#and the enfj guy is the same as in the first version of this post that i wrote 5 years ago
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The types as strangers I wish I had known (version 4)
Previous versions: One, two, three
INTJ: She was the first person to show me kindness in a new place. Moving across the country all alone in the middle of a pandemic is not exactly the ideal start of your first real job. So she took it all on herself to take me by the hand, to organise all the things that I had no clue about. She gave me a little tour around the workplace, recommended me places to eat once the pandemic is over, asked me about how I was settling in, remembered little things I mentioned. She was the only person not working from home when I first arrived and so it was just the two of us. She was quiet and reserved as most people here seem to be, and she was awkward in every way when interacting with me. But she tried so hard and maybe it’s just me projecting, but she said her son was in the very same situation as me right now, and it felt like she tried to help me in the way she couldn’t help her son, like she wanted to take me under her wing, but not make it awkward, and then actually making it slightly awkward in doing so. Her heart just felt warm and so did mine when I said thank you.
ENTJ: Everyone knows the classic character of a self-righteous doctor in a hospital show. You know that one. The one that everyone thinks may be hard-working and clever, but heartless and uncaring and egocentric, but a few episodes down the line you start to see that there is more going on underneath the rude attitude. I’ve always believed this to be a stereotypical depiction that is more of a caricature until I met her. She was a doctor at a hospital I stayed in, and damn, she was just like that. She stormed into the rooms, rolled her eyes at a patient whose German was bad, even though she had a thick accent herself, couldn’t be bothered to commit to polite standards of communication like saying hello or thanks, and she didn’t care to wait for just a second when a nurse was in her way and pushed her aside instead. Especially two young nurses were exasperated with her and complained about her as soon as she stormed out of the room. They really made me feel like I had gotten myself into a hospital show as a patient, it was fantastic. And I have to say, even though this young doctor had all of these flaws, she was the only one that actually talked to the patients and explained what was going on, hell she even talked to that woman’s daughter on the phone for a few minutes because the woman didn’t understand the language. Just like on tv, she may have been rude, but at least she seemed like a good doctor.
INTP: My university department held a conference and I was responsible for making sure that all these professors and PhD students didn’t die from their coffee cravings, so I spent most of my time running around with giant coffee cans. And I have to admit, among all the scientists that were roaming the halls, I couldn’t help but stare at him. He was a PhD student from the Netherlands and there was just something about him that did not fit in. You know how professors are often a bit eccentric or strange by normal standards (which explains why we had to explain to an unspeakable amount of them how a coffee can works), so you’d imagine he’d fit right in. But he didn’t. He was his own universe. While everyone was networking, he was studying the research posters in silence. Not because he was too shy, he seemed very comfortable in his own skin. He just didn’t seem to care all that much about other people. I got to listen to a few talks and as he sat in front of me, I saw him play a video game. At an international conference. With professors and colleagues sitting behind him. And he still managed to ask intelligent questions about the talk afterwards. No idea how. Part of me wished I could have talked to him, not because he was cute though he was, but rather because I really could not tell you what kind of person he was. Was he a good person? A bad one? Probably something in-between. But I don’t think my opinion would have fazed him all that much, since to me, he seemed like the kind of person that valued his own opinion on himself the most, and I think that’s a good thing that he’s got there.
ENTP: I had just moved to a different city in a completely different part of the country, and I had just gotten back from my first walk around town. Sounds exciting, but I got back to this unfamiliar flat that I was supposed to call home now and I was panicking. So I stepped out on the balcony hoping the cold air and the stars above could calm my nerves. But it wasn‘t them that did. I stood there in the dark and saw an elderly couple in the parking lot. The woman was in a very similar mental state as me. She was running around their car and was talking about all the things they still had to take care of and things they‘d need, but had forgotten, and her voice got higher and shakier with every word. And then her husband just went and hugged her. She kissed him goodbye three times and every time she did, he let out a little laugh, calm and gentle. He pat her on the back and said that everything was going to be okay, that they would see each other again tomorrow. She kissed him goodbye one last time before she drove away, and I stood there alone in the dark and thanked the universe that I was there at the right time to hear this old man‘s words. For some reason he always seems to appear every time I‘m feeling low and strikes up a little chat with me. And every time he leaves, I have already forgotten what I was sad about.
INFJ: I think everyone pursuing an academic career has this one hero, this one scientist that lit the spark in their heart to dedicate their life to science just like them. I know I have one. So when I started an internship at his lab with one of his colleagues, I didn‘t really expect to meet him. I had seen him around once in a while, yes, but who was I to approach a stranger to tell him what his work meant to me? But then came the plenary meeting that was meant to get more people of the lab to get to know one another - and he approached me. He sat down next to me, asked me about my academic past and future, asked about my current project with his colleague. And I still can‘t believe it. Only a little girl singing in the church choir who is suddenly approached by Beyoncé can hope to imagine what it felt like. He was an internationally renowned scientist, he would have had every reason to look down on the rest of us. Many of them certainly do. But here he was, talking to a little intern from abroad. He was such a genuinely nice person, was sweet and slightly awkward, he even mirrored my weird head nodding that I always do when all the words have left me. He felt like a kindred spirit. I didn‘t tell him what these few minutes talking to him meant to me though part of me wishes that I did, yet still he invited me to the meetings of his research team even though I was not a part of it. And when I came and sat down, he turned around, smiled at me and turned away again, and I can‘t tell you how insane it feels that all of this actually happened.
ENFJ: I’ve written about him before and I will write about him forever. I remember the day our eyes first met in that crowded school corridor almost half of my life ago. I don’t know why neither of us could look away that day, why neither of us could ever look away again from this day on. Somehow our eyes always found each other. I remember the snowy day at the train station so many years later, how he stood there alone in the cold and how he slowly walked towards me, his eyes glued to his feet that abruptly stopped right next to mine. And yet he stayed silent. As did I. So we stood there for an hour waiting for our train, quickly averting our eyes every time they came close to meeting. I remember him looking back at me over his shoulder once we got off the train. He seemed quite flustered that I was about to find out that he had parked his car right next to mine and so he fled. Both of us kept parking our cars next to each other, even when we didn’t see each other for months. But I could never follow him out. He was my own personal mystery. I spent countless nights staring at the ceiling wondering what it was, this strange thing that was going on between us, this little secret that we shared, and I wondered who he really was inside, not who he pretended to be in front of his friends. He was like an island in their midst, always a bit detached, always tucked away behind a smile. Soon twelve years will have passed and still we’ve never spoken a word, but somehow these dark brown eyes still feel more familiar than my own, these eyes that always seemed to look right into my soul. I could have stared at them my whole life. I honestly have no idea what it is that is tying me to him, what it is that I felt back then and what I’m feeling right now. Maybe I’ll never know. I haven’t seen him in three years, but I know our paths will cross again some day. I can feel it in my bones. This story is not over yet. Maybe then we’ll finally be ready to meet properly. Maybe then we’ll finally be able to speak.
INFP: I happened to stand at the window when I saw the new postman approach our letterbox, and so I watched him throw letters and magazines inside - and stop. He moved his head closer to the box and a frown appeared on his face. He backed off, wanted to leave, came back again and didn’t seem to know what he was supposed to do. So he rang the doorbell. As I opened the door, there he was, shy and with slight panic in his eyes. “I’m so sorry”, he said. “There is a sign on your letterbox that you don’t want advertisements, but I saw that too late and I had already thrown it in. I’m terribly sorry. I can’t get it out of the box and so I thought, I should ask if that’s alright.” And my heart just went awwww, that’s adorable. I smiled at him and told him that it was absolutely fine. He seemed so relieved. So he went away and I closed the door.
ENFP: This is for the man with the kind, but heartbreakingly sad eyes who sometimes sits in front of the train station silently begging for money. This is for the grandparents who spent their train ride trying to teach their little grandchildren the numbers from one to five. This is for the old woman who always kneels down in the middle of the train station with her forehead pressed to the ground, keeping still for hours, enduring the devastation of thousands of people passing by without stopping. This is for the woman who knelt down next to a homeless man, who took his hand and asked how she could help him. This is for the man who made faces at the little boy sitting next to him on the train to make him laugh. This is for the anger I felt when I saw the distraught face of a 10-year-old boy coming out of the movie „1917“ at the cinema with his father. This is for the happy little puppy who lives next to the bakery where I usually grab my lunch. This is for the twenty people who decided to all speak a foreign language during a meeting with each other just because I was there too, a total stranger they had never even seen before who is bad at their native language. This is for the creep that asked me in the middle of the street at night to accompany him. This is for the two teenagers who went to buy sandwiches and coffee for a homeless woman. This is for the families I often see sitting at the train stations, sometimes with a baby in their arms, holding a sign saying „Syrian family. We are hungry, help us please.“ This is for the man who yelled at his girlfriend because she gave them some money. This is for the people who play music during everyone‘s morning commute on the train. This is for all the people who approached me speaking in French and started to laugh when I apologised for not being very good at it. This is for Paris, in all its beauty and all its ugliness. This is for humanity, in all its beauty and ugliness.
