#and the language barrier that keeps my mom and her best friend from probably enjoying the music as much
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sluttyten · 10 months ago
yall I want TDS3 tickets so badly 😭 but I don't know who to even go with and I'm not going by myself.... but I'm also seriously thinking I'm just gonna go ahead and try to get tickets on friday anyway
#last year i went with my mom and she enjoyed it#but im not entirely sure she wants to go again#and then my best friend doesn't like kpop at all lmao#but I don't know i might be able to get her to go w me but#i dont know how she'll feel about the traveling in chicago by ourselves thing#bc when we last went there together for a concert we were with her ex and he did the driving#so my last option is my brother lol because i asked the other day if he wants to go to chicago#and he did say yes so i told him attendance at the concert is mandatory#kpop is also absolutely not his genre of music#even though he listens to a little bit of a lot of stuff like country and pop and broadway musicals#like dude you'd love the theatrics of kpop and the gaybaiting they do? thats something he might like#and then one of my choices was my moms best friend bc she said after she saw my moms videos of tds2#that she wanted to go see a kpop concert because she loves showmanship so she saw the eras tour and#fell in love so i think she would like kpop. she loved the wrist light things TS did so lightsticks are definitely#something she'd enjoy and the choreography#i really think it's just the language barrier that's preventing my brother and best friend from wanting to go#and the language barrier that keeps my mom and her best friend from probably enjoying the music as much#because my mom loved one direction so a kpop boyband isn't too far off from that#oh also i think my friend will tell me no because i've already turned her down for plans like a week or two before that#because i won't have PTO to use at work because i'll have just gotten back from a vacay that uses i all#and then i'm gonna turn around and take 2 days off for a concert (travel time sucks)
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sweetness47 · 5 years ago
When Tragedy Strikes
Pairings: Mentioned John x reader, eventual Dean x reader x Sam (also implied)
@spnabobingo​ – Pack life
@deanandsambingo​ – ABO
@as-the-saying-goes-bingo​ – What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger
WARNINGS: MATURE 18+ READERS ONLY!!! POSSIBLE TRIGGERS grieving, angst, character death, loss of mate, ABO dynamics, pack life, language, possible smut, possible fluff
final word count: 1249
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It was a routine scouting party, routine mission. It was a regular occurrence, meant to keep the pack safe. Everyone came home, every time.
Except today.
Pregnant with their third pup, YN recoiled at the news, screaming in sorrow, anger. Their life together had barely begun. Thomas was barely 4, and little Johnny, almost 2. How was she supposed to go on without the strength of her mate? John had become her world, her life, and now he was gone? Just like that?
Condolences poured in, the pack also grieving for the loss of their Alpha. John had been a strong leader, and a formidable warrior. Word was sent to John’s two sons from his previous mate, informing them of their father’s untimely demise. They visited often, and were still invaluable members of the pack, they just didn’t live in the immediate vicinity.
Dean and Sam arrived two days later, rushing to their father’s home, feeling the emotional strain from their step-mother/friend. They were greeted by guards and beta servants who informed them YN hadn’t eaten or left her room since receiving the news.
Knowing she was heavy with child, they planned to go to her room after greeting their half brothers. Thomas and Johnny were beyond thrilled to see Sam and Dean, bombarding them with questions about where their dad was, why mom didn’t want to play with them or see them. Dean’s throat tightened, looking over at Sam, who was also at a loss for words. Together, they sat the boys down and told them their father had been called away, to the spirit animal realm, the place where the wolf packs believed their loved ones went when they passed.
Sam left the two youngsters with Dean and went to YN’s room. Upon finding it locked, he banged on the door. “YN? It’s Sam. Open this door or I’m gonna bust it down. Hear me?”
After two minutes of no response, Sam made true his promise, ramming the door with his strong torso, the wood splintering and cracking around the frame as the barrier went flying. YN didn’t even flinch, facing away from the entrance, unmoving. The only sounds were Sam’s heavy breathing and faint sobs. She was alive! Thank the heavens. Now to get her up and moving.
He walked over to the bed and sat down. “YN, look at me please. I know your grieving. I am too, but you have Thomas and Johnny to think about, and the one growing inside you. They are counting on you to be there for them, to guide them. You think Dad would want you to just give up? He’d be furious if he saw you lying here, ignoring those two boys out there. You know it, I know it, Dean knows it.”
YN turned to face her friend. “I can’t do it Sam. He was my whole world.”
“So, what? You’re just going to pack it in? Walk away from Thomas and Johnny? Kill the pup inside you? You think that’s fair to any of them? It’s not fair. In fact, it’s downright disrespectful, to them, to the pack, to us, and to Dad’s memory!” He paused. “Don’t make me order you.”
Tear-soaked eyes looked up at Sam. “You think I want to give up? I don’t! But this ache, the pain of the loss…”
“Will dissipate, with time. But not eating? Cutting yourself off from your sons when they need you the most? Not cool YN. C’mon. Get up, shower, dress, and come downstairs. I’ll give you half an hour. If you aren’t down by then, I will personally drag you to the shower and dress you myself if I have to.”
That earned him a ‘don’t you dare’ glare, but she began to sit up, a heavy sigh escaping her lips. “You’re an ass Sam, you know that?”
Sam shrugged as he walked out the broken door. “Yeah, sometimes, but a loveable one, one who’s heart is in the right place.”
He went back to the boys and Dean, and began to give orders for some food to be prepared for YN when she came down. He also made arrangements for her door to be replaced once she was finished dressing. True to her word, she appeared half an hour later, freshly showered, dressed, and looking somewhat normal. Thomas and Johnny jumped off their chairs to greet their mother, plastering her with hugs and kisses which she affectionately returned.
After that bombardment, she gave hugs to both Sam and Dean, greeting them as she should have done when they first arrived. Dean took over the preparations for the Celebration of Life the pack would have for John. Sam stuck close to YN and helped with his younger brothers. Sam also insisted YN go see the pack medic, to make sure the pup was fine after her two days without food or water.
After the all clear from the doctor, minus the order to not do anything strenuous, YN spent time sitting with her boys, talking with them, making sure they were ok. She helped them prepare for the burial and the life celebration, emotionally and physically. Sam and Dean provided the male support their younger brothers needed, instructing them what to do, how to act.
The rites would be performed, the passage to the ascension, the children bidding farewell and safe journey to their father. Dean and Sam would co-lead the pack, then the honor would be given to Thomas and Johnny. YN would still remain the matriarch, but as an Omega, she would never actually lead or rule, and she was ok with that.
Two days later, during the celebration gathering, YN went into labour. Dean volunteered to go in with her, to support her during the delivery. Sam stayed with Thomas and Johnny, helping them make gifts for the new baby. A few hours later, Lana was brought into the world, and into the pack.
A girl, YN thought to herself. A precious gift, one John would have adored. She smiled through tears as she imagined him fending off suitors later in her life, of how protective he would have been. He was probably giddy with joy, watching from the spirit realm, blessing both mother and daughter with longevity and health.
Celebrations ensued once YN was well enough to enjoy them. Gifts graced their doorstep daily for a month, tributes to the new princess, as was customary. All four brothers doted over their new sister, fighting to take turns holding her and caring for her. YN giggled, even Sam and Dean couldn’t get enough of their infant sibling.
Eventually, YN’s body healed from the birth, and soon she would start her heats again. Dean and Sam sat and talked with their friend one afternoon, offering their support for those times, and in return, she would provide relief for their ruts. Protection would be used for those times, YN’s time for births was no more without her mate, but heats and ruts wouldn’t subside for a long time.
It was hard to make that decision, but they knew it was best, both for the protection of YN, and for their family as a whole.
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edmund-valks · 5 years ago
Prelude Night (Ilandreline)
Winter's Veil was confusing.  Greatfather Winter?  Ugly sweaters and brightly wrapped gifts?  The traditions were not hers, not did she understand how they had originated.  Not that it really mattered -- her friends were into it, so she would do her best to participate.
For herself, though, Ilandreline stuck to little bits of the family rites.  She'd purchased her candle long ago.  Two, actually, to test the seller's claim that it would yield both non-toxic smoke and dark purple light.  It could only be better if there was one that made things darker, but that audience was likely too limited for any shop to worry about them.
Despite recent events, she left the safety of the Respite.  Not unarmed, of course; there was no requirement to be weaponless for these things.  In fact, it was extremely ill-advised to do so.  Between excitable relatives and unspeakable horrors from beyond, the odds of dying on Prelude Night were actually significantly higher than on almost any other.  Her satchel carried the usual implements: a heavy wrench, a small sledge, her trusty bonesaw, and an array of grenades.  Also the candle and a handheld firestarter, because flint and steel were a pain in the ass.
