'll take her to her bed.” you told them before helping the southern stand up, you made her rest one of her arms on your shoulders and one of yours wrapped around her waist so she could lean on you completely.
The walk to Korra's room was slow, you didn't pressure her to walk faster and she thanked that in silence.
Once at her room you helped her to get in and tuck her in, giving Naga a pet when she got closer to make sure her friend was fine.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I'm going to stay here a little bit if you need anything.” you said, sitting by her side in the bed, she smiled.
She looked for your hand which you took without a problem into yours, leaving caresses on the back of her hand with your thumb. Both of you stayed quiet, your eyes looking at the union of hands and her eyes tracing your silhouette, making sure she got your image printed in her head.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I shouldn't ask you to come here with me. It's dangerous.” she broke the silence surrounding you both, you frowned looking up at her.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Don't be ridiculous, Korra. I know when to agree or decline to things.” you said, a bit annoyed at what you heard.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Yeah, but I put you in danger and–” you interrupted her.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I'm here because I like being with you.” she blinked surprised. “If I can help you, I will. I appreciate you a lot, Korra, you're my friend.”
And at the noun used on her, her whole confession faded away. You looked at her as a friend, she thought. She sighed and nodded. “You need to rest, we have people to question in a couple of hours.” the avatar responded, smiling a little bit. You nodded, standing up and making the attempt to walk out. The hand she had intertwined with yours pulled you back, you looked at her surprise. “Let's do a sleepover, yeah?” she made space on the bed.
You thought about it for a second before smiling and accepting the offer, it took both of you a great amount of three minutes to fall asleep, facing each other, feeling at ease with the presence of the other.
The third time was three years after saying goodbye to her, she was going back to the Southern Water Tribe. She said she needed time to herself, you send her letters everyday, getting letter back every couple of weeks and one day it suddenly stopped.
You didn't thought much of it, maybe she was just preparing everything to come back to the city and you didn't had time either to think about it.
Once you were told Kuvira's plan to attack Zaofu, you went back to the city in a try to help Suyin. After all, she helped you learn how to metalbend and you felt like that was the least you could do.
You arrived a couple of hours before Korra, but didn't cross her way since after talking to Suyin you got to an emergency training taught by the twins to make sure your metalbend was sharp.
After that, you got to sleep since the twins got the best out of you in just hours, missing the reunion with the avatar and got woken up by Wing saying they needed help to take Kuvira from the camp outside Zaofu, and so you did. Then got captured.
On your suit you narrowed your eyes at the silhouettes facing Kuvira. They shot back open in surprise. “Korra!?”
The avatar's heart raced, the feelings she ignored all that time resurfaced when she saw you. Trapped. You were moving desperate to get out of the trap. “Dear spirits, no...” she murmured to herself, the girl stayed in line, she tried not to freak out and attack Kuvira at that moment, she needed to come to an agreement.
The southerner could feel your gaze on her, she was desolate trying to win the fight to get you out of there. To have you in her arms and hold you tight. To tell you how much she missed you.
But the luck wasn't on her side that day and she lost. You watched how the flying bison got away with tears in your eyes, wishing, hoping to get a chance with her.
The next days captured with the Beifongs were... An experience. You were so grateful when you saw Lin, Bolin and Toph appear, you were the second one to get out and helped as much as you could to get out of the factory safe.
You were behind Suyin, Bolin and Zhu Li when they interrupted the president's meeting. When Korra laid eyes on you she was quick to hug you, a strong grip between the both of you.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I'm so glad to see you.” you said in a sigh, it almost felt like a weight fell off your shoulders.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I am too... You have no idea how much I missed you.” she said back, after a while you two took a step back. “I need to tell you something.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “It will have to wait, we have big problems.” even though you stopped her from talking and made her pay attention to Zhu Li, you took her hand. You needed to feel her touch to make sure it was her and not another dream.
Since the matter was life or death, both of you were able to put on hold the confessions to have your head in the game and survive whatever Kuvira threw at you. Plans were made, groups designated and goodbyes said from one group to another. It felt like the end of something, but everyone was so hopeful for a good ending.
And you were too, but you needed to do something before.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Hey, Korra, I need to talk to you.” you called the southerner, pulling the girl by the hand a little bit farther from the group. “Okay, listen, I've been trying to tell you this for years now, but I just couldn't–”
Your words got caught up in your mouth when you felt the lips of the girl infront of you press into yours. It was a sweet kiss, full of emotions coming from both sides and a bit desperate in the act.
Her lips knew their way around yours, it was almost like you two already knew how to exchange that gesture. Her hands found their way in your waist just as yours rest confidently in her shoulders, she pulled you as close to her as the anatomy would allow.
Once both yours and her lungs where burning in need of air, you pulled away. She rest her forehead in yours, her eyes were still closed for a bit before opening them and stumbling into your gaze. The one she had been loving since you arrived to her life, she smiled.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I love you.” she confessed finally, your cheeks were just as red as hers and you let a light giggle left your mouth. “I love you so much, since you first stomped in my feet at the probending gym.” your face got even more red at the memory. “I'm sorry for disappearing and for not writing you back enough, I just... I needed time to heal.”
You shook your head a bit, reassuring her with a little smile. “It doesn't matter, you are here, you are okay and I couldn't ask for more... I love you too, Korra, I always had.” the avatar could swear her heatbeats were loud enough for everyone on the place to hear them.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Once this is done I want to take you out. You and me alone.” she said before finally taking a step back from you, taking your hand into hers.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Sounds like a date.” you agreed before leaving a small peck in her lips.
And then, the final battle took place.
People were flying here and there. You learned to use the metal wires and took Bolin or Mako up and down when needed, so it was safe to say once the Colossus was defeated and Kuvira arrested you were tired to your bones. There you stood, with the whole group, taking a break.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Alright, excuse me.” Korra said walking to you and hugging you by the waist while giving you a kiss. You could hear gasps, both of surprise and excitement.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “WHAT!?” Bolin screamed with his jaw dropped, Mako had almost a same expression meanwhile Asami, Jinora and Ikki where smiling excited, Ikki was jumping in her place.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I heard we will be going to a wedding.” you said once you both ended the gesture, referring to Zhu Li and Varrick's wedding when Varrick showed off his fiancee's ring while looking for Korra after the portal opened. “Wanna be my plus one?”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Ooh, I would love to.” she giggled before turning to everyone else. “. . .I think we should get out of here.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “AREN'T YOU GOING TO TELL US HOW DID THIS HAPPENED!?” Bolin continued to scream.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Oh, they will. They have to or I'm going to make them.” Asami said, Mako laughed.
Maybe it was worth it to wait all those years for one of you to take the step, all the yearning and adoration for one to another made the result of that waiting so sweet, just as both of you had been dreaming of.
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moshpitgamma · 6 months
Can a feral Clay simp please get some headcanons of Troll mermaid (Troll maid? Idk-) Reader, Gender neutral preferably.
The little mermaid hyperfixation is showing with this one-
Ngl it took me a second to understand wth I was writing but I gotcha bae(Kinda made the reader like a techno troll but only the anatomy part ig🤔.Hopes that ok!!)😝🫶🏾🤍
(Yes Double Upload)
Clay x Gn! Mer-Troll Reader|| Headcannons
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📚The first time he saw you he 100% got spooked and yelled (Threw his book at you)
📚That was the first time yall interacted but now you guys are happily dating (got too lazy so skip to the dating Headcannons 😌)
📚Will try to find an inventor troll to build you a makeshift tank in his pod so you guys can be closer
📚Has funny nicknames for you:Nemo, Ariel, his wife/husband/spouse, and his little swimmer
📚(This man can’t swim for shit) If you offer him help or want to teach him he will get scared and wait a little while before giving a chance
📚Likes to read to you while you’re in your tank
📚Had to clean up spills of water when you got too excited in your tank and a little came over the top
📚When he introduced you to his brothers they said y’all should recreate the little mermaid scene for where Ariel saves Eric’s life from drowning (I haven’t watched it in a long time😭)
📚If you can breathe without water like the techno trolls, he carries you around to show you around the pop village.
📚Teaches you to walk on your fins like the techno trolls
📚Has viva and poppy make you custom clothes to fit your physique
📚Cuddles and traces the patterns and shapes on your tail when he’s stressed and needs to relax.
📚If you sing to him he’ll call you his personal siren
📚Once you figure out he was in Brozone, you’re gushing about how he was your favorite and how you owned every album.
📚If anyone talks shit about you, you’re putting them fins to work and he’s ready to throw hands right then and there
📚If you decide to join his sad book club, he’s there to dry your tears and make you feel better
📚If you surprise him with a matching green jumper (but one that fits you and your tail) he is falling in love with you again and is ready to put a ring on it
📚Will ask you things about your home and your people
📚Clay will ask you to take him to your home and will want to know everything about it
📚Once he gets to see your home he is astonished to how everyone is unique and different at the same time
📚Wants to marry you asap after you learn to walk on your fins for yall anniversary
📚Loves when you find cute trinkets and give them to him as a gift (keeps all your seashell necklaces and accessories you gave him)
📚If you are a different genre Mer-Troll he is willing to learn your music and surprise you with singing your favorite song
📚If you glow like the techno trolls he calls you his little glow stick. And kinda gets annoyed at how bright you glow at night but loves how warm it makes you
I hope that’s what you asked for and if it’s ok☺️🫶🏾
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 10 months
The Morally Grey Ch 1: Mistreated Meeting ~Peggy Carter xFem Scientist!Reader
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The SSR captures Reader, an eccentric, genius scientist for her time, but they can’t seem to crack her. That is until Peggy Carter gives Reader a run for her money…
Mommy… Masterlist
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: angst, teasing, pet names, interrogation, abuse of government position, implied physical abuse, wounds, cuts, swollen lip, implied injuries, implied hitting, implied punching, implied physical harm, etc.
Enjoy (:
“Y/N L/N, you are under arrest…—” the male agent grunted along with other words as she shoved you to the floor and then picked you up in hand cuffs.
The SSR had picked you up after they had found your lab filled with “questionable” experiments, as they called them. But the problem was, they had the lab, they had you, but they had nothing connecting the two.
