#and the first thing she says is you're more than welcome to invite him over to celebrate christmas with us
greppelheks · 10 months
Now that I no longer live with my mother and she no longer seems to see me as an extension of herself, she's actually showing me kindness in a way I didn't think she was capable of, that's breaking my heart in both a good and a bad way.
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archangeldyke-all · 2 months
Sev and reader introducing little fucker to Silco after she’s born?? My heart🥹
men and minors dni
silco's always been better with children than with adults. they make more sense to him. children are up front, they say what they mean, they don't lie. they're simple. they're easy to please. a card trick, a coin pulled from behind their ear-- that's all it takes to get a kid smiling and laughing and squealing.
so, when silco finds out that his best friend is expecting: he's thrilled.
i've mentioned this before, but silco actually makes himself the godfather of your kid. obviously; you guys were going to ask him to be the godfather anyways, but you were going to ask after the baby was born.
silco showed up on your doorstep when you were five months pregnant, a box of diapers on his hip, a cardboard box with a crib printed on it propped up on the wall beside him.
"silco? it's saturday, do you and sev have a weekend meeting?" you ask, worried. silco chuckles and walks into your house like he owns it.
"no, dear, i'm here to begin my godfatherly duties. sevika told me you haven't gotten a crib for the nursery yet, and it's never too early to start a stock of diapers." he says, handing you the box of diapers and starting to drag the boxed crib inside after him.
he's a huge help during the pregnancy, surprisingly. he's always letting sevika take time off-- to go to all your appointments with you and to help you once the baby comes.
during your pregnancy, he stops by your house once or twice a week, sometimes after work with sevika, sometimes on his own; always with a new toy or onesie for the baby, and a bottle of whiskey for sev, and takeout from whatever place you're craving for you.
silco's always been the closest thing sevika has to family, you've always been happy to welcome him into your life and home. but, you've never really seen the two bond.
they're both stand-offish people, they communicate in their own telepathic language, developed over years spent working and living together. but, when they talk about the baby, they both glow.
one of your fondest memories from your pregnancy was watching sevika show silco the sonogram of your little girl. it was the first time you'd seen the two of them hug. it was the first time you'd seen silco cry. he'd even wrapped you up into a tight hug, kissing your head and then awkwardly patting your belly.
he's one of the only people you let meet little fucker when she's still a newborn.
you and sevika are paranoid, first-time parents. you're also both huge homebodies. you have no desire to drag your weeks old daughter around town and show her off to all your germ covered family and friends.
but, your best friend, your family, and silco-- they're different.
silco's there at the hospital when you're in labor. he and sevika share a cigar in the parking lot when little fucker's safely delivered. he meets the baby then, cooing down at the bundle of blankets in your arms; but mostly, he's just there to check in on your and sev.
then, about a month into her life, you invite silco over to formally meet his god daughter for the first time.
you dress little fucker in one of the outfits silco'd picked out for her months ago, and you watch in fascination as the stoic man bursts into tears for a second time when he takes his god daughter in his arms for the first time.
sevika just laughs, and wraps her arm around her best friend.
"she looks just like you." silco sniffles, his eyes quickly flashing between sevika's face and your daughter's, comparing their features.
"tell me about it. i carried the little shit around for nine months, and she decides to come out lookin' like sev instead." you pout from the couch. sevika giggles and kisses your scalp.
silco chuckles through his tears, and then presses a gentle kiss to little fucker's head. "she's beautiful." he whispers.
you smile and nod, and sevika chokes on her tears beside you.
"yeah, she is." you whisper.
once a week, from the day she's born, silco will come over and take little fucker out for an afternoon.
sometimes he takes her for a stroll, sometimes he takes her to his place, sometimes he takes her along to run errands with him. it doesn't matter. he just gives you and sevika a few hours, every week, to just... relax. you're pretty sure it's the only thing that kept you sane for the first year of motherhood.
little fucker loves her uncle silco. he spoils her to no end, and he's not scared of you or sevika, so he'll blatantly disobey your rules in your own home to make your daughter smile. plus, he's not the one that has to deal with the sugar rush that comes two hours after he shovels candy in your daughter's mouth.
when she starts talking, little fucker calls silco 'unky silly.' he blushes every time she says it, but can't find the heart to try to correct his god daughter.
their favorite place to go is the aquarium. silco likes the sharks, little fucker likes alligators. they can spend the entire day there, just pointing at the animals and fish to one another.
i think little fucker's born when jinx is like 7, so it's the perfect age for jinx to absolutely adore her baby cousin.
jinx is the youngest of her siblings, so she never got to have someone look up to her. but little fucker worships the ground jinx walks on, and it's a huge boost to her self esteem. (it also makes her behave better, at least when she's in front of your daughter. she wants to be a good example.)
when jinx isn't in school or with her siblings, she's always accompanying silco on his little fucker dates. you can count on your daughter being returned from silco's house with at least three braids in her head.
you get all of jinx's baby clothes as hand me downs for little fucker, which only makes jinx all the more convinced that little fucker is actually just her baby.
sure, you and sevika made the kid, but it was just a gift for jinx, right?
it's hard for you to deny that accusation when you watch the two play, all the older kids wrestling in the back yard while jinx, ekko, and little fucker all arrange their teddy bears and action figures in seated positions for a tea party, jinx patiently waiting for little fucker to pick out the perfect hat for her to wear.
this isn't to say her older cousins don't love her. mylo, claggor and vi are constantly flinging her around, giving her piggy backs and tossing her in the air and giving you mini heart attacks. it's just that her and jinx have a special bond.
but, as much as she adores jinx, she will always hug her unky silly first.
@fyeahnix @lavendersgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
@shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
@ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai
@glass-apothecary @macaroni676 @artinvain @realgreeniebeanie @k3n-dyll
@sevsdollette @ellieslob @xayn-xd @keikuahh @maneskinwh0re
@raphaellearp @iamastar
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justwinginglife · 2 months
The Unwitting Confession
Inspired by my bestie @ectopodl3, thanks for always matching my freak, love ya!
It had been roughly 6 months since Soshiro Hoshina joined the Third Division as its Vice Captain and it was an eventful 6 months to say the least. Everyone had been clambering over each other to get a good look at the new Vice Captain and even now they were still on the fence about what they saw. The poor guy had to fight twice as hard as anyone else to prove he deserved the spot and some people still required more evidence from him. For 6 long months, he took on whatever grueling task he could get his hands on to show the world that he was more than capable to lead a division. And for 6 long months, you were right there in the trenches beside him.
You had been both Captain Ashiro's favorite platoon leader and close personal friend for awhile now, so when she had made the decision to invite Hoshina to the Third Division, you fully supported it (in fact, you were the only one who supported it). Because of this, she relied heavily on you to help him transition into his new role.
You made quite the impression on him from day one. You knew everyone else would be skeptical of him and Mina was counting on you to make him feel comfortable, so you went a little overboard in welcoming him. That day, he arrived at his new office to find his desk covered in all manner of drinks- coffee, juice, milk, water, smoothie, soda. You had just placed the final can on his desk when he came in looking quite shocked. You rubbed the back of your head sheepishly. "Well this is certainly one way to meet you Vice Captain," you laughed. "I couldn't figure out what kind of drink you liked so I bought them all." You gestured to the gifts you'd laid out for him.
You thought he would just keep staring at you all day like some strange circus attraction but then to your surprise, he started laughing uncontrollably. His eyes filled with tears and he even had to steady a hand on the doorframe to keep himself from toppling over from the sheer exertion of laughing so hard. "You better help me finish all of this." He said, finally catching his breath, "Hey- what's your name anyway?"
So, despite Mina having drawn up an entire itinerary she had wanted you to follow on his first day (give him a tour, introduce him to the other officers, yada yada), you and Hoshina ended up spending the entire time just talking and drinking in his office.
"Ooh- this one's pretty good, have a sip." You passed the lemonade over to him and he eagerly took it from you.
"Mmm, I like it but the coffee was better." He said as he chugged the drink. "Fuck, now I have to pee." He laughed.
"Hey! I wasn't finished drinking that!" You pouted, watching as he added the empty can to the stack of other empty cans.
He shrugged. "It was my gift, wasn't it?"
"I'm gonna have Mina demote you. I'm thinking cadet."
He laughed again and the feeling in your chest told you the sound was starting to grow on you.
"Please be my guest, I think everyone would be happier if I wasn't the Vice Captain anyway." He said, speaking the first serious thing you'd heard him say all day.
You nudged him with your shoulder. "I wouldn't. You're actually growing on me, Vice Captain. Even if you are a lemonade hog."
There was that laugh of his again. "How 'bout this? I'll make you a deal. I'll stay Vice Captain and I'll bring you a lemonade every now and then if you promise to follow all my orders."
You rolled your eyes and nudged him again, this time leaning into his shoulder. "Now where's the fun in that? I think you'd have such a good time running around trying to keep up with me, why would I want to spoil that for you?"
He grinned and you thought you felt your heart skip a beat. "Alright I think you really oughta show me the bathroom now before you go telling anymore jokes. I can't laugh anymore than I already have without bursting my bladder." He stood up from the floor where you two had been sitting, brushed up against each other, and held a hand out to you. You took it and he hoisted you to your feet.
"I'm supposed to give you a tour anyway so I guess we can start with the bathroom. Wouldn't want the new Vice Captain to pee his pants."
You both took off down the hallway, knocking your shoulders up against each other, and swaying with laughter.
And that was that- friends in an instant.
If people had seen the two of you from afar, they would've thought you'd been friends since birth the way you two were inseparable after that. You wanted to train? Hoshina would follow right behind, eager to knock you down a peg. He wanted to go for a walk? You'd say there's no way in good conscious you could let a little lady like him walk alone so late at night. He'd punch in you in the arm but let you tag along anyway. You wanted to have dinner alone? Too bad- he wanted a bite of your dumpling. No, actually he wanted all of your dumplings. But he bought you some more afterwards.
You'd even have your fair share of arguments- you may have brought up his brother too much (only because you were so curious about his home life) and he may have shot back that the reason you'd been single so long was because you did dumb insensitive shit like bringing up his brother too much. And then you wouldn't speak to each other for days. But then you'd cut yourself and he'd bandage it for you, grumbling that it was inconceivable how a member of the defense force could be so inept with a knife, or his stomach would growl and you'd grumpily hand him your last granola bar, and then everything would slowly go back to normal between you two again. It was all the little things that made you realize you couldn't live without him. And some part of him had to know he couldn't live without you too. Not anymore.
So now, 6 months later, you're on your way to work, texting Hoshina that you bet you'll beat his lazy ass there, and then you see a crowd of news reporters outside the base. Mina had just sent you and Hoshina to dispatch of a large kaiju roaming downtown yesterday and the reporters couldn't believe that he'd took down the beast and not you so they were there for the "real answers." You were so tired of dealing with all the people who couldn't accept how amazing Hoshina was. For months, you talked with reporters, officers, supervisors, and really just anyone who'd listen about how skilled and inspiring Hoshina was but all your effort had been slow to take effect.
Eventually Hoshina caught on that you were fighting all his battles for him behind the scenes and he made you stop. He was so pure and good, he thought he'd just change their minds with his actions. Said he'd win them over eventually if he worked hard enough. It was that kind of thinking that made you love him and made you all the more pissed to hear people shit talking him.
So today, you're fully prepared to tear the crowd a new one (yet again), when you hear a voice from behind you. "Boy they really don't know when to quit do they? It's like, just leave the man alone."
You turn to see a civilian walking up to you, scoffing at the crowd. You're both shocked and pleasantly surprised that someone besides you is defending Hoshina. You nod enthusiastically. "Yeah, it's like he's done so much for the city and you want to undermine all of that? It's ridiculous."
The civilian nods. "I was there when he took down that kaiju yesterday, I know he's the real deal. The two of you actually make a pretty good team- are you guys dating?"
You choke on your coffee. "Oh, um, us? No we're- we're not together." You say quickly.
The civilian raises an eyebrow. "So you're telling me you don't find that muscled man attractive? Not in the slightest?"
You blush. "I really shouldn't be talking with you about this. I barely know you."
The civilian laughs. "Oh come on. Woman to woman. Don't tell me you haven't thought about what it would be like."
You sigh. You haven't told anyone how you feel about the Vice Captain, not even Mina. It would be nice to vent it all out. And this is a stranger you'll never see again. Fuck it. "Okay fine. I am completely in love with him but that's a secret okay? Who wouldn't be in love with the guy? He's strong, he's handsome, he's loyal, he's funny, he's dedicated, he steals my food but then he replaces it. I mean he's a catch all around. I just really wish people could see him the way I see him. He's a great guy who really cares about people, and that's all there is to it." You shrug as if you're simply reciting a textbook with common knowledge, but inside you're a simple woman who's dying to hear this random civilian tell you more about how you make such a good couple with Hoshina. But this bonding moment is interrupted. By Hoshina.
He's up ahead, across the street from you, and he's yelling and waving at you to hurry up and cross already so you can walk to work together. You excuse yourself, earning a wink and a "go get him tiger" from the stranger, and you run through traffic blushing as you greet him.
"What was that about?" He asks, pointing at the now fading silhouette of the stranger you had just been talking to.
You grin. "Oh nothing- I just met a fan of yours, that's all."
You arrive at work a couple minutes later, Hoshina still demanding for more answers about this so-called fan of his, unaware he even had fans, when suddenly you're greeted at the door by Captain Ashiro herself. She never greets you at the door. And she does not look happy. She looks... constipated? Stressed? You can't quite figure out what face she's making but you realize the face she's making is for you when she finally pulls you into her office and slams the door behind her, shoving her phone at you.
"Mina, Mina what is it, you're scaring me- oh SHIT."
I am completely in love with him but that's a secret okay? Who wouldn't be in love with the guy? He's strong, he's handsome, he's loyal, he's funny, he's dedicated, he steals my food but then he replaces it. I mean he's a catch all around. I just really wish people could see him the way I see him. He's a great guy who really cares about people, and that's all there is to it... to it....that's all there is to it...
You stare at the video of you that's playing on repeat. Notifications flood the phone as you realize you're now going viral with your secret love confession for the Vice Captain.
You think your cheeks might be on fire and your throat is rapidly going dry. You think you might just die. Then it hits you.
"Oh. Oh no. Oh no no no. Where's Hoshina's phone? Mina, please tell me he hasn't looked at his phone yet. Oh I know- you distract him, I'll break into his phone, I'm sure I have to know the password by now- you know what, I'll just break his phone. Yeah. Then he won't have access to the internet. All will be fixed. Mina? You in?" You trail off as you realize she's looking at the door to her office that's now just opened behind you.
"You wanna tell me what this is about?"
Mina winces. "I think I'll leave you two alone now." She closes the door behind her.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
You don't turn around. You don't breathe. You don't exist.
"You can't ignore me forever, ya know."
You sigh. You slowly turn around to face your doom.
"Hi. Hoshina. What's up?"
He rolls his eyes. "Don't 'what's up' me, what's up with you? What's up with this?" He holds his phone up with the video that's on replay. I am completely in love with him, but that's a secret okay? I am completely in love with him, but that's a secret okay?
You groan and collapse into Mina's office chair, burying your face in your hands, waiting to die. "Go on. Say what you want." You mumble through your fingers.
You hear him walking up to you and before you have time to think about how mortified you are, he kneels on the ground in front of you and yanks your wrists away from your face. "I want to know if it's true."
You roll your eyes. "Did you not just hear my voice on the video saying I love you? Do you really need to rub it in and hear me say it live?"
He nods sincerely, giving your wrists a squeeze. "I do. I need to hear you say it. I don't care about the news, what I care about is you and right now I need to know how you feel."
You inhale and for a moment you consider not exhaling and just passing out to avoid answering. But then you let out the breath. "It's true. I love you. I've been in love with you. For awhile now."
He smiles softly as if to say everything is okay now and you're lost in the gentle curve of his lips. God you want to taste kiss him so bad.
"Well I'd say I love you too but I don't know if I need a reporter in the room for it to count."
Never mind. You don't want to kiss him anymore. You punch his arm.
He chuckles.
Then he pulls you down to the floor with him and the two of you sit there for a moment, shoulder to shoulder, just like you did when you first met. Then he nudges his head up against your shoulder and whispers, "I really do love you."
And now you kiss him.
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penkura · 4 months
hey! how are you?
hope you're doing well :)
I wanted to ask, If you could pretty please write a one shot about Sanji and reader, I'm watching the Zou arc now, and I really want to know how it would be If reader was with him in the moment he finds out about the marriage and leaves the note, she would cry and beg him to stay or something, you can decide If they were already in a relantionship or not.
Anyway feel free to ignore it if you don't want, and take care of yourself <3
PS: sorry If something got wrong, english it's not my first language.
Omg the Zou arc, pain with Sanji geez. I'm so happy for this request tho, I've not written this scenario before! I had an idea for their relationship as soon as I read your message too, so I hope this is what you were looking for! I kept it open for a part two if you'd like later on as well! I hope you enjoy it!
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You and Sanji had been close ever since Luffy recruited you shortly after him. Something about the blond had just drawn you in and he was glad to entertain you and spend his free time with you. Even when you’d sit and watch him cook in total silence, Sanji welcomed it, he was happy to have company and someone to listen when he started talking out loud about what steps were next. You learned his most common dishes so well that you were able to rattle off the directions yourself, causing Sanji to become smitten with you quickly.
You’d fallen in the same way, after spending time with and getting to know Sanji. Despite his perverted tendencies at times, you found yourself drawn to and falling completely head over heels for your crew’s chef. He kept somethings about his life before meeting Zeff from you, the most you knew was that he was one of five children and from the North Blue, you didn’t dare pry too much farther. You didn’t want to push him away and ruin the friendship you’d built with him, especially once you realized your feeling for Sanji were more than just friendly.
Not like you’ll ever tell him, if you have it your way. You weren’t going to make things difficult for not only you and Sanji but your whole crew too. You’ve become content to just admire and pine after him, no matter how many times Nami tells you to just say something to him about your feelings, you refuse to do so. You won’t make things awkward, not when everyone is focused on their goals and now looking towards taking down an Emperor of the Sea in Kaido.
“The main event is a wedding,” Bege takes out an invitation and opens it for Sanji to see, “Between the third son of the Vinsmoke family and the 35th daughter of the Charlotte family, Pudding.”
You were content until this new development. A tea party invitation and requirement from Big Mom, a wedding to a girl he’s never met, the last name he’s never once told you about. You just believed he didn’t have one, like Nami or Usopp, it didn’t matter to you if he did or didn’t. He’s Sanji, he’s not this Vinsmoke Sanji. Your mind is reeling as he flat out refuses the invitation, while your crewmates shout their disbelief at this situation, you can’t even seem to join them. Everything moves so fast, the next thing you know, one of Bege’s crew members has whispered something to Sanji that’s got him going rigid, being getting a pen and piece of paper to write something down. You don’t even notice fully that he’s taken and ripped a piece off it, ignoring the looks he gets from the others around, wondering what he’s doing.
While Sanji slips the note he’s written to Nami, you try so hard to finally speak but the words won’t come out. He can’t leave, he just can’t! He’s so important to your crew, to Luffy, to you, Sanji can’t just go off and marry some random girl he’s never met! It’s not fair, even though you’ve never made your feelings known to him, you have no claim on Sanji. You’re able to get back into focus as he speaks to you all again when he hugs you.
“Please know, I never meant to keep anything from any of you.” He grips your shoulder just a bit tighter than he has before, and that’s what finally gets you to speak.
“Sanji, wait! You…you can’t go! I…I lo—”
He stops you with a smile and placing his hand on your head, nodding just a bit. “I know…but don’t worry, I’ll come back…and then we can talk, okay?”
You don’t believe him, even as he forces the four of you out of Bege’s castle, giving everyone a smile and promising to be back later. He’s never lied to you before, why shouldn’t you believe him? You have every intention of running after Bege as he goes to escape, but Nami reminds you that it’ll be pretty hard to do anything when you’re still chained up like the rest of them. Even after the Minks free you, you want to go after them, but she stops you again, with a hug that finally makes you start to cry over not being able to stop him.
At least, until you feel the scratch of paper on your shoulder and realize that’s what he was doing, when Sanji gripped your shoulder tighter. He was slipping you a note separate from everyone, now you can take it and see what he was telling you that he kept from everyone else. You don’t read it until you’re back to the room you and Nami are sharing thanks to the Minks, and all it does is make your heart ache and feel like you should’ve done more, because now you truly don’t believe he’s coming back.
No matter what happens next, I love you. I’ll tell you in person when I come back.
You’re going to help Luffy get him back, your mind and heart are decided.
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jirsungs · 26 days
ep 28: no girls allowed at rockway rehearsals!
word count: 1.8k
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As against your will, you pull up to Ningning's apartment, letting out a begrudging sigh as you wait for her in your car. You send her a quick “i'm outside” text before turning up the volume of the current song on Aux. Creep by Radiohead, Jisung sent you the Spotify link a couple of days ago, telling you to think of him whenever it comes on. 
As corny and somewhat cute as it is, you do think of him when you hear the song's melody, and you can't stop the blushing smile that forms on your face when it does. You sing along to the music, occupying yourself as you wait for Ningning.
I want you to notice
When I'm not around
You're so fuckin' special
Not even five minutes later, your eyes catch your best friend running down the stairs of her apartment complex. You assume she rushed out because of her hurried appearance; her hair was still left unbrushed, and her right Doc Martens shoe was untied, making her almost trip down the stairs. You stifle a laugh. 
But when she enters your car, you notice her makeup is still fresh, and her eyeliner is precise and properly taken care of. 
Your smug smirk has Ningning breaking the silence first. “What?”
Her pretending to be clueless makes you smile, "Oh, nothing, nothing. You just look… very pretty today.”
Ningning squints her eyes at you, already knowing that a tease from you is on its way, so she starts it for you.
“I wanted to look presentable!”
This, you laugh at. “The Rockway guys have seen you worse, well, except him.”
You send her another smirk, to which she whines at your attempt to tease her about her little crush. Feeling a bit of sympathy for your best friend, you start the car and begin to drive off.
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The scream of “Y/N!” from Mark and Haechan is the first thing to welcome you and Ningning when you both enter the old garage or, to be specific, Mark's parents’ garage. The said band members are the only ones there at the moment, and they immediately run up to give hugs. 
Haechan engulfs you first; he lifts you off the ground, causing you to smack his shoulder to put you down. When he does, Mark takes his turn hugging you, and you glimpse at Ningning and Haechan doing their designed handshake.
Soon after, the rest of the Rockway guys walk in with water bottles and snacks in their hands, provided by Mark's mother. But once Jisung takes notice of you, he messily drops the snacks he was holding into Chenle's arms. Before the poor guy can react, Jisung's already pushing through to quickly get to you. 
While Jisung runs up to you, the band pays no mind to it as Chenle and Jeno set the snacks down on the table in the corner, and Haechan takes a bite of the assorted crackers as Mark double-checks the sound of his guitar.
A smile is plastered on your face at the sight of your boyfriend. “Hi, Ji–” 
His sudden embrace cuts you off, and instead of saying anything about it, you just let it happen. You love his hugs; he's the epitome of warmth and comfort, plus, he always smells nice.
Your hug sadly doesn't last long before Ningning cuts in, “Gee, hello to you too, Jisung.”
But you don't take her petty commentary to heart, especially since you're used to it. Jisung rests his arm around your neck before he apologizes and greets with a “What's up, Ning,” to which she replies cheekily at the acknowledgment. 
When Ningning walks over to Jeno and Mark and is out of earshot from the two of you, Jisung leans his head down to whisper, “Is it just me or does she look more put together than usual?”
You smack his chest gently at this: “Park Jisung, you’re so mean,” but your boyfriend isn’t affected because, from the raise of his brows, he’s not convinced, so you continue. “She texted me if I was free to hang out, but I told her you already invited me, so… She joined along because of you-know-who.”
Jisung’s mouth forms an O: “Ohhh, that explains it.”
You chuckle and lift your hand to gesture for his black glasses that are resting on the bridge of his nose. Upon seeing his approval, you happily remove them from his face, put them on yours, and look up at him with an excited smile. He looks at you like you’re the only girl in his world. You love it when he looks at you like that, despite it making you weak in the knees every single time. 
“Don’t look at me like that, you weirdo.” You smack his chest again, but just like before, he pays no mind to you trying to hide your flustered state. If anything, he’d like to see more of it, which explains why he gives you a quick kiss on the lips.
“You look pretty in my glasses.” 
To Jisung’s happiness and your dismay, he was able to see more of it. But, as always, you can’t stay mad at him. 
Plus, thanks to his nod toward Ningning, you don’t miss the awkward tension between her and Jeno after being left alone by Mark, who quickly gets the hint. From your observation, Jeno either complimented or embarrassed her with the way her face grew pink. But your small worry about it possibly not being the first reason disappears once you see Jeno make her laugh. 
“Something tells me that this rehearsal will end up being a love fest,” Haechan says disgustedly, which Chenle laughs at. From the corner of the garage, they eye their two band members, who are in different stages of love. Jisung is deep into his super-whipped-and-would-do-anything-for-his-girlfriend, while Jeno has just entered his awkward-like-high-schoolers-in-love stage. 
Luckily, Mark notices the attention shift in the room and brings the band back to focus. “Alright guys, let’s start this up!”
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Surprisingly, Rockway’s able to rehearse for three hours with no distractions; it’s only surprising because Jisung and Jeno aren’t going completely heart-eyes for the girls and are focused on their task at hand. 
The gig they were practicing for was said to be a big one. You remember Jisung gushing about how excited he was once he found out that a music producer reached out to Mark and talked about potentially signing them if they could surprise them again.
After those three hours, Jisung and Jeno found themselves starting to get handsy, which was unfortunate for the rest of the Rockway bandmates. They’re positively sure that it wasn’t intentional by the two guys, but once Mark called for a ten-minute break, everything went south. Ningning, who was highly encouraged by you to walk over to Jeno, became a stuttering mess around him, leading them both to become awkward again, while Jisung pulled you onto his lap, messing around with his drums.
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Mark walks over to Haechan and Chenle, who are back in the corner. “Okay, new rule: no girls allowed at Rockway rehearsals.” He sighs exasperatedly, his two fingers on the bridge of his nose, as he tries to calm himself down. “As much as I love them, Jeno is embarrassing to watch, and Jisung is… also embarrassing.”
Haechan snickers and takes a sip of his water, and Chenle pats the stressed Mark on the back. “Oh, come on, man. Rehearsal’s been going great. We already lost Jisung to Loverboy Land, but—” He motions for the two guys to look over at Jeno, who was sending them a desperate eye signal of help: “We can help Jeno.”
“You know, it’s kind of funny seeing Ning get all quiet around a guy she likes when she’s literally the scariest woman we know,” Mark adds.
Mark and Chenle jog over to the awkward pair and Haechan stays behind, telling them he’ll catch up after he’s finished drinking his water. When he’s done, he grumbles, “I knew this was gonna happen,” and rushes to the rest of the group.
When you call Ningning over and she’s left occupied, Haechan, Mark, and Chenle take their opportunity to snag Jeno away with the remainder of the ten-minute break to stop this awkward madness from continuing. 
Mark’s the first one to start it with a smack on Jeno’s arm: “Dude, what the hell are you doing? I thought you were good with girls!”
Jeno winces in pain while Chenle inputs, “Where’s your supposed Jeno charm, or whatever you call it? You look like an idiot out there!”
Anticipating another scold, Jeno looks at Haechan, who raises his hands in defense. “I dunno, man, I just followed them.” He puts his hands down and continues, “But since you’re already waiting for advice, Ning’s already opened up to you; stop acting scared and let her in.”
Jeno sighs, already familiar with the advice given: “Guys, I’ve been trying! I thought we made progress when I made her laugh earlier, but I doubt she found it that funny…”
"Oh, puh-lease, did you not hear her? She was still giggling over it when we started rehearsal.” Chenle says.
Haechan butts in, pouting, “Jeno gets funnier and attracts women... Oh, Lord, how sad has my life become?”
The said man rolls his eyes, and Mark takes this time to advise more: “Jeno, you like her, don’t you?”
“Of course I do, but I don’t want to make her uncomfortable if she doesn’t feel the same way.”
Once hearing Jeno’s idiotic response, the boys reply with Haechan’s “Oh my God!” while Mark and Chenle face-palm. How could someone be so oblivious?
The commotion sparks Jisung’s interest, leading him to excuse himself from you and Ningning and join his friends. He adds himself to the small huddle between Haechan and Chenle. 
“Hi, guys. What’re you talking about?”
Startled by the younger one, Haechan puts his hand on his chest and says, “Geez, Sungie!” 
But Jisung only giggles, “My bad. But if we’re lecturing Jeno on how horrible he’s doing with Ning, please fill me in.” He ends with a cheeky smile. 
Sensing Jeno’s annoyed whine at the mention of his current dilemma, Mark beats him to it. “You know what?” he eyes Jeno and Jisung. “Band meeting after the girls leave.”
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From Mark’s stern attitude, the rest of the band rehearsal was a little bit rocky. No one dared to cross a line with him, keeping their mouths shut unless Mark asked for input on any potential improvements.
After the guys said goodbye to you and Ningning and Jisung gave you his regular goodbye kiss and “text me when you get home,”  you left, leaving the Rockway guys alone. With Mark. And he was scaringly over the edge. 
After calling the end of rehearsal, Mark huddles the band together. Before he speaks, he puts his hands together, almost in prayer, and exhales, “From now on, NO GIRLS ALLOWED AT ROCKWAY REHEARSALS!”
To this, Jisung pouts, “Can Y/N be an exception though?”
But all Jisung gets is a combined “no!” from the band. 
The younger whines in response, “Then, is Ning included in that?”
His whine leads everyone to turn to Jeno, whose face has turned a bright shade of pink. “She's… different and doesn't count.”
