#and the expectations stress came post disc finale its not a new thing at all
dwter · 2 years
He said that the jidion situation made his mental health pretty bad tho its solved off cam now but i imagine he was too stressed to do lore ontop of that stress the pressure of lore gets to him as well cuz expectations and such, he said that he thought talking about the stress would help him feel better but it didnt
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ohhhh i see thank u guys. but also im a bit confused on where this expectations of lore streams thing is coming from for this wilbur stream particularly 😭 bc i know he mentioned it in the tribute video, but it was worded like he had partially gotten over that and at the very least he HAS done lore since then. both very heavy and scripted lore (ccrime exile + dream confrontation stream) and more lh lore (cclingy detective stream with jack). i feel like im missing something again
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Reget For Mac
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Many authors have written eloquently at great length on the horrors of war. Ulsterman writes equally eloquently, but much more succinctly, on the same subject in 'Mac Walker's Regret,' a story that will stay with readers long after they finish it.
After you've chosen a name for the disk after it's erased, choose Mac OS Extended (Journaled) from the dropdown menu and click Erase. (If you want to encrypt your disc for extra security.
ReGet Junior is a download manager created especially for novices. You don't need to configure anything, the program will automatically detect settings for. Enter to Search.
By Bernadeen
A/N: Thanks for your reviews. Here's the last chapter.
Chapter 7
Harm continued to recover at an amazing rate. When Mac went to see him the next day, he was out of ICU. The following day he was sitting in a chair when she entered his room. They joked and flirted, almost like old times, but both knew a time would come to talk about this new closeness.
Two weeks later, the doctors told Harm he could be go home if someone was there to look after him. When the news was conveyed to Mattie, she immediately said she would stay out of school to take care of him. Harm made it clear that Mattie was not to miss school on his behalf. In the end, Mac was able to clear her schedule and persuade the admiral that she should be with Harm during the day. The doctors expected that Harm wouldn't need help for more than a week.
A routine was established wherein Mac arrived at Harm's just after breakfast. Coates would take Mattie to school while Mac took over 'Harm watch' for the day. Harm didn't really need physical help – it was mostly to ensure that he didn't overdo things, to pick up groceries or prescriptions since Harm wasn't allowed to drive yet, and to keep him from going stir crazy in his apartment.
At first, they were slightly awkward with each other, but Mac was determined that nothing would slow up Harm's recovery. Therefore, she was persistently cheerful and ready to help Harm in anything he needed, almost before he knew he needed it. In fact, it was Mac who sometimes felt a bit stir crazy since Harm's recovery included long naps during the day. She brought files with her so that she was able to feel productive both as a friend and as a lawyer.
Near the end of the week, Mac drove Harm to Bethesda for a follow up doctor's appointment. The doctor was pleased with Harm's progress. He no longer needed someone with him in his apartment. The doctor scheduled another appointment in a week, but expected that if Harm's recovery continued at the current pace, it was likely that Harm would be cleared for limited duty after that.
When Mac and Harm arrived back at Harm's apartment, both were in a thoughtful mood. Mac tried to sound cheerful as she said, 'Well, I guess my temporary assignment is finished. You'll be glad to have you privacy back, I expect.'
Reget For Mac Os
Harm gazed at her with sadness and longing. 'I was getting used to having you around… I liked it.'
Mac's almost made some flippant remark, but stopped herself in time. Instead, she thoughtfully returned his look. 'So did I,' she said honestly.
Harm stepped closer to Mac and raised his hand to touch her cheek. 'Mac, I don't want to go back to where we were before I got shot. I know we've both hurt each other a lot lately, but … can we just go on from here? … I don't want to lose your friendship again.'
At Harm's first words, Mac's heart began to race. Finally, they could be honest in their feelings. Then his last words dealt her a discouraging blow. He only wanted friendship. She hesitated a few seconds before responding, needing to control her disappointment. She wasn't quite successful as her voice trembled slightly. 'I don't want to lose your friendship either,' she agreed but didn't quite meet his eyes.
Instantly Harm knew he had made yet another mistake, but wasn't sure what it was. This time, though, he wasn't about to back down. 'Mac, talk to me. I know I just said something wrong, but I don't know what. I don't understand.'