A wiser person would have used the lookout camp.  That would have been a great idea, far enough removed to be mostly private, still close enough to avoid being truly alone on the most ominous night of the year.  Ila didn’t think much of great ideas, though, or being a wiser person.  She did just fine as she was; no need to change.  As such, she left the protective barrier of the Warding Tree, headed for a little spot she’d found nearby.
It wasn’t too far a walk, though the distance was enough to make her glad she’d worn her heaviest coat.  It was her warmest as well as the most protective -- an excellent dual-purpose item considering the number of mindless dead who would very much enjoy a warm-blooded meal on a cold night.  By the time she reached the cave, the hood’s fur trim was beginning to frost over, her breath having frozen amidst the soft hairs.
Just inside the jagged opening, Ilandreline turned around to scratch several crude symbols into the ground.  Two more followed in an ink that was only easily viewed with peripheral vision, one on either side, and then a final overhead.  She said the prayers, such as they were, the words echoing in her mind.  It was her voice that spoke, she knew, but all she could hear was the thousandfold reverberation of whispers from within.  The truest darkness was never empty, after all, especially when daylight was at its weakest.
A barrier flickered between the sigils, visible for only the briefest moment.  If she’d done it right -- and the weird thrumming inside her indicated she had -- it would disguise the opening entirely from passersby.  It would also turn aside the senses of the ghouls who roamed Silverpine, preventing them from taking her unaware.  At least in theory.
Faith, a voice whispered in her mind, keep always the faith.  You will be rewarded at the end.  It sounded like her mother this time.  An interesting choice, considering the two had never been particularly close.  But Mom had been the better of her parents at explaining the family’s peculiar religion, so maybe it made the most sense.
The cave was empty, its dirt floor hard packed and almost smooth from her work over the last ten days.  She placed a bowl in what passed for the center of the space, gently mashing the candle’s base into it.  Just so.  Now it would stand properly.  She pushed back her hood, forcing the sudden cold from her mind.  After several slow, shivering breaths, her goggles came off as well.  Her eyes were closed, of course, but not for much longer.  If she was going to do this, she’d have to open them.
Ilandreline relaxed, sort of.  There was a way to force the body to act relaxed, even when it wasn’t, and she’d had to learn it many, many years ago.  They all had, or else they hadn’t survived very long.  She went through her body mentally, muscle by muscle, unwinding those that hadn’t obeyed her initial command.  When the last finally uncoiled, she knew it was time.  Her eyes opened to the blinding dark.
Decades, perhaps centuries, before she was born, her family had abandoned the Sunwell.  The arcane was, they’d decided, not for them.  Maybe it was because the magisters were irritating; maybe it was the insistence that laws were supposed to be followed.  The details were never made particularly clear to her and they were rather moot at this point anyway.  No explanation would change the simple reality: her ancestors had sworn the family to that which lurked between the stars, the infinite blackness and mind-shattering horrors.  That was why they’d been exiled, of course; the quel’dorei authorities didn’t want anyone to know there was an alternative to the Sunwell.  Not needing the Sunwell meant not being subject to the magisters’ authority, and who among them could countenance such a thing?
A side effect of their unique independence was the peculiar vision she was using now.  If one took normal sight and replaced every colour with its opposite, that would almost explain what she saw.  There was more to it, though.  Like the way certain areas of emptiness could be seen from the corner of the eye, except they weren’t really emptiness at all.  They were quite full instead, though that fullness was composed of nothingness.  Those were the spots you had to ignore.  She refused to engage with them, even when images of lidless eyes or lamprey-like mouths flickered there, taunting.
Ilandreline pulled her firestarter from the bag, ignited the candle.  “A single light, flickering weakly,” she intoned in the other language she’d been raised with, the one far older than Thalassian.  “The last remnant of a dying sun, full of terrible promise and beguiling lies.  A tyranny of ill-advised order, never meant to withstand the endless dark.”
A prick of a finger then; a drop of blood on the burning wick.  Instead of smothering the flame, this fed it, the candle emitting a burst of light not unlike pouring fuel onto a bonfire.  “Our gift to you, this living blood, and a reminder of our bonds.  Our sacrifice is your gain, your whispers our knowledge.  All in service to the last fading of the light.”
Another drop.  “I’ve done little to bring the final darkening this year.  I don’t think anyone expected me to do differently.”  She was speaking Thalassian now.  Her vocabulary was too limited in the ritual tongue to do this part.  “I’m not like the rest of my family, you know.  They’re big into all this stuff, they’ve got goals.  Me, I’m just trying to do the things I’m good at, stand on my own.  I figure it’s not too big a deal that I’m not super involved anymore.  Sure, you don’t get a lot of blood sacrifice from me, but I also never use your power, so I figure we’re pretty even.”
The third drop.  “Under the circumstances, I’m not asking for anything, not even that you keep watch over these friends I’ve found.  They may not thank me for that kind of attention, for one, and I haven’t any offerings to seal such a pact.  The Long Night will come, I know, but I’ll leave that to my family to worry about.  We both know they’re always working toward it, and by not sticking around and having to kill more of them off, I’ve probably helped you more by leaving.”  She smiled at the thought.
Blood drop number four; the most important.  She watched it fall, looking for that special sign -- ah, there it was.  The redness hung suspended over the violet flame for an eyeblink, quivering, full of potentiality.  Then the fire consumed it, as, of course, it must.  Once again the rite spilled from Ila’s lips.  “Four for four, given by one.  Less than five, but greater by far.  After life, beyond death, the Long Night comes.  We kill to serve.  We bleed to live.  Through our sacrifice, the light shall die at last.”
She extinguished the candle as she spoke the final sentence, pinching out the flickering light.  As always, it hurt more than any other burn she’d ever experienced.  As always, it left no visible trace, simply the throbbing, bone-deep ache.  Rolling her shoulders to work out the stiffness that had settled during her obeisance, Ilandreline slowly got back to her feet.  The leather strap attached to her tinted lenses remained unbuckled for the moment, lying atop the contents of her pack.  Stretching out a hand, she traced her last rune for the night on the notional plane created by the sigil-conjured barrier.  There was no proper translation for the word represented by this symbol, though “consume” came close.  The barrier vanished, the patterns that had created it burning away as if they’d never been.
Stepping into the freezing dark, she pulled up her hood.  Another year gone, she mused, though this one suggested potential for the next.  Hope, even, something she hadn’t realized was missing.  Smiling, Ila turned her black eyes skyward.
It took a moment to realize there were no stars in her vision at all.  An omen, her mother’s voice whispered again, flitting through her mind like a bat in flight.  And what a glorious one it is, to look on the Eternal Dark before it has come!  There was a certain extra spring in her step as she returned to the Respite, goggles forgotten in her satchel.
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shitthehousessay · 7 years ago
 Alright, it took a day (albeit I haven't really had much of a chance to work on it), but it's finally done. Here's my responses to the 102 questions^^. I probably put too much personal info on this site lol.
I’m doing this on my laptop because of how long it is, but answers are under the cut. Hope you enjoy random tidbits about me!
--Zero (the [other] Ravenclaw)
1. What is their full name?
While I usually use and prefer Zero Ace as an online name, my irl name is Solomon.
2. Zodiac sign
3. In detail describe how they look
I'm 5'10" with a build like Shaggy Rodgers. I'm about,,,, less than 120lbs (that's a guess really, it's probably way less or slightly more.). You ever see a cloud? Yeah, imagine one as black wavy/curly hair with red tips (natural, not dyed) that goes to about the bottom of my neck. Brown eyes, half philipino (no, I don't know any of the language), decent moustache, and I've been told by various people that they thought I was a stoner when they first met me.
4. How old are they?
I am 16
5. What clothes to they like to wear?
I don't really have any kind of set style either. I usually just go with whatever's comfy for me.
6. What’s their favorite piece of clothing?
I've got this really soft brown fake leather jacket that my dad got me about two or three years ago that I used to wear consistently, but I'm not sure if I have a 'favorite'.
7. Any piercings?
8. Do they have any other jewelry they wear?
I wear a Timex Ironman analogue watch that I got at Walmart a few years ago ('twas on sale) and a ring with a part that spins in the middle that I bought in like sixth grade at the Newseum in DC.
9. Any tattoos?
10. How old are they?
See above
11. What do they smell like?
Idk, disappointment probably
12. What are their four trinkets?
(I'm gonna do stuff on my school backpack for this one) -- I've got a Ministry of Magic keychain, a Pokeball keychain, a Spiderman keychain, and a Ravenclaw house emblem pin.
Roomba with a knife taped to it
14. What kind of magic are they good at?
Accidental Procrastination, aka Time Travel
15. What kind of magic are they bad at?
16. Of the four, six or seven magical elements which are they most connected to? Four: fire,air water earth. six: fire,air,water, wood,earth, metal. Seven:fire, air, water, wood, earth, metal, aither.
Not sure if this is asking about choosing a single element or a group, so I'm gonna go with water.
