#and that one was like how would you like to not play the game at all for months
If It All Fell (9)
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Pairing: Azriel x Reader
Summary: If it all fell apart—if you forgot who you were—would you love him again? Would the bond guide you back? Azriel doesn't know if that uncertainty is one he can bear.
Word count: 3k
Warnings: Angst, pining
a/n: Thank you so much for sticking around. I had to reread this entire series to write this part and it made me remember how much I love sharing it with you all ♡ Italics indicate memories (oooooo👀).
Series Masterlist (all parts ♡)
One of the many downsides to losing your memory was your lack of card game knowledge. An inconsequential tidbit when you took a step back and evaluated the hardships that plagued you, but a fact that was currently causing you a massive headache and a massive loss, all the same. 
“This is just completely unfair,” you huffed, tossing your cards on the table and leaning back in your chair. “I can barely even remember what you said the rules were.” 
“Hardly my fault, sweetheart. I gave you a run down before we started,” Cassian slyly grinned. 
You scoffed. “There were over fifteen steps to this game! And I feel like you made up half of them!” 
“While that would definitely be something he’d pull,” Mor piped in, an accusatory glance in Cassian’s direction. “He’s innocent, this time. This is just a really complicated game.” 
“Oh yeah, great. Make the amnesiac play the complicated game so she’ll lose. That's really classy, Cassian. Great sportsmanship.” 
Cassian had the gall to look offended, a hand placed at his heart. “You used to be great at this game, I’ll have you know. You won every time. We banned you, actually.” 
“You banned me from playing a card game?” 
Azriel, who had been fighting off a laugh with his tongue against his cheek, spoke up from beside you. “Very strictly banned, as well. For the last hundred years. You’re lucky we’re letting you play now.” 
Your mouth dropped open in the most wounded expression you could manage, mirth dancing in your eyes as you turned your head to catch the shadowsinger’s blush-tinted cheeks. 
Things were… good between the two of you. The same, but good, mostly because you had refrained from even alluding to his mate. When you didn’t talk about her, or look at anything that might have belonged to her, or question Azriel on the sadness in his eyes, he stayed glued to your side. It was a wonderful friendship the two of you were cultivating—one built on one-sided secrets where the answers were locked in your brain. 
“What could I have possibly done to get banned from a card game for a hundred years?” you gaped.
Azriel’s wings rustled behind him, unfurling to cloak your back in warmth. He laughed. “You cheat.” 
“I cheat?” 
“I wouldn’t call it cheating, exactly,” Mor defended, sliding her cards face-down on the table in favor of the snack plate in the center. “Not when it’s not your fault.” 
“Bullshit!” Cassian exclaimed, fist coming down in a loud bang. “She knows how to control her magic. She chooses to use it during the game and that makes it cheating.” 
Mor pointed an accusing finger in Azriel’s direction. “And what about his shadows, then? You’ve never had a problem with him playing, oh great game warden.” 
Cassian narrowed his eyes as if looking at Azriel for the first time. “Brother, you cheat as well?” 
In the most jovial tone you’d heard Azriel take, he refuted, “I absolutely do not.” 
That had spiraled into another argument you were not part of, and you took the opportunity to pick your cards back up and attempt to run through the rules again. It was a game of chance, really, but it was also a game of wit and that wasn’t your strongest suit at the moment. 
Maybe if you tried a little bit harder—
“Okay, your turn, y/n,” Azirel called you out of your fruitless thoughts. “Just try to pick one.” 
Your lips twisted to the side as you examined your cards and looked up at your opponent. Cassian appeared quite average, no shifting eyes or telling sighs. He was very good at this game, allegedly. 
You flicked your eyes back down to your cards, but, no—something didn’t feel right about that. 
You looked back up at Cassian, and something shifted. 
Something… seemed off. Like he was—
“You’re lying,” you stated as if it were a well-known fact. “You’re lying so hard right now. So that means I should take this and…” 
Your last words trailed off as you slapped a pair of cards on the table. You looked up to Cassian with a smug expression, the general narrowing his eyes and swiping his own cards aside. He scoffed, and then scoffed again, the second time paired with his arms across his chest. 
“Yeah? And how would you know?” he challenged. 
Your head jutted back in disbelief. You gazed around the table but none of your opponents offered the same look. “Are you kidding? It’s practically pouring off of you.” 
“What is?” Azriel softly asked. 
“His lie!” you exclaimed, hands raised in shock. 
“How so?” Mor posed. 
“All around him.” You shook your hand in the direction of the General, making some form of a circle. “He’s just a terrible liar and you can see it. I thought you all said he was undefeated?” 
“I was,” Cassian huffed out with a laugh. “Against everyone other than you.” 
His words sobered up your competitive mood, the rest of the table having come to a conclusion you only just realized. Azriel sat beside you with bated breath, tenseness apparent in the coil of his wings and shadows. Mor tried and failed to hide her smile behind her lips. Cassian didn’t even attempt to hide; his smile was vibrant without a hint of defeat. 
“Does this mean—” 
“Yes!” Mor gave a small cheer. “Something is happening in that beautiful brain of yours and you’re coming back to us!”
Coming back to them. 
As if you weren’t sitting right there. 
“We should ask her questions,” Cassian boomed with another laugh. “See what else is in there.” 
“Oh! We should. Think of something, Cass.” 
“What about…” 
The air around you felt suffocating as those at the table began talking as if you weren’t there. Any joy you felt at the revelation was washed, evaporated—creating a somber resolve that made your skin feel dull. 
“Maybe ask her things associated with her magic. Maybe that’s coming through first,” Mor offered. Walnut shells and wine glasses lay empty and scattered beside discarded cards. 
“I don’t think—” Azriel’s response was muted by a buzzing in your ears. 
It would never be enough. You were a full person sitting before them, but you weren’t. You weren’t the person they expected—not the person they wanted. You had been stuck in this limbo for weeks now, living under pitying eyes and hopeful half-smiles that never met their eyes. Secrets were kept because they hoped you—the real you—would eventually return and save them from sharing the hard things. 
You blinked away the dryness in your eyes. 
“We should get Rhys. He might find an opening now that her magic is—” 
“I’m right here,” you interrupted, the gravel of your tone barely audible below Cassian’s excited tone. The table fell silent, anyway. “I don’t know why you all insist on speaking about me and not to me.” 
Mor’s voice was still light as she replied, “Y/n, we don’t mean—” 
“You don’t mean what?” you laughed, the sound bordering hysterical. You caught Azriel turning his head down towards you in your peripheral. You ignored it. “You don’t mean to make me feel like half a person? Like a ghost? Because I’m right here and I have been for weeks but you all are so concerned with what I’m going to be in some undetermined amount of time that you seem to forget I’m alive now.” 
Cassian’s lips parted to speak, but words continued to spill from your mouth. “I mean, I wasn’t even allowed to know about most of my life until recently. You all expect me to get better instantly, making decisions and keeping secrets as if this isn’t part of my life—as if when I get my memories back… if I get them back… all these weeks will just disappear.
“But I’ve been here,” you stressed. Your fingers were tingling and your neck felt hot. “I’ve been here and all of you—you all talk over my head. I finally get some semblance of myself back and all you can think about is what more I can do. You don’t care about me. You care about some version of me that I’ve never met.” 
You rose from the table, hands coming down harshly as you stood. Mor quickly mimicked your action, but you held a hand up, dismissing the person who had been your safe space at the start of this mess—at the start of your memory, really. 
“I need—I need,” you choked. Dim colors and minute vibrations emanated from each person in the room, making your head hurt as you looked at them. You didn’t have the capacity to analyze that development. “I need to be alone.” 
You heard yourself mutter an apology as you went, unsure what exactly it was for. Your feet stumbled out of the room, getting stuck in cracks and shuffling on marble flooring. A small prickle of embarrassment made you flinch as you went, but it was nothing compared to the harrowing emptiness that guided you out to the balcony. 
Maybe it would be better if you spent your time alone—at least until you got your memories back. You loved being around everyone, but even that was a half-truth. You hadn’t even met everyone that was supposed to be in your life.
Gripping the railing of the balcony, you sucked in a deep breath, greedy for any kind of reprieve. A soft wind met the heat of your cheeks, but it did little to soothe you. If you could just become who they wanted you to be… if you could just know everything they wanted you to know. 
Everything felt like too much. 
You had so little to go off of, but somehow that was to your detriment. 
You thought the first sign of your old self would have been a cause for celebration, but instead, it was only a call for more. More, more, more—you weren’t enough now. 
You heard your name in the wind, a soft sound that carried delicately past your ears. For reasons you could not place, the single word sent anger pulsing in your veins. 
You whipped around, unsurprised to see Azriel standing beneath the archway to the house, his expression unguarded and his shadows reaching and reaching and reaching towards you. 
He seemed to recoil at your furious gaze. 
“What?” you asked, still breathless from the way panic had taken control of your chest. “What, Azriel?” 
But words seemed to fail him as he stood there. He blinked more than necessary, shaking his head and then righting it, unsure of the direction he wanted to take. 
It infuriated you. 
“What could you have to say?” you instigated, and the harsh words made you sick. “You of all people treat me as a stranger. You say we’re close—that we are the closest of anyone—but you keep secrets, Azriel. You keep secrets and you make it impossible to get to know you. What happens if I never get my memory back, huh?”
The notion of that reality set the Shadowsinger into motion. “Don’t say that,” he almost begged, desperation lost behind gritted teeth. “We are still looking—” 
“Would it be that terrible for you? Truly, Azriel. You slink around me, afraid to share things I don’t even know are there! How am I—What am I supposed to do if this is just me now?” You tugged at your hair as frustration captured your voice. You hadn’t meant to say any of this, hadn’t planned on even hinting at your displeasure, but something snapped today. 
Something snapped and there was nothing you could do to cope with the breakage. Because you were a stranger to everyone—most of all yourself. 
“That won’t happen,” Azriel attempted to reassure, taking small steps towards your pacing figure. “We are going to figure this out and everything will be—” 
“It won’t!” 
You screamed. 
You hadn’t meant to. 
Azriel stopped in his tracks. 
“It won’t be fine, Azriel.” Back to a normal volume, your voice sounded hoarse. “I can’t keep living like this—like a ghost. It’s been weeks and there are no leads. All I have now is this hint of my powers that I’m not even sure how to parse out. They don’t make sense. None of this makes sense.” 
Your eyes were glued to your feet as Azriel’s words broke at the syllables. “I know.” 
“None of you will want me if I can’t be her.” 
“I will always want you,” he was quick to respond. 
When you raised your head, the stray tears held captive by your waterline fell. Azriel stared back at you in earnest but it felt incomplete. 
“You keep things from me still,” you said, words thick in your throat. “It’s like you’re waiting for her—for someone else. With Mor and them, it’s different. It feels different with you.”
Azriel whispered a broken rendition of your name. The color you saw reflecting from his shoulders was sharp against the backdrop of the dark house, and you had no idea its significance, but something within you told you it wasn’t going to get you what you so desperately wanted. 
“Stop,” you begged, chin wobbling. “Stop… formulating what you’re going to say to me. This is worse, now that I have my magic. I see your every indecision around me.” 
Azriel’s expression pinched and the color fizzled out as he stepped forward and held your face in his textured hands. Your anger dissipated as he titled your head up to meet his gaze, replaced by the uncertainty that often mingled with regret when he was near. 
What you were regretting, you didn’t know. 
“You are the one sure thing in my life,” he confessed. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I’ve made you feel this way—that we all have. I—I have been keeping something from you. I’ve been afraid it would be too much, that I would lose you if you knew. But I’m only losing you now.” 
You gave no reply, unblinking, short breaths escaping you. 
Azriel licked his lips and slid his hands down until his thumbs rested along your jaw. 
“You have asked about my mate.” Discomfort panged within your chest as he spoke, but you needed to hear this. Azriel closed his eyes for a pause, brows furrowed, before he met your eye once more. “It’s you.” 
Your shock came second to the blinding pain creeping up your neck. It fought with you, edging closer and closer to your brain before it fell behind your eyes and shattered all comprehensible thought. Another beat and hazel eyes were lost to darkness. 
You heard your name, felt your body go slack and arms brace your fall, but then there was laughing. You were laughing, but the sound wasn’t coming from your body. 
“We have to go back,” you heard yourself admonish in a breathless tone. “They’re all waiting for us.” 
“Let me be alone with my wife for a while longer.” 
Figures materialized in the dark space of your mind.
A purple dress. 
A ring around your finger. 
Flowers woven into the lapel of a jacket. 
“I have only been your wife for about….” you saw yourself gaze up to the ceiling of a room you did not recognize in feigned contemplation. “An hour?” 
Azriel bit back a grin and nuzzled his face into your neck. “But you have been my mate for my entire life.” 
“That’s not even true. It snapped a few months ago.”
You stood in the corner of the room as the scene unfolded, feeling like a stranger in some iteration of your life. You looked so at ease, wrapped up in the man who had caused you so much inner turmoil over the last few weeks. 
He had said you were mates. 
Was this…
“That’s not how mates work, my love,” Azriel hummed closing the distance between the skin of your cheek and his lips. “When we were created, we were created for each other. There has never been a time in my life that I did not belong to you.” 
You watched yourself smile—watched yourself curl your fingers in your mate’s hair and press your forehead to his. “Gods, you’re the biggest sap.” 
Azriel laughed. The sound was light and free and everything you had sought after these past few weeks. But you heard it here as he laid with you in his arms. 
“I can’t believe you married me,” he whispered, his nose brushing yours. 
“Of course I married you.” 
A pause. 
“Do you think you would have married me if things hadn’t worked out—after Day I mean.” 
From the corner of the room, you analyzed how your body seemed to recoil at the question. 
“Azriel, nothing could have kept me from you. Not even that monster from Day. If I hadn’t gotten my memory back—if I had to live with forgetting you—” Azriel shuddered, taking a long breath through his nose. You only brushed your fingers softly against his temple. “—I would have found you again. It probably would have been a pain in the ass to get me to listen but…” 
Azriel scoffed and pulled you closer. “You’re already a pain in my ass.” 
“That was the goal.” 
Another soft round of laughter. 
You felt like an intruder, flinching at the gleam of the ring on Azriel’s finger, hesitant to gaze around the room you had no recollection of. By the door, you could hear others in the hall. You made out Cassian and Mor’s voices, but others sparked no recognition within you. Curiosity pulled you in that direction, but before you could touch the doorknob, Azriel spoke again. 
“You wouldn’t have had to find me.” He paused. “I never would have left your side.”
And then the scream of your name woke you. 
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reiderwriter · 1 day
🌙 Like You Did With Her 🌙
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Spencer Reid x female! Reader
Part of the CM Kink Bingo Challenge
Requested: Can I request Spencer x female!reader who are in an established relationship and she sees him kiss cat that one time. And once the case is over she’s not actually mad cause she understands he had to but she kinda plays it up a bit like ‘I don’t think you’ve ever kissed me like that’
Warnings: BDSM themes, dom! Spencer Reid, mentions of cheating, voyeurism, cuckolding, exhibitionism, bondage, handcuffs, penetrative sex (P in V), consensual degradation (use of whore and slut), anal play, cum play, implied unprotected sex, unconventional sex location (non-public), rough sex, clit stimulation, etc.
A/N: Additional warning - you may not see God's blessing if you read on. To say I got carried away would be an understatement. If you're reading this and you know me, do not ask questions. Simply separate the art from the artist. It's what I want (I'm being dramatic).
Masterlist || Bingo Board
You'd promised Spencer that you wouldn't let Cat Adams or anything she said or did get to you. You'd waven him off on his “date,” kissed him goodbye, and then sat on his couch for hours worrying.
And you'd kept worrying as the hours passed, until you'd heard voices in the hallway and then movement, and the door was opening and you saw it.
Your boyfriend savagely pushing another woman up against a wall, fighting for control, his large hands spread wide and tensed against skin, his lips sucking and kissing and preening, and showing his control.
You watched for entirely too long before you accidentally made your presence known.
It was a game to Cat, and you knew enough about her to know that you couldn't show any reaction. You didn't know if she'd only get more dangerous if she knew just how much you'd enjoyed watching that.
You held the conversation still, letting Spencer push at whatever game it was he was playing with Cat, but you weren't wholly there. Instead, your mind was playing the comparison game.
You loved Spencer. Spencer loved you. When you had sex with Spencer, it was clear that Spencer loved you.
And maybe love was all there was to it because based on what you'd now seen, there wasn't exactly that much heat when you did it.
If he could be so rough - and you wanted him to be rough - then why wasn't he being rough with you?
He may have been playing games with Cat, but you'd fucked him enough to know the subtle postures of his arousal. You caught it in the way he held himself, the way his breathing hitched, the way he was looking.
Not just at her, but at you, too. As if he were caught between the two of you, unsure who to force to their knees first.
So you let him do the talking and tried to distract yourself from a moment of arousal that you feared would never be satisfied.
To your credit, you lasted two weeks. You hadn't made love to him that night because it was too soon, and he was desperately grovelling in apology for something you weren't angry about in the slightest.
Sure, you should've been angry. If not because he'd made out with another woman than he'd made out with a sociopathic serial killer specifically, one who'd made his life a misery. But you couldn't bring yourself to be upset when your hands worked their way between your legs every time you thought about it.
A week after, he caught you pleasuring yourself, and he'd taken over, kissing you gently and whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
His touch was pathetically gentle, and after you came, he rolled off the bed and took himself to the bathroom, leaving you alone.
A week after that, he initiated sex again, but it was soft, sweet, and so warm that you felt almost ashamed for wanting him to choke you out even just a little bit.
Spencer wasn't exactly unaware of your preoccupation.
