#and the cinemas in town so we made it in time thank god haha
ilonacho · 8 years
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I got tagged by @giggleboxx3000 and @whatsruiningmylife! I would have answered these sooner, but I was out of town for the day, so I’m answering them now. Thanks for tagging me! <3
⭐ Answer the questions given to you by the tagger
⭐ Write eleven questions of your own
⭐ Tag eleven people
@giggleboxx3000‘s questions:
1. What’s one band/group/artist from ANY genre you’d recommend to me? Okay I’m gonna reccommend Pentatonix AND Mystery Skulls just bc I love both those bands. Pentatonix is a pretty rad a capella group and Mystery Skulls is indie pop/electronica, and is one guy.
2. If you could choose one (1) thing to be buried with, what would it be any why? I really don’t have an answer to this one. Maybe something my dad gave me since he’s like the most important person in my life.
3. Are you living or just existing? If existing, then what would you like to do/change about your life? I think I’m kind of in the middle? I AM doing something with my life; going to college and pursuing the career I love, but I also let my anxiety get the better of me which in turn prevents me from doing certain things. I want to fight my anxiety issues. I think once I overcome those issues, I will truly start living.
4. What’s your opinion on smoking? I’m assuming we’re talking cigarettes here? Kind of unfavorable. I’m not going to judge someone for smoking, but I can’t be around someone who smokes since I have trouble breathing, and also it concerns me when someone smokes because it is killing you.
5. What is your greatest fear? Losing the people I love and care about. Whether it’s due to them dying or getting into a fight with them and never talking to them again. I actually have nightmares about people dying and I have to call or text them just to make sure they’re alright due to the dream being so realistic.
6. Would you rather be feared like the devil or worshipped like a god? Oh gosh, I don’t think either or would be good, ya know? I wouldn’t want to be feared, but I wouldn’t want to be worshipped either. I guess if I was worshipped, I could use my influence for good?
7. Describe your ideal date. Honestly, as long as I’m with the person I love, I don’t really mind what we do. Just as long as we both have fun and get to spend time with each other. <3
8. What are your top 3 favorite movies? Labyrinth, Beetlejuice, and Little Shop of Horrors.
9. Are mermaids real? I believe it’s a possibility. There’s a lot of the ocean we haven’t explored yet, so “mermaids” could be real. But I don’t think they’d be like Ariel from the Little Mermaid.
10. What’s your favorite wild animal? LEMURS! They’re so flippin’ adorable omg
11. Are bald spots (on head and/or face) gross/unattractive? I don’t think so. It’s a thing that happens to people.
@whatsruiningmylife’s questions:
1. DO YOU COLLECT SOMETHING? IF YES, WHAT? I started collecting Disney dolls/figurines. My family would get me stuff for my birthday and Christmas, but we haven’t been able to afford it recently, which isn’t that big of a deal. When I can afford it, and have a place to put everything, I’ll start back up again. I also want to start collecting vinyls.
3. WOULD YOU RATHER TRAVEL TO THE FUTURE OR TO THE PAST? Past. I want to see all my favorite bands in concert back when they were young and/or alive if they’re dead now
4. WHAT SONG GOT YOU INTO YOUR FAVOURITE BAND? Crazy Crazy Nights by KISS. It was that song that motivated me to listen to more of their music besides Rock n Roll All Nite and I Was Made For Lovin’ You. 
5. WHAT COUNTRY WOULD YOU LIKE TO VISIT? A lot haha! If I had to pick just one, probably Scotland or Ireland for the scenery.
8. CATS OR DOGS? Both. I can’t choose between one or the other!
9. SUMMER OR WINTER? Winter! I like to bundle up in warm clothes and drink hot chocolate, even if it barely gets cold here in Florida lol
10. SUNNY DAYS OR RAINY DAYS? It depends on my mood. Usually sunny, but if it’s a day in, I love rainy days!
11. SUNSET OR SUNRISE? Sunrise! I think it’s a great start to the day to watch the sun come up c:
My questions:
1. What makes a person attractive to you?
2. Who do you look up to?
3. What’s one thing that can make you happy no matter what?
4. Are there any fictional characters you heavily relate to? Why?
5. What’s your star sign?
6. Do you think aliens exist?
7. You can spend a day with any person you want, dead or alive, famous or not. Who do you choose? Why?
8. You wake up and discover you have superpowers. What are they?
9. What do you like to do as a hobby?
10. What is one goal you have in life?
11. Is there a song you can listen to over and over again without getting tired? What song is it?
I’m not tagging 11 people but I tag: @pizza-mountain @ubetterhurrytogetapieceofbach @nootball @biwanderlust and that’s about it. You guys don’t have to do this, and if I didn’t tag you but you want to do this, go for it!
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cupcakeshakesnake · 7 years
Watching The Lie of the Land for the first time
Episode aired more than two weeks ago, still, spoilers below the cut
-Well the monks might have caused a ton of bullshit in the last episode but at least they haven’t been complete tyrants in the alternate history they made
-As in, they didn’t kill the entire effing planet
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Earth History v.2, featuring BBC’s Photoshop skills.
-ah nevermind
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Featuring... THE MONK OF RIO instead of Jesus
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oh shit doctor
-Who made you record this
-Are you being tortured right now
-Did someone lock you up
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-So for some reason she is not affected by the monks and seeing through the false history
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-Okay but how long did it take Pearl Mackie to straighten her hair
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Stop with the glitches, you’re freaking me out
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Two statues in one town is a bit too much don’t you think
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-It’s been a while since I was this worried about an episode even before the intros
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-Well this is one dystopian univese.
