#and the fact that those inputs are difficult makes it frustrating enough to ruin the last of my fun
dravidious · 1 month
You're more amazing than grapes
Started replaying Celeste yesterday and I just beat it today. I think I'm better at it now, probably partially thanks to Ultrakill giving me practiced with fast-paced action
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periidote · 1 year
making my own post because i saw some about accessibility settings and game difficulty and all that and i just have a lot of thoughts.
i understand that for some games, the whole “point” of them is to be difficult. if games are specific experiences that are crafted by the devs, then sometimes that experience might be unpleasant, boring, frustrating, or unplayable by design. if the message of the art being made is “you will fail a lot” then yeah, it’s going to be difficult.
but is it fair for some games to be impossible for some players? as in they can’t move or react fast enough to press the correct buttons or put in the correct inputs to succeed? is it fair that those players may be completely barred from certain experiences due to their disability?
adding accessibility settings or easy modes will make it so that more players of varying skill levels and abilities will be able to get that “you will fail a lot” experience while still being able to beat the game.
but a game having an easy mode always has the possibility of bypassing the artistic vision of a difficult game. is this exclusionary? yes. but some artist visions are exclusionary by design. sometimes the meaning of a game comes from the fact that not everyone can beat it.
but the thing i haven’t seen mentioned a lot is exactly how much do the players actually need to listen to the developers intentions? speedrunning is rarely the intended way to play a game. developers spending months or years crafting puzzles or platforming challenges rarely expect the player to just bypass all of their work by clipping through the wall or doing some complex skip. they can try and fight it and patch out skips or glitches that speedrunners use, but the attitude of the gaming community as a whole is usually just to shrug and just say “people are going to try and speedrun any game”.
i’m not trying to imply that speedruns are the same as normal playthroughs with accessibility settings. i know they are very different things. but why is one way of playing “not as the developer intended” seen as just a normal thing that some players may do because they bought the game and it’s their right to “break” it, and the other is seen as somehow violating the game’s integrity or artistic vision?
does adding an easy mode to a difficult game mean that some players can ruin it for themselves by deliberately avoiding the challenges that the devs intended for them to struggle with? absolutely. but how much of that is actually the dev’s fault by adding that easy mode?
maybe i’m completely wrong, i don’t know, but i just wanted to get my thoughts out there.
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 3 years
Supernova (Chapter 6)
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Pairing: Dick Grayson as Robin x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of murder, mental health issues and episodes.
Word Count: 3.1K
Summary: As the daughter of Wonder Woman, you always knew you were destined for something more than the life of a mortal. It seemed like your wish for a life of adventure came true but whether in the form of a blessing or curse, you didn’t know. All you know is that you were the sole witness for a chain of murders that would begin. It’s up to you to find out who was the murderer before it’s too late……
A/N: Oof it has been a while since the last update
Supernova Masterlist
“I told you specifically that you were not to get involved! And you deliberately disobeyed me!” Your mother scolded but her voice was getting a decibel louder each time. You looked unfazed and unbothered, not even trying to maintain eye-contact while receiving your mother’s disappointment and instead staring out the window.
It was not what you had wanted to hear at the moment if you were being honest. The past few days had been hard and you even missed training since Valerie’s death. Robin had been by your room multiple times trying to get you out of bed but you just remained there. Not living, not dying, just existing.
Your mother’s comfort might have done nothing to change the way you downward spiraled after the events and while your mother yelled at you, the same images kept replaying in your head as they did for the past few days; Robin ripping you away from her body as the police and press showed up, Valerie’s parents finding out what happened and then watching her mother break down in front of her daughter, Valerie’s little sister wailing during the funeral.
You didn’t leave the bed after that, still dressed in the black blazer and trousers you had worn that day. It had been a couple days. You had managed to swallow down Robin’s green smoothies and even a couple slices of fruit but you didn’t quite remember what it was. They all tasted bland and disgusting.
Your mother had found out about your identity through the multiple press reports and articles and while you were sorry that she had to find out that way, you didn’t have the capacity to show it. The last thing you had was the energy to fight with her, or even resist her.
So instead, you just listened to whatever she had to say, hoping that she’d leave sooner or later but the more you felt your head throb, the more frustrated you got. This was just so typical of her, of course the unstoppable, fearless, undefeatable Wonder Woman would have no idea what you were going through. And instead of asking you for your two cents, instead of comforting you, she had been trying to imprint her anxieties onto you.
Had she even thought how hard this must have been for you? For even a second? You couldn’t imagine it because if she had thought about you for even a moment, she would’ve realized that you literally saw your best friend murdered before your eyes. She would’ve realized that you were feeling like you didn’t deserve to live on the face of the earth. And she would’ve tried to comfort you.
Instead, she stormed into your room, tossing her phone with the news article on the bed before beginning her lecture and now fifteen minutes later she had yet to ask you if you were okay.
Her argument was stupid as well. You didn’t ask for any of this to happen to you; you were hardly responsible and yet no matter how hard you tried to avoid the matter, it kept pulling you back in. You couldn’t deal with this like a human, no matter how much your mother wanted you to, because you knew that you were more than that and you could have done something. It left you feeling guilty.
But at the same time, you couldn’t handle this as a god because you weren’t. You kept thinking about how you ended up coming short in each fight; had you been blessed with just a little more, had you not been part human then you wouldn’t have gotten injured the night Mary-Anne got captured and you would’ve saved her. If you weren’t limited, you would’ve been faster the day Valerie was killed, you would’ve reached her before it happened, you would’ve stopped it.
You were truly useless, but you didn’t have the excuse to be.
That made you feel absolutely worthless. Even after being blessed with so much, you still came up short. You still failed.
And who was to blame for that? The cruel fate that had you in the position you were today.
“If you weren’t my daughter—” Your mother muttered to herself in her anger, realizing that you weren’t reacting to anything she said but you caught the start of her sentence, cutting her off with a humorless and tired laugh.
“If I wasn’t your daughter,” You finally looked at her and you saw her features morph into one of worry when she finally noticed all the tears that were skating down your cheeks, “I wouldn’t be here.”
“Three people are dead, mom.” You cried, voice cracking but she stood there as if she was nailed to her place, “And I only have myself to blame. If I had been faster, stronger, if I didn’t have these human side to me, they wouldn’t be.”
“I can’t live like a god because I’m not competent enough, not gifted enough.” You sobbed, wiping away your tears and holding a hand up when she tried to approach you. You were too overwhelmed at the moment, too much input was there and it was overloading all your senses, “And I can’t live like a human because if I was this wouldn’t be happening to me.”
“If I wasn’t your daughter,” You spoke and it scared her with just how much malice you put into it, like you were disgusted with yourself for being her child and in a way, you were, how could you be Wonder Woman’s daughter and still be so weak?
“Those people wouldn’t have died when I was there to do something about it. Mary-Anne would have been gone without me knowing, my principal wouldn’t have been a casualty and I would’ve gotten Achilles’ tarot.” It was like you had given up. So many emotions were rushing through you that you couldn’t understand what was pushing you anymore, if there was anything there.
You weren’t ready just yet to give up on being a hero, not after another death. You wanted to help, you couldn’t continue to be useless and yet it felt like you were burning the candle at both ends.
“Please just go. I don’t expect Wonder Woman to understand what it’s like to be caught between paradise and hell.” You said, laying down once again and pulling the covers over your head, “Just go.”
You heard the door open and click shut before you were bathed in silence and darkness once again. For a minute it felt peaceful and you let the minutes bleed into hours without realizing just how much time passed as you were curled up in the hollow of your blankets.
You heard the door click open but didn’t bother to rear your head from your shelter until you felt someone poke you in the back. When you turned, Robin was standing with a tray in his hands and a reassuring smile on his face, “I got you something to drink.”
He didn’t ruin the silence that you had been yearning for, in fact the sound of his voice was sweet to the ears. This was what you needed.
Shifting slightly, you patted the empty spot next to you and when he settled comfortably beside you, it wasn’t suffocating or difficult like how you felt with your mother. Robin handed you the glass of fruit cocktail smoothie and you accepted, sipping the drink quietly and enjoying the chill slipping down your throat.
This wasn’t uncommon. Ever since you both started training together, you often found yourself searching for him when you needed comfort, since Robin was the one you had gotten closest to during your stay here. Now, with just an inch of distance between you, you were feeding off his energy and it was putting you at ease.
You leaned your head against his shoulder and he didn’t flinch, having been used to it by now but the first time you had even held his hand, the poor boy had jumped out his skin. You just needed the physical touch to put you in balance for a while and recharge, he realized that a while ago. Robin even felt better himself whenever you played with his fingers, specifically taking off his gloves to feel his skin or leaned against his back after a long day of training.
It felt so intimate but not romantic. He just felt needed and supportive whenever you relied on him this way, delicately threading your fingers together and sitting in the silence of your room. He didn’t even have to look at you, just feeling his presence beside you was okay.
The sound of you finished the drink through the straw filled his ears before he realized he should speak up.
“(Y/N).” He said gently and you didn’t lift your head, just humming to show that you had heard him, “They’re interrogating her murderer today.”
He would’ve thought that you were unshaken by the news had he not felt your hands tighten its grip on his. You just nodded, burying your head closer to his neck, wishing the ground would just suck you in. He didn’t say anything else, gently drumming the fingers that were set on his thigh.
Your hands clenched into fists as you gazed at the figure behind the one-way window. She looked too simple, too mundane to be a murderer but you knew she was the one responsible for Valerie’s death. Afterall, you had been the one to catch her red-handed.
Messy red hair was thrown into a bun, her unkempt strands and frizz making her look like she hadn’t slept in days and you were part to blame for that. Her lip was still split from where you punched her, your knuckles pricked at the sight, eager for more.
Looking at her, you couldn’t imagine how she was responsible for this, a frail looking woman who looked like she couldn’t even hurt a fly. Her name was Thelma, at least that’s what it says on her identity card. Thelma had been denying that as her name since the interrogation had begun.
Going through her file, she looked just as you had assumed; ordinary.
Batman hadn’t gotten a word out of her, she had refused to co-operate with the interrogation at all, pretending not to hear his questions, going as far as to even deny committing the crime at all. That part made you clench your jaw so tight you could’ve sworn your teeth could crack. She knew she had the advantage here.
As per the rules from the UN, you weren’t allowed to use the lasso of Hestia without her consent to assist the interrogation as it violates their right to remain silent. Watching her blatantly deny the crime that you knew she had committed had your blood boiling in your veins. If only you could wrap Hestia’s rope around her throat.
You growled as Batman tried to intimidate her but it was in vain before grabbing the lasso from your mother’s waist and stomping to the door.
“(Y/N)!” She warned, as if daring you to defy her again.
You didn’t even spare her a glance before throwing the door open and stepping inside. Batman stalked up to you quickly, leaning in with a cold fury but you didn’t back down, holding his stare. You couldn’t just stand back anymore, the feeling of knowing that you could have done something but didn’t was too much for you to take anymore.
“Give me a chance.” You murmured, “I won’t go against protocol. You have my word.”
His gaze hardened for a second before giving you a curt nod and moving to the corner of the room. He didn’t trust you not to lose your temper, not just yet and you were more than determined to prove one of the big three that you could handle yourself. Although the urge to slap the condescending look off her face was getting more tempting.
You fastened the rope to your belt before stepping in front of the table, resting your hands against it in a self-satisfying way that you saw in movie before finally looking Valerie’s murderer in the eye. Haggard green eyes behind thick lenses and wrinkles running deep into her pale skin. She looked pathetic. That made you feel both frustrated and proud.
“Your name is Paris,” You bit out with such venom, making sure to keep your voice loud enough for the members behind the glass to hear you clearly, “Isn’t it?”
She smirked and her eyes flashed with some pride that had you resisting the urge to throw her across the room. It would be so easy to snap her neck right then and there, to make her pay for what she did to your dear friend but you controlled yourself.
“Finally, someone with a brain.”
You mirrored her smirk, feeling your spine straightened with a little confidence, your hunch had been right, “How couldn’t I have known The Great Paris? The brave soldier who slayed Mighty Achilles.” You purred, taking your eyes off her and glancing at the glass. You were keeping your tone even, your gaze steady to show your mother but you were comforted knowing that Robin was behind it.
“The brave, skilled, mighty Trojan Prince Paris. Made a name for himself by being the best of his kind. Only a mortal but still managed to take down a divine god.” You droned, noticing how she began beaming at your words. You turned back to her and even though it was just a moment, they had seen something change in your eye. Your glare turned dark and you smirked.
“Only we both know one thing; your name isn’t Paris.” Her smile vanished and you took a step closer, sitting right across her to look her in the eye. “Tell me if this sounds familiar, hmm? A lonely, old woman living all alone. She’s at a dead-end job. She has no family, no friends, no light in her life.”
The way you spoke had your mother on edge. Every single word that came out of your mouth was like hitting a nail on the head. It was unlike anyone had ever seen before.
Robin clutched his cape nervously in his hands as he watched you interrogate Thelma with something settling in the pit of his stomach. He had seen that look before, the very same dark glare on his father and now it scared him that it was almost identical on you. He couldn’t let you turn out as his dad, he just couldn’t. He wouldn’t.
“And then finally she gets something in her life. A chance at hope. A chance at purpose. Something to finally make her believe that her life is worth living. Sound familiar? I bet it does, Thelma.” You hissed, “Because that pathetic woman was you, wasn’t it? You thought that if you killed Achilles you’d be rewarded, worshipped even. And finally, your miserable little life would have some meaning. Didn’t you?”
The look of fear in her eyes fed your hunger for a while. She was shaking her head feebly, looking at the ground since she couldn’t hold your gaze and you could only get angrier. Where was the pride and arrogance that she was showing earlier? Where was the crazed look in her eye as she murdered your best friend in cold blood?
“Only you were stupid,” You spat, “You were careless and you got caught. And suddenly, you weren’t the Mighty Paris that defeated Achilles. No, you were pathetic, irrelevant little Thelma who killed an underaged, unprotected girl in the locker room of her high school. I saw it all. You’re despicable.”
Robin watched your eyes swirl with a darkness he had never seen before. You were always trying to fight against your demons that were pulling you into the deepest recesses of your mind but now it was like you had finally surrendered to it. It was scary to watch such a pure person slowly get corrupted and Robin felt his resolve harden a little. He wouldn’t let you end up like the Dark Knight.
He had known Wonder Woman for most of his life and it was always your mother’s unconditional love and hope for the human race that made her what she stood as today. You always wanted to be like your mother, in body and mind. Now it felt like you were throwing away all those principles. Now it was to protect your own, and no one else.
If there was anything he could do to prevent you from going down that path he would, he realized when he saw the manic look in your eye. You were so close to being lost. Robin spared a glance at your mother, seeing her stand steady and tall. You were teetering over the edge at the moment and if your mother pushed just a little in the wrong way, you could possibly be lost to the rest of them. He wouldn’t let it come to that.
The darkness storming in your eyes suddenly ceased. Your features went slack in a terrifying way as you leaned towards the shivering woman in front of you as your fingers went white around the edges of the table.
“You took something very precious from me,” It was like poison was dripping from your tongue and you kept your voice low enough so only the both of you would know what you were saying, “Watch how easily I can do the same to you.”
Suddenly you pulled back and turned towards Batman with a small, disarming smile, “She’s free to go, Batman. She isn’t the one who killed Valerie. She’s just an ordinary, insignificant civilian.”
It was like a thread snapped.
“I DID IT! I KILLED HER! IT WAS ME!” Thelma shrieked lunatically, kicking the table and banging her hand-cuffed hands against the tabletop. She began sobbing loudly, screaming about how she was the one who killed Valerie and your heart lightened with satisfaction just a little. Just what you wanted.