You hadn't kissed him without frowning in two weeks, and you hadn't initiated anything sexual yourself. There was still the casual intimacy, the friendship, the I Love You’s, but you seemed distant and he knew he fucked up.
You drew a line in the sand when he started coming home with flowers.
“Spencer-? What is this?” You said as he pushed the bouquet into your hands, kissing you hello as he walked through the door.
“Flowers. Lilies, to be specific, you like lilies, right? I didn't ask, I should've asked-”
“Why did you buy me flowers?” You said, still just staring at him and the guilt on his face.
“I thought - You like flowers.”
“I do. But I also like to know the reason behind the flowers, so spill.”
He hesitated for a moment and let out a sigh, running his hands through his hair as he looked between you and the flowers.
“Lilies are apology flowers.”
“Spencer,” you said, almost exasperated, throwing your hand sin the air and walking back to the kitchen.
“You're upset. You're obviously upset. I kissed Cat, and-”
“You did a little more than kiss her.”
“Y/N,” his voice getting slightly deeper, his voice warning you to tread lightly. “You're jealous.”
“I already told you I'm not,” you said, even though that was half a lie. “It's just-”
“Just what? Jealousy? Speak to me, Y/N, you've been ignoring me all week.”
His brow was furrowed, his stress evident in the hard lines of his body, his stiff shoulders, the line of his mouth. You wanted to keep pressing his buttons until that anger, that stress, boiled over, and you got to experience what Cat had.
“Sorry,” you said, dropping the lilies on the counter in your kitchen and turning around to face him once again. “I haven't been ignoring you, though. Ignoring someone is when you make out with another woman in a doorway, not knowing your girlfriend is sitting on a couch watching the entire thing.”
“What? I'm not allowed to tell the truth now? Are you afraid you'll feel too guilty?”
“I am so sorry, Y/N, it was-”
“I'm not.” You said quickly as he stepped forward. You knew that if you let him get further in his apology, he'd bundle you up in his arms, and gently carry you away to kiss and hug and cuddle and have sex in the most dignified, loving way imaginable. You didn't want that.
“I'm not sorry. I lied earlier. I'm not sorry, I'm fucking envious.”
You slid your hands down his chest as he stilled again, watching g your hand descend to the front of his pants. You grabbed his belt and pulled him closer.
“Spencer, why have you never fucked me like that?”
His eyes widened in shock, but they quickly flicked back to your hands as you slowly unbuckled his belt.
“I… I didn't fuck her, let's get that straight.”
“I know,” you said, leaning up to whisper in his ear. “I was watching.”
His hands gripped the counter as he stared at you straight-faced, finally locking eyes with you as you pulled his belt free and dropped it to the floor.
“I don't want to treat you the way I treated her,” he said, voice quieter but still full of tension, as if ready to shout at any second.
“You don't want to fuck me?” You asked, even as you grabbed his cock through his pants, taunting him with the fact that he did. You knew he did, because you held the evidence in your hand.
“No…! Yes, I do, but not... like that.”
“Not like what?” You said, pushing his shirt up and out of his pants so your hands had more room to explore, fewer layers of clothing to obstruct.
“Like… like a… fuck, stop distracting me.”
“I'm not distracting you, I'm trying to prove to you that this is meaningless and that you should bend me over and fuck me like a cheap whore.”
“Y/N!” he said, either exasperated, or desperately horny from your grip on his hard cock.
He grabbed your hand and pulled it away from him, pinning it against the counter with his own.
“No,” you spat back at him, pressing closer to him and wiggling your hand free so it could stroke his dick again. “Not until you make me.”
His lips dropped to yours in a kiss, but this time, you could tell you'd made progress. An annoyed harrumph echoed through the kiss, and you fought his tongue back as he tried to take control of your mouth, attempting to gently lead as he always did.
“Y/N,” he moaned, as your hands fought off his to fondle his cock, unbuttoning his pants and pulling it free as you stroked it gently, teasingly.
You had to show him a taste of his own medicine.
“Y/N, we need to talk, keep your hands to yourself.”
“No,” you said, stroking harder, spotting into your hand while keeping eye contact with him. “Unless you want to try and stop me?”
He watched your hand fall back to his cock, watched you tease the tip with one small stroke, then another, and then another.
And then he finally broke.
He pushed your hands off quickly, twisting one arm up and around your back, pinning it there as he grabbed his handcuffs and attached your hands together behind your back.
“Spencer!” you gasped.
“Cheap whore? That's what you wanted?” He said, pulling your hips back so his cock could nestle in the fabric of your skirt.
You nodded, rolling your shoulders to test the limits of your new restraints. Restraints you knew had been on Cat two weeks ago. You wondered if he was thinking about her now as his cock got harder and harder. You wondered why that turned you on so much.
“Okay. I'll give you what you want, but don't complain after.”
“Please, like you could actually hurt me that much.”
His hand immediately crept up to your neck and wrapped around it delicately. He didn't press down, but the threat was there as he leant down to whisper in your ear.
“Y/N?” You nodded in response, not chancing talking back. “Shut the fuck up.”
His hands pulled your skirt up first, and you found yourself without underwear just as fast, though you felt it suspended between your knees. He ran a finger through your folds, pushing your legs wider with one hand as the other grabbed a fistful of hair and slowly forced your head onto the counter.
This was new. All of this was new. The position, the location, the emotion. The handcuffs. You struggled against them again but didn't say a word, as his hand gently came down on your bare ass.
“Ah,” you cried out in surprise, jumping slightly as you felt the impact.
“I said be quiet,” he said from behind you, inspecting your pretty pink pussy as you displayed yourself for him.
One finger slowly slid into you, and you bit your lip to hold back a moan. It was joined by a second finger, and then he started moving them.
He'd touched you before, buried himself deep inside even, but this new angle felt different, and your eyes rolled shut as he pumped in and out. With two weeks of frustration, you were perfectly wet for him already, and you were almost embarrassed about the wet sounds his ministrations were causing already.
“S-Spencer,” you moaned, pushing your hips back into him, in time with his fingers.
He pulled out his hands and slapped your ass again, hard, as you cried out.
“You want to be treated like a cheap whore, but even they follow instructions, Y/N.”
You heard him spit on his hands again, and then his digits returned.
Except they didn't return to your pussy, but a spot higher up.
His fingers lubed up your ass with his spit and your arousal as he gently slid a finger into your ass, and you cried out in shock, or pain, or arousal, or whatever it was that had your head sagging to the counter, your legs lifting onto your tiptoes to allow him better access to your holes.
“You're even tighter here than there…” he said, almost curiously, as of transfixed by watching his fingers enter and exit you.
You were so distracted by his fingers, you barely noticed his cock probing at your pussy before it slid into you entirely.
You really couldn't help the mess you made of the kitchen counter. When he pushed into you, he used his free hand to lift your leg slightly, and inadvertently pushed your clit into the edge of the kitchen counter. With every thrust of fingers and hips, you ground into the edge, pussy flooding with juices as you were stimulated on all fronts.
You almost begged him to play with your nipples as well, just to see what the experience would feel like, how hard you could cum when every area of your body was being bombarded with pleasure.
As it was, the cock and handcuffs probably would've been enough. But you felt the shame of your arousal dripping down your leg, piddling at your feet. You heard him questioning which part of the experience it was that had led to you being such a desperate slut.
Was it his cock? Was it the fingers in your ass? Was it the handcuffs? Was it the fact that you were still imagining him doing exactly this to another woman while you watched on?
You didn't know, and he didn't degrade you further by asking.
His hand gripped your hair again, pulling you back harshly so your back arched, and your clit painfully pushed down into the edge of the counter.
With a scream - a loud, sudden, uncontrollable thing - you came, letting loose a torrent of cum down your leg.
Still, he kept thrusting, but he let go of his previous vow of silence.
“You are such a cheap whore, aren't you?” He said, removing his finger from your ass, hands gently gripping your hips as he pulled your ass cheeks, inspecting how far he'd stretched you, how much your hole gaped open.
“You've been so jealous that I wasn't tossing you around all this time. My cock could've been buried inside someone else, and you'd have enjoyed that. Wouldn't you?”
You could only moan in response, too scared to confirm or deny. You wanted more.
“You know, Y/N,” he started, leaning down to your ear again, squishing you painfully against the hard counter. “Cheap whores don't deserve cream pies.”
Just as you approached another climax, he pulled out of you, letting you crumple to the floor without his weight counterbalancing your own.
Then he hooked a finger under your jaw and lifted your head up. He barely managed to grunt out “close your eyes” before his cum was shooting out over your face.
“Fuck, I'm sorry, I love you… I love you, I love you, I love you, I love-”
Your lips parted in shock as a spurt hit your chin, your eyes. It was even in your hair. He aimed after that and managed to get a good amount of it on your tongue as you grimaced away from his hold.
But his hands held you still, and you swallowed it, even wiping the spurts from your cheek and eyes and licking off your hands as you cleaned up.
When he was finished, Spencer let you go and leaned back against the kitchen counter. When you could open your eyes again, you stared up at him in shock before collapsing down and laying on the cold floor of your kitchen, chest heaving.
“I knew…. I knew it would be more…” you said, unable to find the words to describe the deeds you'd just done.
“But I wasn't expecting… most of that.”
“I'm so-”
“Do not fucking apologise,” you demanded, pointing a stern finger at him as he pulled himself together.
“Next time you bring flowers home, I'm going to be expecting that as a follow up,” you laughed, letting him help you off the floor and release you from your constraints.
“So,” he said, playing with the cuffs as he gave you an awkward, straight smile. “Bondage, huh?”
You burst into laughter as you grabbed him by the tie and pulled him all the way to the bathroom.
“By the way,” you said, beginning to strip yourself off, distracted only by your attempts to strip him off as well. “You're cleaning the kitchen after we're done.”
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lyrefromthesea · 2 days
You’re absolutely one of my favourite writers 💙 Please could I request hashira x reader, where the reader looks after the hashira’s family/ those they care for when they are on a long mission 💙💙
Male pillars x reader - family matters
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pairing: Tengen x reader, Obanai x reader, Rengoku x reader, Sanemi x reader, Giyuu x reader, Gyomei x reader
content warning: none
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who would've expected nearly the entirety of the Uzui family to fall sick? it luckily didn't hit him, but Hinatsuru, Makio and Suma all fell ill.
you would've done it without his pleading, but when he asked you so kindly to take care of his wives, you couldn't say no.
you were in a relationship with them too, it was only right to take care of your loved ones, right?
so when Tengen came home and saw you put wet towels on all their head with the outmost patience, he felt his heart swell with pride.
"i'm back, are you all feeling better?" he asked, looking down at the three sick women. they were cuddled up in their shared bed, not wanting to be alone.
he was glad when he watched them slowly nod and tell him how good you've taken care of them.
"thank you, beautiful.." he said to you, glad that there was someone he could trust. "let me help now."
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when Obanai left for a mission and left Kaburamaru with you, he knew you would take care of his friend. however, he didn't expect finding you like this.
you have fallen asleep in the kitchen, your cheek squished against the counter. Kaburamaru had found his place around your neck, as if he wanted to keep you warm.
Iguro looked around, seeing Kaburamaru's food bowl. it was empty, but he knew the snake had eaten today. he could tell by the way Kaburamaru was sleeping with you, having filled his stomach.
furthermore, there was a plate full of food placed near you. he could see another empty plate in the sink, indicating that you've already eaten.
he had told you when he would come back from his mission, figuring that you've prepared the second plate for him.
he looked at you with a gentle gaze, not wanting to wake you up, but knowing you shouldn't sleep in the kitchen. with a quick and careful movement, he had picked you up and carried you to the bedroom.
you had taken care of him and his snake, it was time to take care of you now.
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multiple bottles of liquor stood in front of his family's estate. they were all empty.
he knew those were the bottles his father used to buy, but the man would never place them here.
knowing that you had been staying in his house for the past few days, he figured it would have something to do with you.
"i'm home, dear!" he greeted, happy when he saw you run up to him. perhaps you had been spoiling him too much, but he was used to a kiss on the lips whenever he returned to you.
"first you take my sake away and now this? i'll puke!" Shinjuro scolded you, but you just smiled back at him.
Kyojuro was confused at first, quickly remembering the empty liquor bottles in front the family estate.
"don't pretend like you didn't like the past days! you even played board games with me and Senjuro." you countered, sticking your tongue out.
perhaps it was because you weren't a demon slayer, but Shinjuro could speak to you much more calmly than with others. or maybe it was because you reminded him of the peace of earlier days.
"you did? let's celebrate my return with another board game!" Kyojuro enthusiastically offered, earning a happy nod from you.
"you're going to play as well, right?" you ask Shinjuro, not surprised by him rolling his eyes, knowing he would join you two and Senjuro.
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"is he okay?" Sanemi asked, his fists clenching hard. he was desperate to know about his little brother's state.
when he heard that Genya had been hurt during his fight with a demon, he had wanted to see his brother right away, but he couldn't look him in the eyes anymore.
he knew that Genya hated him for what he had done, he had no right to worry over him now.
naturally, his eyes lit up when he saw you take over the role of a nurse, watching over Genya properly.
"he's doing better." you answered, seeing him quiet down and nod. he felt relief settle in his heart, coming closer to hug you.
his head rested on your shoulder, his arms hanging by his side. his heart was trapped in a mix of guilt and relief.
"you know, he told me that he missed you. you should see him.." you told him, knowing the story the two brothers shared was a sad one.
"no.." he simply said, but you could hear the sorrow in his voice. he probably wanted his brother back as much as Genya wanted him.
"thank you for looking after him.."
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he had trouble revealing his feelings to other people, but when he heard Tanjiro being hurt once again, you noticed the look on his face.
when you told him that you'd temporarily look after the young demon slayer, you saw the man relax slightly. he trusted you and he knew you'd do your best.
he wanted to do his best for you as well, deciding it would only be fair to visit you and Tanjiro now and then.
"Tomioka-san!" Tanjiro beamed, nearly making his way out of the bed, but you held him back, letting him remember that he needed to rest as much as possible.
"Tanjirou, are you feeling better..?" he asked, stepping into the room Tanjirou got assigned. he glanced up at you, seeing a soft smile form on your face.
he made his way towards you while he listened to the boy talk.
"i'm feeling so much better already! [name]-san took great care of me!" Tanjirou said, enthusiastically fiddling with his hands. Giyuu moved to your side, placing a soft kiss on your cheek.
"thank you for taking care of him." Giyuu whispered against your ear, turning your head to face him. "i have another mission now, wish me luck, love."
you nodded, knowing that you would pray for his return every day, you just didn't know Tanjirou would speak up again. "Tomioka-san! Tomioka-san!"
naturally, Giyuu hurried out of the room.
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"namu, cat cute.." he mumbled, pressing the small animal against his body in a squeezing hug.
you chuckled quietly, seeing the cat meow and wiggle in an attempt to get out.
you had found it a few days ago, the cat couldn't walk due to it's injured paw. when Gyomei came back that day, he was fine with you keeping the cat until it was healthy.
truthfully, he was more than fine with the addition to his home, especially when he found the cat sitting on one of his shirts a few days later.
he took it as a sign that the cat liked him, first feeding it and then trapping it in his arms.
"was this really a good idea? i feel like the cat is getting more attention than me." you teased, not expecting his strong arm to wrap around you as well, now trapping you in the same hold as the cat.
"you're cute too, don't worry."
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mitskicain · 3 days
navi | m.list
౨ৎ⊹. ultraman, ultrafine, ultramine — ken sato x reader
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© mitskicain all rights reserved. the modification, translation, and plagiarism of my work is strictly prohibited.
synopsis: the cause of your recent troubles calls you up to address your concerns, and maybe make it up to you ;)
warnings: slight angst, mentions of bullying, cursing
word count: 1.9k
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part one.
Kenji Sato, you are going to be the death of me.
Coming back from the office, shoulders slumped and head hung low, you slip off your work heels and collapse onto the couch, tossing aside your work briefcase onto the floor. The clatter and clang of it made you wince but it didn’t matter. You had no need for it anymore because you had just gotten fired and it was all Kenji Sato’s fault.
Two weeks ago, when you were still a reporter working at one of the top news stations in the country, your boss came to you with the demand that you publish an article slandering Kenji Sato’s name. You were confused at first. He was one of the nation’s most beloved baseball players. They stuck his face on just about anything imaginable—billboards, megatrons, soda cans. He was inescapable in a sense, which made it all the more painful today when you were taking your walk of shame, office supplies neatly packed in a cardboard box, curious and pitiful stares from strangers on the subway and streets. The road back home seemed to stretch on forever—and the ever present, almost omniscient nature of him made it worse.
You rub your temples in an attempt to soothe the tension that was building up—maybe from clenching your jaw too hard, or holding your tongue, or furrowing your brows every single moment of every single day you worked within that godforsaken office. It was your dream as a child to become a reporter, so when did you start feeling trapped in that occupation? You could hardly recall the last time you had slept more than four hours in a single sitting, or downed less than six cups of coffee before dinner. Your coworkers joked that you were one of the things keeping the cafe downstairs busy. You and your coffees, they used to shake their heads and say.
You found out a little later the reason your boss wanted that smear article was because he had lost a hefty sports bet on Sato during one of his last games. Something about a ground ball, something about Kenji being a hack. You don’t know. You’re not even a sports writer. You wrote the part in the paper about restaurants and cafes and tourist spots worth visiting. The whole thing seemed way out of your comfort zone. Both the sports writing and the smear article.
