#and the best banishment spell is the block button!
chamomilecleric · 5 months
this might be a hot take but i think during times like mercury retrograde it’s extra important to keep yourself grounded and focus on the mundane vs metaphysical. i think it’s important to ALWAYS put the mundane before magick, especially in times where your judgement can be clouded. it’s very easy to blame all of your problems/your behavior/other people’s behavior on the planets without recognizing the actual source of the problem. mundane action should always be the first solution.
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breelandwalker · 2 years
So even tho I practice, and have deities, I'm still super nervous about witchcraft...
A. Being because Im very logic an science based and I worry that it messes with my craft
And b
Being on witchblr and trying to take advice has left me scared of doing spells or anything much further because I'm scared of doing it wrong and something bad happening, or saying something and upsetting someone so I've blocked myself into a part of my craft and can't dig myself out... Any advice?
Witchcraft has a lot of moving parts and it's easy to become overwhelmed or anxious about how to proceed, the more so when social media presents you with conflicting or confusing information, or when you have trouble getting past that skepticism and imposter syndrome we've all struggled with at one point or another.
The good news is that science, skepticism, and critical thinking have a place in witchcraft. It's good that you're keeping your feet on the ground as you explore and there is a whole community of skeptical, science-minded witches out there treading that same path. I have a strong inclination toward science myself and it's never affected my ability to cast spells or believe in what I'm doing. Science and magic are no more opposed to each other than science and religion - each illuminates the other.
The better news is that spells fail every bit as often as they succeed and 99 times out of 100, the result is...nothing. It just doesn't work. Nothing explodes, nothing backfires, the sky doesn't fall on your head. There's just a lack of a result and a cosmic Better Luck Next Time. And it's not only acceptable, it's EXPECTED. You should expect that some spells will fail or not work the way you thought they would as you hone your craft. It's all part of the learning process, and failure is just as important a lesson as success.
You don't have to share all the finer points of your craft or your workings with the wider community, so don't worry that your every move is being judged because it's not. If you're not sure that your online friends would understand or condone a particular working, don't share it with them. If you don't feel like having to explain yourself, then don't. And if you do say something in conversation that turns out to be incorrect or a poor take and someone corrects you, learn from that and change what you're doing if necessary. (Also, the block button is the best banishing spell there is if somebody decides to be nasty for no reason.)
Start with what you know, then look for the next fork in the path. If there's something you've been meaning to try, begin by learning about it. If it resonates, try it. If it doesn't, choose something else. You're allowed to be curious and to research. In fact, it's encouraged. You don't have to try every single thing you read about; sometimes it's enough to just go, "Huh, that's interesting," and move on to the next thing.
Hope this helps!
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Destiny Has Other Plans | Loki x OC | Chapter 8
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Pairing: Loki x OFC
Summary: When Loki goes to ask his father for permission to marry, he is shocked to discover his destiny has already been made for him.  He is already betrothed to Sjofn, the daughter of the King of Vanaheim.  An arranged marriage to bring the two kingdoms closer together and strengthen the bond.  Never mind that Sjofn and Loki can’t stand each other.  
After The Battle of New York, Loki is sent to live at Avengers Tower as punishment for his misdeeds.  But it doesn’t mean he has to like it.   A year later, he has adjusted to life on Midgard but has avoided any romantic or emotional entanglements, still bitter over his lost love.  Dr. Alexis Randall is skilled at helping others fix their relationships as a couple therapist, but can’t help her own love life.  A chance encounter with Loki in a dive bar has life altering consequences for both of them.  Now, Alexis and Loki must figure out a way to co-habit without killing each other in the process, plus navigating impending parenthood and other roadblocks along the way.
This Chapter: Loki and Alexis find out just exactly what Odin has done and life for them is further complicated.
Warnings: Arranged Marriage, Forced Marriage, Pregnancy, Unplanned Pregnancy, Smut, Angst,  Semi-Public Sex, Mentions of law enforcement, Oral Sex, Cursing, Vaginal Sex
Taglists are Open, please let me know if you wish to be added.
“I demand to speak to Odin!” Loki commanded the guards at the doors of his old bedchambers. “At least let me see her.”
Odin had left the healing room without an explanation or another word. Soon Asgardian guards entered and escorted Loki here. And here he remained. More frustrated and confused as the seconds passed.
One guard sighed. “She is safe, Prince. You will see her soon.”
“Thank you.” His posture relaxed a bit, knowing Alexis remained safe.
Several hours passed before someone came to fetch him.
“The Allfather wishes an audience.”
Lok frowned as he pushed past the guards. “Good, because I have questions.”
They walked in silence down the opulent hallway. Loki rushed to the throne room doors as he saw Alexis pacing there, her own set of armed guards nearby.
“Loki!” She ran to him. He captured her in his arms and kissed her passionately. “I don’t understand what is going on.”
Loki pulled back and cupped her face. “All that matters is that you and…” He placed his hand on her stomach. “... this little one are safe.”
“I’m scared, Loki.” Alexis’s voice cracked.
Loki pressed his forehead against her. “You have nothing to fear with me by your side.”
One guard cleared his throat. “Odin is ready to receive you.”
Loki took a deep breath, and Alexis did the same. He nodded at the guards and the doors opened. Alexis grabbed his hand and squeezed hard as they walked in. It wasn’t until they reached the front of the room that they realized Odin wasn’t alone.
“Father and—”
“Father?!” Alexis exclaimed.
Loki’s head snapped to face her. “Father?”
She pointed at the other man sitting next to Odin. “That’s my father, but he died when I was three, I only remember him in pictures. How is he even here?”
“An excellent question. Care to answer, Freyr?” Loki seethed.
“Odin…” Freyr hissed. “… you said you handled this.”
“I said I would handle it.”
“Then I suggest you do it!”
“Will someone just answer the question?!” Loki’s voice bounced off the walls.
Freyr sighed. “I am her father.”
Loki stumbled. “That would explain why my spell didn’t work. And why—”
Alexis’s shrill voice cut through everything. “WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?”
All eyes in the room turned to her. Her eyes wide in terror, clutching her baby bump. Loki reached for her, but she jerked away.
“Are you saying that I’m… I’m…”
“Vanir. Yes.” Odin finished.
Alexis’s eyes darted between everyone in the room. “No, no, no, no. I’m human! My parents died in a car crash when I was three. An aunt raised me.” She wobbled on her legs and Loki lunged to steady her.
“What have you done to her?” Loki demanded.
Freyr again glanced at Odin, who returned with a silent nod.
“When your plans failed to overthrow Odin, and he banished you to Midgard,” Loki rolled his eyes. “Sjofn believed we had cancelled your pending nuptials. And when she was told they would proceed…”
“News to me. Father.” Loki scowled at Odin.
Freyr continued. “She became hysterical. Destroying rooms in the palace, fighting guards, running away. Reckless.”
“I can’t imagine why.” Alexis sneered from Loki’s arms. “The two of you are monsters for putting a poor girl through all that. An arranged marriage.”
“Not some poor girl. You.” Freyr stared at Alexis. “Odin and I thought it best to send you away. Give you time away from everything until it was time for the wedding.”
“And take away my memories?! My powers?!”
“Not erased.” Odin offered. “Just… blocked. Tucked away until you were ready.”
“You always make it sound so congenial.” Loki stepped in front of Alexis. “As if you are doing your victim a favor. I noticed you conveniently sent her to New York, the same place you banished me.” Loki’s lips curled into a sneer.
“That was my idea.” Odin piped up, strolling down the stairs to join Freyr in front of the couple. “Let serendipity work.”
“How romantic of you.” Alexis snapped.
“I did not expect my son to be so cavalier with his manhood.”
“ENOUGH! I am not your son!” Loki bellowed. “But some pawn in your grand plan. We both are.” He pulled Alexis, Sjofn, whoever, against her. “Restore her memories and let us leave.”
