#and the climax of Men At Arms had me literally holding my breath heart pounding I could fucking hear it
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talesfromthebandgeekmafia · 10 months ago
Why is the Discworld: City Watch series so fucking good holy shit
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darwinism00 · 8 years ago
Chapter 6
CHAPTER 6 GETTING TO KNOW YOU Duke stands up and she automatically wraps her arms around his neck. Still gripping her in his arms he lays her on the soft comforter, gently. She feels like she is on fire; not literally but within. Dukes body presses on top of hers. His shoulder are broad and flexed as he glides on top of her. Kissing her deeply as his breath increases he withdraws and in a breathy smile he whispers. “Breath Keera.” He gives a knowing wink and starts to kiss her neck, nibbling on her ear and working his way down her body. Keera briefly smiles and thinks about how sweet her name sounds on his lips. She then uses the meditation she had so painstakingly used with her anger and applied it to keep her ability at bay. Keera closes her eyes and breaths heavily and Duke kisses her stomach and thighs as he slowly removes her white lacy thong. She unlatches her matching bra from the front after a few deep breaths. Keep your cool Keera, keep your cool. She repeated in her head trying desperately to avoid the situation that occurred earlier. She felt like she was going crazy with how bad she wanted Duke. The realization came to her like a crash. Suddenly her legs shake as she pushes any rational thoughts to the back of her head. Later; she will psychoanalysis this. Later. She thinks briefly and she gives in to his kissing on her body. Breathing heavy she leans up on her elbows to toss the bra off meanwhile checking out this man. His tan skin is beautiful and all his tattoos gives him a bad boy side she always craves in men but never knew he had. He slowly touches the tops of her feet softly caressing his way up her body. She tilts her head back and moans. His touch feels like honey. Warm soft honey that leaves a cloud as a reminisce instead of a sticky residue. When he works his way back to her lips she latches on like a succubus needing a fix. He gently and slowly kisses her back leaving waves of tingles in her belly and groin. She thrusts her hips towards him feeling a rather large shaft growing hard against her skin up to her belly button and she gets a feeling of satisfaction at this. She doesn't remember ever being so turned on and so desperate for a man to be inside her. Duke pulls back and looks at her, studying her face and then body. He was breathing heavy himself now. “Bloody hell love, you are absolutely stunning.” Keera smiles thinking about all the guys that have called her hot or sexy and yet they all seemed like empty compliments. She knew she had a sex kitten type body but at the end of the day it was just that. A meat sack. When Duke complimented her though it felt like recognition from a man who was worshipping her not one that just wanted to say something nice in order to get a porn star for the night. Keera reaches down touching his now rock hard form through his underwear and locks eyes with him. Flutters run up from her belly and into her chest. She reaches her right leg up to catch the back of his boxer/briefs on her toe and pushed her leg down to get them down to his ankles. They both smile and laugh as Duke shakes his leg to get them to the floor like a dog shaking a wet foot. She strokes the back of his neck and stars at his face admiring him. “You have the most delicious mouth I have ever tasted.” She bit her lip knowing she was letting her sexual side out but didn't feel embarrassed. Instead she felt empowered as Duke smiled with a sort of hunger in his eyes. It was an odd feeling not putting on a sex crazed porn star show but an amazing one as well. She felt oddly comfortable with him. Like they were made for eachother. Keera positions herself for him to plunge inside her and thrusts her hips. His arms are under her shoulders cradling her head and neck. He kisses her deeply and then enters her slowly tightening his grip as he holds himself still when he is all the way inside her. She gasps, in pleasure breaking their kiss, still not blinking from his eyes. She usually finds it creepy when guys stare when they have sex but this felt like they were in another dimension. Slowly working his way back to the tip he plunges back in and holds. Tiny beads of sweat are forming on Duke’s forehead and dripping down to the tips of his dark thick hair that is falling forward leaving him to look much younger than he actually was. Keera is so worked up she feels like she might explode. Again the same thing and by the fifth stroke she does just that. Metaphorically that is. She cries out in ecstasy finally closing her eyes. As her core tightens and contracts Duke moves his head to the side. The candles that were melted into a heap each bared a blue flame that shot a foot into the air. “I can feel you love.” He whispers in her ear as she climaxes harder and longer than she had ever before. She wraps her legs around him and claws his back as though to never let go of this sensation or him. Duke moans out loud and Keera could feel him pulse inside her. He collapses to the side pulling Keera tight to him in an embrace. Keera’s legs shook so hard she knew if she stood she would walk like a newborn bambi. Her voice was hoarse and in need of a drink of water. She lay next to him drenched in sweat. Duke stroked her arm and hair and