#and the first ocs also kinda turned into a cannibalism story ?
your art style scratches my brain in all the right ways, I want to ask you about your ocs but have no clue what exactly
THANK YOUUU does a little pose
I'm gonna be honest I have too many different OCs, lore drop about any of them will happen when it happens and i cannot say when that is
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museofthepyre · 8 months
Did a fun Q&A thing on insta about my ocs, here are the highlights, lore and shit! For context I am writing this into a horror-ish book as we speak. Brewing my dastardly schemes (gay tragedy).
Q: Is Eden also a cannibal?
A: Eden isn't a cannibal in the way Harlow is. I mean he eats people but only because Harlow's cooking is too good to turn down /hj. Eden's thing is... kinda the opposite.
He's slowly being consumed by the rot that's festering within him, a manifestation of hatred and shame. To him love is consumption, and he is inedible. Insert vulture metaphor here w Harlow. For every rotting corpse there is a very greatful vulture who will look past the decay, and see your worth. Eden is ultimately finished off by something that loves him, a consumptive love, unconditional and indiscriminate.
A: This rot is really the only story element that isn't totally grounded in reality. It's an illness that's a manifestation of his self hatred/ repression/ internalized shame- not an actual condition.
It appears at first like it just affects his chest- but it’s been slowly burrowing deep into his body. Its spreading like roots/ mycillium through his flesh and will finish him off in one foul swoop once it's finished spreading.
In the meantime, it manifests like a chronic illness- his muscles are all atrophied and he feels constantly drained of life. It's taking small pieces of flesh to sustain itself while it spreads (the chest cavity is the result of that-though the REAL damage is invisible. It's the ticking time bomb roots beneath the seemingly unaffected surface). It functions like a slow acting Chronic Wasting Disease (aka zombie deer disease, humans can't get it in reality, but it was the inspiration)
Q: What happened when Harlow discovered Eden was a guy
A: Eden is trans, and closeted in his life. Harlow is the first person he ever discusses his truth with.
At first, Harlow was just kinda... confused? Transness is not a concept he was familiar with. At ALL. The idea alone was completely unheard of to him. Again this is the Bible Belt in the 8os, the area so rarely encountered visible transness- trans people existed of course, but so many stayed hidden to survive. The roaring tre of bigotry did not have much tuel in that regard... no trans people to propagandize against. It was not on the public's vitriolic radar. In that way, Harlow hadn't developed the knee-jerk reaction of hatred... he was more fascinated than anything, but it did challenge him to understand at first.
Unlike his journey with accepting homosexuality this was not so much a task of unlearning as it was just... learning.
Also Eden's whole rotting thing adds another layer to this Harlow is stupid and takes everything VERY literally- he thought Eden's condition must be divinely brought.
Harlow saw a gift from God, a rare flower planted in inhospitable soil, wilting before it ever got the chance to bloom. Like the angels sent to Sodom and Gamorrah in human disguises, to test the townspeople's virtue. To present them with something foreign yet beautiful, to judge their inherent goodness based on how they treat it. Like in the biblical story, the townspeople were so vile and inhospitable that it endangered the angels and forced them to leave, burning down the town behind them. Harlow saw this as prophecy. He was eager to get to the “burning down the town” part.
Part of my motivation for incorporating that specific biblical story is SPITE btw since so many people use it to justify homophobia. Reverse uno idiots. I'm putting you in my GAY BOOK as a metaphor for hateful queerphobic societies.HA!
Q: Describe the rot in Eden's chest in sensory detail (texture smell “cause" etc) I want rot details!!
A: I used CWD and necrotizing fasciitis as building blocks for this thing... starts in the brain, spreads like roots through the body, eating away at muscle and skin as it does. Once it's fully spread, it'd rapidly worsten and bring death within a matter of hours.
In the meantime it sustains itself off of non-fatal bits of flesh (his chest here, since it's a manifestation of self hatred and all, and dysphoria is a bitch). It is an open wound so it'd feel scabby and it is perpetually weeping... which is how Harlow finds out about it so quickly (seeps through white nightgown after being left unbandaged for a few nights). He would also have to take care to hide the smell of decay
It advances throughout the story and by the end there's barely any soft tissue left on his chest, nothing alive anyways. The final overtake begins, and his organs enter the early stages of consumption (which happens very rapidly in one foul swoop). That's when they decide it's time for boy dinner!
Q: How smart are they
A: GREAT QUESTION! HARLOW IS FUCKING STUPID. LIKE not only does he lack emotional intelligence entirely, but he's also very impulsive and reckless. The ONLY reason he's getting away with his murders is because the society around him has shot itself in the foot with its homophobia. Noooobody is suspicious of him for the string of missing attractive dudes. They're looking for a "vengeful woman" profile, or possibly a "debt collector with many social connections" or something. Not some solitary redneck who barely shows his face in town and is very polite and quiet when he does. He appears, in all respects, like a normal guy in public.
Once they have mutual blackmail (and also start caring about each other)... Eden realizes that if Harlow gets caught, he's fucked too. So partially for the sake of self-preservation, and... partially out of pity for this stupid stupid man... Eden starts to help him cover up.
Harlow is pretty disillusioned as to how society functions as a whole, since he grew up pretty far from it. Eden is the opposite, he was suffocated by it and learned how to be sneaky as a result. Eden is very good at getting people to trust him, he's good at lying, he's good at acting. Thing is, he's overly trusting to his own detriment. He's desperate for genuine connection and easily deceived himself. He's bad at reading people.
Q: What happened to Harlow's mom?
A: Harlow's mother died due to complications during childbirth. He never had a maternal figure in his life, he was raised as an only child by his father, who had become calloused and would never remarry. Harlow dropped out of high school and kept to himself at his house/ in nature after that very isolated from society. Considering all this... he not only lacked a maternal figure, but any female influence... at all. Which manifested as this warped and idolized understanding of women as a whole
He thought of women in a very high and almost mystified regard- like how a child would imagine a mythical creature. One massive blank filled in by a clueless imagination. He respected them greatly, he feared them like gods, and he felt a need to repent to them as such. He never properly processed the guilt he felt over his mothers death-largely thanks to his father's handling of it. This guilt left him feeling indebted, like he owed the world for what he “took", like if he ever so much as inconvenienced another woman it would be an irredeemable sin.
This all sounds like it comes from a good place, but it's really all just deluded naivety this is not a positive trait of Harlow's. It contributed a lot to his toxic masculinity, the pressure he put on himself to "be a man", etc.
He's not a white knight, he's a cowardly dog.
This is why he didn't just kill Eden on the spot after being caught, he needed to make sure...)
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meelkiewee · 23 days
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The other night me and my friends @hoodyknight and @mellowmango were playing Gartic Phone and I wanted to share the characters that came out! We specifically played "Exquisite Corpse". For those who are not familar with it: each person makes one part of the body, having only a tiny hint of what was previously made.
We were very surprised, to say the least, when we put together many actually interesting ones.
Since it's fun to rate things, I'll do a personal chart starting from worst to best. For each one I will say the drawing order, my rating and a personal thought.
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Drawing Order (DO) : Michael-Gabriele-Sole
rate: 4/10
We had a nice start with the girlypop bull but even tho I like that and the arm tattoos very much I think I did a mid job with the legs. Overall It's not even colored so meh.
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DO: Gabriele-Michael-Sole
rate: 4/10
The face is interesting and the shirt is kinda cute, then i ruined everything with that nonsense foot and the colored background. Tbh the background wasn't really my fault but a bug sob...
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DO: Michael-Gabriele-Sole
rate: 5/10
Nice palette, nice face. The rest: I probably see something like this running after me in my nightmares, luckily I never remember anything when I wake up.
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DO: Gabriele-Sole-Michael
rate: 5/10
Head and torso look good together but I think we achieved the AI vibe with this one soooo.....
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DO: Sole-Gabriele-Michael
rate: 6/10
I didn't put much effort in the monster heads but I didn't really expect my friend to draw yet another head below so that's funny. What's even more funny is if you know where the three animal heads come from, you'll probably understand why the cutlery is so unexpectedly fitting lol. Rat feet are cute.
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DO: Sole-Michael-Gabriele
rate: 6/10
My most failed attempt at drawing Husk by heart, I should never do that again. Tho this is the first drawing that tells a story uwu and shouts trans rights even for the fellow femboys out there <3 feat a very disrespectful ant checking what's under the skirt for good measure. Little accident happened with the colors so meh.
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DO: Gabriele-Michael-Sole
rate: 6/10
Those are the most realistic eyes ever, they spook me asf I feel like it's staring in my soul ;; I am also not a big fan of the fact that the drawing goes out of the canvas. Funny points for the mom tattoo and the implications of cannibalism though.
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DO: Gabriele-Sole-Michael
rate: 6/10
Body and legs(?) are kinda meh and it's totally my fault for messing it up on purpose but I wanted to experiment a bit. I'm sorry to my friend who was responsible for the marvellous face :'c Points for the bad-boi jacket.
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rate: 6/10
DO: Michael-Sole-Gabriele
This turned out kind of intimidating in a funny way and has some bitchy vibes.
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DO: Gabriele-Sole-Michael
rate: 6/10
I liked how my friend used the space for the heads and they came out nice as well.
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DO: Sole-Michael-Gabriele
rate: 6/10
What the hell is this. And she's a dragon too now. She's clearly typing the news in the chat with the ToudensSibs and receiving some compliments about it. Look at that blushieblush and the tail wag. She's def getting attentions.
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DO: Gabriele-Michael-Sole
rate: 6/10
This looks like everyone's typical first OC back in middle school, that one OC you pray no one will ever remember again. Love this vibe for it.
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DO: Michael-Sole-Gabriele
rate: 7/10
Don't get me rong this tiger is magnifique, the head belongs to a character Michael's has been working on lately. It just doesn't get extra point cause we all figured out where the drawing was going while we were completing it so yeah it came out really good to no-one's surprise.
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DO: Michael-Gabriele-Sole
rate: 7/10
Came out nicely but nothing really catches my attention.
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DO: Sole-Gabriele-Michael
rate: 8/10
It looks soooo polite, so well behaved, so into art and crafts, so passionate about country tip-tap. It's just the kinda guy I wanna date frfr AND GIIIIRLLLL THAT MUSTACHE SLAYSSS! Look at the details too! we have a butterfly bowtie and not one but two pair of shiny boots. I mean c'mon ladies, get in line!