“If only it were that simple.” Odin commented back. “It will take time to restore her memories.”
“Fine. Then have your guards fetch us when you are ready.” Loki grabbed Alexis’s hand and stormed out of the throne room.
He pulled her along, only to be stopped by Frigga.
“Did you know, Mother?”
Frigga folded her hands in front of her. “Only after the deed was done. And I never suspected that Alexis was Sjofn until Odin entered the healing room.”
“Well, I guess that is a minor comfort.” Loki pushed past her, dragging Alexis with him.
“Where are we going, Loki?” Alexis questioned, digging in her heels. Loki stuttered to a stop.
“To my chambers, to await Odin and Freyr’s word.” His brows furrowed.
She tugged her hand free. “I just found out my entire life is a lie. I need some time and space to process.”
Loki stepped towards her. “You’re not doubting us, are you? Odin and Freyr—”
“—will catch hell for the havoc they wrecked.” Frigga stepped. “Perhaps I can take young Alexis back to my chambers until the Allfather is ready for her.”
Loki didn’t want that. He wanted to comfort her himself. He wanted her. But one look into Alexis’s eyes and he knew having her go with Frigga was the best idea of the day.
“Thank you, Mother.”
“You are welcome, my son.” Frigga linked arms with Alexis and turned to head towards a different corridor. “Now, Alexis, is it? I imagine you are starving.” Alexis nodded. “Well, I will have some food brought up and you can tell all about how my son has been treating you on Midgard.”
Loki regretted agreeing to allow his mother to care for Alexis, but they already had disappeared down the hall towards Frigga’s chambers. He could hear the sounds of laughter echoing off the large pillars. He turned to head to his own chambers for rest and sustenance, only to run directly into the chest of his brother.
“Thor…” Loki grumbled as he stumbled backwards from the impact.
“Apologies.” Thor reached out to steady Loki. “Care for some company?”
“If it is all the same with you, I prefer solitude at this time.” Loki sidestepped Thor and continued on his way.
“What Odin did was wrong.” Thor called out. “To you and Alexis. I am sorry.”
Loki glanced back over his shoulder at Thor. “Thank you.” And then he continued on his way.
When no one came to get him after several hours, Loki took to pacing again, jumping at every sound. He was about ready to jump out of his skin when a guard popped his head in.
“They are ready for you in the throne room.”
Loki nodded, and the guard walked away. He took a few moments to collect himself and straighten his clothes.
“It’s Alexis, Loki. Pull yourself together.” he muttered to himself before heading out the door.
He got about halfway there when something or someone pushed him behind a pillar.
“I heard you were back, but I had to see for myself.” A familiar voice growled as small hands undid the buttons of his shirt, exposing his chest.
“What are you doing?” He tugged his shirt closed. “Who are…” His voice trailed off as he registered the fair hair. “Sigrun.”
Sigrun giggled. “Of course, it is me, silly. I always knew you would come back for me.” She pushed him back against the corridor. She kissed his lips, catching Loki off guard. “I knew you loved me.”
Sigrun’s fingers tangled in Loki’s hair and her lips crashed against his with passion. Loki struggled to push Sigrun off of him.
“I love—” Loki explained when he was cut off.
“Once a snake, always a snake.” Alexis cried, not even bothering to wipe the tears away. “I should have known.”
“ALEXIS!” Loki ran after her, catching her fingertips only to have them slip away. “I can explain.”
She didn’t stop walking or bother to turn around to acknowledge Loki. “There’s no need. You made it clear you didn’t want any emotional entanglements, and now I can see why. She seems just like your type, blond, big boobs, and no brains.” Her words shot straight to Loki’s heart.
“Things have changed, I… I…” Loki sputtered to get out the words.
Alexis stopped, her fists clenched at her sides. “You are right about that, because now I have my memories back. And I have the power to make sure you never find me and hurt me or this child ever again!”
Loki took a step towards her and Alexis spun around and flung an energy dagger at Loki, who just managed to avoid it.
“You don’t mean that. Come with me, I can explain.”
“Stay away from me, Loki. I never want to see you again!” And with that she flashed away in a column of blue light.
Loki stood in shock, staring at the spot where Alexis, Sjofn, whoever once stood.
“She is pregnant with your child?” Sigrun asked from behind the column where she had been cowering through the entire exchange between Loki and Alexis.
“Yes.” Loki’s head dropped.
“And she is the reason you have returned?” Sigrun continued.
“Yes.” Loki’s tone grew more and more terse, growing weary of Sigrun’s questions.
“And you love her?”
Loki exhaled. “Yes.”
Sigrun’s hands fiddled in front of her. “Are you terribly cross at me?”
Loki’s eyes flashed as he stalked towards her. He got right in front of her face. “Yes.”
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boymeetsweevil · 4 years
SS5 - MYG, NSFW, 3237w
TW: Explicit content, talk about human sacrifice, kinda crack-y
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“I don’t get it,” you panted after finally getting the rusty boiler room door shut. “Why were they still following us?”
Your classmate, Yoongi, huffs beside you to catch his breath. After running through the environmental science department’s small observation forest, it was abundantly clear that neither of you were the athletic type.
“Don’t you think it’s weird? I thought for sure that the purity potion we put in that Taehyung guy’s backpack would be good enough bait for the warlocks.”
Yoongi remains silent. So you continue to suck in gulps of air nervously while peering through the frosted glass window on the door. It’s not as if you can actually see the people who have been tailing a group of innocent freshmen for sacrifice. And you and your friend, funnily enough.
You turn to him then to watch him take his glasses off and polish them on his hoodie. It’s a strangely casual gesture and the fact that he’s trying to polish the glasses despite the fact that the lenses are cracked from falling in the forest makes you think something’s up.
“I mean, don’t you think it’s weird that we had two groups of bait—one full of actual virgin freshmen and one with a guy holding what’s essentially virginity in a bottle—and there’s still warlocks tailing us?”
“What do you want me to say?” He almost shouts before shoving his glasses back onto his face.
“Something that lets me know you think this is fucked. Because it is fucked up.”
“I don’t know what to tell you.”
Your eyes narrow and make your way back over to him. When you get close enough, he scowls at the ground and turns away from you but he’s got nowhere to hide.
“What are you not telling me?”
“It’s not nothing. There’s a bunch of crazy evil wizards out there sacrificing virgins and I don’t want to end up on the wrong side of it.” 
“It’s none of your business. Let it go.”
“I could die here, how the hell is it not my business?”
“It’s just not.”
“What are you hiding?!”
“I’m a virgin,” he shouts. “There! Are you happy?”
“...Oh,” you say, unable to hide your surprise as your eyes widen. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
He rakes a hand up through the dark bangs that cover his forehead. The sigh he breathes out is shaky, probably partially from annoyance and partially from still recovering from running for his life.
“It’s just embarrassing. Didn’t want to change how you saw me.”
There’s a tenderness in the way he admits it as he stares down at his feet. Shame blooms softly on his pale cheeks and the image makes your heart clench a little. You take a breath to calm your heartbeat and take in the dry damp smell of the boiler room. Now is not the time to be dwelling on a petty crush, you’re reminded.
“Well, we have to figure something out. I didn’t think to take any kind of weapon because I thought the freshmen would need them all.”
“It should be fine. I think that one of them said there was a book in the classics library that might actually have the banishing spell in it. We just have to wait it out.”
You nod. “I guess you’re right. Maybe—”
A loud metallic bang shatters the quiet atmosphere. It’s all too familiar since you heard the sound almost 15 minutes prior when you both ran to an abandoned math building in search of a hideout. It’s the sound that the chains blocking the ground floor entrance made when you tried breaking in.
“Maybe it’s the others,” you let out a tiny nervous chuckle. “They could be trying to find us. To let us know the banishing spell worked.”
“They said they’d call first.” Yoongi’s words are tight and low. You don’t like how much resignation leaks into his voice.