-Okay, I’m actually tearing up. Not downright crying, I don’t really do that for some reason (and if I say something like I’M CRYIGHN;; anywhere it’s just a metaphor) but this.
-Imagine the pain of being one of the few, if not the only one, in this entire world who knows what actually happened, but no one believes you nor is it wise for your own being if you let loose your knowledge. Imagine watching the people you might have known, the people you knew once shared the same knowledge and lived in the same universe as you did, completely brainwashed, and not even aware of it. You’re the only one around who knows that things had been better for them.
-And your college professor/alien is (apparently) locked up in an interrogation chamber somewhere and forced to make propaganda videos.
-Come back, Doctor. Please come back.
-...And then your mother suddenly disappears...
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tHANK GOODNESS (but also hahahahasd)
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aw yiss
-the what now
-so Bill’s mum wasn’t actually there?
-That’s... really sad.
-I think you guys should cover your windows with your curtains
-”Found it in the Tardis. Yeah, it was in one of the drawers with some old takeaway menus and fifty Danish krone.”
-Bill stop punching Nardole <:P
-”His son is serving ten years in a labour camp for possession of a box of comics.”
-Well that’s bullshit, I take back what I said about the Monks earlier. Literally the only thing they did well is not committing genocide (unless they edged on Hitler to cause the Holocaust.)
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Yikes. Quite the ominous entrance for a ‘savior’ type of species, wouldn’t you say?
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I have bad feelings already. Whovian intuition
-Okay, so if they locked him up and forced him to do broadcasts all day that would be horrible but WHAT IF HE WAS BRAINWASHED TOO OR CONTROLLED IN SOME WAY, THAT WOULD BE EVEN WORSE
-Monk: “Hello, who is this?”  Doctor: “Epsilon. Fire. Jupiter. Lily.“  Monk: “K gotcha fam, I’m going over”
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Why is his suit so ragged again
-(Okay, at this point I went away for lunch, and I had to close all windows because I’m using a library computer, and when I came back and tried to find the approximate point where I left off I accidentally ran into the regeneration bit - the one they showed in the trailer - and a little bit of me died on the spot)
-”It's like that time we discovered that huge fish creature in the, in the Seine in Paris.”  ...?
-”And whose fault was that, huh? I didn't ask for my sight back. No, you took it upon yourself to ignore me, to do what you thought was best. All I can say is that we are lucky it was a benevolent race like the Monks, not the Daleks. Yes, I know the Monks are ruthless. I get that. Yes, they play with history and I'm not exactly thrilled about that. But they bring peace and order.“ Ooph.
-But I can’t shake off the feeling that the Monks aren’t just here out of good will, and they’re actually planning something bad for humanity for their own gain. Because so far none of their actions seem to directly benefit them in any way except gaining humanity’s respect, and this doesn’t make a whole lot of sense since they have shown themselves to be not that benevolent.
-I’m very confused and worried
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-...what the fuck....
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Holy shit...
-So yeah I know he’s not regenerating until the finale or the Christmas special but my worry levels have gone all the way up to 100 nonetheless
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SHIT it’s the bit from the trailer
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-Twelve, your Ten is showing.
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what  thank fucking goodness
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me right now
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the owl is proud.
-he is a proud alien pap.
-Anyway, *breathes in* *breathes out* THANK FUCKING GOODNESS.
-”And there's loads of them. I could do with a Strepsil.“  I looked it up and Strepsil’s a throat pill. Okay. I get the joke now.
-(I don’t really get how guns work but what does ‘blank’ ammo exactly mean? Bill fired the gun and something came out, didn’t it?)
-”I called the kitchen. Oh, could you pop down and explain it to them? They're going to be really confused.“
-In that case, lemme do this again:  Cook: “Hello, what I do for you?”  Doctor: “Epsilon. Fire. Jupiter. Lily.“  Cook: “...???”
-”Oh my God I am going to beat the SH-”
-Second time Bill has ALMOST spoken the s- word in this show y’all
-”The only person I know almost as smart as me.”  “Oh. Oh, I see. Blimey. Has it really come to that?“
-Oh boy.  Are we gonna see Missy?
-”We could have snuck back in, but the Doctor being the Doctor...”
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*hijacks huge ship* *runs - or sails - straight into a bridge* *crazed laughter* Yep, that’s the Doctor alright.
-I think I hear a bit of 11′s theme in there too
-”OH MAN I HAVEN’T DONE THIS IN YEARS”  “Doctor you were in there for only six months”
-Kinda random, but I’m wondering if they ever repaired the wall after the UN broke into his office.
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-”But it’s just a woman.”  you think
-"The way you and Nardole have been carrying on, I thought you had some kind of monster in here, or something!”  “I do.”
-”Wait a sec. Why have you got a woman locked in a vault? Because even I think that's weird, and I've been attacked by a puddle.“  “She's going cold turkey from being bad.”
-”The Monks put up statues in every town square, and every park, and every playground.”  ...Playgrounds. Really.
-”Oh well then it’s sorted. Just kill them.”  Welp
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there goes that plan
-”Well, at this point, all that was left of the bloodline was a wee girl, and I just pushed her into a volcano.“  oh wow
-”You'd be a husk. Completely and irrevocably brain-dead. You couldn't even get on Celebrity Love Island.“  AHAHAHAHAHHAHAA
-Did the Doctor just walk through that forcefield
-Well what was the point of said forcefield
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missy is taller than twelve??