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'No, you didn't,' Mac tried to speak convincingly. Harm didn't need the added stress of knowing how she felt and feeling guilty for not being able to return her love. Besides, her self-preservation was beginning to kick in. She continued with more confidence, 'I value your friendship more than you'll ever know, Harm.' Then she grinned. 'And I'm looking forward to kicking your butt in court again.'
'Oh, no, you don't. You're not getting away with that diversionary tactic this time. Tell me why you looked so sad just then. Please?' Harm's instincts told him they needed to be honest with each other now or it might never happen.
Mac sighed and turned away from him. She paced across the room, turned back and stopped a few feet away, as she gathered her strength around her. Drawing a deep breath, she took the plunge, 'I was sad because you only want my friendship while I … I want your … love.'
Harm could hardly believe Mac's words. His heart began to beat harder and faster, causing a dull pain in his still healing chest. When, by reflex, he brought his arm up to cover his chest and went slightly pale, Mac felt a stab of terror and instantly regretted her words.
'Harm .. Harm, are you all right?' She moved quickly to take his arm and lead him the couch. 'God, I knew this wasn't the right time to get into that discussion. I am so sorry.' She sank down beside him, slipping an arm around his waist.
Harm was slightly short of breath, more from excitement than from any pain. 'Mac, I'm fine. You just caught me off guard.' He turned to her and again lifted his fingers to her face. His voice was like a soft caress, 'you have my love, Sarah, don't you know that? You've had it for very long time.'
Mac could only stare. No words would form in her brain so she simply leaned forward, sliding both arms around Harm and holding him tight. His strong arms answered her embrace. They just held each other as both of them soaked up the new feeling of knowing each was loved. After a few minutes they drew back far enough to confirm the knowledge as they saw the love and longing in their gaze. Almost reverently they shared their first kiss as lovers, a kiss that quickly became urgent with need. Mac's lips parted as she invited Harm's tongue to explore, then she took her turn tasting and caressing. As their embrace escalated and threatened to become out of control, Mac finally drew back. 'Harm, slow down. I don't want you to overdo things. You're still recovering.'
Drawing a deep, calming breath, Harm loosened his embrace. 'The way I feel now, I'd chance it, but you're probably right. I love you and I've waited a long time for you. I don't want to wait a second longer than necessary, so the sooner I'm healed, the sooner we can continue this, right?'
Mac smiled shyly, 'I love you, too.' Her smile became more sly. 'And we can practice a little more each day, just to build your strength.' As she gazed into his eyes, her smile faded and she became more pensive. 'When I thought I was going to lose you, I didn't know how I would live without you. You've been in danger so many times, and each time I've been terrified. But afterward I could never bring myself to tell you how I felt. I thought you only wanted to be friends. And I wanted so much more. That night as I waited to learn whether you would live, I had so many regrets – regrets for a lost friendship, regrets for not trying again to tell you how I felt, regrets for the promise of a baby that might never be conceived, regrets for so many lost opportunities. We've waited so long and we still have some things to work out, but this is it, isn't it, Harm? .. what we've both always wanted? '
Harm drew Mac back into a strong embrace as he answered, 'Yes, my love. This is it.' And he proceeded to show Mac a glimpse of their future.
Post #1,000 on this blog. Fitting that it’s Python nerd shit, huh?
I needed a way to search for MAC addresses, which are unique identifiers for networking hardware. For example, if your computer has a built-in Ethernet port, as well as wireless capability, then it has 2 MAC addresses. These are always 6 groups of 2 hexadecimal characters (0 through 9, and A through F). E.g., a valid MAC address would be: 01:98:DF:9E:10:37. Theoretically, every MAC address on every computer in the world will be unique, as the naming scheme provides over 281 trillion possible combinations (281,474,976,710,656).
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Canonically these groups of 2 hex digits are separated by a colon, but many people record them with hyphens instead. So I needed to search for this particular pattern of characters amid a potentially-vast amount of text. Enter regular expressions (which I totally suck at using).
