#and the music hasnt blown me away yet
foxstens · 2 years
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denouementism-blog · 7 years
( rome flynn / 25 / he/him ) is that ( mason danvers ) ordering a ( black eye ) at mocha? i heard they’re a ( club bouncer/aspiring singer/songwriter ) who’s known as the ( halcyon ) around here. however, they say ( mason ) is very ( ardent ), but ( lethargic ). well, better get their drink before it gets cold! ( astra / 17 / she/her / pst )
oh boy !! if u thought me, a muse hoe, was going to settle for one character in mocha ?? u thought wrong !! anyways, go ahead and shamsh that like button if u wanna plot ?? idc if we already plotted w/ dani. just shamsh it regardless. cross ur fingers that this shows up in the tags.
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alright so for starters ?? mason is a reincarnation of an old muse of mine but it’s like.. an au younger version that the muse bcs his original storyline was rlly meant 4 apocalypse-esque rps. anyways, let’s begin !!
so ya boi mason ?? is a baby ok. he grew up in a super strict household where it was a thing to go into the army or the marines or whatever. in general, his family rlly thought that doing stuff like that equated to success so he was raised to fit that role. his parents made sure he did well in school and filled his time with extracurricular activities and sports to keep him off the streets. rlly, he had little to no freedom as a child. he also grew up moving all over the place bcs his dad was constantly being moved around and consequently, he is a pretty cultured dude ?? like, he’s live in a lot of countries so he can kinda, vaguely speak a multitude of languages. english and spanish are his strong points, tho !! along with that, he knows ?? the smallest amount of japanese and french... but like.. dont test him on it 
all the moving ?? rlly got to him tho. he hated it and he really just wanted to have a home. like, a real home. a place where he actually felt at home. so he kinda grew up feeling v out of place and in general, just felt ?? disconnected ?? so he ended up running away from his home when he was abt 15 and never went back. he had to live in the shadows for a while bcs his parents were.. not the type of just let their kid run away and not do shit abt it, but he basically ?? just somehow managed to survive on the streets and made some cool friends who would secretly let him sleepover. once he was old enough, though, he got a job and slowly worked his way up. 
he ended up finding happiness in writing since it was the only thing that he could rlly do without having money. it was his only source of entertainment and he just ?? would get lost in his own little world of drawing and writing. it wasn’t until he found an old guitar in the trash that he found his one true passion. he ?? quickly caught onto it and started to create his own rhythm and beats and he would sing on the sidewalks and ask for money and stuff. then he started to actually write out lyrics and that’s how he RLLY found his passion. 
currently, he is just ?? chillin. he’s really into being active so he ended up getting a job as a club bouncer and he’s a sweetheart ok !! i love him. i love my son. but yeah, he also writes songs and sends his mixtapes to record labels and he’s just rlly passionate but also super lazy ?? 
he also basically just ?? walks around in leather jackets and rides a motorcycle. looks like he could kill u just with one look, but as soon as u talk 2 him, he’s the softest sunshine baby ever
he also has a youtube channel on the dl where he posts things of him singing like the damn nERD he is. bbut the youtube channel hasnt blown up yet so he ain’t famous
that’s all i can think of at the moment so ?? let’s get into some plots i want
ok so... im lit open to anything for plots, but here are some suggestions: 
possible romantic interest (??) / friend: okay listen !! give me “i saw a creepy guy trying to do stuff with you while you were drunk and i wasn’t about to let that happen so i made the guy go away and i made you sit next to me while i bounced people to make sure you were safe then took you back to my house and let you sleep and made you tea in the morning” type of things. i will love you 5ever. 
possible romantic interest (??) / friend: same basic idea as the other one, but give me “i saw you leave the club while you were crying and i stopped to ask if you were ok” type of things. rlly.. just give me those good Emo plots 
childhood friends: maybe ?? friends that he used to know before he ran away and they think he’s probs dead but whoops ?? guess not !! maybe they’re mad @ him for not telling them, or maybe they’re happy. who knows !
ride or die / savior: people that he may have met when he was around 15-19 that would have helped him out & possibly let him secretly stay at their house ?? or maybe not even secretly ?? just chill ppl in the chicago area that probs pitied my poor bby runaway
partner: look.. this is a v specific plot but like.. i kinda want someone who’s a singer to partner up with him so they can be cute singing buddies ?? he could write songs with/for them and it could be rlly cute ?? they can have a cute band and jdfnhiuhgierj give it 2 me. maybe they even start a youtube channel together. who knows!!
