#and that my masculine birthgiven name was the name i was trying to change my name to
yoshistory · 1 year
slowly coming out to people at work and today i decided to come out to a woman i know does not like transgender people and she stopped me and said "no, i know what you are. i knew when you came in one day and you always had a very sweet, beautiful voice and it turned hard one day, suddenly. i know. and i have my own opinions. i know a lot of gays and lesbians and all kinds of people, trust me. and i respect you. but i have my own opinions under god. and you live your life." and literally earlier that day she had called me a "strong, very beautiful woman" which is part of why i did this. and i asked why, if she knew, that she did that anyways. and she said "well, it's how i see you, as you were born." and i just put up one finger and waggled it and said "we will not discuss this further". and like i knew this would happen. but oh well! i honestly thought she would be the kind of person who was sort of furious about it because it how she always seemed.
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