#and thankful that y'all like my very au versions of the boys lol i was so apprehensive about writing smth so au but i'm glad i did now <3
johnslittlespoon · 2 months
7.5k into yad(iym) ch6 and hoping to finish it tn... but i can't stop thinking about john bratting in tough and sweet. god. GODDD oh it's gonna be soooo fun when their relationship progresses lolll i'm gonna need to be sedated i have so many ideas
(ahahaaaa john being difficult all day in one of his stubbornly independent moods, running his mouth and getting on gale's last nerve bc he's learned exactly what buttons to press to get the ever–patient man to snap. except even in his annoyance, gale knows exactly what john's doing so when they get home he lays back and puts his arms behind his head and tells john "go ahead baby, put your money where your mouth is if you wanna run it all day." doesn't lift a finger, makes john struggle to get his clothes out of the way, pretends to be bored and unaffected while he watches john fluster himself/get himself worked up without gale even touching him, has john do all the work of prepping the both of them, john continuing to run his mouth all the while, but it's hard to take him seriously when every other word ends on a whimper. gale lets himself relax and watches john wear himself out riding him until john's thighs start to shake from the effort and the constant stream of words quiets, and john's legs give out as he sinks down with a defeated whine of gale's name. he makes john ask nicely– "i thought you don't need my help with anything, doll, what happened?", coaxes a frustrated "i do gale, i'm sorry, can y'please just help me–" and cuts john off with a rock of his hips and a "since you asked so nicely." and john goes boneless on top of gale, folding in half to slump over his chest, face pressed to gale's neck gasping out the prettiest noises and "thank you"s while gale gives him what he's been needing all day xoxo)
oh shid my finger slipped sry
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staytheb · 4 years
Never Forget
Pairing: SKZ’s Chan x OC [Kierra] Genre: idol!au, slice of life, slight fluff Word Count: 1,166 Summary: Chris visits Kierra in hopes of cheering her up as from what he’s been informed by Linna that she’s been feeling down.
the masterlist for Chris x Kierra
Warning: none, i think
the title is based on DMTN’s newest release of the same name because it’s on repeat and i didn’t know what else to titled it and leaving as is. the other thing is that i’ve been feeling this type of way since even before Chan released 인정하기 싫어. so it’s just that type of mood you usually fall into, but not sure if that’s just me as i’ve been listening to OOR’s Heartache, too. but it’s also the reason why i actually haven’t been in the mood to write and even though i try, it doesn’t last that long and i need to move from one thing to another. but it’s not all that angsty tbh, so no worries. i’ll try to work on the other request that i have, but i’m really having trouble with that as i even had a tough time in wanting to write this to get it out of my head and what not. but yeah, this one is standalone and don’t need to be read with the others to make sense. just adding it to the ChrisxKierra pair. lol so yeah, happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
Chris entered Kierra's apartment to once again surprise his girlfriend just like last time. Although this time around he was informed by Linna that Kierra's been in a weird mood lately and suggested for him to come and cheer her up when he had the time. Luckily, he had free time and came to do just that despite his busy schedule. When Chris inputted the same code from last time he was curious as to what Kierra's mood was like since the pass-code hadn't changed. His curiosity was piqued when he heard music loudly playing and followed the sound after placing his things on the floor and taking off his shoes.
Chris walked towards the kitchen and spotted Kierra's back while making something as her body swayed to the beat of the same song that he heard was playing. He gazed at her lovingly wondering who she was listening to as he had never heard the song before. Chris wondered even more when he realized that the same song played again after it was over. Chris realized that Kierra had the song on repeat when it played a second time since he's been there. He slightly frowned upon listening to the lyrics as it seemed it was about an unforgettable love and the feelings of being sorry.
~After a hard day, you became the place to go back~
Chris' ears perked up upon faintly hearing Kierra's singing voice. He knew that his girlfriend wasn't much of a singer and that she hardly ever wanted to sing in general, but when she really enjoyed a song she would unconsciously sing aloud parts of it. Without realizing it himself, but Chris' legs moved on their own and towards Kierra as he wrapped his arms around her waist for a back-hug. He snuggled against her wanting to let her know that he was there for her.
~You light up my world, I'll never forget it, I will hug all the sad times~
Kierra had sung the chorus bit while making rice balls and stopped once she felt arms unexpectedly encircled from behind her. She slightly tensed upon the contact as she glanced down to stare at what it was before glancing over her left shoulder when she felt something placed itself there. A small smile graced her lips when she realized it was just her boyfriend being all cuddly with her. Kierra instantly relaxed her postured and lowered the volume of the music as she returned back to making rice balls before speaking.
"So what's the special reason for your Honey-Caramel-Vanilla-Chocolate-Sugar-Warm-Fuzzy-and-Cuddly hug, hmm?"
Chris chuckled while re-positioning his head so that his chin was now resting on Kierra's shoulder instead of his cheek. He casually watched as she continued making the various rice balls.
"Linna messaged me earlier that you've been down lately since she heard you replaying my song, Hate to Admit, when it was released. Another song with 'heartache' in it and more other related songs. She told me to come by and cheer you up when I could."