softly kissed the top of her head that was sliding onto his chest that was drenched. Both of them were panting; hearts pounding. He holds her tight with both arms and kisses her forehead again. “I think that was Heaven.” He says finally. They both laugh. There was no awkwardness for either of them. Keera usually is long gone before any occurs but she can feel it coming. “Love? Can you not burn my flat down?” Duke asked casually looking up to the candles that now had yellow flames at about six inches in height. She laughed and calmed her heart and snuffed out the flames. She lay limp in his arms high from this feeling. This feeling of walking on clouds. I guess Amanda was right, she thinks to herself and chuckles. “Am I that funny?” Duke asks looking down as to catch Keera’s expression. “There are a lot of words I could use to describe you but funny is not one of them.” She giggles a bit and Duke belly laughs. His laugh was rich and youthful and made her heart flutter. She loved that sound, She continues to laugh. “Oh is that so? Then what words would you use to describe me?” His crisp accent was so close to her ear she could tell he was lifting his head up towards her. She takes a deep serious breath and lifts her head to meets his gaze her silky blonde hair falling onto Duke’s chest. “Well so far you are extremely giving.” She catches a shy smile from Duke and kisses his chest averting her eyes to his intricate tattoo under her lips. She moves her hips so her belly is leaning against his side. “Sexy.” She kisses his collar bone. “Smart.” Then she kisses his neck. Duke closes his eyes as Keera puts her hand under his neck rubbing her fingers through his hair. She swings up on top of him straddling him. She pulls back feeling the heat come to her cheeks a new sign she is becoming aware of as not blushing but a sign of her ability starting to spill over out of her container of control. Sitting up she looks at Duke’s face and smiles at his angular features. How did she not jump him from the get go? Keera wondered to herself letting a smile come across her face. Dukes hair is still tousled across his forehead giving him a boyish charm. He grips her thighs with his hands and says. “You are so gorgeous.” Keera looks at him not knowing what to say whenever she hears those words from a guy. “You have this energy inside you that shines through.” Duke sits up cupping Keera’s face and gives her a soft passionate kiss. “It's weird to say I know but I have felt drawn to you since I laid eyes on you.” Keera had butterflies in her stomach again. She smiles nervously which was an odd feeling for her to have. Her long hair lays over one shoulder. Dukes brushes it behind her and tucks it behind her ear to kiss her once more. Almost breathless she whispers. “Me too. Like you were made for me.” Normally she would feel corny saying this but in this moment no one was there who cared. Just him and her both feeling vulnerable for each other. His eyes reached deep inside her and in that moment she knew. She was in love. The dumbest thing a person like her could do. She kissed him deeply, leaning down to reach his lips. Her hair cascading over Duke’s face. He kisses her breasts twirling his tongue around her nipple, grasping her ass in one hand and her breast in the other. Before she lets herself go she breaths and focuses her mind. She grabs his face and kisses him fiercely rocking her hips back and forth. Duke grabs her hips helping her up to insert himself in her. He is still sitting up as she slowly rocks her hips back and forth building up the sensation over what seems like eternity. Dukes caresses her back and moves with her. For the first time ever Keera knows what it's like to make love. The awareness of this causes her to smile in the middle of a kiss as she climaxes. “Im cumming” She whispers out. Duke hugs her tight to him holding her. She can feel him finish right after her and she collapses onto his chest after he does the same onto his back. Her hair lays clinging and sticking to their sweaty bodies. They both laugh a bit and she lays her head on Duke’s chest and traces her finger along his tattoo while listening to his racing heart beat slow. Duke runs his fingers through her hair breathing in her scent. “What does this mean?” Keera asks breaking the silence. She traced the tattoo over again. She could hear Duke's heart rate pick back up. Keera raised her head to read his expression. He was looking straight up as if the stars were shining through the ceiling. She didn't like that he didn't meet her gaze but waiting for his response anyways. “It is called a Aum symbol. It's a Sanskrit word that describes the single most important song in the universe. It was the first and highest word to be spoken. It represents the beginning and the holiest of words, and encompasses the cosmos and the mystic world.” An awkward silence follows obvious tension in Duke's body. Keera speaks “So basically it's the Hindu peace sign.” She laughs first and then Dukes catches on. Keera can sense Dukes hesitation in answering her questions about his tattoos so she keeps quiet and scans the room. When her eyes fell on the picture of the boy in the greenhouse she studies the face and smile of the young long haired boy in the frames picture. “Is that you in that picture?” She points. “Yes that is. Elephants are sacred in my family and so we use to travel and meet one's from all over the world. That one was in Africa. Her name was Splinter and she gave me the honor of a handshake. Well an elephant hand shake.” Keera moves her eyes