Personally, you did not find the term “questionable” nor “experiments” during for your work… You were a scientist, an inventor. You had inventions, creations, technology, etc… “Experiments” were for junior high science fairs.
You were good at covering your tracks, for the most part at least. You had been caught at a black market auction, having bought the last Vibranium since the War. They couldn’t tie your lab back to you, but they had found it, and they had been tracking you for a while now. And so, you were sitting in the SSR interrogation room, being grilled by their best agents.
First a duo, a small, brunette man with a tall, blonde man. They played good cop, bad cop. But you would never fall for something so simple. Then, it was a crippled veteran, who did a softer approach. Trying to appeal to your better nature. But that didn’t make you budge either. Then the two men came back, only angrier. And so on. They brought in one or two other agents, but the main three always came back.
They had been at it for hours…
The blonde agent came in a final time, this time he brought a stick… He sighed and told you that he didn’t want to do this. You were almost offended. You spat in his face and told him off, the fact being that you would never give in to a tactic as degrading as physical persuasion. He did not like that…
Once he was done with you, the agent you came to recognize as Sousa came in. His face told you that he was definitely against what his colleague had just done. He sighed, and you noticed that he was carrying a first aid kit. He brought his chair around and next to you.
“I’d like to clean you up. Is that alright?” He asked, although by his tone it sounded like he was practically begging to make right the wrong that he felt had been done onto you.
You bit your lip and winced lightly as you had forgotten it was swollen and bleeding. You nodded lightly. The brunette agent nodded and smiled lightly, his face full of concern at your wince. He sat and began cleaning your wounds.
“I’m sorry…” he muttered under his breath, obvious not wanting his superiors to hear, but feeling bad enough where he felt he needed to say something.
“It’s alright…” you mumbled, not meeting his eye.
“Why didn’t you give him something? Anything…?” Sousa asked in his normal and somewhat honest tone, although you were sure this was also just another tactic.
“Don’t negotiate with terrorists.” You huffed with a shrug, which you immediately regretted and winced lightly again.
“Try to stay still…” Sousa muttered, looking at you sympathetically.
When he had finished patching you up, he sighed in content and moved himself and his chair back. You were getting tired by now. A knock on the door indicated Sousa was needed, and you sighed as you were left alone once more. Then you sat there. For a while.
Suddenly, the main lights of the building turned off. You assumed it was night time and that the lights had been turned off for the night. Now only the little lamp on the table gave you a way to see.
Just when you thought that they were going to leave you here for the night, the door opened once more. A classy brunette entered the interrogation room. Your head perked up.
“My name is Agent Peggy Carter. And you are Ms. Y/N L/N.” the female agent spoke in the most elegant British accent ever.
You shrugged, trying to hide any and all reactions that the British agent was successfully pulling out of you.
“Doesn’t change anything. I’m not talking.” You huffed.
At this, Agent Carter smiled in a gleaming, challenging manner. She then took a seat, across from you. You shivered at her close presence.
“Everyone has left. It’s just us.” The woman explained with a tone of a hidden agenda.
“Ah. They wouldn’t let you in here with me before?”
“No, they would not allow it at all.” She curtly said, “But I’m confident I’ll have you talking before they come back.”
Peggy spoke with sparkling eyes and a calculated smirk.
“Good. Starting off better than all those men from before…” you mused aloud.
The brunette chuckled and nodded in recognition and amusement. She put her hands together and on the table, as if to signal that the interrogation was beginning. Her face got more serious.
“First most, I wanted to apologize for my colleague’s behavior. I agree with you, I don’t warrant or believe in unneeded physical abuse of any kind.” Peggy sympathetically spoke.
You couldn’t tell if her sympathy was forward or just another tactic…
“Hmmm…” you hummed, nodding lightly.
Honestly, you were too tired to tell…
“You know… I have a friend who I believe is a lot like you…” she purred, setting the bait, her dumb, little smirk returning.
Your dumbass was too focused on her hair, her eyes, her hands, her neck, her lips to recognize her trap…
“Oh?” You spoke.
Peggy smirked.
“Yes. His name is Howard. He’s an inventor, like you. He likes to experiment, likes to create. He’s a genius. And I believe you are too.” the brunette charmed you.
You gulped and your eyes widened, your mouth going dry.
“I don’t think you are a bad person, Y/N. I think you are misunderstood. Like my friend.” She continued with a purr.
You felt seen.
A few minutes of silenced past.
“Thank you…” you whispered.
“I want to help you, Darling. But in order to do that, I need to understand you and your situation…” Peggy purred.
Darling… That sent sparks to your core…
“Ok…” you shuddered.
“Okay…?” She asked.
“Ok… I’ll tell you...”
Chapter 2 Out Now!!
Peggy Carter Masterlist
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nogenderbee · 4 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕐𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝔾, ℙ, 𝕋 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ anon request: Hihi !! I see ur reqs are open, so could I request letters G, P and T of the yandere alphabet with Rui, please? Ty!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Hello! Yeah absolutely! I didn't do yandere alphabet for a while and I feel like I may need to get used to it again because... I dunno it kinds feels cringe ToT Anyway, I hope it's just me and it's actually not and hope you like it!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ TW: unhealthy obsession, yandere, stalking, mentions of killing, mentions of body parts
Not putting affiliation because I'm aware of how triggering this could be.
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✧ Gross = What is something they think is really romantic/sweet but is actually horrifying?
Rui has real talent for creating robots, and he's also quite obsessed with making sure you're always safe. So why not mix those two for your own good, he thought? And that's how he one day announced that he invented a drone who'll follow you around and explained all the functions... it had camera, it could scare someone away but it could also kill... he assured you it'll never harm you but how can you not feel a bit startled knowing that murderous robot follows you 24/7?
He on the other hand thinks it's act of pure affection, love and care to you. He thinks he's just proving how much he wants to take care of your well being with that. So expect him to not understand when you ask him to give it up, no matter how hard you try convincing him.
"Stop it? Oh my darling... but I can't. What if someone approaches you when I'm away? You need protection. It's enough that I turn it off when we're together and it's for your comfort only."
✧ Please take it = What presents they usually give you? What's worst and best gift you got from them?
The best gift Rui gave to you would be something you were just eyeing in a mall. You didn't even had to be with him... he just had his connections and ways to observe you~ Maybe it was a bit creepy but there was nothing weird about the gift so who are you to refuse such a generous gift? It's not like he'd let you not take it either way...
But the worst gift would only happen if you have an enemy or a bully in your life. Once he hears stories from you, others or sees on his own two eyes what's happening, he promised himself to get vengeance for you and make you proud. So one day, when you were curious how could it be person you hated stopped appearing, he presents a little gift for you. Small trophy left from your, as well as his enemy. Little... part of their that he cut off.
✧ Type = What type of Yandere are they?
Rui would be the dependent and possessive type. Due to his middle school experience, he feels stronger need to be around you and not let go of you, so you want push him away. He's willing to try anything to keep you closer to him, be it slowly working for you to trust him, bribing you or even forcing you. He's good as long as it works.
But he doesn't have that sort of patience with strangers... if you approach someone, maybe he'll trust you. But if someone approaches you? He has all sorts of scenarios in his head and would kill them with a smile for even daring to speak with you.
"No, no, you don't need to go anywhere. I already took care of those papers. Someone less busy can do it, don't you think? You should focus on me, darling..."
@bleachtheidiot @yulikesminori @toyaswif3y @bl4cktourmaline @infernoram - come get your crazy inventor~
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seaweedrain · 5 months
I wanna go off about Pentious and Cherri because I adore them
I saw a post in the cherrisnake tag explaining how the whole night club scene felt a little OOC, and I totally agreed! Until I thought... Is it? I agree with the person who wrote the post (here is link to post) that Pentious seems like the kind of dude who would be asking for her fathers permission to court her! I've honestly wanted to write fanfics just like this back when the pilot came out, he really does give off those types of vibes!
I feel like the first few gestures of buying her a drink was him being gentlemanly! But again, like the person who wrote that post said, the mans probably got a lil buzzed, lettin the drinks talk as he moved forward with his Rule Of 3 comedy moment! Again, I fully agree haha! However, I do think another side of his personality was showing during this moment!
Sir Pentious has a desire to be accepted by those he admires! He wants the V's to see him, he wants other Overlords to notice him and his work! He will act like them if necessary! He's hip and cool! Or at least he really thinks he is! That club was Cherris scene! He was invited out by her! He had to act like her! Right??? That would impress her, RIGHT?! Asking her to do things with him that didn't seem... like him? She'd like that, right? That's what she does! She brought him there, after all (only because Charlie told her to, but he never thought he'd make it this far!)
After talking with Charlie in those last few episodes (in the background), the girl probably gave him sound advice to be himself as he tried to confess to Cherri. Being like Cherri didn't work with flirting with her (altho I personally, think she thinks he's a cute silly), so he might as well be himself. Someone who isn't trying to fight with her and "enemies/arch rivals". As he fumbles and runs away, it does look like she's a little sad he didn't confess, although I've seen a few argue that she just looked confused. Even after Angel told her she could hit that, in my personal opinion there was a hint of sadness.
In the fun facts, it says Sir Pentious died in the 19th century. I know he's an inventor, but the fact that he wears a generals outfit makes me wonder if that was him just... Being a silly lil guy thinking back to his time where he could have been high up in the ranks for war, or if he actually was! How much has he been through in life? Was he unable to confess his love before dying? I went to the wiki and couldn't find any information, although even if there were, I'm not sure how much I'd trust from wiki or how much of the info might be considered outdated now that the show is actually out!
The idea that he knew he was risking his after life, about to double die, he didn't want regrets about confessing to Cherri, especially after failing to the night before. Whether he had a similar experience in the living life or not, I do adore that Sir Pentious was able to be himself at least somewhat. Cherri was clearly charmed.
I do see him as a character that would try to court her over time, something I could DEF write a slow burn about! But I do love that he was written as someone who WANTED to get these feelings off his chest! Maybe if he could have, then he could have woo'd her like a proper gentleman! Maybe if we had a longer season, we could have seen more of that. His different attempts, trying to act like others thinking that'd impress her. Not fully aware that being himself was actually the answer all along. Yes, being himself was in a 'life' or death situation and it PROBABLY wasn't exactly how he could have wanted it to go down, but he was nonetheless, able to confess. Not pretending to be someone he wasn't. Yes, he agreed he was out of his mind, but he was being crazy for sacrificing himself! There wasn't time to think, he just had to do. There wouldn't be regrets. He was doing this for his friends, for her, in hopes to keep them safe or buy time.
