#and that the formatting is okay and everything
frownyalfred · 2 days
tl;dr: what's your opinion on posting roleplay replies on ao3?
i know they are frowned upon on ao3, at least that's what i've seen so far, which i can understand... to some extend. they are allowed in the archive, yes, but they also clock tags and it's annoying to read something you don't understand without the other replies and further context. they are tolerated, but i get the sentiment.
here's the thing... i rarely write for myself. i enjoy writing with others and building something together, and sometimes i create pieces i'd love to share. like, recently i have written a reply for someone that explores two different bruce's; one that has helena wayne/the huntress as his biological daughter, one that doesn't, how she got cursed into another universe, and how one deals with losing his child, while the other tries to re-order his life in order to make her fit. it's something beautiful that works on it's own, something i am very fond and proud of, but i'm torn on wether i should post it or not.
i could've kept the fact it's from roleplay a secret, but that also feels shit, lmao. i could keep it to tumblr, but no one would read what i put out -- let's be real, tumblr works very different compared to ao3. so i thought i'd give reaching out to one of my favorite authors a chance.
sorry for the lenght, feel no need to answer.
Hmm. I guess I haven't given it a ton of thought before now. I don't usually engage in roleplay myself, but I absolutely view it as a legitimate version of creation. Just because it's created a certain way doesn't mean it doesn't belong on ao3 -- it's an archive for transformative works, not just cookie-cutter fic formats.
I would say, err on the side of caution and tag as much as you're comfortable (tagging things after the required ao3 warnings is always optional, I want to reiterate, but sometimes additional tags help readers a lot). Make sure it's clear what the structure of the work is, if possible, but don't do yourself a disservice by making roleplay a dirty word, if you use it.
I don't think you're "clogging" up the tag, any more than the person writing 139/250 50 word individual fics haha. There will always be floods of content in various tags, and people who throw shitfits about that need to grow up. Unless someone is breaking the ao3 TOS, everything else is "etiquette" and that truly is nebulous and subjective, even if people will insist it isn't.
As for the missing context and replies -- I think that's something you can get creative with, if you want. But also, if you never fill in those blanks or provide that context, that's okay too. It's an archive, not a site where you have to actively promote your fic and make it the most appealing it can be to the largest group of people.
A final note on context though: I've found that the roleplay chunks I do come across in the wild look a lot like dialogue planning I do for some fics! If you ever want to turn them into a traditional fic structure, I don't think you're very far off at all. But only if you wanted! As I said above, I think what you have is 100% legitimate and should stand on its own on ao3.
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February Writing Challenge (1/28)
surprise! guess who’s doing a writer’s challenge! I’ve never done one of these before bc the idea of having to finish a writing piece every day seemed a little intimidating - but, I feel like more recently I’ve been slipping off the writing saddle and not doing as much, so I kinda wanted to try a new project and challenge myself.
I’ve collected a pile of writing prompts for the whole of february, that, with luck, I’ll fill every one out! each one will be centred around one of my otps, so if you check in each day you’ll get to see which one it is :) or, you’ll just see it in the tags LOL and if there’s anything I feel like I especially like or whatever, I’ll add it to my ao3 after the month.
without further adieu, here’s day one!
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Prompt: ‘Sweet Tooth (aka binging on candy with them)’
Pairing: Rory/Paris (Gilmore Girls)
Words: 2,853 (this is my first one, but ideally they won’t be this long)
Rating: G
Notes: when I saw the prompt, I just knew it had to be gellmore, obviously :) takes place during later season; you can imagine this is after rory dumped logan after the bridesmaids fiasco, or you can simply just imagine she dumped him on her own and then her and paris got together (really, the timeline doesn’t matter, the only reason logan is mentioned is bc I couldn’t resist the roast against him in this)
Really, any garbled, frustrated noise erupting through her apartment walls should come as a concern.
But, knowing her girlfriend had absorbed herself in some, all-important secretive task, Rory could only imagine what this entailed. Her head drew up from where she was studying on her bed, breaking away mid-paragraph of her textbook – the door was closed, but it clearly didn’t take a genius to sense something was awry. The question remained though, did Rory want to go out there to calm Paris down and risk getting in trouble for prying into secrets, or stay behind and simply watch this tornado grow until it swallowed up the whole apartment?
Rory held still in the silence. Then, came some more enraged muttering and that’s not how you run a business!! and the slam of a cell phone closing. Rory sighed in defeat.
Unfortunately, she knew better.
The brunette took in a breath, straightened up and squared her shoulders, before swinging herself off her bed. When she tentatively opened her bedroom door, she found Paris hunkered over the couch, a messily scrawled paper note on the table and hissing words under her breath that probably weren’t suited for children.
“Paris…?” Rory called out, quietly broaching the couch from the side, knowing her girlfriend needed to be approached with the caution you’d give to a wounded, snarling animal “Everything okay?..”
Ever the eagle-eye, Paris quickly caught Rory from the corner of her vision. Before Rory could even blink, Paris leapt with the spring of a jack-in-the-box, swiping the paper.
“You can’t see it!” Paris yelped, spinning around to glare daggers at Rory “And what’re you doing out here?! I told you that you can’t see what I’m working on – I need a ten-foot Rory-free radius around me!!”
“Just like in high school.” Rory said dryly “Well, when I heard you lay five different kind of insults down in one sentence, plus some Portuguese which I’m definitely sure isn’t also R-rated language, I figured I should check in. You sure everything is alright –”
“It’s fine!” Paris snapped back, pulling away at the gentle hand Rory raised, and, oh no, she’s in this mood “I’m just – I’m..working out some kinks! And, you know, god forbid that I ever expect anyone else on this planet to actually use their full brain to do things!..”
“Well, is there anything I can do?” Rory offered, trying to sneakily glimpse the paper the blonde held tight in her hand “Is it an assignment? ‘Cause if your concern is that I’m going to steal your ideas, I think you can let that one go –”
“Ha! I wish it were that easy – a school paper I can accomplish in my sleep.” Paris grumbled, leaning over the couch to swipe her phone “This is ten times both more complicated and dire!”
“Paris, relax, it’s going to be okay –”
“Don’t tell me to relax!” Paris hissed back “You don’t even know what it is!!”
“Then let me help! It’s clearly stressing you out –”
“No!” came the panicked yelp, and, this time, Rory could actually see rising anxiety break through the anger glazing over the brown eyes “I-I have to do this by myself! It’s of the upmost importance I get this perfect –”
“Paris, if you just tell me what it is –”
“No, you can’t know! This is my project Gilmore, stop trying to piggyback.” Paris deflected as she went over her sheet, causing Rory to sigh “If I can just – I just need to – I..dammit, okay, fine, not that I’ll..I’ll..ugh, I can’t do that either!!..”
“Paris –”
“Rory –”
“Paris.” Rory broke in forcefully, finally able to place a hand on Paris’s back, feeling the jittery girl relax against it slightly “At this rate, you’re going to get another noise compliant put in against us. Please just tell me what it is, and then maybe I can help so that neither of us have to worry over whether the next second is the second you’ll implode.”