ISTJ: He was sitting alone on the train, looking out of the window while listening to something with headphones. He was a tall guy in his mid-20s, one with a full beard, long brown hair in a neat ponytail, and a t-shirt of some rock band that I had never heard of. So, I was sitting there, three meters away, minding my own business, when I suddenly heard a giggle. The entire car of the train had been quiet all this time as it usually is, so I looked up and saw this guy trying to contain his laughter. He pressed the lips together, scratched his nose in order to inconspicuously cover his mouth. I don’t know where this sudden burst of laughter came from. Maybe he was listening to an audio book and reached a funny part. Maybe he was listening to a voice message of a funny friend. Maybe he just had a very amusing thought, I don’t know. But I’ve always had a soft spot for people who randomly start laughing in public and get embarrassed about it cause it’s always, always adorable.
ESTJ: She was a PhD student at my university and she was the one who mainly organised the conference that the above mentioned INTP was attending, too. And even though she didn‘t get tired of complaining about how much work this all was, how typical it was of her boss to volunteer to hold the conference at our university and then not lifting a single finger, she was like a fish in the water, not out of it. She observed everything and everyone, immediately recognised little problems or things that could become a problem, she was constantly running around checking everything, and she kept so many things in mind, it was impressive. One of the attendees sat in a wheelchair and as soon as she noticed, she made us rebuild the entire cafeteria immediately so that everything was reachable for her. And in all the running around, all the obligatory smalltalk, all the stress, she still found the time to stand with us student helpers and joke around.
ISFJ: It was 6pm on a Friday afternoon when all of Paris was trying to get home in the middle of a train strike, so the trains that did run were even more crowded than usual. I did not enjoy sharing 5 square metres with almost 40 other people. But then he entered the train and stood right next to me, leaning against the doors without moving, looking like an intellectual in gangster clothes. We were surrounded by noise of people talking and of rails screaming, by strangers breathing onto our skin, and he just stood there unfazed by it all. He radiated calmness like I‘ve never seen anyone do before. Soon it reached me too, filled me up and left no place for any distress or anxiety. He was like an island in the storm that grew and grew and grew until all of the 40 people around him were safe. I felt safe. I don‘t think he has even the faintest clue about how special he is, but I feel like it has been a privilege to have crossed paths with him.
ESFJ: Did you ever meet someone who, on first glance, looks like the perfect example of a jock, just a short guy with bigger arms than he’s tall? But then you look again, take a closer look at him and you realise that his face has goodness written all over it. He may be horribly bad at grammar for a linguistics student and he may be a bit too sensitive for his own good, but he never made it a secret of how much of a sweetheart he really is. And in situations like these, when he talks about how emotional he got as a tutor when his student told him about a dying grandfather because he felt responsible for the student’s wellbeing, in situations like these, when he approaches my friend after a class to apologise for his harsh criticism of her presentation and to tell her that he didn’t mean it that way, to which she gets all confused because she didn’t take the slightest offence to anything he has ever said in his entire life and he mumbles that he may have to stop beating himself up about stuff like this, I just want to give him a hug and never let go.
ISTP: I saw her on the metro during rush hour in Paris, and I immediately noticed her to be different. Everyone else always only stares at their phones or into space, everyone else always look like a tired zombie. She was not a zombie. She was leaning against the doors, shaking her leg in the rhythm of the music she was listening to. She was short and skinny, and not even her punk boots could hide that, but there was such a confidence shining out of her, a confidence in who she was that made her look like a giant. She looked like she‘s probably had it rather rough in life, but it didn‘t break her. She rose to the adversity, rose in spite of it all. She seemed to be capable of so many things. Intelligent enough to go into science if she ever wanted to, vicious enough to end someone who ever dared to cross her, warm enough to love deeply and with all her heart if she let it.
ESTP: It was a hot day and far hotter than a September afternoon ever should be. I was stuck in a traffic jam in the city, melting in my car as were so many others, waiting for that red light to finally turn green. And then he came, a young guy in an ugly shirt and with a hat on his head. He started to cross the street, but then stopped right there in the middle. And he started to juggle. In the middle of a traffic jam on a Friday afternoon, he juggled. Just before his green light turned to red, he bowed down to the cars a few times, and then jumped to the sidewalk and left. Thanks, mate, you enigmatic juggling traffic hero.
ISFP: I met him at a wedding. He was a bald man in his 70s with thick horn glasses and probably the most intimidating person I’ve ever met. Not because he was mean, but because he was so confident in himself and so observant. His gaze constantly changed direction. He took everything in that happened around him, he didn’t miss a single thing that was going on, and still he was calm and sure of himself that everyone at our table felt like they had to impress him in some way. Just by looking at him you knew he must have lived an extraordinary life and he really did. He liked talking about himself. He talked about living in the American desert, on a mediterranean island, in a Buddhist monastery, and on a cruise ship. He talked about the smell of the desert at night, about the taste of oranges picked from a tree. He talked about the people he met, about professors and musicians, about cooks and monks. He talked about how much his village loved him. But he also liked listening to others talk about their own lives. It was obvious that he treated life as an experience, as a journey that cannot be planned or imagined, only lived. When we said goodbye, he looked me right in the eye and told me that he thinks it’s great what I’m doing with my life and that he’s looking forward to meeting me again some day. It felt a bit like receiving praise from a deity.
ESFP: He was a nurse in the accident and emergency department at the hospital and the first person to talk to me while I was waiting in front of an examination room. He was only passing by with a colleague, but he stopped the conversation when he saw me and put his hand on my shoulder. “Aw, sugarmouse, what happened to you?”, was the first thing he said to me. You know, if an unknown man in his 50s is coming towards you and calls you “sugarmouse”, you’re usually not exactly happy, but he was just an overwhelmingly non-threatening guy that called all of the nurses and doctors by kitschy nicknames and radiated warmth wherever he went. He had noticed that I was nervous, and so he came to me and tried to gently put my mind at ease and I was really grateful for it.
#writing this took 3 years#nothing happens during a pandemic but all the more important this kind of testimony to these people feels to me#esfj has actually become a friend of mine by now#isfp is part of my family now since it was his brother's and my mother's wedding#and the enfj guy is the same as in the first version of this post that i wrote 5 years ago#i don't know where he is now or what he's doing but i really hope that his life is filled with love and happiness#i just think it's strange that after graduating i never saw 98% of the people i went to school with again#but the two people i did meet again dozens of times? were enfj and his little brother#sometimes it felt like a conspiracy of the universe and we were just too stupid#every time i think about how we had eye contact while driving past each other twice i think i‘m going insane#mbti#myers-briggs#types as#strangers i wish i had known#intj#entj#intp#entp#infj#enfj#infp#enfp#istj#estj#isfj#esfj#istp#estp#isfp#esfp
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HPHM character profile
Name: Verna Aelia Malinda
Gender: cis female
Age: Depends on the timeline
Birth Date: December 15th, 1972 (Sagittarius)
Species: Human witch
Blood Status: Half-blood but thought to be pureblood by the Wizarding community.
Sexuality: Lesbian
Alignment: Chaotic good
Ethnicity: Mixed (black mother, mixed father)
Nationality: British
Residence: The Malinda Manor, somewhere in the English countryside
Myer Briggs Personality Type: The Protagonist (ENFJ)
The Mage
1st Wand: Hornbeam, 11 inches, dragon heartstring, unyielding
2nd Wand: Ebony, 11 ¼ inches, dragon heartstring, unyielding
Animagus: Calico cat
Misc Magical Abilities: -
Boggart Form: Evil!Jacob turning against her.
Riddikulus Form: Evil!Jacob transforms into a tiny, angry kitten.
Amortentia: (What do they smell like?)
Fleetwood's High-Finish Broom Handle Polish
Caramel apples
The orchard behind her childhood home
Amortentia: (What do they smell?)
Old books
Patronus: Calico cat (same as animagus form)
Patronus Memory: A summer day at the Malinda manor when Verna was young, Jacob is teaching her to fly while her parents watch from the sidelines, happy and carefree.
Mirror of Erised: Her family back together again, everyone is safe and content.
Specialized/Favourite Spells: Depulso (the banishing charm), Incendio (the fire-making spell)

(I don’t really 100% vibe with her in-game appearence since the hair selection for natural hair is not the best but I make do.)