So I do wish he took his time with her. Was able to flirt, court, and awkwardly confess at his own rate (figuring out he didn't have to pretend he was just like her and could do everything she did, fumbling it lmao) I could see how someone could think this was a ship pushed too quickly and out of the blue- maybe if there was more time in the season it wouldn't have seemed that way! I'm biased, I've been shipping them since the pilot! However, with the screen time they did get, I think it was written well!
And who knows?! There are theories he will lose his memory now that he's in Heaven, he will have lost his memory (which would be VERY sad, but I also adore the drama). I've seen posts where Charlie goes up again or Emily reaches out and they find out Pentious is there! I wouldn't be surprised if Emily remembered The Rizz Master who failed to flirt with a girl 3 times in one night at a club. I do fear Sera is going to do something to him, prevent him from doing anything as the news sinners can come to Heaven shouldn't be known or smth idk... But, I like the opportunities for Cherri and Sir Pentious that they may have in the future!
For all Cherri knows, right now Sir Pentious is double dead! The shipping possibilities are endless with him now being in Heaven! I saw a cute post about them writing letters and sending them to each other via Charlie. I could see Pentious writing this long, elegant letter with a reply of "LMAO XD RAWR" and him LOVING IT!
I'd love to know others thoughts, I just wanted to ramble about them.
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togetherhearted · 12 days
Could I request Buddha, Qin and Nikola with a s/o that says/asks the most out of pocket things ever? the two of them can just be sitting quietly and she'll ask something that is so random they just have to look at her for a few seconds, I don't why I just thought about this, it's 6AM rn and I just woke up
Oh dear me..thanks for waiting. It's been hard to went back on track for writing. I hope it is fine!![also sorry Edison fans,aka me as well]
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-Do you think candies have feelings?- Buddha stopped chewing on his gum as he heard your question. Your eyes were fixated on the candies in your palm. -Do I?- -I don't know- You put them back in the bag -Sometimes I wonder if we're not the only one feeling things- -Uh- The god went back on enjoying his sweets, popping another candy in his mouth with a satisfied crunch noise. -I never thought of that...-He admitted while putting his arms behind his back -Doesn't happen everyday to have asked this- You nodded. -Maybe they do, but it's not stopping me from enjoying them~ They must have a nice personality though, if they're so sweet-
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Qin crawled under the luxurious covers of the bed. His arms sneaked behind you, pulling your body closer to his. He sighed in delight. -Tired?- You let him nuzzle his face in your neck. -Very much so. I think I'll sleep immediately- You gave a slight nod, closing your eyes as well. -Qin...do you think rocks are forbidden candies?- Qin shot his eyes open, rubbing them in confusion. -Excuse me?- -Yeah...like, pretty and shiny rocks. Maybe the coloured ones have different flavours. Oh.what about the gems- -Please...go to sleep...-
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I think Edison's hair is actually a wig..- Nikola turned his head to you. He lifted his goggles, blinking in confusion. -Pardon?- -Yeah, Edison's hair.No way you can style them that way with your real hair- Nikola put down whatever device he was working on and sat. He tapped his index on his chin, pondering your thoughts. -I could ask him...- -Please do- Later that day Nikola crossed paths with the other inventor;after a quick nod exchange Nikola stopped the man on his tracks. -Say Edison- He turned his head to him with a dashing smile- Is that a wig?- Edison blinked a few times before taking a deep breath -EXCUSE ME?!-
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voidchillz · 1 month
I’m Your Neighbour
Hm? That’s Not My Neighbour Doppel Sanses X You Au? 🤔
Couldn’t be.
Your booth always smelled damp. Damp, mouldy, and dusty.
Asking the D.D.D. multiple times to clean it properly proved less than useful. The floors and walls were peeling and it wasn’t insulated properly for the colder months. But every day you requested a deep clean, all you got in return was the same salty response that you were only allowed to call the Determination Doppelgänger Defence for emergency cleanup. You knew for a fact that the people there weren’t allowed to ignore your calls, and it was very tempting to just keep bugging them until they fixed your cramped little room, but risking getting fired was not on the table. You were setting aside a portion of your paycheque every month in hopes to do the damn upkeep yourself, but so far, the most you could do was occasionally dust and pass a few surface wipes over the more disgusting areas to keep you sane. You even managed to scrape up the cash to get an inexpensive dehumidifier and some scent defusers… and some colourful stickers to put on the glass. It was miserable enough outside for everyone to come home from gruelling work in a crumbling grey city filled with untrustworthy strangers, only to then have an incredibly tense checkup that put their lives at risk as soon as they got back home. So you had a naive hope that the little heart and cat stickers and slightly less stagnant smells would encourage your neighbours to relax a little more…
It hadn’t really worked.
Except… you did have one person representing the proof that the world wasn’t completely lost out there and in here.
And speak of the devil.
That warm recognisable grin already had your dehydrated discouraged slump rise into a much more relieved state, tucking your hair back and ignoring the faint distain at its distinct greasiness. You really needed a shower. But hey, there was still a glass window between you and your favourite neighbour, and that artificial sweet rose scent was still on the air, so you had little to worry about when it came to smelling nice for him.
Despite his very apparent lack of eloquence, Sans worked as a freelance inventor, and damn was he good. But the poor guy was out almost every day, and though you were a little ashamed to admit the selfishness of it, whenever he came home late, it was the absolute highlight of your day. He was always the last one into the building, and on occasion you did wonder if the sweet little bastard went to the back of the line on purpose just to milk his time with you, but nevertheless, he always made sure you left your post to attend to the city’s curfew with a smile. There were even points that he refused to let you leave until he’d made you snort with laughter.
“that ID all up to scratch, kid?”
“you sure i’m on the list?”
“was that the D.D.D. logo…? maybe…”
He was the only neighbour that ever lingered, the only one that brought more attention to his forms rather than hoping you just let him through without a second glance at the checklist. Hells, at one point he’d even purposefully used an expired ID just to catch you off guard. The ass had given you the real one after, but he got a good earful from you, even when your heart was still thundering with terrified adrenaline, he grinned at you like some petty house cat. He never fidgeted, never twitched, just gave you that big smile and reminded you how good it felt to have a relaxed conversation with someone. Albeit a someone with a taste for pranks. Fake forms with wet ink, approaching the window with those dumb fake eyebrow and nose glasses on, he was so lucky there was something preventing you from smacking him upside the head when he got too silly. Still… he was the only one in the building that remembered your name.
With him sidling up to the glass, you were itching for stress relief. Today had been… long. Thankfully he skipped the pranks and just handed his ID and Entry Request in through the grate. He looked about as tired as you felt.
“evening, y/n, good hustle today?”
You grumbled with a non-committed frown, idly glancing through the letters you’d memorised.
“Mngh… you?”
He leant his weight against the wall and his forehead against the cooling glass after his responding grumble. It made your frown lift just slightly. He never really went into details about his work, but despite his smiles and playful jabs, he always looked strained. Eye bags, bedraggled hair, and dirty slippers, poor guy looked so soft and tired you were always tempted to give in whenever he slyly offered to come into the booth and take a break with you before your governmentally enforced bedtime. You’d gathered with how much he worked during the day that offering some stress and obligation-free drinks back at your place wasn’t really feasible… N-not that it was to begin with. Having your end-of-day chats was always lovely, but you had strong suspicions he just wanted to be friendly about an uncomfortable situation, he had that kind of welcoming air about him, so asking a very handsome very sweet near-stranger for drinks would be weird… right? Yeah…
“that entry request looking pretty interesting today, huh?”
“Wha… Oh!”
Shit. You’d just been zoning out and staring at his picture. Blinking and rubbing your face to clear your eyes you handed the request and identification back through and quickly ticked off the checklist with mechanical efficiency and pressing the button to unlock the apartment complex’s door.
“Right, go on ahead.”
He didn’t move.
Kinda just idly watched the door open before those icy blue eyes dragged back to you.
“damn, you really are zonked out today. already trying to send me to bed, officer? and here i was thinking you liked our talks.”
He teased with a little grin while you busied yourself with signing the checklist with his name and apartment number before tucking it into your desk drawer to ignore how hot your cheeks were.
“You know I do.”
“then what’s the problem?”
Ughh… He was really good at this… Didn’t matter how hard you kept up a smile, Sans had better eyes than you did.
You rubbed your face again, digging the balls of your palms against closed eyelids to try and rub the calling sleep out of them. Double checking behind him through the glass to ensure there was no one else waiting… you sighed and slumped with a drawn out groan.
“i knew it. come on, what’s wrong?”
He refrained from immediate jokes, and… well you appreciated it. Today didn’t feel like one that could be saved with quips.
“…I got three of them today.”
He went silent for a moment, a twisted up sympathetic look souring his pretty smile, his voice growing even softer.
“they’re getting ambitious…”
It wasn’t the first time you’d had an off day, but for months now most all Doppels had backed off your building, no matter how much you triple checked the papers… you didn’t want to think about what was happening at the other housing estates.
“i’m sorry, kid… the D.D.D. shouldn’t have made this stupid system.”
“Bots couldn’t do it. I wouldn’t trust them to be loose enough with the regulations that innocent people not wearing their usual hats wouldn’t get hurt.”
“you don’t know what they do to them during cleanup.”
“It’s implied, Sans…”
Another silence… your throat felt tight.
“about being the kindest person left in this damn city? don’t be. you gotta be the only person left that feels bad for doppels.”
He gave a gentle smile and carefully slid his hand through the grate, which you accepted gratefully. Human contact was so rare nowadays, everyone was terrified of everyone else. Business owners had their own strict rules to ensure they were selling goods to doppels. You knew they were dangerous but… ugh… it was such a complicated situation. But you weren’t about to put this responsibility on anyone else.
Sans squeezed your hand reassuringly, all you could do was pitifully bite back tears.