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previous ☆ masterlist ☆ next
note: ning lore is now revealed, and jaem finally got the answer!!! 😍🙏 i can't believe this chapter marks three chapters left until i have to officially say goodbye to this smau 😭
🎫 (open taglist!): @idkwhatursayinh @sunghoonsgfreal @multifandomania @nanaxwi @odxrilove @sourrpatched @hancafe @chaellaa @dojaejunging @jising-jisang-jisung @heheheeral @haechansbbg @renjunsversion @onlyhyunjin @woshixinqgiu @jiiieun @pinknjm @mrsbyun-baek @neozon3nha @joyzluvr @aerivrs @nosungluv @haechology @beomgyusonlywife @injunnie-lemon @tommina @222low @film-sea @vantxx95 @cyjzzl @nctrawberries @woorcve @vklve @bee-the-loser @lostinneocity @zzurao @hoonieluv
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cheriladycl01 · 6 months
My love, is mine all mine - Max Verstappen x Norris! Reader x Charles Leclerc Part 4
Plot: Norris' Twin sister is also a driver in the 2021 line up and is in her rookie era. Not only do the commentators struggle to now talk about the pair in the race, but they also struggle to talk about talent. What happens when two drivers find her eye-catching.
A/N: I've brought Luisia into things because of the timeline and it being 2021. Don't hate on her, or the fact that i've brought her into my writing please!
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The second stint in Austria was far better with the stresses from the first gone, you were able to fully concentrate on the weekend and it was like you were a completely different person on track.
You're driving was aggressive and you were unstoppable when working your way up to your brother who was ahead of you. With some incredible team strategy and the help of DRS from your brother you were able to retain a double podium for your team and defend from both Mercedes car's effortlessly which was a shock to you since one of them was a seven times world champion.
You stood on the podium that day with your brother, your dad was there watching the pair of you tears in his eyes same as yours.
Celebrating a win with your brother was a feeling you don't think you'd ever forget.
Post race interviews were incredible and everyone could see the glow you were emitting from how proud you were. But a lot of your answers were just leading them onto your home race which would come after the large break that was coming. Not huge break but enough for a small holiday.
You moved in with you brother as his home was closer to Woking where the MTC was based and it just made sense. You guy's lived together for the first 22 years of your life so it wouldn't be any different now.
You and your brother however did want to travel over the summer, and when you got invited to go to Mallorca with Carlos and Lando you couldn't say no. You met the Sainz family who were all so welcoming to you and helped you further your Spanish that you took at GCSE while you were out there.
Then you guys ended up travelling to Portugal where Lando met Luisia. You both immediately jelled to the point where you were probably more obsessed with her than Lando was.
You became her best friend and Lando and her kept talking on and off after you left Portugal. You also texted her all the time, making sure she was okay.
Lando had to explain to Luisia that you'd just had a falling out with your childhood best friend so it was natural for you to want to be attaching yourself to someone new and the crazy thing was Luisia didn't mind at all.
You went to Silverstone, excited for the race, and even though it wasn't a podium at your home race you and Lando place P4 and you in P5.
Then you moved onto Hungary which honestly wasn't great, you managed to slip into the points in P10, but Lando had a DNF on Lap 2.
After Hungary, there was the actual summer break where you joined Lando on a yacht with all of his friends. You ended up inviting Luisia where of course her and Lando finally got together and you couldn't be more excited for them.
There was one day when you all docked up in Monaco and you were alone as Lando had stolen Luisia and were having fun swimming and on Jetski's, your mum and Oliver wanted to go sight seeing and all of Lando's friends hit Monte Carlo casino, so you decided to go shopping by yourself.
You were walking the streets of Monaco when a familiar voice called out to you.
You spun round to be met with the Monegasque man who was standing behind you alone.
"Charles?" you smile a little looking over him and he steps forward coming up to you. It's a little awkward at first and it's almost like he doesn't know what he should do. You can tell he wants to pull you into a hug and typical European greeting but seems, tentative after everything that happened between the two of you.
"How- are you I haven't spoken to you since..." he trails off and looks down.
"Since you kissed me and admitted you'd basically been in love with me for the last like 8 years?" you chuckle looking over at him with a small smile on your face.
"Erm yeah. I just wanted you to know I wasn't making any of that up!" he nods.
"I know, I think part of me ... the immature part of me panicked especially where anyone could have seen, and you know I was right too because someone did" you smile. If you were to get into a relationship with another driver you'd have to be really careful with how it got out into the media.
"Yeah, it's funny actually Max and I used to argue over you a lot!" he chuckles and your head snaps up to him.
"What?" you ask looking up at him, now stood closer to him than before.
"Max and I we're both attention seekers, especially when it came to you. We both would fight for your approval, it was childish but we both liked you! Can't believe Max won you over" he smiled reminiscing.
"Max hasn't won me over, he's sleeping with my best friend while she's been lying to me..." you frown, offended that he'd think that especially after what happened after the first race in Austria at the restaurant.
"But Pierre said... and that one article about ..." he starts but you quickly interrupt him.
"There is nothing between me and Max trust me. He made me nervous and was able to make me blush but if he likes Y/BF/N, i wouldn't get in the way of that!" you offer, but Charles still doesn't seem convinced.
"But Max told me to back off" he murmurs to himself and you nearly didn't hear it with how quietly he'd mumbled it. You pretended not to be shocked, and looked down so he couldn't really see your facial expression.
"Have you ever been on a yacht?" you ask, kind of out of the blue.
"I grew up in Monaco, of course I have!" he grins.
"My family, Lando and I all rented a yacht to spend the summer on, did you want to join us while we are here!" you grin, and he thinks for a second before nodding.
"But you have to come shopping with me first!" you grin and he rolls his eyes before gesturing for you to lead the way. You spend about and hour walking through the streets of Monaco buying things with your new F1 money.
"You travelled back to the docked boat before turning to Charles remembering about your brothers new girlfriend. "You travelled back to the docked boat before turning to Charles remembering about your brothers new girlfriend.
"Just so you know, Lando has a new girlfriend so erm. You know if you post anything don't get them in it together" you smile and he looks over at you in shock.
"Lando has a girlfriend?" he asks as if it's a bizarre concept.
"Yeah, she's a model and super super sweet!" you cheer, happy your brother was happy.
"Well, lets go. I want to see you brother!" Charles grins before going in front of you and onto the boat.
What a summer this would be.
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @stupidandunnecessary @clayra-g @daemyratwst @honey-belden @moonypixel @lauralarsen @vader-is-hot @ironcowboycopnickel @itsjustkhaos @the-untamed-soul @beebo86 @happylittlereader @ziejustme @lou-larcher5 @thewulf @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @chillyleclerc @chanthereader @annoyingmoonballoon @summissss @evieepepi08 @havaneseoger08 @celesteblack08 @gulphulp @fandom1ruined2me @celebstories @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhh @georgeparisole @dakotatankbig @youcannotcancelquidditch @zzonsbeek @tallbrownhairsarcastic @mellowarcadefun @ourteenagetragedy @otako5811 @countingstacksandpanicattacks @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @hopexcroc @mirrorball-6 @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @lilypadlover @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @the-fem1n1ne-urge @21stcenturytaegi @dark-night-sky-99 @spideybv28 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @kapsylia @laneyspaulding19 @lazybot @malynn @cassielikereading @viennakarma @teamnovalak @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @jlb20416 @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo @fionaschicken @0picels0 @seomako @urdad-hot @formula1mount @tinydeskwriter @butterfly-lover @ironmaiden1313 @splaterparty0-0 @formula1mount @styl1shl1v
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fartfather · 6 months
Ok hear me out. Readers x satosugu but reader and gojo or geto giving gojo or geto head together 😫😮‍💨
Audience of One pt.4
Satoru x fem!reader x Suguru
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
Word count: 6.8k
Series Summary: When Suguru first walked in on you and Satoru having sex, it was an accident. But he couldn't say the same about every time after that. He's under the impression that this habit of his is a secret. But you and Satoru have known this whole time and didn't plan on letting Suguru know anytime soon.
pt.4 info: MDNI 18+, fem!reader, threesome/throuple, cuck Gojo, hair pulling, wrist restraints (on reader) w use of safe word, praise/degradation kink, begging, pet names (princess, baby, angel, etc), porn w plot, Gojo x reader giving Geto head
pt.1 pt.2 pt.3
˚₊ · »-♡→ Shoutout to Anon for this ask (I hope it tickles your pickle ;) + @geoisoffline for requesting more fluff. I didn't realize how much I was craving fluff with this trio until I began writing this part out
Also if you’re a slut for Nanami you should check out my other series (Un)Welcome Problem
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"Hey, Suguuu," Gojo sang out, leaning back in his chair, his legs propped up on the table.
"What?" Geto answered, not looking up from his book.
"You wanna see something funny?" He asked, a smirk on his face.
"No," Geto replied, not looking up from his book.
Gojo ignored his answer and skipped over to him. He pulled out his phone, holding it out to obscure his view of the book. He was scrolling through his camera roll, which had dozens of photos of you and Geto asleep from this morning. Most of them unflattering.
"Look at these!" Gojo laughed, shoving his phone in front of Geto.
Geto sighed and took the phone from him, his eyes widening when he saw the photo. "Satoru, why would you take a picture of me drooling in my sleep?!" He scolded, turning to his friend.
Gojo couldn't help but laugh, "Because it's hilarious!"
You walked in from the kitchen, coffee cup in hand and eyebrows raised from the commotion. It had been three weeks since that first night, and things were going surprisingly smooth. "What are you two doing?" You asked, sipping your drink.
"I'm showing Suguru pictures of him drooling," Gojo snickered, "he's very upset."
Geto scowled, pulling the back of Gojo's blindfold and releasing it to smack back on his head like a rubber band. The sight of Gojo's dramatic reaction made both of you laugh.
"Hey!" Gojo exclaimed, "That was rude! It's not my fault you're drooling like a dog."
"I'm not a dog, idiot," Geto said, turning back to his book, "and even if I was, I'd still have better manners than you."
Walking over, you shook your head and giggled at their antics. "Scooch over, I want to see them, too,"
Gojo immediately pulled his legs off the coffee table and opened his arms, inviting you into his lap. "Come here, beautiful," he smirked.
You smiled and climbed into his lap, snuggling up close. Though, your smile was short lived, it faded as Gojo swiped though the pictures he took this morning. Is that one of just your nostrils?- What the fuck. "Oh, ew," you cringed, "why do you have so many pictures of me drooling, and sleeping!" complaining, you pushed his phone away.
"Hey, what's wrong with it?" Gojo asked, pouting, "I like looking at them, they're cute. Like this one- look how pretty you are, even in your sleep."
"Baby- I look like I'm dead in that one, you can't be serious." You groaned, hiding your face in his neck.
Gojo chuckled and wrapped his arms around you, "More like drop dead gorgeous," he smiled brightly.
"You're the worst," you mumbled, leaning into him, "at least delete some of them."
He shook his head, ignoring your request, and turned his phone to Geto, who was sitting across from you two. "See? Isn't she cute?"
Geto laughed, his eyes crinkling as a smile formed on his face. “Yeah I like that one much better than the one of me,” You rolled your eyes and leaned your head on Gojo's chest, sighing as you relaxed. "Are you still tired?" Geto asked, closing his book and turning to you, his hand finding its way onto your thigh.
"Yeah," you yawned, "but I can't go back to sleep, it’s already too late in the day.” The sun was bright out and it was nearing lunchtime, you'd slept in later than usual.
"Well, then we'll have to make sure you stay awake," Gojo teased, his hand slowly trailing up your waist. You were wearing one of his shirts, a baggy crewneck that hung loosely over you along with a pair of his boxers as shorts. Geto smirked and leaned forward, close enough for him to caress your thigh, rubbing circles into your skin, "any ideas, Sugu?" Gojo asked, looking at Geto.
"Hmm," he hummed, his hand moving higher, "a few." You could feel your face heat up, and a small shiver ran down your spine.
"Oh?" Gojo questioned, raising an eyebrow, "Like what?"
Geto leaned forward, his hand traveling up your thigh and stopping on your hip, his fingers dipping just underneath the waistband of your shorts. "I was thinking," he began, his voice low, "that maybe," he cut himself off when your lips met in a heated kiss.
Gojo smiled and watched as your lips moved in sync. You sighed, your body relaxing into Gojo's touch as he held you close, Geto's hand was now on the inside of your thigh, just grazing against the sensitive skin.
Geto pulled away and rested his forehead against yours. "Maybe what?" Gojo pressed, wanting Geto to finish his thought.
"Maybe we could..." Geto trailed off, his lips ghosting against yours, until he pulled away and sat in his previous spot against the armrest of the couch with his arms crossed and a smug smirk, "go into the city today? I’m almost done with my book and wanna pick up a new one.”
Gojo's jaw dropped and your face heated with wide eyes. "Really, Suguru?!" Gojo exclaimed, speaking for the both of you as you were left speechless, "That's what you're going to say? Are you kidding me?"
Geto laughed and shrugged, "What?" he asked, feigning innocence, "I thought it was a good idea. It's rare we go into the city just to go and not to deal with any curses."
Gojo groaned, rolling his eyes and shaking his head, "You're unbelievable,"
"Well, it's settled then," Geto said, standing up and walking towards the hallway, "we'll go into the city! We can even go to that cute bookstore that you like- the one that has free tea,"
Gojo rolled his eyes as a smile crept up, he couldn't argue with free tea, "Okay, fine," he sighed, "let's get ready."
You stood up and walked over to Geto, giving him a playful glare, "Don't think taking me to that bookstore is going to make me forget about your shenanigans," you poked him in the side, earning a laugh from him.
"I'll make it up to you tonight," Geto promised, wrapping his arms around you and pressing a kiss on your temple.
"Good," you replied, smiling and leaning into his embrace, "come on, let's leave in like 30 minutes?"
Gojo nodded and the three of you split up, going to get ready for your outing.
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Gojo's driver dropped you three off downtown. The streets were busy and bustling with people and cars, a stark contrast from your normal quiet and secluded life at the school. Geto linked his arm with yours and Gojo followed close behind, looking at all the shops and restaurants.
You walked down a few blocks and finally made it to the bookstore you three had went there for. The small shop was dimly lit and had floor to ceiling shelves full of books. After you were greeted by the cashier, the three of you separated into your desired sections.
You were on a mission, worked your way through the shelves, hoping to pick up the next issue in your favorite series. After a few minutes of skimming through the aisles, you stumbled upon Geto. He smiled, putting down the books he was examining. "Hi, stranger," he greeted, leaning down to peck a kiss on your cheek.
You closed your eyes as his lips met your skin. He placed his hand on the small of your back and pulled you closer. "Hi," you replied with a wide smile, the spot he had kissed tingling.
His head tilted slightly as he looked down at you with a fond smile, a strand of his black hair falling from its place, "Found what you were looking for?" He asked, leaning back on the bookcase.
"Almost, I can't seem to find the last book in that series I'm reading," you said, letting out a frustrated sigh.
He laughed and reached above your head, taking down the novel that you were searching for. "You mean this one?" He asked, placing the book in your hand. You had talked his ear off about the previous books, so it was no surprise that he recognized the book you were searching for.
"Oh my god," you laughed, shaking your head, "thank you!" Geto smiled and watched as you excitedly flipped through the pages
"You're welcome, sweet girl," he hummed, ruffling your hair. He picked up his own stack of books and turned back to you. "Wanna go look for Toru?"
"Yeah," you nodded, taking his hand and lacing your fingers together, "Let's find him and make sure he hasn’t gotten himself into too much trouble."
You wandered through the store, looking for Gojo. Geto was telling you about the books he'd picked out and was explaining how the plot was progressing, and how he was excited to see the direction the author would take the storyline. God, you could listen to him talk all day.
As you looked, though, you had trouble finding Gojo. He was nowhere to be found. “We’ve checked through all the aisles, where is he?” Geto asked, obviously annoyed with the searching. You opened your mouth and were about to answer, but a familiar groan sounded out throughout the store.
Turning around, you two knew that it came from the lounge area in the corner of the store. The cushioned benches were filled with a mismatch of people reading or chatting quietly. You and Geto walked over, scanning the seating for your missing boyfriend.
And there he was.
In deep focus, Gojo sat, playing a game of chess with a child who was no older than 12. A cheeky smile spread across your lips, and Geto let out a sigh and shook his head. The two of you moved next to Gojo, who was scowling down at the kid through his sunglasses.
"Toru, what are you doing?" You laughed, sitting beside him on the bench.
"Shh shh shh- I need to focus," Gojo grumbled, his brow furrowed in concentration.
“You’re losing,” Geto said after looking at the pieces, sitting beside you on a sofa that gave you two a good view of the game.
"You think I don't know that?" He snapped, waving his hand. You and Geto exchanged a glance, "Rude," You snorted.
"How did you even get caught up in this?" Geto asked, chuckling.
"I came over here to pour myself some tea, and this little gremlin challenged me to a game of chess," Gojo explained, moving his knight forward, “Didn’t think I’d be up against a child prodigy or something,” he grumbled under his breath. You and Geto just laughed, finding his frustration entertaining.
A short while later, the game was finished, and Gojo lost spectacularly. "Ha! Check mate!" The kid exclaimed, throwing his arms up in celebration as Gojo stared at the board with his jaw dropped.
"What- How?" Gojo grumbled, tilting his head as he inspected the pieces.
You and Geto were laughing, enjoying the show. "Aww are you okay, baby?" You teased, placing a hand on his shoulder
He shot you a glare. "No, shut up," he grumbled.
"Aww, it's okay, Toru," Geto said, smirking. "You can't win them all, you know?"
Gojo sat up from the chair and rolled his eyes, “I let him win,” he mumbled, waving the child off. You and Geto chuckled, standing up as well. "Suuuure," Geto chuckled.
You took Gojo's hand and gave it a small squeeze as the three of you walked to pay for the books. "Whatever," he sighed, looking over his shoulder for one last glance at the board.
After checking out, you stopped to get lunch before going back home. You three chose a restaurant that had patio seating so you could enjoy the nice weather. You sat between Gojo and Geto, smiling brightly as you chatted and ate. "This is so nice," you sighed, leaning back in your seat, "thank you for taking me out,"
"Of course," Geto said, wrapping his arm around the back of your chair.
"Anytime, baby," Gojo added, leaning over and pecking a kiss on your cheek.
You three talked for a while longer and enjoyed the nice weather. The breeze was cool and the sun was shining brightly. After your delicious meal, Gojo paid the bill and you three decided to walk around the city for a little while longer.
"Where are we headed to next?" Geto asked, holding your hand and swinging it playfully as you walked. "Hmm," you hummed, thinking for a moment, "what about we find something sweet?" you asked looking up at him with a coy smile.
Gojo's ears perked up, "Like candy?" He asked, walking over to your side, "or pastries?"
"Ooh yes," you nodded, "either sounds great,"
"Pastries it is!" Gojo exclaimed, taking your other hand and walking ahead, pulling you and Geto behind him.
Geto laughed and shook his head, "Toru, slow down," he called out, "you're going to make us trip."
Gojo slowed down his pace, but still tugged you and Geto along behind him. After a short walk, Gojo found the bakery that he had in mind. The sweet aroma of vanilla and sugar hit you three as soon as you opened the door. The three of you ordered a variety of goodies and decided to save them for later.
Gojo took them and placed them in a to-go box, and Geto paid for your order.
"Thank you, Sugu," you smiled, giving Geto a kiss on the cheek.
"Anything for you, sweet girl," he smiled, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head, "Alright, let's go home," he added, taking the box from Gojo's hand.
Gojo nodded and you three exited the shop, "I'll call my driver, I'm sure he's nearby," he said, pulling out his phone.
You nodded and the three of you waited for the car to arrive. Gojo's driver arrived shortly, and you three hopped in the backseat. "We're heading home," Gojo informed the driver.
When the three of you made it back home, Geto headed to the kitchen and you and Gojo made your way to the couch. Gojo fell onto the cushions and immediately stretched out, his head landing in your lap.
He hummed, looking up at you with half lidded eyes. You smiled and giggled, running a hand through his hair, "So pretty," You mumbled, scratching his scalp. He groaned and pushed into your touch, like a dog craving affection.
He wanted to say something smart back at you but couldn't find any words as you ran your fingernails through his hair, his mind instantly melting into jelly. Pleased with the reaction, you were more than happy to indulge him.
To both of your pleasant surprise, Geto joined as well, coming behind you to lean over the back of the couch, looping his arms around your shoulders. Leaning into the crook of your neck he whispered against your ear, “I have tea brewing in the kitchen for us, is there anything else you’d want?” His voice is like honey, silky smooth and laced with unspoken intentions.
"Oh?" You gasped, your voice suddenly high pitched and brittle. The simple act of his voice alone put butterflies in your stomach and made your spine tingle, instantly bringing you to a world of desire, "How thoughtful," You added, your cheeks warming.
He laughed and his mouth found its place on the side of your neck, his teeth and tongue grazing your skin, "Mmm, just tell me, princess. Anything you want." He hummed, Gojo's eyes fluttering open, his head still in your lap.
The devotion in his voice and the way his hands moved to squeeze at your sides had your knees weak. Gojo watched from your lap and smirked, "Sugu, stop distracting her, we still need to hear what she wants," he teased, his eyes flicking between you and Geto.
"You're right, my apologies," Geto chuckled, pulling away and kissing your head, "Go ahead, angel. What's on your mind?"
Taking a moment to gather your thoughts, you shifted slightly in your seat. “What if you made that pho again for dinner later- the one you made last week. It was really good, right, Toru?” You asked, looking down at Gojo.
Gojo's face lit up and he sat up, nodding, "Yes! Please,"
Geto smiled and pressed a kiss on your cheek, "Done," he said, making his way to the kitchen, a little more enthusiastic about cooking than usual.
"Thank you!" You giggled, "Your food is amazing, Suguru," you called after him, a bright smile on your face.
"You can thank me later, sweet girl," he winked, chuckling.
You grabbed the remote, flipping the television onto a channel, settling on a show you’ve watched countless times. As the episode started, Gojo immediately laid back down, his head once again rested on your lap. He rubbed his cheek on your thighs and his hands splayed across your legs. You ran your nails through his hair, caressing his face with the other hand. He closed his eyes and hummed, taking in all of the attention.
“Hey,” you scrunched Gojo’s hair playfully to get his attention, “I was thinking,” you started, making Gojo raise a questioning eyebrow, You cleared your throat and continued, "So... about thanking Sugu later- I think it would be fun for both of us to show him our appreciation… together?” you traced your fingertips over Gojo's cheekbone, stroking lightly.
Gojo chuckled and raised his eyebrows, his bright blue eyes meeting yours, "Oh?" He grinned, looking up at you, "Are you suggesting what I think you are?" He asked, smirking, "Tell me, what did you have in mind?"
You shrugged and bit the inside of your cheek nervously, “I dunno- you, me… on our knees… in front of him…?” You raised an eyebrow in question at Gojo, questioning if this would actually be something he'd consider. The slow smile that grew on his face should have been an answer in itself, but you'll always want to hear him speak his thoughts to affirm them.
His fingers rubbed small circles on your thighs, his eyes never leaving yours, "Mm, I like the sound of that," he said, looking up at you suggestively, his voice low and serious. "Would you like that too, hmm? Me, holding your pretty little wrists together, the pair of us sucking his dick, worshipping every inch," Gojo paused and his tongue darted out, wetting his lips, "You would look so beautiful like that, baby, his cum spilling out of your pretty little mouth.”
A smirk rose to his lips as he delivered his speech. You stayed silent, stunned at his forwardness. “Mm? Is that what you have planned in that beautiful head of yours?"
"God, you're so hot when you talk like that," you managed to sigh out, more breathily than you anticipated.
Releasing his grasp on your thigh, Gojo moved his hand to your face, gently lifting your chin. The two of you locked eyes and he leaned forward, his face coming closer to yours. "Does that mean I'm right?" He teased, watching your every move.
Nodding slightly, you answered, a nervous flutter tickled your stomach. "I just- want to make him feel good," you whispered, cupping his cheek, "and share that with you..."
"Well," Gojo smiled, leaning forward to place a kiss on your cheek, "then that's exactly what we should do."
You bit your lip, looking to meet his beautiful blue eyes. Just as your lips were about to brush his in a soft, gentle embrace, a laughter from behind pulled you from your trance.
"Oh? Are we telling secrets now?" Geto mused, walking into the room with a tray of steaming tea. Gojo pulled away quickly and rolled his eyes, "Actually, we were having a very serious conversation."
"Oh, of course," Geto chuckled, setting the tray down on the coffee table, "I forgot you're the most serious person in the world. And what would this serious conversation be?" He teased, handing you a mug.
"It was about- uh," Gojo stumbled looking around the room, trying to come up with an excuse, "World peace!" he grinned at Geto, like it was actually believable.
You rolled your eyes and almost palmed your forehead. Geto raised an eyebrow, clearly not believing his friend. He sat down beside you and smirked, "World peace, huh? Interesting. I would have never guessed."
"Yeah! We were talking about the economy and how fucked it is," Gojo continued, gesturing wildly, "Someone should really get on top of that!"
You and Geto shared a look, and both had to stifle a laugh.
"Really? Is that so?" Geto chuckled, sipping his tea.
"Yep!" Gojo replied, popping the 'p', "That's why I'm going to run for prime minister next election, and you two are going to be my first ladies!"
At this point, you couldn't hold back your laughter, Geto joined in, almost choking on his tea. Gojo crossed his arms and pouted, "Hey! Stop laughing, I'm being serious. I could totally be prime minister!"
You and Geto were practically crying from laughing so hard.
"You two are so impossible," Gojo mumbled, turning away from you. Geto wiped a tear from his eye and tried to catch his breath. "You're right, Satoru," he chuckled, "we're sorry. Please continue your very important serious conversation,"
Gojo stuck his tongue out at him, "Keep up this attitude and you won't be my first lady," he grumbled.
Geto couldn't hold back his laugh, "Oh, no. How will I live?"
"I hate you," Gojo sighed, shaking his head with a smile beginning to show.
"No, you don't," you giggled, taking his hand in yours.
Gojo looked at you and rolled his eyes, sighing, "No, I don't," he admitted.
"Come here," you smiled, pulling him closer to you. Geto set his mug down and scooted closer as well, draping his arm over your shoulder. Gojo cuddled into your side, his head resting on your chest. The three of you nestled together, cuddling closely, and watching television.
After a few episodes finished, Geto got up and made his way to the kitchen, beginning to prepare dinner and you followed after trying to convince him to let you help. "Sweet girl, you go back and relax- you don't need to lift a finger," Geto smiled, ruffling your hair.
"But I want to help!" You protested, grabbing his arm, "Please, Sugu,"
He sighed and shook his head, "Fine, you can help me cut the vegetables, but nothing else, okay?" You smiled and nodded, "Okay, deal,"
"Toru!" Geto called, turning to the living room, "Go set the table!"
"Coming!" Gojo yelled back, stretching as he got up from the couch.
You giggled and Geto pulled you into his chest from behind, his arms wrapping around your waist. "What's so funny, hmm?" He asked, squeezing your sides.
You squealed and squirmed in his arms, "Nothing, I'm just happy," you giggled craning your head back to look at him.
"Mmm, you're adorable," Geto chuckled, placing a kiss on your temple.
You blushed and nuzzled into his chest, "Thank you,"
Gojo entered the kitchen and rolled his eyes, "Ugh, I leave for five seconds and you're already all over each other," he whined, a pout on his lips, "why can't I get any attention?"
Turning to him, you laughed and shook your head. "Come here, you can help me with the veggies," you held your arms out, inviting him into your embrace.
Gojo didn't hesitate to scoop you up from Geto's hold, hugging you tightly. "Good," he smirked, burying his face into your chest, "Much better,"
"Toru, you better actually help her chop the vegetables," Geto scolded, placing an extra knife on the cutting board.
"Of course!" Gojo replied with a salute and set you down, taking a spot beside you.
Once Geto finished cooking, the three of you enjoyed the meal together, laughing, joking, and teasing.
"God, this is so good," Gojo hummed, shoveling another bite into his mouth.
"Thank you," Geto replied, "glad you enjoy it."
"This is amazing, Sugu," you smiled, taking a sip of your drink, "I don't think I'll ever get tired of your cooking,"
"Thank you, baby," Geto smiled, rubbing your thigh, "that's very sweet of you,"
"It's the truth," you giggled, "Toru agrees, don't you?"
Gojo nodded enthusiastically while slurping up the long noodles.
"Well, thank you both," Geto chuckled, continuing to eat.
Once the three of you finished dinner and cleaned the kitchen, Geto insisted on doing the dishes. "No, Toru and I can do them!" you said, grabbing a dish towel and opening the cabinet.
"No, no," Geto replied, gently pushing you away from the sink, "Toru can dry," he handed Gojo a dish rag, "but you go and relax. You helped me enough during dinner."
"Sugu, I-"
"Sweet girl," Geto interrupted, "go. Relax. You've had a busy day," When you looked to Gojo for some assistance, he proved to be no help. Instead, he gave you a big grin that made the corner of his eyes crinkle and took the towel from your hands and draped it over his shoulder.
Sighing, you knew that there was no point in arguing, so you turned on your heel and left to the bedroom.
When you walked in, you realized a quick shower sounded nice. So you stripped out of your clothes, turning the water on. Once the water was nice and warm, you stepped in, letting the water wash over you. After you finished showering, you walked out of the bathroom in your makeshift towel dress.
At the same time, the two boys we're just walking into the bedroom, finishing their clean up duties. Gojo and Geto couldn't help but stop and stare as you walked into the bedroom, water dripping down your skin, your damp hair framing your face, and a towel that barely covered you.
"Holy shit," Geto mumbled, his eyes trailing up and down your body.
"You're so beautiful," Gojo added, his eyes wide, practically glued to you.
You blushed, feeling their gaze on you. "Thanks," you smiled, giggling at their reactions, "I'm just gonna throw some pajamas on," You added, walking over to the closet.
Gojo and Geto exchanged a look and both shook their heads. "No you're not," Gojo said, crossing his arms.
"Not yet at least," Geto added, smirking, "Why cover up when we're just going to take them off of you?"
You stopped in your tracks, feeling your face heat up. "Oh?" You squeaked, looking back at the pair.
"Mhm," Geto hummed, walking over to you and taking your hand, "Unless you're not interested, which is completely fine."