Height: 5′10 (178cm)
Weight: like normal weight for an athletic girl that tall ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Physique: Athletic
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Black
Skin Tone: Brown with warm undertones
Body Modifications: Earrings, nose ring (6th year onwards), a few tattoos as an adult
Scarring: -
Inventory: Wand, Merula’s gift necklace (5th year onwards), some cat treats for Osborn, random old homework and other pieces of parchment discarded at the bottom of her bag at all times, a bag of apple rings (her favourite sweets).

It’s 1984-1991 and I want jam city to let it show in their quest reward items!!!
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Ilvermorny House: I don’t really vibe with Ilvermony so I have no idea xD
Affiliations/Organizations: Gryffindor house. Gryffindor quidditch team, Malinda family, Circle of Khanna, The Order of Phoenix
Professions: Worked as a Defence Against Dark Arts substitute teacher for a year shortly after Hogwarts, trained to be an auror for a while but dropped out due to disagreements with Ministry policy
Hogwarts Information
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: A
Charms: O
Herbology: A
History of Magic: P
Potions: A
Transfiguration: E
Care of Magical Creatures: E
Muggle Studies: E
Verna is the chaser of her house’s quidditch team for most of her Hogwarts career.
Extra-Curricular: Duelling club, Dragon club
Favourite Professors: Minerva McConagall
Least Favourite Professors: Severus Snape, Patricia Rakepick
Brother: Jacob Aurelius Malinda
Growing up, Jacob was Verna’s hero. He is five years older than Verna but nevertheless they spent a great deal of time together as children, Jacob often babysitting his sister. Although he was never as much into Quidditch as Verna, he would spend hours teaching her to fly and even take her to watch matches a few years before his disappearance.
Although otherwise short-tempered and rash, Jacob had endless amounts of patience for Verna. With very absent parents, Jacob all but raised Verna from a young age and Verna trusted him to look after her more than their parents, which is why it was shocking to her when he disappeared without a word.
Father: Mervyn Malinda
The sole heir to the Malinda estate, Mervyn is an important character within the Wizard society. However, what the general public doesn’t know, is that he is, in fact, an illegitimate child with a muggle mother. This has been kept secret by his grandmother, father, and step-mother throughout his whole life. The only other person to know the truth since his birthmother’s passing is Juniper, his wife.
Mervyn works as the Head of The Department of Magical Transportation. He is not a very affectionate father, but he tries his best to support his children. Mervyn used to be a Gryffindor.
Mother: Juniper Malinda, née Raeburn
A prominent witch from the pureblood Raeburn family, Juniper married Mervyn Malinda out of love. She is a little eccentric and spends a lot of time working on her potions. For a time, the Malindas had a relatively peaceful life with their two children, up until Jacob went missing. After that, Juniper and Mervyn grew distant and started to argue a lot.
Juniper works as a potioneer and values learning, diligence, and holding onto what you believe. She used to be a Ravenclaw.
Love Interest: Merula Snyde
Verna and Merula start out as rivals but due to having to work together during their search for the cursed vaults, they are forced to spend time together. Both start to develop a crush on the other but are in complete and utter denial about it. Verna is the one to realize her feelings first, and she starts to antagonize Merula just to have tension-filled moments with her, which is a completely normal and rational approach to letting your crush know you like them.
Merula and Verna date in school and a while after it but eventually break up in the turmoils of the war. Depending on the version, they might end up together later on though.
(also, as a sidenote, i headcanon merula as like, really short so this dynamic is so much fun when verna is TALL)
Best Friend: Charlie Weasley
They both like Quidditch and are complete dorks. Worst pair of prefects Gryffindor has ever seen, totally incompetent at their job.
(Is this me projecting my love for Charlie into my OC? Absolutely yes and I have no regrets.)
Rivals: Merula Snyde, Patricia Rakepick
Enemy: Voldemort, R
Dormmates: Rowan Khanna, Skye Parkin, Eloise Montague, and Yasmin Wakefield (the last two are my ocs just to fill the dorm for my fic but these spots are up for grabs if anyone wants to be dormmates!)
Pets: A black cat called Osborn
Closest Canon Friends: Charlie Weasley, Rowan Khanna, Ben Copper
Closest MC Friends:
Farrow Raeburn @threeon1match
Verna’s cousin from her mother’s side of the family. He is a year younger than Verna and in Slytherin. They are nevertheless close, and Farrow has a huuuge crush on Verna’s cool, dragon-loving friend Charlie.
Pre Hogwarts:
Verna had a wealthy childhood in the countryside at the Malinda manor. She had a close friendship with her older brother who taught her to fly her first broom. Verna had a keen interest in learning spells even at a young age, and her parents would often find her using magic before she was allowed to (often with disastrous consequences). The year Verna was meant to start her studies at Hogwarts, her brother went missing and her mother became very distant, while her father acted as if nothing was wrong. Verna became determined to find and rescue her brother.
Hogwarts Years:
If I would get around to publishing my fic maybe you guys would find out!! But the basic skeleton of the storyline follows the game’s events, just modified to suit a different medium and sans all the dumb stuff!!
Order of the Phoenix / 2nd Wizarding War:
Verna works as a substitute teacher in Hogwarts for a year, after which she trains to become an auror. However, she doesn’t like the way things are run at the Ministry, so she quits and moves home to the Manor for a while, trying to figure out what to do with her life. Before she can come to any conclusions though, the Second Wizarding War starts to pick up speed and the secrets her family has kept all these years transform from dangerous to fatal. Verna is recruited into the Order of the Phoenix by her old friend Bill Weasley.
Verna reunites with many of her old friends from school while working in the Order. Her father is killed during the war and her relationship with her mother goes through a lot of turmoil.
Her ultimate fate is not set in stone and in some versions she dies during the war and in others she makes it.
Depends on whether she survives or not. If Verna lives, she will eventually find her path to a teaching position at Hogwarts OR a curse-breaking job with the (much-changed) Ministry.
She also reconciles with her ex Merula, and the two of them get together.
Positive attributes: caring, brave, selfless, confident, passionate, protective, resourceful. Negative attributes: impatient, impulsive, stubborn, cocky, reckless, competitive, short-tempered.
if you made it this far, wow! congrats! thank you!!!! i love you forever!!!
#hphm#hogwarts mystery#hogwarts mystery mc#jacob's sibling#*mine#verna malinda#i have been sitting on this post literally for fuckkfkging ever#i read some amazing profiles by awesome people today and finally got the motivation to finish this!!#*hits post and immediately runs and hides under a rock for a week*
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(jaehyun’s) ESTP as a person😘 pt. 3
DISCLAIMER: This post is in no way trying to describe how Jaehyun is in real life, or to tell what his likes and dislikes are. This post indicates on ESTP’s traits, how they think, what they like and what they don’t like, what they usually do in general. Although, I might try to make insinuations here and there, but that’s just it, an insinuation.
Click here to read pt. 1
Click here to read pt. 2
Click here to read my analysis on Jaehyun’s MBTI
Hey, y’all!!! I’m backkkk. As I said in the last post, I’ll be writing about ESTP’s love language. There are a few references on this, and some are different than the others, so I’m just gonna try to pick the ones that probably suit us the most. Without further ado.....
So, in general there are five love languages:
Acts of Service
Words of Affirmation
Quality Time
Physical Touch
I found a couple of sources that state the ESTPs love sign, and there were different versions of it. But I feel like this one is the one that is closest to what I feel ESTP is like
(source: thoughtcatalog.com)
Now, I’m gonna try to explain one by one and try to rank it based on which one I think we would most likely do to the ones that we care.
ESTP, being the ever so present type, we love to do things in action. That being said, spending time with our significant others is always a number one for us. ESTP will take you out to do things with us, it could be as simple as a walk together in a park, or even travelling together. We love to share life experiences with our partner, because we want them to feel the excitement that we feel when we do something. I feel like long distance relationship would be hard for us? I’ve never been in one actually, but I feel like we would always have the need to see each other, or else we would be occupied with the side of the world that we’re currently in, and in turn start to forget about the other side of the world? Because we’re very present, and it’s kinda hard for us to dwell on things that’s not in front of our eyes. Anyways, that’s just my analysis though. Let me know if you’re an ESTP and you’ve been in a long distance relationship.
So, if an ESTP is constantly bugging you to go somewhere with them, just know that you mean something to them. Trust me, we don’t like wasting our time with people we don’t want to hang out with, we’d rather stay home and do something else altogether (lol).