You spent the next days afterwards trying to get a dig on him. Something, anything—but his trail was clean. No DUIs, no public intoxication, no cheating scandals; it was like this guy was the most well behaved celebrity out there—all work, no play—and that killed you. It killed you because you knew just how much trouble you would be in if you couldn’t come up with something. The new boss was ruthless. He had already fired five employees within the two months he had been here. 2 for missed deadlines, one for bad quality of work, the other two for insubordination. Everyone thought it was bullshit, everyone knew the ones who left were insanely capable workers, but nobody said a thing when they were fired. Nobody raised their voice, nobody protested—because they knew that if they did, they’d be next. So they stayed quiet, kept their heads down, kept working.
That’s what happened when you got fired this evening too. Silence, dead silence. No shouts or gasps, not even whispers—just the sound of fingers on keyboards getting faster. There were no goodbyes as you packed up your things and left.
Something eventually came up after a week-ish of relentless digging: a nasty fight that broke out mid-game. The public was torn at the time, it was either their favorite baseball player or an innocent guard. Well, maybe not innocent, but either way, the point stood. Sato’s PR team was desperate for a do-over after that, which allowed you to land an exclusive interview with him.
This is a rare, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you. Rip into him and there will be more lining up for you.
You nodded my head then. Dreamed of a career where you could finally write headliners and front page articles. But when the day came and Sato was actually sitting in front of you, you couldn’t do it. He sat down, slightly slumped, hands together, constantly fidgeting with his fingers—the shape of a man, nervous. The bruises on his skin were still fresh and purple, the left side of his face swollen. You remember wincing and sucking air through your teeth when he first sat down, to which he chuckled and asked: “that bad, huh?”
And that was all it took to disarm you.
You had come into that interview, guns ablaze and all, ready to rip this man into shreds, but that single statement—the soft crinkle of his eyes, the echo of his laugh—made you toss aside the script and notes that you had prepared painstakingly for the last few days. Instead, you give him a chance at recovery. You redirect the story to make him seem in the clear; paint the guard to have been racist and inflammatory and practically asking for it. You were doomed. You knew that much. But in that moment you didn’t care. You just wanted him to smile at you again.
So the screaming fit from your boss afterward was no surprise. He put on the clip of the interview on the TV, and pointed, mouth frothing. He told you that you were wasting resources. That you had no idea the lengths he went through to get me that interview just for you to mess it up. That your writing was shit anyways, and no one read it, and now at least he knew your interviewing skills were shit too. You got fired for insubordination. You packed my things and left. 3 years of hard work packed into a small box that you carried through the city. You thought there would maybe be more to it, but apparently there wasn’t.
Fine, you thought. That’s fine.
It wasn’t fine.
The clarity of it hit a few moments after you got home. How had you let some guy mess up the rest of your career? You barely knew him too. He was a big shot athlete. One bad article wouldn’t have done anything to him. He would’ve gotten up and hit the ground running regardless. You sigh, and pinch the bridge of your nose.
Your phone buzzes from somewhere within the mess. You turn over a couple papers, set aside a stapler, and flip over the phone, revealing the caller ID: your mother. You groan and press your face into the pillow, ignoring it. She calls again and you don’t pick up. Her nagging was the last thing you needed. Again, and you don’t pick up. Again.
When she called for the fifth time, you were fed up, and you held the phone to your ear hastily, ready for a spat.
“Not right now mom! It’s not really a good time.” You bark harshly, palm pressed against the side of your head.
“Oh, sorry.” A male voice stirred.
Your eyes shoot open. You sit up.
“Yeah,” he chuckles, “yeah, it’s me.”
Shit, shit, shit.
“I- why are you calling me?” You ask defensively, “wait, how did you get my number?”
He laughs again. God, that laugh.
“I got it from my PR team. For future interviews, they said.”
A moment passes.
“I heard about the job.” He says.
Your heart sinks a little.
“You did?”
Another silence.
“I’m sorry that happened.”
You press youe lips into a thin line. You could cuss him out right here and now. You could let out everything you had been holding back for the last three years. You could tell him that he ruined your career, and that you would never recover, and that it was all his fault.
“It’s okay.” You mumble. “Shit boss.”
You hear him crack up from the other side of the screen and all you can think is that his laugh is beautiful, and you also think about the way his mouth kind of falls when he’s laughing like that, lips stretched and all.
“Still, I’m sorry.” He says after a moment, “I can’t help but feel like it was my fault.”
“It’s not.” You reply, voice softening. “It’s the shit boss.”
He laughs again.
“Sato,” you call out, but hear him wince.
“Call me Ken.”
“Okay, Ken,” you laugh, “how are you holding up? I mean, face and all.”
Another laugh, and you feel something in your chest squeeze.
“I’m dealing, thanks for asking.”
Silence befalls the two of you. You catch sight of him in the billboard outside your apartment window, posing for Premium Seven. He doesn’t look real when close up. Maybe it’s because you were so used to seeing him printed out onto things that when the real thing was in front of you it seemed unfamiliar. You lie back down and turn your attention back to the call, the screen still lit. If you concentrate enough, you could hear him breathing.
“Y/n?” He says after a while, voice just above a whisper.
“I wanna see you again.”
You sit back up, heart thundering in your chest. You feel your cheeks grow warm.
“Yeah?” You say, more like a question—needing confirmation as to what you just heard was true.
“Yeah,” he says. “I wanna see you again, I’ve missed you.”
And you feel that same squeeze again. You put your hand over your mouth as you rest your chin on youe knees, the phone burning against your ear.
“When can I see you?” He asks, tone practically begging. God, the things his voice does to you.
You bite my bottom lip.
“Tonight,” you say. “You can see me tonight.”
“Where?” There are the sound of keys jingling and a door opening. Maybe a car. “Just tell me where to find you.”
“Tonkatsu Tonki, down in Meguro.” You blurt.
When you get there—hair messed up and out of breath—Kenji Sato is standing in the front of the shop, waiting for you. He beams and raises his hand to wave. You jog over and attempt to catch your breath. He pats you on the back and laughs, making a joke about shit endurance. You glare at him for a second, but break out into a smile shortly after. You can’t stay mad at him. Not when he’s this gorgeous.
“How’d you get here so quick?” You ask in between pants. “I live two blocks away, you still got here quicker than I did.”
He rubs the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact. “I’ve been here a couple times.”
“Oh? Not many people know about this place.”
“I know.” He says, and whips out a stashed roll of newspaper from his pocket. He turns the pages and points at one specific article he circled with red marker. Your eyes scan the text and gasp. You look back up at him.
“I’m a fan of your work too.” He admits sheepishly, blush creeping up towards his face.
You cross your arms and cock an eyebrow.
“Kenji Sato, the man that you are.”
He laughs his beautiful laugh.
“It’s Kenji Sato to everyone else,” he says, opening the door for you, “Ken to you.”
“Me and nobody else?”
“Nobody else.” He beams, and your heart soars.
And in that moment you think: Kenji Sato, you are going to be the death of me.
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author’s note: aaa tysm for all the love and attention this has received !! didn’t expect my first post to do this well but I’m glad to see so many fellow fans <33 let me know your thoughts in the comments aaaa thank you once again ilysm !!
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romanticinlove · 2 days
Your number 1 fan
Summary: During a media interview, Jude is asked about his relationship with you. When it seems like the interviewer is implying something else, Jude has no problem coming to your defense.
word count: 1.4K
a/n: Thank you guys so much for the support! I hope you guys like this one!
After a game with England, where they won, Jude and some of the other players began to prepare for the post-game interviews. During the game, Jude was able to score a goal and also assist with another. He felt quite proud of his performance and as soon as the final whistle blew, all he could think about was you watching the game. He had hoped that you would've been proud of his performance and how he would call you after he was all done and back in his room. You stayed back in your apartment in Spain while he was completing his duties with the national team.
The two of you had begun dating about a year ago and your relationship went public then too. You weren't particularly famous or anything. You had met Jude one day when your little brother recognized him at a shop. When he got a picture with the footballer, Jude took the opportunity to ask for your phone number. It was honestly out of a movie and you could not believe that this was happening to you. Around this time, there were plenty of dating rumors between Jude and some models going around the internet. You looked at these models are you felt as if though maybe that's who Jude should've been with. He never gave you a reason to feel like he didn't love you. In fact he would probably reassure you about his feelings 100 times a day. Through his words and his actions, all of those insecurities about yourself were put on a pause and you enjoyed your relationship with Jude. People did still try to compare you to other models and how you weren't the traditional wag, but you tried to ignore them and focus of the people who were nice to you and encouraging.
When Jude walked towards the various interviewers, a man who was with ESPN, called Jude over. He walked towards the man and began to set himself up for the interview. He grabbed the mic and smiled as the man.
"Hello Jude I am Manuel Fernandez, with ESPN" The man introduced himself "Tonight you played a very good game, scoring a goal and securing another one through an assist, how doing you feel after a performance like that?"
Jude thought for a second before giving a response. "Well you know it's always a great feeling when you are able to not only win, but also contribute to that win. I think that it's also easy to be able to do something like that when there are so many connections between the team. When you have that type of chemistry on the pitch, it's almost expected that something like this'll happen."
"yes yes, you and the team were certainly connecting with your passes like no other today it was truly something fantastic to watch. Right now, you are the talk of the town, one of the young talents who just has so much to offer, what do you think of the people who are comparing you to other players such as Zidane?"
"Well you know it's always such a special thing to be compared to a player who was so successful in the game and who just had so much to offer. I really do appreciate the people who support me and continue to motivate me. I don't think I quite deserve a comparison such as that one just yet, I think I still have quite a bit of work to do before I can even join a conversation like that. But I am putting the work in not for the comparisons and so that people can talk about me, but for the betterment of myself and to give my team someone who they can rely on while we're playing" Jude smiled and looked over to one of the team mangers who was signaling to end the interview so they could move on. Jude looked back at the interviewer so that he could ask his final question.
"Well those comparisons are coming your way regardless" the interviewer began to laugh before speaking up again "and finally Jude, how will you go out and celebrate a win like this?"
Jude immediately thought of you and got excited because he could mention you in the interview. "Well actually, I am planning on just heading back to my room and calling my girlfriend, who is actually waiting for me back in Spain." Jude was proud oh respond and wanted to leave it at that but the interviewer spoke again.
"Jude you are so young, have you ever thought of going out and experimenting a little. I know that a young handsome lad like yourself could walk down the street and plenty or more beautiful girl would throw themselves at you." The interviewer said this a joking tone, but Jude didn't laugh, He kept a straight face while looking at the man.
"and what does that mean?" Jude was a little angry at the question and did not want to let it go.
"I just mean she is not someone that you should be with, you should be with someone like a model you shouldn't settle for less, at least not her" The man laughed again, and Jude had had enough.
"Listen here you prick, my girlfriend, y/n and I, are very happy together. neither one of our lives is your business, she is beautiful and the only thing I have settled for, is doing an interview with someone like you. Don't ever try to talk about me or her again. You are disgusting and I doubt that you are proud of yourself for asking such a shit question" Jude dropped the mic and immediately left the interview.
When Jude walked into the lock room to change, some of the players noticed that Jude had an angry face on and Trent went over to talk to him.
"alright then, what's got you upset?" The Scouse player asked while sitting next to Judes locker.
"Some dickhead tried to belittle y/n and our relationship during an interview. He's a lowlife" Jude huffed while chasing out of his uniform.
"C'mon man, don't let people like that get you worked up, everyone knows that what you and y/n have is something special, you deserve the best and you have her. People only talk like that when they have nothing else going on in their lives" Trent tried to calm Jude down. It was true. Everyone who was around you guys In your lives loved you two together, and understood that you two were happy, regardless of your career or how you met.
Later than evening, Jude finally got back to his room and gave you a call.
'Hey baby, what're you doing right now" Jude asked you when you answered the phone
"Hello my love, right now I am just tidying up this living room a little bit, I have been neglecting it for a while. But how was your game! I saw that you guys won, congratulations" You spoke through the phone. During times when Jude was away, Hearing your voice was very important to him. He missed you like crazy and this was closet you two could be.
"Well it was good, I did get fouled though and now my knee is hurting a bit since I went down, I might have to go see the trainer tomorrow morning"
"hmm maybe instead of arguing with that guy during your interview, you could've gone and got it checked out" You joked with him. He had forgotten all about that and it hadn't occurred to him hat you might've seen the whole thing go down.
"so you did see that" Jude stated while lying in his bed.
"I did, that guy was an idiot. Why would he ask you something like that in the first place? Obviously I am the best thing that has and will ever happen in your life" You said in a joking tone and begun to laugh
"You can say it as a joke, but it's the truth. You are the best thing that has happened to me. I know people talk all the time, but there is no one I would rather be with. I love you more than anything" Jude said over the phone. You smiled on the other line truly wondering how you got so lucky to be with this man.
" I love you too Jude, more than anything"
"Besides, at least I'd have a girlfriend. I'd be surprised if anyone would even be with a man who looked like him" Jude said with an attitude.
"Oh my goodness, you cannot Jude say that about someone" You laughed out
"it's the truth"
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koreads · 3 days
"enemies" to lovers — karina x reader — where karina is hundred percent sure that y/ns hates her.
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Karina had planned a great weekend: a trip to a beach house with all her friends, a much-needed break from college, sunbathing, and enjoying various ice cream flavors. However, everything went downhill when she spotted Y/N at the front door with Seulgi.
It's not that she disliked Y/N, she just felt like she had to walk on eggshells whenever the girl was around. Plus, she was fairly certain that Y/N didn't like her.
It was the smallest things: Y/N being really nice around everyone except her, always quiet when Karina was near, or picking anyone but Karina to share a room or a small task. Worst of all, Y/N would grumble under her breath every time Karina did something. So, to be fair, if Y/N didn't enjoy her presence, she wouldn't enjoy Y/N's either.
"Why is she here?" Karina asked Giselle as she passed by. Giselle was the only one who had noticed the weird interactions between the two, which had led to Karina explaining the whole situation to her. Giselle, however, had dismissed it as Karina being overdramatic.
"Seulgi asked her to come. They're roommates, and she didn't want to leave her alone for the weekend."
"That will ruin the weekend! She hates me!"
"Again, she does not hate you. She just… gets nervous around you."
No matter what Giselle said, always making up "excuses" for Y/N, Karina was 100% sure that the girl hated her and that they would never be friends. Karina had tried to be her friend once, but Y/N didn't accept it, so now she saw the girl as an enemy. No matter how childish she was being, two could play the "hate you for zero reason" game.
The weekend began with choosing roommates. Y/N obviously didn't even glance at Karina, which was fine by her since Minjeong chose her.
Then, they divided the chores for the day. Minjeong, Yeri, and Giselle would clean the small pool, while Ningning and Joy would tidy up the barbecue area. Finally, Karina, Seulgi, Irene, and Y/N were tasked with going to the store to buy everything they would need for the weekend.
This led to Karina's ultimate embarrassment: sitting "close" to Y/N, who was chatting and laughing with the older girls but completely ignoring her.
At the store, Seulgi divided them in "two teams". Making her and Irene "team meat" and Y/N and Karina the "veggies team".
"Okay, Irene and I will go get the meat. Y/N, you and Karina go get some drinks and veggies."
"Uh?" Y/N's eyebrows shot up, shocked at being left alone with Karina, who crossed her arms, annoyed by the overexaggerated reaction. "B-but Seulgi…"
"We'll meet up later. Bye!" And just like that, Seulgi disappeared with Irene.
Y/N turned back to Karina with that annoying neutral expression on her face. In a completely robotic voice, so different from the one she used with the other girls, she called Karina to go get the things Seulgi had asked for.
Y/N was quiet again, not at all like in the car with the older girls, and for some reason, that annoyed Karina. After all, she could handle being ignored by Y/N at college since they didn't have classes together and only saw each other during group hangouts, but spending a whole weekend together with this awkward aura was too much for her.
She was so focused on the thought of Y/N hating her that she didn't notice the girl putting all types of drinks and a bunch of veggies inside a cart. Nor did she notice that Y/N had picked her favorite beverage.
"I guess we should just wait for them now," Y/N said, pushing the cart to the checkout line where she and Karina stood in absolute awkward silence. Then, a guy approached them.
"Hi, sorry to bother you guys but… are the two of you together, as a couple?" Y/N grumbled something and Karina shook her head, denying the question.
"Oh, okay. So, my friend over there wanted to ask for your number," he continued, offering his phone to Karina. Before she could react, Y/N suddenly moved the cart, accidentally hitting the guy and causing his phone to drop.
"Oh my, I'm so sorry," Y/N said, crouching down to grab the phone, but accidentally kicking it into the next line. "Shit, I'm really a disaster. Oh look, it's Seulgi and Irene!" She grabbed Karina's hand, pushing the cart with her free hand and running to another checkout line.
Karina couldn't hide her annoyance anymore. First, Y/N ignores her, and now she's being plain rude to people around her? What was that girl's problem?
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Karina asked, crossing her arms. "Why did you kick that guy's phone and push a bunch of people in that weird run?"
"He was ugly and was asking for your number," Y/N answered, also crossing her arms, speaking in her usual robotic voice.
"And? Why do you mind?"
Y/N's shocked expression returned briefly before she returned to her quiet state, neutral face, and robotic voice, grumbling something under her breath. That was Karina's last straw.
"Look, I don't know why you hate me. You can be rude to me, act like I'm not around, I'm fine with that. But now you're going to be rude to people who are nice and sympathetic to me? That's ridiculous!"
For a second, Y/N didn't maintain her neutral expression. She opened and closed her mouth as if trying to formulate a response, but then Seulgi and Irene appeared near the duo, all smiles with the meat and a couple of snacks.
During the entire ride back to the house, Karina wore an annoyed expression while Y/N remained quiet, even in the presence of the older girls. Karina couldn't help but wonder what Y/N might have said if Seulgi and Irene hadn't appeared when they did.