Your eyes widened and you looked up at him shaking your head, "No I am interested, in fact-" you looked behind Geto to Gojo and gestured for him to come closer, "That’s what Toru and I were talking about earlier."
Geto raised an eyebrow, smiling, "Oh were you now?" He asked, pulling you closer.
"We were," Gojo added, stepping beside Geto, his hand finding its way to your waist, "and we've decided that we want to show you how much we appreciate you,"
Geto smirked, "Is that so?" He asked, leaning forward, his forehead resting against yours.
"Mhm," you hummed, placing a hand on his chest, "will you let us?", slowly, you began to slide your hand down until it rested just above his waistband, "please?"
"How could I say no to such a pretty girl," Geto hummed, leaning down to place a kiss on your neck, "especially when she asks so nicely."
You shivered as his lips met your skin. Gojo stepped closer, his hand moving from your waist, slowly trailing down the curve of your hips until it reached the hem of the towel. With a tug, it dropped from your body, leaving you bare, sans the droplets that still peppered your skin.
"Sit on the bed for us, Sugu," Gojo said, looking up at his friend, "We'll take care of you, I promise."
Geto nodded and moved to sit on the edge of the bed, his eyes never leaving you. Gojo's hand moved to the small of your back, gently leading like a dog and a lamb.
Kneeling down, you were at the perfect level. Your hand lifted to gently palm Geto through his pants, earning a groan. You smiled up at him, Gojo's hand encouraging you to continue. Geto was already straining against his pants.
"Excited are we?" Gojo asked, kneeling down beside you. Geto only groaned, bucking his hips forward, seeking your touch. Gojo wrapped his arms around your waist and guided you forward, Geto's legs spreading to accommodate the two of you. Slowly, you undid his belt and unraveld it from the loops, dropping it between you and Gojo.
As your fingers continued with the button and zipper of the pants Geto tugged off his shirt, meanwhile, Gojo grabbed the belt and narrowed his eyes while turning it.
After you undid the zipper you were about to pull down his pants, but your hands paused mid-air from Gojo's voice, "Put your hands behind your back," he commanded, voice low.
Your hands immediately dropped, the command sending a jolt of pleasure straight to your core. Turning to Gojo, you complied, your hands reaching behind you and clasping together. He wrapped the belt around your wrists, securing them together.
"You remember our word still right?" Gojo asked, pressing a kiss on your temple.
"Yes- blue." you nodded, testing the restraints to make sure it wasn't too tight.
"Good girl," Gojo hummed, gently petting your head.
Geto was watching the exchange with lidded eyes. He couldn't help but feel more aroused from watching you so obediently follow Gojo's commands.
Gojo turned his attention back to Geto, "Now, where were we?" He asked, helping you pull down Geto's pants.
With his cock springing free from the confines of his pants, he was already rock hard, precum leaking from the tip.
"Look how excited he is for us," Gojo smirked, taking Geto's length in his hand and giving it a slow, firm pump.
"Fuck," Geto groaned, bucking his hips into Gojo's hand.
"So eager," Gojo teased, pumping him again, this time even slower. Shifting your weight forward, you pressed a soft kiss onto the inside of his right thigh. Geto moaned, his eyes trained on you. Slowly, you kissed up his leg, moving closer and closer to his throbbing cock.
Gojo's hand continued to stroke Geto slowly, the anticipation killing him. Before you could reach where he wanted you, you moved your lips to the opposite side, starting all over. Geto whined, bucking his hips, but Gojo's free hand shot to his hip, holding him in place.
"Patience," Gojo tutted, slowing his pumps even more.
"Toru, please," Geto groaned, his head falling back, "just let her suck me already- or you suck me, or at least jerk me off faster."
Gojo chuckled and shook his head, "So impatient. Do you deserve it?"
"Yes," Geto hissed, his fists balling up.
"Toru, be nice," you pouted, looking up at Gojo, "he deserves it,"
Gojo sighed and smiled, "Go ahead, babygirl," he hummed, keeping his grip around the base of Geto's cock.
You lifted yourself onto the tops of your knees and were about to capture the tip in your mouth when Gojo unraveled his hand around Geto's cock and pushed his pointer and middle finger into your mouth. Your eyes widened, surprised from the action, but you opened your mouth and Gojo's fingers immediately went deeper.
"Get them nice and wet, baby," Gojo hummed, gently thrusting his fingers in and out of your mouth, "good girl, just like that."
Geto watched with lustful eyes, Gojo's fingers disappearing and reappearing from your lips. After a moment, Gojo pulled his fingers out and moved them back to Geto's cock, using your spit as lube. With his other hand he wrapped your hair into his fist and brought you to his balls.
"Suck," he commanded, and you obeyed. Opening your mouth, you sucked and licked obediently, Gojo's hand guiding you.
"Toru-" Geto moaned, his fingers tangling in the sheets beneath him, "that wasn't what I meant- please, just let her suck my dick,"
"She's a good girl," Gojo hummed, "listening to me so well. Aren't you, baby?"
You hummed in response, Geto's balls still in your mouth. "See?" Gojo chuckled, petting your head, "And she’s doing such a good job too. She can stay down here a little longer, seems quite comfortable."
Geto groaned, his cock throbbing from the sight before him. You, on your knees, bound hands behind your back, and your mouth worshiping his balls.
Gojo tugged your hair, pulling your mouth away from his balls and brought you just a breath away from the tip of Geto's cock. "How badly do you want to fuck her pretty little mouth?" Gojo asked, his fingers tracing Geto's length.
"So fucking badly," Geto groaned, his knuckles turning white from his grip on the sheets.
"That's not good enough," Gojo smirked, shaking his head.
Geto groaned, bucking his hips forward, but Gojo was faster, and moved you away before Geto could hit his target. "Toru, please," Geto begged, "please let her suck my cock,"
"Hmm," Gojo hummed, pretending to think, "see- I think you can do better than that," Gojo looked down at you, "don't you think so, babygirl?"
You nodded, Geto's tip glistening from the precum that was practically pouring out. "I think so too," you hummed, licking your lips.
Gojo smiled and nodded, "See? Our sweet princess agrees. Tell me, Sugu, how badly do you want her pretty lips around your cock?"
Geto whined, Gojo's fingers were still tracing the tip and driving him crazy. "Toru, please. Fuck- I'm desperate," he groaned, his head falling back, "I've been thinking about her gorgeous mouth all day, and now she's so close and I can't even touch her. Please, Toru, I'm falling apart." Geto groaned, bucking his hips again.
"There we go," Gojo chuckled, "that's what I wanted to hear." With that, Gojo brought you forward and commanded, "Open,"
Immediately, you opened your mouth, waiting patiently, your eyes trained up at Geto. Gojo guided you down, and the sensation of your warm tongue against Geto's tip had his hips jerking up involuntarily. His head immediately hit the back of your throat, his length filling your mouth.
"Fuck," Geto moaned, his grip on the sheets tightening, "shit- I'm sorry, princess, are you okay?" Geto asked, his voice raspy.
You hummed in response, looking up at him with damp eyes and bobbing your head. Geto moaned, your humming vibrating through his cock.
Gojo watched with hungry eyes, his hand tangled in your hair, guiding your movements. "Isn't she such a good girl? Look how pretty she looks with your cock stuffed in her mouth,"
"Fuck, she's perfect," Geto groaned, his hips bucking involuntarily.
You hollowed your cheeks, swirling your tongue along his shaft. With Gojo's hand guiding your movements, you took Geto's length as deep as you could, your nose brushing his pelvis.
Geto moaned, his hand moving to the back of your head. Gojo immediately swatted him away, "Hands off," he warned, narrowing his eyes.
"Toru, please, let me touch her, please," Geto begged, his hand hovering just above your head.
Gojo hummed, pretending to think, "I suppose. Since you've been so good," Gojo released his hand from your hair and Geto immediately replacing and tangled his fingers into your locks.
"Fuck, you look so gorgeous," Geto groaned, his hips bucking up. You moaned around his length, his praise going straight between your thighs.
Gojo knelt down and whispered into your ear, "Does that make you wet, baby?" he asked, his hand moving down your body and resting just above your clit.
"Mmhm," you hummed, bobbing your head. Gojo's fingers dipped lower, collecting the wetness that was pooling between your thighs.
"She's so soaked," Gojo chuckled, bringing his fingers to Geto's lips, offering him a taste of your slick.
Geto's tongue darted out and he immediately moaned, sucking the digits into his mouth. "She tastes so good," Geto groaned, his cock twitching in your mouth as you hollowed your cheeks again and bobbed your head, your tongue tracing the vein of his cock.
Geto shuttered, his cock hitting the back of your throat again. With his hand tangled in your hair, he was controlling the pace, his hips jerking up erratically.
"Someone's getting close," Gojo chuckled, watching Geto's abdomen flex as you deepthroated his cock. Geto whined, his fingers tightening in your hair. You continued to hollow your cheeks while sucking him as deep as you could. Gojo moved onto the bed behind him.
After undoing Geto's bun, he pushed aside his hair and placed kissed down his neck, starting from behind his ear. "Toru, fuck- she feels so good," Geto groaned, Gojo's tongue tracing the shell of his ear.
"Mhm, I bet she does. Such a good girl," Gojo hummed, nibbling on his earlobe, "look at how happy you make her..." his finger tips scratched through Geto's scalp massaging it gently. Geto moaned, his head falling back, resting on Gojo's shoulder.
Gojo wrapped his hand around Geto's hair and tugged, giving him perfect access to his neck, "How happy you make me," He bit down unexpectedly, his tongue tracing Geto's pulse, "how lucky we are to have you,"
Geto cried out, his cock hitting the back of your throat again.
"Look at you, falling apart so beautifully," Gojo hummed, his tongue licking the shell of Geto's ear, "such a good boy."
You hummed around Geto's length and bobbed your head faster, his grip tightening in your hair.
Geto moaned, Gojo's bites and licks on his neck, mixed with your mouth sucking his cock sent him over the edge.
"Fuck- princess- I'm gonna cum," Geto groaned, his hips bucking up, "fuck- fuck!" he cried out, spilling down your throat, his orgasm crashing through him.
Gojo wrapped his free hand around Geto's chest and held him close, your mouth milking him through his orgasm. Once Geto's orgasm subsided, his grip on your hair loosened and Gojo helped you pull away, his length slipping from your lips.
"Such a good girl," Gojo hummed, Geto panting, his eyes closed. Gojo's hands immediately undid the belt restraints around your wrists. You pulled your arms in front of you and Gojo massaged the red marks that were forming from the restraint and peppered them with kisses.
"Come here," Geto hummed, opening his eyes and extending his arms, "my sweet girl," You crawled onto the bed and Geto immediately pulled you into his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and Gojo crawled onto the bed behind you, his chest flush against your back. Geto cupped your chin, his thumb tracing your lips, "You're incredible," he hummed, leaning down and placing a kiss on your swollen lips, "so perfect,"
You giggled and snuggled into his chest, "thank you,"
"Toru," Geto hummed, reaching a hand behind you and beckoning Gojo closer. Gojo wrapped his arms around you and Geto, his lips peppering kisses between your shoulders. Geto tilted your chin up and captured your lips again in a soft, loving embrace.
"Thank you," Geto hummed, "both of you, that was amazing,"
Gojo chuckled and rested his head on your shoulder, "Of course."
"Anything for you," you hummed, tracing Geto's chest, "are you feeling relaxed now?"
"Very," Geto smiled, "would you like me to return the favor?"
Gojo perked up and shook his head, "No, let me," Gojo hummed, wagging his finger, "you sit back and relax, Sugu, I'll take care of our girl,"
Geto chuckled and nodded, "If you insist," he hummed, unwrapping his arms from you and Gojo, “but only for this round- next round I call having her legs wrapped around my face," he smirked, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
Gojo nodded and grinned while flipping you over and pinning you down underneath him. "Hi," he smiled, his face inches from yours.
"Hi," you giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck, "kiss me."
"As you wish," Gojo hummed, closing the space between you.
Geto watched from beside the pair of you, a smile on his face, "Mm, I'm so lucky,"
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dailyunstableeve · 9 months
She's just dropping by to gear up
Jill valentine x cashier/soldier!Fem!reader (at the gas station)
tw: This contains smut, interact with caution. nsfw, some breast play, fingering, dom!Jill, sub!reader, some alcohol, Jill loves to tease, kinda a fall in love in first sight
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“Day 258,” you signed, crossing out a date off your notebook. Your work here has become more and more boring, can't help it, you gotta pay the rent or else you'll be on the street, turning into a zombie.
Ew, thinking of it makes you shiver.
Lucky for you, there's not much people actually come to this gas station for anything so it allows you to blast music, when all you need to do is keep this place clean. Afterall, this is not just some normal gas station by the road. This gas station is also counted as a safe zone from the virus, if zombies start to roam around this area, which means things get way out of hand.
It's not everyday a new virus is created.
From the day you've been assigned here, it's only Chris who appears here, he’s on mission more than anyone, eventually both of you become friends. Sometimes he would invite you to have a drink with him.
Other than that, taking out the trash has never been your favourite of all the stuff you gotta do, no one likes going to the dark back space of the station, you really should push the trash bin next to the station at least there's a little light there.
You heard a car stopped in front of the gas station that made you jump and run back to the cashier. It's a truck, looks very dirty, you silently judge it but when a woman with short hair walks out from the truck, you keep your judgement away.
“Welcome!” You put on your smile.
Oh my gosh, finally a customer after so many days.
“Hi, I would like to stock up,” The woman said, holding her s.t.a.r.s badge up, Jill Valentine, she looked so tired.
If only I can help her rest.
“Yeah, follow me,” you swiftly shut down the gas station, pressing the button under the cashier, then a secret room appeared, “everything you need should be there.”
“Thank you.”
You watched her walk down the stairs to the room then you followed behind.
“So, why is a girl like you here?” Jill asked you as she's checking up on the stocks.
“Well, the pay is high, and I need to pay rent,” you shrugged your shoulders.
“Won't it be boring? Missing out on the actions?”
“Well if it takes for someone like you to show up here, I'm pretty sure it's worth it,” you chuckled.
To look closely, she's just too hot for you to not take your eyes off, you can't stop staring at her.
“Say, too busy to catch a date after whatever you're gonna do after?” You asked, believing your confidence could get you a date with Jill.
“That will depend on if I made it back alive or not,” she softly chuckled.
“I pray for your return, Jill.”
“Thank you.”
A week has gone by, you're still hopelessly waiting for Jill to appear, for once you were looking forward to getting a date, especially since you work in a place that's basically isolated from the city. The whole week gave you a lot of time to think about what kind of date you and Jill could do, but also at the same time, who will take over your place if you asked for a leave? Chris is the first name that appears since you only know him but you can't possibly ask him for that because you're gonna go on a date and he's actually higher rank than you are.
Oh Jill.
You wanted to see her so badly, your mind has been nothing but her face projecting everything and everywhere.
“Oh Chris, stock up?”
“No, not today, I'm taking the time to rest,” he bitterly smiled. All those missions he went to must be hard for him, at some point you can't even think what you would do if you were sent to fight zombies.
“Well, if they are asking for you, everything you need is here to get ready,” you laughed and brought out your secret stash, “do you think you'll be able to drink?”
“Call it your lucky day today.”
Three bottles have been emptied out, and Chris is on the fourth bottle.
“Ugh, I am so needed to get my tolerance up,” you complained at your poor tolerances with alcohol.
“Don't beat yourself up, you did better than last time,” Chris laughed.
“Sometimes, I feel like it's a great idea they don't have cameras here, only for the road outside,” you fell onto the counter, the alcohol slowly kicking in, causing your vision to turn wobbly.
“Chris, do you happen to know someone called Jill Valentine?” You asked.
“Jill, yeah I know her, she's my friend.”
“Is she doing okay? I wanted to see her,” you mumbled.
“How do you know Jill in the first place?”
“She stopped by to stock up,” you answered.
“She just recently reported in from her last mission.”
“I see.”
Jill must've been taking a rest after the mission, she'll appear when she is finished. That's what you told yourself.
An hour later, Chris is fully defeated by the alcohol, you have to drag him down to the basement room to let him rest there while you're still trying to sober up. When you got back up to the surface, you spotted a motorcycle outside the gas station and someone was on it. You thought it's someone asking for directions so you talked to them through the small window.
“Hi, sorry the station is closed at the moment,” you speak through the small window, if Chris isn't on a mission, no one is.
“I'm here to pick up my date,” that familiar voice that has been dangling onto your mind for the past few days.
“Jill?” you excitedly asked, hop out from the shop.
“Is this a bad time?” She asked.
“No, not exactly, it's just that I have a drunk passed out Chris Redfield down the basement,” you laughed.
“Chris? What's he doing here?”
“Well, to be honest, it's usually just him showing up here to stock up so eventually we became friends,” you explained.
“So, I'm taking it that you can't leave?” Jill asked.
“I can't, Chris is here and I'm actually still trying to sober up,” you awkwardly chuckled.
“That's alright, we can chill here.”
“I'm so sorry if you have any plans for today, I'm sure next time we can do it.”
Just like that, you and Jill had the date on top of the rooftop, it wasn't really bad, both of you took the chance to know more about each other.
“Well, I know I'm still trying to sober up, but can't spoil the fun for you,” you brought up the remaining alcohol that's left from you and Chris.
Both of you think that it would be fun if you and Jill play some games, such as truth and dare, so the game is on. You started out with asking simple truth and dare for Jill, taking it as a chance to try to know her better, Jill did the same, until you decided you wanted to do something more.
“Truth,” Jill chooses.
“Jill, why did you choose to be on this date?”
“Is that even a question that can be asked?” She frowned, hiding that slight blush off her face.
“C'mon, I'll let you ask the similar question to me later.”
“Well, you're cute, and you have the confidence to ask me out on a date, and from all those talks we had just now, you're an incredible person, and I would love to know you more,” Jill answered.
You hope it's illegal because of how Jill is making you blush at the moment.
“Truth or Dare?” Jill looked at you.
“Do the one thing you wanted to do so badly right now,” Jill smirked.
“Oh wow, okay, embrace yourself then,” you chuckled as you moved from your seat, moving closer to Jill, both of you looked at each other as you leaned forward for a kiss on her cheek.
You and Jill hold eye contact, she rested her hand on your cheek, looking into your eyes then she leaned forwards, left a kiss on your lip. You returned one back, and she did the same. Jill pulled you closer towards her as she kissed you.
Jill slowly pulled away, holding your hands and rushed down to the basement, a different room from where Chris is sleeping in, she slammed the door, inviting you to join her on the bed that's supposed for pass by soldiers to rest in.
You can feel her touch, slowly caressingly running up and down your body as her soft cherry lip pressing onto yours, giving you the kisses you'll never forget. Her kisses were harsh but yet sweet, brushing your hair to the side as she played with your ear, giving that tingling feeling but all you can focus on is her lip, needing every taste of it.
Jill slowly moved her hand inside your top, drawing circles on your cute tummy, drawing a sensation in you, her hand moved more further up, lifting up your top, revealing that black lace bra. Jill breaks the kiss as she turns her focus to your body, “what a gorgeous you are, sweetie,” as she's sitting on you, looking down. Jill admired your body a little longer, when she met your eyes again, she could see the desire you are wishing so badly for.
You wanted to kiss Jill so badly.
You wanted her touch everywhere on your body.
You wanted to feel her.
You wanted to be hers.
But Jill just looked at you, with a small smirk on her face, she's enjoying this.
“Please Jill,” you mumbled, you felt the heat on your face so you tried to hide your reddened face as you tried to form words.
“Yeah, sweetie?”
You know, she wants you to use your words to beg for her, you slipped your needy side to Jill and now she’s waiting for you to tell her what you need.
“Manage to get the conversation out for a date, can't say what's next?” Jill leaned closer, whispered in your ear, fingertip drawing around your body, teasing your poor desire.
You started to blame the alcohol you drank with Chris just now, you can't think straight.
“I want you Jill,” you looked into her blue eyes, babbling out the words, “I need you Jill, I want to feel you, so badly.”
“Good girl.”
Jill single handedly unhooked your bra, removing every pieces clothings of yours, leaving your naked body bare on the bed. Her hand cupped up your breast as she gently sucked on it, while her other hand fiddled the other lonely breast, muffled moans started to fall out from your mouth, you had your mouth covered, afraid that Chris would hear you.
“It's okay, no one is going to hear us,” she looked at you, admiring the expression you have on your face at the moment, then continued back what she's doing.
You couldn't tell how long it has been for Jill enjoying her time with your breast, she made you feel so good but yet a part of your body is throating for more.
“You gotta use your words to ask for what you want,” Jill pinned down your lower body, you immediately looked down and realised what you did, a dark spot stained on her jeans.
“I want you Jill.”
You held onto her hand as you guided her to the between of your thighs, “here please.”
Jill leans in for more kisses as her hand continues drawing circles the area between your thighs, you wish her to touch, but she likes to tease you a little longer before giving you what you ask for. You squirmed under her touches, you started to beg Jill, mumbling words into her ears, letting her know just how badly you wanted her.
Jill slowly inserted her middle finger in your cunt, spreading up your inside, your body squirmed as you gripped on both of her shoulders, she started to push it more deeper in, as her thumb rubbing on your sensitive clit. Jill could feel every twitch you made, your sweet moans getting louder and louder in her ears, babbling words that can't be understood as she picked up her pace.
Your hip started to lean upwards to Jill, she knows this movement of yours proves that you're close so she pulled away, leaving you groaning and whimpering, asking why she pulled away. You know damn well the answer, she loves to tease and she will take every opportunity she has to tease you until she thinks you deserve to cum.
Jill gives your clit a few gentle rubs, then spreads your inside with two fingers this time. Jill quickly picks back up the pace, your slick juice dripping down from her hand and your thighs, the sloopy sound as Jill thrusted her finger in, hitting the spot, tells just how wet you are. Jill found your mumbling as you're trying your best to cum, cute. She wanted to tease you so much more until you can't even say anything but continually cumming on her fingers but you've been a good girl for her.
“I love you Y/N,” she planted kisses around your neck, your collarbone, your breast, your arch up tummy.
“I love you too Jill,” your arm wrapped around her shoulder, head resting on Jill's shoulder, mumbling her name with the mix of your moans.
“I'm gonna- cum,” you mumbled out, hooked your legs around Jill's waist, gripping harder onto her shirt.
“Cum for me sweetie, cum for me, Y/N,” she whispered into your ear.
Your eyes roll back as your head throws back while you are still gripping onto Jill's shoulder, your hip leans upwards and stays there for a while as you feel the electric shock running through your body and letting out the loudest moans.
Your body immediately flopped back on the bed, trying your best to catch your breath. You could feel Jill caressingly brushing your hair, a soft kiss on your lip, “you did a great job.”
“I love you Jill.”
“I love you too Y/N.”
Hands holding onto each other, Jill flopped on the bed together with you, pulling you closer so she could cuddle with you.
an: Here's my pardon approach, this is the first time working on the smut, please pardon me for any mistake I've made, and ofc, do let me know which part could be improve so I can learn from my mistake ;-; I hope you guys somehow did enjoyed it ❤️
Imagine this is how it ended:
“And I might have lied,” Jill softly chuckled.
“What did you lie about?”
“The room is not soundproof.”
“Jill!” You jolt up, looking at her.
“I'm pretty sure Chris is still asleep at the moment,” Jill pulled you back into her arms, “we'll worry about it later.”
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byunpum · 1 year
Can I ask for a side story of dad!Tsu-tey, like he and Neytiri and Jake have to do important adult stuff with the new clan they are in leaving the kids do their own thing
And the Omiatkaya kids are with reader who is making lunch with the spice they have with them to cook and Tistreya, Amoung, and Rotxo, try forest people food and it turns out that it's quite spicy as it's a delicacy
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Pair: Tsu'tey x Y/n daughter x sully family x Metkayina kids
Warning: None, Domestic moments, ao'nung being drama queen
Note: This would be like an alternate part to tsu'tey's "i can be a better father" series. You can read it HERE.
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Lo'ak had dragged his entire group of friends, including his brothers. Ao'nung, rotxo and tsireya were trailing behind the group of boys. They were proudly talking about their half-sister's culinary skills. "I know you're going to love it, Y/N is the best at making stew" lo'ak was excited. You had told him the day before, that you had collected everything to make his favorite dish. The metkayina kids were also excited, according to what their friends had told him this food was different from the ones they ate, which was something very tasty. 'Majestic;' as tuk said, as she jumped up and down with joy as they got closer to your marui.
The way to your marui was a bit further, as it was inside the jungle of one of the islands of the metkayina clan. So practically everyone was running. You were left alone, as your father had to go on a trip with Jake. So you were left alone with spider, and you had invited your siblings to have dinner at your home today. In the distance you can hear the voices of the group of friends. "We're here!!!" says neteyam, pushing lo'ak out of the way and entering the marui before anyone else. You laugh, watching as they were arguing over who was going to eat first. Meanwhile you were wiggling, and putting the last ingredients in. "Hey…calm down…there's food for everyone" you scold him, seeing how behind them you recognized three familiar faces. You say hello too, they looked a little shy. But you calm them down, telling them that they were practically family, that they were more than welcome.
All the boys sat down, waiting for the food to be ready. As they all talked and joked. They could smell it, the rich smell coming out of the pot. After a while, the food was ready. You bring out the plates, nice plates that you had brought from your old home. Handmade jars made by your father, perfect for when you made your stew. You hand everyone their respective plate, the metkayina boys were surprised to see the color and the rich smell coming out of this food. Tsireya watched as her friends were already beginning to eat. "Y/N this is delicious…thank you" says kiri, as she continued to eat.
"You're welcome…mmm I hope you like it. I want you to be honest with me, and tell me what you thought?" you speak, watching as ao'nung began to eat. Followed by roxto and tsireya. After the first bite, ao'nung started coughing but calmed down. Trying to calm down, as he watched your eyes widen in concern. "Everything okay?" you ask him. "Yes, yes…it's very …. yummy," ao'nung says coughing. Meanwhile tsireya, was eating quietly as was rotxo.
Rotxo was next to you, eating all the stew on his plate. This was not the first time he had eaten some of your food, but it was the first time he had eaten this dish. "Y/n this is delicious" says Rotxo, wagging his tail from side to side in happiness. You laugh a little, and shift your gaze. It looked so pretty.
"Y/N one question…what's that stuff at the end, it's like it stings, but it's delicious?" asks tsireya, the girl was excited about the food, it was something so new to her. She had never eaten anything like it. It was a very spicy dish.
"That's spicy…it's something special that Y/N puts in it," said neteyam. Meanwhile, ao'nung was still eating, but the more he ate the more red he was getting. But still, everyone ate every last drop of the stew. You start picking up the containers, everyone looked normal except for ao'nung who looked a little sick. He looked a little uncomfortable, and his face was red. You reach over, and touch his shoulder.
"Ao'nung are you okay?" you ask, watching as your friend fake a smile, but you could see his painful facial expressions. "Did something happen with the food?" you ask. "No…it was - delicious, it's just that I" ao'nung puts his hand to his stomach, you could hear the crunching sounds his stomach was making. As it is he twisted in pain. "You're not well…I think the spicy sauce made you sick" kiri says, as other guys came over to see what was wrong with their friend. "No…I'm fine, don't worry" speaks ao'nung, trying to hold back a mouthful of vomit.
"I think we should see mom" tsireya says, moving closer to her brother. Helping him up from the floor. Everyone was worried, because he was getting worse very fast. "Yes…come on, come on" you help tsireya carry ao'nung. The poor boy was trying to keep his balance.
"I think these tanks will last for about 5 months" tsu'tey says. Jake, neytiri and tsu'tey had set out from the morning on a quick trip to the camp in the hallelujah mountains. They were going to get some supplies, like oxygen for spider and Y/N. And find out if there was any new news. "Yes…I think up to 8 months." Says jake helping tsu'tey carry the oxygen tanks to his marui. When they arrived, they noticed that no one was there, and there was a mess of dirty dishes and cooking utensils. As if someone had walked past them, as if someone had left in a hurry.
Both men put down their oxygen tanks, and look at each other in confusion. Tsu'tey was already getting nervous. Just before either of them could speak, neytiri rushes into the marui. "Tsu'tey come…Y/N is in trouble" says neytiri. Tsu'tey runs out, behind neytiri and jake follows them. What could have happened, you were not a girl who made trouble. The group of friends arrived where he had indicated to neytiri. Tsu'tey saw how Y/N was at the entrance of Ronal's marui, next to her was spider. He was holding his sister's hand, and neteyam was in front of her calming her down. He could see how nervous she was.
The group of friends approached the boys. " Dad!!!" you whimper, running to hug your father. Tsu'tey hugs you back, patting your high back. " Dad…. I swear I didn't do anything!!!" you were a little agitated, neteyam walks over to his uncle. Like the big brother he was, he was going to clear the whole thing up. "Teyam, what happened?" asks Jake. Looking at his children cautiously, lo'ak was at his brother's side. Meanwhile spider, was still holding your hand. "I can explain everything…" speaks lo'ak. But his father makes a grimace for him to keep silent.
"Dad… Y/N prepared something to eat for all of us and we invited the guys. But the food that Y/N made was spicy. and apparently that was very bad for ao'nung. Ronal yelled at us, and made Y/N feel very bad" neteyam tries to explain everything that happened. Meanwhile you were trying to hold back your tears, it was the first time in your life that someone yelled at you the way Ronal did. You had never experienced a bad treatment from an elder. That hurt you, you were a very well-behaved, kind girl. You were obedient, and you hardly ever got into trouble. And now you felt very guilty.
"Dad…he was very bad. He even vomited blood, and it was my fault" you were trying to sound calm, but your crying voice was creeping in. " Sweetheart this is not your problem, you didn't do anything…calm down" tsu'tey tries to reassure you. Jake walks over to you, and strokes your hair. "Y/N I'm going to talk to ronal…you take it easy. Go with your dad to your home and rest" jake speaks, walking away to enter ronal's marui.