“I’ll check my phone. Maybe I missed their call or they left a voicemail.” Of course your phone only displays a low battery warning, no calls or texts of success in sight.
You look up from your phone to find Yoongi cupping his face in his hands and sliding down the brick wall to squat above the ground. Instantly you crouch down too, wanting to comfort your friend.
“It’s gonna be okay.”
“Don’t say that.”
“It is. I mean it, Yoongi. We’ll find a way out of this.”
“Well, you can definitely find a way out of this.”
“I’m not leaving you. You’re getting out of this alive too.” 
He laughs, empty and dark. “Please, the only way I’m getting out of this is if...” he trails off.
You tilt your head. “What? Do you have an idea?”
Suddenly he looks nervous, eyes darting from your face to different spots around the room, to your face again.
“I—yeah, but...It’s crazy.”
“Just tell me. Whatever it is, I’ll help.” You pat his arm for emphasis and he shifts away minutely.
“You’re not gonna want this, though.”
“Doesn’t matter, I’m doing it anyway. You know, to keep you alive? Just spit it out?”
His mouth opens and closes and he brings a hand to smooth down his face like he’s exhausted at just thinking up the idea. Finally, he looks to you.
“We could...have sex.”
“Uh, what,” you laugh because you really weren’t expecting such an answer.
“I’m not trying to be a creep or funny,” he holds up his hands. “It’s just that...that’s the reason why they’re chasing me—why they’re chasing any of us.”
“No, I get it. But, um, how is this gonna work?”
“It could honestly just be a couple seconds, right? Just long enough for me to technically have been inside someone. And then we can stop. Magic is pretty literal, right?”
“I guess?”
“God, I’m sorry. This is so weird.” His voice comes out sounding pained, and you snap out of your own awkwardness.
“No, it’s fine. This is probably the best option anyway.”
Just as you solidify the idea in your head, another boom echoes through the building followed by the sound of footsteps and the scrape of chairs. From the sound of it, the warlocks had found their way into the building and were ransacking the classrooms lining the floor above.
“Okay, let’s try it,” you nod resolutely to yourself.
You stand up to let Yoongi stiltedly unbutton his pants and push them down his thighs. In the back of your mind, you’re mildly surprised to find that he wears boxer briefs. There’s no time to unpack the thought, but you promise yourself that if you get out alive, you’ll do whatever you want with that information. Instead you reach under the skirt you wore that day to wriggle your panties down to your ankles.
While your hands play with the hem of your skirt, you approach Yoongi. Slowly you lower crouch until you’re hovering above his lap, a few inches away from straddling him.
“There’s a problem,” he hedges before you can fully sit.
“I just, uh, I’m not exactly ready yet.”
You look down confused because you don’t see anything wrong. And then you realize you really don’t see anything at all and therein lies the problem. He’s not hard.
“I don’t normally have an issue with this,” he stutters while blushing anew. “But I guess the fact that I can hear the evil wizards right outside who are determined to kill me is messing with the atmosphere a little. Sorry.”
“No worries. I mean, mood is definitely important. I’m not really that ready either.”
The sounds of chair scraping and classroom doors getting slammed grow subtly louder, reminding you that time is precious right now.
"Yoongi,” your voice comes out softer than you planned. “Do what you need to. To get ready.”
He gives the smallest look toward the door before fixing his eyes back on you. Then, his eyes grow wide. You’re unbuttoning your shirt in front of him, to speed things along you say to yourself. Jitters in your fingers make you clumsy but they’re obviously not the usual pre-hookup jitters. There’s no warm excitement spreading with each button undone. It feels fairly perfunctory in fact, almost as if you were doing the buttons up instead of down. You get the first undone after what feels like too long, just enough to show off the peaks of your breasts.
Yoongi’s hand migrates down to his lap while you continue, heel of his palm pressing into his groin. He lets out a small breath while taking in the plush roundness of your cleavage. Thoughts of how long it’s been since he’s been this close to another person buzz around in his head like annoying pests, but he tamps down on them. Instead he focuses on the way your breasts rise and fall with each breath you take. If he tries hard enough, he can imagine the backdrop of the boiler room melting away and fading into your dorm, where he’s spent many a night working on music theory homework with you. It helps and he pulses a little under his own touch.
He watches the buttons of your shirt fall away one by one, revealing an extra inch of skin each time in a methodic rhythm that’s tantalizing in its own right. Your bra is simple, he realizes as time passes. The cups look soft from wear with the gentle way you almost spill from them. He gets the urge to bite the smooth skin out of nowhere and squeezes himself harder. The material looks black in the little amount of moonlight that’s filtered through the dirty boiler room windows, and he can just barely make out some lace through the cracked lenses of his glasses. In another version of this moment, he’d take the frames off and lean closer to you. Pull you in under the guise of seeing better, but also so he could feel you. 
With a small huff, he sticks his hand unceremoniously down his briefs to work himself up faster. Judging by the way he gnaws at his lip, it’s not fast enough. Feeling emboldened, you lower yourself so that you can rest in the seat made by his lap and bent legs. Carefully, you press both hands to his chest. The movement stops him in his tracks and he looks up at you abruptly.
Having his attention on you makes you hyperaware of yourself at first, but you continue and peel off your top fully from where it hung limp around your shoulders. The straps of your bra slide off on their own, laying delicately below your shoulders. The consequence is an instant acceleration of the motions of his wrist. It doesn’t take long for him to be at full mast after that. Nor does it take long for you to begin to feel the weight of arousal in the pit of your stomach when you concentrate on the small noises he makes in front of you instead of the noises of incoming danger outside. Your mind doesn’t let you fully pull away from the present, though. 
The footsteps echo in the hall in the same moment that Yoongi gives a grunted, ‘Okay’. The steps grow louder still and transition into the sound of quick strides as he pulls himself from his briefs. You grab him at the base, ignoring the way he hisses, and the steps get replaced with bangs against the boiler room door. The blows to the door reach their peak volume when you finally slam your hips down.
You and Yoongi let out twin gasps at the movement, but you quickl clamp a hand over his mouth. For a moment, stars twinkle at the corners of your vision, but you blink them away and listen. A few seconds pass, each one punctuated by the rush of your pulse in your own ears. 
There’s a sudden snarl, a flash of light under the crack of the door, and then...silence.
“I think,” you breathe, “They’re gone.”
Both of you wait a few seconds more, unwilling to move from your spots, limbs locked in wishful thinking. When no one comes bursting through the door, the victory finally sinks in.
"It worked!”
You lurch forward to throw your arms around his neck in a hug, chest pressing against his, and Yoongi lets out a mangled whine.
“Are you okay?” You pull back to look at him. Maybe you leaned on an injury he got while running through the woods.
There’s no cuts or bruises visible, but his jaw is clenched and his hands fist at your sides. It’s then that you remember your semi-bare state and your embarrassment surges forth. You move to leave his lap but he hisses again and bucks his hips up hard. It knocks the breath out of you and you unconsciously steady yourself with both hands on his shoulders.
“Yoongi, what—”
His hips twitch again though he manages to tamp down on most of the force. But not without you getting bounced lightly in his lap. With your adrenaline fading, you’re becoming more aware that you’re connected. A shiver spreads up your spine after a small delay.
“Oh,” you moan before you can stop yourself. “Yoongi, w-we should stop.”
“Yeah. That is what we said,” he grits out.
You make the mistake of meeting his eyes then. His gaze is aimed at you but there’s a far-away, dreamy quality to it. The sweat that was beginning to prick at his hairline when you first sat on his lap is now rolling in a single errant bead. You follow its journey down the length of his neck.
“We should stop,” you say again after letting your bottom lip get trapped between your teeth. “Right?”
“Listen,” he has to choke the syllables out. “I don’t think I—”
“You’re too warm and soft...and wet. Fuck.” 
