#and the children in the districts while in school also help with the districts primary tasks of course they’re not prepared to kill or fight
robertsbarbie · 1 year
i do find it funny how the Capitol children assume children in the districts are raised to be in the games, and are shocked when they don’t have the knowledge on how to kill each other
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sirenjose · 11 months
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Hunter Norton Backstory Trailer Analysis
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As a rule, the sons of miners follow the occupation of their fathers. Once Norton’s father died, and his mother also likely dead by then too, he had no other choice but to become a miner if he wanted to survive. Especially with how poor they likely were, Norton’s father (and mother) likely left almost nothing for their son, forcing him to work hard to support himself from a young age.
Based on Norton’s comment about living like a “rat” for 20 years, as he is 28 in the present, Norton’s father potentially died when he was 8 (his mother potentially died before then), leaving him an orphan.
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A Mine Regulation Act in 1872 prevented children under the age of 12 from working underground. Until then, he would likely have been kept to surface work, such as:
Sorting and transporting materials
Loading and unloading transports
Assisting with general maintenance and cleaning
Delivering messages
An Educational Act in 1870, which applied to England and Wales, made schooling compulsory for boys between the ages of 5 and 10, while an Act in 1872 applying to Scotland made school compulsory for kids between 5 and 13.
Once he reached the age of 12, the Regulation Act in 1872 would continued to limit his work hours, which prevented boys between 12 and 16 from working more than 54 hours in 1 week or 10 hours in 1 day. It also required them to have 8 to 12 hour breaks between “periods of employment” (defined as starting when they leave the surface and ending when they return to the surface).
Once he was old enough, regular miners were expected to work at least 12 hour shifts (though this varied from mine to mine) on weekdays. And we know from Norton’s deduction 2 that he worked longer than any of his coworkers, while his 3rd letter states, as a habit, he enters the mines at least 30 minutes before the others.
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Conditions in the mine were hot, musty, and cramped (as mine owners didn’t want to spend extra to make them bigger), increasing the chance of accidents. We can actually see just how narrow the tunnels usually were in the trailer.
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Miners also worked in complete darkness except for lighting they had to buy themselves. In fact, they had to buy much of their own equipment.
Unfortunately, wages for miners were incredibly low back then. Miners were paid by the quality of what they produced rather than by the hour, giving owners plenty of ways to reduce how they could pay their miner (including by lying about the quality or rigging the scales).
The average wage of coal miners in the 1880s was somewhere between 3s (s = shillings) and 5s per day, with around 4s being closer to the normal, and 5 only if you were lucky. 4 shillings was about $1.20. Generally though wages varied greatly in different districts. After spending on equipment, food, and rent, they could be left with maybe no more than 1s.
Going back to the trailer, it says “Blasting Agent – Mercury (II) Fulminate”. This is an explosive compound made from mercury, nitric acid, and ethanol. It was commonly used as a primary explosive in percussion caps and detonators during the 19th century. When struck or subjected to a shock, it would rapidly decompose and produce a violent explosion. Its role was to initiate the ignition or detonation of the main explosive charge, such as dynamite.
This is the stuff that we see him pouring into the dynamite.
Continuing, we see Norton smiling at a coin, but then his wrist is crushed by the other miners, who steal it from him, taunting him to try to take it back.
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Norton actually smiling at the coin helps show Norton’s desire to get out of poverty, an idea he emphasizes later when he describes poverty as a “curse”.
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But as we see in the Famitsu Article, people didn’t understand why he tried so hard. It “intimidated” them. Then in Norton’s 2nd letter as well as in this trailer, we see that he was ridiculed by his coworkers. They didn’t think it was possible for him to achieve such a goal. This is reflected with how essentially, at that time “Englishmen recognized if he is in a certain social grade, he is likely to remain there. He’ll never reach a higher class, and didn’t rebel”. Each class “cheerfully” accepted “the lot which providence has assigned” to them.
Norton was different though. He says in the trailer “I once thought the same” after it talks about sons of miners became miners themselves.
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He may have initially accepted the same thing everyone else did, but things likely changed over time, the longer he was forced to live this sort of life.
There’s also a good chance part of his change was from working with people like Benny. He learns from them to improve himself (and hopefully improve his chance at earning more), but he also sees how these old miners are, which emphasizes in his brain he doesn’t want to end up like them. He doesn’t want to end up in hospice or stuck in poverty his whole life like they did, just waiting for the day they die.
Norton worked hard, harder and longer than everyone else, in the hopes eventually this would be enough to improve his life, to make it even slightly close to what most would consider a comfortable life, even if it meant only the basics. But it wasn’t enough. The mine owners were greedy. The other miners were all in it only for themselves. His wages were miniscule, and his daily and weekly expenses pretty great. Especially with how back in that time period, mine owners had ways where they attempted to keep their employees indebted to them, to force them to keep working for them, as well as improve their own personal profits as much as possible.
Norton was surrounded by these sorts of people forced to live in such a cruel environment, watching the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. This is reflected in his 2nd letter where he says “This is simply unfair. The poor find it difficult to lead a comfortable life, while all the rich need to do is wave their banknotes around”. He describes all the pain he’s gone through just at the chance to “climb up” out of poverty before describing “how much effort I put into this” as “ridiculous”.
His hard work is exemplified by his 3rd deduction, which describes how he’s done so well his employers always attempt (but fail) to keep him for longer. He works to learn, to improve his skills, and better himself at the chance at earning more and thus potentially work his way out of poverty faster.
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We can also see it during the trailer, with him surrounded by all these books and other things.
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This quality of his, where he likes to teach himself, to learn, and to improve himself has been implied at other points by Netease, such as by several of his skins or even from part of other collabs, like B.Duck, which described Norton as “full of curiosity” and “likes learning”. It also described him with a “desire to act at MAX” or “highest level of execution”. This means he’s the type of person to put all his effort into whatever he does.
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It just wasn’t enough.
We even see the sort of suffering this life has forced him to endure, as in the trailer it shows him coughing due to the damage his lungs have suffered due to his life as a miner.
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Hard work wasn’t enough. This is why he eventually turned to the list of 13 mines he learned from Benny, seeking to instead attempt to escape poverty by finding gold.
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As explained by @metalIurgy and @Deskdeas, each of the names on this list are European mines or people.
(Also, there seems to be 15 names total on the list, rather than 13)
Von Donnersmarck: House of Donnersmarck, prominent aristocratic family that originated in the region of Silesia. Owned mines.
Georg Wilhelm: Russian military officer and engineer who specialized in mining
Prince Konstantin: prince of Russia, killed in a mining shaft
Ștefan Procopiu: physicist who researched electricity and magnetism
Friedrich Alfred Krupp: German industrialist, developed Krupp steel manufacturer and arms manufacturing company
Saarbergwerke: mining company that operated in the Saarland region of Germany
Romeria: religious pilgrimage (Spain or spanish speaking countries?)
Petro-pavlivska (''Петро-павлівська''): black coal mine located in the Eastern part of Ukraine
Nova Baňa: silver and gold mining site in central Slovakia.
Swansea Copper: Welsh copper mines
Eramet: French multinational mining and metallurgical company
Ivan Polzunov: Russian engineer known for his contributions to steam engine technology
Wowdcole: ?
(Sorry, I can't read the 15th name crossed out in the top left corner of the list)
We know from Norton’s 5th deduction that he tried and failed to find anything at any of the other 12 mines, leaving him with only Golden Cave left.
Back to the trailer, we see him with a map.
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The left side looks like it should be a map of Lakeside and the surrounding area, with Golden Cave being the X at the base of the mountains. Count Barriere is the owner of this land, and also the owner of Golden Cave. The right side should be the representation of a map of the mine itself.
Considering how earlier Norton’s coworkers stole Norton’s coin, it’s possible they essentially tried to do the same thing here. Saw him looking at the map, then took it for themselves. Like how Norton’s 8th deduction includes “you need more helpers”, they may have forced him to take them along, and why they explore it on their own without Norton. Especially with the looks on their faces in that scene not showing they had any good intentions.
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(A lot of what I’ll say next is said very well by @Yaboku_samaa)
Norton seems to have set all this up in advance, before they came through the mine.
Next we see Norton’s inner conflict. A conflict between morals and vengeance represented by survivor Norton vs Hunter Norton. His Hunter side manages to win out by telling Norton that this is what they deserve, it’s revenge for all the pain and ridicule he’s been put through, all in silence, all without fighting back. He’s forced to keep a façade. To keep his true feelings hidden if he doesn’t want a penalty or reduction in wages. He’s tired of having to live such a hard life of constant suffering and humiliation and hopelessness, and thus why he had hit his limit and the side represented by his Hunter version won out.
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(I’m not going to push the idea too much, but it’s possible Norton may have bipolar disorder. That or DID, especially with how he literally talks to himself in his 2nd letter. Especially as both can form in children or young adults who experience long-term physical or emotional distress or abuse. Causes can include childhood trauma (like neglect, abuse, trauma, losing someone like a parent), stressful life events, genetics, etc…)
This decision is shown during the trailer when Norton says “There are ways to make a change”.
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Norton’s 2nd letter does an accurate job of summarizing everything:
“Over the last 20 years, I lived like a rat in the gutter. I spent days under the ground in the dark just so I could earn a minimal living. Scars from the blasts crawled all over my face like maggots. The constant scorn and ridicule... I endured it every time just so I'd get a chance to climb up the ladder. It's ridiculous how much effort I put into this—anyway, I've finally managed to crawl out from the rat hole. I no longer have to pick and pull on the disgusting ash. Those who did nothing but laugh at me deserve to stay underground and be stepped on like maggots forever.”
