#and that was only so she could use it as a vehicle by which to take medication. and then just the way she said it like
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I've had a revelation about this quite suddenly from your post, @duran-duran-less-official
The reason immigration opponents focus so heavily on the "illegal" part is that it makes whatever the immigration system does to a person *that person's fault, not the fault of the immigration system*.
The US immigration system, and all immigration systems, do terrible, heart-wrenching things to people which would normally be considered, you know, torture. But if the immigrant could have avoided it by acting right, then it's not our fault, it's the immigrant's fault, and now we don't have to feel any moral horror when we read about people forced to sleep on a cold concrete floor with no contact with their loved ones because they did something bad to deserve it and really it's their fault, not ours.
I sound dismissive of this attitude it's because I am, but not quite as much as you might think.
Normally, tackling someone to the ground, forcing their arms behind their back, and shoving them into the back of a vehicle is assault and kidnapping. But if the cops do it to a person who is brandishing a knife and screaming threats at random people in a public park, that's bravery in policing and we're pretty justified in saying, "Maybe if you don't want that to happen, don't threaten people with a deadly weapon."
Everything ICE does has to be a reaction to people who were flauting the law *because it would be morally abominable if they were doing it to people who couldn't avoid it*
Which is why I keep harping on and on about legal immigrants and legal residents, not because I agree that the illegals deserve to be tortured, but because the narrative that we only do this to people who choose to break the law is false. It is a lie. The story above reveals it to be a lie.
An actual immigration system has to deal with cases like,
I got a tip-off that the regime of my country is planning to kill me, so I fly to the US, duly turn myself in to the authorities and apply for asylum;
I am in the US on a work visa, but my job keeps me as a virtual slave and is withholding my salary and passport. They say that they will fire me if I go to the authorities and if I'm fired I will be deported;
Last time I was in the US I overstayed my tourist visa by three days and just didn't think much of it. I then applied for, and was granted, another tourist visa but it was revoked halfway through my stay. I am willing accept this and will pay for a ticket home as quickly as possible;
I am here on a visa which is about to expire, but I was in a terrible car accident and the doctors say I shouldn't be moved.
The previous administration had a program which allowed me to apply for citizenship, but the current administration has abruptly revoked it.
I am in the country applying for a work visa but due to circumstances I was not aware of, it was rejected. I am perfectly willing to return to my country of origin at my own expense as soon as I can buy a ticket home.
Throwing these people in mass cells with no beds, where the lights are kept on all day and night and you sleep on a concrete floor is really hard to justify unless you find a way to pretend that those people did something wrong, that if they did something else they wouldn't be in that cell and so really it's their fault that they are there.
If we were doing this to people who hadn't done anything wrong and were just trying to follow the rules as well as they could in the circumstances, we would be fucking monsters, so in order for us not to be fucking monsters we have to insist that they did something wrong.
Seriously, the actual legality doesn't matter. There's a story at the top of this post about someone who is absolutely not an illegal immigrant, and a bunch of people responding by pretending that she is, because if she wasn't then there's no fucking excuse for this.

Story below the cut to avoid a paywall.
There was no explanation, no warning. One minute, I was in an immigration office talking to an officer about my work visa, which had been approved months before and allowed me, a Canadian, to work in the US. The next, I was told to put my hands against the wall, and patted down like a criminal before being sent to an Ice detention center without the chance to talk to a lawyer.
I grew up in Whitehorse, Yukon, a small town in the northernmost part of Canada. I always knew I wanted to do something bigger with my life. I left home early and moved to Vancouver, British Columbia, where I built a career spanning multiple industries – acting in film and television, owning bars and restaurants, flipping condos and managing Airbnbs.
In my 30s, I found my true passion working in the health and wellness industry. I was given the opportunity to help launch an American brand of health tonics called Holy! Water – a job that would involve moving to the US.
I was granted my trade Nafta work visa, which allows Canadian and Mexican citizens to work in the US in specific professional occupations, on my second attempt. It goes without saying, then, that I have no criminal record. I also love the US and consider myself to be a kind, hard-working person.
I started working in California and travelled back and forth between Canada and the US multiple times without any complications – until one day, upon returning to the US, a border officer questioned me about my initial visa denial and subsequent visa approval. He asked why I had gone to the San Diego border the second time to apply. I explained that that was where my lawyer’s offices were, and that he had wanted to accompany me to ensure there were no issues.
After a long interrogation, the officer told me it seemed “shady” and that my visa hadn’t been properly processed. He claimed I also couldn’t work for a company in the US that made use of hemp – one of the beverage ingredients. He revoked my visa, and told me I could still work for the company from Canada, but if I wanted to return to the US, I would need to reapply.
I was devastated; I had just started building a life in California. I stayed in Canada for the next few months, and was eventually offered a similar position with a different health and wellness brand.
I restarted the visa process and returned to the same immigration office at the San Diego border, since they had processed my visa before and I was familiar with it. Hours passed, with many confused opinions about my case. The officer I spoke to was kind but told me that, due to my previous issues, I needed to apply for my visa through the consulate. I told her I hadn’t been aware I needed to apply that way, but had no problem doing it.
Then she said something strange: “You didn’t do anything wrong. You are not in trouble, you are not a criminal.”
I remember thinking: Why would she say that? Of course I’m not a criminal!
She then told me they had to send me back to Canada. That didn’t concern me; I assumed I would simply book a flight home. But as I sat searching for flights, a man approached me.
“Come with me,” he said.
There was no explanation, no warning. He led me to a room, took my belongings from my hands and ordered me to put my hands against the wall. A woman immediately began patting me down. The commands came rapid-fire, one after another, too fast to process.
They took my shoes and pulled out my shoelaces.
“What are you doing? What is happening?” I asked.
“You are being detained.”
“I don’t understand. What does that mean? For how long?”
“I don’t know.”
That would be the response to nearly every question I would ask over the next two weeks: “I don’t know.”
They brought me downstairs for a series of interviews and medical questions, searched my bags and told me I had to get rid of half my belongings because I couldn’t take everything with me.
“Take everything with me where?” I asked.
A woman asked me for the name of someone they could contact on my behalf. In moments like this, you realize you don’t actually know anyone’s phone number anymore. By some miracle, I had recently memorized my best friend Britt’s number because I had been putting my grocery points on her account.
I gave them her phone number.
They handed me a mat and a folded-up sheet of aluminum foil.
“What is this?”
“Your blanket.”
“I don’t understand.”
I was taken to a tiny, freezing cement cell with bright fluorescent lights and a toilet. There were five other women lying on their mats with the aluminum sheets wrapped over them, looking like dead bodies. The guard locked the door behind me.
For two days, we remained in that cell, only leaving briefly for food. The lights never turned off, we never knew what time it was and no one answered our questions. No one in the cell spoke English, so I either tried to sleep or meditate to keep from having a breakdown. I didn’t trust the food, so I fasted, assuming I wouldn’t be there long.
On the third day, I was finally allowed to make a phone call. I called Britt and told her that I didn’t understand what was happening, that no one would tell me when I was going home, and that she was my only contact.
They gave me a stack of paperwork to sign and told me I was being given a five-year ban unless I applied for re-entry through the consulate. The officer also said it didn’t matter whether I signed the papers or not; it was happening regardless.
I was so delirious that I just signed. I told them I would pay for my flight home and asked when I could leave.
No answer.
Then they moved me to another cell – this time with no mat or blanket. I sat on the freezing cement floor for hours. That’s when I realized they were processing me into real jail: the Otay Mesa Detention Center.
I was told to shower, given a jail uniform, fingerprinted and interviewed. I begged for information.
“How long will I be here?”
“I don’t know your case,” the man said. “Could be days. Could be weeks. But I’m telling you right now – you need to mentally prepare yourself for months.”
I felt like I was going to throw up.
I was taken to the nurse’s office for a medical check. She asked what had happened to me. She had never seen a Canadian there before. When I told her my story, she grabbed my hand and said: “Do you believe in God?”
I told her I had only recently found God, but that I now believed in God more than anything.
“I believe God brought you here for a reason,” she said. “I know it feels like your life is in a million pieces, but you will be OK. Through this, I think you are going to find a way to help others.”
At the time, I didn’t know what that meant. She asked if she could pray for me. I held her hands and wept.
I felt like I had been sent an angel.
I was then placed in a real jail unit: two levels of cells surrounding a common area, just like in the movies. I was put in a tiny cell alone with a bunk bed and a toilet.
The best part: there were blankets. After three days without one, I wrapped myself in mine and finally felt some comfort.
For the first day, I didn’t leave my cell. I continued fasting, terrified that the food might make me sick. The only available water came from the tap attached to the toilet in our cells or a sink in the common area, neither of which felt safe to drink.
Eventually, I forced myself to step out, meet the guards and learn the rules. One of them told me: “No fighting.”
“I’m a lover, not a fighter,” I joked. He laughed.
I asked if there had ever been a fight here.
“In this unit? No,” he said. “No one in this unit has a criminal record.”
That’s when I started meeting the other women.
That’s when I started hearing their stories.
And that’s when I made a decision: I would never allow myself to feel sorry for my situation again. No matter how hard this was, I had to be grateful. Because every woman I met was in an even more difficult position than mine.
There were around 140 of us in our unit. Many women had lived and worked in the US legally for years but had overstayed their visas – often after reapplying and being denied. They had all been detained without warning.
If someone is a criminal, I agree they should be taken off the streets. But not one of these women had a criminal record. These women acknowledged that they shouldn’t have overstayed and took responsibility for their actions. But their frustration wasn’t about being held accountable; it was about the endless, bureaucratic limbo they had been trapped in.
The real issue was how long it took to get out of the system, with no clear answers, no timeline and no way to move forward. Once deported, many have no choice but to abandon everything they own because the cost of shipping their belongings back is too high.
I met a woman who had been on a road trip with her husband. She said they had 10-year work visas. While driving near the San Diego border, they mistakenly got into a lane leading to Mexico. They stopped and told the agent they didn’t have their passports on them, expecting to be redirected. Instead, they were detained. They are both pastors.
I met a family of three who had been living in the US for 11 years with work authorizations. They paid taxes and were waiting for their green cards. Every year, the mother had to undergo a background check, but this time, she was told to bring her whole family. When they arrived, they were taken into custody and told their status would now be processed from within the detention center.
Another woman from Canada had been living in the US with her husband who was detained after a traffic stop. She admitted she had overstayed her visa and accepted that she would be deported. But she had been stuck in the system for almost six weeks because she hadn’t had her passport. Who runs casual errands with their passport?
One woman had a 10-year visa. When it expired, she moved back to her home country, Venezuela. She admitted she had overstayed by one month before leaving. Later, she returned for a vacation and entered the US without issue. But when she took a domestic flight from Miami to Los Angeles, she was picked up by Ice and detained. She couldn’t be deported because Venezuela wasn’t accepting deportees. She didn’t know when she was getting out.
There was a girl from India who had overstayed her student visa for three days before heading back home. She then came back to the US on a new, valid visa to finish her master’s degree and was handed over to Ice due to the three days she had overstayed on her previous visa.
There were women who had been picked up off the street, from outside their workplaces, from their homes. All of these women told me that they had been detained for time spans ranging from a few weeks to 10 months. One woman’s daughter was outside the detention center protesting for her release.
That night, the pastor invited me to a service she was holding. A girl who spoke English translated for me as the women took turns sharing their prayers – prayers for their sick parents, for the children they hadn’t seen in weeks, for the loved ones they had been torn away from.
Then, unexpectedly, they asked if they could pray for me. I was new here, and they wanted to welcome me. They formed a circle around me, took my hands and prayed. I had never felt so much love, energy and compassion from a group of strangers in my life. Everyone was crying.
At 3am the next day, I was woken up in my cell.
“Pack your bag. You’re leaving.”
I jolted upright. “I get to go home?”
The officer shrugged. “I don’t know where you’re going.”
Of course. No one ever knew anything.
I grabbed my things and went downstairs, where 10 other women stood in silence, tears streaming down their faces. But these weren’t happy tears. That was the moment I learned the term “transferred”.
For many of these women, detention centers had become a twisted version of home. They had formed bonds, established routines and found slivers of comfort in the friendships they had built. Now, without warning, they were being torn apart and sent somewhere new. Watching them say goodbye, clinging to each other, was gut-wrenching.
I had no idea what was waiting for me next. In hindsight, that was probably for the best.
Our next stop was Arizona, the San Luis Regional Detention Center. The transfer process lasted 24 hours, a sleepless, grueling ordeal. This time, men were transported with us. Roughly 50 of us were crammed into a prison bus for the next five hours, packed together – women in the front, men in the back. We were bound in chains that wrapped tightly around our waists, with our cuffed hands secured to our bodies and shackles restraining our feet, forcing every movement into a slow, clinking struggle.
When we arrived at our next destination, we were forced to go through the entire intake process all over again, with medical exams, fingerprinting – and pregnancy tests; they lined us up in a filthy cell, squatting over a communal toilet, holding Dixie cups of urine while the nurse dropped pregnancy tests in each of our cups. It was disgusting.
We sat in freezing-cold jail cells for hours, waiting for everyone to be processed. Across the room, one of the women suddenly spotted her husband. They had both been detained and were now seeing each other for the first time in weeks.
The look on her face – pure love, relief and longing – was something I’ll never forget.
We were beyond exhausted. I felt like I was hallucinating.
The guard tossed us each a blanket: “Find a bed.”
There were no pillows. The room was ice cold, and one blanket wasn’t enough. Around me, women lay curled into themselves, heads covered, looking like a room full of corpses. This place made the last jail feel like the Four Seasons.
I kept telling myself: Do not let this break you.
Thirty of us shared one room. We were given one Styrofoam cup for water and one plastic spoon that we had to reuse for every meal. I eventually had to start trying to eat and, sure enough, I got sick. None of the uniforms fit, and everyone had men’s shoes on. The towels they gave us to shower were hand towels. They wouldn’t give us more blankets. The fluorescent lights shined on us 24/7.
Everything felt like it was meant to break you. Nothing was explained to us. I wasn’t given a phone call. We were locked in a room, no daylight, with no idea when we would get out.
I tried to stay calm as every fiber of my being raged towards panic mode. I didn’t know how I would tell Britt where I was. Then, as if sent from God, one of the women showed me a tablet attached to the wall where I could send emails. I only remembered my CEO’s email from memory. I typed out a message, praying he would see it.
He responded.
Through him, I was able to connect with Britt. She told me that they were working around the clock trying to get me out. But no one had any answers; the system made it next to impossible. I told her about the conditions in this new place, and that was when we decided to go to the media.
She started working with a reporter and asked whether I would be able to call her so she could loop him in. The international phone account that Britt had previously tried to set up for me wasn’t working, so one of the other women offered to let me use her phone account to make the call.
We were all in this together.
With nothing to do in my cell but talk, I made new friends – women who had risked everything for the chance at a better life for themselves and their families.
Through them, I learned the harsh reality of seeking asylum. Showing me their physical scars, they explained how they had paid smugglers anywhere from $20,000 to $60,000 to reach the US border, enduring brutal jungles and horrendous conditions.
One woman had been offered asylum in Mexico within two weeks but had been encouraged to keep going to the US. Now, she was stuck, living in a nightmare, separated from her young children for months. She sobbed, telling me how she felt like the worst mother in the world.
Many of these women were highly educated and spoke multiple languages. Yet, they had been advised to pretend they didn’t speak English because it would supposedly increase their chances of asylum.
Some believed they were being used as examples, as warnings to others not to try to come.
Women were starting to panic in this new facility, and knowing I was most likely the first person to get out, they wrote letters and messages for me to send to their families.
It felt like we had all been kidnapped, thrown into some sort of sick psychological experiment meant to strip us of every ounce of strength and dignity.
We were from different countries, spoke different languages and practiced different religions. Yet, in this place, none of that mattered. Everyone took care of each other. Everyone shared food. Everyone held each other when someone broke down. Everyone fought to keep each other’s hope alive.
I got a message from Britt. My story had started to blow up in the media.
Almost immediately after, I was told I was being released.
My Ice agent, who had never spoken to me, told my lawyer I could have left sooner if I had signed a withdrawal form, and that they hadn’t known I would pay for my own flight home.
From the moment I arrived, I begged every officer I saw to let me pay for my own ticket home. Not a single one of them ever spoke to me about my case.
To put things into perspective: I had a Canadian passport, lawyers, resources, media attention, friends, family and even politicians advocating for me. Yet, I was still detained for nearly two weeks.
Imagine what this system is like for every other person in there.
A small group of us were transferred back to San Diego at 2am – one last road trip, once again shackled in chains. I was then taken to the airport, where two officers were waiting for me. The media was there, so the officers snuck me in through a side door, trying to avoid anyone seeing me in restraints. I was beyond grateful that, at the very least, I didn’t have to walk through the airport in chains.
To my surprise, the officers escorting me were incredibly kind, and even funny. It was the first time I had laughed in weeks.
I asked if I could put my shoelaces back on.
“Yes,” one of them said with a grin. “But you better not run.”
“Yeah,” the other added. “Or we’ll have to tackle you in the airport. That’ll really make the headlines.”
I laughed, then told them I had spent a lot of time observing the guards during my detention and I couldn’t believe how often I saw humans treating other humans with such disregard. “But don’t worry,” I joked. “You two get five stars.”
When I finally landed in Canada, my mom and two best friends were waiting for me. So was the media. I spoke to them briefly, numb and delusional from exhaustion.
It was surreal listening to my friends recount everything they had done to get me out: working with lawyers, reaching out to the media, making endless calls to detention centers, desperately trying to get through to Ice or anyone who could help. They said the entire system felt rigged, designed to make it nearly impossible for anyone to get out.
The reality became clear: Ice detention isn’t just a bureaucratic nightmare. It’s a business. These facilities are privately owned and run for profit.
Companies like CoreCivic and GEO Group receive government funding based on the number of people they detain, which is why they lobby for stricter immigration policies. It’s a lucrative business: CoreCivic made over $560m from Ice contracts in a single year. In 2024, GEO Group made more than $763m from Ice contracts.
The more detainees, the more money they make. It stands to reason that these companies have no incentive to release people quickly. What I had experienced was finally starting to make sense.
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Richonne in Retrospect - The 💋 List
(every Richonne kiss ranked)
#3: The Tryst Kisses (1.02)
The kisses in my Top 3 are something serious, y'all. ❤️🔥 Like the best of the best, not just for Richonne but for media imo. Every kiss in my Top 10 is on another level, it's just something about these Top 3 - I don't think any love story in media could top these kiss scenes for me. It's unparalleled heat and passion and love in such a raw, authentic form and captivates like no other. Also, I always love Hungry Richonne, and baby, they're straight-up voracious in this wonderful 1.02 hangar scene that gives us several 🔥 kiss moments...
I of course adore Richonne's 6.10 kisses which are absolutely Top 3 worthy. But this secret rendezvous scene ended up making the Top 3 because it has a few different kiss moments and I felt all of them are so deserving of this highly ranked spot. There's something so sweet & sexy about knowing these two have to keep their marriage a secret in the CRM, but even then that can't stop them from finding a private moment to just douse each other in love between these vehicles.
I love that the hotness begins even before they walk into this place, as Rick makes a beeline to Michonne in his CRM helmet and takes her arm to lead her into this area. Rick was a man with a plan leading into this scene and the plan was not an escape plan just yet but rather a 'ravenously make out with my wife' plan. And well...mission accomplished. 😌
I love that this is the level of energy and intense passion Rick and Michonne both bring to their kisses after being only the second time in front of each other since reuniting. I get why we never saw a scene of the two having to clarify that they haven't moved on or explored other relationships over the years, because they stayed kissing each other in a way that communicated it's always only been them for each other even while apart.
Rick not even waiting for Michonne to confirm the coast is clear before he grabs her, and Michonne instantly reciprocating as she wraps her arms around him - perfect. 👏🏽 Leaning against the vehicle as they make out and Rick protecting Michonne's head with his arm - perfect. 👏🏽 Introducing us to Richonne's penchant for moanversations - perfect. 👏🏽
And then after Rick quickly tells Michonne that the CRM believed her "Dana" act, I adore the way they immediately resume kissing and pulling each other as close as can be like they're trying to morph into one. These kisses really were giving greedy, y'all. 😋 I love that they executed each kiss in a way that made it genuinely feel like Rick and Michonne have gone years starved of each other's kiss and now that they're back in each other's arms they're insatiable and can't get enough of each other.
I also love how Rick was so into it that he's still kissing her even as Michonne turns to acknowledge his missing hand. Then Richonne proceeds to have a really intriguing, touching, and motivating conversation. But of course, this scene wasn't gonna end with talking. No, this great scene ends with a great kiss as Rick eagerly returns to kissing Michonne upon hearing her talk like the A he knows and loves, assuring him they're in here together now and they're going to get home.
Also, I was thinking about it and since the CRM doesn't let in As that means Rick hasn't really been around anybody who truly matches his energy in years since being with his family of As back home. So while Michonne being an A greatly concerned Rick because of what the CRM might do to her, I think at this moment it probably felt good to be back with someone who's got the same A DNA that he does. And not only that - it's his absolute favorite A. No wonder all he can do is respond to her statement with passionate kisses. 😊
I love the continued hunger of those final kisses and the way Rick can just never get enough of Michonne. Once again Michonne is always good at quickly matching the energy and I love how passionately this closing kiss communicates both of their love and devotion. The way they intimately hold each other after too. 🥹 They'd gone so long without their other half and you can just feel how they feel more whole now that they're back together. That missing part of their heart has returned and it's the most natural thing in the world for them to be back to loving each other like this.
What lies ahead of them after this moment is daunting and the uncertainty and overwhelm are evident, especially from Rick - but as they kiss and stay in this embrace, you can feel the transfer of empowered hopeful energy & strength they're giving each other as being together has already slowly but surely begun bringing these soulmates back to life. ♥️
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Bayverse Version (Part 3)
You meet Ratchet and learn that these robots are capable of turning into vehicles. Then you meet two rather annoying Autobots before finally meeting Optimus Prime, the leader of the Autobots.
(Author's note: Well... this might end up into a series 😅)
Warnings: some cursing, trouble standing up and walking, the twins saying a bit of insensitive stuff, mentions of some people wanting to do research on you, and your fate becoming clear.
You waited with Emily for something to happen. The shivering finally stopped, and the temperature became somewhat tolerable. You still felt cold, but not like you were freezing to death. It felt weird not to feel some sort of warmth come from your body. It was natural for a human, but now you were made of metal that was cold to the touch. The only warmth you could feel was from within your chest even though it was faint. You could only suspect it was coming from your heart, which did not feel like a heart with its strange pulsing.
Emily said it was supposedly your ‘spark’, the cybertronian equivalent of a heart. You did not know how to feel about it.
She also filled you in on everything she knew about the Autobots, so you would be somewhat prepared to meet them.
Soon enough, another one of those robots appeared. He was tall with a green color scheme. He introduced himself as Ratchet, the Autobot’s medical officer.
He was calm and explained the injuries you had sustained to your frame—or 'body,’ as the proper term goes. You felt more at ease with his presence, so you allowed him to perform a check-up on you using the scanner on his arm.
You sat patiently as he scanned you from head to toe. It showed green on most parts, but red around your waist.
"You show no severe internal damage, which is good, and the injuries you sustained from hitting the bridge pillar appear stable," Ratchet said as he stopped scanning. "However, you have sustained damage to your external frame, which means you won't be able to transform into your alt-form," he explained.
You frowned, confused by the last term. “What’s an alt-form?” you asked.
“It is our vehicle mode. The form that allows us to move vast distances and hide ourselves when necessary,” he answered.
You looked at him with surprise. “You can turn into vehicles?” you asked.
“Pretty cool right?” Emily chipped in.
“Strangely though, my scanners indicate that this damage came before you attacked that Decepticon,” Ratchet stated.
“Well, she fused with my car, which was wrecked by that Decepticon before the Allspark fragment in her necklace activated, and she became… you know… this,” Emily answered, motioning toward you.
"That explains it. If the vehicle you fused with was damaged, it's no surprise that the damage carried over after transforming into a cybertronian. Luckily, this isn’t a difficult issue to fix. Scanning a new vehicle mode should do the trick," Ratchet explained.
“Now, (Name). Putting the outer damages to the side. Do you feel anything else that feels off in your body?” he asked.
“Minus the cold and the bad headache. I feel fine,” you answered.
“I can only conclude they are due to your human consciousness adjusting to your new body and brain functions. Cybertronians’ bodies are significantly different from humans, so your human consciousness might be trying to find anything familiar to your former human body. You might feel discomfort for a while, but I suspect they will go away once you are fully adjusted,” he reasoned.
“But if they continue. We can make adjustments to fix them. Your body is now cybertronian, so it should be no issue for me,” he added.
“But for now. We will wait and observe how they will progress,” he stated.
“Now. What about your mobility functions? I heard from Que that you were able to stand up quite quickly,” he questioned.
“Yeah, but then my head started spinning around like in a circus, which made it difficult to keep my balance and made me cause a mess,” you explained, glancing at the equipment you broke in your hysteria.
“In fairness, you were having a full-blown panic attack,” Emily said.
“Yeah…” you looked down awkwardly.
“Hm. Taking your circumstances, it’s not an unreasonable reaction. “ Ratchet stated. “The disorientation could have been due to the sudden movements and your consciousness not fully comprehending its new body.”
“Now, that you are in a much calmer mental state. Would you mind trying to stand up again?” he asked.
You looked at him with a raised brow.
“I wish to conduct a few mobility tests. Nothing too drastic. Just stand up and take a few steps so I can assess and perhaps conclude any need for physical therapy,” he explained.
“Okay. I can try,” you said, preparing to stand up.
You carefully placed your feet against the floor, before pushing yourself into a kneeling position. Using the floor as a support with your hands, you slowly started pushing yourself up until the floor was out of your reach and you tried to use your knees.
“Easy. Go on your own space,” Ratchet softly encouraged as he and Emily watched you try to stand up.
Your knees began to shake, causing your joints to release metallic sounds. Fear of falling shook you but you kept yourself calm, even though you felt like an egg trying to balance itself on a moving wooden plank. You then pushed yourself to stand up, nearly tripping from the sudden shift of weight.
“Easy. Don’t try to push yourself too fast,” Ratchet said, supporting you so you wound’t fall.
“You’re doing great, girl,” Emily added supportingly.
You took a deep breath as you steadied yourself. A familiar sense of dizziness lingered in your head, but this time, it was mild and quickly faded on its own. Standing upright, you felt slightly disoriented upon realizing just how much taller you had become compared to everything around you.
Still, a small sense of pride swelled within you—you were standing.
“Okay. I think I’ve got this,” you said. The disorientation became easier to manage, even though your legs still felt like noodles attached to boulders.
“How does it look up there?” Emily asked.
“Everything is… ten times smaller,” you answered.
“Alright. This looks promising. Being able to stand up is a good sign. Do you think you’ll be able to take a few steps?” Ratchet asked.
“I’ll try,” you said and focused on your legs.
You tried to move your left leg. However, picking it up felt heavy, and when you finally managed to make your leg move one step forward, you lost your balance, causing you to wave your arms frantically to keep yourself standing.
“Steady, Steady!” Ratchet said, watching you.
Managing to balance yourself, you then tried to take another step. However, it ended up in another wobbling episode and you nearly fell.
“Nope!” you gave up, kneeling to get support from the floor.
“I can’t do it. My legs feel like giant boulders, impossible to move,” you said, crawling back to the metallic bed and sitting down.
“Hmm. It seems your mind has trouble adjusting to the physical aspects of your body. I note the need for physical therapy. “ Ratchet wrote on what seemed to be a large tablet.
“We’ll make a schedule to help you adjust properly and exercises to help you handle your new body mass. However, if your limbs feel too heavy and keep weighing you down. It is possible to adjust them to make them more lighter,” he explained.
“Great. So I have to learn how to walk again,” you stated sarcastically.
“Since your condition requires it,” Ratchet added.
A weird feeling buzzed into your head, causing you to wince painfully.
“Ha! Look at the newcomer! Can’t even walk!” a voice said.
You then saw two new robots. They were smaller than Que and Ratchet and looked like twins, even though one was red and the other was green.
“Wobbling around like a sparkling!” the green one said, clearly making fun of your walking attempt.
“Shaking like a maraca is more like it. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone who could be so shaky,” the red one added.
You frowned, rather annoyed by their presence and tone.
“And you two are?” you asked.
“We are the twins. The name’s Skids. This is my brother Mudflap,” the green one introduced as they walked in.
“We are two of the baddest Autobots here,” the red one, ‘Mudflap’, boasted.
“We heard we received a newbie who nearly murked a Decepticon. Pretty badass, but not nearly badass as us,” the green one, ‘Skids’, said.
“But then we heard that you are a human who came back from the dead as a transformer,” Mudflap continued.
“So, we then became curious to see you and introduce ourselves. What’s your name, Shaky?” Skids asked.
You looked at them, pretty baffled by their attitude and use of human slang. “(Name)...?” you answered.
“(Name), huh? Not a shappy name,” Skids said.
“Well, she used to be a human. What else did you expect?” Mudflap asked.
“Something perhaps cooler… these humans don’t have many cool things,” Skids answered.
You felt even more confused by them.
“Anyway! I got a question, Shaky,” Skids said.
“Yeah?” you said and waited.
“What it was like to die and come back as a completely different being?” he asked.
You looked at them, shocked and appalled. What the fuck?
“Who the fuck asks things like that?” you exclaimed.
“What? I’m just curious. It’s not every day someone comes back from the dead,” Skids replied.
“Oh! How about you get closer? I show you what dying is like.” you said, prepared to stand up. Ratchet then placed his hand on your shoulder, stopping you and pushing you back down against the metallic bed.
“I think it's time for you two to go. Don’t bother my patient or it's with the wrench for both of you,” Ratchet said.
“Now!” he commanded and they started leaving.
“A bit of a short fuse with this one,” Mudflap muttered.
“Later! Shaky! Don’t go crashing into anything,” Skids called out as they left.
You sighed in annoyance.
“Well, those two are lively,” Emily stated with an amused smile.
“And I decided that I already hate them,” you muttered.
“Don’t get too worked up. It is not unusual for them to act like this. I’m sure you'll get used to them sooner or later,” Ratchet said.
Lennox and your dad then walked into the room after the twins left.
"Alright. I believe we have the situation solved. You will be staying under the NEST’s and Autobot's custody from now on," Lennox stated.
"Well, it's not like I can go home like this," you uttered.
You winced when you got that weird brain buzz again. It was strong enough to hold your head and groan in pain.
“(Name) what’s wrong?” Emily asked.
“These headaches are being weird again,” you answered.
When you opened your eyes, you noticed a new bot entering the room. You had to stretch your neck to get a better look, as this robot was taller than both Ratchet and Que. His color scheme was red and blue, with some fire patterns running across his frame. His footsteps were strong enough to shake the floor slightly.
You looked up to him with a small sense of intimidation and fright. Holy hell! He’s huge!