That got her to quiet. Paris nervously teetered on her feet, vulnerable browns holding Rory’s gaze, but you could see the metaphorical flames start to dial down. Eventually, Paris sighed, shoulders slumping and arms folding in, finally uttering so low Rory could barely hear –
“I’m trying to plan our Valentines!!” Paris tossed up her hands, her cheeks going pink “Alright?! And I want, I need, it to go perfectly! I’ve been trying to plan but I keep coming up against blockade after blockade – and, of course, usually, there’s no wall I at least can’t bulldoze my way though, but this is different! The ideal restaurant, my top pick, is apparently booked out for a month, no exceptions, and now apparently, the waiter has too high of morals to accept my offer of two hundred bucks under the table! So I went with the next best option, but when I called them they couldn’t even guarantee a window-side view! Who the hell runs their business like that?! The other place has more availability, but I know they don’t have as many of your favourite dessert options, and obviously, I know you enough to know that’s a high priority – and that’s not even to mention the Valentines Lights stroll put on at the park I wanted to take you to after, but depending on the restaurant we’re at, we may not even make it with the fifteen minute window I laid out –...”
Rory simply stood back, letting Paris roll out her frustrations – and, listening, couldn’t help but feel herself melting. A soft smile pulled over her lips, watching the blonde. She hadn’t even imagined that this was about her, but now, of course, she should’ve expected nothing less then Paris, her Paris, wanting to make their date night perfect. No detail spared, all cards on the table.
There’s been jokes passed around that Paris wasn’t exactly the romantic type – nothing about Paris was conventional, obviously, but Rory knew enough about her to know this was just as big of a display of love as anything mushy.
Rory reached in, grasping onto Paris’s wrists. That was enough to click Paris back into reality, slowing her rant, and finally turning face to face so Rory could lean in and kiss her cheek. Paris blinked back in surprise, finding not upset or annoyance, but Rory smiling back at her.
“Paris.” Rory began, grasping on her hands “While I should expect nothing less from you for going a hundred and ten percent, trust me when I say, that I do not need all the red carpets pulled out for me, especially when it comes to Valentines day. I mean, aren’t you the first to say that it’s just a consumerist trap anyway?”
“I mean, it still is – racking up five dollars for some cheap heart shaped crap is just one of the failing points of consumerist capitalism.” There she is “But I was also single then too.”
Rory snorted “I see..”
“..This is our first Valentines together.” Paris explained earnestly “And I love you. You deserve the best, to put it bluntly.”
Rory’s smile grew “..Well, that goes for you too. And I don’t want to have you stressing yourself over some extravagant event that’s one night only.”
“I’ll reiterate Gilmore – it’s our first Valentines together. It needs to be special. Frankly, you’re the best relationship I’ve ever had; you’re my best friend. I won’t go half-way for you.”
“You never go half-way for anything.” Rory couldn’t help but tease, seeing the twitch of Paris’s lips.
“This is true. The fact that you thought I wouldn’t pull out all the stops for you, or even just for any event I’m planning..”
“How foolish of me.”
“Also, I refuse to be out-done by Logan Huntzberger – I know that Rolls-Royce car show model cut-out would’ve flown you to the moon if he could’ve, and I will not fall in second place.”
An uncontrollable laugh burst out of Rory. She had to bite into her bottom lip to tamper it, rising the back of her hand to her mouth as a poor mask. Paris was, of course, deadly serious by the finger she pointed in Rory’s face, but there was still mirth dancing along her tilted lips.
“..I appreciate that.” was all Rory decided to say, smiling as she swung her and Paris’s clasped hands “But am I allowed to voice an honest opinion on this whole thing?”
“You know I only speak in honest opinions.”
“..I really don’t want a whole red-carpet, put-out-all-the-stops Valentines. I mean, you do know me Paris; I’ve never really been a Valentines gal. And..doing a whole fancy restaurant ordeal..you know I get nervous just standing in those super spotless, sparsely packed boutiques where a t-shirt costs more then a brand-new car. You put me in a restaurant booth where our neighbours are some rich guy who owns three different blocks of the town sitting with this fourth wife, I feel like I’m gunna be more nervous over that ordeal then focused on us.”
As always happens, Rory expected some kind of argument, a rebuttal, so she was pleasantly shocked when Paris just nodded mutely. Not without some disappointment though, which got Rory to squeeze their entwined hands in gentle encouragement so Paris’s nervous eyes find hers.
“I love that you wanna make it special. Again, I should’ve known better then to assume that you wouldn’t have done all you could. But, I don’t want all that glitz. I just want you.”
By now, Rory knew how to parse her words with the firecracker that was her girlfriend. And when that quiet, careful rarity of a smile grew over Paris, Rory couldn’t help her own.
It’s true, that there was something special when someone who bares sharp teeth at everyone else, allows themselves a soft happiness towards you. About being the only one who gets to see it.
But Rory also just loves that smile.
“..But you’re still expecting some kind of chocolate or dessert too, of course.” Paris finally spoke.
“Oh, well, I assumed that was a given.”
Paris scoffed warmly. She lifted her and Rory’s entwined hands up to her face, kissing the back of the pale hand.
“Just like in that ‘Princess Bride’ movie you made me rewatch at least ten times, as you wish. I will find the perfect alternative.”
“I don’t doubt it. Am I allowed to offer any kind of input or help in this whole thing?”
“Try and intervene and you’ll be sleeping with one eye open.”
“Got it.” Rory rolled her eyes playfully, pulled away when she heard her watch interrupt with a beep! “Crap, that’s the hour – I gotta get ready for my evening class. I’ll see you tonight?”
Paris hummed in reply, a wry smile still playing on her lips, altogether letting Rory know that she was back in the confidence saddle. She placed her freed fingers under Rory’s chin, tilting her face in her direction to place a light kiss at the corner of her mouth.
“You go on my love.” Paris encouraged as she began backing up towards the bedroom, holding up her scribbled piece of paper with a grin “In the meantime, I’m going to cook up an idea for the best Valentines you’d ever witnessed.”
“So we’re actually going to have desserts then?”
“Don’t insult the hand that feeds Gilmore.”
And impressed Rory was.
To be fair, she didn’t have a lot to go off of in the first place. After that initial bump, there were no more moments of finding Paris tearing her hair out because she couldn’t make time-constraints bend to make her Valentines plan work. She seemed to have crafted the perfect idea, content to wear a smile of secrecy and keep it from Rory.
Now, Valentines was here and come. Rory was waiting for the invite, waiting for an ask, but Paris hadn’t even said boo about her idea; now, Rory was coming off of her late study-hall group, the evening encroaching, and when she’d called her girlfriend to say she was headed home, all Paris said was that she was just waiting for Rory to walk in the door, and then things would kick off from there.
Rory wasn’t expecting anything too wild, especially after explicitly telling Paris that wasn’t what she wanted – but, that didn’t stop her from speculating. She figured when she walked in, Paris would be ushering them right back out to head to the event she’s picked out. Something like that.
What Rory wasn’t expecting, was for her to open the door and find Valentines staring back at her instead.
No, there wasn’t any red and white balloons shaped like hearts clouding the room. There were no giant ‘Be Mine!’ teddy bears, or pink hearts strung up everywhere. What was there, was a complete massacre of candy.
