#and that when kids that are born they tend to uh... sometimes kick the bucket before they reach 10.
mediumsizedpidegon · 5 months
The Naruto timeline is killing me. I know the general idea is that it’s been ~60 years since Konoha formed but everyone’s talking like Konoha has existed for forever.
It doesn't make sense! Tsunade is in her 50s in canon! she shouldn't talk about Konoha like it was well established when she was a child! By saying Tsunade is Hashirama's granddaughter instead of his daughter, we must interpret that Hashirama had a child like. a decade before Konoha formed, so that when Konoha is 10, Tsunade is born. But that's BATSHIT. that means anyone older than sixty– an age even front line shinobi can reach as evidenced by Hiruzen, and surely an age shinobi that specialize in skills that are less directly combative/take them out of the village often, MUCH LESS CIVILIANS!! You cannot make propaganda good enough to make an entire generation of senior citizens forget that your honorable village hasn't even hit a century.
There is such a big deal made of Hiruzen remembering a time before Konoha and so you expect him to be like. late 80s or 90s. old enough to makes him recalling that time suitably rare. old enough that every shinobi is like. wow. you're hot shit and also God Of Shinobi. But he's SIXTY EIGHT. Sakura's civilian grandparents probably remember a time before Konoha. This is not that big of a accomplishment. I don't care if Kishimoto thinks 60 years is a long ass time to a shinobi. It just doesn't work for the sort of worldbuilding he's trying to sell.
My only options are to either stretch the timeline to fit the vibes of "Konoha has been around soooooo long (while still be relatively new in the grand scheme of things)" or scrap all that "Konoha is ancient" shit.
......So. I’ve stretched it to Konoha being formed 100 years ago when canon starts (the year Naruto graduates the Academy). This is more reasonable, making it so that no one alive really Remembers A Time Before, making Konoha's propaganda much more effective.
This, however, has had some significant impact on Hiruzen's generation because even though I have made them significantly older when canon starts (like. mid 80s) they were still born about ~20 years after Konoha was founded. Early enough that some instability was around and Hiruzen's generation could personally know Hashirama and Tobirama, but they don't actually have any experience living through the Warring Clans Era. This has likewise made the Sannin much much older– around the same age as Hiruzen actually is in canon.
But Tsunade's age actually makes sense for her being Hashirama's granddaughter now! So there's that!
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eiirisworkshop · 4 years
InuYasha Fic (working title “Sesshomaru The Babydaddy)
For Good Intentions WIP Fest, details of which can be found @goodintentionswipfest
Years ago I had an idea for a fic about Sesshomaru having a half-demon kid; like I think I might have been in middle school when I first started this.  I’ve poked at it a few times over the years, but now that the InuYasha sequel is out and brushing close to my idea in some key ways I doubt I’m ever gonna find the motivation to finish it, just feels redundant since it’s been so thoroughly jossed.  And I also don’t want to watch the sequel, because it’s too close and I know I’ll like my idea better, because it’s my idea.
He ran his fingers through her long, raven hair and she ran hers through his white.  No one in the world could see them—no one needed to. Only the sliver of moon bore witness as it shown through cloud and canopy, bleaching the earth in pools of silver.  She was soft, fragile, unafraid.  She very nearly frightened him, and she knew it.  He liked it.
In the dark it was easy to forget—or, at the very least, ignore—that they were from opposing worlds.  In any case, they didn't have to forget for long.
She woke to the warmth of morning sun filtering through the boughs of the wild cherry tree beneath with she lay on a white kimono that was not hers.  She knew without opening her eyes that she was alone.
Inuyasha yawned and stretched as he walked.
[The gang talks, Kagome is on break from school.  They get to a little, remote villiage.]
Sango glanced around, eyes narrowed.  “You know how people tend to stare at InuYasha like they're worried he's gonna eat them?”
“Yeah...?” Shippo said.
“The people here are hardly noticing him.”
[IY says something about prefering this situation to being attacked/chased]
“Sure, but it's strange.”  Sango frowned.  “It makes me nervous.”
[Miroku drags IY over to question an old lady at a well.]