ex-romances: ok so ?? please give me a cute plot based on the sleep on the floor music video by the lumineers. just an relationship where they were super care-free and probs did impromptu roadtrips and just.. the cutest fluff fest ever. but now it’s not rlly like that anymore and they broke up bcs they lowkey had a rlly bad relationship ?? like toxic af bcs they were too passionate and ended up arguing 2 much & shit. or ?? they didn’t even break up. one of them just up & left the other. it would probs be mason bcs hes a flighty mo-fo but who knows !
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sadiiomane10 · 8 years
headcannons that i wrote with sej but never posted :( but anyway here ya go (1)
when hendo scores that screamer, marko cant believe what he’s seeing, 
okay loris being like hendo’s gonna score and when he does loris like OH YESSSS I WAS RIGHT and Marko is like….holy shit you genius….
so now marko is totally in awe of loris and they start taking about random shit with interruptions of OO HES GONNA SCORE not, and crying on each other when we conceded, 
marko and loris are #total bros, they are like the same type of person its weird
i can imagine loris being so outraged when we conceded NO NO WHY HIM NOT HIM THIS IS ANNOYING
, AND MARKO IS ALL NOOOO, and getting a little scared at loris’ non chill but hes kinda the same, and there both swearing or something and klopp looks back and grins cus these are his sons, and they totally learnt from him,
 zeljko smacks him on the arm and tells he shouldnt be proud that his footballers are swearing 
okay but klopp jumpping to his feet and opens his mouth to scream and then he just hears this massive FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!! and turns around to see loris and marko on their feet and klopp is like….well ok…did my job for me then 
and they see klopp looking at them and they get all shy and embarrassed and sit down and klopp laughs but there back on their feet the next minute,
 LORIS AND MARKO TOTALLY GO ON ROAD TRIPS AROUND ENGLAND TOGETHER, marko has totally found the buddy who’s willing to travel england with him 
and its totally like ok like the most lit thing ever and they take so many pics and they have the same taste in music and they take turns driving and stuff,
they totally #bond on there road trips and marko snapchats the whole thing and loris sends emre and sham cool pics, and they come to training with so many stories
and dejan and emre are ultimate bantz bros and dejan is like why didnt u congratulate me on my goal emre 
and emre being all like  pssshhh anyone coulda scored that. hendo had the beauty and dejan scoffing and smiling bye
dejan totally ruffles emre’s hair and everyone else is like how hasnt dejan lost a hand yet.
 cus dont touch the hair dude
klopp worked out that the third kit is a curse and he got sick of loris and emre whining about the disgusting colour, which klopp doesnt get why lo does it cus the dude has to where it all the time, 
but he still moans, and well klopp cant be bothered liistening to it, and he put them away in storage, anything for his fave german sons
Pleeeease klopp the toxic green is horrible to wear 😩😩😩 klopp: loris your kit is grey??? Loris: yeah but emre won’t shut up so I’m suffering too
klopp shakes his head cus he dealt with mario and marco at bvb but these two are wORSE 
And hes like FINE, and tells the kitmen to hide them or something cus he aint putting up with this,and emre is so pleased now he doesnt have to wear it but he teases the fuck outta loris and lo is like im telling klopp to bring them backkkk just for you, 
and emre is proper fiesty on the pitch and loris is like
“really emre picking another fight really”“do I have to fucking babysit u or what. whats ur problem emre”. “he fuckin tried to touch my hair”. “the bitch ill fight him for u”    
GIVE ME MY PHONE LORIS, Wait up em , emre tries to grab it, LAST ONE EMRE COME ON 
que the slap round the head from emre
and lo does it AGAIN but emre doesnt know and for ages emre isnt getting messages everyone thinks he’s giving them the cold shoulder and he’s like??? wtf???? then sees all the pictures which are like different angles of lo’s hair
 cue emre storming into the dressing room everyone like oh shit its going down and emre  just glares at lo and is like “YOU!!!!”