Their whole coffee table covered in treats. Rory couldn’t even see the table anymore. Bowls of brightly coloured confections and chocolates, lined up creating a rainbow of colour. A pile of red licorice matched beside packets of oreos. Near the table, was an ice bucket of champagne accompanied by two flute glasses.
Rory stood gobsmacked for a good couple seconds. This was the last thing she would’ve thought of – and it was the best thing she could’ve thought of.
A noise of shuffling feet got her attention. Paris had appeared, idly standing off of the couch with the ghost of a smile on her face as she watched Rory. She was dressed in a nice, white sweater and simple jeans, blonde strands of hair grazing over her cheek. Rory always did like her with her hair down.
“Told you it’d kick off the moment you opened the door.”
“Paris..” a bemused laugh fell out of Rory as she took in the sight again, sliding off her bag and kicking the door shut behind her “I – you did all this?..”
“Don’t look so surprised.” Paris raised one of her brows, but her smile widened “Putting all this together was nothing – the hardest part, really, was hiding all the candy from you.”
“Oh, yeah – where did you hide it?”
“Behind that healthy cereal I bought that you claim tastes like cardboard.”
“Devious.” Rory grinned. Paris smirked. She walked over to take the brunette’s hand, pulling her into the apartment.
“But that’s not all – if you could glance upon the kitchen counter..”
Rory turned to follow Paris’s directions, finding an all new assortment – of chocolate and caramel sauces, with some whip cream and peanut butter. Surgery condiments, which could only mean..
“Unfortunately, you don’t get the whole picture as the ice cream had to stay in the freezer, but trust me that I bought at least three different flavours so you can double-stack your sandwich.”
“Ice cream sandwiches?? Wait, so, where’s the replacement bread –”
Rory followed Paris’s pointed finger to see the oven, which was usually only used to reheat leftovers when the microwave stopped working, this time had a cooling rack ontop littered in chocolate chip cookies. Cookies. Now Rory’s jaw hit the floor.
“You baked?!”
“You can thank Nanny for those. I needed something to sandwich the ice cream, and though I’ve yet to conquer the culinary world, that woman knows a baked good well enough she was able to walk me through the steps of her signature recipe.”
“Are they edible?”
“Funny. I actually tried one afterwards, and dare I say, they’re more then edible.”
“..I can’t believe you cooked.” Rory beamed back at her girlfriend “You cooked for me.”
“I baked a simple cookie recipe Rory, it’s not rocket science.” Paris waved off, smiling back “After having to reroute my original Valentines plan, I mulled over what it is you’d really like – and, frankly, in the end, I knew you would’ve loved a night in watching all our favourites, gorging on surgery snacks, over any elaborate escapade. Or, at least, that’s what I’m hoping you’ll say..”
The way Paris was looking up at her through her lashes, nervously biting on the answer, Rory couldn’t stand how cute it was. An all new smile bloomed over her lips.
“It’s perfect.”
The smile that burst over Paris could’ve made Rory lovesick. She lit up, rocking up on her toes, her grin reaching up all the way to her ears.
“Really?..” She asked softly. Rory let out a gentle laugh. She reached into cup Paris’s faces, a tiny pull inwards so she could kiss her cheek.
“I love it so much, and I love you. The array of treats – you really know the way into a Gilmore’s heart.”
“This many years on, I’ve learned some tricks.” Paris teased back, crossing the space to softly kiss Rory in return “Happy Valentines..”
“The best one yet.”
“Does that mean I beat Huntzberger then?...”
“Well, he never make me homemade ice cream sandwiches..”
“Alright, alright, hurry up with your gloating – I wanna try these sandwiches paired with that champagne I saw earlier, and I want my girlfriend to try it with me..”
“As you wish, my love.”
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sanjifucker42069 · 1 year
Looks Like Lingerie to Me - Sanji x Reader
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Word count: 854
We gender-neutral and short af today boys. This is crack treated semi-seriously lmao, and an actual drabble. I love idiot!readers, there isn't enough rep for us dumbasses. This is written with OPLA!Sanji in mind bc I dig the super effective suave vibe
Suggestive, there's swearing, the word cock is used once. Brief description. (Ha! Brief!)
Let's be real...Sanji might wears shirt stays....and that's hot as fuck
It was midday when you found yourself outside the men's quarters. You had been lounging around on the upper deck when Usopp had asked you to grab a wrench he'd left in his room. Fair enough, you weren't doing anything, wouldn't hurt to help. And so you padded off, making your way to the bedroom. It was the middle of the day, no one should be in there. You'd passed Zoro napping against some bags, you could still hear Luffy. Sanji definitely had to be in his domain of the kitchen. Still, you offered a quick courteous knock as you flung open the door to the men's quarters, wandering into the space with no preamble.
"Sorry boys, I gotta grab Usopp's- Holy shit!"
Sanji's head shot up to stare at you, cheeks lightly pink. He was stooped over, pants pooling at his knees. Sure, his thick thighs were enticing, and his position stuck that gorgeous ass out at a delicious angle, but your eyes were fixated on the crossing fabric that adorned his upper legs. Was that…a garter belt? You felt lightheaded at the view before you. He looked delectable. The cook quirked an eyebrow at your staring.
"See something you like, love?" He drawled, sending you a cocky grin. Sanji felt his ego swell when you tripped over your words. Had you actually paid attention, you'd notice how his usual clothes were covered in flour, but you weren't exactly the most perceptive.
"I…thighs." You spoke dumbly, causing you to mentally smack yourself. "I mean, sorry. I didn't think anyone would be in here at this time." 
With great hardship, you tore your eyes away from the garment. It looked like a garter belt, had to be! You always knew Sanji liked fashion, and that he could be a pervert, but you didn't expect him to be unembarrassed at being caught wearing lingerie. As if they were possessed, your eyes trailed their way back to his thighs. The elastic was biting into his thigh meat, bulk deliciously spilling over the edges. Saliva flooded your mouth. What you wouldn't give to touch them. To bite them. Fuck what if you-
Sanji had said something.
Nice going idiot.
Sanji had abandoned his grip on the trousers, gracefully dropping them and stepping out of the puddle of fabric. Your breath hitched as he turned to you.
Abort mission! 
Fuck you didn't even look at his underwear. Shit, fuck, that…that was clearly the outline of his cock, a pair of grey boxer briefs doing a horrible job at hiding his silhouette. You were thankful that the length of his dress shirt covered the majority, or you'd be due a visit to chopper from fainting.
"I said can I help you, love?"
An awkward cackle escaped your throat and you blushed. Oh, he could help you alright. Instead, you opened your dumb mouth again.
"Is that…why are you wearing a garter belt?"
Sanji froze. An uncomfortable silence filled the room.
Oh shit! Oh fuck!
You opened your mouth to apologise when that bell-like laugh permeated the awkwardness. 
"What?" He laughed incredulously. "They are shirt stays."
Sanji felt his heart squeeze when you cocked your head confused. You really had no idea how cute you were, did you? Trying to be polite and stop laughing, he coughed into his fist.
