#and the just showered hair.... he looking nom
stellawish · 2 months
the sweetest thing
i’m just obsessed with dad!gojo :> genre: fluff, domestic life pairing: dad!gojo x mom!reader
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"...3, 4, 5. Here are our little fingers! Om-nom-nom!" You hear your son giggled. Seeing his reaction, Satoru continued, "Mmm so delicious! Ah, those cheeks! I’m gonna eat them now" He poked the baby's cheeks and began to smooch them. In response, the little boy was covered with another wave of giggles.
Satoru heard you enter the bedroom and turned with a gentle smile. You climbed onto the large bed and lay down on your stomach, right next to them. You gently stroked the soft white hair on your son's head while Satoru continued to shower his plump belly with kisses and tickling. The kid saw you and pulled his chubby little hands in your direction. In his eyes, you saw a plea, help me mommy!
You giggled and touched Satoru's shoulder. He raised his head and looked at you with his rosy cheeks. His lips folded into a smile. He looked absolutely beautiful.
You couldn't resist and reached out to him for a kiss. He met you halfway. Your lips gently touched. The kiss expressed gratitude for the gift of happiness and love. Your hand lightly stroked his shoulder.
In the background your baby cooed, and you briefly separated. You pecked his lips once more and then turned your attention to your little boy. His long white eyelashes fluttered a couple of times, and he smiled toothlessly at you, exposing his dimples.
You poked his chubby cheek with your finger and cooed, "Aren't you the cutest baby in the whole world?" He caught your finger in his little palm and squealed. Satoru lightly tickled his exposed tummy, and the baby giggled
"Satoru, stop pestering him! My poor baby," you exclaimed.
He whined back, "But babe, I can't! Look at him! Our baby is so cute and so squishy I wanna eat him." To prove his words, Gojo bit the little boy's chubby thigh. Your baby squeaked.
Maybe it's biased, but you do think that your baby is the most precious baby you've ever seen.
You cooed while kissing his little hand. "You look so much like Daddy! I carried you in my tummy for 9 months, but even shape of your nails are exactly like his." You feigned resentment and pouted.
Satoru wrapped his right arm around you and continued to whine."But baby, is it so bad that he looks like me? Look." He moved his face closer to his son’s and said,
"Look, aren’t we the cutest thing you've ever seen in your life?" His eyebrows expressed sadness, but you could see mischief in his blue eyes.
He batted his white eyelashes a couple of times, and his pink lips twitched and stretched into a wide smile; his dimples became even more noticeable. To his left, the exact same smiling eyes, thin nose, and dimples looked at you.
Of course, it was the sweetest thing you've ever seen.
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more dad!gojo HERE
hey guys! this is my first work here so please be nice) English isn’t my first language so there could be some grammar errors etc.
dividers by 2. @enchanthings
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 5 months
Charlie: “Whhhew...! That was-”
Vaggie: “A lot?”
Charlie: “-better than expected!”
Vaggie: “No kidding. If I’d known inviting your dad here would get Alastor looking like a wet cat, I’d’ve pushed for it sooner.”
Charlie: “I’m just glad you pushed when you did.” (smooch) “Thank you. I’ve missed him.”
Vaggie: “Looks like he’s really missed you too, babe.”
Charlie: “Mm. Not enough to call, though.”
Vaggie: “Ehh, calling can be scary. Good thing you’re plenty brave.”
Charlie: “Only when you’re holding my hand!”
Vaggie: “Husk would say that’s an act of fucking bravery all on it’s own, letting yourself get grabbed by the small, mean, grumpy lady. Remind me not to help him out at the bar again ever. I think there’s vodka in my hair.”
Charlie: “I’ll try, but you know you’re gonna help anyway.” (second smooch) “Can I get a ‘you’re welcome’?”
Vaggie: (chuckling) “Charlie, I didn’t do anything.”
Charlie: “You do lots.”
Vaggie: “And thank hell Angel Dust isn’t around to hear that…”
Charlie: “I’m serious! You got me to call dad in the first place!”
Vaggie: “I just suggested it, you’re the one who did it, and you two worked things out together like a real father-daughter team.”
Charlie: “And we’re a great team too.”
Vaggie: “Well I’m definitely a pretty big fan of us. Although…. Sir Pentious and Keekee are giving us a run for our money. And the Niffty plus a lock of Lucifer’s hair combo might just have us beat.”
Charlie: “Blegh! She actually got that in the end? I thought her scissors couldn’t even cut it!”
Vaggie: “They didn’t. She used my spear.”
Charlie: “She WHAT-”
Vaggie: “And asked your dad very nicely to please take off his hat so she could trim off a piece without ruining the rest of his hair.”
Charlie: (sigh) “I guess as long as she ASKED…”
Vaggie: “D’you think her whole room is just a shrine to quote unquote bad boys?”
Charlie: “Oh don’t say that. We need to introduce her to some boybands or something.”
Vaggie: “We?”
Charlie: “Yes ‘we’, little miss likes making lesbian covers of the songs normally sung by teenage boys while you’re in the shower and think the sound of running water can in any way drown out your beautiful, heart stopping voice-”
Vaggie: “I- you- You’ve been listening!?”
Charlie: “Eeeev-er-y morning yep! Heheh~”
Vaggie: “Diablo mio… I need a drink.”
Charlie: (giggling) “To go with the vodka hair?” (nibbles Vaggie’s fringe) “Nom nom nom. Delicious~”
Vaggie: “Scratch that- clearly WE need some SLEEP.”
Charlie: “How can I sleep at all tonight, though? Vaggie- we’re gonna get a meeting with the top angels of creation! We’re gonna be on cloud nine! Literally! In HEAVEN!!”
Vaggie: “And sleep won’t be enough to prepare me for that but you definitely need it.”
Charlie: “It’s impossible! I need to SING!!!!!”
Vaggie: “You need to go shuck off those shoes and get in your ruby slippers while I put in your fav movie so we can get some rest.”
Charlie: “If you put in the Wizard of Oz you know I’m 100% gonna sing anyway right.”
Vaggie: “Yeah, but you’ll be singing in bed so you can keep watching the movie, and that’s good enough for me.”
Charlie: “I love youuuu~”
Vaggie: “Love you too sweetie. Slippers. Bed. Z’s. Now.”
Charlie: (kicks off shoes) “Ta da! There’s no place like home!"
Charlie: (clicks hooves together)
Charlie: "Heheheheh...!”
Vaggie: “I meant on the bed in your pajamas and under the actual covers- vaya, whatever. Scoot. Don’t go running off to Oz without me.”
Charlie: (snuggling vaggie in a hug instead) “I’m never going anywhere without you, Vaggie. Including heaven.”
Vaggie: (awkward laugh) “Great…”
Charlie: “Wanna know whyyyy?”
Vaggie: (smiles) “I make a great hand-holder, apparently.”
Charlie: “Yes. And, you’re home.”
Vaggie: “….yeah? I’m here? This is our room?”
Charlie: (snorting) “Vaggie-”
Vaggie: “In our hotel??”
Charlie: “Vaggie nooo- Anywhere else would be home too, with you there.”
Vaggie: “…..”
Vaggie: (deep breath)
Vaggie: “…... Charlie-”
Charlie: “You gonna press play?”
Vaggie: “-huh? Oh. Yeah.”
Charlie: (snuggling her) “This has been an amazing day. Wish every day could be like this, forever.”
Vaggie: “Yeah.” (hoarse) (curling up as close to charlie as she can) "Me too.”
-101 minutes of Oz later-
Vaggie: "Charlie?"
Charlie: "... nnnoooo..."
Vaggie: "Charlie, c'mon, at least let's get your coat off."
Charlie: "Mmrrr... mi mi mi..."
Vaggie: "You can go 'snork mi mi mi' afterwards. Work with me here, Dorothy- I can't get you settled into Oz without help."
Charlie: "Hmmheheheh... so im Dorothy..?"
Vaggie: "Definitely. You've got the ruby slippers on and everything."
Charlie: "I love that you call my hooves that~ Thats so silly. You're so silly, Vaggie."
Vaggie: "And you're already half asleep. Suspenders next, okay?"
Charlie: "Remove the suspenders... delete the suspenders..."
Vaggie: "Get your horns tangled in the suspenders somehow, wait, hold on-"
Vaggie: "Alright, good enough. That's all the annoying stuff gone anyway. You should be good like that, right?"
Charlie: "Sleeeeeepy. Snuggles?"
Vaggie: "Snuggles right after I change, give me one sec okay."
Charlie: "Mmm."
Charlie: "...vaggie."
Vaggie: "That was half a second."
Charlie: "Vaggiiiiie."
Vaggie: "I'm right over here, stop making grabby hands."
Charlie: "Vaggggiiiiiiiee...!"
Vaggie: (huffs) "Fine, fine..." (snuggles) "Not like my nightie would cover much anyway. But if we end up having to get up in the middle of the night for something exploding again, you're going out first, and I'm stealing your jacket."
Charlie: "You look good in my clothes."
Vaggie: "I look like a ten year old. The sleeves have to be rolled back to the elbow just so I have hands."
Charlie: "I like your hands..."
Vaggie: "Thanks." (kiss) "Go to sleep, Charlie."
Charlie: "Wait- heheheh- wait, Vaggie-"
Vaggie: "What?"
Charlie: "Vaggie, Vaggieeee~!"
Vaggie: "Giggling into my boobs isn't helping me understand what you're saying, babe."
Charlie: "Vaggie. If I'm Dorothy, and youuuu are GAY, then.."
Vaggie: "Little scared to see where this is going, not gonna lie."
Charlie: "Does that make-" (snickers) "Does that make you a girlfriend of Dorothy's?"
Vaggie: "............."
Charlie: "Vaggie~?"
Vaggie: "...Charlie. Please."
Vaggie: "Go the fuck to sleep."
Charlie: "HEH!"
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crabonfire · 1 year
Stupid and dumb tf2 headcannons cause I somebody do these on tiktok and they rile me up
Pyro regularly goes to strip clubs and he would fucking clap at the strippers like "😊👏👏" because he's a weirdo and I love it, demoman and Soldier would go too, both wanting to have a good time but soldier would probably be more impressed at how flexible they can be instead of everything else
They have movie nights where they vote and scout chooses action every single time while most mercs would want something else, they accuse him of being scared because he never ever chooses horror and he's like "pfft, no! Horror is just...lame to me." And engie snorts and was like "Yeah okay buddy." So they watched horror that night to prove it to him and surprisingly he was composed during it, but he didn't sleep that night, or the coming nights until he finally convinced himself it was just a movie and nobody was living in his closets.
Spy is a little too into weapons. One time when they all got a crate of weapons they had all been wanting when it came to his crate bro was practically SAVORING the knives and guns he was holding, he was sputtering French compliments while he was CARESSING those weapons. Everybody was so weirded out Sniper had to tell him to cut it out. He simply said that he was "impressed" by the refined beauty of said weapons. (if he starts moaning over those guns don't be surprised)
They also have game nights, it was scouts idea. Usually only Pyro, Engineer, Demoman, Soldier would join, while others would be spectating. They always go the same way, the game starts out simple, Engineer starts arguing with Soldier because he's not playing right, they start fighting and it turns into a bet to see who will win this time. Pyro and demoman will continue the game with Scout because they are so used to this, while Medic will cheer and egg them on. Spy would be like, "Look at you two, fighting like a bunch of children." But he finds it sooo entertaining.
Barbecue nights with engie!
Sniper smells like ASS. Anytime he's at the base, somebody has to remind him to shower, and he gets so embarrassed he's like, "Shit. Sorry." And just speedwalks to the shower rooms. When he comes back, he uses an insane amount of shampoo and cologne, so he actually smells really good afterwards. He's used to his own bad smell so he never actually notices.
Spy has greasy fucking hair. Like seriously, does he even wash that baklava? I don't think so (that voice line from Ms pauling proves me right) he's a man thay takes care of his physical attributes yes, but he doesn't ever find a need for his hair because he never takes that damn thing off, only when he showers and sleeps, that's it.
If for example, your dating him and after a while you want to see him without it, he's handsome yeah omggg so cute but GOD FUCKING DAMNNN THAT FUCKING HAIR MASHAALLAHHH brother wtfffff you have to shower with him and clean out his hair from him. He's like "it's not that big of a deal seriously" but after you wash it and it becomes soft and conditioned he becomes embarrassed realising how bad it really was. (Also, he probably has mask lines if it's been hot and he's been wearing it for too long)
Engineer has a shameful addiction of sweets. Like, I feel like he stress eats especially when his inventions go wrong and I have a headcannon back in uni when he was studying, since he was already so smart the MOMENT something was not perfect he would freak the fuck out and start eating chocolate so aggressively like
"What's wrong with this damn thing om nom mommmfh fuckin- mmmomom"
After he graduated and became a merc, since he got better and perfected his craft (for the most part) this rarely occurred, when it does tho, just know he's stepping out of his workshop, going to a gas station and buying so much candy. (This only happens when it's REALLY bad though.)
Heavy actually really likes American food. He thought he'd hate it, but he doesn't find it that bad. He likes cheeseburgers and steaks, very yummy. Medic doesn't like it when he eats them because they can be a tad bit unhealthy, but he's happy that it makes him happy.
Medic got into birds when he was young, feel like he had a bird feeder as a kid outside his house and would like to observe them from his window, when it got cold he'd offer them a place inside and ended up having bonds with them. Archimedes and his doves reminds him of childhood, a simpler time.
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jakeysbuttsheeks · 9 months
Godfather | 1
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Warnings: profanity, age gap , mature themes, mentions of overdose , drug use , substance use , death of parent , orphaning , other weird shit
Pairings : Jake X fem reader
18+ mdni
When Jake was in college he met a guy called Mike , one of the closest guys he was friends with.
Mike was 8 years older than him . He got along really well with Jake's band and with his brothers . He was almost considered family .
Until Mike went down a stump. Addiction to every drug on the planet and god knows what else . Mike ended up have a kid by accident at 18 .
The girl didn't want the kid and gave Mike the responsibility to take care of it. Jake and his brother's helped Mike through fatherhood, although they couldn't do much with his drug addiction.
Mike had overdosed 18 years later and left Jake and his friends was mortified with it.
Mike had made Jake the kid's godfather . And that kid , was you . Now almost 18yr old teenager that had to stay with your dad's rockstar best friend Jake till you could fend for yourself because you literally did not have any other family.
Jake on the other hand had his whole family delighted to welcome you into the family .
☆⋆⋅─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────⋆⋅☆
It was almost a year since your dad died and It had been a month since you moved in with Jake. He was never really the responsible type but you could tell he was trying.
You never understood why, but there was always an awkward when you were alone with him . A weird unspoken tension. You thought maybe it was because you didn't know Jake enough to feel comfortable living with him . But that wasn't true because you'd known Jake your whole life , he practically helped take care of you more than your own dad did.
Maybe he was just shy you thought , or uncomfortable?
Whatever it was , you couldn't spend more than 10 minutes alone in the same room with him without it getting weird .
You were thrown out of your thoughts when you felt a tap on you shoulder, making you startle before you turned to see Jake standing next to you .
"how many times did I tell you not to keep the volume basting? You're gonna go deaf love" Jake spoke as you slid your headphones down your head to rest around your neck .
"sorry-" you mutter as he walked past behind you .
"it's alright doll I just don't want you to get deaf so young" Jake spoke fast "Anyway, I'm making dinner so be down by 6 alright?" He said , shuffling in the kitchen .
"okay" you say before you slipped out of the kitchen and headed up stairs.
Why did you have to act like that ? Jake's a good person and you knew no matter what, he would never take advantage of you or anything of the sort . But you couldn't help how you acted. You wondered if he noticed your behaviour. You wondered if he was the only one that felt the weird tension.
You lay in bed , blasting music and scrolling through tiktok. And then you looked at the time and decided to go have a shower.
You turned on the Bluetooth speaker in your room and cranked the volume to max and went for your shower .
Jake rarely came upstairs , it was almost like he'd given it off to you with the guest bedroom and bathroom and a nice balcony. He had everything he needed downstairs anyway. His soundproof home studio, his bedroom , the dining, the kitchen , the living room and a nice porch outside all for him .
Even though no one had actually verbally divided the house like this , it just became a staple nom between the two of you .
You finished your shower, hot and steaming as you came out . It was your monthly everything shower and you had shaved everywhere and , done your skincare and hair masks and you really took your time with it.
You walked into your room , the music blasting as you stripped yourself of your towel and started dressing. You always had your room door locked so you didn't have to worry about Jake walking in (or so you thought).
"y|n-!" The door swung open and you screamed and grabbed whatever you could to cover your fully naked body.
Jake didn't even say anything he just spun around and slam the door back closed. So much in mearly a second .
You felt ashamed . This was only going to make things so much more awkward.
Meanwhile Jake was still in shock, he knew he shouldn't have barged in like that . But he had called out for you almost a hundred times before coming to upstairs and knocking on your door. But you couldn't hear him because you had your music blasting .
"fuck" he ran his fingers through his hair in frustration and guilt as he quickly went back downstairs.
You shut your music off for good , realising he must've called out for you and you couldn't hear him . You had completely forgotten about dinner at 6 .
You got dressed and took a few moments to gain the confidence to go back down and face him , ready to pretend nothing ever happened.
You walked into the kitchen and quickly grabbed something to eat before attempting to rush back upstairs but Jake stopped you .
"y|n we need to talk" he said , and you could swear you lost all feeling in your feet . Your throat went dry and your pulse fastened .
"come sit" he gestured for you to come and sit with him in the living room , his eyes on the tv .
You slowly crept up and sat yourself on the love chair next to the couch Jake was sitting on, picking at your food for a couples seconds of silence as Jake turned off the tv.
"look i-" he started, taking a deep breath to continue.
"I'm not going to pretend that I don't see you're uncomfortable with this whole thing anymore y|n" he starts .
"We haven't spoken about your dad or anything for that matter and I thought I wouldn't bring it up until you were ready but-" he sighed .
"We were so close before your dad died love, and I know this is all alot for you to process and take in and I only want to make it easier for you" he spoke as you felt tears prick your eyes.
"But I can't do that if you're not comfortable with with me. And it seemed to me like you're uncomfortable and I wouldn't blame you-" he continued.