Kierra scoffed.
"Of course she would, but I'm not really feeling down per se. I was listening to some older songs and then when I listened to Hate to Admit when it came out it got me feeling some type of way. I was also listening to ONE OK ROCK's Heartache at the same time, too, so it's just..."
Kierra wasn't sure how to word it, but Chris understood what she was feeling and trying to explain.
"It's just one of those days, right? When you're just feeling that sort of way."
"Yeah, something like that."
"It's all good. I know what you mean."
A comfortable silence fell between them shortly afterwards as the only sound was from the same song still playing and Kierra making rice balls. Chris broke it a moment later.
"So, who are you listening to now?"
"Oh, it's DMTN's Never Forget. It just got released a few hours ago and I'm hoping that they'll release a music video for it though."
"Ah, that's why I haven't heard it year and it won't have one?"
"Not sure. This is in celebration of their tenth anniversary this year, but their first comeback in like seven years."
"Oh, you must be a big fan of them."
Kierra let out a chuckle before speaking soon after.
"I am multi-fandom. Also, before I was a STAY, I was a Dalmate, too."
"Yes, yes. You remind me of your multi-fandom love often, but that's a cute fandom name though."
"It is. Anyways, are you gonna let go or am I gonna have to reason with you?"
"Can't you reason with me while I still continue to hug you?"
"I thought you're Honey-Caramel-Vanilla-Chocolate-Sugar-Warm-Fuzzy-and-Cuddly hugs were only for special occasions."
"It still is."
Chris hugged Kierra tighter and nuzzled his face against hers. Kierra try to shy away even though she knew it was futile. Still she didn't want to give up just yet.
"I'm pretty sure someone has a very busy schedule that they need to focus on, right?"
"It's okay. I'm always able to make time for you."
"Don't forget STAYs."
"True, too."
"You're members."
"Also, true."
Kierra huffed as Chris laughed. Kierra partially gave up.
"Fine. If that's how you wanna play. If you keep this up that laptop of yours will get stolen like they want."
"At least I know who the culprit will be."
"At least I'll have the full demo version of I Am You."
Chris chuckled again, but didn't respond. Kierra sighed as she held up the finished rice ball she just molded towards her boyfriend's face.
Chris smiled happily as he leaned closer and took a bite of it.
"It's good."
"That's good. Now take it and go eat over there by yourself."
"But I don't want to unless you join me."
"I will if only someone would behave so I could finish the rest of these."
Chris plucked the bitten rice ball from out of Kierra's hand and went to the small table to finish it while leaving his girlfriend to make the rest. It was short-lived when loud chatter could be heard a moment later and Linna's voice calling out for Kierra.
"Kierra, hope you started dinner! The rest of the boys are here."
"Seriously?" Kierra mumbled to herself.
She groaned before psyching herself.
"Alright, working on it!" Kierra called back before shooting her boyfriend a look.
"This is why y'all need to stay at your place instead of coming here when you're free."
Chris cast Kierra a sheepish look as he ate the rest of the rice ball before speaking.
"How about I actually give you that full demo of I Am You to make up for it?"
Kierra shot her boyfriend another look, but didn't respond as she started another task to prepare dinner.
"And I'll help you make dinner, too." Chris offered as he got back up and assisted his girlfriend.
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(sorry this is a bit late, school’s been a bit of a busy mess lately, ahhh)
The ‘cotton candy cutie Damien’ referred to here is from an AU I did some doodles for a while ago wherein Damien is the one who lost his mind in WKM instead of Will, while Celine and William came together to form a different version of Dark (generally called the Colonel or some variation thereof by most who drabble in this AU).
