#and that’s not the only thing that fu— [several loud gunshots]
purecommemasolitude · 11 months
genuinely have not been able to stop thinking about saw since I watched it . especially Adam and Lawrence . it's about the inevitability it's about the abandonment it's about the recurring theme of lies and truths it's about how one of them will always end up alone in that bathroom it's about the codependency it's about how they were all each other had it's about how they barely know each other but are so so important to each other by the end it's about how even after everything they try everything they plan nothing works and they're seperated and alone forever
romantically or platonically, their relationship fucks so hard
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iamvegorott · 4 years
Hidden Romance Ch. 16
Wanna help me and give me some support? |Donate To My PayPal|
No Rest
“I bet you’re happy,” Phantom said, looking at the sleeping Mad on the bed, Mare sitting in a chair next to him. “I mean, not about the whole heart-break shut down thing...but...like...they don’t like each other.” Mare didn’t say anything and he hasn’t since telling Phantom what happened after carrying Mad into the room. “He’s going to be okay...right? I mean, I don’t uh...I…” Phantom felt the phone buzz against his chest, he glanced at it before sighing. “Let me know if I can do anything. I don’t...I don’t like seeing you guys hurt like this.” 
“I’m sorry.” Mare finally spoke again, looking at Phantom. “I’m sorry for getting into your private business and breaking your phone and-”
“You already apologized,” Phantom said. 
“I’m sorry for lashing out because you were right.” Mare’s admission made Phantom let out a little sound of surprise. “I’m upset that Mad likes Jackie and not me. That they were getting so close in such a short amount of time compared to the years I’ve known him, that I’ve cared for him, that I’ve…” Mare stopped himself and sniffed. 
“It’s fine.” Phantom chewed on his lip. “I’m…” Phantom made a face before sighing and speaking quickly. “I’m sorry for bringing it up when I knew it’s a soft spot.” 
“It’s been a long time since I’ve heard you apologize.” Mare chuckled. 
“Don’t get used to it.” Phantom rocked on his feet. “I’m...I’m going to go see what the others are doing.” 
“You’re going to call Illinois.” Mare corrected with a little smirk.
“Shut up,” Phantom muttered, his cheeks flushing. 
“Let him know if he does anything stupid, that I’ll kill him slowly,” Mare said.
“That message has been made loud and clear several times.” Phantom looked at the phone again. “I’ll delete everything before I give the phone back.” 
“You don’t want me to see the dick pics?” 
“There are not!” Phantom was now bright red. “Shut up!” He left in a huff while Mare laughed, it slowly fading as he looked at Mad again. 
“I’ll take care of this, Mad. I’ll get Blank back, I’ll get rid of Alice, I’ll get us a nice new home with plenty of room to work and play and…” Mare tilted his head up, looking at the ceiling. “Our own bedrooms with no need to always be...together.” Mare closed his eye, suddenly very tired. “Maybe I’ll...design it a little...different…” Mare drifted off. 
“I took you this long to finally get it?” A voice snapped Mare conscious. He jerked up and was unable to move, ink holding his arms and body to the chair. 
“Alice? Alice!” Mare shouted when Alice was standing in the corner of the room. 
“I thought you were smarter than that.” Alice scoffed, crossing her arms. “But it’s taken you, what, ten years to realize you like Mad?” 
“Let me go, now,” Mare demanded.
“You don’t get to tell me what to do anymore.” Alice twirled her hand around, ink coating it and becoming a sharp point. A blade of sorts “You destroyed your chance long ago.” 
“Where’s Blank?”
“You won’t need to worry about him for too much longer.” 
“What does that mean?” Mare didn’t get a response since Alice only laughed. “You can stop this, it’s not too late.” 
“I know I just said you were stupid, but you and I both know you’re not that dumb.” Alice slowly walked towards Mare. “It is too late, far past too late and there’s only one thing that’ll stop all of this.” Alice was now next to the bed, holding her arm in the air and aiming the blade at Mad’s chest, right at his heart. 
“Alice! Alice, don’t! Don’t!” Mare strained to move, he should be able to break through the ink, he should, but why was it so strong?
“Either I kill all of you or you kill me. No other choice.” Alice giggled and grinned. “Come find me, dad.” Alice plunged her blade down.
“No!” Mare jerked forward and stumbled out of the chair, the slap of reality hitting him hard and making him dizzy. “Wh-What?” Mare looked around and saw nothing. He checked Mad and there was nothing as well. He was fine, he was safe. “She…” Mare felt his stomach churn at the realization. “She gave me a nightmare...how?” Mare wasn’t much time to think before there was a scream, followed by several gunshots. 