"I kept calling out to you and I even banged on the door and I thought something had happened to you so I barged in- I shouldn't have- I didn't mean to-" you watched him as he spoke . He was terribly embarrassed, his face red with guilt. You felt sorry for him .
"no Jake it's alright really" you stop him and he left out a soft breath of relief to himself.
"No but if you're not comfortable staying with me . You could go stay with Josh or the others. My parents would be happy to have to too" Jake offered.
You stayed quiet , thinking it over .
What happened today was terribly awkward for the both of you. Considering the weird tension that you felt around him that drove you mad .
"my parents that is?" He smiled , knowing he had read your mind and you couldn't help but break out a smile too. He knew you better than you knew yourself.
You nodded and he mouthed a small 'okay' to himself before his eyes fell to your plate of food .
"you didn't take veggies" he exclaimed with playful anger and you laughed out a groan before getting up to serve yourself some veggies that Jake had made specifically for you .
It was weird how much tension eased once the two of you spoke about things. It was almost how it used to be when you dad was still around.
Jake was right. The both of you were very close and playful and he was your favourite uncle as a kid. Things just got different as you grew . And even worse after your dad died. The two of you had so much unspoken stuff that y'all had to talk about to go back how y'all used to be .
But for now , staying at Jake's parents house seemed needed .
@jjwasneverhere @themoreyou-love @thetroublegetssoloud71 @gvf23 @sarah-gvf01
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sillygoose067 · 6 months
Charles’s Angel(s)
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Charles Leclerc x Reader
“Dites-moi tout!” (Tell me everything!) Marie whispers in excitement, having watched your interaction with a certain handsome Ferrari driver from afar. 
“Later. But I want you to tell me about what was going on between you and Lando over there” you wiggle your eyebrows at her and she lets out a blushing giggle. 
“He may or may not have gotten my number and asked me out on Friday…” she says with a bright smile. You hug her tightly. “I’m so happy for you. You deserve someone to look after you and Leila and love you the way he probably will”, you tell her. Her eyes grow misty. 
“Merci, mon amie. You really have been the best friend I could have asked for”. 
Wiping her tears, you reach for Leila, who had become exhausted and take her from Marie. She lays her head on your shoulder and dozes off. Then you and your friend head to the area where everyone had congregated to watch Carlos, Charles, and Max receive their trophies and get showered in champagne. 
Charles caught your eye in the crowd and smiled. The crowd swooned, thinking he was showing off his dimples for them. You giggled. How did you manage to catch the attention of one of the most sought-after men in F1?
When all the celebrations had come to an end, all the drivers gathered and said their congratulations and patted each other on the back. You and Marie left the venue with a sleeping Leila, with high hopes for what was to come.
As soon as you get back home, you receive a text from Charles: I didn’t see you at the afterparty. Are you alright?
Yes, we just needed to get Leila to bed.  You text back.
Oh, alright. 
Are you free on Saturday? Around 6 pm? He texts
I think so. Why? You ask
I’d like to take you out then. He replies
Oh. Oh. You gasp. It was finally happening. Your first date! At the ripe age of 25, but who cares?
Sounds like a plan 👍
Shit. Why’d you say that? You’re so stupid, God, you should have gone to Marie for advice on how to reply. You mentally punch yourself. 
Setting your phone down, you rush to the living room where Marie is. “Charles just asked me out on Saturday!”
“OH MY GOOOOD! Y/n, you are totally having your moment. Did you say yes?”
“What do you think I said? Of course I said yes!”
She brushes a nonexistent tear drop from her eye and sniffles. “Ah, mon petit bébé grandit enfin…” (my little baby is finally growing up) 
You push her playfully with a bashful smile. 
Saturday came faster than you anticipated. “Marie!”, you yell. “I don’t know what to wear! Or what to do with my hair!”, you’re on the verge of tears by now. 
“Hold on, let me just put Leila down, and I’ll be right there!”
The two of you end up deciding on a flowy summer dress with forget-me-nots printed all over, and plaiting your hair into a loose braid. When the doorbell rings, you freeze, and Marie ends up having to drag you to the door and answer it. “Hi!”, she says, slightly out of breath. “Êtes-vous ici pour une certaine personne du nom de Y/n?” (Are you here for a certain someone by the name of Y/n?)
Charles’s eyes never stray from you, and he hums. “Oui, si vous me le permettez bien sûr, j'aimerais l'inviter à dîner” (Yes, if you'll allow me of course, I would like to take her out to dinner).
Marie pushes you out in front of her, nearly making you stumble into Charles. You blush furiously. “J- Je suis désolée” (I- I’m sorry), you stutter as you try to regain your composure. 
All you hear is a “Byeeee” before Marie slams the door, leaving the two of you awkwardly standing outside. 
Charles clears his throat and runs his fingers through his hair. “May I take your hand?”
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celabi · 1 year
First time sending an ask lmao apologies if i do this wrong or long-
Ok so i have a fun idea for Scummy Scara
We all know Yae and Ei have a little thing but what if Yae had a niece that just happened to be extremely flirty and sly (the Yae bloodline is just blessed to be smooth)
For the sake of plot, reader has been off at school somewhere else and just moved in with auntie Miko.
So imagine if you will;
Ei kicks the door down to Scara's room one fine Saturday morning and starts digging through his closet. Scara, having gone to bed around 3-4 in the morning, is obviously pissed off at his mother and proceeds to yell and scream at her.
"We're having dinner with Miko and her Niece. I want you to shower and dress nicely." Ei stated as she went to clean the best clothes Scara had (slightly torn band shirt, long sleeve undershirt, and some ripped black jeans) and left him to cuss her out while he tried to get a few more hours of sleep.
Ei kicks the door in again closer to 5:30 PM and drags Scara out of the bed and in the bathroom. After much shouting and wrestling, Scara smelled better and Ei forced him to sit still while she fixed up his hair. "Behave. And be nice to her niece, she just moved here and needs some friends."
Scara did not care.
Until he saw you standing next to Miko. Scara felt his face flush when the two of you locked gazes. Your fox ears, decorated in piercings, twitched a bit as you held a hand out to him. "Hey, I'm (Name), nice to meet you."
"I... Uh.. I... My name is Scaramouche..." Ei and Miko simply shared a look as they walked into the fancy restaurant. "You gonna shake my hand or are you just gonna stare?" You asked with a playful grin. Scara flushed bright red as he placed his hand in yours, attempting to shake it. Only for you to raise it to your lips and press a soft kiss to it. "Pleasure to meet you, Scaramouche~ Come on, I wanna get to know you better." And so you pulled a bright red flabbergasted Scaramouche into the restaurant.
As for the more scummy HCs;)
- Constantly wants to touch your ears and tail, wonders if pulling on them will give him a 'nice' reaction if ykwim.
- You, in turn, offer up a deal. He can touch your more fox features if
A.) He's gentle.
B.) Lets you do something to him in return.
((He always hopes you spit in his mouth (or on him) or step on him, especially if you wear platformers))
But the most you do is a teasing kiss on his ear or do his make-up. (When in a relationship you put lipstick on and kiss him to give him lipstick, just to see him all flustered and shortcircuit. Obviously 🙄)
You tease him for cuddling into your tail at night or when you cuddle but never tell him to stop. He lives to see you wear his hoodie and nothing else, just your tail hanging out and a nice view of them legss.
He has gently nommed on your ears before! Gets you blushy but then you bite his ears and get some sweet sounds out of him!! One time you gave him a headband with bunny ears and a bunny tail. You hade a fun night that day~
Just fox reader teasing the shit outta him 😋
Teasing fox reader x scummy shy bf scara ????? 😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 pls omg just him cuddling up into your tail late at night and falling asleep awww plssss omf
Him with a flirty reader is just perfect, cause he gets so flustered at the smallest things 🥺 kiss on the cheek? He’s twiddling his thumbs and pouting 🥺 I wanna flirt with him so bad omg
Love you so much for this, I love flirty fox reader 🥺
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akaakeis · 1 month
N E WAYS HIIII im having lunch rn !! IT RAINED SO BAD SO ITS LIKE 5PM AND IM STILL IN MY UNIFORM AND STUFF i had like.. stuff planned on my schedule and stuff :cccccc
dude the way i do NAWT feel like writing at all but also im dying to get yns pov in the first chapter like PICK A FUCKING SIDE OMFG literally had to pause writing this to think
THE SENTENCE WAS monica went to her grandmother's house for summer vacation AND SHE MADE IT WEIRDER SOUNDING "during vacation" LIKE GIRL NO??????????? sorry for ranting god im such a hater
AND LIKE THESE FUCKASS TEACHERS WONT SEE MY TEXTS (i love them) BUT THE EXACT SECOND I PULL UP TO THEM AT SCHOOL IM GETTING MY CHEEKS TUGGED AT LIKE "oh em gee alina u did such a great job we r sooo proud of u" DIE. AND IM SO SCARED CUZ IM NOT STUDYING PROPERLY OR ENOUGH I THINK AND MY SCHEDULE IS SO FREAKY AND WEIRD AND THE !! RAIN !! EW 🤮🤢🤮🤢 not that i hate the rain, it just conveniently happens NOT when im at home ready to go to school, but rather otw to school or otw home so i'm just late everywhere. also MY WATER BOTTLE DISAPPEARED?? AND THERES A GIRL W THIEVING TENDENCIES IN CLASS LIKE IM NOT POINTING FINGERS BUT BUT BUUUUUUUT um. ANWYAYS I SAW A SUBMERGED MOTORCYCLE AND ALSO MY CHEM TEACHER TAKING PICS OF THE FLOOD LIKE WTF HE WANT THEM FOR "look wife im not cheating im actually trapped in school"
dude.. biceps r so..... like... kuroo... IM LOWK A KUROO ENTHUSIAST HE IS SO YUMMY LIKE U JUST KNOW HED LET U BITE IT (my intrusive thoughts r like. if he existed irl. nom nom time) NOT EVEN IN A SEXUAL WAY BTW I JUST NEED A CHOMP
yeah im gonna act like u didnt see that sideblog post bc i SAID i wasnt trying to hint at anyone... AND NO THATS NOT FREAKY?? idk man i send in asks to ness like every day bc i think its fun to talk that way!! paragraph asks are genuinely so fun to receive!! ALSO USING THE WORD BLEAT IS CRAZY YOU R NOT BLEATING IN MY DMS
omg i hope you had a good lunch!! im answering this like an hour later so i assume u already finished? idk its weird that we're 12 hrs apart 😭 AND NOOO THATS AWFUL :(( sorry to hear that love :( hopefully the rain didn't flood any area and you and your fam are all good!!
HELP THATS SUCH A REAL FEELING i was battling with that yesterday so bad omf... i feel like sometimes we can attach somewhat negative connotations w writing bc sometimes it can feel like a chore? so sometimes it's a struggle to get up and decide to write? maybe thats js me but like yeah 😓 BUT GENUINELY SO EXCITED FOR YOUR APOCALYPSE AU!! ITS BEEN AMAZING SO FAR!! AND ANYTHING IVE READ FOR IT MAKES ME WANT TO LET OUT AUDIBLE SOBS ‼️ that sounds negative but i feel like you get why i want to LIKE GOOD GRIEF anyway write whenever you feel like it!! dont force it <3
okay like maybe im stupid but i feel like both of those sentences make sense? like "monica went to her grandmother's house for summer vacation" makes sense but so does "monica went to her grandmother's house during vacation" it's just that it doesn't specify whether it's during summer vacation so it can sound awkward ig?? idk man ive been stuck reading old english for the last couple of days bc of the hobbit (I DESPISE THAT BOOK IT CAN GO DIE) sigh
HELP?? I MEAN IM SO HAPPY YOURE GETTING GOOD GRADES THO!! AS LONG AS YOURE ABLE TO STUDY JUST ENOUGH SO THAT YOURE CONFIDENT IN THE TOPIC THEN I THINK YOURE GOOD HONESTLY 😨 and the rain sounds like its out to get u thats wild??? PLEASE im not pointing my finger at anyone... im just agreeing here... there's a chance 😭 having classmates with tendencies to steal is such a pain in the ass tho i hope you're able to retrieve your water bottle!! AND HELP I LOVE THE WAY YOU DUBBED THAT "im not cheating im actually stuck in school" had me giggling sm
HELLO? BITING KUROO'S BICEP IS INSANE (but lowkey i would too VERY LOWKEY because i feel like im not super attracted to big biceps and stuff idk?? but just a little chomp 😋😋)
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violetvelourr · 2 years
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Let Me Take Care of You
(Part 3 of 3) Part 1 is here, Part 2 is here
☙ ❦ ❧
Arina's right leg was resting comfortably on Kakashi's shoulder, and he was leisurely stroking it with his hands, as if it was some kind of harp, pressing his cheek to the ankle and occasionally scooping up and pouring warm water from the furako over it. His entire appearance expressed full relaxation and bliss.
He was at home, in furako, she was with him and she... although it was best not to think about that now.
Arina kept glancing at Kakashi from under her eyelashes and smiling contentedly to herself: finally he'd calmed down.
Although he was, in fact, not that far from the truth, worrying about her not getting her share of his love – she really did miss him like crazy and in addition to that got rather fired up herself while they were in the shower. She did not dare even hint at her desires, otherwise – she could well expect that from him – she would end up having to scrub him off the floor for real.
However, she knew also that he would not keep her waiting for too long – she had explored his tastes quite well by then, and at another time she would not even think of stopping his hand that was already reaching for her sweet spot... It was just that at that moment she did not want to shift the attention to herself – and knowing him (and herself, let's be honest), that was very likely to have happened, – therefore she refused him in perhaps his most enjoyed activity, against her own interests.
Anyhow, she would be getting her way, and to the extent that Shizune would again be making fun (which was, in fact, not very inspiring) of her somewhat restrained walk and overly modest clothes.
This was one of their few points of disagreement: Kakashi enjoyed leaving his 'love noms', as he called them, on her skin, often – and quite possibly, deliberately, – not bothering too much about their location, while she had nothing to repay with – hickeys on the narrow uncovered part of his forearms would hardly look just as spectacular, or would even completely blend with other abrasions which Kakashi regularly had.
No doubt, considering how long he had been away – she was in for a renewal of the 'nom' collection... Thinking of this, Arina felt her cheeks beginning to flare up against her will and shot a glance at Kakashi. Lucky for her, the latter had just closed his eyes.
Arina thought again how wonderful it was to have him back home. And that he was alright. Although his wounds had yet to be taken care of. And she was still uncertain that he should have been in the furako at all now. The water, while they were having fun in the shower, had cooled down a little – Arina deliberately had not turned on the temperature controller, which kept the water temperature at the right, from Kakashi's point of view, level, – but still was way too hot.
"Mhm?" as if overhearing her thoughts, Kakashi opened his eyes and noticed her slightly concerned gaze.
"No, nothing." The girl shook her head. "It's just that... your wounds... we need to take care of them."
"I will," Kakashi agreed compliantly.
Feeling annoyed – apparently her help was not needed again, – Arina jerked her leg, but Kakashi's fingers instantly tightened around her ankle and she slid forward with her pelvis, losing back support and almost submerging into the water completely.
Kakashi let go of her leg nimbly, caught Arina under her back and pulled her onto himself.
"What's that with the kicking?" he inquired.
"I see someone's regained his strength," Arina muttered, fidgeting a little. "You're not going to do it right here, are you?"
"What do you think I am, a complete idiot?" Kakashi chucked, yet looked at her with a sudden sparkle in his eyes.
Arina, who before that was going to tell him everything she thought about his stubbornness, suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck and clung to him.
"I missed you so much..." Her breath grazed his skin with heat.
"Me too, baby... me too..." Kakashi moved her hair to the side and slid his palms over her back with pleasure, burying his face into her neck.
"Will you be staying here long this time?.." Arina pulled away and looked into his eyes again.
"We'll find out tomorrow." Kakashi sighed.
"Will she really not give you even a little time to recover?" Arina complained.
"Well, if I'd gone to the hospital..."
"Oh no, that won't do either..." Arina shook her head, though instantly feeling a pang of conscience – perhaps it really was better for him to have gone there. But in that case, she wouldn't have seen him for another day at least...
"See?.. Which means I am alright and fit enough to take on a new mission. If Lady Tsunade deems it necessary."
"Oh and she will," Arina muttered, drooping completely. "She never considers your personal wishes."
"Ninja don't have personal wishes," Kakashi chuckled philosophically, and Arina grimaced in mute despair. "Baby, can we not go there? Let's solve issues as they arrive. I feel so good right now, and I don't want to think about anything other but you and me..." He leaned forward a little and Arina, unable to resist, welcomed his kiss. When they parted again, Kakashi stroked her gently on the cheek, glad that not a hint of sadness was left in her gaze.
They looked at each other for some time, when suddenly Arina burst out laughing:
"You are not thinking of us, but rather about your futon..." She cupped his face with her palms and ran her thumbs over the delicate skin under his eyes, where traces of exhaustion were clearly visible. "So sleepy..."
"I'm sorry..." His gaze became completely drowsy.
"Oh, you..." Arina once again hugged him, pressing her cheek against his. "Let's go to bed, mhm?"
Arina got off him, got up and stepped out of the tub. She walked over to where the towels where, wiped herself dry, then wrapped the towel around her torso, took one for Kakashi and walked back to the furako. She sat down, leaning on its edge.
Kakashi, unable to cope with his exhaustion anymore, did not budge. He reached out and stroked Arina's cheek, gazing at her with dozy tenderness.
Arina was about to urge him on again, but changed her mind and instead placed her palm on top of his head, running her fingers through his hair.
"You know," she said thoughtfully, "I have this image in my mind for some reason... Like as if a long time ago some... I don't know how to put it... some samurai's or maybe even shinobi's wife was sitting just like that while her husband was soaking in the furako... I'm not sure why not with him, but rather like this, somehow even ceremonially, so to speak..."
Kakashi shuddered slightly, suddenly remembering what his father had told him. His mother – unlike his father, who, just like Kakashi, would sell his soul for a time at the hot springs, – did not particularly fancy furako, especially when she got pregnant, so she rarely got in there with him. Instead, she would often sit right where Arina was sitting now. Perhaps, she was even stroking her father's hair just like that...
"Quite possibly, this is how it really used to be," Kakashi whispered, feeling his eyes closing against his will.
'Father... mother... I never even dared to dream of it...'
He leaned against the side of the furako, resting his cheek on Arina's palm, and finally closed his eyes. Arina kissed him on the forehead and tucked her face into his hair, still stroking the top of his head.