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DO: Michael-Sole-Gabriele
rate: 9/10
This is our water best boi, it's marvellous cause it's yellow and collecting shoes it's his hobby! We still don't know what method he uses to acquire these many spare shoes but we felt shy asking such a personal question.
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DO: Sole-Michael-Gabriele
rate: 9/10
Miss Marbles! Yall can tell she's quite the refined lady, she occasionally gets really grumpy but I forgive her, after all who doesn't get upset hearing a mechanical racket following you all day while you do your office job? Guys let's all have some patience.
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DO: Sole-Gabriele-Michael
rate: 10/10
I don't know if my friends agree with my chart up until now, but I'm sure they agree this one is absolutely the best one out of all of them. We are actually discussing turning this into a proper poster cause the perfection left us all speechless. Well not really speechless, we actually proceeded to compliment this drawing for a good half an hour lol. We are still unsure how to call this beautiful creature but if you read untill here and are invested, you can totally suggest names for it!
Have a nice day/night everyone!
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letstalkwhump · 1 year
Let’s Talk Whump No.7
Welcome to Let’s Talk Whump, a series of interviews that spotlight the amazing people in our whump community. I’m Malice and I’ll be your host. 
Today we have @kira-the-whump-enthusiast joining us to share his whump story!
Tell us something non-whump related about yourself!
Hi I'm Kira! I'm just a guy on the internet who has something wrong with him (affectionate). Outside of whump I do a lot of regular OC stuff! Though, it always ends up angsty. I draw a shit ton, I watch video essays, and I pet my cat. He's adorable and amazing, by the way!
What does whump mean to you?
God, I don’t know man. It's when the character gets hurt and it makes me smile, I guess. For me it usually ends up being brutal torture of the physical or mental kind!
How did you discover the whump community? 
So I found the whump-culture-is blog, and I kinda skirted around the whole idea cuz I wasn't super comfortable with it yet. And then I stumbled upon Hazeshift by @whumpwillow!!! That was the story that got me into whump, it clicked a switch somewhere in my brain. And from there I started following more whump blogs, creating some OCs to whump, and eventually made a blog! Now I’m here.
It seems to be a common thread that everyone has a specific whump story that just clicked! Have you found that your whump tastes have changed over time?
I think my favorite tropes have largely stayed the same, same as my hard preference for OC over fandom. But I've gotten way more into making whumpy art lately! It's mostly on my art blog @kira-does-art-sometimes So, I haven't exactly been writing. I am still doing some though,  I'm just really bad at finishing it.
And your favourite whump tropes?
May the devil bless my soul, I am not mentally normal about any of this. 
First of all I am an avid whumper-turned-whumpee and villain whump fan. This is the Main Trope I enjoy because it is just so good. Look man, I just need to see the somewhat sympathetic (or not) bad guys get whumped and then maybe get a hug afterwards because even if they did bad shit before, they still don't exactly deserve bad things to happen to them? I dunno know, it's a bit soothing. Also god, there are so many good dynamics you would have. Reluctant caretakers, righteous whumpers, whumpees-turned-whumpers,,,, god, I am insane for this. Also the angst potential is ridiculous and I love it. 
I am also a fan of sicko shit like cannibalism and gore and vivisection. Like yes, cut that guy open and eat his organs. I will never not be normal about cannibalism and also I believe it is completely ethical if it's fully consensual. Anyways, fucked-up cannibalism is very good too. I need the people to eat each other. I need blood dripping from mouths and staining smiles. I need the faux-intimacy of feasting on another. Vivisection is also great for similar reasons. It is very Intense and Torture and I think it's fun!! You can also eat the whumpee's organs. Food for thought, pun intended! 
Glasgow smiles!I love those. I need to give more of my whumpees those. I just think it's neat and it's an alternative gag. You can't exactly talk without pain when your face has been slit open.
Immortal whump is the best. Because you can just do anything, really stretch a guy past their limits and then do it again!!! The fun never ends because they can't die, at least not permanently. Killing an immortal is underrated. And I don't mean permanently. I mean like bringing them back, again and again, and continuing the murder! Is that not fun?! 
Isolation in whump is very underrated. Solitary confinement is a form of torture after all. I think there's something very resonant for me about the simple. Lack of anything to the point that it drives you insane. The only thing making you like this are the walls cutting you off from the world. How do you explain that to people? I also like other fucked up forms of isolation like when the whumpee pretty much only interacts with the whumper or people on their side. The way that it can fuck them up is very intriguing to explore in writing I think. 
I realize this is somewhat sicko behavior. I have decided to not apologize for this. Also if the FBI is reading this, I um. I have little to no desire to do this in real life okay don't arrest me.
I think we’re all screwed if the FBI ever decides to look our way…I look forward to sharing a cell with you all! Do  you have a favourite piece you've written? 
I guess I'd definitely have to say Spirals and Solitaire is one of my better pieces!! Look. I just needed to write about a woman with depression. That's my favorite type of character. It combines a lot of my favorite tropes. A villain with angst for days being trapped in a room and slowly, slowly, going fucking insane. Getting way too attached to the only person that talks to them. And a bystander who doesn't help until it's too late. But better late than never hey? 
Also I am still a fan of Midnight Meal which is really surprising since it's like almost a year old I think? I think it holds up! I just like the cannibalism. And the gore. And I have gotten the best comments on it. Thank you to the nice people who left comments on it! Definitely my most sicko piece out of all my writing. Isaac's my favorite whumpee and this is not even the worst thing that happens to him, by the way. 
I also have this single series, Diamonds to Dust that I have definitely updated recently. I may or may not actually start writing the seventh chapter. I apologize for the radio silence on this lol. Storm and Zuri and Xavier are my beloveds. Also Lusik and Octavia are fucked up lesbians but I haven't gotten into that yet. My favourite toxic ship!
What's your writing routine like? Is there a must have drink or snack? 
My writing schedule fucking insane to be honest. Kinda goes like: 
- At a random point in time I get an idea. 
- I ruminate on the idea for an extended period of time. From like a week to a year. Average is prolly a couple months. 
- After the rumination I finally get some words on the goddamn paper! I write in fucking simplenote cuz I can access it on all my devices. 
- The words never get finished on the first day. From then it is three days to two months until I continue the goddamn thing. Or I just don't. Sometimes that happens. 
- And then the editing. Oh god. The editing. Suffice to say I hate it, I hate it, I hate it but it's necessary so I do it. Actually this takes like two weeks max cuz again. Hate it to shreds. I send it to my lovely whump friends for beta reading. I love yall!
- And then post. God help me when I do that. 
This is why I never post anything sorry about that. 
Usually I write in my very comfy bed in the evening. I don't really munch on snacks or drinks when I write.
Is there anything specific that you find easy to write?
I find that it's pretty easy for me to write characters with depression. When the character is just angsting and going through the emotional ringer, it's pretty easy for me to write stuff. Honestly that's probably how I got Spirals and Solitude finished so quickly. It's literally just like three thousand words of Wrenna having depression. I really struggle with writing like pure fluff. I dunno know,  I just find it hard to create a good conflict when it's so lighthearted.
And  do you have any current projects?
I have like a couple WIPs who are not finished yet. I may finish and post them one day. I am also always drawing. Probably of my OCs or fan art of my friend's OCs!
Bless us with some writing advice please!
You ask me??? For writing advice. Uhhhh I dunno man. Just get a little silly with it. Being Quality is overrated. Someone's probably gonna read it and get something out of it even if it's just like seven words in comic sans or whatever. Or maybe you are the one who reads it and gets something out of it! Self deprecation is overrated too. Your writing is probably fine. It is probably even good. Likely, it is even great and amazing! 
Huge shout out to @whump-in-the-closet for being extremely cool and having the best OCs and writing. And also listening to my little sicko OC rants!
@whumpcloud has literally some of the best whump stories I've ever read like god! I go feral for their characters. 
@zillastar13 has extremely amazing writing and very good taste. Love their art!
Anything you'd like to add? <3
Lowkey I think we as a community need more transgender characters. In any role. I just need to see more guys who are transgender. Who get a little funky with their gender. Who maybe even have their transsexuality impact the story in some way. Same for like, characters of color and female characters. I'd love to see whumpees with lots of different backstories and female characters in lots of different roles in the narrative. I personally don't think that the violence that women and minorities face in real life necessarily has to be analogous to the violence faced by a character in a story. I know it can go very badly but it can get a little tiring sometimes to only find stories with cis white male characters. Variety pls.
It was awesome to have you here, Kira! Thanks for stopping by!
And to all you folks at home, have a whump-derful day!
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lolipoptheclown · 9 months
holds your shoulder
UHHH THIS IS MOST LIKELY GONNA BE EXTREMELY LONG CAUSE I LOVE RANTING ABOUT MY OCS SO MUCH AT LIKE EVERY CHANCE I GET xd (I will probably repeat a lot of info that I have shared before sorry!!)
Castor is a very strange guy, he's actually not human (which was probably obvious by the amount of times I have mentioned that, and the fact that uhhhhhhhhh he has 2 ref sheets, and one of them is for his monster form). He LOVES to prank people, it's literally one of the only things he can do since he lived in the woods until he met Bob. But the thing is that he has SO MUCH anxiety for like no reason all the time, and if he gets too stressed out 1 of 2 things can happen: He will transform into his second form (unintentionally. He doesn't like doing that too much because his gums and fingertips bleed when he does, and his head hurts) and someone's dyin, or Bob will help him calm down (he is rarely able to but he tries). Anywayysssss, moving on from that, he loves to draw, and listen to music! He mostly draws the stuff that he does throughout the day, which is usually just hanging out with Bob, Melissa, and sometimes Dexter:) He is actually surprisingly good at drawing. He wants to be friends with Michelle and Carolynn SO BAD but he's afraid of talking to people LMAO
Ok uhhh moving on cuz this is already extremely long 💀
I will write about Helen now cuz I will probably rant about her less ;-;
Helen is a zombie, and she can turn herself into a ghost to escape situations she doesn't wanna be in (like the one time when she was on a walk and SOMEONE tried to scare her (Castor)). As a strange form of revenge for that, Helen is extremely cold, and Castor literally started shivering when he touched her HAHAHAHSHHSBS anyway, she was actually killed by a cultist, but she woke back up the night after her burial. That guy is dead now:3
Now, Melissa! (She's the newest one! I made her a couple days ago LOL)
So Melissa is actually a self-insert, cringe that Bob's daughter is my self-insert but idc lmao I can do what I want >:). Anyways, her family is Dexter (Father), Bob (Dad) (RATMEAT CANON!!!!!!1!!1!1), Castor (Dad's best friend, an older brother figure to her:]). After her parents both fucking D I E D she went a tiny bit crazy tho. Only thing about her that is normal OC-like lmao. She has slight anger issues, and her southern accent is a lot more noticable when she's mad. She hates it when people try to interview her about how her life was like growing up with the cannibal serial killer as a father.