And the trailer visually showing Norton’s inner conflict matches up very well with how quite clearly Norton in his 2nd letter is arguing with himself. The side represented by Hunter Norton is likely the version talking right now, trying to convince him (the side represented by Survivor Norton) to kill the female, “think about how arrogant she is” and all the money he’d get. The fact he is trying to convince himself shows that Norton doesn’t want to do it, and how he isn’t willing to do anything for money. His hatred for his coworkers for their treatment of him for so long was enough for the side represented by Hunter Norton to convince him to trigger the explosion on them, but that motivation doesn’t exist here. Right now, his less moral side is trying to motivative him with money and thinking about others as “arrogant” and essentially mean, as well as the doubt that she could do something to him.
But that may not be enough to convince him next time to actually do it if he’s given a chance. At Golden Cave, that was his last chance to try to find gold. He’d gone through 12 other mines (and 20 years of pain on top of that) with nothing to show for it. Norton may be very stubborn and determined, but even he was growing so very desperate, which is shown well by Norton’s 5th deduction as well as by the trailer itself. So it makes sense that Norton was mentally not in the right place and vulnerable to the sort of temptation we see him going through in the trailer.
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Norton is alone. No family. No money. Suffering from lung problems. Has never been shown kindness and forced to grow up in a very cruel environment. The only thing keeping him moving forward and losing all hope is by focusing on his goal of getting out of poverty and achieving some form of a comfortable life with at least the basic necessities. This is shown very well by Norton’s 4th birthday emote “Savings”, where Norton takes out a single gold coin and thinks about simple worn clothes and a loaf of bread, while the description reads “Endure it, Norton. You’re almost there”.
For years he attempted to push on, but little by little, his coworkers, his employers, his environment, it all chipped away at him until he felt he had no other choice. I believe the trailer does a good job of emphasizing how his main motivation wasn’t greed but desperation, hopelessness, and the pain he was subjected to by his coworkers and everyone. It’s life or death, and this mine is his last chance, and his deep misery that pushes him over the edge, so it’s no wonder he doesn’t care about anyone anymore. He’s always been alone, always had to be the one to look out for himself. No one else could be trusted. They would only take advantage of him or even potentially steal what little he had. Yet even still he hesitated to pull the trigger, which I think says a lot about Norton.
Despite the decision being made, he doesn’t run after he sets off the explosion. He accepts what happens. There’s no way he didn’t know what was going to happen, not with how long he’s worked as a miner, and how much he’s learned in his own time. It could be the side represented by his survivor version sees the scar as punishment for his deeds. It could be he knew if he wanted to get his revenge he had to deal with the potential scars.
But he was here not just for revenge, but for the chance at finding gold. Hunter Norton’s character backstory says the accident brought Norton “Golden Luck” or “a gold rush of fortune”, so it sounds like he did find something.
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We do know he at least found the meteorite, which is what he made his magnet from, so this could be what is referred to in Hunter Norton’s backstory.
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Along with the above, we could connect whatever his “golden luck” was with Memory’s comment during Time of Reunion, where she says “they seemed to be looking for something other than ore”.
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This is repeated during AoM with a newspaper clipping about rumors being false of precious metal ore in the mine.
Considering Golden Cave’s rumor is “despite not a single piece of gold was ever found, Count Barriere still got what he wanted with this land”, these statements should be talking about the same thing.
It’s possible Barriere was after the meteorite, especially as the only things we know that came out of that mine after it collapsed were Norton and the chunks of the meteorite he carried.
There are potential parallels from Lily’s essence, which connects to Golden Cave, and her essence story says “The mine is filled with special phosphorescent ores, which brought wealth to their ancestors but also cursed them with phosphorescent illness”. Considering in the famitsu article it says the magnet aka the meteorite may have been affecting his brain, it’s possible the “phosphorescent ores” is meant to parallel the meteorite.
If that is what Barriere is after, maybe there’s a chance he reached out to Norton afterwards, and he could’ve been the one to offer Norton all that money in exchange for killing some female. Especially when we know Count Barriere has a lot of money based on Lily’s backstory, as he even offered her enough to survive for 2 years and even more via making her the owner of the IOU likely belonging to Orpheus for him buying Oletus Manor.
Anyways, we also know from Norton’s 3rd letter that he “dug his way out through a mountain creek a few dozen meters away from the mine” with only “minor burns”. We also know from the Famitsu Article that people didn’t talk to him, they said a bare minimum then kept a “wide berth”, and considering the very visible scar on his face, it is possible this was the reason they avoided him (they were frightened of him. Like we see at the end of the trailer, it is possible people saw him as a “monster”, especially back then when these sorts of things weren’t treated or seen as kindly as today).
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solitarelee · 1 year
Hi! I'm the anon from Shirecorn's ask- I feel like my specific situation is very different. I'm not saying teachers Need to help (sorry if it sounded like that- bad with words. I wish you were allowed to, though) but in my district, for some reason, they refuse to at least stand by and let us work on student safety if that makes any sense? EX. we blocked some sites (like Kongregate and Newgrounds type sites, plus Instagram, Pinterest etc, exclusively non-school appropriate games and social media) and a bunch of teachers at multiple locations got extremely mad at us for some reason. We have a librarian who gets really. REALLY weird about us blocking anything explicit too. She's worse than the parents for some reason.
I know all districts are different, but also thank you for putting up the good fight at yours. 🙏godspeed soldier. May administration be conveniently looking the other direction
LOL they got mad because it also blocks it for teachers, which meant they couldn't go on instagram at work. They SHOULDN'T be going on instagram at work, mind you, but I'd be willing to bet that's why they got pissy (at work we also connect to the school wi-fi. yes it's a nightmare. yes it's slow. I worked at a school that had separate wi-fi for the teachers once, and that was heaven lmao). It's also possible you blocked some sites teachers were using as rewards. In order to motivate students, I've seen a lot of teachers basically say "if you finish early, you can play games on your laptop" in order to allow slower workers a chance to finish within the plan while not boring the faster students to absolute tears every class period. I've also personally run into the problem where students would go to increasingly sketchy, virus-ridden gaming sites because all the safe, popular ones were blocked by the school. Not saying they're right to get pissy at you (you're just doing your job, they should get pissy at the school board if they're gonna lol), just a few reasons, good and bad, they might be getting irritated.
A lot of teachers also get... I would say morally opposed to censorship. You have to remember that the association with censorship that teachers will have is very bad, books that aren't allowed in the library and an idea of "children's safety" that involves keeping them from learning anything about history, their own bodies, the memory of hired mobs screaming and calling them pedophiles at school board meetings (I work in English so I have a significant number of colleagues this exact thing has happened to. One of my closest work friends got called a faggot at one of those.)
A lot of teachers (honestly myself included sometimes) have a kneejerk reaction to a censorship-based concept of children's safety, because their primary experience with it is one that's built not around children's safety but around control of children. Most educators (and librarians) are inherently morally opposed to this kind of thing and will react negatively to any hint of it. When kids are coming from homes with "child protection" monitoring systems to schools with anything problematic blocked, it becomes an issue of control. This is potentially where some of the teachers and the librarians are coming from and why they're reacting that way.
The problem is at the same time, admin is often blocking us from teaching internet safety in a helpful way that isn't just revolved around blocking Instagram and Pornhub. In almost every school I've worked or was placed in for observation, lesson plans had to be approved by admin the week before, and they had to have a core curriculum connection, and internet safety ain't in there. That's supposed to be the job of comp classes that don't exist at any school anymore (comp class was where we learned internet safety when I was in school in the 90s/00s). Best I could ever do was internet literacy, because I'm an English teacher and there's a core curriculum about research that I could connect it to.
Needless to say, I wish we could help too, since just blocking sites (while necessary imo just for like... keeping students on task? a lot of ppl don't seem to realize children in schools from middle up have literal constant access to a laptop and are on it all day every day in all classes) doesn't really do anything to teach kids internet safety. Parents aren't doing it (parents are often the source of the problem too) and if teachers aren't allowed to... it just doesn't get done, full stop, as those are the only two kinds of adults we tolerate around kids.
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goldenxnefertiti · 1 month
Navigating School and Childcare Options in Elk Grove Village
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As a single mom, finding the right school and childcare options for your children is a top priority. Elk Grove Village, Illinois, offers a variety of educational and childcare resources that cater to different needs and preferences. Whether you’re new to the area or just looking to make a change, understanding the local options can help you make informed decisions that benefit your children’s development and well-being.
Understanding School Districts in Elk Grove Village
Elk Grove Village is served by several school districts, each with its unique offerings. The primary districts are:
Community Consolidated School District 59: Serving most of Elk Grove Village, this district has a reputation for strong academic programs and a commitment to student success. The district includes several elementary schools, junior high schools, and feeds into Township High School District 214.
Township High School District 214: This district includes Elk Grove High School, known for its diverse extracurricular activities and strong academic programs. The high school offers a range of Advanced Placement (AP) courses, vocational programs, and support services that can be particularly beneficial for students from single-parent households.
Other Nearby Districts: Depending on where you live in Elk Grove Village, you may also be within the boundaries of other nearby districts, such as Schaumburg School District 54 or Arlington Heights School District 25. Each district has its strengths, and it’s worth exploring their offerings to find the best fit for your child.
Choosing the Right School
When selecting a school for your child, consider the following factors:
Proximity to Home or Work: As a single mom, convenience is key. Choose a school that is close to either your home or workplace to minimize travel time and make drop-offs and pick-ups easier.