His hips snap again and this time all you can do is tighten around him. It eggs him on and as soon as he feels your grip on him increase, his hands unclench over your hips. Using your waist as an anchor, he blindly grinds you down his length. The pressure feels amazing on your clit and you can’t help but wind your arms around his broad shoulders so you can get closer for leverage. 
You let his name slip from your mouth in a groan at the way he fills you up. The sound is melodic and your new embrace gives him the chance to feel your breasts up against him. If he concentrates, he can feel your nipples drag against his shirt. In hindsight he wishes he’d taken it off.
Using the muscles in your thighs, you draw up from his lap until he nearly slides out from the silky glide. You look down and your mouth drops open. While you were vaguely aware of him when he was fully inside, you’re still surprised to see how thick he is. The stretch you felt at the beginning you attributed to the simple fact that there was no foreplay before you took all of him in one go, but now you realize it was also just him. Slowly, you slide back down his fat length. The sound the follows is lewd and makes your cheeks warm.
With his fucked-out expression as your motivation, you lean forward to brace yourself on his chest and slam your hips back down to take as much of him in one go as you can. He lets out a breathy whine and his head falls back against the wall. The sound of his moans are so nice that you do it again. And again. Until you have a rough rhythm that he meets you with halfway. The smack of his hips against your ass is loud in the small room, verging on filthy. 
Though he can barely keep his eyes open, he manages to keep them open enough so he can admire the way you bounce on him. Each time you spring up, your breasts bob with you. The itch he had earlier to put his mouth on them rears its head once more. This time, he entertains the urge. He leaves one large hand on your hip while the other one snakes up your body. The warmth of his palm leaves an incendiary wake and when he finally cups your breast, his name is tumbling ceaselessly from your lips. He leans forward and rests a cheek on the softness for a moment before doing his best to mouth at it all.
A feedback loop builds. The wet feeling of his tongue on your chest has you clenching your core. The wet cushion of your walls around him makes it easier for you to feel him pulse inside you. Each new trickle of arousal from between your thighs soaks his lap. The motions become slicker and slicker until he’s almost slipping out with each thrust. The pleasure is so acute that his nose begins to wrinkle adorably. You can’t help but lean forward to kiss him. His soft lips part for you at once, lending a new soft sensation to you. It’s sweet enough to have you slowing down your movements to fully seat yourself in his lap and taste him, to grind your clit into his lap and tighten on him gradually until he was bucking clumsily up into you.
When your tongue brushes against his, he jolts twice before spending inside of you with no warning. The release is almost hot and you continue to move to milk him through it, glad for having enough foresight to have taken your birth control already. You pull away from the kiss only for him to chase your lips as his eyes flutter open. He doesn’t remember closing them.
“Did you?” Yoongi sighs against your chin.
“No, but that’s okay.”
“No, it’s not.” He mutters to himself before reaching down between you. 
His fingers lack elegance as they bump against you initially, but once he figures out the angle, he rubs you with ease. The glide is slippery and dirty as he parts your folds and circles the bundle of nerves at the apex of your core. But it’s enough to have you swiveling into his touch. His fingers, now free as you bump your clit against the palm of his hand, find your entrance. You’ve always liked Yoongi’s hands and even admired them from afar before this fateful night. You like them so much more than now that they stretch you so good and reach places you can’t on your own. Your orgasm is like smoke and follows the rise of heat that starts at your core and melts into your extremities.
You lay boneless in Yoongi’s arms for a few long moments. There’s some rustling as he shifts under you.
“Hey,” he strokes his palm down your side to wake you from a shallow slumber.
“What’s going on?”
You peer down at his hand where his phone shines a pale blue. There’s a text open from an unfamiliar number that reads simply ‘the spell worked’.
“Oh, finally!”
“Yeah. We should celebrate.”
His gaze wanders over the curves of your body and a moment later, you feel a telltale pulse between your legs.
“We should,” you hum against his neck, hips starting up again in a sensual circle. “Congratulations.”
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huge thank you to @bangtancentricsblog​ for talking this through with me <3
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loveforthedevil · 5 years
Lucifer’s Little Hellion Chapter 7 Lucifer x Reader
IT’S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!! After months of writer's block, I finally finished it!!!!! Chapter 8 will be the final chapter of this series, then we can start the sequel!! Please excuse any spelling mistakes! Also, I just realized I missed tagging some people and I AM SO SORRY!! I didn’t realize I did ;~;
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: None
Rating: Pg-13
Tags: @18crazybutcutealsopsycho, @whovianayesha, @gotham-s-lover, @cas-backwards-tie, @namelesslosers, @okiemaybeinakinkyway, @multi-fandomgoddess, @thenightkillers, @myownskyfullofstars, @halfofevil, @sociallyinepludi, @reallyfuckingangrylatina, @letysg0, @disneyoncerlover815, @a--1--1--3, @fangirlanotherjust, @englishpolarbear, @loki-is-loved, @poemfreak306, @myleesmoon
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Chapter 1// Chapter 2// Chapter 3// Chapter 4// Chapter 5// Chapter 6
“Well, that’s the last of it,” Lucifer said as he finished the last crib
“Now we just play the waiting game.” You said as you rubbed your big stomach
“Which hopefully won’t belong.” He grinned and lead you out of the nursery.
Your due date was coming closer so you two got the nursery ready for their arrival. The room was filled with clothes and diapers, not to mention all the stuffed animals Trixie picked out for the babies. By the time you and the girls were done shopping, you had to get all of it delivered to the house. Lux was packed with all sorts of boxes that needed to be taken up. With the help of a few friends, you had gotten everything up and unpacked within a few days. You two had used a spare room in the penthouse that was close to your room, so you didn’t have to go very far.
“What are we going to name them?” You asked Lucifer as he helped you sit on the sofa
“Darling we don’t even know their genders.”
“Doesn’t mean we still can’t come up with some names.”
“How about if it’s a boy we call him Alexander and if it’s a girl, Rose.” Lucifer smiled as he sat next to you
“I like those, but what if its two boys?” You raised an eyebrow at him
“Alexander and Johnathan.”
“Two girls?”
“Lucia and Rose.” He smirked
You nodded your head impressed that he was able to think of names that fast. It was better than anything you could think of and honestly, you hoped it was a boy and a girl. Though you could tell Lucifer wanted a little girl, every time he talked about it his eyes always lit up. Truth be told every so often since this morning you’d been having some sharp pains. But it wasn’t uncommon you had them every so often since you had been getting closer to the date. Doctor Wayne had called them Braxton-hicks or in simpler terms fake contractions. Since then Lucifer hasn’t been letting you do almost anything yourself. It was cute to see him so worried, but it was also very annoying. But since this morning the pains have been consistent making you worry a bit, which means you haven’t told Lucifer. His father knows how much he'd freak out if he knew. A ringing sounded through the penthouse, bringing you out of your thoughts and making Lucifer sigh. Chloe had been trying to get him on cases, but he wouldn’t budge. It had been like this since you arrived in your last trimester, he never left your side.
“One moment.” He said and answered his phone
“No, I told you I’m not coming back until after the twins are born I-Hey!” Lucifer said shocked as you took his phone
“He’ll be right there Chloe.” You said and hung up the phone
Lucifer gave you a look of betrayal and you couldn’t help but laugh. You were tired of him ignoring cases and staying with you. Dear his father you never thought you would have that thought, besides you were meeting up with somebody and you didn’t want him around for it.
“What do you think you're doing?” Lucifer asked still in shock
“Darling you need to help her.” You said and cupped his face
“And leave you here alone? What if you go into labor?”
“Then I’ll call you, now get out of here.” You gave him a kiss and pushed him away from you
“If they don’t actually need me I’m coming straight back.” Lucifer jumped from the couch and headed for the elevator
“See you soon!”