Don't have much about her because she was originally made to replace someone's OC that I stopped being friends with so I could continue Michelle's story properly. She works the day shift at the Candy Club, and she is goth, but the Spooky Month artstyle doesn't really show that very well -w-' She doesn't have a mom, and one dad [Insert Melissa and Carolynn shaking hands with 'ADOPTED GANG' in bold letters], and she is kinda insecure about her legs :( but she is my happiest OC so yeah 😁
Michelle used to be my self-insert, but to be honest I wanted to take her story in a different direction so I changed that! She was my first Spooky Month OC, also. She has had SEVERAL different jobs, kind of like Rick, but currently she works at the mall. She is also Carolynn's best friend (neither of them know who Castor even is btw ;-;). She HATES Bob, like HATES him, but she doesn't talk about it much because Melissa will definitely hear about her shit-talking her dad, and she doesn't want to upset her. Not because she's afraid of her, she isn't, but she genuinely cares about her. She knows that Melissa has a lot of issues, and she wants her to open up about them more.
Uhhhhhhh thanks for sitting through this :3
TYSM for giving me a chance to rant about my OCs T H A N K Y O U
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towelclips · 1 year
Oc lore please
*insert holding knife & fork like toon*
*ahem* I'm normal now
So, uh, I've got a lotta oc lore, so this is gonna be a long post that I'm gonna break into chunks
Toon mystery-verse (one of my favs)
The main players in this one are Millie Grey, Benson Elwood, and Percy De Luca (tho I if I make this idea a full webcomic, I'm gonna include some of @naviofortido's ocs as major players too)
The story is about these main three looking into mysterious happenings and alleged cult activity in their town (mostly Millie and Benson being dragged into it by Percy, who's a major enthusiast about that kinda stuff). After an incident while they're investigating stuff, Millie winds up with the ability to turn into a cartoon character, and she and Benson wind up having to keep it a secret from Percy (because how tf do you explain that) while continuing to try and figure things out.
Extra tidbits: Millie and Percy are very gay for each other (making Millie hiding toon shenanigannery even harder), Benson likes prog rock and nearly killed Millie when she called Roundabout "the song from JoJo", the idiot trio had a movie night one time and Percy and Benson accidentally traumatized Millie by showing her An American Werewolf in London (stuff like that horrifies her)(she spent half an hour in the bathroom throwing up), the gang's mains in Mario Kart are Bowser (Millie), Wiggler (Benson), and Mii (Percy), Benson gets tooned later on, I'm running an ask blog exploring one of the major antagonists' origins (@archive-askblog), and one of the other major antagonists is a bitch (gotta do more with her soon)
Sci-fi stuffs (been violently rotating recently)
Haven't really figured out a plot yet, but I have figured out lots of worldbuilding, such as some aspects of alien cultures, and splitting humans into 2 different factions (the nature entwined and primarily agriculture and exploration focused Nations of the Free Planet, and the wealthy Sovereign Union of Mars)
Alien species (that I have yet to digitally draw -v-;):
E'Ymahi, kinda built like a llama with gorilla hands and crab eyes, they're very artsy and get along really well with the NotFP, and one of the first alien species humans have made contact with. Technologically in their equivalent of the 1960's before humans made contact.
(notebook doodles I need to digitize +a clay doll I made)
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Temi, the E'Ymahi already had some crablike features, but these guys are very crablike. They don't like either faction of humans much, thinking the NotFP are gross and uncivilized for living with nature (a lot of their art and expression comes from cold and geometric architecture), and the SUoM are cruel to their workers and obnoxious in their gaudy displays of wealth. They were the first aliens humans made contact with, but they took one look at humans and were like "Fuck this".
(notebook doodles)
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Skarmovian, towering, warmongers who resemble a combination of a shark and a minotaur. They're not really affiliated with humans, mostly because they don't care. Their religion is based around chaos, and it's a major ritual to eat those who died in battle. (Made these guys in Spore when I decided it'd be funny to kill everything, but then they stuck in my brain and are a part of this thing)(the cannibalism thing came from Spore too)
Don't have any notebook doodles, but I do have the original Spore creature!
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Ovistrite, centaurian and amphibious creatures, they are a very wealthy species and get along very well with and recently joined the SUoM.
(also originated from Spore and wound up sticking, they're from my first ever playthrough of the game)
The notebook doodles are fairly recent, as I was thinking about them recently
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What if Terminator role reversal?
Don't have much plot figured out for this one, but it's basically what it says on the tin. I was watching Terminator with my dad and I thought to myself "What if there was a story about humans trying to overthrow robots, but they were in the wrong and the robots were actually taking better care of the planet than they were)
I've figured out the basic beats and characters tho!
Basically, after rich people kinda fucked up the planet and the surviving members of humanity isolated themselves in bunkers, robots started tending to the planet, thousands of years later, the bunker humans try to destroy the robots, because one of the major bunker human leaders (a member of the wealthy elite who remained from the apocalypse pretending to be a god by keeping themselves alive with cybernetics) wants control of the planet again. The two major characters are Fern, a robot shepherd, and Albron, a human from the major bunker tribe, who rebels after learning the robots aren't evil and that they've been lied to.
Random tidbits
The robot town I wanna focus on is named Megan, and the town worships a decrepit service robot (who was owned by someone named Megan, hence the town name) as a deity of prophecy
The robots are named after plants and artists (in English, as language hasn't evolved for them due to being computers), and the humans are named after scientists, with their names being somewhat jumbled and corrupted to kinda represent the evolution of language, examples include: Albron (Albert), Niklai (Nikola), and Eldson (Edison)
(bonus note, Eldson is the false god, and is exploitative of Niklai :) )(edison can suck an egg)
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youngbeanpole · 3 years
A message from BP’s mail-lady
hoo boy here we go. this is gonna be a long post.
hi! im lemon, and i started this blog on april 2nd 2012. and today, april 22nd 2021, im posting beanpole’s last message here. its been one hell of a ride.
how it all started i was 15, spending time on tumblr, when i suddenly started seeing people posting about this movie that was about to be released soon, called the lorax. now, im not american, so i had never really heard of dr seuss, but people were so enthusiastic! so i watched a shitty cam-rip of the movie and joined the fandom. 
and then the askblogs started, the first one i came across being swag, of course. i had run askblogs for other fandoms before, so i wanted to join in on the fun. but regular once-ler was already taken... and green suit once-lers, and audrey and ted too... so i had to come up with something original. 
the movie started with the once-ler leaving home and his family showing just how awful they were, and i started thinking, ‘man, his childhood mustve sucked..’ ‘haha what if i made a blog about once-ler when he was my age?’ 
an impulse decision that somehow gained me 100 followers in a week. somehow relatable tumblr teen once-ler was relatable to 2012 tumblr. who couldve known? 
i get kinda emotional looking back at it, honestly. people were so fun and creative. id stay up late to keep talking to people (bc timezones are hell). and i had a lot of fun just pretending to be a flawed boy, one who seemed nice but could be rather snarky, who would lie and break promises at the drop of a hat, but only because he didnt know any better, not out of malice. and i couldnt have done it without you all. i never wouldve known that he hates tomatoes, or likes celine dion, or wears the same thneed every dang day just because that happened to be his icon. 
was it silly to get obsessed with a childrens movie? maybe. but i had a great time.  (im also happy to see there are still people in the fandom that are carrying on the legacy... you guys rock)
truffula flu i think most people that remember bp remember him from truffula flu’s camp entre, over at youngbeansprout... a blog ive sadly lost the password to. im a big baby so i never thought id enjoy writing about something as scary as zombies, but i saw my friends doing it so i went in blind, without any idea on a backstory for the au or whatever.  ....which is probably why he wasnt always all that prominent in the story, haha. well, that, and timezones. 
it was probably an even wilder time than running this blog was, because there was actual plot. and people would liveblog it. and make fanart. and cosplay??? someone out there? cosplayed my oc to a convention? its one of those things that make you go. huh. i made something cool. probably never gonna reach that high ever again, but it sure is a fond memory. i still have a folder on my computer with all the fanart and it still brings a smile to my face.
also... i never did get to finish zombie au’s story, but i did plan how it would end. so if youve managed to read this far, congratulations! youve hit the hidden deep lore.
so the thing with truffula flu was that entre made the trees fucked up, right? and those spores would turn ppl into zombies. and of course you could become a zombie from being bitten, but it also traveled through the air...
everyone in camp entre (who wasnt immune or already infected) wore a gasmask, a bandana, something to cover their mouth. bp, who wandered into the apocalypse by accident, did not. he didnt even know. 
so little by little, the spores gathered in his lungs, until he realized. oh no. im getting sick. oh no. oh no oh no oh no. he messed around audrey’s equipment to confirm he was infected, and he got scared. he was a scared kid and he was going to die.
except. ted had handed him a cure for safe-keeping. a cure bp had sworn to protect with his life. but it could save him, right? in a moment of cowardice, he uses it on himself... only to find out there never was a cure.  (now heres the part where my memory gets fuzzy but) the ‘’’cure’’’ was given to ted, who was already slightly rotting, meant as a mercy kill. the people who gave him the cure assumed he would use it on himself.
except ted was a good kid, who wanted to use the cure to help others. and beanpole? his lies and broken promises came back to bite him in the ass, and he died sudden and alone. the end. :)
Tumblr media
the end of an era ive wanted to wrap this blog up for several years now but i never knew how. younger me wanted to give him a happy ending, which back then i thought was getting him a girlfriend. 
but as i got older, i realized... not everything can be fixed with a relationship. he’d have to learn to overcome his flaws by himself, learn his lesson about honesty and sincerity and the dangers of greed. and then, maybe he’ll have a happy ending.
so as he rides into the sunset on this day, imagine. maybe he’ll end up cutting down a forest and regretting it the rest of his life. maybe he’ll become a rock-star. an inventor. a teacher. a gentleman. a cannibal? okay, maybe not that one or maybe he’ll continue traveling forever, singing songs about boredom.
who knows? there’s infinite possibilites out there.
and with that, im logging off too. if you ever need me, ill be over on twitter as his deoncelerized self, bean. 