School Programs and Extracurriculars: Look for schools that offer programs that align with your child’s interests and needs. Whether it’s a strong STEM program, arts education, or special education services, Elk Grove Village schools offer a variety of options.
Community and Support: Schools with active parent-teacher associations (PTAs) and strong community involvement can provide additional support for single moms. These schools often have events and resources that can help you connect with other parents and community members.
Exploring Childcare Options
In addition to schools, Elk Grove Village offers a variety of childcare options that can help you balance work and family life. Here are some options to consider:
Daycare Centers: There are several licensed daycare centers in Elk Grove Village that provide full-time and part-time care. Centers like KinderCare Learning Center and Bright Horizons at Elk Grove offer structured programs that include educational activities, meals, and outdoor play.
Home-Based Childcare: If you prefer a more intimate setting, home-based childcare providers can be a great option. These providers often care for a smaller number of children, allowing for more personalized attention. You can find licensed home-based providers through the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) website.
Before and After School Programs: For school-aged children, before and after school programs offer a safe and engaging environment while you’re at work. Programs like the Elk Grove Park District’s Kids Club provide activities, homework help, and snacks for children before and after school hours.
Financial Assistance and Support
Paying for school and childcare can be a significant financial burden, but there are resources available to help:
Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP): Administered by the Illinois Department of Human Services, CCAP provides financial assistance to eligible low-income families to help cover the cost of childcare. Eligibility is based on income, family size, and the number of children needing care.
School District Programs: Some school districts offer financial assistance or reduced-fee programs for extracurricular activities, meals, and transportation. Contact your child’s school for more information on available resources.
Community Resources: Organizations like the Elk Grove Village Public Library and local churches often offer free or low-cost programs for children, including tutoring, arts and crafts, and summer camps.
Building a Support Network
Navigating school and childcare decisions can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to do it alone. Building a support network of other single moms, parents, and community members can provide you with the guidance and encouragement you need. Consider joining local parenting groups on social media, attending PTA meetings, or participating in community events to connect with others in similar situations.
Final Thoughts
Choosing the right school and childcare options is crucial for your child’s development and your peace of mind. Elk Grove Village offers a variety of resources to support single moms in making these important decisions. By considering your child’s needs, exploring available options, and seeking out financial assistance, you can create a stable and nurturing environment for your family.
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creativematka09 · 1 month
BBPS Brij Vihar: Leading the Way Among the Best CBSE Schools in Ghaziabad
In the vibrant educational landscape of Ghaziabad, Bal Bharati Public School (BBPS) Brij Vihar stands tall as one of the best CBSE schools in the region. With a strong emphasis on holistic development, academic excellence, and state-of-the-art facilities, BBPS Brij Vihar has consistently maintained its reputation as a premier institution for quality education. This article delves into what makes BBPS Brij Vihar a standout choice for parents seeking the best CBSE education for their children in Ghaziabad.
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A Legacy of Excellence
BBPS Brij Vihar is part of the esteemed chain of Bal Bharati Public Schools, which are known for their commitment to fostering intellectual growth, creativity, and moral values among students. Established with the vision of providing a balanced education that nurtures both academic and personal development, BBPS Brij Vihar has successfully upheld this legacy for decades.
The school's curriculum is designed in alignment with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), ensuring that students receive a well-rounded education that prepares them for the challenges of the modern world. From primary education to senior secondary levels, BBPS Brij Vihar offers a comprehensive academic program that caters to the diverse learning needs of its students.
Academic Excellence at BBPS Brij Vihar
One of the key reasons why BBPS Brij Vihar is considered among the best schools in Ghaziabad CBSE board is its unwavering focus on academic excellence. The school’s curriculum is carefully crafted to encourage critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills. This is achieved through a combination of traditional teaching methods and modern pedagogical approaches, ensuring that students not only excel in exams but also develop a deep understanding of the subjects they study.
The faculty at BBPS Brij Vihar plays a pivotal role in the school’s academic success. The teachers are highly qualified, experienced, and dedicated to nurturing each student’s potential. They employ innovative teaching techniques, including interactive learning, project-based assignments, and technology-integrated lessons, to make learning engaging and effective. Regular assessments, quizzes, and mock exams help students stay on track with their studies and prepare them for the rigors of board examinations.
Holistic Development Beyond Academics
While academic achievement is a cornerstone of BBPS Brij Vihar’s educational philosophy, the school equally prioritizes the holistic development of its students. Recognizing that education extends beyond the classroom, BBPS Brij Vihar offers a wide array of extracurricular activities designed to foster creativity, teamwork, leadership, and social responsibility.
1. Sports and Physical Education
Sports play a crucial role in the overall development of students at BBPS Brij Vihar. The school offers excellent sports facilities, including a large playground, basketball and volleyball courts, and a swimming pool. Students are encouraged to participate in various sports activities, such as athletics, cricket, football, badminton, and swimming. The school’s emphasis on physical fitness not only helps students stay healthy but also instills a sense of discipline and sportsmanship.
BBPS Brij Vihar’s sports teams have consistently performed well in inter-school and district-level competitions, bringing accolades to the school. The school’s dedicated coaches and trainers work closely with students to hone their skills and prepare them for competitive events.
2. Cultural and Creative Activities
BBPS Brij Vihar believes in nurturing the creative talents of its students. The school offers a vibrant cultural program that includes dance, music, drama, and art. Students have the opportunity to participate in various cultural events, both within the school and at inter-school competitions. These activities not only provide a platform for students to showcase their talents but also help in building confidence, communication skills, and cultural awareness.
The school also organizes art and craft workshops, music classes, and dance sessions as part of its curriculum. These activities encourage students to explore their artistic abilities and develop a passion for the arts.
3. Clubs and Societies
To further enrich the educational experience, BBPS Brij Vihar offers a variety of clubs and societies that cater to different interests. Whether a student is interested in science, literature, environmental conservation, or public speaking, there is a club or society for them. These groups provide students with opportunities to engage in meaningful activities, collaborate with peers, and develop leadership skills.
Some of the popular clubs at BBPS Brij Vihar include the Science Club, Literary Club, Eco Club, and Debating Society. Participation in these clubs allows students to delve deeper into their areas of interest, work on projects, and participate in competitions that challenge their intellectual and creative abilities.
Modern Infrastructure and Facilities
BBPS Brij Vihar is equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure that enhances the learning experience. The school’s classrooms are spacious, well-ventilated, and equipped with smart boards and audio-visual aids to facilitate interactive learning. The school’s computer labs, science laboratories, and library are well-stocked and regularly updated to provide students with access to the latest resources and technology.
The school also places a strong emphasis on safety and security. BBPS Brij Vihar has implemented comprehensive safety measures, including CCTV surveillance, secure entry and exit points, and well-trained security personnel. The school’s commitment to providing a safe and nurturing environment ensures that students can focus on their studies and activities without any concerns.
Parental Involvement and Community Engagement
At BBPS Brij Vihar, parents are considered important stakeholders in the educational process. The school encourages active parental involvement through regular parent-teacher meetings, workshops, and seminars. These interactions provide a platform for parents to stay informed about their child’s progress, discuss concerns, and collaborate with teachers to support their child’s development.
The school also engages with the broader community through various outreach programs, social initiatives, and cultural events. These activities help students develop a sense of social responsibility and contribute positively to society.
Bal Bharati Public School Brij Vihar (BBPS Brij Vihar) has rightfully earned its place among the best CBSE schools in Ghaziabad. With its commitment to academic excellence, holistic development, and modern infrastructure, the school provides a nurturing environment where students can thrive and reach their full potential. Whether through rigorous academics, diverse extracurricular activities, or strong community ties, BBPS Brij Vihar continues to set the standard for quality education in Ghaziabad.
For parents seeking the best education for their children, BBPS Brij Vihar offers a comprehensive educational experience that prepares students for success in all aspects of life.
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sammonurtd · 2 months
Downtown San Jose: A Wealthy Area in the Heart of the City
Welcome to Downtown San Jose, a vibrant and affluent neighborhood located at the heart of the city. Known for its wealth, diverse culture, and thriving community, Downtown San Jose is a highly sought-after area for residents and visitors alike. In this article, we will explore why this neighborhood stands out as a wealthy area in San Jose, highlighting its rich culture, attractions, and quality of life.
Why is San Jose so famous for its vibrant culture in Willow Glen?
Willow Glen, a neighborhood in San Jose known for its tree-lined streets and charming downtown area, is particularly famous for its vibrant culture. With a strong sense of community and numerous cultural events throughout the year, Willow Glen offers residents and visitors a unique experience.
One of the reasons why San Jose is renowned for its vibrant culture in Willow Glen is the presence of numerous art galleries and theaters. The area is home to several art institutions that showcase local talent and host regular exhibitions and performances. Additionally, festivals such as the Willow Glen Art & Wine Festival attract thousands of visitors each year.
Is San Jose a wealthy area, particularly in Downtown San Jose?
Yes, San Jose is indeed a wealthy area, especially when it comes to Downtown San Jose. As the economic hub of Silicon Valley, this neighborhood boasts a high concentration of tech companies and startups that contribute to its affluence. The presence of these companies has resulted San Jose Concrete Contractor Pros LLC in an abundance of high-paying jobs and an increase in property values.
Furthermore, Downtown San Jose offers upscale shopping centers, luxury hotels, fine dining establishments, and exclusive entertainment venues that cater to affluent individuals. The neighborhood's thriving business district further solidifies its status as a wealthy area within the city.