"Greetings. I am Optimus Prime, the leader of the Autobots. You must be (Name) (Lastname)" he started. His voice was deep and strong enough to send shivers down your metallic spine. He definitely had the voice of someone who would be in a leadership position.
"Uhm.. yeah... yes, sir," you stuttered rather timidly.
"I apologize for the circumstances, but considering your situation, we believe it would be best for you to stay under our care," Optimus said. "Your condition is unique to both us Autobots and NEST, as the Allspark has never brought someone from another species back to life as a transformer," he added.
"Well... can't be helped, I guess," you shrugged before realizing that you were sitting awkwardly.
"Sorry. I would stand up if I could, but my legs don’t really want to obey me at the moment," you said.
"We conducted a few mobility tests. She will require physical therapy to properly regain use of her legs," Ratchet added.
"If that's the case, do not worry. Stay down if you feel unable to stand," Optimus assured.
You relaxed. Your previous intimidation of him began to fade. He actually seemed like an understanding and calm bot.
"I'm afraid there's going to be a bit more," Lennox began. "Because of this situation, the higher-ups want to look into this further. So, expect some scientists wanting to conduct research," he added.
“Oh great…” you said rather automatically.
“But don’t worry though. We convinced them enough only to do light research, anything that goes beyond your comfort zone will not be accepted,” your dad said.
“Like what kind of research?” You asked.
“I do not know, but I suspect some psyche eval, scanning, and everything they can get without going against your consent,” he explained.
"Even if this case is unique for both of us. As she was unwillingly turned, it is best not to prohibit her choice of freedom. " Optimus said.
"So, wait, I get to choose whether I want to participate in this research?" you asked, slightly surprised.
"Anything you're not comfortable with is entirely your choice. But since you're most likely staying with us, your participation might help us assist you better," Lennox said.
"And since you are now a transformer, we can help you adjust and adapt to your new body," Optimus added.
“And what about your war with these… Decepticons? Do I have to participate in it now that I’m a … transformer?” you asked.
“As you are a civilian who had been turned under unexpected circumstances. We will not require you to participate in our war against the Decepticons," Optimus said. “They are something we Autobots and the NEST will handle,” he added.
"We're going to have to do a lot of work to make this work," Lennox said, turning toward Optimus. As he, your father, and Optimus continued talking, you kind of zoned out from the discussion.
So, this was going to be your life now?
A weird buzzing sensation filled your head again, making you wince. You glanced at Optimus and Ratchet, noticing that their presence made the buzzing even stronger. But when your eyes landed on what seemed to be a canister, the buzzing persisted.
Curious, you grabbed one of the canisters and inspected it. After a moment, you managed to open what seemed to be a lid. Inside, you saw a strange blue liquid—and the buzzing in your head grew even louder.
“Hey, what is this blue stuff?” you asked Ratchet.
“That would be a canister of energon. It’s something we use to sustain ourselves,” Ratchet explained.
“Energon?” you questioned thoughtfully. “Why do I feel like I heard that word before?” you murmured.
“Is there something about it?” he asked.
“No. It’s just that I get a weird head buzz around it,” you said, putting the canister lid back and putting it down.
You glanced at Lennox, your dad, and Optimus, unable to follow the conversation about your future. Then, you felt Emily’s hand wrap around your metallic finger. Looking down at her, you saw her offer a smile. You smiled back, feeling a bit more at ease with your situation—and your new reality as an alien robot.
#transformers x reader#various x reader#x cybertronian reader#echoes of the unknown#oc x reader#transformers#transformers imagines#transformers bayverse#bayverse#transformers bayverse x reader
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The biggest problem with most portrayals of hetero ships in media is the laziness of making them work. Particularly in shows like invincible, shows centered around male main characters, superhero stories, etc. we will see the main guy and the main girl get together but there is no real buildup. If there is buildup, it’s falsified in the form of the characters being in other relationships. Typically these relationships are only treated as obstacles to the main goal, they are either framed as unhealthy or toxic, possibly missing something or they portray it as meaningful by doing that one great writer son of telling rather than showing.
For instance: Amber in invincible is a pretty girl, she’s sweet and caring but predominantly we see her angry and frustrated with mark for various reasons. Resentful he’s not around more or whichever which is absolutely valid (aside from that first bit where she actually got mad at him for not just telling her his secret? That was dumb) now I can understand that writing a female character angry is not the end of the world but the first and only time I see a relatable, meaningful reaction from amber is when she is threatened by that evil viltrumite lady. That was interesting, mark trying to comfort her after was interesting.
In the instances where they are being loving to each other, amber and mark only say that they like each other, that they care about each other. There’s no other real signs shown in body language, or interactions. No meaningful arcs where there is fun tension. If they weren’t together I would barely consider them close friends.
Now with Eve, she is much better characterized, she has development but she is very much given the same treatment when it comes to bonding with mark. The girl characters are treated like rewards to the male characters, like hot accessories for being so cool.
Part of the issue I see is that mark doesn’t get frustrated with amber or Eve enough. There’s no equality in the relationship, he doesn’t laugh with them or seek them out to hang out with aside from dating. It’s a frequent issue I see with many het ships and even some side queer ships (which are usually either used for representation brownie points or just poorly done)
Mark and Rex, or mark and William make a better ship given the complexity of their characters and the equality and banter between each of them. They are written like friends which should be the baseline for any written couple.
I will also mention that the relationship between William and his boyfriend is also incredibly dry. The design in my opinion is very poorly done for a character who is supposed to be “super hot” he looks like a generic muscle dude. Him and William do the same “I care about you” routine instead of anything that feels more real. There is the arc where wills boyfriend does go through the cyborg angst thing but even that felt a bit dry.
The girl characters are frequently not allowed the same personhood a man would be, which seems to be coming less from an outright misogynistic perspective and more from an attempt to be politically correct. The girls are only allowed to be angry and content. They are superheroes so they don’t get scared, they don’t get needy, they are just these vehicles of feminism. I don’t think I even know any of their hobbies aside from ambers activism and eves bigger activism. Mark is into comics and nerd stuff, Rex is an asshole (his hobby), will could use a hobby tbh but he is opinionated and has what i would call a more distinct personality.
What is ambers personality? She is nice? Sure. She likes to help people? Okay. What are her quirks? Flaws? Interests outside of helping people? She was dating mark for a while and the audience doesn’t know any of this. I’m aware that she was a place holder character but that is a cheap tactic to make Eve and marks relationship seem like it has build up. It feels unnecessary and those scenes with amber should have been interactions between Eve and Mark, building their friendship, sharing their worries and thoughts. Disagreeing with each other, compromising, etc.
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a string of words i hope i never have to say in this order was something my stepmom (?) said last night that i have repeated in my head to myself probably every waking hour today because of how funny i find it and it was "i'm waiting for my vinegar water to cool down so i can take my pills"
#it just kept going ok like. vinegar water first of all. and then the implied fact that it'd reached a temperature too hot to consume somehow#and that was only so she could use it as a vehicle by which to take medication. and then just the way she said it like#it was a sentence anyone's ever said or heard before#fuck i think noncontextually its not funny at all but i can't stop laughing every time i think about it#she was feeling under the weather and is a sweet asian mom who was trying to relieve her cough with hot water and apple cider vinegar#and zinc and potentially benadryl#anyway. i'll probably always find that funny#quiet honestly i'm still repeating it in my head and giggling why do i find it so funny#im waiting for my vinegar water to cool down so i can take my pills
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My mother confuses the fuck out of me
#i guess she's getting severance checks from her old job?#i mean fuck that's the least they could do after she worked there for 40 years#she only gets 900 a month from my dad's SSI survivor benefits#she went from saying we're struggling financially to suddenly offering to pay for shit i need#that kinda scares me because i think that means she's impulsively spending her savings. which could mean she thinks she's gonna die soon#she's 64 and my dad died at almost 63#like she helped my sister buy my niece a car. it's a 24 year old vehicle and only costed 4k and she paid 2k but 2k is a LOT to us#she said she's been saving my rent money to fix my car for the past couple of months on top of me saving for it#which means we definitely have the money to fix everything by now#but that's not happening all my tires still need to be replaced my ac doesn't work it's making clinking sounds#it stalled while i was driving the other day but turning it off and restarting it fixes it#anyway. the thing is I'm always sus about my mom offering shit.#she likes to hold shit over your head.#I'm very worried that she's gonna fix my car and then use that to control me in some way. because that's how it is every time.#but like.....it's better than not having the help. fuck.#i feel so privileged despite how broke and disabled i am. bc most disabled people dont have this to fall back on#the craziest thing is that the only reason we have this house is bc of my grandparents' inheritance#and neither of them went to college my grandpa was in the army#and my grandma only temporarily worked for jc penney as a bookkeeper#side note my 80 year old grandma was better with computers than most elderly people are today#just from that job? from what i know#when she died my family sold the family house and that's how we put the down payment on this house#which btw only costed 64k in 2012 apparently it's worth 175k now according to zillow#but like. how. i feel like my family being white and christian is the only reason we have all this privilege#i have a headache bye#.bdo
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party of three

boyfriend’s mom!abby x fem!reader ft. sevika
- summary: after that unforgettable night you spent with your boyfriend’s mother, you make the decision to stay with him just to continue seeing her behind his back. the affair runs smoothly at first—until her best friend gets into the picture.
- content: smut MDNI, no outbreak/modern au, age gap (abby is 38, reader is 20, sevika is 40), reader is in college, abby and sevika are best friends, abby and owen are divorced, reader is still dating abby’s son, infidelity/cheating, threesome (f/f/f), softdom!abby 🤝 roughdom!sevika, fingering & oral (all receiving, r&s giving), strap on usage (r!receiving), abby and sevika take turns hitting it from the back, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, these two women basically own you tbh
- author’s note: you ask, and i deliver. here is the long awaited full version of this drabble that i posted a while back, it took me so long to get this one out for y’all but it’s finally here! now this fic can be read standalone but here is the previous part i wrote if you guys need a refresher. other than that i hope y’all enjoy it :)
(also special thanks to @sunflowerwinds for proofreading this fic for me, ily cherry girl <3)
You should have walked away after that. Any sane person would have. But instead, you stayed.
Not for him, but for her.
It was only supposed to be just a moment of comfort—neither of you had expected for it to grow into something stronger. But you couldn’t leave him, because it meant that you would lose her too. And that was something that you weren’t ready to do.
And frankly, neither was she.
So you stayed, just for the sake of seeing her behind closed doors. It was wrong, and you both knew it. But the moment she would touch you, the moment she would whisper your name like a prayer before pressing her soft lips onto yours—that’s when it felt right.
But what neither of you expected was just how easily someone else could slip into the space between you two—someone who understood exactly what you both desired.
It was like déja vu hit you once again—you sat in your car, parked in the driveway of Abby’s house once again, preparing yourself to go inside. The night was clear this time—a stark contrast to the gloomy thunderstorm that went on when you first showed up that night. It was coincidental, because ever since then, being with Abby made you feel just as calm and clear as the night sky.
You exhale, taking your key out of your ignition and grabbing your bag before getting out of your car. As you exit your vehicle, the sight of a parked black truck catches your eye—one that you haven’t seen before. It wasn’t Abby’s or Andrew’s, which could only mean that Abby had some sort of company. You didn’t give it a second thought though, adjusting your bag on your shoulder as you make your way over to the front door. You ring the bell, and in an instant you can hear a familiar sound of footsteps approaching to answer it. It was almost as if you could sense Abby’s excitement from a distance—a feeling that her son hardly expressed when he’d see you.
The front door opens, and you’re greeted with the sight of Abby standing in front of her, a soft smile plastered on her beautifully freckled face. “Hey there, sweetheart.” she says, leaning in to give you a hug. “Come on in, Andrew is still getting ready but you can wait with us in the meantime.” She gestures toward the living room, and curiosity starts to pique your interest as your head peeks inside. Us? Who could she have brought over?
Once you enter inside, you’re met with the sight of an unrecognizable woman who was seated comfortably on the living room couch—broad shoulders, a sharp jawline, and a striking set of gray eyes. Her hair was at her jawline’s length which framed her facial structure beautifully, and the left side of her face was littered down with scars that made her olive skin stand out even more. A half empty beer bottle rests in her hand, and the low hum of the football game playing on the TV fills the room before Abby’s voice cuts through. “This is Sevika—she’s a close friend of mine.” Abby shuts the door behind you before walking over to the couch and looking over to Sevika. “Sevika, this is my son’s girlfriend.”
Sevika sets her bottle of beer down onto the coffee table. “So this must be the not-so-lucky girlfriend, yeah?” she asks before turning her head to Abby, to which she nods. “Hey there, pretty girl. Name’s Sevika.” she says, offering her hand out to you.
You blush at the name she gives you and reach out to shake her hand as you give her your name. Her palm had felt so large and warm in yours, almost like Abby’s, but maybe a little bit bigger. You let go of her hand and sit down on the love seat next to her, and you can’t but curiously look at her other arm, seeing that it’s entirely replaced with a metal prosthetic. Sevika catches your glance shifting and she looks down at her arm. “Oh, this?” she says, looking back up at you. “I lost it about a decade ago…car accident.”
“Oh,” You hesitate for a moment before meeting her gaze again. “That…that must have been really intense.” you say, your voice gentle.
Sevika simply shakes it off, leaning back against the couch. “It’s alright, I’m just glad to have made it out alive. Besides…” she pauses for a moment before continuing. “My other hand still works just as good.” she says with a wink. You got the joke behind that, of course. But what you didn’t realize was how well she was going to prove that point soon.
Abby sits back down on the couch next to Sevika, leading you to switch the subject. “So, how long have you two known each other for?” you ask them curiously.
“Since college,” Sevika replies, turning her head towards Abby. Abby’s gaze matches with hers, and she starts to chuckle while shaking her head, almost as if she was reminiscing a moment. “Yeah…I guess you could say she was sort of my…awakening.”
Sevika was in the process of turning her head back to you, but she turns back to Abby again and raises an eyebrow at her. “Sort of?”
Abby sighs dramatically and laughs as she playfully nudges Sevika’s shoulder. “Alright alright, she was my awakening. But it was just that one time way back then.”
Sevika hums, a smirk growing on her lips as she reaches over for her beer and takes a swift sip from it. “One time was sure enough to rock your world though.”
Abby rolls her eyes at her but she doesn’t deny it, and you can’t help but feel the heat creep up in the back of your neck—and between your thighs as their history piques your curiosity even more.
“We didn’t have much back then,” Sevika says, taking another sip of her beer. “But I was sure able to do my job without the parts that were necessary.”
The realization clicks in an instant. Your mind flashes back to the first night you spent with Abby—the way she touched you like she knew exactly what you liked, the way she pressed herself against you just right, just enough to make you fall apart and come undone underneath her…it was all so perfectly executed, so well practiced—maybe a little too well practiced.
She learned it from her.
Your gaze flickers over to Sevika, watching as she takes another slow sip of her beer, her expression unreadable. But there’s something there—something in the way she looks at you, like she already knows what you’re thinking. Like she wants you to say it out loud.
Sevika’s voice cuts through the air, pulling you out of your thoughts. “Tell me about you, pretty girl. You in school?”
“Yeah,” you say, leaning back slightly. “I’m in my third year now.”
“Halfway point, huh?” Sevika takes a sip from her beer, eyeing you with a casual but interested look in her eye. “You’ll be at the finish line before you know it.”
“Yeah, exactly, you say, nodding in agreement. “I still feel like I have so much left to figure out though.”
Abby chimes in from her side of the couch, grinning knowingly. “You’ve got time, sweetheart.” she says with a soft chuckle. “And you’ll do just fine.”
You smile, appreciating her reassurance. But before the conversation can continue, you hear footsteps coming from upstairs. A familiar voice calls your name—your boyfriend’s voice—and you feel a sudden shift in the air, the tension of the situation lingering in the back of your mind.
“Hey, babe!” Andrew calls out casually, the usual smugness laced in his tone as he did so. “You ready to go?”
Your expression falters in an instant, nose wrinkling up while your lips pressed together in a fine line full of grimace before you catch yourself and quickly shake things off. You let out a sigh as you stand up from the couch. “Yeah, let’s head out.” you reply flatly.
Sevika doesn’t miss it. Her gaze stays fixed on you as she observes your every move, the corner of her lips twitching into a subtle smirk as she did so. She doesn’t say anything as to not interfere, but she doesn't look away either, her gaze burning on you to where you could feel it from behind.
As you push yourself up from the couch, a sharp smack lands on your backside. Your body tenses instantly, irritation bubbling up inside you as you whip your head around. Andrew just stands there with that stupid grin on his face, completely oblivious—or maybe he just doesn’t care—about the way your jaw tightens, how your fingers curl into your palm in fists, fingernails digging into your skin as you hold back the urge to hit him away from you.
“Jesus, Andrew,” Abby says, shaking her head in disbelief. “Show some damn respect for her, will you?”
He simply shrugs, rolling his eyes in the most nonchalant way as if she was the one making a big deal about it. “Relax, Mom, it’s just a joke.” he shuffles his way over to the front door to head out. “C’mon babe, we’re already late to the party.” he says, opening the door.
You scoff behind his back, rolling your eyes. “That’s because you’re always so damn long to get ready,” you quietly mumble to yourself. Andrew was too stubborn to have overheard it, but you could hear a soft chuckle coming from Sevika, however you think nothing of it and move on.
Andrew steps out of the door and heads outside, and before you were about to follow him, a gentle tug on your arm keeps you from moving forward. You stop in your tracks and look over to Abby, who was rising up from the couch to shift closer to you. “Remember sweetheart, if he starts misbehaving tonight, you let me know, okay?” she says, giving you a wink.
A smirk crept up on the corner of your lips when she said that. You knew exactly what she had meant.
It took a while for you and Abby to have figured it out at first, but eventually you two decided on this particular arrangement—to stay with her douchebag son just to continue seeing her behind his back, and to let her know about any sort of trouble he’ll cause when he’s with you, because she can easily make it up to you without thinking twice. It didn’t matter how big or small the issue would be—if Andrew ended up upsetting you in any way, shape or form—Abby would be quick to take matters into the bedroom with you to apologize for her son’s actions. After all, it was the least she could do, and she’d be lying if she said she didn’t enjoy it herself.
You give her a smile, gently squeezing her hand in reassurance before she lets go. “I’ll be sure to let you know, Ms. Anderson.” you reply to her.
You say your goodbyes to Abby and Sevika before heading outside, closing the front door shut behind you. As you watch your boyfriend make his way over to his car, you can’t help but wish that he’ll screw up the night for you just so you can get a taste of his mother’s forgiveness later on.
── ⋆⋅𖤓⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☽⋅⋆ ──
Your wish was already coming true in an instant.
The party was in full swing, music blasting within the thin walls, voices blending into the atmosphere. The house completely reeked of liquor and cheap cologne, making you feel as if you were being smothered by the thickness of it. It’s only been an hour, and all you wanted to do was get out of here and go home.
You push through the drunken crowd, trying to squeeze through the tight gaps between bodies until someone accidentally stumbles and spills their drink on you. All you could in that moment do was sigh and just keep moving. Andrew had disappeared a while ago, leaving you stranded in a house full of strangers. Going to this stupid party was his idea to begin with—you didn’t know, or even care about anyone here. On the contrary, all you had really wanted to do on a Saturday night like this was to stay at home and lie in bed—particularly his mother’s bed.
After a while of searching through the packed household, you finally spot him slumped over on an old leather couch, a half empty beer bottle dangling from his fingers.
But he’s not alone.
There’s a girl draped over him, her manicured fingers lazily playing with the fabric of his shirt as she leans into him, whispering something in his ear. He doesn’t react much aside from a drunken chuckle as his head tilts to rest against hers. You’re not sure if he knows her—or even cares.
Your jaw clenches as a bitter taste fills your mouth, but you’re quick to take a deep breath to ground yourself. There’s no point in confronting him. It’s a waste of your time and energy, both of which can be used on something better. So instead, you pull out your phone as you turn on your heel, dialing Abby’s number in an instant.
The line barely rings twice before Abby picks up. “Hey there, sweetheart,” she greets, her voice warm enough to alleviate you from the chills that traveled through your body. “Is everything alright?”
You hesitate, glancing back at Andrew as he exchanges another drunken laugh between the girl beside him before turning back around. “Not really…Can you come pick me up, please?”
There’s a brief pause, and you can hear the faint chatter of the TV in the background followed by Sevika’s groans and protests over whatever that was happening on screen. You hear Abby hum softly before replying. “Of course, honey. I’ll be right there.”
You hang up, slipping the phone into your pocket. Despite how rocky the night began, at least now, it was about to end exactly how you wanted.
It didn’t take long for your phone to ring again, screen lit up with Abby’s name. You answer quickly.
“I’m outside,” she says, her voice steady but firm.
Relief washes over you just for a moment, until the sense of obligation quickly replaces it. You glance back over to the mess of a living room where Andrew is still passed out and sigh in annoyance. “Okay, um, hold on a second so I can get—”
“No.” Abby cuts you off, her voice quickly going stern. “I’m here for you, sweetheart. Just you.”
“But what about—”
“He’ll be fine.” She reassures you firmly. “I already called Owen to pick him up. I’m not gonna be dealing with that tonight.” She says it in a way that shows that her son was the least of her priorities tonight—that he was more of an inconvenience rather than a concern.
You pause for a moment as her words settle into your chest. You exhale slowly, glancing at Andrew one last time before opening the door. He won’t even notice you’re gone.
The cool night air hits your skin once you step outside, finally giving you a moment to breathe after being cramped in the thick air of the party for the past hour. As you look up, you’re welcomed by the sight of Abby leaning against the open passenger door of a black truck—the same black truck that was parked in her driveway not too long ago. You take a closer look, eyes widening when you see Sevika sitting behind the wheel with an amused look on her face.
The sight of the two women together sends a mix of relief and anticipation coursing through your veins. Abby’s expression softens once she meets your eyes. “There you are. I was starting to think I’d have to come in and save you myself.” she says gently, giving you a smile.
Sevika, on the other hand, simply jerks her chin toward the passenger seat. “Get in, pretty girl. Don’t wanna waste gas waiting on your sorry excuse of a boyfriend.”
You don’t hesitate. With one last glance at the house you’re leaving behind, you move toward the truck, letting the door shut on the night and on Andrew without a second thought.
You step up into the truck, sliding into the middle seat while Abby hops in behind you and shuts the door with a soft thud. The space that was once between them disappears in an instant now that you were there, pressed between Abby’s present warmth and Sevika’s quiet intensity. Abby’s hand meets with your knee in a gentle and reassuring grip—almost as if she’s done this before. You barely register the comfort of it before Sevika shifts in her seat beside you, the warm fingers of her human hand gently brushing over your bare thigh in the process. You assume it’s unintentional, but the heat that her touch leaves behind lingers on your skin, sending a slow shiver down your spine.
The rest of the ride back home is quiet, but the tension between the three of you continues to roar inside the truck. As Abby and Sevika exchange the occasional hum of conversation, you remain situated in their place between them, completely aware of every shift of their bodies. Abby’s palm stays warm and steady on your knee, giving you a strong sense of comfort. However, Sevika’s touches are more teasing, almost in a way that makes you wonder if she's doing it by accident or not. Her fingers brushing over your thigh when she adjusts the gearshift, her thigh pressing against yours when she stretches—it’s enough to make you think if she could be desiring the same thing right now.
By the time you arrive at Abby’s house, your pulse is unsteady, and your breath feels tight in your chest. The three of you exit Sevika’s truck and step inside, the warmth of the house settling around you. Sevika rolls out her shoulders as she picks up her jacket that was draped over the couch. “Well,” she exhales, slipping her other hand into her pocket. “I should probably head out.”
Abby hums, tilting her head slightly. “You sure?”
“Yeah,” Sevika nods. “Thanks for having me over.”
She’s still standing close to you, her fingers briefly brushing over lower back as she shifts past you to get to the front door. Her touch was brief, yet intentional. You swallow as the heat starts to coil in your stomach. Before Sevika can take another step, you speak up, the words slipping past your lips before you could even second guess saying them.
“You should stay,” you tell her.
Sevika stops mid-step, and both her and Abby turn over to look at you. Abby raises a brow, an amused look behind her eyes, while Sevika lets out a quiet shuckle, shaking her head slightly. “Oh yeah?” Sevika muses, her voice low and testing. She shifts toward your direction, tossing her jacket back onto the armrest of the couch before pressing her weight against it. “You sure about that, pretty girl?”
The challenge in Sevika’s tone sends a shiver down your spine. You swallow dryly, your heart pounding in your chest, but you don’t back down.
“Yeah,” you reply, voice steadier this time. “Stay with us.”
And so Sevika stays. She even makes herself comfortable too—leaning back against the armrest, her arms now crossing over her chest like she belongs here. Abby watches her, then watches you, all with a subtle amused expression on her face as if she already knows where this is headed.
You should sit down. You should relax. But you don’t. Instead, you remain standing, the anticipation causing your skin to erupt in goosebumps. It’s Abby who makes the first move—slow and concentrated as she steps closer to you from behind. Her fingers slowly brush your arm before leaning in just enough for you to hear her command. “Come on,” Abby murmurs, tilting her head toward the hallway that leads to her bedroom.
Sevika doesn’t move right away. She just watches, an amused smirk growing on her lips as she shifts her gaze between the two of you. She then lifts her weight off the arm rest to step closer to you, just enough for you to feel the heat of her body radiating against yours, and for her metal knuckles to brush over your hip again. Except this time, it wasn’t accidental. “You lead the way, sweetheart.” Sevika says, gesturing you toward the staircase.
You don’t do it just yet. Instead, you take a couple small steps back, eyes flickering between the two women before taking each of their hands into one of yours. You cautiously walk backwards as you approach the staircase, hand in hand with each of them. Abby is the first to fall into step in front of you, while Sevika lingers just beside her, close enough for you to hear the faintest chuckle under her breath, as if she already knows exactly what’s coming next.
The three of you arrive at Abby’s bedroom, and Abby briefly lets go of your hand before opening her door to the two of you. You enter inside with her, Sevika following right behind before shutting the door with her other hand. While still holding Sevika’s hand, you use your free hand to grab Abby by the collar of her shirt and pull her towards you in a deep kiss. Sevika lets go of your hand as she watches the two of you, but you’re quick to sense the loss of her touch and you pull away from Abby to turn to her and give her a kiss as well. For such a rugged woman like her, you were surprised to discover how soft Sevika’s lips were on yours—the kind of softness that would have you melting into her for more. The hair on the back of your neck quickly stands once Abby approaches you from behind. She brushes your hair over your shoulder, and begins to plant soft kisses on your bare skin as her hands meet with the zipper of your dress. However, her hand stills for a moment when she notices Sevika pulling away from you. “You sure about this, sweetheart? Bringing me in?” she asks, her head tilting slightly. “Because once we start, I’m not gonna be going easy on you.”
Abby scoffs and rolls her eyes back at her. “Don’t listen to her, sweetheart.” she says soothingly. “We’ll go at your pace, yeah?”
You nod at the two women, looking back at Sevika in reassurance. “I’m sure. I want you both here.”
Sevika lets out a low chuckle, stepping closer towards you as her fingers graze over your waist. “We’ll see about that.”
Her words are followed by the sound of a zipper, and you glance over to catch Abby unzipping your dress through your peripherals, a subtly desperate look in her blue eyes as she does so. Once the zipper reaches the end, she slides the dress off your body until it hits the ground, the fabric now pooling at your feet as you stand there fully exposed in nothing but the black thong that rested on your waist and hips. Sevika’s eyes darkened at the sight of your breasts, then bringing her gaze down to the rest of your figure. “My God…” she whispers, tracing the fingers of her flesh hand down the curves of your breast, waist and hip. “You look like a goddamn work of art, pretty girl.”
Abby chuckles over Sevika’s reaction as she presses another kiss on your shoulder. “She sure is a keeper, isn’t she?”
Sevika hums, briefly glancing at Abby before back at you. “Can’t believe your kid isn’t giving this pretty girl the attention she needs, Anderson.” she pauses for a moment before continuing. “If she were mine, I’d be worshipping her every damn second she’s with me.”
Your cheeks heat up a little over Sevika’s praise, and you inch a little closer to her to bring your hands over to the hem of her shirt. “Well, it’s a good thing you’re here with us now, Sevika.” you whisper back to her. Once your fingers meet with her shirt you attempt to pull it over her, to which she assists you in doing so. Sevika pulls the shirt over her head before tossing it to the ground, and you can’t help but fawn over her physique in pure lust. She was just as jacked as Abby, maybe a tiny bit bulkier, and her olive skin was littered with scars on her chest and torso. Despite how battle worn she resembled, it only made you more desperate for her.
You turn around to look over at Abby, chuckling once you also catch her admiring Sevika as well. You do the same with her, lifting her shirt up by the hem and tossing it over her, smiling at the ripped freckled physique you were familiar with seeing. A sudden squeeze on your hip startles you, causing you to glance back over at Sevika. “Sit behind Anderson, pretty girl.” She commands, jerking her head over to the bed. A subtle smirk grows on Abby’s face, and she brings one of your hands into hers as she follows you towards the bed. She then kicks off her shoes and discards her pants from her legs. You watch as she mounts onto the bed, accommodating the pillows before settling herself down, keeping the space in between her legs open for you to join her. You hesitate for a moment, glancing over at Sevika to see her tilting her head towards Abby with a smirk on her face. With that, your body instinctively follows along, kicking off your heels onto the floor before getting into bed and positioning yourself in front of Abby with your back against her chest. Sevika’s the last one to go in, settling herself on her stomach with her face already in between your legs. Her metal and flesh fingers trail up your thighs and hips to hook them underneath the waistband of your underwear, causing your breath to hitch at the contact. You press your palms on Abby’s thighs to lift up your hips, allowing Sevika to slide the underwear off of you in one fluid motion. Then, as if it were a reflex, your legs naturally spread themselves open right in front of her. Sevika lets out a soft groan, her gaze getting hungrier once they meet with the sight of your soaking wet pussy.
Sevika didn’t delay any longer after that. She’s quick to dive right in, her tongue licking a long, experimental stripe up your cunt. A soft moan elicits from your mouth over the sensation, followed by a whimper once Sevika tightens her grip on your thighs and yanks you closer to her mouth, her tongue continuing to lick slow strokes through your pussy. Abby leans over you and gives Sevika a gentle squeeze on her forearm, provoking her to slightly lift up her head. “Hey, be gentle with her, okay?” she murmurs, slowly loosening her grip on her before leaning back against the headboard. “She’s a sensitive girl.”
Sevika clicks her tongue and shakes her head, almost in a way that she might not be able to stick with Abby's directions. “Can’t make any promises on that, Anderson,” she replies, letting her flesh hand go from your thigh so she can run a finger through your wet slit. “Especially when she tastes this good.”