He smiled as the elevator doors closed and you let out a sigh in relief. Finally, it felt like you could breathe again. You had to give yourself credit for being a good actor, if not he really wouldn’t have left your side. Ever since you two had sat on the couch the pains had been getting stronger and quicker. Another wave of pain hit and no matter what you did they just didn’t disappear. It was really starting to scare you, not to mention you woke up to a mess on the bed. Lucifer freaked out this morning thinking your water broke, and he might have been right. But not wanting to make him panic, even more, then he was, you told him it was probably nothing. The elevator dinged just as the pain subsided and you looked to see Charlotte standing there. You know she’s been asking Amenadiel about the babies and you weren’t even that mad at her anymore. Sure, she almost ruined your marriage for good, but she had been staying away like you ordered, and you couldn’t keep her grandkids away from her. Well, you could, but you felt like peace was the best way to go with this.
“You wanted to talk to me?” She spoke, and you nodded
“I did, please sit-down Charlotte.” You gestured to the seat beside you
“Where’s Lucifer?” The Goddess asked as she hesitantly sat down.
“I sent him away, I know things have never been good between us-“
“You punched me.”
“And you tried to ruin my marriage.”
“You have a point.”
“What I’m trying to say is you can be there when the twins are born. I know you’ve been asking Amenadiel about them.” You told her never once faltering
Charlotte stayed quiet as you spoke to her, this wasn’t a joke, was it? We're going to say psych and laugh at her face? But no you were being completely honest with her and she didn’t know what to say. It was true ever since you fell for Lucifer and broke Amenadiel’s heart she didn’t like you. She tried to break you two up multiple times and even when Lucifer was banished to Hell you went with him. It angered her, so when she had the opportunity to break you two up she did it. In the process, she almost lost her sons and the right to see her grandchildren. But here you were saying she could be there for the birth. She couldn’t be more shocked at the moment.
“I don’t know what to say.” She let out a breathless chuckle
“You don’t need to say anything, we may still fight but that doesn’t mean we can't put this behind us. Besides punching you in the face was a payment enough.” You smirked and grimaced as a rather painful contraction hit.
“Are you alright?” Charlotte asked
“I think I’m in labor.” You groan as the pain stayed longer than before
“Seriously?” The Goddess’s eyes going wide
“I’m serious, I need to get to a hospital.” You breathed out as it ended
“What do I do?! I’ve never experienced anything like this!” She stood from the couch and started freaking out.
“Just help me stand up! Damn Lucifer’s going to kill me.”
Charlotte grabbed your hands and slowly helped you up from the couch and helped you to the elevator. Before you got in you had grabbed your phone from the bar and decided to phone Chloe, like hell you were going to get lectured over the phone from your husband. Your hands were shaking as you looked for her contact. You could barely think, you were scared. This was new to you and it scared the shit out of you, sure it was a natural thing, but it didn’t soothe your anxiety. After finding her contact you hit the call button and held the phone up to your ear and waited for the detective to answer. She picked up the phone on the second ring and you could hear Lucifer in the background. Annoying Chloe by the sound of it, trying to listen in on the call no doubt.
“(Y/n) is everything alright?” She voice was laced with concern as you walked out of Lux.
“I’m in labor, think you can meet us at the hospital.”
“Oh my god, we’ll be right there!” Chloe practically shouted into the phone and hung up.
Breathing heavily you let out a scream as unbearable pain shot through you. When you had arrived at the hospital they set you up in a room almost instantly. Unfortunately, you were too far into labor for them to give you an epidural, which meant you had to do this naturally. Charlotte stood by your bedside as she tried her best to keep you calm and ease the pain, which only helped slightly. Amenadiel had arrived as soon as Charlotte had told him the news, which was pretty quick. He stood on your other side while you waited for Lucifer and Chloe to arrive which should be any minute now. You groaned as the pain didn’t subside completely just wanting this to be over with already. Hearing the door open you turned to see Lucifer enter the room breathing heavily. It didn’t take long for his eyes to fall on your form laying on the bed and wasted no time in rushing over as his mother moved away.
“I can't believe you didn’t tell me! So you were in labor this morning.” Lucifer said with an I told you so look
“Yes, okay! I was in labor but you were panicking enough as it was. Also, we are not doing this right now!” You yelled at him
It was only half intentional that you had yelled at Lucifer. The other half was, hopefully, the last contraction you would have that day. It amazed you that human did this! Not to mention every time they had a baby! It was something she wouldn’t wish on her worst enemy, well maybe. Perhaps this could be a new form of torture down in hell. Moments after Doctor Wayne got ready to deliver the babies, it was a scary moment but you knew you could do it. One doesn’t face God's wrath head on and not be scared of something as simple as this! After much screaming and pushing, and only a moment of Lucifer passing out, a shrill cry broke through the air. For a moment it felt like time had stopped and you looked at the little baby that Doctor Wayne held.
“It’s a girl!” He told you
Grinning you looked over at Lucifer to see him completely awestruck. It was something you'd remember forever, here stood the man you loved who swore he'd never have children, to him being a father and actually wanting to be one. It made you feel like the luckiest angel alive. Though the moment was short lived when a burst of pain hit you signaling that it was time to deliver the second baby. If possible this one felt more painful then the one before, even if it was just slightly. As you held Lucifer's hand he leaned down and kissed the top of your head and that was all you needed to get the strength to continue. Soon another cry cut through the air and you let out a breath in relief and leaned against the pillows.
“It’s a boy! Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Morningstar!” Doctor Wayne said
This was one of the best moments of your life, you couldn’t help the happiness you felt in that moment as a grin spread across your face. You were parents! You watched as one of the nurses handed your baby girl to Lucifer as another handed you your baby boy. You let out a chuckle as you saw Amenadiel walk over and look at the little boy in your arms with a smile on his face.
“Congratulations to the both of you.” He said
“What do you mean I can't come in? Do you know what I’ll do to you if you don’t let me in?” Mazikeen’s voice sounds from outside the door.
“We better let her in before she does something bad.” You told Lucifer
“For once I agree with that,” Lucifer said
Gently he gave his daughter to Amenadiel as he went to deal with the situation in the hall. Charlotte slowly approached your side again and you motioned for her to come closer and handed her the baby in your arms. It took a bit of convincing but you eventually got her to hold him. Mazikeen entered the room followed by Chloe, Trixie, Dan, Linda, and Ella. Trixie bounded up to the bed and you gently moved over so she could sit next to you. She had the biggest grin on her face as she looked at the baby in Amenadiel’s arms before he handed him to Lucifer.
“What are their names?” Mazikeen asked as she took the baby from Charlotte
“Alexander.” You started
“and Rose Morningstar.” Lucifer finished
“They're beautiful,” Linda spoke
“Well seeing who their parents it's understandable.” Chloe smiled
“You two are never sleeping again.” Dan chuckled
“I’m sure it will be worth it.” Ella grinned
You kissed the top of Trixie’s head as you looked at everyone in the room. It was definitely a moment of everybody getting along and one of pure joy. Your little family got bigger, even if it did cause problems at first, but you wouldn’t change anything that happened along the way because it brought you to this moment. Sure you probably looked like crap, felt pretty sore, and was exhausted as hell but it didn’t stop you from sharing this moment with your friends and family. It was going to be a long road ahead of you and Lucifer trying to raise the twins though you knew you wouldn’t be alone. After all, these babies are going to be spoiled very much, and not just by their parents.
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thewritingstar · 6 years
The Assassin Code
A KiriBaku Multi Chap Au
Summary:  Bakugou is known by many names. he's a hunter, a killer a top paid assassin and his new task is to kill the beast that lurks in the kingdom of Ekon. What happens when a paid assassin realizes that maybe he is not hunting a beast but a hot and thoughtful man?
I’m really proud of this first chapter so I hope you all enjoy! Its already up on A03 and that link is on another post. 
Chapter One: The Journey Begins.