Why do people love San Jose, especially residents in Evergreen?
Residents in Evergreen love living in San Jose for various reasons. One of the primary factors that attract people to this neighborhood is its natural beauty. Evergreen is surrounded by picturesque hills, serene parks, and scenic trails, making it an ideal location for outdoor enthusiasts.
Additionally, Evergreen offers excellent schools and a family-friendly environment. The neighborhood is known for its top-rated San Jose Concrete Projects educational institutions, providing residents with access to quality education for their children. The community in Evergreen also actively organizes events and activities that bring neighbors together, fostering a strong sense of belonging.
Is 100k enough to live in San Jose, specifically in Cambrian Park?
While $100,000 can provide a comfortable living in many areas, living in San Jose, particularly in the affluent neighborhood of Cambrian Park, can be quite expensive. The cost of living in San Jose is significantly higher compared to the national average. Housing prices are particularly steep, with median home prices well above the national average.
However, with careful budgeting and smart financial planning, it is possible to live comfortably on a $100,000 salary in Cambrian Park. It may require making certain lifestyle adjustments and prioritizing expenses. Renting a smaller apartment or considering shared housing options could help reduce housing costs.
Is San Jose a safe place to live, including the Downtown San Jose area?
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faridabadmodern · 10 months
Guide for Selecting a School
Choosing the right school for children is one of the most vital decisions that parents have to make. School lays the foundation for the kind of individual a child would grow into. For the child to become an individual with good values and polished intellect, it is important to have the perfect start by starting with a good school. Modern School Faridabad The first step in ensuring your child has a great future is to enrol them in a suitable school. To make the best choice, parents have to consider multiple aspects from safety to teaching staff to the overall reputation of the school
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The Modern School Faridabad is the perfect foundation for any young individual starting with their school journey. It encourages children to think critically and respect education for the benefit of their futures while simultaneously working toward academic achievement. With its elaborate legacy, it ensures a fruitful experience for everyone who becomes a part of it. To help kids develop into educated adults, a comprehensive approach that takes into account each student's academic, social, emotional, physical, creative, and spiritual growth is employed. The wide ranging facilities and exposure available at the Modern School Faridabad makes it the perfect choice. This school seeks to create a community of capable, civic-minded leaders who are dedicated to excellence and lifelong learning. The Modern School Faridabad offers pre-primary, primary, middle and senior education. A student thus gets the assurance of getting a quality education from the beginning to end. The Best School Faridabad The highly qualified and trained staff ensures that children get an utmost enriching experience. The focus at Modern School Faridabad is on giving pupils a comprehensive education that combines a range of extracurricular activities with formal classroom instruction. By integrating cutting-edge technology and new teaching strategies, we remain current with the times. Students are introduced to the foundational knowledge needed to become educated citizens. It gives students the best concepts and helps them develop a respect for human inventiveness and achievement. The focus on the personal development of students and curiosity toward learning. Students are also offered career guidance to determine the due course of their lives even beyond school.
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Aside from quality academics, equally quality extracurriculars are also maintained. A wide variety of extracurricular activities for the kids ensures that they expand their interests, foster creativity, and discover new passions. The extracurricular programmes promote community service because education also involves children maturing into responsible members of society. Through their acts, students learn the value of giving back to society, while learning the vitality of generosity, respect, and responsibility in every developing mind. According to the organisation, physical activity significantly improves both physical and mental health. There are various chances for kids to participate in contests against other schools as well as district, state, and national competitions. Through community service, students are taught the value of giving back to society. The Modern School Faridabad also ensures the safety of students in the premises of the school with quality CCTV apparatus and overall safety maintained by the staff. Top schools in Faridabad The school is made accessible via adequate transportation services available. Thus, a transition from home to school is made much smoother and efficient for both students and their parents. With the assurance of quality education, exposure beyond classrooms, qualified and trustworthy staff and safety, the Modern School Faridabad is decisively a great choice for the school journey of young individuals
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mingwasblog · 11 months
Tr. Obbo Grace. Has earned herself a trademark name ‘Mummy’ in the teaching circles.
Hers is a story of sacrifice, perseverance and inspiration.
"Born in Iganga District at Bukoyo-CMS village on 6thJune, no one imagined—not even herself—that she would one day become an applauded teacher.
My father gave birth to 7 children but I was the last born. We attended nearby schools and grew up planting all our food. We were really poor. We had a close-knit family where we visited our grandparents and other relatives on a regular basis. We also went to church and had to participate in church activities” .
Education was not a priority in Obbo's household, but poverty was a barrier however, my family, wanted to ensure that we have a better and easier life than the parents had. Obbo started her education at Kate Buddy kindergarten and then joined St. Peter Claver Walugog primary school.
She then joined Iganga Town View Secondary School, where she completed her O-Level in 2017.
Start of the journey
While she tried to find jobs in her vacation, she ended up at AFFCAD school, Kawempe, where she was initiated into teaching. Being the only young girl and also attractive on staff, she received a number of proposals for marriage but chose not.
As a licenced teacher, she taught at AFFCAD school for sometime.
During this time, she started pursuing a nursery teaching course at YMCA, Kampala where she attained a certificate in ECD.
She was earning monthly but tragedy soon struck.
After a disagreement with her supervisor on long payment delays with serous penality of much money yet the payment delays.
“I felt so bitter and walked away. I used my little savings and partnered with my brother, we rented a house,to start RAAH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL -CMS my own school,” Obbo says.
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Touching lives
One of her first teachers were Viola, Tr Rebbeca and Tr Loyce who had dropped out of school in Senior four. “I needed someone to help me. One day I was going to the market and met this young girl (Rebecca). It did not take a lot of convincing as she had reported to work the following day. I always briefed her on what I wanted her to do and supervised her until she was ready,” Obbo said.
She helped these teachers to return to school on in-service program to obtain a teaching certificate.
Obbo's hard work and dedication earned her the title ‘Mumy’ from the community people and her children at school yet she is still young by age without any biological child and not married.
“I do not know how many lives I have nurtured and how many people I have inspired,” she boasts.
Vibrant personality
Obbo's admirable lifestyle is shaped by humility, patience, love, empathy, sympathy and tolerance, among others. She has never sent any pupil home for fees. She says a good name is worth more than school fees.
“Teaching is never a business to me but a way to educate a child to become useful citizens. Actually, I have never gained financially yet,” she says.
Obbo’s approach to teaching is soft and tactful through friendly engagements.
The courageous woman
Although her brother supports her everything she ever wants, she always feels incomplete without a university degree.
This year 2023 she has joined the university for her diploma in ECD at YMCA.
Mingwasblog. Empowering youths. +256701319029.
We come to you. We are always looking for ways to improve
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nisargaschool · 1 year
Nursery School Hegganahalli
Nursery school hegganahalli has classrooms, library facilities, unique child development programs, and transportation. Besides these, the school provides a safe and secure environment for children.
Across England, state-funded nursery schools play a vital role in local communities. They are disproportionately located in areas of deprivation and support families who cannot access other forms of welfare support.
The classrooms at nursery school hegganahalli are carefully designed to encourage independence and exploration in an environment that encourages social interaction. The curriculum is a balance of teacher-facilitated and child-initiated activities and learning experiences. This includes a mix of indoor and outdoor play in a classroom that is a safe and well-equipped place for children to enjoy themselves.
Classrooms at nsns are filled with toys, books, arts and crafts, and play structures that offer a wide range of experiences for children of all ages. In addition, the class schedule allows for children to attend as little or as much of the week as they wish. Children may also attend additional classes in music, art, and physical education.
The school is a cooperative preschool, which means that parents or caregivers participate in the day-to-day operations of the school. This involvement provides a unique opportunity for parents or caregivers to learn alongside their children and helps to ensure that the school is run by caring people. Caregivers typically spend one day a month in the classroom and help with the annual grounds clean up and primary fundraiser, The Little Folks Fair.
The school has a well-stocked library with books of different genres. It also has separate library facilities for Junior and Senior Classes. The library also provides unique child development programs. These include expert trainers in Vocal, Tabla, Classical Dance, Instrumental Music and Art. This makes the school stand out from its competitors.
The library also has many resources for parents to help their children learn. It offers a variety of reading materials, including books for infants and toddlers. It also has a selection of toys and games for children to play with. The library also has a project of the day and a craft room.
Gmps Hegganahalli Middle School is located in the NORTH1 block of Bangalore U North district of Karnataka, India. This co-educational school was founded in 2005 and is recognized by the Government of Karnataka. The school is also a member of the National Association of Private Schools. The school has a large student population and offers mid-day meals to all students.
School playground is an important component of pre-school education. It can help children to develop physical skills and improve social relationships. Playgrounds at schools should be designed in a way that encourages physical activity and provides safe, attractive and engaging environment. It should also provide good supervision of the students while they are playing on the playground. Playground at guhps hegganahalli is safe and well maintained. It has various unique child development programs. Its students are trained by expert trainers for Vocal, Tabla Classical Dance and Instrumental Music etc.
The school provides safe and secure transportation options for students. Students are transported in air-conditioned buses and vans. Moreover, students can avail of unique child development programs like Vocal, Tabla, Classical Dance, Instrumental Music etc. The school has bright and spacious classrooms and well-equipped laboratories.
All transportation requests/ changes/ concerns must be made through the preschool secretary. This will ensure that your child’s teacher and assistant are fully aware of any transportation change.