“Everyone was probably hit with exhaustion when Mad passed out,” Phantom said to Dark, the two standing in the living room, surrounded by sleeping Septiceyes and Ipliers. They were only missing Chase, Marvin, Mare, and Mad. “Me and Mare are used to it and I can see it’s buggin’ you but you’re too much of a hardass to give in.” 
“So they’re just napping?” Dark asked. 
“Yeah. Hell, they’ll probably feel better when they wake up with how shitty Alice has been making the past few nights.” Phantom started texting. 
“She might be using a lack of sleep and the inconsistent pattern…” Dark trailed off when Phantom was clearly not listening and caught up in his phone, chuckling at something before typing away again. “Could that wait?” 
“Nope.” Phantom popped the ‘p’.
“I’m sure your boyfriend is patient.” Dark grinned when he saw the look Phantom made at the word ‘boyfriend’.
“Listen here you mother fu-” Phantom was stopped short by JJ rolling off of the couch. “Dude?” JJ sprang up, one hand on his throat and his eyes staring wide at something.
“JJ, are you...okay?” Dark saw a figure standing at the edge of the room. A young woman with a large smile was staring directly at JJ, a hand slowly traveling up to her mouth. The woman laughed before slamming her palm against her face and forcing her head back, a loud, sickening crack echoing from it.
“Mom!” JJ signed, jabbing at his own chin and falling to his knees. 
“Get JJ, I’ll take care of the woman,” Dark ordered.
“I think the woman took care of herself.” Phantom scoffed, bouncing to the side when something was thrown at him. 
“Get up!” A new woman had appeared behind them, her scream waking up almost everyone. Bim and Yandere were the only ones still down Henrik stumbling away when he saw the new woman. 
“H-How did she find…” Henrik was shaking. 
“Is that? The fuck?” Edward moved in front of Henrik. “Why is your ex-wife here?” 
“She’s not. Cover his eyes and I’ll take care of her.” Dark reached into his pocket and pulled out a knife. 
“There’s more ink!” Phantom pointed at ink pooling from the walls, more people being formed form it as Bim and Yandere woke up.  
“Mom...dad…” Yandere’s face went pale.
“There’s our little boy!” The man cooed. 
“Still obsessed with me?” A different man said in a mocking tone to Bim. 
“JJ, JJ, I’m right here, it’s okay, JJ.” Wilford was holding a sobbing JJ. “Dark! Do something!” 
“I am!” Dark snapped. “Anti, Jackie, get Yandere’s. Phantom, get Bim’s. I’ll take care of JJ’s.” Right when Dark finished, they jumped into action. The people weren’t strong, they didn’t even fight back as they were easily killed. A simple stab to the head and they went down. They weren’t here to kill, they were just here to upset. 
“Why waste her time and energy on this?” Anti scoffed, kicking the body he had killed away from him, it splashing at the contact and flicking ink on his face. “All she did was make a mess.” 
“She’s getting impatient,” Phantom said. “She’s trying to make a point and throw most of us all.”
“Dead parent, cruel parents, ex-wife, and a dick-head.” Jackie listed off, trying to connect all of them. 
“She wanted to break their hearts,” Dark said. “She went more personal rather than violent. Like what she did with the twins.” 
“It still doesn’t-” Anti stiffened when there was a scream. “Mavin?” A gunshot went off. “No!” Anti took off.
Tag List: @thesinginggal @ninazappy @takethepainawaybae @classy-birb @madallice329 @m0th-goo @always-in-a-fandom @such-a-dumbass @mirrored-calamity @thelonelycreature @grnpurplgrmln @shamelesscollectorpiratesstuff @antibeaneverybody @constantgaycrisis @nightwillow14
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gingerchangeling · 6 years
A Lifetime Of Almosts Made Up In An Instant Of Always Ch 6
This is my CSSS 2017 gift for @thejacketandthehook on tumblr!!!! Happy Christmas!
Emma Swan, Bailbondperson and mother extraordinaire gets hired to act as body guard after she is approached by an agent. The only problems? She is supposed to accompany her charge out of the country, her charge is an actor, and that actor is Killian Jones, a man she has loathed since she met him.
Chapter 6- Ao3 and FF 
        She froze as she took in the man sitting there, hands tightening around her son, despite the increased pressure on her abdomen. What in the ever loving fuck was Killian Fucking Jones doing in her fucking hospital room?
With a drool spot on his jeans from where he let Henry sleep so peacefully in his lap.