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the-resurrection-3d · 3 years
Shipping meme 12, 21
Was seriously worried for a second that this was about the CWC stuff lmaoooooo
12. What drives you away from a ship?
That's a good question! This answer got long because I thought about LHA and saw red, so I'm putting it all under a readmore.
My immediate thought would be "that's not enemies-to-lovers, that's just being a cunt (and not even the fun kind)." A good example would be The Impossible Knife of Memory by Laurie Halse Anderson, which I literally had to ragequit several years ago because all the relationship development up to that point had just been the main guy ignoring the narrator's obvious distress and repeated attempts to tell him to fuck off so that he could disrespect her boundaries, physically grab her, and then trick her into going on a first date with him. After all these years, I have no goddamn tolerance left for shitty, one-sided relationships in YA. Maybe the book got better and deconstructed his behavior later on, maybe I just missed something, I don't care to find out because YA Books Cannot Be Trusted Like That. Far as I'm concerned Wintergirls is the only book Anderson's written that's worth a damn, anyway.
And this might seem like a weird thing to be upset over considering I literally just recommended a fic where Hermione has her body and life literally torn apart by Lucius Malfoy, but I think it's important to note that Eden holds Lucius accountable and never, ever pretends the relationship could truly work.
(A quote from the epilogue: "Can you imagine Lucius and Hermione being together in the outside world? Buying a house together, having children, and getting a dog? Lucius making Hermione breakfast in bed? Arguing about the mortgage and sitting in the garden drinking tea? It would never have worked.")
It's because the narratives truly recognize the fucked-up nature of their characters that these relationships can even be interesting. Imagine Hannigram if everyone on the show just acted like murder and cannibalism were completely fine. It would certainly be funny, but not nearly as interesting. (This is also why I prefer YinxYuck over Yoop even though both involving teenage boys violating a teenage girl's consent/trust. The fact that Yin was so quick to forgive Coop but not Yuck could have been interesting, but because that double standard is seemingly not recognized by the narrative, I'm pushed into the less charitable reading that it was just a lazy, off-screen redemption to force the ship to work. Yoop is also just a far less interesting ship for a myriad of other small reasons, but I hope you see where I'm coming from here.)
This also, to a lesser degree, applies to ship fandoms-- there have been plenty of ships where I could see myself liking it, ways it could be interesting, but everyone who's already into it is just there for the fetish porn. Cool for you. But no thanks.
(Completely one-sided power dynamics are also a turn-off-- if I'm gonna be in this for the long haul, then one character needs to eventually get some level of (at least) emotional power to wield against their lover/captor, even if physically they're completely at the lover's mercy. Will manipulating both Rat Boy Whose Name I Can't Remember Right Now and Hannibal while in jail. Yin outsmarting Yuck time and again even though he's physically and magically stronger than her, to the point that he doesn't even seem to really notice that Yang's there most of the time. Stuff like that.)
While we could further dive into genre and the different levels of realism within these stories, the more important element is just the fact that Knife guy had no personality outside of harassing her. Deadass that is all he did in the book. Where's the flavor. This tastes like fucking sand.
[I should probably also note that "stuff I write content for" and "stuff I ship" can be two different things-- I wrote a Ren/Strade ficlet once, but I don't really ship it, and I think Ren's a much better character in BTD 2 explicitly because Strade's dead. When it comes to stuff like BTD or even some of my old Tordtryck stuff, it's more about inhabiting the perspective of an abuse victim rather than shipping, if that makes sense.]
21. Have you ever received hate for a ship you liked?
Directly? Technically yes, once, but it was only a young kid bringing up Ye Olde Paultryck discourse to me, and I just tried to politely explain that I wasn't interested in rehashing that drama. Because I get it! There's a lot of context that's been lost here, and if you're just a young tween getting into this show, the accusations being made against shippers are quite upsetting! But that wasn't so much hate as concern.
There's also of course the indirect "paul and pat both hate the ship," "you're shipping real people," "you're shipping a dead man's oc" kinda hate that most every shipper in the EW fandom's seen at least once.
I think I've largely avoided hate by a) being irrelevant lmao and b) most of my ships being acceptable enough within their own fandoms. (Catradora is a five-season nightmare and YinxYuck is arguably incest, but both are so popular within their respective communities that sending someone hate for them is gonna get you laughed out of the room.)
I hope that all made sense, lol. Thank you for the ask!
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kihtek · 4 years
Apocalyptic Undertale AU IC?
Been working on an Undertale AU story based on an apocalyptic/zombie-type dream I had. Lemmie know if you’d be interested in reading it?
Summary: AU where Humans were the ones trapped Underground and Monsters had control of the Surface. Humans had escaped and began living with Monsterkind peacefully until some many years later, a virus hit and began plaguing both Humans and Monsters alike. At first, this disease claimed many lives until a vaccine that was supposed to help, caused the virus to morph into something else entirely. This new threat was called the Parafronvirus- or the Mad Fever.
Now, the world is in a semi-apocalyptic state from this virus that is turning both Humans and Monsters alike into feral beasts. With this threat spreading like wildfire and throwing the world into chaos, hope seems lost; but neither Humans nor Monsters are going to give up trying to find a way to fix this.
Details: Basically, like a zombie virus mixed with rabies, with a little something else sprinkled in. The disease completely throws the victim’s sanity and humanity out the door, causing them to attack anything or anyone on sight. They are capable of speech and general thought but are basically turning into crazy, mass murderers/cannibals. Monsters affected by this disease are obviously more powerful, while Humans affected are harder to take down.
Victims of the disease are called Ferals and there are subspecies of Ferals depending on how they act- you know, like your zombie classes. We got our ‘Fresh’ Ferals which are newly turned Fearals that are kinda dumb and easy to take down, our ‘Basic’ (Stage 1) Ferals that are a bit more intelligent and harder to take down, our ‘Adepts’ (Stage 2) who are scarily intelligent and can set up things like ambushes and formulate actual plans, and finally our ‘Anomolies’ (Stage 3) which are just as smart as an unaffected Human or Monster with scary power to boot.
Mostly going to focus on Sans, Alphys, and OC, though most of the Undertale cast will be playing large roles as well. Alphys and Sans are obviously trying to find a cure for this disease and trying to figure out where it came from. Obviously, it isn’t normal for a virus to evolve and spread so rapidly from a vaccine trying to cure it. Alphys has done extensive research into the virus and vaccine, but while something seems off, she can’t quite put her finger on it.The victims of the disease started off as feral lunatics with little to cognitive ability- attacking anything on sight; but the virus has rapidly evolved through the years and the victims are now far more dangerous and intelligent- almost as if the disease has enhanced their physical and magical ability at the cost of their sanity.
Also, some Sans/OC thrown in there for you romance lovers (das me, I’m the romance lover lol), but definitely not the focus of the story and probably won't be very common either. Just to add some spicy drama and angst to the horror.
It will no doubt be either mature or explicit for those gory bits (and maybe some smut later? IDK). Warnings of violence, killing, lots of gore, some major character death probably, and more than likely some pretty foul language.
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ms-rampage · 3 years
The New Trainee
Summary: Paige, Kate and all the other hunters show Felix how to kill monsters. Monster Hunting 101.
Word count: 1.7k
Warnings: Some language
Note: OC Felix Miller belongs to @the-chaos-siblings (also requested by him)
“Okay so the monster you saw us killed. That was a Wendigo, they’re pretty much humans that resorted to cannibalism, and turned into monsters” Paige tells Felix.
After he witnessed a Wendigo, and saw how they killed it. Paige and Kate along with everyone that lives on the compound showed Felix how to hunt, and kill monsters. 
“Humanoids that are tall and pale. A huge part of Native American mythology” Kate adds. 
“So fire and silver bullets kill them?” he asks. 
Both sisters nod, “Yep, they’re usually in groups, but they’re more likely to be by themselves” Paige tells him. 
Her husband Kenneth, along with their hunters friends/family Adrian, Cody, Mark, Martin, Nate and their mother Mandy walk into the living room.
“That Wendigo was living by itself, but I’m sure there’s more lurking out there in the woods” he tells them. 
“So what other monsters exist?” Felix asks, “Do vampires exist?! Werewolves? Demons?! The loch ness monster?!”. 
“Yes, yes, yes, yes and maybe” Paige answers, “Unless it's freakin' Godzilla, it real!”. 
There were some “animal” attacks in the wood areas of Hope County, Montana, and everyone including forest rangers have concluded them as either bear, or cougar attacks, but the local supernatural hunters say differently. Because after Wendigo’s attack they leave nothing behind, and the campsite had some blood evidence, but no bodies of campers. The site was “too clean” for the Cult to have kidnapped any innocent “sinners”. 
“So I kinda know how to kill vampires” he tells them, but he has an unsure tone in his voice, “A wooden stake to the heart, holy water, sunlight and garlic”. 
They all exchange looks, knowing that’s how you kill them in movies, and it's a huge misconception. 
Kate awkwardly clears her throat, “Well umm, Felix, that’s actually a huge misconception. We all know in movies and tv shows. Killing vampires with a wooden stake or repelling them with garlic is actually false”. 
He looks at her confused, “Then how do you kill them?”. 
“Decapitation” Kenneth tells him, “You chop off its head, and that’s it”. 
Kate takes a seat next to him, “So we’re gonna start off with vampires, and how to kill them, and how they originated”. 
Paige clears her throat, giving him a lesson in Monster Hunting 101, “So as you may know, vampires live forever. Never age. Up until you give them a nice clean head cut. Vampires originate from the Alpha vampire, the very first of the kind. Progenitor of vamps. Killing them is easy, decapitation, but those bastards are fucking strong and fast. Sneaking little bastards”. 