The night fell, bringing with it the long-awaited barbecue. Karina wasn't in the best mood, but the combination of meat and beer managed to coax her giggly and happy self out again.
She was sitting with Giselle in the pool, a bottle in her hand, distracted by the pleasant music from Minjeong's playlist, when Y/N approached them. Y/N was wearing a comfortable-looking shirt and had an embarrassed expression on her face.
"Hi Karina… um… can we talk? In private… maybe?" Y/N asked tentatively. Karina was initially prepared to refuse, but Giselle nudged her, muttering something like "finally."
Reluctantly, Karina found herself sitting beside Y/N on the house deck, their toes sinking into the sand, both quietly listening to the ocean before them.
"So?" Karina asked, looking at the girl beside her. Y/N was quiet again, but there was something different; she didn't seem indifferent to Karina's presence. Instead, she appeared somewhat affected by her.
"I don't hate you," Y/N said softly. "I like you, a lot. I think you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen, so I tend to get nervous around you. I literally get scared just thinking about talking to you and worrying that you might think I'm some kind of goofball or something. Actually, I tried to talk to you during lunch once when Ningning went to the bathroom, and I choked on my soda. The whole thing spilled out of my nose, and I got nervous because you kind of laughed, and I thought maybe you saw me as a dummy or something like that, and…"
Y/N continued babbling about all the times she had tried to show Karina that she liked her, and Karina stood there, shocked by all this new information.
"Then today I got jealous that some ugly guy could have more courage than me to get close to you, so I kicked his phone. Honestly, I can't say that I'm sorry, because I'm not," Y/N confessed, her words tumbling out faster now, her eyes wide and cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
"You... like me?" Karina asked, still processing everything.
"I do," Y/N replied softly.
"You were nervous? All this time and you were nervous..."
Karina studied Y/N as she stared out at the ocean, wiggling her toes in the sand, slipping back into silence. Karina couldn't let that happen, not when she found herself enjoying Y/N's voice so much. She moved closer, intertwining their fingers, and Y/N's head snapped up to look at her.
“You see… normally people ask each other out after a confession like that,” Karina said, her face warming.
“I… uh… You… Maybe…” Y/N stammered, closing her eyes briefly before opening them again and locking gazes with Karina. “Would you like to go out with me?”
“Yeah. That would be nice.” Karina leaned in, gently kissing Y/N's cheek. “Hope you have a nice date planned for us, Y/N.”
After all, Giselle had been right. Y/N didn’t hate Karina, not at all.
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taurasiluvr · 2 days
can u write a fic where paige and reader is on the phone and paige starts touching herself to readers voice? and then reader eventually notices and asks to facetime and yk… this is just a suggestion u don’t have to do it 😭
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away games were the hardest on you and paige, you both thrived on being physically near each other and the separation always felt like an eternity. the long nights apart were filled with longing texts and video calls that could never quite bridge the gap. you missed the feel of her arms around you, the warmth of her body pressed against yours, and the way she made you feel safe and loved.
while you were incredibly proud of her, the distance was a constant reminder of how much you relied on her presence. you would watch her games on the screen, cheering her on from afar, but it never felt the same as being there in person.
tonight was one of those nights.
paige's team was playing an important match out of town, and you found yourself alone in your shared apartment. the space felt emptier without her, the silence almost oppressive. you tried to focus on other things, but your thoughts kept drifting back to her.
the game had just ended, and UConn had won. your phone buzzed with a call from her, and you eagerly answered, a smile spreading across your face at the sound of her voice.
"hey, baby," paige greeted, her voice warm and full of excitement. "we won!"
"i saw! you were amazing out there," you replied, feeling a rush of pride. "miss you so much, though."
"i miss you too," she said, her voice softening. "i hate being away from you."
there was a moment of silence, the connection between you palpable even through the phone. you could almost feel her presence, the memory of her touch lingering on your skin.
"tell me about your day, what'd you do without me?" paige asked, a breathless laugh coming from her lips.
you laid on the bed as you recounted your day. "nothing too crazy, just went to my classes then did some grocery shopping for us," you paused, trying to think of whatever else you'd done. "oh! well, i also did some online shopping, i splurged a new bikini."
"oh?" paige's breath hitched at the thought of that. "yeah, you deserve that, especially after midterms. can't wait to you see wearin' it, looking all pretty..."
paige trailed off and you could tell she was feeling the distance, maybe even more than you. you smiled at the thought and you couldn't help but tease her a little more.
"maybe i'll give you a little fashion show when you get back," you teased, your voice playful and sultry. "just for you."
paige let out a low groan, her breath hitching again. "you know what that does to me, baby. you're killing me here."
you giggled, enjoying the effect you had on her. "good, want you to think about it all night."
"god, i will," she murmured, her voice husky. "always know how to drive me crazy."
you bit your lip, feeling a surge of warmth at her words. "i miss you so much, paige. i wish you were here with me right now."
"miss you too," she replied, her voice softening. "more than anything. but hearing your voice makes me feel like i'm right there with you."
you could hear the sincerity in her voice, and it made your stomach ache with need. "tell me what you'd do if... if you were here," you whispered, your voice trembling with desire.
paige let out a slow, deep breath. "if i were there, i'd kiss you. slow and deep, just the way you like it. let my hands roam over your body, feeling every inch of you."
you closed your eyes, letting her words wash over you, imagining her touch.
"i'd kiss your neck, your shoulders," paige continued, her voice growing more intense. "i'd make my way down to your chest, kissing and sucking on your nipples until you're moaning my name."
a soft moan escaped your lips, your body reacting to her words. "paige," you whimpered, your voice barely above a whisper.
"i'd move lower, kissing your stomach, your hips," paige said, her voice thick with desire. "i'd spread your legs and taste you, licking you slowly, teasing you until you're begging for more."
you could feel the heat building between your legs, your hand slipping under your clothes to touch yourself. "fuck, p, that sounds amazing," you gasped, your fingers mimicking the sensations she was describing.
"i'd suck on your clit, making you moan my name," paige continued, her own breath growing ragged as you heard her shift on the other line. "slide my fingers inside you, feeling how wet and tight you are for me."
"yeah, just for you," you moaned, your body trembling with pleasure. "need you, p. need you so much."
"i'm right here, baby," she whispered, her voice filled with emotion as you heard her breaths coming in staggered. "i can feel you, hear you. fuck, don't cum, wanna cum together,"
"oh yes," you panted, your fingers moving faster.
"i'd fuck you with my fingers, curling them just right," paige groaned, her voice low. "keep sucking your clit, making you scream my name as you cum for me."
a few moments pass and you feel the pressure in your lower stomach tighten, and you bit your lip to try and hold off cumming until paige tells you to. you could hear her own breathless moans on the other line as you tried to focus.
"gonna cum, baby, oh fu-fuck," paige groaned out. "cum for me, fuck, cum for me," she rambled as she felt her own orgasm crash over her.
"o-oh, fuck, paige!" you cried out, your body shuddering as you reached the edge. "'m cumming, 'm cumming!"
you let out a loud moan as the orgasm washed over you, your body trembling with the intensity of it. paige's voice was there, guiding you through it, her words a soothing balm to your pleasure-wracked mind.
as the pleasure ebbed, you lay there, breathless and spent. paige's breathless voice came through the phone, soft. "i love you so much," she whispered.
"i love you too," you replied, your voice filled with emotion. "can't wait to have you back in my arms."
"soon, baby," paige promised. "soon."
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if you enjoyed, any interaction is greatly appreciated!
with love, rylin 𝜗𝜚
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thatlesbianbarbie · 2 days
Our Omega
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Pairing: Select Lionesses x reader
Tags: Omegaverse, Sight Kidnapping, Fast burn, Love at first Smell.
Summary: large packs are normal but you never expected to be in a pack with players from the England lionesses. I hate this but I needed to expel my demons.
WordCount: 2.6K
You weren't ever really interested in Fútbol well in the women yes but not so much in the logistics and rules. So one time when your new Alpha coworker Amber offered to bring you to an England lionesses game you were really just interested in seeing pretty girls. Which is how you are here is a sweaty crowded stadium watching England play France. The weather was almost as hot as the players, meaning you were sweating out your eyeballs. But it's worth it for the front row view you are getting. “ Do you think they are going to win?” Amber asks, leaning slightly into your space. You've only worked with her a couple of times and she definitely likes you more than you like her.
She seems to be confident in herself as if everyone owes her something. “They're going to win”.You don't move your eyes off of the pitch. The whole game she has been asking you technical questions you don't know the answer to. She doesn’t understand that just enjoying the view she has to know everything. It is more than a little frustrating.
You by some grace of god manage to zone out for the remainder of the match only nodding and humming as she talks beside you. Once the match is over the wind picks up rather drastically blowing from behind you and across the pitch meaning anyone standing close can smell the sweat on your skin.”You smell good “ Amber whispers her voice deeper than usual. You really should have told her you weren’t interested. “Thanks” you try to gather your bag and wrestle your coat back onto your body. You're so focused on getting everything together so you can get out of this crowded place that you don't notice someone jogging up to the barrier.
”Hey you” A alpha voice growls from below you. You whip around in surprise. Millie Bright is standing on the other side of the barrier pointing directly at you. You point to yourself with a curious look surely she couldn't mean you. “Yes you come here” she curls her finger and it is like some part of your omega brain is triggered as you shuffle to be right against the barrier.  “Smell me” You do a double take because there is no way in hell she is insinuating what you think she is. Mates can recognize each other by scent and she seems to think you are fated. Who are you to deny this beautiful woman's claims? So Of course you lean over the barrier smelling the junction of her neck and should deeply. She smells strongly of bergamot and vanilla; it's almost intoxicating. You pull back slightly dizzying from the overpowering smell. “I knew it was you. Did you come here with anyone.” Millie questions your head still spinning, you only point to Amber. “Who is that?” Her growl is only low enough you can hear it but it is still terrifying. “A coworker, I think she was trying to get me to go out with her.” You mumble leaning in for more of Millie's scent. “That's not happening “You yelp as you are pulled over the barrier. “Hey that's my date you can’t just go off stealing her”Amber shouts but Millie doesn't even offer her a glance back. 
Millie shifts you to rest comfortably on her back. You can’t seem to bring yourself to care about the full stadium of people around you watching or videoing you. “Who is that? '' You recognize Lucy bronze in her accent alone. Her voice is just as intoxicating as Millie's scent. “Smell her” Mllie prompts as Lucy circles around her to get a better look at you.you can't help the giggle that escapes you when she nuzzles her face into your neck. “I am jealous of Your nose mill Never would have smelled her from over here.”Lucy has appreciation clear in her voice. “‘I think I should go home” Your mind starts to clear and suddenly all of this is hitting you really hard. “baby you're going to be alright Mills And I will take great care of you and just wait till Leah Hears about you she will be ecstatic.”Lucy's hand rubs over your back as Millie's purr fills the air around you again pulling you back into a manipulatable state.
When you mind finally returns to you you are in the back of a car tucked into someones lap.”Hello love” Its leah fucking williamson holding tucked to her chest like her favorite teddy bear. “Love you need to calm down or I will start Purring” Leah runs her hand over your back in soft circles. “You are safe we are going to get you home and get you fed. How does that sound.” Leah asks, wiggling her eyebrows for added effect. ”I was thinking Ham sandwiches,” Leah offers with a smile on her face. Now that she says it you are hungry. “She doesn’t want a ham sandwich Lee” You peek up from Leah to see Mary Earps navigate the car through traffic. “She seemed to think a ham Sandwich sounded pretty good, didn't you love it?” She asks softly, nuzzling at you. “A ham sandwich is okay. Whatever is easy, I don't want to be a bother.” You smile at Mary in the rearview. “You're never a bother, love your omega . We will do anything we can to take care of you.” Mary's tone is softer than you've ever heard in any interview ever. “Thank you”
“You don’t have to thank us. Love , we want to take care of you and do nice things for you.'' Leah smiles, pulling you close into her.``Were Here” Mary sings songs pulling into a gravel driveway. “Is that her?” You hear someone call as Mary opens the door and walks around to help Leah out. Mary opens the door and reaches out for you”You can walk if you want but you might still be drowsy and the gravel is sharp if you fall.” Mary explains as you let her lift you out of the car. ”Hi Im Ella that's Less over there with the blonde hair. She is a little nervous” Ella laughs as Less sheepishly jogs to catch up with Mary. “Mary kicks the door open and slips her shoes off. “Less Tooney Why don't you two go get the bags from the car” Mary is more telling then asking and the girls complain but still surender and go back to the car.
“Georgia Go straighten up the nest please” Mary asks the girl resting on the sofa. “It's really her” Georgia’s voice. “You can Gawk over her later go get the nest sorted” Mary ushers her up stairs and sets you down in the spot Georgia vacated. “Stay Here Mills is in the kitchen. I want to make sure she is making you something other than a ham sandwich. “Mary says with a roll of her eyes. She clicks the tv on to a random channel and walks off leaving you alone and questioning everything going on around you. Surely this has to be some kind of weird dream. There is no way Some of the most famous football players in the world are mated to you.
“What are you so stressed about? I can Smell you from all the way across the house” Lucy Collapses into the sofa next to you. “It's just a little Sudden I go from no mates to I don't even know” You run hand through your sweaty hair. “Seven. you have Seven Mates.” Lucy sets her Head down in your lap and you can't help the wave of calmness that overtakes your body simply from having your Alpha This close. “Ten is so many” You groan slouching back into the arm of the sofa. “Ten makes for a healthy pack. You have your alpha prime, that's Mills. Then you Alphas Leah, Mary, and Me. Then Your Delta Rachel You have your betas. Ella Alessia and Georgia.Then you are a beautiful sweet image.`` ''You guys don't even know me” you run a hand through Lucy's impossible soft hair. “Not yet but The girls will remedy that at dinner always a million and one questions.” You can practically hear Luce's eye roll. 
“Dinner is ready” Marys sings songs from what you can assume is the kitchen. “We should get you some food before there isn't any left.” Lucy's stands and pulls you up behind her. You tail after her and she doesn't let go of your hands. The table is set and the room is empty save for Mary. “ Mills wanted to get changed, just sit and I'll get dinner dished out” Mary gestures to the table before retreating back into the kitchen. “Sit here” Lucy pushes you into a chair and pushes you flush with the table not leaving any room for argument. “I'm going to help Mary stay here” Luce presses a kiss to the top of your head before evicting the room. You're barely alone a second before Rachel comes barrelling into the room. “Ahh there you are. Those girls have been hiding you away from me” She slides in “Hey” It feels so surreal to be talking to these women as if they are everyday people and not super famous. “I'm Rachel but you probably knew that considering you were at our game” She has a slight teasing tone to her voice that you find yourself really enjoying. ”how do you feel? I know the girls can be a little too much when they are all together” Her voice has such genuine concern in it that your heart hurts. ”I feel A little overwhelmed. It's just so sudden one moment I am watching a football game and the next minute freaking millie bright is pulling me over the barricade and telling me I am her mate. I just don’t know how we move forward from this.” It feels nice to tell someone about the thoughts that have been racing around your head for the past couple of Hours. ”First we decide if you want to keep your job. Then if you want to move in with us which I think is best but you can do whatever you think is best for now. That's all the decisions that need to be made right now.” Rach sounds like she has done this a time or too before. “And Mating bonds' ' That was the real problem here. You wanted to mate them to have them inside of you with their teeth on your skin but how could you even know what they expect. “If you want to do it today we will or the girls will wait. They might not be ecstatic about it but they will get over it.” Rachels hand finds itself wrapped around the back of your chair, her hand resting on your shoulder. “I think I would like to at least start tonight. I might not want to go all the way through but I want to try. I want to be mated to you guys. All I have ever wanted was to have a pack of my own. ''You let out a shriek as the door bursts open and ella and less fall into a pile on the floor.
“Girls you know how rude it is to eavesdrop.”Rache looks mock aghast as the girls scramble to make themselves presentable. “Who has been eavesdropping” Millie comes in behind less and ella and they at least have the heart to look embarrassed.”  I was trying to have a healthy conversation about the emotions our omega was going through but these two decided to drop in.” Rachel Eplains as millie finds her spot at the head of the table.  “You two know better than to eavesdrop you're on dishes” Mille scolds her alpha voice coming through slightly due to her frustration. “But we were on dishes last night,” Ella complains, sinking into her seat. “And the night before” Less adds with a pout. “Sounds Like you two are in a whole lot of trouble” You can't help the words as they escape your mouth. “How dare you we are the sweetest nicest girls you could ever be graced with the presence of” Ella argues making direct eye contact with you as if daring you to challenge her claim. “You can’t be in here lying to our omega she doesn't know any better yet” Mary enters the room with a large glass pan full of lasagna cradled in her arms. Luce enters behind her a salad and dresses in her arms. “Where did Georgia and Leah run Off too.”Millie questions cutting into the lasagna. “I think they were making sure the nest is clean for her” Luce starts putting salad on people's plates. “I can get my own food Luce” You are trying to pull away your plate. “Do you see any of these girls making their plates?” Luce raises an eyebrow as you look down into your lap. “No” You mumble not bringing yourself to look her in the eyes. “Let Me make your plate for you” Luce prys the plate out of your hand and sets it back on the table in front of you after there is an adequate amount of food on it. Georgia and Leah come running into the room just as all of the plates are dished up. “Georgia, would you mind grabbing the pop?” Georgia rolls her eyes but hurries down the hall in search of the pop. 