I’d like to share one of my kinda funny experience. So I was interested in this INTJ guy one time. At that time, I was already into MBTI but I was still learning a few things and I absolutely didn’t know what INTJs were like. Turns out, they’re like probably one of the most introverted types. Whereas me, I was like 95% extroverted. So, my kind of date was like going to the movies, shopping at the mall, etc. And I was the one who was always initiating it, like, hey, let’s go out tomorrow. And by the end of the day, I was like, what are you doing tomorrow? Are you free? Let’s catch this movie. And by the SECOND date, he was like, “Don’t you ever get tired? I’m actually tired from just keeping up with you.” HE LITTERALLY SAID THAT. And he literally got sick the next day. I’m not saying that he got sick becasue of me... BUt... maybe, tho? This is like soooooo funny once I read about INTJs, becasue they’re almost like the polar opposite of ESTP. SHOUT OUT TO INTJs OUT THERE! Y’all are intellectuals! (That dude is like a genius and a psychic I swear)
Contrary to the chart above, I feel like this type comes second to quality time. Touching, for me at least, kinda shows affections. It doesn’t necessarily have to be sexual, just a simple pinching your cheeks, or caressing your hand casually. Those simple things, coming from us, shows that you mean something to us. We are not good with words (again, because FE is our third function), so we refer to touches to convey our feelings.
Sometimes, though, it also means that we enjoy being around you. Like an affirmation that ‘oh, you’re here with me, and I love it’. Even in a platonic relationship, we like to touch. Like a friendly slap on the arm, or like hugs or cuddles. I am widely known for being touchy with my close guy friends. At first, I thought nothing of it, because I just love kidding around with them and would sometimes like poke here and there, and would hug or cuddle out of nowhere. UNTIL, one day I found out that their girlfriends actually despised me because they thought I was flirty and being... cheap(?). Anyways, I just laughed it off because, come on, that’s just who I am, it’s not like I sleep around with their boyfriends or something.
We don’t do things for people just for the sake of it, or to please other people. If anything, we hate being told what to do. ESTPs are free spirited people, and we don’t like being obligated to do something. And we’re very efficient and practical people. So we don’t do a lot of things for other people.
Don’t get me wrong, though, we’re not ignorant. We just always have to have this reasoning behind everything that we do. Like, why would I go through so much effort just to do this to this person. I mean, they would probably still survive without even my help. But, of course, if you ask for our help, we WILL help you. We’re just not gonna help you out of the blue. You gotta ask for it.
BUT when it comes to someone we truly care, we will know if you need our help. We will spot where you lack on something, or where you’re having a hard time, why you’re going through it. And we will have this feeling inside us like we want to help you overcome your hardships. Because, even though it’s our third function, the EXTROVERTED FEELING function of us is still there, lingering in the back of our mind. And I guess it’s being triggered when we see someone we love or care is in a hard time.
So, when an ESTP is suddenly giving you help without you even asking it, it means that they care about you, and that they’re thinking about you.
Now, in Jaehyun’s instance, I can see why people mistook him for an ENFJ (I finally see some light in this matter). In some cases, the members say that Jaehyun helped them get through things, like I believe Jungwoo said something about this? And someone in the Dream too said that Jaehyun was a reliable hyung. And it’s actually very visible with Winwin. Like, we can all see, at the beginning period of Winwin joining NCT, Jaehyun always put him under his wing. You can see it in NCT LIFE where they had a cooking competition, and the one where they went to Paju(?), like he was always helping him, and keeping him company, more so than the other members. I think it’s because he was finally having a friend (same aged friend)? Like he realizes that Winwin is having a hard time, and it’s his friend, so he wants him to do better. This thing is mentioned by other members because it’s probably memorable to them, but I feel like it’s actually not something that Jaehyun would do out of nilly-willy. He does that because he cares about those members alot. And that’s why people mistook him as an ENFJ (which is an FE dominant).
This one is related to my last post.
I feel like ESTPs don’t like doing things that aren’t practical(?), because we’re very practical. So, putting efforts into something that we don’t think is worth it, or is getting us to what we want to achieve, is a waste of our time. That’s why, I’d like to think that ESTPs are very efficient. So, to us, buying things for other people just for the sake of it is inefficient.
For example, if you read my last post about the graduation, while my other friend will buy tons of gifts for her friends out of.... I don’t know, obligations perhaps? Or just simply for the sake of being kind? Us ESTPs, we’re gonna have this thought inside our head like, why should I buy them gifts? I mean, yes, we’re friends, but we barely talk to each other. If I buy them gift, then does that mean I have to buy others gifts too? That’s too inconvenient.
So when we do buy something for other people, it means that we’re thinking of them. That they’re in the back of our mind. It’s not necessarily in a romantic way. For instance, I am somehow known for being insensitive becasue I barely even gifted my friends on their birthday. And one day, I was doing internship at this hospital, and it was on a huge religious holiday where we would usually spend time at home with our family, but we were here at this hospital tending to emergency patients. At that time, my friend, who was an ISFJ btw, the most big soft hearted person I’ve ever known, she was soooo sad that she was stuck at the hospital and she cried, saying like ‘i should be at home at this time with my family’. And I understood where she came from, and I actually felt her sadness. And to add to that, when we ordered some Mcdonalds and she ordered a mcflurry, we couldn’t eat it immediately because the emergency room was packed with patients, and the ice cream ended up turning into milk and she never ate it. That kinda added to her sadness, in my head. So what did I do? I actually went to the convenience store and I bought her an Oreo ice cream. And she was SHOOKETH that she tweeted it. Because never in her life had she’d seen me buying something for anyone. Lol. Anyways, that’s just an example to give you guys some image of how ESTPs feel.
And I feel like, if you receive this treatment, if you’re at this stage, it’s like you are legit in our inner circle. In our heart. No doubt. And this doesn’t come often, mind you. Like the chance of it happening is only 15%. Lol.
Now this, is definitely the last. This is, to me at least, is the hardest thing to do ever. I don’t know if it’s because of our FE tertiary function? Or is it just the way I was raised in? I don’t know.....
But I do know that ESTPs feel uncomfortable in emotional situations. We avoid it. It’s not that we’re heartless, we just feel awkward. Like we don’t know what to say. Don’t know how to convey things in words. This is actually one of the reasons why I like writing, because it’s easier than to have to say it out loud.
Like, when one of my family member passed, I never spoke a word about it, not even to my mom. But I actually wrote a blog about it, like a really long one.
Some even say that ESTPs hate emotional confrontation. And it’s mainly because of our FE tertiary function. We feel awkward having to deal with situations using this function. We can go through it, but we just prefer not to, you know? But a debate? It’s a whole different story. I’ll talk about this particular trait in the next post. It kinda explains why ESTPs have a strong personality.
Anyways, back to the love language. So, yeah, it’s hard for us to say like ‘I love you’, or like ‘you’re so amazing’, or ‘I really admire your blabla’. I feel like it’s too... I don’t know... cringy? And it’s like, again, we have to put so much effort in order to be brave enough to say those words to the people that we cherish. And when we DO say it, it means that you’re important enough for us to put effort in being brave and say it.
But, don’t get too excited already. We usually don’t really say it directly in your face. lol. For me, I’ve actually conveyed my feelings to a dear friend, like how I was so proud of her etc., through a twitter and instagram post. hehe. I don’t know, I just can’t find the need to say it in her face, like it’s too cheesy. But a post is I feel like even more special becasue other people get to see it? I don’t know.
I’m rating this the last becasue the probability of it happening is like probably only 5%? So if an ESTP is making a post or saying words of affirmation to you, you are THAT special to them.
Now, as a final, here’s my personal rank
SO, THAT’S OUR LOVE LANGUAGE. Mind you, I’m not an expert on this, so this is like my unreliable analysis, and very very based on my personal experience. Lol. I still have a few things to say though, so, probs 1 or 2 more post?
Do you guys want me to do other member’s personality analysis? I know Haechan’s an ENFP, and I have a couple of ENFP friends. Hmmm, I’m currently trying to guess Johnny’s MBTI, becasue I see some similarity between him and my ENTJ friend. And the way that he vibe with Jaehyun is similar with me and my friend. I’m not sure though. I’m also interested in Doyoung’s. And Yuta’s actully. I read that Doyoung actually mentioned his MBTI on Vlive? But I forgot what it was. And I’ve been trying to find it becasue I kinda want to do an anlysis on him, but couldn’t.
What do you guys think? Do you want me to do an anlysis on other member? Lemme know!! Cheers!
To be continued...
#jaehyun#jung jaehyun#jeong jaehyun#jaehyun mbti#jaehyun scenarios#nct#nct127#nct 127#nct mbti#mbti#nct thoughts#jaehyun nct#jaehyun things#neowritingsnet#my uncommon thoughts on NCT
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(I saw @zahraasaad16 do this and thought it was fun! I highly encourage all of you to make your own version! Memories are so fun!)