and everyone is like trying not to laugh cus oooo serious shit, and then loris just fucking bursts out laughing and every1 is like ……what and they start giggling too and emre is like USE UR OWN PHONE LORIS , and hes like but ur camera is better, WE HAVE EXACTLY THE SAME PHONE, …….idk man i like ur camera better, 
but really he only does it to make emres life hell
snapchat videos of the game from his angle asdfgh"emre takin out a guy no. 2958"“hey emre say hi!!!” “what are you DOING?…..hey guys [smolder]
emre totes said that him
“WHAT YA GONNA DO? FOUL ME? oh no shit wait i take that back”
loris following emre thru anfield with his camera like “hey guys emre looks good, zooms in super close to his hair, look at that perfection”, emre being affectionatly  annoyed
emre chasing him, loris being like  EMRE NO IM SORRY COME ON, emre getting lo in a headlock and screwing up loris hair 
a lot of people have been asking whats in your bagpack” “no they havent” “ok no they havent but im asking” loris rooting thru like heres emres gel, ‘its wax’ whatever same thing emre, and heres his wallet, ‘leave that aloneee loris’ and heres……  'LORIS LEAAVE MY THINGS ALONEEE’, loris running off with the bag down the hallway, and the sc vid just full of frantic running and giggling and shouts of LORIS YOU FUCKING SHIT GET BACK HERE,
 AND LORIS TRIPS OR SOMETHING AND THE STUFF GOES EVERYWHERE AND EMRE IS LIKE LOOK WHATS YOU’VE DONE but lo is too high on life and the video ends with p much just having a laughing fitl
and he looks at camera just in tears and like this grumps is angry with me but I DONT CARE and emre trying to grab his things and some of the other lads coming round the corner like whats going and seeing lo pissing himself laughing on the fall makes them laugh and soon there all laughing and emre wacks lo on the arm and laughs to
 and before you know everyone is liking posting videos and pictures of what just happened and the rest of the world is just like???? eh????and they have really cryptic captions like “WAX [crying laughing 
and like some time later they peel themselves off the floor still giggling some and emre is like u alright and lo is like yh and its like nice and not bantery and its all good and so much love 
and yesss everyone is hella confused on social media but this team just full on loves on each so much and its amazing 
everyone loves lo, i cry, 3 months at the club and everyone is already in love with him every1 fave goalie, i bet they randomly turn up at his house and just crash and chill out, cus well he lets them all in and hes super chill and everything 
 he got his hair cut everyone was fighting to touch it
poor dude has noo food left in his fridge, but hendo goes shopping and brings him things when he comes over cus hes a good captain and he takes care of our baby goalie and loris was swooning in the love and they literally made a line the fricking idiots
and just like at really quiet moments when someone’s stood next to him they’ll just reach up and stroke his hair and he’s just like….what you dooooin…
 bet u a million dollors adz did that him, i bet u anything that really happened one time, and lo gave him a look like wtf and adz is like ur hair is so nice and soft and lo is ???……..ok then and adz is like u have the best hair on the team 
and hendo screams over ACTUALLY EMRE HAS THE BEST HAIR ON THE TEAM, que arguments between #married couple no.1 and #married couple no.2
emre being all smug like hah i have the best hair and loris being like nah bitch i do and hendo being lke emre has the best hair and adz being like have u felt lo’s hair its amazing and klopp being like im going back to bvb, where things were normal and my players didnt fight over other peopls hair
god can you imagine like everybody filing in on these four full blown fighting and Milly and studge are like BREAK IT UP cos it sounds so serious and then they hear hendo scream ADMIT EMRE HAS SILKY SMOOTH HAIR!!!!
klopp walks away ashamed with his head in his hands, zelkjo is considering leaving, ads is close to tears, studge is in hysterics, lo pissing himself laughing, emre being like hah bitch i win, and loris walking away like whatev’s dude im still better than u and emre following him cus they need to continue arguing, its their thing,
 hendo being like alright ok dont cry ads and then he cuddles him, 
mils being exasperated and considering a move away from all this hectic mess ,
 they all go back to training but klopp is missing and everyone is like ……..what happened to him and zeljko being like hes prolly packing his bags cus u lot are idiots,
 que scared looks and extra hard commitment to training,
cus kloppo is more important than hair and loris being like see emre u scared off our mananger, and em being like MEEEE u started it , their bickering never stops ,
and hendo goes to find kloppo like a good captain and he’s just in his office ruining a stress balll
really hendo are we fighting about hair in training, hendo blushes and is like …….sorry…..but emre /does/ have the best hair. 