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She did not want to disturb him, but after a while she had to wake him up after all – they could not be staying in the bathroom all night.
Kakashi leaped up in surprise, looked at Arina apologetically:
"Was I off for long?"
"Nah," the girl reassured him. "But we should really move over to the bedroom."
"Gods, you're all frozen!" Kakashi noticed goosebumps over her bare shoulders: it was not a particularly warm night, and without the hot water running constantly the bathroom cooled down quite fast. "I am so sorry..." He hurried to get up, but reeled noticeably and had to grab the side of the furako and crouch slightly."
Arina jumped up too and supported him.
"Don't make a fuss – if you stretch out here now, that won't help anyone for sure," she reproached him.
Making sure that he was able to stand properly, Arina handed Kakashi his towel. She then left briefly and changed into her yukata.
Kakashi by that time had managed to get out of the furako after all, but was wiping himself with the towel as if half asleep again.
Arina took his towel from him and wiped him dry herself.
"Thank you, Ari," Kakashi mumbled sheepishly, tilting his head so that the girl could wipe his hair too.
"We still need to take care of your wounds," Arina reminded.
"Can we do it another time?" the man moaned. "I've had them for a while, one day more, one day less... I am ready to fall asleep right here on this spot."
"So that you just dismiss them, they don't heal for another week, cause you discomfort and leave traces in the end?"
Kakashi sighed dejectedly.
"So no, you are not getting away with that. Of course, I consider it extremely manly, but I think you have enough battle marks already." Arina finished wiping his head and ruffled his hair jokingly.
While fetching Kakashi's yukata for him, she could not help but feeling a little envious again – while his hair was already almost completely dry, her own hair would take ages to dry, even without that incident in the furako.
"What would I do without you?" Kakashi sighed while Arina helped him put on his yukata. He pulled the girl to him and pecked her on the nose with gratitude.
"Hanging around hospitals, I suppose," Arina muttered, blushing.
Hugging each other, as if trying to preserve the accumulated warmth, they headed towards the bedroom. However, soon Arina sent Kakashi upstairs alone while she went to get everything necessary for treating the wounds. Oddly enough, Kakashi managed to stay awake: she was a little concerned that he would fall asleep the minute he got to the bed.
☙ ❦ ❧
"Remember how I was treating your wound?.." Kakashi was sitting with his hands behind his back, watching Arina applying regenerative ointment on to his side. Despite the activity hardly falling under the 'fun' category, he was filled with pleasant peace. This was the happiness of a shinobi. The wounds will always be there – but to be home, with her... to bathe in her care and love. "How funny you were twitching then, whenever I touched you."
"Indeed," the girl snorted, shooting a glance at him, "some eerie..."
"'Eerie'?" Kakashi's eyes flew wide open.
"... eerily handsome stranger," the girl continued calmly. Kakashi smiled with satisfaction, and Arina glanced at him once again and concluded vindictively: "groping me..."
"I was not groping you!" Kakashi exclaimed theatrically. "I was a model of decency, in fact! Do you think that was easy after all I saw?.."
"And I – wasn't," Arina giggled.
"How so?" Kakashi raised his eyebrows.
"Well... how... how..." Arina got embarrassed.
"Well?.." Kakashi persisted. He reached out and placed his hand on the back of the girl's neck, running his fingers through her hair at the back of her head.
"Oh, well... it's just..." Arina froze, lowering her eyelids.
"Tell me..." Kakashi was smiling with anticipation.
"If you think of getting any intelligible response from me now, you have chosen the wrong tactic," the girl mumbled half-absently.
"Hm, alright." Kakashi already realized his own mistake and stopped massaging her neck.
"He-ey..." Arina complained.
"So what did you mean?"
"Well... I liked you almost immediately..." the girl smiled coyly.
"Do you even remember yourself then? You were... a bit scary..." She looked him in the eyes, sobering a little.
It was Kakashi's turn to get embarrassed.
"Well, such were the circumstances..." He lowered his hand and tried pulling away, clearly cooled off by the memories, but Arina did not let him, placing his palm back on the same spot.
"Yes... but still... it was so... exciting, in fact." She blushed. "You know, when you should be afraid, but at the same time, down there..." She lowered her eyelashes, glancing down for a moment. "If you could feel what I experienced..."
Kakashi's eyes lit up and the girl felt his fingers, stroking the back of her neck, tighten a little.
"Oh I don't know, you'd really need to try pretty hard to make me both fear and want you at the same time," he grinned.
"Oh, is that so? Well what about only just now?" Her tone was matching his. "You should have seen yourself in the shower – an innocent lamb before a wolf. 'Lady, what are you doing to me? Stop this immediately! I'm not like that!'"
"Alright, you got me there," Kakashi laughed. "And indeed, there was something about all this..."
"Did you like it?" Arina cooed, moving closer. "We can repeat."
Kakashi bit his lip, gathering all his will.
"Oh come on, I'm joking – not now." Arina saw herself that Kakashi was reacting as if in flashes, clearly struggling to stay awake. It wasn't often that she saw him like that – usually he was the one to tame his passion: she could barely match his stamina. She took the band-aid, secured the patch on his side and bandaged him. "Come on, you can lie down... I've done everything that required you to be seated. Go to sleep now, I'll finish the rest." She stroked his cheek.
"Thank you..." Arina smiled gently in response, and Kakashi lay back on the pillow with a sigh. He placed his palm on the girl's thigh, where it got a little exposed under the yukata flaps, stroking it lightly, and looked at Arina while she resumed treating his wounds.
How Arina finished, he did not notice, finally succumbing and falling asleep, his hand still resting on her thigh.
When he fell asleep, Arina sobered a little again. Usually he would willingly share everything that had happened to him – if that was not intel, of course. However, this time he stubbornly remained silent. She couldn't help but think about what he'd been through. Take that wound on the side – the vest was intact on this spot. Was he working under disguise again?..
Arina shook her head wistfully, once more feeling her heart ache at how fragile this happiness they shared was. She knew she was in no position to demand that he was more careful or took on fewer missions like that. This was his life and she... all she could do was support him, make this burden a little easier – if that was at all possible. Such was the way of a shinobi's beloved.
Pushing away unhappy thoughts, Arina left the room to wash her hands and dry her hair. When she got back, she sat next to Kakashi for a long time, watching him sleep. Finally, she couldn't resist and ran her hand over his cheek. She moved aside a strand of hair over his eye, stroked the scar, ran her hand a little lower, to where his mole was. Kakashi didn't move.
This time he didn't even put on his usual tank top with the mask, and for the first time in a while Arina watched him sleeping, completely naked, only his lower half covered with the blanket. Usually he either wore his mask – another one of their disagreement points that still couldn't be resolved, – or, frankly speaking, more often than not, she would fall asleep first. And now, taking advantage of this rare opportunity, she could look at his handsome face, which always seemed even more young when he was dreaming, without hindrance.
Finally, Arina put out the bedside lantern, pulled off her yukata and settled down next to him, lifting the blanket and sliding delicately to Kakashi's side, enjoying the touch of his naked and pleasantly warm body against her skin. Only thing that slightly spoiled the moment were the numerous patches and bandages. At least he didn't come back from all of his missions in such a colourful state...
But, one way or another, tomorrow he will wake up, see that Arina is sleeping next to him, both of them so conveniently undressed... Arina squinted in anticipation. Yes, tomorrow she won't be letting him go anywhere until she enjoys his company to the fullest... And as for Tsunade. Tsunade will have to wait, after all.
As if confirming her thoughts, Kakashi suddenly stirred, then turned to her and, without waking up, wrapped his arms around her like a favourite pillow.
☙ ❦ ❧ The End ☙ ❦ ❧
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the-fiction-witch · 2 years
Dec 15th Gingerbread Boy
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Media Accused 
Character Jake Murry 
Couple Jake X Reader
Rating Sexy 
15th Of December 2022
I sat on the sofa head deep in my video games when I heard keys in the door, so I paused my game unsure who to expect given my mum wouldn't be done with work for hours and my gran was off out with friends. The door opened and I smiled at the adorable sight she hurried in from the snow in her little fake fur lined red lace up boots, thick black leggings with a pair of thermal tights over them, a sweet red plaid dress and her black button down coat with fake fur collar covered in snow, her little red knitted hat on her head so with the fur you could barely see her gave but her pink cold nose, the little knitted puffball on top of her head, her arms full of the little reusable cloth shopping bags she takes everywhere as well as her little backpack on her back. "Awwww hey, how was shopping?" I asked getting up to take some bags to the kitchen for her but the only sound that came from her honestly just sounded like Kenny from South park "uhhhhh yes?" She then tugged off her coat and he'd hat revealing her cute face "I said, it went okay. Had to substitute a few things but that's all" "Good, I missed you" I cooed giving her a hug as we unpacked the shopping "Aww I missed you too Jake" he giggled "I got us some popcorn and ice cream for the movie tonight?" "Ummm aren't you just a sweetie" I smiled "oohh it's the one with polar bears!" "Well yeah it is snowing, we are watching a Christmas movie" "Very appropriate" I smiled "oh did you manage to grab what I asked for?" "Sort of. There was an issue in the store no shampoo, no bodywashes, I couldn't get your normal one so I had to get you this little pack just for now till we can get some more" she explained handing over the small holographic bag clearly from the gift section with a bar of soap, a lofa, bottle of shampoo and shower gel. "Eh soaps soap. Thank you sweetie"
While y/n got our movie set up I went for my shower taking the little set she bought me as I was put of all my other ones, I ran myself a hot shower and climbed inside grabbing first the shampoo but I didn't bother reading the label just got myself a bunch and started rubbing it into my hair... Hu. Smells kinda odd. Sort of sugary. Maybe a lot spicy. No idea what it's meant to be but I will say it's good shampoo once I had rinsed it all out I grabbed the lofa a nice brown colour with some purple little balls on it and got a good layer of the body wash it did lather good and had that same kinda spicy sugary smell to it but I was clean so whatever honestly most of my nose was filled with y/n's sugar scrub that also lives in the shower as I could smell that lavender sugar thought the tub it's in. Once I had scubbed myself clean I grabbed my towel wrapping myself up and heading across the hall to my bedroom sitting on the bed while I got warm and dry y/n already on our bed in her PJ's and as soon as I arrived she looked at me funny "What?" "You.... Smell... Wrong" "What?" "This is not your usual scent" "Well no, I had to use that new soap you got me today" "Oh" "Yeah I did say I was completely out" "It was just unexpected. Not your usual smell" "Do I still smell nice?" "Really nice" she's smiled cuddling me closely and nuzzling into my neck "sugary, and spicy, and lovely my life gingerbread boy" "Ohhh it's gingerbread shampoo" "Yeah?" "I didn't read it I was trying to guess. But it's good shampoo I'm clean and I do smell like gingerbread" "Ummmm gingerbread boy" she giggled giving my neck and shoulders some kisses "Y/n." "Ummmm" "Y/n. You better not do what I think your gonna do" "Nom" she giggled biting my shoulder "Y/n!" "Hum?" "Excuse me?" "Um?" "Your biting me!" "Ummm hummm" she nods "I smell like gingerbread. I am not made of gingerbread" I said pushing her away and getting my PJs on climbing into bed she gave for a cuddle but I pushed her back "But.... But Jake... Don't you love me" "I do love you very much that doesn't mean you can bite me" "But you still love me?" "Very much darling. Now come on let's what our movie"
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harutostablet · 7 months
Chiesa: A day in the life of an Imp
Ely was up early. Earlier than normal. Making breakfast in the kitchen for him and Haru, waiting patiently for his lover to wake. He was already dressed and even helped pick out Haru's clothes so Haru could sleep in.
Haru woke up and was surprised to see his boyfriend missing and his clothes picked out. He would shower, shave, and comb his hair before heading upstairs. A bright smile on his face when he sees Ely. "Hey!" he would slide his arms around Ely's waist from behind and give him a kiss on cheek. "Why are you up so early?" he would lay on him lazily.
Ely was surprised by the hug but smiled sweetly at Haru. "Pancakes." He answered, motioning to a large plate with a tall stake. "Please help yourself." He would turn off the stove, and start putting some of the things away to the sink to be cleaned later. "Theres fresh fruit in the fridge and juice to." He explains. His tail swaying slowly.
He would still a kiss before getting some glasses for juice, filling the glasses then sitting down. "Do you want some help?" he asked seeing the movement. He liked seeing Ely's tails swaying, it was like seeing a happy animal or something. But that was way to weird to say out loud so he kept it to himself.
He chuckled softly and shook his head. "No. I'm alright, thank you though." Making himself a plate and Haru. Adding a bit of fruit from the fridge anyway to the side. He sat down at the table, already made with silverware and a bottle of syrup. "So- today, your going with me to visit the Chiesa right?" He asks, smiling as he sat down and waited for Haru to sit before taking a bit of his food.
He nods, hyper excited. "Yes! I'm really geeked. Are… you sure I shouldn't bring gifts or something at least?" he would cut into the pancakes and nom, relishing how good it tasted. "You are an awesome cook!" he would give Ely a syrupy kiss on the lips
Ely laughed, smiling brightly to the kiss. "No no, honestly, it's not what your expecting… I just hope it's not too strange for you. Just make sure you bring your ID with you." He mentions, eating his own breakfast, a sliced lemon to go with the fruit.
"Hai!" he patted his back pocket with his wallet before scooting his stool closer to Ely's. He shook his head at the mention of strange. "This is part of your life right? And…." his cheeks pink. "I want to be apart of your life…."he said softly. "Is there stuff I should do.. ..not do….when I'm there?" he asked between bites
Ely thought for a long moment. "Do your best… not to question it. Least not where many can hear you. Your human and you'll be held to a higher degree than the imps there… it might be awkward for you, but try to keep in mind, this is /mostly/ the willing choice of the imps there…" He tried to explain. Moving a bite of pancake around to pick up more syrup. "Imps are different from each other. They are breed like based on color aesthetic and skill. Red are aphrodisiacs in nature, violet are energy based, and golds are more agricultural… you'll find out more about that while were there, just be careful though…"
He nods slowly. "What.. about your color? " he asked. "And… won't I be with you?" he asked. He took another bite, chewed slowly, then swallowed. Suddenly, he gave Ely his best Idol smile. "I promised to be on my best behavior!" he nodded. "Thank you for having me!"
Ely nodded but it didn't seem to assuring. "I may not be with you all the time, but you will be safe. I promise. " He finished his breakfast and looked to Haru, patiently waiting. "Yaldi might be there today, you will get to meet him." He says with a grin. "He's a gold imp."
He would finish his breakfast and would get up and move to help clean up. "Oh, what does gold mean?" he asked. Already excited to get going. Even though Ely picked out his outfit. he'd put on one of his nicer wigs and wore the blue contacts he wore for his idol appearance. He may have even put on a little foundation and eyeliner to make himself look more presentable than the dorky version of himself that he was on campus.
Ely chuckled. "Means he's a working imp. Farming, construction, general agriculture." Ely had picked a button down fitted with slacks for Haru, as well as one of Haru's favorite nice ties. Ely himself was wearing something similar though more dressed down. He took Haru's plate and smiled to him. "You look really nice." He says as he takes their plates to the sink to be cleaned. "Do you want to get lunch in town together later? There's some nice places near the church."
He gives over his plate and his arms go low around Ely's waist. "That would be awesome. I'm kinda playing hooky today." he chuckled. "We can go wherever you want. " Even though this wasn't a date….well…. he was treating this like a date. "Are you sure I can't help?" he asked. He would lightly kiss his ears, thankful for setting spray that kept the make up on his face and not on Ely's clothes.
Ely and Haru arrived on the mainland and a simple car picked them up as though it had been waiting for them. Ely held the door open for Haru- inside another imp glanced over and looked away. It wasn't an imp like Ely. Long hair, fair almost orange skin. It was more like the imp Haru met at the hotel though wasn't the same person. Ely sat next to Haru in the middle and smiled to his lover. The driver peaking back at the three of them before driving- taking them to a large large building on the outskirts of Atsugi. Though compared to most buildings in Japan, the church was very new. If not for an iconic cross on the side of the building, it's shape and design blended in so well as a mere school. The car pulled up and there was a pause, both imps stepped out of the car and like clockwork- both opened the door for Haru as he had been sitting in the middle.
Ely smiled softly as Haru came out of the car on his side, and both imps closed the doors. The other imp said nothing. Offering a polite bow to Haru before making his way into the building solo. Once inside, the usual place for shoes and lockers had been gutted, changed to more like a secretary desk and two divided entryways. The imp whom came in before them seemed to sign something on the desk- before going into the door on the right. The man at the desk smiled calmly to Ely and Haru as they stepped up.
"Good Evening. Ely Pristini Carian- and-" Ely bow'd to the secretary though the man's attention was on Haru. "-you are?"
Haruto was doing his best to stay on his best behavior though inside is like a kid at Christmas. He was finally about to get a glimpse into Ely's world. He would sneak a smiles at Ely on the ride over. He blinked several times when both doors opened and he would hurry out of the door Ely opened. He knew that he was supposed to be playing a role so he straightened his clothes to help put on his idol mask. He couldn't help but look over the building, trying to make sure he could remember it. He would bow to the other imp. He already had so many questions
Haruto would follow Ely into the building and bowed to the secretary. "Ono Haruto." he gave his brightest Idol smile. Ueno would have been proud
The secretary looked them both over. "Ono Haruto. Do you have an invitation?" He asks in a calm but serious tone. Ely raised his hand though not above his head.
The man looked over. "Hm?"
He smiles to the man. "Ono-san wishes to look for an imp to assist in his music agency. We met at the academy and I've brought him here." He man listens to Ely, tapping his pen overtop paperwork. From behind a few more guest and imps were arriving. He sighed softly and nodded.
"Ely- you will go to the right. Ono, to the left. Someone will assist you."
Ely looked to Haru and smiled. "I'll see you soon- okay?" He pat Haru on the shoulder before going inside. The secretary motioned Haru the other way. Once inside the door on the right an imp was waiting. Short, with choppy white hair.
"I will guide you to the others." It said with a bow. Around it's neck, a solid black collar rested. He began walking, leading Haru down a hall, rooms set up like classrooms, imps reading, writing, some of the classrooms were set up for etiquette, with tables being set up… and some rooms were entirely closed off. Difficult to see into at all unless the door was open.