She stared at him as his tired eyes stared back. And they just stared. And that stupid fucking beeping….
He has circles under his eyes.
“Who are you?”
The question broke the silence like a gunshot, severing the weird staring contest she was having with him from her hospital bed as they both turned to look at David, standing with his arms crossed tightly over his chest, and brow furrowed deeply.
And the only thing Emma could think was, “David, you look like a scowling teddy bear.”
A snort and shaking from her side had her looking down to see Henry looking up at her with blurry eyes and a smile on his face.
Wait did I say that out loud?
“Good to see you are as blunt as ever mom.”
She couldn’t help her smile, even as she lightly rolled her eyes,“Morning to you too Henry.”
“Morning mom,” he said quietly, the smile on his face slowly sliding off. Then he turned to look at the rest of the room, “Morning Mary Margaret, David.”
Both gave him soft smiles and for a moment David’s tense posture relaxed, but then Henry continued, “Morning Kil. Thanks again for staying.”
And with those words, the focus snapped back to the intruder, who awkwardly held up his hand in a half wave.
“Morning lad,” he answered quietly, then his eyes focused on her. “I am glad to see you are doing alright lass. You’ll be up and swinging again in no time, I’m sure.” His lips twitched in a slight smile.
At his words, two things occurred to her at once.
Wow, his voice is even sexier than on the show.
“Wait do you really not actually have a hand?”
“Emma!” Mary Margaret’s voice rang sternly as she felt Henry flinch back.
Did I say that out loud too?
Killian’s eyes widened slightly as he dropped his eyes to his hand, real fingers massaging the fake wrist beneath his shirt. “Uh aye, I actually used it as a prop when I first auditioned for the role. Probably the reason I got the part, to be quite honest.”
Emma blinked, not entirely sure what to do with that information. However, it slipped to the back of her mind when David cleared his throat loudly, drawing attention back to him.
“So, exactly who are you?”
His voice had fallen squarely into interrogation mode, and Killian seemed to sense it, because he finally stood up, dropping the jacket on the seat behind him to offer his hand to David.
“Killian Jones,” he said in a soft voice, a smile trying to work its way across his lips. “And you must be David and Mary Margaret. Henry’s told me a lot about you.”
David was in the middle of shaking Killian’s hand, Mary Margaret standing behind David’s shoulder with a curious smile, when his words registered with Emma, somehow snapping her out of the weird fog she had been in since she had woken up.
“WAIT WHAT THE FUCK?” David and Mary Margaret both whipped toward Emma, while at the same time Killian winced, dropping his hand back to his side.
“Emma?” Mary Margaret asked in a concerned voice, but Emma paid her no mind, hand clenching on the sheets as the urge to punch Killian fucking Jones in the face… again.
Henry was sitting up, staring at her face in something akin to horror. Her seething anger calmed slightly at the reproach in his face, but she could not stop the tide.
“Henry Swan, explain yourself! You know better than talk to strangers, especially one-han-”
And she did. She was so shocked that she could not even respond to her son. Her son who was now twisting off the bed with a furious huff, angry tears in his eyes, forehead furrowed deeply in a frown.
He’s too young to have worry lines.
“He isn’t a stranger! He’s literally the only person in my whole life that has cared more about making sure that I am ok rather than making sure I’m learning a lesson. He made a promise that he would be there if I needed him. And he kept that promise. YOU? YOU PROMISED ME YOU WOULD ALWAYS BE OK THAT YOU WOULD ALWAYS COME HOME!!! AND YOU LIED! YOU LIED TO ME! WHY DON’T YOU EXPLAIN YOURSELF? WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS PUTTING YOURSELF IN DANGER? WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS LEAVING ME BEHIND? WHY CAN’T YOU JUST BE A NORMAL MOM SO I DON’T GET TEASED AT SCHOOL OR HAVE TO WORRY WHEN YOU AREN’T THERE TO PICK ME UP???? ITS BECAUSE YOU DON’T LOVE ME RIGHT? WELL, YOU KNOW WHAT, I HATE YOU! I WISH THAT I HAD ANY OTHER MOTHER OTHER THAN YOU!!!!”
And then he turned and stomped out of the door, slamming it loudly behind him. Silence fell as Emma stared at the now closed door, still rattling slightly in its frame.
“Emma?” Mary Margaret quietly whispered.
Emma felt as if she was hearing her voice from across a huge void, not making sense at first. When the word did finally register, she could only think one thing.
“Um, can you two go check and make sure that he’s ok? And take him home or whatever if that’s what he wants.”