He goes by Dames, generally speaking, call him Damien to his face and your safety is forfeit
Only the Colonel can call him Damien, sometimes (the terrifying man is soft on the cotton candy murderer and everyone can tell even if saying so outright would probably guarantee them some form painful punishment)
Dames loves confectionery cake treats, things like cupcakes and cheesecake and chocolate cake and brownies, and things like marshmallows and cotton candy and milkshakes are all his favorite kinds of sweets
Less of a happy-go-lucky/what-the-fuck-is-death attitude like Wilford’s, more of a I’m-soft-and-I-care-a-lot-about-everyone/If-you-even-look-at-my-loved-ones-wrong-I’ll-bash-your-head-in/wait-no-please-what’s-happened-I’m-sorry-I-didn’t-mean-to-please kinda terrifying whiplash attitude
Everything in shades of soft blue and creamy yellow, he’s v into pastel aesthetics (dark and intense colors make him anxious and he doesn’t know why)
Guns and loud booming sounds scare him half to death, they’re a very big trigger sometimes
When he’s scared, he clutches his cane close, and god help you if you even think about trying to grab it away from him then
Sometimes you catch him wandering the halls of the egos’ shared home, looking for someone he can’t remember
Sometimes you have to gently pry his cane away from his shaking hands in order to wash away the red staining it in the moments in between
He’s so sweet and thoughtful that it honestly physically hurts
A Good Boi who just wants to make sure everyone is having a Good Time
Honestly gives really good advice (he likes to make everyone feel listened to as much as he can)
He focuses so much on the tiny details of life, the little things that make life worth while, that sometimes you have to pull him out of his little introspective trances
Very sweet but also very anxious boi
Seriously he gets so fuckn frazzled sometimes he can barely talk (he has own little quiet space in his room he can squirrel away into most of the time, thankfully)
He really doesn’t know what’s going on or where he is or what he’s doing in this existence sometimes and it’s really very fucking tragic-
Five minutes ago he was smiling at the bumble bees outside and now he sobbing in the hallway and nobody knows what to do please send help
Several of the egos suspect some type of personality/mood disorder was triggered by his mysterious but very clear trauma and they’re probably not far wrong
Suspicious lapses in memory are suspicious (and also very sad and indicative of his metal state tbh)
If Wilford is sex incarnate then Dames is soft and cuddly pillow talk come to life
(Y'all can pry gay Damien from my cold dead hands but if that ain’t ya headcanon of choice feel free to ignore this one of mine: Dames’ mind is so cracked that internalized homophobia is least important thing in his life rn tbh so he’s more or less unconsciously elected to stop giving a shit about that; he comes home every now and again with different men, all rugged and strong but with bright, charming smiles that remind Dames terribly of someone he can’t quite grasp in his mind-)
Despite the veritable cinnamon role aura around him, no one really worries about him, at least not physically speaking. Dames’ has proven many times over he doesn’t much need to be looked after, if the blood puddles staining in his studio floor are any indication
I’m very much convinced that Dames would try something in entertainment, similarly to Wilford, like being a talk show host, something like Dr. Phil or maybe Oprah, a show where he’s a sweet, charming host that talks to people about life and their problems and generally gives very good advice-
-except when things go a lil bit awry and someone has to be called in to clean the blood spills and other various unfortunate gross bits.
Dames’ perception of death is less ‘lmao-isn’t-this-fun-oh-he’ll-be-fine-lol-a-lil-stabbing-never-hurt-anyone’ and more like ‘oh-oh-shit-wait-no-what-happened-I-swear-we-were-just-having-a-good-time-but-then-he-started-screaming-and-I-don’t-know-what-to-do’ along with a painful dose of 'he’ll-be-okay-right-they’re-always-okay-yeah-we-can-come-back-when-he’s-feeling-better-it’s-okay-I-know-it-is’
Damien never fucking lets go of that damn cane of his own free will (usually it can only be gently taken away when he’s not in his right mind and, subsequently, the cane needs to be cleaned of it’s unsavory stains)
He’s so clingy and emotionally unstable on top of everything it’s really sad tbh
If you even fucking look at Damien wrong, the Colonel will have your damn head and you’ll never be heard from ever again-
Seriously, I love this AU so much, I really gotta doodle something else for it when I get the chance to. Thanks a bunch for the ask, anon! ♡
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theolddarkmachine · 7 years
IT'S THE FINAAAAL CHAPTEEEEEER! (To the tune of Final Countdown.) This was a tiring challenge, y'all, but felt like the best way to come out of my writing hiatus. It definitely got me back into a writing headspace, and I'll definitely be excited to continue with some stuff. If y'all have any preferences for the type of fics you would like to me to work on-- like fluff, smut, AU, etc-- lemme know! I will definitely NOT be writing something everyday moving forward lol Cuz that shit wild, but if you happen to have any prompts you'd like to sling my way, I'd love to do like one or two one-shots a week based on those! I'll also most likely be starting a longform fic within the next week or so :) THANK YOU ALL FOR TAKING TIME OUT OF YOUR DAY TO READ WHAT I HAD TO WRITE!
(Also, nothing rated R, but some getting naked does occur near the end)
His name was Geppetto, and honestly, he should have been as easy wizard to defeat. It should have been a one-and-done, in-and-out, little to no fucking about. His magic was a bit like Bickslow’s, except instead of putting souls into dolls, he was able to make the dolls into real people. The problem was, they turned into kids so they didn’t really pose much of a threat. (Haha, Geppetto, Pinocchio, Levy got it.) In fact, on the surface it had seemed easy enough. Gajeel, Levy and Panther Lily had taken him out pretty easily. There had been a slight scare when Lily had been hit with a spell square in the chest, but while it had thrown him back quite a ways, he’d gotten up and managed to continue to fight until they had the guy in cuffs.
Their little family had been triumphant, hit the bar at the guild on the way home before they stumbled into their house, Levy and Gajeel retiring to their room upstairs and Lily heading to his downstairs. The three of them were very unprepared for the surprise that met them in the morning.