Tsu'tey tries to comfort you some more. He then asks neteyam as a favor to take his sister home. All your brothers take you to their marui. While Tsu'tey and Neytiri accompany Jake. No one was going to be yelling at his daughter, while tsu'tey tried to defend you. Jake tried to calm him down, they didn't want to get kicked out of the clan. The boy's stomach was pretty badly hurt, so what had happened had been very serious. But it was not justifiable the bad treatment that Ronal had given you. After discussing for a while, and making all things clear. Everyone went home.
Later in the evening, you were calmer. Your brothers had stayed with you. Then the rest of the family arrived. Tsu'tey prepared something to eat, so that everyone would calm down. Even Neytiri was comforting you, she felt that you did not deserve this bad treatment. And for such a simple thing, it was not your fault that the boy was so weak in the stomach. After dinner, everyone went home. Spider had gone to bed early, while tsu'tey was finishing a basket he would use to hunt fish. Meanwhile you, you wanted to go apologize to ao'nung.
"Hey, where are you going?" asks tsu'tey as he watches you walk out of the marui. "I'm going to walk for a while…I want to clear my head" you speak. Your father just gives you a smile, and keeps working.
You had to apologize to ao'nung. You felt guilty, after all you were the one who made that meal. Poor thing, he must feel terrible. After a while, you arrive at the marui of tsireya and her family. You were afraid that Ronal might see you and yell at you again. But to your good fortune, only tsireya is there. The girl sees you at the entrance, you had your arms crossed.
"Hey!!!" says tsireya in a low voice, approaching you. "Hey…how are you?" she asks you.
"I'm fine…. I came to check on ao'nung. I didn't get a chance to see him" you speak, lowering your head expecting tsireya to be upset with you. But you feel her take your hand, and begin to guide you to where ao'nung is supposed to be. "He's better…tired. But he's going to be fine" the girl says dragging you along with her. You are surprised at how big her marui is, it is very beautiful. You can see ao'nung lying on the ground, on a kind of makeshift bed. He was half awake, moving his face to see what his sister was doing.
"Hello" you speak softly trying not to make him uncomfortable. Ao'nung laughs, and you raise your hand a little. Waving at you foolishly, and making a sign for you to approach him. "Y/N you're here" he speaks, you could tell he was still in pain. You sit next to him, watching tsireya walk away, to do other things. "I want to apologize…I didn't mean for you to get like this" you try to apologize. But you hear a giggle coming from ao'nung. "You're silly!!!" the boy teases you. You give him a pinch on the shoulder, and he yelps in pain but doesn't stop laughing.
"I know it wasn't your fault, I'm just a giant baby….I should be the one apologizing" ao'nung stops talking, and takes your hand. To give it a squeeze and stroke the top of your hand with his thumb. "She shouldn't have yelled at you like that…it was unfair. I apologize sincerely, on behalf of this family and the clan. You are an honorable member, and I know you would never hurt anyone…least of all me, would you?" ao'nung went from a very touching speech, to being flirtatious in seconds. Winking at you, while seeing that you're blushing. " Yah, get off me…. idiot" you whine. Pulling further away from him, sticking out your tongue.
The two of you stay silent for a couple of seconds, until you move over and adjust one of ao'nung's curls. to lift you off the ground. "Well I'm glad you're okay…mmm tomorrow I'll make you a drink perfect for these things" you speak, as you see ao'nung's eyes widen. "Really…it's very good" you joke.
"I'll eat and drink whatever you give me…I don't mind. But only if you prepare it" he winks at you again. You look away, ignoring him. If he was right, he was still the same stupid as always. But even dumber and weaker.
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Dirty Work 35
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as bullying, familial discord/abuse, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You start a new gig and find one of your clients to be hard to please.
Characters: Loki
Note: ah, we arrive at the Odinson stronghold.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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"Remember the rules, pet," Mr. Laufeyson reminds you as you pass beneath an iron archway covered in ivy and roses. 
"Yes..." your voice trails off as your mouth falls open in awe.
It's a fairytale. Even more beautiful than his own garden. There's a fountain at the center of the long drive, round hedges framing it and mosaic stone all around. Petals flutter on bushes and grass sprawls all around, marble statues and stone benches speckled over the expanse. The house is built of white brick with figures of sprites and elk along the facade.
"...Mr. Laufeyson," you finish breathily.
"Yes, it is rather marvelous," he says without genuine reverence. "I assume mother will be using it as her venue for Walpurgisnacht, however, she may just as easily book the banquet hall in the next city."
"Oh," you utter.
"Not to worry, she will likely have much sorted out already. It's why I wonder at her insistence that you accompany me. She is ever decisive and much prefers doing things by her own hand," he steers around the curve of the drive and stops just before the steps. "Suppose we must take it in stride."
He flips the engine and it quiets. Birds cheep and insects hum just outside. He unclicks his seatbelt and you mirror him, climbing out just a hair after he does. You turn to gape up at the facade once more as you shut the door gently.
Mr. Laufeyson comes around and heaves, "well, then--"
"Should I get the bags?"
"Don't bother, the help will deal with it," he assures and points you ahead.
He walks beside you, stretching his neck as he pushes his head side to side. He extends his fingers and rolls his shoulders. Still the tension nestles once more in his posture. You take the steps one at a time and fall a pace behind him. He marches ahead to the doors and waits for you to catch up before he pulls it open.
You step inside and quickly slip off your shoes as you eye the shining floor. It's just as immaculate, if not more, than his estate. You try to imagine how long it would take you to clean it on your own. Maybe that's why you're here.
"Darlings," Frigga trills as she appears in an archway to your left, "oh, you have arrived."
She goes to you first and kisses both your cheeks, barely glancing off your chin. Then she turns to Laufeyson and cradles his cheeks as she admires him, "I'm so happy you came."
"Mmm, and father knows we were invited?"
"Of course," she tuts as she draws away from him, "tell me, have you eaten? You were on the road such a long time. I have cucumber sandwiches and some iced berry tea."
"I'm not hungry," Laufeyson mutters as he peers around, almost expectantly.
"What about you, hon?" She takes your hand.
"Um, I..." you look to Laufeyson for your answer but your stomach growls before you can answer. 
"Feed her," he says as he flutters his fingers, "get her settled. I think I can keep myself entertained."
You frown guiltily. You didn't mean to disobey him. His eyes dull with that unimpressed haze as he turns on his heel and strides away. 
"I believe your brother is outside," she calls after him.
"Thank you for warning me," Laufeyson as he scoffs and disappears through another doorway.
"Ugh, boys," she chides, "pray you only ever have one son, though a brood is never a bad thing."
She turns, her hand still around yours as she drags you through the gilded archway. You let her as you drink in the beauty around every corner and crevice. This is like a dream. You've never seen anything like it. Not outside movies. You remember that one you watched on cable with Anne Hathaway. You only saw half before your father shut it off.
"Please sit," she takes you to the long white island and gestures to a tall velvet stool, "Loki didn't say if you were coming or not. I'm so happy you did."
She releases you and goes to the other counter, takes a scalloped plate and fills it with all sorts of food from platters. She brings it to you and watches you across the narrow island. "So, tomorrow, I must look at flowers. We have a healthy supply in the greenhouse but I think a few exotic breeds would do well. Then we will go to the bakery to arrange desserts and the like. Oh, the winery may need to wait until Sunday..."
She tallies off her to-dos as you nod along. Her own long list jumbles with your own in your head. You blink at her as she prattles on.
"Darling, please eat," she interrupts herself, "anyhow, as I was saying, perhaps we could make a special day of it. A day at the winery then the spa."
You nibble on the corner of the cucumber sandwich, grateful for the excuse not to respond. You doubt she'd hear you if you did. Your stomach roars in delight as you feed it, only then realising how hungry you truly are. You weren't very concerned with your appetite as the motion of the car roiled your stomach but now, you're ravenous.
Your mind wanders back to the long drive. You turn your gaze away, afraid Frigga might see your thoughts. The same sets in as the memory sinks in your brain. You can't believe you did that to him. While he was driving, too.
"Oh, goodness me, you must be so tired and hear I am blabbing your ear off," she clucks, "I forgot the tea... unless you prefer wine."
"Tea," you answer abruptly, recalling the last time you drank. You won't give Mr. Laufeyson any reason for distaste. "Thank you."
"Aw, so polite, dear," she preens, "are you excited for Walpurgisnacht?"
You twist your lips and swallow a mouthful, "um, sure... what is it?"
"My, I didn't even think," she pours a glass of deep red iced tea into a tall glass. She nears you again and places it by your plate. "May Eve. It's a celebration of Springtime, to embrace love and fertility."
"Mm, oh," you furrow your brow. That's odd.
"Yes, we will have many visitors to help us celebrate. And some games too. Mostly drinking and food, as is our way," she explains, "I can't believe this will be your first Walpurgisnacht! How delightful."
You nod and take another bite. It's almost nice how she assumes most things aren't a first for you. How she treats you like somehow you belong here.
"I didn't even think," she taps her manicured finger on the marble, "I should've invited your father. I know he's sick but it is always good to have family close."
You almost choke. You gulp and lower your eyes. You reach for the tea to wash away the sudden bitter taste on your tongue.
"Oh, I hope... I hope he is okay," she says.
"He's... he's fine," you sniff, "he's... mad at me. We aren't... we aren't speaking."
"How tragic," she touches her chest, "Loki didn't say a word. Well, then... dear, are you alright? Where are you staying?"
Your chest sinks. Of course, he wouldn't talk to her about you and explain everything that's gone rotten. You are still just the house manager to her.
"Mr. Laufeyson kindly offered--"
"Oh, I know, I know he would," she sounds ready to cry, "my son can be so caring. It's a pity he holds it in."
"Yeah, uh, it's very nice of him," you pick away a stip of crust.
"I didn't mean to bring up sour grapes," she says, "I'm sure everything will be alright. These things happen. Families fight but they always come back together. Gosh, if only you knew the state Loki left in last time. He and his father had such a row. Not to mention he wouldn't even speak with his own brother for well over a year. Stubborn."
You look at her in surprise. It's not that Laufeyson isn't cold and distant, it's just that you didn't expect all that information dumped on you. You want to ask why but know better than that.
"I only hope things go better this time," she says.
You nod and pick up a grape from the plate. You really hope so too. As long as you follow the rules, it should.
After you eat, Frigga takes you on a tour of the immense house. You don’t remember where most things are as you remain astonished by the grandeur. You can barely imagine spending the night. The thought that she lives here every day is astounding. She is the luckiest woman in the world.
She takes you up the wide staircase with its curved banisters and shows you the upper floor. You yawn behind your hand, caught as she peeks back at you. You drop your hand and smile, flicking your eyes as you try to seem more awake.
“Oh dear, are you tired?” She preens, “let us show you your room.”
“It’s okay–”
“Rest is important, and a part of Walpurgisnacht. It’s about renewal so you must take care,” she reproaches, “I made up a room just for you.”
“You did?” You murmur as she waves you ahead.
“Oh, yes, of course, like I said, I’ve been looking forward to this very much,” she chimes, “just here,” she opens the left side of a double door. You admire the patterns carved beneath the layer of champagne-tinted paint. “I believe the staff will have brought your bags already.”
“Um, thank you,” you smile nervously, “it’s all very wonderful…” You gaze around the room, “it’s too much.”
“Not at all,” she touches your arm gently, “I know my son can be a stickler, whoever knows where he got that from. You are here to enjoy yourself.”
“Thanks,” you rub your palms together, “for everything. It’s so nice.”
“Certainly dear,” she touches your cheek gently, “should you need anything, you can tap this button.” She points to a tiny silver button by the light switch, “Hilde will be around.”
“Hilde,” you nod, “okay. I think I’ll be fine.”
“Oh, you are so sweet,” she preens, “please don’t hesitate to ask for anything.” She squeezes your shoulder, “please make yourself at home.”
She leaves you with a gentle click of the door. You hesitate at the threshold, terrified of tainting the perfection of the room. There’s a four-postered bed, the sort you dreamed about as a girl, with a white frame and bedding in the same hue, trimmed in silver. The night tables have curled feet and a matching wardrobe stands against the wall. 
There’s a vase of flowers arranged on the vanity and a rug with dainty roses patterned on it beneath the foot of the bed. Each piece matches the next, gilded in silver, with a touch of colour here and there. The windows are tall and open, letting in the last of the morning hues. You are overwhelmed with the sheer beauty of this place.
Your luggage stands beside the bed. Just yours. Does that mean you’ll be sleeping alone? Perhaps that is for the better. It wouldn’t be seemly for Mr. Laufeyson to be commingling so closely with his house manager.
You should find him and let him know which room is yours. You go to the door and stop yourself. It feels wrong to go off roving through the house. No, you should stay and listen. You’re certain he wouldn’t be far from you. That only makes sense, doesn’t it?
You linger by the door, ear to the crack between the doors as you listen to the house. Nothing more than a distance scuff here or there. Not until you hear hinges catch for just a moment. You hold your breath and try to see between the doors but can’t.
Footsteps, long and deliberate. That has to be Laufeyson, right? You hope that it is. You wait for them to pass before you open the door and peek out. Oh no! It’s not Mr. Laufeyson.
Before you can retreat and hide, the gray-haired man stops. He has broad shoulders and his arms are bent behind him, one hand balled in another. You gulp and slowly pull back but it’s too late as the man pivots on his heel.
“I suppose my son told you it was best to avoid me,” the man says, his tone rigid but not unkind.
“Um,” you let go of the door and step up, slumping your shoulders as you stare at his suede slippers. “No, sir, I only… thought you were Mr. Laufeyson.”
“Mr. Laufeyson,” he scoffs, “you must be the one my wife spoke so highly of.”
“Sir,” you dip your head lower.
“Odin,” he offers as he comes closer, little by little, as if approaching a skittish deer, “father of Mr. Laufeyson,” he snorts and offers his hand, “and your name?”
You accept his hand meekly and mutter your name. He grips you firmly, warmly and gives a short shake. He keeps a hold of your hand and turns it, placing his other hand over your knuckles.
“Let me have a look at you,” he urges you into the hall, “my eyes aren’t as good as they used to be.”
You let him lead you further out. You bite your lip and exhale. You unpinch your teeth and lift your head. You look at him, squirming as he considers you. His steely hair is brushed back from his face and small coils gather behind his ears and neck. His eyes are blue and vibrant, like Thor’s, and his face is creased with and determination.
“Now,” he smiles, “how did my son capture a lovely creature like you?”
“Please, Odin will do nicely,” he pats your hand, “may I use your name?”
“Yes, s– Yes, Odin,” you correct yourself.
“Wonderful, it’s a beautiful name,” he brings your hand up and kisses it, “it fits you well.”
He finally lets you go and you feel your cheek burn. You don’t know how to react. With everything you heard, you expected a horrible, grumpy old man. Someone like your own father. Yet, he’s just as pleasant as Frigga. 
“Thank you,” your lips curve just a little.
“Polite little thing,” he muses, “do you like chocolate?”
“Pardon?” You’re taken aback by his question.
“Chocolate,” he repeats, “Loki hasn’t much of a sweet tooth and the other one would devour them all. I’ve got some truffles, would you like one?”
“Well, I… er,” you rub your neck, “I wouldn’t want to bother,” you stammer.
“Bother? Why ever would I ask if it was?” He dismisses, “you are my guest, I do prefer to know those who are staying under my roof. I would be a shit guest otherwise.”
You scrunch your lips up at his profanity. He notices the wince and he chuckles, bring his fingertips to his chin, “excuse my language.”
“It’s okay,” you assure him, “um, sure, I will have some chocolate… Odin.”
“Ah, wonderful, just this way,” he points you towards the other end of the hall, “this is part of the trap you see,” he says as he ushers you along, “I keep them in my office.”
He laughs and you join in thinly. You’re not sure he’s entirely kidding. He shows you into his office. The decor is wrought in gold and oak. It reminds you a little of Laufeyson’s study in the style, but not the colours.
“You will have your chocolate,” he assures as he closes the door, “but first, you will tell me how you ended up with that son of mine.” He strides around the desk as you hover across from him. He pulls out a drawer as you clasp your hands tight. You can’t tell him everything.
“How…” you utter.
“Yes,” he pulls out a square red box, “he hardly seems your type.”
“Oh, well, I am only his house manager,” you shrug.
“Sure, if that’s what he tells you to say, say it,” he tuts, “but it doesn’t mean I must believe it.”
You drop your head and frown. You’re a poor liar but you don’t dare tell the truth. He sighs and you peek up from under your lashes.
“Not to worry, I keep a promise,” he comes around and offers the open box of truffles, “this one is dark with raspberry, you might like it? Or this one, strawberry and cream,” he points to a dark bulb, then a white one sprinkled with pink sugar, “perhaps you will surprise me.”
You shyly reach for the box and pick out the plainest of the bunch. You thank him quietly and stare at the treat. He knows you’re lying and he’s still being kind. You wish you could tell him the truth, maybe he could help you understand it. Yet, the thought of saying it all out loud suffocates you in flames.
“Crushed toffee,” he says, “my favourite.”
“Oh, uh,” you hold it out.
“No, no, you have it,” he insists as he strolls back around his desk, “I am hardly interested in talking about my son, so let us not dwell on him. Tell me about you.”
“Me?” You blink.
“Yes. Do you read? Do you enjoy music? What are your favourites?”
You stand there, holding the truffle, speechless. You don’t know what to say. You are boring. No one ever cared about any of those things, so much so, that you never much thought of them yourself.
“Please, sit,” he takes his own advice and lowers himself into the leather chair, “enjoy your chocolate, then you may answer my questions.”
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ythankucaptainmccoy · 28 days
The Cowgirl and The Aviator Ch9
Cranking these chapters and y'all are in for a treat next chapter ;). @smoothdogsgirl WARNINGS: Verbal abuse, Fighting and mentions of birth.
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The barn brought back all of the good memories when you used to compete. All the late nights under the bright arena lights galloping around barrels and you teared up. “You alright?”, Jake questioned. “Yeah just remembering what it used to be like when I competed in barrels back home”, you replied. Your smile made Jake’s grin turn into a full blown smile. Damn you loved the way this man smiled at you. “You can pick any of the horses in here”, Colton informed you. You looked back at Jake as he nodded for you to go ahead. 
You walked down the row of stalls until you came to a stall that held a beautiful Kiger mustang. “What about this one?”, you asked. “That’s our newest edition. Only been ridden for thirty days. He’s still green but you're more than welcome to ride 'em’. We call him Rebel “, Colton explained. Jake seemed uneasy as he picked his horse a beautiful sorrel with white socks and blaze. You moved slowly and kept your voice calm as you haltered him. 
You took your time with him as you groomed him then saddled him. You could tell by his facial expression he was nervous and you took a deep breath and exhaled letting your body relax. Jake and the others headed out of the barn as you made your way to where they were waiting on horseback. You patted Rebel’s neck as you grabbed mane and hauled yourself up and into the saddle. You breathed in deep and exhaled slowly again to relax your body which in turn seemed to relax Rebel.
You noticed Annabelle was trotting in a circle waiting on the three of you. Colton held Georgia in front of him on his horse and you swear it was the cutest thing ever. Jake kept watching you making sure the horse you were on wasn’t going to freak out. You all headed out and before too long you were in the middle of nothing but grassland. “Let's go”, Annabelle said. She kicked her horse and took off at a canter. Jake looked back at you as Colton made his horse go as well. “We don’t have to if you don’t feel comfortable”, Jake said.
“I have ridden lots of horses Jake and trained all kinds of horses even mustangs I know what I’m doing”, you tell him. You asked your horse to go and boy did he as he lunged forward at a full gallop. It startled you at first but then you gave him some rein and let him go. Jake had to kick his horse to go following behind you. It didn’t take you long to catch up to the others as you slowed your horse, but he didn’t want to slow. You pulled on the reins and sat against him as he decided to throw a small buck.
“Oh no ya’ don’t”, you told him as he tried to keep going. That’s when he went into full bucking mode. “Yeah ride ‘em!”, Colton yelled. Jake was gripped with fear as he watched you ride the bucks. It took a few minutes, but eventually he decided to stop. “Well Jake I gotta say your girl knows how to ride”, Colton said. “I can’t believe you let her get on that horse”, Jake huffed. “She did perfectly fine. I’m sure she wouldn’t have gotten on if she couldn’t handle it”, Colton told him. 
You trotted up and stopped right in front of Jake’s horse. “That was the most fun I have had in such a long time”, you laughed. Jake’s mouth fell open slightly as you said something about going again then he smiled. “Come with me (Y/N) I know where we’re going”, Annabelle told you. You followed after her as Colton and Jake rode side by side. “I think you picked a good one Jake, she's a keeper”, Colton said. “Yeah she is”, Jake replied. “I was gonna’ wait to tell ya’ till after the ride, but your father found out you’re back. He has invited himself over tonight for dinner”, Colton informed. “Can’t that fucker just leave us well enough alone”, Jake sighed. “Bad unc Jake”, Georgia stated. “Sorry Georgia”, Jake replied.  “He knows that you brought a woman back with ya’ so you know how this is probably gonna’ go”, Colton explained.
“Well I’ll let (Y/N) know and we will just have to deal tonight”, Jake said confidently. He was anything but confident right now. He knew what was in store at dinner and he was praying that you wouldn’t decide to leave him. He pushed the thought to the back of his head and enjoyed the ride. Between the three of you the cattle were safely moved and on the ride back Annabelle wanted to race. “I’m out, you know your momma doesn’t like me racin’ with Georgia”, Colton said. 
“What about Jake and (Y/N)? We only race to the next gate.”, Annabelle asked. “I’m in”, you responded looking at Jake. “I don’t know it wouldn’t be fair for you two ladies”, Jake boasted. Colton snorted a laugh and shook his head. “There is that cocky pilot attitude”, you say. “I’m not cocky I just know I’m that good”, Jake grinned. “How about a bet”, you said. “What kind of bet?”, Jake questioned, remembering how the two of you met. “Well if you win I’ll take care of your horse when we get back, but if I win you have to take me out line dancing”, you say.
“Deal. Alright Annabelle let’s line up. Your dad can tell us when to go”, Jake said. “Annabelle gets a head start”, Colton said knowing that you two would pass her quickly. Annabelle took off and you kept looking at Jake who smirked that cocky way that you hated to admit that you loved. “On your marks. Get set. Let ‘em go!”, Colton yelled. Both horses launched themselves forward as you made your way to the next gate. You were both neck and neck, but you were still holding the reins on your horse pretty tight as you both passed Annabelle who yelled, “GO (Y/N) BEAT JAKE!”. 
“See ya at the finish line darlin’!”, Jake yelled. You let him believe he had it, but continued to hold your horse back until the last quarter mile. You let the reins go slack and squeezed your legs. Rebel got the message and bolted ahead gaining quickly on Jake. When you passed him Jake had a look of shock as you laughed. You let out a joyous cry as you passed the open gate and slowed Rebel down. Jake wouldn’t admit but when he watched you canter back he was imagining you riding him like that. 
“I believe you owe me a line dance”, you say coming up beside Jake’s horse. You patted Rebel on the neck as you waited for Annabelle and Colton to catch up with Georgia. Once back at the barn you untacked your horse and groomed him. Glancing at Jake every once in a while as he took care of his own horse. “Colton if you want we can take care of everything here in the barn”, Jake announced. Colton got the hint and took the girls inside  as you and Jake put the horses in their respective stalls.
“Jake, do you think Colton and Evelynn would let me enter the rodeo with Rebel?”, you asked. “He is green and doesn’t even know how to run barrels”, Jake replied. “I can train him within our stay period if that’s okay with you”, you say. Jake can tell that it means a lot to you. “I’ll be okay with it as long as Colton and Evelynn are alright with it”, he tells you. You smile and lean up to kiss him long and slow. “You still owe me a line dance”, you laugh. “That I do, but I think you should ask Colton about Rebel first”, he says. With the affirmation you jog to the house where Evelynn and Colton are more than happy to lend Rebel to you, and before you leave with Jake you register for the rodeo.
Jake, true to his word, takes you into Austin to a bar that has line dancing. You both have a few drinks and you're surprised when he shows you he can in fact dance, but at one point they play George Strait’s song “The Chair”. Jake pulls you in close as you both slow dance and mouthing the words as the next song is another George Strait song “Carrying Your Love With Me”. He loves the content smile as you lay your head on his chest. As you both sway to the music Jake in this moment realizes that not once have you ever turned him away.
Even as he cried in the kitchen after losing Banshee and Fluke you were there to pick up the pieces. “(Y/N)”, he whispers. “Yes baby”, you reply, looking into his eyes. “I love you”, he tells you. At that moment you swear you see his heart and soul being poured out in front of you and you can’t help but kiss him slowly ro reply with, “I love you too Jake”. When the next song comes on you decide you want to go home. You get into the truck to head back to the ranch. “Jake can we camp out under the stars tonight?”, you ask. 
“Anything for you darlin’ “, he responds. You both stop at the house to grab blankets and pillows. When you reach the pond Jake starts a fire as you set everything up in the bed of the truck. Under the stars you look at Jake who is looking at you like you’re the most beautiful thing in the world. “You know I was supposed to bring you to dinner tonight. My father was there to meet you”, he told you. “Why didn’t you?”, you inquired. “I promised to take you line dancing and you will always come before my asshole father”, he explained.
You smiled as you kissed him and pulled his shirt over his head. He grunts as you take a nip at his nipple before you go to his belt. That night you both spend time making each other cum with your mouths. Eventually Jake pulls you over him completely naked and covers you both as you both fall asleep. The night passes peacefully and you both startle awake when the truck’s horn blows loud and clear. Jake looks for the source and spots his father as he places you behind him. “What the hell do you want?”, Jake seethes.
“We need to talk”, Jake's father says. Jake looks at you as you nod to assure him you will be okay. His dad walks away as you both get dressed. You watch as Jake goes to talk with his father, but stay put and listen in as best as you can. “Why weren’t you at dinner last night boy?”, his father sneers. “I took my girl into town since I made a promise to take her out”, Jake replied. “Family is always first. I taught you better than to be disrespectful since your sister made dinner”, he said.
“She knew I wasn’t going to be there as I discussed it with her before we left for town. She was fine with us not being there so cut the shit. You are the one that feels disrespected because I put someone before you”, Jake accused. “Don’t think that your slut of a girlfriend won’t leave you like the last one”, his father digs. “She isn’t like the last one”, Jake defended. “Whatever you want to believe, but your sister is going to make dinner again tonight and I expect you to be there”, his father announced. 
Jake’s father tipped his hat at you and got into his truck and drove off. “Jake, are you okay?”, you ask. “Yeah I’ll be fine. I’m sorry if you overheard what he said”, he apologized. “No Jake, Never apologize on your asshole fathers behalf. He doesn’t deserve it”, you reply. Jake smiles at that knowing you're in his corner. “Well let’s get to the house so we can get ready for the day. I want to help Evelynn with dinner since we missed last night”, you told him.
The drive back to the house you could tell Jake was nervous and tense. After your showers and getting ready Jake took you up to the main house so you could help Evelynn. “You know you don’t have to help me”, Evelynn said. “Well I feel like it’s the least I could do”, you replied. “Since you have met my father already I’m sure you have already judged what dinner will be like tonight. The last girl he brought home left crying and a couple days later she packed up and left”, Evelynn says. 
“I wouldn’t leave Jake to fight this battle alone”, you assure. Evelynn smiles at that knowing that what you say is true. “You both are a great match”, she laughs. “Well I felt like whatever happened happened so fast. Hell to some it seemed too fast”, you sigh. “Well I only dated Colton for a year and look where we are now”, Evelynn laughs. It makes you feel better now to know that piece of information. 
The day was spent helping Evelynn to get the dinner together as Jake, Colton and the girls had decided to go riding. When they got back everyone seemed to be bracing for the arrival of Jake and Evelynn’s father. He showed up a few minutes late, but no one said anything about it. You sat beside Jake and once everyone was sitting Colton said grace. The dinner table was quiet other than Georgia asking for help to cut up some of her food. “When are you coming back home to take over the ranch”, Jake’s father says. 
“I’ve already told you not anytime soon”, Jake snaps. You knew this was going to be an intense dinner from the start. “Well at least your sister is finally having a son. I may leave everything to him”, his father states. “My son will not be saddled with that ranch’s name”, Colton speaks up. “So what your going to give him this ranch?”, he sneers. “He can take over this ranch, he can go to college or anything else he wants to do, but I won’t force him to take over anything if he doesn’t want to”, Colton replies. 
“I always knew you married a weak man”, he says to Evelynn. It continues on for a few minutes as Jake is becoming more agitated. “I think the only weak man is you”, you blurt out at Jake’s father. “Excuse me, but I didn’t ask for your opinion”, he snarks. “No you didn’t but you’re gonna’ hear it anyway and I don’t give a damn how you feel about it. From what I can tell you can’t stand the fact that you aren’t in control of anyone anymore and it pisses you off”, you state. Jake is staring at you wide eyed as you square your shoulders.
Jake’s father glares at you as you hold his gaze. “You have some horns on you girl, but you will show me respect”, he states. “I only show respect to people who have earned it. I don’t just give it for free. So far tonight I have seen nothing you have done that would earn my respect”, you respond. Evelynn announces she is going to take the girls upstairs for a bath and leaves. Colton says something about going outside for some air. 
Once outside Jake’s father picks his fight with you again. “I don’t think you’re the type I want dating my son”, he huffs. “Why because I speak my own mind and not afraid of a horrid old man that used to hit his wife”, you spit. The next thing you know Jake’s father throws a punch your way, but it never lands as you hear a grunt then a full on scrap. Jake had tackled his father and was now scrapping with him on the ground. “Jake”, you cry, but Colton grabs you as you try to go help him.
“He needs to do this (Y/N)”, Colton says. You watch as they trade blows, but it is clear that Jake is winning. Within ten minutes it’s over as Jake stands over his father. “Don’t you ever try to put your hands on my woman again. If you ever hurt her I’ll kill you old man. Now leave and don’t ever come back to bother me or this family ranch again”, Jake growls. Jake’s father is heaving as he is trying to catch his breath. Colton lets you go as you run to Jake to check him over, but he only pulls you into his side. 