You can find numerous properties for sale near Mount Carmel Central School, Hegganahalli, Bangalore. These properties include 1 BHK, 2 BHK, and 3 BHK apartments; independent houses and villas. You can also explore various independent villas for sale at a pocket-friendly price range. You can also download the Moovit App to get current schedules and step-by-step directions for Bus routes that pass through Maramma Temple Hegganahalli.
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gazetteweekly · 1 year
Kerala, Karnataka, Goa announce school holidays due to heavy rains
As heavy rains continue to lash various parts of the country, schools and colleges in several states have been forced to shut down. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued rainfall alerts, prompting authorities to take precautionary measures and ensure the safety of students and staff.
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KARNATAKA: UDUPI AND DAKSHINA KANNADA DISTRICTS In response to the orange alert issued by the IMD, schools and colleges in Udupi and Dakshina Kannada districts of Karnataka will remain closed.
The closure applies to anganwadi centers, primary and high schools, undergraduate colleges, government-aided, and private schools. Parents have been advised to keep their children away from areas prone to flooding and high water levels.
GOA: STATEWIDE SCHOOL CLOSURE Goa has also declared a holiday for schools from Classes 1 to 12. The IMD has issued an orange alert for the state, indicating the possibility of moderate to heavy rainfall and potential floods.
While schools will be closed, any scheduled examinations will proceed as planned, as confirmed by the Director of Education, Shailesh Sinai Zingade.
KERALA: SELECTED DISTRICTS The Kerala government has announced the closure of schools, colleges, and universities in Kasaragod, Palakkad, Thrissur, and Kottayam districts. However, public service examinations will continue as scheduled.
The IMD has issued an orange alert for six districts in Kerala, including Idukki, Malappuram, Kozhikode, Kannur, and Kasaragod.
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND ALERTS Authorities have urged parents to be cautious and prevent children from venturing into low-lying areas, rivers, lakes, and seashores. Fishermen have also been instructed to refrain from going out to sea.
District-level officials are on high alert for any necessary rescue and relief operations, responding promptly to public complaints. Additionally, tourists and the general public have been advised to avoid riverbanks and seashores.
With an orange alert indicating heavy rainfall, ranging from 6 cm to 20 cm, it is important to remain vigilant. The IMD's alerts help to inform and protect the public, ensuring that necessary precautions are taken during these weather conditions.
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digimarksposts · 2 years
The Each One Educate One Foundation Supports The Mission Of International Day Of Women And Girls In Science
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UN Secretary-General António Guterres rightly says, “We can all do our part to unleash our world’s enormous untapped talent – starting with filling classrooms, laboratories, and boardrooms with women scientists.” The relevance of this statement is reflected in the efforts undertaken as part of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, a significant event observed annually and globally on 11th February. The core objective of this event is to bridge the persisting gender gap that exists across the world at all levels of STEM, i.e., Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics disciplines. It is interesting to know how charitable organisations have also stepped in to support this cause and are working in tandem to attain the goals of this much-relevant day.
Let’s begin with the very basic – education!
It is quintessential to educate our girls and women because education is the foundation on which an empowered community can be built. In line with this thought, the Each One Educate One Foundation, an impact-creating Indian education NGO has taken significant steps towards making education accessible and available for rural, underprivileged children, with a special focus on girls’ education. Reportedly, only 13% of Indian women have more than a primary education and only 1% have completed their college education. In an effort to address and improve these statistics, this NGO for women education has meticulously studied the core issues faced by girls belonging to socio-economically underprivileged strata of the society that obstructs their education. Gender discrimination, poverty, distance to school from home, safety and security, poor sanitation, early marriage, child labour, trafficking and exploitation are some of the major issues that blocks girls from receiving education.
Efforts by the Each One Educate One Foundation
This education NGO has three Edu-Care Programmes – Each One Educate One, Each One Embrace One and Each One Higher Educate One. It has a beneficiary base of 3,000 students across 27 campuses in 22 districts of 3 states. Of the total, this NGO for women education has 8 dedicated campuses including a university campus exclusively for girls, with over 1000 girls being educated totally free of cost across all our institutions. These campuses are located in Karnataka, Telangana, and Tamil Nadu.
The key highlights of this NGO for women education are:
●      Campuses are located in the rural hinterlands to facilitate accessibility by rural communities.
●      Fully residential campuses exclusively for girls with round-the-clock security. ●      Modern infrastructure and facilities. ●      Provision of food, hostel, learning materials, and daily personal care kits. ●      Qualified female staff. ●      Continuity of education from Grade 6 to university level in science, commerce, and arts. ●      Stipend during internship and post-graduation. ●      Mitigation of social evils such as early marriage, child labour, trafficking & exploitation. ●      Radical shift in perspective within the child’s family and the community.
 The budding physics teacher and researcher
 As an NGO for women education, the Each One Educate One Foundation is working towards strengthening their participation. So, when you donate to educate a girl, you are potentially supporting deserving girls like Sanjana B.S., a gold medallist in BSc. Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. The untimely demise of Sanjana’s father forced her mother to become the sole breadwinner for the family. Under these tough circumstances, the girls’ university of Each One Educate Foundation supported Sanjana in continuing her education and helped in finding her purpose in life. She wants to dedicate her life to serving children by nurturing their inherent goodness. She aims to be a physics teacher and researcher while simultaneously exploring her love for music.
 What will happen when you support?
The Each One Educate One Foundation carries out its work with the support from generous donors and volunteers. When you contribute to this education NGO, the beneficiary children will receive quality education, food, hostel accommodation, along with personality development programmes, skills and talent development training, national and international educational tours, and internships. In addition, it will empower women and girls to step forward in the field of science as well as remarkably change the below persisting disparities as stated by the United Nations:
●      Reportedly, women are given smaller research grants than their male counterparts.
●      Women researchers tend to have a shorter and less paid careers and their work is often underrepresented in high-profile journals
●      In fields like artificial intelligence, only 22%, i.e., only one in five professionals is a woman.
●      Women account for only 28% of engineering graduates and 40% of graduates in computer science and informatics.
So, this February, make a difference. Donate to educate a girl child and enable them to acquire their rightful place in the field of science and technology. Take action now!
 Author Profile:
e1e1 Foundation is an Indian NGO that provides quality and values-based education to rural, underprivileged children. It implements three Edu-care Programmes namely, Each One Educate One, Each One Embrace Once, and Each One Higher Educate One. Currently, the Foundation has 3,000 beneficiaries in 27 campuses across 20 districts in three states. Being a registered NGO, donations of ₹500 and above towards this Foundation qualify for tax exemption under Section 80G of Indian Income Tax Act.
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hakesbros · 2 years
Trails At Westpointe Single-family Homes For Sale San Antonio, Tx Real Property
Check out the nicest homes presently on the market in Texas. View photos, verify Zestimates, and get scheduled for a tour of some luxury listings. Public Works Real Estate is liable home builders in san antonio for the acquisition of real property for Bond Projects, Capital Improvement Projects and other projects for use by the City of San Antonio.
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autismcental234 · 2 years
Guided Intervention Supported Transition Gist Edmonton Catholic Colleges
You can also join with us on our Facebook and Instagram pages for weekly assets from our staff. To discover different examples of All About Me packages at no cost, you'll find a way to search on-line. Attend any school orientation events to find out more in regards to the school transition process autism after school program and ask any questions. Use a visible schedule to help your youngster develop a morning routine for college. Families in Northwest Territories are eligible for fee subsidy if their child is considered “at risk” and has a referral from a social employee, doctor, or different health skilled.
Students with further needs are supported in inclusive settings by a collaborative staff that features their parents/guardians, schooling professionals and other individuals who might help college students attain their objectives. The Entry to School Program is a six-month group-based skill-building program for youngsters three to five years old who are getting into school for the primary time, both in kindergarten or grade one. After this system, children will receive transition helps as they enter school to ensure a successful begin to their academic journey. Families and educators will have the flexibility to entry session providers from program employees, upon request, during a child’s first six months at school. Usually individual baby care programs have considerable discretion in deciding how, and if, they'll include a child with a disability.
This is a list of some sports activities, activities, hobbies, social groups and leisure programs that could be helpful to households. In a few of the following faculties, the acceptance of a pupil with ASD is dependent on the level of help required in contrast autism after school programs with the level of supports the school is ready to provide. Be suggested the Integrated Service Model is FULL for the 2023 Entry to School yr. This model is being provided as a pilot for as much as 20 kids this yr on a first-come, first-served basis.
While obstacles of getting Autism are mentioned, members are additionally challenged to discover the optimistic features of the situation. Because Autism is commonly seen as one thing difficult, another aim of the AAL program is to instil a positive self-image in each participant. The program offers a secure, non-threatening and enjoyable setting the place everyone has an opportunity to be an active participant within the discussions and projects.
Social and recreational programs shall be supplied this spring for Simcoe County District School Board students recognized with Autism Spectrum Disorder . The programs will be offered at elementary schools in Barrie, Innisfil, Midland and Wasaga Beach, and will focus on using recreation, music and play skills to assist social skills growth. ABA may help youngsters be taught new abilities and improve their high quality after school program for kids with autism of life. Our After School ABA group helps school-aged kids develop essential expertise for everyday activities of their home, school and community. We use a range of ABA methods such as utilizing your child’s motivation and pursuits to make learning fun. The Ministry of Education provides assets for lecturers and parents/guardians to help them meet scholar studying needs.
These 2 programs are only referred by MCFD Child and Youth Support Needs . The time period, “Autism Spectrum Disorders” contains prognosis of Autism, Asperger’s Disorder and Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS). These are neurological problems – college students is not going to grow out of them, they usually cannot be treated chemically.