Without warning, Sevika inserts a finger into your soaking cunt. You initially jerk back at the sudden sensation, before slowly easing into it, your hole gently clenching itself around her finger. Sevika is quick to slowly pump her finger in and out of your pussy while latching her mouth back onto your throbbing clit, and as she does so, Abby trails her hands up and down your torso before pausing at your breasts, gently stroking and squeezing them as Sevika continues to eat your pussy out in a painfully slow, yet rough manner. Her lips wrap around your clit even tighter and her finger starts to harshly curl against your g spot, causing you to whine at the sudden pressure.
“Sevika, I said be gentle,” Abby reminds her from behind, gently caressing your breasts as she watches Sevika’s movements. “I told you she’s sensitive.”
Sevika grunts back at her, briefly removing her mouth off of your throbbing clit to speak to her. “Where’s the fun in that, Anderson?” she replies as she inserts a second finger into your soaked cunt, admiring how you squirmed and whined at her touch. “Look at how much she likes it…pretty girl seems to be enjoying herself from the looks of it.”
While Abby and Sevika may present themselves in similar ways, you realize that they are both completely different in bed. Abby was the gentle type, who’d always touch you and handle your body with care as if you were a porcelain doll that could shatter at any moment. Sevika, on the other hand, was the opposite. She’s been manhandling the hell out of your thighs and pussy for the past ten minutes now, as if you had now turned into a ragdoll that could easily be thrown around the bed.
But if there’s one thing the two women have in common…it’s that making you cum was going to be their number one priority.
“You okay, beautiful?” Abby purrs into your ear, gently planting kisses on the back of your neck as Sevika continues to finger your cunt. “Is Sevika taking good care of you?”
You nod with a whine, and while Abby took that as a valid answer, Sevika sure didn’t. Her metal hand gripped your inner thigh harshly, causing you to jerk back at her once more. “Answer her question, sweetheart.” she mused, her steel gray eyes staring you down.
“Y-Yes! Please keep going, Sev…” you whine back to her. Sevika hummed, bringing her gaze back down to your gushing pussy as her fingers continued to pump at its standard pace. “Such a pretty pussy, baby…it’s crazy how Anderson’s kid can get to taste this whenever he wants.”
“Yeah, about that…” Abby chimes in, stifling a laugh. “It’s just me who does that. Andrew always refuses to do it.”
Sevika scoffed and shook her head in disbelief, her fingers slowing down their movements inside you. “You’re fucking lying.” Her eyes shift back over to you. “She’s lying, right?”
You look down at Sevika with a straight face, slowly shaking your head. “I-It’s true…h-he never does…”
Sevika couldn’t help herself. She starts to laugh, still unable to wrap her head around it. “Jesus, Anderson, your kid is pretty stupid for that. Who wouldn’t wanna get a taste of this gorgeous girl?” She leans in and licks another stripe up your pussy, letting out a groan as she savored the arousal that caught on her taste buds. “She tastes like fucking heaven.”
“That’s exactly what I had told her.” Abby replied. “But what can I say? He’s self-absorbed just like his father, and I sure can’t fix his stupidity either.”
You whined as your pussy clenched tightly around Sevika’s thick fingers. It felt insane to think about it, but the fact that Abby and Sevika were talking shit about your boyfriend like this couldn’t help but turn you on even more. However, Sevika was quick to sense your actions as her gaze dropped back down to your pussy. “Did you just clench around me?” she asks, looking back up at you. Her fingers began to speed up a little now, causing a whimper to escape from your throat as you clutch onto Abby’s bicep. “Seems like she’s getting off on hearing us talk shit about her stupid boyfriend.”
Abby chuckles, leaning in to press a gentle kiss on your cheek. “It’s because she knows it’s true. Besides, she’s got two women right here who’s gonna give her all the pleasure her body needs tonight.”
Sevika smirks, using her metal hand to spread your thighs out farther for her. “In that case, you better buckle up, princess…because we’re just getting started.”
With that, Sevika’s fingers speed up into your pussy even faster. You’re caught completely off guard by the sudden action, jerking back against her once more only for your hips to involuntarily grind against her and for your cunt to clench around her fingers once more. Sevika chuckles and watches you closely, relishing over how willing your body has become for her touch. “Can’t believe you even let him touch you,” she says, shaking her head. “Bet a pathetic boy like him doesn’t even know what to do with you.”
Abby hums in agreement, pressing another kiss on your shoulder as she starts to roll your hardened nipples in between her fingers. “But it was never about my son, was it, sweetheart?” she muses, a subtle smirk growing on her lips. “You always did have a clever way of getting what you want.”
“That so?” Sevika grins back, her voice getting rougher as she looks at you. “Then maybe it’s time that you really got what you wanted.”
A third finger slides into you, and a cry elicits from your mouth at the stretch. Your hands fly down to Abby’s thighs, nails digging into her soft freckled skin as your own thighs instinctively close around Sevika’s hand. “S-Sev…t-too much…” you whine out to her.
Sevika simply laughs, shaking her head tauntingly at your direction. “Oh no, you don’t get to close out on me, princess.” she says, forcing your legs back open with her metal arm and folding them up to your chest. “You wanted me to stay, remember? So you’re gonna take what I give you.”
Her fingers move relentlessly after that, and her head dips back down to suck on your clit. You’re quick to reach your peak as the coil in your stomach gets tighter with each passing second. Abby tries to coo and praise you as she continues to softly kiss you and hold your breasts, but her gentle actions do nothing to sublimate the intensity of Sevika’s fingers ramming in and out of your cunt. The combined sounds of your pitchy whines and the squelching sounds of your pussy filling the bedroom were borderline filthy. You try to tell Sevika that you’re close, give her some sort of warning—but you just can’t get the words out of your mouth. Sevika lifts her mouth off your clit and replaces it with the thumb of her metal hand while the rest of her arm keeps your thighs pinned up, the cold metal causing the rest of your body to shiver. “What’s wrong, princess?” she grins, tilting her head slightly as she watches you struggle. “Can’t get the words out?”
“I…I—” you’re cut off with another whine as Sevika’s fingers continue grazing over your g spot. All you could do was whine and writhe under her grasp, clawing for some sort of escape from the stimulation. Abby releases one of her hands from your breasts and brings it up to your jaw, tilting it to face her. “It’s okay, beautiful. You don’t have to say it.”
Sevika clicks her tongue in disagreement, pushing her fingertips harder inside you—as if she was trying to make you struggle even more to speak to her. “C’mon, princess. Use that pretty mouth of yours for something other than whining.”
Abby rolls her eyes and shakes her head, pressing a slow kiss to your jaw as her soothing voice remains intact. “Shh, it’s okay. We already know what you need.”
Sevika groans as her gaze shifts over to Abby. “Yeah, but I still wanna hear her say it.” She looks back over to you. “Go on, princess…say it.”
Your voice feels lodged in your throat, more gasps and whines slipping from it until finally—you get the words out. Or—you try to.
“S-Sevika, I…I-’m gonna—”
But it was too late. The stimulation gets to your body before you could even get the words out of your mouth. Without warning, a stream of release spurts out of your pussy and soaks up Sevika’s arm and Abby’s bed sheets in the process. Your thighs tremble under her grasp, back arching off of Abby’s chest as your eyes flutter shut and the rest of your face contorts in pure pleasure.
An astonished look is spread across Sevika’s face, her movements still not faltering inside you as your cunt continues to spasm and squirt all over her hand. “That’s it, pretty girl…let it all out for us.” she praised, her voice in a low, wicked purr. “Fuck, she looks so beautiful like this. So fucking perfect.” Her eyes fawn over your contorted face, taking in the way your back arched, your tits thrusting out and your mouth open into a silent scream of ecstasy. As your orgasm begins to subside, your body goes completely boneless on top of Abby. Sevika’s flesh fingers quickly withdraw from your cunt while her metal arm loosens its grip from the backs of your thighs. With her fingers still coated in your release, she brings them up to her mouth to suck them clean, her eyes briefly closing shut as she savors your taste. When she pulls them away from her lips, her voice is now laced with satisfaction. “Sweet girl. Just like I thought.” She’s quick to dive back into your cunt, her tongue lapping quickly on the surface as she cleans you off from the rest of your release. Sevika presses a final lingering kiss against your inner thigh, smirking as she looks back up at you. “No wonder you had Abby wrapped around your little finger.” she muses as she sat back up. “Think I might just keep you for myself.”
Your breath is still uneven, body still pliant against Abby’s as the aftershocks pulse through you. You barely have the strength to meet her gaze, but once you do, the heat in your eyes makes your stomach flip once more. Abby’s fingers trace slow circles over your shoulder, keeping you grounded as you slowly shift back to reality. She then reaches over to your jaw, cupping it gently as her blue eyes search for yours. “Still with us, sweetheart?” she asks softly, to which you reply to her with a whiny nod.
Sevika watches the two of you intently, and amused look on her face as she watches your fucked out self. “Oh, she’s with you alright. But let’s see if she can keep up, yeah?”
Once you catch your breath, your head drags over to face Sevika, who was now kneeling with a dark grin on her face. “I…I can handle it.” you pant out to her.
Sevika lets out a chuckle, shaking her head in disagreement. “Oh, yeah? We’ll see about that, pretty girl.”
Abby scoffs, playfully glaring back at Sevika before looking back down at you. “Ignore her. She likes to pretend she doesn’t have a soft side.”
Sevika simply raises an eyebrow, smirking as she crosses her arms over her chest. “And you like pretending you don’t want me to ruin her.”
Abby just smirks back at her, but she tilts her head just a bit in thought—as if an idea had just clicked into place. Her fingers trail gently up and down your arm, her touch light as a feather in comparison to Sevika’s rough hands from earlier. “Sevika sure made you feel good, didn’t she, sweetheart?” she purrs, leaning in closer to you.
Your breath hitches at her question, only mustering up the energy to answer her with a small nod. Sevika scoffs and shakes her head, shifting her weight against the mattress. “Oh, come on—”
Abby cuts her off with a hum, almost as if she had expected that reaction from her. Her fingers tilt your chin just enough to make you look at her. “I think she deserves a thank you, don’t you think?”
Sevika scoffs once more, rolling her eyes. “Oh please, I don’t need–”
“Don’t need what?” Abby asks, tilting her head slightly in amusement.
Sevika exhales through her nose, crossing her arms over her chest as if she couldn’t care less. But her gaze flickers over to you, watching you carefully. You shift, mustering the energy to sit yourself up from Abby’s lap, your pulse still pounding in your ears. You wanted to do it, not just to thank her—but to see her fall apart. You wanted to see how Sevika’s composure can slip, to see just how deep that soft spot of hers can be, no matter how much she denies it.
The click of Sevika’s tongue shakes you out of your thoughts as she leans in towards you. “You don’t have to do that for me, sweetheart.” she says, her voice quieter this time.
You swallow, your lips parting slightly as your eyes stay fixed on hers. “I want to do it, Sev.” you murmur back to her.
Sevika’s jaw tenses, just for a bit—but the rest of her doesn’t falter as she raises an eyebrow at you, her smirk still plastered on her face. “...Yeah? Is that so?”
You nod in response, and Abby leans in from behind to press a kiss to your shoulder. “That’s my girl.” she murmurs softly, brushing your hair to your other shoulder. “Go on, beautiful, you know what to do.”
Sevika doesn’t stop you this time. She watches as you sit up and approach her, already prepared for you to lean in and give her a tender kiss. Her lips melt against yours, and her hand trails down to your ass to give it a gentle squeeze, causing you to whimper softly against her. She pulls away to sit herself up against the headboard next to Abby, but impatience starts to fill you as your hands meet with the buttons of her jeans. You sense some shifting from above, and you look up to see that Sevika has discarded her bra off to the side. Your eyes widen at the sight of her breasts, large and enticing to your gaze. Your lips part open, and you lift up one of your hands from her jeans to hold her breast, gently squeezing it before leaning in to latch your mouth onto her nipple. Sevika lets out a low groan at the sensation of your warm mouth on her chest. She gently runs her flesh hand down your head and upper back before bringing it down to her jeans to unbutton them.
Your mouth quickly switches over to her other breast, but before you could give it the attention it was needing, a rough tap against your forearm brings you out of focus. You pull away from Sevika’s chest and bring your gaze down to her lap, gasping softly once you see the sight below you. A dark purple strap attached to her hips through a black harness, its length thick and protruding, showing a sign that it needed something to fill. Arousal starts to flourish out your cunt once more, dripping down your inner thighs as your mind wanders on how you could possibly be able to take something this big.
Abby lets out a sigh next to you and you look over to see her shaking her head in disbelief. “That is way too big for her, Sevika,” she says, her voice slightly laced with concern as she wraps a firm hand around the length to take a closer look at it. “You’ll break her with something like this.”
Sevika scoffed and shook her head in disagreement. “That’s what you think.” She brings her gaze back down to her lap and begins to unbuckle the harness. “But let’s save that part for later, yeah?”
You didn’t want to admit it, but Abby was right. Even though Sevika might know her way around any woman’s body, Abby was the one who knew yours the best. She knew what made you melt, what pushed you too far, how much you could handle—and she knew that this would be more than what you could take.
But Sevika was going to prove her wrong very soon.
However, she wasn’t going to be worrying about that just yet. Sevika finishes removing her strap and sets it down next to her before shimmying off her pants and boxers in one motion. You watch with a hooded gaze as her legs spread out slowly on the bed, your eyes darkening at the sight of her cunt. It was a sight for sore eyes—her brown folds were puffy, glistening with her own arousal, and topped off with a trimmed patch of hair as the overall musk of it filled the room in an instant. Sevika’s pussy elicited a primal hunger inside of you, and you’re quick to lie down onto the bed and settle yourself in between her thick thighs. Your head slowly dips in, tongue darting out to lick a slow and savory stripe up her cunt, your eyes closing in pure bliss as Sevika’s arousal clings onto your taste buds. A low groan slips from Sevika’s mouth, her body instantly going soft from your touch. Her hips lift slightly, instantly offering herself to you, silently begging for more of your mouth onto her aching cunt. Your lips move up to gently suck onto Sevika’s throbbing clit, and the two of you could have sworn that she let out a whimper. Abby simply chuckles as she watches the sinful sight of the two of you unfold in front of her. “Well, would you look at that? I think my pretty girl has you melting, Sev.”
Sevika shook her head, shifting around as she tried to maintain her composure underneath you. “Don’t flatter yourself, Anderson.”
Abby laughs at her, crossing her arms over her chest as her eyes flicker between you and Sevika. “Oh, I don’t have to. You’re doing that all on your own.”
Sevika narrows her eyes down at the blonde woman, her mouth opening to spit back at her only to be cut off by another soft groan once your tongue slides inside her cunt. Her jaw clenches in an attempt to restrain herself, but her body betrays her, hips twitching further against your mouth. A shaky exhale slips from her lips, her eyes darkening as her gaze snaps back down to you. “F-Fuck, just like that…Don’t stop.”
Abby shifts closer to Sevika to watch the two of you, continuing to spur Sevika on as she brings a hand down to tuck a loose strand of your hair behind your ear. “You should see yourself, Sev. Maybe you do have a soft spot after all.”
Another low grunt escapes from Sevika’s throat as your tongue swirls around her cunt, the tension in her body continuing to betray her. She doesn't even bother talking back to Abby and brings her focus back to you, her human fingers tangling in your hair as her breath continues to stutter. “Keep going, pretty girl. Just like that.”
You moan softly over her praises, the vibrations from your mouth stimulating her cunt in the most exquisite way. Sevika groans at the sensation, her eyes snapping shut as she tips her head back against the headboard.
Abby continues to watch the two of you, admiring how you both became lost in each other’s pleasure as if it were a trance. Her gaze drops back down to you—your body splayed face down on the bed, eyes closed in complete bliss as your tongue continues to flutter over Sevika’s puffy wet cunt, getting a fresh taste of her arousal with every jerk of her hips. Then, almost instinctively—your back arches off the mattress, leaving your ass perked up into the air—and an idea sparking into Abby’s mind.
The two of you don’t even register Abby’s movements around the bedroom—the weight shifting on the bed, the sound of soft footsteps on the ground, followed by the sound of her nightstand drawer—raises no curiosity to you and Sevika whatsoever.
The weight shifts around the bed once more—particularly right behind you. You think nothing of it at first—until a sudden pressure begins to stretch into your cunt. You gasp, and your mouth briefly parts away from Sevika’s pussy, curious to find the source of this familiar stretch. You glance over your shoulder to see Abby kneeling behind, now fully nude with her strap buckled around her hips, the tip of it already teasing into your cunt. She keeps her hands firm on your hips, slowly pushing her strap inch by inch until it reaches the base. A low moan slips from your mouth once she bottoms out, the stretch of her cock filling your cunt already making you go dizzy. Abby smirks once she sees the already fucked out look that was spreading onto your face. “You should see yourself, princess. Looks like you missed having my cock in you, yeah?” she asks, to which you reply with a whiny nod. Without even warning you, Abby begins to slowly thrust her cock in and out of you, causing your eyes to roll back in pleasure.
The headspace didn’t last for long when a sharp tap against your cheek pulled you back from the fog that Abby’s cock had you drowning in. It’s not harsh, but firm enough to make your eyes snap back open, to remind you that there’s still someone else waiting on you. Sevika’s smirk is lazy, her eyes still dark with lust as her calloused fingers squish your cheeks, making your lips pout while it’s still glistening with her arousal. “Did I say you could stop, pretty girl?” she asks sternly, tilting her head slightly.
Your lips part open to respond to her, but Abby thrusts into your pussy once more, causing only a broken whine to come out instead. You shake your head at Sevika, and her grip loosens on your face just to move to the back of your head, fingers now tangling in your hair. “That’s what I thought.” Her hand begins to push your head back into her neglected cunt once more. “Get back in there, princess. I’m still not done with you.”
All you can do is oblige, allowing Sevika’s cunt to stuff your mouth while Abby’s cock stuffed your cunt. Once your tongue slides back inside her, Sevika takes full control of your mouth, keeping your face buried into her pussy as she fucks herself onto your tongue, desperate groans and grunts of pleasure slipping from her mouth with every thrust of her hips. She can feel every inch of your tongue, every flick and swirl sending shockwaves of ecstasy through her body. Her clit throbs as she grinds herself harder against your mouth, chasing the sweet release that was bound to happen at any moment. However, you also couldn’t miss the sounds that Abby made from behind either, the breathy pants and gasps escaping her lips as the strap deliciously rubs against her clit every time she thrusts it into your hungry cunt. Your body shifts back and forth between the two women despite the firm grips they had on you, practically using you as a toy for their own pleasure.
Sevika is quick to get close, her grip on your hair tightening, holding you firmly in place as she continues to grind her cunt, her low groans shifting into desperate cries with each passing second. Her strong thighs quiver on the sides of your head, her body tensing as you feel her rapidly approaching climax. Abby continues to thrust her cock steadily into your dripping pussy from behind, the obscene sound of her hips slapping against your ass filling the bedroom.
Your brain starts to feel like mush as you’re lost into the pleasure of the two women using your body for their own satisfaction. The sensation of Abby’s strap sliding in and out of your dripping cunt combined with the salty taste of Sevika’s arousal filling your mouth is almost too much for you to handle. You can feel your own climax building quickly as your walls start to tense and spasm around Abby’s thick length.
A string of incoherent moans and curses coming from above hit your eardrums as Sevika thrusts her hips further into your face, her pussy clenching as she hits the brink of her orgasm. With a loud cry of your name, her body goes rigid as she finally comes undone. Her pussy clenches once more around your tongue, gushing and pulsing as her release floods onto your mouth and chin. The intensity of her climax causes her thighs to brutally shake around your head, her fingers twisting almost painfully in your hair as she rides out the final shockwaves of her pleasure.
As Sevika recovers from her orgasm, she watches as Abby continues to pound you from behind, admiring how your face remained pressed against her crotch, eyes fluttered shut in pleasure as drool pools from your lips and onto her cunt while Abby’s strap fucked you deliciously. A mischievous idea sparks in her mind, and she signals Abby to stop. “Mind if I finish our pretty girl off, Anderson?” she asks, her eyes darkening towards the blonde.
Abby looks back at her, nodding in agreement “Why of course, you’re our guest of honor after all.”
You were too drunk, too fucked out to register the conversation between the two women. Until—Abby stops. She slowly begins to pull her cock out of you, and your mind slowly begins to shift back to reality. You start to whine as the loss, weakly pushing your hips back against her as a desperate sign for her to keep you full. Sevika simply chuckles as she gently lifts your head to push herself off the bed. “There, there, pretty girl,” Sevika muses, reaching for her strap on the bed and putting it on. “Anderson and I are just gonna switch places, yeah? But don’t worry, you’ll get your fill again soon.”
Abby slowly pulls the rest of her strap out of your dripping cunt before shifting aside to let Sevika take her place, the thick strap of hers bobbing obscenely as she settles in between your legs. Her gaze lingers on the immense length of Sevika’s strap, shaking her head in uncertainty. “Sevika, there’s no way she’s gonna be able to take this.” she reminds her.
Sevika simply scoffs and looks over to her, raising a confident brow. “She’s a big girl, Anderson. If she can be able to withstand faking it with your kid for this long, then she can handle me.”
Abby sighs back at her, unable to fight back with that statement. She moves closer to Sevika, and she allows her some space for her to settle next to her. “Well, in that case, let me help you break her in.”
A shiver starts to travel down your spine once Abby’s warm palms land onto the skin of your ass, slowly spreading them open to reveal the sight of your cunt, still dripping with your arousal, your clit throbbing while your hole clenches around nothing with a desire to be filled again. Sevika groans softly, bringing her flesh fingers to your puffy folds and spreading them open to get a better look. “Fuck, I’ve never seen a pussy this needy before.” She muses, angling her flesh thumb down to rub gentle circles on your throbbing clit, only for more of your arousal to drip out of your hole. A laugh elicits from her mouth at the sight of it, shaking her head. “And he really thought he was keeping you satisfied, huh? Poor bastard.”
With that, Sevika’s metal hand wraps around the shaft of her strap, aligning it with your entrance before she pushes the tip inside. Half of her length is quick to slide in, and it was no surprise to the two women given how soaking wet you were. A groan falls from your mouth once Sevika bottoms out inside you, your mind already floating from being so full of her.
Abby lets go of your cheeks and trails a gentle hand down your thigh, rubbing it soothingly as her gaze stays fixed on your face, scanning for any pain or discomfort you might express. Her lips part open to speak to you, but a firm squeeze on her forearm keeps her from doing so. “Hey,” Sevika murmurs, leaning close to her. “She’ll be fine, yeah? Look how good she’s already taking me.”
She gestures to Abby to lie back down on the bed, and she hesitates, just for a moment—but obliges. Abby settles herself on the bed in front of you, spreading her legs wide. You try to lift up your head, the weight of it feeling like a thousand pounds. A gentle hand is placed on your jaw as Abby lifts your head up and slowly guides you closer to her until your face is hovering over her glistening cunt. Before you could latch your mouth onto her, Sevika is already beginning to thrust her cock into you, causing a strangled moan to escape from your throat. Your mind is reeling, overwhelmed by the pleasure of being so used and filled by these two women. But you still obey nonetheless as you give in to Sevika’s thrusts and dive into Abby’s wet pussy. Your tongue lazily slides between Abby’s slick folds, stroking and swirling around her tight hole and her sensitive clit as you lose yourself in pleasuring her.
Abby’s head tilts back against the pillows, eyes fluttered shut in pleasure at the sensation of your mouth lapping onto her cunt. “O-Oh fuck, sweetheart…you’re d-doing so good taking me and Sev like this…” Abby’s fingers tangle into your hair, holding you firmly against her as she grinds her cunt against your mouth. Her moans grow louder, more desperate, spurring you on as you feel Sevika’s thick strap stretching you wide with every thrust of hers, her movements getting quicker and rougher with each passing second.
Sevika’s metal and flesh hands tighten their grip on your ass as she leans over your back, her muscular body pressing against you as her strap continues to plunge in and out of your dripping cunt with brutal intensity. “Fuck, pretty girl…Look at you, taking my cock while eating Anderson out like a good girl.” she praises, letting out a groan right when the harness hits on her clit. “I bet this is a hell of a lot easier than pretending to enjoy yourself with that useless boyfriend of yours, huh?"
A muffled whine was all you reply to her with as your mouth stays fixed on Abby’s pussy. Abby’s back arches off the bed, her moans and cries escalating higher as your tongue pushes her closer to the edge. “Fuck, sweetheart! Right there!” she exclaims, pushing your head further into her as she angles her hips against you. “D-Don’t stop, sweet girl, don’t fucking stop…”
Feeling both of them closing in on their releases, you try to fight through the haze in your mind and muster up the energy to double your efforts. Your lips tighten around Abby’s clit, tongue flicking rapidly over the sensitive bud of hers. Your inner walls start to clench around Sevika’s plunging strap, your own climax quickly accumulating as she continues to stretch and fill your pussy in the most sensational way. “That’s it, pretty girl, come for us.” Sevika demands, reaching her flesh hand around to rub tight circles over your clit. “Let us hear what he was too pathetic to pull from you.”
Sevika’s final words were what pushed you over the edge. A scream of ecstasy erupts from your lungs, muffled against Abby’s cunt as your climax crashes over you like a tidal wave. Your pussy clenches harshly around the strap, walls spasming as you cum all over the length, completely coating the purple silicone with your thick release as it keeps stretching you wide. Your body shakes and convulses between the two women, back arching in pleasure as your vision goes white, leaving you a writhing and whimpering mess. Abby’s own climax is quick to follow next, cumming a loud cry of your name as she grinds her gushing cunt into your face, coating your lips and cheeks with her release. You drink up every last drop of her in primal thirst, her thighs trembling between your head as her orgasm tears through her.
The two women hold you in place, using your trembling body as they ride out their highs, Abby eventually collapses back onto the bed, chest heaving, while Sevika leans over you, both of you panting and shining in sweat and arousal. As the haze of pleasure slowly subsides between the three of you, you find yourself sandwiched between them, your face still pressed against Abby’s twitching cunt while Sevika’s strap was still buried deep inside your fluttering pussy. You truly have never felt so thoroughly used, so deliciously satisfied—it was a sensation that Andrew could have never fulfilled.
The two women slowly loosen their grips from you, and Sevika eventually pulls out of you with a wet squelch. The strap slipping from your abused cunt followed by a final gush of your release, and the rest of your body goes limp and collapses onto the mattress once Sevika lets go of your hips. The weight of exhaustion settles deep in your limbs, the warmth of the bed and the lingering touch of their hands pulling you under. The last thing you feel before slumber consumes you is the soft press of lips—whose, you’re not sure—against your temple, followed by the distant murmuring of their voices as they move around you.
The room is much calmer and quieter by the time you stir awake. You’re tucked beneath a fresh set of sheets, and you realize you’re no longer bare once you notice one of Abby’s shirts was clinging onto you instead. A weight shifts beside you, and you look to the right to see Abby slipping into bed beside you, now comfortably dressed, her hand finding yours under the covers. Across the room, Sevika is still standing, her boxers back on as she searches around for the rest of her clothes on the floor. The two of you watch her intently, both tempted to do the same thing—to not let her go just yet.
Abby chimes in, sitting up just enough to face her. “You should stay,” she murmurs, voice thick with drowsiness.
Sevika sighs, picking up her jeans from the floor. “It’s late. I should—”
“It is late,” you repeat, voice softer and laced with sleep. You shift closer to Abby to make an open space for her as you meet with her gaze, your eyes heavy-lidded but certain. “Stay with us, please?”
There’s a brief pause. Her eyes linger on you, and for a moment, it seems like she’ll refuse—but then, the corner of her mouth twitches just a bit. She doesn’t want to admit it—not to Abby, not to you—but something about the way you say it, the way Abby's voice softens, makes her want to stay. She gives into it in an instant, letting out a low, amused grunt as she sets her discarded clothed back down. “Alright, I’ll stay. I can’t exactly say no to the two of you.”
Abby smirks, her hand brushing over yours. “We’ll make it worth your while, Sev.”
Sevika only shakes her head, her lips twitching into a smile as she removes her prosthetic arm and sets it aside before settling back into the bed. The warmth from her body pressed against yours as she gets comfortable, but there’s a gentle side of hers in the way she adjusts the covers, a quiet understanding in the way her human hand brushes over yours, just enough to remind you that she’s still there with you too.
And soon enough with Sevika’s steady presence beside you and Abby’s warmth wrapping around you from behind, the exhaustion takes over you once more. You fall asleep again, nestled between the two of them, safe in the soft rhythm of their breaths.
── ⋆⋅𖤓⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☽⋅⋆ ──
Later in the night, Abby stirs. The peacefulness of the house is interrupted by the distant sound of tires rolling over pavement, followed by the familiar footsteps approaching the front door. She’s out of bed by now, patiently waiting at the top of the stairs, curious as to who could be coming here this late. The door creaks open, and Andrew stumbles inside, still slightly drunk and disoriented as the keys jingle in his grip. Abby scoffs under her breath, shaking her head as she moves past him and heads to the kitchen for a glass of water.
It isn’t until she heads back up the stairs, cold glass now resting in her hand, that she hears him follow behind her. “Hey Mom, uh…where is she?”
She doesn’t answer right away, only peeks through the slight crack in her bedroom door. Inside, under the soft glow of the moonlight, you’re now curled up on your back beside Sevika, face peaceful, body relaxed in a way he’s sure he’s never seen before.
Andrew shifts around uncomfortably, rubbing at his neck. “She didn’t answer my texts, and her car is still outside.”
Abby turns over to look at him, raising a brow. “Maybe she finally had something better to do.”
His brows furrowed in conclusion, an uncertain look expressed on his face over his mother’s response. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Abby huffs a quiet laugh, shaking her head as she takes a sip of her water before responding to him. “Don’t think too hard about it, Andrew. Just go to bed.”
She turns back to her door before he speaks again. “Do you know if she’s okay, at least?”
Abby glances over to him, then through the door again—at the way Sevika’s flesh arm rests loosely over your waist, at how you press into her warmth, both of you lost in deep slumber. The sheets are slightly rumpled where Abby had been lying before she got up, the warmth of her spot still lingering and waiting for her return. A small, knowing smile grows on her lips before she looks back at him. “She’s in good hands, Andrew.” she says simply. “Exactly where she’s meant to be.”
Without another word, she steps into her bedroom and shuts the door behind her, leaving him standing alone in the dimly lit hallway while she returns to where she belongs—where she’s also meant to be.
i’m not gonna lie…writing this fic drained me so much. but i hope it was worth the wait 🥲
requested tags 🏷️: @jinxvex @lucidfairies @valentinewife @willurms @jhyoos @thatgrlnany @sevikas-whore @brisaccount @iluvwomensm @halle5s @tohoko @blackdykegirlblogger @lenahhsworld @starrycherie @acidblum
2025 © atomicami | all rights reserved. do not copy, modify, or translate any of my works.
#abby anderson smut#sevika x reader smut#abby anderson fic#sevika fic#abby anderson x reader#sevika x reader#abby anderson the last of us#sevika arcane#abby x reader smut#sevika x fem reader#abby the last of us#arcane sevika#the last of us x reader#arcane x reader#the last of us fanfiction#arcane fanfiction#the last of us#arcane#the last of us part 2#arcane series#the last of us x you#arcane x you#the last of us x reader smut#arcane x reader smut#the last of us fanfic#arcane fanfic#abby anderson#sevika#abby anderson fanfiction#sevika fanfiction
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PART 4: Like a tulip.