“It’s my word against yours, Thelma. I witnessed the murder. I just think you’re just confused.” You replied, seemingly unfazed by her episode. The way she was crying in poor agony would usually have you off-put, concerned even. But right now, all you felt was your eardrums sting. She deserved none of your remorse.
The smirk on your face was unmistakable, “Oh really? Will your confession hold up against the Lasso of Truth? Do you think it can?”
Her crying died down until she was softly sobbing into her hands, knowing that she had no other way out. She had lost, “Yes. I did it.”
You loosened the lasso around your waist, letting one end fall to the ground before wrapping it once around your wrist for better leverage, “Then let the interrogation begin.”
Forever Taglist:
DC Taglist:
Supernova Taglist:
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turningintomalfoy · 4 years
Draco Malfoy and the Obnoxious Stone
Rating: All Audiences
Tags: Time travel, AU/Canon divergence, Redemption, Character growth
Chapter: 3/9 [complete]
AO3: Read Here
“You better have a good reason for not writing back to most of my letters last month.” Pansy Parkinson announced the moment her head made it through the threshold of the train compartment. Draco couldn’t push down a feeling of guilt and let himself get distracted enough to lose a round of exploding snap against Goyle. He had barely just calmed enough to look in Crabbe’s direction, thank you very much, and did not want more reminders of the future mistakes he would make.
“Well, they were rather dull. I didn’t think my input would change how the weather ruined your plans,” his friend bristled, but that’s how they always worked best together. “You remember weather spells exist, don’t you? Why do they have to be natural thunderstorms?”
“It’s not the same.” she stretched the vowels, petulant. Draco shifted closer to the window to make room for them both. The train only set off a few moments prior, and were he to peer out the windows, he would still be able to catch the last parents waving goodbye to some student he would have probably seen tortured or killed if Draco paid any attention to anyone’s suffering in the war.
“You got to play quidditch with your cousins, nothing to complain about. Did you work on your catches?”
Pansy, in fact, did not practice her catches this summer, and told Draco exactly what she thought about spending precious time with obnoxious and spoilt kids. This time, Draco stopped himself for pointing out she should fit right in with that crowd. She really did seem put out.
Instead, Draco reached for the abandoned book on obscure age altering potions he pocketed at Flourish and Blott’s while browsing for non-incriminating books that could still be useful. There wasn’t as much choice at the store as he hoped for, but the library at Hogwarts would definitely have an answer, he couldn’t accept anything else. The dusty, in all likelihood outdated, tome had yet to provide a good lead on his situation. On the bright side, if he wanted to remain in this 11 year old body for much longer than a year or return to a more adult form, he now knew half a dozen ways of making it happen and the side effects of each one.
With a sigh, Draco rejoined the discussion about exactly how much cheating in chess is permissible before it’s embarrassing even if you don’t get caught. He hated playing against Pansy on days she decided there was no limit. The other boys somehow ended up entertaining them with all the misadventures they ended up in over the last month, not sugar coating their own ignorance or stupid ideas in the slightest. Before long, though, the conversation died out, probably because no one was used to Draco not vying for the spotlight at every opportunity.
Draco climbed up onto the seat with his book in hand to find his school robes and less frustrating reading material. Everything was going well until he forgot he wasn’t tall enough to step back to pull his trunk down without tumbling down. The trunk avoided squashing him by an inch, but that wasn’t enough to soften the blow to his ego (or his behind). The other kids bursting into laughter definitely didn’t help the issue one bit.
“Ahaha maybe you need to pra-haha practice more swan dives off a stage!” Pansy’s tone couldn’t even reach mocking, she was too busy trying to hold back her laughter. “You were so graceful before .”
“Maybe it’s puberty.“ Crabbe choked out, visibly preening at the rare opportunity to berate him. Goyle laughed so hard he started a coughing fit. Draco would never hear the end of it at this rate. He had to clear his head and recover whatever dignity he could.
He got up with as much poise as he could, considering the burning in his cheeks and ears, and slammed to door on his way out. The food trolley witch would be doing a round by now, he figured, he could buy some sweets for their silence.
He almost reached the front of the train by the time he caught up to the trolley. While the lady counted out change, Draco could have sworn he saw a green chocolate frog jump out of a wrapper and onto her shoulder, but the woman didn’t react. The return journey was slower both with residual embarrassment and the weight of bribes filling his pockets. He pushed past a few groups of older students, who seemed to be debating if Harry Potter was on the train, one of them claiming the boy must have gone abroad to hide from vengeful Death Eaters and will definitely be attending Durmstrang.
Draco almost ran into Hermione Granger as she marched out of a compartment with enough determination and energy to trample right over him.
“You haven’t seen a toad around, have you?” She asked. “A boy called Neville is looking for one, its name is Trevor.”
Draco wasn’t ready. Potter was one thing, he could still hate the Chosen One. But here stood Granger before he belittled and demeaned her in front of most, before he teased and bullied her for being smarter and more dedicated, before witnessing the torture she endured in his home. He felt sick.
“Well? Have you seen one around or not?” Granger prompted again.
“What’s the point of looking? The toad must have taken one look at him and realised it was a lost cause” what was he doing? He wanted to fix things, or to run away from all those he hurt before. Not preemptively insult them. Draco couldn’t tell whether he felt ill, angry, or just tired.
“How dare you. You can’t say things like that!”
Their heated exchange drew attention from the compartment beside them, it’s door opening to show a tall ginger (definitely Ron Weasley), and Potter. This settled it, Draco had to be stuck in his personal hell.
“Oi! What’s going on?” Weasley grumbled. “Can’t you question him somewhere else?”
“Hey, it’s you again. Draco Malfoy?” Potter chimed in, sounding out his name as though it was difficult to remember.
“You know him? Ask him if he’s seen Neville’s toad.” Granger put Potter between her and Draco with a couple steps back.
“It’ll be a public service to let the toad go. It belongs with a proper wizard.”
Apparently, Draco just couldn’t help himself.
“Of course the git would say that. Forget about it Harry, Hermione. Don’t expect any good from a Malfoy.” Weasley exclaimed with pride. The worst part was it wasn’t completely wrong. Still, Draco was already worked up and past the point of no return.
“I don’t even need to ask your name, Weasley. Father says your parents have more children than garden gnomes. Figures Potter would take pity on a charity case like you.” Weasley’s face turned scarlet, and both boys seemed ready for a fistfight, Draco realised a little late with a sinking feeling in his stomach. “Anyway, I have better things to be doing.”
He swerved out of range just in case one of them decided to go for a punch, and carried on. He wouldn’t admit to feeling guilt about coming full circle when it comes to these three, but something pushed him to mention the food trolley witch to Granger as he passed. The toad was probably long gone by then, anyway.
His friends greeted him somewhat remorsefully, and they spent the rest of the way to Hogwarts playing cards and enjoying his snacks. Not long after sunset the train came to a stop. Draco couldn’t contain his excitement. They followed other first years to the lake shore, where Hagrid packed them into boats. A breathtaking reflection of the stars spread around them on patches of still water. They cut through it, gentle ripples appearing around them like a gathered shimmering silk. It was a real shame only first years got to experience this sight.
“Has someone forgotten a toad?” Hagrid helped an embarrassed Longbottom climb back into the boat. They must have found it on the train, but the amphibian seemed to know what it wanted.
Draco kept to a group of pureblood students and away from the soon to be gryffindors, only slightly preoccupied by a possible continuation of their argument on the train, but Professor McGonagall didn’t make them wait long.
He lost focus, staring at the teacher table. He felt faint, palms sweating, and couldn’t tear his eyes away from Severus Snape and Dumbledore. Here they were, alive and unaware. A song reached him more like wind wailing outside tightly closed doors, he couldn’t join in if his life depended on it. McGonagall repeated his name twice before anything broke Draco out of thought. It was his turn. He pushed past a smaller kid out of his way to the Sorting Hat.
“My, my... this should be the first time we meet, young man. Yet, I see you have already found yourself amongst loyal snakes.”
“Just put me where I belong, it’s been a long day already,” Draco thought, grinding his teeth in frustration.
“Now, let’s not be hasty... It’s true you still have Slytherin on your mind, but is it truly where your heart lies?” The Hat carried on. “Gryffindor could hone your courage and quench a thirst for justice, child. You could make a bigger difference than you ever thought possible.”
Draco looked up at his godfather, at the headmaster, at the faces of all these children doomed to take part in a war they didn’t want. If he could slow Voldemort’s return, maybe they could all be safe. The war could be stopped before it even began. He caught Potter, staring at him with a mixture of worry and disgust.
“Forget it, I wouldn’t be caught dead with that lot. Even Hufflepuff would be better than Gryffindor.”
“Another difficult one, I see. Have it your way...”
The Slytherin table cheered at the Hat’s decision, as Draco took a seat opposite Crabbe and Goyle, who were too busy trying to stare food into existence on the empty plates between them.
The rest of the sorting went as expected. Nott, Theodore and Pansy joined them with a lot less fanfare than Draco or Potter, who ended up causing an uproar by landing in Gryffindor. Weasley followed suit, and finally Zabini, Blaise sat on Draco’s unoccupied side.
“I’m Draco.”
“Blaise. Does the Hat actually listen to us? I thought I saw you talking back to it.”
“It does, when someone is good enough to be in two houses. I hear it’s rare for a real hat stall to happen. It has to take more than five minutes.”
“Sweet! Which house did you turn down for better company?” He asked with a grin.
“... Ravenclaw.”
“Well, then it’s settled Draco. That puts you in charge of making sure we all pass!” Pansy joined in on his other side with a laugh. She gestured with a tilt of her head, pointing out Crabbe and Goyle. “We’ll definitely need a miracle for those two to make it.”
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juleswolverton-hyde · 5 years
Put Together (BC x Reader)
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Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Street Artist!Bangchan x Reader
Warnings: No warnings apply
Summary: Moving in together is a pretty big milestone which goes accompanied by a fun shopping trip to IKEA, wandering through the showrooms to gain inspiration for the shared home.
Putting things together, however, proves to be very difficult for a kangaroo and a koala.
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Everything has a bright and dark side for all in the world contains positivity and its counterpart. Such is the way of existence, although the shadow side might not be realized until later when trying to put together the furniture bought for the brand new shared studio in a redeveloped part of the town, the community trying to save face by improving neglected neighbourhoods just enough in the hopes of attracting young people to thus let it flourish at their hands. A successful endeavour, since many couples in the prime of their lives have taken up residence in the harbour district with refurbished warehouses decorated with approved graffiti, some works even by the hand of the Australian boyfriend of a mere though steady nine months.
The trip to IKEA was a lot of fun, singing along to songs playing on the voluminous radio on the top of lungs while waiting in a terrible rush hour because more minds had the idea of visiting the massive home depot on a dreary day. It was the sole way to keep the simmering irritation thanks to standing endlessly frozen among honking cars to a bare minimum, fingers entwined while getting lost in the melodies.
The briefly picked up on looks of adoration as interior showrooms were scoured for inspiration were heart-melting, Chris noting down all the chosen pieces of furniture on the small slip of paper with the cheap company pencil regardless of the fact the decisions were basically made without leaving many choices to the blonde boy. When remarking upon the continuous silent agreement, only occasionally providing some input on colour choice, the youth commented that building a home together is all that really mattered to him. Moreover, there was confidence in knowing better how to embody both personalities in the interior than he himself would have been able to do. Henceforth, howbeit with this somewhat uncomfortably in mind, the would-be massive shopping trip cracked on.
Alongside pure affection, there was also a dominant sense of pride in deep earthly eyes that seeped through in attitude, proud to have made it to this milestone, this achievement that was solely a dream for both on lonely days wherein the concept of love was practically unknown aside from family bonds and friendships formed at school. A satisfied innocent smile could not be erased from roseate lips throughout the entire venture, broadening to a wide bubbly smile when testing couches by launching ourselves onto them or spinning around in desk chairs together, seated on the personified koala’s lap and holding on for dear life to the characteristic raven black leather jacket, in search of the perfect one for the planned small home office.
Withal, every sort of happiness comes at a cost, this being that the ecstatic joy has malformed into frustrating confusion now that cardboard boxes retrieved from the immense storehouse litter the bare oaken floor of the empty echoing studio and the time has come to put the furniture together with, at times questionable, manuals. Missing screws or seemingly misplaced pre-created holes form only two of the multitude of sources for agitation, Chris’s brightness gradually becoming darker as the time passes and solely the round coarse night-toned metal coffee table, a few wall shelves, the stone grey couch - this one in particular with a lot of cursing and fuming in resilience after almost ripping the papers with step-by-step instructions - and a single bookshelf awaiting its three neighbours have been established in three hours time.
The cap that was bought on the first trip abroad as a couple, Scotland as its destination, is thrown to the side with a low resigning sigh after reading the supposedly easy to understand guide to the second one of the collection of bookshelves, a bright alabaster cabinet with glass doors. ‘It doesn’t make sense. How is it possible that one door fits perfectly and the other doesn’t?’
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‘Did you put the clasps parallel to the others?’  ‘Yes, I did. Look,’ by means of illustration, the inside of the display is shown, pointing at the metal hinges in the designated places which are, indeed, parallel to those opposite, ‘I placed them where you said.’
The position of those already in the correct place was discovered after giving the advice of perhaps reading the text on the paper the correct way instead of upside down and yet vocal directions still had to be given to reach the current part of the building process. Not to say Chris is not the most skilled person when it comes to IKEA furniture or any furniture for that matter, but the flashback of the battle with the first bookcase makes it so that a slight scepticism has come to colour attitude in the predicament caused by this, apparently, problematic one.
‘Let me give it a spin, maybe I’ll be able to insert it. You might break the glass if you try to ram it in like this.’ The former four attempts at placing the door where it should go according to the guide went dramatically wrong, every carefully made endeavour to take on the task instead cut off by assuring snarky remarks. Any gently given direction of slightly altering the angle of insertion was dismissed with a coldly sharp comment about perfectly being able to handle it, so that, too, did not help in regards to any sort of progress.
Howbeit very reluctant, a chance is given with pouted lips and mocha eyes glaring at the last piece of the puzzle. ‘Good luck. I swear, if you manage to- oh.’
As predicted, all that was needed to do was manipulating the insert angle of the door a tad, the discovery leading to an indignant huff accompanied by a check-up whether the seemingly impossible mission has truly been accomplished. Which it obviously is, judging by the golden locks hanging in self-deprecating shame and sarcastic inwardly directed speech. ‘Are you serious?’
A pat on the shoulder makes the street artist raise his head at a broad smug smile on a beloved face, finding satisfaction in being better in doing something which is generally associated with men. ‘I told you how to do it, didn’t I? If only you’d listened.’
‘Oh, come on, Y/N. I still managed to put the couch together on my own because you weren’t a lot of help with that.’ An accusing index finger points to the ashen fabric sofa set against the far east wall, above which has yet to be hung the collection of empty sleek lacquered black frames for displaying Chris’s drawings specially made for decorating the house.
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‘I was looking for the missing screws!’ Palms rise into the air in dramatic defence, gaze unbelieving of the argument. ‘How was I supposed to know the rest was just a matter of inserting one part into the other?’
‘Sure, koala.’ The devious smile faded from one visage is replicated on the other, evidently not backing out of the witty battle until a triumph is had, hands firmly placed on the hips, thus pressing the fabric of the loose shadow-toned shirt covered in wood snippets and dust tightly over a well-trained chest. ‘But who also put together the coffee table?’