“I just… hate how bad it’s gotten. No one in the building trusts me and I’m supposed to be protecting them.”
Another gentle grip got your attention back to those heart-achingly sincere eyes.
“how long you been at this, kiddo? eight months? and not a single casualty. i don’t know about you but that’s fucking astounding. and even if you did slip up, a doppel’s sole purpose is to do so, make you fail, make you crumble under the pressure and let them in. not a soul at the D.D.D. could dream of being as gutsy as you.”
He hesitated for a moment before crouching down a little behind the glass, guiding your hand through the grate, and sending a full body quake through you when the last thing you expected was for warm lips to press a very tender kiss to your knuckles. When he looked up again, smiling warm as ever, you had an odd feeling that he was as hot in the face as you were currently.
“you’re doing great…”
You pursed your lips and felt your eyes blur and swim with tears, and if you hadn’t taken a moment to brush them away, you would’ve seen Sans smile dreamily as he stroked the back of your hand with his thumb.
“want me to come in there?”
“You know I’m not allowed…”
“you also ain’t allowed to stop and chat with me, but we’re well past that point.”
That was very true…
Maybe drinks at your place wasn’t impossible after all…
By this point Sans had the tone of how the stairs creaked ingrained into his skull. Walking up and down those death traps everyday was his only workout, and it was still too much.
But damn… who could care about that right now?
When he’d just gotten a solid few minutes cuddled up to his favourite little Human…?
You’d been so warm against him… so soft and delicate, it only made him prouder about his firm decision to make it clear to every other one of his kind that this building was off limits. And if the D.D.D. didn’t get to them first, Sans would be worse.
He would’ve stayed longer. Would’ve curled you up against him, lifted you up into his arms and carry you up these flights like he was lighter than air. But… gah, fuck. He got too excited. You had taken a few minutes to just cry against him, gripping his hoodie with those fragile intricate hands, letting him stroke your hair and soothe you. And then he just made you giggle with his stupid jokes until you were bright again. There had always been a difference between sunny smiles and your smile. Sunny was blinding and almost uncomfortable, it only really worked on the very young Humans, any older and they were either trying to get something from whoever they were smiling at or just wanted to leave the situation entirely. But your smile… it was less like the sun and more like… moon beams through the clouds. Soft and beautiful and natural… which was why he had to reluctantly escape far earlier than he would’ve liked.
Sans had been so absolutely blissed out by your deeply expressed gratitude and appreciation that he had been slipping… He was glad everyone else was already in their apartments, otherwise they’d have seen him shaking to get his key into the door with a grin that would split any Human’s cheeks apart.
He tried to breathe slower, do his regular exercises that had kept him alive for this long, but he just collapsed. As soon as he got the door shut, he stumbled onto his couch and clutched the pillows until they crackled and tore unpleasantly beneath his fingers. Not that he had long nails on anything, but hands were the hardest for him to keep up, it’s why he often stuffed them into his pockets to save a little extra energy. And now, all he could do was grin and claw at the cushions…
You were going to be the death of him…
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anonymergremlin · 8 months
"The one who truly suffers …"
Another one shot for the inventor!stalker!reader miniseries. This one takes place at the beginning of the reader's involvement with P. An event which shows that Carlo never mentioned them to his father for their own sake, or that his father simply never listened to him.
They placed a hand on the small of his back as they waited for P to sit down on the chair in front of them. He had taken quite some damage during their last fight, something that felt so unfair, knowing what his triumph would mean for the people of Krat. "Thank you for bringing my son back," Geppetto said as he placed his hand on the young man's shoulder. "No need to thank me, sir. I consider it to be my duty to support those who fight for Krat. Especially someone like him," [Name} replied, while bowing slightly. A gesture that made them want to vomit, to look at the men with disgusted eyes. His son, of course. Sure, that is what he is to him. "Give us a moment, I want to talk to them in private." Geppetto removed his hand from the puppet, gesturing at him to remain seated in the chair before he walked towards the open door of his office. What does he want from them? Since the day they decided to stay in the hotel and engage the residents and P, he had never spoken to the them. Did he have nothing to say to them, to the person who had been his son's lover? Carlo's lover. "P, have a rest now. I will be back later," they whispered softly to the puppet, a hand cupping one of his cheeks. Their feelings for him were really beginning to grow.
[Name] pulled their hand away from his soft skin to finally follow Geppetto. "What do you want to talk about, sir?", they asked in a calm and respectful tone, hiding the disgust and anger behind their words. "I was wondering, did you go to the Monad Charity school, child?". "Yes, sir." "I see. Well then. Forgive me for asking, but did you know my son, Carlo?" The question hit them like a puppet's metallic punch. He doesn't know? He doesn't know that they, alongside Romeo, were the one who showed Carlo affection, who cared for him as he deserved, who loved him from the bottom of their heart. He really doesn't know that it was them who brought him joy and happiness. For a moment, Geppetto had to wait for their answer, watching them with a raised eyebrow. [Name] swallowed deeply, trying to force the lump out of their throat. They bit their lips in an uncomfortable manner before finally managing to utter their words. "I'm sorry sir, I heard about Carlo and I must admit I saw him a few times but…", they tried their hardest to hold back the truth, "I never really interacted with him." "I see, my apologies child." "It's all right, sir. Please accept my most sincere condolences for your loss," [Name] somehow managed to say. They were ready to leave, actually they had to leave, but before they could do so, Geppetto gave them one final reply. "Thank you child, you have no idea how it felt to lose him. And then something shattered, shattered in their mind and heart. With quick steps, they left the room and made their way down the stairs to the entrance of the hotel.
They made sure that the door closed behind them before they slammed their fists against one of its walls. Again and again. Eyes filled with tears, their breath out of control, choppy cries escaping their lips. They screamed, they cried, they hid the wall. Over and over and over again. How does he dare, dare to say that they have no idea how his lost feels? He? He who never bothered? Who never cared when Carlo was still alive, when he needed his father's attention and love. He who had to see his son die in order to finally be a father.
It hurts. It hurts so much.
It hurts to know that you are the one who suffers most from losing the one you loved.
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fetusgooseandjuice · 2 years
Better Boyfriend
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Summary: Natasha has been in love with you for years. The only thing preventing her from being with you is your toxic boyfriend, but she knows she can treat you better.
Word Count: 1,477
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Second Person POV:
Arguments between couples are normal, but these were far from the normal couple arguments. He would get mad when food wasn't cooked for him, when you stayed out too late, and especially when you didn't tell him every detail of where you were going.
This would result in verbal and even physical abuse from him. Whether it was calling you lazy, or pulling your hair and slapping you across the face, he would turn around 30 minutes later and tell you how sorry he was and how much he loved you. And you found ways to believe and forgive him because you thought you loved him too.
Your dad, Tony Stark, was skeptical about Hayden. He knew that something was off because you're his daughter and he pays attention to your body language and facial expressions whenever you're around Hayden. But he didn't know the extent of what was happening, so he kept it to himself.
You weren't technically an avenger like your dad, but the team considered you one because you were an inventor like he was, so you spent a lot of time at the compound making contraptions and technology that could benefit the team during missions.
During the time you spent at the compound, you've grown close with the whole team. Clint, Bruce, Thor, and Steve being uncle-figures to you. While Wanda, Natasha, Kate, and Yelena were your best friends. They all thought of you like family and they loved you so much.
Which is why you were currently sitting in the living room, participating in game night with the team to celebrate Kate's first mission as an official avenger.
Your POV:
"Oh come on that's not allowed!" Thor yelled as Peter just 'won' the game.
"You're just jealous that you lost so you don't get to choose the movie for the next movie night." Peter bragged as he relaxed back into the couch with his hands folded behind his head, feeling accomplished.
"We're not jealous, we just don't wanna watch another Star Wars movie for fourth time this month." Kate said as she rolled her eyes.
"Yeah no I swear we've seen like every single one at this point." I agreed as everyone laughed.
My phone then started to blow up with notifications as their conversation about Star Wars continued. I flipped my phone over to look at the screen to see who was texting me. It was Hayden.
"Where the hell are you?!"
"You didn't tell me you left Y/N."
"I want you home right fucking now. I did not say that you could leave."
Were only some of the messages he was sending me. I clicked my phone off and turned it back over, trying to ignore the dings hoping that he would eventually stop.
"Wow sounds like someone really wants to talk to you." Wanda said from next to me.
I just gave her a quick small smile and looked down as the notifications kept coming.
"Are you gonna answer them?" she asked.
"I will later, it's probably just one of my friends. They'll be fine." I told her hoping that she'll just let it go.
That was until my phone started ringing, indicating an incoming call. I knew at that point, there was no letting this go. I picked up my phone and walked into a different room as I answered the call from Hayden.
Wanda's POV:
I could see Y/N's face visibly drop when her phone started ringing. She even looked a little nervous as she got up and left the room.
"Hey Nat have you noticed how odd Y/N's been acting recently?" I asked her as she was sitting beside me.
I knew that Natasha liked Y/N more than friend. She has ever since they met almost 4 years ago. So she was heartbroken when Y/N introduced us to her boyfriend. There were times when Natasha would sit in my room late at night ranting to me about her love for her and I would just listen.
"Have I noticed? How has it taken you this long for you to notice?" she responded.
"I mean I've noticed it before, but I thought it was just me. This is the first time I've brought it up to someone." I told her.
"Almost a month after she started dating that douchebag of hers is when it started." she said with certainty.
I'm not surprised that she knows that because for one, she's a former spy. And two, she's been in love with that girl for 4 years, so she pays a lot of attention to her.
"Do you think if we asked her about it she would talk to us?" I asked her.
"Probably not. If it really does have something to do with Hayden, then she won't want to bring us into it." she said and I nodded understandingly.
Just as she finished her sentence, Y/N came back into the room and started reaching for her shoes to put on. Both Natasha and I could tell she was crying even thought she was looking down and trying to wipe the tears away.
"Y/N are you okay? What happened?" Natasha quietly asked her so she didn't draw any attention to us.
She looked at us as she wiped her eyes, "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine I just have to go. Hayden wants me home." she said.
Nat and I looked at each other knowing that there's more to the story.
"Actually can we talk to you real quick, before you go." I asked her trying to get her to stay and talk to us about what she's going through.