17. What does their gateway look like prior to their memory loss? What does it look like afterwards?
(I'm not sure what this is asking)
18. Do they have a familiar? If they do. What type of animal is it? What is it’s name? Is it still around after they lost their memory?
I have an old yellow cat named Iris and he's pretty cool. We share birthdays and he's one year older than me.
19. Have they ever cursed someone?
I have tried and I will continue to try.
20. How do they handle those headaches/migraines?
I sometimes put headphones in and listen to ambience after taking some medicine, but on some of my bad days I just wait for them to pass, even when it takes a few hours.
21. What tarot card do they connect the most with?
I'm gonna be honest: I know next to nothing about tarot cards.
22. Where were they born?
23. What is their favorite color?
Like a light blue or teal. Specifically though? #41A9B8
24. What is their least favorite color?
This is a tough one. I'm gonna go with like a rusty brown
25. Are they right handed, left handed or ambidextrous?
Right handed
26. What were they like as a child?
This would take a while, but I was a little shit, imo. (Also, kinda hard for me to remember specifically rn)
27. What were their parents like?
My dad's okay, he's not the best but he's doing great. My mom? Well, let's just say my opinion of her has always been pretty decent of her up until around when 2018 started.
28. Do they have any siblings? If the answer is yes how many?
Yes, I have three half brothers, two on my mom's side (who I wish would die) and one on my dad's side.
29. Do they have any other relatives they are close with?
I've got a lot of aunts (dad's side) that I consider myself close with, along with a few cousins. There's also my Grandma and Grandpa (dad's side) that I love a lot. I also have a nephew who's about I wanna say 5 or 6 years old who's a blast to hang out with.
30. What are they afraid of?
Spiders kinda scare me. And a few things associated with low self-esteem that I don't want to mention here.
31. What do they identify as?
I am a Demi-Pansexual dude
32. Do they have any allergies?
None that I know of
33. Do they have any other medical problems?
I can't think of any specifics right now
34. What about mental health issues?
Depression and Anxiety both are self-diagnosed though. I'm waiting until after highschool, or until the age where I can legally keep things like those to myself without having to tell my parents, before I go to get them diagnosed
35. What’s that personal hygiene regimen like?
Showers at least once a day, twice if possible. Remember to try to brush your teeth, too.
36. Favorite rock or gemstone?
Amythest because it's my birthstone
37. Favorite tree?
Redwoods are pretty cool
38. Favorite type of weather?
Not too hot, not too cold and sunny and cloudless or overcast and rainy, depending on mood
39. Least favorite type of weather?
The type of cloudless hot day that just saps your energy away like nothing else
40. What is their favorite season? (remember winter is summer and spring is fall)
41. How many languages could they speak before the memory loss? How many do they currently speak?
English and very broken French
42. Do they sing or play any instruments?
I sing from time to time (albeit not very good) and I have an ocarina that I really want to take time and learn
43. What do they tend to joke about?
Self-deprecation is my go-to, then there's vine humor and some standup, then just nonsense humor (See: bORGER)
44. After a stressful day how do they relax?
Nap a bit, then some music and/or video games
45. Guilty pleasures?
Idk, I can't think of any. Sonic ‘06, maybe is the closest thing that I have to one.
46. idiosyncrasies?
I guess you could list a lot of the usual ADHD stimming methods. I also adjust my glasses from the side sometimes whenever I’m nervous/anxious or when I want to appear confident. Adjusting my watch on my wrist is also something that I do a lot. I know I have a lot more, but :/
47. How do they act when they first meet someone new? How quickly do they warm up to them?
I can be kinda timid and quiet. I usually try to listen in on conversations involving that person/people to try to find somethings that I can remember and use for initiating conversations, especially if it’s with stuff that I know a bit about. It usually takes two or three semi-long times amd well interactions spent with me for me to start being comfortable around other people. I don't warm up too quickly, unless if you can get through my barriers pretty well
48. In what order would they prioritize Love, fame, money, power, and knowledge?
Love, knowledge, money, power, fame
49. List four or more things they love to do
Draw, read, talk with internet friends, play video games, browse the internet
50. List four or more things they hate to do
doing boring and uninteresting school work, being an unnecessary nuisance, hearing about family drama, engaging in school drama
51. List five or more things they have said that sum up who they are
"I'm laughing my ass off rn because the program the state is using for EOC testing was apparently hacked so we aren't testing today, but when my class heard it almost everyone started looking at me and saying I did it." [...] "Meanwhile: I nearly tripped over my backpack"
"Oh good, we get to make memes of stuff in the Louvre for extra credit. Looks like my grade is about to rise drastically."
"I’m gonna go provoke this cult so I can get asks in my inbox"
“I stole this haircut from a lion”
"I have many problems"
52. How do they react to (both verbal and physical) conflict?
I'm a pacifist so I try to stay out of situations like that (They bring up too many negative memories and emotions for me)
53. What kind of bad habits to they have?
I have a lot of trouble with a perfectionist mentality. It gets me into a lot of sticky situations
54. What kind of character faults do they have?
What even is self-esteem/ self-worth/ self-love????? To me, my needs come last. Self-doubt out the wazoooooo. Tons of unresolved shit. That's barely even scratching the surface.
55. What’s their best trait in their opinion?
I try to have a lot of empathy for people and I want to make people happy, even if I’m not happy.
56. What do they think of their appearance?
I like mine, at least a bit.
57. How do they interact with people in a position of authority?
Honestly, it just depends on the person. If the person in question is a dick, you better believe I’m not going to react well to their face.
58. Who did they look upto as a kid?
Mostly like video game characters from games that I played.
59. How do they interact with kids?
I like kids pretty well.
60. Do they want kids of their own someday?
I don't know. I don't think I'm at a point in my life where I can answer that right now.
61. Are they religious? If so what god/goddess or gods/goddesses do they worship?
I'm agnostic
62. What do they think the meaning of life is?
Idk... Maybe... Self-discovery, in a way.
63. What would they want their last words to be?
There are three roads. Maybe omething meaningful, like "Thank you," maybe something vague and prophetic like, "You won't have to wait much longer," or maybe, just maybe, something like, "I'll be back bitches!!!"
64. What do they want to do before they die?
I want to make at least one game and book that people enjoy and that I will be satisfied with
65. What/how do they want to be remembered for after they die?
I would like to be remembered fondly by people who knew me.
66. How do they express affection?
I'm usually very asocial, so if I make an active effort to maintain communication with someone, then they usually mean something to me. I also send memes and stuff. Also, I try to open up a little more around people that I trust
67. What do they normally eat for breakfast?
It usually just depends on how much time I have in the morning. Can range from poptarts to a slice of toast between two pieces of bread to leftover pizza
68. Do they like spicy food?
69. Favorite fruit and or vegetable?
Favorite fruit is probably mandarin oranges and my favorite vegetable is probably carrots
70. Do they like sweets?
On occasion
71. Do they drink alcohol? If they do, what do they act like when their drunk?
Nope, but probably like a damn fool
72. How do they take their tea/coffee?
I like sweet ice tea or maybe some herbal tea with a small bit of sugar or honey. As for coffee, I don't usually drink it, but I can drink it pure black or french vanilla
73. What food would they refuse to eat?
Most things that have a weird texture and/or smell
74. Is there anything they eat that most people would find unappealing?
You ever drink just straight sauces? Like A1 steak sauce or barbecue sauce? Yeah....
75. When going on the road what food could they not live without?
I need me some original ritz
76. What meal gives them a sense of nostalgia?
Not sure about nostalgia, but my school sells fresh-made chocolate chip cookies during lunch on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and I get them a lot when I'm having bad days
77. What do they do when no one’s around?
I sometimes sing and maybe hop around, but I usually just do stuff that I do when people are around (like browse tumblr)
78. How would they react if a prized possession got stolen?
Cry, feel numb, or go ballistic. There is no in-between.
79. What’s the first thing they would buy if they won the lottery?
A better computer, that's for sure
80. What would their favorite modern invention be?
The Nintendo Switch!!
81. In a new unfamiliar place what do they do?
Observe the surroundings from the sidelines before doing anything
82. Someone just threatened them what do they do?
It depends on the situation, but I either brush it off or I take precautionary measures (like a protective order if my life is being threatened)
83. A rather well rich looking woman just dropped her purse and didn’t notice. What do they do?
I might try to give it back.... after I check her wallet and get some cash as an award...
84. What’s the worst thing someone has said to them?
The one that sticks out the most is probably the time when one of my older half-brothers was yelling at me and said that if I ever wonder why people say that I act like a school shooter it's because I act like one most of the time (all this stemmed because I was frustrated over a book recommendation not posting and instead of letting me silently cool down, my mom and brother kept on talking crap about me and I decided to say "Just shut up for a few minutes").