The program will assist kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder prepare to enter school for the first time. Participation on this program ends when the child turns 36 months old , when the neonatal follow-up staff determines that the kid no longer requires monitoring, or at any time parents/caregivers choose. If there are speech and language considerations, families are referred to the York Region Preschool Speech and Language Program to satisfy with a speech language pathologist for an evaluation.
Brighton is the leading private school for studying disabilities in Toronto intentionally designed for elementary and secondary students with studying disabilities. Brighton has set the standard for particular education colleges in Ontario for the past 18 years. We use finest practices, evidence-based teaching strategies, and specialised remedial programs in the areas of reading decoding, reading comprehension, math and writing remediation, and social competency growth. GIST is a brief term transitional program for youngsters recognized with ASD. GIST provides skills primarily based evaluation and short-term intensive behavioural intervention to college students who might not but have all of the expertise required to succeed in their classroom.
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projectcubicle1 · 2 years
8 Benefits of a career in education leadership
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8 Benefits of a career in education leadership
   Education leadership is an area of professional practice within education that focuses on the administration, management, and coordination among school districts or associations. With a degree in educational leadership, you are expected to have the skills, experience, and knowledge essential for the success of any given position. You should also be ready for a diverse career upon graduating from college or university with an associate degree. Careers in educational leadership can take place in various learning environments, including public schools, private institutions, and programs for adults who have completed their primary education. Understanding the educational process in great detail, compassion for teachers and their struggles, and awareness of students' needs are essential for success in educational leadership. Here are some benefits of a career in education leadership:   - Variety of career options The most significant benefit of having a career in educational leadership is you are eligible to work in different settings, managing different roles with diverse career prospects. However, it requires an advanced degree that assists aspirant educators in fulfilling prerequisites and preparing for certifications to hold positions such as superintendent of a school district or principal. Teachers who want to move into leadership positions can browse many online programs for educational leadership master's degrees alongside their job. There are some affordable colleges with the best ranking. For instance, you can check Mississippi College's online programs at https://online.mc.edu/degrees/education/ that offer Master's programs in many specializations of education. Enrolling in an advanced program will not only upskill you for many job roles but will also give you a positive job outlook.   - Ability to make a difference in students' lives Student success highly depends on an educational leader. The education leadership field offers teachers the opportunity to positively impact their students' lives. As an educational leader, you can help students develop social and emotional skills, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills that will help them succeed in academics and life. You can help students with disabilities by introducing them to regular classes or even providing them with special accommodations. Educational leaders are also responsible for ensuring that all children get equal educational opportunities and access to state-of-the-art facilities and equipment regardless of gender, race, religion, or national origin.   - Authority to change policies A career as an educational leader enables you to make changes in policy at all levels of education. It includes developing policies for curriculum implementation and school improvement programs. You can also work on changing standardized test scores, improving teacher quality through recruitment and retraining, enhancing student services such as counseling or health care, or designing new methods for teaching each subject.
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- High Earning Potential The chance to make a heft of money and have a high income is one of the alluring advantages of choosing a career in educational leadership. With a degree in educational leadership, a graduate can expect to make a range of salaries in all industries. In the USA, the average salary for a major in educational leadership is around $60,625. The difference in income between the top 10% of earners and the bottom 10% is enormous—about $78,000. The top earners have yearly incomes over $111,000, while the bottom 10% have under $33,000. In all this, educational firms and non-profit organizations offer educational leadership majors the most job opportunities.   - Manage Educational Processes Educational leaders are the ones who lead, manage and support the educational process in an organization. The position of an educational leader requires a great deal of responsibility, including making decisions about how to implement the curriculum and deploy resources within the school. They are responsible for planning, implementing, and monitoring the educational programs of any organization and promoting advanced and diverse education. In the long run, this promotes a professional environment and smooth administrative processes for students to learn and earn their credentials.   - Having Various Skills A career in educational leadership equips you with a wide range of abilities, such as handling technology, teaching strategies, and classroom management. You can adapt to different teaching styles to suit the needs of your students. In addition, you can communicate effectively with both students and parents, as well as be able to manage your time efficiently. It allows you to work with people in different roles and settings, improving your communication, strategic thinking, negotiation, emotional intelligence, and time management skills. Leaders who possess strategic thinking abilities have the tools to turn that abstraction into actionable plans. As an educational leader, you can express your ideas succinctly and clearly, whether presenting at an assembly, addressing the school board, writing grant proposals, or describing your leadership and management philosophy. The way you present yourself orally or in writing will be a sign of your leadership style.   - Collaboration With Different Professionals Educational leaders can collaborate with other professionals, including teachers, principals, and superintendents, to implement change and help foster innovation. For instance, an educational leader might work with a principal to create new curricula or a teacher to develop new classroom techniques. Alternatively, they can work with administrators to create plans for enhancing students' academic performance. Besides that, a general education teacher working with a literacy specialist can effectively support plans for students who read at or below grade level. It better serves its students by collaborating to meet their individual needs. It makes it possible for them to support students struggling academically or emotionally. All students, especially those with disabilities, benefit from the consistent use of differentiation strategies and modifications to meet them where they are in the classroom.   - Personal growth Personal growth is a continuous process and involves improving a variety of facets of your life, including how you see yourself and how effective you are at living. In educational leadership, the possibilities for personal growth and development are endless. It allows you to work with people in different roles and settings and helps you learn about yourself and discover new potential areas of interest. It involves gaining realistic self-esteem and developing constructive life skills. You can grow as a person through learning about different cultures and beliefs, as well as exploring new career paths. By interacting with people from different backgrounds, you learn a lot about the world and how it operates. Conclusion You can use the benefits of having a career in educational leadership to change the world by applying your leadership experience in education. The characteristics and behaviors essential for fostering student success are part of your job.       Read the full article
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catohphm · 2 years
Hogwarts Mystery MC Profile - Cato Reese (Updated)
Hi everyone! A lot of things prompted me to update my Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery MC’s character sheet. 
Some creators have left the fandom or changed/scrapped their OCs since I published his profile last year. I’ve changed some things around for my MC too. Naturally, his character sheet deserves an update. I’ve improved the formatting of the paragraphs so they’re easier to read. Information on Cato’s interactions with Rakepick has been added too!
Enjoy, and feel free to like, reblog, and even leave a reply! You can also send me asks or DMs if you have question about Cato or would like to plot interactions/friendships! Both new and existing interactions are welcome! Just let me know and I’ll put your OC’s name on his friend list!
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Name: Cato Edwin Reese
Nicknames: Wingbear (in Quidditch, thanks to @judediangelo75 for helping come up with it) Sunshine (by close friends and Penny)
Birthdate: April 13th, 1973
Zodiac sign: Pisces
MBTI type: ISFJ (the Defender)
Blood status: Half-Blood
Nationality: British/American with some Italian, German and Austrian from his father’s side. Irish, Scottish and Native American from his mother. 
Physical Appearance
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(wonderful art by @hphm-jeniferltheman)
Hair: Somewhat short, but thick and a bit curly.
Eyes: Dark brown
Height: 1.82 meters or 6 feet.
Weight: Healthy weight for his age and height.
Body type: slim, yet athletic and somewhat muscular from Quidditch.
Skin tone: Fair
Distinguishing marks (scars, birthmarks, etc.):
from childhood:
Obscure scar on leg from getting a cut while trying to stop a stone statue from smashing on the road.
acquired in teenage years/adulthood:
scars from injuries sustained while playing Quidditch
Mount Ridgetop, Grasmere, South Lakeland, Cumbria, England (birth-18)
London, England (18-)
Mother - Reilly Reese (neé Catori)
Reilly was a pure-blood American witch who became an herbologist after graduating from Ilvermorny. She studied the application of magical herbs and fungi to the medical field. In 1967-68, she and Cato’s dad had a son named Alexander after marrying. 
Seeking a more quiet and peaceful lifestyle to raise their children, the Reese family purchased a big house from an elderly couple in the South Lakeland district of Cumbria. They moved in during the year 1970. She gave birth to Cato on April 13, 1973. Alex was around five years old at the time. 
She homeschooled her kids instead of sending them to a muggle primary school. Reilly didn’t believe it had any particular benefit for them. She was also worried about what would happen if her sons’ classmates found out that they had magical powers. 
The boy’s mother retired from Herbology and opened a cafe-restaurant in the village of Grasmere. Her sons helped out at the restaurant to learn responsibility and life skills.
When Alex disappeared after his expulsion, Reilly required a lot of calming draught to cope with the bad news, and Cato remembers this really well, though he would only talk about within his circle of friends at Hogwarts.
Once he got back, she allowed him to turn Alex’s room into a guest room for friends to stay as the memories of him running away were too strong for her to bear and she wasn’t ready to be reminded of them.
Father - Wilfred “Freddie” Reese
He met Reilly Catori in the United States while he was still an auror. Freddie was on an assignment to assist MACUSA with curbing riots over the abolition of Wizard-Muggle segregation under Rappaport's Law in 1965.
He enjoyed his job but he longed to be able to settle down and spend more time raising his family. This became more imperative after the birth of his son Alexander. After recovering from a dangerous injury, he spent some time in the Improper Use of Magic Office.
In 1970, Freddie was offered a position as a legislator on the Wizengamot. He was highly recommended because of his sense of justice and work ethic. He accepted the position. In his first 10 years on the bench, he would aid in the prosecution of many Death Eaters, including Merula’s parents.