"Guys I really-" she started but Natasha interrupted her.
"Y/N, please." she pleaded.
She looked down at her phone before looking back up at us, nodding her head.
We all stood up and walked into kitchen. Nat placed a comforting hand on Y/N's back, leading the way.
We sat her down in a chair and thought about how to we should approach this for a few seconds.
"Is everything okay. You know, with you and Hayden." Natasha asked her.
"Yeah everything's great." she quietly said with a small smile that we both knew was fake.
"We only ask because we've noticed you've been acting off recently." I added.
"Really guys I-I'm fine. Can I go now. I really need to get home." her voice was wavering and we could tell she was nervous.
"Y/N if you need help you can tell us. Whatever it is we'll help you." I said.
"I don't need help, I need to leave before-" she started, but interrupted herself.
"Before what?" I asked, but she stayed silent like she was trying to come to with something to say, but couldn't.
"Y/N is Hayden hurting you." Natasha asked, tired of beating around the bush and seeing Y/N so unlike herself.
"What?! No, no he would never. I-I mean sure he gets mad sometimes a-and we argue b-but-" she stopped and looked at us knowing that we weren't buying any of it.
"That's a ton of bullshit. I know he hurts you. Y/N, every time you're around him when you're with us you look just flat out scared. And this makeup-" she started as she leaned forward and wiped her thumb under Y/N's eye, smearing the makeup and partially revealing a bruise under her eye.
"I know you might have hid it well from some people but I care about you Y/N, okay. I notice when something wrong and there was no hiding that from me." she told her softly as her voice started to shake like she was about to cry from seeing the girl she loves like this.
Y/N was at a loss for words. We knew she was scared, but we could only help her if she let us.
"Let us help you, let me help you." Natasha pleaded to her.
"I'm fine and I can help myself." she said, holding back tears as she got up to grab her bag and tried to walk out of the door, but Natasha stopped her before she could.
"Y/N wait-" Natasha said as she grabbed Y/N's arm which made her flinch.
"I- Y/N...You know I would never do that to you-" Natasha told her, speechless yet softly.
"I'm sorry." Y/N said as she turned around to open the door and leave, leaving Nat standing there in shock.
Part 2 coming soon...
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animesmolbean · 4 months
A World of Pure Imagination
Author's Note: An original chapter!! Sorry if it's a little short.
Side note, I now officially own the Wonka DVD! I got it on Monday (March 11).
Additionally, I saw Dune Part 2 last night, and it was phenomenal!!
Hope you enjoy the chapter! ♥️
Chapter 8: Bonding Moment
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After a long day of selling chocolate to the townspeople, everyone returned to the wash house in high spirits. They were getting closer and closer to achieving their goal.
Once everyone was dismissed to their rooms for the night, Yin wanted to go to Noodle's room to talk to her about his feelings for a certain inventor. But before he could approach her, he felt a hand gently grab his wrist. He turned and saw it was Willy. His heart immediately started beating faster.
"What is it, Willy?"
Willy gave him a soft smile. "Can you... help me with something?" He asked, suddenly shy.
Yin felt a blush blossom onto his cheeks. He nodded. "Of course!" He said, a little too excited.
Willy's smile grew. "Great! Come on!" Willy pulled Yin after him, leading his to his room. Yin managed not to fall over from Willy, pulling on his arm and jogging at a fast pace. They made it to Willy's room, and they got inside, Willy closing the door.
Yin looked around. Despite knowing Willy planned on leaving once he paid off Mrs. Scrubbit, he still made his room look like one you would have if you had a home. The room was dripping with Wonka personality. With his travel factory, various items were strewn about, possibly for inventions and on his wall, were papers with all the letters of the alphabet that Noodle and he made.
The whole look of it made Yin wish he had something like that.
"Wow. You.. really made this... your own." He said.
Willy chuckled. "Sorry if it's a mess. I've been collecting various parts I need."
"Why?" Yin asked curiously.
"I'm building a trap. To finally catch the Little Orange Man." Willy replied, a determined gleam in his eyes.
"The one who's stealing your chocolate?"
Yin bit his bottom lip. After a few seconds of thinking, he nodded. "All right. I'll help you." He said with a soft smile.
Willy returned the smile. "Thank you, Yin." He said, bowing his head a little to the young man. Yin blushed lightly at the gesture, playing with a strand of his hair.
"Let's talk about how we will do it." Willy said as he sat on his bed.
Yin nodded and sat next to him.
For the next hour, the pair talked about how they would make the trap. Yin suggested using the jar he had to bait him into coming in; an idea Willy approved of. Once the talking was done, they started making the trap. Willy taught Yin how to do certain tasks.
As they worked, many occurrences happened. Their fingers brushing against each other's as they built the contraption, arms bumping into each other's, and the occasional glance one would have when the other wasn't looking.
The trap was almost complete when Willy spoke up.
"I've noticed you play with that bracelet around your wrist a lot."
Yin blushed lightly and looked down at his right wrist, where his handmade bracelet was.
Willy looked at the young man. "Was it a gift?" He asked curiously. Yin looked up at the beautiful inventor and nodded.
"Yeah. It was a gift... from my parents."
Willy finished his task and sat down on the floor next to Yin, crossing his legs. "Your parents got it for you?"
"Close. They... actually made it."
Willy looked surprised. "They did?"
Yin nodded with a hum. "They both came up with a design, bought the materials, and made it together. They gave it to me when I turned sixteen."
"May I see it?" Willy asked softly.
Yin was hesitant at first but decided to show Willy. But as he moved to remove the bracelet, Willy took his right hand and looked at the bracelet around his wrist.
The action made Yin blush. He silently watched as Willy examined the braided bracelet. His fingertips caressing the string, lightly tickling the inside of his wrist, sending a couple of chills down his spine.
"It's beautiful." Willy whispered to him.
"Thank you." Yin whispered back.
Yin looked down and saw Willy also had a bracelet around his wrist. "What about your bracelet?" He asked.
Willy looked down at his bracelet, then back at the gorgeous young man in front of him.
"It was my mother's." He whispered.
Yin frowned softly. They both had jewelry from their late parents.
Willy saw the frown and placed a hand on the boy's cheek. Yin gasped softly at the touch but relaxed after a few seconds. He reached a hand out and placed it on Willy's cheek, mirroring him. Willy leaned into the touch. Yin smiled softly.
The two stayed in that position for what felt like forever, just looking into each other's eyes. As they did, Yin realized that Willy's eyes had some green in them, along with hazel. They were beautiful.
The pleasant silence was interrupted when a soft yawn escaped Yin's lips. Willy thought he looked adorable. "Tired?"
The tired boy nodded. Willy stood up and took Yin's hands, helping him onto his feet. Yin swayed a bit as he stood. Luckily, Willy placed his hands on the boy's waist to steady him. Yin chuckled sleepily at the contact. Willy blushed lightly and bit his bottom lip.
"Come on. I'll help you to your room." Willy offered. Yin didn't refuse and wrapped an arm around Willy's shoulders. Willy helped the tired boy to Noodle's room. Once there, Yin looked at Willy.
"Thank you for helping me, Yin."
"Of course!" Yin replied. "Anything for you." He added in a whisper.
"Hmm?" Willy hummed, his head tilted to the side.
Yin realized his slip and shook his head tiredly. "Nothing." He smiled softly. "Good luck with your trap, Willy. Tell me how it goes if you catch him."
Willy smiled. "I will." He placed a hand on Yin's cheek and caresses it with his thumb. "Good night, Yin." He whispered, his tone sweet. Yin hummed at the feeling. "Good night, Willy." He whispered back, tucking a strand of Willy's curly hair behind his ear. Willy blushed lightly but smiled.
Yin opened the door and gave Willy a soft but sweet smile before entering the room. Willy watched him enter the room and close the door. He walked back to his room, a cheerful smile on his face.
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pinkeoni · 1 year
So I lost the original draft, but I got an anon asking me what I thought rainbows represented in ST. My answer looked a little like this:
I put off answering this question because this is actually a rather tough question that I didn’t have a quick answer to and did have to do some thinking on.
I feel like it’s easy to say “Gay,” and yes this is part of it, but this answer might actually be reductive and innacurate to what is actually happening in the show.
I think when considering period-accurate clothing, you have to consider the context of that time period. Rainbows being on clothes in the 1980’s is a little different then say, rainbows on clothes in the 2020’s.
It is true that the rainbow pride flag did exist in the 80’s, and rainbow pride gear did exist, however this was pre-rainbow capitalism and before we had the overabundance of rainbow merchandising. Rainbows were a symbol of pride in the 80s, but it also existed well outside of that. Now, it’s almost impossible to find clothing with rainbows on it that isn’t associated with pride. (Or even if it’s not the manufacturer’s intention, that correlation will still be made.)
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On the left is a bts photo of Robin Buckley, and on the right is Mindy Meeks from Scream VI. Both of these characters are lesbians, and both include clues in their costuming that point toward their sexualities. Robin has rainbow shapes and triangles on her shirt, while Mindy wear’s a shirt that says “Lavender Menace” on it and has a rainbow pride flag patch sewn onto her jacket.
Considering the personalities and context of these two characters is important when deciding their costumes. Robin is a closeted lesbian, living in a conservative small town in the 1980’s. Any indications towards her queerness are going to have to made incredibly subtly. Rainbow pride gear did exist in the 80’s, but it wouldn’t make sense for Robin to be wearing that openly.
Mindy, on the other hand, is out and proud and living in 2020’s NYC, so her wearing more overt pride gear makes sense for her character and the time that her character lives in. The rainbow patch serves as a reminder to the audience of her sexuality. When Mindy was first introduced Scream V, her sexuality was not explicitly stated, but the costume department instead gave her a rainbow pin as visual shorthand to communicate her identity.
So, with all that in mind, rainbows on clothes of a character in ST—
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—may not in itself be indicative of their sexuality.
But then again, this is a show created in the modern day for the modern audience who would have that association with gay pride, so it shouldn’t be ruled out.
I don’t think that Lucas having rainbows on his shirt means that he’s queer, but then when we have this—
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A rainbow being squarely placed behind Will, a character we know to be gay, who in a later season did a whole project on Alan Turing, the gay inventor of computers, it would be ignorant of me to say that rainbows in the show had no correlation with gay pride.