Oh, but there’s also the time when I went with my dad to the divorce case’s hearing to testify against my mom and my brothers and the judge looked at me and said “You’re 16, right? In two  years, you’ll be 18. When I was 18 I was heading to war. So, if you’re gonna cry, go do it somewhere else because I don’t want anyone coming up here and being a crybaby in my courtroom.” That fucking stunned me when he said it.
 85. What is the strangest thing they’ve ever come across?
"can i hear your belly" has to be the weirdest and most unsettling direct message that I have ever gotten from someone who isn't a bot and it haunts me to this day
86. Someone just stole food from them what do they do?
I don't usually eat a lot, so if someone takes food from me I don't really care.
87. They meet a man at a crossroads. The man says they can have everything they’ve ever wanted. What happens next?
I would check to see if there was anything I want to make sure that my family and friends and people who are close to me that haven’t experienced mental illnesses like depression or anxiety to never develop any mental illnesses as long as they live, before anything.
88. As a child what would they say they wanted to be as an adult? ie. When I grow up I’m going to _______
My dream has always been and continues to be to become a successful video game developer and/or producer. I want to help create worlds to escape to when the real world becomes a bit too overbearing.
89. What’s their D&D alignment?
I consider myself a neutral good
90. What is the stupidest thing they’ve ever done?
Oof, that's a long list. Probably entering the crawlspace under my Grandma's house too fast and getting a part of my lower back pretty bad. Boy, did it leave a pretty big scar.
91. Have they ever got in trouble with the law or been arrested?
92. Do they know how to win a fight?
I like to think so. I'm not going to not play dirty if I feel like I'm in danger. Also try to use the environment to your advantage if possible.
93. Are they good at hand to hand combat?
I dunno. I doubt it, but I haven't really tried.
94. Have they ever stolen something?
I have, but really only minor things and only from people that I hate
95. Have they ever killed someone?
Not yet, :p
96. What/who do they find disgusting?
I can't look at stuff or pictures like decaying stuff (like dead stuff) without gagging
97. What upsets them the most?
Conflict mostly. The thought that I'm bothering people also does it. And I feel odd, to say the least about physical contact.
98. What anime character would they be?
I feel like maybe Fafnir (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid) or either Shinra or Mikado (Durarara!) could fit me.
99. What disney character would they be?
I didn't really know about this one, so I asked a few of my friends and one of them [the one who actually answered my question with an actual Disney character] said that I remind them of Sora from Kingdom Hearts, on the grounds that I've "got a good heart" and I'm "always confused". It was the nicest thing I've heard all week^^
100. What monster would they be?
Knife-wielding tentacle
101. What mythological figure would they be?
Tbh, I don't know enough mythology off the top of my head to answer this question.
102. List three songs that you associate with them.
Hmm.... this one is very tough for me because there are different songs that define different points in my life... As for songs that kinda aren’t bound by specific points in my life, even if I haven’t known these songs all my life, I'm thinking that these could fit the best here:
ECHO (feat. GUMI) by Crusher-P
Simple Life by Fox Stevenson
Canonball (Mythos Remix) from Megaman Zero 3
Anyway, I hope you now know a little more about me now. Do what you will with the information, I guess  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . It’s really late for me and I’m really tired so I may go ahead and get some sleep for tonight. Have a good one everyone^^ !
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sestraplantain · 7 years ago
A new beginning
Author’s Note: This is my take on what I’d like to have seen on Arizona’s final episode. It’s always good to remind you that English isn’t my first language so mistakes were probably made but, please, just go with it.
I hope you all like it. Enjoy!
A few days had gone by since the wedding. It was a Sunday morning and the night before Arizona had officially signed up her release papers. It was one of the hardest things she had ever done. When she moved to Seattle she had no idea that her life would take the twists it took. She had no idea that it would be in that city that she would find her dream job, that in that city she would meet the love of her life. Many years have gone by since then and so many things changed but she did not regret a single step she took… I mean, there was one she’ll particularly regret for the rest of her life, her biggest mistake of all, but even that mistake was important for her to learn and grow.
“Mommy?” She heard Sofia call behind her, waking her up from all the thoughts that were going through her mind as she stared out the window of her bedroom. “Uncle Andrew said he is ready for us.”
“Alright, sweetie, I’ll be down in a minute. Can you wait for me in the living room?” Sofia just smiled and went to the living room to wait for her mom.
Arizona stayed in her empty room for a few more minutes before she got her bag from the floor and went for the door, locking it behind her.
“Are we good to go?” Andrew asked. He had offered to drive her and Sofia to the airport.
“Yes,” she said after a deep breath. “here’s the key to the room, Carina will need it when she moves in.” she said as she gave him the key.
“Thanks, she’s been asking me about it for a while now. I can’t handle her on my ears anymore.”
“Is she okay?” Arizona asked him. She liked Carina, they had a great time together and she didn’t regret it. Their break up wasn’t the best one and Arizona was worried she might have broken Carina’s heart… but she had to do what was best for her daughter because she couldn’t keep going seeing how sad Sofia was.
“She’s… she’ll be fine.” Was all he said. Arizona didn’t ask anything else.
After they got everything they needed, DeLuca drove them to the airport where they said their goodbyes. Arizona hated goodbyes but she figured it would be really rude if she denied him at least a goodbye hug. He was a good guy and had a brilliant future ahead of him. He had supported her in moments of need when she felt like no one else was by her side and also was a good roommate and babysitter. Arizona was grateful she got to meet this young man full of dreams.
Once they were on the plane Sofia held on Arizona’s hand as tight as she could.
“I didn’t know you were afraid of flying, Soso.” She said as she tightened her grip on her daughter’s hand.
“I’m not, mommy, but I know you are.” She said with a sweet smile. A smiled with a sincerity that Arizona hadn’t seen in months. That was her daughter’s real smile… it was so pure, it was so happy… it warmed her heart. “You don’t need to worry, okay? We’re going to be fine and mama is picking us up. She said she would take us to eat ice cream as soon as we landed.”
“Thank you, baby. I know we are going to be fine.” She said smiling, her dimples popping up. “And we better hold mama on that promise!”
A few hours later they were landing on New York. Although spring had already begun the city was still a little cold. It was a cloudy day but it was possible to see a few rays of sunshine breaking through the barrier of the white mantle that covered the sky. Those rays of sunshine, to Arizona, symbolized a new beginning after so many bumps along the way. As she and Sofia waited for their luggage she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and a big, involuntary smile was drawn on her face.
I can’t wait to see you. – Callie.
Those were the very same words Callie had texted her when they were at the wedding but at that moment Arizona felt something she hadn’t felt in a while. She felt those butterflies in her stomach… the same feeling she would feel whenever she saw Callie when they were together. It doesn’t matter how many years have gone by and how many bumps they had in their way it was Callie who made her feel like that, like a teenager who was having her very first crush, like a teenager who was falling in love for the first time in her life.
“Mommy, it’s ours!” Sofia said excited when she spotted their luggage finally arriving.
Every step they took towards the exit Arizona felt that thing in her stomach intensify. Every step she took she was closer to her new beginning… to their new beginning.
“Mama!” Sofia yelled when she saw the brunette waiting for them at the arrivals place.
Arizona was stunned. She thought it was impossible but Callie seemed even more beautiful and right there, at that airport, she fell in love with the mother of her daughter all over again. Which she thought was funny because in her mind she knew she never fell out of love with Callie, but seeing her there, with that beautiful smile hugging their daughter while tears of happiness rolled down her face, that feeling intensified in a way that it actually felt like she was falling in love again.
“So, are you just going to stay there staring and no hugs for me?” Callie played. It was clear in her face that she was as nervous as Arizona.
“Sorry, I just…” Arizona couldn’t finish what she was trying to say, so she just went and allowed herself to be embraced by the woman she had missed so much. “I missed you so much.” She whispered while Callie still held her in her arms.
“I know, me too.” Callie whispered back.
“Hey! Give me some space!” Sofia said as she found a way to put herself in the middle of her mommies so she could be a part of that embrace too.
And it was the moment Arizona took a deep breath and knew that everything was finally in place. That they were exactly where they needed to be.
“Mama, I believe you promised me some ice cream.” Sofia reminded Callie of her promise.
“Yes, I have promised you that! Should we go now?” She asked looking at Arizona who nodded agreeing. “Alright them, let me help you two with this luggage and we can go.”
And as she watched Callie and Sofia start walking towards the parking lot, Arizona knew that that image was her sunshine through the clouds.
“Are you coming or what?” Callie said turning back when she saw Arizona wasn’t following them.
“Yes, I’m on my way.” She said smiling.
And that, my friends, was that beginning of a new cycle. Of a new life.