All three of you stare down the old man as he curses you all as he gets in his truck and leaves. As soon as he is gone you fuss over Jake’s face and his split knuckles. He lets you lead him into the kitchen where he pulls you into his lap as you try to ice the bruises on his face. “I love you”, he whispers. “I love you too, but you didn’t have to do that”, you reply. “It was a long time coming and I should have done it a lot sooner”, he tells you. You kiss him tenderly as you tell him to continue to ice his face while you help clean up the dinner table.
When Evelynn comes back down she asks Jake what had happened as he explains. Evelynn tells him how proud she is and that she was waiting for the day he would finally take his frustration out on their old man. Colton hands Jake a beer and they head outside as you help Evelynn with the dishes. “You know he loves you right”, she tells you. “I know he does, I can see it every day”, you respond. “You’re the first girl he has brought here since college”, she mutters. “What do you mean?”, you ask.
“He brought his ex down here, and she cried when my father came to dinner. Then a week after they went back Jake found out that she was cheating on him with his roommate. He was shattered when he found out because he had bought a ring to ask her to marry him. He hasn’t had a real relationship since then and that was years ago”, Evelynn explained. You looked out to the front porch where Jake was still talking with Colton. “Most people never give him a chance. I know he can be cocky when he is on base, but no one really knows him like we do”, Evelynn says.
You file away that information as you finish up. When you and Jake end up back at the house you're staying in you show him how grateful you are by giving him a massage. “Thank you for protecting me”, you whisper. “I would do it anytime for you darlin’ “, he whispers back. That night you relax by watching a couple of old westerns until you fall asleep. Jake feels liberated after all these years of taking verbal abuse and sometimes physical abuse from his father. He smiles down at you when he recalls Colton telling him you were ready to jump into the scrap to help him.
The week is much the same, but you spend most days training Rebel and within the week he has it down. The rodeo is a week away and you are getting more excited as Jake watches you train. He has to admit he likes watching you ride even with being thrown a couple times. Each time you were thrown he would run into the arena checking you over. You would just laugh and tell him it was part of the process especially with a green horse. The days wear you out, and you are usually asleep by the time Jake slips into bed.
The next week goes by smoothly until Wednesday as Colton comes tearing down the driveway. “Evelynn thinks it’s time to go. Can you take the girls and meet us at the hospital”, he rushes. Jake agrees as the girls get out of the truck and come to stand with you. Evelynn is in the passenger seat cool as a cucumber. “Are you okay?”, you ask. “Yeah this is my third kid I know what to expect now. He is a little early, but it’ll be alright”, she tells you. Colton hops back in the truck and floors it out of there.
“I think he is more worried than she is”, you laugh. “Yeah you should have seen him with Annabelle”, Jake states. You get Georgia into the truck in her car seat and Annabelle gets herself buckled in. Three hours and you're in the hospital waiting room as the girls try to keep themselves entertained. Annabelle decides she wants to go for a walk around the hospital so you all decide to go. Georgia is smiling as she points at the ducks on a small pond by the hospital.
“Uncle Jake, can we go get something to eat?”, Annabelle complains. “Yeah we can walk down the street and get some Mexican food”, Jake says. Annabelle lights up at the prospect and Jake explains that Mexican food is Annabelle’s favorite. The meal is delicious and you help Georgia with her cheese quesadilla. Jake can’t help but watch you anytime you interact with the girls. He knows that you’re good with kids and if he plays his cards right he hopes someday you both can have some kids running around. 
When you all got back to the hospital it was late evening when the nurse came out to inform you that Evelynn and the baby were doing great. A couple hours after that another nurse came to ask if anyone wanted to go see the baby. Annabelle was excited as she pulled on Jake’s hand as you held a sleeping Georgia. “Go meet your nephew I’ll stay here with Georgia”, you whisper. He leaned down and kissed you then headed to go meet his nephew.
When Jake comes back he has tears in his eyes with the goofiest grin on his face. “Are you okay?”, you ask. “Yeah it was just a lot”, he says. “He was so small”, Annabelle says. “You used to be that small when you were born”, Jake says. “How do you know?”, Annabelle questioned. “Because I waited in this same hospital and held you after you were born”, Jake muses. Georgia was still asleep and Jake had said that Evelynn and the baby would be home by Friday. “Do you mind if the girls come back home with us?”, Jake asked. “I don’t mind baby”, you tell him. 
When you reach the house Jake goes to the empty room that you hadn’t been in. There were two twin beds and you could tell this is where the girls would stay when he was here. You carried a still sleeping Georgia while Jake carried a now sleeping Annabelle. They looked so peaceful and Jake turned out the light grabbing your hand and leading you to your room. You both lay there as Jake holds you. “He was so small and I can’t believe I have a nephew. I wish you could have seen him”, Jake sighs.
“I’ll see him soon enough”, you tell him. You both fell asleep, but it didn’t last long as you felt a tug on the back of your shirt. You rolled over and came face to face with Georgia, tears streaming down her face. “Oh what's wrong sweetheart?”, you ask. “Stom”, she hiccupped. About two seconds later the sky lit up and thunder boomed outside as Georgia jumped clinging to you. “Darlin’ what’s wrong”, Jake yawned. “The storm woke Georgia up”, you relayed. “Do you want to sleep in our bed?”, you asked. She nodded as you pulled her up and in between you and Jake.
“It’s alright Georgia you're safe here with Uncle Jake and Aunt (Y/N)”, Jake hummed half asleep. You froze as Georgia curled up between you as Jake’s words sank in. You watched as she snuggled into you and clung to your shirt. Jake smiled and threw his arm around both of you as everyone settled in. Jake and Georgia went to sleep first then you drifted off soon after. The next morning Georgia and Jake were gone and you could hear giggling coming from the kitchen.
When you walked in there was pancake batter all over the counters. Annabelle was giggling as Jake was making pancakes. “Aunt (Y/N)!” Georgia squealed. She ran to you and hugged your leg and you instantly started to tear up. “Darlin’ what’s wrong?”, Jake asked. “I have never been called Aunt anything”, you said. “I thought your brother had kids”, Jake stated. “Yeah but he never let me see them”, you replied. 
Jake stopped what he was doing and came over to pull you into a hug. “Well you have a family here if you want it”, Jake told you. You let the tears fall as you heard those words and next thing you knew Annabelle and Georgia were hugging you too. “Uncle Jake is right, we can be your family. “Thanks now let’s try and clean up this mess”, you sniffled. As Jake finished the pancakes you and Annabelle helped clean up.
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aspirationalpeony · 9 months
Quit Playin' Games (With My Heart)
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Summary: While you're trying to puzzle out the mysterious Ms. Schemmenti, Janine invites you to a dinner party--at Melissa's house. Board games, bonding, and lasagna... What could go wrong? (See author's note at the end for prompt credit.) Content Warnings: A brief paragraph discussing homophobia. AO3 Link
Does Melissa Schemmenti like you?
You've got everyone else figured out. Janine would befriend an electrical pole if it had a smiley face stapled to it; Jacob befriends anyone Janine befriends. Gregory stays a little aloof, but he's been warming up the more you show him your LEGO sets. Barbara--well, she sees you as another one of the kids, you think, but you know she appreciates your self-sufficiency, tolerates you with a smile when you're in the conversation. And Ava is... Ava.
Melissa? Who knows? She called you by the wrong name the first month you were at Abbott, knowingly, watching your face with a wry twist to her mouth, waiting for you to take the bait. When you didn't, you earned your name back. She started making dry comments to you, like "You got enough glitter glue there, Martha Stewart?" as you passed her in the hall, arms full of art supplies. She saw you struggling with the copy machine one day and said, "Here," giving it a swift kick that brought it wheezing to life, but followed up with, "Thought your generation was good with tech. What do we keep you around for, huh?"
After those backhands you'd be in a spin, wondering and confused; then later that day or the day after she'd say something else, like, "Hey, not bad, shortstop," when you got something off a high shelf for her (why shortstop when you’re taller than her? Reverse psychology?), or "Good job on lunch duty. They didn't kill ya," and you'd go warm all over and your confusion would deepen and all you would think was: does she like me or not?
You’re just not sure. So you try not to listen the day they’re all in the break room, talking about a party at Melissa’s house. You can’t help but overhear snatches—Janine insisting she’ll bring lasagna, Jacob saying he’ll do dessert, Melissa saying “oh, brother” and Barbara assuring her gently, a smile in her voice, “And I’ll bring the wine”—but you keep your head down over your lunch and turn the page of your lesson plan and ignore them until Janine realizes, suddenly, that the room isn’t empty, that you’re at the table just next to them, and burbles, “Hey, you should come, too!”
Your eyes go to Melissa right away. She glances up over her cat-eye glasses and her look is inscrutable.
“Oh,” you say, “um, I don’t know. I have, like, a thing—“
“C’mon, it’ll be fun!” Janine says. “We’ll eat some amazing food—“ she flicks a curl over her shoulder, playing at an Ava-like preen—“we’ll play board games, we’ll bond…”
“I don’t want to intrude.”
“You’re not intruding!” Janine looks imploringly at her friends. “Right?”
“Yeah,” Melissa says at last, still looking at you. Your heart thumps. “You should come.”
And that’s how you end up here: Melissa’s house. You crossed the welcome mat reading GO AWAY, a cheesecake in your hands, and tried not to make it obvious how badly you wanted to stare around yourself, scrutinize every photo and every piece of furniture, trying to get a window onto this woman you can’t figure out. Everyone’s piled onto the couch or onto chairs, plastic creaking under them as they lean forward to the table to swipe a snack or their glass of wine, and there’s an open box, a few stacks of cards.
“I found this amazing get-to-know-you game,” Janine declares, sliding down to sit on Mel’s carpeted floor. “So, you spin the spinner, right, and whatever it lands on, you take a card with the same color, and then you ask the question that’s on it, and everybody answers, and—“
“How do you win?” Melissa says. She’s holding a glass of wine, its rim printed with her pink lipstick. She’s got her hair in a ponytail that leaves lots of little curls hanging everywhere. She’s wearing a tank top. These details feel incredibly important; you try not to think about them.
“Oh, uh…” Janine frowns at the instruction booklet. “I don’t think you win.”
“What’s the point of a game if nobody wins?” Melissa leans over to the coffee table, grabs a grape off a serving plate, pops it into her mouth. She glances over at Barbara, who’s perched very straight-backed in a plastic-covered armchair, nursing a little bit of wine.
“I, for one,” Jacob says, “think competition is over-valued in our society. American individualism—"
“Just spin it, Janine,” Barbara says.
Beaming at the approval of her mentor, Janine spins. She plucks a blue card: “What’s your favorite sexual—“ her eyes widen. “Uh.”
“Oh, this just got interestin’,” Melissa says, and sits up straighter.
“Let me take another one.” Janine puts that card aside. “Have you ever had a threes—okay, no. Are they all like this?”
Gregory, a silent presence sitting stiffly alongside Janine, turns over a card from the green and red piles. He reads one: “How do you like your partner to style their pubic hair?” Then, the red: “Confess to a sexual fantasy you’ve had about… A member of the group.” The questions sound even more bizarre in his level voice, although his lifted eyebrows and widened eyes telegraph his discomfort. His gaze darts to Janine, then away.
“Janine, what’s the name of this game, please,” Barbara says, looking as though she’s one syllable from combustion.
Janine lifts the lid of the box. “Adult Dinner Party. But I thought, you know, adult dinner party, a classy kind of—oh.”
Jacob picks up a blue card gingerly and turns it over. “Have you ever had sex in a public place?”
“I have,” you say. Every face in the room turns toward you. Your cheeks heat. Your eyes flicker between each incredulous look. “What? We’re supposed to answer them, aren’t we?”
“This just got interestin’,” Melissa repeats. There’s a strange look on her face, not quite amusement; you wonder if it’s respect. “Me, too.”
“Melissa!” Barbara gasps.
“What? You never got fingered in a dark ride at an amusement park?”
Barbara stands up with her wine and walks out of the room, muttering to herself. Glances pass between the rest of you. The corner of Melissa’s mouth curves up. “Spin again,” she says.
The next few questions are mercifully tamer: do you think French kissing is overrated, what’s one thing you’ll never do for a partner? More wine is poured, Melissa going around and topping off each glass, saying to Gregory and Janine, “Lighten up a little, will you?” Eventually she comes to sit on the floor with everyone else, four people around the coffee table. She’s picked a spot right at your side, your knees bumping, thighs aligned.
“Is Barbara okay?” you ask. You can smell her perfume; it’s spicy and floral and it makes you feel tipsier than you are.
“Oh, she’ll be fine,” Melissa says. “You don’t wanna know how many of my parties she’s walked out of. Hey, Barb!” She bellows it close to your ear, making you wince; it’s followed by a twinge of peculiar affection that so much volume can come from one little woman. “Check the lasagna, will ya!”
There’s an indistinct answer from the other room, full of barely-contained irritation. Melissa slugs back another swallow of wine as Jacob flicks the spinner.
He draws a card and reads, “Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex? Oh, well—obviously.”
Gregory and Janine shake their heads.
Melissa says, “Listen, what happens in cheer squad stays in cheer squad, alright,” to scandalized gasps from her audience. She looks at you. “How about you? No girls, huh?”
You’re arrested by her green gaze so close, the wine on her breath, the question itself. You start to tell her, yes, plenty of girls, but you’re blushing again, embarrassed, all your bravado from earlier draining away into the floorboards.
“Here,” she says, and leans in. You register the thought Holy shit in the moment before her lips touch yours. Her nose brushes your cheek. Her mouth is very soft and a hot breath puffs over you in the instant before she delicately parts her lips and you feel the sweet flick of her tongue. She leans back again. “Now you’ve kissed a girl.”
“Melissa!” Janine says, outraged, bewildered.
“I bet Ava would have come, if she’d known it was this kind of party,” Jacob mumbles to the bowl of pretzels in front of him.
“I’m going to go check on Barbara,” Gregory says, his shellshocked eyes firmly on the ground as he gets up.
“Hey, I’ll come with you,” Janine says, all nerves, “maybe the lasagna needs more parm,” and scrambles up after him.
Melissa’s pouring herself the last of the wine. She’s smiling to herself. You don’t get it: what was that for? Was it bait, like your name, like the ribbing comments, trying to get a rise out of you? Or maybe just out of the people around you—trying to be the most shocking in the room? You stare, trying to read the look of satisfaction on her face.
"I'll--the bathroom," you say, and get to your feet. "'Scuse me."
You've got kind of an idea where it is. The problem, you realize, is that you have to cut through the kitchen to get there. It's savory-smelling, rich with tomato scent, and full of furious whispering that dies instantly as you cross the threshold; Janine, intently grating parmigiano into a bowl, gives you a guilty look as Gregory quickly parts from her side. Barbara is at the island counter, maybe only half-participating, but she looks at you, too, and you know they've told her.
You feel it all over again: these are people who've had years to get to know each other. Who are you to them? Not really a friend, just a colleague, half-acquaintance. You're the new invitee, the odd one out, and even though it was Melissa that kissed you, you'll be the one who gets the blame for the ruined party, the awkwardness now swamping Mel's rowhouse. Your gut clenches. "Excuse me," you repeat and dart past them to the bathroom.
You run cold water from the tap and stick your wrists underneath the faucet, like you've got heatstroke. You wet your hands and press them to your cheeks, your neck, your nape, trying to quiet your thumping heart. You look in the mirror: there's a glazed look in your eye; you're conscious your lips are tingling. Why'd she do that?
You've been played with by straight women before. Not always out of conscious cruelty: some women, you've realized, are hungry for a kind of attraction that doesn't have fear and imbalance, and they can't always have that with men. They want to be wanted by someone they think won't hurt them, and they pick you--never thinking about what it does to your heart; never imagining that desire for a woman can be real, that it can mean anything to anyone.
Is that Melissa? She said that thing about the cheer squad. If she likes women, too, why would she mess with you? If she thinks you're straight, is she just trying to shock, the way she did Barb with that dirty answer about fingering, needling at what she thinks are your reservations and limitations? Because that's what she does, what she's been doing. Poking and poking, trying to get a rise. Should you have shouted? Should you have cried? What would satisfy her?
"Melissa Ann Schemmenti," you hear Barb say from the kitchen, muffled on the other side of the door. You freeze a moment, heart pounding all over again, then turn the water down to a trickle and inch toward the door, leaning closer. All you can hear are bits and pieces of what must be a thunderous lecture: "That girl... Well, I won't... You know that... Sweet, but... Learn to behave."
There's a sulky rumble in Mel's voice in answer.
You're going to have to go out there eventually. You listen a few more seconds, but if there's footsteps of people dispersing, or more conversation as they linger, you can't hear it. You resign yourself, turn off the water, dry off your hands. You give your cheeks a last press with your cold fingers, trying to ground yourself. You'll go out there and pretend it didn't happen. You'll make it through the night and see what happens tomorrow. That's all you can do.
Of course, you go out into the kitchen, and everyone else is gone, and Melissa's there.
She's frowning deeply and scrupulously wrapping the parmigiano in plastic. She says something under her breath; you catch a Sicilian curse and a "kids don't know..." When she hears the bathroom door click, her head goes up, and there's a moment, her eyes meeting yours, where she looks as nervous as you feel. She looks back down at the cheese, tightly sealing and wrapping its edges, then crosses to the big stainless fridge to put it away.
"Guess I scared you back there," she says. There's a challenge in her voice. Suddenly, your fear and loneliness uncoil; they spool out into anger. It's one thing to mess with you in words. You could call that friendliness, call it teasing. It's not fair to mess with you like this.
"You didn't scare me," you say. Your voice is stronger than you expected. Not loud, but sure. "I've kissed more girls than a cheer squad."
"Huh, look at you," Melissa says, "big player."
"What is your problem with me?"
The question catches her in the act of moving to the oven. She looks sharply at you--then away. There's something strangely un-Melissa about the act. She fiddles with the oven dial, then leans her hip against the counter and folds her arms over her chest. "Hon, if I had a problem with you, you'd know."
"Then what the hell was that?" You catch yourself starting to cross your arms, to mirror her, and lower them to your sides, where your hands clench tightly.
"I kissed ya." She lifts her chin and looks at you. "What, you didn't like it?"
Your anger wobbles; the question stumps you. "It--that doesn't--look, you've been doing this all year. Pushing me around. I don't get it. I didn't do anything to you. Maybe you think I'm annoying, or stupid, or--"
"Pushing you around?" Mel moves closer. Her voice gets a little tighter, a little louder. Her eyes glitter with challenge. "I invited you to my house."
"Yeah, you invited Jacob and Janine to your house, too."
"I don't like them the way I like you," she says, and freezes. You have a sense she's blurted something she didn't mean to say. It's stopped her right in the tracks of what she might have made an argument, draining the confidence out of her posture.
Your heart is thundering in your ears again. You replay that delicate, barely-there kiss: her face leaning toward yours, spicy scent of her perfume, wine on her breath, her green eyes, her soft, hot mouth. Her tongue. "What?" you say.
Her mouth twists. There's something faintly absurd about it, how it turns a grown woman toddleresque, and you get another pang of that strange affection from before, when she yelled right in your ear. It's strong enough to filter through your anger.
She shifts from foot to foot. With her shoes off in her own home, she suddenly looks half her usual height. Fondness washes against you. "Look," she says, "I'm forget-about-it years older'n you and I don't have time to play games, so--"
"This isn't playing games?"
She ducks her chin toward her chest. It's another gesture that's strangely unlike her. You hear Barbara's voice in your head: Melissa Ann Schemmenti... Learn to behave.
You move closer again. Her eyes flick up to yours and there's a sulky defiance in them, even when they drop briefly to your lips.
"Is this..." You don't know how to ask it. How do you ask Melissa Schemmenti do you want me in her own kitchen? "Melissa, what do you want?"
"C'mere," she says. She takes your chin in her grasp and brings you closer and kisses you again.
Wine, perfume, her skin. This time, it's not some playful schoolgirl thing. You can feel intention behind the slow press of her lips against yours. She lets it linger for a second, two, then leans back, looking into your eyes.
Whatever she sees has her turning you, your back against the counter, a hard line of granite. This time, you lean forward into her kiss. Her body presses into yours, all hips, soft belly, breasts. Her hands bracket your body against the edge of the countertop. Her way of deepening the kiss is to nip your lower lip and make you gasp, so that her tongue can flick into your mouth, brushing against yours and sending tingling ripples through your whole body.
You cup her jaw. She’s so, so warm. You slide a hand back and brush some of those loose, careless locks of red hair behind her ear. You kiss her and kiss her; when your tongue teases against hers, deliberately now, she makes a sound like a whimper that you feel head to toe, like a current of lightning passing through you, dispersing into the ground.
“So,” she says, with you securely pinned, flushed, breathing hard, “what do you think?”
What do you think? You go back in for another kiss. She chuckles against your mouth and can barely kiss you back for her smug smile. This time, it’s your kiss, not hers, and you explore exactly how you want to: sucking and nibbling her lower lip, licking into her mouth, your hands dropping to her waist, pulling her against you. She melts into you, and there’s a thunderous sense of power and desire in you, tied to how her arms come up to loop around your neck, how her spine softens and her body sways into yours.
When you’ve got your breath back, you ask her, “Should we go back out there?” You know you have to, but you don’t know how you’ll manage it. You’re sure you have this moment written all over your face, glassy-eyed and out of breath. Melissa does, too: her lipstick is smeared. “Maybe in a few minutes?”
“I think,” she says, “I should kick all of ‘em outta here, and you’n’me keep the game and the lasagna, and we have some fun.” Her hand drops, intervening between your body and the counter so she can firmly grab your ass. You squeak. “Huh?”
“I—I think that would be pretty rude.”
She rolls her eyes. “Yeah, yeah,” she says, though she doesn’t let go of your ass. “And they planned this whole thing for us, so…”
“Wait—” you lean back a little to get a clear picture of her face. “What?”
“Janine’s idea,” she says. “I found out after they invited you. They knew I thought you were cute—“
“You told them that?”
“Course I didn’t,” Melissa says, “I look like somebody who goes splashin’ their business everywhere? ‘Specially where Janine can hear it? I’ll tell you about what she did to me’n my sister some time. They figured it out on their own. I mighta been lookin’ at your ass at work.” She gives it a pinch.
“So the board game…” You frown.
“I think that was an accident for real.” Her face pinches in a frown. “‘Magine Janine tryin’ to get us to talk dirty to each other out there?” The frown vanishes and the leer she gives you makes you feel very, very naked. “We could talk dirty in here, if you wanna.”
“Okay,” you say, “I think we have to go serve dinner.” If you let her keep going, you don’t know if you’ll have the will to stop her. You hear the next thought in her voice: What? You never got fingered in a kitchen with all your coworkers right outside? “Wait—“ your brow creases. “Did Barbara seriously go along with this?”
Melissa clears her throat. “She didn’t know at first—and then, I wanted her here, y’know, in case, uh…”
“Things went badly?” you supply. Melissa pinks. You smile at the sweet strangeness of it. “Were you guys going to drink a bottle of wine so you could… Mope about me?”
“I wasn’t gonna mope about ya,” Mel says, “because I knew you weren’t gonna turn me down, and you’d be an idiot if you did, so.”
“I would,” you agree, and have to go back in for another kiss, two, three. “I would be an idiot,” you murmur against her.
“Okay,” she says when you can finally stop kissing her, “okay.” She gives your ass a slap that makes you gasp. Her eyes narrow, cataloguing that response, and her smirk, of course, resurfaces. “You take the lasagna out of the oven. I gotta fix my lipstick.” She steps away, and pauses. “You might wanna…” She gestures to her mouth.
You rub your tingling lips and your fingers come away with the pink of her lipstick. Your face heats.
“Or keep it,” Melissa says, “looks good on you,” and she gives a preening toss of her high ponytail as she turns away to the bathroom.
You watch her go, her hips swaying as she moves. You have a sense of the world tilted on its axis: all that teasing and game-playing—because she likes you? More than likes you—wants you? Janine inviting you, Jacob and Gregory playing along—because they really do care? Barbara scolding Melissa in this kitchen—because she wants her best friend to treat you right?
You find a napkin and scrub the lipstick off your mouth. Each step you take across the kitchen feels like levitation, an inch or two above the floor. You check the lasagna. There’s two: one big lasagna, and another small, plain one for Gregory. You lift each casserole dish out of the oven, and they smell better than ever in a house full of friends.
You cross to the doorway and peek out into the living room. “Lasagna’s ready,” you say to the four faces that turn to yours, and you know you’re smiling like an idiot, but you can’t help it.
Janine bounces up. “I can’t wait for you to tryyyy itttttt,” she sing-songs. “I learned from the best!”
Barbara passes you to find plates and ready the table. She gives your arm a little pat as she goes—the first time she’s ever touched you. You feel a Janine-like burst of effervescence at the thought that Melissa’s best friend approves.
Melissa reappears. She picks up a cutter for each lasagna, an armful of cloth napkins, another bottle of wine. Jacob and Gregory gather the glasses from the coffee table. You stick your hands back into the oven mitts to carry each dish in.
As everybody gets settled in, pulling out chairs, Janine proudly adding her bowl of grated parmigiano to the table (“just in case!” she burbles), you catch Melissa’s eye. She’s looking at you, a soft fondness in the gaze; the tender creases at the corners of her eyes make your chest squeeze around your heart, which feels three, four times as large as it was before.
“What do you think?” you ask the table. “Should we bring over the cards?”
Your friends laugh. Barbara shakes her head and rolls her eyes. Melissa Schemmenti, looking at you, smiles.
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
Author's Note:
My next fic was intended to be a sadder hurt/comfort fic, but I received the following prompt from @morgana-larkin:
I love your first fic and I wanted to know if you could do one more on the fun side. Where the whole group goes to either Melissa or reader’s place for game night and they all end up playing truth or dare while drunk and someone dares one of them to kiss the other. Then after everyone leaves the two of them end up admitting their feelings. Thank you!
I did make some tweaks to the premise to suit my storytelling style, which I hope is okay. I did my best to honor this fun and lovely prompt. Thank you so much!
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halaboyz · 3 months
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coward, juyeon
classmate! the boyz juyeon x fem! reader fluff wc: 4.5k hallelujah warnings: none that i know of a/n: fake dating aye aye ayeee .... but its nearly not even discussed ;; finally and definitely words are overused
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"I'm sorry, what?"
"Girlfriend. I said girlfriend. Everybody, my girlfriend." Juyeon pulls you beside him as he strikes you with his menacingly fake eye smile, trying to get you into the problem he was currently making.
Your eye twitches in confusion, but your head nods anyway as you twist it slowly to look at his mother and friends in front of him, beaming at Juyeon. His mom quickly takes your hand to shake, eyes brightly smiling at you just like how Juyeon's did.
"It's good to finally meet his boyfriend he's been nonstop talking. It came to a point I thought he was only making up a girlfriend in his head," His mom chuckles and Juyeon grunts beside you as he gently takes your hand back to hold.
"Is he being real now?" Eric questions Chanhee, and honestly, no one knows whether he was being real. So you ask him back.
"Yeah, Juyeon, are you being for real now?" You chuckle, questioning him daringly.
"Yeah, real. Absolutely real." He smiles, nose scrunching at you.
Graduation ceremony just ended and photo ops were everywhere, when Juyeon suddenly asks for a picture with you. When leaving, suddenly, his mom was in front of you along with his friends, introducing you as his girlfriend.
"What the hell was that, Juyeon?" You ask, finally getting some alone time by leaving the hall for a moment. "I'm suddenly your girlfriend?"
"Sorry about that," Juyeon chuckles, scratching his head. "My mom kept bugging me for a girlfriend for a few months already, so I thought I'd... pull you just then," He tried reasoning- still unreasonable.
"Are you kidding me, Juyeon? Me? Of all people?" You act as if crying, head pounding with all of his bullshit. "We're not even the closest friends! We've only talked like- how many times, Juyeon?"
"I'm sorry, y/n... But please bear with this for a while, just over the break! And I promise we'll end like nothing even happened,"
After a few minutes of silence, you stared at Juyeon warily before heaving a sigh, finally giving in.
"Just over the break, Juyeon."
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"Mom's inviting you over her birthday..." Juyeon starts over the call, and you could hear him walking around as he stated the purpose of the call. "...And properly meet... literally my whole family."
"What the hell?" You helplessly mock cry, rubbing your temples to come up with a plan. "Juyeon, wasn't it enough that you introduced me as a girlfriend? You invite me to family events now?" You ask. "Look, I know all I've been doing the whole week was lie down and catch up with The Umbrella Academy but any of what you're saying is out of my plans!"
"Well, you're my girlfriend after all, so of course she's going to invite you." You don't know if Juyeon's too innocent and pure to even be doing this. All you know was that he really has no ill intentions over the matter. While you're helpless, someone's more helpless than you. Juyeon is. "I can just say you're not over the weekend, y/n."
"It'll be too rude to decline!" You stop him, "...I'll go."
And there you were, standing in front of their porch by a random Saturday afternoon, box of cake in one hand and flowers in the other. You had to elbow the doorbell, shaking at the apparently, first meet the whole family.
"Oh!" Juyeon's bright smile welcomes you once the door opens, setting the glass of wine she's been holding aside to get the things you've been holding. "Is this all for me?"
"Yes, ma'am," You chuckle, accepting a side hug from her. "Happy birthday, ma'am. I hope I'm not bothering your day,"
"You keep saying ma'am- we're family now! You should call me mom too! And don't worry about barging in, I invited you! Let me get Juyeon," She welcomes you in, leading you to the living room but even before she steps away, she turns around to look at you again. "Right! I almost forgot." She smiles, "Thank you for these." She raises both of her hands that now hold what you held, and you smile at her.
"Of course." You stay wandering around the living room, looking at the endless picture frames and you see Juyeon's growth throughout the years.
Although being classmates with him since first year high school, you realize you never really got to interact with him as much. As classmates, yes, but nothing outside of school grounds.
Looking at each picture since being a baby, and then from starting kindergarten, to the recent graduation, a giggle can't help leaving your lips when you realize that Juyeon's eye smile never changed.
"What are you laughing at?" You jump at Juyeon's voice beside your ear, looking at the frame you were last looking. When you whip your head to the side, his face was inches away. You step back due to shock, almost tumbling their vase down. "Sorry, did I scare you?" He giggles, putting his hands in his pants pockets. "You didn't call me so I wasn't able to get the door for you."