So then, I tried to approach the meaning of rainbows from a more broad sense. Maybe the meaning behind rainbows is something that could encapsulate gay pride while speaking to a larger meaning. So I decided to simplify it, and go back to rainbows in nature.
When do rainbows appear? After the rain.
Let’s go back to Lucas’ rainbow shirt that I pointed out before. Lucas wears this when he realizes that he’s in way over his head with his basketball crew and he returns to his friends. Lucas is getting out of the rainstorm and back into the light. He’s seeing the rainbow.
We can also apply this to his relationship with other characters, especially Max. Max has been in the dark for so long, but thanks to her friends, thanks to Lucas, she’s able to see some of that light again. Lucas is like her personal rainbow.
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Max also wears rainbows in season 3 to the same affect, except here I believe she is meant to be El’s rainbow. El has been kept in the dark but Max is the one that shows her the light.
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I think rainbows can also be misleading, though.
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The Rainbow Room was the reward that Papa gave the kids for doing well in their lessons. “Whoever wins will win an extra hour in the rainbow room.” It was supposed to be their light after the dark, but really it was another symbol of their entrapment. No matter how much extra time you get in the Rainbow Room, you are still a prisoner.
I wanted to talk about the Rainbow Room in regards to when we see rainbows on El’s letter that she sent to Mike.
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And yes, Mike reading a letter with rainbows on it in his Freddie Mercury tank while in front of his closet does seem like rainbows are being used as queercoding here, and that might be part of it, but considering that this scene comes right after we see the massacre in the Rainbow Room at the beginning of the episode, leading me to believe that the rainbows here are meant to correspond with the rainbows there.
Because Mike is like the Rainbow Room, he is supposed to be El’s light in the dark, he is supposed to be her reward after being in the rain for so long, but just like the Rainbow Room, it’s all false hope.
The Rainbow Room is where El has her showdown with One though, which represents another aspect of the light after the dark, clarity and truth.
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El has learned the truth and she even gains a new power in this moment. In a way, One has also reached a light in this moment. He had Soteria removed, he is seeing new possibilities, but it’s twisted, it’s upside down, hence why his rainbow is flipped.
And now I bring it back to the screenshot I showed earlier of the rainbow behind Will, which yes lends itself to some queercoding, but this is also the same scene where Will reveals the truth to the gang about D’Art. He’s bringing new infortmation into the light, and thus there is a rainbow behind him.
So, when we talk about rainbows and costuming, I think it’s significant that Robin and Will, are two confirmed queer characters, do not wear rainbows on their clothes. And if they do, it’s only very subtly. Will’s most colorful outfit is probably the one he get’s taken in, and after that both Will and Robin wear pretty muted and monochromatic outfits. They are hiding in the dark, they aren’t able to show their truths, their rainbows, just yet.
So, to the nice anon whose ask I lost about what rainbows represent in ST, my answer is: Clarity, truth, and the light after the rainstorm.
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sebsgirl71479 · 1 year
Forever My Love
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Steve Rogers x Curvy Female Reader
Other characters: Bucky Barnes, Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton
Warnings: As much fluff as your heart can handle, (later chapter, smut, unprotected sex, dry humping.)
A/N: I had this originally as a Chris Evans story but the climate surrounding him I didn't feel comfortable writing it. Maybe when things calm down I'll go back to writing Chris stories. In the meantime I hope you enjoy this little story. This is Part 1. Again please comment and reblog, they make me happy.
You wouldn’t necessarily call yourself an outcast, You had friends, you went out and had fun but you pretty much stayed to yourself. Your best friends were Wanda and Clint. You were pretty much the 3 musketeers. All 3 of you lived in the same cul de sac as well as 2 other families, the Barnes’ and Rogers’. You always saw them hanging out together but the 3 of you never really hung out that much with them. Them being Bucky and Steve. 
You were so shy, that when Wanda and Clint came to ask you to play when you were kids you almost ran home too afraid to say hello. After a few more attempts to ask you to play, your mother talked to you and just told you to give them a chance because they seemed like nice kids. Since that day you have never looked back and thank your mother for pushing you to the 2 best friends you’ll ever have. And now here you are senior year at Howard Stark High School, named after the famed inventor from your hometown. Summer had been great, you and Wanda both worked at the local ice cream shop called May’s while Clint worked right next door at Hawk archery store. Before the first day of school you told wanda that you wanted a little bit of a change for senior year. So she came over and had a day of beauty and went over what you wanted to change. 
You always wore simple clothes not really being too much into fashion like wanda but you wanted to branch out. Being a bit of a thicker gal it was always hard to find cute clothes that fit you, so you both headed out of your small town to the next one over and found some great clothes to help in your little change you wanted. When you got back Clint was a little butt hurt that he wasn’t asked to join so you let him come over and gave him a facial and manicure which he didn't mind. What you didn't notice was when you got back from the shops, Steve was watching you from his front yard as he was mowing it. He was shy like you but you never noticed it because you always thought he was as confident as Bucky. When in reality he was an awkward teen and didn't know how to talk to girls, especially ones he really liked, like you. He really wanted to ask you out but was afraid of you turning him down. He didn’t want any other girls, he wanted you. 
After you went in your house he finished his work and went inside his house and took a shower to get the summer heat and sweat off him before he walked over to Bucky’s house. He needed advice and the only person who could give him that was Bucky. Walking over to Bucky’s house he just lets himself in with a small knock on the door announcing himself. “Hey Buck, it’s me where are you?” Bucky peeked his head around the corner scaring the crap out of Steve. “Right here buddy, what's up!”
“Oh jesus christ buck don't do that.”
“Sorry about that. Come on, let's go play video games before our brains start to melt with school work soon.” Steve just shakes his head in disbelief. Bucky may say he doesn’t like school but he has some of the best grades in the school. 
“Actually Bucky, I need your help with something.” Seeing the seriousness on his face Bucky knew he really had to hear him out. “What’s up?” With a hefty sigh Steve got to the point.
“You know y/n across the street? I want to ask her out, but I don't know how to approach her. I think she is just pretty and I'm afraid I’ll say the wrong thing.”
“Alright pal, first of all have you ever talked to her?” Looking down at his hands he shakes his head no.
“Look I know you’re a bit shy but we have to try and get past that so you can get the girl, because you don't want to lose her to someone else.”
“God buck, she’s so damn pretty I don't know how I'm going to do this. Plus, I don't know how I will get her alone. Clint and Wanda are always with her like a shield.”
“Hey don’t worry about that. They are like us always together looking after each other. I can see it. I'm sure they are just protective of the other.” Soon enough Bucky was giving Steve the right way to speak to you and hopefully try and ask you out on a date. 
The next day was the first day of school and you were a little nervous about your outfit. Wanda assured you that it looked great on you and to not overthink it. So you stepped out of your house with Wanda and Clint waiting for you in Clint's car. You're wearing a cute brown sundress with a jean jacket and low top sneakers. As you walk, Clint starts blasting Cherry pie by Warrant and they both start whistling as you walk towards the car. You just shake your head at your two dorky friends and get in the back seat. “Y/N you look fantastic no one at school is going to believe it’s you.” Wanda was beaming like a proud mamma. “If you weren’t my best friend I'd ask you out.”
“Clint that’s very sweet but you’re like my brother that would be weird.” While all this was happening Steve watched you drive off with your friends as he was getting in his car with Bucky. He was driving too fast to see you in the back but he couldn't wait to see you at school.
“Hey lover-boy, let's get going or we’ll be late.”
“Shut up Bucky and get in the car.” 
Steve starts the car and backs out of his driveway and heads down the road towards school. The parking lot was chaotic with students milling around or standing by their cars showing off what they did to them during the summer. As Steve drove into the lot he saw you and your friends standing by Clint's car and there so happened to be an empty spot next to it. He carefully parked next to you and shut the engine off. You turned around when you saw a car park next to you and your friends and saw it was Steve and Bucky. When Steve stepped out of his car he looked amazing, wearing dark wash jeans, a white t-shirt and brown leather jacket. 
Wow, was he always this good looking?  Was your inner thoughts. He looked right at you as soon as he closed his door and gave you a lopsided smile. You returned his smile with one of your own and a small wave. You then felt warmth on your face and ducked your face down and looked away. 
Oh my god she looks like a goddess in that dress. That is what Steve was telling himself as he saw you standing by the car. The smile he gave you was a shot in the dark in hopes you would return it and you did. He felt his heart flutter when you smiled back, he’s really glad his asthma is under control now otherwise he would be having an attack right now. When you turned back to talk to your friends Bucky grabbed Steve by the shoulders as if to say ‘that's a good first start’ They both headed into the building to get their schedules and a quick bagel from the cafeteria. 
When you get to your 1st hour, you’re a little bummed that your friends aren't in this class with you but you do see a familiar face, Steve Rogers. This was honors biology and so everyone was sat 2 at a lab table, since you didn't know anyone else you start walking towards Steve. Steve looks up to see you enter the classroom looking for a place to sit. When you spot him you start walking to him almost hesitantly.
“Um, is th-this seat taken?” He looks at you like you just gave him the hardest equation known to man, when you ask again he shakes himself from his stupor and smiles up at you.
“Oh, no go ahead, it'd be a pleasure to have you sit with me.” ‘Smooth Rogers, real smooth’ You giggled at his response and sat down next to him. Steve throws caution to the wind and decides to speak first. Come on you dork you can do it.
“You know we’ve lived in the same cul de sac since we were kids and we’ve never really talked to each other?”
“I think that has to do with Clint and Wanda taking up all my free time.” You both laugh a little bit, then your laughter stops as soon as your teacher enters the room.
“Okay class welcome back for another great school year” He said a little sarcastically. “So just to let you know, I hope you like where you are sitting because the person next to you will be your lab partner for the remainder of the school year.” You and Steve look at each other with wide eyes but smile in the end. Your teacher goes over the basic safety procedures for the lab and most of the projects that you all will be doing during the year. 
The last 5 mins of class the teacher gives everyone time to get to know their partner. All you and Steve can do is smile and laugh at pretty much nothing, then the bell rings. You gather your things and put them in your backpack and Steve does the same.