ENTP: I played chess with my brother, we both had alot of bronze medals from local competitions. After 5 years, I won gold, showed him midlle finger and quit playing.
INTP: I got really excited of MBTI. Read alot about it, talked with many friends about it, studied functions and history behind the whole thing. Made a blog, followed tumblr mbti hashtag. Got even new friends from the interest. Never before I had felt the absolute need of understanding something so strongly. For a while it was almost spiritual or obsessive.
ENTJ: I was tutoring exhange students at university. Did good job, got recruited by my faculty to do same on bigger level. Did good job, got recruited by international university club to lead all international freshman of the whole university. Did ok job, lost all other social life for a year or 2.
INTJ: I went as an avec to IQ test with a friend (2-with-the-price-of-1), got into mensa. Thought about it, and realised that being a part of mensa would not improve my life of my future goals in any way, so just never sended the sign up sheet back and payed the fee. Continued life like normal.
ENFP: I went to this house warming party where I literally knew only one person. At the end of the evening I was twerking against a wall with this guy, and sang it’s raining men in a bar without knowing at all how to sing. Next morning I had 10 more instagram followers and a hangover.
INFP: I made a friend of this guy, and had many deep night conversations with him. We came to a resolution that we both like hugs and stuff, so we just slept next to eachother and hug alot. Nothing sexual/romantic, just being. Suddenly it was so much easier to cry to eachother and help with deeper things.
ENFJ: I accidentally got adopted to a indian community/huge friendgroup! Made food with them weekly (hot peppersss!), celebrated their festivals (the color throwing one is amazing!) and learned to say 2-3 things in hindi, that really old women usually say. Had so much fun! I still text with these people though they are in India now. (I’m sending them self-knitted wollen socks!)
INFJ: I saw someone posting self-harming messages online, and contacted them personally. We spoke alot, cried, they had taken some pills. We spoke more, and their life situation was devastating. We made plans that night, they drank water. We met after that. Multiple times. I made a life-long, reliable friend with a big heart.
ESTP: I got in a really bad car accident and ended up hospitalised with my mom, ambulance and everything. I sneaked out of the hospital without permission next day to attend the final christmas-play rehersal to have fun times!
ISTP: I had promised to go play and give food to my friends cats from the art school. I came with my brother one day. When we started to leave, the handle of the door broke and we couldn’t get out. I went through all cupboards and closets that looked like they would have equipment for fixing it, and ended up trying various impro things, but failed. In the end, we called my fiend, threw keys (4th floor...) and she opened the door from outside. Cats were amused. So was I.
ESTJ: I was studying something completely different than business and management, my classmates in university thought I’m suitable for representing all the students of our faculty in meetings with teachers and other faculties. I got paid from council work, and ended up meeting once a month with my friends mom who was school representative from another city.
ISTJ: I walked into a company who were looking for graphic designer for their informative pamphlets. They were basically smiling and laughing when I came in the interview, because I was quite young. But I came prepared: I pulled my portfolio, showed them ideas I had already scetched, different styles we could use. Ended up drawing simultaniously while they threw in their ideas. I got the job, and I still see those pamphlets going around in my contrys healthcare places and their website.
ESFP: I was walking from airport to closest city in the middle of night, because I rather walked than got bored waiting for bus. It was snowing heavily. First a police stopped and asked if I was lost. Then someone offered a ride, I took it but told the guy I shared my location with my friends (my battery was dead). He was a nice man, lived in his car. Still, I was pretty sure I was going to die that night, though we ended up laughing together.
ISFP: I used my savings to move and study to a small town on another continent. During the year I understood that my resolution to many, many things has been ”run away”, ”change place” or ”make a big change in your life”.
ESFJ: I made a tradition with my friend in high school, to go to her place each 8am morning for ~30 minutes before school starts. We slept next to eachother, I usually hugged her and we caught up how we were both feeling. We rarely got emotional, but it was nice that someone in school knows what kind of day you’re having.
ISFJ: I used to do 2 jobs at the same time: At the nights I was delivering morning newspapers, at the weekend I was an personal assistant for a patient with parkinson. During the weeks I went to an art school, and at afternoons I was doing my drivers licence. I bought alot of the food for me and my brother, cooked and washed dishes with him. It was my way of showing love to him. I was also proud of myself!
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DS9’s just bursting at the seams with memorable characters—the family, friends, and enemies that populate the corridors and make the station feel like a live, busy place. Not all of them spend enough time on board to provide material for a full profile, and most of them leave us just as they get interesting. So here’s a quick round up of some of the VIPs who have visited DS9, with my best guess as to their types.
(Note: I realized just I finished this post that all but two of these characters are dead by the end of the series. Well, two-and-a-half, depending on your perception of Opaka’s situation. DS9’s a nice place to live, but a dangerous place to visit.)
Tora Ziyal
It’s my theory that Ziyal actually changes type, because she was recast twice and reinvented just before her final arc.
Ziyal-A (Cyia Batten) is a young but tough girl who’s survived growing up in a prisoner-of-war camp, and finds herself in a weird limbo even after being rescued, thanks to her mixed heritage and the fact that her father is a monster. She’s guarded and naïve in equal measure, ready to fight but not quite steady on her feet. Kira sort of adopts her like a little sister, and I very much think she sees her younger self in Ziyal.
Ziyal-B (Tracy Middendorf) is roughly the same, observing Garak quietly from a distance before making the first move. She tells him she grew up alone and doesn’t need the company of another Cardassian, but he’s welcome to join her nonetheless.
Best guess for original Ziyal: ISFP
Ziyal-C is played by an older actress (Melanie Smith) to make her relationship with Garak less creepy (no dice), and she’s outgoing, chipper, and over-trusting. She’s a bit deluded about her father’s true nature, whereas original Ziyal understood but stuck by him because he was her only family bond. She shows great artistic talent (I really like Ziyal’s artwork, actually), but she leaves the art school on Bajor because she can sense that no one likes or accepts her. She really just wants her father and Kira to stop fighting and get along.
She is, by the writers’ own admission, an innocent puppy crafted specifically to gain the audience’s sympathy before they killed her off. A daughter-in-the-fridge, if you will.
Best guess for final Ziyal: Fe-dom, probably ENFJ
(I love original Ziyal to pieces. The actress was quiet yet intense. The next actress was okay, but was doing a weird accent. The third actress referred to her character in interviews as “Tora,” which sounds like no one explained how her character’s Bajoran name worked. She would have been fine in any other role, but lacked the interesting edge of Ziyal-A.)
Damar - ESTJ
Damar spends a lot of time in the background before rising to the occasion at the end of the saga. It’s one of DS9’s great magic tricks that he was cast early on with barely a line of dialogue in anticipation of a greater storyline down the road. Damar hangs back from the major action at first, acting moody and reserved because he’s drinking his conscience away—so I see inferior-Fi at work there.
Damar is otherwise a traditional family man and a loyal Cardassian, and once his family and his world are betrayed by their supposed allies, he puts down the bottle and leads a revolution. His leadership turns him into a legend almost overnight, but he does have a lot to learn from Kira about the new way they have to fight—rebel-style, not regular military. He eventually drives the Dominion off his planet, at the cost of his own life.Dominion off his planet, at the cost of his own life.
Bill Ross - ISTJ
Admiral Ross is a low-key, trusty old officer, one of the few higher-ups to break the “Every Admiral in Starfleet is a Crazy Person” trend. He does make a couple of dicey calls—helping a Section 31 operation and supporting the Romulans’ base near Bajor—but they’re all in service to his duty to the Federation.
Opaka - INFJ
I hate to go with the stereotype here, but Bajor’s great religious leader is a very obvious Ni-dom. The Kai sees everything though a spiritual lens, and bases her decisions on what she believes is her destiny—or Sisko’s. She makes a tough call for the greater good of the Bajoran people, sacrificing the life of her son in order to save many more, and she gives up her life on Bajor to help a planet of people she’s just met find peace.
(And I promise I’ll stop geeking out about the technically-non-canon post-TV novels, but her given name in them is Sulan, which I think is perfect and lovely.)
Bareil Antos - INFJ
Another spiritual stereotype, but it fits. Bareil takes a calm, spiritually-minded approach to life, and tries to help the anxious ISFP Kira calm down and see the bigger picture of her existence. Of course, he happily indulges in the sensual side of their relationship, too. He’s willing to take the fall for Opaka’s sacrifice of her son to avoid tarnishing her legendary reputation, and then he ends up sacrificing his own life by working himself to death helping Winn complete peace negotiations with the Cardassians.