Kazuha x Male Reader (4K length)
Your hands were gripping the steering wheel of the car tightly, you were still in disbelief at everything that was happening, as if some divinity up there was playing with you for fun, and its enjoyment involved seeing you suffer every fucking moment of the day.
The red light of the traffic light forced you to brake and stop the car for a few seconds. You looked out of the corner of your eye towards the passenger seat, there she was, sitting looking out the window while the fingers of her hands played between them, showing a clear sign of nervousness. Kazuha Nakamura had become, without foreseeing it, the biggest headache of your entire life.
It's not that you had gotten used to sexual encounters with your former Iz*One members, but after what had happened in the last few days, you wouldn't have been surprised if a few more had arisen or even were going to arise in the future, since they seemed to be competing for you or something, something you hadn't been able to figure out yet.
But this totally escaped logic and compromised you enormously, you had in your car an idol whom you had never had under your tutelage, whom you did not know at all, and who had made you an irrational request, to say the least.
“Can you have sex with me the same way you have sex with Chaewon unnie?”
That phrase kept echoing inside your head. Despite your attempt to hide that 'professional opinion' session, it seemed that Kazuha had perfectly realized what you had done in that practice room.
You didn't even have time to make an excuse or a lie, you had been hunted in such an obvious way that denying it would only complicate this situation even more.
Before you could realize it and without even having accepted her request, you were already leaving the Hybe compound, but with more company than the one you entered with, thanking the gods that your company vehicle had completely opaque window glass.
Neither of you had spoken a single word during the journey, which made the atmosphere feel even more tense and heavier than it would normally be. You wanted to start a conversation or ask a question, but the words just wouldn't come out of your mouth.
“Turn right on that street.” She commented, pointing her finger in the right direction.
And this was another big problem: your destination place. You had really gotten into the car without a fixed direction in your mind. Should you take an idol to your house? Was that right? And what would happen if someone saw you on the street and treacherously took a photo? Could it be camouflaged as part of a television program? Was a hotel suitable? You didn't believe it, but if so, it must be one suitable for celebrities, something you couldn't afford.
You parked the car, following another signal from the girl, in one of the free spots and got out, going around it to reach the passenger door, doing a complete sweep of the area, and opening the door once there was not a single living being. in your range of vision.
Kazuha quickly left and, taking some keys out of her bag, opened the door of one of the buildings, giving you way and successfully completing the first checkpoint.
He called the elevator, and you both went up, still in pure silence. You looked at her through the elevator mirror automatically, she looked back at you through the mirror and blushed, she quickly looked away.
She left in terror when the elevator opened its doors again, yes, taking one of your hands, practically dragging you after her. Your nerves increased when you felt the softness of her hand, wasn't it crazy? Now you were behaving as if you were still a teenager going through puberty.
You entered the interior of one of the apartments, which looked large and spacious from the inside despite only seeing the hall for the moment. "Where are we?” You heard your own voice for the first time in a long time, wondering why she had brought you to that place.
“It's LE SSERAFIM's bedroom.” She answered, taking off her shoes.
Knowing where you were scared you to death, you were in unstable territory. Stepping into that apartment had to be the closest you're going to get to a war camp, with too many people who could come and go at any moment and catch you in the middle of the action.
“The rest of the members are very busy and won't come until the evening, and our staff doesn't usually barge in without warning.” It was certainly relaxing to know that, but still, your heart felt like it was going to burst out of your chest at any moment. Kazuha unexpectedly took your hand again and dragged you down the main hallway of the apartment, passing by the living room and the kitchen until you entered one of the bedrooms.
The bedroom itself was quite simple, some large beds pushed together, a small desk with a chair decorated with clothes and various junk on top, and a closet built into the wall. You diverted your gaze to the corners and blind spots of the room in search of possible cameras, it wouldn't be the first time that after recording one of those home realities they forget to remove them.
The girl was quick to turn on the light in the room and close the window despite it being broad daylight, seeking to create a more intimate and safe environment.
You turned around, looking around at the entire bedroom, paying special attention to the pile of clothes scattered on the desk chair. She noticed this and, embarrassed, ran there to put all those clothes in the closet in a disorderly manner.
“Sorry, Chaewon unnie and I were a little late this morning.” Great, so this bedroom also belonged to Chaewon.
“Kazuha-ssi, I think you've rushed into all this, I... we shouldn't be here. I'm flattered, really, but I don't think you're aware of what this means."
She walked towards you and took your hands in hers, looking into your eyes with that look that begged you.
“I've wanted to do this for a long time, but I didn't know how. I'm too shy to approach some other random guy and propose this kind of thing out of the blue.” You laughed inside yourself, what she was saying had nothing to do with the spontaneous request she made to you. “I wanted to wait for the right moment and the right person.” Her fingers caressed the palms of your hands.
“I'm definitely not that person.” The expression on your face became more serious now. "You are!” She snapped loudly, making you step back in surprise. “I mean, I know Chaewon unnie very well. She wouldn't have done anything like that with you if she didn't have complete trust and deep respect for you, and that's more than enough for me.”
“But that's not how it should work, you shouldn't do this with some random guy you don't know at all like me, it should be with someone you love, someone you love from the bottom of your heart.” “You sound like the protagonist of a kdrama.” A small smile now graced her face. “Look, it's not that I'm a virgin, nor an expert, but I'm enough of an adult to know that I can have sex without commitment with whoever I want.”
The truth is that she was not wrong, perhaps you had seen too much fiction lately, after all, the vast majority of humans today had sexual relations guided more by vice and lust than by love.
You still had time to run out of there, you knew that she had nothing against you, she would never tell what she knew, and she loved Chaewon too much to harm her dear unnie. This was never about blackmail, just a favor, no one was forcing you to do anything.
That's what you told yourself internally over and over again.
‘This is not right.’
'Why don't my legs react?'
'I have to get out of here as soon as possible.'
'Fuck, she's beautiful.' Wait, what?
You stared at her for the first time in all this time, indeed, she was pretty and beautiful to look at, like a flower blooming in a beautiful meadow surrounded by huge green trees and a bright sun.
She was also attractive, you could see how well trained her body was. Her legs looked toned, and the lower part of her abdomen that did not cover her shirt was better worked than yours. She had an aura of tenderness and sensuality around her that was difficult to find.
Suddenly, in a burst of bravery, Kazuha raised her hands to your face, holding your cheeks to give you a small kiss on the lips. You wanted to resist, you really did, but who knows if, in order not to hurt her, you reciprocated that kiss by taking her waist with your hands.
“Everything you say is true, but also believe me when I say I want you to fuck me, oppa." She whispered against your lips.
"Kazuha, you're asking too much of me." Your lips were now moving unconsciously over hers.
"I don't think so." She chuckled, bringing one of her hands to your bulging crotch, gently caressing that area of your pants. She stood on her tiptoes to bring her mouth closer to your ear. "Don't you want to know how flexible I can be?” That whisper hit you squarely. It would have been a K.O. if we were in a boxing match. Your skin crawled just thinking and imagining certain scenarios, and the bulge in your crotch only grew under the touch of her delicate hand.
You let out a sigh, you sounded defeated, and you actually were. How could you be so fucking weak? Why were you trapped in a spiral of sex with gorgeous girls with beautiful bodies? And why were you martyring yourself for it when anyone would sign with their own blood to take your place? You didn't have the answer to any of those questions.
“Lie on the bed.” Despite your obvious annoyed tone, Kazuha's smile did not fade but rather widened, and she followed your instructions.
Immediately the Japanese idol was lying on her back, with her legs dangling from the edge of the bed, undoing the button on her jeans and slowly lowering them to your delight.
You knelt on the floor right in front of the bed, between her legs, starting to touch her thighs and going down her legs at the same time as her pants were going down.
You noticed how her skin stood on end under your hands, it burned, and you verified it with your own lips when you leaned your head over Kazuha's body, spreading a few kisses on the part of her abdomen that the shirt did not cover.
Her toned abs contracted as she felt your lips on them, your hands joined hers on either side of her legs, finishing off her pants in a single pull.
Your kisses marked a downward path towards the girl's panties while your hands took the opposite route, going from her legs to her hips, moving upwards slowly caressing every centimeter of skin.
A new piece of clothing was recognized as the next enemy, as your hands fisted the hem of her shirt. She understood quickly, and with an agile and quick movement, she slid the garment over her head and threw it away, landing somewhere on the floor of the room.
You kissed her pussy over the fabric of her panties making her moan, and then your tongue began to create lines of saliva before starting to move as if it were a normal cunnilingus.
Even though the panties continued to act as a barrier between your tongue and her pussy, the caresses you provided were felt on her body in a remarkable way, proof of this were the moans that Kazuha expelled from her mouth.
Her pussy was getting wetter due to the excitement, starting to leak down her thighs and even going through her panties, as your tongue began to enjoy the taste of the girl's intimacy.
You sat up a little and jumped on the bed, being careful with her delicate body so as not to hurt her, remaining on top of her, and going directly to kiss and lick her neck as an attack.
Her moans became noticeable again, with an increase in volume and much closer to your ears. However, she was a fighter, and although she seemed to be completely under your control, she managed to take off your shirt and expose your torso, which she did not hesitate to touch and caress.
You ceased the attack on her neck, moving back a little, allowing her to kiss your bare skin, causing you to sigh occasionally. You crouched over her again, kissing her lips deeply, taking her cheeks in your hands.
“Condoms?” You asked the instant the kiss broke.
She pointed out the nightstand next to the bed, and you jumped out of the bed again to approach the designated piece of furniture, opening it and finding a box of condoms still sealed.
You were opening it as you walked back, placing yourself in the starting position, facing her between her legs. You looked up and could see that there was no longer a trace of her panties.
You smiled, finally opening the package of condoms, taking one between your fingers, and placing it on the mattress. You needed both hands free to finish undressing completely.
Kazuha sat up slightly on the bed so she could look directly at your now-naked cock, opening her mouth shocked by its size and almost reflexively opening her legs wider, giving you a much better view of her wet and shiny entrance.
You placed one knee on the bed, bringing your penis closer to her vagina, one hand holding your dick firmly and the other gripping one of the young girl's pale thighs.
"Wait! The condom…OH!” Her words were interrupted by a violent moan.
She was right, you hadn't put on the condom yet, but you didn't need it for the idea you had in mind, which consisted of rubbing the folds of her pussy with your cock over and over again without actually inserting it inside.
That game seemed to take its toll on Kazuha, who was now trying to silence her sounds by putting both hands over her mouth and allowing you to play with her intimate area to your pleasure.
Your penis soon became well lubricated after being rubbed mercilessly by the wetness of the Japanese pussy, at which point you decided that it was now possible to start the real action.
Now you wrapped your penis in the latex of the condom to bring it closer to the female entrance again, this time with the intention of entering her. You looked one last time into Kazuha's eyes, waiting for one last step back that never came, quite the opposite in fact.
She placed her hands on her thighs, separating her legs as much as she could, leaving you amazed at her incredible flexibility and increasing your excitement as you witnessed that move.
The tip of your penis made contact with her vagina, making you both moan slightly, moans that increased as more inches entered her cavity.
As you expected, Kazuha's insides felt tight, although you had to admit that it was less than you had originally imagined, because the truth is that most of your cock entered without any problem. You gave her a few seconds for her insides to adjust to your size before you started moving.
You started to move slowly, moving in and out slowly and careful not to hurt her, but she seemed to be enjoying it.
“God, you're stretching me so much... It feels so good.”
That gave you the green light to increase the pace, your hips moved faster, introducing you deeper into her. At this point, her pussy was already able to swallow the entire length of your penis without problems.
Kazuha's moans quickly turned into pleas, letting her get carried away by excitement and asking you to go even further.
“AH! Please…more… AH…MORE!”
She raised one of her legs to your shoulder, leaving her foot at the height of your head, leaving the other still resting on the bed. That only deepened your attacks against her even more.
You wrapped your closest hand around the thigh of her leg that was hanging from you, and your other hand went behind her head, grabbing the back of her neck, bending over her, and moving at a hard and incessant pace.
Kazuha's intense moans were only stopped when your lips joined hers in a kiss, just as intense as the clash between your hips. Everything was so intense that tiredness immediately began to appear in you.
After a few more minutes of fun, you wanted to change positions, now lying on your back on the bed, motioning to the girl to sit on your lap with her back to you.
You kissed the back of her neck and her back as she got into position, turning her head for a moment and demanding another kiss on the lips that you didn't deny her.
She raised her body enough so that in one quick movement your cock entered deeply inside her again, causing a sensation of incredible pleasure in both of you.
The girl placed both hands on your thighs to begin jumping on your penis, again and again, without stopping and emitting sweet and erotic moans for each thrust that your cock gave her as it lowered her body.
You wrapped your arms around her waist and pulled her back, causing a small cry of surprise from her and causing her back to collide with your chest.
You once again had control of the situation, you once again imposed the rhythm of the penetrations to your liking and what was best for you.
From this position, you were once again able to attack Kazuha's neck at will, which for some reason had become one of your favorite regions of her body, and she seemed to love it too.
Your bodies were totally immersed in the heat of the moment, eager for each other's contact, roaring for sex, and sweating from the furious action, the temperature of the room had risen some degrees since you entered through the door.
Once again the idol raised her legs, surrounding them with her own arms, preventing them from falling, thus making your attacks clean and direct against her pussy, which you began to notice how it contracted, squeezing your cock against its walls, making you moan louder.
“Shit, Kazuha, your pussy...”
“Please don't stop now! I’m so close!”
Listening to the girl's request and with the aim of releasing yourselves sexually as soon as possible, you gave everything you had left, placing your hands on her butt and attacking her frantically, feeling how after some hard thrust you came brutally, filling the condom with your cum.
That liberating scream was followed by her body arching over yours, your hands quickly rising to her hips, pressing her against your body again, and leaving both of you gasping noticeably trying to recover from the intense orgasms.
Kazuha leaned her head back with her body resting on top of yours, trying to compose herself from the tremendous ecstasy you had made her feel. She turned her head to look into your eyes, just inches from your face.
“Now I can understand Chaewon unnie.” She murmured, offering you a soft smile, trying to hide her tired expression.
You, on the other hand, did not hide it at all, you continued searching for air almost desperately, and the fact of having her on top of you did not help, but the truth is that you were not going to complain about it.
“You are definitely very flexible.” You spoke, making her laugh softly, and then kissed her lips, passing your arms around her stomach area, surrounding and hugging her, lying there for a few minutes.
You left the group's apartment after making sure that Kazuha was in good condition. She said goodbye to you very happily, with her eyes giving off a special shine and giving you a small kiss on the cheek, making you both blush.
You drove back to your own house, a little rest wouldn't hurt to clarify all your ideas, but with a firm decision. You had to end your sexual encounters with idols immediately. That was obvious, but would you be able to cut it short? You assumed only the future would know for sure.
You entered your apartment, tired, extremely tired, but you still managed to find the energy to move your butt to the bathroom and get into the bathtub for a long half hour that left you almost as good as new.
You were now wearing your two-piece pajama with a shirt and pants, walking around the living room while drying your damp hair with a towel. You heard the sound of the doorbell, it seemed that the delivery man you had contacted had arrived to deliver your dinner. You put the towel aside, and with your hair still a little wet and messy that fell on your forehead, you approached the door.
You opened the door, but, to your surprise, the person on the other side was not who you expected. A young girl with black hair tied up in a bun, somewhat taller than average and with a slim but very elegant figure.
That girl seemed very familiar to you, the fact that she was wearing sunglasses late at night made it a little more difficult for you to recognize her, but you quickly realized it.
The sudden sound of a slap echoed throughout the house, silencing you. Your left cheek turned a reddish color at the same time as a burning sensation began to sting. Your face was now looking to the side due to the unexpected slap that the young woman had given you.
You took a step back, trying to stabilize your body so as not to fall, and directed one of your hands to the affected area of your face. Your eyes were wide open, as was your mouth, you didn't know what was happening, unable to understand anything.
When you returned to this world, you looked towards the door again, finding yourself facing the wall of the hallway.
You ran out of your apartment, finding Wonyoung a few meters later walking towards the exit of the building.
"Hey! Jang Wonyoung! What the hell do you think..."
You grabbed her arm, applying some force, without excess, to make her turn towards you, but your words fell into the void when you glimpsed her red face and how some tears formed a path from her eyes, hidden behind those sunglasses until they ended up on her chin.
She didn't say anything, you could only hear her weak crying and sobs that penetrated your soul and stabbed directly into your heart.
Still confused, you loosened your grip on her arm, and with that she got rid of you, setting off on her way again, but this time you didn't follow her, you stayed there, absorbed, with no other possibility than to see her back moving further and further away.
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If the Roles Were Reversed
My Wife part 2

Part 1
↝a/n: I have been given so much love for the first part and I can't express how grateful I am for it. It fills me with so much joy when people express how much they like my work. I have been asked to make a part two and who am I to say no?
↝pairing: season 1!Daryl Dixon x wife!reader
↝warning: season 1 episodes 3 & 4, angst, death, arguing, gore, zombies, typical twd stuff, not proofread, Ed
|| Disclaimer: I do not own Daryl Dixon, or any character from The Walking Dead. I only own y/n and any characters I create with my own brain. ||
↝⎙ 1.25.25
Daryl Dixon masterlist
“You can't go, Daryl. Listen to me-” You threw your hands around, watching Daryl pace in front of you. The peaceful expression he once had, when he had reunited with you, was wiped clean off of his face.
He was told the news about Merle and instantly became furious. No matter how much you tried to calm him, it was no use.
His brother was out there. Daryl argued that Merle would be out there looking for him if the roles were reversed.
“Listen, there are too many.” You stepped closer, trying to make him understand, “After the racket everyone made trying to leave, I bet there’s even more now.”
“They left my brother on a roof.” You could tell he was trying his hardest not to yell at you. He was never one to take his anger out on the one person he loves more than anything in the world. He was always gentle with you, just like you deserved.
Sighing, you didn’t know how to counter that. As much as everyone who was waiting on the other side of the R.V wanted you to talk some sense into your husband, Daryl had a point. After all, he had gone out to find you, even against Merle telling him not to.
If it had been Daryl who they had left behind, you would’ve already been in the city, searching. Even if you had to go by yourself, it wouldn’t matter.
None of that changed the fact that it’s dangerous. You couldn’t let him go.
You just got him back.
“He was out of control, you know how he can get. I don’t think they had a choice.” You whispered, trying to convince yourself just as much as him.
Daryl’s nostrils flared, as he tried to calm himself. He didn’t want to lash out on you, he never did. But he was about to break. “Merle is a prick, but he’s my brother.”
With that, Daryl walked around the R.V, shoulder checking Shane, who looked disappointed that you hadn’t helped de-escalate the situation. Daryl was stubborn, there wasn’t much you could do.
Carol quickly went back to what she was doing, not wanting to seem like she was being nosey. Which didn’t do much considering everyone in the camp was waiting. After the brawl that had happened when Daryl was told about Merle, everyone was interested in how this whole situation would turn out. Everyone else tried hiding their obvious interest as Daryl came into view. You walked behind him, head hung low, defeated and slightly scared.
Daryl walked toward the box truck, ready to leave.
Rick walked over to you, “So?”
“You shook your head, “He’s not gonna change his mind. I tried.”
He nodded in understanding. Lori looked on at the interaction. She had been the one to offer Rick showing Daryl the way to Merle. She was adamant on it, but at the same time mad at him for leaving. It was almost like she was testing him, seeing if he would actually leave his family to be the heroic cop from before. She wanted him to choose her and Carl over ‘the right thing to do’.
Rick cleared his throat, “It’ll be alright,” he nodded fiddling with the gun holster before turning back around.
Glenn backed the box truck closer, Daryl impatiently standing in the back. You walked toward him when the vehicle stopped. He squinted down at you against the beating sun, watching as you climbed into the truck.
“What’re you doin’?”
“Going with you.”
“No.” He shook his head. “Four’s enough.”
You didn’t care if Rick, Glenn, and T-Dog were also going. You had stayed in the city for a while, you knew your way around. Plus, you would be going for a different reason than the rest. They were going for Merle, you were going for Daryl.
“Stay here.” His voice was softer now. Truthfully, he didn’t want anything to happen to you. You were safer at the camp, with people you had grown comfortable with in such a short amount of time. “They’ll need somebody who knows how to hunt for somethin’ to eat. Fish is gonna get old fast.” You cracked a smile at his slight humor at the situation. Still, you didn’t want him to leave.
Daryl stepped closer, bringing you into his arms, his head resting on yours. The stench of sweat, dirt, and god knows what else didn’t bother either of you. He didn’t care that you didn’t smell like the sweet shampoo he loved, and you didn’t care that he didn’t smell like the body wash that you had bought him the last time you had gone to the store, or the cologne you loved.
“Keep an eye on everybody,” He kissed your forehead, mumbling against the skin, as he stayed close. “Don’t let anyone mess with ya.”
“When do I ever?” A smile threatened to make an appearance. But it wasn’t the time. He was worried about his brother.
Rick walked by, casting a glance back at the two of you, nodding. Inhaling deeply, you moved away from Daryl, jumping down from the truck. He sent you one more look before pulling the roll-up doors down. You stood there, listening to the box truck’s engine start. You continued to stand there even after the truck faded into the distance.
Dale watched as you fiddled with the rag he had given you to wipe the sweat off your brow. You kept fidgeting; ever since Daryl left.
He was quick to offer you to help him keep watch, but you were elsewhere ever since you climbed onto the roof of the R.V. You were trying, Dale could tell. But he saw the gears turning in your head, greased with the terrible thought of what could happen to your husband. The thought of Daryl always overpowered any other thought.
His greyed eyebrows raised as you shot up from your seat.
“Think i’m gonna go help with the laundry. To keep myself busy.” Dale didn’t say anything, only moving out of your way so you could climb down.
Making your way to the quarry, you focused on the voices in the distance and the sharp rocks under your feet. You walked past Ed, who sat comfortably in the back of the car, smoking while keeping an eye on Carol. He glanced up, taking a drag of his cigarette. Ignoring him, you carefully navigate your way down the rocks toward where Carol, Jacqui, Andrea, and Amy sat.
“Can somebody explain to me how the women wound up doing all the Hattie McDaniel work?” Jacqui grumbled, watching Shane and Carl fail at catching frogs, their laughter echoing.
“The world ended. Didn’t you get the memo?” Amy wrung the water out of a shirt, flicking hair out of her face. Carol glanced back, looking at Ed. She saw you walking toward them. Sending you a small smile. “It’s just the way it is.” Her eyes fell back to her husband.
“Care for some help?” You squinted at the group through the sun beating down into your eyes. Jacqui motioned to a turned over bucket, “Please.” Giving a tightlipped smile, you sat down ,grabbing a scrub brush and a piece of clothing.
The way the women conversated put you at ease. It was familiar. People at the office that you worked at, were exactly like them.
“I do miss my Maytag.” Carol said, scrubbing clothes against the old washboard.
“I miss my Benz, my Sat Nav.” Andrea added.
“I miss my coffeemaker with that dual-drip filter and built-in grinder, honey.” Jacqui smiled.
Amy pouted, “My computer…and texting.”
“I miss my t.v. And wine. Especially after a long day.” You groaned, remembering the days after work; where you would come home, take your shoes off and get wine and a movie ready. Daryl would come home a little later and join you.
Your reminiscing was cut short by Andrea, “I miss my vibrator.”
Stopping your scrubbing, you looked up at her, a surprised chuckle leaving your lips.
“Ohhhhh.” “Oh my God!”
Carol glanced back at Ed, “Me too.”
You laughed harder, along with the others.
“What’s so funny?”
Just like that, the atmosphere was ruined. Ed walked down, instantly taking the joy out of the air.
“Just swapping war stories, Ed,” Andrea looked back at him, before looking over at Carol. “Yeah.”
Ed walked closer. From your spot beside Carol, you could feel Ed looming behind. Carol instinctively folded in on herself, head sinking into her shoulders.
“Problem, Ed?” Andrea glared at him.
“None that concerns you,” He took another puff of his cigarette, “and you ought to focus on your work. This ain’t no comedy club.”
Andrea huffed, plopping the brush in the tin bucket.
“Just trying to make the best out of a bad situation.” You looked at him, face blank. He stared down at you. You waited for him to say something else. Surprisingly he only blew the smoke out, throwing the butt away. He stepped back, lighting another. Rolling your eyes, you turned back to the laundry. Andrea stood, walking toward him.
“Ed, tell you what, you don’t like how your laundry is done, you are welcome to pitch in and do it yourself. Here,” She threw the soaking wet piece of clothing in her hands at him.
He threw it back. Andrea gasped. “Ain't my job, missy.”
Amy stood, wanting to de-escalate the situation. She touched Andrea’s arm, “Andrea, don’t.”
“What is your job, Ed? Sitting on your ass, smoking cigarettes?”
You glanced at Carol, who sat quietly, still working.
“Well, it sure as hell ain’t listening to some uppity smart-mouthed bitch. Tell you what,” He motioned for Carol, who was out of her seat in a second. You grabbed her arm before she could fully stand up. You could see the fear and timidness in her eyes.
“C’mon, let’s go.” He continued to beckon her.
You stood, keeping a soft but comforting grip on her arm.
“I don’t think she needs to go anywhere with you, Ed.” Andrea continued.
Carol glanced up from the ground for a split second, meeting your eyes. She didn’t want to cause any more trouble. She would be dragged back to camp by Ed if that meant nothing else would happen. She knew Ed, what he was capable of.
“And I say that’s none of your business.” Ed beckoned for Carol again. “Come on, now. You heard me.”
Carol moved away from your grip. Andrea turned to her, “Carol,”
“Andrea, please. It doesn’t matter.”
Ed glared at the interaction, “Hey, don’t think I won't knock you on your ass, just ‘cause you some college-educated cooze, alright?”
Andrea scoffed at the audacity of the male in front of her. You stepped forward, grabbing Carol by the shoulder. You weren’t about to let her go with him when he was clearly becoming hostile.
“Now you come on now or you gonna regret it later.”
You softly said her name, ignoring her husband’s glare, and stepped closer to her in a protective manner.
“So she can show up with fresh bruises later, Ed?” Jacqui piped up for the first time since Ed walked over. “Yeah, we’ve seen them.”
Ed chuckled, “Stay out of this,” his harsh gaze pierced through his wife. “Now come on! You know what, this is none of y’all’s business. You don’t want to keep prodding the bull here, okay? Now I am done talkin’. Come on!”
You cringed at his words, moving in front of Carol as he walked closer. He ignored you, reaching around to grab at her arm with a harsh grip. The embarrassment was clear on her face. He pulled, knocking your balance slightly off as he yanked Carol from behind you. Her shoulder crashed into yours, feet moving in a jumble over your own.
“No. No, Carol. You don’t have-”
Carol muttered something under her breath, ignoring Andrea.
Ed swung around, spitting in Carol’s face. “You don’t tell me what! I tell you what!” His grip tightened, jagged nails biting into the soft skin of her upper arm. She whimpered quietly at the force. He raised his hand, striking her against the face. Gasping, you caught her as she fell back, grabbing her reddening cheek.
Everyone clamoured; Andrea hitting and pushing him away, you cursing him as Carol started crying. She fell further into you, as you held her protectively, hauling her away from him.
Ed was pulled back and thrown to the ground, before being dragged by the back of his shirt. Shane threw him further into to the ground, before throwing a punch, and another straight after.
“No!” Carol cried, trying to get away. Shane kept throwing punches, more skin breaking every time his fist hit Ed’s face. Carol covered her mouth, body swaying.
“Shane, stop!” “Enough! Enough!” “Just stop!”
Shane stopped, pointing a finger in Ed’s swollen and bloodied face. “You put your hands on your wife, your little girl, or anybody else in this camp one more time, I will not stop next time. Do you hear me?” He grabbed Ed’s face, squishing it in the process. “Do you hear me?!”
Ed slurred, “Yes.”
Shane let go, pointing again. “I’ll beat you to death, Ed.” With one final punch, he stood, kicking the man on the ground and walking away.
“God!” Carol cried, using strength you had never seen from her before, to break from you, running over to her husband.
The tension in the camp was suffocating after that. There was a tiny victory after Andrea and Amy went fishing and brought back dinner, but it was short lived. Jim had been found digging graves, which disturbed a lot of you.
Night fell and everyone began eating the fish-fry.
You smiled at Sophia as she passed the pan of fish. She was well-mannered; all thanks to Carol. She was a shy girl, but became a seemingly different kid when she was around other kids. She found friends in a world that would probably take them away before you could blink. She, along with the other kids, didn’t understand what was out there, all of the bad. They held an innocence that would be demolished in front of your eyes.
“I gotta ask you, man. It’s been driving me crazy.” One of the men that you met in the city, Morales, spoke up, directing it at Dale.
“That watch,” he pointed at the watch on Dale’s wrist.
Dale smiled, “What’s wrong with my watch?”
Morales continued, “I see you everyday, the same time, winding that thing like a village priest saying mass.”
“I’ve wondered this myself.” Jacqui smiled.
Dale threw his hands up playfully, “I’m missing the point.”
You looked between him and his watch, the fire casting a warm gleam over it, brightening the brown leather.
“Unless I've misread the signs, the world seems to have come to an end. At least hit a speed bump for a good long while.” Jacqui shrugged her shoulders.
“But there’s you, everyday, winding that stupid watch.” Morales raised his eyebrows at the old man.
“Time- it’s important to keep track, isn’t it? The days, at least. Don’t you think, Andrea? Back me up here.”
They shared a knowing look, their faces glowing in the fire from where you sat. She sent him a seemingly warning glare, but his smile didn’t falter.
“I like- I like what, um, a father said to son when he gave him a watch that had been handed down through generations. He said “I give you the mausoleum of all hope and desire, which will fit your individual needs no better than it did mine or my father’s before me; I give it to you not that you may remember time, not that you may forget it for a moment now and then, and not spend all of your breath trying to conquer it.””
Huh,” Morales nodded at the answer, not really expecting it.
Everyone sat in silence around the fire, before Amy broke it, “You are so weird.”
Laughter echoed as you took a swig of beer. It wasn’t wine, but it wasn’t pure water so it would do.
“It’s not me. It’s Faulkner, William Faulkner.”
Amy rolled her eyes at Dale.
The older man chuckled, “Maybe my bad paraphrasing.”
Amy stood, walking away from the fire. Andrea stopped her, “Where are you going?”
“I have to pee.” The younger sister raised her brows, “Jeez, you try to be discreet around here.” She quickly walked off, toward the R.V.
Dale turned to you, “What about you? You fiddle with that on your wrist.” You looked down at the bulky thing around your wrist. “Was my dog’s collar.” Dale’s smile turned sad. While rushing out of your house, you had grabbed the collar from the leash you would walk her around the block with. Her name was embroidered; a gift from Daryl when he first surprised you with a puppy.