"Right this way." The white haird imp directed. Bringing Haru up an elevator, down another hall and into a large room. Haru was brought to a balcony, in front of him were several other humans and a few collared imps. All seated and looking over the rail to the main room below. A church with long tables and benches, full to bursting with imps and yokai, demons of all sorts.
A woman looked to Haruto and raised a brow. "Never seen you here before." She says, holding out her hand. "Nikita Ivanov." She said with a smile. Looking down, Haru could perhaps vaguely spot Ely as he enter the room and waved up at him before being seated at one of the tables among other imps. Upon careful observation, Haru could surmise that despite how many demons and imps there were. Not many of them looked at all like Ely.
Haruto was happy that he had his idol mask on . He barely flinched or looked at Ely longingly when his boyfriend left.
"Thanks Ely-san. Have a good day." he said politely and followed the man to the smaller imp. He tried to remember what Ely said and bowed to the smaller imp. He tried his not look obvious as he peaked into the classrooms. He would blink a few times when they get off the elevator but quickly replaced his smile. He would hear the woman, but he couldn't help but smile and wave when he saw Ely.
"Oh, I haven't. This is my first time here. I'm Ono Haruto," he would bow as shook her hand. A pleasure to meet you Ivanov-san." He was able to pronounce her name because of his ability to speak English. . "What happens here?" he asked softly.
The woman adjusted her coat, noticing Haru's wave. "The demons gather below to listen to the sermon. It is customary for the demons and the humans to sit 'worlds' apart. So there souls do not compete for grace." She chuckled softly.
"My Trisha is down there now." She motioned for an imp. Dark skin, and long black hair. May have been hard to see here but then she sat down by Ely at the same table. "Seems you know that imp hm? I thought you said this was your first time." She asked like looking for the lie in Haru's words. Ely looked to Trisha and nodded.
But before Haru could answer the woman, a loud tapping rang through the room as a man stepped up and began reading from the bible. The demons went quiet, many lowered their heads in prayer while others remained quiet and respectful. Ely was one whom was seeminly praying as the sermon spoke in latin. It was not long and despite the silence of demons, Haru could vaguely hear the whispers of the humans around him, looking over the rail and speaking with each other.
Shit, he thought but he kept his expression open, smiling. He opened his mouth to explain but cosed his mouth at the loud sound. Haruto wasn't really religious. And on the list Christianity was not near the top. He didn't understand the words but would look at the others praying and then down at the imps. His gaze focusing back on Ely. He didn't know any of the words so he said nothing. This place was a lot different than their school but he'd only been to Mugen.
Ely stayed in prayer until the sermon ended. The imp all stood- and bowed as the man left before sitting again and began talking among themselves. Trisha especially talking to Ely. Though Ely seemed distracted by Haruto in the balcony. The woman looked Haruto over. Waiting for her question to be answered.
"This is a place for breeders, masters and servants to exchange in healthy practice. The imps here are bread to be exactly as any master would need." She explained though still seemed skeptical of Haru.
Haruto would turn back to Nikita. "Thank you. Ely-san and I go to the same school, since my career is taking off, I'm in need of someone to….help me." he said trying to remember the right words.
Nikita smiled a bit. "Ah, I see. I had heard Ely was attending a Japanese academy. Seems silly- he won't need it when he's in Russia." She mused with a shrug. "Depending on your career, perhaps a Magnesite imp? Very calm, can handle a lot of tasks without getting tired." She explained, looking down over the imps.
Haruto mask cracks for a second but he puts it back on with a smile even if his eyes were a little wider. "He's… going to Russia?"he looks at Ely then back at Nikita. "Magnesite, um, what kind is that?" he looks over the collected demons but his eyes keep looking back in Ely's direction. "You seem to know a lot about imp Ivanov-san." he said a lot smoother than he felt.
Nikita nodded. "Magnesite are typically white imps with white features, they have grey veins and even blush rather cutely in grey." She said smiling. "Some can be bread with a color imp though, I've seen a few pale colored variations, but that may cost you more and truly a Magnesite is just compatible with anyone. It's a lovely first imp for any beginner." She explained, watching Trisha and Ely just as intently.
"I am a breeder, I specialize in Zoisite and Sodalite but I recently came in possession of a sweet Tourmaline." She smiled. "Trisha is simply darling, sucks all the demonic energy from my other imps. She seemed quite fond of Ely, I'm certain they will breed well together." She nods.
Haruto would grip the railing and just watches the two for several seconds, his mind racing. "I….see….." he said softly but not explaining what. "So you have alot of imps?" he asked softer.He said still watching Ely. "That….must be very expensive….."
Ely The woman nodded. "Well, I make a lot by selling them here. Many of these imps are from my 'house' in Russia, though I do not move all of them always." She explains.
Ely spoke with Trisha more but seemed his attention was taken by another larger imp. Dark skin and bright orange locks. Ely's smile light up as he hugged his arms around the large guy.
Another man chuckled, smiling at Nikita. "Ey Miss Ivanov, still trying to buy that Tourmaline?" He asked, his accent much more traditionally Japanese though more eastern, perhaps Okinawan. The woman smirked a bit.
"You think you'll get him as a farm hand?" She asked.
The older man shrugged. "Dunno what I'd do with a Tourmaline- but he and Yaldi are thick as thieves." Just then- the imps all stood and began to file out of the room. "House says he's not leaving Japan. You'll probably have to rent him from the next owner- that or cut profits with them." The old man said with a bit of a mocking grin.
Nikita huffs, Standing with the other humans and looking to Haruto. "Come on sweetie- I'll help you pick nice imp. What did you say your career was?" She asked. "Don't worry about your- friend? Ely is going to study with Trisha today, so I fully intend to watch them." She explains.
Haruto would listen to the two talk. When he saw Ely hug Yaldi his fake smile seemed more genuine but only for a moment, since it seemed the older man also wanted his boyfriend.He would offer the two his business cards out of his wallet. "Oh, I'm sorry," he would offer them both a business card. "I'm an Idol." he said mask in tact. "I'm in your care Ivanov-san."
Nikita seemed to return that smile at full force, tucking the card into her coat over an elegant fitted dress. Like a fancy car salesman, she hid her excitement over the potential of selling Haru one of her products. The old man seemed to stash the card carelessly into his pocket and leave with an assortment of others. Nikita lead the way for Haruto.
"As I'm sure your already aware, you don't have to pay your imp after the first purchase, but like any pet, your responsible for it's care. However, you musten worry, imps are bread for service, it wouldn't be like raising a child, more like employment in change for food and housing." She nodded. "And of course- you can always return your demon here if they become too much of a handful, but rarely is that a problem unless you've picked a certain type." She explain in such a passive manor, as though they were discussing dog breeds.
Coming through another hall, Haru could vaguely see Ely walking with Yaldi and Trisha in the distance. Both Trisha and Yaldi were already wearing collars. Coming to the next room- it was a wide open gym space. Nikita walked with Haru into the same room from another entrance. Ely paused his conversation with the other imps to wave at Haru. Motioning him over.
This action had Nikita confused. "Is that imp- calling for you?" She asked Haruto.
Haruto would listen to Nikita making mental notes. He really didn't understand all of it but he would bug Ely about it all later. He would nod along listening her and following her into the other room. When Ely waved for him to come over his turned to go automatically but paused when Nikita spoke.
"Ely," he said as if she forgot his name. "I asked him to check on me….since I haven't been here before…." he sticks with the story and turns to go toward Ely and the others
Ely grins bright to see Haruto, letting him into his little group. Trisha tipped her head confused. "He's a student with you?" She asked in a curious tone. Looking the idol over. Yaldi looked off, rubbing his neck, the amber haired imp was much taller than Ely, more muscle to.
Around them, the gym was being used for work out, dance, and even practice powers. Yaldi seemed a bit more nervous speaking now that Haruto was with them.
Ely chuckled lightly. "So- hope the sermon wasn't too weird for you. Today is an easy day for me, but usually I'm busy with japanese and other um- small classes." He nods.
Trisha grins. "It's only on these days are collared are permitted to visit."
Ely shrugged. "It's like a way of recruiting." Ely joked.
Haruto would bow to everyone. He didn't want to make the others feel uncomfortable so he stayed just outside the circle. He would smile genuinely at Ely but kept his hands to himself. "It was different. " He blinked. "Recruiting?" he asked curious. He turned and looked over his shoulder where he was sure Nikita was remembering what she said about Russia
Ely nodded. "Trisha and Yaldi are both collared, they're here to talk to imps their masters are interested in." He shrugged. "But it's cool- me and Yaldi both belonged to Carian- he's kinda like my former brother."
Yaldi bow'd to Haruto. "I-it's nice to meet you." It might've been surprising to see such a big guy be shy.
Trisha swayed her hand. "Yeah but, why would you want to go to a smelly old farm?" She asked bluntly. "Back home, I am special, stealing energy from other demons~" She mused proudly with a nod.
Ely chuckled. "Haru already knows what Tourmaline do." He explained. Trisha seemed confused by this to.
"He doesn't look like a magic user." There was a clear change between how Ely and Trisha spoke around Haru and how other imps did.
Haruto (yukitoharu) would just nod and listen to them speak taking in the information. He promised to be on his best behavior and a lot of that meant keeping his mouth shut. Especially around the other imp. If what Ely said was true, at least some of these imps were freaked out by him and he didn't want that. He would look at Ely and smile bright, still keeping his hands to himself.
"You're really popular," he said to his boyfriend. He would bow to the group again. "I… should probably head back to the other humans. He didn't say anything about his lack of magic. Still not knowing if that would be what got him kicked out of this place.
Ely paused when Haru said he wanted to go back. Like a weird school click-group, the humans all seemed to be discussing with one another while the demons were using the gym freely. Occasionally there seemed to be some humans talking with the imps like Haru. Perhaps doing the recruiting as Ely had mentioned.
Ely looked to the human group Haru had come from and smirked a bit. "Oh- you met Ivanov-san?"
Trisha smiled big. "Isn't she wonderful?" She asked Haru suddenly. "Miss Nikita is the kindest master, treats me like I'm golden!" She bragged.
Haruto would give his best idol smile as before. This was a performance after all. He would nod and smile at Trisha. "Yes, she's helping me pick an imp to help me. " he continued with his story. "Ivanov-san spoke very highly of you. "He said in polite Japanese. He would look at Yaldi. "It's really nice to meet you Yaldi-san. Ely….-san," he caught himself. " Was really hoping to see you today. I'm happy that you got to meet. " The only thing that was missing from his practiced form was a 'thank you for your continued support'. He didn't want to get kicked out and he would never want to do anything to embarrass Ely
Trisha nodded.
Ely watched Haruto a little concerned but offered the same nod. "I'll- meet up with you later then." He says, bowing to Haru- as did the other two.
"The pleasure of meeting you was mine." Said Yaldi quite politely to.
Ivanov was now sitting with a couple others. Another woman, and two other men. Nikita smiles to Haruto, motioning them to sit with them. On the table were a variety of polished stones and slips of paper.
"Ah, so my dear Flores with yours, should make for quite the profit." Mentions one of the men.
"Oh- no-no, my Clara is still to young for that, but perhaps Nalus."
The man sighed. "Nalus isn't pure, and the client was very specific."
Nikita smiled to Haru. "Hope you don't mind the discussion."
Haruto would walk away a little disheartened but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. He puts on a smile when he sees Nikita wave him over. He look at the table sitting down. " Of course not," he said politely. "For jewelry?" he asked looking at the stones
One of the men laughed hearing Haru. "New huh?" He asks, lightly hsaking a bag of stones. "Each of these stones represent a imp or demon we possess. We use them to represent our exchanges."
Nikita nodded, moving her stones around. Pointing to a white stone. "It's just for show, paperwork is later. This is a Magnesite." She explains, umong her stones was one dark with a rainbow shine.
Haruto nods politely taking in the information. He would bow his head to gentleman calling him new because it was true. "What is that one …. with the rainbow shine?" he asked. He looked up at her, what kind of paperwork?"
Nikita motioned to the one stone. "Thats Trisha, a Tourmaline." She says, letting Haru look at it.
One man chuckled. "These stones are hardly worth what they represent." He tells Haru. "A Tourmaline stone will only cost ya, aout 2000 yen, but a Tourmaline imp. Well- let just say, I an't putting that kinda money just on the table." He laughed.
Nikita chuckled. "Trisha is far too important to me, I wouldn't trade her for anything." She expresses.
"Tourmaline…. that's the same as Ely?" Haruto said out loud then regretted it. "Um, so this white stone…. was the imp you mentioned before?" he tried to cover his mistake
Nikita heard Haru say he was friends with Ely and nodded softly. "Yes. Ely is also a Tourmaline."
The other woman looked Haruto over. "Oh? Your from the same school as Ely? Ivanov mentioned it. How is that school? I thought about sending one of mine- her Japanese needs a lot of help." The woman mentioned, unaware the school was for all boys.
The man laughed. "All an imp needs is good hard work and their happy. Never hear mine complain ever."
Another laughed. "Imps never complain, nt unless you have a bad imp- or a bad master." He nudge the other man and they both laughed.
Haruto would just bow his head and nod. "It is an all boy's school." he mentions. "What do you mean they never complain, with the other exceptions I mean…" he asked curious
Nikita pat Haru on the shoulder. "A happy imp- is an imp with purpose. Give them that, and they have nothing to complain about. Such as a Magnesite. They do not ask for anything more than your approval." The men nodded in agreement, though the other woman swayed her hand.
"Some imps want more than a cleaning job to feel fulfilled. My Mookaite isn't happy until he's exhausted from labor." She mused.
Haruto blinked several times but he just bit his tongue. If this had been months ago he would have argued that they was fucking slavery. He still thought it was but…… talking to Ely, wanting to believe him. He would . "I see…Do they imps tell you want they want to do? Their purpose or whatever?" he asked
There was a slight pause at the table. But the woman was the first to nod. "As I said before, my mookaite imp wants physical labor. It's what makes him stronger."
Ivanov seemed to agree. "Trisha enjoys taking the energy from other demons. Says it feels wonderful inside her."
One of the men chuckled a bit and looked off. "Demons will tell you. If their not happy, they will curse you. Become demonic… thats a risk we all take. Thats why /this/ place exist. Do find the right fit."
The others nodded in agreement. It seemed to contradict the stones and papers on the table, yet they all seemed to believe this. Behind them- Ely and Yaldi were working out together. Simple push ups while Trisha seemed to cheer them on in the distance.
Haruto nods.This all seemed so normal but it wasn't. If they were at Mugen he would cheer Ely on. He could even be friends with Trisha and Yaldi maybe but here. " How… do I know it's the right fit?" he asked watching the trio
The group merely shrugged. "The demon will tell you." They almost seemed to say in unison though all in their own way.
Ivanov shifted her stone around. "Do not be fooled by their sweetness. These creatures are still demons. And like all demons. They do not come for free. A deal must be made. A sacrifice to keep…" Nikita looked over at the group. "I'm Trisha's first master but Ely and Yaldi are both from Mrs Carian."
The older man sighed heavily. "Oh Mrs Carian was a delight. Bound her soul to so many." The others set their stones. The older man nodded. "Yaldi asked for a home with cows." He added late, looking to Haruto. "Sometimes request are simple… but sometimes their more complicated."
Haruto sat back and looked at them. "What do you mean? Bound her soul. Like she gave her soul to Ely and Yaldi?" he knew he was breaking from script but this was alot. "What did they do with it?"
They all looked to Haru and the other woman paused. "Ono- are you sure you want a demon?" She suddenly asked. Ivanov also looked concerned but then the older man just said it bluntly.
"Those who deal with demons loose their path to heaven. Their souls are devoured." He spoke like quoting a bible verse.
Nikita swayed her hand. "A demon chooses what they take- what represents your soul will belong to them and in return they will forever bond themselves to you. It was once said this is because demons no longer have souls of there own." She shrugged.
The younger man huffed. "If ya believe that sort've thing. Carian was wonderful, but she was old. It was just her time." He argued.
"How can you have so many imp when you only have one soul?" Haruto skipped over their questions. This didn't make sense to him.
Nikita and the others looked between each other. "Fellowship, Reason, Will and Desire. These are things considered part of a soul. It's believe the more powerful the demon, the more of your soul they take." Said the older man.
Nikita swayed her hand. "Oy, your scarring the poor boy." She smiled to Haru. "It's an expression… Demons are complex creatures with magic, if they determine a deal with you and you negate that deal- then they may in turn go back on your agreement." She tried to speak kindly to Haru. "It why for beginners, we suggest a kinder natured imp. As others often suppress urges that can be difficult to live with…."
Haruto just nodded taking in the information. He would put back on his idol mask. "Um, sorry about that. I just , this is alot of information. I appreciate you all helping me with your information with… this decision." he would look around the room again
Ivanov chuckled softly, reaching into her coat to take out a card. She handed it over to Haruto. "Here you are hun. For your other questions."
The other woman smiled. "You mentioned you were looking for a Magnesite? I have a couple that I'm sure would love to meet you. What did you say you do?" The others all looked Haru over. Behind them however, the imps started moving in groups. Breaking apart and heading into the hallways.
Ely waved to Haru. He found it strange that Haruto was enjoying being with the other humans but figured he'd meet up with him later. Meanwhile, the two men and the women were interested in Haru's story.
Haruto would look up to smile and wave at Ely watching him go. Honestly, he didn't know where he was supposed to be so he went with the safest (hopefully less embarrassing for Ely) bet. He would pull out two more of his business cards to offer them to the others.
"I'm an Idol. My father is Ono Akita," sometimes older people recognized his father's name. "So, I have a lot of appointments and don't have time to look after my affairs. "he kept with his practiced story. He would smile and try not to follow Ely with his eyes
The older of the two men chuckle with a nod. "Ah, Akita One had a son?" He asked. The other man looked curious, picking up ont of the card Haruto had and looking it over. "A pop star?" He questioned.
"An idol?" Asked the woman, reading the card. "You play music?"
Ivanov thought a moment. "Paperwork should be suitable for a Magnesite, but perhaps a Quartzite bodyguard or something more suited for talking to people." She seemed to discuss with the others.
The other woman looked over and gasped softly. "Oh my- are they in class already, time just flys huh?" she laughed.