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davidcarner · 7 years ago
Reassigned Ch 3, Ballerina
A/N: *peeks around protective barrier* Is it safe? My beta reader threatened to get on a plane, and come find me after that last chapter…I apologize for the fluffhanger (whoever the guest was that left that, give yourself a pat on the back, that was awesome!) (And btw I love all the reviewers, but some of you guest ones have had some great ones, so thank you!) So now what? Now Chuck is Chuck, that's what…I give you Reassigned, Ch. 3, Ballerina
Disclaimer: I don't own Chuck, and my wife told me those pregnancy hormones can do the weirdest things to people.
She knew it was coming, but she didn't think it would be this soon. This sucked so bad, but she had to. She took a deep breath and faced the inevitable. She took another sip of the coffee and made a face. She really wasn't sure why she was even drinking it now that it was decaffeinated. She poured it down the drain and felt like it was a symbol of her life the past twelve hours.
She huffed out a breath, and looked around the dark apartment. She had barely slept a wink last night, and she had no idea what to say to her neighbors. Would they even want her around, would they even want to see her? Should she move? Could she move? Was it a step in the right direction in life that she even cared what they thought? She was about to enter a phase of self-pity she didn't know existed when she heard something. The door was being unlocked. Someone was breaking into her place. She grinned, an evil grin. Some burglar had picked the wrong apartment to break into. The lights were all off inside, and she saw the form enter, with the daylight behind the form, all hunched over, trying not to make a noise. He carried a bag. Oh, he was going to get it, and she was going to enjoy this. He cautiously set his bag on the table, as she pounced. She wasn't worried about the baby, she protected herself in the attack. This was going to be quick and painless…well for her. For him…at least a separated shoulder.
"AHHHH!" he yelled as she tackled him, and she thought she knew that voice, though not quite that high up on the vocal registry.
"Chuck?" she said, trying to untangle herself from him.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he blurted out. "I know you said you wanted to be alone, but I also was supposed to bring you chocolate croissants for breakfast, and I wasn't sure who not to listen to, Sarah Walker ex-CIA agent, or Sarah Walker, pregnant woman, but now I realized you are actually Sarah Walker still a pregnant ninja."
"Breathe, Chuck," she said. "Are you okay?" She had forgotten she had given him a key last night before everything went sideways. He said he wasn't sure leaving food outside her door was a good idea, so she gave him a key to her apartment so he could leave the food. She thought it would be a good idea, giving the key to a neighbor she trusted, and she trusted Chuck. Chuck had offered her a key to his place and she smirked that she didn't need one if she really needed to get in. The look on Chuck's face was priceless.
"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to…I was going to say frighten you, but it's obvious I didn't," he said, in a voice that she couldn't really describe. How did she think he would be after she had pushed him away last night?
"It's fine, I'm sorry, I haven't slept," she began.
"You should get some sleep, the baby," he began, putting his hands on her shoulders. He saw the raised eyebrow and the amused smile and realized he was probably overstepping his bounds. She silently berated herself. All he was trying to do was help. "You know what, I'm gonna go," he said, and turned to go, when he felt her hand grab his. He looked down at it. "I'm sorry, Sarah, this is none of my business."
"Now what happened to helping me?" she asked, scared she knew the answer. Scared that because he knew the baby was Bryce's he wouldn't want anything to do with her. Scared because old habits had taken over the night before she had pushed him away. All she wanted to do was pull him close, but his body language didn't suggest that was what he wanted.
"I'm pretty sure you don't need anyone's help," he said softly. It wasn't a shot, it was what he realized after last night. She shook her head.
"Chuck, there are a lot of things, I can do on my own, but this, I could use any and all help from those I trust," she said. He stared at her, and then gently squeezed her hand. There was a look on his face she couldn't decipher.
"Get some rest, I have to go in, unless there's something here you need me to do," he said. She shook her head. "Get some sleep, we can talk later."
"Chuck," she began.
"Sarah, I have really got to get to work, I promise, we will talk," he said. She nodded as she watched him leave. She looked up at the ceiling. Bryce, what the hell have you done?
"Late night with your lady friend?" Morgan asked, Chuck, who was staring at nothing. Chuck gave him a look and didn't say anything. "Oh, I get it, you are a gentleman who tells nothing, and I respect that, unless of course you want to tell, and then I will gladly listen to everything!"
"Morgan, not now, Buddy," Chuck said softly.
"Hey, Chuck, what's wrong?" Morgan asked.
"Nothing, everything, it's just my life needs to change," Chuck began.
"Okay, what has Yuko Ono done?" Morgan asked. "She's been here a few days and suddenly you want to leave this?" he said, arms spread wide. Chuck looked out, saw Jeff trying to leer at some soccer moms, Anna chewing gum, looking bored, all while a customer attempted to talk to her, and Lester placing strategic mirrors on the ground for when women walked over them he could see up their skirts.
"Yes, I do," Chuck said. "There's more to life than this."
"Chuck, you got hurt out there," Morgan said. Chuck stared at him. He knew Morgan meant well, but it was time to grow.
"Morgan, I lived out there," Chuck replied. Morgan stared at him, shook his head, and walked away, leaving Chuck alone. He was left to his thoughts, which immediately went back to last night.
No sooner than Sarah had told him she knew Bryce, and Chuck figured out Bryce was the father, Sarah was on the phone to someone in Washington, DC. Sarah told Chuck she needed him NOT to open the email, and to shut down and unhook the computer. He took the computer over to Sarah's where the two of them stayed until a team arrived to secure the computer. Ellie showed up to ask what happened, and Sarah told her everything, which surprised Chuck, but given his and Sarah's talk earlier that day, maybe it shouldn't have. Ellie gave Sarah a hug but the look Ellie shared with Chuck said they needed to talk. Ellie left, the cleanup crew came and went, and Chuck found himself in front of a TV he had installed himself, talking to the Director of the CIA. At one point, Chuck was almost positive he was about to be thrown into a deep, dark hole, and then Sarah saved him.
"Sir, I have been around Chuck and his family. There has been no attempted contact by Bryce, and I see no reason to believe Chuck is involved with this," Sarah said. Chuck gave her a grateful smile.
"If you'd just ask Bryce he'd tell you I have nothing to do with this," Chuck added, needing to say something, anything.
"We can't," Langston said, and then silently cursed himself. Sarah straightened, what had he done. "He's dead." Sarah felt a part of her go numb. She was done with him, so why would this matter to her? It did though, and Chuck sensed it. He turned to Sarah who waved him off as if to say she was fine, but how could she be fine? Chuck hated Bryce and he wasn't fine. That was the father of her child they were talking about being dead. "Mr. Bartowski, for the next few days, I need you to check in with Agent…Miss Walker," he said. The words were another gut punch to Sarah, reminding her, her days of being a field agent were over. This was a lot, too much, she nodded, but she found herself withdrawing, like the days of old.
"Okay," Chuck said. Langston disconnected the call. Chuck turned to her. "So I guess you're CIA," he said. Sarah nodded, distracted. "Sarah," he began.
"Chuck, I need some time," she said. Chuck nodded, turned, and walked out the door. She wanted to chase after him. To have him hold her. Bryce's death shouldn't have affected her, but it did. He didn't know any of this though, all he knew was she didn't want him around when she lost someone, and maybe they weren't as close as he thought they were.
"Everyone processes loss differently," he muttered to himself back in the present, as he watched the Buy More employees do what they did best, avoid work.
Sarah checked the caller ID and prepared herself. "Walker, secure," she answered.
"Miss Walker, for the time being I'd like you to keep a constant watch on Bartowski," Graham said.
"Constant, sir?" she asked.
"Walker, for the next week, unless he's in the bathroom, I want you watching him," Graham said. "I don't know if anyone else is looking for him, I don't know if Larkin had a partner. I don't know if someone is after Bartowski, but I want you to protect him."
"Sir, Chuck is a social butterfly, he'll never stay home for a week," Sarah said.
"That's actually not a problem," Graham said. "If he's out and about, we can draw out anyone that is following him, you could contact a team at the substation to counteract any trail team that might be on him. Again, we don't know if anyone is after him, but to draw them out is the best option, otherwise…."
"He might have to go away for a while," Sarah said, sighing.
"Correct," Graham said.
"Then I need to go get him, Sir," she said.
"Where is he?" Graham asked.
"He's at work, Sir," Sarah replied.
"I'll make sure he's assigned to you for the next week, and if we see a need for longer, I will take care of it," he said, and hung up. Sarah rushed out the door.
Sarah walked into the Buy More, already hearing Big Mike yelling. Sarah saw Chuck sitting at the Nerd Herd desk, writing, drawing, or doodling something. He looked down. That first day in the courtyard he had been down but not like right now. She needed to fix this. She was telling herself she needed to fix this so he would trust her since she needed to be around him this week. What she really needed to do was fix this because he was a good guy, and a friend. Anything more than that she didn't dare think or assume. She wasn't even sure if he would be interested in anything more. She was going to fix this. If she was going to have a real life, it was time she started making real life decisions.