Levy was having another dream about the small, faceless blue haired children. Though they didn’t have faces, they knew they were supposed to be hers. The first time she’d had the dream, it had really freaked her out. Her and Gajeel had been married now for about a year and a half, and she was aware that the next step was kids. She wanted kids with him, of course she did. In fact, she wanted nothing more than to be able to create a tiny person that they could call their very own. The miracle of life was honestly a fascinating thing. However, the idea of pushing a miniature Gajeel out of her body was the single most terrifying thing she had ever imagined. So it wasn’t like she was in any rush. He didn’t seem to be in any rush either, they were just fine with their little family that consisted of themselves and Panther Lily. That didn’t seem to stop everyone’s incessant questioning.
The questions had started a few months into their marriage, she suspected after folks had deemed their “honeymoon phase” to be over. The first dream followed shortly after, causing her to wake up in a panic, the shirt she stole from Gajeel for her pajamas soaked through with a cold sweat. She’d gotten used to the dreams by now, almost welcomed the little glimpse into her future, whenever they finally decided to work on that. Tonight’s dream featured the family all snuggling together on their bed as rain fell outside. The faceless girl was curled up in the crook of Gajeel’s arm, her head resting on his chest as she traced random designs onto his dark shirt. The faceless boy was tucked under Levy’s chin, tinkering with a little iron dragon. It felt so real as she rest her cheek on top of the boy’s hair, enjoying the imagined warmth on her cheek. She could definitely be okay with this.
“Psst, Gajeel,” the faceless boy said. Huh, that was weird, Levy thought to herself as her dream self looked down at the kid. They normally didn’t talk in her dream, and she’d definitely thought her kids would refer to Gajeel as dad, even if they were just her dream children. “Psst,” another hiss from the faceless boy. She heard small footsteps shuffling across the room before a small finger poked into her cheek. That felt entirely too real to be a dream. Her eyes fluttered open, the image of the faceless children falling away and replaced by another child. This one definitely had a face, and was very much real. He was incredibly close to Levy’s face, so much so all she could see were wide dark eyes, and a deep scar through the kid’s left eyebrow.
Gajeel hadn’t ever woken up as quickly in his life as he had when he heard Levy scream. Without fully opening his eyes, he grabbed a hold of her arm pulling her back into him as he leapt out of the bed. He held her to his chest with his right arm, unleashing his scales over his left to protect them from whatever danger had caused her to cry out. Only, it didn’t look there was anything there.
“Levy, what the hell?” He croaked, his voice still heavy with sleep as he let her go. The bluenette just pointed to her side of the bed, and he saw her arm tremble slightly. He squinted in that direction, wondering if maybe there had been a big bug or something that he’d missed. Anything that would warrant that kind of scream so early in the morning. That’s when the small head peaked over the edge of the bed. It continued to rise to reveal a kid that didn’t look like he could be more than 5 or 6 years old. He was a small little thing, with shaggy black hair, wide black eyes and dressed in nothing more than a pair of green pants. A pair of green pants that looked oddly familiar. That’s when Gajeel noticed the scar through his eyebrow.
“Holy shit,” he muttered, not believing his eyes. “Lily?” The kid’s eyes sparkled as his bottom lip started to quiver. He hopped up on the bed and ran across it before leaping into the air and onto Gajeel, throwing his little arms around the dragon slayer’s neck.
“Gajeel,” Lily cried in his neck. “I don’t know what happened but I don’t want to be a kiiiiid.” If it wasn’t for how shocking the whole thing was, it actually would have been a little funny. He wrapped his arms around his friend as he held him up.
“Lily?” Levy said curiously, looking at Gajeel who just shrugged.
“Hey, c’mon bud, it’s okay,” he tried to say reassuringly as he started bouncing the former exceed as one would any other child that was fussy.
“Don’t patronize meeeee,” Lily whined into his neck, pulling on a handful of Gajeel’s hair. He couldn’t help but chuckle. Of course Lil would be able to still use words like patronize but not be able to control his tear ducts. Levy reached out hesitantly before she started to rub Lily’s back. Gajeel could feel his dragon parent instinct rearing to life as he continued to hold his friend. It didn’t matter that normally he could become a behemoth of a panther with a giant sword, right now he was just a kid and he knew he needed to protect him.
“How about we go make some breakfast, Lil,” he said as soothingly as he could before walking towards the door. He wasn’t quite sure what the hell was happening, but he did know pancakes would be a step in the right direction.
Levy still wasn’t exactly sure how to wrap her mind around the fact she was walking hand-in-hand with a tiny human version of Panther Lily. Gajeel had made them pancakes, which seemed to calm the one exceed down quite a bit, though he did occasional sniffle as he sat on his designated seat at their table. They’d kept him preoccupied with some paper and pencils from her work station as they stole away to do the dishes and discuss whatever it was that was going on.
“So I was thinking,” she’d started as she grabbed the freshly washed dish from Gajeel and started to wipe it dry with a towel.
“What else is new,” he’d said, elbowing her lightly in the arm. She added the dry plate to her finished stack as she stuck her tongue out at him.
“Not the time for jokes, Redfox,” she’d said as sternly as she could. (Which, wasn’t very.) “I was thinking, do you think this may have been from when he got hit by Geppetto?” “There’s always time for jokes, Redfox,” he’d shot back, winking at her before turning his eyes back to the dish he was working on. The kitchen was filled with the sound of the water running as he scrubbed the syrup off. “It’s definitely a possibility. We should ask Makarov though before we do anything else.”