Haruto nodded. "Yes sir," he said in politely, leaving out his other siblings. "Um, yes maam. I'm working on my second album," he bowed his head a few times then listened to them speak. "Classes?" he asked. He would stay with the group if only to learn more and not get in Ely's way.
The woman nodded. "Each of these sectors offer classes and exams to test and train the demons whom are tracked here. The sectors often offer religious and political education as well. Anything to help the demons here integrate better when they leave. If not, they can also be sealed here." She explains in a casual tone.
Nikita nods. "There is more to these sectors then buying and trading demons. It functions as a church. A ward. A sanctuary." She listed with a shrug. "Depending on what we need it for I suppose." Nikita laughed.
Haruto looked. "Sealed?" he asked confused. He looked at the rooms if he can see them. He would try to see if he could spot his boyfriend as they walked. He kept his tone up and light, at least he hoped. "I thought imps were mostly happy?"
The older man tapped the table for Haru's attention. "Are you daft boy? Even in japan, demons lurk. Things far more unsafe then a mere imp. If they can not be tamed, they are sealed where they cannot bring harm to others." He explains in a firm tone like lecturing a child.
"Most imps are happy serving, but few still give into their true nature. Helliens. They are either sealed or killed. It is merciful to give them even that choice. It has not always been so nice for them." The other adults at the table stayed quiet as the man spoke but none of them seemed to disagree at all.
Haruto nods and bows low. "I'm sorry please forgive me…" he kept his head low and walked with them. Feeling shy again
Nikita offered a welcoming smile. "It's alright sweetie, we just take this kinda of stuff really quite seriously. The whole organization was formed from creating demon reform." She explained. "But just as a wild animal is different from one that is domestic, Demons, including imps, can be dangerous when given the wrong freedoms." the other woman nodded.
"Perhaps, it is too soon then. For you to take an imp. For now, hire a human secretary and do more research."
Haruto just nods agreeing. "Okay….." he sounded sadder than he probably should. "Do I have to leave or can I stay a bit longer?" he looked at the seasoned adults
The younger of the men chuckled. "How ya gunna learn anything if ya leave?" He asked, patting Haru on the shoulder. "If we were going to kick you out we would have." The others agreed softly. Nikita speaking after.
"You are still young, if having an imp truly interests you, than perhaps it'll happen. It just has to be for the right reasons. Otherwise everyone would have one- right?" She explains.
Haruto looks up and nods feeling a bit more optimistic smiling. "Okay. "He would follow them wherever they went
The group would stop at a large window and head inside. The room smelled good and there was a hand ful of imps serving tables Tea and food in a very traditional manor. They all sat down as a group again. Nikita encouraging Haru to sit with them. Just then, Haru felt someone come from behind them.
It was Ely, offering Haru a warm smile. "Afternoon." He kept his attention on the group. "I hope you all are ready for lunch. Today's special is tempura and miso soup." Though they were sitting in western style chairs and tables, Ely still set warm towels for each person and a set of chopsticks. Like a miniature restaurant.
"Please consider what you are hungry for and I will return with tea shortly for your orders." Ely bowed and walked off just as formally as he'd come. Nikita smiled to Haru. "This area is simply meant to teach imps how to serve in japan. It's kinda cute right? Turning a class room into an eatery."
Haruto minded his manners and looked around. He couldn't help but jump when Ely was right there speaking like a waiter. He watched his boyfriend walk away but turned and bowed his head to Nikita. "So this is a classroom too? And they make the food and stuff too…..Ely's a really good cook." he says the last part before he stops himself
They looked at Haru a bit confused but Nikita nodded. "Oh yes, I heard Carian had him cook all the time. When he wasn't tending to her spells. Incantations and cooking recipes must be similar. I guess he was a natural for it."
The others nodded with smiles. "Oh Carian was brilliant." Said the older man.
Nikita keeping her attention on Haru. "Does he cook at your academy to?"
Ely would return and begin pouring tea. "I'm sure he enjoys it, after all, it's what he was raised to do." Said another man, continuing the conversation as though Ely wasn't even there.
Haruto cheeks pink like he was caught. "Um, yeah, Ely is always cooking for everyone….A lot of us don't know how," he chucked. he would smile up at Ely and bow his head when he offered tea. "He's… always there to help everyone…" he said looking at the cup fondly.
Ely kept his smile hearing Haru though would play his role perfectly. Well practiced as he went around the table to serve everyone. He would shortly after request orders, only after there was a lull in conversation, showing no-signs of impatience.
Nikita also seemed to enjoy listening to Haru and nodded. "He is a fine treasure." She noted, giving her order.
Ely seemed to take each order with a nod and no writing. Simply tasked to remember each one. Looking to Haru last. Haru would find that there was no menu. "What would you like, sir?" He asks Haru with a warm smile. Others had orders mostly Japanese cuisine.
Haruto looks around quite confused by the lack of menu, close to short-circuiting at being called Sir. "Um, what do you recommend?" he says back in formal Japanese.
Ely kept his smile and formal manor in front of the group. "For you, perhaps Orecchiette with Chicken Meatballs." He suggested, seamlessly switching from his Italian and Japanese. The others smiled, and one woman chuckled at the flair of Ely's Italian words. Even if it were just a simple dish name.
Haruto nods. "I'll have that then," he said with a bright smile. He only really understood the meatballs part but he knew Ely wouldn't tell him something gross.
Ely took the orders and disappeared for a while. Another imp coming by to pour them all their tea. While the food was being made in the other room, another class room converted in a kitchen to teach cooking, the group what Haru sat with continued their discussions, the two gentleman speaking to the other woman about buying a few imps from her. Nikita listened carefully, paying close attention as the two men tried to out bid each other, even offering their own demons for trade.
Haruto would just sit quietly, part listening, part looking around the room at the others seated. If not for the demons, this place almost reminded him of the maid cafe they had at Mugen Con. He would bow his head in gratitude to the imp who poured him tea. He looked the imp over taking in information. He felt like he'd bugged Nikita enough so he left her to deal with her business stuff. He was still a bit anxious, minding his manners like he was at an idol event. This place was so surreal to him
Ely would return with another imp, pushing a small cart of dishes. Ely carrying two with balance and ease as though he's done this many times before. He set each dish in front of the group members. Giving them a chance to acknowledge Ely first so not to interrupt their dealings.
Haru's was the last to be handed over. A pasta dish, grated cheese and bit sized meat balls. Ely bowed. "I hope the meal is to your liking, please let me know if I can provide any further service." The group nodded, letting Ely go, though the imp gave Haru a sincere smile before going with the other imp into the kitchen area.
Nikita chuckled. "I am certain your friend made that for you. Not many of the imps here can cook Italian." She mused. Finding their 'friendship' cute.
Haruto would smile up at Ely when he brought his plate. He bowed his head in thanks. When Nikita mentioned the food his cheeks pinked "Oh… you think so…." he looks down at the plate not wanting to touch it at first, thinking that even in this surreal world, Ely still made something just for him. "Ely's really good cook. "he says and picks up his knife and fork finally. "Everyone's food looks really good." he said wondering if Ely made food for everyone or just him.
The others would nod in agreement. Enjoying their food. "The imps here are talented, though some still need practice."
The woman laughed. "We didn't eat in the other room but theres rooms where the imps are still learning the basics of boiling water." She said in a joking tone but it was true. Discussions typical of the table continued until a couple imps came to collect the dirty plates.
Ely walking with them. "Would any of you be interested in a desert?" He offered with a formal bow as the table was cleared and cleaned around them.
Haruto would take his time enjoying the meal, listening politely but enjoying the food. "Ely's in charge of cooking club at school." he beamed a bit in pride, as he finished his food placing his utensils on the plate remembering his western manners. He smiled at Ely again. "Thank you for your recommendation it was very good." he said in polite Japanese still. "Yes, please."
Ely (bingk) nodded. "Tonight we have cheese cake, Ginger Spice, or Coffee and Cream." Ely listed in a polite manor. Taking orders. Turning to Haru.
Nikita spoke up suddenly. "Haruto was telling us you play at a cooking club at your school, do you enjoy it?" She asked Ely with a smile.
Ely nodded to her. "Of course, I always enjoy cooking for others. It ensures my skills never grow tired." He answers with soft pride. Nikita nods with a pleased look. Allowing for Haru to make his order.
For some reason that answer hits Haruto in a weird place. One that he doesn't like, at all. "Um, whatever you pick," he said politely, looking at the napkin in his lap. His thoughts were elsewhere. Maybe he shouldn't have shared that.
Ely took the orders and returned a bit sooner with the cake slices on plates. For Haru, it was cheese cake, with freshly cut strawberries on top. Nikita enjoyed her ginger, looking to Haru. "You and Ely going to return to school together after this?" She asked after Ely had left back to the kitchen.
Haruto eats his desert a little bit slower, still in his thoughts. He looked up after taking a bite, swallowing before speaking. "Um, yes. We road here together so it made sense." he nodded.
Nikita nodded. "Well, you hold on to my card. Remember to call me when your ready to purchase your own imp." She'd take note of Haru's words. As did the others. listening even when it seemed like they weren't. Some money was exchanged between the older man and the other woman before they all rose and started to make their goodbyes.
Nikita pat Haru on the shoulder. "Ely is likely changing. You can meet him at the entrance." She offered, a strange synthetic smile.
They would leave together, more discussion and laughter before coming to the entrance where the old man signed them out and waved goodbye. All of them getting into nice cars. The younger man had his driven by an imp. The older man waited for Yaldi to get into the back seat of a large truck. The woman leaving with a couple imps of her own and lastly, Nikita who waited with Haru.
Seeing Ely and Trisha come out together. Ely grinned bright to see Haru. Nikita taking a moment to say goodbye to them both in a formal way and Trisha snuck a kiss from Ely's cheek before the two Russians got into a car together. Nikita driving and Trisha in the passenger.
Ely looked to Haru. "Ready to go?" The same car that had dropped them off, waited for them out front.
Haruto nodded looking off still processing the day. He would speak politely if the others spoke to him but he was otherwise quiet. He saw the kiss on the cheek and bowed at the waist when the Russians left, thanking Nikita for her card.
He put back on his Idol smile for Ely as the walked out, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Yeah… what would you like to do now?"
Once in the car, Ely moved over and stole a kiss from Haru's lips. "Lets go home, okay?" He was glad to be back with Haru. Though, honestly, he worried about… what Haru could be thinking.
Once on the ferry, he felt more free to ask. "You- um… was it scary?" He asked first, sitting with Haru
Haruto would return the kiss and look out the window thinking. He looked out the window more since Ely hung out with him that day. When they made it to the ferry he would takes Ely's hand in his and stroke it.
"Do you really only…. like cooking club or whatever….for your skills or whatever…." he asked looking down at Ely's hand. Suddenly, he remembered the card Nikita gave him. He rolled his eyes and set it on the seat beside him. A bit annoyed
Ely laughed softly and shook his head. "No, I like it because I can see how happy people are to eat and learn to cook. Skill has nothing to do with it." He answered honestly. "I think Ivanov would find it weird if I actually had friends like I do."
Ely held his hand with Haru's sitting beside him as the ferry took them to shore. "I'm sorry. I hope- it wasn't too unpleasant…." He added, noticing the card Haru set aside.
Haruto shook his head. "You aren't property… you're you…." he said for the both of them.
He looks up at Ely and strokes his face. "Thank you for sharing this part of you with me." he would lean up to kiss his boyfriend before following his gaze to the discarded card. He would interlace their connected hands, the other reaching for the card.
"What do you want me to do with this?" he asked. He had no plans on buying people.
Ely chuckled a bit, leaning into that kiss. "Whatever you want. Toss it if you want." It didn't matter to Ely honestly. Hearing Haru's words made him smile but he didn't verbally agree. Instead he wrapped his arm around Haru, waiting for the ferry to take them home at last.
0 notes
unknownjpegs · 8 months
waffle house
The girl behind the formica counter — which seems to Maran almost stereotypical in that it could have been yanked out of some nuclear-era movie set — likes him. He can tell. Finds him cute the way girls who think they might want to fuck him but aren’t quite sure yet find him cute. She twirls her hair as she hands him two menus.
“Just that’s good.” He hands one back, hooks a thumb over his shoulder to the man that she has so far completely ignored. “We’ll end up sharin’ anyway.” 
Her nose scrunches in distaste, eyes falling to Ben’s muddy combat boots and up, up to stringy rain-wet hair. When she seats them, she gives him another one of those looks. Ben switches his toothpick to the other side of his mouth and then leans out of the booth to shake his hair all over her uniform.
“Well now I’ve got to tip her twenty-five, Ben, thanks so much.” Maran mumbles.
“Or you could tip n-nothing.” He retorts, but Maran knows it’s for show. Despite the looming stress of his upcoming defense, he’s in particularly high spirits. They’ve had a good day — date day, every other Thursday because Ben’s got a particular study schedule. One of them picks and plans. For the last few weeks, they’ve spent the night ordering in and melting into Ben’s bed. Sometimes innocently, more often not. 
Final location of today’s date hadn’t been Maran’s idea, surprisingly. He tended to go for the corn-syrup related choices in all aspects of life, whereas Ben was a little more mature about sugar intake. 
“She’s going to spit in our food if you continue to be a prick.”
Ben offers him raised eyebrows, a filthy swipe of a tongue over his teeth. Maran rolls his eyes. He pretends to be engrossed in the menu when Benny gets up to glide around the table, move from across to right against Maran. He could resist the arm slung over his shoulders, tucking him closer into Ben’s side. He could. Really.
“I g-got a coupon code from Lark before we left.” Benny purrs in his ear, hand sliding to cup the back of his neck and squeeze. Talks as if he’s sharing the world’s most effective seduction line. And still, despite the ridiculousness, Maran shivers.
“You probably need the app.”
The nasty, suggestive expression on his boyfriend’s face turns immediately to disgust. 
“I don’t w-want to download an app.”
“It’s not like you could,” Maran snorts. “Didn’t you leave your phone in Noms’ purse?”
“One of them.” Benny intones solemnly before crossing himself (Maran is pretty sure it’s the wrong way) and sighing. “Rest in fucking p-peace. I’ll never find that thing now.”
Maran flips the page of the menu. “Too bad. This morning, when you were in the shower? I sent you this picture—“
“Text Nomi and ask her to l-look for it.”
He laughs, fighting the whiny pleading and pawing hands that follow. He pretends, once again, that the menu’s taken up all his attention; dramatically, highly deliberative even though he knows from Xavier’s advice: the only true first judge of a breakfast place is the chocolate chip pancake.
Ben’s final piece of bacon disappears around the second plate of pancakes Maran orders. 
“Swear,” he says, slumping back into the seat and Benny’s chest, “I could polish a whole other plate of those little fuckers.”
“You’re going to c-crash so hard later.” Ben says. It’s nearly all tease, but the note of genuine worry always weaves beneath. Maran turns his head and presses a kiss just beneath his collarbone in gratitude.
“Until then I think all that sugar unlocked like thirty percent more of my brain.” 
He tilts his face up, briefly making eye contact with the waitress — and the cook beyond the counter, and another patron across the diner, and someone standing outside smoking— before Ben leans over him. Hair falls into his face, tickles his nose, and suddenly he’s overtaken by that wintery blue. 
“I’m putting you in s-sugar rehab.”
“Our version of Candyland didn’t have that part of the map.” Maran jokes. “Must be an American thing? That and the big overcrowded prison of gingerbread people.” 
Ben squeezes his cheek and holds his head still for a kiss. It’s neither slow nor chaste enough to be given in public, but Maran doesn’t pull away until it’s done. His face is hot from the attention, his fingers twisting the fabric of Ben’s awful printed shirt at his waist. 
“You are so f-fucking hot for that.” Ben smacks a loud, obnoxious one to his forehead. “Benji laid the g-g-groundwork. Bless that loser.”
Maran scoots away. The attention is overwhelming — he doesn’t mind it. Loves it, really. Ben is sometimes just too — he’s so him, right there in Maran’s face. Unapologetic and nasty, even if he keeps his voice down. Possessive, even if he hides those little touches behind or beneath something. And if anyone saw — 
What? Maran imagines him saying. If anyone saw, what? They’d know? Know that I touch you like that and worse when we’re alone? Know you like it? That you beg for it, sometimes?
Maran blinks rapidly: first at the pattern on Ben’s shirt, the cuffed sleeve that reveals the inky tapestry of his forearm, then at his syrupy plate, his sweating glass of water. 
“Okay I — I’m going to. I’m going to go to the bathroom, yeah? And then when I come back, uh.” He pats Benny’s knee, nudging patiently then incessantly when he makes no effort to move.
“We can practice your defense intro, yeah? That’s the part I heard you doin’ earlier.”
Ben’s turn to look at him with that far-off, misty sort of stare. The arm around his shoulders drops suddenly to his waist, and Maran has to fight not to be dragged into his lap. 
“Fuck off,” Maran snorts, trying to contain his laughter so the poor employees and other diners don’t get more of an annoying show than they already have. Except Benny’s on the outside of the booth. Yanking ath him, genuinely trying to wrestle him into place, and Maran only narrowly escapes. He scoots across his lap, legs hooked into the aisle between their spot and the bar. Maran rocks his hips back, spine arching (diversion positioning himself better to escape, of course).
Ben grunts and his hands drop their hold briefly. No doubt with the intention of putting them somewhere else Maran will barely be able to withstand. 
Instead, he takes the opportunity to push away, wrench himself free.
“You’re nasty.” Maran accuses, once standing outside the booth. He’s a little out of breath from the wrestling. He points his finger down at Ben, who darts forward to swipe his tongue around it. Maran makes a noise and then snatches his hand away, clutching his own wrist. “Nasty.”
“Hurry back.” Ben says. “So I can p-pull out my flash cards to show you.” 
When he gestures obscenely between his legs, one ankle folded over his knee, Maran groans in disappointment. And also maybe like, a tiny bit of anticipation.
Waffle House bathrooms, as it turns out, are not the pinnacle standard of cleanliness. Maran stands in front of the big cracked mirror, debates a moment, then uses the corner of his hoodie to turn the faucet off. 
“Changed my mind.”
“Fuckin’ —“ Maran sucks in a breath, hand over his heart when he spots Ben’s head peeking in the door. “Did you…Ben, I wasn’t gone two minutes!”