The regex I came up with is:
Going through it, piece by piece: [a-fA-F0-9] = find any character A-F, upper and lower case, as well as any number [a-fA-F0-9]{2} = find that twice in a row [a-fA-F0-9]{2}[:|-] = followed by either a “:” or a “-” character (the backslash escapes the hyphen, since the hyphen itself is a valid metacharacter for that type of expression; this tells the regex to look for the hyphen character, and ignore its role as an operator in this piece of the expression) [a-fA-F0-9]{2}[:|-]? = make that final “:” or “-” character optional; since the last pair of characters won’t be followed by anything, and we want them to be included, too; that’s a chunk of 2 or 3 characters, so far ([a-fA-F0-9]{2}[:|-]?){6} = find this type of chunk 6 times in a row
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Let’s give it a shot.
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First, a list of strings… e.g., a row from a comma-delimited file (returned via the csv module):
Run it:
Reset For Macbook
Next, a string:
Run it:
Reget For Macbook
Fuckin’ bickety-bam, the whole stage comes crashing down.
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itsworn · 6 years
A CNC Designed, Off-The-Shelf Custom Chassis for 1973-1987 C10s
When I first met Phil, Neal, and Jeremy Gerber back in the early aughts, the guys were still cutting their teeth in a small shop in Elgin, Illinois, building chassis for many an early Ford, among others. Fast-forward some 15 years and the guys have grown their little shop into one of the biggest in the business with a laundry list of accolades to boot. Yet while the business grew and the shop got larger, they didn’t simply set their sights on continuing the expansion within their existing catalog. Instead they concentrated on integrating advanced technology to both their manufacturing and engineering sides of the business in order to not only improve upon their existing line but to also grow into segments where their business had not once existed. Gone are the days where chassis are fabricated using multiple sheets cut from templates to create boxed framerails and the like. Today, Roadster Shop uses CNC-based technologies to design and manufacture chassis that are lighter, stronger, and easier to assemble than those of the past. This allows the crew to design a chassis with a specific goal in mind, as opposed to having to modify an existing design to do something which it was never meant to do. But more importantly, this streamlined approach to frame manufacturing results in a lower cost product without sacrifice.
Enter Roadster Shop’s new SPEC-series chassis. Using the aforementioned latest techniques in manufacturing, the SPEC-series chassis are assembled using Roadster Shop’s exclusive CNC laser cut framerails contoured and joined using a series of interlocking keys and slots that, once formed to shape, ensure proper alignment of the frame sections and provide for a consistent welding gap. This procedure not only speeds up manufacturing but results in a stronger, lighter chassis with no kinks, bends, or stressed areas that are prone to flex.
But Roadster Shop’s engineering department didn’t stop there. As we mentioned before, the guys had a particular goal in mind when it came time to design a new C10 chassis and that goal was to get things low. And yet while a pair of dropped spindles and shocks, a couple lowering blocks, or a set of airbags could have done the trick, the boys know all too well that those results often leave other, less desirable results to linger. Lowering a stock-style chassis can result in a ride height where the suspension components were not originally designed to function, putting increased stress on items such as ball joints, shock mounts, and tie rods. Bumpsteer and incorrect camber and alignment situations are also common problems on extremely low applications. The crew was well aware of this, designing the one-off IFS and rear suspension system of their SPEC chassis for the ultralow crowd. With stepped framerails, front and rear, Roadster Shop designed their new SPEC chassis for an aggressive 4.5/5-inch raked ride height, whether equipped with airbags or coilover springs. Equipped with ride height adjustable airbags, this allows the chassis to lay rocker, putting the pinch weld of the truck’s body literally in the weeds.
With the height requirements set in stone, or rather programmed into their CAD program, the engineers at Roadster Shop set out to design a double-wishbone IFS setup using in-house fabricated upper and lower control arms mated to Wilwood Pro Spindles. Eccentric adjusters are utilized on the upper control arms to make alignment adjustments quick, easy, and accurate. Sprung options include an airbag setup or a more traditional coilover shock. A front-mounted power rack-and-pinion and aggressive sway bar ensures the function of the front end reflects the form. Out back, a parallel four-bar setup is utilized, mated to a 9-inch Ford rearend housing. Both upper and lower four-bars are poly bushed, while the heavy-duty lower four-bar features eccentric mounting to make wheelbase and pinion angle adjustments quick, easy, and accurate, just like the front upper control arms. And like the front suspension, the guys designed the rear to perform just as well as it looked, with the allowance of a 12-inch-wide wheel equipped with a 345-series rear tire.