Once dinner and all two hundred and one questions are done a bath is a welcome relaxation. Until you realize Georgia is intent on joining you in said bath. “ Just get in, I'll go you in a minute” Georgia leaves before you have the chance to say anything. Leaving you to strip and sink into the seamting bath all by yourself.You almost find yourself falling asleep as the comforting smells of the bath oils georgia used fill your nose. “I have snacks' ' Georgia hurries into the bathroom startling you out for your thoughts. “I have ice cream and pop” Georgia sets the ice cream and a red beverage that must be the pop down next to the bath before stripping off her clothes. “Lean forward so I can Get Behind ya” Georgia barley utters the words before you're moving to comply. She slips into the bath behind you and pulls you to her chest as soon as she is settled. “Here luv” Georgia presses the ice cream into your hands and sets about washing your hair. You would be lying if you said you didn't enjoy it. Plus that ice cream is good cherry Garcia is truly the way to a girl's heart. I mean who could deny such a sweet woman. 
By the time you're done with your bath all you want to do is curl up in your nest well. If they even have a nest I mean what pack wouldn’t have a nest. Georgia wraps you in a fluffy towel and carries you into a bedroom. There is a large circle bed built into the floor while their nest building skills could you word it was habitable at least for the night. “Here Baby” Alessia handed you a shirt and a soft pair of boxers. You change into them and crawl into the net, your body sinking into the plush material. Soon after you lay down the rest join and a blanket is tossed over you. You can't help yourself as you drift off to sleep surrounded by your soon to be mates.
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malereadermaniac · 3 days
Arranged Marriage ~ Byakuya Togami x Male Reader
The Togami's never get a choice in their partner, the choice is made for them to the benefit of the family; whether that be for more heirs to be made, or to join forces with other families Partially inspired by 'The swan princess' - 'This is my idea' Regular, non-despair au word count: 1.3k Some smut (headcannon form)! MDNI!
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You had known Byakuya since you were both very young. Everyone knows of the affluent Togami's, and most people know that arranged marriages are common for them; however you wouldn't expect the arrangements to start so early. Ever since the age of seven, your summers were either spent within the Togami's main mansion, or the Togami's spent their summers in the (l/n)'s mansion. Your parents (the powerful, yet less than Togami, (l/n)'s) had done everything in their power to ensure that you were to marry into the Togami's via Byakuya; from suggesting a powerful alliance to his parents in meetings, to outright proposing that you two boys wed. Shockingly, Byakuya's parents were very open to the idea - your family was the next most powerful in the country, and it would not only benefit the Togami empire but also the family's face in the public eye; a gay marriage within the mostly traditional Togami family would surely uplift their image. So, every single summer since you two boys were seven has been spent together; whether you like it or not!
And good lord did you both hate spending time together. Unlike the BORING Togami heir, you had a bit more pep in your step - which inevitably led to you annoying the hell out of the affluent progeny. You would try to convince the blonde to play some game with you but ultimately get ignored in favour of whatever book the boy was fixating on that day, or Byakuya would play along with your game but make fun of you the whole time! And as the two of you got older, your relationship stayed the same - mutual dislike, for changing reasons however...
At the age of 14, Byakuya found himself still annoyed by you, yet not due to the sound of your voice of your obnoxiously high levels of energy, rather because you were one of the few people on his level! In fact, you were above his level most of the time. No matter what the young blonde would do, you would one-up him constantly; you have won almost every game of cards the two of you have played, the two of you have always tied on your 'over-summer' academics, and the affluent adolescent could never impress you with his riches due to your parents buying you things to try and impress the Togami's! Byakuya had grown up with the idea that he needs to be above everyone else in all facets of life, so you coming along and beating him at everything made the rich teen see RED. However, every night, of every summer you two were spending together, Togami's parents would remind him that the two of you were pre-destined to be together, and that the blonde 'must accommodate for his future'.
Later, at the age of 18, your presence annoyed Byakuya for different reasons. This time, for reasons he chose not to think too deeply about. It was a known fact throughout the entire country that as you two young boys had grown up, puberty had done you both very nicely - tabloids and online forums wouldn't stop discussing how dashing the Togami heir looked in recent photos, and many times you were also discussed. Your perfect skin, your lips, your body, your hair, your personality; you were praised and adored more and more everyday. Byakuya wasn't jealous of this though, he'd get hit on constantly at events and other such things. What specifically annoyed the blonde was the fact that people acted on their liking of your looks; and worse, that you responded to advances. Again, Byakuya would never analyse his emotions too much, because he'd realise that he was in fact jealous that other men were getting your attention, however he would feel irked and pissed off whenever he saw you flirt/be flirted at by staff. The heir has fired many body guards of his and house staff due to them taking a liking to you, and Byakuya has also been a dick in passing to staff at your own home which flirts with you. But again, Byakuya's jealousy of others receiving your affection isn't something he dwelled on, very rarely would the handsome man think about his feelings late at night and spend hours spiraling about the possibility of him actually liking you!
At the age of 20, it fully dawned on Byakuya just how charming you truly were. Sure, you were the heir of an inferior family, and an annoying man at that, however during the summer you had both turned 20 the blonde truly couldn't deny his feelings towards you. Byakuya had come a long way from when you were both young boys, he had gone from his father forcing him to kiss your hand every time the two of you met to kissing your hand voluntarily. Byakuya was awe struck by you; not just by your looks, but by your kindness to others (something he'd never though he'd cherish or admire), and also due to the way you complimented him so nicely - like two pieces of a puzzle, you and Byakuya just fit together, not overlapping but rather harmonising. The smug look on both your parents' faces was enough to make you two men want to argue once again, just to wipe the satisfied looks off of their faces, however you simply couldn't. The summer you two turned 20 was the first time the two of you didn't mind spending time together. Byakuya had finally put down his books in favour of talking to you and getting to know you, and you couldn't deny just how attractive that was from him; the handsome, rich man was interested in you, and not even sexually like other men you had sneaked around with, but rather he was interested in speaking with you.
At the age of 22, the time had come for you two heirs to fulfill your responsibilities; via inheriting your places as heads of the family, and by marrying each other. But unlike how you'd thought your wedding day would go as children, you cried tears of joy rather than of frustration - Byakuya spoke his vows with truth coating his tongue and lips, and you both celebrated the day rather than giving fake speeches and smiles. And the night of your wedding was well spent as well; don't you worry!
As you'd expect, Byakuya is so god damn DOMINANT
His body is also sooo perfect - slim, muscular, tall, he's really just made to ooze sex appeal
The blonde barely has to even speak in sentences to have you on your knees at the foot of your (now) shared bed
His dick is average, a nice fit; skinny and a little veiny, 6-7inches, and his pubes are perfectly trimmed and well kept
Byakuya loves to always feel in control, his masculine fingers threatening through your hair to control your pace as you suck his dick with surprisingly good skill
He also really likes to eat you out, the small noises you make egging Byakuya on as he pushes his warm, wet tongue into your hole along with two of his long fingers
This man is also so into dirty talk, calling you nasty and whorish for enjoying his dick ramming into your ass
But the moment Byakuya lays his eyes on you as your back arches up off of the bed and your dick twitches as you shoot your load..? all the sexy man can say is 'pretty'
Exhibitionism is also something your HUSBAND enjoys on the low - your poor staff!
Seriously, Byakuya loves either getting walked in on as he's wrecking you in doggy, or he really likes to call staff in when they need something, making them watch as you keep sucking his dick under his desk/ as he cums inside of you/ as Byakuya makes out with you desperately as the two of you dry-hump into each other
But in summary, Byakuya can't get enough of you, he'd never thought that he'd be able to say that: he fucking loves you...
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babyyhoneyyy · 2 days
Trouble H.S
SURPRISE!!! i have a cutesy little one-shot (if you can even call it that 😭) just for you in celebration of my ONE MONTH TUMBLR WRITING ANNIVERSARY WOOH!! thank you to everyone who ever liked, shared, followed, replied, asked I LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH THANK YOU for making me fall in love with writing all over again! i hope you like this one!
The one where Y/N is feeling needy, and Harry’s got the perfect solution for her.
word count: 3.6K
content warning: mature. nothing toooo crazy. meandom!bf!harry (WOOOH) but its no specific pairing <3
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The first time Harry met Y/N was through their mutual friend, Freya, who essentially forced the two to go on a blind date.
Harry’s constant moping about how sad and lonely he was what finally convinced his considerate friend that he desperately needed to go on a date and be with someone romantically. Freya knew Harry’s sister, and Freya was one of Y/N’s oldest friends, so when she heard that Y/N was single, she didn’t waste another day to start convincing them to go out with each other.
Freya was always sort of naturally gifted— in the sense that she somehow ended up making the right choices based solely on her gut feelings and intuition.
Apparently she saw a dream; one which left her hell-bent on having her two friends date. She knew Harry was a caring, soft-hearted and friendly guy, and Y/N was an intelligent girl who wore her heart on her sleeve— in her eyes, there was no better match.
After weeks of pestering and convincing the two of them, they finally decided to give in to their friend and go out with each other on a single date.
Surprisingly, the date went way better than they both expected. Harry was lethally gorgeous, someone Y/N would never consider pursuing based solely on the fact that she thought he was way out of her league. His brown curly hair and pretty green eyes were roguishly charming, and he had a way with words that had Y/N constantly swooning.
They both drove to the outdoor theatre Freya bought them tickets for, and the whole time there, Harry was a teenage dream; he took her around the little stalls set up by the carpark and bought her cotton candy and popcorn, said something about her eyes and the lights strung up in the dim area which made Y/N’s tummy flip and tucked her right into his side in the middle of the little pallet he created in the back of his car.
She was blushing when he stroked his hand up and down her side, checking in with her after every thirty minutes to see if she needed anything. She was blushing when he stopped staring at the screen and opted to admire her instead, starting up a whispered conversation so as to not disturb the other movie-watchers, and she was blushing when at the end of the night, he cupped her jaw and softly asked her if it was okay to kiss her.
There was no way Y/N could ever say no to a face like his. Harry kissed her and it was amazing, she had butterflies and an infectious smile that just wouldn’t budge. That night was one of the best she’d ever had, and her heart fattened up tenfold the morning after as he gave her a call, promising her another date at his house.
He courted her properly; took her out on numerous dates before sleeping with her, didn’t play any games when he would text her and began every outing with a bouquet of roses presented to her. He was everything a girl could want, and he finally asked her to be his girlfriend on the fourth date, her hand in his and their ankles looped together beneath the dinner table.
Ever since then, Y/N felt satisfied with her lovelife in a way she never was before. Whereas before most of her past partners struggled with communication, Harry made the effort that both Y/N and him talked thoroughly about any and everything that might impact their relationship. Where Y/N previously felt suffocated sometimes because her partners didn’t give her enough space, she was able to have time for herself with Harry after she let him know how important that was to her.
It was a textbook, perfect relationship, where Harry was a doting boyfriend, and Y/N was treasured like the princess she always wanted to be.
That was until it came to their sexlife. Now, that was a whole other story.
The second the door to their bedroom shut, a flip was switched and Y/N was exposed to a side of Harry she never thought existed. He was stern and dominant, firm in his actions and he knew what he wanted every time they were in bed.
He was careful with her and sat her down (in true Harry fashion) before they first slept together to let her know of his preferences between the sheets. Of course, Y/N was still his girlfriend, and he valued nothing more than his partners consent and comfort when having sex.
It also was not Y/N’s first time stepping into the world of dominants and punishments and bondage and whatnot, but it was definitely her first time engaging in it with someone she really liked. She wanted to be perfect for him, and he wanted to be perfect for her.
Harry lucked out with Y/N, because she was immediately on board with his slightly different requests.
That led to their sexual chemistry being absolutely insane.
A couple of nights together later, Harry felt he knew Y/N’s body like the back of his hand, and Y/N felt she knew Harry’s like the back of her hand.
The first night they slept together, it wasn’t too crazy.
Maybe Harry held her wrists above her head as he fucked her into the mattress, and he might have given her a spank or two as they switched when she was on top. She was able to come whenever she wanted and Harry was ready to give her everything she needed.
The second time they slept together, Harry asked her to hold her arms behind her back while she sucked his cock, and Y/N sweetly asked Harry if he would just tie her hands together instead. The proposal had him stuttering for a second— obviously they spoke about dabbling in bondage before they decided to have sex, but he wasn’t expecting her to be ready to indulge in his tastes so soon.
Nonetheless, he did as she asked and took out one of his basic silk ties to bind her wrists together while he fucked her mouth and came all over her jaw.
Every time they slept together, they were able to take it another step further, and now, eleven months into the relationship, Y/N and Harry were well-versed with each other's sexual needs. They were both at a stage where they had discussed most of the kinks they were into, both willing to try new things if at least one of them was interested.
It was safe to say that they were both equally satisfied with their sexlife as with their practical life. The relationship just worked, and this was something they both valued greatly.
Tonight was one such night where Y/N wanted to celebrate that, i.e, whenever she saw fit, she was planning to ask Harry to kindly pound her into the mattress until she was silly. She was in that stage of her cycle— where she was drooling at the sight of Harry’s biceps and wanted nothing more than to chew on his veiny hands like a puppy.
She would have done something about it when they both woke up in the morning, with Harry looking like he walked straight out of a romcom in her softly-lit bedroom, but then he got a text from his work, on a fucking Saturday, pleading him to urgently hop onto a Zoom meeting which apparently couldn’t wait another forty-two hours. That way Y/N lost a clingy Harry who otherwise would have kept her in bed for at least two more hours after they woke, just making out and talking, touching bare skin and tangling nimble fingers.
Much to her dismay, the meeting ended up running until super late in the afternoon. By that time, Y/N was wet and sticky between her legs, with an angry pout on her face which depicted her intense frustration.
When Harry spotted her brooding in the kitchen, he came up to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, “what’s got my girl all tense?” Y/N sighed and looked up at him, letting him thumb away her bottom lip.
Normally, Y/N would easily tell Harry that she was feeling needy and wanted his attention, but she was in a mood, and she felt like being a bit stubborn with him, taking out all her anger on her poor unsuspecting boyfriend. She crossed her arms over her chest, “nothing.”
She shrugged him off and turned around to grab the croissant she was microwaving when he circled his fingers around her wrist and pulled her to him again, “did I do something? Why are you angry?”
“I’m not angry,” she lied, “just… tired.” She put her croissant on a plate and dodged his frowny face as she sat down by the floating island.
“Baby, you know you can tell me if anything is wrong,” he said, “I’m happy to talk to you about whatever it is.” He sat down next to her and twisted his seat so he faced her.
The look on his face would have made Y/N fold, but she felt really mad at him, which was insanely unreasonable (because how exactly was Harry meant to know his girlfriend was so horny she was borderline murderous), but a girl had to release her frustrations somewhere.
“I told you I’m fine. Just tired,” she snapped. Harry was unfazed though— he knew something was up and she was giving him an attitude for no apparent reason. He didn’t react like she expected him to; instead, he knocked his knee into hers, “okay,” he reached to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.
A beat passed.
“I’m gonna go see Sam for dinner tonight.”
Now that made Y/N’s eyebrows shoot up.
She had completely forgotten that Harry had plans with his cousin that weekend who was visiting the country from overseas. Harry had told her about it ages ago, but Y/N probably forgot and didn’t clock that it would be tonight.
She literally felt like she could cry at the thought of not having Harry for the night— what had gotten into her? Since when was she so fucking desparate?
Her thoughts surprised even herself as she masked her emotions as best as she could and frowned, “oh,” she bit off her croissant, “have fun.”
Harry’s eyes slightly narrowed watching her chew and avoid his gaze; something was bothering her and he knew her well enough to understand that she wouldn’t spill so easily. He waited for her to swallow before grabbing her jaw and pressing a kiss to her bottom lip. She tasted sweet, like the chocolate filling inside the pastry, and Harry struggled to pull himself away from nibbling at her lip. A ringed hand came up to her nape as he did, “I’ll miss you.”
The kiss did soften Y/N a little bit, so she mustered up a small, albeit sad, smile for her boyfriend. “Me too.”
The second Harry left the house, Y/N felt like she was going to die.
Not only did she feel all hot and bothered between her legs, but she was mad at Harry for leaving her in such a needy state to go have dinner with his cousin (in all honesty, it wasn’t the man’s fault, he wasn’t a mind reader for goodness sake, (but Y/N was not ready to admit that)). She huffed and puffed a little bit and rolled around her bed, wondering if she should just give in and touch herself.
The issue was that it wasn’t that simple; ever since she started sleeping with Harry, her fingers or any of her toys just didn’t seem enough. She always found herself craving something else— something warmer, and longer, able to touch all of her favourite spots, throbbing—
She was losing her mind.
She needed a way to channel all this horniness, and the easiest outlet at the moment was being angry at Harry.
All these thoughts lead to a sinister idea that materialised in her head. Y/N was quick to get up from her self-wallow spot on the bed and made her way over to her closet. She pulled open her lingerie drawer and fished around for one of her prettier, darker coloured sets. She spotted one of her favourites— a red three piece, with lace panties and an almost see-through bra. To wear on top was a short little nightie, which was sleeveless and mostly lace and pinned together in the middle or her chest where the two cups of her bra met.
Y/N hurried to the bathroom, giddy to execute the plan she was concocting and put on the lingerie. It was a shade of red that especially enhanced her complexion and sat perfectly on her body. The bra made her tits look luscious, spilling over the fabric and the panties sat high on her hips. To top it all off was the nightie, which reached the top of her thighs and flowed when she twirled.
This was one of her sets that Harry had not been privy to— she only recently bought it on a shopping trip with her friends. She was originally planning to whip it out on their one year anniversary which was coming up, but she thought tonight would suffice too; she’ll get another set for their anniversary or something.
Y/N admired herself in the mirror for a bit. The lingerie did look really good on her. She knew a special someone would enjoy it even more than she did. This was the crux of her plan; she was going to show Harry what he was missing.
