#and that's the true power of bitching and moaning about the weather with someone else
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dracaeons · 14 days ago
btw this is also why fenquisitor is so good, in my beautiful mind palace, because dorian starts spouting off about ~conditions in the south~ as compared to tevinter when he gets asked about enslavement of elves there, and fenris is like yeah dude alienages suck! it sure is a shame that everyone in thedas is doing violent racism towards elves all the time! tragic that the wealth gap is a global problem really! what's your point.
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crossroadsfossil · 4 years ago
Because @dadzawa-adopt-dabi reblogged that tree-eating a steak thing: 
There are a thousand ways for a soul to become trapped. Hawks could list about fifteen off the top of his head, from spells to curses to hexes to blessings of protection. It was part of his hero training.  
It was vastly incomplete. 
There are other ways of binding a soul. Ways that the commission didn’t teach because there was no proven method to recreate, and so there was no proven way to break that binding. Methods that were written off as folktales and fairy stories. 
Things that weren’t ‘real’. 
It didn’t make them any less true. 
He climbed the path and felt the ache in his muscles. Dabi was meters ahead, bounding up the side of the mountain as carefree as a goat. He didn’t bother offering Hawks a hand. To be fair, it was probably for the best. He didn’t want Dabi to look too closely at it. He might be able to see the discrepancies, to see that it wasn’t actually Best Jeanest in the bag. Hawks knew he was being paranoid- there was no way Dabi would be able to recognize subtle things about the top heroes, but there was always a chance he could or that he could have some item of power that would let him know falsehoods. 
The path leveled out suddenly, and his field of vision was filled with the sight of a too-big tree. He��d seen trees like this only in children’s anime and books. It was massive, with moss and greenery growing over its limbs and bark. There were hollows pitted throughout the gnarled, looping roots. He wondered if this was where the league had one of their hideouts. It certainly looked like there could be tunnels under there. Dabi was sitting on one of the roots that protruded out of the ground. There were many that did, standing taller than most men and showing how deeply ingrained the tree was with the surrounding forest. He was hit with the feeling of how unreal this all was. At the same time, it felt too real to be a product of magic. It felt as old as it looked and that was a different type of magic entirely. 
Dabi grinned at him, too wide and with too many teeth as he gestured to a spot. Slowly, the roots groaned and creaked and a spot opened up the length and width of a man. Just perfect for Hawks to dump the corpse in. 
He grimaced and shifted the bag, watching as it fell loose-limbed into it. 
He could never find the tree without one of the LOV leading him to it. For the longest time, he wondered if there was a cloaking spell on it, but test after test revealed nothing. Eventually, Spinner cornered him after catching him running tests one day, catching him off guard. They stared at each other, one hand on his feather in case he needed to cut his losses and bail. Spinner sighed and sat down next to him, pulling out a makeshift grimoire. It was a tiny thing and was straining at the cords that held it closed. 
“I have been trying for months to figure out what is up with this tree. Here- I’ll save you some time and maybe you can see if I missed anything.” Spinner said, cracking the book open. A puff of sparkling magic escaped, tickling his nose and setting off a sneezing fit that had Spinner laughing and teasing him about his tiny kitten sneezes for weeks. 
Dabi loved the tree. Dabi hated the tree. Dabi expressed the most energy and emotions when around the tree. Where Shigaraki thrived in the dark urban areas where things whispered and flitted about in the half-light of the street lamps, Dabi came alive as soon as they entered the forest where the tree resided. It usually meant that Dabi was faster in dodging Hawks’ attempts at small talk, walking faster than Hawks could keep up and still retain that casual, easygoing stride. Once at the tree, it usually meant that Dabi took to the branches to escape, and once there, no one but Shigaraki could find him when he didn’t want to be found. Even then, Shigaraki had a significant failure rate. 
Research on the tree turned up nothing. Neither he nor Spinner could find anything about it. There was no mention of it in the records, both digital and paper. Trees that big and old were almost always noted, as they were places of power and ritual and, depending on the part of the country you were in, usually had some sort of seal on them. For a tree to be that big and for there to be neither word nor seal on it was unusual. It rubbed Hawks the wrong way and thrilled Spinner’s more conspiracy-like tendencies. Well, conspiracy if one followed the commission’s definition since there was a great deal of folklore on that list of potential answers. 
Hawks learned to love the tree. Despite the logical part of him warning that there was something wrong with it, that there were too many questions left open for it to possibly feel safe, he felt at home there. The nightmares he would be subject to faded as soon as he stepped foot on shared soil, and fatigue fell away like blown away leaves. The weather felt milder and the air breathed a bit cleaner. 
It was home, as much as any wild place could be home. 
The others seemed to share the thought. They would arrive and the weight would just fall from their shoulders. The conversation was lighter and touches were accepted, encouraged even, with them trading pats and hugs and casual affection. Much more than Hawks was used to and far more than he saw the league perform when they were in the city. 
