#and that is to keep the onew tag as positive as possible
onewistotoro · 7 years
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all I can say is thank you. thank you for sharing with us his precious smile throughout these years. capturing beautiful memories of one person as a way of supporting him, I think that is one priceless gift and it will be cherished for a very long time ~~
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minhoandthebabes · 6 years
Suburban Dad AU part 27/??
TECHNICALLY this is part 24, it’s what I had initially intended to be part 24, but then I went on hiatus and started writing random things in the au.. but yeah, this part goes right after part 23 if you would like to read that before you read this...
Anywho... I have many people to thank for making this possible, but I don’t think I should tag all of them ;; I just want to thank all of you guys for being patient with me.. I know this has been a long time coming.. and I’m sorry to keep you waiting, I hope to write more tomorrow~ but thank you so much for the people who sent me messages, encouraging me to keep going.
You can find the rest of this series (if you haven’t read it) in this tag
Thank you again <3 I love you all
Taemin was passed out, snoring between Minho and Kibum. Kibum’s hands played with Taemin’s locks, brushing them out of his face and twirling them with his fingers. There was an unspoken silence between the two. Minho was reading, glasses balanced at the bridge of his nose while Kibum’s eyes traced his face, pausing at Minho’s lips. He watched as Minho’s lips twitched as if he were trying to sound out the words in his head, an unknown habit, and one that Kibum found endearing. When he recognized Minho was finished with a passage he finally spoke up.
Minho glanced up from his reading and pushed his glasses back to their original position, “Yes?”
Kibum adjusted so that his head was balanced on his hand, “What happened today?” He was hesitant, worried to reveal what the other couldn't even speak of.
Minho sighed and planted his bookmark back into the pages, closing his book. His hands smoothed the cover as he began to speak, “My ex.. Sulli? She,” he looked at Taemin, his son’s hand was resting on his own. When he saw it, he couldn’t help but notice how Taemin’s hand had grown, his fingers that used to be little fat stubs were now stretched, and fanned out on the palm of his hand. “She wants to see the kids.” He looked up meeting Kibum’s eyes, “I got so mad Kibum.. I didn’t mean to, but I got so incredibly mad.”
Kibum’s hand came to Minho’s cheek, “I’m sorry, that must have been so hard..”
“I don’t know what to do.. I told her she couldn’t even think of seeing them.”
“How do you feel? What do you think is the best option?” Kibum dropped his hand to Minho’s shoulder, his thumb rubbing lightly against the bare skin. Minho finally closed his book and set the book and his glasses on his bedside table, knowing this conversation would be more in-depth than he had initially thought.
Taemin adjusted, rolling over to Minho’s chest, a warm smile graced his lips for only a moment. “I want her to stay away.. Far away from my boys. I don’t want her to hurt them again.”
Kibum sighed clearly seeing the frustration on his face, “I.. I know this is different, but..” he started with hesitation, not wanting to upset Minho, “I would give anything to let Jinki and Onew get to know my ex-husband. Their biological mother is alive and healthy, shouldn’t you ask them what they want to do first?”
Minho let out an annoyed sigh, he grabbed Taemin by his middle and pulled him closer as he scooted towards Kibum.
“I know what you’re saying is right.. But at the same time, she wanted nothing to do with them, why does she want to be with them now?” He said softly as he petted Taemin’s head. The hair was starting to grow in thick. Before Minho knew it, Taemin would just like his brothers, strong and independent, but for now, Minho enjoyed how attached he still seemed to be to his parents. The silence was growing heavier between them and Minho finally spoke up, “You know.. she’s actually engaged or married.. I don’t really remember, I don’t really care.. I guess deep down I’m afraid she’ll try to take the boys from me so she can enjoy her new life with her new husband.”
Kibum just let Minho talk, but finally, he spoke up after that. “That’s not legal, right..?”
“I don’t know. She and I never properly got divorced, but I remember looking it up once. Basically, if a parent abandons a child, they lose all parental rights, so I think it’s up to me to decide.”