Chuck looked up from his writing. He was thinking about what he could do with his life, considering he had no degree, got kicked out of college for something he didn't do, and had basically been exiled to the Buy More for the last five years. He had been jotting ideas, and he had the structure of one. He could start his own computer consulting firm. He could start out as in repair and IT Security, with the intent to move it to the field of Computer System Analyst and IT Security. His worry though, how long would it take him to get it up and running and to become profitable. He'd have to keep working at the Buy More to make this work. Why did he suddenly care? Because maybe for the first time, in a long time, since Stanford, he felt like there was hope. He saw her, she looked tired, really tired. He stood up as she came toward him.
"Are you okay?" he asked, concern on his face.
"Yeah, why?" she replied. He started to ask, and he seemed to be holding his tongue. "Chuck, it's okay, talk to me."
"You just look really tired, and you know," he said, softly.
"I'm pregnant," she said in a normal voice. "It's going to show at some point, and I don't really care what the Buy More thinks." He smiled at her. He started to say something when he was cut off.
"Excuse me, I filmed my daughter's dance recital," a frantic father said. "My wife couldn't attend and I was going to set the camera up for her to watch it, but I can't find the recital anywhere."
"Oh boy," Chuck muttered. "I'm gonna need a second," Chuck said to Sarah. She grinned and nodded. "May I see the camera?" The father handed it to him and he looked at it. "Sir, where's the tape?"
"It's digital," the father explained. Morgan had walked by and was hearing what was going on.
"Morgan," Chuck said.
"The wall?" Morgan asked.
"The wall," Chuck said, grinning. They quickly set up and got the girl in place. Chuck bent down to talk to her. "Hey, what's wrong?"
"I always stand in the back," she explained. "It's because my dance teacher said I'm too tall." Chuck grinned, and Sarah watched, intrigued.
"You want to know something," he said in a low voice to her. "Real ballerinas are tall."
Sarah felt something in her she didn't recognize. If she didn't have her orders to watch him, she probably would have run, but she had them, and she wanted a real life. A real life included real people, but was Chuck Bartowski real? Did he seriously have a plan set up for when every father who was supposed to be recording something messed up? If he was this way to a little girl he didn't know, how would he be around his own children? His own children. The words punched her in the stomach. This was Bryce's child….his enemy, if Chuck Bartowski had an enemy. Knowing him it wouldn't be an enemy, but something infinitely more nerdy, like Nemesis. She realized he was right beside her, watching the ballerina. Her spy self said to be quiet, let this go, but Sarah Walker the person, she wanted more, and it started by opening herself up.
"You're good with kids," she said softly.
"I'm a kid at heart, they relate well to me," he said, grinning. "Who knows, that could be your daughter one day."
"Mine and Bryce's," she said softly. Chuck looked at her for a moment, studied her.
"You think I don't want to help because it's Bryce's?" he asked. She stared straight ahead, not daring to answer, watching the ballerina. "Two things, Sarah. One, that baby now doesn't even have a living father. Two, that baby didn't ask to come into this world and hasn't done anything to anyone. I figure as long as the baby is loved, it's got a chance, but if the baby is treated a certain way because of who his father is, well, the baby doesn't have a chance, and that's just wrong." She continued to stare straight ahead, but her hand grabbed his and squeezed it. "I gotta make sure we have two other copies being made, dad's can screw some things up," he said grinning, and then paused. "We're okay, right?" She looked at him. We? She nodded. We. She could work with that.
"So for the next seven days," Chuck began.
"Minimum seven, could be more," she said.
"I'm to be with you?" he asked. "In the same apartment?" She nodded. "In the same room?" She nodded again. His face got pale. "Uh, every room?" Sarah laughed.
"No, Chuck, you get to go to the little boys room by yourself," Sarah said. Chuck still looked concerned. "What is wrong now?"
"Uh, sleeping," he said.
"I like to with my eyes closed," she said. Chuck stared at her a second and grinned. "I have a large bed that should easily fit us, and I don't hog the covers."
"Uh, Ellie," Chuck said.
"I don't really think there's room for Ellie," Sarah replied. Chuck gave her a flat look. "Chuck we're two grown adults."
"Sarah, you don't understand," Chuck said.
"I will talk to Ellie, tell her it's for your safety, and there's probably nothing to worry about. It's just a precautionary measure," Sarah said. Chuck put his head in his hands. "It can't be that bad."
"I'm going to need clothes," he muttered.
"You live next door, I'll carry the bag if it's too heavy," she said. He looked at her and shook his head.
"You aren't prepared for this," Chuck said.
"Chuck I'm a trained CIA agent," she replied. "I'm ready." Chuck just nodded and grinned.
"I'm going to enjoy this," he said, as he stood up, and headed toward his apartment, Sarah following him. Two hours later, with his bag packed he reentered Sarah's apartment.
"You were right," she said, somewhat in shellshock. "I wasn't ready."
"I don't think the baby's ears are formed yet, so the squeal didn't hurt them," Chuck said. Sarah glared at him. "Hey, I tried to warn you." She went and plopped on her couch.
"I don't understand," she said.
"Oh, you don't?" he asked. "You do know, you're kinda a catch, right?" She rolled her eyes. "Sarah, she's crazy about you, and if she could get the two of us hooked up…." Chuck trailed off, chuckling and taking a drink of water from the bottle.
"Hooked up?" Sarah said, grinning. Chuck choked on the water.
"Sorry," he said, trying to clean up the water he spit up. "I didn't mean..well…you know…."
"Sex," Sarah said. "It's okay, Chuck I'm aware of it."
"That's probably good, given you're pregnant," he said. Chuck was worried he had said too much but she burst out laughing. "What I'm saying is if we were dating, Ellie might squeal on a daily basis. Someone finally getting me out of my funk, plus it was you." Chuck grinned.
"You know you're a bit of a catch yourself," she said. Chuck started to say something, but stopped. "What?" He shook his head.
"I need a shower if that's okay," he said.
"Yeah, towels are in the hall closet," she said. He nodded, got up and went to the bathroom. She heard the shower turn on, and went to the bedroom and changed. After she did, she turned down the covers and sat down on the bed. He came into the bed room and stopped, looking at her.
"I'm sorry," he said. "For five years, I've been blaming Bryce Larkin for a lot of things, but I've been wrong. There are things he did, and those things at Stanford are on him, but everything else, that's on me, and it may take me a bit to get rid of those thoughts, so if you can be patient with me, I'm going to do my best to quit blaming anyone else for my problems." She smiled at him.
"Bryce was a real ass," Sarah said. Chuck laughed out loud.
"Yeah, he was," Chuck said. "But, he was, at one time, my best friend, a good guy, and charming as can be."
"Yes, he was," Sarah agreed. "But he began to worry about himself more than anyone else. He put himself first."
"Did he know?" Chuck asked. "About the baby?"
"No," Sarah said. "Even if he did, there was no more us. I doubt he would have even wanted to have parental rights." She bounced a shoulder. "I hate how this happened, but I don't think he would ever have had anything to do with his child."
"Does that bother you?" Chuck asked. Sarah thought for a minute.
"I think it bothers me more that he will never get the chance to know his child," she admitted. She patted the bed beside herself. Chuck sat down.
"Ellie is so hoping something is happening over here," Chuck said.
"Something is happening over here," she said, grinning. "I got a friend I can trust, and I don't know if I could ever say that before." Chuck took her hand. "You trust me, Chuck?" Chuck grinned at her.
"Yes, Sarah, I do," he said.
Chuck woke, having one of the best night's sleep he had ever had. He felt warm and cozy, especially on his left side. He turned his head in that direction and saw two sleepy eyes studying him. "Well, obviously the pregnancy has made me snuggle happy," she said. Chuck started to respond, but changed his mind.
"Obviously," he replied. "And I'm always looking to help out."
"You are good like that," she agreed. "So let's just say it's the baby's fault."
"Yep, absolutely, it's all the baby's fault," Chuck said, rolling his eyes. Sarah stared at him. "I mean, yes, it's the baby fault who's ….how far along?" Chuck asked.
"Eight weeks," Sarah said. "I found out really early because of the blood tests." Chuck nodded. "Hey, Chuck, I don't know Burbank real well, how about you show me around town."
"Sure," Chuck replied. "What would you like to do?" Sarah shrugged.
"I don't know," she said. "I wouldn't mind going to dinner, dancing, that kind of thing." Chuck looked at her. Her head was on his shoulder, and she was looking down at her hair. She was fiddling with the end of it.
"Sarah, are you asking me out?" he said. She looked at him and bounced a shoulder.
"I'm just saying we have to be together for me to watch you, we're friends, and you keep offering to help me," she said. "I mean, what would it hurt? I can pay if that's the problem."