Even Shigaraki was content. He would bitch and moan on the way up, but once they were within the clearing, he’d make as quick a beeline towards the tree as Dabi did, often scaling up the trunk to his favorite perch while Dabi stood with a hand resting on it. If it wasn’t so wildly unlikely, he’d assume Dabi was talking to the tree. 
It was one of the nights where they were spending the night in the clearing. It was beginning to get cold in the city. Out here, it was chilly, but not unpleasantly so. A few blankets were added to their overnight bags but aside from that, they didn’t need much else. Even a fire was forgone as they bedded down for the night. 
Toga and Twice were closest to the roots, settling in a nook on the trunk just above where they started. Spinner was above them, tucked into a split where a branch veered off at a sharp forty-five-degree angle up. It looked uncomfortable how contorted and twisted Spinner made himself, but apparently, it felt better than resting in the hollowed spaces. Those hollowed spaces were where Magne and Kurogiri and Mister would stay. They had the most bedding out of everyone and would deck it out like a small tent in there. Ever so often he’d hear shouts as they awoke to find an owl or a fox had bedded down with them. 
He didn’t know where Shigaraki slept. That man disappeared into the foliage and it was like he turned into the cobwebs that dotted the upper branches. Dabi either slept near the nest-like area that Hawks would build (so shoot him, it was nice being able to literally make a nest) or he would go the route of Shigaraki and just vanish into thin air. Most of the time though he’d sit on the same branch as Hawks, usually bringing something. A branch with leaves or a pad of moss or even dried, sweet-smelling grasses. All items that he knew could go into the nest. Should go into his nest. They went into his nest and Dabi settled further out on the branch and either watched Hawks fuss or would look out into the forest, seeing things even Hawks couldn’t. 
Some of the people from the liberation front had followed them to the tree. Dabi had been twitchy all afternoon as they hiked and they all knew something was off. The air felt too-thick and razer sharp, nothing like the usual ease that greeted them. 
Lightning crackled and then struck the tree and they all realized the wrongness of the forest was due to one of their quirks. 
The fight was quick- Hawks liked to think it was because of him that it was wrapped up so quickly. He had left them alive, tied up as they discussed what to do. Hawks’ eyes kept sliding over to Dabi, who was trying to hide how the fight had hurt him. He didn’t see Dabi take any hits, but he had a deep-rasping to his breath and there was a faint tremor to his hands as he gestured rudely when Spinner asked about it. As the night went on, Dabi didn’t get better. Shigaraki did his vanishing trick again as Spinner and Toga grilled their prisoners. Hawks watched Twice as he fussed, small plumes of colorful magic wrapping around the fire-user as Twice rambled at him. 
Shigaraki appeared- not like he dropped down from a branch or he walked around the tree. He was gone one minute and there the next, wisps of mist trailing his heels as he strode over to Dabi. They wrestled for a minute, neither really trying to push the other too far but Shigaraki was worried and that usually meant he withhold physical contact and just made wider motions to get someone else’s attention. It happened to be Twice who took over, manhandling Dabi until his coat was removed and they could smell the sickly odor of rotting and burning wood and flesh. A black bruise-like mark covered his collarbone, moving across his shoulders to seep down his back. The edges glittered like dying embers while the rest looked like festered wood. 
Shigaraki hissed and pointed at Hawks. Something flickered behind him. Something that wasn’t registering on his visors. If Shigaraki was a kitsune or something like that, he would have found out already, the tails would show up on half a dozen tools he had, and registered on at least three of the spells he kept running. 
“You. Keep him here. Everyone else, follow me.” Twice, Toga, Spinner and oddly Compress followed after him, Spinner taking the lead just behind Shigaraki. Toga shot Hawks a look that promised pain for him, glee for her, if he didn’t do as requested. 
He did as requested and threw an arm around Dabi, mirroring what the villain had done countless times with him. The pieces were coming together and he started to understand. 
“What will help?” Hawks asked, as if he were offering to get Dabi a soda. He was staring at the men they had tied up. The initial plan was to return them to the front and make an example of them, but he was wondering if they would be better used somewhere else. 
Dabi rasped a laugh. 
“What are you going to do, hero?” 
He gave a muffled warble, deep in his throat as he removed his arm and started down one of the roots. The men were tied up on the edge of the clearing. 
“Well, you’ve been so sweetly helping furnish my nest.. I figured I could at least feed you in return, right?” He shot Dabi one of his charming Poster Smiles. Behind him, feathers zipped and zoomed, assisting with his task. 
Dabi started laughing, soft and raspy, but laughing all the same. 
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deafseries · 4 years ago
Ivan pulled the collar of his shirt up over his chin and bit down on it, staring at the little black screen in his hand. The room was dark and hot, the fan spinning rapidly, cooling him down in the mid summer heat. There was a thin sheen of sweat on his body, which could be credited to either the heat of the room, or the hand between his legs, pumping his cock to the video on his phone. One headphone was in, the other open out of habit, on the lookout for anyone coming down the hall. Of course, Ivan lived alone, but after growing up in a house full of girls who never knocked, some things just stuck. 