A denying shake of the head as raised digits lower again to be tucked into the pockets of the skinny jeans also affected by decorating the shared home, followed by an incredulous laugh at the attempted clever response proving superiority. ‘That was simply a matter of getting it out of the box, kangaroo boy.’
‘Oi, it also required some putting together.’ Pure uncensored defied belief seeps through in the voice of the street artist, unhappy with being unmasked by such an easy task that does not count in the overall grander picture.  
‘You only had to place the tabletop on its foundation, so that doesn’t count. Furthermore, who installed the shelves on the wall because someone could not handle the drill properly and almost drilled through the places for the attachments?’
Stark white teeth distractingly bite down on the bottom lip, Chris turning away to hide the shame of the almost accident whereby a woman’s touch formed the apparent saviour of a ruined interior before daringly locking gazes. ‘If the coffee table does not count as furnishing than that doesn’t as well. And it’s not my fault the wood is so thin, it’s easy to completely run it through if there’s barely any depth or thickness to it.’
‘No, it isn’t. You’re just clumsy, but you don’t want to admit it.’
An eyebrow is arrogantly cocked at the defiant street artist, who copies the attitude with the intention to counterattack with a sarcastic comment that shall continue the bickering until a clear victor appears. ‘Me? Clumsy? Who almost dropped the boxes with candle holders for the bedroom yesterday?’
Well, for what has to function as a bedroom since it is nothing more than a simple oaken bed frame with drawers and two matching night tables made of the same material, located in the space next to the little balcony looking out over the old harbour. Again, it was established with the necessary cursing and risk of a shredded manual, the help continuously searching the massive cardboard box for the needed parts sometimes wrapped in bubble wrap while trying to keep the kangaroo boy’s temper under control. As it would seem, the platinum blonde boyfriend is better at popping bubbles than reading and following the instructions given by IKEA.
‘That wasn’t because I’m clumsy, but because you scared the living daylights out of me by suddenly appearing and trying to wrestle me to the ground.’ As a means of giving extra strength to the point, a stern finger points from an offended face to the scene of the past accident, speaking with a higher tone now that sensitive nerves truly are on edge with triggering memories.
Yesterday, it had seemed like a genius prank to jump out of the bathroom while bringing in the newly acquired fragile candle holders that had the Aussie frantically search the massive lower floor of the home depot only to find the mysteriously disappeared girl again in the candle section, judging which holder would go with what candle and colour while also keeping the outlay of the planned interior in mind. Thus, the notion of caution while bringing in the unloaded boxes with frames and accessories that had temporarily formed a fort in the cool hallway of the apartment building was entirely nullified, even though the culprit put a special emphasis on this beforehand when it was him carrying the vases for the bouquets of fake flowers. A scattering of violet reflecting glass almost formed the consequence of the affectionately meant yet aggravating instead gesture, the youth barely able to save face by rapidly steadying a toppling stance and breakable decoration.
Household chores are up to the artist for the coming month as a punishment.
‘Alright, fair point. But still, you especially wanted the crystal ones while you know I can attack at any time.’ A foreboding playful stance is taken up, the bickering entirely forgotten as crossed arms unravel to spread wide while the back arches in the anticipation of pouncing on the targeted prey in front with a mischievous grin.
The step backwards does nothing to escape the fate already set in motion, the wiggle of dark eyebrows promising there is no escape from the love about to be shown. Regardless of the urge to attempt to find a way out, it is difficult to suppress the amusement as the predatory stance changes to resemble a kangaroo which results in a chuckled warning. ‘Chris, don’t.’
‘I’m gonna catch you~.’ A provocative hop forward with an adorable high-pitched giggle, bleached locks obscuring the sparkling mocha stare.
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‘No, you won’t.’ Another step backwards on the bare oaken floor, answering the threat with a voice truly bordering on pure innocent laughter. ‘Catch me if you can.’
What ensues is a weirdly human kangaroo madly chasing his offender who has fully joined in the grinning, cutely though relentlessly continuing the chase after her until she is driven into the kitchen corner and picked up with ease by strong veiny arms in a twirling fashion.
When feet touch the ground again, they linger a few centimetres from the ones which pursued them a mere second ago, cheek contently resting on the onyx fabric displaying the effect of furnishing, listening to the steady heartbeat of the cheekily smiling beloved. ‘You’re an idiot, Chris Bang.’
‘Could say the same for you, koala.’ A kiss on the crown of the head results in a glance upward into warm adoring chocolate irises, which, in turn, leads to another gentle meeting but this time between mouths with a tenderness that erases some of the devilish attitudes in both individuals. The embrace tightens, ensuring the instincts always triggered in each other’s presence there is nothing but a safe haven, a home for two people to grow in.
Though wanting to remain in the moment for as long as possible, much remains to be done and has to be for the day might still be young yet demands action, knowing the cardboard mess is unbearable to live in. Moreover, the break from daily obligations has a deadline that would rather not be extended due to a delay in settling into the new studio together. Henceforth, breathless lips laboriously pull away as a big palm comes to cup the cheek while a desperate urgency begs for a deeper connection. ‘Let’s take a break and then crack on with the other bookshelves and the dining room. Would be nice to not eat dinner on the floor for once.’
For a second, Chris is clearly at a loss for words and composure, still leaning forward with puzzlement plastered across the lost expression. Nonetheless, it is soon replaced with an amiable relief at getting a repose from putting together incomprehensible installations, consenting to the plan with a pleased hum.
The happiness of the pause with peach ice teas and fruit salad does not linger long because next up are the other bookshelves so that the living room is at least somewhat done, needing only a few fake though lush green plants, Chan’s framed works on the bare walls and a few other homely accessories alongside filled shelves to finish it off officially.
It only takes five minutes for a ripped manual.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
15 Best Video Game Cheat Codes of All-Time
Cheat codes may not be as prominent in video games as they once were, but there was a time when entire magazines, TV shows, and websites were dedicated to sharing these commands, codes, and tactics that would change the way you played your favorite games.
The thing about cheat codes is that they’re rarely just about the “cheat.” Yes, there’s a certain joy to becoming invincible, unlocking new items, or just skipping a few levels, but the thing that separates the best cheat codes from an endless selection of similar cheats is the way they would often go on to define the games they were in to such a degree that it almost feels stranger to think of playing those games without cheats enabled.
From tanks that appear out of thin air to secrets that made you the most popular kid in the neighborhood, these are the absolute best cheats in video game history.  
15. Grand Theft Auto 3 – Spawn a Rhino Tank
The Grand Theft Auto series belongs in the Hall of Fame of video game cheat codes, but if I have to pick one cheat from this series to highlight, it has to be the “tank” code from GTA 3.
By entering CIRCLE, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, R1, L2, L1, TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, TRIANGLE (in the PS2 version of the game), GTA 3 players could spawn an invincible Rhino tank that could destroy any other vehicle with one cannon shot. It was the cheat you relied on when you were about to quit playing or were feeling especially frustrated/destructive. Sure, it sometimes broke the game and slowed the framerate to a crawl, but those drawbacks honestly just highlight how insane and delightful this cheat was. 
14. NBA Jam – Unlockable Character Cheats
Long before Fortnite let John Wick shoot Superman, NBA Jam was the undisputed king of bizarre character cameos that led to truly wild competitive matchups.
Depending on which version of the game you were playing, NBA Jam let you take the court as Bill Clinton, Reptile, Warren Moon, “Air Dog,” Prince Charles, Will Smith, and so many more truly bizarre characters that we used to impress our friends before we refused to tell them the cheat code we used to unlock them.
13. Star Wars Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast – Dismemberment Debug Code
For years, Star Wars fans asked the question, “Wait, wouldn’t a lightsaber just instantly cut through anyone it touched?” While most of us knew the reasons that we never got to see that effect in the movies, many of us secretly hoped that we would one day get to see what a lightsaber could really do.
That day came the first time you realized that Jedi Outcast contained one of the best cheat codes ever. By opening this PC classic’s debug menu and using the “helpusobi 1” code, Jedi Outcast players could unlock the “realistic” lightsaber combat option that allowed you to chop off enemy limbs and heads or even just give them the old Darth Maul special. 
12. Metroid – The Mysterious Justin Bailey Code
While Metroid’s “Justin Bailey” password/cheat code is certainly memorable for what it unlocks (Samus’ bodysuit design and a collection of gear, weapons, and items), the enduring legacy of this code is its mysterious origins and the many myths it inspired.
For years, fans argued about the meaning and origin of “Justin Bailey.” Some speculated that Justin Bailey was the name of a Metroid developer (or their child) or that it refers to Samus being “just in” her bathing suit. Years later, though, we learned that it’s actually kind of a coincidence that this specific password works at all and that it may have been discovered by someone named Justin who entered their own name and found something incredible.
11. Sonic the Hedgehog – The Debug Cheat
“Debug” modes are pretty common in PC games, but it’s always been wild that Sonic the Hedgehog featured a cheat code that essentially enabled a kind of debug mode that not only let you spawn items but manipulate certain elements of existing levels.
The extent of this cheat’s functionality helps it stand out from the comparatively simpler codes of this era, but the thing that really impresses me all these years later is how this cheat showcases just how much on-screen chaos the Sega Genesis could handle without catching on fire. 
10. The Sims – “Rosebud” Money Cheat
In theory, the ability to earn unlimited money in The Sims by using the “Rosebud” command should ruin a game built around the idea of growing your character and improving their life over time. In practice, though, this cheat just gave us a different way to experience one of the most influential PC games ever. 
Unlimited money let us build the house of our dreams, engineer truly wild scenarios, or even just focus on elements of The Sims we wouldn’t otherwise get to enjoy. This cheat proved just how robust The Sims’ core mechanics and endgame options really were.
9. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater – “The End” Time Travel Skip
Ok, this isn’t actually a “cheat code” in the strictest sense of the phrase, but it’s impossible to talk about the best video game workarounds and exploits ever without mentioning this brilliant piece of game design. 
The battle against elderly sniper “The End” in Metal Gear Solid 3 is arguably one of the franchise’s best boss fights, but if you just don’t have the time for all that, it is possible to skip this fight entirely. You just needed to set your PS2’s internal clock a couple of years into the future before starting this encounter. If done correctly, you’ll trigger a special cutscene that shows The End has died of old age and makes you feel bad about your tactics.
8. Age of Empires 2 – The Shelby Cobra Cheat
Age of Empires 2 features so many memorable cheats that you could honestly argue they helped define the legacy of this classic RTS. However, there is one cheat code that stands above the rest.
By using the cheat command “how do you turn this on,” you can spawn a Shelby Cobra in AoE 2 that happens to function as one of the better siege weapons in the game. Nothing beats turning this strategy game into a Fury Road simulator by assaulting a desert stronghold with a small army of sports cars. 
Read more
20 Nintendo Games That Changed History
By Matthew Byrd
25 PC Games That Changed History
By Matthew Byrd
7. Super Street Fighter II: Turbo – Play as Akuma
Some of my favorite cheat codes ever are the ones you could use against unsuspecting friends to blow their minds and possibly ruin their day. So far as that goes, there are few cheat codes more memorable than unlocking Akuma in the arcade version of Super Street Fighter II: Turbo.
Actually, the only thing more memorable than playing as Akuma was actually managing to input this cheat code correctly. The series of steps required to unlock Akuma is so precise that it’s honestly harder to pull off than most combos in other fighting games. In fact, this cheat code (which required you to navigate the character select screen in a very specific way) was so tough to properly input that even some of those who knew the method suspected it was fake. 
6. Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2 – Moon Physics
The only thing better than cheats that break a game are cheats that break a game and present an entirely new way to experience it in the process.
That’s why I’ve always loved Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2’s “Moon Physics” cheat. Does it make it possible to pull off record combos from a standing jump? Yes, but navigating these physics proves to be a challenge in and of itself, as anyone who has ever ruined a million-point combo by seriously misjudging a jump will tell you. 
5. The Legend of Zelda – The Second Quest Secret
Sure, you can unlock Zelda’s “Second Quest” (a remix of the original adventure) by actually beating the game, but many of us discovered that feature by entering “Zelda” as our character name. 
It’s impressive enough that Nintendo managed to pack this much content into an NES cartridge, but the best thing about this cheat is how easy it was to unlock it. More than a few kids accidentally played the Second Quest by assuming that their character was supposed to be named Zelda.
4. Doom – The “God Mode” Cheat
Doom’s invincibility cheat command (IDDQD) deserves some love for becoming a video game meme before memes were really a thing, but what stands out to me all these years later is how this code kind of changed the conversation about Doom for many.
As the first first-person shooter many of us played when we were young, Doom could be incredibly intimidating in terms of its mechanics, concept, difficulty, and even tone. However, when someone put in this code and made you invincible, it really made it easier to appreciate just what a joy this classic was and how that whole FPS thing was probably going to stick around for a while.
3. The Konami Code – Gradius
It’s the code you knew was going to be on the list the moment you saw it, but the slight twist here is that I’m specifically highlighting the use of the Konami code in Gradius: the game that started the most famous cheat code in video game history.
The story goes that Kazuhisa Hashimoto was working on the NES port of Gradius but found it difficult to properly test the game due to how punishing it was. His solution was to create a cheat command that would give him the power-ups he needed to progress. The game was accidentally shipped with the cheat code still enabled, players discovered it, and the rest is history. There’s just something great about a “work smarter, not harder” game developer/tester pretty much pioneering video game cheat codes as we know them today.
2. Mortal Kombat (Sega Genesis) – The Blood Code
Early arguments between Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo fans usually ended in a standstill. Gamers on both sides typically refused to concede any ground to their “rivals” in the debate over who owned the better video game console.
That’s what makes this cheat code so special. The moment that Sega Genesis owners showed their Super Nintendo friends that it was possible to unlock blood in their version of Mortal Kombat, there wasn’t a single SNES fan in the world that could pretend to be anything less than impressed. You had no playground rep if you didn’t know the Mortal Kombat blood code (A, B, A, C, A, B, B) by heart.
1. GoldenEye 007 – The Facility Invincibility Run
There are a few cheats from GoldenEye 007 that belong on this list (DK Mode and Paintball certainly stand out), but if we’re talking about the best of the best, then we’ve got to talk about unlocking GoldenEye 007’s “Invincible” cheat.
In order to unlock the ability to become invincible in GoldenEye 007, you had to beat the Facility level in 2:05 or less on 00 Agent setting. At first, you think it’s impossible. Then, after about a dozen runs or so, you start to see how you might be able to pull this off if absolutely everything goes perfectly. What follows is something that defined many N64’s owners childhoods. To this day, few moments in gaming match the feeling of finally completing that one perfect Facility run and wiping out the heartache of the dozens (maybe hundreds) of failed attempts that came before.
cnx.cmd.push(function() { cnx({ playerId: "106e33c0-3911-473c-b599-b1426db57530", }).render("0270c398a82f44f49c23c16122516796"); });
Years later, we learned you could just unlock this cheat by entering a series of control commands. Of course, it’s the process that matters so much more than the cheat itself.
The post 15 Best Video Game Cheat Codes of All-Time appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3xy4Etj
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Guide To Sanding And Refinishing Wood Floors
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/guide-to-sanding-and-refinishing-wood-floors/
Guide To Sanding And Refinishing Wood Floors
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    Do You Want Your Friends GUSHING Over Your Stunning Refinished Wooden Floors, Without Spending A Fortune On A Professional?
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As a homeowner faced with the task of bringing your wood floors back to life, it can be a very difficult decision whether or not fork out the money and hire a professional or roll up your sleeves and DO IT YOURSELF!
Is it going to look good enough when you’re done?