Miroku: “Hello, ma'am.  My friend here is a half-demon, did you know that?”
The woman set her now-full bucket on the ground.  “Mhm, figured so, him looking like that.”
“Hm.” Miroku released his grip on the squirming honyou.  “And that's not....interesting or alarming or anything?”
The old woman shrugged.  “Sort of used to it.”
InuYasha stopped himself a hair's bredth from throttling the monk.  “What d'you mean you're used to it?”
“Inn keeper's daughter's the same way.  Pretty little thing, real sweet long as you don't make her mad.”  The woman laughed, grabbed her bucket and started down the street.  “Folks 'round here can't agree if that girl's fire comes from her mama or whatever dark thing begot her!”
[The gang decides to go to the inn]
InuYasha kicked the inn door open with a bang.  The only person in the dimly lit room didn't even jump.  She just looked up with a smile from wiping down a table and bowed politely.  “Good afternoon, welcome. Do you need a table, a room, or both?”
The girl was slim, young—no older than thirteen—but tall for her age, with a thick white braid hanging down to the small of her back.  She was dressed in pale blue umanori over an orange kimono with tied up sleeves, a bright spot of color in the mostly drab room.  Small, canine ears poked out from the bandana tied around her head, and she looked through her too long bangs with large tawny eyes.
InuYasha stalked up to her, invading her personal space, and started sniffing. She leaned away from him, eyeing him like he was crazy.  “Uh, I'll get my mother.”
She darted to the stairs and out of sight.
“You didn't have to scare her like that,” Kagome chided.
“It smells like my brother.”  InuYasha crossed his arms and made a face of disgust.
[The girl (Hoshi)'s mother comes down, introduces herself as Akiko, mention's Hoshi's name too]
“Why the hell does your kid smell like my brother?”
“No idea.”  Akiko crossed her arms.  “Why does your brother smell like a twelve year old girl?”  She shifted her focus to the rest of the group.  “You here for supper or for the night?  Or are you just here for your friend to make trouble?”
[So much stuff and things happen.  Not sure how long passes.  The gang leaves town.  They're not far out of town when they happen to run into Sesshomaru]
“You!” InuYasha stabbed a finger at his brother.  “You hypocritical son of a bitch!”
Sesshomaru leveled a look of disdain at his father's younger son.  “What are you talking about?”
“You've got a half-human kid!”
[Sesshi has a “pics or it didn't happen” reaction so they all head back into town.]
Akiko looked up from were she was keeping book at one of the dining tables. “I thought you were heading out of town.”  She spotted Sesshomaru.  “Oh.”  She stood gracefully.  “You.”
Sango tilted her head toward the demon.  “Told you.”
“It means nothing that this woman recognizes me,” he said coolly.
“You're full of shit.”  Akiko rolled her eyes.  “What the hell happened to you arm?”  After too long a beat with no answer forthcoming, she shrugged.  “Well, I guess you only need one....”
InuYasha cringed, catching the [sexual] side of her meaning.  “Do you have to say things like that?”
“Can you get over it that I slept with your brother?” she shot back quickly then crossed her arms and turned to the full demon.  “
[Stuff and things.  Hoshi comes in.]
“I'm done with inventory—”  Hoshi stopped talking abruptly and went very still.  One of her ears twitched.
Beside Kagome, Sesshomaru stiffened, eyes widening.  For a long moment, no one breathed.  Then, in a single flash of motion almost too fast to follow, Hoshi had crossed the room, stepped up onto a chair to augment her height, smacked her sire across the face, and fled upstairs.  Instantly, Sesshomaru bristled and snarled; a drop of blood oozed from one of the three long welts on his cheek where Hoshi's nails had caught him.
“Hey!” Akiko shouted and banged a hand on the table.  “Calm down.  You break anything in this building, so much as gouge a table, and I'll take your other arm off.  You put a single scratch on my daughter and I will end your life.  You hear me?”
He clenched his fist but otherwise feigned composure.  “I hear you.”
“Good.” Akiko headed for the stairs.