“I m-missed you.” Ben mopes. He slinks around the corner. If there’s a lock on the door, Maran doesn’t hear it get turned. “And I was sitting there thinking: oh fuck. Maran w-will lose out on the most important part of a Waffle House visit if I don’t commit to making it happen for him.”
Maran narrows his eyes suspiciously, but the slowly growing grin can do nothing but remain firmly in place. 
“Kitchen burns down?”
Maran huffs. He lets arms wind around his waist from behind, settles his own hands on Ben’s wrists. “I give up.”
“That was two fucking guesses, Mar.” Ben laughs against the nape of his neck. The warm puff of breath makes Maran shiver once again, his nails digging briefly into tattooed skin. “Oh, nasty. Are you getting hot for it right now? H-Here? In fucking Waffle House?”
Maran glares at him in the mirror. “What’s the experience.”
Ben’s eyes darken. Swallow up a bit of that pretty color, become lidded and shark-like over his shoulder. One of his hands slips up Maran’s stomach (absolutely maddening) to touch his cheek. They both watch his hand trace that path, watch Maran’s double go slack jawed for a gasp when it settles around his reflection’s neck.  
“Making out in the bathroom.”
He throws his hands up in the air, exasperated. “Seems like that might be a you thing. How many times —“
“None,” Benny says in a falsetto. “You’d be my first, tee-hee.”
Maran rolls his eyes again, squirming in his grasp so he’s held a little tighter. When Ben’s thick arm locks around his waist, his other flexing over Maran’s throat, he has to fight a whine. There’s a shiver of sensation under the skin, up his arms. Goosebumps follow it, then heat. He’s always hated when someone pulled or yanked on him to get him to slow down, stop, go somewhere else. Felt a bit like he was the punchline of a joke he didn’t have the privilege of being in on. Look at Maran, head off somewhere, better lead him around.
With Ben, with Nomi and her fucking trunks full of tantalizing stuff, Maran doesn’t feel any of that. With Ben restraining him, a hand that could turn mean or nice with every breath, he just feels…held. 
He should put up more of a fight about it. The bathroom is nasty; when he tips his head back, loose because he’s been dizzily hypnotized already, he spots a strange mold spot in the top corner of the ceiling. 
Ben drags a hand down his chest, fingers rubbing little circles the closer they press towards his hipbones. “You would fuckin’ hate New York. It’s this times a thousand.”
“I’d like it,” Maran says thoughtfully, dreamily. He rubs his cheek on Ben’s shoulder, catches his gaze in the mirror from the corner of his eye. “You like it, right? So can’t be all bad.”
The world shifts in the pause that follows his worse. Maran finds himself suddenly facing Ben instead, his hands clutching the sink’s edge as he’s lifted. 
“Real fucking unsanitary.” Maran says breathily, chest heaving. With ankles locked behind Ben’s back, he finds balance on the porcelain. 
“I-I would gargle a gallon of that toilet water if it meant I got to go anywhere n-near your cock.” 
Maran’s entire face scrunches in disbelief. “Holy shit. Now that’s the worst of the lot you’ve come up with so far. Nah, like, ever. Not with toilet water mouth you won’t.”
Ben leans forward, jerks Maran tighter up against his body until the press of their chests is inevitable. He makes filthy, loud smacking noises. Purses his lips and tries to go for Maran’s cheek, his mouth, his neck. He kicks and squirms until that hand lifts back up to his neck.
“Hold still.” Ben says, eyes locked to his lips. “Open your mouth.”
Maran’s lips curl “Well, which is it? Hold still or open, ‘cuz I’d be breakin’ one of the rules, then and—“
The fingers on his neck pinch in just slightly. Maran cuts off in a gasp, his hips jerking against Benny’s stomach. He doesn’t share the demand (command, Maran’s steam-cooked brain offers) again, but somehow there authority of that absence is enough to make Maran’s mouth drop open. 
He stretches his tongue out too, sort of out of expectation, but judging from Ben’s ragged groan he hadn’t expected it. He puts their mouths together for a kiss the same way he always does; hovering just slightly before that first press, waiting. He likes when Maran leans in for the last bit of distance, and Maran likes taking it up.
They kiss and kiss, standing in that mirror. Messy and vulgar until Maran’s lips and chin feel wet, his cheeks burning. They kiss until he figures normal people would get tired of kissing, but he feels like that’s impossible with Ben. Every time he thinks he knows what to do, what to anticipate, he’s surprised. Like now: Ben urges him to tilt his head back with nosing kisses up the center of his throat. His hand returns. Pauses — Maran touches two fingers to the center of his chest and grins. Benny groans…then squeezes a little and devours Maran’s mouth. His vision shakes gently at the edges, that edging black before he’s released and all the color jolts back in. 
Maran moans, hands to get between their bodies and press over where he twitches in his pants. But if Ben keeps moving against him, thigh wedged between and fingers lovingly petting over the slope fo his shoulder, Maran won’t have a choice but to leave the bathroom hard.
Or— or Benny is going to make him— 
Maran gulps, his brows pinching together. Ben must recognize something about the sound because they kiss again with plenty words of encouragement.
“Fuck. Were the chocolate chip waffles that good?” Ben teases, his pleasant, looping accent right to Maran’s ear.
“I’m going to…Ben, if you do that again, I might—“ 
“I know.” Benny says triumphantly. His fingers curl around Maran’s throat for a split second before falling away entirely. His hand flattens down Maran’s chest, fingers tucked into the waistline of his jeans.
“But I’m thinking of this one p-position and we kind of need the car if we’re going to get your legs—“
Maran yelps and twists away, slipping from between his arms to slap a hand over Ben’s swollen mouth. His facial hair is pleasantly rough beneath his fingertips, and Maran has his curse strike thrice— he shivers. Violently.
“You were just moaning like you were dying, and you think someone’s going to hear me say that?” Ben’s question is muffled beneath his hand.
“Shut up.” Maran hisses. He glances back at the door then at Ben. Sheepishly. Because he still wants. “I wasn’t being that loud. I wasn’t. I was just…”
“Begging for it. You taste like chocolate right now, Maran. I don’t know why but it kind of makes me want to fuck your mouth?”
“Okay!” Maran yells, his voice echoing off the tile walls. He rights his shirt and then Benny’s, who stands surprisingly still while all of him is fixed. Maran fusses and fusses, no doubt distracting himself so that the blush will fade before they leave. He isn’t, unlike Benny, around the obvious red mark under his left ear. Undeniably mouth-shaped. 
“Actually I’m feeling kind of sleepy after all those carbs, yeah? Let’s skip the, uh, studying. Practice. We can just go right to the car, right? And go back to yours so fast? Like, so fast?”
On their way out, Maran doesn’t mention the total on the receipt. Ben’s math is never wrong, but the number on the tip line reads something closer to thirty percent.
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thedorklegacy · 1 year
The Dork Legacy 1.5 part 4
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Drizzt grew up into appropriately hilarious hair. Also, his face became made of RAZORS. You can't necessarily tell in this shot, but he looks like Johnny Depp on heroin.
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Wow, Einstein! Way to lose that baby fat!
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I brought Trista along, because she and Einstein got along so well.
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I also brought Autumn. My only objection are those HUGE eyelashes... >.<
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Autumn is actually much prettier than this picture shows. But, makeover.
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And Drizzt's.
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Willoughby's (I would totally wear that outfit!).
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Einstein's. Drool.
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And, lastly, Trista. I didn't really notice how pointy her face was, before. >.>
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Drizzt and Autumn still have their love for each other.
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"Don't drop out of school."
"Haha, that's good advice! *plusplus*"
And now, we present to you: How To Lose Weight, The Quick and Impossible Way.
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Step 1: Sit down to write term paper.
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Step 2: Stand up, make muscles, and you will become thin!
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Step 3 (follow-up): Mack on hot walkby chick with your newfound hot body.
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"Hell yeah I love guys in makeup!"
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Obligatory shower scene.
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"Do you like to ski?"
Oh I love her.
And...er...that's all I have. Like, that's all I've played. >.> I'm kind of in a bad way as far as updating goes. I've got classes starting soon, and other various things going on. Unfortunately, I can't just take a break...but expect to start seeing more every-other-week updates. ;-; Sorry.
I feel kinda defeated, lol, there are people on like Gen 3 and 4 all ready. >.> I'm so slow. Anyway, see you soon! Next time the update will move a bit faster, and hopefully jump around less! :D
Originally posted at katu_sims.
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thatyamiguy-blog · 2 years
Fastest little alive and a super caretaker (DC)
Bart was willing to do many things for his friends, Help them out in epic battles, babysit (though most people only made the mistake of letting him baby sit once), Run errands at super speed but today Bart Allen, the fastest boy alive was going to go about and beyond in the favor he was going to do for his second best friend. Because today he was going to let Kon diaper and baby him.
The urge to baby and look after a little guy was a left over from Kon's time spent in Gem world. After posing as and to some extent becoming the husband to Lophi and father to her son little Lon. Rao knows Kon had tried to just work his feeling out looking after little ones at a daycare job Kal had set him up with but it wasn't enough and he knew there was NO way in hell he'd be able to adopt. That left finding a little (Something Kon hadn't even known had existed till a little google search) or someone close to one who could be trusted to keep his mouth shut. Considering all of his options, it naturally came to him that Bart would fit the role perfectly. 'Now the only question is will I be able to keep up with a speed forced charged big toddler.'
Bart arrived five minutes late from when he was suppose to arrive having gotten distracted by a new arcade in town though he lied and said it was a intergang attack. Since he was doing Kon such a big solid Kon decided not to call Bart out on his bullshit excuse and just led him to the bathroom instead. "Sooo why are we coming in here? I thought I was gonna be going in diapers? Or a training potty. Oh, Do you just want me to wear?" Bart asked, going a million miles a minute like always as Kon just chuckled. "Bart, when was the last time you took a bath or had a shower?" Kon asked reasonably, starting to run a tub. "I didn't come here to have my personal hygiene attacked!" Bart huffed and pouted, crossing his arms and glaring. "Bart, Daddies give their their little ones baths and you smell like you need one." Kon said chuckling. Bart went to argue then held up a arm and sniffed a pit and made a face at the smell. "I say we agree to disagree but I'll humor you and let you give me a bath.. if I can play with some bath toys." Bart said, striping down at super speed and having spotted a few toy boats. Since Kon was going to be diapering him anyways the smaller boy didn't bother to cover up and Kon wasn't shocked that he was devoid of any chest hair or pubic. "I suppose that can be arranged, but I need to wash you first so g-" Kon started and then was hit with a splash of water as Bart jumped into the tub, shocking him.  "-et the tub.. I'm starting to see this is going to be a little different from looking after Lon." Kon sighed, dabbing his face with a towel as Bart giggled impishly.
Bart giggled as he let Kon go to work washing him. Normally he considered Showers and baths a semi waste of time because of how slow they were but having someone else do all the work was actually kinda fun. After having his hair and body washed Bart was left to coo and play with the boats and a rubber ducky as Kon cleaned up the water Bart had displaced and then went to change into dry clothes. Oddly the more he played in the tub the more he started to wonder how the ducky would taste and kept stealing glances at the door, not sure how Kon would react if he came back to Bart popping the toy in his mouth. Deciding to risk it Bart tugged the shower curtain semi closed, and then nommed on the head of the rubber ducky, and giggled, having his mouth stuffed and acting so babyish was bringing flash backs of sucking on a paci and sitting in his parents laps while they watched holo shows. He was enjoying it so much he just closed his eyes and chewed (making sure not to chew too hard) and lost himself in the feeling. So much so it wasn't until he felt the water getting warmer he realized that apparently he had relaxed a little too much, he was peeing in the tub! "Ah! Kon!" he yelped, spitting out the rubber ducky and pulling the curtain back. "I-I had a accident!"
Kon had been not only getting changed but setting up the cloth diapers for Bart, making sure he could get the little guy right into the diapies when he heard the cry and dashed into the bathroom. he might not of been as fast as Bart but he could still hit a pretty nice burst of speed and was picturing the worse. he figured Bart had gotten hurt trying to get out, or had cut himself or something else, cursing himself for leaving the little guy all alone only to get in and see the once clear bath water now had a tell tale yellowish twinge to it, and his super sense confirmed that Bart not only had peed in the tub, but needed to drink more fluids. The fastest boy alive was standing up in the tub, blushing badly and his bottom lip was trembling. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean to it just came out an-" Bart was saying rapidly, sounding like a over sized toddler. "heh, it's ok little man. I know you can't control it. I should of sat you on the potty first. At least you didn't make any 'torpedo's' in the tub." Kon said tugging the plug out of the tub and then making use of the removable shower head to re-wash Bart down. Bart whined at the torpedo's comment but just shushed up and let Kon re-clean him then get him out of the tub, drying him off with a soft and fluffy towel. "Speaking of stinkies though, I only have so many diapers and we wanna make it last before I have to wash any to change you..so did you wanna sit on the potty and try to go boom boom like a big kid?" Kon asked. "I can go potty like a big kid!" Bart whined and huffed, his tone taking on a fussy toddler twinge. "And I KNOW I don't hafa uh-oh!" "mmmhmmm..Of course you know when you have to go." Kon said, smirking and using a condescending tone. "Alright, if your SURE you don't need to sit, let's go get a diapie on you widdle guy." Kon coo'ed.
Bart was huffing and pouting as he padded along, Thinking about just how much of a meanie butt Kon was being when he was trying to be a good friend, even though as they got to the bedroom he could feel his tummy churning a little. It was too late now though to say he needed to potty so he just convinced himself he could hold it for a little while. "uh Kon..you know that there are disposable diapers on earth right?" he asked, even as he dropped the towel and plopped his butt on the thick white terrycloth diapers, nothing it was pre-powdered. "heh, yeahhh but I'm used to cloth, and this is just cuter. plus I got you some adorable plastic pants." Kon chuckled, holding up a light base colored pair with rainbow sprinkles and teddy bears in diapers all over it. Looking them over, Bart's face went shocked to curious while Kon swallowed, looking unsure/hopeful that Bart would like them. As squeal escaped from Bart's mouth and he went all sparkle eyes, cooing and reaching up to hold them. "They're so cuttttttte!" the worlds fastest little in the making gushed. "heh, Glad you approve. they cost a pretty penny but figured you were worth it!" Kon said as Bart giggled and hugged the plastic pants, holding up and looking at them again then hugging them over and over. "uhhh buddy..I'm gonna need those back." "...Pin my diapies up first." Bart said, giving a toothy grin. "So clearly I'm gonna need to get you lots of teddies if we're gonna keep doing this huh?" Kon asked, tugging the cloth up and with expert ease getting the pins in and making sure the diapers were nice and tight. Bart coo'ed and squeezed his thighs together, finding he couldn't get his legs to touch Kon had gone so thick but also finding he didn't mind at all, letting out a muffled poot and getting a raised eyebrow from Kon. "Heh, you SURE you don't wanna go sit on the potty little man?" Kon asked, holding out his hand for the plastic pants. "I'm good!" Bart giggled and gave the teddy bear plastic undies one last hug then handed them over. Bart wasn't actually sure if Kon was gonna be able to slide the plastic pants over his puffy diapers, but though determination and the used of super steaght the deed was done, and Bart sat up on the bed and went to zip over to the mirror and see how he looked. went, but didn't because the thickness though off the speedster and 4 steps in he ended up plopping on his butt, a adorable surprised look on his face as Kon chuckled and gushed. "Awww! Babies first steps! wanna try again little man? I can help you if need me too." Kon coo'ed, coming over and leaning down holding out his hands. Bart almost took the offer up, but then giggled and rolled over onto all fours, and showed that even reduced to crawling he was a quick widdle guy.
Honestly the sight of Bart crawling around in JUST his diapie and getting over to the mirror and coo'ing and giggling at how he looked was just too adorable, and if it hadn't of been for the agreement of no pictures Kon would of used up half a memory card already. he almost just let Bart keep posing in front of the mirror but they did only have SO long they could do this before Bart would have to go home, so he cleared his throat as he picked up a t-shirt he had a sneaking suspicion Bart was going to lover.. since it shared the same color and designs as the plastic pants. "You don't mind if I finish getting you dressed do you?" Kon asked, a big grin on his face. Bart turned to whine that this was good, then spotted the shirt and zipped over so fast Kon barely moved to the side in time to avoid being balled over and then Bart was on his knees reaching up and trying to grab the shirt. "I want! I want!" he whined as Kon lifted it out of his reach. "ah ah ah, Let me dress you little one..arm's up." Kon said. Bart looked like he was gonna argue for a second (Kon figured he just wanted to hug the t-shirt like he had the pants) but then stuck his arms up in the air like a good little boy. Sliding the t-shirt down and adjusting it, Kon wasn't really shocked when Bart crawled back over to the mirror to look at how cute he looked and giggle like a mad man. His only regret in the whole thing was that originally it had been a teddy bear onesie Bart was meant to wear, but the company he had ordered from had messed up and there hadn't been time to fix the order. That and the company had forgotten to send the pacifiers Kon had ordered but at least his next order was going to be half off because of the mix ups. 'Oh well, always next time. sometime tells me I'm not gonna have a hard time convincing him to come back.' Kon thought. Bart coo'ed and giggled and in a move that made Kon's heart melt, leaned in and kissed his reflection, something Kon had seen other toddlers do.
Moving from the bedroom Bart's tummy was rumbling lots though Kon had given up on asking him to use the potty, which was good because he didn't wanna lose any his new favorite outfit. 'Besides, I'm just hamming it up for Kon..I'm not really a widdle diaper boy..even if i am super duper kewt.' Bart thought, though he knew he was lying to himself. there was no way he wasn't coming over and getting babied like at least ONCE a week from now on! Sitting on a blanket on the floor he studied the baby toys Kon had gotten him, he was used to the toys of his time period and these were actually more fun to play with, though he kept nom'ing on some of the more brightly colored toys. "Remind me to get you a teeth ring before next time." Kon chuckled, patting Bart's head. "..That's a thing!? I want that!" Bart said excitedly. "You sit here like a good boy while I go and make you a ba-ba, I don't want you getting all dehydrated." Kon chuckled, clearly not shocked by Bart's response. "ok..but then a teething ring? Pleassssse?" Bart whined and tried the puppy dog eyes on his new semi daddy. "Not today buddy. at least not right now." Kon said. "Whyyyyyy?!" Bart whined and huffed "Because you'd have to go shopping in your little outfit and it's mid day. Didn't think you'd wanna make this public." Kon pointed out and a muffled fart escaped as Bart blushed. "Oh..yeah.. ehehehe..didn't think about that." he said sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head. "I thought that might be the case. Apple juice or milk?" Kon said, chuckling lots at just how silly Bart was. "Milk please. apple juice gives me the poops. trust me, you'll take me later." Bart said and giggled, blowing a raspberry. "heh, So what your saying is if I want a super little present maker.." Kon said and winked, but then disappeared into the kitchen. '..Why do I get the feeling I'm gonna regret telling him that?' Bart thought, but then had his attention drawn to a white and blue rattle with a teddy bear on the handle and started to shake it lots.