He groaned into the his shirt, biting down harder on it, wishing it was the skin of the porn actor on the screen. Pretty pale skin, tinted red from the sex. His hair a blonde mess as he played along with the scene. Ivan would never admit to getting his rocks off to something like this. The pornstar’s slim legs stretched unfolded out from the red skirt he was wearing, the fabric bunching up at his hips as the other actor fucked him from behind. Ivan couldn’t remember what the scene was supposed to be, and he didn’t really care anyways. He’d skipped through the intro and the bad acting to the good part, anyways. The man- Charlie was his screen name. Charlie Angel. It was clearly fake, but that didn’t matter. It wasn’t like Ivan was exactly looking for realism in his porn. Just the way “Charlie” sunk down, slowly going from his hands to down, down, down until his face was pressed into the mattress, soft and breathy moans leaving him. 
The man fucking him leaned forward with Charlie on his chest, one hand going down and yanking his hair back. The angle of the video suddenly changed, so that the camera was in the smaller man’s face, and Ivan could see everything. The residue of cum across his cheeks and clinging to his dark eyelashes, his mouth hanging open, tongue lolling this way and that. The other actor was mumbling something that Ivan didn’t care about, his gaze focused on the way Charlie’s eyes were unfocused, whatever pretense that the title (“Skinny fem twink fucked hard for good grades”) gave leaving him. Suddenly, it didn’t matter if all of this was faked or how unrealistic everything about this was. All that mattered to Ivan was the way the pornstar’s voice hitched a few times as he was pounded harder and harder, his fingers curling in the blanket so tight. Ivan’s hand moved faster, panting a wet spot in his sleep shirt. He wished he could be the one behind him, the one fucking him and making him mewl like that and saying all the dirty shit Charlie was getting off on. 
He came before either of the actor’s did, biting down on his shirt hard enough that he felt that his jaw would crack. Visions of Charlie grinding on his cock and clinging to him and calling him Professor (sir, master, daddy) flashed in his minds eye as he came into his hand and across his sheets. He shuddered, jerking his cock even after he came and panting through his teeth. The video continued to play, and Ivan watched with a blurry gaze while Charlie trembled and came, his knees spread just right so that the viewer could get a good view of his cock bouncing as he came. Ivan paused the video before the other actor could cum, freezing Charlie’s face with an expression of exhaustion and pleasure. 
He scrolled down, absently skimming the comments before clicking on Charlie’s profile. It was the only one he was subscribed to. Which was just some wishful thinking, as the last video uploaded to his account was three years ago. Clearly, he had quit the porn industry for one reason or another. But Ivan couldn’t help but have some sort of hope that one day he’d return out of the blue with another video of him getting fucked or fucking or simply just touching himself. Why else would he keep the profile up? Either way, if he ever decided to upload again, Ivan would be first in line to watch it, dick in hand. 
Ivan let his phone fall to the bed, pulling himself up with a wrinkle of his nose. The post orgasm clarity was hitting him, and he began to clean up after himself, wiping up the cum across his hand and on his sheets. He would go to sleep satisfied, with thoughts of Charlie’s face screwed up when he came dancing in his head. 
Ivan had a day job. He did other things than just lay awake at night jacking off to pretty guys who wouldn’t give him a second look if they met him in real life. He was a librarian. Yes, he went to school for four years and memorized the dewey decimal system  just to put books on shelves and deal with people who didn’t know how to use a printer. It wasn’t all bad, he supposed. He was able to provide people with a quiet place to work and read, and the teenagers of the town liked him, because he never got too much on them for hanging out in the reading nook. There was jack shit else to do in this town, so he didn’t really blame them. He was sorting the return books, setting them on the cart when he heard someone clear their throat from the front of his desk. 
And when he turned his head to go through his script- Hello, how can I help you? The words died in his throat and he was sure that he froze like a deer in the headlights. Because on the other side of the desk was Charlie Angel. At first, he thought that his eyes were playing tricks on him after his jack-off session last night. But no, there he was. He was real. His messy hair, his green eyes and his body. He wore a blue button-down with the sleeves rolled up, tucked into a pair of dress pants that seemed inappropriate for the hot weather. While Charlie seemed to have no problem wearing a skirt in porn, this was real life, Ivan had to remind himself. A messenger bag was slung over his shoulder, the front of it decorated with little band buttons. And more importantly, a shiny gay pride pin.
“Didn’t your mother ever tell you not to stare?” “Charlie” snipped, crossing his arms over his chest. A frown was on his face, showing impatience. Ivan felt his face warm, and he laughed it off, quickly looking away to set the book he’d been holding down on the cart. He headed over to the front desk, his heart pounding so hard in his chest that he felt like it could be seen in his hands. 
“I’m sorry,” Ivan apologized with a smile, settling down on the chair behind the desk. It had been a big angle in all of Charlie’s videos that the man was of small stature. He was always a small twink or a skinny bitch or whatever. But that didn’t prepare Ivan for how true it was, and sitting down made him feel less like he was towering over him. “How can I help you?” 