“Sure, Emma, we’ll go.”
And in a moment she should have appreciated more, her best friend and his wife left without a single argument, closing the door softly behind them.
And then it was just her and… him.
“Are you cold, love?”
She understood the sequence of his words, but their meaning escaped her. “What?”
“Are you cold? You’re shaking.”
She looked down at her hands, which she realized were gripping her blanket as tightly as she could, given two of them were in a splint. And sure enough, they were shaking. She furrowed her brows, trying to force them still.
Henry hates me. And it’s all my fault. He hates me. I should never have kept him. I don’t deserve to have a family. I don’t deserve to have someone as wonderful as him. He deserves better than a broken jailbird. He’ll never come back. My son hates me. Everybody leaves.
Everybody leaves.
She thought she heard her name. But she thought she heard an ever-quickening  beeping as well. She must have been imagining things.
“Swan. Emma, love you need to breathe. You need to calm down. Please.”
“What’s going on?” She was imagining a female’s voice now.  
“I don’t know. She just started to freeze up and shake, and then her heart rate just tripled.”
“Alright please try and keep her calm while I get her some sedatives.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Then she thought that maybe something settled next to her on her bed. “Swan, love I need to you to breathe. Please love you need to take deeper breaths….. I’m going to grab your hand alright? Easy love.”
She felt something warm and coarse slide over her fingers, wrapping them in a gentle grip before a light tugging brought her palm in contact with something warm and solid, moving slowly up and down under her hand.
“Just follow my breathing love, just like that. That’s it, love. Just like that. Just breathe. There you go. It’ll be alright. You are going to be alright.”
She felt as if she was sliding backward.
“Your son will always love you, I promise.”
And then there was darkness.
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sending-the-message · 7 years
In The City of Meatbot-Powered Killers (part 2) by molotok_c_518
Part One. Links to prologues at the top.
(WARNING: Everything about this is disturbing. I can only flair it once, and I chose "Series," so brace yourself for graphic violence, violence against children, implied violent sexual content, animal abuse, and harsh language.)
After I got myself into less constrictive clothing, I went back to the front door and scooped up the fingers... carefully, with a dustpan, at arm's length. I had no open cuts, but I'll be damned if I take less care with contaminated fingers than I do with anything else potentially toxic, radioactive, or just plain dangerous.
Here's a sense of the building: two story brick, with a basement; access only on the first/ground floor, two doors, one at each end of the building; heavy windows, because there are several chemistry labs; it's one long hallway on each floor, with keycard-controlled access to about 10 labs on each floor; each lab is about the size of a two-bedroom studio apartment; in the basement, we have one large facility that takes up about 80% of the space, with a gene-fabrication hooked up to several very powerful computers, where the dark magic happens.
I took the fingers into a lab, and dumped them in a heavy glass flask. I needed to see how long the meatbots inside took to consume the fingers, then for the 'bots themselves to "die."
While I did that, I pulled up one of the lab PCs and opened a browser to the dark web.
...yes, sometimes we did shady things for our research. Keeping this project a secret was paramount, as the ramifications of success were frightening (starting with the loss of jobs among oncologists and surgeons, and spreading outwards). Controlling the change that would follow, in a slow, measured manner to minimize the disruption, was one of the biggest discussions we had been having since day one of the project, and it never ended.
Well... not until Bobby and his wife, anyway. Now the cat (and every other animal) was out of the bag.
We ordered much of the specialized equipment on the black market. Some even came from the Silk Road, before it was compromised. A few Bitcoin, a shipping address in the warehouse district, some U-Hauls at 2 AM... it was like a bad spy novel.
Right now, though, I was using it to get news of what was happening in [REDACTED]. (Stealth edit: Fuck you, DHS. I may agree that no one should be rubbernecking, but I'm categorically against censorship.)
To save time, I am going to refer to everything inside the perimeter established by the Army National Guard as RQZ ([REDACTED] Quarantine Zone).
(24 hours, 15 minutes before QRZ perimeter established: 1745, Tuesday August xx)
911 Dispatcher: 911, what is your emergency?
Girl: Hello. My name is Melinda, and I live at 712 Second Avenue. I need someone to come to my house to help my daddy.
911: How old are you, sweetie?
Girl: Four.
911: What's wrong with your daddy?
Girl: Mommy's trying to eat him.
911 (quickly suppressing a snort of laughter): That happens with adults, darling.
Girl: You mean adults chew on each other and make each other bleed, like when I scrape my knee at the park?
911 (suddenly back to serious): What is Mommy doing, honey?