“You can “cure” a vampire” Cody tells him, “Dead man’s blood. The blood of a dead person. It sedates them”.
“It doesn’t really cure them, it just makes them weak, and causes them pain without actually killing them” Ken adds. 
“Next!” Paige exclaims, “Demons! Corrupted human souls!. Twisted, perverted evil spirits! Ghosts with an ego!”. 
“Abominations” Adrian mutters before taking a sip of his whiskey. 
“There are many, different types of demons” Kate tells him, “There are the typical, everyday black eyed demons. Then there’s red eyed demons, white eyed demons, and yellow eyed demons. Princes of Hell, Knights of Hell. Crossroad demons. It’s all a goddamn hierarchy!!”. 
“Basically demons are human souls that were sent to Hell for whatever reason, and were left in the fiery pit to be tortured until there is no humanity left in them” Mandy tells Felix, “Turning them into demons. Direct opposites of angels”. 
“Killing them is very easy, depending on who and what type you’re dealing with. Holy water, salt and iron. Holy fire, hex bags and exorcism” Kenneth explains, “Are all all you need to deal with those bastards”. 
“A Devil's trap” Nate tells him, “Is what you need to trap a demon. It imprisons, binds and overpowers them. Most demons are unable to cross a salt line, but it can be used to harm them”. 
Felix is trying to process all this information, not even 10 minutes into “Monster Hunting 101” and he already feels confident on killing monsters. 
"Okay I'm starting to feel confident in this!" he tells them, "Where do find these monsters?!?".
“You may feel confident now, but these evil sons of bitches? They’re the worst!” Adrian says, before taking another sip of his whiskey, and filling his glass up again, "They're everywhere! Any small town. Like Hope County for example". He takes another hit of the alcohol, drinking it like water.
“Hey, hey cowboy shit, easy on the whiskey” Paige tells him, "Drink water for once!". He gives her a mocking look before drinking again. 
“Anyway! Werewolves are pretty simple to kill, silver bullets” Kate says loudly “Now ghosts are also very easy. They hate salt, and iron. If you want an evil ghost/spirit out of your house. You find the bones of the person, salt em and burn em”.
“Now if the person was cremated, you have to find something they love, something they held dearly to, and you destroy it” she adds. 
“We’re just teaching you the basics on killing monsters because there’s a lot of information on this crap” Paige tells him. 
“Okay so how did all of you get into this stuff??” Felix asks them, “How did you all discover these creatures??”. 
All the hunters exchange looks, “It’s a very long story, but to summarize our story. Our family has been a part of this whole game for 5 generations” the eldest Winchester explains to him.
“My family’s been doing this for 3 generation” Cody explains to him, “I’ve been hunting monsters since I was 5 years old”. 
“My family’s been loyal members of the Men of Letters” Martin tells him, “They do the same thing, track and hunt down monsters”. 
“Well in your case it's British Men of Letters” Kate tells him. 
“Pretty much all of us come from 3-5 generations of monster hunters” Mandy explains to him.
After getting to know everyone in the household, and now having the acknowledgement on hunting monsters. but Felix knows he’s gonna have to learn a lot from these people, and get used to the special weapons they use to kill these creatures. Learn how to speak, and read Latin and Enochian.
“Pretty much Halloween will be an everyday thing for you” Kenneth tells him, “Our lives are a horror movie”. 
With that all said, Felix has one hell of a journey into this life ahead of him. 
“Actually for great practice, we actually summoned a demon” Paige tells them, everyone looks over at her. 
“You did what??” her husband asks her, “You summoned a demon?? When we have our toddler and infant kids in the house?!?”. 
“Yeah but it’s fine. I have him trapped in the bunker. In the torture chamber” she tells them. 
Kenneth was always strict when it came to summon monsters in the house for training, or for getting information.
They go down to the bunker, into the chamber where they keep monsters and interrogate them. 
“Before I open the door Felix” Paige turns to him, “No, you can’t fuck it because its an evil entity”. 
He gives her a bummed out expression, “Then what has all this training been about??”.  
“Killing monsters” Kenneth answers. Patting his shoulder.
She opens the loud metal door, and they see a man tied to a chair, inside a devil’s trap. 
He lifts his head, with a smug smile on his face. “Well hello there red” he says to Paige with a teasing and cocky tone in his voice. 
“Shut up demon trash” she responds, throwing holy water in his face, making it burn. 
He growls in pain and also in annoyance. “Stupid human!”.
“She said shut up!!” Kenneth orders him, throwing holy water in his face again. 
Paige gets into the killing demons lesson. “Okay, so this thing on the floor is a devil’s trap. If the trap is broken, then this fucker right here will smite all of us”. 
“I will boil your flesh!” the demon growls at her, his eyes going black. 
“Anyway!” she says loudly, ignoring him and his threats, “There are many ways to torture demons. Like for example throwing holy water in their faces. It burns them, and they can’t cross a salt line”.
Kenneth goes to a table on the other side of the chamber, and brings over a variety of weapons, setting them down on a table next to his wife. 
“Demons also hate iron. Like holy water it burns them” she continues. 
Kenneth hands Felix a knife that can kill demons. A knife with a wooden handle, and a sharp blade. It looks like an ordinary hunting knife, but it can do great damage to demons. 
The blade can’t kill all demons, it can’t kill Knights of Hell, and Princes of Hell. Like Abaddon, Alistair, Samhain and Lilith.
“Now what you’re holding is an Ancient Demon-Killing Knife of the Kurds” Kenneth tells Felix.
“Or, you can just call it a demon killing knife” Paige corrects him, taking less time on saying the name, "Or just simply a demon knife".
“Ohh I see. He’s the new trainee!” the demon mutters, “How cute!!”. 
“Demons are cocky little bastards” Kate tells them, leaning against the chamber's doorway. 
“Oh Katie how ya doing?!” he asks, eyes blackened “I heard about your little boy toy Johnny Seed getting possessed by Saleos”. 
She scoffs, rolling her eyes “Yeah and what happened to Saleos afterwards?? He got casted out and sent back to Hell. He knew he fucked up when Lucifer punished his ass". 
“So you all do this for a living??” Felix asks them, "Do you ever tell people about this sort of stuff??"
“Yep! And nope because people tend to freak out if they were to ever find out about this stuff” Paige answers, “And now we’re showing you how to kill evil sons of bitches”.
“So take the knife and stab douchebag” Ken tells him, “Stab him right in the chest, or stomach. Wherever you’d like”. 
The demon starts to laugh, “He doesn’t have the guts to kill me!. He doesn’t-”. Getting cut off by Felix without hesitating, stabs the demon in his abdomen, doing a knife trick before stabbing him. Making the redish orange light come out of his eyes, mouth and the stab wound. They all look at him like proud parents. 
“Well shit” Paige chuckles, with a smile on her face. 
“I didn’t think you were gonna stab him” Ken tells him. 
“I think he’s ready for a real hunt” Kate tells them.
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dreamsculptor · 4 years
hi i feel like talking about 76 avery so *infodumps*
under the cut bc its soooo much. head full thoughts many i love my oc
uhhh. content warnings for mention of cannibalism and descriptions of violence (specifically how avery received the various scars on his face). violence also includes loose description of burned injuries as well as almost-eye gore.
this is like 10 paragraphs <3
okay so. probably a bit of this is going to be repeated from her page on the avatie carrd but anyways:
avery was actually born and raised in vault 76, two years after the door first closed. they have little to no idea what the world was actually like before the war, and didn’t actually know anything about what the nearby world was like. he grew up in the same walls for her whole life and couldn’t completely believe the things people said about the world outside. needless to say they were kind of overwhelmed when he actually went outside and saw how massive everything was - the trees, the mountains, everything.
in her time in the vault, he actually worked under and with the overseer diplomatically to keep the peace inside the vault. people get kinda antsy when they’re stuck in the same rooms with the same people for 25 years! so avery’s job growing up was to help mediate high-strung situations to prevent people from going totally batshit on each other.
he got some minimal training to prepare for the world outside when she was in the vault, but it really didn’t do a good enough job foretelling what the world would actually be like. when she first left he was actually pretty weak and wasn’t all that great at aiming and shooting. over the first few months in the wasteland, they did eventually get stronger from lugging around tons of junk and huge weapons - not to mention the hefty armor she wore for protection.
i know i go “haha funny comic” with the ‘never have i ever eaten human flesh’ but the way i imagine it actually played out was along the lines of avery sitting down at her camp one night and realizing, “oh shit, i dont have any food,” before looking around and realizing. well. there’s a dead body nearby. and subsequently going “fuck it, YOU live in a society, i live in a post-nuclear wasteland” and. well. eating at least part of it. its definitely not something he’s happy about or does constantly, but you gotta do what you gotta do to stay alive.
over time, probably a year or two, avery has become very ... dead inside from dealing with the horrors of the wasteland and the incessant violence. at just about every turn there was someone or something ready to string him up, whether out of pure unjustified violence or for whatever they had on her. he does still try to help people when they can, but she’s a lot more cautious than when they first emerged!
some notable Horrifying Experiences she’s had, aka the stories of his scars, are:
the rashy-looking scars on the right side of his face are from his responders initiation, having to dive into the eternally-burning mine of belching betty. they had to go into the cave to join the firebreathers, and while he was trying to find her way down to where the last crew died, they came across an entry that was full of fire. he couldn’t find any way around it, so she had to barge through the flames to reach their destination. it was an unpleasant experience, and they dislike having to spend time around the ash heap following it.
the scar that goes from their hairline across her right eye was received from a fight with a deathclaw. they were sidelined out of seemingly nowhere by a furious deathclaw that he wasn’t even aware of, and it ended up attacking her and getting a huge swipe across his face. it nearly took their eye with it, but thankfully it was still intact. avery ended up winning that fight if just out of pure unadulterated fury at having their eye nearly taken out.
that eye ended up mostly healing, but she has very poor sight in it now, and subsequently suffers from severe photophobia and has terrible perception in it. prior to the fight, he had been trying to practice and train learning how to aim and shoot better than what they were taught in the vault. needless to say those goals were kind of thrown in the dumpster after the fight happened. after that, they decided to opt for melee weapons, so she could have an at least somewhat better look at whatever he was fighting.