"They keep my shirt tucked in sweet thing. Can't be looking unprofessional around you cuties." Sanji winked, smirking with satisfaction as your face grew redder. He expected an 'oh' or a 'sorry'. He certainly didn't expect a;
"I'd call having no pants but lingerie on unprofessional."
"You were the one who bust in here!" He argued. "And it's not lingerie!"
"Ah…sorry about that. I meant to grab a wrench Usopp left in here. I…uh…I should go."
You wandered stiffly to where Usopp slept, finding the tool with ease, and trying desperately to not look at the cook. Sanji watched you, amusement clear on his face at your robotic movements. Wasting no time, you rushed back to the door. 
"Oh, uh, Sanji?" The man hummed in response. "I, uh, I'm sorry for thinking you were wearing lingerie. Not! Not that there's anything wrong if you were, you'd look hot in it. I mean! I….uh…no, you'd definitely look hot in it. What was I saying?"
Silence. Sanji was staring at you with wide eyes, face now red from your comments. You clicked your fingers.
"Right, right! You should probably put some clothes on. Don't want you catching a cold ha ha." You forced out a robotic laugh. "Sorry again."
You slammed the door shut, leaving a confused and slightly aroused man in your wake. Sanji sighed, making his way back to his sleeping area to change into clean clothes. The door creaked back open. Sanji groaned quietly. Who now?
"You have to admit, they are kinda slutty though, right? Sorry! Bye again!"
You were gone before Sanji could even process your words properly. He groaned audibly this time, raking his hands down his face. He needed a fucking smoke. You were going to be the death of him.
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x-amount-of-posts · 16 days
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Addon to [this] thing i drew.
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cometshift · 9 months
hi phighting tag. here's some phighting-themed graphics as a new years gift :} (mostly medkit-themed but i'd like to do graphics for other characters in the future!)
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all free to use, no credit needed. go wild n__n
also a tiny subspace. she doesn't do anything but stand there. you're welcome
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> Rose: Confess to Kanaya!
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Rose: I love you.
Kanaya: Y Yo Ati, Rose.
> Rose: Get swallowed by something that looks like Venom.
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> Rose: Get sent to super hell!
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> Kanaya: Have something very gay and homophobic happen to you.
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Kanaya: ...
What an absolute diversity loss. You find yourself thinking "love loses!"
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shesmore-shoebill · 2 months
As promised: An Amangela fic inspired by the whole "Hey Siri, remind me I'm an asshole at 2:30 tomorrow" arm grabbing in the latest Sounds Fishy video.
Written sporadically over the course of today, edited on the go. Completely platonic although there ARE bits in here you can interpret otherwise if you'd like.
also yes when i posted about this earlier today i said it was 2.6k words. You might notice it is 4.2k words. Thats because I wrote everything leading up to the actual inspiring event. And then when I tried to wrap up the fic the actual event snuck in and doubled the size. Oops.
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zentriii · 6 months
written for the march foxglove editorial, inspired by this drawing by @noenoaholi and beta'd by @fish-with-more-eyes/mac
There aren't a lot of things Atsumu likes to ignore, but Kiyoomi’s abysmal cooking skills are certainly one of them. Not a single person with working tastebuds or a functional sense of self-preservation would trust Kiyoomi in the kitchen. For the sake of his sanity, Atsumu likes to pretend Kiyoomi wasn’t ordering takeout on the regular before they moved in together.
Although if there’s one thing Kiyoomi can be trusted with, it’s baking desserts and using a blender. Atsumu has no idea why those two out of everything, but Kiyoomi’s cookies are to die for and his chocolate milkshakes are delicious. He’d brag about this if Kiyoomi didn’t have the shitty tendency to mix it up and make healthy drinks too.
They’re pungent, vile and disgusting.
They’re not even easy to make, what with a million and a half ingredients and three thousand steps. Atsumu wants to puke whenever he thinks of how much energy Kiyoomi puts into waking up early and making it for him. Sometimes there’s a lump in his throat choking him up if he thinks about it too long. He shoves the feeling down ruthlessly every time without fail: he doesn’t want to think about it.
Most days Kiyoomi can’t even be assed to get out of bed until the absolute latest he can get away with. And whenever he can, he traps Atsumu there too with his stupid long legs and stupid warm cuddles.
He’s up early this morning.
Kiyoomi’s side of their bed is empty; Atsumu finds him diligently chopping carrots in their kitchen.
“Omi-kun,” Atsumu whines, wrapping his arms around his sadist of a boyfriend and doing his best to resemble a kicked puppy, abandoned outside in the cold rain. “C’mon ya made this yesterday. Do ya gotta make it so often?”
“Drink it.” Unfortunately his boyfriend’s the most stubborn person Atsumu’s ever met. He’s ruthless and heartless. Kiyoomi shoves the glass of green yuck into his hands. “All of it.”
Atsumu sniffs haughtily and graciously pinches his nose; he chugs it all down in one. It’s bitter and foul and Atsumu wouldn’t do this for anyone else in the world.
He pauses.
His mouth is filled with the most disgusting drink while the pieces click into place: he loves Kiyoomi. It’s so on brand for them, he can’t help but laugh a little. Atsumu tunes Kiyoomi’s complaints about what he finds so funny out, and gives him a little kiss over his moles.
He starts planning out the most dramatic way possible to break it to Kiyoomi in his mind. He’s a little nervous, but the urge to make Kiyoomi regret the day he ever thought dating Atsumu would be a good idea wins out. His itch for mischief drowns any fleeting feelings of apprehension easily.
Atsumu’s grateful he can still taste that nasty green drink for the first time. It makes keeping the smile threatening to break out over his face at bay. Kiyoomi calls it his plotting face. Atsumu’s more inclined to call it his moment-of-genius face. His fun face. He’d go so far as to say it’s his handsome face, but that’s just his everyday.
Kiyoomi’s never going to see his confession coming.
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n7punk · 1 year
She-ra (2018) Official Merch
I've made a loooong post about She-ra merch and its weirdness, but I wanted to summarize it in the most comprehensive list of official merch for the 2018 Netflix reboot that I could assemble. I'm sure I've missed some stuff, though, so I'll update this if I find anything. Thanks to everyone who contributed, especially Clare and Tippen.
I did deep dives (with pictures and details) on con exclusive and promotion exclusive merch. Basic info on those is included below the read more of this post.
Everything with [L] at the end of its bulletpoint - or an * inside one - has a photo in the long post. I provided links to official photos/listings when possible, but most of them are defunct.
Pins/Accessories/Clothing (active):
A bunch of jewelry (necklaces, rings, earrings) and enamel pins from Han Cholo (+ one iron-on patch). I've seen resellers claim the chibi pins were exclusive to a convention, but they're up on the website. The long post* has pictures of these if they ever go down, and the actual convention-exclusive ones can be found in the con post.
Amazon print-on-demand clothing (+ tote bags and pop sockets) with a lot of different designs that are hidden on the site but still purchasable, see this post for details, and here's the direct link. Once you find a design you like, you can search its name in the regular search bar (for instance, there's a shirt design called "Power Stripes Catra," for that one you have to search just "Stripes Catra") to see all the kinds of items it comes on, usually a variety of tops/outerwear, maybe a tote, and sometimes pop sockets.