“I’d like to check these out, please.” He nodded to the three books that he’d set on the desk. 
“Do you have a library card?” Ivan asked, though he assumed that the answer would be no. He’d never seen him here before, and he was pretty sure he would have remembered his favourite porn star checking books out at this library. 
“Er. No. I just moved here,” he explained, his accent so much clearer and nicer in person compared to over his shitty headphones. 
“Alright. Well, it’s free and only takes a second, if you’d like to sign up for one..?” Ivan offered. So he was new in town. That explained why Ivan had never seen him around here before. Ivan’s favorite pornstar had moved to his town. What were the odds of that? It was like some kind God was shining on him or something. Not like they would ever hook up or something. It would probably just be Ivan staring at him whenever he came into the library and then pretending he hadn’t just been imagining bending him over and fucking him. 
“Yes, please.” 
Ivan nodded, turning to the computer screen to boot up the system. His mouth was dry from those two simple words- “Yes, please.” It reminded him of how the other man begged to be fucked or begged invisible hands to touch him while he jacked off in front of a camera. 
“Name?” His hands hovered over the keyboard, suddenly hit with the knowledge that he was going to know his real name. Not the ugly, punny nickname he used in porn. 
“Arthur Kirkland.” 
It was such a simple name, and this was all probably very mundane for...Arthur, but Ivan’s heart was pounding even harder. Arthur Kirkland. They went through the rest of the motions of setting up a library card for Arthur, eventually handing the little plastic card over to the man for him to sign as Ivan checked out his books. Two nonfiction, one an older-looking book that Ivan didn’t immediately recognize. The name Quatrefoil flashed across the screen, and he made a mental note to look it up when he got home. Or maybe as soon as Arthur left. As Ivan checked the books out, he finally mustered the courage to speak. 
“So, ah...Did you move here for Britain?” He asked, stamping the card with the return date for the books. “I noticed the accent.” 
Arthur nodded, freckly arms crossing over his chest once more. It seemed to be the default stance for the Brit. “Yes. Moved here a month ago.” 
“What do you think of America?”
“It’s...Different. I like this town though. It’s cute.” 
Ivan found himself smiling at the comment, feeling some sort of personal achievement that Arthur thought that his town was cute. 
“When did you move here?” Arthur asked him back, those gorgeous eyes glinting with amusement when Ivan handed his books back over to him. “I noticed the accent,” he echoed Ivan’s words back to him with a teasing tone that Ivan would have loved to take as flirting. 
“When I was 13.” 
“Mhm. Yekaterinburg.”  Ivan didn’t think Arthur would know where that was. Most non-Russians just knew about Moscow and St. Petersburg. “It's the city with the tall domed church,” he explained for him, but it looked like Arthur had checked out of the conversation the second that Ivan said Yekaterinburg. Most Americans found it at least a little bit sexy when he spoke in Russian. Though Arthur could be no exception to that rule, Ivan instead assumed that Arthur just did not care about that. Even though Arthur had been the one to ask about it. 
“Right.” Arthur opened his bag and slid the books in, and Ivan was able to glimpse what looked like binders and notebooks shoved snugly into it. Arthur wasn’t a student was he? Had he grossly overestimated how old Arthur was when he was filming and posting those videos? That didn’t make sense. He was trying to do mental mathematics in his head over exactly how old Arthur was, trying to call what year Arthur had said when he gave him his birthday for the library card. 
“You’re staring again,” Arthur critiqued, clicking his messenger bag closed and looking up at him, meeting Ivan’s gaze. Ivan looked away, feeling embarrassment broil inside of him. 
“Sorry. I was just wondering about your binders,” he quickly covered himself, so that Arthur didn’t think he was staring at his pin and being homophobic. Instead, it kind of just looked like he was being nosy. But Arthur just chuckled. 
“I’m a writer. None of my stuff is published yet but...Yeah. It’s all rewrites and edits.”
“Oh. And you carry them with you?” 
“Yes. Never know when inspiration hits.” Arthur gave a shrug of his shoulders. That got rid of Ivan’s concerns about exactly how old Arthur was, and gave way to something else instead. Curiosity. Arthur had quit porn in order to write? It gave him a sense of depth Ivan hadn’t been expecting. Of course, he knew that there was a person behind every one of Arthur’s videos. But that person was always getting a cock up his ass, so it was hard to imagine him doing anything but that.
“I actually have a meeting with a publisher soon, so..” Arthur said next, seeming like he was trying to make his escape without being too awkward about it. 
“Right. See you around, then.” Ivan gave a nod to Arthur’s wave as he made his way out into the hot summer day.
That night, Ivan got off with Arthur’s name on his lips, and with a brand new fantasy in his head. Arthur bent over his desk or with his face pressed against his pillows. Abruptly, he didn’t need the porn in front of his face in order to make a mess of his bed. 