“So what class do you have next?” You look at your schedule and see what you have next.
“Um, I have financial algebra next.”
“Really? So do I.” and he shows you his schedule and sees that you have the next 2 classes together.
“Oh wow, what a coincidence.”
“Can I walk with you to class?” Steve asks nervously.
“I’d Like that a lot” You walk towards the door and he lets you pass first like a gentleman and you head down the hall and to the right towards algebra. Entering the class you see both Wanda and Bucky sitting in the same row but 2 desks separating them. 
They see you both come in and wave at their respected friends. Steve lets you walk ahead of him and you sit to Wanda’s right and Steve to Bucky’s left. Wanda starts talking first.
“So what was that about?”
“What, we had the first hour together and found out that we have the 1st 3 classes together so he walked me here.” While you're talking to Wanda, Bucky starts asking Steve a million questions.
“So did you ask her out yet? Why did you walk her to class? Do you think she likes you, because I saw the way she looked at you before she sat down?”
“Bucky slow down man. Well she came into 1st hour and asked to sit next to me. Turns out we’re gonna be lab partners all year. We went to leave class and I asked what her next call was because I didn't want to leave her side and we have 3 classes together.”
“Steve, I think being able to ask her out is going to be easier than you thought huh?” 
Steve looks over at you and smiles, you look over your shoulder at the same time and smile back at him with a blush. He turns back to Bucky with a big grin on his face. “I’m gonna try my hardest to ask her out real soon and treat her like the goddess she is.”  Wanda looks back at you after you turn back around and gives you a look.
“What?” “What do you mean, what? Since when are you and Steve so friendly and that little smile he gave you?”
“It was just friendly. I don't think it meant anything.”
“Well whatever it was, don't lose it because I think he might be into you.” You weren’t a girl that the guys ever went for but seeing the way Steve was smiling at you and wanting to walk you to class stirred something in you. 
Your next class with Steve was advanced studio painting. Knowing you and Steve loved art was something unexpected but refreshing. Again you two sat close to each other in the class, looking at the other when the other wasn’t paying attention. This new thing between you and Steve almost felt natural like you were meant to connect now for some reason. Clint sat behind you guys and noticed this new development, he would bring it up to you later at lunch. When class ended it was time for lunch so you headed out towards the parking lot to meet Wanda at Clint’s car. Steve caught up with you while you were walking. 
“So, um what are you doing for lunch?”
“Oh, uh Wanda, Clint and I head down the street to the sub shop and hang there. It's sort of a tradition for us.” “Oh.” You could see disappointment in his eyes.
“Would you like to join us? The more the merrier, I mean if you want to?” He gave you the biggest, brightest smile that could light up a room.
“Yeah that would be great let me just go tell Bucky and we can meet you there?”
“That sounds great, can’t wait to see you.” And just like that Steve runs to find Bucky to tell him their lunch plans. You laugh at his eagerness and begin your trek to the car. Clint and Wanda are already waiting by the car when you walk up. “Hey guys, um do you mind if someone joins us for lunch, they’ll meet us there?”
“Is it Steve?” Clint is the first to pipe up.
“How do you know?”
“Please y/n i was sitting behind you guys in art class, i could see the looks you were giving each other.”
“They did the same thing in algebra this morning.” You look away in embarrassment but you know your friends mean well. “Yes it's Steve, is that okay with you guys?”
“Sure, we have no problem right Clint?” Wanda gives him a pointed look. He’s like a big brother so he can be protective. “Yeah sure, let's get going before all the good spots are gone.”       
Steve had such a supportive friend in Bucky. When he told him about lunch and being able to hang out with you, Bucky was on board anything to get his buddy the girl of his dreams. They arrived at the shop just as you had parked and got out of the car. You gave Clint your order and leant on the car waiting. You guys loved this place. It had great food and always 80s and 90s music blasting from the speakers. Steve walked up to you as Bucky went to put his and Steve’s orders in.
“Hey there.” “Hey yourself. Have you ever been here?”
“A few times.” “Yeah we love this place, it just feels nostalgic.” You both just stare at the other like you’re the only two people around. While this is happening Bucky is standing behind Wanda and Clint in line. This gave Clint the opportunity to ask Bucky what’s been on his mind since class. 
“Hey Bucky, I have to ask. Is Steve really into y/n or this some sick joke to play on her? Because she’s really shy and has never had a guy be interested in her like I see Steve being. I don't want her to get hurt. She's like a sister to me and I don't want her heart to get broken by the first guy that's interested in her.”
“Hey Clint i get it, i know we’ve pretty much known each other since we were kids but don't know much about the other. But what I do know is Steve is completely into her and wants to treat her right. He’s just as shy as she is and this is a big step for him to talk to a girl he likes. So no this is not a joke he really is into her 100%.”
“Okay then, let’s get our two shy, socially awkward friends together then.” 
Soon enough, you both are pulled from your little bubble by your friends coming back with your lunches. You spend the rest of lunch talking and getting to know one another. Living in the same cul de sac for so long the 5 of you hardly know much about the others. When it's just about time to head back to campus you go to open the back passenger door when you're stopped by a hand on your elbow. You turn around to see Steve smiling down at you and moving his hand lower to your hand. You feel goosebumps and tingles all the way down your arm to your tummy. 
“I was really hoping that this wouldn’t end.”
“Me too, I enjoyed our time together.”
“Then let me take you out this friday night?” You almost can't believe it, Steve Rogers is asking you out on a date. He has a twinkle in his eyes of hopefulness.
“I’d really like that Steve, But I've never been on a date before. I don't want to disappoint you.”
“You could never disappoint me, so what do you say? Friday night 6pm?”
“Sounds great, you know where I live.” He takes your hand in his and lifts it up to his lips and kisses your knuckles. The butterflies in your heart travel to your stomach in a tornado. In Steve’s car Bucky is punching the air in victory for his friend. Wanda is happily clapping her hands and Clint is looking on like a proud brother. 
Getting in the car you are on cloud 9, not even paying attention to Wanda talking to you about what you're going to wear on your date. Steve is so happy he is practically speeding towards school making Bucky hold on for dear life. When you got back to school you really didn’t pay much attention to your last 3 classes, thinking too much about Steve. Steve was no better himself. Practically daydreaming in class, that Bucky had to smack him on the back of the head when the teacher asked him a question in world history class. When the final bell rang, everyone ran out of their classes to get out and head home or to their after school jobs. 
When you guys were driving home you could see Steve and Bucky behind you heading their way home. When you turned around to see you smiled and Steve could see you so he waved back. Clint parked in his family's driveway and you all got out to head to your own homes. Wanda ran to her house dropping off her backpack and headed over to your house. She had to talk to you about what happened today. She practically busted through your front door yelling.
“HI MRS. Y/L/N! I JUST CAME TO TALK TO Y/N!” Your mom almost jumped out of her shoes.
“Oh my goodness Wanda, what is the hurry?”
“No time to talk, gotta get to y/n’s room.” Your mom just shook her head and went back to getting dinner ready. 
As you’re putting your jacket in your closet you can hear your best friend barreling her way into your house. You just laugh and wait for her to bust into your room.
“Okay girl, we have to figure out what you’re going to wear on your date with Steve.”
“Hey calm down, I haven't even told my mom yet.”
“Well let's put an outfit together then I’ll come down with you so you can tell your mom. She’s going to be so excited for you.” Wanda heads into your closet and searches for a few outfits for friday. After about an hour of mixing matching clothes you find the right outfit. Heading out of your room, you find your mom in the living room relaxing a bit. You’re a little bit nervous to tell her about this date. 
“Um, mom, there's something I want to tell you. Now before I do,I want you to know I'm really excited about this and I hope you will be too.” 
“Alright sweetie whatever it is, I'll be happy for you.” With a big sigh you get to it. 
“I have my first ever date friday night.” 
“Oh my gosh, my baby has a date. Who is it with sweetie? Is he a nice boy?” 
“Oh mom, he is so sweet and such a nice guy. It’s Steve Rogers from across the street.”
“The shy young man with the blonde hair?” 
“Yes mom, I'm really excited for this and I hope you will let me go?”
“Of course baby, I don’t see any problem with you going out with Steve. He’s such a nice boy, I hope you have fun and tell me everything afterwards, okay?”
“I will mom, thank you so much.” 
“Alright dinner will be ready soon, Wanda are you staying to eat?” 
“Oh I have to get home to help my mom with our dinner but maybe another night. Y/N I will talk to you later.”
“Okay Wanda, talk to you later.”
After you finished dinner you went to your room and cleaned up the mess you and Wanda made with the clothes. Out of the corner of your eye you see movement from your window. You go over and lift up the window and see Clint in his room rocking out to some music. Since you were kids you and Clint tied a rope between your windows and put a bell to let the other know you wanted to talk. When you hear the song fade out you tug on the rope and the bell starts to ring. He turns around and sees you laughing at him and goes to open his window. 
“Hey buttercup, whatcha want?”
“I just wanted to see how you were doing? You’ve been kind of quiet since I told you guys about Steve asking me out and I wanted to know if you’re okay with it?”
“Buttercup, you're like a sister to me and I just want to see you happy. But I will say this, I'm sure he won't do it but if he hurts you I will hurt him.” He looks at you trying to look serious. All you can do is laugh when he breaks out into a big smile.
“I knew I could count on you Clint, thank you for being there for me.” “Anything for you buttercup, now let me get back to my personal concert and I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Goodnight Bro.” With that you close your window and get ready for bed. 
Across the street it’s pretty much the same at Steve’s house. His mom and dad were very happy for him. He couldn’t stop talking about you at dinner. Steve’s mom was worried he wouldn’t come out of his shell, but now knowing he was able to ask a sweet, pretty girl who he says is the girl of his dreams, she couldn’t be happier for him. And of course his dad gave him ‘the talk’ to which Steve had a deep blush on his face the whole time.
“Dad, I’m a gentleman, I’m not going to do anything like that on the first date. I’m just hoping for a kiss, that's all”
“Well son, I just want to make sure you’re prepared for when the time comes. I know we taught you well and have good manners.”