You tightened it into a bracelet, holding her memory close. Truthfully, you had forgotten about it being on your wrist. You didn’t notice how much you fidgeted with it. Dale did, when you were on watch with him.
You didn’t think about the dog for long.
The R.V door opened, and Amy stepped out. “We’re out of toilet paper?” She yelled. Before she could get an answer, a hand grabbed her forearm from behind the other side of the door. She stood in shock as a walker moved closer to her. She screamed, feeling the walker bite down.
Your head instantly snapped up, eyes growing wide at the sight. More walkers came from each direction, limping forward. Everyone screamed, jumping up. Parents grabbed their kids, others grabbed weapons. Gunshots echoed, making your ears ring. You were quick to instinctively reach for your gun. Unfortunately, that gun was still in Glenn’s bag with no bullets.
A hand on your shoulder had you swiveling around, pushing the walker that simply snarled at you. Pushing with all your strength, you didn’t wait for it to hit the ground before you were running.
Another walker stumbled toward you from behind, dirty nails digging into your skin. This walker was closer, a stench wafting into your nose before you could push it away. You tried, but from the angle in which the walker had grabbed you, you could only push its head away, fingers avoiding its snipping teeth.
You screamed, still hearing Shane unload his gun in the distance.
Andrea wailed, watching another walker bite a gash out of Amy’s shoulder, right where her neck meets it.
The grip tightened on you, making you hiss. Their nails were long and had the bite to prove it. One final hit had the walker staggering back, grip falling off. You turned, running toward the R.V, where Shane, Lori, Carol, Morales, and their families were. More gunfire rang out.
Making it to the vehicle, you turned back, seeing Daryl and the others coming out of the woods. He was the first out, head snapping in ebery direction. The other were soon to follow.
Daryl spotted you. He looked around, making sure no more walkers were around, before running toward you. Your bodies collided, knocking the breath out of your lungs.
He pulled back, “You hurt?”
“No, i don’t think- I don’t know.”
You were in shock, your jumbled words and wide eyes proving it. You couldn’t think. You rubbed where you were scratched.
In your time since the world ended, you had hidden in the top floor of a building. If you were ever met with danger, you always had a gun or knife handy.
Tonight, you were completely unprepared.
In the dark, you couldn't tell if the skin of your arm was broken. Clinging back to Daryl, you turned your head to where Andrea laid beside Amy. Blood pooled around them. Amy’s body went limp, sending Andrea to sobs. Closing your eyes tightly, you turned back to Daryl, pushing your face into his neck. He held you close, hiding the shake in his hands.
He had heard your scream.
That’s what had him running through the woods with only you in mind, leaving the other behind.
Part 3
•2021-2025 by xoxo-sarah on Tumblr•
•My work is not to be translated, copied, modified, and/or reposted on any other site without my permission. [I don't give permission!]
Tags from the last chapter who wanted part 2: @notmirnda @vomiting-blood @i93jjk @multifandomfan @gaudesstuff @cymbalta-slut
#xoxo-sarah 🩷#🐿️#daryl dixon fanfiction#daryl dixon fanfic#daryl dixon x reader#daryl dixon imagine#daryl dixon x wife!reader#daryl dixon x reader angst#daryl dixon x female reader#daryl dixon x you#daryl dixon x y/n#daryl dixon fluff#daryl dixon imagines#daryl dixon x fem!reader#twd imagines#twd fanfic#twd fanfiction#the walking dead oneshot#the walking dead imagine#the walking dead fanfiction#the walking dead fanfic#the walking dead x reader#the walking dead x you#the walking dead daryl
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bleeding blue | apocalypse au
part twenty-four —other parts

pairing: Simon “Ghost” Riley x fem!reader words: 3k tags: death. blood. cannibalism mention. zombies of course. AFAB reader. single dad ghost. there will be sex but it isn’t here yet. slow burn!!! enemies to lovers. summary: After losing your companions, you run into a skull-masked man and his daughter. They are your last hope for survival. a/n: ily
England passes in beautiful shades of green, the last time you'll see it, so you soak it in. Rolling hills streak the landscape like scars. In the distance, you glimpse faded architecture, imagining people living and working there. An ivy-covered university appears, and you picture yourself dozing off in a lecture. These little fantasies entertain you for the next two hours, but Blue isn't distracted by the same game. When you look at her arm, you notice pink scratches just below where the friendship bracelet hugs her wrist, made by her nails mindlessly.
You tear your eyes from the window and nudge your shoulder against hers. "Hey. What do you call a cow with no legs?"
Her lips twitch at the broken silence and she lifts her azure eyes to yours, a bead of sunlight catching in them. "What?"
"Ground beef."
Those eyes roll. "That's stupid."
Nereida smiles from the other side of her. "Oh, I've got one. What did the ocean say to the beach?"
Blue sighs. "Ghost said that one before. Nothing—it just 'waved'."
A recoil passes over Nereid's kind eyes. "I apologize. That's the only one I know."
Quiet air fills the space again, and when you notice Blue's nails dig back into her wrist, you gently lace your fingers through hers and pull her hand to your lap, allowing her to scratch your thigh, instead.
When an old theme park erects from the grass, Blue's interest piques. "Woah. What is that?"
"None of it works anymore," Ghost mutters, one hand on the wheel.
"It looks cool, though. I have to pee, anyway. Can we stop here?"
"I could use a little stretch for my legs," Nereida adds.
The pitstop is brief enough to allow Blue the chance to curiously look through the decrepit bumper cars, carousel, and even a small rollercoaster that still has the car sitting mid-track. She grabs Ari's hand to show him, but he doesn't seem as intrigued given the pale look on his face. He ends up rushing to a bush and keeling over.
"The back gets a bit bumpy," Kyle says when he notices your expression. "He'll be fine."
"I'll switch with him for the rest of the way."
"You don't have to."
"It's fine. He can probably entertain Blue better than I can."
Everyone uses the small break to eat a little lunch. You already had some of the beans Ghost packed, so you feel uncertain whether you should eat anymore of his food. You haven't even discussed sharing. Rather, you ration the jerky you made and save the rest.
It is a small meal, so you eat it slowly to trick your stomach into feeling full. Just before getting back to the truck, you spot a tree by the entrance to Kettering Kastle. Hickory. Paul told you once they make for great arrows, a softer hardwood. Pliable yet strong. This excites you. Your sheath is only half-full, so you grab your serrated knife and cut a few midsized branches to take with you.
Sitting in the truck bed is far from pleasant. The tail wind makes it hard to breathe, and you have to grab the side of the truck to keep yourself from flying out. Kyle notices your struggle and seems amused, but reaches an arm over in offering. You hold onto him and it does some to keep you stable.
The motorway passes through Kettering, which is a smaller city. The smell is retched, though the only Greys you spot don't take notice to you, trapped between buildings and toppled telephone poles. You make out a sign that reads A14 and figure it is headed to Cambridge. If you continue this pace, you'll reach the coastline by sundown.
Of course, things don't work out that way. The road becomes more obstructed with abandoned vehicles. Ghost has to weave through them like a maze, wasting time and fuel. The sun crawls higher in the sky. Finally, there are a few kilometers of straight road. Speed ticks up only to come to an abrupt halt when he reaches an underpass. You let go of Kyle and stand up to see what has caused the stop—a semi truck completely blocks the way through it.
"Jesus," you mutter.
Consecutive slams of the fronts doors indicate Price and Ghost are checking it out. Kyle hops out with them. After a few minutes, he returns and explains with a sigh, "We'll have to backtrack and find a side street that will lead to another motorway ramp."
"That's going to eat time. The sun will set soon."
He offers his arm again as Ghost begins reversing. "I know. It's fine, we'll just get to the water tomorrow. No rush, yeah?"
It adds an extra hour and a half. The sky turns a remarkable orange that would've had you gawking if not for your irritation of having to stop again. Ghost pulls over just before it gets too dark to set up the tents in a small market town called Haverhill. There's hardly anything here except fields of bright, yellow flowers and little shops with slanted CLOSED signs. It is actually pleasant and well-preserved, until you catch the distinguishable shape of a corpse hanging from one of the telephone poles, a black trash bag over its head.
"Don't look at it."
"Nothing I haven't seen before," you dismiss under your breath.
A more forested patch of land at the edge of the town is where you make camp for the night.
They eat canned goods and you finish your last pieces of jerky. This means you'll have to find more food for yourself tomorrow, or ask Ghost for some. The thought makes you anxious. The last thing you want is to seem like an extra burden. Dead weight that they'd be better off leaving behind. But he also didn't comment when you ate the beans. The uncertainty of where you stand means you need to make yourself useful.
The men need rest, so you offer to keep watch.
Prices dismisses you. "You don't have to, Twix. The three of us can take turns."
"No, really. I'll keep watch and you guys can all get more sleep. I've just been sitting in a car all day, anyway."
He gives in, visibly fatigued after being up over twenty-four hours.
Ghost and Price sleep first.
That leaves you sitting with Kyle when the stars begin to flicker like bright, little heartbeats against the black night.
You pull out your smoother knife—the one you found back at that base—to carve the sticks you found, careful of your bandaged thumb.
Kyle lays his rifle across his lap. "First time I am seeing you smile today and it's while carving sticks."
"Arrows," you correct, holding one up and tapping your index lightly against the sharpened point. "And it's good wood. Hickory."
"You're an easy woman to please," he teases.
"My tastes have changed over the years."
"Really? I can't imagine you as one of those people who cared too much about nice things."
You flash him a raised brow. "Are you saying I was cheap?"
He nudges your knee. "Not what I'm saying. You just seem like someone who would prefer a little movie date over a fancy dinner."
"I liked sushi. Is that fancy?"
He hums. "There were some good cheap sushi spots in London—hole in the wall type places. When there was some kid doing their homework at one of the booths, that's when you knew it'd be good shit."
"You're making me hungry."
"Well, you should've eaten more." He looks at you knowingly. "You're scared to ask anyone for food, aren't you?"
Are you really that easy to read? You place the half-finish arrow across your knees and look at the ground, brushing your fingers absentmindedly through the soft grass. "I just—I am aware of my place here."
"Your place?"
Your hands tightens the grass into a fistful. "I am at the bottom."
"The bottom," he repeats slowly, and his voice lowers. "You really think that?"
You rip the grass and sprinkle it over your boot, glancing up at him. His eyes have darkened, or maybe they are simply mirroring the sky. "I am not complaining. I understand that everyone here has others who they would prefer to keep alive over me, that's all. I just don't want to stick out anymore than I already do."
He reels in your words. "You're forgetting that everyone here has their own perspective, their own wants. It is not as simple as you're making it seem." In a change of topic, he reaches for the arrow on your lap. "Here—let me help."
You hand him the knife and he begins carving expertly as a few minutes of silence ensue. You are lost in your thoughts, keeping your eyes on the surroundings, when he suddenly stops in his handiwork, holding up the knife. You watch him study the leather handle carefully, shake his head to himself, then look at you.
"Where did you get this?"
"Huh? Oh—I found it. At a military base actually."
Your answer seems to strike him, and he releases a disbelieving exhale. "The one near Manchester?"
You nod.
"It was my brother's."
Reading your expression, he shows you the handle and rubs his thumb over a small etching at the bottom that you can barely make out in the moonlight: PG.
"Patrick Garrick," he explains in a murmur, and your chest tightens. "I didn't even notice it at first. It's been years since I had it. The last time...the last time was when shit happened, and I lent it to a friend of mine at the base."
"Soap," he says, a memory taking over his expression as he rubs his jaw. "He was the other member of our spec ops unit."
"You... Someone mentioned him before. Ghost—he asked you guys about him when you arrived. You don't know what happened to him, right?"
Kyles nods. "He stayed back at the base to keep helping even when Price and I jumped ship. That was the Scottish in him—stubborn as hell. Soap was just his codename, of course. Like mine was Gaz." He looks up at you with a faint dimple. "And yours is Twix, huh?"
"I guess." You press your tongue to your teeth and grab the knife, frowning at it as you try to recall exactly where you grabbed it from. "What was his real name, then?"
"John MacTavish."
"I think—I think your friend is dead. I'm sorry." You gaze at him. "I remember now. I found it in one of the rooms, and there was a skeleton with that name. He... he had it quick, though."
The expression on his typically warm eyes turns unreadable and his shoulders stiffen in the slightest. You wonder if you should have bothered sharing this, but then he shrugs it off with a sigh. "It's okay. Figured as much. Many people have died. He's just another name to the list."
Instinct draws your hand to his shoulder, and the muscles softens beneath your touch. "I'm still sorry."
His eyes find yours.
He smiles solemnly.
Then, somewhere in it all, he leans over and closes the gap. The sudden, foreign feel of lips pressed against your own stuns you. His lips move gently, cold and soft against yours, and only when he threads a hand through your hair to pull you closer do you fully register what he is doing. Your eyes fly open and you break away, leaping to your feet.
"Why did you—what was that?"
He stands up with you. "It felt right in the moment."
He tries to touch your shoulder but you flinch away. "I'm sorry. I just—I was just trying to comfort you."
"I misread the moment." His eyes are clouded. "So you didn't want it?"
Did you? Your mind feels fuzzy. "I don't know. I need to...I want to be alone right now."
You grab your knife and sticks, rushing around the tents to find solace by the truck, needing to process what just happened. As you move, you bump into a hard chest—Ghost. Somehow you failed to hear the jagged teeth of the tent's zipper. Avoiding his gaze, you try to slip past, but he grips your elbow, holding you in place.
"What is it?"
The lie wedges out of your lips. "Nothing. I just—thought I saw something so I am going to sit over there and keep an eye out."
The difference in height leads to his stare burning into your scalp. "What did you see?"
"I don't know. Something. Maybe just an animal."
His hold doesn't soften. Stoicism forces itself on your face as you press your lips into a line.
You're easy to ready.
He finally lets go. "I'll take over now. You can sleep."
You find yourself nodding soundlessly, internally glad to be relieved of this duty.
Sleep offers peace of mind, at least until morning.
Dawn breaks over the small town in a quiet clatter of spoons against cans and the shuffling of bags being packed up. The dream you wake up from was one of an old life—the last kiss you experienced. But it fizzles quickly from the recesses of your brain the moment your lids shutter open.
Both you and Kyle seem keen on acting as though nothing happened. More than anything, you are confused. You try to search inside that box of yours for how you feel, but all you find is fear. You've barely been able to keep up with the fear. You busy yourself with helping get everything back in the truck, fitting the supplies like a jigsaw puzzle. You have nothing to eat. A day or two without food is doable until you can properly hunt for something—
It is Nereida who catches you by the truck before leaving. She practically shoves a can of tuna into your hands and you look up at her in hesitant gratitude.
"We're all sharing food," she says. "That is how it should be."
"Thank you. Really, this is—"
"Don't thank me. There is plenty for everyone."
For now, your mind chides, but you swallow the thought while scarfing down the meal you pretend is London's finest sushi.
Once everyone is ready, you head to the back of the truck, expecting an awkward encounter with Kyle, only to find Ghost sitting there beside the kayak, hands relaxed behind his head.
"What are you doing?"
"Needed a break from driving."
You glance at the front to see that Price is behind the wheel, and Kyle is in the passenger side. In a way, you're relieved. You breathe through your nose and hoist yourself up. The bumpy ride is quiet at first. His body takes up space so that each pothole nudges your shoulder or knee against his. The morning ages. You swear you can see there coast at one point, but it must be your imagination, because the passing sign reads Halstead.
"You really need to work on lying better."
The brash accent registers low against the hum of the engine, and his eyes are closed when you look over. He is leaned back, one leg straight and one bent, seeming to enjoy the seat more than you are.
"Fine. I'm bad at lying."
"Care to share the truth, then?"
He needn't elaborate for you to know what he is referring to. "I was...I was upset because I found out my knife—the one I took from the base—belonged to Kyle's brother."
His brow ticks.
You continue, "But he actually gave it to Soap, and I—I found his dog tag on a skeleton. John MacTavish. You were friends with him, weren't you?"
His eyes open, but they are too murky to decipher from just his profile. His jaw flexes. "I wasn't a man with friends, Twix."
"You know what I mean."
There is a pause, and then, "He was a sergeant under my command. A good man. Grating, at times. But good."
"Well, I'm sorry he didn't make it. If you of all people say he was a good guy, then he really must've been."
He hums in agreement. Thoughtful. Then—two gloved fingers touch your jaw, turning your eyes to his. "You are still lying, and still bad at it."
You wet your lips. "I wasn't—"
Ghost drops your chin and grabs the gun from his waist.
Your eyes flash around at the sound of a second plea. There is a man at the side of the road, leg draped in bloodied bandages, but there isn't a chance for you to register more of him when the truck takes a sudden, sharp left down a side street and you brace yourself by grabbing the edge with both arms. The small city-scape whirls by in a blur. Ghost swears under his breath, scanning the area as he bends on one knee and keeps the gun secure in his grip. Confused, you grab his arm.
"That man was injured."
His voice is harsh and alert. "He has fucking friends somewhere here. He was just trying to—"
A shattering sound. An audible pop. You're thrown against the truck bed even harder this time as it skids across the street, nearly slamming into a flipped-over car. Ghost covers you, the weight of him keeping you from flying out. The truck swerves to a halt. Everything is black until his weight lifts. He barks an order, jumps out, and pulls you with him.
Pressed against the side of the truck, the world becomes consumed by loud sounds and the distinct smell of gunpowder. Ghost rips open the passenger door and urgently pulls Blue, Ari, and Nereida out, ordering them to keep low. From the other side, you hear Price and Kyle shouting, followed by another series of gunshots.
#simon ghost riley x you#ghost#simon riley x reader#simon ghost riley x reader#cod#simon ghost riley#zombie apocolypse au
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help me forget. l Joel Miller
Summary: you broke down and Joel was the only one who could help you
Warnings: +18, smut, angst, unprotected sex, two dead bodies, mention of blood, Reader has a crisis, Ellie is in it
A/N: did i add something again? i have another exam on saturday and i'm going through a crisis. sorry for the mistakes, i wanted to write it and add it today.
your feedback is very important to me and I thank you for all the reblogs, comments and likes. 🖤 sorry for all the mistakes
short stories from life. [masterlist]
"I'm sure everything's fine. Something just had to stop them."
Joel tore his eyes from the horizon and looked at Ellie, her fingers gripping the railing, her eyes fixed on the distance.
"Yeah, you're probably right." he replied, trying to keep his voice casual.
He didn't want to show her that he was already nervous. Something was tightening painfully in his gut, you should have been back by now.
He didn't like the idea, but you quickly calmed his thoughts. Tommy, Shane, you and a few other men were going on a three-day trip to a nearby town. Supplies needed to be replenished, and the growing school in Jackson would be happy to accept new equipment.
If Joel had been nervous up until now, he was like a ticking bomb now. Ellie could see he was worried, she felt the same. The whole group should have been back in the morning, it was getting late and there was no sign of you.
"Go home, kid." he muttered "I'll let you know when they get back."
"No way!" Ellie got offended "I'm going to give her a hard time when she finally shows up."
They fell silent again, staring at the spot where the familiar car should have appeared. Minutes passed, the sun was setting, until finally Ellie shouted "They're coming!" and Joel's heart began to beat faster.
However, when he finally breathed a sigh of relief, he noticed something disturbing in the approaching vehicle. Something bad had happened...
The gate opened and the entire group entered Jackson. Maria stood by Joel, looking out for his brother, soon her face lit up.
"Tommy! Thank God!" she cried, throwing herself into the arms of the man who got out of the car.
He hugged her tightly, but it was Joel who caught his eye. The lump in his throat grew painfully. His gaze swept over the group, searching for a familiar face, the one he was so worried about, the one he needed to see alive.
"We met another group." Tommy said. "We lost two people..."
Joel's legs almost buckled. But he didn't have time to say anything, not even take a breath when another car door opened and he finally saw you. In a few quick steps he was already by your side, strong arms hugging you to his chest. Only when he let go of you did he notice the already dried cut above your eyebrow, some scratch on your cheek, but you were alive.
But something was wrong. Joel sensed it immediately. Your gaze... Something changed in your eyes.
"What happened? Who did we lose?" Maria asked.
Tommy gave two names and everyone fell silent for a moment. Ellie took advantage of this moment to run up to you and hug you tightly.
"You look terrible." she said "But I'm glad you decided to come back."
"I'm fine..." you replied quietly, stroking her hair "I have something for you." you pulled something out of your belt, which turned out to be a comic book in pretty good shape.
"Oh! Cool!"
Joel noticed his brother's gaze, he clearly wanted to say something, but then he looked at you and seemed a bit confused. He understood him.
"Ellie, take her to the clinic. Let someone see her." he said.
"I'm fine." you replied, but Ellie had already grabbed your hand.
"Come on, you'll tell me everything." she said, pulling you towards the clinic building. Only when you were gone did Tommy finally speak up.
"Six, maybe seven men. We ran into them when we were about to leave the city."
"Riders?" Maria asked.
Tommy shrugged. "Possibly. We'll never know. They started shooting at the car, they wanted to scare us first."
"I hit some wreck." Shane walked up to them, he also had a few scratches on his face, but he was fine, he looked at Joel "I hit it pretty hard. That's how she cut her forehead."
Joel nodded. The cut was a small payment for bringing you back alive.
"We got into a fight. It was really bad." Tommy continued, and Maria folded her arms tighter over her chest "I don't know when we lost our men. It all happened so fast..."
"No one blames you, Tommy." Joel spoke up. His brother looked at him sadly.
"One of them surprised me. We fell to the ground, struggling. I thought..." he took a deep breath "I thought I wouldn't come back."
"I took out two of them before I saw what was happening." Shane continued for him, and then your name tumbled from his lips. "Her gun jammed. One of the guys hit her, but she managed somehow. Then she saw Tommy."
Joel felt his brother wanted to tell him something, something that wasn't very nice.
"She got to me before Shane. It was a second or two." He looked at Maria "She saved my life. If it wasn't for her... That guy had no chance..."
Maria sighed and took her husband in her arms trying to hide her tears.
Shane leaned slightly towards Joel and added quietly "Listen, talk to her. She's barely spoken since then."
"What happened?" Joel asked, feeling his voice tremble.
Walsh sighed. "He got hit in the ribs and in the neck. A few times. But she... Shit, I had to get her off him."
A familiar image appeared before Joel's eyes, he knew what Shane was talking about, he had seen you like this before. That was the moment when you defended Ellie and yourself. He looked towards the clinic with concern.
"Thanks, Shane." He said. "Thanks for taking care of her."
"No problem, man."
Warm steam was coming out of the bathroom, pleasantly warming the bedroom. It was quite late. Ellie hid in her room, engrossed in the comic book you brought her. You, on the other hand, had already taken a shower and, dressed in clean clothes, were combing your still damp hair.
"You must be tired as hell." Joel put a mug of tea on your nightstand.
You didn't say much and you barely ate dinner, which worried him, but he thought that maybe once you went to bed you'd feel better. Joel took a quick shower and when he came back to the room he saw that you were already lying under the covers.
Tiredness must have won, because your breathing was already steady and calm. The bed creaked quietly as Joel lay down behind you, hugged you and snuggled into your back, kissing your shoulder. Tomorrow will be a new day. He would talk to you, and you would feel better. For sure.
You weren't in his arms. The space next to him was empty and cold. Joel rubbed his eyes and looked around the dark room. Only after a moment did he notice the faint light coming from under the closed bathroom door. He hesitantly got out of bed and went to the bathroom.
"Baby, are you okay?" he asked in a hoarse voice, knocking quietly.
Nothing. Silence. A cold shiver ran down his spine. He knocked again.
"Are you there? Can I come in?"
Something hit the floor and rolled across it. Joel no longer hesitated, grabbed the handle and pushed the door open. You were sitting against the wall with your knees pulled up to your chest, your eyes puffy from tears. You had to try to get up, but you clumsily threw the cup with toothbrushes on the floor and it was the one that made the noise.
He quickly knelt down next to you, took your face in his hands. Your cheeks were wet from tears, single strands of hair stuck to your face.
"How long have you been here? Come back with me, honey..."
"I-I can't come back...." your voice was shaking. Joel didn't understand what you said. His heart was breaking when he looked at you like that. "I can't, I can't Joel."
"Of course you can. I'll help you, you know that. You're not alone in this."
Your eyes were glazed with tears, you took a breath through trembling lips. "I did it again... Again. When I saw this guy on Tommy, he wanted to kill him, and I..."
"And you saved him." Joel interrupted you. "You saved Tommy. You saved my brother's life."
"You didn't see it! There was so much blood everywhere..."
"But I see you! And I know you. You did what you had to."
You stared at him with pity. Joel didn't understand anything. He wasn't there with you, he wasn't you. That moment when you lost control, when you acted on instinct, when your dark side took over, and the knife you had in your hand entered the body of that man smoothly. You woke up feeling like you could feel his warm blood on your hands again. Your heart was beating like crazy.
"I'm not safe, Joel. I'm not safe for you and Ellie." your voice became automatic, as if you were saying a memorized line "What if I do the same to you? I snapped! I snapped and lost control and..."
"You were saving Tommy, for God's sake!" strong hands grabbed your shoulders and Joel gently shook you to come to your senses "When I met you, you were already protecting Ellie. I know you would never hurt her, or me. It's this world, it's brought it all out in you, but it's not the real you."
"Believe me, I'd like to take it all away from you, carry it for you. But I can't. The only thing I can do is be with you, take care of you, love you and..." he stopped as his brain realized what words had left his mouth. He had never said that before.
God! He couldn't remember the last time he told someone he loved them, maybe in his previous life. He had always been hopeless with feelings, he couldn't name them like some people, but that didn't mean he didn't feel them. His body was full of emotions, and you had added a few more that he could barely handle. And now you were staring at him with a mixture of fear and not understanding a word he had said.
Joel took a deep breath. "I love you." He repeated. "I have loved you for a long time. I should have told you before, not now that you... Fuck." another precious breath. "I love you. And I know what you are. What your head says isn't true, that's not the real you. You shield and protect, baby. You care for others, you love and support. You saved Ellie, me and my brother. You protect our family."
Your brain must have analyzed his words for a long moment, because you were staring at him completely stunned. Only after a long moment of silence did you speak. "You can't love me, Joel. You're wrong..."
He closed his eyes for a moment and sighed, smiling. "If I'm truly certain of anything in life, it's what I feel, sweetheart."
"There's no 'but' here. I know perfectly well what I am, but I also know what I've become since you've been with me. And I care about you, so please, come back to bed with me."
His words must have finally reached you, because you gave in to him and got up from the floor. Joel led you back to the bed, and after a moment you were lying in his arms again. The warmth emanating from his body was pleasant, you felt safe and good. His fingers gently stroked your shoulder, and his chest rose with a steady breath. Hundreds of thoughts were racing through your head.
"Will you help me forget?"
"What?" he asked, a little surprised by your quiet question.
"Help me forget, please, Joel. I know you can..."
So he did what you asked him to do. He slowly took off your shirt, kissing every inch of exposed skin tenderly. He felt under his fingers the scar you had on your side, he kissed that place too. The panties you were wearing also landed on the floor. You clumsily reached for the edge of his shirt.
Joel's broad shoulders and chest were something you adored, but at that moment he didn't give you time to admire him. His lips found yours, kissing you tenderly, his tongue slipped inside and you tangled your fingers in his hair. The next thoughts flew out of your head, one after another.
The tenderness with which he touched and caressed you was extraordinary, and at the same time delicate. If you hadn't asked him to help you forget, he would probably have given himself more time, but in that case you couldn't wait. He spread your thighs with his knee and settled between them.
"I don't want it to hurt..."
"It won't. And even if it does, I don't care."
You took his cock at the base, stroked it and rubbed the head against your entrance a few times. Joel closed his eyes, sighing quietly. With one, not even strong, movement of his hips, he pushed the tip into you, and you closed your eyelids. Warm walls wrapped around him tightly as he went deeper and deeper. Until the very end. Delicate hands stroked his shoulders as he tried to get used to this feeling. You had made love so many times, but every time Joel felt delight when he entered you.
Finally, he lifted himself up on his forearms and looked at your face, the face he loved so much, the face he was afraid to lose.
"I love you so fucking much." he said quietly.
You smiled. "I love you too, more than you can imagine."
He started moving. One thrust after another, your quiet moans filled his ears, your nails dug into his shoulders and back. But Joel didn't stop, if you wanted to forget he wanted to help you with that.
And he didn't stop until you fell apart in his arms, until you arched in the pleasure he gave you. Every shiver you made, every sigh - it all felt like a declaration of love. Love you were a symbol of.
And when you fell asleep exhausted in his arms, he stroked your soft skin for a while longer, kissed your forehead, drew from your warm body. He repeated to himself that no matter what happened he would do everything to keep you safe, because he couldn't lose another loved one. And you were his whole life.
Thank you for your time.
taglist, i think: @picketniffler @orcasoul @bbyanarchist @o-sacra-virgo-laudes-tibi @somedayheaven @underneath-the-sky-again
#pedro pascal#joel miller#the last of us#joel miller x reader#joel miller x f!reader#short stories from life
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Laundry Day - A.H
a/n: 1000 words for 1000 followers!!!!!!!!! i am in complete disbelief honestly, you all are so amazing and im so thankful for each and every one of you <3
pairings: aaron hotchner x nanny!reader
summary: hotch begins to notice a difference in the way his clothes smell, wonder why?
wc: 1k
Hotch had been wrestling with the unsettling notion that he might be ill, or worse he had a brain tumor, manifesting through phantom smells. Whatever it was, it had been driving him crazy because the persistent aroma was undeniably yours, his nanny. As much as he didn't to admit it, this would usually be a welcome scent, soft and florally, like he had just stepped into a flower field.
Today, however, the scent was nothing short of an irritant. Every fleeting whiff had him jerking his head up, expecting to see you standing in the doorway of his office. But you were never there, of course, which only intensified the frustration gnawing at him.
There it was again, and despite his better judgement, his gaze darted to the door, unfortunately only to find Morgan casually propped against the frame.
"Hey, boss, got a minute?"
The scent had momentarily clouded his focus, but he quickly regained his bearings and closed the file, giving a firm nod. "What's up?"
"We've got a lead on the case in Richmond," Morgan started, handing over a document. "Local PD spotted a vehicle matching the description of our unsub's."
Hotch took the file, fingers thoughtfully brushing his chin as he scanned the pages. Morgan stepped closer, his nose giving a slight twitch before he took a seat in front of the desk.
"You know, Hotch, I gotta ask," Morgan prodded, a sly smile spreading across his face in a way that made Hotch uneasy. Morgan wasn't known for his filtered comments. "You got a girl or something? It smells way too good in here for just paperwork."
Point in case.
Hotch's eyes flickered up from the papers. "What? No, I--"
"Come on, man," Morgan chuckled, clapping him on the shoulder. "Don't play coy with me. Whoever she is, she's got good taste. I think Savannah uses the same perfume."