[much stuff and things, IDK]
[Sesshi gets drunk at some point]
“Can we talk?” Akiko asked softly.
“Cruel, giving me the illusion of choice.”
“Oh, you have a choice.”  She crossed her arms.  “You can say no and walk away.  I wouldn't suggest it, though.”
He inclined his head slightly.
She nodded.  “Walk with me?”
“Very well.”  He offered her his arm.  She took it and they set out along the path.
[Akiko explains that Hoshi does have valid reasons to resent Sesshomaru for]
“I don't blame you for not being here, even if I sometimes wish you had been.  I never expected you to stay.  I knew when I lay with you that you wouldn't.”
“Then why did you?”
She smiled.  “It was exciting.”
They stopped on the path in the shadow of a large conifer.  He disengaged their arms and touched her face.  She met his gaze unwaveringly.
“Why aren't you frightened of me?”
She shrugged.  “My mother used to say that you don't avoid the river just because you can drown.”  She smoothed one of her sleeves. “One need not fear something just because it's dangerous so long as you respect its power.”
“Mm.” He studied her a moment before leaning to kiss her.
She pulled away.  “Don't do that unless you mean it.”  He started to respond but she cut him off.  “I mean, unless you care.”
He took a small step back.
“Things are different than they were.  I'm different.  I'm a mother, a business owner.  I have obligations and responsibilities.  Before, I was girl with next to no prospects and no expectations.  All I wanted from you was whatever you were willing to readily give.
“For now, you're just passing through.  But if you kiss me, or anything else, you make yourself a part of things here.  You do that, and you'll be making a promise you had better not make unless you've every intention of keeping it.”
The corner of Sesshomaru's mouth twitched.  “I want you.”
“Too bad.”
He grabbed her shoulder roughly.  She smacked him across the face and took several steps back, away from him.
“Don't you dare!”  Akiko shouted.  She lowered her voice to a snarl.  “Do not manhandle me.  You've no right.  You get to touch me only if I let you and only how I say.”  She straightened her clothes, drew herself up regally, and started back toward the inn.
InuYasha hopped up over a bolder, and there was Sesshomaru, sitting on the ground, eyes closed, back against a cherry tree.  A soft breeze blew through the clearing, stirring both their hair.  Without opening his eyes, the elder brother said, “What are you doing here?”
“Heh.” InuYasha crossed his arms.  “I was sent to go make sure you're not killing anything important.”
“I'm not killing anything at all.”
“Good. So, tell me to fuck off and I'll go back and say you told me to fuck off and I'll leave you alone and you can leave or whatever.”
Sesshomaru opened his eyes and looked up at the sky.  “Humans are soft.”
“Uh.” InuYasha blinked at the non sequitur. “Yeah, they're squishy and fragile and weak—all the shit you give me hell for being when I'm not. So what?”
“I didn't mean to frighten her.”
“So tell her that.”  He snorted.  “I don't care.”
“I could kill you.”
“Sure you could.”  Akiko put away the freshly scoured cups.  “So could your brother or any of his friends or my brother.  The ability to kill is not unique, Sesshomaru.”
“I would enjoy killing you.”
She rolled her eyes and reached for more dishes.  “Are you trying to make some kind of point?”
“I could kill you.  I know I would enjoy doing so.  But I don't want to.”
“I would prefer you remain alive.”
She snorted, halfway to a laugh.  “If you're trying to be affectionate, I appreciate the attempt, but you're really bad at it.”
“I've little practice.”  He stood, crossed the room, took a bowl from her hands, set it down, and touched her face.  He stroked her cheek with his thumb.
“Watch the claws.”
“I know.”  He tilted her chin up gently.
“You've done much for me,” he said softly.  “Borne and raised my child, when you need not have kept her....”
“If I'd given her up, who would have taken her?  Most childless bakers aren't looking for hanyou babes.”
“That's not what I mean by 'kept.'”
“What do you mean then?”
He fingered the ruff at his shoulder and glanced at her sideways.  “I know women have methods for...handling situations.”
Akiko looked to the floor.  “Yes.... But they're unreliable and dangerous and, I decided, not worth it.”
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