"Nah, I'll pay, since I'm assuming the US government is paying Buy More for me," he said.
"Chuck, if it's a problem," she began.
"No, it's not, it sounds like fun, it's just," he trailed off.
"Not been on a date in a while?" she asked. He shook his head no. "Me either," she admitted. Chuck gave her a look. "You do know being on a date is not a prerequisite for sex?" He couldn't help but laugh. "The last date that wasn't me trying to seduce a mark was…"
"That long huh?" he asked. She smiled at him. "So, seduce?"
"Sometimes when info was needed, I would get a guy to take me out, and either get the information, or knock him out," she said. "I never have slept with mark."
"I wasn't implying," he began.
"I know, it's just," she sighed, and grinned. "You're inquisitive, Chuck, and sometimes you assume the worst."
"Sometimes?" he asked. "I would like to think it's the majority of the time." She laughed into his shoulder. "Can I be honest?" She nodded. "This is kinda nice, not having to worry about work."
"I do have to work," she said.
"No, I mean getting up and going in. Instead, I'm getting to have a conversation with someone whose company I enjoy," he said.
"Eh, you aight," she said. Chuck laughed.
"I need more than the Buy More, Sarah," he said. She looked at him.
"Tell you what, I've got a business degree, why don't you let me try and help you and we'll see if we can't get you out of the Buy More," she said.
"CIA gives out degrees?" he asked. She smirked at him.
"Harvard," she said. Chuck did a slow turn to look at her. She bounced a shoulder, and continued to smirk. She looked him in the eye. "What happened at Stanford?"
"All I know is I aced a test, Bryce framed me, and I got bounced," he said.
"You do know the CIA sometimes recruits from college campuses?" she asked. Chuck stared at her for a moment.
"Would getting kicked out of college get me off of the CIA's radar?" he asked. She nodded. "Guess I'll never know." She snuggled against him. "So the next six mornings?"
"Probably going to be snuggling just like this," she said.
"Guess you're in trouble after that," he said. Sarah smiled.
"Chuck, if I, excuse me, the baby, wants to snuggle bad enough, I can pop the Morgan door, slip into your bed, and be snuggled in seconds and there is nothing you can do," she said. Chuck grinned.
"Nothing, huh?" he asked.
"Nope, nothing," she replied.
"Well, since it's for the baby," he said. She snuggled into him.
"You're a good one, Chuck," she said. She had no idea what excuse she'd use after the baby, but maybe by then….She looked up at him. He looked so content. She wanted a real life, maybe, just maybe she had found it.
A/N: So true story, as I'm writing this, Yvonne is on Conan telling about how her husband made her nauseous, and it was a pregnancy hormone thing…I'm serious… Til next time…hope you enjoyed it! Reviews and PMs are always welcomed!
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bangtan-spells · 8 years ago
Jimin Scenario: Amore.
Request: So first i would like to have a jimin scenario were he meets gf parents, but they don't speak korean so he must learn her native language (if possible italian, but every other language is ok [i don't mean dialogues in italian, but like making references that gf nationality is italian {idk if i explained myself good lol}]) and he's nervous to mess up             
Genre: Fluff
Nobody was really being of much help, his friends were trying but falling in a fit of laughter each time he attempted to pronounce two straight words and Jimin was sweating and frustrated, people spoke this, it shouldn’t be that hard.
–I’ll start again– Jimin said decided, he was doing this, he was greeting your parents like a nice Italian boy would without messing it up, for you and for them. – Now, hear me up –
His friends straightened themselves again, and Jimin remembered himself to be patient, he was patient, he was kind, he was smart and he was all but losing all of that already.
–Buon… buon…– Jimin took a deep breath, tried to remember the rest and coax his lips and voice to pronounce what he wanted them to. –Buon, gi… orno – his lips took a funny shape with the foreign word, and he saw how Taehyung and Jungkook did their best to not fall again in a fit of laughter.
–It’ll be almost midday when you meet them Jimin, are you sure you’ll still be greeting them as if it was morning? – Namjoon looked at him with his know it all eyes and Jimin clenched his fist, almost glaring at his hyung, but not quite.
–Buon giorno – he said again, stronger this time and annoyed. Damnit Namjoon, he was right, maybe that wasn’t even the same greeting for midday why didn’t he think about that before and why didn’t Namjoon open his mouth sooner? He could have saved Jimin a good half an hour of trying to properly pronounce the two words without making a ridiculous face halfway through.
Jimin just needed to persevere, he knew it, you had said that it was alright, that you could translate everything, that it wasn’t that much of an issue but for Jimin it was, he wanted to do everything in his hands for your parents to like him and cause them a good first impression, he was going to speak Italian even if it was the last thing he did.
–I got this alright? – he said, to his friends, to himself, eyeing again the notes on his hands where he’d scribbled all the possible phrases he could learn on his own. He wanted this to be a surprise but he’d also paid close attention to the little words you let out here and there in your native language, so he could get used to the sound, and Jimin wasn’t a quitter, no matter the headache and the tangled tongue, he got this, he could do this, he was going to walk into that restaurant with you and nail this whole italian thing in the batting of an eyelash.
You rushed a little your pace because you didn’t want to keep Jimin waiting for long. You smiled with the thought of your boyfriend, Jimin was just too special for you, that was the main reason you wanted him to meet your parents. At first you’d been a little hesitant to tell him about it, but you didn’t want to miss this chance, Jimin was a nice guy and you were sure they were going to like him, he was always spoiling you and making you feel the most loved girl out there, you knew your parents were going to notice that despite the language barrier that Jimin was so worried for. Jimin was just too sweet and had a tendency to think too many things at once, you giggled because of how easy it was to click with Jimin and then ran the little steps separating you from him.
He had been waiting for you outside the ice cream shop you’d been obsessed with for the past month, Jimin had told you to meet there because he wanted to talk about something and you suspected that that something was the meeting with your parents in three hours, maybe he was having seconds thoughts about it, maybe he wasn’t as ready as he said he was two weeks ago.
–Hi – you tapped Jimin’s shoulder and he jumped on his spot, he had clearly been lost in his thoughts. Then your boyfriend laughed and took your hand, leaning forward to peck your lips quickly.
–Y/N, hi, were you trying to scare me? – he asked with fake outrage, his fingers caressed your hand softly which was a little cold, Jimin had complained of the weather being too cold for eating ice cream but had still indulged in going there with you.
–Of course not silly, you’re just jumpy – you laughed with him and entered the shop to order something. Once you had your ice creams in hand, you went to a table and sat close to Jimin, he leaned on the back of the round couch and placed his arm around your shoulders. It still got you al little light headed whenever Jimin was this close, you just enjoyed it way too much, his warmth and the feel of him close.
You chatted a little about what you’d been up to for the past days but you could clearly notice Jimin’s mind was troubled for something, so you just stole a kiss from his lips.
–You’re thinking too much, amore mio – you carded your hand lightly through Jimin’s hair and he smiled, looking at you intently for a moment.
–Say that again –
–What? – your hand stopped for a moment and you met his eyes, was Jimin getting a little red?
Your boyfriend only looked at you for a minute and then dropped his eyes. –Amore…–
Jimin’s voice was merely a whisper but you’d heard him very well, you scooted a little closer to him, pecking his cheek softly. –Amore mio –
Jimin laughed under his breath, licking his lips to try and refrain the silly smile. –I like how Italian sounds in your voice, I like when you call me that–
–I know – Jimin always looked so amazed whenever you let slip a word in your language, it was such a normal thing to you but so amazing to him it was actually endearing.
–I’m afraid to mess up Y/N, I don’t want to ruin this – there it was, you knew Jimin was most probably getting worried out of his mind with meeting your parents.
–You won’t ruin anything Jiminie –
–I can’t even say hi properly to them without thinking that I look stupid trying, I want to talk with your parents and say that we’re together and that I love you –
You squeezed Jimin’s hand, god he was such a sweetheart. –My parents can’t even say hi to you properly without laughing, so you’ll be even, and by the rest, I can tell them for you, just by going there you’re trying and I appreciate that, I’m sure they will too–
Jimin looked at you form the corner of his eyes, he shouldn’t be getting anxious about this like an hour before the meeting but god help him, if it wasn’t for you he would be already crawling up the walls. Well he had to trust you, you were going to be there, he’d tried to learn as much as he could and if you said it was going to be fine with only showing up then, he could at least man up and do it.
  You chilled for another while with Jimin at the ice cream shop until it was time to leave for the restaurant where you were meeting with your parents, you’d written the address for them and you hoped they didn’t get lost on their way there. Jimin had helped you find a nice Italian restaurant for the occasion, the owners were Italians and some of the workers too since it was a family, but there were Korean workers too so not many things could go wrong which was good.