Hotch clamped the file closed, his mind racing faster than he could keep up with. So for one, it wasn't just in his head which was a good thing. He could rule out a brain tumor. But on the other hand that leaves the question of why the hell he smells like his nanny?
It was all he could focus on all day, paralyzing his work capabilities, reducing him to a state of mere motion without meaning.
It wasn't until the office AC malfunctioned, and he found himself stripping off his jacket, did he discover the source of the floral scent. His own jacket. He inhaled it cautiously, feeling slightly perverted before quickly stowing it away in a drawer, slamming it shut to dispel the borderline inappropriate thoughts.
When he finally arrived home, jacket in hand, he headed straight towards the sound of your humming. Normally, he'd make his rounds--first to Jack's room, who was usually napping at this time, then to the kitchen for his nightly scotch, and finally to his home office. But today was different.
The jacket hung loosely over his forearm, briefcase now abandoned at the door as he made his way towards the sound of your voice. It was the damn scent that greeted him first, drifting from the laundry room, and then, finally, the sight of you.
But what caught his attention, besides you and your slightly too short skirt, was the undeniable evidence of you misting his clothes with your perfume.
He said your name, almost in a scolding way, which he quickly realized his mistake when you whirled around, gasping as the bottle slipped from your fingers, shattering on the tile floor.
"Don't move," Hotch commanded, heart racing as he watched the glass scattered around your bare feet.
He moved towards you, stepping over the glass, carefully scooping you in his arms and setting you safely on the counter. He then knelt down, gathering the broken pieces.
"Mr. Hotchner, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you're trying to sweep me off my feet." Your legs were dangling from the counter, swinging back and forth. He gave you a deadpan look, his eyebrow raised every so slightly. "You're no fun."
You pouted, attempting to slide off the counter, but his hand was on your ankle in an instant.
"Stay put," he ordered, his tone leaving no room for argument. He sighed, collecting the last of the glass and tossing it before standing up straight. "Also, is there a particular reason my suits now double as air fresheners?"
"Mr. Hotchner, you wound me with your accusations," you said, hand over your heart, crossing your legs in a criss-cross apple sauce fashion.
You were going to be the death of him.
Hotch cleared his throat, willing his gaze not to dip in between your legs. "You're wearing a skirt."
"Oh whoops," you giggled, fixing your position.
"And for the record, I actually didn't accuse you, but your defensiveness and the fact that I caught you red handed tells me everything I need to know." He took a step towards you. "Care to explain?"
"I...um, wanted to make sure you're always fresh?"
"And you chose your own perfume for that?"
"How do you know it's mine?"
With a step that erased any remaining space between you, Hotch bent slightly, his nose near your collarbone. "It's hard to miss."
He took a step back, giving you room to breathe.
"I just wanted to make sure any girls on the street didn't get the wrong idea," you said, the corners of your mouth turning up.
Hotch let out a chuckle. "You do realize you're my nanny not my wife, correct?"
"Tomato, tomahto."
You swung your legs off the counter, standing up straight. "Any chance to buy me another perfume bottle? It was kind of expensive, and well, you know my salary..."
"No." It wasn't as firm as he wanted it to be and it only took him a second to give in, this happened a lot when it came to you, handing over his credit card. "Fine."
taglist: @hotchhner @khxna @readergf @sarcasm-and-stiles @edencherries @aurorsworld @princess76179 @malindacath
#aaron hotchner fluff#aaron hotchner#aaron hotchner x reader#aaron hotchner x fem reader#aaron hotchner x nanny!reader#aaron hotchner x nanny reader
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Wolverine x f!reader
Summary: You are running from the FBI, spending days hiding and surviving until you meet a man who helped you and saved your life.
Warnings: MDNI 18+, corn with plot, soft Logan, harassment, age gap (reader in 20s Logan in his 30s), reader is much smaller than Logan, mentions of trauma, hunting animals, light fingering, oral (f!receiving), nicknames (sweetie, princess), unprotected sex ( p i v ), aftercare, praise kink, good~sweet ending
A/n: Hey so um I didn't expect it to be so long 0-0 sorry for that…but I hope you're gonna like it (I'm going insane over this man help)
,,She ran this way!” You heard one of the cops shouting. You knew they were up your ass. Despite your speed, sooner or later they will catch up. You couldn't allow that.
You quickly tried to analyze the environment around you and when your eyes spotted a thick bush, you took advantage of it and quickly hid behind it. You couldn't hide here forever, but you wanted to gain some time to think. Terrified, you looked around, desperately trying to find a place where you could hide longer.
"Where did she go?!" You recognized the bitter male voice. It belonged to one of them, actually to the main guy who destroyed you. Who used you and turned you into the monster you are now. He took away your rights, your dignity, your life. He didn't care that he could've killed you. You were just a lab rat to him who had beneficially succeeded his experiment.
Just his tone made your heart rate rise, your claws were pressing against your knuckles, struggling to break through. You concentrate all your nerves for stopping the mutant DNA inside you bubble to the surface. The rage and hatred for the man was incalculable, but you couldn't attack him. At least, not right now. You just had to wait quietly for him and his entire team to leave.
"Fuck! Find her or I'll cut your throat!" he shouted angrily. Then you heard vehicles and thousands of footsteps finally fading away from you. You were holding your breath the whole time, finally relieving yourself and carefully climbed out from the bush. You did have a clear air, for now. Time was precious at the moment and you decided to use it well. That's why the moment you left your previous hiding spot, you ran after your goal.
Any shack, abandoned building or cabin would be ideal. Well, your wish was granted. You hadn't been running for long before you saw a small wooden cabin in the distance. Your eyes lit up, excited smile forming on your face. There was still a hope.
Running to the door, you weren't even going to waste time knocking. You rush inside and close the door by leaning against it. You throw your head back, trying to calm your breathing, before opening your eyes again.
You were quite surprised. The furniture and everything in the cabin looked exceedingly good. As if someone lived here. You barely took two steps forward and were about to continue exploring, but you were stopped by sharp objects lightly touching your back. "Who are you and what do you want" a rough male voice made your breath stuck in your throat, goosebumps rose all over your body.
You started shaking and you knew if you won't speak asap, you are dead. But your ability to talk was quite interrupted by those really sharp objects pressing on your back. Yet you inhale deeply and tried to answer calmly.
"I need to hide from the FBI..." there was a moment of silence. "They want me" "Why?" You could still feel the knives touching your back, keeping you in a position where you couldn't do anything but answer. "They want my DNA..." again there was a silent pause until the man finally set you free, so you could finally turn around and see his face.
Your eyes widened. You didn't expect this. It was pretty tall man, at least 6 feet tall. You admired his beard and hair, which created a strange illusion of a wild animal. His hands were huge, not only his biceps but also his palms. When he sees your face, his eyes soften. He did not expect this either.
"Why they want your DNA?" he asked with confusion in his voice. Before you manage to say anything, you hear vehicles outside the cabin. Your instincts immediately got the better of you and claws came out of your knuckles in self-defense. Logan pulled back in surprise and looked at you with raised eyebrow.
He had so many questions but this wasn't the time to ask. He knew that. He smelled your fear and saw your terrified eyes, you've been through a lot. Besides, you didn't look like someone who wanted to hurt him. "Go, hide under the bed in that room" he pointed to one of the doors and you wasted no time.
You did as he told you so and waited, your pulse raising again. "Wait until I tell you" he whispered before he closed the door. No sooner had he closed it, than they aggressively knocked with the words "FBI open the door or we break in!”
Your mind was filled with million scenarios and they weren't in a positive light. What if they find you? What if you get caught and you never see day light again? What if they try more experiments on you until you suffer to death? What if they kill you as soon as they see you? These questions spawned in your head as you tried to control your breathing.
"Hello gentlemen, how can I help you?"
"Have you seen this girl?" you quietly listened to their conversation expectantly. "No, why is she missing or someth-" 
"That's none of your bussines sir, just answer honestly. Have you seen this girl running through here?" you heard rich laugh as you furrow your eyebrows in confusion. "Are you for real? I haven't seen a single soul in here for couple of years..." your breathing and heart raise was slowly going back to normal speed and rhythm. "Okay, let us check the cabin and we can leave" fuck. Just when you though you won…
“I told you I haven't seen her-" "We have the right to come in sir, now stand back or force will come" You could feel beads of sweat rolling down your forehead. You're done. You weren't ready for it but you had no choice. At least you tried. Hope dies last, how they say…
You quietly awaited your fate and listened to the slow stomping around the cabin. There were only a few seconds left before they will enter the room where you were hiding. "Sir I told you I haven't seen that girl!" that wolf-looking guy kept trying to save you and chase them away before they find you. It was pointless. Not only did they not listen to him, but they just accelerated the search.
There it is.
All that running, all that hiding and all that starving was for nothing. Everything led to only one result, which will now be fulfilled.
The hair on your arms stood on end when you heard a loud creaking of the door. You held your breath as you watched the massive black boots move eerily slowly around the room. Then you heard more faster footsteps, before seeing shoes. They were different, so you recognized that this was your salvation.
"I don't know what you're looking for in here. I've told you several times that I've never seen that girl!" you watched the shoes of both men with frightened eyes. There was a silence for a moment, before you heard the transmitter switch on. "All clear" a weight lift off your heart when you heard those words. You waited still, as you were told to do so.
“Alright, you can come out now” you literally jumped out from under the bed and were completely changed. The scared expression turned to excited and your eyes shone like never before. You felt incredible relief, but mostly you were grateful.
"Thank you so much!" he just nodded and checked you up and down before going somewhere else. You followed him, curious what will happen next.
"So now you're going to tell me why they want your DNA?" he raised his eyebrow as he poured rum into the glass. You watched him for a while, observing his large, big, massive hands until you caught yourself. You cleared your throat akwardly.
“I'm…a successful lab experiment” his face expression still didn't change, letting you know he wanted more. "I was born as a normal person, but these guys took me from my parents and used me as their lab rat. They tried to give me DNA from some mutant" he listened carefully, being very interested in your speech. "The chance of me dying was over 90%, but I survived even with mutant genes. They want to know how it's possible. That's why they want me"
You look down, remembering all the traumatic experiences from the lab. "I know what it's like" You look up at him. "I've been…lab rat too" he looked thoughtfully at his hand before sharp claws came out from his knuckles. You gasped quietly, before squeezing your eyes. "You are Wolverine!" you said in disbelief. He looks at you with furrowed brows. "Am I that famous?" you scoffed and shook your head. "They talked about you a lot in the lab. You were...their insiration"
"Well that isn't that something I should be proud of huh?" he chuckled, joking sarcastically but he had a point. You watched his claws. They were much bigger, sharper than yours. "Adamantium" he got your attention again, watching his claws. "Unbreakable metal. I have it instead of my bones" he slid them back in and looked at your face to finally see your reaction.
"Really? That must've hurt..." "Like hell" he agreed and took a sip. He held out the glass to you. It took you a moment to understand what he wanted. "Oh no thank you, I don't drink" you shake your hand and suck your lips into a thin line. "Good girl" he nodded and instead of placing the glass on the counter, he drank it to the bottom and only then put it down.
"But you also have…these don't you?" he asked you and you nodded. "Yeah but my bones are not made from that metal, only these" you also wanted to flex so you took your claws out. There were only two sharp ones on one hand, but they were enough.
"I see..." he poured another shot of rum into his glass and drank it immediately. You were starting to worry about his livers. "I'm Logan by the way" you smiled, introducing yourself too. He repeated your name to himself, smiling at the way those letters tickle his tongue.
"What about your family, where are they now?" your smile dropped immediately and you looked down again. “I don't know” you whispered darkly, hoping, praying that they are still alive. Logan realized that this was probably an inappropriate question and instantly began to act.
"Anyway, are you hungry?" he opened a fridge and looked around there. Of course you were hungry. You were starving. You couldn't remember the last time you had normal meat, vegetables or fruit. Practically any normal food.
You didn't want to sound annoying tho, but before you could say no, Logan was already taking spaghetti out of the fridge. “These are leftovers from yesterday…I can make more if you want” you wanted to refuse the offer, but the longer you watched and smelled the aromatic smell of meat and tomatoes, saliva started pooling in your mouth. Your stomach rumbled and that was a sign that you had to accept Logan's food.
"Here" he handed you a fork which you quickly grab and started eating like an animal. Logan was surprised, he watched you with raised eyebrows but later, he understood. He was glad he could help you. A warm grin began to form on his face so he quickly looked away and pretended to be busy with something, while he kept an eye on you and checking when you are finished. It wasn't even ten minutes and your plate was empty. Completely empty.
After you wiped your lips and calmed your beast inside you a bit, you thanked and gave Logan a grateful puppy eyes. He smiled a bit and nodded. "Do you want more?" you shake your head even though you wouldn't mind extra portion.
There was an awkward silence for a while. Neither of you knew what to talk about, however both of you were thinking the exact same thing. What will happen next? Will Logan let you stay here or will he kick you out? You were so desperately curious, but too scared to ask.
You decided to use reverse psychology. "I should get going" Logan jerked his head and frowned. "Have you lost your mind?" you look up at him, eyes big and sparkling. "You can't leave, definitely not now" and your trick worked. Your heart warmed when Logan let you stay. He was the first person in a long time to be kind to you. You valued him immensely.
The evening came. You were so tired and looking forward to wrapping yourself in the covers and falling asleep. Logan let you sleep in his bed while he slept on the couch. It must've been really uncomfortable, but he wanted to give you some space.
You evoked something in him that no one had been able to do for a long time. Compassion. You both have a pretty similar past and you've been through hard times, why should he be mean to you? Plus, you looked so innocent, so soft and beautiful. Oh you are beautiful.
The moment you turned around and your eyes met, it was as if time stood still. He felt his heart race, yet everything around him faded into silence. Your gaze held him captive, soft yet intense, as though you could see through every layer of him.
You seemed both familiar and mysterious, like a dream he wanted to keep reliving. And your eyes, there was something about them. So bright, yet with a hidden depth, as if they held secrets you weren't ready to share. Just looking into them left him breathless, his thoughts scattering with each heartbeat.
As he lay on the couch, staring up at the ceiling, he couldn’t stop thinking about you. Of course, it was only natural that you’d occupy his thoughts; after all, you were a new event in his life. But this was different. He wasn’t just thinking about you in any ordinary way. His thoughts lingered on you in a way that maybe he shouldn’t have allowed.
There was a heat in his chest, a longing he couldn’t shake off. He couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to have you near in a way that went beyond the boundaries of mere thoughts. The thought of you, of the way you made him feel, ignited something inside of him…a desire, a craving, that he wasn’t sure how to control.
You weren't much better of.
You could feel it, the connection between you, like an invisible thread tugging at your heart, pulling your thoughts to him. As you lay beneath the blankets, you couldn’t escape the images of him. His face, rugged and intense. His hair, wild and untamed, like the ears of a wolf, a perfect reflection of his untouchable, yet undeniable nature. You could almost smell the mix of rum and cigarettes that clung to him, that scent that was both comforting and dangerously alluring.
But it was his hands, those massive hands, that lingered in your mind the most. They were like a sign of safety, as if Logan could protect you from the world. Even now, surrounded by the softness of the sheets, you couldn’t escape the heat Logan left behind, the longing that burned inside you.
You couldn’t sleep. Your mind was too consumed with thoughts of Logan. Every time you closed your eyes, his face was there, vivid in your mind. His intense gaze, the roughness of his voice, the way he moved. It was as if he was everywhere, and you couldn’t escape him, no matter how hard you tried.
You tossed and turned, the sheets tangled around you, but no matter what, sleep didn’t come. It was like your body and mind were in conflict. You were exhausted, but the thought of him wouldn’t let you rest.
Finally, as the hours passed, your thoughts began to blur, the constant tug of his presence softening. Slowly, your breathing slowed, and the weight of the day caught up with you. The last thing you remember was the faintest image of him lingering in your mind before sleep finally claimed you.
You woke with a start, gasping for air, your body drenched in sweat. Your heart raced as the remnants of the nightmare clung to you like a heavy fog. You were back in the lab, the sterile, suffocating air, the cold metal table beneath you, the sharp sting of needles, the hum of machines monitoring your every heartbeat. The doctors—no, they weren’t doctors—had done this to you.
The pain… it was unbearable. You had screamed in your mind, desperate to escape, to survive. But it hadn’t been enough. The dream always ended the same way: your body convulsing, your breath leaving you, your heart stopping. You died there.
And then, as the darkness closed in, your eyes shot open. The scream tore from your throat before you could stop it, raw and terrified. Your body trembled, the terror from the nightmare still alive inside you.
A voice, low and familiar, cut through the panic. “Hey, hey… are you okay?” Logan’s voice, filled with concern, echoed in the quiet of the room. You blinked rapidly, your eyes focusing on him. You were safe. Your were alive. But your mind was still trapped in that place, that nightmare. The pain, the fear… it was all too real.
“Logan…” you breathed, your voice shaking, your body still trembling as his presence grounded you.His brows furrowed as he moved closer, his hand instinctively reaching for your.
He took both your small, trembling hands into his one, massive palm, covering them completely. Logan's rough thumb gently stroked across the back of your hand, the warmth and weight of his touch grounding you, bringing you back from the dark memories of the nightmare.
“Hey,” he murmured softly, his voice low and comforting. “You’re safe now. You’re okay.” He kept his voice calm, his thumb continuing to trace soothing circles as he waited for your breathing to even out. Slowly, you began to calm, your fingers loosening in his grip.
“I… I had a nightmare,” you whispered, barely able to meet his eyes, feeling the remnants of fear still lingering. Logan gave a slight nod, his gaze steady and understanding. “It’s okay. I get those too.” He didn’t press you, just held your hands in his, keeping his presence steady, like an anchor. He stayed there a few moments longer, not moving, until he was sure you were truly alright.
When he finally started to release her hands and stand, her fingers tightened around his. “Wait… would you… stay with me?” You asked, hope and despair could be heard in your throbbing voice.
He glanced at you for a moment, reading the vulnerability in your eyes, and gave a brief nod. “Sure,” he said softly, settling back down by your side. You felt a wave of relief wash over you, as his presence remained close. Gently, he kept your hands in his, his steady, quiet strength surrounding you, until you drifted off again, finally feeling safe.
The sun's rays shone directly into your eyes through the blinds, waking you up. You moved a bit and left a pleased quiet yawn from your lips. You realized you were lying on top of Logan's bare chest, his massive hand resting on your hip. The realization left you in shock for a small moment. After all, it felt comfortable.
The heat from his body warmed yours, his heartbeat was slow in rhythm and you enjoyed listening to it. It was a lovely melody that you wouldn't get tired of.
You slowly looked over at Logan, who was still sleeping. You couldn’t help but let your gaze linger a bit longer, taking in every detail. The way his profile softened under the light, the relaxed way he held himself, like he belonged nowhere else but right here, right now. Your heart began to race, almost as if you'd just realized something you hadn’t quite let yourself feel before.
There was a flutter deep inside you, a mix of nerves and excitement, tiny, electric sparks that seemed to move from her your to your stomach, filling it with a soft, almost dizzying warmth.
You'd heard people talk about “butterflies,” but until now, you hadn’t understood just how real they were. It was overwhelming but oddly comforting at the same time, like an emotion you'd always wanted to feel but never quite believed you would.
You could barely focus, all your senses drawn toward Logan, wondering if he’d notice how your cheeks were flushed, or if he could sense the way your pulse seemed to echo in your ears. In that moment, everything else faded, and it was just you. Just you, discovering that maybe, just maybe, you were falling for him.
Suddenly, Logan woke up. You quickly closed your eyes, pretending to be asleep. You wanted to avoid any awkward situation where he might realize you'd been watching him sleep. What kind of creep does that? He’d definitely think you were crazy, and you weren't about to risk that.
He took a deep breath and clumsily looked around. He seemed confused, but you understood why. After a long, deep sleep, it made sense. Once he finally got his bearings, remembering where he was or who he was, he realized the position the two of you were in. He quickly jerked his hand away from your hip. Part of him enjoyed it, but he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. That was the last thing he wanted.
He yawned loudly, and you took the opportunity to pretend you are waking up too. He looked at you and couldn’t help but smile. Even though it was morning, you still looked so stunning and majestic. You glanced at him and pretended that you had only just realized you were lying on him. Quickly, you pulled away and cleared your throat awkwardly. He chuckled under his breath and stretched his arms.
“Good morning,” he said in his rough morning voice, sending strange waves of pleasure down between your legs. Quietly and shyly, you murmured a good morning back and stretched your back.
“Did you sleep better?” he asked, sitting up so he could at least see half of your face. You nodded, looking at him with a grateful smile. He returned the smile, and when he felt his cheeks starting to warm, he decided to get out of bed. “I’ll go make breakfast,” he added before leaving the room.
You couldn’t shake the lingering scent of Logan, as you lay in bed for a few moments longer. The nightmare had already faded from your mind. You stepped out of the room and made your way to the kitchen, where Logan was at the stove, frying eggs and bacon in a skillet. He looked up at her, did a quick double-take, and smiled. Inside, though, you felt anything but fresh. You felt grimy, sweaty, and were sure your breath wasn’t at its best. “Mind if I use your shower?” You asked softly, your voice shy. Logan nodded and pointed down the hall.
Before you left the room, though, you naturally realized, that your clothes weren't clean either. Feeling a bit nervous, you asked Logan again, “Um, and could I maybe borrow some of your clothes?”
The question seemed to catch him off guard, but he couldn’t say no. “Yeah, I’ve got some shirts in the closet,” he replied, focusing intently on the bacon in the pan without looking at you.
You whispered a soft thank you and went to find something of his to wear. You found a red flannel shirt, and it smelled incredible. You couldn’t resist, taking a deep inhale of the scent was like breathing in Logan himself, a scent so intoxicating it felt like a drug.
Finally, you went to shower, freshen up, and take care of a little hygiene. You tossed your dirty clothes aside and slipped into Logan’s shirt. It hung loosely around you, the hem falling nearly to your thighs and the sleeves draping well past your hands. It felt oversized, almost like a protective blanket, wrapping you in his warmth. His scent, smoky, rugged, with a hint of rum, was woven into the fabric, surrounding you completely.
As you stepped out of the bathroom, the warm scent of breakfast led you toward the kitchen. Logan had just finished setting the plates, but when he looked up and saw you in his oversized flannel shirt, he froze.
It was clear it was his, unmistakably his, and seeing you in it stirred something fierce within him. He couldn’t stop his eyes from roaming over you, taking in how small you looked wrapped up in his clothes. But it wasn't just that, It was the way it clung to you in places, falling just so across your curves, that drove him wild. The collar hung slightly open, teasing him with glimpses of bare skin, and he found himself aching to close that distance, to run his hands along your waist and pull you close, inhaling that soft scent of yours now mingled with his own.
He swallowed hard, silently praying you couldn’t read his thoughts, because the things running through his mind right then were nowhere near decent. Trying to keep his composure, he gave you a lopsided smile. Get it together, he thought, but it was hopeless. All he could think about was how right it felt to see you in his shirt and how much he was craving for your lips right now.
When Logan finished his breakfast, he pushed back from the table and wiped his mouth. He looked ready to leave, grabbing his jacket and placing his hands on the table, looking resolute, like he planned something.
“Alright, I’m heading out for a hunt. Need to stock up for the week,” he said, his voice firm and unwavering.
You paused for a moment, then looked up at him. You weren’t sure if that was a good idea. After all, the FBI is still looking for you and who knows if they'll come to search the cabin again. This time Logan won't be there to protect you. But it wasn't just the FBI that worried you. You didn't want to be alone. You didn't want Logan to leave for god knows how long. You wanted to be with him.
“Y-you're going hunting?” you assured, trying to keep your tone as casual as possible. “Yeah,” he replied, already moving toward the door. “Won’t take long. Just need to get an early start.” You didn’t want him to go alone, and you definitely didn’t want to stay behind.
“Can I come with you?” you blurted out quickly to get his attention before he left. Logan slowly turned and looked at you blankly. “I don’t have anything else to do and… I’d like to help. Can you take me with you?”
Logan was surprised. His eyes softened a bit, but he still seemed unsure. He lowered his head slightly, his face unreadable, as he thought it over. You couldn’t tell if he was considering the idea or just trying to decide how to say no.
“This isn’t exactly a leisure trip, you know?” he said, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. “And it’s not exactly safe. This isn’t the kind of place for someone without experience.”
But there was something in your eyes that made him hesitate. Maybe it was the fear in your eyes for being alone, or maybe you really wanted to learn hunting… Whatever it was, he didn’t dismiss the idea immediately.
“I know it’s not going to be easy,” you replied, looking at him intently. “But I’d feel better going with you…safer.”
Logan looked at you carefully, his gaze softening a little, though his posture was still tense. “Are you sure you can handle it?” You could tell he wasn’t as convinced as he sounded, but your puppy eyes were the last straw for him.
“Alright, fine,” he said, finally relenting. His voice was still serious, but his lips quirked into something like a smile. “Just keep up and don’t slow me down.” You smiled widely, your heart racing a little faster as you stand up from the table, excited.
Logan suddenly raised both hands, holding them in front of him like a stop sign, his expression playful but firm. “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” he said with a smirk, his eyes scanning you from head to toe. “Where exactly do you think you’re going in that outfit?”
His tone was teasing, but there was a flicker of seriousness and concern in his gaze. You look down at yourself and realize you were wearing just his shirt and panties. This is probably not a best suit for hunting.
You looked back at Logan apologetically and a little embarrassed. He shook his head amused and went to hand you some pants.
"I hope they fit...I wore them when I was 14" You both giggled and you put the pants on right in front of him. He watched you the whole time and when you were finally dressed formally, you went out.
You walked with Logan into the woods, your eyes darting cautiously to every shadow and rustling leaf. The thought of the FBI lurking around still haunted you, keeping you tense and alert with every step. But gradually, Logan’s mere presence started to ease your nerves, grounding you in a sense of safety. He didn’t need to say anything; just being near him seemed to calm your racing mind.
Then, a sudden snap of a branch echoed through the trees. Without thinking, you moved closer to Logan, pressing against him instinctively. Your heartbeat quickened, and your breath caught in your chest, certain that you were being watched. But Logan, calm and unbothered, scanned the trees and then nodded toward the source of the sound.
“It’s just a squirrel,” he murmured with a small, amused smile.
You exhaled, your shoulders relaxing as you glanced up at him, feeling a little silly but reassured.
You and Logan kept moving deeper into the woods, his steady pace reassuring even as you couldn’t quite shake the edge of tension from earlier. After a while, Logan spotted a deer grazing in the distance. He motioned for you to be quiet, and the two of you slowly crept toward it.
You both took cover behind a bush, and you watched as Logan readied himself to take aim. But something in you hesitated, you couldn’t help but feel for the gentle creature standing unaware, and a wave of reluctance washed over you. Turning to him, you whispered, trying to convince him, “It’s just a helpless animal…”
Logan’s jaw tightened, a hint of irritation crossing his face. But after a moment, his expression softened as he looked at you, and he let out a quiet sigh. Though a bit begrudgingly, he lowered his weapon.
“Fine,” he muttered, barely concealing a small smirk. Together, you moved on to search for something smaller, Logan leading the way with a slight shake of his head, as if both amused and exasperated.
After walking a little further, you both spotted a wild boar rummaging around the forest floor. Though the idea still tugged painfully at you, you managed to steel yourself, accepting that Logan would take this one down. Once again, you crouched behind cover, careful to stay hidden from the boar’s sight.
Logan took aim and fired, the shot ringing out sharply in the quiet of the woods. You flinched slightly, a quick jolt of surprise, but it wasn’t as bad as you expected. With just one shot, Logan brought the boar down, his skill evident in that single, precise hit. “Come on” he clicked his head towards the animal and you slowly followed him.
When you reached the fallen animal, a wave of sadness stirred in you, seeing it lying there. Logan noticed your expression, and without a word, he stepped closer to you, his gaze softening.
He placed a warm, steady hand on your shoulder, grounding you. “Hey,” he murmured gently, his voice low and calm. “It’s alright. I know this feels…heavy.” His hand moved in a slow, reassuring circle, and you could feel the tension in your body start to melt just a little.
“Hunting isn’t easy, but sometimes it’s necessary. Out here, it’s survival.”
You looked up at him, catching the quiet sympathy in his eyes. The faint lines at the corners of his eyes softened as he gave you a small smile. “We use what we take,” he added, as if sensing you needed something more to ease your mind. “Nothing goes to waste.”
His thumb brushed your shoulder with an unexpected tenderness, and the weight on your chest began to lift. You nodded, still feeling a little heavy-hearted but reassured by his words. “Thank you,” you whispered, feeling his warmth seeping through you.
Logan gave your shoulder one last squeeze, lingering just a moment before he released you. “Come on,” he said, his tone back to its usual steady resolve. “We’ll take care of him. I’ll show you how.”
He began to prepare the boar, his movements efficient but respectful, and you felt grateful that he understood the balance between survival and compassion.
Logan already carried two boars effortlessly over his shoulders, his strength nothing short of superhuman. Watching him handle such weight so casually stirred a flicker of admiration and something else, a heated thrill you couldn’t quite ignore.
When he looked over with a faint smirk, you felt warmth rise to your cheeks and quickly glanced away, flustered. Logan caught the gesture, and a low chuckle escaped him.
Then, without warning, he pressed a firm hand against your chest, stopping you in your tracks. His gaze turned serious, and he tilted his head toward the trees up ahead. “See that?” he whispered, nodding toward another boar just in the distance.
You nodded, heart thumping a little faster. Together, you crept forward, crouching low as you hid yourselves behind a bush. Logan carefully lowered the animals he was carrying to the ground and pulled out his rifle, eyes focused on the target. For a few seconds, he lined up his shot, but then he turned his gaze toward you, a determined glint in his eye.
“If you’re going to survive out here, you’re going to have to learn how to handle this,” he murmured, holding the rifle out to you. With a nod, he motioned for you to move in closer.
For a moment, you hesitated, but the intensity in Logan’s eyes drew you in. You stepped closer, until you were pressed against him, his sturdy form shielding you from behind. The closeness felt reassuring, comforting even, yet you struggled to focus on anything other than the way his body molded perfectly against yours.
Slowly, you reached out for the rifle, feeling its unexpected weight. Sensing your effort, Logan wrapped his hands around yours, helping you hold it steady. You both gripped it together, his strong hands guiding yours.
The warmth of Logan’s chest pressed against your back sent shivers down your spine, awakening a flood of excitement that you couldn’t control. His strong arms surrounded you, hands wrapped firmly around yours on the rifle, steady and commanding. Each breath he took brushed softly against your neck, and you found yourself unable to think of anything but his presence. Solid, protective, and impossibly close.
His touch was rough but careful, and the way his fingers enveloped yours made your pulse race. You couldn’t ignore the way his grip felt, strong and possessive, sending waves of thrill and desire through you.
He covered you like a protective barrier, making you feel safe enough to face anything.
“All right,” he murmured in a voice that was dark, smooth, almost too tempting. “Now, aim at him.” His breath brushed your ear, making it even harder to concentrate. Your fingers touched his where they rested over yours, sending sparks down your spine. But you tried your best to focus, steadying your gaze on the boar ahead.
