#and that shit is LONG i got no clue how poets back then memorized the whole thing like goddamn
i would say one of the most neurodivergent moments in my life was in 7th grade history when we were taking a little quiz on Ancient Greece and an extra credit question our teacher gave us was 'Name 3 Greek gods'
and boi let me tell you
I took that instruction and ran with it and kept listing Greek gods until i had filled up the whole back space and we ran out of time in class. There was honestly like 30 names or something that i had listed. I was so excited for that test and that segment in our curriculum because i could finally talk about my hyperfixation and use it to get a good grade, like it was easy as fuck.
and then later i had found out that my teacher had came up to my mom one day and told her that i had listed some gods that even he didn't know about.
obviously i got the extra credit and the vindication was worth it
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