klopp shaking his head like i expect this from the baby germans but u and adam, come on hendo,
 but kloppo he does, yh he does but we dont fight about it in training and dont make adz cry, hes my fave son leave him alone,
 hendo- so ur not running away, klopp shakes his head and laughs cus zeljko honestly, but hendo feels proud cus klopp agrees that emre has the best hair and thats all he wants, 
adz can stick it, but hes not gonna make him cry again, klopp might kill him    
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hi i just wanted to talk
i dont really have any sort of direction or reason that i wanted to talk but its 9:30pm and im alone and im in a typey mood and i dont want to just watch more how i met your mother. (im on episode like 17 i was on like 2 this morning thats so embarrassing.) anyways. i should probably watch a disney movie to help fuel the reigniting fire inside of me, but idk it just hasnt happened yet. oh im waking up at like 6am tomorrow morning rip me amiright or amiright. obviously relationships have been on my mind a lot lately. theyre hard. honestly, i know that once one of radk starts dating someone im going to feel the need to be a know it all (WHICH IS SO ANNOYING SUCH A BIG FLAW I HAVE) and be like ok but dont believe all the sweet things they say because boys lie!!!!!!!!! which is true. lets be honest here they do. they say very very sweet things to win over your heart because they want you and they know that saying those things will make you swoon. and it sucks because it will work and youll believe what theyre saying, hell, they may believe what theyre saying at the time but surprise things change sometimes. and thats ok. the world is constantly changing. it jsut reallt really really really sucks when soemthing you thought could be a constant is not. FOR EXAMPLE:::::
1. “camille, listening to you is infinitely more important than this right now,”
which, in his defense, wasn’t a lie. he said right now. but thats not the point the point is that i could have sworn phil laplante would listen to everything. every complaint every hope every dream every belief everything. but we are about to hit 4 months (oh my gosh only 4 months) and i cannot tell you the last time i truly felt listened to by him. which hurts my heart does not hurt my heart as much as:
2. “i love you my dearest, kaibigan, unconditionally.”
i just literally dont believe you. i dont. and heres the thing. tears shed over phil suck/ed. ok. theuy stunk before im sure theyll stink in the future, and it hurts and it sucks but OH ME OH MY IT IS NOTHING. NOTHING IN COMPARISON. TO THE PAIN INFLICTED ON MY BY ONE OF THE LOVES OF MY LIFE. i feel like shes not even mine anymore. is this a dramatized version of camille speaking? probably, but she deserves to have a say too. and it sucks. so much. to feel like youre all alone because the one person you swore would love you no matter hwat you did or what you coujld do would still love you just kind of stops becasue she finds new firends to become obsessed with this sucks because i used to be that new friend. she used to be obsessed with me and thar hurts likea  mother tucker. i think ive developed shades of trust isseus. maybe. id ont really know i jus tknow that it sucks SO MUCH to think of my two favorite people on the planet both being uninterested in me wow that hurts a lot. and it makes me sad to think that i could be someones favorite person on the planet and i ditched them im sorry i dont wantt o make you feel that way but i feel as though i ahve and i am so sorry. THERE IS SO MUCH HURT IN THE WORLD AND THAT SUCKS ASS. A LOT. LIKE A LOT OF ASS. But there are also some beautiful things in the world. things like music. i love music. things like stories. stories are so fascinating. there is constantly something happening on earyh and there is a select few numbers of people who will experience it. 
im rediscovering myself. i lost her somewhere. somewhere in the mix of the kissing and the new bralettes and the frozen fruit snacks and the engieneers and the design projects i left her somewhere. shes out there. or maybe shes in here, tucked away behind a familiar smell. or maybe a new smell. i dont know what she likes. i dont know how to coax her out of me. shes made some appearances, for example when i was scrolling through instagram after that himym episode and it was earthyandy showing off some of her vegan ice cream with 10,000 emerald pools playing it jsut reminded me of humans existing and it was beautiful. and there are shades of her still in me writing this todaybut she doesnt overflow me anymore. which is ok. id rather have her be a little hidden than be garbanzo.
things that hurt:
thinking about the honeymoon phase.
and i know that this is like with God, am i in it for the reward or am i in it for Him? (ive come to discover im still very much in it for the reward i think. i am not the best. but im working on it. am ia ctually working on it. or do i just say that and ignore it. id ont know but i cant afford to put myself through the hurt of telling myself that im doing nothing.) 