Bakugo entered the gates of the temple, he knew why he was here, he always did. He became a known name, well if you knew who to ask, doing the dirty work for the lords and ladies across kingdoms and digging into the riches they provided for his services. He was a master of weapons, a cunning foe like a fox, and an expert at manipulation, maybe that's why assassination came so easy. He had blocked his emotion years ago, watching your parents die at the hands of a dictator really messes you up and he vowed to kill the blood of the corrupted.
He had shut himself off from the world, only emerging from the shadows to strike a sword or arrows into his prey. Like a plague, he spread and killed silently and was gone without a trace. He was known across the lands, but was never seen.
He was escorted towards the throne room where his client would be. Taking the time to gather information he looked around the hallways he traveled. Golden portraits of the king's face line the halls and his family was everywhere too. One of the faces he hated was plaster on the wall. The prince of this castle was none other than a duo haired boy who expressed nothing but a scowl and rumor had that he had gone missing months ago. “Probably someone who could ruin his name.” Bakugou thought as he glared at the pictures, only someone of extreme high status would parade their face around.
Bakugou hated all royalty, that was just his nature. But they were rich and paid to have him take care of things so as long as he could get a paycheck, the crowns were no threat. He had done it all. Kill kings, murder mages and suffocate sirens. It didn’t matter to him, the only rule was they had to be evil, no innocent person would be slayed, that was the assassin code. But royalty was different. He knew the man who he was about to see was a crook as well so in no time he would probably be paid to take him down too and move the throne line faster. That's how it worked, like a network of webs, Bakugo was the spider and no one knew he that all the spun silk lead to him. He wasn’t the only assassin, just one of the best.
He went by many names, no matter where he went, he was always referred as something new. The Killer, The Crimson Blade, The Hunter, Lord Explosion Murder, he liked that one the best. In fact no one knew his real name and he was going to keep it like that. A dark hood swallowed his body as his deadly ruby red eyes were the only seen feature. The ones that held emptiness as his victims fell to his leather boots. He carried his sword on his hip and a bow under his cape. Weapons were hidden everywhere but he is also skilled in magic.
Finally he reached the throne room, a guard opened it and Bakugos patience was already wearing thin. The door closed and he was left standing in front of the king. King Endeavor of the Ignatius Empire. He knew he possessed the power to wield fire but he wasn’t intimidated in the slightest, he had fought many foes and won every time, a little bit of flame wouldn’t scare him.
“You must be Red Shadow.” The king stated and Bakugou held back an eye roll. He learned the hard way to keep quiet and take the task, ask only the important questions and get out. He nodded and the king lead them to a table and chairs. He would keep his temper in check for now and release his fury on the prey.
Bakugo sat and set his sword on the table letting the king know that he was prepared. It was crafted out of the toughest steel and the jewels that forged into the handle were made from the drops of blood from the man who killed his parents. It was a reminder; Bakugou always won.
A map made of dusty partridge was set in front of him. “The village is called Ekon, north of the banished woods is where you will find the man to kill.” Endeavor pointed and Bakugou thought it was the shittiest map ever made.
“Guilty?” Bakugou asked, he needed to know if the person he would kill would actually be evil or if it was a petty argument he had no time for.
“Extremely. You see the king and queen here had a son once-” Bakugou raised his hand.
“I don’t kill children.” He stopped him.
“Well luckily he is a man now. Well more a monster. You see he was born with a quality as one would say. Razor sharp teeth those of a man eating shark that taint the seas. Bloody claws that scratch at the throats of its victims, he is no child, hell he killed his own parents.” The king spat.
Bakugou straighten his back, his eyes held a deadly glare. Kill his own parents? “Why do you want him dead?”
“There have been rumors that he has sent his men to disrupt kingdoms and as a large one myself, I’d rather keep my village safe and peaceful for the time.” The king shrugged, his crown was made of heavy gold and had multiple rare jewels so he knew this would pay well. The thought came clear as a small velvet sack was laid in front of him.
Bakugo stared at it. “Please open it. I'm hiring the best and I want the job done right.” He opened it and smirked wildly but the king couldn’t see it. It would probably pay off half of the villages debt but he gladly collected it.
“Anything else?” Bakugou asked as he stood and secured the payment in his hidden bag.
“Don’t die.” Endeavor said and Bakugou let out a scoff.
Red eyes glared at the kings. Die? Did this fucker think that some beast could take me?
“I lost a group of my best guards to him. That's why you are here and I expect that iron claw to be on this table once you’re done. No time limit, just get it done.”
“No time limit?” That was a first. Usually he had a deadline but he would be quick anyways. In and out was the best way to do it.
“That kingdom is far, i’d rather have the job be done properly or not at all.” The king shrugged.
“And what if i just run off with the pay?”
The king laughed and looked back at the cloaked man. “I have more money than the three surrounding places combined, there is always someone better, so I'll just kill you.”
“Like hell you will.” Bakugou spat and when the king turned back, he was gone.
The velvet paycheck dropped onto the table with a thud. Huffing Bakugou removed his dark cloak and realized that he was sweating immensely. “Stupid fucking cape, can’t fucking breathe in this shit.” He complained and tossed it to the floor.
“Here.” A bowl of what seemed like stew was placed in front of him. He looked up to see Denki.
“Why are you here?” Bakugou grumbled.
“Because I can be dumb ass. Also I robbed Endeavor.” Denki smirked. He placed a dusty sack of jewels next to Bakugou's. “Belonged to the prince but since he's gone missing, no one was keeping guard of his room,quite the mistake on their part.” The blonde thief smirked as he ran a hand through his hair, dusting over his black strands that represented his electric charge.
Denki was one of Bakugou few thieving companions, if you can even call him that. After almost getting his weapons stolen and Denki almost dying at his sword, the pair had become an acceptable duo to take from the rich, like robin hood but with more blood and torture.
Denki, like Bakugou witnessed the death of his mother. He was born as a slave to a rich family in another land but after they killed his mother, he used his magic of electricity and light forming to steal and murder the family. After that he lived village to village until Bakugou and him set up camp in a scheduled part of the woods. A place hard to reach and out of sight, perfect for a pair of bandits. Although those weren’t the only two in the gang. Now he spent his time as a bandit, he didn’t kill often but was no wimp when it came to blood.
Sero was a master of the deadly art of torture. He used his magic of possession to hold the whips and chains that would be used to torture his prey, bad people to pay the price. However he only came by rarely as he was sought out publicly by many royals. He time was spent in dungeons, destroying the corpses of those imprisoned. Dirty work belonged on the hands of someone in the shadows. Someone who couldn’t get caught.
Lastly was the mage named Mina. Her specialty lied in her used of potions and deadly substances. She worked mostly with Denki as she could ease a guard to sleep with spells or even transform the moats surrounding a castle into poison water, not to mention the acid and spite that leaked from her fingers, gloves were a caution but she was a silent killer. She was a traveler, always leaving to find supply and had the connections in underground bandit ring.
Together they all traveled to do the dirty work of others. Outside of their ‘work’ they were quite interesting people but kept to the shadows and themselves for safety, even they didn’t know who the others were fully and that's how it would stay. They all were given other names,
“You robbed him while I was there?” Bakugou snapped. It was a careless move but Denki craved for the adrenaline rush. Like an electric eel, he was on the move for the next kill.
“Kinda. Before you arrived. Just in case.” Bakugou rolled his eyes and scarfed down the food in front of him. “I’m not dumb enough to do it afterwards.”
Denki saw the velvet bag and the duty map next to it. Picking it up he examined the trail.
“I assume you are going to be on killing leave?” Denki asked and he was met with a nod. “I adjusted your dagger. When you push the button venom will leak. Easy kill.”
“I heard a conversation, a group of nobles are coming in a few days. Perfect time to rob.” Bakugou told him and Denki nodded.
“Ekon?” Denki flicked the page.
“You heard of it?” Bakugou asked. Denki nodded.
“Guy who rules it is called the Red Riot, heard tales of his hardening magic, practically invincible. If he's the one you’re after you might want to stop at Frops, maybe one of her potions could stop him.”