-”I could even throw in some other stuff. The things that I could change just by thinking. Racism. People who talk in cinemas.”  Please do
-”Are you sure? This would be an incredibly sophisticated transmitter, powerful enough to beam highly detailed propaganda to the entire world twenty four hours a day, and you're going to plug your brain into it?” “I know. It doesn't stand a chance.“  WOOHOO!
-”Now, have you all got your stereo headphone i--thing?“
-Oh shit that guy’s player is broken
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Nardole has stars on his earphones :D
-Tarovian Neck Pinch. Yeah, I er, I studied their martial arts for a while, actually. Yeah, reached the level of Brown Tabard. Can't do it with this hand though. Kind of bugs me. Course, this wasn't my original hand, as you know. I won this in a game of -- yeah, let's crack on.”
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Interesting visuals.
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oh holy shit
-holy shit that’s one hell of a mindpower
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-”I don't want our last conversation to be this.”  ”I don't want this to be our last conversation.”
-Oh god it’s dark again
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one ugly head you got there
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oh shit
-I’m stoked for two reasons:  1. This whole scene.  2. The fact that the whole Bill’s mum side story in episode 1 was foreshadowing.
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they’re still at it
-”Bill’s mum, you just went viral.”
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haha what
-The pyramid was a spaceship? I wasn’t expecting that.
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“You, appalling hair.”
-Well excuse me let me remind you of your sixth incarnation
-And tbh that hair kinda looks like Missy’s
-”Er, we thought they were just like filming something here or something?“  Realistic dialogue, that’s actually what a late teen would say, 10/10
-”Thank you. Very helpful. Now go away, or something.“  HA HA HA
-The funny thing is that at the moment the Doctor says “-or something” in the episode, distant laughter can be heard.
-”Why do you put up with us, then?”  "In amongst seven billion, there's someone like you. That's why I put up with the rest of them.“  Aww.
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She’s- crying? She’s, actually, crying.
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“I keep remembering all the people I've killed. Every day I think of more. Being bad, being bad drowned that out. I didn't know I even knew their names. You didn't tell me about this bit.” “I'm sorry, but this is good.” ... "Okay.”
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dables · 6 years
Every Single Show I’ve Ever Played 2006-2018
A few things to note:
-The bands I have played live with are Death Mullet, Dables, Mr. Waffle, Closet Monster, DAN, Trolls, and Supergroup Rivals......a few other projects that I have played or recorded with at some point, but never played an actual show with are The Omnipotent Berserkers, Odetta, and Last Castle.
-Any time Dables is listed from 2006-2010, it was a solo performance. From 2011 on, it was a full band performance unless otherwise noted. -The bands listed for each show are in the order they performed in, the top being the band that played last, the bottom being the first band of the show.
-Some shows I bothered to write down the setlist and if so, they are listed here, other shows I did not.
1. 6/3/06 - Fountain Inn Civic Center Fountain Inn, SC
Death Mullet The Map Says We're Fucked Me and Sir Octagon The Autumn Militia Sk3ptik@l Dables
2. 6/21/2006 - Ground Zero (open mic night I think) Spartanburg, SC
The Sharpest Knives in The Drawer Among Thieves some other punk band, can’t remember Death Mullet
3. 7/8/2006 - Ground Zero Spartanburg, SC
River Chicken Sleazoid Mafia 666 Death Mullet Sk3ptik@l
4. 7/29/2006 - Ground Zero Spartanburg, SC
Headsnap From Graves of Valor Death Mullet one other band, can’t remember their name
5. 10/3/2006 - Ground Zero Spartanburg, SC Vital Remains Dismember Grave Recourse Blade of The Ripper Demericous Death Mullet
-In December 2006, Death Mullet had booked a show at Ground Zero and canceled it, I remember a band called Sugahim was playing, I still have the flyer on a hard drive somewhere, effectively the end of Death Mullet.
6,7,8. Sometime between March-May 2007: played three different shows as Mr. Waffle at The Pickin' Parlor in Greenville, SC
9,10. Sometime between June-August 2007 Dables played two shows at Keller's House Party Satan in Bondage also performed at both This was the first time “Powerglove Bitchslap” was performed
Sometime in September 2007: -Was supposed to play as Mr. Waffle at Ground Zero, but Jake didn't show up. But Ko (now known as Company or Brian Robert Hannon) played their first show along with John Edgerton opening and some other band I can't remember.
11. Early October 2007 played first acoustic Dables mini-show at R3V3RB---I think I played Feeling Close to Throwing Up or either some Ween song to about 6-7 people.  Was some sort of open mic night thing, but nobody showed up. I only played about three songs and then just politely left.