Quickly, Y/N grabbed her phone off the mattress and faced the full length mirror that hung next to her closet door. She opened the camera app and turned off the lights, so only the soft lighting of her lamp illuminated the right side of her body. The vibe she was trying to give off was sexy and romantic, and she did just that as she took a couple of photos of herself in the mirror in various poses— crossing her legs so her hips looked more fuller, resting a hand on one of her tits and one of her from behind, with her panties disappearing between her ass cheeks.
After she was satisfied with the photos, she took off the nightie and tugged on one of Harry’s t-shirts, grinning down at her phone. She looked hot, and she knew he would think so too. In an act of defiance, Y/N clicked open her and Harry’s chat and sent him two of her favourite photos; one of her from the front, and one from the back.
Her tummy fluttered with anticipation as she stared at her screen, and a few seconds later it showed that Harry had seen the message. Poor Harry, who probably thought his girlfriend would be asking him what time he’d be home, or telling him how much she missed him… except she was telling him how much she missed him, but her means of doing so were a little bit eccentric.
For a while the screen only showed that he saw the picture, until, about a minute later, she saw the three dots that signalled that Harry was typing. The icon showed for about fifteen seconds before disappearing. Y/N’s eyebrows furrowed as she wondered what Harry was possibly about to say. She anticipated a text from him, still waiting for her screen to show the notification but it didn't— not for the next fifteen minutes, or the next hour or three.
She didn’t hear back from him and just that thought alone had her heart in her throat and her nails between her teeth. What was he going to type back? What did he think of the photos? Did he not like them? Were they only good in her horny, sex-driven brain?
The next three hours were spent pacing in her room, and then panic cleaning the living room and the kitchen. She was feeling antsy, unable to sit down peacefully. Y/N wasn’t one to pull risky moves such as that one, so she had no idea what to expect of Harry and what he thought of her little stunt.
By time she was done vacuuming the whole apartment, it was 9PM . Soon enough, she heard the rattle of Harry’s keys by the door. Her fingers twiddled in anticipation and she awkwardly stood by the kitchen island when he walked in.
He looked handsome as ever, dressed in slacks and a black button up. His hair was pushed back and he was freshly shaved, skin as smooth as a baby’s bum. Y/N nervously walked up to him. She was wary as she met his gaze, “hey. How was dinner?”
Harry looked at her intently, literally peering into her soul— and shrugged, “was fine.”
He went into the kitchen and grabbed a glass to fill it with water. Y/N stood dumbfounded behind him.
Did he not remember seeing the photos?
“How was Sam?” She asked. She walked over to him and leaned against the counter next to the sink so she faced him. Harry didn’t say anything as he finished his water and then took his phone and wallet out of his pocket. He set the two on the counter and then began taking off his rings; first the two with his initials on them, then followed the tiger on his left pinky, and then the golden ring with a blue crystal embedded in the middle which Y/N gave him for his birthday.
The sound of the rings hitting the counter felt like bricks falling from the sky in the oddly quiet living room. Just as Y/N was going to ask if he heard her or not, Harry spoke up, facing away from her, “looked like you had fun when I was gone.”
“Um… I d—“
“I was showing something to Sam on my phone when you sent those fucking pictures. He could have seen them.” His voice was cold and biting, and when he turned around to face her, his jaw was clenched. Y/N felt her cheeks burn, “how was I supposed to know that?” she retorted.
Harry narrowed his eyes. “You know better than to text me nudes when I’m in public, Y/N. I thought you needed something and was about to open the fucking message in front of him.”
Y/N was speechless, feeling her mouth open and close as she watched him approach her and wrap a hand around the nape of her neck, tangling in her hair slightly. He didn't squeeze or anything, just held her and tipped her head back.
A look of realisation came over his face as he darted his eyes across hers, “unless you wanted him to see it too,” he started, voice low, “we already know how much of a slut you are.”
She felt that familiar zing in her lower belly at his words, raising her hands to grab his shirt.
“Hands off.”
Hands off. Easy. She knew how to listen.
Harry let go of her neck and turned her around in his grip, holding her hands behind her and pressing his chest to her back. She could feel his hard length pushed right up against her.
He spoke softly in her ear, “what’s your colour?”
She breathed in sharply, “green.”
Green, green, green.
This was exactly what Y/N was craving the whole day, and she wouldn’t be caught dead complaining about her current circumstances.
Harry sighed, scarily calm.
“Y’know, I felt so bad the entire time I was there. All I could think about was m’pouty girl I left at home,” he confessed. Y/N whimpered at his words and his touch as one hand travelled up to cup her breast.
“I jus’… I missed you and then you had that meeting for so long. I was feeling… needy.”
Harry tsked. “Poor baby,” he mocked, pinching her nipple through her shirt and bra. He pressed a line of open-mouthed kisses to the skin where her shoulder met her neck. The sensation was enough to make Y/N close her eyes and let her head fall back against his chest, “s’that why you sent those pictures? My girl just wanted some attention?”
“Yes, sir.”
As soon as the words left her mouth, his hand quickly slipped higher to push his middle and ring finger into her mouth, deep enough that the initial shock made her gag. He stroked his fingers along her tongue shamelessly and tightened his grip on her hands. “I was gonna come home and give you my tongue. Make you come over and over and over, until you were feeling better. But now, I don’t think you should be able to come at all.”
Y/N whined pitifully over his fingers. She was sort of drooling as well, but Harry didn’t seem to mind. He withdrew his fingers and trailed them down her thigh, finding the edge of her (his) shirt. He left a wet line as he inched higher and higher, until he came in contact with her panties.
He groaned right into her ear when he felt the lace under his fingers, “fuck, you’re still wearing it?”
It was not really a question, because Y/N was not given any time to answer him. Instead, she yelped as he shoved her over the counter and flipped her shirt up. His hand smoothed over her ass and forced her into an arch, coming down on the skin with a sharp smack. Y/N cried into the marble, body jolting forward with the force of the impact. He gripped and kneaded the flesh right after, and then dropped his hand between her legs to feel how wet she was.
“Oh, baby… you’re soaked,” he noted and sighed. His fingers pressed deliciously against the lace, stimulating her clit just right. Y/N whined pitifully, “p—please, sir—“
Harry spanked her covered leaky pussy, shutting Y/N up effectively. She moaned.
“I don’t want to hear a single sound from you,” he ordered, “not right now, not when I’m eating you and not when I’m fucking this slutty cunt. Not a single word, nor a stutter.”
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general taglist: @theotherwomannnn @babegoalsreads @harryslounge @angeldavis777 @tchlamqtsgf
@vashapnin @in-omn1a-paratus @youngpastafanmug @cohnfusedarling
HIIII!! ME AGAIN!!! i hope you enjoyed this tiny little piece teeheehehehe!!! let me know your thoughts i love love love to hear them!! THANK YOU thank you THANK YOUUU FOR ALL THE LOVE YOU HAVE SHWON ME IN THE PAST MONTH!! I APPRECIATE YOU ENDLESSLY!! MWUAH!! RMMBR TO LIKE REBLOG REPLY YADA YADA KISS KISS GOODNIGHT!! ILYYYYYYY
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mysunshinetemptress · 17 hours
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Alexia Putellas x Jenni Hermoso x child!reader
Warnings: none except more shitty writing sorry
You’re still only small, still wobbly on your little legs, and still along way off being able to express your feelings opting to often at times throw tantrums.
You’ve spent more time on football fields than in playgrounds, more time in locker rooms, training rooms, and even physio rooms than a nursery, interacting with children your own age. But that’s to be expected when your Mama and Mamaí are world-class athletes playing for one of the best teams in the world. Surely the experiences they give you during your globetrotting are way better than the silly little nursery, your classmates are also professional athletes who know how to walk, talk and write, is that not better for you than some other snot-nosed two-year-olds who cry when they can’t reach a colour to draw on paper with.
But while all of these experiences are great, you’ve never really learned to share, you haven’t had to, your Mamaí’s are yours, your Tia’s and Grandparents are too. They have to be, they don’t spend any time with any other little kids like they do you. Your their baby, the teams baby they remind you as such when you start to kick off at the sight of them holding other kids hands as they walk out on to the pitch while your stuck with your Tia Alba and Abuela.
It was routine at this stage frustration would bubble in your tiny chest like a deflated soccer ball. You would stomp your foot, a wobbly attempt that would send you teetering before Tia Alba swooped you up, whispering words you didn't quite understand in order to calm you down.
Today is different though, you don't arrive at the stadium with Tia Alba and Abuela, in fact, you don't even get dropped off at Abuela's house, maybe your Mamai's forgot but you don't dare let out a sound in case they remember.
A grin stretched ear to ear on your face as Mama hoisted you out of the car seat. The familiar scent of freshly cut grass and popcorn mingled in the air, a symphony that announced you'd arrived at your favourite place – Camp Nou, Barcelona's legendary stadium. But today, something felt different. It was just you and Mamai's. Mama was here, her strong arms scooping you up and burying your face in the familiar scent of sweat and something sweet that must be Mamaí's perfume. While your Mamí retrieves everyone's bags from the back of the car before coming over and smiling down at you.
"Hola, Rápido," Mamí chuckled, her voice warm against your ear. "Excited for the big game?." You nod happily "Si, Mamí."
Suddenly, there's a loud shout from behind you and your Mamaí’s turn to see Mapi running straight for you all.
"There's my favourite niece!" she exclaimed, reaching out her hands. You giggled at the energetic defender reaching towards her, wanting to be passed off. Your Mama laughs happily giving you over "Hola to you too Mapi." Mapi waves your Mama off as she starts talking to you excitedly and begins to walk inside, Ingrid pulls your Mama into a hug "Hola Ale, Jenni how is Rápido today?." Your Mamaí’s begin to walk in with the younger Norwegian as they smile at the sound of your giggles. "She is good, she still doesn't know about the surprise yet." Ingrid smiled watching your interaction with Mapi as they made their way into the changing room "I think she'll love it."
Your eyes widened as you entered the locker room, hand clutched tightly in Mapi's. It wasn't just the usual pre-game buzz. Today, colourful balloons were tied to every locker, and a giant banner adorned the wall that read: "Welcome to the Team, Rápido!"
A gasp escaped your tiny lips. All your Tia's, your Mamaí's teammates, were gathered around, beaming at you. Cata, the gentle giant of a goalkeeper, knelt down, her arms outstretched. you were, usually shy around so many people, but you ran towards her, a shy smile forming on your face. Cata scooped you up, showering you with tickles, making you erupt in a fit of giggles.
Suddenly, a booming voice filled the room. "Rápido!" It was your Mama, holding a tiny Barcelona jersey with the number "10" emblazoned on the back. It was small just like you, the number your Mamí always wore. Your eyes welled up with a mixture of confusion and excitement.
Mama explained, "This is your jersey, Rápido. You're officially part of the team now!"
Unable to word how grateful you were you ran straight for your Mama, who didn't hesitate to pick you up and hold you close and squeeze her as tight as your little arms could "Gracias Mama." Your Mamí lets out a gasp pretending you had hurt her feelings after not coming over to her. You wiggled out of your Mama's arms as she put you down before running over to your Mamí " Wow so fast Rápido." You nodded happily before trying to squeeze her just like you did your Mama "I'm wearing you." Mamí laughs "Yeah you are wearing my number."
The locker room erupted in cheers and whistles. Mapi hoisted you high in the air, your tiny "10" jersey flapping in the excitement.
Ingrid ruffled your hair playfully. "Looks like we have a new teammate, and she's already stealing the spotlight from Alexia!"
Your Mama, playfully nudged Ingrid with a grin. "Don't worry," she winked, "I think Rápido has plenty of time to learn from the best."
Cata, still beaming, handed you a miniature soccer ball. It was soft and squishy, perfect for your tiny grasp. You bounced it clumsily on the floor, sending giggles rippling through the room. You lay the football down stepping back from the ball and looking at Cata before kicking the ball as hard as you could, Cata softly fell to the right as your ball rolled left past the goalkeeper. The locker room erupted into cheers as the door opened and Jonatan walked in.
"Ladies we have a game to get ready for vamos." The room let out a small apology as your Mamí picked you up putting you on her bench before getting changed into her own kit.
"So you're going to walk out with Mama doesn't that sound fun." You nodded "And you." Mamí shakes her head "No remember I have to hold another little kid's hand." You looked at her confused "Why."
The confusion etched on your face tugged at your Mamí's heartstrings.
"Because today," Mamí explained, kneeling next to you, "we get to share the walkout with other special little kids. Just like you get to today."
Your brow furrowed, the gears turning in your tiny mind. The idea of sharing wasn't entirely foreign, but it usually involved toys, not something as special as walking out onto the pitch at Camp Nou.
That same frustration bubbled in your tiny chest like a deflated soccer ball only this time it felt ten times worse.
You shook your head confused as to why you couldn't walk with both of your parents like you normally do happily in the middle "but why."
Suddenly, the locker room door opened "Ok ladies to the tunnel." Your Mama comes over taking your hand "Ready Rápido?." You shook your head "No Mamí." Your Mama looked at you her eyebrows scrunched together in confusion "Mamí is right there."
You turn your head just in time to see your Mamí take the hand of a random little girl.
A pang of jealousy shot through your heart as you watched Mamí clasp hands with the unfamiliar girl. Her smile, usually reserved for you and Mama, was directed at this stranger. You mumbled, a tiny voice barely a squeak, "But that's not me, Mamí."
Your Mama's brow furrowed. She crouched down, her warm brown eyes filled with concern. "What's wrong, Rápido?"
You struggled to find the words, your lower lip trembling slightly. Finally, it tumbled out, a garbled mess of emotions, "Walk out... with you... and Mamí ... in the middle..."
Your Mama tries but fails to stop your tears and before she can even talk to your Mamí about it the referees in front are walking towards the pitch.
Your Mama tries to walk out after them but your feet are planted firmly to the ground and you are really crying now Alexia knows you are boarding on a tantrum and the Camp Nou tunnel is not it the place for it so she scoops you up Instead, pulling your head into her neck as you continue to cry.
The cheers of the crowd outside the tunnel were a distant roar compared to the storm raging inside you. The hope of walking out with both your parents, a tiny hand held firmly in each of theirs, felt stolen, replaced by an unfamiliar girl who had somehow usurped your special place.
Mama, ever perceptive, felt her frustration even through the tears. "Shh, Rápido," she whispered, "It's okay to feel sad."
Pulling back slightly, she wiped your tear-streaked face with a gentle thumb. "Remember what I told you? Sharing your Mamí and I doesn't mean we you any less. This a chance to share the magic of the game with other little fans, just like you."
You sniffled, trying to process this. Sharing toys was okay, even sharing snacks with you Tia's sometimes. But this felt different. This was your little family.
Sensing your hesitation, Mama smiled. "Why don't we make a deal? Right now, your Mamí walks out with the other little girl and holds her hand. Later, all three of us to walk together and Mamí and I will swing you, would you like that?"
At this point your standing in line every other mascot in front of a Barcelona player except you as your Mama still tries to bribe you.
A tiny spark of hope flickered in your eyes. The thought of playing the swing game might just be enough for you to settle.
Your Mamí looks over to you and Mama worries etched across her face but Alexia just shakes her head and so Jenni turns back to the front.
You only begin to calm down after your Mama has pinky promised to swing you after the match, only then are you happy to go off and sit with Abuela and Tia Alba telling them happily about scoring on Cata and how Mama and Mamí are going to swing you.
Later, as the stadium erupted in cheers, Mamí found you by Abuela and Tia Alba. you were, still buzzing from the match rattling off all your favourite moments as Mamí listened patiently.  At a pause in your ramble Mamí held up her pinky finger with a wink.
"Swing time, Rápido,?" she asked.
You squealed with delight, launching yourself into Mamí's arms for a tight hug. As you walked towards your Mama, the tantrum and jealousy from earlier had completely disappeared. 
Grabbing your Mama's hand you let out a scream as they swung you high into the air laughing at your little giggles. You still have a long way to go with sharing but for now, it's just you and Your Mama and Mamí.
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gukisbabe · 2 days
112:45am] jeon jungkook x fem!reader, 18+ smut!!! mainly face riding
completely absolutely obsessed with jks nose can you tell?
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"your nose is so pretty."
you find yourself mumbling at your boyfriend before your brain can even overthink those words and yet you're glad you didn't hesitate.
there's absolutely no reaction from jungkook for a whole minute as you absentmindedly trace his sharp features with your fingers, not quite able to handle just how handsome he is.
you've been observing his side profile for a while now and every time your eyes found their way to his nose, you couldn't help but bite your bottom lip at the mental image of its tip nudging against your clit whenever he's got his face buried in your cunt.
jungkook has been playing his video game for about an hour now and despite wanting to give him some space, you simply couldn't resist the craving of being close to him.
it's not like he minds your presence at all; jungkook loves having your legs in his lap and your hand in his hair, playing with the soft beautifully blonde strands as he enjoys his daily screen time away from all of his incone responsibilities.
usually you're quick to fall asleep, yet this time you seem to focused on him to even let the actual thought of sleep cross your mind.
you know it's because you can't stop thinking about your boyfriends lips, his hot tongue and his perfect nose, your head full of thoughts about how good he makes you cum over and over again once he's gotten a taste.
whereas jungkook remains absolutely clueless. he's also a little too focused to pay complete attention to your words but he does appreciate any compliment coming from your way. ever since the two of you started dating you've made it your mission to remind him how perfect he is
jungkook places a quick kiss of gratitude into your palm before he pushes his lips into a thoughtful pout and focuses on his game again, not realising how much you've been pressing your thighs together in hopes of releasing some of the pressure on your needy cunt.
there's just something about the way he scratches the sides of his nose whenever he's slowly getting excited, poking the inside of his cheeks with his tongue and nibbling on his lip like he's purposely trying to torture you.