“That’s it,” he encouraged softly, his voice a low rumble that made you take a deep breath, willing yourself to keep your aim.
Your hands were shaking a bit, but Logan’s massive hands kept the rifle steady, guiding it in perfect alignment. “Shoot,” he commanded, and for a moment, you hesitated, unsure of yourself. But then, with a gentle push from him, you squeezed the trigger, and the shot rang out. The impact sent a jolt through you, and you stumbled slightly backward into Logan’s chest. He chuckled softly, glancing down at you.
“Are you okay?” he asked, his voice low and reassuring. You nodded quickly, eyes already moving to the wild boar lying motionless on the ground.
“You did it. Good job,” he praised, and the words sent another wave of satisfaction rushing through you, a pleasant heat spreading between your thighs.
Logan then stood, offering his hand to help you up, and you both walked over to inspect the boar. You felt terrible, a heavy weight pressing on your chest as you stared at the lifeless body of the wild boar, the one you had just killed. The realization hit you like a punch to the gut, and a wave of guilt washed over you. But Logan didn’t seem bothered by it at all.
Without hesitation, he hoisted the dead boar over his shoulders, along with the two others, and started walking back toward the cabin with you.
Before getting in the truck, he tossed the animals into the back with ease, as though it was nothing. Then he climbed into the driver’s seat, leaving you standing outside, unsure of what to do next.
“Hop in!” Logan called out with a grin, and you quickly obeyed, climbing into the truck. “We’re going to the store. I’ll need something,” he said, and with a turn of the key, the engine roared to life.
As soon as you stepped into the store, everything felt new. You had never been inside a store before, and it amazed you. Shelves upon shelves filled with things you’d never seen, snacks, drinks, and foods that were completely unfamiliar to you. Logan had told you to stay close to him, but the overwhelming curiosity got the best of you. You couldn’t help but wander around, eyeing all the delicious treats you had no idea existed.
Suddenly, three men approached you. “Hey cutie” one of the slimy guys called out making you turn around. You raised your eyebrows innocently and incomprehension as you watched them approach you. They kept whispering something to each other and laughing, in a very creepy way.
"Damn you're a snack!" "Nice curves you've got there!" they said and kept getting closer. You backed up until you hit a shelf, not allowed to move away from them anymore. "What's a hot chick like you doing in a place like this?" the tallest guy with a beard, that smelled like rotten fish, reached out and tried to touch your arm. You flinched, trying to step away, but they only followed.
You took another step back, hoping to escape their grip, but it was no use. Another hand reached out to brush against your waist, sending a shiver of discomfort down your spine. “Yeah, come on sweetheart, don’t be shy. Let us show you a good time.”
Your heart raced, fear bubbling inside, but before you could react, you heard a familiar, low voice. “I think she’s good, boys”
He was standing there now, his arms crossed, his presence like a wall of muscle, dark eyes locked on the men. His voice was calm but deadly serious.
“And who the hell are you? You some kinda hero?”
Logan stepped closer, his gaze never leaving them. “No, I’m not. But I’ll make sure you wish you were never born if you keep this up.”
The men hesitated, clearly weighing their options. Logan’s stance and cold, threatening tone made them think twice. He reached out, grabbing one by the collar and pulling him a few inches off the ground.
“You’d better walk away. Now.” The men quickly realized they were outmatched, and with a few muttered curses, they backed off, turning and walking away in defeat. Logan kept his eyes on them, waiting until they were completely gone before letting the tension in his body ease.
He turned to you, his expression softening just slightly, though still protective. “You good?” You nodded, feeling a wave of relief wash over you, though your heart was still racing. Logan’s presence had been a shield, and you couldn’t help but feel safe again.
You quietly thanked him, and Logan simply nodded. He didn’t hesitate any longer, unwilling to risk more men getting too close to you. Gently, he grabbed your waist and pulled you to his side, holding you there. You didn’t protest.
Logan’s usual cool demeanor had a hint of something else now, something possessive, as his hand rested firmly on your side. He wasn’t just guarding you, he was claiming you in a way. His thoughts were elsewhere, likely simmering with anger over what had just happened. Though he’d tried to handle things calmly with words, the desire to protect you at all costs was stronger than ever.
He might’ve been trying to be civil, but if anyone tried something again, there would be no hesitation. Logan would’ve torn them apart in seconds if you weren’t around. He had a certain control over himself, but it was clear, he didn’t like anyone stepping too close to what was his.
You came to the register, Logan paid and you left. You didn't exchange a word until then. "What would you like for dinner?" he asked, turning the subject away. He didn't want to discuss the uncomfortable situation further and make you feel uneasy. Talking about food seemed like a better topic to him.
“I don't know” Logan left you from his grip, when you were already at the car. You got inside, where Logan placed the grocery bag in the back seat, before starting the car. "We'll figure something out"
It was evening when you were finally back at the cabin, and Logan was in the kitchen, preparing dinner. The scent of fresh ingredients filled the air, mixing with the smoky, earthy aroma of the forest outside. He was focused, moving with the kind of purpose you admired. You sat on the couch, leaning back into the cushions, watching him from where you were. You were wearing a new shirt, his shirt, of course, but nothing else but your underwear.
As your eyes traced the muscles in his arms, the way his body moved as he chopped and stirred, you felt yourself growing more and more captivated by him. The warmth from the kitchen contrasted with the cool air in the room, but it only added to the heat that built inside you, a feeling that had nothing to do with temperature.
You wanted to help, of course, but when you offered, Logan shook his head. “You should rest,” he said softly, glancing over his shoulder at you, a smirk curling at the corner of his mouth. “I’ve got this.”
With a small, reluctant sigh, you sank back further into the couch, feeling the warmth of the room settle around you. Logan finished preparing the meal, but instead of rushing to serve, he made you a cup of warm tea. The steam rose up, delicate and soothing. He handed it to you with a soft smile, the heat of the cup spilling into your hands, grounding you in the moment.
You wrapped your fingers around the warm ceramic, grateful for the comfort he offered, both physically and emotionally. The tenderness, the care he took in everything he did for you, it made you feel both vulnerable and cherished.
Logan leaned against the counter, watching you with those intense eyes of his, the same gaze that had been on you since the moment you met. It was as though you were the only thing that mattered in that moment. And you couldn’t deny the way it made your heart race.
Logan finished preparing the meal, a hearty dish of seared steaks, roasted vegetables, and mashed potatoes, the savory smells filling the cabin and making your stomach growl with anticipation. He set the plates down on the coffee table in front of the couch where you were sitting, making sure everything was just right. You couldn’t help but smile, taking in the scene. The warm glow of the lights in the cabin made it feel cozy and intimate, a stark contrast to the chaos of your past.
You both settled onto the couch, Logan taking a seat beside you. The food was delicious, and even though the conversation wasn’t centered around anything important, it felt grounding. Logan had a way of making even the smallest details sound interesting. His deep voice, full of humor, washed over you as he shared stories of his time on the road, a mix of ridiculous adventures and near-disasters.
Logan’s laughter was like music, deep and genuine. He didn’t laugh often, but when he did, it was as if the weight of the world had been lifted from him, even if only for a moment. You couldn’t help but laugh along, his energy infectious, his smile that much brighter when he caught your eye.
As you both continued eating, you realized how easy it was to be with him. There was no need to act or pretend, no awkward silences or forced small talk. For the first time in what felt like forever, you were completely at ease. The sound of Logan’s voice, the warmth of the food, the softness of the couch beneath you, it all felt like home.
You didn’t even notice how much time had passed, how the world outside the cabin had ceased to exist in that moment. For the first time in years, you felt truly happy.
Logan’s eyes caught yours, a small smile on his lips. “What?” he asked, noticing your gaze. You shook your head, a soft chuckle escaping your lips. “Nothing, just… this feels nice,” you said, the words slipping out before you could stop them.
Logan raised an eyebrow, a grin tugging at his mouth. “Nice, huh? You sure know how to flatter a guy.” You laughed, feeling a warmth spread through you, but it wasn’t just from the food. It was from being here, with him. Safe. Comfortable. Content.
“I mean it,” you said, your voice softer now. “For the first time in a long time, I feel like… I don’t have to worry about anything.”
Logan paused, his fork hovering in the air for a second before he set it down on his plate. His gaze softened, just for a moment, before he looked away. “I get that,” he muttered, almost to himself. “Things don’t have to be complicated, not when you’re with the right people.”
You felt your heart skip a beat at his words, his sincerity making you feel something deep within. You wanted to believe him, wanted to believe that for once, you could just be happy. That you didn’t need to keep fighting.
He looked back at you, his expression now more serious. “I’m glad you’re here,” he said, his voice low, yet filled with an honesty that hit you in a way you hadn’t expected.
Your chest tightened with emotion, and you nodded, trying to mask how much those words meant. It was strange, how something so simple could affect you so much. But then again, everything with Logan felt different, more real.
The night wore on, and the two of you shared stories, laughed, and ate. The weight of the world didn’t seem as heavy as it had just hours ago. You were no longer thinking about the FBI or what had brought you here. You were only thinking about the present, about Logan.
“Hey, can I ask you something?” Logan’s voice was casual, but there was something in it that caught your attention. You nodded, waiting for him to continue. He took a final bite of his food, chewing slowly before setting his plate down with a soft clink.
“Have you ever been with anyone?” The question hung in the air, unexpected and direct. It startled you, leaving you unsure of how to respond. Your mind raced, and for a moment, you didn’t know how to answer. Logan, sensing the hesitation, quickly shifted his tone, as if trying to soften the impact. But you still found yourself replying simply, “No. I never really had the chance.”
He seemed to understand, nodding thoughtfully. “If you had the chance, though, I bet you’d have no trouble at all.”
You laughed nervously and shook your head in disbelief. “No way… I don’t think so.”
Logan’s expression softened as he leaned slightly forward, his eyes never leaving yours. There was a seriousness in his voice when he spoke again, but a warmth too. “Yes way, I mean look at you. You’re beautiful, not just on the outside, but in everything you are. The way you carry yourself, your strength, the way you laugh, it all draws people in. You have this… presence. I can’t imagine anyone not wanting to be close to you.”
The sincerity in his words made your breath catch. It was as though every insecurity you’d hidden deep inside was being slowly unraveled, laid bare in the best possible way. His words, simple but heartfelt, wrapped around you like a comforting blanket, making you feel seen in a way you hadn’t in a long time.
Logan kept speaking, his words filling the space between you. “I’ve never met anyone like you.” His voice was deep, full of admiration, and you could feel how much he meant it. “You’ve got this amazing energy, this fire. I don’t know how you do it.”
But despite his compliments, something inside you was aching to stop him, to silence all those words. You wanted him in a way you couldn’t explain, something fierce that pulsed through your veins. You couldn’t hold back any longer. You leaned in, your breath catching as you pressed your lips gently against his.
Logan was surprised at first, barely reacting, his lips soft under yours. He wasn’t expecting this, and neither were you, but the spark that ignited between you two was undeniable.
Before you could even think, Logan’s hands found their way to the back of your neck, pulling you closer. His lips parted, deepening the kiss. This time, there was no hesitation. His kiss was hungry, passionate, like he couldn’t get enough of you. You felt his fingers move, cupping your face gently, as though he was afraid of breaking something precious between you. But you weren’t fragile. You weren’t scared.
You responded, matching his intensity, the heat between you two overwhelming, leaving you both breathless.
You put your plate down on the table as Logan's weight weighed you down, so you were underneath him. He didn't want to rush into anything, but at the same time, he couldn't keep that desire inside him for long.
He was kissing you hungrily and you kissed him back, your fingers found a place between his soft hair, which you pulled and messed up. His knee, without his intention, slowly rubbed against your panties. He created the pressure that you wanted for a long time. Your core was pulsating, greedily, desperately wanting something to drive away that annoying lust.
Your lips leaving a soft moans between the kisses, making Logan's pants tighter. Your sweet sound made it hard for Logan to be patient with you. His hands were slowly moving down, gently exploring your body. Every touch of his filled you with doses of adrenaline. Your hips were carefully rocking against Logan's knee as a natural instinct. He scoffed and stopped kissing you to take a look at you.
"Someone's eager huh?" His voice sounded mocking but at the same time, irritated you much more than his leg against your core. You wanted him. You needed him. Lust like you've never experienced before. It was stronger than hunger or thirst, it was much more intense.
You had no idea what was happening to you but you knew you needed Logan. Much, much closer. He didn't need to read minds to see how frantically you needed this.
He lunged at your lips again, much more wildly. One of his hands traveled quite quickly to your legs. When he reached your thighs, he massaged you for a while there. Oh god he needed it as badly as you did.
He couldn't remember the last time he had good sex. It's been a while since he's been living alone in this cabin with only the animals around. Of course, when he got the hang of it, he masturbated, but over time he got tired of it. But the moment you appeared in his sight, you reawakened in him the flame of passion and especially erection, which he was still trying to hide and suppress whenever you were near him.
But now was the time when you both could finally indulge. To relax, achieve pleasure and share the most intimate moment with the person who saved you.
Logan's hand smoothly moved from your thigh to your inner thigh, way too close to the point you wanted him the most. You tried to move your hips so that he would finally touch you. He chuckled softly, noticing your movements. “Easy there”
His middle finger started gently brushing you through your panties. Your eyes widened, as you felt a tickle warm feeling in your lower stomach. You couldn't describe what exactly you felt but it was breathtaking. You couldn't get enough of it.
Logan was careful, gentle and obedient, but you kept implying that you wanted the exact opposite. You wanted more, more pressure, more fingers, but most of all you wanted him to finally take off your panties. You bit your lower lip, trying to be quiet as the soft groans of desperation started leaving your throat, without even realizing it.
"Come on princess, let me hear you" Logan put more pressure into his finger, making you close your eyes and drop your jaw. You couldn't control your voice anymore and that was exactly what Logan wanted. Hearing your moaning and seeing your eyebrows twitching in pleasure, made his dick even harder.
He wanted to feel you, he wanted to taste you, that's why he grabbed your panties made of soft fabric and pulled them off you in one swipe. You gasped a bit as the cold fresh air touched your bare core, wet and pulsating.
When Logan saw your pussy, his breath caught in his chest. You were beautiful. The transparent glistening liquid on your labia was driving him crazy. It looked like the most delicious meat he would ever taste and he decided to not waste any more time, even though he would love to look at you even longer.
He got on his knees on the couch, lowering himself so that his head was right between your thighs. You lowered your head, heavy breathing and heart beating like never before. This image will be etched in your memory forever. His devilish smile and flirtatious wink was the last time you saw, before you started seeing stars.
He buried his face into your cunt, his nose teasing your clit while his tongue was swirling around your surface. He licked off all your wetness while you had to catch on to something. You grab his already disheveled hair, pulling and tugging him.
Your strokes, which Logan barely felt, made him growl against you, sending pleasent vibration right into your core. "Logan" you gasped as his tongue finally penetrated you. He was stretching you and surprisingly, it didn't hurt at all. You were so horny that his penetration was smooth without any problems.
You bit your lips again, creating a bloody mess there, but you could care less. You kept moving your hips awkwardly as Logan created a volcano of emotions inside you. His tongue touched your walls, twirling around and tasting every drop of your juice. On top of that, his nose didn't stop at deliberately provoking your sensitive clit, sending you closer and closer to orgasm.
Logan kept his eyes on you. He watched as your nostrils flared, your brows furrowed, and your muscles tensed beyond belief trying to hold on. You could feel his cocky smile, as your walls started to tighten around his tongue. He knew you were close. “You taste so good”
Your grunt grew louder with every flick of Logan's tongue, your hips moving against his face, before you felt a pressing sensation in your lower abdomen. Goosebumps covered your entire body and a chill ran down your spine, before it happened. Your jaw fall open, your eyes tight close and you shouted over the entire cottage, that even the birds outside flew away.
You squirm all over Logan's face. The feeling of release washed over you until you fell from the height and struggled to catch your breath. Logan licked you, he was very dusty and didn't want to leave even a drop of your cum. The overstimulation started heating up your core.
Logan moved away from your crotch, sitting on his ankles and watching you for a moment. Even though you were drained, you still looked stunning. You opened your eyes when you felt huge warm hands on your cheeks. "That's my girl" you chuckled, your eyelids felt heavy but you couldn't stop looking at Logan's face. He still had the rest of your squirm on his chin and nose, glistening through the rays of cozy light around the room.
"Are you ready?" your heart skipped a beat at his question, but his messy hair with face like an angel made you nod your head. Logan smiled with a huff, kissing you harshly. His hands weren't as careful as before, he was reaching all over you and didn't hesitate to touch you under your, actually his, shirt at all.
You cooperated with his passionate kissing, both of you sighing. Suddenly you felt something poking you which started to annoy you. You pulled away from Logan's lips and looked down to see his huge erection still trapped in his pants. Your eyes widened and your core started pulsating again. Logan noticed your staring and couldn't help but chuckle.
“What are you lookin' at?” you quickly look back into his eyes, embarrassed. As a result, you started to blush and had to suck your lips into a thin line. God Logan adored you.
"Don't worry sweetie" he leans, brushing his lips against your ear as his hot breath warmed your skin. “You'll get it” with those words, he covered your face in soft kisses. You were enjoying it until you heard belt unfastening and a zipper. You knew it was coming and you couldn't wait. You were so heated up and that Logan's cock could cool you down.
You felt the excitement spread throughout your body, as Logan's pants fell onto the floor. You already felt something hard tickling you in your inner thigh. You were impatient. You let out an eager purr, indicating that you absolutely needed to have Logan inside you. He sense your hints and the uncontrollable movements of your hips, fervently trying to get some friction.
Logan look at you, eyes dark with lust, before he presses his lips against yours and at that exact same time, he slowly thrust into you. You squeak, eyes widened as he stretched your walls extremely wide. You were wrapped around him, so fucking tight. His precum mixed with the remaining juices inside you, creating a useful natural lubricant.
"Fuck" he dropped his forehead against yours, his hot breathing in shallow, uneven gasps as he continued his way to get fully inside you. You were quietly whimpering, eyes closed but you felt amazing. Logan's presence so close to you finally got rid of that aggravating aching between your legs.
“Hold onto me baby,” Logan kept comforting you and whispering sweet things that made your heart beat faster. “Just like that” his voice low and hard, ruspy in a way that tickled your eardrums. You automatically wrapped your legs around Logan's waist when he was inside to the base. You felt so full, but that it still wasn't enough. You begged for more.
Logan, like a true gentleman, let you get used to him and catch a breath a little, before he started the rodeo. He moved his pan with incredibly gentle movements. His tip touching and provoking your cervix and places you didn't even know could be reached.
Your mouth opened automatically as you were sighing, your voice pitch and strong. "You like that?" Logan was looking at you and even though you couldn't see him, you instinctively suspected that he was watching you. You didn't mind. You didn't mind at all. You nodded carelessly and threw your head back as Logan started to pick up the pace.
Exactly what you needed and wanted. It's like he's reading your mind. As if he knew your body perfectly and knew exactly what you want, what you desire, what you need.
He took both of your hands and held them tightly as he placed them above your head. Again, you didn't mind. Your only focus was his cock in your vagina. How wonderful he feels. How his massive cock touches every sensitive spot inside you, slowly but surely bringing you to climax.
“Look at you,” he said with a smile as he fought himself not to empty himself into you yet. You're making it really hard for him though. "Such a...." he dropped his head as his dick started twitching, his thrusts gained strength and intensity. "Such a good girl”
He felt it. You felt it too. You stopped perceiving your surroundings, your ears started ringing and the rumbling in your stomach burned. Logan, on the other hand, felt he wouldn't last much longer.
He quickly unbuttoned your shirt, the buttons flew around but it was a blast for both of you. Your breasts bounced to the rhythm of Logan's thrusting, which started being unbearable. He lost control of his pelvis and movements in order to catch up with his orgasm. He got on his knees, freeing your hands but held your hips firmly, while keep pounding into you without mercy.
"You feel s-so good" he groaned his eyes tightly shut as he felt his orgasm being implausibly close. Your legs started shaking, vibrating. You stopped feeling your toes and that's when you felt it. You arch your back, jaw wide open while you moaned really, really loudly.
Your walls tightened around Logan's length, but he didn't stop. All of your muscles stiffened until in one moment, they suddenly relaxed and you let out a soft sigh of relief. Logan chuckled when you cum all over his dick and decided not to wait for his moment anymore. Few more hard thrust, before he pulled out and sprayed your belly with his seed.
His moan was really intense and turned you on again, plus the realization that he made this sound just because of you, your heart was melting.
After that he collapsed on you but carefully, not to smash your tiny body. His forehead was leaning against yours, both of you breathing heavily while giggling. "That was...awesome" Logan sighed, making you laugh and blush. It was that good, that you couldn't even talk. But Logan made sure that there was no awkward silence.
"You were quite loud, princess,” your cheeks started to blush but you didn't break eye contact with Logan, even with such close proximity. “Always so quiet and mysterious… but in bed? You’re not afraid of that, are you?” you were terribly shy, but in a good way. You didn't know you could make such sounds yourself.
He grinned, seeing you all red and sweaty was a moment of comfort for him. He didn't want to admit it, but he felt butterflies in his stomach and they just wouldn't go away since he saw you.
"Come on, let's get you clean up" Logan grunted as he stood up and didn't ask you, just grabbed you and carried you into the bathroom like a princess. You didn't complain, you swung your legs and rested your head on his chest, feeling indescribably good with him.
A few years had passed, and the life you and Logan had built together only grew deeper and richer with time. You’d both settled into a quiet, natural rhythm, a blend of strength and softness, of trust and a fierce loyalty that had grown from countless shared moments, both big and small. Logan, once guarded and wary, had opened up to you in ways neither of you expected, revealing a side that was as protective and tender as it was wild. And you, too, had found a quiet courage within yourself, rooted in him and in the life you shared. Your bond felt like something timeless and unbreakable, a connection that had only strengthened as the years drifted by, like roots that had grown deep and steady in the rich earth of your love.
Logan stood outside the cabin, dressed only in a pair of worn, dark-gray sweatpants that clung to his muscular frame. His gaze stretched out over the rugged landscape, eyes fixed on the rolling hills and dense trees, but his thoughts were somewhere far beyond the scenery. The dawn air was cool, mist rising in thin wisps over the ground, and Logan breathed it in slowly, grounding himself in the calm solitude of nature. His rugged face was softened in the morning light, deep in thought, a rare vulnerability showing in his expression as he seemed to wrestle with something private, something known only to him.
Then, as if sensing him, you stepped quietly onto the porch, carrying a small, bundled form against your chest. You approached him with a warmth and excitement that seemed to break through his solitude. The tiny child in your arms cooed softly, and Logan, feeling your presence before even hearing a sound, turned around. His face lit up with an expression that was a blend of pride, awe, and something deeper, something fierce and protective.
With a gentle smile, you cradled his newborn closer, offering the child toward him. Logan’s face softened, and he reached out, his large, roughened hand brushing over the child’s head with an almost reverent touch.
“She really do have your nose,” he murmured, a smirk breaking across his face as he looked up at you.
You laughed softly, stepping close to wrap your arm around his waist. Logan pulled you in, his warmth settling around you both. Together, you looked out over the vast expanse of trees and sky stretching endlessly before you, wrapped in the serenity of the moment.
“Can you believe this?” you whispered, resting your head on his shoulder.
Logan’s voice was low but sure. “Wouldn’t trade it for anything.” He pressed a lingering kiss to your forehead, his rough hand squeezing your shoulder gently.
The life you shared with him in that moment, under the quiet sky, was both humbling and thrilling, an unexpected future he never dared to hope for but now couldn’t imagine living without.
#smut#wolverine x reader#wolverine x you#logan howlett#logan howlett smut#logan howlett x reader#logan howlett x you#logan howlett xmen#wolverine#marvel x reader#marvel xmen#marvel smut#marvel
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Guys, I’m going feral over thinking about deer hybrid! Reader x Philip Graves. Might make this into a series if I’m bothered LOL. I like the idea.
Imagine in this au, hybrids are rare. Especially you who looks entirely human save for the white and brown freckles adorning your skin and the gentle doe ears that flick occasionally.

You were a tagged hybrid, slang for a hybrid in danger of becoming nothing more than a test subject. You were prized for your unique blend of both human and animal characteristics. However, the company holding you captive forgot one thing. You were still part animal and it was in your instincts to run.
You met Graves after you collapsed on the road while sprinting away from the laboratory, your keen ears picking up the shouts coming from the guards.
You thought yourself as lucky that a car had been passing through the area when you fell. “What is it?” Someone exited the vehicle followed by another.
“It’s a hybrid… a deer one. I think. Can’t really tell.”
“It’s clearly a deer. What else would it be? A bird?”
They bickered amongst themselves before one had the initiative to pull out a walkie talkie. “Boss, we’ve encountered a hybrid on the road. Not sure how old she is, maybe late twenties? She’s a deer hybrid, has a few wounds, and she’s tagged. Your orders? Over.”
The pair waited half a beat before there was a response.
“Why would I want a hybrid?”
“She’s one of the valuable ones, sir. Maybe she can be useful. She was running quite fast before she blacked out. Doubt she’s been fed so to run at that speed on an empty stomach is impressive.”
There was a sigh on the other end of the line. “Fine, bring her in.”
You didn’t officially meet Graves until a week later when he finally paid you a visit.
He watched in concealed awe at the way you gracefully moved, even when you were confined to a bed. You stared up at him, your soft doe eyes burning holes. He found you strangely captivating and it was in that moment he realized you could be useful after all.
Your aim with a gun was surprisingly good. If Graves was going to keep you, he needed you to be capable of protecting yourself. He spent at least a few hours each day just watching you fire a round of shots. His presence was no longer required but you seemed to enjoy his company.
Apart from Graves and the two Shadows who picked you up off the road, you didn’t speak to anyone else. You were shy to the point where sometimes, you didn’t even utter a word to Graves.
Within months, it became apparent as to where your loyalties lay. You answered to Graves and him alone. To you, his words was the law. If a command did not come from Graves, you did not follow it.
Some people found it annoying… but Graves adored it.
You followed Philip Graves everywhere he went, which also meant you tagged along on his shared mission with the Mexican Special Forces Operator and Task Force 141.
You were his personal sniper, a gun gifted by Graves strapped to your back.
“Who’s the pretty lass?” A Scottish man asked as you trailed behind Graves. He gazed at you curiously, tilting his head.
Graves barely spared him a look. “My sniper.” He cockily answered, an undeniable smugness to his sharp words. “You don’t need to know her name.”
There were questioning looks exchanged between the teammates before Graves clicked his fingers, effortlessly gaining your attention. He leaned down, fully aware of the eyes following his every move.
“Doe.” He uttered the pet name you were accustomed to. Then he spoke in a foreign language, one only you could understand. Then he pointed at a tree nearby. You didn’t need any further instructions as you stepped forward, grasping your rifle. The others watched with raised brows, patiently waiting for something to happen.
There was a loud bang as you pressed the sensitive trigger of your gun. The bullet flew through the air, hitting the tree with pinpoint accuracy. You fired three more shots, hitting the exact same spot and drilling a hole into the trunk.
With practised ease, you lowered the gun. You heard Graves chuckle before he spoke. “Trained her myself.” He beckoned you back to his side and you obeyed without another thought.
He wrapped an arm around your waist as an act of dominance to the others. “She listens to my commands and mine only so don’t think for a second that her loyalties will change.”
Graves reached out to grasp your necklace, showing it to the whole group. It was a heart with his name engraved on it. “She belongs to me and if any of you muppets even look at her funny, it won’t end well for you.”
#philip graves#philip graves x reader#cod x reader#cod#cod mw2#call of duty x reader#call of duty#cod graves#shadow company#cod mw3#tf 141#alejandro vargas#cod modern warfare#cod phillip graves#hybrid au
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a proper send off — toji fushiguro
synopsis: step daddy!toji trains ur holes stakes his claim before you go off to college ♡ ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ content warnings: taboo; step!cest, age gap (reader is over 18!), rough sex, lots of praise, teasing, heavy use of pet names, dom/sub, dd/lg, p in v, cervix-fucking, tummy bulge, buttplug, throat-fucking, edging, overstimulation, mating press, creampie ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ word count: 5.3k...straight filth ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ author notes: i was in a very specific mood when i wrote this...i hope you all enjoy!! xx not beta read !
nsfw 𓆩♡𓆪 mdni
"Toji!" you chirped, running toward the buff older man as he exited his vehicle. His arms stretched wide as he met you on the sidewalk, leaning down to catch your small figure as you leapt into his arms, legs wrapping around his waist. He gripped you tight against his body, rocking the two of you back and forth.
You had only been apart for about four hours, but it might as well had been three months with the way the two of you clung to one another.
"How was orientation, my sweet girl?" Toji asked, lowering you to the ground gently, placing a light peck on the top of your head. Your small hand wrapped around his last two fingers as he guided you toward the car, opening the door and getting you settled in the passenger seat.
"Mmmm, super boring...but I learned a lot!" you beamed, shuffling your feet around the floorboards while he turned the key in the ignition.
The ride home was filled with you telling Toji all about your class schedule, which courses you were excited about, and how your new dorm looked after you had finished decorating it. He smiled kindly, offering the occasional hum or nod in response—he found your aimless ramblings so precious. Your darling voice was like music to his ears. His sweet little girl.
But something plagued his thoughts during the forty-five minute trip. A lingering appetite that he worked so hard to suppress. A dark, elusive feeling that manifested in the pit of his stomach. His grip was tight on the steering wheel, teeth gritted ever so slightly. Worry crept across his face at the realization that the dreaded day rapidly approached him. He was sure he had more time.
He was going to lose you, the inevitability of college now knocking at the door.
He had gotten so used to having you around, falling in love with your sickeningly sweet nature, your tantalizing aura that oozed innocence. He worried that you wouldn't make it out there on your own; even at your grown age you still looked to him for any sort of guidance, big or small. He loved it. Loved how much you depended on him, how you couldn't live without him.
He knew the sudden departure of your mother hurt you more than you let on, so he made it his mission to keep you safe, feeling wholeheartedly responsible for your well-being, even though he had only been in your life for about a year.
It was the most fulfilling year he'd ever experienced, far better than the time he had spent with your mother. It was unexpected, hell, it was even frowned upon, but he couldn’t help how he felt. He loved you more than he ever could have loved her, feeling an odd sense of relief when she had finally left, and feeling elated when you decided to stay with him rather than her. A burning question stirred in the back of his mind; were these feelings reciprocated? He didn’t dare find out the answer, instead hoping it would be presented to him first.
It didn’t take much time for the truth to unfurl right before his eyes; why you really wanted to live with him rather than your mom, the (not so) innocent way you began to cling to him…oh, how you loved your Daddy, and how he loved his little girl, too.
Toji knew there was evil out there, people who would take advantage of your soft heart and overly-trusting nature without a second thought. He couldn't let you get hurt.