Bioworld also had licensed merch, but some designs are hidden on their store page, so the link shows everything available but includes both the reboot and the 80s original. As of writing, they have one lunchbox, two adult t-shirts, one adult crop top, and two youth shirts for the reboot.
Media (active):
A DVD of just the first three seasons (there's a box sleeve version that includes stickers and it's never clear in listings if this is the only version and they just don't show the sleeve or if they're two separate things). This is still for sale at multiple retailers, but there's no way we're ever getting a full boxset.
There were a couple of books: the Rebel Princess Guide, the Legend of the Fire Princess graphic novel, and then some small "novels." These are still available at multiple retailers, but the novels weren't made by the crew and at least some of these contradict basic facts from season one, so they're less canon than many fanfics despite being licensed.
Everything from this point on is out of production and only available via resale.
Toys/Figures (defunct):
Eight fashion dolls. The line had Adora, Glimmer, Bow, Catra, and She-ra (season one version), Battle Armor She-ra (2-pack with a model of Swift Wind featuring their Battle of Bright Moon looks), and a deluxe She-ra & Shadow Weaver 2-pack (SDCC 2019 exclusive). These dolls were supposed to be Target exclusive, but the rollout was botched and now they're collectors' items. There were also four cancelled dolls that were supposed to be part of the line.
Two Super7 action figures in a Catra & Adora 2-pack with limited articulation. They're rare collector's items too, though this time it's just because they were a limited run. [L]
A plastic toy Sword of Protection and shield sized for children. The sword lit up and said "For the honor of Grayskull!" when you lifted it. The gem was semi-transparent and had a picture of She-ra under it. This was a Target and Amazon exclusive (Mattel & Target are always holding hands 🤝). [L]
Clothes/Dress-up/Accessories (defunct):
Four licensed She-ra costumes (season one version) of varying quality: a Target-exclusive one in limited sizes, one from Disguise in a wider range of sizes, one from Party City (as well as a wig and Sword of Protection prop licensed under Classic Media) for children, and one from Rubie's Costume Company (with a season one Catra costume to match, as well as separate accessory packs and wigs for both characters) that was also available at Party City. [L]
Her Universe used their Netflix license to make three shirts, two jackets, an earring set, and a wallet. Photos in the long post* if these links go down (they are discontinued, after all). Bioworld (remember them?) are actually the producers of the earrings with their name rather than Her Universe's branding being found on the backing card.
Hot Topic made a few shirts (like, three. I don't have the primary link for the third design). [L]
Misc (defunct):
Zaks Design-A-Tumbler, a plastic see-through drink tumbler with a sticker sheet provided so you can place the character graphics inside as desired. Features the key character art seen on most other merch for the Best Friend Squad as well as the sword, the moonstone, Swift Wind for the horse girls, and some random sparkles and hearts to fill space. It was available via Amazon and Walmart.
Comcanroll made a Sword of Protection keychain, also defunct. [L]
Beneath the cut are con exclusives and promotional items that were not for sale (at all, or at least by themselves) but that you can still probably hunt down online. Also... still available apps.
I can't believe this is real but there are two apps. She-Ra Stickers is available on iOS and Android and is exactly what you expect: "stickers" (pngs) to send in texting conversations. She-ra Gems of Etheria (also still available on iOS and Android) is a match 3+ game. It doesn't have micro transactions or ads (since, you know, the whole thing is an ad) so it's actually better than most things on the app store.
@tippenfunkaport also made a post about "digital merch" (backgrounds, printed papercrafts, etc) that Dreamworks posted online.
Promotion Exclusives:
I made a separate post for promo-exclusive merch. Things marked with an [L] still have photos in the long post, but photos are better gathered for all of these things in the promo-exclusive post, so please look at that one if any of these interest you.
Lootcrate/Lootwear made a pair of socks, a notebook, and a tumbler all featuring the season one She-ra silhouette. These were only available as part of their subscription service and not for individual sale. [L]
A Sonic kids meal tie-in that featured: magnets of the characters, funko-esque She-ra and Hordak figures, Swift Wind & Imp "straw buddies," and a small inflatable toy Sword of Protection. [L]
The following is promotional material that was never available to the general public:
A statuette of She-ra sent out to family bloggers to promote season four. Very limited due to the tiny production and being fragile. [L]
An equally rare metal lunchbox was sent out exclusively to influencers to promote season one.
Media press kits included a number of items that made it to the public as con-exclusives (see below for more details): collectors cards, buttons, and a foam tiara.
Stickers plugging the Dreamworks Careers' socials were also produced, likely for recruitment. [L]
Gray zip-up hoodies with a small sword on the front (pocket area placement) and a larger logo on the back were made for the crew and never available outside of Dreamworks.
A shirt featuring a graphic of She-ra riding Swift Wind with the She-ra logo in the corner - distribution & source currently unknown. Looks similar but is distinct from an existing Amazon POD design. Best guess is it was given out at an event (con, reviewer promo, employee event, etc), but I'm putting it here since I have no clue where it was from.
Con exclusives (defunct):
I made a separate post for con-exclusive promo items. Some of these still have photos in the long post, but photos and details about which cons they were available at and such are gathered in the con-exclusive post.
Button pin sets (4 sets, 4 buttons each) were at comic cons. These were possibly also available on Amazon for a time but I can't find confirmation on that beyond a backing card logo that could just mean the backing card itself was produced by Amazon. They aren't for sale now either way.
A foam She-ra crown and flat plastic/foam Sword of Protection, handed out at multiple cons.
She-ra socks designed after her uniform (including a cape on the back) seem to have been given out at cons. Photos are only in the long post* because they aren't good and I ran out of room.
There's a number of official poster designs that were handed out (mostly as mini posters) at cons, but most listings online are reprints.
Collector's cards were handed out at cons, probably SDCC.
Temporary tattoos, stickers, bookmarks, and coloring sheets were handed out at Power-Con (years unknown) and possibly other locations, likely those that sold the Scholastic books. [L]
A plastic shopping bag, made to be a disposable advertisement, exclusive to Anime Expo 2019. This one also don't have a photo in the con exclusive post because it's just one of the poster designs already in there, but there is a (wrinkly) photo in the long post*.
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cowboyviolence · 5 days
Saw a post with writing advice i dont like but I'm being so brave about it
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appleblocks · 3 months
Fresh Life - Prologue
[This is Part 0 of my fic, as I am considering Part 1 to be chapter 1. Here's some things to keep in mind before moving down:]
The oldest character is 23 and the youngest is 19.
" " is used for verbal communication, [ ] is used for sign language, and { } will be used for telepathy and thoughts.
I am having to start posting this on tumblr cause I don't have an ao3 account yet :( and these posts will be very long, so I'm sorry.
If you don't want to see these long posts on your timeline feel free to block the #Fresh Life - fic tag bellow
[The children of some of the first Lifers set out on the trial to survive on their own, developing alliances and establishing that not everyone can be trusted.]
Time and time again the Watchers of this world put their favorite creatures to the test in a trial of survival and wits, with the goal of choosing their personal champions by the end. For years this had been a tradition, and now, decades after the first winner rose to the top, a new trial was called upon. Except this time, a much different group was to be tested.