"j." you mumble sternly and reach for his hand, grateful he's quick to play into your neediness as he grabs your inner thigh and gently strokes your skin,
"i wanna ride your face, please."
usually you're not one to be this bold with your requests but after watching him for the past hour it's been incredibly hard for you to maintain your composure and even your patience has limits.
jungkook is absolutely stunned at your words. for a second he's not sure if he even heard you right, giving you a double take just to realise your current state.
eyes glossy, lips pushed into the cutest pout, thigh firmly pressed together and your cute nipples poking through the fabric of your pyjama shirt to the point where not a single thought is left to imagination.
just out of curiosity jungkook lets his hand wander in between your legs, gulping harshly at the way they fall apart like you've been waiting to be relieved and once his fingers graze your soaked panties, he knows exactly why you're reacting the way you do.
without even missing another beat, jungkook throws his controller as well as his headset to the side, turning his game off and almost instantly laying on his side of the bed.
"I'm sorry for not realizing sooner, baby", he whispers as you shakily make your way to straddle his handsome face, his cheeks and lips tinted in the sweetest shade of pink, "there you go, baby."
his praise elicits a soft whimper from your throat, your hole clenching in absolute despair and the second the tip of his nose grazes your flesh, you throw your head back with a loud moan of relief.
"fuck, baby", jungkook grunts against your cunt, his tongue lapping up your sweet juices and if it wasn't for his tight grip on your waist, you would have thought he passed
out, "you're so wet for me, angel, so perfect." all you can do is whimper in response, grabbing a fistful of his hair and grinding yourself against his tongue, whining every time his nose nudges your hardened clit.
"you're so wet for me, angel, so perfect."
all you can do is whimper in response, grabbing a fistful of his dark hair and grinding yourself against his tongue, whining every time his nose nudges your hardened clit.
"that's why you love my nose so much, hm?", jungkook smile turns into a smirk as he pushes his tongue inside of your clenching hole, groaning and moaning against your wet flesh like a man gone mad.
"mhm, y-yes", you whisper and feel the sweet sensation of your release climbing up your spine in the sweetest way possible, "love sitting on it."
and for a moment jungkook movements stop, as he appreciates your sweet compliment, head cloudy from all the arousal floading his brain and his cheeks burning from excitement.
"that's my good girl", he grunts and finally wraps his lips around your sensitive clit before he pushes the tip of his tongue against the nub and applies just the right amount of pressure, making sure to have you cum all over his face to make you feel as loved and appreciated as he does.
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zaczenemiji · 2 days
Curtain Calls and Curveballs I
Kenji Sato x Reader
Synopsis: In your high school years, you and Kenji Sato are fierce rivals, constantly competing for top academic honors and excelling in your respective extracurriculars. Little did you know, you rivalry would take an unexpected turn.
Word Count: 1,836
Genre/Warning: Coming of Age, Enemies to Lover, Eventual Romance, Slow Burn
Author’s Note: A lot of you have been requesting for an enemies to lover themed fanfic so here’s a two-part one made for y’all <3
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“Anyone can pretend to be someone else.”
“Well, it doesn’t take much brainpower to throw a ball.”
How could you forget the feud that started it all? Your spot as a top-ranking student back in high school was suddenly disturbed by the arrival of a certain Japanese student.
You didn’t mind it at first, only perceiving it as a challenge that would lead to the betterment of yourself. You know, kinda like what they say—smooth seas never made a skilled sailor thing.
But little did the teen you know that Kenji Sato would become a force of a tsunami in your life.
The little frowns when one scored higher than the other on quizzes became a competition that was the backbone of your interactions—the core aspect of your enmity.
The two of you were naturally gifted students with too much competitive spirits. Your performances were closely monitored by peers and teachers who eagerly anticipated the next round of test scores to see who would come out on top.
Needless to say, your little rivalry became a show that everyone liked to watch—a TV drama that keeps them glued on the couch, and a baseball game that keeps them at the edge of their seats.
What started as frowns became bickers and a constant exchange of provocative teasing. A day at school wouldn’t be complete without exchanging sarcastic remarks with one another.
“Better not mess this up, (y/n). Wouldn’t want to lose those precious extra points,” Kenji said in one of your chemistry labs.
You rolled your eyes as you set up your titration apparatus. “Don’t worry about me, Kenji,” you replied. “Just make sure you know the difference between an acid and a base.”
Despite the academic rivalries, your favorite thing to one each other up on despite being on totally different sides of the scale, is your clubs.
With Kenji being the star of the baseball team and you the leading actress of the drama club, the two of you were set to speak at the pep rally to represent your respective team and club.
“And now, let's hear from our star pitcher, Kenji Sato!”
Kenji steps up to the microphone, flashing a confident smile. "Thanks, Mr. Principal,” he said. “Our team has been working hard, and we're ready to bring home another championship. Let's hear it for the baseball team!”
The crowd roared with approval. Sports enthusiasts loved Kenji and he is definitely the face of sports in your school. That’s one thing you couldn’t argue about. You’ve been trying to name a player better than him at school but unfortunately, there was none.
Kenji stepped back and the principal proceeded to introduce you, "Next, we have our leading actress, (y/n) (l/n), to tell us about the upcoming play."
You strode to the microphone, poised and charismatic. "Thank you, Mr. Principal,” you started. “This year's play, 'Romeo and Juliet, is a labor of love for the drama club. We've poured our hearts into it, and we hope you'll all come to see it.”
“Break a leg to the baseball team, and we hope to see some of you at the theater!" You added.
The crowd cheers again, though with less intensity than for Kenji. Kenji leaned over when you stepped back beside him.
“Break a leg, huh?” He whispered just loud enough for you to hear. “Isn’t that a bit risky for an actress?”
“It’s tradition,” you smirked. “Besides, I'd like to see you try and memorize Shakespeare."
Kenji laughed, "Maybe next time. For now, I'll stick to throwing strikes."
A week after the pep rally came Kenji’s game.
He winded up and delivered a fastball that struck out the batter, securing the win for his team. The crowd erupted in applause, chanting his name.
On his way to the locker room, he comes across you. He saw you in the bleachers earlier, watching with a critical eye.
“Enjoyed the show, (y/n)?” He asked, smirking.
“It was fine, I guess,” you said, rolling your eyes. “If you’re into that sort of thing.”
Kenji chuckled, “Don't worry, I'll save a seat for you at the next game.”
"I'd rather spend my time watching paint dry,” you said, crossing your arms. “Good luck with that, though."
A few days after the game came the premiere of the school's production. Every time the curtains rose, you stopped out not as (y/n) but as the character whom you portrayed—Juliet.
After the final act, the audience gave a standing ovation. You took a bow, eyes scanning the crowd. At the back, you spotted Kenji clapping politely.
You basked in the praises of the director and your friends for the job you did well. As you exit the stage, you find Kenji waiting in the wings. “Not bad,” he said, raising his brows. “For a drama nerd.”
You smirked in return. “Glad you could tear yourself away from the baseball field to appreciate some real talent."
"I figured I'd see what all the fuss was about,” he chuckled. “You didn't disappoint."
"Is that a compliment, Sato?” You asked, eyes narrowing playfully. “From you?”
“Don’t get used to it,” Kenji shrugged. “Just calling it like I see it.”
At home, after the drama club’s play, Kenji told his mom about you. He told her about how good you actually were at acting. He planned on leaving mid-performance but you kept him glued to the spot he was watching from. He may or may not have ditched his baseball training that day.
“You seem to know her well,” Kenji’s mom commented to which he retaliated with “To defeat your enemy, you must know your enemy.”
On the other hand, Kenji’s compliment played rent-free in your head. It overshadowed the director’s and the others’ compliments like they didn’t matter.
This situation went on for years in the span of time you spent in high school. Classmates and friends became used to the everyday sarcastic remarks and insults you hurled at each other.
What they didn’t know were the subliminal messages in every interaction.
They didn’t know about how Kenji often finds himself trying to perform exceptionally well whenever he knows you are watching. He’d throw an extra-fast pitch or make a particularly insightful comment in class, hoping to catch your attention.
They didn’t know that his playful teasing was a way to keep the banter alive to be able to engage with you regularly. They didn’t know that in a crowd of people, Kenji would always look for you. He watches your reactions to see if you’re impressed.
They didn’t know that you genuinely attended Kenji’s baseball games to see him do well. You’ll clap and cheer, albeit more reservedly than the die-hard fans, keeping your enthusiasm in check.
They didn’t know how you defend him from others, from those who would speak badly of him regardless of what he did. They didn’t know how you took note of his class attendance and lent him notes from classes he missed due to training.
The two of you did all these while outwardly maintaining the rivalry. Then one day, before you two knew it, graduation season was right around the corner.
One bright and sunny afternoon in the school gym, a large banner hung above reading "Graduation Ball Partner Reveal." Students crowd around a bulletin board, excitedly searching for their assigned partners.
This was one of the school’s antics to add some excitement to the graduation ball by randomly pairing students as dance partners. You heard other girls overtly expressing their wishes to be paired with Kenji.
With a grin, your friend turned to you, “Who do you hope to get, (y/n)?”
"Anyone who can at least manage to keep up on the dance floor,” you shrugged.
"I heard they really mixed things up this year. Could be anyone!" Another friend said.
When the crowd began to disperse, you and your friends made your way to the bulletin board. Scanning the list, your eyes widened as you saw your name next to Kenji’s.
“No way,” you muttered. “This has to be a mistake.” Just as you were processing this revelation, you heard a familiar voice behind you, "Looks like we're stuck with each other, (y/n)."
You turned to see Kenji standing there, a mix of amusement and surprise on his face. “Of all people, it had to be you,” you said crossing your arms.
“It’s not like I rigged the draw,” Kenji chuckled. “Why would I wanna be paired with you?” He asked like he didn’t want it.
As the night of the graduation ball drew nearer, the two of you agreed to be truces for one night.
A week later, there in the same gym, stood you at the edge of the dance floor. That night, the gym was a glittering wonderland, with twinkling fairy lights and elegant decorations that turned the mundane space into a ballroom fit for a fairytale.
“You look amazing, (y/n),” your friend nudged you. “Kenji's going to be blown away."
Scoffing, you replied, “If he even shows up.”
Just as you finished speaking, Kenji appeared, looking dapper in a sharp suit. He spotted you and made his way over, a confident smile on his face.
“Hey, (y/n),” he said. “You look… wow.”
You felt warmth rush to your cheeks as your heart began beating faster. All the earlier pettiness gone the moment you saw him.
"You clean up pretty well yourself, Sato,” you replied, barely a whisper.
Kenji extended his hand, a playful glint in his eyes. "Shall we?" He asked.
Taking his hand, you let him lead you onto the dance floor where you two fell into step, finding a rhythm despite the initial awkwardness.
“So, truce for tonight, right?” Kenji asked. You nodded, smiling, “Only for tonight.”
You danced in silence for a few moments, the reality of the situation sinking in. “I never thought we’d end up here dancing,” he said, breaking the silence.
“Neither did I,” you replied. “But maybe it’s not so bad.”
“You mean you’re actually enjoying my company?” Kenji chucked.
You rolled your eyes playfully, “Don’t get used to it.”
As the dance continued, the tension between you two began to melt away. You two talked about your plans after graduation and for the first time, you saw each other as two people with dreams and aspirations; not as an obstacle in the way.
“I want to go pro. In baseball,” Kenji said. “I've got scouts interested, and I think I have a real shot."
Your eyes widened slightly. "A professional baseball player, huh?” You replied. “I can see that.”
“Thanks,” Kenji grinned. "It's been my dream since I was a kid. What about you? What's next for you after we toss the caps?”
"I want to be an actress,” you answered. “I've been accepted into a drama program, and I'm going to chase that dream as far as it takes me."
That being said, you two will most likely be going to separate schools in college. Or so you thought.
Taglist is open! Comment if u wanna be tagged on future Kenji oneshots
@hismistresss @sweetangle8 @aerivina
@eternallyvenus @puppyminnnie @wattpadsuckssohard @sakura-onesan @reggies-eyeliner @buggs-1 @miffysoo @spencerrxids @stupidbutsmart @marimargirlies @mixvchelle @lannnu @lailuv21 @christiinee @abracarabbit @youngbananamilkshake @flutterfly365 @o-schist
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sweetbans29 · 2 days
Thinking of You - CC
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Pairing: Caitlin Clark x Reader
Summary: Thinking of You by Kate Perry (based on THIS request)
Warnings: Angst, will there be a happy ending?
Word Count: 2.5k
Sweetbans Masterlist
AN: Remember, you asked for this.
Comparisons are easily done Once you've had a taste of perfection
You and Caitlin were everything. The relationship the two of you shared was unmatched and anyone and everyone could see that. You were inseparable.
The two of you started at Iowa at the same time - both freshmen on the women's basketball team. The two of you clicked almost immediately and soon became each other's rocks during practice. It wasn't hard considering the two of you had very similar playing styles. The team quickly saw the connection the two of you had on and off the court.
If you weren't at practice, the two of you could be found doing literally everything together - studying, eating in the dining hall, chilling in each other's apartments. It wasn't to anyone's surprise when the two of you started to show signs that you were becoming a little more than friends.
If anyone were to ask you who asked out who - you wouldn't really know what to tell them. There was not one singular moment where Caitlin asked you out or vice versa. The two of you just woke up one morning and it was like you both knew being friends wasn't enough.
It came after a particularly hard loss your freshman year. She slept over at your apartment and the two of you replayed the events of the entire game trying to figure out where it all went so horribly wrong. The night ended with the two of you falling asleep side by side and waking up tangled in each other's arms. It was that morning that you knew things were different between the two of you.
You said move on, where do I go? I guess second best is all I will know
Everything changed going into the summer before senior year. Life changed. A lot was going on with your family that required you to move closer to home. With that - you entered the transfer portal.
Caitlin knew things were bad at home for you - your younger sister getting sick was not a part of anyone's plan but is what life threw at your family. She also knew how close you were to them and how much it was affecting you to be away from them.
So when you sat her down and told her you would be entering the transfer portal and moving back home, it didn't come as a shock to her.
"Caitlin, we need to talk," you say as you sit on the couch next to her. The tone in your voice already broken.
The two of you both knew where this conversation was going. When you first started dating Caitlin made it very clear she had no desire to do long distance and you didn't either. The reason the two of you worked so well is because of your proximity - your relationship grew with being as close as you were.
Cait knows where this is going - but even with the knowledge, it doesn't make it easier.
"I know you entered the transfer portal," she says, her eyes focused on her hands. You inhale deeply.
"I know I should have told you before I did it, I've just been dreading telling you," you say feeling ashamed that the one person you love the most outside of your family wasn't a part of this decision.
"I mean, knowing about your sister and how close your family is - it wasn't a huge surprise," she says trying to make it all feel okay.
"Cait, you know this doesn't change how I feel about you - nothing could ever change that," you say wanting to fight for the two of you. Wanting her to fight for the two of you.
She finally looks at you and takes one of your hands in hers.
"I know it doesn't," she says. She wants to continue but is at a loss for words. Caitlin wants to take back her stance on long-distance relationships but knows this is already hard enough for you.
"I'm so sorry," you say as you pull her into a hug. You can feel the tears quietly make their way down your face. You can hear her shaky breaths as she is trying to hold herself together.
"I will always love you," you say, letting the tears flow freely now as you hold your girl for the last time.
"Please don't go," she says in a last-ditch effort, knowing there is nothing she can say or do to get you to change your mind.
"You are going to do amazing things. I can't wait to see what life holds for you. I am just so glad I got to be a part of it for a little while," you rub her back as she lets out sobs.
This wasn't a part of the plan. Leaving her was never part of the plan but life is funny like that. Just when you thought it was the best it could be, it gets worse.
'Cause when I'm with him I am thinking of you
He kissed my lips, I taste your mouth He pulled me in, I was disgusted with myself
Senior year was a lot.
For you, it was quitting basketball to care for your family. You no longer had the time for anything except classes. It was a giant change in your day to day but being home and seeing how much you were doing, it provided a sense of comfort knowing it wasn't all for nothing.
For Caitlin, it was a hard adjustment. Losing you was also losing her best friend. She leaned into the team a lot which had been helpful. They began encouraging her to get out there again which is how she met her current boyfriend. He was cool and they had a good time together, but he wasn't you.
He's a year older than Cait and has a local job waiting for her to graduate. He's planning on moving to the city where she is drafted which leaves a bittersweet taste in Caitlin's mouth.
It's not that she didn't like him, but he wasn't you.
He did everything right, he was kind and supportive. He didn't suffocate her but when Cait was with him, you always made your way to her mind.
"Hey babe, you ready?" Caitlin's boyfriend asks as he walks into her room. She is just about ready and is putting on her Iowa necklace.
"Just about," she says as she struggles with getting the clasp to hook.
He comes behind her and takes the ends of the necklace from her to help her out. It is a sweet gesture but all it does is bring back memories of when you got her the necklace.
He kisses her shoulder and smiles, which Caitlin reciprocates. He spins her around and brings his lips to hers. She doesn't pull back but is instantly reminded how his lips aren't yours. When he pulls away, he is smiling down at her and brings her in for a hug. Caitlin lets him hold her but feels so uneasy. It has been months, almost a year at this point and you still consume her mind.
It wasn't uncommon for Caitlin to think of you when she was out with him. She had no idea how to get you out of her head but whenever she was with him, you were there too.
