#and the motivations are sympathetic but the execution is like. lmao. its messy i liked it!
clonehub · 3 months
The Acolyte Episode 3 spoilers and thoughts under the cut:
I said all this on twitter already but I'm adding some more here: I think this was the strongest of the three episodes so far. The racist reactionaries are gonna HATE the magical lesbian IVF but I DONT CARE. I LOVE IT.
This episode to me clearly shows that both sides were wrong in some ways and right in others. jedi shouldn't tresspass and they definitely shoudn't just be following whatever the Republic says about training Force users, but the coven was wrong to try and make Mae and Osha codependent and not really their own people.
At the same time they're valid in their desire to preserve their people and culture. They're worried about extinction. A group of magical women trying to survive on their own? They WOULD be targeted. Yeah Mother Aniseya kinda fucked up torbin a lil but that could be taken as an extreme version of Jedi mind tricks. 
I'm also doubting what we've been shown. I think there's more to the story than Mae intentionally setting fire to everything. We don't see her set the door on fire/drop the lamp. We hear it, but no visual confirmation. And we don't see how Mae could have possibly destroyed their entire generator system in the span of like what a few minutes? How is a child gonna do that much damage in that short amount of time? And how and why was Sol already that deep into the center of the mountain? 
I don't think any of this is enough to make Torbin kill himself so fast upon seeing Mae, unless he and the other Jedi feel like they should have caught Mae's violent instability sooner and not exacerbated it. But I think these four Jedi were more involved in this. Like look at Kelnacca. Bro was just working on a speeder and didn't directly participate in anything, but Mae is trying to kill him too. I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED AAAHHHHHH
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