Gowron - ESTP
The Chancellor of the Klingon Empire lives with a very damaged version of Se-dom. He’s more reactive than pro-active, constantly striking out at those that insult and threaten him (tertiary-Fe). He plunges his people into war based on a vaguely defined paranoia about Changelings (inferior-Ni), and seems to forget that Picard helped him gain his throne as soon as he has power, making up a whole new mythology about his ascent to leadership.
When Martok’s popularity starts to overshadow his own, Gowron takes over the fleet in the middle of the Dominion War and assigns Martok to dangerous missions in an effort to get him killed (tertiary-Fe again). He’s nowhere near the strategist or commander that Martok is (disorganized, damaged Ti-aux, probably not even in use since he’s most likely looping through his Extraverted functions), and the Klingons start losing badly.
Any parallels to real-life leadership are purely coincidental, but uncanny.
Gowron won’t acknowledge the reality of the situation, so Worf—who basically handed Gowron the throne many years ago by taking out his rival—takes Gowron down and hands the mantle to Martok.
Kurn – ESTP
Kurn is action-driven and wily, a hot-headed younger brother to the stoic Worf who’s nonetheless a strong commander in his own right. He boards the Enterprise under a pretense, provoking Worf until he’s sure he can reveal their family connection. The two brothers fight for their family’s honor, and Kurn reluctantly obeys Worf’s wishes to turn his back on him and pretend they’re not related in order to protect himself. Once they clear their father’s name and get to fight together, Kurn’s overjoyed and wishes they had been able to be brothers from the start.
He’s farsighted enough to see the dangers Gowron poses to the Empire, impetuous enough to want to kill him right away, but cautious enough to follow his older brother’s guidance and wait the situation out. Unfortunately, once Gowron dissolves their house, Kurn loses all hope for the future and tries to kill himself. Trying to start a new life under Starfleet/Bajoran military discipline does not suit him at all.
So (*ugh*) Worf wipes his memory and sends him off with a new family. Shortly before their house’s honor is restored again.
Sorry, Kurn. You put up a good fight.
Luther Sloane – INTJ
It’s hard to tell if the Sloane we meet in the Section 31 episodes is the real Luther Sloane, or some sort of crazy person who managed to put up an organized façade to carry out his nefarious schemes. Despite an arresting performance by William Sadler, he’s pretty much a standard INTJ villain, with plans worked out hundreds of steps in advance, with far-reaching objectives only he comprehends. His morality extends only to keeping the Federation safe and secure, by any means necessary.
Enabran Tain – INTJ
As the leader of the Obsidian Order, Tain’s another INTJ supervillain, but with mastermind chops that would have put Sloane to shame if they ever met. He sees the impending threat of the Dominion and comes out of retirement to put together a combined Cardassian-Romulan task force to pre-emptively strike at the Founders. He has a handful of old colleagues assassinated so that they won’t interfere, and is willing to kill Garak, too. He’ll never admit that Garak was his son, because a man like him can’t have that kind of emotional liability. When his secret task force is ambushed by an overwhelming Jem’Hadar fleet, Tain has a meltdown over his failure to foresee this outcome.
Vic Fontaine – ESFJ
He’s just an old-fashioned lounge singer, baby, with a hundred stories to tell about the glory days of Vegas. He’s always there with a listening ear and simple advice when someone walks in with a broken heart. Vic somehow understands that he’s a hologram, and transcends his programming to hop holosuites and manipulate Kira and Odo together in spite of themselves. He’s excited by the new, round-the-clock life Nog offers him, though it tires him out quite a bit. Raise a glass, and try to figure out how he exists as an actual human in the Mirror Universe.
He’s an Extravert, don’t you know? You can’t shut this guy up.
#MBTI#Star Trek: Deep Space Nine#Ziyal#Damar#Admiral Ross#Kai Opaka#Vedek Bareil#Gowron#Kurn#Luther Sloane#Enabran Tain#Vic Fontaine#Morn
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♚┋FULL NAME: Ronan Morrison ♚┋PRONUNCIATION: Ro-nohn ♚┋NICKNAME(S): Buttercup (by Cían) ♚┋TITLE: The Damned ♚┋OCCUPATION: Escort ♚┋~AGE: 30 ♚┋DATE OF BIRTH: 23rd July ♚┋GENDER: Genderfluid ♚┋PRONOUNS: He/Him/His ♚┋ORIENTATION: Homoromantic Homosexual ♚┋NATIONALITY: French ♚┋RELIGION: Agnostic Atheist ♚┋SPECIES: Human ♚┋AFFILIATION: Morrison ♚┋GENERATION: Third ♚┋THREAT LEVEL: Moderate
♚┋FACE CLAIM: Nicolas Simoes ♚┋EYE COLOUR: Hazel ♚┋HAIR COLOUR: Brown ♚┋DOMINANT HAND: Right ♚┋HEIGHT: 6′2 ♚┋WEIGHT: 176 lbs ♚┋TATTOOS: The name of his first love in his handwriting mirrored on his collarbone. ♚┋SCARS: actually has scars from a brain surgery when he was younger but they’re covered by his hair. ♚┋PIERCINGS: No. ♚┋GLASSES: contacts.Glasses are ugly, he says.
♚┋JUNG TYPE: ENFJ ♚┋SUBTYPE: Intuitive ♚┋ENNEATYPE: 6w7 ♚┋MORAL ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral ♚┋TEMPERAMENT: Sanguine ♚┋SCHEMA: AS, DS, FA ♚┋INTELLIGENCE TYPE: Bodily-Kinesthetic, Musical ♚┋~IQ: 115 ♚┋NEUROTYPE: Neurotypical ♚┋AT RISK? No.
♚┋HOMETOWN: Rouen, France ♚┋CURRENT: Dublin, Ireland ♚┋LANGUAGE(S): French, English ♚┋SOCIAL CLASS: Lower class until he was adopted by Eoghan. ♚┋DEGREE: Bachelor ♚┋SUBJECT(S): music, music theory, vocal training, and musicology ♚┋PARENT #1: Claire Brissaud neé Poulin ♚┋PARENT #2: René Brissaud ♚┋SIBLING(S): none ♚┋MAIN SHIP: none ♚┋RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single ♚┋CHILDREN: none ♚┋PET(S): no, thank you. ♚┋ADOPTED? Yes ♚┋RAP SHEET? No. ♚┋PRISON TIME? No.
♚┋SMOKES? No. ♚┋DRINKS? No. ♚┋DOES DRUGS? No. ♚┋IS VIOLENT? frankly, Ronan is not the least bit prone to violence if it can be helped; but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t mugged or smashed a whiskey bottle over somebody’s head before either. So, when he is violent, it is almost always physical. ♚┋HAS AN ADDICTION? Yes. Although he hasn’t touched alcohol for nearly a decade and doesn’t show any signs of relapse, Ronan is very aware of the fact that he will never be addiction-free. ♚┋IS SELF-DESTRUCTIVE? Yes. ♚┋HABITS: stubborn bare-foot walker (has walked bare-foot on the streets before no fucks given), playing with his hair when he’s tired, doesn’t like to stand in a room with his back exposed (always leaning on something if possible) ♚┋HOBBIES: baking in the middle of the night only to doze for a few more hours, eggshell carving, hard-core karaoke fan ( if you’re ever in a karaoke bar with him and hear we will rock you, just...........run), also a skater boi ♚┋TICS: List all tics your character has ♚┋OBSESSION(S): List all obsessions your character has ♚┋COMPULSION(S): List all compulsions your character has
♚┋HOUSE: Hufflepuff ♚┋VICE: Envy ♚┋VIRTUE: Lust ♚┋ELEMENT: Earth ♚┋ANGEL: An angel that can be associated with your character ♚┋MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURE: Anael ♚┋ANIMAL: Otter ♚┋MUTATION: power absorption ♚┋WOULD SURVIVE POST-APOC? Yes.
♚┋DEVELOPMENT: Semi-developed ♚┋SHIPPING: multiship ♚┋VERSE: crime ♚┋VERSE TYPE: crime ♚┋CANON: crime ♚┋PLOTTING: open ♚┋CREATION DATE: technically, this is a refined version of Avery, so probably...2014.
The limelight loves him, that’s for sure, albeit not in thespian glory-sort-of way. From poor French suburbia into the lap of a criminal --- there’s enough material for several front page articles. So he is, perforce, a cat in human form: needy, self-absorbed, volatile and, quite possibly, really stellar at situational assholery. But his life became ever so skewed when Ronan had his face smashed into the front door for something he can’t control. His sexuality. Ever since then, home has been an escape from home; a from hand to mouth existence entirely at the mercy of passer-by. This, however understandable it might be, hasn’t made him resentful or cruelly righteous. All characteristic blemishes aside, Ronan is a good guy, a cool guy, and he can take the sorrow off your shoulders for a sweet night. He has been a perpetrator too often in his past; the crimes carved into his memory weigh heavily on him. Entertaining – dancing, in a word – is his take on atonement. That’s really all he can hope for, entrenched in menace as he is.