a while after that, he ended up in a close fight with three scorched. they were doing okay fending them off until her weapon broke and had to resort to fisticuffs to try to fight their way out of it. she ended up getting overwhelmed and gouged by the scorched, with plenty of scratches and scars across the left side of his face from it. they managed to take out one of the scorched, but had to scramble out of the fight before they got completely destroyed by the creatures.
the people of the appalachian wasteland that avery is closest with are the settler wanderer, duchess and mort, and sofia daguerre. they have a preference for the settlers over the raiders, but enjoys the company of a few people from crater, like molly, munch, and ra-ra and gail. he particularly dislikes johnny weston and axel. she is partial to jen and penelope hornwright in foundation, but tries to avoid samuel.
the settler wanderer - who i’ve named eva - was the first person that avery met that wanted to actually stick around him for the long run. avery appreciates her presence in their camp, and enjoys listening to her play the guitar. they’re also very fond of duchess and mort from the wayward, and enjoys stopping in there to see how they’re doing and having a couple drinks. he has a bit of a crush on both of them, and has (in her own eyes) embarrassingly admitted to it while he was drunk. they also met and took care of commander sofia daguerre, who they are frankly head over heels for. he’s delighted to help her whenever she needs, and loves to listen to her talk on and on about the unstoppables. she actively tries to find magazines - especially issues of the unstoppables - for sofia. after shutting down athena and helping sofia recover from it, they both admitted to how they felt and are happily together. avery is wary of and has a strong disliking for emerson hale, holding him angrily accountable for the pain that sofia went through. she tolerates his presence because sofia lets him come around with supplies for them.
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zombiequincy · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO.
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Are they underrated?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG.
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO.
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL.
How strictly do you follow canon?  — I’d like to think I follow canon fairly decently in regards to Giselle’s powers but then again there really isn’t much to follow. So we’ll go with a shaky ‘ehhhh’.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  She’s one of the most objectively fucked up Sternritter. Her powers completely spit in the face of everything the Soul Reapers try to abide by and their cycle of life and reincarnation by basically crushing it under her heel and refusing to allow the process of death to run its course. She’s also just such a cheery and utterly irredeemable villain which is so refreshing sometimes. None of that brooding ‘woe is me my powers and situation makes me so sad’ no no no, she is here to FUCK shit up for everyone and laugh while doing it. Also the whole idea of forcing someone to fight against their will is just so supremely fucked up but always interesting to see in action. She could have singlehandedly turned the tides of the Quincy invasion if she got her hands blood on the right people and that’s a terrifying though. Also a lot of her motif and powers link closely to the sort of biblical fucked up imagery of angels that you can see in novels like Paradise Lost or Dantes Inferno or the Old Testament, that just themeatic attitude of like show no mercy even to the weak and how morals are meaningless in the face of war and if you’re doing everything in the service of god then even the most fucked up actions can be justified, so if like me, you’re a huge nerd for that shit, she is PERFECT.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  —  She’s one of the most objectively fucked up Sternritter. She’s annoyingly over powered in the sense that she just doesn’t die, which can really be a sticking point for some people because it just seems like there’s no threat present when she’s around. I also don’t blame anyone for being disinterested with her portrayal and character as it is in the manga since her whole identity seems to just be a shitty allusion to predatory lesbian trope and god awful transphobic jokes, so seeing those it can be easy to think that’s all there is to her character and not even want to entertain everything else she has to offer. Also the way that she treats Bambi, turns even my stomach, so I absolutely do not blame anyone who might want no interest in any of that and the implication of those scenes.
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  (Kaiman lol) She was one of the femritters I naturally gravitated towards because of her fight with Mayuri and I fucking hate Mayuri soooo, queen rights! Also I just love characters who can like puppeteer and control others against their will, there’s something so really interesting about that power in fiction and it always gives way to tons of angst and sadness which is absolutely my shit. I also had a ton of issues with the way that Kubo presented her in canon, especially in regards to her trans identity and I kept obsessing over that and wanted to kinda push away from all those shitty moments and try to focus more on her powers and attitude as a young Quincy who was eager to join a war and murder her way up the ranks. 
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  My love for evil women. But you know, mainly music and goth aesthetic posts. Also other pieces of gothic literature and undead monster lore and mythos. If there’s a will and way, I will always find a way to bring it back to Giselle.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO.
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO.
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO.
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day?  YES / NO.
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO.
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO.
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  —  Haven’t gotten any yet but I am always open to it. I know there’s a ton of choices I’ve made in my portrayal that are open to heavy scrutiny, like making her very young contrasted against the other Sternritters, making her a serial killer, making her a self declared man eater etc etc. Even though my main goal with rp is to just have fun, I’d never want to do so at the expense and well being of others, so if anyone has some serious critiques to make about Giselle or to say that she’s making them feel uncomfortable, then it’s the absolute bare minimum for me to listen and be considerate about that criticism! 
Do you like questions which help you explore your character?  —  If I say no that makes me look like a mad woman and an asshole but like GKJLASDKDJSA look its really hard to try to explore a lot of the inner depths of a character like Giselle who just joyfully takes pleasure in others suffering. Like she’s just here to kill and eat people, trying to explore the why and how and who led her into that way of thinking and informed her deeper beliefs, high key gives me a headache. Sometimes she’s just evil and a dickhead for the sake of being an evil dickhead. I have to be in a very specific headspace and mood to want to discuss in detail her attitudes and beliefs and how certain personality traits of her came to be and even when I do that, it’s not usually public. As I write with more and more people, her views and ideals begin to reveal itself in the threads and situations so I prefer to do the exploration that way via my writing and threads. I’m always open to questions which help me explore her ideals and beliefs and reckoning with her past but because I haven’t made any plans for her to really confront or express those beliefs directly yet, it’s hard for me to explain them accurately or correctly.
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  Yes! I’d never declare myself as an expert on Bleach since I learn a lot of the nitty gritty details through osmosis of people who do know more than me, so if I get something wrong or a headcanon is a little bit far fetched, I’m always open to hearing the details as to why and how I can improve it. Also a lot of my headcanons are just stupid jokes so if you have one that’s funnier, then I will always love to hear it.
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  —  In my stride. I always say this Giselle is mainly just a goof so I don’t take it too personally if someone thinks I’m doing her wrong, half the time it’s just be making bad jokes about murder and maiming and cannibalism. There are about a hundred different ways to approach someone like Giselle and mine is FAR from being the most accurate or correct one.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  —  I can certainly understand why considering her actions in canon and how brutal and cruel she was. She kinda is a figure made to be hated and disgusted by and in certain threads I do really lean into her more ‘evil’ side. So I’d never take it personally. 
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  —  Dear god please do it. I’m dyslexic and English technically isn’t even my first language I struggle with this VERY bad. Let me know please please PLEASE.
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  I think sooo? I’ve never rushed anyone for replies, I take my own sweet time to get stuck into threads and I approach any headcanons or ideas people have for Giselle with a sense of optimism and good faith! I’m always down for some silliness but I’m always cautious about how far to go with her considering that the way she acts can be triggering in some regards so I like to think I’m both pretty careful and laid back!
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
Tagged by:  @windstormwielding cheers my dear !! Tagging: @fleshpurifies @bazzardburner @hyouketsu @oscuras and YOU!
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fusion-ego · 5 years
So... 2019, huh?
((LONG post ahead!))
This year has really been something, hasn’t it? I had to quit my second job ever because of my back problems (along with other shit lol), I hardly wrote anything all year, and I started in on my Bachelor’s degree. I moved 1600 miles cross-country to Arizona and I’ve been down here for six months now! I had to leave my Markiplier Nudes Calendar™ back in Illinois because I forgot to take it off my wall before I left and it probably got thrown away by the landlord :c, I let my parents borrow a credit card for the move down here and went into debt as a result of almost single-handedly financing the move, had several breakdowns, and despite my best attempts I haven’t been able to get a job yet, but I’m still trying!
A lot of things happened this year.
I turned 20.
I started liking myself again after years of literally hating myself and that quickly advanced to me loving myself again. Turns out I’m pretty cool, even if I am annoying as fuck.
Turns out that having primarily depressive episodes and not having the motivation or desire to take care of myself doesn’t make me any less of a person. It doesn’t make my struggles invalid just because I’m the one not taking care of myself. It turns out, taking care of yourself is fucking hard sometimes, especially if the combined symptoms of your mental and physical ailments put you in a position where everything feels like too much.
It also turns out that taking care of yourself is difficult when you’ve spent your entire life (or at least the parts where you actually had friends) putting all of the wants and needs of your friends and loved ones above your own.
Taking care of yourself is hard when you were raised to be The Strong One, who doesn’t break down and who doesn’t have any issues, thanks. The one who, sure, they haven’t showered in a week and they feel like crap because they haven’t eaten, but you don’t need to know that! You just go eat and take a shower, hun, The Strong One is okay.
It took until this year for me to learn that being The Strong One didn’t mean I couldn’t break down sometimes. It didn’t mean I couldn’t take time for myself and that I had to be available all the time for my friends. Setting boundaries has been a learning experience for me and everyone else in my friend group, I think. I think I’ve cried more this year than I have since I was a kid, and you know what that is? Growth.
And honestly, I’ve really gotta thank my lovely fiance @goreyglitches for some of that. I am petrified of crying when anyone can see or hear me. I was raised to be The Strong One and The Strong One doesn’t cry. I conditioned myself to not be a “crybaby” and to never, ever, ever cry. And I know that’s bad - repressing negative emotions just makes it worse in the long-run. I figured that out with anger and tried to fix it long before I tried to fix the crying issue, and this year? This year Tobi’s helped a lot. I trust him, and I feel safe with him, so when he shuts the door and pulls the covers over us and holds me and tells me it’s okay to cry, I cry. And I am so grateful to him for that I don’t think I even have words.
And @ashencreations has been a wonderful friend this year, as always, even if both of us have been having issues this year. They’ve, I think, been one of the people I vented to the absolute most and they’ve been a real peach about it and even if I don’t have a whole lot of energy to talk sometimes (most of the time) they still love me and are accommodating of my issues. That’s pretty cool! I know a lot of people who can’t talk to people they’ve dated in the past and I have to admit I wouldn’t have been surprised if we fell out this year, but here we are - finishing another year as best friends. They let me have my space and they check in to make sure I’ve eaten and slept and showered. And I try to do the same but my check-ins have been a little lackluster this year while I find my boundaries so oops for that. I’ll try harder next year!