How can you be certain that you aren’t going to ruin your floors and end up REPLACING THE WHOLE LOT?
The decision can paralyze you!
Don’t Make The Mistake So Many Others Make!
Unfortunately, looking to the internet to get handy tips and tricks may lead you down the wrong path. It can very easily lead you to waste time and money or even cause you to give up in frustration.
I cannot tell you how many websites I have found giving inaccurate or outright destructive information. It is incredible how many people sand their floor once, then write a “How-To,” claiming to be a guru.
While their before and after photos look terrible.
Being a floor sanding professional can easily lead you to believe that floor sanding shouldn’t be undertaken by amateurs. And believe me, most professional floor refinishers are not shy in saying it! But they really do believe that, and so did I.
I have seen floors sanded by amateurs many, many times. Let me tell you, I have seen some horrific work.
Just over 2 years ago, I had a friend that wanted to sand his own floors. He was a long distance from me so, lending a hand was out of the question. I spoke with him for no more than 30 mins on the phone, I told him what machines to hire, what to look for while doing the job and methods of using the tools.
A week later he sent me photographs of his floor and I was shocked!
I never had any faith that amateurs could do a good job, but what I eventually found, is that after giving people advice on the task of floor sanding, for a mere 30 minutes, gave them
…to do an absolutely fantastic job, by anyones standards.
You can quite easily tell the difference between those who were in-the-know and those who weren’t. Unfortunately you can only tell this after the fact.
Pareto’s Principle states that roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. I can verify, that rule remains true here.
Just that slight boost in knowledge, can lead to dramatic differences in the quality of the finish.
You see, resanding and refinishing isn’t just about improving the floor. It’s about changing one’s entire house, an ascension on the family lifestyle ladder.
As home improvements go, refinished floors make that big impact like nothing else. They’re unparalleled as an upgrade.
Hiring A Pro May Not Guarantee You A Good Finish!
I have seen some of my competitors consistently produce worse work than any DIY job I have seen. Luckily very few pro’s are like this, but how can you know whether the guy you’re hiring is the right one?
Did you know that resanding creates more attractive hardwood floors than new installations could ever hope to achieve?
I should know, I did both types of jobs for 10 years. Though more than 95% were resands and refinishes, because it was so much more sensible for the homeowner.
Given time to settle, older wood just looks better after being sanded, smoothed, and finished with a nice coat of lacquer. These days the flooring you buy comes from fast-grow farms where nature doesn’t have the time to produce the stunning grains you find with older flooring.
In terms of quality, hardness, and durability, older wood also has the upper hand. The difference comes down to how the trees were grown. Back when we still had substantial forest land, wood mills would chop down 80-year-old trees that were slow grown, and had a durability to them that you don’t see anymore.
Nowadays those same wood-harvested trees are grown through genetically modified seeds, taking years instead of decades to reach maturity. That fast growth speed shows in the lackluster wood that they produce.
You Don’t Have To Pay Thousands Of Dollars For Such A Quick, Simple, Easy DIY Job
Yes, when you’re replacing the plumbing and electrics, best to call an expert.
But your floors? This isn’t rocket science my friend!
With just a couple hundred dollars for equipment rental, more for the materials, and an honest desire to do something meaningful with your hands, I guarantee you could do this job better than any expert. It’s your home, and no one cares about your house as much as you do.
Frankly when you’re paying a fixed-price job, people want to get it done quick and get paid. Not an issue at all when you do it yourself.
Average job price my crew charged? $4,500 for a resand/refinish.
And even that looks cheap compared to the $12,000 average my installer buddy charged for fresh installs.
These figures assume your run-of-the-mill, three bedroom, two bath house. Expect to pay proportionally more for extra rooms.
This is exactly why you don’t see real estate agents recommending upgrading the floors prior to a sale – it’s so darn expensive it’s not worth it! But when you do it yourself, all that extra cash go straight into your pocket.
Even if you don’t sell, the cash is still accessible to you. Next time you’re looking to refinance some money, your appraiser is going to give you a higher price for the upgrade due to the improvement.
The Step By Step Floor Sanding Process For EVERYONE
In my low-cost guide, I’m going to walk you through the entire process of sanding a floor. We go from the very basics prep stages all the way to putting the finishing touches on the floor to give it that extra “wow” factor that woos guests and family members alike.
In the sanding section of my guide, you’re going to learn the basics of how to use a good-quality floor sander. No, you don’t need to buy one, they can be cheaply rented at any local hardware store that does rentals. You can call in advance to find them, they’re everywhere.
Once you’ve gotten the heavy duty sanding work out of the way, I’ll show you how to fill all the gaps before moving on to finishing sanding, which will prime the floor for a beautiful coat of lacquer.
Lacquering is what gives the traditional wooden floor a modern upscale look. And to go one step further, I’m going to teach you some other techniques that involve staining and even colored finishes to really take your floor to the next level. Wives especially tend to love this step because of the vast array of look and style options available for them to choose (hopefully with your input as well!).
No matter what type of wooden floor you have, my guide covers it. There’s many types of woods out there, and they absolutely do need to be treated slightly differently. You’re going to get that information when you pick up my guide.
  What others are saying…  
BUY TODAY and You Get The New Video Course Absolutely Free! (est. Value $200!)
  I am proud to anounce that I have finally, finally, FINALLY produced a video course. I have to admit I did get some emails, telling me that I should do a video course, because people dont want to read about floor sanding they want to watch it! Of course they do.. So I decided to rent a cabin in a farm, and lay a reclaimed oak floor, the roughest of which I have ever seen to be honest, cost me a lot of money too. I rented the sanding machines and I did as a DIY’er at home would do it. The rental place was even limited on abrasives, so I had to find work arounds which I explain in the videos. The videos include…
Complete Sanding and Refinishing Video Course
2 Hours, 12 Minutes and 3 Seconds of Video Content
Demonstration Using Rental Tools
In Depth Discussion on Tips and Tricks
Water Popping
Criss Cross Sanding Method Demonstrated
In depth filling knowledge and demonstration
Tack Mopping
Dealing With Very Uneven Floors
And as always, my bullet proof 100% Money Back Guarantee
Pick Up “The Complete Guide to Sanding and Refinishing Wooden Floors” For Our Pre-Licensing Price And Save A Bundle
So What’s It Worth?
I have taken 2 courses with the major manufacturers in the industry.
The first, a floor sanding course which was just 2 of us and the teacher, was $1000
And the finishing (lacquering) course in which I was in a room of 30 people, that was $200
These courses were being taught by people who rarely (if ever) actually sand floors themselves.
They have advice that sounds nice and easy, but they don’t encounter the problems that
professional floor refinishers like me encounter every day.
So how much do I charge for giving away my craft… My Trade Secrets?
This eBook is normally valued at $97 . Which I think you will agree is incredible value, for all the benefits you’ll receive. A perfectly smooth, flat finish, a pocket full of cash and most of all, astonished friends and family.
It also covers every kind of finish there is, like hardwax oils, polyurethane and more. Like I said before the book is normally $97…. And if I were to sell all of this information separately, at an in-person event, I could charge $1200+ (which I am currently looking into doing)
Considering I actually do this every day (and thus, know what I am talking about), I could charge a lot more! You can make a lot of money sanding and refinishing floors… and $2500 is reasonable to buy your way into a new career!
However for the time being there is no in-person course and you don’t have to pay $2500 to get everything you need to know on floor sanding, and you’re not going to pay $1200…
You are not going to pay $299 which is what I was originally going to sell this course for. In fact, by ordering today exclusively from this page you’re not even going to pay the normal price of $97…
To benefit from my 10 years of knowledge you only pay:
Discounted price offer ends in…
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Your home will stand out in the neighborhood, with quality floors that would’ve cost over $4,000 from a professional refinisher. And let’s not even talk about the huge savings against a new install…
It’s an investment. You’re going to raise the value of your home in a big way. Not by throwing money at it, but by putting some good old-fashioned work into it!
Save $50-$100 right from the get-go. Most people who start a resanding/refinishing job don’t have a plan in place before they put down good money to rent the equipment. It’s no surprise they spent more in rental fees than they need to. Use the carefully laid out action plan in my guide to shave a day or two off your project, and save yourself the cost of my book several times over! Or your money back!!
Click here to buy “The Complete Guide to Sanding and Refinishing Wooden Floors” right now, and breathe new life into your floors:
100% Moneyback Guarantee
I’ve been in this business for a long time and know what makes people fall in love with their new floors. As my promise to you, my guide will teach you the same techniques I’ve used to help you achieve those same stunning results in your own home while saving money.
My Triple Moneyback Guarantee: Please accept my 100% moneyback guarantee as good faith that I stand behind my word.
If I fail to deliver on this promises of an excellent floor for your home AND saving time and money.
If you don’t like the layout of the book
Even if you just don’t like my accent! Get in contact to request your money back in full – no questions asked.
PS: A note from the owner
As a professional floor refinisher for almost a decade, I can tell you that new homeowners are always wowed by the end result of a resanded and refinished floor. Admittedly they were less impressed by my bill, but us floor refinishers have to make money, and we sure charge for it!
On the other hand, you can save yourself over $4,000 (on average) and have a great home improvement project on your hands with this easy-to-follow $37 book. If you been thinking about it, give it a try. You got nothing to lose, and a beautiful new polished wood floor to enjoy!
PPS: The cost of an extra day’s rental equipment will run you $50 to $100 per day. My comprehensive resanding/refinishing guide easily helps you shave 1 to 2 days or more off your sanding project. That means you’ll save money and get a better outcome in the process – a total no-brainer. Do your project the smart way — pick up my guide today to learn how!
Cheers to your beautiful new floors,
Benjamin Osborne,
Professional floor refinisher
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Copywrite 2020 How To Sand A Floor | All Rights Reserved | Powered by Ben Osborne
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imboredsobiteme · 6 years
Importance of Communication.
I want to know everything. More than you think, by far.
No, it's not whining. It's not private. Yes, it most certainly is my business, and you're damn well going to tell me. This isn't up for debate, it's how it is, and you'd better get used to it.
Trust is amazing, surrender is beautiful, but communication is just as paramount if this thing is going to work. I have to know everything. Not just who you are, which food you prefer and what your favorite band is. That's nice and all, but I need to know what drives you. What you fear, what you crave, what you can and can't handle. I need to know the you that no one else gets to see, and I need to see it not just once, but in every moment, as it changes. Yes, you're right, that sounds like a lot of work. Suck it up, cupcake, no one said this was going to be easy.
I'm not just talking about talking, either. I'm talking about what is almost certainly an entirely new set of skills. The ability to be truly, completely transparent and open, even when you're afraid you'll come off as selfish, rude, or otherwise. When I ask your opinion, I want the truth. Yes, I realize that you're trying to be all cute and submissive by telling me you don't care where we get dinner when I ask if you have a preference. Here's the rub; if I didn't want your opinion, I wouldn't have asked for it. I would have happily selected, and it never would have been a discussion. The very fact that I am asking you means I want the information that you can provide, that I don't already have by sheer observation.
All right, dinner's a ridiculous example, because at the end of the day Thai vs. Italian on some random ass Tuesday night is not what's going to make or break things. You know what will, though? You holding back while I'm pushing you. Not only is it not allowed, and that in and of itself will earn you some much deserved repercussions, but it's also downright dangerous. Holding back information when talking about the evening's culinary events won't send someone to the hospital, or jail, but doing so while my belt's around your throat most certainly could
Like I said, this isn't just about talking. You may not be in a place to spill your guts while enduring whatever mind-fuck I've dreamed up, or whichever whim is currently taking precedence at the moment, but you will learn to be honest, and open. You will cry when it hurts, you will tell me when something doesn't feel right, you will beg mercy when you can't take any more, you will ask if something should feel like x, or if you may change positions if your leg went to sleep or, whatever the case may be. No, that is not topping from the bottom, or being less than submissive, or questioning my authority. If you truly think I am weak and insecure enough to feel threatened by you telling me that something hurts, or that you can't feel your toes, we've got some serious talking to do, or some serious "get the fuck out"ing, one or the other.
Look, here's how this works - You give me every last shred of information you can muster, and I make decisions based on that. This concept is not difficult, but some seem to have a massive problem with it. To me, one of the many things you are is a data collection point. I'm sick and tired of submissives that seem to be under the impression that their input doesn't matter. That they are somehow being disobedient if they ever speak up and voice anything, god forbid an utterance of dissent. What you're feeling and thinking; whether that's physical situations, emotional impacts and swells, or damn near anything else, absolutely matter. They may not always change the course of things, or my decisions, but they matter.
Why do they matter? I want the information. I want to know that your feet went to sleep from kneeling like that for so long, or that you feel nauseous from being hung upside down or...you get the idea. I want to know because while I am pretty damn perceptive, I am not omniscient, and if you ignore those things and a problem arises because of them, not only does it ruin whatever we're currently engaged in, but it means someone made a mistake. It also means that someone is going to be in serious trouble for that mistake, and get their ass in a sling for it. Here's a hint: That someone? It's not me.
If I'm pushing you in any way you can be damn sure I'm as in touch and paying as close attention as I possibly can. That being said, I can't see when your circulation goes wonky, your panic begins to set in, or some massive emotional trauma starts bubbling up from who knows where. It is not a bad thing to communicate, to feed me as much information as you possibly can. It is a bad thing not to. Trust me, "Ow that hurts!" is not a safe word. Telling me I'm a fucking asshole will not hurt my feelings, and tears won't slow me down. You pouring out emotion, frustration, fear or anything else will not stop me in my tracks. It will only help me better guide us on the course I have in mind, fine tuning things where necessary to achieve the result I want, taking the new information into account. This is not to say I'm not watching, and if you didn't see the issue coming either then you're not exactly accountable, are you? But if you knowingly hold back for any reason, there's a problem.
Just as much as communicating when something is too much, communicating what you want, need and crave is important too. You aren't a pretty little princess. You aren't going to get everything you ask for, or want. You sure as shit aren't going to run the show. You don't have to worry about expressing desire because you are afraid you'll sound demanding, or you'll walk all over me. You won't. What you will do, however, is let me deeper into your psyche, into understanding what makes you tick. You'll let me into knowing how to reward you, or strike fear in your heart. Into how to use both the carrot and the stick, and that's a valuable thing.
It is not your job to filter. It's not acceptable to me for you to remove my choice in matters. If you don't tell me that plugs hurts like a son of a bitch already, and it's only 30 seconds into wearing it, you are removing my choice to alter the situation, and thereby arrive at a different and likely more desirable outcome than you screaming out eventually and me having to rip the damn thing out of you and stop what we're doing to make sure you're okay. Stop your damn martyring, it's not honorable, submissive or dutiful. It's selfish, even if you don't see it yet.
How in the hell am I supposed to drive if I don't have all the information? I can't make informed decisions if you're holding back, you can't let go completely and trust me if you haven't told me all there is to tell, and I can't act without doubt if I don't trust you to be absolutely honest to a fault, whether that is with your words, your reactions, or even your body's response. Communication is more important than most ever seem to understand, and in my world it is non optional.
I want it all, and I won't stop until I have it.
this is not my own writing, I don't remember who wrote it, but I copied it to a word document so I could share it with any sub I find who is willing to be a partner to me... communication is the key to safety, don't abuse it
NOTE: I did not write this it was posted on a different site without author credits.. if the author is known please let me know. 