The morning sun shined as it rose over Stratos, bouncing off its gold details and framing the many temples within it. That same light creeping in through the curtains of one demi-god’s room, waking him up slowly. Hermes yawned and covered his eyes from the sun coming in, but as soon as his mind fully woke he sprung out of bed with great excitement. - “It’s today!!” - He exclaimed, flying and jumping around his room to gather his things and get ready for the day. - “It’s today, it’s today, it’s toda- JEREMY!!” A thud from the next room over, followed by a groan and wet footsteps in the hall before Hermes’s room door opened, his very sleepy and somewhat startled sibling standing there mid transformation. - ”Whaaattt?..” - They asked groggily, leaning on the doorframe. - “Today’s the day! We’re going off on the adventure of a lifetime!!” - Hermes replied still with great enthusiasm, and maybe a bit too loudly, flying over to Jeremy Jr., hugging them and spinning them around in the air.  Jeremy startled again at being picked up and spun around, but they hugged back nonetheless. - “Okay, okay! Put me down now, I just woke up!” - They asked with a tired laugh, and the two landed quickly after. - “Right! Sorry!” - Hermes apologized, making sure Jeremy was stable on their feet.  - “Well, look who’s awake.” - Another voice spoke up, and Joel stood outside the door in his God form, smiling softly at the two. - “I thought I’d have to drag you two out of bed today.”
Across the mountains and into the badlands the sun shined as it rose above the sheriff’s ranch in Tumble Town, waking up the farm animals and signaling a new day. A rooster’s call rang out as the young voidwalker made his way down the stairs and into the kitchen to make breakfast, but was instead greeted with breakfast already on the table and his father still cooking more. Tango looked up from the table, very much half asleep. - “G’morning, Tom.” - He greeted with a warm smile, resting his chin on his hand. Jimmy quickly turned to look at Tom, smiling brightly and immediately setting what he was cooking aside. - “There he is! My boy!” - He exclaimed and approached Tom, pulling him into a big warm hug. Tom hugged back, just as tightly as his father. - [Good morning.] - Tom signed after the hug. - [You are awake early.] - “Well of course! Today’s a very very special day, I gotta make sure you’re doing well before we go see everybody.” - Jimmy replied, ushering Tom over to the table. - “Now sit, sit! You’ve gotta eat to start the day off right!” Tom smiled softly and took a seat as ordered, digging into his breakfast pancakes and enjoying the warm morning and his dads company while he could.
The morning sun could not reach this next location, but the purple rift provided enough light on its own. Watcher magic filled the air here, but it was still bearable enough to be around. After all these years the rift had lost power as most worlds were united and no longer needed it for travel, and so the area behind it had been hollowed out and carved into a large series of chambers that held great treasures and monuments; Statues of entities passed, paintings of deities and patron saints, simplified depictions of the Watchers. All things of that nature were kept here for everyone to look back upon whenever needed. - “Dad, how long until the others get here?” - The older bot asked, bored of sitting there and staring at the cavernous ceiling. - “I reckon they will show up soon. We did tell everyone to arrive before noon.” - Mumbo replied as he examined the circuitry on the younger bot’s arm, taking a moment to look at his wristwatch. - “Yep. Should be here any moment now. It shouldn’t take too much longer.” - He assured, finishing up the repairs to Jrumbot’s arm. - “There, good as new.” - “Thanks dad!” - Jrumbot smiled and pulled his sleeve back down, moving his arm around to make sure it was all good.
And right on time, as the rest of the group attending stepped past the rift; Joel and Sausage accompanying Hermes and Jeremy, and Jimmy and Tango accompanying Tom. Mumbo looked back at them and gave them all a wave and a smile, standing up and going to catch up with the other parents while the youngsters grouped together now. - “Good morning!” - Hermes greeted with a big bright smile, carrying his bag with him. - “Was about time y'all showed up. Was starting to think you all got too scared to come.” - Grumbot taunted lightheartedly, standing up from the stone bench he’d been sitting at. - “Pff- As if. Hermes woke me up so excited that I fell out of my tank.” - Jeremy pointed at their brother, chuckling. - “I wasn’t missing this even if I wanted to.” - [You alright?] - Tom signed, looking down at Jeremy Jr. with some concern. It takes Jr. a moment to remember what the sign means, but they quickly nod and try to reassure. - “Oh, yes yes, I’m fine! It wasn’t too big of a fall.” - [Good.] - Tom signed again before turning and stepping over to Hermes, opening his arms to him, and immediately Hermes set his bag down and pulled Tom into a big tight hug, both very happy to see each other.
- “So where’s Grian?” - Joel asked, looking to Mumbo. - “He should be coming out soon. He was conversing with the Secret Keeper last time I saw him, I hope the conversation is going well.” - Mumbo replied, dusting some redstone off his hands and rolling his sleeves back down. - “Oh, this is so exciting! Our babies are going to become men! Are your sons as excited as ours? Are you also excited?” - Sausage asked, looking between Jimmy, Tango, and Mumbo. Jimmy grimaced slightly at the questions, his earlier enthusiasm was starting to turn into nervousness. - “You could say so. Tango and I got ourselves up early to make sure Tom ate well before comin’ here. But not gonna lie, I’m starting to feel not so sure about this.” Sausage tilted his head in slight confusion. - “What do you mean?” - “Oh come on Jimmy, don’t start scaring Sausage with that.” - Joel remarked, crossing his arms and glancing away. - “They’ll be fine. We’ve done this millions of times, they can do it too.” Jimmy frowned but decided not to refute it, and deep down, Joel was worrying a lot too, but preferred to avoid the topic altogether. Sausage looked at the two of them with some concern and definite confusion, and Tango quietly put an arm around Jimmy to help keep him calm.
“Ah, I see everyone’s finally gathered here!” - Grian called, stepping through the large stone doors at the other end of the room. - “Come on then, let’s get this show on the road.” Everyone made their way towards the next chamber through those same stone doors, and the Watcher magic was much more palpable here. At the center of the room was the familiar Secret Keeper, a large stone statue used to communicate with the Watchers themselves. Around it, covering the walls of the chamber, were paintings. Paintings of the previous winners, each with their associated astral body, and space for many more. The spot for a new painting had opened, and it beckoned for fresh meat.  The young ones stepped forward, as prepared as they could be to embark on the journey ahead. 