After gaining composure, you smile at him.
"I was holding a flower and a cake. You think I can call you in that case?" You pick on him, jokingly glaring. "I can't come empty handed when it's my boyfriend's mom's birthday."
"And for your boyfriend?" He lets out his hands in front of you, ready to receive something. You scoff, smirking. "Well, you came here for me too, didn't you?"
"Oh, I have one." You shake your head, smiling at him. You take his hand to pull closer to you and lower, stealing a quick kiss on his cheek.
Just at the right timing, his mom enters and invites you to the dining table, and you leave Juyeon with a pat in the shoulder and a sneaky smile.
You miss how Juyeon stays in his place for a whole minute, processing what just happened as his ears go red. His cheekbones slowly make its way up, eyes blinking in an abnormal pace as if it made up for the skip of beat of his heart.
"Juyeon, it's time to introduce your girlfriend," Juyeon's mom knocks on the wall to get his attention, and he immediately gets back flat on his feet and hopping to the dining.
He grabs your hand swiftly as you stand before his family, intertwining it and giving you a glance before introducing you.
"Everybody, y/n. My girlfriend. Y/n, my family. Sister, Younger brother, Mom, and Dad." They all smile at you as you give your respects to them, and then melting at Juyeon's warmth as you hide behind his shoulder due to shyness at everyone's eyes on you.
You were definitely, definitely welcomed.
And from that point on, you didn't even feel like you were just a fake girlfriend.
Not until right after eating, no. When suddenly, his younger brother asks you when you started dating.
"My brother always tells me everything! So I was upset when he revealed that he had a girlfriend but didn't tell me before..." He pouts and Juyeon chuckles, mumbling another apology to the poor guy.
Saliva caught up in your throat though, chugging down the whole glass of water trying to think of a good answer. You tried pinching Juyeon's thigh under the table but he only shoos it off, meaning you were on it by yourself only.
"Ah, haha." You tried lighting up the atmosphere. Everybody was waiting for your answer, and you try to come up with the safest one.
"Actually, we just started dating since graduation." You smile, and everybody sits still in silence. "Before the ceremony, I finally agreed after Juyeon pursued me for months," You exaggerate, finally earning chuckles from the family. You silently let out a sigh of relief and continue the conversation. "I'm sorry your brother didn't tell you,"
Because he didn't tell me either.
You glare at Juyeon for a second, smiling in a second once you whipped your head in front.
"What do you like most about my brother? Because I don't see anything someone like you would like from my brother. Definitely out of his league." His sister jokes around, earning a whine from Juyeon and a subtle kick under the table.
And you ponder. It takes you a few minutes because really, this wasn't one of the questions you imagined being asked today, right in front of his family.
"See! She can't even answer!"
You take a glance at Juyeon, and then chuckle.
"I think it's just hard to put into words," You explain, holding Juyeon's hands. Without trying to die out of cringe, you exhale deeply. "I think it was Juyeon's smile that I love most." You smile, turning to his family while letting your hand stay on his. "It never changes. From first year, to now, it's safe to say that Juyeon's smile never changed. And it felt... relieving? Of some kind- to realize that although everything was changing, he wasn't."
Everybody was silent. Their eyes were on you, especially Juyeon. He wasn't expecting any serious answer for he only dragged you into this mess but... now, he's far from regretting the choices he's been making.
"It felt comforting. His presence as a whole too, that I could come and go run to someone that was far from changing. And I could only hope to be the same for him." You tighten your hold on Juyeon's hand, and he was already smiling up to his ears.
The scene made everyone's heart flutter, and although Juyeon's sister almost vomited, she hated to admit it was pleasing to the eye that finally, someone had Juyeon's back.
Meanwhile Juyeon, was dying of cuteness. He wanted to squish you in a tight hug-- although you were definitely just a fake girlfriend, and he has no idea whether you were making that up- it doesn't matter.
He has fallen way too deep.
To be honest, everything he reasoned out to be in this situation was true. Except the fact that he had to run around the large hall room just to look for you and was even ready to beg you to help him out. Turns out, you found him. You. It was you who found him. And coincidentally, was already in front of his mom and his friends.
When you saw him, you weren't really planning on it, were you? But since he was already in front of you, you asked for a picture.
And fast forward- which got you into this mess. Would you even call it a mess?
"Well that was one fine lunch." You whisper, already habitually holding his hand as you made your way to the living room alone with him.
"I enjoyed it." Juyeon chuckles, which makes you whip your head toward him. When you took a seat, you furrowed your eyebrows. Juyeon was continuously smiling at you, which makes you burst out laughing.
"Juyeon, you're overusing your special killer move. Stop smiling, you'll grow on me." You point at him and he... wriggles in place, falling right beside you on the couch.
"I'm sorry you had to go all through that," He starts, grabbing your hand to study. He memorizes how your warmth feels, where your calluses break the softness and smoothness of your skin, and how your fingers are just like the right piece of puzzle to his large fingers to intertwine with.
"Don't worry about it. At the end of it all I had fun," You smile, and you scoot to the side to take a better look at him, looking at your hand.
And you wonder, how come you've never laid your eyes on him?
"Right, my sister is getting married next month, they'd expect me to bring you as my plus one," Juyeon turns to look at you after intertwining your hands, and once again, your faces were only inches apart. "T-that's... if you're, uh, free, of course."
"I'm agreeing only because I liked your family." You chuckle, poking his nose lightly.
"And me?" It almost comes out as a whisper, and you softly smile.
"And you."
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"I'm five minutes away," You giggle over the phone, "Sorry, I was stuck in traffic."
"Take your time, I'm waiting patiently," Juyeon chuckles when he senses your panic in your voice, trying to calm you down. He waits by the entrance doors, bidding goodbye once he sees you hopping to the mall.
"Hey, sorry." Juyeon ends the call and buries his phone in his pocket, smiling at you. He gives you a side hug and assures you once again, giving you the small bouquet of tulips he bought prior. "Ooooh Juyeon, what's this for?"
"For our first date." He twirls in place due to embarrassment, while you give him the most cheeky smile you could give.
"Aw! Thank you Juyeon! So much for being a fake girlfriend," You chuckle, and you don't mean to be a party pooper, really.
It was just to... remind the both of you.
You inhale sharply to change the sudden drop of mood, smiling.
"Now, help me find a good outfit for the wedding."
You've been roaming around trying to find the best outfit that fit the garden theme of the wedding, not seeming to find the 'right' one for you.
"You must be tired. We should eat first," You frown apologetically, pulling him beside you to sit.
"I'm okay though," Juyeon worriedly looks at you who seems frustrated, taking your hand to caress.
"I just can't see any dress to my liking," You pout, stomping your feet childishly.
"Should we go drive to another mall?"
"No, it's fine. I've bothered you enough. We can go check one last store and then I'd have to settle with what I can," You explain, pressing your lips to a thin line. "But before that, we should eat."
"What do you want to order?" You ask, turning to him when he's still so busy looking up the menu. You chuckle, initiating to order yours first when you realize the cashier was gawking at Juyeon already. "Sorry, excuse me?" When she still hasn't responded, you groan in annoyance. "Juyeon, baby, you still haven't decided?" You chuckle, pulling him closer.
Juyeon buffers in real life when he hears you say baby, blinking rapidly.
"Huh?" But a smile was forming in his lips. "Baby, sorry. Baby, I'll take the F2 set, baby." See, when Juyeon wants to tease you with your slip of mouth, he tends to overuse it toward you. You roll your eyes, but mirror his smile anyway.
"You were saying what, baby?" Juyeon asks as you take a seat, laughing his heart out.
"My god, I hate you so much," You groan, looking away.
"Oh but do you, really? You hate your baby so much?" He coos, and you push his face away. After letting out a hearty laugh, "Let's go to your last store and pick a dress. The sun's going down. If you want, we can go drive by another mall by tomorrow before the wedding the day after tomorrow."
"It's okay. You should go rest for tomorrow too. I'll pick a dress there in the store," You smile, urging him to go and eat first. "Thank you for going with me, Juyeon. You must be really tired,"
"I told you, I'm okay." He shakes his hand in front of you, and for a second, you suppress the urge to hold his hand. "I enjoyed today and had fun with you."
As you made your way to the last store, he sees your eyes shine at the variety of options presented to you. But one dress appealed the most to you, immediately picking it.
"This is it, Juyeon," You whisper, hands roaming around the peach ankle-length floral sundress that perfectly fit your body. "This is it, Juyeon!" You jump out of the dressing room, showing him the dress and twirling in place in happiness.
Juyeon admires. It was the first time you had shown him any of the dresses you have tried on, and "God, you're beautiful." was the only thing that could come out of his mouth.
God, you were really, very, so beautiful.
You chuckle shyly, looking around when Juyeon only looks at you with such heart eyes.
"I'll go change back now, I'll take this," You blabber, skipping back to the dressing room. After one last look at yourself, you smile satisfyingly.
Juyeon is only brought back to reality when you're out of sight, and only realizes he was holding back his breath when he releases a long sigh.
Oh he just can't wait to see you again in that dress.
And his reaction doesn't really change when he sees you walking down the stairs of your porch, all ready to go with a sweet smile on your face.
"Beautiful." He says when he takes your hand to assist you, holding the passenger seat's door open.
"Not so bad yourself, baby." You scrunch your nose, taking a seat and eyes following Juyeon outside until he finally settled beside you.
"Ready?" He asks, and when he sees you smile, he finally starts the car.
And actually, time flies by fast when you're with Juyeon. The car ride was fast and fun, and it didn't occur to you until now that you and Juyeon clicked so much.
"I'll go get us some drinks. You must be thirsty after all that greetings from my family." You nod, smiling at him after sitting.
"Please be fast," You whisper, your introverted ass not not surviving for a minute alone in a social place. Juyeon chuckles as he pats your head, jogging to the back kitchen to grab you some drinks.
"Hey," When you thought Juyeon was back, you quickly turn to smile but is only greeted by his cousin, Jungwoo.
"Oh, hi! Jungwoo, right?" You welcome, growing uncomfortable at the stranger, but not wanting to be rude.
"Aye, you remembered!" Jungwoo lightens the mood, and had no other ill intentions but to keep you company. He sits besde you and starts a small talk, in which eventually you grew comfortable of his presence.
He was a funny guy, and made you laugh a lot. Now even that he stays still, the way he moves, he makes you laugh.
"Unfortunately, your clown has to go now. I have to take care of things on the groom's side, you know, for their last salut for tonight,"
"Oh yeah, do so! I'm so sorry I took much of your time. I wonder where Juyeon went," You smile apologetically, shaking your hands in front of him to urge him to go ahead.
"There your prince charming goes," He pouts to a direction, making you whip your head to the side. The familiar face finally makes you heave a sigh of relief, smiling at him.
He lets out a fake smile for a second, as he makes his way to you.
"Had fun?" Juyeon asks hastily, after nodding at Jungwoo and sitting where Jungwoo had sat.
"Yeah, your cousin's fun! Definitely should try stand up comedy," You chuckle, ignorant of Juyeon's change of mood.
"Good." That's where it hit you, when Juyeon didn't have his signature smile plastered on his face, simply chugging the glass of champagne twirling between his fingers.
"Did something happen? Why the long face?" You question, taking his hand to caress.
"Nothing," He sighs, swiftly turning your hand for him to hold. He shoots you a smile, scooting closer. Maybe he's just had a bad moment back there, so you didn't press on it further. "The salut's next, then we can go back to the accommodation if you're tired,"
"No it's fine! I'm enjoying, and you're back anyway," You smile, and pay attention once the clank of the knife on the wine glass was heard.
"...Cheers!" Juyeon's sister raises her glass as everybody does, drinking the champagne right after.
"We're inviting all of the couple in the middle of the stage for the slow dance, in line with the newly wedded's requests! This has been..." The host had finally concluded the reception, the lights dimming and focusing on the stage, the music turning into a romantic, slow song.
A lot has been making their way in the middle, and your smile never leaves your face in adoration of the beautiful scene in front of you.
"Hey lovebirds, you should go dance too," Juyeon's parents suddenly appears behind the both of you, pushing you to stand and pulling you in the middle in contrast of Juyeon's whines.
Of course, he wasn't able to refute his parents' glares and formally takes your hand, asking for a dance.
"It's okay, I don't really know how to dance so,"
"That's okay, you have me." Juyeon smiles, and somewhat, that convinced you. So you take his hand and made your way in the middle, greeting the newly weds. You saw how Juyeon's sister raised her eyebrows at his brother teasingly, which earned her a chuckle.
Juyeon shyly teaches and guides you where to put your hands, and you feel how his palms were sweaty.
"I think you're more nervous than me, judging how your palms are sweaty and how fast your chest's going up and down in a second," You chuckle, laying your hand on his left chest. You feel how fast his heart is beating, and for a second right there, you were worried. "Did you drink too much? How come your heart's beating this fast, Juyeon?"
He nervously chuckles, but doesn't give you an answer. He continues to teach you how to waltz, and you comply... terribly.
"That's okay, you can just go and step on me all you want," Juyeon's laugh rings around your ears pleasantly, and as selfish as you can be, you want to be the only reason why he laughs like that.
The past month had been weird, but oddly heart fluttering because of Juyeon. Weird from the start that he had to ask you to be his fake girlfriend, and him as someone you had limited interactions only. But aside all that, you had been enjoying getting to know him and his family.
How his slow ass will never survive your fast pace, how he plays basketball any free second he's given, how he always have to drink milk at 8 am sharp, how he cannot, for the life of his, watch any scary video, much more a horror movie, without company, or how he gets upset easily.
"You were laughing a lot with Jungwoo earlier. What did you two talk about?" You chuckle at Juyeon's attempt to have a small talk, to hopefully avert your attention away from his stammering and cold sweating due to the close proximity.
"I figured you're jealous." You shrug, following his sense of rhythm and miraculously not stepping on him. "You don't have to, baby. We were talking about your diaper days. And he had lots of stories to tell about you so..."
"Who's jealous? Your baby? I don't think I need to be," When he finally hears you call him your endearment once again, his shoulders go way to high again, which makes you laugh.
You pull him in to a comfortable hug, swaying to the sound of the slow melody. You feel Juyeon stiffen, so you melt more into his warmth.
"You know, Juyeon, I'm at a point where I want to thank you for dragging me into this mess," Maybe you initiated a hug because you didn't want to face him as you say what has been bugging your mind all night. "For introducing me as your fake girlfriend. You've been nothing but good to me, as well as your family. To think that this will all come to an end so soon breaks my heart." You pout, and you thank the lords you're not seeing how Juyeon is reacting right now.
Because if you do, you might really just cry right then and there. Juyeon was too good to be true for you, and for a fact that you were the one who wanted all of this to end as soon as possible from the start was horrendous to think about. You should even be thanking him for giving you the opportunity to be treated by the Lee Juyeon.
"What I'm saying is, Juyeon... I like you. Over the past month, I've grown to like you not just a fake boyfriend. I hope I'm making sense here," You sigh, genuinely afraid of the chance of rejection. "I know I said we should end it by today but... If you still agree with that, I understand, you can leave me here and I won't hold any grudge."
You close your eyes, eventually feeling Juyeon's tensed body ease up, breaking the hug. Your chest tightens, feeling disappointed as your head drops down in embarrassment. You wait for a few seconds before opening your eyes, ready to walk away but there Juyeon was, in front of you, adoring your hunched self.
Just a second ago, he was the one all tensed up and all ready to call off the agreement in respect of your pleas of getting out of the messy situation. But now, he was the one all smug and confident, thanking you internally because you were the one who confessed.
Because really, would he even think about confessing after the dumb move he made in that graduation hall?
"You're so cute," Juyeon takes ahold of both of your arms again and guide its way atop his shoulders, softly linking his forehead onto yours sweetly. "y/n, you like a coward who's been hiding his feelings for 5 years straight. You like a coward who didn't think twice about his actions, a coward who, instead of confessing, drags the girl he likes all these years in front of his family and friends, introducing her as his girlfriend. You like a coward who was even thinking of letting you go just a minute ago, y/n. Because if you didn't even bat an eye on me all those years we've been classmates... what more can I bring to the table now, right?"
Juyeon's mind was all over the place. Just like how you were thinking awhile ago, he thinks you're indeed to good to be true for him. That you don't deserve someone as simple as him, someone as cowardly as him.
"Juyeon, look at me." You cup his cheek, smiling assuredly at him. "You're more than enough for me. I like you as you are, and I will love you as you offer. You're my coward, Juyeon. And I will take what you can give. We'll be each other's answers in each of our lapses. We don't have to be perfect. I just want you, Juyeon."
And as deep as the night, Juyeon finally lets go of his doubts, taking the hand you cupped his cheek with to kiss, and following your forehead thereafter.
It was safe to say that Juyeon was being real now. However this time, you were too. You both were.
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taglist: @sunlightwoo (answer the form on my pinned to be included!)
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luveline · 1 year
Jade, after the last zombie blurb I can’t stop thinking about like, r taking care of Steve’s knee. Poor boy does so much for everyone else and probably doesn’t think to take care of himself so r just wraps it for him or something. Feel free to use this as a prompt if you’d like, no pressure!!
thank you for the prompt beautiful, I thought it was a great idea!! steve zombie au — you wrap up Steve's injured knee and get ready to move out of your makeshift camp. tw for zombie apocalypse typical violence and gore
There's a misery in the air thick as coal dust. For five days now, you, Steve, and the rest of the survivors from The College have been holed up in an apartment building within the city that surrounds The Michigan–Indiana border. At first, you'd been scared that the raiders who ruined your community would follow the tracks and find you, but a handful of scouts doubled back to find the ruins of your community completely empty. Wrecked, but uninhabited. 
With no one to hide from, a new problem emerges. How are you going to feed this many mouths, support so many children who can't fend for themselves? 
You have to get back on the road. 
So people are packing up. You, amongst the injured, can only sit and watch, though your cuts and bruises get better everyday and this is more of a Steve-mandated bed rest than a necessary sit down. Meanwhile, Steve limps around on his hurting knee and pretends it doesn't hurt at all. You can see him across the room from you now, helping a young girl tie her borrowed shoes tightly. You'll be walking as far as you can tonight, which with little ones won't be very far, but to them will seem like miles and miles and miles. 
"How's that? Not too tight?" he asks, tying her laces.
"It's okay." 
"You need them nice and snug so you don't get blisters, I know it's not comfortable. You're being really brave, Debbie." 
"Is my dad coming home soon?" 
You're terrified for a moment that her dad is one of the people who didn't make it here with you, but luckily Steve must know who she means, and he says, "Any minute now, the river's not far. Do you want to come and sit with me and my girlfriend?" 
She nods to her left, where a book rests face down. "I'm okay. Thank you." 
"You're welcome. We're just over there if you change your mind, okay?" 
He points at you. Debbie and Steve notice you watching them, and you give them a friendly smile and wave. You know you don't look especially inviting. You have marks all over your arms, more on your legs though they're hidden by your pants, and your hair hasn't been taken care of in a week. Your wave falters, even as Steve waves back. 
You pull on the jacket you've been given and pull the hood over your hair before Steve gets back to you.
Steve sits down next to you and sighs.
"Ready to go?" he asks. 
"Yeah." It's not as if you have any possessions to pack. "Are you?" 
"For sure," he says, dropping his face into his hands. "No, god… I'm tired, I don't wanna walk. I wish we could stay here." 
"I know, I'm sorry." 
He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and straightens up. You haven't had a whole lot to talk about with one another lately, but luckily love doesn't need a lot. Your hands meet like magnets and your fingers thread together, his palm rough as yours but pleasantly warm. 
You sit like that for a while. 
"Here, the boon you requested," Robin announces, dropping a little white parcel into your lap. "Did you guys need socks? Sarah said she'd swap me four whole pairs for one of my hoodies." 
Robin being willing to swap one of her hoodies for socks makes you wanna cry. You smile at her. 
"We don't need any socks. You need to stop trading your things away," Steve says. 
"I know you'll find me another one." She looks between you both and bites her lip, hands moving up to her hair. She scratches through it. "Maybe we could stay here tonight, catch up with everyone else tomorrow," she suggests, eyeing you both thoughtfully.
"No," Steve says, kind but firm. "We're ready to go." 
"Okay. Well, I'm gonna go see if Chloe needs a hand with baby Ada," Robin says. She makes a heart with her hand and pushes it down at you. You make one back. 
"She doesn't even like babies," Steve says as she leaves. 
"She's amazing. Okay, take your pants off handsome." 
Steve blinks at you. "Excuse me?" 
You hold the bandage Robin brought you between your index and middle finger. "Time to wrap you up." 
"I'm not cut." 
"I know, but we're gonna be walking, and your knee still hurts. The compression will help." 
Steve knows you're right, even if he isn't eager to be looked after. You shake the blanket over his lap and he slides out of his pants, baring his purpled knee to you unhappily. 
"The bruise is worse," you murmur, unwrapping the bandage from itself in looser circles around your hand. "But it doesn't look swollen anymore. How does it feel?" 
"I was shit scared it was fucked forever, but it was just sprained. It's definitely getting better," he confesses. 
"And if it was fucked?" you ask. He told you it didn't even hurt. "Were you going to pretend forever?" 
"As long as a I could." 
You rub your thumb over his kneecap and wince at his wincing. "Lame… This is gonna hurt, I'm sorry, but not for long." 
"How d'you know it won't make it worse?"
"According to Sarah's copy of Field Medicine for Injury and Disease, it won't. I'm gonna start on top so it doesn't chafe while we walk, and I'm going to pull it really tight, so tell me if it doesn't feel right." 
"Can I ask you something?" Steve says severely. "Who the fuck is Sarah?" 
You wrap his knee. One round of white bandages at a time with a continued pressure, your fingers as gentle as they can be over the stain of his contusion. He doesn't make a sound the whole time, though you know it aches. 
"Did Robin give you her last quarter?" you ask. 
"What, the oxycontin? No, I think she gave it to Jonathan. His burn is scabbing over."
"Then you have nerves of steel." You want to call him my love, or my boy, but you're not often like that, and not in front of so many people. While nobody's watching, you lean down and kiss his knee. You're embarrassed as soon as you've done it but you can't take it back; you sit up and finish tucking in the end. 
Steve takes your face into his hand unexpectedly. 
He might call you honey, or baby, but he's quiet. You miss him so much and he's right here —you don't need The College if he's with you, but you'll miss your bedroom, because there he'd talk for hours about whatever he wanted. You'd give anything to be back there even for a second listening to him re-explain the plot of Fast Times, or try to convince you that cheese didn't even taste that good anyways so don't bother missing it. 
But you're here, and he's gonna be fine. One day he's gonna feel like chatting his nonsense again and you'll be there to listen. Until then, you'll do your best to take care of him.
"Thanks," he says, rubbing your cheek with his thumb. 
He looks so pretty. Brown eyes, the lingering purple and yellow of the shiner he suffered nearly invisible under the dark shadows beneath them. His hair is limp and a tiny bit longer than he prefers to have it, kissing his neck on both sides. He doesn't look clean, and it doesn't matter. 
"You're welcome. Now put your pants back on, Steve. We have places to be soon." 
He squeezes your cheek. "I don't think I can stand up." 
You help him back into his pants, the both of you laughing, and shuffle on your butt so you can sit hip to hip with him, your arm curled behind the small of his back. 
"Put your head on my shoulder, please," you say. 
Steve complies. 
You smile to yourself when he starts to talk quietly, "Hey, did I ever tell you about the time I went to Switzerland? Skiing?" 
"No," you murmur back. "What happened?" 
"I fell on my face. So, I was seventeen, and my mom…" 
if you’re reading this, thank you so much! I know some of you are dedicated readers of the zombie au and it warms my heart completely, it makes writing for them so so rewarding and I couldn’t be more grateful <3 if you have any requests for them let me know if you’d like to! but thank you again either way!
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familyvideostevie · 10 months
Could I request some Steve hurt/comfort? Maybe a new relationship and she’s having a hard time not being afraid of it blowing up in her face? I’m obsessed with your writing btw I think you’re utterly amazing.
hello! thank you so much, you are so kind! here's what you've asked for, i hope it's alright. <3 you're worried your new relationship with steve is too good to be true, but he sets you right | fluff, 1.1k
-- It's fine until it isn't.
Well, it actually is fine but you convince yourself that there's no way you can be this happy. It seems too good to be true. Not that you're not deserving, not that you don't think you're good enough for Steve. It's more complicated than that.
You just...don't know how it can be going this well. You've never felt this way before. So excited to see him when he picks you up, so eager to be close to him. He does things just because he knows they'll make you happy, isn't afraid to look like an idiot, and makes you laugh.
It's pretty close to perfect. You can see it going the distance. You can see yourself falling in love with Steve pretty quick.
But something in your gut is sour and it spreads to your heart. Something this good, something this lovely can't possibly last.
So what do you do? You try to ruin it.
It's a regular party. Someone Steve knows invited you guys to someone else's house and what else is there to do? So you go. He picks you up a few minutes late and you're so glad to see him that you can't stop smiling but that lump in your gut is louder than usual.
"Sorry," he says when you open the door. "I couldn't find the shirt I wanted." He's wearing a shade of green you've told him more than once that you love. "You look great."
He gives you a quick kiss and opens the car door for you and keeps his hand on your leg the whole way there but you don't talk. He doesn't seem to mind. The party is in full swing when you arrive and he promises you he's not going to drink anything but you're welcome to.
"I'll go get you something," he says. "Beer? Weird cocktail? Something else?"
"Beer is fine," you say. Usually, you'd laugh, and Steve noticed, mouth turning down for just a second before he grins again. You send him away with a kiss on the cheek.
"Alright," he says. "I'll find you."
You wander the room and speak to a few people you recognize but your heart isn't in it. You're antsy and your skin feels too tight and you kind of want to hit something. Above all, you're frustrated with yourself for feeling this way at all.
The crowd is getting thicker so you make your way to the kitchen in hopes of intercepting Steve. As soon as you think it the crowd parts and you see him holding a solo cup and...talking to a girl.
Well, she's talking to him. That lump in your gut grows and you cross your arms like you're cold.
Maybe this is it, you think. Maybe this is where he shows you it was too good to be true all along -- he's going to flirt with this girl. Even though you know he's not that kind of guy.
But he just nods when she flicks her hair over her shoulder, smiles tightly and leaves her behind with a tilt of his head. His eyes sweep the crowd and once he finds you he beams and raises the cup in his hand like a trophy.
You don't know why you do it, you really don't. You turn on your heel and push your way through the crowd to the first door you can find and spill out onto the back porch. No one is out here and you brace yourself on the railing, head resting on your hands.
"What am I doing?" you ask yourself.
"I...was also going to ask that," Steve says. You whirl around and find him in the doorway, your drink in hand. He looks confused and a little hurt. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," you say, turning away from him. It tastes like a lie in your mouth.
"Listen, if you aren't feeling well I'll take you home. We can stop at the gas station, I bet they have soup or something --"
"Steve," you say. He stops talking and you hear his steps on the deck and then he's next to you. he puts your cup of beer on the railing and looks at you through his bangs.
"What's wrong?" he asks. "Did I do something? Listen, I'm not the best at uh, intuition, or whatever, but just tell me and I'll promise not to do it again --"
You don't say anything and he cuts himself off. "Babe, you're killing me here," he says, laughing lightly. "Please talk to me."
You can be brave. You owe it to Steve. And maybe...he can set your mind right about this. You sigh and look at him just a little. His face is the picture of concern. "I just...I really like you," you say. He smiles and looks confused.
"I really like you, too," he says. "Kinda why we're seeing each other, isn't it?"
"Yeah," you say, a little exasperated now. "And that's the problem. I like you so much and you make me happy and I love being around you and..."
Steve lightly touches your hand. It's warm and you let him twine your fingers together. "It's all sounding good so far," he says.
"I keep thinking it's going to blow up in my face," you say softly. "I...think I'm looking for ways for it to go wrong."
"Ah," he says. He squeezes your hand and you look at him. His eyes are warm and he's not smiling but he's looking at you with...fondness. "Yeah, okay. I get it," he says.
He nods. "Of course I do. I think I'm gonna fuck this up all the time," he says. "But I just...think about how much I want it to work and I usually get over myself." You scoff. There's no way it's that easy. Steve reads your mind.
"No, seriously," he says. He grabs your other hand. "I know it sounds dumb. But let me be the first to tell you that I like you. And I want you to tell me this stuff, okay?"
You surge forward into his embrace. He laughs and wraps his arms around you. "Okay," you say. Maybe it is that simple. "You're not going to fuck it up, by the way," you say.
"Neither are you," he says. "Got it?""
You pull back and he cups your face. "Got it," you repeat.
"Do you want to go home?"
"Not yet," you say. "Let's go dance." You lean forward to kiss him quick and sweet and he chases your mouth.
"Hell yeah," Steve says against your lips.
thank you for reading <3 reblog, send feedback, general masterlist here!
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starcrossedxwriter · 1 year
Wicked Fantasies Part 6 (MBJ x OC)
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Warnings: Look… its literally just angst lol you're gonna feel things! Don't say I didn't warn you. NSFW
A/N: This is like 2 weeks later than I promised (SO sorry, y'all!) but I hope you enjoy!
“This isn’t so bad,” Michael argued. “She’s just complaining that she hasn’t met me yet and some other shit that isn’t even true. Why’s that a problem?” 
Alex shook her head as she scrolled on her phone. Her eyes did not even leave her phone screen as she spoke, her nails furiously tapping across the glass screen. “It’s not what she said that’s the problem. It’s that she’s talking at all… the only things I want to see in the media about the two of you are cute photos from date night, not tell alls from family members. Does she know about your… previous career?” 
This was the first time his manager had even directed a question at Raven, who had sat silently since they arrived. She was so angry that she could not even revel in the fact that she was at Michael’s house for the first time, not regulated to her usual place in his bachelor pad. She thought being invited to this intimate part of his life would make her happier. But instead of feeling joy and welcomed, she merely felt like a burden. She was only there out of necessity to fix the crisis her own sister created. 