And that was how Levy ended up here, walking towards the hall with the 5-year-old Lily, who was wearing one of her white shirts that she normally reserved for training since it was the only thing small enough to fit him. Stupid Gajeel, sending her to the guild alone with a kid knowing full well how everyone had been giving her grief. All because he “had to go find something in the attack real quick.” Like she believed that. When this fiasco was over, he was going to pay for throwing her to the wolves like this. They were now standing in front of the entrance, and she was just trying to mentally prepare. With any luck, everyone would be out. She felt Lily tug on her hand for her attention.
“Are you okay, Levy?” He asked, cocking his head to the side. She felt her heart squeeze at the sight of him. He was honestly too adorable for words.
“I’m fine, Lil,” she smiled at him. “Just trying to explain what I’m doing with a tiny human is all.” He muttered, his lower lip poking out as he looked at her with that displeased look only children managed to pull off.
“I’m not a tiny human,” he grumbled causing her to laugh.
“C’mon, Lil. Let’s see if the master might know anything.” They pushed the door open to find Cana and Mira at the bar. A sigh of relief slipped from her lips as she saw that it looked like everyone else had found jobs to do. While the two of them would give her some serious shit, at least it was just the two. The card mage’s eyes were downright predatory as her and Lily walked up to the bar.
“Who’s this little guy, Blue?” She asked, a wicked smile stretching across her lips. Here it came. “He looks like he takes after a certain dragon slayer we know. Have you been hiding a secret love child from us?” Mira stifled a laugh into the towel she was using to wipe the bar down. They were both the biggest offenders when it came to asking Levy about kids, she suspected because they wanted to get their hands on them to ruin them and then give them back.
“It’s a very long story,” she sighed as she saw Lily pouting up at Cana from the corner of her eye. “Is the master around?” Levy turned her attention to Mira, knowing she’d know if Makarov was up in his office.
“Sure is,” Mira replied, eyeing the kid next to Levy. There was something familiar about him. “He’s about to head out to the council actually for the wizard’s trial. The one you, Gajeel and--” Levy saw the moment it all clicked. “Lily?!” She gasped at Levy’s pint-sized companion.
“Lily?” Cana asked confusedly, turning her full attention from her drink to the child. “Holy crap, Lily?!”
“Took you two long enough,” he said, pulling his hand from Levy’s and pointing between the pair of them. “I can’t believe you think I look like Levy and Gajeel!” There was a beat of silence before the three women standing around him started to laugh. It was just so hard to take him serious when he was so adorable.
“That’s not nice,” he said, deflating slightly and hanging his head in shame. Levy couldn’t resist as she patted his hair reassuringly.
“Sorry, Lil. Let’s go catch the master.” He nodded under her hand, reaching up to grab it with his hand again. Levy could hear her friends’ hushed voices as they walked towards the door that led to Makarov’s office.
The dark haired boy lay across the seat of the train with his head in Levy’s lap. His wife was staring out the window, lost in deep thought as she was running her fingers through his hair. If the motion of the train didn’t make Gajeel feel like he was dying, he may have admired the scene, loving the way motherhood looked on Levy, even if it was only a quick glimpse as they were taking care of their friend. He knew she eventually wanted to have kids, and he’d wait as long as she wanted him to, but he would be lying if he said he wasn’t overly excited at the idea of having their own kid to take care of.
Another wave of nausea hit him as he leant forward in his seat across from his companions and placed his head in his hands. After Levy and Lily had come home from meeting with Makarov, they’d informed him that they would need to head out to the capitol in the morning to meet with the council. Makarov had said he’d set up a meeting for them with Geppetto after his trial for first thing in the morning, and while Gajeel was grateful that he’d do that, he honestly could have gone without starting his day on the god forsaken train.
“You okay, babe?” Levy’s quiet voice cut through his thoughts. He looked up, and tried to smile reassuringly at her.
“I’ll be fine,” he said, his voice full of grit. He nodded to Lily, who had rolled over and nuzzled his face into Levy’s stomach. “It’s Lil I’m worried about.” He watched as she smiled down at his friend in her lap.
“We’ll get him back to normal,” she said as she tucked a stray lock of hair behind Lily’s ear. “We always figure something out.”
It wasn’t too much longer before they finally reached their stop, Gajeel stumbling off the train and taking a large, steadying breath of fresh air. He already felt so much better just being away from that metal death trap. His eyes scanned the crowd as he saw Mest standing there, waving for them. Levy and Lily joined his side, and he reached down to take Lily’s small hand in his own as they headed to the meet up with the council member. Mest smiled at them nodding at each as he greeted them
“Gajeel, Levy, Panther Lily,” his eyes lingered on the last of their group, causing him to frown.
“Don’t you say anything,” Lily said, aware how pathetic he must look with Levy and Gajeel on either side of him holding his hands. The council member just shrugged.