“I know dad, I just want to treat her right. I know it seems soon and I’m young and all but, she’s it for me dad. I can see her with me for the rest of my life.”
“Don’t get too ahead of yourself son, take it one day at a time.”
"I will dad, don’t worry.” After helping his mom clean up the dishes from dinner he went upstairs to get ready for bed. He got under the covers ready to sleep but all he could do was stare at the ceiling and think of you and see you tomorrow at school. With a big smile on his face he turned over and fell asleep with your face on his mind. 
The rest of the school week went like the first day. You and Steve talking more and being flirtatious to each other. When Friday came you were a ball of nerves, so was Steve. When you got home from school Clint and Wanda came over to help you out with getting ready, even though Clint didn't do much but sit at your desk and talk about what not to do on the date. That big brother mentality he has around you. Bucky was laying on Steve’s bed exasperated because he was overthinking what to wear on your date.
“Steve, bud go simple. Wear that light blue button up and jeans. Don't go fancy unless you’re taking her somewhere fancy, just go with that shirt.”
“Yeah you’re right. Ugh I’m so nervous man. What if i fuck up and i never see her again?”
“That's impossible, you’re the human equivalent of a golden retriever. Chicks dig that, besides you are the nicest guy i know she’ll like whatever you do.” 
Before you knew it, it was 6pm and Your doorbell rang. Wanda let out an excited squeal and made sure to check your make-up to see if it was still good and ran towards the door as your mom opened it. As soon as you went to your door, Clint stopped you.
“Y/N look i want you to know, I’m happy for you. And if he tries to pull anything during the date you call me, but I have a feeling you won’t because he’s a good guy.”  You gave Clint a quick hug and left your room. You got to the living room where your mom was talking to Steve. When they heard your shoes clicking on the floor, they turned around at the same time. Your mom had a big smile on her face. Steve looked like his eyes were about to pop out of his head. 
“Sweetie, you look wonderful.” Your mom beamed with pride. Steve stood up and walked over to you still he hadn’t said anything until he was about 2 feet away from you. He grabbed your hand and brought it up to his lips and kissed the back of your hand.
“You look absolutely beautiful.” You wore a long sleeve bodysuit with an orange skirt and thigh high boots.
"Thank you Steve, you look very handsome, that shirt really brings out your eyes.” You both were blushing with each other's compliments.
“Well if you’re ready your chariot awaits.” With a small giggle, Steve intertwined his hand with yours and walked towards the front door. You turned around and said bye to your mom and 2 best friends. He actually drove his car from across the street where his house was to yours instead of walking over. His car was a dream, a 1971 Chevy Chevelle plus it was a convertible that sold you.
“Have I ever told you I really like your car?”
“No you haven’t but I'm glad you do. Most girls aren't into cars nowadays.” He opened the passenger door for you and didn't let go of your hand until you were seated and then closed your door. He ran over to his side and got in. 
You both drove off in comfortable silence just enjoying each other's presence. He drove you to a local diner that everyone in town really enjoyed, Ben’s Diner. He found a parking space and turned off the engine, before you could reach for the handle he stopped you.”
You stay there I’ll get the door for you.” You blushed a little bit at his gentleman-like behavior. He got out and came to your door and as he opened it he stretched out his hand for you to take. Closing the door he brings your hand into the crook of his elbow and walks you towards the diner. Then you kind of paused a bit and this caught Steve’s attention. In your head you're thinking, are there people from school here if they are, are they going to make comments about you being here with Steve? 
“Hey is everything okay?”
“I just got nervous all of a sudden. What if there are kids from school here? What if they think I shouldn't be with you?”
It was no secret that Steve was a very good looking guy, well built, beautiful blue eyes you can get lost in. “Who cares what they say. I’m here with you. Can I tell you a secret?”
You nod your head for him to continue. “This is actually my first date. You're the only girl I've ever wanted to ask out. There’s been no one else I have ever wanted to be with than you.” You look at him with wide eyes. You thought Steve would have had girls before you, boy were you wrong. And to tell you he’s been wanting to ask you out for a long while now makes your heart skip a beat.
“I didn't know you have been wanting to ask me out for so long. Okay let’s go in.” With big smiles you both enter the diner. When you go in you see May, your old boss from the ice cream shop behind the counter helping out. Her nephew Peter is bussing tables as well. “Y/N sweetheart, i feel like i haven't seen you in forever, come here and give me a hug.” May was like another mom to you and Wanda. She walks from behind the counter and gives you a bone crushing hug. 
“May, it’s so great to see you. Oh, May this is Steve Rogers, Steve this is May Parker my old boss at the ice cream shop.”
“Ma’am it's nice to meet you.” He tries to shake her hand but she’s a hugger so she wraps her arms around he middle giving him the same bone crushing hug.
“Oh please we don't shake hands, we are huggers. And please call me May, ma’am makes me feel old. So what brings you two here tonight?”
“Actually May, this is Steve and I’s first date.” The biggest smile appears on her face. “Well then let me show you my special spot just for tonight.” She grabs a few menus and leads you both over to a quiet corner of the diner.
“Ben usually uses this when he wants a quiet place to finish doing the books for the diner and shop but this is the perfect spot for a date this special.” “Thank you so much, you’re the best.” You sit opposite of each other in the booth and start looking at the menu. Dinner went great, you talked, you laughed and you noticed that no one was really paying attention to the two of you. Just before the check came, Peter came over to grab your plates from the table and chatted with you for a bit. He was a junior at your high school and it seemed that he and Steve had a lot in common.  
Steve paid the bill and you were both off and out of the diner, full and happy. You both waved to Ben who was in the kitchen and May who was manning the counter. Walking hand in hand back to Steve’s car, again he opened your door and led you inside.
“So where are we going next?” “That my beautiful angel is a surprise.” You blushed at the pet name he just gave you.
“Hey, why don’t you show me what this car can do Stevie?” “Wow, you just got way hotter y/n"
With that he pulls out of the parking lot and heads down the road and notices there are hardly any cars on the street. So he looks over at you and then starts shifting gears to get the car up to speed and then punches it into 4th gear and you’re loving it. Steve sees the pure joy on your face and he knows then and there, you're it for him and he hasn't even kissed you yet. When Steve sees the road he has to take he slows down and turns off the main road. As he is driving he pushes the button to let the top down on the car. In a few minutes you come to a clearing and park it over a small lookout. Steve shut off the car but keeps the music playing on the stereo. 
“Oh Steve, this is beautiful. I don't think I've ever been here before.”  “Yeah Bucky told me about this place and I thought it would be a great place for our date, plus we can stargaze.”
That’s when you look up and see how clear the night is and see every star and constellation. Just then Steve grabs a blanket from the back seat and lays it over both your laps. You look over at him and slide over closer to him. He wraps his arm around your shoulders and you both lean back and watch the stars twinkle in the sky. Every few seconds Steve rubs your shoulder and arms to keep you warm. You look over at Steve who is already staring at you with a small grin on his face. He brings up his other hand to your cheek and caresses it, then he moves it to the back of your neck into your hair. Your breath hitches, thinking to yourself ‘oh god is he going to kiss me now?’ You’ve never kissed a boy before and you’re worried you’ll be bad. 
“You’re so beautiful, I've been waiting so long to ask you this. Can I kiss you?” Feeling breathless you answer him.
“Yes. But I should tell you, this is my first kiss and I don't want to disappoint you.” 
“This is my first kiss too, and I'm glad it’s with you.” He brings your face towards his and you close your eyes when you feel his breath on your lips. He closes the gap more and he gently presses his lips to yours. It’s sweet and slow but still passionate. After a few seconds he gets bold and swipes his tongue into your mouth and you grant him entrance. You bring your hands to his chest and move them to his hair. His hands are now on your hips and he grabs them tight and moves you closer to him, if that’s possible. He wants to feel all of you. After you have the need to breathe, you break away from the kiss but just a little so you’re still close to his lips.
“That’s the best first kiss ever.” “Yeah, I never thought it would be that good Steve.” 
Steve gives you one more peck on the lips and you lay your head on his shoulder and enjoy the rest of your time together. When it's almost 10pm, Steve starts up the car to head back into town and drives you home. When he turns into your street, you start to dread the end of your date. He parks in front of your house and you can see the light in your living room still on. Most likely your mom is waiting for you. You start to play with your fingers nervously not knowing what to do. Steve gets out of the car and opens your door and walks you to your door. You start to fish out your keys to keep your mind busy.
“I had a really great time Steve, thank you.” “Me too. I really want to see you again.”
“Really?” “Yeah, I know this is fast but, you’re it y/n. There’s no one else I want in this world.”
“Oh Steve, I feel the same way.” He wraps his arms around your waist and lifts you up a little bit and kisses you breathless. He puts you back on your feet and kisses your forehead, before loosening his grip on you.
“Good night Steve.”
“Goodnight y/n. I’ll text you okay.”
“Okay.” With a big smile on his face he runs to his car and drives across the street to his house and heads into his house. 
While you and Steve were having your moment, all of your friends were each looking out their windows wanting to see how the date went. Wanda clapped and squealed from her bedroom, Clint was in the garage repairing his arrows shaking his head seeing how happy you were, and Bucky was sitting in his living room punching the air when Steve gave you that kiss.
Steve really wanted to get ready for bed but he was too excited to. He looked out his window and saw that the light was on in your room. So he jumps out of bed and slips out of his house as quietly as possible to run over to your house. He taps on your window so lightly you almost miss it. You cautiously walk over to your window and pull back the curtain and see Steve at your window. You open the window to see why he’s at your house at this hour.
“Steve, what are you doing here? Are you still in your pj’s?” “I couldn’t sleep and I saw your light was still on so I took a risk and came over. I can't stop thinking about you. Can I come in?”  You begin to think about it, hoping you don't get caught and nod your head. Steve then brings his leg over the window sill and jumps in. You laugh at his eagerness getting into your room.
When he finally gets his bearings, he brings you into his arms and kisses you. He never wants to stop kissing, he feels like this is heaven and you're the angel that brought him there. After a few minutes he breaks the kiss and places his forehead to yours. "I hope it was okay that I came over?” “It was more than okay.”
Part 2
(I hope you enjoyed this first part. If you want to be notified about the next part let know in the comments.)
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