Arthur didn’t make an appearance back at the library for a few weeks. Ivan should have expected that, considering the fact that he worked at a library and that most people didn’t complete books in a span of only a few days. But as time went on, Ivan got more and more nervous, thinking that maybe Arthur was scared off and just dropped the books in the return bin and left. He hadn’t meant to scare Arthur, but some part of him was telling him that he’d somehow been too overbearing, too talkative, maybe somehow let Arthur on that he jacked off to his orgasm every night. 
So when he finally showed up again, the books pulled to his chest, Ivan tried not to seem too excited. He moved to the front of the desk, smiling happily as Arthur dropped his books on the front desk.
“Nice to see you again,” Ivan chirped, shifting the books off the top of the desk to check them back in. He glanced over to Arthur, taking in today's outfit. Black pants, with a faded graphic t-shirt hanging loose. He looked..Cute. A more casual than how he’d been dressed last time. As he approached, he pulled one of his earbuds out and let it dangle, bouncing a little bit on his chest whenever he moved. “Did you enjoy the read?” 
Arthur nodded, the earbud that he’d pulled out of his ear bobbing. “I did. But I’ve read this-” he rapped his nail on one of the books- the one Ivan had never gotten around to looking up. Quatrefoil. “-a few times before, so I was just reliving it.” 
“What's it about?" He crossed his arms over the top of the desk, leaning forward. 
"Its about gay men during World War Two. It's really good. Sad, though." 
"I can imagine." Ivan slid the books onto the return cart, only looking up when he felt Arthur's gaze on him. He glanced over, meeting his gaze. It felt like Arthur had been sizing him up when he hadn't been looking, and he quickly glanced away when Ivan caught him doing so. The next few seconds were awkward silence as Arthur clearly tried to politely make his way out of the conversation. He eventually mumbled something like “Right,” with a little nod, and stepped away from the desk, going to roam around the library. Ivan tried not to watch him while he thought about their brief conversation. He really, really hoped Arthur didn’t think he was homophobic. Between the staring at his pin, the talk about gay people in the book he was reading, he was really hoping Arthur didn’t think that he was one of those weird, semi-acceping straight people. 
When Arthur came back up, he was checking out two Steven King Novels. The man was quiet, messing with his phone and not looking up at him until the books were checked out and Ivan was handing them back over to them. Arthur visibly hesitated, and Ivan was about to ask if he was okay before a piece of paper was placed on the top of the desk, and Arthur quickly whisked away before he could ask what it was. 
It was Arthur’s phone number, with ‘text me’ scribbled messily under it. Ivan’s heart nearly stopped reading it. He almost couldn’t believe it. Ivan didn’t find himself very attractive (pretty plain, actually) so the thought of Arthur wanting to talk to him, maybe even something more. He found himself blushing furiously as he looked at the piece of paper, his body warming the more he thought about it. 
9:43 PM -  ✓✓
hey, this is ivan ^.^ 
9:50 PM - ✓✓
From the library haha
9:53 PM - ✓✓
9:53 PM - ✓✓
Sry for the delay, work stuff.
 9:54 PM - ✓✓
Its okay! 
10:01 PM - ✓✓
So do you wanna come over tomorrow?
 10:02 PM - ✓✓
Yeah sure :-) 
10:05 PM - ✓✓
Okay. I'll send you my address.
In a day's time, Ivan stood outside the door to an apartment, a bundle of red roses in his hands. He hadn’t been sure about the roses, wondering if they made him come off as too formal, too forward. He had just assumed..He didn’t know what he assumed that this was. It wasn’t a date, but Arthur hadn’t said what it was. Were they just hanging out? It didn’t even occur to him that this could be strictly a hook-up thing until Arthur answered the door. He was wearing a loose Black Veil Brides t-shirt that looked like it had been through the wringer and a pair of ripped jeans. When he saw Ivan, he smiled, though Ivan could see a moment of confusion flash over his face. 
“You brought roses.” He stated more than questioned. The smaller man stepped aside, allowing Ivan to go into his apartment. The place wasn’t small, but it was certainly cozy and it was clean. Ivan presented the roses out to Arthur, and he took them. 
“I thought you would like them,” Ivan said, slightly unsure about the reaction he was getting from Arthur. This definitely wasn’t a date. Not with the way Arthur was peeking at him over the flowers, giving him a solid once-over before he turned and made his way to the kitchen. Ivan nudged his shoes off before loosely following, feeling more and more awkward. He stood in the doorway as Arthur filled up a vase with water. 
“I’m kind of a flower killer, but thank you,” Arthur said, sliding the roses into the vase. 
“Oh, it’s no problem.”
“How can I pay you back?” Arthur turned, leaning on the edge of the counter and watching Ivan from across the room. The reality of the situation he was in hit him all at once. This was a hookup. Arthur had invited him over to have sex with him. His heart skipped a beat, almost convinced that this was going to be a big joke. That at some point cameras were going to come out and Arthur was just going to laugh at him. But Ivan wasn’t living in some prank show. 