If all of this sounds good to you, we thought the same when the time came to start daydreaming our latest 1980 Chevy C10 build into existence. We knew we wanted to build something that could put those high and mighty muscle car guys in check and that it would require more might than, well, muscle. While the Supercharged LT1 we had hidden away in the tech center should be more than enough to power our square-body, we wanted to be certain that the backbone of our C10 could effectively put the power to the pavement. Given the background on what Roadster Shop guys put together in the form of their SPEC-series chassis, I’m feeling pretty confident that it will live up to our every expectation.
Here’s Roadster Shop co-owner Phil Gerber’s square-body sitting on its rockers, evidence of how low their SPEC chassis is spec’d to sit when equipped with an airbag setup at all four corners.
Stripped to the bare essentials, the details of Gerber’s chassis emerge. Note the kickup in the framerails, which combined with the airbag suspension, allows the truck to lay the rockers in the weeds, if so desired.
This illustration shows in detail the articulation of the suspension components at ride height versus fully compressed.
Our SPEC chassis, fresh from a bath in the powdercoating booth at Eddie Motorsports, is ready for final assembly. While Gerber’s chassis was equipped with airbags to get it down low, we opted to go with a coilover setup to keep things simple. Even so, the geometry of the SPEC chassis is good for a 4.5/5-inch final ride height.
After installing the Polyurethane bushings and pressing in the Moog ball joints, the control arms are ready to be bolted up to the chassis. First, the lower control arm is slid in place. Note the boxed design, which reduces flex and provides a solid foundation for the coilover shock to mount.
The upper control arm is another fabricated piece, though of a more industry standard tubular design, and mounts via two eccentric fasteners, designed to make alignment adjustments quick, easy, and accurate.
A Wilwood Pro Spindle comes as standard fare on all Roadster Shop SPEC series chassis, giving the end user a variety of options for brake components.
With the coilover shock and spindle in place and buttoned down, the front end is starting to come together.
Out back, the upper and lower parallel four-bars are installed on their brackets and torqued to spec. Note the beefy lower four-bars and the triangulated design of the system, which negates the need for a Panhard rod to keep the rearend centered.
Roadster Shop ships their SPEC chassis with a 9-inch Ford rearend housing and a pair of 31-spline axles. All that’s necessary to finish the rearend appointments are a ring-and-pinion, differential, yoke, and third-member housing.
We ordered an assembled third-member from Summit Racing (PN CUR-9TT370S) to fill our empty housing. One of the reasons the 9-inch Ford rearend is so popular in the aftermarket is the fact that the third-member can be removed and installed as a complete unit. This makes installation easy since the pinion preload, backlash, and torque have all been prefigured. We opted for a 3.70:1 gear ratio since we anticipate running an overdrive trans in our C10 mated to an Eaton Detroit Truetrac differential. The Truetrac is a helical-gear style performance differential that maximizes wheel traction by operating as a standard or open differential under normal driving conditions, allowing one wheel to spin faster or slower as necessary. This allows it to operate as an open differential until a loss of traction scenario occurs, in which the helical-shaped gears transfer the torque to the high traction wheel. These gears mesh with increasing force until the wheel spin is eliminated. This operation is smooth, quiet, and automatic with no wearable parts and no required maintenance, unlike posi units of the past.
With the rearend partially assembled, all that’s left is to slide the 31-spline axles in place. We’re going to wait on that until next month when we install the big Baer disc brakes at all four corners as the e-brake/caliper brackets retain the axles. This angle shows the double-adjustable AFCO shock and the eccentric adjuster that the lower four-bar utilizes, which allows for quick, easy, and accurate wheelbase and pinion angle adjustments to be made.
We couldn’t wait to get the chassis rolling, so we skipped ahead and installed the 14-inch Baer disc brakes and slapped on a set of rollers to see how the chassis looked on the ground. Note the beefy front sway bar and front-mounted power rack-and-pinion unit. We’ll take a closer look at the brakes next month, for now consider this a teaser of things to come.
The post A CNC Designed, Off-The-Shelf Custom Chassis for 1973-1987 C10s appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network http://www.hotrod.com/articles/cnc-designed-off-shelf-custom-chassis-1973-1987-c10s/ via IFTTT
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