Freddie‘s parents lived in a seaside town in the southern region of England. Their house was close to the beach, and he played a lot together with his two sons whenever the family visited. Freddie played the piano as a hobby, and sometimes performed at his wife’s restaurant. He also taught Cato this skill.
Whenever it came to disagreements, he knew that unnecessary hitting or yelling never helped the situation. Freddie still stuck to his auror training even after he joined the Wizengamot. He would first try to listen and negotiate, and then step out for the night if the situation didn’t get better to let things calm down. 
However when Alex was expelled from school and ended up disappearing, it was different. Reilly was in no mood to talk. She was desperate for calming draught. Freddie left the house to get ingredients to make more of the potion as his wife had used up the rest of the supply, but he never got back home that night. 
It is unknown what he did while he was away, but he showed up again about a week later, though he was filthy and riddled with injuries. Young Cato was scared and worried that his daddy would end up getting hurt and that he would never see him again. 
When he saw Freddie come back, Cato hugged him as tight as a little boy could. He was in tears and demanded to know where he went. The father couldn’t explain where he went or what he was doing, other than that according to him, his head was “really messed up.” 
Reilly was about to yell at him for leaving her and Cato behind. She couldn’t be angry when saw him dirty and hurt. The remaining family joined together in a group hug. 
They were ecstatic when Freddie came back from the market and showed Cato a sealed envelope from Hogwarts, which turned out to be his acceptance letter. He was called in from the patio behind the house to be informed of this news.
Before he left on the train to begin his first year, Freddie and Reilly promised to an anxious Cato they would take care of the home and business while he was gone.
Brother: Alexander “Alex” Reese
The bond between the Reese boys changed over time. Prior to Alex’s first year at Hogwarts, he was as close to Cato as a big brother could be. When free, they played on their parent’s somewhat spacious property. Sometimes they went exploring in the Lake District nearby. 
Because of his fondness of beautiful sunsets, Cato can remember the evenings when he and Alex just laid down in the grass watching the sun dip below the horizon and wait for the stars. Their mum set up a curfew for them to return back to the farm before dark after catching them out one night. 
As they got older, Alex grew strangely distant to Cato. They still visited the wilderness, but less often. They also spent less time out. Alex slowly drifted away and seemed distant to Cato.
Cato didn’t understand why his behavior was so weird. His parents were concerned too, as most days during the summer, Alex locked himself in his room to study or left to who knows where.
Alex, was the more impulsive and hotheaded boy. He developed an obsession with the Cursed Vaults at Hogwarts. The combined pressure from classes and the work that went into curse-breaking put a huge toll on his mental health. 
Early into his sixth year, Alex was expelled from Hogwarts.
After Cato finished his seventh year of education, he and Alex’s late best friend Duncan Ashe encouraged him to start rebuilding his life.
House: Ravenclaw
Clubs: Dueling, Music
Best class: Herbology
Worst class: History of Magic (because of the lousy and lazy borefest Mr. Binns.)
Favorite professor: McGonagall
Least favorite professor: Snape
Boggart: His big brother Alex, jealous of his adventures and mad at him for ruining the family’s name.
Riddikulus: Alex wearing quidditch face paint in Ravenclaw colors and cheering Cato on using his nickname “Wingbear” while flapping his hands like 
Patronus: American Black Bear
Patronus memory: The group hug after seeing his father again following Alex’s disappearance
Mirror of Erised: His family reunited and happy, surrounded by all his friends
Amortentia (what he smells like): fresh spring water, vanilla flowers, and warm sweet tea
Amortentia (what he smells): dittany, coconut and caramel
Ages 11-18: Hogwarts student
Ages 18-35: Auror
Ages 35-retirement: Healer
Personality & Attitude
Priorities: his Hogwarts education and exams, his friends, investigating his missing brother (in no particular order)
Strengths: empathy, compassion, intelligence, diligence, loyalty
Weaknesses: shyness, anxiety, overthinking
Stressed: in large crowds, pressure to succeed his exams while dealing with interference from the Cursed Vaults.
Calm/Comforting: Volunteering in the hospital wing, in the company of his close friends during classes, baking, watching sunsets, hearing the sound of rain beating against the window while studying (minus the thunder and lightning.)
Being sorted into Ravenclaw, Cato is intelligent and excels in most, if not all the core subjects at Hogwarts. He enjoys Transfiguration and Herbology the most. A hard-working and diligent boy, he dedicates himself to his studies a lot. Though he is prone to distractions if something else is on his mind and finds it hard to stay focused. 
Out in the socializing department, he is rather quiet and introverted. Cato usually doesn’t approach people he doesn’t know well. If you come up to him, he’s friendly and happy to chat as long as the questions do not get too personal. 
But beware, only approach him in a good mood though, cause if he’s overwhelmed, stressed out or trying to really concentrate for something like a test, Cato gets irritated and he doesn’t want to be forced to do something he ends up regretting, no?
He has a strong empathetic side. Forged by both how he was raised and having a distant relationship with his older brother that gradually deteriorated as the years passed, Cato is really close to relatives and friends he trusts. 
If he notices something out of the ordinary, he’ll leave what he’s doing and try to investigate, though sometimes to his friends he’ll admit as a younger boy he used to do so more out of curiosity. 
This is because while Cato tries his best to offer help if he sees someone in need, he used to struggle with it quite a bit, most of the time moving on while doubting if he could’ve actually ended up being helpful to them. 
Especially through his first to third year of studies at Hogwarts, Cato is a rather shy boy, hence why he had trouble figuring out how to respond when he noticed a person that appeared to be in need of assistance. 
He was also reluctant to take part in clubs or groups instead of running solo. In large crowds, it is easy for poor Cato to get overwhelmed, him feeling awkward and uneasy. He may be so tense that his face turns red and has a little bit of difficulty breathing. To feel better, he leaves and seeks solitude in order to calm down and let go of the tension. 
Out in Quidditch though, Cato isn’t as bothered as much as he is in a big open field and flying on a broom, plus his friends and mates are out there to support him and cheer him on. The sport slowly helps him build his patience and tolerance of large crowds though he still has some reservations.
In front of his close friends and family, Cato enjoys physical affection. He loves giving and receiving hugs. He usually gives one when he feels soft, like when he is thanked by a friend or told something that makes him really happy. While touch-starved, he prefers to receive hugs from his close friends.
It took Cato some time to appreciate them because of his shyness and the pressure he faced from bullies in the early years. He was compared to his brother a lot. People either were afraid of him being a danger to the school or assumed he was “weird” like his brother to pick on him.
Training for quidditch and learning dueling helped him become stronger and gain confidence as he got older. Cato still kept his sweet and friendly, but shy demeanor. But he isn’t someone to be tousled with as he becomes strong, serious and brave when he or his friends feel threatened. 
His tolerance for nonsense slowly faded away as he got older and by his seventh year he was weary of fighting R and cracking the Cursed Vaults. Cato was a bit paranoid as well as a result of R’s desperation and expecting the unexpected, though he didn’t express this much in public and kept it within his circle of friends.
Cato has a fondness for nature and he enjoys pointing out the wonderful things he sees if he is in a good mood. He also loves talking about his hobbies and his days as a kid before entering Hogwarts. 
He finds family in his friends and appreciates them very much as he didn’t have many friends before his first year. Not just his older brother drifting away from him. Cato’s parents also kept him busy with homeschooling and helping in the restaurant to teach him responsibilities. 
Cato may seem shy and not the type to be engaged for long periods of time. But with patience and dedication, he can end up one of the most loyal and trusted friends one can have.
Color: blue
Food: bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich
Drink: iced coffee with cream and sugar
Weather: clear with blue skies, no too hot or cold, preferably no humidity
Hobbies: photography, reading, history, 
Fashion: Simple, but Cato tends to wear clothes that match due to his mum. He prefers colors like mint green that are light, but not too bland or boring. Sometimes he wears a jean jacket that Penny got him as a birthday gift on cooler days. However Cato also developed a soft spot for the color purple. In the summer, he mostly wears shorts, being one for balancing practicality with style.
Penny Haywood (wife)
Cato first met Penny in his first year after he won against Merula in a duel, albeit an unsanctioned one. Running late on their way to their next class, Rowan dared Cato to race them to Charms, the one making it to the door first before the bell rang being the winner. He was catching up to Rowan when he tripped and fell in the corridor. 
They stopped when they heard him fall and asked if they were okay, but was forced to leave and enter the classroom when the bell rang so as to not be late. 
A pretty Hufflepuff girl had seen everything and approached Cato after his fall. She helped him up and returned his books to him. Although Cato was usually a shy boy, his recent victory instilled a little bit of confidence in him. The corridor was also empty except for him and the girl. 
She introduced herself as Penny and told him how he was becoming famous for standing up to Merula’s tyranny. Used to living a quiet humble life and not having many friends, Cato was really doubtful. He stuttered as he tried to explain that he was just trying to help Ben. 
Penny told him that she was impressed with his bravery and compassion too, even offering to introduce him to her friends in Hufflepuff. Cato reluctantly accepted, knowing inside that he was fed up with getting picked on. He appreciated that someone validated that he did the right thing after getting in trouble with Snape, losing house points as a consequence of the duel. 
As young Cato was intimidated by the tall Potions Master who watched his apothecary like a crow, he was glad to have a friend that was skilled in potions. He and Penny became great friends. She helped him study potions and even feel less intimidated by Snape.
This friendship eventually developed into romantic feelings in their third year, when Penny helped Cato escape an overcrowded Three Broomsticks. She didn’t confess her feelings to him until after the summer. 