12. 10/13/2007 - R3V3RB (first location) 810 Pendleton St Greenville, SC
Dables Quetzatl Clippzclippedoutclippings Collaboration with Sounds SCF
-performed Powerglove Bitchslap in it’s entirety
13. sometime November 2007 - Dables played open mic night at R3V3RB various musicians played, about 6 different acts. I think Clippzclippedoutclippings was there, I remember a duo playing two chord organs, also a few acoustic guitar singer/songwriters....also Justin Blackburn was reading some poetry too. Alex (from Death Mullet, Closet Monster, and he produced a bunch of Dables stuff) got up and played some lead acoustic guitar on Psychedelic Mess, marking his first time playing at a show since the final Death Mullet show.
setlist: Are You in The Wrong World/various tape manipulation noise Sally/various tape manipulation nose (acoustic set) The Generic Song Psychedelic Mess Feeling Close To Throwing Up My Brain Itches Mozzarella Swastikas
14. 12/28/2007 - R3V3RB (first location) 810 Pendleton St Greenville, SC
Preacher's Gun Good Friends, Bad Company Dables
-performed Powerglove Bitchslap in it’s entirety
15. 2/15/2008 - R3V3RB (first location) 810 Pendleton St Greenville, SC
Ko Coma Cinema Days Off Screen Dables
-performed Powerglove Bitchslap in it’s entirety
16. 4/19/2008 - Cooks Bridge Rd. Party in the woods Fountain Inn,SC
The Blueroots The Nitekrawlers Ko Durbin Creek Dables Shallow Palace
-Performed Powerglove Bitchslap in it’s entirety. -They did not like me, haha.......wrong set to the wrong crowd. I should’ve done an acoustic set but at the time I felt like going all out and giving them Powerglove Bitchslap instead. 4 or 5 people laughed their asses off and had a great time during my set, I remember one drunk guy was hugging me and blubbering for like 10 minutes after the show telling me how much he loved my set. The rest of ‘em...couldn’t WAIT for me to finish as nerdcore hip hop wasn’t their thing I guess...and they let me know it hahaha!! Oh well, I got drunk as hell afterwards and slept in my car, had a great night overall, despite those who got annoyed by the novelty white boy rapper for 35ish minutes. Shallow Palace, Ko, and The Blueroots all absolutely killed it and played amazing sets which all blew me away. Those three bands were all in their prime in ‘08.
Ko had recently released “The Opposite of What You Would Call Ordinary” with their original drummer Kelly who passed away a few years later, and they played one of the best shows I’ve ever seen in my life, with so much energy,  thank god I didn’t have to go after them, I wouldn’t of done it, I would’ve just said “Nah, I’m not playing anymore tonight!”. They were amazing, and made everyone there a fan that night. Top it off with equally energetic and amazing sets from Shallow Palace and The Blueroots....it’s an honor and also slighty embarrassing that they let me do my stupid thing the same night as Ko, Shallow Palace, and The Blueroots were all at their peak, performing mind-blowing sets and such an awesome display of musicianship and talent, out on a wooden stage, surrounded by trees out in the middle of Nowheresville....should’ve played that acoustic set LOL.
17. 5/24/2008 - Ground Zero Spartanburg, SC
Dables hour long two part show 1 half acoustic folk/1 half nerdcore rap the other band booked did not show up, can’t remember who it was
1st set:(not correct order) Mozzarella Swastikas Plastic Jesus My Brain Itches Zero Amounts of Shit Brown Eyed Angel Psychedelic Mess Feeling Close to Throwing Up
2nd set: Powerglove Bitchslap performance
18. 9/20/2008-R3V3RB (second location) 109 Augusta Rd Greenville, SC
Oddknock Epileptic Fit (Jake Xingu) Clippzclippedoutclippings Closet Monster
19. 2/27/2009 - R3V3RB (third location) 11 College St Greenville, SC
Closet Monster The Fuzz Cremes The Pedestrians Magicool Beauty Fool (Jake Xingu)
20. 4/11/2009 - Cooks Bridge Rd Party in the Woods Fountain Inn, SC
The Blueroots Closet Monster (final show with Jake on drums and Kenny puked on stage) The Nitekrawlers John Edgerton and some others
-Sometime in May or June 2009 is when me and my roommate/cousin Kenny got robbed, and I moved out in late Oct-early Nov 2009.
21. 12/5/2009 - House Show Fountain Inn, SC
Dables Satan in Bondage Coma Cinema
-Dables did two sets, as well as played drums/percussion for Coma Cinema
1st set: All The Retards Are Gettin' Married Eat Acid and Listen to The Boredoms Love Will Rise Above Brown Eyed Angel Psychedelic Mess I Have Nothing Important To Say Zero Amounts of Shit The Generic Song
encore: We Don't Need No Drummer
2nd set: Powerglove Bitchslap in it's entirety with Keller as 'Tha Hype Man Supremo'
22. 3/12/2010 - The Hangar Greenville, SC
Peelander Z Math The Band Now in 3-D (this was their first show) Dables
setlist: All The Retards Are Gettin’ Married Eat Acid and Listen to The Boredoms Boredumb Nancy Botwin Love Headache I Have Nothing Important to Say We Don’t Need No Drummer Welcome to Reality This is Nothing The Generic Song
23. 5/21/2010 - The Apartment Fountain Inn, SC
Dables DAN Albino Satan in Bondage
setlist: Love Headache All The Retards Are Gettin’ Married Boredumb Welcome to Reality Kill and Die (with Sid on vocals) Eat Acid and Listen To The Boredoms Facenose I Have Nothing Important To Say A Smiling Piece of Plastic
24. 5/28/2010 - Ground Zero Spartanburg, SC
The Emotron Culture Prophet Hectagons The Lizard and The Lady Dables
full set: Love Headache Eat Acid and Listen To The Boredoms All The Retards (cut short due to time...I was super late to the show, long story)
25. 6/26/2010 - The Apartment Fountain Inn,SC
Jake Xingu Dables Albino Satan in Bondage Justin Blackburn DAN setlist: Eat Acid and Listen to The Boredoms Love Headache All The Retards Are Gettin’ Married Boredumb Zero Amounts of Shit I Have Nothing Important to Say We’re All Fucked! Something (Butthole Surfers cover)
26. 7/5/2010 - The Hangar Greenville, SC
The Codependents Ditching Cody Forgetting Fera The Beer Sluggers DAN Satan in Bondage & like 2 more I think
-This ended up being the final DAN show. -Early December 2010 is when the current lineup with Jake Garrett and Cody Blackwell first got together.