At over six feet, Ronan has well grown accustomed to towering over particularly tiny people. Unlike most members in the family, he is less than enthusiastic (the only interesting sport, he will have you know, being sex) about physical exertion than the rest of the Morrisons. As such, Ronan has to be dragged to his martial arts classes and is perpetually pestered by Alannah to follow his train regimen. Consequently, his physique is less defined; his muscles lean, his arms thin. Ever since he left France behind as a teen, moreover, Ronan’s originally thick accent has diminished exponentially, though if one listens closely, especially when he’s tired. Also, his wardrobe is situational: if it’s a client meeting, then a suit is non-negotiable. When Ronan has the choice, however, he kind of looks like Oscar in a garbage can. Really, vanity is so passé if you ask him. There’s nothing extraordinary about his face, however attractive it may be. Brown eyes, brown hair.
His personality is partially a chimera between a cat and a dog with a bone-idle work attitude towards most everything unless it includes giving him attention --- and ample of it, please. Simultaneously, though, Ronan will just as gladly do the same in return, showing a genuine appreciation for whatever people willingly give to him. If he trusts you, he will stick by your side, regardless of all the lies he is compelled to tell as to his occupation. Essentially, Ronan is hard to pin down. With strangers, he can be steadfast in his honesty, and quite affectionate if that brightens their day just a little. His entertaining, spontaneous persona as a dancer is, after all, his fraudulent shot at redemption. At the same time, though, Ronan is psychologically scarred, often leaving his mind in a place of constant vigilance. Especially around his family, he reacts defensively, sarcastic and all too belligerent. Because he can’t really shake off the monsters of his childhood, Ronan always feels anxious to some extent. Either he overindulges in physical escapades with others or he stubbornly confronts his fears in a futile effort to be free of them. Despite all his empathy, though, a paragon of decorum, he is not. In fact, he tends to be coercive (because he’s right), judgmental (because you’re wrong) and much too needy for attention. What he struggles with most is dissent; his self-sacrificing side is downright self-destructive.
First and foremost, Ronan is bilingual, able to speak French and English with proficiency. In contrast to this, though, are his non-existent Irish skills. Quite probably the only one in the family who doesn’t speak a lick of Irish, he simply cannot be bothered to make the effort. What he really excels at beyond compare is his astonishing body control when he dances. As a result of this, Ronan has an astute understanding of his own body and can be described as athletic. In his free time, he seeks to expand on the kind of dancing styles he has already “mastered”. Currently, Ronan feels most comfortable with ballet, though modern dances aren’t outside of his abilities as a dancer either. Though regarded an alternative to classical disciplines, he is also fond of contemporary dance. But that’s not all. Being able to play multiple instruments, it is not a stretch to say that this boy is quite the musician. He can play the piano, the saxophone and sometimes he also passive aggressively plays his ukulele. Don’t ask him to do your accounting lest you are keen on ending up in debt. Unsurprisingly, he has a degree in music and went on to pursue musicology and vocal training.
How he treats you is very situational. Around his customers, moodiness isn’t really good for business so you won’t really have any ground for complaints there. He will be engaging, flirtatious, amiable and fun to be around. Everybody has their shadowy sides as well, though, and this usually manifests in being judgmental, belligerent, coercive, insensitive, unfairly partisan in his opinions, hysterical, suspicious and backstabbing. When in an argument, Ronan tends to just shut down, stubbornly ignoring the issue for harmony’s sake. This is when he becomes spineless in his perpetual yes-sayer-dom. Moreover, as much as he wants to trust others, Ronan frequently finds he just doesn’t have it in him, preferring instead to keep his relationships casual and without any strings attached. It’s not that he doesn’t enjoy being around people – he really does – but given his anxious inhibitions, he’d much rather play it safe and live according to how the guiding figures in his life tell him to.
INSPIRED BY: Dandelion (The Witcher), The Cheshire Cat (AIW)
DS: DEFECTIVENESS / SHAME (DS) The feeling that one is defective, bad, unwanted, inferior, or invalid in important respects; or that one would be unlovable to significant others if exposed. May involve hypersensitivity to criticism, rejection, and blame; self-consciousness, comparisons, and insecurity around others; or a sense of shame regarding one's perceived flaws. These flaws may be private (e.g., selfishness, angry impulses, unacceptable sexual desires) or public (e.g., undesirable physical appearance, social awkwardness).
AS: APPROVAL-SEEKING / RECOGNITION-SEEKING (AS) Excessive emphasis on gaining approval, recognition, or attention from other people, or fitting in, at the expense of developing a secure and true sense of self. One's sense of esteem is dependent primarily on the reactions of others rather than on one's own natural inclinations. Sometimes includes an overemphasis on status, appearance, social acceptance, money, or achievement -- as means of gaining approval, admiration, or attention (not primarily for power or control). Frequently results in major life decisions that are inauthentic or unsatisfying; or in hypersensitivity to rejection.
FA: FAILURE TO ACHIEVE (FA) The belief that one has failed, will inevitably fail, or is fundamentally inadequate relative to one's peers, in areas of achievement (school, career, sports, etc.). Often involves beliefs that one is stupid, inept, untalented, ignorant, lower in status, less successful than others, etc.
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The types as strangers I wish I had known (version 2)
After I made one post like this already and really enjoyed doing that, have another group of 16 people none of us will ever know.
INTJ: I’ve had several classes with her over the last two years, but we’ve never had an actual conversation. Usually, I see her sit across the room (the tables build a U-form, so you can look everyone in the eye), watching people. What makes her interesting is the way she watches them. She sits there, kind of aloof, and doesn’t move a bit, but her eyes have this intensity whenever she lays them on someone. She listens intently to everything and you can really see the gear-wheels working in her brain as she processes all this information, until she speaks up and suddenly everyone goes quiet. She has this kind of confidence you only get when you really know yourself, and since people often fear people that know themselves, it makes her a bit intimidating.
INTP: I was stuck on a ship that was, for whatever reason, overcrowded with elderly people and there was this one old married couple that somehow stood out. Of all the many people, they seemed the happiest. When she was walking around the ship, I saw him sitting there alone at his table, with his bushy eyebrows slightly raised and a little smile on his face as he was drifting off in his thoughts. I could see him jumping from thought to thought, from memory to memory, and I wondered what he might have been thinking about that made his face beam with wonder and fascination. And then, when his wife came back to him, he returned from his mind palace, and his whole face lit up as he smiled at her. She sat down across from him and smiled back. Slowly, she reached for his hand on the table and he took it, and both of them lost themselves in their own thoughts which seemed to be the same anyway.
ENTJ: I saw her in one of my free periods at university, where she was sitting a few tables over with her boyfriend when an acquaintance of her suddenly came over and sat down. You could see how she wasn’t exactly pleased about it, but she was polite and talked to her - when she got the chance to, her acquaintance talked one hell of a lot. So, while her acquaintance kept talking and I kept watching them, her eyes wandered around the room. And when her gaze reached me, when she looked at me looking at them, I just felt so judged that I quickly looked away. There was this kind of natural authority in her, she radiated it so that, in a way, you felt obliged to bow down to her like you would bow down to your queen. Other than me, her acquaintance wasn’t as impressed by her though. Well, until she interrupted her acquaintance’s talking with a “sorry, we gotta go”, grabbed her boyfriend’s arm and just took off. (I would also like to mention that she was taller than her boyfriend because I applaud everyone that doesn’t follow such pointless gender stereotypes. Good on you. You go, girl!)
ENTP: He is a guy in one of my classes at university and he’s just so interesting to observe. He’s older than most of us, sometimes mentions the way his little daughter speaks, growing up as a Syrian child in a German speaking country, when he wants to emphasize a point (we study linguistics), and most of the time, he is just so desperate to talk. It’s a field investigation class where we work with a native speaker of a yet unexplored language to develop a grammar, and he is in a constant state of dying when he wants to ask our informant a thousand questions, but our professor tells him to wait a bit. Occasionally, he talks over him with the words “I’m really sorry, but this just cannot wait” and asks the question anyway. He always has a theory on how this might work and how that might work and how these twenty mechanisms might be correlated and his mind seems to be constantly buzzing with new thoughts and ideas. He’s probably one of the most enthusiastic and intelligent people I’ve ever come across. And then, he says thank you for every little thing anyone says and does. He says thank you when you asked a good question he didn’t come up with himself, and this state of mind is so beautiful that I always just want to go give him a hug for being this awesome.