Kon had just finished making the ba-ba of milk, 3 percent, when a loud racket started to fill the apartment and he almost dropped the bottle, stumbling out and holding one hand to his left ear and the bottle in the other, he could see Bart had found the rattle and was playing with it..at super speed not aware of the racket he was making. Not only was it loud enough to hurt Kon's super hearing, but the windows were vibrating and were seconds away from shattering.. all the while Bart was just looking at his rattle and shaking it unaware of the damage he was doing. Coming over as fast as he could (he tried to yell and get Bart's attention but the noise was too much and Bart was off in his own little world) Kon got a hand over the rattle and stopped the noise. "hey! what cha do that for!" Bart huffed. "Buddy, you were shaking it at super speed and almost blew out my eardrums, as well as break my windows." Kon said. "What? No I.." and Bart stopped and looked around, a few picture frames were cracked and things had been knocked around the room. "oh..Oh...Um.. Sowwy?" Bart said, gulping and giving a weak smile. "...it's ok buddy. I didn't think about it when I gave you a toy like that. why don't I get rid of any noise makers while you drink up." Kon said. he could see how bad Bart felt about it, but just like a parent with a real baby or toddler, he knew Bart hadn't known any better and like he had said, it was his own fault for leaving the toy there. Getting rid of anything that made noise when it was shook Kon turned around to see Bart drinking his bottle, but with a few tears coming down his cheeks. "Bart..it's Ok buddy. I'm NOT mad at you." Kon said, coming over and scooping up the big baby who tugged his ba-ba out of his mouth. "I just..I was having fun and didn't..Please let me come back for more baby time!" Bart sniffled. "Bart of course you can. I'll just have to be careful about toys I get you from now on." Kon said and kissed the whimpering big babies forehead, Taking a seat on the couch and taking the bottle from Bart and starting to feed him himself. "Besides..now we know what to do next time some Parademons attack, get you two rattles then dive for cover." Kon teased getting a giggle out of the big baby. Before the bottle was half drained two things started to happened, the first being Bart's eye lids started to droop and he was clearly falling asleep in Kon's big strong arms. the second and less adorable for anyone with a super sense of smell was Bart started to poot up a storm. 'can't say i'm shocked, known he had to go for awhile now.' Kon thought and just put up with the smell. he'd put up with worse stinks on the farm between the animals and changing Lon's diapers so it wasn't like Bart could be any worse right? with his eyelids shut tight and Kon pulling the ba-ba from the big babies mouth, moving the sleeping boy up to burp him, Kon got his answer. Between the massive budgle that was rapidly forming in the back of Bart's diapers with a series of gross sounding farts and the stink penetrating the whole apartment.. Bart was much, much worse. '...being a daddy isn't all fun and games.' Kon thought, wrinkling his nose. Still he made no move to get up and change Bart, worried about waking the little guy up. 'but I'll be damned if I'm gonna like a little..ok..BIG stinky diaper stop this!'
The end
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dojolarusso · 3 years
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m-jelly · 2 years
The gangster and his bunny - fun by the pool and a date
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killing it again with the banner @kenkopanda-art
Pairing: Mafia!Levi x Reader
Words: 5.6K
Genre and tags: Romance, fluff, modern AU, mafia AU, Mafia Levi, smut, oral (male receiving), fingering, praising, dom Levi, dirty talk, gentle to rough, outdoor smut, riding Levi, date, cute, sweet, caring Levi, loving Levi.
Concept: Chapter 2 of my current Ao3 story. Thought I'd share it here due to the smut in it. You and Levi flirt, you give him head, he fingers you and then you ride him on his sunbed by the pool. Next part is about you both going on a cute date at a theme park.
Part 1 here
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You lay on the sunbed next to Levi with a small smile as he gazed back at you with such adoration and fascination in his eyes. You hummed a laugh as you struggled to handle the attention. “Are you just going to stare at me all day?”
“Yes.” He leaned over and kissed your forehead. “You’re so pretty and wonderful. I can’t believe you’re here with me. It’s like I wished for my dream woman and you just appeared and slapped me.”
You leaned up and looked down at Levi. “About that slap.” You kissed his cheek a few times. “I’m sorry I hurt your handsome face.”
“All forgiven.”
You placed your hand on his hip and started massaging him. You used your other hand to play with his soft raven hair. You leaned down and kissed him as you felt so at peace. “Bear?”
“Yes, bunny?”
You smiled at him. “Can we do something fun together? Maybe a date?”
He dragged you onto him so you lay on him. “You can have anything you want.”
You blushed a little. “You sure I’m not some sugar baby?”
Levi stared at you and looked confused. “What? Why would someone do that to a baby?”
You laughed at how innocent he was. “Noo, no. A sugar baby is basically a woman who hangs around a sugar daddy. A sugar daddy is a rich man and he gets enjoyment out of spoiling the woman. He also gives her an allowance too. He pays off all her bills and just spoils her all the time.” You frowned a little. “Oh, but they don’t have sex…well, not usually. Basically, a sugar daddy showers a woman with gifts just to have her company.”
He hummed. “Are there romantic feelings involved?”
“No, it’s just an exchange really.”
Levi shook his head. “No, no you’re not a sugar baby. You’re my bunny. I want to spoil you, yes, but I also want to cuddle you, care for you, make you happy, adore you, worship you, kiss you and have sex with you.”
You kicked your legs and giggled. “Me too. I’m glad we have made this clear.”
“I’m glad too.”
You nibbled your lip. “What if me not knowing you was all a lie?” You tapped his chest a few times and gasped. “What if I was sent to you to woo you so then I can ruin you!”
Levi moaned. “Oh please bunny, ruin me.”
You blushed hard, then you started laughing. “You’re a funny man.”
Levi watched you lean down and bite his pec. “Ow.”
“Nom nom.”
He smiled a little when you bit him again and sucked on his skin. “You giving me a love bite?”
You pulled back and smiled. “Mine.”
Levi’s cheeks burned bright red. He hugged you close and whined. “Yes, yes I am yours.”
You hummed in thought. “So, you said you want to spoil me, right?”
You pulled back a little. “What if I wanted to go to Venice right now?”
“I’ll make a call right now and get the tickets booked.”
You stopped him from grabbing his phone. “Nooo! No, no.” You giggled. “I was just asking.”
He sighed. “So, you don’t?”
You sat up on his hips. “No. I don’t want you to spoil me. I mean, you’ve already bought me some clothes so I can hang out here with you for my week off.”
“I should spoil you more.”
You kissed down his body and slid down him. “I should spoil you.” You slowly ran your tongue up between his abs making him wiggle and moan at you. You looked up at him and tugged on his swim shorts. You kissed down his treasure trail to his pelvic bone. You looked up at him. “Let me worship you.”
Levi held your chin. “Don’t do what I think you’re going to do. I need to make sure my dick is spotless before you put it in your pretty mouth.”
You pouted at him. “But Levi, you’re always clean.”
He sighed as he gazed at you. “I guess I am.”
“Do you not like it?”
“Bunny, you’re very good at it.”
You squealed in delight and clapped your hands. “Good. I’m glad.” You pulled his shorts down and smiled at Levi’s cock springing free and fully erect. “Someone is horny.”
He sighed and relaxed when you pumped your hand on his cock. “Shit, bunny.”
You lay on your stomach and kissed along his dick. “So hard and hot, all for me.”
He hummed. “Yes. All for you.”
You licked the slit on the tip of his cock and moaned. “You have such an amazing cock. It’s so pretty, thick and big.” You kissed the top. “You know what? Best cock I’ve ever had.”
Levi blushed a strawberry red. “R-Really?”
“Yes.” You nodded as you tucked your hair behind your ear. You looked up at Levi through your lashes and saw he was melting under your touch and gaze. You smiled at him. “Sit back and relax, Bear.”
He relaxed a little. “Yes, bunny.”
You sucked on the tip and hummed a little. You sank your head down a little and moved up and down. You massaged your tongue against the tip as he grunted and wiggled. You ran your tongue on the underside of his tip making him shiver. You hummed sending a vibration through him. You looked up at Levi and smiled a little as he moaned in pleasure at your actions. You moved nice and slow or him so he could get used to feeling your mouth on him. You wanted him to melt and fully relax before you made him cum in pleasure.
You moved your head down more and took as much of his cock into your mouth as you could. You bopped your head up and down. You glanced up at Levi to see him lean his head back as he panted and moaned at you. You hummed to send more vibrations into his cock and making him buck a little into your mouth. You grabbed his thick thigh and looked up at him to let him know to take it slow with his actions.
Levi looked down at you as he blushed. “S-sorry.”
You winked at him and kept moving your head up and down on him. You massaged Levi’s thighs and hummed in delight. You focused on the tip to give him as much pleasure as possible. You sucked hard and moved a little faster for him. You locked eyes with Levi and gave him a loving gaze, but as soon as you did Levi came hard into your mouth.
Levi bucked and blushed hard. “Sh-shit!” He moaned. “I’m sorry.”
You pulled back and swallowed. “Mm, it’s okay.”
He tucked himself into his shorts and cupped your face. He pulled your chin down with his thumb and looked into your mouth. “Did you swallow?”
You nodded. “Yeah.”
He went white. “W-Why would you d-do that? It’s dirty.”
You giggled. “And you eating me out isn’t?”
He shook his head. “No, no it’s not. It’s an amazing experience for me and you taste nice.”
You licked your lips and moaned. “You tasted alright. You must be a very healthy guy.”
He nodded. “I am.”
You massaged your thighs and purred at him. “I want to eat you again.”
He put his hand over your mouth. “No, no. Give me a few minutes to get hard again, okay?”
You pouted a bit. “Okay.”
He grabbed your drink and offered it to you. “Drink.”
You downed some and hummed. “Thank you!” You giggled. “So…can I get kisses?”
You put your drink down and crawled closer to Levi. You kissed the corner of his mouth and moaned. “Was I naughty for swallowing?”
You kissed along to his earlobe and nibbled. “Maybe you should spank this naughty bunny.”
He blushed a little at your words. “Spank?”
You nodded and lay over his lap and giggled. “Do it.”
He massaged your bum and hummed in delight. “So soft. It’d be nice to see a cute bunny tail here.” He slapped your bum making you whine. “Naughty bunny for swallowing.”
You moaned when he spanked you again. “Forgive me, my bear.”
He massaged your plump bum cheek before slapping it again. “You going to do it again?”
You whimpered. “Maybe.”
He slapped you again. “Bunny?”
He kissed your bum. “Good bunny.” He purred at you. “I should reward you.”
You sat up and smiled. “I don’t need anything.” You kissed him. “As long as you feel good.”
He spread his legs and yanked you against him so your back was against his chest. “Well, I want to reward you and spoil you.”
You leaned against him and giggled. “You already spoil me loads.”
He kissed your neck as he unclipped the back of your bikini bra. He slipped it off you and dropped it on the floor. He looked down and moaned at seeing your breasts free. He ran his hands up your body and began massaging the plump soft mounds. He sighed and nipped the crook of your neck as his hands moved. He smiled against your skin as you moaned. He pinched your peeks and sighed in happiness when you responded so perfectly.
He kissed the side of your ear. “Good bunny.” He released one of your breasts and moved his hand down your body. “Such a perfect bunny.”
You turned your head and smiled. “You going to keep messing with me, or are you going to touch me?”
He kissed you and hummed as he did. He pushed his hand past the band of your bottoms. He ran his fingers over you and felt how slick you were. He pulled back and frowned. “You’re wet already. Did sucking me and getting spanks do that?”
You nodded. “Yes.”
He ran his fingers more over you. “Open your legs for me.”
You put your legs over his thighs so your legs were open wide. “Yes, bear.”
He moaned. “Such a good bunny. You all wet for your bear?”
You nodded. “Yes.”
He slowly and teasingly pushed two fingers deep into your pussy. “You’re so wonderful, so perfect, so cute, so smart, so sweet. I adore you, bunny.” He nipped your ear as he pumped his fingers into you as he rubbed your g-spot and moved his thumb on your clit. He rolled your breast in his hand. “Such a good bunny.”
You panted and rocked your hips against Levi’s hand. “Bear.”
He tapped his forehead against the side of your head and whispered to you. “You going to cum for me?”
You whimpered and hummed. “Yes.”
“You feel so good, bunny.” He kissed the side of your head. “So hot, wet and your moans are like music to my ears. You’re perfect.” He purred at you. “So soft.”
You shivered under his touch. “Levi. Faster.” You grabbed his upper arms as his fingers fucked you faster. “Sh-shit. Yes.” You leaned your head back over his shoulder. You dug your nails into his skin as you felt your coil tighten. “I’m…Levi…ah!” You cried out and clenched Levi’s fingers over and over as you came. Your legs shook over his thighs.
Levi pulled his hand from you and licked them clean. “Mmm, you’re perfect.”
You moved your legs off his thighs before turning around and facing Levi. You panted at him as your legs shook. “More.” You straddled him. “I want to ride you.”
He gulped hard. “I want that too.”
You smiled and pulled his shorts down and freed him to see he was rock hard again. You nibbled your lip and hummed. “Perfect.”
He stopped you. “Condom.”
You jumped off Levi, yanked off your bottoms and ran to his supply in his bedroom and ran back to Levi. “Got one!”
He raised his brow. “One?”
You giggled. “You’re right, we are animals.” You tore the packet open and rolled the condom down on Levi’s penis. You straddled your lover and slammed him into your pussy. You moaned as you came at him roughly hitting your g-spot. “Sh-shit.” You squeezed him and smiled. “You feel so incredible.”
Levi panted as he gazed at you. “You’re the incredible one.”
You took his hands and placed them on your thighs. You smiled and gripped his shoulders and started moving up and down on him. “You want me to ride you?”
He nodded. “Yes.”
You moved a little faster. “You want your bunny to bounce?”
He moaned. “Yes.”
You bounced fast on his cock and enjoyed him slamming and rubbing your g-spot. You pushed one hand into his hair and massaged. You panted and sighed as you enjoyed the feeling of Levi filling you up over and over. “You feel so good.” You leaned your head back and yanked Levi’s head against your breasts. “Oh God, your cock is so deep inside me.”
Levi bit your breast hard before sucking and leaving a beautiful love bite on your skin. Levi gripped your thighs tightly as he helped you bounce on him. He moaned against your skin as he dragged his tongue over to your nipple. He nipped your nipple and sucked. He nipped a little making you cry out. He smiled against your skin. He released your breast and started nipping and sucking your other breast. He looked up at you as you whimpered and cried in pleasure. Levi admired you using him for your pleasure. Levi just wanted this for the rest of his life. He wanted you to take anything you wanted from him.
You tugged on Levi’s hair and pulled his head away from you. You looked down at Levi as you kept bouncing on him. You crashed your lips against Levi’s and tugged on his bottom lip with your teeth. You smiled before pushing your tongue into his mouth. You both moaned as your tongues moved together. You dug your nails into his shoulder as you felt your coil tighten. You mewled as you felt the urge to come around Levi’s cock and try and milk him of everything he had.
Levi slammed you down onto his cock making you cum hard. He grunted as your pussy clenched his cock tightly and massaged him. He released your lips and panted as you moaned. “You look incredible when you cum.”
You panted and smiled at him. “I want you to fuck me hard. Please.”
He shifted a little. “Of course, my bunny.” He gripped your thighs and pounded his cock up and into you. “Like that bunny? You like that?”
You gripped the top of the sunbed and cried out. “Yes!” You closed your eyes and knitted your brows together. “Shit! Levi!”
Levi’s hips slapped loudly against yours as his cock rammed into you as fast as he could move his hips. He panted and stared at his dick plunging in and out of you, your sweet honey almost pouring out of you due to the pure pleasure Levi was giving you. He was hitting all the spots you needed to be touched. He loved seeing his penis disappear into you and then pull out of you. He was overwhelmed by the beauty that was your pussy accepting him. He adored you so much that he couldn’t explain his feelings. He’d never done anything like this before in his life, but with you it was incredible. You were incredible.
Levi yanked you down onto him. He rolled his cock around inside you so could feel every inch of him inside you. He smiled up at you as you shivered and hummed. “That feel good?”
You nodded and placed your hand on your pelvis. “You feel so good inside me. You’re so deep.” You rolled your hips with Levi. “Do I feel good?”
“Fuck yes, bunny.”
You panted and whimpered. “Cum for me, please. I need you to cum from my body.”
He moaned. “I’ll cum for you. Are you close?”
You nodded and knelt up a little. “Hard and fast again.”
He panted and nodded. “Okay, bunny.” He gripped your thighs hard again and rammed his cock in and out of you. “Good bunny.”
You screamed in pleasure. You gripped the sunbed hard as you felt pure euphoria being pounded into you. You locked eyes with Levi to see his brows were knitted together, his mouth slightly parted as he panted and moaned your name. You placed one hand on his chest as your legs shook hard. You whimpered and clenched Levi in delight. You’d never done anything rough like this before, but it was so incredible and Levi knew just how you wanted it.
You shook and came hard on top of Levi. You collapsed forwards onto Levi as your pussy massaged Levi’s cock. Your hearing went as your vision became spotty. You drooled a little on Levi’s chest as pleasure pumped through you with each snap of Levi’s hips and his cock pounding into you. Levi gripped your hips hand and came. He moaned your name as he kept fucking you roughly. He finally slammed you down onto him and panted as the last spurts of his cum came out.
Levi lay there panting as he kept his cock inside you. He moaned as your pussy twitched and fluttered around him. He called your name. “Are you okay?” He peeked at your face and shook you a little as he said your name. “Bunny?” He moved your hair from your face. “Hey, hey, hey, talk to me.”
You gulped hard. “Can’t…think…straight…”
He sighed. “You’re okay, thank fuck.”