“I don’t need your help Sparks.” He growled but made a mental note.
“Yeah, yeah I know. Gotta run, thanks for the tip.”
The blonde assassin huffed as Denki left as silently as he came, probably going to the pub for a drink, he didn’t know and didn’t care.
He got up and made his plan to pack, soon an iron claw would sit on the kings table and he would go to the next mission. It was a routine he had been doing since he was a boy, one he knew that would end his life but death had ceased to get its hands on the former assassin.
---- It was safer to travel at nightfall. Bakugou decided not to bring anyone from his gang of bandits. Sometimes he would on bigger projects but this was just one man, or beast for that matter. Plus he was easily annoyed with any company and preferred the silently whispers of the wind. Based on the map, Bakugou made the decision to travel all throughout the night until he reached the town one over from his designated area. A village that was known as Wild Lily Musk. The name came from the overwhelming aroma of the bog that was covered in beautiful yet deadly water lilies that emitted a potent gas.
Hours had past as his legs burned from walking so far. The woods were full of spiny plants and although he could mange in the dark, his calves were scrapped a little. Luckily he didn’t encounter any low life thieves who would try to steal his goods and no animals tried to take him down as a meal.
The cold air of the night fell off of him as he removed his cape before entering the small inn. It was quiet and the only person there was an employee. He recognized the woman sitting at the desk trying to stay awake as her eyes tried to doze off. The bell chimed and the frog like eyes of the woman blinked before she stood and smiled.
“Ribbit. Bakugou. Ribbit.” The woman spoke or croaked. Bakugou was not the friendliest, quite the opposite actually. Even in his daily form, he had the glare of a demon. He hated the noise that came from people and only restored to interacting when he had too. He had exceptions but even then it was half-assed kindness.
“Froppy.” He huffed. The first time he had encounters the Frog Mage, he was trapped in the dreaded bog. She had helped him and in return he hunted down the man who stole from her family, since then they had a mutual relationship, he stayed at the inn for free and he did their dirty work for no pay. It was rare but useful. She didn’t know he was an assassin, and it was going to stay like that.
“Ribbit. Room 3. Ribbit.” She croaked. She passed him the key and he placed a emerald on the desk. “Ribbit, you don’t-”
“Take the damn thing. I don’t have time for payback.” He snatched the key and made his way up the creaky stairs.
“There's fresh muffins in the kitchen. Ribbit.” She called as she examined the precious jewel closely. It was an expensive payment, one that would pay for the inns doors for a few months, Bakugou knew that.
“Whatever” He yawned but they both knew he would take a few before he left in the morning.
The inn was damp and musty. The view from the window was bare and boring and since it was dark and he wanted people to mind their own fucking business, he kept the burlap curtains closed. The scent in the air loomed from the deadly bog, everyone in the town had developed a mutation, giving them the qualities of the swamp inhabitants. The Frog Mage was just one of the many who was granted that look, luckily Bakugou wasn’t staying long so the air wouldn’t taint his blood stream.
Flopping onto the bed, he took out the scrolls that had Ekon knowledge on it. He had stolen it from the records of the library but that didn’t matter, no one had even touched them.
“What the fuck?” Bakugou examined the first scroll. Written on the parchment was a poem, no a tale of what he assumed was about the child.
. A child born with the strength of a thousand knights. Armored from head to toe. Sharp like a sword and swift as the streams, he was a deadly creation. The darkness covered the kingdom as blood from the beloved king and queen spilled from the child's iron claws. Locked away in the tower he stayed, ruling with fear and a deadly glare. He stayed there, never to be seen. A child turned to beast. .
“So the flame brain was right?” Bakugou huffed and read more about the history before shutting his eyes knowing he had to get up and travel some more before the sun rose. After a few grueling minutes of little information, he threw the scrolls on the bedside table and let sleep take over for a few hours.
Before the sun could casts its golden rays onto the village of Wild Lily Musk, Bakugou was already up and heading down stairs. The frog mage was asleep in the chair so he gave a firm knock on the desk.
“Ahh-oh Bakugou. Ribbit.” Froppy croaked. The key was given back.
“I need a potion, something I can use to immobilize someone. The dumb ass blonde said you got something so make it quick.” He stated. She blinked and tilted her head.
“Hmmm, Ribbit. Let me go get it.” She disappeared behind the door and he could hear the clinking of glasses and bottles as she shuffled through the mess. He leaned against the inns lobby desk and looked at the pictures on the wall. His frown never left as his eyes traced over the many photos. It was the frog mages family and even a few friends, none of which he knew nor cared.
He turned back and snatched the potion out of her hand before putting it into his woven bag. “This better work.” He growled and she blinked again before handing him a muffin.
“It does. Ribbit. Just don’t spill it on you or you will be stopped too. Ribbit. Lasts an hour. Ribbit.” She said and the little bell jingled as he disappeared into the night. ---- Daylight arrived as Bakugou reached the town of Ekon. A small village that looked to have no inhabits.
“What the fuck?” He questioned as he looked inside the window of a nearby shop. Dusty coated every aspect and it seems like the town had been abandoned for months. Usually a town even as small of this was bustling with noise but everything was quiet almost as if sound was illegal.
He continued looking through the stores and worn down homes, even breaking in and taking some supplies along the way. In the center of town was a statue. Crafted from iron was a sculpture of a man and woman. Dead flowers rotted beneath it as ivy and weeds crept up the metallic sides. Bakugou pulled of some weeds to reveal a plague.
. For the king and queen of Ekon .
“What is this, a grave?” He asked but kept walking. In the distance he saw the castle and decide to get a move on so he could kill his prey. A shiver ran up his spine as he climbed up the hill side through the thick trees, he couldn’t risk getting spotted. He was a professional after all.
As he neared the castles wall the smell of rust and sulfur filled his nose and he almost gagged. He covered his mouth with his cloaked hand and coughed loudly as his lungs became full of the scent. He paused and leaned against a thick oak tree, taking a moment to establish a plan to get inside and catch his breath.
“Window there, there and there. Easy.” He smirked and resumed his walking. Small twigs snapped under his leather boots and the sun has become soaked up into the dark fabric making him sweat more than he already was. He didn’t see any guards as he came closer and wondered if anyone was here at all. Suddenly his vision blurred as he was whisked into the sky.
“What the fuck!” He yelled as rope rubbed against his ankle. His body began tied up into a next and struggled to break free. He felt like a mouse just caught in a trap. “Shit” He cursed knowing that being caught was the last thing he needed. Hopefully they wouldn’t know who he was. He needed a plan fast.
“Are you alright?” A voice came from below. He couldn’t see as his cloak had covered his eyes and his hands were pushed to his sides. He tried to wiggle free again but it only seemed to tighten his position and burn the rope further into his skin.
“I’m fine.” He growled but felt his body lowering to the ground, his back hit the moss floor of the forest and he finally could take his dreaded cloak off.
As his vision cleared he came face to face with a hand that offered to help him up. Grunted he pushed it away and stood up on his own, dusting off the dead leaves and chunks of bark caught onto the fabric of his pants. “I said I was fine.” He snapped and pulled his sword out and aimed it at the face of the mysterious man.
A man his age stood with his arms up and oddly a smile. One that had sharp fangs. Bakugou looked him over. Broad shoulders and lots of muscle like him. He wore only a vest so Bakugou averted his eyes so he wasn’t staring at the mans bare abs. He would be lying if he didn’t think he was attractive but he just glared at him.
“I know but it's better to get help plus that is one hard trapped to get out of. Anyways you seemed lost, please follow me and lets treat that wound of yours.” He pointed to Bakugou's leg where a deep red gash was. The firm rope had torn his flesh and the pain just got to him. He winced as he looked down and gritted his teeth.
“Nah I don’t need help, especially from someone with such shitty hair.” He nodded and the man rolled his eyes and let out a laugh. A strange feeling swept through him as he heard the laugh, there was something about this man that intrigued him but he was on a mission.