“Then I still say you talk with Jonghyun and Taemin.. If they want to see their mom and ask her questions, I think they should. In the end, it will give them more closure and they won’t be stuck asking “what if?”” Kibum said, his voice gentle to keep with the intimate mood.
Letting another silence settle between the two, Minho reached over to rub Kibum’s head, “You’re perfect, you know that?”
Kibum laughed softly, “What makes you say that..?” he asked.
“Just meeting her again reminded me of how much I love you and how much I wanted to come back and see you and the boys.. It really shook me up.” Minho wrapped an arm around Kibum’s waist while the other held on to Taemin. He kissed the side of Kibum’s head, wanting to feel that intimacy for a moment.
Kibum smiled, always happy when Minho got sappy. He looked up at Minho and kissed his cheek in return. At that moment, Taemin started to shift on top of them, seemingly annoyed with the movements and sounds.
“We should really sleep.. Tomorrow’s Saturday and the boys have a soccer game,” He reminded Minho, pulling the blanket up around them, making sure Taemin was covered.
“When are we going to get Taemin to sleep without us?” Minho sighed, “I want to just cuddle you when I sleep.”
Kibum chuckled, “You can still cuddle me, and I’ll cuddle Taemin.. He’ll grow out of it eventually I’m sure. He’ll want to join the older boys anyway.” Kibum took Taemin from Minho’s arms and turned onto his side, holding the young boy. Minho took that as his cue to wrap his arms around Kibum, sliding closer so his chest was against Kibum’s back and his face was buried in his hair.
“Good night, baby,” Minho said, kissing his neck.
Kibum turned off the light and settled again, “Good night, Min.” He said back, softer than Minho.
The next morning came abruptly with Minho’s alarm blaring on his bedside table. Minho awoke to see Taemin and Kibum still sleeping soundly beside him. He was impressed to see Kibum was still sleeping despite the sound. He rolled over and turned off his alarm. Despite wanting to stay in the warm bed with his boys, he knew he needed to go for a run before the other three woke up for their soccer game.
The morning flew by in a blur. Between the game and having to make breakfast for everyone while Taemin crawled all over them, begging for pancakes, and saying omelets were bad for him and he’d die if he had another one.
Kibum, being the gracious father that he was, told Taemin he would have omelets and like it as his brothers needed the protein before they played their game.
At the game, they had to deal with a now pouty Taemin who didn’t want to do what his brothers did, but luckily he was able to entertain himself, picking the white flowers that grew amongst the clover.
Once they were all home, and everyone had a flower from Taemin, Minho decided it was time to sit Taemin and Jonghyun down to discuss their mother. He didn’t want to do it, but with Kibum’s encouragement, he knew it had to be done.
Minho called Jonghyun into the living room, pulling him away from playing Minecraft with the others. He was already carrying Taemin on his hip so he had both boys with him when Jonghyun arrived.
“Hey dad, what is this about?” he asked, sitting on the couch, “I was kinda in the middle of something..”
Minho chuckled, “I know, I’m sorry.. I have something really important to talk about with you two.” He started, setting Taemin down beside Jonghyun. He kneeled down so he was eye level with Taemin and found himself looking between the two boys. There was a somber hush that had fallen between them and Minho wasn’t ready to break it. He didn’t want to start the difficult discussion, but he couldn’t back away now.
“I.. I met your mother..” He said, reaching out place a hand on Taemin’s small knee. “She found me at work and we talked a bit.. She told me she wants to see you guys again.” Minho was trying not to impose his own emotions on the boys, but it couldn’t be helped. He was clearly unhappy about the situation.
Jonghyun immediately bristled, clearly bothered by Minho’s words. “I don’t want to.” he said bluntly, his arms crossed on his chest, “I hate her.” His voice was sharp and Taemin started to look concerned after hearing his reaction. Jonghyun wouldn’t look at anyone, choosing instead to stare at his blue pajama pants.
His youngest looked between Jonghyun and Minho before finally crossing his arms too. “I don’t wanna.” he said, agreeing with Jonghyun, “she made daddy sad.”