And really, I have to thank everyone who’s stuck with me through this year. My friends and my followers and even just folks who know me because I’m mutuals with someone they’re friends with - all of you. I know this year has sucked and I’ve been really annoying and I’m constantly asking for money, so thank you for sticking around. I’m trying to get back into the old swing of things and I’ve put in about a billion applications and I’m in University, can you believe that? You guys being patient even when I’m annoying has been really helpful. This is especially true of the folks in Lexi’s server who have to see me venting all the time. Y’all are darlings and I’m sorry I keep dragging my shit in there lmao I’ll try not to so much next year.
I’m especially thankful, though, I think, of the people who are still with me after so many years of knowing me. Like Ran and Ness and Zare and Comedy and even Em, even if we don’t talk. I mean, Em probably the most - she knew me when I was such a shithead that it’s kinda laughable now and yet she’s willing to be mutuals with me now. That’s pretty funny. (Hey, Em, guess who’s still trying to figure out how to write that TMNT thing and make it as interesting as the original idea was?) And of course I’ve known Comedy since elementary school but we didn’t really get close until high school and then I dropped off the face of the earth for like a year lol but she’s been a peach the whole time I’ve known her. And Ran’s been around for a while, we’ve known each other long enough that he probably still remembers when I went by Al. And Ness, who doesn’t have tumblr to my knowledge, well I’ve known her since diapers and she’s going to be the Maid of Honor at mine and Tobi’s wedding when we have the money to do a real ceremony - I would have filled that place at her wedding, too, if her sister-in-law wasn’t a needy bitch who had to have that position or she’d pitch a fit and ruin the entire wedding. And like, don’t even get me started on Zare, who was there when I was the worst shithead I’ve ever been and somehow still likes me even all these years later. I introduced myself to this man as Prussia, y’all. I introduced myself to him as a fallen kingdom because it was easier to pronounce than my legal name.
(It may have also been because I was into Hetalia and projected onto the character really hard because of all the “I’m awesome!” and thought it would help me be more confident, and also perhaps because my legal name being mispronounced led to a lot of people knowing me as a different fallen kingdom so it was a haha funny joak to me)
Also, this year, a certain vine-man turned youtube-man made a video that really, really spoke to me. Thomas introducing Remus and having an entire episode about intrusive thoughts and ‘bad’ creativity was - it meant a lot to me. Because since 2018, when I started writing Ego stuff, I haven’t... Well, I used to write a lot of dark stuff, y’all. I wrote violent shit because I wanted to and it was kinda just my Thing™. But after I started writing Ego stuff I started feeling like that was problematic, like it was a bad thing that I wanted to write nasty stuff like that. No one did anything to make me think that! It was just that, well, that kind of violence just... Seemed out of place. I’ve been in the process of writing a 146K+ word, 43 chapter fic containing ritualistic cannibalism, murder, unsafe sex, and various other nasty things since 2017 and I spent a terrifying amount of time feeling... Bad for that last year and this year. I’ve had to re-learn that it’s okay to write nasty stuff (no matter the moral issues other people take with it) because exploring not-so-great things in fic, especially to cope, is one of the many points of writing fic. And I’ll be honest, my dumpster fire fic was something I was writing to get through my associate’s degree because it was a new and terrifying experience and the prominent theme of running away was a feeling I was dealing with in tandem at the time. Remus’ introduction reminded me that dealing with intrusive thoughts and exploring the ‘bad’ creativity doesn’t make me a bad person, it just means I have nasty ideas and even the best people can have those. At least I can turn them into something I’m proud of writing.
So, going forward, I’m not going to shy away from writing my nasty stuff, and in 2020 I’m going to try and finish Trial and Error. I haven’t updated it since August, 2018, guys, it needs a new chapter.
And on that note, I don’t usually make New Years’ Resolutions. I never saw the point in the past and it wasn’t something super encouraged by anyone around me, so it never seemed important. But I’m making a resolution this year.
Over the years and years of writing, I’ve encountered something I think every writer encounters - I stopped writing. Now, I’m not saying I don’t write. Obviously I do, and have been, for a long time. I’m saying I don’t write like I used to. In 2013/2014 I wrote a 36-chapter Sly Cooper fic featuring an OC that still gets hits to this day, and I wrote it over the course of three months. I started it in November 2013 and it was done and put aside by the third of January 2014. It’s still one of my favorites! But the chapters are short, the storyline needs work, I didn’t spellcheck anything or even remotely try to keep my timeline completely straight. It was the first multi-chapter story exceeding 10 chapters that I ever finished. I wrote a chapter a day, as long as I was capable of doing so, I posted it, and I never looked back. It’s not a great story, but it’s one of my favorites. I loved it then and I love it now. And that’s something I don’t do anymore! When a fic doesn’t live up to my expectations, I don’t love it like I love that old fic, which did not at all live up to my expectations. My perfectionism has developed over the years and it has killed my creativity. I can still make cool stuff, can still make things I like, but it’s not the same anymore.
So my resolution is, in 2020, I’m going to write.
I’m going to write like I used to, but I’m going to put all of my experience into it.
I started writing in 2008 or 2009, maybe even before that - if I can recapture the love I had for it then, then I will be in great shape. I didn’t spellcheck back then and frankly I kinda sucked at writing even in 2013/2014, but if I can love writing like I did then and put all of what I’ve learned into it? Holy shit. I mean, I’ve been rewriting that old Sly Cooper fic for the past couple weeks, so it’s not exactly a mystery how much better things will turn out if I pour my much better spelling and grammar, my better ideas, my better commitment, into my fics going forward. All I need to make them great is to love doing it.
So in 2020, I’m going to write.
2019 has been a wild ride, and I’ve written less than half of what I wrote in 2018, not even counting all of my Ego requests for either year. I’ve spent the last three days in a mad dash to reach 100K written this year on AO3 by writing 30K before midnight tonight. I have 5K left! But even breaching 100K I won’t be halfway there. In 2018 I wrote 225.6K on AO3, not counting Ego stuff. And I think that’s because I haven’t loved doing it like I used to - the fact that I’ve loved the fic I started in order to make my “30K by tonight” goal and I haven’t let myself have enough time to agonize over whether it’s “good” or not has a lot of effect on how much I’ve written. My wordcount per hour has, like, doubled because I actually wanted to work. So I’ll reach my goal by tonight and still have time to celebrate at midnight.
So, again, thank you to everyone who’s stuck with me through this crazy year. Things haven’t been great, I’ll be honest, but I’m hoping next year will be better. They’re already off to a good start - my dad and I have a plan for him to start paying me back for how much money we spent moving here, and if I can get a job it’ll only get easier and it’ll only get better. And on top of that me and Tobi have plans to legalize our Marriage™ in September. It won’t be anything big - we’re waiting to have a real ceremony until we have the money to make sure Zare and Ness and Ran can come. But if all goes well, on 9/20/20 we’ll have the legal shit sorted out and Tobi will officially be my husband so that’s just another thing to be looking forward to.
Happy New Year, y’all! Hope you all have a good one. I speak a good 2020 into existence and I won’t stop until I get it.
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writer-and-artist27 · 5 years
Hey, hi, how ya doing owo. So uh, I went into a funk last night, and my mind just threw the escapsim gears on full blast, throwing yet ANOTHER edgy-ass-oc at Tomoko. I have the... Synopsis? Outline?? Nah I think synopsis of the first chapter. This is kinda related to Fairuz in the PM convo we had some weeks ago, regarding Tomoko's behaviour reminding xer of another caretaker/companion that's been kind to her etc. Nothing really happens much in the first chap, just Juriah dropping by the Cafe
To rest after their(pronouns I can't decide) rough entry into Narutoverse(+the fact that there's already Tomoko, Kei & Otoha with their status of being 2nd Timers as well). Tomoko playing the piano unexpectedly has an effect on her, which made Juriah stay till near sundown before finally plucking up the courage(+ dropkicking her fluctuating but stubborn ego) to thank Tomoko for her riveting performance as well as introducing themself. Pays for the food via tossing Tomoko a small pouch brimming (2/12)
With golden coins before disappearing into thin air. Looooong story short, the next time they meet each ither face to face, Juriah presented Tomoko with the Gedo Mazo(statue?) which is resized so that it's only a little bigger than a human head, declaring "It is done," (3/12)
So yeah it's heccin AU/crossover-AU-divergence in which the major villains are defeated pretty early and the elemental nations are sort of united in response to an unknown threat(??????). I've been calling these... stuff, The Sea & Stars Tresspasser AU. It's very highly inspired by other Naruto time travelling fics with OP character(s) from the future mess around in the past and terrorise the Hidden Villages. *sigh* I really do like that kind of stuff (4/12)
I, I should've written thise down first fffffgfhjfjfkgkdkdgskfjgkfk (5/12)
I THINK what Juriah did was made a SAVE point a few miles outside of Konoha before going on a-crusade? campaign is more accurate I guess, tracking/rounding up/neutralizing/exterminating etc the villains or just random thugs/bandits/missing nins in the Elemental Nations aside from thoroughly exploring the Narutoverse. Juriah being an interdimensional travelling UNDERTALE multiverse PLAYER-DESTROYER-CREATOR type creature is a bit on the amoral spectrum, plus she's a former omnicidal megalomaniac (6/12)
Dear god I apologize for this (7/12)
You know how dark theUNDERTALE/DELTARUNE fandom can get, right? HorrorTale in which humans that fall down are hunted and eaten by the monsters, more than half of the variant of UnderFell AUs and et cetera. Put a 15 year old girl who was previously on OUR side of the 4th Wall died a violent via neck impalement bc she joked around too much on a hiking trip with their best friend, who'd distanced/detached herself from reality so much that she doesn't rly blink an eye at committing genocide (8/12)
Dear god wtf is tis I'm so sorry (9/12)
s with multiple Created Creator/Destroyer opponents. Why wouldn't she when she's finally one of the Multiverses' mosrt formidable force. Apathy threatened to override her, so she became an interdimensional traveller instead. Old habits die hard, and mental/spiritual trauma's an obstinate bitch to deal with, but she's t r y i (10/12)
I deeply apologize for the incessant ramblings, it's supposed to be nighttime over there right? And it's a weekend, people are supposed to rest hshjakakakajhshfkghsjhfuroekkfjghdkjcuvmf I'm sorry pffffftttfyrhhdhdjdjjdjdjffhrdunkdunkdunkdunk (11/12)
I'm almost willing to say that she's on par with Orochimaru, but... Yeah she's as despicable as Orobastard. Time (sort of)mellowed her out. Experimentations... she has been experimented on and experimented on others in turn. Sadomasochistic streak(mile more likely) made worse by her time in the darker aspects of the UT fandom/AUs. She's.... barely human anymore, goes by Blue & Orange Morality and also, it's not really cannibalism if - yeah (12/12)
1) I’m alright, but Maelstrom, next time you have such a long thing, you can just compile it into one large submission instead of so many asks. That way, you don’t have to apologize so much for sharing all your story ideas.