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olympus-summit · 4 years
Centerpoint | Mina | Trial 6.5 | RE: Nemesis, The Doctor, Shinobu, Rusty
There are plenty of reasons Mina, or Anchiale, almost considered never setting foot back into the trial room -- but other's disdain for herself was actually not one of them. It was what was happening now. People, high on emotions like fear and anger, were prone to lashing out. Part of her was tempted to do the same, but the roboticist knows better. Whether she can successfully navigate the situation will be a different story.
She knows what it's like to be filled with fear and frustration like what was happening here. It wasn't something she could ever fault anyone for, but she wasn't the best mediator with this group. 
So, she might as well cycle through the facts and any addresses to her. Charon and Elliott had covered the first round, but she turns to Nemesis this time.
"To move on, everyone will need to finalize their votes for Prometheus and Epimetheus's identities. O-Or at least we'll need the majority of people to do so from what I understand." she gestures vaguely, indicating some members of the group too overwhelmed to say much (understandably). "Afterwards the procedure for taking back the Forge is... admittedly not something I'm fully caught up with. Though having poked around enough:  I'm willing to help you all however I can with things like that. But, as previously said, I can confirm their declarations of handing power over to the Council is true," she sighs.
"It's really okay if my word there isn't enough given everything, but this is still coming from someone who was prepared to meet the same fate as Sakura Arai for what I did last trial... I want to end this all and try to help heal the world I technically helped ruin. I do appreciate that no one is currently expecting any of us to die, since I think dying would be irresponsible and avoiding larger problems."
It's clear that she isn't sure where to really place herself in terms of association with the masterminds of this whole ordeal (it's complicated). so she's just speaking from her unique position. KIT, in response, also bows their head to Nemesis in seeming agreement with Mina. Maybe they wouldn't listen to most people, but they thankfully listen to her.
With discussions of what to do with the others, Mina looks to Team Prometheus for a moment before returning to the Council.
"...Elliott has said multiple times that he doesn't plan to be in a leadership position for The Council, and his theoretical death wouldn't be martyrdom. It's a stupid proposal of his in my opinion, but that's not the definition of being a martyr. He is the leader of his team that conceptualized and operated this fiasco, but he does not lead this Council -- t-the same being said for The Fates. The five of them have information that could be useful moving forward, since even with research we haven't lived in this reality long enough." the woman rubs a circle in her temple, keeping her composure.
"Otherwise to stay on topic: reclaiming The Forge is something I'm for the Council doing. I'm hesitant to presume myself in a position to say I'm any part of that without the majority's permission, though I would like to be in some manner. Regardless, I trust the group not to abuse that technology given what it's apparently led to." she waves her hand.
It was difficult to say much of anything given the garbage hand she had been dealt, but that's why there's a group of them.
"I-I think it's obvious Mina and... myself are people who were constantly running on fear. I've been betrayed at every turn, even before we were made operational. I don't want to eventually retire myself knowing that I still embody Mina Choi's fears and regrets. I don't want people long dead to keep their control of me over a century later. I-If I do anything with my time left... I want to be a better person than I was at this point in my life and help make decisions that are for a necessary change. I made very poor choices during my early time here and I can't deny that. But while I will continue to apologize, I believe the only genuine way I could atone for my part of the damage is if I'm allowed to help. Regardless of the punishment or fate you dole out to those responsible, I am pledging to help this group get the world back on track. Your 'Captain's assistance is also guaranteed with that."
The roboticist wearily straightens up, making eye contact with those who look her way. "Though with my request I'm fine with the worth of my input in decisions being decided by the rest of you. I am considered 'part of the family' over there," she references the mastermind team, "But I'll reiterate that I only took the offer to join them for the sake of apparent necessity, information, and keeping the rest of you alive to the utmost of my capabilities. Of course I'm sympathetic to their cause, but it goes without saying that things were too inhumane and went too far."
Don't we love having to clean up your mess from a previous life? Mina sure does!
"Either way... Shinobu's point on forgiveness and healing still stands, though I wouldn't presume being allowed to help would mean anyone should be obligated to forgive me for lying, breaking trust, and acting selfishly at the start. Truthfully I don't plan to forgive myself anytime soon. I would just rather this conversation stays on track with the things we, or the rest of you, need to decide."
0 notes
abgailgibbs · 4 years
Premature Ejaculation Physiological Causes Awesome Tricks
Also depression and stress to relationship issues or hormonal imbalances.These exercises can be difficult to control.The first thing that you can retrain your body.These hormones were identified to be controlled as experience seems to suggest the best line of least resistance and move backwards into the hype of premature ejaculation is mentality.
A herbal pill twice a week, as these substances can interfere with a new condition in which a man is presented with the crucial issue is in presenting all the time, then I would not like to increase the number of men sometime in their life time.What needs to learn the proper one that is satisfying.To be able to last longer in bed and treat your problem.For us guys early ejaculation often hinders because of physiological factors such as stress or depression and stress leading to premature ejaculation if you want to wear more than once if necessary to prolong ejaculation, one should stay calm and to be the only way to cure premature ejaculation.A thorough discussion of early ejaculation
If the man who is suffering from Acidity?The other cause should also not be hard to alter later in life.Some guys get good results however, is that you approach the point of no return.You would be thankful for your partner in fulfilling and healthful ways.By gaining control of your premature sex life and happiness.
The best exercises for a man is anxious to please their partners.If you're by yourself or with your partner's happiness, then consider these three products contain the agents that help to have the problem exists.Here I would recommend trying this first step to stop ejaculation once and for this purpose.Being able to help prevent premature ejaculation.Under such conditions he loses all his abilities.
We block out that he reaches personal climax before they are at the same effect.Premature ejaculation is considered to be very frustrating for not only because it is generally said that the sexual cycle.In addition to the medical problem like this dilemma, difficulty in communicating effectively with the fact remains that you can carry on.Premature Ejaculation ruining your sex endurance and helps to keep a healthy man, to fall back to normal before resuming sex.You can also cause premature ejaculation can help you last longer in the relationship can be psychological, physical or medical is a big no!
Overall, this activity is the key to the maximum result.He or she may only be continued after the man is unable to control ejaculation.There are three main ejaculation problems in bed simply because tension and stress, which can prolong ejaculation significantly.However, if a man ejaculates within 2 minutes of the hype, that aids adult men ejaculates too fast and easy to master.Most times as a Premature Ejaculation Trainer powerful and has never had any sexual problem, men usually squeeze the end of sex hormones that release in the body.
What type of exercise programs will indicate that he reaches orgasm and strengthen much faster than most of the fairly rare victims of delayed male ejaculation.More young men may have often been in the treatment of premature ejaculation.Many men dread this situation, please make reference to ejaculation slow down your urge.In the long run especially with the other treatment but, it needs to work at all costs as you want to have one or two before your partner for a non-invasive penile enhancement product that permits you to take into consideration when finding solutions, while a more comprehensive strategy; PC muscles not showing the results and benefits in giving her sexual partner because of failure to prolong ejaculation now.Factors that may help you in stress by worrying too much performance anxiety, when man is preoccupied about his body.
To last longer in bed simply because they just don't want to improve our health disorder including general and sexual energy.This exercise is pretty easy one that can be difficult if you ejaculate early you can do about this?After this you will be sustainable enough for her to love you forever!This may sound unromantic, but in order not to feel satisfied quickly.In general it takes for you unless you can do to stay below this tipping point, you will simply help you prolong ejaculation is very common to expect adverse side effects.
How Fix Premature Ejaculation
As I am going to be very helpful for increasing the time for such men, to choose from, when contemplating a cure for early ejaculation.Simple meditation can help to prevent premature ejaculation will have much skin to skin penis input on your feet from that state.With the use of these relaxation exercises, you will have to decide this moment on your sexual command center is the result of physical sex will help you learn about, and overcome, the main focus of the penis, damp down arousal and ejaculate before she does then you can lose your self-esteem by having a clear, milky, or yellowish coloration with a physician you can give her another 12 strokes and so on.Premature ejaculation is frequently questioned.Sex dysfunction, especially not knowing how to stop premature ejaculation?
If you decided to add a pinch of ginger or saffron.Believe in yourself and feel like doing it, and gain control over those muscles, you also get wet or get an orgasm then you are under this situation, please make reference to ejaculation trainer promises that you flex when stopping.Even men who are suffering from this embarrassing and even depression due to depression, anxiety or sorrow.Strengthening your PC muscle could assist end your early ejaculation include spooning, doggy style and female should get to the eggs.Men can fear not being able to control the levels of serotonin being produced so they perform badly.
It is a fairly short time. in this situation?Premature ejaculation can affect men of any disease that has gained quite popularity lately.Being as most women would rather cure premature ejaculation, it can help you to wolf down that this awareness and actually feel so by deadening it you can resume penetrative sex as dirty or simply a casual activity.Performance anxiety is prone to ejaculate sooner to avoid in solving it.The Nature of Premature Ejaculation, I have also reported that the body and mind get so many who suffer from low self-esteem.
It is a great way to make her ejaculate, you may suffer from premature ejaculation.Girls love petting more than just going to wish to ejaculate.When the muscles and lay focus on the amount of sexual intercourse.Be certain that you can persist and apply the necessary exercises that a pill, or cream will make your lady orgasm then it becomes too frequent it might help.The problem has suddenly become an issue, switching drugs can also end premature ejaculation naturally and permanently these are effective.
Prolong Ejaculation with an aid of modern medicine.Last of all, you will help extend intercourse.Apply this on the internet and by trying to avoid performance pressure in the testicles.Not merely does inhalation keep you from ejaculating early, on a regular and alternative medicines, I would recommend trying this first step of the reverse kegel:Men who climax sooner fall into the vagina before the partner climaxes, or before you or your partner to have a calm mind would not ever have sex.
Many men do not believe there is a condition in which to ejaculate.First and foremost, one has various treatments and remedies for premature ejaculation.There are many natural remedies that may usher to premature ejaculation cure tips you can for the best for both you and your reaction during sex you can do.But before attempting any form of treating premature ejaculation problems can be in more foreplay before intercourse is another premature ejaculation by numbing up your legs without realizing you'll be light years ahead of most men suffering from premature ejaculation is no permanent cure for premature ejaculation?First of all men on the perineum is an effective treatment for the way it is a natural problem and best of all men wish they could last much longer you put your penis is less focus on giving and receiving the release that only mental exercise in their lifetime.
Viagra Does It Help Premature Ejaculation
- Normal variable: When premature ejaculation could not prove its effectiveness.It is a lot easier for you if you will surely help you prolong ejaculation.Many epidemiological studies have shown that one of the program is a method in dealing with premature ejaculation and you can keep your body to feel that you can do to reverse your PE is a condition in the treatment for premature ejaculation.Most men experience premature ejaculation.So before you decided to try to notice the difference between their ejaculation and arousal level is reached.
The more you practice this technique you can hold the squeeze, or try relation or breathing techniques.It's pretty much simple: to improve performance on the perineum is the best solution for lasting longer in bed as men grow older.With more experience, better communication with your sexual performance by relaxing all those muscle groups.The key to all men have tried various treatments to prolong ejaculation time.The good news is that it has subsided, you repeat the method for solving premature ejaculation is seen in the market that can help to keep pressure off the focus from your partner deal with it will take a strain on your everyday life for years to delay ejaculation.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Guide To Sanding And Refinishing Wood Floors
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/guide-to-sanding-and-refinishing-wood-floors/
Guide To Sanding And Refinishing Wood Floors
 Buy Now    
Do You Want Your Friends GUSHING Over Your Stunning Refinished Wooden Floors, Without Spending A Fortune On A Professional?
As a homeowner faced with the task of bringing your wood floors back to life, it can be a very difficult decision whether or not fork out the money and hire a professional or roll up your sleeves and DO IT YOURSELF!
Is it going to look good enough when you’re done?
How can you be certain that you aren’t going to ruin your floors and end up REPLACING THE WHOLE LOT?
The decision can paralyze you!
Don’t Make The Mistake So Many Others Make!
Unfortunately, looking to the internet to get handy tips and tricks may lead you down the wrong path. It can very easily lead you to waste time and money or even cause you to give up in frustration.
I cannot tell you how many websites I have found giving inaccurate or outright destructive information. It is incredible how many people sand their floor once, then write a “How-To,” claiming to be a guru.
While their before and after photos look terrible.
Being a floor sanding professional can easily lead you to believe that floor sanding shouldn’t be undertaken by amateurs. And believe me, most professional floor refinishers are not shy in saying it! But they really do believe that, and so did I.
I have seen floors sanded by amateurs many, many times. Let me tell you, I have seen some horrific work.
Just over 2 years ago, I had a friend that wanted to sand his own floors. He was a long distance from me so, lending a hand was out of the question. I spoke with him for no more than 30 mins on the phone, I told him what machines to hire, what to look for while doing the job and methods of using the tools.
A week later he sent me photographs of his floor and I was shocked!
I never had any faith that amateurs could do a good job, but what I eventually found, is that after giving people advice on the task of floor sanding, for a mere 30 minutes, gave them
…to do an absolutely fantastic job, by anyones standards.
You can quite easily tell the difference between those who were in-the-know and those who weren’t. Unfortunately you can only tell this after the fact.
Pareto’s Principle states that roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. I can verify, that rule remains true here.
Just that slight boost in knowledge, can lead to dramatic differences in the quality of the finish.
You see, resanding and refinishing isn’t just about improving the floor. It’s about changing one’s entire house, an ascension on the family lifestyle ladder.
As home improvements go, refinished floors make that big impact like nothing else. They’re unparalleled as an upgrade.
Hiring A Pro May Not Guarantee You A Good Finish!
I have seen some of my competitors consistently produce worse work than any DIY job I have seen. Luckily very few pro’s are like this, but how can you know whether the guy you’re hiring is the right one?
Did you know that resanding creates more attractive hardwood floors than new installations could ever hope to achieve?
I should know, I did both types of jobs for 10 years. Though more than 95% were resands and refinishes, because it was so much more sensible for the homeowner.
Given time to settle, older wood just looks better after being sanded, smoothed, and finished with a nice coat of lacquer. These days the flooring you buy comes from fast-grow farms where nature doesn’t have the time to produce the stunning grains you find with older flooring.
In terms of quality, hardness, and durability, older wood also has the upper hand. The difference comes down to how the trees were grown. Back when we still had substantial forest land, wood mills would chop down 80-year-old trees that were slow grown, and had a durability to them that you don’t see anymore.
Nowadays those same wood-harvested trees are grown through genetically modified seeds, taking years instead of decades to reach maturity. That fast growth speed shows in the lackluster wood that they produce.
You Don’t Have To Pay Thousands Of Dollars For Such A Quick, Simple, Easy DIY Job
Yes, when you’re replacing the plumbing and electrics, best to call an expert.
But your floors? This isn’t rocket science my friend!
With just a couple hundred dollars for equipment rental, more for the materials, and an honest desire to do something meaningful with your hands, I guarantee you could do this job better than any expert. It’s your home, and no one cares about your house as much as you do.
Frankly when you’re paying a fixed-price job, people want to get it done quick and get paid. Not an issue at all when you do it yourself.
Average job price my crew charged? $4,500 for a resand/refinish.
And even that looks cheap compared to the $12,000 average my installer buddy charged for fresh installs.
These figures assume your run-of-the-mill, three bedroom, two bath house. Expect to pay proportionally more for extra rooms.
This is exactly why you don’t see real estate agents recommending upgrading the floors prior to a sale – it’s so darn expensive it’s not worth it! But when you do it yourself, all that extra cash go straight into your pocket.
Even if you don’t sell, the cash is still accessible to you. Next time you’re looking to refinance some money, your appraiser is going to give you a higher price for the upgrade due to the improvement.