This is why you can never be more, she reminded herself. Paris had started to rip out the weeds of doubt that grew in her soul, siphoning away the power of the notion that they could not be more. It had made her fall deeper in love with him, made her seriously ponder whether his feelings for her stretched into deeper territory.. But this? This reminded her of a sickening fact. 
No matter how many trips he charted for her, gifts he showered her with, or kindness he showed, she did not belong here with him in the real world. It was as if every intimate detail of his home and his real life that she saw screamed at her that she was out of place, punching above her weight, and needed to return to where she belonged: the outskirts of his life in the condo where he took one-night stands and flings that meant nothing once the sun rose. Because as soon as their arrangement was done, she would be nothing to him again. And while Paris had made her feel like she could still win in the ring, now she felt as if she was merely being punched right back down where she belonged. 
“No. Well… she doesn’t know about the prostitution. But… I always thought she figured out I was a stripper somehow.” 
Alex, who previously had been engrossed in her phone, lifted her head in surprise. “You were a stripper too? Would’ve been nice to know before now,” she muttered under her breath. 
Raven’s long stiletto nails bit into the palm of her hand as she tried not to let one comment push her right off the cliff she was teetering on. She knew Alex was not intending to be judgmental but that did not stop her from feeling the sting of it. Every choice she made in her life since the moment she came into the world seemed to be a bad one for everyone else. She could not do anything right. 
“I was a 19 year old with no skills who needed to pay for college. I wasn’t facing a fucking mountain of options. So I did the best I could with a shitty situation... Sorry my choices as a desperate teenager are making your job so difficult,” Raven snapped. 
“I didn’t me-” 
“Alex.” Michael’s stern voice cut through the budding tension, stealing the words right out of Alex’s mouth. Michael’s dominance and power seemed to have an effect on everyone, though Raven suspected it was because he was not the type to abuse it. Alex immediately let the rest of her sentence fade away, opting to apologize instead. 
Michael’s eyes had not left Raven’s body since they got in the car. He hated how her eyes actively avoided him, he had been unable to look in her beautiful brown eyes for over an hour and that killed him. They were the most expressive part of her, windows into her soul and every feeling she had. She shied away from his comforting touch in the car so he kept his distance but even still, he could see how her entire frame trembled ever so slightly. Her furrowed brow… her silence. God, her silence was so deafeningly loud in his ears. He was not used to it. Even if it was awkward ramblings, she was rarely silent with him. This was a side of her he had never seen. It was not sadness or resignation, he had seen both of those, and she seemed to be able to push through those just fine. No, this was something else and it was red hot and all consuming to the point where he could tell she could not hide it. It was a far cry from the woman who was sound asleep on his shoulder on the plane two hours prior. 
“I’m sorry,” Alex raised her hands. “I’m sorry. I’d never judge anyone for doing what they need to. I just need to know what else your sister could say.” 
“She has no proof… just speculation. But that’s it. She doesn’t know anything about my life now… we aren’t close.” 
At first, she had immediately handed Alex back her phone, uninterested in reading whatever lies her sister decided to spew. However, when Michael summarized it for her, the notions in it were so absurd, she had to read them for herself. She instantly wished she had not. 
It was as dramatic as it was false, her sister complaining about how Raven had changed and alienated her own family since her romance with the superstar had begun. She spun a web of tall tales about how Raven never spoke to them anymore, how close they once were and how much the family missed her, how Raven had told them Michael was too busy to meet them. By the time Raven got to the end of the article, she was shaking. 
She supposed the silver lining was that the article was more of a personal attack on her character than their relationship, which she was used to from her sister. She just had not expected her sister to drag it into the public eye like this. And while reading her words agitated some of her deepest wounds, they fueled more anger in her than any other emotion. Anger was not an emotion Raven often felt where her family was concerned. Slight frustration, sadness, hurt, guilt? She felt all of those often but she was used to it and often brushed them off. But true anger? That was rare, or rather, it was rare that she let herself feel true anger. And now, it hit her as high, powerful waves crashing against her shores. 
“So she’s just lookin’ for her 15 minutes. Fine. But she can’t say anything else, this’s gotta be it.” 
“Who cares if she mouths off to the media?” Michael asked. He knew why Alex cared and why he should care. But at that moment, all he could actually care about was minimizing this for Raven’s sake. He knew her well enough to know that the only person she would blame for this was herself, not her idiot sister. And it seemed to him that she blamed herself for far too much where her family was concerned. He did not want to add another unnecessary thing to that list. Nor did he want her to feel the burden of this because she was quite the opposite of a burden to him and he would clean up 100 PR nightmares for her without a second thought. They had taken 10 steps forward in Paris, walls came crumbling down for both of them. If he did not fix this fast, Raven would retreat 15 steps back from him and he could not take that. 
“That’s not the point! She’s smoke and TMZ knows where there’s smoke, there’s a fuckin’ fire. And y’all two and this whole situation is a damn forest fire. We don’t need TMZ or a fuckin’ Inspector Gadget head ass Tik Toker to look into Raven’s life or past anymore than they already have. So you need to shut her up now. Is she a fan of his or somethin?”
Raven scoffed. “If wanting to add him to her list of fuck buddies means she’s a fan then sure… she’s a fan.” Her anger meant she could not hide the bitterness in her voice, could not pretend to have a kind word to say about her sister who seemed to take joy in going out of her way to ruin all the good things in her life. 
“Well, that shit definitely ain’t happenin’,” Michael stated with a growl. 
“I mean, no nigga, I wasn’t gonna suggest you fuck her sister.” Alex rolled her eyes.
“Maybe we s-should just end this. I’m causing more problems than I’m fixing.” Raven’s voice was so quiet, Michael almost did not hear her. It hurt her heart to even consider it but Paris had rubbed her raw, left her and her emotions exposed in ways she had not experienced in a long time. And she had not minded that at first, she savored the closeness and vulnerability with another person. But now, all of her emotions felt dialed up by ten in that vulnerability and that overwhelmed her. She was overwhelmed by the rage she felt at her family for trying to use Michael the way they used her. She thought she couldn’t ruin him but she felt as if she already was. “I’m r-ruining everything…” 
Michael’s heart stopped, his head shaking vehemently before any words could even escape his lips. “What? No… why would we do that?” 
Raven’s head fell into her hands as she let out a frustrated and strangled sigh that sounded like a sob. 
“Ok, let’s all take a breath. I’m sorry, I probably made this seem like a bigger deal than it is. We don’t need to stop or end it if you aren’t ready to. This is still a good plan, no one is ruining anything. We can fix this. We just need to give her what she wants. If you just meet her, take a picture with her, get her tickets to a high profile event or party or whatever she wants, then maybe she’ll settle down and keep her mouth shut.” 
“She won’t,” Raven mumbled to no one in particular. 
“Everyone has a price and we just need to find hers,” Alex continued texting on her phone.  
“She won’t because she’s an attention seeking bitch. She’s never had a real job or ambition or anything going for her and just takes and takes and takes from everyone with no thought. I can give her the fucking world and she’ll come back with her hand still out!” Raven exploded, jumping up from her seat as the words escaped her lips before she could even hope to stop them. She buried her face in her hands and turned away from both of them as she heard them in the space, instantly regretting them. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” 
Michael sighed and gestured toward the door, Alex walking out of the room with him. He closed the door behind them.
“So I take it there’s some bad blood there?” Alex asked as she leaned on the door. 
“Lots of it. You know how family shit is… lots of heavy ass baggage there. Let me talk to her and I’ll call you tonight with a game plan. I think she just feels betrayed and upset and needs to process all that.” 
“Understood,” Alex raised her hands in surrender. “Take your time, give her what she needs. Sorry this had to happen as soon as you came back. She seemed really happy when y’all got off the plane, I didn’t mean to ruin it.” 
Michael shook his head. “Doing your job isn’t ruining anything. But my guess is the timing of this, on her sister’s part, wasn’t random. Sucks too… the past week was the most relaxed I’ve ever seen her, first time she seemed actually happy.” Michael stared through the glass panels of his office door to watch her. He could see the tension in her shoulders from all the way over here, could tell they were shaking slightly from silent tears. 
He turned away to look back at Alex whose eyes were big with shock. 
“You’re in love with her.” 
“Alexxxx…” he dragged out her name, his manager scoffing and dragging him by the arm further away from the door. 
“Don’t insult my intelligence, Bakari. I’ve run a couple PR relationships in my time and most fail miserably. Been trying to figure out why this one seems to be working so well… I knew it wasn’t cause you’re that good of an actor, no shade. It’s because you… Michael Bakari Jordan love her. You’re not having to play for the cameras because you’re actually in love with her. Look me in my eyes and tell me I’m wrong.” 
Michael sucked his teeth. “I love her.” He admitted. “And I know what you’re gonna say… it can’t work and it’s stupid and I’ll need to end it like we always planned. I know, I got it.” 
He started to move past her when her hand grabbed his bicep to stop him. 
“I was actually gonna say that I’m happy for you. Been waiting for you to wise up and find someone for real. If she’s what you want, I support it and you 100%. And we can figure out how to spin it.” She jerked her head back toward the office. “Go take care of your girl. Call 
me later.” 
They shared a hug before Michael disappeared back into the office. Raven sniffled and quickly wiped her tears away before standing up and walking over to him. She tried to put a positive look on her face and tone in her voice as she spoke. 
“I’m sorry… that outburst was m-mean and totally unnecessary. And not helpful. She’s right, we need a game plan and everything. Where’s Alex? I want to apologize and then I can fix this.”
He perched on the edge and widened his stance so he could pull her in between his legs. His arm wrapped around her waist as he pulled her into his chest. He did not like how she braced her forearms against his chest to avoid fully melting into his embrace. 
“I don’t need you to do anything and Alex doesn’t need an apology. She’s fine. I care more about whether you’re good or not. You’re upset.” 
She shook her head. “I’m not upset.” 
Michael raised an eyebrow. “You just called your sister an attention seeking bitch. Ain’t gon’ hear an argument from me but that’s not like you. You’re pissed, rightfully so. Tell me why though, don’t bottle that shit up.” 
Raven stared at him for a moment, her mouth opening and closing a couple times as she tried to find the words to tell him. Tell him that she was near out of relentless hope and optimism, that a not-so-small part of her hated her sister and wished she never had to see her again, that she wanted to cut her and her dad out of her life completely but she wasn’t brave enough to be truly alone so she couldn’t, that a bigger part of her wanted to call TMZ and tell them all about how horrible her family has been to her her entire life, that it cut deeper than she imagined it would to read her sister describe a relationship between them that had always been her dream but she actively denied her. She wanted to tell him that she was tired, that she felt guilty and ashamed for dragging him into this mess, that she didn’t deserve his care and kindness because all she had done was ruin his life.
It was all too much, the avalanche of emotions she felt picked up speed and power with every moment she stood in his presence. And she needed it to stop, needed to throw up some type of blockade so she was not run over and drowned by it. She needed walls again, barriers. And the only way she could think to recreate those was to put both physical and emotional distance between herself and the man in front of her. He was the only person who forced her to exist in her vulnerability, to feel everything and not shy away from it. But that was dangerous. She was not built for it. Once the avalanche hit, she knew she would not get back up. So, she had to get out. 
So she did the only thing she could think of, she threw up the walls of a working girl. She knew they would not hold for long, not with his persistence, but they would hold long enough for her to reign it all in again. Long enough for her to lock her feelings back up in their cage where they belonged. 
“I’m not angry.” Her tone left no room for argument as she pried herself out of his embrace and walked back to the couch to grab her bag off the floor. “I’m not angry. Kiara’s not a… bad person. She’s just… Kiara’s the Sun and I imagine the Sun would be upset if Pluto tried to steal its spotlight too. She’s the center of my family’s world and she hates it when it seems like I’m trying to take that away. It’s fine. I’ll give her whatever she needs to feel like the Sun again and that I humbled myself back to my position as Pluto. Everyone wins.” She said it in such a matter-of-fact way that, if he didn’t know her, he would have missed the bitterness in her words. 
“You don’t need to pretend with me, Rae. You can be upset.” 
“Nothing to be upset about. This is just how it is… I’m used to it. She wants something and she knows I’m gonna give it to her. I’ll call her and figure out what she wants and we’ll fix this.” 
She started to fiddle on her phone before Michael pried it out of her hand and threw it on his desk. 
“I don’t give a fuck about what your sister wants right now… I care about what you need.” 
“I don’t really need anything from you or anyone else right now.” Her words clipped and colder than Michael had ever heard her before. “Least of all a damn therapist.” 
Her heart broke at the hurt that flashed across his eyes but she decided that was fine. She needed distance and however she achieved that, even if it was by pushing him away, it would work for her. However, before he could respond, her phone started to buzz loudly on the desk. 
“Speak of the devil.” Michael handed Raven her phone back, her sister’s name popping up across the screen. 
“Hey Kiara.” She put the phone on speaker phone so Michael could hear. 
“I’m surprised you didn’t call me all day, I know you saw the article.” 
Raven and Michael shared a knowing glance that made Michael’s blood boil. She had done this just to outshine Raven who had been in the media and tabloids multiple times in the last week from their trip. Michael had guessed that but knowing her sister went to such lengths to diminish her sister bothered him far more than he could describe. Was there no one in his girl’s life that allowed her to shine? 
“Yea I saw it. I’m sure you also saw that Michael and I weren’t in the country. We just saw it when we landed about an hour ago.” 
“Yea I saw you both... Why didn’t you invite me??” 
Raven let out a small huff. “Do you even have a passport?”
“No… but I could’ve gotten one. it's not fair that you get to go while I’m stuck here. And with my favorite actor. All my friends sending me clips of your stories and pictures and shit. And I didn’t even know you were gonna be there. And I had to lie and tell them that you invited me but I couldn’t go. You don’t include me in shit and you keep makin’ me look fuckin’ stupid. You probably didn’t think about me once!”
“I mean no, you weren’t the first thing that came to mind when my boyfriend invited me on a trip to Paris. I’m allowed to have and enjoy experiences on my own. Also no one forced you to lie, who would have expected you to be invited on a trip with me and my boyfriend?” 
She heard Kiara scoff on the other side of the phone. “‘My boyfriend,’” she mimicked back. “You better enjoy this lil 15 minutes of fame you’re getting from him cause it won’t last. Ain’t like you’re worth his time. He’ll wise up, realize he needs a real woman, a girl like me.” 
“Did you want something?” Raven interrupted, turning her head from Michael so he could not see just how deeply her words cut. She would never argue that she was good enough for the man sitting next to her but hearing someone else validate those insecurities hurt.. Her sister certainly knew which wounds to cut into. “Or was your tell all just to ruin my trip?” 
“Oh well… None of this would’ve happened if you had gotten me even one of the things I asked for weeks ago. Like damn, I know he’s busy but he don’t even have a real job. He could come out and met me when I asked.” 
Michael’s face twisted up in a look of faux offense that would have been a perfect gif, which made the edges of Raven’s lips curl into a small smile as she stifled her laugh. How did he manage to make her smile even when she felt utterly incapable of the action? 
“Acting is a real job, Kiara. And I invited you all here to meet him. But no, I wasn’t gonna ask him to get you a Birkin, I don’t even have a Birkin.”
Michael resisted the urge to cut in and ask her if she wanted one. Because he could easily have one at the house by sunset if she did. 
“Dad and I can’t afford to jet set out to LA… the hotels, the food, all that shit. We’re barely getting by as it is.” 
Raven rolled her eyes. “Barely getting by” when they both worked and Raven often paid most of the major bills. 
As she was talking, Michael gestured for her to mute the phone. “Tell her I’ll pay for the flights and invite them to Thanksgiving.” At Raven’s wary face, Michael just nodded. “Just trust me.” 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize the price of the flights was the issue. H-how about we pay for the flights and your hotel and… you could come for Thanksgiving this year? Michael’s family are great cooks so it’ll be nice. And you can meet him?” 
“Really?? Thanksgiving at Michael’s house?” 
“Yea,” the words were almost painful to get out. Part of her wanted to believe this could be a good thing but the more logical part knew that it would not soften anything between all of them. After all, they were not coming to see her, they were coming to gawk at Michael. “But you can’t talk to the media anymore, Kiara. Seriously, you can meet him and everything but you can’t go give a tell all to TMZ or Page Six or any of them anymore. Understand?” 
“Fineeeee. No more media. I’ll tell dad. Send me the flight and hotel information. Make sure to put us up somewhere nice… you know like the Ritz or a five-star hotel. And can you have a car for us while we’re there? We’re gonna wanna sightsee and everything.” 
“Of course,” she muttered through gritted teeth. 
“Ok. See you then, bye.” 
Raven clenched her phone in her hand, resisting the urge to chuck it across the room. 
“Damn, sis’s got expensive taste,” Michael muttered. 
Raven’s laugh was cold and humorless. “It’s easy to have expensive taste when it’s not your money. You sure about this? Thanksgiving? Here?” 
“What? Thanksgiving is the time people spend with family. We can get a nice group shot and they can feel included. And I’ll get her somethin’ expensive and nice… nothin’ crazy. That’s all she seems to want anyway. Hearing how she talks to you… I don’t want ‘em here anymore than you do but this is the best solution. You had plans or somethin’?” 
“No, no… I just didn’t… I didn’t even know I was invited to the Jordan Family Thanksgiving dinner,” she chuckled, pulling at the sleeve of her jacket awkwardly.  
Michael’s face twisted up in confusion. “Of course you’re invited. Moms would kill me if I didn’t. But yea I guess I should’ve asked if you had plans first. What do you usually do?”  
“Nothing. I order Chinese and I pick a marathon of movies to watch in bed. Same with Christmas except I usually pick a new recipe to try and I always watch the Grinch,” she chuckled. 
“You spend Thanksgiving and Christmas alone?” 
She shrugged and gestured toward her phone. “If you had to pick between alone and that, which would you choose?” At his silence, she nodded. “Exactly. They never want to see me anyway so I make it easy on everyone.” 
“Well, this year’s gonna be different.” 
Raven scoffed. “How so?” 
Michael closed the distance between them and rested his hands on her hips. “Well, one, you’ll have me, which means your family will be on their best behavior. If they aren’t, two, you have me and my family as a buffer. And three, you have me… and I ain’t gon’ tolerate disrespect like that in my house. You say the word and dinner’s over.” 
“You can’t kick people out of your house for me,” she whispered, her eyes avoiding the intense stare in his. 
“Who says I can’t? Thought I’d made that clear by now that I’d do anything for you. And when you’re with me, I’m not just gon’ protect you physically… all of you is safe with me.” 
Those walls she threw up? Already starting to crash down around her. Why does he do this to me?? And why can’t I resist it? She thought to herself as she looked at him. 
“Thank you. But hopefully, they’ll be on their best behavior and then who knows, maybe they’ll see your family and want to turn a new leaf? This could be good?” In her heart, she knew that would not be how this particular story played out but she had to try… had to hope and dream that it could be different. She studied him for a sign that he agreed, and believed her. But he offered her nothing but a peck on the forehead. 
“Yea, maybe.” 
They stood there for a moment before Raven felt the overwhelming urge to run again. She hated this feeling… the contrasting emotions of wanting to melt into him and run from him at full speed. 
“D-do you think Allen would mind taking me home?” 
“I thought you were gonna stay with me tonight?” 
“Yea but I thought we were going to the condo… you want me to stay the night… here?” 
“I just thought after last week…” he stopped himself. “Here is just more comfortable than the condo. Besides, ma asked if you could stay for dinner so she can meet you. Wouldn’t want to disappoint her, would you?” At her continued expression of speculation, Michael added. “She also has been buggin’ the hell outta me to meet you so honestly, you’d be savin’ my ass.” 
Raven smiled and nodded. There was not anything but wallowing and frustration waiting for her back at her own apartment. And she had loved falling asleep in Michael’s arms during the last week. She was not ready to fall asleep alone again. 
“Just remember that next time you’re punishing me,” she winked at him. 
“Bakari!” Donna called over to Michael who was standing outside with his dad overseeing the fried turkey for dinner. 
“What’s up, ma?” He jogged over to her as she continued moving around the kitchen. Michael had offered, as he did every year, to have dinner catered but his mother could not dream of not cooking Thanksgiving dinner with her own two hands. Michael never pressed too hard though because he knew no caterer would ever beat his mom and dad’s cooking. 
“I think a certain girl needs your attention more than your father and that turkey,” she gestured toward Raven whose hands were filled with neatly folded napkins as she sat each one on each place setting around their giant farm style table. 
Michael’s eyes scanned over her body. He could see the tension in her shoulders but she had been tense since they woke up that morning. She had also been quiet all day, simply getting up and heading down to the kitchen to assist his mother. While she was more than happy for the help and it gave the two a chance to chat and bond, Michael knew Raven’s motives were not completely altruistic. She needed the distraction. 
“She’s setting the table, what’s wrong?” 
His mother lowered her voice. “She’s set and reset that table 5 times now in between asking me if I need help 100 times and apologizing for her family being late.” She gestured toward the pitcher which held a fall sangria for dinner. “Poor girl’s been on her feet helpin’ me all day and she’s a dream but she needs to relax. Pour her a drink, get her outta my kitchen, and make her sit down till dinner, please?” 
“Yes ma’am.” He kissed his mom on the cheek before quickly grabbing a glass and pouring a tall drink before walking over to her. 
“I think those napkins will be fine wherever you put them, baby girl,” he whispered in her ear, causing Raven to jump slightly. 
She clutched her chest, glancing down at the table setting and set of napkins in her hand. “Sorry… was in my own head. Something about it still doesn’t look right still,” she whispered as she started to rearrange the setting in front of her again. 
Michael eyed her for a moment before grabbing the things out of her hand and setting them down. He called for his sister to take over setting the table before grabbing Raven’s hand and pulling her behind him into his bedroom upstairs. He closed the door and handed her the glass. 
“Drink.” He instructed. 
Raven took a sip before lowering the glass again to hand back to him. 
“Nope, drink the whole thing and then tell me why you’re so scared.” 
“I’m not scared.” 
“Yea you are. Tell me why.” Michael wasn’t dumb. Raven had been off since her family landed in LA, more tense, quieter and not herself. He wished he could get the version of her from Paris back but that woman was buried deep beneath the seemingly never-ending bull her family put her through. 
Raven took another big gulp of the drink before sitting on the edge of Michael’s bed, her dress riding up her bare thighs slightly. His eyes sparked with lust but he tempered himself. That was not the point of bringing her up here. 
“I’m not… scared. That’s not what it is. I just… Well, first, I’m frustrated because they’re late. I explicitly told them 2 so they could meet everyone and chat and mingle and it’s almost 4. I spent over an hour on that damn charcuterie board. And they haven’t called me or texted or anything. And now your mom probably thinks I was raised by inconsiderate ass wolves.” 
“Rae, my mom doesn’t care in the slightest. Food wasn’t gonna be done at 2 anyway so they haven’t missed anything or messed up anything. And you know that. So what’s really bothering you? We aren’t leaving this room til you tell me.”
She sucked her teeth in annoyance before sighing. She knew he would make good on his promise not to let her leave until she was honest. 
“I’ve lived in LA for years. Did my masters out here, became a published author here, built a life here and you know how many times I’ve asked them to visit? And the first time they come, it's not even to see me. It’s to meet you. They’ve been in LA for 3 whole days… you know they haven’t made an effort to see me once? Never mind the fact that every restaurant they have a reservation to, we booked. Every excursion, you booked and paid for. And it shouldn’t bother me,” she whispered, throwing the entire drink back before wiping the corner of her lips. “It shouldn’t… bother me. Usually it doesn’t bother me. After all, this’s been it, my whole life. But since I met your family… I see how you are with them a-and I spend time with you all and it’s like breathing in rare fresh air? A-and I dunno, it just… the polluted air is a lot harder to breathe in than it used to be.”  
Since they returned from Paris, Raven had become a staple in the Jordan household. They still returned to the condo some nights after dates as it was often easier than getting back to his mansion in the hills. Raven had fallen in love with Michael’s family and it seemed his family had taken quite a liking to her as well. His nephew loved to have Raven read to him as she did the best silly voices, and she, his mom, and sister had already gone out without Michael for manis, pedis, and dinner - with his card, of course. 
Raven would never forget their first dinner the night they got back from Paris. She had been in such a bad mood but ten minutes at the table with Michael’s entire family had lightened her spirits significantly. His dad was charming and told stories that had Raven’s muscles aching from laughter; his mom so sweet and spent half the dinner asking questions about Raven’s book after having it finished it while they were away; his brother was quiet but he and Michael’s friendship made her heart want to melt; and his sister was witty and made Raven want to be her friend immediately. Everytime Raven spent time with them, they made her feel like part of the family. And she fell into it, despite her efforts to avoid it, with ease, like she had been part of the fabric for years. It caused some guilt to swell as she remembered that the girl they loved so much was a lie and that she and Michael were deceiving them. However, as her own family continued to disappoint her, it was nice to be a part of something so pure and loving. 
“Sorry to interrupt,” Michael’s sister poked her head into the room. “But your family’s car just pulled up.” 
Raven immediately stood up and handed the wine glass back to Michael. She went over to the full-length mirror in his room to adjust her outfit and ensure she looked perfect before putting on the most forced smile Michael had ever seen grace her lips. 
“Come on, we shouldn’t keep them waiting.” 
Michael grabbed her arm to stop her as she tried to walk around him. 
“I told myself I’d stay out of it… your family, your rules. But word of advice, if you’ll let me?” When she said nothing, he continued. “People treat you how you allow them. And just because you’ve allowed this disregard for 30 years doesn’t mean you have to allow it now or that you deserve it. It hurts more now because you know you deserve more. And you’ve experienced more. So demand more.” 
“And if they don’t give it?” Raven’s voice broke slightly with that question because she knew what his answer would be, what she should have done many years ago but did not have the courage to do.  
“Somethin’ isn’t always better than nothin’. Especially when that somethin’ is just dead weight you have to drag around behind you. No one ever got far with dead weight.” He pressed his lips to her forehead, Raven desperately wanting to melt into him and the comfort he provided. He laced his fingers in hers and kissed her hand. “That’s all I’m gonna say. We’re gonna have a good time, promise. You’re with me so you know I gotchu. You ready?” 
“Yea, I think so,” she smiled at him before following him out of his room and downstairs. 
As they descended the stairs, she was unsurprised to find the deep baritone of her father filling the foyer of Michael’s mansion as he greeted everyone. Raven fixed her face to maintain a smile as she and Michael finally made it to the bottom of the stairs. She could feel her sister’s eyes studying her, taking in her designer dress, the signature red bottoms of her heels, and the diamond necklace and earrings glistening against her skin that Michael had bought her in Paris. It may have been a role, but Raven could not lie, she enjoyed dressing the part of a movie star’s girlfriend more than she thought she would. A petty part of her also did not hate the way her sister’s nose seemed to flare with jealousy at it. 
“How y’all doin? I’m Michael?” Michael stepped forward and offered her father and sister a hug. 
Raven’s eyes narrowed as her sister tried to linger in the very chaste hug Michael offered. Neither of them acknowledged her as they introduced themselves to Michael and his family, Raven awkwardly teetering on her heels behind him. 
“It’s so great to meet you, son. Loved that Tom Clancy movie of yours. Watch it all the time,” her dad boasted as if he was Michael’s greatest fan. 
Raven rolled her eyes behind Michael, knowing how much he hated when the first thing out of someone’s mouth when he meets them is their favorite role of his. 
“Thank you, thank you. That was a fun one.” Michael reached behind him and pulled Raven to his side. He protectively tucked her under his arm and smiled down at her. “Great girl you have here.” 
“Hey dad,” Raven offered, stepping forward to accept the half hug her father offered. She knew it was merely for show but she accepted it anyway. “Kiara,” her tone made her seem far more excited to see both of them than she was. But unlike her family, she was painfully aware of the studious eyes of Michael’s family watching them. And while their foundation had cracks the size of the Grand Canyon in it, she did not want Michael’s family to see them. 
Her sister could not even stop eye fucking Michael long enough to give her a hug. She merely nodded in her direction. 
Michael, thankfully, ended the awkward silence between the family members by gesturing for everyone to follow him to the kitchen. There, the island was heavily laden with food that his mom deemed ready to serve. Everyone grabbed serving dishes and started helping move things to the table. Seeing an opportunity to grab her father and her sister, Raven pulled them off to the side for a moment while Michael’s family got ready for dinner. 
There was an awkward silence as the three of them stood in Michael’s living room before Raven found her voice again. She did not know why she was nervous, this was her family after all. 
“Just wanted to see how the trip’s going? A-and ask if y’all had plans tomorrow. Thought maybe, you could come see my apartment? And then maybe we could go hiking to the Hollywood sign, it’s such a nice view of the city. And Michael got us all reservations at a new Japanese spot tomorrow night.” 
Kiara turned her nose up at the mere idea. “Hiking?? No. Dad’s taking me shopping tomorrow on Rodeo Drive. It’ll probably take up the whole day, sorry. But dinner with Michael sounds good.” 
Raven’s heart deflated a bit. Another outstretched hand pushed away. “Oh… yea of course. Shopping sounds fun. Maybe I could meet you all?” 
“That’s ok. We know you’re busy,” her dad interjected, waving his hand to dismiss her suggestion. 
“Oh… well, it’s just… you leave Saturday, I wanted to spend some time with y’all before you leave? I tried calling you both, I haven’t seen you all week. I invited you all out here, thought we’d get to at least spend a little time together before you leave.” 
“We’re spending time together right now. We’ve been really busy. We came to meet Michael and enjoy the city. That’s what we’ve been doing. Besides, we all know Michael paid for us to come, not you.”
Raven scoffed, already frustrated and they had not been there for more than 5 minutes. She regretted everything about this plan. Her time with Michael’s family, this sanctuary she had found with them in his home, now felt tainted as if their mere presence had poisoned that sweet, fresh air. She knew she should have been more excited to see them, after all, it had been longer than she could remember since she saw them in the flesh. But now, that small part of her that never wanted to see them again only seemed to get larger and larger with every moment she stood in their presence. 
Why do you even bother?