to the picture of the figure petting the elephant. “Oh wow. I was talking about the other one.” Duke smiles, raising his chest. “Well yes that one is me too. I actually.” He pauses hesitating to continue. “I helped develop the first hybrid plant.” His chest stops moving as if he is holding his breath. “Seriously?” Keera says. She raises her head to meet his face. “That amazing!” Her energy was like a shot of caffeine in the morning, It was explosive. Duke smiles. He never got to see this side of Keera yet. She always was energetic and happy at work but mostly sarcastic. She had never given him any attention and her praise seemed extremely humbling to him now. “Well with my ability I learned which plants could talk to one another or were compatible with one another.” Keera laid her head quiety back on his chest listening intently. Keera thought that looking at him was probably making him insecure and to talk about his ability was a huge step. “What do you mean talk to each other?” Keera asked after a pause. “Well it's like a soft humming. Different plants humm in different patterns and different frequencies and some when matched harmonize. I was at a facility in Africa and when my Helmeliac plant was presented it won an award and grant. My family was so proud of me.” Duke seemed reminiscent on the last part pausing long enough to indulge in a memory before continuing. “ I had a mentor that took me in and set me up with this sort of apprenticeship. We were poor and this helped my brother and parents have food and clothes and a good life. It was the first hybrid plant that offered something more. My plant let off helium. It was something fun. Eventually I came up with the super oxygen based plants that allowed for higher levels of oxygen to be expelled and a few other strains. Once I developed a few strains it created a pattern for them to follow. But unlike me they couldn't hear the plants. They started pearing ones that didn't sound right together. They created hybrids that caused toxic gas. To me I couldn't even stand to be in the same room as them. It was like nails on a chalkboard. When I finally said enough was enough and decided to leave my mentor threatened to report my abilities to the government. I never told anyone about them but him and he used them against me. I stayed for a few months until they started other experimentations. I had life insurance and named my family as the beneficiary and ran. They all think I'm dead and that God awful place is gone. I had money stashed away, but I needed a job that allowed me to fly under the radar which is why I tried working at Bob’s wings and things. Well that and the fact that you bumped into me on the street wearing your work shirt.” “Wait what?” Keera asks rolling to her side to face Duke. She was trying to remain quiet in order to let him talk but this she had to know. He smiles a shy smile and continues his story. “Well yes. You were in a hurry trying to catch the light rail and I saw you walking from half a block away. Did you know you bounce when you walk?” He laughs softly. Keera remains quiet trying to remember the day he is talking about. “You ran and right before you passed me a guy called something crude at you and you turned your back to me to flip him off. I caught wind of your hair. You smelled like sugar cookies.” Duke squeezes Keera in his arms and kisses her forehead again breathing her in. I glanced at the back of your shirt and went straight there to apply. Doug said he would keep me off the books after I explained that a bunch of my papers were lost in a fire. He said that way they wouldn't have to pay workmans comp or anything. I knew nothing about bartending but figured what the hell if I got to see you.” Keera didn't know what to say. She felt this overwhelming sense of security in this. Which seemed crazy she thought. Or maybe it was because she knew that if he didn't tell her this story that she would never tell him the real reason she tracked him down. It was because she felt the same way. She gathers the words in her head trying to rip the sarcasm from them. Emotions were not her strong suit. “Yeah well I have never trekked down shitty employees to check on them before just so you know.” Duke gave a quick chuckle and this time Keera hugged him. She listened to his heart rate quicken. “Well then since we are letting it all out on the table you must know that with my ability I am not exactly legal either.” She can't look at him. She has never been able to talk to anyone about her even having an ability or all the stress and luggage that comes with it either. “Oh yeah? You mean you've burnt up guys that can't heal themselves in the past?” Keera pauses remembering the first guy she lost her virginity to. It was over so fast there was no heat needed. Maybe that was part of the facade of being a sex kitten with guys. No emotions and no out of control power? She wondered this silently to herself for a moment. “No actually you are the first. Maybe its because you have an ability to?” Duke stroked her hair then said. “Or maybe its because you feel something non superficial.” It was like he read her thoughts and then she had to ask, “Do you read thoughts to? What exactly is your ability?” She sat up knowing that her question was invasive but didn't care. She wanted, no she needed to know. “I'll show you mine if you show me yours.” Keera says in a childish tone while she sat cross on her feet and placed her hands in her lap. Duke smiles and reached up to caresses Keera’s cheek. Well as far as I know it's all healing. I heal