27. 3/17/2011 - Karma Greenville, SC
Dables and The Fountain Inn Jam Sadplant Dirtbag Love Affair Coma Cinema Satan in Bondage
Setlist: All The Retards Boredumb Paint The Town Brown Love Headache Sorry Entertainer Hey Sid I Live My Broken Dreams Effervescing Elephant Piece of Rock Sleepytime
-Our first show we were stupidly billed as Dables and The Fountain Inn Jam because that’s we named the first demo we recorded as a 3 piece. Dropped that dumb name after 1 show. Cody played drums on Broken Dreams, Effervescing Elephant, Piece of Rock, and Sleepytime which we did for at least a year until we decided to keep Cody on bass and Jake on drums for every song (except Sleepytime).
28. 3/25/2011 - Karma Greenville, SC
Mason Jar Menagerie Dables The Blueroots
setlist: All The Retards Boredumb Paint The Town Brown Love Headache (first time with new drum intro) Sorry Entertainer Lady Sniff Hey Sid I Live My Broken Dreams Effervescing Elephant Piece of Rock Sleepytime Negative Superman
29. 4/09/2011 - Suite 8 Greenville, SC
Terrorist as Terror Transient as As Cities Burn The Soap as Black Sabbath Satan in Bondage as Nirvana Dables Plays Daniel Johnston Reuben from The Francis Vertigo as Neutral Milk Hotel
setlist: I Live My Broken Dreams Museum of Love Phantom of My Own Opera Casper The Friendly Ghost Get Yourself Together Devil Town Funeral Home
-was supposed to play 4/23/2011 at Karma with Shoot The Blitz, Junkhat, Luna's Lament, Shadow of Myself, K Trik E, but we couldn't show up and canceled---me and Keller went to the show anyways, and Shadow of Myself's equipment got stolen out of their van in the parking lot.
30. 5/13/2011 - Gumby's Food and Spirits Greenville, SC
Mason Jar Menagerie Dables The Blueroots
setlist: All The Retards Paint The Town Brown Boredumb Love Headache Sorry Entertainer Casper The Friendly Ghost Hey Sid Nancy Botwin I Live My Broken Dreams Effervescing Elephant Piece of Rock Sleepytime Negative Superman
31. 6/25/2011 - Ground Zero Spartanburg, SC
-There were 2 shows this night. An early show with metalcore bands and a late show with the “weirder” bands.
(2nd show:) The Emotron Johnny Tango Jake Xingu Dables
(1st show:) Destruction of A King Adalia Labyrinthe Silence Autumns Blood
our set: All The Retards Paint The Town Brown Red Eye Boredumb Casper The Friendly Ghost Sorry Entertainer Nancy Botwin Sleepytime
32. 7/1/2011 - The Radio Room Greenville, SC
Din of Thieves The Head Dables
-First time playing Radio Room
setlist: All The Retards Paint The Town Brown Red Eye Boredumb Love Headache Sorry Entertainer Casper The Friendly Ghost Hey Sid Nancy Botwin I Live My Broken Dreams Effervescing Elephant Piece of Rock Sleepytime Negative Superman
33. 9/15/2011 - The Radio Room Greenville, SC
Dables Mason Jar Menagerie Can't Kids
34. 10/7/2011 - Cooks Bridge Deep Roots Family Records Festival Fountain Inn, SC
The Foothills Toe Jam Mason Jar Menagerie Dables The Blueroots Chicken Jam
setlist: The Void All The Retards Casper The Friendly Ghost Sorry Entertainer Hey Sid Boredumb Paint The Town Brown Love Headache Nancy Botwin Sleepytime
35. 11/18/2011 - The Radio Room (BENNYFIT) Greenville, SC
Dables Mason Jar Menagerie The Blueroots
36. 02/3/2012 - The Artistry Greenville, SC
Romancing The Devil Dables (acoustic solo set) DJ Fernando
setlist: Love Will Rise Above Negative Superman Desperate Man Feeling Close to Throwing Up Demoralize Your Mind Psychedelic Mess I Did Acid with Caroline (Johnston cover) The Generic Song No Matter Where I Go
37. 02/17/2012 - Cody's House Party Fountain Inn, SC
Dables Mason Jar Menagerie Fed to Lions (The Foothills Toe Jam was supposed to play but the cops shut us down)
38. 03/17/2012 - The Radio Room Greenville, SC
Dables M is We Two People Playing Music
-almost got busted by cops for smoking weed in the parking lot this night, right before we played. The cops were super open minded and just confiscated what we had and said not to do it again. Nobody got arrested!