“Oh, should I start itemizing everything I’ve paid for in the last decade? Is that the best way to get yall to, you know, actually care to spend time with me? I mean I’ve been asking y’all to come out this way for years. I just thought… since we haven’t really seen each other in a while, this could be a good chance to reconnect. But shopping is more important than me, everything seems to be,” she muttered more to herself than to them. Before her sister could cut in with another smart comment, Raven added. “Can you make sure to thank Michael for this trip you’re enjoying so much? He really went all out of y’all.”
“You don’t need to lecture me on good manners, Raven. I did raise you both,” her father spoke up, clearly annoyed and bored of this conversation. 
Raven bit down the retort that she was not sure please and thank you were even phrases in their vocabulary and just nodded. 
“Is that all?” her sister asked cooly. 
“Yea, yea that’s all.” 
Both of them immediately left to return to the dining room where Michael’s family gathered, leaving Raven in the living room. She let out a deep shaky breath as a welcomed face popped out around the corner. However, she cringed slightly, fearful that he heard that entire exchange. 
She walked over to him, Michael immediately pulling her into a tight embrace. Her head thudded against his chest. “Please tell me you didn’t hear any of that.” 
“Don’t think me lying to you is gonna make you feel any better.” His fingers brushed aside the curls that spilled into her face. .
His hand rubbed soothing circles into her back before he kissed her on the top of her head. This time Raven did not even attempt to shy away, she fully melted into his embrace, at least as much as she could without breaking down. 
“Say the word and they’re gone,” he reminded her, leaning back so he could look in her eyes. 
Raven could tell he was completely serious, that he would kick both of them out without a second thought or a care. However, she knew that was not a possibility. 
“As much as I hate it, we need them, remember?” She sighed. “For once, I do actually need them. So I’m gonna do what I’ve always done.”
“And what’s that?” 
She shrugged, pulling herself out of his embrace. “Suffer through it.” She answered simply. 
“Anything I can do to help?” 
“Keep my glass full,” she answered bluntly. “I can already tell it’s gonna be a long fucking afternoon.”
“So Kiara, what do you do?” Donna asked as she sat down from transitioning the dinner dishes out and replacing them with dessert. 
Raven did not know how she was going to eat the slice of apple pie Michael cut for her. Everything had been so delicious, she had eaten two plates and would have gotten a third if her sister had not made a backhanded, loud compliment about her food and her figure. While she could count the number of plates she had eaten with ease, the same could not be said for the glasses of sangria. 
She had not lied when she said she needed it. Tipsy Raven cared far less about her sister’s consistent jabs to make her feel inferior and puff herself up to Michael nor did she care about how her father objectively ignored her for the entire dinner. He talked of her and around her but not once did he direct a question or comment to her. She could not tell which slight bothered her more, the disrespect or the disregard.  
“I was doing hair for a while but I really love to cook so I’m going back to school to be a chef.” 
Everyone around the table offered the appropriate congratulations and well wishes while Raven merely smiled and stopped herself from rolling her eyes. Kiara changed career paths about as often as she changed boyfriends, which was damn near monthly. Being a chef was just another way to throw her dad and Raven’s money down the toilet. 
“Once I finish school, maybe you can float some clients my way? My dream is to be a personal chef.” 
Raven downed her glass before filling it again. She found that drinking was the only way to stop herself from commenting on everything they did that frustrated her. However, that was an incredibly foolish drinking game to play. Because everything they did today seemed to frustrate her, every slight seemed amplified now that it was in the presence of Michael and his family. Each one fueled that anger she often ignored and suppressed. She should have known this was coming, that they would try to ask him for favors. She didn’t even ask him for favors. All they did was take and it was one thing to do that to her, but Michael did not deserve it. 
You don’t deserve it either, a small voice that sounded oddly like the man sitting next to her reminded her. 
“Maybe finish school first before you start chatting up my man for clients,” Raven teased, keeping her tone light and playful though she knew Kiara could see the lack of amusement in her eyes. 
“Well, we all gotta start somewhere right? Can’t all be big time like you, sis?” 
Raven smiled, “Well, you can be if you work hard… and don't rely on boyfriends, dad and I for everything,” she added the last part under her breath, however, she knew her sister could hear her. Michael’s hand went to rest of her thigh as if he could sense the change in her demeanor and mood almost immediately. 
“Oh we loved Raven’s book,” Donna offered, transitioning the conversation away from her sister. “Such a talented and vivid writer. I probably talked the poor girl’s ear off when we first met about it. Was she always like that?” 
Raven’s dad chuckled. “Yea she always had her nose buried in a book or a notebook writing somethin. She used to write these little short stories, got a drawer full of ‘em back at the house.” 
“That’s so sweet. I’m not much of a fantasy reader,” Donna admitted. “But she had me hooked from the first chapter. Such a beautiful story.” 
“Yea the book was really great,” he added lamely, unable to offer much beyond that because, as Raven knew, he had not read her book. “I always encouraged them both to follow their dreams, great to see her accomplish so much.” 
Something about hearing him talk about her passion, her life’s work, the thing she tolled and fought for and had to give up, as if he cared about it at all made all those years of suppressed rage finally boil over. She could suffer through a lot, it was true, but she could not listen to that, listen to him lie and pretend to be supportive or caring when he was nothing of the sort. And now, she did not even care who knew it. This was simply not a piece of fiction she would allow him to sell.  
“What was your favorite part of the book, dad?” Raven had not said much throughout dinner, allowing her sister to monopolize most of the conversation. However, it seemed as though Michael was the only person who realized the unfortunate turn their Thanksgiving dinner was about to take. He leaned in closer to her, quietly whispering in her ear but he knew his sweet nothings meant just that at this point: nothing. She was too far gone to hear them or register them. Her body felt as if it was almost vibrating with rage. He wished he could take her outside and give her a few plates to smash but he knew his mom would not appreciate that. 
“Oh all of it. Whole thing was great.” 
“Huh…” she muttered, taking a long gulp of her drink before reaching for the pitcher to refill it. “Who’s your favorite character?” 
“Maybe we should slow down on…” Michael quietly whispered in her ear, subtly trying to beat her to the pitcher but she grabbed it first and poured another large glass. She raised her hand to stop his sentence. 
“Didn’t realize there’d be a pop quiz,” he let out a deep chuckle as the tension around the table grew to levels that were impossible to ignore. 
“Not a pop quiz. Just tell me one thing about the book you loved so much and encouraged me to write. Favorite plot twist, favorite scene, favorite character… hell, name one character you remember at all?”
“What the fuck, Rae? What’s your problem?” 
Raven let out a humorless laugh as she leaned back in her seat. She downed her entire drink in one go, sitting the glass down before folding her arms casually. 
“What’s my problem? What’s my problem? Right now, my problem is this fiction you’re spinning as if you give a rat’s ass about my book, my career, or me when if someone put a gun to your head, you wouldn’t be able to tell them the name of my book, let alone anything about it. My problem is the fact that I invited you all here to spend time with me, my boyfriend, and his family, all for you to ignore me for most of dinner. My problem is that you wax poetic about stories I wrote as a kid when, if you had ever bothered to read a single one of them, you would have seen a child writing herself into literally any other world and family to escape the pitiful one she had. I have a lot of problems, too many to list right now. But the common denominator in all of them is you two.” 
Everyone’s movements and side conversations halted at her outburst. The silence and her deep breaths were only interrupted by Michael’s brother accidentally dropping his fork against his dinner china, the loud clanging filling everyone’s ears as they stared at Raven and her father.
She was not one to start a scene or draw attention to herself. But she could not let any of this go on for another moment. 
“Baby… why don’t we take a break for a minute?” Michael asked, standing to pull her chair out. Raven knew that if she sat there for a minute longer, she’d lose whatever little composure she had left, so she forced herself to heed Michael’s advice. She wiped her lips and immediately threw her napkin down on the table to stand and leave. 
“Excuse me.” 
However, as she turned around, she heard her father’s voice. 
“I didn’t mean to cause an issue. I tried my best with her and Kiara but you know, some kids are just harder to handle than others.”
As soon as those words hit her ears, she exploded. Before she even realized it, she had returned to the table and was leaning over it yelling at her father. 
“‘You tried your best??’ YOU TRIED YOUR BEST? You never tried! All you’ve done is give the bare minimum and suffer through my presence like I’m was a fuckin’ pest you couldn’t get rid of!” 
“You think you can talk to me that way? I’m still your father! All I’ve ever done is love you and take care of you.” 
Raven scoffed, throwing her hands in the air. Michael shifted so he was standing behind her, an arm wrapped around her waist as if to stop her from jumping across the table. It was not that he thought she would actually do anything, baby girl did not seem like the scrapping type. But he prayed his presence would calm her down if nothing else. This was a side of her he had never seen before. He could not lie, it was kinda sexy, seeing her finally stick up for herself and be assertive. 
In a part of her brain that felt distant and detached, she could feel Michael’s presence, hear his soft whispers to calm down. And she knew and appreciated what he was trying to do: stop her from doing something she’d ultimately regret. But at that moment, she did not know if she wanted to be stopped.
“All you’ve ever done is give me scraps! Scraps of support, scraps of your attention, but not an ounce of your love or affection. All to punish me for the sin of being born.” She had always bought into her family’s narrative that she was to blame for what happened. But it was as if the small voice that nagged at her her entire life was finally roaring. This was not her fault. No part of it was. “You can’t be mad at God for that shitty situation and you won’t be mad at mom for making her choice. So for 30 years, I’ve endured you hating me because you needed someone to be mad at. When you ignored birthday after birthday and accomplishment after accomplishment and need after need, I persisted in trying to win your love and win your affection. When you threw me out and cut me off after one year of college, I dusted myself off and kept going. When you rebuffed every attempt to reconnect and build a new relationship, I kept reaching out, kept trying. When you ignored me on every holiday and at every visit and everything, I still showed up. And when you ask for everything I have despite not deserving a cent of it, I give it. Every single time. Even after I lost my book deal last year and my career and didn’t know how I was gonna pinch pennies together for rent, I put myself and my needs last to help you two every single fuckin’ time. And you both expect me to be gracious for scraps while I kill myself to give you the Sun, Moon and stars and you take and you take and you take without so much as a thank you.” Every ‘take’ punctured by her hand slamming down on the farm-style dining table. “It’s not enough and I refuse to spend the next 30 years pretending it is. I’m done!” 
“God, you’re such an embarrassment,” Kiara muttered. 
“Oh fuck you, Kiara!” She cried out. “You miserable, attention-seeking bitch. You can say whatever you want about me but unlike you, I made something of my life and I did it all on my own. Meanwhile, you float through life without a single responsibility or thing to your name that someone else didn’t give you. And you can’t stand the fact that my life, despite both of your best efforts, is better than yours.” 
“Wow. Nice to know how you really feel about your family.” 
“I’ve never had a family. You both made damn sure of that. You want me out of your lives so bad? Fine. I’m out. Let’s see how far both of you get without taking from me. Get out. Both of you.” 
Raven had no authority to kick someone out of a house that was not even hers but she could not hope to care. She knew Michael would not argue with her or lobby for them to stay after she just cussed them out six ways to Sunday in front of his entire family. 
“You can’t kick us out!” 
“Yes she can,” Michael piped up, speaking for the first time since the blow up began. 
The intense stare down continued before her father and sister angrily stood up and stalked to the door. 
“And Kiara!” Her sister stopped walking to turn around to her. “Say another word about me or my relationship to the media and I won’t hesitate to tell this entire world what a shitty person and sister you are. See how your friends like that story then.”
Her sister merely glared at her before stomping out of the house behind their father. As soon as she heard the door shut, Raven felt the adrenaline in her system crash and the weight of what just happened set in. 
What the fuck did you just do? And in front of Michael’s family? 
She let out a shaky breath as a wave of shame hit her. “U-Um… I am… I am s-so so so sorry,” she whispered. She rang her hands together, unable to make eye contact with anyone in the room. She had not felt this embarrassed in a long time. “I-I should go too.” She pulled herself away from Michael and tried to race toward the door, ignoring his calls for her to stay. However, before she could leave the dining room, Michael’s mom stopped her. 
She grabbed the young woman’s hands and patted them softly. 
“No, no you aren’t. No one leaves my table till dessert is over. You’re gonna sit and finish your pie with family.” 
The tears brimming in Raven’s eyes spilled over. 
“I-I’m sorry for r-ruining dinner.” 
The older woman laughed. “That ain’t the first blow up this family’s seen at a dinner table… won’t be the last. Go on and sit down.” 
She steered Raven’s body back into Michael’s arms who pulled back her chair for her to sit. She ate her pie in silence, conversation flowing with ease around her. The Jordans acted as if her meltdown was just par the course, though she knew they were likely just trying to make her feel better. But still, she appreciated it. Within 15 minutes of eating dessert, the mood across the table felt lighter and easier than it had all day. Raven calmed down enough to laugh and joke. By the end of several rounds of drinks and a very rowdy spades game to cap off the evening, Raven’s heart and soul also felt lighter than they had in years.  
However, that quickly ended when she and Michael finally retreated to his suite for the evening. She collapsed onto the edge of his bed and kicked off her shoes, her movements sluggish and slow as if the weight of what she had done was finally creeping on her now that she was alone. 
“I’m… alone,” she whispered to herself. 
“What?” Michael crouched down in front of her, her eyes misting over slightly as she realized the truth. 
“I’ve always been alone for the most part… after my grandma died. And I couldn’t keep a relationship going for long ever. It’s always just been… me. But it was ok because even though they were awful, I still had… family a-and there was still hope that it could be something. But now… now I have no one cause they’ll never come around after what I said to them.” She rubbed her eyes with the palm of her hand. “I don’t regret it, I was holding on to something that just wasn’t ever gonna be anything. But the dead weight was… something? Didn’t expect how empty I’d feel without it.” She sniffled and wiped her eyes. “It’s stupid,” she whispered. “Sorry.” She cleared her throat and stood up to walk to his bathroom. “Give me a minute to get my life together and then we can do what you actually pay me for and not this sad shit.”  
Michael watched as she dapped her eyes in the mirror to rid them of tears before she reached behind her and pulled down the zipper of her dress. She looked gorgeous, her body clad in another one of her lingerie sets from Paris. This one was a nude brown that perfectly matched her skin. He knew she was merely trying to use sex to move on and forget, and he would oblige. But he could not do so without saying one thing.
“You have me.” It was not a question, but a firm statement. A matter of fact statement that left no room for arguments or questions. 
Raven’s hands paused as she tried to fix her hair for a few minutes. She turned and smiled at him, closing the distance between them. 
“Yea I have you… But this’ll end and you’ll find the right girl for you and then…”she shook her head, not wanting to think about that: being alone or being without him. “Thank you… for today.” 
She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. Usually, Michael initiated their kisses and they were domineering, hurried and passionate. While this moment held the same passion, it was slow and measured, each second inching past them. And Raven used every second to convey what her simple thank you could not. She prayed he felt it and appreciated it, because at that moment, the small action was all she had left to give. She did not have the energy for grand speeches or words. 
She broke off their kiss and slid down to her knees, assuming the same position she did almost every time they had sex.
However, tonight, Michael decided he needed something different, that she needed something different. His finger gently lifted her chin so her eyes were on him.  
“You take care of me every time we have sex. Let me take care of you for once.” 
He did not let her question it as he helped her to her feet and led her to his bed, gently pushing her down. She let out a dramatic huff that made him chuckle. 
He stood over her for a moment, his eyes taking in the hills of her breasts, the soft panes of her stomach, her thick plush thighs. He often found himself just staring at her and this moment was no different, moments where he wanted to commit her beauty to memory, burn her image in his brain matter. 
“You are fuckin’ gorgeous,” he whispered. “You know how beautiful you are?” he asked as he sucked on the skin of her neck. 
She turned her head, giving him more access to the skin of her neck as he sucked and bit. She whimpered slightly as his kisses moved down her body, savoring the taste of her soft supple skin. He took his time, however, this felt completely different than when he teased her. Then, he was purposefully avoiding giving her what she wanted. Now, her moans created the roadmap he followed. His lips and hands lingered where she needed them to, only pausing to shower her with praises. As his kisses continued, Raven lost all control of her senses, of the world around her. Everything else, the pain and emotions of the day faded away as every thought in her mind and every cell in her physical body turned their focus on him.
“I love everything about you. The way you moan, the way you beg me for more, the face you make when I make you cum.”
“Michael, please,” she whimpered.  
He paused his ministrations and grasped her chin with a featherlike touch, her eyes focusing on him. 
“I’m gonna take care you, I promise. Always. Trust me.” He hoped that the look in his eyes conveyed the truth, that her pleasure was not the only part of her he would take care of. He would worship and care for her mind, body, and spirit. 
His fingers hooked into her lace panties and slid them off, settling between her plush thighs for his favorite meal of the day. Her eyes clenched shut as he spelled his adoration and love for her with his tongue on her clit. Michael had always been a generous lover but river always bent toward his pleasure. Every action, while it brought her pleasure, carried the reminder that it was not for her pleasure, it was for his. And she loved it, craved it, got off on it. It was one of the benefits of the arrangement to her. 
But it had been so long since she had had sex like this, where the river flowed toward her and only her, where someone was so committed to bringing her mind numbing pleasure and ensuring she knew she was cared for and safe. She knew why he was doing it, after seeing how unsafe she was with her own family. She knew it was not real but she could not close the gates to her heart fast enough and stop herself from feeling it, from enjoying it. Every touch was gentle and sweet and let her know she was safe in his arms, safe in his sanctuary. And even though she knew she could not stay there with him forever, she loved him even more for letting her in from the cold for a moment. 
Michael’s eyes never left her face as he devoured her, every moan, groan, and plea for mercy spurred him on. Her thighs clamped around his head as he pushed her farther and farther up her mountain to the peak of desire. He knew Raven’s body almost as well as he knew his own now, increasing his speed and efforts when he felt her legs shake and heard her moans grow louder. 
It did not take much longer for Raven to feel the snap of a powerful orgasm crash over her. She let out a continuous stream of praise and lewd words as she road those waves of sweet bliss. 
“That’s it, baby. Cum for me. Fuck, you taste so good.” He emerged from between her legs, kissing her deeply. 
He wrapped his arm around her waist and used his strength to hoist her farther up onto the bed. He placed her legs on his shoulders and lined himself up with her entrance. Raven offered him a raised eyebrow at the position choice, she could not remember the last time they did missionary on the bed like this. On creative surfaces, like tables? Sure. 
“I wanna look you in the eye when I make you cum. Keep your eyes on me, baby,” he whispered, Raven’s heart’s fluttering as she felt him fill her to the brim. 
“Fuckkkk,” she cried out as he drove into her deeply. Every stroke felt like heaven, a promised land he was so graciously sending her to. There was a vulnerability to the position that she had not expected, the way he looked at her with every thrust forward and retreat. 
“Look at me.” He demanded as her eyes fluttered closed. As soon as her eyes were trained on his, he uttered three words Raven never would have thought to hear from his lips. “I love you.” 
Raven was rendered speechless, her moans catching in her throat as she felt her stomach drop 100 stories. 
Did he say what I think he said? She thought to herself, her brain trying to cut through layers of pleasure fog to work properly. 
“You deserve the entire world, Rae. You deserve someone who’ll  give you this world… the sun, the moon, and the stars. And I don’t deserve you, I don’t deserve this. But I’ll spend everything I have, I’ll give everything I am to make sure you got it. I want more than an arrangement and six months with you… I want you, all of you, for as long as you’ll allow me.” 
His words directly clashed with the narrative she had in her mind, the seeds of doubt life and her family had sowed. And despite her heart begging her to scream the words back at him, those doubts stopped her. She heard his words but she did not believe them or rather, she could not believe them.  
She did love him, she was so in love with him. It was a devastating, beautiful, painful, once-in-a-lifetime sort of love she thought she would only read in the pages of love stories. But she felt it… every devastatingly beautiful moment of it every time she was in his presence, every time she felt his touch, every time he comforted her or looked into her eyes. 
But the words, those three precious words, were stuck in her throat. A barrier of fear and doubt, made even heavier by the events of the day, weighed them down. Instead of celebrating that the man she so desperately loved felt the same about her, she could only focus on how that just could not simply be true. The story she had built in her mind that she was not good enough, that she did not deserve him, that he could never love her, a part of her brain clung to it as a lifeline. She had given Michael this grand speech about living and falling but she could not do it herself. Because if she gave in and  allowed him to love her, truly love her, and then this was all a lie? That was the crash she did not think she could survive. She could handle her family hurting her. It knocked her down but she could always get back up again. But Michael? He would be her armageddon. If he hurt her, she would not get back up again. 
The avalanche was hurling toward her once again, only this time she was standing at the bottom without a barrier or way to outrun it. She was mere feet away from being swept up by it and all the emotion and vulnerability it brought in its wake. The day had just been too much, too heavy. And emotionally, she had not been prepared for any of the twists and turns the day had brought. She suddenly felt overwhelmed, so out of control of everything, particularly her emotions, the one thing she usually had under control. 
She felt tears sting the back of her eyes but she knew they were not good tears, the tears Michael usually induced during sex. No, these were entirely different. She quickly realized she needed a break, a moment. And the only thing in this world that she could control in this particular moment was the man above her. He was the catalyst every single time, the cannon blast that started the avalanche, that forced her to feel everything all at once. And she needed that to stop. She needed him to stop. 
“Wakanda…” she choked out, her voice as broken and small as she felt. 
She did not have a chance to repeat it as Michael immediately stopped his movements in mid stroke, his face stricken and concerned. 
“Shit.” He slid out of her without a second thought  and braced himself over her, shocked to find tears streaming down her face, her body trembling. He  immediately grabbed the blanket that was hanging half off the bed, wrapping her nude form tightly in it. “Hey, hey. You’re ok, you’re ok. You’re having a panic attack. Deep breaths for me.”
Raven curled into a small ball under the blanket, gasping for breath. Michael pressed her hand into his chest. 
“Focus on me, baby girl. That’s it. Deep breaths.” 
She closed her eyes and focused on the faint thumps of his heart in his chest, the way it rose and fell against her hand as she tried to sync up her breathing to his. He held tightly to her hand as she took long deep breaths. It felt like hours passed before either of them moved, before she felt calm enough to speak, but she knew it had likely only been a few minutes. 
“First a concussion,” she wiped her tears. “And now, a panic attack. I must be the worst woman you’ve ever had sex with,” she let out a watery chuckle. 
“Or the best?” he offered in a voice so gentle and quiet, it made a new set of tears well up in her eyes. She did not deserve him. “What happened? Did I hurt you?” 
She shook her head. “N-no, you d-didn’t. I j-just couldn’t… you can’t look at me l-like that o-or keep doing stuff l-like this. Pretending you love me just to make me feel b-better.” She shook her head rapidly. “I know you feel obligated to be g-gentle and shit when I’m having a bad day. But i-it’s just confusing. I know t-this isn’t real a-and I c-cant take anyone else pretending to love me or care about me when they r-really don’t.”  
“I’ve never done anything for you that I didn’t want to do, Raven. I’m not kind and gentle with you because I feel obligated. I’m kind and gentle because I want to be, because you deserve it. Do you find yourself so undeserving of all these things that it is that hard to believe that I’m in love with you? That I do all this shit for you because this is real to me??” 
“There’s no way that is true! You don’t love me!” She argued. 
“Yes I do!” 
Raven wanted to pull her hair out and scream at him. “Stop saying that! W-we are just fantasies to each other, Michael! P-playing a role that the other needs filled and j-just because the fantasy is nice, doesn’t mean I should kid myself into believing it is real. You’ll toss me aside as soon as this agreement is done because everything you feel is based on a fantasy!”
“You aren’t some fantasy to me, Raven!” 
“Fine! Not a fantasy! But everything we are is conditional… even you have to admit that. I mean we have a fuckin’ contract! Everything we are is based on me fulfilling those conditions! You can dress me up like a girlfriend but I know what I am when the cameras go away, Michael. I’m the girl you met in a hotel who was paid to fuck you!” 
He jumped off the bed and grabbed his phone, thrusting it into her hand. “Robert Pearson. Call him.” 
“W-who is that?” she asked, completely bewildered by the change in the conversation. 
“He’s one of the top reporters at TMZ. Call him, call him right now and tell him this whole thing is a fuckin’ sham. Hell, want me to start an Instagram live for you so you can tell the whole fucking world? I’ll do it.” 
She threw the phone back on the bed and stood up, wrapping the blanket around her like a dress. “I’m not gonna fucking call anyone or do that!” 
“But you could! That’s my point! You could call TMZ right now and tell him this whole thing was a sham, sell a fuckin’ tell all and I’d still love you. I’d honestly thank you for it because then I wouldn’t have to pretend I only love you because of some arrangement. I could admit that I love you for you. I love you for your vulnerability, your spirit, the fact that you give and you give and expect nothing in return and don’t even stop giving all of yourself when everyone else would. I love that you talk in fuckin’ sonnets and monologues. I love your relentless optimism and hope. I love your smile, the way you can’t look someone in the eye when they compliment you but it lights up your entire being. I love that you’ve got a wild imagination and you're quirky and funny and…” he threw his hands up in the air. “I. Love. You. I am in love with you. You can keep telling me to stop saying it, you can ignore it, pretend you don’t hear it, you can reject it. But it won’t change it. I love you. No conditions, no expectations. Just you for you. The question is do you love me?” he demanded. 
“It’s not that simple!” She tried to move around him but he blocked her way. She needed to get out of her, needed to escape this chaos. “Move, Michael.” 
“No! It is that simple. Do you love me? Forget everythin’ else. What you think you do and don’t deserve. Do. You. Love. Me?” 
“Of course, I fuckin’ love you!” she cried out. “I fell in love with you the morning I woke up with a concussion and you were sitting in my hospital room. I love you! But t-there’s… no one loves me like that. What you’re claiming to feel… no one feels that for me a-and there’s no way that you, a man who could get any one of the billions of women on this planet, would be the first. There’s no way you would settle for loving me.” She let out a deep sigh. “A-and my heart can’t take it… I can’t take the rejection and pain from people I love who don’t love me back anymore. I c-can’t. Which means I can’t believe that you love me. I’ve taken all I can take a-and if I accept that you love me, then I risk you rejecting o-or hurting me. And when you do, it’ll kill me.” The last word hung in the air as she sank down to the floor by his bed, her head buried in her hands. 
Michael settled down on the floor next to her, his hand grasping hers as he intertwined their fingers. There was so much to unpack in her words, so much that he knew he would not be able to convince her of or solve in one night. But there was one thing he knew he could assure her of right then and there. 
“There were a hundred ways I could’ve spun what happened between us that first night, hundreds of ways I could’ve dealt with you that would not have led us to this moment. But I chose the road I chose, not so I could have a body to use or fix a crisis. But because you stole my soul the moment you turned around in that hotel room. Loving you isn’t fuckin’ settling, it’s everythin’ I’ve wanted for damn near a decade but didn’t think I could have again. We’ve been standing on the edge of this cliff, waiting for the other to be ready to jump for months now. And I’m ready and you’re holdin’ on for dear fuckin’ life. I’m askin’ you to let go and trust that I won’t hurt you. I know that’s scary… shit I’m scared too. But I’m willing to jump if you are.” His thumb wiped away her falling tears before kissing her on the forehead. “I’m not lookin’ for an answer tonight, love. I know today… this week’s been a lot for you. I didn’t mean to add another thing on top of all the other shit, I just… needed you to know how I felt.” 
“Don’t… don’t apologize. I-I j-just got overwhelmed b-by everything. It’s been a day of unexpected emotional confessions,” she chuckled. “I…” she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “I’m really scared. Scared of being hurt, scared of falling even more in love with you a-and another good thing being taken from me. B-But I want this for real with you too. I don’t wanna keep pretending what we have isn’t real when we know it is. If you’re ready to jump, so am I. And we can just be scaredy cats while we fall together?” 
He pulled her into his lap and pressed his lips to hers softly. “Not a fan of you callin’ me a  scaredy cat,” he teased. “But yea. I meant it when I told you, you’re safe with me. All of you. And I’ll do whatever I gotta do to make sure you believe that shit.” 
Her heart fluttered a bit. She knew he meant his words. If there was one thing she had always been with Michael, it was safe. And she adored that about him. 
“I love you,” she whispered. 
“I love the way that shit sounds. Say it again.” . 
“I love you, I love you, I love you,” her lips tugged upward into a grin as he started peppering her face with kisses and having her repeat the phrase over and over again. He picked them both off the ground and continued kissing her and causing her to giggle as he placed her back in bed. 
He settled her under the covers and pulled her tightly into his arms. Their legs were quickly tangled in each other’s as she laid her head on his chest. They laid there in silence for a while before Raven sat up. As much as she enjoyed cuddling in his arms, Raven wanted more. Emboldened by their confessions of love, she pushed herself to her knees and straddled his hips. 
“You used your safe word. We ain’t gotta…” she pressed a finger to his lips stopping him. 
“I know what I want and need, Bakari,” she whispered, using his nickname, which was only reserved for family and close friends for the first time. Michael was not much of a crier but hearing his nickname on her lips made his heart skip one or two beats, made tears sting the back of his eyes.  “And I want you. You showed me how much you loved me… now let me show you.” She gave him a sly smirk before shifting between his legs to taste him. 
The pair lost track of how many times they moaned or screamed those three magic words to each other. But by the time they were finished, their bodies a tangled mess of limbs and bodily fluid, Raven knew, in her heart, that his words were true. And so she fell asleep nestled in his warm embrace, feeling true happiness with anther person for the first time in her life.
Tag List: @readinghere2023 @blackerthings @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @physicxal @purplehairgawdess @miyuhpapayuh @rueruesclues @geemamii @certifiedlesbianbaddie @pipsqueak-98 @nyifly22 @destinio1 @twocentaur @gopaperless @musicisme333 @roguekiki @majesticbrownjawn @taurusqueen83 @mysteryuz @miamormilan @itsknor-thedeep @naj-ay444 @mads-grace4 @nayaesworld @kholdkill @msniaimani @nccu-rnc @apenasumlug4r
A/N: The babes finally confessed their love for each other!!! Woohoo! How do you think our two lovebirds make the jump from fake romance to a real relationship? Thank you for reading! Drop a comment and let me know what you thought :)
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