“Um,” he spoke just to fill the silence, “you don’t have to. They’re just roses.” Very smooth. That made it sound like he didn’t want to have sex with Arthur. Because he definitely did, Ivan just...Wasn’t as smooth as Arthur, didn’t have the experience. He wasn’t a virgin by any means, it was just the flirting that tripped him up. He couldn’t navigate it correctly, didn’t know the right things to do or say. That didn’t seem to bother Arthur however. With a confidence Ivan wouldn’t have expected out of such a small man, Arthur crossed the room and took his hand in his own. There was a clear size difference, with the way Arthur linked their fingers together. Ivan could feel his heart in his ears. 
“I want to, though.” Arthur tilted his head back, looking up at him with bedroom eyes he’d seen a million times before. He could only guess what was going on behind those eyes, what Arthur was thinking about him, about this whole situation. 
“Okay,” Ivan said in a breath, watching with wide eyes when Arthur took one of his fingers and easily popped it into his mouth. In moments, blood was rushing down to his cock, making him half-hard in his pants. All from something as simple as the soft sucking on the tip of his finger. He sucked in a breath through his teeth just as Arthur eased the finger down his throat more, tongue working on the underside. He didn’t break eye contact. 
Ivan swallowed, silently willing his voice not to shake when he spoke. “Why don’t you try that on my dick?”  
Arthur gave a little noise between surprise and arousal, leaning back to allow Ivan’s finger to slide out of his mouth with a soft pop. Arthur looked up at him with a pretty smile, one he’d seen a million times before behind a screen. The man sunk down to his knees in front of him, hands messing with his button and zipper, eventually getting his pants and boxers down enough to get access. When his cock sprung out, the head was red and heavy, and Ivan couldn see Arthur’s eyes widen. But he still wrapped his hand around the base and leaned forward, giving the head a few tentative licks before sliding it into his mouth. Ivan groaned, one of his hands going down to settle in Arthur’s messy blonde hair. The warmth enveloped his cock, Arthur’s tongue and hand working the parts of his cock that his mouth couldn’t fit. Which was a considerable amount, considering Ivan’s size. Briefly, he wondered how his cock would even fit inside Arthur without hurting him. He’d seen Arthur take some pretty big cocks, but not to brag, nothing as big as his own size. Arthur seemed to be handling it pretty well, however, bobbing his head and working his hand around his cock eagerly. At some point, he hallowed out his cheeks and suked hard, and Ivan’s  hips bucked forward. 
“Shit, sorry-” Ivan apologized in a pant, and Arthur just pulled back to say; 
“Do it again.” And popped his cock back into his mouth. Ivan happily obliged. With a hand holding Arthur’s head still, he began to thrust into his mouth, stopping short before he could completely push into the blonde’s throat. He didn’t want to completely choke him with his size. Arthur’s hand kept at the base of his cock, jerking it while his mouth was used for his pleasure. Then his hand moved down to Ivan’s balls, cupping them in a warm hand. Ivan gasped, hand tightening just that much in blonde locks as he began to fuck his face a little harder. He had worked up a nice rhythm and he was beginning to sweat,  loving the way Arthur’s tongue pressed against his cock, how the back of his throat nudged against the head of it with no threat of Arthur gagging and getting sick. With a nudge, Arthur pulled off, going down and replacing his hand with his mouth, sucking softly on wrinkled skin as his hand was still working up and down on his cock. 
“Oh fuck,” Ivan cursed softly, such a simple motion dragging him closer and closer to the edge. He was sure he would have cum from this, if Arthur didn’t fully pull back and look up at him with a proud grin. 
“Do you wanna go upstairs?” He asked, thumb sliding over the head of Ivan’s cock. Ivan nodded quickly, not even thinking about it for more than a second. 
A clumsy but quick change to Arthur’s upstairs bedroom had Ivan sitting against a headboard, tugging off his pants the rest of the way. His sweater followed, clothes piling up besides the bed. Arthur kneeled at the base of the bed, tugging his own clothes off. Now that he was getting to see Arthur’s body in real life, not on some scummy website, he was devouring it. The way he flexed and moved, the way his muscles moved under his skin. It had him jerking his dick as Arthur fetched a bottle of lube. Some part of him was starting to feel bad, starting to feel perverted over the fact that he’d already seen all of Arthur’s body in video. It almost made him feel like he was using the former porn star for sex. Those thoughts left him pretty quickly as Arthur climbed up into his lap and kissed him for the first time. 
Ivan moaned into the kiss, putting his hands on Arthur’s hips as their lips slid together. He wanted Arthur bad, wanted to bend him over and fuck him. Arthur was the one to break the kiss. 
“Did you bring a condom?” 
The question, despite everything and the situation they were in, made Ivan blush. 
“No..I didn’t realize we would be fucking,” he admitted, and Arthur just nodded, thankfully sparing him the embarassment. Arthur reached over and grabbed a condom from his nightstand, ripping it open and beginning to slide it on. 
“Ah, you- you should prep yourself first,” Ivan warned, but Arthur just glanced up at him with a raised eyebrow. 