- “Alright, here are the rules.” - Grian started, his wings turning from the colorful trio of colors into a dark and deep purple, rings of eyes floating around his head now. - “Your goal will be to survive, but you already knew that. You will have 3 lives before your chances run out, and in your last life your goal is to be the last one standing. Whoever wins will be added to our hall here, and have a fancy portrait of them in that there wall.” - He added, pointing at the blank portrait rippling with magic. - “Now.. Are you ready?” - “Wait!” - Jimmy called from the back, making everyone stop and turn to look at him. He quickly ran over to Tom, signaling for him to lean closer, and retrieved a gift from his inventory: a black rancher hat, which he promptly placed on Tom’s head. - “Good luck, son. We’ll be here when you return.” - He said with much care and worry, pulling Tom into one last tight, tight hug before he had to go. Tom hugged back even tighter, but soon they had to separate, and Jimmy returned to Tango’s side. Tom smiled at the two and readjusted his new hat to make sure it wouldn’t fall, and turned back to Grian so the event could continue. Grian raised an eyebrow and looked at the others in the back. - “Anybody else got anything to say before I send them?” Jeremy Jr. quickly turned to their dads, even if the question wasn’t directed at themself. - “Don’t make us any more siblings while we’re gone!” - “No promises!” - Sausage replied with a hearty laugh, and Joel just put a hand to his head with a light awkward chuckle. - “Be careful if you go into the Nether, don’t let yourselves overheat!” - Mumbo called to the Bot brothers, a bit nervous for their circuits. - “We won’t!” - The two bots replied, giving their dad a reassuring smile, and turned to their other dad. - “Alright, now that that’s all settled, it is time.” - The magical feeling ramped up as Grian said this, the eyes above his head opening and glowing purple, along with the symbol on the Secret Keeper behind him. - “I’ll be watching you all. Good luck.”
And with a flash the young group was gone, taken to a new world where they were to start their trial. The only thing left behind was the bag Hermes had brought; somebody must’ve forgotten to tell him he couldn’t bring those things with him.
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riddlerosehearts · 1 year
Twisted Wonderland Birthday Duo List
so, i've made a list of every duo for the birthday cards in twst so far and i wanted to share it here just in case anyone else happens to find it useful and so i can easily update this post throughout the year for my own reference!! i made it since so far they've never repeated a single birthday duo and have only rarely had them between dormmates or clubmates, so by seeing which combinations have already happened we can slightly narrow down which ones are still possible. and for the year 2-4 cards at least, it's also an easy way for me to see which of these cards have my faves in them or which have interesting interactions. list is below the cut!
Year 1 (Birthday Boy Cards) (ngl i wish they would repeat some of these duos since the presenter was just yuu)
Birthday Boy: Riddle | Duo With: Leona
Birthday Boy: Ace | Duo With: Ortho
Birthday Boy: Deuce | Duo With: Epel
Birthday Boy: Cater | Duo With: Lilia
Birthday Boy: Trey | Duo With: Ace
Birthday Boy: Leona | Duo With: Deuce
Birthday Boy: Jack | Duo With: Jamil
Birthday Boy: Ruggie | Duo With: Sebek
Birthday Boy: Azul | Duo With: Malleus
Birthday Boy: Jade | Duo With: Jack
Birthday Boy: Floyd | Duo With: Trey
Birthday Boy: Kalim | Duo With: Silver
Birthday Boy: Jamil | Duo With: Riddle
Birthday Boy: Vil | Duo With: Azul
Birthday Boy: Epel | Duo With: Vil
Birthday Boy: Rook | Duo With: Jade
Birthday Boy: Idia | Duo With: Floyd
Birthday Boy: Ortho | Duo With: Kalim
Birthday Boy: Malleus | Duo With: Idia
Birthday Boy: Silver | Duo With: Ruggie
Birthday Boy: Sebek | Duo With: Cater
Birthday Boy: Lilia | Duo With: Rook
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Year 2 (Birthday Jacket/Union Birthday Cards)
Birthday Boy: Riddle | Duo With: Azul
Birthday Boy: Ace | Duo With: Vil
Birthday Boy: Deuce | Duo With: Idia
Birthday Boy: Cater | Duo With: Jamil
Birthday Boy: Trey | Duo With: Epel
Birthday Boy: Leona | Duo With: Malleus
Birthday Boy: Jack | Duo With: Ruggie
Birthday Boy: Ruggie | Duo With: Jade
Birthday Boy: Azul | Duo With: Ace
Birthday Boy: Jade | Duo With: Silver
Birthday Boy: Floyd | Duo With: Deuce
Birthday Boy: Kalim | Duo With: Lilia
Birthday Boy: Jamil | Duo With: Sebek
Birthday Boy: Vil | Duo With: Trey
Birthday Boy: Epel | Duo With: Floyd
Birthday Boy: Rook | Duo With: Kalim
Birthday Boy: Idia | Duo With: Leona
Birthday Boy: Ortho | Duo With: Cater
Birthday Boy: Malleus | Duo With: Riddle
Birthday Boy: Silver | Duo With: Rook
Birthday Boy: Sebek | Duo With: Jack
Birthday Boy: Lilia | Duo With: Ortho
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Year 3 (Broomquet/Bloom Birthday/Broom Birthday/etc Cards)
Birthday Boy: Riddle | Duo With: Vil
Birthday Boy: Ace | Duo With: Epel
Birthday Boy: Deuce | Duo With: Malleus
Birthday Boy: Cater | Duo With: Floyd
Birthday Boy: Trey | Duo With: Ruggie
Birthday Boy: Leona | Duo With: Cater
Birthday Boy: Jack | Duo With: Deuce
Birthday Boy: Ruggie | Duo With: Rook
Birthday Boy: Azul | Duo With: Jack
Birthday Boy: Jade | Duo With: Kalim
Birthday Boy: Floyd | Duo With: Ortho
Birthday Boy: Kalim | Duo With: Azul
Birthday Boy: Jamil | Duo With: Silver
Birthday Boy: Vil | Duo With: Jade
Birthday Boy: Epel | Duo With: Lilia
Birthday Boy: Rook | Duo With: Leona
Birthday Boy: Idia | Duo With: Riddle
Birthday Boy: Ortho | Duo With: Sebek
Birthday Boy: Malleus | Duo With: Ace
Birthday Boy: Silver | Duo With: Idia
Birthday Boy: Sebek | Duo With: Trey
Birthday Boy: Lilia | Duo With: Jamil
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Year 4 (Platinum Jacket Cards)
Birthday Boy: Ace | Duo With: Lilia
Birthday Boy: Trey | Duo With: Leona
Birthday Boy: Jack | Duo With: Malleus
Birthday Boy: Jade | Duo With: Riddle
Birthday Boy: Floyd | Duo With: Kalim
Birthday Boy: Jamil | Duo With: Idia
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sincerely-sofie · 10 months
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florallylly · 5 months
side a: eddie munson
side a
side b side b: steve harrington
explanation post
just going to go straight to my very very stream of consciousness commentary about each song but i want to clarify that i'm an eddie munson is dirty and gross truther and also i hate that rat man (endearing). so yes it might play into some of my thoughts
some songs are kind of vibe-y and you can tell when my explanations start getting contrived and bad but bear with me. i DO have some specific keystone songs idc KEYSTONE i love the word ok anyway
“I” Black Sabbath; eddie munson you are a LOSER with OPINIONS we get it. like yes you are so persecuted by everyone sure you’re going to prove us all wrong 
“Heaven and Hell” Black Sabbath; tbh added to match with heaven/hell in the other playlist, but somehow it’s kind of giving munson doctrine to me. literally googled and supposedly it’s about like band kids (??) but i think just like “the world is full of kings and queens/who blind your eyes and steal your dreams” i can literally hear eddie munson quoting it
“Fade to Black” Metallica; UGH why are there so many long periods of silence at the beginning and end of these songs. but just adding to the eddie munson i’m so outcast bad boy drug dealer thing and like. had to have metallica
“I Don’t Wanna Be Me” Type O Negative; idk if anyone can tell that i think eddie is a big dramatic loser who thinks he’s the main character (endearing?) like I AM RIGHT… 
“skins” The Haunting; okay this song is saur…. like normal people scare me i’m such a freak coded
“Nosferatu” Blue Oyster Cult; a nod to Eddie Munson being a BIG LOSER NERD. ugh whatever honestly parallels a lot of kas theory fic imo, like innocent maiden steve offering his blood to vampire eddie … why have i read it several times over. in my head, this is like. eddie munson having a dirty dirty loser fantasy about king steve 
“Teenage Dirtbag” Wheatus; need I say more………. 