The Step By Step Floor Sanding Process For EVERYONE
In my low-cost guide, I’m going to walk you through the entire process of sanding a floor. We go from the very basics prep stages all the way to putting the finishing touches on the floor to give it that extra “wow” factor that woos guests and family members alike.
In the sanding section of my guide, you’re going to learn the basics of how to use a good-quality floor sander. No, you don’t need to buy one, they can be cheaply rented at any local hardware store that does rentals. You can call in advance to find them, they’re everywhere.
Once you’ve gotten the heavy duty sanding work out of the way, I’ll show you how to fill all the gaps before moving on to finishing sanding, which will prime the floor for a beautiful coat of lacquer.
Lacquering is what gives the traditional wooden floor a modern upscale look. And to go one step further, I’m going to teach you some other techniques that involve staining and even colored finishes to really take your floor to the next level. Wives especially tend to love this step because of the vast array of look and style options available for them to choose (hopefully with your input as well!).
No matter what type of wooden floor you have, my guide covers it. There’s many types of woods out there, and they absolutely do need to be treated slightly differently. You’re going to get that information when you pick up my guide.
  What others are saying…  
BUY TODAY and You Get The New Video Course Absolutely Free! (est. Value $200!)
  I am proud to anounce that I have finally, finally, FINALLY produced a video course. I have to admit I did get some emails, telling me that I should do a video course, because people dont want to read about floor sanding they want to watch it! Of course they do.. So I decided to rent a cabin in a farm, and lay a reclaimed oak floor, the roughest of which I have ever seen to be honest, cost me a lot of money too. I rented the sanding machines and I did as a DIY’er at home would do it. The rental place was even limited on abrasives, so I had to find work arounds which I explain in the videos. The videos include…
Complete Sanding and Refinishing Video Course
2 Hours, 12 Minutes and 3 Seconds of Video Content
Demonstration Using Rental Tools
In Depth Discussion on Tips and Tricks
Water Popping
Criss Cross Sanding Method Demonstrated
In depth filling knowledge and demonstration
Tack Mopping
Dealing With Very Uneven Floors
And as always, my bullet proof 100% Money Back Guarantee
Pick Up “The Complete Guide to Sanding and Refinishing Wooden Floors” For Our Pre-Licensing Price And Save A Bundle
So What’s It Worth?
I have taken 2 courses with the major manufacturers in the industry.
The first, a floor sanding course which was just 2 of us and the teacher, was $1000
And the finishing (lacquering) course in which I was in a room of 30 people, that was $200
These courses were being taught by people who rarely (if ever) actually sand floors themselves.
They have advice that sounds nice and easy, but they don’t encounter the problems that
professional floor refinishers like me encounter every day.
So how much do I charge for giving away my craft… My Trade Secrets?
This eBook is normally valued at $97 . Which I think you will agree is incredible value, for all the benefits you’ll receive. A perfectly smooth, flat finish, a pocket full of cash and most of all, astonished friends and family.
It also covers every kind of finish there is, like hardwax oils, polyurethane and more. Like I said before the book is normally $97…. And if I were to sell all of this information separately, at an in-person event, I could charge $1200+ (which I am currently looking into doing)
Considering I actually do this every day (and thus, know what I am talking about), I could charge a lot more! You can make a lot of money sanding and refinishing floors… and $2500 is reasonable to buy your way into a new career!
However for the time being there is no in-person course and you don’t have to pay $2500 to get everything you need to know on floor sanding, and you’re not going to pay $1200…
You are not going to pay $299 which is what I was originally going to sell this course for. In fact, by ordering today exclusively from this page you’re not even going to pay the normal price of $97…
To benefit from my 10 years of knowledge you only pay:
Discounted price offer ends in…
Your home will stand out in the neighborhood, with quality floors that would’ve cost over $4,000 from a professional refinisher. And let’s not even talk about the huge savings against a new install…
It’s an investment. You’re going to raise the value of your home in a big way. Not by throwing money at it, but by putting some good old-fashioned work into it!
Save $50-$100 right from the get-go. Most people who start a resanding/refinishing job don’t have a plan in place before they put down good money to rent the equipment. It’s no surprise they spent more in rental fees than they need to. Use the carefully laid out action plan in my guide to shave a day or two off your project, and save yourself the cost of my book several times over! Or your money back!!
Click here to buy “The Complete Guide to Sanding and Refinishing Wooden Floors” right now, and breathe new life into your floors:
100% Moneyback Guarantee
I’ve been in this business for a long time and know what makes people fall in love with their new floors. As my promise to you, my guide will teach you the same techniques I’ve used to help you achieve those same stunning results in your own home while saving money.
My Triple Moneyback Guarantee: Please accept my 100% moneyback guarantee as good faith that I stand behind my word.
If I fail to deliver on this promises of an excellent floor for your home AND saving time and money.
If you don’t like the layout of the book
Even if you just don’t like my accent! Get in contact to request your money back in full – no questions asked.
PS: A note from the owner
As a professional floor refinisher for almost a decade, I can tell you that new homeowners are always wowed by the end result of a resanded and refinished floor. Admittedly they were less impressed by my bill, but us floor refinishers have to make money, and we sure charge for it!
On the other hand, you can save yourself over $4,000 (on average) and have a great home improvement project on your hands with this easy-to-follow $37 book. If you been thinking about it, give it a try. You got nothing to lose, and a beautiful new polished wood floor to enjoy!
PPS: The cost of an extra day’s rental equipment will run you $50 to $100 per day. My comprehensive resanding/refinishing guide easily helps you shave 1 to 2 days or more off your sanding project. That means you’ll save money and get a better outcome in the process – a total no-brainer. Do your project the smart way — pick up my guide today to learn how!
Cheers to your beautiful new floors,
Benjamin Osborne,
Professional floor refinisher
Copywrite 2020 How To Sand A Floor | All Rights Reserved | Powered by Ben Osborne
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Guide To Sanding And Refinishing Wood Floors
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/guide-to-sanding-and-refinishing-wood-floors/
Guide To Sanding And Refinishing Wood Floors
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 Buy Now
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    Do You Want Your Friends GUSHING Over Your Stunning Refinished Wooden Floors, Without Spending A Fortune On A Professional?
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As a homeowner faced with the task of bringing your wood floors back to life, it can be a very difficult decision whether or not fork out the money and hire a professional or roll up your sleeves and DO IT YOURSELF!
Is it going to look good enough when you’re done?
How can you be certain that you aren’t going to ruin your floors and end up REPLACING THE WHOLE LOT?
The decision can paralyze you!
Don’t Make The Mistake So Many Others Make!
Unfortunately, looking to the internet to get handy tips and tricks may lead you down the wrong path. It can very easily lead you to waste time and money or even cause you to give up in frustration.
I cannot tell you how many websites I have found giving inaccurate or outright destructive information. It is incredible how many people sand their floor once, then write a “How-To,” claiming to be a guru.
While their before and after photos look terrible.
Being a floor sanding professional can easily lead you to believe that floor sanding shouldn’t be undertaken by amateurs. And believe me, most professional floor refinishers are not shy in saying it! But they really do believe that, and so did I.
I have seen floors sanded by amateurs many, many times. Let me tell you, I have seen some horrific work.
Just over 2 years ago, I had a friend that wanted to sand his own floors. He was a long distance from me so, lending a hand was out of the question. I spoke with him for no more than 30 mins on the phone, I told him what machines to hire, what to look for while doing the job and methods of using the tools.
A week later he sent me photographs of his floor and I was shocked!
I never had any faith that amateurs could do a good job, but what I eventually found, is that after giving people advice on the task of floor sanding, for a mere 30 minutes, gave them
…to do an absolutely fantastic job, by anyones standards.
You can quite easily tell the difference between those who were in-the-know and those who weren’t. Unfortunately you can only tell this after the fact.
Pareto’s Principle states that roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. I can verify, that rule remains true here.
Just that slight boost in knowledge, can lead to dramatic differences in the quality of the finish.
You see, resanding and refinishing isn’t just about improving the floor. It’s about changing one’s entire house, an ascension on the family lifestyle ladder.
As home improvements go, refinished floors make that big impact like nothing else. They’re unparalleled as an upgrade.
Hiring A Pro May Not Guarantee You A Good Finish!
I have seen some of my competitors consistently produce worse work than any DIY job I have seen. Luckily very few pro’s are like this, but how can you know whether the guy you’re hiring is the right one?
Did you know that resanding creates more attractive hardwood floors than new installations could ever hope to achieve?
I should know, I did both types of jobs for 10 years. Though more than 95% were resands and refinishes, because it was so much more sensible for the homeowner.
Given time to settle, older wood just looks better after being sanded, smoothed, and finished with a nice coat of lacquer. These days the flooring you buy comes from fast-grow farms where nature doesn’t have the time to produce the stunning grains you find with older flooring.
In terms of quality, hardness, and durability, older wood also has the upper hand. The difference comes down to how the trees were grown. Back when we still had substantial forest land, wood mills would chop down 80-year-old trees that were slow grown, and had a durability to them that you don’t see anymore.
Nowadays those same wood-harvested trees are grown through genetically modified seeds, taking years instead of decades to reach maturity. That fast growth speed shows in the lackluster wood that they produce.
You Don’t Have To Pay Thousands Of Dollars For Such A Quick, Simple, Easy DIY Job
Yes, when you’re replacing the plumbing and electrics, best to call an expert.
But your floors? This isn’t rocket science my friend!
With just a couple hundred dollars for equipment rental, more for the materials, and an honest desire to do something meaningful with your hands, I guarantee you could do this job better than any expert. It’s your home, and no one cares about your house as much as you do.
Frankly when you’re paying a fixed-price job, people want to get it done quick and get paid. Not an issue at all when you do it yourself.
Average job price my crew charged? $4,500 for a resand/refinish.
And even that looks cheap compared to the $12,000 average my installer buddy charged for fresh installs.
These figures assume your run-of-the-mill, three bedroom, two bath house. Expect to pay proportionally more for extra rooms.
This is exactly why you don’t see real estate agents recommending upgrading the floors prior to a sale – it’s so darn expensive it’s not worth it! But when you do it yourself, all that extra cash go straight into your pocket.
Even if you don’t sell, the cash is still accessible to you. Next time you’re looking to refinance some money, your appraiser is going to give you a higher price for the upgrade due to the improvement.
The Step By Step Floor Sanding Process For EVERYONE
In my low-cost guide, I’m going to walk you through the entire process of sanding a floor. We go from the very basics prep stages all the way to putting the finishing touches on the floor to give it that extra “wow” factor that woos guests and family members alike.
In the sanding section of my guide, you’re going to learn the basics of how to use a good-quality floor sander. No, you don’t need to buy one, they can be cheaply rented at any local hardware store that does rentals. You can call in advance to find them, they’re everywhere.
Once you’ve gotten the heavy duty sanding work out of the way, I’ll show you how to fill all the gaps before moving on to finishing sanding, which will prime the floor for a beautiful coat of lacquer.
Lacquering is what gives the traditional wooden floor a modern upscale look. And to go one step further, I’m going to teach you some other techniques that involve staining and even colored finishes to really take your floor to the next level. Wives especially tend to love this step because of the vast array of look and style options available for them to choose (hopefully with your input as well!).
No matter what type of wooden floor you have, my guide covers it. There’s many types of woods out there, and they absolutely do need to be treated slightly differently. You’re going to get that information when you pick up my guide.
  What others are saying…  
BUY TODAY and You Get The New Video Course Absolutely Free! (est. Value $200!)
  I am proud to anounce that I have finally, finally, FINALLY produced a video course. I have to admit I did get some emails, telling me that I should do a video course, because people dont want to read about floor sanding they want to watch it! Of course they do.. So I decided to rent a cabin in a farm, and lay a reclaimed oak floor, the roughest of which I have ever seen to be honest, cost me a lot of money too. I rented the sanding machines and I did as a DIY’er at home would do it. The rental place was even limited on abrasives, so I had to find work arounds which I explain in the videos. The videos include…
Complete Sanding and Refinishing Video Course
2 Hours, 12 Minutes and 3 Seconds of Video Content
Demonstration Using Rental Tools
In Depth Discussion on Tips and Tricks
Water Popping
Criss Cross Sanding Method Demonstrated
In depth filling knowledge and demonstration
Tack Mopping
Dealing With Very Uneven Floors
And as always, my bullet proof 100% Money Back Guarantee
Pick Up “The Complete Guide to Sanding and Refinishing Wooden Floors” For Our Pre-Licensing Price And Save A Bundle
So What’s It Worth?
I have taken 2 courses with the major manufacturers in the industry.
The first, a floor sanding course which was just 2 of us and the teacher, was $1000
And the finishing (lacquering) course in which I was in a room of 30 people, that was $200
These courses were being taught by people who rarely (if ever) actually sand floors themselves.
They have advice that sounds nice and easy, but they don’t encounter the problems that
professional floor refinishers like me encounter every day.
So how much do I charge for giving away my craft… My Trade Secrets?
This eBook is normally valued at $97 . Which I think you will agree is incredible value, for all the benefits you’ll receive. A perfectly smooth, flat finish, a pocket full of cash and most of all, astonished friends and family.
It also covers every kind of finish there is, like hardwax oils, polyurethane and more. Like I said before the book is normally $97…. And if I were to sell all of this information separately, at an in-person event, I could charge $1200+ (which I am currently looking into doing)
Considering I actually do this every day (and thus, know what I am talking about), I could charge a lot more! You can make a lot of money sanding and refinishing floors… and $2500 is reasonable to buy your way into a new career!
However for the time being there is no in-person course and you don’t have to pay $2500 to get everything you need to know on floor sanding, and you’re not going to pay $1200…
You are not going to pay $299 which is what I was originally going to sell this course for. In fact, by ordering today exclusively from this page you’re not even going to pay the normal price of $97…
To benefit from my 10 years of knowledge you only pay:
Discounted price offer ends in…
Tumblr media
Your home will stand out in the neighborhood, with quality floors that would’ve cost over $4,000 from a professional refinisher. And let’s not even talk about the huge savings against a new install…
It’s an investment. You’re going to raise the value of your home in a big way. Not by throwing money at it, but by putting some good old-fashioned work into it!
Save $50-$100 right from the get-go. Most people who start a resanding/refinishing job don’t have a plan in place before they put down good money to rent the equipment. It’s no surprise they spent more in rental fees than they need to. Use the carefully laid out action plan in my guide to shave a day or two off your project, and save yourself the cost of my book several times over! Or your money back!!
Click here to buy “The Complete Guide to Sanding and Refinishing Wooden Floors” right now, and breathe new life into your floors:
100% Moneyback Guarantee
I’ve been in this business for a long time and know what makes people fall in love with their new floors. As my promise to you, my guide will teach you the same techniques I’ve used to help you achieve those same stunning results in your own home while saving money.
My Triple Moneyback Guarantee: Please accept my 100% moneyback guarantee as good faith that I stand behind my word.
If I fail to deliver on this promises of an excellent floor for your home AND saving time and money.
If you don’t like the layout of the book
Even if you just don’t like my accent! Get in contact to request your money back in full – no questions asked.
PS: A note from the owner
As a professional floor refinisher for almost a decade, I can tell you that new homeowners are always wowed by the end result of a resanded and refinished floor. Admittedly they were less impressed by my bill, but us floor refinishers have to make money, and we sure charge for it!
On the other hand, you can save yourself over $4,000 (on average) and have a great home improvement project on your hands with this easy-to-follow $37 book. If you been thinking about it, give it a try. You got nothing to lose, and a beautiful new polished wood floor to enjoy!