setlist: The Void Paint The Town Brown All The Retards Are Gettin’ Married Love Headache Casper The Friendly Ghost Sorry Entertainer Boredumb Nancy Botwin Hey Sid Red Eye Awkwardly Awkward Piece of Rock Sleepytime
39. 06/16/2012 - The Radio Room Greenville, SC
CD Release Show for "Dables"
Dables Halmos Foothills Toe Jam
setlist: Looks Like Rain (1st time) Paint The Town Brown Mountain Dew (1st time) All The Retards Are Gettin’ Married Boredumb Love Headache Sorry Entertainer Wasn’t Good Enough Live Forever (1st time) Nancy Botwin Awkwardly Awkward The Void Sleepytime
40. 07/6/2012 - The Radio Room Greenville, SC
Fed to Lions Dables Red Pines Of All Trades
41. 7/7/2012 - Steve Sancho's Practice Space 802 Columbia, SC
not really a show but about 6 people saw us practice, so I'm counting it, mostly because it was the first time we played outside of the upstate, and this is where we recorded the main tracks for our split with Mason Jar Menagerie titled “Deep Roots For Sale”
42. 8/28/2012 - The Radio Room Greenville, SC
Andy D Dables The No Counts
43. 10/20/2012 - The House Simpsonville, SC
Mason Jar Menagerie Dables The Foothills Toe Jam The Gypsy Queens Red Pines The Blueroots
44. 11/3/2012 - The Radio Room Greenville, SC
Dables Red Pines Killing Kuddles
-Killing Kuddles band didn’t show up because his drummer got arrested or something, so he did a solo set using only an electric guitar.
45. 11/9/2012 - Casa de Santengelo (Ryan's House Show) Greenville, SC
Sun Sweet Sun Dables Blast & The Detergents Francis Vertigo
46. 12/21/2012 - The Radio Room Greenville, SC
Dables MEH Crocker Katalyst Trublklef
-Billed as “The End of The World” show due to that stupid Mayan calendar thing. Death metal band Vindictive Sovereign was supposed to play but canceled like two days before. This was a benefit show to help fund a new venue called Garaj Mahal, which ended up only lasting about a two years.  But that was two years worth of great shows, so I’ll give them that.
47. 03/03/2013 - The Radio Room Greenville, SC
Mason Jar Menagerie Company Dables (acoustic set with the full band)
setlist: The Size of The Moon Negative Superman Frank (Ween) She Fucks Me (Ween) Don’t Worry I’m in Heaven Now Falling Apart Willow Garden Love Will Rise Above
48. 04/20/2013 - Garaj Mahal Greenville, SC MEH Dables They Eat Their Own God Rubrics Satan in Bondage
-Cody got arrested while driving home after this show. They tried to get him on possession and a DUI even though he was completely sober. The cop searched his car and found a small one-hitter bowl with resin in it that he didn’t even remember was in the car, but there was no actual weed in the car. He was able to get everything dropped to a possession of paraphernalia misdemeanor. He got busted on 4/20 for not being high.With a vehicle full of instruments and amplifiers. Oh, and one little tiny pipe with nothing in it.  What tremendous irony and misfortune. Cody probably doesn’t remember this night too fondly. I remember Rubrics covering Negative Creep and they had begun writing sludgier, heavier material lately that they played and it was a blast.  I remember They Eat Their Own God being especially gross and brutal crust punk that I enjoyed. And of course Keller and the MEH boys did their thing and were both awkwardly awesome and satisfyingly weird. The crowd went nuts, heavy moshing at this show, perhaps the biggest pit we have played to. Those punk kids know how to slam, and they do it the entire show. Great show. Aside from Cody getting arrested.
49. 07/20/2013 - Garaj Mahal Greenville, SC The Unit MEH Divulgence Waft Dables Rubrics Interstellar Upstarts Now in 3D Weapon YZ The Devil & St. Pat
-This show was called Gusto Fest 2 and we played it without Cody on the bass, just me and Jake because Cody couldn’t get the day off work for some reason.  It also marks the first performance of the song “Utterly Pointless” with Jake on drums during it.
50. 08/8/2013 - Cabin Floor Records Greenville, SC
Satan in Bondage Permanent Makeup Dables Weapon YZ
51. 11/22/2013 - The Radio Room Greenville, SC
Grown Up Avenger Stuff Dables Young International
52. 12/14/2013 - Garaj Mahal Greenville, SC
Rubrics as Nirvana Interstellar Upstarts as Minor Threat Chunx as Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers Now in 3D as The Misfits People of Mars as The Beatles Dables as Daniel Johnston
53. 01/11/2014 - The House Simpsonville, SC
Dables 72nd and Central Sun Brother
54. 2/6/2014 - Radio Room Greenville, SC
Dables The Terror Pigeon Dance Revolt Michael Parallax Four AM Friends
55. 5/22/2014 - Radio Room Greenville, SC
Dables Laundry Day Revolt Plan 8 People of Mars
56. 6/12/2014 - Radio Room Greenville, SC
Mason Jar Menagerie Dumb Doctors Dables
57. 6/18/2014 - Makeout Manor (Alex From Rubrics House Show) Greenville,SC
Dirty Kills Rubrics Dables Lewis Turn Out
58. 9/28/2014 - Radio Room Greenville, SC
Dables Couches People of Mars
59. 10/31/2014 - House of Mars (Sid & Clayton's House) Simpsonville, SC
Shoot The Blitz The Hilary Keane Project John The Revelator Dables Anarcho Aggression Sun Brother -Halloween 2014, this was SPOOKYFEST. People of Mars, MEH, Crocker, Jubbyfuk, Wasted Wine, and Jericho Bros were supposed to play but didn't due to rain (this was an outdoor show) and/or canceling the week of the show, and also cops getting called and shutting the show down early. It was a great success with much shenanigans and things going wrong, but everyone was stoned and drunk and we played one of the best sets we have ever played while dressed as Jesus, a Ghostbuster, and Burt Reynolds.I think Shoot The Blitz played 3 and 1/2 songs, then the show got shut down completely by the cops because we were being loud as hell. Great show.