“The Sun Always Shines on T.V.” a-ha; yeah… YEAH. it’s a steve song on here. i like tried to do this thing where on each playlist there are keystone songs and this is one of them. like, the song that’s in the other’s genre is the moment they fall in love even if they don’t realize it yet. but re: the song like it’s so eddie having this realization that when he was picturing king steve, he only saw him through snapshots and now that he’s live and an actual tangible human it’s different. like  LIKE
“18” Anarbor; tbh i am trying so hard to add some of these songs bc they are so quintessential to me and my connection of music to fandom, BUT IDK…. ITS HARD…. but yeah it’s very steve harrington would never really want to be with me, i’m such a bad boy. okay….  
“Poison” Alice Cooper; eddie munson ur horny . eddie munson we’re sworn enemies like ur a jock and i’m a nerd and like could i light my cigarette with ur cock please please 
“Falling In Love” Scorpions; “falling in love, it happens to me every day” okay eddie munson i did NOT see u doodling hearts around steve’s name in the fourth grade
“Around the Fur” Deftones; i do not know why but for some reason feeling like steve still hanging around his old crowd, and eddie getting all weird about it. IDK !! does it not just feel so eddie munson
“Closet” Fleshwater; an interlude-y song here kind of an angsty moment for eddie 
“I Was Made For Loving You” KISS; SECOND KEYSTONE SONG…. this song signals the first time they sleep together. i am so sorry eddie munson but this music actually DOES give me migraines but i tried very hard  
“Be Quiet and Drive (Far Away)” Deftones; eddie’s dreams about leaving hawkins and becoming famous. just in general his wishes to be somewhere he’s wanted and where he belongs. idk i feel like it’s eddie talking about all of these grand plans for his future and turning to steve and being like “and what about you?” and steve doesn’t have an answer.
“Covet” Basement; “you are everything/my most demanding dream” like like like eddie munson loving and hating that he’s in love with steve harrington who is hawkins to the bone and seems determined to die there. 
“Ghosts” Scarlet House; in my head this is eddie munson angsting after seeing steve hanging around nancy wheeler or robin buckley depending on when exactly we’re setting this. but it’s very woe is me i’m lost without you. idk it could literally even just be they fought and steve is at the grocery store chilling and eddie munson is literally frothing at the mouth sobbing in his van 
“Saturnine Saturnalia” VV; “there is no end to the hurting/i love you” saturnalia was a roman festival where they indulged in mischief and partying and whatnot. feeling like at this point, even if it’s fake, even if it ends up hurting me, i’ll take whatever i can get kind of feeling. maybe it’s like realizing he won’t be free of hawkins unless he lets go of steve or thinking that he’s just a stop on the way to a white picket fence. and i think that maybe this is the moment when eddie begins to realize how deeply he feels for steve.
“Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want” Deftones; PLEASE LET THE MAN GET WHAT HE WANTS !!! FOR ONCE !!! he is out here every single day dealing drugs PLEASE give him a sexy passenger princess to come with him on deals
“Black Butterflies and Deja Vu” The Maine; ik it’s a jump scare but KEYSTONE SONG…. the moment when they admit they’ve fallen in love. this is their aha moment. their AHA! moment not a-ha… but yeah…. eddie munson finally being like wait i’m in love with steve harrington and idk for how long but i’m in trouble
the future holds IDK ... just this part took me this long so PLEASE spare me i literally wrote this out on my notes app
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watchyourdigits · 1 month
I am re-reading Night Letter and am realizing I didn't do nearly enough research into scar tissue as I should have 💀 I spent hours researching lavender marriages and U.S. Army dog tags from the 1950s (as well as ranks and dismissals and such) instead of researching one of the defining characteristics of the main character, aka his severe facial scarring.
Anyway here I am retconning his scars - they are hypertrophic NOT keloid. That is entirely on me because I didn't know what the fuck the term was for it and assumed that if they were raised then they HAD to be keloids. I'm so sorry for this. Like deeply.
For those who don't know the difference, I don't recommend looking up pics unless you're okay with seeing mild medical g*re. Brief description of the aforementioned scar types:
Keloid: raised, shiny, firm & rubbery in texture with no distinct pattern. Caused by an excess of collagen deposits during the healing process. These scars invasively extend PAST the area of the original wound and do not regress over time. Hard to treat. Can form over months to years after an injury. More common in black folks and other melanated people who have a family history of keloid scarring.
Hypertrophic: raised, but not to the degree of keloids, and can also be different colors and usually have a distinct wavy pattern due to collagen deposits. Also caused by an excess of collagen, but not to the extent of keloids. These scars do NOT extend past the area of the original wound, typically do not recur, and CAN regress over time. Typically appear within a month of two of an injury and do not continue to progress (typically begin to regress actually).
I'm attaching an image below the cut comparing the two.
Left is keloid, right is hypertrophic. You'll see the difference. It's easy to confuse them because they're similar in depiction, but this is a good visual example of exactly HOW they are different. Raised scars =/= keloids!!! Do NOT be a fool like me!!!!
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#fic: night letter#scars //#scar //#regg rambles#i'm gonna rewrite night letter at some point. it's not abandoned though#it's just been so long since an update that i'm rereading it and cringing heavily. many clarity edits are needed methinks#and also just minor tweaks i didn't notice the first time around (minimal grammar tweaks#mostly it's all just formatting bc copy pasting italics into AO3 puts a space after the italicized word#which looks horrible when theres punctuation after it!!)#okay so maybe not a REWRITE. just a re-edit. not much i'd REALLY change so far aside from the clarity stuff.#like the clarity in the deacon trash can scene also belongs in the trash alongside deacon himself#there was no good indication that frankie had heard something and that danse was playing along by continuing their convo#it was all an unspoken exchange. but there was also no moment of realization outside of the dialogue.#this is all bc i overexplain everything and was trying to not do that as much#and just left out any mention of danse realizing frankie is hearing something & trusting him implicitly even tho they're actively arguing#it was sooooo good in my head like fuck. the execution was so bad i am cryin at my desk rn#like they're having a BITTER FIGHT. and danse is VERY UPSET.#but the moment he notices frankie being weird. he works with him even though he's mad and upset and everything. it's so delicious in my mind#anyway sorry i didn't take my meds today and i am at work and can't think straight#regg writes
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brw · 7 months
Nothing gives me peace of mind quite like blocking incorrect quotes blogs.
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