“You’re funny. Come let's go.” he walked past Bakugou, not bothering to care about the sword pointed at his face. “Oh and I don't think you should insult the man who just saved your cute ass.” He winked and Bakugou's blood ran hot as he followed him.
"So whats your name?" The red haired man asked. He skillfully guided them through the woods and to the clearing of the cobblestone path.
Bakugou debated on telling him. Maybe it would be best to get close into the castle so he could have easy access to the beast. Plus no one knew his real name anyways. "Bakugou." He spat and kept his small dagger out just in case the man pulled any funny business. they stopped at the giant oak door, the one that would lead him inside his enemy's home.
"A cute name for a cute man.' he heard him flirt and the tips of his ears matched the color of his eyes.
"Yeah and what about yours?" Bakugou asked. The man turned and leaned against the door flexing his muscles slightly and Bakugou noticed.
"Names Red Riot but you," he looked Bakugou up and down. "Can call me Kirishima." He smirked and opened the door.
Bakugou stopped in his tracks and gulped. "Fuck" He whispered as he followed the man he was suppose to kill into his domain.
I hope you enjoyed!
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boobtubedude · 8 years
The Tournament Of The Archomentals, Part 3
Notes from the previous session can be found here. 
The third session in the “Tournament Of The Archomentals” arc started right where the last one ended: with the heroes facing off against a djinn and its Air Elemental. For the first time in the arena battle so far, there were no walls blocking the team from one another, so they could take them on together. The Air Elemental struck early and often, creating cyclones that threw most of the heroes into the air and against the solid walls of the room. To counter this, Azrgarth grew a 50’ tree for reasons the DM could not fathom, while DanFielding crafted an impenetrable tent inside which he could hide in a place the spellbook described as “dry and comfortable.” So that was nice.
The cleric Peter Dinklage attempted a high-risk, high-rewards spell in which he tried to banish all but the djinn’s head, which would have basically destroyed the well-planned boss battle but potentially created a “Pee Wee’s Playhouse” scenario in which the big bad would start singing “Meka Leka Hi Meka Hiney Ho.” Sadly, the spell did not work. Ultimately, Chad The Conqueror cast Polymorph to successfully turn the djinn into a frog, and Peter used a stone-creation spell to essentially bury the frog alive inside a frog-sized freeway. Like ya do. With the djinn gone, everyone else focused on the Air Elemental, who had been rendered frozen with fear earlier in the fight thanks to another spell. When the elemental was defeated, things started to get interesting.
The elemental’s essence rose into the sky, and then formed what looked like large soap bubbles: The bubbles descended and enveloped the six party members and brought them into the air. The center cylinder lost its glowing surface to resemble a three-part structure inside. On the top and bottom portions were empty rooms. In the middle, walled off from the other two, was a pedestal on top of which was a red button. Two of the heroes were deposited in these rooms while the other four were taken to the four corners of the grid. As they moved there against their will, the other 20 grids now glowed with the same runes that were on the map that had been inserted under their door the night before the tournament. (Here’s the map again.)
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At this point, Garrick got on the loudspeaker and told everyone the second phase of the game was about to begin. These were the rules:
In order to pass the round, eight separate squares had to be stepped on
No one HAD to step on any squares
You could step on any square in any order provided you could feasibly move to it (a person with boots that let them jump fifty feet could use them and avoid squares in the immediate vicinity)
Once a person made a move, they would replace one person in a cylindrical room
Once the round started, each person that moved into the cylinder would remain for two rounds and then replace the person on the board in the same square.
A person in that room would recover health, but could not participate in any activity outside the room (in game terms, a one-time 10HP bonus)
A person that room would have immunity to any effects, good or bad, outside the cylinder (if the room filled with poison, they were fine, but if spell slots were refreshed, they were out of luck)
After the results of the square were revealed and any subsequent activities completed, the party had to step on a new square as the next action (ie, no constant pausing/party heals between rounds)
Once eight squares were touched, the middle portion of the cylinder would open. Pressing the button ends the fight.
With little to go on in terms of being able to understand what the runes meant, Peter Dinklage decided that the Augury ritual would be best. As that takes an hour in game time, what ensued was a metric ton of fictional dilly-dallying. In real time, after about five minutes of group discussion and a few vague hints from the DM due to the Augury requests (in which the danger of some squares was vaguely defined), DanFielding stepped on Square 17. At that point, that symbol started to glow brightly on the floor and appeared up and down all sides of the glass cylinder. Over the speaker, the heroes heard Garrick’s seemingly pre-recorded voice say: “Treasure.”  “Oh boy!” he said, now clearly in the present. “That means Danfielding gets an extra 1,000 GP if you all survive!”
After that, Chad the Conqueror stepped on Square 18. The same symbol activity happened, and everyone heard the words “Elemental Plane.” Chad was suddenly whisked away to a large wooden ship in the middle of a raging storm. Trying to figure out what the hell had happened, he noticed two things: all of his compatriots laid out on the deck besides him, seemingly dead, and a large tentacle descending from the sky directly at him. When the tentacle struck him, Chad instantly transported back to the arena, still in Square 18. Everyone was very confused by what just happened, but the team was 25% towards their goal. Garrick continued to narrate the action throughout based on what the heroes did.
Considering all the work that the DM went into balancing the runes so there wouldn’t be an impossible gauntlet of enemies to fight, the heroes did an annoyingly good job of avoiding just about all of the danger, and definitely all of the “oh shit this might be a TPK” options that abounded on the floor. They did fight off two giant snakes with an affinity for mind control halfway through the fight, but little gave them true trouble until three mummies attacked in round seven. DanFielding ended up bringing the tree Arzgarth had planted to life in order to swat them away, which was a totally baller move. Considering DanFielding had started this part of the tournament by casting a spell intended to make a cube of jelly feel bad about itself, he had certainly come a long way in a short time.
In the end, the heroes’ last rune was “Movement, Travel,” a square that meant the next person could move to any square without impediment. It was designed to give maximum movement options, but instead meant the game ended on a kind of “oh, huh” moment. It wasn’t as catastrophically anticlimactic as when the original four players made an unkillable vampire sneeze to death, but then again, what could be?
Since the players asked, and since you might wonder in case you want to borrow/steal this dungeon for your own, here’s how I laid out the activities for each rune. You’ll see the players mostly avoided the really dangerous ones, but that was by luck more than anything else. You could scale the monsters and damage according to the levels your characters are at. Mine were all Level 10, though they did move up to Level 11 for completing the first half of the tournament. The players assumed that each round meant a reshuffle of the effects of each rune, which was adorable as it implied I had the mental acuity to remotely keep track of that. I crossed off the ones they ended up stepping on in case you’re a “Archomentals” completist.
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Pursuit, Invisible Stalker
Secret (augury on any glyph)
Regeneration (All HP and spell slots regenerated)
Evil Magic, Power (Two Spirit Nagas)
Life (20 HP)
Giant, Huge (Cloud Giant)
Insanity (player starts beserking and attacking other players)
Demonic, Fiendish (3 Mummies)
Dragon (Young Green Dragon)
Key (only one person now imprisoned in the cylinder)
Evil Power, Destructive Power (Dex Save, lighting shoots through holes that emerge in walls, 4D8 unsuccessful, 2D8 successful)
Strength (+2 Attack for Next Round)
Thrall, Prisoner (Crown Of Madness, doesn’t take effect until next combat, make it a surprise)
Poison, Poisonous (air fills with noxious green fumes, Cons saving throw 15, 3d10 or half on successful)
Treasure (1000 gp)
Elemental Planes (meaning hidden as its part of the future campaign)
Answer, Solution (intuitively understand one glyph)
Uncertain (everyone’s mind becomes clouded, disadvantage on first round of next combat)
Power (+1 AC next fight)
Movement, Travel (next person can move anywhere)
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