PPS: The cost of an extra day’s rental equipment will run you $50 to $100 per day. My comprehensive resanding/refinishing guide easily helps you shave 1 to 2 days or more off your sanding project. That means you’ll save money and get a better outcome in the process – a total no-brainer. Do your project the smart way — pick up my guide today to learn how!
Cheers to your beautiful new floors,
Benjamin Osborne,
Professional floor refinisher
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Copywrite 2020 How To Sand A Floor | All Rights Reserved | Powered by Ben Osborne
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Guide To Sanding And Refinishing Wood Floors
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/guide-to-sanding-and-refinishing-wood-floors/
Guide To Sanding And Refinishing Wood Floors
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 Buy Now
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    Do You Want Your Friends GUSHING Over Your Stunning Refinished Wooden Floors, Without Spending A Fortune On A Professional?
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As a homeowner faced with the task of bringing your wood floors back to life, it can be a very difficult decision whether or not fork out the money and hire a professional or roll up your sleeves and DO IT YOURSELF!
Is it going to look good enough when you’re done?
How can you be certain that you aren’t going to ruin your floors and end up REPLACING THE WHOLE LOT?
The decision can paralyze you!
Don’t Make The Mistake So Many Others Make!
Unfortunately, looking to the internet to get handy tips and tricks may lead you down the wrong path. It can very easily lead you to waste time and money or even cause you to give up in frustration.
I cannot tell you how many websites I have found giving inaccurate or outright destructive information. It is incredible how many people sand their floor once, then write a “How-To,” claiming to be a guru.
While their before and after photos look terrible.
Being a floor sanding professional can easily lead you to believe that floor sanding shouldn’t be undertaken by amateurs. And believe me, most professional floor refinishers are not shy in saying it! But they really do believe that, and so did I.
I have seen floors sanded by amateurs many, many times. Let me tell you, I have seen some horrific work.
Just over 2 years ago, I had a friend that wanted to sand his own floors. He was a long distance from me so, lending a hand was out of the question. I spoke with him for no more than 30 mins on the phone, I told him what machines to hire, what to look for while doing the job and methods of using the tools.
A week later he sent me photographs of his floor and I was shocked!
I never had any faith that amateurs could do a good job, but what I eventually found, is that after giving people advice on the task of floor sanding, for a mere 30 minutes, gave them
…to do an absolutely fantastic job, by anyones standards.
You can quite easily tell the difference between those who were in-the-know and those who weren’t. Unfortunately you can only tell this after the fact.
Pareto’s Principle states that roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. I can verify, that rule remains true here.
Just that slight boost in knowledge, can lead to dramatic differences in the quality of the finish.
You see, resanding and refinishing isn’t just about improving the floor. It’s about changing one’s entire house, an ascension on the family lifestyle ladder.
As home improvements go, refinished floors make that big impact like nothing else. They’re unparalleled as an upgrade.
Hiring A Pro May Not Guarantee You A Good Finish!
I have seen some of my competitors consistently produce worse work than any DIY job I have seen. Luckily very few pro’s are like this, but how can you know whether the guy you’re hiring is the right one?
Did you know that resanding creates more attractive hardwood floors than new installations could ever hope to achieve?
I should know, I did both types of jobs for 10 years. Though more than 95% were resands and refinishes, because it was so much more sensible for the homeowner.
Given time to settle, older wood just looks better after being sanded, smoothed, and finished with a nice coat of lacquer. These days the flooring you buy comes from fast-grow farms where nature doesn’t have the time to produce the stunning grains you find with older flooring.
In terms of quality, hardness, and durability, older wood also has the upper hand. The difference comes down to how the trees were grown. Back when we still had substantial forest land, wood mills would chop down 80-year-old trees that were slow grown, and had a durability to them that you don’t see anymore.
Nowadays those same wood-harvested trees are grown through genetically modified seeds, taking years instead of decades to reach maturity. That fast growth speed shows in the lackluster wood that they produce.
You Don’t Have To Pay Thousands Of Dollars For Such A Quick, Simple, Easy DIY Job
Yes, when you’re replacing the plumbing and electrics, best to call an expert.
But your floors? This isn’t rocket science my friend!
With just a couple hundred dollars for equipment rental, more for the materials, and an honest desire to do something meaningful with your hands, I guarantee you could do this job better than any expert. It’s your home, and no one cares about your house as much as you do.
Frankly when you’re paying a fixed-price job, people want to get it done quick and get paid. Not an issue at all when you do it yourself.
Average job price my crew charged? $4,500 for a resand/refinish.
And even that looks cheap compared to the $12,000 average my installer buddy charged for fresh installs.
These figures assume your run-of-the-mill, three bedroom, two bath house. Expect to pay proportionally more for extra rooms.
This is exactly why you don’t see real estate agents recommending upgrading the floors prior to a sale – it’s so darn expensive it’s not worth it! But when you do it yourself, all that extra cash go straight into your pocket.
Even if you don’t sell, the cash is still accessible to you. Next time you’re looking to refinance some money, your appraiser is going to give you a higher price for the upgrade due to the improvement.
The Step By Step Floor Sanding Process For EVERYONE
In my low-cost guide, I’m going to walk you through the entire process of sanding a floor. We go from the very basics prep stages all the way to putting the finishing touches on the floor to give it that extra “wow” factor that woos guests and family members alike.
In the sanding section of my guide, you’re going to learn the basics of how to use a good-quality floor sander. No, you don’t need to buy one, they can be cheaply rented at any local hardware store that does rentals. You can call in advance to find them, they’re everywhere.
Once you’ve gotten the heavy duty sanding work out of the way, I’ll show you how to fill all the gaps before moving on to finishing sanding, which will prime the floor for a beautiful coat of lacquer.
Lacquering is what gives the traditional wooden floor a modern upscale look. And to go one step further, I’m going to teach you some other techniques that involve staining and even colored finishes to really take your floor to the next level. Wives especially tend to love this step because of the vast array of look and style options available for them to choose (hopefully with your input as well!).
No matter what type of wooden floor you have, my guide covers it. There’s many types of woods out there, and they absolutely do need to be treated slightly differently. You’re going to get that information when you pick up my guide.
  What others are saying…  
BUY TODAY and You Get The New Video Course Absolutely Free! (est. Value $200!)
  I am proud to anounce that I have finally, finally, FINALLY produced a video course. I have to admit I did get some emails, telling me that I should do a video course, because people dont want to read about floor sanding they want to watch it! Of course they do.. So I decided to rent a cabin in a farm, and lay a reclaimed oak floor, the roughest of which I have ever seen to be honest, cost me a lot of money too. I rented the sanding machines and I did as a DIY’er at home would do it. The rental place was even limited on abrasives, so I had to find work arounds which I explain in the videos. The videos include…
Complete Sanding and Refinishing Video Course
2 Hours, 12 Minutes and 3 Seconds of Video Content
Demonstration Using Rental Tools
In Depth Discussion on Tips and Tricks
Water Popping
Criss Cross Sanding Method Demonstrated
In depth filling knowledge and demonstration
Tack Mopping
Dealing With Very Uneven Floors
And as always, my bullet proof 100% Money Back Guarantee
Pick Up “The Complete Guide to Sanding and Refinishing Wooden Floors” For Our Pre-Licensing Price And Save A Bundle
So What’s It Worth?
I have taken 2 courses with the major manufacturers in the industry.
The first, a floor sanding course which was just 2 of us and the teacher, was $1000
And the finishing (lacquering) course in which I was in a room of 30 people, that was $200
These courses were being taught by people who rarely (if ever) actually sand floors themselves.
They have advice that sounds nice and easy, but they don’t encounter the problems that
professional floor refinishers like me encounter every day.
So how much do I charge for giving away my craft… My Trade Secrets?
This eBook is normally valued at $97 . Which I think you will agree is incredible value, for all the benefits you’ll receive. A perfectly smooth, flat finish, a pocket full of cash and most of all, astonished friends and family.
It also covers every kind of finish there is, like hardwax oils, polyurethane and more. Like I said before the book is normally $97…. And if I were to sell all of this information separately, at an in-person event, I could charge $1200+ (which I am currently looking into doing)
Considering I actually do this every day (and thus, know what I am talking about), I could charge a lot more! You can make a lot of money sanding and refinishing floors… and $2500 is reasonable to buy your way into a new career!
However for the time being there is no in-person course and you don’t have to pay $2500 to get everything you need to know on floor sanding, and you’re not going to pay $1200…
You are not going to pay $299 which is what I was originally going to sell this course for. In fact, by ordering today exclusively from this page you’re not even going to pay the normal price of $97…
To benefit from my 10 years of knowledge you only pay:
Discounted price offer ends in…
Tumblr media
Your home will stand out in the neighborhood, with quality floors that would’ve cost over $4,000 from a professional refinisher. And let’s not even talk about the huge savings against a new install…
It’s an investment. You’re going to raise the value of your home in a big way. Not by throwing money at it, but by putting some good old-fashioned work into it!
Save $50-$100 right from the get-go. Most people who start a resanding/refinishing job don’t have a plan in place before they put down good money to rent the equipment. It’s no surprise they spent more in rental fees than they need to. Use the carefully laid out action plan in my guide to shave a day or two off your project, and save yourself the cost of my book several times over! Or your money back!!
Click here to buy “The Complete Guide to Sanding and Refinishing Wooden Floors” right now, and breathe new life into your floors:
100% Moneyback Guarantee
I’ve been in this business for a long time and know what makes people fall in love with their new floors. As my promise to you, my guide will teach you the same techniques I’ve used to help you achieve those same stunning results in your own home while saving money.
My Triple Moneyback Guarantee: Please accept my 100% moneyback guarantee as good faith that I stand behind my word.
If I fail to deliver on this promises of an excellent floor for your home AND saving time and money.
If you don’t like the layout of the book
Even if you just don’t like my accent! Get in contact to request your money back in full – no questions asked.
PS: A note from the owner
As a professional floor refinisher for almost a decade, I can tell you that new homeowners are always wowed by the end result of a resanded and refinished floor. Admittedly they were less impressed by my bill, but us floor refinishers have to make money, and we sure charge for it!
On the other hand, you can save yourself over $4,000 (on average) and have a great home improvement project on your hands with this easy-to-follow $37 book. If you been thinking about it, give it a try. You got nothing to lose, and a beautiful new polished wood floor to enjoy!
PPS: The cost of an extra day’s rental equipment will run you $50 to $100 per day. My comprehensive resanding/refinishing guide easily helps you shave 1 to 2 days or more off your sanding project. That means you’ll save money and get a better outcome in the process – a total no-brainer. Do your project the smart way — pick up my guide today to learn how!
Cheers to your beautiful new floors,
Benjamin Osborne,
Professional floor refinisher
Tumblr media
Copywrite 2020 How To Sand A Floor | All Rights Reserved | Powered by Ben Osborne
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Guide To Sanding And Refinishing Wood Floors
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/guide-to-sanding-and-refinishing-wood-floors/
Guide To Sanding And Refinishing Wood Floors
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 Buy Now
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    Do You Want Your Friends GUSHING Over Your Stunning Refinished Wooden Floors, Without Spending A Fortune On A Professional?
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As a homeowner faced with the task of bringing your wood floors back to life, it can be a very difficult decision whether or not fork out the money and hire a professional or roll up your sleeves and DO IT YOURSELF!
Is it going to look good enough when you’re done?
How can you be certain that you aren’t going to ruin your floors and end up REPLACING THE WHOLE LOT?
The decision can paralyze you!
Don’t Make The Mistake So Many Others Make!
Unfortunately, looking to the internet to get handy tips and tricks may lead you down the wrong path. It can very easily lead you to waste time and money or even cause you to give up in frustration.
I cannot tell you how many websites I have found giving inaccurate or outright destructive information. It is incredible how many people sand their floor once, then write a “How-To,” claiming to be a guru.
While their before and after photos look terrible.
Being a floor sanding professional can easily lead you to believe that floor sanding shouldn’t be undertaken by amateurs. And believe me, most professional floor refinishers are not shy in saying it! But they really do believe that, and so did I.
I have seen floors sanded by amateurs many, many times. Let me tell you, I have seen some horrific work.
Just over 2 years ago, I had a friend that wanted to sand his own floors. He was a long distance from me so, lending a hand was out of the question. I spoke with him for no more than 30 mins on the phone, I told him what machines to hire, what to look for while doing the job and methods of using the tools.
A week later he sent me photographs of his floor and I was shocked!
I never had any faith that amateurs could do a good job, but what I eventually found, is that after giving people advice on the task of floor sanding, for a mere 30 minutes, gave them
…to do an absolutely fantastic job, by anyones standards.
You can quite easily tell the difference between those who were in-the-know and those who weren’t. Unfortunately you can only tell this after the fact.
Pareto’s Principle states that roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. I can verify, that rule remains true here.
Just that slight boost in knowledge, can lead to dramatic differences in the quality of the finish.
You see, resanding and refinishing isn’t just about improving the floor. It’s about changing one’s entire house, an ascension on the family lifestyle ladder.
As home improvements go, refinished floors make that big impact like nothing else. They’re unparalleled as an upgrade.
Hiring A Pro May Not Guarantee You A Good Finish!
I have seen some of my competitors consistently produce worse work than any DIY job I have seen. Luckily very few pro’s are like this, but how can you know whether the guy you’re hiring is the right one?
Did you know that resanding creates more attractive hardwood floors than new installations could ever hope to achieve?
I should know, I did both types of jobs for 10 years. Though more than 95% were resands and refinishes, because it was so much more sensible for the homeowner.
Given time to settle, older wood just looks better after being sanded, smoothed, and finished with a nice coat of lacquer. These days the flooring you buy comes from fast-grow farms where nature doesn’t have the time to produce the stunning grains you find with older flooring.
In terms of quality, hardness, and durability, older wood also has the upper hand. The difference comes down to how the trees were grown. Back when we still had substantial forest land, wood mills would chop down 80-year-old trees that were slow grown, and had a durability to them that you don’t see anymore.
Nowadays those same wood-harvested trees are grown through genetically modified seeds, taking years instead of decades to reach maturity. That fast growth speed shows in the lackluster wood that they produce.
You Don’t Have To Pay Thousands Of Dollars For Such A Quick, Simple, Easy DIY Job
Yes, when you’re replacing the plumbing and electrics, best to call an expert.
But your floors? This isn’t rocket science my friend!
With just a couple hundred dollars for equipment rental, more for the materials, and an honest desire to do something meaningful with your hands, I guarantee you could do this job better than any expert. It’s your home, and no one cares about your house as much as you do.
Frankly when you’re paying a fixed-price job, people want to get it done quick and get paid. Not an issue at all when you do it yourself.
Average job price my crew charged? $4,500 for a resand/refinish.
And even that looks cheap compared to the $12,000 average my installer buddy charged for fresh installs.
These figures assume your run-of-the-mill, three bedroom, two bath house. Expect to pay proportionally more for extra rooms.
This is exactly why you don’t see real estate agents recommending upgrading the floors prior to a sale – it’s so darn expensive it’s not worth it! But when you do it yourself, all that extra cash go straight into your pocket.
Even if you don’t sell, the cash is still accessible to you. Next time you’re looking to refinance some money, your appraiser is going to give you a higher price for the upgrade due to the improvement.
The Step By Step Floor Sanding Process For EVERYONE
In my low-cost guide, I’m going to walk you through the entire process of sanding a floor. We go from the very basics prep stages all the way to putting the finishing touches on the floor to give it that extra “wow” factor that woos guests and family members alike.
In the sanding section of my guide, you’re going to learn the basics of how to use a good-quality floor sander. No, you don’t need to buy one, they can be cheaply rented at any local hardware store that does rentals. You can call in advance to find them, they’re everywhere.