When you arrived, your parents were already sitting on a table and when you waved at them. You felt Jimin’s hold in your hand tightening a little and you looked at him for some reassurance with a smile, Jimin seemed more than nervous, this was the first time you saw him like that so you turned to stand in front of him.
–It’ll go alright Jimin, they’re going to like you I’m sure – your boyfriend nodded silently. –I’ll be there the whole time anyway –
That earned a soft laugh from him, Jimin squeezed your hand that hadn’t let go of his and nodded. –I got this –
–You got this babe – you giggled softly and then made your way to your parent’s table holding onto Jimin’s hand.
Your parents instantly got onto their feet with the sight of you, you noticed how your mother’s avid eyes were running up and down Jimin with that spark of curiosity she always had, your father was looking a little lost and then your mother tapped his back.
–Now honey, now– she tried to be discreet, you were sure, but both of them had a thing for talking a little too loud to accomplish that. Then both of them bowed to your direction, your father almost knocked down the bowl in front of him and he just barely caught it.
You almost awed at that because you hadn’t actually asked them to do that, Jimin bowed to them as well with a smile and somehow, he seemed much more relaxed after that. You knew your mother would have gone for a bear hug as a greeting since they were just effusive people.
–Hi! Hi – Your father spoke in a strange high pitched voice and heavily accented Korean, then your mother elbowed him softly and he went on. –uh…. We…–
He leaned to whisper something on your mother’s ear and they looked so lost it was funny.
–We… hi– your father finished at least, with an apologetic face and looking at you with big eyes.
You giggled softly and let Jimin speak because he seemed like he needed to take something out of his chest, he opened his mouth a few times like a fish out of water, tried to pronounce a few greetings in Italian and ended settling for a simple ciao, but that served to get your parents beaming and they started to speak in Italian like crazy, relieved that Jimin apparently could understand them now.
Jimin just turned a little pale then, his brows knitted together in a clear attempt of catching up with at least something of what they were saying but he just looked at you with sorry eyes.
–Mom, dad, remember what I told you? – you interrupted them softly. –He doesn’t really speak our language –
–But he just…– you father looked confused and you smiled softly. Your mother understood quickly.
–He was just trying to please you, like you did with him too–
It was a little awkward then, but then your mother broke into a fit of laughter, your father turned a deep shade of red and Jimin ended laughing as well, so after that you made the proper introductions and sat with them.
–Jimin was actually the one with the idea of meeting here, he thought you might like it – you said to your parents because the idea was indeed coming from Jimin, you’d offered your house since you knew you mother wasn’t losing the chance to brag about her cooking skills, but Jimin said he wanted her to be relaxed.
–The food here is good, he did well, tell him that – you father was delighted with everything he had ordered so far and that was saying a lot.
–You look good together – your mother added while looking at you next to Jimin, your boyfriend was looking form you to them.
–She just said we look good together Jiminie – you told him and Jimin smiled so brightly right then.
You were amazed at how incredibly smoothly this was going, despite you having to translate and the little stumbled beginning, but your parents had done an effort and Jimin had done it as well which made you feel lucky because you loved them all, and they knew this was important for you so they’d done their best.
You smiled at Jimin, dared to peck his cheek softly and your mother smiled with that, focusing on her food after and hushing your father when he was about to say something.
–So I’m doing well so far? – Jimin asked softly and you nodded.
–You’re doing great Jimin, thank you – he looked at you with his always kind eyes and smiled. Then he looked at your parents who smiled back at him and he seemed the happiest, you were sure it was going to be easy to include Jimin more into your family life from now on, and you could even start teaching him little things about your language now that you knew he wanted to learn it so much.
Jimin turned to look at you when you giggled with curious eyes and you shook your head so he didn’t ask, it didn’t matter what language came out of your boyfriend’s lips, it wouldn’t change the fact that you loved him and love had a language of its own; one that you started to learn since the moment you met Jimin.
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journalymaddie · 8 years ago
Unusual Asks Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? spotify tbh is your room messy or clean? messy af bro i'm not even gonna lie what color are your eyes? green do you like your name? why? i wanna drop the m to my name (be called adison instead of madison) what is your relationship status? single & having a blast describe your personality in 3 words or less: obnoxious, happy, confused what color hair do you have? light brown what kind of car do you drive? color? haha i don't drive where do you shop? i fuck w h&m sooooo heavy how would you describe your style? teenage white girl favorite social media account: this dog meme account on twitter. i luv it what size bed do you have? queen bro any siblings? yes!!! 2 if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? anywhere??? idk i would love to live in greece but i don't wanna deal with the language barrier. probably hawaii tbh. i belong by the ocean favorite snapchat filter? eh i like the pig one favorite makeup brand(s) proobbabbllyyy tarte. they always putting out bangers. or morphe, they good on a budget how many times a week do you shower? a lot bro but i barely ever wash my hair favorite tv show? new girl haha that's my shit shoe size? 8 i think how tall are you? 5'4? sandals or sneakers? sandals,,, or no shoes at all do you go to the gym? hahahahha no i probably should tho describe your dream date: we go somewhere in public, so that i know he's not hiding me. he takes me to eat somewhere and we split the bill. we have similar interests and we make each other laugh. at the end of the night, i kiss him on the cheek when he drops me off. he texts me when he gets home and says goodnight :') how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? 0 money what color socks are you wearing? none haha what the heck how many pillows do you sleep with? rn i have like 4 do you have a job? what do you do? ye i'm a seafood clerk how many friends do you have? a decent amount & im grateful for them all whats the worst thing you have ever done? cheated on someone who was very sweet and deserved nothing but good things whats your favorite candle scent? cinnamon for sure 3 favorite boy names: kendall, alix, idk what else 3 favorite girl names: eleanor, kendall, addie/addison, favorite actor? cole sprouse hello daddy ily favorite actress? i really enjoy the girl who plays sophie in mama mia. i think her name is like amanda siefred or something who is your celebrity crush? high key kendrick lamar,,,, lowkey cole sprouse favorite movie? mama mia lol goat do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? no :( i wish i did. i have a very short attention span money or brains? i mean i don't have either so really what's the point do you have a nickname? what is it? madi how many times have you been to the hospital? bruh ,,, a lot idek top 10 favorite songs: 10???? bitch i don't have the time for that do you take any medications daily? ye. zoloft, melatonin, and my birth control what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) oily as heck what is your biggest fear? i don't really have one. i'm scared of everything at this point how many kids do you want? 2 maybe 3 whats your go to hair style? bun lmao or french braids what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) small apartment who is your role model? i don't rlly have one bro. i'm my own role model what was the last compliment you received? lol autumns brother called me cute what was the last text you sent? to toria how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? like 10 or 11 i think what is your dream car? bro. black SUV keep with double doors opinion on smoking? live ur life bro do you go to college? not yet what is your dream job? dermatology or dietitian would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? suburbs, i really like people do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? lol yea do you have freckles? HELLA do you smile for pictures? um yes what the heck how many pictures do you have on your phone? over 1000 that's for sure have you ever peed in the woods? ya do you still watch cartoons? sometimes do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? anyone who says mcdonalds is a fucking sociopath Favorite dipping sauce? i really just like ketchup tbh what do you wear to bed? underwear and tee shirt have you ever won a spelling bee?lmao no i've always wanted to tho what are your hobbies? art, writing, journaling can you draw? if i try hard enough yea do you play an instrument? nooo but i should what was the last concert you saw? pnb rock lol yikes tea or coffee? tea 💪 Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? dunkin has better coffee but i pay for the brand with starbucks do you want to get married? yea actually what is your crush’s first and last initial? i don't rlly have a crush rn. i'm talking to this one boy and he's pretty cool but ion know him like that are you going to change your last name when you get married? i don't really want to but i probably will what color looks best on you? pink!!! that's what people tell me at least do you miss anyone right now? yea tbh i miss anya & toria do you sleep with your door open or closed? rn it's open but i like it closed do you believe in ghosts? i'm sure they do exist but i've never had an experience with one so i'm not completely convinced what is your biggest pet peeve? #alllivesmatter last person you called? my mom lol to ask her about dropping the m in my name favorite ice cream flavor? moose tracks hehehe regular oreos or golden oreos? regular for milk, golden for plain chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? choco what shirt are you wearing? my moms motorcycle shirt lol what is your phone background? kendrick 😍😍 are you outgoing or shy? outgoing tbh do you like it when people play with your hair? sometimes but i get nervous that their might be dandruff do you like your neighbors? kinda. some of them hate me do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? mostly at night have you ever been high? ya have you ever been drunk? ya last thing you ate? pizza favorite lyrics right now: i had to do it, i want your body, your music summer or winter? summer bicchhh i hate being cold day or night? day dark, milk, or white chocolate? DARK favorite month? maybe august or july what is your zodiac sign? Aquarius hahaa who was the last person you cried in front of? i don't remember the last time i cried. probably autumn and haley tho
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