He tried his best to convince you not to go to college, or at the very least, just commute to campus each day. He wanted to keep you close, to be there for you, to protect you.
He was successful at getting you to take a gap year, but he could tell his baby girl was getting antsy. Your stubbornness persevered— adamant about furthering your education and staying in the dorms. You were set on going out on your own and he knew he couldn't stop you anymore.
But he couldn't send his pretty girl out into the world without breaking her in first.
Upon immediate entry to your home, you were ordered to the bedroom, the rough rasp of Toji's voice echoing through your ears as you made your way to his room.
"Daddy, did I do somethin’ wrong," you questioned softly, lips pouted slightly, voice quiet as you fumbled with the hem of your short, pleated skirt. Seated on the edge of the bed, you kicked your feet around anxiously as he stared down at you.
"No, nothin' like that, sweetheart," he soothed, grasping your face in hands, his rough thumbs dragging across your blushed cheeks. Your wide eyes swam with curiosity as you stared back up at him.
"Listen t'me very closely, darlin'," he continued, crouching down to your level. Your neck instinctively relaxed, your head falling into his hands, nuzzling into his grasp. "You're going out into the world alone...I won't be around to keep you outta trouble anymore..." his voice trailed off as his eyes searched yours.
"Mhmm, I know, Daddy," you giggled back, "Y'tell me that everyday." This is why he loved having you to all to himself...in public, he was "Toji"; in private, you only ever called him "Daddy". His little girl was damn good at keeping secrets...it only made things more exciting.
The look in your eyes drove Toji wild; deep, enticing pools of virtue. It was only right that he got to be the one to ruin you, to give you a proper send-off. He hated the idea of you being with someone that wasn't him, so he hoped, prayed, to mold your pussy perfectly around his cock to ensure no other man could live up to the standard he set in your life.
A slight growl erupted from the back of his throat as he continued to pet you. "There's somethin' we gotta do, baby girl,'' he took a knee in front of you, his hands resting atop your plush thighs, massaging them gently.
"You 'member what we had talked about when you finally decided to go away for college?" he added, working his way up under your skirt. Your breath hitched as you focused on the circles he was drawing on your upper thighs, your head dropping to the side.
"Uh huh...I do, Daddy," you were already breathless as anticipation swirled through your stomach. Toji hooked his fingers under the waistband of your panties, tugging them down your legs. Your shirt was removed next, leaving you in only your lacy ankle socks and skirt.
"You ready? Think ya can handle this, angel?" he asked sternly as he strummed around your warm center. Your face twisted up in pleasure as he played with your pussy. "Uh huh..mmm...yes, D-daddy..'m ready," your voice wavered as his thick finger prodded at your needy hole.
He pushed you back onto the bed, dipping his digit into the second knuckle, curling it slightly to toy with your g spot. You were already a moaning mess for him, the high pitched whimpers that fell from your lips sent pangs of arousal straight to his dick. The way you writhed around for him at the smallest stimulation made his skin burn.
Every moment you spent watching him from afar, your innocent daydreams that manifested into dark desires at night, the way you’d hug him for just a bit longer than usual; each time his mind wandered to you, guilt nipping at his spine…it was all worth it.
He was addicted to you well before he ever actually had you— but after that fateful night, a few weeks after the divorce was finalized and your mom moved out, with your unexpected appearance in his room as you crawled into bed with him. The way your arms wrapped so tight around him, how your soft breaths danced so delicately across his bare skin, how perfectly your nestled head fit into the crook of his neck. His appetite became insatiable...his baby girl. The smoothness of your skin as he traced drifting lines around each curve of your precious figure. He couldn't get enough.
Toji dipped down to kiss along your sweet skin as his finger continued to shallowly work into your dripping cunt. He licked and nipped at you, the taste of your flesh overwhelming his senses. His tongue narrowed as he got to your ear, lapping at it feverishly, suckling at your lobe. "Sound so good f'me, baby." You panted at his words, the coils in your tummy beginning to bubble up.
He felt you clench around him and immediately withdrew from you. You whined at his absence, your hole spasming around nothing, your thighs pressing together in a feeble attempt to quell the pulsing between your legs. He grinned at your anguished huffs as he stood, removing his clothes. Your need for release still churned in your stomach as a small groan left your lips, pouting up at him. Toji only chuckled in response. "Not yet, sweetheart..." he teased, tossing his shirt aside. He was moving in accordance with his deepest, darkest secrets...he needed you to want him, to crave him, to not want to exist without him.
You knew better than to complain, Daddy always came through for you.
"How do you wanna start, princess," he asked while discarding his jeans, his throbbing girth standing proud in front of you. He loved when you asked for what you wanted, when you spoke your mind without shame. That’s a big part of being independent, right? He wanted to teach you, after all.
"Can I suck it, Daddy...love the way you taste," you mewled, your words coated with neediness as you leaned forward to grasp him in your small hands, licking your lips as spit pooled in your mouth. Toji had you right where he wanted you, he worked hard to fine-tune your body to respond to him and only him. You were completely wrapped around his finger. You looked starved, desperate for his cock to pound into your throat.
"Of course, baby, gotta train that mouth of yours, hmm?" he teased, smirking as he positioned himself in front of you. "Already take me so well...let's see how deep you can go." His thick, dripping head pushed past your lips, your tongue swirling around his tip as you worked to take him further, choking on him as he settled in the back of your throat. Your eyes welled up with tears as you struggled to breathe around his substantial girth. "Relax, baby girl...breathe through your nose f'me," he soothed, running his fingers through your hair before squeezing the sides of your cheeks. "Look s’pretty like this," he grunted, his hips rocking into your mouth slowly.
He worked his cock in and out, groaning at how tight your throat was constricting around him. "Mouth's so hot n wet f'me..doin so good princess," he muttered, his jaw tight as he watched his dick slide between your taut lips. He grasped at the back of your head firmly, his other hand still squeezing at your hollowed out cheeks. "That’s it…keep it nice n tight."
His pace picked up, the sloppy sounds of Toji fucking into the back of your throat danced around the heady air of the room. You stared up at him, blinking away the tears that poured from your eyes, eager to capture the way his face twisted in pleasure as trails of spit dribbled down your chin. You loved pleasing him…loved the way that even the biggest and strongest men’s composure could waver. You knew Daddy’s tipping point, and you were dead-set on taking him there.
You felt him twitch inside your mouth as you hummed against him, the vibrations running through his cock and straight to his balls, his head thrown back at the added stimulation. "Mmm, there ya go, sweetheart...so fuckin' good. Pretty girl wants my cum, huh?"
You nodded furiously, or as much as you could with his dick in your mouth and his hand still palming the back of your head, his strokes forcing you to take all of him.
You gasped and coughed as Toji abruptly pulled your head off him, smearing a mixture of saliva and pre cum across your cheeks as he rubbed himself around your lips. "Open...tongue out for me, baby girl," he commanded. You obeyed immediately, your wide, pleading eyes staring up at him as Toji smacked his rock-hard girth against your hot tongue.
His hands gripped either side of your head, pulling your hair into makeshift pigtails as he shoved into your mouth again, smirking as you gagged around him, spit running between your tits and pooling in your lap. His eyes went dark at the sight, utterly consumed by how beautiful you looked while you sucked him off. God, how he’d miss his little girl. He pulled you off him again, amused at how much his princess was struggling to take him. "C'mon, doll, I know you can do better than that," he taunted, before ramming himself back in.
Your lungs burned while your mouth stretched wide to accommodate him, his thick head bullying the back of your throat. “Stay with me,” he grunted as he left small smacks against your taut cheeks. You fought against your heavy eyelids, struggling to hold his gaze.
With a rough jut of his hips, your nose was flush against his pelvis while he unloaded down your throat. Tears cascaded down your rosy cheeks at the inundation, heat coursing through you at the carnal sounds that left his chest. He pulled out with a pop, leaving you sputtering and coughing. The savory warmth of his cum coated your tongue, licking your lips to ensure you didn't waste a drop.
You dizzily gazed up at him as you worked to regain your breath. "Open up, show me you swallowed it all," he murmured, his breathing labored as he cupped the underside of your chin. Your lips parted as you stuck your tongue out. Toji hummed in approval as he checked your mouth for any remaining trace of his seed. "Good fucking girl...so needy for Daddy's cum, huh?" You nodded, giggling breathlessly, your throat sore from Toji's intimidating girth.
"Lay back for me, sweetheart," he said firmly, stroking himself as he watched you readjust on the bed. Toji kneeled on the edge, grasping your legs and throwing them around his waist. "So pretty...you know those boys will be all over you, yeah?"
You shook your head furiously, pouting at the thought of being with anyone but Toji. "N-no, no daddy...only wan' you," you huffed, locking your feet behind his back. Your hands splayed across his abdomen, tracing lines around his prominent muscles. He leaned forward to position himself at your soaked core. "Mm..I know, doll," he cooed, his hand cupping your cheek as his other arm propped himself up. "But I gotta get you good n ready just in case. I can't have you embarrassing me out there...I did raise you, after all," he spoke low, the rasp of his voice sending chills to your core.
“Some of 'em will be gentle with ya,” he murmured, inching deeper and deeper into you. His face was kind, a small smile twitching on his lips. He looked down at you, his eyes brimming with adoration and arousal, the o-shape of your swollen, parted lips and flushed cheeks pulled a raspy groan from his chest.
He sunk into your warmth, his thick cock dragging in and out gently, his head brushing against your sweet spot with merciful thrusts.
You fussed at his teasingly slow pace, his girth stretching you out perfectly. It took every ounce of his willpower to not break you in half right then and there, driving himself into you with fervor, the jealousy biting at his spine fueling each rough jut of his hips at the thought of you with someone else. He maintained his leisurely rhythm, working you up until you reached your breaking point. "Need more..ahh...p-please Daddy...give m'more," you begged.
“Mmm, I know you do...but I gotta show you what you're gonna get when you mess with boys." His unhurried strokes antagonized your milky cunt that ached to be pounded properly. You writhed around underneath him, bucking your hips in hopes that he’d give you more, but you knew your efforts were all in vain. Toji smiled down at you with a raise of his brow, still inadequately sliding into you. Oh how he loved how needy you were for him, how easy it was to make you squirm. You were close to breaking down, tears beginning to surface as you begged for him to go faster, harder…anything.
“This isn’t enough for you, is it?” he taunted, his palms on either side of your cheeks, rubbing away your tears with a quick flick of his thumbs. “Uh uh…need more, please,” you whined, pressing your head against his hands.
Toji stared down at you with a coy smile as he watched you unravel, how hungry your sopping walls were for a good pounding. He wanted to play with you some more, to have you crying over how badly you need him. "Ya like it rough, isn’t that right, my sweet girl?” He toyed with your puffy clit as his tempo remained steady. “Love when I use you as my pretty little fleshlight, yeah?”
You nodded furiously. He grinned down at you, pulling your hips up toward him as his tempo suddenly changed, the new angle pounding directly into your g spot.
“A…ahh!! F-fuckkk, Daddy,” you cried out, your head bouncing around to match his forceful rhythm. His hips were mercilessly rutting into you, every jolt bringing you closer and closer to your release as he continued to thumb at your swollen clit. You clenched around him, eyes locked on his as short pants left your lips.
"No, baby...not yet." He pulled out immediately, flipping you, lifting your hips as he shoved a pillow under your stomach. His hands rubbed circles into the flesh of your ass as he prodded himself against your cunt. You moaned, ready to complain to him as your body ached for release. His palm found the back of your head, pushing your face into the mattress, successfully silencing you. “Shh…let me play with you, princess.”
Toji flipped up your skirt to reveal the pink rhinestone nestled perfectly between your cheeks. "That's my girl, kept it in all day f'me, hmm?" He gripped the plug and pulled it out, spitting a fat glob of saliva onto the hole before circling the sensitive ring and shoving it back in, plunging the toy in and out of your tightness.
Your hips pushed toward him, your already broken resolve absolutely crumbling from the prodding sensation in your ass. You prayed he'd let you cum soon. An unbearable ache coursed through you; a dull, evil reminder of your denied orgasms.
"M-mmhm..wanna be so good f'you, Daddy.” Your head spun, the static sobs that ripped though your sore throat bounced through the room, echoing through Toji's ribcage and ricocheting around his heart.
He couldn't help the twisted smile that cracked across his face, his precious little girl, how obsessed you were with his cock, how gluttonous you were to have him nestled within your gummy walls.
Truth be told, he was ravenous for your warmth. He loved how quickly he could wind you up and how easy it was to make you snap. He adored the way you shook when he'd bottomed out against you, the precious sounds that you made only for him.
His chest tightened at the gnawing thought of not having you anymore. He couldn't let you know that...couldn't show you how badly he needed you, how much he loved you and your perfect pussy. He gritted his teeth at his insecurities; his nagging fear of losing you, how he dreaded letting you go. How desperate he was to make this last forever.
He prodded himself in and out... in and out... iiin and ooout, only giving you about an inch each time before he removed himself again, his brows furrowed with a hungered expression, wanting to savor the way you sucked him in with greed. Your hole clenched down on him in a pitiful attempt to keep him inside, only for him to leave you empty once more. "P-plea..se, Daddy," your voice trembled, "Need you so so bad," your head thrashed around as you babbled, your thighs shaking as Toji tormented your gushing cunt. He smirked down at your twitching frame, getting off on how needy you were, how your back arched so deeply in hopes that he'd push all the way in.
"Already cock drunk and I've barely fucked you, hmm?" His aching cock teased at your spasming entrance some more, his fingers pushing and pulling the plug in and out of your ass. Your soft whines circled around his head, his chin tucked into his clavicle as he watched your holes stretch at the intrusions. “My dirty fuckin’ girl…you love when I tease you, don’t ya?”
“I–” your words caught in your throat as he shoved all the way, the head of his cock caressing the deepest parts of you with ease, the delicious girth of his member stretching you out so fucking perfectly. Your cheek pressed firm against the mattress, hands pulling at the sheets, your fists balled up tight around the fabric as overstimulating pleasure raked through you. Relishing in sinful bliss as Daddy finally gave you what you so pitifully longed for, the rough jerk of his hips smacking into the fat of your ass.
Toji was unraveling. His darkened gaze raked up and down your figure, reveling in the way your flesh rippled at the strength of his unrelenting strokes. He leaned over, one hand pressed into your lower back, the other grabbing hold of your bunched up skirt, pulling you to meet his thrusts.
“S-so–ungh–so deep, Daddy,” you mewled. Toji smirked, reaching around to press a firm palm against your tummy, growling as he felt himself deep in your gushy walls. “Mmm, I know, princess, but you’re taking me so well.” His brutal pace was splitting you in half. It felt unreal, impossible even, that nirvana had begun to manifest within your reality in the form of Toji’s thick cock absolutely destroying you, your gushing cunt greedily sucking him in, yearning to savor your little slice of paradise.
“God, this pussy was made for me, huh? So fuckin’ perfect.” His filthy words sent undulations of ecstasy through you, making you constrict around him, the coils in your stomach forming once again.
“You’re gettin’ close, aren’t ya,” he huffed out, his fingers trailing lower to rub your clit. You clenched down on him, a tell-tale sign of affirmation. His thick tip brushed against your cervix, making you cry out, relishing in bliss on the steps toward heaven’s gates.
“Ahhh! Y-yes!…oh, Daddy, yes!” You were a blubbering mess, the tightening sensation in your stomach increasing tenfold at his added stimulation.
Toji’s mind was in shambles as he battled his own filthy conscience, torn between denying your pleasure once more or redirecting his attention toward his new goal: make you fall apart on him over and over again. He struggled to weigh his options as your cock-drunk cries echoed through the room, the delicious sound of skin slapping against skin clouding his mind.
“Grippin’ me s’tight, princess. Fuuuck– wanna cum, baby girl?” His jaw locked as his fingers dug into your soft skin. “Mhm…,” your voice was airy as you nodded vigorously, trying your hardest to form coherent sentences as his heavy balls slapped against you, “...pleasepleaseplease, Daddy–ugnhh–wanna cum s’bad…wan’ cum f’you,” you rambled, drunk off the way he was splitting you in half. The squelching sounds of your greedy little cunt coupled with your staggered whimpers and filthy begging finalized his desicion; Fuck breaking you in, Daddy was going to break you.
“That’s it…c’mon, baby,” his mean, persistent thrusts made your head spin, his fingers rubbing quick circles against your throbbing clit. “Cum. Now. Make a mess on Daddy,” he growled. Your eyes screwed shut, his permission ringing through your ears as you felt the tension in your stomach finally snap. Your face contorted as you squirted, painting your sweet juices onto his strong thighs. An animalistic growl broke through Toji’s chest as he worked you through your blinding orgasm, spurred on by the warm spray beading down his lower half and onto the mattress below you.
He pumped into you a few more times before pulling out. You nearly sobbed at the emptiness. As overstimulating as Daddy’s cock was, you couldn’t help but revel in the way he stuffed you. Your head spun while he manhandled you, flipping you onto your back, his strong hands pressing against your thighs. “Hold your legs there f’me, pretty girl,” he rasped. You diligently obeyed, your shaking hands anchoring into the pits of your knee, pulling your legs deeper into your sides as he rubbed himself against your drenched folds, the firm pressure of his shaft against your clit sending chills through your exhausted body.
You stared at him with a low-lidded expression.Your mouth fell agape while he smacked his member against your clit. A trail of spit dribbled from the corner of your mouth as he sunk back into you, your eyes shooting open as you cried out for him. He returned to his harsh pace immediately, giving you no time to recover from your orgasm. His hands replaced yours against the back of your legs. You clawed down his taut abdomen as he used his new found leverage to bury himself deeper inside you with every rough bump of his hips.
“D-daddy–ahhh!– ‘s too much,” you cried out, your palms pressing into his torso in hopes he’d slow down a bit.
“Move your fuckin’ hands,” he growled, “Be good…play with your pussy f’me,” his cock colliding with the furthest wall of your gushing cunt. His palm pressed against your tummy, nasty groans falling from his lips as the added pressure made you even tighter. “You jus’ feel too good, princess.” His breathing staggered as he reveled in your warmth.
“So deep…oh, fuuuck! Daddy you’re so f-fucking deep,” you babbled, your words drawn out as electricity shot to your core, your fingers rubbing your sensitive clit. Your walls fluttered, the churning in your stomach returning with urgency. You clenched down around him, guiding the head of his cock to drive straight into your sweet spot.
“Fuckin’ milkin’ me…gonna come again, baby girl?” You nodded profusely, ears ringing as your eyes rolled back. Your brain was numb—he was all you could feel, the only thing that made sense; Daddy. You were delirious, dickmatised, even. Oh how badly you wanted to marinate in this bliss, to make it last forever.
“Gimme another one…c’mon,” Toji’s foundation wavered as he stared down at you, pure, unadulterated lust swirling around his irises. He was about to break, utterly consumed by all things you. The sweet sounds you made for him, how perfectly your cunt molded around him, the way your sloppy walls hugged him so tight as you came around him once more. You were made for him and vice versa.
“That’s it baby–Good…Fucking…Girl.” You cried out as his thrusts emphasized his praise, burying himself impossibly deep, his head kissing your womb.
Every neuron in your body fired off at once as his strokes persisted. You were beyond saving, your entire existence orbiting around the man that was actively breaking you in half. He was the driving force in your life, the sole reason your atoms continued to vibrate and your heart pumped crimson through you. He was everything.
Toji watched as you fell apart, expelling all the air from his lungs as he released a deep, guttural moan. The sight of your trembling body and the feeling of your quivering cunt around him made his heart beat with such fervor it practically slammed into his ribs. But it wasn’t enough, not right now. Not in the state of vulnerability, of fear, that he found himself in. He wasn’t ready for this to end. And it wasn’t going to, not if he could help it.
He grinned down at you, his words bouncing around your skull as you attempted to wrap your head around his request: “Again.”
You wanted to give up, knowing damn well it would break you if you came any more. But when Daddy demanded another orgasm from his sweet little girl, you delivered. You’d be foolish not to.
“One more…just give me one more,” he coaxed, his fingers replacing yours, thrumming viciously at your clit. “C’mon, baby girl…Make me proud,” his head cocked to the side as he watched your pleading eyes shut once more, succumbing to the waves you had no choice but to ride.
Another soul-crushing orgasm raked its way through you. Every sense in your body dulled and heightened simultaneously. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you cried out in delight, your body drowning in a lethal dose of euphoria.
After a few more pumps, he leaned down to press his chest against yours. Your shaking legs locked behind his back as he bottomed out, tugging your hips up as he shot a thick load deep inside you. You were breathless, light-headed, stuck in a state of ecstasy. Even with an empty head, you knew one thing for certain– triumph. The sounds he was making told you everything you needed to know. You were so good for Daddy. Your nails dragged across his back while you wrapped him up in your arms, desperate to feel as much of him as you could.
Toji sat back up, pulling out of you as he crouched down at your core, spreading your puffy lips with his thumbs, beaming with pride as he watched his cum dribble out. You were his. “Did so good for me, princess.” He placed a gentle kiss on your clit as he realigned his face with yours, “Made me so proud.”
You offered only a small smile in response, reeling in enlightenment. You laid still while he cleaned you up, though you didn’t really have a choice. Your legs were numb and your back ached with a dull, constant reminder of who you truly belonged to. No one could fill the space that Toji held in your life. You weren’t going anywhere.
Your tired bodies laid intertwined, the sound of synchronized breaths drifted through the room as the two of you relished in post-coital bliss. The love that pulsed from his chest into yours solidified your decision. There was nowhere else you wanted to be.
“Daddy?” you hummed while he rubbed deep circles into your lower back.
“Yes, baby girl?”
“I…I think I’m gonna take another gap year.” You could hear a pin drop in the deafening silence that fell between the two of you as your words hung in the still air. Your heart thrummed as you waited for his response, anxiety running rampant in your body in hopes that he wouldn’t be angry with you. But you needed him. You knew where you belonged.
Your admission rang through Toji’s ears. His breath quickened every so slightly as his calloused hands dragged up and down your body, his lips pressing into the top of your head. It took every fiber of his being to keep his composure, to not jump from his skin at his victory. He did it.
“If that’s what you want, princess. I support you.” His voice was steady, but his nonchalance was insincere. He was elated. He got to keep his little girl around, and he had no intention of letting go.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ author notes: the need i have for this man is insatiable... this was my first fic for toji so i had to do it up
thank you guys for 500 followers! i cannot believe it...it genuinely brings me to tears when i think about it. yall's support of my writing means the world to me. this has been such an incredible journey thus far, i'm so excited to keep growing with y'all!
my inbox is always open, feel free to shoot me a message! i love hearing y'all's feedback xx
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ tag list: @anxious-chick @call-memissbrightside @the-weeb-of-the-uchiha @sadmonke @tojislittleprincesss
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#—written by jade 🌿#jujutsu kaisen#jujutsu kaisen writing#jjk#jjk smut#jjk fanfic#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jjk x reader#toji fushiguro#fushiguro toji#toji smut#toji x reader#toji x you#toji fushiguro x reader#fushiguro toji x reader#jujutsu kaisen toji#bratbby333
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snowy night - oneshot

summary: satoru and you are about to go home after your unsuccessful first date, but the car breaks down, making you stay there on a winter night, with no heat and angry glances.
tags: gojo x reader, fluff, winter fic
warnings: none, just swearing
word count: 1.7K

awkward, painful silence sat in the car as you and gojo were driving home from the unsuccessful date you two just had. outside the snow wasn't just gently falling, but pouring from the sky, clouding the windows too, the sun was setting on the horizon, pinkish light illuminating the landscape before you.
your arms were crossed, your gaze looking through the window with slightly narrowed eyes as you try to ignore the white-haired boy sitting next to you with the wheel in his hands and pout on his lips.
you barely even remembered what exactly started the arguement between you two, but you were certain that it was his fault and without an apology, the date shouldn't continue. him acting like the annoying, stubborn person he is, just continued the bickering further, not thinking it would really end the whole date.
well it did.
"going on a date together was a stupid idea to begin with" you think with a quiet huff as your grip on your coat tightens.
all your friends were nagging you to go on a date already, shoko stating that she could see the 'chemistry' between you. well it seems like she's blind, because even when you all are spending time together, you and gojo just cannot get along. never.
could he make you ever smile? yeah that happened sometimes. did you notice that sometime's he's acting like he wants to catch speifically your attention? of course you did. did some of your conversations live rent-free in your head? perhaps.
does that mean that you have to go on a whole ass date just to continue the endless cycle of pushing eachothers buttons? absolutely not.
"are you thinking about how you want to apologise?" he looked at you from the corner off his eye, a suppressed smile tugging on his lips.
"are you?" you glare back. "because if one should apologise that is you and you only."
he just looked back at the road, not ready to admit defeat, but deep down knowing that maybe he shouldn't have tried to make you jealous. at least not on the first date.
"i have nothing to apologise for" he then answered with a shrug, immediately regretting the descision. why was it so hard to just apologise to you? he didn't understand.
"nothing?" you scoff. "you know-"
before you could continue on with your scolding, a loud, sudden sound comes from the front of the car, making you jump a little. the vehicle started to slow down on the snowy road until it eventually stopped, gojo pulling in over just in time.
"what happened?" you glance at him as he's trying to start the engine again, without any success whatsoever.
"no idea" comes the not so helpful answer before gojo opens his door, getting out of the car. "stay inside."
you watch him open the car hood, looking into the car. you follow him, standing next to him in the ankle-deep snow and staring at the vehicle. you place your hands on your hips and lean forward in the hope of seeing something.
"what are we looking at?" you ask.
"i told you to stay inside, it's cold here" he says grumpily, not answering your question.
"oh, so you're suddenly now worried? or just missing that waitress?" you say with a scoff which makes him grin a little.
"so you did become jealous! i knew it!"
"i did not. now stay silent and fix the car, make yourself useful!"
he hums, looking into the vehicle like he is concentrating on something, then back at you.
"i have no idea how this works" he says.
"are you telling me that we're stuck here?" you say every word slowly, frustration penting up in you.
"exactly!" a big smile spreads on his lips. "don't worry, i already told shoko to come and get us."
you narrow your eyes a little bit. the wind was blowing hard, your hair blowing in your face, you felt like you're about to become a snowman if you stand there for more than two minutes.
"then why are we even standing here gojo??"
a dramatic gasp escapes his lips, hand on his heart theatrically.
"c'mon love, not the last name!! did this date mean nothing to you?" he whines.
"you didn't answer my question!" i cross my arms, looking around. we really are in the middle of nowhere. not even street lights were around, it was starting to get dark.
"it's adorable to watch as your cheeks turn red from the cold" he finally answers, not surprising you the least.
"i can't help but feel like you're still trying so hard!"
"and the problem with that...?" his smirk widened, making you a little angrier. if he could've just apologised for flirting with the waitress, you two would be in a so so much better situation, but no that's where he draws the line!
you just leave him there before he could say anything, you get back into the car on the backseat, shivering as you already feel the temperature of the car lower drastically, windows becoming somewhat icy, the seats feeling hard and cold too.
you look around for any blankets but get interrupted by the white haired annoyance, dropping himself on the seat next to you.
a sigh of frustration leaves your lips, crossing your arms as an attempt to warm yourself up while staring outside through the window once again.
the car was pulled over in a quite pretty area, a forest covered in soft snow, the lonely branches of the trees holding the weight quietly, a few crows sitting on them before all of them opens their wings, flying away and only leaving two behind. the restaurant he brought you to was higher on the mountain, making the landscape from there even more beautiful.
of course he had to fuck it up.
the moments were slow, every second lasting decades as you two sat in silence, cold running on your body, the shivering was now undeniable.
you glanced at him, he didn't make any effort to warm himself up, he even took off his coat. suddenly unwanted thoughts started to invade your mind, talking about how warm his body must be.
"aren't you cold?" you ask after a few minutes.
gojo's blue eyes meet yours, at first, for a teeny tiny second he seems like he'll smile but then just pouted instead, his hands fiddling with his clothes. if he just held your hand in his, that would probably make the cold more bearable.
"why? you worried?"
you huff, turning your head away again. you knew that your worry was exactly what he wanted at that moment.
"you're just crazy" you answer, expecting the conversation to continue but he doesn't say another thing.
you look at him again, but as soon as you do, he wraps his black coat around you, trapping you with it and pulling you into his arms, your head against his chest, a small yelp leaving your lips.
his body felt warm, but yours started to feel a little bit warmer somehow. the stiffness leaves you seconds later, even though you try not to melt into the hug too much.
his arms were holding you close, his head rested on top of yours, his heartbeats seemed to speed up even if just a little bit.
"don't even start a sentence like that" he interrupts you with an almost childish frown on his face.
"you have three seconds to say that before i push you away and drag you into that forest." your voice is threatening but somehow he still managed to hear the smile in your tone that you tried to hide with every fiber of your body.
"c'mon, don't be cruel!" gojo whined, glancing down at you.
his grip around you slightly tightened as if he was afraid that you'd really pull away.
"fine, i love you!!" he said as fast as he could, his gaze turned away.
your breath hitches, eyes widen at the sudden confession, you feel like you've been slapped in the face, in the best way possible.
"you what?" you ask, trying to steady your voice.
at least being cold definetly wasn't your number one problem anymore.
"isn't that what you wanted to hear??" he questions dramatically, raising his voice a little.
"i wanted a fucking apology!" disbelief in your voice as you match his tone.
a few moments of silence comes as he is just staring at you, blinking slowly. you had to admit he looked quite adorable like this, big blue eyes looking at you, a small blush creeping on his cheeks.
you can't help but chuckle at his reaction, a grin appearing on your face.
"so you love me?"
"and if i do?" he huffs.
"then, satoru" you start out, already seeing his expression light up when you finally say his first name. he just loved how it left your lips so effortlessly yet with so much kindness. "you're extremely lucky because i may be feeling the same way."
"i knew it!" he says smugly, trying to forget that he ever questioned it. of course you love him. "from day one."
you raise one eyebrow, glancing up at him once again.
"day one i wanted to strangle you."
he pouts again.
"and now?"
"i still want to strangle you" you say. "but now with a little affection."
he chuckles, pulling you so close that you're basically sitting on his lap at this point. he hides his face in the crook of your neck, his hair in his face, arms around your body as he is still trying to warm you up.
big snowflakes started to fall from the sky, the storm quieting down. all you could feel was his body hugging yours warmly, his scent filling your mind, fogging your rational thoughts as you melt into his embrace.
time slowed down but you couldn't been happier.
"say it" he mumbled eventually.
you sigh, eyes closing while a smile is spreading on your lips.
"i love you too."
after those words, you slowly start to feel like your eyelids are becoming heavier, all the adrenaline from the frustration leaving your body. your breathing becomes relaxed and before you drift into sleep, you have to admit, maybe shoko was right about this whole thing after all. maybe it could work out.
© s4toruz 2024 , do not copy , modify or translate my work
haii!! i hope you had a good time reading this, it's the first fanfic i've ever written so sorry if it's not that good! also, english is not my first language so if i made a mistake feel free to correct me (^-^)
comments are appreciated!!
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