“I prepped myself before you got here,” he said matter-of-factly. Ivan almost didn’t believe him until Arthur covered a few fingers in lube and easily slid them into his hole. The sight made IUvan suck in a breath. He still wasn’t completely sure if he would fit inside of Arthur, but he trusted Arthur to know his own limits. Arthur saying he was already prepared before Ivan had come kind of made Ivan feel uneasy. Arthur had known that they were fucking today, so why didn’t he realize it earlier? 
That was another thing that was pushed out of his mind when Arthur hovered over him, tongue sticking out a little bit, positioning Ivan’s cock at his entrance. 
“Oh, fuck,” Ivan breathed as Arthur slowly sank down. He was so fucking tight, so much tighter than he thought the blonde would be. His head fell back on the headboard, hands tightening on Arthur’s thighs. Arthur let out an opened-mouth moan, his knees tightening on either side of Ivan’s hips. 
“It’s so fucking big,” Arthur groaned once he was all the way down, tossing his head back. Slowly, he started to move his hips in a grinding motion, leaning back and using the bed behind him to help move himself. 
“Does it feel good?” He asked, surprised by how husky in arousal his own voice was. He used the hands on Arthur’s hips to guide him as he fucked himself on his dick. Arthur started to get more into it as he spoke, moving his hips a bit harder on top of him. 
“Yeah,” Arthur painted. He opened his green eyes, holding Ivan at steady eye contact while his hips moved. Ivan wrapped his arms around Arthur’s waist, pulling him close so that the two of them were chest-to-chest. Then using the grip to hold him steady, he quickly began to fuck upwards into his body. Arthur moaned, wrapping his arms around Ivan’s neck and keeping him close while they fucked. Pleasure zapped up and down Ivan’s spine, loving how tight Arthur was, how he squeezed around his cock and jerked against him with every thrust. Arthur’s breath was hot and heavy against his skin, coming out in short puffs. His fingers curled around Ivan’s back, digging his nails into his soft skin. That just pushed Ivan on further, fucking him harder as Arthur’s hips pushed down to meet his thrusts. Arthur was the first one to cum, his voice pitching into a few moans before he shuddered and moaned, cumming across their stomachs. It was just as beautiful as it was in the videos, with the added bonus of Arthur clenching around him and jerking his hips this way and that, trying to drain the rest of the pleasure from him. 
Ivan groaned, his grip tightening on Arthur’s hips. And then he flipped, pinning Arthur beneath him and continuing to thrust into him. This way, he could see the way Arthur’s jaw went slack from overstimulation, the way his gaze went unfocused on his face. Flashes of porn flicked in Ivan’s minds eye of Arthur making that exact face into a camera. But this time, it was all for him. Nobody else could see them right now, with Ivan fucking Arthur into the mattress like Arthur hadn’t already finished. 
“Fuck.” Was Ivan’s only whispered warning before he came, shoving deep inside of Arthur as he filled the condom. He paused, taking a moment to catch his breath before he slowly pulled out and flopped to the bed next to him, looking up at Arthur’s popcorn ceiling.He lay there in a stupor, only moving to watch when Arthur began to move. 
Arthur stood up from the bed, lithe body pulling into a long stretch. He grabbed a pack of cigarettes from the nightstand and lit one, heading over to the window. It wasn’t until then that all of his thoughts about using Arthur for sex came back to him. But he realized, it had been the other way around the whole time. Arthur had been using him. 
And he really wasn’t upset about it. 
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kpopisamood · 6 years ago
Queen’s Clan { 4 }
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Summary: y/n is plagued by nightmares. She realizes that the more she runs away, the less frequently they haunt her. However, in running away, she’s also running straight into her ultimate demise. Will she be saved in time by those who would lay down their lives for her, even if they don’t know of each other’s existence?
Monsta X/Reader, Human/Vampire(s), Reverse Harem, future smut?, violence, language
Word count: 1.42k
Tag list: @noonaduck
“I’m sorry, but, can you run that by me one more time?” You staggered out, not truly believing the words coming out of this woman’s mouth.
She pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance, taking off her glasses to clean them with a handkerchief while giving the two boys on either side of you a look that said, is she serious?!
The guys were true to their word; a Guardian showed up. She went by Myrna Kudrow and looked as old as the earth itself, carrying a brown leather suitcase and completing her odd looks with huge glasses that threatened to fall off her face with the slightest movement. She’d sat you down to talk about your family history and tell you of your responsibilities as a Queen, but there was one thing you couldn’t get past.
“As the newly represented Queen of your lineage, and the only surviving noble of your immediate family, you are to inherit this sum,” she roughly pushed a paper at you. “Of money.” Your eyes widened at the amount of zeros on the page. Surely, there was a mistake? “Your mother left her estate to you and your father, may he and she Rest In Peace, and you inherited this sum the moment you turned of awakening age.” She said simply, pulling out more pieces of paper and beginning to explain more history.
“That’s a mistake, then. My mother is alive and well. She lives with my dad a few states away and we weren’t this well off.” You pointed to the piece of paper that seemed to burn a hole in you.
She glanced at Minhyuk and he returned her look with a glare, begging her to say something that he could reprimand her for.