You closed your eyes. “I’m okay. I live…here now…” You relaxed. “Can’t…move.”
Levi rubbed your back and gave you a squeeze. “Maybe I went too rough.”
He hummed a laugh and shifted you off him. He lay you down on the bed and left you. “I’ll be right back.” He ran to his bathroom and cleaned up. He grabbed some bottoms for you and a shirt of his. He selected some snacks and a nice cold drink. He ran back to you and changed you carefully. He sat down and put the drinks and food down. “Bunny?”
You opened your eyes and smiled at him. “Hiiii bear.”
He hummed a laugh. “You want a snack?”
You nodded. “Help me up.”
He dragged your floppy body and sat you on his lap. “There. Ow, did you just bite me?”
“I’m eating my snack.”
He rubbed his pec. “Bad bunny.” He opened your drink and handed it over. “Drink.”
You sipped it and hummed in happiness. “Yummy.”
Levi tucked your hair behind your ear. “I’m so sorry.”
You looked at him. “For what?”
“For going too rough and hard with you.”
You giggled. “I asked for it.”
He pouted. “But you almost passed out.”
You kissed his cheek a few times. “I’m perfectly good Levi. I enjoyed myself. I had a mind-blowing orgasm. I’m perfectly fine.”
He nuzzled the crook of your neck. “Next time we just make love, okay?”
You blushed hard at his words. You liked hearing him say love. “Yes.” You downed your drink more. “Everything aches.”
You laughed. “It’s okay. I wanted it.” You kissed him and sighed through your nose. “You’re incredible.”
You giggled. “I want to ride you again.”
He held your face with one hand and wiggled. “No, bunny.”
You pouted. “Okay. I guess I need to rest.”
“Bunny? Can we have a serious talk?”
You nodded. “Sure.”
He blushed a little. “It’s about us. I umm…I don’t want you to think I see you as just a fun sex partner, okay? I don’t want this to just be about sex. I want to date. I want to spend time together. I want to have fun. I want romance.”
You smiled at him. “Well, how about we ban ourselves from sex or oral for three days?”
Levi whined a little. “But I love eating you.”
You giggled. “I know, but we have to see if this is more than sexual chemistry. There is no denying that we are great in bed together, but we need to be sure of the romantic connection.”
He smiled and nodded. “Deal.”
You kissed him and hummed. “Besides, I think I’m out of action down there for a whole day at least.”
Levi massaged your inner thigh. “Get better.”
You giggled. “I will.”
He held your chin and pulled you close. He kissed you and smiled against your lips. “I like you a lot.”
You blushed an adorable pink. “I like you too.”
He hugged you tightly. “I’m so happy.”
You slowly traced the wings tattoo on his neck. “This is so pretty.”
“Thank you.”
You looked at the back of his wrist and admired the sunflower on it. You kissed the flower and hummed. “Lovely.”
He smiled. “You really love my tattoos, don’t you?”
You nodded as you looked at them all and noticed three names. “Furlan, Isabel and Kuchel?”
He tapped the one on his heart. “Kuchel is my mother. She’s alive and well, it’s just she’s done so much for me and raised me by herself in a very poor area. She did everything she could for me. I keep her close.” He tapped his friends’ names. “I grew up with these two, but in the early days of being in a gang before the mafia, they were killed.” He smiled sadly. “I love them as if they are family.”
You kissed all three names. “My heart goes out to them.”
“That was sweet of you.”
You smiled at him. “There’s a lot more to you than meets the eye, huh?”
He hummed a laugh. “I guess.” He took your hand and kissed it. “You know almost everything about me. I told you most in the club the night we met.”
“We should visit a nice tea museum for you.”
He shook his head as he massaged your hand. “I don’t want to do something you don’t want to do. You’ll be bored.”
You frowned. “No, I won’t! I will have lots of fun and I’ll get to see you happy.”
“Okay, we’ll visit one, but we need to visit somewhere you really want.” He kissed you. “Tell me where you want to go. You want to go abroad? I can fly us anywhere.”
You shook your head. “I want to go to a theme park!” You smiled brightly at Levi. “Please?”
He smiled at you. “Anything you want, bunny.”
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You jumped around in front of the theme park entrance as you felt excitement bubble away inside you. You turned to Levi as he walked towards you with his hands in his pockets and a soft happy gaze. You ran over to Levi and held his hands. “I’m so excited!”
He admired you in your cute shorts and summer top. “I can see.” He rubbed the back of his neck as he blushed. “Are you warm enough?”
You titled your head. “Yes?”
“If not, you can umm…you can wear my cardigan.” He gulped hard. “Only if you’re not warm enough.”
You smiled and held the edge of his cardigan. “I’m a bit cold.”
He lit up and pulled his green cardigan off and helped you into it. “There, all better.”
You smiled at him in his tight short sleeve shirt. “Will you be warm enough?”
“I run hot.” He offered his hand. “Hold my hand, okay? I don’t want to lose you here.”
You gripped his hand. “I’ll hold on all day.”
“Good bunny.”
You kissed Levi’s shoulder. “Bear.”
Levi blushed as he walked with you. He knew people were staring at him and knew exactly who he was and it worried him. He wanted to protect you and being with you was a risk to your safety. He jumped when you kissed his cheek. “I’m buying the tickets, okay?”
He leaned on the counter and saw the woman looked a bit scared and turned on by seeing him. “Two platinum tickets.”
You gasped. “Bear, that’s too much.”
He shook his head. “It’s not, bunny.” He opened his wallet and flashed the cash he had. He handed the money over and took the tickets. “Thanks.” He pulled you into the park. “Take a look at the map.”
You giggled. “I don’t need a map. I looked it up before we came here.”
“You were that excited?”
You nodded. “Yes.”
He kissed the back of your hand. “Cute. So, what do you want to go on first?”
You pulled him along. “Best thing is to start from the back of the park and work our way forwards.”
“Hope you don’t mind walking.”
He shook his head. “Not at all.” He looked down at your shoes. “Are you going to be okay? Are those shoes comfy enough?”
You nodded. “Yeah, they’ll be okay.”
He hummed in thought. “Let me know if they’re not.”
“I will.” You walked with Levi down a nice path through a wooded part to the back part of the massive park. You noticed there was a little dark spot out of view of others. “Come here.”
Levi stumbled into the spot when you yanked him into it. “What are you doing?”
You held his shirt and smiled. “A nice private spot for kisses. I suspect you’re the type who doesn’t like public displays of affection because you get a bit nervous.”
He blushed. “Maybe…”
You hummed. “But here we can’t be seen!” You tapped your lips. “Kiss.”
Levi pressed himself against you so you were squished between him and the wall. He kissed you and sighed through his nose as he calmed down. He held your waist and massaged you. “You’re so cute. My little bunny.”
You nibbled your lip. “Bear.”
He nuzzled his nose against yours. “Come on bunny, we have some rides to go on.”
You held his hand and ran with him along the path. “We’re going on the big ones!”
Levi gazed softly at you. “Alright.”
You stopped and looked at the big ride. “Ooow! Look at this one!”
Levi pulled you close against his body and looked at it and heard people screaming on it. “Interesting.” He looked at you to see how excited you were. He pulled you to the fast pass area and showed the tickets. He led you to the front of the ride and noticed no one complained about you both taking the front.
You sat down and smiled. “I’m surprised.”
Levi pushed down the overhead bars on you and clipped you in place. “Why?”
You leaned forwards and looked at Levi as he sat next to you. “Well, usually when you have a fast pass people glare at you and complain.”
Levi clipped his buckle and hummed. “I hate to break it to you, but they won’t because of me.”
You stared at Levi, then gasped when it clicked. “Oh yeah! You’re a scary gangster! I forget sometimes.” You giggled and smiled at the man checking the bars. You looked smiled when he looked a little scared. “Don’t mind the bear, he’s harmless! Bear? Don’t glare at the man doing his job.”
“Tch, sorry.”
You kicked your legs and hummed a song. “Can I hold your hand?”
“You scared?”
You shook your head and leaned so you could see Levi. “No, I just want to hold your hand.”
Levi reached over and held your hand. “Sure.” Levi sighed as the ride lifted up, then you went outside and moved around. He felt bored as it slowly clicked at going up. He frowned a little when you squeezed his hand hard. “Bunny?”
You nervously laughed. “High up.”
“You’re okay, bunny. I won’t let anything happen to you.” He gave you a reassuring squeeze.
Levi tried to look over at you, but you’d pressed yourself against the seat. He looked ahead and kept a straight face as the ride dropped. His heart throbbed in his chest when he heard you screaming. He wanted to stop your fear and hurt whatever it was, but then your screams turned to laughter. He smiled a little as the ride went upside down making you laugh more in delight. He relaxed and enjoyed himself. He didn’t react much because he had lived a life of danger for so long, that a ride was not thrilling to him. However, you laughing and squealing in delight made him enjoy the ride.
You kicked your legs when the ride came to a stop. “That was fun!” You unclipped yourself from your seat and pushed the bars up. “Right Levi?”
Levi shoved the bars up and smiled a little. “Tch, yeah.”
You frowned. “You didn’t like it, did you?”
He climbed out and helped you along. “I enjoyed it.”
“You can say if you didn’t.”
He kissed the back of your hand. “I did.”
You hummed and walked with him to the photos. You stopped and saw you were laughing and Levi had a cute smile on his face. “You did.” You looked over at Levi. “You did enjoy yourself.”
He nodded. “Told you.”
You hugged his arm. “I’m so glad!”
He blushed a little as people stared at him and you. “Yeah.”
You pulled away. “S-Sorry. I shouldn’t be all over you.”
Levi stopped. “Tch.” He offered his arm. “It’s okay. Hug it.”
You stared at Levi as he started blushing. “Only if you’re okay with it.”
You hugged his arm and held his hand. You hummed in happiness and smiled as you walked with Levi. “Thank you.”
He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck as he felt flustered. “Let’s get to the next ride, okay?”
You nodded and hummed a laugh. You went from ride to ride with Levi and felt he was enjoying himself more. You could see he was relaxing. You winced a little when your feet started hurting. You nibbled your lip as you covered up your pain. You limped a little and felt wetness in your shoes. You chewed on your lip more as you fought the pain.
You stumbled a little. “Ah.”
Levi stopped and looked down at you. “Bunny?”
You welled up and looked at him. “I’m sorry.”
He cupped your face. “What’s wrong?”
You sniffed. “My feet.”
Levi lifted you up like a bride and carried you to a sitting area for people to eat and drink near a shop. He knelt in front of you and pulled your shoes off. He stared at your socks to see blood on them. “Oh, bunny…”
You rubbed your tears away. “I’m sorry.”
He smiled and kissed your knees. “Don’t be sorry, okay?”
You nodded. “Okay.”
He smiled at you. “Wait here, okay? I’ll be right back. If anyone bothers you, just bark at them.”
You giggled as you rubbed your tears. “Yes.” You blew him a kiss and watched him go into the shop. You sniffed a little and saw a guy hurry over to you.
He stopped and smiled. “Hey, cutie. Someone like you shouldn’t be left all alone.”
You locked eyes with him. “Woof!”
“What the fuck?”
You started barking at him making him run off. You stuck your tongue out. “Weirdo.” You smiled as Levi returned to you. “I barked!”
Levi frowned. “Which fucker tried touching you?”
You smiled. “Feet.”
He sighed and knelt. “You’re right. Priorities, Levi.” He cleaned your feet with some water first. He pulled out a medkit and cleaned your wounds. He dried them before patching them up and binding your feet. He pulled on fresh socks and new trainers for you. He looked up at you. “How are they?”
“I’ll get you better ones soon.”
You shook your head. “I like them. Thank you so much.”
He handed you some pain meds and water. “Take them, okay? I don’t want you in pain.”
“Thank you.” You gasped after drinking. “I feel better.”
Levi smiled a little. “We should go home.”
You shook your head. “No, no. I want to stay.”
He hummed. “I’m worried about you.”
You pouted a little. “But we haven’t been to the arcade and there are cool prizes. There might be a cute cuddly toy.”
“You…you like soft things?”
“I do.”
He packed everything into the bag and offered his hand. “Can you walk?”
You nodded and took his hand. You walked with him and smiled as he watched you closely. “All good.”
“I’m glad.” He pulled you along to the arcade. “If you need to stop, just say. I can carry you.”
You giggled. “Maybe in a bit.”
You looked around the place and chose different things to play on with Levi. You gasped when you saw a big cuddle bear. “Bear…”
Levi looked at you, then followed your line of sight to see the bear. He walked up to the stand. He paid and picked up the balls and threw them at the bottles. He threw them at such a force that the bottles went flying. “Tch, easy.” He grabbed the bear and handed it over. “Here.”
You hugged him and squealed. “That was amazing! You’re so strong and cool!”
He blushed a little. “Tch, thanks.”
You jumped up and down. “You’re the best!”
He walked with you. “Is there anything else you want?”
You shook your head and hummed a laugh. “This bear is perfect. Can we go home?”
“Sure.” He walked with you and felt jealous that you were cuddling the massive bear. “You shouldn’t hug that bear so much.”
You looked over at Levi. “How come?”
He blushed. “You’ll squeeze the stuffing from the neck area.”
You smiled a little knowing he was jealous of the bear. “You’re right. I should hug you tightly and not this bear.”
You put the bear in the back of the car and turned to Levi. You hugged him tightly and hugged. “Yeah, much better than a bear.”
Levi hugged you back. “Good. So, did you have fun today?”
You nodded. “Loved it.”
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0william-afton0 · 2 years
Dog Will [not sure what too name it yet!]
sort of like the male version of a puppy girl.
cock size: hm..imagine ;) over normal will's size [over 7.3].
What's going on there? : he gets very easily frustrated and so when he definitely knows what it looks like when hard. Long, one very defined vein running up his the bottom side of his dick. Leans sorta too the left. It sort of turns up at the end. His tip definitely goes red when he's sexually frustrated!
He's definitely move easily knocked than normal william. He gets alot more sexually frustrated. He ends up overstimulating himself. Way too much. He just wants his poor dick too feel good. Poor boy...help him, maybe?
He gets very whiney at times. Especially if you go take a shower without him. He loves shower sex, and whenever you go in together he always ends up fucking you. He'll stay outside the door and then end all your plans for the rest of the day. You're his girl/boy. He gets too fuck you dumb whenever he needs.
Did I mention he is very possessive? Not at much as vampy will, but he will wrap his hands round your waist if other people look at you.
Way too clingy. All my au's have will definitely with some childhood trauma/neglect, so when anyone shows him the slightest affection he eats it up.
What's he most turned on by? : boobs for females and ass for males. In his eyes, boobs = squishy pillows he can rut against and ass = squishy pillows he can rut against...he likes dry humping stuff, okay?
Vampire Will
He's very picky. VERY picky.
Cock size: a tiny bit bigger than the norm. He's an grower, okay?! Don't bully my poor boy.
What's going on down there? : he's a grower. No veins. Just a simple, pale man. Nothing wrong with that. Gets a little darker of a shade towards the end but nothing like puppy will. Leans sorta too the left, like all will au's ♡ we love a man who can hit the g-spot.
That man can hit the good spots and the doorframe of your bedroom. He is like 6'7 if not taller. He's got dark blue, almost black eyes. Sorry, but red eyes for hot vampy men just aren't it!
OH! and when you get the lucky experience of riding him he definitely says "atta girl/boy."
The most possessive man ever. Has definitely carved your initials into his thigh and his into yours. Sometimes begs for you too wear a collar with his initials or name on it. He may or may be not ask you too get a tattoo of his name on you. Obviously, he'd get your name on his!
Definitely had a thing for thighs. Just has too. Bites them. Way too much. Out of the blue, as well. When he lays on your thighs while you stroke his hair he'll just...nom.
Fem Will [she's called milly ♡]
This is what me and @almondxii think she looks like:
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Absoulute milf. Way taller than you. At least 6'. No less. She would constantly tease you about it as well. Sometimes, if she's in a good mood and your lucky, she'll rest her boobs on you.
Absolutely calls you 'dear.'. Not even too tease you. Just like, normally. 'Dear, come help me cook, will you?'
ABSOULUTE BEST FRIEND MATERIAL. @lillianastuff can confirm! She has fucked nearly everyone in texas. You need a dick rating too know if it'll be worth ya time? She can help. Need too know what they're like? She knows. Need too know if they've got a tidy bedroom? They probably haven't. But she knows this information!
Now. Onto the kinky shit.
She would love you pulling her hair. She always has it down, so you don't have too worry about that. Also has way too much lingerie. Her favourite colors on her are def black and red. If you're a female she definitely makes you wear some of hers. And if you're a male/have a dick she will wrap them round your dick like a condom and jerk you off.
She has a massive thing for degrading you. Like she'll go from calling you her pet, her slut, her whore/man whore too her pretty boy/girl. She'd addicted to nicknames, I swear.
She'd tease so bad but SO good. Like yes. For example...maybe you're going out with some friends in half a hour. She'll come up too you and say "enjoy yourself, dear." And kiss your neck. Repeatedly. She ended up making a hickey. You've began getting fidgety. You have too go see friends! At a cafe, as well! So it's not even like they won't notice! If that wasn't enough, she put red 24hr no smudge lipstick on your neck in a little heart. Then said 'love you, baby.' As if she hadn't done anything.
That woman has a collection of straps. Whether it's going up ya ass or if your afab up your fanny, she don't care.
The first time she tried a strap with you she asked 'dear. What size, hm?' When she seen your face go pale looking at the biggest strap she giggled. 'Let's start smallest, yeah?' She loved watching you fall apart on her. Especially with her smallest strap. 'Aww...can my darling not handle even a few inches? How disappointing.'
Henry Emily.
Henry's quite a nice boy. not as...overtaken as william can get. he can behave, is all I'm saying.
He's quite soft, but if you work him up or tease he can get more vicious with his punishments. (and unlike william, he actually goes through with them...)
cock size: 7.0 and quite thick. (trust me, I've tried it ;) -milly)
he's quite tame with kinks and things like that. his main kinks are : bandages, THIGH RIDING.
he is a sucker for thigh riding. he will gladly let you hump against his thigh and goddammit will he jerk off too it.
and...if you're lucky, maybe he'll ride your thigh. just expect a pool of cum on ya thigh, though.
he mumbles a lot. he's a little groany sometimes. quite loud, if you get him overstimulated.
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