2) Also, I’m glad to see your creativity working, but gosh that’s a lot to take in. I’d feel like Tomoko would panic first at the resized Gezo statue before calling for Kei and Otoha. There’s only so much villainry you can prevent before it starts getting ridiculous and almost mind-boggling. And,
3) It sounds like you’re juggling far too many ideas, try to filter? Just a thought. I’m sorry for not responding sooner, you caught me in finals prep, so real life is in full swing right now.
4) Take it easy and try to figure things out one thing at a time. You don’t have to keep rambling to me about them if you’re worried.
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muggycuphead · 2 years
weird flex but ok i guess pt.14
War… Hold up, do we really need a warning for this one? Dunno, but however, watch out for slightly disturbing and kinda…disgusting imagery, trypophobic patterns, as well as ‘necrotic’ designs I made while having funky fever bc o h m y g o d do I get a little crazier every new quarantine day (and at this point it’s coming to be an usual thing for me, big sad). However, most are made no other than for the sole sake of satire, so y’know, no need to get your underwear in a twist
Tumblr media
Friday Night Funkin’ BoyFriend’s Hood – AU fanconcept sketches [XIII]
To resume this guy’s backstory: This is what happens when you push someone too much and too hard to his breaking point. Basically, he lived in a really abusive family household, and one day, he ended up killing everyone through intoxication. Plus, he has all the family members’ ashes inside that portable jar (even the dog’s ones, hence why one of spirits resembles a canine animal). Also he got his lower maw ripped off, go figure how
This guy was actually inspired in the psycho girl featured on Skrillex’s “First of the Year (Equinox)” official music video, no wonder the resemblance is there
And just FYI, the broken anatomy was on purpose
Grawlbert’s best buddy. He’s also a music disk collector
And before you ask, no he doesn’t give a damn about his lower body gone missing, if anything, he’s gotten used to it
3.-Skeleader II Grimson
Yeah no thank you
Remember the BoneOilers’ leader? Yea This guy’s his younger sibling, muddafucka gone mad tho
4.-Rachel and Troy
Ah yes, BF’sH second-hand core-bitch antagonist
Long story short, she’s a bitch
She killed Q-Zin’s girl
She’s an active conspirer on the blackout chaos
She kidnapped McBleep and fucked him up because her ‘boss’ told her to do so (she didn’t hesitate tho)
She almost game-ended BF for real
AND she also helped on GF’s kidnapping by keeping BF away from her and let the hippity hoppity happen afterwards
How classy
Also she was the one that killed Troy and turned him into a living weapon
The reason: He tried to leave her gang
Guess she doesn’t know how to properly take no as an answer
5.-Brandon Meiwes
Based on an old OC, don’t ask who or why thank u
Long story short, he’s a cannibal butcher that also eats zombie meat…and is considering tasting demon meat as well
Yeah, let that sink in
And to make it worse, he owns a very tall warehouse full of dead corpses of whomever living creature you can think of, imagine the intensity the smell of rotten flesh must be in that place
And he still stays in there
H o w
6.-Brandon M. icon
He’s insane ok, he seriously needs to get put inside a mental asylum
Come to think of it, Lemon Demon and he could be great pals
Wait, he’s a demon
7.-Rachel icon
Hare whore
Rabbit Slut but worse
And all that jazz
Nothing else to say, your honor
8.-Phantom bullets
Remember when I mentioned Rachel almost game-ended BF for real? Well, this was the type of the bullets she used in order to (almost) accomplish that
These things are like metallic leeches that not only drain off their victim’s vital energy, but also debilitate any super-natural abilities they might have (depending on how powerful they can be), in BF’s case being his regenerate ability, which, of course, could have taken a while to turn off
Still, these little fuckers are not to be played around with, just saying
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cannibal-wings · 2 years
M for the fic thing
I was hoping to get more replies to that meme but never did so this is the one question!
M: What’s the weirdest AU scenario you’ve ever come up with? Did it turn into a story?
Ok, so AU's are kinda my thing. I think up /many/ of them for every fandom I'm in. My buddy Punch is often instrumental to helping me come up with AU's. But here's the thing, what is "weird"? In this context? Because to me, nearly all my AU's are just... normal to me, but I suppose looking in from the outside, the amount of transformation and monster AU's I have probably, uh, isn't?
Maybe I'll just list some wild ones from each fandom I was in. Homestuck (It's been a while): Probably my petstuck AU or Worth the Kill? both of which I think are fics I wouldn't write currently. I have uh, issues, with how I depicted some things in those stories. Petstuck itself was a niche AU type in the early fandom but now I think how I did it veers a biiiiit too close to slavery or indentured servants. I would probably not do this again. Worth the Kill? was an AU where trolls were hunted and killed for their horns. Again, I have some issues with how I portrayed the trolls in this one. It would take a lot of reworking for me to become comfortable with it. Fallout 4: FEV Nate AU, I love it to death and have the start of it in WIP. The basic premise is that someone targets Nate, the current General of the Minutemen, kidnaps him and then uses a unique strain of the forced evolutionary virus to turn him into a monster. He then flees to Far Harbor and seeks refuge with the synths of Acadia who take him in. He then has to figure out why he was targeted and how to live in a body that most people will view as a beast. There's also some side plot shenanigans where he's worshiped by the Children of Atom as an extension of Atom. I love this fic a lot, actually, and I'm sad I never went further than the first few pages. Dark Cravings.This is a current WIP that I've actually posted. For me cannibalism isn't that weird of an AU topic, but I think to the general audience, it would be considered weird. This is a story about Nate indulging in human flesh and then watching in horror as it corrupts him into something else. Dark Cravings also has a spin off AU that me and my buddy Punch roleplay with occasionally, a type of "bad end" scenario for our OC's Nate and Ed. Affectionately called "murder husbands AU". (I guess I should note that FEV Nate AU also has a spin off AU with Ed as a werewolf called Monster Husbands lmao) Pretty much all of my Fallout AU's deal with transformation or body horror in some way, save for Wing AU, that one is pretty "tame". Outlast: Lets see here.... probably most def that AU I keep meaning to write as a joke for April Fools where Waylon works at a coffee shop and has the ability to sense when people are evil. He and Miles work in tandem as serial killers, using Waylon as the bait and lure people back to their home where they then torture and kill the person while Miles films it all for their later ahem, viewing pleasure. They probs eat the bodies too lets be real, it's me we're talking about. I have an Outlast Wing AU in WIP, for me wing AU's are again, standard but as far as Outlast canon goes, I suppose that's pretty out there. OH and zombie AU. I loved Zombie AU. Miles was experimented on mid zombie outbreak by Murkoff to try to engineer a cure, all it did was make him functionally immune despite having active viral particles inside him. He meets Waylon, who is fully infected after protecting his family, but, and this was the catch, if he stayed within 100 feet of Miles, the virus would be kept at bay and he’d stay at stage two and never progress to stage three, where he’d lose control and seek to spread the virus. So the basic idea was that the two travel the world as its ending, trying to survive, and also fall in love. (Zombie AU is another Outlast AU that I’m pretty sure I’ll poach and use for a novel idea later) I wrote 40 pages of this, but tragically lost it all when the data was corrupted/lost and I was so upset I never restarted it.
Dishonored: By far my weirdest AU is Molded By His Hands. An AU where taking the Outsider's mark turns you into a monster, but slowly, and it's the Outsider himself that gets to shape you. It was written purely to be self indulgent for myself and also Punch. I only posted one chapter, and didn't go into the vast bits of world building I worked out for it. It's 100% a transformation fic, with a heavy focus on descriptions. My favorite part was actually reading the comments and learning that I might have turned a few readers onto to transformations as a result. This story has a wider plot that I planned out, but who knows if I’ll ever go into it. I also had a ritualistic cannibalism CorvoSider AU, which is exactly how it sounds on the tin. All my other AU’s for Dishonored I feel are pretty in line with what you’d expect.
I have other strange AU’s for fandoms I’ve never written for, A Bloodborne AU where Nate is a hunter from outside Yharnam, he’s a beast masquerading as a human after humans butchered his family on a hunt. He ends up saving Ed who is a “child of Ebrietas” and being kept for experiments. It’s one part domestic horror one part action and one part mystery/thriller. There’s a cannibal cat’s AU for Warrior Cats which I’ve done extensive world building for as it’s post apocalypse (but only for humans the cats didn’t notice a thing) and I’ve taken things pretty far from canon, almost far enough where it’s not warrior cats anymore. A bodyswap SpideyTorch AU which lets be honest, isn’t that strange for a Fantastic Four plot. A monster transformation (wow surprise) Peter/Flash fic where Peter becomes a spider-monster after nearly being killed... A fic where Flash is actually a Klyntar pretending to be Flash after Flash was killed protecting some kids. The Klyntar he was paired with couldn’t stand to lose him and Flash didn’t want his friends to be sad, so they decided the Klyntar would now become the human. 
Ok, this is getting rambly. Point being... I love making AU’s ok? And most of them are “gross” but normal to me. If I enter a fandom you can be guaranteed that I’ll instantly make a Wing AU and figure out how to turn someone into a monster, painfully, and slowly lmao. Also I’m totally down to keep answering fic questions, on or off the meme list.
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