You're the best And yes, I do regret How I could let myself let you go
It's draft night. Caitlin had made her way down the orange carpet and is now sitting at her table with her family. She already knows where she will be going but tonight is the night it is all official.
She has some of her teammates in the crowd, along with her boyfriend. With all the people there supporting her, there is only one person she can think of wanting to celebrate with.
You are watching the draft - your heart deflates a little every time Catilin pops on the screen. You are beyond excited for her but wish you could be there in person to support her.
You have checked in a few times but have never gotten a response. It doesn't surprise you. Some of the girls would update you on how she was doing and it didn't sound great. They were all blowing up your phone when Caitlin started seeing someone. You knew they all had good intentions but it didn't make it any easier to hear.
Now watching her on one of the biggest days of her life - you couldn't help but bring up her contact in your phone. You stared at the new message for a few minutes before finally typing something out.
Right as you were about to send it, the camera panned over to Kate, Gabby, and Jade. You smiled a the girls watching their teammate at the draft. Your smile fell when you saw him there.
You were no longer the proud girlfriend and hadn't been for a while now. You deleted the message you had typed out and opted to stay out of this moment.
You watch Caitlin get drafted - she glowed even through the TV screen. You couldn't help but feel a sense of pride swell up inside of you. The countless nights the two of you spent talking about what it would be like to go pro and there she was doing it.
You watched the rest of the draft but you couldn't help by let your mind wander to the 'what ifs' of life. How different life would be life if you didn't have to leave Iowa, leave basketball? Would you still be with Caitlin? Would the two of you be at the draft together and moving to Indiana to start your life together? A million different scenarios raced through your head as you sat there.
There was no point in regretting a decision you made a year ago. You don't regret it. But a part of you will always burn remembering how you had to leave the best thing that had ever happened to you. Letting go of Caitlin was far from an easy task.
Oh, won't you walk through And bust in the door and take me away? Oh, no more mistakes 'Cause in your eyes, I'd like to stay, stay
You are walking around Indianapolis with a few friends when you spot her. It had been a few years since the two of you had seen each other in person but you kept up with everything she had been doing. You excuse yourself from your friends saying you are going to go check something out.
You moved to Indiana only a few months ago for work. At first, it felt like some sort of cruel joke but after getting there - life felt a lot lighter.
As you are walking over to the girl you once knew oh so well, you take in her appearance. She has filled out more - looking more fit than she did in college. With that, it seems like she holds herself more confidently. Less slouching. You see she is walking her dog who is absolutely adorable.
As you get closer to her your heart rate starts to pick up - the nervousness building by the second.
"Cute dog you have there, can I pet them?" You say - not really sure how to enter a conversation. She nods with an 'Of course'.
It takes Caitlin a few seconds to register your voice. At this point you are already bent down giving her dog all the pets.
You know she isn't seeing anyone (thanks to Kate for keeping you in the loop) but the media had a field day when it came out that she and her boyfriend were no longer together. You on the other hand hadn't dated since Caitlin.
You stand and look her in the eyes for the first time in 3 years. A soft smile plays in them as the corner of your lip follows.
"Hi," she says, breathless at how good you look. The only real update she got from you was whenever you posted on a social, which was practically never. She knew you moved to Indiana when you posted about your new apartment and tagged the city.
Caitlin would be lying if she said she hadn't gone out more with the knowledge of you there, hoping to bump into you. She had no idea exactly where you lived but was hopeful.
"Hi," you say back.
Your mind plays through a million different scenarios on where to go from here.
"You look familiar," you say teasingly. There is a hint of hurt in her eyes before she catches onto your tone. "Have we met before?"
Caitlin struggles to hide her smile.
"Well I am sort of well-known in this town," she says downplaying her fame as Indy's favorite star. She says playing along with you.
You pretend to think, bringing your hand up to your chin.
"Hmm, I can't put my finger on it," you say and she laughs.
"Might just have to invite you to one of my games to show you what you're missing," she says confidently.
You shake your head no.
"Oh I'm not really into sports," you say, both of you knowing that is the biggest lie ever. "But let me take you out for coffee and we can talk about getting me to come out and watch you."
Caitlin's smile grows even more.
"And what makes you think I want to go out to coffee with you," Caitlin teases.
You feign hurt as you bring your hands to your chest.
"Hmm, you're right," You begin, Caitlin not catching on to your teasing and immediately counters.
"Wait, no-" she begins to wave off what she just said. You put your hand on her arm to calm her down and she sees you are joking. Her body instantly relaxes.
"C, It's okay, I'm kidding," you say. You can see the rush of emotions play out in her eyes.
"I am not letting you walk away without a fight this time," she says just above a whisper. Your hand comes up to caress her cheek, and your eyes soften as they meet hers.
"Neither am I," you say reassuring her that you are on the same page.
"Neither am I," you say again as you bring her into a hug. She collapses into your body as she takes in your scent. It hasn't changed. The two of you stand there for longer than either of you expect - neither one of you wanting to release the other first.
As you stand there - both of your minds are on the same thought train.
You think about how even years later - the world somehow managed to give the two of you a second shot. You could have been relocated anywhere but it was here. Both of you in a place where you are able to commit to someone - and who better than the person who has held your heart every day since you had to take it back from them.
AN: Before you all ask, no. I do not plan on doing part 2. I'M SORRY, PLEASE DON'T COME FOR ME. I would on the other hand like to know what you thought about this. And as always, thank you for all your love and support 🤍
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sicutpuella · 2 days
Reddit User | Simon “Ghost” Riley
Her laptop developed an overheating issue and had to be sent to the repair shop. Consequently, she's been relying on Simon's laptop for work. Yet, when she noticed he had left a Reddit tab open, curiosity inevitably got the best of her.
User100889, that was his username. She felt a flutter of nerves as she scrolled through her boyfriend’s Reddit history. It was filled with the usual suspects — bodybuilding and gym subreddits, nothing too revealing. There were posts about tactical gear and tips on fixing flat tires; typical manly-man interests.
"Huh," she murmured to herself when she stumbled upon a subreddit he frequented: r/dating_advice. Huh, indeed.
Her eyes widened slightly, a small gasp escaping her lips as she noticed the title of a thread he'd commented on: ‘how to approach the girl I like.' 
Below the title, Simon's response lay there, simple and direct. "Just walk up to her and say hi."
The bluntness of his answer made her scoff softly. Typical Simon—never one for beating around the bush. She rolls her eyes. His comments on Reddit were always so direct, sometimes even poking fun at the users asking. Like that time he replied, “maybe because you’re ugly lad, just being honest.” 
God, he really had no filter…
She lets out a laugh as she scrolls through more of his comments. He’s brutal. Not mean or malicious, just painfully honest with a dry, dark sense of humor. Not surprising given his oh-so-charming personality.
Clicking on another thread, she begins to read through it. This one titled “How do you know if a girl likes you?” 
The OP described catching glances from a girl. Simon’s response is simple but cutting: "She's probably just being polite mate.” She snorts. She can practically hear his Mancunian accent in the words, can almost picture his expression as he typed out the response.
But then, a question emerged in a Reddit thread:
"Men of r/dating_advice, what’s one thing you love about your partner that they don’t know about?"
He responded, and surprisingly, his words carried pure love and warmth.
Her eyes widened as she read his heartfelt reply. It was sincere, devoid of his usual sarcasm or crudeness.
"I love the way she looks in the morning when she first wakes up. Her hair all tousled, her eyes sleepy and gentle. It’s the only time she lets herself be completely vulnerable, you know? I cherish being the one she feels safe enough to show that side to."
She stared at the screen, utterly taken aback. She had never expected him to reveal such a sweet, tender side. Then came another question. This time, his response was different—no sarcasm, no dry humor—just pure admiration.
OP asked, "Is she the one, lads?"
Simon’s reply was succinct and devoid of his usual wit or brashness. It was raw, unfiltered honesty.
"Yes, she’s the one. Knew it from the moment we met. There’s no one else for me."
Her heart skipped a beat as she absorbed his words, a warm, fuzzy feeling spreading through her chest.
OP: Men of Reddit, what’s your favorite thing about your partner?
His answer: "Her laugh. The way it’s kinda wheezy and she snorts when something really cracks her up. She’s got an amazing sense of humor. Watching movies with her feels like attending a comedy special."
She couldn't help but smile. The image was vivid in her mind: the two of them sprawled on the couch, watching an absurd action flick, her infectious laughter causing even Simon’s stoic demeanor to crack as he chuckled alongside her.
In a thread on r/dating_advice, OP poses the question: "Men, what advice would you give to others about long-term relationships?"
Simon's response resonates: "Be honest. Be genuine with your partner. Don’t play games, don’t hide your feelings. And for God’s sake, don’t try to fix a problem when she just needs you to listen. I learned that the hard way."
She can almost hear the wry chuckle in his voice. It reminds her of their first argument, when she felt frustrated that he wouldn't just listen... but he's learned since then.
Lost in the moment, she scrolls through countless threads, captivated by Simon's heartfelt responses. The man she once saw as all muscle and bravado reveals himself to be a softie at heart.
Engrossed in his comments, she misses the sound of the front door opening... the approaching footsteps slipping by unheard.
She's engrossed in his response to "So, are you gonna marry the woman you have now?"
"Already planning it. Just gotta work up the nerve to propose."
Suddenly, a deep voice startles her from behind. It's deep, gruff, and all too familiar. 
"See somethin’ you like, lass?"
"AH—FUCK!" she screams in surprise.
Simon can't contain his amusement. His towering figure leans against the door frame, arms crossed over his broad chest, a smug smirk playing on his lips.
"Find my little secrets?" he teases, nodding toward the laptop.
She rolls her eyes. He saunters over to where she's seated, casually leaning over her shoulder, his gaze scanning the screen. His closeness, his sheer size, makes her heart beat faster in her chest.
"So, find anything interesting, lass?" he drawls, his breath warm against her ear.
"You're so sappy, it's cute," she says with a smile that he adores.
He chuckles, a deep rumble that sends a shiver down her spine. "That's a new one. You think I'm cute? Cute. Not hot. Not handsome. Just cute."
Leaning in closer, his chest presses against her back, warmth radiating through their clothes.
She stands, embracing him. "So... I heard User100889 is pretty nervous about proposing..." Her pout and tapping finger betray her playful intent.
His grin widens as he wraps his strong arms around her waist, knowing exactly where she's leading.
"Oh yeah?" he feigns innocence. "And why's that?"
"Well..." she looks up at him coyly, her slender form against his solid frame. "He's afraid she might say no..."
"Sounds like he's shittin' himself a bit," he chuckles, eyes gleaming with amusement. He loves the mischief in her eyes, the softness in her teasing.
"He shouldn't be..." she purrs, fingers trailing lightly up his chest. "She loves him too much to say no."
His breath catches at her touch, heart racing. "Is that so?" His voice roughens.
"Mmhm..." she agrees, fingers tracing his shirt's edge, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath.
Close now, his body almost pins her to the wall. His eyes darken with desire and tenderness.
"What makes you so sure she'll say yes?" he whispers, his breath warm on her face, heart pounding.
"Because she loves him," she murmurs, fingers curling into his shirt. "She'd be a fool to say no."
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fuxuannie · 14 hours
ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ 𝐢'𝐦 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 | kenji sato x gender neutral reader
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love mail — reallllyy quick req from a friend (this took 20 mins pls bear w me) ヽ(o´3`o)ノ i love u all chu chu, this is an OVERLY done trope with this song but guys please let me 😞 be delulu
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︰꒱꒱ YOU AND KENJI USED TO BE BEST FRIENDS. you met when he transferred to america, and it was mostly due to connections. it was around the time he had gotten popular, but not quiet there yet — and you had been part of an underground band that began gaining traction as well. you two got along well, late night banters, him listening to you sing while he would practice baseball.. you became each others routines. his practices would feel empty without your presence, and your singing wasn't as fun without him.
when he had to move back, you were devastated. you were both at the highest points of your careers, and you relied heavily on each other during an equally difficult time — so to hear him have to leave, and not even sure for how long.. it scared you. he'd likely be missing so many of your milestones, and it's not like you could beg him to stay either. you two were.. just friends. nothing more. even if your heart screamed at you to be something more, to tell him that as you dropped him off at the airport, — when he turned his back away from you and was about to enter.. when he actually looked back before going inside. regret finally settled in when he was no longer in view, and you crumbled, feeling lost as you realized you couldn't see him anymore.
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years have passed since that day, and you eventually had to move on. life gets busy, after all. bu5 it wasn't like you weren't keeping tabs on him, though. you had his games livestreaming during rehearsals and you would even watch some of his interviews in japan. one of these days, however — you had accidentally kept a live interview running as you entered the room of your makeup department, preparing for your third live performance of your big tour. not getting to see the rest of the stream as the question for ken sato followed; "with the giants big comeback season coming to an end, do you ever plan to return to america?" the journalist asked curiously, and kenji only laughed — feeling rather excited to answer the question. "yes, actually. i'll be attending a concert with a few old friends, and i'm looking forward to that."
he looked straight to the camera, his smile soft, — he was hoping, praying that you were watching. "i'm coming back, sweetheart."
the fifth night was the biggest one the whole tour, it had completely sold out tickets — and that made you worry. not only that, but now the rumors of ken sato coming back to america were going around.. and the coincidences — they seemed to align a bit too well. but you shook your head, deciding something as trivial as someone from your past be a distraction was something you weren't about to let slide, so you close your laptop and meet your bandmates back stage, chatting away about how exciting tonight was going to be.
on the other hand, kenji arrived in america yesterday. missing just the fourth night of your tour. and decided to plan a little surprise for you, with the power of connections — he had gotten in touch with your manager and bandmates, and it was going to be the most memorable performance of your career.
"how about singing 'still into you' by paramore for our last song?" your drummer suggested, smiling cheekily. "a cover song? a strange suggestion," you respond, only for your guitarist to chime in with an equally endearing smirk. "not at all, we all know the song anyway. i used to play it for my gigs." he shrugged, and you eyed your amazing bandmates curiously. "are you all plotting something...?"
"absolutely not.."
"you're crazy!"
"we just want to play a good song to end the night."
despite their obviously suspicious responses, you shrugged it off. it was a pretty catchy song anyway, and who knows — maybe you'll get to let out those unsaid feelings for kenji through singing.. hoping he'd hear, even if it felt crazy to even imagine that he'll hear, or reciprocate.
the stadium had slowly filled up with people, and in only an hour there were now hundreds of people waiting for your band to show up on stage, — and you still didn't feel any less nervous even after four other shows prior to this. your manager noticed your nerves, and put a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "you'll kill it, (name)." she tells you, giving a big smile. "just perform the last song and you'll be able to head home, yeah?" and that helped you feel a little better.. only a few songs, and perform the cover song, and you will be able to rest again. yeah.. not so bad! you can do this. you will do this.
taking a deep breath — you're the first one to enter the spotlight; people cheered your name, and you relished in the feeling. god, you wouldn't trade performing for the world. as you introduced the rest of your bandmates, who received an equal amount of uproar and applause, you spoke into the mic. "thank you, everyone! we're excited to perform here tonight, — and we've got a special surprise for you at the end, so make sure to stick around for that!" you smiled, the crowd going insane with cheers. all your problems seemed to melt away when you were on stage and infront of an audience.
as you performed the last original song of your band, the applause seemed to only get louder after each ending. you had sat down on the stage, dangling your feet on the edge as you tried to get a little interactive with the audience. "tonight, we're going to be performing a.. cover song! a little unusual, but the band seemed insistent on it — and who am i to deny my family?" you stood up, laughing as the crowd began to once again lose their absolute minds as the instrumental of 'still into you' began.
"you know your cue?" kenji couldn't even focus as he hid backstage, his eyes didn't leave you the moment you went out there and started singing. my god, you were as breath—taking as he remembered, and he put no effort into hiding how he felt as your manager rolled your eyes. "wait till the last few lines, loverboy. don't disappoint."
"some things just, some things just make sense and one of those is you and i!"
okay, maybe you needed this. these lyrics almost resonated with you personally, — with the feelings you've held back for years. you sang for someone who will never get to hear these words from you, and you sang with your entire heart, hoping that by some chance — maybe he'd know. (which he definitely did)
"and even after all this time—"
you needed a breather, and thank goodness the crowd started singing the next bit for you. as you were focused on breathing, your bandmates looked at each other, and to kenji hiding backstage. signaling it was almost his time. taking one deep breath, you continued, your smile much brighter and determined as you kept a firm grip on the mic.
"let em wonder how we got this far, cause i don't really need to wonder at all!" kenji felt a quick shove behind him, immediately rushing him to get on that stage behind you. he had a hoodie up and his head down so to the audience members who were far away — they didn't get a good look at the random hooded man on stage. but to the vip members? they were desperately trying to get a closer look, trying to make sense of who exactly the mysterious figure was. "yeah, after all this time—"
"i'm still into you,"
he'll start by lifting his head up as he walked towards you, and almost immediately, gasps erupt from the vip audience, making you a little confused. if only you saw the wide grinned kenji behind you, he looked like he was looking at an angel, and admittedly? you were one to him.
"i'm still into you,"
next to go was his hoodie, and that confirmed to everyone attending that night who exactly was on that stage with you. now the cheers were getting louder, a few audience members were even pointing behind you; did the visuals mess up? a few people seemed to notice your confusion, so the fans began to yell 'turn around!', so this had to be a visual issue. turning around, your heart drops.
"i'm still—" the sight of his smile, in person, after so long.. you felt your heart genuinely skip a beat as thousands of bottled up feelings suddenly came over you. and all you could do was clutch your microphone, needing to focus the song — with that being the very thin rope holding you back from erupting into tears.
"sweetheart." he calls for you, god, that nickname had you weak.
"—into you."
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