myself and plants and small animals.” “Can you heal other humans?” Keera asked as if she was a child in school excited about the subject they were studying. She crosses her legs into an indian style to face him wrapped in the soft sheets, long hair thrown over one shoulder. “Sort of.” Duke says furrowing his brows. “I can heal small things. It takes a lot out of me. With plants it's like breathing life into them. Like I'm breathing out anyways and that energy is being recycled into the healing. When I am healing myself it's like running. Depending on the injury it's like wearing my muscles out. When I try and heal someone else.” He pauses looking for the right words to explain it. “It's like draining my life force. Like I'm doing a transfusion.” I can recover but it takes time.” Keera speak up. “Wow thats amazing! How did you learn to control it? I've worked all my life to control mine and it still gets away from me, as you can tell.” She looks down. Dukes reaches out to tilt her chin up. “You are amazing! All of you and your ability is part of who you are. It just comes from a different part of you. Mine comes from the control aspect of me. Making sure everything is neat and tidy is part of my compulsion to control my ability. When I was a boy I over grew my mother’s garden in a tantrum and nearly wrecked our house. Its my emotions I have to control. For instance my mentor found out about my abilities because of the way I reacted to a situation. A girl climbing a tree in Africa fell. I had come to love her spirit throughout the months. She brought us water from the river for money to feed her family. She broke her leg and would not be able to make the journey to the river to collect water for her family or for us to make her family money. Her mother had just bared another child and this was crucial to their survival for them. Instead of taking the time to assess the situation such as waiting to heal the girl's leg when I knew we were in complete solitude I healed it right away which caused my mentor to witness I had an ability and caused me to have a seizure. Duke looks back to the ceiling. “When my loved ones are on the line I act without my strongest attribute which is my mind.” Keera nodded in understanding. “You.” He lifted his finger to touch her nose. “Your passion is where I think your fire comes from. I knew of a boy in africa who had something similar. The war hit and the government took his family, his baby sister, mother and father. In a rage and heartbreak he burned the entire village to the ground. Including survivors, what enemies that where left and himself. It was said that he was a figure of a man made of lava and burned everything with a fire that was said to of burned for a year after his death or the figure of the man walked no more. They had a spiritual name for him but knowing what I know about myself I figured he had an ability that consumed him. He was nine years old. But legends exaggerate I guess. I don't want to tell you how you feel though, it's just what I think. What do you think?” Keera paused for a minute picturing the man walking on fire and it resonated deep within her. She clears her throat. “Um I'm not sure. I always tied it to anger. I mean before I met you that is.” She laughs softly. “But I think you are right in a way. For me it feels like a little camp fire with stones around it. When I get a little angry the embers starts to fly and then when i get more angry I feed fuel to that fire and the fires started raging outside its containment area so to speak.” She played with the end of her hair with her fingers looking for a better way of explaining it. “For example when I started at Bob’s place I would break the coffee pots a lot. People would piss me off and I would walk to the back to cool off my temper and I made the coffee heat up way too hot and they would break. Until today that hasn't happened in years. I tried smoking pot but that made it worse and less predictable and I hate drugs with a passion. It just takes extreme concentration and breathing techniques. With you it's more like a pot boiling over. Its different. It's not like a fire at all but hot water boiling over and I have to breath to calm it. It's so hard to explain because I never have had to.” Keera notices she is playing with her fingers now not looking at Duke at all. “You mean you have never told anyone?” He asks softly. Keera just shakes her head. Tears start to prick her eyes. “Well I did tell one person and he died because of it.” She wipes her face with her arm in wonder. Am I fucking crying? She asks herself in disbelief. Jesus her emotions were everywhere. She lays in Duke's arms immediately to avoid unnecessary emotional confrontation. He wraps his arms around her and kisses her forehead once again not pushing the subject that she most definitely did not want to talk about. Man she loved when he did that. It was such a small comforting gesture. “Enough talking for one night?” Duke says into her hair. Keera just shakes her head yes. Duke again does not push and Keera smiles at this. She squeezes him as to almost say thank you without actually having to say it and he does the same in return. She lays there listening to his heart beat as his body relaxes and she can feel him drift off to sleep. She feels more relaxed than she has ever felt in her life. Like she's home in a way. Like she's finally not alone. Keera went to sleep smiling that night and for the first time in a very long time she didn't even dread dreaming.
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