“Wasn’t gonna,” was all he said before he led them towards the exit so they could head to the jail the council used. It wasn’t too long of a walk, surprisingly, and Mest filled what little time it took by filling them in on how the trial had gone the day before. Geppetto had been found guilty of using illegal magic, and would end up spending 10 years in prison before he’d be released but would need to check in with the council once a month for the rest of his life. It sounded like a fair enough punishment after he’d created a toy child army and tried to take over his own town. They were able to walk straight through into the building with their escort. Gajeel couldn’t help but noticed Lily’s small hand squeeze his a little tighter as they continued down into the lower levels of the building, which were certainly a bit more gloomy than the entrance had been. He smiled down at him, and nearly ran right into Mest.
“He’s in here,” he said. Gajeel grunted in acknowledgement before turning to his blue haired girl and Lily.
“How about you guys stay out here, and I’ll go talk to Geppetto, huh?” He suggested, not sure he wanted Lily to be in the same room with the guy again. Lily gave him quite a disgruntled look as he pulled his hand from Levy’s and crossed his arms over his chest.
“Gajeel,” he started, the small pout forming on his mouth. Kneeling before him, Gajeel put his hand into his pocket and pulled out a small iron dragon. When they’d gone to talk to Makarov, he’d rummaged through his things in the attic to find it. It had been a gift for him from Metalicana when he was just a boy, and he’d been saving it for his kids but it seemed like it could be useful now. Though he knew Lily was fighting the urger to snatch the toy from his hand, he saw the boy’s eyes light up. Finally, Lily took it from his hand and started to move it around like it was flying in the sky. “I’m still mad though,” Lily said, before he hopped onto a chair outside Geppetto’s cell and continued to play with the small dragon.
“I’ll talk to Geppetto and see if we can get him to turn Lil back. Stay out here with him?” Levy’s eyes were trained on Lily as he was making roaring noises with the dragon.
“Of course,” she said when she turned back to him, a weird look in her eye. Gajeel kissed her forehead before turning to enter the cell with Mest.
Lily would be back to normal within about a day or so, which, was a relief. Not that Levy didn’t enjoy how small and adorable their friend was currently, it had just been putting a lot of thoughts and ideas in her head that she wasn’t sure she was ready to face head on. Well, the fact she kept thinking about it probably meant she was, but she wasn’t ready to admit that just yet. By the time they got off the train in Magnolia, the stars had already come out and poor Lily had been tired out from the day of travel and waiting for Gajeel to get information from Geppetto. Apparently there wasn’t really much the wizard could do, because he’d never managed to turn a living thing into a kid before, that’s why he’d always used dolls. Just based on what he knew of his powers though, the spell would wear off anywhere within 24-72 hours. It hadn’t been too helpful, and the realization had caused quite the tantrum from Lily. One that was unlike any tantrum she had ever seen from any actual human child, but she’d marveled as Gajeel had just picked him up off the floor he’d been pounding his fists against and wiped his tears away and carried him out of the prison. The warm feeling it created in her stomach was a strange one, and still hadn’t faded as they were now walking down the street to their home.
Lily was still in Gajeel’s arms, having fallen asleep again on the train. His snores were so little as his mouth hung open and his head stay trained on the dragon slayer’s shoulder. She hung back a bit, watching the sight and knowing that Gajeel was going to make an amazing dad.
“Ya comin, Shrimp?” He yelled over his other shoulder, reaching his free hand out to her. “Or do I need to carry you too?” She couldn’t help but laugh as she ran to catch up, grabbing his hand and intertwining their fingers. They walked home in a comfortable silence. She loved that they could just be together without filling silence with talk. It was one of her favorite things about Gajeel. Just being around him was enough for her. As they walked, she caught passersby smiling at them before turning to their friends and she knew to them they must look like a happy family. The warm feeling in her stomach grew. Maybe having a kid now wouldn’t be too bad. After they made sure Lily was back to his normal self, of course.
She hadn’t realized how tired she’d been until they walked into their home and the weight of the day slipped from her shoulders. It really had been a long day.
“I’m going to put him in bed,” Gajeel said as he walked towards Lily’s room. She headed up the stairs to their own, and plopped down onto it, not even caring that it wasn’t her side. Her eyes traced the patterns in their ceiling, trying to push away the idea of Gajeel tucking in the faceless blue haired children from her dreams and the yearning feeling it caused. Lost deep in her thoughts, she didn’t hear her husband enter the room.
“You’re on my side,” he growled playfully as he climbed on top of her, straddling her and leaning down onto his forearms so his face was just inches from hers.
“Whatcha gonna do about it?” She asked, lifting her head to kiss the tip of his nose.