INFJ: Sometimes I look her in the eye and I wonder who she is. She is me, but somehow she isn��t. I don’t know how that can be. I smile at her and she smiles back. I try to laugh and she does, too. I feel like she knows me, but why don’t I know her? Why is it so hard to get my head around the fact that the blank face I look at, the blank face I look at every time I look in the mirror - is mine? I look at the little strand of hair that just keeps falling across my forehead, at these cheekbones that for some reason get sharper every day and at the freckles that never seem to fade away. I look at those piercing eyes and I wonder who the people see in me.
INFP: It was a sunny August afternoon and I was melting in my car as if the sun had decided to burn as all alive. The traffic lights turned red and I stopped and kept melting and wondered if you can die of a sunshine overdose. Then, another car stopped behind me, and I decided to observe the driver in the rearview mirror. He was in his 40s, probably, and his curly hair had already turned grey. I looked at him and saw how he shook his head in disbelief. He laughed and shook his head and I wondered what just happened. Did he embarrass himself and he can’t believe it? Did he finally do something he never thought he’d actually do? Did someone confess their undying love for him and now, he’s so happy he can’t believe it? I still wonder about it sometimes, about what might have been the reason that he giggled with his eyes closed and his head shaken in disbelief, and I wonder if he is happy now.
ENFJ: I was in a restaurant in Luxembourg on a beautiful summer evening when I saw her sitting at this table over there with two other people. They spoke broken English with each other and she had some kind of South East Asian accent, but I can’t be sure. And I saw here sitting there in this chair with the giant backrest that made her look so small while her upright posture and her gentle smile made her appear so grand. She was the centre of attention, of course she was. But I don’t think she knew. Her work acquaintances, I assume, who didn’t know each other that well, kept looking at her, kept waiting for her reaction on their little jokes and anecdotes, kept waiting for appreciation and approval. They looked at her like a child would after it drew a picture for their mother and is anxiously expecting her praise. And she smiled at both of them, listened intently to everything they had to say, covered her mouth with a hand when she giggled and looked from one to the other to share her joy. She was a pure and kind soul, someone with a heart as big as the entire country, genuinely good and free, and I really wished I could have known her.
ENFP: When I first saw him, when I first saw the way he stood in front of me on the train and glanced back at me before he got out, I didn’t know how desperately I could want to see someone again. When I saw him for the second time, when we stood across from each other on the train with a mere meter of unspoken thoughts between us, and looked each other in the eye for a while until he couldn’t take it anymore and looked at the ground and then looked right back up at me again, I didn’t know that it was possible to feel vulnerable and thoroughly happy all at once. When I spotted him on a crowded train for the third time, when I saw him standing there with his blonde hair oozing out from under his bobble hat, I was sure that I had never seen anything as beautiful as him. And then I saw him lean back a bit behind the man with a newspaper in his hand as he spotted me as well, and our eyes met for a while. I could feel my mind escaping, for I did not know how easily I could lose my heart to someone I didn’t even know. And then, he looked back at me over his shoulder before he got out of the train and I sighed, and now I wonder how it can be that the first twenty years of my life suddenly appear this empty to me. I never saw him again. Come back to me, please.
ISTJ: Every time I take the train at 8:06 am, I find him standing there at the exact same spot in front of the one door that will be the closest to the staircase at the station where he must leave. He’s actually the father of a childhood friend of mine, but I don’t think he ever recognised me. And now, whenever I take the train at this hour, I can be sure he will be there, every day, at the same spot, sometimes reading the newspaper, sometimes talking to some work acquaintances, sometimes just staring into space. Every time, I can be sure to see him there with the white hair and the deepening wrinkles around his eyes. I see his daughter in him, I see her kindness and gentle spirit in him, and considering she is one of the best people I’ve ever had the privilege to know, this is one of the greatest compliments I am capable of giving.
ESTJ: It was a freezing January afternoon and the sun was already setting, when she and her friend walked past me at the train station and remained within earshot, so that my nosy little self could listen to their conversation. Apparently, they were both training as some kind of nursery teachers, judging by the topics they were talking about after an exam they just had, but the conversation quickly turned to an upcoming group project. And so this girl went on how badly this project was planned by the teacher and her classmates. Honestly, she laid out an entire plan for why this and that was inefficient and problematic, and how she would improve this and that and basically the entire system if she just had a say in the matter. She jumped up and down a bit as she tried to keep herself warm, and her cheeks turned rosy, and this passionate anger at inefficiency of hers while jumping around in the cold somehow made her look quite endearing.
ISFJ: I was on the tram when this elderly woman and her granddaughter got in and sat down across from me. I couldn’t help but stare at her for a moment. I’ve never seen anyone with a face as likable and adorable as hers. Her face was full of wrinkles, and most of them were deep lines around her eyes that kept going down half of her face. And she smiled. Oh, the way she smiled. Her dimples were so deep and big that I refuse to believe that she has ever done anything but smile. She looked out of the window, watched the people and cars pass by and she smiled. She looked at me and she smiled. She talked to her teenage granddaughter and smiled and patted her on the knee before they left. And for a moment there, I really wished I could have been her granddaughter.
ESFJ: I was sitting in a hallway on a little ferry and there were these three little girls that ran in circles around the ship and played tag. The oldest of these girls was about 8 years old and I loved her with every fiber of my heart. She played with her little sisters whose hair was as light blonde and tousled as hers. The smallest child kept running into the cafeteria and as the eldest, she was the one to run after her, to take her by the hand and guide her back. Then, she said “No, Hannah! This is not what we agreed on with mum!” with an overly dramatic stern face. There was drama in everything she did. She dramatically and deliberately fell to the floor and giggled when she saw the many concerned faces that looked at her. She dramatically stamped her foot when her little sister ran into the cafeteria again, before she sighed dramatically, rolled her eyes, glanced at her audience with a little smile and ran after her sister once again. I really wish for the day that I turn on the tv and see her face again as the actress she’s supposed to become.
ISTP: He sat there on the bus with me, with these round Harry-Potter-glasses, and looked out of the window, sometimes watching the world fly by, sometimes frowning when he lost himself in thoughts. And in a strange kind of way, he seemed just so awake. Like his mind was working on high speed, like he knew exactly what was going on anywhere and anytime and why. There didn’t seem to be anything he didn’t perceive and analyse and understand immediately. He seemed to have figured it all out - except maybe himself.
ESTP: Normally, it’s quite easy to guess the majors of all the people you see running around campus since most people just look the part, but when you first see him, he doesn’t really look like he would be one of the few male linguistics students. He is this big muscular guy with perfectly styled hair who spends his time in the back of the class on the phone or fooling around with some friends, but from what I’ve witnessed, he’s doing very well on his studies and seems to be all around a very nice person. When he overhears some people talk about how they don’t understand some topic, he quickly chimes in and explains it to them as good as he can. Basically, his entire behaviour could be summarised as “I accepted and embraced my insecurities, that’s what makes me confident, let me lure you out of your shell and make you confident as well”. And I really like that.
ISFP: It was 8am when he entered the train that was packed full with commuters such as myself. He stood across from me, with these big headphones over his beanie, with the beard and the kind of hippie winter coat. He looked at his phone, read a message he got and his eyes lit up. With a tender smile on his face, he answered this person who obviously was very very dear to him. Then, when he put his phone away, he smiled at the ground and looked out of the window and there was such love and gentle kindness in these shining brown eyes with the unusually long eye-lashes that every girl would kill for, and I am convinced that whoever it is that holds his heart, must be a very lucky person indeed.
ESFP: I sometimes see him on the bus with his wife and his two little sons. I’m always a bit confused why his wife never sits with him and their kids, so that he has to take care of them alone. I remember this one particular morning when he sat across from me, with his older son, who was about three, sitting on his lap and his younger son in a buggy right next to him. The younger one was very crotchety that day and cried and was thrashing around. The mother didn’t care and the dad tried to calm him down, spoke to him in a soft voice and tried to gently hold him still. But nothing worked and in the end, I saw him cover his eyes. His shoulders were shaking. I think he was crying silently and my heart sank. The older son took his dad’s hand and looked up at him with big sad eyes, and when the dad then uncovered his face, his eyes were so tired. He then hugged both of his sons with a little smile, and got out of the bus with them and their mother.
#it was a really hard decision to choose the isfj lady#because there was also an adorable isfj grandpa that i#would have loved to talk about#maybe next time so be warned#also i hope the universe conspires#to allow me to see the enfp guy again#so that i finally can take my freaking chances#and stop being such an overanalysing nitwit#types as#strangers i wish i had known#all types#mbti#intj#entj#intp#entp#infj#enfj#infp#enfp#istj#estj#isfj#esfj#istp#estp#isfp#esfp#mbti types
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