They had their first kiss during the Celestial Ball in their fourth year. Tensions arose between them in their fifth year when Penny’s younger sister Beatrice was trapped in a portrait early in the term. 
She, driven by stress and anxiety, desperately tried to find a way to communicate and free her sister, even brewing a calming draught when that didn’t work. Cato was disappointed in Penny. She knew as a potions expert that experimenting with NEWT-level potions recipes without instructions or supervision was very dangerous.
He understood that Bea in danger impaired Penny’s normal thought process. She became desperate to help her. Eventually Bea was freed after the Portrait Vault was defeated, but the trap had consequences affecting her into her second year.
Although Penny in her sixth year had to deal with a strained bond with Bea as a result of the trap’s effects on her mind and how it affected her relationship with friends and family, she shared her feelings with Cato that they were growing weary of having their lives gripped by drama and dated in secret. 
They found comfort in finding secluded places around the castle and grounds where they could spend time in private and vent out grievances they had about the matters happening around the school without anyone listening in on them. 
Cato and Penny agreed together their kids should not have to go through the hardships they had to face as children and later teens.
After graduating from Hogwarts, Cato and Penny moved into a flat in London. She trained as a potioneer while he took courses to become an Auror. The two soon were engaged and got married in 1995. 
A year later, they joined the Order of the Phoenix to help their friends in the war against Voldemort and the Death Eater Menace, fighting in the Battle of Hogwarts in 1998. Following the war, Cato and Penny had two sons. 
He eventually retired from Auror work in 2002 and became a healer at St. Mungo’s Hospital For Magical Maladies and Injuries. This was to provide a more stable life for his family. Penny as a potioneer also joined him and Chiara to work together with him at the hospital.
Emma Galloway @mjs-oc-corner​
Verna Malinda @gaygryffindorgal​
Ryan O'Donnell @unfortunate-arrow​
Thalia Dyer @autisticarachnid
Abia Khouri @abianeverdecides​​
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Willa Corbyn @mjs-oc-corner
Bridget Corbyn @mjs-oc-corner
David Willows @that-scouse-wizard
Amelia Booth @that-scouse-wizard
Perry Santiago @cursebreakerfarrier
Sara O'Donnell @unfortunate-arrow
Jeniferl Thelman @hphm-jeniferltheman
Gwen Dunmoore @ag907
Sarahi Silvers @dat-silvers-girl
​Salem Jordan @autisticarachnid​
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Lyss Fletcher @lyss-fletcher
Matthew Luther @hphmmatthewluther
Hori and Hollis Griffith @nicos-oc-hell
Georgie Faraday @cursebreakerfarrier
Margot Dawes @cursebreakerfarrier
Conor O' Donnell @unfortunate-arrow
Ruth Lyman @unfortunate-arrow
Helena Durazzo @helenadurazzo
Adel Young @adellovesrowan​
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Rhia McCarthy @mjs-oc-corner
Colette Belrose @gcldensnitch
Jules Farrier @cursebreakerfarrier​
Cara O'Donnell @unfortunate-arrow​
Samara Graham @autisticarachnid​
more TBA
(Again, my DMs and asks are open if you have a HPHM MC and want to interact with Cato! Just hmu! No pressure of course!)
Merula Snyde
One of the bullies that targeted Cato in his first year, not just for his brother being expelled but how being a “shy Ravenclaw wimp who just can’t suck up the blame” made her think he was a pushover. 
A rivalry boiled between him and Merula after he defeated her in an unsanctioned duel. She swore to never be defeated again, and trained harder, even reaching out to Diego to tutor her. Still, Cato continued to beat her in display of his prowess. 
He practiced together with his friends while Merula, wanting to be the “most powerful witch at Hogwarts” did so mostly alone and sparred together with others less often. She tried to frame him for the theft of potion ingredients from Professor Snape’s office but underestimated his intelligence and ended up getting caught herself. 
Eventually the rivalry died down after year three as Merula grew tired of always getting the same result no matter how hard she tried. For a change, she focused more on her studies and trying to make up with those she bullied, realizing that her attachment to her parents imprisoned in Azkaban was doing no good for her life. 
As they matured, Merula and Cato ended up becoming good friends, both done with having their school lives being consumed by drama and letting go of their tolerance for nonsense shenanigans. 
She even helped him study for his NEWTs in his seventh year since Cato was prone to becoming tired and falling asleep under the pressure to excel in his exams. He also ignored the senseless gossip and rumors that consumed the everyday conversations of most students.
Patricia Rakepick
Cato was first acquainted with Madam Rakepick in his fourth year. She was hired by Dumbledore to aid in the investigation of the Cursed Vaults. Under Ministry pressure, he sought her as a professional because of concerns of leaving it up to students to protect Hogwarts. The headmaster knew Cato and his friends were the only hope to keep the school safe from the curses. Although he could not risk losing his positions at Hogwarts, the Ministry, nor the International Confederation of Wizards.
He admired Rakepick’s talent and prestige as a world-class curse breaker. She also had a niffler named Sickleworth that Cato loved to play with. They bonded while her caretaker let him borrow him for a little while. They were both sad to say goodbye when Rakepick wanted Sickleworth back. Inside, he had a gut feeling that something was off about Rakepick. Snape shared this and gave him a Garroting Gas to use in case she validated his suspicions.
In his fifth year, the curse-breaker accepted a job offer as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. She was the best teacher that Cato ever had in the subject. He respected and looked up to her as one. Without the school or his friends’ knowledge, he was drafted by her as one of her apprentices to break into the Portrait Vault.
Cato’s opinion on Rakepick changed one day. He came across the Marauder’s Map and showed it to her out in the training grounds. They noticed a marker that was zipping suspiciously fast across the map. Cato was suspicious that she wanted to take the map from him. He swiped the map off the table and put it in his robe before the professor could grab it. He then drew his wand and confronted Rakepick, telling her he knew he was up to now good. 
Instead of a duel, she responded his challege by asking him to meet her in her classroom after the lesson the next day. Rakepick intentionally destroyed Cato’s first wand as a threat to not further mess with her. 
Inside the portrait vault, Cato was shocked when Rakepick abruptly cased the Cruciatus Curse on Merula. He knew she was suspicious but had no idea she could be this nasty.
Cato was the most infuriated he had been in his entire life. He shouted “You, destructive, selfish, two-timing monster!” He prepared to throw the Garroting Gas. “Rakepick, you’ll suffer eternal damnation for your disregard for human life!” He tossed the vial at Rakepick. 
The explosion released Merula from the curse and incapacitated the rogue. She uttered to the group “Bloody hell! How could you snot-nosed brats do this to me? The rogue curse-breaker then confessed to manipulating and kidnapping Cato’s brother after he got kicked out of school. She told him that Alex was her slave in hunting for the vaults. Rakepick had used Cato’s brother to draw blame away from herself, hence why he got expelled. She turned to Cato and made him her apprentice in the hopes of recruiting him for R. 
One of the reasons why Rakepick was forthcoming was that she was not entirely loyal to R. She, not content with her fame as a curse-breaker, joined them for her own motives of power and fortune. She didn’t say it, but she was also impressed at the abilities of Cato and his friends. 
Later, he would suspect she also opened up in an attempt to discourage anyone from trying pursue her, knowing what she was capable of. The curse-breaker was good at impressions and boasting about her accomplishments. She then proclaimed “This is not over! R will succeed and you all will pay for this costly mistake!” before apparating out of the room.
Rakepick had escaped, but she was now known as a wanted person. Cato’s sixth year would be spent trying to keep up with his studies while trying to keep Hogwarts and his friends safe from her. 
Eventually, she would be corned in the Sunken Vault. After a hard-fought, wicked duel, she was laying on the cold floor, exhausted and out of fight. Cato chose to leave her for Moody and his aurors to pick up. She deserved to face justice for her crimes.
Cato loves to bake. He learned it when he helped out at his mother’s restaurant in their village. While at Hogwarts he sometimes honed his skills and made cookies for him and his friends to enjoy. He sometimes asked them to give him feedback on them so that the next batch would be better. During a food poison scare in his fifth year, Cato volunteered in the kitchens for a while and occasionally did so in his final two years to help escape stress and drama for a bit.
His favorite things to take pictures of are amazing sights in nature, mostly the sunset. One of Cato’s most prized possessions is a color photo of the sun setting over the castle that he got from Chiara as a gift for helping her clear up her anxieties about her being the monster attacking a student and going through her transformation phase when she gave all of her Wolfsbane to Lupin. Cato still had the photo after graduation and had it framed to preserve it.
To try to help with his socializing and overcome his anxieties, Cato frequently volunteered in the hospital wing. His time spent there also aided in building his empathy and compassion as a teen. The skills and experience gained also helped Cato when he was hired as a Healer at St. Mungo following his retirement in curse-breaking.
In Quidditch, Cato was a chaser for the Ravenclaw team. He went by the nickname “Wingbear” during games and while at practice.
He has some knowledge of the German language from his grandparents from his father’s side. They live in a small seaside town in Southern England. In the summers before he went to Hogwarts, Cato’s parents sometimes took him there to visit the beach for a few days. They stayed at the grandparent’s house, and that is how Cato learned some of the language. Sometimes he’d study it a little at Hogwarts when he was free too.
The Reese family lived in a spacious English Tudor style house atop a hill. It was named Mount Ridgetop by the previous owner. The family kept it when they moved in there out of gratitude. The house was built by Muggles for an elderly wizarding couple who lived successful lives in the United States. They sold it to the Reese family to pay for their upcoming funerals, later moving in with relatives where they would enjoy their final days.
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faridabadmodern · 10 months
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