“Yes, well, your adoptive parents weren’t this well off. But your birth parents were. So, as I was saying—“
You stopped listening. How dare this woman come in and say the parents you had grown up with weren’t your own? They would have said something, right? She could be lying. This could all be fake.
“My parents,” you growled out, “Would have told me if I was adopted.”
Ms. Kudrow sighed and clasped her hands together. “Yes, they should have when you awakened. But from what I’ve gathered, you’ve just started this process yesterday and they haven’t had time to fill you in. In our tradition, should a child of our species lose both parents or harem and become adopted, it is that a caregiver's responsibility to make sure you are cared for, but also well informed of your history after you have completed the awakening process.”
“There’s that word again, awakening. And what species? No one is explaining any sort of thing to me to help me better understand.” You demanded. Although you weren’t focused on them, you could feel Minhyuk and Hoseok tense next to you.
“Miss L/N, I know these aren’t very helpful situations you’ve landed yourself in, but I’ll try and explain some stuff. I’m what they call an Adra, or Guardian/Sponsor for fledglings and newly appointed Ardetha. In modern words, you’re a vampire. A royal one who will need protection from other Ardethas, Queens, who wish to seek out your newly awakened power and add onto their own.”
Was she on crack?
“Since you haven’t grown up within our lifestyle, you will need to make your harem, or clan, quickly. You can choose who comes and goes as well as what they can or can’t do. It’s like you’re the head of your family that you choose. You can choose to form bonds with these two gentlemen,” she gestured to the guys. “Or you can choose to go out and make your own once you’ve fully awakened. I’m all for empowerment, but it may not be the safest thing to go out in the world since your presence alone is a red flag to Ardethas hundreds of miles away while you’re still in a vulnerable state.”
Just play along. You can escape this loony bin later. “They said there would be others trying to find me, as well as these, uhh, Queens.” You prodded.
She smiled warmly. “Ah, yes. More will come flocking to you, women and men alike, we don’t discriminate in our society, and wanting to serve you. Your awakening shift sent a huge rift around the United States and now those who do not have a Queen or King to serve will come seeking you out to live alongside you.”
“There are Queens and Kings?”
“Well, surely, both must exist. Though Kings are not as regarded as much and tend to stick to themselves. Kings do not take Queens or vice versa and tend to steer clear of each other. Both have the same status, but Queens are more revered and I suppose, needed, if you catch my drift.” Needed. As in, baby making machines. You shuddered in distaste and shake your head to clear images of farms out of your head.
“Say I believe all this. If I take Minhyuk and Hoseok as my own, I’d have to reproduce with them?” You cringed at how traditionalistic and sexist and downright wrong you sounded, but she acted as if you were talking about the weather.
“You could choose to continue your line with both of them or just one, or neither. It’s truly all up to you. No one is asking you to believe all of this,” she reached for your hand, grasping it softly. “But you and I both know you believe at least a fraction of it. Or else you wouldn’t be sitting here.” You huffed and yanked your arm back, standing up. Minhyuk and Hoseok stood with you, while Miss Kudrow sat, unbothered.
“I need some space.” You stated, and took off in the direction of the outside deck. Some fresh air was needed.
“You couldn’t say it any other way?” Minhyuk growled at the Guardian.
“I’m not here to coddle her, and neither are you. I’m here to explain and do my job as her protector. Those people who raised her should have done a better job so I didn’t have to explain things this way. I shouldn’t have to explain anything at all.” She rolled her eyes at him.
Hoseok agreed but also slightly disagreed. Yes, your parents should have said something to you. So why didn’t they? You didn’t live with them but he couldn’t figure out why the hell they’d let you leave so easily without telling you anything.
The two were still arguing.
“—and that baby talk was not needed!” Minhyuk glowered.
“Oh, shush. Like you both don’t want the same thing?” That shut him up.
It was true. They’d been in search of a Queen ever since her. They wanted to give someone the world and then some and also live happily with each other. They wanted peace.
Miss Kudrow packed all her necessities and made her way around them, stopping at Hoseok.
“What are you going to do when her hunger starts?” She smirked at Hoseok’s eyes widening before shuffling out, slamming the door behind her.
“Bitch.” Minhyuk bristled.
“She’s right, though.” Hoseok grumbled.
“She is, but that doesn’t mean we have to like her attitude towards our Queen.” Minhyuk muttered back.
“She’s not our Queen yet, Min.” Hoseok growled out, making a beeline for his room. He slammed his door shut behind him, throwing himself onto his bed in a slump. After a few minutes of sitting there with his thoughts, his eyes looked at his window. He pulled himself up and walked slowly to the window, opening his blinds slightly. A small smile made its way on his face taking in your form. He really liked that fact that his room was connected to the deck, after all, he gets to watch you now. As creepy as that sounds.
He could hear you cuss and throw yourself onto the bench, throwing an arm over your face in frustration. A slight moan leaving your lips.
His smile dropped before he felt his pupils dilate. Shit. Not yet.
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