60. 12/31/2014 - Radio Room Greenville, SC
Mason Jar Menagerie A Moment Electric Dables
61. 3/20/2015 - The House Simpsonville, SC
Mason Jar Menagerie John The Revelator Durbin Creek String Band Dables Before There Were Gods Amy Harrison Chad Hudson (didn't play because he got arrested mere hours before the show. Nobody knew where he was until the show was practically over, when someone finally found out that he just got arrested earlier that day.)
62. 4/25/2015 - The House Simpsonville, SC
Dables Fed to Lions James Nichols & The Limbs
63. 5/1/2015 - Radio Room Greenville, SC
Dalmatian Mamma Bear Dables Wounded Hollow
64. 5/19/2015 - The House Simpsonville, SC
Mason Jar Menagerie Dables Battle Ave (they didn't show up, so Dables played a longer than usual set and Mason Jar played two sets. Basically took over The House for several hours, as usual)
65. 6/19/2015 - The Soundbox Tavern (formerly The House) Simpsonville, SC
Dables The Long Canes Chad Hudson Mason Jar Menagerie Amy Lynne Harrison The Forty Bale John The Revelator
-Before There Were Gods were supposed to close out the show but didn’t play because of how late it was. We didn’t finish our set until about 1:00 AM.
66. 11/21/2015 - The Royal American Charleston, SC
The Long Canes Dables Before There Were Gods Mason Jar Menagerie Amy Lynne Harrison Chad Hudson John The Revelator
67. 1/19/2016 - Radio Room Greenville, SC
The Emotron Dables Jack Toft
68. 1/29/2016 - Radio Room Greenville, SC
Dables Crown The Cake Jericho Brothers
69. 5/6/2016 - Radio Room Greenville, SC
Before There Were Gods (CD Release) Dables Babylon
70. 5/28/2016 - Art Bar Columbia, SC
Axattack Semicasual Hollowborn Dables Alley Way
71. 6/3/2016 - Radio Room Greenville, SC
Dables Odd Television
-This was the 10 Year Anniversary of Dables show. We did two full 50 minute sets. The first one was half solo songs, the way my shows were from 2006-2010, and half an acoustic full band set. The second set was a “regular” Dables electric full band set.
72. 7/2/2016 - The Soundbox Tavern Simpsonville, SC
The Indoor Kids Floco Torres The Reason You Stayed Solaire Dables Bizness Suit Actual Something
-Sun Brother was supposed to close out this show as they were the ones who booked the whole thing, billed as “Bandcamp 2″, but had to cancel due to one the members having health issues.
73. 10/15/2016 - Frets and Necks Fest Hartsville, SC
Festival with 50+ bands including Deep Roots Family Records bands: Dables Mason Jar Menagerie Amy Lynne Reed The Last Southern Gentlemen (formerly Chad Hudson) John The Revelator
-This would turn out to be the final Dables show with Jake and Cody as Jake decided to take an indefinite hiatus from Dables as he focuses more on his other projects such as Mason Jar Menagerie and John The Revelator. However, we may get back together again someday (never officially broke up, just went on indefinite hiatus) but as of today (7/7/18) I have not played with Jake and Cody at the same time since this show.
74. 11/18/2016 - Radio Room Greenville, SC
Trolls (FIRST SHOW!) Glass Mansions Snoot
--Canceled a Dables show at Soundbox Tavern on 11/26/16 because Cody couldn't get off work (John The Revelator and Amy Lynne Reed still played though). --Canceled a Trolls show at Radio Room on 1/7/17 because of snow (Hugger Mugger and Joie were supposed to play too).
75. 2/4/2017 - Gottrocks Greenville, SC
Mason Jar Menagerie Trolls Matt Gleason
76. 3/4/2017 - Radio Room Greenville, SC
Glass Mansions Trolls Hugger Mugger
--On 3/19/2017 played 3 Trolls songs (Backseat Rider, Left and Right, Pocket Dimension Person) followed by an improvisation 10-15 minute jam with a different drummer (can’t remember his name-I met him about an hour before we played) at Saluda River Yacht Club in Greenville, SC at Mickey's birthday party because Naveed (Trolls drummer) didn’t show up, although this was never an “official” show anyways, more of a last-minute “you guys want to play a few songs tonight?” kinda thing, so I’m not counting it as an official show.  Our friends Shit Karate did a 30 min set afterwords as well.
77. 3/26/2017 - Nophest Atlanta, GA
in order: (our set was 4:45-5:15pm) The Downs, Holders, The Bantam Breaks, Heatbunnies, Trolls, Sex Farm, 20K Leagues Under The Sea, The Callous Daoboys, Glass Mansions, Alabama Rose, Digigost, Eureka Failure, A Very Loud Death
-This was a 3 day weekend festival being held in a warehouse with no A/C and no real sound man/good equipment.  Extremely DIY.  We played on Sunday. I remember sweating profusely, not being able to hear my band, while about 20 people watched us. They seemed to like it. We played right after a punk band that wore giant Easter bunny outfits. Good stuff.