“I’ll show you what I’m gonna do, Shrimp,” he smiled as he leant down and pressed their lips together. After being together for so long, and being married, you’d think at some point his touch would stop setting her blood on fire but that hadn’t been the case. In fact, as his tongue swept the inside of her mouth she couldn’t help but moan into it as she tangled her hands into his hair. She didn’t think there would be any point where she’d stop wanting him as badly as she did. His mouth traveled to her neck, biting and sucking down to her collar bone as her hands found the hem of his shirt and pushed it up so she could run her hands over his abs. The heat in her stomach had spread downwards and the space between them was electric as she started to tug on the fastenings of his pants. He moaned against the dip of her collar bone before he slipped an arm under her back and flipped them so he was laying on the bed and she was on top of him. His crimson eyes were full of hunger and fire as she tugged her dress over her head, leaving her in her strapless bar and underwear. She dropped the fabric onto the bed beside them and pushed up on his shirt until he took the hint and sat up to remove it. She threw her arms around his neck as she kissed him, biting on his lip and grinding her hips into his. She loved the way she could make him moan if she was being honest. It was such a wonderful sound. As he was fiddling with the clasp of her bra, a loud peel of thunder shook the windows. She felt the clasp give way as the strapless fell down between them. Pressing her breasts into his chest, he lay back without breaking the kissing, his hands now free to tangle in her hair. She could feel his hardness beneath her as her hips ground into his again. Another clap of thunder sounded, this time followed by a squeak and a knock on the door.
“No,” Gajeel growled, as he pulled away from their kiss. It took a moment for Levy to realize what was happening as another small knock rapped on their door. She couldn’t help but laugh. She suddenly understood why people always joked about how kids were the ultimate cockblock. Pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek, she pushed herself off of him, grabbing her discarded clothes and heading for their bathroom. Through the bathroom door, she heard Gajeel growl again before getting up and walking to the door.
“Hey Lil,” she heard him say as she dropped her clothes into the dirty clothes hamper and grabbed her stolen pajama shirt off the hook on the back of the door.
“Can I sleep with you guys tonight?” Lily’s little voice trembled as thunder rumbled again. The lights flickered in the bathroom and she heard the little guy squeak again. She pulled the pajama shirt over her head before walking up to the sink  and grabbing her toothbrush.
“Yeah, Lil, c’mon,” Gajeel replied and from the sound of it, helped their friend crawling into their bed. A small smile crept onto her face before she started to brush her teeth.
Gajeel had never felt so warm and cozy as he did as he slowly started to drift out of sleep. Levy’s head was on his chest, her hair tickling his nose slightly but filling his sense with her floral scent. He would never get enough of her scent if he was honest. His arms tightened reflexively around her and he felt a smaller body squirm in the space between them. He heard Lily’s soft snores as the cat twisted so his face was pressed into Gajeel’s side. The dragon slayer felt Lily’s cat ears twitch against his side and he could help but smile. While he’d enjoyed playing dad for a couple days, he was happy to have his little family back to normal. Without opening his eyes, he pressed a gentle kiss to the top of Levy’s head.
It had been a couple weeks since the whole Lily incident, and one week since her missed period. She didn’t want to say she was freaking out as she stood there with Lucy, who was bouncing a little pink haired girl on her hip, but let’s be honest. She was freaking out.
“So I just, hold this lacrima in my hand, and if it glows purple, I’m pregnant and if it doesn’t, I’m not?” She questioned, staring at the offending bit of stone on the counter between them.
“That’s it!” Lucy said, not even bothering to look up from her daughter, who was currently blowing spit bubbles at her mom. Well, it was now or never. Squeezing her eyes shut, she thrust her hand towards the celestial wizard.
“I can’t do it Luce, just put the thing in my hand okay,” she said through gritted teeth. Her stomach was doing flips, sending a wave of nausea through her. Nausea that she was hoping was from nerves and not morning sickness. She felt the cold, smooth stone fall into her palm. And then, there was silence. Silence must have been good, if Lucy wasn’t making a big deal, that must have meant nothing. Slowly, she opened her eyes to see Lucy smiling brightly at her as she pointed down at the stone. There, in her palm, the stone glowed a brilliant purple.
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onotherflights · 7 years
This is for people who have read my fic Guys my age / Pure… it's a messy stream of consciousness big surprise.
Okay so if you're here, you either follow me on tumblr and are curious (thank you) but may be confused because I'm in the YOI fandom or you're from the 5sos fandom and are confused because when did I become a YOI blog? Well, I didn't expect the show to eat me alive but that's what happened oops.
Anyway, this is about Pure. Because I didn't update for a long time but now I've finished it and I'm going to be releasing the last chapter so I just wanted to talk about that and my A/N was already too long lol.
For one, I just want to be very upfront about saying that writing Pure was a turning point for me, both in my writing and just in life. When i first started writing Pure, I was getting over a bad breakup, my first real one ever actually. In the relationship I was in, I was very emotionally uncared for. I wouldn't say it was abuse by any means, but I wasn't understood. I wasn't supported emotionally. My views were seen as naive and in time surely I would begin thinking “the right way”. I was very suppressed, and parts of me have been suppressed my whole life, even out of a relationship. In this relationship, I never felt desired, I never felt beautiful. “Cute”, “quirky”, “smart”, sure. But those are things anyone can pick up from the outside (or not). But I never felt like the person I was with could see me for who I really was, or who I wanted to be, no matter how much I tried to tell him.