Minho sighed, he could see Taemin was just following his brother, such a common trait of kids his age. Minho reached out and ruffled Taemin’s hair. “Taemin, you can do whatever you want.. If you want to meet her for the first time, you’re welcome to. I’m sure you don’t remember her at all. You and I can go on our own.”
Taemin looked at Minho with wide eyes before looking at Jonghyun for his approval but only received an empty response. “I want to,” he said, looking at his dad, “I want to meet mom.” Hearing Taemin call her “mom” felt like a stab to the heart, he closed his eyes to work through the emotion for a moment before he nodded, “Okay, yeah.. We can meet her, Jonghyun, you’re welcome to stay here.”
Jonghyun huffed and slipped off the couch. “I’m going to play video games.” He said, leaving the other two behind.
Minho gave Taemin a small smile, “It’s still raw for him, it is for me too, but I want to do whatever you want Taemin, it’s only fair.”
Taemin gave Minho a nod, “I want to.. I don’t know her.”
“I understand, there’s nothing wrong with that.. It’s healthy after all.” He kissed Taemin’s forehead. “I love you Taemin, I’ll always be here for you.”
Taemin wrapped his little arms around Minho’s neck, holding him close. Minho picked up Taemin, cradling him in his arms, enjoying the peaceful moment. Taemin always knew what to do. For a little kid, he seemed to read emotions well.
“Now, let’s go make those pancakes,” Minho grinned, “I think I owe you some.”
(bonus material)
“I want you to come with me today,” Minho said to Kibum in the wee hours of the morning before anyone had woken up, the sun was just barely streaming into their window, signaling another hot sunny summer day. Luckily, on that day, Taemin had chosen to sleep with Jinki and Jonghyun in their bed.
“I really don’t want to go out on my own with just Taemin, you know how I worry about him and fighting.. I just need someone to keep me calm.”
Kibum rolled onto his side to look at Minho. He had red lines on his cheek from his pillow and his hair had formed a mess around his face, making Kibum look softer, “Are you sure? I don’t want to get in the middle of this..”
Minho sighed, rubbing Kibum's shoulder with his thumb, “I know.. She was just so anti-gay when I came out.. I’m afraid she’ll want to take Taemin because we’re “gay and disgusting” but having you there.. It would serve as a little barrier between me and her.”
“Fine, I’ll come.. But only if you take me out afterward,” Kibum said, grinning. “I want to go to a nice place for lunch.”
“Deal,” Minho smiled, “Hey.. everyone’s still asleep..” he noted, surprised Taemin hadn’t come in to disturb them yet. “Want to..?” His hand moved from Kibum’s shoulder down his chest until he found his boxers.
Kibum smirked, “sounds good to me.” He slipped closer to Minho, connecting their lips. Minho’s hands were immediately slipping under Kibum’s pants to massage his ass beneath the fabric as they enjoyed their intimate privacy. He couldn’t believe the two of them had spent so much time apart before moving in. He was so happy they were able to share these moments now however, it felt as if they were constantly making up for lost time.
As Minho catered to Kibum he could feel Kibum opening up to him, moaning and slipping closer so his knee was between Minho’s legs, rubbing at his crotch through his boxers.
Minho worked on removing Kibum’s pants, throwing off the blanket. He was ready to do more, it had been so long since they had had a moment to themselves. He pushed down Kibum’s boxers and took him into his hand, rubbing at the forming erection.
It only took a moment before Minho heard a little voice at the door, “Daddy?”
Minho jumped and scrambled to pull the blanket back up for Kibum, protecting his dignity.
“Perfect fucking timing,” Kibum mumbled, pulling the covers up to his neck.
Minho got out of bed and picked up Taemin, “Hey Taeminnie! Good morning! Are you ready to meet Sulli today?”
Taemin nodded, rubbing his eyes, “Why does Key daddy have his pants off?” he asked, “silly daddy..”
Laughing, Minho sat down on the bed, “I think daddy was hot last night.. I should have turned up the air conditioning,” he kissed Taemin’s forehead as he laid down with his son on his chest. It was an interesting start to an interesting day..
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