Girl: We were eating dinner, and Mommy put a lot of food on our plates, and it made me nervous 'cause she makes me eat all of my dinner before I can play, but she finished all of her dinner and grabbed my plate and ate it, which was okay 'cause I wasn't that hungry, but then she grabbed Daddy's plate and tried to eat that, and Daddy got really mad and grabbed it back, so Mommy jumped on him and bit him on the throat, and a LOT of blood got everywhere, and...
911: Where are you now?
Girl: I grabbed the phone in Mommy's purse and opened it my room. I dialed 911 just like Mommy and Daddy showed me.
911: Good girl. Do you have a closet?
Mommy (muffled voice in the background): Lindy, your dinner is getting cold!
911: Patrol six, this is dispatch. I show you closest to a possible domestic disturbance at address.
Patrol: I fuckin' hate domestics. Get patrol 4.
911: Possible code 187.
Patrol: Shit. En route.
911: Listen, honey, go hide in your closet and put some blankets over you.
Girl: I put my big teddy bear over me, and I'm being really quiet.
911: Smart girl, honey. The police are on the way.
Girl: Will they help Daddy?
911: Yes.
Girl: Will they hurt Mommy?
911 (voice breaks): Let's hope not.
faint sound of sirens
Mommy: Lindy, come out and eat your dinner NOW.
Daddy: Honey, it's okay. I'm all right. Come out and eat.
911: Stay in the closet, sweetie. The police will check and make sure they're okay.
loud banging
Patrol: Hello? Please open the door, we have a 911 call from this address.
door opening
Patrol: Good eveni--- holy shit what the hell is--- YAAAhhh she's biting my fuckin' neck!
sounds of struggle
Mommy: Get his legs! Marty, get his legs!
Daddy: Got em.
call disconnected
911: sound of headset dropping on a desk I quit.
(QRZ perimeter + 1 hour)
HQ: Fireteam Alpha-3, check in.
A3: This is Alpha-3, Six. We have zone Charlie 1 secured, weapons are hot.
HQ: Roger that. How does it look.
A3: Quiet, sir. A few vacant houses, a really shitty looking lot...
HQ: Please repeat. This is an open frequency, Alpha-3.
A3: ...roger, sir, it's a garbage-strewn lot with no cover. Nothing alive vis... stand by, sir, we have movement.
HQ: Roger that, vectoring fireteam Bravo-2 to your...
A3: Negative, sir, it's a rabbit.
HQ: Roger, Alpha...
A3: Jesus fu--- ummm... sir? The rabbit is melting.
HQ: Repeat that, Alpha-3.
A3: The rabbit is melting, sir. It's... turning into a brownish... goo.
HQ: DO NOT APPROACH. Repeat, do NOT approach. Romeo 1, we have a spill on aisle Charlie 1.
R1: Roger that, en route.
(QRZ, day 5)
Predator drone operator PX-1: This is PX-1 on station, beginning sweep. HQ, I show a large concentration of bodies at Golf-4. Shall I recon that closer, Six?
HQ: Roger that, recon, be advised that activity in that sector can be... hard on the stomach.
PX-1: Roger that. Stand by.
PX-1: ...what the...
HQ: Son?
PX-1: Have you ever seen Event Horizon, sir?
HQ: Just give me the sitrep.
PX-1: I estimate a group of five to six thousand bodies, alive, sprawled on a patch of grass. They're... they're eating each other, sir.
HQ: I am aware of the contaminant's effects on the civilian population. I'm sorry you have to see that.
PX-1: It's... there are children down there, eating adults, and getting...
HQ: Son, just move on, and try to forget what you saw. It'll be hard... and you may need some adult beverages to help...
PX-1: I'm only 19, sir.
HQ: Put your superior on the line, and I will authorize bending regulations and local laws for this instance.
PX-1: Yes, sir.
That's enough internet for one day.
It took about an hour for the fingers to melt, and another half hour for the 'bots to burn out. I took a sample of them to run through some of our analysis tools, which would feed into my decompiler to deconstruct the current code and find out what the flying fuck went wrong.
See, I can sort of understand the replication without a killswitch driving exceptional hunger. I can't account for the extreme aggression, though.
While I got myself updated on the goings-on in [REDACTED], I also dug through my central versioning system (CVS) to look up the build of the code that was injected in the first batch of monkeys.
It had been deleted. The access logs for that day had also been deleted.
Someone had tampered with my 'bots. Someone in my team.
Suddenly, I didn't feel as safe as I had in the mall.
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