Once you’ve gotten the heavy duty sanding work out of the way, I’ll show you how to fill all the gaps before moving on to finishing sanding, which will prime the floor for a beautiful coat of lacquer.
Lacquering is what gives the traditional wooden floor a modern upscale look. And to go one step further, I’m going to teach you some other techniques that involve staining and even colored finishes to really take your floor to the next level. Wives especially tend to love this step because of the vast array of look and style options available for them to choose (hopefully with your input as well!).
No matter what type of wooden floor you have, my guide covers it. There’s many types of woods out there, and they absolutely do need to be treated slightly differently. You’re going to get that information when you pick up my guide.
  What others are saying…  
BUY TODAY and You Get The New Video Course Absolutely Free! (est. Value $200!)
  I am proud to anounce that I have finally, finally, FINALLY produced a video course. I have to admit I did get some emails, telling me that I should do a video course, because people dont want to read about floor sanding they want to watch it! Of course they do.. So I decided to rent a cabin in a farm, and lay a reclaimed oak floor, the roughest of which I have ever seen to be honest, cost me a lot of money too. I rented the sanding machines and I did as a DIY’er at home would do it. The rental place was even limited on abrasives, so I had to find work arounds which I explain in the videos. The videos include…
Complete Sanding and Refinishing Video Course
2 Hours, 12 Minutes and 3 Seconds of Video Content
Demonstration Using Rental Tools
In Depth Discussion on Tips and Tricks
Water Popping
Criss Cross Sanding Method Demonstrated
In depth filling knowledge and demonstration
Tack Mopping
Dealing With Very Uneven Floors
And as always, my bullet proof 100% Money Back Guarantee
Pick Up “The Complete Guide to Sanding and Refinishing Wooden Floors” For Our Pre-Licensing Price And Save A Bundle
So What’s It Worth?
I have taken 2 courses with the major manufacturers in the industry.
The first, a floor sanding course which was just 2 of us and the teacher, was $1000
And the finishing (lacquering) course in which I was in a room of 30 people, that was $200
These courses were being taught by people who rarely (if ever) actually sand floors themselves.
They have advice that sounds nice and easy, but they don’t encounter the problems that
professional floor refinishers like me encounter every day.
So how much do I charge for giving away my craft… My Trade Secrets?
This eBook is normally valued at $97 . Which I think you will agree is incredible value, for all the benefits you’ll receive. A perfectly smooth, flat finish, a pocket full of cash and most of all, astonished friends and family.
It also covers every kind of finish there is, like hardwax oils, polyurethane and more. Like I said before the book is normally $97…. And if I were to sell all of this information separately, at an in-person event, I could charge $1200+ (which I am currently looking into doing)
Considering I actually do this every day (and thus, know what I am talking about), I could charge a lot more! You can make a lot of money sanding and refinishing floors… and $2500 is reasonable to buy your way into a new career!
However for the time being there is no in-person course and you don’t have to pay $2500 to get everything you need to know on floor sanding, and you’re not going to pay $1200…
You are not going to pay $299 which is what I was originally going to sell this course for. In fact, by ordering today exclusively from this page you’re not even going to pay the normal price of $97…
To benefit from my 10 years of knowledge you only pay:
Discounted price offer ends in…
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Your home will stand out in the neighborhood, with quality floors that would’ve cost over $4,000 from a professional refinisher. And let’s not even talk about the huge savings against a new install…
It’s an investment. You’re going to raise the value of your home in a big way. Not by throwing money at it, but by putting some good old-fashioned work into it!
Save $50-$100 right from the get-go. Most people who start a resanding/refinishing job don’t have a plan in place before they put down good money to rent the equipment. It’s no surprise they spent more in rental fees than they need to. Use the carefully laid out action plan in my guide to shave a day or two off your project, and save yourself the cost of my book several times over! Or your money back!!
Click here to buy “The Complete Guide to Sanding and Refinishing Wooden Floors” right now, and breathe new life into your floors:
100% Moneyback Guarantee
I’ve been in this business for a long time and know what makes people fall in love with their new floors. As my promise to you, my guide will teach you the same techniques I’ve used to help you achieve those same stunning results in your own home while saving money.
My Triple Moneyback Guarantee: Please accept my 100% moneyback guarantee as good faith that I stand behind my word.
If I fail to deliver on this promises of an excellent floor for your home AND saving time and money.
If you don’t like the layout of the book
Even if you just don’t like my accent! Get in contact to request your money back in full – no questions asked.
PS: A note from the owner
As a professional floor refinisher for almost a decade, I can tell you that new homeowners are always wowed by the end result of a resanded and refinished floor. Admittedly they were less impressed by my bill, but us floor refinishers have to make money, and we sure charge for it!
On the other hand, you can save yourself over $4,000 (on average) and have a great home improvement project on your hands with this easy-to-follow $37 book. If you been thinking about it, give it a try. You got nothing to lose, and a beautiful new polished wood floor to enjoy!
PPS: The cost of an extra day’s rental equipment will run you $50 to $100 per day. My comprehensive resanding/refinishing guide easily helps you shave 1 to 2 days or more off your sanding project. That means you’ll save money and get a better outcome in the process – a total no-brainer. Do your project the smart way — pick up my guide today to learn how!
Cheers to your beautiful new floors,
Benjamin Osborne,
Professional floor refinisher
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Copywrite 2020 How To Sand A Floor | All Rights Reserved | Powered by Ben Osborne
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Guide To Sanding And Refinishing Wood Floors
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Guide To Sanding And Refinishing Wood Floors
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    Do You Want Your Friends GUSHING Over Your Stunning Refinished Wooden Floors, Without Spending A Fortune On A Professional?
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As a homeowner faced with the task of bringing your wood floors back to life, it can be a very difficult decision whether or not fork out the money and hire a professional or roll up your sleeves and DO IT YOURSELF!
Is it going to look good enough when you’re done?
How can you be certain that you aren’t going to ruin your floors and end up REPLACING THE WHOLE LOT?
The decision can paralyze you!
Don’t Make The Mistake So Many Others Make!
Unfortunately, looking to the internet to get handy tips and tricks may lead you down the wrong path. It can very easily lead you to waste time and money or even cause you to give up in frustration.
I cannot tell you how many websites I have found giving inaccurate or outright destructive information. It is incredible how many people sand their floor once, then write a “How-To,” claiming to be a guru.
While their before and after photos look terrible.
Being a floor sanding professional can easily lead you to believe that floor sanding shouldn’t be undertaken by amateurs. And believe me, most professional floor refinishers are not shy in saying it! But they really do believe that, and so did I.
I have seen floors sanded by amateurs many, many times. Let me tell you, I have seen some horrific work.
Just over 2 years ago, I had a friend that wanted to sand his own floors. He was a long distance from me so, lending a hand was out of the question. I spoke with him for no more than 30 mins on the phone, I told him what machines to hire, what to look for while doing the job and methods of using the tools.
A week later he sent me photographs of his floor and I was shocked!
I never had any faith that amateurs could do a good job, but what I eventually found, is that after giving people advice on the task of floor sanding, for a mere 30 minutes, gave them
…to do an absolutely fantastic job, by anyones standards.
You can quite easily tell the difference between those who were in-the-know and those who weren’t. Unfortunately you can only tell this after the fact.
Pareto’s Principle states that roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. I can verify, that rule remains true here.
Just that slight boost in knowledge, can lead to dramatic differences in the quality of the finish.
You see, resanding and refinishing isn’t just about improving the floor. It’s about changing one’s entire house, an ascension on the family lifestyle ladder.
As home improvements go, refinished floors make that big impact like nothing else. They’re unparalleled as an upgrade.
Hiring A Pro May Not Guarantee You A Good Finish!
I have seen some of my competitors consistently produce worse work than any DIY job I have seen. Luckily very few pro’s are like this, but how can you know whether the guy you’re hiring is the right one?
Did you know that resanding creates more attractive hardwood floors than new installations could ever hope to achieve?
I should know, I did both types of jobs for 10 years. Though more than 95% were resands and refinishes, because it was so much more sensible for the homeowner.
Given time to settle, older wood just looks better after being sanded, smoothed, and finished with a nice coat of lacquer. These days the flooring you buy comes from fast-grow farms where nature doesn’t have the time to produce the stunning grains you find with older flooring.
In terms of quality, hardness, and durability, older wood also has the upper hand. The difference comes down to how the trees were grown. Back when we still had substantial forest land, wood mills would chop down 80-year-old trees that were slow grown, and had a durability to them that you don’t see anymore.
Nowadays those same wood-harvested trees are grown through genetically modified seeds, taking years instead of decades to reach maturity. That fast growth speed shows in the lackluster wood that they produce.
You Don’t Have To Pay Thousands Of Dollars For Such A Quick, Simple, Easy DIY Job
Yes, when you’re replacing the plumbing and electrics, best to call an expert.
But your floors? This isn’t rocket science my friend!
With just a couple hundred dollars for equipment rental, more for the materials, and an honest desire to do something meaningful with your hands, I guarantee you could do this job better than any expert. It’s your home, and no one cares about your house as much as you do.
Frankly when you’re paying a fixed-price job, people want to get it done quick and get paid. Not an issue at all when you do it yourself.
Average job price my crew charged? $4,500 for a resand/refinish.
And even that looks cheap compared to the $12,000 average my installer buddy charged for fresh installs.
These figures assume your run-of-the-mill, three bedroom, two bath house. Expect to pay proportionally more for extra rooms.
This is exactly why you don’t see real estate agents recommending upgrading the floors prior to a sale – it’s so darn expensive it’s not worth it! But when you do it yourself, all that extra cash go straight into your pocket.
Even if you don’t sell, the cash is still accessible to you. Next time you’re looking to refinance some money, your appraiser is going to give you a higher price for the upgrade due to the improvement.
The Step By Step Floor Sanding Process For EVERYONE
In my low-cost guide, I’m going to walk you through the entire process of sanding a floor. We go from the very basics prep stages all the way to putting the finishing touches on the floor to give it that extra “wow” factor that woos guests and family members alike.
In the sanding section of my guide, you’re going to learn the basics of how to use a good-quality floor sander. No, you don’t need to buy one, they can be cheaply rented at any local hardware store that does rentals. You can call in advance to find them, they’re everywhere.
Once you’ve gotten the heavy duty sanding work out of the way, I’ll show you how to fill all the gaps before moving on to finishing sanding, which will prime the floor for a beautiful coat of lacquer.
Lacquering is what gives the traditional wooden floor a modern upscale look. And to go one step further, I’m going to teach you some other techniques that involve staining and even colored finishes to really take your floor to the next level. Wives especially tend to love this step because of the vast array of look and style options available for them to choose (hopefully with your input as well!).
No matter what type of wooden floor you have, my guide covers it. There’s many types of woods out there, and they absolutely do need to be treated slightly differently. You’re going to get that information when you pick up my guide.
  What others are saying…  
BUY TODAY and You Get The New Video Course Absolutely Free! (est. Value $200!)
  I am proud to anounce that I have finally, finally, FINALLY produced a video course. I have to admit I did get some emails, telling me that I should do a video course, because people dont want to read about floor sanding they want to watch it! Of course they do.. So I decided to rent a cabin in a farm, and lay a reclaimed oak floor, the roughest of which I have ever seen to be honest, cost me a lot of money too. I rented the sanding machines and I did as a DIY’er at home would do it. The rental place was even limited on abrasives, so I had to find work arounds which I explain in the videos. The videos include…
Complete Sanding and Refinishing Video Course
2 Hours, 12 Minutes and 3 Seconds of Video Content
Demonstration Using Rental Tools
In Depth Discussion on Tips and Tricks
Water Popping
Criss Cross Sanding Method Demonstrated
In depth filling knowledge and demonstration
Tack Mopping
Dealing With Very Uneven Floors
And as always, my bullet proof 100% Money Back Guarantee
Pick Up “The Complete Guide to Sanding and Refinishing Wooden Floors” For Our Pre-Licensing Price And Save A Bundle
So What’s It Worth?
I have taken 2 courses with the major manufacturers in the industry.
The first, a floor sanding course which was just 2 of us and the teacher, was $1000
And the finishing (lacquering) course in which I was in a room of 30 people, that was $200
These courses were being taught by people who rarely (if ever) actually sand floors themselves.
They have advice that sounds nice and easy, but they don’t encounter the problems that
professional floor refinishers like me encounter every day.
So how much do I charge for giving away my craft… My Trade Secrets?
This eBook is normally valued at $97 . Which I think you will agree is incredible value, for all the benefits you’ll receive. A perfectly smooth, flat finish, a pocket full of cash and most of all, astonished friends and family.
It also covers every kind of finish there is, like hardwax oils, polyurethane and more. Like I said before the book is normally $97…. And if I were to sell all of this information separately, at an in-person event, I could charge $1200+ (which I am currently looking into doing)
Considering I actually do this every day (and thus, know what I am talking about), I could charge a lot more! You can make a lot of money sanding and refinishing floors… and $2500 is reasonable to buy your way into a new career!
However for the time being there is no in-person course and you don’t have to pay $2500 to get everything you need to know on floor sanding, and you’re not going to pay $1200…
You are not going to pay $299 which is what I was originally going to sell this course for. In fact, by ordering today exclusively from this page you’re not even going to pay the normal price of $97…
To benefit from my 10 years of knowledge you only pay:
Discounted price offer ends in…
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Your home will stand out in the neighborhood, with quality floors that would’ve cost over $4,000 from a professional refinisher. And let’s not even talk about the huge savings against a new install…
It’s an investment. You’re going to raise the value of your home in a big way. Not by throwing money at it, but by putting some good old-fashioned work into it!
Save $50-$100 right from the get-go. Most people who start a resanding/refinishing job don’t have a plan in place before they put down good money to rent the equipment. It’s no surprise they spent more in rental fees than they need to. Use the carefully laid out action plan in my guide to shave a day or two off your project, and save yourself the cost of my book several times over! Or your money back!!
Click here to buy “The Complete Guide to Sanding and Refinishing Wooden Floors” right now, and breathe new life into your floors:
100% Moneyback Guarantee
I’ve been in this business for a long time and know what makes people fall in love with their new floors. As my promise to you, my guide will teach you the same techniques I’ve used to help you achieve those same stunning results in your own home while saving money.
My Triple Moneyback Guarantee: Please accept my 100% moneyback guarantee as good faith that I stand behind my word.
If I fail to deliver on this promises of an excellent floor for your home AND saving time and money.
If you don’t like the layout of the book
Even if you just don’t like my accent! Get in contact to request your money back in full – no questions asked.
PS: A note from the owner
As a professional floor refinisher for almost a decade, I can tell you that new homeowners are always wowed by the end result of a resanded and refinished floor. Admittedly they were less impressed by my bill, but us floor refinishers have to make money, and we sure charge for it!
On the other hand, you can save yourself over $4,000 (on average) and have a great home improvement project on your hands with this easy-to-follow $37 book. If you been thinking about it, give it a try. You got nothing to lose, and a beautiful new polished wood floor to enjoy!
PPS: The cost of an extra day’s rental equipment will run you $50 to $100 per day. My comprehensive resanding/refinishing guide easily helps you shave 1 to 2 days or more off your sanding project. That means you’ll save money and get a better outcome in the process – a total no-brainer. Do your project the smart way — pick up my guide today to learn how!
Cheers to your beautiful new floors,
Benjamin Osborne,
Professional floor refinisher
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Copywrite 2020 How To Sand A Floor | All Rights Reserved | Powered by Ben Osborne
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