Since then, I've gone through another breakup and a series of failed dates. I'm young, I'm going through that time in my life where this is to be expected.
But writing pure helped me so much.
I wrote Luke that way for a reason, and I wrote Calum that way for a reason. (And Ashton and Mike too). Luke is me, he's young and he doesn't have a clue what he's doing but he finds someone he connects with and not just on a level that people can see from the outside, but on a level that is very private to them and it's more unspoken, indescribable. They're soulmates.
At the end of the day, Pure started out as just a weird au where Luke finds a boyfriend on a bdsm blog but it really turned into me exploring who I am, what I want in a relationship, my sexual awakening tbh… everything. Writing this story showed me that I deserve someone who understands my mind, body, and soul. Someone who can love me patiently and passionately…. I guess it helped me realize I need my “cal” lmao.
But anyway, this isn't about my personal/writing journey. To the story.
I really hit a block after chapter 10-11. I feel like people did not like that Calum was a designer, more specifically that he designed lingerie. I actually got really pissed off because of this perceived thought that people didn't like it because there was little to no positive comments about it, but some just didn't even comment on it at all. I got pissed and I was like, fuck this, I'm going to stop writing this story and then I started writing Otayuri and threw caution to the wind.
But then I promised I was going to finish Pure (a while ago) and that wasn't because I feel like I owe anybody anything, it's because it really was my baby. It helped me. It's my story, and I wanted to take my time and finish it for myself. I think one thing I really learned was that I was looking for validation or approval, that what I was writing was good.
I've been writing fanfic on the internet since like 2011 or something. I've always been affected by comments, I've always wanted to hear that I am capable.
And chapter 10 was something I was nervous about. I had this whole idea of my version of Calum in my head and when I didn't get the reaction I was hoping for, I felt so defeated. And I fell out of love with writing this story that up until that point had consumed me the way writing should. Now I'm not saying that my writing is a masterpiece and I demand hundreds of comments, I never expect that. But at the time I was really butt-hurt tbh.
I see so many fics (especially now in the YOI fandom no tea no shade) that are so dry and boring and try to be funny but are not. And these are often stories that are the most popular in the fandom/for the ship. I understand that a lot of this has to do with taste, and I'm very sure that Pure was not everyone's taste, certainly not everyone's humor. But something awesome happened when I re-read it and was determined to finish it … it was like I had just started writing it again.
And writing the ending was perfect (for me). Every creator knows that “full circle” moment where you know your work is done. Not perfect, not what everyone wants, but done. And I'm so content with how it ends.
I learned that I don't need comments to validate me, because I love my writing. It has mistakes because I don't have a beta. It's not perfect, or popular, or moving prose. But I love my style and it makes me happy.
But what I'm trying to say, and I've reblogged so many posts about this, but comments are important. I kind of have this “I don't give a fuck I'm going to write when and what I want” now, but that's very recent and I might still be insecure about it sometimes. But not every writer is in the same place. If you're a writer yourself, you understand how hard it is to share a world you built in your mind and have no one else care. It's not a good feeling, it's definitely not motivating.
So please, PLEASE leave comments on every fic you read. It literally takes five extra minutes. I'm guilty of it too, but I sincerely try.
I also want to address that I'm basically out of the 5sos fandom, like that even needs to be addressed? I'm not really embarrassed of them or anything, I love the boys and I am so happy for Michael MY BABY like y'all don't even understand how good it is to see him so happy lately. I don't even care if people don't like crystal she's an angel for making my boy happy.
I'm still going to support the boys, I just don't care to be in the fandom anymore. I feel like it's dying out and it's so sad because I remember the good old days when things were so fun (how fleeting they were). If any Michael girls out there ever want to reminisce about the good old days I'm here for it lol.
But once I'm finished updating Pure, I'm not going to be writing any more 5sos fanfic or be posting any more 5sos content here (obviously). If you're still following me and you don't even like YOI, I love you so fucking much. Seriously talk to me anytime because you are so sweet.
And honestly, I don't know where my writing will go. I'm super happy writing for YOI now, I have a lot of ideas, but I had to finish Pure first because I owed it to myself. It's literally closing a book in my writing journey.
I don't know how long I will continue writing fanfic for (probably forever because it's my hobby), and I don't know what fandoms I will write for in the future. Will my writing ever be better? I don't know. Will I ever be a popular fic writer? Probably not. And I'm actually okay with that now, because I'm just writing for my own enjoyment now, and if you like it then that's awesome and I love having your support.
I also want to say thank you to everyone who did leave comments on almost every chapter of pure or messaged me about it here. Thank you, and I hope the ending was at least a little worth the wait.
Alright, my rant is over. If you scrolled down to the end here's a recap:
I was butt hurt
I am now slightly less butt hurt
I learned some things while writing
I finished Pure (my demon baby) !!
Luke is an angel
Yuri is an angel
I like writing about angelic blondes
I may continue to write about angelic blondes.
Thank u for ur time.
(I love you)
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