78. 4/15/2017 - Merck Mountain Festival Central, SC
Mason Jar Menagerie Adam Carter Trolls Tiger Junction -This was an outdoor show in the middle of nowhere. The Merck family had set up a small “stage” in front of a garage on their property that was literally in the middle of the woods.  You had to drive down a mile of dirt road just to get to where the stage was. The festival lasted two days, with people camping out and everything. We didn’t attend the second night which the lineup was Dustin Owens & The First Amendment, Bad Mojo, Silver Tounge Devils, sympL, Lionz of Zion, Taught By Heroes, and Evan’s Dilemma. Naveed was on shrooms at this show, and had an episode with some racist hillbillies that he managed to work into his youtube show The Cinco Sanders Show in a hilarious way. We played a really solid set too, probably the tightest one we ever did, everyone was firing on all cylinders to these drunk white southerners out in the woods of Central, SC, and they all could tell that Trolls was killing it that night, whether they understood what was happening or not, they just heard the rock n roll. Most of the people up front did anyways, I dunno about the rest of the crowd...Regardless, I think this was my favorite Trolls show.
79. 4/28/2017 - Gottrocks Greenville, SC
Superbob Trolls
80. 5/20/2017 - Saluda River Yacht Club Greenville, SC
Trolls The Alternative Facts (Saluda River Yacht Club House Band)
-This was Trolls final show with original drummer Naveed, as he moved away to Portland a month or so afterwards.
81. 9/1/2017 - Radio Room (New Location in old IPA building!) Greenville, SC
The Winter Sounds Pinky Doodle Poodle The Indoor Kids Trolls
-This was both our new drummer Truston’s first and last show with Trolls.  A week or two after the show, Caleb (Trolls vocalist) told everyone he would soon be moving to California to be with his wife’s family. Since he was the one who started the band, we decided to end it. Can’t have Trolls without Caleb =(.
82. 2/22/2018 - Radio Room Greenville, SC
St Maurice The Buzzards of Fuzz Supergroup Rivals (first show)
83. 4/23/2018 - Radio Room Greenville, SC
The Boo Jays (reunion show) Supergroup Rivals
84. 4/30/2018 - Radio Room Greenville, SC
Supergroup Rivals Eureka California Inside Out and Backwards
85. 7/24/2018 - Ground Zero (2nd location) Spartanburg, SC
Cut Throat Freakshow The Emotron Supergroup Rivals
86. 1/11/2019 - Radio Room Greenville, SC
Supergroup Rivals (EP & Short Film Release) The Accuser III Kings Evan’s Dilemma
87. 1/18/2019 - Ground Zero Spartanburg, SC III Kings Supergroup Rivals 72nd and Central
88. 2/22/2019 - Eighth State Brewing Company Pinky Doodle Poodle Supergroup Rivals
That’s it so far. 80+ official shows, plus a handful of “unofficial” ones in 13 years. And many that got booked and fell through for every reason imaginable.  Besides one show in Atlanta, I have never played a show outside of South Carolina. My goal was never really to be a big, touring musician anyways. My lifestyle just wouldn’t support that. My goals and passions have mostly been focused on writing and recording music, with occasional shows for fun. I do wish that I had played a lot more and been more active about booking shows, as I did the majority of the booking myself at most of these shows in this list.  I do hope to do some small East Coast tours some day, but chances of that are slim. But I do have a LOT of recorded material, which was always my real goal anyways, just to record the ideas that I get for songs and make albums that I enjoy and am proud of, and that will last forever as a complete piece of music that anyone can listen to, at any time. My plans for the future is to start playing more shows out of town and recording some new music with Supergroup Rivals, and hopefully get Jake and Cody to do Dables again, whether it just be another album or play a few local shows, among other projects. I’m going to finish this blog off with a list of all the lineups of my bands, since none of this would of been possible without all the great musicians and friends I have played with the past 12 years. Cheers, dudes.
Death Mullet (lineup 1): David Walker - bass,vocals Matt Spearman - guitar Cody Blackwell - drums Death Mullet (lineup 2): David Walker - vocals Cody Blackwell - guitar, backing vocals Alex Murray - bass Jake Garrett - drums
Mr. Waffle: Cody Blackwell - guitar David Walker - bass Jake Garrett - drums Closet Monster: David Walker - bass, vocals, guitar, drum machines Alex Murray - guitar Adam Young - keyboards, percussion, backing vocals
Dables: David Walker - guitar, vocals Cody Blackwell - bass, vocals Jake Garrett - drums DAN: Sid Shurer - vocals, keyboards David Walker - guitar, vocals, drum machine Clayton Marks - bass, vocals
Trolls (lineup 1): Caleb Riley - vocals Mickey Kriese - guitar, vocals David Walker - bass, backing vocals Cinco Sanders - drums, percussion Trolls (lineup 2): Caleb Riley - vocals Mickey Kriese - guitar, vocals David Walker - bass, backing vocals Truston Carter - drums Supergroup Rivals: Zach Guttery - guitar, vocals Mickey Kriese - guitar, vocals David Walker - bass Chris Larocque - drums
The genres of all my bands are as such: Death Mullet (metal, grindcore, comedy rock, hard rock) Mr. Waffle (experimental psychedelic rock, jam band)
DAN (psychedelic punk, comedy/novelty rock)
Closet Monster (noise, experimental psychedelic rock)
Trolls (punk ‘n roll, hard rock)
Supergroup Rivals (stoner rock, sludge metal, hard rock) Last Castle (raw black metal) Dables (everything....hard rock, stoner rock, comedy/novelty, psychedelic grunge, experimental, noise, punk, hip hop, electronic, traditional folk, folk rock, fuzzfolk, singer/songwriter stuff, stoner metal, sludge metal, avant-garde, synthpop, post-punk, shoegaze, funk, emo, pop, blues, alternative, garage rock, lo-fi slacker pop, total bullshit....pretty much you name it, Dables has experimented with all of the above and probably more.)
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