but God, like actually God, I miss it.
i miss the romance. i miss feeling like i was floating, like the world was saturated, and my face was hot and things were sweaty in the best way. i miss feeling like i was flying, and like nothing had and ever would hurt me (sidenote, things did hurt.) i miss 
i miss still being pure
thats a rip
i am weak
but its in the past
i dont know if ive actually forgiven myself for that one yet
i feel less disgusting and more loveable than i did previously, which is good.
maybe im not ready fora  relationship.
but when will i be
i need to learn somehow
has phil been perfect?
no he hasnt!!
today he told me “im going to stop replying for a while, dont get offended.”
1. sucks. or well, is odd.
if he had opened and left me on read i wouldnt even flinch
if he just sent back a smiley face id be like lmao, probably send back a bitmoji
but he told me it was going to happen. which is just so weird.
2. i feel like im more offended that he told me to not get offended. dont tell me what to do. which, ok, i realize could be crazy, he jsut doesnt want to hurt my feelings but believe it or not phil its a little late for that its happened and im ok im fine ive forgiven it. i think. maybe. i just want to be there for you and with you and actually scratch that i want you to want me to be there for you and with you. i just dont feel very wanted by you sometimes which, weve discussed before i know that you know that youre not affectionate. or at least not when were in real life and not honeymooning (sidenote i feel like our honeymooning phase was shorter than others were and i find that unfair but whatever.) i signed up for htis. im consciously dating someone that is distant. am i okay with that? i dont want to jsut date boys to feel like im flying though i want us to 
i dont know
i was going to say be a team
but thats what phil says
and i dont want to let him pick these words for me
remember when i wrote that poem about chaos
and how i felt like i was in a storm and i dont know what to hold onto and i was like oh jk i want to hold onto you
me too
i think im there sitll
and like you said
the storm is inside your brain
and i want to be able to be the one to calm it
but maybe thats not my job
mabye thats a different persons job
maybe it is j=my job but its my job for later
maybe its your job
i dont know
but the idea of youd ating someone else really sucks
like a lot
liek a lot a lot
because i know
i know what the hunt is like now
i can imagine 
all of our friends
sitting somehwre, id ont know
and all the boys are checking out the hot girls around
and maybe im just old fashioned
maybe im still naive
maybe i am still just a noob
but that sucks so much
i dont want to be replaceable with a deli girl
or with ffg
not that theyre bad or anyhting but its the princile of it
that when im gone you jsut go back to sitting in the purple chairs at storms planning how to talk to the next girl
And mayb ethats the point
actually i tak that back
im sure thats how it isf or some girls
but phil im not just some girl
phil im the girl that made lauryn hurley feel loved
im the girl that helped bring radk together
im the girl that blew ms crsit away
im the girl that used to look down in the damn hallway but looked up because she liked a boy
i didnt look up because i wanted to see a hot rack with blue eyes and a nice ass
i looked up because i wanted to be noticed
and intriguing
and wanted
and i jsut dont really feel like any of those things by you sometimes
and that hurts a lot
what is the point of this
this just sounds like i dont want to date him anymore
but i do
do i or do i jsut not want change
i do
i think
id ont know
but camille
right now you get the best of both worlds
you get to date him
who is goofy
and smells really good
and is strong
and is hungry for God 
and is grateful
and is
i was going to say a good listener
but there is so much space between you two becaues this is a time for you
no one but you, camille
you can grow
this is a summer of self improvement.
you lost yourself somewhere and tou dont need anyone to help you find her
thats a lie
who i am is reflected onto me by those around me
but still
i dont need him.
i dont want to need anyone yet
i am young
im still finding out what i want
im still discovering myself
dear God,
i cant do this without you
youre the only one who will love me and satisfy me
“the human world, it’s a mess”
youre right
but thats knida the point
we feel things
we hurt
we love
we lvie
we cry
we laugh
we do all these things
and feel what we think is great
but then when we get to feel you, oh lord, we are blown away.
you are so much greater 
and i am not worthy, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed
im sorry
im sorry for disappearing
and i honestly cant see myself running back soon
which sucks
and i dont know how to fix it
i think i hurt a lot
which is so backwards
but im doing what they say normal people do
am i normal though
i literally jsut said im not
God i need you
help me find you
i bet you know how to find me.
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